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tfheenBenC_: can you please mark the bugs fixed with the latest kernel upload as fixed or untarget them from 6.10?10:41
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two-faceCoud someone please help me with bug #61987?11:40
two-facewell ..11:48
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tfheenBenC_: I closed most of the bugs, but bug 57146 is still listed; please fix that when you get aroud.03:50
zulgrrr...stupid opensolaris04:14
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fabbione   8     0  488397112 sda04:25
fabbione^^ Firewire 800 disk :)04:25
fabbionenow let see if i can get this Apple USB TV card to work in linux :)04:25
zulwhat are you gonig to use it for?04:26
fabbionestorage and video recording.. in theory the Mac can boot from it04:26
fabbioneso i am pondering a real dual boot machine04:26
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fabbioneneuralis: so what's the bug?06:36
newz2000Hey foks, got an opportunity to try and diagnose a problem we've been having with several of our servers and dapper's kernel.06:37
newz2000foks == folks06:37
newz2000We have 6 servers and while they boot ok with dapper, the network doesn't come up.06:37
fabbionenewz2000: ok.. mind to explain?06:37
fabbionedoes it work in edgy?06:38
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newz2000we don't have physical access to the server, so we need to be careful...06:38
newz2000can we test edgy's kernel reasonably safely?06:38
newz2000(siretart is the admin for the server we're currently diagnosing)06:39
fabbionenewz2000: hold on.. what kind of server? can we get lspci? dmesg and all the other stuff?06:39
fabbioneah ok06:39
fabbionesiretart: we need the usual things to understand what's the problem06:39
fabbionedoes the kernel recognize the eth at all?06:40
siretartfabbione: 2.6.12 without any problems06:40
newz2000I have an idea, where we could create an rc script that waits 5 min and tries to ping or something. If failure, replaces grub menu and reboots.06:40
fabbionewhat chipset is that?06:40
newz2000Grabing whatever diagnostic we need.06:41
fabbionenewz2000: one thing at a time...06:41
siretartfabbione: http://paste.debian.net/1498306:41
newz2000you bet06:41
siretartfabbione: this is the kernel output when 2.6.15 is up (and no network available)06:41
siretart>> lspci06:41
siretart0000:00:12.0 Ethernet controller: VIA Technologies, Inc. VT6102 [Rhine-II]  (rev 78)06:41
siretart0000:00:12.0 0200: 1106:3065 (rev 78)06:41
siretartanything esle I can provide?06:42
fabbioneone second..06:42
fabbionesiretart: i guess those machines don't have iLO or something like that.. do they?06:43
fabbionei would try to boot with acpi=off 06:44
fabbionesiretart: remote console management06:44
fabbionethat **** SET: Misaligned resource pointer: debbb722 Type 07 Len 0 is kind of scary06:44
siretartfabbione: no that I knew. If it has, heno or newz2000 should know about06:44
newz2000we don't have remote mangement.06:44
siretartI would have tried pci=noacpi06:45
newz2000Which is why I sugested the auto-reboot idea before we start testing too much.06:45
fabbionewho has phisical access to the machines?06:45
newz2000server admins06:45
newz2000not us06:45
siretartI was reading grub manual for how to setup a failsafe grub with autoreboot in case the machine doesn't come up, wanted to try that tomorrow06:45
fabbionewho are the server admins?06:45
newz2000siretart: the computer boots ok now.06:46
newz2000disabling acpi probably won't change that06:46
newz2000we need a "reboot on no network" I think.06:46
fabbionenewz2000: if you don't have phisical access, that's the only way06:46
fabbionejust make sure to do it properly06:47
newz2000fabbione: Seen anything out there pre-made?06:47
fabbioneanyway i would still try the acpi=off06:47
fabbionedrivers/acpi/resources/rslist.c:                              "Misaligned resource pointer %p", resource));06:48
newz2000what kind of diagnostic info would be useful from a running but non-network accessible kernel?06:49
newz2000Something of the form of xyz > /tmp/reboot.log06:49
siretartthe thing is that I need to leave RSN, but will be available tomorrow again06:49
newz2000siretart: let me make sure I have access to the server. I can do this.06:50
fabbionenewz2000: i would check if arp is working to see where the driver breaks.. mii-tools to see if the chip is powered on properly and there is network cable detected06:50
fabbioneonce you have arp/mii-tols you can go up for an icmp test with ping06:50
newz2000siretart, what is the IP on that server?06:51
fabbioneyou don't want to save in /tmp06:51
fabbioneit's cleared on each reboot06:51
fabbioneuse /root or something that's permanent06:51
newz2000oh. Yes, that's bad. 06:51
newz2000siretart: nm, I'm in.06:52
newz2000siretart: can you withstand a little downtime if I work on this for a bit?06:52
=== newz2000 assumes so or it wouldn't have been upgraded
siretartnewz2000: it would be nice if you could announce that on #ubuntu-motu06:54
siretartnewz2000: and shutdown vsftp, postgres and apache206:54
siretartthese services are needed for revu, if they are off, nothing bad can happen [tm] 06:55
newz2000won't that happen gracefully on reboot? (i.e. aren't your rc.? scripts good?06:55
siretartsure, they will be started06:55
fabbioneand shutdown too06:55
siretartI'm rather afraid of broken imports while shutting down06:55
siretartbut thats only an unlikely chance to happen06:56
siretartmore likeley ppl on #ubuntu-motu will screem06:56
newz2000ok, so I should announce, and wait for people who might be working to finish before rebooting.06:56
siretartthat would be nice. but otoh, we are >< close before release, and revu isn't likely to be used ATM06:57
siretartwe have other things to do at this point06:57
newz2000ok, I'll announce.06:58
siretartok, need to run now07:02
newz2000siretart: thanks07:02
siretartI'll read the backlog in this channel!07:02
siretartnewz2000: thanks that I leave now? ;)07:02
newz2000siretart: thanks for giving us the opportunity to figure this out. :D07:03
newz2000fabbione et al: what do you think about this: http://rafb.net/paste/results/GbXvjW41.html07:04
newz2000any suggestions for a better way to ensure it doesn't run continually?07:06
newz2000any other useful data that can be included there?07:06
=== newz2000 is testing it locally first
newz2000good thing I tested. :D Missing space in the if statement.07:13
neuralisfabbione: around?07:13
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fabbioneneuralis: yes07:36
newz2000fabbione: can I confirm: The best way to boot with acpi=off is to add that to the end of the kernel line in grub?07:37
fabbionenewz2000: yes07:38
newz2000thanks. Just giving people a chance to finish then will try it.07:38
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zulBenC_: we are using -rc2 now are we?07:52
newz2000fabbione and others: acpi=off didn't seem to work. I've opened a reboot ticket as my reboot script also didn't work.08:07
newz2000This implies something else is going on, because I tested the reboot script and believe it works.08:07
newz2000The server company has a note on their support site explaining a patch may be needed to support the hardware.08:08
BenC_zul: I'm updating to latest git almost daily08:09
zulokie dokie08:09
mjg59newz2000: It's not possible to view that page without a login/password08:10
newz2000oh, sorry. I'll pastebin it.08:10
fabbionehey BenC_ 08:16
fabbioneBenC_: i just plugged a 500GB firewire drive to my PB :)08:16
fabbioneBenC_: works like a charm08:16
fabbioneBenC_: btw i did look at sparc-utils FTBFS.. it's code that you already touched (that infamous _syscall1 in sparc32.c)08:18
fabbioneBenC_: it should be really easy for you to fix it.. and i really have no clue what's complaning about08:18
BenC_fabbione: Ok08:20
fabbioneBenC_: thanks a lot dude...08:20
fabbionei am calling it a day and heading to bed08:20
fabbione15 hours in the day .. i am trashed08:20
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zulc ya fabbione 08:21
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shwag_Not sure who I need to talk to about this. Edgy doesnt support my ethernet nor my wireless drivers on my dell laptop, but they both work fine on dapper.08:36
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carthikHi, for laptop suspend/hibernate etc bugs, should I assign or subscribe the kernel team? Thank you.09:22
shawarmacarthik: I've been told you should never assign them to anything, but at most subscribe them.09:27
carthikshawarma, thank you.09:28
shawarmacarthik: Nevertheless, launchpad usually have sane defaults for subscribing the right teams to stuff.09:28
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shawarmacarthik: ...so if you have guess the right package (in your case either the kernel or acpi-support), the right teams should be assigned automatically.09:29
carthikshawarma, True. Maybe I should set the package to acpi-support. Thank you.09:29
shawarmacarthik: any time.09:30
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crochatWhere can I see the list of "specialy" added modules, like "r1000" or "ipw3945" in the Ubuntu kernels ?09:30
shawarmacrochat: As in modules not available in the vanilla kernel?09:31
crochatshawarma: Exactly09:31
tfheenyou can't easily, AFAIK09:32
tfheenoh, or read debian/README.Ubuntu-External-Drivers in the source.09:32
crochatI've corrected some issues with libata in the 2.6.18, and now, I need to have the same added modules as in the 2.6.15 from Dapper ;-)09:33
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crochattfheen: Where did you get the file README.Ubuntu-External-Drivers ??09:51
tfheencrochat: from the source package09:52
crochattfheen: I searched a lot in many packages... but I didn't found any detailed information like that...09:52
crochattfheen: In the Ubuntu package "linux-source-2.6.15-27" ?09:53
tfheenin the source package named linux-source-2.6.17, not the binary package of the same name, no.09:54
crochattfheen: Oh, I see... Since Edgy, the addon modules seems to be in separated packages09:55
crochattfheen: Ok, I'll lose too much time trying to integrate the Ubuntu addon modules in the 2.6.18 tree10:16
crochattfheen: So I have to apply a patch made for the 2.6.18 in the Ubuntu 2.6.17 tree... do you think it should be possible ?10:17
crochattfheen: It's a correction against the sata timeout10:18
crochattfheen: The messages like: "ata2 is slow to respond. Please be patient"10:18
tfheencrochat: should be easy enough, I'd imagine.10:18
tfheenjust pull down the git tree and cherrypick the patch10:19
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crochattfheen: I found this patch to solve my timeout problems, but the patch was "only garbadge" (picked up from a mailing list), so I made another patch, that I pasted here: http://pastebin.ca/20544410:28
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newz2000what problems might arise from running an edgy kernel on dapper?10:43
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tormodnewz2000, should be safe from what I have heard.10:54
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newz2000tormod: thanks, will give it a try I think.11:09
shawarmacrochat: You should file a bug in launchpad and attach your patch there. Additionally, it might be a good idea to post it on lkml.11:38
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