
lifelessI registered subunit with lp /for/ malone etc12:15
lifelesskiko: so Mark said to 'ask you', and tell you +10....12:15
lifelesskiko: any idea what thats about ?12:15
kikoask me about what?12:15
lifelesswin 2812:15
kikowin 28?12:15
kikolike catch 2212:16
lifeless21:38 < sabdfl> lifeless: go ask kiko on #launchpad, and tell him I said.... +10!12:16
lifeless(from #bzr)12:16
kikolifeless, is that all the context I get?12:16
lifelessits all I had!12:16
kikowas it wrt subunit?12:17
kikobecause if it was12:17
lifelessahm... 12:17
kikothen I am +10 too12:17
lifelesspossibly its to do with dotted revision numbers12:17
lifelesskiko: you like subunit, or asking for lp usage on registration ?12:17
kikothe latter12:17
kikoI don't know subunit12:17
lifelessI'll file a bug12:17
kikoso it's hard to say whether I like it or not12:17
lifelessfor asking12:17
lifelesshave you seen the dotted decimal revnos ?12:18
kikohmmm, no I haven't12:18
lifelessdo you have a branch of bzr.dev handy ?12:18
kikonot that either12:19
kikowhat are they useful for?12:19
lifelesswell, get one, and then use it to do log on lp12:19
lifelessthey tell you more information about commits visually12:19
kikoah hat sounds cool12:20
lifelessI blogged about it12:22
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ddaalifeless: accourding to your blog, it looks like it's the ugly ones with many-many-many digits for long-lived brances that won12:41
ddaaI wish I had been able to keep up with the ML so I would have complained earlier12:42
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AlinuxOSdanilos, ping01:06
Keybukkiko: ping?01:14
Keybuksabdfl: bug #57152 and bug #6665001:17
UbugtuMalone bug 57152 in launchpad "Database constraint triggered in +settopics page." [High,In progress]  http://launchpad.net/bugs/5715201:17
UbugtuMalone bug 66650 in blueprint "Driver has no permission to administer uds-mtv specs" [Undecided,Unconfirmed]  http://launchpad.net/bugs/6665001:17
Keybuksabdfl: more problems with blueprint for uds-mtv ... still :-/01:18
sabdflKeybuk: matsubara was going to patch that01:20
sabdflkiko: could you check with matsubara on the status of that, please?01:20
Keybuksabdfl: he patched half of it ... this is a new bug found since getting that patch01:22
KeybukI can see the proposed list now01:22
Keybukbut can't actually do anything with it01:22
UbugtuNew bug: #66650 in blueprint "Driver has no permission to administer uds-mtv specs" [Undecided,Unconfirmed]  http://launchpad.net/bugs/6665001:25
kikosabdfl, Keybuk: matsubara has a patch started for that01:31
Keybukwhich one?01:32
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malexHi. I would like to talk to somebody about an erroneous import of an upstream project into Rosetta.01:47
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malexIs rosetta@launchpad.net02:32
malexthe appropriate email for raising an issue about a particular project's state in Rosetta?02:32
malexHmm, it seems that rosetta@launchpad.net is a broken relay. Please somebody provide a real contact address for Rosetta admins.02:38
jameshmalex: launchpad-users@lists.canonical.com, maybe?03:57
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stubLaunchpad is going down in 15 minutes to allow some data migration to be done. Estimated downtime is 1 hour.04:20
mptGoooooooooood afternoon Launchpadders!04:31
mpt"Launchpad will be going offline for maintenance very very soon."04:36
mptlifeless, to answer your question of 4.5 hours ago: Because Launchpad is data-model-driven rather than user-driven04:49
mptso there has been no user testing and improvement of things like that04:51
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jameshis PQM stalled?05:07
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=== stub checks
stubjamesh: Not any more05:32
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stubLaunchpad downtime looks to be another 40 minutes I'm afraid - I had to restart one of the processes.05:41
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UbugtuNew bug: #66672 in launchpad "copy-missing-translations-from-parent.py should run in READ COMMITTED isolation rather" [Undecided,Unconfirmed]  http://launchpad.net/bugs/6667206:56
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jameshlifeless: I submitted an LP merge, which seems to have disappeared -- no success/failure email, and it is no longer displayed on pqm.launchpad.net08:21
jameshwould it be possible to check what's up?08:22
lifelessjamesh: check your pqm-submit config08:22
lifeless99% you have /home/warthogs/archives in your submit rule08:22
jameshlifeless: I would have got a failure email then, right?08:22
jameshand I did a successful merge yesterday08:22
lifelessthere seems to be a bug08:22
lifelessI got a traceback08:22
UbugtuNew bug: #66684 in malone "https://launchpad.net/distros/ubuntu/edgy/+bugs shows 'no openbugs'" [Undecided,Unconfirmed]  http://launchpad.net/bugs/6668408:35
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jameshlifeless: so do you know what happened to my merge?08:49
jameshshould I resubmit it?08:49
lifelessjamesh: check with --dry-run08:50
lifelessjamesh: make sure it has the right submit path (/code/)08:50
lifelessif it does, then its probably the one that hung pqm and stub killed earlier08:50
stubpqm wasn't hung - I just neglected to reenable it yesterday08:51
jameshlifeless: it is definitely generating a merge request with /code/ rather than /home/warthogs/archives/08:51
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stub(and nobody noticed for 1 day!)08:52
lifelessjamesh: ok, and the right source path too ?08:52
jameshpqm-submit even makes sure the source is up to date before hand08:52
lifelesssend it in and I'll look for what happens08:52
jameshlifeless: okay.  It is in the queue.08:55
jameshthe pqm.launchpad.net page indicates that one of John's bzr branches got merged previously08:55
jameshbut there was a ui-1.0 merge from SteveA queued before my branch previously08:55
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pooliecan someone answer this?08:58
poolie> Hey guys,08:58
poolie> When I have subscribed to a bug in Launchpad.net's Malone bug tracker and the08:58
poolie> bug gets marked as a duplicate, does it automatically subscribe me to the other08:58
poolie> bug report?08:58
jameshpoolie: you get bug mail for the main bug report, yes.09:00
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pooliejamesh, thanks09:03
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_thumper_morning all09:24
mptlucasvo, before you accidentally reported a bug on staging, did you know what staging was for?09:36
poolie_thumper_: hello09:40
pooliespiv: hi?09:40
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ajmitchhi jelmer 10:22
ajmitchinteresting, remote bug tracker stuff has been changed?10:23
jameshajmitch: you mean creating bug watches by entering URLs instead of bug tracker + bug number?10:25
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ajmitchuseful to not have to scroll through a list of unrelated bugtrackers10:25
jameshyou probably won't notice it, but we killed off all the sourceforge.net bug trackers but one10:27
jameshwhich reduces the number of registered bug trackers and removes the need to register SF trackers for each product+tracker combo10:27
ajmitchwhat happens if an url is entered that you don't know about?10:28
jameshdunno.  I'd guess it either gives you an error or registers a tracker10:28
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BjornTajmitch: at the moment it tells you to register the bug tracker. there are plans for pretty much automatically register the tracker for you, though.10:32
jameshsabdfl wrote code to do automatic bug tracker registration, which we used when doing the ubuntu-bugzilla import10:34
jameshbut it did result in a fair number of duplicate registrations10:34
BjornTyeah, i'd rather have the user confirming that the bug tracker should be created. and at the same time, maybe informing the user that the given product officially uses bug tracker 'foo'.10:39
jameshthe main issues were things like http://bugzilla.mozilla.org vs. https://bugzilla.mozilla.org, http://bugzilla.gnome.org vs. http://bugs.gnome.org10:45
jameshthen there are other cases like http://bugs.debian.org/NNNN vs. http://bugs.debian.org/cgi-bin/bugreport.cgi?bug=NNNN10:47
BjornThttp vs. https we can handle quite easily, and i might even fix that today. the other cases are a bit more tricky to handle, but having a notice "this product uses bug tracker 'foo'" would help.10:51
jameshor even give an example of what we expect10:52
jameshif product foo uses Gnome bugzilla, we know that bug URLs should look like http://bugzilla.gnome.org/show_bug.cgi?id=NNNN10:53
jameshso we could tell the user what to look for10:53
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BjornTyeah. we could even take the bugs.gnome url the user enter, make it into a bugzilla.gnome.org url and ask the user if that url is correct.10:58
jameshlifeless: I didn't get a status email from PQM again10:59
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indukiko: hi, how r u11:39
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induhello, when ca i expect kiko here12:17
induhello, when can i expect kiko here12:17
_thumper_indu, probably not for a few more hours12:17
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KuhrscherHi is there any possibility to get the following bug fixed before the langpack deadline?01:04
UbugtuMalone bug 62927 in gwenview "Untranslated strings gwenview (edgy)" [Undecided,Unconfirmed]  01:04
KuhrscherGwenview in Edgy uses an old template (1.3.1?) instead of the on of the version in edgy (1.4.0)01:07
KuhrscherPerhaps this is caused because the translations are released in a separate package (similar to koffice)01:08
jordiKuhrscher: is that something new in edgy?01:10
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Kuhrscheryes, because in dapper 1.3.1 has been used01:11
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Kuhrscherjordi: And I think in this release this translation was included dirctly in the source package01:12
jordiKuhrscher: makes sense01:14
jordiI think carlos needs to do some magic there.01:14
Kuhrscherjordi: Yes, in dapper 1.3.1 has been used with po-files included in the tarball01:14
KuhrscherWould be great01:14
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Kuhrscherjordi: carlos isn't online atm, right?01:28
danilosjordi: ping01:28
danilosjordi: one can probably reupload the tarball with PO files there01:32
jordidanilos: doesn't carlos do something with kde-i18n?01:40
jordimaybe he can do the same with this one01:40
jordibut I'm not sure what's involved in that process01:40
jordiKuhrscher: not apparently01:40
Kuhrscherjordi: I discussed a lot of similar issues with carlos01:41
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indravenikiko: hi01:49
indravenikiko: this is indu01:50
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Kuhrscherjordi, danilos: Do you know if carlos will go online today?02:42
danilosKuhrscher: I don't really know, he might but only a bit later since he's travelling02:42
Kuhrscherdanilos: So he he won't be able to fix this gwenview issue, right?02:43
danilosKuhrscher: well, either jordi or I can upload the tarball with translations, but I am not sure if that's what carlos has been doing with other similar issues02:44
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danilosjordi: I think uploading them would be fine, since waiting for carlos might take away precious time from translators, what do you think?02:45
jordidanilos: I think so02:45
Kuhrscherdanilos: It would be very kind, if you could try it :)02:45
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KuhrscherThat's the (leftclick) link to the translations02:48
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danilosjordi: have time to do it, or should I before I split off for lunch?02:59
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indravenikikoL r u there?03:03
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_thumper_ping ddaa03:31
ddaa_thumper_: pong03:31
_thumper_a few private questions if you have time03:32
ddaasure, go on03:32
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TreMobylIs there a way to see the bugs I've reported from my account info page?03:59
matsubaraTreMobyl: https://launchpad.net/people/<your-lp-name>/+reportedbugs04:01
TreMobylmatsubara: is there a link to that someplace?04:01
matsubaraTreMobyl: yes, in your account page (https://launchpad.net/people/<your-lp-name>) click on Bugs in the LHS menu04:02
_thumper_TreMobyl: then click on reported frm the top LHS menu (defaults to assigned I think)04:03
TreMobyl"bugs" takes me to assignedbugs04:05
matsubaraTreMobyl: yes, and the link is in the top LHS menu (Reported bugs) as _thumper_ just said ^04:05
TreMobylah, sorry for my lack of reading.04:06
matsubaraTreMobyl: it's kinda tricky to find those links and there is a bug reported about it.04:06
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TreMobylcool.  Thought I was probably just missing something, which is why I asked before filing a (n invalid) bug.  :)04:06
matsubaraTreMobyl: you might be interested in subscribe to bug 298204:09
UbugtuMalone bug 2982 in launchpad "A person's Bugs page should show all bugs they are involved with" [Medium,Confirmed]  http://launchpad.net/bugs/298204:09
TreMobylmatsubara: danke04:10
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MagicFabHelo - I can't seem to be able to register new teams in LP.05:11
kikohey MagicFab 05:12
kikowhat's up?05:12
MagicFabGetting this the 3 times I tried:  " Sorry, something just went wrong in Launchpad. Weve recorded what happened, and well fix it as soon as possible. Apologies for the inconvenience.05:12
MagicFabIf this is blocking your work, let us know on the launchpad-users mailing list (requires subscription). Include the error ID OOPS-291C397 in your message"05:12
kikolet's see.05:12
MagicFabI was hoping I could cheat a bit and come here for help :)05:12
kikoMagicFab, I need 5 minutes for the oops to sync.05:12
kikothen I can tell you what to do.05:13
MagicFabI was trying to create "ubuntu-qc" 05:13
matsubarakiko: he's being affect by bug 66622 which is already fixed. Want to review it? :)05:16
UbugtuMalone bug 66622 in launchpad "Register a team with an email address crashes." [Medium,In progress]  http://launchpad.net/bugs/6662205:16
kikomatsubara, sure.05:16
kikomatsubara, what's the workaround? that's what MagicFab needs to know.05:16
MagicFabI guess not putting an email... duh!05:16
matsubaraMagicFab: exactly05:16
MagicFabyup, worked. un-friendly! but IRC magic works for me :D many tx.!05:17
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jordidanilos: ah, you asked 5 mins after I left office06:16
danilosjordi: it's still open for you to enjoy it :P06:16
jordidanilos: really? are all Serbians as generous as you?06:17
danilosjordi: no, I am a rare flower :P06:18
jordiwow this was the quickest + stronges storm in years06:21
jordithe park ouside is flooded06:21
=== bradb_ & # lunch
MagicFabI have noticed my signed code of conduct is one big paragraph. Should it be formatted (at least linefeeds) ? Does anyone see the same on their LP CoC page ?06:35
MagicFabI'm thinking LF / CRs are being parsed out06:35
MagicFab"View source" shows it's ok... so it's just CSS / HTML formatting06:36
Keybukmatsubara: ping?06:38
matsubaraKeybuk: pong06:38
Keybukmatsubara: I cannot find the "Needs Discussion" checkbox in blueprint *at all*06:40
Keybuksome specs are being re-proposed, but are no longer marked "Needs Discussion"06:40
Keybukso they won't get scheduled06:40
Keybukwhere's that check box gone>?06:40
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matsubaraKeybuk: where was it before disappearing?06:43
Keybukmatsubara: I was sure it was under "Administer"06:43
matsubaraKeybuk: I have no idea where it is. I suggest you to file a bug on it.06:49
matsubaraKeybuk: maybe bug 50654 might explain it06:51
UbugtuMalone bug 50654 in blueprint ""Needs discussion" flag should be a definition state instead" [Wishlist,Fix released]  http://launchpad.net/bugs/5065406:51
Keybukfair enough06:56
UbugtuNew bug: #66778 in launchpad "Code of Conduct is not formatted right - minor HTML output problem" [Undecided,Unconfirmed]  http://launchpad.net/bugs/6677807:15
matsubara-lunchMagicFab: does your code of conduct page look like this:  http://librarian.launchpad.net/2277354/Screenshot.png?07:25
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carloshi dudes!07:33
carlosdanilos: ping07:33
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MagicFabmatsubara-lunch, no...07:40
MagicFabmatsubara-lunch, let me append a screenshot07:41
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=== _thumper_ -> food
MagicFabmatsubara-lunch, http://librarian.launchpad.net/4889125/Screenshot.jpg07:45
matsubaraMagicFab: thanks.08:02
sabdflkiko: who can handle some changes to the LP membership email structure for me?08:03
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kikosabdfl, probably salgado. do you have a bug #?08:08
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Amaranthis there any way to set a bug to 'unknown' or something? i know a bug isn't caused by my package but it's not known what causes it08:24
kikoAmaranth, that's a bug just on Ubuntu08:26
kikoyou can clear out the source package name08:26
Amaranthawesome, thanks08:26
sabdflkiko: will file shortly08:27
kikosabdfl, thanks. 08:27
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kikobradb_, ping?08:35
kikoBjornT, ping?08:35
bradb_kiko: pong08:35
kikobradb_! how's it going?08:36
bradb_kiko: hi. was planning on putting RM back up for review again tonight (have to step out for an appt in a bit)08:36
kikobradb_, I was wanting to check up on the guided filebug test you wanted me to do08:37
bradb_kiko: yeah. looking mainly for general UI feedback. i know it's missing some dazzle too.08:37
kikolet's see it :)08:37
bradb_kiko: sftp://sodium/code/bradb/launchpad/malone-guided-filebug08:38
kikopulling down.08:38
sabdflkiko, salgado: #6678708:39
sabdflcan't WAIT for the smart server on devpad08:39
kikosabdfl, is it "crips and clean" now?08:44
kikoI have a hard time keeping up08:45
carloskiko: hi dude, how's going your view restructuring branch?08:45
kikocarlos, I'm going to land it between today and tomorrow08:45
kikoso that's good news08:45
kikojamesh did not trash me!08:46
carloscool, thanks!08:46
UbugtuNew bug: #66787 in launchpad "Membership emails need cleaning up" [Undecided,Unconfirmed]  http://launchpad.net/bugs/6678708:46
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Kuhrschercarlos: Do you have one minute?08:59
carlosKuhrscher: hi08:59
carlostell me08:59
KuhrscherThere is a bug concerning gwenview's translation import... Is it possible to fix it before the deadline?09:00
UbugtuMalone bug 62927 in gwenview "Untranslated strings gwenview (edgy)" [Undecided,Unconfirmed]  09:01
carloslet me check...09:01
KuhrscherI already talked with jordi about it...09:02
Kuhrschercarlos: The .po files have been released in a separate package and not in the tarball like for the last version which was in Dapper09:05
carlosKuhrscher: did anyone package it for Edgy?09:06
carlosanyway, I will do a manual import09:06
KuhrscherThe lang files? I don't think so...09:07
carlosis Dapper version correct?09:09
KuhrscherSorry I don't know09:10
KuhrscherBut I think so09:10
KuhrscherYes, it seems like Dapper uses the right template (for 1.3.1)09:11
KuhrscherBut the version bump from Dapper to Edgy changed nothing in template and translation09:12
carlosI'm uploading the new .po files right now09:15
carlosabout the template...09:15
carlosI need to check why didn't we get the new one09:16
KuhrscherHow is the template generated?09:16
carlosit's generated on build time09:17
carlosI don't know the details09:17
carlosit's done by Ubuntu developers09:17
KuhrscherPerhaps the po files in the source are used for this? This would explain that there was not any change in the template...09:19
KuhrscherSimilar to the problems with koffice09:19
Kuhrscherkoffice and koffice-i18n: problems with the template generation...09:22
carlosthe .pot file is there09:23
carlosbut the import failed09:23
carlosI'm forcing a new import09:23
carlosand will check what's wrong with it09:24
KuhrscherOk, thanks09:24
carlosdanilos: your email is bouncing09:26
SteveAflacoste: you have new review mail09:32
flacosteSteveA: great!09:32
SteveAI'm working for a few more hours, so if you can get me a reply soon, we'll see if we can reach a conclusion tonight.09:33
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carlosSteveA: so, how was your move? 09:37
SteveAcarlos: pretty smooth, thanks!09:40
carlosnice :-)09:41
pips1does changing my LP name change my email address too?09:43
=== bradb_ & # appointment. bbiab.
pips1does changing my LP name change my @edubuntu.org address too?09:45
pips1lifeless ^^^ ?09:48
carlospips1: I guess, because it's done automatically based on data in launchpad09:52
pips1carlos: ta09:52
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KuhrscherIs there any problem with Rosetta's upload queue? I uploaded 3 files as upstream release this morning but none appeared in Rosetta...09:55
kikocarlos, have we been keeping a close eye on the upload queue for upstreams?09:57
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carlosKuhrscher: OO.org + full KDE upload last week09:57
carlosKuhrscher: so it's a bit delayed atm09:57
KuhrscherI just tried to upload two desktop-* files and a actualized version of knetworkmanager...09:58
sabdflkiko: no crips no glory09:59
kikosabdfl, t-shirt?09:59
sabdfllet's test that "edit description" magic you landed09:59
sabdflmight even get yerself a few karma points!09:59
carloskiko: jordi does it, but seems like we have one week or so of delay.  I will check with him 09:59
kikocarlos, I'd like those to be approved daily09:59
kikocarlos, it's really bad service to wait for a week to spend 2 minutes approving them09:59
carloskiko: then danilo or me should do that instead of jordi10:00
carlosit's not 2 minutes to approve them10:00
carloswe should do some checks10:00
kikookay, 3.10:00
carlosto see if they are upstream or that they checked with upstream to follow our import policy10:00
carlossometimes is quite fast if we see the list of developers and the requester is in the list10:01
carlosothers, we need to wait10:01
carlosbut don't worry, we will 'refactor' the process to try to do it faster10:02
KuhrscherAhh, you approve these uploads ("Published upload") manually?10:08
carlosnot all those10:10
carlosonly a small percentage10:10
carlosusually, the first time a new .pot file is uploaded10:10
carloslater updates are automatically approved10:10
KuhrscherSo desktop-kmplayer and desktop-kaffeine have to be approved?10:12
carlosif it's a .po file, no10:14
carlosunless you used something else as its filename other than its language code10:14
KuhrscherAhhh, that seems to be the point...10:14
KuhrscherI didn't know that...10:15
KuhrscherSo I could just upload these files as de.po again?10:15
carloswell, it also depends on where did you upload it10:15
carlosif you did it in a URL like foo/de/+upload10:16
carlosit will work because we know exactly where do you want to upload it10:16
Kuhrschersure ;-)10:16
jordikiko: nope, Iv've beeen inactive on the queue last week due to the holidays and stuff10:18
jordiI'll give it a facelift now10:18
kikojordi, we'd like to keep good QoS on the queue, so when you are inactive you /must/ hand it off to someone else explicitly, via launchpad list.10:20
jordikiko: ok, and sorry about it.10:23
kikojordi, sure thing. just remember that Q is to be our "middle name".10:23
=== jordi nods.
=== carlos -> dinner
carlossee you later!10:25
mdzkiko: I just got a very strange page back from Launchpad10:28
mdzkiko: http://people.ubuntu.com/~mdz/temp/integrityerror.html10:28
mdzkiko: that was the page, in its entirety10:28
mdzkiko: I have reproduced it twice in a row (re-POSTing the same request)10:28
matsubaramdz: was it in +settopics?10:29
mdzmatsubara: yes10:29
matsubaramdz: the fix is up for review10:29
mdzmatsubara: am I hosed or can I submit this request somehow?10:29
mdzthat is, is +settopics broken or is it more specific?10:29
jordiI just got a request to fix the bazaar information for the evolution-data-server product. Can anyone assist here?10:30
matsubara+settopics is broken, it's bug 5715210:30
UbugtuMalone bug 57152 in launchpad "Database constraint triggered in +settopics page." [High,In progress]  http://launchpad.net/bugs/5715210:30
matsubaramdz: ^10:30
mdzso it's impossible to submit that page?10:30
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matsubaramdz: unfortunetely, yes. the only workaround i know for it, is to approve/decline the specs individually10:32
kikomatsubara, is that bug fixed? and if not can we get it fixed and cherry-picked overnight?10:32
kikoit should be priority -20 at this point10:33
matsubarakiko: it's up for review10:33
kikomatsubara, where's the patch?10:33
matsubarayesterday I asked here if anyone on review team could volunteer to review it because it's blocking the distro team, but no answer.10:33
kikoI can review it now.10:33
kikodon't let me go to bed when there's an issue like that still open10:34
matsubaragreat, thanks kiko. just a sec, I'll find the URL10:34
kikomatsubara, is it your patch?10:34
matsubarakiko: yes.10:35
kikogood job10:35
kikomatsubara, the authentication.py change is unrelated yes?10:36
matsubarakiko: see privmsg10:36
matsubarakiko: but yes.10:37
matsubarakiko: just a cleanup I spotted and added togetheter to spare some pqm cycles10:37
kikomatsubara, don't overuse that. PQM is almost always idle.10:38
matsubarakiko: ok10:39
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kikomatsubara, do we not set the speclink status directly anywhere else?10:43
=== matsubara checks
flacosteSteveA: you've got review mail10:48
matsubarakiko: nope10:48
kikomatsubara, can you add a test for declineSpecificationLinks as well?10:51
matsubarakiko: sure10:52
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kikomatsubara, with that I guess r=kiko. I'm a bit miffed that the tests added are so simple but perhaps that's enough to catch the problem clearly.11:03
SteveAflacoste: replied11:05
matsubarakiko: I'll file a bug regarding that. I just wanted to leave the form at least working. https://sodium.ubuntu.com/~andrew/paste/filelwUitH.html <- the new test added plus another small cleanup not related to this fix but relevant to SprintSpecification :)11:06
kikoa BIBLE of bad habits11:06
kikothe archangel gabriel will remember me11:07
kikomatsubara, r=kiko11:07
matsubarakiko: haha c'mon that was at least relevant to the code I was touching11:07
matsubarakiko: anyway, thanks for reviewing it. pushing it.11:08
kikomatsubara, please push, commit and request a bowl of cherries11:09
kikomaybe an urgent bowl of cherries to be clear11:09
matsubarakiko: sure11:12
carlosKuhrscher: hi, around?11:16
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carlosKuhrscher: I see kio_jabberdisco.pot in kopete and kdenetwork11:20
carlosKuhrscher: which one should be used?11:20
Kuhrscherthe one of kdenetwork-3.5.5 (not 3.5.4!) should be correct11:22
Kuhrschersince kopete-0.12.3 is now part of kde-3.5.5 and has been translated there11:23
carlosEdgy has 3.5.511:24
carlosthanks for the info11:25
Kuhrschercarlos: But there sould not be any difference... Just 4 strings, last change one year ago...11:25
carlosit's the same content11:25
carlosanyway, I already did that move, I was confused between Dapper and Edgy entries11:25
carlosthanks anyway11:26
Kuhrschergenerally kopete is part of kdenetwork, there was some kind of fork of 0.12.x until 3.5.4, but now it's resynced11:26
carlosso kopete is back in kdenetwork again?11:32
Kuhrschercarlos: yes, exactly11:33
carlosI see, ok11:33
Kuhrschercarlos: "Version 0.12.3 of Kopete replaces 0.11.3 in KDE 3.5.5"11:33
Kuhrschercarlos: (from the release notes)11:33
jordicarlos: how do you deal with this? do you just upload a tarball?11:35
jordicarlos: danilos and I were close to doing this this evening11:36
carlosdeal with what?11:36
kikomatsubara, the patch that fixes the double-post bugs in team membership and both bug 57300 and something else is up for review with salgado, keep him on it11:36
UbugtuMalone bug 57300 in launchpad "AssertionError while approving a team membership with a expiry date in the past." [Low,In progress]  http://launchpad.net/bugs/5730011:36
kikoah, and bug 30649.11:37
UbugtuMalone bug 30649 in launchpad "Shouldn't be possible to set an expiry date prior to today when editting a team membership" [Low,In progress]  http://launchpad.net/bugs/3064911:37
kikobradb_, the bzr branch of your branch is still going here :-( can I see a live instance?11:37
carlosKuhrscher: gwenview should be fixed now11:37
carlosjordi: do you talk about gwenview?11:38
matsubarakiko: ok11:39
jordicarlos: yes11:39
carlosjordi: yeah, I did a manual upload11:40
carlosjust because we need this as soon as possible11:40
carlosusually, we should wait for the package11:40
Kuhrschercarlos: seems to be much better now11:41
SteveAflacoste: I want to be around for another 30 mins maximum11:42
Kuhrschercarlos: hmm now there are 302 strings in the template but upstream's release consists of 31411:42
SteveAflacoste: think we can get another review iteration in?11:42
flacosteSteveA: you should get my reply in the next 1511:42
carlosKuhrscher: that's something that should fix Kubuntu developers11:45
carlosKuhrscher: the part in Rosetta is fixed11:45
Kuhrschercarlos: Thank you. Now there are at least more strings to translate (about 43 untranslated strings)11:47
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UbugtuNew bug: #66826 in launchpad "Sometimes while adding an attachment to a bug Launchpad OOPSes with an AttributeError" [Undecided,Unconfirmed]  http://launchpad.net/bugs/6682611:50
flacosteSteveA: reply sent11:52
Kuhrschercarlos: Ok, thanks :) I'll go to bed now11:53
carlosKuhrscher: good night!!11:54
=== carlos -> bed
carlosgood night dudes!!11:57
SteveAflacoste: replied12:02
flacosteSteveA: thanks!12:03
=== flacoste -> aikido
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