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Digital_PioneerNormally I'd head straight over to #ndiswrapper, but nobody's around.12:01
t0mz kitche: how i can skip the perms on the disk.. i got the error "access denied" ??12:01
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willwork4foohiya! I'm trying to get a netboot install of Dapper working, and for some reason I can't seem to connect to any ubuntu archive mirrors???? I get as far as the "choose a mirror of the Ubuntu archive" screen, I choose my country (I've also tried a few others), I then ping an archive (such as gb.archive.ubuntu.com) and press enter for no web proxy (there isn't one) - and I get a red screen saying "Bad archive mirror"12:01
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willwork4foocan anyone shed any light here?12:01
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jojoman02does ubuntu come with support for using dial-up internet? (if so, how do i use/configure it)12:01
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willwork4fooif I go into a shell, I can do ifconfig -a and see my network interface is configured properlyt12:02
hsscan i install xgl-compiz on ubuntu 6.06tls12:02
RogerBaconhi, can anybody here can compile libusb-0.1.12 for me ? when i compile it i receive this : checking how to run the C++ preprocessor... /lib/cpp/configure: error: C++ preprocessor "/lib/cpp" fails sanity check12:02
willwork4fooand I can ping it12:02
Digital_Pioneerjojoman02, Have you looked at KPPP? I think that's a default package.12:02
siloxMy Gizmo Client crashes when I try to make a call, whats whrong? I have the latest version..12:02
t0mzianmacgregor: when i try to clone a disk that runs AIX i got the "access denied" error, so.. anyone knows how skip that?12:02
agentjojoman02: yes it does...12:02
willwork4foodoes anyone have any ideas?12:02
agentsilox: ask gizmo :)12:02
rabautzwillwork4foo: You can ping the archive server?12:03
conreytwillwork4foo: you can ping the site?12:03
jojoman02Digital_Pioneer: no, i haven't, i will, any gnome apps u know that come default in ubuntu (not kubuntu)12:03
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siloxagent: do they have a irc channel?12:03
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willwork4fooI can ping the archive server from my windows desktop yes12:03
Digital_Pioneerjojoman02, Sorry, I'm a KDE fan. I use Kubuntu... :\12:03
jojoman02agent: well?12:03
willwork4foobut not from the netboot install on the target box - ping is not part of the netboot image12:03
agentsilox: no idea... they do have a forum... does your client work at all? does it crash?12:03
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willwork4fooI am installing ubuntu on an IBM X20 thinkpad with no floppy / cdrom12:04
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agentsilox: the thing is, gizmo is not open source so its not really easy for anyone to help you12:04
conreytwillwork4foo: but you've got a ifconfig cmd option?  Is it using dhcp?12:04
phaedrajojoman02,  Have you tried wvdial?12:04
willwork4fooconreyt: I can ping the laptop12:04
RogerBaconhi, can anybody here can compile libusb-0.1.12 for me ? when i compile it i receive this : checking how to run the C++ preprocessor... /lib/cpp/configure: error: C++ preprocessor "/lib/cpp" fails sanity check12:04
agentsilox: hence why i suggest gizmo forum... they are the only ones that really know their own client12:04
kitchetomz: you can't you have to do sudo dd12:04
conreytwillwork4foo: is it dhcp?12:04
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willwork4fooconreyt: the network link on the laptop works fine12:04
agentjojoman02: hold on... working on it :)12:04
jojoman02phaedra: how do i use that? type it in terminal?12:04
jojoman02agent: thankz12:04
anon32RogerBacon, if you fail a sanity check, your system has problems12:04
willwork4foowait a sec12:05
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phaedrajojoman02,  use apt-get or synaptic....12:05
siloxagent: like i said, it crashes when i try to make a call to someone, it makes the ringtone then it hangups...12:05
willwork4foook - still trying to work this out - still no luck12:05
conreytis it dhcp or staticly set?12:05
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jojoman02phaedra: kind of useless without internet, don't you think?12:05
=== ^Alan^ kisses the feet of the developers of ubuntu
conreytwillwork4foo: is it dhcp or staticly set?12:05
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^Alan^i love it!12:05
RogerBaconanon32 : what i do ? im running ubuntu from the live cd ...12:05
agentsilox: try starting from terminal and see what error it gives... otherwise you really have to ask gizmo people...12:05
willwork4fooconreyt: it HAS TO BE DHCP because it was a PXE boot!!!!!12:05
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phaedrajojoman02,  It's on the ubuntu install disk.12:06
anon32RogerBacon, that's why12:06
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phaedrajojoman02,  Just install from there12:06
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jojoman02phaedra: ok, cool, it's called vwdial, is it gui or term?12:06
siloxokey yeah good idea, i will try the gizmo forum if it doesnt work12:06
^Alan^can i help some people out here? ill be happy to..i know my way around ubuntu a good bit12:06
agentjojoman02: what kind of modem do you have? built in? a pci card? usb?12:06
jojoman02agent: pci12:06
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conreytwillwork4foo: are you sure that your pxe boot is coughing up the correct dns?12:07
agentsilox: just so you know... there are open soure sip clients (ubuntu has ekiga - there are also more out there)12:07
RogerBaconanon32 : why ? i have compiled libgphoto2 without any error ...12:07
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willwork4fooconreyt: ah. wait a second...12:07
haploid_ok, I have 2 identical printers, connected by usb to an ubuntu box.  they are BOTH mapped to /dev/lp0.  wtf?12:07
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siloxagent: not with record support :(12:07
phaedrajojoman02,  Can't remember now...  I haven't used it in quite a while.  Have had broadband for years here...  ;)12:07
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agentjojoman02: is it a hardware modem or software?12:07
anon32RogerBacon, I'll build libusb for you, but it probably won't work right12:07
=== willwork4foo has just noticed a potential flaw in the dhcp server config
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jojoman02agent: it's a broadcomm12:07
phaedrajojoman02,  I do believe it's a gui though.12:07
RogerBaconanon32 : tanks :D !!!12:07
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willwork4foolemme try this now...12:08
jojoman02agent: soft i believe12:08
agentjojoman02: i dont know what that means :)12:08
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conreytwillwork4foo: and you were raising your voice for nothing eh?12:08
agentjojoman02: try this: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/DialupModemHowto12:08
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gravesoni am copying some data files to a dvd but i just cannot lay out the files in the order i want to . I have even labelled the files using numbers (title) but still no go,any idea how i can get around this ?12:08
agentjojoman02: that has explanation on soft modems12:08
willwork4fooconreyt: frustration will do a lot of unpleasant things to people :) sorry conreyt12:08
jojoman02phaedra: cool, sadly some parts of the word (like india) still use dial up12:08
anon32RogerBacon, you'll need to dcc me the source though12:08
Evaso2any news on new ati bugs... edgy is quite uninstallable for normal user12:08
anon32or give a link12:08
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willwork4foonope. it STILL doesn't work.12:09
kitchewillwork4foo: what are you trying exactly12:09
PixelhateDHey all12:09
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phaedrajojoman02,  There are lots of places where broadband isn't avilable but should be...  Just use synaptic and install wvdial...12:09
conreytwillwork4foo: and DNS is correctly set as well as default GW in your config?12:09
anon32RogerBacon, um... did you here me?12:10
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RogerBaconanon32 : yes12:10
anon32winmodems make me afraid of upgrading :-(12:10
conreytwillwork4foo: just walking through from the ground up willwork4foo..... :)12:10
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RogerBaconanon32 : how i send you a dcc ?12:10
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emmettshearI'm having trouble getting camorama to work..error is: "checking for PACKAGE... configure: error: Package requirements (gdk-pixbuf-2.0 gdk-pixbuf-xlib-2.0 libgnomeui-2.0 gtk+-2.0 >= 2.10 gconf-2.0 libglade-2.0) were not met:"12:10
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andejcan anyone tell me why windows starts to load but then quickly bsods and my comp restarts?12:11
anon32RogerBacon, forget that, can you give me a link to where you got libusb?12:11
willwork4foook - trying something else12:11
emmettshear(Requested 'gtk+-2.0 >= 2.10' but version of GTK+ is 2.8.20) How can I update gtk to be 2.10 instead of 2.8?12:11
siloxokey fuck gizmo ^^ anyone know i can record voip calls (i use Twinkle SIP), i have two soundcards and run Ubuntu 6.1012:11
anon32emmettshear, you need edgy12:11
emmettshearanon32: ok, how do I do that/what does that mean?12:11
jojoman02agent: thankz a lot12:11
jojoman02phaedra: thankz a lot12:11
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anon32emmettshear, you need to add the edgy eft repositories - go to #ubuntu+112:12
phaedrajojoman02,  np....12:12
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about edgy? - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi12:12
willwork4foolet's see how this goes...12:12
^Alan^edgy elfe12:12
agentjojoman02: good luck with that modem12:12
ubotuPlease watch your language and keep this channel family friendly.12:12
amicrawlehey guys just updated my hardware how doi get my nvidia driver back ?12:12
RogerBaconanon32 : i PM you12:12
anon32RogerBacon, ok12:12
RogerBacon*send a pm12:12
^Alan^who's doin bad language?12:12
willwork4fooyes. or substitute sweary words for things like... um... common kitchen implements.12:12
fatsheepjust do the same thing you did to enable the driver12:12
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amicrawlewhat was that12:12
jojomaDoes ubuntu support intel centrino wireless? if so is it default what do I have to do extra?12:12
gravesoni am copying some data files to a dvd but i just cannot lay out the files in the order i want to . I have even labelled the files using numbers (title) but still no go,any idea how i can get around this ?12:12
willwork4foowhat the ROASTING TIN is going on with my system? (example)12:12
amicrawleenable nvidia12:12
conreytwillwork4foo: this is the article I used to PXE boot some of our laptops at work: http://wiki.koeln.ccc.de/index.php/Ubuntu_PXE_Install12:13
willwork4fooconreyt: it's working now12:13
=== ^Alan^ burps
agentsilox: http://www.twinklephone.com/ - but i don't think you can record using twinkle... maybe some other application12:13
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siloxHow can I record VOIP SIP Calls in Ubuntu 6.10? I use Twinkle as SIP Client and have two soundcards....12:13
willwork4foojust got it working :):):):):)12:13
amicrawleand do i need to update my kernal from p3 to p412:13
siloxagent ok thx12:13
amicrawleor am i fine12:13
AdamMKhow do i change the splash image for just one user? i've figured out that changing /var/lib/gconf/debian.defaults/%gconf-tree.xml changes the  splash for all users, but i need to change it for one user.12:13
conreytwillwork4foo: what was it?12:13
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willwork4fooconreyt: I had made a mistake in my dhcp config file. a stupid one.12:14
willwork4foofixed now12:14
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conreytwillwork4foo: cool :)12:15
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siloxhmm so i youst need to install the Bugdows to record SIP VOIP Calls eh?12:15
kitchesilox: or use a asterisk box to do it for you12:15
jojoman02if a modem shows up in HAL it's installed or just detected?12:15
siloxkitche okey explain that a bit more please :)12:16
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agentsilox: maybe use a program like http://audacity.sourceforge.net/ to record the conversation "in real time"... especially since you have 2 sound cards12:17
siloxagent: yeah but it complains about "soundcard in use" :/12:17
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agentsilox: use your second sound card :)12:18
JsonThow to get universal something something to install apps?12:18
willwork4fooDapper is the latest stable release of Ubuntu, isn't it?12:18
willwork4foojust checking12:18
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DrKuhahow do install ati drivers?12:18
^Alan^yes it is willwork4foo12:18
anon32willwork4foo, yes, but edgy is at release candidate, so it's probably stable too12:18
siloxagent: then i will only get the sound of one direction :/ not both parts..12:19
dodgyvilleI just upgraded to 6.10, when I run glxgears, I get  "Xlib: extension "GLX"  missing on display ":0:0" " - I have an nvidia card and I had the binary drivers installed in 6.06.12:19
RogerBaconanon32 : chek your PM12:19
anon32RogerBacon, what PM?12:19
PixelhateDInfo for
PixelhateDName: Moppys Fun Surf CSS Server - HLStatsX12:19
PixelhateDMap: surf_10x_final12:19
PixelhateDGame: Counter-Strike: Source12:19
PixelhateDPlayers: 2/1312:19
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PixelhateDSorry, bad alias.12:20
agentsilox: or if you really want to do this the quick and easy way (but the not so cool way) is plug the cable from your first soundcard output (one you use voip) into your second soundcard record/input and record using audacity or any other program the second sound cards input port12:20
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RogerBaconanon32 : private message12:20
anon32RogerBacon, didn't get one12:20
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anon32if you're unregistered, freenode will stop you from sending PMs12:20
andejhey, I'm using grub to dual boot but I've never been able to load windows since I installed ubuntu - it starts loading but then restarts - does anyone know why?12:21
agentsilox: im sure you can figure something out... im out of ideas :)12:21
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willwork4foohow clever is Ubuntu - I remember installing Kubuntu on an iBook, and was quite impressed by the way it managed to successfully put the laptop on standby when I closed the lid, and wake it up again when I opened the lid - I'd quite like to get that working in Ubuntu12:21
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RogerBaconanon32 : strange, do you have started to compile libusb ?12:21
PPAAUULLOne question, if I upgrade to Ubuntu Edgy, when it gets released will I have to do another dist upgrade or will it just be like normal updates?12:21
willwork4foodoes Ubuntu do this as well? or is it a Kubuntu-added cleverness12:21
anon32RogerBacon, don't know where to get the source :-(12:21
PPAAUULLI am mean if I upgrade now12:22
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^Alan^ubuntu has to have something that does it im sure...kubuntu is just a graphics pack to ubuntu that i know of12:22
RogerBaconanon32 : http://libusb.sourceforge.net/download.html#stable12:22
=== ^Alan^ directs that to willwork4foo
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willwork4foo^Alan^cool thanks12:22
anon32RogerBacon, got it, I'll send you the built but not installed result (use make install)12:22
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conreytPPAAUULL: you'll be running that distro, updates will be all that is nessec. for that version12:22
^Alan^dont take my word for int now!12:22
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anon32RogerBacon, 0.1.12?12:23
DrKuhahow do install ati drivers?12:23
RogerBaconanon32 : yes12:23
JsonTit says that I need universial something with apt-get, where to download?12:23
willwork4foo^Alan^: No probs. I'm installing Dapper now on my laptop - we shall see how it fares. Slackware 11 didn't spend long on there12:23
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=== ^Alan^ nods
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conreytwillwork4foo: It should work as well.12:23
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^Alan^i dont wanna give you false information and break your laptop12:24
PPAAUULLconrey, so if I do an upgrade now, when it is released final then it will do normal updates on my system?12:24
^Alan^id feel so bad12:24
agentsilox: also, if you are getting a "sound card already in use" error that probably means that one or more of those programs are NOT using alsa... use alsa and you should not get that error12:24
willwork4fooSlackware is absolutely fantastic - if you want to tailor your system and customize absolutely everything and work on getting all sorts of stuff to work. I frankly haven't the time, and can't be bothered. if it doesn't work straight out of the box, chances are I won't want to use it12:24
conreytwillwork4foo: I've been happy with ubuntu on slower notebooks.....12:24
^Alan^but im pretty sure it would work12:24
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=== killown [n=killown@201-68-183-74.dsl.telesp.net.br] has joined #ubuntu
willwork4foowhich is why a friend told me to try Ubuntu12:24
conreytPPAAUULL: yup12:24
^Alan^ubuntu rocks12:24
^Alan^i love the fact that its an installable live cd12:24
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willwork4fooam I right in thinking also, that Ubuntu has the root password scrambled by default? and that any root-type behaviour is done through sudo?12:25
^Alan^try b4 you buy..well..sort of :)12:25
conreytwillwork4foo: I'd stick with ubuntu bit that's just my opinion....12:25
willwork4foo^Alan^: yeah - except this laptop has no CDROM or floppy12:25
jojomaHow do I go about creating my own custom live-cd?12:25
^Alan^sudo is your best bet12:25
conreytwillwork4foo: yes12:25
willwork4fooPXE installation > internet install is the way this is happenning12:25
conreytwillwork4foo: no USB?12:26
willwork4fooconreyt: what was the thinking behind that decision?12:26
dodgyvilleSo, does edgy remove glx mode from X?12:26
willwork4fooconreyt: there is USB, but the laptop won't boot off a USB stick12:26
willwork4footried that12:26
^Alan^mine either hehe12:26
conreytwillwork4foo: There are USB CDROMS too lol12:26
willwork4fooonly way to boot this laptop from external media is via PXE net boot12:26
willwork4fooconreyt: that would involve spending money.12:26
^Alan^so i said oh whatever forget it and went and ordered the cd from cononical12:26
willwork4foodon't have much of that.12:26
conreytwillwork4foo: so true so true12:26
anon32RogerBacon, building it now12:26
RogerBaconanon32 : tanks12:27
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^Alan^anyways guys and girls12:27
^Alan^i shall talk to you later12:27
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DrKuhahow do i listen to mp3s?12:27
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RogerBaconanon32 : afther that i will compile libgphoto2 (add my gigabeat s) ;D12:27
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anon32RogerBacon, done, how do you want it sent/12:27
conreytwillwork4foo: My company is running a ton (~150) thinkpads.... of different generations... regular ubuntu is the only one that I've gotten loaded (with ease) on all of them12:27
BubbaTheLoveSponDrKuha, I use xmms12:27
rabautzjojoma: apt-cache search bootcd12:27
anon32warning: no guarantee it'll work12:27
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RogerBaconrapidshare ?12:28
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anon32RogerBacon, screw that, I don't have a rapidshare account12:28
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DrKuhawhere do I get codecs then?12:28
^Alan^Awaytheres no guarantee that any software will work :)12:28
^Alan^Awayubuntu does!12:28
conreytDrKuha: are you using Ubuntu?12:28
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RogerBaconits free .... put it at a place you want12:28
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DrKuhayeah, I'm using dapper drake12:28
lostatcwhen compiling software using a AMD Sempron processor are there any flags to set to optimize it for this processor?12:28
anon32before that, let's see if dcc works12:28
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killownanyone know where has driver via igp s3g unichrome for xorg?12:28
conreytDrKuha: use the media player that it ships with.  very nice.12:29
wikijeffI'm having trouble getting ubuntu to boot all of a sudden. It will get to the Starting System Log... part of the booting process, but then hangs. Recovery mode works, as does my windows boot which I'm using now. Any ideas?? Thanks.12:29
Jobberwackynew nvidia driver out - fixes security hole http://www.nvidia.com/object/linux_display_ia32_1.0-8776.html12:29
RogerBaconanon32 : now downloading :D12:30
willwork4fooI have to say, out of the different versions of Linux I've put on this IBM thinkpad via PXE, Ubuntu does appear so far to be the easiest to install (once I sorted my PXE server out)12:30
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DrKuhayeah, rhythm box does not play mp3s, it looks like12:30
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anon32!restrictedformats > DrKuha12:30
DrKuhaI'll look there12:30
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anon32never tried this dcc thing before, it doesn't sound efficient :-P12:31
conreytDrKuha: use this site for rythmbox it will work for you : http://ubuntuguide.org/wiki/Dapper#How_to_add_extra_repositories12:31
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jojomawhat is the defaut ubuntu irc client?12:32
anon32jojoma, irsii12:32
gnomefreakjojoma: your in it12:32
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gnomefreakoh client12:32
gnomefreakgaim and irssi12:32
anon32you can then get your own (but avoid gnome-xchat)12:32
conreytclient!=channel lol12:32
DrKuhaoh yeah, i've done taht12:32
RNtIs possible install an activeX reader for mozilla in linux?12:32
anon32RNt, no12:33
dou213anon32, why should he avoid xchat?12:33
anon32there's an extension, but it doesn't work too well12:33
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anon32dou213, he shouldn't, just gnome-xchat12:33
Guest05956oh my god.12:33
Guest05956900 people..12:33
Guest05956you guys are from dalnet?12:33
anon32RogerBacon, you can obviously understand how bad dialup is :-(12:33
anon32Guest05956, and?12:34
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Guest05956just curious.12:34
tonyyarussoGuest05956: Where?12:34
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Noortonyyarusso i asked, if anyone here was from dal.net?12:35
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tonyyarussoNoor: Maybe someone is; I've never heard of it.12:35
mineraleso I know there's this one package named regexplorer - but for whatever reason I can't see it, what repository is it in?12:35
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mineralewell, I see it in the debian repositories12:35
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anon32RogerBacon, should be done sending now, at least it says so serverside12:36
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JohnnieWalkernoob question: i need to configure my kernel to get DRI working for my intel extreme graphics 2 chip.. never configured a linux kernel, can anyone start me off somewhere?12:36
anon32just unbz2, untar, and make install12:36
willwork4foojust a thought - this laptop's only got 128MB of RAM. that's probably not going to be enough for the system to work properly?12:36
anon32JohnnieWalker, #linux ?12:36
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morghanphoenixwhat goes in the type, options, dump and pass sections of fstab?12:36
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RNtis GLX swarp bugged or what?12:36
anon32willwork4foo, no, it won't - I recommend Xubuntu12:36
morghanphoenixI'm adding an external fat32 hdd12:36
jojomaconreyt: do any of the thinkpad models come w/ a built-in ethernet?12:37
JohnnieWalkeranon32: let's see, i'm using ubuntu so i thought i'd ask here.12:37
RogerBaconanon32 : where is the file ....... i cant find it ! LOL12:37
Noorso you guys are official helpers of ubunto?12:37
viatortry apt-cache search regex*12:37
anon32or perhaps Win2k (only windows version that competes with *nix)?12:37
tonyyarussojojoma: Mine did.  Umm...12:37
anon32RogerBacon, err........12:37
claviolaokay, this is a weird question, but... when I try to run "unrar" I get a warning that I should install either "unrar" or "unrar-nonfree" to have unrar on my machine.  The thing is, which program is displaying that message?12:37
viatorthen if you see what your looking for use the show command12:37
anon32RogerBacon, IRC client?12:37
jribNoor: not really official, just anyone that can help out12:37
conreytjojoma: yup most of um why?12:37
tonyyarussojojoma: 2668-49U12:37
RogerBaconanon32 : xchat12:38
Noorjrib it was in official web site right..... its cool..12:38
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anon32RogerBacon, should be .xchat2/downloads12:38
tonyyarussoclaviola: Something new...are you on Edgy or Dapper?12:38
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jojomaconreyt: well i lookin into getting some to play with jus to load linux on12:38
jribNoor: right it's the official irc channel, I just mean for example you can idle here and help out too if you want12:38
Noori want to visit help channel of this network.. which one is it?12:38
RogerBaconanon32 : not here .... i  dont understand !!!12:39
TechSalvagerNoor, #freenode-social12:39
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anon32RogerBacon, :-(((12:39
conreytjojoma: if you're looking to "play around' with linux that model will certainly handle it lol12:39
conreytjojoma: the 2668-49U is smokin'12:39
claviolatonyyarusso: yeah, edgy.12:39
=== SpudDogg [n=SpudDogg@69-165-165-57.atlsfl.adelphia.net] has joined #ubuntu
TraT0Does DD suport 2 monitors (windows style)?It's crucial for me and I realy want to go to linux12:39
tonyyarussoclaviola: Try asking in #ubuntu+1, they may be more aware of it (if you don't stumble on the developer of it).12:40
jojomawell actually im lookin for the older models12:40
viatoris it a hidden file12:40
conreytjojoma: it's got an integrated 10/100/1000 nic and internal wireless lol12:40
anon32RogerBacon, you could search your system for bz2 files12:40
=== brush01uk [n=brush01u@62-30-75-207.cable.ubr03.brom.blueyonder.co.uk] has joined #ubuntu
viatoryou have to have it show hidden files12:40
claviolatonyyarusso: yeah, I just asked in #ubuntu-devel instead12:40
TraT0I had it already 6month but I needed 2 monitors12:40
tonyyarussoclaviola: Hm, might work.12:40
conreytjojoma: I'm using some old R51's that my work just phased out.  I get the leftovers lol12:40
SpudDoggDoes anyone know the package I need to be able to watch online Windows Media videos, ie youtube.com?12:40
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TraT0so I got back to win :(12:40
AxordYoutube is flash video12:41
tonyyarussoSpudDogg: I think youtube is flash.  Either way, read https://wiki.ubuntu.com/RestrictedFormats12:41
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conreytSpudDogg: http://ubuntuguide.org/wiki/Dapper#How_to_add_extra_repositories12:41
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morghanphoenixmust be flash, cause I can watch youtube and I don't have w32 installed12:41
tonyyarussoSpudDogg: Oh, and there's a beta of flash 9 for linux if you're interested12:41
_azraelSpudDogg: Youtube is flash.12:41
jribclaviola: what does this command say:  which unrar12:41
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Tamplerwhere is unrar12:42
Tamplerpath to unrar12:42
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TamplerThats which command mean12:42
morghanphoenixanyone able to help me with a fstab entry for a removable USB HDD?12:42
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anon32morghanphoenix, sure12:42
cello_raspto install, 'sudo apt-get install unrar' . no need for path, just use 'unrar somefile.rar'12:43
anon32removable drives should be automounted though12:43
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morghanphoenixI have no idea what to put in past file system and mount point, it's a fat32 80GB external usb hdd12:43
agentmorghanphoenix: just remember, fstab changed in edgy... it now uses those crazy id strings (for good reason, however)12:43
RogerBaconanon32 : i find it12:43
morghanphoenixI don't know what to add for type options dump and pass12:43
morghanphoenixI'm in dapper12:43
RogerBaconanon32 : but make show error12:43
Brydenn33anyone here use FrostWire?12:43
RogerBaconanon32 : dosnt work12:44
agentmorghanphoenix: as anon32 said, you do not need your own fstab line, it should work when you plug it in12:44
RogerBaconanon32 : but tansk anyway :D12:44
emmettshearok, I've successfully installed the driver for my usb webcam (at least, I think it's installed, since modprobe -l shows the .ko). Can someone explain to me how to mount my webcam so it shows up under /dev/video0?12:44
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jribBrydenn33: yes, but what is your real question?12:44
morghanphoenixIt doesn't, I have to mount manually12:44
agentmorghanphoenix: its no different than a usb stick... think of it as a REALLY HUGE usb stick ;)12:44
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anon32RogerBacon, that's why I warned about using someone else's build12:44
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agentmorghanphoenix: are you sure its turned on?12:44
LinuxHelpWith lighttpd, I put my .htm's in /var/www/, but where do I put my cgi scripts?12:44
Brydenn33jrib: my real question is how did you get it to work? i downloaded the latest version and cant get it to work12:44
JsonTokay. i have went to software preferences and pressed add and checked everything. but when i have refreshed i have gotten back to unchecked. what to do?12:44
Brydenn33it shows as being installed in Adept_Manager12:45
roeI can't get Xorg to display 1920x1280 on my dell 24incher it says  No valid modes for "1920x1280"; removing in /var/log any thoughts?12:45
morghanphoenixYes, it's bus powered, not power switch or cords12:45
Brydenn33but the box never pops up12:45
jribBrydenn33: are you on dapper?12:45
morghanphoenixand it manually mounts just fine12:45
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Brydenn33i'm on Edgy12:45
jribBrydenn33: edgy questions in #ubuntu+1 please (i'll help you out there)12:45
Brydenn33thanks jrib12:45
morghanphoenixbut if it does auto-mount, which it only does every once in a while, it uses up a new space because it doesn't weant to release it's mount point when I unplug it.12:46
anon32morghanphoenix, all you need are devname, mountpoint, fstype, and defaults for the rest12:46
Brydenn33so jrib i assume you cant help?12:46
Umeshis there is a php.src package in Ubuntu like php.src.rpm on Redhat ?12:46
morghanphoenixvfat for fat32, right?12:46
=== anon32 likes XFS for large filesystems though
jkku3hey guys? what's the command to list the hardware on your computer?12:47
morghanphoenixis there a better way to make it always mount as /mnt/ext-hdd?12:47
agentjkku3: there are different ways to do that, one is lshw12:47
anon32jkku3, go to /proc and just read the files12:47
emmettshearafter you've installed a driver for a webcam, after plugging it in should it just be recognized? or do I have to do something else?12:47
viatortry running gqcam for the webcam12:48
anon32morghanphoenix, yes, just mkdir /mnt/ext-hdd and set that as mount point12:48
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jkku3what about lsdev?12:48
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rabautzUmesh: apt-get source php5 <- can not test at the moment if package is named like that12:49
agentjkku3: lsdev is not a command that i know of :)12:49
agentjkku3: just type ls and press tab twice it will list all ls commands if you want that12:49
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jkku3i'll go with lshw12:50
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morghanphoenixOkay, it's telling me that a device that's mounted on /mnt/ext-hdd is also mounted as /media/PHOENIX12:50
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agentjkku3: there are specfic commands and /proc/ for more details... for example, lsusb shows usb devices, cat /proc/cpuinfo gives you cpu info, etc.12:50
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anon32morghanphoenix, is it?12:50
morghanphoenixof course, /media/PHOENIX is not in the mount readout12:51
morghanphoenixbut properties says it's mounted there12:51
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anon32morghanphoenix, can you post your fstab to pastebin?12:51
anon32heck, paste the result of mount -l there too12:51
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hikenboothello all I have already looked at the wiki...nothing i do seems to enable 3d accelleration on my nvidia fx 5200 video card ..anyone able to help12:52
anon32question: how can I allow people to write to my mount point... but not delete it?12:52
ubotupastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (you can always find it in the channel topic, among other useful things)12:52
kitchehikenboot: did you install the nvidia binary drivers?12:52
kitchehikenboot: you should have 3d acceleraton then unless you mean direct rendering12:52
dou213if i plan to install xgl, would it be rentable to set up gdesklets and xfce4-terminal?12:52
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kitchehikenboot: but you have to change your xorg.conf so it uses the nvidia driver12:53
hikenbootit works and even works with beryl and emerald but the 3d acceration doesnt wokr12:53
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hikenbootsorry direct rendering12:53
hikenbootI did that already12:53
=== c|int [n=opera@adsl-64-149-153-43.dsl.peoril.sbcglobal.net] has joined #ubuntu
emmettshearI see my webcam under lsusb (Bus 002 Device 006: ID 0471:0329 Philips) and I have compiled and installed the pwc driver (/lib/modules/2.6.15-27-386/kernel/drivers/usb/media/pwc/pwc.ko) ... what's the final step I need to make it work?12:53
kitchehikenboot: I just had ot change the driver for my direct rendering to work so you tried glxinfo |grep direct and it says no?12:54
ciscosurferemmettshear: turn it on12:54
emmettshearhaha, ciscosurfer, thanks12:54
emmettshearI tried that :-P12:54
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MatamourosCan anyone use evolution with tsocks?12:54
emmettshearit's plugged in and not working; any ideas how I can trouble shoot from there?12:54
ciscosurferemmettshear: never hurts to point out the obvious...;-)12:55
kitcheemmettshear: you might have to modprobe pwc12:55
morghanphoenixeverything looks right there, just in properties of ext-hdd it says mounted on /media/PHOENIX12:55
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c|inthello people.. maybe someone can seriously, or as many people that can, help me figure out why I"m having issue with my nvidia agp, I did, sudo apt-get install nvidia-settings nvidia-glx, is there something I'm suppose to do and trigger it, I remember before I did, sudo nvidia-glx enable or something, I also have books too, if I can't get help12:55
ciscosurferc|int > !pastebin12:55
emmettshearkitche: ok, I just did that...modprobe didn't return an error but the webcam still doesn't work12:55
c|intbtw, I'm testing with edgy eft :)12:55
roeanyone have a modeline for the Dell 2407fpw12:55
Linuturkthe command "sudo oem-configure-prepare" isn't working!!!!12:55
Umeshrabautz, I want to change php4 spec and rebuild like I did in RH, is there is a way I can do in debian12:55
bun-bunc|int# check the topic12:56
c|intthanks ciscosurfer :)12:56
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Linuturkthe command "sudo oem-configure-prepare" isn't working!!!!12:56
c|intI went out drinkin last nite, after some smoke too, because I was highly fustrated, I even checked, and edited /ect/X11/xorg.conf12:56
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cello_rasphow lol12:57
willwork4foocan someone explain to me how :{}{ :|:&}; works? (NOBODY RUN IT - IT'S A FORK BOMB AND IT WILL SCREW YOUR SYSTEM)12:57
c|intI had to change some of the mode lines up, because I know what my nvidia is capable of ,12:57
JosefKc|int: I've noticed a kind of chicken/egg problem in Edgy with nvidia.  it's best to manually replace the Driver "nv" with Driver "nvidia" line in your xorg.conf12:57
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c|intholy smokes.. : O12:57
c|int; P12:57
ciscosurferwillwork4foo: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Forkbomb12:58
hikenbootkitche yes it says no12:58
c|inthehe, thanks JosefK, maybe that will help lool12:58
c|int ; )12:58
JosefKc|int: otherwise, nvidia-glx-config won't add Driver "nvidia" because it can't load the module, and module won't load because it doesn't say Driver "nvidia" in the config file12:58
cafuegoJosefK: It created a script function called ':'.12:58
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c|intyeah I noticed12:58
cafuegowillwork4foo even12:58
rhicanhey is there a possibility to generate/get the kernel .config of the precompiled ubuntu kernels, so that i can start using my own kernel built from source without too much trouble?12:58
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JosefKrhican: they're all in /boot12:58
cafuegowillwork4foo: Then it calls :() over and over :-)12:59
rhicanJosefK, cool tnx12:59
c|intI'm not noob lol.. I been working with linux since 2004, and as well with windows.. I run Windows XP Pro VLK, my edition from IT, and College, corperate people :P.. inside, via vmware workstation , and 5.5 btw. sure fixed alot of issues, :)12:59
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ciscosurferc|int: a whole 2 years?  my gosh!12:59
c|intedgy other than what I had to do manually, I just didn't change nv, to nvidia, but I can12:59
anon32c|int, sure... after all, I wouldn't want to say I use VLK because it's easy to warez either01:00
c|inthee, well I hav'nt read all the books I got, and so on.. :-)01:00
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c|intanon, it isn't01:00
c|intRobert Morris College, Peoria, IL, come see me :)01:00
anon32isn't easy to warez, or isn't the reason?01:00
compengican someone help me to compile gaim beta 4?01:00
c|intits not a hacked edition, cough :-)01:00
anon32compengi, I suppose, why?01:00
JosefKI'm sure everyone has a few legit windows licenses they aren't using from all the hardware we alpha geeks buy?01:00
anon32c|int, the great thing about VLK is that it has no activation :-)01:01
compengianon32: i want to install gaim beta 4 on my os01:01
=== YAUS looks in here
ciscosurfercompengi: google is your friend: http://www.google.com/search?q=compile+gaim+beta+4&ie=utf-8&oe=utf-8&rls=org.mozilla:en-US:unofficial&client=firefox-a01:01
c|intthere is an activation, but I don't have to register if I dont' want too, anon, and I work with Microsoft Gold Partner wombats anyways ;)01:01
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anon32compengi, well, what's the difficulty?01:01
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c|intand they ask for my consultant advice, with linux systems to evaluate,01:01
compengianon32: i don't know the steps how to compile and install =/01:01
LjLcompengi: then can't you live with beta 3? :P01:02
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=== ^Alan^ covers c|int's mouth...not the M word! :P
c|intno point to prove anything to anyone on the net .. when they don't see the truth :)01:02
anon32c|int, um... the corporate does *not* have an activation01:02
ubotuYou want to connect via dial-up? Read https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DialupModemHowto01:02
^Alan^thanks anon3201:02
c|intanon.. the 1 I have.. I have to enter product key, then it is up to me, to register with microsoft or not, its because we work with alot of systems, and we strip out what we don't need.. cough ocugh01:02
compengiLjL: i had beta 3 before i formated my os and reinstalled it now i'm running gaim 1.501:02
emmettshearok, so now the webcam's light turns on, I guess that's useful01:02
ubotu#ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, #ubuntu+1 supports the development version of Ubuntu and #ubuntu-offtopic is for random chatter. Welcome!01:03
anon32c|int, huh01:03
LjLcompengi: ok, still can't you use the beta 3 packages? are they too buggy?01:03
anon32kitche, thank you, now politely stop that01:03
c|intalthough, I can just create a custom image if I want, and use my Software ACronis True Image, whatever I need, to make an image of an install, dont' matter, the entire disk, eh a virtual disk image as wel, etc01:03
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compengiLjL: beta 3 has alot of bugs01:03
hikenbootkitche, you still there01:04
LjL!compile > compengi01:04
c|intI just had an nvidia question.. gee, thanks for adding your input.. :)01:04
c|intthanks, JosefK, btw, ;)01:04
anon32I never could figure out what acronis did..01:04
JosefKc|int: np's :)01:04
c|intsure was fun, to get a copy of Mandriva 2007 PowerPack as well, and strip that, :)01:05
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c|intany trigger eh?... enable etc?01:05
emmettshearhow can I tell if the webcam is working?01:05
c|intJosefK: , should I do?01:05
emmettshearaka what program will read it and display the images/01:05
c|intor just change nv to nvidia,01:05
c|intall the refresh rates are right, and I got the correct amount of memory the agp should be using, manually inputed it,01:06
compengiLjL: i'm downloading the cvs package01:06
LjLemmettshear: camorama perhaps01:06
kitchehikenboot: yes I was playing tremoulous a bit01:06
c|intalthough it appears, it just isn't using its native driver.01:06
LjLcompengi: then i guess you'll have to run "autoconf" before being able to run "./configure"01:06
=== pussfell1r [n=pussfell@166-82-183-46.quickclick.ctc.net] has joined #ubuntu
=== anon32 contributed a section to DialupModemHowto :-))))))
hikenbootwell I a posting my logs for someone in another chat room he thinks he can help01:07
c|intoh and yes.. java doesn't seem to be in any extra repositories.. erm. maybe I checked something wrong.. or need to add something :-)01:07
compengiLjL: i didn't get it01:07
JosefKc|int: I can't offer unbiased advice on Mandriva01:07
LjLcompengi, "./configure" is a compilation step01:07
c|intnah, I'm not asking about that lmao01:07
XpLiciTdo i need to install flash player on the ubuntu server in order to view swf remotely through a browser?01:07
JosefKah :P sorry, what was the problem?01:07
c|intso.. it being on "nv" instead of "nvidia" is causing probs eh?01:07
viatoremmettshear qkcam or kopete even01:08
JosefKc|int: well, 'nv' is the closed source driver.  the logic of nvidia-glx-config needs fixing, it should update xorg.conf first _then_ try loading the module, and revert the config if it doesn't work01:08
compengiLjL: i know, but what did you mean by saying i have to run autoconf before ./configure01:08
JosefKc|int: *nv is the open source driver, not the closed source one01:08
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c|inthee he01:08
kitcheXpLiciT: yes01:09
c|intdam commercial proprietary hardware, got to luv em eh JosefK :)01:09
c|intand to think, someday I want an SGI so bad.. :)))01:09
LjLcompengi: i meant what i said :-) when you get stuff from CVS, the "configure" script has usually not yet been generated, and you must generate it by running "autoconf"01:09
c|intworkstation that is..:))01:09
JosefKc|int: it could be worse, you could have a radeon..01:09
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viatori meant01:10
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c|intand I was thinking about getting 1.. erm.. but I sure do like nvidia.. :)01:10
=== Phuzion [n=Phuzion8@69-168-188-155.clvdoh.adelphia.net] has joined #ubuntu
c|intI'm just going wait to get a 512 ddr video card :)01:10
c|intprobably going , pci express,01:10
c|intits a must.. :- )01:10
PhuzionAlright, my machine isn't using DNS servers?01:10
PhuzionThat first line should be a statement, by the way01:11
c|intquestion is, how long should I wait on ubuntu to support more latest technology . provided to the people :-)01:11
willwork4fooPhuzion: because it doesn't know about them?01:11
willwork4fooPhuzion: do me a favour - cat /etc/resolv.conf01:11
willwork4foowhat's in there01:11
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waltnmay i ask a question?01:11
ubotuDon't ask to ask a question. Just ask your question :)01:11
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c|intJosefK: , what you think.. : P01:12
Phuzionsearch WorkGroup01:12
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waltnwhen I use the logout menu hibernate button, what causes the system to come out of hibernate?01:12
PhuzionTurn it on01:12
compengiLjL: when i'll begin compiling i would probably need your help, can you provide it?01:12
c|intseems that waltn, has an inquiry on the point of this channel, and was just being polite? :)01:12
PhuzionHibernate is turning off the computer, so you have to turn it back on01:13
waltnthen it reboots to a clean session, not where i left it01:13
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LjLcompengi: maybe01:13
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|thunderwaltn; a light sneeze01:13
Phuzionwillwork4foo:  Any ideas?01:13
JosefKc|int: that depends, if you're submitting a report you'd probably recommend migrating hardware to a platform that's definitely supported over time too01:13
lib8264qhello channel01:13
compengiLjL: i hope so :)01:13
=== rcarr [n=robb@c-69-143-127-232.hsd1.va.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
waltnlol, |thunder01:13
JosefKc|int: the hardware support here's as good as any other distro, it's just tougher to get all those rpm'd third-party drivers (because everyone uses fedora, right?) to install easily01:14
waltnif hibernate is not what i want, how does one tell ubuntu to sleep?01:14
|thunderwaltn; Phuzion is right. it caches the ram and all power is killed. gonna need to hit the power button.01:14
lib8264qcan someone tell me if there is a program that i can use to  make a .mov file from a mixture of .mp3 and .jpg01:14
XpLiciTinstalling flashplayer-nonfree failed.  i'm not sure whether to add the PLF or Canonical repositories.01:14
XpLiciTi added the PLF.  but apt-get update failed01:15
|thunderwaltn; dont know. i never wanted it too, so.01:15
XpLiciTGPG error: ...  the public key is not available: NO_PUBKEY01:15
Phuzionlib8264q: any video editing software, then if it doesn't directly output to MOV, then a converter should finish things off01:15
=== MagicFab is now known as MagicFab_brb
PhuzionI don't specifically know of any video editing software for Linux, unfortunately01:15
c|intbe surprised what everyone else uses, JosefK :)01:15
rcarrlib8264q: Try "apt-cache search slideshow"01:16
lib8264qim new to  *nix ... any advice on program that i could possibly use ????01:16
=== PhilKC [i=greece@unaffiliated/philkc] has joined #Ubuntu
c|intvision is, take mac software, compiled on intel architectures, then compile and port to linux, systems, that wouldn't that be the ideal thing :)01:16
PhuzionSo, does anyone have any ideas about how to resolv (pun intended) my DNS problem?01:16
=== eiser [n=eiser@161.Red-81-44-102.dynamicIP.rima-tde.net] has joined #ubuntu
JosefKc|int: well, there's GNUstep01:17
waltnPhuzion&thunder: thanks...will keep googling :)01:17
c|intnow wouldn't*01:17
c|intyep, I know01:17
c|intI been on alot.. :)01:17
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kitchePhuzion: I tend to use custom dns servres instead of what my router sends me01:17
JosefKPhuzion: if you're using DHCP, it should be automagic, if not, you can add them to /etc/resolv.conf?01:17
c|intI do have, a licensed copy of Mandriva 2007 PowerPack01:17
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PhuzionWhat is the syntax for one of those?01:18
JosefKPhuzion: check /etc/nsswitch.conf too01:18
LjLJosefK, Phuzion: i think that (at least on kubuntu), thanks to the "resolvconf" package that is installed by default, /etc/resolv.conf gets rewritten automatically at every boot01:18
c|intI was having issues with my external hard drive,  LACIE 2.0 usb/ firewire 80 GB , 7.05 oz :P01:18
ubotuFor multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats  -  See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html  -  But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats01:18
^Alan^im gonna be back in a bit..gonna go copy ubuntu a few dozen times..im distributing it at my college...got them all wanting it!01:19
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c|intremember back in the days, where ubuntu, didn't mount foriegn partitions :)01:19
JosefKLjL: sadly true, to get around that I usually add a post-up script to eth* to manually append/overwrite resolv.conf01:19
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LjLJosefK: i just removed resolvconf, for that matter =)01:19
c|intsee ya ^Alan^01:19
PhuzionJosefK:  It's manually entered into the resolv.conf file01:19
PhuzionAnd it still doesn't work01:19
PhuzionYet this machine has literlally the exact same resolv.conf file01:19
bintutanyone can help me here? why is it that my openoffice.org in my ubuntu dapper setup doesn't recognize a wrong spelling word when i click the check spelling icon?01:19
JosefKPhuzion: just to check, you've put the IP address, not a domain name into resolv.conf?01:19
Marielewhatever ..01:19
PhuzionOf course01:19
=== AsheD [n=Ashe@67-43-242-103-cablemodem-roll.fidnet.com] has joined #ubuntu
PhuzionYeah, I'm gonna put dnsresolver.org into there01:20
LjLPhuzion: and, on that line, you've put the word "nameserver" before the IP?01:20
c|intJosefK: , I'm going to see you on.. ubuntu, edgy eft, I was doing some things on my windows system, because I involved with programming for ms systems as well.. ;)01:20
AsheDooo, that wasn't good01:20
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JosefKPhuzion: ;) could you paste the error from nslookup?01:20
LjLPhuzion, what does nslookup have to say?01:20
bsniderkitche: whcih DNS servers do you use?01:20
c|intI'm going get that nvidia agp working great, thanks to you , I hope :)01:20
kitchebsnider: I use the two root servers :)01:20
PhuzionUhh, it goes directly into >01:21
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JosefKPhuzion: nslookup www.google.com (for example)01:21
Phuzionoh, haha01:21
Phuzionthanks, I wasn't sure how to use it01:21
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Phuzionconnection timed out; no servers could be reached01:21
LjLPhuzion, try "nslookup www.google.com"01:21
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PhuzionProbably the same thing01:22
Phuzionsame thing01:22
Phuzionconnection timed out; no servers could be reached01:22
LjLPhuzion: does pinging succeed?01:22
AsheDmy X just crashed?01:22
c|intyou think I should use, nano to edit, or gedit?01:22
PhuzionHold on01:22
rcarrcjing: vim01:22
c|intvim eh?01:23
JosefKno emacs!  no wait, yes, vim.01:23
PhuzionWhat the hell01:23
PhuzionIt doesn't work anymore01:23
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rcarrerr c|int01:23
jkku3hey what's the site that let's you copy and paste stuff into it?01:23
rcarrOnly took me three tries01:23
ubotupastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (you can always find it in the channel topic, among other useful things)01:23
XpLiciTanyone else having problems apt-get update'ing because of http://packages.freecontrib.org ?01:23
ubotusamba is the way to cooperate with Windows environments. Links with more info: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MountWindowsSharesPermanently http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/serverguide/C/windows-networking.html Samba can be administered via the web with SWAT01:23
JosefKLjL: other machines on your network are using as a DNS server?01:23
c|intthanks :)01:23
LjLJosefK, that was for Phuzion i think01:23
c|intfor the pastebin too :P01:23
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JosefKyes, yes it was01:23
c|intremember to tell me, paste when I get back :)01:23
PhuzionAll of them are01:24
c|intor , I will do , !paste01:24
c|intas well :)01:24
fsanchohi all01:24
GhostFreeman_How do I restart iptables?01:24
LjLPhuzion: if it's not pinging, then the problem is not the DNS itself, though01:24
fsanchoanyone knows how can i customize a gnome screensaver??01:24
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PhuzionAlright, so ping works now01:24
LjLGhostFreeman_: iptables is a command - you don't restart it01:24
JosefKPhuzion: out of interest, does 'lsmod | grep sky2' show anything?01:24
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GhostFreeman_um, I used firehol to unload iptables, i'd like to reload what was already there01:25
Phuzionwhat does that do?01:25
JosefKnot sky2 bugs then.  if you can ping it now, does 'nslookup www.google.com' work now?01:25
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JosefKjust wondering if you had a sky2 network card01:25
LjLPhuzion: try nslookup www.google.com again while making keeping a ping running in another shell, and making sure every ping goes through01:25
XpLiciThttp://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/27587/  following the advice on line 4 does not help :/01:25
PhuzionYeah, it'01:25
PhuzionIt worked01:25
XpLiciTerr line 301:26
Phuzionname google,com, address 72.whatnot01:26
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LjL!gpgerr > XpLiciT01:26
GhostFreeman_um, I used firehol to unload iptables, i'd like to reload what was already there01:26
Phuziondon't ask repeatedly01:26
XpLiciTthank you LjL01:26
LjLPhuzion: then you seem to have an intermittent connection01:26
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JosefKPhuzion: it looks like maybe just your connection went down then01:26
compengiLjL: can i compile using ./configure; make; make install steps?01:26
monofonikhow do i resize the boot partition on my mac without reformatting? i want to dual boot os x and ubuntu on my powerbook g401:27
Phuzionpart of the problem is probably that my switch down here thinks that everything wants to use the 192.168.2.* subnet01:27
Phuzionroute returns the first line being
Phuzionfor some reason01:27
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LjLcompengi: maybe. first thing, you must have build-essential installed. then, if you've got a "configure", run it, otherwise you need to run "autoconf" first. if the configure succeeds, proceed with "make". if it doesn't succeed (which is likely), you'll have to see which -dev packages are required01:27
GhostFreeman_How can I recover/reload whatever was sitting in iptables after being unloaded by Firestarter/FireHOL?01:28
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PhuzionAlright, apparently I can ping by IP address, even outside of the network01:28
PhuzionBut this machine's like a fat kid in a buffet01:29
PhuzionIt won't go outside for anything01:29
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JosefKPhuzion: route01:31
JosefKPhuzion: are you sure you're using DHCP? :/01:31
=== ^Alan^ looks at installer for other pc
^Alan^so far so good01:31
PhuzionI have a static IP address on purpose01:31
Phuzionthis machine is a server01:31
JosefKPhuzion: there should be an entry "     *        U     0      0        0 eth0"01:31
PhuzionYeah, but it's
compengiLjL: sudo apt-get build-dep gaim-2.0.0beta4.tar.bz201:31
compengiReading package lists... Done01:31
compengiBuilding dependency tree... Done01:31
compengiE: Unable to find a source package for gaim-2.0.0beta4.tar.bz201:31
JosefKPhuzion: we usually leave our servers on DHCP and have them get a specific IP address using their Mac01:31
PhuzionI prefer manual configuration01:32
LjL!paste > compengi01:32
JosefKPhuzion: well, whichever subnet that machines on.  if it's, and you're machine has an IP in, make sure the subnet's class b01:32
LjLcompengi: where did you get that command from? that's wrong.01:32
PhuzionHow do I change that?01:32
compengiLjL: from the site you gave me01:32
PhuzionI just want it on
=== AdamKili [n=adam@71-213-191-218.albq.qwest.net] has joined #ubuntu
JosefKPhuzion: which is the address of the router?01:32
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Phuzion192.168.1.1 is the router address01:33
LjLcompengi: yeah, it specifies "apt-get build-dep <package>" though. "gaim-2.0.0beta4.tar.bz2" on the other hand is a file -- a tarball specifically01:33
^Alan^ is a linksys router am i correct?01:33
PhuzionHaha, yeah, but not really a linksys anymore01:33
LjLcompengi: you may, however, want to run "sudo apt-get install build-dep gaim". this will install the dependencies that are required for the Dapper version of Gaim. with some luck, they'll be the same that Gaim 2.0 needs01:33
=== ^Alan^ nods
PhuzionWRT54G v.3 to be specific01:33
^Alan^thought so :)01:33
kitche^Alan^: it can be anything really01:33
JosefKPhuzion: hmm, the routing's fine then.  can you "ping"01:33
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Phuzionits getting it01:34
JosefKheh, cat /etc/resolv.conf - see if it's empty again01:34
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Phuzionsame as it was before01:34
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Phuzionsearch WorkGroup01:34
Noob1hi how can i tell what version of unbuntu im running?01:34
compengiLjL: some error01:34
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JosefKPhuzion: and you still can't "ping www.google.com"?01:35
^Alan^it should be on your sleeve of your cd01:35
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c|inthey  JosefK, you still here?01:35
JosefKc|int: indeed01:35
Phuzionnoobl/noob1, look in /etc/apt/sources.list01:35
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Noob1^Alan^:  my teacher gave me a burnt one01:35
c|intwant me name the nvidia driver.. instead of "nv" to "NVIDIA"  or "nvidia"  doesnt' matter?01:35
PhuzionIt should have the name of your distro pasted all over there01:35
AdamKilianyone know the terminal command for the Desktop Switcher?01:35
viatoris your wrt54g firmware buggered01:35
^Alan^um....im not sure01:35
LjLcompengi: "unable to find source package for gaim"? post your /etc/apt/sources.list to the pastebin.01:35
^Alan^let me see really quick Noob101:35
JosefKNoob: lsb_release -a01:35
seerking1anyone here experienced using auto text complete in OpenOffice?01:35
viatori got a version of ddwrt that was01:35
^Alan^nevermind then01:36
compengiLjL: i said E: Couldn't find package build-dep01:36
viatorand had similar problems01:36
c|intor hee, 3d tab :)01:36
andersjaI've got a pretty weird bug in the installer in on the release candiate01:36
seerking1anyone here experienced using auto text complete in OpenOffice?01:36
c|intor say it.... with speech recognition :)01:36
ubotupastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (you can always find it in the channel topic, among other useful things)01:36
LjLcompengi: ah sorry, my bad, i gave you a wrong command. "sudo apt-get build-dep gaim".01:36
Noob1^Alan^: so is there a way ir what01:36
viatoranderversja file a bug then heh01:36
=== SunFish7 [n=SunFish7@cpc4-oxfd1-0-0-cust870.oxfd.cable.ntl.com] has joined #ubuntu
c|intJosefK: , so, doesn't matter?01:36
LjLcompengi: not sure how i managed to get "install" to end up there.01:36
gbuHello I have a ATI Radeon 9200 PRO card.can you please tell me how to install 3d drivers for it?01:36
JosefKPhuzion: sorry, but without actually seeing your setup, I'm out of ideas.  I'm guessing it's something you've missed setting up the iface by hand, but I can't be sure01:36
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c|intrename "nv" to "NVIDIA" or "nvidia"01:37
seerking1how can I use the auto text complete in OpenOffice?01:37
LjLcompengi: i'm just used to typing "apt-get install something" i suppose :-)01:37
JosefKc|int: nvidia is the 'better', official NVidia one01:37
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JosefKc|int: supports 3D acceleration etc.01:37
JohnnieWalkeri hope this speeds up my GUI01:37
JohnnieWalkerbecause it's slow as nuts01:37
bintutanyone can help me here? why is it that my openoffice.org in my ubuntu dapper setup doesn't recognize a wrong spelling word when i click the check spelling icon?01:37
viatori would make sure i have the newest firmware version and reinstall it01:37
c|intk, brb.. hee, thanks alot.. rebooting X :)01:37
seerking1LjL: any ideas?01:37
=== insub [i=dtox@Toronto-HSE-ppp3738085.sympatico.ca] has joined #Ubuntu
viatorthen work out01:37
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compengiLjL: nvm :)01:37
bintuti tried setting up US English language format in "format > character" and "tools > options > languages > language settings" to US english too but still the check spelling doesn't work.. :(01:37
LjLseerking1: no. i don't even have openoffice installed.01:37
PhuzionJosefK:  I can set you up with SSH access to the machine, if you want to take a look around01:37
bintutanyone please?01:38
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kitchebintut: are you sure the word is spelled wrong?01:38
bintutkitche: yes01:38
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bintutkitche: there's no such US English word as bintut, right?01:38
JosefKPhuzion: it's 00:38 here - I'm gonna kip soon, but out of interest, if you can still ping, does 'nslookup www.google.com' still work?01:38
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Phuzionboth still work01:39
JosefKbut 'nslookup www.google.com' doesn't?01:39
JosefKI'd check the syntax of your /etc/resolv.conf01:39
compengiLjL: btw what irc client are you using?01:39
BubbaTheLoveSponbf2 in ubuntu eh?01:39
Lukedoes anyone know of a way to use the apache config to force  svn to go through the ssl virtual host using the "debian" config setup?01:39
LjLcompengi: Konversation01:39
Phuzionis there a need for semicolons at the end or something?01:39
kitchebintut: bintut is a word01:39
JosefKPhuzion: you might've mis-spelt something, or maybe it's commented etc.01:39
JosefKPhuzion: no semi-colons01:39
=== simpla [n=wayne@ppp47-112.lns2.syd6.internode.on.net] has joined #ubuntu
kitchein reality bintut it's a place01:40
viatorbypass the router01:40
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Lukedoes anyone know of a way to use the apache config to force  svn to go through the ssl virtual host using the "debian" config setup?01:40
=== BubbaTheLoveSpon is very constipated and has a semi-colon
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viatoruse the preocess of elemintation01:40
bintutkitche: oh my..01:40
JosefKPhuzion: man resolv.conf - for more detail01:40
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gbuhow do i install 3d drivers for ati radeon 9200 pro?01:40
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compengiLjL: i'm downloading gaim stuff01:41
JosefKPhuzion: I think you should remove that 'search' line btw01:41
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kitchePhuzion: it will search for that then use the dns servers01:41
JosefKPhuzion: it's not for WINS/NETBIOS, it's for DNS.  ie. I'd put 'search germany.company.com company.com'01:41
=== AdamKili [n=adam@71-213-191-218.albq.qwest.net] has joined #ubuntu
simplahi guys.  So about the nvidia driver security problem, I take it that is why its not working now?  (I just finished doing apt updates)01:42
PhuzionJosefK:  that was automatically in there01:42
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JosefKPhuzion: if you set your machines domain, it probably was, but isn't needed01:42
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AdamKilidoes anyone know the terminal command for switching desktops?01:42
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c|intits having problems01:42
c|inti had to.. dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg01:43
JosefKc|int: hmm, you're using the nvidia-glx package?  if so, check /var/log/Xorg.0.log01:43
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chrismhampsonjust downloaded 6.10 for my desktop - very nice it is too...apart from the disk admin missing! On a separate note, does anyone know a place where I can download old distros like suse 8.1?01:43
simplayeah, ah i manually edited the xorg file and changed it back to the nv driver01:43
c|intshouldn't i be?01:43
AdamKilidoes anyone know the terminal command for switching desktops?01:44
kitchesimpla: that security problem isn't really a big risk unless give people X sessions01:44
Flannelchrismhampson: #ubuntu+1 for edgy support, and I'm sure you can find older versions on the internet somewhere01:44
JosefKyes :) the details of the error'll be in that Xorg.0.log01:44
PhuzionJosefK:  How do I change that line to be 1.0?01:44
Phuzionin route01:44
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XpLiciT"Package flashplugin-nonfree is not available."  I'm using ubuntu server, firefox is not installed.  Should i install libflash-swfplayer instead? or first?01:44
simplayeah but the packages are broken through apt. won't let me install nvidia-glx due to nvidia-kernel not being there01:44
JosefKPhuzion: actually, if you're on, that's the problem *slaps forehead*01:44
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FlannelXpLiciT: you need to enable multiverse01:44
PhuzionNo, I don't have any machines in the 2.0 subnet01:45
JosefKPhuzion: two secs, I'll check the manpage to adjust from solaris (last place I used route)01:45
chrismhampsonFlannel: I've tried but it looks like the ftp servers i know have deleted everything but 10.0 10.1 etc01:45
simplaAdamKili, command is desktop name  , ie..    desktop Desk2 to change to desktop 201:45
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XpLiciTFlannel, which repository? or how?01:45
c|intwhat should I be looking for01:45
kitchePhuzion: didn't you say your gateway is
^Alan^wow..thats the quickest ubuntu has EVER installed01:45
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^Alan^5 minutes tops01:45
AdamKilisimpla: ty01:45
JosefKroute del
JosefKPhuzion: route del
Flannel!tell XpLiciT about multiverse01:46
Phuzionno such process01:46
Phuzionit's suddenly on 1.0 now01:46
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c|intubuntu still working slick, just not my 3d performance working good.. :(01:46
Phuzioni think this machine is possessed01:46
PhuzionIt has some serious problems01:46
AdamKilisimpla: bash: desktop: command not found01:46
c|intlmao @ possessed01:46
JosefKPhuzion: heh, I think it's just the network setup - does your router have an option to assign Mac addresses to specific IPs in the DHCP pool?01:47
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AdamKiliy is it called Mac address?01:47
PhuzionJosefK:  I have had this exact system up and running before on this same setup01:47
AdamKilidid apple invent it01:47
Phuzion!google mac01:47
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about google mac - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi01:47
Phuzion!G Mac address01:47
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about G Mac address - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi01:47
viatorlol @ mac01:48
AdamKili!mac address01:48
Phuzionno one has a google bot in here?01:48
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about mac address - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi01:48
LjL!msg the bot01:48
FlannelNo.  Phuzion, google it yourself01:48
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about mac - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi01:48
LjL!msg the bot01:48
ubotuPlease investigate with me only in /msg or in #ubuntu-bots  -  Abusing the channel bots will only result in angry ops... ;-)01:48
JsonTi went to system preferences, i pressed at add, checked everything, closed and refreshed, but when I go back in the stuff i checked is not checked...01:48
kitchePhuzion: why have a google bot when it will be abused?01:48
JsonTsoftware preferences01:48
JsonTi meant01:48
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c|intJosefK: , any ideas?01:48
marshallhey guys, i keep getting this problem with gftp when i try to use SSH2 to access my server: http://ubuntu.pastebin.ca/21263901:48
PhuzionI go to channels that have them, and no one abuses them01:48
viator media aceess cntrl01:49
Phuzionthen again, I kickban people for doing shit like that01:49
FlannelPhuzion: a google bot wouldn't be of any benefit to the channel.01:49
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LjLPhuzion: well, on a channel with an average of 900 people, what you just did is considered bot abuse...01:49
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JosefKc|int: you'd have to paste the log, but my first guess would be typo01:49
c|intknow anything about nvidia cards, as far as.. getting them to work properly, on testing, edgy ?01:49
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c|inttypo eh on my part eh?01:50
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JosefKc|int: :P change the 'nv' to read 'nvidia' now, then try 'modprobe nvidia'01:50
JosefKc|int: if the module loads okay, then try restarting the X server01:50
c|intk, give me paste bin link plz01:50
JosefK!paste > c|lint01:50
ubotupastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (you can always find it in the channel topic, among other useful things)01:50
c|intoh okay lol :P01:50
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chrismhampsoncan anyone help me register my nickname? I have no idea how to do it!01:51
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kitchechrismhampson: /msg nickserv help01:51
c|intgive me link plz.. :)01:51
Phuzion`awaychrismhampson:  /nickserv register password email01:51
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kitchec|int umm the link is right there01:51
chrismhampsonPhuzion`away: thanks!01:51
Phuzion`awayNo prob01:51
JosefKnice to see http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/ working dandy under konqueror :/01:51
simplaadamkili you can just do control-alt-left or right to change desktops01:51
Phuzion`awayHave fun with your +e01:51
JsonThmm.. f*k this, ill fix it myself...01:52
c|intoh yeah, this would be big help.. how to view chm files on ubuntu :)01:52
bsnidera DNS delay happens with this router, unless icomment out the line that identifies it as a nameserver01:52
JosefKc|int: sudo aptitude install gnochm01:52
c|intwhat nice script, I need to install to view that :)01:52
dou213if i plan to install xgl, would it be wise to set up gdesklets and xfce4-terminal?01:52
c|intthanks :D01:52
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JosefKnp :)01:52
LjL!xgl > dou21301:53
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c|intwow. aptitude is fixing my java insall :)01:53
simplac|int, there is a CHM viewer for gnome01:53
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c|intoh yeah?01:54
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c|intI'm all ears :-)01:54
LjLc|int: actually, i think JosefK just told you about it01:54
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JosefK!gnochm > c|int01:54
justmikeI am a newbie and having a problem with the Update Manager.  When I try to run it, the error message shows: "Only one software management tool is allowed to run at the same time," but I don't know how to find (and kill, if needed) the other process that may be running (e.g., if Synaptic Package Manager is running, I can't see it).01:55
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JosefKjustmike: ps -ef | grep dpkg | wc -l01:56
JosefKjustmike: does that show a number > 0?01:56
jvaijustmike: sometymes that happens when u r running apt from the terminal, or have the update manager open whilst running synaptic01:56
jvai@ the same tyme01:56
justmikeok let me see if I can run the command in terminal -- hold on01:57
hikenbootanyone know what mesa packages I should not have for running nvidia-glx?01:57
justmikeafter the -ef, is that a pipe character (vertical bar) or the letter L?01:58
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JosefKjustmike: a pipe01:58
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marshallcan anybody help me with this?: http://ubuntu.pastebin.ca/21263901:59
abohow can I get the new flash 9 beta into my ubuntu?01:59
ubuntumahany bodu use wifi-radar02:00
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SeanTatermarshall: have you tried connecting in a more local fashion>?02:00
ubuntumahor wireless assistant02:00
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marshallSeanTater, how do you mean? i want to be able to connect to my computer from any computer, not just the ones on the network02:01
SeanTaterubuntumah: yes, I did, occasionally, once -- but it seems pretty simple, what about it?02:01
ubuntumahI cant connect to my net by wifi-radar02:01
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justmikeI ran the command ... output was a 1 (one)02:01
SeanTatermarshall, yes, but you may want to check and see if you can connect at all, before you get to the /from anywhere/02:01
JosefKjustmike: sudo killall dpkg02:01
SeanTaterubuntumah: have you read the following link?02:02
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ubotuWireless documentation can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs02:02
izzyb_abo: try searching at digg.com.  I seen an article there recently02:02
marshallSeanTater, i can connect on the windows computer using filezilla02:02
SeanTaterubuntumah: what ubotu said02:02
JosefKjustmike: it seems to have crashed, you should be able to update after you kill it02:02
aboizzyb_, I found this file http://www.adobe.com/go/fp9_update_b1_installer_linuxplugin02:02
SeanTatermarshall: okay -- then , do you have a router that that ssh server is behind?02:02
izzyb_abo something to the effect of installing flash in ubunto02:02
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izzyb_er ubuntu even02:03
justmikedpkg: no process killed02:03
aboizzyb_, but I am afraid of installing it manually and breaking my system02:03
marshallSeanTater, yeah02:03
JosefKjustmike: hmm, run just 'ps -ef | grep dpkg' this time02:03
izzyb_abo: I can't help you htere.  i haven't read the article, just remember seeing it02:03
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SeanTatermarshall: then have it foreward port 22 to that computer's local ip address02:03
justmikeno quotes, I assume?02:04
aboizzyb_, ok thanks02:04
JosefKjustmike: oh dear, it isn't running.  it's late, and that 1 was the grep command we were using02:04
JosefKjustmike: meh, a reboot should fix it, but I need to get some kip02:04
marshallSeanTater, its forwarded02:04
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tadgadaAnyone knows how to install a dos image on a usb key when you only have linux available? I would like to update my bios.02:04
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ubuntumahhow can i install wlassistant02:04
SeanTatermorshall: assuming you mean that you just did it, try connecting now02:05
izzyb_abo: http://www.digg.com/?s=flash+ubuntu02:05
SeanTatermarshall: assuming you mean that you just did it, try connecting now02:05
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SeanTatermarshall: sorry, I got your name wrong the first time02:05
de_ad2MEhey linux newbie here, i just got an hp pavilion 6000t with Intel PRO/Wireless3945ABG w/Bluetooth and I'm having trouble getting wireless internet to work02:05
tadgadaall dos image installers runs from dos or windows...02:06
SeanTaterde_ad2ME: read the following:02:06
ubotuWireless documentation can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs02:06
SeanTaterde_ad2ME: what ubotu saud02:06
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SeanTaterde_ad2ME: /said/02:06
SeanTaterde_ad2ME: yw02:06
jewbileecan someone help me with wine?02:07
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SeanTaterjewbilee: try saying !wine02:07
ubotuwine is a compatibility layer for running windows programs on GNU/Linux. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Wine for more information.02:07
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agentwhere do i find older deb files no longer located on the ubuntu ftp?02:08
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de_ad2MEwow it didnt work for the last hour and half and after reading that doc for 2 minutes it works02:10
de_ad2MEthank you very much SeanTater02:10
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tadgadaok, i found my answer :) The ms-sys package will write all kind of ms mbr :)02:11
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tadgadathank you all, good evening02:11
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compengiLjL: i finished from downloading gaim stuff, what should i do next?02:12
LjLcompengi: try "./configure"02:13
AdamKiliwhat is the terminal command for switching desktops???02:14
bsniderwhy is the router listed as the first nameserver in resolv.conf?02:14
compengiLjL: it worked now doing make command02:15
LjLbsnider: because routers generally act as nameservers, i suppose02:15
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bsniderLjL: is that a joke?02:15
LjLbsnider: why should it be a joke?02:16
neemzhey folks i've decided to start using linux more but I have one issue, i'm currently doing some large (8gb) downloads in azureus in windows, if I install azureus in linux can I continue them there?02:16
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LjLbsnider, if you have a DSL router or some other sort of home router, it's extremely likely that it can, and does, act as a DNS nameserver.02:16
bsniderneemz: yes02:16
oidiawhat is the "extended" fdisk called?02:16
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xulundcfdisk ?02:17
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neemzcan I continue them writing to the same NTFS disk? if I use this new fangled NTFS-3g thing?02:17
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^Alan^i think its cfdisk02:17
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bsniderLjL: routers do not run DNS servers02:17
oidiaxulund: thanks :)02:17
oidiai forgot :P02:17
bsniderLjL: routers run DHCP servers02:17
deltaman2any one from egypt???????????02:17
neemzOr will NTFS-3G eat my hard disks?02:17
LjLbsnider: many routers can and do run DNS server. please try "nslookup www.google.com IP-of-your-router".02:18
bsniderLjL: that doesn't work02:18
compengiLjL: the make process takes time lol02:18
^Alan^it doesnt work LjL...nice try though :)02:18
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agentanyone have a suggestion on how to finalize my jigdo iso when 9 debs are missing in the archives?02:19
LjLcompengi: that's quite normal. it's compiling a huge program.02:20
Mad3Max3whats the deal with the nvidia drivers.. do they update via synaptic?02:20
compengiLjL: after the make command what should i do?02:20
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compengiLjL: make install?02:20
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ahmed-elmasryhi all02:21
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LjLcompengi: "sudo make install", or "sudo checkinstall" (after installing checkinstall) to be able to track the files it adds and later remove them, if needed02:21
ahmed-elmasryi have problem02:21
ahmed-elmasryany one can help me02:21
tsoleranyone know about google earth instalation?02:21
jribahmed-elmasry: want to tell us the problem?02:21
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ahmed-elmasrymy pc dosemn't work with media02:21
tsolerlot of o people here02:22
jribahmed-elmasry: try to keep your responses in one line, don't use the enter key as punctuation.  What kind of media?02:22
tsoleranyone keen with google earth?02:22
ahmed-elmasryall media in examples is working well02:22
Mad3Max3I was wondering. Sound worked from start in my comp but now i want to get my s/pdif to work. do I have to install drivers for the onboard nvidia soundcard?02:22
jribtsoler: just run the installer02:22
compengiLjL: now install right?02:23
tsolerim very new to ubuntu02:23
Mad3Max3and in that case which drivers?02:23
ahmed-elmasryjrib : ok02:23
tsolerthe bin is the installer?02:23
LjLcompengi: look above, i just told you.02:23
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Mad3Max3Nobody that has onboard soundcard made by nvidia?02:23
ahmed-elmasryjrib: vidio & sound02:23
jribtsoler: http://earth.google.com/support/bin/answer.py?answer=44713&  let me know if anything isn't clear on that page and I'll give you more detail02:23
=== smeagol [n=brian@c-67-173-2-2.hsd1.il.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
Mad3Max3have it in my nforce chipset02:23
tsolerok jrib i ll take a look02:24
jribahmed-elmasry: you need to be more specific.  Do all videos not have sound?02:24
compengiLjL: i did the command make install, now install command after it?02:24
ubotuFor multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats  -  See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html  -  But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats02:24
agentis there any possible way that i can read the contents of an iso thats in the archives in a mount -o loop kind of way (besides downloading the whole thing)??02:24
nickspoon!mp3 > ahmed-elmasry02:24
LjLcompengi: no. if you already typed "sudo make install", you're finished.02:25
ahmed-elmasryjrib : i have ubuntu live cd02:25
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ahmed-elmasryall viseo in examples are working02:25
compengiLjL: oh then now i should close the gaim and open it again right?02:25
LjLcompengi: not the same gaim. you should run the gaim binary that was installed -- and find out where it was installed. possibly /usr/local/bin/gaim02:26
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Mad3Max3this blows :(02:26
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compengiLjL: yes it's there02:27
h2so what's the scoop on automatix?02:27
Mad3Max3LjL, do u know?02:27
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tsolerjrib: i open the terminal window is that right?02:28
jribtsoler: right02:29
LjLbsnider, and ^Alan^: http://www.linuxjournal.com/comment/reply/8317/124855 ("Some home routers, which set themselves up as your DHCP and DNS servers"), http://www.tomfotherby.com/Contents/Home/Computing/routerInterface.html ("Your router can act as the DNS server for your network."), http://wiki.slimdevices.com/index.cgi?NetworkProblemsBeginnersGuide (" Most routers can be configured to act as DNS servers for your local network")02:29
tsolerhow do i navigate to a folder?02:29
LjLMad3Max3, i haven't the slightest idea02:29
jribtsoler: cd /path/to/folder     where did you download the .bin to?02:29
LjLcompengi: then run it02:29
compengiLjL: i did02:30
LjLcompengi: works?02:30
jribtsoler: so do 'cd ~/Desktop'  capitalization is important02:30
=== ArrenLex [n=alex@S01060040052da362.ed.shawcable.net] has joined #ubuntu
Mad3Max3LjL, so the installed drivers for sound in ubuntu is all I need.. no need for installing anything else.. how did u do on your machine?02:30
compengiLjL: now compiling new x-chat02:30
LjLMad3Max3, i didn't do anything. sound just worked.02:30
ArrenLexVim and GNU Emacs. Which features does each have that the other doesn't?02:30
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tsoleris that cd ~/Desktop ?02:31
LjLoh my. ArrenLex, join #ubuntu-offtopic :-P02:31
tsolerok one moment02:31
ArrenLexIt's not ubuntu related? Hmm.02:31
Renan_s2ArrenLex, a lot02:31
Renan_s2most likely this will spark a flame war02:31
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LjLArrenLex, it's not a support question02:31
ArrenLexI don't want a flame war. That's why I didn't ask which is better.02:31
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compengiLjL: can you look at this http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/27605/02:32
c|intI finally got it now, after some tweaking02:32
LjLcompengi: sudo apt-get install libperl-dev02:32
cello_raspis there anything like stickynots but for images02:32
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tsolerok jrib02:34
jribtsoler: ok all done?02:34
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tsolerit asks mer now sothing about where to install it??02:35
tsolerinsatll path?02:35
c|intI finally got it :)02:35
c|intfor some reason.. nvidia-glx got out of the system, imagine that, or was some kind of diff settings :)02:36
tsolersorry it asks me the instalation path02:36
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jribtsoler: right, so you can install it in your home directory somewhere if you want02:36
c|inthad to do alot of things.. remove xserver-xorg, and put back in02:36
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tsolerand binary path02:36
Mad3Max3can't understand why everything has to be so darn complicated..02:36
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lostatcHow do you kill a process that you dont know the PID to?02:37
tsolerthe default location is /home/tsoler/google-earth/  is that right?02:37
jribtsoler: that will work fine02:37
Mad3Max3lostatc : type top02:37
c|intseems right tsoler02:37
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lostatcI tried that02:37
lostatcI dont see it02:37
lostatcVLC was running02:37
lostatcI closed it02:37
lostatcand its still playing music02:38
jriblostatc: pkill vlc02:38
Mad3Max3if there is a process runnin u will see it there02:38
c|intI finally got my nvidia agp working great with , edgy eft :)02:38
lostatcTahnk you pkill vlc worked and no vlc was not listed under top02:38
jribc|int: cool02:38
compengiLjL: i compiled xchat but how to make a short cut in applications>internet?02:38
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c|intsure gave me a lot of problems. but going out drinkin last nite, and then smokin last,nite and today, helped the stress :)02:39
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ahmed-elmasryohhhhhh i'm here02:39
LjLcompengi, i don't know, i'm not using Gnome. but i guess right click on the "Applications" menu should give you something.02:39
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lostatcthanks guys02:39
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ahmed-elmasryi have ubuntu live cd02:40
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jribahmed-elmasry: ok, you probably just need codecs.  Did you take a look at the page that nickspoon had ubotu send you?02:41
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tsolerjrib ok it is installed02:41
ahmed-elmasryi have instaled the latest ver. of real player02:42
jribtsoler: great02:42
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ahmed-elmasryput the same problem02:42
tsolerhow do i run it though?02:42
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jribtsoler: did it create a shortcut in applications > internet?02:42
jribahmed-elmasry: how did you install it?02:42
tonyyarussoIs it possible to modify the mime type of a folder?02:43
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ahmed-elmasrychmod a+x RealPlayer10GOLD.bin02:43
tsoleri dont find it in applications > internet02:44
jribtsoler: hmm, maybe it only does that if you install to /usr/local.  Well you can just do ~/google-earth/googleearth   and then create a shortcut for that02:44
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dr`venomhey guys, I have been trying to install nvidia drivers and getting ubuntu to offer me a 1440x900. Unfortunately, I have failed so far. Can anyone here help me. This is my first time trying ubuntu. I am a windows and suse user, so I am not familiar with ubuntu.02:44
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tonyyarusso!binarydriver > dr`venom02:44
tsoleri found it in my folder02:44
jribahmed-elmasry: try typing 'real' and then pressing tab in a terminal02:44
tonyyarusso!fixres > dr`venom02:44
jkku3i have a question, my friend just installed ubuntu and is having touble mounting his FAT32 partition, can anybody help?02:44
tsolerbut how can i run it jrib02:45
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dr`venomlet me give that a try02:45
jribtsoler: just type ~/google-earth/googleearth and press enter02:45
tsolerwhats the .exe in linux?02:45
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ahmed-elmasryin anormal user or root02:45
wickedpuppytsoler, a file with +x02:45
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jribahmed-elmasry: normal user02:45
ahmed-elmasrynothing happens02:45
jribahmed-elmasry: press it twice02:46
andyis there a way to permantly mount a network folder with 'smbfs'?  Everytime i restart, I have to re mount...02:46
RogerBaconhey, i use LSUSB to find my Gigabeat S player ID ... : Bus 005 Device 004: ID 0930:0010 Toshiba Corp. What the adress yould like in libgphoto ?02:46
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jribahmed-elmasry: I don't use realplayer, so I don't know what command it uses :/02:46
ianmacgregorandy: I just foundinfo on that earlier today. google for "hacking the nautilus tree view"02:47
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RogerBaconexemple of a ID in libgphoto : {"Toshiba:Gigabeat",                    0x0930, 0x000c, 0},02:47
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wickedpuppyahmed-elmasry, when you type real and press tab what you get ?02:47
tsolerit says it is running??02:47
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tsolerbut i cant see it02:47
jribtsoler: what says what is running?02:47
andyIm not getting nice results with that search02:47
wickedpuppyahmed-elmasry, then you got no .... real ?02:47
andyI dont know what to search for02:47
amicrawlehow do i turn on my  3com card 10/100  my duplex is off or on dont know witch  can any body help me please02:48
ahmed-elmasryi'll tray again02:48
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gnu2it2does edgy go production next week or so ?02:48
tsolerterminal:tsoler@tsoler-desktop:~$ ~/google-earth/googleearth02:48
tsolerGoogle Earth appears to be running already. Please kill the02:48
tsoler existing process, or delete /home/tsoler/.googleearth/instance-running-lock if this is an error.02:48
jribahmed-elmasry: type 'hash -r'  and then try the tab thing again02:48
wickedpuppyahmed-elmasry, that question been done ? sorry i thought you were trying to run real player02:48
amicrawlei use dapper kernal 68602:48
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tsolerterminal says :tsoler@tsoler-desktop:~$ ~/google-earth/googleearth02:48
tsolerGoogle Earth appears to be running already. Please kill the02:48
tsoler existing process, or delete /home/tsoler/.googleearth/instance-running-lock if this is an error.02:48
viatoruse the command prompt02:48
jribtsoler: don't paste here, use pastebin02:48
viatorclose all applications02:48
ianmacgregorandy: See item 4 here: http://ianmacgregor.org/wiki/Linux/GnomeNautilus02:48
=== DigitalNinja [n=dhull@asd-178-66.asd.k12.ak.us] has joined #ubuntu
Lam_800 MHz / 256 MB.  XFCE or KDE?02:49
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DigitalNinjaAnyone here use aircrack?02:49
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Dackeli need help with qmake02:49
amicrawleuse qmake02:49
tsolerit says google earth is  running already02:49
amicrawleis better more eye candy02:49
Dackelin which do I find it02:49
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amicrawlei use make and makeinstall02:50
jribtsoler: ps -ef | grep google02:50
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ianmacgregorDackel: apt-cache search qmake  or open synaptic and search for qmake02:50
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tsolerok jrib02:51
tsolerthanx a lot02:51
jribtsoler: what is the output?02:51
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tsolerseems ok but slow02:52
jribtsoler: oh ok so it is working now, yeah google earth has high requirements02:52
tsolera prompt for missing font02:52
tiredbonesI never had sound on my systems before, but duaghter needs it for school. I bought the book "Beg. Ubuntu Linux" because it has a section media. One of the reocurring messages I get is "totem could not startup". I'm not playnig movies. Does this have to be removed?02:52
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jribtiredbones: do you get a more meaningful message if your run totem from the terminal?02:53
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tsolerand something about needed updated driver02:53
RMorris84is it possible to make a folder in the file system?02:53
RMorris84im running out of room for my music and have space there i would like to store some stuff02:54
jribRMorris84: yes, right click > create folder02:54
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jribin your home directory, that should work02:54
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tiredbonesjrib, to start do I enter "totem"02:54
jribtiredbones: yep02:54
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black_13is there a package for the serlook application?02:54
joshierHow do I set the root password?02:55
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jribubotu: tell joshier about root02:55
joshierand why isn't it in the help?02:55
joshier/black_13\: passwd what?02:55
tiredbonesjrib, nothing happens!02:55
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agentjoshier: because you should use sudo, not root02:55
[Daniel] Does anyone know what to do about this: Failed to fetch http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/dists/edgy/main/binary-i386/Packages.gz  302 Found02:55
jribjoshier: the wiki page ubotu sent you explains all02:55
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oidiahow did i view the sizes/empty space om my disks?02:55
[Daniel] I can't seem to apt-get upgrade my system :-(02:55
RMorris84jrib: i have my /home on one partition thats is getting full, and then the rest on another partition that isnt near full, where i want to create another folder to store music lol02:56
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[Daniel] Just get lots of Err 30202:56
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jribRMorris84: oh I see, well just use 'sudo mkdir foo' in a terminal02:56
oin1hi all, anyone knows how to make an smp-kernel to boot in uni-processor mode?02:56
joshier/jrib\: If you have no internet, and you need to work out how to set the root password, how the hell can you find out?02:56
black_13oidia du --max-depth=1 -k | sort -n02:56
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tsolerjrib do i need the terminal to run it everytime?02:56
jribRMorris84: then you will probably want to use the chown command to give ownership to your user02:56
oidiaok, thanks02:56
samson_86hey all. having some problems with wifi. I was under the impression that dlink cards (mine is dwl-g520) worked fine straight out of the box, but it's not being recognized this time. found a page saying I should get madwifi but the instructions failed. running on ubuntu edgy server. any suggestions?02:56
jribtsoler: no, create a new shortcut with that command02:56
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agent[Daniel] : your package list is out of date, run sudo apt-get update02:56
jribjoshier: you don't need to set a root password02:57
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ianmacgregorjoshier: You're not supposed to set a root password, the root account is locked, you don't need to log into root at all. best to use sudo/gksudo02:57
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joshier/jrib\: what if you have no internet, and you need to use ndiswrapper?02:57
black_13what im looking for is if serlook has been packaged into ubuntu02:57
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about serlook - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi02:57
agentjoshier: as everyone here is telling you... .you use sudo instead of root02:57
Mad3Max3Do I have to install anything to get s-pdif to work, got a Nforce chipset with a Realtek soundcard with spdif outbracket. I like to get digital sound out to my reciver?02:57
jribjoshier: again, you don't need a root password, you use sudo.  The ndiswrapper stuff is on the cd by the way02:57
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jribubotu: tell joshier about ndiswrapper02:58
black_13ianmacgregor i know its suse02:58
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black_13in suse02:58
black_13i mean02:58
jellyIs /etc/lsb-release the one true way to detect ubuntu?02:58
nrdbwith ghostscript there are lots of files in the fonts directory with weird names like b018035l.pfb how do I relate these to font names ?02:58
[Daniel] agent> When I run apt-get update I get lots of: "Failed to fetch ... archive.ubuntu.com ... 302 Found"02:58
ianmacgregorjelly: It's probably the best: lsb_release -a02:59
[Daniel] Is archive.ubuntu.com down?02:59
agent[Daniel] : your sources.list is wrong02:59
joshier/agent\: you cannot use ndiswrapper (installing a .inf driver) without the root because you need write access. Go ahead, try it for yourself.02:59
agent[Daniel] : 10 seconds ago i just synced archives.ubuntu.com so its not down :)02:59
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ianmacgregorjoshier: you can get write access if you use sudo03:00
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jellyianmacgregor: thanks!03:00
[Daniel] Hmmm03:00
jribjoshier: sudo foo, is the same as running foo as root03:00
agentjoshier: again, use sudo...!03:00
[Daniel] deb http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu edgy main restricted universe multiverse03:00
[Daniel] Looks about right to me?03:00
[Daniel] I don't know a lot about Ubuntu though :)03:00
joshier/ianmacgregor\: i've gone through this tons of times before, yes you can use sudo as your username, but to use ndiswrapper and install a driver, you need root access03:00
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ianmacgregorjoshier: No, you don't. Tons of people have installed it using sudo03:00
agentjoshier: your not using sudo correctly03:01
joshierok, i'll bet you money on that, if you loose, you pay me money on my paypal account03:01
agentjoshier: please read this https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo03:01
ianmacgregorjoshier: I'll bet you aren't using sudo correctly03:01
jellywhatever, one can always run sudo su - and get a clean root shell.03:01
ianmacgregoragent: Thank you03:01
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dr`venomi've installed the nvidia driver but I get an error when I type in sudo nvidia-glx-config enable03:02
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jribdr`venom: what error?03:02
dr`venomit says error you x configuration has been altered03:02
dr`venomand it says to do it manually03:02
jribdr`venom: did you try doing it manually?03:02
ianmacgregordr`venom: Do it manually03:02
dr`venomso should I go to xorg.conf and change nv to nvidia?03:02
jribdr`venom: yep, that's all that comand does03:02
[Daniel] Hmmm, seems to work now. Maybe it was a temporary network hickup.03:02
ianmacgregordr`venom: yes03:02
dr`venomI did it before and I had to reinstall ubuntu03:02
tiredbonesjrib, From reading the man page it sound like totem is at the heart of any form of media on linux. Is this so?03:03
dr`venomok here we go03:03
[Daniel] Thanks for your help agent03:03
hondjedr`venom: If you do that, also comment out loading the DRI module03:03
dr`venomdont know what comment out means03:03
emmettshear_What's the next step for debugging a usb device when you've installed the driver, and you can see the device in lsusb, but it still doesn't work?03:03
hondjedr`venom: put a # on the line03:03
agent[Daniel] : do you want me to send you a copy of my sources.list?03:03
jribtiredbones: no, there are many alternatives.  Totem is just default.  When you said "nothing happens", did you just get dropped back to a prompt or did it hang?03:03
[Daniel] agent> Sure that'd be great03:03
hondje#       Load    "dri" for example03:03
agent[Daniel] : err... not send but i will paste it03:03
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[Daniel] agent> Sure03:03
ubotupastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (you can always find it in the channel topic, among other useful things)03:03
[Daniel] :)03:04
tiredbonesjrib, it just dropped back to prompt.03:04
=== Alys [n=alys@c-67-188-252-177.hsd1.ca.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
agent[Daniel] : also, just so you know archives.ubuntu.com is not down im downloading updates from it as we speak03:04
[Daniel] agent> Yeah it seems to be working now, I'm thinking it might have been a temporary network thing03:05
jribtiredbones: ps -ef | grep totem         turn up anything?03:05
ianmacgregor!easysource > [Daniel] 03:05
Mad3Max3Do I have to install anything to get s-pdif to work, got a Nforce chipset with a Realtek soundcard with spdif outbracket. I like to get digital sound out to my reciver?03:05
dr`venomso, will it look like this: Driver   #"nvidia"03:05
agentianmacgregor: nice :)03:05
ianmacgregoragent: :)03:05
agent[Daniel] : just in case: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/27616/03:05
dr`venomsorry, i'm new at this!03:05
agent!easysource > agent03:05
jribdr`venom: yes except there is no #03:06
tiredbonesjrib,  5984  5567  0 21:05 pts/0    00:00:00 grep totem, this anything/03:06
hondjedr`venom: No, that part will just be Driver        "nvidia" , you want to comment out the load dri part in the 'modules' section03:06
scodilacpi works fine on the liveCD, but on my current system, some things don't work, like the battery meter and the ac connect/disconnect events.  how do I find out what's different between the livecd and my current system?03:06
jribtiredbones: no, strange.  How about if you do 'totem /path/to/some/mediafile'03:06
agentianmacgregor: just so you know that link does not have edgy option03:06
agent[Daniel] : your trying to update edgy, right? if not dont use my sources ;)03:07
ianmacgregoragent: Well, edgy folks should be in #ubuntu+q anyway. But, thank you for that info, I didn't know that.03:07
emmettshear_because I'd really love to get my webcam working tonight03:07
dr`venomI see the a load "dri"03:07
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dr`venomis that where i am doint the #03:07
[Daniel] agent> Yep, I'm trying to run edgy :)03:07
jribdr`venom: yeah, put it at the beginning of the line before any letters03:07
emmettshear_any experts who could help make that happen? I promise I'm polite and you won't have to explain how "grep" works03:07
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dr`venom#   Load   "dri"03:08
dr`venomlike that?03:08
jribdr`venom: ye03:08
agent[Daniel] : select the download as text link and copy from/paste from that because paste bin adds #'s and spaces03:08
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[Daniel] agent> Thanks, looks like the same of mine but in the opposite order.03:08
black_13ok this is a stretch but can rpms be installed on ubuntu03:09
[Daniel] agent> Going to try them just to see what happens :)03:09
hondjeblack_13: Yes, using 'alien', but usually if there's an RPM, there's a .deb03:09
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jribblack_13: not recommended03:09
agent[Daniel] : sure, why not? ;)03:09
dr`venomoh one more thing, my native resolution is 1440x900. I dont see that available. Can I add it to the list of resolutions?03:09
[Daniel] Yay, running an upgrade seems to be working now03:09
black_13hondje i have been looking for a deb for serlook03:09
[Daniel] And now I'm off, catch you guys later :)03:09
ianmacgregorblack_13: Not a good idea. Better to get an Ubuntu .deb or compile from source if it isn't inthe repos.03:09
[Daniel] Thanks for the help agent, much appreciated03:09
hondjedr`venom: yes, you can add it where the other ones are03:09
agentdr`venom: you can add any resolution you wish :)03:09
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agent[Daniel] : thank you for giving me the chance to help ;)03:10
Mad3Max3crimsun , are u there?03:10
uboturpm is the RedHat Package Management system. Ubuntu does not use RPM, but !APT, and RPM packages are not supported (the package "alien" can allow installing them, but it's quite dangerous).03:10
[Daniel] :)03:10
black_13i have run apt-cache search serlook and no luck03:10
[Daniel] Have a good one03:10
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hondjeblack_13: http://freshmeat.net/projects/serlook/ that one?03:10
black_13yes i believe so03:10
crimsunMad3Max3: I'm fairly busy atm.03:10
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agentblack_13: just so you know: packages.ubuntu.com <--- find packages for any/all ubuntu releases03:11
dr`venomdo I need to restart?03:12
agentblack_13: and serlook is not in official repos03:12
black_13thanks agent03:12
Mad3Max3crimsun, ok! but a fast question. I've read that I have to unmute the spdif in the alsamixer. but since I don't even have a row for spdif in my alsamixer I wonder if I have to activate it or something03:12
cgardnerHey guys, I have an ipw2200 wireless card and network-admin doesn't detect my ssid (which is broadcasting).  Any suggestions?03:12
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hondjeblack_13: Hmm, yep :-) You can use the rpm with alien, for something like that it shouldn't be too chaotic03:12
black_13agent becuase its a pain to build ... i have it seems to build fine on rpm based distros (mandrake suse)03:13
agentdr`venom: why do you think you need to restart?03:13
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ianmacgregordr`venom: For nvidia driver install? No, no need to restart.03:13
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tiredbonesjrib, tired to use pastbin, not working.   (totem:6092): libgnomevfs-WARNING **: Cannot load module `/usr/lib/gnome-vfs-2.0/modules/libcdda.so' (/usr/lib/gnome-vfs-2.0/modules/libcdda.so: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory). What package am I missing?03:13
tsolerare u still here?03:13
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steeltoes1234hey hey.   can someone give me some advice about trying to set up XGL?  i am bit of a noob03:13
GTroyhopefully someone can help me add a file to /etc/profile?03:14
jribtsoler: yes03:14
LjL!xgl > steeltoes123403:14
agent!list > agent03:14
tsolerhow can i find which graphic card my system sees?03:14
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black_13will alien tell me what deb files are needed?03:14
agenttsoler: lspci probably03:14
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ianmacgregorblack_13: alien is dangerous, don't use it03:15
ianmacgregor!alien > black_1303:15
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jribtiredbones: are you using dapper?03:15
steeltoes1234ok i want to install XGL.  i understand that i require 3d accelerated drivers installed first.   I have a ATI 9600 pro card.     how can i tell if i have the correct drivers installed or not?03:15
tiredbonesjrib, yes03:15
LjLsteeltoes1234, ask in #ubuntu-cgl03:15
LjL#ubuntu-xgl even03:15
steeltoes1234ok thanks03:15
ArrenLex!tell steeltoes1234 about ati03:15
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tiredbonesjrib, I'm using the alternate version.03:16
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jribtiredbones: ok, did totem still not startup?  I don't think that warning is anything to worry about since no package actually installs that file and I use totem fine without it03:17
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black_13question if compile and build the executeable static would it then run on another distro?03:17
LjLblack_13: might.03:17
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black_13a big maybe then?03:17
ArrenLexblack_13: should.03:17
ianmacgregorblack_13: It's best to build it on the system you plan to run it on03:17
hondjeOr have a second toolchain03:17
black_13somedays i hate linux well not linux ... the kernel is great but its this fracturing that kills me03:18
tiredbonesjrib, am I supposed to start it?03:18
bruenigyou say fracturing, I say options03:18
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jribtiredbones: well typing 'totem' should start it is what I mean03:18
ArrenLexblack_13: that's why you release source code!03:19
jribtiredbones: in this case we did 'totem /path/to/some/file'03:19
Mezbruenig, I agree, fracturing/forking/spooning (not that way!) is bad... so much wasted effort with everyone duplicating coding etc etc03:19
black_13ah here come the flames03:19
steeltoes1234i cant seem to get into #ubuntu-xgl03:19
Mezmake one linux, everyone work together, no redundant brain cycles03:19
LjLsteeltoes1234: actually, you're there right now.03:19
dr`venomok, so i have added my resolution "1440x900" to the xorg.conf file and I still dont get the option when I try to change it under system > preference > screen resolution. As a matter of fact, i only get for options of resolution while the xorg.conf file has about 7.03:19
ArrenLexMez: you can't make everyone work together, though. They all want different things.03:19
jribdr`venom: did you restart X?03:20
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steeltoes1234but i t wont let me type there says i need to be an operator03:20
ArrenLexsteeltoes; I got in fine. o_O03:20
precatori just installed ubuntu but i dont know the default username and password03:20
dr`venomI restarted my computer, so I take it it must have restarted x03:20
precatorcan ayone help me03:20
hondjeblack_13: have you looked at snooper and ttysnop at all?03:20
jribprecator: it should have prompted you for taht during the install03:20
hondjeat least I think that's the name of the pkgs ....03:20
MezArrenLex, true, however, for example, all the different config tools people have for gnome... all the different distros have different things - but they all do the same job...03:20
Mezstuff like that gets on my nerves03:20
hondjeyep, it's still snooper03:21
tiredbonesjrib, 'totem /path/to/some/file', the file is a wav file format. It suppose to tell my daughter how to pronouce a french word.03:21
black_13no i havent if they work ill ditch serlook its to much of pain to get working and i have to use debian/ubuntu03:21
precatorthanks jrib03:21
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brueniglinux's purpose is to provide other options to that which exists (I know that is not its only purpose but that is one of the big draws for windows people tired of windows). If you say you can no longer provide other options through forking and different distros and whatnot, you defeat the purpose.03:21
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hondjeblack_13: i use snooper, it works pretty smoothly03:21
steeltoes1234arrenlex: ya i just figured it out03:21
rockzmanCan anyone help me with Wireless drivers ?03:21
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hondjeWell, by 'use' I mean 'very rarely get bugged by something not working and break it out to see what's happening, and have to RTFM all over again' :)03:22
jbmigelrockzman http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?s=219f54cb6bc076ae1178fd2818a1a30f&t=3192603:22
jribtiredbones: so other than the warning, nothing else happened and totem failed to open right?  If that's the case, then I don't know but we can just try a different player for you to hear the file03:22
rockzmanjbmigel it is not an usual information03:22
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jbmigelrockzman well ask an unusual question then please03:22
rockzmanjbmigel i am using prism2_usb for a wireless usb adapter and it says "operation not supoprted" when i try setting up an essid what does it means03:23
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tiredbonesjrib, you are right03:23
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black_13what i like about serlook is that i could watch the stream of bytes comeing and going its similar to a win32 prog call sermon03:23
dr`venomI love linux, but I seem to find some issue with every distro that I have. Then again, I have only been using linux for a few months. I do hope to abandon windows once I can find a distro that can work properly with my hardware. So far, abuntu is the closest03:23
agentanyone know if jigdo files will be provided for desktop cd? (edgy stable)03:23
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jribtiredbones: try installing gxine from the repositories and see if that works for you03:24
agentdr`venom: or replace the odd hardware to work with linux :)03:24
tiredbonesjrib, ok03:24
dr`venomwell, my video card works fine in suse, but my sound card does not03:24
jbmigelrockzman your should try to attach to your router from command line by AP address instead03:24
dr`venommy sound card works great in ubuntu03:24
jbmigelrockzman iwconfig03:24
dr`venombut not my resolution03:24
rockzmanjbmigel i tried installing with slackware and now i am trying with ubuntu 6.0603:25
kitchedr`venom: what video card?03:25
ianmacgregordr`venom: Did you restart X ?03:25
rockzmanjbmigel ok on iwconfig wlan0 sit0 eth003:25
dr`venomso, I dont think it is the hardware. It is namely my lack of knowledge when it comes to linux03:25
dr`venomgforce fx520003:25
rockzmanjbmigel then iwconfig wlan0 essid "ANY" or -- any03:25
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ianmacgregordr`venom: That card works, I use it03:25
dr`venomit supports 1440x900 resolution in suse03:25
=== hondje has the same card ;-)
dr`venomso I konw linux supports it03:25
rockzmananswer: operation not supported jbmigel03:25
jbmigelrockzman no iwconfig wlan0 AP 12:23:34:45:5603:25
hondjedr`venom: That's probably an issue with horiz / vert ratesx03:25
ianmacgregordr`venom: Did you restart X ?03:26
agentdr`venom: if it supports it in suse, it supports it in ubuntu... both use xorg :)03:26
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kitchedr`venom: to get higher res you need the binary driver the nv driver doesn't really support high resolutions03:26
dr`venomI just dont know why I can't get that resolution in ubuntu03:26
ianmacgregoragent: good point03:26
jbmigelrockzman where the numbers match the ap address of your router... get that with iwlist03:26
dr`venomI did03:26
dr`venomI have the nvidia driver03:26
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dr`venomit says "nvidia" in xorg.conf03:26
hondjedr`venom: does sudo ddcprobe | grep monitorrange say anything?03:26
dr`venomlet me check03:26
rockzmanjbmigel iwlist wlan0 scanning:03:27
jbmigeliwlist wlan0 scan03:27
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tiredbonesjrib, can I use synaptic to install gxine or do I do apt-get?03:27
jribtiredbones: whichever you prefer03:27
ianmacgregortiredbones: Synaptic is a front=end for apt03:27
rockzmank brb03:27
c|inti got a problem03:27
dr`venomI see my resolution in there03:27
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dr`venombut I can't get it from the system menu03:27
agentdr`venom: when you make changes to xorg you need to restart it (ctl+alt+del) - restarting xorg will of course restart your whole dekstop (and quick your programs)03:27
jbmigelrockzman you should be able to attch with essid if you specify it... they driver for your device obviously doesnt support the "any" parameter03:28
c|intAzureus won't load03:28
hondjedr`venom: something like monitorrange: 31-96, 55-160 ?03:28
c|intand I got java installed, and everything03:28
ianmacgregordr`venom: Do you use xchat?03:28
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dr`venomlet me check03:28
Madeyeany dyndns alternative ?03:28
dr`venom31-81, 56-7503:28
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dr`venomthat is my monitor range03:28
agentdr`venom: if you modified xorg.conf with the new resolution, you need to restart xorg to have it as an option in the resolution dialog (i think)03:28
tiredbonesianmacgregor, how do you get synaptic to get a package if it's not found in the search?03:28
dr`venomI did restart it agent03:28
c|intdr venom03:28
dr`venomI restarted my computer03:28
c|intdo you need help with your video settings eh03:29
agentdr`venom: ok03:29
bruenigtiredbones, what package are you looking for?03:29
c|intwhat kind of card you hve03:29
tiredbonesbruenig, gxine03:29
ianmacgregortiredbones: If you're sure it's in the repos, you need to edit your sources.list and add the proper repo03:29
dr`venomgforce fx520003:29
bun-bunMadeye# check www.tzo.com03:29
c|intoh okay lmao03:29
c|intsame 1 I have :)03:29
jribc|int: do you get any error output from a terminal with azureus?03:29
bruenigtiredbones, have you enabled the universe repo?03:29
jrib!info gxine03:29
ubotugxine: the xine video player, GTK+/Gnome user interface. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.5.1-0ubuntu15 (dapper), package size 301 kB, installed size 804 kB03:29
c|intI was busy since last nite, getting video card working great03:29
hondjedr`venom: okay, in the Monitor section of xorg.conf, put in HorizSync      31-81 and then VertRefresh      56-75, restart xorg, and see if you can get the higher resolution03:29
dr`venomand I have an lcd with a 1440x900 native resolution03:30
hondjethat usually fixes the problem for me03:30
Madeyebun-bun, are they good ?03:30
jbmigelc|int does nvidia driver still do that splash screen thing? that was cool03:30
bun-bunMadeye# i have no idea03:30
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bruenigtiredbones, use this graphical tutorial to enabled the extra repos, after you are done with that. Go back in synaptic and reload and then look for it. It should be there. https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Repositories/Ubuntu#head-5bbef89639d9a7d93fe38f6356dc17847d37309603:30
c|intafter you install,  nvidia-glx nvidia-settings03:30
kitchejbmigel it will always do that unless you turn that option off in xorg.conf03:30
tiredbonesbruenig, how do you do that?03:30
c|intsudo nvidia-glx-config enable03:31
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hondjejbmigel: Yes, unless you have NoLogo in the device section03:31
c|intdr venom03:31
jbmigelkitche hondje i have ati card now... just curious... it was wicked the first time you see it03:31
tiredbonesbruenig, thanks03:31
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c|intfirst of all, what video display modes you want supported03:31
hondjejbmigel: I have it on my TV, freaks people out when I turn it on ;-)03:31
atom_hi guys! :)03:31
c|intdr venom03:32
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atom_whats the equivalent of winamp for linux? :)03:32
dr`venomI had an error when I enabled it, SO I did it manually03:32
Pierreatom_: xmms03:32
ianmacgregoratom_: xmms or bmp03:32
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c|intI also did a, apt-get dist-upgrade, with edgy eft03:32
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c|intyeah, but your performance isn't working as fast as you thought it would?03:32
atom_does xmms support shoutcast?03:32
LjLatom_: you have RhythmBox installed (it's in Applications / Sound). that's the default audio player. the one that looks the most like winamp is xmms03:32
atom_or rythm?03:33
kitcheatom_: yes but you have to know the url to the server sicne xmms won't let you search for streams in the program03:33
ParisiAnyone know an easy way to upgrade dapper to Edgy from apt?03:33
c|intdr venom03:33
c|intwhat issues are you having03:33
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c|intyes Parisi03:33
jribParisi: you understand edgy is not released as stable yet?03:33
LjL!edgy > Parisi03:33
c|intI can give you what I hvae in my /etc/apt/sources.list03:33
Parisijrip, of course, neither is Beryl :003:33
jribubotu: tell Parisi about upgrade03:34
Parisijrip, I run Linux for testing purposes03:34
FalstiusParisi: gksu update-manager -c -d03:34
Parisijrip, For fun anyways03:34
c|intdeb http://us.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/ edgy main restricted universe03:34
c|intdeb-src http://us.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/ edgy main restricted universe03:34
ParisiThanks mate :003:34
c|intyvw ;)03:34
ParisiIt will keep me busy until i switch to OSX03:35
tsolerjrib: how do i call i directory from terminal03:35
c|intif you want the whole entire source.list txt. let me know03:35
jribtsoler: cd /path/to/directory03:35
jribubotu: tell tsoler about cli03:35
ubotupastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (you can always find it in the channel topic, among other useful things)03:35
Falstiuswhy would you want to switch ... ohwell.03:35
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dr`venomdoes the 31-81 go in ""03:35
tsolerok guys im sorry03:35
jribtsoler: sorry for what?03:36
hondjedr`venom: no03:36
tsolerfor flood03:36
black_13why doesnt kdevelop show up on my search of deb files?03:36
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c|intheres latest03:36
dr`venomok so under identifier and option Im puting in Horizync   31-8103:36
tsolerdont know how tro hung around03:36
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LjLblack_13: do you have universe enabled?03:36
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c|intis that what it can do03:37
black_13i thought so03:37
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Mad3Max3How do I get s-pdif to work, I have a nvidia onboard sound.. Nforce chipset 430. Can't find any options in alsamixer about spdif..03:37
=== AfterDea1h is now known as AfterDeath
hondjeblack_13: if it is, did you do apt-get update? :)03:37
LjLblack_13: try "sudo apt-get update" and then try again. also, note than in dapper the package is "kdevelop3" not just "kdevelop"03:37
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=== Parisi wishes he had more RAM :/
bruenigc|int, what are you trying to do?03:37
c|intjust get Azureus working :-)03:38
black_13ljl i didnt add universe every where03:38
=== K1765 [n=K1765@cpe-075-178-044-119.nc.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu
c|intI posted that for Parisi, to upgrade :-)03:38
bruenigoh Azureus is a pain because of ownership issues generally03:38
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Parisic|int,  ohm thanks.03:38
jribc|int: do you get any ouput when you run azureus from a terminal?03:38
K1765Hey anyone here can help me with linux install, pm me plz03:38
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ubotuPlease ask your questions in the channel so that other people can also benefit. Please don't PM a user in the channel without asking first.03:38
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c|intStartSocket: passing startup args to already-running Azureus java process listening on [ 6880] 03:39
atom_how do you increase brightness?03:39
tsolerok i bookmarked this clint03:39
black_13i want to be able to compile qt applications from source (my own sources) what packages will i need to bring down to get all of qt3/qt4?03:39
bruenigatom_, should be some buttons on your monitor03:39
ianmacgregoratom_: With some people, you just can't, lol03:39
=== codeFiend [n=codeFien@c-67-188-13-241.hsd1.ca.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
K1765well, I dl ubuntu, and put on CD. I changed bios to priority cd rom first, and it just comes to the "starting windows in normal mode in 30 seconds" what I do wrong?03:39
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kitcheatom_: it's a setting in xorg.conf also but it's called gamma03:39
jribc|int: ps -ef | grep azureus     show any azureus running?03:39
Parisigksu "update-manager -c -d"  What about that method?03:40
=== NN-DMT [n=dapper@] has joined #ubuntu
c|intmake sure you clear everything out of the sources.list , if you want to upgrade03:40
bruenigK1765, did you burn the iso as an image or just burn it as data?03:40
kitcheatom_: what drivers are you using since nvidia has a program to do it also03:40
LjLgamma != brightness though03:40
ianmacgregorK1765: Did you burn the ISO to cd as a file or as an image?03:40
K1765as an image03:40
bruenigK1765, did you check the md5sum before you burned it?03:40
ianmacgregorK1765: Perhaps it's a bad burn. did you check the ISO md5sum before burning?03:40
dr`venomwow, now x server wont start after the HoriSync thing03:40
atom_whats the show all hard drives command?03:40
ianmacgregorbruenig: hahahaha03:40
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NN-DMTHey everyone. I issued the command : gksudo "update-manager -c -d" and get a problem with the update manager03:41
hondjejrib: You might like pgrep :)03:41
ubotuTo mount an .iso image: sudo mount -o loop my.iso /some/mountpoint - bin/cue can be converted to iso with bchunk  .iso images of Ubuntu CDs can be downloaded from http://releases.ubuntu.com Always verify the .iso before burning, see http://help.ubuntu.com/community/VerifyIsoHowto or http://www.linuxquestions.org/linux/answers/LQ_ISO/Checking_the_md5sum_in_Windows03:41
bruenigK1765, http://help.ubuntu.com/community/VerifyIsoHowto03:41
NN-DMTit says "unable to calculate the upgrade"03:41
ianmacgregorbruenig: You and I seem to be on the same wavelength tonight03:41
Myrthhi, anyone knows what it means when during pvmove it's stuck on "Loading Ubuntu-pvmove0"? ..03:41
bruenigechos all over the place03:41
K1765its on the cd as an .iso file o.003:41
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ianmacgregorK1765: You need to burn it as an image03:42
bruenigK1765, right but maybe you had a bad download and the iso is corrupted03:42
dr`venomhm, i'm in front of a black screen with mariano-desktop login:03:42
c|intjust having issues, getting Azureus up and running03:42
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c|inttook care of , nvidia issues :-)03:42
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dr`venomno x server03:42
bruenigK1765, generally I download it via bittorrent so as to not have to deal with the md5 hassle03:42
dr`venomanyone know what I can do from here?03:42
bruenigdr`venom, login03:42
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K1765Whats a good program to burn as image to cd? thats free?03:43
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bruenigdr`venom, did you make any changes to your xorg.conf file before this no x server error happened?03:43
dr`venomi'm loged in03:43
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bruenigdr`venom, did you make a backup?03:43
ianmacgregorK1765: k3b, gnomebaker, graveman, there are lots03:43
Djnx does anyone happen to know what i need to add to the package manager sources.list? like the universal repositories03:43
jribc|int: that first process (6139) is azureus03:43
dr`venomI'm not sure03:43
atom_do you guys run an anti virus program?03:43
bruenigianmacgregor, he probably means on windows03:43
dr`venomis there a way to just go in there and erase it?03:44
ianmacgregor!repos > Djnx03:44
c|intI'm going get Opera up and running, hee I got so much on it, in Mandriva03:44
dr`venomI know exactly what I added before it had this error03:44
c|int9 meg down.. :)03:44
ianmacgregorbruenig: Oh, lol, I haven't touched that little toy in years.03:44
sproingieatom_: yeah.  linux.03:44
NN-DMTHey guys - can someone help me with this? http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/27621/03:44
atom_theres supposedly 100+ viruses for linux03:44
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sproingieatom_: and none of them "in the wild"03:44
Mad3Max3I hate being stuck on such a small thing here.. sound works trhougt the headphone jacks on the mobo.. but I inserted a spdif bracket a 2 hours ago.. and started up again and had the illusion that there would exist a option in alsamixer about s-pdif since I have one on the mobo.. but no no.. nothing.. so here I am trying to figure this colundrum out03:45
atom_how liberating. i feel naked03:45
kitcheatom_: most are done by breaking into a system they aren't like windows where it will get infected automatically03:45
sproingienot much about linux precludes viruses.  just the way it is that there arent many out there03:45
c|intopera, went up nice and easily on, edgy edft03:45
bruenigdr`venom, when you get logged in do "sudo nano /etc/X11/xorg.conf" you better make sure you know what you are doing though. Generally it saves the last backup so if you mess this up there is no way of recovering, Also that command as with all unix is case sensitive03:45
c|intI used the debian deb, for etch, not ubuntu packages :)03:45
K1765Any cd burners for windows ??03:45
sproingieatom_: mind you there are plenty of worm rootkits out there that will exploit things like phpBB or drupal or old mysql installs03:45
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dr`venomI got it :) thanks let me get my hands dirty03:46
NN-DMThttp://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/27621/ is the error im experiencing - any ideas?03:46
ubotuFor help with Microsoft windows, please visit ##windows or your nearest mental health institute. Also see http://launchpad.net/distros/ubuntu/+bug/1 - !equivalents - http://linux.oneandoneis2.org/LNW.htm03:46
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ianmacgregorLOL @ nearest mental health institute!03:47
bruenigdr`venom, after you make your changes, ctrl+o will save and ctrl+x will exit. Then just do startx and it should startup if you did it right.03:47
atom_cool. bubble shows me what songs being played from shoutcast :)03:47
sproingienothing wrong with windows03:47
sproingiethat a bulk eraser can't fix03:47
NN-DMTbig magnets and wintel boxes make me very happy..03:47
jvaismh.. uall sik03:47
c|intopera is working fantastic03:48
NN-DMTIf my packages are all confused and messed up.. is there any way to force them to fix themselves?03:48
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dr`venomok, im in the file03:48
dr`venombut I see no letters03:48
K1765GRRR wow, how do i remove the dang .iso so i can reburn it?03:48
dr`venomhow do I erase the part that I added before the error?03:48
K1765(remove from the cd)03:48
dr`venomi'm I better off reinstalling ubuntu?03:48
=== Thirsteh [n=Thirsteh@0x5552f13d.adsl.cybercity.dk] has joined #ubuntu
ianmacgregorK1765: You can't, just copy it or burn it from the cd03:49
=== zeroinc [n=treepart@c-68-43-200-223.hsd1.mi.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
bruenigdr`venom, you said you knew where it was? Are you sure you typed that command in right. If you messed it in the slightest, it might have opened a blank file instead of the configuration file.03:49
dr`venomyea, i'm in there03:49
dr`venombut I get these options in the bottom part03:49
dr`venomG get help03:49
Djnxianmacgregor: thanks!03:49
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dr`venomx exit03:49
^Alan^I have a computer that uses dapper drake..its got a broadband connection through a network card...how do i set up my ubuntu to use this card?03:49
dr`venomand so forth03:49
ParisiUpgrading to Edgy :)03:49
dr`venombut there is nothing there03:49
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K1765burn it from what?? i cant burn the .iso to the same cd......03:50
dr`venomdo I type in ^R to read the file?03:50
bruenigdr`venom, all of those things mean ctrl+the letter. So for help do ctrl+G, or exit is Ctrl+X03:50
^Alan^gonna go03:50
ianmacgregorDjnx: You're welcome :)03:50
=== NN-DMT is now known as Dapper
=== Dapper is now known as DMT
bruenigdr`venom, if there is no text on the file you are looking at, you typed it in incorrectly, or you had no xorg.conf file03:50
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ianmacgregorK1765: Ok, you only have one cd-r drive? Ok, then pop in the cd, copy it to the hard drive, then put in a blank cd and burn it as an image from the hd03:51
DMTI really need some help :(03:51
teledyn!tell dr`venom about enter03:51
K1765it says read only so i cant use that cd anymore :/03:51
=== Crazyl1nk [n=crazylin@ip24-56-51-157.ph.ph.cox.net] has joined #ubuntu
jbmigelDMT whats up?03:51
K1765i only got 1 cd and its got the .iso on it...03:51
ianmacgregorK1765: But, you can copy the ISO from the cd to the hard drive03:51
DMTjbmigel, trying to upgrade to edgy...03:51
c|intwho is03:51
DMTjbmigel, im getting a really lame error03:51
K1765i got it on my hard drive already.......03:52
bruenigan error with lame, well it is just an mp3 decoder, I wouldn't worry too much about that03:52
ianmacgregorK1765: Ok, then burn it as an image to a blank cd-r03:52
hondjeDMT: there's a chan just for upgrading to edgy :)03:52
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K1765I just tried to burn it as an image and its on the only blank cd i had..... and i cant delete it so03:52
bruenigDMT, I saw that earlier from somebody else. It is impossible to derive anything from that.03:53
=== ianmacgregor sends K1765 to the store for more blank cd's
=== bruenig uses blank dvds
K1765lol im not going to waste 10 blank cds on this crap if its not going to work03:53
jbmigelK1765 you have messed up, you cant overwrite your used disk... go borrow another they are 2 cents03:53
DMTwhere is the upgrade chan?03:53
ianmacgregorK1765: if you do it right, it will only us one blank cd03:53
bruenigK1765, obviously it works, else no one would have ubuntu and this channel wouldn't exist.03:53
hondjeDMT: #ubuntu+103:53
jbmigelK1765 also you could request the ubuntu gods to just mail you ojne03:53
ubotushipit is a service that sends free Ubuntu, Kubuntu and Edubuntu CDs. See http://shipit.ubuntu.com/ and http://shipit.kubuntu.org and http://shipit.edubuntu.org03:54
K1765I did do it right the time, i burned it to the blank cd.......03:54
K1765and it dont work so03:54
=== Kr0ntab [n=Kr0ntab@unaffiliated/Kr0ntab] has joined #ubuntu
jbmigelk1765 you burned the iso file to the cd as data... you *should* have burned it as an image03:54
jojomahow you know it didnt work03:54
bruenigK1765, but the dowloaded iso might not have been correct. It might have been corrupted. You may have done everything else right but if you missed that, it won't work. If you still have the iso, perhaps verify with that link I gave you.03:55
ThirstehShipIt is an awesome feature, I must admit. I ordered a few a while back, not thinking I was going to use them since I have a DVDRW drive and a highspeed connection. Boy, was I wrong.03:55
ianmacgregorjojoma: because he sees the ISO file on the cd03:55
K1765ok well what burner can i use to burn it as an image then?03:55
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ThirstehK1765: Are you in Windows or Linux at the moment?03:55
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ThirstehSorry, didn't follow the conversation03:55
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K1765windows.....or i wouldnt be asking for help lol03:55
jbmigelk1765 you right click the .iso file and click "burn as image"03:55
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Thirstehjbmigel: That's not a native Windows feature03:55
jbmigelThirsteh well it ought to be03:56
ianmacgregorjbmigel: That would make sense, and we all know.. well, you get the idea.03:56
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Thirstehjbmigel: There's no limit to the things that should be builtin to Windows :p03:56
K1765lol jb, i have to have the program installed for that to be an option03:56
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tiredbonesbruenig, ok I can see gxine in synaptic. While in synaptic I notice that totem-xine and totem-xine-firefox-plugin are not installed. should they be?03:56
ThirstehK1765: Tried ISOBuster? I think it can do the job03:56
Mad3Max3if alsa can't find the control IEC958 .. then whats wrong.. tried this amixer set 'IEC958 Playback AC97-SPSA' 003:56
K1765kk ill try that 1 sec03:56
jbmigelk1765 do you have any burning software installed? like nero?03:57
ThirstehK1765: I'm not really sure. It might just be a CD ripper, but I do reckon having used it to burn once.03:57
sethkMad3Max3, most likely the hardware doesn't support it.03:57
bruenigK1765, here is what the ##windows channel recommends, http://isorecorder.alexfeinman.com/isorecorder.htm03:57
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K1765yea...i tried that link already....03:57
ThirstehK1765: As long as you're just "Burning an ISO/Image" and not actually burning the ISO file to the CD, whatever program should do just fine.03:57
jbmigelk1765 install this and it will add "burn as image" to your windows http://isorecorder.alexfeinman.com/isorecorder.htm03:57
K1765that program wont work for me03:57
=== Xenguy wonders if he took a wrong turn ;P
ThirstehK1765: What jbmigel said :)03:58
bruenigtiredbones, not necessarily, it won't hurt to install them. Unless you are using some other engine that you know of, I would say try it and if you don't like it or something bad happens, you can uninstall it later.03:58
=== GhostFreeman_ is now known as GhostFreeman
dr`venomok, I am just going to reinstall ubuntu one more time and do the nvidia drivers again. I will finally try to fix the resolution issue one last time. I've done nothing but messed around with linux all day (lol). It was fun03:58
Mad3Max3sethk.. but is a ordinary Nvidia onboard soundcard.. in the Nforce 430 chipset.. it should support it.03:58
Thirstehdr`venom: Gotta break it to learn it :D03:58
GhostFreemanwhat's the unix command to search for files?03:58
XenguyGhostFreeman: find03:58
sethkMad3Max3, possibly the kernel support for it isn't compiled in (or the module isn't loaded).03:58
ThirstehGhostFreeman: Find, but you might wanna try the Slocate package ('locate')03:58
XenguyGhostFreeman: or locate03:59
kitcheGhostFreeman: you can do sudo updatedb then locate <file>03:59
tiredbonesbruenig, would they have stop totem from starting?03:59
ThirstehGhostFreeman: Do 'sudo updatedb' then go 'locate'ing crazy03:59
dr`venomunfortunately, I do not have much time cause of school (majoring in math and economics)03:59
bruenigtiredbones, no03:59
Thirstehkitche: ;P03:59
=== rockzman [n=alch3mis@201-68-105-92.dsl.telesp.net.br] has joined #ubuntu
bruenigtiredbones, just install gxine for now, those might interfere with gxine03:59
dr`venomHowever, I have to find an alternative to windows. I will not pay the $$$$$$ for vista03:59
rockzmanjbmigel hiho u said me to type iwlist wlan0 scan to verify if any access points were accessible03:59
Ragnaroekyou tell me03:59
Mad3Max3sethk, how do I see if the modules is loaded.. and where do I see which modules are loaded?03:59
rockzmanjbmigel may i tell you something03:59
dr`venomI rather donate that money to a distribution03:59
jbmigelrockzman did it work?04:00
rockzmanjbmigel no04:00
fiveironmmmm....6.10 is nice04:00
Thirstehdr`venom: Ubuntu is a step in the right direction. Biased, of course, but really, it is.04:00
sethkMad3Max3, lsmod lists loaded modules04:00
jbmigelrockzman that command didnt list available access points/04:00
tiredbonesbruenig, ok04:00
rockzmanjbmige it showed none access points04:00
bruenigK1765, when I switched, I used nero, but that costs money, unless of course you bittorrent it. Assuming you already have a copy that you accidentally uninstalled and the cd is scratched up so won't work, you could get that copy and use it.04:00
rockzmanmabe is my driver ? jbmigel u know the module prism2_usb?04:00
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jvaifor me.. hoary 5.04 was the xp killa, & for me still, dapper wil be the vista killa04:00
XenguyK1765: k3b04:00
dr`venomI know, I really like linux. Actually, I love it. I really like suse, ubuntu, and pclinux os. But I have had an issue with all of them04:01
dr`venomjust one issue04:01
Thirstehjvai: And Edgy will eliminate any opposition, right? :)04:01
bruenigXenguy, windows...04:01
jbmigelrockzman i dont know that device... did you have to install ndiswrapper?04:01
Xenguybruenig: np, just install linux04:01
rockzmanjbmigel i've tried to install the stable version04:01
dr`venomsuse: sound, ubuntu: no 1440x900 resolution, and PClinuxOS: no wpa wireless04:01
brueniglol, right he is looking for a windows burner04:01
jvailol.. edgy, is icing.... for ms's next whatever/.. lol04:01
sproingiei'm not an anti-MS bill-basher by any stretch but I'm staying away from vista too04:01
rockzmanjbmigel followed INSTALL file instructions and there was "unkown make command"04:01
sproingiethe insane system requirements did it for me04:02
rockzmaneven with sudo04:02
jbmigelrockzman were you successful? can you see your wlan0 in ifconfig?04:02
ParisiA bit too early to comment on Vista no?04:02
ParisiI think Vista will be fine.04:02
bruenigbut it has transparent windows, how can you resist that innovation that microsoft exclusively have figured out how to do.04:02
Thirstehdr`venom: To be honest, there's always a little something with any Linux, but as soon as you've gone through configuration, you'll find that it's NOTHING in comparison to the usual maintainability requirements of e.g. Windows04:02
Mad3Max3sethk, it says that the soundcard is loaded.. nothing specific about s-pdif thou..04:02
Djnxwhen it arrives04:02
Djnxand that weill04:02
dr`venomok installing ubuntu right now I'll be back when i'm done installing nvidia drivers. I hope I can get some help from you guys with the resolution. I really would appriciate it.04:02
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=== Xenguy stabs Vista...
Djnxits likje vapourware04:02
ParisiThere will be a number of switchers from OSX and Linux.04:02
sproingiethe security model in vista looks like pop-up hell04:02
ParisiMark my words.04:02
sproingieDjnx: of course it's not vaporware04:02
rj-vista is garbage04:02
=== bruenig marks his words
jbmigelrockzman "sudo apt-get install build-essential" to add make to your system04:02
Mad3Max3sethk, does alsa autodetect stuff like s-pdif .. like on boot and such.04:02
dr`venomyup, I tried vista RC2 and it was no good04:02
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Djnxsproingie: its not vapourware, but lots of its features were04:03
ParisiI just hope they make it a little more speedier and less resource hog, jesus.04:03
jvaii'm on hoary still, & my box runs circles round the xp workstations on my job04:03
dr`venomslow, and I think the price is $400+04:03
sethkMad3Max3, ordinarily, yes, but there can always be exceptions.04:03
sproingieit's about $15004:03
bruenigprice, lol, bittorrent04:03
ParisiAnd i think $100 for a OS is reasonable.04:03
K1765so i burn as a .iso right?04:03
jvaii just cant get into the active dir @ work :(04:03
Mad3Max3sethk, maybe I have to reload something. since I installed the s-pdif bracket afterwards04:03
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GhostFreemanWhat's the most lightest way possible for me to install Amarok?04:03
sethkK1765, right04:03
Djnxbut youll have to wait at least for the first service pack to know how good vista actually is04:03
dr`venomthe ultimate edition is 400+04:03
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dr`venomthey have five versions I think04:03
jribGhostFreeman: sudo apt-get install amarok04:03
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XenguyK1765: nice -19 growisofs -Z /dev/cdrom=____.iso04:04
sproingie$150 for the os, $350 for a new motherboard, video card, and cpu04:04
dr`venomtalk about price discrimination04:04
sethkMad3Max3, possible, yes.  there is a dpkg-reconfigure command you can run.04:04
steeltoes1234ok help me please.   i think i just removed the tab in my toolbar that will allow me to jump between the 4 workspaces on my desktop.    how do i get that back on my toolbar????04:04
K1765kk i found like 5 more blank cds so lol04:04
Parisisproingie,  How much would you pay for a mac to run OSX ?04:04
bruenigGhostFreeman, sudo aptitude install amarok, it is the best way and I assume lightest. I doubt it loads you down with stuff you don't need but you may try manually to see if some of the dependencies it adds are unneeded. Kind of doub it myself04:04
Parisisproingie,  Couple of 1k ?04:04
rockzmanjbmigel do i need to have internet connection to install build-essential package?04:04
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GhostFreemanthank you jrib, bruenig04:04
dr`venomI dont know man, I am a super leftist economist. I like the whole linux community thing. It is something very personal, unlike windows.04:04
jbmigelrockzman yes you will04:04
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ianmacgregorsteeltoes1234: right-click the panel, choose add to panel, find the workspace switcher and drag it to the panel04:05
jbmigelrockzman your not wired?04:05
bruenigGhostFreeman, you may want to give listen a try. It has all of the features of amarok. Or most I think. It has wikipedia and lyrics and all of that good stuff. Automatic album art download, etc. http://listengnome.free.fr/04:05
rockzmanjbmigel bad i have a 5.10 cd here04:05
rockzmanjbmigel ye but im using windows to login on iRC04:05
starsky-hutchydr`venom: :). I concur.04:05
steeltoes1234but the workspace switcher is gone!@04:05
ianmacgregorsteeltoes1234: look in the add to panel window to find it04:05
jbmigelrockzman you can download the build-essential package, then copy it over then install it manually04:05
Mad3Max3sethk, just type dpkg-reconfigure in terminal and enter?04:05
sethkMad3Max3, no, we need the package name to reconfigure04:06
starsky-hutchyLinux community is *alot* about freedom.04:06
ianmacgregorsteeltoes1234: It should be under Desktop & Windows04:06
steeltoes1234under preferences???04:06
rockzmanjbmigel where is this package available to download04:06
dr`venomYup, I think my thesis will be on linux and opensource04:06
dr`venomI have to learn about it more04:06
sproingieParisi: meh, the gui candy on vista is just part of it, and i'm kind of glad that they took GDI out behind the woodshed anyway04:06
ianmacgregorsteeltoes1234: right-click the panel, choose add to panel, find the workspace switcher in the add to panel window and drag it to the panel04:06
dr`venomthen, I can start building my econ graphs04:06
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Mad3Max3sethk, is it the alsa-mixer or alsa something?04:06
sproingieParisi: the user security model looks supremely annoying however04:07
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mathieu_anyone have suggestions of multiplayer popular linux multiplayer games ?04:07
dr`venomok, I am going to go get some coffee while ubuntu installs04:07
Thirstehmathieu_: Free or commercial?04:07
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sethkMad3Max3, no, the mixer uses it, but the mixer is just an app04:07
mathieu_Thirsteh: free of course04:07
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JsonTokay. i have downloaded a new cool coursor pack. sooo, how do i apply it?04:07
ianmacgregormathieu_: a nice, fast-paced, game you can try is bzflag04:08
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atom_there is no skype for x64 ? :(04:08
Thirstehmathieu_: Vendetta, if you like online space games. It's an MMORPG of sorts.04:08
c|intoh yeah, where did you get that, cusor pack from?04:08
mathieu_ianmacgregor: installing04:08
jbmigelrockzman you will also need your kernel-headers to build ndiswrapper... do you know what kernel you run while i look for link?04:08
ianmacgregormathieu_: That's a fast-paced game :) I always get my bum kicked, but I like it04:08
JsonThm... hold on, ill get the link...04:08
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steeltoes1234ok got the workspace switcher back.   thanks!04:09
Mad3Max3sethk, maybe alsa-base?04:09
ianmacgregorsteeltoes1234: :)04:09
DreamingRomjbmigel: you find that in synaptic04:09
DreamingRomor when you boot (grub)04:09
tiredbonesbefore I install gxine, could someone look at this. It pertains to totem. http://animimotus.pastebin.ca/21284604:09
steeltoes1234only thing though is now it is in the centre of the tool bar, can i get it to the right edge again?04:09
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jbmigelDreamingRom he has no network synaptic is useless... hey where is that repository file?04:10
jvaii want elive online for linux..04:10
JsonTsoo... how to apply? im very excited to have those cool cursors... yey..04:11
DreamingRomsorry, I read too fast04:12
JsonTahem... noone? :-/04:13
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sethkMad3Max3, could be any of the alsa packages.  check for an audio howto, it might not address your specific issue, but it will certainly tell you in general the way to reconfigure.04:13
sethkjbmigel, you mean /etc/apt/sources.list?04:14
gnu2it2any idea when flash will work in 64 bit systems?04:14
jbmigelsethk ya04:14
brueniggnu2it2, when they port it. I heard there is some plugin wrapper or something that works with flash 9 beta, but not using amd64 I have no idea04:14
Mad3Max3sethk , ok04:14
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dr`venomok setting up nvidia drivers. I have two hours before my date gets here04:15
gnu2it2thanks,, will look some more04:16
JsonTgaah.. f*k it, ill do it myself...04:16
Mezdr`venom, you going to try and impress her with Xgl then ?04:16
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dr`venomnot any more04:16
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dr`venomI got dumped the last time I did that04:17
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dr`venommost girls think that I am quite an attractive guy that is borring as hell.04:17
rukuarticHey there, are there any nice programs out there similar to iTunes that will help organize my music library? I've looked around in apt and I can't find much...04:17
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hondjeNever, ever, ever talk to girls about 1) computers, 2) math04:17
Thirstehhondje: word.04:17
dr`venomI love math, computers, and physics04:17
Xenguyhondje: philosophy, psychism, and voodoo -- try it, it works :P04:18
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dr`venomnerds will inherit the world04:18
hondjeMy gf has no idea I actually run a physics chan on this network, for example .... and she never will muwahaha04:18
sproingiehondje: but ... but ... that guy on numbers talks about math and he gets all the chicks04:18
dr`venomoh man, that is funny04:18
bpfickfair itunes mimic   Amarok04:18
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hondjesproingie: hehe04:18
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dr`venomman, that had me rolling on the ground04:18
DreamingRomdr'venom ok I understand your former girlfriends lol04:19
DreamingRommy dog just farted rrr04:19
sproingieDreamingRom: thanks for sharing04:19
v3l0ctrukuartic, rhythmbox, quodlibet, exaile, banshee.  Those are just a few04:19
dr`venomI know one fine girl that loves math, but she is married to a rich amigo04:19
rukuarticbpfick: Yeah but thats a KDE thing... looking for more of a manager instead of a player.04:19
DreamingRomyou're welcome sproingie04:19
dr`venomshould I do the software updates first, or install the nvidia driver?04:19
hondjeI dated a math girl once. Bad idea04:19
K1765still cant find a burner that works..............www sux04:19
hondjebut, that's OT so I'll stfu :)04:19
tiredbones_I just lost power, very windy here. Did anyone look at the paste I did?04:20
XenguyK1765: *definitely* k3b04:20
K1765is k3b linux or windows.........04:20
XenguyK1765: install linux quick - you need to burn those DVDs!04:20
v3l0ctlinuxboy, it's a kde app04:20
dr`venomworks great too04:20
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v3l0ctbrasero is very good also04:20
starsky-hutchy!k3b > Xenguy04:20
K1765well im talking about a burner for windows.................04:20
dr`venomah nero 6.404:21
starsky-hutchy!k3b > K176504:21
Xenguystarsky-hutchy: gee thanks =)04:21
bpfickeasyCD creator Roxio04:21
DreamingRomwhat's your release dr`venom04:21
josh_therefore 3b > 176504:21
dr`venommy release is the 6.4 or 6.5.904:21
dr`venomone of those two04:21
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dr`venomI dont like 704:22
dr`venomit is slow04:22
brueniggnu2it2, here is that plugin wrapper the 64 bit people were saying worked with flash 9, http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=27707704:22
v3l0cti have no clue, don't run windows04:22
XenguyK1765: no man, you *have* to install linux now - or else you are in the *wrong* channel :-)04:22
dr`venomif you use linux, I recomend k3b04:22
DreamingRomubuntu release dr`venom ?04:22
bruenigK1765, do you bittorrent?04:22
dr`venomI think it is fast and I have not gotten one error04:22
dr`venomI have the latest one04:23
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dr`venomlet me double check though04:23
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dr`venom6.06 LTS04:23
dr`venomI am downloading the updates right now and I will install nvidia. THen, I have to start trouble shooting the resolution issue04:24
DreamingRominstall the drivers from synaptic, switching nv to nvidia in xorg.conf and restart gdm  is not enough dr`venom04:24
v3l0ctI'm running 6.10 RC04:24
steeltoes1234does anyone know how to install Wine?04:24
rukuarticsteeltoes1234: should be in repos04:24
v3l0ctsteeltoes1234, it's in the repos04:24
dr`venomthat is exactly what I did04:24
dr`venomlast time and still no 1440x900 resolution04:24
rukuarticsteeltoes1234: sudo apt-get install wine04:24
steeltoes1234oh ya?04:25
dr`venomI even installed it manually04:25
K1765I need to make the cd bootable right?04:25
bruenigsteeltoes1234, "sudo apt-get install wine", after it install run winecfg, and then from there just do "wine "path/to/whatever.exe" to use win04:25
K1765That might have been the problem04:25
rukuarticbruenig: winecfg is run automatically, don't worry. Its a one time thing04:25
sureshothey all does wine do directx9c04:25
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kitchedr`venom: the resolution problem probably has to do with xorg autodetection you might have to add the resolution to your xorg.conf04:25
dr`venomI did04:26
K1765Would having the cd not bootable be the problem?04:26
dr`venomand nothing04:26
bruenigrukuartic, is it? It didn't work for me until I winecfg. ANd I know it was a one time thing, but he having not run it would have to do it for his one time04:26
dr`venomI'm going to try again04:26
kitchedr`venom: and restarted gdm and X?04:26
dr`venomhopefully that will work04:26
DreamingRomwhen i install it manually on my system, it doesn't work :(04:26
dr`venomI restarted X04:26
Mad3Max3sethk, when I type the aplay -l ... I only get up Analog.. no digital.. is it that digital istn't enabled and thats why alsa can't find my spdif?04:26
dr`venomI restarted my computer04:26
K1765Would having the cd not bootable cause linux to not workkkkk?04:26
dr`venomso that should have done both04:26
rukuarticbruenig: Were you using an older version of wine?04:26
bruenigK1765, you need to burn the iso as an image, not bootable doesn't really make sense in terms of burning software. Did you check a box that said not bootable or what?04:26
dr`venomI know its not my video card or my monitor because they work perfectly on suse04:27
bruenigrukuartic, yeah, has it changed?04:27
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kitchedr`venom: see I don't even mess with the window managers resolution thing since usually they onyl show like five resolutions04:27
Mad3Max3sethk, I get .. card 0: NVidia [HDA NVidia] , device 0: ALC880 Analog [ALC880 Analog] 04:27
K1765Does it have to be bootable or not bootable?04:27
rukuarticbruenig: Hmm I seem to remember it when I installed wine, that was some time ago.04:27
DreamingRomyou have to write your resolution in the xorg.conf i think04:27
dr`venomI did04:27
dr`venomand the resolution was not offored04:27
bruenigK1765, by burning it as an image, it will be bootable. You cannot burn it as an image, assuming the image is not corrupted and have it not be bootable.04:27
dr`venommaybe it will do it this time04:27
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sureshothey all does wine do directx9c04:28
bruenigdr`venom, have you tried doing "sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg" and then just selecting defaults until you get to resolution and then making your changes that way?04:28
dr`venombruenig, nope, I will give that a try next04:28
kitchesueshot: wine doesn't do directx9c last time I checked and that was last week04:28
steeltoes1234ok...   package wine is not available, but is referred to as a different package.  this may mean the package is missing, or obsoleted, or is only avaiable from another source E: package wine  has no installation candidate04:29
dr`venomI have to reinstall nvidia drivers first. I reinstalled ubuntu04:29
steeltoes1234ok so what does that mean???04:29
fatsheepwhat's a good native CPU benchmark program?04:29
sureshotkitche thanks if it did it would answer a lot of problems thanks again04:29
v3l0ctK1765, this is what you need.  it's a powertoy that will burn an .iso properly in windows  http://isorecorder.alexfeinman.com/isorecorder.htm04:29
jim__how interesting no wine in apt currently for edgy04:29
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steeltoes1234im running dapper04:29
K1765would people stop sending me that, the link takes 10 minutes to load, and isorecorder doesnt work, just gives me error here error there04:30
kitchesureshot: think wine needs a patch to use directx anyways04:30
starsky-hutchyjim__, probably still testing it ?04:30
tnnccan someone tell me where the sutoinstall script is for automatix04:30
steeltoes1234how can i install wine??????04:30
ubotuwine is a compatibility layer for running windows programs on GNU/Linux. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Wine for more information.04:30
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jim__K1765, are you in linux now or windoze?04:30
v3l0cthow am i supposed to know that's been sent to you before? magic?04:30
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K1765i just burned it, seeing if linux will work now04:31
K1765If not i give up04:31
v3l0cttnnc, sutoinstall?04:31
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K1765ill be back04:31
unforgivinghow i reinstall the java plugin in the firefox?04:31
sureshoti have ced and it does not run any of my 9c files :_04:32
dr`venomshould I install both nvidia-glx and nvidia-glx-dev?04:32
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bpfickunforgiving do you use easyubuntu?04:32
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v3l0ctunforgiving, open synaptic, find the file and right click on it, it gives you an option to reinstall04:32
unforgivingbpfick: yes04:33
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Lubixhey ubuntu!04:33
ThirstehHi Lubix04:33
MezLubix, hello04:33
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Lubixhow goes it this evening?04:34
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AmaranthXenguy: Having fun with ubotu?04:34
tnnccan someone tell me where to find the autoinstall script for automatix thanks04:34
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Lubixwhats ubotu?04:34
mrkrisanyone happen to remember the ubuntu package/tutorial that explained how to get all the non-free stuff working, eg: flash, wmv, etc ?04:34
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kitchea bot Lubix04:34
rukuartictnnc: I don't know the link off hand, and I"m not being smart, but its the first link off of google04:34
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Amaranth!automatic > tnnc04:34
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about automatic - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi04:34
v3l0cttnnc, www.getautomatix.com04:34
Amaranth!restricted > mrkris04:34
dr`venomquestion guys, when I am installing the linux-restricted-modules, should I keep the 386 that are already installed or get the 68604:34
Mez!bot > Lubix04:34
Amaranth!automatix > tnnc04:35
ripperif the xserver gives the message sync out of range, is there anyway i can simply get it back to defaults.04:35
mrkristhanks ;D04:35
Thirstehdr`venom: Do you have a Pentium 4 or equal?04:35
dr`venomI have a pentium 4 3.2 a 478 socket04:35
Lubixhey has anyone used monodevlope to open a c#project from vs2003?04:35
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dr`venomhyper threading04:35
rukuarticdr`venom: try uname -a04:36
Thirstehdr`venom: Go with the linux-686 kernel which should auto-fetch linux-restricted-modules-68604:36
Thirstehdr`venom: It's no use if you're not running a 686 kernel, tho04:36
landoim fairly new to ubuntu and i was wondering when edgy eft does get release will it just automagically upgrade?04:36
v3l0ctlando, no04:36
Lubixshould be u get get it now04:36
dr`venomso, it does not matter?04:36
jim__lnado no04:36
landoor will i have to update my repo's04:36
dr`venomwhich one I use?04:36
Thirstehdr`venom: uname -a will show you what you're currently running, like rukuartic said.04:36
jim__lando: have to update your sources.list04:37
jim__then apt-get dist-upgrade04:37
steeltoes1234what exactly is a repository?04:37
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Lubixso no one has used monodevelop?04:37
rukuarticIs there any way I can tell ACPI how long it takes my battery to drain/charge so it can know when I mouseover?04:37
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Thirstehdr`venom: As a rule of thumb, if you have the option between 386 and 686, take the 686. They are simply architectures and 386 dates back to early Pentium 3, if I'm not mistaken.04:37
Thirstehdr`venom: Compatability, you know :)04:37
capgadget383 is P1 P204:38
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jim__steeltoes1234: repository is where all the packages for software is04:38
dr`venomit says mariano-desktop 2.6.15-27-386 #1 Preempt sat sept 16 UTC 2006 i68604:38
v3l0ctdr`venom, actually use a smp kernel, since Hyperthreading supports it04:38
capgadgetOops nope04:38
Thirstehcapgadget: Yes, thank you, I thought it was earlier than that, too04:38
hondjeP1 was a nice name for 586 ... 5 so pentium04:38
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Thirstehdr`venom: Oh yes, what v3l0ct said, you'll want the 686-SMP04:38
ubuntumahhow can i install wlassistant??04:38
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dr`venomok let me look for this bad boy04:38
ubotuwlassistant: User friendly KDE frontend for wireless network connection. In component main, is optional. Version 0.5.5-0ubuntu2 (dapper), package size 139 kB, installed size 580 kB04:38
Lubixso i just upgraded to edgy is cool04:39
v3l0ctubuntumah, it's in the repos04:39
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steeltoes1234jim_: packages on my hdd or on the net?04:39
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landowould it be best to do a clean install of edgy or will upgrading do just fine ? and thanks for the help guys. if it werent for this room i would of never made the leap into linux as gracefully04:39
Mez!adept > ubuntumah04:39
jim__steeltoes1234: on the net04:39
capgadgetforgetting pentiums as fast as I can on amd64 now04:39
Mez!synaptic > ubuntumah04:39
K1765Now it is saying "Starting Caldera DR-DOS" and goes to a command prompt-ish thing04:39
v3l0ctlando, clean install is always best04:39
steeltoes1234ok cool   thanks04:39
black_13is there a psuedo package that install gcc and other dev tools04:39
ubuntumahyes i know but i cant use make command04:39
Lubixlando, i just upgraded so far so good04:39
dr`venomI dont see any 686 smp on the restricted modules04:39
dr`venomI just see 68604:39
steeltoes1234jim_: sorry for the noob questions but i am very much a noob to linux04:40
capgadgetsmp is just for the kernel04:40
v3l0ctblack_13, yes.  select build-essentials04:40
ianmacgregorblack_13: sudo apt-get install build-essential04:40
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jim__steeltoes1234: no probs, I have been a noob for the last 3 years04:40
landoah i see. thanks for the all the help. much obliged04:40
K1765Now it is saying "Starting Caldera DR-DOS" and goes to a command prompt-ish thing04:40
ianmacgregorjim__: lol04:40
steeltoes1234jim_: LOL04:40
atom_something happened to my audio... i was playing music and rebooted due to updates and now no audio from music or video... what can cause this?04:40
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steeltoes1234ok so what is this whole edgy thing ive been hearing about?04:41
=== BrentNewhall [n=bnewhall@pool-71-240-227-144.fred.east.verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu
capgadgetCaldera DR-DOS  M$ had topay big money for killing it.04:41
Mez!edgy > steeltoes123404:41
jim__steeltoes1234: the next release of ubuntu04:41
K1765Now it is saying "Starting Caldera DR-DOS" and goes to a command prompt-ish thing04:41
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K1765whats this mean?? zz04:41
BrentNewhallHi, all.  Anyone here who can help me with a network problem installing Dapper on a MacBook?04:41
steeltoes1234jim_: is it an official release?04:41
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jim__steeltoes1234: every 6 months officially" they release a new verion with a new name04:41
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wasabi_i'm trying to install Bundle::CPAN in cpan and i keep getting this message about LWP not available04:41
ubuntumahi cant use synabtic because i cant connect to my wireless net04:42
rukuarticBrentNewhall: Is it a problem ding a network install, or is it networking problems during install?04:42
steeltoes1234jim_: would it be advisable to switch to edgy then???04:42
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wasabi_i'm trying to install Bundle::CPAN in cpan and i keep getting this message about LWP not available04:42
=== Shadowline [n=shadowli@ppp-69-221-227-159.dsl.klmzmi.ameritech.net] has joined #ubuntu
K1765Could someone answer plz :)04:42
v3l0ctsteeltoes1234, edgy is still a release candidate,  should be fully released next week04:42
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jim__steeltoes1234: after the 26th when it becomes the official release, right now its technically the development release04:43
ianmacgregorK1765: If on one knows the answer, how should we respond?04:43
rukuarticubuntumah: Oh here, type "iwconfig" in the terminal, see if it recognizes your wireless device04:43
BrentNewhallrukuartic: Well, I can boot off the LiveCD, then set up a temporary local install, but when I chroot to the local install to install lilo, I can't reach the 'net.04:43
v3l0ctK1765, what are you trying to install04:43
steeltoes1234jim_: and would i have to reinstall ubuntu clean or can i just get an update?04:43
rukuarticBrentNewhall: Its a wireless thing? Try opening up a terminal and typing "iwconfig"04:43
BrentNewhallI can access the 'net from the LiveCD, but not from Ubuntu.04:43
Lubixdoes no one uses monodev?04:43
ubotuedgy is the current development version of Ubuntu. Version 6.10, codename "Edgy Eft". For support head to #ubuntu+1. For its release schedule, see !schedule04:43
steeltoes1234jim_: oh ok in that case ill wait till next week then04:43
ubotuUbuntu uses a strict timetable for releases, which means that sometimes newly released programs miss the timetable. See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/TimeBasedReleases for more. Edgy schedule: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/EdgyReleaseSchedule04:43
dr`venomhey guys, i'm a bit lost there are a few 686 linux restricted modules : 2.6.15-25, 26, and 2704:44
=== RodrigoX [n=Rodrigo@201-74-130-141-sj.cpe.vivax.com.br] has joined #ubuntu
K1765I burned ubuntu, and ran it on the cd, and its saying "Starting Caldera DR-Dos"04:44
dr`venomwhich one should I get04:44
jim__steeltoes1234: just update, you would ecit your sources and then do apt-get dist-upgrade04:44
BrentNewhallrukuartic: I've also plugged directly into the router, and I actually see an IP address on eth0 then.04:44
dr`venomI dont see the smp one04:44
jim__steeltoes1234: it then magically becomes edgy04:44
BrentNewhallBut still no network connectivity, even after an "ifconfig eth0 down" and "eth0 up"04:44
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rukuarticBrentNewhall: Often times routers have internal websites (eg: for configuration) can you access that?04:45
BrentNewhallAhh, good question.04:45
K1765834 people and no1 knows :/04:45
Lubixget can someone give me a good just general linux chat channel to use04:45
ianmacgregorLubix: #linux04:45
dr`venomk1765 everyone is trying04:45
rukuarticK1765: Give us a second... Caldera Dr-DOS is not something any of us have heard of04:45
ianmacgregorrukuartic: True04:46
ripperi've heard of it04:46
BrentNewhallrukuartic: I actually can't answer that question at the moment; this is my only usable computer at the moment, and it's the one I'm trying to instal Ubuntu on.04:46
jim__epp caldera Dr-Dos talk about old school04:46
ripperjust dont know much about it.04:46
v3l0ctcaldera has been dead for years now04:46
ripperyeah no shit.04:46
rippersorry bout the language04:46
K1765lol ripper04:46
Lubixver goot04:46
dr`venomI'm going to install all 68604:46
dr`venomit should be fine04:46
BoogieWoogieManBOOOGIE WOOOGIE Amaranth !!!! this is SO fun!!!!04:46
Lubixnow whats a good firewall for me here on ubuntu?04:46
jim__Dr-DOS become either open dos or free dos04:46
BrentNewhallrukuartic: Can you give me a few diagnostics steps to run?  Would greatly appreciate it.04:47
ripperLubix iptables.04:47
K1765I ran the cd i burned ubuntu on and that started up so04:47
ripperif you cant figure that out, @ Lubix use firestarter04:47
ianmacgregorLubix: You already have a firewall (iptables), but Irecommend Firestarter as the gui firewall setup app04:47
v3l0ctk1765, i dunno what you burned but that's not it04:47
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Lubixfiaif any good?04:47
rukuarticBrentNewhall: Hurr... do you use DHCP? If you do you could try "sudo dhclient"04:47
steeltoes1234jim_: ok i think that i have now installed wine, how do i know if it is installed or how do i open it.   i dont see it in my menus04:47
K1765lol, it was ubuntu-6.06.1-desktop-amd64.iso04:48
ripperi dont use a firewall on my ubuntu box, its all handled by a box running obsd's packetfilter04:48
K1765right from site, so04:48
rukuarticsteeltoes1234: Its not an actual program, you run your EXE's like this: "wine <program name>"04:48
BrentNewhallrukuartic: Yep, I use DHCP.  I'll give that a try.04:48
jim__steeltoes1234: did you install winecfg as well?04:48
rukuarticjim__: preinstalled04:48
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ripperdhcp is always giving me problems :| thats why i went to static LAN ips04:48
steeltoes1234jim_: i dont think so.    what is winecfg?04:48
v3l0ctripper: my router has a firewall so I use that :)04:48
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rukuarticripper: Yeah... well I use DHCP for my desktop/laptop and static for my server04:49
ripperv3l0ct heh im sure its not nearly as robust as PF04:49
jim__steeltoes1234: type winecfg04:49
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ripperv3l0ct what kind of router (im sure its no cisco :) )04:49
v3l0ctripper true but good enough04:49
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v3l0ctripper netgear04:49
rippereww @ netgear04:49
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ripperthats nasty04:49
v3l0ct3 years and still running,04:49
ripperlinksys ftw!04:49
v3l0ctthat's your opinion04:49
ripperwell i just dont like netgears lack of configurability at all.04:50
v3l0cti can configure mine plenty :)04:50
K1765well, this is fairly gay, dunno how caldera dr-dos started up from the linux cd... :S04:50
steeltoes1234jim_: ok i just ran that04:50
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Lubixhey i got a like total sacrilige question....i downloaded a copy of xp that was from my gf's laptop, i have a licensed copy but its at home, the install totally sucks it cant connect to the net or nothing is it b/c it was designed for her hardware?04:50
steeltoes1234jim_: and i got a window that opened up04:50
Lubixi only need it cuz i do vs2003 for a class04:51
ripperheh im sure you cant configure the SPI firewall thats embedded in it.....i havent seen one that allows it yet @ netgear04:51
rukuarticK1765: Ur, I hate to tell you this, but I think it was installed before hand.04:51
jim__steeltoes1234: get through that, then find yourself a windoze executable04:51
v3l0ctripper i can on mine04:51
ripperwhat model?04:51
rukuarticsteeltoes1234: if you go into "/home/usrname/.wine/drive_c/" and look around, there are a few like notepad04:51
K1765caldera dr-dos is on every pc o.004:51
jim__steeltoes1234: then from console wine <whatevertheheckitis.exe>04:51
steeltoes1234jim_: with wine, will i able to access my other HDD (windows xp) from ubuntu>04:51
rukuarticK1765: because I'm pretty sure its not on ANY of my pc's04:51
agentLubix: probably.... just install ubuntu... no need to taint your computer with that x...p... creature :P04:52
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v3l0ctripper we'll just agree to disagree :)04:52
K1765lol its on there...04:52
Lubixagent: i need visual studio 03 for school04:52
ripperv3l0ct the newer ones seem to lack alot :)04:52
jim__steeltoes1234: yes and no, question is a little more complex than that04:52
capgadgetProbably booted dr-dos because it can't boot the iso.  You have to set the bios to boot from the cd04:52
rukuarticK1765: Keep in mind you are talking to a CS major who works on computers frequently... its not on every computer.04:52
ripperv3l0ct there is some netgear equip i will use...like their switches.04:52
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agentv3l0ct: i say you arm wrestle for it04:52
v3l0ctripper like I said mine is almost 3 years old and i've hear the newer ones aren't that good04:52
ripperi just like linksys, and building my own equipment.04:52
jim__steeltoes1234: wine creates a "fake" windows to operate from04:53
Bensr20detHow do i check/change my color depth?04:53
=== Syco54645 [n=frank@c-71-60-64-92.hsd1.pa.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
Lubixdo you think that visual studio would run in wine?04:53
K1765ill try to see if its set to boot cd first :S04:53
__mikemscrew armwrestling, lets really wrestle04:53
ripperv3l0ct you would figure they would get better with time, not worse.04:53
v3l0ctagent lol, nah. it's all about choice04:53
Lubixi dunno jack about wine04:53
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agentLubix: but seriously... thats probably your problem... windows usually is computer specific04:53
Syco54645anyone here successfully get flash player 9 working that can give me a hand?04:53
rukuarticLubix: I think they have an app compatability thing on their site... winehq.org04:53
ripperv3l0ct but look at windows :) vista is a repeat of ME w/ better gfx if you ask me, its a POS04:53
v3l0ctripper yeah, i would think so.04:53
steeltoes1234jim_: but would i be able to run programs that are installed in my windows HDD through wine>04:53
v3l0ctripper i haven't run windows in over a year.  i have no clue about it04:54
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Lubixi would love to drop xp all together its a hassle04:54
jim__steeltoes1234: a solid maybe, depends on how intertied it is in windows04:54
ripperi have one windows box, it's not allowed on the LAN04:54
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capgadgetStuff the "runs" on wine is on http://appdb.winehq.org/04:54
Bensr20detHow do I check/change the color depth of my screen in edgy??04:54
jim__steeltoes1234: you may have to use wine to install it into linux04:54
rukuarticripper: Maybe for the power user, but here's the deal. If everyone ran computers as powerful as linux, imagine what would happen when the ignorant ones installed spyware and stuff on them, its like taking a knife away from a madman and giving him a shotgun and handgrenade stash04:54
ScreaminIkewhat package do i need to install my nvidia drivers? my x won't work with this new card...04:54
Lubixso you fellas should be proud i turned my co-worker onto ubuntu today04:54
agentLubix: another idea: run a windows emulator on ubuntu04:54
SkramXim using the 6 boot cd.. and after it uncompresses the kernel my monitor says it has gone out of range and shuts down04:54
SkramXi have tried safe graphics mode04:54
steeltoes1234well most important is can i run World of Warcraft through wine?????04:54
rukuarticLubix: Whoo! :304:54
Lubixagent: where might i get one?04:55
rukuarticsteeltoes1234: Thats more of a cedega thing04:55
jim__steeltoes1234: yes04:55
ripperrukuartic hmm i like the idea of giving a madman a shotgun & grenade stash.04:55
ScreaminIkesteeltoes1234 yea... cedega04:55
zorba64ScreaminIke, nvidia-glx04:55
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jim__steeltoes1234: not cedega gargabe04:55
ScreaminIkezorba64, i've installed that, and x still crashes. i'm using irssi as root right now...04:55
steeltoes1234ok good.    that is importaint!    VERY importaint!!  LOL04:55
ScreaminIkein terminal04:55
steeltoes1234now i just gotta figure out how04:55
rukuarticsteeltoes1234: People around here don't like cedega because you have to pay for it... apparently its really good though.04:55
ripperim seeing linux go more mainstream everyday due to ubuntu04:55
jim__steeltoes1234: go to www.winehq.com there are a few tweaks you have to make to get it working correctly in wine04:56
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ripperi think canonical is up to something here04:56
agentLubix: there is qemu (open source) and vmware (not open source) that i know of... i have used both before with success04:56
steeltoes1234what is cedega?04:56
rippercedega is a wineX04:56
rukuarticsteeltoes1234: wine + better support for 3d stuff.04:56
ScreaminIkesteeltoes1234 google for it04:56
=== Mark1412 [n=Marvus@adsl-69-231-89-0.dsl.irvnca.pacbell.net] has joined #ubuntu
Syco54645steeltoes1234: cedega is pretty crappy...04:56
jim__steeltoes1234: a pay-as-you-go ripoff of wine04:56
steeltoes1234woh.   you lost me here.    what is wineX04:56
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ubuntumahhow can i use web shared key in wireless network??04:56
Mark1412hi, who knows of a rar file opener04:56
ripperunrar @ Marconius__04:56
black_13isnt there win32 clone out now04:56
agentsteeltoes1234: wine thats not free as in freedom ;)04:56
ripperunrar @ Mark141204:57
Syco54645steeltoes1234: i have better luck with bland old wine than with cedega04:57
ScreaminIkeoh, anyone here able to help me out with this nvidia thing?04:57
kitchejiim__: you do know you don't have to pay to get cedega you know that right04:57
Mark1412ripper: Where can i get htat/04:57
dr`venomwhat nvidia thing?04:57
ripperMark just do sudo apt-get install unrar04:57
Mark1412oh kay04:57
kitchejim__: since it is open source just the copyrighted stuff you can't get04:57
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ScreaminIkewhat do i need to install to use my nvidia card?04:57
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rukuarticScreaminIke: Haha... nobody likes dealing with graphics drivers issues, don't take it personally if responses come lsow04:57
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ubuntumahhow can i use web shared key in wireless network??04:57
Lubixagent: im downloading qemu now04:57
ripperMark1412 i dont see why ubuntu wouldnt handle .rar by default though04:57
agent!nvidia > ScreaminIke04:57
v3l0ctScreaminIke, I use ATI so i dunno04:58
enyawixbugs bugs bugs04:58
ScreaminIkerukuartic, i usually ignore drivers questions... i don't know them...04:58
rukuarticripper: Propriatory?04:58
agent*squash* *squash*04:58
=== K1765 [n=K1765@cpe-075-178-044-119.nc.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu
Mark1412ripper: its not supported04:58
K1765k i give up :/04:58
Syco54645ScreaminIke: what do you mean?  the linux drivers? or do you want tv out04:58
enyawixwhy have support for a file system and not support it in the kernel?04:58
ripperi dont have troubles with .rar04:58
rukuarticScreaminIke: While you're waiting you could check the forums... There might be something there.04:58
ScreaminIkethat's all fine and dandy, agent, but i'm in command line. can't use the interweb...04:58
agentLubix: from what i remember, 98 works  best on qemu04:58
rukuarticK1765: How old is your computer?04:58
ripperand didnt have to install unrar either.04:58
Mark1412how do you extract .rar filese then04:58
Syco54645ScreaminIke: elinks04:58
K1765year old..04:58
agentScreaminIke: did not know that04:58
ripperright click on them :) and click extract04:58
ripperor in the terminal type unrar blah.rar04:59
ubuntumahhow can i use web shared key in wireless network??04:59
steeltoes1234i dont understand how wine works04:59
agentScreaminIke: lynx, links or elinks (im sure there are others) :P04:59
ScreaminIke's ok. i just really want to be able to, you know... use my computer04:59
steeltoes1234oh well04:59
Syco54645ScreaminIke: to make it even easier get gpm04:59
Mark1412my archive manager says it doesnt support04:59
enyawixhod to build firestarter fron source :(04:59
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ScreaminIkesudo apt-get install gpm ?04:59
Syco54645ScreaminIke: yes04:59
Syco54645ScreaminIke: then do a sudo apt-get install gpm04:59
ScreaminIkecan i use that in command line?04:59
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rukuarticK1765: I'm inclined to question that, since DR-DOS was last updated in the 90's05:00
Bensr20detHow do I check/change the color depth of my screen??05:00
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Mark1412ok ill try unrar05:00
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Mark1412thanks rippe05:00
Syco54645ScreaminIke: what exactly are you trying to do with the card?  di dyou install the drivers and have x give errors?05:00
Lubixagent: how does qemu work05:00
kitcheBensr20det: in your xorg.conf is how i do it05:00
rukuarticK1765: Sorry wrong there05:00
Syco54645ScreaminIke: yes.  elinks supports tabs05:00
jim__yeesh talk about client blow up05:00
Dr_willisFreedos finially hit version 1.005:00
steeltoes1234how do i use wine????05:00
ScreaminIkei haven't installed the drivers yet.05:00
K1765lol seeing how its on every pc with windows u shouldnt05:00
Dr_willissteeltoes1234,  wine whatever.exe05:00
ScreaminIkei don't know how.05:00
Syco54645ScreaminIke: then why can you not get into x?05:00
agent!qemu > Lubix05:00
kitchesteeltoes1234: open up a console it's a console app sorta05:00
Xenguy_steeltoes1234: you needn't wine alot ;-)05:00
Bensr20detkitche: how do i edit that file?05:00
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ScreaminIkeno x. it just gives me B$...05:01
agentLubix: http://fabrice.bellard.free.fr/qemu/05:01
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ScreaminIkeif i had a gui, it'd be so much easier to find these crash logs05:01
rukuarticK1765: No you're wrong there. DR-DOS is something you purchase and install on your computer. Its 3rd party software. MS-DOS is what you're thinking of.05:01
Syco54645ScreaminIke: that doesnt sound right05:01
kitcheBensr20det: sudo vim /etc/X11/xorg.conf you can also use nano if you don't like vim05:01
Syco54645ScreaminIke: the logs are in /var/logs or should be05:01
jim__kitche: to answer your question before my client went haywire. tried cedega twice and liked it neaither time05:01
agentomg another usplash theme... thats like the 4th theme update today ;)05:01
ScreaminIkei'll brb.05:01
Xenguy_K1765: you definitely want FreeDOS05:01
Syco54645ScreaminIke: did you crash then this happened?05:01
Alakazamz0ranyone got webhosting experience?05:01
ScreaminIkehold responsces, plz05:01
rukuarticXenguy_: I don't think he wants either o_o;05:01
Dr_willisFreedos even comes on a live cd. :)05:02
kitchejim__: it's more for games then anything but wine is catching up to it05:02
Xenguy_rukuartic: mwuha05:02
steeltoes1234ok but whatever i want to open up in wine i need to have in my /home directory?05:02
Dr_willisdosbox is great for playing the old dos games.05:02
rukuarticXenguy_: If his comp's a year old, Iunno. Maybe dr-dos messed up his boot.05:02
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Xenguy_rukuartic: it's always possible05:02
Dr_willissteeltoes1234,  depends.. ya can put the .exe's wheever you want..05:02
Lubixagent: i know ima probably sound stupid here but do i have to install xp or what goes on here?05:02
K1765well if its not on windows, then its in the .iso, because thats the only thing it could be running05:02
jim__steeltoes1234: you just need to know what directory its in05:02
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rukuarticOh yeah, does anyone have tips on how to get GRUB back if you install Ubuntu, then Windows, but still want GRUB?05:03
kitchesteeltoes1234: well after you isntall the app it will be in /home/<user>/.wine/drive_c/Program\ Files most likely05:03
Dr_willisLubix,  huh? what xp are you refering to?05:03
kitcherukuartic: reinstall grub05:03
steeltoes1234ok now im really confused05:03
=== Xenguy_ wonders what the equivalent of 'rm -rf /' is on wind0ze...
jim__steeltoes1234: wine /home/jim/downloads/winejunk/grabit.exe works as well05:03
Dr_willissteeltoes1234,  wine /path/to/whever/you/keep/your/stuff.exe05:03
agentLubix: you can install almost any x32 os... any linux and windows from 95 until xp... but i recommend 98 as its the fastest and its compatible with your program05:03
kitcheXenguy_: deltree05:03
rukuarticCan anyone comfirm that DrDOS is in the Ubuntu LiveCD?05:03
Xenguy_kitche: good handlin' :-)05:03
=== Wizardling [n=jamiekg@202-154-149-141.ubs-dynamic.connections.net.nz] has joined #ubuntu
agentLubix: think of is as a "computer inside your computer" :)05:04
rukuarticK1765: Where'd you get the install cd?05:04
Dr_willisrukuartic,  its not on there as far as ive seen.05:04
Lubixagent: im working on it ill let u know if get it up05:04
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jim__go to the downloads section at ubuntu.com when your browsing the d/ls you'll find a payload05:04
=== agent refrains from obvious joke
Syco54645steeltoes1234: with wine it makes a virtual c drive that you specify the location for.  usually ~/.wine/drive_c/05:04
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Syco54645steeltoes1234: that is where it will install all apps to.  so to run them go to like  wine "~/.wine/drive_c/program files/foobar2000/foobar.exe"05:05
steeltoes1234ok.   now can i access my other hdd now from unbutu?05:05
Syco54645steeltoes1234: ir what ever05:05
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Syco54645or rather05:05
ubotusudo is a command to run programs with superuser privileges ("root"). Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo for all information.05:05
jim__steeltoes1234: maybe05:05
=== root is now known as ScreamingIke
agentLubix: i have to get going.... refer to that howto and qemu website (website has good documentation)... it works because i used it as far back as 2 years ago :)05:05
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ScreamingIkeok. so i installed nvidia-glx... but x still crashes05:06
jim__steeltoes1234: you may have to mount it, you may not05:06
Syco54645ScreamingIke: what did you figure out?05:06
ScreamingIkedo i need a reboot to reload the kernel?05:06
steeltoes1234like if i go in the menue, places/ computer   i can see both my HDDs and al partitions on my other but cannot access them since it is window05:06
jim__ScreamingIke yes05:06
ScreamingIkehrm. thx. brb05:06
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Syco54645ScreamingIke: yes05:06
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enyawixScreamingIke chroot if it breaks your install05:07
Lubixagent: alirght thanks for the heads up on that app tho05:07
agentLubix: your welcome05:07
enyawixwhere do i supmit fixes?05:07
Syco54645what do i need to have installed to have firefox play flash.  i am just trying to get this thing to work with the regular old ubuntu supported flash05:07
jim__steeltoes1234: sounds like ntfs, have to get the libs for that installed05:07
rukuarticK1765: There ya go, found a topic on your problem, and it is related to DR-DOS05:07
rukuarticK1765: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=268870&highlight=dr-dos05:08
steeltoes1234jim_ my C: drive is fat3205:08
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jim__then you should be able to access it and get to everything on it05:08
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steeltoes1234jim_: D: and  E: is ntfs05:08
c|intguess what guys, guess what I"m going try and do05:09
rukuarticK1765: Did you tell Nero to burn it as a bootable CD?05:09
K1765i just all to just load cd-rom, and it still loads that..05:09
jim__steeltoes1234: then you should be able to access it and get to everything on it05:09
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K1765yes its a bootable cd, i used cd burner xp05:09
K1765I made sure it was :S05:09
c|inthey steeltoes1234, guess what I"m going try and do05:09
steeltoes1234jim_: hmmmm so did i install wine correctly then05:09
rukuarticK1765: You don't need that05:09
steeltoes1234c|int: what?05:09
rukuarticK1765: Just do an ordinary burn to CD05:10
K1765so it will be non-bootable?05:10
jim__steeltoes1234: wine has nothing to do with being able to "read" windows drives, its a windows emulator05:10
atom_anyone get this error while trying to install the new nvidia driver? "You appear to be runing an X server; please exit X before installing"05:10
rukuarticK1765: No... I think the burning software you're using does something funny to it05:10
SkramXi have the 6 LiveCD.. how do i do an install without the GUI-installer?05:10
steeltoes1234jim_: then what can i do to read my C: drive?05:10
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atom_mount it if its fat3205:11
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atom_if its ntfs ur buggered05:11
rukuarticK1765: It'll still be bootable, but you don't want to check the "make bootable" flag05:11
dr`venomso, I finally got ubuntu reinstalled and I also reinstalled the nvidia driver05:11
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c|intabout to install paragon, hard disk manager, on ubuntu :)05:11
black_13what package gives me the x11 headers05:11
mineraleDoes anyone know a program that lets one try regexes? I can't find a program that can understand some of the more advanced operators such as '\<'05:11
pressingonalwayshello... i'm having extreme clock drifting in VM... I've enabled time syncronization and it isn't helping... any ideas anyone?05:11
atom_venom did u get any error?05:11
jim__atom_: you have to go command line wihtout x to install the drivers05:11
dr`venomhowever, I did not see an nvidia splash and I still dont get the resolution option of 1440x90005:11
kitcheblack_13: the xorg-dev packages05:11
dr`venomi'm really lost now05:11
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steeltoes1234atom: i currently boot between the 2 drives by selecting it through the Bios.   if i mount my C drive will it cause problems trying to boot that into windows?05:12
atom_how so jim__?05:12
kitchedr`venom: can you pastebin your xorg.conf05:12
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dr`venomgive me a sec05:12
K1765forget this. im going to bed... no point in wasting another disc05:12
jim__atom_: ctrl alt f1 will get you to tty, then /proc/init.d/gdm stop to kill X05:13
rukuarticatom_: ctrl+alt+f7 gets you back05:13
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jim__not if you kill gdm05:13
dr`venomI have to e-mail it to my self so that I can then paste it here05:13
rukuarticNo problem K1765 you're welcome for all my help. </sarcasm>05:13
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Brydenn33anyone wanna help me get wine 0.9.9 installed? having troubles05:14
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kitchedr`venom you paste in a pastebin05:14
steeltoes1234guys if i try to mount my c drive so i can read it, will i have problems booting off that drive next time i want to boot into windows?05:14
peepsare you guys talking about problems with display after an edgy dist-upgrade05:14
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Mir1hey, i'd like to know, how to use "inpud methods" in some progs, eg Firefox05:14
rukuarticBrydenn33: Zo. Tell me about your problems.05:14
kitche!pastebin > dr`venom05:14
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dr`venomI'm using a different computer to chat in here05:14
jim__steeltoes1234: nope05:14
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padanok i give up, what flippin package are the termcap libs in for ubuntu?05:14
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Brydenn33rukuartic: well i'm having trouble making the file05:14
jim__steeltoes1234: mouning it just tells linux its there to read from05:14
dr`venomgot it05:15
rukuarticpadan: Not sure, try "apt-cache search termcap"05:15
Brydenn33rukuartic: it starts doing its thing then i get errors05:15
padanevery other distribution decides to name this like libtermcap or termcap05:15
Eroickhey, if I am running in low memory mode, will I be having issues?05:15
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padanruk, nothing05:15
Brydenn33want me to put it in pastebin for you to see?05:15
steeltoes1234i cant mount it05:15
Syco54645steeltoes1234: anything is possible, but i would say no05:15
rukuarticBrydenn33: There any reason you aren't using the one in the repositories?05:15
Syco54645steeltoes1234: why can you not mount it?  what is the error05:15
Mir1can i use "inpud methods" in Firefox??05:15
Dr_willisyea. edgy at least mounts the ntfs drivs where users can read the, :P05:15
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Brydenn33rukuartic: yes, cuz the wine archive says 0.9.9 can run Exact Audio Copy. And i really want that app on linux05:16
peepsis there a more automatic method to setup xorg than using dkpg-reconfigure xserver-xorg?05:16
rukuarticBrydenn33: Aha. What errors are you running into?05:16
Eroicklike, is 64mb of ram too little for Ubuntu with Fluxbox?05:16
Brydenn33plus from what i've read it's a great improvment05:16
Brydenn33rukuartic: let me show you via pastebin. one sec05:16
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dr`venomok, its at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/27626/05:16
Dr_willisEroick,  should work.05:16
EroickDr_willis: smoothly?05:16
Syco54645steeltoes1234: what is the error when you try to mount it05:17
jim__Eroik: I have had it use as little as 30 meg using fluxbox05:17
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Dr_willisEroick,  you aint allowed to change the question once we answer.. :)   with a minimal window manger it should be useable.05:17
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dr`venomI dont even get all of those 7 resolutions05:17
EroickDr_willis: define useable.05:17
padanit will be plenty usable05:18
padanweb + email + terms05:18
Dr_willisEroick,  why dont you define it. :P05:18
Brydenn33rukuartic: here you go ... http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/27627/05:18
padandont expect to be able to run xgl or some such05:18
steeltoes1234syco54645: it says error: device /dev/sda1 is not removable    error: could not execute pmount05:18
kitcheok dr`venom remove all of those resolutions that you don't want to use05:18
dr`venomand there is no nvidia splash so I dont know if the nvidia driver is working05:18
Syco54645Eroick: you should be able to play frozen bubble too ;)05:18
Lubixif i have a ubuntu and xp partition on my system now but want to drop the xp partition and just use the ubuntu and have it take up the whole disk how do i do that?05:18
La_PaRCapadan, there use to be a termcap-compat package back in warty05:18
Dr_willisdr`venom,  it could be displaying so fast on/off that you dont see the splash05:18
jim__Eroick, it will work. I have seen as low as 30 meg mem usage with fluxbox loaded05:18
Eroickwell, I want web, email, Openoffice or something of the like, a calendar :) and frozenbubble :P05:18
padanthere used to be, so i see in forum posts05:18
padanbut its not in the repositories now05:19
Syco54645steeltoes1234: you are using the command "sudo mount /dev/sda1 location"  ??05:19
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dr`venomso, I will delete those resolutions and just add mine?05:19
tokyoaheadhi all... I am trying to partition a USB stick with ubuntu 6.10 RC, which is in FAT16, but I get a WARNING: statfs /media/MY USB\040DISK: No such file or directory... what to do?05:19
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padanyou dont partition it05:19
kitchedr`venom: yeha that's how I do it it seems to work better05:19
La_PaRCapadan, can always try and download it and install it by hand.05:19
padanyou just mount it05:19
peepsLubix: you mean without reinstalling ubuntu?05:19
padanits vfat05:19
steeltoes1234no i did it by right clicking on my systems drive then go to mount device05:19
Eroicki got an error installing that said a package was corrupt. is this a major issue?05:19
Lubixpeeps: yes is it possible?05:19
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jim__tokyoahead try mounting it as /dev/sda105:19
rukuarticBrydenn33: Ha! Looks like they forgot to end one of their lines... Might want to let the wine people know about this05:19
urzi am trying to use dh_make05:19
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padanyes i know, but hte whole point of a package management system is to provide core libraries05:20
padantermcap is one of those things05:20
urzit aparently made a nearly empty rules file with about 4 includes05:20
urzusing cdbs05:20
atom_lol i couldnt find me way out of alt - cnt - f1 ... whats the command to get back to desktop?05:20
Lubixi found emulation and i dont have a need for a full xp partition05:20
johnficcahi does anyone know how to play yahoo music videos with ubuntu05:20
tokyoaheadjim__: thanks05:20
peepsLubix: well, you can always just format the windows partition to ext3fs and keep it as a separate partition that ubuntu can use05:20
Brydenn33rukuartic: eh, so i'm screwed huh? heh05:20
kitcheatom_: ctrnl-alt-f705:20
jim__atom ctrl alt f705:20
dr`venomI do this to every row right05:20
rukuarticBrydenn33: Ur, you might be able to fix it if you go to /home/bryndenn/Desktop/wine-0.9.9/tools/wrc and putting a ; where it needs one somewher along line 2610 of lex.yy.c05:20
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kitchedr`venom you can if you want to05:21
atom_thnx. is there a typable command to do it? i tried exit like dos :)05:21
peepsLubix: i don't know if you can "merge" two partitions though05:21
Brydenn33lmfao sweet, i'll try that rukuartic05:21
Lubixpeeps: hmmm interesting , ya that what i wanna do maybe ill just to a fresh install in a few days05:21
=== Bog [n=Bog@CPE00179a9ca2b5-CM00080d7be684.cpe.net.cable.rogers.com] has joined #ubuntu
steeltoes1234Syco54645: no i didnt do that in command lines05:21
jim__atom_: just use the 3 key combo to move back and forth05:21
rukuarticBrydenn33: (and a little secret, if you want to put all the output of a program into a text file, its "command > file"... but don't try it with something that takes input it'll mess up.)05:21
Lubixburn an iso of edgy and go fresh05:21
kitcheatom_: just the keys05:21
Boghow do I get my network working in the ubuntu server vmware image?05:21
jim__cntl alt and then the tty you want f1-f9 (I think is max)05:22
atom_ok. explain to me how to kill xserver again plz jim?05:22
Lubixso who has used qemu?05:22
Lubixdoes it rock?05:22
XenguyBrydenn33: '>' = output; '<' = input05:22
dr`venomok, I am going to save it and then do I need to restart x?05:22
Syco54645steeltoes1234: that should work.  i mount my /dev/sda1 drive to /mnt/sda, but you will need to make the mnt/sda directory05:22
jim__log in at tty05:22
Brydenn33lol i have no clue what you guys are talking about05:22
kitchedr`venom: yes you have to restart05:22
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pressingonalwayshello... i'm having extreme clock drifting in VM... I've enabled time syncronization and it isn't helping... any ideas anyone?05:22
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XenguyBrydenn33: command-line stuff05:22
jim__atom_: log in at tty, /proc/init.d/gdm stop05:22
Lubixif anyone has QEMU expirence please let me know i wanna know i got xp installing now05:22
XenguyBrydenn33: learn it now, or use it later :-)05:22
atom_thnx jim05:22
Bogpressingonalways: what's extreme?05:23
rukuarticBrydenn33: Haha, you know how you copied and pasted all that stuff? If you typed "make depend > output" it puts all that garbage in a little file called output05:23
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kitcheumm atom_: it's /etc/init.d/gdm stop not /proc/init.d/gdm05:23
jim__atom_: no prob05:23
peepsLubix: if you don't want to reinstall, try the gparted livecd, it might be able to do what you want05:23
steeltoes1234Syco54645: ok then how do i do that?05:23
jim__atom_: eep05:23
jim__atom_: sorry, he's right05:23
peepsit works much better than the gparted version that omes with ubuntu05:23
Brydenn33so instead of just typing make type "make > output"05:23
atom_np. thnx bunches05:23
Lubixpeeps: i will try it thanks, where can i get the iso?05:23
dr`venomOk, and now for the moment of truth05:23
rukuarticBrydenn33: Naw thats just a special circumstance05:24
XenguyBrydenn33: see also 'tee' :-)05:24
Syco54645steeltoes1234: i am not sure if ubuntu comes with /mnt by default, but if not then type sudo mkdir /mnt05:24
Eroicka package in dbootstrap is corrupt. Is this a major problem? will my system install anyway??05:24
jim__kitche: good catch *feeling sheepish now*05:24
Brydenn33you guys and your shell's05:24
rukuarticBrydenn33: We'll stop flooding you with needless information now, its just a neat trick05:24
Brydenn33i swear05:24
rukuarticBrydenn33: Fiddle with it some time05:24
Syco54645steeltoes1234: can i just pm you?  it will be easier05:24
dr`venomman, ubuntu's start up is quite sexy05:24
Brydenn33haha i will :)05:24
DaveDaDjHI, I have a airlink awlh3026 card. If I shutdown without deactivating the card I can't get back in the system without using recovery mode but never back into the desktop? Any thoughts?05:24
rukuarticdr`venom: Agreed :)05:24
Lubixubuntu is sexy05:24
pressingonalwayshello... i'm having extreme clock drifting in VM... I've enabled time syncronization and it isn't helping... any ideas anyone?05:24
steeltoes1234Syco54645: yes please pm05:24
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dr`venomI have to put this on my laptop05:24
pressingonalwaysmy clock is going like 30% faster05:25
dr`venomI have to learn how to undervolt with linux first though05:25
pressingonalwaysi just synced it 10 minutes ago and it's already 5 minutes off05:25
Mir1do you have a name of a channel about firefox for ubuntu?05:25
Brydenn33so rukuartic where was that " ; " at in lex.yy.c that i needed to add?05:25
dr`venomit works05:25
Lubixwhy would you uses VW is QEMU is free?05:25
dr`venomit worked05:25
rukuarticdr`venom: If you have a good processor it might support stepping, read up on powernowd05:25
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Lubixis it better?05:25
dr`venomsure will05:25
black_13next question how do i get the develment binaries for qt305:25
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rukuarticBrydenn33: should be on line 2610 or one or two lines above or below it05:26
dr`venomhey guys, one last thing. I installed the 686 smp and when grub comes on there is a whole bunch of kernel versions05:26
dr`venomhow can I take those off?05:26
rukuarticBrydenn33: Just look for where it needs one and put it, you should be able to guess05:26
Brydenn33well how the hell am i supposed to know where to put it lol05:26
dr`venomcan I do it via grub?05:26
Brydenn33hmm ok05:26
rukuarticBrydenn33: Every command ends in a ;05:26
rukuarticBrydenn33: You know its on line (whatever it was)05:26
Brydenn33well that is C/C++05:26
rukuarticBrydenn33: So just look around05:26
jim__dr`venom nano /boot/grub/menu.lst05:26
rukuarticBrydenn33: It might be blatantly obvious, or not so much... we'll see05:27
dr`venomin terminal?05:27
jim__dr`venom yuppers, dont screw up, nano doesnt make an auto backup05:27
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dr`venomI dont know how to use nano05:27
Brydenn33haha i found it05:27
Brydenn33the idiots05:27
Brydenn33they totally forgot the ";"05:27
Brydenn33YY_BUFFER_STATE yy_scan_string (yyconst char * yystr )  <--- is what they had05:28
dr`venomis there a gui way?05:28
jim__dr`venom very easy, just make your changes and ctrl x to quit, y to save05:28
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Lubixhey my QEMU xp install is stalling at 38%05:28
Brydenn33k i'll try this all again rukuartic05:28
jim__sudo su kate05:28
rukuarticBrydenn33: Ur could you copy and paste like 5 lines around that to pastebin?05:28
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dr`venomI dont see anything in the file05:28
rukuarticBrydenn33: I've had some programming experince I might see it05:28
dr`venomjust these commands05:28
Brydenn33rukuartic: let me do that really fast for ya05:28
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dr`venomread file05:28
Mir1where can i find infos about tables, used in "inpud methods"?05:28
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dr`venomget help05:28
Boganyone here use vmware images?05:28
dr`venomand so forth05:29
rbilBog, I do05:29
peepsmanual changes mades to menu.lst are overwritten when you do upgrades though05:29
peepshappened to me05:29
jim__dr`venom sudo su, then cd /boot/grub05:29
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Bogrbil: I downloaded the ubuntu image and I dont know how to get ethernet working05:29
DraGgonaki  br?05:29
jim__dr`venom then kate menu.lst05:29
Lubixwhy is vwmare the choice of QEMU!?05:29
Can0beanstrying to help a buddy with installing Drapper05:30
Brydenn33rukuartic: here ya are... http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/27628/05:30
DraGgonu internet are broad band?05:30
rbilBog, it should just use eth0 although it virtualizes it.05:30
Eroickis there an easy way to check MD5 sums from windows without cygwin?05:30
steeltoes1234Syco54645:   sorry i was unable to reply to your PM.   apparently i need to be registered with freenode first05:30
Can0beansand he is losing all video when he boots to the Live portion05:30
dr`venomi get command not found05:30
Can0beansany suggestions?05:30
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Bogrbil: when I load the image there is only
jim__dr`venom I thought kate shipped with ubuntu ?!?05:30
Syco54645steeltoes1234: oh yeah i forgot about that.  well did it work?05:30
Lubixis there a icq client that runs in terminal?05:31
jim__dr`venom try nano, its straight forward05:31
kitchejim__: isn't that a kde app?05:31
peepsjim__ probably only with kubuntu?  gnome has gedit05:31
dr`venomok but what do I do when i'm in nano05:31
steeltoes1234Syco54645: dunno going to try that now.    sorry i was trying to figure out how to regester.05:31
kitchedr`venom: it's has a menu at the bottom which will show you the commands to save and such05:31
dr`venomI dont see the anything in the file other than commands to execute with ctrl05:31
jim__dr`venom just use the arrow keys to navigate05:31
DraGgonsorry i dont speking inglish very well05:32
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rbilBog, sorry I'm not familiar with that vm image, so don't know what to suggest to fix it.05:32
INeedMailHelpHey there postfix isn't working, anyone help me?05:32
kitchedr`venom: did you do sudo nano /boot/grub/menu.lst05:32
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dr`venomand I get the blank screen with the commands at the bottom05:32
INeedMailHelpHey there, how do I set up a mail server05:32
Bogrbil: I should jut find aother I think.  do you know of any minimal ubuntu images?05:32
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atom_alt + ctrl + F7 didnt get me out of F1 shell window.. did i misread?05:32
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kitchedr`venom: umm it should have opened up your menu.lst05:32
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INeedMailHelpHey there, how do I set up a mail server, it's not working for me05:33
steeltoes1234Syco54645:  man i cant make that /mnt    says already exists!05:33
kitcheatom_: umm well if your X is killed it won't05:33
rbilBog, no I don't. I run W2K and some other o/s's under vmplayer. No ubuntu. I run ubuntu as host.05:33
peepsyou probably typed the file path wrong so it is giving you a new blank file05:33
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jim__atom_: if you killed gdm then you have to restart x05:33
dr`venomit does say GNU nano file /boot/gub/menu.1st05:33
Syco54645steeltoes1234: then just skip that step, go to the mkdir /mnt/sda part instead05:33
atom_i c05:33
tokyoaheadguys if I want install ubuntu to a USB disk (sda), and want GRUB to be installed to it also, what is the device I have to install it to? "(hd0)"is proposed, I have to set it to "(sda0)" or what?05:33
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dr`venombut there is nothing there other than the command menus05:33
kitchedr`venom: it's l such as L not 105:33
INeedMailHelpHey there, how do I set up a mail server, it's not working for me05:34
Bogrbil: thanks anyways05:34
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rukuarticBrydenn33: Sorry couldja give me the link again?05:34
Brydenn33rukuartic: here ya are... http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/27628/05:34
=== jim__ quit time to put the kids out and the dog to bed
peepsdr`venom and it's grub, not gub05:34
rukuarticBrydenn33: thanks, sorry I crashed :P05:34
dr`venomgot it05:34
dr`venomim in05:34
Brydenn33rukuartic: i saw hehe :) i'm patient05:34
dr`venomI did 1 instead of L05:34
steeltoes1234Syso54645:  ok now im getting pissed.    when i go to the next step it tells me that it at /mnt doesnt exist!!!!!!!!05:34
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rbilBog, I've seen a vm image that simply lets you boot a livecd within it and run. If you're interested, google for it.05:35
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rukuarticBrydenn33: return yy_scan_bytes(yystr,strlen(yystr) );05:35
rukuarticBrydenn33: Is that the line?05:35
Brydenn33YY_BUFFER_STATE yy_scan_string (yyconst char * yystr )  <--- is what they had05:35
rukuarticBrydenn33: Yea they totally did forget05:35
tokyoaheadguys if I want install ubuntu to a USB disk (sda), and want GRUB to be installed to it also, what is the device I have to install it to? "(hd0)"is proposed, I have to set it to "(sda0)" or what?05:35
rukuarticBrydenn33: Try again it should work now05:35
Brydenn33errr wait05:35
Brydenn33YY_BUFFER_STATE yy_scan_string (yyconst char * yystr )  <--- is like 261005:35
Bogrbil: there are alot of images around and on vmware's site.  I want to create my own image I think with LAMP.  do you know od a cpanel clone?05:35
rukuarticBrydenn33: oh05:36
dr`venomso what do I do to the file05:36
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Syco54645steeltoes1234: hmm... i am not sure why it would do that.  it shouldnt.  check that the command is entered correctly. or just copy and past it from my chat05:36
peepsso I did a dist-upgrade, and it removed nvidia-glx as a broken package.  anyone know what that is about?05:36
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rukuarticBrydenn33: Hurr hold up, looking at it05:36
dr`venomI dont see any of those kernels that I see during start up05:36
Eroickis there an easy way to check MD5 sums from windows without cygwin?05:36
PURESKILLZZZHello all05:36
Can0beanshe has an ati 3d rage iic05:36
jbmigelpeeps you upgraded your kernel and borken your kernel modules... rebuild05:36
rbilBog, no05:36
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peepswhat is best way to rebuild05:37
rukuarticBrydenn33: Couldja send me the link for the make error again? I think we're closing down on it05:37
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kitcheBog: there is many look up alternatives to cpanel05:37
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jbmigelpeeps did you install a custom nvidia driver or did you use package?05:37
Peloevening folks05:37
Bogkitchen: do you know the name of any?  I will be googling more05:37
KewlbI just used the disk manager to mount my windows (NTFS) drive into /media/windows05:37
peepsjbmigel i used nvidia beta drivers05:37
Kewlbbut it tells me access is denied when I try to acces it05:37
Pelodoes anyone know if I can control my screen brightness from within ubuntu ?05:37
steeltoes1234Syco54645: ya i jsut cut and pasted from your chat.   it is still doing the same thing05:38
Brydenn33rukuartic: here you go ... http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/27627/05:38
jbmigelpeeps i suggest you "use" them again05:38
dr`venomdo I just erase the kernel entries that I dont want to show up at the beginning?05:38
kitcheBog: I m nopt sure that exact name but it's VHCD or somethign close to that05:38
peepshehe, ok i will try05:38
kitchedr`venom: yes05:38
Bogkitche: thanks05:38
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Syco54645steeltoes1234: i made a mistake... i typed the fix for it ;)05:38
kitcheBog: it's open source also :)05:38
black_13there has to be an easier way to install all of kde qt3 and so forth for developer05:38
Bogwell, I want to start with a minimal ubuntu image05:38
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peepswhat is a nice console based IRC client?05:39
kitcheblack_13: yes install the packages05:39
Can0beanstrying to help a buddy with installing Dapper05:39
Can0beanshe has an ati 3d rage iic05:39
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Bogkitche: ^^05:39
Can0beansand he is losing all video when he boots to the Live portion05:39
kitchepeeps: epic4 irssi or BitchX05:39
Can0beansany suggestions?05:39
black_13kitche well an uber package05:39
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rukuarticBrydenn33: Yarg... this sounds like something they need to fix... Last shot, lemme see a few more lines of code above this... If I can't find it there I might not be able to05:40
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steeltoes1234Syco54645: now im having problems with the next step!05:40
TubaSoldierquestion: when it comes to DV Cams which ones are most compatible with linux or that work well. and how do they connect to linux?05:41
Brydenn33ok hold on rukuartic... i'll copy more :)05:41
Syco54645steeltoes1234: if you are in xchat, or any other modern irc client you can just type sy and hit tab to complete my name, not sure if you are doing that as it was misspelled the one time05:41
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Syco54645steeltoes1234: what is the account on your machine called?05:41
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Syco54645like your user name05:41
Syco54645just replace the `whoami` bit with the name05:41
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Syco54645and it will work05:41
Brydenn33rukuartic: more code :) weeeeeeeee http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/27629/05:41
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dr`venomdo I have to save the menu.lst, or do I just exit05:42
kitchedr`venom: have to save05:43
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steeltoes1234Syco54645: alright ill try that05:43
Syco54645steeltoes1234: ok05:43
peepswhen you exit, it will ask if you want to save changes05:43
Brydenn33see rukuartic... what i dont get how people are using wine 0.9.9. If it won't complile cuz of a syntax error are they all just fixing it manually themselves?05:43
dr`venomis the writeout command the save05:43
dr`venomI dont see any save in the file menu05:44
Lubixdoes anyone have know how to make the backspace key in FireFox RC3 go to the previous page instead of acting as Page Up05:44
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dr`venomman, I have learned so much today! thanks a lot you guys05:45
rukuarticBrydenn33: Golly you've found a bug thats a real good one... Anyone with C++ knowledge might be able to help you... Give them http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/27629/ (SOURCE) http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/27627/ (ERROR) to help them out05:45
=== Pelo jumps in
Pelowhat's firefox ?05:45
rukuarticLubix: OH! I just found that today05:45
steeltoes1234Syco54645: arg no it still doesnt work.     ok im getting fusterated now.    i think i might just abandon this whole Linux thing all together and go back to windows xp05:45
dr`venomI'm going to talk to my date about all of this. LOL05:45
=== Pelo waits to get kicked out
rukuarticLubix: type "about:config" in the URL bar, and then search for backspace05:45
Syco54645steeltoes1234: what is the error that it is giving?05:46
Lubixrukuartic: thanks05:46
dr`venomhey, I learned to configure the menu.lst file05:46
rukuarticLubix: Change to 105:46
Brydenn33ok thanks rukuartic05:46
steeltoes1234Syco54645: thanks for your help though05:46
dr`venommaybe that will get me some love05:46
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Syco54645steeltoes1234: sorry it didnt work for you05:46
rukuarticBrydenn33: Sorry I couldn't help =\05:46
Dr_willisdr`venom,  you learned to configure GRUB by editing the menu.lst :)05:46
steeltoes1234Syco54645:chown: changing ownership of `/mnt/sda': Operation not permitted05:46
steeltoes1234chown: changing ownership of `/mnt/': Operation not permitted05:46
Brydenn33hehe it's ok rukuartic05:46
steeltoes1234david@david-desktop:~$ chown -R `david` /mnt05:46
steeltoes1234bash: david: command not found05:46
steeltoes1234chown: missing operand after `/mnt'05:46
dr`venomthats right, now, on to multimedia05:46
steeltoes1234Try `chown --help' for more information.05:46
peepsdr`venom lol, you stud05:47
dr`venomhey, in your guy's opinion, is xgl useful or just eye candy05:47
Dr_williseye candy05:47
Syco54645steeltoes1234: check the pm05:47
TubaSoldiermy opinion its eye candy. makes wine run really slow05:47
dr`venomok, so i'm better off without it eh?05:47
kitchedr`venom: eye candy it gets lame after a while05:47
steeltoes1234Syco54645: ya i saw that  ill try it05:47
dr`venomyea, it did slow me down with suse05:48
dr`venomdoes wine run quite quick?05:48
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dr`venomor does it run slugish05:48
=== Pelo is running Torrent on wine
dr`venomoh, so it must run nice05:48
dr`venommaybe i will be able to drop windows sooner than I thought possible05:49
peepsi think it depends what you run with it05:49
Peloruns smootly but for a little flicker ,  but then Torrent is not very demanding05:49
TubaSoldierwine depends on the program you are running under it.05:49
TubaSoldierbut with xgl it slows way down.05:49
Lubixok i cant find where backspace might be05:49
TubaSoldierat least it did for me05:49
dr`venomI have a p4 3.2 with ht and 2gigs of ram05:49
Pelodr`venom , I am one application away from dropping window  alltogether05:49
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dr`venomnice pelo05:49
PeloI just need an autocad r14  copy and it is gone05:49
TubaSoldierI've dropped it. I'm just one application from dropping wine alltogether.05:50
tiredbones_I just installed gxine. How do you start a cd to play?05:50
dr`venomI run windows in my laptop because of onenote and notebook hardware control's ability to undervolt05:50
Dr_willisdr`venom,  with ubuntu i can clock down my laptop cpu further then i can under windows. :)05:50
steeltoes1234Syco54645: well what is sudo anyways?05:50
SuperMiguelbesides vnc, http, ftp, media server, mail server, ssh there is any other tool for a server?05:50
dr`venomcan you keep the clock at the same speed and just undervolt it like in windows05:50
Dr_willisdr`venom,   so slow its not even useable. :) well not for videos..  i can still irc.05:51
dr`venomthats essentially what I want to do05:51
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Dr_willisi guess its just speed. the turion cpu is so low voltage its scary05:51
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dr`venomI am running the dothan 1.7 at 972v as appose to 1.3905:51
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dr`venomthat drop in voltage makes a big difference05:52
rbilSuperMiguel, much of GNU/Linux is made up of servers and clients ... cups, X, etc.05:52
dr`venomI hard hear the fan and battery last a good 20% longer05:52
dr`venomthats my reason for having windows on this laptop05:52
SuperMiguelrbil :S05:52
dr`venomI got my tablet to work features to work on linux just have to learn to undervolt05:53
rukuarticdr`venom: If you have a CPU that supports frequency scaling look into powernowd05:53
rukuarticAnd with that I'm out, g'nite peoples! :305:53
dr`venomI will05:53
dr`venomgood night man05:54
dr`venomtake care05:54
dr`venomdo any of you tripple boot05:54
dr`venomwindows, linux, and osx?05:54
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Lubixrukartic: it was set to 1 i had to change to 005:54
jazzrockerhow can i find the home directory of a user given the user's uid?05:54
rbilcat /etc/passwd05:54
dr`venomthats my goal. I hope to make an economic comparative analysis between these 3 os's for my thesis.05:55
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dr`venomand hope that my department will be interested in putting in a few linux based computers in the lab05:55
Shadow_milI wanna setup a cron that will backup the dir contents of /home/chuck to /media/usbdisk/backup.tar  What would be the best like for that?  I am thinking something like:     tar -u /media/usbdisk/backup.tar /home/chuck05:55
Mad3Max3how do I check which version of alsa that is loaded.. I did a compilation of the latest one and I don't know if it loaded over the old ones05:55
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steeltoes1234Syco54645: ok i still can t get it to work, but ive really got to go to bed.   im tired.    ill play with this again tommorrow 1 last time before giving up!05:56
Syco54645steeltoes1234: ok have a good one05:56
steeltoes1234Syco54645: thanks a lot for all your help.  i really appreciate that05:57
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Syco54645steeltoes1234: np05:57
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Mad3Max3beacuse in synaptic it still says the old version I had before.. 1.0.11 and I installed 1.0.1305:58
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Lubixso i will try this again, Has Anyone Tried QEMU!?05:59
dr`venomwhen it comes to music and video playback, do you guys recomend easy ubuntu or the individual codec instructions05:59
dr`venomsorry, this is my first time in ubuntu so I dont know what works better.05:59
rbilcat /etc/passwd | grep <uid>  would save having to look through the whole file05:59
PeloMad3Max3 , open the terminal and type  alsamixer05:59
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tiredbones_I have a sound blaster live pci card and I have a creative speaker system, but I have no manual. the jack from the speak should plug in what spot on the pci card?06:01
=== MegaMasterX [n=megamast@cpe-071-076-182-078.triad.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu
rbiltiredbones_, speaker usually goes into green plug06:02
Mad3Max3Pelo, where does it say which version is loaded in alsamixer06:02
rbilassuming they are color coded :-)06:02
PeloMad3Max3  top of the window06:02
SuperMiguelany easy to configure mail server?06:02
tiredbones_rbil, is there some test I can do to see if thing are right?06:03
Mad3Max3ok.. old version loaded then.. how do I load the new over the old.. do I have to uninstall the old ones first?06:03
rbilare they color coded?06:03
jahallmightyel digame alguien el como del favor del por entrar una PC del otra06:03
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tiredbones_rbil, I would say yes.06:04
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rbilthen u can be sure green is for speaker06:04
fnfHi, will anyone please tell me how 'startx' knows which window manager I've installed (and active), where's the script/config file which specify that ?.06:04
PeloMad3Max3  that's a bit over my head, ,I haven'T installed much stuff that's not from the packages,  but I would assume so06:04
=== MehAdult [n=Mr0bviou@adsl-69-149-215-211.dsl.wchtks.swbell.net] has joined #ubuntu
tiredbones_rbil, how do I test for sound? I have a cd in but no music.06:05
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kitchefnf: it's can be in many places .xsession or .xinitrc both are in your /home/<user> directory06:05
rbilaudio cd?06:05
jahallmightydigame somebody as to enter another computer by favo I want to learn06:05
tiredbones_rbil, yes, the sound track for Loin King.06:05
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rbilcan u get sound going into ~/Examples and looking at stuff in there?06:05
ubotupostfix is the default Mail Transfer Agent (MTA) for Ubuntu. Read more about setting it up here: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Postfix or here: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/PostfixBasicSetupHowto06:06
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fnfkitche: I've looked up both of them in /etc, by default Ubuntu's xinitrc just invokes Xsession, Xsession tells nothing about my window manager.06:06
kitchefnf: umm they are in /etc they should be in your /home directory06:06
jahallmightythen nobody ba to adecir to me like06:07
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kitchefnf: I mean they should not be in /etc06:07
fnfkitche: I haven't crafted my custom .xinitrc as I'm using Ubuntu server and manually installed X server and icewm window manager.06:07
rbiltiredbones_ old system?06:07
rbilseparate audio card?06:07
tiredbones_rbil, what do you mean here, "can u get sound going into ~/Examples"06:08
dr`venomdo any of you guys recomend automatix 2?06:08
fnfkitche: Ubuntu server does not automatically create a custom .xinitrc in my home directory.06:08
rbilthere are some sound files you can test going into your home directory and into Examples directory06:08
kitchefnf: might be a .xsession06:08
tiredbones_rbil, I don't see any sound file in examples.06:09
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rbilno ogg file?06:09
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tiredbones_rbil, yes, ther are some oggs. how do I use them?06:10
rbiltiredbones_, I ask because wondering if you can play a regular sound file, but just not audio cd sounds.06:10
rbiljust double click on it and see06:10
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fnfkitche: It's not there either: by default a newly created user receives nothing in his home, that is: I couldn't find .xsession, .xinitrc or the like. Nonetheless, after installing X server and icewm, I can startx out of the box.06:10
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rbiltiredbones_, if you computer is an older vintage then it may require a cable from CDROM to soundcard.06:11
rbilwon't play thru pci06:11
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peepsargh, trying to get xorg working again, and fsck decides to do it's thing06:11
peepsso i wait06:11
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SuperMiguel if my hosting come with email services, and i install a mail server using the same hosting will that shut down the hosting email system?\06:13
peepsi think i'm gonna have to increase that interval from every 30 boots to every 6006:13
tiredbones_rbil, the motheboard is L7vmm3 with amd k7 processor. is that old?06:13
rbiltiredbones_ did u get sound playing an ogg file?06:13
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tonyyarussoThe DVD has the regular desktop, alternate, and server cd capabilities all rolled into one, right?06:14
SuperMiguel if my hosting come with email services, and i install a mail server using the same hosting will that shut down the hosting email system?\06:14
tiredbones_rbil, I haven't figure out how to double click on it. I see the file with ls command.06:14
PeloSuperMiguel why do you want to hose your own email server ?06:14
rbiltiredbones, you not in a gui desktop?06:14
SuperMiguelPelo will that give me more space06:15
SuperMigueli just have 25MB :)06:15
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tiredbones_rbil, yes I have guui, but file only show with ls command06:16
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lokadin_what is the cupsd password?06:16
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PeloSuperMiguel I haven'T got a clue,  I just use a client06:16
rbiltiredbones_ too strange. You go to Places .... Home Folder and you can't go into Examples?06:16
peepstiredbones_ you know ~ means your home directory06:17
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Shadow_miltar: Cowardly refusing to create an empty archive   <--what does that mean?06:17
lokadinhow do i set the cupsd password?06:17
tiredbones_peeps, yes06:17
lokadinor find out?06:17
lokadinhas anyone here used cupsd before?06:17
lokadinor for that matter, printed anything from ubuntu06:17
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Pelolokadin  I've setup two printers on two different lpt port and I have no problems printing with either06:18
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lokadinPelo: cool, do you use cups?06:19
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Pelolokadin  I just use the thingy from the system menu06:19
lokadinhow do you get there?06:19
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Pelolokadin  in the top taskbar , system , parameters,  printers06:20
iamthericEnis you in here?06:20
Dr_willislokadin,  you trying to use the cups web interface?06:20
Pelolokadin  I think that's it06:20
lokadinDr_willis: yes06:20
tiredbones_rbil, ok I double clicked on the file and got error message "Totem could not startup"06:20
ejhey I just upgraded ubuntu but x wont start. I believe its because some packages are being held back. Can anyone help?06:20
rbiltiredbones_ totem installed?06:20
lokadinlokadin@cisma:~$ foomatic-gui06:20
lokadin*** glibc detected *** double free or corruption (!prev): 0x081781d8 ***06:20
lokadinUnable to read printer database.06:20
Dr_willislokadin,  its disabled by default - it looks like it works - but it dont. check the forums/wikis on how to reenable it.  or use the gnome cups config program06:20
halitechlokadin - System - Administration - Printing06:20
tiredbones_rbil, yes06:20
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tiredbones_rbil, so is gxine06:21
Pelolokadin  sorry, I was translating from french,  halitech  probably has it right06:21
ejhey I just upgraded ubuntu but x wont start. I believe its because some packages are being held back. Can anyone help?06:21
lokadinhalitech: there is no Administration06:21
rbiltiredbones_ right click and try to open with another sound client06:21
halitechlokadin, what version of Ubuntu?06:21
Ragnaroeknot sure06:21
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Pelolokadin  ,  system , what ever the second thing is,  look for printer or printing or something similar06:22
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tiredbones_rbil, that is the only ogg file I have.06:22
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lokadinhow do i check what version?06:22
lokadinoh i'm using XUBUNTU06:22
ejis there a way to force package upgrade06:22
rbiltiredbones_ I meant try to open the ogg file with some other sound player06:22
rbilmaybe your totem is misinstalled or missing something06:23
lokadinPelo: i found printer, foomatic-gui when i try to load i get:0lokadin@cisma:~$ foomatic-gui06:23
lokadin*** glibc detected *** double free or corruption (!prev): 0x081781d8 ***06:23
halitechok, XFCE i different, I have gnome and KDE installed on mine06:23
lokadinUnable to read printer database.06:23
tiredbones_rbil, how do I do that?06:23
ejis there a way to force package upgrade06:23
Ademani'm having one hell of a time playing a DVD (specifically nightmare before chrismtas, i know i know, its just haloween and i had a craving to see it) other dvds have worked in the past, i have libdvdcss206:23
sandy16my ubuntu dapper 6.06 is unable to boot and its saying that the charecters in /etc/inittab are too long and its asking me to enter the run level mannually06:23
Pelolokadin  try installing tha pacakge first , I seem to recall xubuntu installs pretty light to start with06:23
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Ademani'm gonna try another dvd, but any idea why its not working?06:23
rbilright click on the ogg file .. then Open with ...06:24
sandy16how can i make my dapper rework?06:24
ejAdeman: have you tryed mplayer?06:24
Ademanej: yep, it crashed X :-p06:24
holycowAdeman, all dvds are encrypted, decryption work 99.99 percent of the time06:24
black_13i have just installed the autotools and i am getting ./configure: line 135 'AM_AUTOMAKE(serlook,0.4.0)`06:24
ejAdeman: xine-ui?06:24
Ademantotem just sat there, and the disk spinning ,mplayer crashed X :-)06:24
holycowAdeman, .01 percent of the time it doesn't, you just gotta deal with the fact studios encrypt their dvds and don't let us build dvd players that decrypt stuff without very stiff licencing fees06:24
Pelosandy16  what is the last thing you did before ubuntu fucked up ?06:24
holycowthere was once a dvd player that you could buy for linux but linspire madeit purely interna;06:25
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ejcan someone please tell me how to force packages to be installed/upgraded that are being "left behind"06:25
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holycowthe scam basically involves charging you twice btw, once for the dvd and once for the player06:25
halitechtiredbones, if you go to linuxreality.com, he has all of his episodes in ogg format06:26
Peloej  what do you mean by left behind ?06:26
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sandy16Pelo, i did nothing in the last session but ages before i have stopped the default filesystem check from /etc/init.d/cheskfs.sh06:26
tiredbones_rbil, I open it with rymthbox. I could hear the cd going but no soud.06:26
lokadinPelo: what package to install for printer?06:26
Pelosandy16  can you run it manualy ?06:26
slacktyroi'm looking at winehq page there're different mirrors for ubuntu dapper or ubuntu breezy, what's that?06:26
ejPelo: ok I upgraded by xubuntu install to edgy. And x wotnt start so I do a "apt-get upgrade" and then I see a list of xorg related packages06:26
sandy16Pelo, i just kept all the entire script in /etc/init.d/checkfs.sh to comments06:27
rbiltirebones_ check amixer and make sure that nothing is muted ... double click on sound icon on taskbar to get into amixer06:27
Pelolokadin   re-intall that -gui thing06:27
ejPelo: saying that there being left behind06:27
Ademanholycow: thats retarded, we need an open source video format  (not like ogg theora or whatever, like, an open source dvd type format, menus and whatnot, even stick it on dual layered dvds and tout it as a high capacity format, i dunno)06:27
iamthericanyone get e17 to have real transparency yet?06:27
halitechslack, dapper and breezy are 2 different versions of ubuntu, dapper is the latest and Edgy is the next release06:27
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slacktyrohalitech: how can i know what's mine?06:27
rcarrslacktryo: Breezy is 5.04, Dapper 6.04, and Edgy 6.1006:28
Peloej ic, I don'T have an answer for you,  try loading them from synaptic06:28
Railerquick newbie question how do I take root commands with my current user, so I can add files to another users home directory, in the gui, not cli06:28
Pelosandy16 I have no idea06:28
IngrixRailer: su or sudo06:28
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rcarrslackttryo: I think in gnome it is under help about, or something along those lines, but I do not use gnome06:28
ejPelo: lolI cant run synaptic. Seeing as how X doesnt start but thx.06:28
rcarrslacktryo: but you can run cat /etc/apt/sources.list | grep dapper06:28
peepsHUZZAH, xorg works again06:28
holycowAdeman, indeed, the problem isn't that, its that the media companies are beyond greedy.  i don't mind them protecting their stuff with even drm but them charging to make a player06:28
sandy16Pelo, but when i give the run level its becoming hanged up06:28
rcarretc etc06:28
rcarrto see which one shows up06:28
halitechslack, go to system - about ubuntu if you are using gnome06:28
rcarror just open the file and see which one is listed06:28
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slacktyromine is dapper drake thank you halitech06:29
halitechslack, welcome06:29
Raileringrix I know how to do it in CLI but it seems I still cannot transfer files in GUI06:29
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Ademanholycow: what does that make the legal status of libdvdcss2 ?06:29
halitechslack, if you want an easy way, there is a great howto on the forum on installing and setting it up06:29
IngrixI apologize but I do not know from there06:29
holycowAdeman, depends on the country, not legal in us, soon not to be legal in canada i bet, legal in sweden06:30
tiredbones_rbil, the message "he volume control did not find any elements and/or devices to control. This means either that you don't have the right GStreamer plugins installed, or that you don't have a sound card configured."06:30
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sandy16is there no body to help me out please?06:30
PeloRailer http://www.linuxcommand.org/index.php06:30
rbiltirebones_ probably you don't have a sound card configured06:30
peepsRailer: gksudo06:31
rbilthat would account for no sound :-)06:31
PeloRailer  you might find that link helpfull06:31
peepsgksudo nautilus for example06:31
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Ademanholycow: so that means i'm breaking the law? lol06:31
PeloG'night folks06:31
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tiredbones_rbil, are there some wizards fot this?06:31
holycowbut all great revolutions start with small law infractions06:32
seadoo18hey dudes06:32
rbilmaybe this will help u get going? https://launchpad.net/distros/ubuntu/+ticket/187606:32
Ademangross, shouldn't be a sin to watch a legally bought (rented) dvd on a legally bought dvd player as part of a legally bought computer...06:32
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seadoo18does anyone know how I can get my Trackpad to stop, cuz i really hate using it06:33
SuperMiguelwhat are the system requirement to install putty?06:33
holycowAdeman, i fyou live i nthe u.s. you have a lot to thank the republicans for the state you guys are in freedome wise ... or lack there of although dems aren't all that much better06:33
holycowAdeman, absolutely06:33
tiredbones_rbil, thanks06:33
Ademanholycow: i dunno... maybe the stuffy republicans, i'm one myself, and look at me, i'm using hte "commie OS"06:33
holycowAdeman, unfortunately the your local state reps owned by the funding from corporations seem to disagree06:33
tonyyarussoseadoo18: You can comment out the device in /etc/X11/xorg.conf06:33
seadoo18tonyyarusso, do you know what the device would be called?06:34
iamthericwifi wouldnt work on the g406:34
holycowAdeman, its probably fair to think of republicans in lots of varieties ... current gov't being one particularly nasty variety thats all06:34
tonyyarussoseadoo18: probably something like "synaptics touchpad" I'd guess06:34
Mad3Max3If I compiled and installed new drivers. how do I get them to load instead of the old ones that came with synaptic. it's the alsa 1.0.11 vs 1.0.13 drivers..06:34
sandy16 my ubuntu dapper 6.06 is unable to boot and its saying that the charecters in /etc/inittab are too long and its asking me to enter the run level mannually but when i give runlevel it has no responce06:34
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rbiltiredbones_ after reading thru that one, it might not be too helpful, just google and read. I'm sure you'll find answers. I'll look a bit and let you know if I find anything more helpful06:34
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Ademanholycow: frankly, i think its less republican ideals that are fucking things up, and much more the fact that politicians are fucked up, no matter their party affiliation06:35
RailerI have 2 users neither root, I'm logged in as one. How do I transfer files from one home to another in GUI? I just tried gksudo no luck.06:35
DBOAdeman, this is not the place for that, and please watch your language06:35
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holycowAdeman, i would agree with that but then we are off topic06:35
IngrixAdeman: both parties are fueled by big money.  What helps big money helps them06:35
IngrixAnd they have a need for power06:36
holycowso yeah decryption isn't perfect but its darned close06:36
holycowyey for dvdjon :)06:36
Ademani guess i'm going to have to take it into the living room to watch :-(06:36
Ademanlater all06:36
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holycowsee ya sorry bro06:37
IngrixIm out all.  Night.06:37
seadoo18tonyyarusso, ok you were right, it's the synaptics touchpad06:37
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seadoo18tonyyarusso, but i still want to use that little red dot to move the mouse, you know the Thinkpad integrated mouse06:38
marshallum... h-hi everybody06:38
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tiredbones_rbil, I bought a book today, title "Beg. Ubuntu Linux" and I read the section on multimedia. It sure did say anything about config your sound card.06:38
halitechSuperMiguel, are you trying to install on windows or ubuntu?06:38
tonyyarussoseadoo18: Hmm, okay.06:38
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tonyyarussoHi marshall06:38
Raileranyone, sorry I'm a newbie to ubuntu, I have 2 users neither root, I'm logged in as one. How do I transfer files from one home to another in GUI? I just tried gksudo no luck, I can do it in CLI but I want to know how in GUI06:39
marshallhi tonyyarusso06:39
Dr_willis"Hi, My name is Dr_willis  and I'm a Ubuntu Addict"06:39
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rbiltiredbones_ what soundcard do u have?06:39
_CaseyHi, Dr_willis06:39
teledynRailer: cp ?06:39
marshallRailer, how did you not end up with a root account?06:39
ubotusshfs: filesystem client based on SSH File Transfer Protocol. In component universe, is optional. Version 1.3-0ubuntu1 (dapper), package size 23 kB, installed size 100 kB06:39
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marshallRailer, should the root pass be the same as that of the user you set up during installation?06:40
holycowRailer, the easiest way is to create ssh links to a folder on their account06:40
tiredbones_rbil, maybe I use the wrong term. Sound blaster live.06:40
Railerwell I can use the root pass for gksudo but I still cant transfer the file06:40
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seadoo18marshall, you and your knowledge06:40
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teledyni want to put gas in my car.  i need to remove the gas cap.  is there some automated tool that will remove the gas cap?06:41
=== seadoo18 wishes he knew as much as marshall
holycowteledyn, hahaha06:41
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rbiltiredbones_ very common soundcard, I'd think ubuntu would have drivers for it builtin06:41
seadoo18teledyn that actually was pretty funny06:41
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marshalllol seadoo1806:42
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atom_can i get an expert x64 comment on http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=281358 ?06:42
Railerlet me ask this is there any way to give a normal user root abilities in GUI?06:42
atom_users and groups railer06:43
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holycowyou don't really want to do that that06:43
bwlangRailer: gksudo?06:43
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bwlangRailer: that will let you run a GUI program as root06:43
marshallbwlang, he tried that already06:43
RailerI tried gksudo, password worked but still cannot transfer the file06:43
seadoo18tonyyarusso, you still with me?06:43
tonyyarussoseadoo18: Yeah, looking around.06:44
holycowRailer, you are doing this wrong06:44
holycowplease listen to what i told you06:44
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marshallRailer, you have to do gksu then the command you would do normally06:44
bwlangmarshall: sorry - thought that was a new thread06:44
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holycowssh in to each others accounts06:44
holycowplaces / connect server06:44
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holycowthats all06:44
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marshallRailer, so it would be gksu nautilus <path to directory>06:44
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holycowthats actually a bad idea06:45
holycowwhen you put the file on the other users desktop it will be owned by root06:45
Railerthe point is I dont want to do it in CLI, I'm trying in GUI06:45
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holycowthe other user wont be able to delete it06:45
holycowstop doing dumb things, just ssh into the users account, its simple06:45
holycowand yes you can do it via cli06:45
holycowplaces / servers06:45
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marshalllol starsky-hutchy06:46
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marshallwicked name06:46
=== Farrell [n=Farrell@adsl-69-231-29-104.dsl.irvnca.pacbell.net] has joined #ubuntu
Railerholycow I can do it though GUI right?06:46
Farrelli just reinstalled winXP and it wiped out my MBR... how do i re-install grub? i still have my ubuntu 6.06 install livecd06:46
holycowrailer how many times do i haveto repeat my self?06:47
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holycowRailer, i'm trying to help make it easy for me and read what i wrote06:47
holycowplaces / connect to server06:47
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holycowjust make sure you have ssh installed06:47
Railer"and yes you can do it via cli" I want to do it via GUI, you just confused me06:47
holycowRailer, places /connect to server06:48
halitechFarrell, check out here http://www.ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=279750&highlight=grub06:48
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holycowif you insist on making it hard for me to help me i can easily stop06:48
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holycow"for me to help me" <-- hehe06:48
Railerdude I'm just new to this, I'm trying06:48
holycowi mean you06:48
holycowRailer, i know but do remember comming home after doing this for a living is just as much hard work06:49
Eroickhow do i mount a USB Stick from a terminal?06:49
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tonyyarussoseadoo18: So far I've seen suggestions for using tpconfig to mess with it, or disabling the touchpad in the bios.06:50
Farrellhalitech, thx06:50
seadoo18yeah holycow give Railer a break06:50
Railerwhat do I put in for server06:51
holycowip address06:51
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holycowRailer, probably not i've not tried that, heh, lan ip address06:51
Raileraccess denied06:51
teledynis there any chance ubuntu will ever incorporate swsusp2 into their kernels?06:51
rbilRailer, what are u trying to do?06:52
seadoo18tonyyarusso, tpconfig? i can run that from the terminal i suppose?06:52
halitechquestion Railer and sorry if you answered and I missed it, but do you have static IPs assigned on each computer have?06:52
tonyyarussoseadoo18: Yeah06:52
iamthericEroick, $mount /dev/yourdevice06:52
strabesseadoo18: yeah06:52
seadoo18thanks guys06:52
seadoo18i'm a n00b06:52
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Railerit's the same computer, I'm just trying to transfer a file from one user directory to another06:53
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iamthericwhy doesnt ubuntu ship with gcc?06:53
seadoo18dudes tpconfig doesn't work06:53
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holycowhe's trying to transfer via gui from one non admin user to another non admin (sudo) users06:53
holycoweasiest way is via mounting a local ssh pass to each account06:53
gnopgnipyou could make your own install cd with gcc06:53
sethkiamtheric, it doesn't ship with anything.  Depending on which type of install you select, you may or may not get gcc during the install06:53
halitechgksudo nautilus doesn't work?06:53
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seadoo18i amtheric, i know that's retarded eh06:53
holycowiamtheric, its for security reasons primarily.  we have a lot of noobs running this stuff, the last thing they need is a compromised box with gcc on it06:54
mneptonRailer: you need to cp the file with sudo, and then chown it so the other user can read it.06:54
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sethkmnepton, chmod is better than chown in that situation, almost always06:55
holycowmnepton, no he doesn't06:55
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holycowhe just needs to mount th eother account via ssh from places/servers06:55
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holycowthats the fastest/easiest way an dit uses gui, no need fo rcli06:55
tonyyarussoseadoo18: You probably need to install it first.06:55
mneptonoh, it's remote?06:55
holycowno its local but thats irrelevant06:55
mneptonis sshd installed and running?06:56
holycowhe wants a user friendly method he can setup for his users via gui06:56
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iamthericso what c compiler does it use?06:56
sethkholycow, if a box is compromised, it hardly makes any difference whether gcc is there or not.06:56
sethkiamtheric, gcc, of course06:56
seadoo18i amtheric, you can install g++06:56
Railermnepton, close enough, thanks everyone, sshd I think is runnung but it didn't work the nautlis thing is close enough for now06:56
holycownot if the account compromised is restricted06:56
sethkiamtheric, there is an intel compiler, also, but it isn't free06:56
mneptonoh, something for multiple users. create /home/share and make it writable by a group the users all belong to.06:56
seadoo18iamtheric, if you want c++06:56
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Eroickyay, installing is going good06:57
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sethkholycow, that makes no sense06:57
holycowgcc would give them a few more tools to work with06:57
holycowit makes a lot of sense, you don't need sudo to compile06:57
iamthericwell i was gonna use ubuntu for the school comps for programming lessons because it was the only live cd anyof us had06:57
marshallseadoo18, yeah06:57
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sethkholycow, makes absolutely no difference whether you compile on the compromised box, or compile elsewhere.  you can do exactly the same bad things.06:58
Jesusi've been sent by God to tell you all that you suck06:58
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holycowiamtheric, you can download lots of other live cds, knoppix is excellent, lots of other ones out there06:58
atom_whats the best ftp client program for linux?06:58
Eroickif I do apt-get install fluxbox, will it get X as well?06:58
Jesusholycow, lmao knoppix is crap!06:58
holycowsethk, whatever bro.  go ahead teach us your l33t haxor skills bro06:58
marshalllol Jesus, God is already in use06:58
sethkmarshall, which, jesus or god?06:59
mneptonholycow: dude.06:59
_CaseyLike I'm gonna trust the Son of God, our Lord and Saviour on Linux issues.06:59
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iamthericyeah i know06:59
marshallEroick, no, i dont think fluxbox is a metapackage. i ahvent tried it for a few months though so it might be now06:59
iamthericwe just had a bunch of ubuntu cds06:59
rcarrEroick: try apt-cache show fluxbox | grep "(x|X)org"06:59
rbiljesus, tell GW Bush to get out of Iraq. He listens to you apparently.06:59
marshallsethk, God is taken06:59
rcarrEroick: To see if it is listed as a dependency, it probably is though06:59
iamthericand we were like "lets try this"06:59
marshallrbil, he says he does lol06:59
Jesusrbil, lol i'll take it under advisement06:59
iamthericbut we couldnt find a suitible c compiler07:00
Jesusrbil, put it on my todo07:00
_CaseyBut.. But.. "Thou shalt no.." eh, whatever.07:00
marshalli thing GWB would crap himself if jesus actually did exist07:00
Raileranyother GUI question, anyway to see my ip address from gui and not ifconfig?07:00
rbiljesus, don't take too long, hundreds are dying everyday07:00
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Eroickrcarr: hmm, I cant find the package07:00
Jesusrbil, yeah, it's pretty bad over there07:00
tonyyarussoJesus: I'm coming up with nothing, unfortunately.07:00
marshallrbil, really? just hundreds?07:00
sethkiamtheric, certain install selections do install gcc, so what you are saying doesn't make a lot of sense.07:00
mneptonRailer: System -> Admin -> Network tools07:00
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holycowRailer, system / admin / networking should show it to you for your eth device07:01
halitechRailer, if you go to http://ipchicken.com  you can get it for your external07:01
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holycowhalitech, he's probably be3hind a router, that won't give him his local lan ip07:01
Railerok too easy using external, must learn ubuntu07:01
holycowRailer, also system / admin / network tools will give you the ip07:01
holycowunder devices, select your eth device07:02
halitechholycow, thats why I specified for his external07:02
iamthericno i was using it as a live cd on the school laptops07:02
rbilhe can look within the router and get the ip address of connected compuers on his lan07:02
iamthericand i could install because the wifi was locked07:02
Railer103 it is thank you07:02
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Eroickyay! my wifi card works!07:02
rbilbut if he's going to ssh back into his box, wouldn't localhost work?07:02
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holycowit should but i've never bothered to try07:03
sethkrbil, sure07:03
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tonyyarussoNO!  Come back...07:03
holycowthe key to ssh is actually just typing in the right ip address and right username/pass07:03
tonyyarussooh, wait07:03
rbilssh username@localhost07:03
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tonyyarussotwo: Got something!07:03
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sethkrbil, that works fine, but what is the point?07:03
rbilno idea07:03
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UtterMassacretonyyarusso, awesome!07:03
rbilwhy he'd want to ssh back into his own box, I don't understand07:03
tonyyarussoUtterMassacre: Maybe it is this easy.  Try adding the Option TouchpadOff 1 (or true).07:04
sethkrbil, me neither.  :)07:04
holycowthe point, if we are talking about railers question is: how does a local user share files between other users without doing cli, installing funky services, just standard gui tools in default install07:04
holycowssh back to the local account via gui mount is the easiest07:04
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holycowwhich part of this is hard?07:04
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UtterMassacretonyyarusso, where do i add this in the conf file?07:04
Eroickconsole is using all my mem right now less swap.07:04
mneptonholycow: a directory is created for users to share information between themselves in /home07:04
rbilholycow, setup a directory accessible by all users and dump the files in there07:04
Eroickfluxbox isnt going to work i take it.07:04
holycowmnepton, no sorry07:05
holycowmnepton, go aheda and try to write there without sudo access07:05
sethk holycow why in the world would you do that?  you can simply become the other user.07:05
holycowrbil, hes not asking that tho07:05
holycowrbil, like i said, no funky stuff, no need to install services, no admin cli stuff, no permissioning crap07:05
rbilholycow, sorry, but I missed the op's original question07:05
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sethkhe meant a subdirectory of /home, plus, you can grant read/write for groups anywhere you want, and put everyone in that group.07:05
holycowman you guys hafve never adminned a multi user system before where you had reguloar windows uswers wanting to do regular windowsy things and still maintain normal unixy security?07:06
mneptonholycow: sudo mkdir /home/share && sudo chown -R users:users /home/share && sudo chmod 770 /home/share07:06
holycowrbil, no biggie07:06
tonyyarussoUtterMassacre: So you've got Section "Input Device", Identifier "Synaptics Touchpad", the driver, and probably a couple of option lines.  Just add another option line in the same format as the others,  Option   "TouchpadOff"   "1" right there, save it, and restart X.07:06
holycowmnepton, he said no cli07:06
holycowis everyone stupid here?07:06
holycowi'm serious07:06
mneptonholycow: alt-f207:06
sethkssh is cli, fool07:06
holycowhes asking a simple user question07:06
holycowno cli07:06
ElwynHey, anyone able to spare a sec to help me? I have an IDE drive with some data on t, that is corrupted. My windows PC wont even get past post with it installed, so I have booted off this liveCD. The drive shows up, but wont mount, it gives this error: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/27631/  Any ideas on how to recover this data?07:06
mneptonholycow: alt-f207:06
holycowlets actually try to answer his goddamend question?07:06
UtterMassacretonyyarusso, thanks very much07:06
holycowmnepton, shtup, now you are not just annoying but stupid07:07
holycowhelp the user, give the user the answer they are expectiing07:07
UtterMassacrelet's keep it nice here people07:07
holycowdon't question the users motivation, gently push them in the directio nof the right answre if they are really misunderstanding stuff07:07
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Eroickjust plain CLI (no X) is taking all but one meg of my RAM. Fluxbox will be interesting. Which package is the XServer?07:08
mnepton_holycow: before you dismiss me and my ideas as "stupid," you might want to first have a look at my hostmask, and then read the Ubuntu Code Of Conduct07:08
sethkEroick, There are many packages  that comprise X07:08
sethkmnepton, plus he's wrong and you are correct in this particular case.07:09
atom_how do you increase the font size of the text in here?07:09
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sethkatom_, depends on which IRC client you use.07:09
sethkthen look at text box,07:10
sethkinput box, etc.07:10
UtterMassacreatom_, if you're using XChat it's Edit/Preferences07:10
atom_got it. :)07:10
atom_so hard on the eyes the default is07:10
atom_whats a good gui based ftp program for linux?07:11
ElwynNoone? :(07:11
atom_igloo good?07:11
rbilatom_ nautilus07:11
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rbilspring cleaning comes early07:12
atom_netsplits still happen to linux users ? :P07:12
Elwynwtf was that? lol!07:12
sethkatom_, there are other IRC clients, although I prefer xchat of the ones I've tried.07:12
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Elwync'n'p:    Hey, anyone able to spare a sec to help me? I have an IDE drive with some data on t, that is corrupted. My windows PC wont even get past post with it installed, so I have booted off this liveCD. The drive shows up, but wont mount, it gives this error: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/27631/  Any ideas on how to recover this data?07:13
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tonyyarussognopgnip: The world ended.07:14
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rcarrHe said he HAD xserver-xorg07:14
lars30ok so when I first installed this OS they keyboard preference pane had lots of choices in it, and my numpad worked... now neither.07:14
ubotunetsplit is when two IRC servers of the same network (like Freenode) disconnect from each other, so users on one server stop seeing users on the other. If this is happening now, just relax and enjoy the show. See http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Netsplit07:14
rcarr"startx" doesn't start it?07:14
mnepton_holycow: i'm not part of GNOME Nautilus team, just a GNOME sysadmin07:14
sethkElwyn, appears that it isn't an NTFS partition.07:14
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holycowmnepton, just a thought07:14
rcarr...yay netsplits07:14
iamtherictemper temper07:14
=== iamtheric slaps sense back into holycow
iamthericEroick, you need alot more than just that07:14
iamthericEroick, did you try startx?07:14
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=== mnepton_ tootles back to jIRCii
UtterMassacreeveryone is quitting :(07:14
sethkElwyn, mount doesn't think so, in any event.07:14
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Eroickiamtheric: yeah, no dice. I got xserver-xorg07:14
iamthericlike fireworks07:14
ubotunetsplit is when two IRC servers of the same network (like Freenode) disconnect from each other, so users on one server stop seeing users on the other. If this is happening now, just relax and enjoy the show. See http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Netsplit07:14
gnu2it2FYI i was trying to reinstall a sun box, the help over at #solaris is worthless. i like #ubuntu much better. you folks rock in my book07:14
UtterMassacrercarr, what?07:14
iamthericEroick, maybe just install thorugh apt and let it figure it out?07:15
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sethkElwyn, it's not the codepage, there is just a problem with the file system07:15
rcarruttermassacre: Everyone was quitting because it was a netsplit07:15
Eroickiamtheric: install what?07:15
rcarruttermassacre: Read what ubotu said07:15
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iamthericEroick, maybe gnome07:15
Elwynsethk: is there a way to fix the filesystem back to NTFS?07:15
sethkElwyn, if it is NTFS, boot windows an use the windows tools to repar07:15
UtterMassacrercarr, oh ok07:15
iamthericEroick, maybe or fluxbox07:15
Eroickiamtheric: no, i am installing fluxbox with X07:15
UtterMassacrercarr, that ubotu is cool07:15
Eroickiamtheric: how do I get X07:15
ub12I have just deleted and repartitioned a hard drive with an old unused Debian sytem on it. How do I get Grub to stop to listing the old bootimage at bootup?07:15
iamthericEroick, yeah...07:15
Eroickiamtheric: like, so I can do startx07:15
sethkElwyn, if it's ntfs, and it's merely corrupted slightly, then booting windows will give you some tools you can use on it.07:15
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sethkElwyn, is that what you meant to ask?07:16
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atom_can i get an expert x64 comment on http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=281358 ?07:16
Elwynsethk, which tools are those? i am not familiar with anything like that07:16
rbilgot my cpu pegged out07:16
UtterMassacresethk, windows is a funny OS07:16
iamthericEroick, it should register as a dep for any wm07:16
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ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about window - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi07:16
ubotuFor help with Microsoft windows, please visit ##windows or your nearest mental health institute. Also see http://launchpad.net/distros/ubuntu/+bug/1 - !equivalents - http://linux.oneandoneis2.org/LNW.htm07:16
iamthericEroick, just get gnome or kde or any other random wm and it will get x as a dep07:16
=== atom_ is now known as at0mic
sethkElwyn, you can get to them through their disk administrator.  they also have command line one, I believe scandisk is its latest incarnation.07:17
zeroinchey guys how do i dualboot ubuntu with windows xp already installed07:17
Eroickiamtheric: why do that? i have limited disk space07:17
Elwynaaaa, lol, scandisk. *snorts*07:17
iamthericEroick, how much?07:17
iamthericEroick, less than 40mbs?07:17
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iamthericEroick, just get flux through apt07:17
Eroickiamtheric: i did07:17
rcarrzeroinc: Do you realize how many thou\sands of resources there are on that, available through google, and within the install itself?07:18
rbildarn it, now I gotta defrag my Sea Drive07:18
iamthericEroick, x should be gotten as a dep07:18
sethkiamtheric, install the gnome desktop or KDE desktop, let it take care of X for you.  You can always uninstall it later, although there really isn't a reason to uninstall.07:18
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Elwynsethk, and what if my system stops at POST with the drive in, giving me an error on bad sectors or something like that? does that mean I dont have it set to slave properly?07:18
iamthericsethk, i wasnt the one with the question!07:18
Eroickiamtheric: it wasn07:18
rcarrResults 1 - 10 of about 12,100 for "dual boot ubuntu" windows.07:18
sethkEroick, if windows was installed when you installed linux, the boot loader installation will find windows and add it to the boot menu.07:18
sethkiamtheric, well, don't you know anyway?  :)07:19
iamthericwow retardicon07:19
brian98I'm liking edgy07:19
iamtherici do07:19
UtterMassacrezeroinc, have you got Ubuntu on a CD?07:19
at0micso is this gui interface called the "x server" enviroment?07:19
iamtherici never asked a question07:19
Eroicksethk: what? Im not using windows07:19
sethkElwyn, check jumpering.  If you have an EIDE cable (one black, one grey, one blue connector) jumper the drives for Cable Select07:19
Elwynallright, thanks07:20
Elwynil give it a go07:20
sethkEroick, if you aren't using windows, why are you messing with ntfs?07:20
Eroicksethk: umm, i am not07:20
iamtheriches not!07:20
iamthericgod damn07:20
UtterMassacrezeroinc, have you got Ubuntu on a CD?07:20
ub12ok I solved my own problem: I ran "sudo update-grub -y".07:20
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Eroicksethk: I want to get X to work. I am installing xubuntu-desktop.07:20
Eroickthen usijng fluxbox07:20
=== iamtheric cries
sethkEroick, sorry, you are right, I confused you with the file system problem guy.07:21
Eroickiamtheric: ?07:21
iamthericEroick, install any wm through apt and it wil get x!07:21
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WerdnumEroick: by X, I assume you mean xfce07:21
zeroincUtterMassacre: fo sho07:21
=== iamtheric cries some more
Werdnumin which case you should be running sudo apt-get install xfce407:21
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zeroincwhat i do afta that07:21
zeroincduring the install07:21
zeroincthat is07:21
Eroickwhat size is shown in apt-cache show? it says 8232. is that megs?! 8 gigs?!07:21
at0micalways kb here07:21
iamthericHE WAS TALKING ABOuT X11!07:21
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Eroickat0mic: ok. so that means 823MB?07:22
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halitechEroick, no it would be about 8meg07:22
sethkWerdnum, xfce != x07:22
UtterMassacrezeroinc, do you have 2 partitions?07:22
Eroickhalitech: no way07:22
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sethkxfce, like any other window manager, uses X.07:22
UtterMassacrezeroinc, one for windows, one for linux?07:22
=== lars30 [n=larry@VDSL-130-13-240-4.PHNX.QWEST.NET] has joined #ubuntu
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Eroick8000 kb = ?mb?07:23
at0miceroick 1000kb = 1mb. 8.3 MB is ur total07:23
iamthericxfce is not x1107:23
at0mic1024 to be exact07:23
Rookie_1024 = 1 mb07:23
oTToRoCkhdparm -Tt07:23
halitech8232/1024= ~8meg07:23
rbilatOmic, not if you sell hard drives :-)07:23
Eroickat0mic: how the heck is the entire xubuntu-desktop package 8MB?07:23
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oTToRoCkcat /proc/partitions07:23
sethkEroick, compressed, I presume07:23
Werdnumsethk: however, he wanted to install xubuntu, which uses xfce07:23
UtterMassacrezeroinc, do you have 2 partitions?07:24
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iamthericWerdnum, yeah...07:24
halitechEroick, XFCE is pretty light weight and that might be compressed and what is being downloaded from the repo, not including what is on the cd07:24
Eroicki am installing the xubuntu-desktop[ system because it is the smallest and has many apps i need built in07:24
lars30anyone got any pionters to fixing my Keyboard?07:24
lars30It stopped knowing it has a numpad..07:24
Eroickhalitech: will it be over a gig decompressed?07:24
iamthericEroick, just apt-get install fluxbox07:24
at0michey halitech u registered to nickserv? u from halifax?07:24
=== heatxsink [n=heatxsin@adsl-75-7-89-236.dsl.irvnca.sbcglobal.net] has joined #ubuntu
sethkWerdnum, yes, I understand, and in fact suggested installing a desktop.  what I was responding to what the statement   "xfce is X", which I guess really meant to say "xfce is the only desktop I can install)07:25
iamthericEroick, , what does it say?07:25
halitechEroick, I'm not sure, can't see it being that big07:25
Eroickiamtheric: i already did it. it just installs fluxbox, nothing else07:25
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iamthericEroick, reboot07:25
halitechat0mic, nope, not registered but yes to halifax, check your privates07:25
=== neopoLiTan [n=annaf@cpe-075-176-188-110.sc.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu
at0mici got no privates. u need to be registered to send privates u know?07:25
Eroickiamtheric: no. im installing the desktop package.07:26
sethkat0mic, register, it takes about 30 seconds07:26
numistor you can /ns set unfiltered on07:26
at0mici did register.07:26
neopoLiTanat0mic, thats a problem best kept between you and your doctor07:26
halitechok, replied back but I guess since I'm not registered you didn't get them07:26
iamthericEroick, i know!07:26
at0micu gots it07:26
iamthericEroick, get another wm through apt07:26
=== CaptainMorgan [n=CaptainM@londonderry-cuda2-68-171-161-230.lndnnh.adelphia.net] has joined #Ubuntu
iamthericEroick, gdm07:26
halitechso how do I register?07:27
iamthericEroick, that should get x as a dep07:27
iamthericEroick, then just select a flux session07:27
at0mic'/nickserv register password07:27
=== steveneddy [n=digital_@adsl-68-95-155-221.dsl.rcsntx.swbell.net] has joined #ubuntu
halitechwith the ' or without?07:27
at0mic'/msg nickserv rather... without the '07:28
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peepsanyone know some program to control my cpu fan speed?07:28
iamthericEroick, update?07:28
Eroickinstalling GDM07:28
Eroickbut i doubt it will work07:29
=== ANTDx1 [n=ubuntu@mcut-c-021.resnet.purdue.edu] has joined #ubuntu
iamthericEroick why not?07:29
steveneddypeeps yeah - nexus07:29
ubotuFind your themes at: http://www.gnome-look.org - http://kdelook.org - http://themes.freshmeat.net/browse/58/ - http://www.guistyles.com - https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Artwork/ - Also see !changethemes and https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UbuntuEyeCandy07:29
ANTDx1Hey guys07:29
=== UtterMassacre [n=aj@CPE0013109986c8-CM000a739b5150.cpe.net.cable.rogers.com] has left #ubuntu ["Ex-Chat"]
ANTDx1serious problem...07:29
Eroickiamtheric: nvm, will startx in a sec07:29
ANTDx1I upgraded to 6.10 today, and when I restarted, it said something was wrong with my xorg server configuration07:29
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iamthericANTDx1, what did it say?07:29
Wiseguyanyone here have both a wireless card and a normal nic card and have problems switching back and forth between the two devices?07:30
iamthericANTDx1, you have a broken package most likely, you have to see what it is07:30
ANTDx1It said the xorg interface could not be loaded.  It asked me if I wanted to get the output to see what was wrong.  I said yes, so it gave me an empty message with ok at the bottom, then it went to a black screen.07:30
ANTDx1How can I see what it is?07:30
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iamthericANTDx1, look in the log07:30
iamthericEroick, update?07:31
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ANTDx1Ok guys...I'm a bit new.  I have no idea where in the filesystem the log is.07:31
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ubotuTo install the Ati/NVidia drivers for your video card, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto07:31
iamthericANTDx1, did apt tell you if you had any broked packages?07:31
ubotuAIGLX ('Accelerated Indirect GLX') is an open source project founded by the X.Org Foundation and the Fedora Core Linux community to allow accelerated indirect GLX rendering capabilities to X.org and DRI drivers. This allows remote X clients to get fully hardware accelerated rendering over the GLX protocol.07:32
ubotuEnlightenment (or "E") is a window manager for X, providing a useful, and good looking graphical shell in which to work. E17 is the current development version.07:32
ANTDx1apt told me that I could not override one Openoffice package because it was also used by mplayer.07:32
zeroincuttermasacer left ?07:32
rbilANTDx1 ... cat /var/log/Xorg.0.log07:32
ANTDx1however, that shouldn't have brought down the entire gui07:32
iamthericANTDx1, your in hell, dependency hell07:32
zeroincgod damnit07:32
zeroinche was helping me07:32
zeroinchow do i dualboot ubuntu w/ windows xp already installed w/ a already partitioned hd07:33
iamthericzeroinc, whats wrong?07:33
iamthericzeroinc, install grub07:33
sethkANTDx1, nothings go to work properly without fixig the problem07:33
zeroincafter i install ubuntu?07:33
iamthericzeroinc, lilo might* work07:33
iamthericzeroinc, yes07:33
=== starseed [n=starseed@user-142g2uf.cable.mindspring.com] has joined #ubuntu
AdamKilican some1 help me? Adobe Flash only semi-works for me. sites like homestarrunner.com, newgrounds.com, and youtube.com work, but things like CNET videos, or episodes of shows on CBS.com don't work07:33
zeroincand when i install them they will pick up the other partitions/boot.ini files?07:34
sethkzeroinc, do you mean you installed windows _after_ install linux?07:34
zeroinci already have windows installed07:34
zeroinci want to install ubuntu07:34
zeroincon a seperate partition07:34
iamthericzeroinc, it should ask where you want to install bootloader say mbr07:34
sethkzeroinc, then dual boot will be setup automtaically07:34
ANTDx1Ok sethk I'm hoping someone here will be able to help me fix the problem.  I'm on a Dapper live disc with my edgy partition mounted07:34
zeroincreally? that would be awesome.07:34
iamthericzeroinc, still need to say install to mbr07:35
zeroincwhats mbr07:35
ubotuFor multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats  -  See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html  -  But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats07:35
iamthericzeroinc, master boot record07:35
ANTDx1ok guys what am I looking for in my xOrg logs?07:35
starseedHey, i'm trying to add a repo , it says it can't verify because I don't have a public key .. I know what the key is , how do I pass that along ?07:35
iamthericzeroinc, it will come up in the install where you want to install07:36
zeroincbut wont it overwrite the mbr if i install it to mbr07:36
zeroincoh but i want it to overwrite hte mbr07:36
iamthericzeroinc, ...thats the whole point07:36
zeroinccuz it will recognize the dualboot07:36
rbilANTDx1 ... error messages07:36
zeroincthanks guys, iamtheric07:36
ANTDx1I don't see any, I just see normal things...or atleast, they look normal to me07:36
iamthericANTDx1, what did you upgrade from?07:36
iamthericANTDx1, xfree86?07:37
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ANTDx1amd 6407:37
iamthericANTDx1, ...um no07:37
landostarseed: i think its apt-key add "link to key"07:37
iamthericANTDx1, what x11 did you have before xorg or xfree86?07:37
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starseedk, i'll start there07:37
ANTDx1I don't know.  Whatever was the default on the install07:37
iamthericANTDx1, default install from what?07:38
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ANTDx1Ubuntu 6.06 LTS Cd.07:38
AdamKiliHELP flash player works for newgrounds and youtube, but not for videos on CNET or CBS!!!07:38
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iamthericANTDx1, no, what did you have before!07:38
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ANTDx1I had 6.06 and I was upgrading to 6.1007:38
=== iamtheric cries somemore
iamthericANTDx1, oh07:39
iamthericANTDx1, if apt says no brokes packages07:39
ANTDx1there was an error with apt, but it looked like it was just an openoffice package.07:39
ANTDx1I can't check now because I can't do anything07:39
iamthericANTDx1, i use debian unstable and redhat 9 so i dont know about ubuntus packages that well07:39
=== Xzanron [n=martin@82-43-184-103.cable.ubr07.newm.blueyonder.co.uk] has joined #ubuntu
iamthericANTDx1, why not?07:40
ANTDx1when I boot,  the Ubuntu splash is black and white instead of color07:40
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iamthericANTDx1, so...07:40
ANTDx1Well I can't check the synaptic messages because I can't get into the system.07:40
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iamthericANTDx1, apt!, not the frontend just  apt07:40
ANTDx1It wouldn't accept my terminal commands either.  It showed my text on the screen, but did nothing when I typed it.07:41
=== Elwyn [n=Elwyn@203-118-187-249.bliink.ihug.co.nz] has joined #ubuntu
halitechANDTx, did you do sudo apt?07:42
=== j_ack_ [n=nico@p508DA735.dip0.t-ipconnect.de] has joined #ubuntu
ANTDx1would I be able to do anything in recover mode?  I'm not sure exactly how that works.07:42
iamthericANTDx1, log in with ssh07:42
ANTDx1Log in to my own machine with SSH?07:42
iamthericANTDx1, log in with ssh and use the term07:42
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ANTDx1I can't do that if I can't set it up to allow an ssh connection07:43
=== iamtheric slams head on desk
iamthericANTDx1, no, log into your machine from another07:43
sethkANTDx1, if you can't get the gui up, then yes, log into your machine using the client ssh on another box.07:43
ANTDx1I don't have another box available.07:43
iamthericANTDx1, windows has putty07:43
iamthericANTDx1, availible07:43
iamthericANTDx1, log in with that07:43
sethkANTDx1, you do have the netowrk up?07:43
ANTDx1I know windows has putty.  I use it.  I don't have a windows computer.07:43
iamthericANTDx1, then what are you using now?07:44
ANTDx1I have a windows partition on THIS box.07:44
ANTDx1I'm using Ubuntu 6.06 Live cd07:44
iamthericANTDx1, then reinstall and start over!07:44
iamthericANTDx1, itl take half an hour07:44
iamthericANTDx1, you broke your system07:44
ANTDx1And lose the documents I had on my old desktop?07:44
iamthericANTDx1, no!!!!07:44
iamthericANTDx1, move them to your windows partition07:45
ANTDx1I followed the instructions on the Ubuntu wiki07:45
iamthericANTDx1, or another partition!07:45
ANTDx1How?  ubuntu can't modify NTFS and I have no other partitions...07:45
=== Myrth` [i=Myrth@adsl-71-137-175-154.dsl.irvnca.pacbell.net] has joined #ubuntu
iamthericANTDx1, make another!!!!07:45
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ANTDx1There has to be a better solution than 'you broke your system now start over'07:45
iamthericANTDx1, qtparted07:45
iamthericANTDx1, parted07:45
iamthericANTDx1, under present conditions no there isnt07:46
iamthericANTDx1, unless you can log in with ssh from another comp...07:46
=== whitynz [n=Whity@60-234-132-74.bitstream.orcon.net.nz] has joined #ubuntu
ANTDx1there isn't some config file i can edit and restart?07:46
iamthericANTDx1, maybe your keyboard just got unplugged07:46
rbiliamtheric, why don't u login to his system and fix it?07:46
halitechANTDx1, you can copy your files over to NTFS though07:46
ANTDx1It's a laptop.07:46
iamthericANTDx1, my connect sucks ass07:46
ANTDx1If my keyboard got unplugged, I'm screwed.07:46
Rookie_to ntfs ? without the permissions ?07:46
iamthericANTDx1, whats your ip i could try...07:47
halitechright, no fstab to edit on livedc so forget that idea07:47
=== bthornton [n=bthornto@pool-71-97-12-120.dfw.dsl-w.verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu
sethkANTDx1, this isn't windows.  unplugging the keyboard is easily handled.07:47
iamthericANTDx1, no!07:47
ANTDx1Someone asked if my keyboard was unplugged.  I simply responded.  I know this isn't windows.07:47
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ANTDx1Anyway, isn't there some config file that I can edit....or even replace?07:48
bthorntonIs it possible to rename the default printer names in CUPS?  The defaults usually seem to be something goofy like "hp_usb_HP_LaserJet_3050"...07:48
iamthericANTDx1, can you mount ntfs?07:48
iamthericANTDx1, yes!07:48
ANTDx1ok well what file do I need to edit or replace07:48
iamthericANTDx1, move the livecds x conf to the x conf that you just installed07:49
ANTDx1That's how I fixed all the other problems I've had...put in the live CD, mount the partition, and edit some file07:49
AdamKilinevermind i got flash working07:49
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iamthericANTDx1, /etx/X11/xorg.conf07:49
iamthericANTDx1, /etc/X11/xorg.conf07:49
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iamthericANTDx1, mount partition and replace that file07:50
=== skoger hello all
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iamthericANTDx1, then reboot and see if that helped07:50
iamthericANTDx1, i kind of doubt it though07:50
rbiliamtheric, why would xorg.conf be the prob when he can't even get into an init 3?07:50
ANTDx1It told me that the xorg server is what was wrong.07:51
iamthericANTDx1, iamtheric he never said he couldnt get there07:51
ANTDx1Why it wouldn't accept my terminal commands after that, I have no idea.07:51
=== AsheD [n=Ashe@67-43-242-103-cablemodem-roll.fidnet.com] has joined #ubuntu
AsheDUbuntu hates me07:51
iamthericrbil, he just said his keyboard didnt work07:51
=== Versed [n=Versed@c-69-253-173-154.hsd1.nj.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
ANTDx1My keyboard DOES work.07:51
adam_12i have samba installed and i am sharing 2 of my folders but when i go on my windows box and try 2 connect to the files i am sharing it asks for a username and password but i dont know what they r07:51
rbilANTDx1, oh, didn't know the prob was with his keyboard07:51
ANTDx1The problem isn't the keyboard07:52
rbili thought he couldn't get to a command prompt period07:52
ANTDx1The keyboard works fine.  I could type, but when I pressed enter, my commands did nothing07:52
AsheDit decided not to mount anything except root on this boot, gave me a 'could not initialize HAL' error, power management errors, dbus, X randomly crashes07:52
rbilwhat commands did u use? did u login?07:52
halitechadam_12, you would have to use a username and password for a user that exists on the linux box07:52
iamthericANTDx1, yeah then your screwed07:52
ANTDx1well first I tried a sudo command and that didn't work07:52
iamthericANTDx1, i thought you said x gave you an error07:52
ANTDx1It did07:52
ANTDx1x gave me an error, THEN it sent me to this black screen07:53
fnfHi, will anyone give me a direction of how to configure TV-out with my nvidia video adapter in xorg ?, I'm using the default 'nv' driver.07:53
adam_12halitech, i tried that and they didnt work07:53
iamthericANTDx1, then dont start x07:53
rbilwhat does ATL-CTRL F2 do for you?07:53
ANTDx1how do I not start x?07:53
AdamKiliwhat's the folder programs are usually installed to? /usr/lib/?07:53
mayday_jayANTDx1 did you try including the path in the command?07:53
halitechadam_12, did you add the user as a samba user?07:53
iamthericANTDx1, delete it from your init scripts07:53
adam_12halitech, how do i do that?07:53
=== billytwowilly [n=chris@S01060016b649355d.ed.shawcable.net] has joined #ubuntu
AdamKilihello? anyone?07:54
halitechadam_12 check here http://www.ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=202605&highlight=samba07:54
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ANTDx1but then how can I fix my xorg config?07:54
adam_12halitech, thatnx07:54
iamthericANTDx1, your x is irelevent if you cant type in a terminal07:55
marlowehow do i connect remote desktop via windows vpn box07:55
AdamKiliwhat's the folder programs are usually installed to? /usr/lib/?07:55
rbilANTDx1, you need to get to a terminal and then u can fix things. either ssh or login on the box.07:55
iamthericANTDx1, yeah07:56
iamthericANTDx1, do you know your external ip?07:56
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ANTDx1I don't have any idea.  I'm at a college campus....i'm not sure how my connection works here07:56
marlowehello ? any experience on connecting remote desktop to windows over vpn07:56
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mayday_jayANTDx1, check that your paths aren't missing.  If they are re-establish.  Then do dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg to reconfigure X.07:57
ANTDx1What paths?07:57
iamthericmayday_jay, he cant do jack shit07:57
iamthericmayday_jay, he cant type in a terminal07:57
halitechmarlowe, if the windows box is set up, use Terminal services client to connect07:57
mayday_jayANTDx1 ... he said he could type but his commands wouldn't do anything.07:57
ANTDx1iamtheric: I copied and pasted that xorg config.  I'm going to see if it helps at all.  If not, I'll probably be back here.  It takes about 5 minutes for me to get the live cd up ayway07:58
rbiliamtheric, he said he could type "but nothing happens"07:58
marlowehalitech,i tried that and i was able to connect but i need to go over vpn. I get a prompt on the windows box. Interactive login not allowed......07:58
iamthericrbil, basically the same thing07:58
rbilwhat does he use the livecd for?07:58
iamtherici dont know07:58
mayday_jayiamtheric, if his paths are missing most commands won't work.07:58
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halitechmarlowe, not sure, I use vnc to remote my mothers system but no vpn07:59
=== lars30 [n=larry@VDSL-130-13-240-4.PHNX.QWEST.NET] has left #ubuntu []
iamthericthe basic commands would07:59
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adam_12how do i find my MAC adress07:59
mayday_jayadam_12 sudo ifconfig07:59
marlowehalitech, thanks. Im really despirate to have it work over ubuntu. Im sick of windows. But i have no choice on the windows server07:59
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rbilmayday_jay, don't need sudo, just ifconfig08:00
marloweI hope somebody has experience about remote desktop and vpn here08:00
iamthericifconfig eth008:00
No1VikingWhere can I find the channel settings that I have in my Xchat?08:00
iamthericmakes me glad i dont use ubuntu08:01
rbiliamtheric, I like ubuntu :-)08:01
=== Ademan [n=dan@h-67-101-148-217.snfccasy.dynamic.covad.net] has joined #ubuntu
halitechmarlowe, check the forum herre http://www.ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=91249&highlight=vpn08:01
iamthericrbil, how many years you used linux?08:01
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rbil4 or 5, can't remember and then years ago before that08:02
iamthericrbil, wow and you use ubuntu?08:02
=== iamtheric shudders
rbilwhat's wrong with ubuntu. I'm enjoying it.08:03
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iamthericif i am going to use something debian based i want it almost pure08:03
rbilI like the philosophy behind the ubuntu organization08:03
marlowehalitech, i have tried and read that site but it doesnt allow me to connect on the remote desktop. My vpn is working on pptpclient.08:03
iamtherici still use redhat908:04
=== newbuntu [n=sara@d207-216-64-213.bchsia.telus.net] has joined #ubuntu
newbuntuhi all08:04
rbillast readhat I used was 508:04
iamthericenis you here?08:04
=== tapoxi [n=ted@c-24-91-212-80.hsd1.ma.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
marlowehalitech, but when i now use the remote desktop it prompts me with an error not reachable.08:04
marlowehalitech, im trying to use the ip
peepswhat can I use to control my cpu fan speed?08:04
peepssorry,i asked a while ago but I went afk and lost the replies08:04
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halitechmarlowe, wish I could help more but not that good with vpn08:04
halitechare you inside a network?08:04
peepsalso, does anyone have an idea why I can't view my CPU temps?   I am using gkrellm08:05
marlowehalitech, im directly connected on my adsl internet.08:05
newbuntui have an ati radeon video card and its installed and working, but i have no ati gui to say... turn on my tv out capabilities.. any clue how I can get the gui to install or show itself its already installed?08:05
mayday_jayMarlowe do you have a route set for the VPN network?08:05
tapoxiHi everyone. I'm using a new monitor capable of a higher resolution than I had before, but it's not letting me select the higher resolution. I tried dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg, but even upon restarting X it goes to the old resolution. Any ideas?08:05
iamtherichow many packages are in the ubuntu repositories anyway?08:05
iamthericpeeps, you dont have the module configured08:05
marlowemayday_jay, i think i dont or i did not configure that08:05
peepshow can i do that?08:05
iamtherictapoxi, edit /etc/X11/xorg.conf08:05
iamthericpeeps, never tried it08:06
rbiltapoxi, edit xorg.conf and add the higher resolution08:06
holycowand google your horizontal and vertical refresh rates, and input in xorg.conf08:06
mayday_jayMarlowe are you using pptpconfig?08:06
holycowthen restart x08:06
marlowemayday_jay, yes08:06
tapoxirbil, iamtheeric, thanks08:06
iamtherictapoxi, it did that to me with gnome, but when i installed kde it had a bigger resolution08:06
marlowemayday_jay, pptp client application status is running when i click the start button08:06
peeps"acpi -t" tells me "No support for device type: thermal"08:06
peepsthere is a kernel module I need?08:07
iamthericpeeps, exactly08:07
marlowemayday_jay, routing style is client to lan08:07
iamthericpeeps, yeah08:07
rbilpeeps, have you installed lsensors and configured them?08:07
iamthericpeeps, look in the repositories08:07
tapoxi/etc/X11/xorg.conf has the correct resolutions listed...08:07
iamtherictapoxi, i ran into that08:08
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iamtherictapoxi, i installed kde08:08
rbiltapoxi, default color depth has to match the first resolution on the line you want to use08:08
marlowehello ?08:08
zanewhats up?08:08
mayday_jayMarlowe - I believe there is a network or a route tab...I don't have it installed right now.  2nd tab in I think....08:08
iamthericmarlowe, hi08:08
marloweremote desktop over vpn ( windows server box )08:08
tapoxirbil: ?08:08
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iamthericoh yeah08:08
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halitechmarlowe, is the computer you are trying to reach in the same house/apartment or is it in another building?08:09
iamtherictapoxi, huh?08:09
marlowemayday_jay, yes you are correct. I see it.08:09
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marlowehalitech, the computer that i am connecting to is  over another country08:09
iamthericmarlowe, not enough bandwidth to support a connect i doubt08:09
halitechmarlowe, and you are trying to connect to
marlowehalitech, yes08:10
mayday_jayMarlowe...add the network....08:10
=== darkaura [n=darkaura@wnpgmb02dc1-63-228.dynamic.mts.net] has joined #ubuntu
tapoxiiamtheeric: Even though my xorg.conf is correct, the gnome resolution applet still won't let me switch, and presents a weird list from what is possibly some other config file08:10
peepsrbil: what is lsensors, I can find no such package in synaptic or apititude08:10
marlowemayday_jay, ok i will try to add that.08:10
marlowewill do it now08:10
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iamtherictapoxi, yeah, i got kde, and then that changed around gnome too08:10
darkauraHolycow I got a question for you08:10
tapoxiiamtheric: Yeah, but I'm not going to install KDE just to switch resolutions08:10
iamthericpeeps, add more repositories if you dont have them already08:10
rbiltapoxi, the DefaultDepth if it's say 16, and you look at Display section, what does the Modes line say?08:10
halitechmarlowe, that could be why, 192.168 IPs are not routable outside your local network08:11
holycowshoot i'll try to answer08:11
marloweRNETLINK answers: invalid argument08:11
iamthericmarlowe, that would explain alot08:11
iamtherictapoxi, edit the gnome applet08:11
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marlowehalitech, possibly what should i do.  On my windows i have no problem. I connect to vpn and connec the remote desktop to
=== hadronzoo [n=hadronzo@24-155-72-236.dyn.grandenetworks.net] has joined #ubuntu
ubotuFor multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats  -  See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html  -  But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats08:12
tapoxirbil: Depth2408:12
tapoxiModes"1280x1024" "1024x768"08:12
=== mpan [n=mpan@a88-113-15-215.elisa-laajakaista.fi] has joined #ubuntu
darkauraOkay I have a laptop, and it has a sound card built in I'08:12
tapoxirbil: default depth is 2408:12
mayday_jayAlso, Marlowe if your local network is on the same subnet 192.168.0.x you will have a problem connecting...08:12
halitechmarlowe, can you get the vpm connection first to the wan IP?08:12
darkauraI'm buying a usb sound card cause my earphones don't work how would I disable the internal sound card and use the usb one08:12
iamthericenis you here?08:12
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rbiltapoxi, should go into then 1280x1024 then08:12
marlowehalitech yes. I think so because the status is running08:12
darkaurais some one having problems with resolutions?08:12
marlowemayday_jay, error: Network is unreachable08:13
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iamthericdarkaura, he just left08:13
halitechmarlowe, running does not always equal connected08:13
mayday_jaymarlowe - can you ping
marlowehtalitech, hmmm ok. I agree......08:13
marlowemayday_jay, no08:13
marlowemayday_jay, ping no reachable also08:14
halitechmarlowe, if you can't ping it sounds like your vpn is not actually connected08:14
marlowei agree08:14
rbiltapoxi, did you copy and paste this: Modes"1280x1024" "1024x768"  don't see a space between Modes and first "08:14
darkaurawell I was having problems switching resolutions, and what I did was sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg and then I went through the setup it came to resoultions and then added all of them and now I can switch resolutions08:14
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halitechmarlowe, what IP address did you tell the vpn client to connect to?08:15
marlowedo i have to set anything or shutdown anything like a firewall ?08:15
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darkauraholycow did you get my question?08:16
halitechmarlowe, if you have a firewall running, you probably need to open up your firewall08:16
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marlowehalitech, i connect the vpn client to connect to
rbilpeeps, my mistake it's lm-sensors08:16
holycowdarkaura, typically you would find out what module the kernel is loading for the sound card and rmmod modulename ... then add it to the black list so it doesn't get loaded at start08:16
marlowehalitech, i think it is able to connect. Because if i set a wrong password it does not have a status running08:16
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mayday_jaymarlow - What is your machine's local IP address?08:17
darkauraand how would I do that?08:17
marlowehalitech, no firewall running. I uninstalled it08:17
holycowthe problem with sound cards is that mostly they are undocumented and there isn't always an obvious command you can send to power it down ... never mind that the kernel doesn't really support such a thing well yet anyway08:17
marlowemayday_jay, machine local ip adress is
iamthericmarlowe, thats not local08:18
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Seeker2599ok this may seem like a stupid question to ask on here but i thought you guys might know the answer, how do i connect with ftp to a server using firefox using my username and password, my server doesnt allow anonomus connections with ftp08:18
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iamthericmarlowe, 192.168.*.*08:18
rbilpeeps ... http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=278008:18
mayday_jayThat is a routable IP.  Are you behind a router or are you directly connected to a cable modem or dsl modem?08:18
marloweiamtheric, oops. sorry08:18
halitechSeeker username:password@ipaddress or hostname08:18
marlowemayday_jay, connected directly to a calbe modem08:19
Seeker2599ty i knew there was a way08:19
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iamthericSeeker2599, it doesnt give a prompt?08:19
halitechsorry, add ftp:// to the beginning08:19
iamthericyeah what halitech said08:19
darkauraSEEKER2599 - install  gFTP its easier than using firefox08:19
mayday_jaydo you see 192.168.0.x if you type route in a shell?08:20
Seeker2599i did but its not connecting08:20
marlowemayday_jay. will try to type route08:20
Seeker2599and it just froze08:20
marlowemayday_jay, no 192.xxx08:20
=== Ademan_ [n=dan@h-67-101-148-217.snfccasy.dynamic.covad.net] has joined #ubuntu
mayday_jaymarlowe, when you added the network on the route tab did you highlight the connection, click update and then reconnect?08:21
marlowemayday_jay, yes yes yes. I forgot to run the pptp again. Now it is running and i see the
Seeker2599can i upload using firefox?08:22
mayday_jayMarlowe, now try to connect...08:22
halitechSeeker, sure can08:22
marlowemayday_jay, i see now08:22
Ademan_technically in a UML diagram, when a class implements another class, does the arrow point to the parent class or the child class?08:22
Seeker2599how, my brains not working tonight08:22
mayday_jayMarlowe...so you are connecting?08:23
darkauraHolycow in device manager I see intel ich6 alsa control device is that my sound card?08:23
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marlowemayday_jay,     *      UH    0      0        0 ppp008:23
halitechopen your file manager, right click and copy the file and then paste it into the ff window08:23
Seeker2599well duh08:23
Seeker2599lol ty08:23
marlowemayday_jay, yes it is connected to the vpn. I think. But the remote desktop is not able to connect to the which is what i use on my windows environment to connect to the remote desktop server08:23
halitechSeeker, no problem, we all have brain farts :)08:23
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jordanAdeman,  I believe the child although I am not sure.08:24
iamthericits about 230 in est08:24
mayday_jayMarlowe - Did you type in for the network or did you type ... the first one is what you need....so it routes the whole class c08:24
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marlowemayday_jay, i typed 24. The one you instructed08:24
halitechiamtheric, it's 3:24 ast08:25
iamthericam or pm?08:25
Seeker2599what am i doing wrong, when i copy and paste it, it tries to open it08:25
halitechSeeker, what error message do you get?08:26
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marlowemayday_jay, i typed it as but when i check it back. It is defaulted to
halitechd'oh, never mind08:26
marlowemayday_jay, sorry08:26
halitechwhere are you pasting it?08:26
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Seeker2599in my /www/ folder08:26
marlowemayday_jay, typed it as then it goes
Seeker2599is there a different ftp client i can use besides gftp08:27
halitechdon't take this the wrong way but you aren't pasting it in the address bar are you?08:27
mayday_jayMarlowe - That should get you connected ... I've used that config in the past to connect to a Windows PPTP connection at work...so basically I needed to set username, password, route, IP on PPTP server, and then I have access to the network....08:27
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Seeker2599gftp has crashed twice now08:28
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halitechok, not sure why it would be trying to open the file then08:28
Seeker2599i dont know either08:28
halitechthere should be a few in synaptic if you look for ftp08:28
mayday_jayMarlowe - You've connected to this VPN via a Windows box and it serves you an IP?08:28
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marlowemayday_jay, pptconfig status is running ( or should i assume connected ). But then a ping on = DEstination Net unreachble08:29
mooseman089ok i have apache running on my ubuntu box for a web server and it was working fine but all the sudden it stopped loading so i did /etc/init.d/apache2 reload and i got warnings that it couldnt bind to address [::] :8008:29
darkauraif gftp doesn't work try kftpgrabber08:29
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Seeker2599ok ty i will08:29
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marlowemayday_jay, I have connected to the windows box. But i dont know if it serves my an ip. I just connect using the
mooseman089i did netstat  -lnp | grep 80 and i found that gnome panel apps for some reason binded to the port08:29
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mooseman089if i kill their pid then the apache server works08:30
darkauraI use to use gftp but it didn't do everything I needed it to, so I use kftpgrabber08:30
mooseman089but why would gnome do that08:30
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halitechok, here's an idea and this worked for me, go to places and connect to server, select ftp (with login) put in the rest of the info and it should connect and allow you to treat it like a folder08:30
mooseman089and the exact same thing happened to my secondary web server that i rarely us08:30
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mayday_jayMarlowe....it shouldn't change back to - it should go to  Delete it readd, highlight and update connection....then check in config...the reconnect...I'm sure its a routing thing if you are connecting alright but can't pass traffic...08:30
cafuegomooseman089: If they don't run as root, they cannot bind to port 80.08:31
marlowemayday_jay, ok i will do that again08:31
mooseman089how would things like the volume control run as root08:31
cafuegoI'm just saying, if it's bound to port 80, it *has* to run as root.08:32
mooseman089but the weird thing is it suddenly happened because my friend was using it fine and then he sent a message saying it stopped08:32
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cafuegomooseman089: What happens when you telnet to port 80?08:33
darkauraSeeker2599 - did it work08:33
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mooseman089says connected to localhost then nothing else08:33
marlowemayday_jay, your a genius. YAHOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO08:33
marlowemayday_jay, thanks thanks thanks. I am now able to connect08:33
Seeker2599installing now08:34
marlowevia remote desktop08:34
cafuegomooseman089: Type "GET / HTTP/1.1" and hit return twice.08:34
mayday_jayCool - glad I could help...08:34
=== Gueg [n=burelg@ip-33.net-82-216-176.lyon5.rev.numericable.fr] has joined #ubuntu
mooseman089nothing returned08:34
marlowemayday_jay. now i will try to ftp also08:34
palskiThere is a link in usr/bin/X11 which points to .? why?08:34
mooseman089it just stayed blank08:34
cafuegomooseman089: it's just sitting there?08:34
cafuegomooseman089: hit return again08:35
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mooseman089i did08:35
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drackReinstall done08:35
mooseman089then i hit it a couple more times for fun and still nothing08:35
drack30 minutes, not bad08:35
halitechnight everyone08:36
marlowenow the remote desktop is on hang. wow. anyways its good to see the screen of the server. Thanks to all08:36
cafuegomooseman089: Anything in your apache access_log?08:36
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mooseman089well when i do /etc/init.d/apache2 reload it says unable to open log file08:36
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cafuegoAre you running that as root?08:37
Seeker2599 kftpgrabber is asking for a url and a host name what do i put in host name08:37
mooseman089im logined in as over ssh08:37
cafuegomooseman089: 'aapche2ctl configtest'08:37
cafuego'apache2ctl configtest' even08:37
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mooseman089nothing interesting08:37
Seeker2599sorry guys im being a complete idiot right now08:38
darkaurahold on Seeker2599 I'll walk you through it just let me start it up on my end08:38
mooseman089just the same as always but im sure its port bindings08:38
rbilis restart different than reload?08:38
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mayday_jaymooseman089 - what does netstat -lp | grep http return08:38
mooseman089if i change the listening port from 80 to 83 it works08:38
cafuegomooseman089: It's not saying it has a problem with its log file?08:38
marlowemayday_jay, how do i automate the connection for the vpn when i do remote desktop ?08:38
Seeker2599ive got all the info put in i just dont know what to put for host name08:38
mooseman089netstat -lp | grep http08:38
mooseman089tcp6       0      0 *:https                 *:*                     LISTEN     4683/apache208:38
cafuegomooseman089: Any chance a leftover apache2 process is still listening on port 80?08:39
mooseman089i dont know why its tcp6 though because i dont use ipv608:39
mooseman089i rebooted a couple times08:39
darkauraSeeker2599 - goto file and Quick Connect08:39
mooseman089and tried apache2ctl stop08:39
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Seeker2599i did08:39
cafuegomooseman089: Can you tell me IP of the apache2 server?08:39
mayday_jayMarlowe - you would have to write a pppscript to do that.... a little more complex than using pptpconfig -- pptpconfig is basically doing that for you...08:40
Shadow_milgnome panel is acting up, it shows up in the middle of the screen and it keeps forgetting it's setting08:40
darkauraSeeker2599 - under url put the url your ftping to08:40
Seeker2599i did08:40
mooseman089cafuego did you get the pm?08:40
cafuegoyou not identified with nickserv?08:41
darkauraSeeker2599 - then under username  put your user name and under password put password08:41
Seeker2599what about hostname08:41
Seeker2599or host08:41
darkauraSeeker2599 - don't worry about that08:41
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mayday_jaymooseman089 - netstat -lp show anything listening on 80?08:42
darkauraSeeker2599 - Make sure you have add to bookmarks checked so you won't have to do this over again08:42
Seeker2599well when i click connect is says please enter a hostname08:42
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darkauraSeeker2599 - close that and do a new quick connect I did something wrong08:43
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bayziderOk, I relly need some help. I installed a windows program thorugh wine and it needs activex. How do I get that?08:44
darkauraSeeker2599 - under host name put the url08:44
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Seeker2599with http:// ?08:45
darkaurano http:// or www.08:45
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darkauraso for example if you wanted to ftp to tripod it would be ftp.tripod.com in the host box08:46
bayziderSo, any one know how to do that?08:46
Seeker2599HOT DAMN! sorry08:46
Seeker2599thank you so much darkaura08:46
=== D2Klein [n=axel@pD9E2CEFC.dip0.t-ipconnect.de] has joined #ubuntu
Seeker2599and everyone else that stayed patient with me08:47
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Seeker2599lol i shut everyone up08:48
darkauraSeeker2599 - did it work?08:48
Seeker2599yes it did perfectly08:48
darkaurasorry my chat wen funny08:48
wolfbane_691hey i have a quick question why are some games on ubuntu act slow and sluggish?08:48
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wolfbane_691is it my video card08:49
darkaurawolfbane_691 - what games?08:49
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b0xiiwolfbane_691: no acceleration?08:49
wolfbane_691like chromium08:49
darkaurawolfbane_691 - and what is your video card?08:49
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Seeker2599well thank you again everyone im going to go ftp now08:50
wolfbane_691ati 6408:50
wolfbane_69164 mb08:50
bayziderSo, no one knows how to do that?08:50
darkaurawolfbane_691 - you have Ubuntu 6.06?08:50
wolfbane_691a few days ago they ran just fine08:50
wolfbane_691i do08:50
davinHi, im running Kubuntu 6.06 LTS, Id like to use GNOME too (both), but when I try to install ubuntu-desktop I get some errors about langauge-selector and libglib2.0-data ?08:51
bayzider Ok, I relly need some help. I installed a windows program thorugh wine and it needs activex. How do I get that?08:51
wolfbane_691any thoughts08:51
davinbayzider: #winehq08:51
darkaurawolfbane_691 - looking for answers now08:51
wolfbane_691ok thanx08:52
bayziderdavin: what?08:52
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davinbayzider: ask your wine questions in #winehq08:52
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wolfbane_691does ubuntu run apps in the background?08:52
wolfbane_691cause i thought of that08:53
wolfbane_691maybe it could slow things down?08:53
wolfbane_691just a thought08:53
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darkaurawolfbane_691 - your video card an ATI Rage or ATI Radeon?08:54
wolfbane_691ati radeon08:54
Ademan_how can you find the BusID of your video card?08:54
wolfbane_691L E08:54
wolfbane_69164 bit08:54
SurfnKidAdam__,  lspci08:55
SurfnKidAdam__,  lspci -v08:55
darkaurawolfbane_691 - I came across this page you might want to check out it may help you https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto/ATI08:55
SurfnKidAdeman, lspci -v08:55
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wolfbane_691ok thanx08:55
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darkauraWow I'm doing not bad for only using Ubuntu for a month08:55
SurfnKiddarkaura, its amazing aint it08:56
Dheeraj_kHappy diwali to all :)08:56
LynoureThat ati card should work fine with free drivers, too... so if it does not, might make sense to see if a bug needs to be reported08:57
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darkauraSurfnKid - I've tried other linux distros, but always returned to windows in about 3 weeks after installing, installed Ubuntu and I've had it installed for a month08:58
darkauraDon't want to return to windows08:59
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wolfbane_691ok 1 more thing i have a game called armyops250 whats the command line to install and run it08:59
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starsky_hutchydarkaura, Ubuntu's great :)08:59
Dheeraj_kit is not possible to ignore windows09:00
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bayziderMy deufaltfont is really screwed up how do I put it back to normal09:00
starsky_hutchyDheeraj_k, maybe.09:00
jordanI need some help following a this tutorial: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LiveUsbPendrivePersistent, when it says "Rename the file 'isolinux.cfg' to 'syslinux.cfg'" Where is this file supposed to be?09:00
darkaurawolfbane_691 - I believe it would be sudo sh ./armyops250.run09:00
SurfnKiddarkaura, yep i only go to windows when i play a game or defrag my usb drive09:01
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SurfnKidbut other than that, im in the underground internet life forever with ubuntu09:01
wolfbane_691is that to install09:01
darkaurasorry I have to go now09:01
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jordanI need some help following a this tutorial: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LiveUsbPendrivePersistent, when it says "Rename the file 'isolinux.cfg' to 'syslinux.cfg'" Where is this file supposed to be? Is it supposed to be in the root of the pen drive?09:02
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sidny4are there widgets for gnome? or are they mostly for KDE and other interfaces?09:03
wolfbane_691what do i type to run it?09:03
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jordansidny4, try gdesklets.09:04
Dheeraj_kgood news MSDN for Linux developers http://www.linux-watch.com/news/NS8006773943.html09:04
bayziderdoes any one know how to fix my problem09:05
jordanPlease, can someone confirm that the file is supposed to be on the root of the drive?09:05
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ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about redmond - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi09:07
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yakumohello anyone know how to use tovid?09:14
ubotuA large amount of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..."  Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out?09:14
sidny4how do you configure a synaptics touchpad?09:15
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infidel?j #electronics09:22
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Shadow_milnet split09:23
berentwhat hap09:23
berentso many quit09:23
Milchmannhi, i've installed the kubuntu-desktop. now how do i get the ubuntu loadscreen back?09:23
Flannelnet split, no need to worry, just sit back and enjoy the ride ;)09:24
berentwhat isnet split09:24
Milchmannserver loose connection09:24
Flannela netsplit is when two (or more) of the IRC servers lose connections with each other09:24
Flannelubotu has a factoid, but he's on the other side at the moment ;)09:24
Milchmannand the user on the server who got disconnected from the net dont see us and we dont see them09:25
berentbut how are they binded again09:25
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berentbind again09:25
Milchmannwhen the server reconnects to the net09:25
Milchmannfreenode is not only one server09:25
ubotuFor multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats  -  See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html  -  But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats09:25
=== winterweaver [n=winterwe@dsl-145-227-31.telkomadsl.co.za] has joined #Ubuntu
Milchmannso, once again ;), i've installed the kubuntu-desktop. now how do i get the ubuntu loadscreen back?09:26
winterweaverhey all ^.^09:26
ubotuFor a comprehensive Synaptics Touchpad guide, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SynapticsTouchpadHowTo09:26
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sasperI'm currently booted into and running on the Live Ubuntu CD, and want to install ubuntu fully. However, nothing happens when I click the Install icon the desktop. Any suggestions?09:26
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berenthow will both servers join together to show cumulative users09:27
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berentafter net split09:28
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Werdnumis there a package bot in here?09:28
sasperno one can help with support on my issue at all?09:29
Werdnum~tell me about blender09:29
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ubotublender is a free application for 3D modelling, animation, rendering, etc. You can install it from Ubuntu's repositories, and tutorials are at http://en.wikibooks.org/wiki/Blender_3D:_Noob_to_Pro09:29
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about gameblender - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi09:29
Milchmannsorry, sasper. you could try the alternate cd09:29
Milchmannbut there should be an easier way09:29
berenthow will both servers join together to show cumulative users after net split09:29
sasperthere isn't a cmd line way to do the install?09:30
Milchmannthere sure is, but i dont know the command09:30
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Flannelberent: same as they do beforehand09:30
winterweaversasper, yeah me209:30
Milchmannyou could check the properties of the link on the desktop09:30
Milchmannsee where it points09:30
Milchmannand then execute that command in the shell09:30
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berentFlannel: can you explain "doing beforehand"09:31
Flannelberent: sure, join #ubuntu-offtopic09:31
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saspertried that already... doesn't work either ;)09:31
berentFlannel: come over I have joined it09:31
sasper** (gksudo:7510): WARNING **: Could not load desktop file: No such file or directory09:31
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sasperthe command from the desktop shortcut is  gksudo --desktop %k ubiquity gtkui09:32
compengivariant, what's the best source.list list, because i'm searching for some software in synaptic and it can't find it09:33
jazzrockerwhat's an aac file?09:33
jazzrockercan ubuntu play them? some sort of media format?09:33
winterweaversooo.... I'm gonna rollback my NVidia Drivers now, I downloaded the earlier version from NVidia, I've made a backup of my xorg.conf.... Is there anything else I may need to backup just in case?? (I'm running a TwinView (Dual Monitors))09:33
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gansinhook, I'll ask another way, I really want to upgrade from dapper to edgy, but, gksudo "update-manager -c -d", gives me an error output, maybe because of xgl, is there another way to upgrade the OS ?09:33
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XiXaQjazzrocker, sound I think.'09:34
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vorbotejazzrocker: advanced audio coding. It is part of the MPEG4 standards. Yes, install the gstreamer ugly plugins in multiverse.09:34
jazzrockerahh, google says it's the iTunes format09:35
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vorboteOr gstreamer ffmpeg09:35
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vorbotejazzrocker: not exactly...09:35
sasperwhat the fuck. i thought ubuntu was supposed to be "easy to install", and yet i can't even get the installation running!09:35
Jay2sasper, be patient, it took me awhile, but it's worth it09:36
jazzrockervorbote, so, what, exactly is it?09:36
starsky_hutchysasper, Jay209:36
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Snottlebockethey guys, is there something like a beginner's guide to ubuntu? it's time to format my pc and i'm looking at installing ubuntu instead of win xp because i keep reading positive things about it but i'm entirely new at linux so i'd like to get some idea of what i'm getting into and whether ubuntu is even a good choice for me09:36
strikehi, I have just installed ubuntu desktop, by default it does not have a root password. How can I assign password to root?09:36
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jazzrockervorbote, yeah, i just read that actually09:36
i386anyone have a good resource on creating Icon themes ?09:36
sasperJay2: i can't even get the installation to run!09:36
strikehi, I have just installed ubuntu desktop, by default it does not have a root password. How can I assign password to root?09:36
winterweaversasper, I didn't have any probs ?? >.<  ... what system do you have?09:37
vorboteApple uses one of the formats defined in the standard. AAC was before the iPod.09:37
Flannelstrike: ubuntu uses sudo instead of root09:37
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vorboteIf you've listened to satelite radio, that's in AAC09:37
sasperwinterweater: the system shouldn't matter. i'm currently running on the ubuntu 'live install cd'09:37
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ubotuPlease watch your language and keep this channel family friendly.09:37
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jazzrockervorbote, does the itunes encoder create files with the aac extension? or does it use something else?09:37
XiXaQsasper, I have never heard of that problem before.09:38
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Jay2sasper, for me, it was just a matter of changing to a faster cdrom09:38
frogzoowhich is the best versn of wine to run WoW - I get constant freezes with 0.9.2309:38
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strikeFlannel: thats right but I do not want user to be able to mess with setting and I want multiple users on the system09:38
XiXaQsasper, it's the easiest install I have ever done.09:38
Flannelstrike: if a user doesn't have admin rights, he can't use sudo09:38
vorboteI don't recall. If they are raw, they should use the .aac extension. If they use an mpeg4 container, the extension would be .mp4 or .m4a09:38
compengiwhat's the best source.list list, because i'm searching for some software in synaptic and it can't find it09:39
Flannelcompengi: like what software?09:39
strikeFlannel: but is there a way to set password for root?09:39
frogzoo!easysource > compengi09:39
Flannelstrike: sure, but there's really no reason to09:39
Flannel!tell strike about rootsudo09:39
compengiFlannel, gnomebaker....09:39
XiXaQ!tell XiXaQ about rootsudo09:40
frogzooXiXaQ: you can /msg ubotu09:40
Flannelcompengi: you need to enable universe09:40
Flannel!tell compengi about universe09:40
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landoanyone got a good script to replace filename spaces with underscores09:42
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MatiiHey gays, If I now download the Edgy RC adn intall it fresh, do I need to dl the final version?09:42
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crimsunMatii: no, you can update && dist-upgrade to it09:43
FlannelMatii: no, you'll update to the final09:43
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MatiiGood, cos I think I'm installing windows for dual boot =(09:43
Snottlebocketbesides being free, what advantages does ubuntu have over windows?09:43
compengiFlannel, sudo /etc/apt/sources.list09:43
compengisudo: /etc/apt/sources.list: command not found O.o09:43
Flannelcompengi: you need an editor in there, is that command given on the wiki? (which page, so I can fix it)09:44
Matiicompengi: Omg09:44
Flannelcompengi: sudo nano /etc/apt/sources.list09:44
Matiicompengi: Do you just switched to ubuntu?09:44
compengiyes yesterday i just installed it09:45
ubotuFor help with Microsoft windows, please visit ##windows or your nearest mental health institute. Also see http://launchpad.net/distros/ubuntu/+bug/1 - !equivalents - http://linux.oneandoneis2.org/LNW.htm09:45
LynoureSnottlebocket: all the software is free, you can modify it for your use, it's quite stable and compared to XP, very fast on older hardware09:45
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FlannelSnottlebocket: the filesystem has a lot of benefits, including symbolic links and other goodies09:45
Snottlebocketis there a big switch in gui? ie am i going to be working at half speed for weeks while i figure it out?09:45
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ziabicere all09:45
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FlannelSnottlebocket: what did you do on windows? just email and web browsing? or what09:46
starsky_hutchySnottlebocket, you'll find it amazing. :)09:46
vorboteFlannel: no, unless you are a "power user".09:46
Snottlebocketi do flash development, bit of graphic work, some low end coding and website building09:46
vorbotePardon, that was for Snottlebocket09:46
compengiFlannel, that error i got is the first time, i did before alot changes in source list but didn't get any familliar error like this one =/09:46
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Snottlebocketi guess windows specific i mostly browse, email and manage my files i guess, i just need to make sure i can keep working with my graphics programs09:47
compengiFlannel, why is that09:47
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Snottlebocketnot to mention avoiding comptabibility issues with my coworkers09:48
Flannelcompengi: why is what?  the nano? because you need to use a text editor ;)09:48
compengiFlannel, how to get it?09:48
Flannelcompengi: you already have it: sudo nano /etc/apt/sources.list will work fine09:48
ziabicecan someone help me before I fire a bug to launchpad?09:48
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about compengi - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi09:49
compengibut before i used only sudo /etc/....09:49
ziabiceI'm on a fresh updated dapper to edgy09:49
Flannelziabice: #ubuntu+1 for edgy support09:49
Snottlebocketis this channel always this busy?09:49
bob23654does anyone know if Ubuntu supports USB ADSL modems???09:49
ziabiceFlannel: thanks! ;)09:49
LynoureSnottlebocket: if you want to keep on using the exact same programs, and there is no Linux version for them, that might be a problem (but nothing wmware would not solve)09:49
XiXaQSnottlebocket, almost. sometimes even more. :)09:49
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FlannelSnottlebocket: the only issue you'll run into is flash development, I have no idea how/if flash will work in wine09:50
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Snottlebocketsee that doesn't mean anything to me, "in wine"?09:50
tabmanwhen I try to install ubuntu from boot cd I get the following error: PCI:cannot allocate resource region 3 of device09:50
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ubotuwine is a compatibility layer for running windows programs on GNU/Linux. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Wine for more information.09:51
XiXaQSnottlebocket, wine is a compatibility layer for Linux. Lets you run windows programs in Linux.09:51
FlannelSnottlebocket: windows and linux are different, they can't run the 'same' programs (you can run the same programs, but not the same exact file)09:51
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Snottlebocketadobe has a linux flash i think09:51
FlannelSnottlebocket: you can get firefox for windows, and firefox for linux, for instance, but they're not identical09:51
compengiFlannel, but before i used only sudo /etc/....09:51
Flannelcompengi: and that won't work09:51
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starsky_hutchySnottlebocket, it's free software. you have to ask, research. no one has obligations or anything. No one09:52
starsky_hutchySnottlebocket, 's even forcing you09:52
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compengiFlannel, it was lol, before i reinstalled ubuntu09:52
FlannelSnottlebocket: you'll want to find out for sure09:52
Snottlebockethm, i figured when you produce a flash file in linux it would be identical to the file produced by a windows flash, mac and windows have that in common09:52
Flannelcompengi: no, seriously, that absolutely will not do anything.  Well, except error.09:52
Snottlebocketflash always banks on working perfectly cross platform09:52
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FlannelSnottlebocket: right, flash files will.  But the programs you use won't.  Flash runs in the flash player, not on linux itself09:53
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Snottlebocketah right, got it09:53
Snottlebockethm, maybe i should find a cheap second pc to try it out on first before putting it on my main machine09:53
zen2anyone wanna help with a update i am havveing hassles with09:54
zen2is the paste link09:54
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LynoureSnottlebocket: have you tried a live-cd yet?09:54
FlannelSnottlebocket: that's one solution, the other is to dualboot, and have them both on the same machine (you run one, or the other, sort of thing) to try.  Of course, you can also try the liveCD, if you want to just take a gander09:54
Snottlebocketnope, i'm gathering as much info as i can before doing anything09:54
Snottlebocketwhat is the live cd exactly?09:54
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Snottlebocketi know i should look this stuff up, there's just so much ubuntu info i'm trying to read everything at once09:55
LynoureSnottlebocket: it does not change anything in your system, but lets you try Ubuntu off a cd09:55
Snottlebocketah, i'll check that one out, seems convenient09:55
FlannelSnottlebocket: your computer will boot to the CD, and run entirely off the CD (and slower because of that, obviously).  As long as you don't click the "install" link on the desktop, your computer will be untouched09:55
bob23654does anyone know if Ubuntu supports USB ADSL modems???09:55
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Snottlebocketthanks guys, i'll do some reading and try the live cd09:56
XiXaQSnottlebocket, what kind of internet connection do you have?09:56
Snottlebocketcable, through a router09:56
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XiXaQSnottlebocket, with a password, or are you connected once you plug the cable?09:56
Snottlebocketconnected right away09:57
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Snottlebocketonly had to tinker a bit with the ip and ethermask settings and such09:57
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XiXaQSnottlebocket, right. Try out the live cd. I think you'll like it. There are irc clients available and you shouldn't have any difficulties connecting.09:58
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XiXaQbob23654, have you tried?09:58
compengiFlannel, how do i get mp3 formats working?09:59
mwe!mp3 > compengi09:59
Snottlebockethm, flash only has mac and windows installers, i could have sworn they had a linux one too09:59
winterweavercould someone help me?? I type this command: sysctl hw.nvidia.registry , but I get a error message -  error: "hw.nvidia.registry" is an unknown key... I'm trying to enable fast writes on my nvidia09:59
mweSnottlebocket: it does09:59
mweSnottlebocket: only version 7 though unless you use mozplugger09:59
Flannelmwe: not "Flash" the writer10:00
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Flannelwell, I have no idea if it does or not, but you're talking about the player, I know that much10:00
LynoureThere are some open source Flash development tools10:00
Lynourebut I have no idea how good they are10:00
starsky_hutchy!flash9 > Snottlebocket10:00
Snottlebocketah yeah the player, i need the actual development program though for production10:01
bob23654does anyone know if Ubuntu supports USB ADSL modems???10:01
Snottlebocketif i can actually make flash on ubuntu it's kind of useless to me10:01
starsky_hutchySnottlebocket, https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CommonQuestions too. :)10:01
ubotuFor multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats  -  See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html  -  But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats10:01
Foc!flash9 > Foc10:01
zen2can someone read this and tell me whaty i did wrong10:01
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Snottlebocketthanks, i was kind of overwhelmed with the amount of ubuntu info and help pages online10:02
starsky_hutchybob23654, you seem to be lost. try googling.10:02
mweI'm pretty sure adobe doesn't provide the flash writer for linux, Snottlebocket10:02
Lynourebob23654: if I remember right, some of them but not all of them10:03
vorbotebob23654:  Check http://eciadsl.flashtux.org/ for most el-cheapo boxes.10:03
Snottlebockethm, well i doubt ubuntu is usefull for me right now then considering i work at home as much as at the office10:03
compengiFlannel, i did the source.list thing but still can't get results in synaptic =/10:03
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vorbotebob23654: the speedtouch drivers are in the repositories (in multiverse I'm afraid)10:04
bob23654ok anyone know about Dynalink?10:04
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LynoureSnottlebocket: if you want, you could run Windows in a virtual machine, and Flash on that10:04
vorbotebob23654: AFAIK, that would work with eciadsl10:04
starsky_hutchySnottlebocket, use wine if you are desperate.10:04
starsky_hutchy!wine > Snottlebocket10:04
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mweSnottlebocket: if you need to use a lot of windows only tools all the time linux is probably a bad choice :)10:04
bob23654Eciadsl does support my modem can anyone help me with that program?10:05
Snottlebocketi'm not desperate really, i was looking into ubuntu as a windows alternative, i'm not all that interested in running both side by side10:05
vorbotebob23654: but don't take my word at face value.10:05
LynoureSnottlebocket: but I can understand if that feels like a hassle, but on the other hand it adds to security10:05
Snottlebocketbesides i do flash a lot, if i can't run flash in linux i'd end up doing ubuntu from 11pm to 12pm while i do some personal stuff10:05
winterweaverforget flash ^.^ support FOSS :P10:05
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winterweaveri'm not one to talk .... I'm not using all open source software either :P10:06
Snottlebockethow memory efficient is using wine?10:06
winterweaverwell... as I understand really good10:06
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winterweaverI ran photoshop on it once... no probs10:06
winterweaverran at eh same speed as my extinct win box10:07
bob23654is anyone here running Eciadsl?10:07
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Snottlebocketi still think i'll try out the live cd and then install ubuntu on a second box once i find one for my "office" kind of needs while sticking with a windows machine for all my graphics work10:07
starsky_hutchySnottlebocket, Flash is proprietary. Ubuntu's not.10:08
XiXaQSnottlebocket, the Gimp is really cool.10:08
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starsky_hutchybob23654, not me.10:08
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vorbotebob23654: I haven't used it in a log while, but eciadsl is easy to install and configure. Check the database in the web site, compile and install the source code (always more up-to-date than the copy in the repos), configure with the supplied script, launch, use pppoeconf to configure PPPoE if necessary, add startup script to /etc/init.d10:08
DraconicusI'm having some trouble with a wireless PCI card. iwconfig sees my wireless network, but I don't know how to make it connect. Could somebody help me?10:08
Snottlebocketgimp is cool, but it's no photoshop by a longshot10:08
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XiXaQSnottlebocket, just boot from live cd, install wine and install your Flash Studio or whatever it is called.10:08
sky123Anybody here use plone for content management? and...curious what you think of it...10:08
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Snottlebocketi will xi10:09
winterweaversnottlebocket: the new Gimp should be released soon... with new graphics libs10:09
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XiXaQSnottlebocket, keep in mind that the system will be much slower because you're running from the cd.10:09
winterweaverwe have been waiting for 4 years :P10:09
starsky_hutchysky123, I heard zope is kind of grand daddy. :)10:09
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Snottlebocketanyway, i'm gonna go work through some information and putz about with this live cd, thanks for all the help guys, this has been one of the most informative and helpfull channels i've been in so far on irc10:09
XiXaQSnottlebocket, glad to hear it. :)10:10
JsgmobZope is pretty cool10:10
starsky_hutchySnottlebocket, remember to read docs. it's a great operating system but only if you're willing to invest in a bit of time.10:10
compengii need a good source list where can i find it?10:10
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sky123starsk_hutchy: yeah Im looking at Zope too...which is pretty darn extensive...The question really is whether it will support vhosts for multiple sites..and make the matter of admin easy..10:10
starsky_hutchySnottlebocket, and btw, glad to hear that.10:10
Snottlebocketi am starksy, there were just so many docs i decided to come here for some quick condensed info to make some decisions10:10
winterweaverI've got a bit more advanced question for those with cewl Linux-Fu10:10
Snottlebocketanywho take care all10:10
XiXaQcompengi, source-o-matic?10:10
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JsgmobZope can do that10:11
XiXaQcompengi, http://www.ubuntulinux.nl/source-o-matic10:11
winterweavercould someone help me?? I type this command: sysctl hw.nvidia.registry , but I get a error message -  error: "hw.nvidia.registry" is an unknown key... I'm trying to enable fast writes on my nvidia10:11
winterweaverwhat am I doing wrong ?10:11
compengiXiXaQ, i didn't get good results in repost =/10:11
DraconicusNobody in here knows about wireless?10:11
ubotuWireless documentation can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs10:11
starsky_hutchysky123, Zope is really extensive man.10:11
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starsky_hutchysky123, it's certainly worth a shot.10:12
sky123Jsgmob: Im try to help out a couple of schools, manage their own content and thought that this would be a good idea...10:12
winterweavergo for zope10:12
compengiXiXaQ, i'm using this source list but i'm searching for software in synaptic i don't get results10:12
XiXaQcompengi, have you reloaded?10:13
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compengiXiXaQ, i did apt-get update and upgrade10:13
winterweaverlook up plone if you want, runs off zope if I'm not mistaken ?10:13
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sky123Zope it is then... The goal is that I have established some really good repore with helping some schools with minimal budget and thought what a cool way for them to manage their sites etc... The goal of course being to manage it... plus the edubuntu thin client stuff is very cool too.10:14
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XiXaQcompengi, which version of Ubuntu do you run, and what software is it you cannot find?10:14
starsky_hutchywinterweaver, zope is grand daddy of all meaning, it can host php stuffs, python's plone etc..10:15
sky123Plus...the use of wiki's for knowledgebases abd the use of moodle or something like that allows for online classes...10:15
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sky123Is anyone on here involved heavily with the Education portion of Ubuntu or Edubuntu??10:15
compengiXiXaQ, i'm running dapper and i'm searching for a gnomebaker which should be found10:15
Hal_I am running ndiswrapper on a netgear wg111v2, kernel 2.6.x with an AMD 64 processor. Have just recently discovered a very strange issue whereby I can ONLY ping given domains such as google.com, yahoo.com, but domains like msn.com will not work.10:15
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winterweaverstarsky_hutchy, cewl ... now I know for future ref ^.^10:16
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utnubui have 4 users running on my linux box in ubuntu and dont know how they got started or how to end them. how could i kill them10:16
DraconicusMy wireless card is seen properly by iwconfig, though it's ath0. ifup won't do anything with it.10:16
sky123Id like to work with someone here...that deals speicically with the Edubuntu end of things..and talk about grading software, calendering ..etc..10:16
DraconicusIt says it doesn't exist.10:16
DraconicusAny thoughts?10:16
lwi  cant login system with another account, who can help me ??10:16
XiXaQcompengi, do you get any errors while updating?10:16
sky123lw: you at least one account setup right??10:17
winterweaversky123, I think there is a edubuntu channel10:17
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winterweaversky123, I'm sure you will find heaps more info there10:17
sky123winterweaver: will check it out thnx10:17
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compengiXiXaQ, i have like a link that gave you the best edited source list, but it's gone. no it's working fine while updating10:17
lwsky123,yes i can use current account10:17
Hal_I am running ndiswrapper on a netgear wg111v2, kernel 2.6.x with an AMD 64 processor. Have just recently discovered a very strange issue whereby I can ONLY ping given domains such as google.com, yahoo.com, but domains like msn.com will not work. However, if I try to access google through a browser, it won't return anything. Does anyone have any suggestions?10:17
XiXaQcompengi, have you tried synaptic?10:18
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DraconicusPlease help me...10:18
lwsky123 ,but the other account cannot login10:18
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winterweaverHal_, firewall, mebe?? I dunno... I'm still a bit newbish10:18
sky123lw: if you say sudo su , then do an adduser...that will manually do it.. but if you look at System tab, and go into users/groups that should be a good place to start ;)10:18
Hal_The thought had crossed my mind, but where in ubuntu would you configure it?10:19
winterweaverHal_, install Firestarter to help with firewall10:19
compengiXiXaQ, i'm searching now in synaptic for the software but the results always seem to short before i had reinstalled my os =/10:19
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winterweaverHal_ , Firestarter is in the Package manager :)10:19
Hal_It's very difficult for me to install anything winterweaver because I have to go back & forth to get all the package dependencies...10:19
sky123lw: or are you implying that they still cant login after adding them??10:20
Hal_OK...do you think it has many dependencies?10:20
lwsky123, i found when i delete this file /etc/network/interfaces , i can login with the other account10:20
winterweaverHal_, cannot remember... I'll check quick10:20
DraconicusCraptastic. I forgot my wireless password. I'll have to reset the box.10:20
sky123lw: over ssh or directly??10:20
winterweaverHal_: oooh yeah... quite a bit of dependancies >.<10:21
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winterweaverbut if you use the Synaptic Package manager, it should install them all for you10:21
sky123thats pretty funny...help me configure the wireless...oh i forgot my pass to my ap...10:21
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Hal_Yes you see that makes it extemely difficult, because depencies have dependencies10:21
winterweaverHal_: but if you use the Synaptic Package manager, it should install them all for you10:22
Hal_I spent about 2 hours going back and forth yesterday just to install ndiswrapper...10:22
XiXaQcompengi, well10:22
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winterweaverHal_: That's what I did10:22
XiXaQcompengi, I don't have anything to offer.. I'm sorry. Good luck though.10:22
sky123Hal_: I feel for you its amazing how many people DONT read the wiki's here or dont even try....10:22
compengiXiXaQ, search for gstreamer0.10-ffmpeg in your synaptic, do you get any results?10:23
Hal_sky123: Regarding what? I don't even know where to begin.10:23
lwno solution?10:23
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winterweaver!firewall > Hal_10:24
sky123Hal_: ndiwrapper....that should be just a simple sudo apt-get install ndiswrapper....10:24
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Hal_Yes but if you'd read my question you would know that I can't just apt-get because my connection isn't working.10:24
sky123lw: this is very strange...that the network portion would be tied to your login... when trying to login directly....10:24
sky123lw: "how" did you add the account??10:24
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lwit was created months ago10:25
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sky123lw: need more info as to whether it ever worked before..or...10:25
lwand my friend have been using that account for a long time10:25
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sky123lw: any work saved in that account ??10:26
Hal_Thank you winterweaver.10:26
sky123lw: id also see if /home/thenameof user exists....10:26
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lwsky123, i deleted it and recreacte it10:27
compengiFlannel, you there?10:27
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lwand chown10:27
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sky123lw: did that fix the issue or??10:28
Flannelcompengi: pastebin your sources.list10:28
ubotupastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (you can always find it in the channel topic, among other useful things)10:28
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lwsky123, no10:28
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sky123lw: did you do that manually or....use the gui tools??10:28
compengiFlannel, http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/27642/10:28
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lwi did it using command10:29
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sky123was that a split that just occured or did a bunch of peeps get kicked??10:29
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Flannelcompengi: you need to uncomment those lines (remove the #)10:29
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lwbecause the  User and Group  is not reponding10:29
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sky123lw: Im thinking maybe a  sudo su first. then userdel the username in question...then useradd the user... then passwd the user10:30
sky123lw: then try again...10:30
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compengiFlannel, all?10:30
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porkpie__Morning guy's ....I am trying to install xen and on reboot I get "error 13 invalid or unsupported format press any key to continue"   ???10:30
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sky123lw:  then you might need to add them to the /etc/sudoers fileto allow them to sudo...10:31
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Flannelcompengi: not the bottom ones, just the universe multiverse pair10:31
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witlessany idea, off-hand, why my networking should just stop working after a reboot?10:31
sky123lw: did you try that too already??10:31
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compengiFlannel, paste the new list10:31
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lwsky123, i don't want it to be sudoer10:31
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Flannelcompengi: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/27644/10:32
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sky123lw: then okay...you wont need to do a darn thing with sudoers... just do the other stuff i posted.10:32
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sky123lw: sudo su..then userdel -r homersimpson...then useradd homersimpon10:32
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sky123lw: then passwd homersimpson10:33
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sky123or whatever...:)10:33
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ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about ridlin - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi10:33
lwsky123, i m doing it10:34
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compengiFlannel, updating now10:34
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S9010_R50BI've just installed Dapper Server on my box, and it won't boot past GRUB.  it simply reboots every time, back through the bios, loads grub, attempts to boot, fails, restarts.10:37
S9010_R50Bany ideas?10:37
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MrHairhelp. neither 6.06 nor 6.1rc will even get past the first progress splash screen when trying to boot. VIA motherboard, so i've tried every "acpi=..." that i know of and they all generate kernel panic10:37
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sky123lw: any luck??10:38
MrHairi could put acpi=martians_have_landed and it would panic10:38
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Hal_I am running Dapper Drake on an AMD 64, I have recently installed ndiswrapper and am using a windows INF driver for a Netgear wg111v2 wireless adaptor. My network access is limited, I receive pings only from select domains, firefox won't work, and nor will gaim, I am completely stumped. Does anyone have any suggestions?10:39
lwsky123: i will logout to try10:39
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sky123S9010_R50B: My gues potentially would be a master boot record issue....or....did you add a new device or memory to the box...before you built it???I ran into an issue where i had a nasty irq conflict and things just would boot...started unplugging stuff and voila...10:40
XiXaQcompengi, yes, it's in the universe10:40
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compengiXiXaQ, but i don't get any result =/10:40
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sky123S9010_R50B: also im not sure..if there is a no-apic option at boot time...that might cause issues????10:41
S9010_R50Bsky123: i've just done a clean install.. no new memory.. but when i installed it,, the bios had mbr protect, on... should i reinstall the whole thing with mbr protect off?10:41
ubotuThe packages in Ubuntu are divided into several sections. See http://www.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/components https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Repositories and !easysource10:41
MrHairbtw i have also tried no-apic and no-lapic separately and together10:42
S9010_R50Bsky123, i always thought that what ami bioses call "Chipaware virus" was really more of a throwback, and that clever OSes could get past it anyway..10:42
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sasperhey all. i just installed a fresh version of dapper drake and want to run my LCD monitor at its default resolution. how can i do this? the highest option is 1024x76810:43
sky123S9010_R50B: on google somewhere...I read this may cause issues...but also on google...if you want to learn a little through linux...there is a way to flush mbr in fdisk through...uhmm..passing a command to /dev/null...Someone correct me on this if im way off...10:43
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sky123sasper: System, Preferences, screen resolution??10:45
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saspersky123: 1024x768 is the highest available10:46
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MrHairsasper as i said i havent even got the cd to boot but perhaps manual edit your X configuration would do it10:47
sky123sasper: hmmmm...hang on im looking for a manual way...but the last thing you want is to F up the X window session... its bitch undoing it..10:48
=== MistaED [n=mistaed@203-158-63-254.dyn.iinet.net.au] has joined #ubuntu
sky123MrHair: yep...that was where I was headed..10:48
sasperdo i need to install different nvidia drivers?10:48
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MrHairif u leave the resolutions that work, in place, you can ctrl-alt-+ and -10:48
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ubotuberyl is a window manager that takes advantage of an OpenGL accelerated X environment. See http://forum.beryl-project.org/ Please see #ubuntu-xgl for help with beryl. Thank You.10:49
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sky123sasper: the /etc/X11/xorg.conf section for "screen" you try to add your entry....and see if it "takes effect"10:50
sasperi'll work on it. thanks for the advice10:50
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sky123MrHair: right on...good advice...10:50
MrHairthat bot has any info on making a via motherboard like ubuntu? hehe10:50
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Hal_I am running Dapper Drake on an AMD 64, I have recently installed ndiswrapper and am using a windows INF driver for a Netgear wg111v2 wireless adaptor. My network access is limited, I receive pings only from select domains, firefox won't work, and nor will gaim, I am completely stumped. Does anyone have any suggestions?10:51
MistaEDHal_: using a 64-bit windoze driver?10:51
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sky123Hal_ : is the network wpa protected?? or what encryption are you using??10:51
Hal_No protection.10:51
MrHairit doesnt like my other *nix's either but in them i was at least able to kill acpi10:52
Hal_No it's not a 64 bit windows driver.10:52
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MistaEDmaybe ndiswrapper can convert 32-bit calls to 64-bit for a 64-bit kernel? *shrugs*10:53
sky123Hal_: so you have verified that you get a link light or indicator that the wireless is up and running??10:53
Hal_Well, the activity light on the adaptor blinks once, and once only. But then it receives pings from google and still won't blink.10:53
Hal_So the wireless should be working...10:54
sky123Hal_: Im not entirely sure if it will help...but there is "network manager applet" that can be installed to aid with finding the AP/Network in question and connecting...10:54
sky123Hal_: do you have that installed too??10:54
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S9010_R50Bthanks for the help sky123, i'm going to go and reinstall, then try again10:54
Hal_You mean the gtk interface, where you select etho1, wireless1 etc?10:55
Hal_I have that.10:55
sky123S9010_R50B:good luck with that...it will truly be interesting to find out what it is that is causing that....10:55
whysoif i have a tar.gz, how do i install it?10:55
=== TheColonial [n=oj@ppp120-108.lns1.bne4.internode.on.net] has joined #ubuntu
TheColonialhi all10:55
Hal_I looked at a network monitor, and while it pinged a couple of domains, it showed activity on the wireless connection.10:56
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sky123Hal_: its actually a manager...one sec while i find the exact name10:56
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TheColoniali have a question about iwconfig if someone wouldn't mind helping.10:56
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TheColonialfor some reason every time i try to use it to configure my interface, it hangs...10:56
Hal_whyso: in a terminal:10:56
Hal_tar -zxvf [PACKAGE NAME] 10:56
Hal_To extract.10:56
TheColonialand something fundamental happens that stops me from doing various things on the system, so i have to reboot10:56
TheColonialdoes anyone have any ideas why this might happen?10:57
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sky123Hal_: its apt-get network-manager....you have ebabled all the additional repositories??10:57
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sky123Hal_: my bad that is  sudo apt-get install network-manager10:57
Hal_I can't use apt-get sky123, I don't have an internet connection on the box in question.10:57
Hal_I am windows right now on my GF's computer.10:58
sky123Hal_: can you ssh in?10:58
Hal_Furthermore, I already have network-manager.10:58
sky123ahh.. okay10:58
Hal_That's exactly what I'm using to connect.10:58
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sky123Hal_: so when you ping google no problem with responses??10:58
Hal_None at all.10:58
Hal_If I try to use google in an explorer, no results.10:59
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sky123Hal_: do you have any weird proxy setting set??10:59
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Hal_It's bizzare, I installed the firestarter package to see if it was a firewall interfering with it, but no such luck.10:59
Hal_No lol10:59
sky123Hal_: I should'nthave used weird...i meant any proxy settings...10:59
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Hal_No I don't use a proxy.11:00
Hal_And I checked all that in the broswer.11:00
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Hal_Yeh it's got me stumped too.11:00
sky123Hal_: so pinging sites like yahoo, etc all work...in the terminal then...11:01
Hal_All I can guess is that it's just a DUD windows driver that ndiswrapper can't use, or that my wireless router is having trouble.11:01
Hal_But msn.com won't work.11:01
Hal_LOL ironically11:01
sky123MSN doesnt work period....11:01
Hal_Hey, lets not start we'll never finish :)11:01
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whysoHal_: thanks!!!11:02
Hal_Look don't worry. I'll try a different driver or check my router settings. I just pray it's not an issue somewhere else.11:02
lwi still have the problem11:02
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sky123Hal_: im trying to understand the interaction part of why the darn terminal would work....but not the browser...weird..11:03
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sky123lw: same issue...huh...uhmmmm.. hey! try to sudo su with your own account... that will make you root.....then type su <name of user> and see if you can do that..11:04
MrHairbtw whats a good download manager for windows, to download iso's? IE cant do it to save its life11:04
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nolimitsoyasomeone has got a fu dsn, simple as that :)11:04
nolimitsoyaMrHair, firefox ;)11:05
nolimitsoyagetright works well if you need a full download suite11:05
lwsky123: i did it but no help11:05
sky123lw: also as sudo su take a look and tail -f /var/log/messages in another screen and check to see if attempts are logged???11:06
MrHairnope i dont. well i might at some point but its easier for me just to put files where they should go as i get them than to set up rules in something like that11:06
MrHairbut ty for reminding me i had firefox LOL11:06
MrHair<-- senile11:07
MrHair<-- sometimers' disease, sometimes i remember and sometimes i dont11:07
sky123Hal_: if you are around....wonder if port 80 requests are blocked...11:07
nolimitsoyagetright lets you place files manualy as well, but it gives you the option to add alternate download sources for the same file, resume aborted downloads, open up miltiple connections and so on and so forth11:07
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MrHairi had it like 4 yrs ago when i was trying to put the whole internet on my hd11:08
MrHairnow... the internet IS my hd11:08
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patientHi mrHair11:09
sky123MrHair: you and Larry Page would have something in common11:09
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MrHairhi patient11:09
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rixthHow can I record what is going onscreen? (I alrady know of istanbul)11:10
winterweavercan some one tell me why I can't make install my nvidia drivers ?11:10
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MrHairim laughing, not because i have any idea who larry page is, but because im relieved im not the only one11:11
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sky123winterweaver: potentially missing the build-essential package??11:11
ubotuCompiling software from source? Read the tips at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompilingSoftware (But remember to search for pre-built !packages first: not all !repositories are enabled by default!)11:11
patienthow do you manage internet with Ubuntu, for I used windows til now.11:11
ubotuTo install the Ati/NVidia drivers for your video card, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto11:11
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sky123patient: managing the internet not even our buddy George Bush can do that...but browsing the internet...firefox, epiphany, on of those browsers i guess...11:13
winterweaversky123, I installed make, and I've downloaded the NVidia drivers11:13
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MrHairpatient if you are directing that at me, i am the wrong one to ask, i am here because i cant even get the install cd to boot11:13
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winterweaversky123, but I get this message: Makefile:17: *** missing separator.  Stop.11:13
jordanno spike english11:13
MrHairi'm about ready to give my computer a whole different knid of boot11:13
sky123winterweaver: and you got the kernel-headers, etc necessary...i think the build-essential will do that... are you also doing this as "sudo su" /?11:14
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DraconicusI'm having trouble with a wireless card. I can configure it with various tools, but ifup doesn't see its interface. The network has been detected, but I can't connect to it. Any ideas?11:14
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jordanim french11:14
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winterweaversky123, kk I'll try11:15
mohamedcan anyone help me with UBUNTU software installations11:15
mohamedits starting to REALLY REALLY annoy me. and i would like to get into open source11:15
mohamed] ???11:15
sky123what part of install???11:15
mohamedwell these are the following applications11:15
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mohamedthats about it11:16
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sky123mohamed: i think...that a good start enabling some of the repositories..is a start...then I can try to help with the others...11:16
sky123mohamed: do you have that already done??11:17
mohamed:) ok thats the prob im still new to linux11:17
mohamedive been reading quite bit11:17
mohamedand so forht, it interests me, but i got no clue where to begin11:17
jordanits a racing11:17
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mohamedi mainly use my pc for office applicaitons11:17
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mohamedso i need to install gnucash as an accounting package11:17
mohamedhelp would greatly be appreciated11:18
sky123mohamed: System, Administration, Synaptic Package Manager11:18
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peepsanyone know a livecd that is quick to boot?  even if it just goes to console?11:18
peepsfor just a basic sort of rescue cd11:18
sky123mohamed: then there is a settings..tab then repositories..and activate those..and follow directions...11:19
sky123mohamed: then do a search for the packages in question... and it shoud be good11:19
mohamedis that in ADD NEW PROGRAMS ??11:19
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jordan no conpri11:19
jordangtuggyggu yufdtrszrh54435411:19
sky123mohamed:nope...the System, Administration, Synaptic Package Manager....then settings11:20
DraconicusI'm shocked that nobody in here knows wireless.11:20
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mohamedIM STILL SHOCKED im finding this ubuntu so hard to use11:20
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sky123Draconicus: what was the q??11:21
Draconicusmohamed: Ubuntu is not for people not willing to listen and learn.11:21
compengihow do i install application .bin?11:21
sky123mohamed: did you find it??11:21
compengiFlannel, btw it worked thank you11:21
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Draconicussky123: ifup doesn't see my wirless interface, but ifconfig and iwconfig do. I need ifup to see it or I can't use it. Can you help me?11:22
mohamedsky123, : :( no im completely lost in ubuntu11:22
mohamedthe only things i found was firefox, and xchat and the usual stuff it installs with11:22
sky123mohamed: you have the System on top of the screen right??11:22
sky123click it11:23
quandarWoah, this is weird, opera and firefox are defaulting to all caps for displaying text...11:23
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mohamedok it then says preferences and so forth11:23
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ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about vectorlinux - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi11:23
drbashirI've connected my IDE cable to my Primary slave drive after fully booted up, can I somehow make Ubuntu detect the disk?11:23
Draconicusquandar: That certainly is odd. Did you change any fonts recently?11:23
sky123mohamed: right...click on administration11:23
quandarnot any of the ones firefox uses11:23
sky123mohamed: then synaptic package manager11:24
mohamedok i found synaptic now what ...11:24
sky123mohamed: it will prompt you for your password11:24
Draconicusquandar: Are you sure about that? Firefox will use your system-wide fonts.11:24
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mohamedok i entered my password11:24
sky123mohamed: then setting11:24
quandarDraconicus: I will make sure11:24
mohamedok settings...11:24
sky123Draconicus: one sec..11:24
mohamedit brings up another menue11:24
sky123then repositories..11:25
sky123check em all11:25
mohamedclick and add all11:25
sky123mohamed: then yep11:26
webbenquandar: what happens with IE?11:26
quandarwebben: you mean through wine11:26
mohamedok one second11:26
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sky123mohamed: then close.. it will prompt you for the next step11:26
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webbenquandar: ah, sorry, thought i was in a different channel for a moment11:26
mohamedonce i click them what button to i click AUTHENTICATE OR ADD11:26
MrHairwell i dont feel so bad now... at least one post per page on the forums has someone who is hanging at install, and on various machines too11:26
quandarwebben: hehe no problem11:26
webbenquandar: is everything in the same font on the pages or are they all caps in multiple fonts?11:27
sky123mohamed: just add then close when you have the repos all checked...11:27
quandarwebben: I have noticed that bolded and italics are not all caps, however normal text is11:28
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mohamedok its downloading stuff11:28
mohamednow what11:28
drbashirWhen I add my other harddrive to Primary slave, GRUB starts to complain in stage 1.5 about error 2211:28
drbashirWhen I do not connect it, there is no problem...11:29
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sky123mohamed: now if you do a "search" for gnucash...it should find it11:29
mohamedok one drv11:29
sky123mohamed: then check box it11:29
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sky123mohamed: mark it for install11:30
mohamedWOW IT FOUND IT11:30
drbashirgnucash really that good?11:30
sky123brbashir: not sure...my wife owns my money...lol11:30
MrHairhahahah i could almost see mohamed jump a little in his chair11:31
mohamedsky123 : im curious will this be done for any other software i want to install on ubuntu11:31
drbashirlol :P11:31
drbashirHoly crap, it depends on ALOT11:31
mohamedsay for example i find an mp3 player is this the same procedure i need to follo11:31
webbenquandar: and this is on all web pages?11:31
MrHairsky you could always manage the money from a monopoly game with it11:32
sky123well here is the deal guys...you can go searching via source for all of this stuff and resolve all the dependencies your self OR...have apt or synaptics do it...take your pic...11:32
webbenquandar: could you put up a screenshot?11:32
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mohamedok sky123: say i want tetris the game do i search it in synaptic11:32
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sky123mohamed: the equivalent of it...i forget what the heck its called..my wife plays it like all day long...one sec11:33
j`eyto get universe packages, do I just need to uncomment the two lines in etc/apt/sources.list ?11:33
webbenmohamed: tetris is installed by default11:33
j`eyi cant seem to apt-get install darcs11:33
webbenmohamed: go to the applications menu, then games, then "gnometris"11:34
mohamedyeah i no, im generalising sky12311:34
mohamedi used that as an example.  what i discovered yestereday was that there are a wealth of games and so forth online for download11:34
mohamednow my million dollar question is11:34
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mohamedif i download the tar files and save it to a stiffy11:34
webbenmohamed: yes, generally you search in synaptic for your first port of call (or an Edgy you can also use Add/Remove programs at the bottom of the Applications menu)11:35
webbenmohamed: then you'd have some tar files or a stiffy11:35
sky123mohamed: take a look at j`ey's comment that is yet another way.. to do it.. is to maually " uncomment the /etc/apt/sources.list file...as sudo and that will have done essentially what you did via synaptics.11:35
mohamedhow would i install that file from there11:35
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webbenmohamed: you'd need to compile it for the system you were running it on11:35
sky123mohamed: if you want to be super agile...learn how to use apt via command line as well.11:35
MrHairwhy is it, the busier i am, the more my cats love me11:35
webbenmohamed: then you could run it on the system when the disk is mounted11:35
sky123mohamed: it will really make you understand how debs, dpkg and apt work11:35
zen2MrHair thats cos they see you as stressed11:36
webbenMrHair: Because the busier you are the less attention you are paying to /them/, And /that/, my friend, is your job in life.11:36
zen2what else is a cat for11:36
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sky123MrHair: I have one too...their cute though...and its unconditional love...:)11:36
mohamednow yestereday from command line and lot of reading i was ablke to compile gnucash11:36
mohamedbut then it kicked some errors and so forht that annoyed me11:36
mohamedcause i didn no how to go roun dit11:36
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webbenmohamed: Why didn't you just use the packaged version?11:37
MrHairyep it is, but, cant they love me beside me as well as trying to weasel under my elbow when im typing? lol11:37
mohamedfrom where11:37
mohamedwebben : From which site do i get the packaged11:37
Mohammedhey guys!11:37
webbenmohamed: it's not in Add/Remove Programs?11:38
mohamedsky123: :) ok it installed everything, by the looks of it11:38
rixthWith a VNC server, how can I _NOT_ create a new display, what if i want it to attach to localhost:0, instead of making localhost:111:38
sky123mohamed: the equivalent would be to open a terminal and type " sudo apt-get install ksirtet11:38
mohamedbut where or how do i run the program11:38
sky123without that first quote11:38
Mohammedhow's the desktop live cd compared to alternate cd for installation ?11:38
webbenmohamed: Applications -> Add/Remove Programs -> search for "gnucash" -> tick it -> install11:38
sky123terminal window11:38
webbenmohamed: it should put itself somewhere in the Applications menu11:38
sky123webben: yep hes been through that...lol11:39
webbenit didn't work?11:39
sky123yes it worked..11:39
sky123webben: now learning about apt11:39
webbenOh okay.11:39
mohamedok i click now on add applications and nothing happens11:39
webbenMohammed: apt and Add/Remove and Synaptic all deal with packages11:39
drbashirWhat is the command line to search for *.qif files in /media/QUICKEN BKP?11:40
webben"packages" because they are software specifically packaged for Ubuntu11:40
drbashirand sub-directories11:40
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centyxdrbashir: find /media/QUICKEN -iname "*.qif"11:40
MrHairrixth i did that ages ago, lemme think a bit and i might remember how i did it, as a starter have a look at the starting script and at the relevant .vncserver file11:40
mohamedwebben : i goto applications > then i click ADD APPLICATIONS, AND nothing happens11:41
webbenmohamed: packages come in two forms: compiled binaries (*.deb files) and source packages (which you don't need to worry about)11:41
rixthMrHair, so it is doable? I'm using tight vnc11:41
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sky123webben: I did have the roughest time getting the openldap to work with TLS though...actually had to get it all from source with bdb....what biatccch11:41
webbenmohamed: is Add/Remove already open (look at  the taskbar at the bottom)11:41
sky123webben: finally worked after 12 hours11:41
quandarwebben: it was a font conflict, had a all caps arial mislabeled11:42
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webbenquandar: ah, okay11:42
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mohamedwebben : no i dnt think so, on my task bar i see synaptic, xchat and a web browser11:42
webbenmohamed: ah, close synaptic11:42
webbenmohamed: never run synaptic, Add/Remove... and apt-get at the same time11:43
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MrHairyes i do believe it is but dont shoot me if im wrong. as an alternative i did also once get the windows version to run in wine11:43
sky123mohamed: looks like you are in good hands :)11:43
centyxsilver bells, silver bells, it's Christmas time in the city11:43
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MrHairwb rixth. yes i do believe it is but dont shoot me if im wrong. as an alternative i did also once get the windows version to run in wine11:44
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gnufiedhow do i install Linux Programmer's man pages on Ubuntu?11:44
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MrHairand since the windows version doent know from X it shares the whole desktop as it does in windows11:45
webbenmohamed: does Add/Remove work now that you've closed Synaptic?11:45
s4ck3rlhow can i manually check my ext2 filesystem for errors?11:45
sky123Draconicus: I had this weird issue...but after loading the network-manager package it seemed to resolve my issue....I did have to log out and log back in though to see it in the systray11:45
s4ck3rlk thx11:45
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rixthMrHair, my issue is that if I have a vncserver running, and I log into it, my settings do not take effect. Like all the window controls are dull & bland. I want to be able to capture the way my desktop LOOKS11:45
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sky123s4ck3rl:  Id heed that warning about the mounted file system though...it looks pretty serious..11:46
eXistenZthe mplayer plugin for ff is better than totem's. Isn't it11:46
MrHairoh. well thats just that vnc isnt using the same color depth, that will still be true even if you get it to attach to :0 so, you'll need to change that somewhere as well11:47
sky123mplayer rocks..worth the effort to get all the w32codecs etc :)11:47
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webbenhmmm .... guys, i get a lot of odd descriptions in Add/Remove saying "cannot be installed on your computer type (i386). Either the application requires special hardware features or the vendor decided to not support your computer type."11:47
webben(i'm on a pentium-m thinkpad)11:47
webbenso what's that about?11:47
sky123webben: Im wondering if you need to add the proper kernel version for your laptop and then try again....but thats a guess....11:48
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webbensky123: well i used to add the i686 kernel but that no longer exists (one just uses the main kernel in edgy)11:49
huhmzHi guys, i just upgraded to edgy and now after boot i only get to console login prompt, whats up with that ya think?11:49
webbenhuhmz: i dunno try logging in and starting gdm11:49
sky123webben: that would be my conjecture then....for some reason the dont know for sure..11:49
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MrHairwebben compile one11:50
webbenhuhmz: sudo /etc/init.d/gdm restart11:50
huhmzwebben: im running kubuntu and i tried that, it is already running and if i restart it i only get the boot splash11:50
TerrybleHow I can to install the kernel source code please?11:50
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ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about kernelsource - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi11:50
ubotuThe packages in Ubuntu are divided into several sections. See http://www.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/components https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Repositories and !easysource11:50
webbenMrHair: I'm pretty sure I don't need a custom kernel -- for one thing packages install fine --- and secondly the message makes no sense.11:50
webben(why would all packages be impossible to install on i386)11:51
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centyxdo we discuss edgy in here?11:51
webbenhuhmz: then this question probably belongs in #kubuntu11:51
webbencentyx: now, yes11:51
Terrybleis it possible via "apt-get install"?11:51
binfalse1centyx: no, /join #ubuntu+111:51
MrHairw00t. only 20 mintill my alternative-iso is downloaded11:52
webbenbinfalse1: i think #ubuntu+1 is being phased out11:52
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abliHi! I have a laptop with ubuntu on it and a desktop computer with debian. The desktop has an ADSL connection, and I'm trying to use that connection from the laptop. I have made this work, but somhow it broke. The two computers can ping each other, but dns doesn't work from the laptop11:52
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TheColonialhi again guys, anyone happy to give me a hand with figuring out a iwconfig problem?11:53
MrHairwhat nameserver is set in the laptop?11:53
abliOr more precisely, it works at first, but then breaks. The the computers have fix ips.11:53
binfalse1abli: is routing and masquerading enabled on the desktop?11:53
abliMrHair, the desktop is set as the gateway on the laptop11:53
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mohameday this add applications story still dont wanna open11:54
ablibinfalse1, yes, I think so. I set that by using the "firestarter" program's gui and setting "enable internet connection sharing"11:54
MrHairgateway != nameserver necessarily11:55
binfalse1abli: i don't use firestarter. i set my iptables rules by hand.11:55
abliMrHair, how can I check what nameserver is used?11:55
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ablibinfalse1, Right. I wish I know that much about firewall rules.11:56
binfalse1abli: on the desktop, what is the output of "cat /proc/sys/net/ipv4/ip_forward"?11:56
nolimitsoyaabli, thats whats called dns, usualy11:56
nolimitsoyadns=dynamic name server11:56
ablibinfalse1: 111:56
binfalse1abli: okay11:56
binfalse1abli: and are there any entries in the nat table: sudo iptables -t nat -L -nv   (do not paste multiple lines here)11:57
binfalse1abli: there should be something in the POSTROUTING chain11:58
ablibinfalse1,  129  5877 MASQUERADE  all  --  *      ppp0  
MrHairi dont know in the GUI but the file /etc/resolv.conf has your name server(s) listed11:58
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binfalse1abli: okay. can you ping from the notebook?11:59
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centyxhm. funny what a little 'hold' flag on cupsys* can do during a dist-upgrade11:59
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centyxhope this new cupsys client isn't still broken w/ my hp psc 151012:00
Boypantiescan some one tell me why the add applications in ubuntu wont open12:00
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sky123Akasha: cool name :)12:00
centyxBoypanties: it's trying to make you cry12:00
centyxBoypanties: no, sorry, I really don't know12:00
abliOh, I think I got it.12:00
Boypantieslol tell me bout it12:01
binfalse1abli: only a DNS issue?12:01
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centyxBoypanties: I always use apt-get12:01
abliThe resolv.conf was different on the laptop and on the desktop. Setting the desktops resolv.conf on the laptop appears to fixed it12:01
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abliso yes, it was only DNS.12:01
binfalse1abli: so it was a DNS setting issue12:01
scompanyIs there a way to capture screen while working on ubuntu?12:01
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scompanyAny screen capture application?12:02
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sky123The problem...is many folks are getting used to the gui tools...the art of using apt is lost...kind of sad really.....12:02
abliscompany, gnome has a screenshot-taker applet12:02
MrHairi'm glad it fixed it but you need to listen a bit to abli so that you know why it fixed it ;)12:02
binfalse1abli: thats the normal testing order: 1. ping the gateway, 2. ping an ip adress that is only reachable through the gateway, 3. ping a host name12:02
scompanyCan it capture video, not jut image?12:02
abliscompany, I also have heard of apps that take a video (but thats a bit complicated)12:02
MrHairto binfalse i mean lol12:02
scompany:( I need to capture video...12:03
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MattcHas someone got  2 mins for some basic questions12:03
ubotuDon't ask to ask a question. Just ask your question :)12:03
centyxMattc: just ask12:03
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MattcI have broken my install trying to install xgl12:04
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ubuntugod mornimg12:04
MattcI am trying to edit the gdm files in terminal12:04
scompanyAnyone else.... Is there application that captures screen to video?12:04
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Mattcis it possible12:04
ubuntuhi bunbun12:04
test2342I set my screen resolution incorrectly in System->Preferences->Screen Resolution, what text file is that stored in?12:04
abliscompany, well, a hackers approach is described at http://ubuntu.wordpress.com/2006/06/08/how-to-create-a-screencast-in-ubuntu/12:04
zyclopMattc, define broken12:05
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abliscompany, but I'll see if i can look up something more user-friendly12:05
bun-bunhello ubuntu12:05
ubuntuyou motherfuking asshole12:05
Mattcit will no boot up to the graphic interface12:05
test2342scompany, pyvnc2swf is good12:05
binfalse1Mattc: do you have mc installed? (midnight commander)12:05
ubuntunot to you bunbun12:05
scompanyOk, thank you abli.12:05
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zyclopMattc, have you tried xinit?12:05
binfalse1Mattc: then you can edit mcedit12:05
MrHairtest2342: /etc/X11/Xorg.conf12:05
scompanyYou too, tet2342..12:05
Mattcis mcedit a terminal program?12:06
binfalse1Mattc: yes12:06
abliscompany, Look in the comments section of that page. It mentions gui apps to do it.12:06
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test2342MrHair, nah, when you use the Gnome UI, it is on a per-user basis.12:07
Mattci just typed mcedit into bash and got command not found12:07
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test2342The login screen is the correct resolution12:07
binfalse1Mattc: sudo apt-get install mc12:07
binfalse1Mattc: good ol' norton commander clone :)12:08
MrHair~home/.something i'd guess then, i havent even got the cd to boot lol12:08
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MattcMay be I should not have tried something as complex as installing xgl on my second day at linux12:10
binfalse1Mattc: you are right12:10
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webbenMattc: most definitely not12:10
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MrHairswitch to a vt and dig around in there with the midnight commander, you should have no trouble spotting it, its probably .Xorg.conf or similar in your home dir12:10
test2342Rephrase: How do I reset the screen resolution when it is set via System->Preferences->Screen Resolution? This is not in xorg.conf, because the login screen is the correct resolution.12:10
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Mattclearning a lot in the process of fixing it though12:11
test2342MrHair, i'll take a look.12:11
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MrHairswitch while not logged in the troubled account tho or it might overwrite your changes on logout12:12
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Mattcis there any problems installing xgl on ubuntu with a radeon 960012:13
huhmzHi guys, i just upgraded to edgy and now after boot i only get to console login prompt, whats up with that ya think, i get no output to the Xorg.log.0 file12:13
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zyclopanyone in here have an idea, why xsane and xscanimage keep segfaulting on me?12:13
not-a-botDoes anyone succesfully use XGL on Edgy?12:13
not-a-botWithout gnome-settings-daemon crashing?12:13
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not-a-botIt looks like gnome-settings-daemon doesn't work with custom gnome sessions in Edgy12:14
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Mattcwhat is the terminal switch so you get one page at a time12:15
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binfalse1Mattc: what do you mean?12:15
wickedpuppyMattc .. less12:15
zyclopless filename12:16
binfalse1Mattc: oh, that is not a switch12:16
binfalse1Mattc: less is a command12:16
MattcI am looking at the --help for mcedit and I get more than one page of text to read so I miss some12:16
binfalse1Mattc: mcedit --help | less12:16
MrHairmcedit --help |less12:17
rockstar_any one here that runs beryl and experiense problems with VLC?12:17
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binfalse1Mattc: if that doesnt help: mcedit --help 2>&1 | less12:17
zyclopMattc, you exit with q btw12:17
binfalse1zyclop: yeah, less newbies need that info :)12:17
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MrHairand for more fun still, mcedit --help 2>&1 > mcedit.txt12:18
zyclopbinfalse1, took me quite some time to figure out :D12:18
test2342What is the name of the program that runs when you click System->Preferences->Screen Resolution?12:18
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MrHairbut make sure youre in your home dir or something12:18
MrHairthen you have all that help captured in a file12:18
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binfalse1MrHair: the order of redirects is wrong then12:19
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binfalse1MrHair: first redirect stdout to a file, then redirect stderr to the (already redirected) stdout12:19
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MrHairbinfalse1 if i ever get to have my own company, you want a helpdesk job? lol12:20
binfalse1MrHair: hehe12:21
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cwraiganyone know anything about what sound engine myth tv uses?12:24
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ra21vihi ppl12:24
qznwhere is system/administration/discs menu in edgy eft ? on dapper i used it to add second hdd. currently system detects it (in device manager) but i don't know how to mount it.12:24
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ra21viqzn: u can mount it manually12:25
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Mattcnext really basic question whats the reboot terminal command12:25
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ra21viqzn: look at man fstab12:25
nolimitsoyaMattc reboot :)12:25
cwraigmattc sudo init 612:25
binfalse1Mattc: sudo reboot12:25
nolimitsoyado as su12:25
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zyclopMattc, sudo shutdown -r now12:25
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binfalse1init 6 also works. and shutdown -r now12:25
Mattcthats a lot of choices12:25
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cwraigmattc sudo init 0 will shutdown12:25
nolimitsoyareboot is easu to remeber12:25
fouratwich program does cd burning one Gnome ? i wont use the KDE K3b12:26
cwraigu can use init to impress your friends with your nerd skill12:26
binfalse1all will do the same (put init into a different runlevel)12:26
nolimitsoyafourat, bonfire and graveman fex12:26
cwraigi didnt know reboot worked :P12:26
zyclopfourat: nautilus can burn discs12:26
Mattcnice once again12:26
ra21vihey i want to record my XGLs demo.. so is there any tool to direct my video to some other computer, where i can record the screen using some tools12:26
ra21vii want to perform here, and record my screen X :0 to some other computer too12:27
ra21vii dont wnt to record it on my comp12:27
ra21viit will b sl;ow then12:27
=== Bassetts [n=Bassetts@cpc2-mapp1-0-0-cust630.nott.cable.ntl.com] has joined #ubuntu
ra21viany answer??12:27
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ra21viistanbul desktop session crashes and is not my solution12:28
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MattcI have ubuntu 6.06 with an ati radeon 9600 card what is the best bet for me to get xgl installed and is there a good step by step guide that you could point me to please12:30
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cwraigmattc http://www.ubuntuguide.org12:30
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ra21vianyone know how to capture desktop session in some video file12:31
cwraigmattc that has heaps of guides and its on there12:31
ra21vi*i want to capture my XGL demo in a video file:"12:31
cwraigra21vi i know how to do it on windows12:31
ra21vicwraig: ok tell me12:31
binfalse1don't know anything about xgl and it won't run here (my gfx card is not 3d h/w accelerated)12:31
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cwraiga program called camtastia runs on windows12:31
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ra21viok, leave XGl, how to do it simply without ny XGL12:32
ra21vicreyon: is it Opensource/free12:32
Mattcthere are a lot iof guides it seems hoping for one that works I have a look there thanks12:32
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ra21viis there any Open and Free Window..  i will then install that too12:32
ablira21vi, how about using X's network features? the server can run on one computer, the client on the other? or you can hook up a tv-out card to a tv-in card... :)12:32
=== ClayG [n=clay@c-66-177-234-251.hsd1.fl.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
stiz6.10 is looking great12:33
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ra21viabli: i dont have TV card.... and i just have Nvidia12:33
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ra21vithats nVidia 6500 turbocache 256mb DDR12:34
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ra21viit has a DVI out, but dont have any accessory to perform anything with it, and i also dont know what it does12:35
cwraigra21vi: dvi is a better quality output to replace that vga out12:35
mdiousstupid question, where can I found information about files with a "~" appended to the end...for example "myfile.txt~"...is this just a temporary file?12:35
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qznok, i mounted it, how can i run file browser as root or change permissions any othger way ?12:36
binfalse1mdious: typically, this is the previous version, backed up by some editor you edited the file with12:36
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mdiousqzn> you can change the permissions with chmod and chgrp12:36
stone123!fonts >stone12312:37
mdiousbinfalse1>thanks that is what I thought...but found it very hard to construct my query into a google search :P12:37
=== calavera [n=calavera@195.Red-80-26-32.staticIP.rima-tde.net] has joined #ubuntu
dv5000Is there a good MMORPG for linux?12:37
ccookedv5000: "debugging" ;-)12:39
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drbashirWhat do I do about error 22 in Stage 1.5 in GRUB, after only adding a simple IDE Harddrive to Primary Slave?12:39
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ccookedv5000: Quite a few MMORPGs will run fine under Cedega or wine12:39
ccookedv5000: that's likely to be your best bet12:39
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test2342How do I alow other users to be able to use sudo?12:39
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ubotusudo is a command to run programs with superuser privileges ("root"). Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo for all information.12:40
binfalse1which xorg version is in edgy?12:40
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ubotux is the X Window System; it's the part of your system that's responsible for graphical output. To restart your X, type this in a console: sudo /etc/init.d/?dm restart  -  To fix screen resolution or other X problems: http://help.ubuntu.com/community/FixVideoResolutionHowto12:40
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binfalse1defrysk: thanks12:40
defryskbinfalse1, 7.112:40
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ubotuwine is a compatibility layer for running windows programs on GNU/Linux. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Wine for more information.12:40
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dv5000ccooke: hm ok i was hoping there was a MMPROG made and played by the linux community would prolly be fun :)12:41
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defryskdv5000, planeshift12:41
mdiousdrbashir> maybe you need to fix the mbr or something...that is all I know of the error12:41
defryskdv5000, tremulous12:41
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dv5000defrysk: are they any good?12:42
huhmzI just upgraded to edgy and now X doesn't start. I can use neither gdm, kdm or startx. Seems to be related to launchpad.net/bugs/59242. No xserver gets started so not a problem with xorg.conf (no output to Xorg.log.0). Please help im in the console12:42
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defryskdv5000, tremulous is a fps12:42
defryskplaneshift is an open source  MMPROG sil under development12:43
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defryskplaneshift is pretty good12:43
boinkhuhmz: you made need to make another xorg.conf12:43
dv5000defrysk: ok thanks ill check planeshift out first :)12:44
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huhmzboink: didn't you read? no x process even gets started so xorg.conf is not even read12:44
boinkI read12:44
nolimitsoyahuhmz sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg12:44
boinkwhich I find a little rude12:44
=== _iKe_ [n=jon@eu100-229-224.clientes.euskaltel.es] has joined #ubuntu
drbashirmdious, thx, but ... I think thats not it because it works fine without the extra disk12:44
huhmzthat is the problem, if it was the config that was the problem i could fix it12:44
huhmzboink: sorry did not mean to be rude12:45
huhmzim just very frustrated atm12:45
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nolimitsoyaremove xserver and reinstall it then12:45
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mdiousdrbashir>stupid suggestion...it's all okay in the bios right...everything detected properly as master/slave etc12:45
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mdiousdrbashir>is anything on the extra disk or is it just an empty?12:45
ClayGanyone here know of a good laptop mount or gps plug-in for a laptop?12:46
tsolerhi to all12:46
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tsolervery new to ubuntu12:46
tsoleryesterday first trial12:46
ubotuDon't ask to ask a question. Just ask your question :)12:46
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tsolerinstall totem plugin12:47
boinkjust fire away, tsoler12:47
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drbashirmdious, Its properly detected by the BIOS, and there is 1 NTFS partition on it, but without an OS12:47
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godzirrahow do I mount an ntfs partition on the ubuntu-dapper installer disk?  It tells me invalid argument12:47
tsolerdownloaded bad plugin , need to install12:48
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boinkon ubuntu, you use the apt-get system to install software12:48
mdiousdrbashir>I have no idea, sorry for wasting your time...i can only be a google butler on this one sorry12:48
v3l0ctgodzirra, you mean during installation?12:48
snoopsgodzirra sudo mount -t ntfs /device/blah /locationtomountto12:48
tsolerparenthesis(is there a shortcut for viewing desktop instead of minimazing alla windows?)12:49
drbashirmdious, I can add it as soon as GRUB has been loaded the menu. Then in windows it will auto-detect it, and I can then use it. Within Ubuntu I've not been able to find out how to detect it12:49
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drbashirmdious, np ;)12:49
boinksnoops: can you read and write to nfts mounts in ubuntu?12:49
mdioushave you tried adding it to /etc/fstab12:49
v3l0cttsoler, you have a show desktop icon12:49
snoopsread yes..write is dodgy and not worth trying12:49
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ubotuThough it's still very unsafe, you can read about Ubuntu NTFS writing here: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Lkraider/NtfsFuse12:49
drbashirmdious, How do I add it?12:50
snoopshowever there is a writing driver ntfs-g3 or something like that12:50
boinkok, ta snoops12:50
snoopsbut..experimental..not worh losing data over12:50
mdiousdo you know what it is?  for example...hda1,2 3 etc?12:50
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v3l0ctvfat is still better to write to from linux12:50
=== Mirro [n=mike@p508E43A5.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #ubuntu
tsolerv3loct: wheres that??!12:50
snoopsif you're dual booting with windows, just use the ext3 driver for windows to copy stuff from ntfs to ext3 and vice versa12:50
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mdiouscheck /etc/fstab, first part you put the device (/dev/hda) then a mount point for it, then you can change options as you see fit12:51
godzirrav3l0ct: Yes, I booted into rescue mode and Ineed to read something off that disk.12:51
v3l0cttsoler, bottom left, lower panel12:51
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Mirrohey, did sum1 manage to connect SAMSUNG D600 with Ubuntu?12:51
godzirrasnoops: It tells me "no such device" when I do that.12:51
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mdious/dev/hda5       /               reiserfs notail          0       1       are the details for my main partition12:51
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godzirrasnoops: and fdisk -l /dev/sda obviously shows me there is such a device :)12:51
mdiousall the best, i'm off.  Catcha Later.12:51
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drbashirmdious, it should probably be hdb112:51
v3l0ctgodzirra, [06:48]  <snoops> godzirra sudo mount -t ntfs /device/blah /locationtomountto12:51
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snoopsgodzirra umm.. well /dev/sda is a drive, not a partition.. you can only mount partitions not drives12:51
kanotixCan anybody direct me to a good samba tutorial? Everything I've looked at confuses the hell out of me.  I just want to share files between my kanotix box and my ubuntu box12:52
stizwhere do i go for feature requests? my request is probably the last thing in world they will do but its worth a shot...., an easy Wine+IE with all plugins and have it render IE windows within firefox (similar to an extension for firefox  on windows that does that), I have got dozens of friends and family (everyday people) to switch over to ubuntu and there biggest hurdle is pages that require IE, specially educational institutions, both my12:52
stiz girlfriend and mother are in school (2 different schools) and neither one of them can do there online school work because of this12:52
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snoopskanotix is a linux distro kanotix?12:52
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snoopsif so, use nfs instead of samba to share files.. nfs is FAR fasters12:53
godzirrasnoops: I know.  I did: mount -t ntfs /dev/sda1 /mnt12:53
kanotixyes snoops12:53
godzirrasnoops: but it says "mount: Mounting /dev/sda1 on /mnt failed: No such device"12:53
godzirrafdisk -l /dev/sda obviously shows there -is- such a device though.12:53
=== Pensacola [n=pensacol@105.173-136-217.adsl-dyn.isp.belgacom.be] has joined #ubuntu
kanotixok snoops.... does that have a gui frontend?12:53
=== pony333 [n=pony333@dslb-084-060-001-236.pools.arcor-ip.net] has joined #ubuntu
drbashirHow do I make Ubuntu autodetect new hd* 's?12:54
snoopsgodzirra ubuntu uses /media as a mount area.. and create a folder for that within the /media dir to mount to12:54
binfalse1stiz: schools should be sued for forcing people to use IE..12:54
snoopsthen do your mount -t nfs /dev/sdb1 /media/sda1 for example12:54
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snoops-t ntfs* rather12:54
=== handir_ [n=handir@pD9EBA79C.dip0.t-ipconnect.de] has joined #ubuntu
boinkschools should go open source12:54
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webbenstiz: sued? sued how?12:54
=== webben thinks we should go round with burning torches and pitchforks...
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drbashirOr does Ubuntu not have that function like windows does?12:56
binfalse1stiz: may its just a simple browser id check. browser ids can be faked.12:56
stizno sh*t, you would think that educational institutions would be the last place this would happen, but its like every school hired idiot web designers, the ones that graduated and couldnt get a real job i guess12:56
stizalot of it is special IE plugins12:56
binfalse1stiz: :(12:56
stizactive x i think12:57
=== aline [n=aline@ABordeaux-253-1-92-212.w86-196.abo.wanadoo.fr] has joined #ubuntu
dv5000I just downloaded a game but its a .bin how can i install that?12:57
Mirrodid anyone manage to connect SAMSUNG D600 with Ubuntu?12:57
snoopsdrbashir not sure what you mean.. if I plug a new hdd in, it's detected next boot.. or do you mean hot swappable/12:57
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about bin - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi12:57
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godzirrasnoops: I'm booting from the ubuntu dapper install disk.  DOes that make a difference?  And /mnt exists so I should be able to mount to /mnt.12:57
godzirraJust because ubuntu puts /media in the fstab shouldnt make a difference. :)12:58
drbashirsnoops, hot swappable, because if I add it before booting/GRUB menu loading, then it gives me error 22 at stage 1.512:58
dv5000how can i install a *.bin file?12:58
binfalse1stiz: if the machine is fast enough, you can install XP in qemu and run IE from there12:58
snoopsdrbashir.. right, there's probably a way, not sure of the command..sata hot swappable?12:58
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stizbinfalse1: hmmm ok, let me google that and figure out what that means :)12:59
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bent_When I try to change the volume, it takes about 2 seconds before it actually lowers it. Muting is instantly, though. Why?12:59
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kanotixsnoops: What do I have to apt-get install for the most basic sharing?12:59
binfalse1stiz: qemu is a pc emulator, open source12:59
ubuntui have a strange problem12:59
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kanotixsnoops: I can't seem to apt-get install nfs12:59
ubuntusometimes when i boo into ubuntu 5.1001:00
=== hemppa [n=hemppa@bb-89-166-6-110.dsl.phnet.fi] has joined #ubuntu
ubuntui try to dial out to my isp01:00
boinkkanotix: for which sharing?01:00
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snoopsgodzirra you can mount it whereever.. it has to be a proper place to mount to.. /mnt is not a proper place.. if you create a mount point in the /mnt folder then mount to that.. eg mkdir /mnt/sda1 then mount to /mnt/sda101:00
boinkdo an apt-cache search nfs01:00
ubuntu(it dials hangs up dials hangs up)01:00
kanotixboink: I just want to be able to share files between my two linux machines01:00
boinkor an apt-cache search samba01:00
kanotixboink: and I'm a newbie01:00
stizbinfalse1: ahh ic, never tried it, i will now, i couldnt get wine to work, im sure i could but i dont have enough time to figure it out01:00
godzirraUmm, /mnt is just a directory.01:00
godzirraI should be able to mount it to any directory.01:00
boinkbetween to linux boxen? use nfs server and nfs client for that01:00
variantgodzirra: correct01:01
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about binary - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi01:01
binfalse1stiz: wine is a total different approach for running windows programs01:01
kanotixboink: ok, thanks.  Do I need to apt-get install both on each?01:01
godzirrasnoops: But to humor you I created /mnt/sda1 and it still tells me that mounting /dev/sda1 failed: no such device01:01
boinkwell .. try an apt-cache search nfs01:01
snoopsdoes /dev/sda1 exist?01:01
variantgodzirra: is that a usb key?01:01
binfalse1stiz: qemu emulates the complete hardware (include the cpu) and needs the whole OS installed01:01
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ubuntuis there something wrong with my modem?01:01
godzirravariant: Nope.  sata drive01:02
godzirraI can mount /dev/sda2 just fine (linux partition)01:02
godzirrajust sda1 won't mount (its an NTFS partition)01:02
webbenstiz: I'd recommend installing XP in VMWare01:02
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variantgodzirra: ok, what does fdisk -l /dev/sda say?01:02
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webbenstiz: VMWare server is free and seems to work very well (so far, touch wood)01:02
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variantwebben: not free, gratis01:02
binfalse1webben: well, qemu is free software. vmware is not.01:02
compengican i install realplayer on ubuntu?01:03
boinkxen is yet another good one too01:03
ubotuFor multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats  -  See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html  -  But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats01:03
boinkcompengi: yes01:03
Pensacolawhen's the release for the new version?01:03
webbenvariant: free in price (compared to VMWare workstation)01:03
ubuntui have an odd modem problem01:03
variantcompengi: yes, but there are codecs that mean you don thave to.. you can use vlc too01:03
YoGhi, I have a problem with my wlan usb dongle, I looks like after awhile the module crash, anyone knows anything about this?01:03
boinkyou need to make sure your /etc/apt/sources.list is properly set up01:03
stizbinfalse1: i can do that (i think) ive had plenty of experience installing windows, lol01:03
binfalse1webben: yeah. but it taints your system with a nasty kernel module.01:03
variantcompengi: enable universe and multivers repos in sources.list01:03
webbenbinfalse1: what's nasty about it?01:03
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variantwebben: its proprietry01:04
godzirravariant: it displays /dev/sda1-/dev/sda3 just fine01:04
ubuntuplease help01:04
webbenvariant: so's XP01:04
variantwebben: nice point :)01:04
binfalse1webben: a closed source kernel module is nasty by default. i mean in kernel space you can do everything.01:04
scompanyHello again :) Where can I manage startup programs/scripts in ubuntu?01:04
=== zennix [n=chatzill@149-135-60-130.dsl.dodo.com.au] has joined #ubuntu
binfalse1webben: running untrusted code in user space is one thing, but in kernel space its really bad01:05
webbenbinfalse1: so you're point is it's potentially insecure because not audited by open source programmers?01:05
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binfalse1webben: right01:05
ubuntu( is it true you have to shut down your pc than turn your modem off then turn it back on?01:05
variantwebben: but xp would be running on top free software, not with vmware though.. it would be part of hte free software systeml...01:05
snoopskanotix https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SettingUpNFSHowTo01:05
drbashirsnoops, Sata is not a command, but also... its IDE...01:05
webbenbinfalse1: meh, I'll take that particular risk i think01:05
ubotunfs is the network file system. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SettingUpNFSHowTo for information on installing and configuring NFS.01:05
webbenbinfalse1: but I take your point01:05
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variantubotu: to do what?01:05
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about to do what? - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi01:05
variantubuntu: to do what?01:05
scompanyWhere can I manage startup programs?01:05
webbenvariant: so what?01:05
binfalse1webben: though i don't believe that there are intentional back doors or something i that module01:05
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snoopsdrbashir it was a question, not telling you which command to type.. isn't hot swapping ide drives very dodgy?01:05
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kanotixthank you snoops01:06
variantwebben: my point is that, if you really must use non free software you should limmit it to the bare minimum01:06
drbashirsnoops, probably, thats why I want to fix GRUB, not so much get it hot swappable01:06
variantwebben: thats just my policy01:06
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variantgodzirra: ok.. is it a ntfs partition?01:06
ubuntuyep i installed flash player and it says i need to upgrade still???01:07
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webbenvariant: If you have an ideological commitment to free software, sure. My commitment is more pragmatic tbh.01:07
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variantgodzirra: you should be able to mount it then.. odd01:08
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godzirraI agree ;p01:08
variantwebben: less idealogical more practical.01:08
ubuntuplease help!01:08
snoopsdrbashir I'm not too sure about what you can do with grub besides reinstalling it, or checking for problems in your /boot/grub/menu.lst01:08
variantgodzirra: what does mount /dev/sda1 /mnt give you again please?01:08
ClayGin an email header, does anyone know which is the orig senders ip , the top or bottom(if they have multiple received from)??01:08
boinkman update-grub as well01:08
compengivariant, http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/27657/01:09
drbashirhow do I reinstall it? Does it help that GRUB is probably installed on Sda1?01:09
binfalse1webben: call it ideological, but preventing some software (or system) going closed source more and more is also a pramatical decision01:09
ubotugrub is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost grub after installing windows: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RecoveringUbuntuAfterInstallingWindows - Making GRUB floppies & other GRUB howtos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto01:09
drbashiractually, my /boot resides in SDA201:09
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variantcompengi: that seems fine01:09
compengivariant, so?01:09
NetVampGot a new problem, I installed Win98 on hda and Ubuntu on hdb, after the installation it asked me if I wanted to install grub into the MRB, I answered with yes and now after rebooting I get the message GRUB loading, please wait ... and nothing happens, no chosing between Win and Ubuntu01:10
godzirravariant: Mounting /dev/sda1 on /mnt/sda1 failed:  No such device01:10
variantcompengi: so what?01:10
superkirbyartistLexmark X1270m cannot print01:10
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=== Mirro gonna kicks samsungs ass
compengivariant, what should i do to install realplayer?01:10
variantgodzirra: does /mnt/sda1 exist?01:10
webbenbinfalsel: It can be, but I think variant was couching it in more ideological terms than you were. (I'm not using "ideology" in a derogative sense here... I'd be equally happy with "principled".)01:10
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variantcompengi: http://ubuntuguide.org/wiki/Dapper#How_to_install_Multimedia_Player_.28RealPlayer_10.2901:12
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variantcompengi: remember that realplayer is proprietry software and has had a lot of unfixed vulnerabilities in the past that were quite serious01:13
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whysocompengi: the newer (non legal) version worked, where the older didnt01:13
covOPprometheuswhat might be the problem when I can connect to a wlan, receive an ip and access point, but cant set the connection as my default gateway?01:13
whyso(for me)01:13
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variantcovOPprometheus: why can't you??01:14
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compengivariant, sudo apt-get install realplay01:14
compengiReading package lists... Done01:14
compengiBuilding dependency tree... Done01:14
compengiE: Couldn't find package realplay01:14
covOPprometheusvariant, well I can, but it's reseted and therefore I can't connect to the internet01:15
whysohmmm i installed jdk5, but when im in eclipse it doesnt show it as availible01:15
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ubotugrub is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost grub after installing windows: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RecoveringUbuntuAfterInstallingWindows - Making GRUB floppies & other GRUB howtos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto01:16
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variantcompengi: it tells you how to do it on that site01:16
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godzirravariant: Yes, /mnt/sda1 exists.  Originally I was trying /mnt01:17
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godzirrawhich also exists.01:17
godzirrasame errror.01:17
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Gorth-Does Ubuntu save a logfile of the installation somewhere?01:17
Ayabarahi guys. I'm installing (k)ubuntu in a dual boot system today. I have 16GB free. How should I split it between swap, root and home? I have 1GB ram, and I will not be storing any big files (music,video) in my home directory.01:17
variantcovOPprometheus: use route add default gw <gatewayiphere>01:17
compengivariant, this is the way how they told me to do it =/01:17
variantcovOPprometheus: as root01:17
variantcompengi: it clearly says you need to add an extra repo to get that package. or apt-get install realplayer will give you realplayer 801:17
whysoAyabara: you can skip the swap if you really need to01:18
NetVampI installed Ubuntu after I installed Win98, so my MBR shouldnt have been overwritten01:18
variantcompengi: so run apt-get install realplayer01:18
nolimitsoyaAyabara, 5gb /, as much swap as you need (shouldnt need any if you got enough ram) and the rest for /home01:18
compengivariant, i did01:18
variantgodzirra: very very odd01:18
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variantcompengi: no, you ran apt-get install realplay01:18
covOPprometheusvariant, 'route add default gw <ip>' like this?01:18
variantcovOPprometheus: yep01:18
Ayabaranolimitsoya: I have 1gb ram. have used 512 swap earlier I think. will 5gb be enough for an install of "everything" ?01:19
covOPprometheusvariant, and you mean the DNS-ip?01:19
whysoi made the silly mistake of not making a home partition (i was new) so now my entire 320 is in root hehe01:19
variantAyabara: 5gb of swap????01:19
variantAyabara: if you mean 5gb total space for ubuntu then yeah its enough but its a bit limmited01:19
binfalse1covOPprometheus: the gateway ip01:19
whysoand ubuntu set my swap at 7.5 GB, cause i have 3.2 GB ram01:19
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variantwhyso: thats rediculous01:20
covOPprometheusvariant, done, but:01:20
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Ayabaravariant: hehe. 5gb for root, like nolimitsoya said :-)01:20
variantAyabara: ok01:20
covOPprometheusvariant, SIOCADDRT: Network is unreachable01:20
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whysovariant: wonder if i could ever use all that swap :)01:20
variantcovOPprometheus: nice01:20
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Ayabara512 mb for swap01:20
whysoits enough to load the os on!01:20
variantwhyso: if you ran a database that was getting ddos'd :)01:21
Ayabara(not milliByte)01:21
binfalse1covOPprometheus: then your gateway ip or the net you put your card in is wrong01:21
ptldoes anyone know how to apt-install mplayer on ubuntu without resorting to the incompatible debian repositories?01:21
ubotusudo is a command to run programs with superuser privileges ("root"). Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo for all information.01:21
binfalse1covOPprometheus: the gateway ip must be in the same network01:21
ptlI've search on the forums to no avail01:21
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nolimitsoyaAyabara, you could always double it, though i cant see anyone using up more than 5gb in a regular setup01:21
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covOPprometheusvariant, hmmm, where can I put the network name in?01:21
ubotumplayer is a media player. Enable multiverse repo and type sudo apt-get install mplayer for more info please see: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MPlayer  To compile it from source see:  https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MPlayer/Compile01:21
ubotuFor Codecs try !codecs Also see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MplayerInstallHowto for installation tips.01:22
variantcovOPprometheus: the network name?01:22
bun-bunhow does ubuntu set up the root account?  specifically, does it generate a random password for root per install or is it some obscure password that's fixed?01:22
variantptl: apt-get install mplayer works here01:22
nolimitsoyabun-bun, there is no root01:22
binfalse1covOPprometheus: no network name. i mean the network ip range01:22
nolimitsoyaonly sudo01:22
variantbinfalse1: its a random password01:22
bun-bunnolimitsoya# sure there is01:22
nolimitsoyasudo pass is the same as your first user01:22
ptlvariant: on which repositories?01:22
variantnolimitsoya: there is a root account01:22
kristianI'm trying to build a .deb package for a library but I end up with a package only containing the /usr/share/PACKAGE/ directory and files. Anyone that can help me?01:22
ptluniverse and multiverse won't help01:22
binfalse1variant: huh?01:22
nolimitsoyavariant, i know ;)01:22
covOPprometheusvariant, binfalse1, well, I've got no idea, but it works01:22
nolimitsoyathough that info is not usefull01:22
variantptl: whatever was default.. i use universe and multiverse01:22
covOPprometheusvariant, binfalse1, YAY!01:23
nolimitsoyaroot is not to be used, just sudo01:23
variantnolimitsoya: it certainly is, seeing as most of the daemons run as user root01:23
Ayabaranolimitsoya: what about 8GB root, 1GB swap and 7GB home?01:23
bun-bunnolimitsoya# that wasn't my question.  not a good thing to spread false information01:23
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binfalse1covOPprometheus: you want to learn about ip and routing01:23
ptlvariant: ? :( I use ubuntu dapper. how could it be?01:23
variantAyabara: 5gb root 10gb home more like it01:23
covOPprometheusbinfalse1, sure, why not01:23
nolimitsoyabun-bun, what is you question then? i though you where trying to use a root acount and failed :)01:23
Ayabaravariant: ok. thought you said 5gb was a bit limited?01:24
nolimitsoyavariant, nothing new here ;)01:24
bun-bunnolimitsoya# i tried to be clear--  how does ubuntu set up the root account?01:24
variantbun-bun: its a random password01:24
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bun-bunvariant# randomly generated for each install then?01:24
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variantbun-bun: if you new it then you could su root wiwth it01:24
variantbun-bun: yes01:24
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binfalse1covOPprometheus: i cannot answer you in the query, please don't /msg me01:25
variantbun-bun: if it was the same for every install that would be pretty stupid :)01:25
ptldeb http://br.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/ dapper-backports main restricted universe multiverse01:25
ptldeb-src http://br.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/ dapper-backports main restricted universe multiverse01:25
ptlthese are my universe and multiverse repositories01:25
bun-bunvariant# well, that's what i was worried about :)01:25
ptlany other that I should know of?01:25
variantptl: ah, your using the unsupported backports. that explains it01:25
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nolimitsoya!wmware > nolimitsoya01:26
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about wmware - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi01:26
variantptl: yeah, undo anything that was installed via backports and then install mplayer again :P01:26
ptlvariant: how can I undo that?01:26
nolimitsoya!vmware > nolimitsoya01:26
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variantnolimitsoya: try spelling it right :P01:26
variantptl: no idea, i never enabled backports01:26
ptlwell, I'll just remove it and try to install mplayer then01:27
compengivariant, http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/27660/01:27
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defryskvariant, used automatix ?01:27
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ptlnext question01:28
defryskvariant, I misread, sorry01:28
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ptlevery time I try to install a new package, aptitude (but not apt-get) tells me that there are a lot of "unused" packages and it will remove them. How can I avoid it? These packages are not unused. I have installed ubuntu and then installed kde via apt-get.01:28
defryska new package = ?01:29
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covOPprometheusbinfalse1, k01:29
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neenaofflineI have a Quake 2 CDROM for windows , and I am installing Quake 2 on ubuntu right now01:29
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shediis there any practical solution to the sound delay problem in flash videos01:30
variantptl: i fyou hadent used the backports repo this would probably not have happened.. somone here might help you with it but seeing as backports are unsuported you might not have much luck01:30
neenaofflinehow do I make it use the CDROM for data files ?01:30
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rambo3ptl you mean obsolete packages01:31
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ptlvariant: on the mplayer install howto for ubuntu it says to add backports... that's weird01:31
ptlvariant: look at this: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/27661/01:31
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ptlrambo3: I dunno. Are they obsolete?01:31
nolimitsoyaneenaoffline, make i symlink you your <cdrom>/data folder?01:31
ptlneeja: apt-cdrom -a add01:32
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gnomefreakptl: can you give me the link that says to add backports01:32
drbashirHow do I erase a CD-RW?01:32
nolimitsoyadrbashir, using you cdrom burning app of coice01:32
rambo3!info dcraw dapper01:32
ptlgnomefreak: yes, http://www.ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=31061&highlight=mplayer --> "Playing DVDs01:32
ubotudcraw: decode raw digital camera images. In component universe, is extra. Version 7.94-1ubuntu1 (dapper), package size 97 kB, installed size 280 kB01:32
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gnomefreakptl: ty01:33
ptlTo add DVD playback capability to Ubuntu, use your favorite01:33
ptltext editor and add the "ubuntuforums backports" repositories to your /etc/apt/sources.list file if it is not there already.01:33
drbashirnolimitsoya, I don't think I have one yet...01:33
variantptl: you dont need to do that.. i have dvd playback01:33
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variantptl: you just need dvdread01:33
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nolimitsoyadrbashir, then get one. :) k3b is considdered by many to be the best burning app there is01:33
gnomefreakptl: that is weird but i will find out if its been added to backports01:33
tsolerguys where is my apt-get?01:33
nolimitsoyasudo apt-get install k3b from terminal01:33
varianttsoler: its a command01:33
varianttsoler: you run it (as root)01:33
didlocan someone tell me how can I install wine ? i mean the steps.. i am newbie01:33
drbashirnolimitsoya, cheers, will try k3b then :)01:34
ptlbut now I need to get rid of that insistence on removing my KDE packages and remove the backports packages to install mplayer01:34
variantdidlo: apt-get install wine01:34
nolimitsoyadidlo, sudo apt-get install wine01:34
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rambo3didlo, user add/remove to add wine , its there for a reason01:34
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didlorambo3 ok01:34
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didlorambo3 let me install first :)01:34
gnomefreakptl: i dont see that part but mplayer is in multiverse01:35
gnomefreakptl: ah it sasy ubuntuforums-backports01:35
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gnomefreakgnu2it2: thats a 3rd party repo01:35
gnomefreakptl: its a 3rd party repo and in my opinion should not be used01:36
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ptlgnomefreak: I can't find mplayer on multiverse. I issued an apt-cache policy and I have just noticed that there's only one candidate for mplayer, without the "ubuntu" suffix.01:36
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ptlwhat is the multiverse repository you use?01:36
gnomefreakptl: its in multiverse01:36
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ptlI know01:37
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gnomefreakptl: the repos that end in universe add a space than add multiverse to them01:37
HumanPrototypehi all01:37
ptlbut it seems that "my" multiverse is not working01:37
S4ck3rlis there something like base-config in ubuntu dapper because i don't have any idea how to configure the system01:37
ptlcan you grep multiverse /etc/apt/sources.list there? =P01:37
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HumanPrototypehow can i set my pc up so that any connections on the eth0 interface are routed to the ath0 interface so other pcs can get on the net?01:37
gnomefreakptl: im not talking the one that says dapper-backports01:37
ptlgnomefreak: ok01:37
nolimitsoyaS4ck3rl, what are you trying to do?01:37
nolimitsoyaHumanPrototype, sudo apt-get install shorewall01:38
nolimitsoyarun it01:38
S4ck3rli installed dapper on a software raid01:38
binfalse1HumanPrototype: did you already configure ip addresses for eth0 and ath0?01:38
didlovariant, done now what can I do ?01:38
HumanPrototypenolimitsoya, isnt that a firewall?01:38
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S4ck3rlbut now i have an empty fstab01:38
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nolimitsoyaHumanPrototype, yes it is, and it will be needed to share an internet connection01:38
HumanPrototypebinfalse1, ath0 is on dhcp and im online for it now. eth0 is
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HumanPrototypenolimitsoya, what config do i need to do?01:39
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binfalse1nolimitsoya: shorewall is not needed for ip masquerading01:39
nolimitsoyaHumanPrototype, in order to share an internetconnection you will need a nat service. shorewall will help yopu set one up01:39
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HumanPrototypeoh ok01:39
nolimitsoyabinfalse1, no but its easy :)01:39
didloguys, I installed wine, what else I have to do ?01:39
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nolimitsoyalike suing firestarter instead of manualty editing iptables fex01:40
binfalse1nolimitsoya: i prefer knowing what i do01:40
nolimitsoyadidlo, type wine <program name> from a console01:40
nolimitsoyaor wine-cfg if you need to configure something01:40
didlonolimitsoya a program with .exe ?01:40
nolimitsoyadidlo, yes01:40
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didlonolimitsoya ok let me download one01:41
HumanPrototypenolimitsoya, so how do i set up the nat service01:41
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nolimitsoyadidlo, sry, thats winecfg, without the '-', to set up wine01:41
nolimitsoyaHumanPrototype, just follow the wizard01:41
didlonolimitsoya ok01:41
ubotusamba is the way to cooperate with Windows environments. Links with more info: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MountWindowsSharesPermanently http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/serverguide/C/windows-networking.html Samba can be administered via the web with SWAT01:42
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nolimitsoyadidlo, though it should not be needen :)01:42
HumanPrototypenolimitsoya, how do i start the wizard?01:42
nolimitsoyarun shorewall01:42
ptlmplayer comes from debian-multimedia mirrors01:42
ptlgnomefreak: can you do a 'apt-cache policy mplayer' there and tell me where does your mplayer comes from?01:42
tsole1examples of ubuntu apears with a locker, why is that?01:43
didlonolimitsoya i tryed to install mirc but i get a error wine: could not load L"c:\\windows\\system32\\mirc62.exe": Module not found01:43
=== JosefK [n=brett@82-42-147-9.cable.ubr01.sprt.blueyonder.co.uk] has joined #ubuntu
ragJosefK: good morning!01:44
nolimitsoyadidlo, not thats its a solution to your problem, but you shouldnt use wine for a task lika irc. sudo apt-get install lostirc will sort you out :)01:44
ptlvariant: can you do that too? apt-cache policy mplayer01:44
gnomefreakdeb http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/ dapper universe multiverse01:44
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gnomefreakptl: add that repo to your list01:44
JosefKrag: thanks, and good morning too :)01:44
gnomefreakptl: also add the following01:44
whysohmmmmm i uninstalled java1.4 jre and jdk, and installed java5, but STILL when i run java -version it says java 1.4 HELP plz01:44
didlonolimitsoya, so i have to instaii mirc with sudo apt-get install mirc ?01:44
gnomefreakdeb http://security.ubuntu.com/ubuntu dapper-security universe multiverse01:45
ptldidlo: there's also kvirc, which is very much like mirc01:45
ptlgnomefreak: ok... I'll try. I was using 'br' and such.01:45
JosefKwhyso: sudo update-alternatives --config java && sudo update-alternatives --config jar01:45
ptlfor my country code01:45
gnomefreakptl: you have those repos already01:45
JosefKwhyso: select the Sun JRE in both of those menus01:45
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nolimitsoyadidlo, no, you shouldnt use mirc at all. use lostirc, for example. or xchat01:45
nolimitsoya'sudo apt-get install lostirc' installs lostirc01:45
gnomefreakptl: they just dont have multiverse added to the end01:45
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didlonolimitsoya yea.. and if I want to use mIRC what i have to type ?01:45
didlonolimitsoya I use xchat now01:46
ptlgnomefreak: ok01:46
whysoJosefK: wow THANKS :))))01:46
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nolimitsoyadidlo, just run mirc.exe from where you installed mirc to01:46
gnomefreakdidlo: you need to run mirc through wine to run it01:46
JosefKwhyso: np's :)01:46
Davidouhello !01:46
HumanPrototypenolimitsoya, how do i start the wizard?01:46
=== thugNA [n=tupac@m61.net81-66-113.noos.fr] has joined #ubuntu
thugNAhi :)01:47
didlognomefreak look what i get: wine mirc62.exe |  wine: creating configuration directory '/home/didlo/.wine'... | wine: '/home/didlo/.wine' created successfully. | wine: could not load L"c:\\windows\\system32\\mirc62.exe": Module not found01:47
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tsole1hey guys how can i mount my disks?01:47
HagaHi, does anyone here know the command to show desktop in the xbindkeys config?01:47
thugNAcould somebody pliz help me ? :)01:47
HumanPrototypetsole1, mount --help and man mount01:47
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Mattcwho knows what the terminal sodu command to launch a file manager01:47
HumanPrototypethugNA, whats the prob?01:47
HumanPrototypeMattc, "gksudo nautilus" on gnome01:48
gnomefreakdidlo: sounds like its gonna be alot of work to get it working right01:48
ptlgnomefreak: thanks! That solved the problem. It seems that the 'br' (Brazil) mirrors were somehow lacking. I've just noticed that there were error messages about Packages.gz not found there.01:48
thugNArt61 chipset wifi problem :/01:48
nolimitsoyadidlo, have you downloaded the mirc installer to your /home/'account/ ?01:48
JosefKMattc: in gnome, "gksudo nautilus --no-desktop"01:48
DavidouI have a problem with my swap, under edgy: it isn't mounted automatically when I boot. I have to mount it with GParted ...01:48
didlonolimitsoya i downloded in my desktop01:48
nolimitsoyaDavidou, edit you fstab01:48
Davidoumy fstab is very amazing since I upgraded01:48
tsole1can anyone please tell me01:48
ptlDavidou: add a line like this to your fstab:01:48
didlonolimitsoya i have to download in home/didlo ?01:48
ptl/dev/hda2       none            swap    sw              0       001:48
nolimitsoyadidlo, ok, navigate to you desktop from a console01:48
Davidou# /dev/hda6 -- converted during upgrade to edgy01:48
DavidouUUID=aa0d5abd-d307-426b-8791-1609f16a4d11 none swap sw 0 001:48
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nolimitsoyathen run 'wine <name of installer>'01:49
ptlis this right? UUID?01:49
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didlonolimitsoya hmm what's the command ?01:49
Davidouall my partition are like this in my fstab... and it works01:49
nolimitsoyadidlo, navigating in console is done using cd. fex, 'cd Desktop' would get you to your desktop folder01:49
Hagasomeone know the shell to show desktop??01:49
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Seveasptl, yes01:49
ptlWhat does it refer to? I didn't even know that something that was not a file was eligible to be swap.01:49
Davidouexcept for the swap01:49
Seveasin edgy that is correct01:49
Micksa_so who's the ubuntu/canonical guy that's working on speeding up the startup process?01:49
didlonolimitsoya ok01:49
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whysoso uh, wine is like a virtual machine or something?01:50
JosefKMicksa: I'm not sure who they are, but it's pretty fast here in Edgy01:50
nolimitsoyawhysp, wine is a caompatibility layer01:50
Micksawhat's been done in edgy?01:50
ubotuwine is a compatibility layer for running windows programs on GNU/Linux. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Wine for more information.01:50
JosefKMicksa: I imagine switching to Upstart's helped, I'll try to find a wiki page01:50
whysoMicksa: i heard it was mostly behind the scenes stuff01:50
ptlI've seen on the manpage now01:50
ptlyes... it's possible01:50
ptlweird! =P01:50
whysoMicksa: totall retooling of boot sequence01:50
DavidouSeveas, it doesn't work for the swap...01:50
Micksaupstart eh01:50
keithhhhHey what do you guys use to video conference with mac users??01:50
Haga!wiki xbindkeys01:51
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ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about wiki xbindkeys - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi01:51
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SeveasDavidou, works fine here for swap01:51
Smotang"What a hideous colour khaki is," remarked Lenina, voicing the hypnopdic    prejudices of her caste.         --- 10 points if someone can guess what that quote is from?01:51
didlonolimitsoya done and where can I install ? there is C:\ I type there: /home/didlo ?01:51
MicksaI'm brainstorming about how the boot process could be made faster01:51
didlonolimitsoya or C:\ it's my /home/didlo ?01:51
Davidoueven if i change "UUID=..........." for "/dev/hda6", sudo mount -a doesn't work01:51
Mattcwhere are the user directories stored in linux01:51
SmotangAck wrong chat01:51
thugNAif somenone could help me (wifi problem) /j help-a-nb-pliz  ty :/01:51
gnomefreakSmotang: join #ubuntu-offtopic for that01:52
JosefKSmotang: it sounds like Phillip K. Dick, but I could be wrong01:52
Micksaand I'm wondering if maybe I've thought of something that hasn't already been thought of :)01:52
SmotangYeah sorry josefk01:52
keithhhhHey what do you guys use to video conference with mac users??01:52
nolimitsoyadidlo, c: is a folder wine created. install just as if you where running windows01:52
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DavidouSeveas, ok, do you have any idea about the reason it could not work ?01:52
nolimitsoyadidlo, that is 'c:\program files\mirc', or whatever01:52
SeveasDavidou, swaps aren't mounted01:52
Seveasyou don't use mount to enable swap01:52
Davidouah, ok01:53
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didlonolimitsoya i installed in C:\mIRC01:53
DavidouI can active it with GParted01:53
didlonolimitsoya where can I find it ?01:53
nolimitsoyadidlo, thats ok :)01:53
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Davidou(right clik, active the swap partition)01:53
Hagaconnect skynet.irc.net01:53
nolimitsoyadidlo, in /home/'your account'/.wine/c:/mirc/01:53
Davidoumaybe the specified UUID isn't correct ?01:54
didlonolimitsoya i have to navigate via console ?01:54
nolimitsoyadidlo, yes01:54
nolimitsoyaor make a shortcut/launcher01:55
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Micksaso the key thing for upstart is, does it facilitate starting multiple startup scripts simultaneously?01:55
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thugNApliz iwconfig ra0 says im connected but i cant browse the web :/01:55
gnomefreakthugNA: try another browser01:55
SeveasMicksa, the key thingis that it doesn't care about that01:55
gnomefreakthugNA: can you ping a website?01:56
thugNAno i cant do anything01:56
thugNAi can just01:56
Micksaummokay :)01:56
Micksahey, I have an idea01:56
=== SilverSpace [n=mirozagr@83-131-96-89.adsl.net.t-com.hr] has joined #ubuntu
MicksaI could, like, TRY EDGY01:56
didlonolimitsoya it is drive_c :)01:56
didlonolimitsoya not c: :P01:56
nolimitsoyadidlo, :)01:56
gnomefreakMicksa: ask in #ubuntu+101:56
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nolimitsoyamemory lapse01:56
gnomefreakMicksa: this is not the edgy channel for good reason01:56
Micksawas that an automatic response? :)01:56
thugNAi got rt61 chipset, i compiled a driver (with gcc4 instead of gcc 3.4)01:56
gnomefreakMicksa: no01:57
didlonolimitsoya and to run it ? wine mirc.exe ?01:57
gnomefreakMicksa: i said that and meant it :)01:57
thugNAcould it be the problem ?01:57
didlonolimitsoya i am in that dir where mIRC.exe is01:57
nolimitsoyadidlo, correct01:57
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didlonolimitsoya thank you01:59
=== Ambimom [n=Ambimom@pool-151-198-114-34.mad.east.verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu
ironcladlouMy Belkin Wireless G PCMCIA card appears in lspci and during Kubuntu 6.10rc install, but is not visible to ifconfig, iwconfig, the network control panel, or KNetworkManager. It worked fine in 6.06. A friend of mine having the same issue with Ubuntu, which is why I'm here. Nobody knew anything about it in #kubuntu. Ideas?01:59
thugNAit depends of the chipset :/02:00
nolimitsoyadidlo, but as i said, this will eat up system resources and just add extra work and headache. use lostirc if you want a mirc-like irc client02:00
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magicmikeAlso is there a channel that specializes in just networking issues?02:00
didlonolimitsoya it sux :) how i remove it ?02:00
nolimitsoyadidlo, what sux?02:00
didlonolimitsoya mIRC in linux02:01
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nolimitsoyayes, i told you ;)02:01
=== Ambimom wants to know why she can't erase cds with gnomebaker
JosefKironcladlou: 'sudo aptitude install linux-generic'02:01
JosefKironcladlou: you may not have the restricted NIC modules installed02:01
didlonolimitsoya to remove it rm -rf entire dir where mIRC is ?02:01
nolimitsoyadidlo, wine has an add/remove tool :)02:01
nolimitsoyause it02:01
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nolimitsoyaas i said, its just extra work using wine, if there are naitive tools for the job02:01
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ironcladlouJosefK: it's installing now.02:02
ironcladlouJosefK: would a reboot be prudent when it's done?02:02
Ambimomxchat works better than mirc anyway...02:02
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assasukassehi everyone02:02
JosefKironcladlou: I think you can just modprobe the module, but a reboot may be prudent02:02
hoelki really can recommend xchat02:02
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Ambimomhoelk:  me too I was using mirc with wine and it sucked02:02
ironcladlouJosefK: i'll try a modprobe first, just in case it works :D02:02
ironcladlouJosefK: but... modprobe which module?02:03
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hoelki was  using mirc under windows and its a quite cool client, but xchat is great also02:03
Ambimomanyone know why I can't erase cds and dvds?  burning is fine02:03
JosefKironcladlou: I haven't a clue, whichever your NIC uses (google may help)02:03
didlonolimitsoya i have to find "wine" in add/remove applications ?02:03
ironcladlouJosefK: I know it's an atheros chipset. maybe i'll just reboot02:03
iturkhi there i am trying to run cube game. An FPS. I have a simple Sis graphic card. I have installed the OpenGL libraries. When i try to run the game in fullscreen or in a window i cannot see any image on them. On window i only get this error "open /dev/sequencer: No such device" on Fullscreen i am getting http://pastebin.ca/213416 !! What can be the problem ??02:03
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magicmikeYo ironclad: What'd you get.02:03
nolimitsoyadidlo, no you have to run the wine equivalent of the windows add/remove software-tool :)02:03
nolimitsoyafor which, i dont remember the command ;)02:04
ironcladloumagicmike: PMing you02:04
nolimitsoyaman wine <- read and be edcated02:04
magicmikeNo prob.02:04
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didlonolimitsoya can you give me more details please ?02:04
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nolimitsoyathe next time someone sais somethingis a bad idea, just think one extra time ;)02:04
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Rookie_man and apropos, best commands02:04
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ironcladloumagicmike: rebooting now02:05
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thugNApliz where could i find help about dapper and ralink chipset ?02:05
=== Ambimom figures no one has info on erasing disks
Seveas!wifi > thugNA02:05
=== Ambimom thinks her problem is too mundane
didlonolimitsoya i have to remove wine or mIRC now ?02:05
ubotulibxine-extracodecs: the xine video/media player library, binary files. In component multiverse, is optional. Version 1.1.1+ubuntu1-2 (dapper), package size 1148 kB, installed size 2976 kB02:05
=== Ambimom will continue bootng to windows to use Nero then
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Ambimomdidlo:  removing mirc is just sending it too trash02:06
didloAmbimom i want to remove the whole wine02:07
didloand I don't know how...02:07
didloAmbimom even mIRC02:07
Ambimomdidlo:  did you try add remove or synaptic package manager?'02:07
Ambimomdidlo:  search for wine in synaptic and mark for uninstallation02:08
didloAmbimom and if I uninstall wine it will remove mIRC too ?02:08
nolimitsoyadidlo, sudo apt-get remove wine02:08
nolimitsoyait will nuke everything exept .wine in your home02:08
Ambimomdidlo: mirc isn't really installed....just send it to trash02:08
nolimitsoyadelete that manualy afterwards02:08
nolimitsoyaAmbimom, wrong :)02:08
nolimitsoyait it installed02:09
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Ambimomif you remove mirc...since it is exe program...it will be gone02:09
=== TraT0 [n=chatzill@BSN-77-113-222.dial-up.dsl.siol.net] has joined #ubuntu
Ambimommirc can't work without wine02:09
nolimitsoyait will still be installed in wine, just as if you remove .exe in a windows enviroment02:09
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Ambimombut he's removing wine02:09
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nolimitsoyasorry :)02:10
Ambimomafter he removes wine, mirc will be there, but it isn't installed02:10
didlonolimitsoya i removed wine, now i have to navigate in that dir where is mIRC and to rm -rf ?02:10
nolimitsoyadidlo, no02:10
nolimitsoyajust go to your home and do rm -f .wine02:10
variantdidlo: rm -rf *.wine02:11
variantdidlo: dont run that02:11
defryskrf indeed02:11
variantdidlo: what i said02:11
Ambimomdidlo:  just remove mirc...send it to trash02:11
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nolimitsoyaAmbimom, but that wond delete wine configuration ;)02:11
Ambimomnolimitsoya:  didlo has already removed wine02:11
=== didlo is confused
defryskrm -rf .wine02:11
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nolimitsoyaAmbimom, .wine is not wine02:11
ironcladlouwell i'll be damned. it worked.02:11
ironcladlouJosefK: it worked!02:11
nolimitsoya.wine is a directory that contains all the configurations and installed programs02:12
ironcladloumagicmike: are you trying this?02:12
JosefKironcladlou: :) hf02:12
Ambimombut if you remove it through synaptic...for all intents and purposes ... it's gone02:12
didloso i have to naviagate in my /home dir and rm -rf .wine ?02:12
keithhhhanyone running Mac Dashboard widgets in Ubuntu??02:12
nolimitsoyaAmbimom, no it isnt ;)02:12
ironcladlouJosefK: thanks so much. i'll post these findings on my forum thread02:12
nolimitsoyaas i have said a nomber of times now...02:12
variantdidlo: thats just hte config files and installed iwndows applications.. the acual wine appliatoin is gone with apt-get reomove wine02:12
Ambimomthank you variant!02:13
=== masterbender [n=bender@p548DD450.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #ubuntu
didlovariant i want to remove all programs/files contains wine even mIRC.02:13
didlosorry for my english02:13
defryskdidlo, rm -rf .wine02:13
variantdidlo: fine run "rm -rf ~/wine02:13
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variantdidlo: fine run "rm -rf ~/wine"02:13
Ambimomand I want to erase files..LOL02:13
=== HumanPrototype [n=HumanPro@85-189-23-70.uk4dsl.managedbroadband.co.uk] has joined #ubuntu
anon32how is there a universe security update repos?02:14
ptlit's rm -rf ~/.wine02:14
variantdidlo: fine run "rm -rf ~/.wine" i mean02:14
JosefKironcladlou: np's - and thanks, hopefully that thread'll show up in google for people02:14
anon32that sounds like an oxymoron02:14
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nolimitsoyadidlo, as i have said so many times that im getting tired, .wine i your home, and apt-get remove wine will take care of it02:14
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variantnolimitsoya: go get a bottle of wine and chill :)02:14
didlonolimitsoya ok but I have mIRC installed in /home/didlo/.wine/drive_c/mIRC02:15
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didloit's there02:15
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variantdidlo: so rm -rf ~/.wine (as user not with root or sudo) will delet that02:15
anon32didlo, too bad02:15
magicmikeI tried aironcladlou: I get couldn't find any package whose name or description matched "linux-generic" when I try.02:16
nolimitsoyavariant, sorry, its just frustrating first helping someone for 20min getting things working, constantly advising him to use naitive software instead, and the minute he gets it working he decides it "sux" and want to remove it, then it turns into a huge fuzz02:16
=== finalbeta [n=finalbet@d5152A68A.access.telenet.be] has joined #ubuntu
variantdidlo: yeah, use irssi or xchat or one of the many other programs02:16
variantdidlo: not smegging mirc02:16
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magicmikeLOL YEa, makes you want to puke, huh? LOL02:16
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ironcladloumagicmike: it worked fine for me from a stock install after an apt-get update02:18
didlonolimitsoya sorry... ;(02:18
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soonHi folks - how do I install a 32 bit version of libncurses on a 64 version af ubuntu?02:19
variantsoon: in a 32bit chroot02:20
binfalse1IMHO, wine is bad for linux actually. i prevents users from focusing on native linux software.02:20
Rookie_cant mix 32bit with 64bit, atleast i dont think so02:20
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variantbinfalse1: nah, it provideds a way for windows software developers to port apps to gnu/unix02:20
soonvariant: you'll have to explain that - a 32 bit chroot?02:20
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variantsoon: you can do it in a chroot, yeah ok. i exploain :)02:20
fracoanybody happen to know how i can find out which process is using the alsa library02:21
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variantsoon: its a little complicated depending on your experiance02:21
soonI'm not newbie - not expert ...02:21
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compengiwhat is the quivalent program to limewire?02:21
binfalse1variant: yeah, but if someone says "no need for a native app, i can use wine+bla instead", native linux apps will be developed slower02:21
davvswhere do i set default encryption key and ssid for the wlan?02:21
timwizzyisnt limewire full of spyware?02:21
varianttimwizzy: nope02:22
timwizzyi use emule02:22
davvsvariant :-D02:22
defrysktimwizzy, try frostwire02:22
Gastentimwizzy: just windows-spywares.02:22
varianttimwizzy: take a look at it your self, the source code is there for anyone to see02:22
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variantdavvs: yo!02:22
binfalse1variant: and many newbies will say that, not knowing the difference between native apps and win32 apps running in wine02:22
variantdavvs: I got internet at home!02:22
=== defrysk only torrents
magicmikeMy Texas Instruments ACX 100 22mbps appears in lspci as an unknown device. It worked fine until I did the updates. It is not visible to ifconfig, iwconfig, the network control panel, or KNetworkManager. Any solutions?02:22
timwizzythis is my first time using ubuntu02:23
timwizzyjust installed 6.06 desktop02:23
timwizzyand installing server on another compuiter now02:23
soonI'm trying to install statistical software suite called STATA - it relies on libncurses. I have libncurses 5.5 installed and I actually find it in two dir's: /lib and /lib64 ... the STATA helpline suggest I might need the 32 bit version (in /lib32 i suspect) ...02:23
Gastentimwizzy: then you have to upgrade soon :D02:23
variantsoon: ok, here is a document that explains it in simple steps02:23
variantsoon: http://process-of-elimination.net/wiki/Ubuntu_32bit_CHROOT_for_AMD6402:23
Rookie_why does anyone _have_ to upgrade?02:24
soonthanks !02:24
Gastentimwizzy: official Edgy Elk is out the 26.02:24
variantsoon: as you can see, its a lengthy process02:24
ubotuUbuntu uses a strict timetable for releases, which means that sometimes newly released programs miss the timetable. See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/TimeBasedReleases for more. Edgy schedule: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/EdgyReleaseSchedule02:24
variantGasten: edgy eft02:24
timwizzyoh really02:24
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defryskwell dapper is lts so for servers I would go for dapper02:24
timwizzyi can just type apt-get upgrade dist or something can i?02:24
Gastenvariant: ah... what's an eft?02:24
ironcladloumagicmike: were you not able to do install linux-generic?02:24
timwizzyyheah i liek lts concept02:24
magicmikeNo I told you what output I got.02:24
defrysktimwizzy, for your server dapper is best choice02:24
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timwizzyi agree02:25
Gastentimwizzy: you type sudo aptitude dist-upgrade, asafik.02:25
magicmikeCouldn't find package linux-generic02:25
soonwauv variant .. that is lengthy .. do you think I could just download the libraries manually and place them in /lib32 ... I could try that at least :-)02:25
defryskdesktop is whatever you prefer02:25
varianttimwizzy: change dapper to edgy in /etc/apt/sources.list and then do apt-get update; apt-get dist-upgrade02:25
anon32err, if I upgrade to a new release (such as edgy) when I have a 686 kernel, will it revert to a 386 one?02:25
timwizzyI'm just doing this to learn how to set up a httpd and maybe a email server02:25
variantsoon: dunno, try it02:25
timwizzybut just being able to logon to ssh is proving to be dificult lol02:26
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binfalse1timwizzy: really?02:26
varianttimwizzy: whats the problem your having with ssh?02:26
binfalse1timwizzy: what the problem with ssh?02:26
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timwizzywell i think it was the other computer i was working on, i've build another machine to work on now02:26
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timwizzyis sshd installed by default anyways?02:26
varianttimwizzy: no02:26
binfalse1timwizzy: nope02:26
varianttimwizzy: maybe on the server install.. not sure02:27
Gastenit isnt??02:27
timwizzyoh well thats probably why...02:27
timwizzyi read no ports are open by default02:27
variantGasten: not on deskktop version no02:27
Gastenthen why do I have it?02:27
binfalse1timwizzy: sudo apt-get install openssh-server02:27
GastenI can't recall installing it!02:27
varianttimwizzy: all ports are open by default.. there is no firewall by default02:27
timwizzyits installing the software now "Select and Install Software" step02:27
variantGasten: it was probably a dependancy of some other program02:27
Gastenvariant: hm...02:27
binfalse1Gasten: maybe you installed some metapackage that has sshd as a dependency02:27
whysoummm i have a WARNING: Azureus did not shut down tidly java message SUCK in the bottom right corner of my screen, and it wont go away!02:27
=== taillo [n=taillo@lns-bzn-49f-62-147-174-159.adsl.proxad.net] has joined #ubuntu
varianttimwizzy: there are not network aware services by default afaik02:28
timwizzybut do i have to install openssh-server manually tho02:28
whysotaillo: hello02:28
variantwhyso: run xkill and click the thing that wont go away02:28
tailloje cherche quelqu'un qui peut m'aider pour installer XGL sur la version 6.06 de ubuntu02:28
varianttimwizzy: apt-get install ssh02:28
timwizzyi dont even know what this machine is installing i just set it to go02:28
varianttimwizzy: it should be on the cd02:28
tailloarf, I am french,02:29
timwizzyok its rebooting now02:29
Gastenwhyso: yes, that is a problem I run into too. didn't fix it. I switched to the official bittorrent-clent. much better. www.bittorrent.com. it's even in python.02:29
varianttaillo: this is an english speaking channel02:29
binfalse1the only network services running on a default dapper install are bound to, so they can only be reached locally02:29
timwizzytime to do some commands02:29
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taillovariant: i look !02:29
binfalse1binfalse1: dapper desktop install i mean02:29
varianttaillo: #ubuntu.fr (just a guess)02:29
tailloarf !02:29
taillothx !02:29
binfalse1oops, talking to myself :)02:29
varianttaillo: ahh, its not a chan :P02:29
ubotuAllez a #ubuntu-fr ou #kubuntu-fr pour de l'aide et de la discussion en francais.02:29
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ironcladloumagicmike: that is your new problem, then. why wouldn't you be able to see linux-generic02:30
ironcladlouhow are your apt sources configured02:30
whysovariant: i did and its still not :( thanks for good general tip tho02:30
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variantwhyso: ok, find out the PID and kill -9 it02:30
timwizzyyay at least i can ping google.co.nz02:30
variantwhyso: use top02:31
whysoGasten: cool thanks! is it the one that comes installed (that runs each torrent in a separate window?)02:31
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about ncd - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi02:31
timwizzynow time to copy that command aptget02:31
CorpseFeederwhy can't I adjust my microphone volume? Do i need to be root to change mic level?02:31
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ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about mcd - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi02:31
variantCorpseFeeder: you shouldnt need to be by default on ubuntu, no02:31
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variantCorpseFeeder: run alsamixergui02:31
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timwizzyWhich program do i use to connect to my server via ssh on my ubuntu desktop?02:31
Gastenwhyso: No. I don't know why it isn't preinstalled (and why that little sh*tty thing is called bittorrent.02:31
variantCorpseFeeder: you may need to apt-get install it first though02:31
varianttimwizzy: ssh user@host02:32
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varianttimwizzy: that commmand02:32
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Gastenwhyso: It is as good as azu(can't spell more) and BitComet.02:32
variantGasten: azureus02:32
Gastenwhyso: The only thing i use.02:32
nolimitsoyaanting is better that aureus :P02:32
didlovariant one more thing, if i removed .wine it will be something wrong ?02:32
ubotumc: midnight commander - a powerful file manager. In component universe, is optional. Version 1:4.6.1-1ubuntu2 (dapper), package size 2073 kB, installed size 5952 kB02:32
variantdidlo: no02:32
timwizzyHow do i check what ip my dhcp has assigned me?02:32
varianttimwizzy: ifconfig eth002:33
binfalse1Rookie_: what are you looking for?02:33
didlovariant and if I want to install again wine it will create automaticaly another dir with .wine ?02:33
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timwizzy"ipconfig: comamnd not found"02:33
binfalse1timwizzy: ifconfig02:33
Rookie_binfalse1 - found it02:33
whysoGasten: cool ty (and gotta love the python stuff!)02:33
variantdidlo: yes, first time you run wine it creates .wine02:33
binfalse1Rookie_: okay02:33
varianttimwizzy: ifconfig not ipconfig02:33
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didlovariant ok02:33
timwizzyoh lol!02:33
timwizzyI'm such a windows user doh!02:33
binfalse1timwizzy: that can change .)02:34
whysovariant: hmmm azureus isnt even listed by process manager, is it safe to just kill java?02:34
didlovariant oh I forgot something, can I rename my login name ?02:34
harisundHello! I have a question. I have to reinstall my operating system, but I want to keep my user info the same (meaning the users shouldn't know the OS has been reinstalled). Any ideas what files I need to save? I was thinking /etc/passwd but apparently not.02:34
didlovariant i mean the /home/"blabla"02:34
tom47samsung lcd colour depth problem02:35
Gastenharisund: the whole /home/ is agood starter.02:35
variantwhyso: kill the java pid yes02:35
variantdidlo: yes, usermod02:35
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didlovariant can you give me more details ? :)02:35
Gastenharisund: thou, I have no idea whee the account-info are stored.02:35
timwizzySo this server iso is basicly like a netinst of debian?02:35
timwizzyIts downloading off the net02:35
harisundGasten the /home is mounted on a different partition that I am not formatting. My concern is this: I reinstall the OS and then recreate the users. Now I want them to be able to logn with the password they had set earlier.02:35
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variantdidlo: dunno, i never did that. read the man page of usermod02:35
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didlovariant ok02:36
whysovariant: worked :) ty!!!02:36
harisundGasten, so I was wondering if there is one file which lists the user and passwords, so that if I copy that over I can allow the users to have their old passwords02:36
Gastenharisund: Ok. I'm not that divine that I know where the passwords are stored. (hardly the systemlogs!)02:36
sidolinhow can i get ubuntu not to mount fat with utf-8? i have problems with the case-sensitive fs on my mp3player02:36
variantharisund: back up /etc/shadow* and /etc/passwd* and /etc/group* that should work if you replace them.. never tried it htough.. may need somthing else too02:36
nolimitsoya!vmware > nolimitsoya02:36
Gastenharisund: I think there is.02:36
tom47help wanted samsung 740N lcd colour depth problem02:37
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ubotux is the X Window System; it's the part of your system that's responsible for graphical output. To restart your X, type this in a console: sudo /etc/init.d/?dm restart  -  To fix screen resolution or other X problems: http://help.ubuntu.com/community/FixVideoResolutionHowto02:37
CorpseFeederthat alsa mixer seems to have done the trick.. the mic now works02:37
variantharisund: if you replace the new files with those ones that should be enough providing the usernames are the same02:37
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tom47Gasten ty been there\02:38
variantdidlo: usermod -l newname02:38
variantdidlo: that wont change the home directory name though so you will have to chang ehtat too02:38
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binfalse1harisund: /etc/shados stored the password hashes. plain passwords are stored nowhere.02:38
didlovariant i understand.. so what's the complete command ?02:39
Gastentom47: I would ask aT THE FORUMS.02:39
tom47Gasten OK ty will try there02:39
binfalse1variant: i wonder if usermod -l also renames the user's crontab and such02:39
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Gastentom47: ops.. sorry about the caps.02:39
variantbinfalse1: nope, just hte login anem according to the man page02:39
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binfalse1variant: so i guess renaming a user is more work than just usermod -l02:40
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harisundthanks binfalse1 , variant and Fasten ..02:40
anon32question: if I perform a dist-upgrade while running a 686 kernel, will it switch to a 386 kernel?02:40
harisundvariant, /etc/shadw, /etc/passwd and /etc/group are what I had in mind too..02:40
harisundI will try it out ..02:40
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variantharisund: use * to get all the files.. passwd- for example02:41
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variantanon32: good question, no idea02:41
harisundanon32, no, it won't. It will probably upgrade your 386 kernel to a newer 386 kernel if it is in the repos but the top of your grub will still be 686 latest version only.02:41
harisundok thanks variant.02:41
variantanon32: actualy, the default in edgy is to not use 686 because of the lack of performance increae02:41
bloodlionsI all02:41
harisundanon32 what I normally do is uninstall the 386 after I know the 686 is working.02:41
anon32variant, well, as I have multiple CPUs, I want a 686 kernel02:42
anon32harisund, ok02:42
variantanon32: so 686 package is gone.. so yeah, it will change you to the generic kernel02:42
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anon32variant, and will said generic kernel have SMP support?02:42
variantanon32: the package is still there so you will probaboly have to reinstall it after02:42
variantanon32: yes absolutly02:42
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harisundanon32 if you want to check, you can run a simulation of the dist-upgrade and it will tell you what changes will be made. You can search for the kernel change in that.02:43
anon32variant, well, the dapper generic 386 kernel doesn't have SMP..02:43
variantanon32: it will support smp, the differnece in performance between 686 and 383 kernels in not noticable on smp or not02:43
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variantanon32: hmm, let me check02:43
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defrysk386 kernels have no bigmem support02:43
anon32defrysk, bigmem?02:44
defryskover one gig ram support02:44
variantanon32: he means highmem02:44
defryskhigh mem yes sorry02:44
variantanon32: the default generic kernel in edgy supports smp02:44
variantanon32: and its 38602:44
variantanon32: so nothing to worry abouthtere02:45
anon32and there was great rejoicing!02:45
variantanon32: lol02:45
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anon32although, it might still break my winmodem02:45
defryskso if you have i gig ram or more a kernel suited to your proc is handyer02:45
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defryski = 102:45
anon32is dist-upgrade reversible?02:45
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variantanon32: not that i am aware, edgy has a regression feature but that wont work with anything previous to edgy if you know what i mean.. i think thats how it is anyway02:46
variantanon32: actualy, i think thats bs, i must have drempt that02:46
defryskas reversible as making born babies unborn02:46
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anon32defrysk, that's easy02:47
m_tadeuhello everyone02:47
variantanon32: wait till the 26th anyway when its released for real02:47
variantlo m_tadeu02:47
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skoruppa_i got a little problem... after the latest update of ubuntu edgy i got "failed to initialize hal" when i start ubuntu witch cd in cdrom02:47
anon32variant, might still break my winmodem, lol02:47
alvaroanyone knows how can i do to run a dual screen? i have a nvdia e-Geforce MX 400 and an onboard graphic board with two monitors, but i get xorg errors02:47
Gastentom47: You could try to edit you /etc/X11/xorg.conf file. (dont forget to backit up first!!) There should be a wizard for it, but I have forgotten how you access to is .02:47
m_tadeuisit possible to recover grub from dapper desktop cd?02:47
defryskanon32, get a proper modem02:47
=== PPAAUULL [n=paulvolk@MTL-HSE-ppp173544.qc.sympatico.ca] has joined #ubuntu
variantm_tadeu: yes02:47
anon32after going from 6.06 to 6.06.1, I spent three days trying to get it working again... only to realize that all I had to do was follow directions :-\02:48
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variantm_tadeu: run grub from the live cd02:48
nolimitsoyaanon32, make a tar of your working dapper setup, and you risk nothing by upgrading :)02:48
nolimitsoyajust untar if things go fubar02:48
oidiahow do i "format" a disk with ext3?02:48
PPAAUULLDoes anyone else get an error when trying to upgrade to Ubuntu edgy?02:48
anon32nolimitsoya, um... how does that work? you can't revert by just copying files02:48
nolimitsoyaoidia, mkfs02:48
m_tadeuvariant: grub-install?02:48
skoruppa_can someone help?02:48
nolimitsoyaanon32, yes you can ;)02:48
defryskmk2fs -j02:48
defryskor something02:48
variantm_tadeu: yep02:48
gnomefreakPPAAUULL: ask in #ubuntu+102:48
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alvaroi need help, please02:49
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variantoidia: mkfs.ext3 /dev/hda102:49
anon32nolimitsoya, no you can't02:49
skoruppa_i got a little problem... after the latest update of ubuntu edgy i got "failed to initialize hal" when i start ubuntu witch cd in cdrom02:49
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alvarohow can i do to run a dual screen? i have a nvdia e-Geforce MX 400 and an onboard graphic board with two monitors, but i get xorg errors02:49
variantoidia: that will format the first partition of the first hard disk02:49
anon32besides, not even root can read all the files at once02:49
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m_tadeuvariant: thanx a lot :) regards02:49
nolimitsoyaanon32, yes you can! :|02:49
tom47Gasten yes been fiddling there ,,, do you have this monitor?02:49
anon32nolimitsoya, no you can't..02:49
variantm_tadeu: np02:49
defryskskoruppa_, go to #ubuntu+102:49
nolimitsoyaanon32, please :) if you tar your dapper, you have a full backup :)02:49
nolimitsoyaif you untar that, you are back to ehere you where before installation02:50
nolimitsoyalinux doesnt have a registry :)02:50
anon32nolimitsoya, um... what will I do with said tar? that'd be 20GB02:50
variantanon32: tar is a program for doing backups.. its a little more complicated than just untarring it but yeah you can02:50
anon32and btw, the registry is just a set of files02:50
nolimitsoyaanon32, you just tar /, not /home02:50
Gastentom47: No, sorry. Have you considered it to be your graphic-card that does the problem?02:50
timwizzyHow do I go about downloading the no-ip tar.gz on a website using my server's terminal? Is there any web browsers for terminal?02:50
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binfalse1timwizzy: w3m02:51
nolimitsoyavariant, whats more complicated than untaring? thats all i ever do when recovering or moving from one hdd to another :)02:51
anon32nolimitsoya, ok... but that means I'd have to sudo chmod +R a+rwx / right?02:51
timwizzyw3m eh thanks I'll look into that02:51
tom47Gasten yes could be anywhere ... was just seeking someone that actually had this monitor and see if they experience what seems to me to be the wrong colour depth despite xorg settings02:51
whysowhats a good java gui builder in ubuntu?02:51
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XiXaQtimwizzy, lynx is nice. links. wget maybe02:51
whyso(or ruby/python even better ) :)02:51
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nolimitsoyaanon32, the untaring would be done from a live system :)02:52
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varianttimwizzy: links, links2, lynx02:52
nolimitsoyanot from a running copy of what you are trying to fix :P02:52
varianttimwizzy: are better than w3m02:52
anon32nolimitsoya, and if I only have one box?02:52
nolimitsoyaanon32, the intallacd ;)02:52
timwizzyI want LYNX!02:52
timwizzybut its not on aptitude02:52
nolimitsoyathats a live system02:52
varianttimwizzy: if you know the exact url to download just do "wget -c http://path/to/download02:52
binfalse1variant: lynx is better than w3m?02:52
timwizzydo i have to install it manually?02:52
jribwhyso: well you can use glade for python, and ruby02:52
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Gastentom47: what monitor did you use, did you say? have you tried any other?02:52
johnmorri dist-upgraded from dapper to edgy a couple days ago (when the rc was announced), but after the reboot, xorg-driver-fglrx was no longer installed. re-installing it manually works fine. the dist-upgrade apt.log says it's being removed due to a broken dep on xserver-xorg. should i report this as a bug?02:52
anon32nolimitsoya, I don't have enough ram to but that much data in memory?02:53
anon32!edgy > johnmorr02:53
varianttimwizzy: the package is lynx-cur02:53
tom47Gasten i was using a mitsubishi until it died recenty and had not noticed on it what i see now .....02:53
nolimitsoyaanon32, so make a tar of /, and move to /home. if things go over the egde, just boot the install cd, format /, move the tar to the new /, and untar02:53
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nolimitsoyaanon32, whats ram got to do with anything? :/02:53
anon32nolimitsoya, and how would I make that tar?02:53
alvaroanyone knows about using two monitors?02:53
anon32you can't do that from a running machine02:53
Gastentom47: sorry. I have no idea.02:53
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nolimitsoyaanon32, just tar /, passing the --one-file-system command02:54
johnmorrok, thanks anon3202:54
variantanon32: I have a 20gb tar sitting on my usb hard disk02:54
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mrlooneywhere can I download codecs etc for ubuntu?02:54
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about codec - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi02:54
ubotuFor multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats  -  See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html  -  But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats02:54
whysojrib: oh ok, glade stuff not runnable on windows right? ( i want cross platfrom)02:54
anon32variant, what's that have to do with anything?02:54
anon32and I only have one hdd...02:54
variantanon32: the point is that tar is designed to backup systems.. thats what its for!02:55
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nolimitsoyaanon32, you just need onte. though you should have two partitions02:55
tom47Gasten ty anyway .... i was hoping to find someone with this actual monitor02:55
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anon32besides, I think we're missing the point - you CAN'T tar files that are locked02:55
nolimitsoyaanon32, even if you dont, still its ok to just untar over the existing files without format02:55
Gastentom47: better luck next time.02:55
nolimitsoyaanon32, there are no locked files02:55
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variantanon32: locked?02:55
nolimitsoyasorry, but you are wrong :)02:55
anon32nolimitsoya, um.....02:55
jribwhyso: you can do gtk stuff in windows too (gaim for example).  Though there are other gui's that work right away with windows02:55
anon32a whole ton of files can't be read... even by root02:55
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variantwhyso: wxgtk02:55
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nolimitsoyaanon32, there is no such files on a unix system02:55
tom47Gasten am doing photo editing with GIMP is why I am sensitive to teh colour depth ... usually 16 is fine but i have to have 2402:56
whysovariant: cool thanks :)02:56
nolimitsoyaevery file can alvars be read and backed up, even if used02:56
variantanon32: thats not true.. if you mean /dev/ or /proc entries then you shouldnt be backing them up anyway02:56
binfalse1anon32: you have to skip /dev, /proc and /sys when tar'ing02:56
nolimitsoyathose wont be backed up, since they arnt files ;)02:56
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anon32alright then... what command should I run?02:56
nolimitsoyathe --one-file-system command does away with those automaticaly02:56
alvaro anyone knows about using two monitors?02:56
ZaggynlHow do I access the smb shares created by Gnome with the bash shell?02:56
jribubotu: tell alvaro about xinerama02:56
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variantZaggynl: just a guess but, smbmount command should help02:57
nolimitsoya--one-file-system only backs up whats actualy on that filesystem. /var, /pric and the others arnt02:57
Gastentom47: Ah..... Teh evil.02:57
Zaggynlvariant, ah okay02:57
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anon32nolimitsoya, so... tar --one-file-system / ?02:57
nolimitsoyaanon32, yes02:57
Zaggynlvariant, I used 'connect to server' from the Gnome menu, and it creates a nice and working shortcut to one of my windows shares02:57
anon32do I need to use recurse?02:57
nolimitsoyapass the -z command to02:57
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cryptonicis anyone having problems downloading flash player 9, whenever i try and download it it downloads flash player 702:57
nolimitsoyato get a gzip02:58
variantanon32: you might want to recurse and also preserve permissions02:58
ZaggynlI'm wondering how to use the shortcut with the terminal02:58
nolimitsoyathat saves space02:58
webbencryptonic: downloading from where?02:58
anon32variant, I'm somewhat nooby, can you give me an example command?02:58
nolimitsoyavariant, that true >_<02:58
webbencryptonic: exact URL?02:58
variantanon32: not off the top of my head.. let me refer to the man page and get back to you02:58
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variantanon32: which is what i always do02:58
webbencryptonic: and are you trying to download the Windows version for use with Wine or the Linux beta?02:59
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cryptonicnah, linux version02:59
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nolimitsoyaanon32, tar -cvpzf /backup.tgz --one-file-system /02:59
nolimitsoyashould work...02:59
webbencryptonic: I think that's the wrong URL for 902:59
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jribcryptonic: http://labs.adobe.com/downloads/flashplayer9.html02:59
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jribubotu: tell cryptonic about flash902:59
anon32nolimitsoya, preserves permissions?03:00
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nolimitsoyaanon32, and add --exclude=/backup.tgz, of course ;)03:00
beachgood afternoon03:00
webbencryptonic: follow the link from here: http://blogs.adobe.com/penguin.swf/2006/10/beta_is_live.html03:00
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nolimitsoyaanon32, yes, -p does that03:00
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webbencryptonic: and remember to uninstall any existing flash you have03:00
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anon32nolimitsoya, where should I add the exclude line?03:00
cryptonicdont think iv installed any flash03:00
nolimitsoyaanon32, right by the --one-file-system commend03:01
timwizzyIs there a special button in lynx to save a file? When I select download it does something strange03:01
ubuntumahalsalm alainum03:01
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varianttimwizzy: yeah, there is a menu at the top03:01
beachquestion: I am trying to install a matrox driver on my brand new AMD64, and it complains that /lib/modules/.../build does not exist.  Does anyone know whether I can find that in some Ubuntu package?03:01
ubuntumah  03:01
anon32nolimitsoya, last question - will it try to backup my second partition (don't want that)?03:01
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ubuntumah   03:01
variantanon32: if its mounted03:02
Lightenixhi, can anyone tell me where can i find list of system calls for kernel 2.6.1803:02
nolimitsoyaanon32, no, thats what the --one-file-system does :)03:02
jribubotu: english only please03:02
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about english only please - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi03:02
nolimitsoyavariant, no, it wont :)03:02
variantnolimitsoya: hmm..03:02
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nolimitsoyacouse those are on another file system ;)03:02
Zaggynlubuntumah, English only please.03:02
ubuntumahhow can i install wlassistant pakages??03:03
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ubuntumahI cant use make to wlassistant03:04
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variantnolimitsoya: i see, but that wont backup /boot or /var or whatever if its on aseperate partitions03:04
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variantanon32: btw, it will take hours if you have a lot of stuff..03:04
HumanPrototypehi all03:04
nolimitsoyavariant, no, thats true03:04
variantanon32: and a slow box :)03:04
anon32variant, ugh?03:04
mike1ohow can ssh into my friend PC from a my PC; neither of us are have public IP's03:04
HumanPrototypehow can i set up shorewall as a router?03:04
anon32so, you say it won't backup /boot and /var?03:05
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ubuntumahhow can i install wlassistant pakages??03:05
binfalse1mike1o: one of you could tell his ip adress to a service like dyndns03:05
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variantmike1o: browse to the website whatsmyip.com and ssh to that. you may need dto forward the ports on your router/firewall to allow it03:05
nolimitsoyaanon32, not if those are on a separate partition03:05
variantanon32: yes, --one-file-system wont allow that unless you have /boot /var on the same partition as /03:06
anon32nolimitsoya, are they usually?03:06
HumanPrototypemike1o, if you do it regularly then look at dyndns.com03:06
nolimitsoyathen you need to run the command from those partitions as well03:06
nolimitsoyaanon32, no03:06
anon32ok, I'm fine then03:06
variantanon32: the defautl install is to have it on /03:06
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=== anon32 watches the funny numbers scroll by
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anon32I'm on /usr/lib now03:06
anon32the tar shouldn't take too long, but the gzip will03:06
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nolimitsoyaanon32, it gzips while tar:ing03:07
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anon32nolimitsoya, um, gzip only does one file, so it would have to be tarred before gziped03:07
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binfalse1anon32: tar pipes its output to gzip03:07
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nolimitsoyanifty, huh?03:08
binfalse1anon32: gzip can compress data read from a pipe03:08
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anon32wait... so tar file - gzip file - tar again?? wtf?03:08
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ZaggynlWhat's a GUI tool to watch your % amount of free diskspace in real time?03:08
drezhatgz = tar gzip file03:08
Zaggynl*what's a good tool03:08
cryptonicdoes anyone know where firefox's plugin directory is on ubuntu?03:08
binfalse1anon32: no, you dont need to call gzip manually in that case03:08
anon32by the way, was there no chance that I could have used bzip2 instead?03:08
nolimitsoyaanon32, as i said, it gzips while taring :)03:08
binfalse1anon32: the tar option -z does it for you03:08
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mike1ovariant, the problem is that neither of us are connected directly to the router03:09
drezhaI've got a tar question as well...03:09
jribcryptonic: /usr/lib/firefox/plugins/ or use ~/.mozilla/plugins/ for your user03:09
nolimitsoyaanon32, you could, by taking the -z out and putting --bzip2 instead03:09
nolimitsoyabut thats useless03:09
drezhait wont accept my exclude argument03:09
nolimitsoyajust eats processing power and takes ages03:09
anon32bzip2 is superior to gzip though03:09
willys_fueguinoIf I use thunar as root and I delete something accidentaly, How can I recover it??03:09
nolimitsoyain compressionratio, yes03:09
nolimitsoyathough not i performance03:09
nolimitsoyawillys_fueguino, you cant :)03:10
=== anon32 liked 7z, but it's not linux-friendly
nolimitsoyaanon32, there is p7zip ;)03:10
nolimitsoyathats 7zip, but command line03:10
anon32nolimitsoya, doesn't properly recurse03:10
teledynis there a way to stay current with ubuntu even after next release by changing "dapper" in sources.list to "current" or something?03:10
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nolimitsoyayes it does?03:10
anon32teledyn, no03:10
anon32nolimitsoya, no it doesn't?03:10
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nolimitsoyawhat do you mean?03:11
teledynanon32: so when the new release comes, it will be necessary to dist-upgrade?03:11
nolimitsoyateledyn, yes you can03:11
anon32it even tells you that -r is broken if you use --help03:11
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anon32teledyn, yes03:11
Ayabarawhat application can I use to join avi files with vbr?03:11
mike1oHumanPrototype, the problem is that neither of us are connected directly to the router03:11
nolimitsoyateledyn, to upgrade just change all the 'dappers' to 'edgys'03:11
anon32ugh-oh, it's not excluding backup03:11
nolimitsoyato stay in dapper, dont do a thing :)03:11
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nolimitsoyaanon32, then abort :)03:11
teledynanon32: actually that kind of makes sense, since ubuntu releases are basically static except for security updates until the next release.  correct?03:12
anon32teledyn, yea... unfortunately03:12
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anon32I really would like non-static releases03:12
drezhawhy this argument not excluding the folder?03:12
drezhatar pzcvf /home/chris/Desktop/DocsBackup.tgz /home/chris/Disc2/Documents --exclude="/home/chris/Disc2/Documents/My Music/"03:12
teledynanon32: actually i think that's a good thing  :-)   etch/sid for me are too unstable03:12
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nolimitsoyadrezha, move the exclude one step to the left03:12
nolimitsoyabefore the folder to tar03:12
teledyni like the 6 month release thing - it seems like a good balance between being stable but also current03:13
anon32I just don't like the outdated packages....03:13
drezharight cheers03:13
jribAyabara: I don't about vbr, but there is 'avicat' that you can try from the avifile-utils package.  You can probably use mencoder or ffmpeg somehow to (idk how)03:13
mike1ohow can ssh into my friend PC from a my PC; neither of us are have public IP's and neither of us are connected directly to the router03:13
anon32say, why is Azureus not even in edgy?03:13
Paddy_EIREa dvd movie I was once able to play on my previous installation will no longer mount, is there any reason for this I have all the dvd stuff installed03:13
teledynanon32: then you should be using etch or sid?03:13
ubotuFor playing DVD, see http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/video.html  -  libdvdcss can be found at http://wiki.ubuntu.com/SeveasPackages03:13
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anon32repeating with proper syntax this time :-P03:13
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nolimitsoyaanon32, couse azuerus is crap :)03:13
teledynor whatever ubuntu unstable is called03:13
anon32nolimitsoya, no it isn't?03:13
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shashi_saHi , I just want to know the list of packages ubuntu server provides . Any URL that i can check up list of packages of Ubuntu server ?03:13
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nolimitsoya>200MB ram just for tre downloads :/03:13
anon32teledyn, there's no ubuntu-unstable03:13
Ayabarajrib: ok, I will try it out. thanks03:13
drezhanot linux but utorrent works great under wine03:14
nolimitsoyaanon32, there is always the development release03:14
m`kayis there a namerule in ubuntu???03:14
teledynanon32: what is edgy then?03:14
nolimitsoyathats the unstable ;)03:14
anon32drezha, nothing works *great* in wine03:14
m`kaylike alphabetical?03:14
anon32teledyn, just a beta of the next static version?03:14
drezhawell utorrent works and I guess thats all thats needed03:14
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anon32personally, I try to avoid WINE like the plague03:14
shashi_saHi , I just want to know the list of packages ubuntu server provides . Any URL that i can check up list of packages of Ubuntu server ?03:15
=== anon32 watches the pretty numbers scroll by... hopefully it works this time
teledynanon32, nolimitsoya: how stable is the beta?03:15
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jribAyabara: transcode is another utility I don't know about :)03:15
nolimitsoyajust realiced something... i forgot to tell you to clean the apt cache before taring... that will save you quite a lot of time and drive space :)03:15
anon32teledyn, it's at Release Candidate, so it's pretty much final03:15
nolimitsoyateledyn, very :)03:15
drezhawell I need it for 2 items...utorrent cos I hate all linux BT clients and a graphing utility03:15
anon32drezha, a graphing utility?03:15
anon32btw, Azureus 2.5 is slick (although still bloated)03:16
drezhatakes a log file and turn it into a graph03:16
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anon32drezha, that doesn't seem complicated... can't you write your own?03:16
Ayabarajrib: :-)03:16
ianmacgregorshashi_sa: Have a look here: http://ianmacgregor.org/wiki/Linux/LampTutorial03:16
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teledynanon32, nolimitsoya: thanks03:16
drezhaif I got into coding yes I could03:17
nolimitsoyateledyn, np :)03:17
_Brandon_does someone know if netgear wg311is it's wg311 v2? or if it works fine on linux?03:17
teledynnolimitsoya: so i just change dapper to edgy then dist-upgrade?03:17
nolimitsoyateledyn, yes :)03:17
anon32I'd use WINE for games, but that'd be like playing them on an old 8038603:17
nolimitsoyabut wait till the day after tomorrow03:17
nolimitsoyathen the upgrade method should be perfect03:17
nolimitsoya(or about perfect...)03:18
anon32nolimitsoya, why the day after tomorrow?03:18
drezhaI'll stick with my Core Duo lappy for games...not good for brand new games but then I dont play new games03:18
nolimitsoyaanon32, couse then edgy is the stable version of ubuntu :)03:18
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anon32nolimitsoya, the release date is the 36th03:18
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nolimitsoyahm... i thought it was 24 today :/03:18
=== anon32 likes his SATA hard drive and his semi-recent CPU :-)
teledynhow exciting03:19
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anon32actually, edgy will be rebranded feisty upon releas03:19
anon32presumably, work would then begin on a new eggy03:19
shashi_sa<ianmacgregor> : The URL that you pinged me , not contain the list of packages .03:19
nolimitsoyahm... my mobile says its 24, and my computer...03:19
nolimitsoyasomethings fucked up :/03:19
nolimitsoyatelevision says 21:P03:19
jribanon32: no, that's now how ubuntu does it.  edgy is edgy, next release is feisty03:19
drezhacheers for the tar help. works a treat now03:19
variantanon32: really? didnt know that03:19
ianmacgregorshashi_sa: Yes it does, read section number 103:20
nolimitsoyaedgy is edgy03:20
variantnolimitsoya: this is a fammily friendly channle03:20
nolimitsoyawill always be03:20
ianmacgregorsamitheberber: LAMP03:20
anon32jrib, feisty *is* the current edgy03:20
nolimitsoyavariant, sorry :<03:20
anon32it will be rebranded and forked03:20
jribanon32: feisty is dapper+203:20
anon32jrib, ???03:20
nolimitsoyajrib is right03:20
anon32sorry for yelling03:20
nolimitsoyawe do :)03:21
nolimitsoya6.06 for dapper03:21
nolimitsoya6.10 for edgy03:21
jenda7.04 for FF03:21
nolimitsoya6.04 for feisty03:21
ianmacgregorshashi_sa: Oh, you want the package names?03:21
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anon32nolimitsoya, finished, does it copy symbolic links?03:21
shashi_saianmacgregor : It conatins only LampTutorial . I want the complete list of packages what ubuntu server media conatins .03:21
nolimitsoyaanon32, it copies erverything :)03:21
binfalse1anon32: symlinks ar tarred as symlinks03:21
anon32nolimitsoya, that makes no sense, version numbers are based on month and year - it'd be 6.10 for feisty03:22
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nolimitsoyaanon32, no 7.0403:22
anon32hey, my tgz is only 939.5 M :-)03:22
nolimitsoyaanon32, edgy is 6.1003:22
nolimitsoyasince, it will be released this month03:22
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anon32nolimitsoya, the topic for edgy says it'll be named feisty03:23
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nolimitsoyaanon32, then the topic if wrong ;)03:23
teledyn"Need to get 720MB of archives."   whoa03:23
jribanon32: "edgy+1 will be Feisty Fawn"03:23
rabautzHi, i can't change themes. When i do so, the window border and title changes, but not the "content". Any ideas?03:23
jbmigelwhere can i find a list of changes in edgy vs. dapper?03:23
jribjbmigel: http://www.ubuntu.com/news/EdgyReleaseCandidate03:25
teledynjbmigel: search google: edgy site:ubuntu.com03:25
ianmacgregorrabautz: There are different types of themes. There are GTK2 themes (controls/widgets) and Metacity themes (titlebar and border) and icon themes (icons). Are you changing a GTK2 theme or a Metacity theme?03:25
HumanPrototypewhat is the simplest way of setting up a gateway on my linux box?03:25
jribjbmigel: the "releasenotes" should list the changes03:25
rabautzGtK2 ianmacgregor03:25
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ianmacgregorrabautz: Then you need tomake sure the theme you are seeking is actually a GTK2 theme and not a Metacity theme03:26
ianmacgregorrabautz: How did you install the theme you are trying to change to?03:26
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jbmigelthanks jrib03:27
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teledyni just build my first ubuntu .deb.  is there a place i can submit it?03:27
rabautzianmacgregor, I just pasted the "Glossy P"-Theme from gnome-look to Theme-manager .. but i even can't change between the standard-themes that are shipped with ubuntu03:27
gnomefreakteledyn: join #ubuntu-motu and ask03:28
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tristanmikeI'm using "Sound Juicer" but I want my tracks to be 192kbps, but the line the Ubuntu Doc tells me (audio/x-raw-int,rate=44100,channels=2 ! lame name=enc ! id3mux) only puts me at 128, does anyone have any idea ?03:28
tristanmikesorry, that was in mp303:29
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binfalse1HumanPrototype: echo 1 > /proc/sys/net/ipv4/ip_forward ; iptables -t nat -A POSTROUTING -o ethX -j MASQUERADE   (where ethX must be the interface to the internet)03:29
davinhow do I play .ram/.rm files inside firefox using mozilla-mplayer? The rest works but not ram/rm03:30
binfalse1HumanPrototype: both commands must be run with root priveleges of course03:30
jribdavin: have you installed w32codecs?03:30
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greendogAnybody knows how to use a keyboard from a mac (I can't join chanels because i can't type sharps ^^)03:30
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rabautzianmacgregor, i changed to beryl now (could Xgl be the reason). It's the same. Can't change gtk2-themes with theme-manager.03:31
ProN00bgreendog, that is because mac fails03:31
ProN00bgreendog, either mac or linux, you decide03:31
ianmacgregorrabautz: I know nothing about xgl or beryl03:31
HumanPrototypebinfalse1, i tried the first with sudo and it said permission denied?03:32
davinjrib: yes03:32
greendogProN00b: But I use a pc, but with a mac keyboard03:32
binfalse1HumanPrototype: for the first, you must do: sudo sh -c "echo 1 > /proc/sys/net/ipv4/ip_forward"03:32
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ProN00bgreendog, still, mac stuff won't work03:32
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greendogProN00b: So I can't type some characters anyway, anybody has a solution ?03:33
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ProN00bgreendog, just change the keyboard layout... -_-03:34
jribdavin: have a link to some rm file?  I'll find out what codec my mplayer is using03:34
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shashi_saHi , I just want to know the list of packages ubuntu server provides . Any URL that i can check up list of packages of Ubuntu server ?03:34
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binfalse1HumanPrototype: the first command turns on ip forwarding (routing) on the machine, the second enables source nat (ip masquerading) for packets that leave the machine on a specific network interface03:34
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tritiumshashi_sa: packages.ubuntu.com03:35
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davinjrib: http://news.bbc.co.uk/olmedia/1535000/video/_1537692_planeone_footage09_vi.ram03:35
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shashi_saK , let me check03:35
sikor_sxecan i painlessly run kubuntu along with ubuntu?03:35
nolimitsoyasikor_sxe, not painlessly03:35
HumanPrototypebinfalse1, so now i can plug a machine into the ethernet port and have it go out on the wireless?03:35
nolimitsoyabut you can03:35
davinsikor_sxe: yes, just install kubuntu-desktop on ubuntu and you can choose both at logon03:35
|thunderIs it possible to mount a bin/cue ?03:35
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davin|thunder: sudo mount /path/to/bin /mount/place?03:36
jribdavin: does http://info.linspire.com/lindows/audiovideo/TSS_Lindows.rm work for you?03:36
davin|thunder: or cue dunno, I use iso03:36
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binfalse1HumanPrototype: you have to set your linux machine as the default gateway on the machine you plug into it03:36
sikor_sxenolimitsoya: what could be the problem?03:36
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davinjrib: yeah it does03:36
aNewBMy sign in screen comes up in a resolution or frequency outside the range of my monitor, how can I fit this?03:36
shashi_satritium : How can i check only Ubuntu server packages ?03:36
nolimitsoyasikor_sxe, you will get a downright mess in you menus, for example03:36
sikor_sxeah ok03:36
HumanPrototypebinfalse1, it seems to be working as it is resolving the domain names but ping google.com takes ages to get nothing03:36
nolimitsoyaif you must, install kde-core instead of xubuntu-desktop03:36
davinsikor_sxe: yes it will install all apps included in kubuntu too03:37
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jribdavin: yeah, this is what I get when I run mplayer from a terminal with your link:  You need to obtain a new player to play this clip. Please point your web browser to http://www.real.com and download the latest RealOne Player from RealNetworks. Once you have installed it you should try this clip again.03:37
cryptonichow do i get kde as the default gui in ubuntu?03:37
davinjrib: thanks mate03:37
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binfalse1HumanPrototype: you installed shorewall before, didnt you?03:37
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HumanPrototypebinfalse1, yes but i have removed it now03:37
davincryptonic: sudo apt-get remove ubuntu-desktop, sudo apt-get install kubuntu-desktop03:37
sikor_sxeok thanks, that's what i meant with hazzle03:37
=== sikor_sxe refraining from apt-get install kubuntu-deskto
davincryptonic: that deletes gnome and adds kde03:37
jribdavin: I'm not sure if it's just an identification problem03:37
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binfalse1HumanPrototype: are can you make sure it didn't leave any iptables rules?03:38
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variantbinfalse1: iptables -f03:38
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davinjrib: I cant find RealOne, only RealPlayer03:38
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binfalse1variant: iptables -F might not be enough, the default policy of the chains may be set to DROP03:39
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davinjrib: and I cant see any linux version either03:40
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jribdavin: realplayer 10 is in the repositories, idk about real one03:40
HumanPrototypebinfalse1, iptables -L shows nothing in the three chains03:40
binfalse1thats why i did not recommend installing shorewall just to get routing/masquerading done03:40
binfalse1HumanPrototype: and which default policy is set?03:40
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HumanPrototypebinfalse1, ACCEPT all round03:40
binfalse1HumanPrototype: okay03:40
davinjrib: sudo apt-get install realplayer gives me some error about xlibs03:40
davinjrib; hold on03:41
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neemzis the linux realplayer not evil like the windows one?03:42
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davinrealpalyer -is- evil03:42
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binfalse1HumanPrototype: and pinging google.com still doesn't work?03:42
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HumanPrototypebinfalse1, no and now it  cant resolve the dns03:43
human39hello, quick question.  How do I skip kernel updates in apt-get?03:43
IRC_how come in firefox if the shockwave file isnt focused on in the window, the plugin stops working?03:43
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binfalse1HumanPrototype: okay, step by step. what default route is set on the machine you plugged in?03:43
jribdavin: 'realplay' should be the name of the package.  It is in edgy commercial03:43
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jribdavin: I mean dapper commercial03:44
Liorithieli've got a problem with playing dvd's... when i run totem and choose to play dvd from menu, it responds with "Failed to find mountpoint for /dev/hdb"03:44
rabautzianmacgregor, gnome-settings-daemon didn't run. That was problem with theme-changing. thx03:44
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Liorithieli can play that dvd when i run totem with 'totem dvd://' from a terminal03:44
HumanPrototypebinfalse1, on the gateway its from the wireless im connecting to (the internet)03:44
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IRC_how come in firefox if the shockwave file isnt focused on in the window, the plugin stops working?03:45
Liorithielbut i need to have first option working03:45
binfalse1HumanPrototype: you don't get me03:45
ianmacgregorrabautz: Glad you found that03:45
Liorithieldoes anybody know where's the problem?03:45
davinjrib: cant find realplay, only realplayer03:45
tristanmikeI'm using "Sound Juicer" to rip my cd's to mp3 and I would like my tracks to be 192kbps, but the line the Ubuntu Documentation tells me to add (audio/x-raw-int,rate=44100,channels=2 ! lame name=enc ! id3mux) but this only puts me at 128kbps, how would I adjust the line for 192kbps ?03:45
jribdavin: have you enabled the dapper-commercial repository?03:45
Mad3Max3Hello! I could use some help... have "messed up" my drivers for my soundcard.. and can't get it to work. alsa drivers and stuff03:46
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hikenboothello all I have worked for 3 days to figure out what my video 3ddesk and glxinfo problem with direct rendering: no problem...I have figured it out! its a rights issue I think as root I can direct render...anyone know what the solution is currently on a normal boot the rights are rw-rw-rw for /dev/nvidia0 and /dev/nvidiaactl anyone knw how to fix this problem chmod +777 /dev/nvida* reverts back on next boot03:46
HumanPrototypebinfalse1, on the connecting machine i want to give inet access to its ... all screwed up03:46
jribdavin: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RealplayerInstallationMethods03:46
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HumanPrototypebinfalse1, that will be the prob but how do i delete a route?03:46
Mad3Max3did a uninstall of all the sounddrivers and installed them again.. won't work03:46
binfalse1HumanPrototype: i don't know, you didn tell me which route you have set03:47
hikenbooti assume the problem is that i need execute rights03:47
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HumanPrototypebinfalse1, a gateway (
Mad3Max3I did a compilation and a .. make install yestrday of the newest version of alsa. 1.0.13 .. how do I uninstall something like that.. it won't show up in the packages..03:47
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Mad3Max3or does it03:47
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timwizzyCan someone do me a favor. ssh to timtech.myftp.biz and tell me does it connect03:48
timwizzyI cant seem to connect to myself03:48
davinjrib: cheers, installing realplay now03:49
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Mad3Max3and I wonder.. when I do install something from source code.. where does all the files go.. what folder.. and such.. with xp I have control over where stuff gets stored. here in linux I just se stuff happen and don't have the foggiest where and why03:49
binfalse1HumanPrototype: you have to give things names. whats the hostname of the machine with the wireless card? (the one with two network interfaces)03:49
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hastesaverHi, there is a php.ini in both /etc/php5/cgi/php.ini and /etc/php5/apache2/php.ini. Why are there two, and how are they different?03:49
Daniel-56hey SAM_theman03:50
HumanPrototypebinfalse1, kallavitch and the connecting machine is arthur03:50
ianmacgregorMad3Max3: If you learned how to pass arguments to ./configure, you'd see that you have control in Linux too ;)03:50
SAM_themanYo Daniel-5603:50
finalbetaMad3Max3 yeah, good question, I've installed apps that made no shurtcut, and I didn't figure out how to start them. lol03:50
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jribubotu: tell Mad3Max3 about checkinstall03:50
binfalse1HumanPrototype: okay, so give me the network interface config of kallavitch first (BOTH interfaces)03:50
hastesaverMad3Max3, it doesn't matter where they go :-)03:50
davinjrib: alright, realplayer 10 works now, I just copy paste the url in the player, ill look later into how to watch it in firefox, thanks for all your help!03:51
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jribdavin: np03:51
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Mad3Max3I followed some instructions on the web about installing the latest alsa drivers.. in kinda made my soundcard go away.. all I wanted was alsa to dectedt my s-pdif03:51
HumanPrototypebinfalse1, http://pastebin.ca/21353503:51
ianmacgregorMad3Max3: Be sure to read the warning on that checkinstall page too03:51
aNewBHelp Help Please Help I will repeat my question I didn't see a response did I miss it? My sign in screen comes up in a resolution or frequency outside the range of my monitor, so all I see is an outside of range message. how can I fix this? Therefore I am having to sign in blind. Not good.03:51
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atomwhy is .x2chat a hidden folder?03:52
jribatom: because it starts with a .03:52
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hastesaveratom, anything beginning with a . is hidden. And it's probably .xchat2, not .x2chat03:52
binfalse1HumanPrototype: okay. and ath0 is your interface to the internet, right?03:52
Mad3Max3hastesaver : to me it does. I want control.. and with ubuntu I have a hard time beeing in control..03:52
HumanPrototypebinfalse1, yes03:52
atomyeah... rename to standard folder good idea?03:52
binfalse1HumanPrototype: and now the network config for arthur03:53
hastesaverMad3Max3, so tell me how does it matter?03:53
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jribatom: no, because things looking for stuff in .xchat2 will not find stuff in xchat203:53
Mad3Max3for fault searching.. and such.. removing stuff that doesn't belong and ect..03:54
hastesaveratom, what's the problem? it's for settings and such... not things you need to be seeing.03:54
tristanmikeHi, I'm trying to do a very simple thing. I'm trying to rip my cd's to 192 Kbps, can anyone please tell me a program I can do this with ?03:55
jribatom: the . is not for "hiding" really.  It's just to get it out of your qay so it doesn't clutter the important stuff like your documents, pictures etc.03:55
atommy downloades are in thre03:55
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hastesaverMad3Max3, ideally, if you don't go out of the package management system, then you only remove with the package manager... in which case it takes care03:55
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jribatom: you can probably change the download folder in the preferences03:55
hastesaveratom, you can either change (in xchat preferences) where the downloads go to...03:55
hastesaveratom, or, if you really need, you can make a symbolic link on your desktop to ~/.xchat203:55
ianmacgregorMad3Max3: Do you read the README and INSTALL files before installing from source? Those files tell you how to use the different commands to gain more control.03:55
binfalse1HumanPrototype: still there?03:56
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atomhow do you create a link?03:56
hastesaverMad3Max3, but if you install from source, you can control every tiny aspect, such as which directory, and everything else (options to ./configure ...)03:56
majorowlanybody have dapper on a clamshell ibook?03:56
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jribatom: right click > make link03:57
HumanPrototypebinfalse1, yes - i have to type it manually though03:57
ianmacgregoratom: ln -s /path/target /path/link-name03:57
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ZaggynlAnyone knows an alternative to Filemon?03:58
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atomright click the desktop or the hidden folder which is hidden? :)03:58
HumanPrototypebinfalse1,  http://pastebin.ca/21353803:58
jribatom: the folder ~/.xchat2/downloads/03:58
atomany way to unhide folders?03:58
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binfalse1HumanPrototype: and can you ping from arthur?03:58
everamzahif i download the source package for linux-image-2.6.17-generic does it come prepatched with all the restricted drivers, etc? ubuntu supports my laptop best of all distros, but i need to install the molnar's preempt-rt patches03:58
jribatom: ctrl-h or view > hidden folders03:58
Mad3Max3ianmacgregor, well.. it was late yesterday night.. and I was anoyed that the s-pdif didn't got detected.. so I just followed a how-to on internet.. didn't work thou. it made my soundcard go away completly.. did a reinstall of the old alsa drivers via apt.. but don't work. so I think I have to remove those I installed yesterday or something.. the problem now is how to find that install and uninstall it since it wasn't with a packaging servic03:59
ianmacgregoratom: CTRL+H or check View -> Show hidden files03:59
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atomwow theres alot of hidden folders03:59
rhalffhi what was that command to upgrade to the latest version of ubuntu ?03:59
rhalffme forgot..03:59
jribubotu: tell rhalff about upgrade03:59
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scandiumhello, some time ago there has been a debian bug regarding a new upstream version of "jfsutils" which fixes security bugs amongst some other things (debian bug #343638) and although jfsutils is in main it got never synced to ubuntu - why? :)03:59
rhalffyeah, tell me.. :p03:59
ianmacgregorMad3Max3: Go back to the source folder and issue: sudo make uninstall03:59
HumanPrototype binfalse1 yes03:59
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jribrhalff: he should have sent you a private message03:59
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rhalffjrib, ah thanks, I'm a retard.. :)04:00
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binfalse1HumanPrototype: okay. now do "cat /proc/sys/net/ipv4/ip_forward" on kallavitch?04:00
Mad3Max3ianmacgregor, good thing that I didn't remove the source folder then! :)04:01
binfalse1HumanPrototype: does that return 1?04:01
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HumanPrototypebinfalse1, yes04:01
ianmacgregorMad3Max3: Doesn't matter, you could have unpacked it and compiled it again and the uninstall would have worked anyway04:01
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aNewBI used another monitor to install. I changed the resolution to a lower setting after logging in so that this monitor can handle it but how do I change the resolution of the log in / sign in screen?04:01
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ianmacgregorMad3Max3: All the make install does is copy needed files to their proper directory04:01
HumanPrototypeaNewB, u need to reconfigure x04:02
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binfalse1HumanPrototype: okay, still on kallavitch: sudo iptables -t nat -L POSTROUTING -nv04:02
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ianmacgregorMad3Max3: If you read the makefile, it tells where everything is installed to04:02
HumanPrototypebinfalse1, sudo iptables -t nat -L POSTROUTING -nv04:02
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aNewBok, thank you HumanPrototype.04:02
HumanPrototypebinfalse1, returns : 0     0 MASQUERADE  all  --  *      ethX  
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HumanPrototypeaNewB, sure04:03
binfalse1HumanPrototype: i told you to replace ethX with the interface to the net, but you blindly typed in the line04:03
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HumanPrototypebinfalse1, sorry - i changed it the first time then retired it when it ddnt work and forgot to change it04:04
marceloOla como eu configuro a minha inpressora04:04
HumanPrototypebinfalse1, can i have the line again please?04:04
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binfalse1HumanPrototype: sudo iptables -t nat -A POSTROUTING -o ath0 -j MASQUERADE04:04
hikenbootanyone here able to help with a pam issue04:04
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scandiumbtw. it's also reported on launchpad (57595) but hasnt been touched yet :(04:05
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atomis the respository scheme unique to ubuntu?04:06
jokoonI set tahoma font in ubuntu, the problem is that the font is not "smooth" even in best shape, but IT IS when in italic/oblique. But there is not any italic mode in font selector.04:06
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HumanPrototypebinfalse1, thnks04:06
binfalse1HumanPrototype: if you put in that line, try pinging from arthur04:06
ianmacgregoratom: no04:06
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binfalse1HumanPrototype: and if that works, try pinging google.com from arthur04:06
hastesaver_atom, no, many distros have it. But it works best only on Debian-based (like Ubuntu) distros, IMHO ;)04:06
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LjLatom: depends what you mean. "main" "restricted" "universe" "multiverse", and "-updates", "-security", "-backports" is unique to ubuntu. but the APT system of repositories is a Debian inherited thing.04:07
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Mad3Max3ianmacgregor,  the configure file.. is the installer for the package?04:07
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Mad3Max3ianmacgregor, and writing ./configure runs the apps?04:07
exhaleis apt-get autoremove only on 6.10?04:08
ianmacgregorMad3Max3: No, the configure file runs a set of tests on your system and then the makefile is created. The makefile is the one which tells the source where to install things.04:08
jokoonubotu tell jokoon about fonts04:08
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hastesaver_Mad3Max3, ./configure decides which directories, what compilation options, etc.04:08
LjLexhale: yes04:08
ianmacgregorMad3Max3: No, writing ./configure "configures" the sources.04:08
LjLexhale: you can use aptitude to obtain a similar effect on dapper04:08
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LjL!aptitude > exhale04:08
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binfalse1HumanPrototype: does it work now?04:08
ianmacgregorMad3Max3: If you're looking for the executable command, you will usually find the executable insied the src directory after running make.04:09
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timwizzycan i connect to someones ssh?04:10
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Mad3Max3ianmacgregor, I don't have a src folder... :(04:10
ianmacgregortimwizzy: They would have to create an account for you or tell you the username:password to an existing account.04:10
HumanPrototypebinfalse1, just testing04:10
timwizzyoh too much hassle04:11
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ianmacgregorMad3Max3: What are you compiling? Can I have a URL? I'll look at the sources.04:11
timwizzycan u ssh to me then04:11
timwizzyi want to test my noip04:11
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timwizzyssh to timtech.myftp.biz04:11
timwizzytell me does it at lease connect04:11
LjLtimwizzy: it connects04:11
timwizzyit doesnt connect over here tho04:12
timwizzyits cause i'm through a router04:12
Mad3Max3ianmacgregor, ftp://ftp.alsa-project.org/pub/driver/alsa-driver-1.0.13.tar.bz204:12
ianmacgregorLjL: How did you connect via ssh without a username and password?04:12
timwizzycant forward ports04:12
hastesaver_timwizzy, I have/had that problem too; I can connect from outside but not from inside04:12
timwizzythanks LjL04:12
LjLianmacgregor, it doesn't take a username and a password to see that a service is up on the SSH port, and that it's actually an SSH server04:12
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timwizzyya thats all i needed04:13
hastesaver_Mad3Max3, are you sure whatever it is that you're compiling from source isn't in the repositories?04:13
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timwizzynow to set up more servers04:13
binfalse1nc timtech.myftp.biz 2204:13
ianmacgregorLjL: Oh, ok. I just learned something04:13
hastesaver_Mad3Max3, because the easiest thing is to never install from source and always use packages... I've never needed to compile from source. Adding and removing stuff is easy.04:13
binfalse1SSH-2.0-OpenSSH_4.2p1 Debian-7ubuntu3.104:13
LjLtimwizzy, if i can connect to you, then you probably have the relevant port *already* forwarded. otherwise i wouldn't be able to connect04:13
timwizzyyep thanks!04:13
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duPOLLrarely has a dist-upgrade given me so many conflicts as dapper->edgyrc104:13
LjL!edgy > duPOLL04:13
Mad3Max3ianmacgregor, I have one src folder., the one I created for the alsa drivers,, was it that on u was refering to?04:14
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binfalse1HumanPrototype: gotta go now, i cannot help further04:14
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duPOLLjust a statement, LjL :p04:14
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HumanPrototypebinfalse1, you have been great, thanks for all the help04:14
SubNetHi - does one of you use Xara?04:14
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Mad3Max3hastesaver, the version of alsa in apt is 1.0.11 and that version wont detect my s-pdif04:14
binfalse1HumanPrototype: np04:15
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ianmacgregorMad3Max3: I am seeing that the sources for that are set up quite differently than most source tarballs.. but there is a ton of information in the INSTALL file. Have you read that file completely?04:15
ubotuices2: Ogg Vorbis streaming source for Icecast 2. In component universe, is optional. Version 2.0.1-4 (dapper), package size 52 kB, installed size 244 kB04:15
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MehercleI'm running edgy, and the hibernate option is working very good04:16
Paddy_EIREwhich ubuntu app would be best suited to making business cards04:16
Mad3Max3ianmacgregor, nope.. I was in a hurry!04:16
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rmd_Paddy_EIRE: OpenOffice?04:16
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qznhow to mount disc in live ubuntu 6.10 ? i need to edit fstab to remove primary slave. while booting it says it wasn't mounted properly, starts chkdsk ,prints load of buffering i/o errors and blocks, i have no idea how to fix it.04:17
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qzn*it wasn't unmounted04:17
ianmacgregorMad3Max3: I understand your desire to get this running, but "in a hurry" can cause more problems. I feel that you should take your time with all compilation and read the files before tackling such a job.04:17
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Xyphosurai tried to configure xsever-xorg; but now i get a unsupported video mode when gnome starts; how to acces the commandline before entering gnome; i am now using the 6.06 live cd804:18
Mad3Max3ianmacgregor, your probably right. but read a how-to about it and it said this is the way to do it..04:18
ianmacgregorMad3Max3: Keep in mind that compiling on my system would likely be much different than compiling on your system.04:18
LjL!edgy > qzn04:19
Xyphosurahelp me i am desperate04:19
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K1765kk got a question04:19
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Mad3Max3ianmacgregor, I was wondering thou... prior to compiling and make install.. do I have to remove the packages installed by apt.. or something?04:20
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Mad3Max3ianmacgregor, maybe the two versions collide or something..04:20
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ianmacgregorMad3Max3: Not sure, I haven't ever had to mess with drivers.. everything "just worked" on all my systems.04:20
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XyphosuraI configured the xsever-xorg file; but now i get a unsupported video mode when gnome starts; how to acces the commandline before entering gnome; i am now using the 6.06 live cd; so i can undo  what i did04:21
K1765I burned ubuntu onto the disc, it loads up in to the "start or install ubuntu" menu , and I click it, and it says Error Boot CD, Disk error 80, AX=4280, Drive 9F04:21
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Mad3Max3ianmacgregor, the funny part is that Im a software developer in Windows.. and I can't get a simple compilation to work in linux :(04:21
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ianmacgregorMad3Max3: That one is NOT a simple compliation ;)04:22
Mad3Max3ianmacgregor, Well.. I had sound.. but I wanted to have sound from my s-pdif contact aswell.. so I could run it to my receiver04:22
qz1where can i get help for edgy ?04:22
K1765Anyone know whats wrong?04:22
hastesaver_Mad3Max3, IMO, if Linux doesn't detect your hardware, either give up on Linux or buy proper hardware. From experience, messing with drivers is always a mess :) (Sorry!)04:22
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Mad3Max3ianmacgregor, I can't even get it to dectedt my ditial soundcard.. only the analog part of it..04:22
hastesaver_qz1, #ubuntu+104:22
wickedpuppyXyphosura: have you tried ctrl-alt-f1 ?04:22
K1765I burned ubuntu onto the disc, it loads up in to the "start or install ubuntu" menu , and I click it, and it says Error Boot CD, Disk error 80, AX=4280, Drive 9F04:23
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ianmacgregorMad3Max3: Are you certain that app is compatible with your hardware?04:23
K1765what did I do wrong?04:23
wickedpuppyXyphosura: then its not terminal ?04:23
atomwhats the best media player for linux that you all use?04:23
Mad3Max3hastesaver, well.. it's common hardware Im using.. Nforce onboard stuff.. very common hardware.. so I should guess it will work if I get the install right04:23
porkpieguy's  I have a strange problem here .....ifconfig tell me the interfaces are up but I can ping them04:23
HumanPrototypeatom, matter of opinion04:23
atomi dont like movie player04:24
Xyphosurait stops loading graphically; but still tries to start gnome04:24
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HumanPrototypeatom, try mplayer04:24
ianmacgregorK1765: Could be a corrupted download. Did you verify the md5sum before burning?04:24
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K1765no i didnt lol04:24
wickedpuppyXyphosura: sudo /etc/init.d/gdm stop04:24
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ianmacgregorK1765: ;)04:24
porkpieactually I can ping them from the local server but not from the out side04:24
K1765thats the 3rd time i dl'd ffs04:24
atomcan u make vlc player go true full screen?04:24
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K1765whats site for md504:24
qz1how can i mount hdd using live ubuntu?04:24
ianmacgregorK1765: Are you using firefox for the download?04:24
tristanmikeatom: "f" ?04:24
K1765yea i am ian04:25
Xyphosurai cant  acces the commandline to do that04:25
atomseems to have the tray and windows rows still there04:25
ianmacgregorK1765: Better to use wget or a download manager for that. What is the URL of the download?04:25
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tristanmikeatom: just don't move your mouse for a moment or two? doesn't that get rid of them ?04:25
Mad3Max3ianmacgregor, the alsa driver u mean.. the 1.0.11 versionen worked and detected my soundcard.. I started messing with it because I wanted digital sound out.. from a digital output as s-pdif.. and from that s-pdif I was gonna use optical cable04:25
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Mad3Max3ianmacgregor, this beeing a new HTPC i've built..04:26
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mmcjii need to connect to a proxy server from ubuntu.  Im looking for documentation on how to do this.  I have searched the community and ubuntu wiki, but have not yet seen instructions on how to do this.  anyone know the specific location section of documentation i can go to for this?  thanks in advance04:26
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hikenbootanyone able to help with a rights issue with pam and /dev/nvidia*04:26
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hikenbootno direct rendering possible04:26
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Mad3Max3ianmacgregor, thought it was a good way of learning linux installing a OS and installing drivers and such.. but I got more problems than I bargain for04:27
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ianmacgregorK1765: Go to: http://mirror.phy.olemiss.edu/mirror/ubuntu/dapper/ and you will see the  MD5SUMS file. You need to download that and the ISO, then use the md5sum command to check the ISO after download and before burning.04:27
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Xyphosurahow can i access the commanline before gnome starts04:27
assasukassehi all04:27
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assasukassedoes anyone use ubuntu with a laptop?04:27
alessiaI do04:27
Mad3Max3ianmacgregor, at least the graphics drivers were a pieace of pancake to install..04:27
alessiaI have an iBook G404:27
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K1765lol that was my last disc so o well :P wasted 4 already04:28
mmcjiboth on old ibm laptop and a p4 dell04:28
Xyphosura I configured the xsever-xorg file; but now i get a unsupported video mode when gnome starts; how to acces the commandline before entering gnome; i am now using the 6.06 live cd; so i can undo  what i did04:28
hastesaver_Xyphosura, you mean before gdm (the login screen) starts, right?04:28
ianmacgregorMad3Max3: Are you sure that driver supports "digital"?04:28
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assasukassei am having problems on the switch from dapper to edgy..04:28
mmcjithe ibm has only 128 of ram, but still runs will..good, no sound, but everything else works..had to use alt cd to install04:28
Mad3Max3ianmacgregor, im having nightmares about getting my VFD display to work when I can't get a soundcard to work..04:28
ianmacgregorK1765: I have found that Firefox can corrupt downloads, so I find it best to use wget.04:28
emav@Xyphosura Ctrl+Alt+F104:29
assasukassein dapper my laptop could change the brightness no problem, and the hotkey worked..in eggy i am stuck with full brighness and no hotkey04:29
Mad3Max3ianmacgregor, Yes.. it should support digital..04:29
towolfGot a disk crash. Anyone ever used reiserfsck --rebuild-sb? It too dangerous to use on the disk itself, right?04:29
hastesaver_Xyphosura, you can set gdm to not start automatically... update-rc.d gdm remove (or just comment out some things in /etc/init.d/gdm or somewhere)04:29
Xyphosuraemav; that doesnt work; it still starts gdm when i do that04:29
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porkpie__how do I set an interface to 100mb full duplex using the bnx2 driver04:29
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Rugmmcji: that laptop is a great candidate for a slim DE like fluxbox04:30
bugdoes anyone know how to clear (or better yet, disable) the history in totem?04:30
Xyphosurahatesaver;  how do i do that; i cant acces the commandline04:30
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Clinton__Good morning, how do I enable amarok to play .pls streams?04:30
towolfHow do I rebuild my superblock "The Right Way"? I have an empty external HDD vailable.04:30
hastesaver_Xyphosura, so you currently are in a graphical screen? And you can't access the commandline either through Ctrl-Alt-F[1..6]  or starting a gnome-terminal?04:31
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alessiaI have a question about grub. When I turn on my laptop, I don't get the boot options anymore and it boots directly in mac OS X. I've tried putting the live CD back in and that gives me a boot option, and then opening a terminal and typing grub as a friend advised me, but my command isn't recognized04:31
gravesonanyone can point to me on how do i create profiles for the sound juicer cd extracter software?04:31
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Xyphosurai am currently in the live cd;04:31
emav@Xyphosura mount /dev/hda1 /mnt/linux; chroot /mnt/linux and you can use your broken system04:32
tristanmikegraveson: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CDRipping04:32
Xyphosuraemav; thx04:32
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towolfPlease, anyone. My FS is broken. How do I proceed?04:32
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Mad3Max3ianmacgregor, but.. do I have to remove the old package with the sound drivers before installing via a complition. I have the old one installed in synaptic04:33
tristanmikegraveson: you can also use "Help-Contents" from Sound Juice itself, but I found that page to better for me04:33
atomwhat movie formats are just not possible to play on linux?04:33
tristanmikeatom: nothing that I can think of04:33
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bugalessia, do what emav said and then do grub-install /dev/hda (may need to put a 1 after the hda)04:33
tristanmikeatom: maybe wmv 1004:33
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ianmacgregorMad3Max3: I don't know, I haven't ever messed with drivers04:33
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gravesontristankmike: help is not that great,i am going to check out the website-thanks04:34
tristanmikegraveson: yeah, that's what I thought about help too :P04:34
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Xyphosuraemav; mount /dev/hda1 /mnt/linux doesnt work04:34
alessiabug: whenever I type grub in my terminal, it's like the command doesn't exist04:34
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bugalessia, i don't think it does -- you need to do "grub-install /dev/hda" (although it may be /dev/hda1, try both)04:35
atomhow can i get body text font size to increase? this pages body text is really small as an example:04:35
emav@Xyphosura Substitute /dev/hda1 with the device your system resides on.04:35
tristanmikeatom: firefox ?  crt+scroll wheel ?04:35
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emav@Xyphosura Of course, if /mnt/linux doesn't exist you first have to mkdir /mnt/linux04:35
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mmcjianyone know how to setup a proxy connection in ubuntu for internet access?04:35
alessiaand that will install it? (grub)04:36
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Mad3Max3ianmacgregor, the comfort is that If I get this to work. I will feel very happy about myself.. and that those VFD display drivers will be like a walk in the park :)04:36
alessiabug: do I need to be online to install it or is it already on my system?04:36
atomu rock tristan :)04:36
bugalessia, it *should* be in your system, but you'llhave to to run it as rooot04:36
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bugalessia, as root, i mean04:36
atomwhats the command to show all physical drives ?04:37
Xyphosura@emav; still doesnt wotk04:37
tristanmikeatom: df -h ?04:37
Clinton__Good morning, how do I enable amarok to play .pls streams?04:37
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atomhtat shows dirs / mounts... whats the physical disk drive command?04:37
emav@Xyphosura What's the error message?04:37
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alessiabug: well I'll boot into linux with the live CD if it works I'll let you know when I get back to my mac partition or figure out how to connect to the internet from linux04:38
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compengiLjL, look at this please http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/27672/04:38
mmcjidf -h will you you human readable information04:38
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ianmacgregorMad3Max3: Yeah, satisfaction is very comforting. You might want to see if the author for that app has a mailing list or some other means of communication to get these working.04:38
compengiLjL, when i ran apt-get update it stated this error after it finished04:38
atomeg = if i have many drives that are unmounted and want to see them?04:38
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Xyphosura@emav it think it works now04:38
porkpie__guy's I am using the bnx2 drivers and I want to set it to 100MB full duplex ...how do I do this04:39
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LjLcompengi, maybe the mirror is broken right now, perhaps try an european mirror (like fr.archive.ubuntu.com)04:39
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swanflhi folks. How do I contact the "ubuntu core development" team04:39
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compengiLjL, oh, so nothing to worry about04:39
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LjLcompengi: maybe, maybe not. if your sources.list worked previously, and you didn't change it, it should only be a matter of broken mirrors.04:40
exhaledamn apt-get autoremove is awesome04:40
bugis it possible to clear/disable the totem history? i can't find anything...04:41
atomwhats it do?04:41
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Xyphosura@emav when i do sudo mv /etc/X11/xorg.conf.original /etc/X11/xorg.conf it gives this error ; unable to lookup ubuntu via gethostbyname()04:41
atomlol dont want ur wife seeing ur porn?04:41
ianmacgregorcompengi: http://archive.ubuntu.com works fine here04:41
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compengiLjL, nope i changed it to install realplayer as given in http://ubuntuguide.org/wiki/Dapper#How_to_add_extra_repositories04:41
emav@Xyphosura No need for sudo.04:41
atomrealplayer? ick04:41
ianmacgregoremav: Yes, he does need sudo for that.. since it is a system dir04:42
Xyphosura@ ok it works now thanks a lot04:42
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emav@ianmacgregor It's mounted now... no need for sudo.04:42
Xyphosura@ i hope its gone now04:42
emav@Xyphosura Keep your fingers crossed.04:43
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atomsomeone should port dvd decrypter to linux04:43
compengi!source list04:43
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about source list - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi04:43
ianmacgregoremav: Oh, he mounted it and then changed ownership/perms on the mountpoint? ok04:43
LjLcompengi: pastebin your current one04:43
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Xyphosuraok restarting now04:44
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swanfldoes anyone have the same problem with firefox I'm having? I'm using edgy and when I launch Firefox and try to go to preferences, the program crashes04:44
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ianmacgregorswanfl: Might want to ask in #ubuntu+104:44
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mmcjianyone have a isp that requires a proxy setup?  if so, how did you set this up in ubuntu?04:45
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compengiLjL, http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/27673/04:45
FOADHey, since moving to Edgy my LaserJet 1100 printer stopped working.  I'm trying to understand cups but, well, I don't.  Can anyone help?04:45
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GreyGhostwhen is Edgy planned for release?04:46
ianmacgregorThe 26th04:46
compengiGreyGhost, 26th04:46
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GreyGhostcool !!! :)04:46
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FOADNot for my printer.04:47
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=== antoxz away
tamalehey all.. how can I change my mouse sensitivity if I don't have gnome?04:47
LjLcompengi, i don't know if the unofficial repos you added are correct, but the errors you're getting don't seem to be related to them. and the rest looks correct.04:47
ianmacgregor!away > antoxz04:47
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Lobstertamale somewhere in the xorgconfig04:48
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tamalethat's what i figured lobster.. thanks.04:48
antoxzianmacgregor, got it. 10x.04:48
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LobsterI am lookin atm :)04:48
tamaledoes anyone know if you can get ati drivers for a mobility radeon X1600 working in ubuntu 64?04:48
Xyphosura@emav: it works! just wanted to say that04:48
tamaleI just tried and when I rebooted GDM didn't even come up04:49
compengiLjL, also i was downloading skype an error came out saying Failed to fetch http://download.skype.com/linux/repos/debian/dists/stable/non-free/binary-i386/skype-  Could not resolve 'download.skype.com'E: Unable to fetch some archives, maybe run apt-get update or try with --fix-missing?04:49
emav@Xyphosura Good! :)04:49
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tamalecompengi:  that just means your networking isn't working yet :}04:49
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Xyphosura@emav thanks again and goodbye04:49
LjLcompengi, don't know about skype. but the "download.skype.com" site does exist, although the index page is an HTTP redirect04:49
emav@Xyphosura Bye04:49
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mmcjihmm, im finding some stuff about Gconf editor04:50
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compengiLjL, i see so maybe something with my connection04:50
LjLcompengi: are you behind a home router?04:50
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compengiLjL, yes, but i didn't get any errors like that04:51
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bugatom: (slow reaction, i know..) nah, i just hat when you can't easily clear stuff out.. it makes things look messy04:52
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LjLcompengi, some routers have a DNS relay server built-in that is sort of broken -- i.e. it goes crazy when it sees too many DNS requests at a time. apt-get does that.04:52
Daniel-56guys i have a big problem04:52
Daniel-56I am trying to play ET and Americasarmy on my dads computer but its soo slow04:52
B-Minuscan I give in a parameter in konquerer to tell it what view-profile it needs to load at startup ?04:53
Daniel-56he has a 1.1ghz 768ram and a 6200 Agp 25604:53
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halfsusilsdldoom: symbol lookup error: lsdldoom: undefined symbol: open_music04:53
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halfsusiis there a fix for that?04:53
bugDaniel-56, there's no way that's too slow. i can play et on my 800mhz p3 with 64 mb geforce2mx... maybe you don't have the nvidia glx thing installed?04:53
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Negative_Infinithalfsusi: you still use doom legacy?04:54
Daniel-56its says it installed04:54
halfsusiNegative_Infinit: What should I use?04:54
Sonderbladei get GPG error when running apt-get update, anyone know how to fix it?04:55
compengiLjL, my connection il lame now04:55
Daniel-56it works fine on my comp ..Amd X2 3880+,1Gb Ram and a 6600GT04:55
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Negative_Infinithalfsusi: im using the doomsday engine, and doom 2 looks so good in it04:55
mmcjii think i found what i was looking for on my proxy question04:55
mmcjigot another one04:55
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halfsusiNegative_Infinit: Multiplayer is broken with 1.9.0-beta404:55
kaurmy laptops fan is almost always on. acpi -t gives 49-50 c I suspect that one core is overloaded and my wireless card ipw3945 is causing this. What should i do to avoid the overheating and still be able to use wifi?04:55
Negative_Infinithalfsusi: try typing deng in synaptic ;)04:55
mmcjiis the kernel source avail on the alternate install cd for 6.0.6?04:55
halfsusiNegative_Infinit: Doomsday is useless for my purposes now that it is broken04:56
LjLmmcji: don't think so04:56
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Negative_Infinithalfsusi: oh...04:56
Daniel-56My dad not here and its supposd to be a surprise04:56
Daniel-56i am going on my comp as SAM_theman ok04:57
halfsusiNegative_Infinit: So, in fact, I need the prettiest and easiest to use sourceport with a working multiplayer04:57
Negative_Infinithalfsusi: but there are like hundreds of other ports out there, doom legacy is kind of old, and the most recent linux compile sound system doesnt work04:57
mmcjiLjL:  yup, i just found the source directory..it was empty. nada, nothing in there...foowee04:57
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halfsusiNegative_Infinit: Like what? prboom does not work with opengl in this machine. Or how does one enable opengl in it?04:58
Negative_Infinithalfsusi: you can still use doomlegacy, without sound and play multi there04:58
LjLmmcji: well, a CD has limited space on it, and the Desktop CD does contain quite a few packages already...04:58
Negative_Infiniti havent been in doom matches lately04:58
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Mad3Max3Anyone that are well traveled in the world of alsa-drivers and installing non packages drivers for it..04:59
halfsusiNegative_Infinit: What I am trying to do is to have my kid brother and his visiting cousin playing co-op04:59
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whomeverhas anyone here with a linksys wireless card figured out how to get it up off its ass?04:59
Negative_Infinithmm... aside from playing the game in windows, you could try to disable the sounds, i did that once, but, wait... lemme check the forums again for that...04:59
halfsusiNegative_Infinit: This machine has no windows, the other machine has only windows05:00
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mmcjiwould this be the source for dapper05:02
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Vuenhey guys, i keep getting mail from /etc/cron.daily/man.db that says:05:02
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Negative_Infinithalfsusi: i forgot the keyword for disabling the sounds, anyway, you can try typing something like gldoom --help and then run the game with the no sound option05:02
Vuenmandb: warning: /usr/share/man/man1/java.1.gz is a dangling symlink05:02
Vuenmandb: warning: /usr/share/man/man1/vncconfig.1.gz is a dangling symlink05:02
Vuenanyone know what's up?05:02
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ianmacgregormmcji: http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/dists/dapper/main/05:02
MouseJstrIf I was hoping for a new pre-built kernel variant, should I just add a note to the effect in the EdgyIdeas/Kernel wiki page?05:03
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kaurdoes anyone have any ideas about:https://launchpad.net/distros/ubuntu/+source/linux-restricted-modules-2.6.15/+bug/48395 ?05:04
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atomwhats the program to use for msn messager type for x64 ? theres no skype x64 ?05:06
Toma-atom: amsn05:07
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payloFree unreleased exe packer (NO VIRUS SCANNER DETECTS IT YET) @ http://www.vertex-hosting.net/?x=../index05:07
raouse aMSN05:07
atomcool thnx05:07
raothnx Tona@help /atom05:08
Mad3Max3alsa drivers should be shot and then burnt.. and put into cement to never rise again...05:08
Toma-paylo: u r a bot?05:08
paylodefinetly not05:08
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ubotuHelp! Keybuk, mdz, Amaranth, tritium, ajmitch, crimsun, ogra, CarlK, Seveas, Burgundavia, apokryphos, thoreauputic, nalioth, Madpilot, ompaul, rob, Hobbsee, imbrandon, DBO or gnomefreak!05:08
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Toma-paylo: well, you have a virus.05:09
Toma-cya paylo05:09
raoatom: http://amsn.sourceforge.net/05:09
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atominstalled already from reposites :)05:09
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atomso easy installing stuff. is it this easy in true debian?05:09
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Subhumanatom, identical05:10
EkinoksaMSN is in Synaptic no ?05:10
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raoaMSN has features not present in MSN Messenger05:10
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Toma-atom: id get amsn from the amsn website. straight upgrade of a deb package and includes webcam fun05:11
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jendahow can I convert a ton of plaintext from CP-1250 to UTF-8?05:11
ianmacgregorhahaha.. paylo was K-lined.. I love it when children get K-lined.05:11
JaredOkay, I am expierencing some problems with my ubuntu right now, and want to reinstall. It seems that I have lost my dapper cd, would it be better to download the iso and burn to cd and install it, or would it be easier to just  install an older version i already have, then upgrade via sudo apt-get upgrade?05:11
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Negative_Infinitianmcgergor: what exactly is K-line?05:11
jendaNegative_Infinit: network ban05:11
Jarednever mind05:11
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Jaredi just had ....a moment05:11
ianmacgregorNegative_Infinit: Banned from freenode :)05:11
binfalse1jenda: man iconv05:11
mmcjiactually, i guess im looking for kernel source for 2.6.15-27-386....05:12
Taloasmorning/evening...whichever it is in your neighborhood05:12
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asterisk_I'm new to linux....how do I dual boot ubuntu and windows?05:13
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sketchykrewHi all...been having a weird problem while installing ubuntu, I get to the "keyboard layout" step on the livecd install, and when I type a single letter into the text box to try out the layout, it acts like I hit that key about 30 times...nothaving any luck finding a solution...any pointers?05:13
TheUniasterisk_: you'll need to install windows first, then ubuntu, then configure grub.05:14
tamalesketchykrew: I HAVE THE EXACT SAME PROBLEM05:14
asterisk_do I need to partition the hd?05:14
rao<asterisk: what is ur architecture ?05:14
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mmcjifirs partition05:14
mmcjithen install windows05:14
nnFatal server error:05:14
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nncould not open default cursor font 'cursor'05:14
sketchykrewtamale: any luck finding a solution?05:14
mmcjithen install ubuntu05:14
tamalesketchykrew: No one knows about this.. they all think I'm nuts.05:14
asterisk_what do you mean?05:14
mmcjiubuntu will config grub for you05:14
tamalesketchykrew: Is your computer a toshiba laptop by any chance?05:14
sketchykrewtamale: great....sheesh05:15
phase_10Edgy installer fails when  installing on extended partition, workaround available?05:15
mmcjireboot and you should be ok05:15
sketchykrewtamale: nope. A desktop with a cyrix (!) 6x86.05:15
asterisk_I don't know how to partition...05:15
Daniel-56k i got it worl05:15
Taloastheres a video on it at google video http://video.google.com/videoplay?docid=-610449081131189823605:15
mmcjii ahve this laptop installed with xp, dsl and ubuntu05:15
tamalesketchykrew: what kind of keyboard?05:15
Daniel-56bug, I got it to wrok on his comp .. :P05:15
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sketchykrewtamale: one off an old compaq, has worked fine on everything except for this install.05:15
mmcjiyou can download gparted05:15
bugDaniel-56, good! what'd you have to do? was it the nvidia-glx?05:15
Daniel-56bug, because i thought my dads comp was as fast as mine so i tweaked the nvidia settings05:15
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Daniel-56thats was it was so slow05:16
mmcjiburn the iso, that has a graphical interface you might find easier than fdisk05:16
bugbug, ah... was it aa/fsaa-ing everything?05:16
bugoops ha05:16
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bugDaniel-56, what i just said to myself was to you05:16
jendabinfalse1: thanks... but how do I know how to call cp-1250 properly? it says it's not supported as cp-125005:16
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nnSo.. i had to do a server of hoary because newer kernels do not work on my machine (because of my megaraid controller).. now i can't get SMP kernel of same version (2.6.12) working because i get Segfaults in the initrd.... Anything newer than 2.6.12, it freaks out on the megaraid controller and none of my drives come up, ideas?05:16
Mad3Max3Where are all the people knowing all there is to now about getting driver to work in linux.. are they all hiding?05:16
tamalesketchykrew: I wish I had some advice.  All i know is mine worked fine in Breezy for a while, but then after an update one day this started happening to me05:17
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phase_10Edgy installer fails when  installing on extended partition, workaround available?05:17
rao<asterisk: using NTLDR http://jaeger.morpheus.net/linux/ntldr.php05:17
bugDaniel-56, what did you have to change?05:17
Daniel-56buggy u have msn?05:17
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sketchykrewthis computer doesn't want to run anything linux. tried putting another distro on it, it pitched on the install trying to extract a package. i try ubuntu, it does this...grrrrr05:17
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nnI really don't like the idea of using windows on this lovely machine.. especially because then i can't use it as my outer-edge server05:17
binfalse1jenda: CP125005:17
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Daniel-56bug, I had to change from the "nvidia-settings" to Hardware defalut05:17
mmcjiasterisk: there is lots of stuff all of do  not know how to do.  Just look at it as an adventure..  Linux is very enjoyable if you dive into it05:18
TheUnidoes edgy include the fix for the recent nvidia driver exploit?05:18
CSWookieIs there no package for gnucash?05:18
binfalse1jenda: or WINDOWS-125005:18
tamalesketchykrew: I'm sure there's a fix though, since it didn't start doing this until AFTER a certain point in the dapper upgrade05:18
Daniel-56On my computer all my nvidia settings are set on highest maxed out :P05:18
Mad3Max3a windows installation is getting closer by the minute.. :(05:18
Daniel-56even on my games05:18
tamalesketchykrew: if you find a fix, please e-mail me at UICTamale@gmail.com  :)05:18
bugDaniel-56, ah.. makes sense..  and nope. don't have msn05:18
raognucash is itself package05:18
jbmigelMad3Max3 maybe you would be better off that way05:18
sketchykrewtamale: sure thing05:18
Taloasomfg this dual boot video is funny...i never actually watched the whole thing05:18
bugMad3Max3, what's the hardware that you're having trouble with?05:18
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Daniel-56bad bug'05:19
CSWookierao: Hmm.  Then how come apt-cache won't find it?  *pokes about*05:19
nnjbmigel: sadly, i'm fearing thats the only thing im going to be able to do on this machine as well.. I really dont want another doze box05:19
rao<CSWookie> what exactly u want to do in accounting05:19
bugTaloas, what video?05:19
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CSWookierao: I want to keep my books.05:19
asterisk_Where do I find what soundcard I have?  I need a driver for sound.  I just got this comp used05:19
chinookWhich programs should I take on Ubuntu to make animation short films in (to later export into QT or DIVX-format??)05:19
Mad3Max3jbmigel, well.. I like ubuntu.,. but if I can't get drivers for soundcard to work and no one that knows anything about soundcards im kinda stuck05:19
kaurdoes anyone have any ideas about:https://launchpad.net/distros/ubuntu/+source/linux-restricted-modules-2.6.15/+bug/48395 ?05:20
raoright n u want to stick with gnucash05:20
Mad3Max3bug, alsa drivers for my onboard soundcard05:20
CSWookierao: Yes.05:20
bugMad3Max3, do you know the chipset?05:20
CSWookierao: But it appears there is no package for it.05:20
chinookI first thoguht about GImp-GAP but I'm afraid it is more for simple gif-animations with not so many fps possible05:20
jbmigelMad3Max3 what kind of soundcard?05:20
raognucash often comes with linux distro05:20
Mad3Max3bug, it's the one in nforce 430 chipset.. ALC880 i think05:21
CSWookierao: Well, it didn' come with this one, because I can't run the program.05:21
klm-.mov -files are showing very saturated on my mplayer. any solution?05:21
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raowhich distro r u using05:21
Willhey peeps05:21
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Willhow much does disk space does ubuntu 5.10 take up without the swap partition?05:22
Mad3Max3jbmigel, just a ordinary soundcard.. got sound at start but wanted the digital outputs to work,, and the current alsa-drivers couldn't find my s-pdif05:22
SAM_themanbug, I am on my comp05:22
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SAM_themanbug, I am the son od Daniel-5605:23
chinookWhich programs are good for making animation films out of camera-pix???05:23
raoCSwookie GnuCash is part of the GNOME desktop environment05:23
h00thello ... how can i put shortcut to my ~ on the desktop05:23
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cablesm102A question: Is Edgy meant for general consumption, or is it more of a bleeding-edge beta-ful release?05:23
Willhow much does disk space does ubuntu 5.10 take up without the swap partition?05:23
VanessaEwill: about 2-3 gigs for a full install of everything, including all the software you'd normally use05:23
bugMad3Max3, : go here http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=36870&page=3     for the solution05:23
VanessaE(like gimp, office, etc)05:23
SAM_themanh00t, umm...05:23
jbmigelMad3Max3 that sounds like a fun problem. let me look into it a bit05:23
VanessaEyou can strip it down though05:23
SAM_themanh00t, right click on your desktop add shortcut...05:23
VanessaEjust depends on what software you need to run05:23
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JeruvyWill, my install is under 1GB.05:23
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w1w1t0m1hello, I use fluxbox, xterm and firefox; sometimes copying text by selecting it in xterm and then paste into firefox doesn't work at first trial ...any ideas? (I use it to copy links from centericq)05:23
h00tshortcut to my home dir like /home/h00t05:23
SAM_themanh00t, well..launcher05:23
Mad3Max3jbmigel, and having digital output is excential part for me since this comp is a htpc05:23
h00t... yeah... where is that ... i know you have to "check" something05:24
atomis vmware supported by reposit?05:24
ianmacgregorw1w1t0m1: highlight+middleclick?05:24
SAM_themanatom, i think so05:24
jbmigelMad3Max3 what application are you trying to pipe the sound out of? like mplayer?05:24
CSWookierao: I know.  However, shouldn't it show up when I say apt-cache search gnucash?05:24
SAM_themanatom, i used to use vmware05:24
Willdoes anyone know where i can get a turtial on how to dual boot xp with ubuntu?05:24
h00tit's like an "option" not just regular shortcut05:24
atomwine better?05:24
h00tWill, google dude... tons of em05:24
CSWookierao: I don't want to just be blindly instally GNOME stuff hoping that I accidentally get gnucash.05:24
hikenboothello all---back again..nvidia 3d render works as root but not as a normal user...anyone at all with an idea where I could go for help with this issue?05:24
Willi guess i shal05:24
Daniel-56atom, nah05:24
DeJaMoWill I have seen many online try googling05:24
Daniel-56atom, but try wine if u dear05:24
h00tWill,  install win2k first and ubuntu will add it to boot menu05:25
bugSAM_theman, check the private/direct irc window05:25
h00tWill, automatically05:25
h00tWin .. won't do that for you thought05:25
hastesaverMad3Max3, try the forums. People who are asleep now might read it sometime.05:25
raou want to update gnucash?05:25
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chinookAnimation Films in Ubuntu: What software could I use for better animations than simple gif-animations (like 20 fps-animations)05:25
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SAM_themanhow i do that?05:25
Mad3Max3jbmigel, well.. first of I wanted to get the spdif found by alsa.. since it didn't detect it... thought it might be a version problem .. so I downloaded the newest from alsa homepage. 1.0.13 and installed them via a compile..05:25
h00tSAM_theman, ... so where is the launcher05:25
klm-.mov -files are showing very 'solarized' on my mplayer. any solution?05:25
buggnucash is a package in universe05:26
hastesaverWill, yes, easiest way is to install Windows first, leaving some free space. And then tell Ubuntu to use the free space. It will automatically set up a dualboot05:26
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CSWookierao: NO.  I want to install it.  There is no package for it?05:26
Mad3Max3jbmigel, now my soundcard isn't detected at all.. from having sound on the headphone jacks to nothing...05:26
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Mad3Max3jbmigel, aplay -l say no sundcard found..05:27
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bugCSWookie, enable the universe repository and it's in there.. just need to do a normal apt-get install gnucash05:27
cablesm102Will, you can defrag your windows drive, then using the manual partitioner in the Ubuntu installer, shrink that partition and make a new partition for ubuntu to use05:27
SAM_themanh00t, go into your terminal and type "sudo -s"05:27
raoserver:  irc.gnome.org05:27
raochannel: #gnucash05:27
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CSWookiebug: How does that work?05:27
jbmigelMad3Max3 sounds like you may have broken your sound.. did your install of new alsa go unerrored?05:27
raoserver:  irc.gnome.org channel: #gnucash05:27
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SAM_themanh00t, then type your pss then type nautilus /home05:27
CSWookiebug: What is the "universe" stuff I hear about?05:27
pale_horseanyone have any experience with the ATI modem chipset in the compaq v2400 series ?05:27
SAM_themanh00t, then copy your home folder to your desktop'05:28
SAM_themannot drag05:28
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h00tOK .. got it thatx05:28
Mad3Max3jbmigel, yes.. it went without errors..05:28
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raoi prefer i prefer TurboCASH over gnucash05:28
CSWookierao: Different strokes, I guess.05:29
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CSWookieHow do I enable "universe"?05:29
raoyes :)05:29
CSWookieAnd why do I have to?05:29
ubotuThe packages in Ubuntu are divided into several sections. See http://www.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/components https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Repositories and !easysource05:29
Mad3Max3jbmigel, I've tested many things now.. I even uninstalled them with .. make uninstall05:29
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jbmigelMad3Max3 the alsa-base package docs talk about creating a new package with make-kpkg when building from source... did you do that?05:30
h00they SAM_theman you wanna know something05:30
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Mad3Max3jbmigel, was wondering if I need to remove the alsa-base package in synaptic first before installing the newest drivers,, maybe it was that, that screwed things up that I had the old drivers installed05:30
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SAM_themanh00t, yo05:31
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SAM_themanh00t, I am The Man ::P05:31
SAM_themanwait didn't work05:31
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CSWookieThanks folks.05:32
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Mad3Max3jbmigel, well.. no. I followed a how-to.. http://doc.gwos.org/index.php/Comprehensive_Sound_Problems_Solutions_Guide05:32
bimbimalguien me leee05:32
SAM_themanh00t, I am sorry dude I mean this way05:32
h00tSAM_theman, the proper way to do it (just figured it out) is to Enable "configuration editor" in "system tools" w/ "Alacarte Menu Editor"  ... then in config manager you just go to  /apps/nautilus/desktop ... and check enable home icon visible05:32
Mad3Max3jbmigel, go down to the part with using drivers from alsa-project05:32
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SAM_themanh00t, no go in your termianl as the user and type gconf-editor05:33
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h00tit won't enable in the menu though05:33
atomsmbmount //LA'MARA/1 /mnt/win98  - this the correct syntax to mount a shared folder ? no errors but doesnt seem to werk.05:33
SAM_themanh00t, then a window pops up go to where it says apps05:33
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SAM_themanh00t, then go down and look for nautilus05:33
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tobywukwhat is Gdesklets?05:33
SAM_themanh00t, then go to desktop and check 'home_icon_visible"05:34
h00tsame thing ... i prefer to have it in the menu instead of launching terminal all the time05:34
Mad3Max3jbmigel, wel it said.. 1.0.12 drivers.. but I thought that the newest ones might do the trick better.. so I installed 1.0.1305:34
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h00tbut ... yeah... you are the man05:34
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hastesavertobywuk, it's little programs on your desktop... like Mac OS X's "Dashboard widgets", if you've heard of them05:34
binfalse1atom: try the ip address of LA'MARA instead05:34
jbmigelMad3Max3 do you know the name you used to add your soundcard to modprobe?05:34
tobywukah ok. i have the gdesklets shell application installed. it says i need to download these widgets. where do i get them from?05:35
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kjaerHey guys, I am doing a dist-upgrade but I get the following error message:05:35
kjaerdpkg: error processing /var/cache/apt/archives/libavahi-compat-libdnssd1_0.6.13-2ubuntu2_i386.deb (--unpack):05:35
kjaer trying to overwrite `/usr/lib/libdns_sd.so.1', which is also in package bonjour05:35
kjaerHow do I solve this ?05:35
aquariusI've got a PDF document that I'd like to print so that I can fold up and staple the printed pages into a book. (I'm happy to print on one side of the paper and then put the paper back through the printer to print on the other side.) Can I do that?05:35
kjaerI can't uninstall bonjour.05:35
h00tSAM_theman, do you know how to cleanly install Firefox 2.0 latest RC05:35
Mad3Max3jbmigel, but not knowing about linux i ponder about.. does drivers has to match the exact linux kerne? maybe the 1.0.13 dosn't support the ubuntu kernel or something. how do I check that?05:35
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h00tit's not in the depository yet ... is it05:36
Mad3Max3jbmigel, got a code from here.. http://www.alsa-project.org/alsa-doc/index.php?vendor=vendor-Nvidia#matrix05:36
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tobywukhastesaver, where can i download these widgets from?05:36
Mad3Max3jbmigel, since I have a nforce mobo.. I thougt that would be the one to go with05:36
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pc22does singshot.com work in ubuntu?05:36
hastesavertobywuk, first install the package gdesklets (through synaptic/aptitude/adept/apt-get/whatever you use)05:36
tobywukdone that :)05:37
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SAM_themanh00t, umm first you willing to remove the current ubutnu version of FF?05:37
hastesavertobywuk, and gdesklets-data05:37
jbmigelMad3Max3 I think if your driver/kernel combination was not compatible it would have errored when you built the module. Did you add your new module with MODPROBE?05:37
jendaHow can I replace all spaces in a document with newlines?05:37
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tobywukso whats sudo apt-get install gdesklets-data?05:37
hastesavertobywuk, yes05:38
tobywukok then what?05:38
SAM_themanh00t, then again you taking that risk?05:38
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jendanevermind :)05:38
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tobywukhastesaver, done that. now what?05:39
SAM_themanh00t, there is no need for the rc2-3 versions yet wait till the Ubuntu urepositories come out with their version05:39
nnSo.. today I must fix X and it's "can't find 'cursor' font", SMP, and maybe get megaraid on a newer kernel than 2.6.1205:39
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hastesavertobywuk, now start gdesklets, you should see a bunch of desklets available already05:39
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tobywuko yeah :)05:39
h00tSAM_theman, i like to live on the edge... (still won't install Gentoo though)05:39
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tamalewhere can i get some more download urls to try for edgy?  the official one looks like it's capped at 555KB/s05:40
hastesavertobywuk, there are more available, but the gdesklets site seems to be down now :-( Feel free to learn Python and contribute your own ;-)05:40
hastesavertamale, torrents?05:40
Mad3Max3jbmigel, jupp, sudo modprbe snd-intel8x005:40
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jbmigelMad3Max3 and that ran successfully?05:41
SAM_themangentoo is works of Satan05:41
tamalehastesaver:  I can't unblock the ports on the routers I'm behind.. torrents go at 3 KB/s if i'm LUCKY05:41
Mad3Max3jbmigel, nothing happend when doing that.. so I guess it did05:41
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SAM_themanask the bot05:41
cybergentoo rox05:41
jbmigelMad3Max3 then you added intel8x0 to /etc/modules?05:41
Mad3Max3jbmigel, it just did a newline05:41
tobywukhehe :)05:41
SAM_themanubotu, firefox05:41
ubotufirefox is the default web-browser on Ubuntu. To install the latest version, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FirefoxNewVersion Installing plugins: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/FirefoxPlugins05:41
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hastesavertamale, then be happy with 555 kB/s; it's quite fast (I have a 256 kbps = 32 kB/s connection, so my opinion might not matter to you) :-)05:42
tobywukhastesaver,  how do i get the MaxOsx style icon toolbar on the desktop?05:42
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SAM_themanh00t, go here http://everythingelse.wordpress.com/2006/07/15/howto-install-firefox-20-bon-echo-in-ubuntu/05:42
Mad3Max3jbmigel, well since it didn't work after doing the modprobe.. with my spdif I mean.. I didn't do that..05:42
tamalehaste:  I'm just in a hurry :)05:42
nnHow do i remove every trace of X?05:42
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nnI need to reinstall all that stuff cuz it's broke ;(05:42
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hastesavertobywuk, the dock or whatever? One of the desklets does that; I don't remember which one now (and I'm using KDE, besides)05:42
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hastesavertobywuk, try every one :)05:42
tobywukok thanks :)05:42
nnbbl, redoing my RAID05:43
Mad3Max3jbmigel, since it didn't see if the new drivers installed. when running alsa-mixer the old version was still up in the menu05:43
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Liorithielaquarius, you can use pstools to do that, but you'll have to learn some dark console magic...05:43
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aquariusLiorithiel: ah, OK. I was hoping I could use the gnome print window to do it...05:44
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Mad3Max3jbmigel, but if that version number is for the alsa-mixer or the drivers I don't know.. someone here told me it was the driver version but im not so sure.05:44
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Ademanwhy do my gnome-panels keep dissapearing with beryl? after a few restarts they come in right, but untill that... they don't05:44
h00tSAM_theman, nice ... worked like a charm ... the only thing is that you have to replace RC2 w/ RC3 if you want the latest05:44
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Lam_how do i access the local java docs (i have Java JDK installed)05:45
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jbmigelMad3Max3 what makes you think that your not running the new driver and the spdif is still just not supported?05:45
Mad3Max3jbmigel, u said someting about when compiling from source I had to use make-kpkg.. is that whats messing things up05:45
ianmacgregorLam_: Have a look in /usr/share/doc05:46
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Liorithielaquarius, something like `psbook <file.ps | psnup -2 | psselect -o >odd.ps` for odd pages and -e instead of -o for even pages would do the thing (you have to convert your data to postscript earlier)05:46
Mad3Max3jbmigel, well.. s-pdif should be supported in the new drivers.. so I read from the release05:46
Liorithielaquarius, you can always file a bug in gnome-print-manager ;-)05:46
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Lam_ianmacgregor: it looks like i don't have them installed despite the fact i have the JDK. i'll go get them from Sun then.  thanks a lot05:47
ianmacgregorLam_: You're welcome :)05:47
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tomaszyes :)05:47
Liorithielaquarius, ah, one thing... if you use gutenprint/gimpprint drivers for your printer, you'll have to convert the result into pdf, then print - pstools have some old bugs which make their output not understandable by these drivers05:48
atomdo i need to install some package to use the smbmount command?05:48
jbmigelMad3Max3 there is a gnome-alsamixer package... could work better?05:48
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atomsaying command not found05:48
hastesaverLam_, no, install sun-java5-doc05:48
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hastesaverLam_, from the repos :)05:48
justin__Hello, I need guidance. I've got mobo with a ATI Radeon Xpress 200 integrated video adapter and an NVidia GeForce 5200fx PCI card. Since the ATI is a better adapter, I'd prefer to use that for my main monitor and use the nvidia for the 2nd monitor. How do I do this?05:49
cyberhi, I"m trying to set alsa on kubuntu , lspci: Intel Corporation 82801G (ICH7 Family) High Definition Audio Controller, /etc/init.d/alsa-utils start >> 'alsactl restore' failed with error message 'alsactl: load_st[ ok ] 36: No soundcards found...'...05:49
hastesaverLam_, sorry, I was wrong. You'll have to get it from Sun's site. Sorry05:49
binfalse1atom: i think the package is smbfs05:49
Mad3Max3jbmigel, I tried that one..05:49
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jbmigelMad3Max3 your new driver shows up in "modprobe -l | grep snd-"?05:50
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jbmigelMad3Max3 also "dmesg" may provide some insight05:51
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Mad3Max3jbmigel, modprobe -l | grep snd- tells shows me acouple of files for the alsa drivers...05:52
Mad3Max3jbmigel, /lib/modules/2.6.17-10-386/kernel/sound/pci/snd-intel8x0.ko05:52
alvarohi anyone knows how i must set the xorg.conf file to have two monitors?05:53
jendahow can I convert to text from prc?05:53
quakenul"sudo source" doesn't seem to work anymore with edgy eft but ipkungfu seems to need that05:55
Mad3Max3jbmigel, don't know if I got an answer for this.. but do I have to remove the alsa-base drivers intalled in synaptic before installing new ones with make intstall?05:55
quakenulcan anyone tell me how to modify sudoers to make that work?05:55
hastesaverjenda, what's prc, btw?05:55
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LiraNunaquakenul, hold on05:56
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jendahastesaver: palm text format05:56
quakenulhappy so LiraNuna05:56
elias_is either gamin or fam part of ubuntu-desktop?05:56
LiraNunajenda, .prc isn't a text format05:56
elias_which one?05:56
LiraNunaquakenul, http://ubuntuguide.org/wiki/Dapper#How_to_allow_more_sudoers05:56
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jendaLiraNuna: what is it, then?05:57
jbmigelMad3Max3 Im not really sure, If you remove alsa-base it will take your ubuntu-desktop with it lets keep looking for a way to remove the old driver from being loaded05:57
LiraNunajenda, it's a Palm executable05:57
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LiraNunalike window's .exe05:57
jendaLiraNuna: OK, I have a book in it :)05:57
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LiraNunajenda, about what?05:57
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LiraNunahow to create a .prc? lol05:57
LiraNunaaka Palm API Coding manual05:57
jendaLiraNuna: ok, then how do I convert from .pdb?05:58
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LiraNunajenda, PDB has a header05:58
jendaNo, it's just a random book - I need a sample text for frequency analysis :)05:58
LiraNunai forgot it's size05:58
jbmigelMad3Max3 you could try dpkg-reconfigure alsa-base05:58
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LiraNunaPDB is:05:58
quakenulLiraNuna actually when i said sudoers i meant /etc/sudoers, sorry for the confusion05:58
atomtrying to figure out ping for ubuntu... ping localhost in command line does nothing05:58
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jendaLiraNuna: ok... and how do I get my book :)05:59
Mad3Max3jbmigel, yes. I did that one time.. removed all... linux-sounds-base ,alsa-base and alsa-utils.. it made gnome not start.. so I had to reinstall them.. sudo apt-get install gdm ubuntu-desktop05:59
LiraNunajenda, try hexdump -C filename.pdb05:59
LiraNunaand paste it here: http://rafb.net/paste/05:59
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LiraNunathen give me the address06:00
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FrenchIs their a wine support Channel i can Connect to that people know off?06:00
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MetaMorfoziSwhat moderboard think yours i need to buy? msi or asus? for Intel P4 531 (3.0GHz/1MB/800MHz) (s775) BOX06:00
jbmigelMad3Max3 I think you will need to replace alsa-base and alsa-utils aswell, then rebuild your driver from source06:00
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jendaLiraNuna: http://rafb.net/paste/results/PLWxV355.html It's just a bit.06:00
Mad3Max3jbmigel.. says alsa-base not installed.. lol.. I forgot that I removed them with make uninstall06:00
LiraNunajenda, that's all?06:01
jendaLiraNuna: it's just a bit of it.06:01
jendaYou need teh entire thing?06:01
LiraNunawhat application is that?06:01
jendaI can do that, it's just huge :)06:01
LiraNunai know06:01
LiraNunawhat application is that?06:01
jendaLiraNuna: it's not an application...06:01
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jbmigelMad3Max3 well reinstall them and hopefully you will have better luck :P06:01
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jendawhat app - not sure what you mean.06:01
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LiraNunahow did you create this PDB?06:01
jendaI didn't, I downloaded it.06:02
Captain_RedbeardHmm... what is the difference between the different Nvidia drivers in the reps?06:02
LiraNunayou need a palmOS machine to view it then06:02
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LiraNunathere are freeware Palm Simulators06:02
mjrCaptain_Redbeard, support for legacy hardware; it's explained in the package descriptions06:02
jendaLiraNuna: I think I just found a reader of the format...06:03
LiraNuna.PDB is a generic file type of Palm applications06:03
Captain_Redbeardmjr: yea, but if I want to install say nvidia-settings it will automaticly remove the nvidia package :O06:03
LiraNunausually only the application that made it can read it06:04
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LiraNunaunless it's aiming for compatibility with other applications06:04
jendaLiraNuna: argh, nevermind, it don't work.06:04
LiraNuna(such as pictures)06:04
LiraNunathat's what i said06:04
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jendaI only need sample text, so I won't pursue it so hard :)06:04
LiraNunayou need a PalmOS machine06:04
LiraNunato run that .prc06:04
Mad3Max3jbmigel, this time I get compiler errors .. :(06:05
Mad3Max3jbmigel, well install errors i mean06:05
jbmigelMad3Max3 at modprobe?06:05
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Mad3Max3no.. make install06:05
Mad3Max3jbmigel, no make instal06:05
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jbmigelMad3Max3 what kind of errors06:06
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LiraNunaMad3Max3, it's not very wise to make install in ubuntu06:06
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Captain_Redbeardfurther on... how do I stop the check for sata-channels at boot up? since there is only a harddrive on port one it takes some good 10 minutes for the computor to boot up since it has to check and probe and wait for the rest to time out06:06
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VanessaEit should be noted that if you're doing something that involves `make install` you should probably be using checkinstall..  makes it easier to remove the prog later.06:06
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jbmigelLiraNuna scroll up to see what we talking about dont just spout dictator crap06:07
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Mad3Max3jbmigel, I got it to install.. and modprobe worked aswell,, I guess when it only does a newline it means success06:08
jbmigelMad3Max3 no news is good news06:08
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Mad3Max3jbmigel, go no dection of the sondcard with aplay -l thou.. reboot comp maybe?06:09
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jbmigelMad3Max3 put it in /etc/modules first06:09
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alvaro<alvaro> hi anyone knows how i must set the xorg.conf file to have two monitors?06:10
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rockzmanCan someoe help me with my wireless lan06:11
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quakenulanother try : ) now that i upgraded to edgy eft ipkungfu won't work anymore, this seems to be due to the source cmd which won't be executed via sudo. My guess was to edit /etc/sudoers in a way to allow exactly that but I'm fine with other solutions and any help is much appreciated :)06:11
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VanessaEalvaro: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/27681/06:11
SAM_themanguys watch that06:11
VanessaEthat's how my nvidia dualhead works.06:11
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VanessaEmight give you an idea.06:12
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rockzmanCan someoe help me with my wireless lan06:12
alvarothanks VanessaE taking a look06:12
Mad3Max3jbmigel, how do I save in Nano?06:12
jbmigelrockzman goto http://packages.ubuntu.com/ and download your kernel headers and also build-essential then come back and ask06:12
alvaroVanessaE, only one card? or two?06:12
jbmigelMad3Max3 sorry im an emacs guy06:12
VanessaEone card.06:13
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Mad3Max3How do I save in Nano ppl?06:13
quakenulMad3Max3: ctrl + o06:13
VanessaE(nv 6600, has dual outputs)06:13
jbmigelMad3Max3 ctrl-x06:13
catalytichas anyone here tried enlightenment?06:13
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alvaromm i have two, thats the problem06:13
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quakenulctrl+x is exit06:13
Mad3Max3ctrl-o worked.-. thanks06:13
VanessaEalvaro: that's ok, you can do it with two, hold a sec.06:13
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jbmigelctrl-x asks if you want to save before exit06:14
Mad3Max3jbmigel, im rebooting now.. hold your thumbs06:14
jbmigelgood luck06:14
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VanessaEthat's for two cards06:14
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brian98any chance of a decent version of flash06:15
rockzmanjbmigel hhahah i already made that :D06:15
rockzmanjbmigel my wireless lan is up06:15
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VanessaEdoes it make sense to you?06:15
jbmigelrockzman sweet man thats awesome06:15
Tomcat_brian98: Nope.06:15
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philipsmithMacromedia flash is not working with my Firefox. I'm positive that I've installed it. In fact, perhaps I've installed it to 2 different locations. Could this by why it doesn't work?06:15
rockzmanjbmigel but i still got a problem06:15
brian98This page requires the flash 8 player or better.Please click here to get it.06:15
brian98LOL] 06:15
jbmigelrockzman whats up now?06:15
rockzmanjbmigel i have 1 access point router and 2 stations, one is windows another is my linux, of course06:15
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Tomcat_philipsmith: You installed flashplugin-nonfree to two locations? o_O06:16
jbmigelrockzman i see your trouble already06:16
rockzmanjbmigel i can even enter on access point web interface i even ping my DNS's ip but i cant just06:16
GigaClonI try to run /usr/sbin/update-java-alternatives --plugin but all it gives me is the syntax screen06:16
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rockzmanjbmigel and my windows station works normally06:16
philipsmithTomcat: Possibly. I'm not very knowledgeable. Can you help?06:16
jbmigelrockzman sorry you got cut off... you cant just what?06:16
Tomcat_philipsmith: No time, sorry... usually you just need to install the package and it works...06:17
hastesaverGigaClon, try sudo update-alternatives --all and change only the java-releated ones (this is a bad solution; maybe there are better ones :-))06:17
rockzmanjbmigel my wireless network is up, but i am having troubles in my linux station06:17
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philipsmithTomcat_: Thanks.06:17
compengiLjL, i downloaded and installed froswire but it's not running =/06:17
rockzmanjbmigel i can access the access point web interface i do ping dns's from the linux station but i cant surf06:18
jbmigelrockzman can you surf to
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rockzmanjbmigel is that a random ip ?06:18
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jbmigelrockzman it should be hotmail... we are testing your connection... I think just your name server suxorz06:19
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rockzmanjbmigel yes i cant ping any external websites and i can only access access point site06:19
jbmigelrockzman can you ping www.hotmail.com?06:20
rockzmanlemme check[06:20
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compengii downloaded and installed frostwire but it's not running, what should i do?06:21
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compengii tried to reboot but it didn't help06:21
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VanessaEcompengi, run it from a terminal06:22
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VanessaEtell me the error you get (I'm guessing it has to do with a shell error)06:22
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compengiVanessaE, i don't know where it's located06:22
VanessaEjust type the name06:22
VanessaEopen a konsole06:23
VanessaEtype "frostwire" and hit enter.06:23
VanessaE(without the quotes, of course)06:23
compengiVanessaE, oh, i need java06:23
VanessaEthere you go :)06:23
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compengithen sudo apt-get install sun-java?06:24
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ed_Anyone know how I can change the colour of the text in my terminals?06:24
VanessaEI think so (I used the official package from Sun's website)06:24
ed_ie the non graphical ones06:24
compengiVanessaE, do they have deb packages for ubuntu or you compiled one?06:24
VanessaEI believe there are packages, yes.06:25
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VanessaEhowever, what I installed didn't require compiling (Sun distributes them as binary)06:25
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jdsnapedoes anyone know if xgl works with multiple monitors?06:27
Tomcat_jdsnape: It does... there are videos. :o06:27
rockzmanjbmigel nope06:27
rockzmanno ping06:27
jdsnapecool, does anything special have to be done with xorg.conf06:27
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jdsnapeor will it "just work" the same way as with one monitor06:27
rockzmanjbmigel i could not resolve using host -d www.hotmail.com06:28
jbmigelrockzman does it error 'unresolved host"06:28
compengiVanessaE, it06:28
compengiVanessaE, it's rmp.bin06:28
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atomcan i use a KDE application although im using gnome?06:28
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rockzmanjbmigel uknown host06:28
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rockzmanbut i do ping my gateway06:29
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tjb891can anyone tell me were direct connect file transfers go in gaim06:29
VanessaEwhat I downloaded was not the .rpm but just the plain .bin06:29
VanessaEbut you should first try using the 'proper' ubuntu package06:29
jbmigelrockzman yes you would... is your wlan0 configured for dhcp?06:30
compengiVanessaE, i need Java Runtime Environment Version 5.0 Update 606:30
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rockzmanjbmigel yes i did type dhcpcd wlan006:30
yakumoanyone know where i can find a dvd creator where i can create a root menu and the title menu?06:30
rockzmanand it retrieved a ip jbmigel06:30
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rockzmanmy access point is configurated to get dns automatically jbmigel06:30
compengiVanessaE, how can i get it proper for ubuntu06:30
VanessaEyakumo: maybe dvdstyler?06:30
VanessaEcompengi, is there nothing listed in your package manager?06:31
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compengiVanessaE, i'm searching06:31
VanessaE(I guess you use synaptic, right?)06:31
VanessaEI think it's sun-java-bin or so06:31
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Music_ShuffleIts listed, but under the proprietary(Is that what its called?) tab..so you might have to enable those.06:32
yakumocan i create menu title using dvdstyler?06:32
rockzmanjbmigel should i use my acess point ip as name server?06:32
jbmigelrockzman look at output of "cat /etc/resolv.conf"06:32
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yakumois the dvdstyler only allow to play dvd?06:32
VanessaElooks like sun java isn't even in here anymore06:32
rockzmanjbmigel it has 2 isp dns those i said you that answers my pings06:32
jbmigelrockzman yes your nameserver should be your router06:32
rockzmanjbmigel :D06:32
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rockzmanjbmigel worked :D06:33
jbmigelrockzman nice06:33
atomi cant find vmnet package using synaptic06:33
VanessaEyou'll have to download the .bin from http://java.sun.com/javase/downloads/index.jsp06:33
Music_ShuffleNo package?06:34
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atomcan anyone else find the vmnet ?06:34
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VanessaEvmnet is part of vmware06:35
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VanessaEor did you mean wmnet?06:35
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atomtwo applications now failed due to no vmnet.... vmware and kftp06:36
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VanessaEwtf does kft need with vmnet?06:36
VanessaEer, kftp06:36
habeebGreetings, I was following a howto, and a step was: dpkg-buildpkg -rfakeroot -us -uc. There is no dpkg-buildpkg, right? Isnt there a buildpkg GNU program, but not a dpkg one. Did I miss something? :/06:36
atomsaid it was for KDE and im running gnome? has to emulate ?06:37
VanessaEtry that instead, habeeb06:37
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atomsays the service isnt running.. how to start vmnet?06:37
habeebVanessaE: thank you. I was looking for that...06:38
VanessaEtried modprobe vmnet ?06:38
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VanessaEvmnet is a kernel module06:39
jcsmithhi all, i have dapper installed on my laptop and it seems that it is not executing any user crontabs06:39
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VanessaEat least, I seem to remember that being the case.06:39
jcsmithdoes anyone have an idea of where to look to see whats going on, i don't see anything in /var/log/syslog which seems to be where cron is configured to log06:39
fnihey guys. trying to install unbuntu, but everytime i try it just starts loading ubuntu live CD06:40
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VanessaEthat's what it's supposed to do06:40
Music_ShuffleDid you already install it?06:40
VanessaEyou spawn the installer after the liveCD boots.06:40
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atomtheres an install icon on the desktop06:40
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atomdclick it06:40
eternalswdhow would I go about routing one port to another.  say I have a program that wants to use port 59 that I don't want to give root access to but want to use port 9000 instead.  How would I route 9000 to port 59?06:40
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fniVanessaE, but i want to install it to the HDD. problem is ubuntu takes forever to load (>30min)06:41
Music_ShuffleYou can find an option to install to the HDD on the liveCD's desktop.06:41
Clinton__fni: whatare you trying to install it on, a 286?06:41
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Jeruvyfni: get a faster pc :)06:41
VanessaEonce you spwan the installer, it will install to your HDD.06:41
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fniClinton__: lol, it's a *sony* laptop06:41
atomi boot ubuntu in less than 2 minutes06:41
Clinton__fni: holy crap, might as well be a an 8086 then06:42
atomur cd might be slow06:42
atominstall to the hdd06:42
julien_fni trie alternate iso06:42
Music_Shuffleits probably just his CD drive..06:42
Subhumanfni, my vaio boots in about 5 mins from the live CD....06:42
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Clinton__I agree, that's ridiculous06:42
fniso far i've waited 30mins (at the redish screen)06:42
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mooseman089has anybody had a problem lately with ubuntu where gnome applets start using port for servers like 80 and 443?06:42
Music_ShuffleThe disk maybe?06:42
Subhumanbut yeah, i bet it your oprical drive, your on AC yeah?06:42
VanessaEfor me, the livecd (actually, I use kubuntu) takes some 5 minutes to fully boot up (on a fast box) but the actual HD install takes maybe 2 mins or less.06:42
VanessaEto boot.06:42
Clinton__i have a compaq laptop (6years old) that boots in 5 minutes on the live cd06:42
fniyeah AC06:42
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fnitry re-burning at a slower speed then?06:43
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Music_ShufflePlus, if the disk's messed up, good luck installing it after your 30 minute wait.06:43
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Clinton__It'll take so long, you might as well install Gentoo06:43
kane77hi... how can i close gnome? I would like to try fluxbox.06:44
mooseman089anybody having the same problem as me?06:44
Clinton__kane77: log out and choose fluxbox in your session manager06:44
Clinton__kane77: make sure you've installed fluxbox first tho06:44
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kane77Clinton__, thanx.. hh thats easy :D06:44
Clinton__kane77: np06:44
VanessaEjeez...talk about a long install (gentoo)06:45
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SpudDoggCan someone here help me with the install of madwifi drivers?  I keep getting the error '.config does not exist'06:45
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ianmacgregorSpudDogg: Did you run ./configure or ./config?06:46
Paddy_EIREi have my hp all in one scanner printer attached and working as regards printing although I can not see where to add the scanner functionality06:46
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VanessaEyou have to set up sane/xsane06:46
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mcquaidhey all, I think there's a guide on this but I can't find it right now.  Currently my ubuntu install is on a drive that does not have mbr on it, in my case hda has the mbr and ubuntu is on hdd06:47
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mcquaidI want to move my ubuntu drive to a new computer that will end up being hda06:47
VanessaEeh, actually sane is a pain in the tail to configure06:47
Paddy_EIREs ok i got it06:47
mcquaidI have a guide on reinstalling grub, but obviously the menu.1st file will be incorrect, is there a way to make ubuntu recreate menu.1st for the new system?06:48
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DaBussHey everyone, is it just me or are the repos going super slow? about 12kb/s?06:49
mcquaidi could manually modify menu.1st myself but then I thought about it and was curious what the installer uses to detect existing drives and create the menu.1st file in the first place06:49
mooseman089is it safe to delete /tmp ?06:49
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eternalswdbump...how would I go about routing one port to another.  say I have a program that wants to use port 59 that I don't want to give root access to but want to use port 9000 instead.  How would I route 9000 to port 59?06:49
yakumohi how can i install dvdstyler?06:49
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VanessaEmoose: only delete the *contents* of /tmp and only if you are absolutely sure nothing is using the files therein.06:50
protexIs Ubuntu still as sluggish as it was in 5.10?06:50
DaBussHey everyone, is it just me or are the repos going super slow? about 12kb/s?06:50
SpudDoggianmacgregor, no, i have not done either of those06:50
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mcquaidDaBuss, you asked that 5 seconds ago06:50
mooseman089vanessae it looks like there are socket files in there binding to my server ports like 80 and i need to fix it06:51
mcquaidbe patient06:51
mooseman089even after a reboot they stay there06:51
VanessaEeh...don't mess with those.06:51
DaBussok, sry06:51
mcquaidin the past when I found the reps slow sometimes, simply stopping and reapplying whatever changes in synaptic will give it a kick in the pants06:51
VanessaEthe kernel handles it's own port forwarding schemes separate from whatever might be stored in /tmp06:51
mcquaidit also can be a result of if you've added alternate repositories that don't have much bandwidth06:52
mooseman089so are you saying i should or shouldnt delete teh file?06:52
VanessaEshould not.06:52
DaBussok, let me try that06:52
Music_ShuffleDaBuss: They're ok for me06:52
VanessaEyou might look into the workings of iptables.06:52
ZaggynlI can't hear sound from Flash movies (video.google movies) anymore :<06:52
VanessaEthat's how the kernel does port forwarding et.al06:52
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DaBussok, then is gota be on my end...i hate time warner/adelphia06:53
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JoeMamadoes anybody know a program i can use to convert m4a to mp3...06:53
eternalswdZaggynl, try using alsa-oss06:53
Music_ShuffleGood luck.06:53
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snook353how do i edit a .gz compressed file?  i want to edit conky.06:54
Zaggynleternalswd, well I can hear every other thing that makes sound, just flash isn't making any06:54
binfalse1mooseman089: what you trying to do, btw?06:54
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Zaggynland how would I change that option for flash?06:54
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snook353sudo gedit doesn't open it - conky06:54
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binfalse1mooseman089: i missed your original question06:54
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about dualscreen - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi06:55
mooseman089for some reason the ports my apache server uses (80,443) are already binded by some apps http://pastebin.ca/21315206:55
Music_Shufflebinfalse1: His original related to deleting /tmp safely and if it was ok to do so.06:55
binfalse1Music_Shuffle: ah okay06:55
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ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about m4a - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi06:55
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about convert - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi06:55
binfalse1as long as he/she doesn't delete the /tmp dir itself  :)06:55
mooseman089i think the problem lies in the fact there was a power outage a couple times yesterday and somehow some files got stuck in /tmp are causing it but i dont know how i should remove them from /tmp06:55
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ubotuconky: highly configurable system monitor for X based on torsmo. In component universe, is optional. Version 1.3.5-0ubuntu1 (dapper), package size 95 kB, installed size 316 kB06:56
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binfalse1mooseman089: so are there files in /tmp that you cannot remove even as root?06:56
xion1986hello can anyone help me herre?06:56
mooseman089i didnt try to remove them yet06:56
ubotuDon't ask to ask a question. Just ask your question :)06:56
eternalswdZaggynl, if you have alsa-oss installed from the repositories, to test, start your browser from the command line but put aoss at the beginning ie "aoss firefox"06:56
mooseman089ok they deleted ill reboot and see what happens06:57
Zaggynlnvm found a howto :), thanks for the pointer. http://www.ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=255422&highlight=flash+no+sound06:57
xion1986i got 2monitors and 1 graphicart, and now i want to use the 2 monitors to work like 1 big monitor, because the second monitor is a clone of the first one06:57
mcquaiddoes anyone know if there's a particular program that creates menu.1st when installing, or is that all wrapped up in the installer?06:57
mcquaidI want to know because I'm moving this drive to another computer and obviously the menu.1st will no longer be accurate06:58
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Scorpmoonhow do I install my creative webcam on Ubuntu?06:58
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ScorpmoonEasycam and Camorama gave me 3 images of myself tiled06:58
Clinton__Scorpmoon: plug it in06:58
Scorpmoonno, it's not windows, its ubuntu06:58
atomany way to check your motherboard model within ubuntu?06:59
Clinton__Scorpmoon: I didn't say anything about windows06:59
xion1986i got 2monitors and 1 graphicard, and now i want to use the 2 monitors to work like 1 big monitor, because the second monitor is a clone of the first one06:59
Scorpmoonbut plugging it in doesnt help06:59
Clinton__atom: cat /proc/cpuinfo06:59
Music_ShuffleMcquaid: update-grub - program to generate GRUB's menu.lst file06:59
ubotuTo install the Ati/NVidia drivers for your video card, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto06:59
mcquaidahh thx very much Music_Shuffle07:00
Music_ShuffleHope it helps07:00
mcquaidnow I should be good to go07:00
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atomthnx clinton but it looks to be only cpu info07:00
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mooseman089ok great ubuntu remade the files in /tmp07:00
mooseman089can somebody tell me why its doing this?07:01
CompyIs there some reason why Dapper Drake server doesnt have a sendmail package available?07:01
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Clinton__ mooseman089: what do you mean by remade?07:01
ubotusendmail: powerful, efficient, and scalable Mail Transport Agent. In component universe, is extra. Version 8.13.5-3ubuntu1.1 (dapper), package size 189 kB, installed size 244 kB07:01
mooseman089i delete teh contents of /tmp and rebooted and the same files are back07:01
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about qmail - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi07:01
ubotupostfix is the default Mail Transfer Agent (MTA) for Ubuntu. Read more about setting it up here: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Postfix or here: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/PostfixBasicSetupHowto07:01
Scorpmoonis it possible to do video chat in skype for linux?07:01
mooseman089clinton do you know how i have the problem with port bindings07:01
binfalse1mooseman089: "some files" in /tmp are okay07:02
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Clinton__mooseman089: I know nothing about port bindings, sorry.  As for the tmp files, some files will always be there07:02
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binfalse1mooseman089: that's what /tmp is for. some programs put temporary files in there.07:02
mooseman089yea but those files never prevent my apache server from running07:02
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Clinton__mooseman089:  why would you not want to prevent your apache server from running?07:03
Music_ShuffleHe wants it to run...07:03
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mooseman089when i do /etc/init.d/apache2 reload it gives me (98)Address already in use: make_sock: could not bind to address no listening sockets available, shutting down07:03
mooseman089Unable to open logs07:03
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Who_does anyone know if Ekiga can do video chat?07:03
concept10is there a room for the eft?07:03
binfalse1mooseman089: you probably run the init script as a normal user07:03
Clinton__mooseman089: then its an issue with the config, not tmp files07:04
Clinton__concept10: #ubuntu+107:04
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binfalse1mooseman089: try sudo /etc/init.d/apache2 reload07:04
concept10Clinton__, thks07:04
mooseman089i ran the command as root from ssh07:04
JoeMamaanybody know how to convert m4a to mp3??07:04
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ianmacgregorbinfalse1: Isn't it restart instead of reload?07:04
Clinton__JoeMama: sox *might* do it07:05
CompyRookie_: why would it be on dappers package list but with an apt-cache search sendmail nothing is found?07:05
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binfalse1ianmacgregor: there is also reload. i don't know what mooseman089 tries to do exactly07:05
Rookie_might be because you dont have the right rep. ?07:05
atomwow no nforce raid chipset drivers for linux. how shitty is that07:05
ubotusendmail: powerful, efficient, and scalable Mail Transport Agent. In component universe, is extra. Version 8.13.5-3ubuntu1.1 (dapper), package size 189 kB, installed size 244 kB07:05
Compyill have to check07:05
Rookie_look in that rep07:05
CompyThanks, I shall.07:05
binfalse1ianmacgregor: restart shuts down the service, then starts it. reload just re-reads the config files.07:06
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Scorpmoonwhat do you use for video chat if skype linux doesn't support it?07:06
ianmacgregorbinfalse1: Ahh, ok, thanks07:06
Music_ShuffleYou can use mplayer to convert the mp4's to .ogg's or whatnot. (No idea who asked though)07:06
mooseman089how do you manage the port mapper?07:06
binfalse1ianmacgregor: but not all services support "reload", it depends07:06
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MetaMorfoziShas the integrated intel videocards linux support?07:06
Clinton__Music_Shuffle: I didn't know mplayer could convert types07:06
Clinton__Music_Shuffle: you sure on that?07:06
mjrScorpmoon, ekiga for example07:06
SpudDoggCan someone here help me install a new madwifi driver?07:07
Music_ShuffleI'm about to try it. We'll find out? >.>07:07
SpudDoggActually, all I need to do is create a symlink07:07
Clinton__Music_Shuffle: let me know!07:07
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binfalse1mooseman089: the portmapper has nothing to do with your apache problem. portmapper is for rpc, mainly for nfs.07:07
MetaMorfoziSis there driver support from intel for intel integrated videocards?07:07
Clinton__SpudDogg: ln -s <sourcefile> <targetfile>07:07
SpudDoggClinton__, thanks man, i'll try it07:07
ianmacgregormooseman089: /etc/apache2/ports.conf ?07:07
SlowLighthello all, I'm new to Linux, I used to have putty ssh client on my XP, how can I have something similier on ubuntu to access my hosting server?07:08
mooseman089its not apache is something with the kernal/ubuntu07:08
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Clinton__SpudDogg: np07:08
mooseman089even i chanage to a weird port it works07:08
ianmacgregorSlowLight: use ssh in a terminal07:08
Rookie_SlowLight - just type ssh and ip07:08
SlowLightwill try!!!07:08
Clinton__mooseman089: on an off chance, do you have any other servers running?07:08
binfalse1mooseman089: first you want to find out which process is already bound to port 80: sudo netstat --inet -nap | grep LISTEN | grep -w 8007:08
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mooseman089binfalse1 that returned nothing07:09
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binfalse1mooseman089: okay, then: sudo netstat --inet6 -nap | grep LISTEN | grep -w 8007:09
DeusXI get the 'cannot start HAL' error on startup. WHat's this and how can I get rid of it ?07:09
Rookie_try /etc/services for ports07:09
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shuttlequelqu un peux me dire comment lire des mp3 sur ubuntu ?07:10
mooseman089netstat --inet6 -nap | grep LISTEN | grep -w 8007:10
mooseman089tcp6       0      0 :::80                   :::*                    LISTEN     4674/apache207:10
CompyRookie_: looks good, thanks for the tip.07:10
binfalse1mooseman089: see? apache2 is already running07:10
Rookie_oki, np07:10
SlowLightRookie and how should I submit my username, it asks directly for passwrd07:10
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ianmacgregorSlowLight: ssh username@host07:11
shuttlesomeone can explain to me how to play a mp3 file on ubuntu ?07:11
mooseman089but i cant get any files not even with telnet07:11
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Rookie_your current user on your localhost is the username, if you have the same username on the server, just type the pwd and you logging in as that user07:11
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VanessaEuse xmms, amarok, etc.07:11
SlowLightRookie thank you, and everyone07:11
ianmacgregorshuttle: xmms plays mp3 files out-of-the-box07:12
VanessaE(shuttle ^^^)07:12
binfalse1mooseman089: which ip address do you try?07:12
shuttleok thx07:12
mooseman089localhost 8007:12
mooseman089go try yourself moose.homelinux.org07:12
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Darth_Tuxanyone using mac hardware with linux?07:13
binfalse1mooseman089: no answer. any iptables rules that could block connects to that machine?07:13
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binfalse1mooseman089: the machine also doesn't respond to ping07:14
mooseman089my lan firewall blocks pings but the ports for the web server are open i checked07:14
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mooseman089but what happened was my friend was using my site fine and the sudden he sent a message saying its down and i have been working on figure it out since07:15
binfalse1mooseman089: "lan firewall"... could you be more specific?07:15
catalytici have just installed eclipse07:15
atomdoes debian run an x-server like ubuntu? x-server seems to complicate things with driver installs07:15
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mooseman089i wasnt doing related to the server at all07:15
DeusXI get the 'cannot start HAL' error on startup. WHat's this and how can I get rid of it ? I get this after running 'dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg' 3 times.07:15
shuttleCan i read my disk ntfs on linux ?07:15
catalyticand i want to set the workspace to another partition07:15
mooseman089smoothwall box07:15
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ubotuTo view your Windows/Mac partitions see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AutomaticallyMountPartitions  -  See also !fuse07:15
catalyticbut the partition is NTFS07:15
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SpudDoggianmacgregor, you still here?07:15
ianmacgregorSpudDogg: yep07:15
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pvt_harvey guys...07:16
ianmacgregorSpudDogg: I practically live here, lol07:16
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catalyticthe drive is mounted07:16
binfalse1mooseman089: i know little about smoothwall, but i guess you have to re-check if and how port forwarding on the smoothwall machine is configured07:16
pvt_harvim demonstrating ubuntu to new users here in asia...07:16
catalyticand i can open and read from it07:16
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catalyticbut should i be able to write to it?07:16
pvt_harvshowed this chat room on a big projector07:16
VincentMXmy tv card (Pinnacle PCTV 40i) wont work with kubuntu07:16
Music_ShuffleNot if its NTFS, I don't think.07:16
Crazyl1nkI have a question, i wish to have better Resolution how can i got about this because i cant seem to find where07:17
atomvincentmx - no shit07:17
ianmacgregorpvt_harv: Well, say hello to those folks :)07:17
Music_ShuffleNTFS is read-only.07:17
VanessaEahh this is good to see....the edgy CD finally recognizes the SATA chipset/drives in our computers here.07:17
DeusXI get the 'cannot start HAL' error on startup. WHat's this and how can I get rid of it ? I get this after running 'dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg' 3 times..... someone, please ?07:17
SpudDoggianmacgregor, hey question...when i try to build the driver for madwifi, i keep getting the error '../Makefile.inc:113: *** KERNELCONF: /lib/modules/2.6.15-27-386/build/.config does not exist..  Stop.'  do you know what i need to do?07:17
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VincentMXatom, explain?07:17
Crazyl1nkbesides going to system, because they have a set limit.07:17
catalyticso if i had an already partitioned windows drive07:17
mooseman089binflase i can promise my firewall isnt doing anything because it doesnt work on the same box with localhost07:17
binfalse1VanessaE: which sata chipset is it?07:17
catalyticim never goign to be able to write to it with linux?07:17
Music_ShuffleYou can read from it.07:17
pvt_harvianmcgregor: they say hi, too..07:17
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ianmacgregorSpudDogg: No idea, I've never had to build drivers.07:17
atompinnacle is a horrid company for linux support. ur best chance is googling user-open drivers for it07:17
Music_ShuffleRight. Not with that filesystem, no.07:17
pvt_harvianmacgregor: they say hi, too..07:17
VanessaEbinfalse1, ULi 5289 (rev 10)07:17
DeusXI get the 'cannot start HAL' error on startup. WHat's this and how can I get rid of it ? I get this after running 'dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg' 3 times..... someone, please ?07:18
catalytici tried running eclipse with eclipse -date / instead07:18
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ianmacgregorSpudDogg: Seen this: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs07:18
ianmacgregorpvt_harv: :)07:18
pvt_harvdont buy hardware from vendors with no linux support07:18
catalyticbut then it sayst that that workspace is currently in use07:18
mooseman089and what makes even weirder there is another ubuntu server that is also experiancing this exact some problem07:18
binfalse1VanessaE: uh, never heard of that. recently i had problems with a ICH7 sata that wouldn't recognize the attached disks07:18
VanessaEthat was my problem exactly.07:18
VincentMXatom, it uses the bttv driver, wich comes with most 2.6 kernels07:18
catalyticoh and does anyone know about configuring enlightenment for the first time?07:19
DeusXI get the 'cannot start HAL' error on startup. WHat's this and how can I get rid of it ? I get this after running 'dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg' 3 times..... someone, please ?07:19
catalyticeg putting in some menus and aps etc?07:19
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binfalse1VanessaE: when booting an older kernel, the controller was recognized as IDE, but the disks couldn't do DMA...07:19
VanessaEdapper recognized the chipset but not the disk.  I just chalked it up to a kernel bug and rolled my own (used a regular IDE disk and them moved it all over to SATA)07:19
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mooseman089is there way to backup all apps installed through apt-get with ubuntu?07:20
Carroarmato0Hit3k, can somebody tell me how to make some partitions not mount automatically at boot?07:20
SpudDoggianmacgregor, looks like that page is only for breezy07:20
VanessaEmooseman: have you ever messed with the contents of /var/cache/apt/archives?   If not, just back that up.07:20
ianmacgregorSpudDogg: :(07:20
binfalse1VanessaE: i even tried compiling 2.6.18 on that machine. same problem. so only IDE was possible..07:20
VanessaEit contains everything you've installed, in .deb package form.07:20
clearzenCarroarmato0: comment the drives out in fstab07:20
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sharperguyanyone know how to record ekiga calls?07:20
VincentMXstill there, atom?07:20
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binfalse1mooseman089: do you have tcpdump installed?07:21
Carroarmato0clearzen, just an # infront of them?07:21
mooseman089no whats that07:21
binfalse1mooseman089: a network testing/sniffing tool07:21
Carroarmato0clearzen, thx!07:21
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Music_ShuffleClinton_ you here still?07:21
atomwhat is a good tv capture / viewer program for linux anyway? i got a theater 55007:21
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mooseman089o whoa its built in07:21
clearzenCarroarmato0: no problem07:21
binfalse1mooseman089: good for network debugging to see if some packets reach a machine07:21
Music_ShuffleClinton__ you here still? *Typos ftl*07:22
mikefooHave a Question: We run a fairly large web server shop, which lots of content. We switched to holding the served content to a network attached storage device. I tested max throughput to the device and got 30MB/sec when the webserver only pushed 5MB/sec. After we switched out request time dropped a lot. So I guess it just sheer latency to the NAS?07:22
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binfalse1mooseman089: try "sudo tcpdump -ni your_eth_interface port 80"07:22
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binfalse1mooseman089: got it running?07:22
clearzendoes anyone have links to a good iptables guide07:22
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binfalse1mooseman089: do you see packets now?07:23
Clinton__Music_Shuffle: sup?07:23
Music_ShuffleIt works.07:23
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binfalse1mooseman089: okay, so the port forwarding works07:23
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anacaonahello hello07:23
Clinton__Music_Shuffle: thats something I gotta check into07:23
binfalse1mooseman089: but somehow your apache2 is deaf07:23
anacaonai'm having a problem with dapper install freezing at the partition set up07:23
Music_ShuffleI tested the steps for just one file, works fine to .wav and then from there you do it again to .mp3, or for a folder or whatever07:23
Music_ShuffleBut theres a script listed07:23
Music_Shuffleto go straihgt from07:24
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mooseman089or something is else is binded to the port blocking apache from it?07:24
Music_Shuffleexcept...I have no idea what to do with the script to run it.07:24
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Music_ShuffleBecause I'm noob like that. Any help?07:24
binfalse1mooseman089: maybe apache2 is only bound to the ip6-addresses, not ipv407:24
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Clinton__Music_Shuffle: thx =)07:24
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Clinton__Music_Shuffle: OK, back to work forme07:24
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Music_ShuffleAnyone able to explain scripts to me? >.>07:25
binfalse1mooseman089: can you check iptables rules on the apache2 machine? sudo iptables -L -nv  (and paste it to pastebin)07:25
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grndslmdoes suspend to hd or ram work in edgy/compiz??07:26
binfalse1mooseman089: looks good07:26
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si9ohi all07:26
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binfalse1mooseman089: does "w3m http://localhost/" on the apache2 machine work?07:26
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mooseman089so what do you think happened personally i have 2 guess a) power outage had a delayed screw up of something b) i somehow got pwned by a hacker07:27
dk06How come I can't open a .rpm file in archive manager?07:27
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mooseman089localhost contaced waiting for reply07:27
binfalse1mooseman089: not sure07:27
ianmacgregordk06: Because we aren't supposed to be using rpm files in Ubuntu?07:27
Mathieu__anybody has an up-to-date tutorial to install beryl/Xgl/AIGL? Both http://wiki.beryl-project.org/index.php/Install/Ubuntu and http://knowledge76.com/index.php/XGL/Compiz_Nvidia_32bit are not working :(07:27
mooseman089do you think it could be a) ?07:27
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huraxdk06: there's alien though07:28
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binfalse1mooseman089: sorry, dont know07:28
ianmacgregordk06: Search the repos for the app, or, find a .deb made for Ubuntu, or, compile from source07:28
mooseman089i would say there was a 4 hour difference between the last outage and the report of a problem07:28
ianmacgregordk06: Which app are you looking for?07:28
Andre28hello. I have a 2.6.15-27-386 and i want to install a 640c at lpt1 (that didn't install it self on boot). What must i do? Google was not been a good friend. Thanks07:28
=== Lr5 wonders if there's a way to change ubuntu from 64 bit version to 32 bit one without reinstalling it
Music_ShuffleDon't use LW.07:28
ubotulimewire is a popular P2P client running on the Gnutella network. To get it running, install !java first, then download Limewire from http://www.limewire.com/LimeWireSoftOther and finally run runLime.sh. Consider !FrostWire as an alternative.07:28
dk06why not07:28
Music_ShuffleFrostwire's easier to setup on Ubuntu.07:28
mjrLr5, not really07:28
binfalse1mooseman089: try w3m http://::1/07:28
Lr5mjr: ok, thanks07:28
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Music_ShuffleAnd its the same thing. PLUS, its blue!07:29
dk06can u link me07:29
ubotuTo disable ipv6 read https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WebBrowsingSlowIPv6IPv407:29
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mooseman089w3m http://::1/07:29
mooseman089w3m: Can't load http://::1/.07:29
ianmacgregor!limewire > dk0607:29
grahamldlwhey can someone help me? i have a repository problem07:29
dk06but im asking about frostwire07:29
ianmacgregor!frostwire > dk0607:29
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ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about tv - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi07:29
grahamldlwis there anyone here that can help me?07:30
catalyticanyone here use enlightenment?07:30
Music_Shuffledk06, its listed here:07:30
si9owell... i guess i'll jump right in. just got a SyncMaster 940bw and can't get it working in X. i've scoured the forums for something useful, but all i end up doing is crashing X and having to replace my xorg.conf file from backup07:30
ianmacgregor!anyone > grahamldlw07:30
Music_ShuffleJust ctrl-f it, its pretty easy to follow.07:30
BHSPitLappygrahamldlw, you never once stated a problem; that makes it kind of hard to answer a question, eh?07:30
binfalse1mooseman089: must be something in the apache2 config i guess. i never use apache, only thttpd. so i don't know.07:30
dk06ianmacgregor: should i download the tar of the other file07:30
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grahamldlwi said a repository problem just to state the topic07:30
mooseman089im almost postivite its not apache07:31
ianmacgregordk06: I don't know, best to follow that page07:31
Music_ShuffleWhat about the repositories?07:31
Andre28I have a 2.6.15-27-386 and i want to install a 640c at lpt1 (that didn't install it self on boot). What must i do? Does it come with native suport or do i need software?07:31
grahamldlwi decided to wait for someone to respond as theres no point describing a problem when no ones watching07:31
BHSPitLappygrahamldlw, oh! okay! the answer to your question is, "maybe"07:31
dk06ok thanks guys07:31
sharperguywhats the repo with opera and stuff in it?07:31
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ianmacgregorgrahamldlw: No one can respond until we know the question07:31
Music_ShuffleMeh. Nobody WILL respond if you don't just state a question.07:31
=== Crazyl1nk [n=crazylin@ip24-56-51-157.ph.ph.cox.net] has joined #ubuntu
SpudDoggDoes anyone know of any software to see where a wifi signal is coming from?  You know the general direction...Preferably without a GPS antenna?07:31
mooseman089if i manually kill the pids of apps i see in netstat -lnp  | grep 80 then it works07:31
hsswouw beryl+xgl superb :D07:32
BHSPitLappySpudDogg, you can't tell if you're sitting still07:32
grahamldlwbut anyway, i keep gettin an error with the respotory thing saying that i have malformed code on line 22, i deleted all my repositorys thinking that wud fix it and i cud get em back but i cant, so i have no repo's and an error still07:32
Music_ShuffleAnyone able to explain to me what on Earth I do with a script I found on a site that looks interesting? Like...how I run it/do whatever it is you do with scripts?07:32
BHSPitLappySpudDogg, you'd have to be able to move around a whole lot, you know07:32
ianmacgregor!easysource > grahamldlw07:32
SpudDoggBHSPitLappy, meaning driving around the block, or just walking around a little?07:32
BHSPitLappyMusic_Shuffle, in a terminal, "sh nameofscript"07:32
Music_Shufflegrahamldlw, you can get them back...redo your sources.list file.07:33
Music_ShuffleWait, what?07:33
grahamldlwi dont know how?07:33
si9othe question is: does anyone have any experience getting a syncmaster 940bw working in dapper?07:33
BHSPitLappySpudDogg, you know what, I'm pretty sure you need GPS to even do that07:33
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ChousukeI wonder if my 3d performance is at its maximum. I'm using the "ati" drivers, and glxinfo says I have direct rendering. I'm getting 700 fps with glxgears, which sounds pretty low for a radeon 9200 SE :/07:33
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grahamldlwand wen i open it it says read only07:33
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ianmacgregorgrahamldlw: Check your other irc windows/tabs07:33
Music_ShuffleOpen it as root.07:33
BHSPitLappySpudDogg, I think for you, you'd just have to go around and watch the signal increase or decrease07:33
arepiehello,, big problem.. after install ubuntu which take all my harddisk space, i decided to reinstall ubuntu + windows.. but when i try to setup windows, the system can't detect my hard disk, then i open up ubuntu and run GNOME partiotion manager, and reformat it, it get;s even worst.. now ubuntu also didn't recognize my hard disk..07:33
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SpudDoggBHSPitLappy, do you know of a GPS antenna that will work well in ubuntu with airodump?07:33
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Lr5Is it normal that when some application is playing sounds you don't hear sound from other applications?07:33
k3nobihi there, if I install now edgy-RC will I get updates for the final realase Okt26 or do I have to do a reinstalltaion..?07:34
Music_ShuffleArepie: LiveCD to fix it?07:34
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grahamldlwi tried that thing already and i didnt understand it07:34
BHSPitLappySpudDogg, I don't.07:34
Music_Shuffle...tried what?07:34
arepieMusic_Shuffle: yes.. im run the GNOME partition manager with live cd.. now the live cd also didn't recognize my hard disk.. it says that i have no hard disk07:34
Music_ShuffleBHSPitLappy, I think that's like two steps ahead of where I am with this script.07:34
BHSPitLappyLr5, yes. that's the currently-bad state linux sound is in.07:35
Music_ShuffleI'm at the "text on web page, me have blank stare"-stage.07:35
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SpudDoggBHSPitLappy, ok, thanks man07:35
Music_ShuffleShove it into a text editor or what?07:35
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BHSPitLappyMusic_Shuffle, link?07:35
dk06nothing happens when i launch frostwire07:35
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grahamldlwi tried that source list program website thing and i didnt understand it07:35
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Music_ShuffleBHSPitLappy, http://gimpel.gi.funpic.de/wiki/index.php?title=Howto:convert_aac/mp4_to_wav/mp3/ogg_on_Linux07:35
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Music_ShuffleIts the one at the bottom to do it all at once, but I've never touched a script before...so I'm >.>.07:36
grahamldlwhow do i acctually replace the source file thing because it says read only07:36
Music_Shufflegrahamldlw, open a terminal07:36
ianmacgregorgrahamldlw: gksudo gedit /etc/apt/sources.list07:37
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BHSPitLappyMusic_Shuffle, yeah, throw it into a text editor.07:37
Music_Shuffle...and then follow what he said.07:37
labanuxanyone know how to play VCD on ubuntu??07:37
Music_ShuffleMplayer has an option to do that.07:37
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labanuxi've installed all media player i've found in repesitory07:37
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labanuxbut still can't fix that07:38
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Music_ShuffleDid you install mplayer? It might not be listed.07:38
earthianhow do i make ALT+SHIFT to change my keyboard layout ??? i am using gnome07:38
labanuxi;ve install it07:38
Music_ShuffleDoes the Play VCD option just...not work?07:38
labanuxmplayer + all video plugin07:38
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protexHello guys! I'm about to be a new Ubuntu user; I'm moving over from Gentoo, just burning the install now. =] 07:39
labanuxit gives an error messages , something like : can't find plugin07:39
ianmacgregorprotex: Awesome :)07:39
dk06can someone help me in PM for 1 java question07:39
dk06its very simple07:39
Music_ShuffleSorry then, that's the extent of my knowledge of VCD's in Ubuntu. Bet someone else can help you more.07:39
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ianmacgregordk06: Better to askin the channel, that way others can learn too07:40
mooseman089falsebin1 are you still hanging around?07:40
Andre28on lpt107:40
Andre28why doen't it came on the wizard?07:40
labanuxthe VCD fomat is .DAT, and it's always give some error messages like : "not supported file format"07:40
Andre28pc rebooted, the cable was there...07:40
Andre28why not?07:40
dk06ok i need to configure java for frostwire07:40
dk06and i did update-java07:40
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dk06umm update alternative07:41
earthianhow do i make ALT+SHIFT to change my keyboard layout ??? i am using gnome07:41
dk06i get 3 choices, and i have to choose the one that coresponds to jse307:41
Music_ShuffleUnbelievable. I did the script thing...all ready to convert my non-Mp3's to Mp3's...and then realized I deleted them all.07:41
protexIs there a net-install option for Ubuntu?07:41
dk06tuhere are 3 choices07:41
Music_ShuffleConfigure java for frostwire?07:41
BHSPitLappylabanux, tried VLC?07:41
dk06yes music shuffle07:41
BHSPitLappyMusic_Shuffle, bravo.07:42
Music_ShuffleDunno about others, but I never had to configure it.07:42
dk06and the thrid option is07:42
Music_ShuffleI just installed with Synaptic, and then went for FW itself.07:42
BHSPitLappylabanux, I just about promise you that VLC can play it.07:42
Music_ShuffleBHSPitLappy, *Takes a bow*. Looking for one to see if this'll work.07:42
sharperguywhats the repo with opera and stuff in it?07:42
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dk06so which one do i choose07:43
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dk06which one corresponds to j2se07:43
ianmacgregor!seveas > sharperguy07:43
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BadRabbit320How do I make my scrollbars wider(other than decreasing screen resolution)?07:43
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ianmacgregorsharperguy: I think that is it07:43
protexGuys, is there a net-install option for Ubuntu? Or should I just install the base, and build up from there.07:43
ianmacgregorprotex: I would suggest to install from the Alternate cd and build from there.07:44
Music_ShuffleLiveCD and then whatever else is really easy.07:44
protexianmacgregor: Aye, the alternate CD differs in which way?07:44
dk06anyone please07:44
sharperguyI though it was an official repo for comercial software, that only had opera in it, at least when i had it enabled07:44
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ianmacgregorprotex: It's a text-based installer.. and since you're coming from gentoo, I would think you can handle it07:44
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protexianmacgregor: Oh, awesome. =). Although I've never install Ubuntu before, so does that text installer have instructions?07:45
Music_ShuffleThat makes sense as to why I had no idea what you were talking about then...07:45
ianmacgregorprotex: The desktop cd is a livecd with a gui installer, but I have never used it07:45
Music_ShuffleUs Windows kids like GUI's.07:45
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dk06protex: i have used the livecd to install dapper, and it works well07:45
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ianmacgregorprotex: It's quite easy to understand.. I know an 8 year old who used it and didn't have any questions until the partitioning section :)07:45
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BHSPitLappyprotex, you want the alternate cd, because it gives the option of installing a base system. (it's called a Server install, from the main menu).07:46
Music_ShuffleThe LiveCD is the shinier version.  Neither is complex at all.07:46
BHSPitLappyand yes, even IT is easy.07:46
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protexianmcgregor haha awesome07:46
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BHSPitLappyianmacgregor, you should start apprenticing this 8-year-old.07:47
ianmacgregorBHSPitLappy: Way ahead of ya ;)07:47
ianmacgregorBHSPitLappy: My niece, almost 9 years old, runs three Ubuntu 6.06.1 LTS boxes and even uses LAMP07:47
orange_hi all - can i ask q's about edgy here or is there another channel?07:48
ianmacgregorUbuntu is just that easy :)07:48
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knoppix_how to conect with spnanish Chat???07:48
BHSPitLappyianmacgregor, what could a 9-year-old possibly do with 3 boxes07:49
nolimitsoyaorange_, that would be #ubuntu+107:49
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phaedraorange_,  #ubuntu+107:49
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ianmacgregorBHSPitLappy: Fill them with horses wallpaper apparently07:49
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sharperguydeb http://archive.canonical.com/ubuntu dapper-commercial main is what i meant07:49
knoppix_Como me conecto con una espaol chat07:49
rbilBHSPitLappy, setup a high availability Linux :-)07:49
ubotuPara Espaol por favor usen #ubuntu-es, #kubuntu-es o #edubuntu-es, all obtendrn mas ayuda.07:49
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Music_ShuffleWell, I seem to be getting owned by this...BHS, what do I do to run it?07:50
BHSPitLappyianmacgregor, so what website does she apparently host07:50
BHSPitLappyMusic_Shuffle, you don't have the music though07:50
ianmacgregorBHSPitLappy: She runs a PmWiki on her localhost (non-public)07:50
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reikiknoppix_,   ../j #unbuntu-es07:50
reikior that07:50
Music_ShuffleWell, see, I just entered sh ConversionScript into a terminal.07:50
Music_ShuffleAnd it tossed me the message07:50
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Music_ShuffleNo files with extension m4a in this directory.07:50
Timmy|GDSOk, I just found a new View Sonic Graphics Series G810 made in 2000 21" in the trash, it works, can somebody tell me the type of monitor i should tell xorg it is so i can have exact drivers?07:51
Music_ShuffleSo I'm wondering where I add in the modifications to that to specify folder.07:51
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Music_ShuffleBecause it WORKS, I'm just not entering it in right.07:51
BHSPitLappyMusic_Shuffle, yeah... you have to run it with the proper arguments... it's not going to pop up some GUI tot use07:51
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St0n3-C0lI've a problem in Mplayer..07:51
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St0n3-C0levery song I am playing is playing in very slow motion07:51
St0n3-C0lwhat's the problem with it ?07:51
St0n3-C0lcan anybody solve me out ?07:51
ianmacgregorBHSPitLappy: Do I recognise your nick from #lfd a while back?07:51
Music_ShuffleAnd according to the link, it says to use aac2mp3 -h for the help file.07:51
BHSPitLappyMusic_Shuffle, what errors07:51
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BHSPitLappyianmacgregor, yes. I'm always there.07:52
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FalstiusSt0n3-C0l: use an mp3 player?07:52
ianmacgregorBHSPitLappy: Ah, that's what I thought07:52
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St0n3-C0lXMMs doing the same thing also!07:52
Timmy|GDSfuck you hoz07:52
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rbilTimmy|GDS, no such a thing as monitor drivers, being a multisync type of monitor should just work07:52
Music_ShuffleIts not able to select the directory. And I'm not sure how to open the help file, which the site says is "aac2mp3 -h"07:52
St0n3-C0lJust happened it now!!07:52
Music_ShuffleI just enter that into the terminal or what?07:52
BHSPitLappyrbil, heh.07:52
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ianmacgregorMusic_Shuffle: yes07:53
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Music_Shuffle~$ aac2mp3 -h07:53
Music_Shufflebash: aac2mp3: command not found07:53
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ianmacgregorMusic_Shuffle: -h = show help for that app. It may have a "--usage" switch as well.07:53
BHSPitLappyMusic_Shuffle, ./NAMEOFSCRIPT -h07:53
ianmacgregorBHSPitLappy: thank you07:54
Music_Shuffle~$ ConversionScript -h07:54
Music_Shufflebash: ConversionScript: command not found07:54
Music_ShuffleWIth the full filename?07:54
BHSPitLappyyou also might need to do "chmod +x NAMEOFSCRIPT" first07:54
BHSPitLappyMusic_Shuffle, of course.07:54
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ianmacgregorMusic_Shuffle: you need a "./" before the name of the script07:54
BHSPitLappyMusic_Shuffle, use TAB-completion.07:54
Music_ShuffleOh I need the ./?07:54
ianmacgregorIf you are in the same dir as the script07:55
St0n3-C0lanybody home ?07:55
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BHSPitLappyjust like that07:55
BHSPitLappyexcept, the script's filename07:55
baxter_kylieHi. I have a failing drive that I need to briefly transfer files to (off a good drive) while I repartition and format the good drive to take the data of both. So which filesystem is the 'kindest' to a failing drive?07:55
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BHSPitLappyuse the TAB key to finish typing the file name, so you know it's correct07:55
Music_ShuffleUmm ok07:55
Music_Shuffleand it says permission denied07:55
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BHSPitLappybaxter_kylie, try to find some other way. for your sake.07:56
ianmacgregorMusic_Shuffle: ls -l nameofscript07:56
BHSPitLappyMusic_Shuffle, did you chmod it like I told you to?07:56
tamalecould someone help me get ubuntu working nicely on my new HP laptop?  I just installed Ubuntu but it's stuck on 1024x768 resolution.. how do I get 1680x1050 as an option?07:56
Music_ShuffleIf I knew how/what, I promise I would have!07:56
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BHSPitLappy"<BHSPitLappy> you also might need to do "chmod +x NAMEOFSCRIPT" first"07:56
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BHSPitLappyI siad that 2 minutes ago07:56
ubotux is the X Window System; it's the part of your system that's responsible for graphical output. To restart your X, type this in a console: sudo /etc/init.d/?dm restart  -  To fix screen resolution or other X problems: http://help.ubuntu.com/community/FixVideoResolutionHowto07:56
tamaleI tried installing the ATI drivers but it failed07:56
nickspoontamale: System->Preferences->Screen Resolution :P07:57
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baxter_kylieBHSPitLappy: I have the files on an array elsewhere... with several hours work I can salvage the data but I'm looking for the quick and dirty solution right now. If I had to format the failing drive with a fs for a one-time transfer, what's the safest bet?07:57
orange_anyone know how to determine UUID's of a new partition?07:57
BHSPitLappynickspoon, I promise you that's not the solution to his problem07:57
tamalenickspoon: 1680x1050 isn't listed as an option07:57
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Music_ShuffleOk I did that, it didn't give any readout though.07:57
St0n3-C0lSomeone help me on Mplayer :((07:57
dk06thanks guys i have frostwire working :D07:57
BHSPitLappyMusic_Shuffle, it shouldn't. but now you won't get permission denied07:57
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dk06stone col07:57
dk06screw mplayer07:57
dk06get bmp07:57
dk06beep media player07:57
Music_ShuffleniceDay, eh dk? ;P07:57
ianmacgregortamale: open a term and do: sudo dpkg-reconfigure -phigh xserver-sorg07:57
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protexWhen I have my base system is there a repo I need to enable to get newer software packages?07:58
nickspoontamale: ah, right, in which case you'll need to edit your xorg.conf07:58
Music_Shufflenahkiss, the defaults are nearly everything.07:58
niceDayMusic_Shuffle: pardon ?07:58
VanessaEyeah, you need universe and multiverse07:58
BHSPitLappyprotex, rather, UNSUPPORTED packages.07:58
clearzenIs there a quick way I could see the differences in two config files for the same service using emacs?07:58
tamaleit says xserver-sorg is not installed07:58
arepiehello,, big problem.. after install ubuntu which take all my harddisk space, i decided to reinstall ubuntu + windows.. but when i try to setup windows, the system can't detect my hard disk, then i open up ubuntu and run GNOME partiotion manager, and reformat it, it get;s even worst.. now ubuntu also didn't recognize my hard disk..07:58
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BHSPitLappytamale, he meant xorg07:58
St0n3-C0ldk06: my all songs are playing slowly even with XMMS07:58
Music_Shuffle...../sigh. Sorry, I hit the autocomplete nick key twice. My fault.07:58
protexVanessaE: How would I enable those? Uncomment them from /etc/sources?07:58
protexBHSPitLappy: Yes, forgive me.07:58
tamaleok i'm in a menu system07:58
Gavrilahello is there anyone who successfully configured his laptop to use an external monitor?07:58
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tamalewhat should i select07:59
VanessaEprotex: rather, sudo nano /etc/apt/sources.list07:59
VanessaEbut yeah07:59
dk06thats why im tellin you try bmp07:59
VanessaEuncomment the appropriate lines07:59
dk06it pwns all07:59
protexVanessaE: And aside from those, there's no more I need to enable correct?07:59
VanessaEas far as I know, yeah.07:59
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protexVanessaE: Thanks.07:59
tamaleianmacgregor: I'm in a menu program asking what x server driver I should select07:59
ianmacgregorprotex: I use only those and they have tons of stuff in them07:59
St0n3-C0llet me try it then!!07:59
tamaleianmacgregor: What should I pick :)07:59
clearzenGavrila: Mine works. But it worked directly after install07:59
GavrilaI'd like to use an external monitor with ati card in my laptop, but I can't manage to get a proper resolution07:59
BHSPitLappySt0n3-C0l, all "best media player" flamewars aside, it sounds like your files have sample rate issues.08:00
nickspoontamale: what are the options?08:00
VanessaEin mine, I've enabled all of the repository lines that were included in the default sources.list (some were not enabled by default)08:00
protexianmacgregor: Alright awesome! I'm looking specifically for the nvidia beta drivers, and beryl08:00
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Gavrilaclearzen, do you use it in clone mode? or what?08:00
tamalenickspoon:  there are tons. all different kinds of VGA manufaturers i think08:00
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dk06stone col : go for it :D you wont be dissapointed08:00
tamaleI don't see ati though08:00
St0n3-C0lBHSPitLAPPY: well...they were playing okay before but just today they're having this problem!08:00
dk06i gotta mow the lawn grrrrr08:00
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dk06c yall later08:00
BHSPitLappyprotex, ahh... wait, if you're going to be using X, why are you doing a base install, if I may ask08:00
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protexBHSPitLappy: Feels more like home to me, lol >_<08:01
VanessaEI use the nvidia beta driver..08:01
VanessaE(installed using nvidia's official package)08:01
ianmacgregortamale: I always select via08:01
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tamalei have an X160008:01
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ianmacgregortamale: Have you installed the ati drivers?08:02
protexIn Arch, the nvidia beta driver wouldn't support my 1440x900 resolution, so I'm going to try to stable one first.08:02
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tamaleianmacgregor: I tried to follow the ubuntu guide for installing ati drivers, but upon reboot I didn't get a logon screen at all, just a bunch of screen artifacts08:02
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h00thello ... why when i install anjuta it says it cannot find gcc08:02
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tamaleso I reloaded the backup default xorg.conf08:02
h00twhat compiler does the ubuntu come w/08:02
andersonhow to install a pixelview play tv pro ultra ?08:02
nickspoontamale: I have no idea. Open another terminal window and type "cat /etc/X11/xorg.conf | grep Driver"08:02
ianmacgregorh00t: sudo apt-get install build-essential08:02
clearzenGavrila: yes I use clone mod08:03
h00tthey don't come by default08:03
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ianmacgregorh00t: no08:03
h00tianmacgregor, why08:03
tamalethe current driver is fglrx08:03
St0n3-C0lis there anyway I can reset my all Mplayer settings?08:03
ianmacgregorh00t: no idea08:03
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Music_Shuffleaside from just reinstalling mplayer?08:03
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kaurhi! I'm using edgy and my laptop can't resume from suspend (blank screen with stuck cursor, occasionaly blinking) what to do?08:03
h00tianmacgregor, what's included in essentials08:03
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Music_ShuffleMight be the easiest way to just refresh all the settings.08:03
nickspoontamale: choose that one from the list.08:04
ubotuCompiling software from source? Read the tips at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompilingSoftware (But remember to search for pre-built !packages first: not all !repositories are enabled by default!)08:04
St0n3-C0lMusic_Shuffle: how??08:04
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Music_Shuffleapt-get remove mplayer and then reinstall it?08:04
ianmacgregorSt0n3-C0l: you can mv ./mplayer ./mplayer-old and restart mplayer, that will reset everything.08:04
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Music_ShuffleHah. I like ian,'s idea better.08:04
rbilMusic_Shuffle, changes are usually saved in dot files under your home directory. Removing the one for mplayer will put it back to default settings.08:05
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Ademandoes it matter if i remove the ubuntu-desktop package? it seems to depend on totem-mozilla, when i would rather have mplayer-mozilla08:05
tamalenickspoon: Ok, I went through the config utility and tried to start x again.  I got "failed to load module "fglrx"08:05
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taliseinMusic_Shuffle: apt-get removing would leave all the settings still08:05
ianmacgregorSt0n3-C0l: Then, if you're sure you don't want the old settings: rm -r ./mplayer-old08:05
utet3142How do u change splash screens in gnome????08:05
AsheDif I am wanting to rsync to a link to a file, but to actually copy the file, not just the link, how do I do that?08:05
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Music_Shuffle...how to tell I still am nowhere closer to knowing anything. ;D08:06
BHSPitLappyprotex, I recommend installing edgy rc08:06
BHSPitLappyor upgrading, if you installed dapper08:06
ianmacgregorutet3142: http://ianmacgregor.org/wiki/Linux/GnomeSplashScreen08:06
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protexBHSPitLappy: egdy coming out already?08:07
baxter_kylieHow does one force a swap partition out of use? (trying to format a drive)08:07
Ademanprotex: DO NOT install edgy untill the release date, its VERY buggy right now08:07
VanessaEswapoff -a08:07
digilinkI am trying to change the default file handler for bittorrent files to Azureus. I downloaded a torrent file to my desktop, righ clicked and selected open with other application, and when I selected azureus, I got an error window stating could not add application to the database. Either I'm doing this wrong, or something is broke.......08:07
VanessaEor swapoff /dev/whatever08:07
strabesit comes out in 5 days anyawy...08:07
VanessaEand comment it out of your /etc/fstab08:07
St0n3-C0lThanks all!!08:07
BHSPitLappyprotex, 5 dadys08:07
protexBHSPitLappy: I can upgrade from dapper to edgy when it is released without reinstalling correct?08:07
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strabesprotex: yeah08:08
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protexAdeman: Is it THAT buggy? >_<08:08
strabesi prefer to reinstall though08:08
BHSPitLappyprotex, yeah, though you can upgrade now, if you're a beta kind of person08:08
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protexBHSPitLappy: Coming from gentoo ~x86 I've always used bleeding edge...08:08
BHSPitLappyprotex, I've been using edgy fine. I even have my mom using it, so...08:08
Ademanprotex: no not really, but the upgrade can be a real pain08:08
Ademani can think of at least 4 people who had a MAJOR hitch upgrading08:08
BHSPitLappyAdeman, judging by his background, he might be fine upgrading.08:08
Ademanx11-common causes a LOT of upgrade troubles08:08
strabesbhspitlappy: haha i put dapper on my mom's comp a few months ago - she has a bad habit of opening every email she gets08:08
tamalecan someone please help?  I don't think I'm asking for much.. I just want 1680x1050 resolution :\08:08
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protexAdeman: And if I install directly from an edgy RC cd, that wouldn't be an upgrade, correct?08:09
BHSPitLappystrabes, huh?08:09
BHSPitLappyprotex, no.08:09
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ianmacgregorAdeman: I tried that upgrade (edit sources -> update -> upgrade) and it broke all 11 boxes.08:09
strabesbhspitlappy: you said you have ur mom using ubuntu08:09
protexBHSPitLappy: Where can I get the rc?08:09
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VanessaEas long as you wipe out your existing install (or install to another partition)08:09
BHSPitLappyprotex, release.ubuntu.org08:09
BHSPitLappyor releases08:09
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Hoxzerhas someboyd else found firefox and nautilus unstable in dabber?08:09
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BHSPitLappycan't remember08:09
digilinkI am trying to change the default file handler for bittorrent files to Azureus. I downloaded a torrent file to my desktop, righ clicked and selected open with other application, and when I selected azureus, I got an error window stating could not add application to the database. Either I'm doing this wrong, or something is broke.......08:09
Music_ShuffleAll ELEVEN?08:09
Ademanianmacgregor: what do you mean?08:09
VanessaEotherwise it might cause just as much trouble as a dapper->edgy upgrade can.08:10
tjb891does anyone here play planeshift?08:10
ianmacgregorAdeman: After rebooting, almost nothing worked08:10
BHSPitLappyprotex, ok ok http://releases.ubuntu.com/08:10
strabestamale: does your monitor support that big of a resolution? and if so do you have your video card driver?08:10
ianmacgregorAdeman: So, I just wiped them all and installed from cd08:10
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Ademanit was funny08:10
Ademanin the end08:10
protexBHSPitLappy: And I go into edgy/?08:10
Ademanit ended up removing all of the packages that werent on the cd anyways08:10
Ademanso i had to reinstall them one way or another08:11
BHSPitLappyAdeman, he might be safe upgrading, since it's just a base system he has anyway...08:11
BHSPitLappyprotex, si senor.08:11
ianmacgregorA fresh Ubuntu install only takes about 45 mins if you use scripts for tweaking after the install08:11
tamalestrabes:  I have a new laptop, HP NC8430 with a 1680x1050 screen and an ATI X1600 gpu08:11
AdemanBHSPitLappy: OH, prolly fine then, i dunno though, it was a PAIN for me, and a lot of other people08:11
tamalethe ATI driver install failed.  I tried to use the guide on the main ubuntu guide08:11
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si9otrying to get a Samsung SyncMaster 940bw working in Dapper. it displays post, and fb stuff, but once x starts the screen is all scrambled, any advice?08:11
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strabestamale: ok are you using dapper?08:11
protexBHSPitLappy: As of now, I have no systme, I was waiting for iso to download08:12
Music_Shufflesi9o, is that an LCD? ./Just wondering.08:12
tamaleCurrently I've only got an edgy install disc with me.08:12
ianmacgregorAdeman: Dapper has LTS, so I may just stick withit for a while08:12
BHSPitLappyprotex, ah, then just download the edgy iso instead ^^08:12
BHSPitLappyif it's not too much of a pain08:12
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si9oMusic_Shuffle, yeah08:12
Music_ShuffleI have the 912N08:12
strabestamale: http://wiki.cchtml.com/index.php/Ubuntu08:12
protexBHSPitLappy: Yeah, just another 20 minutes....08:12
Ademanprotex: or wait 5 days, are you having trouble with dapper?08:12
Music_ShuffleIt did the same thing, but with Debian...because I picked the wrong display driver choice in the install.08:12
Music_Shuffle...like 4-5 times in a row.08:13
|rellis|Does anyone know the name of the package(s) containing ls, mount, df, etc... ?08:13
BHSPitLappyprotex, well, the edgy torrent is probably pretty strong...08:13
Music_ShuffleThat might be your problem. >.>08:13
tamalestrabes:  Which section should I follow?08:13
strabestamale: depends if you are using dapper or edgy08:13
BadRabbit320How do I make my scrollbars wider(other than decreasing screen resolution)?08:13
protexAdeman: I have no Ubuntu install right now.08:13
digilinkI am trying to change the default file handler for bittorrent files to Azureus. I downloaded a torrent file to my desktop, righ clicked and selected open with other application, and when I selected azureus, I got an error window stating could not add application to the database. Either I'm doing this wrong, or something is broke.......08:13
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ianmacgregor|rellis|: I believe that is binutils, though  I could be wrong.08:13
Ademanprotex: oh, ok nvm then do what you want :-) i'd almost say its worth waiting 5 days for the official release08:13
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|rellis|Ya it's not binutils =/ That was my 1st guess as well, hehe.08:13
tamalebut i mean, within there there are several methods08:14
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ianmacgregor|rellis|: Ahh, ok08:14
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digilinknobody knows!!!??????08:14
strabestamale: use method 108:14
Music_ShuffleNobody knows what?08:14
strabestamale: you are using edgy right?08:14
Music_ShuffleOh, the Torrent question?08:14
tamaleYes, I'll give it a shot again.08:14
digilinknobody knows!!!??????08:14
digilinkI am trying to change the default file handler for bittorrent files to Azureus. I downloaded a torrent file to my desktop, righ clicked and selected open with other application, and when I selected azureus, I got an error window stating could not add application to the database. Either I'm doing this wrong, or something is broke.......08:14
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ianmacgregor!repeat > digilink08:14
Music_ShuffleuTorrent with Wine works beautifully for me. Loved it with windows, still love it.08:14
strabestamale: ok then follow method one on the edgy page08:14
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Axord!repeat > Axord08:15
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BHSPitLappyprotex, you can install edgy today, and then the official release will just be normal updates in a few days.08:15
BHSPitLappyprotex, the only problem is, your edgy RC cd will be obsolete in 5 days08:15
|rellis|You guys seem to get a lot of people who like to spam theur questions in here..08:16
protexBHSPitLappy: That's no problem.08:16
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coocarachaanyone here08:16
BHSPitLappyonly 962 people08:16
elias_how can I create a fullscreen xnest session with gdm in it?08:16
BHSPitLappythat's nobody.08:16
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ianmacgregor|rellis|: some folks are impatient. Which is understandable, I would want my computer working right away too08:16
BHSPitLappyelias_, erm... purpose?08:16
coocarachahow do i get the Qt3 headers and dev files?08:16
VanessaEtry libqtmt-dev maybe?08:17
rbiljrellis, especially whentheir questions go unanswered. Why the heck are there over 950 lurkers hanging around here with so few participating?08:17
|rellis|ianmacgregor: True enough :) btw.. it's coreutils that has ls, mount, df, etc..08:17
BHSPitLappyelias_, it might be easier to just go to the Shut Down menu, and click switch user08:17
|rellis|rbil: Ubuntu is just that cool...08:17
ianmacgregor|rellis|: It is? Ahh, I'll have to remember that one, thanks08:17
protexBHSPitLappy: Urgh, the torrent is horrible speed lol08:17
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BHSPitLappyprotex, lol sorry08:17
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rbiljrellis, a total waste of bandwidth if they're just leaving irc running and not actively participating08:17
BHSPitLappyprotex, I've just always had good luck with ubuntu torrents I guess... maybe the HTTP or FTP or whatever is faster08:18
protexBHSPitLappy: It's alright, I'll just get the http of the alternate08:18
protexBHSPitLappy: about 25 minutes08:18
BHSPitLappyrbil, oh yes, tons of bandwidth08:18
|rellis|rbil: mmm yep, pretty much08:18
coocarachado you guys compile from source?08:18
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tamaleby the way, I love the orange on  black look of edgy's startup splash :)08:18
|rellis|rbil: However IRC is pretty BW efficient in the 1st place =/08:18
BHSPitLappycoocaracha, only if absolutely necessary.08:18
coocarachai kno08:18
rbiljrellis, i know but this lurking is just plain silly08:18
strabestamale: you mean the bootsplash?08:19
ianmacgregorcoocaracha: I used to compile from source all the time.. on other distros. Since I have been on Ubuntu, I have found that the huge repos negated that habit :)08:19
tamaleyah I guess08:19
coocarachalik.........missing Qt3 headers08:19
coocarachaand thats making me maaad08:19
coocarachasome of the programs i use dont have binaries08:19
tamalestrabes:  No luck.  I'm still suck at the boot splash (almost all the way loaded) with some screen artifacts.  Hard freeze.. can't get to virtual terms.08:19
tamaleThis is after following Method 1.08:19
BHSPitLappy!seen keybuk08:19
ubotuI last saw Keybuk (n=scott@quest.netsplit.com) 1d 24m 18s ago, quiting: ""08:19
ianmacgregorcoocaracha: apt-cache search libqt3-headers08:20
elias_BHSPitLappy: Switching VTs takes endless! I want xnest. Moreover my XGL instance crashes if I do switch users08:20
BHSPitLappyelias_, wha? takes endless what?08:20
h00they ... when install "essentials" what version of gcc will it install08:20
BHSPitLappyit takes <1sec08:20
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ianmacgregorh00t: I believe it's 4.008:21
elias_BHSPitLappy: Switching between X sessions with Ctrl+Alt+F7/808:21
BHSPitLappyh00t, whichever gcc is in your repositories. scroll down to it and look.08:21
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tamalestrabes: Should I try method 2?08:21
strabesif you want08:21
BHSPitLappyelias_, it takes under a second!08:21
elias_BHSPitLappy: I just want to run a session in a window, do my stuff and close again08:21
elias_BHSPitLappy: no way!08:21
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tamalestrabes:  I just want it to work :)08:22
Music_Shuffleelate, same with me.08:22
BHSPitLappyI just switched and came back08:22
h00tBHSPitLappy, how can i see my repositories ... isn't it the same thing as the list in Synaptic08:22
Music_Shuffle...I hate this.08:22
elias_The screen flashes several times, backlite goes on and off, ... all in all, this sucks!08:22
=== AceKiller [n=jean@201-68-123-164.dsl.telesp.net.br] has joined #Ubuntu
Music_Shuffleelias_, same with me.08:22
BHSPitLappyh00t, I just meant, in synaptic, scroll down to gcc and look what version is available08:22
BHSPitLappythat's the version it will install08:22
elias_Xorg should work on something better! Where all Xsessions run on one process maybe.08:22
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BHSPitLappyelias_, your monitor is weird then08:23
BHSPitLappythat's your monitor's fault08:23
clearzencoocaracha: you can. Why?08:23
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elias_My Laptop is weird indeed (Vaio) but this was the same on almost any machine I worked on yet!08:23
ianmacgregorI installed build-essentials on the 16th of this month and it installed gcc 4.0.3-108:23
SPFwhere can I find the RTL8201 network card driver?08:23
coocarachaclearzen: wat did i miss08:23
h00tit seems that i have installed 3.3 & 4.0 "base" packages ... 1. what is base package as opposed to "essentials" ... 2. why do i have 2 versions of compiler installed? will I need the old one08:23
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coocarachahoot: apt-get install build-essentials08:24
coocarachathat will take care of all of it08:24
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coocarachaalso install xlibs-dev08:24
michi_guten abend08:24
h00tcoocaracha, I want to understand it not "just take carre of it all"08:24
clearzencoocaracha: you will also need gcc and checkinstall08:24
utet3142sweet it worked08:24
h00twhat are xlibs-dev08:24
h00tfor gui??08:24
tamalethis is pyschotic.. I just want to change my resolution lol08:25
clearzencoocaracha: checkinstall will build .deb packages and install after make or ./config08:25
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clearzencoocaracha: you run checkinstall instead of makeinstall08:25
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|rellis|SPF: modprobe sis900 ?08:25
|rellis|SPF: I believe that's the modual to support your card =/08:26
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|rellis|module even..08:26
SPF|rellis|: im in the installation process08:26
SPFit isnt listed08:26
|rellis|SPF: Oh08:26
DaBussok, i'm tryin to update to edgy, but my repo's are going from 12-20kb/s and i dont think the problem is my connection or the rep servers08:26
shachafWhen using gnome-panel with a window manager other than GNOME, the shutdown/reboot/suspend icon just closes the panel, instead of bringing up the shutdown dialog box. Is there any way of making it do that instead?08:26
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iammischow safe is it to use the newest gparted to resize ntfs partitions. Will it cauze my ntfs partition to explode?08:26
SPFoh wait, sis900 is listed08:26
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|rellis|SPF: Use it then ;)08:26
|rellis|SPF: This is where I saw that.. http://kerneltrap.org/node/483808:27
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cryptoniccan anyone help me get write access to my external hardrive08:27
cryptonici think its fat but might be ntfs08:28
SPFwell, he wont eat it08:28
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clearzencryptonic: I can08:28
coocarachahow do i go abt doing this makeinstall stuifff?08:28
ianmacgregorshachaf: The command to bring up the gui logout window is: /usr/bin/gnome-session-save --gui --kill08:28
|rellis|SPF: It doesn't like the driver?08:28
ianmacgregorshachaf: I use that with openbox as my wm in gnome08:28
AsheDis it possible to change the name that Ubuntu appends to linked files?08:28
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SPFit still says no ethernet card detected08:28
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iammisccrpytonic: linux is ok with fat. For ntfs use ntfs-3g(https://wiki.ubuntu.com/ntfs-3g). I hhave used ntfs-3g on linux with lots of luck08:28
clearzencoocaracha: What are you trying to compile??08:29
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about fung-calc - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi08:29
tiredbonesI want to thanks all those folk who help me work on my sound yesterday. These doc where also very helpful. Comprehensive Sound Problems Solutultio guide and Support cmedia sound card, where very helpful also.08:29
clearzencoocaracha: navigate to the folder with the source for fung-calc08:29
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coocarachait seems that theres always magical dev packages that i have to look for..,...lol08:30
cryptonicclearzen, how do i do it so?08:30
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shachafianmacgregor: Do I have to be running gnome-session for that?08:30
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ianmacgregorI want to personally thank all you who sit in this channel and answer questions. Ubuntu has an awesome community :)08:30
clearzencryptonic: what kind of filesystem is it??08:30
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ianmacgregorshachaf: Yes, if you're running gnome, it should work08:30
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|rellis|SPF: I really think that's the correct driver.08:31
coocarachaim gonna go insane with this compile stuff08:31
exsHello, Quick question, What do I need to install for the command "build-dep" to work? Thanks in advance08:31
shachafianmacgregor: I'm not running GNOME.08:31
jelly-homeiammisc: it worked for me... ntfsprogs, which are used to handle ntfs in gparted, look quite reliable.08:31
|rellis|SPF: Or something similar..08:31
shachafianmacgregor: Just the panel.08:31
|rellis|SPF: http://www.uwsg.iu.edu/hypermail/linux/kernel/0409.0/0957.html08:31
ianmacgregorshachaf: Oh, then I have no idea08:31
tiredbones ianmacgregor, I second that!08:31
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cryptonicnot sure ntfs or fat3208:31
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shachafianmacgregor: That gave me an idea, though, I think.08:32
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shachafianmacgregor: Thanks for your help.08:32
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|rellis|exs: You don't need to know, apt-get will figure it out for you ;)08:32
DaBussok, i'm tryin to update to edgy, but my repo's are going from 12-20kb/s and i dont think the problem is my connection or the rep servers....what else could be the problem?08:32
cryptonicclearzen , not sure ntfs or fat3208:32
ianmacgregorshachaf: You're welcome :)08:32
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exs|rellis|:  Well, see I would use apt-get, but "xserver-xorg-driver-via" is not in the repositories.08:33
jelly-homeiammisc: however gparted itself slightly fucked the disk geometry for me.  I have a laptop formatted with X/240/63 geometry and it used X/255/63 Windows bluescreened on shutdown until I fixed that.08:33
clearzencryptonic: if it is fat32 then you can edit the fstab file. and change the uid to 000 and gid to 00008:33
protexianmacgregor: Will that alternate CD allow me to customize my partitioning scheme?08:33
cryptonicwheres the fstab file?08:33
clearzencryptonic: that would give everyone read/write08:33
si9oDaBuss, probably because ether they haven't allocated the bandwidth yet since it isn't in full release, or people are already dling it and the bandwidth is pegged already08:33
clearzencryptonic: /etc/fstab08:33
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jelly-homeclearzen: surely you mean "1000"?08:33
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ianmacgregorprotex: Yes, I use it to setup my own parition scheme before installiung08:33
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iammiscjelly-home: sorry new to this disk partitioning stuff what exactly is X/255/63 and X/240/63?08:33
clearzenjelly-home:  yeah, sorry08:34
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h00tcoocaracha, ... dude it's telling me it cannot find package "build-essentials"08:34
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ianmacgregorprotex: I have a feeling you're going to like the alternate cd08:34
protexianmacgregor: And what is Ubuntu's default? I, personally use XFS. Does Ubuntu have any need for certain folders to be mounted on seperate paritions? (as /usr/portage/) in gentoo08:34
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|rellis|exs: xserver-xorg-driver-via ? I have that installed via apt-get on my box =/08:34
coocarachawat version of jewbuntu?08:34
loudmouthmanHello and goodevening.08:34
h00twha't up08:35
coocarachawat version of ubuntu08:35
diminthedamhi.anyone know a good player/comp chess game for ubuntu?08:35
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|rellis|exs: Do you have the universe/multiverse repos added?08:35
ianmacgregorprotex: No idea about that, I just always use ext3 and the only custom thing I do is have /home on /dev/hdb108:35
RogerBaconhey, how i add the SSL support when i compile gaim beta 4 ?08:35
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h00t6.06 LTS Drapper Drake08:35
exs|rellis|:  Yeah, well currently I#m trying to install my unichrome graphics driver, and ubuntu's wiki tells me to install xserver-xorg.. etc, but it's not in the repositories. I'm using 6.10 RC and I have universe and multiverse added08:35
coocarachasoooo sorry08:35
protexianmacgregor: Alrighty, thank you. =)08:36
coocarachano "s"08:36
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ianmacgregorYou're welcome :)08:36
Puaffthx :)08:36
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h00tcoocaracha, they change it from version to version by removing the "s" ...WTF ...08:36
coocarachaidk man08:36
coocarachalinux ppl are weird08:36
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Puaffdoes anyone get this error using less? less: Symbol `ospeed' has different size in shared object, consider re-linking08:37
|rellis|exs: So "sudo apt-get install xserver-xorg-driver-via" returns nothing?08:37
|rellis|exs: returns*08:37
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jelly-homeiammisc: that's logical disk geometry.  Usually in BIOS one can choose something like LBA, large or custom disk geometry. It's a relic from old times where you had to set up physical configuration of the disk in BIOS.08:37
cryptonicclearzen, when i go to /ect/fstab all i get are the two partitions on my sata drive, dont see the external drive there at all?08:37
h00thow will we top M$ w/ inconsistencies like this08:38
RogerBaconhow to add SSL option support in gaim 2.0 beta 4 ?08:38
clearzencryptonic:  you have to manually add it08:38
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clearzencryptonic: is it sda1?08:38
|rellis|RogerBacon: Ask in a gaim channel, but probably --with-ssl08:38
cryptonici dunno08:38
ianmacgregorh00t: Ubuntu topped Windows a long time ago, IMHO08:38
|rellis|RogerBacon: A gnome/gaim channel would be a better place to ask that imo =p08:38
exs|rellis|:  I pm'd you..08:38
|rellis|exs: I didn't get your pm =/08:39
cryptonicclearzen, I dont know?08:39
jelly-homeiammisc: however the numbers describing the geometry are part of the partition table format.  gparted wrongly assumed the most common geometry instead of what was already on disk.08:39
h00tianmacgregor, yeah ... that's why it takes me 1/2 hour on irc to install a compiler08:39
clearzencryptonic: you have to add something like this: /dev/sda1 /media/<foldername> owners,users,gid=1000,uid=1000      0        008:39
|rellis|h00t: sudo apt-get install gcc took you a 1/2 hour?08:39
h00tmeanin' ... not in easy of use08:39
|rellis|h00t: I couldn't take that long to install it if I tried..08:39
ianmacgregorh00t: Would have taken you 2 mins if you had done it correctly o.O08:39
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RogerBacon|rellis| : haha, im stupid. thats work !08:40
exsexs@exs-laptop:~/Desktop$ sudo apt-get install xserver-xorg-driver-viaReading package lists...  DoneBuilding dependency tree Reading state information... Done. Package xserver-xorg-driver-via is not available, but is referred to by another package. This may mean that the package is missing, has been obsoleted, or is only available from another source However the following packages replace it: xserver-xorg-video-via E: Package xserver-xorg-driver-vi08:40
exsa has no installation candidate08:40
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h00tthe problem is that i actually have to know & REMMEMBER exact name of every package08:40
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h00tsynaptic & apt made it much better thoguh08:40
|rellis|exs: However the following packages replace it: xserver-xorg-video-via !!!!!!08:40
ianmacgregorh00t: Oh, yeah, that is a pitfall.. Linux requires you to be smart08:40
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iammiscjelly-home:how do i know if this happens?08:41
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cryptonicclearzen , i think its /dev/stb1/08:41
|rellis|exs: sudo apt-get install xserver-xorg-video-via !!!!!!08:41
clearzencryptonic: you can find out by going to admin---->disks08:41
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quilzoI'm using kubuntu and in tty1 (kde's running in tt7) I try to run x11perf -all, which I think should start the xserver... but I get "unable to open display " they couldn't help me in #kubuntu though08:42
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BlueLagunadoes ubuntu-server use the same repositories as the regular ubuntu distributions?08:42
h00tianmacgregor, ... if being well versed in insult is "smart" you are already there08:42
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boinkBlueLaguna: yes08:42
JDStoneis Edgy stable as of now?08:42
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boinkEdgy will be released formally on 26 October08:42
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ubotuedgy is the current development version of Ubuntu. Version 6.10, codename "Edgy Eft". For support head to #ubuntu+1. For its release schedule, see !schedule08:42
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BlueLagunaI've been using Edgy for a while now08:43
JDStoneyes, I know when edgy will be released08:43
h00tis there a way to upgrade whole system to a new version w/out reinstall08:43
JDStonebut is it stable08:43
BlueLagunaThe only problem I've had is that it doesn't power down my computer anymore upon halt08:43
JDStoneh00t: yes08:43
|rellis|Does ubuntu server use logical volumes for  /usr /var etc... by default?08:43
JDStoneh00t: http://www.ubuntu.com/news/EdgyReleaseCandidate08:43
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BlueLagunah00t: the install cd has an upgrade option if I'm not mistaken08:44
protexwoot, iso is finished. I'm pumped!08:44
ianmacgregorprotex: :)08:44
h00twhere does linux store system variables ... like "path"08:44
JDStoneok, thanks BlueLaguna08:44
JDStoneheh, maybe i'll just wait 'til 26th08:45
jelly-homeiammisc: try running "sudo cfdisk /dev/hdX" (replace hdX with whatever disk you have, probably hda if IDE or sda if it's SATA). If it says "Heads: 255   Sectors per Track: 63" then you're using LBA geometry and this won't happen.  Probably. ;-)08:45
ianmacgregorprotex: Some good URL's for you: http://ubuntuforums.org/ , https://wiki.ubuntu.com/08:45
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iammisccool thanks08:45
iammisc if it does, ill ask you08:45
protexianmacgregor: Alright, I have my crappy laptop on next to me, I'm going to join this channel from there so I can ask for guidance if need be08:45
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ianmacgregorprotex: Good idea08:46
jelly-homeiammisc: however if it says 240 heads, there might be trouble.08:46
ianmacgregorprotex: crappy laptop? you mean a craptop?08:46
mac`I'm having problems with this box acting very jerkily regardless of the window manager I use.08:46
iammiscok. so i think il back up my documents and settings folder in windows, then resize the ntfs partition.08:46
quilzoI try to run x11perf -all, in tty1, which I think should start the xserver... but I get "unable to open display "08:46
shuttlere all08:46
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iammiscthanks for all your help08:46
protexianmacgregor: Precisely! P2 400mhz, meh get's the job done08:46
|rellis|re shuttle08:46
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shuttlewhere can i take a win emulator plz ?08:46
mac`Small jerks seem to occur in pretty much everything every second or so.08:46
finalbetaWhen my PC comes back from standby, I can no longer use the TV card. Any suggestions?08:46
BlueLagunaJDStone: It really doesn't matter, you can just use apt-get to to keep it update08:47
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shuttlei search but a link explain to me but i d ont understand :s what repository want to say :s ?08:47
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jelly-homequilzo: x11perf won't start the server, that's just a test/benchmark app.08:47
dcordessomeone using LIRC in here?08:47
protex2alrighty... here we go burning the iso08:47
quilzojelly-home: do you know which will ?08:47
mac`Using http://haikz.org/test.c I count about 52 seconds per minute on this box. Another box counts to 60 fine.08:47
jelly-homequilzo: startx for example08:47
|rellis|dcordes: KVIrc 'till I die!!08:47
cntbsorry for off-topic . pls take a moment to consider this contribution absolutely free  of charge http://www.worldcommunitygrid.org/viewJoinNow.do08:48
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jelly-homequilzo: but the x server should start automatically on ubuntu08:48
finalbetaWhen my PC comes back from standby, I can no longer use the TV card. Any suggestions?08:48
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mac`Using the included CPU monitoring panel applet I can't see any spectacular CPU usage spikes, but some small bumps do occur.08:49
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dcordesrellis lirc is a program that takes up infrared signals lol08:49
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jelly-homefinalbeta: tried unloading the drivers from kernel and modprobing them back?08:49
quilzojelly-home: it won't co-exist with the xserver running on tty7... is there a workaround ?08:49
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finalbetajelly-home, no, that would be a quest for me :p08:50
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jelly-homequilzo: yes, start another one.08:50
jelly-homequilzo: startx -- :108:50
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quilzoi'll try that08:50
|rellis|dcordes: Oh, lol, label me stupid08:50
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quilzogives the same error08:51
kaosxAnyone here good with networking, Im trying to work on converting a script I wrote in windows to linux and having a small problem finding a replacement08:51
jelly-homefinalbeta: you're going to embark on a perilous journey!08:51
jhujhiti_I'm running the latest fglrx drivers, and whenever I try to use Xv, Xorg crashes to the console, restarts, and leaves no logs behind. Any ideas?08:51
jelly-homequilzo: what error?08:51
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ianmacgregorcntb: Please do NOT advertise anything on this channel. This is a support channel for Ubuntu and that is all it is for.08:51
|rellis|kaosx: ?08:51
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kaosxyeah, the command in windows is "net view | find "\\" . list.txt" which lists all the hostnames on the current subnet08:52
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AdamKilihelp: error with gnome-splashscreen-manager. here's what it says in the terminal: /usr/bin/gnome-splashscreen-manager:22:in `require': no such file to load -- gnome_splashscreen_manager (LoadError)        from /usr/bin/gnome-splashscreen-manager:2208:52
kaosxand writes them to a text file08:52
protex2ianmacgregor, Alright, burnt! This is exciting, lol... Hope this goes by quickly though, I got a report to write tonight.08:52
quilzojelly-home: display 0 already used08:52
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ianmacgregorprotex2: Coming from gentoo, I don't think you'll have any prbos08:53
|rellis|kaosx: A system can have 5 hostsnames..08:53
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|rellis|kaosx: I don't see how that could be very conclusive =/08:53
kaosxits just a list of hostnames in a network, or IP's for that matter08:53
protex2ianmacgregor, =) More than anything probably just getting used to the way ubuntu is constructed08:53
kaosxeither one doesnt matter08:53
quilzojelly-home: "server already active for display 0"08:54
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ianmacgregorprotex2: And using a *real* package manager? o.O08:54
jelly-homequilzo: you didn't type it correctly. it should have tried to start a server on display :108:54
|rellis|kaosx: Nmap might do what you want.08:54
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quilzoi did startx --:1 ...08:54
protex2ianmacgregor, haha. Alright I';m assuming I want to install in text mode?08:54
kaosxyeah, I had thought of that, it usually returns more infor than needed though08:54
cntbianmacgregor: not to worry check it anyway  pls now that you answered. and no I usually dont do such things. i guess you never came close to cancer issue08:54
quilzoI know it was supposed to, but it didn't08:54
jelly-homequilzo: "startx -- :1"  note the space between -- and :108:54
ianmacgregorprotex2: Just kidding. But, I am amazed at apt, I tried to break it by installing and uninstalling tons of stuff, and it was like "that all you got? pffft"08:55
quilzostupid font -_-"08:55
jelly-homequilzo: copy/paste ftw!08:55
SPF|rellis|: I'm done installing, insmod sis900.ko doesnt work, file exist, although eth0 doesnt exist08:55
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protex2ianmacgregor, lol, looking forward to it. Now I'm to select install via text mode, correct?08:55
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ianmacgregorcntb: I refused to read spammed advertisements08:55
kaosxapt is very reliabe, Im going to install slackware on my test system later tonight to try it out08:55
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kaosxi was gonna add slapt-get to it08:55
finalbetajelly-home, found several modules for my card using modprobe -l | grep 7134, but when unloading them using sudo modprobe -r saa7134 , I get an error, module in use, FATAL.08:55
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ianmacgregorprotex2: Yes08:56
quilzojelly-home: true08:56
ianmacgregorprotex2: Unless you just want the base, then its the server08:56
jelly-homefinalbeta: you'll have to unload all the modules which use it first (those on the right hand side in lsmod output).08:56
ianmacgregorprotex2: Either way, you can build quickly and easily from either cli (apt-get) or gui (synaptic)08:56
frescodoes anyone now if there's a visual editor for Gnome themes?08:56
SPFsis900 is loading during boot, but it doesnt find RTL8201. It's an onboard ethernet controller08:57
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frescorather than trial and error in the config file08:57
vandit2k7can anybody help me with gaim installation........08:57
ianmacgregorfresco: Been looking for one of those for a while and haven't found one08:57
Railercan anyone suggest which is the best mail server to use with webmin?08:57
|rellis|SPF: Hmmm...08:57
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frescoianmacgregor, i'm surprised08:57
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|rellis|SPF: I see several listing of people using that driver for that card08:57
ianmacgregorfresco: Me too08:57
andyhi all, how do you use the murrina engine?  I installed it and nothing seems to have changed08:57
SPFalso, when I do lspci, it list only nVidia crap08:57
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SPFI have no pci cards in use08:58
|rellis|SPF: http://www.themoes.org/linux/pcg-grt160/08:58
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jelly-homeSPF: AGP and PCIe cards are listed in lspci too.08:58
|rellis|SPF: "SiS 900 PCI Fast Ethernet. Also mentions: "Realtek RTL8201 PHY transceiver" sis900 kernel module. Works fine out-of-the-box."08:58
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quilzojelly-home: : thanks a lot, a shame that it crashed somewhere around windows manager loader :)08:58
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SPFjelly-home: thx for the tip, didnt know :)08:59
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SPFalthought I have no agp card either09:00
SPFvga onboard too09:00
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AdamKilican anyone help me? hello?09:00
emergehi guys. advice me please, which pop3 server it is better to use...  used cyrus. But may be there is more interesting things.. :)09:00
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dcordesme too please lol09:00
jelly-homeSPF: the onboard card is either agp or pcie.09:00
andyhey, what GTK theme would you reccomend?09:00
tichwhat is the most professional-ish video editing program?09:00
anon32if I have a tar of my entire file system, can I use that to reinstall my system?09:01
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anandrdHas anyone compiled openafs on edgy?09:01
frescoandy: i like silicon09:01
frescobut i was trying to make a white-on-black theme09:01
jelly-homeemerge: better for what?09:01
andyfresco, tryed it, didnt care for it09:01
Railercan anyone suggest which is the best mail server to use with webmin?09:01
compengii installed frostwire but when i try to run it it says http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/27698/ what should i install to make it work?09:01
anon32um, yes, no, maybe?09:01
quilzoI'm trying to mount an ntfs-partition... getting error (kio_media_mounthelper) : "mount: can't find /dev/sda6 in /etc/fstab or /etc/mtab Please check that the device is plugged correctly"09:01
anon32quilzo, mount -t ntfs /dev/foo /mnt/bar09:02
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andyI want to use the murrina engine but I cant figure out how to use it09:02
emergenow for training purposes. after training, maybe at work.09:02
strabesquilzo, that means you have the name wrong09:02
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quilzoanon32: what's /mnt ?09:02
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strabesquilzo: that's the folder where mounted devices are located09:03
ianmacgregorfresco: Still there?09:03
strabesquilzo: like ipods external harddrives etc09:03
emergejelly-home: now for training purposes. after training, maybe at work.09:03
anon32quilzo: just a generic folder09:03
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anon32I use /media, but any directory works09:03
anon32long as it's empty09:03
frescoianmacgregor, yes09:03
anandrdi am trying to compile openafs module on edgy but it fails09:03
jelly-homeemerge: I heard good things about dovecot09:04
anon32question: I have a tar of my file system, can I use that to reinstall?09:04
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ianmacgregorfresco: You might /join ##gnome  and try to get hold of Juhaz and see if he knows of a gnome theme creation app09:04
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frescook, thanks09:04
ianmacgregorfresco: Juhaz is quite good with gnome stuff09:04
atomwhat package u need to write to fat32 drives?09:04
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anon32atom, none09:04
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atomi mounted it but cant make any folders / et09:05
atomin /mnt09:05
anon32atom - ls -l (mountpoint)09:05
emergejelly-home: )) used dovecot... nice thing, really... it is simple in use... and so one09:05
AdamKilihelp i get this error when trying to run gnome-splashscreen-manager: /usr/bin/gnome-splashscreen-manager:22:in `require': no such file to load -- gnome_splashscreen_manager (LoadError)        from /usr/bin/gnome-splashscreen-manager:2209:05
atomwhats that cmd do?09:05
jelly-homeemerge: but you should think about what features do you need first, then look for software09:05
anon32atom, lists your directory and the permissions... actually, try (mountpoint/..09:05
protex2ianmacgregor, Alright, base system is installing... =] 09:06
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jelly-homeemerge: eg. are you going to have multiple domains?  thousands of users?  What mailbox format are you going to use?09:06
PAK_013I have mobile phone nokia 7610 and i want to share files betwean mobile phone and computer. I have usb cable ca-53... Question is: How to share files... what software to use... do I need drivers for phone?09:06
ianmacgregorprotex2: :)09:06
atom-rwxr-xr-x  1 root root     475844 2004-11-12 09:34 OggDS0995.exe09:06
anon32atom, the mount point belongs to root, you can't write because you don't have permission09:07
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ianmacgregorprotex2: You gonna want a desktop/wm on that? If so, which one?09:07
emergejelly-home: Need good mysql integration and/or backup posibilities09:07
atomhow u change owner?09:07
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protex2ianmacgregor, Probably going to go with gnome... so is that an apt-get install ubuntu-desktop?09:07
anon32atom, chown user:group directory09:07
atomim not in a grp am i?09:07
ianmacgregorprotex2: exactly :)09:07
protex2ianmacgregor, Awesome, I'm assuming that takes care of xorg as well.09:08
AdamKilihelp i get this error when trying to run gnome-splashscreen-manager: /usr/bin/gnome-splashscreen-manager:22:in `require': no such file to load -- gnome_splashscreen_manager (LoadError)        from /usr/bin/gnome-splashscreen-manager:2209:08
compengii installed frostwire but when i try to run it it says http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/27698/ what should i install to make it work?09:08
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anon32atom, no, the way file permissions work is that there's an owner, a privileged group, and everyone else09:08
anon32atom, in your case, root is both the owner and the privileged group09:08
atomwhats my group?09:08
ianmacgregorprotex2: Keep in mnd that ubuntu-desktop is just a meta package (it pulls in all the needed files for gnome desktop), after installing it, you can remove ubuntu-desktop without causing a problem.09:08
anon32atom, err.... you can see a list of groups in users-admin09:09
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ianmacgregorprotex2: Yeah, that will pull in xorg too09:09
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atomk. thnx09:09
PAK_013I have mobile phone nokia 7610 and i want to share files betwean mobile phone and computer. I have usb cable ca-53... Question is: How to share files... what software to use... do I need drivers for phone?09:09
anon32atom, you could just chown root:username /mnt09:09
anon32every user is also a group09:09
quilzoanon32: I got the error "can't open /mnt"09:09
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jelly-homePAK_013: you don't have to repeat09:10
protex2ianmacgregor, Aye, and im going to want to enable those extra repos, so is that in /etc/apt/sources.list?09:10
quilzoor something like that, I'll just give up09:10
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anon32quilzo, lol09:10
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afiefI downloaded a 700 MB iso file using wget -c and it turned out to be 800+ MB, how can i correct this?:S09:10
quilzothe device is 'busy' now09:10
atomchown: changing ownership of `/mnt': Operation not permitted09:10
anon32quilzo: join me in #anon32 - I'll walk you through it09:10
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frescoianmacgregor: no luck there09:10
ianmacgregorprotex2: Yes, you can do that in vim (cli) or in gui. But, remember, Ubuntu uses sudo. Use sudo for cli apps and use gksudo for gui apps.09:10
atomi sudo it too09:10
ianmacgregorfresco: :(09:10
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AdamKilihelp i get this error when trying to run gnome-splashscreen-manager: /usr/bin/gnome-splashscreen-manager:22:in `require': no such file to load -- gnome_splashscreen_manager (LoadError)        from /usr/bin/gnome-splashscreen-manager:2209:11
protex2ianmacgregor, Got it, why is my install now installing xorg  by itself? lol09:11
frescoone other thing - is there a way to get the login screen to select a user automatically when there's only one user, like OS X does?09:11
jelly-homeafief: no easy way, unless the remote side supports rsync.09:11
ianmacgregorprotex2: Can't have gnome without xorg ;)09:11
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ianmacgregorprotex2: Wait, you chose the server install and it's installing xorg?09:12
protex2ianmacgregor, I haven't apt-get'd yet, the install went to 'Select and Install software' is this still part of the base system?09:12
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protex2ianmcgregor, yeah hrm...09:12
ianmacgregorprotex2: I have never used the server install I always used the "Install in text mode" option09:12
h00tbye all09:12
fluxinatorare backports safe?09:12
protex2ianmacgregor, That's what I used, install in text mode.09:12
afiefjelly-home: well, does the ubuntu etch server support it?09:12
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atomevery time i try to install something ... anything... like dmraid it starts setting up vmware player.....  vmware install failed before.09:13
ianmacgregorprotex2: What is it asking for?09:13
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protex2ianmacgregor, nothing just went on and installed openoffice too, I resetted PC to see what I did wrong now09:13
bailuxcd do not run09:13
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ianmacgregorprotex2: Ok, sounds like it's going ahead with the text mode install, sounds good09:13
jelly-homeafief: say what?  ubuntu or etch?09:13
protex2ianmacgregor, should I have chosen install a command-line system?09:14
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ubotuUbuntu uses a strict timetable for releases, which means that sometimes newly released programs miss the timetable. See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/TimeBasedReleases for more. Edgy schedule: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/EdgyReleaseSchedule09:14
ianmacgregorprotex2: That is totally up to you, depending on your needs. You can build the desktop from either the server or the text mode, it doesn't matter.09:14
jelly-homeafief: I don't know if ubuntu's mirrors support rsync.  One would hope so.09:14
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afiefjelly-home: ubuntu edgy etch, that's the iso i downloaded09:14
afiefjelly-home: how can i check?09:14
ianmacgregorprotex2: You can also install the LAMP stack later too, it's easy09:15
protex2ianmacgregor, command line system means the server option?09:15
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fluxinatorCan I safely use backports?09:15
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clearzenCan anyone tell me how to send a remote x session to a winxp machine using putty?09:16
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Heartsbanefluxinator: define safe, because I used it all the time for xorg09:16
huraxputty can't do x09:16
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huraxyou need an x server for windows09:17
iratsu_is ubuntu installable from floppy?09:17
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clearzenIt says it can do X11 sessions through ssh.09:17
compengiianmacgregor, i installed frostwire but when i try to run it it says http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/27698/09:17
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jelly-homeafief: check on http://wiki.ubuntu.com/Archive if your mirror supports rsync09:17
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fluxinatorHeartsbane, will my comp explode if i USE ut09:18
ctrlbreakuse vnc  or xdcmp for remote09:18
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ctrlbreakvnc easier09:18
ianmacgregorcompengi: I've never used frostwire but it looks like you need to install/upgrade your JRE (Java Runtime Environment)09:18
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emergejelly-home:http: thank's for help.. I will likely use dovecot  www.dovecot.org/security.html09:19
compengiiammisc, how to do it?09:19
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jelly-homeafief: then try running "rsync -P rsync://path/to/your.iso ."09:19
ianmacgregor!java > compengi09:19
compengiianmacgregor, how to do it?09:19
jelly-homeafief: rsync should download only the differences between the files.09:19
OpaHHi, running 6.06.1 (xubuntu) on a Toshiba-Tecra from CDROM && PCMCIA works.09:19
OpaHOnce installed, at reboot, PCMCIA card insert returns09:19
OpaH  "cs: unable to map card memory!"09:19
OpaHThis same Laptop has been running various Debian flavours since end of the09:19
OpaHlast century, but is getting a little underpowered for todays distributions.09:19
OpaHWhat is the difference between the installer.iso's kernel09:19
OpaHand the resulting installed kernel?09:19
amar-zeHi anyone know how to make two ppp connections running in same time. I have dsl-provider and dsl-provider2 but I run one at the time.I need to have ppp0 and ppp1 at same time09:19
afiefjelly-home: don't all mirrors host the same file?09:19
TheGateKeeperclearzen: you can freenx and using nxclient09:19
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jelly-homeafief: not all mirrors have rsync support09:20
ubotuIf new updated Ubuntu packages are built for an application, then they go into Ubuntu Backports. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UbuntuBackports09:20
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compengiianmacgregor, sudo apt-get install sun-java5-jre09:20
compengiReading package lists... Done09:20
compengiBuilding dependency tree... Done09:20
compengisun-java5-jre is already the newest version.09:20
compengi0 upgraded, 0 newly installed, 0 to remove and 0 not upgraded.09:20
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afiefjelly-home: but if any of them does, i can use it, right?09:20
TheGateKeeperclearzen: I have never really set it up but you can see an example of that at cosmopod.net09:20
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jelly-homeafief: correct09:20
ianmacgregorcompengi: As I said, I don't know anything about frostwire, maybe someone else can help youwith it09:21
clearzenTheGateKeeper: thank you09:21
RMorris84my desktop is gone.. its like i can see my wallpaper, but like i cant right click it or anything, and none of my icons are there. What can i do? is this common? everything else works, like my menu bars and taskbars, and i can goto my desktop folder and see it but nothing is on there.09:21
TheGateKeeperclearzen: yw :-)09:21
compengiianmacgregor, ok nvm thank you from your help :)09:21
ianmacgregorRMorris84: run nautilus09:21
compengidoes anyone here use frostwire?09:21
atomso how do i mount a driver properly if doing it through the disk manager gives all perms to root???09:21
Warbocompengi: I have a tiny little bit of experience with it, what's up?09:21
ianmacgregorRMorris84: killall nautilus09:22
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amar-zeRMorris84: try sudo killall nautilus09:22
bailuxhi!! I would like good action games on ubuntu,same link?09:22
RMorris84ahh! ok that worked09:22
Warboatom: I found that annoying the other day. I generally add the option "uid=myusername" to a mount command line09:22
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RMorris84:) why is that happening?09:22
compengiWarbo, when i try to run it it says http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/27698/09:22
ctrlbreaki use frostwire i installed it via automatix09:22
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=== Shadow_mil makes up mind. Ok! time for Edgy eft
iradioI'm trying to access smb shares in konqueror and it instead of asking me for a password it is just saying there are no files and folders in the share.09:22
ianmacgregorRMorris84: nautilus manages the desktop and something happened to cause it to not run correctly09:23
compengiWarbo, but i have the latest jre 1.5 =/09:23
iammiscjelly-home: gparted livecd tells me that the disk geometry is heads: 255 and sectors per track: 6309:23
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iammiscjelly-home: does this mean i can resize my ntfs partition safely?09:23
anon32what's in the backports repos?09:23
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iammiscjelly-home: should i defragment my disk first?09:23
protex2ianmacgregor, okay base install completed09:23
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amar-zeok I am gonna repeat :p09:24
amar-zeHi anyone know how to make two ppp connections running in same time. I have dsl-provider and dsl-provider2 but I run one at the time.I need to have ppp0 and ppp1 at same time09:24
ianmacgregorprotex2: Now, log in and have fun :)09:24
Warbocompengi: hang on a sec, my machine is going SLOW09:24
protex2ianmacgregor, and I get a kernel panic, yay!09:24
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fluxinatoranon32, newer packages09:24
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ianmacgregorprotex2: :(09:24
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jelly-homeiammisc: yes, that means you won't stumble onto that particular problem.  Also, no need to defrag, but it shouldn't hurt.09:24
at0mic_warbo, thanks. whats the mount cmd?09:25
protex2ianmacgregor, fixed it... grub had a ad entry.09:25
jelly-homeiammisc: of course, always backup your data before using any partition resizing tool.09:25
jmitchjcan someone tell me what this command does exactly...sudo ndiswrapper -m?09:25
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anon32yay, trying backports09:26
ianmacgregorprotex2: Wow, this distro may end up being boring for you09:26
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Warboat0mic_: Do you know the device name? (like /dev/hda1 or something like that. System>Admin>Discs should say). If so then first do "sudo umount <devicename>" then do "sudo mount <devicename" <mountpoint> -o uid=yourusername" where <mountpoint> is the folder you want to put it in, so maybe /home/yourusername/stuff or something (the folder must exist though)09:26
protex2ianmacgregor, Haha, now how do I sync apt?09:26
clearzenjmitchj: it inserts ndiswrapper as a module loading durnig boot09:26
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jmitchjclearzen: what does this message mean then? adding "alias wlan0 ndiswrapper" to /etc/modprobe.d/ndiswrapper ...09:27
jmitchjcouldn't add module alias:  at /usr/sbin/ndiswrapper line 714.09:27
Warbocompengi: You tried "sudo update-alternatives --config java"?09:27
ianmacgregorprotex2: sudo apt-get update  will update the sources and sudo apt-get upgrade will update your apps09:27
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compengiWarbo, no i didn't09:27
=== jelly-home thought aptitude was preferred instead of apt-get
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ianmacgregorprotex2: You'll also need a sudo apt-get dist-upgrade to upgrade the kernel09:27
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Warbocompengi: That sets the default Java to use. I think it is set to GCJ or something by default, so change that and you should be good to go09:28
clearzenjmitchj: It means wlan0  modules will automaticly be loaded on boot09:28
protex2ianmacgregor, yeah hat are my options in terms of kernels...09:28
clearzenjmitchj: aka your wireless09:28
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compengiWarbo, it said to choose one of those 1        /usr/bin/gij-wrapper-4.109:28
compengi*+    2        /usr/lib/jvm/java-gcj/jre/bin/java09:28
compengi      3        /usr/lib/jvm/java-1.5.0-sun/jre/bin/java09:28
jmitchjclearzen: so that's not an error message09:28
Warbocompengi: choose 309:28
clearzenjmitchj: no, it means you did it correctly09:28
Scorpmoonis there a channel for ubuntu server?09:28
FlibberdyHi all.. if I install Kubuntu after my initial ubuntu install will i be left with both gnome and kde libraries?09:28
ianmacgregorprotex2: I always just accept the default one, however, you can open synaptic, search for kernel and have a look09:28
jmitchjclearzen: even though it says couldn;t add?09:28
compengiWarbo, Press enter to keep the default[*] , or type selection number: 309:28
compengiUsing `/usr/lib/jvm/java-1.5.0-sun/jre/bin/java' to provide `java'.09:29
csabaCan somebody help me with Edgy Efts DNS name resolve :)09:29
clearzenoh, i didn't see that09:29
WarboFlibberdy: If you install Kubuntu as in the kubuntu-desktop package then yes. If you install Kubuntu from a CD then it will obviously wipe your drive :)09:29
leetcharmerhihi all :D09:29
leetcharmerhow's it goin'?09:29
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ianmacgregorprotex2: I know there are a few but I don't know the package names/versions09:29
Scorpmoonwhat's the best tutorial about LAMP on the net, perhaps specific for ubuntu server?09:29
jmitchjclearzen: couldn't add module alias:  at /usr/sbin/ndiswrapper line 714.09:29
Warbocompengi: Try FrostWire now09:29
protex2ianmacgregor, I'll search for them. Also, what are the US mirrors for apt, the CA ones are slow for me >_<;09:29
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jmitchjclearzen: is that because my wireless card comes up as eth1?09:30
clearzenjmitchj: you are getting this error after typing ndiswrapper -m ??09:30
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leetcharmerhow do I add cool looking effects to my xchat?09:30
jmitchjclearzen: yeah09:30
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ianmacgregorprotex2: have a look at /etc/apt/sources.list .. you can replace the "ca" with "us" in there and it may be faster09:30
leetcharmerlike transparent background?09:30
compengiWarbo, it worked09:30
Warbocompengi: Yay :)09:30
compengiWarbo, thank you09:30
protex2ianmacgregor, Hrmm,  yeah I tried that and it's actually slower...09:31
clearzenjmitchj: is your wireless card active right now?09:31
Warbocompengi: If you want a GUI for that by the way then there is "galternatives" package09:31
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ianmacgregorprotex2: I'll paste my sources.list, hold on09:31
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jmitchjclearzen: it's up, cause my blue light is on...but i'm not near a wireless connection to test it09:31
clearzenjmitchj: if so try sudo ifdown eth1 and then try sudo ndiswrapper -m09:31
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Qaldunehi all09:31
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Qaldunei've got a problem with ubuntu09:31
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protex2ianmacgregor, paste it in #protex please09:32
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compengiWarbo, okay, thank you very much :)09:32
ianmacgregorprotex2: This is the list I use: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/27699/09:32
WarboQaldune: Ask and ye shall receive (hopefully)09:32
Qaldunei need to compile and install ndiswrapper to make mi wifi adaptor works so i would need make and gcc09:32
compengiWarbo, btw it looks like limewire lol09:32
grr555I'm having trouble with my fglrx drivers09:32
Qalduneare make and gcc in the cd?09:32
WarboQaldune: Install the package "build-essential"09:32
grr555I'm following the guide at http://wiki.cchtml.com/index.php/Ubuntu_Dapper_Installation_Guide09:32
grr555and I've restarted my computer like it says09:32
csabaI just installed a fresh Edgy Eft on my laptop, entered into my hosts list localhost.localdomain localhost csaba and into DNS the same ip, this was working under dapper but it doesnt work for edgy. Now Edgy is not resolving any names I can ping anything but no ICQ, apt or webpage works09:32
Qaldunewarbo: must i have internet connection to install that?09:32
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Qalduneis it included in the cd?09:33
Warbocompengi: I thought it basically IS LimeWire, but with some of the crappy bits taken off? (I use GTK-Gnutella so I don't know really)09:33
WarboQaldune: I think it is on the CD09:33
grr555but now when I type fglrxinfo it says Mesa GLX indirect09:33
jmitchjclearzen: result of ndiswrapper -m: modprobe config already contains alias directive09:33
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Qaldunewhat would be the command to install that?09:33
grr555and it won't let me load the fglrx module09:33
fiveironok, so my baby daughter seems to have stopped my 6.10 upgrade... and i'm having some issues removing courier-authdaemon.  it tells me to reinstall it before attempting to remove.  but every time i try to install it I get errors09:33
at0mic_thnx warbo!09:33
Qalduneapt-get build-essentials?09:33
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jmitchjclearzen: but the first command you had me do took away the blue light on my laptop09:33
grr555I get some error about fglrx:firegl_init_module *ERROR* firegl_stub_register failed. in dmesg09:33
fluxinatorwow thats odd. I removed firefox some time ago, and now backports wont allow me to update without firefox09:34
clearzenjmitchj: try sudo ifup wlan009:34
FlannelQaldune: with sudo in front of it09:34
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DigitalNinjaI compiled samba from source. I installed it in /usr/local/samba. Where do the config files go?09:34
Qalduneand last question09:34
Qaldunei'm an old suse user09:34
light_hey, how can i remove the old flash 7?09:34
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WarboQaldune: Run this, exactly as I type it but without the quotes: "sudo apt-get install build-essential linux-headers-$(uname -r)"09:34
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jmitchjclearzen: sudo ifup wlan009:34
anon32light_, go to your firefox/mozilla directory and then cd to the plugins dir09:34
jmitchjclearzen: Ignoring unknown interface wlan0=wlan009:34
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anon32delete the flash plugin09:35
leetcharmermy laptop mouse's scroll isn't working in edgy -- how can I fix this?09:35
clearzenjmitchj:what interfaces do you have when you type ifconfig -a09:35
Qalduneand i don't like to use sudo everytime i want to make smthg as root so how can i disable that sudo stuff and make things like they've always been?09:35
light_anon32, OK, thanks09:35
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anon32light_, this isn't Windows... you can just uninstall stuff by deleting it :-)09:36
clearzenQaldune: sudo passwd root09:36
WarboQaldune: "sudo -s -H" lets you become root, so if you run "passwd" as root then you can give root a password and thus enable the account09:36
jmitchjclearzen: eth0...eth1...lo....sit009:36
Qalduneyes i knew that09:36
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clearzenQaldune: set password and then use su to get root09:36
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Qaldunebut for example when i want to run any program that makes use of kde-sudo it always reject my pass09:36
SPF|rellis|: gentoo livecd uses forcedeth.c to initialize the rtl8201 ethernet card09:36
Qalduneand i can't even login in X as root09:37
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SPFany chance to use it with ubuntu too?09:37
WarboQaldune: You are using you USER password and not the root password aren't you? (sudo doesn't use root password, it uses the regular user's )09:37
anon32how can you tell if you have ntfs-3g installed?09:37
compengiWarbo, do you know any other p2p software like frostwire?09:37
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light_<anon32> light_, this isn't Windows... you can just uninstall stuff by deleting it :-)09:37
jmitchjclearzen: how to i reverse the sudo ifdown eth1...cause that deactivated the card09:37
Qaldunei put the root pass09:37
WarboQaldune: Honestly, do NOT log into X as root09:37
clearzen jmitchj:one sec i'm at work09:37
Qaldunei'm not new at linux09:37
Qaldunei know what i do09:37
Qaldunei'm just new at ubuntu09:37
WarboQaldune: If you are experienced with Linux then you should know full well why it is stupid to log in graphically as root09:38
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ubotuPlease don't use the "enter" key as punctuation! It spams the channel and can be annoying.09:38
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light_anon32, just delete this - ~/.mozilla/plugins/libflashplayer.so09:38
Qalduneit's more comfortable to do some things as root in X09:38
Qalduneand i just want to do it09:38
Qalduneif you can help plz do it09:38
anon32light_, yea09:38
Warbocompengi: MLDonkey is good, but I have had mixed experiences with the repo's version (I have written a guide to it on help.ubuntu.com/community)09:38
light_i love linux so bad09:39
WarboQaldune: There is gksudo for graphical apps09:39
clearzen jmitchj: try to bring up eth1. Although I have to say it is strange that it is reconizing your wireless as eth109:39
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kitcheQaldune: you have to enable root logins for kdm/gdm09:39
ubotugdm: GNOME Display Manager. In component main, is optional. Version 2.14.10-0ubuntu1 (dapper), package size 1681 kB, installed size 11588 kB09:39
Kararkis there a ubuntu forum channel?09:39
Warbo"gksudo nautilus /" for example would open the file manager in / with root permissions09:39
clearzen jmitchj: I would think it would be sit0 instead09:39
PraxiI'm new at linux in general, installed Ubuntu and messed up my boot hehe.  I was successfully dual booting XP and Red Hat ES 4, decided to try Ubuntu had it erase my partitions, now I can't seem to write new partitions09:39
jmitchjclearzen: that did turn the blue light back on09:40
Qaldunewhen i try to start a graphical app in kde when i'm login in X as normal user but login in konsole as root it always fails09:40
XVampireXkarark: Yeah09:40
compengiWarbo, can i get it by apt-get mldonkey?09:40
XVampireXKarark, #ubuntuforums09:40
Qaldunelogin->logged sorry09:40
everamzahprolly cause u were fucking around with root qaldune09:40
clearzen jmitchj: does it see your wireless network?09:40
XVampireX!info mldonkey09:40
ubotuPackage mldonkey does not exist in any distro I know09:40
XVampireXweee :P09:40
ubotuPlease watch your language and keep this channel family friendly.09:40
Warbo!info mldonkey-server09:40
Kararkthankyou XVampireX09:40
concept10where may I find a sources.list for edgy? or should I change from dapper to edgy?09:40
PraxiI got ubuntu installed, but grub freezes at "Grub _" so I figured I would install RHES again and have it boot between the 3 OS's09:40
ubotumldonkey-server: Door to the 'donkey' network. In component universe, is optional. Version 2.7.1-2ubuntu2 (dapper), package size 2900 kB, installed size 7960 kB09:40
kitcheconcept10: just change dapper09:40
jmitchjclearzen: so should the alias in modprobe.d be alias eth1 instead of alias wlan009:41
Qalduneeveramzah i tried to do it just after start the system first time using sudo09:41
XVampireXkmldonkey - KDE GUI for MLDonkey09:41
XVampireXmldonkey-gui - Graphical frontend for mldonkey based on GTK09:41
clearzen jmitchj: yes09:41
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Warbohttp://sancho-gui.sf.net is the best GUI for MLDonkey in my opinion09:41
Warbo(I think that address is right, let me check)09:41
concept10kitche, thanks ... are you on edgy yet09:41
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Qaldunethx you guys09:41
jmitchjclearzen: i was just trying to get the card to activate...i'm not near my wireless network today09:41
Scorpmoondoes ubuntu server come with an ftp server?09:41
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kitcheconcept10: no I don't use ubuntu myself09:41
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clearzen jmitchj: oh, i see.09:42
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at0mic_anyone run a 550 theater thru linux?09:42
jmitchjclearzen: it doesn;t show up in my networkmanager though....will it only show after a reboot maybe?09:42
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at0mic_what apps good for mpeg capture cards?09:42
jasonmoghow do i reinstall grub? vista overwrote the MBR. i'm using kubuntu for linux but i can't get in to it any more. my hard disk is split into 3 partitions for xp, vista, kubuntu in that order09:42
Warbo!grub > jasonmog09:43
anon32can I do a dist-upgrade in increments? I don't have a very fast connection09:43
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clearzen jmitchj: you could try sudo /etc/init.d/networking restart09:43
jasonmogyay thanks Warbo09:43
KararkI need help, I cannot log into the forum but it says "Thank you for logging in, (my name)"... but then I'm not logged in when it redirects.09:43
Scorpmoonis there a channel for ubuntu server?09:44
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Warboanon32: Updates will only be applied once everything has been downloaded, so you can download a few packages, cancel the upgrade, then carry on from where you left off later. Once they have finished downloading though you should leave them all to install09:44
kitcheKarark: it's a cookie problem dealing with your browser09:44
Kararkkitche: should I search that cookie out and delete it?09:44
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anon32Warbo, since it's just a bunch of packages, can I just upgrade them one by one with synaptic?09:44
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kitcheKarark: you can I usually do it though the browser myself09:45
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Kararkkitche: it started happening after using Google Browser Sync...should I go do a bug repot?09:45
Scorpmoonwhat ftp server deamon do you guys use?09:45
jmitchjclearzen: will it only show if i'm near a wireless network though?09:45
Warboanon32: I wouldn't recommend that. If the Internet connection is the only real problem then the method I described should work well, then you can just leave it upgrading the system overnight or something09:45
rvalleslibfreeimage.so.3 => not found09:45
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rvalleswhich package does have this library? (it's for google earth to run...)09:45
anon32Warbo, it's um... 26K09:45
kitche Karark: the bug report is up to you if you think it's a real bug09:46
anon32that's Kbit not Kbyte09:46
jmitchjclearzen: DHCPDISCOVER on eth1 to port 67 interval 1509:46
jmitchjclearzen: No working leases in persistent database - sleeping.09:46
darnelli always get a currupt disk when i download edgy alternative cd09:46
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darnellwhats a good download site?09:46
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clearzenjmitchj: At least it is working09:46
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=== emav_away is back.
Warborvalles: You might want to check out the "apt-file" package, it looks through every package to see what files they contain "sudo apt-file search libfreeimage.so.3" for example (I would do it for you but my system is going too slow)09:46
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anon32darnell, thepiratebay.org09:47
clearzenjmitchj: You will need to be by a wireless network for it to get an address09:47
anon32oh wait, downloading ubuntu?09:47
CoOlGhOsThey... just upgraded to edgy and i have a slight problem with usplash... logo is not centered on screen and that makes the output from verbose mode show out of screen area09:47
CoOlGhOsTany ideas?09:47
compengiXVampireX, so if i want to get mldonkey which package should i get?09:47
anon32actually, I think ubuntu's on thepiratebay too :-P09:47
LjL!edgy CoOlGhOsT09:47
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about edgy CoOlGhOsT - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi09:47
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XVampireXcompengi: in ubuntu mldonkey-gui09:47
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anon32!edgy > CoOlGhOsT09:48
AdamKiliHelp please: error with gnome-splashscreen-manager: /usr/bin/gnome-splashscreen-manager:22:in `require': no such file to load -- gnome_splashscreen_manager (LoadError)        from /usr/bin/gnome-splashscreen-manager:2209:48
WarboXVampireX: Check out this: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MLDonkey09:48
jmitchjclearzen: definitely...i've been trying for 3 weeks to get my card activated....now if I can only figure out 2 other problems...my modem and why I can;t get my video to come through my s-video09:48
Mirrohey, i wonder if anyone jnows how to use Samsund d600 with Ubuntu....09:48
CoOlGhOsTLjL: what are you trying to tell me?09:48
WarboXVampireX: Oops, should have been for compengi really09:48
LjLCoOlGhOsT: that the support channel for edgy is #ubuntu+109:48
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clearzenjmitchj: I'm glad I could help you then. It took me a while to figure out the wireless too09:48
XVampireXWarbo: Yeah, still, I checked Sancho right now, and it asks for a core09:48
jmitchjclearzen: thanks for the help!!09:48
XVampireXWarbo: What core is it? :P09:48
CoOlGhOsTaah ok... i thought it had moved here since the RC09:48
clearzenjmitchj: does the s-video give you an error?09:49
at0mic_is it safe / possible to run the i386 / 32bit ubuntu on a 64bit machine?09:49
darnellanon32: did you encounter any errors while upgrading to edgy?09:49
pudlandhello, glxgears jerky after failed fglrx install, please review xorg.conf here http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/27702/09:49
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anon32darnell, haven't done it yet09:49
exhaleat0mic_, yes absolutely09:49
exhaleim running it myself..09:49
at0mic_this 64bit specific issues are just too much to handle first time thru09:49
darnellwhere is a page that tells me about known bugs09:49
jmitchjclearzen: I don't think i'm anywhere near the right drivers or something....i'm brand new at this...09:49
mamzers555hello, anyone here that can help me with cryptsetup09:49
exhaleat0mic_, same here. thats why im running the 32bit version :)09:49
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WarboXVampireX: I use MLDonkey 2.7 I think, I will have to check that09:50
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at0mic_vmware dont even load / install on 64bit kernel09:50
XVampireXWarbo, is the core mldonkey-server ?09:50
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Qaldunehi again09:50
rvallesWarbo: thank you, sounds reasonable09:50
gravesonis t possible to use evolutio for rss feeds ? if so where can i find more info on this09:50
Qaldunedo u guys know where can i get the packets in build-essentials??09:51
jmitchjclearzen: I have and ATI Express 200M card and I don;t even get an ATI control panel anywhere so that I can switch the display09:51
Qaldunei've got no internet conection in my ubuntu installation so i can't use apt-get09:51
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quilzoanon32: thanks, I have all the files from the ntfs partition :)09:51
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clearzenjmitchj: have you installed the ati drivers??09:51
at0mic_exhale, when you changed OS's did you do format first or downgrade some way easily and retain settings ?09:51
Warbo2.7.7 apparently09:51
anon32is edgy likely to change from now to release date?09:52
exhaleat0mic_, i reformated, im not shure if theres a way to apt to 32bit09:52
jmitchjclearzen: I'm not sure which ones to get....i've gotten so mixed up trying to search the net for the right ones09:52
Salahany good documents to read about learning linux printservers or network?09:52
WarboXVampireX: Yes, but check the version. I think the repo one has Gnutella and Gnutella 2 broken, if it is not 2.7 or later then download it from mldonkey.sf.net09:52
exhaleat0mic_, but i have a seperate partition for /home so most settings are kept09:52
XVampireXWarbo: Running edgy, it's 2.8 here09:52
clearzenjmitchj: easy fix. Use either easy ubuntu or automatix. However I hear automatix can break things. But I haven't had a problem.09:53
WarboXVampireX: OK, then get that then :)09:53
fruitbathi guys, i'm wondering if it's possible to downgrade from 64bit ubuntu to 32 bit ubuntu, using a machine that i only have ssh access to, possibly using dist-upgrade?09:53
Qaldunehey can anyone tell where the ubuntu repository is??09:53
XVampireXWarbo, You're using sancho?09:53
Qaldunei need to download some packets and i can't use apt-get09:53
WarboXVampireX: MLDonkey is notorious for startup scripts though, you might have to start it manually09:53
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WarboXVampireX: Yes, but not at this very moment09:53
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XVampireXWarbo: Ah, wanna help me set it up?09:54
WarboQaldune: http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu09:54
jmitchjclearzen: how do i run easy ubuntu?...i remember doing something with it when i first setup ubuntu about 6 weeks ago09:54
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at0mic_its in ur apps menu jmitchj09:54
WarboXVampireX: OK, it's not too hard09:54
at0mic_sys tools09:54
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jmitchjat0mic: actually it's not there09:54
clearzenDownload the package and there is a python script that you run from the terminal called easyubuntu.py or something similiar09:55
iammischow would i back up my 40gb windows partition before resizing it with gparted(from the gparted livecd)?09:55
at0mic_u gotta install it first09:55
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at0mic_its in the repository i think09:55
mjrfruitbat, it's possible though rather involved, using a spare partition and debootstrap09:55
AdamKili/usr/bin/gnome-splashscreen-manager:22:in `require': no such file to load -- gnome_splashscreen_manager (LoadError)        from /usr/bin/gnome-splashscreen-manager:2209:55
RailerHey I'm not getting sendmail and I want to install Postfix, should I install sendmail first??09:55
jmitchjat0mic_: whats the command to install?09:55
fruitbatmjr: do you have a link to a guide possibly?09:55
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pudlandhello, glxgears jerky after failed fglrx install, please review my xorg.conf here http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/27702/ thanks09:56
mjrfruitbat, there isn't one to my knowledge09:56
Qaldunewhere can i download build-essentials packet without using apt-get?????????????09:56
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at0mic_go to the synaptic and search easyubuntu . its in system - admin - synap...09:56
Qaldunethat address you told me warbo is nuts09:56
darnellqaldune: freshmeat09:56
at0mic_then its just a matter of marking it for download / install09:56
fruitbatmjr: heh, fair enough, may as well wait till monday for someone to reinstall it from in front of the box09:57
Praxiafter installing Ubuntu alternative AMD64 into a dual boot environment, Grub hangs at "Grub _"  can anyone point me to a good thread on how to fix it?  been googling and not finding an easy answer09:57
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kevin1How do people take screenshots with beryl when the cube is rotating.. .I know super + 1 takes screen shot and ctl + alt left and right arrow does the cube... but how can people do both?09:57
at0mic_praxi, install 32bit version :)09:57
mjrfruitbat, if that's an option, it's highly recommended09:57
jmitchjclearzen: do you know what the command to install easy ubuntu is?...it's a directory in my home direcroy09:57
Praxidoh! serious?09:57
AdamKiliHelp please: error with gnome-splashscreen-manager: /usr/bin/gnome-splashscreen-manager:22:in `require': no such file to load -- gnome_splashscreen_manager (LoadError)        from /usr/bin/gnome-splashscreen-manager:2209:57
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fruitbatmjr: aye, just slightly impatient :), cheers for your help though09:58
gravesonis t possible to use evolution for rss feeds ? if so where can i find more info on this . If this is not possible what is a good rss client09:58
WarboQaldune: If you want to check out the packages then look at http://packages.ubuntu.com09:58
Praxiwhole reason I was trying linux, wanted a 64 bit OS hehe09:58
maccam94what's up with the repositories? or is it just me? most of the repositories i can't connect to09:58
at0mic_its got all the issues like windows. im converting shortly09:58
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at0mic_cant install vmware... hard installing nvidia drivers...09:58
kitchekevin1: they make a movie then rip that movie apart09:58
taliseinkevin1: Use the scrot program with the delay feature. (It will wait 5 seconds before taking a screenshot, letting you set the cube spinning>09:58
at0mic_its a custom kernel so its got probs everywhere.09:58
maccam94i've used two livecds, and neither can update their repositories09:58
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Boonhi, im trying to install Ubuntu on an HP pavillion but i cant get this pc to boot from cd-rom. i have been into bios and changed the boot order, saved it and restarted with the ubuntu disc in the drive and it still just loads windows. anyone have any suggestions to remedy this?09:59
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Qaldunewarbo: i just want to get the needed packets to compile ndiswrapper without using apt-get is it so hard?????? this is mad09:59
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maccam94Boon: either it's a bad cd or the bios is still wrong... or it's a bad cd drive09:59
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kevin1kitche, talisein  thank you... 2 ways of accomplishing it10:00
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Boonthe drive works fine, i use it daily10:00
Praxialoit of BIOS's will have a key push for live boot menu boon, usually when you use those it will at least stop and not try to boot other things hehe10:00
Boonand this cd has been used on 2 other machines recently10:00
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clearzenjmitchj: follow the instructions here: http://easyubuntu.freecontrib.org/get.html10:00
maccam94er ok... when i do apt-get update from the cd it works fine, but on the installed copy it will NOT connect to the repositories >_<10:01
Boonlive boot menu?10:01
Praxiat0mic_: are there any 64 bit linux flavors that work?10:01
ubuntuhow do i boot into my hard disk using a live cd?10:01
maccam94Praxi: depends on how you define "work"10:01
at0mic_praxi, not worth it imo.10:01
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psiborgwhat site is easybuntu at?10:01
at0mic_u can "make" shit work with alot of effort10:01
at0mic_but who wants effort?10:02
kitcheubuntu: root=/dev/<device>10:02
maccam94!google get easyubuntu10:02
PraxiBoon: ya for example, my boxes at home, I hit F12, brings up a boot menu where I pick boot device.  Boxes at work its F8, when I use that, it doesn't boot to other devices if the device I picked failed10:02
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about google get easyubuntu - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi10:02
WarboQaldune: Why not use apt-get, aptitude, Synaptic or Adept?10:02
maccam94or automatix10:02
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ubotuAutomatix is an unsupported script that tries to automate the installation of some software. We don't provide support for it in the #ubuntu or #kubuntu channels, try #automatix thanks!10:02
ubotuEasyUbuntu is a script that automates installation of some items. Use at your own risk. See http://easyubuntu.freecontrib.org/ ; for help and or discussions about EasyUbuntu please join #easyubuntu.10:02
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Boonok so i should press something besides f1 to get to the boot menu?10:02
Qaldunewarbo i have said many times i don't have internet connection in ubuntu yet because i need to compile ndiswrapper10:02
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mamzers555i have made a encrypted home-partition with cryptsetup now i have installed dapper drake again. how can i mount my partition?10:03
psiborgeasybuntu really needs some google spamming10:03
WarboQaldune: But I thought you had the CD??!10:03
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Praxishould I go for Ubuntu 6.06 or 6.10 as a noob?  not a production box or anything crazy10:03
ubuntuhow do i boot into my hard disk using a live cd?10:03
Qaldunewarbo i try the command you told me before10:03
Qalduneand i didn't work10:03
iammiscubuntu: you can't10:03
Qaldunethere's not build-essentials in the cd10:03
psiborgoh there was a u missing :)10:03
mamzers555i need some help to mount a encrypted partition10:03
iammiscubuntu: at least i dont think so10:03
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iammiscubuntu: why would you want to do such a thing?10:03
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WarboQaldune: That is because it is called "build-essential" (what did I say about copying exactly?) :)10:04
Praxirecovery mode maybe iammisc?10:04
taliseinPraxi: eh, at this point I'd say try 6.10 if you have spare time to fiddle around.10:04
Qaldunebuild-essential didn't work too10:04
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=== joevandyk [n=joe@c-24-17-66-78.hsd1.mn.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
Qaldunei tried both10:04
mamzers555can someone help me please?10:04
Qalduneessential and essentials10:04
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Praxikk thanks Tal10:04
QalduneAAAAAAA??? what's wrong man?10:05
Qaldunei did what u told me10:05
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WarboI just remembered that Dapper and Edgy don't contain complete package sets because they have to fit the live session on as well!10:05
taliseinPraxi: if you do though, look for help in #ubuntu+1, not here :)10:05
Praxihehe k10:05
Qaldunei know that omfg10:05
joevandykNot a Ubuntu-specific question, but... I've seen in the past "hugemem" kernels that are able to support more memory than 4GB.  Do those require a 64 bit machine?  If not, how do they work?10:05
WarboSorry Qaldune, I am not up to date with these new fangled distributions :)10:05
taliseinmamzers555: were you using a howto guide for setting up an encrypted /home?10:05
rcarrI think the dapper CD has build essential10:05
=== fen [n=Frank@concord-cuda01-69-165-42-200.clvdoh.adelphia.net] has joined #ubuntu
rcarrI installed build-essential on my sisters computer off the dapper CD the other day to get ndiswrapper set up10:06
rcarrjust 2-3 days ago10:06
eternalswdI have tv out working relatively well, but when I play back videos at full screen the width is a little too narrow.  How do I adjust to resolution to fix this?10:06
kitchejoevandyk: they need 64bit means since x86 is limited to 4GB10:06
Qaldunercarr dapper does not at least10:06
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WarboQaldune: You can either go through dependency hell online, or get the alternative CD which contains all of the packages10:06
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Qaldunewhere's that cd?10:06
Qalduneubuntu page?10:06
FlannelQaldune: ubuntu.com/download (same as the desktop CD)10:06
mamzers555talisein, yes10:06
Qaldunegonna try it10:06
WarboOK, either then10:06
quilzoas root, how do I set the files to belong to another user (weird way of saying it)10:06
WarboQaldune: Sorry dude10:07
acuhow can you mirror all your ubuntu system in order to restore it later (suposedly everything installed has less than 4 Gb). In other words is anything simmilar to host in linux10:07
compengiWarbo, is this link working http://kent.dl.sourceforge.net/sourceforge/mldonkey/mldonkey-2.8.1.static.i386-Linux_glibc-2.3.2.tar.bz2?10:07
iammiscquilzo chown group:owner10:07
PraxiNother noob question, why does europe have DVD releases of Ubuntu?10:07
ubuntuhow do i mount a hard disk partition from a live cd?10:07
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kitchequilzo: sudo chown <user>:<group> file10:07
rcarr...I'm certain build-essential is on the dapper CD...10:07
mamzers555talisein, i have the problem that the mapper is gone after newly installing dapper drake10:07
Qaldunewarbo no prob thx anyway10:07
kenshin_dsI was looking for a tutorial in internet but i didnt find, im traying to install a USB joypad, anyone can help me?10:07
mamzers555talisein, can you help me out?10:07
quilzook thanks iammisc and kitche10:07
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Studiosushi, all! I did 'apt-get install xfonts-cronyx-koi8r-100dpi' and added FontPath to xorg.conf, but still can't see cronyx fonts in fontsel. How to fix?10:07
iammiscubuntu:mount -t fstype /dev/device-name /mnt/mount-point10:07
taliseinmamzers555: yeah10:07
taliseinmamzers555: i can help10:07
Warboubuntu: "sudo mount <devicename> <mountpoint> -o uid=ubuntu" where you can find <devicename> from System>Admin>Discs10:07
Frederickfolks wich is the package for libsdl.a?10:07
jojoman02my mp3 audio quality sucks in dapper, is there any way of fixing this?10:07
ubuntuthe device-name is what i need to know10:07
jmitchjclearzen: after doing this command: wget http://easyubuntu.cafuego.net/969F3F57.gpg -O - | sudo apt-key add -, my terminal window seems to just hang10:08
taliseinmamzers555: so you made the encrypted partition, and then you did a reinstall?10:08
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kenshin_dsI was looking for a tutorial in internet but i didnt find, im traying to install a USB joypad, anyone can help me?10:08
mamzers555talisein, yes10:08
ubuntui want to mount the 3rd partition of my first hard disk10:08
taliseinmamzers555: do you have the encryption key still?10:08
ubuntuhow do i refer to it? /dev/hda0:3?10:08
rcarrubuntu: If it's internal, that's /dev/hda310:08
mamzers555talisein, yes10:08
fenCan I get help with an install error message10:08
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rcarrubuntu: If it's external, /dev/sda310:08
rcarrubuntu: In general10:09
kitcheubuntu it's /dev/hda310:09
joevandykkitche: doesn't the Intel PAE extensions have something to do with it?10:09
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quilzokitche: can I do this for a directory too?10:09
WarboFrederick: You can install the package "apt-file" then run "sudo updatedb" and search for files in any package with "sudo apt-file search libsdl.a" (for example)10:09
Praxiall my internal drives show up as sd10:09
TheGateKeeperubuntu: /dev/hda310:09
kitchejoevandyk: umm it's still x8610:09
kitchequilzo yes10:09
Qaldunei think ubuntu should be distributed in a dvd10:09
taliseinmamzers555: and you didn't change the partition at all, right?10:09
quilzook thanks10:09
mamzers555talisein, right10:09
Praxiit is in Europe Qaldane10:09
dmitriyHi, i went to networking, in sys>admin and changed the hostname, now my sudo doent work and tells me that its unable to lookup hostname gethostbyname(), i tried googling, nothing worked. Also what is the default hostname from fresh install dapper?10:09
rcarrPraxi: Mine do as well, but for most people it's hd*10:09
WarboI've got to go, see you later :)10:09
fniguys, having a problem running the liveCD. once it finishes loading all i'm getting is a black screen?10:09
Qaldunethey told you only one cd needed but that's not enough10:09
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jmitchjclearzen: any iea why?10:09
Qaldunei'm in europe10:09
Praxiya seems to be raid related for me rcarr10:09
kitchejoevandyk: x86_64 is still x84 architechture but has a memory chip that does 64bit10:09
Qaldunei download cds10:09
rcarrqaldune: build-essential is on the dapper cd :\10:10
Qaldunecoz they don't offer dvds to download10:10
kenshin_dsI was looking for a tutorial in internet but i didnt find, im traying to install a USB joypad, anyone can help me?10:10
Qaldunenope rcarr10:10
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Praxithe site I goto does qal10:10
PraxiUbuntu DVD Releases10:10
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eternalswdFrederick, its in libsdl1.2-dev10:10
quilzokitche: how?10:10
Praxibottom of the page10:10
taliseinmamzers555: okay, I'm pretty sure you just need to go through the same process for creating an encrypted partition, just make sure to use the exact same key & hashing algorythm.10:10
Qaldunekenshin what usb joypad?10:10
clearzenjmitchj: one sec10:10
taliseinmamzers555: http://www.saout.de/tikiwiki/tiki-index.php?page=HOWTO has a piece at the end on how to set it up so the partition is mounted at boot time10:10
rcarrQaldune: in the dapper cd10:10
ubotuTo install the Ati/NVidia drivers for your video card, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto10:11
Qaldunercarr what magic command do u use to install build-essential with dapper installation cds?10:11
Qaldunecd sorry10:11
kitchequilzo: it's the same way but if you want it to be though all of the folders you will do chown -R user:group directory10:11
rcarrQaldune pool/main/b/build-essential/build-essential_11.1_i386.deb10:11
quilzokitche: thanks10:11
Studiosushi, all! I did 'apt-get install xfonts-cronyx-koi8r-100dpi' and added FontPath to xorg.conf, but still can't see cronyx fonts in fontsel. How to fix?10:11
mamzers555talisein, if i go throught the whole process then i think my partition will formated10:11
fenTrying to boot live CD - getting hdb I/O block error - any help?10:11
rcarrqaldune: it's definetly there, is the cd in your sources.list? and have you run apt-get update since you put the CD in?10:11
joevandykkitche: are you familiar with PAE?10:11
dmitriyHi, i went to networking, in sys>admin and changed the hostname, now my sudo doent work and tells me that its unable to lookup hostname gethostbyname(), i tried googling, nothing worked. Also what is the default hostname from fresh install dapper?10:11
mamzers555talisein, maybe it is enough to create the mapper device again10:11
taliseinmamzers555: skip the mkfs part, and go straight to mounting it after the device mapper is created10:11
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Praxihttp://ftp.heanet.ie/pub/ubuntu-cdimage/releases/dapper/release.1/  <--DVD releases in there10:12
Qaldunehow can i put the cd in sources.list?10:12
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jmitchjclearzen: it does seem to have installed it...i'll see what i can install10:12
kitchejoevandyk: with PAE it just loads stuff into memory for the higher addresses in memory10:12
mamzers555talisein, please hold on, i'll take a look10:12
rcarrqaldune: apt-cdrom add10:13
joevandykkitche: sort of like how disk space swap works with memory?10:13
jmitchjclearzen: i get this error...so maybe something didn;t work....W: GPG error: http://easyubuntu.cafuego.net main Release: The following signatures couldn't be verified because the public key is not available: NO_PUBKEY 580E2519969F3F5710:13
rcarrqaldune: You might have to specify the mount point with the -d flag10:13
taliseinmamzers555: yeah, in fact the device mapper part shouldn't actually do anything to your harddrive, so its okay to mess that up. Just try mounting and if it doesn't work, you forgot something.10:13
varsendaggrhey i ahve a OS disk  and it's been rolling around with my other disk...   is there anyway to verify that all the information is good?10:13
kitchejoevandyk: yea10:13
rcarrqaldune: then run sudo apt-get update10:13
finalbetahttps://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto/ATI << does this guide make sense? it tells you to run the command to change xorg.conf for fglrx, then it tels you to run dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg10:13
clearzenjmitchj: try gpg --keyserver subkeys.pgp.net --recv 969F3F57  then pgp --export --armor 969F3F57 | sudo apt-key add -10:13
fnito install ubuntu from HDD, which files do i need to copy over?10:13
Qaldunethx rcarr10:13
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rcarrQaldune: No problem10:13
mamzers555talisein, you mean i should create the mapper and then i should try to mount the partition10:14
taliseinmamzers555: yes10:14
Studiosusso, folks, no suggestions why fonts don't get visible in xfontsel?10:14
clearzenjmitchj: nevermind you already have it10:14
kitchevarsendaggr: you cna do a cd check on it if the cd has the utility on it10:14
jmitchjclearzen: so why the errors?10:14
mamzers555talisein, ok i'll try, maybe you can hold on please. and by the way, thank you for the link and for your help10:15
taliseinmamzers555: np :)10:15
clearzenjmitchj: what errors10:15
klm-does anyone here know a solution for audio going out of sync in videos (audio coming about one second later than the video)10:15
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taliseinklm-: are these flash videos?10:15
jmitchjclearzen: W: GPG error: http://easyubuntu.cafuego.net main Release: The following signatures couldn't be verified because the public key is not available: NO_PUBKEY 580E2519969F3F5710:15
varsendaggrkitche, cool10:15
kitcheklm-: could be the codecs10:15
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clearzen one sec10:16
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at0mic_hi i am very good at irc, i can script and even hack people on irc,but this real good hacker keeps hacking into me and changing my nick, his name is NickServ10:16
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taliseinklm-: flash 7 for linux was made w/ OSS, not ALSA. As a consequence the audio is out of sync. There is a new flash 9 beta with alsa support... but it doesn't work very well yet.10:16
rcarrflash 9 works fine for me10:17
kitcheat0mic_: umm ok but that's offtopic :)10:17
rcarrthen again, I never had syncing problems with flash 710:17
mamzers555talisein, eh sorry but have you ever heard about :Incompatible libdevmapper 1.02.07 (2006-05-11)(compat) and kernel driver"10:17
clearzenjmitchj: try this gpg --keyserver subkeys.pgp.net --recv 580E2519969F3F5710:17
jmitchjclearzen: its downloading packages now....and i'm on dialup...so this is gonna take awhile...i guess i'll just see how it goes...thanks for the help...this will somewhere along the way install the right ATI drivers huh?10:17
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taliseinmamzers555: did you install both from the ubuntu repositorys via apt?10:17
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taliseinmamzers555: and are you on dapper or edgy?10:18
mamzers555talisein, edgy10:18
klm-talisein and kitche, thanks I'll try the new flash. The problem is with all videofiles10:18
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adubheh good to see the community on here is larger than ever!!!10:18
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mamzers555talisein, is this a problem10:18
Praxianyone use Transgaming's cedega?10:18
adubwhen i came in here a year ago there was 400 - 500 people tops10:18
adubnow there is double!10:18
boinkubuntu is getting popular10:18
mamzers555talisein, i only used the repos that comes with edgy10:18
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taliseinmamzers555: since Edgy is such a moving target, everything isn't necessarily built off one another correctly. I10:18
kitchePraxi: what are you having problems with cedega?10:19
Praxino, just wanted feedback10:19
taliseinmamzers555: apt-get update and see if there are any updates. If not, just wait a day or two and it should work10:19
jmitchjclearzen: it's just kinda hangin like before...does that request possibly take awhile?10:19
clearzenjmitchj: then gpg --export --armor  580E2519969F3F57 | sudo apt-key add -10:19
kitchePraxi: it's wine but with copyright stuff and better 3d support10:19
Praxinew to the whole linux thing, and the whole reason I don't normally use it, can't play my games on it.10:19
clearzenit will10:19
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Praxiya, just wanted to see if anyone had actually used it :)10:20
mamzers555talisein, you're right with that i think10:20
mamzers555talisein, maybe i have to wait till it gets final10:20
clearzenjmitchj: sorry about response time. I'm doing a few things at once10:20
jmitchjclearzen: gpg: no ultimately trusted keys found ....then   OK10:20
kitchePraxi: I used it and that's all it seems liek to me :)10:20
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jmitchjclearzen: no prob10:20
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taliseinPraxi: look at cedega's list of supported software and make sure your games are on it. If it is, it will probably work fine. sometimes when they update the game, it will break. but cedega is pretty good about updating it10:21
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_LF_Can someone tell me how to get Ubuntu Server Edition? Is included on the regular Ubuntu CD, or is there a separate download?10:21
Praxiroger :)10:21
jmitchjclearzen: gpg: no ultimately trusted keys found then on the next line it says OK10:21
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taliseinmamzers555: yeah. you might want to file a bug in launchpad if it doesn't work by Tuesday or so though. Just to be sure :)10:22
boinkLF: no10:22
boinkI mean, yes .. there is a seperate server cd10:22
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boinkthat's just ubuntu with no gnome stuff10:22
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clearzenjmitchj: that looks like the key was imported correctly10:23
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taliseinmamzers555: the other possibility is that the way mapper worked on dapper changes the way it would modify the hard drive in some way, which would be bad for you. But I'm pretty sure its just the packages being out of sync10:23
_LF_boink, where can I download it? I tried here: http://releases.ubuntu.com/ubuntu-server/ , which is the link provided on the Ubuntu Derivatives page, but I get a 404.10:24
clearzenjmitchj:  sudo aptitude update10:24
boinkthere are plenty of mirrors to download it from10:24
kitche_LF_: http://ubuntu.com/download10:24
boinkgoogle .. ubuntu server download10:24
rcarrEww! Emacs!10:24
mamzers555talisein, i also think so, so i am looking for the source at the moment, maybe i can it compile myself and maybe then it works10:24
_LF_So just use one of the mirrors listed on the main download page, then?10:25
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boinkideally, use the mirror closest to you10:25
adubhow can i change my MAC address im pen testing want to spoof it10:25
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Railercan anyone tell me the difference between "apt-get remove --purge" and "apt-get remove"?10:25
boinkadub: that's not an ubuntu question :P10:25
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taliseinmamzers555: that could get ugly/annoying pretty fast ;)10:26
rcarrRailer: purge removes configuration files10:26
kitcheadub: it's part of ifconfig read the man that is all I m saying :)10:26
_LF_boink, Naturally. :) Thanks for your help.10:26
mamzers555talisein, what do you mean excactly?10:26
jelly-homeboink: what about "how can I changed my mac address in ubuntu?" <g>10:26
Railerwhat one should I use to remove sendmail?10:26
boinkheh :P10:26
boinkRailer: apt-get remove sendmail10:26
jmitchjclearzen: that worked fine10:26
BFT_ICE_BFTi want to boot form cd but i can't find the selection in grub bootupscreen10:27
Railerthank you10:27
kitcheRailer: --purge will remove the files as well10:27
rcarrRailer: Do you want to keep your configuration files? if not just purge them, but remove is safer10:27
boinkman apt-get10:27
fenCan I get some help booting the live CD?10:27
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ubotuDon't ask to ask a question. Just ask your question :)10:27
jmitchjclearzen: except: Err http://security.ubuntu.com dapper-security Release.gpg10:27
jmitchj  Temporary failure resolving 'security.ubuntu.com'10:27
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jelly-homeRailer: first install some other MTA, then apt-get --purge remove sendmail-base10:27
taliseinmamzers555: well, if you're looking for the libdevmapper source, then its going to require all sorts of header files to actually build. like linux-headers-whatever + some others. You could get those via apt-get packagename-dev, but you'd have to figure out what exact packages devmapper wants10:27
clearzenjmitchj: easy ubuntu will ask if you want to install ati drivers btw10:27
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jmitchjclearzen: is that message ok ?10:28
kitchefen: did you burn the cd correctly?10:28
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Railerwell I might as well purge I'm not going to need send mail again, any dependany issues or anyhting like that if I remove the configuration files?10:28
taliseinmamzers555: and then when a security update for the kernel hits, there will be a new linux-headers, which means that you might end up in breakage again10:28
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mcscrufflo, is there a way to mount my resiserfs under windows like you can with ext2/3 ?10:28
BFT_ICE_BFTwhat must i do to boot a cd with grub?10:28
fenWhen booting live CD get to second splash screen - then "uncompressing linux" get "Buffer I/O error on device hdb, logical block xxxxx10:28
clearzenjmitchj: it should be ok. Try running update again and see if you get the same error10:29
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ubotupatch: Apply a diff file to an original. In component main, is optional. Version 2.5.9-2 (dapper), package size 94 kB, installed size 188 kB10:29
kitchefen: and /dev/hdb is your cdrom drive I take it10:29
jmitchjcleazen: Err http://security.ubuntu.com dapper-security Release.gpg, then next line...Temporary failure resolving 'security.ubuntu.com'10:29
fenyes it is10:29
taliseinmcscruff: look on google, but I don't think so10:29
LjLmcscruff: not sure about actually mounting, but "raiserfs windows" in google shows a few possibility to at least read it10:29
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kitchefen: probably a bad burn or the iso was corrupted when you downloaded it10:29
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zpiffHey, is the any programs that can do a badblock scan to a ntfs partition/disk ?10:29
jojoman02is there a point/click way of installing the latest 8.29.6 ati drivers in ubuntu?10:29
mamzers555talisein, your're right, it is not a good idea, but it is annoying to not have access to all your data10:29
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mamzers555talisein, i hope the ubuntu-guys are fast10:30
fenI have 2 cdrom drives - tried both - same error10:30
AsheDdoes rsync check for *differences* in files?10:30
kitchefen: then it's a bad burn or your download is corrupted try redownloading the iso10:30
fenI know the media is OK cause it boots ok on my laptop10:30
taliseinmamzers555: they usually are. but edgy IS beta. ;) for future reference btw, edgy technical problems should be brought to #ubuntu+1 :)10:30
AsheDlike if I am syncing my PC to a website, and we have a file that has the same name, but slightly different content, will it overwrite the old part of the file with the new data, or just upload the whole file again?10:30
protex2Excuse me what is the default ubuntu kernels package name?10:30
jmitchjclearzen: W: GPG error: http://ubuntu.moshen.de dapper Release: The following signatures couldn't be verified because the public key is not available: NO_PUBKEY FC0A1CC62F30665110:31
LjL!kernel > protex210:31
kitcheAsheD: whole file10:31
kitchefen: then I would say it has tod ow ith your cdrom drives10:31
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mamzers555talisein, ok, thanks a lot for your great help, i wish you the best10:31
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taliseinmamzers555: you're welcome, good luck :)10:31
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fenI take it hdb is the CDROM drives?10:32
Xal2Does the latest version of Ubuntu to download include the latest Linux kernel?10:32
LjLXal2: no10:32
whazillawhat's wrong here10:32
whazilla http://rafb.net/paste/results/EbEY7L72.html10:32
clearzenjmitchj: run the same gpg commands. gpg --keyserver subkeys.pgp.net --recv FC0A1CC62F30665110:32
kitchefen: one of them probably10:32
Xal2I need the latest kernel because the JMicron IDE controller does not work with the current release afaik10:32
SV452does anybody have any idea how the modeline command work for xorg.conf file ???10:32
zpiffIs there any programs for linux/ubuntu to scan for badblocks on a ntfs partition/disk?10:32
ubotukernel is the core of the Ubuntu Operating System (named 'Linux') - see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Kernel.  You shouldn't have to compile one, but if you're convinced you do, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/KernelCustomBuild10:32
ivxhey i installed all the packages to play restriced formats, after though my gaim noises are distorted,10:32
Xal2Is it posible to add one to the CD?10:32
clearzenand then gpg --export --armor FC0A1CC62F306651 | sudo apt-key add -10:32
jmitchjclearzen: ok and then apt-get update again?10:32
taliseinXal2: the ubuntu kernel has a lot of patches from the current kernel. So you could try the livecd and see10:32
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Xal2I can't boot the live CD10:33
mamzers555talisein, btw. do you know an equivalent to klipper, i need such a tool for gnome?10:33
Xal2It doesn't have the correct driver for my IDE controller.10:33
clearzenjmitchj: and then update10:33
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ivxanyone know why10:33
taliseinzpiff: Badblocks should work as long as you keep it in the nondestructive mode10:33
taliseinmamzers555: what does klipper do? ;)10:33
zpifftalisein: ok thanks10:33
Xal2Is there a way to compile a new kernel on my other computer to add to the live CD?10:33
mamzers555talisein, klipper is just a clipboard-manager10:33
MegaqwertyDoes anyone know how to apply a .patch file from launchpad?10:34
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LjLxal2, there is a way to 1) recompile a kernel, and 2) create a custom live CD. if you can merge these two things, you're done. good luck though10:34
jmitchjclearzen; ok, that all worked :)10:34
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clearzenjmitchj: cool, good to hear10:34
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Xal2thanks ^^10:35
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jmitchjclearzen: now just run easyubuntu?10:35
taliseinmamzers555: I can't think of anything off the top of my head, and apt-cache doesn't return anything GNOME specific. What do you use a clipboard for anyways?10:35
protex2the link I was given by the bot didnt tell me the package name... how do I apt-get the default kernel?10:35
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clearzenjmitchj: yeah that should be it10:35
jmitchjclearzen: like i said...if there are a lot of downloads..it will take me awhile on dialp...10:35
taliseinprotex2: what CPU do you have?10:36
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jmitchjclearzen: I may wait til i get to work on Monday and do them on DSL10:36
ivxprotex2 i think you can just go into the package manger and it will show you all them10:36
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protex2talisein, K7 Amd Athlon Xp10:36
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Megaqwertyhow do I use a .patch file?10:36
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jmitchjclearzen: thanks again for all your help!!!10:36
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clearzenjmitchj: np10:37
kitcheMegaqwerty: use patch10:37
Eghiehello, what is the "S" permission, when you look at the permissions of a file?10:37
mamzers555talisein, sometimes it is usefull if you have to copy and past several things10:37
Megaqwertykitche: like in bash?10:37
demiohow do i change the look of the menu bars in gone?10:37
kitcheMegaqwerty: look up on how to patch files using patch since I don't think ubotu has a thing about it10:37
demiolike the top and bottom bars10:37
GStubbs43Is Google Earth really slow for anyone on Edgy? It is extremely slow for me, yet was very fast on Dapper... But, it works a lot better, like the screen isn't cut off...10:37
taliseinmamzers555: you might try xclipboard to see if its good enough ;)10:37
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LjLEghie: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sticky_bit10:38
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EghieLjl thanks10:38
LjLEghie: ah no sorry. that's *not* the one.10:38
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SV452can anybody explain how this works ?? ModeLine       "1024x768" 60.8 1024 1056 1128 1272 768 768 770 796 - my screen is bigger than what it should be and my max for my 14" is 1024x76810:39
joevandykWhat are the main downsides still about running a 64-bit kernel?10:39
jmitchjclearzen: once the ATI driver is installed...which it just did....should i get a control panel?10:39
joevandyk(and OS)10:39
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clearzenjmitchj:I'm not sure with ATI. I have one with NVIDIA though10:39
taliseinprotex2: apt-get install linux-image-`uname -r`10:40
jmitchjclearzen: maybe i need to reboot?10:40
LjLEghie: i'm messing up. "S" should be setuid-root for non-executable files, according to wikipedia.10:40
EghieLjl ow10:40
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clearzentry sudo /etc/init.d/gdm restart10:40
protex2talisein, Yeah by default my ubuntu booted into an old custom kernel I had so I'm apting kernel-image-generic10:40
iammisci am going to partition my disk as follows: 1 37.2 gb disk into 18.1 gigabyte windows, 1 gb transfer(vfat), 18.1 gb freespace for ubuntu.10:40
iammiscis this ok10:40
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Eghiehow do i set that one?10:40
pike_joevandyk: pros: bragging rights cons: simple things can turn out to be a pain speed difference: meh10:40
taliseinthat will work10:40
clearzentype startx at the command line if it dosen't come back up10:41
taliseiniammisc: sounds fine. I'd make the transfer space a little bigger, just to be sure. You can always use it for ubuntu storage too10:41
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LjLEghie: chmod g+s filename10:42
LjLEghie: (for setting it for the group)10:42
iammiscokay 17.6 windows and ubuntu and 2gb transfer?10:42
bam_Hi...I was wondering how I could find out what driver my wireless is using. Or maybe someone could just tell me its the Intel PRO/Wireless 2200BG card.10:42
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sholdenI just built gaim on ubuntu edgy, and it says that it does not support MSN because I need SSL support.  Does anyone know what I need to do to correct this?10:43
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LjLEghie: note that SUID may be a dangerous thing to use, especially if it's SUID-root, because it means the file, if it's executable (though with uppercase S, it should not be), will be executed with root privileges10:43
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Eghieit's dangerous, i understand that one10:44
YournameIf someone has the time, can they please check out my question at-> http://www.ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=28120510:44
anon32can I download ISOs for versions of Ubuntu other than 6.06?10:44
nityann0for some reason, my motherboard fans are running at full all the time when i am booted into ubuntu. Any help?10:44
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EghieLjl: but what's the difference with uppercase S and lowercase?10:45
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nityann0for some reason, my motherboard fans are running at full all the time when i am booted into ubuntu. Any help?10:45
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taliseinanon32: 6.10 isos are easily available. There are probably earlier ubuntu isos somewhere too10:46
anon32talisein, where?10:46
nityann0googe search10:46
taliseinanon32: which do you want?10:46
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LjLEghie: according to Wikipedia, S means the file is not executable, while s means it's executable. i'm sorry however, but i haven't the slightest idea of how a non-executable SUID file could be useful10:46
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anon32talisein, um, 6.10 and 5.1010:46
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compengiLjL, can you check this one please http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/27705/10:46
FurthuRgetting Error: Rage 128 timed out... exiting when attempting to run blender10:47
FurthuRjust enabled 3d accell10:47
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Ademanwhat's the package for the update manager10:47
nityann0for some reason, my motherboard fans are running at full all the time when i am booted into ubuntu. Any help?10:47
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about ubdate - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi10:47
ubotuUpgrading, please see the instructions on: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UpgradeNotes10:47
EghieLjl: I don't have any idea either10:47
LjLcompengi, are you trying to recompile the entire Ubuntu by hand? you might want to try Gentoo if you like that sort of thing ;)10:47
iammiscis ther any real benefit from dual-booting windows and ubuntu?10:47
nityann0do i have to install mobo drivers??10:47
EghieLjl: but thanks for your help, now i understand10:47
{_-IcE-_}hey guys... im trying to setup dovecot for pop and imap, when trying to start it its giving me an error Unknown setting: userdb ... i found it in the config but have no clue what it should be :S any help pls?10:47
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Ademaniammisc: if you need some windows only programs that wont work with WINE, otherwise linux is all you need :-)10:47
pike_iammisc: only for gaming as far as im concerned10:47
FurthuRgetting Error: Rage 128 timed out... exiting when attempting to run blender any ideas???10:47
compengiLjL, i was trying to compile a new rhythmbox10:47
nityann0for some reason, my motherboard fans are running at full all the time when i am booted into ubuntu. Any help?10:48
protex2Just finished install Ubuntu, I'm in love.10:48
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Ademanpike_: i have counter strike source, counter striek 1.6, half life 2 all running at full speed with WINE on my computer10:48
LjLcompengi: i noticed that. try installing libgnomeui-dev and libglade-dev10:48
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LjLcompengi: keep in mind that there is an "apt-cache search <keyword>" command for finding packages, and that packages that are needed to compile stuff usually end with "-dev"10:48
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pike_Ademan: well i dont have windows but about all i do is tremulous and native games im not too familiar with working with wine10:49
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deb_useris sourceforge down right now? anybody know?10:49
nityann0for some reason, my motherboard fans are running at full all the time when i am booted into ubuntu. Any help?10:49
deb_userI just get one mirror for downloads...10:49
taliseinanon32: http://old-releases.ubuntu.com/releases/hoary/10:49
iammiscif i decide to uninstall ubuntu and resize my ntfs partition back to normal size, can i do that?10:49
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FurthuRgetting Error: Rage 128 timed out... exiting when attempting to run blender any ideas ? ? ?10:50
Ademanpike_: you know what wine is though right?10:50
compengiLjL, got that ;)10:50
taliseinanon32: http://ubuntu-releases.cs.umn.edu//6.10/10:50
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Ademanianmisc: yes, with gparted10:50
nityann0for some reason, my motherboard fans are running at full all the time when i am booted into ubuntu. Any help?10:50
kitchedeb_mirror: it's been hapening a lot their mirrors seem to bbe dead alot of them but they don't control the mirrors10:50
anon32talisein, THANKS10:50
pike_Ademan: yeah10:50
Ademanworks great10:50
taliseinanon32: even better: http://releases.ubuntu.com/10:50
Ademani can't get battlefield 2 to work with it though10:50
SnadderSome way.. my crontab dosnt work.. the commands never gets executed.. even if they show up when I do crontab -l10:50
anon32talisein, YAY10:50
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taliseinanon32: see the old-releases link for the others10:51
Snadder* * * * *   /some/script.sh <-- thats what I put in10:51
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iammiscwhen i use gparted to resize and create the appropiate partitions, will ubuntu automatically mark the appropiate partition bootable?10:51
LjLcompengi: also, have you tried "sudo apt-get build-dep rhythmbox" like you did with gaim? that often does the trick, as well, without hunting for packages manually.10:51
iammiscor will i have to do that manually10:51
FurthuRgaaah this is killing meeee10:51
anon32talisein, which CD should I get if I want to "upgrade" with it?10:51
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FurthuRmy cursor is all garbeled and blender wont work10:51
FurthuRive been working on this for days10:51
taliseinanon32: you can't upgrade downwards. Or are you on warty?10:51
FurthuR*&&^% waste of time10:52
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anon32talisein, you can't downgrade?10:52
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taliseinanon32: nope. apt wasn't built to do that10:52
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ubotuAttempting to downgrade to an older Ubuntu version is explicitly not supported, and may break your system.10:52
anon32talisein, ok, and if I wanted to upgrade forwards, which CD would I want?10:52
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protex2how can I see what's starting a boot and possibly remove some startup daemons?10:52
iammiscalso. I have 7 mb of unused space on my hard disk. Is this used for something?10:52
SnadderSeems like there aint any entries in syslog10:53
CromagDKif its unused ?10:53
Snadderof when the crontab commands is executed10:53
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Snadderactually.. there aint any entry in syslog for several days10:53
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nityann0do i need to install motherboard drivers??10:53
kitcheprotex2: there is inetd and the init scripts really10:53
jmitchjclearzen: still no control panel..so i'm not sure how to change displays from laptop screen to TV10:53
taliseinanon32: install cd (but edgy/dapper only have dual install-livecds). What you would do is edit your /etc/sources.list and add a CD repository, and aptitude dist-upgrade10:53
nityann0do i need to install motherboard drivers??10:54
bkudriais upgrading to edgy from dapper at this point a good idea?  will anything break?  i need to upgrade because i need a newer kernel...10:54
protex2kitche: is there a program that will assist me in editing? similar to rc-update in gentoo?10:54
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nityann0do i need to install motherboard drivers??10:54
taliseinnityann0: probably not.10:54
anon32talisein, which install CD? live, desktop, or alt?10:54
nityann0for some reason my fans are always running at max10:54
nityann0it's like a jet10:54
kitcheprotex2: not that I know anyways gentoo makes it easy for people you sorta have to turn off the initscripts yourself10:54
tonyyarussobkudria: Check in with #ubuntu+1 and see how things are going.10:54
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bkudriatonyyarusso: thanks10:55
protex2kithce is there maybe a guide on this?10:55
taliseinanon32: Desktop Install, if available. otherwise live cd over alt. It'd probably be easier to just change your sources.list to upgrade rather than use a cd though10:55
ubotuUpgrading, please see the instructions on: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UpgradeNotes10:55
kitcheprotex2: not that I know of but you can look at the wiki for some help10:55
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protex2kitche,  awesome thanks for the help10:55
anon32talisein, I have an extraordinarily slow system - that's I want all my packages in one place10:55
taliseinanon32: only download ISOs if the target computer doesn't have an internet connection.10:55
taliseinanon32: ok10:56
ubotujava is To install a Java compiler/interpreter on Ubuntu, look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Java  -  For the Sun Java runtime install sun-java5-jre from the !Multiverse repository10:56
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nityann0talisein, my fans are always running at max speed. how could i fix this?10:56
=== anon32 notes that the complete download will probably take around 3 weeks
taliseinnityann0: try installing the lm-sensors package10:57
taliseinnityann0: System -> Administration -> Synaptic Package Manager. Search for lm-sensors10:57
anon32....the iso isn't even compressed?10:57
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taliseinanon32: its compressed10:57
taliseinanon32: at least, all the packages are compressed10:58
Seveas!java =~ s/^/<reply>/10:58
ubotuI'll remember that, Seveas10:58
ubotuTo install the Ati/NVidia drivers for your video card, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto10:58
taliseinanon32: by upgrading via apt, you would ensure only downloading the packages you need10:58
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taliseinanon32: you can also specify for apt to Just Download and not install until you're ready10:58
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anon32talisein, well, I just notice an abnormally high download speed due to modem compression, something which has only ever happened to me when downloading a long string of 0s10:59
anon32talisein, I'm not always on the same system, that's why I want it all in one file - makes it easier to wget -c11:00
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taliseinanon32: be sure to get 6.06.1 and not 6.06.11:00
Scorpmoondoes ubuntu come with an ftp server builtin?11:00
Scorpmoonubuntu server11:00
anon32talisein, I'm fetching 6.10, lol11:01
taliseinanon32: oh god11:01
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bam_I was wondering. What channel does normally wireless card run on? is it ch 6? and do access points run on ch 11?11:01
digisusHi! I have got a question about Dapper freezing every once in while. It happens on my laptop and I saw people discussing it on ubuntuforums.org. Will the problem be solved for Edgy?11:01
kitchebam_: depends on how the AP is set up11:01
Xenguydigisus: when does it freeze?11:01
taliseinanon32: 6.10 is beta. all those packages will be out of date in 2 weeks. Who knows if the CD will even work. And you'd end up having to download hundreds of megabytes of stuff again11:02
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{_-IcE-_}can anyone please please send me dovecot.conf as i deleted it by mistake :| ?11:02
digisustalisein:randomly :-/ sometimes when starting an app, sometimes when closing...11:02
talisein{_-IcE-_}: dpkg-reconfigure dovecot11:02
Xenguy{_-IcE-_}: can you google one?11:02
anon32talisein, um, it's RC - that means it's the same package that's probably gonna be labeled as final11:02
{_-IcE-_}root@icebox:~# dpkf-reconfigure dovecot11:02
{_-IcE-_}-bash: dpkf-reconfigure: command not found11:02
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nityann0do i need to restart after installing lm-sensors and the libsensors3 packages??11:03
{_-IcE-_}Xenguy: couldnt find on google11:03
anon32unless there's some strange use of Release Candidate involved that I'm not aware of?11:03
digisusXenguy (sorry...): randomly :-/ sometimes when starting an app, sometimes when closing...11:03
Xenguy{_-IcE-_}: what talisein said :-)11:03
rixthHow can I turn the 'feature' where windows snap o the edge of other windows off?11:03
nityann0do i need to restart after installing lm-sensors and the libsensors3 packages??11:03
Xenguydigisus: that's not good :-/11:03
taliseinanon32: well, it is an RC, i give you that.11:03
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{_-IcE-_}uhm, it says dovecot is not installed...11:04
{_-IcE-_}if i try reconfigure dovecot-imapd11:04
Yournamesudo apt-get keeps installing 0.6.2 of network-manager.. but there's a 0.6.4 out, how do I update it?!11:04
ispirtohi, how can i find epox nforce4 ultra ethernet driver for ubuntu11:04
digisusXenguy: yep. Sorry to say that I cannot reproduce it - But it happened just an houre ago. Usually 1-2x a week...11:04
{_-IcE-_}then it says grep .... dovecot.conf file not found11:04
anon32oh yea, and the final date is in 5 days, not 14 :-P11:04
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talisein{_-IcE-_}: lol. try aptitude reinstall dovecot-imapd11:04
Xenguydigisus: time to buy new hardware ;-)11:04
kitcheYourname: apt-get update since you have to update the repo list11:04
anon32besides, I find it unlikely that all of it will have changed11:04
bkudriais 2.6.17 or higher available in dapper?11:04
LjLbkudria: no. it will be in edgy.11:05
taliseinanon32: it doesn't all change, but if openoffice does, there's like 100 Mb11:05
Yournamekitche: I've done that already.11:05
YournameAnd it still installed 0.6.211:05
bkudriaLjL: ok, thanks11:05
{_-IcE-_}after some lines........11:05
{_-IcE-_}Setting up dovecot-imapd (1.0.beta3-3ubuntu5.3) ...11:05
{_-IcE-_}grep: /etc/dovecot/dovecot.conf: No such file or directory11:05
anon32bkudria, no11:05
YournameI have a downloaded 0.6.4 on desktop too.11:05
ubotunetworkmanager is an application to make (wireless) networking Just Work. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs/NetworkManager11:05
=== anon32 notes that you can't upgrade the kernel with an install CD..
anon32talisein, I never upgrade OO.o anyway11:05
talisein{_-IcE-_}: with aptitude reinstall?11:05
digisusXenguy: Why do you think so? The laptop (ThinkPad X31) is perhaps 3yo. And it never froze with Breezy while it has been freezing nearly a dozen times with Dapper.11:05
anon32I use MS Office instead11:05
{_-IcE-_}talisein: yep11:05
YournameYeah kitche, I followed that.11:06
iammischow long will an install take. I only have about 1.5 hours. I have a 768mb of ram, 2ghz system.11:06
kitcheYourname if you have the 0.6.4 deb on your desktop just install it that way with dpkg?11:06
talisein{_-IcE-_}: oO. Try dpkg-reconfigure dovecot-common or aptitude reinstall -common if that doens't work11:06
YournameBut it's not doing the update. :(11:06
YournameFrom shell>11:06
kitcheYourname: yea11:06
YournameShall I uninstall it first?11:06
YournameI don't want two versions, you know.11:06
ispirtohow can i find epox nforce4 ultra ethernet driver for ubuntu11:07
bam_how can I find out what driver my laptop is using for my wireless card?11:07
YournameUnless dpkg installs the new one and removes the old one.11:07
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{_-IcE-_}talisein: both failed... they try grep dovecot.conf :(11:07
TGPOso what is the advantage of SMP with dual core over non SMP?11:07
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nityann0do i need to restart after installing lm-sensors and the libsensors3 packages??11:07
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Xenguydigisus: I would suspect that changing hardware might increase system stability - but I believe you, my desktop system keyboard locks up once/day at precisely 1:06am every morning.  Breezy was fine, but the problem started with my upgrade to Dapper :-(11:07
kitcheYourname just do a man dpkg to make sure you use the right syntax but it should remove the old one and install the new one if you do it right11:07
talisein{_-IcE-_}: blah. "touch /etc/dovecot.conf" and try. If that doens't work, I'll install it and give it to you ;)11:07
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YournameGotcha kitche, thanks. Lemme try and get back to ya.11:08
jendaI have an ATI Mobility Radeon X300 Card. When I set xorg.conf to radeon or fgrlx, X starts, but in both cases, glxinfo returns Direct Rendering = No. What can I do?11:08
talisein{_-IcE-_}: are you working as root?11:08
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nityann0do i need to restart after installing lm-sensors and the libsensors3 packages??11:08
barktpolarQuestion, Is there a way to Install and Run Ubuntu while running Windows11:08
{_-IcE-_}talisein: yea ofcourse11:08
talisein{_-IcE-_}: ok.11:08
Xenguydigisus: maybe our problems are related somehow?  Do you have any good URLs on the problem?11:08
{_-IcE-_}reinstall worked after the touch :O11:08
{_-IcE-_}lets see :D11:08
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talisein{_-IcE-_}: hooray11:08
YournameHey, kitche.. it's acutually a .tgz file :S11:08
digisusXenguy: Hm. And what about the people discussing the freezing problem on ubuntuforums? I feel I am not alone.11:08
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anon32heh, download speed back at normal - guess I ran into the packages11:08
TGPObarktpolar: yes under emulation11:08
kitcheYourname: ok you can use alien then11:08
nityann0do i need to restart after installing lm-sensors and the libsensors3 packages??11:08
mcphailbarktpolar: yes, with vmware or qemu11:08
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Yournameman alien?11:08
kitcheYourname: to make it a deb since most likely it's a slackware package11:09
nityann0do i need to restart after installing lm-sensors and the libsensors3 packages??11:09
digisusXenguy: No, sorry. I read the forums and they said it might be the gfx driver. But who knows...11:09
taliseinnityann0: if the fan speeds haven't slowed down, yes please try11:09
grndslmbarktpolar, you mean like a live cd?11:09
anon32barktpolar, yes... but it's more complicated than just installing Ubuntu and ditching Windows11:09
Megaqwertyhow do I get Java to work in Firefox?11:09
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barktpolarI already tried VPC with it and it runs as slow as heck11:09
Xenguydigisus: if you don't have a URL handy, then I'll just track it down :-)11:09
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Yournamekitche: Ah, I got it off gnome.org/projects.11:09
Skaagis there a bluetooth channel? :-)11:09
{_-IcE-_}talisein: hmm, still didnt get conf back though... trying both reinstall -common and -imapd and we'll see11:09
anon32mcphail, or even MS VPC 200711:09
barktpolarYeah, but it install it somewhere and run it while you're running Windows11:09
jmcccI fubared a breezy->edgy upgrade that was using software RAID1, can someone help me unfubar it?11:09
mcphailanon32: i'm not aware of that one :)11:09
barktpolarI thought there was a Ubuntu Installer that can do that11:10
taliseinjmccc: how is it foobared?11:10
anon32I noticed that when I did dist-upgrade to edgy, one of the packages to be removed was alien - how am I gonna convert rpms in the beta then?11:10
rixthispirto, it should be supported by default11:10
anon32mcphail, Microsoft Virtual PC 200711:10
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kitcheanon32: reinstall alien11:10
digisusXenguy: try searchin sth. like "Dapper freezing" in the forums...11:10
TGPObarktpolar: you can install it, but only run one OS at a time, thats dual boot11:10
=== mememe [n=mememe@DSL217-132-5-97.bb.netvision.net.il] has joined #ubuntu
jmccctalisein: the md doesn't autostart so init crashes and it falls into a busybox shell11:10
grndslmbarktpolar, the easiest way for running 2 different OSes simultaneously is with vmware virtualization...11:10
anon32barktpolar, then you were very wrong11:10
taliseinanon32: it might have removed alien, installed something else, then reinstalled a newer alien11:10
Yournamekitche: Ok, installing alien using apt-get. So, shall I use alien (man alien?) to convert .tgz to .deb and then use dpkg?11:10
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{_-IcE-_}talisein: didnt get anywere ... still same prob11:10
anon32kitche, oh, lol11:10
ispirtorixth: it did not installed the driver11:10
barktpolarThere is no way to run it while running Windows without Emulation Software>11:10
ispirtoi could not connect to internet11:11
kitcheYourname: you do alien <package> that you want to convert to a deb11:11
mememeneed some help11:11
ispirtoor get ip11:11
mememechecking for C compiler default output file name... configure: error: C compiler cannot create executables11:11
{_-IcE-_}reinstalls after the touch but config isnt being created11:11
mememewhat should i do?11:11
anon32Yourname, NO11:11
mcphailbarktpolar: no11:11
jmccctalisen: i think the init ramdisk is wrong11:11
anon32you use alien on rpms11:11
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LjL!compile > mememe11:11
YournameGotcha kitche, thanks.11:11
taliseinjmccc: gah.11:11
TGPObarktpolar: only if you want both OS operating at the same time11:11
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Yournameanon32: What about a .tgz? kitche just said I could :S11:11
mcphailbarktpolar: (well, emulation or virtualisation...)11:11
mememei cant compile anything11:11
taliseinjmccc: your / was the Raid 1?11:11
LjLmememe: you have a private message. what are you trying to compile anyway?11:11
mememethis is the error11:11
barktpolarDOes coLinux help11:11
grndslmbarktpolar, vmware needs two computers.....you use one as the vmware server, an the other runs vmware player on a plain OS install (in your case ubuntu would have it's own window inside XP)11:11
LjLmememe: yeah, and the message you got explains how to solve that error11:11
jmccctalisein: yep11:11
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talisein{_-IcE-_}: weird..11:12
LjLmememe: sorry?11:12
mememeguitar tuner you kniw11:12
TGPObarktpolar: and regardless of emulator, your going to take a performance hit running it inside windows11:12
talisein{_-IcE-_}: hold on11:12
Xenguydigisus: ok, will do, thanks11:12
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nwbrenemanHi, I was going about my business as usual, when suddenly all of my XFCE panels disappeared. I restarted but they still aren't there. Can anyone please help me?11:12
{_-IcE-_}talisein: ok, tnx11:12
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about lingot - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi11:12
grndslmthere wouldn't be that big of a performance hit if you COULD run vmware...but that's your call11:12
mememeLjL understand now?11:12
taliseinjmccc: do you have a livecd?11:12
barktpolarK, WHat's the diff between VMWare Player and VMWare Server11:12
protex2guys I cant find a Mplayer package?11:12
ubotugtkguitune: Guitar and other instruments tuner. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.7-5build1 (dapper), package size 50 kB, installed size 192 kB11:12
LjLmememe: why not use that thing above, instead?11:12
digisusXenguy: nothing. Good luck. cu...11:12
mememeLjL,I cant use lingot11:12
mememeI tried it11:12
anon32Yourname, err... for tgz isn't a package format, the tool you need depends on the compressed files11:12
TGPObarktpolar: vmware player is free, and is made to do what your talking about11:13
LjLmememe, so you're in Edgy?11:13
kitche!mplayer > protex211:13
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barktpolarHow big is it11:13
jmccctalisein: I do...but it's Knoppix 3.9.  I booted from it and I can manually start raid11:13
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Yournameanon32: I just got alien to make a .deb file from the .tgz11:13
kitcheanon32: umm .tgz is a package format :)11:13
jmccctalisein: i have to modprobe the modules in first11:13
YournameIs there a frontend to dpkg?11:13
mememewhat is that?11:13
TGPObarktpolar: www.vmware.com11:13
LjL!edgy > mememe11:13
anon32Yourname, ok, fine, be that way11:13
taliseinjmccc: okay.. are you on dapper or edgy?11:13
jmccctalisein: but i can mount the /dev/md0 stuff11:13
taliseinjmccc: edgy right? gah11:13
Yournameanon32: hehe :P11:13
anon32kitche, no it isn't a tgz is just a gzipped tar file11:13
LjLmememe: anyway, forget about this and just type "sudo apt-get install gtkguitune". you will have a guitar tuner installed.11:13
kitcheanon32: .tgz is slackware's package format which is just .tar.gz11:13
nwbrenemanCould somebody please tell me how to make my XFCE panels reappear? They disappeared suddenly, and restarting didn't help.11:13
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taliseinjmccc: oh, okay, yeah, mount the md011:13
jmccctalisein: it was a breezy server that I dist-upgraded to edgy11:14
mcphailbarktpolar: you can find ubuntu images on the vmware site which you can run on the player. I don't know how good they are, though11:14
YournameIs there a frontend to dpkg?11:14
kitcheanon32: umm is that why slackware uses it for their package format11:14
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LjLmememe: you need to have the Universe component enabled, though.11:14
anon32kitche, huh? tgz=tar.gz= a bunch of files glued together and then gziped11:14
mememei have.11:14
barktpolarYeah, but teh prob is that I can't store them on my FLash Drive11:14
kitcheanon32: yes but slackware uses .tgz as a package format11:14
jmccctalisein: i tried to mount everything and chroot, which sort of worked11:14
barktpolarI got VPC and getting VMWare Player from my school11:14
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nityann0talisein: i installed the packages (Im-sensors and libsensors3), but the fan speed is the same. When i booted up it said: "Checking sensors limit            [FAIL] ".11:15
TGPOwhat is it with edgy and no wine candidate in the repo?11:15
mememeLjL, thanks for helping by the way11:15
anon32kitche, but they must use a very specific kind of tgz11:15
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taliseinjmccc: the tricky thing is Edgy is using upstart, so this is going to take research to figure out how to get it to load the raid stuff first11:15
mcphailbarktpolar: you can run ubuntu from qemu on a flash drive, but it will be fairly slow11:15
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kitcheanon32: no they don't their packages are just .tar.gz same as archlinux which is tar.gz as well11:15
jmccctalisein: well, i think we're in luck on that11:15
anon32TGPO, that's the way edgy works11:15
anon32TGPO, add the WINE repository11:15
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nityann0talisein: i installed the packages (Im-sensors and libsensors3), but the fan speed is the same. When i booted up it said: "Checking sensors limit            [FAIL] ".11:15
LjLmememe, in Edgy, there is lingot packaged as well. so when Edgy is out, if you decide to upgrade, you'll be able to type "sudo apt-get install lingot" and have that, if you prefer it over gtkguitune11:15
kitcheanon32: read up on pkgtools it will say just uses .tar.gz for package formats11:15
jmccctalisein: as there was an message to root that got mailed to me about running dpkg-reconfigure mdadm11:16
TGPOanon32: thanks.11:16
taliseinjmccc: try that.11:16
taliseinjmccc: ;)11:16
nityann0talisein: i installed the packages (Im-sensors and libsensors3), but the fan speed is the same. When i booted up it said: "Checking sensors limit            [FAIL] ".11:16
anon32kitche, no, what I mean is that they must tgz them in a certain way - i.e. script in a certain place, bin in another, etc11:16
jmccctalisein: so I did the chroot to the mounted /dev/md0 stuff from the knoppix livecd11:16
taliseinnityann0: in console run sudo sensors-detect11:16
jmccctalisein: and ran dpkg-reconfigure mdadm11:16
taliseinjmccc: oh, you cant mount the md0 from the failed ubuntu boot?11:16
Yournamekitche, anon32: So, using this new Network manager, I would be able to connect to my WPA2 wifi networks, right?11:16
LjLmememe: remember that compiling programs is often not necessary. ubuntu has about 20000 packages available. if you really do need to compile software, start by reading the first link Ubotu gave you -- but it's not always easy anyway.11:16
taliseinjmccc: did you chroot first?11:17
kitcheanon32: yea all they have is a install directory but you don't even need it to make their package11:17
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mememeLjL its not working11:17
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jmccctalisein: oh no, from the failed ubuntu boot there are no md modules loaded11:17
mememei mean11:17
mememeits work11:17
LjLmememe: "not working" like in giving you an error?11:17
mememebut its not get the sound11:17
nityann0talisein: when i ran it, it said: "No i2c device files found. Use prog/mkdev/mkdev.sh to create them."11:17
mememeno errors11:17
jmccctalisein: from the knoppix boot I can insmod the md stuff, mount everything, then chroot11:17
kitcheanon32: I mean they have bin and the program stuff and another directory called install11:17
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mememejust didnt get the sound from my mic11:17
LjLmememe: do you have the mixer settings correct for capturing from microphone?11:17
jmccctalisein: but as I was saying11:17
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anon32lol, I have so much ETA on this ISO that it's showing as "can not determine"11:17
mememewhat do you mean?11:17
nityann0talisein: when i ran it, it said: "No i2c device files found. Use prog/mkdev/mkdev.sh to create them."11:18
mememethe mic is in 48 volume11:18
jmccctalisein: once I chrooted to the md0 mounted drives, and ran dpkg-reconfigure mdadm, it didn't work11:18
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anon32kitche, ok11:18
Yournamelol what ISO is it?11:18
YournameAre you on dialup?11:18
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LjLmememe: i mean that you soundcard isn't going to pick you the microphone unless you tell it to. go to your mixer, and click on the red switch for the microphone -- or whatever color it is in gnome11:18
jmccctalisein: it tried to create a new initramfs file in /boot but it said the kernel needs to be at least 2.6.11 to do that11:18
b03ntoguys, i have 3.06 ghz processor, but in cpuinfo it say only 1600 mhz, whats wrong ?11:18
grndslmbarktpolar, if you want to run ubuntu on your school's computer....look into customizing a livecd or flash drive, but don't expect any of them to run ubuntu under windows....microsoft would never let that happen11:18
nityann0talisein: when i entered "sudo sensors- detect", it said: "No i2c device files found. Use prog/mkdev/mkdev.sh to create them."11:18
LjLmememe: volume is not enough. it has to be selected for recording.11:18
jmccctalisein: i mean 2.6.1211:18
anon32kitche, the way it probably works is that their package manager goes into the install dir and executes the install script11:18
mememeLjL and how i do that?11:18
anon32Yourname, yep, the edgy iso11:18
kitcheanon32: yeah it does if you call it a package manager :)11:19
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jmccctalisein: so I need to know if the dapper livecd has a high enough kernel to do that, as the knoppix cd is kinda old11:19
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ispirtohow can i install this driver forcedeth.c11:19
talisein{_-IcE-_}: uploading to pastebin11:19
kitcheYourname: umm WPA2 working dpeneds on if your wpa_supplicant is set up right11:19
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ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about clockspeed - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi11:19
nityann0talisein: when i entered "sudo sensors- detect", it said: "No i2c device files found. Use prog/mkdev/mkdev.sh to create them."11:19
Yournamekitche: apt-get says I have wpasupplicant.11:19
LjLmememe, i'm not on Gnome, so i can't tell you specifically. look at your gnome mixer. or ask someone else if they know the specific procedure for switching microphone capture on in the gnome mixer.11:19
mememethe mic is enable11:19
taliseinjmccc: try the edgy livecd, and try to chroot from it11:19
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jmccctalisein: oh, i didn't know there was an edgy live cd11:20
LjLmememe: "enabled" doesn't necessarily means it'll be recorded.11:20
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mememeso what can i do11:20
jmccctalisein: that should do the trick, too bad I just got done downloading the dapper iso :-(11:20
mememewith alsamixer for example11:20
nwbrenemanmy panels in xfce are gone, and I don't know where they went. could somebody please tell me how to get them back without actually being able to graphically open anything?11:20
nityann0talisein: when i entered "sudo sensors- detect", it said: "No i2c device files found. Use prog/mkdev/mkdev.sh to create them."11:20
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taliseinjmccc: ;)11:20
anon32question: I'm not sure I can write in dao mode successfully, can I upgrade from a mounted iso?11:20
LjLmememe: there are three settings for the microphone (like for everything else):  1) the volume slider  2) the switch that decides whether the sound is output to the speakers or not  3) the switch that decides whether the sound is captured.   you need number 3.11:20
b03ntoguys, i have 3.06 ghz processor, but in cpuinfo it say only 1600 mhz, whats wrong ?11:20
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Yournamekitche: Also, I just installed network managers.. now I don't see it anywhere?11:20
taliseinnityann0: hmmm. I don't think I can help then =(11:21
jmccctalisein: is there a special place to find the edgy livecd?11:21
mememei dont know how to do that :\11:21
nityann0who could?11:21
taliseinjmccc: releases.ubuntu.com should have a link I think11:21
anon32nwbreneman, do you have a terminal?11:21
jmccctalisein: thanks for all your help :-)11:21
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taliseinnityann0: try posting on the forums at http://ubuntuforums.com11:21
nwbrenemananon32: I don't see how I could open one, no11:21
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clarkphpHello. Building Apache 2.2.3 from source. ./configure includes --enable-ssl.  Synaptic says 0.9.8a openssl is installed, but the apache configure can't find the SSL/TLS toolkit.  find / -name ssl.h -print turns up nothing, along with searching for sslc.h, etc.  Should I download the source for 0.9.8d from openssl.org and build that first. If so, should I uninstall 0.9.8a using Synaptic first?11:21
LjLmememe, reading from the manpage, in alsamixer you should probably select the microphone (using the left and right arrows), and then press Space to enable capture11:21
taliseinnityann0: oops, ubuntuforums.org11:21
mike1ohow can ssh into my friend PC from a my PC; neither of us are have public IP's and neither of us are connected directly to the router11:22
nwbrenemananon32: but I used crtlaltf1 to open irssi11:22
talisein{_-IcE-_}: pastebin is slow today =(11:22
anon32nwbreneman, ok, switch to a console (ctrl+alt+f1) and work from there11:22
mememenothing happen11:22
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nwbrenemananon32: okay11:22
Yournameanon32: Also, I just installed network managers.. now I don't see it anywhere?11:22
anon32nwbreneman, try using adduser11:23
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anon32Yourname, if you aliened it, it probably won't auto-configure, search for the actual file and execute it11:23
mememeLjL i tried to press space,nothing happen11:23
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nwbrenemananon32: okay, but may I ask what my goal is?11:23
nwbrenemananon32: or what it will accomplish, I suppose11:23
Yournameanon32: Ok, and where do you think it is? :S11:23
K1765ok, whats wrong with this11:23
anon32nwbreneman, to just start over :-\11:24
b03ntoi have 3.06 ghz processor, but in cpuinfo it say only 1600 mhz, is it normal ?11:24
nwbrenemananon32: okay, thank you :)11:24
talisein{_-IcE-_}: screwit. look at talisein.livejournal.com ;)11:24
K1765I checked the .iso with checksum, it says its not corrupt, I burn it at 4x, go to the loading screen, and it says Error Readong boot cd11:24
mememeLjL ?11:24
anon32Yourname, /usr/bin11:24
Yournameone sec kthx11:24
LjLmememe, please ask somebody else about this. i normally use KMix under KDE, i don't have the slightest idea how you're supposed to enable microphone capture in Gnome or alsamixer.11:24
anon32K1765, well, duh, it failed the checksum11:24
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K1765no, duh, it passed it....11:25
mememeok thanks anyway!11:25
K1765no errors were in it11:25
seth__hi, my problem: with "sudo pppoeconf" I only get "This option is not available. Please see --help for all possible usages."11:25
=== Em3rald [n=irelandm@dsl-main-66-18-221-110-gib.nucleus.com] has joined #ubuntu
Em3raldHey all11:25
Yournameanon32: Found it. As 'nm' and when I try to exec it, it says a.out, no such file. :(11:25
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taliseinmememe: eh, you need a microphone enabled? Did you try doubleclicking the speaker icon and going into Preferences?11:25
LjLmememe: the alsamixer man page says you need to press Space, but i just learned that 2 minutes ago. perhaps the Gnome Mixer help describes the procedure too.11:26
anon32Yourname, that's the problem with using alien, sometimes it doesn't work11:26
Em3raldOoo, a sound person ... I have a question for you too then ...11:26
mememetalisein,and than what?11:26
taliseinalsamixer will work11:26
b03ntoplease enlight me with this, i have 3.06 ghz processor, but in cpuinfo it say only 1600 mhz, is it normal ?11:26
LjLtalisein: enabled for recording, not just for passthru to the speakers11:26
Yournameanon32: any alternative suggestions, please? I now have a .tgz and a .deb of the network manager.11:26
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Em3raldCan I make my Mic port into an output?  Onboard sound.11:26
anon32b03nto, no, but we don't know how to fix it either11:26
taliseinmememe: make sure all those boxes, or at least anything to do with the microphone works, is checked.11:26
LjLEm3rald: err... no. really don't think so.11:27
bbrazilEm3rald: depends on the soundcard11:27
taliseinmememe: then close the preferences and look at the main volume control window11:27
anon32Yourname, open the .tgz and read the README11:27
Em3raldHmm, thought so.  Okay, let me get the info and maybe someone can point me in the right direction.11:27
anon32maybe it'll enlighten you to the normal install method11:27
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mememedone that11:27
=== elfranger [n=elfrange@2.84-234-173.customer.lyse.net] has joined #ubuntu
elfrangergood evening11:27
taliseinmememe: then click the Capture tab and unmute the microphone11:27
b03ntoanon31, thanks...11:27
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taliseinmememe: does it work? ;)11:28
elfrangerany way I can modify ubuntu's adduser?11:28
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mememewait a seccond.11:28
mon^rchwhat's the best frontend to format cdrw media etc. ???11:28
YoGhi cam someone help me with usb wlan?11:28
taliseinmon^rch: nautilus works11:28
elfranger Idon't want it o autocreate the home dir... I am creating a lot of ftpusers and they should all have the same homedir...11:28
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JDStoneanyone have smartmontools working on Ubuntu with SATA drives?11:28
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elfrangerany idea?11:28
taliseinmememe: try unclicking the other button by microphone11:28
mon^rchtalisein: how ???11:28
Praxican different linux installs share the same swap partition?11:29
K1765What would cause linux to say "Error Reading Boot CD"11:29
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taliseinmon^rch: when you insert the cdrw, it will probably pop up with a CD symbol on the desktop. Rightclick on it and it should give you a blanking option11:29
LjLPraxi: probably, but take care with hibernation, because normally linux uses the swap partition for hibernation.11:29
JosefKPraxi: yes, so long as you don't want any of them to support hibernation11:29
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mememetalisein what??11:29
mon^rchtalisein: ok, 1 sec11:29
elfrangerhm,very hard to get anyone's attention here...11:29
taliseinmememe: so in my list there is a little microphone symbol and a speaker symbol. one of them should do what you want11:29
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b03ntoanyway, what is bogomips ?11:30
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YoGelfeanger, you can say that again...11:30
JosefKelfranger: adduser --no-create-home11:30
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taliseinmememe: also try turning the volume ont he microphone up11:30
Lam_how do i open a new server connection screen in xchat using the text line?11:30
mememebut every one with a mic is enable11:30
=== hid3 [n=hide@clt-84-32-207-1.vkt.lt] has joined #ubuntu
elfrangerJosefK: really?11:30
JosefKelfranger: man adduser11:30
mcphailelfranger: your question is answered very clearly in the man page11:30
Ash-FoxIs there any way I can force backing store ONLY for one particular window or just in Xnest?11:30
elfrangerJosefK: ok, will do11:30
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elfrangersorry all for not reading the man pages first... lesson learnt11:31
K1765What would cause linux to say "Error Reading Boot CD" when trying to install it?11:31
LjLtalisein: some soundcards (like my own embedded) also have a separate "capture" slider (or whatever it's called) that must be both selected and/or turned up, for capturing from any line-input to work11:31
K1765I checked with checksum and nothing was corrupt.11:31
leakd n811:31
taliseinLjL: oh you're right11:31
=== RMorris84 [n=bob@c-66-177-73-110.hsd1.fl.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
YoGcan anyone help me with a usb wlan problem? please?11:31
ZambeziDapper or Edgy as a server? It's long uptimes, stable and secture system I would like.11:31
taliseinmememe: scroll to the right and there should be a capture bar11:31
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ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about fdisk - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi11:32
taliseinmememe: turn it up11:32
mememewhat capture bar?11:32
mon^rchtalisein: nautilus isn't cutting the mustard with formatting my cdrw know of anything else ??? (k3b, maybe)11:32
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K1765What would cause linux to say "Error Reading Boot CD", I checked with checksum and it said nothing was corrupt11:32
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taliseinmememe: Okay, in Volume Control, in the Capture tab, scroll the window to the far right.11:32
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TGPOmon^rch: k3b always works for me11:32
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taliseinmememe: you should see an up-down slider labeled capture11:33
mon^rchty TGPO11:33
=== dredhammer [n=dredhamm@pool-71-247-71-19.nycmny.east.verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu
mememewell,i dont see one11:33
K1765What would cause linux to say "Error Reading Boot CD", I checked with checksum and it said nothing was corrupt........11:33
taliseinmememe: crap11:33
dredhammerANyone know of a way to add the mplayer plugin to Iceweasel?11:33
taliseinmememe: what do you see? :)11:33
b03ntoplease enlight me with this, i have 3.06 ghz processor, but in cpuinfo it say only 1600 mhz, is it normal ? is it got something to do with clockmod or speedstep things ?11:33
krazykitwould there be a reason that ifconfig reports a different IP on an interface than I have?  it reports the "fake" ip of, which dhclient gives back when it can't pick up an IP... even though it has one and i'm using it right now11:34
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taliseindredhammer: is there a /usr/lib/iceweasel/plugins on your system?11:34
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Praxiwhats the normal way to shutdown X if I wanted to install the Nvidia drivers?  I did it, but I did it by editing x conf file to be invalid hehe11:34
jbmigelb03nto yes11:34
XVampireXdredhammer, iceweasel is firefox, plugins are checked in mozilla11:34
K1765What would cause linux to say "Error Reading Boot CD", I checked with checksum and it said nothing was corrupt11:34
taliseindredhammer: make a link from there to /usr/lib/mozilla/plugins11:34
XVampireXCould someone help K1765?11:34
dredhammerit tells me i need the plugin for streaming media11:34
=== delboy [n=derek@dsl-p13-96.gibconnect.com] has joined #ubuntu
Praximemory could be corrupting it11:34
mememetalisein PCM,Synth,Line-in,CD,Microphone,Aux11:34
K1765Yes please could they11:34
dredhammeri installed flash and java fine11:34
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mon^rchwhat is all this compiz stuff I keep hearing about???11:34
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Praxirun memtest11:34
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reverieHey guys.11:35
dredhammermplayer is compiled11:35
LjL!compiz > mon^rch11:35
b03ntojbmigel, finally some respond :), yes on what normal, speetstep or clockmod things ?11:35
YoGcan anyone help me with a usb wlan problem?11:35
=== Jbirk [n=jbirk@adsl-67-121-211-177.dsl.sndg02.pacbell.net] has joined #ubuntu
mon^rchty LjL11:35
{_-IcE-_}talisein: is that all ? i think mine was much longer11:35
taliseinmememe: go back to Edit-> Prefrences and look for a Capture box to click11:35
=== iMax [n=weirdo@chello084113044202.6.12.vie.surfer.at] has joined #ubuntu
XVampireXCould someone help K1765?11:35
Jbirkhave any of you heard of Ubuntu unleashed11:35
Praxijust did hehe11:35
mon^rchhow "stable" is running xgl and compiz on edgy???11:35
XVampireXCause that's as far as I got him, to give ubuntu a try11:35
reverieHas anyone had problems with "Buffer I/O Error on device hdc" while trying to boot Edgy Eft RC?11:35
PraxiK1765: run memtest11:35
dcordesJbirk: what's that?11:35
=== xRaal [n=xRaal@port223.ds1-aboes.adsl.cybercity.dk] has joined #ubuntu
K1765What would cause linux to say "Error Reading Boot CD", I checked with checksum and it said nothing was corrupt11:36
JbirkAn Ubuntu book11:36
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talisein{_-IcE-_}: not the text I /msg'd you, go to my livejournal. Note that it installed to /etc/dovecot/dovecot.conf not /etc/dovecot.conf11:36
=== Davey|Ubuntu [n=ubuntu@77-231.124-70.tampabay.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu
JbirkI bought a book on Ubuntu, yesterday11:36
K1765ok Praxi11:36
jbmigelb03nto ubuntu has powernowd enabled by default which "underclocks" your chip to save power and noise. if your usage goes above 95% or so it will kick up to 3ghz again11:36
K1765ill try that11:36
mememetalisien everything is enabled11:36
YoGcan anyone help me with a usb wlan problem?11:36
LjLmon^rch: as "stable" as you can get from running an unstable window manager on an unstable X server on an unstable Linux distribution ;-)11:36
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Davey|UbuntuHey, is there any easy way to create a striped array in linux? GUI perhaps? Or a HOW-TO? :)11:36
Praxithat happens on XP installs too when your memory is bad, says things like corrupt files blah blah K176511:36
taliseinmememe: ehh. =( is the microphone plugged in?11:36
JbirkThe answer is it should be okay11:36
{_-IcE-_}{_-IcE-_}: can i have the link pls? first timer :)11:36
mememei can hear sounds from the mic11:37
LjLmememe: perhaps test also with another program, such as Audacity for example (or the Gnome sound recorder, if there is such thing), to see if you can record from the mic11:37
XVampireXPraxi: Thanks :)11:37
mon^rchlol LjL11:37
b03ntojbmigel, thank you so much for you info, one more thing what is this bogomips things ?11:37
taliseinmememe: go through the Capture tab and unmute everything and raise the volume on everything up.11:37
{_-IcE-_}talisein: can i have the link pls? first timer :)11:37
Praxinp, now if someone could just tell me the proper way to shutdown X! :)11:37
Studiosushi, folks :) How to inherit my console environment vars (PATH etc) in gnome session?11:37
talisein{_-IcE-_}: talisein.livejournal.com11:37
mon^rchmaybe I just won't install it then (looks pretty tho)11:37
mememetalisein,i already done that11:37
LjLPraxi: what do you mean by "proper"?11:37
YournameHow can I install a .tgz network manger?!11:37
jbmigelb03nto http://www.tldp.org/HOWTO/BogoMips/bogo-faq.html11:37
YoGPraxi: sudo /etc/init.d/gdm stop11:37
=== sproingie [n=chuck@64-121-2-59.c3-0.sfrn-ubr8.sfrn.ca.cable.rcn.com] has joined #ubuntu
taliseinmememe: how are you testing the microphone?11:38
mememeusing two diffrent tuners11:38
{_-IcE-_}talisein: tnx very very much, i'll give it a try11:38
YoGPraxi: assuming you are runing gnome11:38
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=== Alethes [n=alethes@unaffiliated/alethes] has joined #ubuntu
Praxithanks yog :)  I mean the way I did it before was just crash the config11:38
XVampireXYourname, sounds like a slackware package11:38
Praxiya yog11:38
=== StikkitJim [n=James@cpc1-staf3-0-0-cust99.brhm.cable.ntl.com] has joined #ubuntu
LjLYourname: .tgz is an archive format (well, two archive formats actually). it's like .zip -- it's just a container for files. what is contained in it is a completely different matter.11:38
b03ntothanks jbmikel, i ll check that link... :)11:38
YoGPraxi: np11:38
talisein{_-IcE-_}: let me know when I can delete that entry ;)11:38
YoGcan anyone help me with a usb wlan problem?11:39
LjLYourname: what *is* the program that you're trying to install?11:39
{_-IcE-_}talisein: saved to notepad so u could delete, tnx mate11:39
=== mcruz2 [n=mike@adsl-75-10-210-197.dsl.pltn13.sbcglobal.net] has joined #ubuntu
taliseinmememe: Goto File->Change device... what do you see?11:39
talisein{_-IcE-_}: np11:39
=== migla [n=anna@h-134-177.A157.cust.bahnhof.se] has joined #ubuntu
jbmigelYoG could you be a little specific about your problem or should i just tell you to plug it in?11:39
=== krazykit [n=kkit@donatello.huffman.denison.edu] has joined #ubuntu
mememealsa mixer and oss mixer11:40
ianmacgregorjbmigel: lol11:40
JavaDeveloperdoes anybody know how to make Firefox faster in Ubuntu 6.06? I wonder if this is Firefox's problem or Linux's problem.  It seems like Firefox but I guess you guys would know little tricks and tips for it.  I am using Athlon2100+, 2GB.  Any idea?11:40
taliseinmememe: and its on alsa right?11:40
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joevandykWhere's a fast place to get an edgy iso?11:40
YoGjbmigel: I did'nt see any reason to tell the whole story before anyone reacts...11:40
joevandykcdimage.ubuntu.com is slow11:40
=== dcordes [n=dcordes@dslb-084-062-050-000.pools.arcor-ip.net] has left #ubuntu ["Verlassend"]
YournameLjL: Network Manager 0.6.411:41
YoGjbmigel: It seems the module crashes after awhile...11:41
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JavaDeveloperYoG: I am using Linksys WUSB12, does that help you?11:41
RMorris84how do i format a usb memory stick? its a creative muvo mp3 player stick, and i dont know what the default disk setup was... but i formatted it with 2 partitions and now i want it back to stock...11:41
taliseinmememe: what do you mean when you say you are using 2 different tuners?11:41
=== kingsley_ [n=taylor@dsl-47-181.nas.com] has joined #ubuntu
mememeyou know11:41
=== sharp_ [n=sharp@88-110-203-37.dynamic.dsl.as9105.com] has joined #ubuntu
mememeguitar tuners11:41
TGPOanyone know where I could find wine 64bit repo for edgy? winehq has nothing for edgy x6411:41
=== delboy [n=derek@dsl-p13-96.gibconnect.com] has joined #ubuntu
jbmigelYoG do you get any errors in dmesg?11:41
YoGJavaDeveloper: do you have any issus with it?11:41
=== reverie can't even boot Edgy Eft on 2 of his pcs :(
snoopsit's probably the ipv6 issue JavaDeveloper.. check the forums to disable ipv6 since it's doing two requests11:41
=== redguy [n=mati@aez120.neoplus.adsl.tpnet.pl] has joined #ubuntu
JavaDeveloperYoG: nope.  Running extremely smooth11:41
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kingsley_Why would typing "xhost +LOCAL:" in an xterm allow other users' applications to open windows, but putting "-" followed by "+LOCAL:" in /etc/X0.hosts would not?11:41
=== migla [n=anna@h-134-177.A157.cust.bahnhof.se] has left #ubuntu ["Ex-Chat"]
LjLYourname: the .tgz you have is probably raw source code that you will have to compile. are you sure you can't live with the version that's shipped by Ubuntu (i.e. 0.6.2)?11:42
YoGjbmigel: not that I can remeber...11:42
JavaDevelopersnoops: the browser is not very responsive when it loads javascript, does that matter?11:42
=== Megaqwerty [n=megaqwer@ip72-197-253-49.sd.sd.cox.net] has left #ubuntu []
matjan!request http://www.sabrinasabrok.com/members/members_eng.html (ccbill)11:42
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about request http://www.sabrinasabrok.com/members/members_eng.html (ccbill) - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi11:42
=== CaptainMorgan [n=CaptainM@londonderry-cuda2-68-171-161-230.lndnnh.adelphia.net] has joined #Ubuntu
Praxidoh didn't work for me YoG11:42
YoGjbmigel: sometimes doing: modprobe uhci_hcd -r11:42
taliseinmememe: software guitar tuners? Try looking through the settings for those, I guess.11:42
YournameLjL: Not really. I need WPA2 to work with it, and although my apt-get says I have wpa_supplicant.. I trust 0.6.4 to do the job right from the front end.11:42
mcruz2any coders in here?11:42
=== Kryckan [i=ricny046@c-6b60e455.022-255-6c6b701.cust.bredbandsbolaget.se] has joined #ubuntu
LjL!compile Yourname11:42
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about compile Yourname - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi11:42
YoGjbmigel: and the modprobe uhci_hcd11:42
LjLYourname: your best bet is following that guide11:42
JavaDeveloperYoG: what USB WLAN you are using?11:43
YoGjbmigel: fixes the problem...11:43
snoopsactually I've always found javascript a little bit slow on linux firefox JavaDeveloper.. it's quite a bit faster on konqueror11:43
PraxiIt told me it was aborint gdm, then I tried to install the NVIDIA linux driver, and said X was still running11:43
mememetalisein,you think both of them dont good enogh?11:43
YoGJavaDeveloper: Acer...11:43
YournameLjL: The thing is, I do know the compile stuff too.11:43
=== johnny__ [n=chatzill@c-67-173-91-197.hsd1.in.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
YournameBut everytime I do ./configure.. it stops with erros.11:43
taliseinmememe: no. I just don't know anything about guitar tuners ;)11:43
JavaDeveloperYoG: do you know what module you should use for it? cuz I am using Prism2_usb11:43
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jbmigelYoG well are you sure your just not losing connection to your router?11:43
YoGJavadeveloper: Acer Warplink USB Adapter.11:43
LjLYourname: yeah, that's probably because you don't have a compiler installed in the first place. so try reading that guide ;)11:43
=== philocon [n=philocon@194-125-178-190.as1.mgr.mullingar.eircom.net] has joined #ubuntu
=== Versed [n=Versed@c-69-253-173-154.hsd1.nj.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
johnny__hey all11:43
YoGJavaDeveloper: same here11:43
JavaDeveloperYoG: if you are using that, then I can give you my script and it runs in seconds11:43
mememetalisein,its just getting your mic sound11:44
mememeand show where is it and where it should be11:44
=== Nath [n=nath@bb-87-82-21-121.ukonline.co.uk] has joined #ubuntu
JavaDeveloperYoG: so did you install wlan-ng from repo?11:44
YoGjbmigel: it doesnt looks like loosing connectivity11:44
YournameI installed gcc11:44
=== dbmerk [i=dbmerk@apogee.whack.org] has joined #ubuntu
LjLYourname: which is wrong. follow the guide.11:44
LjLYourname: you need to install build-essential. but really, follow the guide.11:44
JavaDeveloperYoG: wait, what problem you are encountering with it now? disconnecting?11:44
YournameLjL: Okie dokie.. yes sir.11:44
YoGJavaDeveloper: yup, linux-wlan-ng...11:45
taliseinmememe: yeah, but how does that software interact with the system sound settings?11:45
dbmerkis there a way to force bad block checking when formatting a hard drive? My install is failing when copying files at the same point (70%) no matter the underlying file system (reiserfs or ext3)11:45
reverieHas anyone had problems with "Buffer I/O Error on device hdc" while trying to boot Edgy Eft RC?11:45
=== RevangelyonX [n=Revangel@m194-158-65-182.andorpac.ad] has joined #ubuntu
johnny__for this statement "In order to install ndiswrapper you need a copy the windows drivers for your Wireless ethernet device." is the windows driver my wireless card driver?11:45
YoGJavaDeveloper: it looks like something "locks", When I remove it and reinsert the dongle it starts to work - until the next time it locks (usually ~10 minutes)11:46
JavaDeveloperYoG: so what problem you have now? You cannot make it running? cuz if you have something else, my installation script may not work for you11:46
mememejust getting sound from my mic11:46
JavaDeveloperYoG: locks.....11:46
=== GrimWald [n=Telepath@acces1042.res.insa-lyon.fr] has joined #ubuntu
YoGJavaDeveloper: No it runs...11:46
PraxiHow do I make Gnome quit opening a new window every time I double click a directory?11:46
taliseinmememe: are you using gtkguitune for one of them?11:46
RMorris84how do i formatt a usb stick that has two partitions on it to just one fat3211:46
YoGJavaDeveloper: locks... yes...11:46
JavaDeveloperYoG: okay...are you BTing from other computer on  the same network using the same router?11:46
=== shuan [n=shuan@82-44-45-242.stb.ubr03.croy.blueyonder.co.uk] has joined #ubuntu
iratsu_is ubuntu installable from floppy?11:47
YoGJavaDeveloper: some times...11:47
taliseingo to Options -> Recording Input. what is it set to?11:47
shuancan someone kindly tell me how to install automatix?11:47
YoGJavaDeveloper: I allso encounter the same problem with Windoze11:47
ubotuAutomatix is an unsupported script that tries to automate the installation of some software. We don't provide support for it in the #ubuntu or #kubuntu channels, try #automatix thanks!11:47
=== adub [n=adub@69-165-62-156.clvdoh.adelphia.net] has joined #ubuntu
JavaDeveloperYoG: then it's not about the driver...should be the hardware then11:47
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YoGJavaDeveloper: is there a way to make linux think I ejected and reinserted my dongle?11:48
=== RedKrieg [n=RedKrieg@ip68-10-83-27.hr.hr.cox.net] has joined #ubuntu
YoG(that sound so dirty)11:48
RMorris84how do i formatt a usb stick that has two partitions on it to just one fat3211:48
taliseinYoG: unmount it and mount it11:48
TGPOumount /dev/sda111:48
b03ntojbmikel, umm i wonder what  PREEMPT meaning for ?11:48
YoGtalisein: how do i do that?11:49
Seveasb03nto, preemptable kernel11:49
LjLiratsu_: you can probably *boot* it from floppy, but you'd still need to have a CD to actually install11:49
YoGtalisein: umount?11:49
kane77hi. I'm trying using fluxbox, but I cant make it remember the screen resolution... how can I do it?11:49
=== casper__ [n=casper@bro67-2-82-227-110-22.fbx.proxad.net] has joined #ubuntu
taliseinYoG: First type "mount" and figure out what /dev/device it is11:49
YoGtalisein: if umount... then what device?11:49
iratsu_LjL: there's no floppy netinstall thing? =\11:49
TGPOYoG umount /dev/sda1 or whatever its location is11:49
LjL!install > iratsu_11:49
b03ntoSeveas, and what exactly its mean ? is it faster than non preemt things ?11:49
Seveasiratsu_, can't fit linux 2.6on a floppy11:49
LjLiratsu_: that lists all the ways ubuntu can conceivably be installed. but i doubt a debian-style netinstall exists.11:50
Seveasb03nto, that's a side effect of it11:50
taliseinYoG: then sudo umount /media/usbdisk then sudo mount /dev/whatthedevicewas /some/new/place11:50
=== luckyone [n=hidden@CPE-65-28-2-251.kc.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu
luckyonehello all11:50
luckyonedoes anyone know of any good word games for linux?11:50
taliseinmememe: go to Options -> Recording Input. what is it set to?11:50
iratsu_Seveas: could i install with an old kernel and then upgrade?11:50
YoGtalisein, TPGO: I'll look for the device...11:50
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=== whaley [n=whaley@cpe-071-068-048-109.carolina.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu
Seveasiratsu_, no11:51
taliseinmememe: gtkguitune11:51
Studiosushi, folks :) How to inherit my console environment vars (PATH etc) in X/gnome session?11:51
b03ntok, one more thing Seveas, so the bigger bogomips the better right ?11:51
mememeits set to Vol11:51
taliseinmememe: try setting it to mic11:51
LjLb03nto: in a "preemptive" multitasking system, programs are forcibly taken away from the CPU by the operating system. this way, you can use multiple programs concurrently (due to the system making each program run for a fraction of a second), without the programs actually having to do anything to allow this to work.  "preemptible kernel" means that some tasks that are executed by the kernel itself can be preempted the same way as normal programs11:51
Seveasb03nto, not nccessarily but it's not a bad indication11:51
=== yango [n=yango@unaffiliated/yango] has joined #ubuntu
dcordesd-E-u-S: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/27709/11:52
RMorris84how do i formatt a usb stick that has two partitions on it to just one fat3211:52
taliseinmememe: try the other options11:52
YoGtalisein, TPGO: I don't see it with "mount"11:52
SeveasRMorris84, you probably can't11:52
TGPOYoG: lsusb11:52
Praxican in windows11:52
johnny__where can i find or get windopws drivers please?11:52
=== sharperguy [n=sharp@88-110-203-37.dynamic.dsl.as9105.com] has joined #ubuntu
SeveasRMorris84, but maybe gparted can help you11:52
ubotuFor help with Microsoft windows, please visit ##windows or your nearest mental health institute. Also see http://launchpad.net/distros/ubuntu/+bug/1 - !equivalents - http://linux.oneandoneis2.org/LNW.htm11:52
YoGTPGO: yes, i see him there, what now?11:52
RMorris84Seveas: i had it before as just one, and i used linux to make it the way it is not... but i cant remember how i did it before lol11:53
YoGTPGO: "Bus 001 Device 002: ID 0967:0204 Acer (??) WarpLink 802.11b Adapter"11:53
SeveasRMorris84, then gparted can help 11:53
=== _nEVERmind [n=tiagosal@87-196-31-81.net.novis.pt] has joined #ubuntu
Seveasor fdisk11:53
=== conreyt [n=theron@dsl.76.240.networkiowa.com] has joined #ubuntu
Seveasor any partition editor11:53
RMorris84Seveas: its a creative muvo mp3 player lol that i was using for DSLinux, and now i want it back as my mp3 player lol11:53
TGPOYoG: umount /dev/sda(1or2)11:53
YoGTPGO: and then? "mount /dev/sda1or2"?11:54
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RMorris84Seveas: in fdisk its /dev/sdb and it shows the patitions when i put in the "p" command but i dont know what i need to do now11:54
b03ntothanks guys, the thigs is i have some custom kernel with lower bogomips than original kernel, but somehow its feels more responsive..11:54
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TGPOYoG: sda1 or sda211:54
SeveasRMorris84, then try cfdisk -- it'smuch easier to use11:54
=== F28_AFK [n=dsdsdsds@nc-71-2-88-35.dyn.embarqhsd.net] has joined #Ubuntu
F28_AFKHi all11:54
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YoGTPGO: yeah, I understood it... :)11:54
F28is Ubuntu hard to install to a HD11:54
=== concept10 [n=concept1@ppp-70-247-174-164.dsl.rcsntx.swbell.net] has joined #ubuntu
RMorris84Seveas: thats what one i used before! lol11:55
YoGTPGO: just making sure11:55
LjLF28: it shoudn't.11:55
SeveasF28, no -- you can even do it drunk11:55
dbmerkis there a way to force bad block checking when formatting a hard drive? My install is failing when copying files at the same point (70%) no matter the underlying file system (reiserfs or ext3)11:55
F28ok thanks11:55
taliseinmememe: well, try setting it back to mic, and then fiddle  with the settings in volume control again. I don't help more than that11:55
TGPOof all the lousy ..... no x64 wine for edgy ... I hate compiling11:55
dbmerkthis s for an initial install11:55
LjLSeveas: which is probably the best choice, if you already have an operating system on the same drive and trust the installer to resize its partition without having a backup.11:55
YoGTPGO: mount gives me "mount: can't find /dev/sda1 in /etc/fstab or /etc/mtab"11:56
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YoGTPGO: for both of them11:56
elfrangerhelp, look at this page... http://www.jrsweb.org/11:56
JosefKYoG: you need to give it a destination11:56
oidiawhere does apt place the eggdrop files?11:56
LjLoidia: type "dpkg -L eggdrop"11:57
elfrangerI am having problems with the norwegian characters...11:57
JosefKYoG: ie 'sudo mkdir /mnt/sda1; sudo mount /dev/sda1 /mnt/sda1'11:57
oidiaLjL: thanks11:57
YoGJosefK: yes... the thing is its working now without being mount11:57
elfrangerdoes anyone have an idea how to fix it?11:57
YournameLjL: How to configure wpa_supplicant to use with Network Manager?11:57
YournameWould you now? :$11:57
Em3raldOkay perhaps someone can help me with my sound thing.  This is not a "problem", just something I want to do.11:57
elfrangerI am running other sites off the same server, and the have no problems with the same characters...11:57
SeveasYourname, if you use n-m, you don't need to configure wpa_supplicant11:57
RMorris84Seveas: thanks for the help, i got it now! :)11:58
=== adub [n=adub@69-165-62-156.clvdoh.adelphia.net] has joined #ubuntu
LjLYourname: no, sorry, i don't use Gnome (or wireless networks for that matter11:58
YournameSeveas: The 0.6.2 nm that was given in ubuntu only has WEP, not WPA.11:58
Em3raldI have a Soltek Nforce mobo (ac97) and I want to use either the mic or the line-in as a sound output.11:58
=== psiborg [n=psiborg@flits103-221.flits.rug.nl] has joined #ubuntu
SeveasYourname, nonsense11:58
Em3raldthe board was designed with surround in mind.11:58
YournameSeveas: Wanna help me, please?11:58
YoGTPGO: any other ideas?11:58
Em3raldbut I only have regular stereo, so I don't really care about the surround thing.11:58
Em3raldBasically I want dual outputs of the same signal.11:58
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=== seb-- [n=seb@cpe-24-30-141-164.san.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu
seb--what file do i specify my WEP key in?11:59
LjLEm3rald: i don't think the mic or line-in plugs are going to give you that. they're probably directly connected to an analog-to-digital converter. you should possibly look at the other (surround) outputs, which maybe, with clever mixer settings or software, can be set to output an exact copy of the main (front) signal11:59
=== pavan [n=pavan@bas6-ottawa23-1088815408.dsl.bell.ca] has joined #ubuntu
elfrangerbla bla bla bla12:00
conreytseb--: it's in /etc/network/12:00
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elfrangerwhat does ttyl mean?12:00
seb--conreyt: yes but which file in there?12:00
elfrangerha ha ah12:00
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