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localuserHello all02:20
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nixternalwhy do people join for 3 minutes03:02
Madpilotspammers or regulars?03:03
nixternal[19:19:23]  --> localuser has joined this channel (n=localuse@
nixternal[19:20:25]  <localuser> Hello all03:09
nixternal[19:22:05]  <-- localuser has left this server (Client Quit).03:09
nixternalim thinking a spammer, as i have seen him on a couple of channels today with the same thing03:09
Plugmaybe to get /names03:09
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pepsimanCan someone apply this patch to svn please http://rafb.net/paste/results/P0f6mS74.html11:20
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nixternalmdke: ping?07:35
nixternalhiya LaserJock ;)07:35
nixternalit seems there have been some version changes in Kubuntu since the release notes were completed07:35
nixternalKonversation is now 1.0.1 and KTorrent is now 2.0.307:35
nixternalhow do i go about getting that fixed the right way?  as if i make changes, it will break translations will it not?07:36
pepsimanCan someone apply this patch to svn please http://rafb.net/paste/results/P0f6mS74.html07:42
LaserJockpepsiman: I'll take a look07:42
nixternalwell that would be LaserJock's job on that one ;)07:43
pepsimanthese long lines make patches hard to read07:46
nixternalya they do07:46
LaserJockyeah, yeah, yeah07:47
nixternalthere are 2 lines i can't distinguish the changes..but it looks good to me nonetheless07:47
LaserJockI need to figure out the best way to edit these07:47
LaserJockI either get tiny little lines, or 1 line per paragraph07:47
nixternalwell, im sure come 6 months from now that is all going to be different anyways07:47
LaserJockstupid line wrapping ;-)07:47
nixternalis it possible pepsiman for you to do 'svn diff > LaserJock_needs_a_grammar_checker.patch'07:48
nixternali can't wink in my smiles no more, jono don't like that ;)07:48
nixternali always do ;)...as it is one less shift07:49
LaserJockdarn, I read that this morning too07:49
LaserJockI was like, "Oops, that's me" :-)07:49
nixternalyou are guilty as well i see07:49
nixternalhaha me too07:49
nixternalin konversation i will just setup a filter to take my ;) and turn it into :)07:50
nixternalwhoever came up with the smileys anyways needs a new hole in his/her head07:50
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pepsimanLaserJock: patch ok?08:32
LaserJockpepsiman: haven't looked at all of it but it looks fine08:37
LaserJockpepsiman: I'll try to commit it soon, I'm in the middle of wading through email08:37
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mdkenixternal: pong09:36
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mdkethere aren't any screenshots in our docs are there?09:45
LaserJocknot in mine :-)09:48
mdkehow's it going LaserJock 09:49
tonyyarussoSay, why does Edgy not have the Desktop Guide, etc. format in the system documentation?09:49
LaserJockit just keeps getting busier09:49
LaserJockbecause we wanted to make it better :-)09:50
tonyyarussoHaven't really poked around too much to see what is there now; just noticed it was different when I tried to point a Dapper user to something.09:50
mdkeit's still there just under a different name09:51
mdkeLaserJock: can you tell me what's wrong with the commit I just made on debian/rules?09:53
mdkedebian/rules:29: *** missing separator. Stop.09:53
LaserJockmdke: you probably need the tab the lines09:54
mdkeall of em?09:55
mdkeor just the indented ones?09:55
LaserJockjust move everything over 1 tab09:55
=== mdke nods
LaserJockare the indentations you have tabs or spaces?09:56
mdkeI think I will implement that for all documents, we waste so much time typing everything into debian/rules09:56
mdkethat should have been debian/install09:56
mdkeah, doesn't work09:56
mdkeah, did wrong command09:57
mdkeLaserJock: ok, that doesn't work because it says: cp: target `usr/share/ubuntu-docs/ubuntu/menus/' is not a directory: No such file or directory09:58
mdkedo I need to make the directory too?09:58
LaserJockoh, hang on a sec09:59
LaserJockyou probably want to copy it to debian/ubuntu-doc/usr/share/ubuntu-docs/ubuntu/menus/10:00
mdkeI want it to go to usr/share/ubuntu-docs/ubuntu/menus on the filesystem10:00
LaserJockbut it's installed relative to debian/ubuntu-doc/10:00
mdkehmm. I got those lines off dholbach, it's odd he would have overlooked that10:01
mdkeI'll try anyhow10:01
mdkelet's see what kubuntu does10:01
mdkedebian/ubuntu-docs with an "s", right?10:03
LaserJockbasically what happens is that when it goes to build the .deb it makes a tmp dir, debian/<packagename>/ and you install everything in there10:04
LaserJockthen it compresses that dir all up to make the .deb10:04
mdkecp: target `debian/ubuntu-docs/usr/share/ubuntu-docs/ubuntu/menus/' is not a directory: No such file or directory10:05
LaserJockoh darn, I don't have the edgy branch checked out10:06
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mdkeyou can use the server for super fast downloading, if it helps.10:07
mdkeif you don't have time, don't worry though10:07
LaserJockmdke: did that work?10:22
LaserJockoh wait, you had a directory error10:22
LaserJockyou should be able to just do a mkdir -p debian/ubuntu-docs/usr/share/ubuntu-docs/ubuntu/menus/ before your stuff10:23
nixternalmdke: i was just going to ask you how i should go about fixing the version stuff with kubuntu edgy release notes?  there are 2 changes, konversation 1.0.1 and KTorrent 2.0.3.  will this hamper the translations?  is it ok to make these changes?  Riddell requested them btw10:25
nixternal<Seveas> nixternal, you lousy b*tard 10:26
nixternalmuhahaha ;)10:26
Seveas@channel plugins.lart.enabled True10:27
Seveas@lart nixternal 10:27
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nixternalSeveas: i was gonna point you out for starting that craze, but decided at the last minute i wouldn't do that ;)10:30
nixternal^^ winky smile!!!10:30
Seveasnixternal, you should have :D10:30
nixternalactually, i like the b*tard retaliation10:31
nixternalya i can spell10:31
mdkeLaserJock: trying10:37
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sladenyo gang, what happened to  https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LiveCDCustomization* ?10:42
sladeneg.  we have external links going to  https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LiveCDCustomizationHowTo10:42
sladencan there at least be a redirect if things have moved10:43
nixternalthere should be sladen10:43
nixternala redirect that is10:43
sladenwe lose googlefoo and people get upset if they can't find stuff :(10:43
BurgworkSeveas: can we have the ubuntu bot in -marketing?10:43
SeveasBurgwork, which one and which functions?10:44
sladennixternal: mmm, can I at this to the todo list :)10:44
mdkesladen: might be an erroneous link? The pages LiveCDCustomization and LiveCDCustomization/Dapper work10:44
nixternalthe LiveCDCustomizationsHOwTo was never there10:44
BurgworkSeveas: ubotu10:44
Burgworkfor the !seen stuff10:44
nixternal!seen johnlittle10:44
Seveasfactoids/package lookup as well?10:44
sladenmdke: it was the first link I found via google for   ubuntu rebuild livecd10:44
sladenmdke: I suspect it existed at some point10:44
Burgworkdon't need that10:44
Seveasthen you should be set now10:44
nixternalthat will let you know if it ever existed10:45
mdkesladen: I don't see that for some reason. What google is that?10:45
sladenSeveas: we have redirect, 10:45
Seveassladen, ?10:45
sladenmdke: http://www.google.com/search?q=ubuntu+rebuild+livecd  second page (http://dsplabs.utt.ro/~juve/blog/index.cgi/01147559232)  link at the bottom10:45
nixternalthat is interesting10:46
nixternalthat page has never been on the wiki, according to the wiki10:46
mdkeeither the page changed name early on, or he got the link wrong10:46
nixternalthe cached page is even bogus10:46
mdkewe can insert a redirect, but I'm not wholly convinced it's worth adding another page to the wiki for such links. Especially since that document is now on the help wiki10:48
sladenit's not linked on the help wiki10:48
mdkeand the correct page appears quite clearly on https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LiveCDCustomizationHowTo10:48
sladen(not yet, but redirects will help google find it)10:49
sladenah, I didn't give it *time* to do the redirect10:49
sladenI clicked on https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LiveCDCustomization and saw an empty page, clicked 'back', angsted here :)10:50
sladenanyway, this is *wrong* <meta http-equiv="refresh" content="0;URL=http://help.ubuntu.com/community/LiveCDCustomization">10:50
sladenthat is not the way to do redirects10:50
mdkeyou'll need to report a bug in MoinMoin about that.10:50
sladenredirects need to be done at the HTTP level with a 301 Permanently Moved header10:51
mdkeit depends on our wiki software10:51
nixternalany words on the future of moinmoin on the servers anyways?  it seems there has been some talk about media wiki10:52
sladenURM.  #refresh... not #redirect?10:53
mdkesladen: #redirect in MoinMoin is used for transferring to another page on the same wiki, not external pages10:53
mdke#refresh is used to refreshing to an external url10:54
sladenso, #redirect needs patching so that if it starts http://  ...10:54
mdkeLaserJock: no, I'm not getting it :/10:54
LaserJockmdke: hmm, could be because it's cdbs. is it giving you the same error?10:55
mdkeLaserJock: now it says "mkdir ... file exists"10:56
mdkeI think I will give up and do it the old debian/install way for now, then we can sort it out for edgy+110:56
sladenwhere can I grab the moinmoin source used for the wikis from?10:56
mdkesladen: http://moinmoin.wikiwikiweb.de/ is the homepage10:56
nixternali believe it is somewhere in bzr10:56
nixternalor there for the .orig10:57
sladenmdke: yup, I can get fresh source, but presumely we're already running a hacked versoin10:57
mdkewe are running a slightly out of date version10:57
mdkeit has a patch for launchpad authentication, but nothing seriously different10:57
nixternalwell, that was supposed to be fixed already10:57
mdkeif you want to contribute though, it's best to work on the fresh moinmoin version, or at the very least 1.5, we'll be upgrading soon10:58
mdkeif you make a patch for the development version, it should work fine with 1.511:01
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mdkeLaserJock: ok, I've done it the debian/install way and it seems to work11:04
LaserJockk, I must be overlooking something11:05
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