=== tormod [n=tormod@80-219-112-71.dclient.hispeed.ch] has left #ubuntu-devel ["Ex-Chat"] | ||
mconnor | Kamion: so really, my answer to that is to get involved with upstream maintenance, to see bugs as they land etc | 12:08 |
mconnor | (about controlling what goes in) | 12:08 |
mconnor | Kamion: re MUA, you'd think so | 12:09 |
mconnor | but really no | 12:09 |
Kamion | that's fair, and I know Ian's been trying - it's a big learning curve for somebody who never touched Mozilla source before joining Ubuntu though | 12:09 |
mconnor | a lot of people use thunderbird, a lot of others use mail.app/outlook/gmail/random | 12:09 |
fschoep | Kamion: suppose I could fix bug 66107 in a few minutes, could we do something with it for the release? | 12:10 |
Ubugtu | Malone bug 66107 in usplash-theme-ubuntu "Placeholder Theme is a Regression" [Wishlist,In progress] http://launchpad.net/bugs/66107 | 12:10 |
mconnor | Kamion: that's part of the thing that scares me | 12:10 |
Kamion | good developer-oriented changelogs would really help, though | 12:10 |
Kamion | mconnor: not every distro can hire Mozilla hackers right off the bat | 12:10 |
mconnor | Kamion: well | 12:10 |
sfllaw | Riddell: Is the kubuntu desktop CD supposed to do WinFOSS under Windows? | 12:10 |
sfllaw | Because it sort of fails to. | 12:10 |
mconnor | Kamion: sure, we're recruiting them first ;) | 12:10 |
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mconnor | Kamion: its more that its a hard codebase to learn, and its hard for people on the outside to evaluate | 12:11 |
Kamion | mconnor: so really Mozilla needs to be working on the assumption that its downstreams are bootstrapping as best they can, but need guidance | 12:11 |
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mconnor | Kamion: i.e. there's like four people in the world who really understand the JS engine, if they say its safe, I believe them, because they have a very strong track record | 12:11 |
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Kamion | fschoep: probably, yes | 12:12 |
mconnor | Kamion: problem is, detailed changelogs and checkin comments make it pretty easy for black hats to figure out what's changing :) | 12:12 |
Kamion | it would be OK for the detailed changelogs and checkin comments to only become visible to the world after the release is unembargoed | 12:13 |
Riddell | sfllaw: yes | 12:13 |
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fschoep | Kamion: OK. I can only fix the artwork part (provide new PNGs), I'd need someone else to update the version number and upload it. Do you know someone who could do that for me? | 12:13 |
mconnor | Kamion: sure, but even better is to just watch the bugs as they happen, and instead of diverging, influence our changes :) | 12:13 |
Kamion | fschoep: I guess I can munge it into shape | 12:13 |
fschoep | Kamion: will you be here for another fifteen minutes? | 12:14 |
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Kamion | mconnor: I recognise that's the ideal, but do remember that distro packagers aren't working anywhere near full-time on Mozilla - Ian for example has a number of other significant projects | 12:14 |
Kamion | and yet sometimes we have urgent pressures of our own which we need to have the flexibility to be able to deal with in-house in a hurry | 12:15 |
Kamion | which free software gives us :) | 12:15 |
Kamion | fschoep: yeah | 12:16 |
fschoep | Kamion: OK, great - I'll be back in a jiffy with the new stuff | 12:16 |
fschoep | Well, not exactly new, but updated | 12:16 |
mconnor | Kamion: yeah, it just makes it harder for us to say that Ubuntu's Firefox == Mozilla's Firefox, which is the big problem | 12:17 |
Kamion | right, I don't think I want to get into that particular debate at 11:15pm on a Friday night :-) | 12:17 |
Kamion | (I've stayed resolutely out of it so far) | 12:18 |
=== Wikipedia-Gast90 [i=JavaUser@84-73-115-78.dclient.hispeed.ch] has joined #ubuntu-devel | ||
Wikipedia-Gast90 | why | 12:18 |
keescook | fabbione, infinity: I'm packaging the security-fixed nvidia driver (8774->8776). debuild -S doesn't like me. :) | 12:19 |
Wikipedia-Gast90 | keescook sucks | 12:19 |
Kamion | oh, wow, we have an nvidia fix? Excellent. | 12:19 |
ajmitch | yes, they were good enough to get 8776 out | 12:19 |
Wikipedia-Gast90 | Kamion sucks | 12:19 |
Wikipedia-Gast90 | ajmitch sucks | 12:19 |
keescook | Kamion: yeah, they just released it. the -legacy one isn't vulnerable, they say, which is nice. | 12:20 |
Wikipedia-Gast90 | keescook: you suck | 12:20 |
ajmitch | just 8762 & 8774, wasn't it? | 12:20 |
=== keescook wonders where the chan ops are. | ||
Wikipedia-Gast90 | ajmitch sucks | 12:20 |
Wikipedia-Gast90 | keescool: the ops are in your ass | 12:20 |
keescook | ajmitch: yup. | 12:20 |
Wikipedia-Gast90 | keescook is gay | 12:20 |
mconnor | Kamion: afaict, following 1.5.0.* branch is like a bug or two a day, seems easier to spread out than big bang when we release :) | 12:21 |
Wikipedia-Gast90 | mconnor sucks | 12:21 |
keescook | ajmitch: I meant that 7184 isn't vuln. | 12:21 |
=== gdh would like to thank Gentoo for sending a representative to -devel :) | ||
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pygi | Wikipedia-Gast90: you'll be kicked | 12:21 |
ajmitch | keescook: right, what does dapper have? | 12:21 |
mconnor | I didn't see the other spam, I figured it was just a debian user | 12:21 |
Wikipedia-Gast90 | pygi sucks | 12:21 |
pygi | Wikipedia-Gast90: I seriously suggest you stop! | 12:22 |
mconnor | pygi: its a script/bot, yeesh | 12:22 |
Wikipedia-Gast90 | pygi sucks | 12:22 |
jk | he's messing up other channels as well | 12:22 |
mconnor | kline! | 12:22 |
Wikipedia-Gast90 | jk sucks | 12:22 |
pygi | mconnor: o joy! | 12:22 |
=== gasbag [n=gasbag@68-116-196-5.dhcp.oxfr.ma.charter.com] has joined #ubuntu-devel | ||
Wikipedia-Gast90 | pygi is a retard | 12:22 |
_ion | Don't i suck? Even a little? :-( | 12:23 |
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keescook | anyway, debuild -S doesn't like the new .run files. Do I need to create a new .orig file to get the stuff in there? | 12:23 |
Riddell | nalioth: Wikipedia-Gast90 | 12:23 |
Wikipedia-Gast90 | no, you are a worthless slime | 12:23 |
=== mode/#ubuntu-devel [+b *!*@84-73-115-78.dclient.hispeed.ch] by nalioth | ||
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Kamion | keescook: what's the error message exactly? | 12:24 |
keescook | Kamion: dpkg-source: cannot represent change to nvidia/NVIDIA-Linux-x86_64-1.0-8776-pkg2.run: binary file contents changed | 12:24 |
keescook | but looking at the .diff.gz I realize that this is actually something in the .orig. | 12:24 |
Kamion | keescook: you need a new .orig.tar.gz, certainly | 12:25 |
keescook | okay | 12:25 |
Kamion | keescook: or else you have to uuencode it | 12:25 |
mdz | Kamion: I think skip it | 12:25 |
Kamion | mdz: ok. I'd done the change just in case; it's not pretty :( | 12:25 |
sfllaw | Riddell: Will file a bug and target at ubuntu-6.10 | 12:26 |
Riddell | sfllaw: it doesn't work? | 12:26 |
mconnor | Kamion: biggest problem is trying to figure out what is the exact nature of the changes you're looking to avoid, and I guess I don't get the split between -updates and -security completely, i.e. does a fix for a regression for a security bug go to -security? | 12:26 |
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sfllaw | Riddell: It doesn't. | 12:27 |
Kamion | mconnor: yes, a fix for a -security regression would also go to -security, but would generally receive increased scrutiny just because it had been got wrong before | 12:27 |
sfllaw | Trying to install merely opens a .lch text file. | 12:27 |
sfllaw | It does not actually run the installer. | 12:27 |
Riddell | sfllaw: install anything? | 12:27 |
sfllaw | Nope. | 12:27 |
sfllaw | Let's say I click the "Install" icon for KDE-PIM. | 12:27 |
sfllaw | I get: | 12:27 |
sfllaw | [Launch] | 12:27 |
mconnor | Kamion: are there any cases of fixes Ubuntu hasn't taken that I can look at in launchpad? | 12:28 |
sfllaw | ExecuteFile=${cwd}\..\programs\kdepim\KdepimSetup.exe | 12:28 |
sfllaw | Whereas I expect KdepimSetup.exe to be executed. | 12:28 |
mconnor | Kamion: trying to wrap my head around this better, since we have a brand new maintenance branch and its easy to amend policy (i.e. 1.0.* was painfully strict on security, and as a result some annoying crashes or bad behaviours were never fixed) | 12:29 |
Riddell | sfllaw: ug | 12:29 |
sfllaw | Is this a casper bug? | 12:30 |
sfllaw | Or some other package? | 12:30 |
Riddell | sfllaw: winfoss is winfoss, not sure where you file it | 12:30 |
fschoep | Kamion: just a few more minutes | 12:30 |
sfllaw | Riddell: I'll leave it in casper for now. | 12:31 |
Riddell | sfllaw: I don't think tfheen will that you for that | 12:31 |
sfllaw | I guess not. | 12:31 |
TMM | Kamion: I think I might have found the offending openoffice.org patch :) rebuilding now... | 12:31 |
sfllaw | But it is a bug that I found. | 12:31 |
sfllaw | On the LiveCD. | 12:31 |
Riddell | sfllaw: just don't specify a package and make sure heno is subscribed | 12:32 |
Kamion | mconnor: mdz probably has all the good examples of that | 12:32 |
=== mode/#ubuntu-devel [-b *!*@84-73-115-78.dclient.hispeed.ch] by nalioth | ||
Kamion | fschoep: thanks | 12:32 |
sfllaw | Riddell: heno? OK. | 12:33 |
keescook | within the nvidia subdir there is a debian.binary with it's own changelog. It looks like it hasn't been touched since Sep 2005. Should I ignore that file, or does it need an entry for the nvidia update too? | 12:33 |
Kamion | sfllaw: wonder if it's yet another thing being confused by /filesystem.squashfs/ | 12:33 |
sfllaw | Unknown. | 12:34 |
sfllaw | I can read the programs directory though. | 12:34 |
sfllaw | And run the setup programs. | 12:34 |
sfllaw | So I think it's probably a MIME type thingy. | 12:34 |
sfllaw | Opening as text instead of launching ExecuteFile. | 12:34 |
Kamion | sfllaw: live CD specific, though? | 12:35 |
sfllaw | Well, WinFOSS isn't anywhere else, right? | 12:35 |
Kamion | oh. winfoss. sorry, thought you meant Kubuntu proper | 12:35 |
sfllaw | Kubuntu WinFOSS. | 12:36 |
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Kamion | right, what Riddell said then | 12:36 |
Kamion | mdz: ok to punt all the new artwork through unapproved? | 12:37 |
mdz | Kamion: yes | 12:37 |
Kamion | figured that'd be a no-brainer ... | 12:37 |
sfllaw | Kamion: Make sure it's pretty! | 12:38 |
sfllaw | :) | 12:38 |
Kamion | mm, 'cos the queue interface makes it so easy for me to check that. :) | 12:38 |
claviola | okay, this is a weird question, but... I tried to run "unrar" on a machine and got a warning that I should install either "unrar" or "unrar-nonfree" to have unrar on my machine. The thing is, which program is displaying that message? There is *no* unrar on my box at all | 12:38 |
claviola | this is creepy. | 12:38 |
ajmitch | claviola: magic | 12:39 |
claviola | what are you guys up to? :-P | 12:39 |
ajmitch | aka 'command-not-found' | 12:39 |
claviola | ajmitch: oh. how does that work? can you link me to something? | 12:39 |
ajmitch | all I know of it is the spec name | 12:40 |
micahcowan | claviola, type "type unrar". | 12:40 |
Kamion | I think it's a bash hook linking up to Contents files, or something similar | 12:40 |
claviola | micahcowan: bash: type: unrar: not found | 12:41 |
claviola | that's what is creepy. | 12:41 |
ajmitch | claviola: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/CommandNotFoundMagic | 12:41 |
claviola | of course I realized something else was doing that on purpose expectedly, I'm just curious how it's done. it's a nice touch | 12:41 |
Kamion | claviola: yeah, the bash hook gets called if you actually run the program | 12:42 |
ajmitch | and I was right - it even uses magic in the spec name | 12:42 |
Kamion | it's probably best that it doesn't show up in type, so that scripts don't get confused | 12:42 |
Kamion | claviola: I hope unrar still exits non-zero? | 12:42 |
micahcowan | claviola, running edgy? | 12:42 |
claviola | it exits 0 | 12:42 |
Kamion | ! | 12:42 |
Kamion | that seems like a bug to me - surely that will break scripts | 12:43 |
claviola | sure will | 12:43 |
Kamion | one reason I don't want to promote it to main and have it in desktop for edgy at this stage | 12:43 |
micahcowan | That hook's a Debian extension, apparently. | 12:43 |
micahcowan | Was wondering why I didn't know about it. | 12:43 |
Kamion | claviola: could you file that as a bug? | 12:44 |
claviola | Kamion: sure, why not | 12:45 |
wasabi | Um. automake/conf assistance: requried file ./compile not found. Not understanding this. | 12:45 |
claviola | what's an easy way to determine if a system is dapper or edgy, btw? /etc/debian_version is the same old 'testing/unstable' | 12:46 |
Kamion | claviola: lsb_release | 12:46 |
=== bluefoxicy buhs as firefox repeatedly crashes. | ||
claviola | ok | 12:46 |
gdh | claviola: base it on the version of libc ? | 12:46 |
Kamion | we deliberately don't change debian_version because there are programs that fall back to that for distribution detection, and if they don't have anything specific for Ubuntu then Debian unstable is probably as good a bet as anything else | 12:46 |
Kamion | gdh: don't do that, please | 12:46 |
Kamion | lsb_release is the interface we provide for this | 12:46 |
gdh | I thought that was a lame idea :) | 12:47 |
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lucasvo | Kamion: ping | 12:47 |
Kamion | lucasvo: Rather than just pinging me, please tell me what you want and I'll reply when I'm around. | 12:47 |
Kamion | but of course it depends why you want to know which distribution is there | 12:47 |
lucasvo | Kamion: what is the gfxboot-theme-ubuntu for, you packaged? | 12:47 |
lucasvo | Kamion: the makefile doesn't seem to work | 12:47 |
fschoep | Kamion: shall I e-mail the PNGs to you? | 12:48 |
Kamion | lucasvo: it's used on the boot screen of every Ubuntu/Kubuntu/Edubuntu/Xubuntu CD | 12:48 |
Kamion | lucasvo: use dpkg-buildpackage | 12:48 |
Kamion | fschoep: yes please | 12:48 |
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Kamion | lucasvo: the Makefile should work fine provided that you install the build-dependencies, though; debian/rules just calls make | 12:49 |
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fschoep | Kamion: sent as "usplash-theme-ubuntu-0.4 PNGs", thanks in advance | 12:51 |
lucasvo | Kamion: it has a problem with: make -C po: no such file or directory | 12:51 |
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lucasvo | Kamion: I can't find the command or a package called dpkg-buildpackage :( | 12:53 |
Kamion | lucasvo: well, that directory is certainly there | 12:53 |
Kamion | lucasvo: sudo apt-get install build-essential devscripts fakeroot | 12:53 |
Kamion | (strictly just dpkg-dev, but you might as well have the rest if you're going to be building packages) | 12:53 |
lucasvo | Kamion: is it relative to the current path? | 12:53 |
Kamion | is what relative? | 12:54 |
lucasvo | because /usr/share/gfxboot-ubuntu-theme/ does not have a subfolder po | 12:54 |
Kamion | lucasvo: oh, don't run it in there, that's a known bug | 12:54 |
lucasvo | Kamion: the po-dir | 12:54 |
gdh | lucasvo: You're getting the error because 'make' is not installed | 12:54 |
Kamion | gdh: no he's not | 12:54 |
gdh | no? erps :) | 12:54 |
Kamion | lucasvo: I know about that bug - just ignore the source files in there. only the bootlogo.tar.gz is really useful in that binary package | 12:55 |
Kamion | lucasvo: if you want to build it from source, 'apt-get source gfxboot-theme-ubuntu' | 12:55 |
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lucasvo | E: Could not open file /var/lib/apt/lists/ch.archive.ubuntu.com_ubuntu_dists_edgy_universe_source_Sources - open (2 No such file or directory) | 12:58 |
lucasvo | strange | 12:58 |
lucasvo | I already apt-get source-d already packages | 12:58 |
Kamion | you've changed /etc/apt/sources.list since, by the looks of things; 'sudo apt-get update' | 12:59 |
gdh | possible that the ch. mirror isn't .. mirroring edgy yet? :/ | 12:59 |
Kamion | $ HEAD http://ch.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/dists/edgy/universe/source/Sources.gz | 01:00 |
Kamion | 200 OK | 01:00 |
gdh | :) | 01:00 |
lucasvo | no, I didn't | 01:00 |
Kamion | well, I expect 'sudo apt-get update' will fix that, anyway | 01:01 |
lucasvo | no it doesn't that's the problem | 01:01 |
lucasvo | :) | 01:01 |
Kamion | lucasvo: I'm not sure what you're going to get out of this exercise, though. :-) What are you trying to do with gfxboot-theme-ubuntu? Just curious? | 01:02 |
lucasvo | I was trying to install it with my grub. but I really don't know if that works | 01:03 |
Kamion | it won't work at all | 01:04 |
Kamion | sorry | 01:04 |
lucasvo | is the livecd using grub at all? | 01:04 |
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lucasvo | Kamion: anyway thanks for the help | 01:05 |
Kamion | no, the live CD uses syslinux for its boot screen | 01:05 |
Kamion | fschoep: just upgrading my laptop first so that I can test this | 01:08 |
fschoep | Kamion: no problem | 01:08 |
fschoep | it is very dependent on the screen settings | 01:08 |
fschoep | on my screen I don't normally see the problem, but it is there | 01:09 |
Kamion | this laptop has a 1280x854 panel, so it's usually easy to see not-quite-black rectangles | 01:10 |
fschoep | OK, but the non-black colors are very dark, but I know you know what you're talking about | 01:11 |
Kamion | yeah, may depend on my eyesight too | 01:12 |
fschoep | I must admit I didn't see a problem, but with gamma at 4.0 I can clearly see the issue :-) | 01:12 |
_ion | The new splash is quite okayish. A lot better than the temporary one. | 01:18 |
pygi | _ion: right (I wont enter any discussions), but it's change at last minute once again :P | 01:19 |
pygi | same as always ^_^ | 01:19 |
_ion | :-) | 01:20 |
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fschoep | Kamion: any luck with it yet? | 01:34 |
Kamion | fschoep: upgrade still running ... | 01:36 |
fschoep | Kamion: ETA? | 01:36 |
fschoep | Kamion: It's just that it's 01:36 here and I can imagine more peaceful things to do :) | 01:37 |
fschoep | But I'd like to be on stand by if the need arrives | 01:37 |
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Kamion | yeah, I know, I want to go to bed too - upgrade should be finished inside the next few minutes, then I'll reboot, then shove in the new artwork and reboot again | 01:38 |
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fschoep | Kamion: OK, thanks - I didn't mean to keep you up, honestly. | 01:38 |
fschoep | Nafallo: :) | 01:38 |
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=== erdalronahi_ [n=ceng@p50875D6F.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #ubuntu-devel | ||
erdalronahi_ | ping pitti, doko | 01:46 |
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keescook | Kamion, mdz: can you take a quick look at my nvidia debdiff? (I manually removed the blog changes from this file so I could actually upload it in this lifetime.) | 01:52 |
keescook | http://people.ubuntu.com/~kees/edgy-fixes/nvidia-package-minus-blob-changes.debdiff | 01:52 |
=== mdz wonders whether keescook forgot that he was in the UK or just assumed he'd be online and working at 0100 on saturday | ||
=== keescook forgot :) | ||
keescook | mdz: but I also saw you talking on the channel earlier. :) | 01:53 |
mdz | keescook: that can't possibly be the complete diff; where are the upstream changes? | 01:53 |
=== givre [n=Florent@APuteaux-152-1-87-81.w86-205.abo.wanadoo.fr] has joined #ubuntu-devel | ||
Fujitsu | `(I manually removed the blog changes from this file so I could actually upload it in this lifetime.)' | 01:54 |
keescook | it's not a complete diff. I replaced the 2 nvidia blobs also, but that's like 100M of diff. I'm uploading the full diff and other files ATM | 01:54 |
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keescook | though, the gzip'd full diff did just finish now: http://people.ubuntu.com/~kees/edgy-fixes/ | 01:55 |
keescook | (only 43M!) | 01:55 |
Kamion | fschoep: ah yes, took a while to see it but was quite obvious once I did | 01:55 |
Kamion | testing the fix now | 01:55 |
mdz | keescook: I think we should hold off on this until after the release | 01:58 |
keescook | mdz: understood. I'm going to need time to test hoary/breezy/dapper anyway. | 01:59 |
Kamion | fschoep: yep, looking good, thanks! will upload as soon as the laptop's finished booting | 02:00 |
Kamion | fschoep: get some sleep :-) | 02:00 |
=== fschoep_ [n=franksch@adsl-dc-35cb8.adsl.wanadoo.nl] has joined #ubuntu-devel | ||
Kamion | fschoep_: did you get my comments just now? | 02:01 |
fschoep_ | Kamion: I think I just dropped off the net | 02:01 |
Kamion | 01:00 < Kamion> fschoep: yep, looking good, thanks! will upload as soon as the laptop's finished booting | 02:01 |
Kamion | 01:00 < Kamion> fschoep: get some sleep :-) | 02:01 |
fschoep_ | Kamion: OK, thanks :) | 02:01 |
fschoep_ | Kamion: get some sleep as well :) | 02:01 |
Kamion | fschoep_: I wouldn't mind adding a debian/copyright file though ... who's the author? | 02:01 |
fschoep_ | Kamion: that is: | 02:02 |
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erdalronahi_ | doko_, was it pitti or you who wanted a bug for mozilla-firefox-locale-ku? | 02:02 |
Kamion | fschoep_: and licence? | 02:02 |
fschoep_ | Dennis Kaarsemaker <dennis@kaarsemaker.net> , Jonathan Austin <mailforwho@googlemail.com> and Frank Schoep <frank@ffnn.nl> | 02:02 |
fschoep_ | I always put myself at the back | 02:02 |
fschoep_ | And the license is CC-SA | 02:02 |
Kamion | thanks | 02:03 |
fschoep_ | Kamion: so, goodnight then and thanks so much for doing this | 02:03 |
Kamion | not a problem | 02:04 |
fschoep_ | BTW, will you also close the bug | 02:04 |
fschoep_ | or is that automated or something? | 02:04 |
fschoep_ | Kamion: well, I'm off to bed, see you soon hopefully | 02:06 |
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doko_ | erdalronahi_: -> pitti | 02:08 |
erdalronahi_ | ok, he is not here, I think. Good night then. | 02:09 |
wasabi | So I've got this unified diff which is applying weird... it edits a file, and appends to the end of it. the diff segment starts with the last 4 lines from the opriginal file, then a + for every new line, including a closing +} because it's a C file and the function is over. | 02:12 |
wasabi | Except that last +} isn't being added. | 02:12 |
wasabi | n/m got it. ;) | 02:13 |
pygi | :P | 02:14 |
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nix4me | just wanted to report that edgy rc1 plus current updates works very nicely on Dell Dimension 3000 | 02:23 |
doko_ | Kamion, mdz: would you consider moving broffice.org into main instead of universe? people from Brazil are asking about this (apparently there is a company which hold trademarks on "OpenOffice"); the package is a dependency package plus it diverts desktop files and icons | 02:28 |
Burgundavia | doko_: don't we use openoffice.org instead of jsut openoffice for that very reason? | 02:30 |
doko_ | Burgundavia: seems to be something else, will ask our Brazilian mafia ... | 02:31 |
Kamion | doko_: in feisty, yes | 02:32 |
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Kamion | doko_: the current broffice package is broken and will be uninstallable, as far as I can see; it shares files with openoffice.org-common | 02:37 |
Kamion | unless you're pulling some mad tricks | 02:38 |
infinity | keescook: Err, do you need any help with that nvidia/LRM update? | 02:43 |
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keescook | infinity: I think I got it figured out, but mdz wants to hold off until after edgy releases. | 02:44 |
infinity | keescook: Fair enough. I tend to get nervous, personally, when people mangle LRM for the first time. :) | 02:44 |
keescook | did you look at the blobless debdiff? I just wanted to make sure I got the versioning right for it. | 02:44 |
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keescook | it installed and tests out okay for me at least. :) | 02:44 |
wasabi | Oh. This just gets cooler and cooler. | 02:45 |
Kamion | ok, I'm not going to be around until Sunday and probably not much then, so I'm going to bump edgy CD images to say Release in .disk/info | 02:45 |
wasabi | Guess my bug is now in pam_unix. | 02:45 |
Kamion | I don't expect there'll be many builds between now and Monday, and Monday will probably be nearly the last one | 02:46 |
infinity | keescook: Lookd fine to me. Replaced the files in /nvidia in the orig.tar.gz, and updated a whopping 1 variable in debian/rules. :) | 02:47 |
infinity | keescook: (updating nvidia is much less hassle than fglrx... If you need to do fglrx at some point, you'll have to talk to me.) | 02:48 |
keescook | infinity: yeah. not too hard; just had to convince myself I wasn't breaking it. :) | 02:48 |
keescook | okay, good to know. :) | 02:48 |
=== Fujitsu [n=Fujitsu@ubuntu/member/fujitsu] has joined #ubuntu-devel | ||
keescook | are there any dedicated systems that have nvidia + old releases? | 02:49 |
infinity | keescook: Rephrase in a way that I can understand after 4 hours of sleep? :) | 02:50 |
keescook | ah, sorry about that. Are there any computers I can use to test updates of l-r-m on? | 02:51 |
crimsun | Kamion: should http://tiber.tauware.de/~crimsun/lirc_0.8.0-5ubuntu1_to_0.8.0-9ubuntu1.diffstat be a post-Edgy update? It's a straightforward merge from Sid that has been verified to close quite a few bugs (28941, 29641, 45400, 45703, 47997, 53111, 67258). | 02:51 |
keescook | i.e. do we keep hoary + nvidia installed anywhere? | 02:51 |
infinity | keescook: No, we're pretty lacking in a company-sponsored test setup. | 02:51 |
infinity | keescook: I used to use my wife's machine for testing nvidia stuff. | 02:52 |
infinity | keescook: You're not planning on upgrading hoary to 8776, are you? | 02:52 |
keescook | infinity: I need a drive hot-swap bay. then I can keep a mess of installs. :) | 02:52 |
keescook | infinity: that's not my first choice, no. | 02:53 |
infinity | keescook: Hoary's current nvidia driver has legacy support, so we'd at least want to wait for them to release an updated -legacy. | 02:53 |
keescook | legacy, says nvidia, isn't vulnerable. | 02:53 |
infinity | Oh, then hoary isn't. | 02:53 |
infinity | Is the whole 7000 series not vulnerable? | 02:53 |
infinity | Cause then breezy's safe too. | 02:53 |
keescook | They say 8178 and earlier are safe. | 02:54 |
infinity | score, then only dapper needs an update. Easy. | 02:55 |
keescook | nice | 02:55 |
=== abattoir [n=abattoir@cm238.omega16.maxonline.com.sg] has joined #ubuntu-devel | ||
keescook | I hadn't checked earlier versions yet; been busy with qt updates | 02:55 |
infinity | And 8762 -> 8776 in dapper is not going to be painful. | 02:55 |
keescook | very nice. It looks like the "current" l-r-m build system was introduced in dapper? | 02:55 |
infinity | Yeah. | 02:56 |
infinity | I adopted LRM at the end of breezy and made some changes, but the remval of crack and making versioning and updates simpler happened in dapper. | 02:56 |
infinity | If you ever have to update breezy, you'll want to talk to someone who's been through the pain. :) | 02:57 |
keescook | cool. I noticed that l-r-m/nvidia/debian.binary/changelog hadn't been updated since breezy, so I figured the magic happened in dapper | 02:57 |
infinity | (The changelog back then can attest to the pain, as people made 3 rapid-fire uploads in a row) | 02:57 |
keescook | yeah, I got scared when I saw fabio's README. :) | 02:57 |
infinity | nvidia/debian.binary is sketchy at best, and may well not even work right now. It's not something that gets looked at much. Feel free to ignore it. | 02:58 |
keescook | I did. :) | 02:58 |
Kamion | crimsun: I'd need to see the whole diff - but better ask somebody who's more awake | 02:58 |
Kamion | I'm off to bed now; night | 02:58 |
=== infinity reads nvidia's press release. | ||
crimsun | thanks | 02:59 |
infinity | keescook: Heh, they mention the exact versions we ship, much easier. :) | 02:59 |
infinity | "NVIDIA can confirm that this bug is only present in the NVIDIA UNIX Graphics drivers 1.0-8762 and 1.0-8774" | 02:59 |
infinity | Handy. | 02:59 |
keescook | infinity: hehe. Yeah. | 02:59 |
infinity | keescook: When we do the update for LRM, we'll also need to update XRM, by the way. | 03:01 |
infinity | (It uses the same orig.tar.gz, though, which makes life easy... I made sure of that) | 03:02 |
keescook | infinity: xrm? you mean the nvidia-glx stuff? isn't that all from the same source? | 03:02 |
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infinity | keescook: XRM, xen-restricted-modules. | 03:06 |
infinity | keescook: New, as of edgy. | 03:06 |
keescook | ah! okay. | 03:06 |
Burgundavia | infinity: isn't copied source fun? | 03:08 |
doko_ | Kamion: ok, feisty, it's not broken, these are diverted files | 03:19 |
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Mez | whens the cut off for uploads? | 03:26 |
Nafallo | Mez: some days ago | 03:28 |
Mez | Nafallo, even for bugfix patches? | 03:29 |
Nafallo | Mez: well, all uploads need approval. | 03:29 |
Mez | Nafallo.... It'd be a big bugfix patch for katapult to make it's features work properly | 03:30 |
Nafallo | so depends on those nice RMs :-) | 03:30 |
infinity | Mez: If it doesn't fix a high impact or RC bug, we'll likely not approve it. | 03:30 |
infinity | Mez: If it's a universe upload, talk to ajmitch or dholbach, they are more lenient than I am about main. | 03:30 |
=== Nafallo should file a bug about Ubuntu Wave :-) | ||
infinity | Ahh, katapult is main. I suspect you don't have a hope. | 03:31 |
Mez | infinity, it's for main | 03:31 |
Mez | bug 60136 | 03:31 |
Ubugtu | Malone bug 60136 in katapult "Katapult doesn't work with Amarok >= 1.4.2" [Critical,In progress] http://launchpad.net/bugs/60136 | 03:31 |
Mez | bug 48103 | 03:31 |
Ubugtu | Malone bug 48103 in katapult "Katapult don't start with swedish localisation" [High,Confirmed] http://launchpad.net/bugs/48103 | 03:31 |
Mez | and bug 49901 | 03:31 |
Ubugtu | Malone bug 49901 in katapult "Katapult slows down to a near crawl when amarok is open" [Medium,Confirmed] http://launchpad.net/bugs/49901 | 03:31 |
infinity | Mez: Well, be quick, and make sure the patches are discrete (in case we want to approve one, but not another) and easily-audited, and "we'll see". | 03:32 |
Mez | "easily audited" ? | 03:32 |
infinity | Mez: But no promises. We release in under a week. | 03:32 |
Mez | yeah - i understand | 03:33 |
infinity | Mez: Easily audited, as in, if the patch is huge and messy, we're not going to understand it well enough to deem it safe. | 03:33 |
Mez | cool - np | 03:33 |
zul | heh how time fly | 03:33 |
infinity | Mez: If the bugs are bad enough, in your opinion, but the changes a bit scary, best to hold off to after release, and try to go the proposed/updates route. | 03:33 |
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infinity | Oh dear god, the new wallpaper is BRIGHT. | 03:43 |
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infinity | I no longer have any text:background contrast on my desktop. | 03:44 |
infinity | Woo. | 03:44 |
Nafallo | infinity: you want the reverted Ubuntu Wave instead? ;-) | 03:44 |
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infinity | Nafallo: Anything darker, really. I can't actually read anything on my desktop now. Seems less than ideal. | 03:45 |
Nafallo | I haven't seen the new wallpaper. | 03:45 |
=== Nafallo goes to look | ||
infinity | It's very... Caucasian. | 03:46 |
infinity | And while I appreciate skin as much as the next person, it's not an ideal desktop colour. | 03:46 |
Nafallo | looks dark | 03:47 |
=== infinity blinks. | ||
Nafallo | maybe I'm not up-to-date or something? | 03:47 |
Nafallo | I am. looks dark to me :-) | 03:48 |
infinity | http://cerberus.0c3.net/~adconrad/Screenshot-3.png | 03:48 |
infinity | Very not dark. | 03:48 |
Nafallo | aha! Simple is default... | 03:49 |
=== Nafallo thought Dark Chocolate was the default | ||
=== bhale notices infinity is an american tv leaching criminal | ||
infinity | bhale: It's either that or wait 2 years for stuff to run on .au TV. | 03:49 |
bhale | infinity: heh. | 03:49 |
Nafallo | hmm | 03:50 |
infinity | (Or, what happened in this case, Season 1 started running here, I thought it was pretty good, then noticed there were already 3 seasons in the US) | 03:50 |
Nafallo | I shouldn't say how many tv-series I have atm ;-) | 03:50 |
bhale | I doubt disney cares to litigate individuals in au | 03:50 |
bhale | anyway | 03:51 |
Nafallo | 188G 170G 18G 91% /srv/tv-series *whistles* | 03:51 |
infinity | The classic moment was when everyone here was raving about "that new show, Oz", and I had to break it to them that it had been cancelled in the US 6 years ago. | 03:51 |
bhale | hm not that long ago I think | 03:51 |
infinity | Oh, only 3 years, I gues. Though we were watching season 1 here, which is from 1997. | 03:52 |
bhale | ended 2003 | 03:52 |
keescook | that's how I feel about Doctor Who in the US. :P | 03:52 |
infinity | keescook: yes, but Doctor Who sucks, so that's okay. :) | 03:52 |
keescook | infinity: ssssh! la la la I can't hear you | 03:53 |
Amaranth | infinity: router_password.txt with a nice little thumbnail of the file contents... | 03:55 |
infinity | Amaranth: Not my router. | 03:55 |
Amaranth | hehe | 03:55 |
Nafallo | lol | 03:55 |
Nafallo | that's one way to look at it ;-) | 03:55 |
infinity | Also, not a current password, it looks like. | 03:55 |
infinity | Screenshot-2 had a current password on it, though. I never learn. :) | 03:57 |
infinity | (It got changed about 3 seconds after I posted it) | 03:57 |
Amaranth | hehe | 03:57 |
keescook | changed by you, I hope. ;) | 03:57 |
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infinity | Yeah, it was on a private network anyway, but I'm paranoid. | 03:57 |
Amaranth | that's alright, when i was working on PyMusique i once gave out a file with my iTunes password in it (hooked to a credit card) | 03:57 |
Nafallo | paranoia is a good thing :-) | 03:58 |
infinity | (Or, rather, only listening on a private interface) | 03:58 |
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DMT | hey everyone - http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/27621/ is a bug im experiencing | 03:59 |
Amaranth | DMT: Do what it says | 03:59 |
DMT | how do I file that information? | 03:59 |
Amaranth | DMT: launchpad.net | 03:59 |
=== Fujitsu blinks | ||
Fujitsu | That's quite a quick cleanup of ~adconrad you just performed then, infinity. | 04:03 |
infinity | I realised it was crufty. :) | 04:04 |
infinity | Hey, the important stuff is still there, namely a picture of me with a wombat. | 04:04 |
Fujitsu | Aw, what a cute wombat. | 04:04 |
infinity | And the best picture I've ever taken of a crocodile. | 04:04 |
Fujitsu | That's impressive, yes. | 04:04 |
infinity | Also noticed I name a lot of things "argh.${ext}" | 04:07 |
Mez | infinity, yeah - you need to apt-get install prozac to fix that ;) | 04:08 |
=== Nafallo cleans as well :-) | ||
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Mez | Fujitsu, how do you know infinity was cleaning his drive anyways ? | 04:09 |
Fujitsu | Mez, I saw its contents rapidly disappearing as I refreshed the page. | 04:10 |
Mez | people.u.c/ ... ? | 04:10 |
Fujitsu | cerberus.0c2.net/, actually. | 04:10 |
infinity | (base)adconrad@cthulhu:~$ if [ "`apt-cache search prozac`" = "" ] ; then echo 'Argh!'; fi | 04:11 |
infinity | Argh! | 04:11 |
Nafallo | hehe | 04:11 |
Mez | infinity, do you have {un,mult}iverse enabled? | 04:13 |
infinity | I do. I'm sad now. | 04:13 |
infinity | Is prozac only available in 3rd party repositories? Is it proprietary? HELP! | 04:13 |
infinity | Maybe easyubuntu can help restore my sanity! | 04:13 |
Fujitsu | No, Automatix! | 04:13 |
Fujitsu | You'd best check the forums. | 04:14 |
infinity | I just might have to. | 04:14 |
Fujitsu | As well as ask in all the development channels. | 04:14 |
Mez | Fujitsu, don't forget to ask in #debian-offtopic too | 04:14 |
Fujitsu | Mez, of course. | 04:14 |
Fujitsu | And throw in #launchpad, and launchpad-users. | 04:15 |
Mez | and debian-private@l.d.o | 04:15 |
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argh | Hey guys. | 04:16 |
Fujitsu | Hahahah. | 04:16 |
argh | I know you're busy with the release and all.. | 04:16 |
argh | But I need prozac. | 04:16 |
argh | kthx. | 04:16 |
Nafallo | hehe | 04:16 |
=== Mez starts hacking a program called prozac | ||
Mez | or should that be prozak ? | 04:17 |
infinity | Only if it's for KDE. | 04:17 |
Fujitsu | gprozac and prozak | 04:17 |
Fujitsu | prozac is just the CLI version. | 04:17 |
Mez | Fujitsu, no - I'm serious - lol - I've been looking for a name for something I'm working on - I think prozak fits | 04:17 |
ajmitch | I feel like installing the beta nvidia drivers & beryl, just for some fun | 04:18 |
Fujitsu | Hahahah. | 04:18 |
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=== Fujitsu attacks ajmitch with an axe. | ||
=== Fujitsu watches ajmitch's windows burn, literally. | ||
infinity | I feel like not being in my house in the middle of a Saturday. | 04:18 |
ajmitch | I tried that | 04:18 |
ajmitch | then it started raining & I came home | 04:18 |
=== Fujitsu has nowhere better to be. | ||
ajmitch | I got a few good photos of the steam trains down at the railway station though | 04:19 |
ajmitch | 'f-spot testing' | 04:19 |
Fujitsu | Hahah. | 04:19 |
=== Nafallo tries pittis requestsync :-) | ||
Fujitsu | I haven't been down to my local tourist steam railway in a while... | 04:19 |
Fujitsu | Hrm... tetex is gigantic. | 04:20 |
agent | currently, jigdo files are created for alternate and server iso's, could they also be used for desktop iso? this would help those out who create different iso images for different people (less downloading & saves ubuntu bandwidth) | 04:20 |
Fujitsu | agent, I have already rejected that bug. | 04:20 |
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infinity | agent: No, the desktop ISO doesn't contain debs, so jigdo is useless. | 04:20 |
agent | i see, thank you | 04:21 |
agent | and you guys are fast :) | 04:21 |
Fujitsu | 10 minutes isn't that fast. | 04:21 |
agent | and amazing job with the bug reports... so many closed and so much updates ;) | 04:21 |
Fujitsu | Would have been faster if Ubugtu weren't so laggy. | 04:21 |
agent | uhh, to me it is :D | 04:21 |
infinity | Ubugtu clearly needs a proza{c,k} plugin. | 04:22 |
Fujitsu | Of course. | 04:22 |
=== infinity goes back to FTBFS hacking and laundry. | ||
Nafallo | infinity: good combination :-) | 04:23 |
=== starsky-hutchy reads infinity goes back to FTBFS hacking laundry. | ||
infinity | Less good than, say, going outside. I need try that later. (post-laundry) | 04:24 |
Nafallo | it was raining last time I was outside | 04:25 |
Nafallo | and... WTF I'M I DOING AWAKE? | 04:25 |
Nafallo | Sat, 21 Oct 2006 04:26:00 +0200 | 04:26 |
Mez | infinity, wouldnt proza{c,k} just make ubugtu slower? | 04:26 |
Nafallo | Mez: if he depends on it... ;-) | 04:26 |
Nafallo | gnight *. I need to be sleeping. | 04:29 |
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infinity | tfheen: Ping when you're alive. | 06:40 |
BenC | tfheen: I'll second that ping | 06:41 |
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fabbione | keescook: did you solve the problem? | 07:03 |
infinity | fabbione: Yeah, he got it sorted. | 07:03 |
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fabbione | infinity: ok thanks | 07:03 |
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tfheen | infinity: hello | 07:29 |
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fabbione | hey tfheen | 07:32 |
fabbione | you are up early | 07:32 |
tfheen | yes, so is the puppy | 07:32 |
tfheen | he slept the whole night in the cage, for the first time | 07:33 |
fabbione | ehehe | 07:34 |
infinity | tfheen: review/approval -> http://cerberus.0c3.net/~adconrad/libsdl1.2.debdiff | 07:37 |
fabbione | infinity: how is the rebuild going? | 07:38 |
fabbione | infinity: uuuuhhhg libsdl ships a copy of XXf86dga ? | 07:38 |
infinity | needs-build for amd64: Total 2086 package(s) | 07:39 |
infinity | needs-build for i386: Total 2007 package(s) | 07:39 |
infinity | needs-build for powerpc: Total 2102 package(s) | 07:39 |
fabbione | well that includes universe... | 07:39 |
infinity | Wish it did. :/ | 07:40 |
tfheen | infinity: looks correct to me; those are the only places PAGE_SIZE is used? | 07:40 |
infinity | On the other hand, toolchain builds first, so a mess of GCC builds at the beginning kinda makes it look worse than it is. | 07:40 |
infinity | tfheen: Indeed. | 07:40 |
infinity | tfheen: Testing on i386 and powerpc. | 07:40 |
infinity | s/Testing/Tested/ | 07:40 |
tfheen | infinity: go ahead. | 07:41 |
infinity | The new QT appears to make python-qt4 FTBFS too. | 07:41 |
infinity | Which is pretty awesome. | 07:41 |
infinity | Since it worked no more than a week ago. | 07:41 |
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crimsun | tfheen: would http://tiber.tauware.de/~crimsun/lirc_0.8.0-5ubuntu1_to_0.8.0-9ubuntu1.diffstat [http://tiber.tauware.de/~crimsun/lirc_0.8.0-9ubuntu1.debdiff ] be more suitable for post-release? | 07:48 |
infinity | tfheen: This should make you happy, at least: http://people.ubuntu.com/~cjwatson/testing/edgy_outdate.txt | 07:48 |
tfheen | crimsun: lirc = universe => motu uvf team. | 07:52 |
tfheen | infinity: HOOORAY | 07:52 |
=== tfheen bounces | ||
crimsun | tfheen: ...but it's main | 07:53 |
tfheen | crimsun: ah, lirc is universe, but the source is main for liblircclient0 | 07:53 |
tfheen | crimsun: I haven't read the whole diff yet, but it doesn't look appropriate for edgy, no. | 07:54 |
crimsun | tfheen: ok, thanks. | 07:54 |
tfheen | crimsun: unless there's a critical bug in there which I haven't seen? | 07:55 |
crimsun | tfheen: it's a straightforward merge from Sid that fixes seven bugs, the most serious of which is that lirc-modules-source doesn't generate a valid binary package. | 07:56 |
tfheen | crimsun: lirc-modules-source is universe, so no, not for edgy. | 07:56 |
crimsun | bug 67258 | 07:56 |
Ubugtu | Malone bug 67258 in lirc "Source package doesn't build" [Undecided,Unconfirmed] http://launchpad.net/bugs/67258 | 07:57 |
crimsun | tfheen: right, thanks again | 07:57 |
tfheen | thanks for asking, though. :-) | 07:57 |
tfheen | infinity: how's the main queue looking? | 07:57 |
infinity | tfheen: queue's empty. | 07:57 |
tfheen | infinity: shiny. | 07:58 |
=== Hobbsee looks for someone to upload some crack, so it's no longer empty | ||
ajmitch | Hobbsee: fill up the queue for universe | 08:00 |
infinity | If it's crack, I'll reject it immediately, thus making the queue empty again. :P | 08:00 |
Hobbsee | haha | 08:00 |
Hobbsee | ajmitch: i did some uploads last night. hush :P | 08:00 |
=== Hobbsee seems to have excessive trouble typing in her passphrase correctly | ||
infinity | I wonder how many packages we'd have left if we wrote checks into the upload queue to auto-reject source packages with poor use of whitespace, excessively pointless use of macros and magic numbers, and pretty much any other thing that annys me. | 08:02 |
ajmitch | probably 5 | 08:02 |
infinity | We wouldn't have a toolchain anymore, sadly, but I guess we could work around that by being the first ever "truly source-only" distribution. | 08:02 |
tfheen | ogra: why isn't there a fix uploaded for LTSP yet? | 08:03 |
infinity | "It's source-only, even AFTER you install it. That's right. Learn to parse C so fast that your brain becomes a JIT compiler, you'll need it!" | 08:03 |
infinity | Maybe we could hire a groupd of overachieving asian kids to be our buildds. | 08:05 |
ajmitch | I hate broken packages, and even worse, 'bugreports' that are only on the forums | 08:06 |
infinity | I love how people think that randomly whining about things on forums, mailing lists, and the worst, blogs, will somehow magically get it to the people who can fix it. | 08:07 |
ajmitch | every so often I feel masochistic & dive into the forums | 08:07 |
ajmitch | generally to harass & berate the users for not filing bugs | 08:08 |
fabbione | ROFLT | 08:08 |
Treenaks | infinity: hey, I file bugs and nothing happens... so it's not that much different :P | 08:09 |
ajmitch | Treenaks: but at least they're on malone to be ignored - there's a world of difference | 08:09 |
Treenaks | ajmitch: true :) | 08:10 |
infinity | Treenaks: What's your LP ID? | 08:10 |
Treenaks | infinity: that sounds a lot like a BOFH question ;) | 08:11 |
Treenaks | (why?) | 08:11 |
fabbione | Treenaks: so he can wipe it from LP? :P | 08:11 |
infinity | Treenaks: I want to see if I've ever fixed one of your bugs. :) | 08:12 |
infinity | (And then delete your account) | 08:12 |
Treenaks | infinity: :P | 08:12 |
infinity | (Okay, not the last bit) | 08:12 |
Treenaks | infinity: it's 'martijn' | 08:12 |
infinity | 84 reported, only 24 open. That's not so bad. | 08:14 |
ajmitch | of those 24, 3 are upstream bugtasks & 1 is debian, so it's only 20 really | 08:16 |
ajmitch | and you complain about people not fixing stuff :) | 08:16 |
freet15 | Hi all | 08:21 |
freet15 | I want to add some hotkeycode for my notebook, so I use "showkey --keycode" to get the keycode... | 08:23 |
freet15 | but it doesn`t work.... I had change the /etc/init.d/hotkey-setup to match, and add the keycode in /usr/share/keycode-setup/.....hk | 08:25 |
keescook | hm. apt-get build-dep qt4-x11 on dapper fails. :( | 08:41 |
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infinity | keescook: Install libgl1-mesa-dev by hand, then try. | 09:01 |
infinity | s/libgl/libglu/ | 09:01 |
infinity | apt isn't always that bright. | 09:02 |
infinity | (sbuild gets it right) | 09:02 |
keescook | this hiccup is killing my sbuild config though... so I'm trying to figure out what's gone weird with it... | 09:02 |
infinity | Or, rather, OUR sbuild gets it right. :) | 09:02 |
keescook | hehe | 09:02 |
infinity | I should give you Canonical's internal sbuild, I guess. | 09:02 |
keescook | what's different on the buildd's? | 09:02 |
infinity | Debian's wants to use the first package in a "foo | bar" dep. | 09:03 |
keescook | that's what I was suspecting... | 09:03 |
infinity | Ours, for easing pain with syncing packages, will pick the first available instead. | 09:03 |
keescook | is there some reason they don't want to take that patch? | 09:03 |
infinity | It's incorrect behaviour for Debian, I've never tried to feed that patch back because it's wrong. | 09:04 |
keescook | oh heh | 09:04 |
infinity | In Debian, "Build-depends: foo | bar" means "you can use bar on your home system if you like, but the buildds MUST use foo" | 09:04 |
infinity | For us, we relaxed that, so that if we're not completely in sync with Debian, we don't have to patch every source package to cope. | 09:04 |
=== infinity tries to find the relevant change. | ||
tfheen | I guess that partly because of the universe/main split too? So if a package synced from Debian has build-depends: foo | bar and then only bar is in main we still want it to build? | 09:06 |
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infinity | tfheen: Right. | 09:06 |
keescook | infinity: thanks for the clarification. let me know if you find the change, I'm going afk for a bit... | 09:07 |
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jsmidt | Hello, I maintain texmaker for debian. Texmaker fails to build in edgy. I have fixed Ubuntu's package. How can I upload the changes? | 12:34 |
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infinity | jsmidt: -> #ubuntu-motu | 12:35 |
jsmidt | infinity, thanks | 12:35 |
infinity | jsmidt: And thanks for fixing random bugs, we appreciate it. :) | 12:36 |
jsmidt | infinity, I do what I can. :) | 12:36 |
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TMM | ghe.... OOo has been buiding for some 10 hours now | 12:46 |
TMM | those localisations take, well, forever :) | 12:46 |
TMM | and a day | 12:46 |
infinity | You're building it locally? | 12:47 |
infinity | That was... Dumb. :) | 12:47 |
TMM | infinity: next time fakeroot dpkg-buildpackage binary ? :) | 12:48 |
infinity | Next time, don't build OOo? | 12:48 |
infinity | (Seriously, why are you?) | 12:48 |
infinity | Masochism? | 12:48 |
TMM | infinity: https://launchpad.net/distros/ubuntu/+source/openoffice.org/+bug/65226 | 12:49 |
Ubugtu | Malone bug 65226 in openoffice.org "Paste from writer to gaim in edgy segfaults writer" [Undecided,Confirmed] | 12:49 |
TMM | infinity: I think I found the patch that causes that, and, there is only one way to be sure... :) | 12:49 |
infinity | Oi. Fun. | 12:50 |
TMM | infinity: yes, next time I think I'm going to remove the 'clean' target in rules | 12:50 |
infinity | dpkg-buildpackage -nc to avoid cleaning. | 12:51 |
TMM | I've got to remember that | 12:51 |
TMM | really... this is taking forever :) | 12:52 |
TMM | actually, it looks like all the important .debs are build | 12:52 |
TMM | I'll just install them :) | 12:52 |
TMM | fuck | 12:54 |
TMM | err... I did not find the offending patch | 12:54 |
TMM | back to the drawing board | 12:54 |
Kaleo | good luck | 12:54 |
TMM | -nc ... :) | 12:54 |
TMM | I'll just let it finish building | 12:55 |
TMM | perhaps I should leave this to the professionals ;) | 01:01 |
TMM | there is a metric asston of code there | 01:02 |
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TMM | doko_: hey! are you there? | 01:17 |
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erdalronahi | pitti, thanks a lot for closing bug 49650 | 01:25 |
Ubugtu | Malone bug 49650 in mozilla-firefox-locale-all "Newer Kurdish langpack available" [Low,Fix committed] http://launchpad.net/bugs/49650 | 01:25 |
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pitti | erdalronahi: thanks to you for translating! infinity or Kamion need to approve it still | 01:26 |
erdalronahi | pitti, it would have the translated startpage like it had in Dapper, right? | 01:26 |
Nafallo | infinity: I agree with you. it's damn bright. especially the gdm-screen... | 01:27 |
erdalronahi | Epiphany also has it | 01:27 |
infinity | pitti: What do I need to approve? | 01:27 |
pitti | erdalronahi: depends, if ubuntu-docs has translations for it, then yes | 01:28 |
infinity | 112677 | S- | mozilla-firefox-loca | 2.0~rc3ubuntu1-1 | 13 minutes | 01:28 |
infinity | | * mozilla-firefox-locale-all/2.0~rc3ubuntu1-1 Component: main Section: web | 01:28 |
pitti | infinity: mozilla-firefox-locale-all | 01:28 |
infinity | Is that just a new XPI? | 01:28 |
pitti | infinity: yes, the Kurdish one; mdz was fine with adding it for edgy | 01:28 |
infinity | Alright. Approved. | 01:28 |
pitti | thanks | 01:28 |
pitti | infinity: if you are at it, do you see the language-support-* uploads? | 01:28 |
infinity | And all this language-support stuff? | 01:28 |
pitti | heh | 01:28 |
erdalronahi | file:///usr/share/ubuntu-artwork/home/locales/index-ku.html | 01:29 |
pitti | yes, I forgot to actually supply the 'upload' option | 01:29 |
erdalronahi | this seems to exist, it's epiphany's startpage | 01:29 |
erdalronahi | it is translated since Dapper | 01:29 |
infinity | pitti: accepted. | 01:29 |
pitti | erdalronahi: yup, just tested, works | 01:29 |
pitti | infinity: merci | 01:29 |
erdalronahi | great | 01:29 |
infinity | pitti: de rien. | 01:30 |
erdalronahi | merci beaucoup | 01:30 |
pitti | tres bien! | 01:30 |
=== pitti activates the very last French sententence he knows: 'jes voudrez deux bierre, sil-vouz plais' | ||
erdalronahi | :) | 01:31 |
pitti | (although seb128 would kill me for the spelling) | 01:31 |
Nafallo | lol | 01:32 |
Nafallo | pitti: good one ;-) | 01:32 |
erdalronahi | pitti, doko_, anything new from the ooo-l10n-front? | 01:32 |
pitti | erdalronahi: there will be a new upload, AFAIK | 01:32 |
erdalronahi | hope this fixes our issue with the fuzzies | 01:33 |
erdalronahi | actually, there shouldn't be any more, but who knows? | 01:33 |
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Chipzz | pitti: try "Je voudrais deux bi`eres, s'il vous plait" | 01:34 |
Chipzz | not sure if that's 100%, but closer ;) | 01:34 |
pitti | Chipzz: thanks | 01:34 |
pitti | Chipzz: it took me long enough to learn the pronounciation, but I never saw it written down so far | 01:34 |
=== Fujitsu pounces. | ||
Fujitsu | Pronunciation! | 01:35 |
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Chipzz | pitti: it's been a long time since I've written French ;) | 01:35 |
Chipzz | but it's not really an easy language | 01:36 |
erdalronahi | indeed | 01:36 |
Chipzz | I've had to study it for 6 years in high-school, and have since gladly forgotten most of it :P | 01:37 |
infinity | pitti: Je voudrais deux bieres, s'il vous plait. | 01:37 |
Chipzz | infinity: that's what I said ;) | 01:37 |
Chipzz | infinity: plus the accent in bieres ;) | 01:37 |
infinity | Chipzz: Ahh, I didn't keep reading. :) | 01:37 |
=== Chipzz mumbles something about living in a bilingual (trilingual actual) country :P | ||
=== infinity decides it's time to go pretend it's the weekend and stop working for a while. | ||
erdalronahi | I am just updating with the latest libsdl1.2debian, it freezes my synaptic. What is it? | 01:41 |
Nafallo | infinity: ;-) | 01:41 |
Nafallo | erdalronahi: wfm | 01:41 |
erdalronahi | wfm? | 01:44 |
mvo | erdalronahi: can you expand the "Termianl" (or details) thing on the installl progress window? | 01:44 |
mvo | works-for-me :) | 01:44 |
mvo | erdalronahi: what is the last dstuff that is written there? | 01:44 |
erdalronahi | the last is | 01:44 |
=== Fujitsu starts frothing at the mouth upon seeing the new default background. | ||
erdalronahi | setting up libsdl1.2debian (1.2.10-3ubuntu2)... | 01:45 |
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mvo | and it hangs there? hrm ... | 01:45 |
erdalronahi | sorry, it finished. Just for some reason | 01:45 |
erdalronahi | didn't close the window :) | 01:45 |
mvo | ok | 01:45 |
Nafallo | Fujitsu: hehe | 01:48 |
TMM | OOo is a monster :) | 01:48 |
erdalronahi | TMM exactly | 01:48 |
TMM | too bad it is the only office suite that has good m$ .doc support :( | 01:49 |
TMM | without it, I wouldn't have been able to use a linux desktop at work :) | 01:50 |
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TMM | 20 million layers of abstraction, ifdef for every bloody architecture ... aaaaaaah :) | 01:52 |
TMM | huge blocks too | 01:52 |
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TMM | is there any place where older .deb's are still present? I'd like to get to the first upload of openoffice.org 2.0.4, then upgrade to each next version to see when it starts breaking | 02:02 |
TMM | I do believe this bug wasn't present in the initial upload | 02:02 |
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Hobbsee | TMM: you've checked in /var/cache/apt/archives? I've not found if/where LP actually keeps old debs | 02:09 |
TMM | Hobbsee: I just did a clean reinstall of edgy to test the installer, my /var/cache/apt/archives is sadly empty | 02:09 |
Hobbsee | TMM: ahhh | 02:09 |
Hobbsee | drat | 02:09 |
TMM | pretty much :) | 02:10 |
TMM | isn't that theoretically a gpl violation? if you still have an older version installed, there is apparently no way to get the originial sources | 02:10 |
StevenK | I have found where Launchpad keeps them, but they may not exist. | 02:11 |
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StevenK | Hrm. Seems I'm wrong. | 02:13 |
TMM | ah, you can get to them through launchpad | 02:13 |
heno | Riddell: could you send me or point me at a PNG of the Kubuntu logo image used on usplash? I want to update the WinFOSS splash | 02:14 |
Riddell | heno: let me look it up | 02:14 |
heno | thx | 02:14 |
Riddell | heno: did you get the bug that sfllaw reported yesterday | 02:14 |
heno | Riddell: yes. Seems to be a problem with Server 2003 systems | 02:15 |
heno | Riddell: did he test Ubuntu on the same system? | 02:16 |
heno | (I'll ask in the bug) | 02:16 |
TMM | this doesn't really make it very easy :) | 02:16 |
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Riddell | heno: usplash is at http://kubuntu.org/~jriddell/tmp/usplash_1024_768.png | 02:18 |
Riddell | heno: not sure if I have a copy of it transparent to hand, still searching | 02:18 |
Hobbsee | Riddell: isnt it just in k-d-s? | 02:18 |
Hobbsee | source? | 02:18 |
Riddell | Hobbsee: only PNGs in there, with black backgrounds and 256 colours | 02:19 |
heno | Thanks. A transparent one would be better | 02:19 |
Hobbsee | ah | 02:19 |
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TMM | well, it DOES happen with the initial upload | 02:21 |
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heno | I see sfllaw has written PASS on the Ubuntu WinFOSS tests, presumably with the same Server 2003 in VMware setup | 02:23 |
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heno | Riddell: I've emailed kwwii | 02:37 |
=== heno reboots for some WinFOSS testing | ||
Riddell | heno: yeah, best thing, I don't seem to have a copy anywhere | 02:37 |
heno | ok | 02:38 |
heno | I might be able to extract what I need using the gimp too | 02:38 |
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TMM | I'd bet good money that this crash is related to a fix in 2.0.3 where pasting inserts extra spaces | 02:44 |
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pirast | the firefox ubuntu package search plugin still searches for dapper packages in edgy!! | 02:49 |
bhale | dapper is the latest release | 02:49 |
bhale | the default for packages.ubuntu.com search | 02:50 |
pirast | bhale, but /usr/share/firefox/searchplugins/debsearch.src says "dapper" | 02:51 |
bhale | thats a pretty silly bug to expect fixed this late | 02:51 |
pirast | see bug 61687.. | 02:52 |
Ubugtu | Malone bug 61687 in firefox "in EDGY, searchplugin 'debsearch' searches for packages in dapper" [Undecided,Confirmed] http://launchpad.net/bugs/61687 | 02:52 |
pirast | its just a debdiff that has to be applied | 02:52 |
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pirast | err patch | 02:52 |
pirast | its a one line patch | 02:52 |
TMM | doko_: ? :) | 02:55 |
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jsgotangco | its something that can be done on -updates as well | 02:58 |
Nafallo | ehrm.. | 02:59 |
Nafallo | xen-source-2.6.17_2.6.17-6 might actually be a smaller orig.tar.gz if .gif was removed... | 03:00 |
Nafallo | .git even | 03:00 |
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amachu | hi this is sri ramadas, contact person for Ubuntu Tamil Team, wiki.ubuntu.com/ TamilTeam, we have some issues with Tamil in Edgy | 03:06 |
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TMM | that's it, I give up :( | 03:10 |
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TMM | does anyone know of a way to reverse just one patch in the OOo deb build environment without having to rebuild the whole thing? | 03:21 |
bhale | no thats not possible. | 03:23 |
TMM | ugh... | 03:23 |
TMM | really? | 03:24 |
bhale | really, i dont know how you think you can change the source code and not rebuild it | 03:24 |
TMM | no, not ALL of it :) | 03:25 |
TMM | I understand that it'll have to rebuild the affected files, and relink some stuff | 03:25 |
bhale | this would be the case if you had an already-built source tree | 03:26 |
TMM | I have | 03:26 |
bhale | but packages do a clean | 03:26 |
bhale | before they configure, make, etc | 03:27 |
TMM | apparently, you can give dpkg-buildpackage -nc, so it won't make clean | 03:27 |
bhale | well see | 03:27 |
bhale | you already know this | 03:27 |
TMM | yes, but, the patch won't reverse, it claims it is not applied.... | 03:27 |
TMM | which is a bit strange | 03:27 |
Treenaks | maybe there's another copy of the source somewhere? | 03:27 |
Treenaks | I mean.. OOo is on crack, why wouldn't the build system be? | 03:28 |
TMM | yeah, I was wondering if anyone knows that about the OOo buildsystem | 03:28 |
TMM | either the patches are all reverse patches, OR, I am really missing something :) | 03:28 |
TMM | ah... apparently not all patches are applied | 03:29 |
TMM | well, that rules out this patch as the source of the trouble then | 03:29 |
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TMM | well, that's it then, an expert needs to look at this :) there is just too much code/patches | 03:30 |
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bddebian | Howdy | 03:58 |
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doko_ | TMM: ? | 04:17 |
TMM | doko_: hi! | 04:17 |
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TMM | doko_: are you the OOo doko? :) | 04:17 |
rork | hello, somebody who can check this bug for a moment please https://launchpad.net/distros/ubuntu/+source/linux-source-2.6.17/+bug/63937 | 04:18 |
Ubugtu | Malone bug 63937 in linux-source-2.6.17 "The SATA disk doesn't power off while shutdown" [Undecided,Unconfirmed] | 04:18 |
tfheen | rork: it's not a bug; disk drives newer than about 1983 are fine with just having their power cut. | 04:22 |
doko_ | TMM: rm debian/stamps/*; debian/rules build, use ccache and set DEB_BUILD_OPTIONS to ccache,nogsi | 04:23 |
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TMM | doko_: will that also work when I have already got a build openoffice.org treE? | 04:23 |
rork | tfheen: it just doesn't sounds nice (and comfortable) | 04:24 |
rork | it makes a little tzzzzzzzzt sound | 04:24 |
tfheen | rork: *shrug*; it's still harmless. | 04:24 |
pirast | tfheen, but it should be fixed definitely | 04:25 |
rork | anyway, it's not "nice" | 04:25 |
rork | yep | 04:25 |
rork | you can't convince other users that way to use it | 04:26 |
pirast | rork, could you report it upsteam at bugzilla.kernel.org? and write the bug number down in the bug report? | 04:26 |
rork | pirast: I will do that | 04:26 |
pirast | but I do not really think that it will be fixed in edgy.. | 04:26 |
rork | that will be definetly a bummer | 04:26 |
TMM | doko_: also, I wondered if you might have any clue as to what might cause that 'crash on rich-text-paste' I have confirmed that it does not happen in the 2.0.3 series, not in the 2.0.4 'stock' binaries from openoffice.org . but that it does happen in all uploads of 2.0.4 in ubuntu, and it also happens in current debian sid | 04:27 |
TMM | doko_: a hunch would be good :) I have been looking at a lot of code, but, there is lots more :D | 04:27 |
doko_ | TMM: sorry, no, not yet | 04:28 |
Gloubiboulga | tfheen, hello, do we need an approval for universe uploads? | 04:28 |
Amaranth | Gloubiboulga: I believe dholbach is responsible for approving those | 04:28 |
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TMM | doko_: well, I'll just continue to poke around then, I am not too sure what happens yet, I am trying to follow the code path that leads to osl_getFileStatus | 04:29 |
Gloubiboulga | Amaranth, right, thanks | 04:29 |
tfheen | Gloubiboulga: yes, but not my approval. | 04:29 |
Gloubiboulga | tfheen, ok | 04:30 |
tfheen | pirast: oh, it definitively won't be fixed for edgy. | 04:30 |
tfheen | if it had been reported a month earlier; maybe. | 04:30 |
rork | pirast: hm, which category -> I/O? | 04:31 |
doko_ | TMM: you may want to set BUILD_DBG_PACKAGE as well in debian/rules | 04:31 |
pirast | tfheen, isnt that what i said? ;-) | 04:31 |
tfheen | pirast: you don't happen to be a relase manager. :-P | 04:32 |
TMM | doko_: I assume that WOULD mean a complete rebuild? | 04:32 |
pirast | rork, i would suggest to file it again Drivers but I am not sure | 04:32 |
TMM | doko_: I currently have a build openoffice-2.0.4 directory, and, I really want to avoid having to rebuild the entire thing, because I am not yet all that sure what it is that I am doing, I might end up having to rebuild at least another 3 or 4 times | 04:33 |
tfheen | pirast: also, I was supporting, not contradicting your statement. | 04:33 |
pirast | tfheen, k :-) | 04:33 |
doko_ | TMM: yes, use ccache as well for the build, exporting DEB_BUILD_OPTIONS=ccache,nogsi and CCACHE_DIR=~/.ccache | 04:34 |
TMM | doko_: ok, and that won't rebuild my entire tree? :) | 04:35 |
doko_ | TMM: I don't know, didn't try ... | 04:36 |
TMM | doko_: debian/rules build | 04:37 |
TMM | make: Nothing to be done for `build'. | 04:37 |
doko_ | TMM: as I said: rm debian/stamps/* | 04:39 |
TMM | doko_: I did | 04:39 |
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doko_ | TMM: oops: rm debian/stampdir/* | 04:39 |
TMM | ah :) | 04:39 |
TMM | doko_: this is a rather annoying bug... I've already lost some work to it... :( | 04:40 |
TMM | doko_: I am now trying to compare patches that went into 2.0.3 to the ones that went into 2.0.4, do you think that is a good strategy? | 04:41 |
doko_ | TMM: no, too much | 04:42 |
TMM | doko_: ah... got a better suggestion? please? :) | 04:43 |
nix4me | what is the bug number you files TMM? | 04:43 |
pygi | sivang: ping? :) | 04:43 |
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TMM | nix4me: 62432 I commented on one of the duplicates | 04:43 |
nix4me | ok | 04:44 |
doko_ | TMM: reviewing the patches in ooo-build/patches/src680/apply | 04:44 |
TMM | doko_: ah yes, I did look at that file... I'll try and diff it against the one in 2.0.3? | 04:45 |
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nix4me | that bug should be high importance | 04:46 |
TMM | I thought so | 04:47 |
nix4me | imho | 04:47 |
nix4me | i do that all the time, type schoolwork in oo and then paste into my online discussion board for my school | 04:48 |
nix4me | i guess i better be sure to save before pasting | 04:48 |
nix4me | i just tried it. it crashed pasting into thunderbird | 04:49 |
rork | pirast: the bug 's filed Bug#: 7396 | 04:50 |
pirast | rork, thanks for doing that :-) | 04:50 |
rork | no prob | 04:50 |
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TMM | doko_: what parts actually get patched in? :) there are a lot of sections in that file | 04:57 |
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doko_ | TMM: look at the top and start with UbuntuEdgy | 05:05 |
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TMM | doko_: strange... 2.0.3 doesn't have anything specific to edgy, is that correct? | 05:06 |
sivang | pygi: pong | 05:08 |
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TMM | doko_: is there any changelog for what happened with the patches in a central place? and why? | 05:12 |
Nafallo | 57M xen-source-2.6.17_2.6.17-6nafallo1.tar.gz | 05:14 |
Nafallo | 121M xen-source-2.6.17_2.6.17-6.tar.gz | 05:14 |
Nafallo | hehe, I removed .git in my source :-P | 05:14 |
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doko_ | TMM: for ooo-build, see ooo-build/ChangeLog | 05:15 |
TMM | ah, great | 05:16 |
TMM | doko_: it apparenty went wrong somewhere in the debian patches, because it doesnt look like the ubuntu specific patches get applied to debian, but the debian ones do get applied to ubuntu, right? | 05:18 |
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doko_ | TMM: AFAIK there's a debian report as well | 05:25 |
TMM | doko_: yes, I linked to it in the ubuntu bug :) | 05:26 |
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TMM | doko_: what is in the ubuntu-*lpi.diff? what does 'lpi' stand for? | 05:37 |
TMM | doko_: language pack... interface? | 05:37 |
Nafallo | launchpad integration | 05:38 |
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TMM | Nafallo: that would work as well :) | 05:42 |
Robot101 | the rt2x00 wireless driver in edgy's kernel is utterly horrific | 05:43 |
Nafallo | Robot101: that's correct :-) | 05:44 |
Nafallo | Robot101: for rt61 atleast I compile latest legacy cvs daily with good measures :-) | 05:45 |
=== Robot101 has an RT73 USB thingy | ||
Nafallo | hmm, I think they have legacy for that aswell now. | 05:46 |
Nafallo | so same should apply | 05:46 |
Robot101 | that one's always gone into D state for me whenever I up/down/touch it | 05:47 |
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Robot101 | (and compiling drivers is problematic if you can never get on-line anyway) | 05:48 |
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=== mconnor finds himself a little lost trying to find a current edgy ISO | ||
Nafallo | mconnor: cdimage.ubuntu.com | 05:57 |
mconnor | yeah, I'm there, just not sure where to look :) | 05:58 |
mconnor | clicking on edgy gets me the beta | 05:58 |
tfheen | mconnor: just download the RC from releases.ubuntu.com/edgy/ | 05:59 |
tfheen | s/edgy/6.10/ | 05:59 |
mconnor | that's the ticket | 05:59 |
mconnor | thanks! | 05:59 |
tfheen | (there is no newer image yet) | 05:59 |
Nafallo | daily-live/current would have done the same though :-) | 06:00 |
mconnor | I'll survive, I just haven't touched a Linux install since I lost two days of work time trying to get X to not kernel panic :) | 06:00 |
Nafallo | hi tfheen :-) | 06:00 |
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tfheen | hiya Nafallo | 06:01 |
mconnor | mmm, fast d/l | 06:01 |
erdalronahi | pitti, thanks again | 06:01 |
mconnor | is there an equivalent to rawhide in the Ubuntu world? | 06:02 |
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=== Nafallo wonders what rawhide is :-P | ||
mconnor | lol | 06:02 |
mconnor | rawhide is red hat's nightly channel, kinda like Firefox nightlies | 06:02 |
tfheen | mconnor: no. We have the current development version which goes from very unstable to release in six months. | 06:03 |
mconnor | that's too simple :) | 06:03 |
jsgotangco | it works for now though | 06:03 |
tfheen | as we're on the very last leg of the cycle, it's more or less the release, but when feisty fawn opens in a bit (probably a couple of weeks), we'll have something unstable. | 06:03 |
Nafallo | tfheen: hehe :-) | 06:04 |
=== Nafallo couldn't agree more while looking at the specs ;-) | ||
Robot101 | Nafallo: saying that of course, I just managed to make the RT73 driver work :D | 06:04 |
Nafallo | Robot101: hehe, kewl :-) | 06:04 |
mconnor | I've just spent the last six months balancing a security branch, an app release branch, and our unstable as heck trunk :) | 06:04 |
mconnor | so this is refreshing | 06:04 |
Robot101 | you just need to manually set the channel and AP I think | 06:05 |
pitti | hi mconnor, nice to see you here | 06:05 |
TMM | doko_: well, building appears to be a bit faster, but still takes forever and a day :) | 06:06 |
Nafallo | Robot101: Bug #58117 more than that for me ;-) | 06:06 |
Ubugtu | Malone bug 58117 in linux-source-2.6.17 "rt61pci can't scan or associate" [High,Confirmed] http://launchpad.net/bugs/58117 | 06:06 |
mconnor | pitti: I was expecting torches and pitchforks :) | 06:06 |
pitti | mconnor: heh, why so? | 06:06 |
Nafallo | tfheen: btw, care to look at bug #67280 for edgy-final? | 06:06 |
Ubugtu | Malone bug 67280 in Ubuntu "[NEW] wave-look_0.1-0ubuntu1" [Medium,Needs info] http://launchpad.net/bugs/67280 | 06:06 |
Robot101 | Nafallo: I guess I should comment on that, but I have no idea where my lp password got to, hm | 06:07 |
mconnor | pitti: well, there's enough slashdot/digg/blog comments about what a jerk I am and how I hate freedom, or something | 06:07 |
=== pitti should read more blogs -- or maybe not | ||
Nafallo | Robot101: yea, but you could scan or? | 06:08 |
tfheen | mconnor: I'm sure we can arrange pitchforks if you really want us to.. | 06:08 |
tfheen | Nafallo: I don't think NEW packages are accepted now, and it'll be universe anyway, so not anything I spend time on | 06:09 |
mconnor | tfheen: I'll pass, but thanks :) | 06:09 |
Robot101 | Nafallo: you have to up it toscan | 06:09 |
Nafallo | tfheen: hmm, oki. | 06:09 |
Nafallo | Robot101: I know. still couldn't scan. | 06:10 |
Robot101 | Nafallo: oh, hm. the drivers are clearly very shoddy, but once you poke the stuff in the right order I managed to make it go | 06:10 |
Robot101 | now to chroot into my / and install the edgy kernel and maybe I can get my desktop online :) | 06:10 |
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Nafallo | Robot101: I would still have liked us to revert to legacy for rt61 though :-/ | 06:11 |
Robot101 | Nafallo: yeah, possibly would've been safer :-/ | 06:11 |
Nafallo | we'll see what happens to rt2x00 in feisty soon though ;-) | 06:12 |
mconnor | pitti: blogs are a timesink, I just got the choice bits forwarded to me :) | 06:12 |
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lritter | heh | 06:13 |
Robot101 | haha, you actually have to scan to make it associate | 06:13 |
Robot101 | utterly bizzare drivers | 06:13 |
lritter | a giant load of packages just came in | 06:13 |
lritter | i smell release | 06:14 |
mconnor | hmm, you guys are all mostly in London, right? | 06:14 |
tfheen | mconnor: no | 06:14 |
Nafallo | Robot101: hehe, and I can't scan so... ;-) | 06:14 |
Nafallo | lol | 06:14 |
mconnor | hmm, someone said that | 06:14 |
mconnor | must get better sources, obviously | 06:14 |
tfheen | mconnor: some UK, a bunch of Germans, some Frenchmen, an Australian, a couple of people in .ca and .us, I'm in .no together with one other guy. Some .za too | 06:14 |
mconnor | yikes | 06:15 |
tfheen | and a bunch of .br people. | 06:15 |
tfheen | (I've surely forgotten some countries) | 06:15 |
mconnor | so, uh, that's a lot of flying :) | 06:15 |
sivang | tfheen: who's the other one? :) | 06:15 |
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tfheen | sivang: henrik | 06:15 |
mconnor | unless my back magically recovers to go to MV a week early | 06:15 |
tfheen | the distro team meets up four times a year. | 06:15 |
sivang | tfheen: ah, was sure his from the US. | 06:15 |
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tfheen | sivang: no, he's from Bergen, but studied in Oxford and stayed for a bit, but recently moved to Oslo | 06:16 |
TMM | doko_: debugging OOo sucks, I hope you get paid ;) | 06:16 |
highvoltage | hi. according to cdimage.ubuntu.com it doesn't seem that there's any daily builds after 17 October? | 06:16 |
sivang | tfheen: good to know, thanks. | 06:16 |
_ion | 0xford | 06:16 |
tfheen | highvoltage: correct | 06:16 |
highvoltage | tfheen: ok, if I want to do testing, is it fine if I use the Oct 17 CD, or is there another one somewhere I should use? | 06:17 |
tfheen | highvoltage: test the RC. | 06:18 |
jsgotangco | RC is best | 06:18 |
tfheen | (it's on releases.ubuntu.com) | 06:18 |
highvoltage | aaah | 06:18 |
highvoltage | tfheen: thank you | 06:18 |
tfheen | I'll roll a new image on Monday, I think, but until then, RC is the freshest and what we want testing on | 06:18 |
jsgotangco | its pretty solid | 06:19 |
tfheen | there are some nits, but we'll get most of them for release | 06:19 |
=== highvoltage rsyncs | ||
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highvoltage | from the Edubuntu 17 October build there were a bunch of bugs. I'll do some testing tonight on the RC image. I think most of them is fixable for release too. | 06:22 |
highvoltage | hmmm.. I use the rsync command rsync rsync://releases.ubuntu.com/edubuntu/6.10/edubuntu-6.10-rc-install-i386.iso edgy-install-i386.iso edgy-install-i386.iso | 06:23 |
highvoltage | and I get the error: @ERROR: Unknown module 'edubuntu' | 06:24 |
highvoltage | rsync error: error starting client-server protocol (code 5) at main.c(1171) | 06:24 |
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highvoltage | am I doing something wrong with the rsync command? | 06:24 |
highvoltage | (been a while since I used it) | 06:24 |
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tfheen | highvoltage: you probably need to use rsync://releases.ubuntu.com/cdimage/edubuntu[...] | 06:37 |
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pirast | there's a problem with the turkish firefox locale... when you select turkish in the language selector it autoremoves firefox, yelp & co | 06:45 |
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pirast | bug 67401 | 06:45 |
Ubugtu | Malone bug 67401 in mozilla-firefox-locale-tr "[Edgy] mozilla-firefox-locale-tr depends on Firefox <1.1 - causes breakage " [Undecided,Confirmed] http://launchpad.net/bugs/67401 | 06:45 |
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TMM | doko_: do you have any idea what https://launchpad.net/distros/ubuntu/+source/openoffice.org/+bug/65226/comments/4 is talking about? | 06:50 |
Ubugtu | Malone bug 65226 in openoffice.org "Paste from writer to gaim in edgy segfaults writer" [Undecided,Confirmed] | 06:50 |
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TMM | well, now I need to do a full rebuild... if it turns out to NOT be this patch, I REALLY give up... fsck OOo (grrrrr) | 07:19 |
Treenaks | wait.. the C++ is so bugg that rebuilding it changes its crashiness?! | 07:21 |
Treenaks | bugged | 07:21 |
TMM | Treenaks: it's a patch against the buildsystem... it needs to relink pretty much everything now it seems, the build system didn't like that | 07:22 |
Treenaks | TMM: yes, but if a build system patch can fix a copy/paste issue, that's scary.. | 07:22 |
TMM | anyone got a 4 way SMP system I could borrow/ :) | 07:22 |
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bluefoxicy | interesting. The stock /etc/readahead/boot misses 110 files I need and has 209 I don't need. | 07:46 |
=== bluefoxicy opts for profiling his own. | ||
highvoltage | bluefoxicy: how do you do that? | 07:47 |
bluefoxicy | highvoltage: I had one I profiled on my own, dpkg asked to install the stock one so I cat boot* | sort | uniq -D | wc -l and divide the result by 2 to get the common file count | 07:47 |
bluefoxicy | subtract that from the size of my profile, and that's how many my profile has not in the common file count. | 07:48 |
bluefoxicy | count the lines in the stock list, subtract that from the overlapping files, that's the number of files that are in the stock count but not in my profile | 07:48 |
highvoltage | wow, that's real cool :) | 07:49 |
bluefoxicy | http://rafb.net/paste/results/MLydNu89.html | 07:49 |
bluefoxicy | uniq -D prints the non-unique lines multiple times (each time they occur); in this case this is only ever twice. | 07:50 |
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mconnor | http://releases.ubuntu.com/6.10/ubuntu-6.10-rc-desktop-i386.iso is the droid I'm looking for, right? | 08:09 |
mconnor | do I need to boot, then install? | 08:10 |
tfheen | mconnor: boot it, yes, it's a live cd with an "install" icon on the desktop | 08:11 |
maswan | tfheen: don't try to push the release earlier by a couple of days, if you can avoid it, ok? ;) | 08:12 |
tfheen | maswan: we're still aiming for thursday. :-) | 08:13 |
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maswan | tfheen: good, because ff 2.0 seems to be aimed for the first half of the week from what I hear. :) | 08:13 |
tfheen | maswan: there's a fc release soonish too, right? | 08:14 |
mconnor | Tuesday as well | 08:14 |
mconnor | basically, you can try to ship early, but you won't have mirrors ;) | 08:14 |
tfheen | next week will be a good week for free software, then | 08:14 |
maswan | tfheen: no clue, I don't mirror that | 08:14 |
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tfheen | mconnor: we've shipped on schedule for the previous four releases, I don't intend to do otherwise for this. | 08:15 |
Ckenyon | Quick question: What is the polished panel called that loads after you have entered your password to login | 08:15 |
desrt | the splash screen | 08:16 |
Nafallo | maswan: will you borrow some nodes from sarek this time again? :-) | 08:16 |
Ckenyon | Cheers | 08:16 |
desrt | Ckenyon; it lives in /usr/share/pixmaps/splash | 08:16 |
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maswan | Nafallo: nah, debian has gotten enough donations our way, that we should be able to saturate our 2Gbit/s just "fine" without that | 08:17 |
Nafallo | maswan: nice :-) | 08:17 |
desrt | Ckenyon; but if you want to override it you should know that there is a gconf key /apps/gnome-session/options/splash_image that you can change instead of replacing the file | 08:17 |
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mconnor | so, are there plans to make the liveCD start screen tell you to boot first, then install? :) | 08:20 |
Nafallo | mconnor: you don't have many other options as it is, have you? | 08:20 |
heno | sfllaw: ping | 08:21 |
mconnor | I can eject the CD and go looking for the right CD :) | 08:21 |
mconnor | Nafallo: since if I have a CD that I think is an install CD, and it says "this is the Ubuntu LiveCD" and doesn't mention installing anywhere, I'm not going to just boot the liveCD, since that's not the action I'm looking for | 08:22 |
mconnor | I might do it as a guess, but I'm more for making options clear | 08:22 |
Nafallo | mconnor: well, if you don't select anything it will but and you will see the nice big icon to install... ;-) | 08:23 |
Nafallo | s/but/boot/ | 08:23 |
mconnor | right, but that takes a while, especially in Parallels, so I ended up stopping the VM a few times | 08:24 |
tfheen | mconnor: it should say "desktop cd", not live cd. | 08:26 |
mconnor | tfheen: I'll check again when the installer is done | 08:31 |
mconnor | speaking of which, should the installing dialog have a progress bar, or just a number? | 08:31 |
mconnor | (boy, its fun being a user and not having to answer these questions) | 08:32 |
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tfheen | mconnor: it has a progress bar. | 08:34 |
tfheen | if not, please take a screenshot and file a bug | 08:34 |
mconnor | tfheen: it seems to be invisible, but now that I'm past 50% its obscuring the number :) | 08:35 |
tfheen | mconnor: uh. Please file a bug. :-) | 08:35 |
mconnor | going to now :) | 08:35 |
tfheen | thanks. | 08:36 |
mconnor | assuming I find my way through launchpad | 08:36 |
tfheen | http://launchpad.net/distros/ubuntu/+filebug | 08:38 |
tfheen | file it against ubiquity | 08:38 |
mconnor | ok, thanks | 08:39 |
=== mconnor waits for parallels to stop sucking up resources | ||
azeem | I've seen a screenshot pasted in here by mdz with a similar or identical bug yesterday or so | 08:44 |
mconnor | hmm, fun | 08:44 |
=== mconnor tries search :) | ||
azeem | mconnor: http://people.ubuntu.com/~mdz/temp/progressbar_edgy.jpg | 08:45 |
tfheen | ew | 08:46 |
mconnor | that's the same bug | 08:48 |
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mconnor | I see a couple of possible dupes in launchpad thus far | 08:51 |
mconnor | https://launchpad.net/distros/ubuntu/+source/human-theme/+bug/67185 and https://launchpad.net/distros/ubuntu/+source/human-theme/+bug/67443 | 08:52 |
Ubugtu | Malone bug 67185 in human-theme "Progress bar progress invisible" [Undecided,Unconfirmed] | 08:52 |
mconnor | looks like the latter is really a dupe of the former? is there a way to "confirm" bugs? | 08:52 |
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kagou | hi | 09:05 |
pirast | hi | 09:09 |
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mconnor | tfheen: http://steelgryphon.com/firefox2/liveCD.png | 09:39 |
tfheen | mconnor: you're on powerpc? | 09:41 |
tfheen | mconnor: if so, you won't get the same pretty menu that i386 and amd64 are. | 09:41 |
mconnor | tfheen: i386 (via parallels, my x86-64 is a little hosed ATM) | 09:42 |
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pirast | tfheen, should milestone set to edgy at bug 61182? | 09:42 |
Ubugtu | Malone bug 61182 in firefox "Mozilla Firefox Bon Echo Beta 2 Doesn't show RSS Feed preview" [Unknown,Rejected] http://launchpad.net/bugs/61182 | 09:42 |
=== mconnor perks up at the bug description | ||
mconnor | maybe edgy just doesn't like parallels, I don't get any sort of splash screen | 09:46 |
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siretart | tfheen: I don't know if you accepted fai-kernels, but thanks for that. I've just uploaded fai as well. I've been working and testing with upstream to get this working on edgy, and I'm quite confident with this. this was coordinated and in agreement with dholbach approvalwise | 09:51 |
tfheen | mconnor: sounds.. weird. Unless parallells doesn't give you a framebuffer, that is. | 09:52 |
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tfheen | pirast: hmm, hard choice, really. | 09:55 |
tfheen | pirast: I might be inclined to accept an updated package if somebody comes up with a patch RSN. | 09:56 |
pirast | tfheen, i do not know what is exactly wrong.. ill investigate a little bit this evening. i also subscribed martin pitt, maybe he has got a clue.. he does the firefox uploads | 09:58 |
tfheen | pirast: no, he doesn't, he just does security. :-) | 09:59 |
tfheen | pirast: Ian Jackson is our firefox man, but he's been on vacation this week. | 09:59 |
tfheen | I think it's a bug in the ubuntu theme, somewhere. | 09:59 |
pirast | tfheen :-( | 09:59 |
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pirast | tfheen, ill try to compile the .orig.tar.gz content.. maybe that helps | 10:00 |
pirast | tfheen, if the cause of the problem being found, can an updated firefox also go to edgy-updates? | 10:02 |
pirast | same question applies for openoffice.org and the copy and paste bug.. | 10:03 |
tfheen | pirast: yeah, I think that might be a saner approach. It's an unfortunate regression, but I think we're too late in the cycle to fix it now. | 10:03 |
pirast | both are annoying bugs that shouldn't be in edgy | 10:03 |
tfheen | bugs are an unfortunate fact of life. | 10:03 |
pirast | tfheen, yeah.. sadly :-) | 10:07 |
pirast | i wish ubuntu would have less ones lying around on launchpad :-) | 10:07 |
tfheen | pirast: patches accepted. :-) | 10:08 |
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pirast | tfheen, i do not really know but i imagine there are lots on older releases which are already fixed.. | 10:09 |
sfllaw | henPong. | 10:10 |
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sfllaw | heno: Pong. | 10:10 |
pirast | tfheen, doesn't seem to be caused by a theme.. i use the default firefox one.. | 10:14 |
tfheen | pirast: you're aware that the default theme in Ubuntu is the "human" one? | 10:15 |
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pirast | tfheen, yup.. but i do use the default firefox one.. i got the upstream tarball, closed by firefoxes and started the upstream one.. theme looks same and issue does not appear | 10:17 |
tfheen | pirast: hmm, so it might actually be an upstream issue then. :-/ | 10:18 |
pirast | tfheen, upstream bug report was rejected because it does not appear with firefox tarball | 10:18 |
tfheen | pirast: but you're able to reproduce with their tarball? | 10:19 |
pirast | tfheen, no :-) as i sayd " and issue does not appear" | 10:19 |
pirast | *said | 10:19 |
tfheen | oh, sorry | 10:19 |
pirast | np :-) | 10:19 |
tfheen | I can't read. :-) | 10:19 |
pirast | hehe :-) | 10:20 |
tfheen | so then it's an issue somewhere in the code. | 10:20 |
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pirast | tfheen, or it is caused by a compileoption | 10:20 |
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pirast | afaik debian packages only modify things at the upstream tarball via debian/patches | 10:21 |
pirast | but firefox's diff contains lots of changes in the upstream code | 10:22 |
ivoks | well | 10:22 |
ivoks | doesn't debian exclude some stuff from source before applying patches? | 10:23 |
ivoks | like artwork | 10:23 |
pirast | ivoks, i dont really know.. im just a beginner :-) | 10:23 |
pirast | but should be, yeah | 10:24 |
ivoks | i think orig.tar.gz in debian source isn't the same as one from mozilla | 10:24 |
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pirast | im away now.. compiliing & comparing source takes some time.. | 10:38 |
pirast | ivoks was right, there is a difference between the ubuntu orig and the mozilla source.. but in ubuntu, there are only some branding and cvs specified things removed.. | 10:41 |
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pirast | tfheen, i give up.. compiled fine, now firefox segfaults | 11:02 |
tfheen | pirast: ew. :-( | 11:02 |
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amep | Before I report this as a bug I want to ask if anyone knows anything: I am installing Edgy RC on a iBook G4 12". And once the live gnome environment appears it displays a bunch of errors from gnome-panel like 'The panel encountered a problem while loading "OAFIID:GNOME_ShowDesktopApplet".' and running bonobo-activation-run-query prints "A system exception ('IDL:/omg.org/CORBA/COMM_FAILURE:1.0') occured". | 11:07 |
amep | Anyone know anything about this? | 11:07 |
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amep | BTW, I have successfully installed Edgy RC on a Compaq R3000z (AMD64). | 11:12 |
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tfheen | amep: might be bad media; have you tested that first? | 11:16 |
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amep | tfheen: I'll check that. | 11:20 |
mvo | tfheen: would you accept something like http://librarian.launchpad.net/4921525/compiz-fix.diff to fix bug 58424 | 11:20 |
Ubugtu | Malone bug 58424 in update-manager "Can't calculate the upgrade with unofficial mesa/compiz packages " [Low,Confirmed] http://launchpad.net/bugs/58424 | 11:20 |
tfheen | mvo: oh, just 50 dupes. | 11:21 |
infinity | I'm inclined to say that if people install 3rd party packages and stuff breaks, they get to keep both pieces, but since the fix is pretty specific, and obviously otherwise harmless... | 11:22 |
mvo | tfheen: yeah :) everybody is using compiz it seems | 11:22 |
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mvo | infinity: in general I agree, but the amount of duplicates is stuning. the good thing is that pretty much every upgrade problem is caused by this (and not by stupid stuff done by me :) | 11:24 |
infinity | As a general rule, you never find the "stupid stuff done by you" bugs until a day after release. :P | 11:24 |
infinity | Thankfully, with our release frequency, you don't have to live with the shame that long. | 11:24 |
tfheen | mvo: I think it looks good; where does the bits from the dist-upgrader actually end up? | 11:25 |
infinity | I've always hated having to live with my stupid mistakes in Debian/stable for ages. | 11:25 |
mvo | tfheen: it ends up in http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/dists/edgy/main/dist-upgrader-all/ | 11:25 |
tfheen | mvo: does it go on the CDs? | 11:26 |
mvo | infinity: total agreement here | 11:26 |
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mvo | tfheen: yes, it is imported there too (but only on alternate obviously) | 11:26 |
tfheen | mvo: you've tested this fix well, right? | 11:27 |
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mvo | tfheen: I may come again tomorrow to fix a bug in python-apts pkgDepCache.GetCandidateVer() implementation, but that should be small and obvious | 11:27 |
infinity | tfheen: BTW, I intend to bang out 10 or so FTBFS fixes tomorrow. Do you want me to pass each by you, or only the ones with reasonably large and non-obvious changes? | 11:27 |
tfheen | infinity: the latter is fine. | 11:28 |
infinity | Kay. | 11:28 |
mvo | tfheen: I did, but I will do so even more tonight/tomorrow. but for now it seems to fix the upgrade issue (I tested it with a full dapper+xgl.compiz.info repo). I want to double check against the other common compiz dapper archives too | 11:28 |
infinity | Oh, should I let the qt{3,4} security uploads through the queue? | 11:28 |
Mez | infinity: remember yesterday I was talking about those problems with katapult - how do you want the info regarding the patches submitted to you ? | 11:29 |
=== mvo leaves now to get some fun for the night | ||
infinity | Mez: If there are bugs, attach the patches to the bugs (one patch per fix, not a big monolithic patch), and point us (tfheen, ideally, me if he's not around) at the bugs, so we can judge each on its own merit. | 11:30 |
mvo | bye | 11:30 |
Mez | infinity, one already has the patch in it ... | 11:30 |
infinity | Mez: When that's been done, you can prepare a new package with whatever changes (if any) were actually approved. If we don't approve any of 'em, you get to play with -propose/-updates after release. | 11:30 |
minghua | infinity: I saw you fixed FTBFS for scim-hangul recently. what is your opinion on bug 67057? | 11:31 |
Ubugtu | Malone bug 67057 in scim "libscim-dev should depend on scim-gtk2-immodule" [High,Confirmed] http://launchpad.net/bugs/67057 | 11:31 |
Mez | infinity / tfheen - bug 48103 | 11:31 |
Ubugtu | Malone bug 48103 in katapult "Katapult don't start with swedish localisation" [Medium,Confirmed] http://launchpad.net/bugs/48103 | 11:31 |
infinity | minghua: I had thought of doing that, yes. It's probably the more correct option, since -dev ships the dangling symlink. | 11:31 |
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infinity | minghua: And means I don't have to fix the other scim packages that I just noticed are also FTBFS. :/ | 11:32 |
minghua | infinity: exactly, that's when I am mentioning it to you now :-) | 11:32 |
Mez | infinity - thats the forst one - I'm just finishing up the second | 11:32 |
tfheen | mvo: ok, thanks. | 11:32 |
infinity | Mez: Kay. Lots of alcohol (don't let my reasonably coherent typing fool you) prevents me from auditing anything. tfheen's the lead RM this time around anyway, so aim it at him. :) | 11:33 |
Mez | infinity, no probs :D | 11:33 |
=== Mez cuddles tfheen | ||
infinity | minghua: Yeah, I think I will probably do it that way (and revert my -hangul change while I'm at it) | 11:33 |
infinity | minghua: Just didn't like the idea of -dev pulling in the whole scim stack, but whatever. We really should have split the library completely, not tossed it in the gtk-immodules package, but too late to fix that now. | 11:34 |
minghua | infinity: great. I intended to ping Riddell after the weekend. I'll ask him anyway if you fix libscim-dev that way | 11:34 |
infinity | (libscim and libscim-gtk would be better) | 11:34 |
minghua | infinity: I completely agree, and I plan to do that after etch | 11:35 |
infinity | Anyhow, we can revisit and fix this better in feisty (and maybe in a way that you like enough to adopt in Debian) | 11:35 |
minghua | infinity: yes, I would love to cooperate with ubuntu on this library split | 11:36 |
infinity | minghua: Can you make a note to contact me about it post-release (after feisty is open) and we'll talk? | 11:37 |
infinity | minghua: My brain is mush during the release crunch, so I don't expect to remember much of anything by the end of the week. | 11:38 |
minghua | infinity: sure (if you mean a local note for me) | 11:38 |
infinity | Yeah. :) | 11:38 |
infinity | Like, a post-it on your forehead or something. :) | 11:38 |
minghua | infinity: I think that's your brain's self-protection mechanism to prevent from being overloaded :-) | 11:39 |
infinity | My brain is, apparently, rather clever. | 11:39 |
infinity | But, yeah, I make no future promises or plans when I'm in release crunch mode and working 16+ hour days, becuase I know I'll forget everything I've said to everyone by Friday. | 11:40 |
infinity | And I'm sure that's a defense mechanism, since remembering this week could be painful. | 11:41 |
infinity | I have vague recollections of the breezy crunch still, which is what led me to cleverly erase allmemory of the dapper crunch. | 11:41 |
infinity | Hoary wasn't bad, but I was a new employee, naive, and still thought that working lots to impress my new employer was "fun". :) | 11:42 |
Seveas | you did a good job though, for all ofthe releases | 11:42 |
=== geser [n=michael@dialin107117.justdsl.de] has joined #ubuntu-devel | ||
infinity | I'll take your word for it, since I don't remember. :P | 11:43 |
infinity | Oh, damn. I was going to ask people to stop uploading, cause I hate upgrading every few hours, and then I realised half my updates were my own uploads. | 11:44 |
infinity | D'oh. | 11:44 |
Seveas | release stress in action ;) | 11:44 |
tfheen | infinity: go to bed. :-) | 11:44 |
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infinity | tfheen: Working on it, just winding down. | 11:45 |
=== pygi [n=mario@83-131-78-239.adsl.net.t-com.hr] has joined #ubuntu-devel | ||
=== Fujitsu [n=Fujitsu@ubuntu/member/fujitsu] has joined #ubuntu-devel | ||
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FireRabbit | are there plans to update the nvidia-glx package to the new 8776 version, which fixes a remote exploit vulerability? | 12:03 |
FireRabbit | before the edgy release | 12:03 |
Nafallo | FireRabbit: nope | 12:04 |
FireRabbit | why not? | 12:04 |
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=== jdong [n=jdong@ubuntu/member/jdong] has joined #ubuntu-devel | ||
Fujitsu | FireRabbit, it is scheduled for soon after the release. | 12:07 |
FireRabbit | where are these things posted? | 12:07 |
Fujitsu | It was discussed about 24 hours ago in here. | 12:08 |
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