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lguerra@schedule bogota04:02
UbugtuSchedule for America/Bogota: 18 Oct 07:00: Edubuntu | 19 Oct 18:00: Ubuntu Development Team | 23 Oct 14:00: Accessibility Team | 25 Oct 15:00: Edubuntu | 26 Oct 02:00: Ubuntu Development Team | 07 Nov 15:00: Technical Board04:02
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GNAM@schedule ROME10:53
UbugtuSchedule for Europe/Rome: 18 Oct 14:00: Edubuntu | 20 Oct 01:00: Ubuntu Development Team | 23 Oct 21:00: Accessibility Team | 25 Oct 22:00: Edubuntu | 26 Oct 09:00: Ubuntu Development Team | 07 Nov 21:00: Technical Board10:53
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stgraber@schedule Zurich10:57
UbugtuSchedule for Europe/Zurich: 18 Oct 14:00: Edubuntu | 20 Oct 01:00: Ubuntu Development Team | 23 Oct 21:00: Accessibility Team | 25 Oct 22:00: Edubuntu | 26 Oct 09:00: Ubuntu Development Team | 07 Nov 21:00: Technical Board10:57
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=== ..[topic/#ubuntu-meeting:Ubugtu] : Calendar: http://fridge.ubuntu.com/event | Logs: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MeetingLogs/ | 18 Oct 12:00 UTC: Edubuntu | 23 Oct 19:00 UTC: Accessibility Team | 25 Oct 20:00 UTC: Edubuntu | 07 Nov 20:00 UTC: Technical Board
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pips1hey flint01:52
pips1flint: will you vote for me?01:54
pips1I'm applying to become an official edubuntu member01:54
pips1how is it going anyway?01:55
flintWorking on my new house and Lab facilities in Barre Vermont.  It is coming along...01:55
flintWhat has happened around here lately?01:56
pips1well, we are in the midst of the general pre-release rush madness... testing edgy...01:56
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RichEd@schedule johannesburg01:58
jsgotangcookayyy just sending a reply...01:58
SeveasRichEd, bot server is down01:59
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RichEdthanks seveas ... I'll keep a local log01:59
flint@schedule johannesburg02:00
flintRichEd, Top of the morning...02:00
cbx33can you forward the log to me when done RichEd 02:01
RichEdsure cbx33 02:02
RichEdjust calling the last of the troops from #edubuntu02:03
pips1here, sir!02:03
RichEdogra: will you kick off with technical ?02:03
ograwell, not much to say ...02:03
RichEdgrrretings uberluitenant schroder02:04
highvoltagehi all!02:04
ograhttps://wiki.edubuntu.org/Testing/Current has a testing matrix and all infos you need !02:04
ograthats it with tech :)02:04
RichEdwell I'll add in some tech from my side then ...02:05
pips1ogra: how many edubuntu bugs are on your platter currently?02:05
rodarvus<ogra> "ok, meeting is adjourned"02:05
flintogra, Oliver, that is damned efficient...02:05
RichEdAs we wind up Edgy ... we start all over again with Edgy+1 ...02:05
ograhesy flint 02:05
ogra*hey too02:05
ograbtw, is the fill EC here ?02:05
flintogra, at your service my friend.02:05
RichEdI've put a call out in the edubuntu-devel and edubuntu-users mail to start suggesting features02:06
highvoltageogra: I think LaserJock is asleep02:06
cbx33yup I think he is02:07
ogragah 02:07
RichEdWe'll need to collect a wish list from the wider audience, and then work through them here and in #edubuntu to make a short list for discussion at UDS02:07
ograhe said he'd be here02:07
highvoltage(well, he's not on IRC, so he must be ;) )02:07
rodarvushe said he would come to the EC meeting this week02:07
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RichEdIf anyone here is not on one of those lists, please ping me and I will send you the emails.02:07
ograrodarvus, right02:07
ograRichEd, i wont put up my specs before release i guess ...02:08
pips1ogra: ?02:08
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ograpips1, none ? 02:09
ograat least Rc ones02:09
RichEdNo problem ogra ... this is for loose debate about what people would like to see in an ideal world. I expect people will email ideas, and we will then tighten up in to launchpad features.02:09
RichEdhello sbalneav 02:09
highvoltagehi sbalneav 02:09
flintsbalneav, good morning from Vermont USA02:09
sbalneavMorning flint!02:10
pips1ogra: I can confirm https://launchpad.net/distros/ubuntu/+bug/6672602:10
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RichEdWe must allow all people to offer comments and then we will consolidate into a realistic list.02:10
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flintpips1, I believe the colors in http://librarian.launchpad.net/4888746/IMG_1978.JPG are perfect for the Halloween release.... :^) 02:11
highvoltageRichEd: how does that work? should people send you a list or is there a wiki page?02:11
pips1flint: hehe02:11
RichEdWe're just going with mail lists for say a week, and then we can start formally herding the cats.02:12
ograpips1, whats wrong with it ? its modern art :P02:12
RichEdNot all users will be confortabke with wiki editing ... we may lose comments due to techno or fear of techno hurdles02:12
ograpips1, a fix is underway for usplash ... i'm just waiting for the final ubuntu theme stuff02:12
pips1ogra: ic02:13
RichEdThe same thing with launchpad ... not every education person will be happy logging a feature request, and we also don't want duplicates.02:13
ograits using 16colors ... and seems not to like cbx33's 256 color pics :)02:13
pips1RichEd: what you are saying makes sense to me02:13
RichEdAn area of definate need is to look at "how do we extend the current Edubuntu with a good Primary School fit to Secondary and Tertiary/University". That's a good example for a debate.02:13
flintRichEd, your testers and advance folks are all basically uber-geeks (or uber-geeks in training) they should know how to screw up a wiki...02:14
=== ogra doubts every user tested out the capabilities we already have for that
highvoltageogra: I looked at the current edubuntu firefox homepage again, does it need any updating besides the version number?02:14
RichEdIt's not really just a feature request, it's applications as well, it may bring in LaserJocks dynamic menus, it may bring in artwork choices etc.02:14
highvoltageogra: a link to schooltool would still be nice if schooltool is installed, but I think that might be a bit complicated?02:15
ograwe already have different themes for the different age groups ... but i doubt any admin ever runs sudo dpkg-reconfigure edubuntu-artwork to set it02:15
ograLaserJocks dynamic menus were part of that, yes02:15
ograbut also the universe-education metapackages we planned02:16
RichEdSo maybe the answer is a GUI to manage ? that sort of debate is good ... it will at least bring the options into people's minds02:16
ograwell, we have a gui02:16
RichEdto swop themes ?02:16
flintogra, I must be getting old...running that command does not seem unreasonable to me..02:16
ograalacarete just needs a plugin or something to manage the grouped menus02:16
ograi know LaserJock and Amaranth discussed that very extensive aslready02:16
ograRichEd, oh, to swop themes ... well02:17
RichEdI didn't mean for us to debate the features now ... just to raise the request for suggestions. When testing is done, we can have a long meeting with sidebar discussions on specific topics.02:17
ogracurrentlyx thats dont in the edubuntu-artwork package 02:17
ograi'd rather have an option during install to preselect the right setup02:17
ograbut our menu iws full 02:18
RichEdto paly devils advocate, there may be schols where they teach at both levels and want to swop dynamically02:18
ograright, thats not implemented yet and must be done on another level02:18
=== pips1 wonders if we are following any meeting agenda today
RichEdBut I know now is testing time ... so my comments are just a heads up. 02:19
flintRichEd, that is a version of the GIN game... where we needed to swap languages dynamically...02:19
ograthe theme selection from edubuntu-artwork isnt implemented as i want it due toi the space issue with the menu02:19
RichEdStill on tech pips1 02:19
ograthese are two different things02:19
flintogra, the concept of dynamic switching of art, level and language is what I mean...02:19
flintogra, i don't know maybe more stuff needs to a dynamic capbility just a thought.02:20
RichEdI hope as a first step, people will describe behaviour they would like to see. We then would look at how best to implement it. Some of the requests may group into the same technical solution.02:20
=== pips1 thinks that there is no hope for following any sort of sane meeting agenda with flint in the room
ograflint, yes, but one is the system default (which i'd like to be choosen on the installer level) and one is user specific 02:21
flintpips1, no doubt02:21
ograthe latter should be driven by some kjind of gnome desktop profile or so02:22
RichEdSo I am done with tech from my side ... when testing is done next week ... we can dig into the next features topic. In the meanwhile, mail suggestions to the list.02:22
flintogra, this is not an easy or quick fix or concept.02:22
ograflint, exactly02:22
ograthats something we should spec in MV02:22
flintogra, I fully intend to have my lab online and testing.  This will take work.  It is located in an old horse stall.02:22
=== ogra puts it on his whiteboard
=== highvoltage wants one too
ograhighvoltage, ikea 3.5002:23
RichEdNote that some of the requests we get may end up being things to be addressed at an Ubuntu level. In that case we are just a channel from the Education audience to our upstream02:23
flinthighvoltage, be careful for what you wish for Jonathan...02:23
pips1highvoltage: what? a whiteboard or a horse stall?02:23
highvoltagepips1: lol, a whiteboard.02:24
ograRichEd, that totally depends ..02:24
flinthighvoltage, quit stalling...02:24
highvoltagepips1: I have one, but it's full and I can't take anything off, so I need a new one02:24
ograi think there are many many areas where we cant exactly split02:24
flintogra, we all need to test before we can pester you in any meaningful way, this i fully intend to do.02:25
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RichEdNo one is suggesting a split ... I think it's just language we are haggling over. That's the reason for a face to face meeting so we can without keyboards and interruptions ;)02:25
RichEdSo any more tech topics ?02:26
RichEdTECHNICAL DOCUMENTATION -------------------------02:26
=== jsgotangco squints his eyes...split?
pips1jsgotangco: sssshhhhhtt :)02:26
RichEdHedgeMage and Nixternal are working hard on the Handbook to get it ready as close to release date as possible.02:26
RichEdWe are even talking about getting it published in hard copy via lulu.com02:27
RichEdThat's the good news.02:27
flintRichEd, where are the galleys?02:28
RichEdThe sad news is that HedgeMage wants to move back into more developer volueteer work ... and we will need some new blood to help out.02:28
RichEdflint: I'll dig up the latest list02:28
flintRichEd, sweet.02:28
ogra also i'd like to get notifications if any documentation is in a packageable state02:28
sbalneavAs a note, I've been working on bringing the LTSP side of the doco up to date.  I'll finish in the next few days.02:29
RichEdSo if anyone is keen to help out, or knows anyone who can help, please let me know.02:29
ograedubuntu-docs is still an empty package in universe02:29
RichEdLet me dig up nixternal's build ... brb02:29
ograwell, i doubt it can go into edgy ...02:30
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ograbut for edgy+1 please keep me up to date if there is docs that can be packaged ...02:30
flintogra, the problem with docs and space is you need then available on the disk in "N" number of languages eh?02:31
ograwell, i'd be happy to ship at least an english version for the beginning02:31
ogracurrently all we have is the firefox startpage02:31
ograthere are no docs02:32
flintogra, what sort of space budget are you thinking about?  02:32
ograand we'll likely solve the CD space problem for edgy+1 one or the other way02:32
flintogra, I know this is an unreasonable question :^)02:32
ograso we should have plenty of space for docs in the future02:32
stgraberRichEd: I told nixternal that I'm interested to help a bit with the doc, but I never worked on something like that, so it can take a while before I can work efficiently.02:32
RichEdgreat stgraber : we are relying mainly on nixternal and Hedgemage to wrap up for Edgy ... with whatever help they can get.02:33
jsgotangcohmm ive seen a lot of svn activity for edubuntu docs the past few days though02:34
flintThe real problem with docs is that the pictures eat a lot.  The text to pix in space is 10 or 20 to 1.02:34
=== jsgotangco checks
RichEdHedgemage will then move to an "Executive Editor" role where she will give guidance, but reduce her actual work load.02:34
RichEdShe will not disappear, but wean herself off ... and remain available.02:34
ograwell, she told me she wants to go for MOTU at some  point 02:35
RichEdWe hope to spread the load as well ... more people, with a co-orindanating head, rather than one workhorse witha huge load.02:35
=== highvoltage thinks an editor is a good idea
ograso we'll have her for packaging and development 02:35
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RichEdogra: she will do all of waht is required, until we find a replacement ... so she will do a good handover ... and remain as an emergency backstop.02:36
jsgotangcolooking at the handbook in svn02:36
jsgotangcoits pretty nice02:36
=== ..[topic/#ubuntu-meeting:Ubugtu] : Current meeting: Edubuntu | Calendar: http://fridge.ubuntu.com/event | Logs: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MeetingLogs/ | 23 Oct 19:00 UTC: Accessibility Team | 25 Oct 20:00 UTC: Edubuntu | 07 Nov 20:00 UTC: Technical Board
ograRichEd, well, as i understood her she wants to move over to more development as well02:36
jsgotangcoa wee bit empty though02:36
ograright, not ready to ship it yet02:37
ograi dont want to have half breeded documentation on the CD 02:37
RichEdjsgotangco: where are you loojking ... I'm still struggling to find the link nixternal gave me the other day02:37
ograbut i expect it to be complete enough so we can ship it in feisty02:37
jsgotangcoits on the docteam svn02:37
jsgotangcoogra: that's not possible with its state02:38
pips1oh, so that's what edgy+1 will be called02:38
jsgotangcoi see it more viable on edgy+102:38
pips1what about sbalneav's ltsp documentation though?02:39
highvoltageogra: the feisty what?02:39
RichEdfound the link: http://nixternal.ubuntu-rocks.org/handbook/C/02:40
RichEdthat's nixternals latest state of play for the docs02:40
ograhighvoltage, the feisty something ... i cant leak *everything*02:40
pips1the documentation will be available online, though, or not?02:40
highvoltageogra: :-D02:40
jsgotangcopips1: i think it should02:40
jsgotangcounless we make the documenation readable from the cd02:40
jsgotangcoinstead of post-install02:41
sbalneavThe lts.conf variables section is wrong.  What I've been currently working on is going through the list of valid lts.conf parms, and updating the docs accordingly.02:41
=== highvoltage bows to sbalneav
pips1especially the ltsp.conf bits... otherwise ogra and sbalneav will get pounded by the same questions over and over02:41
cbx33sorry guys, had to pop out to assist someone02:41
highvoltagesbalneav: that has been much needed, the world of edubuntu thanks you02:41
=== pips1 lifts his imaginary hat off to sbalneav
jsgotangcothis thing has nice sections though02:43
RichEdogra: please check out this link: it is looking a whole lot more complete than whan I last looked on Friday.02:43
sbalneavI need to head off to work in about 5 minutes.  Will my inclusion vote be put off to next week?02:43
flintjsgotangco, I sort of like nixternal's toolbase... 02:43
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jsgotangcoflint: its pretty doable in edgy+1 really02:43
ograsbalneav, inclusion vote ?02:44
sbalneavWasn't I supposed to be voted on edubuntu membership this week?02:44
ograarent you a member since weeks ?02:44
RichEdstgraber: can you send me an email please so I can include you in the doc volunteer loop.02:44
sbalneavDon't think so, thought it needed a vote.02:45
ograoh, no, you arent, 02:45
ograsbalneav, we'll have the EC studff at the end of the meeting ...02:45
=== jsgotangco votes for sbalneav in advance for being so cool
ograso it should be safe for you unless you sit in a traffic jam for yours :)02:45
sbalneavI'll check in when I get to work.  If not this week, then next :)02:46
stgraberRichEd: You already received one about "Ubuntu and Education: Which Ubuntu variant are you using ?" a few minutes ago02:46
sbalneavIt's not like I'm going anywhere :)02:46
sbalneavAnywho, expect to see me back on in 1/2 hour02:46
RichEdThanks stgraber ... too much multi-tasking to add 2 and 2 at the moment :)02:46
stgraberRichEd: :)02:46
RichEdSo any other documentation volunteers or comments before we move to artwork ?02:47
RichEdARTWORK -------------02:47
RichEdcbx33 & ogra ... artwork comments ?02:48
cbx33nothing from me02:48
ograwe'll need another 640x400 16 color usplash theme02:48
cbx33unless someone is expecting something02:48
cbx33ogra: oh really?02:48
RichEdlooks like ogra is 02:48
ograsee bug 6672602:48
UbugtuMalone bug 66726 in usplash "edubuntu artw ork has funny colors on amd64" [Undecided,Unconfirmed]  http://launchpad.net/bugs/6672602:48
ograseems many (or all) amd64 systems cant handle 256 colors02:48
ograso we'll need a fallback02:49
ograworst i can take the old artwork, but something new would be preferable02:49
=== highvoltage wonders why that would happen on amd64
jsgotangcoyeah that's pretty weird02:49
ogra(thats nothing for RC, but must be fixed before tuesday next week)02:49
Kamionhighvoltage: the x86emu stuff in usplash has trouble with amd64 nvidia systems, so we made it use vga16 on amd64 as a workaround02:50
cbx33I have the files on my machine at home so I can do that when I get in02:50
ograKamion, depending on nvidia02:50
ograor generally for all amd64 systems 02:50
highvoltageKamion: aah, thanks for the insight02:50
jsgotangcothats interesting02:51
=== ogra tries tzo determine the amount of brokeness
Kamionogra: I think the bug only manifested on nvidia, but the fix was to switch to the bogl backend and at present that has to be a choice made at compile-time, so can't be graphics-card-specific, only architecture-specific02:51
RichEdany more artwork ?02:53
pips1erm, I have ati radeon 9600 and I got stung by bug 6672602:53
UbugtuMalone bug 66726 in usplash "edubuntu artw ork has funny colors on amd64" [Undecided,Unconfirmed]  http://launchpad.net/bugs/6672602:53
ograKamion, thanks, so we'll have it on all amd64's02:54
Kamionright, afaik02:54
ograpips1, we dont have a 16 color pic yet02:54
cbx33but we will have02:54
ograso thats the right behavior, i'm astoniished it shows something at all ...02:55
pips1sure, just wanted to point out that it happens with ati graphics card02:55
Kamionpips1: yes, it will02:55
ograi'd have expacted a black screen if it cant find something for the right resolution02:55
ograbut it apparently takes the 640x480 version and tries to show it02:56
Kamionogra: I don't think usplash checks the theme's colour depth02:56
ograKamion, no, i know, but we also dont ahve a 640x400 pic 02:56
ograand i didnt expect it to just pick 640x480 :)02:57
=== pips1 looks at the clock and notes that we are 1 h into meeting :)
ograright ...02:58
ograno more artwork from my side 02:59
ogra Memory Edubuntu, being a GNU/Linux based operating system, makes efficient use of memory. The usual formula that's used for adding memory to a thin client server is:02:59
ogra256 + (60 * users) MB02:59
ograwow thats wrong 02:59
ogra(from the handbook)02:59
highvoltagegees, that's very wrong :(03:00
highvoltageit should be closer to 512 + (128 * users)03:00
ograit also explains PXE and etherboot very detailed ... we support both out of the box ... no explanation needed03:00
jsgotangcoi guess they haven't seen jim's server sizing wiki03:00
jsgotangco60MB for gnome heh03:01
highvoltageeven with xfce that's too little these days03:01
flintjsgotangco, icewm maybe...03:01
ograi count on sbalneav here :)03:01
jsgotangcoflint: heh the only place ive seem icewm used in production is with a cash register heh03:02
highvoltageflint: icewm would probably be fine, but things like firefox... not03:02
flintjsgotangco, I like cash!03:02
jsgotangcoRichEd: community side, well on my part, still doing the software thingie on top of edubuntu03:02
flinthighvoltage, I agree the formula is broke...03:02
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RichEdThanks jsgotangco .... just waiting for the sidebar thread to die down.03:03
flintthink that docs need to be tested just like releases...03:03
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cbx33LaserJock: hey dude03:03
LaserJocksorry, sorry, sorry :/03:03
flintRichEd, sorry...03:03
RichEdLaserJock: hi there03:03
pips1ogra: where did you quote that handbook thing from? drupal site or wiki ? link?03:03
RichEdno problem ... 03:04
ograLaserJock, perfectly in time ;)03:04
ograpips1, from the link RichEd gave me03:04
RichEdright : COMMUNITY AND DOCUMENTATION AND WEB -------------03:04
RichEdBy now most you you should know that I am on a drive to find people using any Ubuntu product for Education, and bring them into our community.03:04
pips1ic, thanks03:04
jsgotangcoi cannot do much for this late in the cycle except do some stuff on the webpage since i have access to drupal but someone might be doing that already so03:04
ograright, i was asked from the DC admins that we fix the download page and add all mirrors03:05
ograwe only have one link there03:05
jsgotangcodo we still do release notes and stuff with edubuntu being a special one? (ltsp and all)03:05
ograyes, for the final release03:05
jsgotangcook doable on my side03:06
ografor the milestones we were just covered by the general notes03:06
ograalso note that we have a "prerelease of ltsp 5" now ...03:06
ograits not just muecow or the ubuntu ltsp ;)03:06
jsgotangcofuse and the works03:06
ograwe're officially allowed to call it 5.0pre 03:07
jsgotangcoohhh that's nice03:07
=== jsgotangco takes note
highvoltageogra: is that what the debian version of the ltsp package will be called?03:07
ografeisty will have 5.0 then if we did the final merge steps03:07
pips1jsgotangco: note that I'm not doing any content changes on the drupal site and I don't know anyone that would help, so any help much appreciated. Also, I can't really tell what changed on the technical side in depth, so it would be good for someone to proof read on that side...03:07
jsgotangcopips1: cool let's rock it then03:08
ograhighvoltage, http://wiki.ltsp.org/twiki/bin/view/Ltsp/Ltsp5 its what upstream will call it 03:08
ogradebian and we will just take over the name ...03:08
ograand i'll make sure the package versioning will reflect it in feisty03:09
highvoltageogra: I understand, I'm just wondering where we'll actally see 5.0pre on the edubuntu system.03:09
ograhighvoltage, in the announcements and docs 03:09
highvoltageogra: gotcha03:09
ograthe edgy ltsp is ltsp 5.0pre03:09
ografeisty will be ltsp 5.003:09
ograits important to point out that we didnt do a fork but implemented the next gen ltsp ...03:10
LaserJockOT: is "feisty" offical?03:10
ograguess :P03:10
=== highvoltage guesses not
=== ogra wont say anything more about release names :)
jsgotangcowe'll say "edubuntu 6.10 now has ltsp5.0pre" or something like that03:11
Kamionthere'll be an announcement when it's official03:11
pips1ogra: highvoltage anyone else: do we need to update the website and wiki pages for the release? is there any to do list of sorts?03:11
Fujitsusabdfl mentioned it in one of his specs today.03:11
ograjsgotangco, exactly03:11
highvoltagepips1: yes, the screenshots need to be updated to reflect new artwork and changes in software03:11
highvoltagepips1: ESA will also need an update03:11
ograpips1, i'll try to get a list together ... we should have upgrade notes as well 03:11
ograalso for the people that used ltsp 4.2 with edubuntu ..03:12
ogra(i.e. see the discussion in #edubuntu)03:12
highvoltagepips1: I'm busy rsyncing now, I'll take as much screenshots as possible over the weekend03:12
pips1ESA ?03:12
highvoltageEdubuntu School Advocacy...03:12
RichEdI have nominated willvdl to be the documentation co-ordinator ... to make sure that the handbook and ESA and web etc. all tell the same story.03:12
highvoltagepips1: it's called 'Using Edubuntu' on the website03:13
RichEdHe will not take away the work from each area, but will make sure it all fits cohesively.03:13
RichEdThat's not in place yet, but we need to set up a process of what needs to be checked each release.03:13
RichEdCan I get back to community quickly, and then we can start wrapping ?03:14
pips1ogra: regarding the ltsp 4.2 upgrade notes: it would take me a long time to compile what was said into a guide, so I'd be much better if you are someone who actually understands it, writes the upgrade notes :)03:14
pips1ack, my grammer :)03:15
highvoltagepips1: I could put it into a short technical guide, but I'm a bt pressed for time at the moment to do a nice user-readable one. so if there's someone slightly technical that could read it and dress it up, that would be good.03:15
ograi didnt mean you need to write them :)03:15
pips1and spelling ;-)03:16
highvoltagepips1: absolutelllly03:16
ograRichEd, s/wrapping/EC-ing/03:16
RichEd??? say what ogra ??03:17
pips1ogra is saying in his very own way that we shouldn't wrap yet, but have an EC now03:18
RichEdI needed to just get my community stuff in the open ... let me do that with a cut & paste.03:18
ogra s/// is a code replacement command (you'll see it very often for corrections in -devel)03:19
RichEdBy now most you you should know that I am on a drive to find people using any Ubuntu product for Education, and bring them into our community. I've sent a mail to the edubuntu-devel list asking what Ubuntu people are using and where, and have had quite a few responses already. It is interesting to note that the first response was from a Kubuntu user.03:19
RichEdAlso this sort of thing:03:19
RichEdNews about 5000 student machines installed with dual-boot XP and Ubuntu 6.0603:19
RichEdOr the google transalte version in english03:19
RichEdAnd we've found a really positive pocket of Ubuntu in a High School in the US, in the state of Indiana, which is one of the few States (or only State) which has an open source advocacy policy at government level.03:19
RichEdSo people & projects like the above may be useing a different desktop to us, but they still share many issues in common with us and can give us help from their own experiences.03:20
RiddellRichEd: are you aware of the projects in the canary islands?03:20
RichEdNope Riddell send details !03:20
RichEdFor example, if we are looking for the requirements for Secondary schools for Edubuntu Edgy+1, we can learn a lot from people who have customised a vanilla Ubuntu install with their own selection of applications.03:20
jsgotangcoRichEd: have you seen that edubuntu book in indonesia03:20
RichEdWhich teachers are already using.03:20
RichEdjsgotangco: toosa ... yep03:21
RichEdSo, last few lines:03:21
RichEdI've created: #ubuntu-education03:21
flintRichEd, Maine and New Hampshire are worth mentioning as LTSP areas of use.03:21
RichEdtopic: Ubuntu Education : Education Topics Across any Ubuntu Product : Edubuntu - Kubuntu - Ubuntu - Xubuntu : Ping or mail RichEd : See: https://lists.ubuntu.com/mailman/listinfo/ubuntu-education03:21
RichEdAnd the mail list above ^^^03:21
RichEdI'll be talking to Jono about "advertising the new list" to the locos and #kubuntu and #ubuntu peopke who may be in education03:22
RichEdAnd will fridge it next week.03:22
LaserJockgot a forum?03:23
RichEdPLEASE NOTE that any Edubuntu topics should stay in #edubuntu ... we do not want to fragment the existing community.03:23
RichEdAnyone who joins #ubuntu-education should also stay in #edubuntu !03:23
LaserJockwe (science guys) just got an "Education & Science" subforum on ubuntuforums.org. That might be useful03:23
RichEdLaserJock: under way ... will bring it up nexy week.03:24
pips1LaserJock: not yet, but we are planning on having forums in the new community site...03:24
pips1LaserJock: good to know03:24
RichEdExcellent LaserJock ... we have a lot of resources and people whop are out there, but it is a bit difficult to find them all. A lot of what we are doing will be about a map to existing things.03:24
LaserJocklike there was just a thread asking about apps for high school biology03:25
ograRichEd, you already fragment the community by that step03:25
pips1ogra: ?03:25
RichEdogra: explain ?03:25
=== highvoltage needs to leave in a few minutes
ograwell, you split up into products instead of tasks 03:25
flintRichEd, I agree with ogra even ubuntu-education takes away from this effort03:25
ograubuntu vs edubuntu 03:25
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ograwhile i'd see edubuntu as the point where all educational stuff for *buntu would go on03:26
RichEdit's not about one vs the other, it s about people who are using any ubuntu product in education ... and they will help us improve edubuntu as a niche product which is ready for education out of the box03:26
flintRichEd, keep things simple the Bush administration has taught us a lot about fragmentation...03:26
ograright 03:27
RichEdthe trouble is that we have people who use Kubuntu in education and who go straight to #kubuntu and don't conme near our #edubuntu channel03:27
flintRichEd, the idea is to start at the Edubuntu concept and move into either LTSP or mainstream *buntu.03:27
ograits no complaint, but until now people who would have searched for educational stuff in *buntu would have contacted edubuntu in some way03:27
ograi.e. ML or IRC03:27
RichEdAll educational roads will lead to Edubuntu as the education product.03:28
ograthrough that split we will probably miss stuff03:28
flintRichEd, I will cheerfully tell you when Oliver is wrong.  He is right on in this case.03:28
RichEdThe rest of the users are simply customising a vanilla product for education needs.03:28
ogra(i have ~30 IRC windows open daily and am subscribed to 60 mailing lists ... i wont monitor ubuntu-education much for tech requests for example)03:29
pips1ogra: I don't quite understand why you think *you* will miss stuff? do you mean, you can only put 100% attention to one (irc) channel at the same time?03:29
ograpips1, its not about *me*03:30
highvoltagepips1: depends which client you use, mine can do multi-screen :)03:30
flintRichEd, Edubuntu is your brand.  Be careful you are not creating the equivalent of "New Coke" or Windows Millenium...03:30
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RichEdBut ubuntu-education is not about tech stuff. It is about Education stuff. It is cleary promoted as "above the desktop"03:30
flintRichEd, Edubuntu is not about tech stuff either it is about use of computers in education.03:30
ograbut for the same reason i dont like to have pm discussions about stuff if possible i think its important that everybody sees every discussion 03:30
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ograso splitting conversations over several channels with the same topic but another label might get tricky03:31
LaserJockflint: I disagree03:31
pips1ogra: I know you don't mean that it's all about you, of course not, but I mean you as an example (and important "hub") :)03:31
RichEdflint: we are not creating a new brand or product, just a space to get people into our area03:31
LaserJockflint: Edubuntu, right now, is clearly a distro product03:31
ograpips1, i mean that the discussion about ltsp4.2 upgrades might also be important for you guys ... if i had held it in pm instead of #edubuntu you guys would have missed that 03:32
flintRichEd, why not have #edubunt-implementation?03:32
ograpips1, thats what i mean with missing stuff 03:32
LaserJockbecause the issue isn't edubuntu, the issue is education03:32
RichEdAnd a user using kubuntu in 10 schools will say ... oh that's edubuntu. not me03:32
jsgotangcoi dont get this channel differentiation03:33
flintRichEd, or #edubuntu-for_the_teacher03:33
RichEdAnd a user using kubuntu in 10 schools will say ... oh that's edubuntu. not me03:33
=== cbx33 doesn't get anything anymore :(
cbx33I have to keep running away03:33
jsgotangcowe dont get enough traffic in the main channel at all03:33
pips1ogra: I agree with you about keeping information in the public space as much as possible 100%, I think that pm shouldn't be used unless it makes sense to have privacy03:33
ograsame for the ML03:33
LaserJockthe point is that Edubuntu doesn't encompass *all* of education03:33
RichEdjsgotangco: I can assure you with my hand on my heart that we will bring more people than we take away/03:33
LaserJockit encompasses the Edubuntu distro03:33
ograpips1, right and i think sacttering info isnt much help03:34
jsgotangcoRichEd: i think its easier to drive traffic to 03:34
flintRichEd, I see your point, yet we embrace kubuntu... I just feel that Edubuntu should be inclusive of all variants.03:34
LaserJockogra: I think the idea is to bring no info, not scatter03:34
ograno info ?03:34
jsgotangcoRichEd: i think its easier to drive traffic to #edubuntu and when we have so many people over there that devel coordination is not possible, its the core group that creates a new channel03:34
ograyou mean more info =03:34
RichEdflint & ogra: so what about an education department that uses Edubuntu on the classroom desktop and Ubuntu on the Staff Admin machines and Ubuntu on the edge connectors and Ubuntu on the national Server Farm. Thats's all Ubuntu in Education, but not all Edubuntu.03:35
flintjsgotangco, You make a very good point here.  As a core in a subcategory forms, it can make the decision on its own.03:35
flintRichEd, I firmly believe that it is inclusive and supportable in the #edubuntu forum system. eh?03:36
ograRichEd, right, but if i were the admin of that setup and would have an edu related question i'd mail edubuntu-users or go to the #edubuntu channel03:36
flintEdubuntu bugs as well as all other bugs (eg support) all go to Malone anyway.03:36
RichEdogra: Even the guy in the server farm who runs pure Ubuntu on his education content web servers03:37
jsgotangcoand #edubuntu is a very logical place to go, same with #ubuntu and #kubuntu03:37
flint(actually Oliver fixes them all himself :^)03:37
ograflint, nah, we have a bunch i havent touched :)03:37
flintogra, just kidding...03:38
cbx33ogra: on that note, any I can help with?03:38
jsgotangcowe can just do #edubuntu-devel when the time comes that its needed and it won't be difficult for us since we're not herding everyone03:38
ogracbx33, i think LaserJock has a link to our buglist03:38
flintRichEd, give our words some thought... I thank you for this time.03:38
ograjsgotangco, that was the initial plan if devel related discussions rise 03:38
ograbut currently we dont even have any traffic in #edubuntu03:38
jsgotangcoi think its very logical03:38
LaserJock#edubuntu really only makes sense for people running Edubuntu. It's confusing for somebody who is running Kubuntu or Xubuntu if they should ask questions in #edubuntu (how will they know to go there?) or #kubuntu, etc.03:38
ograat least not noticeable enough to split03:39
jsgotangcoogra: yeah when its needed03:39
highvoltageLaserJock: well said03:39
cbx33LaserJock: got that link?03:39
RichEdNone of this has been a trivial decision there has been a hgue amount of thought and discussion.03:39
LaserJockbut the idea was to not "split" anything03:39
RichEdWe're adding, not subtracting.03:39
jsgotangcowe need traffic03:39
ograwe'll see how it works out ... 03:40
ograbut note that its way harder to colse a channel or mailing list than opening them :)03:40
highvoltageRichEd: I think the effort put into the education part of things is good. I think people will be happy with the new list and channel once they see the results.03:40
RichEdogra ... please note that we understand and respect your concerns ... we are not ignoring them, but taking them into account.03:41
LaserJockcbx33: see: https://launchpad.net/people/edubuntu-bugs/+subscribedbugs plus the +assignedbugs and +packagebugs variants03:41
RichEdI see that 80% of the new communtiy we bring in will be users who were too afraid to join or speak up in techno forum.03:41
ograRichEd, and you please note its no rant or bad criticism ... i just want to point these things out ;)03:41
RichEdnoted :)03:41
=== RichEd shakes hands with ogra and the absent flint
=== ogra hugs RichEd
=== RichEd returns the love
jsgotangcoi dunno lets just see how it comes out03:42
RichEdokay ... I'll step down now and let ogra do the EC and wrap03:42
ograhmm, to sad sbalneav isnt here yet03:43
ograi see pips1 applied for membership :)03:43
=== pips1 feels it was good to get every one chiming in on the channels discussion :)
ograand RichEd wants to be EC member :)03:43
RichEdWell, can I ask any of you who are concerned about the "split" to join the mail list to see for yourself how it evolves ;) 03:44
=== highvoltage doesn't even see it as a split, it's just a next phase
ograRichEd, we will03:44
ograpips1, want to do your three liner introduction ?03:45
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ogra(even though we all know you)03:45
pips1My day job is web developer and ICT coordinator at the university of applied sciences Zurich. I'm particularly interested in the field of usability, information architecture and interaction design.03:45
pips1My contributions so far have been mostly testing the releases and I have taken on the edubuntu.org site admin responsibility from highvoltage.03:45
pips1I'm planning on building a community space where educators and foss developers can interact. The planning has started quite a while ago and has been intensifying recently with the help from RichEd.03:45
=== RichEd comments
ograi can just say that pips1 did and does a substantial amount of Cd tests03:46
ograa very appreciated contribution on my side ...03:46
=== pips1 holds his breath
cbx33pips1: has been a fantastic help to me too03:47
ograapart from that he did an impressive amount of web structuring for us03:47
cbx33wish I could vote dude ;)03:47
RichEd^^ This is a user space ..,. for normal people to talk about their own personal experiences with education issues, without being concerned if the software they are using is Open Source or FOSS or (god forbid) that their school paid for a piece of code.03:47
LaserJockpips1: how long have you been contributing to Edubuntu?03:48
ograi think pips1 was here from the very beginning ...03:48
ograhe was at the first (and only) edubuntu conf as well03:48
pips1well, I have been around ever since the inception, but I have only started becoming more active very recently. my testing started with the very first release of edbuntu, though (cf ML) .)03:49
LaserJockvery cool03:49
RichEdAnd finally, pips1 is ery involved in IT and education ... pedagogical & human behaviour towards technuical, not technical outwards.03:49
ograhow do you think we should improve edubuntu in the future ?03:49
highvoltageI'm of course happy that pips1 can take the edubuntu website forward. I remember the huge amount of testing he did last time too.03:49
ograand what will change for you with your achieved membership status ?03:50
pips1I think we can improve it by bringing it closer to what educators need... 03:50
pips1finding out what they need from them...03:51
highvoltagepips1: If I may ask, what attracts you to Edubuntu? Is it technology in schools that interest you, is it more the educational part, or comminuties in education? (or other:_____)03:51
pips1re membership status, hmm, don't think it will change that much, really. I think it somehow changes how I feel about "belonging" to the community.03:52
pips1highvoltage: all of the above? :)03:52
highvoltagepips1: :)03:53
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pips1I think what is a huge motivational factor is *collaboration*03:53
RichEdfinal cut & paste from a philipp cv: 03:53
RichEdMy day job is web developer and ICT coordinator at the university of03:53
RichEdapplied sciences, Zurich. In my role, I attend national conferences on03:53
RichEdICT and education. 03:53
ograhe just pasted that in his intro ;)03:54
pips1RichEd: thanks, I put that bit onto the wiki page https://wiki.ubuntu.com/PhilippSchroeder03:54
ograany questions for pips1 from anybody else ?03:54
=== highvoltage thinks pips1 have been qualifying for membership for a while already
LaserJocksbalneav: hola03:55
LaserJockI've seen enough :-)03:55
ograme too :)03:55
ograjsgotangco, ??03:55
RichEd=> pips1 will be representing web and community and ICT in eduation at Mountain View03:55
ograhighvoltage, ??03:55
jsgotangcoi have no questions for pips1 i know him well ;)03:55
highvoltageogra: no more questions from me03:55
ograthen lets VOTE ! :)03:55
ograbased on former contributions and awesome testing help, a +1 from me03:56
RichEdRichEd: +103:56
ograwelcome aboard pips1 !03:56
highvoltagepips1: congrats and welcome!03:56
LaserJockpips1: welcome, and I look forward to seeing you at Mountain View03:56
=== RichEd shakes the hand of our newest member
ograyeah, me too03:56
pips1thanks guys!!03:56
=== pips1 is very excited
ograpips1, oh03:57
ograplease apply for membership in the team :)03:57
ograi cant enable you without 03:57
pips1huh? in LP? which team?03:57
=== sbalneav waves to ogra :)
ograseems RichEd is eager to vote as well ;) so lets handle him now 03:58
ograand then sbalneav :)03:58
ograi'd like to propose RichEd as a replacement for JaneW in the EC ... 03:59
ograso we have full voting power again 03:59
jsgotangcodid JaneW signified her intention to drop03:59
ograsince Jane isnt around anymore03:59
jsgotangcoor are we defaulting her03:59
ograwell, she's constantly absent and it doesnt seem to me hse can make any meetings04:00
highvoltagejsgotangco: she did04:00
highvoltageogra: at the last meeting when she had trouble connecting she did manage to let us know that she is willing to pass the EC status on to RichEd04:01
ograi think we all know who RichEd is and what he does04:01
ograhighvoltage, right04:01
=== RichEd it the one that starts fires ;)
ograshe mailed04:01
jsgotangcowell i don't think its really proper to just "pass" something04:01
ograjsgotangco, make another suggestion then 04:01
jsgotangcobut since we run on a majority vote, its proper to just vote for it04:02
highvoltagejsgotangco: right, I phrased that incorrectly, perhaps.04:02
ograjsgotangco, we'll need a 100% vote imho04:02
ograthats why i wanted the whole EC here now04:02
jsgotangcowe're here let's do it :D04:02
LaserJockand why I had to get up so early :-)04:02
ogra+1 from me ... 04:02
highvoltageFrom a practical side, and from RichEd proven dedication the last months, +1 from me too04:02
LaserJockditto, +104:03
jsgotangcoi think its only proper and logical, and also for RichEd to do his functions +104:03
ogragreat, welcome to the EC RichEd !04:03
RichEdthank you all ... I appreciate your support04:03
=== RichEd takes a bow ... I will be your humble servant ...
ograKamion, elmo ? can some CC member please make RichEd an admin for https://launchpad.net/people/edubuntu-members/ ?04:04
jsgotangcook do the logs later04:04
ograi dont have the power04:04
=== RichEd has to start a skype call to Greece ... prebooked meeting
LaserJockRichEd: no go fan some flames ;-)04:04
highvoltageKamion, elmo: and also remove JaneW please04:05
ograKamion, elmo ... and make JaneW a normal member04:05
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highvoltage(sorry, what ogra said)04:05
ograhmm, new EC member and already absent for the vote ... tsk :)04:05
ograsbalneav, on to you ! :)04:06
pips1re absent RichEd: hehe04:06
ograsbalneav, do you have a three liner perpared to introduce yourself ?04:06
pips1RichEd: come back here !04:06
RichEdI'm here ...04:06
pips1you need to vote :)04:06
RichEdfor sbalneav ?04:07
ograRichEd, yes, but not yet ...04:07
sbalneavI'm Scott Balneaves, LTSP developer, and erstwhile Edubuntu contributor.  Major work has included LTSP, working on the edubuntu handbook, localdevices, and going for smokes with Ogra.04:07
RichEd(call postponed for 20 mins)04:07
highvoltagesbalneav: you don't actually smoke, do you? (not that it will affect the vote ;) )04:08
ografor the protocol: sbalneav doesnt smoke he just a nice guy ;)04:08
sbalneavNo, I just stand and chat with ogra.  He does all the smoking :)04:08
LaserJockhighvoltage: second hand smoke04:08
jsgotangcosbalneav: lier, you dont smoke04:08
highvoltageI wouldn't be able to do this vote if I didn't go to UDS Paris04:09
sbalneavTesting, dubugging, etc.  I've done it all.04:09
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highvoltageI was extremely impressed with sbalneav, and it's not often that I'm really that impressed by someone.04:09
sbalneavAlso, convincing highvoltage to never go to subway again.04:09
jsgotangcoit pretty much sucks that edubuntu didn't have a group pic in UDS Paris04:09
ograwe'll care to get one this time ... 04:10
ograwe have a lot of pics though 04:10
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jsgotangcowithout the cool guys?04:10
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ograjust not nicely lined up :)04:10
pips1sbalneav: you are currently staying with ogra, in Germany? 04:10
highvoltageI think the work that he's done is amazing, not only for Ubuntu, but everywhere. His LTSP work is amazing, and he's been filling big gaps in Edubuntu thathas bothered me personally for a while.04:10
ograpips1, nah, i'm in the US occasionally 04:10
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LaserJockhe also completely ruined my nice python script for edubuntu-menus :-)04:11
highvoltageI'll go as far as to say that I'm excited to have sbalneav as part of the team, and that I'm honored to have him here.04:11
sbalneavpips1: no, but ogra and I will be meeting pre MV for LTSP hacking with LTSP.04:11
jsgotangcoi'd vote for sbalneav for listening to pink floyd and being at battersea power station04:11
ogra(even more ++++=04:11
highvoltageeek... </cheerleeding>04:11
highvoltage+1 for sbalneav from me04:11
=== RichEd hands sbalneav a vote of confidence +1
ogra+1 from my side as well04:11
ograLaserJock, jsgotangco ?? anby questions left open from your sides ?04:12
jsgotangcosbalneav: make ltsp5 rock04:12
LaserJock+1 for dedication to Edubuntu and the educational community, significant and sustained for sure04:12
ograwelcome sbalneav !04:13
highvoltagesbalneav: welcome, and thank you04:13
cbx33damn I wish i could vote04:13
highvoltagecbx33: you can still cheerleed!04:13
jsgotangcogo ahead for the record04:13
ograthere we go, approved in LP04:13
highvoltageEdubuntu Members LP page is starting to look more and more decent04:13
ograsbalneav, joy your edubuntu.org mail address :)04:13
ograhighvoltage, right, we're starting to grow 04:14
pips1ogra: how does the mail address work?04:14
highvoltagepips1: it will forward to your e-mail address specified in launchpad04:14
ograit forwards to the one you set in LP04:15
=== highvoltage is about 30 minutes late for a meeting, got to run
ogranixternal is applying for membership as well btw04:15
LaserJockcya highvoltage04:15
ograbut he's not here atm i think04:15
ograso lets finish off04:15
pips1highvoltage: we'll need to talk about updating website todo... 04:15
highvoltageciao LaserJock and other Edubuntutites04:15
ograanything left ? 04:15
ogragoing once04:15
jsgotangcoit works?04:15
highvoltagepips1: ok, ping me a bit later04:16
jsgotangcoi haven't even tried it04:16
ogragoing twice ....04:16
cbx33is nixternal around?04:16
ograadjourned :)04:16
ograthanks everybody04:16
RichEdthanks all ...04:16
RichEdcbx33: I'll mail logs to you04:16
cbx33thanks RichEd 04:16
pips1thanks for all of your support, folks!04:16
pips1I feel honored04:17
cbx33you deserve it pips1 04:17
=== RichEd ++
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=== sbalneav dances.
sbalneavI'd like to thank the academy04:17
=== RichEd starts the music
sbalneavDo I need to do something?04:17
=== sbalneav hands RichEd, LaserJock, highvoltage, jsgotangco, and ogra their bribe money packets.
=== pips1 claps the beat
=== RichEd beats the clap ;)
=== cbx33 dances
=== ogra quickly hides it in his pocket
LaserJocksbalneav: oh, I just know I'll find some good food in Mountain View if I follow you ;-)04:18
jsgotangcothat's right04:19
ograwho gave pips1 eternal membership ?04:19
=== jeang [n=jeang@dsl-145-26-203.telkomadsl.co.za] has joined #ubuntu-meeting
LaserJockI should start a wiki page, "Secrets to surviving a UDS" ;-)04:19
sbalneavLaserJock: :)04:20
LaserJock1. If you want to eat well, follow an LTSP guy04:20
jsgotangco2. if you want to be in cool places, follow an LTSP guy04:20
jsgotangco3. Raw meat is always not so good04:21
pips1ogra: ??04:21
ograpips1, membership is time limited and needs to be renewed ... 04:22
ograevery 2 years ...04:22
pips1ogra: oh, I was talking about membership time in LP for the edubunt-website team.. 04:22
ograhighvoltage switched that feature off when he approved you in the LP team04:22
pips1with highvoltage04:22
pips1so you are saying the default policy is to set a membership to 2 years? for any LP team?04:23
ograat least for the -members teams and the -dev teams04:23
ografor others its up to the team lead04:23
pips1and you can't limit the membership once it was set?04:23
ograi did change it 04:24
pips1right, ok04:24
ograand granted you an extra day :)04:24
=== ogra takes a break ...
pips1ogra: we really need to get that todo list for the online docs together, should I prepare a wiki page or will you do it?04:25
pips1ack.. he's gone04:25
LaserJockis the meeting ajourned?04:25
pips1I think so, not sure04:27
=== ..[topic/#ubuntu-meeting:Ubugtu] : Calendar: http://fridge.ubuntu.com/event | Logs: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MeetingLogs/ | 23 Oct 19:00 UTC: Accessibility Team | 25 Oct 20:00 UTC: Edubuntu | 07 Nov 20:00 UTC: Technical Board
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Kamionogra,highvoltage: done04:42
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highvoltageKamion: kewl. thanks.05:13
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ograKamion, thx05:34
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Expressbenc'est fois ci c'est bon :D :/06:42
Expressbenje bon ben je crois que j'ai drang pour pas grand chose....06:44
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KamionExpress: ceci n'est pas un channel franais; c'est seul pour les runions au sujet Ubuntu06:49
Kamion(excuse my terrible French)06:49
=== jono [n=jono@88-107-14-218.dynamic.dsl.as9105.com] has left #ubuntu-meeting ["Ex-Chat"]
ExpressKamion= sincerelly sorry excuse for that ;) :) D06:50
nixternalhehe, Kamion, that is why i love google, it always helps me out in times of need ;)06:52
nixternal@schedule chicago06:52
UbugtuSchedule for America/Chicago: 23 Oct 14:00: Accessibility Team | 25 Oct 15:00: Edubuntu | 07 Nov 14:00: Technical Board06:52
nixternalwow, rest of the month is rather lax06:52
KamionTB and Ubuntu development meetings are cancelled for the next week-and-a-bit due to the Edgy release06:53
ToadstoolKamion: I've seen far more terrible French, even by French guys :)07:00
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