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nixternalfdoving: the spelling mistakes weren't noted, good heads up, we tried to fix the 3.5.4 but it was shot down01:25
nixternalkind of stinks, that we cannot touch it, due to translations01:25
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glatzorping mdke_10:11
Madpilotglatzor, he's been idle 12hr31min...10:16
Madpilot@now London10:16
UbugtuCurrent time in Europe/London: October 22 2006, 09:16:5910:16
Madpilotsleeping in, I bet :)10:17
glatzorMadpilot: ok. The German translation of the Firefox start page is in a quiet bad state. The html file has to be translated manually?10:18
Madpilotglatzor, no idea, I don't know much about translations. Wait for Matt, or ask on the -doc or -translators lists10:18
Kamping_Kaiseryay, found it10:42
Kamping_Kaiserwell. most of it. could the release notes for edgy give minimum CPU specs? dappers RN's dont do it10:42
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Kamping_Kaiseris there an existing 'the menus in ubuntu are layed out liek this' document around? could i perhaps grep it out of some config file?11:42
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mhbwho is in charge of the press release about Edgy Eft? You?02:50
mhbor marketing or Canonical?02:50
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Burgundaviamhb: canonical06:34
mhbBurgundavia: do you know if I can contact someone working on that through IRC?06:36
Burgundaviamhb: the person doing it is probably not on irc06:36
Burgundaviait will either be malcolm, chris or christina06:36
mhbBurgundavia: I'd like to know if they couldn't share with the loco teams a day or so earlier so we can do a press release in our languages06:36
Burgundaviamhb: ping jono, he is the best bet06:37
mhbBurgundavia: is he on IRC?06:37
mhbI'll ask him when he's here, thanks for the information.06:39
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