=== KristeK [n=KristeK@a83-132-52-54.cpe.netcabo.pt] has joined #ubuntu-server === KristeK [n=KristeK@a83-132-52-54.cpe.netcabo.pt] has left #ubuntu-server [] [01:19] duh? === jsgotangco [n=jsg123@ubuntu/member/jsgotangco] has joined #ubuntu-server === KurtKraut [n=ktk@unaffiliated/kurtkraut] has joined #ubuntu-server === nictuku [n=yves@ubuntu/member/nictuku] has joined #ubuntu-server === thefish [n=thefish@unaffiliated/thefish] has joined #ubuntu-server === ivoks [n=ivoks@ubuntu/member/ivoks] has joined #ubuntu-server === lbm [n=lbm@] has joined #ubuntu-server === ivoks [n=ivoks@wall2.grad.hr] has joined #ubuntu-server === tmarble [n=tmarble@user-0cdvpct.cable.mindspring.com] has joined #ubuntu-server === cmazzetti [n=chatzill@] has joined #ubuntu-server === cmazzetti [n=chatzill@] has joined #ubuntu-server === thefish [n=thefish@unaffiliated/thefish] has joined #ubuntu-server === ToonArmy [n=chris@Lafrowda-17.ex.ac.uk] has joined #ubuntu-server === CarlFK [n=carl@c-24-13-53-221.hsd1.il.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu-server === jsgotangco [n=jsg123@ubuntu/member/jsgotangco] has joined #ubuntu-server === grenegar [n=renegarg@net35.arts.umanitoba.ca] has joined #ubuntu-server === mgalvin [n=mgalvin@cpe-74-67-44-20.nycap.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu-server === ToonArmy [n=chris@Lafrowda-2.ex.ac.uk] has joined #ubuntu-server === mpathy [n=mm@dslb-084-056-186-218.pools.arcor-ip.net] has joined #ubuntu-server [06:14] Hi.. Is there some kind of release announcement for the 6.10 Ubuntu-Server? [06:15] I doubt it, since it's not been released. [06:15] (edgy isn't released yet) [06:18] Yes, but something already prepared like at Ubuntu and Kubuntu [06:29] Nah, we didn't do an announce for the RC. [06:29] It was released, though. Same directory. [06:30] Feel free to test it. [06:30] And report bugs to me. :) [06:30] Don't expect any stellar changes or cool new stuff. -server got very little love this cycle, as I expect any sane server admins to keep running dapper. [06:36] THAT would be an information for a Release Announcement :P ;) [06:37] The final release announcement will include an encouragement for people to consider keeping dapper, due to the 5 years' support and months we spent stabilising it, yes. [06:38] The RC announcement already said something like that for the desktop users, though not all that strongly-worded. [06:38] okay ;) its because I set up a new server end of the month so I thought about using edgy but okay, I'll use dapper ;) [06:38] But we are generally encouraging anyone who needs long term support and solid stability to shy away from edgy. It was meant to be a "fun" "break the world" release, not something to base an enterprise network on. [06:41] perhaps it should be considerd to release ubuntu-server online on LTR ;) [06:42] -online +only [06:45] It's always online-only, we don't ship -server CDs in shipit. [06:45] Or if we do, that new and I'm not aware of it. [06:45] s/that/that's/ [06:53] infinity: I meant only not online sorry [06:53] I meant server editions only at LTRs [07:02] Oh, I see what you mean. [07:02] No, we'll continue to release it with regular Ubuntu releases, but I will make sure the release announcement has some wording to encourage people to stick with dapper unless they really want/need edgy. [07:02] (Which they might for hardware support, if nothing else) === Znuff [i=ibm86@] has joined #ubuntu-server [07:11] Hello. How does one exactly install ubuntu-server? provided that it has the ubuntu 6.06 cd image? === porkpie [n=mark@cpc1-bsfd5-0-0-cust929.cmbg.cable.ntl.com] has joined #ubuntu-server [07:14] Well, one would assume you have the ubuntu-server ISO, not the plain ubuntu one? [07:14] If not, then go back to step 1. :) [07:14] that's a flaw [07:15] I always thought it's actually the same platform, but without -desktop packages [07:15] guess I was wrong [07:16] It is the same, but the installation media is different. [07:16] Mainly to install different kernels, and ship different package sets. [07:16] You can, however, do a no-frills install from an ubuntu alternate CD, then swap kernels, and you're pretty much there. [07:17] You can't even hope to do a server install from the desktop/live CD (the one we ship with shipit), because its installer isn't really bright enough to make that happen. [07:17] was actually trying to take "downloading another iso" out of the ecuation [07:17] hi guy's ... just tried the latest release /ubuntu-6.10-rc-server-amd64.iso on a Dell Poweredge 1950 The install now see's the logical drive and installs but on reboot it hangs loading the kernel and I get Alert! /dev/sda1 doesn't exist Dropping into shell [07:18] infinity, and I'm reading that there are issues with already-set-up lvm groups?! [07:18] porkpie: Are we missing a driver in the initrd, maybe? [07:18] infinity:how can I check [07:19] porkpie: After the install, but before the reboot, you can check to see which driver is being used. (at another virtual console in the installer) [07:19] Then check to see if we're actually including it in the initramfs when it drops you to a shell. :) [07:20] infinity:I am in the initramfs shell now [07:20] it should include the megaraid_sas driver [07:20] As a general rule, if the installer works, but the installed system claims not to find your root drive, we either have a subtle bug somewhere that'll be a pain to find, or we're missing a driver. The latter is far more likely (and far easier to fix) [07:20] porkpie: cat /proc/modules and see if it's loaded. [07:20] porkpie: If not, try to modprobe it manually, and see if it exists. [07:21] porkpie: If it exists but isn't being loaded, we have a problem. If it doesn't exist at all, we have a different problem. If it's loaded but not working, problem number 3. [07:21] Find out which problem it is, and then we'll talk. [07:22] infinity, regarding the "known issue" with already set-up lvm groups in the desktop cd... does the bug still exist in the server cd? [07:22] infinity:sorry what the syntax for modeprobe ...I normally use FreeBSD :( [07:22] Znuff: No, the desktop CD's partitioner is defficient. The server CD uses debian-installer, which is much more robust. [07:22] porkpie: modprobe megaraid_sas [07:22] then I guess I'm ok [07:23] infinity:module megaraid_sas not found [07:23] damn this will be a pain in the ass, download at 55k/s =( of all these days the FO could break... [07:23] porkpie: A quick glance here looks like we're just missing the module. [07:24] porkpie: Yeah. So, simple fix. [07:25] porkpie: You can boot the CD in recovery mode, mount your root partition, chroot to it, then "echo 'megaraid_sas' >> /etc/initramfs-tools/modules" and "update-initramfs -u" [07:25] porkpie: Then you should be able to boot fine. [07:25] porkpie: If that works, tell me, and I'll add it to the SCSI module list (so no one else has to do that hack) [07:25] infinity:just doing it .....I have done that so many times [07:26] infinity:it also not seeing the network interfaces either [07:26] bnx2 drivers [07:26] The installer isn't? [07:26] yeah the installer [07:26] Curious. [07:27] I don't know much about that driver, mind you. [07:29] infinity:do I use chroot /target [07:31] infinity:hmm! it will not let me add the module [07:34] infinity:ok JUST REBOOTING [07:37] infinity, ubuntu uses mysql4 or 5? [07:40] Znuff: 5. [07:40] oh, then no change to the format of backup is needed [07:41] (base)adconrad@cthulhu:~$ apt-cache show mysql-server | grep ^Depends [07:41] Depends: mysql-server-5.0 [07:43] infinity:It has booted now and I have got the interface up and have ran the apt-get update. I am now trying to install ssh but it keeps looking for the cdrom ...also gedit is coming back with commad not found [07:44] porkpie: Okay, we're well in the realm of "support questions" now. :) [07:45] If it's looking for the CD-ROM, and you don't like that, remove the cdrom entry from /etc/apt/sources.list, and gedit better not be found, since it's a GUI app, and ubuntu-server doesn't install X. [07:46] so, I've backed up sql, /etc, named, and now files [07:46] anywhere I should look for something else? === ChaosFan [i=sithjanu@faui01.informatik.uni-erlangen.de] has joined #ubuntu-server === KurtKraut [n=ktk@unaffiliated/kurtkraut] has joined #ubuntu-server [08:42] How can I run an identd ? [08:43] I've installed nullidentd and properly set in /etc/inetd.conf but I have no clue how it should be runned. [08:43] If it runs from inetd, you don't need to "run" it at all. [08:43] inetd will spawn it when connection attempts come in. === infinity decides this is the right time (5am) to go to bed. [08:44] infinity, when I run xchat and connect to freenode for instance it never gets my id. [08:44] the same for all IRC networks. [08:44] So I suppose it does not run when it should run [08:52] does debbootstrap and cdebootstrap work now as it worked on Debian - but for Ubuntu? [08:52] (sorry for my weird english *g*) [08:52] anyone has any clue how I can configure a identd to reply to IRC servers ? === ivoks [n=ivoks@3-128.dsl.iskon.hr] has joined #ubuntu-server === ToonArmy [n=chris@Lafrowda-12.ex.ac.uk] has joined #ubuntu-server === DJ_Mirage [n=martijn@biggetje.xs4all.nl] has joined #ubuntu-server === Ries [n=Ries@] has joined #ubuntu-server [11:14] are there any lvm2 configuration tools? [11:17] "lvm" perhaps? [11:23] Znuff: yeaa just found it ...stupid me [11:23] I just did add this line to my fstab: /dev/vg1/lv1 /opt xfs defaults,errors=remount-ro 0 1 [11:23] I also see soem stuff about uuid.... I never seen that :) [11:23] Ries, read up on the LVM howto at tldp.org [11:23] Znuff: it's working already... and xfs is install on top of lvm.. [11:24] I'm taking care of LVM these days too [11:24] what is the uuid about and do I need it? [11:24] no, you don't [11:25] is the uuid ubuntu specific, or is it used anywehre else? [11:26] Ries: that's the "new and intuitive way" ;) [11:26] of adressing devices [11:26] ChaosFan: is it a do or don't ? [11:26] at teh current point? [11:26] it wants to become a do [11:26] i personally don't like it [11:26] it's interesting, anyway :P [11:26] uuids are too long =/ [11:26] exactly ;) [11:27] mounting the partition/disk wherever on the bus is located sounds nice for me [11:27] hahah... ok, I think I can leave it for now [11:27] since I don't see myself moving drives... [11:28] I mean, I don't think there's another usefull thing for UUIDs, or am I wrong? [11:28] Znuff: when i saw the first uuid i decided for myself not to use it or investigate on its uses until i'm forced to ;) [11:29] I think you can use a label aswell [11:30] I never set labels [11:31] never seen it :s [11:32] installers usually set labels :) === DJ_Mirage [n=martijn@biggetje.xs4all.nl] has joined #ubuntu-server