
ryanakcafreeflying_: system settings -> Regional & Languages -> Keyboard Layout 12:17
ryanakcaSet your keyboard model12:18
ryanakcafreeflying_: keyboard & mouse -> keyboard shortcuts12:18
RiddellMez: hi12:18
freeflying_ryanakca: I mean some func key, like Fn+Fx12:19
MezRiddell: just an FYI... I have a couple of patches to put into katapult in main ... fix for bug 48103 and bug 6013612:20
UbugtuMalone bug 48103 in katapult "Katapult don't start with swedish localisation" [Medium,Confirmed]  http://launchpad.net/bugs/4810312:20
UbugtuMalone bug 60136 in katapult "Katapult doesn't work with Amarok >= 1.4.2" [Critical,In progress]  http://launchpad.net/bugs/6013612:20
MezRiddell, I've spoken to tfheen regarding them - he's going to speak to you after I post the patch for the second12:23
MezRiddell: however, the first one's been available for a while (but I only found out about it last week due to it being filed under ubuntu and not showing up in any of my buglists)12:24
RiddellMez: and you think these should get into edgy?12:32
Riddellinteresting website redesign http://flavio.tordini.org/kubuntu-restyling/12:32
mhbRiddell: yeah12:32
Riddellinteresting how it uses gnome icons12:32
mhbRiddell: I'm writing just now that it's an interesting idea12:32
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mhbRiddell: Ken's doing some modification to the website too, right?12:34
MezRiddell: yes I do ... they're pretty important fixes really... 1) it means katapult doesnt work in anything other than english language if not12:37
Mez2) a core catalog doesnt work with the version in edgy12:37
RiddellMez: when will you have the patch posted?12:39
Mezin about 10 mins when I've had someone test it ;)12:40
Mezunless you want to ?12:40
Mez(I dont have access to a linux machine at present)12:40
imbrandonTonio_, pong12:41
Tonio_imbrandon: fancy testing the packages for mulmedia stuff ?*01:02
Mezanyone fancy testing the fix for amarok/katapult ?01:03
ryanakcafreeflying_: func key?01:04
freeflying_ryanakca: some functions key01:04
ryanakcafreeflying_: like vol up/down? or something else?01:05
ryanakcaif something else, no clue :)01:05
freeflying_ryanakca: vol up/down01:06
ryanakcayeah, you can set it by setting your keyboard model01:06
imbrandonTonio_, sure, cf query01:07
MezRiddell: patch attached to bug 6013601:13
UbugtuMalone bug 60136 in katapult "Katapult doesn't work with Amarok >= 1.4.2" [Critical,In progress]  http://launchpad.net/bugs/6013601:13
ryanakcaumm, how do I change my resolution without restarting X or editing my xorg.conf since the Monitor & Display of System Settings is broken?01:23
ryanakcabug 6222301:23
UbugtuMalone bug 62223 in kde-guidance "Monitor & Display, User Management, Disk & Filesystems - All Broken" [Medium,Confirmed]  http://launchpad.net/bugs/6222301:23
ryanakcaanyone mind my editing https://wiki.kubuntu.org/KubuntuEdgyKnownProblems so that it looks more like https://wiki.kubuntu.org/KubuntuDapperKnownProblems01:28
ryanakcaand removing the fixed bugs from that list?01:29
RiddellMez: got a debdiff against the current katapult?01:30
nixternalRiddell: so we are kind of hosed on fixing the release notes?01:31
Riddellnixternal: yep01:33
nixternalalright...im going to work with jjesse, and from now on, every version# will become an entity. that way there, we can update version numbers w/o working about translation strings01:33
nixternalfdoving just showed me 2 spelling mistakes as well in there...that kind of makes me mad that I let that slip through the cracks01:34
ryanakcanixternal: hosed on fixing the release notes? *wonders if this applies to the editing I'm doing at the moment*01:34
nixternalno no01:35
nixternalrelease notes in the kubuntu-docs package01:35
ryanakcakk, phew :)01:35
=== ryanakca points to the KubuntuEdgyKnownProblems question above
nixternalryanakca: if you want to help out more with documentation, im sure myself, jjesse, trappist, and robotgeek can put you to work come feisty work01:36
nixternaloh btw, if you are interested, jjesse and i will begin work on a "Switching from Windows to Kubuntu" book as well01:36
ryanakcaoooh, very :)01:36
nixternalwe will have a guide the will do desktop to desktop migration, but i would like to expand on that and also cover the main applications as well, i.e., Office to OOo or KOffice01:37
ryanakcanot sure to what extend I can help, but I'd love to help wherever I can01:37
nixternalgrab the trunk svn from doc repos, follow along in there, learn some docbook and xml if you do't know it already...docbook and xml is very easy01:38
nixternali have kind of expanded in doc work, as I do the Kubuntu docs, now the Edubuntu docs (Handbook mostly) and working with KDE docs and learning the debian.docbook stuff01:39
ryanakcakindof like what's that book called... umm... by Marcel Gagne01:40
ryanakca"Moving to Linux: Kiss the Blue Screen of Death Goodbye! "01:40
nixternalheh, ya, but Kubuntu specific01:41
ryanakcakk, comes with a kubuntu live CD I presume?01:43
ryanakcaXML from what I see, it's sole purpose is to organise information01:43
nixternaland then we use kde and kubuntu css and xsl templates to make the docs look the way they do01:44
ryanakcaok, wheres the docbook howto/tutorial01:45
nixternalhow about the book instead ;)01:46
ryanakca*cough* *cough* *hack* *choke* *sputter* *dead*01:47
nixternal[18:47:15]  [Notice]  -ChanServ- You have been added to the access list for #ubuntu-colorado with level [10] 01:47
ryanakcaI thought you said it was simple :)01:47
nixternali wonder if that was by accident?01:47
ryanakcathe table of contents scares me :)01:47
ryanakcalol, no clue...01:47
nixternalit is simple, it is as easy as html, especially once you get a grip on the tags01:48
nixternalthat link will kind of go over the doc team stuff as well01:48
ryanakcaah, well, I'll look at it...01:48
ryanakca"Rights are granted by current Documentation Team administrators after some substantial contribution to the project. "  :)01:50
ryanakcaI guess in mean time, I'll be emailing stuff to you :D01:50
ryanakcanixternal: wheres the svn trunk?01:54
nixternaleasier to mail the doc-list01:54
nixternalhttps://docteam.ubuntu.com/repos/trunk i think is the full01:54
=== ryanakca will probably end up learning DocBook the same way he learned HTML... by example :)
ryanakcanixternal: think anybody would mind my editing https://wiki.kubuntu.org/KubuntuEdgyKnownProblems so that it looks more like https://wiki.kubuntu.org/KubuntuDapperKnownProblems ?01:56
=== nixternal notes that ryanakca is on the LP, which means he has the rights to edit away as well ;)
ryanakcanixternal: I think docteam.ubuntu.com is down... "The server at is taking too long to respond."01:58
nixternalgreat, that would be because the italian loco is so massive and popular02:00
nixternalit is up02:00
ryanakcakk, ty02:12
ryanakcanixternal: kubuntu/desktopguide/ ?02:14
ryanakcanixternal: and how would I export it? (I've never had to use svn before)02:15
ryanakcanixternal: and on Kubuntu/Release, why [[MailTo(foo AT bar DOT guru,foo(at)bar(dot)guru)] ]  instead of [[MailTo(foo AT bar DOT guru)] ] ?02:19
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httpdssim trying to use keep for backup, the thing is that as destination i select remote:/Backup (which references smb://192.168.xxx.xxx/Backup) ... when trying to backup, log shows error, as if i dont have RW access to that share, but i do have RW access through konqueror... any clue? can someone reproduce this ?...04:24
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DaSkreechHow goes?06:03
Tm_TDaSkreech: It doesn't.06:07
DaSkreechAre you being Fiesty?06:08
=== DaSkreech grins
DaSkreechWhat s left to be wrapped up for Edgy Release?06:09
Tm_TSorry I lost you, wave a bit so I may notice you in the sand.06:09
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crimsunDaSkreech: more testing than you can shake Hobbsee's stick at06:17
DaSkreechWho's been shaking Hobbsee's stick?06:17
crimsunI think...she has?06:18
=== Hobbsee shakes her stick menacingly at crimsun and DaSkreech
DaSkreechOooh Memory Stick?06:29
HobbseeDaSkreech: ...06:29
=== Hobbsee shakes her LONG POINTY STICK OF DOOOOM!!! at DaSkreech
DaSkreechHow are you Hobbsee? I haven't seen you in like a month06:30
Hobbseethat stick.06:30
=== DaSkreech covers tender areas and backs off
HobbseeDaSkreech: uni'ing, fixing unmet deps, etc06:30
DaSkreechHows Uni? Still mkaing you get up early?06:31
Hobbseeyeah.  when i get there :P06:31
=== Hobbsee doesnt want to think on how much work she's missed
Tm_TBit OT but this is the way docs should be: http://www-128.ibm.com/developerworks/aix/library/au-speakingunix4/?ca=dgr-lnxw07UNIXpart406:32
Tm_T"From the dawn of the electronic age a scant 50 years ago..."06:32
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Lurewhy does kontact show News icon, even though knode is not installed by default?08:27
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seaLneLure: known feature, was discussed a while ago can't remember what was said tho10:36
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MezseaLne, w00 for organising akademy, wheres it going to be (not the city, the venue)10:42
seaLnesays on the website :)10:46
seaLnefancy helping? :)10:47
seaLnegrrr i was happy kpilot started working again in edgy but it has now removed all my todo and calendar entries :(10:48
seaLneit synced them all to my computer and removed them from my treo :(10:48
seaLnei have a completly empty cal and todo10:49
mhbcan somebody explain to me why some KDE icons are in hicolor and other in crystalsvg ... what is the difference?11:04
seaLnemaybe there aren't crystal icons for them11:06
mhbseaLne: well the problem is the crystal icons for them (Konqueror, for instance) resides in hicolor insted of crystalsvg11:06
mhbmy question is related to the bug 67507 I'm looking at right now11:07
UbugtuMalone bug 67507 in kdebase "Some image files are missing" [Undecided,Confirmed]  http://launchpad.net/bugs/6750711:07
mhb(so many typos in one sentence)11:08
seaLneok, that dosen't sound like what i said11:08
mhbseaLne: judging by the look of the icons the Crystal icons have been moved to hicolor, I just don't understand why11:09
seaLnesorry not sure11:12
mhbseaLne: no problem :o)11:14
seaLnei'm currently trying to restore my life to my palm :-/11:15
seaLnenixternal: you use a palm don't you?11:15
marseillaidoes someone use smart on kubuntu?11:16
fdovingas in the package manager? 11:19
LureseaLne: search in ~/.kde sometimes you find backup files when stuff is lost11:35
LureseaLne: kmail deleted 3800 mails from my imap and I have found them still in disconnected impa folder 11:36
marseillaifdoving: yes! it segfault for me11:38
fdovingmarseillai: i don't have it installed, hang on. installing.11:39
Lureimbrandon: how do you package oxygen icons as icon theme? (you gave me once your tar file, but I have misplaced it somewhere... ;-))11:39
imbrandongrab it from svn , then get the gen script from kwwii dir ( ken ) and run it11:40
Lureimbrandon: thanks11:40
marseillaifdoving: it works now but i really don't see why everybody talks about smart ......11:47
fdovingmarseillai: don't know, might be usable for people that want something that works for both dpkg and rpm distros.11:57
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fdovingnixternal: ohwell. is the example-contents, kubuntu presentation to be more precise, also totally frozen? 12:19
fdoving(is it -doc?) stuff like 'TBD' 'Add some image here..' and everywhere says '6.06'.. 12:21
fdovingthere is also a spelling mistake in kubuntu-leaflet.png - 'htpp://kubuntu.es' 12:28
fdovingI'll make bugreports.12:29
=== mhb hopes it's not too late
fdovingare the example contents translated? 12:35
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mhbfdoving: I doubt it, at least in most languages12:38
fdovingthen there might still be a chance.12:40
mhbif such Rosetta translation exists it's not visible on the first few pages12:40
mhb"Edgy example-content does not have any strings to be translated through Rosetta. "12:41
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_Simefdoving: ping01:15
fdoving_Sime: ack.01:18
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_Simefdoving: Can i get you to do a "strace -o displayconfig_py.txt displayconfig"? Just run it and cancel it immediately.01:25
_Simefdoving: then I can compare the two traces, working vs non-working.01:25
fdovingwill do.01:26
fdovinguploading. it'll be at http://ubuntu.lnix.net/misc/displayconfig_py.txt in ~2min. slow upload :|01:27
fdovingi could gzip it maybe.01:28
fdoving_Sime: it is at http://ubuntu.lnix.net/misc/displayconfig_py.txt.gz01:28
_Simegot it01:29
_Simefdoving: Do you have a file called "python-support.pth" on your system?01:33
fdovinghang on, checking. (sorry about the delay)01:44
fdovingpython-support: /usr/lib/python2.4/site-packages/python-support.pth01:44
fdovingpython-support: /usr/lib/python2.5/site-packages/python-support.pth01:44
fdovingi have two of them.01:44
_Simefdoving: Which package does "/usr/lib/python2.4/site-packages/iconv_codec.pth" belong to?01:46
fdovingpython2.4-iconvcodec: /usr/lib/python2.4/site-packages/iconv_codec.pth01:47
_Simefdoving: do you know where that package came from?01:49
fdovinghmm.. checking.01:49
fdovingMaintainer: Changwoo Ryu <cwryu@debian.org>01:50
fdovingVersion: 1.1.2-2.2ubuntu101:50
fdovingprobably ubuntu somewhere..01:50
fdovingit's not in the repos anymore.01:50
_Simefdoving: is it in the edgy repository?01:50
_SimeI mean Ah ha!01:50
_Simeremove that package and then test displayconfig.01:50
fdovinghang on.01:50
fdovingwooohooo! :)01:53
fdoving_Sime: works. you rock. :)01:53
_Simefdoving: and in kde-system-settings?01:53
fdovingran with kcmshell displayconfig, checking in system settings now.01:54
_Simelooks good01:54
fdovingworks in system settings too.01:54
fdovingall guidance modules are now working.01:55
_SimeI hope you didn't need that old package.01:55
fdovingprobably didn't. I haven't re-installed since hoary. so it's probably just leftovers.01:56
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_Simefdoving: thanks for your effort with this. It would not have been possible to track the problem down without those traces.02:01
fdovingno problem, you did all the work :)02:01
_Simeit was a b*st*rd of a bug too.02:02
fdovingsure was.02:02
_Simesomething to do with shared libraries / modules conflicting.02:03
fdovingalso, this will probably only happen to people like me, who only update, and never reinstall.02:04
fdovingwill you add a conflict to the kde-guidance package? 02:06
_SimeI don't do any packaging, but yeah, I'll ask someone to add that conflict.02:07
fdovingok :)02:07
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Tonio__Sime: your patches finally couldn't go in.... too late02:54
fdovingknow of any small package using cmake? 02:54
_SimeTonio_: none of them?02:54
Tonio__Sime: no :(02:54
Tonio__Sime: but i've prepared packages for fiesty 02:54
Tonio__Sime: not including the latest but the previous version, so that we can wait for konq segfault to be fixed02:55
_SimeTonio_: will the new patches show up in an update?02:55
Tonio__Sime: hum, hard to say...02:55
Tonio__Sime: with the previous version, we have the segfault issue02:55
Tonio__Sime: with the new patches, issues with 2 drives (which is a very common case)02:56
Tonio__Sime: I think the reasonable way is to consider edgy as it is02:56
Tonio_something potentially unstable, and then focus on making fiesty more mature02:56
Tonio__Sime: your patches are an attempt, as was systemsettings in the past02:56
Tonio__Sime: something buggy but promissing, that will become great after 2 versions02:57
Tonio__Sime: that's my feeling about them02:57
Tonio__Sime: but Riddell will decide for updates, not me02:58
_Simeok, thanks.02:58
Tonio_hum, I'm thinking about placing a bounty on a konqueror issue02:59
Tonio_we have released 4 kubuntu versions without fixing this out.......02:59
fdovingwhat issue is that? 03:00
Tonio_fdoving: konqueror sometimes fail to mix kubuntu-default-settings03:01
Tonio_fdoving: that results incomplete menus etc.....03:02
fdovingaw. not good.03:02
Tonio_fdoving: it happens when konqueror is restored in a kde session, or when using preload session03:02
Tonio_fdoving: it also happens when opening certain links that open a new window03:02
Tonio_fdoving: should be linked to ksettings somehow, bads usage or something I don't know03:03
Tonio_fdoving: I'm trying to clearly define the bug first, but I think I'l place a bounty for this, because I really want it to be fixed03:04
Tonio_the problem is that the way kubuntu defines its settings is different than what other distros do03:04
=== eln is now known as el
Tonio_[Directories-default] 03:04
Tonio_this is the way we do in kderc03:04
Tonio_fdoving: we can workarround in patching and hardcoding the settings in kdebase, but I don't want that03:05
fdovinghardcoding is generally bad.03:06
fdovingare you aware of a package in the repos using cmake? 03:06
Tonio_fdoving: hum... yes :)03:07
Riddellkde 403:07
fdovingthanks :)03:07
Tonio_fdoving: not sure, if it is cmake or scons, but I think it is cmake03:07
Tonio_Riddell: what about kde4 ? :)03:07
fdovingi'll get strigi, it's small and nice.03:08
Tonio_Riddell: ho you have been right not to change the session management in konq....03:08
Tonio_Riddell: the 'konqueror fail to load kds' happens very often03:08
Tonio_Riddell: all preloaded sessions are failing the settings, resulting incompletes menus03:09
Tonio_Riddell: we really need to get that fixed once an for all... I'm tired of workarrounding this issue everytime :)03:09
Tonio_Riddell: kde4 is cmake based ? hehe03:10
fdovingit is.03:11
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_SimeRiddell: have you read the IRC backlog?03:11
Riddell_Sime: nope03:11
=== eln is now known as el
_SimeRiddell: ok, then. Long story short. The kde-guidance package needs a "Conflict: python2.4-iconvcodec" added.03:12
Riddell_Sime: is that's what has been causing the fail to load?03:13
_SimeRiddell: this solves bug 6222303:13
UbugtuMalone bug 62223 in kde-guidance "Monitor & Display, User Management, Disk & Filesystems - All Broken" [Medium,Confirmed]  http://launchpad.net/bugs/6222303:13
_SimeRiddell: this is for that bug where all of the modules fail in k-s-s.03:13
gnomefreakshould konq show an icon when a hd is mounted that is ext3?03:14
Riddell_Sime: do you know why it causes module to fail to load, and do you know why people have it installed?03:14
_SimeRiddell: iconvcodec is an old package no longer in the repo.03:15
_SimeRiddell: It contains a binary python module which gets read (for some reason) when Python starts up and runs the "site" module.03:16
_SimeRiddell: when python is embedded, the site module would fail thanks to iconvcodec.03:16
_SimeRiddell: I don't know why exactly iconvcodec would fail when embedded.03:17
_SimeRiddell: but since it isn't even in the repo anymore, I consider the solution found. => remove that package.03:17
fdovingit was in universe until dapper.03:17
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Tonio_fdoving: http://lists.kde.org/?l=kfm-devel&m=113517859227122&w=203:25
Tonio_fdoving: could be a patch for our bug !03:25
fdovingnice :)03:26
fdovingcompile & test then :)03:26
Riddell_Sime: sounds good, I'll upload the change03:31
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gnomefreakfdoving: are you busy atm?03:36
fdovingRiddell: there is also bug 67527 67530 67537 if a change is possible before release. (not very very important, but first impression can be improved)03:36
UbugtuMalone bug 67527 in example-content "[edgy]  spelling mistake in kubuntu-leaflet.png" [Undecided,Unconfirmed]  http://launchpad.net/bugs/6752703:36
fdovinggnomefreak: not very much. no.03:37
gnomefreakfdoving: care to help someone with konq, krusader, bleh kde apps that are not viewing his filesystem ( /etc/  /boot/ and the rest)03:38
fdovinggnomefreak: sure. where? 03:38
gnomefreaknautilus shows them if he chooses show hidden03:38
Riddellmhb: hicolour is the fallback icon theme recognised by all freedesktop.org desktops, application icons go in there so they can be found by gnome and others03:38
Riddellmhb: send me a patch to ktip if you want and I'll commit it in KDE's SVN03:39
Riddellryanakca: please do tidy up KubuntuEdgyKnownProblems if you havn't already03:40
ryanakcaRiddell: already done03:40
mhbRiddell: what is the fastest way to rebuild kdelibs? dpkg-buildpackage every time?03:40
Riddellmhb: debuild (== dpkg-buildpackage with a few extra checks)  and debuild -nc after the first time which doesn't run make clean03:42
fdovingmhb: i can only second your suggestion to include 'kdict' on the cd, i started it yesterday when talking to you about it, and i still have it running, I use it too :)03:45
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ryanakcanixternal: kubuntu/desktopguide/ ?04:00
ryanakcanixternal: and how would I export it? (I've never had to use svn before)04:00
ryanakcanevermind the last question :)04:03
mhbRiddell: the systemsettings bug is a tough one04:04
Riddellcertainly is04:04
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mhbRiddell: the only key.value() if (key.data() == "X-Ubuntu-Gettext-Domain") it prints is "desktop_kdelibs" ... I can't find that line anywhere04:06
Riddellmhb: I'm not sure what you're doing04:09
mhbRiddell: sorry ... if (QString(key.data()) == "X-Ubuntu-Gettext-Domain") { and then I print out key.data() an val.data() through qDebug()04:11
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Riddellmhb: what program are you running to test it?04:11
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=== eln is now known as el
mhbRiddell: none ... it's probably not the best way but I just recompiled the code with some qDebug() lines added and then watch what systemsettings say04:13
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Riddellmhb: well systemsettings is special because it uses kbuildsycoca04:17
Riddellyou could try running kbuildsycoca and see what happens04:17
mhbRiddell: so what program does open the .directory files?04:21
mhbRiddell: both strace and my primitive qDebug() lines indicate that it's not systemsettings itself04:21
mhbRiddell: is it kbuildsysoca?04:21
Riddellmhb: they're cached by kbuildsycoca and system settings just reads the cache04:22
mhbRiddell: thanks, strace confirms that ... but the code in kconfigbacked.cpp applies for kbuildsycoca too, right?04:26
mhbRiddell: or not?04:26
Riddellit /should/ do, but it may not04:26
mhbRiddell: it looks like it doesn't for some files04:27
mhbRiddell: which may be the trouble04:28
mhbRiddell: any idea why it shows so many "desktop_kdelibs" ? http://kubuntu.pastebin.ca/21526004:31
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Riddellmhb: try adding the name of the .desktop file it's reading to the debug output04:32
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Riddellmhb: by the way it's faster just to run make && sudo make install in obj-x86_64-linux-gnu/kdecore04:35
mhbRiddell: thanks04:39
fdovinghmm.. what package introduces /.hidden ? 04:44
fdovingthe .hidden file in /04:44
fdovingso non-kde-ubuntu doesn't have it? 04:46
fdovingit's not very compatible with using firefox. in firefox, when you select what application you want to use to open a certain filetype, you'll have to browse to find the binary. With /usr hidden users get stuck and give up.04:48
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abattoirRiddell: any idea when the next set of daily cds would be built?04:50
Riddellabattoir: tomorrow I'd guess04:51
abattoirRiddell: ok, thanks04:51
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mhbRiddell: http://kubuntu.pastebin.ca/21531705:26
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mhbfdoving: my Firefox simply ignores the .hidden file and displays them all :o)05:28
mhbfdoving: can't tell why, though05:28
imbrandon_probab le becouse thats a feature of gnome and kde , ff uses pure gtk iirc05:29
imbrandon_it just LOOKS like a gnome dialog05:29
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mhbRiddell: I should probably call it with "--no-incremental"05:31
mhbRiddell: when I do it enters the gettextDomain for the problematic files05:32
fdovingmhb: my firefox displays everything too. but on a clean edgy install the directories are hidden.05:43
fdovingdon't know where firefox gets its show/hide hidden files settings from.05:44
marseillaifdoving: you are talking about directories in /05:48
fdovingmhb: just found out you can rightclick and select 'show hidden files' in the firefox file dialog.05:48
fdovingmarseillai: yes.05:48
marseillaifdoving: takes a look at /.hidden and it's not firefox but every applications! :)05:49
fdovingmarseillai: i know this. but there should be a option to 'show hidden files' easily. and there is. but it's just not very clear, nor easy to find (for me atleast).05:50
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mhbRiddell: I can't do it by myself :o) but I really really hope you'll fix it somehow ... imagine what would reviewers say about Kubuntu when instead of "Keyboard & Mouse" there was "Users & Groups"07:26
mhbRiddell: and that's what'll happen to us even though we can't do anything as translators07:27
Riddellmhb: I /think/ I've got it07:28
Riddellit'll take a wee while to tidy it up and compile it then I'll need you to test07:28
Riddellmhb: actually, could you try it as it is with http://kubuntu.org/~jriddell/tmp/kconfigbackend.cpp07:29
mhbright away07:29
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mhbsome weird error07:33
Riddellwhat's that?07:33
mhbRiddell: a load of warnings and then make[4] : *** [libkdecore_la.all_cpp.lo]  Error 107:34
Riddellmhb: during compile?07:35
mhbRiddell: yes07:35
Riddellmhb: try again with new http://kubuntu.org/~jriddell/tmp/kconfigbackend.cpp07:35
nixternaleverything ok in the world of kubuntu this fine sunday?07:37
Riddellit will be if mhb says I've fixed this problem07:38
mhbRiddell: it continues compiling now07:39
Riddella good sign07:40
mhbRiddell: is there already a Riddell fan club? If so I might consider to join later today07:40
Riddellwait until you've tested if this works yet07:40
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=== abattoir thought this channel was that
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nixternaloh lord, the ubuntu fan clab created Ubuntu thongs, I sure hope that I don't see Riddell thongs ;)07:47
mhbnixternal: great idea07:47
=== nixternal parts
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nixternali made some killer chili last night, literally07:48
Tm_TWho died?07:49
abattoirScott Tenorman ;)07:49
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nixternali did07:50
Riddellmhb: how's it going?07:50
marsportRiddell: i'm trying to upgrade my dapper to edgy and it wants remove kubuntu-desktop don't you want to see what says dist-upgrade?07:51
Riddellhi marsport 07:51
Riddellmarsport: it's a known problem, nothing we can do about it alas07:51
mhbRiddell: finishing install any minute now07:51
nixternali go ahead and remove it, and once the install is complete, i just reinstall it..only way to make it happy right now07:51
nixternali did the same with the "apt-get autoremove"07:51
marsportRiddell: oki so i wait to upgrade or i do it? then i install kubuntu-desktop ?07:52
=== nixternal goes back to auto racing on tv
abattoirnixternal: F1 by any chance? or IRL ?07:52
nixternalnascar ;)07:52
nixternali watched f1 earlier07:52
nixternalirl is done for the season07:53
abattoirheh, just had a discussion about that now :P, enjoy the race07:53
marsportRiddell: should i upgrade or should i wait for a fix?07:53
mhbRiddell: not yet07:55
Riddellmhb: upgrade07:55
Riddellmhb: what happened?07:55
mhbRiddell: nothing ... make install went ok, rebuilt --no-incremental ksycoca and then run systemsettings ... no effect07:55
Riddellmhb: what's your problem string again?07:56
Riddellan example you know is wrong but should work07:56
RiddellName=Keyboard & Mouse] 07:57
RiddellName[cs] =Uivatel a skupiny07:57
mhbthat's the most painful one07:57
Riddellwhat does this give you?07:58
Riddellstrings  /usr/share/locale-langpack/cs/LC_MESSAGES/desktop_kde-systemsettings.mo | grep Keyboard07:58
mhb(in the .mo file is Name=Klvesnice & my)07:59
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mhbName=Keyboard & Mouse07:59
mhb(the translated string in the .mo file is Name=Klvesnice & my)08:00
Riddellif you do..08:00
Riddelltouch /usr/share/locale-langpack/cs/LC_MESSAGES/desktop_kde-systemsettings.mo08:00
Riddellkbuildsycoca 2>&1 | less08:00
Riddellwhat does it give as debug output for desktop_kde-systemsettings?08:00
mhbshould I only touch it?08:01
Riddelltouch /usr/share/desktop-directories/kde-settings-keyboardmouse.directory08:02
Riddellkbuildsycoca 2>&1 | less08:02
mhbI'll pastebin it, one moment08:04
mhbRiddell: http://kubuntu.pastebin.ca/215555 should be it08:05
Riddellmhb: try adding this to the kdecore directory08:07
marseillaiRiddell: i've not understood. This bug can not be solve so i can upgrade now? or it'll be solve before release and i should wait?08:08
Riddellmarseillai: it won't be resolved, you should do dist-upgrade then apt-get install kubuntu-desktop08:09
marseillaioki thanks riddell08:10
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Riddellmhb: progress?08:26
mhbRiddell: make installing08:28
=== Riddell waits nervously
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mhbsorry .o) can't speed it up08:31
mhbRiddell: rebuilding sycoca08:40
mhbY A Y!08:41
mhbRiddell: Keyboard& Mouse translated correctly08:42
mhbRiddell: User Management and Monitor & Display keep untranslated but that's nothing important08:43
mhbRiddell: other stuff is OK08:43
=== mhb always knew Riddell's the greatest!
Riddellwhy are they untranslated?08:45
mhbRiddell: not sure ... I'll check08:45
mhbRiddell: maybe they aren't translated in the .mo file, I dunno08:46
Riddellhmm, no desktop_guidance in the langpacks08:48
mhbdesktop-guidancce present, though08:49
mhbdon't tell me it's a typo :o))08:49
mhbtranslated in desktop-guidance08:50
Riddellyes, wonder how that happened08:50
Riddelloh well, not much can be done about it now08:50
mhbRiddell: can't we fix this in the next langpack release?08:50
Riddellit needs fixed in the kde-guidance package08:51
mhbRiddell: too late for that?08:52
Riddelldunno, I might upload and see if it's accepted08:52
Riddellmhb: actually could you report a bug for that08:52
mhbRiddell: sure08:53
mhbRiddell: remember the amarok bug from yesterday?08:53
mhbRiddell: it gets more complicated than I originally thought08:53
mhbRiddell: bug 6745708:54
UbugtuMalone bug 67457 in amarok "amaroK translations in Rosetta - plural forms are broken" [Undecided,Fix committed]  http://launchpad.net/bugs/6745708:54
mhbRiddell: actually it's most probably a duplicate of the bug 46982 as Caroline Ford suggested08:55
UbugtuMalone bug 46982 in rosetta "Rosetta does not accept correct KDE plural forms when there are more than 2" [Critical,Confirmed]  http://launchpad.net/bugs/4698208:55
mhbRiddell: which means Rosetta refuses to accept a .po definition of the plural form08:55
mhbRiddell: in just this single package, which is so strange08:56
mhbRiddell: bug 6761409:03
UbugtuMalone bug 67614 in kde-guidance "kde-guidance desktop .mo file can not be loaded" [Undecided,Unconfirmed]  http://launchpad.net/bugs/6761409:03
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orkid__the daily d-i hd-media image for i386 doesn't find the RC i386 desktop iso in its media scan. How come?09:42
orkid__debian installer image for hd-media (you get an iso, boot the image, scand the HD, and it finds the iso and installs from there)09:44
Riddellnever heard of it09:47
Riddellnot sure why it would be looking for the desktop iso though09:47
orkid__i've done debian net installs this way, maybe i need a different boot image.09:49
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mhbRiddell: I'm going to sleep now ... thanks for everything09:58
Riddellmhb: thanks for testing09:59
mhbRiddell: that was really nothing09:59
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mhbRiddell: poke me anytime you need anything done that I am able to do10:03
Riddellwell solid ISO testing from tomorrow until thursday10:03
mhbRiddell: OK, will do at least until I hit the bandwidth limit.10:05
Riddellrsync is your friend10:06
mhbRiddell: sure10:07
mhbgood night all and thank you for the great work!10:08
LureRiddell: my first discussion proposal: https://features.launchpad.net/distros/ubuntu/+spec/feisty-networking-kubuntu10:19
mhbLure: you might know it ... has some tray network monitor a la knemo been discussed earlier?10:24
Luremhb: yes, knemo was, but was rejected at that tim e(dapper) due to high load - this is now fixed though10:27
Luremhb: but there is duplication with knetworkmanager for wireless10:28
mhbLure: yes, I agree10:28
mhbLure: there are other places where it could be modified to fit more into Kubuntu10:29
Riddellok, kdelibs, guidance and katapult all uploaded10:29
Riddelland with those in I think I'm all happy with Edgy10:29
LureRiddell: yep, lot's of pressure for you in last days... - but Edgy with not be edgy at all (at least for Kubuntu)10:31
mhbLure: if you could add this application/feature to the spec and discuss it there I'd be glad10:32
Luremhb: I will probably start a Wiki page so that we can capture feedback from all interested parties easier10:32
mhbLure: great idea10:33
RiddellLure: are you able to rename the spec to kubuntu-feisty-networking?  nice to have it namespaced like that10:33
LureRiddell: will try10:34
=== Riddell goes out
LureRiddell: done: https://features.launchpad.net/distros/ubuntu/+spec/kubuntu-feisty-networking10:34
fdovingRiddell: what do you use to edit the kdebase patches? 'cdbs-edit-patch patchname' always wants to add a .patch extension.10:39
fdovingdpatch-edit-patch wants .dpatch extension.10:40
mhbHas Kubuntu DVD improving been discussed before?10:47
Lurefdoving: I use cdbs, but I rename to .diff (which is mostly used in kde)10:50
Luremhb: in what direction?10:51
fdovingLure: so, when you need to edit an existing patch, you rename to '.patch' again, and use cdbs-edit-patch patchname ? 10:51
Lurefdoving: yes 10:51
fdovingi'll make a cdbs-edit-diff copy of cdbs-edit-patch and s/patch/diff/g in it.10:51
Lurefdoving: good idea - maybe we should add it to cdbs - I will do my script10:52
Lurefor now10:52
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fdovingLure: http://ubuntu.lnix.net/misc/cdbs-edit-diff if you want it.10:56
Lurefdoving: thanks10:56
Hawkwindgnomefreak: You around by chance ?10:59
mhbLure: well, now that I think of it, it'd be probably quite hard ... well making DVDs more than just Desktop CD + extra packages ... at least modifying the installer so that you can choose some extra packages from the DVD like localisation, developer tools&header files and so on11:01
jjessehello :)11:02
Luremhb: right, partiuclarly with live cd11:05
Hawkwindgnomefreak: When you see this, will you try an update with the src repos of SoS and see if the error(s) are fixed for you now please11:07
mhbLure: it would still be worth it, though ... sooner or later we'll experience the final shift from cds->dvds 11:07
ryanakcaumm... is this normal? "/etc/inittab: No such file or directory"      I have a feeling that's why my VT's don't show up/why I can't access them or change back and forth between X sessions, or between X sessions and VT...11:13
Hawkwindryanakca: Can you change between VT's while outside of X ?11:15
ryanakcaHawkwind: I can't even get out of X...11:15
Hawkwindryanakca: I've had this problem in the past and the fix was that in the xorg.conf file the wrong keyboard layout was listed. Instead of en_US it had en_GB or something similar11:15
ryanakcactrl-alt-backspace simply returns me to kdm...11:15
Hawkwindryanakca: You don't have an /etc/inittab at all ?11:16
ryanakcaand where's my inittab file?11:16
Luremhb: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/KubuntuFeistyNetworking - please contribute additonal ideas11:16
ryanakcanope :(11:16
Hawkwindryanakca: http://pastebin.ulteo.us/18011:16
fdovingryanakca: upstart doesn't need inittab. :)11:17
Hawkwindryanakca: That's mine, and you're right, it definitely belongs in /etc11:17
ryanakcaah :)11:17
gnomefreakHawkwind: yeah im here now11:17
Hawkwindfdoving: What does it use instead ?  Seeings how inittab is where you change your runlevel in most distros11:18
fdovingryanakca: my clean install of edgy does not have /etc/inittab11:18
Hawkwindgnomefreak: Try an update for me please and see if the src stuff is fixed11:18
fdovingHawkwind: runlevels are so 70s :)11:18
gnomefreakok let me re enable it11:18
Hawkwindfdoving: Hah.  I hate a GUI login, I have to boot to CLI or I go insane :)11:18
fdovingHawkwind: 'cd /etc/even.d;ls' play :)11:18
fdovingit's in /etc/even.d/rc-default more precisely.11:19
fdovingit honours /etc/inittab if it's there.. but it doesn't fail if it's not.11:19
gnomefreakok its running ill elt you know11:19
fdovingHawkwind: also, you should not change runlevel to disable graphical login. you should remove the kdm links from the init.d dirs. 'update-rc.d -f kdm remove' to get it back, 'update-rc.d kdm defaults'11:20
Hawkwindfdoving: I actually learned that the other day when you told bLaZeD about it as I didn't know any differently coming from Mandriva :)11:21
marseillaiRiddell: apt-get install kubuntu-desktop doesn't work problem with X dependance. And acpi and acpid configuration failed11:22
fdovingmarseillai: i have a experimental upgrade script you can try. i'm currently testing in chroots.11:23
gnomefreakHawkwind: its good ty11:24
fdovingyou'll have to wait till this test i'm currently doing is finished. don't want to break your kubuntu.11:24
Hawkwindgnomefreak: Awesome.  Many thanks for testing.  I've been fighting it for over an hour11:24
Hawkwindgnomefreak: Come to find out, my script was missing a simple . on one line :(11:24
gnomefreakHawkwind: use a texteditor with a debugger?11:25
Hawkwindgnomefreak: Hah yeah.  Frustrating once you find out it was something so darn simple11:25
ryanakcaHawkwind: where's the keyboard map for console set again? /etc/?11:25
gnomefreaknot that they work all the great at times but maybe help some for little things11:26
fdovingmarseillai: what is the error you get? can you pastebin it? 11:26
fdovingryanakca: 'dpkg-reconfigure -plow console-data' iirc.11:26
Hawkwindryanakca: Should be in your xorg.conf file in /etc/X11/xorg.conf11:26
gnomefreakha i fixed minefield :)11:26
ryanakcaHawkwind: yes, but doesn't it need to be the same for console and xorg? or were you talking about something else?11:26
Hawkwindryanakca: Though that might not be the problem you're having.  I always had this problem in Mandriva11:26
Hawkwindgnomefreak: What are you running minefield on ?11:27
fdovingryanakca: 'dpkg-reconfigure -plow console-setup' actually.11:27
gnomefreakedgy ;)11:27
gnomefreakHawkwind: when i go unstable i make the best of it11:27
Hawkwindgnomefreak: Hah, I'd say so11:28
HawkwindI'm running minefield on my Windows laptop.  It runs quite well11:28
=== gnomefreak next job is to run thunderbird 3 but i need to find a few things first that i cant do without
ryanakcafdoving: is a bunch of output simmilar to "WARNING: Undefined kernel key code for 236" normal?11:31
fdovingryanakca: i haven't experienced that, no.11:32
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fdovingmarseillai: still having issues upgrading? 11:40
marseillaifdoving: i've now my X back11:40
marseillaiand finish upgrading11:40
fdovingok :)11:40
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marseillaibut kubuntu-desktop, acpi and acpid still don't want to configure fdoving 11:40
fdovingmarseillai: do you have error messages? can you pastebin them? http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org ? 11:41
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Lureanother spec for uds-mtv: https://features.launchpad.net/distros/ubuntu/+spec/kubuntu-feisty-laptop11:43
=== fdoving subscribes.
=== marsport [n=marseill@AMarseille-256-1-125-150.w90-10.abo.wanadoo.fr] has joined #kubuntu-devel
marsportfdoving: http://pastebin.ca/21592211:44
marsportRiddell: upgrading causes a problem with acpid so i can't configure kubuntu-desktop11:46
Riddellapt-get -f install11:47
fdovingmarsport: can you try to run '/var/lib/dpkg/info/acpid.postinst' what does it say? 11:47
marsportRiddell: nothing11:48
fdovingmarsport: nevermind, don't need to do that. it's the init script that fails. somehow.11:48
marsportfdoving: i gave you in pv the result of /var/lib/dpkg/info/acpid.postinst11:49
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fdovingmarsport: 'apt-get --purge remove acpid;apt-get install kubuntu-desktop' 11:50
marsportworks fine fdoving11:51
marsportfdoving: thanks a lot11:51
fdovingno problem :)11:51
marsportfdoving: to be able to finish my upgrade i've have to install xorg, and every python packages11:52
fdovingmarsport: xserver-xorg ? 11:52
fdovingi'm aware of the python packages. 11:52
fdovingand upgrading from dapper to edgy is not a trival task.11:52
fdovingI'm working on a script to do it (hopefully) less painfull.11:53
marsportfdoving: xserver-xorg and xorg11:53
fdovingok, thanks.11:53
marsportfdoving: it seems that the problem was with the names of driver wich changes11:54
fdovingI have focused on getting kubuntu-desktop installing cleanly so far.11:54
marsportso now! time to sleep! have 5 hours to sleep11:54
fdovingyeah.. me too.. soon. :)11:54
gnomefreakdoes anyone know since kdevelop3-data was pulled from repos that kdevelop-data will work with kdevelop3?12:03

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