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tonyyarusso@schedule montreal09:42
UbugtuSchedule for America/Montreal: 17 Oct 08:00: Community Council | 17 Oct 11:00: LoCo | 18 Oct 08:00: Edubuntu | 19 Oct 19:00: Ubuntu Development Team | 23 Oct 15:00: Accessibility Team | 24 Oct 16:00: Technical Board09:42
Hobbsee@schedule sydney09:45
UbugtuSchedule for Australia/Sydney: 17 Oct 22:00: Community Council | 18 Oct 01:00: LoCo | 18 Oct 22:00: Edubuntu | 20 Oct 09:00: Ubuntu Development Team | 24 Oct 05:00: Accessibility Team | 25 Oct 06:00: Technical Board09:45
GNAM@schedule ROME09:45
UbugtuSchedule for Europe/Rome: 17 Oct 14:00: Community Council | 17 Oct 17:00: LoCo | 18 Oct 14:00: Edubuntu | 20 Oct 01:00: Ubuntu Development Team | 23 Oct 21:00: Accessibility Team | 24 Oct 22:00: Technical Board09:45
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=== ..[topic/#ubuntu-meeting:Ubugtu] : Current meeting: Community Council | Calendar: http://fridge.ubuntu.com/event | Logs: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MeetingLogs/ | 17 Oct 15:00 UTC: LoCo | 18 Oct 12:00 UTC: Edubuntu | 19 Oct 23:00 UTC: Ubuntu Development Team | 23 Oct 19:00 UTC: Accessibility Team | 24 Oct 20:00 UTC: Technical Board
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Ekusheycc meeting in 5 minutes?01:55
Ekusheyok cool01:56
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jonohey all01:58
Ekusheyhi jono01:58
lloydinhohey jono.01:58
ajmitchello jono 01:58
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jonohows things folks?01:59
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Ekusheyjono: waiting for the cc meeting to start :>01:59
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Hobbseehey all02:00
TheMusoHello all.02:00
Kamionmako: are you going to be here? I'm flat-out with the edgy RC02:00
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Ekusheyjono: can u pls check if this looks OK or not? --> https://wiki.ubuntu.com/BangladeshiTeam/ApprovalApplication02:01
Ekusheyhi fouad bhai :)02:02
jonosorry phone, back now02:04
jonoEkushey, let me check02:04
jonohey fouadbajwa 02:04
Ekusheysure, thanks02:04
looksausSwaps, hi02:05
fouadbajwaHi Ekushey and everyone else02:05
jonoany CC people here yet?02:05
Hobbseejono: ish.  they're having trouble with quorum again02:05
fouadbajwalooks like everybody ready for the meeting, how far is it from exactly this moment, i mean in how many hours will the meeting start02:06
jonotrouble with quorum?02:06
jonofouadbajwa, any second now :)02:06
SwapsHi delicious looksaus! :D02:06
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jonoEkushey, looks good, but could you flesh out your roadmap a little - provide some more detail :)02:06
=== Ekushey gets ready
Kamionjono: I'm here, but as above I'd rather be excused if we can assemble quorum without me02:07
Hobbseejono: you could form part of quorum temporarily? 02:07
Ekusheyjono: ok thanks02:07
smurfHobbsee: doesn't work that way ;-)02:07
jonoI am not on the CC though02:07
Hobbseejono: that surprises me.02:08
jonoI do intend to be on the CC when possible :)02:08
elmoI'm not able to reach mark or mako, we may have to postpone02:08
Ekusheyhi smurf! long time no see02:08
=== Hobbsee would do it, but it's not part of the KCC's job to deal with ubuntu memberships :P
Hobbseejono: which is when?02:09
smurfelmo: *sigh*02:09
jonoHobbsee, not sure really02:09
jonoHobbsee, need to check into it02:09
ajmitchHobbsee: depends when new people are nominated to the CC02:09
Hobbseejono: indeed.  the other person who sometimes joins in when they're down on people is Seveas, but i'm not sure if he's here02:09
Hobbseetrue that02:09
bimberiCC members are ratified by the membership02:09
jonowell I would be interesting in becoming a CC member at the next opportunity02:10
jononaturally I would need support from the community for this02:10
looksausHobbsee, Seveas told me he wouldn't be able to make it to this meeting02:10
Hobbseeahh okay02:10
Kamionjono: we'll be talking about it at Mountain View; yours was one of the names I suggested to replace me, since I'm retiring02:10
Fujitsujono, you're the community manager, I think most members will support you.02:10
thoreauputicjono: start lobbying *now* *grin*02:10
HobbseeKamion: you're retiring?02:10
jonoKamion, ahhh right02:10
looksauswhich is why he left a statement on my application page02:10
KamionHobbsee: from the CC, yes02:10
HobbseeKamion: ahh okay02:11
jonoheh, maybe I should start a presidential campaign :P02:11
Hobbseejono: that could be interesting02:11
thoreauputicjono: nah, too expensive02:11
jonothoreauputic, not my campaign - 2.50 all in :P02:11
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=== Hobbsee idly wonders who else is on that list of names to replace with
bimberihm, i would have thought that the CC and the Community Manager would be separate entities02:11
FujitsuHey sabdfl!02:11
Hobbseehey sabdfl 02:11
yamapresident of what? Trying to topple sabdfl ?02:11
jonohey sabdfl 02:11
Hobbseelooks like we have quorum.  elmo *poke*?02:11
thoreauputicjono: ah, you're the economy candidate then ;)02:12
sabdflhey folks02:12
jonothoreauputic, less of that.. :P02:12
Hobbseeoh wait, isnt the CC three?  gah, i cant count.02:12
ajmitchhi sabdfl 02:12
bimberihi ... ajmitch ;)02:12
ajmitchhey bimberi :)02:12
raphinkhi ajmitch02:12
Tonio_hi everyone02:12
=== ajmitch couldn't sleep, so might as well sit through a CC meeting instead
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raphinkhi Tonio_, sabdfl, Hobbsee02:13
Hobbseehey raphink 02:13
thoreauputicajmitch: that should help the insomnia02:13
bimberiajmitch: that'll help :)02:13
TheMusoajmitch: That must suck.02:13
TheMusoNot sleeping that is.02:13
sabdflso, let's look at the agenda02:13
thoreauputicbimberi: :)02:13
sabdflare we in a position to take the IRC issue further?02:14
=== bimberi strongly suspects that Seveas would want to be here for that
thoreauputicsabdfl: you've probably seen seveas' comments elsewhere on that issue02:14
Hobbseesabdfl: i *doubt* anyone's prepared for that, not having expected you to be here.02:15
elmosabdfl: maybe we should defer that till UDS02:15
=== Hobbsee pings nalioth
smurfwe have deferred that item for so long, three more weeks won't hurt any :-/02:16
=== yarddog is present and listening..
elmosabdfl: I think it's something the whole CC should discuss (which we can't seem to do often) and would benefit from higher bandwidth02:16
elmobut *shrug*02:16
sabdflfor the record, i'm not convinced by the GetOffFreenodeSpec02:17
sabdflit's light on substance02:17
KamionI also felt uncomfortable discussing it immediately post lilo's death02:17
jonoI agree to, and I think we need to talk about a phased move, if anything02:17
elmoGetOffFreenodeSpec was meant to be superseded by something more substanial02:17
elmobut apparently that never happened02:17
Kamionalthough obviously we can't defer it forever02:17
thoreauputicpossibly peopel are reluctant to discuss it because it has potential for major disagreements02:17
sabdflwell, i think we take it off the CC agenda till someone does a better job of the proposal02:17
jonocanonical channels moving seems a reasonable reason due to privacy, but I am not convinced by public channels moving02:18
sabdfli don't think the canonical issue is sufficient justification02:18
ograwasnt there a decision to move the -dvel channels already?02:18
sabdflwe could run a private SSL-based authenticated IRC server if we really wanted a closed loop02:18
Kamionis everyone in Canonical who cares about the distro in a position to deal with multiple networks easily?02:18
ogra(in a former CC meeting)02:18
sabdflwe should be where our users and upstream developers are02:18
Kamion(I'd hope so)02:18
jonosabdfl, I agree - I just heard reports of security issues on freenode02:19
sabdflKamion: i think Gaim handles that02:19
sabdfljono: irritations more than issues02:19
jonoI think we need a better proposal as said though02:19
elmosabdfl: well, Debian moved to oftc, they're arguably a large chunk of our upstream02:19
thoreauputicplease notice that there are still over 600 people in #debian despite their move  - do we want aplit channels?02:19
JanCupstream developers are on several networks already (e.g. GNOME)02:19
elmoKamion: yes02:19
sabdfli'd like to propose we remove this from the agenda till someone has done a better rationale02:19
jsgotangcothoreauputic: however, that's not upstream channel02:19
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azeemthoreauputic: that channel is the exception, all the others have moved02:19
Kamionsabdfl: I have no issues with that02:19
elmothe canonical stuff is indeed irrelevant - we are going to be running a private IRC server for that02:19
sabdflok, what's next?02:20
sabdfllocalisation team leader02:20
=== GnuKemist is now known as OgMaciel
OgMacielmorning all02:20
sabdflg'day OgMaciel :-)02:20
thoreauputicazeem: my point is simply that splitting  the community seems like a retrograde step02:20
sabdflyour timing is rather impeccable02:20
OgMacielthere was traffic02:20
OgMacieljust arrived at work02:20
azeemthoreauputic: it's the support channel, the community (i.e. #debian-devel) actually got *merged* by the move (it was split for years)02:20
sabdflthoreauputic: agreed, but that's off the agenda now till / unless we get a new proposal02:20
=== azeem shuts up
thoreauputicsabdfl: yup - OK02:21
sabdflso let's talk about ubuntu translations, and leadership02:21
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zakamehi all02:21
sabdflright now we have a pretty good infrastructure, in rosetta, though there are definitely issues there02:21
sabdflsome issues relate to how we coordinate with upstream - i think those are improving, socially and technically02:22
sabdflsome issues are to do with how teams are able to do QA on their membership02:22
quailevening all02:22
sabdflkeeping track of new suggestions and translations by members of the teams02:22
sabdflfor teams who KNOW how all this works, it is getting better quickly02:22
sabdflbut we don't have anyone leading, championing, translation in Ubuntu02:22
sabdflthis person or team would:02:22
sabdfl - help new translation teams get started02:22
sabdfl - communicate regularly with the translation teams about release status and translation priorities02:23
sabdfl   (i.e. "please translate Kamion's newest upload asap it cannot be updated post-release")02:23
sabdfl - help translation teams and LoCo teams coordinate with relevant upstreams, but telling them about best practice02:23
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sabdflthere's also a big opportunity to help improve the state of fontconfig and input method configuration in Ubuntu for many languages02:24
KamionI'd also expect:02:24
Kamion - liaise with the development team regarding bugs/issues affecting translations02:24
sabdflwhich requires working in many cases with the same groups of people02:24
zakamehmm something nearly like what bubulle does for debian, right?02:24
jsgotangcowell we do get alerts from debian to "hey update this and that"02:25
Kamionzakame: bubulle and Denis Barbier and others, yes02:25
sabdflelmo, mako, any other suggestions? zakame: yes, bubulle is great02:25
Kamionbubulle is very good at making sure translators are clued up on all their technical requirements, and if necessary setting up systems to simplify and automate those02:26
sabdfljsgotangco: we notice updates when we sync in new work from debian02:26
Kamionso I'd hope that an Ubuntu translation coordinator would also help to liaise with the Launchpad team regarding blocking issues for translators02:26
Hobbsee(as a sidenote:  if that someone could deal with the rosetta/kde upstream relationship too, that'd be good.)02:27
sabdflOgMaciel: do you want to tell us a bit about yourself, and how you see the role, and what you would bring to it?02:27
OgMacielsabdfl: sure thing02:27
sabdflHobbsee: i think the rosetta guys are speaking directly with kde upstream02:27
Hobbseesabdfl: oh good.  02:27
=== Hobbsee has heard kde upstream's opinions on it, but that's offtopic :)
OgMacielsabdfl: I feel very "attracted" to this role, since my involvement with Ubuntu has always been related to translation and advocacy02:27
OgMacielsabdfl: I have formed some ideas about how things should be for things to *just work*02:28
OgMacielthings that require a lot of flexibility from all parties02:28
sabdflOgMaciel: do you have much experience with .po, gettext, fontconfig, scim?02:28
OgMacielsabdfl: not extensive for the bulk of my work has been done through Rosetta02:29
OgMacielsabdfl: but I do thing Rosetta has the potential to lessen the learning curve there02:29
OgMacielthat is the beauty of things02:30
sabdflpart of this job is social - leadership and communication and advocacy02:30
OgMacielif we all can get together and talk to upstream folks, we could have a system that would benefit everyone02:30
sabdflpart of it is technical02:30
jonoOgMaciel, what impact would the role have with your duties in your LoCo team?02:30
sabdfldo you think that should be split into two roles?02:30
OgMacieljono: I have thought of that... and I believe it is time for someone else take the leadership of pt_BR LoCo...  someone local02:31
jonoOgMaciel, ok02:31
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OgMacielsabdfl: I actually see this as a sub-group activity02:32
OgMacielsabdfl: a couple of guys sharing these responsibilities02:32
sabdflOgMaciel: what would you say you have learned from the pt_BR experience?02:32
OgMacielsabdfl: in terms of translations, I noticed that a few things need to be changed as far as nomenclature goes, in order for people to feel they're part of something02:33
OgMacielsabdfl: the word "leader" and "oficial" throws people off02:33
KamionOgMaciel: how comfortable would you be liaising with the development team, and how would you go about identifying and addressing problems affecting translations?02:33
OgMacielKamion: for one thing, I'd set up regular meetings where groups could get together and discuss issues02:34
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OgMacielKamion: it would also serve as a source of sharing info02:34
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OgMacielI also believe it is extremelly important to get upstream more involved02:35
Kamionas in translation groups, or translators+developers, or somewhere in between?02:35
jsgotangcowhy not revive the traffic in the -translators list as well02:35
OgMacieljsgotangco: +102:35
OgMacielKamion: between02:35
OgMacielI envision a worldwide repository of translations02:35
OgMacielwhere upstream would step up02:36
OgMacieland actually stear things02:36
OgMacielI would gladly take their experience in account02:36
OgMacielmake upstream pristine02:36
OgMacieland make Rosetta a never ending source of suggestions02:37
jonoOgMaciel, how would you resolve conflict?02:37
OgMacieljono: I would make upstream pristine and the default translation02:37
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OgMacieljono: and would sit down with them02:37
OgMacielupstream that is02:37
OgMacieland lock them up until they were convinced to jump in and help us turn Rosetta into a repository of suggestions02:38
OgMacieland have them teach us their methods02:38
OgMacieland speed things up02:38
sabdfleasy, OgMaciel, i don't think you should base your plans on huge changes in rosetta02:38
OgMacielsabdfl: got carried away there02:39
sabdflmost of what we are looking at now is not based on rosetta, but on community leadership and coordination02:39
joeCoTor extreme cooperation from upstream :)02:39
sabdflgetting carried away won't help - we're really looking for someone who can coordinate and lead the existing effort02:39
jsgotangcoOgMaciel: most people will actually tell you how efficient doing translations in cvs is compared to rosetta despite the extremely low learning curve02:40
OgMacielwell, I would suggest that people get a hold of their respective upstream groups and initiate some communication02:40
jonoOgMaciel, exactly, this role really requires diplomacy at all levels02:40
OgMacieljono: agreed02:40
sabdfli think it most requires patience and diligence, together with some champion-advocacy02:40
HobbseeOgMaciel: which is difficult when they tell you that it's a waste of time to be using rosetta?  How do you deal with such things?02:40
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OgMacielHobbsee: I usually show them Rosetta in action02:41
OgMacielHobbsee: for instance02:41
Hobbseeouch, my timing is a litle bad, sorry.02:41
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OgMacielHobbsee: I would pick a string that is considered to be inaccurate02:41
Belutzis the loco meeting started yet?02:41
OgMacielHobbsee: and would show them how to "fix" it02:42
OgMacielHobbsee: and I would approve the fix02:42
gnomefre1kBelutz: this is the CC meeting02:42
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OgMacielHobbsee: get the PO, do a switch-a-roo, and voila'02:42
HobbseeBelutz: just over 2 more hours02:42
Belutzgnomefre1k: oopss, must be the time difference02:42
jonoBelutz, not for a while yet02:42
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OgMacielsabdfl: there is only one major issue for me02:43
OgMacielsabdfl: time02:43
OgMacielthis is a somewhat huge task02:43
OgMacieland my new job doesn't give me a lot of free time02:44
sabdflit is a big responsibility, yes02:44
jsgotangcobut i think you don't need a one-to-one conversation to do most of the work02:44
OgMacielso I'm here to support maybe someone else to take the role... and I would do my best to support this individual02:44
KamionOgMaciel: is your new job free-software-friendly?02:44
OgMacielKamion: extremelly friendly02:44
Kamionthat often helps02:45
OgMacielmy boss is very easy going02:45
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OgMacieland we are on IRC all the time02:45
OgMacielI guess for starters, starting regular meetings for translators could get the ball rolling02:46
OgMacielrosetta guys could also attend them02:46
jonoit might be an idea to get an idea for minimum time commitment for the role and see if OgMaciel can satisfy that02:46
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OgMacieljono: I like the sound of that02:47
OgMacielI am more than willing to step into this position02:47
sabdflyes, we could definitely get the rosetta guys to those meetings02:47
amachuhi all02:48
amachuSri Ramadoss alias amachu here02:48
amachuhas the meeting started?02:48
mindspincc already02:48
OgMacielwe could start holding some online "classes" for translators too02:49
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HobbseeOgMaciel: hooking up with the ubuntu classroom people, maybe?02:50
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OgMacielHobbsee: asolutely  ;)02:50
jsgotangcoare there any questions for OgMaciel?02:52
jsgotangcoany more02:52
jonoif no decision is being made today, can I suggest the applicants for this position maybe write up a wiki page with their plans, experience etc for further discussion02:52
jsgotangcojono: +102:52
jsgotangcobut amachu is here already might as well give him a chance as well since OgMaciel did say his piece02:52
mindspinIsn't it an issue between those who did translation work for other projects and those who stumble into rosetta and start doing translations "from the bottom line"?02:53
OgMacieljsgotangco: +102:53
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sabdflamachu: we are discussing the translation leadership position02:53
=== OgMaciel would love to hear amachu's ideas
amachusabdfl: yes02:53
sabdflcould you introduce yourself, tell us a little bit about your experience with translation, fontconfig, input methods, etc02:53
sabdflalso, contributions and participation in ubuntu translation02:53
sabdfland how you would lead such an effort?02:53
amachushall i start?02:54
sabdflyes please!02:54
Kamionsabdfl: perhaps it would be fair to repeat your intro from earlier?02:54
sabdfli must unfortunately step into another meeting now. 02:54
amachuI am sri ramadas, contact person of Ubuntu Tamil Team02:54
sabdflKamion: ok, can I paste?02:54
sabdfl(13:21:46) sabdfl: so let's talk about ubuntu translations, and leadership02:54
sabdfl(13:21:55) zakame [n=zakame@ubuntu/member/zakame]  entered the room.02:54
sabdfl(13:21:58) sabdfl: right now we have a pretty good infrastructure, in rosetta, though there are definitely issues there02:54
sabdfl(13:21:58) zakame: hi all02:54
sabdfl(13:22:17) sabdfl: some issues relate to how we coordinate with upstream - i think those are improving, socially and technically02:54
sabdfl(13:22:28) sabdfl: some issues are to do with how teams are able to do QA on their membership02:54
sabdfl(13:22:32) quail: evening all02:54
sabdfl(13:22:38) sabdfl: keeping track of new suggestions and translations by members of the teams02:54
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sabdfl(13:22:48) sabdfl: for teams who KNOW how all this works, it is getting better quickly02:54
sabdfl(13:22:56) sabdfl: but we don't have anyone leading, championing, translation in Ubuntu02:54
sabdfl(13:23:01) sabdfl: this person or team would:02:54
sabdfl(13:23:08) sabdfl:  - help new translation teams get started02:54
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sabdfl(13:23:25) sabdfl:  - communicate regularly with the translation teams about release status and translation priorities02:54
amachuwe started in august and is now twelve in number02:54
sabdfl(13:23:43) sabdfl:    (i.e. "please translate Kamion's newest upload asap it cannot be updated post-release")02:54
sabdfl(13:24:10) sabdfl:  - help translation teams and LoCo teams coordinate with relevant upstreams, but telling them about best practice02:55
sabdfl(13:24:35) sabdfl: there's also a big opportunity to help improve the state of fontconfig and input method configuration in Ubuntu for many languages02:55
sabdfl(13:24:37) Kamion: I'd also expect:02:55
sabdfl(13:24:38) Kamion:  - liaise with the development team regarding bugs/issues affecting translations02:55
sabdfl(13:24:44) sabdfl: which requires working in many cases with the same groups of people02:55
sabdfl(13:24:59) zakame: hmm something nearly like what bubulle does for debian, right?02:55
amachuwe perform translation on rosetta, 02:55
sabdfl(13:25:19) jsgotangco: well we do get alerts from debian to "hey update this and that"02:55
sabdfl(13:25:22) Kamion: zakame: bubulle and Denis Barbier and others, yes02:55
sabdfl(13:25:23) sabdfl: elmo, mako, any other suggestions? zakame: yes, bubulle is great02:55
sabdflthat's it02:55
sabdfli'll read scrollback later02:55
amachuhi.. sabdfl: listening to me?02:55
sabdflcheers all02:55
zakamecheers sabdfl 02:55
sabdflamachu: yes, the rest of the group is, i need to step afk02:55
OgMacieltake care sabdfl02:55
Belutzcheers sabdfl :)02:56
FujitsuBye, sabdfl_afk!02:56
jonolater sabdfl_afk 02:56
amachuWe all in our Team use SCIM input method for Translation02:56
amachuwww.ubuntu-tam.org is our website02:56
amachuNow, my opinions of Translations and plans...02:57
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amachu1) We need to have strong back up of vocalulary of local language, to carry out translation02:57
amachuso we tied up with Tamil Wiktionary, a Wikipedia project, to collect English words and theri corresponding Tamil words02:58
jsgotangcoamachu: how would you work on upstream with regards to translations, not just with tamil?03:00
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amachuwe find the way we work in Tamil is paying dividends and can be applied to other teams also03:01
amachuRosetta as such has one disadvantage as far as developing countries..03:02
amachuunavailabity of broad band connections...03:02
amachuso colleges and other educational institutions are the key03:03
jsgotangcoamachu: im sorry but most of these are infrastructural and the position of translation team leader is more social in nature (but there are some technical issues as well), the model the tamil team adopts may not be as successful to other teams, for various reasons and require nurturing03:04
amachusure 03:04
amachujsgotangco: I agree03:04
Kamionamachu: we'd like to hear more about how you'd liaise with other teams (including Ubuntu development and Rosetta), train new translators, that ort of thing03:05
Kamionort -> sort03:05
amachuKamion: training new translators, we should have pre-prepared documents on training tools.. the transalating tools like KBabel, GTranslator...03:07
amachuNext, All the words that have bee translated uptill now should be available for download collectively (one time download), since brb is not readily available..03:09
Kamionhave you done anything to date that involved working with code changes required to support translations better?03:09
OgMacielI think amachu touched an important part, which is getting more documents about *best practices* for performing translations using Rosetta, etc03:09
jono agreed03:10
OgMacielit would be interesting getting LoCo teams that share some of the languages, like spanish for instance, together03:10
amachuno not as yet...03:10
OgMacielthere's a slight chance that they could benefit from each others efforts03:10
amachuNow if all translations done uptil now are available then huge amount of time will be saved in re-translating the same word03:11
amachuRosetta does that but brb is concern03:11
amachubroad band connectivity03:12
OgMacielmaybe someone could start a thread titled: "How we [LoCo team name goes here]  operate"?03:12
amachuKbabel is the best tool we have witnessed03:12
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amachuit comes with Dictinary management services03:12
fouadbajwaa small question, shouldn't there be a feature in Launchpad for a team admin to be able to send a message to all team members03:14
amachuso, if the teams could download the PO file that contains all translations, add it to their local Kabel dictionary, half the time is saved...03:14
fouadbajwai know the LoCo team lists are there03:14
fouadbajwabut still03:14
Kamionfouadbajwa: I think that's off-topic here; #launchpad, or a bug report03:15
fouadbajwai was asking in light of LoCo Teams03:15
amachunow Teams should be encouraged to create communities dedicated for a particular application03:15
fouadbajwaseeking suggestion03:15
fouadbajwawhether to propose or not03:15
OgMacielfouadbajwa: please do file a feature request about that :)03:15
fouadbajwaokay, this has to be done at #launchpad right03:16
amachuso that their translation of a particular application doesn't get obsolete when a new version of that application is released03:16
JanCthat bug rapport exists and is a year old or something like that  :)03:16
Kamionamachu: thanks for your comments; I think the CC will need some time to consider the applications03:16
fouadbajwai think if all of the teamleads here propose03:16
fouadbajwait might just wokr03:16
OgMacielfouadbajwa: correct... let me know in pvt if you need help with that03:16
Kamionso we will report either next meeting, or after the conference in Mountain View03:16
fouadbajwahmm, 03:16
Kamionelmo: any idea whether sabdfl's going to be back for locoteam/membership?03:17
elmoKamion: no, he's appeared but already run off to another meeting03:17
elmohow about we use this opportunity to trial jono03:17
amachuKamion: Thank U03:17
jonoelkbuntu, surwe03:17
Kamioncertainly for locoteams, at least03:17
elmoget him to act as 3rd, and have sabdfl ok that and/or the applicants later?03:18
fouadbajwawe don't have to trial Jono03:18
Kamion(we've never been too bothered about strict voting requirements on those)03:18
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fouadbajwahe has already proved his mark03:18
fouadbajwawith the Official Ubuntu Guide ;)03:18
fouadbajwahave you all read the guide03:18
elmook, so let's do locoteams03:18
fouadbajwadoes anyone have a pdf version of the Official Ubuntu Book?03:19
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fouadbajwai have chm version03:19
jsgotangcofouadbajwa: please OT03:19
jonoright can I make a few points about loco's first?03:19
amachufouadbajwa: the desktop guide?03:19
gnomefreakfouadbajwa: i think thats a bit offtopic for this meeting03:19
elmojono: sure03:19
jonoI have restructured how LoCos get approved a little - they still need to go before the CC, but I have written https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LoCoGettingApproved and ask them to make an approval wiki page03:20
jonothis gives CC members and others a good way of looking at an application03:20
jonoif the CC are ok with it, I would like to make this a requirement to be approved03:20
jonoit makes the process quicker and clearer03:21
jonoLoCo teams can liase with me to get their approval pages written and up to scratch03:21
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jonowhen they are done, we can present them at a CC meeting such as this and make a decent decision - I will then move teams to the approved status if required03:21
jonothats it really :)03:22
jonojust so everyone was clear on what I have been doing :)03:22
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jonook, so lets look at each team03:22
=== Ekushey is from the Bangladeshi Team
jonoshould we do Bangledeshi team then :)03:23
jonodid youy guys want to say a few things to support your application?03:23
Ekusheyjono: like what?03:23
Kamionjono: I am entirely OK with that procedure. Also worth noting that we like to see that the team is broadly secure in its structure (i.e. no major conflicts over leadership, etc.)03:24
jonoKamion, right03:24
Kamionwhich brings us rather neatly to the Bangladeshi team ;)03:24
jonohave their been leadership issues here?03:24
Kamionjono: see last meeting's log03:25
KamionEkushey: btw, yes, your mail arrived, sorry nobody replied to say that03:25
EkusheyKamion: there isn't any leadership or other kind of conflicts. it's just that this guys named MAK doesn't like me personally so he says all crap.03:25
KamionEkushey: perhaps I should have said alleged conflict03:26
EkusheyKamion: did that guy wrote to CC?03:26
Kamiongive me a chance to check my archives here03:26
=== jono reads the log
elmoI can't see anything03:26
EkusheyKamion: so can we get our team approved? we've been waiting for a long time now.03:27
KamionEkushey: HANG ON :-)03:27
KamionOK, so Ekushey's mail seems entirely reasonable to me; it appears to be a grudge that should not be relevant to the Ubuntu team03:28
Kamionmakl10n has not mailed us to defend himself03:28
EkusheyKamion: i don't understand why he's after me :(03:29
EkusheyKamion: he keeps on sending me hate mails03:29
jonoI don't think I can comment either way as I am not familar with the conflict03:29
jonoapplication looks reasonable, would be nice to see a bit more experience03:29
Kamionso I think at this point we should consider that conflict irrelevant03:29
Kamionelmo: ?03:29
jonosounds reasonable03:30
jonoEkushey, do you lead the team?03:30
Ekusheyjono: yes03:30
jonoEkushey, the IRC channel seems very empty03:30
Ekusheyjono: irc isn't very popular in bangladesh03:31
jonothe list also seem fairly quiet03:31
Ekusheyjono: i've mailed and asked ppl to join the irc channel but appearently they don't like it much03:31
jonoI think I would recommend building up the groups communication channels03:31
jonoEkushey, sure, but I think it would be wise to encourage discussion on the mailing list03:32
jonoI would see an approved team having a certain amount of information flow going on03:32
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Ekusheyjono: we've started doing monthly meetings, and i'm sure it'll help03:32
jonothe work you are doing Ekushey looks great, I just think it maybe needs a touch more to get things rolling03:32
jonoEkushey, excellent :)03:32
Ekusheyjono: we had our first meeting yesterday, 13 joined03:33
jonoEkushey, fantastic, that is the kind of stuff to get things moving03:33
Ekusheyjono: i'm trying03:33
Ekusheyjono: i'm trying my best03:33
jonoI would recommend you keep doing these things to build up the communication and defer approval for a little while03:33
Ekusheyjono: oh ok.03:33
jononot sure what the CC think though03:34
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jonoEkushey, I don't want to dishearten you, but I think you are 80% there and just need to get the communication flowing on your mailing list03:34
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Ekusheyjono: 56 signed up on the list, but they don't reply my posts03:35
Ekusheyjono: i got your point03:35
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KamionI think if they're on the right direction, rather than having to go through another round of meetings, maybe we should just monitor for a while and only bring them back if there seems to be a problem03:35
jonoEkushey, well we can have a chat about how to get things rolling03:35
Kamiondoes that sound reasonable?03:35
jonoKamion, you mean approve with a probationary period sort of thing?03:36
jonoI am happy to keep an eye on what they are doing an approve it then if needed03:36
Kamionyeah, I'm kind of thinking out loud03:36
jonoso if the CC are happy with the structure of the group (which seems sound) - I can then finally approve when the comunication is up and running03:37
KamionI'm provisionally OK, pending comment from elmo/sabdfl03:38
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Ekusheyso we'll have to wait longer, right?03:38
elmoworks fo rme03:38
jonoEkushey, approval is not the end game, getting an active LoCo is03:39
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jonoEkushey, we are saying that you are provisionally approved - you just need to get more communication going and then I will finally approve it :)03:39
Ekusheyjono: alright i understand, thanks03:39
jonoEkushey, :)03:40
KamionEkushey: aim of this exercise is that you won't have to sit through another CC meeting as long as you're still basically on the right lines :)03:40
Ekusheythanks Kamion03:40
Ekusheythanks to elmo too03:40
jonoare we going to wait for sabdfl's views for when he gets back?03:40
Kamionhe can fill us in later03:41
jonoso, Belgian team03:41
jonothe application looks excellent03:42
JanChere  :)03:42
looksaushave a look at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/BelgianTeamApprovalApplication03:42
jonohow is leadership in the team folks?03:42
looksausofficially, at the beginning, there was Lionel "ploum" Dricot03:43
looksaushe got quite a few ubuntu-minded people together in february 200603:43
JanC(during FOSDEM)03:44
looksausat FOSDEM, a free and open source developer meeting03:44
looksaushe seemed to have little spare time and things03:44
JanCso now looksaus is pulling us forward  :)03:45
looksausso in may, I brought people together for preparing press attention for the Dapper release and things03:45
looksausLionel seems to like that03:45
looksausfor the little we've still heard of him03:45
jonoso it sounds like a happy relationship03:45
jonowell its a +1 for me03:45
jonoyou guys some to be doing a rocking job03:46
looksausheh, thx...03:46
Kamionthe Belgian team has been around for a long time, and I've never heard any complaints03:47
Kamionthe support points map is a neat idea and seems to have a fair bit of participation; great03:47
MagicFablooksaus, what is the licence of the maps / support app ?03:47
looksausfree software, of course, with an invitation for other teams to join in on the development03:47
MagicFablooksaus, it would be nice to make that clear either on lp or the site (or both)03:48
jonocould I encourage the belgian team to write about the support points map on loco-contacts so other groups can set up a similar thing03:48
looksausjono, have done so already03:48
JanCof course03:48
jonooh cool :)03:48
looksausyou were on holiday03:48
jonois there a HOWTO of how to do it?03:48
looksausthe code behind the running thing is really simple, but a bit messy03:49
Kamionworth getting somebody to package it, maybe03:49
jonook, we can discuss this later :)03:49
JanCcurrently there is the old, currently running code and the new version which is not ready yet03:49
jonoelmo, thoughts on the belgian approval?03:49
looksauswhat's there on new code is very clean, with clear use cases behind it03:49
looksausit's almost ready for general use in other locoteams03:50
MagicFablooksaus, that URL doesn't offer a package, nor the licence in a clear way, would love to see that (for use in 2 locoteams I help with)03:51
looksausah, maybe a bit special about our locoteam is that we would like to have JanC03:51
looksausas our main locoteams contact03:51
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elmojono: looks fine to me03:51
looksausso no me03:51
elmosorry, was afk03:51
jonocan we do the pakistani team now as fouadbajwa must leave for prayers in 20 mins03:51
looksausso not me...03:51
fouadbajwahi again03:51
jonook we will wait for sabdfl's views until he returns03:52
Kamionlooksaus: shouldn't be a problem03:52
looksausk, thx03:52
elmojono: I think we can assume loco teams are ok with the 3 of us03:52
Kamionlooksaus: you're Mark van den Borre?03:52
jonoelmo, sounds cool03:52
jonothis approval application is astonishingly detailed03:53
fouadbajwawe got Ubuntu rolling with 4800 certified Ubuntu Linux users in the market endorsed by the Government of Pakistan, Government of Punjab, University of the Punjab03:53
jsgotangco4800 wow03:53
fouadbajwa215,000 Free CDs rolling in the market03:53
fouadbajwaand we did a visit to CD vendors03:54
looksaussponsored by local government?03:54
fouadbajwaplace boxes everywhere03:54
jsgotangcodouble wow03:54
fouadbajwaThe Govt of Pak and the Pakistan Telecommunications Authority and the Higher Education Commission are considering Ubuntu to be loaded into the government03:54
jonofouadbajwa, tell us about leadership03:54
fouadbajwaWe have two leaders at the moment, since i am in Punjab in the provincial capital, the other team leader is for translation l10n Urdu03:55
MagicFabfouadbajwa, is there any difference between work done/endorsed by fossfp.org and the Loco Team itself ?03:55
fouadbajwawe are now starting 2 meetups atleast per month03:55
fouadbajwafrom my city first03:55
fouadbajwai have been able to form a consortium of companies to participate03:56
fouadbajwaISVs are on our hitlist03:56
fouadbajwaMark advised me to focus on ISVs when he visited us in January this year03:56
fouadbajwa8000 telecenters are also in pipeline03:56
jsgotangcodoes the locoteam itself = fossfp.org?03:56
fouadbajwaFOSSFP is just an enabler03:56
fouadbajwaa voluntary associate of Scholars, Govt people, Students, Professional users03:57
fouadbajwathey push anything thats FOSS03:57
fouadbajwaworking with the United Nations03:57
fouadbajwaat civil society level03:57
jonofouadbajwa, there seems to be an awful lot of ideas, but how many get achieved?03:57
fouadbajwabut have heavy influence in govts and all03:57
fouadbajwamost of them are already achieved, not ideas, i have sent in reports03:58
fouadbajwaand the canonical team has met with the govt leaders and IT industry03:58
fouadbajwawe are now supporting the ecosystem through making available 03:58
jonofouadbajwa, any problems in the group?03:58
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fouadbajwatechnical support and more participation in localization efforts03:58
fouadbajwaa bit03:58
fouadbajwanot many people speak english03:58
jonoany conflicts with other members?03:59
fouadbajwaand software piracy03:59
fouadbajwathere are some conflicts that get settled with communication03:59
fouadbajwaand the result of a recent one has been that the member was allowed leadership so that he could experience the real issues03:59
jonowell this looks all very good to me03:59
fouadbajwaits better to let them take lead03:59
jonoI know fouadbajwa has worked very hard03:59
fouadbajwaand see it for themselves03:59
jonoso its a +1 for me04:00
fouadbajwai would also like to mention here04:00
fouadbajwathat our region is south asia04:00
elmoack from me too04:00
MagicFabPardon my intrusion, but I don't see anything explicitly defining a Loco team for Pakistan vs. FPSSFP.org + Canonical. See: http://www.fossfp.org/ubuntupakistan04:00
fouadbajwaMagic that is very old information from last year04:00
fouadbajwawe were then advised from Canonical and the Ubuntu community to take the team out in the public04:01
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fouadbajwai will have fossfp remove that information04:01
jonofouadbajwa, how does FOSSWP and ubuntu-pk differ?04:01
fouadbajwaas it is no valid now04:01
MagicFabUbuntu is about more than "just open source / free software" which would seem to go agains FOSSFP.org mission / objectives. Can that be clarified ? We have similar issues for local groups here (QC, Canada)04:01
jsgotangcojust a question, how does fossfp and iosn south asia cooperate at the moment (i know its pretty OT)04:01
fouadbajwalike i said FOSSFP only housed the team for a few days during the national FOSS awareness campaign04:01
fouadbajwagiving us 600 computers, 600 volunteers and 22 Ubuntu trainres04:01
=== Gadi [n=romm@static-71-249-255-248.nycmny.east.verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu-meeting
fouadbajwaafter that it was moved out of the University and has been operating independently building more community members from the open04:02
fouadbajwanow within the meetups from november04:02
fouadbajwawe will be engaging at an average 10 new members per month04:03
fouadbajwaand as the telecenter initiative rolls out04:03
jsgotangcofor all its worth a lot of ubuntu advocacy has been done for sure 04:03
MagicFabfouadbajwa, I feel it needs clarification unless today you are proposing to forma a distinct, independent group not necessarily 100% aligned with FOSSP.org04:03
fouadbajwawe can imagine the number of Ubuntu system admins04:03
fouadbajwaMagic, there is no FOSSFP any more with Ubuntu-pk04:03
fouadbajwait only supported it 04:04
fouadbajwain terms of infrastructure and advocacy04:04
MagicFabfouadbajwa, that sound great! So it's only misunderstanding from outdated info.04:04
fouadbajwaFOSSFP is a UNCTAD partner for developing world countries04:04
fouadbajwait works in all of south asia04:04
elmofouadbajwa: Jane Silber has some concerns about the language on that page WRT Canonical - could you be sure to coordinate with her about getting those resolved?04:04
fouadbajwai only do reports for them now 04:04
fouadbajwano official status04:04
elmo(the FOSSFP page, I mean)04:04
fouadbajwayes elmo04:04
elmofouadbajwa: ok, good, thanks04:05
fouadbajwai am sending a note to fossfp for complete removal04:05
MagicFabI also think FOSSFP.org and ubuntu-pk.org badly need updating before getting any official team status.04:05
fouadbajwaand if there are any more issues, they will meet resolution immediately 04:05
fouadbajwayes Jono and Mathew are working with me04:05
fouadbajwasince we had no Moin Moin expertise04:05
fouadbajwawe have ported to drupal04:05
fouadbajwawe are working on the drupal site now04:06
fouadbajwasmurf has been notified about the new dns changes04:06
fouadbajwathat will soon point to the new ubuntu-pk.org04:06
MagicFabubuntu-pk.org has 0 content, so I guess there are plans to move things there eventually04:06
fouadbajwaand u will all be pleased to see Ubuntu in full bloom04:06
fouadbajwaoh 04:06
fouadbajwaif you can make host changes to your host file, i will give you the IP of the new siet04:06
fouadbajwasite, that should be pointed to the new settings within this week04:07
MagicFabfouadbajwa, no rush, just asking.04:07
fouadbajwaJono can u back the detail of the ubuntu-pk.org that Mathew and i have been ccing :)04:07
=== finalbeta [n=finalbet@d5152A68A.access.telenet.be] has joined #ubuntu-meeting
fouadbajwano problems Magic, i am here to clarify anything04:07
jonothere has been some discussion about setting up the site04:07
fouadbajwathe theme has been contributed from Ubuntu Chicago04:08
fouadbajwawiki has been loaded by the Ubuntu webmaster04:08
jonofouadbajwa, so all of the experience and roadmap on the application is part of ubuntu-pk?04:08
jsgotangcoheh the universal ubuntu drupal theme heh04:08
fouadbajwayes, no more fossfp :)04:08
fouadbajwayeah great work Chicago04:08
fouadbajwaand more teams have also shared there themes, there should be a wiki ;page on ubuntu with all these themes04:09
jonofouadbajwa, ok if you can state for the record that this is all part of ubuntu-pk, then this is fine with me04:09
elmoKamion: what do you think?04:09
fouadbajwayes this is all Ubuntu-pk04:09
jsgotangcofouadbajwa: it just so happened that we were on the same server so we shared the theme from the beginning04:09
MagicFabI am just worried that you're putting all the weight of FOSSFP in your application and it's not clear how bot relate(d). But if there's been other comm. I miseed, I can see how it's evolved.04:09
fouadbajwathey were just supporting Magic nothing else04:10
fouadbajwathey are a consortium of a large number of FOSS activists and researchers04:10
fouadbajwaand just contributing local Ubuntu CDs04:10
fouadbajwaand software mirrors04:10
fouadbajwayou can check within one week, no information on Ubuntu association will be there04:11
=== lophyte [n=dsulliva@ubuntu/member/lophyte] has joined #ubuntu-meeting
Kamionelmo: happy to go with jono here, if the FOSSFP confusion is sorted out04:13
Kamionand ubuntu-pk.org is fixed04:13
MagicFabI don't say everything ubuntu should disappear from their servers/site, quite the tcontrary. Just that the relationship between both is not clear to any new potential loco members.04:13
fouadbajwawill be sorted out within these 7 days, 04:13
jonook, lets wait for it to be fixed and then I will approve04:14
fouadbajwamailing list and ubuntu pages have been requested for removal04:14
fouadbajwacould this approval then be just based on email notification and show of cause through www.fossfp.org?04:14
gnomefreakjust a reminder next meeting is in 45 minutes. 04:14
jonofouadbajwa,I think the general opinion is that we wan to see the changeover happen first and then there will approval04:16
fouadbajwathats what i mean, when i get there email that they have resolved the issue, i will notify you through email04:17
fouadbajwaand you can check there website so forth04:17
jonosounds good04:18
jonoif all is resolved, we can then approve04:18
jonoif the CC are happy with this, I am :)04:18
elmofine by me04:18
fouadbajwasure okay :) sent out them the email request :) 04:18
elmook, so shall we move then?04:18
elmomember candidates...04:19
=== pschulz01 is here.
elmoJohanLundmark sebastean (September 23) - here?04:19
fouadbajwaokay guys thanks and bye, i have to leave for prayers04:19
jonothanks fouadbajwa 04:20
elmoAndrew Hodgkinson (September 26) - here?04:20
elmoMichael Bienia geser (October 11) - here?04:21
=== geser is here
=== Mirv [n=tajyrink@pdpc/supporter/active/Mirv] has joined #ubuntu-meeting
lophytego geser :)04:21
elmogeser: go ahead with your intro?04:21
=== yama is present
geserwiki: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MichaelBienia04:22
geserLP: https://launchpad.net/people/geser04:22
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geserMy name is Michael Bienia. I'm 26 years old and live in Dortmund, Germany.04:22
geserI'm using Ubuntu since the development cycle of breezy but only started in august 2006 to also contribute to Ubuntu.04:22
geserSince than I was fixing packages with unmet deps and doing sync and merges for packages in universe. crimsun sponsored my uploads and also reviewed my sync requests.04:22
geserCurrently I'm also mentoring/advising lophyte on MOTU work04:22
=== Hobbsee has also sponsored some of geser's uploads
elmoany MOTUs want to comment/cheerlead for geser?04:23
lophyteI'm not a MOTU, but I can say that geser has done an awesome job helping me out with getting into MOTU work04:24
lophytehe's been very helpful in bringing me up to date on the swing of things, so to speak04:24
MagicFabgeser, I don't see that you have signe the code of conduct in LP ?04:24
elmoHobbsee: how were the uploads?04:24
elmomagicfab: Ubuntero:  Yes  <-- means he has04:25
Hobbseeelmo: mostly good.  there were a few errors, but most were fine.  geser's quick to fix any of them though04:26
=== Hobbsee notes that he's probably gotten another billion debdiffs that u-u-s is subscribed to to upload :P
elmook, well, I'm pretty happy, there's a lot of packages here in a realtively short period of time04:26
elmoKamion/jono: what do you think?04:27
Hobbseebetween him and fujitsu...they keep us busy :P04:27
MagicFabelmo: there would be a "Codes of conduct" entry in his page, which I don't see.04:27
elmoMagicFab: *shrug* I can see it?04:27
elmomagicfab: https://launchpad.net/people/geser/+codesofconduct04:27
KamionI've been processing a certain amount of geser's work as an ubuntu-archive member and it's seemed well-organised04:28
Kamionhe's been contributing for a reasonable amount of time too04:28
KamionI'm happy04:28
jonosorry was on phone, reading up04:29
jonoI don't know geser really04:29
MagicFabelmo: access to that page is restricted (so no menu entry), but thanks.04:30
Hobbseejono: i would suspect that's because you havent really been in the same circles.04:31
Hobbseejono: he's active in -motu, and -bugs - and the u-u-s, of course04:31
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Hobbsee(where the u-u-s is the ubuntu-universe-sponsors team)04:35
culixmy name is Mario and it is the first time for me to visit a CC, but i can say that geser is also a good supporter in #ubuntu-de, always friendly and helpful, just my 2 cents04:35
geserI try to help in #ubuntu-de when I can04:36
elmook, so let's move on for now04:36
elmogeser: you've got a +2 from kamion and I, sabdfl will be checking the logs later to give you a quorate vote04:36
elmoPaulSchulz pschulz01 (October 16)04:37
pschulz01Greetings all...04:37
pschulz01wiki: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/PaulSchulz04:37
pschulz0137 years, live in Adelaide, South Australia, and work as a Linux04:37
pschulz01System Adminsitator during the day.04:37
pschulz01I first appeared before the CC in May, and was asked to come back with04:37
pschulz01some more support. Since then, I have continued my involvement with04:37
pschulz01Ubuntu-Au, and have contributed to the translation and bug fixing04:37
pschulz01efforts (patches) for edgy, as well as well as keeping an eye on some04:37
pschulz01things like the 'Ubuntu Books' Wiki page.04:37
pschulz01Member of Ubuntu-Au, BugSquad and English Translation teams04:38
pschulz01Do I have any supported still here? (Just past midnight local time.)04:38
elkbuntuof course you do :)04:38
elkbuntuI cant speak highly enough of paul, he's an active and motivating member of ubuntu-au04:38
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bimberipschulz01 is an AustralianTeam stalwart and the initiator/carrier-through-er of many of its best initiatives - two being hassling local notebook suppliers to ship Ubuntu and getting computer shops to distribute Ubuntu CDs. With Paul it's not just "we should do this", it's "here's how I did it - and how you can too".04:38
yamaI'm not a member (yet), but I've found pschulz01 to be quite helpful on IRC04:39
elmopschulz01: ISTRecognise your name - have you applied before?04:40
gnomefreakelmo: he did in may and he was told to come back04:40
elkbuntumost of the cheersquad has gone to sleep i believe, but there were many other people who wanted to be here for paul.04:40
pschulz01elmo: wiki: MeetingLogs/CC 2006-05-3004:40
elmoI can believe anyone fell asleep during a CC meeting?  it's so dynamic and fast paced04:41
jsgotangcowell its the unholy hour for people in +1-04:41
elkbuntuit is 00:41 here04:41
=== stgraber [n=stgraber@client80-83-51-125.abo.net2000.ch] has joined #ubuntu-meeting
elmojsgotangco: yeah, I was being sarcastic, don't mind me04:42
pschulz01I plan to continue my work with the Ubuntu-AU team.. Australia needs an alternative. I'm continutally amazed at the results that other teams are getting.. (Belgium, Pakistan for example :-)04:43
elkbuntui believe paul has also done alot of work gettting ubuntu into his local community, especially with software freedom day last month04:43
Hobbseeelmo: *g*.  Someone should write a spec on it active participation in meetings by the respective quorums :P04:43
pschulz01Any questions?04:44
elmoany bugswaud people able to vouch for pschulz01?04:45
elmosquad too04:45
gnomefreakhe has done alot of triaging since may/juneish04:45
gnomefreakim happy with the work he has done :)04:46
elmook, well, I'm happy based on vouching from team-au and the bugsqaud team and the fact that he had the persistence to come back ;-04:49
KamionI'm fine with pschulz01 for the -au-based advocacy if nothing else04:49
elkbuntuyeah.. persistant.. he's definatly that :)04:49
elmojono: any comments?04:50
Kamioncan I fill in my comments on the other two applicants afterwards? I *have* to get to the post office before closing time and there are a number of things I need to do there04:50
jonosounds good to me :)04:50
jonoI have good things about pschulz0104:51
elmoKamion: sure04:51
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looksausyama, your turn :)04:51
jonoalso we need to start the loco meet soon04:51
HobbseeKamion: bang down the door after hours instead :P04:51
elmojono: define soon?04:51
elmopschulz01: ok, you've got +2, once you get +1 from sabdfl or mako later, it'll become official04:51
yamathanks looksaus 04:51
jonowell its due to start in 8mins04:51
elkbuntujono, yes.. we do.. in 8 minutes according to my time :-/04:52
=== pschulz01 says goodnight!
jononight pschulz01 :)04:52
siccnessNight mate!04:52
elkbuntunight paul :)04:52
yamacya paul04:52
looksausyama, ?04:53
jonoshould we defer the remaining members till the next meet or just overrun?04:53
jonoI understand people have stuck around for these members04:54
yamaI'd like to have a go, if possible04:54
yamaFirstly, https://wiki.ubuntu.com/SridharDhanapalan04:54
yamaand https://launchpad.net/people/lordyama04:54
gnomefreakjono: weve overrun an hour already and we have another meeting in like 6 minutes :)04:54
jonognomefreak, I know :)04:55
yama(Sorry if I sound like I'm rushing. I've stayed up for this. It's almost 1am here in Sydney)04:55
jonowe could always start the loco meeting in another chan04:55
elkbuntuYama's active in the ubuntu-au community04:56
=== Hobbsee has even met yama :P
bimberiHuge \o/ from me for yama's efforts to coordinate "Queen's English" (ie. en-GB derived) translation. en-GB is >95% complete for Dapper and would be nowhere near that without his efforts to gather resources and bring the different translation groups together. It has been a determined effort over a number of months and achieved with a minimum of angst amongst some very pedantic people. A sustained and significant contribution (imo 04:56
bimberi:-) ).04:56
elkbuntuI can assure the CC that TheMuso intended to support him, but it seems that we lost him04:56
elkbuntu<TheMuso> Ok. I have a statement about Yama ready. :) <-- i never saw the statement though04:56
HobbseeTheMuso went to bed hours ago04:57
elkbuntuHobbsee, i figured so04:57
yamayes, he couldn't stay up04:57
yamaI'm an active member of ubuntu-au.04:57
yamaI spend most of my time doing translations for en_GB, because it forms the root of many derivatives like en_AU, en_NZ and so on04:58
elmoerm, stupid question, but what do translations for en_GB involve?04:58
elmochanging color to colour?04:58
Hobbseeelmo: i believe so04:59
yamamuch more than that, actually04:59
yamathere are more subtle things like punctuation differences04:59
yamaand we needed to settle on some different terminologies, which has required co-ordination with upstream en_GB groups04:59
yamaI wrote https://wiki.ubuntu.com/EnglishTranslation to guide our efforts05:00
=== ..[topic/#ubuntu-meeting:Ubugtu] : Current meeting: LoCo | Calendar: http://fridge.ubuntu.com/event | Logs: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MeetingLogs/ | 18 Oct 12:00 UTC: Edubuntu | 19 Oct 23:00 UTC: Ubuntu Development Team | 23 Oct 19:00 UTC: Accessibility Team | 24 Oct 20:00 UTC: Technical Board
yamayep, thanks bimberi :)05:00
yamaI have turned the en_GB group into an International English one05:01
yamait is mostly en_GB, but we take derivatives into consideration when picking words/terms to use05:01
=== ..[topic/#ubuntu-meeting:Ubugtu] : Current meeting: LoCo | Calendar: http://fridge.ubuntu.com/event | Logs: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MeetingLogs/ | 18 Oct 12:00 UTC: Edubuntu | 19 Oct 23:00 UTC: Ubuntu Development Team | 23 Oct 19:00 UTC: Accessibility Team | 25 Oct 20:00 UTC: Edubuntu
yamathere is a lot of work 'herding cats', so to speak05:02
jonoany other comments from people?05:02
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elmolooks ok to me05:03
jonofine to me05:04
jonoKamion, and sabdfl_afk are waiting till later right?05:04
elmotho, and no disrespect intended, I'm surprised people find translating to en_GB... worth the effort it must involved?05:04
yamalanguage is an important part of culture05:04
elmoesp. since AFAIK rosetta can't do "this string doesn't need translated"05:04
elmojono: right05:04
jonook one more to do right?05:05
elmoso shall we move on, and defer the remaining person till next week?  the05:05
elmoso shall we move on, and defer the remaining person till next meeting - they only applied today anyway05:05
yamaelmo: we have a wonderful greasemonkey script to help us05:05
=== gnomefreak [n=gnomefre@ubuntu/member/gnomefreak] has joined #ubuntu-meeting
jonothanks folks :)05:05
Hobbseeimpressive.  another 3 hour meeting.05:05
elmolooksaus: would you mind waiting?  sorry, it's just been a very long meeting05:05
looksausor should I paste here for the logs05:05
yamathanks for your time, everyone05:06
jonolooksaus, could you make a wiki page05:06
jonowe need to start the loco meeting really05:06
looksausI already did, just pasted it05:06
jonoahhh thats cool then :)05:06
nixternali think the CC needs to take the first 5 applicants at each meeting05:06
jononixternal, agreed, these meetings are too long05:06
=== technolalia [n=johnl@84-45-214-42.no-dns-yet.enta.net] has joined #ubuntu-meeting
jonoright LoCo meeting05:06
nixternalthey are crazy...your butt goes numb waiting :)05:06
jonowho is here for the loco meeting?05:06
technolaliaand me05:07
nixternali guess i am now that i am awake05:07
=== JanC is
=== pschulz01 [n=paul@] has left #ubuntu-meeting ["Leaving"]
thoreauputicbimberi has suggested that applicants and speakers should go in time-zone order - seems a good idea to me05:07
Ekusheyme too05:07
jonothe LoCo army steps forth :)05:07
nixternalno doubt05:07
craigaalooks like a good turnout05:07
bimberiyes, i've emailed the CC list05:07
=== MagicFab for Ubuntu-QC and Ubuntu-CO
nixternalseems teh chicago guys are sleeping off last nights big win on monday night football still05:07
nixternalthat or they have a life and are at work right now05:08
Kuyaedznixternal: there is life outside ubuntu? ;)05:08
nixternalso i have heard05:08
jonook see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LoCoTeamMeeting05:08
jonothats our agenda05:08
jonofirst is docs05:08
jonoI will explain my thoughts on this05:08
nixternaljono: if you need doc help, im here for ya05:08
jononixternal, :)05:09
nixternalsince i do edubuntu, kubuntu, ubuntu, ichthux, and kde docs, i can fit ya in05:09
=== sivang is here
=== geser [n=michael@dialin110148.justdsl.de] has left #ubuntu-meeting ["Leaving"]
jonoas many of you have seen, I have revamped the LoCo pages a bit, and produced the FAQ updated the HOWTO and other things05:09
=== jsgotangco is here
sivanghi jono 05:09
jonoI think we need to focus the LoCo teams to get lots more written05:09
jonohey siccness 05:09
jonohey sivang 05:09
=== Belutz [n=belutz@ubuntu/member/belutz] has joined #ubuntu-meeting
jonoI think we need all aspects of running a team documented where possible05:10
nixternaljsgotangco: missed a hell of a bears game last night :)05:10
jonoso, I was thinking we should have a LoCo Doc Day05:10
nixternalgood idea05:10
jonopick a day and everyone write a bunch of docs05:10
=== rejden back
technolaliawhat docs do the loco teams need?05:10
BelutzI'm back05:10
looksaustechnolalia, how do I organise a computer fair booth05:10
jonotechnolalia, how to run a team, common questions, dealing with problems, leadership issues, loco structure etc05:10
jonothe docs need to be best practice05:10
looksauscould be a nice subject05:11
jonolooksaus, exactly05:11
jonoto best manage this I was gonna propose a call for ideas and we can go from there05:11
jonotoday I just wanted to mainly set a date05:11
rejdenwould be good, if we can follow some template05:11
nixternalif anyone is interested http://doc.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/styleguide/en/index.html there is the ubuntu documentation styling guide...a little outdated, but has some good information in it, to help keep consistancy05:11
lophyteooo, loco meeting started05:11
lophyteheya all :)05:11
jonoI was thinking of Fri 27th05:11
looksauslophyte, yes, you just missed pschulz0105:11
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jonoso is the 27th oct good for you folks?05:12
MagicFabjono: great work on https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LoCoGettingApproved05:13
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elkbuntunot for me personally05:13
jonoMagicFab, thanks :)05:13
lophyteworks for me, jono05:13
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JanCjono: I think a 1 day event will never fit everybody ?05:13
Kuyaedzno objections here05:13
Belutzsorry, what's on 27th oct ?05:13
MagicFabjono, may I suggest new Loco teams should be presented here before going to the CC ?05:13
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jonoMagicFab, we will discuss that in a sec05:13
jonoBelutz, loco docs day05:13
elkbuntuMagicFab, how about you wait05:13
nixternal27th == LoCo Doc Day, 28th == Ubuntu Chicago Conference, 29th == CoDLUG Conference....all of which i am documenting....that will be one heck of a weekend ;) <-- winky05:13
jonook how about Tues 31st?05:13
nixternalooh, the 31st sounds swell05:14
jonoI think it would be good to get elkbuntu there05:14
Belutzjono, ah i see05:14
lophyte31st works too.05:14
jonowickeeed :)05:14
jonook I will mail loco-contacts about this later05:14
rejdensorry, 28 - 31 days off05:14
elkbuntujono, you're picking bad dates for me :(05:14
jonoelkbuntu, oh really?05:14
jonoelkbuntu, when are goo ddates?05:14
jonoelkbuntu, when are good dates?05:15
craigaano date will work for everyone, we just need to find one that suits most05:15
lophyteI'm flexible.. any date works for me, really05:15
elkbuntujono, the time is more to the point of my flexibility05:15
=== jenda missed the meeting...
jonosure, but I think elkbuntu is such a prominant member that the first event should really have a bunch of prominant members there to be a success05:15
jendaare there minutes?05:15
jonook, well lets stick with the 31st for now05:15
jonowe can arrange more in the future05:16
jonook with everyone?05:16
Kuyaedzweekends work best for me for getting results, no pesky work to distract me.05:16
JanCjono: why not invite people to write such docs, and then if we have some pick a date to enhance them ?05:16
jonojenda, CC meeting?05:16
technolalia31st is okay for me05:16
craigaaworks for me05:16
jendajono: both :)05:16
jendajono: But I meant the LoCo.05:16
jonoJanC,  I think we need a data to encourage people to begin writing docs, but I see your point :)05:16
jonojenda, we just started this meeting05:17
jendaah ok :)05:17
jendaIn that case, jono, I will miss it :-D05:17
jonoanother point to discuss, not on the agenda, are regular meetings05:17
jonoI am thinking we should back this slot every two weeks05:17
jonobut adjust the time of the meeting to hit the right timezones05:17
lophyteevery two weeks is good05:17
elkbuntujono, i think it also needs to be before the CC, not after it :)05:17
jonoelkbuntu, hehe yeag05:18
jenda(It'll be hard to find timezones for a group that is by definition evenly spread around the world.05:18
elkbuntujenda, we decided in first meeting to alternate focus05:18
jonojenda, sure, so I was thinking of very early GMT and late GMT05:18
Kuyaedztwo weeks is fine, just be sure to update us on the mailing list on the times05:18
jonothat should be convenient for *most*05:18
Belutzfor the timezones, why don't just rotate it?05:18
jonoKuyaedz, sure05:18
nixternali am awake all hours of the day...i goto bed when the UTC strikes work time, and I wake up when the UTC get off of work :)05:19
jendajono: yes, that seems to have proven best for other meetings too.05:19
craigaaI would then be able to make one meeting every four weeks05:19
craigaaif we alternate timeframes05:19
jonoso we can flick between the two times and everyone gets a meeting a month05:19
rejdenin favor for rotating timezones05:19
jonoI, get late nights and early mornings :P05:19
lophyteI think that works best05:19
jendaIs there a meeting agenda somewhere? (Sorry for ignorance)05:19
elkbuntuthat was the plan. then you went on holidays :)05:19
jonojenda, https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LoCoTeamMeeting05:19
jonolooksaus, beat me to it :P05:20
=== elkbuntu mutters something about lucky. ...
jonoelkbuntu, eh?05:20
elkbuntujono, your frolic in florida05:20
jonook, so thats cool we have a docs day sorted and regular meetings05:21
jonoany other comments or views?05:21
Kuyaedzmaking better time than the CC meeting ;)05:21
jonoyes, I am keen to keep everything on track and zip through stuff where needed05:21
jendaThis time is perfect for me, except there happens to be a conference today I want to attend.05:21
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jonook lets talk edgy CDs05:22
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jonolet me fill you in with the Canonical situation05:22
elkbuntujenda, you're excused so long as you pass out ubuntu cds :)05:22
rejdenso what is the proposal?05:22
jendaelkbuntu: indeed :) Fortunately, ondrej has just joined for the Czech team too.05:22
jono*all* approved teams will get a mix of 500 Edgy CDs05:22
jonothat is the stock number of CDs planned to be sent out to teams05:23
rejdenmix, means ku and edubuntu included as well?05:23
Ekusheyjono: ubuntu-bd is *half* approved for now. will we get it too?05:23
Belutzjono: variant and platform mix?05:23
jonoPC    30005:23
jonoAMD64 5005:23
jonoPC    7505:23
jonoAMD64 2505:23
jonoPC    5005:23
jonoEkushey, we can discuss that later, we can arrange something I am sure :)05:24
looksausjono, and how about Dapper shipments?05:24
JanCnu PowerPC ? 05:24
elkbuntuno ppc?05:24
lophyteDapper is through shipit.05:24
jonodapper is still done via shipit05:24
MagicFabjono: won't that make several teams rush to be approved ? i see the backlog :)05:24
looksausbecause I got a bit confused05:24
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ondrejwhile we are here...  is somebody here who could pay for ubuntu.cz domain name?  seems mail with invoice got lost and ubuntu.cz payment is due05:24
looksausoh, k, wasn't clear to me05:24
Ekusheyjono: ok, thanks05:24
jonomore on the backlog later :P05:24
rejdenwould be possible to get some edgy PPC as well somehow?05:24
rejdenlike 20 or something05:24
jononow this is the dilemma:05:24
jono(rejden, not sure about PPC CDs btw)05:25
craigaais it possible to customise for each team?05:25
rejdensame question as craigaa 05:25
jonowe want to get details from all those teams who want CDs but we don't want stacks and stack of seperate emails05:25
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jononaturally though, most teams won't want to update a wiki page with their postal address05:25
jendajono, understandable... but how do that?05:26
jonoso I have been trying to figure something out, but I think mailing in will be the only way05:26
jonothere seems no clear and simple solution05:26
jendajono, perhaps a private, passworded gobby session would work :)05:26
looksausjono, I'm not sure we even _want_ edgy CD's...05:26
Mirvshould gpg be required?05:26
rejdenyes, mailing seems the only way, or web formular and mailing from it05:26
jonoso I am gonna talk to Marilize and figure out something05:26
elkbuntujono, i'd volunteer to be victim of the emails and collate the information05:26
rejdenlooksaus, maybe you don't need05:26
jonolooksaus, not all teams will want them, thats why people will request them05:26
Belutzare stickers also included? :)05:26
Mirvi think all the locoteams (should) have a gpg key in launchpad etc.05:26
jonoelkbuntu, the problem is of privacy05:26
jendaBelutz: I can send you some ;)05:26
jonoelkbuntu, but thanks, maybe we can figure something out05:27
Belutzjenda: wow, thanks :)05:27
jonoMirv, thats not a bad idea - an encryped address05:27
technolaliawith addresses, is it a case of someone volunteering to receive cds at their home address on behalf of the loco?05:27
jonotechnolalia, yep05:27
rejdentechnolalia, seems so05:27
elkbuntutechnolalia, very few locos have premises05:27
jonothats how it normally works05:27
MagicFabjono: wikipages or LP pages can be restricted in access, can't they ?05:27
rejdenjono, I won't make my private adress public05:27
jonoMagicFab, yes05:28
jonotobe honest, I am thinking emails with specific headers an a mail filter are the best thing to do05:28
jonodealing with GPG or locked pages is a pain in the ass05:28
lophytejono: I have a question regarding CD shipments but its not really related to the loco meeting.. can I talk to you afterward about it?05:28
ondrejI have no problem exposing my work address...05:28
jonolophyte, sure! :)05:28
MagicFabI guess each team should have a LP /wiki page and be able to restrict its access (for priivacy), make that part of the process to be approved (if CDs requires)05:28
jonoin the future I would like LP modified to handle this05:28
rejdenMagicFab, too complicated05:28
jonothis will be discussed at the UDS05:28
Kuyaedzjono: mail filters probably sounds best.  easiest to sort through anyway05:28
craigaaIt should be possible to flag ship[it users as loco contacts05:29
jonook, well I will get onto it05:29
jonoso, any questions about Edgy CDs? including lophyte if you like05:29
looksausjono, sorry if I'm interrupting something else, but...05:29
Kuyaedzjust let us know what subject to use :)05:29
jonoKuyaedz, yeah05:29
jonolooksaus, ...05:29
MagicFabrejden, I mean, Loco contacts know *at least* how to edit /create Wiki/LP pages...05:29
lophytejono: actually, its a question about shipit 05:29
looksausthe policy about edgy is that it is for people who like to be at the cutting edge, right05:29
Kuyaedzwould hate to have our teams request funneled off to the spam folder05:29
technolaliahow are national loco teams to distribute the cds round their country?05:29
rejdenMagicFab, they should :)05:30
=== jenda gotta run - later
elkbuntutechnolalia, that's for each country to figure out i guess05:30
jonolooksaus, edgy is not LTS, so is not supported, but includes more up to date software05:30
lophytetechnolalia: have chapters in localities?05:30
jonodapper is still recommended for long term supported sites05:30
MagicFabtechnolalia, https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuInLibraries05:30
JanCjono: "not supported" ?05:30
=== ..[topic/#ubuntu-meeting:Ubugtu] : Current meeting: LoCo | Calendar: http://fridge.ubuntu.com/event | Logs: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MeetingLogs/ | 18 Oct 12:00 UTC: Edubuntu | 19 Oct 23:00 UTC: Ubuntu Development Team | 23 Oct 19:00 UTC: Accessibility Team | 25 Oct 20:00 UTC: Edubuntu | 26 Oct 07:00 UTC: Ubuntu Development Team
Belutztechnolalia, my plan for my country is to send some CD's into local LUG and Universities05:30
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jonoJanC, no long term support afaik05:30
jonowill be supported for a few years but not the five years like dapper05:31
JanCyes, but there is short time support, I hope :)05:31
looksausmustn't it be made very clear that we should pitch these edgy cd's to the more advanced users then05:31
jonoJanC, oh yes :)05:31
JanC1.5 years IIRC05:31
jonotechnolalia, distribution of CDs is up to you guys :P05:31
MagicFabjono,  hopefully the artwork makes it clear full reproduction is permitted /granted, if all proprietary software included permits to do so. 05:31
Mirvlooksaus: I think it should be fine for any home user, just not companies05:31
KuyaedzI don't consider Edgy for "advanced users", but it isn't LTS like Dapper05:31
craigaaI see most edgy cds going to lugs05:31
jonoMagicFab, there is no propreiatary software in edgy05:32
jonoMagicFab, not sure of the art, not seen it yet05:32
JanCyeah, LTS is for rusty companies with 3-year-plans and the like  :)05:32
looksausmy question is this: I'm a bit reluctant to pitch edgy to non-technical end users05:32
jonolooksaus, why?05:32
jonothats are market05:32
looksausbecause of the support thing...05:32
jonosupport thing?05:32
looksaussupport cycle05:32
lophyteits supported for 1.5 years05:33
Kuyaedzlooksaus: it isn't any more advanced than dapper, just not supported as long.05:33
nixternalit will still get 18 months of support05:33
MagicFabjono, no frmware, no restricted-modules... no commercial repos ?05:33
Kuyaedzlooksaus: its still supported for 18months05:33
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Mirvlooksaus: edgy should be even easier than dapper for the people. it's supported for 18 months like everything before dapper, and it can easily be updated to a newer distribution version05:33
jonoMagicFab, everything in edgy is free software05:33
Kuyaedzjono: coughfirefoxcough05:33
jonoMagicFab, afaik it is fully redistributable05:33
looksausand also it received new features that make it a bit more...edgy05:33
=== Kuyaedz ducks & covers for the flamewar
lophytefirefox won't be called firefox in edgy.05:33
looksausit works like a charm here...05:33
nixternalfirefox is free, the icon isn't05:33
JanCjono:  that's not the same  :)05:33
Mirvjono: does edgy not install restricted component, what?05:33
lophyteand thus is still free software05:33
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jonoJanC, eh?05:34
elkbuntuthis is not a line of discussion appropriate for this meeting05:34
jonoyes this is all offtopic05:34
looksausbut my point is that it gets messy when you still ship dapper to end users05:34
lophyteagreed, elkbuntu05:34
Mirvjono: it might be redistributable, but it's not free software when it comes to those ca. 5 packages in restricted05:34
jonolets get back onto CD availability05:34
JanCbinary-only freeware is also fully redistributable05:34
jonoplease, lets move on...05:34
jonoany other questions about edgy CDs?05:34
Belutzjono: do you know *when* the CD's are going to be process for shipping?05:35
Kuyaedzjust the details. when & how do we contact you for shipping information?05:35
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jonoone sec phone05:35
craigaahas a price been set for edgy cds as yet?05:35
looksaushm, while we have a few secs...05:35
elkbuntui think any further discussion can be done on the mailing list, so it is better archived05:35
nixternalmiddle of november was the last date i heard05:35
lophytehey nixternal, do you usually pay duties/taxes on your large CD shipments?05:36
lophytewhat the heck..05:36
lophyteI got an invoice yesterday, requiring me to pay $26.50 on my shipment of 160CDs05:36
jonoBelutz, not sure when shipping will be05:36
craigaaI have to, unfortunately05:36
nixternaljust received 2 big shipments for the conferences coming up...even got me a tux costume for some sucker to wear05:36
jonoKuyaedz, for contacts, contact Marilize05:36
jonocraigaa, in terms of prices for sale, its being discussed at the moment05:37
Ekusheylophyte: here in bangladesh, we need to pay good amount of tax for the cds as well05:37
lophytejono: can I get a contact for marilize from you? I need to speak with her regarding a shipment05:37
JanClophyte: I got an invoice for almost 30 EUR sales & import tax on the free powered by ubuntu stickers  :-(05:37
lophytewow :\05:38
jonolophyte, best mailing the shipit info address on the shipit site - that goes to marilize I believe05:38
lophyteah, alright.05:38
jonoany other queries?05:38
jonowe could do with getting this lot into the FAQ05:38
MagicFabThere's info about taxes/duties at "Will I have to pay taxes/duties?" -> http://www.ubuntu.com/support/faq#head-7eef2db63e0a75424cdd663ee6f7b8eedcf1960705:39
jonothis brings me onto another point05:39
jonoI would love to see the FAQ filled to the brim with details05:39
JanCwhether you have to pay taxes seems more like some sort of roulette to me05:39
jonoif you discover or learn something that is not in thwe FAQ, please add it :)05:40
elkbuntufeel free to add suggestions you want us to answer05:40
jonojust anything you think is missing mainly05:40
jonowould be nice to see the FAQ grow over time :)05:40
elkbuntuespecially considering neither jono nor i have quite mastered mind reading :)05:41
jonoso, summing up edgy CDs I will speak to marilize and post to the list about everything05:41
jonoelkbuntu, nearly there...just getting it perfected... :P05:41
jonoso, final point is the approval process05:41
jonoin the last week I have refined this so LoCo teams need to make an approval wiki page for the CC to view05:41
MagicFabjono: just before that... will labels be available/.included in those 500 CD shipments / other stuff ?05:42
jonothis should make approving teams easier05:42
jonoMagicFab, labels?05:42
MagicFabjono: Ubuntu labels (like previously)05:42
JanCstickers ?  :)05:42
elkbuntuMagicFab, stickers?05:42
MagicFabeh, yeah, stickers :D05:43
jonono idea about stickers05:43
=== MagicFab spends too much time at the printers
jonothey are treated seperately to Cds though I think05:43
MagicFabok, go05:43
jonoI will check into it05:43
jonoso, I have made https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LoCoGettingApproved to streamline the process05:44
jonoif any of you want your teams approving05:44
=== MagicFab would rather get 500 stickers than 500 CDs for his team(s)
jonoread that page and then mail me your application05:44
craigaaHow about someone (Jono?) being empowered to approve LoCo teams without having to get CC approval in advance?05:44
MagicFabcraigaa, I was thinking *we* discuss applications here before CC05:44
jonocraigaa, well this has been discussed, and at the UDS I am going to propose this05:44
jonoMagicFab, I disagree - having a discussion here *and* at the CC is too much05:44
jonoI am trying to reduce red tape, not add to it :P05:45
MagicFabjono: at the CC would merely be you and perhaps 2 other Loco contacts (other that those applying) to vouch for them...05:45
MagicFabparticularly for the upcoming backlog I see for the next few weeks05:45
elkbuntuit should more be that jono act as a filter to stop the not-quite applications before they get as far as the CC05:46
jonoto get rid of the backlog we need teams making applications, I will identify that applications are good, and if so put them in front of the CC05:46
MagicFabelkbuntu, +105:46
jonothats what I do MagicFab :)05:46
jonoso the plan is to get the backlog fixed up ASAP05:47
MagicFabjono, perhaps not here but in the mailing list ()which I haven't been following lately).05:47
jonoI also have some things to add to the approval howto after todays first shot at approvals05:47
jonoany questions regarding this process?05:47
MagicFabI'd rather raise issues like I had with Ubuntu Pakistan before the CC (not while in it)05:47
jonoMagicFab, that is what the CC is for05:48
jonoto get people there to discuss issues05:48
MagicFabperhaps just invite other loco teams contacts to comment on applications before they're on the CC05:48
jonoit makes no sense to discuss some issues on one day and some on another day05:48
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elkbuntuMagicFab, jono is quite capable of noticing glaring issues05:48
jonoMagicFab, also, the approval process is not say a LoCo is vetted by the LoCo community, but by the CC who represent the community05:49
ondrejonly shame is that biggest IT fair in CZ was last week :-(05:49
jonoif we open up every application or decision to everyone in the community we would get nowhere quickly05:49
MagicFabelkbuntu, I trust that. 05:49
jonoI want to streamline this so people can do cool Loco stuff and not get bogged down in approval processes05:49
nixternali want to do cool LoCo stuff05:50
MagicFabjono, asking for comments doesn't change your final decision. 05:50
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jonoMagicFab, I know, but it takes my time05:50
jonoand my time is limited05:50
nixternalin less than 2 weeks, if you are in chicago, we will have our big conference..actually found out a couple companies might be interested in sponsoring the event...one is some system security company05:51
jonoI am responsible for all community teams and I want to get the most out of my time without getting bogged down in red tape05:51
nixternalwhich reminds me..i have a conference call soon05:51
MagicFabjono, precisely, not *your* time, but time among loco contacts that may want to discuss a new team's application. 05:51
KuyaedzI think the point is that if we well document the steps and better prepare the teams before submission the whole process will be much quicker for everyone involved.05:51
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jonowell that is what the CC is for05:51
jonoif you have concerns, use the CC meeting05:51
elkbuntuMagicFab, what you're asking is for 2 layers of peer scrutiny. that will only worsen the process05:51
elkbuntuMagicFab, we're trying to lessen the amount of waiting and retrying05:52
MagicFabjono, I was commenting on that part opf the process after seing how I did that today and time was missing for other things05:52
JanCwell, teams who want to get approved can ask approved teams to review their application informally...05:52
MagicFabelkbuntu, what you are asking is for only one person deciding. How is that better ? Some memberships wait for *months* and come back several times.05:53
jonoMagicFab, two layers of commenting are not productive, and we provide a place for comments the CC meeting05:53
elkbuntuSome memberships wait for *months* and come back several times. <-- thats what we're trying to *filter*05:53
jonoMagicFab, how does one person decide? the CC decide05:53
MagicFabJanC, that's an idea. Perhaps mention that in the process.05:53
jonoMagicFab, the problem with two layers of comment is that the first layer of comment needs scheduling, logging, reading, and then some people in the second comment phase will want first phase commentators there05:54
jonoits waaay too muchc complexity05:54
jonoright now, teams submit for approval and the CC is there to seek comments05:54
jonoif the CC meetings are too long, we fix the meetings05:55
MagicFabjono, I think JanC's idea is better. Just suggest to applicants that they see /ask for input from other teams 05:55
MagicFabbefore they submit.05:55
jonoI disagree05:55
MagicFabjono: are applications posted to the mailing list before the CC ?05:55
looksauswhy not submit to the mailing list first, then schedule for CC05:55
jonolook, we provide a forum for comment, the CC meeting - if people have concerns or issues prior to that, they should mail the CC05:56
jonoI think it would be worthwhile to mention the approval on the list05:56
jonobut the place for concerns and discussion is the CC meeting05:56
craigaaPerhaps existing LoCo contacts can assist new teams in preparing their applications before CC approval. Perhaps this will streamline the approvals.05:56
jonoso the mailing list can tell people that an approval is happening and get to the meeting05:56
jonoI am happy to make approvals better scheduled, just to not have two seperate comment periods05:57
JanCjono: with informal reviews by peers I mean that people can get help with writing their approval request pages05:57
Kuyaedzcraigaa: I figure that is part of what we need to do with the LoCo Docs.  Put together steps, list resources, etc.05:57
jonoJanC, sure, and thats what we want to encourage :)05:57
MagicFabJanC: +105:57
jonoso I suggest this process:05:57
craigaaKuyaedz plus some basic hands on assistance05:57
jono * a team begins writing their approval application, seeks help fro the community if needed05:57
looksausjono, maybe just put in a minimum of x days before the CC meeting?05:57
looksausoops, sorry05:58
jono * I look ever it to ensure that the application has all the needed bits and then announce it is going for approval at the next CC meeting05:58
jono * people then go to the CC meeting to offer comments if needed05:58
MagicFablooksaus, usually anything discusses in the agenda should be there at least a few days before05:58
jonoI think that hits all the areas :)05:58
MagicFabjono: announcing would in the mailing list, the CC agenda and..05:59
elkbuntuMagicFab, not to mention, when locos are up for approval they appear on https://wiki.ubuntu.com/CommunityCouncilAgenda so if you are concerned you can keep an eye here06:00
elkbuntuMagicFab, or, you could join #ubuntu-locoteams and contribute there06:00
jonoannouncing would be on loco-contacts - I would announce that a loco is submitting for approval and list the CC when it will happen06:00
MagicFabelkbuntu, I do. The problem is the loco teams's coevrage area people.06:01
elkbuntuMagicFab, i do not see you in the channel06:01
jonothere has been little objection other than MagicFab so I am going to propose the process I mentioned earlier06:02
looksausgood idea06:02
jonothis way the community know of up coming approvals and can offer comment06:02
MagicFabjono, not objecting. Actually ++ for mention on the mailing list before the CC.06:02
jonogood job06:02
jonoall sorted then :)06:03
jonoI will modify the docs to reflect this06:03
elkbuntuthat would mean...06:03
=== elkbuntu waits the magic words that translate to 'bed time'
MagicFabelkbuntu, I do check the CC agenda - not often on #u-locoteams06:03
jonoso, we are largely done, any other issues/06:03
looksausjono, do you still have time for this other issue?06:03
jonolooksaus, shoot06:03
jonoI have to go in five mins06:04
looksaussorry, it's the same thing from before: marketing edgy versus dapper, and towards whom?06:04
jonolooksaus, ahhh ok, think of it in terms of support06:04
looksauscould you point me to canonical policy on that?06:04
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ondrejjono: domain ubuntu.cz was not payed for and is about to leave DNS system :-( (sent emails to hostmaster@c.c, webmasters@c.c), but I need a promise that this will be looked at06:04
jonodapper provides a long support cycle and some companies care about that06:04
jonoondrej, mail smurf 06:04
ondrejjono: email address?06:04
jonoondrej, did Canonical buy that for you?06:04
ondrejjono: I transfered domain to Canonical last year due trademarks06:05
jonolooksaus, so recommend dapper to those companies who want an established version of ubuntu that has been released for six months - for other people who are happy to have a newer release, recommend edgy06:05
jonoondrej, right, let me get his email address and /msg you with it06:05
jonoondrej, got it?06:06
ondrejjono: yep, thanks06:07
craigaaI've got to go people. Thanks for the meeting. See you next time.06:07
jonook any other last minute issues?06:07
jonoI need to run06:07
jonothanks craigaa 06:07
looksaussorry for having kept you busy06:07
KuyaedzI'm taken care of06:07
elkbuntuany other issues can go to the mailing list for consideration next meeting06:07
jonocan someone ensure the log is online?06:07
jonothanks folks! :)06:07
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elkbuntuthanks jono :)06:07
Kuyaedzthanks. ttyl06:07
Belutzthanks jono :)06:07
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JanCthe log is always on-line  :)06:08
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looksaushm, guess the meeting is officially closed, so...06:08
jonolater all!!06:08
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looksausI must say I'm a bit confused about shipit still sending out dapper, but us being supposed to pitch edgy to end users...06:09
lophytethey're shipping dapper because its LTS, edgy isn't06:10
looksausI can see how there is added value in that for a whole lot of potential users...06:10
looksauswhen I was manning this computer fair last Sunday06:10
looksaus(see http://map.ubuntu-be.org/leuven20061015  for pics)06:10
MagicFablooksaus, imagine the older U. were still available at shipit... I don't see a problem explaining that.06:11
looksausthere were several clearly _very_ untechnical people who had installed Ubuntu06:11
looksausand were using it happily06:11
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looksausbest example, a 76 year old man06:12
looksausI'm a bit scared of pitching edgy to someone like him06:12
looksausbecause of these few things that might be less polished than dapper06:13
looksauswith the introduction of all kinds of new things06:13
nixternallooksaus: believe it or not, some of my best "switchers" are 60 and over.  we just did an install fest, and at 32 i was the youngest, like  could have been everyones grand child06:13
lophyteit won't be less polished, though06:13
looksausor am I being too paranoid here?06:13
nixternalhere in the US, it seems it is easier to get an elder to switch then a hardcore computer user, ie you case modders and gamers06:14
lophyteedgy is just as stable as dapper, its just not LTS.06:14
nixternalplus, people who keep a workstation/desktop environment for more than 18 months w/o something new are windows users ;)06:14
looksauslophyte, I seem to remember sabdfl saying something like "will be a release for experimenters" about Edgy in the beginning of its dev cycle06:14
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nixternalwell, edgy is not an experiment...edgy is the foundation for future releases06:15
lophyteindeed, nixternal06:15
nixternalsabdfl said take risks, as the time was right06:15
rexbronThe idea with edgy was that it would use more bleeding edge software06:15
JanCsome things might be less stable, but other things are more stable in edgy06:16
looksausoh, by the way, does someone know when the next Community Council is scheduled?06:16
rexbronis you need absolute stability go with a LTS06:16
lophytetwo weeks from today06:16
rexbronhey lophyte06:16
JsgmobI thought this was loco meet?06:16
nixternalok, this is OT06:16
lophytehey rexbron06:16
lophytethis WAS loco06:16
JanCJsgmob: loco meet is over06:16
looksausJsgmob, it is finished06:16
lophytecc was before it06:16
=== Jsgmob is jsgotangco on phone
rexbronlophyte: did Ubuntu Canada get official status?06:17
lophytenope.. Corey couldn't make it to the CC meeting.06:17
lophytehe'll get official status before Edgy is shipped, I'm sure06:18
rexbronthat would have been nice06:18
KamionCC> for the record, I'm fine with yama for membership06:18
lophyteEdgy won't be shipped until mid-November06:18
lophyteaccording to jono06:18
rexbronDid the release date change offically?06:18
rexbronAFAIK, it is suposed to launch the 2406:19
lophyteship dates and release dates are two different things :P06:19
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rexbronlophyte: explain?06:19
Seveas(looksaus, did you make it?)06:19
looksausyes, the Belgian team made it without problems06:19
lophytethe release date is "hey, we're done developing, here's the finished product"06:19
looksausbut my personal application was moved to next meeting due to a lack of time06:19
lophyteship date is "give us a few weeks for the manufacturer to produce the CDs"06:19
looksausat least, that's how I understand it06:20
rexbronbut ship it will not be makeing edgy06:20
lophyteno, it won't06:20
lophytebut they still have to produce them 06:20
lophytefor loco teams06:20
Seveaslooksaus, ok, next time I'll be there06:20
rexbronas promo06:20
rexbronI see what you mean now06:20
looksausSeveas, thx06:20
lophyteEdgy CDs will be shipping to loco teams in mid-November, according to jono06:20
lophytebut the release date is the 26th of October, I think06:20
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JanCIIRC edgy CDs would be available for people who want to pay for them too?06:22
lophytethat's the rumour06:22
jsgotangcoWe're currently selling dvds in amazon06:22
JanCwell, only to the US AFAIK06:23
jsgotangcoWell ther are some enterprising folks in .de doing that as well but not with official packaging06:24
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=== ..[topic/#ubuntu-meeting:Ubugtu] : Calendar: http://fridge.ubuntu.com/event | Logs: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MeetingLogs/ | 18 Oct 12:00 UTC: Edubuntu | 19 Oct 23:00 UTC: Ubuntu Development Team | 23 Oct 19:00 UTC: Accessibility Team | 25 Oct 20:00 UTC: Edubuntu | 26 Oct 07:00 UTC: Ubuntu Development Team | 07 Nov 20:00 UTC: Technical Board
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lguerra@schedule bogota09:31
UbugtuSchedule for America/Bogota: 18 Oct 07:00: Edubuntu | 19 Oct 18:00: Ubuntu Development Team | 23 Oct 14:00: Accessibility Team | 25 Oct 15:00: Edubuntu | 26 Oct 02:00: Ubuntu Development Team | 07 Nov 15:00: Technical Board09:31
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