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Nafalloajmitch: tried running lintian on the binarys from xen-source? :-P12:57
=== Marsmensch [n=daniel@dslb-084-056-080-020.pools.arcor-ip.net] has joined #ubuntu-motu
FujitsuIf stuff is removed from testing because of long-standing unmet-deps, we should do the same, right?01:39
NafalloFujitsu: don't touch gajim! :-)01:41
FujitsuI was more thinking along the lines of malsync.01:42
=== Nafallo cares about that package :-P
Nafalloshouldn't be to bad to do some spring cleaning indeed...01:42
Nafallofall :-)01:42
FujitsuIt's spring here :P01:44
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Nafallospambot joined and died :-)02:30
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ajmitchNafallo: no I haven't, but that's not my package to touch ;)02:51
Nafalloajmitch: they errored out on me so I couldn't upload them to my repo without adding run_lintian = 0 in .dput.cf :-)02:52
ajmitchoh well :)02:53
NafalloI won't rebuild them until after I got my server converted either ;-)02:55
Fujitsuajmitch, I have to poke the UVF team for syncs too?02:55
=== Nafallo drools at the Swedish mirrors new server
=== Fujitsu eats a swede.
Nafallosomething tells me they can push good for the release ;-)02:56
NafalloXenOnEdgy is the correct wiki for getting XEN up? :-)03:02
imbrandonNafallo, should be03:03
ajmitchFujitsu: yes03:03
ajmitchNafallo: yes03:03
imbrandonheya guys03:03
ajmitchNafallo: it'll be interesting to see if you get lockups on amd6403:04
ajmitchhi imbrandon03:04
Fujitsuajmitch, bug 67478 is fixing unmet deps.03:04
UbugtuMalone bug 67478 in gtamsanalyzer.app "Please sync gtamsanalyzer.app 0.42-3 (universe) from Debian Sid (main)" [Low,Confirmed]  http://launchpad.net/bugs/6747803:04
=== Kyral [n=kyral@ubuntu/member/kyral] has joined #ubuntu-motu
Nafalloajmitch: oh?03:05
imbrandonanyone else watching the world series ? ( /me doubts it )03:05
Nafalloajmitch: bug reports about that or?03:05
ajmitchNafallo: apparantly there's some oddness going on in the mm code03:05
ajmitchyes, tfheen has tracked it down that far03:06
Nafallohm, will see then :-)03:06
ajmitchimbrandon: world series of what? ;)03:06
Nafalloanyway, will be offline in bed :-)03:06
Nafalloso gnight :-)03:06
imbrandonbaseball ;)03:06
ajmitchimbrandon: let me guess - 'world series' comprising of only US teams?03:07
imbrandonhahah this time ( but at times there is JP teams )03:07
imbrandonnot many other places play baseball pro except US and JP but its not limited03:08
Fujitsuajmitch, you're the god here... Do packages removed from testing due to unmet deps want removal from Ubuntu as well?03:08
ajmitchremoved from unstable - maybe03:09
ajmitchbut certainly not removal from testing03:09
FujitsuOK, so just leave them broken?03:10
imbrandonno fix em , heheh03:10
ajmitchI didn't say that03:10
imbrandon( if possible )03:10
FujitsuWell, unless I can manually fix them, leave them broken.03:11
FujitsuThat's more what I meant.03:11
ajmitchwhat package do you want to remove?03:11
zulits freaking cold03:11
Fujitsuyank and libcharles0 have both been removed from unstable.03:12
zulhey btw03:12
FujitsuAnd a couple of others.03:12
imbrandonheya zul, yea its freezing here too, i just turned on the heater for the year03:12
ajmitchFujitsu: right - you asked about removal from testing03:12
ajmitchhello zul03:12
FujitsuI did.03:12
zulhey ajmitch and imbrandon03:12
Fujitsu(there were others that have been removed from testing, but you just said they shouldn't be removed, so I didn't mention them)03:12
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pianoboy3333When you compile a deb, in the rules in DEB_CONFIGURE_EXTRA_FLAGS += do you need to add --prefix=/usr if you want it installed to /usr?03:38
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minghuasuch patience03:41
=== minghua sighs
lophyte!seen superm103:49
ubotuI last saw superm1 (n=superm1@ubuntu/member/superm1) 1d 3h 31m 33s ago, quiting: "Quitting, send all complaints > /dev/null"03:49
lophyteFujitsu: you had a question last night about a pic programmer I think?03:52
Fujitsulophyte, I did, yes. Just wondering if there was any software that worked with that programmer.03:52
Fujitsu(Linux software, that is)03:53
lophytepicprog apparently works with it03:53
lophyteI haven't built it or tested it yet.. but in theory.. it should work03:53
lophytepicprog says that it is compatible with the JDM programmer.. and the multipic programmer is based on the JDM03:53
FujitsuI haven't used a home-built programmer before.03:54
lophyteyup..search on google for picprog, as far as I know there's no debian/ubuntu packages for it03:54
lophyteI've never done any PIC programming before at all.. this'll be a new experience for me :)03:54
lophyteanyway.. bbl03:55
LaserJockimbrandon: it's the world series tonight?04:01
minghuaLaserJock: yes04:02
minghua(which reminds me I should go watch TV)04:02
=== minghua bbl
imbrandonLaserJock, yup04:03
imbrandon7th innning of game one on right now04:04
imbrandon( on Fox )04:04
LaserJockI didn't realize it was so soon04:04
LaserJockwho's playing04:04
imbrandoncardnals are kickin04:04
imbrandoncardnals and detroit04:04
imbrandonin detroiut tonight but tis 7 to 104:04
imbrandonat the top of the 7th04:04
=== StevenK notes baseball makes no sense to him.
LaserJockhmm, that's pretty good for being away from home04:05
imbrandonLaserJock, yea, and stl is about as close to a home team as i'll get ( seeing as the royals will never make the world sereis heh )04:06
LaserJockStevenK: well I don't get a lot of sports like cricket and soccer :-)04:06
theCoreIs there a reason why pbuilder don't want to log my built. I used04:06
theCore sudo pbuilder build jfsutils_1.1.11-1.dsc --logfile build.log04:06
theCore but I get no log, at the end04:06
LaserJocktheCore: play with the order04:07
imbrandonpbuilder build --logfile blah.txt file.dsc04:07
theCoreLaserJock, I did04:07
theCoreimbrandon, oh, I didn't try that one04:07
imbrandonpbuilder [action]  [options]  files.dsc04:08
theCoreimbrandon, thanks, it works now04:08
minghuahey, soccer is so much easier to understand than baseball04:09
LaserJocknot for me :/04:09
imbrandonhahah no way, i have no clue about the soccer rules04:09
minghuawell you need no rules04:10
imbrandonbaseball is simple, hit the ball run the bases ;)04:10
minghuaif the ball is in the net, you score04:10
minghuabaseball is so much more complicated04:10
LaserJockif the runner makes it to home, you score04:10
theCoreI have no clue about baseball rules04:10
theCorebut about hockey however ...04:10
zulhockey rocks..04:11
minghuaLaserJock, imbrandon: ... unless the third out is a force out, or a caught fly ball, etc, etc.04:11
imbrandonminghua, wth are you talking about hehe04:11
imbrandonzul, whats 8-1 ?04:13
zulimbrandon: ottawa/new jersey final score...the good guys won04:13
nixternalhockey ftw!04:14
theCorego habs, go!04:14
imbrandonyou mean jersey right ? ( damn canidians )04:14
nixternalhawks baby!04:14
zulimbrandon: we are going to have to duke it out04:14
nixternalwe haven't had a winning team since gordy howe04:14
imbrandonzul, hahaha yea04:15
LaserJockhehe, hockey is almost as bad a soccer ;-)04:17
nixternalwatch it now04:18
LaserJockat least it's got a little more action04:18
nixternalhockey is better than football...at least you don't have no sissy rules to save the star of the team pain04:18
nixternalpretty soon the NFL will be a 2-hand touch or a flag league04:18
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=== LaserJock tackles nixternal
LaserJockcollege football rules04:21
=== nixternal throws a flag
nixternalunnecessary like roughness on the laserdude04:21
=== zul [n=chuck@CPE0006258ec6c1-CM000a73655d0e.cpe.net.cable.rogers.com] has joined #ubuntu-motu
=== LaserJock starts stomping on the other team!
nixternalthe other team?  there is the home team and the visiting team04:22
=== nixternal squirts LaserJock with a water-bottle
=== LaserJock steals the goal post and runs out of the stadium
=== nixternal puts his pointer fingers together and extends his thumbs.... |__|
=== theCore_ [n=alex@modemcable128.255-131-66.mc.videotron.ca] has joined #ubuntu-motu
theCoreLaserJock, can I ask you something?04:29
theCorewould you like to support my candidature for Ubuntu membership04:30
theCoreI going to apply next CC meeting04:30
LaserJockah sure04:31
LaserJockwhat time is it?04:31
theCoreit not sets yet04:31
theCoreI think it will be at the UDS04:32
LaserJockwell if for some reason I don't make it I'll send an email to the CC04:32
theCorebut I'm not sure yet04:32
theCoreLaserJock, I got my wiki page filled in, if you want more info about me:  https://wiki.ubuntu.com/AlexandreVassalotti04:33
theCoreI hope my karma score will help04:34
theCoreI classed #5 in the top contributors list04:35
theCorebut I doubt it will be enough04:35
ajmitchsupport requests? :)04:37
theCoreajmitch, yep04:37
ajmitchyeah, *massively* over-inflated karma for those04:38
theCoreajmitch, yeah, massive is the word04:38
=== StevenK still wants karma for uploads.
theCoreajmitch, that why I say I doubt it will be enough04:38
LaserJockbut you have been doing some work around Ubuntu for some time now04:39
theCoreyeah, true04:40
theCoremaybe I'm worrying a bit too much04:40
theCorebut, it would be nice to have a fan club at the CC meeting :)04:41
theCoreanyway, the only reason why I want the membership is to become a MOTU, and a docteam member04:42
LaserJockheh, so the "move to Jabber" thread seems pretty active04:44
LaserJockI kinda feel sorry for the guy04:44
minghuaI don't feel sorry for him04:50
minghuasuch discussion shouldn't be on -devel in the first place04:50
LaserJockI suppose04:51
LaserJockI think it's a nifty idea04:51
=== minghua is happy that Seveas killed the thread effectively :-)
FujitsuIt is, yes, but it's probably not practical at the moment.04:51
LaserJockbut perhaps not as he was thinking04:51
FujitsuAlthough it would solve the OFTC debate :P04:51
theCoreSeveas has always the last word :)04:51
FujitsuSeveas is Mr. Community!04:51
LaserJockthe TB has the last word :-)04:52
LaserJockand perhaps Mark sometimes04:52
FujitsuThat's more a CC matter.04:52
LaserJockyes, probably04:52
FujitsuOnly a bit TB-related.04:52
LaserJockI didn't think they addressed the issue of having to register your nick before pm'ing04:53
LaserJockI think that's a legitimate problem04:53
Fujitsu*It's not much of a problem, but it is a legitimate one.04:53
LaserJockI've had users give up and leave because of it04:54
nixternalNeither with e.g. x-chat, please stop spreading lies.04:54
LaserJockI thought that was a bit rude, but whatever04:54
FujitsuI saw a lot in my couple of months of helping in #ubuntu for several hours a day.04:54
nixternalhe will flat out tell you...thats what makes him rock, now if we could only get ubotu to @lart him then it would be smooth sailing04:54
Fujitsu@lart nixternal04:55
FujitsuDarn, only works in -offtopic.04:55
FujitsuI saw a good one this morning...04:55
Fujitsu *       Ubugtu thwacks Abst with a BIG POINTY HOBBSEE OF DOOM04:56
theCoresometime -offtopic is a bit too chaotic04:58
nixternali think that is a @lart 22 or a 2304:58
minghuawhy is that Ubugtu instead of ubotu?05:02
Fujitsuubotu is just a factoid bot.05:02
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about is just a factoid bot. - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi05:02
FujitsuUbugtu is the everything-else bot.05:02
Fujitsu!bad bot05:03
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about bad bot - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi05:03
minghuanever argue with a bot :-)05:03
Fujitsucafuego's ubotu had that factoid.05:03
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imbrandonwell the problem with jabber is no opereators, think of the spam etc05:05
nixternaland you still have register before you can message somebody with jabber as well...i didn't see anyone pick up on that05:06
nixternalhe made it seem like /nickserv register and what not was a big deal05:06
imbrandonand you can do it via the gui in most clients too, i havent typed that in ages ( even irssi )05:06
imbrandonwell the cards took game 1 easily LaserJock05:07
LaserJockseems like it05:07
LaserJockI caught the end on Yahoo05:07
minghuaactually, my first thought seeing that mail is "what about users who usually only have an IRC client open, but not IM client open, like me?"05:07
imbrandonahh ;)05:07
nixternali was expecting that, since the cards were marked with not having a chance to win it05:07
nixternalthat is why bitlbee rocks, i have everything you can chat with all in one winder05:08
imbrandonyea i love my bitlbee05:08
nixternali loved my bip and mirror server too, but it went up in a blaze of glory05:09
imbrandonnixternal, oh snap you needed me to setup you a bip account, i forgot05:09
imbrandonstill want it ?05:09
nixternalno i didn't05:09
nixternali was messin' with you05:09
imbrandonoh lol05:09
nixternalim going to try and rebuild this server05:09
nixternalman..i had the ultimate bip.conf file05:09
imbrandonyea i have bip.conf down to a science now05:10
nixternalhad all the ssl in place, it was rocking05:10
LaserJockyou still have to register you're nick via CLI, right?05:10
FujitsuLaserJock, in XChat?05:10
nixternali had auto blresets on the newest line, was working on a log parser05:10
LaserJockin all clients?05:10
imbrandonLaserJock, reg it probably, as its diffent on every irc network ( nickserv isnt part of the IRC RFC )05:10
nixternalwell you don't have to05:10
FujitsuLaserJock, I don't know of any with a GUI for it.05:11
nixternalbut some people odn't allow unregs to msg them05:11
imbrandonnixternal, all of freenode dosent be default05:11
nixternalhaving a baby?05:11
nixternalthat is what i seen in your respells05:11
nixternalim like wth does that have to do with a baby05:12
nixternal[22:11:13]  --> jbrouhard has joined this channel (n=jbrouhar@cm-207-192-193-222.stjoseph.mo.npgco.com).05:12
nixternali hate you imbrandon ;)05:12
imbrandoni just need a computer interface with my brain so i dont have to type05:12
nixternallord, i could only imagine those conversations05:12
imbrandonLaserJock, why dont you invent that for me05:13
nixternalyour conversations probably wouldn't make it to us..as you would probably sit there talking to yourself on irc05:13
nixternal!seen imbrandon05:13
ubotuimbrandon is on IRC right now!05:13
nixternal<ubotu> ya, he is sitting over there in the corner talking to himself05:13
nixternalif i remember correctly, you have a vista install, i would laugh if you got that bug05:14
imbrandoni had one, but it got wiped about 30 minutes after i took the screenshots05:14
imbrandon( iirc ajmitch has one too )05:15
theCoreimbrandon, don't you find that people abuses of !ops?05:15
imbrandontheCore, what are you talking about ?05:15
nixternalsomeone noted that the 60k in ubuntu bugs is nuts, but i was like dude that is over a 2 year span on a few releases already, i told him multiply that by 10, and that is what vista is dealing with right now05:15
theCoreimbrandon, are you in #ubuntu?05:15
Fujitsunixternal, also note that Ubuntu includes a whole lot more stuff by default than Vista.05:16
theCoreanother false call like in -offtopic05:16
nixternalwhat is that link in #ubuntu05:16
nixternali don't want to look05:16
imbrandontheCore, no i havent join #ubuntu this evening05:16
FujitsuHahahha. An Archer just got kicked.05:17
FujitsuI like bug 67492.05:17
UbugtuMalone bug 67492 in mail-notification "No longer launches mail reader after upgrading to etch" [Undecided,Unconfirmed]  http://launchpad.net/bugs/6749205:17
theCoreimbrandon, n/m, it been taken care of05:17
FujitsuEtch... in Ubuntu?05:17
LaserJockis that an imported bug?05:19
FujitsuI presume (s)he means Edgy.05:20
FujitsuI've seen a number of people make that mistake before.05:20
FujitsuI don't know how they manage to make that mistake, but it seems to happen a lot.05:20
imbrandonmake sure, i've seen lots of people thing "upgrading" to debian was legit05:20
nixternalso who is going to run the chicago marathon with me tomorrow?05:21
imbrandonHillary Clinton ?05:21
nixternali hope not05:21
imbrandonwatch out, your talking about the next president05:21
=== imbrandon ducks
nixternalomg die05:21
nixternali will move to greenland05:22
LaserJockwell, did you see Andrew Pollock's blog post about finding an ubuntuX versioned package in Debian?05:22
imbrandonLaserJock, haha no05:23
imbrandonLaserJock, got a link ?05:23
imbrandonman that would suck if it gets changed by us again ( 1.4.3-4ubutnu5-0buntu2 )05:23
LaserJockyeah, that would be very dumb05:24
imbrandonheh why would it not just be a new debian version , i can see no reason ubuntu string would ever be in a debian package05:25
imbrandonunless it was froma  lazy DD05:25
ajmitchoriginally it was a native package05:25
imbrandonajmitch, still05:26
ajmitchin this case it was originally developed for ubuntu05:26
imbrandonajmitch, wouldent it be version 1.4.3-0debian563 then ?05:26
imbrandonubuntu isnt in the version string for native packages afaik05:26
ajmitchit often is05:27
theCoregood night, all05:28
LaserJockbut they should still have stripped the Ubuntu versioning, native or not05:28
minghuaI suppose it's hard to differentiate edgy and etch when neither work makes sense to you (which, I would guess, happens for a lot of non-native speakers)05:29
imbrandonthat would be my thinking05:29
imbrandonLaserJock, ^05:29
LaserJockminghua: that's why I say "testing" instead of "etch" :-)05:30
minghuaLaserJock: well, wait when etch is released :-)05:30
=== minghua doesn't use codename for testing/unstable either, though
LaserJockwell, for me stable testing and unstable make more sense05:31
imbrandoni do for sid becouse it never changes05:31
minghuatechnically speaking, etch doesn't exist until it becomes stable05:31
imbrandonstays in development05:31
=== FunnyLookinHat [n=funnyloo@] has joined #ubuntu-motu
imbrandonyou know why do we not use that model for our 6 month releases ?05:32
LaserJockgrumpy groundhog !05:32
imbrandonwell i mean more moving from sid(grumpy) to testing then after 6months its stable05:33
LaserJockhow often (in general) does fedora and suse release?05:34
LaserJockI find these 6 month release cycles a bit tiring :-)05:35
imbrandonsuse once a year stable , fedora 6 months iirc05:35
FujitsuI wonder when Grumpy will actually materialise...05:35
FujitsuLaserJock, Fedora is very similar to us.05:36
FujitsuAlmost in sync, in fact.05:36
imbrandonbut fedora is gnome centric too, its sucks that the kde releases and gnome releases arent05:37
imbrandonmakes it tougher for kubuntu becosue our stuff is generaly later05:37
LaserJockKDE doesn't have a time-based release schedule does it?05:38
imbrandonyea and its normaly 2 months behind gnome05:39
imbrandonfor the most part05:39
LaserJockI've been increasingly confused/conflicted in the whole Gnome vs. KDE thing lately :/05:41
LaserJockThe more I get involved with FLOSS in general it seems like it's forcing me to choose05:41
imbrandonheh , its a strange animal to try to understand both05:41
LaserJockwhich I don't like05:41
=== Kyral walks in for a moment of Zen
KyralDo not focus on the difference between GNOME and KDE05:41
imbrandonas they are really very diffrent in not only programing but principals etc05:41
LaserJockyeah, but I have to05:41
KyralFocus on the unity between GNOME and KDE05:41
Kyraland be at peace05:42
LaserJockbut I don't have time to do both, IMO05:42
KyralAs the Perl Monk says "There Is More Than One Way To Do It"05:42
FujitsuUnity, what unity?05:42
FujitsuProject Portland?05:42
KyralIn general05:42
KyralUse Lunar thinking....05:43
KyralWow....I've been spending too much time in Psychology class05:43
KyralThis has been a moment of Zen05:44
=== Kyral returns to idling
imbrandonheh /me has zen too, all KDE05:44
LaserJockimbrandon: I've got one foot in each, no zen here05:47
LaserJockyet anyway05:48
imbrandonheh i was there, untill one day i was using gnome on SuSE and realized that I was using mostly all KDE apps with very very few exceptions , then I thought about the fact that neither Gnome nor KDE were perfect so i used the DE to go with the apps for better intergration05:49
KyralQt: 3.3.605:49
KyralKDE: 3.5.505:49
Kyralkde-config: 1.005:49
imbrandonthats just my 0.2c05:49
imbrandonQt: 3.3.605:50
imbrandonKDE: 3.5.505:50
imbrandonkde-config: 1.005:50
KyralVery good...you are using the new Konversation05:50
KyralBut yah...quite frankly KDE 4 is gonna blow GNOME outta the water05:51
imbrandonKyral, yea05:51
=== Fujitsu hugs GNOME.
KyralQuite frankly...GNOME is good...except for GConf05:52
KyralGConf reminds me of the Registry05:52
Kyraland makes me shudder05:52
FujitsuKyral, it's similar, just different.05:52
FujitsuIt is scarily similar, though.05:52
LaserJockI some of both and dislike some of both05:53
LaserJockso I just end up running both05:53
LaserJockGnome and KDE that is, not gconf and registry05:53
LaserJockI like a lot of KDE apps, I just find they don't look so great and KDE seems kinda unpolished to me in looks05:55
imbrandonLaserJock, well thats one thing about kde, it can look like anything05:55
imbrandonthe themes are much more customizable than gnome imho05:55
LaserJockbut they all stink for me05:56
LaserJockI've tweaked and tweaked, and never got a desktop I liked the look and feel of better then the default Gnome desktop05:56
imbrandonheh make one ;) klearlooks looks exactly liike gnome clearlooks ;)05:56
LaserJockwell, it's not exactly just the theme though05:57
LaserJockit's got like screen artifacts and weirdnesses05:57
imbrandonwell alot of its what your used to, gnome is more like osx and kde more like windows ( in more ways than just layout )05:57
imbrandonLaserJock, wow i've never noticed that05:57
LaserJockit always just feels like it's 3/4 done05:58
imbrandoni get screen artifacts in gnome05:58
imbrandonhehe but each has their own reasons05:59
imbrandonand both are good, its just a matter of prefrence05:59
FujitsuLaserJock, GNOME's interface is a whole lot more polished, yes...05:59
FujitsuBut KDE absolutely rocks in a number of areas.06:00
imbrandonwell i just feel like i'm on a closed program when in gnome persoanly becouse there is so much i cant change even if i want to without recompiling06:00
imbrandonand then only if i have the skill to code/change what i'm wanting06:00
LaserJockI've had a couple time where I found a gnome app lacking configurability06:01
LaserJockbut it's pretty rare06:01
imbrandonwell not just the apps but the DE its self too06:02
LaserJockbut it's really annoying when it happens06:02
LaserJockwell, I never change anything ;-)06:02
imbrandonheh thats one way kde shines, EVERYTHING just about nis configureable06:02
imbrandonvery very very little isnt06:02
imbrandonbut thats also a downfall if not done right too, as in config dialogs are scary06:03
FujitsuBut KDE is ugly and cluttered, IMO.06:03
LaserJockmy problem is I configure the snot out of it and it still looks not as good as a default Gnome06:03
imbrandonFujitsu, it /can/ be if not done right06:03
imbrandonbut for the most part no06:03
FujitsuGNOME's interface is just so nice and clean.06:03
minghuaLaserJock: when you say lacking configurability, that's even after you poking around in gconf?06:03
minghua(that really sucks, I agree)06:03
LaserJockI don't poke around in gconf06:04
imbrandonpoking gconf isnt configurability ( thats like regedit )06:04
minghuaLaserJock: sometimes you have to :-)06:04
LaserJockI haven't opened gconf-editor in years06:04
LaserJockit "Just Works" for me06:04
=== chillywilly has just learned to live with the defaults and even likes the original 'spatial' behaviro of nautilus these days
minghuawell, I still find gconf having fewer options than KDE configuration center (whatever that is called) :-)06:04
LaserJocksure, there's no doubt that KDE is more configurable06:05
imbrandonkde system settings ;)06:05
LaserJockmy point is in Gnome I don't need configurability since it just works by default06:05
LaserJockKDE gets close for sure06:05
LaserJockbut I find it frustrating to spend a week tweaking my desktop06:06
LaserJockand even then I get weirdnesses06:06
minghuaKDE is good, I won't deny it.  It just doesn't suit me06:06
imbrandonwell the defaults are dreat for most things, but tweaking your desktop for a week and having ti do what you want is great06:06
LaserJockbut man KDE has got some sweet stuff06:06
imbrandonthen not tweaking it and not having it done the way i want06:07
imbrandoni feel so closed off that way06:07
chillywillythe more you configure things the more it is a pain in the ass when you move to a different env06:07
imbrandonchillywilly, well if it work why move, thats my thing ( and backing up /home isnt hard )06:07
LaserJockimbrandon: that's my point though, I tweak KDE for a week and it still doesn't seem as good as Gnome is by default06:07
chillywillylike use someone else's desktop or rebuild your box, etc.06:07
LaserJockKDE *is* good06:08
LaserJockI just don't find it as nice as Gnome :-)06:08
imbrandonLaserJock, and see if feel the exact opsite but the only probelm is gnome i cant make it the way i want06:09
chillywillylots of people cried bloody murder when gnome took away all the options06:09
LaserJockhmm, I wonder why that is06:09
chillywillyfrankly, I just don't miss them anymore06:09
minghuaspeaking of rebuilding box and change settings, it KDE's setting in a centralized place?06:09
imbrandonminghua, /home/users/.kde06:09
minghuaI put my .bashrc, .vimrc, .muttrc etc. in SVN06:09
minghuabut I find GNOME's settings pretty scattered06:10
Lathiat  61 N   Oct 21 Samir van de Sa (  27) move the ubuntu irc channels to jabber ?06:10
chillywillyI belive they use the good ol' conf files....yea I've been meaning to put my /home, etc. in svn06:10
LaserJockI'd bzr it06:10
imbrandonbzr rocks06:10
chillywillydon't really know bzr06:10
imbrandonthink svn-ng06:11
imbrandonit does everything svn does ( even import / export svn )06:11
imbrandonpluss all the bzr goodness06:11
LaserJockbzr is really nice for local things like doing revision control/back ups on /etc06:12
LaserJockvery easy too since you don't have a repo06:12
LaserJockyou just tar up the .bzr dir and you're backed up06:12
=== Hobbsee [n=Hobbsee@ubuntu/member/hobbsee] has joined #ubuntu-motu
=== imbrandon hides
chillywillyno time to to learn another RCS06:13
imbrandonchillywilly, there is no learning thats what i'm saying, s/svn/bzr and your good06:14
imbrandonany of the extras are optional but the basic commands are exactly the same06:14
=== Hobbsee attacks imbrandon with her long pointy stick of DOOM!
ajmitchoh dear, Hobbsee's here06:14
=== imbrandon hugs Hobbsee in hopes he dosent get attacked anymore
imbrandonbrb more mt dew06:15
FujitsuHey Hobbsee.06:15
ajmitchimbrandon: it won't work06:15
minghuahi Hobbsee06:15
Hobbseeajmitch: indeed!06:15
imbrandonajmitch, probably not hehe but i gotta try06:15
LaserJockhmm, another KDE'er06:15
minghuaI usually postpone learning a new RCS tool until I need one, there are just too many06:16
imbrandonyea Hobbsee where were you ~15 minutes ago trying to get LaserJock 100% kdeized06:16
LaserJockI hate discussing these kinds of things in here but I value your opinions06:16
imbrandonwell as long as it dosent turn into a flame war i like it too, as there is merits for both06:16
minghuathe GNOME vs. KDE discussion in this channel is the sanest I've seen06:17
imbrandonmy choice is KDE, dosnet make it right for everyone06:17
imbrandonbut i'll still advocate it ;)06:17
LaserJockwell, I'm interested in the differences in development too06:17
LaserJockbeing a scientist with not a ton of programming background I'm not sure how to evaluate them as development platforms06:18
imbrandonwell development wise its a whole nother animal, here is what i've found, kde has librarys for every thing from http access to fb drawing, gnome you basicly only have the widgest and everything else is from scratch06:18
=== zenrox [n=zenrox@pool-71-115-219-183.spknwa.dsl-w.verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu-motu
minghuaI suppose for science applications Qt is the definite choice for development06:19
minghuaas they have windows/mac/linux06:19
LaserJockI've started working on a gnome chemistry library/collection of apps06:21
LaserJockand it seems awfully scattered06:21
LaserJockbut then maybe that isn't such a bad thing sometimes06:22
=== zenrox [n=zenrox@pool-71-115-219-183.spknwa.dsl-w.verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu-motu
LaserJockif desktop integration and consistency wasn't such a nice thing I'd say "screw the desktops" and go DE neutral06:24
hubKDE is better API than Gnome06:25
hubGnome has better/saner UI than KDE06:25
FujitsuGNOME's UI is just so clean...06:25
FujitsuBut KDE is flexible.06:25
hubFujitsu: it is because they thought user06:26
LaserJockhub: why is the KDE API better?06:26
hubFujitsu: KDE is *messy*06:26
hubLaserJock: because it does not try to reimplement an object model in C06:26
=== tuxmaniac [n=aanjhan@unaffiliated/tuxmaniac] has joined #ubuntu-motu
hubLaserJock: you don't have to write 150LOC in C to subclass a widget06:26
hubbut Gnomers dislike C++06:27
LaserJockhmm, the Gnome app I'm working on is C++06:27
LaserJockso I guess I got lucky06:27
imbrandonpython ftw06:28
hubwritten in Gtkmm?06:28
hubimbrandon: Python? sorry I have to laugh06:28
minghuaI suppose GNOME API is about as sane as you can get from C? :-)06:28
imbrandonhub, laugh all you want06:28
imbrandonlinux is about choice ;)06:28
hubminghua: you can make saner in C06:28
Fujitsugtkmm is good.06:28
Hobbseeimbrandon: *grin*06:28
hubimbrandon: well lets talk about memory usage then06:28
hubtoo much choice kill the choice06:28
LaserJockhub: has Gnome ever discussed moving to C++?06:28
imbrandonhub, memory useage isnt one of my concerns ;)06:29
minghuahub: I know you are a good programmer, I'll take your work for it then :-)06:29
hubLaserJock: it wil be a massive NO06:29
imbrandonif it was i would use asm ;)06:29
hubLaserJock: they'd rather switch to C#06:29
LaserJockhmm, interesting06:29
Fujitsuhub, are you serious?06:29
hubFujitsu: about C#?06:29
hubhell yeah06:29
imbrandonc# is nice, but i find it amusing you laugh at python but like c# ;)06:30
imbrandonanyhow bbiab06:30
hubimbrandon: memory usage should be your concern when it comes to deploy on old hardware06:30
hub"Linux use less memory than $OS" is a myth06:30
huba total myth06:30
hubimbrandon: I never said I like C#06:30
imbrandonhub, if its older than 2 years then i dont really care tbh06:30
hubimbrandon: I said they'd switch to C# rather than C++06:31
hub*they* ain't me06:31
hubimbrandon: that is the problem06:31
imbrandonnot for me06:31
imbrandonmaybe for you06:31
hubimbrandon: i replaced my laptop after 5 years06:31
hubbecause it broke06:31
LaserJockwell, so far I've only written apps for myself and they are small so Python is great06:31
LaserJockI couldn't care less about memory for me personally06:32
LaserJockbut if I was developing an app for others I'd probably think about it a bit06:32
imbrandoni have a 333mhz 96mb ram dapper server that run python apps quite happily06:32
hubimbrandon: and apparently developers think that resources are cheap for *everybody* which is not the case06:32
hubimbrandon: dapper server.06:32
hubimbrandon: I'm talking about desktops06:32
imbrandonhub, i dont live in the past , if its more older than what was $500 two years ago then thats not my ( nor Ubuntu's target ) try xubuntu06:33
imbrandonanyhow REALLY gone bbiab06:33
hubthis is exactly what I'm saying06:33
hubmost devs don't give a sh*t to resources06:33
huband I see that on some bad choices made with Ubuntu06:34
imbrandonno i do, but i'm not gonna worry aobut not compiling on a m68k or a commadore 6406:34
imbrandonthat hold back inovation06:34
hubFujitsu: like writting every user application in Python06:34
imbrandon2 year old $500 hardware is not a great "top end"06:34
hubincluding bzr06:34
hubimbrandon: innovation my *ss06:35
hubimbrandon: you speak like a marketdroid06:35
LaserJockyeah, my problem is I'd probably favor doing things in Python because I can do it much faster and have more features06:35
imbrandonhub, and you speak like a old hardware GNU elitest ? and ?06:35
crimsun(civil, please)06:35
hubimbrandon: no I'm not. I just disagree with you06:35
imbrandonsorry i was totaly wrong for that, i appolgise06:35
imbrandonbut 2 year old hardware that was $500 at the time is not a high "top end" imho and you will have a tough time convinceing me otherise06:36
imbrandonfor desktops06:36
LaserJockfine, we have different types of people, that's cool06:36
LaserJockwe need people focused on memory issues06:37
hubit is like the Evolution developer that consider SpamAssassin as a good "client-side" antispam06:37
hubwhen it take fifteen seconds to check a single message06:37
imbrandonyou have to draw the line somewhere and expect that a c64 isnt goona be a viable desktop , i personaly choose ubuntus target of 2 year old 500$ systesm as my target, its not for everyone , but nor is every OS06:38
hubimbrandon: c64, that's over 20 year old. were you born at time?06:38
whiprushI had one!06:38
FujitsuI still have a working one :)06:38
imbrandona c64 was my first computer, well actualy a vic 20 was then c6406:39
hubLaserJock: yeah in Gnome there are people spending a lot of time for that and all get discarded because they put something else that waste memory with its interpreter06:39
StevenKMy first computer was a TRS-80.06:39
hubso what's the point06:39
hub128MB is 2048 time the memory the c64 had, and no decent linux distro run it decently06:40
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=== zenrox [n=zenrox@pool-71-115-219-183.spknwa.dsl-w.verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu-motu
imbrandondepends on what you want to do with the hardware, as i said i have a dapper box with 96mb ram running happily06:41
imbrandonif you mean "desktop" yea 128mb ram is far to old06:41
hubI mean DESKTOP06:41
hub128MB should be plain enough06:41
hubbut not with python sucking all the juice06:42
imbrandonyou do know that even as far back as breezy ubuntu recomended 256mb ram?06:42
imbrandonif you have 128 you need to look into "alternative" desktops such as fluxbox or xubuntu or DSL06:43
chillywillyneither KDE nor Gnome will run with that little RAM06:43
LaserJockI think they will06:44
LaserJockjust not very fast06:44
chillywillyok, they won't be "usable"06:47
chillywillythey will be slow as molasses06:47
Fujitsuchillywilly, they're not, actually.06:47
FujitsuGNOME runs OK06:47
chillywillyI know from experience06:49
LaserJockI ran Gnome on a 333MHz with 128 MB Ram for some time06:50
LaserJockit was an older version06:50
chillywillyI had old computers back in the day and the modern linux desktop forced me to upgrade06:50
hubimbrandon: xubuntu? haha06:50
LaserJockbut firefox worked ok06:50
hubimbrandon: even in 256MB it does not run properly06:50
LaserJockOO.o took some time to load though06:50
minghuaLaserJock runs OOo on a 128MB machine? wow.06:51
LaserJockused to06:51
LaserJockeven firefox and OOo at the same time ;-)06:51
minghuayeah, s/runs/ran/06:52
minghuadamn grammar.06:52
crimsunif you have a ton of swap, sure06:52
minghuaI assume that's firefox 1.0.x and OOo 1.0.x then06:52
=== Fujitsu [n=Fujitsu@ubuntu/member/fujitsu] has joined #ubuntu-motu
chillywillywell, I used to live with it too for a while...I don't have a single system with less than 512MB RAM....most have 1GB RAM06:56
=== zenrox [n=zenrox@pool-71-115-219-183.spknwa.dsl-w.verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu-motu
crimsunI'm getting by on 512 MB. Painful at times but mostly tolerable.07:14
=== StevenK has 1.5Gb in his amd64 desktop, which is *nice*.
imbrandoni have 512 in my laptop with kde and its not so bad07:15
StevenK256Mb on the laptop is a little painful.07:15
imbrandondesktop has 1.5 though07:15
FujitsuCurrently running KDE on here with 1GB, it's great.07:19
=== Gloubiboulga [n=gauvain@ubuntu/member/gloubiboulga] has joined #ubuntu-motu
=== tuxmaniac [n=aanjhan@unaffiliated/tuxmaniac] has joined #ubuntu-motu
LaserJockcrimsun: 512 MB is painful?07:28
=== zenrox [n=zenrox@pool-71-115-219-183.spknwa.dsl-w.verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu-motu
LaserJockcrimsun: what kind of apps?07:28
crimsunepiphany-browser, xfce-terminal, quodlibet, vlc07:29
crimsunxfce4-terminal, even07:29
=== StevenK notes quod sucks RAM.
crimsunlikely due to my library and not quod, though07:29
StevenK370Mb or so, here.07:29
StevenKWhich is just over what Firefox is using with ten tabs open.07:30
=== zenrox [n=zenrox@pool-71-115-219-183.spknwa.dsl-w.verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu-motu
LaserJockhmm, I've been working on a machine with 256MB and it's not bad07:32
crimsunerr, I neglected to mention that I'm using xfwm's compositor07:32
=== StevenK is pondering switching from Quod to Rhythmbox
LaserJockmy laptop right now has 512MB and I'm using 296 with xchat, gnome-terminal, nautilus, Firefox (with 4 tabs) and OO.o open07:33
crimsuni've tried switching away from quod libet, but its search is just too darned powerful07:33
FujitsuAh. OO.o.07:33
StevenKThen again, I'm a whole 188 bytes into swap.07:33
LaserJockI wouldn't even bother with swap with anything more then 512MB07:34
StevenKBetter to be safe than OOM-killed.07:34
LaserJockbut maybe my requirements are light, I didn't think so exactly though07:35
LaserJockI've got no swap on my iMac (1 GB ram) although I might make a swap file07:35
LaserJockI couldn't figure out how to get a swap partition on this last install of edgy :/07:37
LaserJockI wonder if bootcamp messed something up07:37
LaserJockcrimsun: btw, thanks for the "Thinking in C++" reference07:41
crimsunbruce e. rocks.07:42
LaserJockI'm enjoying the discussion of object oriented programming07:43
LaserJockcoming from a Fortran background, OOP is something I'm still trying to wrap my head around07:43
minghuacrimsun: I want to thank you for the "beginning python" reference, too :-)07:45
imbrandoni just want to thank crimsun for rockin ;)07:45
LaserJockuber-MOTU and prince of programming :-)07:45
crimsunbddebian rocks; I'm just a ponyphiliac07:46
imbrandonanyone bored and wanna waist 5 minutes laughing ( and has flash installed ) http://www.imbrandon.com/misc/flash/windoz.swf07:46
=== imbrandon gets back On Topic now
LaserJockthat's got some funny stuff07:49
imbrandonheh i like the run the best07:49
=== Lure [n=lure@clj46-234.dial-up.arnes.si] has joined #ubuntu-motu
imbrandonor the sign into msn07:51
FujitsuEvil migrating OK button!07:52
imbrandoncrimsun, i found this to be helpfull in learning the basics of any lang too http://forums.programming-designs.com/viewtopic.php?pid=348207:54
imbrandonnot really lang specific but applies to all when starting off07:54
HobbseeFujitsu: *g*07:54
=== StevenK found himself debugging Ada yesterday.
=== StevenK shivers.
=== imbrandon was debuging perl today for most of the morning
StevenKOh Perl is fine, I can debug that easily.07:55
imbrandoni can if its my code, i ahve problems with someone elses though07:56
=== StevenK is employed as a Perl coder.
imbrandonahh ;)07:56
imbrandoni should have poked you then, probably would have only taken 5 munutes heh07:56
imbrandonbut i got it done now07:56
=== LaserJock [n=mantha@ubuntu/member/laserjock] has joined #ubuntu-motu
StevenKimbrandon: Only if you can match my going rate. :-P07:58
imbrandonhahaha doubtfull07:58
imbrandonwell maybe if you broke into 5 minutes hehe07:58
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imbrandoni should have stuck some money away before the dot com boom heheh i had a NICE going rate back then for about 2 years07:59
imbrandonbut you live and learn ;)07:59
=== Amaranth [n=travis@ubuntu/member/amaranth] has joined #ubuntu-motu
=== imbrandon was a cold fusion programer @ ~$75 UDS an hour from 98 to 2000
StevenKimbrandon: You poor bastard.08:02
imbrandonthat would never fly in todays market08:02
=== LaserJock was a college student
StevenKLike Cold Fusion is coding anyway.08:02
LaserJockand has been forever08:02
imbrandonits coding as much as php is ( that i've moved to now )08:02
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StevenKPHP isn't either.08:02
imbrandonno html isnt , php is08:03
StevenKNo PHP isn't.08:03
imbrandonhowso ?08:03
imbrandonif it can process logic its programing imho08:03
StevenKPHP is over used, over abused, and embedding Java-esque code in HTML doesn't make it code.08:04
imbrandonmaybe not asm but php is as much programing as perl or python08:04
imbrandonhahah most of the php stuff i do isnt embeded in html or even used on the web08:05
=== StevenK twitches.
LaserJockI'm staying blissfully ignorant of PHP for now08:06
imbrandonphp is simple to pickup for web stuff if you know any c++ at all08:07
imbrandonthats the best part of it08:07
imbrandonother than that there are usaly better tools08:07
imbrandonfor vaious jobs08:07
imbrandonbut php syntax and use is almost exactly like c++ only webcentric08:08
imbrandonmore soda brb08:08
imbrandon( and no compiling )08:08
LaserJockimbrandon: dude, you just need a Mt. Dew IV drip08:08
nixternaland a swift kick in the08:09
nixternalhey, whats up08:09
imbrandonLaserJock, hahaha if they made them i would be the first in line08:10
ajmitchimbrandon: how much do you go through a day?08:10
imbrandoni just need a fridge closer to the computer08:10
ajmitchand I thought I was bad...08:10
imbrandonajmitch, mt dew ? if cans about a case, if 2 liters about 308:10
ajmitchthough at the moment I usually go a few days between drinks08:11
ajmitchrather than several a day08:11
LaserJockI've had to cut way back on soda because my teeth are really bad08:11
StevenKimbrandon: A case is 24 375ml cans?08:11
imbrandonStevenK, yea08:11
Hobbsee9L.  strike!08:11
StevenKThat's 9L08:12
=== StevenK high fives Hobbsee
HobbseeStevenK: :D08:12
ajmitchStevenK: yes, that's quite insane08:12
imbrandoni drink the hell outa mt dew ;)08:12
HobbseeStevenK: clearly you havent seen the picture08:12
ajmitchHobbsee: I haven't08:12
=== nixternal is watching "Customer Centric Web Decision Making" video
StevenKimbrandon: Do you have a direct sales line to PepsiCo or something?08:12
imbrandonlol no i wish, i tried to get them to put a machine in my house08:13
Hobbseeajmitch: StevenK http://buntudot.org/people/~imbrandon/misc/mt_dew.jpg08:13
imbrandonthey said no08:13
Hobbseeimbrandon: and please remove that terrible, evil hackergotchi of me08:13
nixternaland that was empty08:13
=== StevenK twitches
ajmitchooh, hackergotchi?08:13
StevenKOhhh, Hobbsee has a hackergotchi?08:13
=== ajmitch has to see!
=== StevenK too
Hobbseeit's very crap, so for all intents and purposes i dont.08:13
ajmitchfound it!08:14
StevenKajmitch: Share!08:14
LaserJockajmitch: where08:14
=== Hobbsee attacks ajmitch with her long pointy stick of doom
ajmitchamazing, all her hair is chopped off in this :)08:14
Hobbseethey stole my hair :(08:14
Hobbseeyeah :(08:14
=== Hobbsee notes that elkbuntu's hackergotchi is slightly better.
Hobbseedoesnt look so weird08:14
ajmitchHobbsee: don't worry, I haven't shared the photos from when I was visiting :)08:14
Hobbseeajmitch: you'd better not.  i know where you live, remember08:15
imbrandonheh i dident move it in time08:15
LaserJockHobbsee: what's elkbuntu's name?08:15
ajmitchHobbsee: vaguely08:15
ajmitchLaserJock: melissa draper08:15
Hobbseeand i know where you'll be in january08:15
imbrandonLaserJock, melissa drapper08:15
HobbseeLaserJock: melissa08:15
ajmitchHobbsee: you know where I *might* be in january08:15
cypher1_Hobbsee, hi!08:15
Hobbseeajmitch: pia will eat you alive if you dotn come, i expect08:15
Hobbseehi cypher1_08:15
imbrandonHobbsee, you really want me to remove it ?08:16
imbrandonheya elky !!08:16
Hobbseeimbrandon: yes please08:16
ajmitchHobbsee: fine - pay for my flights & arrange time off work for me08:16
imbrandonHobbsee, gone08:16
=== StevenK scps it back.
LaserJockcome on, I haven't seen it yet08:16
imbrandoncrap i forgot about all my junk on buntudot.org/people/....08:17
StevenKToo late!08:17
zakamehi all08:17
Hobbseeimbrandon: yay :)08:17
Hobbseeimbrandon: hehe08:17
=== Hobbsee huggles elkbuntu
LaserJockah I didn't relate elkubuntu = melissa drapper, cool08:17
Hobbseeajmitch: hmmm08:17
imbrandonLaserJock, yup and be nice or she'll poke you with a Hobbsee stick at MTV08:17
=== Hobbsee wont be at MTV
zakameHobbsee stck?08:18
=== StevenK saves Hobbsee's hackergotchi for blackma^Wbargaining.
=== Hobbsee really knows where StevenK lives.
Hobbseezakame: my long pointy stick of doom08:18
StevenKnixternal: This doesn't suprise me, given what imbrandon drinks.08:18
imbrandonnixternal, yea thats old ( as with the rest of the stuff there )08:18
nixternali remember when you did that08:18
LaserJockelkbuntu: thanks for the planet post on the survey, I hadn't noticed it before :-)08:19
nixternalhe drinks mt. dew, not lsd08:19
Hobbseeisnt that theme terrible!08:19
zakameHobbsee: ooh, a very loong stick I imagine :P08:19
imbrandoni need to just rm -rf it as i use imbrandon,com more nowe08:19
elkbuntuLaserJock, heh. yeah.. i was sort of a bit late with doing that :(08:19
ajmitchHobbsee: you don't really know where I live, btw08:20
ajmitchhello elkbuntu08:20
Hobbseeajmitch: more that i dont remember08:20
Hobbseezakame: and *very* pointy08:20
ajmitcheither one works08:20
Hobbseetrue that08:20
elkbuntuHobbsee, you could at least let me see your hackergotchi :(08:20
Hobbseeelkbuntu: i thought they posted a link08:21
Hobbseeoh, i'ts gone now08:21
=== StevenK lala's quietly.
imbrandonHobbsee, you said for me to remove it08:21
imbrandonso i did08:21
Hobbseeimbrandon: yay :)08:22
imbrandonsilly goose08:22
=== Hobbsee ignores StevenK
=== matid [n=matid@ubuntu/member/matid] has joined #ubuntu-motu
imbrandonbut i bet StevenK or ajmitch has a copy08:22
ajmitchI don't08:22
StevenK-rw-r--r-- 1 steven users 17K 2006-10-22 16:17 hobbsee_gotchi.png08:22
StevenKNope. :-P08:22
imbrandonimbrandon@gobstopper:~/public/misc$ mv hobbsee_gotchi.png h.c08:22
imbrandonimbrandon@gobstopper:~/public/misc$ rm h.c08:22
imbrandoni need to make her a better one "with hair"08:23
FujitsuI for some reason get the feeling that Kontact isn't great at handling large amounts of mail...08:23
Hobbseeimbrandon: indeed.08:23
LaserJockimbrandon: do the same for me, ok? :-)08:23
imbrandonFujitsu, i have about 10k message in kontact08:23
FujitsuI tried to delete 40000 messages from an IMAP server in the US, and it sort of hung everything for 15 minutes until I killed it.08:23
imbrandonLaserJock, send me a pic and i'll happily make one, i like makin gotchi's08:24
Fujitsu(these are mail archives going several years back, so there's a lot)08:24
imbrandonFujitsu, kontact != imap unless your on kde 3.5.508:24
imbrandonand even then its iffy08:24
LaserJockimbrandon: have you seen mine on planet? it's pretty bad08:25
FujitsuIt works fine!08:25
Fujitsu(running Edgy, not sure which KDE)08:25
FujitsuLaserJock, not too bad.08:25
imbrandonFujitsu, are you in koversation right now ?08:25
Fujitsuimbrandon, XChat.08:25
imbrandontype /kdeinfo if so08:25
=== imbrandon looks what kdeinfo runs
Fujitsu3.5.5, it is.08:26
imbrandonif you updated edgy its 3.5.508:26
FujitsuIs the default Kubuntu window border theme meant to look pretty much identical to Luna?08:27
HobbseeFujitsu: not that i know of08:27
imbrandonand it really dosent08:27
imbrandonactualy i think the default windeco for edgy looks alot like ubuntulooks in gnome08:29
imbrandonnow if you want luna , i do have an exact copy ;) Hobbsee can tell you08:30
FujitsuIt does look a fair bit like Luna!08:30
=== Hobbsee pukes intead
=== Hobbsee pukes instead
ajmitchimbrandon: you're nuts08:30
FujitsuGood Hobbsee.08:30
StevenKimbrandon: Repeat after me, "window decoration"08:31
StevenKimbrandon: I had to read 'windeco' three times before I figured what the hell you were trying to say.08:31
imbrandonStevenK, heh08:31
LaserJockwhat's the best "OS X dock" like app for KDE?08:31
ajmitchimbrandon: next you'll be using beryl with all the vista clone themes08:31
StevenKWith a Care Bears background.08:31
imbrandonnah i hate the way vista looks08:31
imbrandonand i need a better vid card for beryl , its slow on my comp right now08:32
FujitsuCrystal looks to be an OK-looking not-Luna-like window decoration set... Much better.08:34
imbrandoncrystal is the default silly08:35
FujitsuIs it? It wasn't for me. :S08:35
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LaserJockwell, after a couple hours of fiddling around, my KDE desktop look completely stupid08:56
imbrandonhere is my "defaut" desktop http://www.imbrandon.com/misc/katapult.png08:58
imbrandonnot too bad looking for my tastes09:01
crimsunthat's the default theme?09:01
imbrandonno, just the desktop i keep most of the time09:02
imbrandonits default + oxgyen icons + blue color ( not purple )09:02
crimsunyeah, I thought the default was purplish09:02
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ajmitchimbrandon: that's the oxygen folder icon?09:08
imbrandonajmitch, yea09:08
imbrandonwell one of them, there are many colord ones09:09
imbrandonugh trying to do a clean checkout right now of them and build a new set09:10
=== ajmitch don't like it
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imbrandonanything interesting on the jabber/irc thing on -devel or can i mark it all as read09:26
Plugimbrandon: "hello from NZ" ;)09:27
imbrandonPlug, ;)09:28
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Hobbseeimbrandon: nope09:35
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crimsunajmitch: permission to apply http://tiber.tauware.de/~crimsun/whereami/whereami_0.3.28ubuntu1.debdiff and upload?09:46
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ajmitchcrimsun: aye09:54
crimsunajmitch: thanks09:54
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imbrandoncrimsun, how can i find out what my alsa "device" is ( e.g its wanting something like plughw:0,2 )09:57
crimsunimbrandon: not sure what you're asking. What do you need the virtual device for?09:58
imbrandonfor darkice ( an icecast2 config )09:58
crimsunimbrandon: is darkice alsa-aware now?09:59
imbrandonquote :09:59
imbrandonNow, you have to edit darkice.cfg. In the [Input]  section, you have to choose a device. If you are using OSS, device will look like "/dev/sound/dsp". If you are using Alsa, "device" will look09:59
imbrandon$ve and I have to set "device" to "plughw:0,2" to capture the sound from the SBLive.09:59
imbrandonyea i guess so09:59
crimsuncat /proc/asound/cards09:59
imbrandon 0 [I82801DBICH4   ] : ICH4 - Intel 82801DB-ICH410:00
imbrandon                      Intel 82801DB-ICH4 with ALC658D at 0xee081000, irq 13710:00
crimsunplughw:0,2 is almost certainly incorrect for a default; you would want plughw:0,0 then10:00
crimsunyou can check from the output of ``cat /proc/asound/devices''10:00
ubotupastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (you can always find it in the channel topic, among other useful things)10:01
imbrandoncrimsun, http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/27764/10:02
imbrandonlook right ?>10:02
imbrandonfor 0,010:02
crimsunbe aware that explicitly specifying a non-dmix/dsnoop/asym virtual device will prevent dmix/dsnoop/asym from working. For your hardware, you'll then only be able to hear one pcm source at a time.10:02
imbrandonwell this "howto" i'm following says i can play amarok to darkice and stream it to my icecast server10:03
crimsunyou just won't be able to hear anything from your icecast server if it's all on the same machine ;)10:03
imbrandonnah its a diffrent machine10:03
imbrandononly amarok and darkice are local10:03
crimsun(if you were pressed to run it all on the same machine, you could use plug:asym)10:04
imbrandonwell ultimately i want to use my mic to "dj" at the same time10:04
imbrandonwill that give me issues ?10:04
crimsunhow much money are you willing to spend on an extra sound card?10:04
imbrandonheh i have one or two laying arround if it only take a secondf card, if it takes an expensive card i'll look into other options10:05
crimsunthen no, you won't have issues ;)10:05
imbrandonso it will take 2 cards to do voice and music ?10:05
imbrandoni have a cheap sb16 laying arround somewhere10:06
crimsunwith the integrated sound hardware in that machine, yes10:06
imbrandoni hope its not isa heh10:06
crimsunsb16 is nearly certainly ISA10:06
crimsun(at least I've not seen a PCI sb16)10:06
imbrandonprobably my luck10:06
imbrandonhold on lemme dig in my pile of parts10:06
imbrandonand see what i have10:07
imbrandonugh yea i have 2 but both are isa10:07
imbrandon( and no isa slots heh )10:07
imbrandonoh well i'll worry about the voice later10:08
crimsunyou can always use plug:asym10:08
crimsunyou may run into sync issues10:08
imbrandonif i use plug:asym will it let me do both with the built in stuff ?10:08
PlugI'd rather if you didn't use me :asym ;)10:08
crimsunimbrandon: yes, with the above caveat10:09
crimsunPlug: unfortunately the syntax is fixed, sorry10:09
=== Zdra [n=zdra@122.236-242-81.adsl-dyn.isp.belgacom.be] has joined #ubuntu-motu
imbrandonworth a try , i'm just messing arround becouse someone in -offtopic said it couldent be done in linux10:09
imbrandonand wants to run windows to "dj"10:09
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imbrandonso i'm proving him wrong hopefully10:10
crimsunoh it can be done; I've done it. It just becomes exponentially painful for hardware that doesn't support native pcm multiplexing.10:10
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Gloubiboulgaajmitch, is it ok to upload a new texmaker with this changes : http://librarian.launchpad.net/4919063/debdiff ?10:20
Gloubiboulgait fixes a FTBFS10:21
imbrandonhum crimsun you ever used darkice? have time to help me or busy ?10:23
crimsunimbrandon: I used ices2 and icecast10:23
imbrandonwell i ahve those installed10:23
crimsunnot familiar w/ darkice tbh10:23
imbrandone.g. ices2 but how can i stream from amarok to ices2 ?10:23
imbrandon( or any music app )10:23
crimsunI used ogg123's and mpg321's stdout combined with ices2's stdin10:24
imbrandoni dont really care about the app if i can get it working heh10:24
ajmitchGloubiboulga: yes - drop a blank line from the changelog though10:33
ajmitchwouldn't surprise me if soyuz choked on it ;)10:33
Gloubiboulgaajmitch, sure, thanks10:33
imbrandonahh i narrowed it down [2006-10-22  03:32:50]  EROR input-alsa/alsa_open_module Failed to open audio device plughw:0,0: Device or resource busy10:34
crimsunimbrandon: right, with your sound hardware it'd be exclusive10:34
imbrandonso i have to turn off kde sounds ? then how can i play amarok10:35
imbrandonhum /me is puzzled10:35
crimsunimbrandon: what's hogging the device?  [lsof /dev/dsp* /dev/snd/* ] 10:36
imbrandonlooks like mostly artsd10:38
imbrandoni thought kde dident use arts anymore ?10:38
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crimsunarts remains a dependency of kubuntu-desktop according to apt-cache(8) show10:39
crimsun(hey, aren't you a Kubuntu guy anyway? ;-)10:40
imbrandonhaha yea but i thought we removed it10:40
imbrandonman i hate sounds systems ( mostly becouse i dont understand them )10:41
crimsunah, ices2 is using /dev/dsp10:41
imbrandoni guesss thats sometihng i should brush up on10:41
crimsunoss emulation is exclusive, just like specifying plughw:X,Y10:41
crimsunyeah, I'm writing a spec for that upon sabdfl's req10:41
imbrandonahh i killed ices2 and it killed all the atrsd too10:42
imbrandongood nowe only kmix has it10:42
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crimsunI suppose you could set arts's timeout to 1 second10:42
imbrandonbrandon@horatio:~/bin$ lsof /dev/dsp* /dev/snd/*10:42
imbrandonkmix    5426 brandon   11u   CHR  116,9      8206 /dev/snd/controlC010:42
crimsun(well, artsd's)10:42
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imbrandonohhh i think its working, me checks10:43
imbrandonwell its working BUT now when i try to play with amarok its busy10:43
crimsunhere's another kludge: Wrap ices2 with aoss (from 'alsa-oss')10:44
crimsunthat's one thing that Windows does nicely (kernel mixing)10:44
imbrandonok trying that now, i have a script that starts ices2 anyhow, i just need to modify it10:44
crimsunwow, mpg123 actually got 0.61 out10:46
imbrandonplughw:asym or plug:asym ?10:48
imbrandonhum it cant find that one10:49
imbrandon[2006-10-22  03:48:26]  EROR input-alsa/alsa_open_module Failed to open audio device plug:asym: No such file or directory10:49
imbrandonyea i definatly want to sit in on your spec, this stuff needs to be easier10:49
imbrandonbrb i'10:50
imbrandonm a get some food10:50
crimsunimbrandon: just use the oss device for ices2 and wrap it with aoss when you invoke it10:50
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imbrandoncrimsun, rockin that worked10:59
imbrandonwell i think it did10:59
imbrandonits streaming something10:59
imbrandoni assume its what i'm playing11:00
imbrandonanyone wanna test out the ogg stream http://federation.imbrandon.com:8000/test/high.ogg.m3u to see if i got it right ?11:00
crimsunany chance of running that on :80 ?11:00
imbrandonsure, give me a minute to restart it and shutdown apache11:01
imbrandongah something isnt right11:06
imbrandonbrandon@enterprise:~$ sudo /etc/init.d/apache2 stop11:07
imbrandon * Stopping apache 2.0 web server...                                                                                                                                                             [ ok ] 11:08
imbrandonbrandon@enterprise:~$ sudo /etc/init.d/icecast2 start11:08
imbrandonStarting icecast2: Starting icecast211:08
imbrandonDetaching from the console11:08
imbrandonCould not create listener socket on port 8011:08
imbrandonServer startup failed. Exiting11:08
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crimsunare you sure nothing's listening on tcp/80 ?11:09
imbrandonnot sure, afaik apache was the only thing running on it11:10
crimsun# netstat -ntlp |grep :8011:10
crimsunI'm trying to remember if you have to adjust the port in both conffiles (ices2 and icecast2)11:12
imbrandonyea you do, but enterprise is a seperate computer11:12
imbrandoni have ices2 running localy and icecast2 running on enterprise11:13
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crimsunI don't have the documentation in front of me, but it should be a conffile issue.11:14
imbrandonkk i'll look a bit more11:14
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phanatichey crimsun11:32
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seaLnehow do i request a package rebuild?12:04
seaLnemultisync was built against an old version of libpisock-dev12:05
minghuaseaLne: and what's the consequence?  multisync not installable?  not working?12:11
seaLnenot installable12:12
geserseaLne: is libpisock9 available on all archs? the last time I looked there were problems with building12:13
minghua!info libpisock912:13
ubotuPackage libpisock9 does not exist in any distro I know12:13
crimsun(add 'edgy')12:13
minghua!info libpisock9 edgy12:14
ubotulibpisock9: library for communicating with a PalmOS PDA. In component main, is optional. Version 0.12.1-5 (edgy), package size 99 kB, installed size 264 kB12:14
seaLnelibmultisync-plugin-palm depends libpisock8 which isn't in edgy i386 anyway12:14
minghuaseaLne: multisync was rebuilt on September 18th, the new version is 0.82-6.1build1, what is your version?12:14
minghuacrimsun: thanks for the tip12:15
seaLne0.82-6.1build1 :)12:15
minghuaokay, let's dig deeper then12:15
minghuaseaLne: how?  0.82-6.1build1 FTBFS on all arches12:16
seaLneah sorry no build112:16
seaLnei should read more carefully sorry12:16
minghuaokay, that makes sense12:17
seaLneso the build1 should have fixed this?12:17
seaLneexcept for you saying libpisock9 not building12:17
minghuaseaLne: so multisync was sent to be rebuilt, but the building failed.  part of the failed log is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/27785/, do you have any idea how to fix it?12:20
seaLnejust trying to build it just now12:20
seaLneyeah still fails12:21
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minghualibpisock9 looks okay to me12:21
minghua(it wasn't me that says libpisock9 falied to build)12:22
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seaLneok libpisock9 seems to exist fine, libpisock-dev installed ok for pbuilder to try to use12:23
minghuabug 6752012:25
UbugtuMalone bug 67520 in multisync "[UNMETDEPS]  libmultisync-plugin-palm broken depends" [Undecided,Unconfirmed]  http://launchpad.net/bugs/6752012:25
minghuaseaLne: post your discoveries in that bug, and then come here and ask a MOTU to do the upload for you12:26
cbx333do we know about this bug https://launchpad.net/distros/ubuntu/+source/nautilus/+bug/6751712:27
=== minghua feels guilty to add one more bug to the unmet-dependency list, instead of removing one :-P
UbugtuMalone bug 67517 in nautilus "Multiple windows of home loaded for no reason" [Undecided,Confirmed] 12:27
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seaLneminghua: ok, i'll have a poke12:34
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Fujitsuminghua, multisync was removed from testing a while back, because nobody ended up fixing it to work with libpisock9.12:39
Fujitsu(I was looking at it this morning)12:39
minghuaFujitsu: add that to bug #67520, would you?12:40
UbugtuMalone bug 67520 in multisync "[UNMETDEPS]  libmultisync-plugin-palm broken depends" [Undecided,Unconfirmed]  http://launchpad.net/bugs/6752012:40
FujitsuI thought I did, but apparently not.12:40
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minghuamaybe because it wasn't in the [UNMETDEPS]  list in the topic (I just changed the title)12:42
seaLneFujitsu: do you know anymore about it or just that it dosen't work with 9?12:42
FujitsuseaLne, there are API changes which break things, I didn't look into it in detail.12:42
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sivanghi folks01:10
herzihub: ping01:10
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pirastsivang, hi01:16
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pirastsivang, fpc was bootstrapped now :-)01:17
pirastsivang, ping me when you are back01:20
seaLnelure sync in kontact seems to have a similar problem to knode01:23
seaLneLure: i previously had kitchensync installed tho so not sure if it would have had an icon in kontact if it had never been installed, as my kontact settings in my home are from previous installs01:25
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crimsunseaLne: do you have time to review and test http://tiber.tauware.de/~crimsun/multisync/multisync_0.82-6.1ubuntu1.debdiff ?01:30
crimsunseaLne: it compiles, but I lack hardware on which to test.01:30
crimsunusual disclaimer: Please make a complete backup first, etc.01:31
seaLnemultisync seems a mess the source dosen't even build on its own01:32
crimsunit's disgusting01:32
minghuacrimsun: you dropped == -1 from the pi_bind() call, intentional?01:32
crimsunminghua: yes01:32
minghuacrimsun: cool, just asking :-)01:33
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seaLnei think multisync should be removed soon anyway as opensync is supposed to replace it01:33
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crimsunick, no, that's not good01:35
crimsunminghua: good catch01:35
seaLnecrimsun: and i just restored my palm after kpilot lost all my todo and cal contents which was why this all started, ohwell :)01:35
crimsunseaLne: (new debdiff posted)01:38
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seaLnesame url?01:39
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crimsunseaLne: yep01:40
imbrandon_ugh i giveup for tonight, this sound stuff shouldent be this hard01:41
crimsunwhat's the problem?01:42
imbrandon_well i have it streaming , but its not picking up from anything01:42
crimsunok, and you're wrapping ices2 with aoss?01:42
crimsund'oh, that's the cause.01:42
imbrandon_and i tried it on plug:dsnoop too01:43
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crimsunnah, if you're going to use alsa you need to use plughw:0,001:43
crimsunif you're going to use /dev/dsp you shouldn't wrap it with aoss01:43
crimsun(I suppose it's another victim)01:44
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imbrandon_wow ircII you can only join one channel?01:46
imbrandon_oh well01:46
crimsunno, you can join multiple01:48
crimsunhence why clients like bx were scripted (multiple buffers)01:48
crimsunotherwise you have to create all the separate buffers and do the /joins yourself01:49
Nafalloajmitch: I have bug #65788 with XEN ;-)01:51
UbugtuMalone bug 65788 in xen-source-2.6.17 "Hangs at boot on AMD64" [Undecided,Needs info]  http://launchpad.net/bugs/6578801:51
imbrandon_well i and using old old ircII atm so i guess i have too01:52
imbrandon_and its late late01:52
imbrandon_gnight all01:52
imbrandon_thanks crimsun for all yhour help01:52
sivangpirast: hey, cool, just read backlog01:52
seaLnecrimsun: crashes on sync01:57
crimsunseaLne: ok, then that's a known issue01:57
seaLneseg fault01:58
crimsunyeah, it's doing nasty things with pointers01:58
seaLnecrimsun: http://stuff.duffus.org/tmp/multisync.txt <- strace02:00
crimsunvalgrind would be more effective02:01
seaLnenot used valgrind before02:02
pirastsivang, yeah02:03
pirastsivang, do you know if fpc is recompiled automatically now?02:03
sivangpirast: I would say it needs a give-back from a builld admin02:04
pirastsivang, ok, will you ask? after fpc is available they need to  give-back libhdate02:05
sivangpirast: yes, which is needed for user-he as well ;)02:05
pirastsivang, parallely user-he should be synced from debian02:06
pirastyeah, user-he depends on libhdate and libhdate depends on fpc-compiler02:06
sivangpirast:  could you file a sync request for that and subscrive ubuntu-archive ?02:06
seaLnecrimsun: http://stuff.duffus.org/tmp/multisync-valgrind.2068302:06
pirastsivang, don't we need an uvf exception?02:06
sivangpirast: you can file it and say it required UVF expection, mention the good reasons for the sync request, and subscribe ajmitch or dholbach or siretart  to it02:07
pirastsivang, that'd probably a long procedure, i do not really know if it would be easier to change the depends of user-he.. but we would have to make sure that it is synced again from debian at edgy+102:07
pirastsivang, we can use the unmetdeps one for the sync request :-) i did 5 or so in the edgy release cycle :-)02:08
sivangpirast: sure thing, if the unmetdeps gets fixed by syncing, I see no reason why02:08
sivang(it's effectivly good as a bug fix which the universe uvf team said they all are happy to accept)02:09
pirastsivang, k02:09
sivangpirast: btw, why does a sync is only needed to fix user-he?02:10
pirastsivang, it's not just the sync02:10
pirastsivang, the sync would fix the depends on the language pack02:10
sivangpirast: oh, please, elaborate :)02:10
sivangokay, that's a starters02:10
pirastsivang, and parallely we have to fix libhdate02:11
sivangokay, user-he is anyways broken now, so even if we sync it and it doesn't get fixed, we still are in the same state we were before,02:12
sivangmeaning no regression which is okay02:12
sivangso we should start by syncing and then try to fix02:12
sivangI'll file a sync request then02:13
pirastmhm i was doing it.. but feel free to do02:13
sivangah, then no need for me to repeat. thanks! :)02:14
pirastsivang, lol.02:14
pirastthey updated the package again at debian02:14
pirastand now it depends on firefox-locale-he again02:15
sivanguh-ha, interesting.02:15
pirastsivang, yeah..02:15
pirastwe have mozilla-firefox-locale-he-il and it's installable02:16
pirastdo you want do prepare a debdiff or shall i?02:16
sivangpirast: I don't mind if you want to, just let me know what you prefer.02:17
crimsunseaLne: I'm pretty tired, and it's 8:17 AM. I'll try to look later this evening.02:18
sivanghi crimsun02:18
pirastsivang, i dont mind either.. but a little bit practise would be great for me since i am making preparing debdiffs since 2 weeks :-)02:19
sivangpirast: sure thing go ahead02:20
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pirastsivang, debdiff attached in bug report02:26
sivangpirast: cool, are you able to upload btw?02:27
pirastsivang, nope.. you have to :-(02:27
sivangpirast: ah , okay, let's see02:28
sivangpirast: hmm, seems the issue is more complicated then what we thought and will require further consideration,02:45
pirastsivang, whats wrong?02:45
sivangpirast: the firefox locale package you've suggested in your debdiff is actually a dummy empty one02:45
sivangDescription: Transitional package for unavailable language02:45
sivang This is an empty transitional package to ensure a clean upgrade02:45
sivang process. You can safely remove this package after installation.02:45
sivang .02:45
sivang This language is unavailable for the current Firefox version.02:45
pirastsivang, umg.02:46
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pirastsivang, but since ubuntu does not ship with one it is probably the best to let it depend on it02:46
pirastor to remove the depends..02:46
sivangpirast: I'm thinking to remove the dependends which a thorugh explenation in the changelog02:46
pirastsivang, yeah but depending it on a dummy package is not that bad, also..02:47
pirastwhen the translation gets available, it works02:47
sivangI don't see the point in having the depends if they don't serve any purpose..:-/ or maybe we should leave it for when the pakcages do get contnet someday?02:47
pirasti think so02:47
sivangpirast: if this is the purpose of those packages, it was slipped out of the description. the description clealry states that they are dummy ones and you can safely remove them after an upgrade02:48
sivangpirast: okay, let's leave it with the dependency on the dummy package then, not sure if I have a better idea.02:48
pirastsivang, k02:49
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tuxmaniacSeveas> ping03:33
gnomefreakanyone know if there is a reason /etc/ /boot/ and the rest are hidden files?03:35
StevenKThere's 3 ada packages I've fixed unmet dependancies on.03:41
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Q-FUNKshould we host "Debian tools for the RPM refugee" sessions, in response?04:04
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pirastStevenK, still here?05:10
pirastStevenK, when you are re, could you please look what is wrong with the enigmail build? launchpad says "0.9x-20061010-1ubuntu1" at my profile.. but when i view builds i don't see it: https://launchpad.net/distros/ubuntu/edgy/+source/enigmail-locales/+builds?build_state=all05:13
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markdrago I found a bug in an ubuntu package and would like to contribute a patch.  I'm wondering how I can access ubuntu package sources from source control.  Anyone able to help?05:48
rmjbmarkdrago: "apt-get source <packagename>" might be a good place to start05:50
markdragormjb: thanks05:50
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rmjbAnyone seen Laserjock?05:57
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rmjbhello anyone, it's advised not to change the source tarball, but if the source does not extract into a <package>-<version> directory format is it okay then?06:38
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shawarmarmjb: Yes, that should be fine.06:51
shawarmarmjb: Er.. no.06:51
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shawarmarmjb: heh... I misread your question.06:51
rmjbthe package I'm working with, the source tarball extracts to <package>/<version>06:52
shawarmarmjb: Don't change the original source. dpkg-deb will unpack it in a sane way for you.06:52
shawarmarmjb: The only valid reason for changing the original source tar ball is if it's in .zip format or something (we don't support that) or if the source contains things we cannot distribute without violating either our own guidelines or upstream's ditto.06:53
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Nafalloshawarma: or if it contains non-dfsg material :-)07:05
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shawarmaNafallo: Yes. That's what the "if the source contains things we cannot..." bit meant. :-)07:07
giskardor if it ships (already package) libXXXX/ in the tar.gz07:08
shawarmagiskard: Er.. no.07:08
giskardshawarma: why not? i did so for somplayer07:08
shawarmagiskard: So the orig.tar.gz for mplayer is not the original source?07:09
giskardhello nafallo :)07:09
Nafallogiskard: just don't build that dir :-)07:09
Nafallohi giskard :-)07:09
giskardshawarma: i don't know how is made the maplayer package :( sorry.07:09
giskardNafallo: nah, not so easy :(07:09
shawarmagiskard: I just assumed "somplayer" was a typo and you meant "mplayer". What is somplayer?07:10
Nafallogiskard: works for the mplayer source ;-)07:10
giskardNafallo: upstream ships also gettext source07:10
giskardshawarma: a stupid audio player.07:10
Nafallotell them to stop being stupid then? :-)07:10
giskardshawarma: somasuite.org07:10
shawarmagiskard: So the orig.tar.gz for somplayer is not the original source?07:10
Nafalloor patch the buildsystem :-)07:10
giskardshawarma: no07:10
giskardat last the one in Debian.07:10
shawarmagiskard: Blimey. I'd definitely consider that a bug. An RC one, even.07:11
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giskardshawarma: why you are considering that a RC bug?07:12
shawarmagiskard: Because the integrity of the source has been hosed.07:12
giskard(ah, probably i didn't say that the tarball name was renamed)07:12
shawarmagiskard: Oh, that's quite alright.07:12
shawarmagiskard: It's only got to do with the contents.07:12
shawarmagiskard: Of the contents of the original source has been altered, THAT would be a bug.07:13
giskardshawarma: i don't think so :) btw, feel free to open a bug on the Debian bts and on LP :)07:14
shawarmagiskard: I will. :-)07:14
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sivangpirast: I uploaded your changes :)07:22
pirastsivang, great :-)07:22
rmjbit's not a problem if the source tarball is in bz2 format instead of gz right?07:29
shawarmarmjb: I actually think it is.07:29
rmjbI think I picked a troublesome package to work on as my first :(07:30
shawarmarmjb: Just checked. It has to be in gzip format.07:32
shawarmarmjb: In that case, it's quite alright to simply recompress it to gzip.07:33
Nafallobut dpkg supports bz2 :-)07:33
shawarmaNafallo: It does? Well, in that case I'm not sure.07:34
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cbx33Hi guys, I had an idea, but not sure if it already exists, or if people would want it....it would be on an opt in only basis, basically.....when a source pacakge is updated a message is sent out to the maintainer of packages that depend on it, informing them, so they can test for breakages.  That was some people who made a package a while ago, will be informed when their package may break?07:38
cbx33good idea or am I just talking rubbish?07:38
rmjbcbx33: check this http://www.debian.org/doc/manuals/maint-guide/ch-dother.en.html#s-watch07:39
cbx33could possibly do with an update to that...07:40
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rmjb/usr/bin/install: cannot create regular file `/usr/share/man/man8/dmraid.8': Permission denied08:23
rmjbwhy would I get this when testing with pbuildre?08:23
Gloubiboulgabecause you need to install the file in 'debian/<package>/usr/share/man/man8/dmraid.8', not on the system08:27
rmjbokay then... what's weird is I'm updating an existing package... using the same debian directory, just updating the upstream tarball, changelog and one or two other little files08:30
rmjbI'll look into it though08:30
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giskardLure: what about  https://launchpad.net/distros/ubuntu/+source/gnome-power-manager/+bug/6044209:20
UbugtuMalone bug 60442 in gnome-power "Dual / Two Batteries, shutdown on empty expansion battery. (GPM does not recognises second battery on hotplug)" [Unknown,Confirmed] 09:20
Luregiskard: not much to do for release - besides documenting workaround in release notes...09:20
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giskardLure: yes, i thought the same thing :(09:21
Luregiskard: I do not see the simple fix for it, as hal is reporting remaining_time which cannot be trusted and g-p-m action is depending on it09:22
giskardLure:  upstream said is fixed in cvs09:23
Luregiskard: good thing is that it is at least configurable - for kde (guidance-power-manager), we had to also improve a workaround which will hopefully get in before relesdr09:23
Luregiskard: not really - they just changed some minor issues that were found with code review09:24
Luregiskard: both are clear issues, but with less visible side effect (only notification at wrong time) and not causing auto action09:25
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giskardLure: uhm. so the problem is in Hal and not in GP, right?09:25
Luregiskard: hal or acpi quirks - it might be the later, but hal should handle it better09:26
giskardLure: thank you.09:28
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CarlFKStevenK: you said you were the last to touch spe.deb - should I report dpkg-buildpackage issues to you or who?10:42
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Nafallozul: hi. any idea about bug 6578812:03
UbugtuMalone bug 65788 in xen-source-2.6.17 "Hangs at boot on AMD64" [Undecided,Needs info]  http://launchpad.net/bugs/6578812:03

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