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vandenoeveris DBD::Oracle supported by ubuntu-server? i cant find it in the package list12:52
vandenoeverthat probably means no, but maybe there's a good resource somewhere?12:52
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lionelpvandenoever: there is no official support of Oracle on Ubuntu01:50
vandenoeverlionelp: and unofficial? will there be official support?01:50
vandenoeverlike for db201:51
lionelpyou can find some documentation for installing Oracle (not tested here... but maybe this afternoon ;)) : https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Oracle10g01:51
lionelpsome people have Oracle running on Ubuntu01:51
lionelpI do not know what is planned concerning an officiel support01:52
vandenoeverlionelp: ah, you're going to use it yourself? let me know how hard it is. we're currently deciding on which distro to upgrade our servers with01:54
lionelpvandenoever: np, I will let you know. I want to get rid of my fedora :)01:54
vandenoeverlionelp: you're installing the entire server right? (i only need the client)01:55
lionelpYes, I need the entire server01:55
lionelpFor the client, I think you should try the oracle Debian repository01:55
lionelpIt works fine on Dapper01:55
vandenoeverlionelp: you mean http://oss.oracle.com/debian/?01:58
vandenoeverlionelp: i dont see any dbd packages there. i need an oracle client for perl02:03
lionelpI may be part of the client02:12
vandenoeveryes, maybe, i'll look inside the packages02:14
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porkpie__Hi Guy's has anyone here managed to get the Dell Poweredge 1950 working with ubuntu-server yet ???05:44
lionelpporkpie__: not personaly, but I know a person who succed yes05:46
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porkpie__lionhelp:who was this person ?06:08
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lionelpporkpie__: a collegue of mine, do you want me to ask him something ?06:22
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jmedinahi there10:46
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_AA_anyone awake that can assist with a maildrop query ?10:49
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