
YoGTPGO: btw, both of the also give me: "umount: /dev/sda2 is not mounted (according to mtab)"12:01
dcordeswhere can i set which volume is controled by the hotkeys of my keyboard?12:01
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AsheDhas anybody here used the id3v2 command?12:01
elfrangernoone has12:01
conreytseb--: it's in /etc/network/interfaces12:01
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Buzzygirlanyone here using Edgy now?12:02
LjL!edgy > buzzygirl12:02
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johnny__in this statement "in order to install ndiswrapper you need a copy the windows drivers for your Wireless ethernet device" do i need to download the latest driver for my wireless card or ar there actually "windows drivers" that i need???12:02
dbmerkLjL: Can you help answer an install question?12:02
dcordesBuzzygirl: i think there are many people here who do. but if you want to discuss edgy related things better go to #ubuntu+112:02
ubotuDon't ask to ask a question. Just ask your question :)12:02
seb--conreyt: thanks12:03
dbmerki did already12:03
dbmerkis there a way to force bad block checking when formatting a hard drive? My install is failing when copying files at the same point (70%) no matter the underlying file system (reiserfs or ext3)12:03
YoGTPGO: are you still here?12:03
conreytseb--: no problem :)12:03
TGPOYoG: here now12:03
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johnny__anyone plz?12:03
YoGTPGO: I get "umount: /dev/sda2 is not mounted (according to mtab)"12:03
BuzzygirlI don't use Edgy yet, just wondering if many Ubuntu users do12:03
{_-IcE-_}talisein: tnx man, managed to solve problem now :)12:04
BuzzygirlI like Dapper for now12:04
LjLdbmerk: "fsck -t ext3 -c" i guess12:04
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LjLdbmerk: err, that is "mkfs" not "fsck" ;)12:04
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TGPOjohnny__ before playing with ndiswrapper read the install guides on the wiki, repeatedly12:04
dbmerkljl: during the install? ok, how do i get to a shell?12:04
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LjLdbmerk: ctrl+alt+f212:05
dbmerkk, thankx12:05
gravesoni have a firefox extension that i cannot uninstall (unnstall button greyed out) - anyone has any ideason how i can do this12:05
YoGTPGO: I get "umount: /dev/sda2 is not mounted (according to mtab)"12:05
talisein{_-IcE-_}: great12:05
LjLdbmerk: what the mkfs.ext3 manpage says about the "-c" option is "Check the device for bad blocks before creating the file system.  If this option is specified twice, then a slower, read-write test is used instead of a fast read-only test"12:05
RMorris84Seveas: when im trying to put music on this thing now it says "there isnt enough space" but its 128mb and im just trying to put one mp3 on it12:05
dcordesBuzzygirl: i tried it. i noticed some small approvements in the apps. but there were a lot of problems like i couldn't install my VGA12:05
dcordesso i switched back to dapper12:05
{_-IcE-_}talisein: can you maybe suggest me a decent yet easy to setup webmail pls ?12:05
SeveasRMorris84, did you format it after messing around with cfdisk?12:05
RMorris84well i dunno12:06
LjLdbmerk: (or, for that matter, you could just launch a Gnome terminal, that's as good as a console)12:06
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SeveasRMorris84, then make sure you have ;)12:06
RMorris84can i do that with cfdisk?12:06
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YoGTPGO: actually, I don't even have /dev/sda1 or 2...12:07
axa-axaHi, does anyone know when should the next version of Ubuntu (Edgy Eft) be released?12:07
SeveasRMorris84, no12:07
LjL!schedule > axa-axa12:07
ubotuUbuntu uses a strict timetable for releases, which means that sometimes newly released programs miss the timetable. See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/TimeBasedReleases for more. Edgy schedule: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/EdgyReleaseSchedule12:07
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RMorris84Seveas: what do i need to use? Disks in admin?12:07
SeveasRMorris84, or the mkfs command12:08
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RMorris84Seveas: when i went into disks i see it there, and it says .83 mb free lol, but the option for format is greyed out...12:08
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yacoobis there a way to quickly check the contents of _upcoming_ release?12:09
blukhi there; i just copied a whole ubuntu partition from one HD to another (cp -a source_part dest_part). It works fine, except i can't see anymore the "graphical init" at bootup or shutdown; it's not critical, but i'd like to understand why12:09
TGPOYoG: your past my ability then, sorry12:09
dcordesSeveas: are you the guy with the repository?12:09
LjLyacoob: you mean check what packages are in Edgy?12:09
gravesoni have a firefox extension that i cannot uninstall (unnstall button greyed out) - anyone has any ideason how i can do this12:09
YoGTPGO: :-( thanx...12:09
yacoobLjL, yup.12:09
LjLyacoob: packages.ubuntu.com12:09
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YournameHow can I use apt-get to install a package from somewhere else?12:09
YournameBecause obviously, network mananger .6.2 is not helping me connect to WPA.12:10
yacoobLjL, thanks.12:10
YoGso i'm back to the begining.... can someone help me with usb wlan?12:10
YournameMy best best is .06.412:10
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LjLYourname: you don't. you use dpkg for that. and perhaps you *shouldn't*, since packages that were not intended for ubuntu might break your system12:10
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yacoobAnother thing I want to ask; when I leave sources.list as they are after installation, no new version will arrive, only security updates, right?12:10
YournameYoG: www.linuxant.org12:10
lealrealplayer 10 without sound...12:10
lealany tips?12:10
YournameLjL: Ok, so how else can I make this same 6.2 work with WPA2?12:10
yacoobWhat about universum and multiversum, are those "frozen" too for specific release, or are they a moving target?12:10
Yourname(My system has wpa_supplicant)12:10
blukYourname, theres a soft named "alien" which converts packages maybe you can get use of this12:11
LjLYourname: "dpkg -i <filename>" installs a package that you have downloaded, anyway. it does *not* install the required dependencies, though. you may install them manually, or use the "gdebi" package, which can do that automatically12:11
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YoGYourname: it's not a problem with setting up one...12:11
LjLYourname: as i told you, i have neither network-manager nor gnome nor wifi nor a clue. i'm just warning that third-party packages might break.12:11
YournameLjL: I downloaded the latest nm, and converted it to .deb using alien, and it didn't install properly.12:11
Em3raldLjL:  Unfortunately, I don't have the special "adapter" required for that.  I think I am going to have to find an audio out port from another machine (I have plenty of old hardware laying around) and wire it to the internal audio outputs.12:12
LjLthat doesn't surprise me in the least12:12
YoGcan someone help me with usb wlan locking up after a while?12:12
Willdoes anyone know where i can get the drivers for CS4236 sound card?12:12
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blukYoG, is the lock temporary or not?12:12
TGPOYoG; have you tried ifup/ifdown?12:12
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LjLEm3rald: couldn't you just buy one of those (cheap) "doubler" adapters?12:13
YoGbluk: until i remove and reinsert the dongle...12:13
Liuitihi hi12:13
YoGTPGO: doesn't work12:13
YournameIf someone can tell me, how to connect to WPA using nm 6.2... that's enough, lol12:13
lealso, realplayer 10 does not work on ubuntu?12:13
LjLEm3rald: you know, the ones that let two people use two headphones on the same walkman, and such things12:13
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sproingiea splitter12:14
YoGbluk, TPGO: the only thing that was remotely close to work is "rmmod uhci_hcd" followed by "insmod uhci_hcd"12:14
test_i am trying to save the grub menu.lst but i dont have write access. how do i save it as root?12:14
Em3raldYa, I suppose I could ... just thought there was a quick fix.12:14
YoGTPGO: or removing and inserting the dongle12:14
Liuitisomeone talk to me12:14
LjLLiuiti: hi.12:14
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Em3raldI live in a small town and such an adapter may not be readily available.12:14
tsolerhi to all12:14
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tsoleris anyone can help?12:14
Liuitihi where you from?12:14
YoGtsoler, what's the problem?12:15
Willdoes anyone know where i can get the drivers for CS4236 sound card?12:15
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tsolertried to customize my desktop12:15
lealsomebody can tell me if realplayer 10 works on ubuntu or not?12:15
blukYoG, not sure it will help; regularily, wlan devices scan available networks and in some cases (i've seen this problem happens on winxp but it might be more general) this can cause troubles (but i never heard about indefinite lock); you might try to disable autoscan, and see if it behaves differently12:15
YournameLjL: Ok, I installed the .deb file using gdebi. Now, how do I access it? Because I don';t see the applet, and so when I type 'nm' it says nm: 'a.out": No such file.12:15
tsolernow when i minimize firefox is gone12:15
K1765Can anyone tell me why it says "erroring reading boot cd"12:15
Em3raldtsoler:  can you alt-tab to it?12:15
TGPOleal: not every question has a known answer, try it and let us know12:16
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Em3raldleal:  Not sure off hand ....12:16
LjLYourname, i don't know. i never used network manager.12:16
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LiuitiHow i can modified the logon on my top pannel?12:16
Em3raldleal:  did you use Automatix to install real?12:16
YoGtsoler, no idea12:16
ubotuAutomatix is an unsupported script that tries to automate the installation of some software. We don't provide support for it in the #ubuntu or #kubuntu channels, try #automatix thanks!12:16
YoGbluk: who do i do that?12:16
tsoleralt tab works fine12:16
lealEm3rald: no, canonical repository.12:16
Em3raldtsoler:  is it possible that your resolution is gibbled so that your bottom bar is missing?12:16
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LiuitiHow i can modified the logon on my top pannel?12:16
blukYoG, no idea you will have to figure it out by yourself12:17
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heanol_sudo iwconfig wlan0 essid gein mode master12:17
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Em3raldleal:  realplayer can be a pain in Ubuntu because they don't really work very hard on making a working up-to-date version of it for the Linux world.  However, you might try searching for info on the ubuntuforums.org website forum.12:17
tsoleri didnt change resolution12:17
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heanol_should that be enough to make my computer act as an access point?12:17
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tsolerbut .. i removed the down panel12:17
blukbut if the delay between two scans seems the same delay that makes wlan locked, they are chances it is related12:17
snottlebockethey guys12:18
dbmerkljl: one more question - i have a terminal up as the ubuntu user.. try to su to root and need a password, what is the default password for root?12:18
Em3raldtsoler:  I believe you can add it back by right-clicking on the top one and adding the panel.12:18
lealEm3rald: ok, thanks.12:18
Em3raldleal good luck :D12:18
TGPOdbmerk, your normal password12:18
snottlebocketfirst time on ubuntu using the live cd ^^12:18
YoGbluk: I didn't know about this option at all, but i do have the same problem on windoze.. so maybe thats the solution12:18
dbmerkmy user password?12:18
test_how do i move a file?12:18
TGPOdbmerk, yes12:18
sloptest_, mv12:18
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blukYoG, wish you luck12:19
tsolerits not working emerald12:19
YoGbluk, thanx :-)12:19
Em3raldtsoler:  mmm ... hang on dude :D12:19
tsolerive i added a panel on the bottom12:19
TGPOicky, 20 more meg of dev files to d/l12:19
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profoX`Seveas: is falcon no available for edgy somewhere?12:19
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LiuitiHow i can modified the logon on my top pannel?12:20
Gumbylo all.  I am trying to figure out why samba isnt starting at boot time.  I have checked sysv-rc-conf and it shows it as starting in runlevels 2 through 5.  Am I missing something as to why it isnt starting at boot time?12:20
tsoleris there a reset button?12:20
Em3raldtsoler:  Okay, now you can "reconstruct" the bar I believe by "add to panel" and adding the appropriate things from the menu there.12:20
LjL!root > Em3rald12:20
blukwhy did the "graphical form" of init went away from my system after having transferred it between two HDs ?12:20
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TGPOLiuiti: you log in screen?12:20
LjLEm3rald: there is no password. use sudo.12:20
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tsoleryes i can add items but how do i keep firefox ?12:21
=== Em3rald is not looking for a password
ubotuedgy is the current development version of Ubuntu. Version 6.10, codename "Edgy Eft". For support head to #ubuntu+1. For its release schedule, see !schedule12:21
LjLEm3rald: whoops, i'm sorry. wrong nickname :-)12:21
ubotuUbuntu uses a strict timetable for releases, which means that sometimes newly released programs miss the timetable. See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/TimeBasedReleases for more. Edgy schedule: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/EdgyReleaseSchedule12:21
Em3raldLjL:  haha ... no problem :D12:21
YoGdoes anyone here knows how to disable wlan autoscan?12:21
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LjLdbmerk: use sudo, there is no root password12:21
test_how do i kill job 112:22
Em3raldtsoler:  Okay ... not entirely sure actually.  let me fuddle a bout for a second.12:22
test_jobs still shows job 1 after kill 112:22
TGPOLiuiti: go to the screen and on the bottom left there is an options button, you can change lots of things for it there12:22
blukor, more simple, how is the GUI version of init called/invoked ?12:22
Em3raldtsoler:  I am just messing with my own desktop to see if I can figure out whats up.12:22
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LjLtest_: "kill 1" will kill *process* number 1 (i.e. init), and not *job* number 112:22
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tsolerthanks emerald12:23
Em3raldNP dude :D12:23
shadowhywinddoes anyone know how to unzip 7zip?12:23
LjLtest_: i *think* it's "kill %1"12:23
tiredboneshow do I get the whole cd to play instead of just one track? I don't see anything in sound juicer that lets me do that.12:23
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K1765Anyone know what it says "error loading boot cd", the iso wasnt corrupt...ive done memtest, and everythin12:23
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ubotuFiles with extensions .tar, .gz, .tgz, .zip, .bz2, .7z, .ace and other archive file formats can be opened with file-roller (gnome) or ark (kde) - also see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FileCompression12:23
Em3raldtsoler:  Okay, I think the one you want is right-click on the appropriate bar (your new one) and add-to-panel, then ....12:23
snottlebocketdue to the lack of windows fonts on ubuntu a lot of websites are looking really crummy, can i just install fonts to fix that?12:24
test_thanks LjL12:24
Liuitibut i want to modified the logon ubuntu to logon apple12:24
Em3raldtsoler:  ... then go down to Window List and add that to the panel.12:24
K1765Anyone know what it says "error loading boot cd", the iso wasnt corrupt...ive done memtest, and everythin12:24
Em3raldtsoler:  This is assuming I understand your predicament lol.12:24
YoGdoes anyone here knows how to disable wlan autoscan?12:24
=== TGPO passes Liuiti the back the bong, you been hitting it a bit hard friend
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tsoleremerald where is that window list?12:25
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K1765Anyone know what it says "error loading boot cd", the iso wasnt corrupt...ive done memtest, and everythin12:25
mcphailsnottlebocket: there is a ms fonts package12:25
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shadowhywindark doesn't let me uncompress it any ideas?12:25
tsoleryou mean window selector??12:25
Em3raldShould be right to the left of that.12:25
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tonyyarussoDoes anyone know how to fix this?:  HP Pavilion dv4150us laptop; gets really hot and then the fan finally kicks in (hard), cools it off, and stops, rather than running more frequently or continuously at a lower speed.12:25
Liuitibut i don't understand how i do this12:25
YoGbluk: coming to think about it, the connection holds as long as there is now/little traffic on it, so if you say it should appear periodically, maybe thats not the problem?12:25
snottlebocketdoes ubuntu have a maximum screen resolution of only 1024?12:25
K1765Anyone know why it says "error loading boot cd", the iso wasnt corrupt...ive done memtest, and everythin, what could this mean?12:26
blukYoG, good point :-(12:26
TGPOK1765, did you perchance d/l the 64bit version and are trying to boot onto a 32bit comp? tried that once with horrific results12:26
Em3raldsnottlebocket:  no, but you may have to manually edit your xorg.conf file for that.  Its an annoyance, but I believe it may be fixed in the next release .... maybe.12:26
LjLshadowhywind: sudo apt-get install p7zip12:26
conreytsnottlebocket: nope12:26
YoGbluk: dang12:26
K1765Nope, I have the intel x86 version12:26
YoGbluk: I'm getting frustrated...12:26
snottlebocketfair enough, right now i'm just looking around using the live cd to see if ubuntu is for me12:26
shadowhywindthanks, i found the directions, hehe12:26
clearzenCould anyone tell me how to setup automatic backups of my laptop system/config files to my server?12:26
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dcordesclearzen: what kind of server do you have?12:27
Liuitisomebody help me?12:27
Em3raldsnottlebucket:  cool.  When you finally install it, do some searching on the ubuntuforums.org forum for specific instructions on how to do stuff like editing your xorg.conf file.  Super easy12:27
blukYoG, if you have the exact same problem in windows, maybe it's not software-related.. meaning it could be hardware problem. Do you have another wlan device?12:27
clearzenubuntu server12:27
K1765Anyone know why it says "error loading boot cd", the iso wasnt corrupt...ive done memtest, and everythin, what could this mean?12:27
ianmacgregor!backup > clearzen12:27
TGPOK1765: well there is always the option of downloading and burning the iso again, if it doesnt like that CD there isnt anything that you can do to change it12:27
snottlebocketi will, thanks em12:27
Em3raldNo problem my friend :D12:27
K1765I've tried 4 different cd's TGPO12:28
snottlebocketright now i'm just running into a lot of stuff that seems to be windows/mac only like my graphics programs and my wacom drivers12:28
YoGbluk: yes, and its doing the same (on windoze, didnt try it on linux)12:28
Em3raldtsoler:  how ya doing?12:28
K1765same thing happens12:28
snottlebocketi heard about Wine but it seems a bit pointless to run ubuntu only to emulate windows most of the time12:28
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TGPOK1765: from the same download?12:28
Em3raldsnottlebocket:  there are usually workarounds for just about anything.12:28
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K1765Different dl's12:28
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ianmacgregorK1765: Did you use Firefox for all those downloads?12:28
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Em3raldtsoler:  you don't have the "window list" in your Add-To-Panel options?12:29
sethkK1765, could be that either the reader drive, or the burner drive is slightly out of alignment12:29
mcphailsnottlebocket: within a couple of months of using ubuntu, there will be several programs you would miss if you went back to windows :)12:29
K1765Yes, but I checked them with md5sum and they were fine12:29
ubotuFor multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats  -  See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html  -  But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats12:29
tsolerone moment please12:29
YoGbluk: it seems that removing the dongle and reinserting it brings the connection back to life... do you think of a way of making ubuntu think i did that?12:29
Em3raldsnottlebocket:  Yeah, but thre are equivalent programs for almost everything, just takes some time to find your favorites.12:29
sethkK1765, that problem isn't caused by a bad image file12:29
TGPOK1765: go look at your bios, check the drive settings (not boot options) see id there is some tweaking you can do in there12:29
tsoleri ve added all window options,12:30
johnny__i download ndsiwrapper to my desktop and i am having a problem with extracting it from terminal with this cmd "tar -zxvf ndiswrapper-version.tar.gz" is ndsiwrapper suppose to be in a certain directory for the terminal to read it?12:30
snottlebocketoh i'm sure there's equivelants for a lot of the basic stuff but i'm doing flash development along with a bunch of windows and mac users, i doubt i could entirely get rid of using macromedia flash'  writing program12:30
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LjLsnottlebocket: i doubt that too12:30
=== holzmodem [n=holzmode@dslb-084-060-254-065.pools.arcor-ip.net] has joined #ubuntu
tsolerwindow list , window selection and workspace switcer12:30
snottlebocketfor example i have no problem with open office instead of word12:30
blukYoG, you told it before: rmmod / insmod12:30
Em3raldUnfortunately Macromedia hasn't been so good for Linux.12:30
sethksnottlebocket, in your case, that's correct, it isn't really practical12:30
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mcphailsnottlebocket: might be worth dual booting12:31
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YoGbluk: that doesn't work always...12:31
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Em3raldtsoler:  Alrighty, so ... what are you missing now ... perhaps I am not fully understanding your problem.12:31
Liuitisomeone help me please?12:31
TGPOjohnny__ you have to be in the same folder. use pwd to find out where you are and then cd to chnge directories12:31
LjLdual boot, or perhaps use a VM, if Wine fails..12:31
tsolerits working emerald12:31
AsheDif I am using rsync to copy a folder on my PC to a online host, and I change a small part of the file on my PC, will rsync re-upload the entire file, or just change the edited part?12:31
blukmaybe set a 5 seconds pause between the two: sleep 512:31
sethkLiuiti, only if you ask a question12:31
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Em3raldLiuiti:  whassup?12:31
Em3raldtsoler:  YAY!12:31
mcphailAsheD: just the edited part12:31
tsolerits not the same as before12:31
AsheDmcphail:: excellent, thanks12:31
Em3raldtsoler:  what's different?12:32
snottlebocketyeah, i'm just wondering about the practicality of using wine or dual booting, basically i'd end up wanting to use ubuntu but spending most of my working time back in windows or emulating windows12:32
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tsolerbut i think i can walk along12:32
LiuitiHow i can modified the logon on my top pannel?12:32
Em3raldtsoler:  excellent, don't be afraid to keep asking ... though I may not be here much longer.12:32
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mcphailAsheD: http://samba.anu.edu.au/rsync/tech_report/ is interesting reading12:32
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tsolerthe difference is that when i minimize a window its not sitting in the panel12:32
LjLsnottlebocket: well, that's up to you -- if *most* of what you use your computer for requires windows, then there is not much point switching.12:32
sethkLiuiti, not sure what you mean.12:32
snottlebocketrandom question but who is unbuntu for really because clearly someone in say the graphics industry would spend too much time switching or emulating to make it an efficient choice12:32
Em3raldsnottlebocket:  Well, I would get into using vmware and instaling windows thru it.12:33
blukbut, YoG, even if this works, it's just a workaround; would be better to find what's the real quirk12:33
Em3raldtsoler:  wierd.12:33
bod_snottlebocket: what do you use windows for?12:33
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sethksnottlebocket, I mostly work on embedded systems, and the last few projects I've done have all been linux12:33
TGPOsethk: he want to change the login screen from gdm appearance to mac appearance12:33
Liuitii want to modified the logon ubuntu to logon apple on thw top pannel12:33
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LjLsnottlebocket, it is for many people. it tries to be for as many as possible. for Flash developers, however, it's probably not optimal.12:33
tsoleri mean that if i remove window list i would not be able to find my windows12:33
snottlebocketi suppose i use windows because it's the most widely used OS here and it let's me use all the common programs in my line of work12:33
johnny__johnny@linux-box:~$ cd /desktop12:33
johnny__bash: cd: /desktop: No such file or directory12:33
sethkLiuiti, it can be done but I'm not familiar enough with the details to tell you how to do it.12:34
ianmacgregorsnottlebocket: I have been using Linux for about 7 years. Currently I use Ubuntu for all the work I do: Grapgics design, web surfing, email, chatting, software design, website design, etc. I haven't touched Windows in about 9 years and I won't go back.12:34
YoGbluk: i'll be happy if i didn't have to go to that computer and removing and inserting the dongle every 10 minutes (though my girl friend is happy that i'm doing some excercize ;-)12:34
bod_snottlebocket: such as12:34
XVampireXjohnny__,  just Desktop12:34
ubotuThere are many ways to back your system up. Here's a few: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BackupYourSystem , https://help.ubuntu.com/community/DuplicityBackupHowto , https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HomeUserBackup , https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MondoMindi12:34
=== AfterDea1h [n=AftrDaet@about/copyleft/user/afterdeath] has joined #ubuntu
AsheDmcphail:: I think you and I may have different definitions of the word "interesting" :P12:34
LjLjohnny__: case matters in Linux. it's Desktop12:34
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mcphailAsheD: :)12:34
Em3raldtsoler:  Yeah.  But the original bar is just a bar with that embedded in it anyway.  You can move components of a bar around too if that helps.12:34
XVampireXjohnny__, cd Desktop12:34
TGPOjohnny__: cd /home/johnny/Desktop12:34
binfalse1johnny__: cd Desktop    (with a capital D and without the /)12:34
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XVampireXjohnny__, It's case sensitive12:34
tsoleranyway emerald we didnt restore it , but i thing its much better this way12:34
mcphailAsheD: i should get out more...12:34
jbmigelsnottlebocket can you take your troll to ubuntu-offtopic please12:34
Em3raldtsoler:  haha, yay!12:34
AsheDmcphail:: me too12:35
sethksnottlebocket, but we still need windows, for the PCB layout, CAD programs, lot's of things unfortunately.12:35
Em3raldtsoler:  have you gotten into using multiple desktops yet?  ctrl-alt-(left or right arrow)12:35
snottlebocketIan don't you run into trouble making products that are meant to reach the masses while working on a system that is far less widespread, i'm just trying it out for half an hour but allready i ran into java problems, sites rendering badly due to lack of fonts and an outdated flash plugin12:35
tsolerhey guys you are really helpfull here12:35
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Em3raldtsoler:  we're all just users like you ... perhaps you will be helping someone someday too :D12:35
ianmacgregorsnottlebocket: To be honest, I don't care if Windows users can't see the stuff I design. As long as Linux users can use my stuff, then I am happy.12:36
XVampireXsnottlebocket, You're talking about silly problems that don't really exist, don't forget, linux is not windows. So you do things differently on linux.12:36
TGPOsnottlebocket: your running from a liveCD, means the OS is running from a slow as heck CD drive, you were expecting warp speed?12:36
dcordeswhere can i set which volume is controled by the hotkeys of my keyboard?12:36
johnny__ok i have the ndiswrapper-1.27.tar.gz on my desktop12:36
Em3raldsnottlebocket:  that's partly because a lot of fonts and other stuff are very proprietary, and Ubuntu is all about "legally free" until you add extra repositories and stuff.12:36
johnny__johnny@linux-box:~/Desktop$ tar -zxvf ndiswrapper-version.tar.gz12:36
johnny__tar: ndiswrapper-version.tar.gz: Cannot open: No such file or directory12:36
johnny__tar: Error is not recoverable: exiting now12:36
tsolerthank you12:36
snottlebocketactually i never complained about the speed TGPO12:36
johnny__tar: Child returned status 212:36
LjLsnottlebocket, yes we do. it's unfortunate, but when products are proprietary, the best we can do is try and create free alternatives -- which is not always fast or easy. anyway, this discussion is getting way too offtopic for here, use #ubuntu-offtopic12:36
johnny__tar: Error exit delayed from previous errors12:36
XVampireXsnottlebocket, Don't forget about Flash 9 beta12:36
Em3raldtsoler:  You are very welcome :D12:36
mcphailsnottlebocket: flash9 is now available. Whilst you are correct that the windows fonts are better than those shipped with ubuntu, the MS fonts are easily installed12:36
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TGPOsnottlebocket: you just did, with the lagging problems from some sites12:37
snottlebocketallright, i'll stop polluting the channel, i think i heard what i needed anyway12:37
jbmigeldont feed the trolls guys... like you can convince him in irc12:37
tsolerdo you think multiple deskttops are usefull?? very first time to use such thing12:37
=== XVampireX doesn't care about MS fonts
=== balay3 [n=balay3@CPE-58-169-125-186.vic.bigpond.net.au] has joined #ubuntu
Em3raldtsoler:  YES!12:37
TGPOtsoler, after you get used to it, you'll wonder how you ever lived without12:37
mcphailtsoler: emphatically yes12:37
Em3raldtsoler:  it takes time to really get efficient with them though.12:37
johnny__how come i am getting an error?12:37
snottlebocketi didn't need convincing, i needed some information, i think i'll put ubuntu on my laptop and keep the pc for my work that requires windows a bit more, i wasn't being critical in a bad way12:37
=== binfalse1 doesn't care about flash
=== hegemon [n=hegemon@cpe-66-87-4-181.ut.sprintbbd.net] has joined #ubuntu
sethktsoler, most people I work with put a multiple desktop feature onto their windows box12:38
XVampireXtsoler, I don't use them12:38
Em3raldtsoler:  it's funny ... any time I am helping a windows friend, I am always trying to switch desktops and use the top bar which doesn't exist in Windows LOL12:38
LjLjohnny__, i doubt that your files is actually called "ndiswrapper-version.tar.gz"12:38
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tsolerdont what to do with them!! seems im not that multi tasking12:38
johnny__ohh ok12:38
sethkEm3rald, it does exist, but you have to install it separately12:38
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mcphailsnottlebocket: it is reasonable to have doubts :) - Ubuntu is not ideal for everyone, but it doesn't hurt to try it!12:38
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gnomefreakjohnny__: is it tar.bz2?12:38
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Em3raldsnottlebocket:  meh ... some of us get a little touchy about the whole "ubuntu is ugly" problem LOL ....12:38
jpjacobssnottlebocket, if you're interested, flash9beta for linux is out, there is even a ubuntu-package for it (just don't remember the repo)12:38
sethktsoler, depends on what you are doing.  I have one for programming, one for documentation, one for email/web, and one for photography12:38
ubotuFlash player 9 beta has been released. You can download it here: http://seveas.imbrandon.com/dists/dapper-seveas/custom/ (replace dapper-seveas with edgy-seveas for edgy)12:39
Em3raldsethk:  I know, I had it with my nVidia video card, but it's performance was retarded.12:39
jpjacobsthere you go12:39
johnny__i understand now12:39
tsolerdo u use all that now??12:39
=== capgadget [n=elifino@adsl-68-95-255-42.dsl.rcsntx.swbell.net] has joined #ubuntu
Em3raldtsoler:  yes12:39
snottlebocketnope, like i said it seems perfectly acceptable for regular use and work and i'm defenitly a big fan of all the open source / non propriatry stuff, it just doesn't suit my needs for my graphical work12:39
gnomefreakjohnny__: i would look for a different tar. i just made a tar and it was messed up cause i made it with cvvf and tar -xvzf couldnt untar it i changed the way i compressed it and poof it worked12:39
snottlebocketso i'll stick ubuntu on the laptop and keep windows on the pc, it'll let me make a nice comparison over time12:39
binfalse1johnny__: by the way, you can use the TAB key to complete files names and directory names in the shell12:39
LjLsnottlebocket: sounds like a good idea12:40
Em3raldsnottlebocket:  I bet its less than 6 months before you have Ubuntu on your production machine haha ;)12:40
bod_Just do like I did and buy 5 computers with a multitude of OS' to play with at once :)12:40
jbmigelsnottlebocket if your not happy with the available open source softwares you are welciome to buy adobe and give away their source12:40
TGPOsnottlebocket: thats the spirit, and if you beat on it enough you'll end up finding ways to do what you want with linux instead, 6 months tops12:40
sethksnottlebocket, install cygwin on your windows box, makes windows less painful.12:40
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tsolerto be honest im trying to set up a gis on ubuntu, thats my intention12:40
bod_adobe runs fine in wine... whats all the fuss12:40
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gnomefreaksethk: no such thing as less painless in windows :)12:41
tsolerbut dont know how to hung around yet xaxa12:41
=== Em3rald has no experience with gis at all ... in fact, doesn't know what it is.
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tsolerits all about maps12:41
gnomefreaktsoler: what is gis?12:41
binfalse1gnomefreak: there is a windows port of less, btw  .:)12:41
=== ClayG [n=clay@c-66-177-234-251.hsd1.fl.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
=== TGPO notes computers are like air conditioners, they run great until you open windows
tsolermapping etc12:41
LjLgnomefreak: geographical information system12:41
Em3raldtsoler:  as in google-earth style stuff?12:41
binfalse1gnomefreak: and pain doesn't need to be ported ;)12:41
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capgadgetgis tells you everything you want to know except where you left your keys.12:42
johnny__how do i go back to defaul directory in terminal12:42
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tsolergoogle is on the top, im just a normal user12:42
johnny__i tried cd johnny12:42
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LjLjohnny__: cd ~12:42
tonyyarussoDoes anyone know how to fix this?:  HP Pavilion dv4150us laptop; gets really hot and then the fan finally kicks in (hard), cools it off, and stops, rather than running more frequently or continuously at a lower speed.12:42
snottlebocketthe multiple workspace thingy lower right is sweet12:42
TGPOXVampireX cant reply to PMs sorry12:42
binfalse1johnny__: cd   (without parameters)12:42
tsolerbut on windows very slow processing12:42
=== Rozabela [n=Rozabela@ACCEFF26.ipt.aol.com] has joined #ubuntu
LjLjohnny__: or for that matter, cd /home/johnny (that's the correct path)12:42
Rozabelahi, anyone want to offer help to a first time ubuntu user?12:42
XVampireXTGPO, I'm someone who tries to help get K1765 to Ubuntu, I couldn't help him with booting problems so told him to come here but it seems like not many could help though you mentioned that he should look into the bios12:42
ubotuDon't ask to ask a question. Just ask your question :)12:42
tsoleri ve made some post on google12:42
=== GrimWald [n=Telepath@acces1042.res.insa-lyon.fr] has joined #ubuntu
Liuitisomeone know about aiglx?12:43
tsolergoogle earth i mean12:43
LjL!aiglx > Liuiti12:43
gnomefreakelfranger: please dont do that there is no need to post so many of same letter or number12:43
Hitchsure Rozabela12:43
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binfalse1johnny__: you want to learn the difference between absolute and relative paths12:43
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elfrangergnomefreak: sorry, it was just an outburst12:43
bod_The problems with windows guys is that there in a comfort zone that says, I dont quite know how to get linux to do what i want right now and iam not ready to learn how. I realy want to cross over but I just cant be arsed...12:43
Em3raldTony:  Not sure my friend ... is this exclusive to Linux for you?12:43
XVampireXTGPO: "didnt see driver settings anywhere"12:43
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sethkXVampireX, no, it's not a bios issue12:43
tsolerif i can mount my disks i will sent you some data gnomefreak12:43
XVampireXsethk, so what is it?12:44
=== Exclamation [n=reuben@CPE001346f583fd-CM0017ee42b326.cpe.net.cable.rogers.com] has joined #ubuntu
Willhow do i get a custom theme in gnome ubuntu 6.6?12:44
tonyyarussoEm3rald: It's a friend's machine actually, but yes.  She dual-boots with Win XP, and it's fine there.12:44
Rozabelahitch: my linux partion isn't detecting my network card12:44
elfrangercan I add a HDD to a running ubuntu server?12:44
Willive gone to gnome-look12:44
johnny__binfalse1: Yea12:44
Willbut dont know what ot download12:44
Rozabelai don't know why12:44
sethkXVampireX, could be a slight misalignment between the burner and the cd reader.  I have seen a couple of cases of this type of behavior that were fixed by using the proper jumper settings for the drive.12:44
LjL!changethemes > will12:44
TGPOXVampireX yes, sometimes you can make bios tweaks to the drive settings that will allow it to work under other circumstances, LBA, and such12:44
pak-xi wanted to install gnome 2.16.1, but as i typed ./configure he says, that a parser perl module is required for intltool, so a googled and found a download XML-Parser 2.34, but after a run the Makefile, I typed make, but he dont know make? why12:44
Willi know12:44
Em3raldtony:  I remember reading a similar problem in ubuntuforums.org ....... if no one knows here, you could try there.12:44
sethkXVampireX, specifically, if the drive is connected with an EIDE cable, make sure it's jumpered for cable select12:44
Willbut what do i download to get the theme12:44
Hitchwhat is your network card?12:45
Em3raldtsoler:  which drives are you trying to mount?12:45
Willwhat format12:45
bluksorry to ask this again, but i saw no answer yet; how come the nice graphical version of INIT has gone off? (after moving the system from one hd to another)12:45
Willor somthing12:45
TGPOXVampireX its not about changing a driver, but tweaking the bios12:45
ubotuPlease don't use the "enter" key as punctuation! It spams the channel and can be annoying.12:45
sethkXVampireX, it's not impossible that switching DMA off (in the BIOS setting for the drive) would help, but the odds aren't great.12:45
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tsolermy ntfs drives12:45
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tonyyarussoEm3rald: Already have, and came up with answers for other brands, but not HPs.12:45
XVampireXGotta catch him online now, don't know where he went :P12:45
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Em3raldtsoler:  easy stuff:  there's a cool howto about using ntfs-3g on the forum ... I will see if I can find a link.12:45
TGPOto look at his bios12:45
tsolerany suggestions emerald12:45
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sethkXVampireX, tell him to try burning the CD at the lowest available speed setting, say 4x.12:46
pak-xwhat does  XML::Parser perl module is required for intltool means and what can i do?12:46
binfalse1johnny__: absolute paths always begin with a "/" and start from the root directory (example: /etc/X11). relative paths are relative to the current directory (examples: Desktop, ../bin, .)12:46
Exclamationhi, i want to chance my powernowd setting from on demand to conservative.12:46
ubotuTo view your Windows/Mac partitions see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AutomaticallyMountPartitions  -  See also !fuse12:46
Kr0ntabso how bout flash 9, eh?  About time they released something.12:46
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Willwhat about for gnome?12:46
taliseinKr0ntab: ? You mean you want a package for it?12:46
XVampireXsethk, that's what he did :P12:46
Kr0ntabno... already got it..12:46
XVampireXsethk, I mean he burned it at 4x12:47
tsoleremerald: listen whats the strange , i can see ntfs drive on network but not on my computer12:47
Em3raldtsoler:  try this one, this is the one I use, and it was really easy and it works flawlessly:  http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=217009&highlight=ntfs-3g12:47
Kr0ntabseveas repo has it...12:47
elfrangerI tried adding a user specifying the homedir and group...12:47
Kr0ntabadobe released it i think on 10/1812:47
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lenathHi, I've switched to Ubuntu a couple of days ago, been playing around and just about to dump Windows... I am trying to install Juploadr but miserably fails... It is a tar.gz file and don't know the procedure to install these kind of files. Been looking around and nothing has worked so far... Could anyone help me or point me to the right method?12:47
Dr_willisI still have a hard time just FINDING the flash 9 links.12:47
=== mcquaid [i=mcquaid@toronto-hs-216-138-233-79.s-ip.magma.ca] has joined #ubuntu
tsolerthanks again will check immediatelly12:47
elfrangerbut it warns me that the homedir already exists12:47
Hitchdid somebody know if it is true that oracle will make a linux distribution for her?12:47
ubotuFlash player 9 beta has been released. You can download it here: http://seveas.imbrandon.com/dists/dapper-seveas/custom/ (replace dapper-seveas with edgy-seveas for edgy)12:47
Kr0ntabmakin the web soooo much more usable12:47
gnomefreaknot hard even12:47
Em3raldtsoler:  peculiar ... but I am not sure what the deal is there.12:47
kitcheKr0ntab: umm it's only beta :)12:47
ubotuPlease don't use the "enter" key as punctuation! It spams the channel and can be annoying.12:47
ubotu#ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, #ubuntu+1 supports the development version of Ubuntu and #ubuntu-offtopic is for random chatter. Welcome!12:47
tsolerbut do you have any ideas why is that12:47
johnny__i understand that :)12:47
Kr0ntabyeah... but much better than 712:48
XVampireXlenath, what are the contents of the tar.gz files12:48
elfrangerI want to create users for my ftp that all has the same home folder /home/ftp12:48
Em3raldtsoler:  absolutely no clue LOL.12:48
=== rockstar_ [n=rockstar@c213-200-143-27.bredband.comhem.se] has joined #ubuntu
sethklenath, it's probably a source code archive, so you have to build it.12:48
pak-xcan someone help me please?  XML::Parser perl module is required for intltool12:48
Dr_willisKr0ntab,  every link/download i find mentione don the flash 9 pages - get flash 712:48
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Em3raldbrb ... gotta help my daughter with something.12:48
mcquaidhello, i have dapper on my main drive and edgy on a second drive, when I installed edgy i let it rewrite the mbr so it's now reading edgy's menu.1st12:48
binfalse1i wonder why people still stick to a braindead protocol like ftp12:48
tsolerdo u see ntfs emerald?12:48
mcquaidi am now removing the drive with edgy, so I need to rewrite grub, how do I do this?12:48
sethkbinfalse1, they know how to use it, is the main reason.12:48
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LjL!grub > mcquaid12:49
bluksorry but was my question stupid or bad formulated or both ? :)12:49
sethkmcquaid, you can do it with the grub utility.12:49
Em3raldtsoler:  can you see it with Ubuntu's disk manager?  system>admin>disks?12:49
binfalse1sethk: then they deserve their passwords to be stolen12:49
johnny__ok by extracting the ndiswrapper it is suppose to create a directory... so i typed in cd ndiswrapper-1.2712:49
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LjLbluk: what is the "graphical version of INIT"?12:49
sethkbinfalse1, no disagreement here.  I don't allow it on any system I'm responsible for.12:49
tsoleronly sees that one im working in right now12:50
Em3raldtsoler:  wierd ............12:50
johnny__johnny@linux-box:~$ cd ndiswrapper-1.2712:50
johnny__bash: cd: ndiswrapper-1.27: No such file or directory12:50
tsolerand its not ntfs12:50
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tsolerits etc3?? or something like that12:50
mcquaidsethk, LjL I know there are guides to fixing the mbr if one installed windows or whatever, but I haven't screwed it up yet, so instead of doing a live cd thing I'd rather rewrite the mbr while I'm booted in dapper now12:50
LjLjohnny__: type "ls". you should see a list of the directories that you really do have.12:50
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mcquaidsethk, so what do I run just grub?12:50
Em3raldtsoler:  yeah, ext3 is the usual for Linux.12:50
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LjLmcquaid: i think the page covers that. anyway, i think you want the grub-install command.12:51
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Em3raldtsoler:  what if you type this in your command prompt:12:51
sethkmcquaid, you run grub, then you use the  root   and   setup    commands12:51
blukLjL: usually in most distros, init is in text mode. but in Ubuntu, theres a nice graphical version of it, at start, with a progress bar and all that12:51
johnny__its there12:51
lenathsethk: can you point me to the right method for building it? Are we talkin compilation here?12:51
sethkmcquaid, if you config file is set correctly, that's all there is to it.12:51
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sethklenath, yes12:51
{_-IcE-_}can any1 give me a hand on dovecot pls? im trying to set some pop accounts, if i select Standard Unix user database for users and unix shadow file for passwords through webmin, what do i have to put for userdb and passdb in the config?12:51
Em3raldsudo fdisk -l | grep NTFS12:51
LjLbluk: init is still init. there is simply a program called "usplash" that provides a splash screen12:51
fangbiteI have a problem. I installed ubuntu w/ the alternate CD, it asked for a password for a user, but not a username. How can I fix this?12:51
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sethklenath, typically a tar.gz file contains source that needs to be compiled.12:51
mcquaidsethk, uh what root and setup cmds?12:51
blukand it disappeared since i transferred the system on another HD, i can't figure out why12:52
Hitchmcquaid, where did u get the edgy from?12:52
johnny__johnny@linux-box:~$ ls12:52
johnny__broken 3  Desktop           mkdev.sh      ndiswrapper-1.27.tar.gz12:52
LjLbluk: the system itself works alright?12:52
johnny__Command:  diggnation64      mkdev.sh~     TheBroken Ep412:52
johnny__Default   Linux Wallpapers  My Documents12:52
ink251Hey, in 6.06 is there any tool similar to the windows12:52
ubotupastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (you can always find it in the channel topic, among other useful things)12:52
lenathsethk: all right, ill investigate this and let u know how it goes...12:52
johnny__johnny@linux-box:~$ cd ndiswrapper-1.27.tar.gz12:52
johnny__bash: cd: ndiswrapper-1.27.tar.gz: Not a directory12:52
ubotuTo view your Windows/Mac partitions see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AutomaticallyMountPartitions  -  See also !fuse12:52
binfalse1johnny__: btw, why do you want to build ndiswrapper from source? there is a ready-build ubuntu package for that12:52
ink251"search for files containing"12:52
tsolersorry one moment12:52
sethklenath, ok12:52
mcquaidHitch, I grabbed the alt cd and installed it from that12:52
blukindeed it works fine; it's no critical problem... but i'm curious :)12:52
ubotuThough it's still very unsafe, you can read about Ubuntu NTFS writing here: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Lkraider/NtfsFuse12:52
johnny__is there12:52
XVampireXjohnny__, .tar.gz files are not directories, they are archives12:52
tsolerfew its getting too many messages here12:52
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johnny__well i was talking about ndiswrrapper12:52
johnny__and someone said to read the wiki12:52
Em3raldtsoler:  np12:53
johnny__and thats what i am doing12:53
bod_find [-H]  [-L]  [-P]  [path...]  [expression] 12:53
watson540johnny__:: thats not a gfolder you goof12:53
XVampireXjohnny__, read it carefully then12:53
mcquaidsethk, ok I think I have it figured out, now my next thing is I want to put this drive with edgy in a new computer, it never had the mbr written to it12:53
LjLbluk: i don't know, perhaps give this a try: "sudo apt-get --reinstall install usplash"12:53
sethkmcquaid, you fix it the same way, although you'12:53
ink251how would i find "hello" in all files in a certain directory12:53
Em3raldtsoler:  and like I said, using the link I have you (the ntfs-3g one) is my personal favorite.  It really works, and doesn't seem to screw anything up at all.12:53
johnny__so just do sudo apt-get install ndiswrapper12:53
sethkmcquaid, although you'll have to boot a live cd to get the system up so you can write the mbr.12:53
bod_ink251: find [-H]  [-L]  [-P]  [path...]  [expression] 12:53
blukthanks, i'll try at once!12:53
tsolerwhere is command prompt?? lol12:53
mcquaidso I want to write the mbr to this drive when it's in the new computer but obviously fstab and menu.1st will be incorrect12:53
YournameEveryone knows WPA is way better than WEP.12:53
binfalse1johnny__: i doubt that the wiki recommends building ndiswrapper from source12:53
bod_try man find12:53
Em3raldtsoler:  apps>acces>terminal12:53
mighty_falconcan someone help me to get the fstab to automount my usb peripherals? it doesnt automount my ipod nor my usb flashdrive anymore12:54
Liuitihow i done the pannel as mac osx ?12:54
tsoleru are the best12:54
=== Seeker2599 [n=james@pool-71-96-132-56.dfw.dsl-w.verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu
mcquaidsethk, ya I thought that, but is there an automated way to recreate the fstab and menu.1st or do I have to manually fix em12:54
Em3raldtsoler:  LOL np ... if you want to cut down on traffic, we can go to PM if you want ...12:54
sethkmcquaid, yes, if it is now hda (or sda, or whatever) and it used to have a different device, then you'll have to modify fstab and menu.lst12:54
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YournameEveryone knows WPA is way better than WEP. And that a secure linux community would always want WPA, than WEP. If ubuntu is being a very good OS, and wants noobs like me to try it.. the basics like WPA connectivity should be covered. It's sooooo hard to find help or documentation to get this other than pointers like "use wpa_supplicant".12:54
binfalse1johnny__: maybe the info in the wiki is outdated. ndiswrapper is at least in dapper (i think it was even in breezy)12:54
tsolerthat would be perfect12:55
Seeker2599anyone know of a avi splitter for ubuntu?12:55
sethkmcquaid, I don't know of an automated way, but it's just a search and replace with a text editor.12:55
tsolercan u pm me?12:55
johnny__i will just sudo apt-get install ndiswrapper12:55
LjLYourname: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs/WPAHowTo12:55
watson540Yourname:: we only want noobs of they're willing  to google :)12:55
Em3raldtsoler done:D12:55
green__saotometried to update to edgy, with "update-manager -c -d", but i got an error about calculating downloads. Is there a work around?12:55
mcquaidsethk, will the uuid's be the same? as I noticed edgy uses uuids for the drive in fstab12:55
gravesonseeker2599: avidemux - quite good actually12:55
mcquaidnot sure how uuid's are determined12:55
tsolerwhere are u?12:55
Liuitihow i done the pannel as mac osx ?12:55
mighty_falconanyone know how to automount USB drive using fstab?12:55
Seeker2599ok i got that one but i cant find where it saved12:55
sethkmcquaid, I'm not sure about that.12:56
Em3raldheh you probably have another window or something.12:56
b03ntoLiuiti, u can try this link http://www.taimila.com/ubuntuosx.php12:56
sladenmighty_falcon: Universally unique ids are long random numbers;  two generated are unlikely to be the same12:56
mcquaidthere should be an automated script when migrating a drive to a new computer, windows 98 pukes going to new hardware but xp actually handles it quite well12:56
sethkmighty_falcon, you don't automount using fstab, exactly, for any type of drive.  You add a USB drive to fstab in exactly the same manner you add any other type of drive to fstab12:56
mcquaidi know a saw a guide on this awhile back but can't find it now12:56
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Yournamewatson540: Thank you. If the main ubuntu dude saw you saying that, I'm sure he'd whip you. :)12:56
Em3raldtsoler:  what application are you using to IRC?12:56
tsoleronly two windows12:56
sethkmighty_falcon, maybe I didn't really understand your question?12:56
YournameLjL: Thanks12:56
tsolerthe defalt one12:57
gravesonseeker2599: did you download the tarball- because there is a deb package maintained ,though i do not have the website right now12:57
Em3raldUmmmm .... LOL, been a long time, which is that?12:57
mcquaidbut heh, by now I could have just reinstalled, while I've been searching for a way to move this drive to a new puter gracefully12:57
Seeker2599graveson: where does avidemux save to?12:57
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mighty_falconsethk: the problem is that last night i decided to get rid of my XP partition, that gave me a whole bunch of headaches the whole day as my aprtiton tables got screwed up12:57
johnny__thank you guys for the help :)12:57
Seeker2599i downloaded it from add/remove12:57
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mighty_falconsethk: i finally fixed it all, but now when i plus in my ipod, usbdrive etc12:57
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gravesonseeker2599: you specify the directory to save it to12:57
LjLYourname: if you open a private query with the bot and type terms, it is likely to give you some information about them. it's often useful.12:57
Em3raldtsoler:  OR, if you have a list of usernames somewhere in this channel, double-click my name or right-click or something.12:57
tsoleremerald i found you12:57
Seeker2599it didnt ask me to12:58
YournameLjL: Thanks again.12:58
=== [1] CaptainMorgan [n=CaptainM@londonderry-cuda2-68-171-161-230.lndnnh.adelphia.net] has joined #Ubuntu
tsolerdo u see me12:58
watson540Yourname:: heh,, well i wasntreally aiming at you, but a lot of these people need to get un-lazy and start googling, although i doubt linux is vieing for anyone to cross over seeing as its non-profit12:58
mighty_falconsethk: it doesnt autmount them anymore i have to do it by hand12:58
Em3raldUm, nope.  Wierd12:58
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fiveironok, so my baby daughter seems to have stopped my 6.10 upgrade... and i'm having some issues removing courier-authdaemon.  it tells me to reinstall it before attempting to remove.  but every time i try to install it I get errors... anyone know if I can just forcibly remove the app or just tell the update manager to not worry about it12:58
Em3raldHmm, I could create a temp channel maybe ... #em3rald and you could /join #em3rald12:58
pak-xcan someone help me please?  XML::Parser perl module is required for intltool12:58
tsolerdont you get my mesagges there?12:59
Yournamewatson540: Sure. But, if Google records the queries I must've given it to tell me how to upgrade a .tgz or install one, or get WPA to work with my drivers.. then Google would know me by first name.12:59
mcphailfiveiron: have you tried "sudo apt-get install -f"?12:59
blukLjL: init still in text mode, but the reinstall went fine. could you give me an advice on which script to look at (if there's one) ?12:59
tsoleri saw yours12:59
Em3raldtsoler:  nope12:59
b03ntoLiuiti, is that mac enough for u ? i doubt the logo thing will work anyway...12:59
Em3raldoop phone12:59
=== binbash2 is now known as binfalse2
watson540Yourname:: they know me by my email cause i keep a jar of cookies for them12:59
tsolerlet me find you , one minute please12:59
sethkmighty_falcon, in fstab, make sure the "noauto" option is not set.12:59
sethkmighty_falcon, do you mean that you want it to mount at boot time, or when you connect it?01:00
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fiveironmcphail, yep... it tells me this:01:00
watson540seriously though, in the time it takes to come in here and beg ppl t o show you how to un tar a file you could have built it and had it running using google01:00
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fiveirondpkg: error processing courier-authdaemon (--remove):01:00
fiveiron Package is in a very bad inconsistent state - you should01:00
fiveiron reinstall it before attempting a removal.01:00
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blukLjL: oh but i realize, maybe the usplash is working in fact, but the "graphical tty" (i don't know how it's called) isn't activated anymore?01:00
kurtoWas wondering if anyone had any tips on swapping out their system disk.  I used a 200gig ATA drive for my install, but now realize I need to segregate some of the data physically for performance01:00
kurtoso I want to replace it with a 40 gig drive without having to rebuild the box....01:00
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Em3raldtsoler:  can you /join #em3rald?01:01
LjLbluk: type "cat /boot/grub/menu.lst | grep slash". does it show anything?01:01
mighty_falconsethl: when i connect it01:01
sethkkurto, you can do that, primarily by changing some directories to symbolic links, and pointing the links at whatever other drive now contains the actual data.01:01
cafuegokurto: Insert the 40GB, install system. Boot, mount 200GB, move cfg files, link actual data...01:01
johnny__i downloaded my wireless driver and opened the folder. my driver.inf is not in there01:01
bluki suppose you mean "grep splash"01:02
sethkmighty_falcon, that's related to the hotswap configuration, not really to fstab.  look into the udev settings.01:02
dbmerkI have forced block checking on my hard drive and there are 495 bad blocks, but when i go through the installer it insists that the / partition be formatted, and then the install hangs at 70% while copying files again01:02
sethkmighty_falcon, BRB01:02
LjLbluk: yes, i do :)01:02
mighty_falconsethk: when I connect it, i got the ipod to mount manually but would be nice if it automounted01:02
kurtoAt the costs of drives, it's probably easier for me to just buy another disk, hunh.....01:02
bluki remember having seen it, give me a minute01:02
dbmerkdoes anyone know a way to force the installer itself while it is formatting / to do a bad block check ?01:02
mighty_falconsethk: where would i find the udev settings?01:02
protexGuys, my Banshee music list has no fonts, anyone have this problem?01:02
kurtoThe box is my mythtv box and It took me MONTHS to get it working correctly.01:02
binfalse2testing thttpd with cgi-bin:
johnny__i suppose i need it for sudo ndiswrapper -i /Desktop/your_driver.inf01:02
=== Vaske_Car [n=durad@d57-59-78.home.cgocable.net] has joined #ubuntu
lenathsethk: I've been following this method: http://www.tuxfiles.org/linuxhelp/softinstall.html However I stall on step two. I can't do a ./configure to output the makefile needed for make install01:03
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fangbiteWhat's the package name for gnome? (for apt-get)01:03
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johnny__ic nevermind01:03
LjLdbmerk: perhaps the better option is saying RIP to that hard drive. do you have S.M.A.R.T. enabled in the BIOS? if not, try enabling it and seeing if it reports a failure. if it does, time to change your drive.01:03
Vaske_Carwhat is the best password manager for Gnome?01:03
johsoone of my fat32 drives goes read-only everytime i start my computer. I'm pretty sure there's an error on it. how can I fix the error without wiping everything on it?01:03
dbmerkljl: no smart it's quite old01:04
Vaske_Carjohso, check out for a software called spinrite01:04
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blukLjL: hmm the only args to the kernel are: root=/dev/hda2 ro quiet01:04
dbmerkljl: but i would rather get it working, it's fairly common to do a bad block check, not sure why it isn't doing one01:04
blukaltho i'm sure i've seen it before01:04
LjLbluk: add a "splash" to that01:04
blukshall i add "splash" ?01:04
blukokay thanks :)01:04
fiveironmcphail, any ideas?01:04
mcphailfiveiron: fortunately, i've never had a package in " a very bad inconsistent state"! Maybe it would work if you use aptitude instead of apt-get to do the reinstall?01:04
green_earzVaske_Car: have a look at mypasswordsafe if thats what your looking for01:04
fangbiteWhat's the package name for gnome?01:05
fangbiteI can't get apt-get to install it01:05
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mcphailfiveiron: failing that, you could try the various "force" options. That would be a last resort, tough01:05
pak-xcan someone help me please?  XML::Parser perl module is required for intltool???? can no one help me -.-01:05
LjLbluk, if you install from the Alternate CD, it should give you an option for *not* formatting the partition. not sure the Desktop CD has such an option.01:05
fangbitepak-x, run cpan01:06
=== merlin cries
fangbiteThen install XML::Parser01:06
blukokay i get it now, after moving the partition, i did reinstall grub manually -not thru Ubuntu install- and of course it didn't set splash by default, hence the "disappearance", thanks a lot to make me understand that, sorry for the, after all, stupid question :)01:06
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dbmerkljl: i think that was meant for me, thanks i'll check it out01:06
merlininstalled nvidia driver after installing edgy.. reboots and Big blue screen with %'s all over it saying xorg is screwed up01:06
LjLfangbite: if you are using Ubuntu (rather than Kubuntu or Xubuntu or something), you have Gnome already installed. otherwise, you can install the "ubuntu-desktop" package.01:06
johsoVaske_Car: Thanks, that software looks really useful (wish I'd know it before), but I can access my data fine. problem is that I can't write. tried it before, and moved everything to another computer, wiped the disk and moved everything back. but I was wondering if this was doable without moving everything, just fixing it.01:06
fangbiteLjL, I did the alternate install01:06
LjLdbmerk, yes, it was. sorry bluk.01:07
fangbiteIt gave me the X login screen, but it can't login01:07
bod_merlin:  http://wiki.beryl-project.org/index.php/Install/Ubuntu/Edgy/XGL01:07
fangbiteI'm in a failsafe terminal01:07
mighty_falconsethk: any ideas?01:07
LjLfangbite: well, i don't know what that could be due to, but try "sudo apt-get install ubuntu-desktop" anyway01:08
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LjLfangbite: what does "can't login" mean anyway? it refuses to accept your password, it goes straight back to the login screen without saying a thing...?01:08
fangbiteIt says it's installed01:08
fangbiteLjL, it says the session lasted under a second then returned to the login screen01:09
blukwhy "sorry"? you were great!01:09
Vaske_Carjohso, check out for a software called QuickTechPro it is capable to deply test hard drive01:09
=== LookTJ [n=taylor@c-67-187-176-173.hsd1.ca.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
Vaske_Cargreen_earz, installed mypasswordsafe, how to start it, it is not in menu list01:09
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pak-xalso i have the problem, then when i type "perl Makefile.PL" it works and no error comes, but when i then type "make", he is saying, that i dont know "make"? sorry01:11
LookTJwhere is the official gentoo ?01:11
pak-xi = he01:11
green_earzVaske_Car: from the command line  /usr/bin/MyPasswordSafe01:11
totall_6_7Vaske_Car: the name is the command to start it01:12
totall_6_7Vaske_Car: mypasswordsafe01:12
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Vaske_Caris there a way to add it to the menu?01:13
LjLLookTJ: why don't you ask that in the gentoo channel?01:13
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johnny__i have installed my driver .inf file but the terminal said "couldn't copy /Desktop/mrv8k51.inf at /usr/sbin/ndiswrapper line 135." do i have to manually edit this?01:14
mighty_falconanyone know how to automount a device when plugged in??01:14
sethkLookTJ, gentoo is #masochists01:15
merlinhrmm... my system should be able to handle XGL and such.01:15
merlin2.8Ghz P4, GeForce 5500 256mb, 1.2gb ram.01:15
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bod_mine loves it01:16
bod_2.8 GF 4000 64mb 2 gig01:17
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tonyyarussoDoes anyone know how to fix this?:  HP Pavilion dv4150us laptop; gets really hot and then the fan finally kicks in (hard), cools it off, and stops, rather than running more frequently or continuously at a lower speed.01:17
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bod_tonyyarusso: yeah buy an IBM01:18
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ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about pastbin - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi01:18
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about past - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi01:18
ubotupastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (you can always find it in the channel topic, among other useful things)01:18
tonyyarussobod_: Funny thing, that's what I did.  :)  I'm trying to solve a friend's issue.01:18
Marsmenschthx binfalse201:19
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mighty_falconanyone know where the automount settings for the devices are?01:19
binfalse2np, martian01:19
totall_6_7Vaske_Car: what is the first thing you click to get to the menu you want to add it to (what is the name of that item you are clicking)01:19
bod_i have an advent that does the same thing01:19
sethktonyyarusso, the fan turn on temp is usually configurable in the BIOS01:19
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bod_try setting power saving to low01:20
tonyyarussosethk: Noted.  I know some things are software controlled though; any idea what the distinction is?01:20
Xal2I'm getting the following error when using this command: make kpkg-clean01:20
Xal2make: *** No rule to make target `kpkg-clean'.  Stop.01:20
habeebHello, as always, my fglrxinfo works alright, but I dont have Direct Rendering, also I cant use fgl_glxgears01:21
b03ntoXal2, i think its make-kpkg clean01:21
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Xal2ah right01:21
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apjonehi , can anyone tell me what port i need open on my firewall to recieve mail, i am running postfix / courier01:23
=== merlin used the envy script and now nothing works.. had to revert to a backed up xorg.conf
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habeebAny ideas, on why I cant see the alltray tray icon?01:23
habeebAnd is there any Mac dock for GNOME, like kiba-dock, that support transparency without a composite manager?01:24
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LjLapjone: "cat /etc/services | grep -i <service>". i suppose you're looking for the SMTP service01:24
dolphyis there anyway to use lilo instead of grub out of the dapper install live cd ?01:24
dolphydapper's grub fails miserably on mac mini intel01:25
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jbmigelim getting warnings that my disk is full... is there a way to compress everything for space and run a little slower?01:25
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LjLjbmigel: not on ext3 that i know of.01:25
j2daoshi know this is slightly off-topic, but how can i burn 6 cd iso's onto 1 dvd and still have them be bootable?01:25
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about clit - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi01:25
sethkj2daosh, no01:26
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about convertlit - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi01:26
j2daoshno, like its not possible...?01:26
sethkj2daosh, no, like if you just copy them all to a dvd it won't work.01:26
megaueijust checking: the upgrade to Edgy proccess is around 2 hrs rigth?01:26
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bun-bunanyone know of any good tools for extracting cd audio to wav format?01:29
megaueibun-bun,  I use k3b01:30
chuckypAnyone know how to launch a terminal without window decorations?01:30
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bun-bunmegauei# does that require kde?01:30
taliseinchuckyp: you probably want something like eterm01:30
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megaueiI have it under gnome01:30
bun-bunmegauei# thanks for the tip, i will check it out01:31
LjLbun-bun: it is a KDE program. like all KDE programs, you can run it under Gnome as well, it'll just install a bunch of KDE librari.es01:31
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LjLbun-bun: "cdparanoia" is a command line application.01:31
bun-bunLjL# yeah anything that starts with "k" i worry about :)01:31
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LjLbun-bun: for a Gnome app, you could try "grip"01:32
preactionbun-bun, even klogd and kjournald?01:32
jaimiedroletI can't seem to get FrostWire installed.  Anyone able to help me please?  I'm using kubuntu.01:33
ubotufrostwire is a totally open source version of Limewire.  For installation help, please see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FrostWire01:33
jaimiedroletWell, I see it installed in pplications, but it won't load when I'm clicking it01:33
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megaueiso u wont have problems with amaroK lol ^^01:33
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jaimiedroletWell, I see it installed in applications, but it won't load when I'm clicking it01:34
LjLjaimiedrolet: try running "frostwire" from a terminal01:34
Liuitihow i done the pannel as mac osx ?01:35
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LjLLiuiti: sorry?01:35
chuckypjaimiedrolet, try typing frostwire in a terminal01:35
jaimiedroletit says I don't have a valid JRE01:35
chuckypjaimiedrolet, you need java run time01:35
b03ntoLiuiti, have u try this link http://www.taimila.com/ubuntuosx.php01:35
jaimiedroletWell I downloaded it01:36
jaimiedroletand installed it I think01:36
jaimiedroletbut it looks like it didn't work01:36
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jaimiedroletActually I'm a noob with Linux :P01:36
thcrw8383Me too01:36
thcrw8383but im learning01:36
jaimiedroletI installed it yesterday... I wanted to use it with Win Xp but I've got an error and it formatted all of my partitions01:36
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jaimiedroletAnd I couldn't seem to find my winxp cd01:37
thcrw8383:( so sorry01:37
jaimiedroletso I just re-entered the Kubuntu cd :/01:37
jaimiedroletand installed it... and btw01:37
thcrw8383Believe me,After using Ubuntu,You wont want to go back01:37
jaimiedroletI'm getting error 901 wityh Kopete pretty often01:37
thcrw8383I use GAIM01:37
quilzoI've been using kubuntu for the last few days01:38
jaimiedroletIt's better for MSN?01:38
quilzoapt-get install has changed my life01:38
jaimiedroletlol :P01:38
quilzoI've never felt so 133701:38
jaimiedroletcan anyone help me install frostwire?%01:38
jaimiedroletwell it's installed01:38
quilzocan't download the package01:38
jaimiedroletbut I mean...to install the good JRE01:38
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chuckyp!enter > jaimiedrolet01:39
chuckyp!frostwire > jaimiedrolet01:39
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jaimiedroletWhat's with the enter thing?01:40
quilzo!enter > quilzo01:40
=== Em3rald loves Amarlk
jaimiedroletI cannot press enter to send my message?01:40
chuckypjaimiedrolet, stop using it as punctuation.01:40
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[GuS] Aurevoir!01:40
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jaimiedroletI don't understand what you mean ^o)01:40
jaimiedroletI cannot press enter to send my message?01:40
LjLjaimiedrolet, you simply <enter> should avoid <enter> to write sentences <enter> this way01:40
taliseindon't send your message until you're done writing.01:40
chuckypjaimiedrolet, follow the directions below to get frostwire installed.01:40
tsole1is emerald here?01:40
ubotufrostwire is a totally open source version of Limewire.  For installation help, please see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FrostWire01:40
jaimiedroletI'm not sending until I'm done writing :o01:41
chuckypLjL, its not even worth trying to explain it.01:41
jaimiedroletHaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa, I understand what you mean!01:41
tsole1ive lost my connection01:41
Em3raldtsole1:  you got disconnected or something?  It shows the channel is stil opem01:41
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Em3raldOkay ... /join #em3rald again01:41
jaimiedroletI'll try to stop it... I'm used to MSN :P01:41
brasko_how do I know what version number of ubuntu I have installed?01:41
tsole1it did sign me in with a different nick01:42
LjLbrasko_: cat /etc/issue01:42
jaimiedroletAnyways... can anyone can help me install the good JRE to run forstwire?01:42
chuckypjaimiedrolet,  For installation help, please see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FrostWire01:42
Em3raldthat's okay.01:42
jaimiedroletIs there the infos on the JRE?01:42
chuckypjaimiedrolet, I'm not going to read it for you.01:42
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b03ntobrasko_, or lsb_release -a01:42
gansinhoplease, how do I edit my session list from comand line... I'm stuck !01:42
megaueijamie u maybe shoul reinstall JRE01:42
ubotuTo install a Java compiler/interpreter on Ubuntu, look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Java  -  For the Sun Java runtime install sun-java5-jre from the !Multiverse repository01:43
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LjLjaimiedrolet: ^01:43
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Liuitihow i done the pannel as mac osx ?01:43
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quilzoLjL: getting used of ^^ requiring 4 taps ?01:43
LjLjaimiedrolet: the message above.01:43
maziahubuntu rox01:43
LjLquilzo: ...?01:43
LjLquilzo, indeed, typing ^^ requires four taps here, but...?! :o)01:44
LjLwell, five, there is Shift too01:45
quilzobecause you typed ^01:45
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LjLquilzo: quick way of saying "look at the message above" :)01:45
megaueiits longer an upgrade than reinstall ubuntu? o.001:45
quilzoI typed ^ for 2 days while trying to type ^^01:45
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megaueihahaha same here01:45
quilzojust couldn't make the switch01:46
quilzoI can never go back to windows, or I will type ^^^^ and be outcast01:46
jaimiedroletI wanted to know01:46
eternalswdhow dow I get my Second Screen to dipslay 1280x1024 in Gnome as I have set it to be in my xorg.conf?01:46
jaimiedroletIs there anyway I can get the sudo mode or su mode working without entering any password, and moving any files to anywhere without ever being prompted because I don't have the permission to do it?01:47
quilzoxorg xorg-configure -d 2 -r 1301:47
LjLquilzo: just use a different keyboard layout then :-P for that matter, i believe that we're using the same layout right now, but that's purely coincidential. my keyboard would normally require just two taps :)01:47
jaimiedroletAnd without using the konsole neither *01:47
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sethkgansinho, you mean the sessions available at the login screen?01:47
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quilzojaimiedrolet: settings01:48
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sethkjaimiedrolet, you can set the root password and do su.   or you can use  su -i01:48
sethkjaimiedrolet, sorry, sudo -i01:48
quilzosethk: he won't use the console :p01:48
=== Rescue is now known as Rinchen
quilzosethk: and he calls it konsole because that's the name of the konsole gui in kde :p01:48
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quilzoaaah console*01:48
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sethkquilzo, then where is he typing the password he's trying not to type?01:49
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sethkjaimiedrolet, you can start a file browsing program as root, if that's what you are asking01:49
quilzohey, I didn't say he was succeeding :p01:49
quilzohe wants his display changed :p01:49
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quilzojaimiedrolet: ?01:50
quilzokde-button, system settings, display01:50
jaimiedroletI was trying to install JRE...sorry01:50
quilzohu :p01:50
quilzowtf, who am I talking to01:50
quilzoeternalswd: ?01:51
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quilzohe left?01:51
chuckypjaimiedrolet, Did you try the directions on the web page?01:51
quilzohe left01:51
jaimiedroletI am setting the channels of Ubuntu LTS Source01:51
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quilzothe sounddrivers don't make any sense01:52
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quilzoI can change every option and it will still sound the same01:52
jaimiedroletbut it says that another app likeapt-get or aptitude is running...01:52
quilzoadept ?01:52
quilzoautomatix ?01:52
jaimiedrolet*like apt-get01:52
quilzoanother console ?01:52
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jaimiedroletwhere can I go to see the running processes?01:52
quilzops -e in console01:52
quilzoroot if you want to see those before kde-init (which you don't want)01:53
quilzoor stuff you started as root01:53
quilzo(which I doubt you can)01:53
hypetop is usefull too01:53
quilzoas in, putting a root-app in your user-de :p01:53
quilzofound it?01:53
jaimiedroletI have no idea what the app that is blocking is01:54
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quilzoadept, apt-get, automatix.py01:54
chuckypjaimiedrolet, make sure synaptic is closed as well as update manager.01:54
sipherI just tried installing Ubuntu for the first time. Only ever tried Linux on live CD's.. installed from the desktop CD and when it asked the size for the new partition I set it to ~50 gigs.. but it created 2 50 gig partitions and now my win one is left with 4 gigs free. o_O01:54
jaimiedroletsynaptic is open01:54
ubotuAutomatix is an unsupported script that tries to automate the installation of some software. We don't provide support for it in the #ubuntu or #kubuntu channels, try #automatix thanks!01:54
jaimiedrolethow do I shut it off?01:55
quilzosipjer: problem is ?01:55
quilzosipher: delete second partition and resize windows01:55
sipherquandar: Problem is I wanted Ubuntu to take 50 gigs _max_.. and I need a lot more for win01:55
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chuckypLjL, i'm going to eat a bullet01:55
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quilzosipher: read what i typed01:55
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quilzochuckyp: why?01:56
jaimiedroletCan anyone tell me how to shut synaptic off with a terminal command?01:56
quilzokillall synaptic01:56
chuckypjaimiedrolet, sudo killall synaptic01:56
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hypesudo killall synaptic01:56
quilzoyou were third01:56
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jaimiedroletThanks a lot :D01:56
hypesudo :p01:56
chuckypquilzo, your's was wrong though01:56
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quilzoI always go root01:57
quilzoCore :p01:57
quilzoI wanted to get kde to run in tty1 with root01:57
PumpkinPiequilzo: can you sound more fedora?01:57
quilzobut i'm not 1337 enough yet01:57
PumpkinPie"Always go ROOT, to the CORE   core 5!"01:57
sipherquilzo: I don't know what I'm doing. Last time I created seperate partitions was in win 3.101:57
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PumpkinPieFC 5!01:57
quilzosipher: WHAHAHAHAHAHAAH01:57
kitchequilzo: well to get tty1 using kde you owuld have to have X use it01:58
sipheror :( rather01:58
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quilzokitche: I will need windows for the endless loop of stupidity01:58
sipherquilzo: I have a second HDD that I use for backup.. never needed to artition01:58
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quilzosipher: doesn't come in handy now hu, does it ? :p01:59
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dm1triHow i configure epiphany to save all tabs when to exit ?02:00
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quilzoain't epiphany a holiday ?02:00
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bod_nah its a religious experence02:01
quilzowhich should save all tabs on exit...02:01
ianmacgregorNo, it's a game02:01
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megaueiits my dream bike02:01
quilzowhere you play 3 kings who follow a star?02:01
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wickedpuppy /j #kubuntu02:01
quilzodon't do that in #debian :p02:02
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dm1triquilzo, possible save tabs in epiphany ?02:02
quilzodibs on the crown02:02
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XVampireXdm1tri, I wish that too :P02:02
KanRiNiNI have slow video under XGL.  I think I just need to change the driver to gl2 to something.  I'm using totem-gstreamer.  How can I do this?02:02
kleeshey guys02:02
=== JoeyStanford is now known as Rinchen|afk
kleesi'm starting to learn Python and was wondering if there was an IDE for it?02:03
XVampireXKanRiNiN, You use xv right now?02:03
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quilzokdevelop probably02:03
kleesi'm in Ubuntu02:03
kitcheklees: yea there's one that comes with python02:03
kleescommand line?02:03
XVampireXKanRiNiN, Also, video as in, video files?02:03
quilzofor kdevelop ?02:03
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KanRiNiNXVampireX: Yes, I believe so02:03
kleeskitche: is the IDE command line?02:04
KanRiNiNas in xvid and divx that previously played well in Gnome02:04
dm1triXVampireX, ;-)02:04
KanRiNiNAnd actually continue to do so in my gnome session w/o xgl02:04
kitcheklees: it's a gui program02:04
kleeskitche: what's the command to start it?02:04
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XVampireXKanRiNiN, what program? And what video output?02:04
quilzofor that video, just auto-install all the codecs you can find02:04
quilzoit worked for me02:04
quilzoI even recovered my porn from a ntfs-partition02:05
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XVampireXdm1tri, ty ruski?02:05
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quilzosounds stupid02:05
quilzosome guy said python was poo-lisp...02:06
dm1triXVampireX, brazilian02:06
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XVampireXdm1tri, Ah, okey :P02:06
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XVampireXdm1tri, nick sounds like a russian name02:06
KanRiNiNXVampireX: Sorry, it crashed.. I'm bback02:06
XVampireXKanRiNiN, You can't use opengl programs on top of XGL02:06
kitcheklees: trying to find out since it escapes me at the moment02:06
kleeskitche: np02:07
=== InnerFIRE [n=darnell@h-66-167-138-190.sttnwaho.dynamic.covad.net] has joined #ubuntu
DualCortex_could someone tell me how to compile programs in C++, i switched over from WIndows but programming is my main hobby02:07
XVampireXKanRiNiN, did you try XV?02:07
Seeker2599where do i find the files under my applications toolbar using the file browser02:07
InnerFIREhow do i install a metacity theme?02:07
KanRiNiNXVampireX: I went to gstreamer-properties, and the input is Video for Linux 1 and the output is autodetect02:07
InnerFIREit says file invalid02:07
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about programming - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi02:07
ubotuCompiling software from source? Read the tips at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompilingSoftware (But remember to search for pre-built !packages first: not all !repositories are enabled by default!)02:07
jaimiedroletI use EasyUbuntu to install Sun-java5-plugin and it won't work.  It says that the paquet isn't available...  Anyone can help please?02:07
DualCortex_Ill read that link02:08
XVampireXKanRiNiN, Are you trying to view movies?02:08
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KanRiNiNI changed it to Xv.  Let me test it XVampireX02:08
XVampireXKanRiNiN, Alright :)02:08
XVampireXKanRiNiN, XV is the best video output02:09
XVampireXV4L is for video input02:09
jaimiedrolet use EasyUbuntu to install Sun-java5-plugin and it won't work.  It says that the paquet isn't available...  Anyone can help please?02:09
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InnerFIREmetacity theme anyone? how do i install one?02:09
DualCortex_are there any graphic development environments that don't require me to use the terminal every time just to debug my code02:09
Seeker2599where do i find the files under my applications toolbar using the file browser?02:09
XVampireXjaimiedrolet, need to enable universe and multiverse02:09
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ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about univese - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi02:10
ubotuThe packages in Ubuntu are divided into several sections. See http://www.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/components https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Repositories and !easysource02:10
kitcheklees: it's called IDLE02:10
kleeskitche: cool thx02:10
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XVampireXIDLE is awesome02:10
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quilzoidle ?02:11
jaimiedroletI've made it universe already02:11
jaimiedroletIn the channel things...02:11
XVampireXjaimiedrolet, sudo apt-get update02:11
=== AAAle [n=AAAle@host83-229-dynamic.58-82-r.retail.telecomitalia.it] has joined #ubuntu
XVampireXErrr, you need to update02:11
quilzoI have all the standards and the automix ones02:11
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jaimiedroletnow it should work&02:12
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SpudDoggDoes anyone know anything about getting the built-in bluetooth in a toshiba laptop working?02:12
XVampireXjaimiedrolet, yes02:12
jaimiedroletstill same error02:12
=== cArNaGe`` [n=john@plns-216-222-254-109-pppoe.dsl.plns.epix.net] has joined #ubuntu
quilzoKDE has bluetooth chat...02:13
XVampireXjaimiedrolet, sec02:13
XVampireXjaimiedrolet, linux is case sensitive02:13
SpudDoggquilzo, i've installed that, but i cannot get the device workin g02:13
jaimiedroletit worked.  it has done the updates02:13
DualCortex_hmm well I fount it myself... Eclipse seem slike a good IDE02:13
jaimiedroletit just won't work with easyubuntu02:13
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quilzoseems like easyubuntu is a pain in the ass02:14
SquirrlesWould anyone know how to configure an ATI Raedon graphics card02:14
quilzoSquirrles: I have an ATI radeon too :)02:14
XVampireXjaimiedrolet, sudo apt-get install sun-java5-plugin02:14
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XVampireXjaimiedrolet, do that in console02:14
jaimiedroletit says there's no packet with the name of sun-java5-plugin02:15
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dm1triHow i configure epiphany to save all tabs when to exit ?02:15
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dm1trisave session02:15
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XVampireXdm1tri, there's no such thing in epiphany02:15
SpudDoggDoes anyone know anything about getting the built-in bluetooth in a toshiba laptop working?02:15
dm1triXVampireX, :'(02:15
XVampireXjaimiedrolet, hmm, did you enable ALL repositories?02:15
Squirrlescan somone tell me how to install my ATI Raedon graphics card with ubuntu02:15
DualCortex_dm1tri, I think you are confusing Epiphany with Opera02:16
jaimiedroletwhat's "ALL" repositories?02:16
bun-bunanyone use yahoopops?02:16
ericmoritz\0hey, is there a command line app that can watch a file for change and then execute a command if there's a change?02:16
XVampireXjaimiedrolet, ALL = all02:16
dm1triFirefox(extension: save session)02:16
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XVampireXdm1tri, epiphany is not exactly firefox02:16
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ArrenLexHas anyone ever installed\heard of someone install ubuntu\any linux on an intel mac? Are there any hoops to jump through? Any resources available?02:17
jaimiedroletwell...I went to change the channels... and then I clicked on  Ubuntu 6.06 LT (Source), clicked add and checked them all.  is that what you mean?02:17
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ericmoritz\0ArrenLex, Search digg.com, I think I've seen it a fee times there02:17
ericmoritz\0fee = few02:17
XVampireXjaimiedrolet, source is just that, source...02:17
XVampireXmeh, just a sec02:17
ubotuThe packages in Ubuntu are divided into several sections. See http://www.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/components https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Repositories and !easysource02:17
XVampireXjaimiedrolet, please read through the second link02:18
ArrenLexIf it's on digg.com I assume that it's a horrible hack someone managed to make half-work by soldering some extra chips and hex-editing some mac software?02:18
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XVampireXjaimiedrolet, https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Repositories/Ubuntu02:18
kitcheArrenLex: think bootcamp can install stuff easily02:19
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effie_jayxhas anybody experience cosntant freezes ??02:19
scandiumhello, is there a reason why launchpad bug 57595 has been idle for weeks although it's about a package of "main" and a security issue (amongst other bugs)?02:19
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ArrenLexDoes bootcamp support any OS, or only Windows? Does it come with the system?02:19
eternalswdhow do I change which screen gets xv usage.  I have an ati with one bes and would like to allow my tv screen to use xv rather than my monitor.02:20
XVampireXArrenLex, I think only windows02:20
effie_jayxI have , and I switch to the vesa driver... but I would like to use the ati driver... :(02:20
ArrenLexeric: awesome, I'll check it out. Thanks!02:20
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ericmoritz\0here's the actual install link, http://ubuntuforums.org/showpost.php?p=1060679&postcount=2202:20
=== theCore [n=alex@modemcable128.255-131-66.mc.videotron.ca] has joined #ubuntu
ericmoritz\0the previous one was just someone asking about what would work02:21
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ericmoritz\0wtf, sorry ignore that last link, the title of the link wasn't what it actually was02:22
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ArrenLexAwesome, looks good.02:22
ArrenLexThis is for a macbook... how about a mac mini?02:23
ericmoritz\0I know my coworker got it working with parallels02:23
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ArrenLexthat's an emulator, isn't it?02:23
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ericmoritz\0no, it's virtualization software02:23
ArrenLexYes, is what I mean.02:23
ArrenLexLike vmware\virtual pc.02:23
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ericmoritz\0it doesn't emulate, it translates02:23
ericmoritz\0ArrenLex, yeah it's really fast too02:24
jaimiedroletI'm sorry, but I've just enabled all the "deb" and "deb-src" to universe and multiverse02:24
=== LeeJunFan [n=junfan@adsl-69-210-207-5.dsl.klmzmi.ameritech.net] has joined #ubuntu
jaimiedroletand it's still giving me the packet error02:24
ericmoritz\0ArrenLex, I couldn't tell that Ubuntu wasn't running natively02:24
K1765Hey, where in bios is the driver settings, cuz i dont see one02:24
XVampireXjaimiedrolet, what packet error?02:24
=== ZeroDni [n=ZeroDni@c-71-203-223-183.hsd1.tn.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
chuckypjaimiedrolet, if you read the directions on the page I sent you it goes in to detail on how to install frostwire.02:24
jaimiedroletWell I have Kubuntu in French =/  So I can translate02:25
ubotufrostwire is a totally open source version of Limewire.  For installation help, please see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FrostWire02:25
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ubotuAllez a #ubuntu-fr ou #kubuntu-fr pour de l'aide et de la discussion en francais.02:25
jaimiedroletYes Chucky but I can't seem to get java working02:25
chuckypjaimiedrolet, did you try the fr channel?02:25
jaimiedroletthanks much :)02:25
jaimiedroletYeah I went.  Thanks for everything bro02:26
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K1765where in bios is the driver settings, cuz i dont see one02:26
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chuckypK1765, driver settings?02:26
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Em3raldfor a repository list, if a person is in Greece, which is the best country code to go with (like http://ca.ubuntu.~~~~)02:27
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ubotuThe packages in Ubuntu are divided into several sections. See http://www.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/components https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Repositories and !easysource02:27
chuckyp!easysource > Em3rald02:27
=== merlin cries.
=== MystaMax [n=mystamax@c-24-98-118-36.hsd1.ga.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
merlinevery time i reboot my edgy box... it says xorg.conf is messed up02:28
ArrenLexThanks LOTS for all the help, ericmoriz! :) It looks awesome.02:28
chuckypmerlin, what do you end up donig to get X working?02:28
merlinre-installing nvidia drivers02:28
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merlinthen startx. and it works beautifully02:28
chuckypmerlin, How are you i nstalling them?02:28
merlinfrom the nvidia site.02:29
K1765sethk u there?02:29
chuckypmerlin, I would just make sure the nvidia module is getting loaded.02:29
melonok - i can't unrar a rar file.. i do "apt-get install unrar" - but it says i don't have permissions - which is really odd as it's something i've never encountered before - any ideas?02:29
=== ninn [n=ninn@chello084112032164.1.11.vie.surfer.at] has joined #ubuntu
merlinim a complete n00b... lol02:29
ArrenLexmelon: use sudo for admin tasks.02:29
ArrenLexsudo apt-get install unrar02:29
chuckypmerlin, on boot.  after a reboot try lsmod | grep nvidia     see if the module is being loaded.  If its htere make sure that xorg.conf has the driver listed as "nvidia"02:29
XVampireXchuckyp, install nvidia-glx and in /etc/X11/xorg.conf search for "nv" change it to "nvidia" then hit ctrl+alt+backspace02:29
ninnHello. How can i copy every single file, even the hidden onces?02:29
melonlol - yes.. i do sudo02:29
merlinroot@filebox:~# lsmod | grep nvidia02:30
merlinnvidia 4554836 1202:30
merlini2c_core 23424 3 nvidia,i2c_ec,i2c_sis96x02:30
merlinagpgart 34888 2 nvidia,sis_agp02:30
chuckypXVampireX, my X is not broken02:30
melon"sudo apt-get install unrar" is what i typed02:30
kitcheninn: cp * <where you want to copy to>02:30
XVampireXchuckyp, I didn't say it was broken, you asked how to install nvidia drivers02:30
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ninndoenst copy the hidden ones :802:30
XVampireXchuckyp, wait, lol02:30
ninn.... :/02:30
chuckypXVampireX, no i asked him how he installed them.02:30
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XVampireXchuckyp, lol, sorry, yeah, merlin02:30
merlin... lol02:31
merlinhad me confused02:31
Em3raldwell, that easy sources thing is great, but I don't know what the best country code would be.02:31
chuckypmerlin, check your /etc/X11/xorg.conf  and make sure that under the Device section you have Driver     "nvidia"   instead of "nv"02:31
XVampireXmerlin: do what I told you, or even better yet02:31
ubotuTo install the Ati/NVidia drivers for your video card, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto02:31
kitcheninn: cp -R perhaps02:31
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ninnno .. doenst work too ^^^02:31
merlinSection "Device"02:31
merlinIdentifier "NVIDIA Corporation NV34 [GeForce FX 5500] "02:31
merlinDriver "nvidia"02:31
merlinBusID "PCI:0:9:0"02:31
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chuckypmerlin, What sort of error are you getting when you X doesn't work?02:32
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merlini forget, i got used to it and just bypass it and reinstall every time02:32
=== capt-rogers [n=teddymil@bas14-toronto63-1177852302.dsl.bell.ca] has joined #ubuntu
chuckypmerlin, you can cat /var/Xorg.0.log | grep EE   for the error02:32
merlinjust set that box to reboot02:32
=== Vaxu [n=vaxaren@adsl-36-5.regionline.fi] has joined #ubuntu
merlinmy linux box is faster than my gaming box.. thats horrible02:33
merlinwell, not really02:33
chuckypmerlin, err.. /var/log/Xorg.0.log   or /var/log/Xorg.0.log.old   for the previous one.02:33
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chuckypmerlin, wait till edgy comes out even faster.02:33
XVampireXmerlin, That's normal, linux is faster than windows.02:34
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rockzmanjbmigel, yo02:34
merlinno i mean...02:34
rockzmanjbmigel, ty so much buddy now i am ok =)02:34
merlin2.8GHz Pentium 4, 1.2GB ram, GeForce 550002:34
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merlinfor my linux box02:34
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DualCortex_does sudo apt-get install sun-java5-bin install the latest java version?02:35
ubotuTo install a Java compiler/interpreter on Ubuntu, look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Java  -  For the Sun Java runtime install sun-java5-jre from the !Multiverse repository02:35
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rockzmanchuckyp,  can ya gimme some information about some services?02:36
XVampireXDualCortex_, yes02:36
Chm0ddoes ubuntu have a alsa-dev or libasound-dev file anywhere?02:36
rockzmanChm0d, sudo synaptic02:37
Chm0dive done a search in synaptic with no results02:37
chuckyprockzman, what do you want?02:37
rockzmanchuckyp, i want to make my system starts up faster deselecting  some services i dont use02:38
rockzmanchuckyp, would u know how to guide me ?02:38
kitcheChm0d: just look up alsa02:38
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chuckyprockzman, hrm... well I would search around the forums there are several guides on that.  Just becarfull deselecting certain services if that are needed for the operation of you system.02:38
rockzmanchuckyp, that is why i am worried ^.^02:39
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rockzmanbut ok i'll try myself02:39
rockzmanty anyway02:39
=== KingLear [i=KingLear@] has joined #ubuntu
merlinOkay...got the error02:39
KingLearHello all02:39
KingLearI have a small problem,02:40
Seeker2599when i download avidemux it doesnt show up in my sound & video folder why not?02:40
chuckypmerlin, What does it say something abou the kernel module?02:40
merlinError: API Mismatch: The Nvidia Kernel module has the version 1.0-7184 but this X module has the version 1.0-8776. Please make sure that the kernel module and all nvidia driver components have the same version02:40
KingLeari have a PCtel Micromodem,02:40
KingLearand have the drivers as well,02:40
chuckypmerlin, someone else had this problem the other day and they where using automatix02:40
merlini used Envy02:40
merlinso what can i do to right this error02:40
chuckypmerlin, yeah you need to remove their version of the nvidia driver then install yours.02:41
KingLearhave compiled gcc as well, except for libstdc, when I try to compile drivers for the modems, it says gcc not found02:41
KingLearwhat can be the solution?02:41
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chuckypIs there a log of this channel on the net anywhere?02:41
marcrosoftSo i installed edgy, and i was wondering what i have to do when they release the newer version...02:41
=== sharperguy [n=sharp@88-110-203-37.dynamic.dsl.as9105.com] has joined #ubuntu
chuckypmerlin, I thought this channel was logged to the net if so you would be able to find it someone had your exact problem.02:41
chuckyp!edgy > marcrosoft02:41
mcphail!logs > chuckyp02:42
[psy] (Logquote not found ' > chuckyp')02:42
DualCortex_does anyone know how to uninstall beryl02:42
chuckyp!logs > merlin02:42
[psy] (Logquote not found ' > merlin')02:42
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chuckypmcphail, cool ty02:42
KingLearany one who can tellme hwo to corect the gcc-4.0 compile problem?02:42
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Chm0dgrrr im trying to build a glx app called quetoo on ubuntu what headers and stuff do I need?02:43
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ubuntuhello to everybody02:43
chuckypChm0d, you need build-essentials02:43
Seeker2599when i download avidemux it doesnt show up in my sound & video folder why not?02:43
shawncm217any recomendation on02:43
Chm0dthats it?02:44
ubuntui speak spanish02:44
=== torch [n=torch@adsl-144-193-100.mia.bellsouth.net] has joined #ubuntu
merlinholy crap02:44
merlinthats alot of logs02:44
shawncm217any recommendation on TV software?02:44
ubuntuwhos speak spanish here?02:44
KingLearanyone please?02:44
chuckypmerlin, it was either yesterday or the day before.02:44
KingLearI have problem compiling GCC for the PCtel modem driver...02:44
chuckypmerlin, he had the exact same error as you so if you search for that you'll find it.02:44
=== czedlitz [n=crogue5@ip70-161-80-244.hr.hr.cox.net] has joined #ubuntu
chuckypKingLear, why are you compiling gcc?02:45
chuckypKingLear, why not just install from synaptic?02:45
Seeker2599when i download avidemux it doesnt show up in my sound & video folder why not?02:45
chuckypshawncm217, mythtv02:45
KingLearchukyp, the problemis that02:45
Chm0dhmmm couldn't fine build-essentials in synaptic?02:45
KingLearI have a PCtel micromodem,02:45
ubotuCompiling software from source? Read the tips at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompilingSoftware (But remember to search for pre-built !packages first: not all !repositories are enabled by default!)02:46
KingLearand when I try to install its drivers, the error says, Gcc not found02:46
KingLearthough I have installed via dpkg, the Gcc 4.002:46
Seveas!compiling > KingLear02:46
shawncm217thanks chuckyp any easy install method?02:46
ubotuavidemux: a small editing software for avi (especially DivX). In component multiverse, is optional. Version 1:2.1.2-0.0ubuntu2 (dapper), package size 2607 kB, installed size 6756 kB02:46
merlinthese logs arent too big.. lol02:46
chuckypshawncm217, mythtv is more for recording tv are you looking for something just to view tv on your capture card?02:47
=== anthonyc [n=anthony@adsl-75-31-162-88.dsl.frs2ca.sbcglobal.net] has joined #ubuntu
Em3raldavidemux is awesome02:47
bioticproG'day yall, q: if blank dvds are 4.7GB capacity, why do all the ripping programs have the default image size set to 4.4GB?02:47
Seeker2599when i download avidemux it doesnt show up in my sound & video folder why not?02:47
shawncm217chuckyp: yes02:47
sethkbioticpro, overhead02:47
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bioticprosethk: what do you mean?02:47
chuckypChm0d, its there package name is build-essential02:47
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sethkbioticpro, the available space on any storage device is always smaller than the raw capacity02:48
chuckypmerlin, just search don't read throught he whole thing.02:48
Seeker2599i download and install it with add/remove and after installing i cant find it02:48
BHSPitLappybionoid, I think it's a general measurement inconsistency between those who sell media and computers02:48
sethkbioticpro, in this case you may also be running into the *1000 instead of *1024 issue.02:48
BHSPitLappydoes that make sense02:48
sethkBHSPitLappy, not the way you said it, but what you meant makes sense.02:48
chuckypshawncm217, i'm not sure which app to use though I know their are several perhaps search the forums.  People usually post their experiences there.02:49
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Chm0dhmm chuckyp i try to apt-get install build-essential and im not gettin it02:49
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mcphail!info build-essential02:49
ubotubuild-essential: informational list of build-essential packages. In component main, is optional. Version 11.1 (dapper), package size 6 kB, installed size 48 kB02:49
BHSPitLappysethk, I prefer to cram the most amount of meaning into the least amount of words... sometimes it confuses people ;)02:49
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KingLearSeveas , that link did not help me .. :(02:50
ubotuChannel logs can be found at http://people.ubuntu.com/~fabbione/irclogs02:50
[psy] (Logquote 44 of 83) #leip.log:21:17 [@dpd      ]  [@GanJA_mAN]  [@p00      ]  [@THC      ]  [@Wazzzaaa] 02:50
bioticproseth: so if I have a original dvd that says the size is 4.4GB (4,672,000,000) , that means it doesn't need to be shrunk to fit on a single layer disk02:50
[psy] (Logquote 33 of 83) #leip.log:21:17 [@discarded]  [@F|nger   ]  [@Morte    ]  [@St1      ]  [@vogeltje]  [ Psy0rz   ] 02:50
Chm0dhmm i alreayd  have build essential installed02:50
sethkKingLear, after installing, you have to do (in a shell) hash -r02:50
jdolanhi Chm0d02:50
bioticprosethk: G'day yall, q: if blank dvds are 4.7GB capacity, why do all the ripping programs have the default image size set to 4.4GB?02:50
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sethkKingLear, the path is cached02:50
Seeker2599i downloaded and installed avidemux with add/remove and after installing i cant find it02:50
Chm0dwhat do i need to install to build quetoo?02:50
Chm0doh hey j02:50
Chm0dim trying02:51
chuckypChm0d, then you have all the compiliers02:51
bioticprosethk: so if I have a original dvd that says the size is 4.4GB (4,672,000,000) , that means it doesn't need to be shrunk to fit on a single layer disk02:51
jdolanchuckyp, he needs x11 headers, alsa headers, sdl headers, ..02:51
maswanbioticpro: the first is GB as 10^9, the second GB as 2^3002:51
Chm0dwhat about headers for sdl glx and alsa?02:51
KingLearpardon, sethk? I mean after installing gcc I have to do that? ( hash -r)02:51
sethkbioticpro, yes, that's correct.02:51
bioticpromaswan: ok...02:51
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sethkKingLear, yes, if you are trying to compile within a shell02:51
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sethkKingLear, that tells the shell to throw away its cached path info and look for any program you try to run.02:52
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snoopsthe second GB maswan refers to is otherwise known as GiB - GibiByte02:52
Davey*sigh* I broke stuff :/02:52
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sethkKingLear, for obvious reasons the shell doesn't want to do that search every time you execute a command.02:52
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sethkDavey, then fix stuff02:52
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chuckypjdolan, perhaps you can tell him how to install them.02:53
DaveyI edited my /etc/hosts to change the hostname, and uh, sudo doesn't work anymore :(02:53
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sethkDavey, that's not the only place where the host name appears02:53
Seeker2599i downloaded and installed avidemux with add/remove and after installing i cant find it02:53
sethkDavey, for the moment, just do:    hostname new-name02:53
Daveysethk: I know...02:53
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KingLearsethk, when I do the command dpkg -i gcc-4.0.* it is installed, no error out out is seen,02:53
sethkDavey, at the prompt, then try sudo again from that prompt02:53
Chm0dchuckyp: he isn't familiar with ubuntu thats what he is in here as well :")02:53
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Daveysethk: I can't.... need root to do that :/02:53
chuckypSeeker2599, perhaps its not a gui program and it needs to be launched fromt he terminal?02:53
sethkDavey, no you don't02:54
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KingLearbut when I try to install the drivers for the PCtel modem, the eror says, no gcc found02:54
sethkDavey, well, yes, in some cases you might02:54
Seeker2599where would it have ben installed to?02:54
KingLearsethk what could be the problem?02:54
sethkDavey, boot the rescue cd02:54
jdolanChm0d, sudo apt-get install libxxf86misc-dev libxxf86vm-dev02:54
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=== Em3rald starves to death before your very eyes.
sethkKingLear, I've told you that several times.02:54
chuckypChm0d, did you try apt-cache search "whatever"     no quotes of course but to possibly find the packages you are looking for.02:54
sethkKingLear, specifically, tell me what you are doing.02:54
jdolan(maybe, just found it googling for 'ubuntu' and header filenames)02:54
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sethkchuckyp, you can use the quotes there, they don't hurt anything02:55
KingLearsethk I am sure you must have toldme,02:55
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KingLearbut I unable to get that..02:55
Seeker2599chuckyp: where would it have been installed to?02:55
Daveysethk: I can reboot from the GUI, after that, will it work? I modified /etc/hostname and /etc/hosts02:55
concept10how do I get by a package that will not install?  In this case, samba.. it has ruined my dist-upgrade02:55
sethkKingLear, ok, tell me what you are doing, specifically.02:55
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KingLearsethk , I am trying to install the drivers of a PCtel micromode,02:55
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KingLearwhen i give the command ./setup02:55
sethkDavey, it might, or it might bite you because of the inconsistency.  but you have nothing to lose, worst case is you boot the rescue cd anyway02:55
chuckypSeeker2599, well you could type which "nameofprogram"   that will show you where its installed at.02:55
KingLearit says gcc not found02:55
Chm0dchuckyp: yea iv actually installed what I think i need02:55
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Chm0dthanks very much02:56
chuckypSeeker2599, but try opening a terminal and just tyeping the name of the app.02:56
Chm0dfor your time02:56
sethkKingLear, ok, at that prompt, type     hash -r02:56
KingLearsethk I can swear that i Hvae installed gcc-4.002:56
sethkKingLear, then, at the same prompt, type     which gcc02:56
KingLearall packages came in the 6.06 cd02:56
chuckypChm0d, np I just found a post int he forums about quetoo also.02:56
sethkKingLear, yes, three times was enough  times to say you have gcc02:56
jdolanChm0d, sudo apt-get install x-window-system-dev02:56
jmichaelxare there any cups wizards in here? i am trying to configure this PC as a print server.... but when i 'lpq' from a client machine, i get 'no default destination available'. the machine with the printer is kubuntu edgy, the client machine is running kubuntu dapper (i hope it is ok to ask in this room!)02:56
sethkKingLear, try those two commands, at the _same_ shell prompt, and tell me what happens.02:56
Chm0dk thx jdolan02:56
jdolanseems to be several packages for ubuntu that have at one time or another provided those headers :-/02:57
KingLearI will have to DC, coz I am using a dual boot,02:57
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KingLearsethk thanx aloyt for your help..02:57
sethkKingLear, ok.  to do this rebooting between each step is going to be very painful.02:57
mcphailKingLear: no point rebooting to test the command02:57
KingLearso what shallI do?02:57
sethkmcphail, no, he means he's in windows02:57
Chm0dwhat do i need to install to build quetoo?02:58
sethkKingLear, no choice, really, but it will be painful.02:58
KingLearsethk :)02:58
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Squirrelswere are the themes for gnome located02:58
rredd4trying to remove slocate_3.0.beta.r3-1_i386.deb, when i type "apt-get remove slocate_3.0.beta.r3-1_i386.deb" it says it cannot find it.  I can go into /var/cache/apt/archives and find it via cd command, the package is broken.  how do i remove it?02:58
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jdolanwrong window for the UP arrow? ;)02:58
mcphailsethk: yes - but booting back into ubuntu will open a new bash session, so no need for the hash -r02:58
Chm0dwhere is that post at chuckyp02:58
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chuckyprredd4, dpkg -r nameofdeb.deb02:58
sethkmcphail, oh, that's true, yes.02:58
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sethkmcphail, but it won't hurt.  :)02:58
mcphailsethk: :)02:59
Seeker2599does anyone know of an avi splitter besides avidemux02:59
Squirrelswere can i find the folders for the themes and colors for gnome?02:59
BHSPitLappywhy would another one need to even exist, Seeker259902:59
KingLearanyways, Guys, Thamx alot...02:59
mick_i am trying to run beryl on an ati 9800pro and i got everything installed seemingly correctly from the installation page of the wiki, but when i start up the xgl session alls i get is a white cube02:59
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mcphailKingLear: have you tried "sudo apt-get install build-essential"?02:59
Seeker2599because mine wont install correctly!!02:59
chuckyp!xgl > mick_02:59
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chuckypmick_, xgl suport is in #ubuntu-sgl02:59
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chuckypmick_, err #ubuntu-xgl02:59
KingLearthat darned modem is the only way I could be ableto do apt-get at all, sethk03:00
mick_oops, thanks03:00
Seeker2599i have downloaded it 3 time and it wont show up03:00
KingLearwhat is build-essential sethk?03:00
mcphailKingLear: i think that build-essential and all the needed packages are on the cd03:00
chuckypSeeker2599, did you try typing its name at terminal?  and where are you downloading it?03:00
KingLearyes, build-essential is there03:00
Seeker2599i downloaded it from the add remove thingy03:00
Seeker2599and yes i did03:00
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jmichaelxis there a cups room?03:01
cmathesonwhat programs can view a multi-page tiff file?03:01
chuckypSeeker2599, what happened when you typed avidemeux in terminal?03:01
sethkKingLear, build-essential is a meta package which includes the compiler and make and other build tools.  But I didn't say that, someone else did.03:01
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mcphailKingLear: if you install that package, it will install several packages needed for compilation03:01
jmichaelxor ubuntu cups? :-D03:01
Seeker2599bash: command not found03:01
chuckypSeeker2599, go to a terminal and type sudo apt-get install avidemux03:01
KingLearoh mcphail, sorry, I couldnt note that it was you, so I try installing that now?03:01
chuckypSeeker2599, then see if its there.03:01
sethkKingLear, not if you already installed it.03:02
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=== chuckyp brb need a smoke
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KingLearwill it also solve the dpendency problem between libstdc6 and g++?03:02
sethkKingLear, which is it?  either you installed it, or you didn't.03:02
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KingLearI didnt03:02
mcphailKingLear: if you have not installed it already, then install it now03:02
sethkKingLear, there isn't a dependency _problem_03:02
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sethkKingLear, what did you see that makes you think there is a dependency problem?03:02
KingLearsethk I thought I shouldnt mess around with the packages I dont know about, sethk03:03
rredd4chuckyp  typed dpkg -r  slocate_3.0.beta.r3-1_i386.deb  got this error:  dpkg: you must specify packages by their own names, not by quoting the names of the files they come in03:03
sethkKingLear, well, ok, but having a dependency isn't a problem.03:03
AsheDis it possible to change the name that Ubuntu appends to linked files?03:03
KingLearbecuase installing either of libstdc6 and g++ says that the other package is not present03:03
sethkAsheD, hm?  there is nothing appended to a linked file.03:03
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mcphailKingLear: are you installing with dpkg or apt-get? You need to use apt-get03:03
Seeker2599it says: avidemux is already the newest version03:04
sethkKingLear, do you mean you can't install?03:04
imperfect-Anyone here know how I can get lilo installed using a live cd?03:04
AsheDwhen I create a link, it creates a new file called "link to <filename>", can I edit that?03:04
sethkKingLear, try doing what mcphail suggested:    sudo apt-get install build-essential03:04
KingLearI will do that03:04
KingLearsethk since I have only this option left with right now..03:04
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KingLearbuild-essential is in CD03:04
KingLearand will try that03:05
KingLearThanx anyway03:05
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KingLearI will try to save the out put for future refrence..03:05
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Seeker2599 it says: avidemux is already the newest version, now what?03:05
KingLearBye all... sethk, mcphail, Thanx03:05
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rredd4typed dpkg -r  slocate_3.0.beta.r3-1_i386.deb  got this error:  dpkg: you must specify packages by their own names, not by quoting the names of the files they come in03:06
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Squirrelshow do i run a .rpm03:06
chuckypSeeker2599, now type in avidemux03:06
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sethkSquirrels, you don't.03:06
chuckyp!alien > Squirrels03:06
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sethkSquirrels, a .rpm is an install file for the RPM package manager03:07
chuckypSquirrels, what program are you trying to install?03:07
sethkSquirrels, you can possibly use it with alien, but this is very dangerous03:07
Seeker2599bash: avidemux: command not found03:07
sethkSquirrels, you should find an install for ubuntu if at all possible03:07
anthonycmister patrick volkerding uses an rpm spec file to compile mozilla03:07
sethkSeeker2599, you can say that a few hundred more times, it says nothing.03:07
chuckypSeeker2599, hold on let me check something03:07
sethkSeeker2599, you can search for the file.  if, in fact, that is a program name.03:07
chuckypSeeker2599, what is the response of which avidemux03:08
rredd4chuckyp  dpkg -r ....  did not work  says i need to specify package by its own name, not the name of the file...  ??03:08
chuckyprredd4, dpkg -r slocate03:09
chuckyprredd4, dunno why you want to remove that though.03:09
rredd4its broken03:09
sethkthere is no such file as avidemux, unless it is very new.03:09
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chuckyprredd4, did you try apt-get reinstall slocate03:09
rredd4i will03:09
chuckypsethk, Its int he repos03:09
chuckyp!info avidemux03:09
ubotuavidemux: a small editing software for avi (especially DivX). In component multiverse, is optional. Version 1:2.1.2-0.0ubuntu2 (dapper), package size 2607 kB, installed size 6756 kB03:10
sethkchuckyp, ok.03:10
sethkchuckyp, he downloaded a package file from somewhere?03:10
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Seeker2599i got it from the add/remove thing03:10
sethkchuckyp, no, according to that info you just provoked, it is indeed in the repositories03:10
chuckypsethk, he installed from repos but now he can't figure out how to run it.03:10
chuckypSeeker2599, what did which avidemux      say?03:10
Seeker2599it doesnt show up03:10
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sethkSeeker2599, do a find for it.      Or, run sudo updatedb,  then do a locate for it.03:11
tsoleremerald are u here?03:11
chuckypSeeker2599, "which avidemux"   no quotes in terminal03:11
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Seeker2599it doesnt say anything03:12
chuckypSeeker2599, it just went back to prompt?03:12
sethkSeeker2599, not possible03:12
sethkSeeker2599, it can say "avidemux not found"03:12
sethkSeeker2599, but it can't do nothing.03:12
Seeker2599it didnt say anything03:12
mcphailsethk: not true03:12
sethkmcphail, sure it's true, I just tried it.03:12
rredd4chuckyp  dpkg - warning: ignoring request to remove slocate which isn't installed.    also got this   apt-get reinstall slocate    E: Invalid operation reinstall03:12
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mcphailsethk: so did i03:12
leetcharmerif I want to select all files that end in .avi in a folder w/ nautilus -- how do I do that?03:13
sethkmcphail, oh, you are using a broken bash, sorry03:13
chuckyprredd4, sudo aptitude reinstall slocate03:13
sethkmcphail, I forget that bug.03:13
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mcphailsethk: he was responding to the "which avidemux", not your suggestion for find or locate03:13
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chuckypSeeker2599, hold on let me try installing it and seeing what the deal is.03:13
nukeslioni cant find w32codecs, but im pretty sure my repositories are working right, is there a trick to getting them? (trying to get amarok to play mp3s)03:13
sethkmcphail, yes, of course, I understand that03:13
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Seeker2599where do i find the files downloaded through add/remove?03:14
sethkmcphail, I don't use the shell which says nothing at all for a failed which (which is a bug, if you'll excuse the expression  :)   )03:14
sethkSeeker2599, there is no specific answer, files get installed to lots of places03:14
chuckypSeeker2599, it downloaded a .deb file in apts cache03:14
anthonycleetcharmer, you would add *.avi to the end of your command03:14
sethkSeeker2599, do this:   find / -name avidemux03:14
rredd4chuckyp  what is   Score is -21?03:14
sethkSeeker2599, as root03:14
mcphailsethk: aah. OK. I don't recall bash ever responding to which if the file wasn't present, but that is maybe my bad memory...03:14
leetcharmerwhere do I type that in?03:14
noiesmonukeslion, for amarok and mp3 i did this sudo apt-get install libmad0 libxine-extracodecs and used xine engine in amarok03:14
chuckyprredd4, there are dependancy problems aparently if you read the full message?  Why do you assume that slocate is broken?03:15
AsheDwhen I create a link to a file, it creates a new file called "link to <filename>", can I edit that?03:15
nukeslionnoiesmo, alright, i shall try that03:15
sethkmcphail, no, I don't mean that bash ever didn't have the bug, I meant that I don't use bash because it's broken in a number of ways, including that one.03:15
mcphailsethk: :)03:15
tonyyarussoAsheD: Edit how?03:15
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mcphailsethk: ksh?03:15
chuckypSeeker2599, I just installed it and it works fine  It installs in the menus under Applications > Sound & Video > avidemux03:15
Seeker2599its not there for me03:15
chuckypSeeker2599, also launching it from terminal works03:15
nukeslionnoiesmo, Package libxine-extracodecs is not available, but is referred to by another package.03:15
AsheDtonyyarusso:: like to change the text it adds, or remove it, so its just the same as the file name03:15
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=== nukeslion checks his repositories again ~.~
rredd4chuckyp  because when i go to synaptic and click on fix broken package, it hangs on slocate03:16
ubotulibxine-extracodecs: the xine video/media player library, binary files. In component multiverse, is optional. Version 1.1.1+ubuntu1-2 (dapper), package size 1148 kB, installed size 2976 kB03:16
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chuckypSeeker2599, well sudo apt-get --purge avidemux   then sudo apt-get install avi-demux03:16
jaimiedroletanyone can tell me what those errors mean?03:16
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jewbileewould someone mind giving me a step by step install of Flash03:16
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chuckyprredd4, well what does the screen say about it?03:16
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jewbileei cant get it working03:16
chuckyp!flash > jewbilee03:16
noiesmonukeslion, works for me note > Enable the lines which end with 'dapper universe' and 'dapper multiverse'03:16
tonyyarussoAsheD: Is it in the right-click properties perhaps?03:16
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chuckypjewbilee, what version are you trying to install?03:17
leetcharmeranthonyc, where would I type that?03:17
noiesmojewbilee, I download latest flash 9 from abode this morning then extract it and read the txt file it comes with easy to install03:17
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AsheDtonyyarusso:: no?  at least I don't see anything pertaining to that03:17
bazzi'm trying to get samba running on dapper, i've got it installed and running and i've shared a folder, but when i try to connect from my windows machine it gives me a password prompt and nothing seems to log in successfully.  (i've tried my user account and the root account)03:17
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sethkjaimiedrolet, if the thing still runs, you can ignore those errors03:17
chuckyp!samba > bazz03:17
sethkjaimiedrolet, the program is looking for things that don't exist on your box, but that doesn't mean that there is a problem.03:17
bazzchuckyp: thanks, i'll ready that03:18
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cd32fancan anyone tell me the name of a program that streams radio for ubuntu?03:18
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Seeker2599when i try to purge it says E: invalid operation avidemux03:18
chuckypcd32fan, like fm radio?03:18
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noiesmojewbilee, heres link http://labs.adobe.com/downloads/flashplayer9.html03:18
cd32fansomething like that03:18
chuckypcd32fan, did you try doing a search with synaptic for fm??03:18
rredd4cd32fan  streamtuner03:18
mick__!xgl  > mick__03:18
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cd32fanhey that was fast03:19
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cd32fanthanks ;)03:19
tonyyarussoAsheD: Works here...what do you see?03:19
rredd4cd32fan  i use it, needs xmms to hear it03:19
Seeker2599anyone know of another avi splitter besides avidemux03:19
chuckypjewbilee, download that extract and put it in your /usr/lib/firefox/plugins03:19
fatsheepquick q...  in open office when I try to select text with the mouse a lot of times it will only move the cursor, is there a way to get rid of this behaviour?03:20
AsheDtonyyarusso:: I have no problem *creating* the link, I just wanted to know if I can change the default text added to the link name03:20
chuckypjewbilee, restart firefox and flash will be working.03:20
sethkSeeker2599, no, sorry, I'm not really up on those apps.   google doesn't help you?03:20
cd32fanrredd4: i'll try it03:20
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tonyyarussoAsheD: You mean the name that shows up in nautilus / on the desktop, right?03:20
AsheDtonyyarusso:: yes03:20
rredd4cd32fan  its not bad03:20
AsheDtonyyarusso:: I know its possible in windows, so I think it would be in Linux as well03:20
bod_what do i have to install to see java content in firefox03:20
chuckypSeeker2599, did you try removing like I told you and reinstall it?  Because I can confirm that it works here.03:20
tonyyarussoAsheD: And if you right click on the file, and select properties, what do you see?03:20
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chuckyp!java > bod_03:21
cd32fanthere's just one thing i still havent managed to install in Ubuntu03:21
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cd32fanthe graphic drivers03:21
chuckypcd32fan, what type of card?03:21
keithhhhcan someone tell me how to run a .jar file?03:21
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Seeker2599when i try to purge it says E: invalid operation avidemux03:21
chuckyp!java > keithhhh03:21
ArrenLexkeithhhh: do you have java insatlled03:21
cd32fanchuckyp: the ATI drivers03:21
ArrenLexinstalled **03:21
chuckypSeeker2599, well apt-get remove avidemux03:22
chuckyp!ati > cd32fan03:22
jewbileecan anyone help me?  im at gnashs website and i can find the download link ^^;;03:22
cd32fanchuckyp: 9600 series03:22
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AsheDtonyyarusso:: I seem info about the file, but nothing pertaining to links, unless you are referring to the link file itself, then I can see its name, location, what it links to, etc, but that still doesn't answer my question03:22
chuckypjewbilee, ahh you want to install gnash.   I think they use cvs.03:22
ArrenLexjewbilee: http://www.gnu.org/software/gnash/#downloading03:22
chuckypjewbilee, http://www.gnu.org/software/gnash/#downloading03:22
chuckypArrenLex, argh you beet me.03:23
jewbileegimme a sec03:23
jewbileeill probably be back with another question03:23
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joevandykI've got a Dell laptop with an extra VGA thing in the back of it.  How do I get that to work with ubuntu?03:23
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ArrenLexjewbilee: you're going to have to use cvs to get gnash.03:23
chuckypjewbilee, well you have two choices basically gnash or adobes version of flash.03:23
nukeslionnoiesmo, thanks, its working ^__^ <303:23
ArrenLexjwebilee: I warn you gnash is of little interest to anyone but developers right now.03:23
chuckypjoevandyk, plug a monitor in to it.03:23
tonyyarussoAsheD: And the name is "link to whatever", right?03:23
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noiesmonukeslion, np :)03:23
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joevandykchuckyp: don't I need to modify xorg.conf?03:23
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AsheDtonyyarusso:: yes, and my question was how to change the default, so I don't have to manually change it each time03:23
jewbileeArrenLex: what would you recommend?03:24
mcruzany script-people here??03:24
Seeker2599ok it removed it now how do i get it again lol03:24
tonyyarussoAsheD: Ah, I see now.03:24
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ArrenLexjewbilee: to watch flash movies, only the official adobe plugin is useable right now.03:24
chuckypjoevandyk, you can't do a dual display if thats what you are asking.  I believe on most laptops its either using that or the screen?03:24
chuckypjoevandyk, and that is controlled usually by a function key or in the bios.03:24
jewbileeArrenLex: how do i get that to work?03:24
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ArrenLexjewbilee: by downloading it and putting the library into ~/.mozilla.plugins03:24
ArrenLex ~/.mozilla/plugins **03:24
jewbileeuse Synaptics?03:25
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jewbileeor from their website03:25
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chuckypArrenLex, /usr/lib/firefox/plugins  would be better because that would be a system wide change instead of for just his user.03:25
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jewbileeim still confused as to how to botain it03:25
ArrenLexjewbilee: if you're fine with Flash 7, you can use synaptic. If you want Flash 9, you'll have to download it from the adobe website.03:25
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CientificoLocohello every body I wanna know how can I to rip cd's into mp3 with juicer?03:25
CientificoLocohello every body I wanna know how can I to rip cd's into mp3 with juicer?03:25
CientificoLocohello every body I wanna know how can I to rip cd's into mp3 with juicer?03:26
chuckypjewbilee, http://labs.adobe.com/technologies/flashplayer9/03:26
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CientificoLocohello every body I wanna know how can I to rip cd's into mp3 with juicer?03:26
ArrenLexjewbilee: just download this file to ~/.mozilla/plugins : http://arrenlex.diff.be/libflashplayer.so03:26
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totall_6_7CientificoLoco: if someone has an answer they will answer there is no need to flood the room03:27
ArrenLex!repeat > CientificoLoco03:27
jewbileethanks chuckyp, ill let you know how it goes03:27
jester45i have 2 questions the first is do you need power management if your on a desktop and the second is if i have a video card and an integrated one can i use both ? will they have the same display? diffrent? same but the integrated slower?03:27
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CientificoLocohello every body I wanna know how can I to rip cd's into mp3 with juicer?03:27
chuckypCientificoLoco, stop flooding03:27
jester45CientificoLoco: you could use ripperx03:27
chuckyp!patience > CientificoLoco03:28
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jewbileechuckup: how do i install the downloaded tar.gz file?03:28
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chuckypjester45, you could use both if you have 2 montors sure03:28
ArrenLexjewbilee: just download this file to ~/.mozilla/plugins : http://arrenlex.diff.be/libflashplayer.so03:28
foo1911hi guys I've got a question, I'm currently running Ubuntu 5.1, is it safe and will it work as good as a clean install of 6.x if I update it with the update manager?03:28
coldsoulhi! examinig my syslogs I found an error: Oct 22 03:25:38 localhost kernel: [17185098.328000]  [fglrx:firegl_pcie_lock_pages]  *ERROR* unlocking pcie memory !03:28
tonyyarussoAsheD: I'm going to guess that you can do it by adding a key under apps > nautilus > preferences in gconf, I'm just not sure what the key should be.03:28
coldsouldoes anyone know how to fix this?03:28
jewbileeArren: is that flash 9?03:29
chuckypfoo1911, it should but I would backup any data that is important first.03:29
jester45chuckyp: what will happen03:29
ArrenLexjewbilee: yes it is.03:29
john053how difficult to load ubuntu along with xp?03:29
foo1911thanks :)03:29
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jewbileeArren: alright, ill ask for help if i need it when the download it finished03:29
foo1911john053, not at all difficult if you're using VMware imo03:29
Seeker2599it worked!!!03:29
poningruColdFyre: whats wrong?03:30
chuckypjester45, Well you could span your desktop over two monitors or you could clone the desktop so that both display the same?  Its up to you?03:30
Seeker2599ty for everyones help!03:30
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chuckypSeeker2599, what'd you have to do?03:30
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jester45chuckyp: so i could have cube on the newer card and as irc on the older03:30
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chuckypSeeker2599, to get it working.03:30
chuckypjester45, cube?03:30
Seeker2599i used apt-get to remove it then i reinstalled03:30
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jester45chuckyp: its a fps03:31
Seeker2599it wasnt working when i used the add/remove thingy03:31
chuckypSeeker2599, cool yeah I don't know why it got messed up.03:31
chuckypjester45, yes you could do that.03:31
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SpudDoggDoes anyone know of a really good GUI newsleecher program?03:31
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quintinWhat do I put in /etc/sudoers to not have a password03:31
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Seeker2599thanks chuckyp03:31
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sethkquintin, there is a NOPASSWD modifier03:32
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coldsoulhi! examinig my syslogs I found an error: Oct 22 03:25:38 localhost kernel: [17185098.328000]  [fglrx:firegl_pcie_lock_pages]  *ERROR* unlocking pcie memory !03:32
chuckypjester45, do people actually play cube?03:32
coldsouldoes anyone know how to fix this?03:32
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jester45chuckyp: well its cube2 now03:32
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sethkcoldsoul, that doesn't mean much, except that the fglrx coders are very sloppy03:32
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chuckypjester45, is it online?03:32
jester45chuckyp: yes it has ingame map making03:33
coldsoulsethk: is this a problem? I mean the error..03:33
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chuckypjester45, no I mean online multiplayer03:33
sethkcoldsoul, unlikely to be a problem.03:33
poningrucoldsoul: not sure pcie is supported under the kernel yet03:33
poningruI know its experimental in gentoo03:33
quintinsethk: I'm aware.  Where do I put it.03:33
coldsoulthanks guys..03:33
jester45chuckyp: you fly around the map adding stuff its also very small on requirements i get about 130 fps03:33
coldsoulI hope it will be ok in the new ubuntu version03:34
jester45chuckyp: yes people play online03:34
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sethkquintin, on the line for the user you want to modify03:34
AsheDis there a way to search inside files?03:34
chuckypjester45, I'll have to check it out.03:34
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cd32fanwhat are the best games for ubuntu?03:34
sethkquintin, after the install, you should have at least one example of it in the sudoers file03:34
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quintinsethk: syntax error.  I have no users, only root.  you're gonna have to hold my hand here, as new way is pam and that's all I know :P03:34
jester45cd32fan: what kind of games03:35
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sethkquintin, root is a user03:35
quintinsethk: NOPASSWD on that line sez syntax error03:35
sethkquintin, and root should already be in the sudoers file.  if it isn't, the line is:03:35
sethkquintin, yes, you have to put it in the right place.  hold on:03:35
cd32fanjester45:games like that03:35
sethkquintin,     root       ALL=NOPASSWD:ALL03:35
quintinsethk: think I got it... (...ALL,NOPASSWD...) didn't give syntact error...03:36
quintinsethk: oh hmmmmmm ok03:36
bsdjunkie%wheel ALL=(ALL)       NOPASSWD: ALL03:36
quintinsethk: know offhand what 'forget password' command to sudo is so I can test03:36
jewbileeArren: in the /.mozilla/ folder03:36
cd32fanjester45:are there any?03:36
jewbileethere isnt a plugin folder03:36
jester45cd32fan: i dont know of any games you can try www.hardwareforums.com and look inside the linux/non-MS forums03:36
bod_where do i put libflashplayer.so03:36
jester45cd32fan: there is a sticky for linux games03:36
jewbileeyea, same questions as bod_, where does libflashplayer.so go?03:37
sethkquintin, any command03:37
jester45cd32fan: a forums post that cant be deleted03:37
bod_ArrenLex: libflashplayer.so wheres it go03:37
cd32fanjester45: got it03:37
ArrenLexjewbilee: you can try installing it for all users in the system by putting it into /usr/lib/mozilla/plugins/03:37
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jester45cd32fan: i will be at the top of the linux section03:37
jewbileesays i dont have permission to write03:38
ArrenLexjewbilee: you'll have to use sudo to write there.03:38
ArrenLexjewbilee: where is the file now?03:38
jewbileehow do you do that03:38
ArrenLexBy magic.03:38
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ArrenLexJewbilee: do you know how to open a terminal?03:38
jester45jewbilee: type sudo thunar03:38
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jester45jewbilee: if thats what you use03:39
ArrenLexJewbilee: do you know how to find your desktop from the terminal?03:39
ala-vani am trying to mount an external usb drive... i used sudo mount /dev/sdb2 /media/myusb but that would only give root permission to use.  how can i can permission for everyone to use it?03:39
ArrenLexjewbilee: open a terminal. Find your desktop.03:39
sethkala-van, depends on the file system.  look at the uid= and gid= options for mount.03:39
ArrenLexjewbilee: then, run this command: "sudo cp libflashplayer.so /usr/lib/mozilla/plugins/"03:39
jewbileeim there03:39
ala-vanit is ext303:39
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jester45ArrenLex: you could give the file manager (i think) sudo rights so you could drag drop the file03:39
jewbileelets see if it worked03:39
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jewbileeyoutube still says i dont have flashplayer03:40
JaredI know this is a stupid question, but how do you get the tracan icon on your desktop03:40
ArrenLexjester: yes. But I think that would confuse him more.03:40
=== jester45 hates youtube
ArrenLexJewbilee: restart firefox.03:40
ala-vani just want to use it as a regular disk drive with no root access03:40
jewbileei did03:40
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sethkala-van, if it's ext3, you can change the permissions and/or ownership.03:41
jester45jared no such thing03:41
sethkala-van, use    chown -R         or chmod -R03:41
ArrenLexjewbilee: browse to about:plugins in firefox. Copy all that information and paste it to pastebin. Give me the link.03:41
jester45i think03:41
quilzoanyone which packages I should download to set-up a lisp-environment ?03:41
ubotupastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (you can always find it in the channel topic, among other useful things)03:41
yipehow can I change which version of java I'm using? I have sun java installed but blackdown is the default03:41
Jaredjester45, i had it before i reinstalled03:41
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jewbileeoh wait03:42
jewbileei got it03:42
jester45Jared: i guess there is one03:42
ala-vanis this right ? sudo chmod go+x /media/myusb03:42
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jewbileei needed to sudo it into the /usr/lib/firefox/plugins folder03:42
jewbileenot mozilla03:42
ArrenLexI see.03:42
ArrenLexWell, as long as it works.03:42
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AsheDanybody know how to edit the default "link to " text that creating a link to a file adds to the filename?03:42
jewbileewould you mind explaining the folder layout for me Arren03:42
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jester45ArrenLex: just tell him to use sudo file manager03:42
jewbileelike.. /usr/03:42
jewbileeand /lib and stuff03:43
sethkala-van, if you only want users to be able to see the names, but not access the files03:43
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jewbileeim new to linux, dont understand the file system yet03:43
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yipehow do you change which version of java you're using?03:43
cafuegojewbilee: /lib, /bin and /sbin for system stuff03:43
ArrenLexjewbilee: in windows, all physical divisions (a different drive, a different partition) is also a logical partition (a c: drive, a d: drive, etc). Yes?03:43
clustyis there a ubuntu libcss package?03:43
cafuegojewbilee: /usr/* for userspace stuff03:43
ala-vansethk:  then how to give them read right?03:43
ArrenLexlogical partition -> logical division03:43
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cafuegojewbilee: /var for files that change (logs, cache, etc)03:44
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sethkala-van, (with the thing mounted):   chmod -R g+r /whatever/usb03:44
cafuegojewbilee: /home/* for each user, /root  is home for root user.03:44
sethkala-van, the g is for group, is that what you meant?03:44
JDStoneanyone have smartmontools working on Ubuntu with SATA drives?03:44
sethkala-van, a+r is give read to all03:44
cafuegoJDStone: mine work fine03:44
ArrenLexjewbilee: on Linux, there are no logical divisions. There is a filesystem that looks like a tree. The trunk of this tree is the start of the filesystem, the folder "/". There is nothing higher than this folder. Everything is inside this folder. It is the "root" of the system.03:44
yipeso um, changing the default java?03:45
cafuegojewbilee: The real reason this stuff is separated out under / is so it can be put on seperate partitions and/or disks.03:45
ArrenLexInside this folder are other folders. /bin stores important system binaries. /etc stores important system configurations. /lib stores important system libaries.03:45
Hydrais there a manual installation procedure somewhere that i can read for edgyeft ?03:45
=== steve [n=steve@gulfal-host-cip525-01.gulftel.com] has joined #ubuntu
cd32fanjester45: very nice forum03:46
clustyhow can i get encrypted DVD playing support for ubuntu?03:46
ArrenLexThere is also a folder called /usr. This stores less important files -- files the user will use. There is a /usr/bin folder, where almost all your binaries are. There is a /usr/lib folder, where all the libraries they need are.03:46
balayhashiany one here knows anything about vlc and subtitles with accentuated characters in ubuntu? I know that ubuntu open's save's all files in UTF-8 , but that doesn't mean that the program's I run in it does the same right?03:46
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jewbileeis a program like firefox considered a library?03:46
ArrenLexThere is also a /home folder. Inside this folder is a folder for each user. This is where all the stuff that belongs to you goes.03:46
ArrenLexjewbilee: no, a binary.03:46
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ArrenLexjewbilee: library = like .dll. Binary = like .exe.03:46
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jewbileeso the actuall firefox binary is seperated from its libraries?03:47
yipejewbilee run "man hier" in a terminal and it will explain everything03:47
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ala-vanwhat i want is that i can mount the usb drive, and then let everyone who uses my computer read and write to it, without going root.  everyone has their own account03:47
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poningrujewbilee: what are you trying to do?03:47
ArrenLexjewbilee: /tmp is the temporary folder. Every time you restart your computer, this gets wiped clean. Programs and users put temporary files here if they need to.03:47
okapihello to all03:48
jewbileeponingru: learning about the filersystem03:48
=== Piemanthegodly_ is now known as CarpFeaturedCod_
poningrujust trying to learn?03:48
sethkala-van, then do:   chmod -R a+rwx /mnt/whatever03:48
yipeplease, this is driving me mad, how do you change your java version?03:48
poningruthats always teh best03:48
ArrenLexjewbilee: every folder and file has "permissions" which tell Linux who is and who is not allowed to read\write\execute it.03:48
=== colin_ [n=chatzill@pool-72-94-98-121.phlapa.east.verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu
okapiI have a problem with samba and swat. Anyone can help?03:48
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ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about alternative - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi03:48
=== TeaQuaffer [n=TeaQuaff@pool-70-22-107-155.balt.east.verizon.net] has joined #Ubuntu
ubotuTo install a Java compiler/interpreter on Ubuntu, look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Java  -  For the Sun Java runtime install sun-java5-jre from the !Multiverse repository03:48
sethkala-van, that will give the entire tree read, write, execute for all.  that's normally not a great idea, but as long as you know the issues it's ok.03:48
ArrenLexjewbilee: by default: a regular user can write only to his home directory and to /tmp. He can read almost everything else.03:48
=== CoddageCheese is now known as CarpeCodulus
colin_How can I change the login screen between the Ubuntu/Kubuntu/Xubuntu screens?03:48
ubotuThe packages in Ubuntu are divided into several sections. See http://www.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/components https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Repositories and !easysource03:48
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ArrenLexjewbilee: this is safe. If a user downloads a virus, or if he accidentally runs a command to delete everything, or something like that, it will only affect his files, not hose the system.03:49
bod_yipe: did you uninstall the ver you have and then install the ver you want03:49
ubotusource-o-matic is a webpage where you can (re)generate your sources.list - http://www.ubuntu-nl.org/source-o-matic03:49
yipeno, I already have sun java and blackdown java installed03:49
yipeI just need to change the default version03:49
jewbileebut sudo i guess gives temporary root status03:49
poningruyipe:   update-java-alternatives -l03:49
=== CarpeCodulus is now known as Spicy_Tureen
ubotuUpgrading, please see the instructions on: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UpgradeNotes03:49
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about distupgrade - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi03:49
_ph00what is vmnet? I never saw this before: Firestarter shows two vmnet connection, vmnet1 and vmnet8, both inactive, and I'm getting a lot of connections attempt on port 16058 UDP, blocked by iptables as firestarter shows: I'm not running any p2p app ATM, and I'm behind a NAT03:50
Ropechoborra!distroupgrade > Ropechoborra03:50
ArrenLexjewbilee: if you need to install a program, obviously you're going to have to put files in places other than a home directory. For this, you need to be "root" user. The root user can do ANYTHING. That's why you should never use a root account as your main account. If you screw something up, it's very very bad.03:50
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about distroupgrade - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi03:50
mcphail_ph00: i presume you have installed vmware?03:50
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_ph00I have just finished installing Ubuntu, btw, I switched back after trying another couple od dostros03:50
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okapiSamba error 10203:50
ArrenLexjewbilee: ubuntu uses "sudo" to give you temporary root status, yes, when you need it. That's why all your commands for installing programs and things need root.03:50
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ArrenLexjewbilee: external devices, too, are not seen as their own drives, but are mounted into the filesystem tree. For example, your CDROM can usually be found at /mnt/cdrom.03:51
=== jmitchj [n=chatzill@hlfx55-2a-245.ns.sympatico.ca] has joined #ubuntu
ala-vansethk:  thats what i need for now.  thanks a bunch, it worked like a charm :)03:51
okapiAnyone can help about samba generate status 102?03:51
=== Tokenbad [n=tokenbad@c-71-237-151-151.hsd1.or.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
sethkala-van, np03:51
ArrenLex /mnt is the folder where external devices are usually mounted. But you can mount them anywhere you want to.03:51
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ArrenLexSorry, I lie. /media is that folder.03:51
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_ph00mcphail, well, OK then it's normal. I don't know exactly what wmware does but I heard ythat name many times, so I thought I should try iot out. Well, I know one thing now, it creates a couple of connections03:51
colin_I installed the xubuntu-desktop package, and then removed it, but the login screen is still for Xubuntu.  How do I get it back to the normal Ubuntu screen?03:52
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mcphail_ph00: yes. Don't worry about them03:52
_ph00and what are all those connection attempts on 16058?03:52
ArrenLexjewbilee: that was a basic guide. For more information about all this, now that you know how to look at it, try typing "man hier" to read information about the file hierarchy.03:52
jewbileethanks a lot03:52
jewbileethat really helps03:52
jmitchjhey, i tried to instal fglrx drivers and i can't get into ubuntu anymore...can i restore to the previous state of the system in Recovery mode?03:52
_ph00ok mcphail, thx03:53
ArrenLexjewbilee: note that Linux is case sensitive.. in windows, FIREFOX.EXE and firefox.exe are the same file. On Linux, they are different.03:53
_ph00what about all those connection attempts on 16058? are those also related to vmware?03:53
AsheDbleh, can't find anything on this03:53
=== Seeker2599 [n=james@pool-71-96-132-56.dfw.dsl-w.verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu
Em3raldjmitchj:  If you made a backup copy of your xorg.conf file, yes.03:54
okapiAnyone know something about status 102 generate by Samba?03:54
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Em3raldoop ... gotta go ... back in a few03:54
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mcphail_ph00: no idea. sorry03:54
jmitchjEm3rald: is it possible that it made a backup as i was going through?03:54
Seeker2599anyone here use avidemux?03:55
hikenbootanyone know why in ubuntu i am unable to get direct rendering on my nvidia video card working. It seems to be a rights issue. When I log into the console as  root and startx direct rendering is enabled but not as a normal user...any ideas?03:56
hikenbootnormal user thru gdm that is03:56
imperfect-Anyone know how I can fix a GRUB 21 error?03:57
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sethkimperfect-, I think that's a config file syntax error03:59
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sethkimperfect-, no03:59
sethkimperfect-, it's selected disk does not exist03:59
sethkimperfect-, which is a config file error, but not a synatx error03:59
imperfect-sethk: It's GRUB not being able to find the device... the only solution is to get lilo installed and I can't seem to get a image to work03:59
imperfect-sethk: It's not a config file error in this case.04:00
sethkimperfect-, did you check your grub device table?04:00
nocotigoanyone know how to get a sata dvd burner working?04:00
imperfect-sethk: this is a known issue with my hardware. ;)04:00
Seeker2599does anyone here use  avidemux04:00
imperfect-sethk: P965 Based devices.. justtrying to figure out how to get from LiveCD install -> lilo install04:00
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sethkimperfect-, I was talking about getting grub to work, not lilo04:01
sethkimperfect-, did you check your grub device map?04:01
=== hobbs [n=hobbs@c-24-10-232-61.hsd1.ut.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
imperfect-sethk: Grub has issues with this chipset.04:01
imperfect-sethk: the solution according to the forums is to get lilo installed04:01
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hobbsHow do I mount my NTFS drive as read only04:02
sethkimperfect-, ok, if you don't want to try to fix it, then use lilo I guess04:02
nocotigohobbs, wont it be read-only as long as you aren't using captive?04:02
hobbsI don't know04:02
bod_  http://ubuntuguide.org/wiki/Dapper#How_to_mount_Windows_partitions_.28NTFS.29_on_boot-up.2C_and_allow_all_users_to_read_only04:02
nocotigohobbs: it should be read-only anyway04:02
hobbsthank you bod_04:02
imperfect-sethk: Good god.04:03
imperfect-sethk: The forums say GRUB has issues with this chipset.04:03
sethkimperfect-, yes, I'm not deaf, the forums are wrong04:03
Seeker2599does anyone know how to use avidemux to split an avi file in half?04:03
sethkimperfect-, plus, you said lilo isn't working for you, so I thought we would try to fix grub04:03
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=== nocotigo gets out quake weapons and hands them out
imperfect-sethk: Well I'm at a loss cuz it just said GRUb loading stage 1.5 and error 2104:03
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imperfect-sethk: lilo works fine when I can get it to install.. but from a live cd install i can't get lilo04:04
imperfect-sethk: from an alternate i got lilo installed and it was all good04:04
imperfect-sethk: but the alternate install was all fucked up04:04
=== florian [n=florian@pD9E2F641.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #ubuntu
QuashI'm having an install problem with 6.10 RC.  Is this the place to get suggestions?04:04
sethkimperfect-, what do you mean by "can't get lilo"?04:04
nocotigoQuash: what's the install problem04:04
sethkimperfect-, and as I said the forums are wrong about grub, they don't understand the issues.04:05
imperfect-sethk: apt-get doesn't have lilo. and when I chroot into the environment I can't get my netowrk drivers installed etc etc04:05
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QuashEveryone is fine until the GDM login, when screen goes blank.04:05
nocotigoQuash: booting from the livecd?04:05
sethkimperfect-, I'm not sure what you mean by "apt-get doesn't have lilo".  there is a lilo package04:05
imperfect-jesus god.04:06
imperfect-it's not on the install cd04:06
QuashYes, the 386 RC cd.04:06
imperfect-and i dont have network access04:06
sethkimperfect-, well, obviously I'm annoying you somehow, so I'll stop04:06
nocotigoQuash: what's your video card04:06
imperfect-IUt's not you04:06
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imperfect-I'm just frustraed04:06
QuashATI Radeon 9200SE04:06
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imperfect-because i've had this box over a month and i have to use windows04:06
nocotigoimperfect-: i'm about to do the same thing because of the dvd burner i bought04:06
andyckerhow are you04:06
sethkimperfect-, yes, I know, but perhaps, since I know how to make it work, and you don't, you shouldn't be insulting me and telling me what the forums say.04:06
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QuashHere's the thread on ubuntuforums I started. http://www.ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=28111104:07
imperfect-sethk: what you are not grasping is that there is no way for me to edit anything with grub  because there's not even a way for me to get a grub boot prompt04:07
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JaredI tried to install the frostwire .deb package and i got this jared@jared-desktop:~$ sudo dpkg -i FrostWire-4.10.9-2.i586.deb04:07
Jaredsudo: timestamp too far in the future: Oct 21 21:41:22 200604:07
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bkudriai'm trying to install a new versiopn of alsa as per https://help.ubuntu.com/community/HdaIntelSoundHowto, but once i install, the boot proccess hangs, and occasionally emits an error that something to the effect of "ata1: command <hex> timeout"...what should i do?04:07
mjbjrTomorrow, I'm scheduled to upgrade a friend from 5.10 to 6.06.1 ... does 6.06.1 handle upgrading gracefully, or should I do a completely new install?  Or should I wait a month for the next version to come out?04:07
andyckerhow are you04:08
=== ScurveyFrog [n=dementor@c-24-10-165-153.hsd1.ut.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
floriancan someone tell me what i have to write in /etc/profile so that java is systemwide known?every time i want to execute a java file ive got a nasty error :(04:08
ArrenLexflorian: "nasty error"?04:08
nocotigoQuash: like some other people on there said, i'd try using the alternate cd04:08
ScurveyFroghello, i'm trying to add windows to my /boot/grub/menu.list. it is on hdc104:09
Quashyes, downloading now.  Never seen this with any Linux distro CD.  Any idea what's going on?04:09
nocotigoflorian: find the PATH variable, and add in the path to the java bin folder04:09
ScurveyFrogwhat lines would I add to menu.lst?04:09
nocotigoQuash: dunno, but that cd has been sketchy for me too04:09
imperfect-sethk: so if you know some superuber cool way04:09
nocotigomaybe an ati driver deal04:09
imperfect-sethk: to get to the boot prompt i'mlistening04:10
tonyyarusso!dualboot | ScurveyFrog04:10
ubotuScurveyFrog: Dual boot instructions for x86/amd64 https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WindowsDualBootHowTo - for mac https://wiki.ubuntu.com/YabootConfigurationForMacintoshPowerPCsDualBoot04:10
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Quashalternate 60% downloaded.04:10
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AsheDso I am having a small problem with unicode characters in my mp3 tags, anybody suggest something better?04:10
nocotigobrb, gonna see if irqpoll as a kernel param makes my dvd burner work04:10
nocotigogonna cry if it doesnt04:10
deviosI have a font.fon file, and a font.ttf file.  I'd like to install both fonts on ubuntu, but don't know how, and am finding the google results difficult to understand... gotta be an easy way to do it.  would anyone know an easy way to install and use these fonts?04:11
florianprofile looks atm like this: export JAVA_HOME=/usr/lib/jvm/java-1.5.0-sun04:12
florianexport PATH04:12
sethkdevios, ttf fonts are used by putting them in the font server search path04:12
florianwhat else do i need?04:12
=== DerD [n=derd2@p54B3D742.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #ubuntu
deviossethk: ?04:12
sethkdevios, look in your /etc/X11/xorg.conf, and see what the FontPath s are04:12
ScurveyFrogubotu: I've already done exactly what those directions say to do04:12
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about I've already done exactly what those directions say to do - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi04:12
ArrenLexflorian: could you actually expand on "nasty error" please?04:12
ScurveyFrogubotu: when I installed Ubuntu, my window's partition was not recognized in GRUB04:12
ubotuwhen: minimalistic personal calendar. In component universe, is optional. Version 1.0.23-0ubuntu1 (dapper), package size 29 kB, installed size 124 kB04:12
ScurveyFrogubotu: so I want to do it manually04:13
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about so I want to do it manually - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi04:13
ArrenLexScurveyFrog: you're talking to a robot =P04:13
sethkdevios, /usr/share/fonts/truetype usually have ttf font files in it.04:13
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imperfect-sethk: Any supercool uber way to get a bootprompt?04:13
deviossethk: so just copy the ttf font file into there?04:13
jmitchjhow to i restore to a backup of xorg.conf?04:13
ScurveyFrogArrenLex: apparently04:14
tonyyarussoScurveyFrog: Ah, okay.04:14
tonyyarussoScurveyFrog: So no auto-detect goodness for you, eh?04:14
sethkdevios, yes.  I don't think you need to manually regenerate the font info, I think it's regenerated each time X starts using the font paths.04:14
ScurveyFrogtonyyarusso: nope04:14
tonyyarussoScurveyFrog: 'k.  One sec.04:14
deviosso I need to restart x after copying the font there?04:14
sethkdevios, put it in a directory with other ttf files, not with other types of font files.04:14
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sethkdevios, yes.04:15
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Seeker2599 does anyone know how to use avidemux to split an avi file in half?04:16
=== Ranbee [n=Ranbee@80-47-131-31.lond-th.dynamic.dial.as9105.com] has joined #ubuntu
sorush20could someone help please here is the the problem http://pastebin.co.uk/4475, there is a missing version number for a file .. http://pastebin.co.uk/447504:17
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_ph00anyone has some idea about why I'm getting lots oc connection attempts from lots of different IP's tho I'm not running any p2p app, and most weird of all, I'm behind a nat with no forwarded pots, no those connections shouldn't even get that far04:17
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_ph00...with no forwarded poRts *04:18
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sethk_ph00, being behind NAT in and of itself means nothing.  do you mean you are sharing one public IP with multiple private IPs?04:19
tonyyarussoScurveyFrog: Sorry, we're having some technically difficulties with my dual-booting contact having a clue.04:19
ScurveyFrogtonyyarusso: okay04:19
=== zenrox [n=zenrox@pool-71-115-219-183.spknwa.dsl-w.verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu
_ph00sethk, I'm behing a ISP nat, I have no access to the router and can't forward port (I know that sucks... long story) but no one else shares this IP with me04:20
bod_whats the best firewall to use for desktop use04:20
xenophenesScurveyFrog....try putting this in /boot/grub/menu.lst04:21
tonyyarusso!firewall | bod_04:21
ubotubod_: Ubuntu, like any other linux distribution, has firewall capabilities built-in. The firewall is managed using the 'iptables' command (see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/IptablesHowTo), or GUI applications such as Firestarter (Gnome) or Guarddog (KDE).04:21
SpudDoggDoes anyone know of a really good GUI newsleecher program?04:21
xenophenestitle Microsoft Windows XP04:21
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_ph00I'm getting really many connection attempts on UDP 16058 from different IP's and I don't know why04:21
xenophenesroot (hd2,0)04:21
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sethk_ph00, port forwarding is only necessary with shared IPs.  being behind a NAT makes absolutely no difference in terms of people making connection attempts.04:21
xenopheneschainloader +104:21
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AsheDwhat character set are mp3 tags in?04:21
god-stud808whats so hot about ubuntu?04:21
=== tonyyarusso was hoping to do it without spamming too many lines - oh well
god-stud808I dont think is has a recent kernel does it?04:21
xenophenesthe problem might be (hd2,0)04:21
BRBSHOWERZIts got Catphrases!04:21
god-stud808its deb based eh04:21
sethk_ph00, NAT just translates your outside IP to your inside IP.  It doesn't provide any security.04:22
tonyyarussogod-stud808: Not bleeding edge, no, but newer than Debian.04:22
xenophenesthat assumes you have windows on hdc partion 104:22
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ScurveyFrogxenophenes: yeah, that's exactly what I already put in my menu.lst04:22
_ph00so why can't I listen for inbound connections on bittorrent for example?04:22
_ph00and why I'm getting those connections anyway?04:22
xenophenesis windows on hdc partition 1?04:22
tonyyarussoScurveyFrog: Hers is http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/27736/04:22
RanbeeSpudDogg: there's pan, don't know how good it is compared to anything else though04:23
ScurveyFrogxenophenes: I have windows mounted at /media/windows, and when I run 'df', it tells me it's at hdc104:23
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=== LeeJunFan [n=junfan@adsl-69-210-207-5.dsl.klmzmi.ameritech.net] has joined #ubuntu
sethk_ph00, specifically, it does not block connection attempts.04:23
ubotuwine is a compatibility layer for running windows programs on GNU/Linux. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Wine for more information.04:23
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sethk_ph00, so there is no mystery here.  I've been getting a ton of hack in attempts the past few weeks as well.04:23
xenophenesI wonder if the computer bios is capable of booting off hdc?04:24
SpudDoggRanbee, pan.  ok thanks man.  have you ever used newsleecher for the "unspoken OS"?  if so, how does it compare?04:24
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ScurveyFrogxenophenes: I am able to see everything on my windows partition from ubuntu04:24
xenophenesyeah, but that is because you have it mounted04:24
ScurveyFrogxenophenes: yeah, I was previously booting edgy eft from hdc104:24
jmitchjwould it be a good idea to restore to xorg.conf.original-0?04:24
RanbeeSpudDogg: i think i used grab, or something like that, i forget, it's fairly good, but i don't use it much, so i'm not the person to ask...04:25
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SpudDoggRanbee, ok cool04:25
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xenophenesScurveyFrog...sorry...that was my best guess04:26
sorush20hi my pakcage list or status is damaged how to do i fix it?04:26
ScurveyFrogxenophenes: okay, well thanks anyway04:26
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okapiAnyone know something about status 102 generate by Samba?04:26
god-stud808u bung 204:27
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xenophenesCan someone help with a cursor problem...move cursor shows as random pixels04:27
cycomxenophenes: it's not a bug, it's a feature!04:27
cycomxenophenes: actually, I don't know.04:27
rixthHow many bytes are associated with one inode?04:28
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tnnccan someone tell me what might be the best ftp server to add to 6.06 so my users can ftp in04:28
xenophenesI've found reference to the problem, but no solutions04:28
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sethkScurveyFrog, check your grub device map04:28
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mjbjrtnnc: maybe proftpd04:29
Jay2hey, folks04:29
mjbjrTomorrow, I'm scheduled to upgrade a friend from 5.10 to 6.06.1 ... does 6.06.1 handle upgrading gracefully, or should I do a completely new install?  Or should I wait a month for the next version to come out?04:30
Seeker2599 does anyone know how to use avidemux to split an avi file in half?04:30
ScurveyFrogsethk: how?04:30
ScurveyFrogsethk: I was thinking that maybe rootnoverify would work04:30
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sethkScurveyFrog, it's a file in /boot/grub, named device.map.  It maps hdabcd type addresses to (hd#) type addresses04:30
ScurveyFrogsethk: I was about to try it04:31
sethkScurveyFrog, I don't see off hand how rootnoverify would help, but it can't hurt to try it.04:31
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ScurveyFrogsethk: it says hdc is hd104:31
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ScurveyFrogsethk: so I should try (hd1,0)?04:32
sethkScurveyFrog, yes04:32
ScurveyFrogsethk: okay, back in a minute04:32
sethkScurveyFrog, it may be necessary to rewrite grub, but try without first04:32
Seeker2599i guess thats a no04:32
ScurveyFrogsethk: what do you mean by rewrite grub?04:33
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ScurveyFrogsethk: (sorry, I'm not very familiar with grub)04:33
sethkScurveyFrog, write it back onto the mbr.  I do this with the grub utility; some people use grub-install04:33
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ScurveyFrogsethk: okay, I'll try this first, if it doesn't work I'll be back here for more directions04:34
rixthfsck is asking me if I want to clear an entire inode, should I say yes or no?04:35
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sethkrixth, not much choice, you have to say yes.  only question is whether you stop, backup, then say yes, or just say yes.04:37
rixthsethk, how many bytes are usually associated with an inode?04:37
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BHSPitLappycan anyone tell me any unbiased info about TGZ vs ZIP vs RAR vs whatever04:37
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rixthBHSPitLappy, I tfind tgz to have the best compression, can't speak for it in other terms04:38
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rixthsethk, if I know the inode number, can I find out what is there?04:39
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BHSPitLappywell, compression ratio is what I'm going by, not efficiency or compression time04:39
FructoseWhat's the best way to install a Radeon X1300 card using Edgy Eft?04:39
sethkrixth, if you don't mind dumping out individual disk sectors and reading hex dumps, you can.04:39
ubotuTo install the Ati/NVidia drivers for your video card, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto04:39
sethkrixth, check whether there is anything to help you in the e2fsprogs package04:39
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rixthsethk, no thanks! Is an inode likely to be 1 mb to 1 gb or just a few bytes?04:40
sethkrixth, certainly no more than 1 mb, probably less04:40
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sethkrixth, I'd have to check to get the numbers, but a relatively small amount04:41
=== ScurveyFrog [n=dementor@c-24-10-165-153.hsd1.ut.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
Fructoserixth:  I don't meet all of the requirements given in that wiki entry04:41
sorush20why does my kded always keep crashing ?04:41
rixthSo I won't be losing like an entire movie or something?04:41
ScurveyFrogsethk: no go04:41
rixthFructose, why not?04:41
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sethkrixth, unlikely04:41
Fructoserixth: When I do glxinfo, I get X Error of failed request:  BadAlloc (insufficient resources for operation)04:41
sethkScurveyFrog, running grub, doing the root command, then the setup command04:41
rixthFructose, eek not sure, but Edgy Eft is #ubuntu+104:41
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ScurveyFrogsethk: eh?04:41
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Hydraok, now i'm annoyed04:43
Hydradoes anyone have a manual install process for edgy as the gui installer doesn't work for me04:44
tehstevhey all... i have a mounted sshfs connection, but it won't work or unmount.. .i'm getting the error "Transport endpoint is not connected"04:44
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ScurveyFrogsethk: okay, grub is running04:44
ScurveyFrogsethk: I tried to type 'root' and 'setup' but neither command did anything04:45
sethkScurveyFrog, you have to know the rest of the command  :)04:45
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sethkScurveyFrog, I didn't give it to you because I don't know your layout.04:45
sethkScurveyFrog, typical is:    root (hd1,0)           setup(hd0)04:45
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sethkScurveyFrog, which would mean the /dev/hdb1 is the root partition and you are installing to the mbr of /dev/hda04:45
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sethkScurveyFrog, change the numbers to match your installation.04:45
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SAM_themanhow i reconfigure my sound?04:46
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ScurveyFrogsethk: okay, my ubuntu root is hda1, and my windows root is hdc104:46
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sethkScurveyFrog, we don't care about windows for this04:46
sethkScurveyFrog, we care about where the menu.lst file lives04:46
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ScurveyFrogsethk, just ubuntu?04:46
ScurveyFrogsethk: okay04:47
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ScurveyFrogsethk: so hda1 is hd0,104:47
Fleebailey33im having trouble with mac-on-linux. i may sound stupid. it seem to of started. it says darwin kernal version. now what do i do ?04:47
sethkScurveyFrog, hda2 is (hd0,1)04:47
sethkScurveyFrog, and it won't accept the commands without the parens04:47
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sethkScurveyFrog, grub begins at 0, but the /dev/hda notation begins at one04:47
ScurveyFrogsethk, oops, okay (hd0,0)04:47
Hydraall i want to do is install ubuntu to a system that has a raid-0 array which appears on /dev/mapper/* after dmraid is installed04:48
sethkScurveyFrog, I'm being bitchy about the syntax because the program is bitchy about the syntax  :)04:48
SAM_themanubotu, sound04:48
ubotuIf you're having problems with sound, first ensure alsa is selected by double clicking on the volume control, then File -> Change Device (Alsa Mixer). If you are still having problems with sound, then look at http://alsa.opensrc.org/index.php?page=DmixPlugin See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/DebuggingSoundProblems04:48
ScurveyFrogsethk: so we want: root (hd0,0) setup(hd0)04:48
ScurveyFrogsethk: right?04:48
=== Flibberdy [n=flibberd@bb-87-81-154-129.ukonline.co.uk] has joined #ubuntu
ScurveyFrogsethk: and all on one line?04:49
sethkScurveyFrog, no04:49
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sethkScurveyFrog, first the root command on a line by itself04:49
=== MistaED [n=mistaed@203-158-63-254.dyn.iinet.net.au] has joined #ubuntu
ScurveyFrogsethk: okay, got it04:49
sethkScurveyFrog, then the setup command on a line by itself04:49
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ScurveyFrogsethk: selected disk does not exist04:49
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sethkScurveyFrog, hm, that's interesting.04:49
sethkScurveyFrog, can you put your menu.lst on the paste web site?   and your device.map?04:50
ScurveyFrogsethk: when I run 'df' it tells me that '/' is /dev/hda104:50
sethkScurveyFrog, right, I believe you04:50
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ScurveyFrogsethk: yeah, what's the address for that?04:50
sethkScurveyFrog, do you have a separate partition for /boot?04:50
ubotupastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (you can always find it in the channel topic, among other useful things)04:50
ScurveyFrogsethk: no, it's on hda1 with root04:50
sethkScurveyFrog, ok, then it should be working.04:51
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sethkScurveyFrog, it isn't working presumably for the same reason you have this problem in the first place.04:51
Praxihehe anyone know anything about red hat enterprise linux?  trying to get Ubunto added to grub with it (the grub installer off ubunto won't over write the redhat one when I install)04:52
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ScurveyFrogsethk: okay, menu.lst is there04:52
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ScurveyFrogsethk: and now device.map is there04:53
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XalI need to reinstall grub on an SATA drive.04:54
XalDo I still use HD?04:54
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Xalnick Xal204:54
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Seeker2599does anyone here use avidemux?04:55
=== capgadget [n=elifino@adsl-68-95-255-42.dsl.rcsntx.swbell.net] has joined #ubuntu
ubotuA large amount of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..."  Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out?04:55
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bruenigI have tried to use it and failed04:56
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PraxiXal do a df -h I think it is04:56
Seeker2599how do i use avidemux to split an avi file in half?04:56
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=== SpacePuppy trys to make ubuntu be more verbose.
Praxistill can't get into ubunto about to write it off and just stick with RH04:57
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SpacePuppyto write what off?04:58
bruenigPraxi, the MBR should be overwritten when you install ubuntu04:58
Praxiits not04:58
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bruenigPraxi, did you use the desktop cd?04:58
Hydrai'm dumping ubuntu, can't get it installed, no decent manual install docs for latest release, no dmraid support04:58
SpacePuppyrh is too vanilla... ubuntu is a solid user friendly distro..  two completely different critters.04:58
Hydragentoo here i come04:58
=== bruenig waves bye
Praxiit doesn't report anything during the install, but when the box reboots it still uses the RH grub04:59
=== SpacePuppy hands Hydra a pen to start writing the man
Hydraooh look: http://gentoo-wiki.com/HOWTO_Install_Gentoo_with_NVRAID_using_dmraid04:59
Hydrajust what i need04:59
=== bruenig waves bye
Praxiif I try to do a rescue/grub reinstall from the unbunto CD I get a error 2005:00
Hydrai added some comments to the ubuntu release feedbakc05:00
bruenigHydra, have fun compiling everything from source05:00
Hydrawiki page, hopefully someone will take notice05:00
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Hydrabruenig, yeah :(05:00
=== Squeee [n=squee@ip70-162-64-250.ph.ph.cox.net] has joined #ubuntu
Hydrastill, at least it might work05:00
Praxiand I installed from the alternate CD05:00
Hydraand at least there's good docs05:00
bruenignothing like waiting 24 hours to compile open office05:00
=== zirra [n=shawn@c-68-57-151-199.hsd1.va.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
Praxilimme check what version, I downloaded both 6.06 and 6.1005:00
HydraI don't need loads of apps05:00
zirraheya guys.  I installed gdm but when I try and startx it tells me it can't find /etc/X11/X05:01
zirrawhat do  need to instl?05:01
Hydraall I need is a cross-compiler!05:01
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ScurveyFrogbruenig: haha! that's so true!05:01
brueniggnome or kde I am sure take just as long05:01
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Hydramy box is a nice dual core x2 4200, so compiling from source, hopefully, won't be too bad05:01
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SpacePuppyhave fun Hydra05:01
Praxihehe same here hydra05:01
Hydrait's a shame as i've seen ubuntu on some other pc's and it looks nice05:01
bruenigresolving your own depedencies also05:01
SqueeeIf I installed a 64bit kernel and used all 32 bit binaries, could I make a 64bit chroot?05:02
CaptainMorganstop that05:02
bruenigoh that obscure lib file isn't there hmmm, better go find it somewhere05:02
Praxiseems like all the desktop 64 bit os's hated my raid setup05:02
=== godzirra [n=shawn@c-68-57-151-199.hsd1.va.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
ScurveyFrogHydra: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=280896&highlight=dmraid05:02
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SpacePuppywhat... time.h is in there .. wtf???05:02
Hydrai got the old release (5.x) running with dmraid on my box at work, but this new edgy release just won't install, even manually05:02
Praxitried fedora core and ubuntu 64, neither one would install05:02
NineTeen67CometHi all git a little problem starting my terminal .. When I click it, the status bar shows it, then it goes away. No errors nothing .. I made an icon on the menu bar, and it does the same thing .. gnome-terminal just doesn't start .. help? (Edgy Eft) ..05:02
ubotuedgy is the current development version of Ubuntu. Version 6.10, codename "Edgy Eft". For support head to #ubuntu+1. For its release schedule, see !schedule05:03
godzirraHeya folks.  I just installed gdm and x11-common and when I try and startx it tells me X: cannot stat /etc/X11/X (No such file or directory), aborting.05:03
godzirraWhat do I need to install to get X up and running?05:03
=== asymmetry [n=asymmetr@ip72-198-32-122.ok.ok.cox.net] has joined #ubuntu
NineTeen67CometThanks bruenig ..05:03
iratsu_can the partition editor in the ubuntu installation resize NTFS?05:03
SpacePuppygodzirra, is this a fresh install?05:03
Squeeewhy should I use sudo -i instead of sudo -s or sudo su?  I was told to use sudo -i only05:03
Hydrai also can't find any docs regarding a manual installation to a blank partition using debootstrap for edgy05:04
=== fdsd [n=dcstimm@ip68-8-228-213.sd.sd.cox.net] has joined #ubuntu
SpacePuppystart over.. you did not install x05:04
godzirraIt doesnt give me an option05:04
Hydraall the docs are for warty, sid, sarge and dapper05:04
godzirrait automatically installs everything and reboots.05:04
godzirraUsing ubuntu - dapper.05:04
rcarrjust because you didn't install X doesn't mean you have to start over05:04
ScurveyFrogHydra: have you ever been to ubuntuforums.org, they're great at this stuff05:04
SpacePuppyreally.. try it again.. it's easier.05:04
bruenig/etc/X11/X is a symbolic link to /usr/bin/Xorg on my machine05:04
rcarrinstall xserver-xorg05:04
Hydraand they all fail at various points and I've already spent 6 hours trying now...05:04
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godzirraSpacePuppy: I don't have an option to install X when I do an install ;p05:04
godzirrastarting over wouldnt herlp ;p05:04
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godzirrarcarr: thanks, lemme try that.05:04
fdsdhey guys, why is it not possible to mount a currupted drive but imaging a drive with dd will allow me to mount the image it creates?  any idea why that works?05:04
Hydrai swear, linux is the biggest time-sap ever05:05
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FructoseIf I have a Radeon X1300, do I want to enable the kernel framebuffer device?05:05
mynullvoidI am using this --- useradd $1 -c $2 -g costa -s /bin/bash -m -p '$1$a/wmVI5L$3csBpudpOFZiuY8yPpDvD/'  to create user from a bash script file but I notice that when I try to echo the line I miss the single quote. How can I fix that?05:05
godzirraHydra: play World of Warcraft. :)05:05
bruenigHydra, initially it is but once you get it running, it runs faster and smoother and to your whims better than anything else.05:05
asymmetryHydra, ditto. At least, Linux WAS the biggest time-sap ever. Then I got engaged. ;)05:05
Praxiimaging software doesn't typically care about the state of the hard drive05:05
ScurveyFrogHydra: especially gentoo05:05
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bruenigI get all of my scripts and keyboard shortcuts and apps and preferences which takes probably a full week or so and then from there it is awesome.05:06
godzirrarcarr: is there a xf86configurator or something?05:06
ScurveyFrogHydra: nothing like gentoo for sucking your time away05:06
brueniggodzirra, do you have x installed?05:06
rcarrgodzirra: sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg05:06
fdsdanyone know?05:06
godzirraHrm.  It didnt ask me to configure xserver-xorg.  How odd.05:06
ScurveyFrogsethk: anything yet?05:07
=== jbinder [n=jared@ool-44c2f05c.dyn.optonline.net] has joined #ubuntu
asymmetryOkay, see... Gentoo is like that 67 Chevy in your garage. It looks awesome. You tell all your friends that it'll be bad-ass whenever you finally get it running. But for some reason, it never does get running. It sits there in the garage, looking sweet as shit, but never doing anything.05:07
rcarrgodzirra: Well, that's a xorg configurer, xf86=eh05:07
ubotuUbuntu uses a strict timetable for releases, which means that sometimes newly released programs miss the timetable. See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/TimeBasedReleases for more. Edgy schedule: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/EdgyReleaseSchedule05:07
=== Che-Anarch [n=Che-Anar@bb-82-108-13-47.ukonline.co.uk] has joined #ubuntu
brueniggodzirra, wait, do you have XFree86 or Xorg?05:07
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mick__i'm a newbie trying to make a boot disk for an old pc. cna anybody point me to any information on this?05:07
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Che-AnarchAnyone here do any development / translation?05:07
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godzirrabruenig: Xorg05:07
aleve8could some one help me???05:08
godzirrarcarr: Sorry, I meant Xorg.  Old habits.05:08
Hydrai guess, what i could do, if gentoo turns out to be pants, is stick a spare hdd into my box here and run it from that05:08
ubotuDon't ask to ask a question. Just ask your question :)05:08
Brydenn33hey guys, is there a command to put in the konsole to tell me what version of Ubuntu I'm running?05:08
aleve8i need help finding simplymepis drivers for a gam55pluss3g board05:08
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godzirrait dies now telling me could not open default font 'fixed'05:08
AsheDI use amarok for my media player, and I am having some troubles getting it to read my music tags, I don't know if it uses a different character set or something, anybody use it?05:08
asymmetryhow stable is edgy right now?05:08
ferossmick__: dsl is a good little distro for old pc-s .. or slax might be good also05:09
Brydenn33edgy is supposedly fine05:09
Seeker2599 does anyone know how to use avidemux to split an avi file in half?05:09
Hydrastill, that's totally pants having to get a different hd just because the distro won't install to hardware that *is* supported by the distro once it's installed. lol05:09
Brydenn33the final release is on the 26th05:09
mick__thanks feross05:09
asymmetryAnyone running edgy via a dist-upgrade from dapper?05:09
Brydenn33not i asymmetry05:09
FructoseIf I have a Radeon X1300, do I want to enable the kernel framebuffer device?05:09
wickedpuppyasymmetry, me05:09
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Brydenn33i actally did a clean install of Edgy Beta and just upgraded to RC105:09
asymmetrywickedpuppy, how is it?05:09
aleve8i need help finding simplymepis drivers for a ga-m55plus-s3g(1.x) board05:09
printkasymmetry: I tried that but had some issues... I suggest a clean edgy install05:10
ScurveyFrogasymmetry: I was, but it gave me trouble, so I started from scratch05:10
wickedpuppyasymmetry, nothing wrong ... boring05:10
asymmetryprintk, were the issues with the sysvinit/upstart conflict?05:10
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printkasymmetry: yes a few of those and also some usplash conflicts also....05:10
printkasymmetry: but i did the upgrade around knot1.... maybe it's cleaner now05:10
asymmetryprintk, so clean install is the way to go, isn't it?05:10
ScurveyFrogasymmetry: I'd say so05:10
printkasymmetry: yes that's what i'd recommend.  I have a seperate /home directory so i just don't format that and reinstall the rest05:11
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fdsdhey guys, why is it not possible to mount a currupted drive but imaging a drive with dd will allow me to mount the image it creates?  any idea why that works?05:11
tnncanyone know of any docs on coppermine on ubuntu05:11
asymmetryprintk, this is my oops-i-killed-it-oh-well machine.05:11
printkasymmetry: :)05:11
wickedpuppybtw whats the upstart command ? i did upstart and get no such command error05:11
asymmetrywickedpuppy, upstart is a replacement for init05:11
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ubotuedgy is the current development version of Ubuntu. Version 6.10, codename "Edgy Eft". For support head to #ubuntu+1. For its release schedule, see !schedule05:12
wickedpuppyasymmetry, that i know .. what is its command name ?05:12
demantik_http://kiwi.peemail.org/sandboxed/kids_in_sandbox.mpg awesome05:12
asymmetrywickedpuppy, not sure05:12
printkwickedpuppy: it's not a command.  it's the init system, the rc files.  it consists of several things05:12
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printkwickedpuppy: start is one, init is one... etc etc..05:12
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demantik_dadexter, !05:13
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stonecresthello dadexter05:13
asymmetrywhat's the console command to get the update manager to see edgy?05:13
tnncanyone know where maybe some docs on coppermine on ubuntu05:13
demantik_http://kiwi.peemail.org/sandboxed/kids_in_sandbox.mpg this is why ubuntu rocks :)05:13
ubotuHelp! Keybuk, mdz, Amaranth, tritium, ajmitch, crimsun, ogra, CarlK, Seveas, Burgundavia, apokryphos, thoreauputic, nalioth, Madpilot, ompaul, rob, Hobbsee, imbrandon, DBO or gnomefreak!05:13
asymmetryis it 'update-manager -d -c'?05:13
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AsheDcan anybody tell me what character set amarok uses?05:14
JKnifeasymmetry: umm just edit your sources.list -_-05:14
asymmetryOr not. Can I get an answer to my question, as it was asked?05:14
dadextertry google05:15
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=== Mystilleef_ [n=goldenmy@dhcp-3-200-114.studentaffairs.duke.edu] has joined #ubuntu
Xal2For a grub installation, do I use my first hard drive for the setup (hdx) command?05:15
asymmetryBeen doing that, thanks. Anyone going to not be lazy?05:15
Xal2or do I use the one with Linux on it?05:15
brueniggksudo "update-manager -c -d"05:15
asymmetrybruenig, THANK YOU. Finally, a real answer.05:15
dadextergoogle could have told you that05:16
dadexterI found it05:16
stonecrestOMFG that link is disgusting!!!!!!!05:16
dadexterwhat link?05:16
stonecrestdadexter: 21:12     demantik_| http://kiwi.peemail.org/sandboxed/kids_in_sandbox.mpg this  is why ubuntu rocks :)05:16
asymmetrydadexter, in the time you were doing that, you could have just... answered.05:16
bruenigI just went to ubuntu.com and looked for a release candidate link05:16
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nixternaldon't foget to kick him05:16
nixternalthere you go ;)05:16
dadexterasymmetry: how would I know? wtf is update-manager?05:16
LookTJSomeone help with adding a windows network printer? it's an Lexmark Optra E312L. Thanks for reading my question05:17
=== BoggsBeer is now known as Deaigo
asymmetrydadexter, maybe... the update manager?05:17
bruenigupdate-manager is the well update manager05:17
bruenigit is the graphical update thing05:17
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dadexteroh shit! wtf am I doing in #ubuntu?05:17
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ScurveyFrogsethk: are you still here?05:18
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_azraelHey, does anyone know how to fix Eclipse giving a "A console is not available." error?05:18
_azrael*How do I fix Eclipse giving a "A console is not available." error?05:18
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LookTJSomeone help with adding a windows network printer? it's an Lexmark Optra E312L. Thanks for reading my question05:20
fdsdAnyone here interested in working on a script that will walk a newbie though backing up a currupted harddrive to a external?05:20
LookTJor link me please05:21
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ianmacgregor_azrael: Have you seen these: http://www.google.com/search?hl=en&lr=&q=%22a+console+is+not+available%22&btnG=Search05:21
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iCodI have a serious problem, and I need it fixed within an hour. 3 packages including libc6 are broken and synaptic will no t fix them. Any ideas?05:21
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bruenigiCod, what do you mean broken and what is the hurry05:22
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iCodthe packages are broken, and I have a podcast in an hour, and its stopping skype from working05:22
gubluntuso i am pull like 3 gigs over ssh with rsync in vt1, anyone know how i can see its progress or at least its transfer speed?05:22
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bruenigiCod, try reinstalling?05:23
MadpilotiCod, what is the *exact* error message - and can you pastebin your sources.list, please?05:23
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mrvw0169iCod, I don't know but try sudo dpkg --configure -a... or sudo aptitude update && sudo aptitude dist-upgrade... the dist-upgrade only if sudo aptitude reinstall * still doesn't fix it (* = all your broken packages)05:24
iCodI have05:24
iCodthe error message is...05:25
iCodone sec05:25
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omplater folks05:25
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iCodYou might want to run `apt-get -f install' to correct these:05:26
iCodThe following packages have unmet dependencies:05:26
iCod  libc6: Depends: tzdata but it is not installable05:26
iCod  libc6-dev: Depends: libc6 (= 2.3.6-0ubuntu20) but 2.3.6.ds1-4 is to be installed05:26
iCod  libc6-i686: PreDepends: libc6 (= 2.3.6-0ubuntu20) but 2.3.6.ds1-4 is to be installed05:26
LookTJWILL ANYONE ANSWER MY QUESTION???(sorry for caps)05:26
iCodE: Unmet dependencies. Try 'apt-get -f install' with no packages (or specify a solution).05:26
iCodthats the error message05:26
=== Rinchen|afk is now known as Rinchen
ubotupastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (you can always find it in the channel topic, among other useful things)05:26
ubotuThe people in this channel are volunteers. Your attitude will determine how fast you are helped. See also http://wiki.ubuntu.com/IrcGuidelines05:26
rcarriCod, and did you try apt-get -f install ?05:26
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iCodsudo apt-get -f install gives the same error message05:27
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rcarrtry installing tzdata?05:27
LookTJicod: what about aptitude -f install05:27
iCodit says the packages need to be fix before it can be installed05:27
=== Nemecus [n=izzy@ip68-97-139-178.ok.ok.cox.net] has joined #ubuntu
rcarrjust a second05:27
Nemecushello everyone05:27
iCodLookTJ, i tried that05:28
mrvw0169what repo is causing you to pull in 2.3.6ds?05:28
LookTJaptitude and apt-get is different05:28
iCodmrvw0169, not sure05:28
rcarriCod: use apt-cache show on the package to see what repo a certain v ersion are from05:28
Nemecusis there anyone that is a super expert on ubuntu and can help me. I am a super noob and I just installed it. I have trouble getting my video card to work05:29
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chuckypNemecus, what kind of card?05:29
rcarriCod: If it's helpful, but no gurantees...but it has no dependencies05:30
rcarriCod: http://dev.wired-designs.net/tzdata_2006l-1ubuntu1_all.deb05:30
bruenigwow chuckyp is arrogant thinking he is a super expert and all :)05:30
rcarriCod: You could try dpkg -i on that deb to install tzdata05:30
rcarriCod: But that is the edgy version so eh05:30
Nemecusit is actually a laptop... Intel Graphic Media Accelerator 950. I am trying to run WoW with Crossover but it keeps saying that my 3d accerleration is not supported by WoW...05:30
iCodI'll try it05:30
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ubotuedgy is the current development version of Ubuntu. Version 6.10, codename "Edgy Eft". For support head to #ubuntu+1. For its release schedule, see !schedule05:31
chuckypNemecus, did you try searching the forums for your card?05:31
ubotuUbuntu uses a strict timetable for releases, which means that sometimes newly released programs miss the timetable. See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/TimeBasedReleases for more. Edgy schedule: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/EdgyReleaseSchedule05:31
=== ESCulapio_ [n=ESCulapi@215stb68.codetel.net.do] has joined #ubuntu
iCodCannot open tzdata_2006l-1ubuntu1_all.deb05:32
Nemecusyeah, I am getting lost with all of it. I can't find anything specific for my card. I also have been checking the device manager and all the items (processor, graphics card, etc) say unknown on it.05:32
SpudDoggWhat are some of the differences between dapper and edgy?05:32
iCodThe filename "tzdata_2006l-1ubuntu1_all.deb" indicates that this file is of type "Software package". The contents of the file indicate that the file is of type "HTML document". If you open this file, the file might present a security risk to your system.05:32
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rcarriCod: err, that's a problem with my apache, oops05:32
iCod^never mind^05:32
lasindiHas the security fix for the NVIDIA driver been packaged for Ubuntu, or do we have to execute the NVIDIA binary?05:32
=== mlowe [n=mlowe@c-24-6-84-179.hsd1.ca.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
iCodwheres the right one then?05:32
chuckypSpudDogg, go to the edgy page and see05:33
godzirraCan anyone help me?  I can't start X because it can't find my default fixed font.05:33
SpudDoggchuckyp, i was looking more for people's opinions.  is it worth a format and reinstall?05:33
rcarriCod: Just a second05:33
chuckypSpudDogg, You don't have to format and reinstall05:34
chuckypSpudDogg, you could dist-upgrade if you wanted to.05:34
mrvw0169SpudDogg, no you can upgrade to edgy from dapper pretty easily05:34
MadpilotiCod, can you pastebin your sources.list, please? Errors like yours are often caused by non-Ubuntu repositories in sources05:34
iCodwhat do you mean pastebin?05:34
ubotupastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (you can always find it in the channel topic, among other useful things)05:34
MadpilotiCod, that ^^^05:34
=== dcraven [n=dcraven@CPE000f3d5d5cd1-CM014340007726.cpe.net.cable.rogers.com] has joined #ubuntu
rcarriCod: http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/pool/main/t/tzdata/tzdata_2006m-1ubuntu1_all.deb05:35
gubluntuhow do i force --stats or --process on a rsync already running05:35
iCodI pasted my sources.list05:36
iCodI'm downloading tzdata05:36
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LookTJso anyone....Someone help with adding a windows network printer? it's an Lexmark Optra E312L. Thanks for reading my question05:37
nym_how do you reset a password in ubuntu if you can't log in at all?05:37
rcarrnym: If you haven't  set a root password05:37
rcarrnym: You can add rw init=/bin/sh to the end of the boot line in grub05:37
equilibriumnym_: you'll need to boot into single user mode and set it from there05:37
Fujitsurcarr, or just boot into recovery mode...05:37
rcarrnym:And then once you have a root console, you can run "passwd usernamegoeshere"05:38
nym_rcarr: cheers05:38
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nym_equilibrium: tried that, no luck05:38
rcarrFujitsu: I didn't get a recovery mode option with my last install05:38
LukeSeveas: do you have a repo for edgy set up yet?05:38
Fujitsurcarr, it should always be there... You must have stuffed around with something if it's not.05:38
equilibriumnym_: can't boot into single user or can't set it from single user?05:38
rcarrFujitsu: It's possible it  was a bad CD, it was an edgy daily build05:38
nym_can't boot into single05:39
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Fujitsunym_, what does it not do?05:39
nym_it goes to the login05:39
iCodtzdata installation was a success!05:39
nym_anyways, thanks!05:40
NemecusHello, I am new to Ubuntu (installed it yesterday) I am having some issues. I look at my device manager and everything that is on there (processor, graphics card, etc) show device type as unknown. Is that normal? I have a Toshiba Satellite (laptop) with a Intel Graphics Media Accelerator 950. When I try to play WoW using Crossover, I get an error saying "Your 3d acceleration card is not supported by World of Warcraft" Am I doing something wron05:40
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equilibriumnym_: try booting a live cd, mounting the / filesystem and then chrooting to it05:40
iCoddependency problem fixed, THANK YOU!05:40
ZambeziAnyone skilled on rsync? I need to block external access, but i'm not sure how.05:41
iCodMadpilot and rcarr, THANK YOU05:42
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rcarriCod: No problem good luck with the padcast05:43
rcarriCod: Err, podcast05:43
iturkhi there i have a problem in kismet http://pastebin.ca/214633 !! can someone help ??05:43
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godzirraCrap.  I can never remember what windows manager I like.05:44
godzirraIt is very minimal.  With a bar at the bottom.  And a right click menu.05:44
godzirrano, neither of those.05:45
godzirraI dont think.05:45
iCodrcarr, will do, see you later05:45
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tannerldhow can one check the timezone from the command line?05:45
=== jojoman02 [n=khan@cbl-sd-54-141.aster.com.do] has joined #ubuntu
godzirraAny other ideas?05:46
jojoman02how do i change what codec rhythmbox/gstreamer use?05:46
godzirrathank you :)05:46
mrvw0169lol np05:46
jojoman02for mp3 for example05:46
AsheDI have been having some problems with amarok reading tags, and I am told I may not have UTF-8 support or something on my system, how can I check/remedy this?05:46
jolihi, i have a partition mounted for /home. This partition is already full, so i created a new partition and mounted it as /home but when i do it, ubuntu can't read from /home anymore. can anybody help me sorting this out?05:48
=== nwbreneman [n=nwbrenem@d213h240.public.simons-rock.edu] has joined #ubuntu
sethkjoli, that's not quite what you want to do.05:48
sethkjoli, as you noticed, a mount  covers up anything in that part of the tree05:49
sethkjoli, you only mount to an empty directory05:49
nwbrenemanI just did a fresh install of Xubuntu from a gnome/xfce mix, and my external firewire harddrive is no longer showing up. any help please?05:49
sethkjoli, you have two choices.05:49
sethkjoli, you can copy the data, or you can use symbolic links05:49
sethkjoli, does the new partition have enough space for what (used to be on) home plus enough empty space?05:50
jolisethk: can i for instance mount it at /home/joli/newpartition and then put a simbolic link for /home/joli ?05:50
Zambezigodzirra, Enlightenment 17?05:50
sethknwbreneman, either the kernel module for firewire isn't loaded, or perhaps firmware support is missing  in the kernel.05:50
sethkjoli, yes05:51
jolino, is exactly the same space that the old one...it is what left of the disc05:51
sethkjoli, ok, then you need to use links05:51
nwbrenemansethk, thanks, but i have no idea how to fix this. i can wait if you need me to do so05:51
sethkjoli, only you said it kind of backwards.05:51
=== asymmetry [n=asymmetr@ip72-198-32-122.ok.ok.cox.net] has joined #ubuntu
sethknwbreneman, one second, let me finish with joli05:51
asymmetryedgy == sexy05:51
sethkjoli, say you mount the new partition on /home205:52
sethkjoli, then, you copy everything from /home/joli to /home205:52
elljay22:41 [ bigs]  give it ten years, and M$ will be gone hopefully05:52
elljay22:41 ::: bigs was kicked from #vista by newbfeet [The following word is banned: M$] 05:52
elljaythat almost brought me to tears ;)05:52
sethkjoli, then, your delete /home/joli05:52
sethkjoli, then you do:   ln -s /home2/joli /home/joli05:52
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jolisethk: ok, thank you!05:53
jolii will give a try :)05:53
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sethkjoli, it's easy, and you had already figured it out, it sounds05:53
sethknwbreneman, is this firewire drive always connected, or do you connect it occasionally?05:53
acukonqueror question: I want to add the google search in a toolbar (similar to firefox) anyone knows how to do it?05:54
nwbrenemanit's always connected, but i had it off when i booted my computer05:54
sethkacu, it already has it.05:54
acusethk: konqueror?05:54
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sethkacu, yes, konqueror already has a search area built in, similar to firefox05:54
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sethkacu, right next to the url box05:55
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nredCould someone help me. When I got to my resolution Screen, I only have the option for a resolution of 600x40005:55
sethkacu, konqueror had it three years before firefox/mozilla had it.05:55
sethknred, none of your configured resolutions are usable, so you are defaulting to 6x405:56
ChocoCidhttp://rafb.net/paste/results/sriBig80.html  <-- so what's up with this and how do i fix it?  Every time I try to use apt the yiff-server thing pops up and it's quite annoying05:56
=== cyphase_ [n=cyphase@ppp-67-119-186-19.dialup.pltn13.pacbell.net] has joined #ubuntu
sethknred, or, none of your resolutions above 6x4 are usable.05:56
=== Versed [n=Versed@c-69-253-173-154.hsd1.nj.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
acusethk: ok I just some extra utilities and it works now (I am using GNOME). However I want to add another search tool to NCBI05:56
sethknred, look in your X log file.  /var/log/Xorg.org.0.log05:56
nredsethk, how do I go about fixing it?05:56
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sethkacu, ah, ok, that can be done.  Did you try in the kde channel?  I would have to figure it out as I haven't looked at it in ages.05:57
ChocoCider, nvm, it works after repeatedly removing the program ;[05:57
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sethknred, first try running (as root) dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg05:57
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sethknred, if it does not correctly identify your monitor, override it's monitor choice with the appropriate generic.05:58
sethknred, when you get to the question about resolutions/monitors, take the middle difficulty level.05:58
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nredI will try that05:58
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acusethk: thanks. I just think that Konqueror should have been the star instead of firefox. Konqueror is just so cool, from smb to ftp web browsing and file manager is just all in one05:59
acuthanks again- bye05:59
_goofy_anyone know of a program to mount a image file to a virtual cd drive06:00
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ZambeziAnybody skilled on rsync? I need to ask some question about security.06:01
equilibrium_goofy_: mount?06:01
nwbrenemansethk, did you get my last response?06:01
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sethknwbreneman, sorry, no, I was doing some work work.  :)06:02
tonyyarussoWhat command locks the screen in gnome?06:02
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nwbrenemansethk, heh, no problem. I usually have the drive connected and on constantly, but it was off when I turned on my laptop06:02
_goofy_i have an immage file that is a game and i want to get arround burning i to a disk06:02
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tannerldSudo isn't working for me. I get "sudo: timestamp too far in the future: Oct 22 01:00:17 2006" when I try to use it.06:02
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sethknwbreneman, run dmesg, then turn on the drive and run dmesg again.  see if there is any response.06:03
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sethktannerld, make sure your clock on the machine is set to the correct time.06:03
equilibrium_goofy_: if it's an iso image you can just mount it like you would a disk: mount -o loop -t iso9660 file.iso /mnt/isodisk06:04
sethktannerld, sounds like you might have lost the clock setting and it went back to 1980 or something .06:04
tannerldsethk: Just changed it to the correct time.06:04
tannerldsethk: Hmm.06:04
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nwbrenemansethk, the first dmesg said ieee1394 node suspended, after i turned it on, it showed that it was connected06:04
sethknwbreneman, ok, then the kernel module is there and is loaded.06:04
tannerldsethk: Seems right "Sun Oct 22 00:04:54 EDT 2006"06:04
sethknwbreneman, did you try to mount it?06:04
Em3rald_goofy_ or like this:  sudo mount file.iso /media/iso/ -t iso9660 -o loop06:04
sethknwbreneman, probably you merely need to add a line to /etc/fstab for it.06:05
Em3raldmake sure you "mkdir" the appropriate directory first06:05
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sethktannerld, well, no, it's not 04:54 EDT on sunday06:05
sethktannerld, it's roughly 04:54 UTC06:05
nwbrenemansethk, d'oh, I didn't even check the disks admin. it's there. thank you!06:05
tannerldsethk: isn't it hour/min/seconds?06:05
sethktannerld, yes, sorry, I misread06:06
=== Bladeless [n=Bladeles@bas13-ottawa23-1088824399.dsl.bell.ca] has joined #ubuntu
tannerldsethk: :P06:06
Em3rald_goofy_:  Just a note, I believe the target directory must be /empty/ before you can use it for mount.06:06
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sethktannerld, I dont' mess around with sudo, normally, I just use su.  at the very least you can use su to fix sudo.06:06
equilibriumEm3rald: you can mount filesystems on non empty directories06:06
tannerldsethk: heh06:06
Bladelessi need help on installing ubuntu, can someone please help me...06:06
dabaRBladeless: you need me to close the cd tray?06:07
Em3raldequilibrium:  just as I thought ... never tried it on a non-empty directory.06:07
Em3raldBladeless:  Fire away.06:07
BladelessdabarR: im use to installing fedora core06:07
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ferosshey, what files does xorg look at? Just the /etc/X11/xorg.conf file? does hotplug or gnome create any other files that are specific to each user?06:07
Em3raldBladeless:  well, its pretty straightforward usually.  Burn the CD or DVD image, slap it in the drive, reboot and give'er nuts06:08
Bladelessi have the desktop cd06:08
Em3raldAlrighty, so when it boots, do you get the ubuntu desktop?06:08
sethkfeross, yes, files specific to the user are created by many things including gnome.  do this in your home directory:    ls -A06:08
Bladelessi just get a list and it boots to ubuntu live06:08
sethkfeross, all the subdirectories beginning with . (that is dot) are state files.  you'll see the one for gnome, the name is obvious.06:09
Em3raldYup, thats peachy.  On the desktop should be an icon that points you to install it.06:09
Em3raldJust give 'er a double-click and voila (usually)06:09
sethkbrb, probably06:09
thejoeandchipbladeless: there is only a live cd, from there you install it too your desktop06:09
Bladeless??? what icon? i cant seem to find it :S, i have no mouse06:09
SmotangHow do I add fonts to Ubuntu?06:09
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sethkBladeless, use the text mode install from the alternate cd06:10
Em3raldWell, that would be the root of our problem then, hey?  Okay so just so I know what you are looking at ... you have a brownish desktop, right?06:10
Em3raldsethk:  I want to try without that first ...06:10
Bladelessonly have the one i downloaded it06:10
mrvw0169is the alternate cd now called the server cd?06:10
Em3raldBladeless, that's okay ... we'll try to get you all fixed up.06:10
sethkmrvw0169, no, there are three06:10
quintinPlaying a multiplayer freecraft06:10
Bladelesstahnks em3rald06:10
quintinanyone wanna join?06:10
sethkEm3rald, I can't imgaine why, but ok06:10
SmotangHow do I install fonts in ubuntu?06:10
chuckyp!fonts > Smotang06:11
quintinSmotang: stw06:11
quintinnow then06:11
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Em3raldSethk:  well, he's got the desktop CD and he's ready to go ... if it's relatively easy we'll go this way first.06:11
mrvw0169i remember there are 3 everytime i download the install cds since the "desktop/live cd" never works for me06:11
quintineveryone join my Wargus game06:11
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Em3raldOkay now Bladeless:  Do you have a top and bottom menu bar?06:11
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xenexWould installing CS:S/DoD:S and GW be relatively easy on Ubuntu using Cedega? And decent performance and stability?06:11
mrvw0169and always get alternate... but i don't see the link to them anymore on www.ubuntu.com06:11
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quintinxenex: totally stable.  ass-slow unless you have nvidia or ati drivers.06:11
Bladelessi have a menu, satrt or install ubuntu, start ubuntu in safe graphics mode chekc cd for defects mem test, boot from first hard disk06:12
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Bladelesswhen i use the start or install ubuntu06:12
xenexquintin: last time i tried gw, it was crap. cs:s/dod:s works well?06:12
tonyyarussoWhere would gnome-screensaver put something indicating the screen locked/unlocked status?06:12
mrvw0169nm i'm just stupid =P06:12
Bladelessi get an error that x coulndt start06:12
Em3raldBladeless:  that would be the usual way .... but that is a peculiar issue.06:12
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Bladelessill get you the error in just a second, its loading the install part06:13
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Em3raldBladeless:  Okay, I'll see if I can find a quick fix for you .......06:13
sethktonyyarusso, probably in the gnome state directory under your home directory06:13
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tnncanyone know of any good docs about installing coppermine on ubuntu06:14
sethkBladeless, if you don't have a mouse connected, X won't start.  you don't want that install without a mouse in any event.  use the text mode install from the alternate cd if you don't have a mouse.06:14
ferosssethk: ok I see the gnome directories but which one is the one that controls screen resolution and what devices are used to display.. LDC-CRT-TV ... it's on a laptop. I want to be able to control it what to use, right now it only works when I boot up with the devices plugged in.06:14
Bladelessmouse is plugged in....06:14
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Em3raldBladeless:  is it ps/2 or USB?06:15
Bladelessusb i think06:15
KeyseirWhere should I go to see about upgrading breezy badger to dapper drake?06:15
Bladelesslet me check'06:15
sethkBladeless, you said you don't have a mouse.  did you mean that you don't see the mouse?  that's a completely different thing.06:15
Tron_im having trouble setting up fglrx i get the error that my chipset is not recognized, using radeon 9200SE06:15
TheUniKeyseir: might want to wait a day or two and upgrade to edgy.06:15
ganja_guruwill there be another RC before final?06:15
Bladelessno mouse on the screen, physical mouse is present06:15
rcarrKeyseir: sudo perl -pi.bak -e 's/breezy/dapper/g' /etc/apt/sources.list06:15
rcarrKeyseir: To replace all occurences of breezy with dapper in your sourcces06:15
rcarrKeyseir: You can do it via some other method, then run sudo apt-get update06:16
Bladelessit was plugged on usb06:16
rcarrKeyseir: And sudo apt-get dist-upgrade06:16
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tonyyarussosethk: Know where that would be?  (Poking around in .gnome2 now)06:16
Keyseirrcarr: Thanks.06:16
Em3raldBladeless:  I don't suppose you have a PS/2 adapter do you?  This may be the quickest fix.06:16
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sethkBladeless, where else would it be plugged?  I don't understand what you mean.06:16
rcarrKeyseir: No problem, I think you can do it in synaptic or something, but I'm not sure how06:16
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sethktonyyarusso, no, not specifically, and I can't look because I'm running kde.06:17
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Em3raldsethk:  Many of us still use PS/2 mouses you know ;)06:17
Bladelesslol ill see what i can06:17
sethkEm3rald, he said it's a usb mouse.  I wasn't saying it's a usb mouse.06:17
sethkEm3rald, this entire conversation is from the twilight zone  :)06:17
ganja_gurucan someone please point me to ubuntu cvs?06:17
Em3raldsethk:  I realize that, but I have several USB mouses which are plugged in using an adapter to the PS/2 port.06:18
Railerquick question ubuntu allows, you to apt-get webmin?06:18
crimsunganja_guru: what are you referring to?06:18
Bladelesswill ubuntu give me a hard time if the keyboard is on usb?06:18
sethkEm3rald, that's fine also, but it has nothing to do with what I was saying.06:18
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Em3raldBladeless:  Doubtful, in fact, even the mouse issue is doubtful, except that I ran into it once before too, so I know what you are dealing with.06:18
equilibriumBladeless: not at all06:18
sethkBladeless, no06:18
ganja_gurucrimsum: i'd like to checkout cvs for ubuntu packages. any cvs webview or something similar available?06:19
sethkBladeless, I have usb mouse/keyboard on all of my systems now except for two old ones.06:19
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jolirailer: i dont think so...at least i could not find it with apt-cache06:19
crimsunganja_guru: no, there's no cvs. Certain packages are maintained using bazaar-ng on launchpad.net, otherwise look in archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/pool/06:19
Bladelesstrying install now with mouse on usb06:19
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Bladelessmouse on ps2*06:20
Railerthanks joli,06:20
Em3raldYou may have to restart the boot CD first though ... not sure about that.06:20
Bladelessfedora doesnt give me that much trouble lol06:20
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sethkBladeless, fedora's installer is a bit better.  it doesn't mean that once installed you'll have problems.06:20
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ganja_gurucrimsum: im not looking for packages..just cvs entries..how do the devs manage without cvs?06:20
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sethkBladeless, that's why I said to use the text mode install.  everything you are doing now is a waste of time because it doesn't apply to the o/s, only to the install program.06:21
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oidiahow di i remove a key set with blowfish?06:21
Em3raldSethk:  I was just attempting to prevent the extra time associated with downloading yet another image file.06:22
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crimsunganja_guru: some of us use bazaar-ng; the majority of packages are straight syncs from Debian and thus don't have "cvs metadata" attached06:22
Bladelesssame error06:22
ganja_gurucrimsum: i see..thanks06:22
sethkEm3rald, moving that off the install disk was a terrible mistake.06:22
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Em3raldBladeless:  From a fresh boot?  Peculiar. Sethk:  I totally and heartily agree.  I use the alternate myself. :D06:23
Bladelessfresh boot ya06:23
Em3raldSethk:  I think the live install is a cool idea in some sense, but I think there should be a "directly install" option from the menu, instead of "boot/install" in one option.06:24
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Tron_can anyone help me with fglrx06:24
Em3raldBladeless:  there probably "is" a fix for this, but I don't know it.  I think we've exhausted the "easy" solutions, so the next easiest would be to download the ALternate CD which doesn't use the live installer.06:24
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sethkEm3rald, yes, I would agree.  Well, I disagree that the live install has any advantage.06:25
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Em3raldBladeless:  unless you have some special wierdass mouse that requires some wacktastic driver.06:25
Bladelessms mouse?:P06:25
Em3raldsethk:  It's good for the "wow" factor for linux noobs.06:25
sethkEm3rald, the old install program worked extremely well.  so, let's discard it for one that, who knows, might work.06:25
Tron_fglrx cant recognize the chipset for my radeon 9200SE can anyone help me out06:25
strabesyeah that is06:25
Em3raldBladeless:  LOL!  Hahahah ... that's gotta be it, hey?  Hehehe, just kidding.  Shouldn't be a problem.06:25
_goofy_anyone know how to mannage a .daa file06:25
rcarrTron: I know fglrx recently dropped support for some older cards, make sure it's supported06:26
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Em3raldsethk:  I totally agree with you ... if the live installer was a little smoother and/or wasn't so damned slow to boot ......06:26
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Bladelesswhats the dvd do?06:26
Railerso are there deb packages that are not available for ubuntu?06:26
Tron_is there any easy way to check? i just used apt-get and followed a guide that said my card was infact supported06:26
Em3raldthe DVD has part of the repositories built right in (afaik)06:27
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sethkEm3rald, I guess the thought was that most people want the live cd and this way they only have to download one iso image.  A poor thought, in my view, but probably what they were thinking.06:27
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Em3raldsethk:  Definitely likely close to the truth.  But how hard would it have been to put a "directly install Ubuntu" on the opening menu instead of boot/install on the current live disc?06:28
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Em3rald1.  Boot to Ubuntu live 2. directly install 3. do other stuff ....06:29
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sethkEm3rald, maybe 1/2 hours work.06:29
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chasmarangwhat is the command line for scandisk in linux06:29
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JavaDeveloperif I created an launcher on desktop, but when I click it, it doesn't launch my program, but if I run it in terminal, it works.  Is this a permission related problem or others? I am running Eclipse.06:30
Em3raldOkay.... where are the developers ... we want changes!!!  We want ACTION on this problem .... ;)06:30
chasmarangdisk surface scan06:30
sethkJavaDeveloper, could be permissions, could be state set in your .bashrc, could be related to the current directory when the command is run.06:30
Em3raldchasmarang, dunno off hand, but I am sure someone will have it ....06:30
sethkchasmarang, badblocks06:31
chasmarangthanx E06:31
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sethkchasmarang, although in fact fsck is closer to scandisk than badblocks.  but badblocks scans for bad sectors, and I think that's what you mean.06:31
JavaDevelopersethk: ic ic...alright, thanks06:31
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nredHas anyone here install Gyach in Ubuntu?06:31
pc22anyone familiar with CRMs?06:31
chasmarangthanx sethk06:32
nredand got it working06:32
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nredCan someone help me with Gyach install?06:32
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nredCan someone help me?06:33
FructoseI'm desperately trying to get my Radeon X1300 to work. I install the drivers, but my Xorg.log says "(WW) fglrx: No matching Device section for instance (BusID PCI:1:0:1) found". Any ideas?06:33
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FructoseIt also says "(--) Chipset RADEON X1300 (RV516 7183) found"06:33
Em3raldnred:  never used gyach what is it?06:33
sethkFructose, run lspci and see if 1:0:1 is correct06:33
Jay2what's the problem nred06:34
nredYahoo Mesenger for Linux, I found an install06:34
chasmarangsethk:can I use it while I'm in linux06:34
Fructosesethk: 01:00.1 Display controller: ATI Technologies Inc Unknown device 71a306:34
h3htimocould someone help me with getting my sound working??06:34
nredI found a how to guide on how ot install, but the place I get the .deb file is down06:34
Em3raldnred:  have you tried sudo apt-get install gyach?06:34
nreddoesn't work06:34
sethkchasmarang, the only place you can use it is within linux.  however, if you can't use it on a mounted partition.06:34
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about telepathy - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi06:34
Kr0ntabSeveas, gonna add w32codecs to edgy?  or wait until final release of 6.10?06:34
sethkchasmarang, you probably want to boot the livecd to use it.06:34
Fructosesethk: Oh, right above that, there's 01:00.0 VGA compatible controller: ATI Technologies Inc Unknown device 718306:34
godzirrahow do I get wireless working on my laptop with ubuntu?06:34
Em3raldnred:  have you added any extra repositories to your sources.list?06:34
sethkFructose, ok, good, 1:0:1 is correct.06:35
chasmarangoh right great06:35
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sethkFructose, probably your best bet is to run dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg06:35
sethkFructose, odds are that will fix you up.06:35
Fructosesethk: Again?06:35
h3htimocould someone please help me with getting my sound working??06:35
Em3raldnred:  am I assuming you don't currently have the .deb file?06:35
nredI can't find the one it says in the tutorial I need06:35
sethkFructose, when did you last run  it?06:35
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nredhttp://www.bongload.org/files/linux/gyach-enhanced-pyvoicechat_1.0.7-2_i386.deb it says use this one, but that site is down06:36
Em3raldOkay, well ... I see.  Well, we have to do a google search or something to find the appropriate .deb package. Unfortunately not all Debian packages are totally compatable with Ubuntu.  This could prove to be interesting.06:36
Em3raldkay hang on.06:36
ed_im having trouble connecting to my server through the internet, i set my hosts.allow to ALL: ALL, and i forwarded my ports on my router but i cant seem to connect. can someone help me please?06:37
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wickedpuppyed_, when you do ifconfig ... what do you get ? pastebin if its long06:39
Fructosesethk: Well, I first tried installing via the repository, which used that command, but that didn't work. I haven't done it since I tried installing via the ATI installer, but they are both fglrx, so I'm not sure why an update to the xorg.conf would make a difference.06:39
Em3raldnred:  try here:  http://gyachi.sourceforge.net/download.shtml06:39
Fructosesethk: But I just did it again, so I'll go reboot. I'll probably be back, with my luck. :-)06:39
Em3raldnred:  specifically this link:  http://prdownloads.sourceforge.net/gyachi/gyachi_1.0.5-1_dapper_i386.deb?download06:39
nredEm3rald all there servers are down to06:39
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chuckyp!info gyachi06:40
ed_sorry im a newbie, whats pastebin?06:40
ubotuPackage gyachi does not exist in any distro I know06:40
wickedpuppynred, sourceforge download mirrors are all down ?06:40
wickedpuppy!pastebin > ed_06:40
ubotupastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (you can always find it in the channel topic, among other useful things)06:40
Em3raldwickedpuppy:  it appears so ...06:40
nredno, they only have one listed in there list06:40
nredto download that file06:40
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Jbirkis Edgy released?06:41
chuckyp!edgy Jbirk06:41
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about edgy Jbirk - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi06:41
chuckyp!edgy > Jbirk06:41
wickedpuppyone ? no ... sourceforge will direct you to the mirrors ... unless its on their own server of course ..06:41
Em3raldnred:  yeah, I see that .... in Kent.  And it's not responding.  Very strange.06:41
jdtedgy rc1 is released.06:41
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Fructosesethk: Still no direct rendering06:41
Em3raldwickedpuppy:  yup, dude, only one mirror is showing up in the list ... never seen that before.06:41
godzirrahow do I get wireless working on my laptop with ubuntu?06:42
jdtwhat model laptop06:42
chuckypEm3rald, its doing it with other packages as well06:42
Em3raldOOOP ... I just got it!06:42
godzirraCompaq Presario 5200 series06:42
Em3raldnred:  I can send the file to you thru here if you want06:42
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nredwhat file?06:42
wickedpuppyyah dcc to him06:42
Em3raldthe .deb ... the Kent mirror just fired at me, so I now have the file.06:42
nredthat will work06:43
Fructosesethk: Still there... (WW) fglrx: No matching Device section for instance (BusID PCI:1:0:1) found06:43
chuckypWicked, Em3rald yeah souceforge mirrors have been messedup now for a few hours06:43
Em3raldstupid question ... uh ... how do I dcc it to you (I am not much an IRC user)06:43
Em3raldchuckyp:  wacky.  Any reasons?06:43
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nredI honestly have no ideas06:43
poningrugodzirra: hold on06:43
Em3raldhaha, okay, just a sec I will figure it out.06:43
wickedpuppyed_, you got .... cant you ping to any other places ? like google ?06:44
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Em3raldoops, clicked the X06:44
godzirraponingru: sure thing.06:44
Em3raldanyway .. okay, trying to send it to you now.06:45
unluckymikeanyone have any experience with wmp54g wireless cards?06:45
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Em3raldnred, do you have a popup or something?  private chat or anything?06:45
nrednope did first time06:45
nrednot this time06:45
jdthmm - I cant find any info on Presario 5200 - does it have an internal wireless card? and how old?06:45
Em3raldwierd.  gah.06:45
Em3raldhang on, I have a problem on my end.06:45
ed_i can ping google, and my wan ip both responding06:45
wickedpuppyed_, then the problem is ??06:46
manmadhais there any cmd to open the browser & browse a given URL?06:46
Em3raldnred:  the stupid file is corrupt.06:46
poningrugodzirra: can you tell what the chipset of it is?06:46
godzirraponingru: how do I tell?06:46
poningruerr what the wireless card name is?06:46
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poningrugo to system->admin->device manager06:46
poningruor something like that06:47
Heptofitehey, one question, whats the best quickest way to get sysinfo on ubuntu?06:47
ed_i goto and it should show my server but it says cant connect06:47
godzirraponingru: You're assuming I have windows installed.06:47
poningrugodzirra: no I am not06:47
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poningruI am assuming you have ubuntu installed06:47
Heptofiteand by that, i mean a dxdiag like function06:47
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wickedpuppyed_, can i clarify with you ? is it that your server seems to be down or you can't access the net ?06:48
jdtgodzirra - open a console window and type "lspci"06:48
h3htimocould someone help me with getting my soundcard working???06:48
jdtthere will be a line that says wireless - prob toward the end.06:48
godzirraIt says unknown device06:48
poningrugodzirra: broadcom 43xxx?06:48
ed_i cant access my http server through the net06:48
poningrusimple to solve06:48
Em3raldnred:  I think you might just have to wait for a while for the sourceforge mirrors to come back up.  It appears they have a problem.06:48
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skello. i need some advice. how do i use the 6.06.1 live cd to partition undestructively on a ppc with mac osx? does gparted allow this in the command line? and if so, how do i get to the gparted command line?06:48
wickedpuppyed_, is your server configured properly ? ssh into it and check06:48
godzirraI knew when you said 43xx that either meant really good or really bad :)06:49
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chuckypEm3rald, try from here http://www.mirrorservice.org/sites/download.sourceforge.net/pub/sourceforge/g/gy/gyachi/gyachi_1.0.5-1_dapper_i386.deb06:49
poningrugodzirra: http://ubuntu.cafuego.net/pool/dapper-cafuego/bcm43xx/bcm43xx-firmware_1.3-1ubuntu1_all.deb06:49
poningrugo download that06:49
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poningruand double click06:49
poningruthen restart06:49
ed_through lan or wan?06:49
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Em3raldchuckyp:  You da man ... the link is live.06:50
godzirradouble click?  You keep talking like I use X.  lol06:50
Em3raldnred:  Try chuckyp's link dude ...06:50
poningrugodzirra: dude you have to say that you are not a complete noob06:50
poningruI have to assume that here06:50
JbirkI cannot resize my windows06:50
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Jbirkany help would be greatly appreciated06:50
FructoseI'm getting "(WW) fglrx: No matching Device section for instance (BusID PCI:1:0:1) found" followed by "(--) Chipset RADEON X1300 (RV516 7183) found" in my Xorg log. Anyone know how to get a Radeon X1300 working in Ubuntu?06:50
godzirraHehe.. I'm not a complete noob.  Just new to wireless on unix.06:51
poningrugodzirra: sudo dpkg -i whatever.deb06:51
wickedpuppyed_, ssh is wan .. unless the server is right besides you ... the details are only known to you dude06:51
JbirkEverything was good for me today until I installed updates06:51
chuckypJbirk, unmount it first06:51
Em3raldjbirk:  increasing or decreasing size?06:51
godzirraYeah I know :)06:51
poningruwasnt sure if you know the deb install system06:51
godzirraYup yu.06:51
dredhammeranyone using Iceweasel? How do you get it to install  extensions and themes without downloading and dragging and dropping ?06:51
wickedpuppyed_, put my nick in front if you are talking to me pls ...06:51
Em3raldjbirk:  ignore my last question ... I thought you were talking partitions06:51
godzirrabeen running debian for... hrm..  I dunno.  Over 5 years ;)06:51
godzirraWhat now?06:51
ed_wickedpuppy, sorry about that06:51
poningrugodzirra: it requires a network to be restarted06:52
godzirraI don't actually have ndiswrapper installed, but it tells me to remove the ndiswrapper driver.  Do I need to bother installing ndiswrapper?06:52
Raileranyone using webmin onubuntu in here?06:52
AsheDI have been having some problems with amarok reading mp3 tags, basically, I have my music named with what I believe to be ISO 8859-1 encoding [Ubuntu's character map on the "Latin" set] , and I used id3v2 to create tags for the music, but they don't show correctly in amarok, so there is a disconnect somewhere, any ideas?06:52
wickedpuppyed_, no problem ... how to access the server depends on you ... maybe you ssh or drive to it or its besides ya .. only you know06:52
godzirra /etc/init.d/networking restart?06:52
poningruthat should do it06:52
unluckymikei'm trying to set up my linksys wmp54g (ralink) card but it will not connect to the network anyone have any experience with this problem?06:52
godzirraI still don't have my blue "internet button" as my wife likes to call it.06:52
godzirraand I dont see it in the network06:52
ed_wickedpuppy, yeah the servers in my room, i can ssh to my server through my lan ip but not my wan06:52
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Em3raldGerManson:  Hello :D06:53
GerMansoni am new at ubuntu =)06:53
ed_wickedpuppy, is there some kind of ubuntu firewall or access config i need to configure besides hosts.allow?06:53
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wickedpuppyed_, then the server ip is blocked by your router ...06:53
poningrugodzirra: hmm it might require a restart then06:53
godzirraAsheD: I know -nothing- about the program your using.  That being said, the first thing I'd do is use another program to verify that the tags were written as id3v2's correctly.06:53
Em3raldGerManson:  Welcome!06:53
GerMansoni was on Gentoo..06:53
godzirraponingru: no configuration or anything?06:54
godzirrajust install that deb and boom I'm good to go?06:54
wickedpuppyed_, there is firestarter if your server got gui .. if not its iptable06:54
Em3raldGermanson:  Ah.  How do you like Ubuntu so far?06:54
poningrugodzirra: it should06:54
crimsunAsheD: have you tried editing the tags using mutagen?06:54
godzirraOk, its against my better judgement to fix something in linux by restarting, but I'll try ;)06:54
poningruyou do have to configure the wireless settings though06:54
ed_wickedpuppy, mm maybe its iptables ill check it out thanks for your help, really appreciate it06:54
godzirraOh sure, you tell m,e that right -after- I type reboot -n06:54
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GerMansonEm3rald, is good, easy. beautiful..06:54
wickedpuppyed_, no prob ....06:54
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GerMansonnot that flexible like Gentoo. but is still ok.06:55
godzirraponingru: Should my wireless light be lit up though?06:55
wickedpuppyed_, you can flush the iptable rules .. its -f i think .. check out the man pages06:55
dredhammeranyone using Iceweasel? How do you get it to install  extensions and themes without downloading and dragging and dropping ?06:55
AsheDcrimsun:: I don't know mutagen, but when I edit the tags in amarok, they show correctly after that, leading me to believe that it is something with the id3v2 function06:55
Em3raldGermanson:  fabulous.  No troubles ... nothin you need help with just now?  I find it flexible enough for me :D06:55
godzirraWhats Iceweasel?06:55
poningrugodzirra: not sure06:55
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about iceweasel - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi06:55
poningrugodzirra: something that makes me very very sad06:55
wickedpuppygodzirra, you got to read slashdot to know that :P06:55
crimsunAsheD: amarok's use of id3v2.x through taglib?06:55
ed_wickedpuppy, will do06:55
godzirraYeah, I've been not keeping up with slashdot at all lately.06:55
godzirraI've got 177 hours t his month so far at work06:56
godzirraHavent had time ;p06:56
Em3raldI like using ExFalso for editing mp3/OGG tags.06:56
GerMansonEm3rald: Just one thing. mm but i can live with out it... i cant figure out how to install compiz-manager. i already got the repositorioes...06:56
unluckymikein my network settings, why do i have wlan0 and wmaster0?06:56
godzirraoh dear god.06:56
poningrugodzirra: hehe06:56
godzirraMy gdm has a picture of a flower.06:56
godzirraI -must- change this.06:56
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godzirrahow do I change this ugly gdm screen?06:56
Em3raldGerManson:  There are a couple of really good tutorials on ubuntuforums.org that worked for me.06:56
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ink251GerManson: try beryl06:56
AsheDcrimsun:: just viewing the track's infomation?06:56
ubotugdm: GNOME Display Manager. In component main, is optional. Version 2.14.10-0ubuntu1 (dapper), package size 1681 kB, installed size 11588 kB06:57
=== Lubix [n=mlubin@68-186-251-10.dhcp.oxfr.ma.charter.com] has joined #ubuntu
GerMansonEm3rald, out dated...06:57
crimsunAsheD: before changing, yes06:57
Em3raldFrom what I can tell Beryl is like, the next generation.06:57
Lubixhello ubuntu06:57
GerMansonink251, beryl is the new ubuntu?06:57
poningrugodzirra: hehe hold on06:57
Em3raldGerManson:  No no, like the new Compiz - sorta06:57
crimsunAsheD: i.e., what are you using to determine the tags are incorrect?06:57
godzirraand it starts gnome06:57
Em3raldGermanson:  Kinda like an offshoot.06:57
godzirraGnome makes baby jesus cry.06:57
Em3raldgodzirra:  LOL!06:57
crimsunso choose another desktop environment from the Session menu...06:57
godzirraSorry.. this is really the wrong channel for me to bitch about GUI's isnt it ;)06:57
poningrugodzirra: maybe ubuntu isnt for you06:57
Lubixi have a newbish question06:57
auk_baby jesus makes me cry06:58
GerMansonEm3rald: aaaaaaah ok. mm beryl.. lets google it ..06:58
Lubixhow do u do a tracert in linux?06:58
AsheDcrimsun:: just that some characters show differently in the filenames vs. the playlist in amarok06:58
Em3raldlubix:  fire away.06:58
godzirraponingru: nah, I like ubuntu.  I've already got it on my desktop.  I just use fluxbox instead ;)06:58
Em3raldGerManson:  Use the ubuntuforums.org website and get a tutorial there :D06:58
po0fgodzirra: It's definitely the wrong channel for bad language.06:58
godzirraand never had a picture of a sunflower on my gdm screen ;p06:58
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Em3raldGerManson or even better, Wikipedia :D06:58
crimsunAsheD: your playlist is far more important, imo, than the filenames06:58
Che-AnarchAre the 18K+ applications on Repos all free?06:58
GerMansonEm3rald: thanks for the advice06:58
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Railerso anyone know if webmin_1.300_all.deb work on ubuntu??06:58
godzirrapo0f: err, sorry.06:58
crimsunChe-Anarch: no. A few are not at all Free.06:58
Em3raldGerManson:  No Problem :D06:58
AsheDcrimsun:: well, it would be nice if they were the same06:59
Che-AnarchSo just a few are free?06:59
LKRaideruptime[3w 3d 8h 17m 15s] 06:59
crimsunChe-Anarch: fewer than one hundred.06:59
godzirrahuh.  It did start fluxbox.  Then tried to load gnome on top. :/06:59
GerMansonanyone here got gnome 2.16 ?06:59
crimsunChe-Anarch: no, everything but those are Free.06:59
Em3raldcrimson:  LOL ... you are going to confuse people ...06:59
po0fGerManson: If you use Edgy, you have it.06:59
Che-AnarchHmmm... even for end/home users?06:59
jojoman02GerManson: i do...06:59
Lubixtracert command in bash,please?06:59
crimsunChe-Anarch: yes06:59
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jojoman02GerManson: with edgy :)06:59
GerMansonjojoman02: and how is it?06:59
crimsunAsheD: true. That's why I use mutagen.07:00
nwbrenemanhi, how do I set my default sound card in Xubuntu? i tried their room, but everyone is a vegetable at this hour07:00
Che-AnarchMan that kills the repos for me :-(07:00
LKRaiderLubix: tracepath07:00
jojoman02GerManson: i love it cuz CTRL+F in nautilus searches current directory, YEAH, no more searching for britney spears the hard way!!!07:00
nwbrenemanbasically I need rhythmbox to play with a usb sound card, rather than my onboard sound card, which is the default07:00
LKRaiderLubix: or install tcptraceroute07:00
crimsunChe-Anarch: eh? that fewer than one hundred non-Free are available whereas tens of thousands of Free ones are?07:00
godzirraponingru: So what now?  How do I configure my wireless?  How do I tell if its even working?07:00
Railerso anyone know if webmin_1.300_all.deb will work on ubuntu?07:00
GerMansonjojoman02: that is an old feat..07:00
Che-AnarchOH.... sorry I understood it the other way round!07:00
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Che-AnarchI thought you are saying majority are not free.07:01
Lubixlkraider: i prefer the command line07:01
jojoman02GerManson: no before it always searched in your home directory, i have 2 external HD's sometimes i need to search07:01
godzirraWeird. gdm tries to automatically log me in or something.  Its very odd.07:01
LKRaiderLubix: both are commandline07:01
crimsunChe-Anarch: thankfully, no, the vast majority are Free.07:01
Em3raldChe-Anarch:  Nah ... and even the "non-free" ones are usually "free" just that you have to read their stupid EULA thingamadooey07:01
LKRaiderLubix: one uses ICMP the other TCP07:01
jojoman02GerManson: you could change it and refresh but that is added hassle...07:01
godzirraand I cantr get out of gdm by hitting ctrl+alt+F107:01
nwbrenemannobody could please tell me how to set my default sound card in xubuntu?07:01
GerMansonjojoman02: I see..07:01
crimsunnwbreneman: if you had waited a few more minutes, I would have answered you in that channel.07:02
Em3raldnwbreneman:  not ignoring you dude ... I just dont use XFCE.07:02
holycowAmaranth, just a heads up, you should be getting the package soon.  i sent it a good number of days ago.07:02
Che-AnarchGreat thanks... I am doing a localisation presentation on Ubuntu tomorrow so it was important that I get my facts stright.07:02
crimsunnwbreneman: use asoundconf(1) set-default-card07:02
nwbrenemani'm sorry, i don't mean to come across as impatient. i'm somewhat exhausted07:02
poningrugodzirra: dude you want to install ubuntu 'server'07:02
crimsunnwbreneman: the string that you pass to it is taken from ``asoundconf list''07:02
GerMansonis there anyway to install gnome 2.16 with LTS?07:02
nwbrenemancrimsun: thank you very much! i appreciate it07:02
poningrugodzirra: I would say you can check by doing ifconfig07:02
poningrusee if there is an interface there07:03
Em3raldChe-Anarch:  Yeah ... the default installation of Ubuntu's repositories ARE definitely free.07:03
jojoman02nwbreneman: if you still need help try gstreamer-properties07:03
chuckypnwbreneman, alsamixer?07:03
poningruI will let you find the necessary flags ;)07:03
jojoman02nwbreneman: from terminal07:03
jojoman02nwbreneman: or Alt+F207:03
nwbrenemanheh, okay, thanks to all of you07:03
chuckypAnyone know how to open a terminal without the window decorations?07:03
Em3raldChe-Anarch:  It's just when you get into 3rd party repos and possibly Multiverse that things get a little gray.07:03
ubotulirc-x: Linux Infra-red Remote Control support (X dependent parts). In component universe, is extra. Version 0.7.1pre2-11ubuntu1 (dapper), package size 13 kB, installed size 68 kB07:03
godzirraponingru: I'm pretty sure thats what I did. ;)07:04
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godzirrathen I installed xserver-xorg and gdm07:04
ubotulirc-modules-source: Linux Infra-red Remote Control support (kernel modules). In component universe, is extra. Version 0.7.1pre2-11ubuntu1 (dapper), package size 191 kB, installed size 280 kB07:04
GerMansonis there anyway to install gnome 2.16 with LTS?07:04
jojoman02nwbreneman: try alsamixer first07:04
Em3raldGerManson:  Umm ... why?07:04
godzirraponingru: I'm a little disturbed that I can't ctrl+alt+f1 out though?07:04
chuckypGerManson, sure07:04
jojoman02GerManson: try edgy, it's in the RC phase so it's fairly stable07:04
godzirraam I missing something?07:04
=== braino [n=braino@c-71-56-40-11.hsd1.ga.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
GerMansonis edgy a repository?07:05
po0fGerManson: Edgy is a release.07:05
Che-AnarchMan I need to find some more selling points of Linux (Ubuntu) for the lame computer person... and there is tons of things on net but nothing non-technical enough.07:05
Em3raldGerManson:  Haha no, it's the net Ubuntu release.07:05
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po0fGerManson: Like Dapper, but better.  :)07:05
jojoman02GerManson: i would suggest you download the CD and fresh install instead of upgrading...07:05
Che-AnarchSo far all I am doing is comparing a lot to Windows  :-p  and  OpenSource aspect.07:05
GerMansonEm3rald: my question was.. can i install new gnome in dapper?07:05
Em3raldChe-Anarch:  well, the biggest selling point:  Free, legally, with fabulous support.07:05
poningrugodzirra: you can07:05
Lubixwhat are some good books people know of for learning bash07:06
GerMansonthen i better wait for the official release :)07:06
NewTricksterDapper desktop comes with Gnome.07:06
godzirraI can't hit ctrl+alt+f107:06
poningrugodzirra: I just did07:06
jojoman02Che-Anarch, how about FOSS concept07:06
nwbrenemanjojoman02: i opened alsamixer, i didn't see any way to change the sound card, only the volume. is there a way to do this?07:06
Em3raldGermanson:  Oooh ... I gotcha.  I assume yes, and this might be another one to check in ubuntuforums.org07:06
crimsunnwbreneman: (I just told you...)07:06
godzirraI can't. :(07:06
Che-AnarchFOSS?  what is that?07:06
poningruwhat do you get?07:06
godzirrait completely ignores it.07:06
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poningruwhat about f2?07:06
jojoman02nwbreneman, i will be with you within 2 min doing some research07:06
godzirraIt also won't let me open a bash or sh07:06
godzirraI tried f1-f607:06
Lubixbash book to learn with?07:06
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po0fLubix: Google for Advanced Bash Scripting Guide.07:07
crimsunnwbreneman: here, let's just walk through it. What's the output from ``asoundconf list''?07:07
Che-Anarchbash is actually a shell is it?07:07
crimsunChe-Anarch: yes07:07
Praxihow can I tell what ubuntu thinks my hard drives/partitions are if I can't boot into it?  I can get into redhat, just not ubuntu07:07
poningrugodzirra: go to apps->tools->terminal07:07
Che-AnarchIs not*07:07
poningrubut thats weird07:07
nwbrenemancrimsun: sorry, i tried that and it didn't seem to work. i saw two sound cards listed, one being default. i changed the default to the other soundcard, and it didn't work07:07
godzirraI'm using fluxbox.07:07
godzirraI don't have an apps->tools->terminal07:07
godzirraI'm trying to change now though07:07
poningruoh sorry07:07
crimsunnwbreneman: what precise command did you enter?07:07
Em3raldChe-Anarch:  yes indeed07:07
GerMansonfluxbox is for freakies :P07:07
poningruyou cant even open a terminal?07:07
LubixpoOf:thats a extensive tutorial thanks07:08
nwbrenemancrimsun: asoundconf set-default-card I82801CAICH307:08
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Che-AnarchI never quite got that... the name says shell and in essence its just a bunch of commands  :-p07:08
Praxitalking to me poningru?07:08
Em3raldgodzirra:  what about apps>accessories>terminal07:08
crimsunnwbreneman: did you restart your alsa app(s)?07:08
po0fLubix: Np,  ;)07:08
godzirraI'm restarting my box.  I'm having serious issues. :(07:08
nwbrenemancrimsun: yes, I restarted rhythmbox07:08
crimsunnwbreneman: had you created ~/.asoundrc prior?07:08
nwbrenemancrimsun: yes, I restarted rhythmbox07:08
nwbrenemancrimsun: oops. I meant I don't know how to dot hat07:09
po0fLubix: It's in the repos so you can view it offline, I forget the package name though.07:09
crimsunnwbreneman: no, I mean "did you create an ~/.asoundrc prior to running the asoundconf(1) command"?07:09
GerMansoni am bored, does some one have a suggestion of what would be nice doing with my ubuntu?07:09
Che-AnarchDoes anyone know of any "DJ"-ing app?07:09
godzirraI think my install may have some issues07:09
nwbrenemancrimsun: heh, sorry. I hit the up key accidently.07:09
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godzirraoh well.  I'm going to go to bed and screw with it tomorrow.07:09
Em3raldGermanson:  get Amarok and play with music07:09
GerMansonEm3rald: that is what i am already doing x'D07:09
Em3raldGermanson:  Install yakuake so you have a drop-down terminal all the time :D07:09
poningrugodzirra: I would seriously say choose ubuntu-server install07:09
GerMansonEm3rald: that sounds nice..07:10
godzirraponingru: is htat going to help me get up and running? :)07:10
Em3raldGermanson:  Get addicted to a terminal non-graphical game called crawl .... and addicted you WILL be.07:10
godzirrawith wireless and X?  lol07:10
godzirraponingru: what was that url again?07:10
godzirraso I can write it odwn for tomorrow?07:10
crimsunnwbreneman: please paste the output from ``cat ~/.asoundrc*'' onto http://pastebin.ca07:10
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MikeyMikehow do you find files in the terminal if you have a filename07:10
Praxihow can I tell what ubuntu thinks my hard drives are?07:10
crimsunPraxi: more precisely?07:10
Praximike do a find -name07:10
MikeyMikea filename such as sixpence none the richer - kiss me.mp307:11
MikeyMikePraxi,  name being the filename?07:11
GerMansonEm3rald: can i use yakuake with gnome?07:11
godzirrafind / -name name07:11
po0fMikeyMike: find -type f -name "name"07:11
Em3raldGerManson:  Yup, though transparency doesnt work07:11
Praxino find -name sixpence*07:11
poningrugodzirra: http://ubuntu.cafuego.net/pool/dapper-cafuego/bcm43xx/bcm43xx-firmware_1.3-1ubuntu1_all.deb07:11
wickedpuppyMikeyMike, sudo find / -name "filename" -print <-- that will find top down from / ... replace it whatever you like07:11
jojoman02nwbreneman, i don't see any easy way to do this, besides messing with config files, you should ask in the alsa channel those guys would know more (when they are available)07:11
godzirraThanks poningru, for all your help.07:11
Em3raldGerManson and you have to add a link in your sessions to make it boot every time you start.07:11
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godzirraI'm going to bed and I'll work on it tomorrow :)07:11
GerMansonEm3rald: oks :)07:11
Praxicrimsun I installed Ubuntu, but grub install did not over write redhats07:11
nwbrenemancrimsun: i submitted it07:11
Praxiso I cant boot into it07:11
crimsunnwbreneman: what's the url, please?07:12
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nwbrenemancrimsun: http://pastebin.ca/21469607:12
nwbrenemancrimsun: neat website, by the way07:12
Praxiafter much fiddling, I got ubu's grub installed on the partition that ubu is installed to07:12
Em3raldGermanson:  Get Beryl going (or Compiz) and play with the rotating cube options.07:12
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crimsunPraxi: you wouldn't want a new Linux install to overwrite another's, I presume07:12
Em3rald(do a search on Youtube.com for a video of Compiz)07:12
Praxiya not the install, just the grub hehe07:12
jojoman02nwbreneman: actually try this webpage if you don't messing with conf files http://www.hydrogenaudio.org/forums/lofiversion/index.php/t48385.html07:12
GerMansonEm3rald: i was in love with that cube. but not i prefer plain Xorg.07:13
GerMansonbut now*07:13
crimsunPraxi: it should have been added to the existing grub conffile07:13
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PraxiI got both OS's installed, I'm halfway there, got BOTH grubs coming up07:13
Praxiit wasn't :(07:13
keithhhhanyone know how I can mount my compact flash card (inside a PCMCIA port) My system can see it when I look under Disk Manager"?07:13
Em3raldGerManson:  Yeah ... I am back to xorg most of the time too ... my screen is too dark for the cube.07:13
crimsunPraxi: with 6.06.1 LTS or 6.10?07:13
crimsun6.10 RC, that is07:13
GerMansonoh my god07:13
GerMansonyakuake is good07:13
Praxitried both actually07:13
tnncanyone know of some docs about installing coppermine photo gallery on ubuntu07:13
Em3raldGermanson:  Hahah .... that's what I thought too .... lots of config options (though not all work in Gnome)07:13
crimsunnwbreneman: does ``aplay /usr/share/sounds/startup.wav'' output to the correct device?07:13
Praxithink I stopped on 6.10 though07:13
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YournameHello, if wpa_supplicant supports my card, does that mean I don't need any other drivers for it?07:14
crimsunnwbreneman: (you can substitute any wav file)07:14
Em3raldUnimportant question people:  Is it feasable (or even advisable) to use LILO instead of GRUB?07:14
GerMansonhow can i change qt' apps look from gnome?07:14
nwbrenemancrimsun: no, I don't hear anything07:14
PraxiI can mount the ubu /07:14
Praxiis there a file or something I can look at that shows like hard drives it detected?07:14
Praxiso that way I can tell its local grub what to look at?07:15
crimsunnwbreneman: are the speakers/headphones/output devices plugged into the correct jack(s)? :)07:15
keithhhhanyone know how I can mount my compact flash card (inside a PCMCIA port) My system can see it when I look under Disk Manager"?07:15
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nwbrenemancrimsun: yes :)07:15
crimsunnwbreneman: now please pastebin ``amixer''07:15
LookTJomg i deleted everything important07:15
Em3raldkeithhh yes07:15
GerMansonhow can i change qt' apps look from gnome?07:15
LookTJi did "apt-get remove postfix libsasl2 sasl2-bin libsasl2-modules libdb3-util procmail"07:16
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Em3raldkeithhh:  I think you have to find out what /dev/hd?? it uses ......07:16
keithhhhEm3rald: how?07:16
Em3raldkeithhh ... jussasec.07:16
keithhhhEm3rald: ok it uses hde07:16
nwbrenemancrimsun: http://pastebin.ca/21469907:16
Praxidf -h07:16
manmadhacan any one tell where the files of cc compiler sored...?plz07:16
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po0fmanmadha: Huh?07:16
po0fmanmadha: Are you asking where it puts the binary after you compile a program?07:17
keithhhhEm3rald: it uses hde according to the disk manager07:17
manmadhapo0f, there is some error in my cc compiler07:17
Railerin apt-get -y what does the -y do?07:17
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po0fmanmadha: What kind of error?07:17
Praxikeithhh so should be similar to mount /dev/hde /misc07:17
bcswill Beryl work using an old Nvidia RIVA TNT M64 Pro graphics card07:17
manmadhapo0f, there is no conio.h file..07:17
Em3raldkeithhh:  Okay, do you know what filesystem is is?07:17
Em3raldsudo fdisk -l07:17
Praxiassuming its not auto mounting07:17
keithhhhwindows fat07:17
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keithhhhEm3rald: windows virtual fat07:18
Praxithought linux could read fat/fat32 np?07:18
po0fmanmadha: conio.h is a Windows file, I believe there was a project that ported it to Linux.  I forget the name though.07:18
theDtTvBUhh, hello.07:18
Praxiso should still be /mount hehe07:18
jojoman02nwbreneman: omg, so easy do this, System> Preferences> Sound>07:18
Em3raldkeithhh:  Okay, as Praxi said, something like mount /dev/hde /whatever/directory/you/choose07:18
YournameHello, if wpa_supplicant supports my card, does that mean I don't need any other drivers for it?07:18
ed_wickedpuppy, hey wicked, if im running a httpd do i need bind9 or can i just use ath.cx?07:18
theDtTvBI got some TTF fonts and wanted to install them. What should I do?07:19
Em3raldkeithhh:  just make sure you have created the target directory first.07:19
GerMansonhow can i change qt' apps look from gnome?07:19
Em3raldkeithhh:  and it has to be an empty folder.  I use stuff like sudo mkdir /media/removable07:19
crimsunnwbreneman: amixer set 'IEC958' off07:19
wickedpuppyed_, can you view your page from server itself ?07:19
crimsunnwbreneman: after executing that command, is sound audible through the integrated sound chipset?07:19
keithhhhEm3rald: cool thanks by the way if I wasnt using Gnome hwo would I have know its dev/hde??07:19
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LookTJI deleted the update-manager07:19
Em3raldsudo fdisk -l07:19
poningruYourname: what is your card's chipset?07:19
ed_wickedpuppy, naw not yet but im getting close, i telneted my wan ip and i can see the banner07:20
Praxiif I have a unbootable install, that I can mount in another OS, is there a way to look at a device list to see what HD's that unbootable install thinks there are?07:20
Yournameponingru: I think it needs the Prism2 driver.07:20
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greg_Can someone help with ndiswrapper?07:20
ed_wickedpuppy, but it isnt showing on firefox07:20
Em3raldPraxi:  whoa ... who's on first?07:20
Yournameponingru: I tried to find out more, but couldn't. It's a D-link DWL-G122 Rev A2 USB adapter.07:20
Praxihehe Em3rald07:20
Daveyanyone know anything about mounting HFS+ on ubuntu?07:20
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nwbrenemancrimsun: sorry, I still can't hear anything07:21
Praxibeen screwing with ubuntu for 2 days now, so close, don't want to give up yet :)07:21
greg_My brother is on the phone and he is trying to switch from window to ubuntu but we are having ndiswrapper trouble.  Can anyone help?07:21
godzirraone last question07:21
crimsunnwbreneman: and after this?  amixer set 'External Amplifier' off07:21
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godzirrawhere do I download an edgy net install iso?07:21
ed_wickedpuppy, yea i tried lynx on the server byitself and it shows07:21
Em3raldPraxi:  I am way out of my element on that question .... I have no idea whatsoever.07:21
theDtTvBUhh, please help, how do I install fonts?07:21
crimsungodzirra: which $arch?07:21
Praxiroger, was hoping someone would know like if it stores in a file somewhere :)07:22
crimsungodzirra: http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/dists/edgy/main/installer-i386/current/images/netboot/07:22
Che-AnarchWhat about selling points of Ubuntu in comparison to other falvours of Linux?07:22
Em3raldtheDtTvB:  place font files in your ~/.fonts directory I believe .... anyone confirm?07:22
=== asymmetry [n=asymmetr@ip72-198-32-122.ok.ok.cox.net] has joined #ubuntu
GerMansonI cant send files in aMSN, does ubuntu has some firewall blocking my transfers?07:22
theDtTvBThank you, I will try.07:22
nwbrenemancrimsun: no, still nothing07:22
poningruYourname: that should work out of the box for you07:22
Em3raldChe-Anarch:  One of the biggest is the support.  Ubuntuforums.org, the Ubuntu wiki, and this IRC channel are some examples.07:22
PraxiChe-Anarch: not that I can get ubuntu working, but theres 1000 people in its IRC support channel? :)07:22
godzirracrimsun: uhh, mini.iso?07:22
poningruGerManson: nope07:23
crimsungodzirra: sure07:23
keithhhhEm3rald: thanks again Im going to try now  ;)07:23
crimsunnwbreneman: amixer set 'IEC958 Playback AC97-SPSA' 007:23
asymmetryHow can I find the UUID of a partition?07:23
godzirra8 megs just seems awfully small.  Even for a net install iso07:23
Em3raldkeithhhh:  let me know how it goes.07:23
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Che-AnarchHmmm... not easy of installation/ use?07:23
Yournameponingru: haha, I wish it did.  It didn't work at all.07:23
greg_no one can help with ndiswrapper on a bcmwl5 card? :-/07:23
crimsungodzirra: that's because it's a true netinstall. It's a PXE boot.07:23
Praximainly my problem07:23
Che-AnarchOr is there other flavours out there easier?  :-p07:23
godzirraahh, ok.07:23
Praxibut not wanting to destroy my whole box just to install ubuntu hehe07:23
Em3raldChe-Anarch:  well, under most circumstances, this one is the easiest *I* have ever used, definitely.07:23
nwbrenemancrimsun: nothing after that, either07:23
landoive got an old pc i want to install ubuntu on but i cant make it boot from the cd anyone got any ideas or links to boot floppys07:24
Yournameponingru: I plugged it in, and it didn't work. I had a feeling it would too, but it didn't.. so I went to DriverLoader. www.linuxant.org07:24
poningruYourname: hmm can you see it in the networking?07:24
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Em3raldlando:  are we assuming you burned the CD correctly?07:24
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Yournameponingru: Now I can.07:24
Praxican distro's share a boot partition?07:24
Yournameponingru: Before driverloader, I couldn;t.07:24
crimsunnwbreneman: and  amixer set 'IEC958 Mute' off   ?07:24
landoyea the cd is burnt fine07:24
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pestilencedoes /bin/sh in edgy follow POSIX standards more strictly?07:24
poningruoh ok...07:24
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crimsunpestilence: dash? Yes.07:25
AsheDcrimsun:: what?07:25
Em3raldlando:  the reason I ask is that it's common for people just to burn the ISO directly, and not actually burn the CD as an Image.07:25
pestilencecrimsun, interesting.  it breaks whereami07:25
asymmetryMore specifically, how do I find the UUID of an NTFS partition to use in /etc/fstab?07:25
yakumohi can u help me how to use my msi bluetooth on my ubuntu?07:25
AsheDeh, nvm07:25
crimsunAsheD: ?07:25
nwbrenemancrimsun: still nothing, sorry07:25
Yournameponingru: I was thinking I should do a fresh install again and see it if works.07:25
tonyyarussocrimsun: Any URL for more info on the difference dash vs bash that I could read?07:25
AsheDcrimsun:: sorry, nick I use on other servers07:25
theDtTvBIt doesn't show up. What should I do now? Restart my computer?07:25
landoi understand. im actually using ubuntu right now and i installed with the same cd07:25
Em3raldPraxi:  as far as I know, you can have multiple Linux os's using the same bootloader.07:26
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Yournameponingru: Even if I do, and I can't see it in Networking, shall wpa_supplicant work for me?07:26
crimsunnwbreneman: ok, please install aumix and use that program from a terminal to adjust the volume(s)07:26
nwbrenemancrimsun: certainly07:26
Em3raldlando:  Okay cool.  As far as boot floppies, I don't think such a thing exists.07:26
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crimsuntonyyarusso: a Web search will be more fruitful, I think07:27
Em3raldlando:  when you say "old" ... how old are we talking?07:27
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tonyyarussocrimsun: 'k07:27
pestilenceis edgy frozen?  is it too late to get in bugfixes?07:27
landowell its a 566 mhz with 192 megs of ram and 14 gigs of hd07:27
crimsuntonyyarusso: there's at least one not-so-current page; I don't remember the URL off the top of my skull07:27
tonyyarussopestilence: #ubuntu+107:27
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Em3raldlando:  Okay, specs are alright.  Umm ... stupid question, though ... is it a bios thing, where it's not checking the CDRom for a boot disk?07:28
crimsunpestilence: Edgy is definitely frozen, and unless the bugfix is non-invasive and fixes an absolutely critical issue, we likely will not consider it til post-release.07:28
pestilencetonyyarusso, my responses are screwy, i think i ate something bad.07:28
Em3rald(and it runs better with 256 by FAR)07:28
poningruYourname: didnt you just say it shows up in networking?07:28
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nwbrenemancrimsun: still not working07:28
landoi just flashed the bios and have tried every configuration and nothing07:28
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crimsunnwbreneman: what did you adjust in aumix?07:28
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ubotuWireless documentation can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs07:28
JbirkMy ubuntu has problems07:28
JbirkI hangs on thermal07:28
Jbirkany ideas?07:28
nwbrenemancrimsun: i just turned all of the volumes up07:28
Em3raldlando:  Wacky.  Okay ... another relatively dumb question:  is it the live install disk or the alternate install?07:29
GerMansondo you know ay app that organizes your music in folders like iTunes does?07:29
logankoesterAnyone know how to build cdemu from source? I'm getting the error 'No rule to make `cdemu.ko`, needed by `modules`.'07:29
Yournameponingru: But only after installing driverloader :(07:29
=== highneko [n=highneko@S0106000d88bbefa2.ed.shawcable.net] has joined #ubuntu
GerMansondo you know ay app that organices your music in folders like iTunes does?07:29
Em3raldlando:  and you don't get the menu at all?07:29
matkamHello, I am trying to compile something using boost, and I need to know whatversion of gcc was used to compile boost since i am having some linking errors. Is there any way to find this information out?07:29
poningruYourname: its a prism2 usb right?07:29
Yournameponingru: Yup.07:29
Yournameponingru: Or so I think.07:30
Em3raldlando:  another side note ... on that machine, you might find xubuntu runs smoother.  It's better for "legacy" machines07:30
poningruwhats the model number of your usb device?07:30
crimsunnwbreneman: can you take a screenshot of it?07:30
landoim not sure what u mean by the menu07:30
pestilencecrimsun, ok...the bug is for a package in universe anyways (whereami)...i guess not too many people use it, because it's a showstopper07:30
nwbrenemancrimsun: i guess i could. where do I upload it?07:30
Yournameponingru: Dlink DWL-G122 Rev A207:31
landoit doesnt boot to the cd but when i put in the cd while in windows it gives me a menu but to check out the software in ubuntu07:31
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Em3raldlando:  when ya slap the CD in the drive, do you get a menu asking you if you want to boot the Ubuntu live CD etc etc.07:31
Em3raldlando gotcha07:31
GerMansondo you know ay app that organices your music in folders like iTunes does?07:31
poningruYourname: hmm hold on07:31
Yournameponingru: Thanks dude!07:31
pestilenceGerManson, amarok07:31
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ink251Rythmbox, comes with ubuntu07:31
crimsunnwbreneman: choose a pastebin that allows uploading jpegs07:31
poningruYourname: ok you should be able to use it now actually... did you try configuring it?07:32
GerMansonpestilence: nope!! ... i mean.. moving files, changin files names.. etc.07:32
crimsunpestilence: have you filed a bug on it?07:32
Em3raldlando:  I am not entirely sure where to go from here, except to tell you to try either 1.  the alternate install CD, or 2. Xubuntu; otherwise, I would blame it on your BIOS settings not looking for the CDROM first at boot time.07:32
nwbrenemancrimsun: heh, uh, I just realized I don't know how to take a screenshot with x/ubuntu07:32
pestilencecrimsun, i just discovered it when i upgraded to edgy 1 hour ago.  i will file a bug.  and i think i have a fix, but i have to kill network to try it07:32
Yournameponingru: Even with WPA2? And do you mean out of the box, on a fresh install? On a fresh install it never showed up in Networking untill I installed Driverloader. :(07:32
logankoesteranyone know how to get cdemu?07:32
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poningruYourname: ok on fresh install it should not have detected it...07:33
pestilencecrimsun, basically, he used bash syntax but specified /bin/sh07:33
AsheDare there any commandline mp3 taggers that support id3v2 AND use an ISO charset?07:33
poningruYourname: the correct method was to install linux-wlan-ng07:33
landowell thanks anyways Em3rald. if it doesn't work i think i might kick it out the window07:33
poningruYourname: sudo apt-get install linux-wlan-ng07:33
Em3raldlando:  that's horrible :/ :D07:33
Che-AnarchWould it be fair to say the Open Source in most cases (as far as end-user is concerned) is free (of cost)?07:34
crimsunnwbreneman: import(1)07:34
Yournameponingru: After a fresh install, that's what I need to get to make it work right away?07:34
tonyyarussoChe-Anarch: It can be, but doesn't have to be.07:34
landoheh yea its a box for my pops and i wanted him to have a linux box to play and learn with. oh well07:34
Em3raldChe-Anarch:  as a very general statement, I would say a cautious "yes"07:34
poningruYourname: yep07:34
Yournameponingru: WOW, thanks so much dude. You've been one guy who actually explained it properly.07:34
crimsunpestilence: yes, please file a bug. bashisms should be straightforward and no-brainers to admit.07:34
poningrujust install the package linux-wlan-ng07:34
Che-AnarchI am taking this with reference to the majority of things out there for Linux as a whole (baring in mind Repos)07:34
poningruyep np07:34
Em3raldChe-Anarch:  In the context of most thing Ubuntu, yes.07:35
tonyyarussoChe-Anarch: Would be happy to discuss more in #ubuntu-offtopic; see what you're getting at.07:35
pestilencecrimsun, ok, will do.  and will brb if it works.07:35
poningruYourname: it seems though you cannot use it with wpa07:35
nwbrenemancrimsun: I'm still new to some aspects of ubuntu. I figured import was a terminal command, so I ran it, but bash doesn't recognize it07:35
poningruyou can use it with wep though07:35
Yournameponingru: So, on a fresh install, I i get that package, and then it shows up in Networking, and then what do I need to do to connect to WPA?07:35
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Yournameponingru: My grandad uses WEP :P07:35
Che-AnarchI was already there no one to discuse with   :-p07:35
crimsunnwbreneman: it's part of the 'imagemagick' package.07:35
tnnc?join #ubuntu-offtopic07:35
nwbrenemancrimsun: I'll install that then07:35
Em3raldChe-Anarch:  I am going there now :D07:35
poningruYourname: unfortunately that driver doesnt allow usage of wpa :(07:35
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Yournameponingru: I know.. :( So how do I do it?07:36
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poningruYourname: doesnt seem like you can07:37
poningrubut hold on still looking07:37
nwbrenemancrimsun: okay, I installed and used the command import, but it says it's missing an image name07:37
nwbrenemancrimsun: nevermind, read the manual file07:37
Yournameponingru: Well, according to what I saw.. I'd need to mess around a little with wpa_supplicant.07:37
Yournameponingru: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs/WPAHowTo -> What do you think?07:38
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pestilencecrimsun, yes, that fixed it.  filing a bug as we speak07:38
crimsunpestilence: thanks.07:38
poningruYourname: hold on07:39
JbirkHow do I troubleshoot ubuntu on a machine that  won't boot?07:39
poningruYourname: ah here we go07:40
poningruso non-usb prism can do wap07:40
pestilencecrimsun, https://launchpad.net/distros/ubuntu/+source/whereami/+bug/6749907:40
nwbrenemancrimsun: how do I find a pastebin that will take jpgs?07:40
poningrufor usb its still being worked on07:40
Yournameponingru: There you go, you helped me 7 times. I helped you once.07:40
crimsunnwbreneman: Web search :)07:40
Yournameponingru: But.. but, mine is a USB adapter! lol07:40
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poningruyeah I know :(07:41
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ubotuTo install a Java compiler/interpreter on Ubuntu, look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Java  -  For the Sun Java runtime install sun-java5-jre from the !Multiverse repository07:41
Kamping_Kaisercan someone save? my brainds just failed :| whats the command to remove services from init.d?07:41
Kamping_Kaisersudo $command apmd and it removes it07:41
pestilenceKamping_Kaiser, update-rc.d07:41
Kamping_Kaiseryay. *hugs pestilence *07:41
nwbrenemancrimsun: i have no idea what to look for07:42
Yournameponingru: So you think it won't work? :(07:42
crimsunpestilence: unfortunately the correct fix is really to fix the bashism. I'll look at it in a few hours.07:42
poningruYourname: if it worked using driverloader then I would say you should try to use that instead of the 'official' method07:42
Yournameponingru: The only thing is, the driver works. The only problem is making it connect to a WPA network.07:43
pestilencecrimsun, that's true.  but i'm not familiar enough with correct syntax for /bin/sh to fix it myself.07:43
Em3raldis there an official "supported hardware list"?07:43
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crimsunnwbreneman: "pastebin jpg attachment"07:43
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poningruYourname: any reason you are using wpa? wep is plenty secure if you use big enough password07:44
Yournameponingru: Because 16 other connectors use WPA2 :S07:44
poningrusorry dude :(07:44
YournameIt's all good man. No worries.07:44
YournameYou helped me enough.07:44
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YournameThanks a lot, doing a fresh install now.07:44
=== poningru nods
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nwbrenemancrimsun: here, i just uploaded it to my server. www.influenceme.net/screenshot.jpg07:45
YournameOkie dokie, g'night mate.07:45
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HooveyyHey guys07:46
HooveyyCan someone tell me what "sudo rw -r /" would do?07:46
ArrenLexrw isn't a command.07:46
crimsunthankfully not what you intend. :)07:46
ArrenLexYou mean rm.07:47
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ArrenLexWhich would delete your entire filesystem.07:47
ArrenLexthis = bad.07:47
HooveyyI ran rm -r / under root07:47
HooveyyBy accident07:47
ArrenLexGood job!07:47
HooveyyHow do I fix it?07:47
HooveyyGRUB wont load07:47
DBOyou dont07:47
DBOits gone07:47
ArrenLexBy reinstalling.07:47
pestilenceHooveyy, with your carefully executed backup, of course07:47
ArrenLexHow did you manage to run that command by accident?07:47
crimsunnwbreneman: ah, try increasing IGain07:47
HooveyyI was pissing around in terminal with sudo su07:48
Hooveyyso I was logged in as root07:48
HooveyyAnd I wanted to see what it did07:48
DBOHooveyy, thats a bad idea...07:48
HooveyySo I ran it,07:48
ArrenLexWell, now you know to use the bathroom rather than the terminal, don't you.07:48
HooveyyAnd like, nothing would work07:48
DBOHooveyy, its gone... sorry man07:48
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ArrenLexHooveyy: yeah, that's kind of what happens when you delete all files.07:48
crimsunnwbreneman: sorry, have to take a phone call now.07:48
po0fI'll actually try that later tonight, hehe.07:48
Hooveyyhow was i supposed to know what rm - r / does!?07:48
ArrenLexDo you know that rm is 'remove'?07:49
ArrenLexAnd that / is the root filesystem?07:49
DBOHooveyy, asking here would have been a good way to find out07:49
ArrenLexIsn't that enough information to tip you off?07:49
utnubuwhen i do gksudo gedit /etc/samba/smb.conf i get a msg saying authentication was rejected,07:49
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utnubuwhat am i doing wrong07:49
nwbrenemancrimsun: no problem. I need to go now anyway. I'll fiddle with it later. thanks immensely for your help!07:49
pestilenceutnubu, you are looking in the mirror07:49
HooveyyI know what / is07:49
HooveyyGrr, now I have to reinstall07:49
pestilenceutnubu, are you entering in your password?07:50
utnubui am trying to share home folders with read/write access has authentication07:50
ArrenLexIf you were like "oh, let's run a command which includes 'remove' and 'all my filesystem' as the administrator and hope NOTHING BAD HAPPENS! :D" then I'm sorry, there's just nothing we can do to help ypu.07:50
utnubuit dosnt ask for it, and then where in the line should i add it07:50
HooveyyNo, I didn't know what rm did07:50
HooveyyAs always, I tried it07:50
HooveyyI once did a command that would restart x every second07:50
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pestilenceutnubu, when you type gksudo gedit, it is supposed to ask for your password07:51
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Jbirk) Hooveyy: ;07:51
utnubuno it dosnt ask for a passwd or anything07:51
Jbirk) Hooveyy: ; um you could use man07:51
JbirkP.s. never test a command with sudo in front of it07:51
sky123hi guys...i asked on edubuntu site too..but im tftp/pxe booting a thin client and used the rom-tool to create an etherboot disk..and get a no BIOS32 detected message...can someone helpout??07:51
Jbirkor from the # prompt07:51
utnubudo i haft to be root to do it07:51
sky123is it the wrong driver??07:51
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HooveyyOkay I also need help with something07:52
HooveyyYou know how like07:52
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HooveyyIt's supposed to show install a LAMP server in the boot menu thing07:52
pestilenceutnubu, try "sudo nano /etc/samba/smb.conf"07:52
HooveyyWell mine doesn't show that07:52
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Hooveyyhow do I install the Ubuntu Server?07:52
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utnubuya nano worked thank you very much07:53
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noctianybody knows a good video converter that recognizes the different formats of avi and for wmv, dvd support too. thanks.07:53
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jdtnocti - install the codecs using automatix07:54
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jonathanmathew01 /msg NETID password07:55
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HooveyyI'll ask my question again,07:56
jdtnocti - automatix should help you with your vid codecs07:56
HooveyySo, I try installing Ubuntu, and I want to install Ubuntu Server, so, it says there should be an option called "INSTALL LAMP SERVER", but on mine there isn't07:57
HooveyyHow would I install the Ubuntu Server?07:57
jdtDid you use the server iso?07:57
HooveyyThere isn't one :S07:57
NewTricksteryes there is.07:57
HooveyyThe server download link links to the page with the main ISOs.07:58
NewTricksterOn the main site07:58
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HooveyyIt links to http://www.ubuntu.com/download07:58
NewTrickster your options to download are:desktop, server and alternate07:58
HooveyyNevermind, found it :D07:58
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NewTricksteryou should have all three.07:58
jdtI have never installed the -server iso, but there is one in the download mirrors. it is ubuntu-version-server or desktop etc07:58
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HooveyyYeah - downloading the ISO for the server now07:59
jdtanyway - LAMP should be Linux Apache MySQL and Python... hehe08:00
NewTricksterAre you trying to make a LAMP sever?08:00
HooveyyNow I am, yes08:00
NewTricksterI'd start with server.08:00
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NewTricksterI'm doing something similar; however , I'm using desktop and putting LAMP on that08:00
HooveyyWhy is the server ISO 432MB only?08:01
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HooveyyAlso, can I order server CDs from ubuntu?08:01
NewTricksterso I can have the destop in place to do work on it.08:01
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jdtserver iso has less desktopy stuff08:01
NewTricksterNone of the graphical apps,  I assume08:01
rredd4i read somewhere that there is not a much control with lamp as there is with the server install08:01
HooveyyHeh, okay08:01
HooveyySo I have to manually get X, etc?08:01
cypher1_how do i get the brightness controls in System->Preferences->Power Management08:01
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NewTricksteryeah,  that's why I decieded on. the Desktop & LAMP path08:02
jdtyour best bet would be to install the desktop version, then just use synaptic in gnome to select Apache, MySQL and PHP. then you will basically have a LAMP server (some config required)08:02
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NewTricksterOtherwise you have to put Gnome on and all the apps that you want.08:02
Hooveyyjdt: no,08:03
HooveyyI tried that08:03
HooveyyMYSQL failed08:03
HooveyyAnd 2 hours of googling, config-ing, and more didn't help.08:03
NewTricksterMYSQL fails often upon install in most OS's.08:03
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HooveyyDoesn't on Windows :p08:03
NewTricksterYou have to work at getting it to work.08:03
Hooveyythe server ISO is 30% done anyways08:03
Hooveyy800KB/S download rate08:03
jdtthus the - some config required statement :)  I am sure it is the same on server with LAMP option08:04
NewTrickster I've made a WAMP server for a demo a couple of years ago and it worked just great.08:04
po0fFrom a server install, can't you just `sudo apt-get install ubuntu-desktop`?08:04
Hooveyyand it'll install gnome08:04
Hooveyykubuntu-desktop installs kde, xubuntu-desktop installs xfce I think08:04
Hooveyyis there an edubuntu-desktop?08:04
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NewTrickster Hooveyy: Yes he is correct, but mine didn't work when I tried it.08:05
manmadhaHooveyy, ya it is easyubuntu08:05
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chuckypDon't use easyubuntu08:05
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ubotuEasyUbuntu is a script that automates installation of some items. Use at your own risk. See http://easyubuntu.freecontrib.org/ ; for help and or discussions about EasyUbuntu please join #easyubuntu.08:05
ZirJokerhi everybody08:05
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rredd4i install ubuntu-desktop.. getting slocate errors... cannot seem to fix..08:06
ZirJokeri wanna know if there is a command that allows me to download a file08:06
chuckypHooveyy, use at your own risk don't come crying here when it breaks stuff that you could have installed a lot easier with synaptic08:06
HooveyyWhoa, that's so cool.08:06
NewTricksterI still think Desktop & LAMP is the best choice here, I have asked on some other boards and gotten the same response.08:06
chuckypZirJoker, wget08:06
manmadhaZirJoker, wget08:06
HooveyyWait, easyubuntu breaks things?08:06
chuckypZirJoker, wget http://www.whatever.com/filetodownload08:06
HooveyyAptitude is so easy.08:06
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po0fHooveyy: Anything that goes behind your back to install stuff breaks things.  ;)08:06
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NewTricksterDon't know about Easy, but desktop just didn't work well, mine was partially broke.08:07
ANTDx1hello everyone08:07
Vaske_CarHow to install java?08:07
yakumoany idea what is this error all about?08:07
yakumofiles list file for package `fuse-utils' is missing final newline08:07
yakumoErrors were encountered while processing:08:07
jdtwhat version of java ???08:07
jdtsun java?08:07
ANTDx1I'm having some issues upgrading to 6.1008:07
Vaske_Caris there 2?08:07
NewTricksterHooveyy:  Good Luck with your server,  I'm headed off to bed have to be in Chicago tomorrow.08:08
jdtyes, there are many variants - the default in ubuntu is blackdown08:08
ANTDx1Upgrading went fine, until I restarted.  My GUI no longer appears to be working.08:08
chuckypANTDx1, edgy support is in #ubuntu-108:08
HooveyyThanks new,08:08
manmadhais there any advantage using FreeBsd for server administration .....08:08
HooveyyHave fun in chicago,08:08
chuckypANTDx1, err #ubuntu+108:08
Vaske_Carwhat should I install than? It ask for Mozilla that I need java...08:08
jdtVaske_Car - what version of ubuntu are you running?08:08
ZirJokerdoes anyone knows where can i get rapidly the "nexiuz" game?08:08
ANTDx1thank you, chuckyp08:08
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AdamKilimy Windows key doesn't seem to do anything. how can i test that ubuntu even knows it's there?08:08
jonathanmathew01has anyone ever converted an ATX power supply into a non-atx.. i have a dell pen3 that i am trying to make into a server but the old power supply went down, and the only thing i can get here is ATX08:08
chuckyp!info nexiuz08:08
ubotuPackage nexiuz does not exist in any distro I know08:09
Hooveyyyay, 60% done for the ubuntu server cd.08:09
rredd4crimsun  http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/27755/    everything i tried does not work.. any ideas please08:09
ginyiphi everyone, I looking for help on fglrx issues. I am using 64bit ubuntu dapper. I use the newest ATI 8.29.6 driver for my ATI X1600 graphic card. Now my X can start, everything seem fine. BUT when I try to fglrxinfor / glxinfo | grep render, I see my graphic card X1600 show up and direct rendering = yes. but then my whole system freeze. I need to do a hard reset to reboot my system. Looking for help on this pls help08:09
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jdtVaske_Car: Check out www.getautomatix.com08:09
manmadhais there any advantage using FreeBsd for server administration .....08:09
chuckypjonathanmathew01, You can still buy AT power supplies08:09
chuckyp!patience > manmadha08:09
ZirJokeras far as i know i can play it in my ubuntu isnt it true?08:09
jdtIt is a great app to install some very useful apps for ubuntu. Including Sun Java 1.5 JRE and JDK.08:10
jdtIt has versions for 6.06 and 6.10 - so make sure you pick the correct one08:10
Vaske_Carjdt, was just startd typing question about that software :)08:10
ubotuAutomatix is an unsupported script that tries to automate the installation of some software. We don't provide support for it in the #ubuntu or #kubuntu channels, try #automatix thanks!08:10
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jdtI have used it a lot - works very well :)08:10
ZirJokerits for novices like me xD08:11
ZirJokerdows anyone plays nexiuz in his ubuntu?08:11
BHSPitLappyeasyubuntu is more widely accepted, and not thought of as evil, like automatix08:11
HooveyyAutomatix IS the devil.08:11
AdamKilihow can i test if ubuntu knows my windows key is there? i want to assign the command 3ddesk to it08:11
chuckypjdt, well I've seen it break a lot of stuff alos08:11
jdtautomatix hasnt ever broken anything for me - and its certainly a fast way to get sun java installed.08:12
HooveyyEasyUbuntu isn't so ..... system-borking.08:12
chuckypBoth easyubuntu and automatix are just bad ideas.08:12
HooveyyWell, they're good for the world's biggest 5 year old noobs08:12
ZirJokerdoes anyone plays nexiuz in his ubuntu??08:12
chuckypjdt, How do you figure ?  Its just a package either way?  I don't see the benefit?08:12
HooveyyMy friend booted into a Ubuntu LiveCD and went nuts because his window borders look different.08:12
BHSPitLappyAdamKili, it does... it's called the Super Key, by the way08:12
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manmadhaZirJoker, ya i tried it but the game is strucking while playing08:13
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AdamKiliBHSPitLappy: how can i test? and in this guide i got it calls it Super_L08:13
jdtchuckyp: agreed - but for codecs, etc etc... its just a convenient 'get everything working' script. it is afterall just a script to a few extra repos at the end of the day08:13
po0fWhich system-killer command should I use tonight?08:13
BHSPitLappyAdamKili, that makes sense, super left08:13
manmadhapo0f, i think xkill08:13
manmadhapo0f, try it08:14
ZirJokermanmadha where did you get it?08:14
Hooveyyserver cd done downloading08:14
chuckypjdt, codecs are a one line install for me  so I don't get it.08:14
AdamKilibut i only have 1 win key so should i just leave off the _L?08:14
manmadhaZirJoker, google is u r friend man08:14
jdtprovided you know where they are08:14
po0fNo, I mean I want to kill my system.  I am going to do a reinstall ina  couple of hours.08:14
chuckypZirJoker, You can get it from their site Looks pretty cool i'm going to get it also08:14
ZirJokernice nice08:14
manmadhapo0f, oh sorry08:14
snoopshow can I adjust the brightness or contrast in software for an nvidia graphics card in ubuntu? (I've installed the binary nvidia drivers)08:14
DeusXHey guys. How do I use the fglrx for my ATI 7000 card ? Every time I do that my X crashes on boot, and cannot be loaded.08:14
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ZirJokermanmadha do i need to compile it or something?08:14
chuckyppo0f, Why whats wrong with your system08:14
manmadhai think u r going to kill the process08:15
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nDiWhat is hd(0,0), hd(0,1), hd(0,2), hd(1,1) .. how do i know, which one is for Windows XP ?08:15
reverieHi guys.08:15
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po0fFC5 is on it atm, going to reinstall Edgy.08:15
reverieCan someone help me with a problem with booting Edgy Eft RC1 ?08:15
po0fFC6 is taking to long to release.08:15
AdamKiliBHSPitLappy i only have one windows key so should i leave off the _L?08:15
manmadhaZirJoker, ya just comple it ...to run the game just click on the icon....08:15
chuckypreverie, edgy support is in #ubuntu+108:15
BHSPitLappyAdamKili, doubtful.08:15
DeusXSomeone else had my problem ?08:15
ZirJokerok :P08:15
chuckypmanmadha, well compiling it won't install an icon08:16
snoopsnDi, hd(drivechannel,partition).. so hd(0,0) is the first drive and the first partition on that drive08:16
reveriechuckyp, ah, ta ;)08:16
BHSPitLappyreverie, do you like Debussy?08:16
ZirJokerlets see if i can compile it xD im using ubuntu since past wednesday xDDD08:16
snoopsgo by the size of the partition to figure out which is which nDi08:16
chuckypZirJoker, compiling it won't create an icon for you.08:16
reverieBHSPitLappy, ha ha :P08:16
ZirJokerhow do i create an icon for it?08:16
ZirJoker(sorry for my bad english)08:16
manmadhachuckyp, yaa I am saying that there is a file in the directory of the game08:16
Hooveyywhy does installing ubuntu server take like 1 hour?08:17
nDisnoops drive channel, as in master/slave primary/secondary ?08:17
Hooveyythere's like 50 steps08:17
chuckypmanmadha, any good?08:17
manmadhato open the game just click on it& select run in terminal08:17
snoopsyep nDi08:17
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mehwootI need some help getting my nVidia drivers to work08:17
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AdamKiliBHSPitLappy: i guess i'll try _L and _R and see which works08:17
ZirJokeris there any comand to test my internet speed?08:17
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BHSPitLappyAdamKili, the Right one may be the "menu" iconned one08:18
manmadhago to www.vcn.com08:18
chuckypZirJoker, you just unzip it and launch the nexuiz-linux   file08:18
nDisnoops I have C: and D: (Both same HDD, different partition) .. so , C: = hd(0,0) and D: = hd(0,1) .. OR does it start with hd(0,1) ?08:18
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manmadhaZirJoker, www.vcn.com/speedtest.php08:18
ZirJokerthx thx08:18
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ZirJokeri love that everybody helps you when you have troubles o.o08:19
HooveyyI love VMWare :)08:19
reverieCorporal_Dirge, haha, cool nick mate08:19
manmadhaZirJoker, just copy the user name & password given in that site08:19
manmadhaas guest08:19
HooveyyZirJoker: Yeah, it confuses me alot though, 20 people rush in here at once asking questions like once every ten minutes :p08:19
po0fHooveyy: How hard is it to set up?08:19
HooveyyIt's not, it's like, just being slow.08:20
jdtvmware is pretty straight forward08:20
HooveyyI muck around with it alot08:20
HooveyyThat way it doesn't kill my PC08:20
HooveyyYes Elvis2001?08:20
jdthaha... run vmware the other way round - I keep my xp in it and run ubuntu most of the time.08:20
jdtonly windows when I have too08:21
HooveyyHaha :p08:21
ZirJokeranyother fps game you recommend??08:21
HooveyyCS: S08:21
HooveyyDOD: S?08:21
nDisnoops I have C: and D: (Both same HDD, different partition) .. so , C: = hd(0,0) and D: = hd(0,1) .. OR does it start with hd(0,1) ?08:21
po0fnDi: What's the problem?08:21
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snoopsit's 0 based.. so 0,0 are the first.. but windows drive letters c: and d: do not corolate to what drive channel they're on08:22
Hooveyyyay, done installing the server.08:22
ZirJokeranyother fps game you recommend??08:22
ZirJokeror not fps..08:22
ZirJokerjust anyother game08:23
HooveyyWoW, WC3, Guild Wars, COD2, Quake 408:23
HooveyyFEAR, Diablo 2?08:23
ZirJokerwhich of them are free?08:23
po0fStarCraft ftw.08:23
HooveyyWell none08:23
Himuragames are evil08:23
ubotuInformation about games on Ubuntu can be found on https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Games and http://www.icculus.org/lgfaq/gamelist.php08:23
HooveyyGames are addictive.08:23
rredd4http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/27755/  getting slocate errors, will not finish installing ubuntu-desktop... help!08:24
sky123does anyone have experience here with thin client for ubuntu??08:24
HooveyyCedega ftw!08:24
Hooveyyfor the win.08:24
snoopshow can I adjust the brightness or contrast in software for an nvidia graphics card in ubuntu? (I've installed the binary nvidia drivers)08:24
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hintswencan someone please help me downoad and install apache08:25
ZirJokertremulous anyone has tried it?08:25
HooveyyHoly crap, I'm about to have a seizure here.08:25
DeusXhintswen, aptitude install apache2 will do the job for ya08:25
HooveyyI typed apt-get ubuntu-desktop and like, 900 things came up08:26
amicrawledoes ubnutu have webmin in the src list at all08:26
rredd4Hooveyy  852 for me..08:26
hintswenDeusX, thanks. what about PHP and MySQL and other things. any easy way to download and install them?08:26
chuckypZirJoker, CUBE208:26
HooveyyWhat will sudo rm -Rf * do ?08:26
chuckypZirJoker, counter-strike08:26
ZirJokerinstead of tremulous?08:26
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ink251clear all unneeded files08:27
ZirJokercounter strike... no steam version?08:27
chuckypHooveyy, remove everything08:27
DeusXhintswen, yes. aptitude install php5 and aptitude install mysql-server-5.008:27
HooveyyAh, okay08:27
chuckypZirJoker, yeah08:27
AdamKiliBHSPitLappy: Super, Super_L, and Super_R don't work. but i tested <Control>a and it worked, so my windows key must not be recognised as Super_L/R08:27
po0fink251: lol08:27
chuckypZirJoker, I have steam installed08:27
nDisnoops i was just wondering, just incase I have to configure the grub or lilo manually.08:27
ZirJokerbet you have to pay to play steam installed08:27
hintswenwow, if i knew it was so simple i would have done it ages ago08:27
chuckypZirJoker, no free08:27
ink251you guys have any luck with steam on wine?08:28
ZirJokerno free, or not, free?08:28
chuckypZirJoker,  You can run steam with wine if you have an account.08:28
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hintswenDeusX, they will autostart whenever the server starts up right?08:28
ZirJokeri dont08:28
chuckypZirJoker, It doesn't cost anything to run under linux however you have to buy counter-strike if you want to play counter-strike08:28
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ink251it worked last time i installed it but this time around it crashes with some memory permission error08:28
chuckypink251, Yeah I have it working here fine08:28
BHSPitLappyAdamKili, you've tried the keyboard shortcuts preferences in GNOME, right?08:28
ZirJokeryes thats what im talking about08:28
DeusXhintswen, don't forget to do a aptitude install libapache2-mod-auth-mysql and a aptitude install php5-mysql to have MySQL support for PHP08:28
BHSPitLappyAdamKili, System>Preferences>Keyboard Shortcuts?08:28
ink251unreal99 works better on wine then on windows08:29
chuckypZirJoker, well you are looking for free games08:29
DeusXhintswen, yes, they will run on system startup.08:29
chuckypink251, unreal has linux versions on the cd08:29
BHSPitLappyAdamKili, my "windows key" is Super_L, according to that08:29
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hintswengreat XD08:29
ink251i have a copy a friend sent me08:29
ink251didnt bother with linux08:29
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chuckypZirJoker, I just checked out cube today  its pretty neat fps dunno didn't get much of a chance to play a lot.  But www.cubeengine.com08:29
dekhow do I delete console history?08:30
ZirJokerthx thx08:30
DeusXhintswen, this guide will give you more info:  http://doc.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/serverguide/C/index.html08:30
HooveyyDoes apt-get install ubuntu-desktop install X?08:30
ink251delete .bash_history08:30
chuckypink251, yeah the linux version will run an arseload faster than running the windows one through wine.08:30
po0fdek: rm ~/.bash_history08:30
ink251in your come folder08:30
AdamKiliBHSPitLappy which shortcut is it under?08:30
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ink251ill check it out08:30
ink251i love scrapetorrent.com08:30
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chuckypSo does anyone actually play nexuiz?08:31
chuckypOnline that is08:31
ZirJokerok ppl08:31
ZirJokerim gonna sleep08:31
ZirJokerim too tired08:31
ZirJokerthx for the gelp08:31
BHSPitLappyAdamKili, just pick one of the items, and hit your button08:31
chuckypink251, scrapetorrent has a server error08:32
ink251yeah the cat08:32
dekwhen I press Ctrl+Alt+F1, how do I come back? "startx"?08:32
ink251i had that for a second08:32
ink251it just started working again08:32
po0fdek: Alt+F708:33
ArrenLexink: ctrl+alt+f7.08:33
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dekso what does Ctrl+Alt+F1 do exactly?08:33
ArrenLexink: x is usually on Virtual Terminal 7.08:33
ArrenLexUnless you disable some terms.08:33
ArrenLexdek: it switches you to the first virtual terminal.08:33
AdamKiliBHSPitLappy doesn't do anything08:33
ArrenLexdek: by default, ubuntu offers six command lines available to you.08:33
po0fFrom the terminal, you don't have to hit ctrl to vt-switch.08:33
ink251how would i go about having a different wallpaper for every virtual desktop08:34
ArrenLexpo0f: no, but the consistency is nice. You only have to memorise one operation, not two.08:34
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chuckypink251, each workspace you mean?08:34
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ink251my bad08:34
po0fArrenLex: ctrl-alt-f7 hurts my hand, alt-f7 is a lot better.  :)08:35
BHSPitLappyink251, not sure if you can08:35
ArrenLexpo0f: then you have extremely gimpy hands. o_O08:35
BHSPitLappybut I'm no expert at gnome at all08:35
ArrenLexpo0f: OH! You're trying to do it one-handed!!08:35
ArrenLexNo wonder.08:35
po0fArrenLex: Yes,  ;)08:35
Jay2ink251: I don't think you can08:35
AdamKiliBHSPitLappy it doesn't do anything, so i guess linux doesn't recognize my super key?08:35
ArrenLexpo0f: I won't even begin to ask what you need your other hand for when switching virtual terminals, as I don't want to know.08:35
ink251oh ok just a though08:35
chuckypink251, http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=6950708:35
chuckypJay2, sure you can08:36
BHSPitLappyAdamKili, perhaps not?08:36
po0fArrenLex: On my...  mouse.08:36
Jay2how, chuckyp08:36
ArrenLexpo0f: why the hell do you need your mouse when switching to or from a command line interface?08:36
ink251chucky, thanks for the link08:36
chuckypJay2, there is software that does it like wallpapoz08:36
ink251what do you guys think of edgy, im using 6.06 right now, big changes?08:37
po0fArrenLex: When switching back to X, I like to be ready to go, as I only go to the console to change something real quick most of the time.08:37
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Jay2thanks, chuckyp08:37
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chuckypink251, check out the edgy page they have the changes outlined08:37
ArrenLexpo0f: on my machine at least, the time between pressing the keystrokes and X being up and running is greater than the time to move from keyboard to mouse.08:37
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chuckypink251, https://wiki.ubuntu.com/EdgyReleaseNotes08:38
ArrenLexAbout three times as great, actually.08:38
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po0fArrenLex: Sorry I try to keep my hand movements to a minimum.  :/08:39
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ArrenLex(00:36:02) ArrenLex: po0f: then you have extremely gimpy hands. o_O08:39
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snoopsanyone? Adjusting screen brightness in ubuntu?08:39
po0fsnoops: nvidia-settings?08:39
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snoopspo0f no brightness control in nvidia-settings08:39
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ArrenLexpo0f: hold on, wait. Are you telling me that you type in the terminal one-handed? Because if you don't, then you still have to move from keyboard to mouse anyway. Just earlier.08:40
Hooveyyubuntu-desktop is dun installing, woot08:41
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chuckypHooveyy, what hardware are you installing on?08:41
Jbirkdid you install xserver-xorg?08:41
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po0fArrenLex: Like I said earlier, usually I just change something real quick, and want to get back to work right away.08:41
upgrdmanwhat repo do i need to get w32codecs for mplayer?08:41
Hooveyy3.4GHZ P4, 2GB RAM, 250GB HD, nVidia 6600GT08:41
HooveyyIn vmware, though08:42
chuckyp!info w32codecs08:42
ubotuw32codecs: win32 binary codecs. In component extras, is optional. Version 1:20060611-0.0 (dapper-seveas), package size 13911 kB, installed size 33488 kB (Only available for i386)08:42
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po0fSo, I just sudo rm -rf /...  let's see how long my box will stay up.08:42
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Hooveyyomfg you nub08:42
Jbirkytu yjod08:42
chuckypupgrdman, if you follow the directions in the wiki you actually wget the deb08:42
Hooveyytype sudo rm -r /08:42
po0fMy wallpaper's gone, lol.08:42
ArrenLexpo0f: I tried that once =P It doesn't crash. You just stop being able to open new things.08:42
chuckyp!w32codecs > upgrdman08:42
snoopsERROR: NV-CONTROL extension not found on this Display. Unable to determine number of NVIDIA GPUs on ':0.0'. Unable to determine nmber of NVIDIA Frame Lock Devices on ':0.0.'. Are some errors which are displayed when I open nvidia-settings from terminal po0f..any idea?08:42
HooveyyArren: try rebooting though08:42
HooveyyGRUB borks08:42
AdamKiliBHSPitLappy any idea how to fix that?08:42
chuckypHooveyy, stop it.08:42
Jbirksudo rm -rf /*08:42
HooveyyStop what?08:43
po0fHooveyy: That's kinda the point in my case.08:43
Jbirkor just go into /08:43
hintswendam, do i have to use port 80 for hosting a website?08:43
Jbirkand rm -rf*08:43
Hooveyysudo rm -r / is better08:43
po0fI am reinstalling Edgy tonight.08:43
Jbirkf for force08:43
ArrenLexHooveyy: well, of course, since you deleted everything. But it doesn't CRASH as you run the command.08:43
Hooveyyah, yeah08:43
JbirkMy room mate is a moron08:43
Hooveyyyeah arren08:43
ArrenLexYou'd have to reboot or try using something to notice a change.08:43
JbirkHe went to my computer and logged in08:43
Jbirkhe did08:43
Hooveyyi told my friend to run deltree C: or somethign I found on his windows box08:43
po0fEverything stays cached, but for how long?08:43
Jbirkrm -rf /08:43
Hooveyyhe got pwned08:43
JbirkOnly problem is, he wasn't logged in as root08:43
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po0fOnly time will tell!!08:43
Jbirkall his shit is gone08:43
JbirkI am just fine08:43
BHSPitLappywhy'd he do it08:44
Hooveyycos he's a nub08:44
Jbirkbut it deleted his account08:44
DBOgents, we are getting a little off topic08:44
Hooveyywho cares dbo :p08:44
DBOi do08:44
snoopsoh, question.. does ubuntu log you in as root when you boot into safe mode WITHOUT asking for any passwords.. it's an incredible security problem.08:44
snoopswhy does*08:44
upgrdmanchuckyp: thank you08:44
DBOwe have #ubuntu-offtopic for that Hooveyy08:44
BHSPitLappy/j #ubuntu-offtopic08:44
HooveyyI don't think so snoops08:44
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reverieBuffer I/O error on device /dev/hdc when booting Ubuntu live cd08:45
DBOsnoops, because having local access might as well give you root08:45
reverieany ideas?08:45
HooveyyIf you want to login as root try sudo startx once you're logged in in the non x interface08:45
AdamKilipeople, any idea how to get linux to regonise my windows/super key? i'm positive it's not being recognised right now08:45
reveriethe cd is fine08:45
BHSPitLappysnoops, how is it a security problem08:45
Jbirkno idea08:45
Jbirkjust try crtrl and alt08:45
BHSPitLappysnoops, anyone who's physically standing before your computer, has infinite access to anything on it. period.08:45
ArrenLexAdamKill: does xev spit you out a keycode when you press it?08:45
BHSPitLappyall they have to do is pop in a livecd if they wanted to spy or destroy you.08:45
po0flol, I'm getting blank error dialogs anytime I try to do something.08:46
snoopsBHSPitLappy :/08:46
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DBOsnoops, its the crazy world we live in =)08:46
defrysklivecd = also kill cd08:46
starsky_hutchyDBO, are we living in crazy world ? :/08:46
PsychoMonkeyIt is pretty crazy when you think about it08:46
=== starsky_hutchy ponders
HooveyyWhat would happen if you ran sudo rm -Rf / on the livecd?08:47
ArrenLexAdamKili: does xev spit you out a keycode when you press it?08:47
BHSPitLappyHooveyy, nothing, because that filesystem is read-only.08:47
AdamKiliArrenLex: whats xev?08:47
BHSPitLappyif you mounted the hard drive, and deleted everything...08:47
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starsky_hutchyHooveyy, nothing since it's mounted ro08:47
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BHSPitLappyor formatted it08:47
BHSPitLappyor repartitioned/reformatted it08:47
BHSPitLappyor etc08:47
ArrenLexAdamKili: it's a utility which tells you about events that x has recognised, like key presses or mouse moves. Run it from the terminal. Move your mouse to the white box that pops up. Press your win key and watch the command line. It should tell you a KeyPress and KeyRelease with a keycode.08:48
BHSPitLappyit's always possible to destroy; it can be made harder to go in and READ stuff, but it's still always possible08:48
cooner750What is used to show the boot splash screen in Ubuntu? I am using Splashy on Debian, but it does not start soon enough. I noticed that whatever is used in Ubuntu, starts right after "Loading the kernel.... OK"08:48
ArrenLexWrite this keycode down.08:48
ArrenLexAdamKili: if it doesn't generate any event, then the kernel doesn't know how to handle that key, in which case you must jump through extra hoops to make it work.08:48
{_-IcE-_}can someone help me with dovecot pls? cant manage to get it to work well... any user/pass i try it says is invalid08:49
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JbirkI just had a zombie process kill itself08:49
Jbirkany ideas how that happened08:49
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JbirkI had a totem <defunt>08:49
ArrenLexSuicidal zombies? Oh, the paradoxes!08:49
DBOzombies are collected by init08:49
DBOonce the parent process is gone08:50
Hooveyywhat is /etc/ssl/certs?08:50
DBOinit inherits it and closes it08:50
Hooveyywhatever it is is taking a long time to setup08:50
ArrenLexA folder.08:50
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JbirkI C08:50
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Jbirkhow can I find a parent08:50
po0fThe parent process dies, leaving a child;  this is called a zombie.08:50
ArrenLexSo sad. ;_;08:51
DBOactually you got it kinda backwards08:51
robpoor orphan child08:51
DBOthe child dies and the parent doesnt collect the remains08:51
ArrenLexNooo ;___;08:51
DBOthose remains are a zombie08:51
starsky_hutchyJbirk, pstree will reveal the process hierarchy.08:51
po0fDBO: In either case, nothing a reboot can't fix.08:52
HooveyyI call PCs with rootkits zombies :)08:52
quandarhas anyone tried the new Glade? its nice08:52
crimsunrredd4: sorry, I've been on the phone. Do you still need me to look?08:52
DBOpo0f, or killing the parent process08:52
quandarHooveyy: ALLCAPS08:52
starsky_hutchyHooveyy, that's backdoors.08:52
rredd4crimsun if you can please... thanks08:52
Jbirkcan't I just kill init?08:53
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rredd4  http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/27755/08:53
AdamKiliArrenLex, sorry ubuntu's going slow 4 some reason. xev doesn't record anything when i press the windows/super key08:53
starsky_hutchyJbirk, i suppose you can't kill init, it spawns every other process in Gnu/Linux. :)08:54
po0fDoes the live cd have irssi?08:54
crimsunrredd4: are you dist-upgrading? if so, from what to what?08:54
ArrenLexAdamKili: do you know about virtual terminals?08:54
starsky_hutchyJbirk, in other words it's parent of all the process.08:54
rredd4crimsun  dapper to edgy rc...08:54
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JbirkI C08:55
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Jbirkwhat about FreeBSD08:55
Jbirkit doesn't even have init does it?08:55
HooveyyFreeBSD is hard to freakin use08:55
Jbirkwhy does linux need init?08:55
HooveyyI like Slackware :)08:55
Jbirkcan't they do without08:55
AdamKiliArrenLex: no08:55
crimsunrredd4: are you using the dist-upgrader?08:55
chimaerahi. i'm having problems with my touchpad (PB 12", post-feb05). i'm using the appletouch/synaptics drivers and get very choppy/jumping/skipping input. very erratic, barley usable. any ideas how to get around this?08:55
JbirkI heard good things about slack 10.108:55
JbirkI guess I should reboot08:55
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HooveyyIs Ubuntu debian based?08:56
crimsunHooveyy: yes.08:56
HooveyyOr did they like compile their own thing?08:56
crimsun"their own thing"?08:56
HooveyyLinux kernel08:56
rredd4crimsun i typed this        gksudo "update-manager -c -d"   which lead me to synaptic and later it said that i did not have ubuntu-desktop so i installed it and got the slocate error08:56
crimsunyes, we have different kernel configurations and a different set of kernel patches08:57
ArrenLexAdamKili: you really should learn about them; they're crazy useful =P but it doesn't matter.08:57
HooveyyIs it hard to compile your own linux kernel, and make your own repos, etc?08:57
HooveyyBasically just making your own distro08:57
AdamKiliArrenLex: will they help me get my Win key working?08:57
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HooveyyThat isn't based off of anything08:57
ArrenLexAdamKili: do this: dmesg  | grep setkey | tail -108:57
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JbirkI cleared my zombie08:57
ArrenLexAdamKili: no, you don't need them.08:57
Jbirkumount /dev/hdc08:57
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Jbirkthat took care of it08:58
ArrenLexAdamKili: paste the result of that. Should be one line.08:58
Jbirkit said there was no process08:58
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baconbaconHooveyy: Ubuntu is based on Debian but has its own packages and repositories08:58
Jbirkisn't debian better?08:59
Jbirkjust kidding08:59
Jbirkwhat is the difference?08:59
ArrenLexDebian owns you. *nod*08:59
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Jbirkwho owns linux?08:59
rredd4Jbirk  ubuntu is updated more!!  bleeding edge!08:59
ArrenLexJbirk: ubuntu is basically debian where packages are released even if they don't compile on SPARC computers =P08:59
crimsunrredd4: you should be able to work around it temporarily by allowing ubuntu-desktop to be uninstalled (as long as doing so doesn't remove all other packages, ~400 MB worth), then you can continue without install slocate08:59
ArrenLexrredd4: actually, you will find that the packages in debian testing are almost always newer than dapper's packages.09:00
crimsunrredd4: after that completes, you can then reinstall ubuntu-desktop09:00
ubotulinux is the kernel (core) of the Ubuntu operating system. Many operating systems use Linux as kernel. For more information on Linux in general, visit http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Linux09:00
ArrenLexJbirk: the trademark? Torvalds.09:00
ubotuUbuntu is a complete Linux-based operating system, freely available with both community and professional support. It is developed by a large community and we invite you to participate too! - Also see http://www.ubuntu.com and http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuHowCome09:00
rredd4crimsun  so do a apt-get remove ubuntu-desktop?09:00
ArrenLexAdamKili: hellooo?09:00
baconbaconJbirk: Linux is copyright Linus Torvalds and all the contributors, it is released under the GPL licence, and is a trademark of Linus Torvalds09:01
crimsunrredd4: yes09:01
Jay2anyone have any experience with any Ubuntu compatible business software, I'm looking for something to replace Quickbooks09:01
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AdamKiliArrenLex: brb hold on09:02
rredd4crimsun  i am shocked how fast it was uninstalled, 62259 files and directories currently installed.   the download was 852 files...09:03
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HooveyyI think my PC bit the dust.09:04
crimsunrredd4: sorry, I misunderstand you?09:04
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HooveyyI loaded Ubuntu in VMWare, and started X, and clicked on the menu and my PC froze :\09:04
BHSPitLappythe host or the vm?09:04
rredd4crimsun  when i downloaded ubuntu-desktop, it was 852 files.  when i apt get removed ubuntu-desktop, it did it extremely fast.  seems strange that it would be so fast...09:05
crimsunrredd4: ubuntu-desktop is a metapackage used to smooth dist-upgrades09:05
HooveyyWhen you install something it dls the files09:06
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HooveyyThat's why the installation took so long and the de-install was so short.09:06
rredd4yeah, i see09:06
rredd4dl is sloooowwww09:06
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ubotuInformation about games on Ubuntu can be found on https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Games and http://www.icculus.org/lgfaq/gamelist.php09:06
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rredd4crimsun ty for your help, again....  !!!09:07
crimsunrredd4: np09:07
=== rredd4 says goodnight to all.. c ya lator!!
Hooveyyaha, my LAMP server install worked09:08
=== AdamKili [n=adam@71-213-191-218.albq.qwest.net] has joined #ubuntu
BHSPitLappyof course it did09:08
greg_heh, gotta love ubuntu ;)09:09
HooveyyI have.... 200 updates, yay09:09
AdamKilii'm back09:09
Hooveyyhow come when downloading updates my speed will be 500KB/s then it'll drop to like 10KB/s?09:09
HooveyyI find that irratating.09:09
ZirJokerme too..09:12
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JDStoneHooveyy: burst rates09:12
JDStoneas with any download09:12
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ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about xmms2 - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi09:13
ubotuAudio (Ogg, MP3...) players: Banshee, Beep Media Player, Quod Libet, Rhythmbox, XMMS (GTK/Gnome based) and Amarok, JuK (Qt/KDE based).  Video players: Totem, Xine, MPlayer, VLC, Kaffeine  -  See also !codecs09:13
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ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about evil - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi09:13
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about devil - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi09:13
ubotuInformation about games on Ubuntu can be found on https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Games and http://www.icculus.org/lgfaq/gamelist.php09:14
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AdamKilihey is the person who was helping me still here?09:14
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ArrenLexYes, Adam.09:14
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HooveyyWhy does linux have to take so long to shutdown? Cant it run kill * -1?09:16
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JDStoneHooveyy: you're not supposed to shut down your linux machines09:16
HooveyyHar, I needed to restart for some Kernel updates.09:17
AdamKiliArrenLex: sorry linux was being to slow and i had to restart and it took forever so i forgot who was helping me. dmesg | grep setkey | tail -1 (all in one line right?) didn't output anything09:17
ArrenLexAdamKili: no it didn't, after your rebooted. Run it after you've pressed the windows key at least once.09:18
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ArrenLexhttp://ktown.kde.org/~seli/memory/ ->> KDE owns you. *nod*09:19
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AdamKiliArrenLex: it still doesn't do anything: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/27761/09:21
Toma-ArrenLex: id love to see the benchmarks including E09:21
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SeveasArrenLex, yay for inaccurate and outdated benchmarks...09:21
Jay2anyone have any experience with any Ubuntu compatible business software, I'm looking for something to replace Quickbooks09:21
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catalytici have put a new HD in my computer09:22
catalyticand i can browse to09:22
catalyticit, i have put the mount point in the Desktop dir of my username09:22
catalyticbut i dont have write access to it09:22
wickedpuppycatalytic, is it ntfs ?09:22
catalytichow do i change the permissions for a user to access a drive?09:22
catalyticno it is ext309:22
C-O-L-Thow to install xgl on intel cards. I tried out mandriva 2007 and those effects work perfectly with my pc so ubuntu xgl should work too. how to install it09:23
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wickedpuppycatalytic, you can chmod or mount as user09:23
catalytichow do i mount as user?09:23
wickedpuppycatalytic, hmms ... i think google should have examples09:23
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HooveyyI like, successfully installed LAMP09:24
AdamKiliArrenLex: it still didn't do anything: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/27761/09:24
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ArrenLexAdamKili: and you're absolutely certain that xev didn't show many event when you pressed that key? Nothing changed in the command line from which it was launched?09:25
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blake_what is ubuntu?09:26
ubotuUbuntu is a complete Linux-based operating system, freely available with both community and professional support. It is developed by a large community and we invite you to participate too! - Also see http://www.ubuntu.com and http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuHowCome09:26
blake_i was joking.. lol09:27
AdamKiliArrenLex: yep i'm sure09:27
reverieWhat's sunlight?09:27
ArrenLexAdamKili: then I don't know... sorry. That's really weird.09:27
blake_i have no cue09:27
AdamKiliArrenLex: maybe u typoed that command?09:27
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HooveyyWhere is the CGI-BIN dir on the default Ubuntu LAMP stack?09:28
Rookie_to use -1 in tail is to tell you want only the last line ...09:28
SeveasHooveyy, in /usr/lib09:28
blake_your funny hooveyy09:28
AdamKiliArrenLex: or i did :/  can u give it to me 1 more time?09:28
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blake_can i compile your kernal and finger your tree?09:30
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mehwootI need some help getting these nvidia drivers to work09:30
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ubotuTo install the Ati/NVidia drivers for your video card, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto09:30
catalyticis it possible to change the owner of a file?09:31
mehwootthanks I'll try that09:31
Rookie_chown username.group09:31
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Rookie_apropos owner09:32
mikeHow do i ask for help09:32
ubotuDon't ask to ask a question. Just ask your question :)09:32
ArrenLexAdamKili: no, I tried it on my machine and copied it to you.09:32
ArrenLexAdamKili: if you type dmesg | tail, you can see the most recent kernel messages and look for anything weird... I don't think it will help you much, though.09:33
mikeI am new to ubuntu.  Just installed it.  How do I change my resolution from 60 hz to like 7509:33
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mikeit doesnt allow me to go past 6009:33
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Rookie_dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg09:34
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mikethat gives me some long menu09:34
Alakazamz0rumuntu ngumuntu ngabantu09:34
Ademanin anjuta should i choose the scintilla editor or the gtksourceview one?09:34
mikeand more than one spot where I can change the resolution09:34
Rookie_yea? so ? time to configure ;)09:34
mikeso should i change it in both the verticle and horizantle rates?09:35
AdamKiliArrenLex: dang it i really wanted to use the 3ddesk (3D Desktop Changer) program on my windows key. it's to inconvienient to use otherwise. Thanks for the help anyways tho09:35
Rookie_you know what card you have ? you know what it can do ? then use that and then what screen you have ....09:35
mikeI know what card i have09:35
mikeand i am positive that it can go higher then 6009:36
ArrenLexAdamKili: hey, try this.09:36
Rookie_linux is userfriendly, its just selective wqho its friend are ;)09:36
ArrenLexAdamKili: paste the output of "cat /etc/X11/xorg.conf | grep XkbModel"09:36
ubotulamp is Linux-Apache-MySQL-PHP. However, the term is often used for setups using alternative but different software, such as Perl or Python instead of PHP, and Postgres instead of MySQL.  For help with setting up LAMP on Ubuntu, see  https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ApacheMySQLPHP  -  See also the Server CD install menu.09:36
=== ohboy [i=ohboy@adsl-71-142-210-77.dsl.scrm01.pacbell.net] has joined #ubuntu
mehwootI've installed the nVidia-glx package, along with the AMD64 linux restricted modules, but my drivers still wont work.09:36
CWW256On a new installation of Ubunto on a blank HD, is it a good/bad idea to define the whole drive as an extended partition then make logical partitions for boot swap and / inside that extended partiton?09:36
=== PWill [n=paul@ppp-70-227-198-24.dsl.wotnoh.ameritech.net] has joined #ubuntu
CWW256err Ubuntu09:37
AdamKiliArrenLex:        Option          "XkbModel"      "pc104"09:37
Rookie_swap and boot should be prim, rest can be logical09:37
ArrenLexHmm. That's right.09:37
po0fIIRC, /boot has to be a primary partition.09:37
ArrenLexAdamKili: are you sure the key... works? xD09:37
ArrenLexI just don't know.09:37
CWW256Ok so it would be "not good" of swap and boot were logcal partitions inside the extended partiton?09:38
ArrenLexCWW256: lies. /boot does not have to be a primary partition at all.09:38
ArrenLexCWW256: there is nothing wrong with the setup you described as long as you use only grub and Linux. They can handle that setup.09:39
Rookie_CWW256 - create 2 prim parts, 1 for boot and 1 for swap, rest can be logical and then create a new in that one and mount it as /09:39
ArrenLexCWW256: as soon as you add Windows to the mix, you've gone straight to hell, though. It won't boot from an extended partition.09:39
CWW256Ok, yeah this will have only Ubuntu installed.09:39
mikeso do input into my monitor's horizontal sync range.09:39
CWW256No windows09:39
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mehwootArrenLex: you sure? According to my setup, windows is on an extended partition and it boots fine..09:40
HooveyyKickass, ubuntu is so easy to use09:40
ArrenLexmehwoot: pretty sure. o_O09:40
HooveyyEspecially the LAMP09:40
mehwootI have the boot.ini on primary but the actual windows on an extended partition09:40
HooveyyI have everything running within a matter of.. a couple minutes ;D09:40
reverieHey guys.09:40
ArrenLexmehwoot: I was so told by the nice lady who lives in the flash waltkthrough in Partition Magic 7...09:41
ArrenLexwalkthrough ***09:41
mehwootHmmm ok09:41
reverieif we use Edgy and when it comes out as stable, is it just simply a matter of apt-get dist-upgrade to get it up to the final?09:41
ArrenLexmehwoot: oh, there we go. You're still booting from a primary partition.09:41
HooveyyI think it'll come up on the update manager.09:41
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mehwootyeah I see what you mean09:42
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HooveyyWhoa, Linux anti-aliases fonts better than windows09:43
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ohboywow where to start...09:44
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mehwootIm still having trouble with these Nvidia drivers...09:44
mehwootI installed the packages and the restricted modules.. but it wont work09:45
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mehwoothow do you check the version of the kernel running?09:45
defryskuname -r09:45
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mehwoottheres my problem09:46
ClayGwhat is the package name to install the extra menus?09:46
ClayGi think they are called debian menus or something but do not know the exact package name09:47
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defryskClayG, go to edit menus and tic the debian menus09:47
defryskrightclick the ubuntu startbutton09:48
defryskthen edit menus etc09:48
ClayGThank you, this is exactly what I needed09:48
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shriphaniok guys a question09:49
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shriphaniif i got a cpu here and a lappy09:49
ohboyyou don't need a firewall with ubuntu??09:49
defryskohboy, if no server is installed you do not need one per se09:49
shriphaniand i wanna use my cpu through the lappy what do i do09:50
Zairewould be a good idea to have one though09:50
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jpjacobsshriphani, i guess you mean desktoppc by cpu, use ssh?09:50
holycowyou guys need to stop using windows terminology09:50
shriphanijpjacobs, no screen no keyboard09:50
holycowall modern linux' using modern 2.6 kernels have firewalls built in09:51
holycowits called ip tables09:51
Zairewhat windows terminology09:51
holycowto configure it you can just download firestarter or configure it by hand09:51
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shriphaniso i can only use the terminal ?09:51
holycowi.e. you 'don't get a firewall' its built in09:51
jpjacobsuhu... if you can get it up and running, connected to the net and running an sshserver you can do whatever you want with the box09:51
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Zaireyou can get firewalls just 3rd party ones09:51
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holycowZaire, stop talking shit09:52
jpjacobsshriphani, not necesarily, you can use Xforwarding (use ssh -X or -Y)09:52
rbilLinux is a firewall09:52
shriphanijpjacobs, does the box need to be connected to the internet for me to use ssh ?09:52
shriphanicuz all the times i have used ssh is to connect to a beowulf cluster over the internet09:52
jpjacobswell, it neets to be connected to a network that's also accessible for the laptop09:52
ohboysorry...i'm new to this09:53
jpjacobsneeds... sorry not that awake :p09:53
shriphanijpjacobs, so i need to set up a network first and then use ssh ?09:53
jpjacobsif you have a crosslink cable you can jsut plug it between the 2 and have the box run a dhcpserver09:53
jpjacobslike dnsmasq or dhcpd09:53
shriphaniso the box needs to have a server installation ?09:54
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jpjacobsshriphani, you can even use the box as router then if you want (and have 2 NIC's) see www.gentoo.org/doc/en/home-router-howto.xml09:54
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Hooveyyim out guys09:55
shriphanijpjacobs, i dont have much hardware here and am looking to be up and running with just a broadband cable09:55
jpjacobsif you want to use X with it, X has to be installed on the box too (even when it hasn't got a screen)09:55
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ZaireIm not so stfu09:55
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shriphanijpjacobs, this might sound stupid but how do i install an os on the box ?09:56
ubotuWords like noob, jfgi, stfu or rtfm are not welcome in this channel. Period.09:56
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ClayGis there a way to enable the xdmcp from the cli?09:57
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jpjacobsshriphani, well, i'd say: borrow a screen, and keyboard somewhere :)09:57
shriphanihmm or i can ask the manufacturer to do it for me09:58
jpjacobseuhm yes, but i would say that just borrowing a screen and keyboard is FAR easier, then you can also install what you want...09:58
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shriphanii want ubuntu on it10:00
shriphaniso i must put that on + dhcpd + openssh10:00
jpjacobswhen you boot (with no matter what livecd) you'll always will have to put in som bootcodes , so a keyboard is the least you need10:00
ohboyumm...no antivirus or spyware programs needed on a standalone computer?10:00
jpjacobsyeah indeed... and of course configure10:00
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shriphanijpjacobs, i can dig a tutorial for that10:01
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holycowohboy, no one has ever seen one of those in the wild for linux really10:01
AfthDid Ubuntu 6.10 came out (10:01
rbilohboy, no10:01
arnorHello World!10:01
ohboyi'll be damned10:01
holycownot really10:01
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holycowpeople have a hard enough time installing legit software10:01
shriphaniAfth, a few months back10:01
jpjacobsshriphani, i have to say, it's a gentoo tutorial, so don't take things literally... the config remains almost the same though10:01
holycowthere is very little chance someone could install spyware even if they wanted to10:01
MadpilotAfth, full release isn't for a week or so10:01
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Afthshriphani,  I meant the full version, not beta.10:02
jpjacobsshriphani, I'm of to eat now.. see you!10:02
shriphanioh wait Afth i though you asked for 6.0610:02
shriphanijpjacobs, thanks10:02
AfthMadpilot,  and onces it get's available, can i do sudo dist-upgrade ?10:03
MadpilotAfth, yes10:03
AfthMadpilot, Thanks10:03
shriphaniAfth, i think synaptic gives ya an option10:03
AfthLast Question: Where can I get XGL?10:03
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ohboyhmm...my old laptop may have some life in it10:04
holycowAfth, if you are going to try aiglx, remember all that stuff isn't even alpha10:04
humewhat is the command line argument for starting a second x-server? startx  and then what?10:05
holycowbe perpaerd to reinstall your system, graciously gettting your setup to the way it was before isnot pretty10:05
holycowjust a heads up10:05
Afthhume, startx to manually start xserver10:05
humeAfth, yes, but I need a second, startx just complains about x alredy running10:06
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snoopshow can I adjust the brightness or contrast in software for an nvidia graphics card in ubuntu? (I've installed the binary nvidia drivers)10:06
arnorsnoops: good question :)10:06
Bollhume: startx -- :110:06
BollI believe10:06
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arnorsnoops: I was searching for same thing10:06
snoopsthere's nvidia-settings which doesn't seem to have any relevant information about anything10:07
arnorsnoops: I've just found a tool for setting NVidia display parameters but not brightness10:07
humeBoll, ah, thx..:)10:07
Afthholycow, sudo apt-get install xserver-xgl ?10:07
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holycowAfterDeath, not even close ... the various instructions are on the wiki, google aiglx orwhatever i don't have a link for you10:08
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arnordid anyone compile Code::Blocks on Ubuntu?10:09
snoopswhat tool was that arnor?10:09
catalyticwhich package is goign to the be the easiest for me to install on xubuntu/ubuntu?10:09
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catalyticthe rpm or the bin?10:09
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shriphanicatalytic, bin10:09
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catalyticunless there is a way i can install through synatic10:09
Afthholycow, thanks10:09
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ClayGwhats a good port scanner to use with gnome/ubuntu?10:10
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arnorsnoops: www.codeblocks.org10:11
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spizzwhat's a good remote desktop server for linux, besides xdmcp?10:13
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snoopscodeblocks.org for setting nvidia display parameters arnor?10:14
TheGateKeeperspizz: freenx ??10:14
holycowzpiff, nomachine.com has the best one10:14
arnorsnoops: na :)10:14
humeBoll, i need to have layout Rotate as well as arguments, beside :1 - how do I combine them? then man page doesn't make me any wiser10:15
arnorsnoops: Code::Blocks is an IDE for C++ coding10:15
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spizzholycow - yes, but it's commercial isn't it10:15
holycowsure you didn't say free10:16
snoopsarnor, hence why I was asking the question of why you sent me there10:16
spizzyeah, I've evaluated it10:16
holycowalthough most of their libraries are gpl10:16
holycowyou also have vnc, but make sure you tunnel that over ssh10:16
spizzthere's an NX free edition10:17
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arnorsnoops: I'm searching for a little tool for NVidia, just for you10:17
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snoopsaww, thanks :D10:17
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TheGateKeeperspizz: nomachine.com have a free client use freenx for the server10:18
kvtruong_anyone running aiglx on an intel i915?10:18
spizzwhats the diff between free and nonfree?10:18
Lynourefree is open source, nonfree is not10:18
kvtruong_i've noticed that it's significantly slower and the titlebar lags when you maximize10:18
spizzI mean feature-wise10:18
SupremacyGnuHey, I have some r01, r02, r03 etc... files that I want to unpack. I don't seem to be able to do that with the inbuilt archive unpacker. How do I do it?10:19
arnorsnoops: http://www.linuxforum.com/forums/index.php?showtopic=72410:19
Lynourespizz: completely different packages10:19
arnorsnoops: it seems that MPlayer can adjust brightness/contrast10:19
arnorsnoops: maybe a solution?10:19
defryskSupremacyGnu sudo apt-get install unrar10:19
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SupremacyGnudefrysk, ok10:20
defryskSupremacyGnu, for par2 files sudo apt-get install par210:20
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defryskSupremacyGnu, par2 only works on the cli afaIk10:20
Lynourespizz: or are you talking about something else than repositories and packages, if so, disregard what I said...10:21
SupremacyGnudefrysk, ok, is par2 the name for the filecompression method?10:21
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defryskSupremacyGnu, par2 repairs rars , they are often send with rar files on usenet but work also on other files10:22
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SupremacyGnudefrysk, sorry, im a beginner linux user. cli afaik?10:22
SupremacyGnudefrysk, ok10:22
defryskunrar works with linux10:22
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defryskon cli and also nautilus10:22
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SupremacyGnuok, thanks! i'll try it10:22
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ndismanHow can i install the ATI driver? is it xorg-driver-fglrx?10:23
defryskSupremacyGnu, repairing works with par2repair <blah.par2>10:23
ubotuTo install the Ati/NVidia drivers for your video card, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto10:23
SupremacyGnudefrysk, ok10:23
defryskSupremacyGnu, unrar on the CLI : unrar e <blah.rar>10:24
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catalyticwhat sort of card do u have ndisman?10:28
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catalytiche has gone10:28
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Vuenhey, i'm getting a wierd problem with mounting my drives10:30
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Vuenever since the upgrade to edgy, my vfat partition doesn't mount automatically10:30
Vuenbut as soon as i type sudo mount -a, it comes right up10:30
Vuenit's the wierdest thing10:30
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defryskVuen, /j #ubuntu+110:31
Vuenwrong chan, my bad10:31
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chronosofthmm... i was wondering is there a quick and easy way to access super user/root privileges from a user account?10:34
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chronosoft(without having to "switch" to the super user/root account)10:34
tuxii have a problem with to format floppys lowlevel10:35
chuckypchronosoft, sudo10:35
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chronosoftdoesn't work10:35
chuckypchronosoft, sure it does.10:35
chronosoftnot in a limited "desktop user" account10:35
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_ian_hi im running ubuntu 5.10 cause 6.06 wont configure my net connection....what do i need to enable mp3 support and radio streaming10:35
chuckypchronosoft, you type sudo whateverprogram    it will prompt you for your password then you type it in and it executes whateverprogram as root10:35
tuxieanble mukltiverse10:35
ubotuFor multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats  -  See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html  -  But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats10:36
tuxii use ubuntu edgy10:36
chuckyptuxi, /j #ubuntu+110:36
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chronosoftchuckyp, i have used linux for a couple of years now10:36
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chronosofti know about sudo'ing10:37
chuckypchronosoft, ok then what do you want to do exactly because that gives you root?10:37
chuckypchronosoft, sudo su-10:37
defryskchronosoft, you mean something like sudo -i ?10:37
Focchuckyp it's sudo -s ?10:37
chronosofti want to mount my usb drive10:37
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tuxisudo mount /dev/sdx /mnt10:38
chuckypchronosoft, sudo mount /dev/i'mafucktard10:38
defrysklol chuckyp10:38
chuckypchronosoft, sudo mount /dev/coupleofyears /media/usb10:38
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chuckypchronosoft, or just sudo su-  sudo -i or sudo -s and you will have root.  ctrl+d to leave.10:39
chuckypdefrysk, i'm getting tired10:39
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defryskchuckyp, have some uppers ;p10:39
chuckypdefrysk, Yeah i'm about to go mainline some cafeine10:39
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chuckypchronosoft, what?  I'm sorry I'm a little tired.10:40
chronosofti know about all of the above -_-;; try creating a user using the "desktop user" profile10:40
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chronosoftand try sudo urself10:40
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chuckypchronosoft, yeap works fine10:40
chronosofti'm also using edgy10:40
chronosofti'm thinking it's a bug10:41
chuckypchronosoft, you just have to enter the original users password when it prompts you not the new one10:41
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chuckypchronosoft, using edgy here and no problems with sudo10:41
defryskchronosoft, /j #ubuntu+110:41
chronosoftyou really can't sudo things over here for some strange reason10:41
chronosoftchuckyp, i did10:41
chuckypchronosoft, well then you have a problem with sudo.10:41
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chuckypchronosoft,  you may want to ask in #ubuntu+1 why sudo isn't working.10:42
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chronosoftcool thanks, i'll take a look at the problem for a little bit longer10:42
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xipietotecI'm trying to install themes...and I'm getting "invalid format" even though they're zipped in .tar.gz10:43
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ZambeziAnybody skilled on rsync? I can't make it work.10:43
defryskxipietotec, isnt that a drag and drop thing ?10:43
[chu] Protwhat are you trying to make it do?10:43
xipietotecdefrysk: yes, but it's telling me the file format is invalid10:44
defryskxipietotec, what theme and what link ?10:44
xipietotecI've got 5 themes off of gnome-look, all gdm themes10:45
defryskwhat what ftw ?10:45
defryskooh gdm themes10:45
Crazyl1nki have a question10:46
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[chu] ProtIv got a group challenge: I have an nforce3 mobo, amd xp3000 and an _ati x800 pro_10:46
ubotuDon't ask to ask a question. Just ask your question :)10:46
[chu] Protis anyone brave anuf to try and get me some reliable hardware acceleration?10:46
chuckypWhat video card?10:46
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Hit3kchuckyp, Crazyl1nk didnt ask to ask they stated they had a question10:47
chuckypHit3k, thats true10:47
[chu] Protchuckyp lemme check10:47
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Crazyl1nkim new to this OS, and id like to test out a game on my linux box, i read that a program called Cedega can help with this but when i download it and run it i get an error. what can i do >_<10:47
chuckyp[chu] Prot, lspci  should show you what card you have.10:47
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chuckypCrazyl1nk, what game are you trying to get working?10:47
Crazyl1nkWarcraft III10:47
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chuckypCrazyl1nk, have you tried wine?10:48
Crazyl1nki have no10:48
Hit3kCrazyl1nk, whats the error you get10:48
[chu] ProtSapphire ATI Radeon X800 PRO Toxic 256MB AGP8x10:48
ubotuTo install the Ati/NVidia drivers for your video card, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto10:48
[chu] Protyeh iv followed that guide10:48
Crazyl1nkone second ill type it out10:48
[chu] Protno luck10:48
chuckyp[chu] Prot, no luck at which part?10:48
wickedpuppyCrazyl1nk, if i may speak , if you are new to this whole thing , why start with something thats bound to have problem ? why not start with some basic ? oh and for games , i still use windows ...10:48
ScorpmoonDoes Ubuntu Server Come With An Ftp Server Builtin ?10:48
crimsunScorpmoon: no.10:49
[chu] Proti reboot after everything going well and im still getting told im on software rendering10:49
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defryskxipietotec, do sudo gdmsetup10:49
ScorpmoonCrimsun, Which Daemon Do You Recommend?10:49
[chu] Protif u wait 5 mins i'll reboot back into linux so any help u give me i can use strate away10:49
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crimsunScorpmoon: vsftpd if you must use an ftp daemon10:49
defryskxipietotec, klick add10:49
chuckyp[chu] Prot, what is the output of glxinfo | grep render10:49
whysohttp://prdownloads.sourceforge.net/peerguardian/peerguardnf-1.5beta.i386.deb?download are you guys seeing 1 mirror :?(10:49
defryskxipietotec, and add the targz or whatever10:49
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Scorpmooncrimsun, what do you mean must? and where is that vsftpd doc i've been looking for?10:49
=== Cyber_Stalker [n=hmm@dsl-165-227-29.telkomadsl.co.za] has joined #ubuntu
Crazyl1nkbecause i want to learn, not sit here doing nothing im learning just started a day or so ago10:49
defryskxipietotec, make sure to get the ubuntu-download from gnome-look10:50
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Cyber_Stalkerguys i got the latest ubuntu10:50
Cyber_Stalkerwhen i run it on VMware10:50
defryskxipietotec, for the rest : works fine here ;)10:50
Cyber_Stalker& try and instaal the installer crashes half way through :/10:50
xipietoteccool thanks! =)10:50
chuckypCrazyl1nk, let me find you a howto with wine.   wine is free cedega costs money10:50
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wickedpuppyCrazyl1nk, try bash scripting , you will LEARN linux10:50
chronosoft^_^... or something more adventurous like perl10:51
Cyber_Stalkerhehe yea i was recomended to learn bash10:51
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wickedpuppyinstalling a program doesn't make you learn .... even compiling it .. unless you can't read README or INSTALL10:51
krzakI use edgy and after upgrade today I lost all localization. Everything is in English, anybody familiar ?10:51
xipietotecdefrysk: I don't see anything (using search) for ubuntu-download10:51
chuckypCrazyl1nk, if you sudo apt-get install wine then follow these directions http://appdb.winehq.org/appview.php?iVersionId=117710:51
Crazyl1nkok thanks chuckyp10:51
defryskxipietotec, I tested with : http://www.gnome-look.org/content/show.php?content=4745710:51
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SupremacyGnudefrysk, hey again. I just discovered that there's something wrong with r16. How do I repair it with par2repair ?10:52
[chu] Protright im back in linux10:52
defryskSupremacyGnu, got the par2 files also ?10:52
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[chu] Protand for thoe of you who missed it b4, im trying to get an x800 to work10:52
Cyber_Stalkeris there any one that could offer me personal support quick?10:52
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bart416the x800's are like hell10:52
[chu] Prottypical10:52
bart416believe me [chu] Prot10:52
SupremacyGnudefrysk, not sure... I ain't got anyfiles named par2 that I want to unpack10:52
[chu] Protthis time i boot its working10:52
xipietotecannnnnddd....it won't let me access the gdm setup file10:53
defryskSupremacyGnu, my bad10:53
[chu] Protok well i'll be back when it dies next time10:53
bart416did you install the official drivers ?10:53
[chu] Protthanks for your help :)10:53
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defryskSupremacyGnu, you can unpack without verifying10:53
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[chu] Proti installed the ones which apt-get fetches10:53
[chu] Protwhich i dont think are the absolute latest10:53
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bart416Anybody happens to know why the hell my sound card doesn't get started :S10:53
bart416I installed the driver package of Realtek for the card10:53
bart416Doesn't work10:54
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SupremacyGnudefrysk, well, I used unrar e filename /file/directory. And it worked. But now I get an read error on file r1610:54
crimsunbart416: ``uname -r''10:54
Cyber_Stalkerany one know why my ubuntu install crashes ?10:54
defryskSupremacyGnu, unrar e <blah.rar> -kb10:54
chuckypCyber_Stalker, nope10:54
xipietotecdefrysk: how do I access the gdmsetup? without gdm and x11 loaded?10:54
crimsunbart416: ``tail -2 /proc/asound/oss/sndstat''10:54
Cyber_Stalkerhalf way through installing it crashes :/10:55
Cyber_Stalkerso i have to keep booting off a live CD10:55
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chuckypCyber_Stalker, the live cd works fine?10:55
defryskxipietotec, you dont I guess10:55
bart416Mixers: NOT ENABLED IN CONFIG10:55
Cyber_Stalkeryea the live cd starts10:55
chuckypCyber_Stalker, and at which part is it crashing i.e. whats going on?10:55
crimsunbart416: first, upgrade to 2.6.15-27-amd64-generic10:55
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Cyber_Stalkerthen on my desktop10:55
Cyber_Stalkeri have "install"10:55
bart416crimsun, uhm I'm near the end of my datalimit10:55
crimsunbart416: don't install the realtek drivers after you update10:55
Cyber_Stalkerwhen i dbl click it starts the install to the hard drive so i dont have to boot off the CD10:55
Cyber_Stalkerbut half way through the install it tunes sorry10:56
defryskwho wants an ISP with datalimit ?10:56
chuckypCyber_Stalker, it tunes?10:56
Cyber_Stalkerit says10:56
bart416Uhm no ISP's here without a datalimit :'(10:56
Cyber_Stalkerit gives me an error & crashes10:56
chuckypWHAT IS THE ERROR10:56
Crazyl1nkwhats a good thing to jump into first when wanting to learn inlux?10:56
defryskbart416, time to move I guess10:56
bart416defrysk, uhm to another country you mean by that?10:56
Cyber_Stalkerno idea10:56
s_spiff anyone here installed beryl on a ubuntu amd64 Dapper env.?10:56
Cyber_Stalkergimme a sec10:56
chuckypCrazyl1nk, play around with the system.10:56
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Cyber_Stalkergotto start VM ware again10:56
Cyber_Stalker& try to reinstaal10:56
fly-awayhi 10:56
chuckypCyber_Stalker, so you are trying to install in vmware10:57
defryskbart416, as an inet junk I would for sure :D10:57
mjcohencan someone help with enabling divx10:57
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ubotuTo install the Ati/NVidia drivers for your video card, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto10:57
chuckyp!codecs > mjcohen10:57
Cyber_Stalkertrying to install it on a virtual machine10:57
HitchCyber_Stalker, are u sure there are no bad sectors on your hd?10:57
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Cyber_Stalkerthat shouldnt give an error?10:57
chuckypCrazyl1nk, learn about the directory structure i.e. configs in /etc/   and logs in /var/log   stuff like that will help you.10:57
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bart416defrysk, would making my own EMP bomb and throwing it at the main office of my ISP be a good course of actions?10:57
mjcohenI installed easy ubuntu and thought that should cover it10:57
boohooI was just looking at the ubuntu 6.10 page10:58
chuckypCyber_Stalker, Don't know I've never installed on a virtual server perhaps try the alternate iso so you can do a text install.10:58
defryskbart416, its a start ;p10:58
boohooi wanna download ubuntu right now10:58
boohoobut dunno if i should wait for the 24th10:58
boohooor not10:58
Cyber_Stalkerthere is an alternate?10:58
Cyber_Stalkerkk ill check out the CD10:58
chuckypboohoo, its release canidate right now.  So its pretty stable but its up to you.10:58
defryskboohoo, its fairly safe to get 6.10 for desktop usage10:58
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boohoooh no, i'm fine with bleeding edge10:58
whysoi installed the peerguardian.deb package, but all it apparently did was make an empty /etc/peerguardian folder :(10:59
Cyber_Stalkerbut yea im just booting from the CD & then trying to install it from the shortcut on the desktop10:59
defryskfor server purposes stick to dapper10:59
boohoobut i would like to update it to the final version10:59
HitchCyber_Stalker, are u sure there are no bad sectors on your hd?10:59
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boohooand my question is, is the upgrade just as good?10:59
chuckypCyber_Stalker, yeah there is an alternate iso in the same location you downloaded the desktop iso.  You may want to try that.10:59
bart416so i need to get the linux-image package crimsun ?10:59
Cyber_Stalkeri didnt download it10:59
Cyber_Stalkerit got the live CD from ubuntu :P10:59
defryskboohoo, I always frefer a fresh install with /home backed up10:59
crimsunbart416: yes. update && dist-upgrade10:59
Cyber_Stalkeryou can order the CD's10:59
defryskboohoo, but thats just me11:00
chuckypboohoo, upgrading is the same things supposedly but when I reinstalled my system was a lot faster than the dist-upgraded version.  Have no clue why cuz in theory it shouldn't be.11:00
Cyber_Stalkerbut yea11:00
Cyber_Stalkerofficial cd's & it crashes during the install11:00
Cyber_Stalkerbut ill give you the error now11:00
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chuckypboohoo, I have a seperate /home so reinstalling is that big of a deal.11:00
Cyber_Stalkeras soon as the virtual machine boots11:00
bart416Here we go11:00
chuckypboohoo, isn't11:00
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bart4161.1mb / sec isn't bad i guess :S11:01
boohoowell I just started a new job, and they had FreeBSD installed there, for some reason, it was looking much better than other distros i've used11:01
defrysk /home as separate partition , the only thing mandrake does right11:01
boohooand I thought FreeBSD wasn't bleeding edge11:01
boohooI think it was the small fonts11:01
defryskoops *mandriva11:01
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bart416FreeBSD isn't that bad once its configured11:01
defryskbsd is snappy11:01
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boohoothat picture, somehow doesnt look all the catchy11:02
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boohoois it the big icons11:02
bart416The only thing i saw mandrake doing right was getting an x800 to work out of the box btw :P11:02
boohooi'm talking about the top bar11:02
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ubotuDeutschsprachige Hilfe fuer Probleme mit Ubuntu, Kubuntu und Edubuntu finden Sie in den Kanaelen #ubuntu-de, #kubuntu-de, #xubuntu-de und #edubuntu-de11:02
bart416boohoo, wouldn't look bad if it i'd be a bit smaller on that resolution11:03
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astinushow can I prevent a specific module (SATA) from being loaded on boot?11:03
defryskboohoo, looks like a 800x600 resolution11:03
winsuxFreeBSD is very good & nice to run, but kernelupgrade takes 2 long.....11:03
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bart416astinus, editing the modprobe file ? (not sure)11:04
astinusbart416: its one specific module, for an 88sx controller11:05
bart416auch :S11:05
astinusbart: the linux driver sucks, I need to use the one provided by manufacturer.11:05
=== astinus hrms
defryskblacklist it ?11:05
bart416astinus, remove it from the kernel11:05
astinusdefrysk, how?11:05
defryskbeen a while since I did that ask soeone else :s11:05
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astinusbart416, again, how? i'm using a stock Ubuntu kernel.11:05
bart416astinus, you'll likely need to compile it to remove it11:06
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boohoodoes FreeBSD default to 2.16?11:06
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_ian_does jukbox support .pls files?11:06
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=== bart416 reads something on google that looks usefull:
bart416LCOV - 2.6.14_rebootonly_gcov.info - drivers/acpi/blacklist.c11:07
bart416Current view:, directory - drivers/acpi - blacklist.c. Test:, 2.6.14_rebootonly_gcov.info. Date:, 2006-05-22, Instrumented lines:, 24 ...11:07
astinusboohoo: I thought this was #ubuntu, or am I missing something?11:07
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defryskastinus, add the module to /etc/modprobe.d/blacklist ?11:07
Scorpmooni did sudo apt-get install vsftpd, and was asked to insert Ubuntu Server CD.. then it installs 2.0.4, but 2.0.5 is the latest11:07
Hitchanyone knows where to see the datasheet of ubuntu edgy???11:07
boohooI almost knew someone would say that :)11:07
astinusdefrysk: aha! you're a star.11:07
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bart416I assume you'll also find it in the blacklist.c file astinus11:07
crimsunHitch: "datasheet"?11:07
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compengiwhat's gksudo used for?11:07
bart416okay, blacklist without the .c :S11:07
winsuxto become ROOT11:07
winsuxsu = superuser11:08
Hitchcrimsun, I mean what was changed from the dapper and what was added...11:08
astinusI'm sure as Ubuntu gets more popular, the troll count gets higher :S11:08
Cyber_Stalkerim a linux noob!11:08
KingLearis it true that the drivers for PCTel micromodem at linmodems.technion.ac.il dont work for kernel > 2.6.8.*?11:08
crimsunastinus: s/as Ubuntu gets more popular, //g11:08
Hitchsu = subsitute user winsux11:08
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astinuscrimsun:  :P11:08
Cyber_Stalkerubuntu takes long to boot from the cd :/11:08
defryskCyber_Stalker, it does11:08
compengiCyber_Stalker, lol11:08
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defryskthats why many install it11:09
Cyber_Stalkerthats why i want it to instaal11:09
crimsunHitch: how high-level do you want a breakdown?11:09
Cyber_Stalkerbt it crashes half way thoguhg :P11:09
KingLearCyber_Stalker I changed the pc, and it all was fine, I had the same problem earlier..11:09
=== [-NoX-] [n=Valombre@8.241-246-81.adsl-dyn.isp.belgacom.be] has joined #ubuntu
bart416Can you switch kernel while the OS is running :P11:09
bart416To lazy to reboot11:09
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Hitchcrimsun, I didn't understand11:09
Cyber_StalkerKingLear i just deleted the Virtual machine11:09
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Cyber_Stalkerand made a new one11:09
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about mp4 - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi11:09
Cyber_Stalkermaybe it will work better11:09
Madpilotbart416, that's just about the only thing you do have to reboot *nix for11:09
crimsunHitch: what granularity do you want?11:09
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about pctel - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi11:10
FrenchIVe been using ubuntu for 2 months now and i used debian befor that. Im interested in Install ing xgl Compiz and i want some one to talk me through their eperience with xgl11:10
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[-NoX-] bart416> too lazy to search for too ? :)11:10
chronosofthmm... does anyone know where i could find some examples of some optimized mplayer configurations?11:10
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bart416yeah, Madpilot i was thinking of that, running two kernels at once on a single core cpu is going to cause serious trouble11:10
astinusFrench: get some drivers that support compositing and use Beryl11:10
KingLearany one tell me why do I need gcc to setup modem drivers?11:10
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astinusbart416, yes you can11:10
astinusbart416, read up on kexec11:10
mjcohenwhat is the command to run sa shell script please11:10
HitchI want all what is changed or what is added I once saw on OSnews but I'm not finding it anymore crimsun11:11
Frenchastinus: Did this work for you? did you like it?11:11
astinusFrench, its about the best out there currently11:11
astinusHitch, thats because Edgy isn't released yet11:11
wickedpuppyKingLear, you need to compile the drivers ?11:11
crimsunHitch: I still have no idea what granularity you seek, so I'll just point you to all the changes. https://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/edgy-changes/11:11
xipietotechrrmm....ubuntu is not recognizing themes11:11
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bart416I'll just go for the reboot11:11
astinusbart416, ;)11:11
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KingLearwhen I click the setup,11:12
KingLearit says gc not found11:12
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bart416I really need to get my bios to stop searching on my sata hd for something bootable :|11:12
power83i've istalled ubuntu server, but the kernel don't boot after reboot11:12
power83what I have to do?11:12
bart416power83, what does it say ?11:12
v3l0ctbart416, disable it in the bios11:12
wickedpuppyKingLear, then why not install gcc ? get build-essentials ... thats not that hard isnt it ?11:12
astinusKingLear, apt-get install build-essential11:12
mjcoheni need to run a install.sh file what cmd do i need in front of it11:12
astinusmjcohen, sh11:12
Hitchastinus, it is not released yet but they said all about it's packages11:12
mjcohenmany thanks11:12
KingLearwickedpuppy I want to insatll build-essentials11:12
defryskmjcohen, ./ or sh11:12
KingLearand it says there is a problem with some libstd611:13
power83the kernel freeze after it has printed the 1-2 lines on monitor11:13
infidelanyone know a reason my mp4 move plays but i get no sound?11:13
xipietotecI'm trying to install gdm themes from gnome-look and it tells me that all of the ones I've downloaded are invalid file format...despite being .tar.gz files11:13
defryskmjcohen, perhaps you have to chmod a+x it first11:13
wickedpuppyKingLear, pls read astinus reply to you11:13
KingLearwhen I try to install it, it says dependency problem with g++11:13
bart416power83, grub works fine i assum e?11:13
power83bart416, yes11:13
Hitchfor example there will be no more synaptic package manager this became Smart which car install rpm astinus11:13
Cyber_Stalkeris it better to let the CD auto partition11:13
astinuswickedpuppy, thanks :P11:13
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about mp4 - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi11:13
Cyber_Stalkeror should i partition it myself11:13
KingLearwickedpuppy I cant connect to internet via my ubuntu11:13
bart416what does 'recovery mode' do when you try it ?11:13
astinusbart416, single user mode11:13
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ZaggynlAnyone here has trouble burning with k3b? When I try, it burns at very low speed: 2.0x or so, while my DVD burner can do 16x, the media also supports 16x11:14
mjcohenill have a go thanks11:14
bart416astinus, i was asking it to power83 if it crashes when he does that11:14
power83bart416, I have a VIA EPIA M10000 Nehemiah (i686 compatible) and I've installed on it ubuntu server i38611:14
bart416I know its single user mode :S11:14
astinusKingLear, then you have bigger problems than just asking about drivers :P11:14
KingLearwickedpuppy, astinus in ordetr to do that I will have to get a modem, and the modem installation is causing problem11:14
mjcohentrying to install divx codec11:14
v3l0ctZaggynl, you need to upgrade the firmware on the dvd burner11:14
Cyber_Stalkershould i let ubuntu auto partition or partition it myself?11:14
bart416did the live cd boot fine power83 ?11:14
astinusCyber_Stalker, personal preference11:14
KingLearlols, astinus Thats what I have been asking here since last night11:14
wickedpuppyKingLear, so you are in ah ... recursive loop ...11:14
Zaggynlv3l0ct, I did, I have the newest firmware for my BenQ 1650 (firmware from BenQ)11:14
astinusKingLear, you're stuck between a rock and a hard place :P11:14
KingLearall solutions provided to me dont seem to work11:15
power83bart416, yes, liveCD is perfect andd install ubuntu server correctly11:15
wickedpuppyKingLear, http://packages.ubuntu.com/ <--- download the package called build-essential11:15
bart416Uhm, a possible option would be copying the kernel that the live cd uses to boot to the HD11:15
KingLearwickedpuppy I do have it on my hard drive, copied it from the CD11:15
v3l0ctZaggynl, i dunno then sorry :(11:15
Zaggynlnp :) thanks11:15
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Brydenn33does anyone here have ntfs-3g installed? need some help with it.11:15
wickedpuppyKingLear, harddrive ... you need to install it with dpkg11:16
KingLearbut , it doesnt install..11:16
KingLearwhat shall I do?11:16
KingLearshall I uninstall the gcc 411:16
bart416But you'll have more luck starting the live cd and chrooting to the hd and updating the kernel11:16
KingLearwickedpuppy thats what I did11:16
ubotuntfs-3g is a linux driver which allows read/write access to NTFS partitions. It has been extensively tested but is still BETA software, so use it with caution. Dapper installation instructions http://lunapark6.com/?p=171011:16
astinuswickedpuppy, that won't work.11:16
yakumohow do i erase the data om my cdrw?11:16
MadpilotKingLear, can you pastebin your sources.list, please? Install errors like that are often caused by a bad set of repo listing...11:16
Hitchcrimsun, that is what I am searching for thanks11:16
astinuswickedpuppy, build-essential is just a metapackage11:16
bart416power83, you know how to do that?11:16
wickedpuppyastinus, oh ya .. lol .11:16
power83bart416, in ubuntu server the cd is for only istallation, not livecd to test ubuntu server11:16
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wickedpuppyKingLear, pardon my mistake ...11:17
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bart416You only need a basic linux distro to chroot to the hd power8311:17
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sorush20yama: use gnomebaker.. do you you have that installed just do sudo apt-get install gnomebaker..11:17
KingLearI have one thing at hand, Madpilot, wicked , : when I cdied into /pctel I did ./setup and was given this11:17
=== astinus suggests KingLear find a LiveCD that has gcc
=== astinus points KingLear to www.gentoo.org and hides
bart416Okay restart11:17
power83bart416, okay, but if I hae a ubuntu desktop livecd on dvd drive and chroot on hard disk, next how can I copy ubuntu server kernel on hard disk???11:18
=== KingLear has already tried his hand at gentoo and after having the same problem with gcc, came here, astinus
_ian_guys what do i need to enable .pls support for radio streaming for jukbox?11:18
astinusi don't see how you can have that problem with Gentoo11:18
astinusby the very nature of a source-based distro, it always has a compiler, or you're rather fscked11:18
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defrysk_ian_, mp3 support or ogg support or whatever the .plf file refers to11:19
KingLearhere is the pastebin11:19
bart416power83, well copying the one from the desktop live cd won't be that good11:19
KingLearwhen I tried to run the setup in /pctel11:19
_ian_i installed gstreamer and lixine but still wont play internet radio.11:19
KingLearI had That11:19
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defrysk_ian_, for the rest it works on most players of ubuntu11:19
bart416so getting the network configured and using apt-get to install a new kernel is the best possible option11:19
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xipietotecOkay, I installed kubuntu desktop over normal ubuntu and accidently made it my default, how do I reset gdm to be the default?11:19
bart416really rebooting now11:19
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astinusKingLear, thats an issue with Ubuntu, one you won't encounter with a Gentoo livecd.11:19
MadpilotKingLear, no, pastebin your sources.list...11:19
KingLearwhen I did that emerge -aUDVN sort of command11:19
KingLearI cant Madpilot11:20
astinusKingLear, if you have no internet, I reall can't suggest an easy way to get a full toolchain11:20
KingLearI will have to boot into ubuntu11:20
KingLearu see its a dual boot machine11:20
power83bart416, with apt-get how I installa a new kernel for ubuntu server?11:20
defrysk_ian_, apt-cache search gstreamer | grep mp311:20
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xipietotecOkay, I installed kubuntu desktop over normal ubuntu and accidently made it my default, how do I reset gdm to be the default?11:20
power83apt-get install .............???11:20
MadpilotKingLear, yes, you would, unless you can get at the Linux partitions from the other OS11:20
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v3l0ctxipietotec, so you are using KDM? or is loging you into KDE?11:21
defryskxipietotec, sudo apt-get remove kdm11:21
KingLearMadpilot That will be a long way, installing new programmes,11:21
xipietotecv3l0ct: Well, I'm using gdm (i didn't like KDE), but the boot loader is kdm11:22
defryskxipietotec, easy eh ?11:22
KingLearwhat i am concrned with is , is there a way to rectify this problem?11:22
astinusxipietotec, how can you use kdm as a bootloader? :o11:22
KingLearI mean I have all the packages required on the CD,11:22
KingLearI have them on the hard disk as well,11:22
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KingLearbut they wont install because the other package is not installed11:22
v3l0ctxipietotec, the boot loader is either lilo or grub.11:22
=== KingLear wonders what to do
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astinusKingLear, you need libstc++, gcc and a bunch of other stuff11:23
xipietotecastinus: I mean the login screen is kubuntu, and the logo on grub is kubuntu11:23
=== DarkMageZ [n=richard@ppp5-102.lns1.syd7.internode.on.net] has joined #ubuntu
astinusahh :P11:23
yakumohow do i fix my apt-get install? because evertime i use apt-get install i got an error mssg11:23
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v3l0ctnow it makes sense11:23
=== power83 ask how to install/upgrade ubuntu server kernel...apt-get install <what>
KingLearastinus have them on CD11:23
defryskxipietotec, kubuntu-artwork-usplash remove it11:23
xipietotecsoo...uninstalling kdm will not remove some of the programs installed when i installed kubuntu desktop (i like some of the programs)11:24
astinuspower83, kernels are generic these days unless you have a bigiron machine11:24
defryskxipietotec,  sudo apt-get remove kubuntu-artwork-usplash11:24
DarkMageZyakumo, you need to be more descriptive of the problem. preferably pastebin the error. so that someone can look and hopefully beable to help you11:24
power83astinus, sorry I have a VIA EPIA M10000 Nehemiah11:24
astinuspower83, thats not bigiron :P11:24
astinuspower83, linux-image-generic11:24
defryskpower83 runs on a penlight :D11:25
yakumoevertime i use apt-get install this messg appear thnks11:25
yakumo files list file for package `fuse-utils' is missing final newline11:25
yakumoErrors were encountered while processing:11:25
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bart416crimsun, so what should i do now?11:25
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KingLearI will try again,11:25
power83astinus, it is i686 compatible...apt-get and next???11:25
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KingLearThanx for the effort ppl, astinus, Madpilot wickedpuppy ,11:25
DarkMageZyakumo, hmm, are you using fuse?11:26
crimsunbart416: booted into 2.6.15-27?11:26
yakumodo i need to rm them11:26
bart416yes crimsun11:26
crimsunbart416: ``tail -2 /proc/asound/oss/sndstat''11:26
DarkMageZyakumo, hmm, try "sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get reinstall fuse-utils"11:26
=== DreamThief [n=mathias@p54A9AAC5.dip0.t-ipconnect.de] has joined #ubuntu
snoopshow can I adjust the brightness or contrast in software for an nvidia graphics card in ubuntu? (I've installed the binary nvidia drivers)11:27
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yakumoill try11:27
bart416bart@Raven:~$ tail -2 /proc/asound/oss/sndstat11:27
bart4160: Realtek ALC88011:27
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defrysksnoops, nvidia-settings should do it11:28
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yakumoi got another error mssg11:28
yakumoW: You may want to run apt-get update to correct these problems11:28
yakumoE: Some index files failed to download, they have been ignored, or old ones used instead.11:28
snoopshmm doesn't show up in nvidia-settings defrysk11:28
snoopswhen I run nvidia-settings from terminal I get a few errors though defrysk11:29
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defrysksnoops, did you install the ubuntu package of nvidia ?11:29
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snoopsyes I did11:29
DarkMageZyakumo, could you pastebin your sources.list (/etc/apt/sources.list)11:29
bart416now what crimsun ?11:29
crimsunbart416: excellent, and now ``aplay /usr/share/sounds/startup.wav''11:30
DarkMageZ!pastebin > yakumo11:30
defrysksnoops, I can change/correct them here fine, sorry11:30
snoopsERROR: NV-CONTROL extension not found on this Display. Unable to determine number of NVIDIA GPUs on ':0.0'. Unable to determine nmber of NVIDIA Frame Lock Devices on ':0.0.'. Are the errors I get when running nvidia-settings from terminal11:30
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ZambeziAnyone know rsync? I can't make it work.11:30
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crimsunZambezi: what syntax are you using?11:30
bart416I don't hear anything crimsun :S11:31
power83TO INSTALL A SERVER KERNEL on i686: apt-get install <what>11:31
defrysksnoops, run  sudo nvidia-xconfig restart x and try again11:31
crimsunbart416: paste the output from ``amixer'' onto http://pastebin.ca11:31
Brydenn33sorush20 hey i'm still having problems with ntfs-3g. even after reading the link you gave me11:31
snoopswhat graphics card defrysk?11:31
astinuspower83, don't shout. apt-get install linux-image-generic11:31
yakumosorry but how do i use pastebin11:31
snoopsyeah I guess I'll try that defrysk..11:31
power83astinus, thanks11:32
Zambezicrimsun, I'm trying to block external access so I addes my IP in the computer with a special port. And then I wrote: (hold on).11:32
DarkMageZyakumo, basically. you goto their site, you make a new post. then send the link to the url of that post :)11:32
scott*hi all* trying to get a hello world prog to compile using gcc/++ but I keep getting gnome.h not found error.  Anyone to help?11:32
Zambezicrimsun, rsync -avz folder user@ip::/home/user11:33
yakumobut i try removing my fuse-util using apt-get remove and i got this mssg11:33
yakumo files list file for package `fuse-utils' is missing final newline11:33
yakumoErrors were encountered while processing:11:33
yakumo fuse-utils11:33
yakumoProcessing was halted because there were too many errors.11:33
yakumoE: Sub-process /usr/bin/dpkg returned an error code (1)11:33
crimsunZambezi: terminate the path on the destination properly.11:33
crimsunZambezi: for more detail, see rsync(1)11:34
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bart416Scott, you might want to use an ide when you start with programming11:34
DarkMageZyakumo, something is definantly flakey about that package. i'm hoping there's a newer version available11:34
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bart416and pastebin;com is the definition of slow11:34
crimsunZambezi: furthermore, make sure tcp/873 is not blocked.11:34
ZambeziAnd on the recieving computer (in the same network) I wrote the lines in /etc/rsync.conf. It was something about ip and port.11:34
crimsunbart416: that's why I specified http://pastebin.ca11:34
yakumodo i need to reinstall my ubuntu to fix the problem?11:35
scottbart:I have glade but want to use c/cpp11:35
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bart416crimsun, http://pastebin.ca/21498011:35
DarkMageZyakumo, you "shouldn't" have to11:35
DarkMageZyakumo, if you could pastebin your sources.list tho11:36
Zambezicrimsun, I'm not comfortable open ports in IPCop, but I haven't blocked it, maybe it is blocked by default.11:36
crimsunbart416: ah, you need the patches I submitted last week.11:36
ajax4Hey guys. I heard that Adobe's Flash player 9 for Linux was out or is coming out soon. Anyone have any news?11:36
crimsunbart416: they'll be in a kernel soon (no ETA)11:36
bart416uhm, scott try kdevelop11:36
DarkMageZ!flash9 > ajax411:36
ajax4scott: Also try Anjuta11:36
crimsunbart416: in the meantime, you can compile alsa-driver 1.0.13 from ftp.alsa-project.org/pub/driver/11:36
scottok thanks11:36
bart416scott, I'm not sure if it will work in gnome11:37
ajax4DarkMageZ: thanks11:37
bart416Likely tough11:37
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bart416or eclipse with the correct plugins11:37
scottI'll read up on it11:37
crimsunscott: you need libgnomeui-dev, probably11:37
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bart416crimsun, I don't see the point in compiling a simple hello world application with all the gnome stuff :S11:38
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crimsunbart416: he asked for gnome.h specifically.11:38
scottI have gnome-libs-devel-1.4.2-7.i38611:38
GManlo all11:38
GManany one know how to get masked ips unmasked11:38
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GManwith xchat11:38
bart416GMan, uhm dcc to them and list all the connections11:39
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mjcohenwhile trying to run an install.sh by typing sudo sh install i get an error of can not execute binary file ??11:39
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yakumook thnks11:39
bart416mjcohen, chmod it11:39
v3l0ctmjcohen, chmod a+x filename and then ./ or sh file11:39
mjcohenhow do I run this file anyone?11:39
scottI already have a console app that compiles11:39
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mjcohennice thanks11:40
bart416when are the patches going to be downloadable crimsun ?11:40
bart416don't need an exact thing11:40
xipietotecthanks folks for the help removing kdm...worked out one of my theme problems. What theme manager type thingy (qt, metacity, gtk, etc.) does ubuntu use by default?11:40
crimsunbart416: they're already downloadable; I pointed you to upstream's tarball.11:40
bart416Only some sort of guidline in what time span i should check it11:40
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v3l0ctxipietotec, gtk and metacity themes11:41
bart416you mean this crimsun: ftp://ftp.alsa-project.org/pub/driver/ ?11:41
xipietoteccool, thanks. =)11:41
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arupcan anybody point me to a IRC server for perl! or  perl regex expertise will also help11:41
v3l0ctxipietotec, 2.x will look better but 1.x will work too11:41
crimsunbart416: + alsa-driver-1.0.13.tar.bz211:42
Cyber_Stalkerwhat a mission linux is :;/11:42
GManno one know how to get ips from a masked server11:42
Cyber_Stalkerits so daunting when u first get started :/11:42
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mjcohenstill no luck ion the can not execute binary file11:43
v3l0ctCyber_Stalker, is like anything else when you first learn11:43
defryskmjcohen, run blah.sh try that11:43
GMan./file +x chmod11:43
Cyber_Stalkerthats unfortunatly what windows has over linux :(11:43
TheGateKeeperCyber_Stalker: Windows to Ubuntu Transition Guide: http://www.pcmech.com/show/os/917/11:43
bart416well, most of the problems are hardware problems Cyber_Stalker11:43
Cyber_Stalkeruser friendly & the ability to do anything quick :(11:43
bart416My previous computer didn't have any of those cause it was quite old hardware11:43
Cyber_Stalkerbut linux still > windows :P11:44
bart416Cyber_Stalker, I personally think linux is rather easy to use compared to windows11:44
Cyber_Stalkereven when you first started using linux?11:44
scottcrimsun: Installed libgnomeui-dev but still same result11:44
bart416but yeah, my first 'computer' was a amiga commodore11:44
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bart416Cyber_Stalker, actually yes11:44
mjcohenno luck with the run command does not exist11:44
bart416I first installed mandrake cause it was said to be easy11:44
defryskmy first , zx spectrum11:44
crimsunscott: is gnome.h in fact the file you need?11:44
bart416Trashed it for Ubuntu after a week11:44
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Cyber_Stalkerim starting on ubuntu :P11:45
poningruguys #ubuntu-offtopic for offtopic chatter11:45
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poningruthis is support only11:45
bart416sorry poncho111:45
Cyber_Stalkerbut its on the topic of ubuntu :P11:45
bart416* poningru11:45
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scottcrimsun: It says file not found and wont even find it if I explicitly point it at the include dir11:45
crimsunscott: then install libgnome-dev (which is for gnome1.2, not gnome2.x)11:45
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mlpugI also started with mandrake. after ubuntu hype started i did switch to breezy and have been using ubuntu since then11:46
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pdaXwhat's the difference between installing the desktop and the server of ubuntu.. i'm aiming for a system which will be both, but i'm generally happier compiling my own server-related software..11:46
scottI have gnome-config.h but I can't do anything with that either11:46
CompuCh|pI have plugged in my USB (HP Laserjet 1500) printer and it installed correctly, but when I try to print a test page the job disappears from the queue without anything happening on the printer. The cups log shows no errors except " Local authentication certificate not found! " every 3 secs.11:46
poningrupdaX: with desktop it installs all the gui stuff11:46
poningrulike gnome, and all the packages that are required for a desktop operations11:46
defryskserver install has no x afaIk11:46
poningrusuch as firefox, OOo11:46
pdaXok cool.. so desktop + extra software would be the way to go11:46
scottOk I'll give it a shot(libgnome-dev)11:47
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tuxiproblem gelst schrift jetzt grn11:47
tuxi (dumb)11:47
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Zambezicrimsun, I tried now and it starts to send the file, but aborts and says rsync: mkstemp "/USER@IP::/home/.USER.CIgim8" failed: No such file or directory (2). Uppercase means that the original text is replaced.11:47
ubotuDeutschsprachige Hilfe fuer Probleme mit Ubuntu, Kubuntu und Edubuntu finden Sie in den Kanaelen #ubuntu-de, #kubuntu-de, #xubuntu-de und #edubuntu-de11:47
=== poningru guesses that probably wasnt german
crimsunZambezi: that's a syntax issue, then.11:48
TheGateKeeperpdaX: if you want a gui for your server a lot of people use something like fluxbox as it takes less resources than gnome or kde11:48
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tuxisorry not the rigth channel11:48
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Cyber_Stalkerok well11:49
Zambezicrimsun, Is it because I put two line in the rsync.conf-file in /etc/?11:49
Cyber_Stalkerthe virtual machine gave hell11:49
Cyber_Stalkerafter deleting it & creating a new virtual machine with more space dedicated to it11:49
Cyber_Stalkerits installed fine11:49
crimsunZambezi: what did you modify?11:49
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sonicsmorning guys!11:49
pradeepsonics, good morning11:50
Zambezicrimsun, One second.11:50
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=== poningru goes off to sleep
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sonicshaha poningru I just woke up :D11:50
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=== defrysk is still waking up
sonicscan you guys recommen me a good linux guide!? :)11:51
Zambezicrimsun, --address=IP // --port=XXXX. IP is IP on this machine. I saved the file as rsync.conf in /etc/. It's a try to block external access.11:51
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defrysksonics, docs of debian.org ?11:51
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CompuCh|pAnyone familiar with printing / cups?11:52
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CompuCh|pAnyone at all: familiar with printing / cups?11:55
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rockstar_compiz vs beryl??11:55
arupanyone some perl help or pointer ?11:55
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Subhumanarup, this is a ubuntu help channel11:56
Subhumannot a perl one11:56
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Subhumantry #perl instead11:56
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ese5ok ... i'm trying to get ubuntu to work with wpa2 - so i installed network manager12:00
ese5but where the hell is it?12:00
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ese5aren't i supposed to see some applet on the toolbar now12:00
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xipietotecgrr....how do you remove a directory with files in it in bash again?12:01
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ese5xipietotec: rm -rf ?12:01
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xipietotecthanks. =)12:01
crimsunese5: dpkg -l network-manager-gnome |grep ^ii12:02
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oscar_hello, i am trying to fix my xserver that has died, i am running an nvidia 6600gt agp, anybody know a quick way of pulling up gnome (dont need hw accelleration at the moment, i have an assignment due tomorrow!!) theres probably a quick way of doing it, any ideas?12:03
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ese5oscar: startx12:03
mailinhhow is your prob ???12:04
oscar_i get an error telling me that i dont have eough power to the card12:04
exhalesudo dpkg-reconfigure x-server-xorg ?12:04
oscar_exhale, will that actually reconfig anything?12:04
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mailinhi think so :)12:04
exhaleoscar_, yes, the x-server12:04
oscar_wtf indeed, that error if totally false12:04
ese5oscar: it starts the configuration program12:05
mailinhhave u install your driver ???12:05
oscar_oh, sweet12:05
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oscar_yes, i used automatix to install the driver proginally12:05
exhalenot enough power for the card? sounds like a hardware problem12:05
pradeeposcar_, I have the same card here, maybe my xorg.conf would help?12:05
nolimitsoyai get that sometimes on a 7600gs, a rebbot solves the problem12:06
mailinhi think you should install your card driver12:06
oscar_sure pradeep, if you can figure how to get me it12:06
nolimitsoyai guess its a defect of the card12:06
exhalemailinh, im pretty shure he has12:06
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scottoscar: what distro + driver are you using?12:06
nolimitsoyain only on cold starts anyway....12:07
oscar_ubuntu, automatix's nvidia driver12:07
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ubotusource-o-matic is a webpage where you can (re)generate your sources.list - http://www.ubuntu-nl.org/source-o-matic12:07
scottoscar: Does the card require an extra power source?(Has it worked before?)12:07
oscar_sorry, ubuntu was probably a bit vauge12:07
pradeeposcar_, http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/27784/12:07
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netGhi i'm trying to configure firestarter12:08
oscar_yes, it needs external power and it is getting it12:08
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netGbut with no success12:08
koan0815hi, I try to install Edgy Eft and the installer always says "no root system" although I have selected / for the primary partition ... has anyone a tip ?12:08
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scottOscar: Are you sure? How old is your PSU?12:08
holycowha! easy source is a neat idea12:08
holycownice one :)12:08
netGcould it be that my provider is blocking ports???12:08
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oscar_ok guys, thanks a ton for your help, i am going to try this reconfiguring thing and if it dosent work, i;; be back12:09
oscar_scott, yes i am sure12:09
timwizzycd ..12:09
exhalekoan0815, i didnt have that problem but it could be a bug. are you using the RC?12:09
diabolo_nounoursI'm french12:09
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diabolo_nounoursWhere is the french room ?12:09
koan0815exhale : yes the rc12:09
exhale#ubuntu-fr ?12:09
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exhalekoan0815, better report it12:10
mailinhwhere is vietnam room ? ^^,12:10
diabolo_nounoursthx koan081512:10
diabolo_nounoursthx exhale12:10
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{_-IcE-_}any1 knows if squirrelmail works for pop? as it only has options for imap in the conf :S12:11
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mailinhit wors for pop12:11
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mailinhbelieve it12:12
mailinhor try horde12:12
oscar_ok, sudo dpkg-reconfigure x-server-org, was that the command?, because that didnt work12:12
{_-IcE-_}mind telling me how? hehe i got it up allright but when i try login it tries logging in to imap12:12
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sacker-xorg at the end oscar12:12
exhaleoscar_, sudo dpkg-reconfigure x-server-xorg12:12
mailinhwhy you dun try horde/imp12:12
mailinhi think it better then squirrel {_-IcE-_}12:13
oscar_ph, xorg it is12:13
{_-IcE-_}hmm ill get horde then :)12:13
dumrwhat is horde12:13
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the_mikecan so help me to set/change the default locale in my ubuntu edgy?12:13
power83sovvy, what is the name of ubuntu kernel i686 to install?12:14
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dumrquestion for op: /nick and /quit went down the bridge and /nick fell down. Who stays on bridge12:14
mailinhuname -r12:14
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mailinhpower83, uname -r12:14
mailinhtry this ^^,12:14
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mailinhoke, and download imp also {_-IcE-_}12:15
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oscar_it says x-server-xorg is not installed?12:15
gilnimhi! i just installed the ati driver from ati - i'm running Xorg version 7.0: i tried to run glx gears and got the following error: "couldn't get an RGB, Double-buffered visual"12:15
{_-IcE-_}hm, whats imp for ?12:15
KingLearOkay ,12:16
mailinhhorde is a framework, imp is a webmail run on that framework {_-IcE-_}12:16
{_-IcE-_}ah ok12:16
oscar_do i need a dpkg command to install x-server-xorg to begin with?12:16
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scottoscar: sudo apt-get install x-xserver-xorg12:17
mailinhoscar_, find that .deb file12:17
mailinhand try by dpkg12:17
oscar_which .deb?12:17
mailinhi dislike apt-get ^^12:17
boinkapt-get works fine12:17
power83mailinh, ok tahnks, but i need a server kernel and the server doesnt boot12:18
sackeroscar, sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg12:18
oscar_ok, i will go try again12:18
mailinhpower83, usually u need to build your kernel :(12:18
oscar_sacker; thats when i get the not installed error12:18
exhaleapt-get is the best thing ever since sliced bread12:18
sackerx-server orxserver?12:18
snedarhey! is it possible to make my ubuntu system safe enough to allow others to ssh into it? I don't want them to be able to view my home directory or edit configuration files etc.12:18
scott oscar: sudo apt-get install x-xserver-xorg12:18
boinksnedar: sure12:19
{_-IcE-_}mailinh: could have told me that horde and imp could be installed through apt-get :p12:19
gilnim~$ glxgears12:19
gilnimError: couldn't get an RGB, Double-buffered visual12:19
mailinhi dunno, it's a php web application12:19
mailinhi think you should install it by yourself12:19
mailinhjust copy it to /var/www12:19
snedarboink: do you know of a checklist of permissions to set or something?12:19
boinkit could be an ubuntu .deb12:19
mailinhvery easy12:19
boinksnedar: man chmod12:20
scottgilnim: What does ~$ 'glxinfo | grep render' return?12:20
boinkwith chmod, you can set your own $HOME private12:20
power83mailinh, the kernel of ubuntu server cd after istallation don't boot, so I chrooted onto it and i will ue apt-get....12:20
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gilnimscott: Error: couldn't find RGB GLX visual12:20
mailinhpower83, wat is your system ???12:20
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snedarboink: okay, I'll do that, do you know whether I should secure other directories too or are they secured by default?12:20
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scottglnim: That's probably not good12:21
boinkif you give nobody else your own sudo passwd, then it's safe12:21
boinkthat's linux/unix security12:21
snedarboink: ok, thanks :-)12:21
scottglnim: What driver are you using?12:21
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oscar_now apt-get says that the package x-server-xorg dosent exist??, is it called somethig else?12:21
gilnimthe ati driver on the ati.com page12:21
trzI need help with recovering my hdd after misusing fsck. fsck now shows "root i-node is not a directory. clean?". Any hints?12:21
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boinkoscar: apt-cache search x-server12:21
mailinhoscar_, try to download .deb and dpkg  ^^,12:21
boinkyou might need to pipe it to less12:22
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gilnimscott: i'm running 64bit ubuntu 6.0612:22
sackerIs it not xserver and not x-server?12:22
scottgilnim: Are you using fglrx?12:22
sonicswhen edgy comes out, can one easily upgrade to it?12:22
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boinksonics: should be12:22
sonicsok =) 27.okt right?12:23
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boinkthough, I'm not sure myself if you will need to redo the xorg.conf or not12:23
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scottgilnim: Make sure module glx is loaded in xorg.conf12:23
trzCan anyone help?12:23
oscar_ok, now this is getting very annoying12:23
ubotuDon't ask to ask a question. Just ask your question :)12:23
mailinhhaha ^^,12:24
gilnimscott: 'load "glx"' ?12:24
Scorpmoonhow do I view what groups a user is member of?12:24
oscar_i cant find any packages that look correct12:24
power83mailinh, VIA EPIA M-10000 Nehemiah i686 compatible12:24
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boinkscorpmoon: have a look at /etc/groups12:24
mailinhpower83, that is a server ???12:24
trzWhat can be done about "corrupted root inode"?12:25
mailinhpower83, it sounds strange :(12:25
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sackeroscar Are you sure you was typing the sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg correctly?12:25
Scorpmoonboink, it's empty.. if I want to setup ftp access to my /var/www folder, how would I go about that? I don't give that to my main user do I?12:25
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power83mailinh, yeah in my home12:26
power83mailinh, why strange?12:26
oscar_sacker, i thought there was a dash between x and server12:26
oscar_ok, here i go again then12:26
sackeroscar nope12:26
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mailinh^^, sure, if it is popular, the kernel work well :))12:26
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boinkscorpmoon: you need to install a ftpd12:27
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Scorpmoonboink, i installed vsftpd, but I have no clue how to setup the rights12:27
mailinhpower83, can the live cd boot ????12:27
boinkok .. that's in the documentation12:27
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Scorpmoonboink, vsftpd has no documentation (for humans)12:27
boinkI've never used vsftpd myself12:27
power83yeah ad installa correctly, but after reboot the kernel freeze priting the first 2 lines on monitor12:27
nEwBhelllo all12:27
power83I've tried 2/3 time to install12:28
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trzAnyone willing to help?12:28
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nEwBhello all12:29
astinustrz, fsck it.12:29
snedarScorpmoon: look at the help site of ubuntu12:29
Scorpmoonsnedar, so I did.. I'm still clueless12:30
astinusScorpmoon, proftpd then12:30
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nEwBI am trying to mount NTFS partitions on my machine but i keep on getting "You do not have permission" messages.  How do I resolve this?12:30
snedarvsftp is good12:30
snedarScorpmoon: have you checked https://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/serverguide/C/ftp-server.html ?12:30
Scorpmoonastinus, I presume I'll have the same problems with user/groups setup with proftpd12:30
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Scorpmoonsnedar, yes I am exactly at that point.. but this is where user/group setup starts12:31
mailinhif the livecd can boot, does gentoo know your hdd ??? power8312:31
ScorpmoonI need to have a web user with access to /var/www, but I just aswell need ftp access to it12:31
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wickedpuppynEwB, sudo12:31
power83mailinh, yeah12:32
power83mailinh, but why you speak now about gentoo??!?!?!12:32
mailinh^^, srry, i use both ^^,12:33
Scorpmooni give up... saving up for win2003 server :)12:33
snedarScorpmoon: do you already have the web user set up?12:33
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power83mailinh, now I'm using gentoo on another machine (desktop)12:33
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Scorpmoonno.. LAMP has root:root on /var/www by default12:33
mailinhif the livecd know your hdd, i think the kernel is no prob :(12:33
{_-IcE-_}mailinh : i created the alias for it but for some reason keeps saying page not found12:33
nEwBwickedpuppy:How do I enable SU in xwindow. I do not want to  "browse" in a terminal12:33
ScorpmoonI just can't find a good tutorial how to do this the right way12:34
power83but I would try and test ubuntu server12:34
{_-IcE-_}directory seems ok12:34
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{_-IcE-_}and apache has been restarted12:34
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mailinh{_-IcE-_}, try to config it like the docs12:34
mailinhand chmod that folder12:34
wickedpuppynEwB, you should be able to read .... ls -l pls ...12:34
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mailinhyou could try 777 for easy, but very unsecure :)12:35
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{_-IcE-_}hmm, whats best to try?12:35
mailinhpower83, i think you could try slackware for server ^^, i love that12:35
mailinhubuntu is good at desktop12:35
Scorpmoonubuntu server lacks documentation12:35
nEwBsudo mount /dev/hda1 something like will give me permission as normal user to browse it?12:35
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Scorpmoontheres not even an ubuntu server irc channel12:36
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mailinhuhm, see user apache run on12:36
{_-IcE-_}i think if it was a permission problem it wouldnt say page not found o_o12:36
jaggzanyone know how to copy to the clipboard in konsole?12:36
mailinhand chown that user to that folder12:36
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snedarScorpmoon: I haven't got much experience with it, but you can try creating a "web" user (through the System Administration thing), then perform "sudo chown web:web /var/www -R". then the local stuff has been set, and you only need to change /etc/vsftpd.conf so that the web user can login (I can help you with that)12:36
mailinhchown apache -R horde12:36
mailinhlike that12:36
jaggzlike gnome-terminal uses ctrl-shift-c and v, console uses shift-ins to paste, but it doesn't use ctrl-ins to copy12:36
power83Scorpmoon, no matter with docs, I have some experience with server, but when I discovered soe think like this I'm very hurry12:37
power83mailinh, slackware?12:37
mailinh^^, yes, slackware12:37
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power83could you give me some info about it?12:37
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mailinhthe oldest linux distro ^^,12:37
{_-IcE-_} chown www-data -R /usr/share/horde312:37
power83or link?12:37
jaggzhowever, konsole is not using the X mouse clipboard, but the other one (highlighting and using shift-ins will not use the presently-highlighted text, but something you actually right-click->copy'ed to the clipboard)12:37
{_-IcE-_}no use12:37
mailinh{_-IcE-_}, oke12:37
demiohey guys12:37
{_-IcE-_}hm, lemme make sure alias is ok12:37
mailinhfuck, chmod 77 for it ^^,12:37
demiohow do I get root access?12:37
mailinhsudo -i12:38
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power83mailinh, why slackware instead gentoo or ubuntu?12:38
mailinhif it dun work, u config something wrong, power8312:38
mailinhoh, slack is as simple as possible12:39
demiohow do i get the size of a directory?12:39
mailinhsimple is pro :))12:39
{_-IcE-_}how can i confirm apache is running as www-data?12:39
mailinhps aux12:39
mailinhand see12:39
mailinhapache or httpd12:39
{_-IcE-_}lol stupid question12:39
mailinhwat is user ?12:39
surfaceps aux | grep apache12:39
power83ok mailinh thanks12:39
gilnimi still have the following problem when i run "glxgears":  "Error: couldn't get an RGB, Double-buffered visual"   I'm have a ATI Radeon X1600 graphic card and I use Xorg driver version 7.0 and ATI driver version 8.29.6; Maybe someone can help me12:39
{_-IcE-_}yep it is12:39
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power83today If I can, I'm gonna read about slack12:40
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jaggzsu - www-data and try to kill the apache process :)12:40
mailinhpower83, try slackware, i found that slack is like unix most ^^,12:40
cherubieldemio: du -hcs foldername12:40
{_-IcE-_}must be alias problem, lemme do it again12:41
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snedarif a user has no permission to /home/sander/ but has rwx permission to /home/sander/test/, can that user use that directory?12:41
wickedpuppymailinh, can you recommend other distros in private ? I love slackware myself but i won't recommend ubuntu in #slackware12:41
mailinh^^, srry12:42
mailinhi wont again ^^,12:42
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{_-IcE-_}meh still same problem :S12:42
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fnfsnedar: yes, as long as the user doesn't query /home/sander12:42
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mailinhi think you config something wrong, see the docs more carefully, power8312:43
Stu32can ubuntu work with p965 sata chipset ?12:43
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mailinhhave you installed php, power83 ???12:43
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snedarfnf: are you sure? I tried vim and creating a symlink, both both return "Permission denied"12:44
fnfStu32: No experience on that, but that's not related to Ubuntu itself anyway, rather than the kernel config.12:44
power83mailinh, the ubuntu server installation don't permit to choose package12:44
Stu32k thanks anyway12:44
power83you can installa a LAMP server or installa all in the cd12:44
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mailinhsrry, not familiar with ubuntu server12:45
fnfsnedar: I'll recheck on that right away.12:45
trzHow can I make my grub go to hell and not try to boot from it, just go straight to windows booter?12:45
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v3l0cttrz, you'll need a windows cd to boot from12:45
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mailinhbut is your server have php, power8312:45
astinustrz, run fixmbr in windows?12:45
trzI have one.12:45
mailinhtry php --version12:46
mailinhand does your apache work well ???12:46
astinustrz, or just run a repair operation using your CD12:46
v3l0cttrz, you'll need to go into console when it gives you the option and then FIXMBR12:46
mailinhif it work well, when you browse http://yourdomain/horde/test.php12:46
v3l0cttrz, that'll clear the mbr and give you back the windows boot loader12:46
sonicshm i could need an advise.. i was using windows up until 2days ago..I got a windows partition with 30gig, a linux part with 10 gig and a partition to download stuff for 40 gig.. the downloadpartition is in FAT32 tho, should  I change it to ext3???12:46
trzThe problem is I can't boot anything from hdd now. Grub won't load because of corrupted partition.12:46
mailinhit will have something12:47
astinustrz, run a repair operation12:47
mailinhsomething right or not, but it will have, power8312:47
fnfsnedar: my bad, it would require at least 'execute' permission12:47
v3l0cttrz, boot from the windows cd and repair brings you to a console12:47
power83I know12:47
snedarfnf: okay, thanks for checking! that allows me to make my system secure more easily :-)12:47
mailinhwat u have when you browse that test page ???12:48
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Stumpyfoothi all12:48
Stumpyfooti need some help please12:48
fnfsnedar: execute permission doesn't allow listing dir btw, that should be enough.12:48
mailinhoke, i will try my best, Stumpyfoot12:48
Stumpyfootmy refresh is stuck on 60hz and i cant change it12:48
Stumpyfootive got an nvidia geforce 25612:49
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Stumpyfootdapper drake12:49
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ubotugrub is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost grub after installing windows: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RecoveringUbuntuAfterInstallingWindows - Making GRUB floppies & other GRUB howtos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto12:49
cherubieltrz: ^^12:49
trzHow to su to root in live cd? What's the password?12:49
astinustrz,  I think he was trying to ditch Ubuntu for Windows12:49
snedarfnf: ok, but I'll remove the read permissions for other users anyway12:49
gilnimi still have the following problem when i run "glxgears":  "Error: couldn't get an RGB, Double-buffered visual"   I'm have a ATI Radeon X1600 graphic card and I use Xorg driver version 7.0 and ATI driver version 8.29.6; Maybe someone can help me12:49
trzcherubiel: The problem is that it tries to boot with Grub, which fails because its partition is corrupted.12:49
{_-IcE-_}managed to get in :)12:49
astinustrz, there is no password.  sudo su -12:49
cherubieltrz: whats the error message?12:50
timwizzyHey, can someone connect to my smtp server? I don't know if its accessable via internet.12:50
timwizzyits timtech.myftp.biz12:50
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v3l0cttrz, you need to fix the mbr and to do that you have to boot from the windows cd12:50
trzcherubiel: Can't recall exactly. Nothing informative, rather something like "Boot error 2" or smth.12:50
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fnfStumpyfoot: I'm running server now but had a pretty bad experience with some Ubuntu desktop gadgets, it's probably a bug, how about changing the /etc/X11/xorg,conf12:51
trzTrying to fsck that partition now, but it doesn't look promising.12:51
Stumpyfootive tried a modline but that didnt work12:51
BelialMkIItimwizzy, i got to it trhrough telnet fine12:51
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timwizzythank you BelialMkII12:51
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BelialMkIIEscape character is '^] '.12:51
BelialMkIIhelo boobles12:51
BelialMkII220 ubuntu.home ESMTP Postfix (Ubuntu)12:51
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timwizzyBelialMkII: Why can I not send emails to tom@timtech.myftp.biz12:52
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scottwill someone please tell me how to send a message to another IRC user so that they only see it(they see text in red) xchat newb12:52
cherubielStumpyfoot: sudo dpkg -reconfigure xserver-xorg, backup your old xorg.conf12:52
trzscott: /msg nick message12:52
suspectkbosshow do i change permissions for an external hard disk?12:53
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Carnage\Mount it and change the permissions as you usually do....12:53
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suspectkbosshow do i mount it?12:53
suspectkbossbut i don't know the name of the volume. sda3 or sumthing12:54
trzRight now fsck says that root inode is not a directory and suggests to clear it. After that it seems to try to do something on all inodes starting from some number - clear i_size, i_blocks and compression flag. Is that what I should do?12:54
Carnage\So you should try to get it to known :)12:54
Crazyl1nkhow do i open .rar(s) with linux Winrar? *god i feel so stupid*12:54
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suspectkbossi plugged it in, it got mounted to /media/New Volume12:54
Carnage\see fdisk -l <harddisk> to list all partitions12:54
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Carnage\Crazyl1nk: Package "rar" or "unrar" and then (un)rar x file.rar12:55
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cherubielCrazyl1nk: use rar-free and unrar12:55
stattersI installed qtparted and for some reason it will not recognise any hard drive, anyone know of any issues regarding qtparted and ubuntu?12:55
Crazyl1nki dont understand what you mean12:55
DarkMageZdemio, yup12:55
cherubielyeah, looks like one12:55
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timwizzyWhy does my gmail report "PERM_FAILURE: SMTP Error (state 9): 554 <tom@timtech.myftp.biz>: Relay access denied" when I send to my email server timtech.myftp.biz12:56
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suspectkbosshow do i unmount it?12:56
L3oNwow good server!12:56
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=== BelialMkII is used to a network with 300 people on it in total, a split with a channel of 900 is bigger waves
mailinhStumpyfoot, me too12:56
tiagoboldttiagoboldt@Niath:~$ java --help12:56
tiagoboldtUnrecognized option: --help12:56
tiagoboldtCould not create the Java virtual machine.12:56
{_-IcE-_}fdoving: i was planning to set it up through the web interface but it says:12:56
Stumpyfootand if i go to 1024x768 res it has 56hz and 60hz to choose from12:56
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{_-IcE-_}Your authentication backend does not support adding users. If you wish to use Horde to administer user accounts, you must use a different authentication backend.12:56
tiagoboldtanyone can help?12:56
Stumpyfootbut it hurts my eyes at 60hz12:56
Stumpyfooti hate it12:56
fnfStumpyfoot: can you take a look at /etc/X11/xorg.conf ?12:56
mailinhpower83, srry12:56
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magicmikeHi all. I downloaded a newsreader nzbpower-0.1.1.tar.bz2 to my desktop. Can someone give me info on how to install it? Thanks.12:57
suspectkbossuntar and run12:57
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chronosoftlooking through CSS scripts for hours on 60hz is not fun12:57
mailinhtry the database12:57
Crazyl1nki dont understand how to open .RAR files on linux, anyone care to explain12:57
Stumpyfooti can,... its open now in gedit12:57
chronosoft>.< i really should get down to tracking down the problem12:57
uboturar is a non-free archive format created by Rarsoft. For instructions on accessing .rar files through the Archive Manager view https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FileCompression. There is a free (as in speech) unrar utility as well, see !info unrar-free12:57
mailinhhow you authentication, power8312:57
v3l0ctmagicmike, you'll have to compile it12:57
L3oNcan you hep me ?12:57
fnfmagicmike: Have you compile a package before ?12:57
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power83mailinh, what you are speaking?12:57
mailinhi think you change the way authentication :)12:57
fnfStumpyfoot: Find 'Monitor' section12:58
mailinhand it will works :)12:58
suspectkbosshow do i unmount a volume>12:58
magicmikeNo. That's why I'm asking. Once taught, can do again. Thanks12:58
mailinhbut wat is your mail server12:58
Stumpyfootgot it12:58
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Crazyl1nkcan i open .rar files without winrar?12:58
mailinh{_-IcE-_}, the webmail will querry the imap server12:58
BelialMkIIsuspectkboss, umount /dev/hdblah12:58
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mailinhif there is valid user, it will login12:58
fnfStumpyfoot: It should have two options 'HorizSync' and 'VertRefresh', what do they say ?12:58
{_-IcE-_}i removed the imap mailinh, i just want pop12:58
mailinhoke, it will try pop too12:59
StumpyfootHorizSync28-51 VertRefresh43-6012:59
BelialMkIICrazyl1nk, Read what the bot said above, it gives instructions there12:59
L3oNCrazyl1nk: sudo apt-get install unrar12:59
mailinhyou will config that in imp12:59
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Royanybody can helkp me with the ubuntu sistem?12:59
suspectkbossokay done12:59
Royim really new with linix12:59
cherubielmagicmike: some downloads are precompiled for a platform, or it coulod be source whihc you'd need to compile12:59
suspectkbossnow how do i mount it with write permisions12:59
cherubielmagicmike: do a tar -zxvf <name>12:59
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Royi got the ubuntu cd live 5.0401:00
BelialMkIIsuspectkboss, what kind of partition is it01:00
cherubielmagicmike: that should open up the file for ya01:00
mailinhoek, or tar -jxvf01:00
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suspectkbossit's an external hdd01:00
fnfStumpyfoot: It's not really 'free to change', as you probably be aware of, the horiz and vert refresh don't exceed 60Hz, that's why Ubuntu won't show any refresh rate above 6001:00
mailinhif .tar.bz201:00
suspectkbossit's at sdg01:00
cherubielmagicmike: was it a .bz2, use what mailinh said then01:00
Royand the thing it's for example "can i install some new advise in ubuntu sistem?"01:00
Stumpyfootbut y does windoze support higher refresh then01:01
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magicmikeit's a bz2.01:01
fnfStumpyfoot: you may want to increase the upper range for both of them a bit, try 75Hn first01:01
L3oNnobody can help me?01:01
{_-IcE-_}i think there's some kind of setting somewere to disallow full control through the web interface for security reasons01:01
BelialMkIIsuspectkboss, fat32 ext3 etc erc01:01
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suspectkboss oh. No idea01:01
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suspectkbosshow do i fin out?01:01
cherubielsuspectkboss: use fdisk -l01:01
Stumpyfootok im going to restart x.. brb01:01
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cosmodadwhat's the difference between the packages "flashplugin-nonfree" and "libflash-mozplugin"? Which one should I install to enable flash in firefox?01:02
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mailinh{_-IcE-_}, no01:02
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suspectkbossit says Novell Netware 8601:02
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mailinh{_-IcE-_}, you could research more in horde's docs01:03
mailinhyou will find more interesting ^^,01:03
suspectkbossno wait01:03
suspectkbossthat partition is empty01:03
suspectkbossthe system is just "unknown"01:03
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lucreziahello dudes, i've a BIG problem, i hope u can help me. I've Ubuntu 6.06. I gotta print a pdf document, and i want to print two pages on a sheet. How can i do it? (i want to print first pair pages, then not pair pages)01:04
StumpyFootalright.. thanks very much guys its at 75hz now.. no more flicker01:04
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fnfStumpyfoot: great!01:04
StumpyFootI really appreciate your help01:04
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StumpyFootI would offer you a beverage but liquids and electrics kinda dont go well together01:05
{_-IcE-_}mailinh: just did... changed it to allow su users to login only and have full control, now im out and cant get in lol... editing through ssh..01:05
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lucreziaplease dudes help me01:05
eulyHi people. Do you know, how I can capture the sound that my soundcard plays? I tried "dd if=/dev/audio of=sound.raw" but it says the audio device is busy.01:05
cosmodadlucrezia: if your printer doesn't support direct 2-on-1 printing, you could transfer the PDF into a PS file, convert the file with PS tools and than (after optionally reconverting it to PDF) print it01:05
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cosmodadlucrezia: s/than/then/01:05
StumpyFootsee you all later.. cheers.. keep up the great work01:06
ubotuaudacity: A fast, cross-platform audio editor. In component universe, is optional. Version 1.2.4b-2ubuntu2 (dapper), package size 1842 kB, installed size 5460 kB01:06
cherubieleuly: use ^^ ?01:06
fnfeuly: try searching for a 'sound recorder'01:06
sonicshm i could need an advise.. i was using windows up until 2days ago..I got a windows partition with 30gig, a linux part with 10 gig and a partition to download stuff for 40 gig.. the downloadpartition is in FAT32 tho, should  I change it to ext3???01:06
eulycherubiel: whats "^^" ?01:07
cherubieleuly: try killing esd, from the ps listing - that could be holding back the device01:07
mailinhoke, {_-IcE-_} , try more, ty, good luck01:07
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cherubieleuly: read waht the bot said01:07
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ubotuaudacity: A fast, cross-platform audio editor. In component universe, is optional. Version 1.2.4b-2ubuntu2 (dapper), package size 1842 kB, installed size 5460 kB01:07
cosmodadsonics: that depends on whether you wanna share stuff between Linux and Windows01:07
fnfsonics: as long as you don;t want to share any date from that partition to Windows, you s\probably should01:07
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eulycherubiel: what bot?01:07
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sonicscosmodad: yeah well because all filenames are in strange format there..01:08
cherubieleuly: see ubotu's replies01:08
sonicscosmodad: probably would be better to change.. if I split it up in 2 partitions, will linux auto recognize the new ext3 one?01:08
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suspectkbosshow do i change the permissions01:08
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cherubielsonics: you'd need to mount it01:09
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cosmodadsonics: I think you can fix the strange-looking problem by mounting the windows-partition with a special option01:09
suspectkbossi mounted the drive01:09
sonicscherubiel: Id have to change fstab ?!01:09
cosmodadsonics: like tell it what kind of character setting you wish01:09
suspectkbossbut now it says "You don't have the necessary permissions"01:09
cherubielsonics: yeah, you could have an entry in fstab01:09
eulycherubiel: i want to capture the sound that is played on my soundcart. like when watching youtube videos or listening to web-radio.01:09
sackerFinally got my video card working under 686 :d01:09
eulyim not looking for a soundeditor.01:09
fnfeuly: apt-cache search sound recorder01:10
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Genscherhey :)01:10
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thoreuly, you might also check out streamripper01:11
eulyfnf: that puts out a lot of stuff01:11
Genscheri have some old ati rage pro 128. is there a way to activate the video/tv-out of the grafic card under ubuntu?01:11
gilnimwhere do i find the "RGB GLX visual"?01:11
sonicsanother problem i got with running ysm in a terminal, if I only press PAGEUP it writes:~ - i need to hold shift+pageup in order to scroll, is there any solution to this issue ?!:)01:11
cosmodadsonics: in any way, you need to backup the data on the download partition before you convert it to ext3 unless it's already ext301:11
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cherubieleuly: audcity supports sound recodring too, check out the pacakge01:12
fnfeuly: yup, that means you have a lot of choices, pick one, I don't know what to recommen here either.01:12
sonicscosmodad: alright :) i will do01:12
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eulythor: i dont want a prog for a specific type of media. i would like to just dump the sound thats send to the soundcard to disk.01:12
eulyfnf: i dont want a prog for a specific type of media. i would like to just dump the sound thats send to the soundcard to disk.01:12
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eulycherubiel: i dont want a prog for a specific type of media. i would like to just dump the sound thats send to the soundcard to disk :)01:12
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cherubieleuly: did you even see what audacity does? its list of features??01:13
cherubieleuly: http://audacity.sourceforge.net/about/features01:13
fnfeuly: sure, they're all sound recorders. Btw, if you're running Ubuntu desktop, there's already one in Applications01:13
eulycherubiel: its not possible to intercept whats sent to a device and save it to disc?01:13
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hoelkhow to upgrade to another distribution?01:13
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hoelknew version01:14
hoelki meant01:14
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sonicsanother problem i got with running ysm in a terminal, if I only press PAGEUP it writes:~ - i need to hold shift+pageup in order to scroll, is there any solution to this issue ?!:)01:14
hoelkim on dapper and want to migrate to edgy01:14
eulyfnf: yes, there is a soundrecorder, but it says sound is not properly installed, go to multimedia settings. but where are the multimedia settings?01:14
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L3oNedgy rulez!!!!01:14
CyberWorkingdapper is version 6 ?01:14
CyberWorkingor is edgy vs ^?01:14
cherubieleuly: rawrec or sound-recorder01:15
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CyberWorkingso there has been a new release after 6.06?01:15
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fnfeuly: that's another abnormality in Ubuntu desktop's shipped gadgets, you may try to use arecord or one of the listed recorders.01:16
cosmodadI've just installed flash and called "sudo update-flashplugin" as told in the Ubuntu Guide but if I try that I get: "automatic installation failed due to network problems or upstream changes". Help?01:16
Genscheranyone for my video-out problem?01:16
cosmodadI definitely don't have networking problems01:16
fnfeuly: my bad, arecord records to microphone, doh01:16
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cherubieleuly: try sox as well, if all else fails - use sys/soundcard.h :P01:17
fnfeuly: sound-recorder - Direct-to-disk recording and play-back programs.01:17
eulycherubiel: rawrec -d=/dev/audio test01:17
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eulycherubiel: rawrec: could not open =/dev/audio for reading: No such file or directory01:17
cherubieleuly: /dev/dsp01:18
cherubieleuly: wait, your audio drivers are working OK right?01:18
eulycherubiel: rawrec: could not open =/dev/dsp for reading: No such file or directory01:18
eulycherubiel: at least i hear sound :)01:18
{_-IcE-_}i think i give up on horde... any other *simple to setup* webmail for pop ;) ?01:19
eulyice: i love horde!01:19
=== RC_ZA is now known as RootChaos
sonicsif I run screen, why aint pageup/pagedown scrolling working :(01:20
suspectkbossplease help01:20
{_-IcE-_}euly : cant get to log in as admin correctly... i arranged the authentication backend ... set my username to be logged in as a power user, but still i cant add users, etc.. due to permissions01:21
suspectkbosswhy can't i write to an external HDD?01:21
eulyice: sorry, i use a preinstalled version of my webhosting company.01:21
Lynouresuspectkboss: probably not enough permissions01:21
BooBarCyberWorking: http://www.ubuntu.com/news/EdgyReleaseCandidate01:21
suspectkbossi have write permissions01:21
{_-IcE-_}euly hehe01:21
suspectkbossit's a rw drive01:21
{_-IcE-_}we use horde at work too01:21
{_-IcE-_}but dunno who set it up01:21
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mnepton{_-IcE-_}: got PHP and MySQL? if so, look at RoundCube.01:22
Lynouresuspectkboss: just in case, what are the permissions on it exactly?01:22
{_-IcE-_}yep i have01:22
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{_-IcE-_}its this going to seem like an impossible task to accomplish :P ?01:23
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suspectkbossi dont know why x is there though01:23
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thorsuspectkboss: only the owner of that drive can write to it. Who owns it?01:24
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suspectkbossso i'm using sudo01:25
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suspectkbossbut the error i get is "this is a read only filesystem"01:25
thorwhat format is the drive?01:25
suspectkbossi don't know. fdisk says it's "unknown"01:26
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sonicshmm which torrent client do you guys recommen?01:26
thorwhat does 'mount' say for type?01:26
wickedpuppysonics, ktorrent or azureus01:27
suspectkbossnow i got it. it's ntfs01:27
thorno writing to ntfs01:27
ubotuThough it's still very unsafe, you can read about Ubuntu NTFS writing here: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Lkraider/NtfsFuse01:27
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sonicswickedpuppy: how do I install ktorrent01:27
suspectkbossany plans in future versions?01:28
wickedpuppysonics, the same way you install every other apps in ubuntu?01:28
sonicswickedpuppy: apt-get install ktorrent?01:28
wickedpuppysuspectkboss, read what ubotu says about fuse01:28
wickedpuppysonics, bingo :P01:28
wickedpuppysudo of course01:28
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suspectkbossit says some stuff and then it says WARNING01:29
suspectkbossso i guess it means im not going to try it01:29
sonicsis anyone using screen here?01:29
wickedpuppysuspectkboss, good idea too ...01:29
sonicsare u able to scroll by just pressing page up?01:29
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sonicscos Im not able to scroll there:(01:30
suspectkbosshow unfortunate01:30
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Lynouresonics: in irssi, yes, in console, no01:30
SirKillalothow can I change the widget theme in ubuntu for the root user01:30
SirKillalotI mean everything seems to be ugly when I have to type in my password01:30
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Lynouresonics: but my screen is not on ubuntu.01:30
SirKillaloti.e. to start synaptics01:30
suspectkbossis there a gui frontend for bash commands?01:31
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sonicsLynoure: ok:( because my problem is when I use ysm, I cant check old messages throu scrolling01:31
sonicsLynoure: ic :D01:31
altereg0suspectkboss, alt-F2, type your commands01:31
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suspectkbossdude no01:31
Lynouresonics: (debian, though, so close)01:31
suspectkbossthat's not what i meant01:31
altereg0suspectkboss, OK - what did you mean ?01:32
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sonicsLynoure: ok I just wanted to know whether theres a way to scroll in ysm when using screen01:32
dumrneed help01:32
wickedpuppysuspectkboss, he wants vb like bash01:32
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sonicscos I just love screen ;(01:32
dumrwhat is name of debian toolbar01:32
cosmodadcan anyone get flash 7 to work in Dapper? I tried the "update-flashplugin" approach but it tells me upstream is broken01:32
dumrto show all the programs01:32
sholdenI'm trying to install in edgy, and "sudo apt-get install nvidia-glx libxorg-sched-yield-hack0" is telling me that it cannot find package libxorg-sched-yield-hack0.  I have "deb http://amaranth.selfip.com edgy lrm" in my sources.list.  Anyone have any ideas?01:33
Lynouresonics: sorry, no idea about ysm...01:33
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sonicsLynoure: you using icq?!01:33
Lynouresonics: no01:33
sonicsok ,D01:33
Lynouresonics: irc, just like the rest of us :)01:33
sholdentrying to install beryl that is01:33
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sonicsLynoure: yeah, I wished all of my fellas would use irc ;/01:33
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Lynouresonics: I never grew very fond of the gazillion of IM systems01:33
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sonicsLynoure: yeah, irc simply rocks in comparison with icq01:34
Lynouresonics: get them trillian and it will be easy for them01:34
SirKillalotcan I change the widget theme to be used with the root account on ubuntu? (the windows look ugly when I have to start a program with root rights (i.e. synaptics))01:34
sonicsLynoure: there are some women too, meaning it would be senseless to tell m haha01:34
Lynouresonics: grrrrr01:34
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Lynouresonics: I'm a woman, thank you very much!01:35
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Lynouresonics: and I've been on irc 15 years01:35
BooBarsholden: i follow this install http://wiki.beryl-project.org/index.php/Install/Ubuntu/Edgy/XGL01:35
brush01ukGreetings All   ( have a good day )01:35
sonicsLynoure: woohoopps, my bad- sorry.. a fluke there01:35
magicmikeShe's a Woman!01:35
hariseldonhi all, I have a question: I'm trying to play avi (divx/mp3) files with mplayer, and it gets huge delays or choppy playback when using -framedrop. When playing with -nosound it goes smoothly, so I would like to know if it's possible to improve sound playback performance01:35
altereg0Lynoure, stereotypes die hard - a lot of people don't even know that many computer pioneers were women01:36
Subhumanhariseldon, are you using the correct 3d drivers?01:36
svu_anyone using LDAP authentication with edgy eft?01:36
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hariseldonSubhuma: i've installed nvidia legacy drivers (geforce2 gts)01:36
Subhumannon-accelated drivers can make the cpu strain for video - and the audio suffers since it requires cpu time too.01:36
hariseldonSubhuma: and using -vo xv01:36
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Lynourealtereg0: Yes, I've noticed. But this time it was more annoying than usually. It's not like guys are born to Linux01:37
Subhumanodd, i normally get issues when the driver is screwed, but never when its there.01:37
altereg0Lynoure, of course01:37
L3oNbut some screen server puts cpu to 100%01:37
L3oNis it true '01:37
wickedpuppyLynoure, guys are born to chase skirts ..01:37
dumr i am searching for debian menu in k menu01:38
hariseldonSubhuman: how can I check that the video driver is working fine?01:38
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sonicsLynoure: im sorry, I was just pointing at the women that are in my list... didnt want to make you sad;)01:38
altereg0wickedpuppy, some might say guys are born with their brain ... in the wrong part of their anatomy ;)01:38
Lynourewickedpuppy: makes it clear why women now prefer pants. (#ubuntu-offtopic ?)01:38
brush01ukHi can anyone help please ref  on playing   e.g  AVI's  / I am a new user the past few weeks,well used Easy Ubuntu & every thing worked great,01:38
dumr i am searching for debian menu in k menu01:38
Lynouredumr: ubuntu is not Debian as such, so no such thing01:39
dumror just something that shows all programs in menu01:39
dumryes it is01:39
dumri had it01:39
dumrthen i formated01:39
altereg0dumr, you can install the "manu" package to get a debian menu01:39
dumri had debian submenu01:39
altereg0umm "menu"01:39
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ubotumenu: generates programs menu for all menu-aware applications. In component universe, is optional. Version 2.1.27 (dapper), package size 367 kB, installed size 1532 kB01:39
ubotumenu-xdg: freedesktop.org menu compliant window manager scripts. In component main, is optional. Version 0.2.2 (dapper), package size 4 kB, installed size 72 kB01:40
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brush01ukyesterday  reformed drive & re installed every thing again, now  e.g AVI's try to play  only for a second & will not play  ( WHY )  ?01:40
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wickedpuppybrush01uk, using what to play ? i use vlc01:41
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wickedpuppywell then no idea .. check for lame codecs and such ....01:42
sholdenDoes anyone have latest info with installing nvidia drivers?  Do i still need the libxorg-sched-yield-hack0 package?01:42
wickedpuppybrush01uk, shouting won't help ... i am going for dinner .. good luck :P01:42
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Lynouresonics: made me more angry than sad. But if they are local newbies, just install the software for them and adjust the settings. Or try a step by step instructions, most people can do those01:43
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sonicsLynoure: alright :) Im gonna try :)01:43
Lynouresonics: good luck (and no, I won't be angry forever :) )01:44
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brush01ukThankyou, for info  wickedpuppy01:44
sonicsLynoure: lucky me;) ill try giving them a steptostep intro01:45
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kane77how do I set the screen resolution to STAY at what I want it... in gnome it's no problem, but in fluxbox I set it to 1024*768 but next time its set back to 1280x1024...01:46
joonakane77: check your xorg.conf01:46
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bonzai10try ~./fluxbox config01:47
trzAfter running fsck, all my partition is blank, except for lost+found which contains only junk.01:47
altereg0`kane77,  sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg and remove 1280x102401:47
trzIs there any way I could recover it?01:47
altereg0`kane77, assuming you don't need it of course01:47
hariseldonDoes anyone know if it's possible to improve sound performance installing specific drivers the same way nvidia drivers improves video performance?01:47
brush01uk will return  ,re booting  &  try another keyboard   :-)01:48
Blissexhariseldon: probably nobody knows.01:48
visik7hariseldon: ?01:48
visik7hariseldon: if your producer releases specific drivers for linux yes01:48
kane77altereg0`, thanx, i basicaly dont need it... the refresh rate is 60Hz so I dont like it very much01:48
Blissextrz: that sounds like very bad news.01:48
trzLost everything?01:48
altereg0`hariseldon, that would be highly hardware-specific if such exist01:48
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hariseldonit's for a sound blaster pci 64, I'm currently using alsa01:49
cosmodadtrz: did you apply the correct filesystem paramete?01:49
trzYay. It's 12G big. I mean lost+found.01:49
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joonakane77: try 1152x86401:49
altereg0`hariseldon, alsa is an architecture, not a driver01:49
trzActually, that's a long story.01:49
joonai get decent refresh rate with it01:49
kane77err... what is the bus identifier for integrated cards?01:50
altereg0`hariseldon, you *need* alsa :)01:50
joonaand yet it is a bit bigger than 1024x768 :)01:50
altereg0`kane77, accept the default and move on01:50
trzRan fsck with no params, wrote "yes" a couple of times. Became suspicious, so stopped it and rebooted.01:50
hariseldonaltereg0: oh, I see. then Ensoniq it's de driver?01:50
cosmodadtrz: eek01:50
trzThe system wouldn't boot from hdd by any means.01:50
hariseldon(Ensoniq ES1371)01:50
trzSo I booted from livecd.01:50
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Lynouresonics: if you always get the pgup to work right outside screen, try configuring that to some other key, if you can, too01:50
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cosmodadtrz: why did you execute fsck in the first place?01:50
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altereg0`kane77, you only need to change the resolution settings - accept defaults for all the other questions01:50
kane77is it OK to leave the dedicated memory blank?01:51
altereg0`kane77, yes01:51
kane77my card is GF610001:51
trzFinally ran fsck with no params except for /dev/hda7, and said yes to everything. And I ended up with everything piled up in lost+found.01:51
sonicsLynoure: okay, thnkz^_^ however I do this*g*01:51
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spedan1there is a people whant help me??01:51
altereg0`kane77,  "accept all the defaults except the one you are changing"01:51
cosmodadtrz: what what the cause of filesystem gabbish?01:51
trzcosmodad: That's kind of awkward now, but I wouldn't expect it to hurt so much. Just wanted to see if everything's alright because Azureus made my system hang.01:52
trzExcuse me?01:52
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bonzai10well now it is my turn to ask a question xD. Is it possible that i save session in gnome and next time windows will open in exact location at exact workspace ?01:52
Lynouresonics: this too might help you, http://archive.lug.boulder.co.us/Week-of-Mon-20041206/028861.html01:52
spedan1i have a problem01:52
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spedan1my processor is always 100% work01:52
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Lynouresonics: sorry, I still know nothing about ysm. :)01:53
spedan1any people know the reason??01:53
Scorpmoondoing a dist-upgrade while having multiverse repositories active, is that different than having them not active?01:53
cosmodadtrz: usually when you have to hit yes a bunch of times it's because of inodes fixes and stuff like that but that's hard to tell without the exact error messages01:53
altereg0`hariseldon, try  lsmod | grep snd     to see your sound drivers01:53
sonicsweee, Lynoure exactly what I searched for, thanx =))01:54
trzcosmodad: Yes, it was like it. Actually, for the first (and doomed) time I didn't really remember the messages. Then I cleared the journal, which sounded suspicious, then root inode, and then there was a big big list of inode changes.01:54
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cosmodadtrz: you cleared the journal yourself or because fsck asked you to do so?01:54
effraiesome edgy-ppc users here?01:55
trzcosmodad: fsck.01:55
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hariseldonaltereg0`: the first one is snd_ens137101:55
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altereg0`hariseldon, sounds like the one for your card then01:55
cosmodadtrz: geez. :/ sadly, I'm not much of a fsck pro. If there's a bunch of stuff in lost+found, however, I guess there's some way to recover01:55
altereg0`hariseldon, why do you want to change it? Not good enough?01:56
trzIt seems everything is in there, and nothing is anywhere else.01:56
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hariseldonaltereg0`: I get bad performance on mplayer, and tought it could be because of the sound (with -nosound it plays ok)01:56
trzcosmodad: I've had 12G of data on that partition, and that's exactly the size of lost+found01:56
effraiehariseldon: ping01:56
altereg0`hariseldon, more likely an mplayer config problem I think01:57
cosmodadhariseldon: does the video "hang"?01:57
cosmodadtrz: so you might try copying some files from l+f and check if it works01:57
effraiehariseldon: are you who ithink you are?01:57
hariseldoncosmodad: no, it gets delays, or choppy if I turn -framedrop01:57
cosmodadtrz: I'd make a backup of everything and then try01:57
hariseldoneffraie: don't think so, first time here :)01:57
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effraieok, sorry01:57
cosmodadhariseldon: if you have some cheap (built-in) soundcard, you might need to adjust the sampling rate from 44100 to 48000 (or vice versa)01:58
trzI tried to execute something from there, it seems to contain "normal" files.01:58
trzThey're just all in one directory, and all have names like #\d+01:58
cosmodadhariseldon: I think it's the -af parameter, you'll have to look it up in the manpage01:58
hariseldoncosmodad: ok thanks, I'll check it01:58
kane77altereg0`, thx now its OK :D :D :D01:58
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altereg0`kane77,  enjoy :)01:59
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altereg0`kane77, fluxbox FTW !01:59
josh__whats up people, how do i share out my files so i can access them outside the network without having to ftp in and download them01:59
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kane77altereg0`, where did you learn all this stuff?01:59
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usamahashimihi all01:59
josh__or using freenx01:59
altereg0`kane77, misspent middle age ;)01:59
cosmodadtrz: AFAIK there's no way to get back the original name, but you really wanna look that up again01:59
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usamahashimiis there any graphical software by which i can easily add remove startup services?02:00
bonzai10well is there any more advanced session manager in gnome than orginal ?02:00
josh__altereg0`: i wouldn't call it misspent... if you were using windows... thats when you call it misspent02:00
kane77altereg0`, so i still have time ;D02:00
cosmodadtrz: maybe try #debian (but don't say you're from ubuntu ;) ) or #linux or google02:00
altereg0`kane77, I'm here under false pretences actually - my usual nick is thoreauputic02:00
cosmodadtrz: but backup first02:00
Scorpmoonhow do I assign a group to a user without using useradd ?02:00
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Scorpmoonuseradd creates a new user, not updates, right?02:00
altereg0`kane77, luckily for all present I don't have ops on this install ... yet02:00
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bonzai10or where is session config saved to ?02:01
cosmodadScorpmoon: sure it can just update02:01
josh__go to system settings -> accounts -> change it there02:01
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cosmodadScorpmoon: but use adduser02:01
s_alguien habla espanol02:01
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josh__but usermod is easier02:01
cosmodadScorpmoon: adduser <user> <group>02:01
Scorpmooncosmo, why are there two commands02:01
kane77altereg0`, I just downloaded some linuxCBT's on debian, hope that it will help me gain skills...02:01
cosmodadScorpmoon: afaik, adduser is more "higher-level"02:01
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josh__sudo usermod -g (little g for inital group/G for secondary groups) group1 user02:02
altereg0`kane77, anything about debian is pretty much transferable to Ubuntu02:02
cosmodadScorpmoon: basically, just always use adduser02:02
Scorpmooncosmodad, can I priv msg you02:02
altereg0`kane77, in terms of knowledge at least02:02
cosmodadScorpmoon: only if you think you really cannot help anyone else with your problem02:02
usamahashimiI heard that firefox2 will be out on tuesday, could we install it by apt?02:02
josh__then you would just sudo usermod -G group1,group2,group3,etc user02:02
Scorpmooncosmodad, channel traffic is too heavy for anyone to benefit from anything :)02:02
altereg0`usamahashimi, it will be interesting to see if it makes it into edgy by thursday :)02:03
cosmodadScorpmoon: well then, go ahead (but also consider what josh__ said)02:03
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kane77altereg0`, yes, that is mostly covering terminal use, commands and configuration so I guess its the same in ubuntu..02:03
exhaleis ut2004 in the repositories?02:03
usamahashimialtereg0`: and what about dapper?02:03
altereg0`kane77, sudo aptitude install apt-howto && apt-howto02:04
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j2daoshexhale, apt-cache search ut200402:04
j2daoshif you see it then yes... if you don't... then no02:04
altereg0`usamahashimi, dapper only gets security and bugfixes02:04
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altereg0`usamahashimi, so i doubt that FF 2.0 will be in dapper02:04
kane77altereg0`, correct me, but I think ubuntu made gui for settings, but through terminal the use is same as in debian02:05
chronosoftif you really want to test drive FF 2.0...02:05
usamahashimialtereg0`: hmm, so no firefox2 through apt :(02:05
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chronosofti suggest you pick up the Swiftfox builds of FF202:05
j2daoshkane you are basically correct02:05
exhalethanks for the tip j2daosh02:05
altereg0`usamahashimi, probably not, but I'm not a developer... so .... not certain02:05
j2daoshnp exhale02:05
j2daoshaltereg0`: it also depends on your repos ;P02:06
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altereg0`kane77, in general debian and ubuntu use the same CLI commands, yes02:06
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usamahashimialtereg0`: actually i like insallation through apt more as compared to manual installation02:06
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effraieany ppc-user on edgy, here?02:06
Scorpmoonwhere is that glorious user management tutorial for ubuntu?02:06
altereg0`j2daosh, well, 3rd party or backports might do 2.0 - dunno02:06
kane77ok have to go, people.. see you around!02:06
j2daoshhaven't tried suse linux yet (just downloaded it), but from what i have seen it looks like it uses a similiar cli also02:07
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DarkMageZusamahashimi, firefox 2.0 will most likely not make it to dapper. dapper will mostly only be receiving updates for security and patches to fix bugs.02:07
exhalei installed a package called "freedoom" from the repos but when i type freedom in the terminal it says command not found02:07
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j2daoshobviously the apt commands wont be there02:07
altereg0`exhale, spelling?02:07
cosmodadexhale: maybe try "freedoom" instead of "freedom"02:07
NineTeen67CometHi all .. little question about ubuntu-desktop, kubuntu-desktop etc etc .. I know you can use that with apt to get the same packages that the CD comes with, but how can I toss some of those packages after the fact? Like I don't use Totem, but it makes Ubuntu-desktop go with it ..02:07
exhalethat was a typo02:07
altereg0`exhale,  feedoom != freedom02:07
j2daoshexhale: sudo updatedb;locate freedoom|grep /bin/02:07
usamahashimiDarkMageZ: yeah, i heard that, thanks by the way02:07
exhalej2daosh, didnt find anything :(02:08
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j2daoshthen try locate free|grep doom02:08
j2daoshsudo ofcourse02:08
cosmodadexhale: you could check what files come with that package by using "dpkg -L <package-name>02:09
exhaleah i see.. it was only a wad file02:09
cosmodadexhale: they want you to buy DooM anyway ;)02:10
j2daoshthat would be why it didn't load then ;)02:10
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j2daoshok guys... how can i stream a dvd in my dvd rom to my work computer im on right now? without the quality sucking hard02:11
cosmodadexhale: there's a bunch more of doom packages, maybe one contains the binary02:11
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exhalecosmodad, idk. its not free (?)02:11
j2daoshapt-cache search doom|grep binary02:11
altereg0`NineTeen67Comet,  uninstalling ubuntu-desktop won't remove anything - it's a metapackage - just be sure to reinstall it before updating to the another version ( like dapper >> edgy)02:11
Rodrigo_GomesI'm having some problems related to the nvidia driver onmy ubuntu install :S02:11
Rodrigo_GomesThe problem is:02:11
cosmodadexhale: ID games did free some stuff of Doom, don't know exactly which one(s), however02:11
pdaXis there a way to install all the compiler-related packages off the DVD without selecting them all individually?02:12
altereg0`Rodrigo_Gomes, if you are about to paste : don't02:12
NineTeen67Cometaltereg0`: aha .. that'll work then .. thank you .. I've been playing with edgy too on another partition .. good to know .. thanks again02:12
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chapolinhow do i mount a sd card in a built in sd card reader on my laptop?02:12
gnomefreakpdaX: build-essential02:12
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Rodrigo_Gomesevery reboot I get an error message saying that the X nvidia module (1.0-872) and the kernel module (1.0-7174) are different versions  when they should have the same version (1.0-8762), and then it gives mean error that it can't load the nvida kernel module02:13
pdaXgnomefreak: nice, thanks02:13
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ubotuTo install the Ati/NVidia drivers for your video card, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto02:13
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about sd - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi02:13
j2daoshthere Rodrigo_Gomes02:13
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about sdcard - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi02:14
timalotare the sourceforge download mirrors down? ... i only get one mirror listed , and i cant connect02:14
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pdaXtimalot: yeah I noticed that earlier.. the one that was there worked fine for me, though02:15
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timalotpdaX: yeah maybe its overloaded coz i can even get a response02:15
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gnomefreaktomsku: what are you trying to grab from sourceforge?02:16
Scorpmoonhow do i view all users on the system02:16
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Scorpmoonnot active users02:16
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gnomefreaktimalot: wwhat are you tryint o get from sourceforge?02:16
pdaXScorpmoon: look in /etc/passwd02:17
j2daoshactive users?02:17
timalotjust some rss reader thing ...http://prdownloads.sourceforge.net/newsnotif/news-notification_0.2-0ubuntu1_i386.deb?download02:17
j2daoshlike logged in now?02:17
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ZtaI've found and edgy-alternate-i386.iso which detect my JMicron SATA-II controller fine.  Does an edgy image of the ubuntu-server iso exist too?02:17
thoreauputicj2daosh,  "users" for active users02:17
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ZtaThe ubuntu-6.06.1-server-i386.iso doesn't detect my hardware02:18
j2daoshoh i thought he had asked about active users02:18
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thoreauputicj2daosh, no he wants a complete list02:18
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timaloti gotta say tho that Blam is probably the best reader ive used for gnome... simple but effective02:18
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gnomefreaktimalot: its the mirror thats having issues atm02:19
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gnomefreaktimalot: do you know the real name of package?02:19
j2daoshi need to learn romanian... are there any packages for learning a new language? i see the ones for if im a romanian to setup my computer in romanian... but yeah... that would be stupid of me since i dont know it :P02:19
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j2daoshblam - an RSS aggregator for GNOME02:20
j2daoshblam - an RSS aggregator for GNOME02:20
j2daoshsorry for double02:20
timalotgnomefreak: no .... i searched packages.ubuntu.org for "notification" but came up empty02:20
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ZtaAh, found it: http://releases.ubuntu.com/edgy/ubuntu-6.10-rc-server-i386.iso02:22
i_an_hi how do i run .deb packagers?02:22
HYPOCRISYI'll think about it02:22
i_an_like w32 codecs.de02:22
i_an_packages i mean02:22
bionoidi_an_: dpkg -i filename.deb02:22
j2daoshdpkg -i /path/to/file02:22
thoreauputici_an_, normally you don't - what are you trying to do, actually?02:22
thoreauputici_an_, you only need that if you have a deb that isn't in the repositories02:23
j2daoshbut its easier to do, sudo apt-get install w32codecs02:23
i_an_install a package...what is -i for?02:23
j2daoshyes i_an_02:23
gnomefreaki_an_: -i is install02:23
j2daoshman dpkg02:23
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j2daoshthat will give you all the switches02:23
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i_an_where do i see the list of available manuals...sorry im new02:24
gnomefreakj2daosh: only issue with your way is its not in the repos02:24
j2daosh-i, -reconfigure, etc, etc...02:24
j2daoshgnome, it is... but only if you have the repos in your sources list02:24
gnomefreaki_an_: type man dpkg in terminal he means02:24
thoreauputici_an_, the list is long :)  Start by typing  " man intro "02:24
gnomefreakj2daosh: they are 3rd party repos02:24
thoreauputic man intro is quite readable02:24
i_an_ok....lastly how will ubuntu detect my external dvd writer?02:24
gnomefreakj2daosh: if you forgot they are not a great idea to use02:24
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j2daoshdidn't forget, just never had a problem with them before02:25
gnomefreakyou want a package from 3rd parrty repos use wget02:25
Xenguyhi - I notice that the /topic gives this: "nvidia driver has a security problem with a hotfix available from nvidia".  My question: are the security patches now merged into Ubuntu also?02:25
gnomefreakXenguy: its fixed in latest update for nvidia02:25
thoreauputici_an_, try plugging it in :) Usually these things just work ... never used an external dvd writer though...02:25
gnomefreaklatest nvidia-glx package you have has the fix in it already02:26
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i_an_i did plug it in and it said it cant mount02:26
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j2daoshi_an_: i would assume it would work the same way an internal would (assuming it didn't come with a windows driver disk)02:26
Xenguygnomefreak: I can't recall if I updated this specifically or not; would an apt-get upgrade have done the trick?02:26
Xenguygnomefreak: my thanks02:27
gnomefreakXenguy: as long as your using teh nvidia-glx from repos02:27
j2daoshyou might have to do it before your comp boots, or mount it as root02:27
Xenguygnomefreak: yes02:27
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gnomefreakXenguy: if your not sure run sudo apt-get update && sudoa pt-get dist-upgrade02:27
gnomefreakwithout the typos02:27
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gnomefreakbrb need more coffee02:28
j2daoshlol gnomefreak02:28
j2daoshim with you on that02:28
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Xenguygnomefreak: thanks again, I guess I was already good, just wanted to be sure tho :-)02:29
hikenboothello all---anyone know why i can run in direct rendering yes mode when I log into the console as root and then startx but when I boot to a user thru grub it does not02:29
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timalothikenboot: u may need to add the dri permission option to xorg.conf02:33
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bonzai10i have installed blam, any idea how to put it in system tray when clocing main window ?02:33
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timalotbonzai10: it doesnt do that02:33
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ninnghizidhaWhere can i find libdvdcss?02:33
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ubotuFor playing DVD, see http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/video.html  -  libdvdcss can be found at http://wiki.ubuntu.com/SeveasPackages02:34
bonzai10is there any rss feed readew which works in systray ?02:34
ninnghizidhathanks a lot!02:34
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hikenboottimalot, tryed that option "dri" "mode 0777" or some such thing02:34
exoticorndoes anyone know how to add ~/bin to the PATH in a way so that it is available to programs started from nautilus?02:34
thoreauputicbonzai10, liferea02:35
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timalothikenboot: it should be mode 0666 i think ...02:35
bonzai10thanx <thoreauputic>02:35
thoreauputicnp :)02:35
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=== thoreauputic replenishes the coffee supply
hikenboottryed that too02:35
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timalothikenboot: Section "DRI"02:36
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timalothikenboot:         Mode    066602:36
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timalothikenboot: fair enough02:37
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GManlo all any program to decompile files to assembly/02:43
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GManlo all any program to decompile files to assembl02:44
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j2daoshgot my coffee, had my smoke...02:45
j2daoshim ready to answer questions ;)02:45
tuxtuxciao a tutti02:45
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j2daoshbut first, riddle me this. if i want to stream a dvd movie from my home computer to my work computer (where im at now), how would i do that without having crappy quality?02:46
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j2daoshsitting nex tto my my crown of king everything02:47
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j2daoshvorbi romana?02:47
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j2daoshwho uses irssi?02:48
spatiemanwho not :)02:48
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j2daoshis there a way to search the channel list?02:48
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snoopsvlc has streaming built in j2daosh02:48
j2daoshoh snap02:49
snoopsbut well..you could just navigate to the network folders and play..then it all goes through that interface02:49
j2daoshim outsite the network at work02:49
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j2daoshand i want to watch the vid using windows media player (freenx sucks up too much bandwidth to watch it that way02:50
snoopsoh..umm not sure about that (don't think you can use windows media player) to watch a stream from vlc02:51
=== ProN00b [n=dot@pD9E3A1C2.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #ubuntu
snoopsand it's still gonna use a crazy amount of bandwidth02:51
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j2daoshyeah but without me using freenx, bandwidth shouldn't be an issue02:51
Lightenixhi, anyone has any idea, why i cant compile some cpp file with gcc, and it works fine with g++?02:51
j2daoshfreenx takes up about 30k/s02:51
j2daoshLightenix: sudo apt-get install build-essential02:52
j2daoshLightenix: sudo apt-get install build-essentials02:52
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ProN00bisn't freenx commercial ?02:52
snoopsyep..and most movies (divx/xvid) want about 700kbit etc02:52
snoopsthat'd be "nx" not freenx ProN00b02:52
mweit's build-essential02:52
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j2daoshyeah that one mwe02:53
snoopsnx offers free desktop edition for up to 4 pcs of course02:53
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ProN00bis it really better than the good old vnc ?02:53
ProN00bor even direct x access02:54
snoopsit's so much faster than vnc02:54
j2daoshhas much better compression ProN00b02:54
snoopsrdp is one of my favourite protocols..and nx still beats it for me02:54
ProN00brdp is slow as shit compared to a good vnc02:55
snoopshmm.. not over the net I've found02:55
Studiosushow to make  LILO from other linux boot Ubuntu?02:55
ProN00bsnoops, you on 56k or something ?02:55
snoops10mbit ;)02:55
ProN00blol -_-02:55
ProN00bthen you should maybe turn compression off to get better latency02:56
Lightenixnope still not working, here is the prog. and the error: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/27808/02:56
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snoopsno, uses too much bandwidth that way.. we pay for data usage at work, so not realistic, especially when nx does it faster and can actually handle some motion02:56
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ProN00bwhat does it use to compress ?02:57
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ProN00bi mean there really isn't much better than zip02:57
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bonzai10what command lists all demons ? and how do i close particular one ?02:58
bonzai10i know its kill something02:58
j2daoshdaemons, and the command is going to be ps -ef02:58
j2daoshkill -9 pid02:58
jpjacobsbonzai, if you want to control what gets started on bootup, you can use bum02:59
bonzai10i just need something like Ctrl+ alt + del on windows - runing proceses02:59
snoopsnx uses a range of methods to speed things up.. it compresses images (not sure of the algorithm used), it implements a few things on the client to reduce having to send them over - window sets for instance.. and sends it all over an encrypted ssh connection02:59
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j2daoshencrypted ssh is the best part in my opinion03:00
snoopsplus its protocol is super efficient03:00
ProN00bwell, vnc has always worked for me, so i'll stay with that03:00
j2daoshnow while im at work i dont have to worrk about hitting a website that may or may not have a pron banner and getting fired03:00
thoreauputicnx also cuts down "round trips"03:00
jpjacobsbonzai: top03:00
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jpjacobsor even better htop (prolly needs apting)03:01
j2daoshjpjacobs: that only should the top 20 processes... if the daemon he wants it sleeping it wont show up03:01
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ProN00bhmm, is there any encrypted proxy protocol yet ?03:02
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j2daoshyeah... ssh03:02
bonzai10how about something like top but for x serwer or for gnome ?03:02
ProN00bssh is a general usage tunnel03:02
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j2daoshencrypted being the keyword03:02
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j2daoshset the proxy parameters and then you have encrypted proxy tunnel :P03:03
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j2daoshif you are talking about for webpages and such... not yet that i am aware of03:03
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j2daoshcourse you could log into someone elses computer who is running ssh server and then surf the web from them...03:04
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j2daoshthen its encrypted and anonymous :P03:04
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Lightenixany idea why gcc wont work with this prog...? http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/27808/03:05
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effraiei'm looking for ppc-users03:05
Lightenixwell it works with g++, and i did that apt-get build-essential03:05
greg_Hi guys. I'm wondering where one might put a startup script.03:05
billwangi have a problem with ubuntu, i am in China, who can help me?03:05
mweLightenix: pastebin errors03:06
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greg_so permissions can be loaded at startup.03:06
ubotugrub is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost grub after installing windows: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RecoveringUbuntuAfterInstallingWindows - Making GRUB floppies & other GRUB howtos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto03:06
billwanghave any Chinese?03:06
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bonzai10it asks me to specify signal when i want to kill demon, what should i type ?03:07
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billwanghave any chinese?03:07
bonzai10i have japaneese :>03:07
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greg_effraie, i used to run linux on a ppc. what's up?03:07
erUSULLightenix: <irony>it works with thew c++ compiler but not with the c compiler... hummm weird as it is a c++ program ;) </irony>03:07
billwangwhich blogging tools is best?03:07
effraiegreg_: are you on edgy03:08
effraiei need to comfirme a security bug03:08
greg_yes but on a pc03:08
LightenixerUSUL: isnt gcc suppose to compile also cpp programs?03:08
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effraiethank you greg_, but it would not be usefull03:08
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billwangwho can help me?03:08
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billwangi am fish03:09
Beaksterhi, if i install the Edgy beta, can i upgrade it to the full release when it comes out? or do i have to reinstall?03:09
effraiebillwang: i use dotclear203:09
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billwangwhere can find it, thanks a lot03:09
greg_effraie, i used to run yellowdog linux on ppcs03:09
effraiehum, i used to run ubuntu ;)03:10
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exoticorneffraie: i have edgy running on an ibook g403:10
thoreauputicBeakster, you can upgrade it easily to the final version03:10
effraieexoticorn: can you make 'uname -r' for me?03:10
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fnfBeakster: Edgy's current release is RC, upgrading to an official release is just a matter of installing a few more packages (probably none). So, no reinstallation is needed.03:10
jpjacobsbonzai10, just the default03:10
jpjacobsand if the daemon really doesn't respond -9 (see man kill)03:11
erUSULLightenix: yes, with the g++ front end (gcc stands for gnu compiler *collection*) you have gcc for c gfortran for fortran ands g++ for c++03:11
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effraiebillwang: http://preview.dotclear.net/03:11
effraiethe website is in french, but the app is translated, billwang03:11
mahdihow can i save the changed mac address after restart???03:11
exoticorneffraie: 2.6.17-10-powerpc03:12
billwangok, i see03:12
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effraieexoticorn: from when is edgy on your ibook?03:12
charlie5hi ... if i have a modem/router and a machine connected ... the modem/router has a static ip address, and the machine has a static dhcp local net address ... what 'address' would the outside world need to get at a resource on the machine ?03:12
thoreauputicmahdi, edit /etc/ifstab to save mac addresses on your system03:12
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LightenixerUSUL: ohh thats ic, soo i only call g++ and thats actually gcc for cpp?03:12
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mahdihow can i save the changed mac address after restart???03:12
Lightenixor smthing03:12
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exoticorni initially installed the beta and then upgraded whenever there were upgrades03:13
effraieexoticorn: thanks03:13
thoreauputicmahdi,  sorry, /etc/iftab03:13
wickedpuppymac address changed ? i thought mac address is in the network card ...03:13
fnfcharlie5: the world only knows about your external address, you need to port forward to a specific machine on your LAN.03:13
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effraiei'm looking for a ppc user using edgy since alpha release, now..03:14
ragnar_123hey iGadget03:14
iGadgethas anyone ever managed to write files > 4GB to a DVD+/-R in linux?03:14
iGadgethi ragnar_123 :)03:14
thoreauputicmahdi, /etc/iftab is a file that lists mac addresses03:14
wickedpuppyiGadget, yes i have03:14
fnfiGadget: yes ?03:14
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iGadgetwickedpuppy: how did you do that?03:14
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charlie5fnf: thank you ... so i should set up port forwarding for the machine on the ports involved with the server which provides the resource ?03:14
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mahdiok i will try03:14
iGadgetI constantly get an error when I try that - file size too large03:15
wickedpuppyiGadget, i use k3b .//03:15
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iGadgetwickedpuppy: me too03:15
thoreauputicmahdi, it's a very simple file - gksudo gedit /etc/iftab  to edit it03:15
wickedpuppyiGadget, i been burning movies for a longggg time :P dvd rips .. about 4.5 gig03:15
fnfcharlie5: exactly, in that case every request from the outer to a particular port to your network will be routed to that machine.03:15
iGadgetwickedpuppy: yes, but that's multiple files, all less than 4GB, right?03:16
mahdiok thank you03:16
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wickedpuppyall less than 4 gig ? you mean burning a file thats more than 4 gig ?03:16
fnfiGadget: I'm running a custom kernel so I'm not really sure about Ubuntu, you need to enable a kernel setting while compiling.03:16
GastenI'm thinking of switching to KDE just to try it out: how big would you say the chance is to screw up the data you allready got?03:16
charlie5fnf: beautiful, its all starting to make sense. at last ... (just swithced to bband from 33k dialup) ... big difference ;)03:16
charlie5fnf: cheers03:17
=== Gwaihir [n=Gwaihir@ppp-92-108.25-151.libero.it] has joined #ubuntu
thoreauputicGasten,  sudo aptitude install kubuntu-desktop - and it won't break anything03:17
BlissexGasten: what kind of data? Sounds strange that changing desktop environment would corrupt data.03:17
iGadgetwickedpuppy: yes... I have some HDTV movies here, with file sizes of 4,5GB and more03:17
thoreauputicit won't03:17
GastenBlissex: Why would that be strange?03:17
wickedpuppyiGadget, i just burned slackware iso which is more than 4 gig03:17
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GastenWell, if you say it's ok, I'll give it a spin.03:18
iGadgetwickedpuppy: an ISO is something different, that will work03:18
fnfGasten: probably none, as it should just put a few config files to your home directory, not a big deal.03:18
thoreauputicGasten, because a different desktop is not in any way associated with your existing one03:18
iGadgetfnf: I don't see myself compiling custom kernels...03:18
thoreauputicGasten, the config and data are separate03:18
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wickedpuppyiGadget, you are burning a file that is more than 4 gig ? no i dont remember burning such a big file before .. sorry about that03:19
GastenHm.. Do I have to do anything more than running sudo apt-get install kubuntu-desktop and reboot to make it work?03:19
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GastenAnd to get gnome bake I do the same with gnome-desktop?03:19
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iGadgetwickedpuppy: yes... HDTV files are kind of large :)03:19
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daniele_982hello icome from ubnutu-it this is a large good community.Beautiful :D03:20
wickedpuppyiGadget, i do not have hdtv ... :P03:20
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dv5000is it possible to turn of the TFT of my notebook whit ubuntu? (whitout using gnome-power-manager)03:20
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iGadgetwickedpuppy: me neither... but it's easy to download HDTV media :)03:21
=== iGadget is preparing for the future ;)
iGadgettoo bad there's no easy way to do this in linux... It 'just works(tm)' in windows :(03:22
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angelohow do i select the language03:22
j`eyim getting an error, can't find Xt Xmu or Xaw03:22
j`eyhow cna I get these>03:22
angeloof the gnome spell checker03:22
angelointegrated in edgy03:22
fnfiGadget: I'll recheck the issue and come back right away.03:22
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iGadgetfnf: great, thanks :)03:23
LattywareCould someone help me with two problems please: 1) My audio does not work sometimes, I have to reboot to fix it. (It either works at boot or doesn't). 2) I loose my DNS server settings at boot, and have to put them in again.03:23
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mahdithank you <thoreauputic> so how can i set the wireless card as wep shared key after reboot??03:24
Clinton__Lattyware: are you on a DCHP network?03:24
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LattywareNo, Static.03:25
Clinton__Lattyware: ah, can't help you there then, sorry.03:25
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mahdithank you <thoreauputic> so how can i set the wireless card as wep shared key after reboot??03:26
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mahdihow can i set the wireless card as wep shared key after reboot??03:26
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blinxI have a problem with mysql and edgy03:27
m`kayhi guys. my ubuntupc is without inet tempoary... what is the link for the package localeconf?03:27
blinxis this the right channel?03:27
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Lattywareblinx: Probably.03:27
m`kayblinx, i hope so03:27
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Rookie_m`kay - all conf files are in /etc03:28
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blinxok, I tell something about my problem: mysql> create user trac identified by password "**";03:28
leftjustifieddoes anyone know if the mysql stopwords list in the ubuntu version differs from the default stopwords list at all ? (in regards to fulltext search)03:28
blinxERROR 1064 (42000): You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near 'user trac identified by password "xxx"' at line 103:28
m`kayRookie, i need the package, from the mirror03:28
ubotulocaleconf: debconf interface to locale configuration. In component universe, is optional. Version (dapper), package size 31 kB, installed size 196 kB03:28
m`kayRokkie_ im without inet tempoary03:28
Lattywareblinx: Are you sure this is a problem with SQL, and not your code?03:29
blinxA friend of me uses the same version of edgy but doesn't have some problems03:29
=== MaxRandor [n=chatzill@user-54478908.wfd83b.dsl.pol.co.uk] has joined #ubuntu
blinxLattyware: in mysq.de nobody could help me03:29
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Rookie_there you go03:29
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LattywareI know mySQL, but only enough to make websites, sorry. I'm not amazing with it.03:29
yetiis there a repository that has the flah player 9 beta?03:29
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Lattywarewhoops, wrong channel (the ?)03:29
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fnfiGadget: Unfortunately I haven't got a handy kernel source here to test, I need a few more minutes if you prefer.03:30
ubotuFor multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats  -  See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html  -  But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats03:30
LattywareCould someone help me with two problems please: 1) My audio does not work sometimes, I have to reboot to fix it. (It either works at boot or doesn't). 2) I loose my DNS server settings at boot, and have to put them in again.03:30
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iGadgetfnf: sure, I'm not going anywhere :)03:30
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Lightenixanyone can tell me, why i cant find x-window-system-dev package in dapper, or in what repository is that package?03:30
iGadgetfnf: I appreciate it, thanks!03:30
blinxSo I removed mysql03:30
blinxwhat for a version should I install?03:30
blinxI need a package name03:31
fnihey guys, finally got ubuntu installed but one thing i can't figure out is why i cannot edit/create files in /var/www ?03:31
=== AfterDea1h is now known as AfterDeath
ubotulamp is Linux-Apache-MySQL-PHP. However, the term is often used for setups using alternative but different software, such as Perl or Python instead of PHP, and Postgres instead of MySQL.  For help with setting up LAMP on Ubuntu, see  https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ApacheMySQLPHP  -  See also the Server CD install menu.03:31
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about x-window-system-dev - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi03:31
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Rookie_fni - sudo ?03:31
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Lightenixfni: try sudo gedit filename03:31
snoopsblinx tried single quotes instead of double quotes?03:31
nemoofni chesk your permission at /var/www and User Group at /etc/apache2/apache2.conf03:31
blinxsnoops: the same03:32
j`eyanyone know how to install Xt, Xmu and Xaw ?03:32
snoopshow about quotes around the username?03:32
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mahdiplease any body exper in wifi03:32
fnii just checked the permissions of /var/www and it says "you are not the owner, you cannot change permissions"03:33
snoopsblinx "An error occurs if the account already exists"03:33
Lattywarefni: OK, change the permissions as root.03:33
mahdihow can i save this after reboot "sudo iwpriv ath0 authmode 2"03:33
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snoopshave you checked if the user exists in the mysql.user table?03:33
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blinxsnoops: no account exists (excluding root)03:33
Lattywaredo sudo nautilus and then use that to change the permissions.03:33
Lattywareor sudo chmod if you know enough03:34
mahdihow can i save this after reboot "sudo iwpriv ath0 authmode 2"03:34
fniLattyware, so i have to cli sudo everytime i want to create a file outside my home dir?03:34
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snoopswhat version of mysql blinx?03:34
snoopsThe CREATE USER statement was added in MySQL
Lattywareno, you just need to change the permissions of folders so tha tyou can create files there. If the place outside of your home dir is owned by someone other than you, then you will need to change the permissions.03:35
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LattywareIf /var/www was created as root, root owns it, so only root can change it03:35
tsolerhi guys?03:35
=== RustyJames [n=RustyJam@dslb-088-073-058-147.pools.arcor-ip.net] has joined #ubuntu
LattywareCould someone help me with two problems please: 1) My audio does not work sometimes, I have to reboot to fix it. (It either works at boot or doesn't). 2) I loose my DNS server settings at boot, and have to put them in again.03:35
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mahdihow can i save this after reboot "sudo iwpriv ath0 authmode 2"03:36
fniLattyware, gotcha. is there anyway to just give myself root powers?03:36
Lattywarefni: When you do sudo <command> you do it as root03:36
tsolernikos :03:36
=== hoelk [n=hoelk@h081217035202.dyn.cm.kabsi.at] has joined #ubuntu
MaxRandorI have successfuly burnt an iso image of ubuntu onto a cd. I have not verified the download and I am not sure wheter the cd burner verified the CD either.03:36
MaxRandorWhen I boot with the order of boot being CD/DVD then Hard disk then I end up with some kind of command prompt and typing in the 'avalilabe options' gets me nowhere. I do not know what to do to get beyond this.03:36
mahdihow can i keep the card work as wep shared key after reboot03:36
MaxRandorthe only command I typed that did not say command not recognised was03:36
MaxRandorD:/ which changed the command prompt type thing to have D in it where before it had A.03:36
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tsolernikos are u from greece?03:36
snoopssudo -i is also handy fni03:36
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nikos_sophosI'm fench03:38
snoopswhich ubuntu disk MaxRandor? desktop edition, server and what version - 6.06(dapper)?03:38
MaxRandordesktop edition03:38
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snoopsI'd try burning another copy.. it should be loading up in a live cd for you, which it doesn't sound like it's getting to03:39
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fniso basically there is no easy way to change permissions in the GUI?03:39
snoopsthe bios should say "checking cd rom....press blah to stop" then boot the cd03:39
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Lattywarefni: the easiest way is to get the root-nautilus-here script...03:39
Lattywaregive me a second03:39
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GastenIf I do sudo aptitude install kubuntu-desktop, Am I using KDE, or Gnome with KDE-support? If I want to run KDE-only, do I have to do something else than sudo aptitude install kubuntu-desktop?03:40
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snoopsare you sure it's not checking floppy or something like that MaxRandor?03:40
MaxRandorI thought it should work like that03:40
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mahdi%C4how can i save this after reboot "sudo iwpriv ath0 authmode 2"03:40
RustyJameshi i recently  installed the ubuntu edgy beta 2 version. Does it make sense to install again the Release Candidate or is it the same when the updates are installed?03:40
MaxRandorit shouldn't be - there is no floppy to check03:40
MaxRandorand it says CD/DD03:40
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Lattywarefni: http://g-scripts.sourceforge.net/nautilus-scripts/Execute/Misc/root-nautilus-here03:41
LjLRustyJames: same. anyway, join #ubuntu+1 for Edgy support03:41
fnfiGadget: it seems Linux kernel > 2.4 support Large File System (LFS) out of the box, what CD burner are you using ?.03:41
snoopsRustyJames err well, edgy is set for release (final) in umm like 5 days?03:41
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Lattywareopen up gedit, paste that in, then save the file into ~/Nautilus/scripts03:41
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LattywareThen browse to where you want to change the permissions.03:42
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RustyJamesLjL: thanks i didnt know there is an edgy channel03:42
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SUB_ZEROtu ta ta ai03:42
Lattywareright click, scripts, root-nautilis-here.03:42
gop_hi one just one question03:42
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iGadgetfnf: NEC burner, but the error occurs when adding files to a project, so I don't think it's hardware related03:42
NilazloEu to SUBZERO03:42
fniLattyware. excellent thank you03:42
gop_I have ubuntu installed on hdd# but03:42
gop_I get grub error 1703:42
gop_why won't grub see that file sytem03:42
RustyJamessnoops: i know thats why im asking and cause im still having some problems there i wanted to know if it makes sense to test the rc version03:42
Lattywarefni: Not at all, I have asked similar questions myself :P03:42
petterni just lost my sound. i have checked that nothing is muted and i have tried to restart the soundsystem with kcontrol. Is there any script to reconfigure sound devices and the soundsystem?03:43
NilazloE tu ta03:43
SUB_ZEROgrande nikolas03:43
mahdihow can i save this after reboot "sudo iwpriv ath0 authmode 2"03:43
fnfiGadget: can you resort to using another one ? cdrecord is a good candidate, just to test.03:43
fnfiGadget: btw, can you try to open a huge file ?.03:43
snoopsMaxRandor have you ever booted off a live cd before? Every now and then you come across a machine which has an outdated bios which just doesn't boot cds properly03:43
Nilazlohahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha Jorge Jorge Jorge03:43
LattywareCould someone help me with two problems please: 1) My audio does not work sometimes, I have to reboot to fix it. (It either works at boot or doesn't). 2) I loose my DNS server settings at boot, and have to put them in again.03:43
MaxRandorI have never done anything to my os or bios before03:43
SUB_ZEROjorge jorge jorge03:44
LjLNilazlo, SUB_ZERO: english here please - and #ubuntu-offtopic for non-support conversation in english.03:44
MaxRandorbut it is not an old computer03:44
Nilazlojorge jorge jorge ha ha ha03:44
iGadgetfnf: opening files works ok, but adding them to a new project in k3b results in the error03:44
MaxRandoronly last summer03:44
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ubotuHelp! Keybuk, mdz, Amaranth, tritium, ajmitch, crimsun, ogra, CarlK, Seveas, Burgundavia, apokryphos, thoreauputic, nalioth, Madpilot, ompaul, rob, Hobbsee, imbrandon, DBO or gnomefreak!03:44
Dr_willismahdi,  you mean - auto-run that command on each boot up?03:44
mahdihow can i save this after reboot "sudo iwpriv ath0 authmode 2"03:44
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gnomefreakLjL: ?03:44
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LjLgnomefreak: see what i said to Nilazlo and SUB_ZERO, and see the reply03:44
gop_any here know about grub error 1703:44
snoopsoh, then absolutely should be able to no problems.. yeah try burning another cd, just this time try burning slower03:44
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Nilazlo.hi SUB03:44
SUB_ZEROdont worry03:44
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fnfiGadget: so is it possible that your CD burner doesn't support files that big ?.03:45
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snoopsdoing a checksum on the image is also a cool thing ti do03:45
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fnfiGadget: #apt-get install cdrecord03:45
iGadgetfnf: no, because I've burned files this big on windows using nero03:45
eltechwow that twinview tutorial was too easy03:45
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iGadgetfnf: with the same hardware03:45
MaxRandorit looked complicated - the extension for firefox refused to run on 2.003:45
KingLearHello all,03:45
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GastenIf I do sudo aptitude install kubuntu-desktop, Am I using KDE, or Gnome with KDE-support? If I want to run KDE-only, do I have to do something else than sudo aptitude install kubuntu-desktop?03:46
=== SubNet [n=SubNet@dslb-084-056-136-227.pools.arcor-ip.net] has joined #ubuntu
iGadgetfnf: and apparently I'm already using cdrecord, because it's already installed :)03:46
fnfiGadget: I see, I'm referring to your software in Linux, can you try to burn one with cdrecord ?. It's easy to use.03:46
LjLGasten: yes, you have to remove gnome03:46
KingLearI have followed the instructions given to me after running scanmodem onmy system,03:46
petternIs there any script to reconfigure sound devices and the soundsystem?03:46
fnfiGadget: and it errors out ?.03:46
KingLearand even after the drivers have been installed for smartlink,03:46
GastenLjL: sudo aptitude remove gnome-desktop?03:46
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KingLearThe Modem is not working,03:46
KingLearnor its detectable viaminicom03:47
iGadgetfnf: I'll try... never used any commandline app to do this kind of stuff before03:47
iGadgethold on03:47
KingLearwhy is that so?03:47
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LjLGasten: unfortunately, not. that would only remove a metapackage (same for removing ubuntu-desktop). you can try removing "libgnome2-0", because that will take most Gnome dependant packages away03:47
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fnfiGadget: yup, good luck, I believe it should take no more than 5 minutes to actually burn your first DVD.03:47
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JuanRastahola a todos03:47
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LjLGasten: to be certain that you have a "pure" KDE (i.e. Kubuntu) installation, you should either reinstall, or check against the package list of a fresh Kubuntu install03:47
mahdihow can i save this after reboot "sudo iwpriv ath0 authmode 2"03:47
GastenLjL: Ok.03:47
ubotuPara Espaol por favor usen #ubuntu-es, #kubuntu-es o #edubuntu-es, all obtendrn mas ayuda.03:47
JuanRastavenezuela dice03:48
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KingLearany one please?03:48
aFxwhich one(kde or gnome) is favorite?03:48
mahdii meane chang the wireless card to work with wep shared key after every boot03:48
LjLaFx: none. but if you want to discuss people's preference, please do so in #ubuntu-offtopic03:48
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GastenLjL: I don't want a "pure", I just want to run KDE as the main window manager.03:48
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ragnar_123aFx: gnome03:49
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aFxLjL; ok03:49
gop_I got one question03:49
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ragnar_123hey gop:!03:49
LjLGasten: to have KDE as the main window manager, you only need to 1) run "sudo dpkg-reconfigure kdm" to use KDM as your login manager, rather than GDM  2) at your login screen, click on the icon on the left, choose "Session", and select "KDE"03:49
gop_about grub error 1703:49
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gop_when I boot I get grub error 1703:49
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ragnar_123oh, do you dualboot+03:50
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gop_I dual boot with windows03:50
Lightenixhow can i see, who is connected to computer(or logged) from remote or local connection?03:50
GastenLjL: Ah. I can choose Gnome there, too?03:50
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LjLLightenix: who03:50
LjLGasten: unless you remove it, yes03:50
gop_this is my current setup 120 gig physical windows hda 80 storage physical hdb   and hdd 60 gig linux03:50
KingLearI got a question about finalising installation of my modem03:50
LightenixLjL: thanks:)03:51
merlinwow.. Beryl is being retarded!03:51
GastenLjL: Sweet.03:51
gop_ragnar_123 what could be the problem03:51
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LjLGasten: (and for that matter, you can choose KDE from your current GDM login manager... but if you intend to use mainly KDE, i suggest you switch to KDM using the command i gave you)03:51
fnfiGadget: This is the minimum possible command to burn an ISO: cdrecord dev=/dev/cdrw <path-to-ISO>03:51
ragnar_123gop: no swap?03:51
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snoopsLightenix you should have said you didn't know who they are, that's why you wanted the command in the first place ;)03:51
gop_thier ext2 hdd1 and swap hdd203:51
gop_I suppose03:51
merlinwas working good lastnight and then poof... when i add beryl-manager to startup. the entire comp halts.03:52
LjL!xgl > merlin03:52
gop_still I get grub error 1703:52
aFxbecause my cpu is not good,  i am using only console mode  kk03:52
l3onexcuse me, why does not my trash icon on panel change setting icon-theme ?03:52
mahdihow can i save my wireless card work with wep shared key after every reboot03:52
fnfiGadget: cdrw should be replaced for dvdrw for a DVD.03:52
mahdihow can i save my wireless card work with wep shared key after every reboot???03:52
ubotuDon't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly, if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. You can search https://help.ubuntu.com or http://wiki.ubuntu.com while you wait. Also see !patience03:52
gop_why can't it see the partion03:53
ubotuThe people in this channel are volunteers. Your attitude will determine how fast you are helped. See also http://wiki.ubuntu.com/IrcGuidelines03:53
LjL!wifi > mahdi03:53
Gasten!patience >> Gasten03:53
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about patience > - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi03:53
Lightenix!repeat > Lightenix03:53
XalIs there a bug database for edgy eft/03:53
Lightenix!repeat >> Lightenix03:53
mahdiyes wifi!!03:53
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about repeat > - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi03:54
ragnar_123gop_: see  https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WindowsDualBootHowTo03:54
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ubotuDual boot instructions for x86/amd64 https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WindowsDualBootHowTo - for mac https://wiki.ubuntu.com/YabootConfigurationForMacintoshPowerPCsDualBoot03:54
l3onnobody know ?03:54
fniguys, where would my nautilus dir be? i've checked in / and /root but can't find anything03:55
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Lightenixohhh nice, thanks ljl:)03:55
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fnffni: try find -name "nautilus" /03:55
ragnar_123np :)03:55
Rookie_try which or locate03:55
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reveriehey guys03:56
deadhobo1Hya... I'm completley new to ubuntu and I just installed a nvidia driver through automatix2. I rebooted and it took a dump on me, the only thing that comes up after boot is a corrupted grey screen.03:56
ubotuAutomatix is an unsupported script that tries to automate the installation of some software. We don't provide support for it in the #ubuntu or #kubuntu channels, try #automatix thanks!03:56
ragnar_123hey reverie03:56
reverieThe old question.. how to get fglrx going? :)03:56
deadhobo1LjL, whoops, ok, thanks03:56
kingpangahelp pls03:56
kingpangahow 2 close port03:56
ubotuTo install the Ati/NVidia drivers for your video card, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto03:56
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reverieI wish I could type !ati in my console :P03:57
reverieI have it installed, but I have no dri module.03:57
deadhobo1looks like #automatix is dead :(03:57
ubotuTo install the Ati/NVidia drivers for your video card, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto03:57
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eltechso whats a way to install yum?03:57
gop_but rangnar that don't say shit about03:57
eltechautomatix can install yum yes?03:57
deadhobo1I guess my real question is how to boot into a safe-mode of sorts03:57
gop_about intalling on a different physical drive03:57
LjLdeadhobo1: too bad. i'm sorry you were tricked into using automatix in the first place.03:57
LjL!automatix > eltech03:58
eltecherrm, but I dont wanna install that03:58
ubotugrub is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost grub after installing windows: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RecoveringUbuntuAfterInstallingWindows - Making GRUB floppies & other GRUB howtos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto03:58
deadhobo1LjL, that bad?03:58
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eltechLjL, right i dont wanna go that route03:58
GhoSt_DoGI am not to obtain to move a filing-cabinet I stop: /var/www/test, some suggestion? it says me that the filing-cabinet does not exist: (03:58
deadhobo1LjL, lifehacker reccomended it for getting MP3/DVD support :/03:58
ubotuyum: Advanced front-end for rpm. In component universe, is extra. Version 2.4.0-3ubuntu1 (dapper), package size 235 kB, installed size 1068 kB03:58
kingpangapleaaase how to close port03:59
LjLdeadhobo1: yes. we keep getting complains about automatix breaking systems, and apparently the only thing that the developers do about it is to refrain from giving help to anybody who comes from the #ubuntu channel.03:59
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LjLdeadhobo1: then please tell him to not recommend it anymore, at least not on this channel.03:59
GhoSt_DoGGhetto_Smurf, yooo03:59
fnfdeadhobo1: no necessarily, but automatix is known to blindly install packages to the machine, even there is an error.03:59
deadhobo1LjL, its a popular blog :p www.lifehacker.com03:59
easytigerman, there is so much crap in my keyboard...04:00
StudiosusHi, all! Is there a way to boot Ubuntu from Debian-based LILO?04:00
Ghetto_SmurfGhoSt_DoG o/04:00
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GhoSt_DoGque fazes por aqui ?04:00
gop_!eror 1704:00
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about eror 17 - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi04:00
LjLdeadhobo1: anyway, tell me precisely what error you're having. i doubt i can find a fix easily, but i will try.04:00
gop_!error 1704:00
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about error 17 - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi04:00
LjL!pt > GhoSt_DoG04:00
ubotulilo is an alternative [Li] nux Boot[Lo] ader. Note: it is recommended that you use GRUB on Ubuntu instead.04:00
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LjL!fishing > gop_04:00
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deadhobo1LjL, Well, there is no error unfortionatley. Otherwise I would just google it. All that comes up is a grey screen which looks almost like a background, but the login window never appears04:01
MaxRandorooh cd erasing complete - time to reburn04:01
Ghetto_SmurfGhoSt_DoG fui ao xubuntu para ver se j h alguma release e o irc fez auto join para o ubuntu04:01
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fnfdeadhobo1: try booting into single mode, can you ?04:01
LjLdeadhobo1: ah - i was under the impression that the system didn't even begin starting. so, it starts, and boots, but when it tries to load X (i.e. the graphical interface with the login script), it fails?04:01
LjL!pt > Ghetto_Smurf04:01
deadhobo1LjL, yes, I can hear the login sound and everything, but I can't see anything04:02
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deadhobo1fnf, how do I do that?04:02
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LjLdeadhobo1: then try running "sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg" (do it from a console -- you can switch to one by pressing Ctrl+Alt+F1).04:02
fnfdeadhobo1: if you can here the login sound meaning your system is not really screwed up I supposed, perhaps an X issue.04:02
LjLdeadhobo1: after that, run "sudo /etc/init.d/gdm restart" to restart X, and see if it comes back to life.04:03
=== kingpanga is now known as fsalaa
LattywareCould someone help me with two problems please: 1) My audio does not work sometimes, I have to reboot to fix it. (It either works at boot or doesn't). 2) I loose my DNS server settings at boot, and have to put them in again.04:03
fnfdeadhobo1: while configuring xserver, try to use the standard driver and uncheck 'dri' and 'glx' modules.04:03
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about trash - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi04:04
hoboanyone using WPA with success?04:04
deadhobo1LjL, I'll try that, thanks... brb04:04
deadhobo1fnf, I don't know how to get to the xserver window... I'm going to try what LjL said real quick, thanks tho04:04
fnfdeadhobo1: hold on04:04
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fnfdeadhobo1: to boot into single mode, on the GRUB menu, edit the line begins with /initrd (by pressing 'e') then append 'single'04:05
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fnfdeadhobo1: however, by default Ubuntu includes a 'recovery mode', you can just choose it.04:06
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tsolerhi to all04:07
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tsolerverry new to ubuntu04:08
fnftsoler: hi.04:08
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Rookie_We all are ;)04:08
tsolerhi fnf04:08
eltechanyone know where to find some xchat themes?04:08
Rookie_920 users, say hi to tsoler04:08
kentcan any one recomend a program to move random mp3s to my mp3-player? preferably a plugin to rhythmbox/banshee.   I have a big archive with music and listen to it during work,  but dont feel like manually choosing each day when a random selection will work fine..04:08
deadhobo1LjL, I couldn't really tell what I was doing because I couldn't see anything, I'm going to try fnf's thing now04:09
tsoleranyone willing to give a hand?04:09
deadhobo1fnf, so just hit ESC on boot?04:09
nolimitsoyatsoler, whats the problem?04:09
fnfdeadhobo1: when booting into single user mode......04:09
LattywareCould someone help me with two problems please: 1) My audio does not work sometimes, I have to reboot to fix it. (It either works at boot or doesn't). 2) I loose my DNS server settings at boot, and have to put them in again. (Static IP)04:09
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deadhobo1fnf: ok, thanks04:10
tsolerafter this boot i get a very delayed start up04:10
LjLdeadhobo1: yes, if your Grub menu doesn't show up by default. start hitting it like crazy as soon as the BIOS is almost going to pass control to the bootloader, and a menu will pop up04:10
fnfdeadhobo1: ...you'll be welcomed with a text login screen, after logging in type 'sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg'04:10
nolimitsoyatsoler, could you expand that?04:10
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tsoleri think is trying to see my ntfs drive and it cant?04:11
eltechwould it be breaking anything to install k3b which requires kdebase and such?04:11
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nolimitsoyatsoler, what makes you think that, and how does you fstab look?04:11
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tsolerwhts an fstab?04:11
=== manudeb [n=manudeb@84-73-126-7.dclient.hispeed.ch] has joined #ubuntu
nolimitsoyatsoler, thats the file that handles mounting of driver04:11
Lattywaretsoler: /etc/fstab04:11
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nolimitsoyagedit /etc/fstab opens it up04:12
wickedpuppytsoler, file system table ... unless i am wrong04:12
tsolerlhere is the sort story04:12
tsolerive tried to make ubuntu see  my ntfs04:12
=== tuxi [n=jan@dyndsl-085-016-228-155.ewe-ip-backbone.de] has joined #ubuntu
GhoSt_DoGwho like Gambas ?04:12
tsolerso ive downloaded some drivers(?)04:12
nolimitsoyatsoler, what drivers?04:12
mahdiI can't read or write to my cd writer !!??04:13
tsolerafter that system is getting so much time to start04:13
tsoleri found them over the synaptic list04:13
tuxii have a problem to formated floppys lowlevel04:13
nolimitsoyaalso, tsoler, ntfs drives should be mounted read only by default since dapper. you shouldnt need extra drivers unless you want to write to ntfs :)04:13
nolimitsoyatsoler, just uninstall whatever you installed :)04:14
l3ontsoler: should you try ntfs-3g04:14
hobohow do i start 2 programs that show to be installed? wpagui and wpasupplicant04:14
nolimitsoyathen ill help  you set things up04:14
tsolerok only read for start would be ok04:14
mahdiI can't read or write to my cd writer , whay !!??04:14
tsolerbut how???04:14
nolimitsoyatsoler, what ever you installed through synaptic, just remove it04:14
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tuxiCould not determine current format type: No such device04:14
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LattywareCould someone help me with two problems please: 1) My audio does not work sometimes, I have to reboot to fix it. (It either works at boot or doesn't). 2) I loose my DNS server settings at boot, and have to put them in again. (Static IP)04:15
fnfmahdi: how do you know that ? you can't read an inserted CD ?04:15
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tsoleris there a restore point like windows or not??04:15
l3onLattyware: try to install alsa lib04:15
nolimitsoyaLattyware, try to set irq for you soundcard by hand04:15
dfgasok i got my sound to work but not in a way that i want. if there is a better way to fix this please tell me. i am running ubuntu as the host and windows xp in the vm. i couldn't get the sound to work at all till i logged in as root and loaded vmware player that way. it doesn't matter between server and player both the same. no sound in reg user04:15
sohaibmai have a modem problem....can someone please help me out here?04:15
nolimitsoyatsoler, no there isnt04:15
mahdiI cant copy any files from files04:16
nolimitsoyajust uninstall the package you installed04:16
ubufa2can anyone help me installing giFT-ares in Apollon?04:16
tsolerok ill try it manually04:16
mahdi I cant copy any files from CD04:16
rodrigoI came here earlier ... and someone gave me a link to a site that could solve my problem (nvidia driver problem at reboot), but it didn't ... could someone give me the link to see if I missed something or tell me another solution?04:16
deadhobo1fnf/LjL: I was able to run sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg as both of you reccomended, but now the screen is completley blank. I can still hear the login sounds and such though04:16
sohaibmai have a modem problem in 6.06 LTS....can someone please help me out here?04:16
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tsolerbut tell me onc3e again noli04:16
nolimitsoya!anyone > sohaibma04:16
fnfmahdi: try copying by 'cp', is there any error ?04:16
tsoleram i supposed to see ntfs -read only- by default??04:16
eltechwould it be breaking anything to install k3b which requires kdebase and such?04:16
=== exhale [n=pierre@c80-216-9-216.bredband.comhem.se] has joined #ubuntu
l3ondeadhobo1: try to set vesa driver in xorg reconfiguration04:17
nolimitsoyatsoler, fire up synaptic, find the package you installed, right click it, and select remove completly04:17
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deadhobo1l3on: not nvidia?04:17
exsIm using 6.06 (dapper) and I'd like to have XGL working. My nvidia card is working fine and I'd like someone to point me to an automated installer script for XGL (if there is one) Thanks  a lot.04:17
exhalei have the following partitions: /, /home and /swap. which out of thoose should be primary and logical?04:17
tsolerill do that noli04:17
Lattywarel3on: Could you walk me through that please?04:17
rodrigoThe problem is that at each reboot, it gives me an nvidia driver error ... the error is that the X module (8762) and the kernel module (7174) are different, when they should be both 8762, and then it doesn't manage to load the nvidia kernel module04:17
l3onif not positive result ---04:17
rodrigocould someone help me?04:17
Kyralexhale: logicals are only used if you run out of Primaries04:17
mahdifnf : how can i do that??04:17
Kyralexhale: there is no difference otherwise04:17
l3onLattyware: i don't understand04:18
tsolerbut from the beging i cant read ntrfs. The question is : is that normal?04:18
exhaleKyral, so ALL should be primary?04:18
Kyral(You can only have 4 Primary partitions on any disk)04:18
fnfdeadhobo1: if you just pressed Enter then the configuration file wouldn't change a bit. You should try changing the driver to a standard driver ('ati' or 'nv')04:18
l3onah opko04:18
sohaibmaDoes anyone/anybody how to make a rockwell soft 56k pci speakershone modemmodem work in Ubuntu 6.06 LTS?04:18
Kyralexhale: I don't see why not04:18
nolimitsoyatsoler, ntfs drives that where plugged in when you installed should have autmaticly been entered to you fstab, making them appear in /mount/<drive name>04:18
l3onpvt please04:18
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thoreauputicexhale, it doesn't really matter - linux doesn't care :)04:18
nolimitsoyasry, /media, that is04:18
exhaleok thoreauputic04:18
ubotupastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (you can always find it in the channel topic, among other useful things)04:18
tsoleri can see them but can not open them04:18
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nolimitsoyatsoler, is the package removed?04:18
=== ESCulapio__ [n=ESCulapi@188stb68.codetel.net.do] has joined #ubuntu
sohaibmaDoes anyone/anybody how to make a rockwell soft 56k pci speakershone modemmodem work in Ubuntu 6.06 LTS?04:19
rodrigocould someone help me solve my problem?????04:19
fnfdaedhobo1: and uncheck 'dri' and 'glx' modules, those won't work with the default 2D driver.04:19
tsolerso if i get back and fix the bad boot : i dont solve my problem04:19
rodrigo The problem is that at each reboot, it gives me an nvidia driver error ... the error is that the X module (8762) and the kernel module (7174) are different, when they should be both 8762, and then it doesn't manage to load the nvidia kernel module04:19
thoreauputicsohaibma, have a look at http://linmodems.org04:19
deadhobo1fnf: Ooh, I did read each prompt and answer accordingly, but I didn't realize nv is diffrent from nvidia04:19
nolimitsoyatsoler, i said id help you through things, justtake care of the boot problem first04:19
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nolimitsoyathe best way to do that would be to remove the package that coused the problem04:19
=== j`ey away
deadhobo1fnf: will do, thank you for the help. One sec04:20
tsolerthats what i wanted to hear :)04:20
=== rodrigo is now known as rodrigo_gomes
thoreauputicsohaibma, no idea on the particular model - but that site has most soft modems and can tell you if linux supports them04:20
tsolercoming back04:20
fnfdeadhobo1: 'nvidia' or 'fglrx' are for Nvidia 3D driver and ATI, respectively, that would be some hope.04:20
LjLdeadhobo1: "nv" is an open source driver for NVidia card. "nvidia" is the official closed-source driver from NVidia. the latter is faster for 3D acceleration.04:20
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mahdifnf: and cant make iso to the cd04:20
sohaibmathanks thoreauputic, but ubuntu detects it as riptide HSF modem (under device manager), but i don't know how to set it up04:20
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thoreauputicsohaibma, have you searched the wiki hardware section?04:21
thoreauputicsohaibma, wiki,ubuntu.com might have some info, but linmodems.org is a better bet perhaps04:21
fnfmahdi: I'm not really comfortable with GUI, can you 'cp -v /media/cdrom/<file> ./' and post the error (if any) here ?04:21
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mahdifnf: ok04:22
gop_k I in in select a disk and I picked /dev/hdd- 61.5gb maxtor do I press nex04:22
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thoreauputicsohaibma, I assume you tried setting it up in the System - Admin - Networking  GUI ?04:22
gop_that where I wan to install it04:22
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deadhobo1fnf/LjL... yay!! it works! I used nv and disabled the modules fnf reccomended to. Thank you for your help!04:23
bintuthello all..04:23
sohaibmai downloded cxntinstall.run file as my modem drivers, but it trys to connect to the internet to download the appropriate drivers.04:23
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fnfdaedhobo1: great!, I guess that's the driver that caused your problem.04:23
bintuti have .ogg files and i want to convert it to .mp3.. what do i need?  it's asking for mp3 encoder..04:23
ubotulame: LAME Ain't an MP3 Encoder. In component multiverse, is optional. Version 3.96.1-1 (dapper), package size 222 kB, installed size 620 kB04:23
=== reverie sets up ati with the bomb
deadhobo1fnf: yepp. I'll also try to leave automatix alone now :p04:23
fnfdeadhobo1: just be aware that you wouldn't get 3D support for that driver though.04:23
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ubotuFor multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats  -  See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html  -  But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats04:24
=== Deaigo [n=biglou@203-206-110-10.dyn.iinet.net.au] has joined #ubuntu
deadhobo1fnf: Oh, so does that mean I can't run XGL?04:24
LjLdeadhobo1: it means it'll run dead slow, i'm afraid04:24
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=== n1gke is having trouble loading/booting edgy eft rc
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fnfdeadhobo1: probably, I'm not sure about xgl, but the nvidia driver is known to be unstable for me.04:24
xukunHi all. Is't possible to import music cd using amarok?04:24
LjLdeadhobo1: i don't know whether the fact that the "nvidia" driver doesn't work for you is due to an incompatibility with your hardware, or due to the fact that Automatix installs some weird version of the driver04:25
deadhobo1Well, now I can try doing it the proper/manual way since I know how to restore it if I screw it up :p04:25
LattywareCould someone help me with two problems please: 1) My audio does not work sometimes, I have to reboot to fix it. (It either works at boot or doesn't). 2) I loose my DNS server settings at boot, and have to put them in again. (Static IP)04:25
sorush20hi I want to be able to to have two root partitions so that at if one fails I can choose to load the cother one from grub04:25
bintutthoreauputic: i am using sox here to convert .ogg to .mp3 and it tells me that "sox: Failed writing music.mp3: Sorry, no MP3 encoding support"04:25
Lattywaresorush20: Create two partitions, install Ubuntu twice.04:25
thoreauputicbintut, sox doesn't do mp3 encoding - you need lame04:25
LjLdeadhobo1: well, even if you do it the "proper" way, you might still have some weird driver installed. please paste your /etc/apt/sources.list to the pastebin, and i'll check whether this might be the case04:25
n1gkeI get the same splash screen over and over.04:26
thoreauputicbintut, lame is in multiverse04:26
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bintutthoreauputic: ok.. thanks..04:26
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sohaibmathoreauputic, i downloaded the drivers from linuxant.com which is the official conexant site for linux drivers04:26
deadhobo1LjL: I can, but if I remember correctly when I exited Automatix it cleared the changes to the sources.list file. Standby and I'll bring it up though04:26
Begasushowdy peeps04:26
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Begasusanyone here using svg icons in ubuntu?04:27
tsolerim back04:27
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m_tadeudoes anyone know about problems with the desktop cd and some ATI cards?04:27
thoreauputicbintut, you can also do it with gstreamer - which requires something like gstreamer0.10-plugins-ugly-multiverse (  don't remember exactly)04:27
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tsolerwhere is my mentor haha04:27
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tsolernilo areu here?04:27
thoreauputicsohaibma, I take it you already know that's the right driver?04:27
bintutthoreauputic: i have gstreamer files installed04:27
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thoreauputicbintut, well, yes, but probaly not the right ones :)04:28
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bintutthoreauputic: and yes, it is installed04:28
sorush20lakcaj: t04:28
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eltechanyone have any guides to installing themes?04:28
bintutthoreauputic: ii  gstreamer0.10-plugins-ugly-multiverse       0.10.3-204:28
gop_I see no fix in sight04:28
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thoreauputicbintut, try lame - it's pretty easy - just  lame file.ogg file.mp3  if I remember correctly04:29
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gop_still I get error 1704:29
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sohaibmayou already know that's the right driver?04:29
sohaibma<bintut> thoreauputic: i have gstreamer files inbut it try's04:29
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thoreauputicsohaibma, ?04:29
Newbi8Anyone who can help me install Enlightnement?04:29
reverieweird, when I tried to install the k7 kernel in edgy, it says its installed but it's nowhere to be found in /boot04:29
thoreauputicNewbi8,  sudo aptitude install enlightenment04:29
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ubotuEnlightenment (or "E") is a window manager for X, providing a useful, and good looking graphical shell in which to work. E17 is the current development version.04:30
nolimitsoyareverie, you shouldnt use k7 in edgy04:30
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sohaibmathoreauputic, yes i know its the right driver but it tries to connect to the internet (it starts up firefox, and firefox is unable to connect)04:30
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reverienolimitsoya, how come?04:30
nolimitsoyareverie, generic is the only kernel for edgy04:30
thoreauputicsohaibma, heh- catch 22 eh ?04:30
Newbi8thoreauputic:But how?Cause I have the damn thing on a dvd??04:30
nolimitsoyathe others are dumped04:30
fnfNewbi8: isn't 'apt-get install enlightenment' sufficient enough ?04:30
reverieI installed fglrx but i can't get dri to load04:30
thoreauputicNewbi8, umm - you have E on a DVD?04:30
tsoler:) noli boot is back04:31
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nolimitsoyatsoler, good04:31
eltechhow can i find out what version gtk im using?04:31
thoreauputicNewbi8, is this a special E17 DVD or something?04:31
nolimitsoyapress alt+f2, type gksu gedit /etc/fstab04:31
nolimitsoyapaste the contents to pastebin04:31
Newbi8thoreauputic:On a coverdisc from Linux format...04:31
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mahdifnf: `/media/cdrecorder/mpegav/avseq01.dat' -> `./avseq01.dat'04:31
mahdicp: reading `/media/cdrecorder/mpegav/avseq01.dat': Input/output error04:31
nolimitsoya!pastebin > tsoler04:31
thoreauputicNewbi8, ah I see - and there are no debs?04:31
Deaigoanyone here use sqlite?04:32
sohaibma reset by peer))04:32
sohaibma<sohaibma> thoreauputic, yes i know its the right driver but it tries to connect to the internet (it starts up firefox, and firefox is unable to connect)04:32
sohaibma* Ambimom has joined #ubuntu04:32
bintutthoreauputic: i tried converting .ogg file to .mp3 using lame but i got a garbage sound.. :(04:32
nolimitsoyatsoler, what do you mean?04:32
deadhoboLjL: sorry it took so long, here is my sources.list04:32
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thoreauputicNewbi8, if it is source code, forget it unless you are used to compiling stuff04:32
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tsolerwhats the paste bin04:32
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sohaibmacan you help me out here? thoreauputic04:32
fnfmahdi: That's weird, do you have any other installations/Windows to try copying ?04:32
nolimitsoyacheck you mesage from ubot ;)04:32
Newbi8thoreauputic: What's a deb?Pretty new to linux..04:32
=== starkruz1 [n=jtd@adsl-76-208-2-88.dsl.sbndin.sbcglobal.net] has joined #ubuntu
ubotupastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (you can always find it in the channel topic, among other useful things)04:32
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cosmodadhi -- has anyone else encountered problems when using rdiff-backup? Everytime I try to backup my laptop machine, it freezes somewhere with no network link available anymore. :(04:32
thoreauputicbintut, ah - try  sox file.ogg file.wav , then convert the .wav file to .mp304:33
mahdifnf: yes04:33
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bintutthoreauputic: ok04:33
thoreauputicbintut, sorry it's been a while since I did this04:33
mahdifnf: the cpying doing in other OS04:33
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fdovinganyone know how one can unhide files in the firefox filebrowser?04:33
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sohaibmathoreauputic, http://www.linuxant.com/drivers/hsf/downloads-installer.php go to this address, i downloaded the file from here, then help me please04:33
tsolerconfused , do u want me to paste what in there04:33
fnfmahdi: What is that other OS ? Another Ubuntu or ... ?04:33
thoreauputicsohaibma, umm, I'll have a look - no guarantee I can help04:34
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Ambimomfdoving:  On the view tab in file browser you can check show hidden files04:34
nolimitsoyatsoler, the contents of fstab04:34
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nolimitsoyajust do what i said, in order :)04:34
tsolerfstab resides where?04:35
nolimitsoya16:31:58 <nolimitsoya> press alt+f2, type gksu gedit /etc/fstab04:35
nolimitsoya16:32:05 <nolimitsoya> paste the contents to pastebin04:35
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ubotupastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (you can always find it in the channel topic, among other useful things)04:35
fdovingAmbimom: i'm in the firefox -> file -> open file.. dialog.04:35
JsonTHi all :D how do I install a .run-file?04:35
thoreauputicsohaibma, Ok it's a bash script - let me see if I understand what it's doing04:35
thoreauputicsohaibma, give me a few minutes....04:36
tsolerone momment please04:36
Ambimomfdoving:  what hidden file do you need in firefox?04:36
LjLdeadhobo: make it look like this: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/27814/    then run "sudo apt-get --purge remove nvidia-glx", then "sudo apt-get clean", then "sudo apt-get update", then "sudo apt-get install nvidia-glx"04:36
=== elfranger [n=elfrange@2.84-234-173.customer.lyse.net] has joined #ubuntu
tsolerim done04:36
LjLdeadhobo: however, also read the channel topic.04:36
elfrangergreetings and salutations...04:36
nolimitsoyatsoler, good, give me you pastebin link so i can have a look :)04:36
Ambimomelfranger: greetings back to you04:37
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elfrangerhow do I add links to a folder into a user's home folder? I have a folder for ftp content, how do I link that up in each user's home folder?04:37
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deadhobothanks LjL, my bad04:37
nolimitsoyatsoler, how is you ntfs drive connected to your computer?04:37
tsolernot sure04:38
fdovingAmbimom: (this is edgy) in firefox -> edit -> preferences -> content -> file types -> manage -> find a file type and 'change action' -> choose 'open them with this application' - now in edgy some directories in / are hidden. (by default only /home and /media is shown)04:38
nolimitsoyatsoler, sata och pata?04:38
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tsolerits not an ide port04:38
nolimitsoyatsoler, fire up gparted :)04:38
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Ambimomfdoving:  can't help you; I'm familiar with dapper only04:38
JsonTcould someone please tell me what to do with a .run-file?04:38
tsolerit has a small port04:38
fnfalfranger: I have no experience on an automated tool, if you prefer to do it manually, try 'link', 'ln' or 'cp'04:38
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fnihaving some problems adjusting ubuntu's resolution. on the drop down list only 1 is listed (1024x768). i want 1280x102404:38
elfrangerfnf: thanks04:39
=== Wizardling [n=jamiekg@202-154-149-141.ubs-dynamic.connections.net.nz] has joined #ubuntu
tsolerwith a red cable04:39
StudiosusHow to setup gcc-4.1 in Dapper?04:39
nolimitsoyatsoler, thats sata then04:39
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teledynfni: dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg04:39
fnffni: have you taken a look at /etc/X11/xorg.conf ?04:39
nolimitsoyatsoler, alt+f2, gksu gparted04:39
tsolerwhat is it:(04:39
nolimitsoyawhat devices do you see in the drop list?04:39
fnifnf, xorg.conf is empty04:39
Ambimomfdoving:  I use Opera mostly anyway; did you try firefox:config?04:39
iGadgetfnf: tried cdrecord - it says it doesn't support DVD-R/DVD-RW04:39
tsolerone moment please04:40
conreythello all.  I'm trying to get banshee working with the banshee-daap package and it dosen't seem to be working,  I've installed banshee, and banshee-daap.  I've started the avahi-daemon and it still isn't seeing my mt-daapd server on the network.  Any ideas?04:40
LjLdeadhobo, mind you, i was talking about the nvidia exploit warning04:40
thoreauputicsohaibma,  It gives me a permission denied error when I run it with sudo here ....04:40
fnffni: you may regenerate it like one suggested above: dpkg-reconfigure.04:40
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thoreauputicsohaibma, possibly because I don't have the device files since I don't use a modem anyway, don't know04:40
deadhoboLjL: Exploit?04:40
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ubotux is the X Window System; it's the part of your system that's responsible for graphical output. To restart your X, type this in a console: sudo /etc/init.d/?dm restart  -  To fix screen resolution or other X problems: http://help.ubuntu.com/community/FixVideoResolutionHowto04:41
fnfiGadget: the man pages say it supports and I did.04:41
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tsolernoli it doesnt do anything04:41
LjLdeadhobo: WARNING: nvidia driver has a security problem with a hotfix available from nvidia here: http://www.nvidia.com/object/unix.html <---- this can be exploited04:41
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LjLdeadhobo: and don't ask me what's the correct way to apply the fix -- haven't done it04:41
fnfiGadget: Cdrecord  is used to record data or audio Compact Discs on an Orange Book CD-Recorder or to write DVD media on a DVD-Recorder.04:41
nolimitsoyatsoler, do you have gparted installed?04:41
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sohaibmathoreau, i'll try it again and then contact you...ok?04:41
iGadgetfnf: this is what it says - cdrecord: This version of cdrecord does not include DVD-R/DVD-RW support code.04:41
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Scorpmoonwhy is user management in linux = rocket science?04:41
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tsolerlet me check this out04:42
nolimitsoyatsoler, type 'sudo apt-get install gparted' in a terminal if you dont...04:42
fnfiGadget: what is your version ?04:42
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deadhoboLjL: lol, ok. thanks for the link... after I finish making my sources.list match I'll look into that04:42
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thoreauputicsohaibma, after midnight here - I'm about to sign off _ try searching the wiki and google "ubuntu <name of modem chip> " etc04:42
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n1gkeWhy does Edgy Eft keep kicking back to the login in screen when trying to do the install from CD ?04:42
tsolerit does not give results04:43
thoreauputicsohaibma, or just get a real modem ;)04:43
nolimitsoyatsoler, what doesnt?04:43
iGadgetfnf: standard Ubuntu, I think... - Cdrecord-Clone 2.01.01a01 (i686-pc-linux-gnu)04:43
sohaibmaok, but thanks anyway04:43
tsolerthe run apllication04:43
fdovingAmbimom: no, thanks for the tip.04:43
Ambimomfdoving: yw04:43
nolimitsoyatsoler, as i said, go to a terminal :)04:43
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thoreauputicsohaibma, no worries - good luck: in general if you can, use an external serial port modem with linux - they all work04:43
thoreauputicsohaibma, soft modems are braindead04:44
sohaibmathoreau, can you give me name of some modems that works perfectly well with ubuntu LTS 6.06, so i can buy a new one04:44
tsolerits loadin04:44
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thoreauputicsohaibma, any hardware external serial port modem04:44
nolimitsoyatsoler, what is loading? :) please, give as much info as you can, since i cant se what is happening for my self :)04:44
sohaibma<thoreauputic> any specific companies/models?04:45
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thoreauputicsohaibma, US robotics for example make them, I believe04:45
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tsolerok im runnin gparted now04:45
sohaibmaok thanks04:45
AmbimomLinux Reality has hardware links04:45
=== Haldaug [n=opera@154.80-202-105.nextgentel.com] has joined #ubuntu
thoreauputicsohaibma, I have an ancient Acer "Surf" modem here, but I don't use it anymore since I have adsl2+04:45
Begasusis there anyone who has a download link to the 'real svg' icons for crystal?04:45
xukunthis is really stupid but is't there a way to import music cd to amarok and then play it from there?04:45
nolimitsoyatsoler, in the drop down list, select the drive that contains you ntfs partition you want to mount :)04:45
zorohas anyone recently upgraded from 6.06 to 6.10?04:45
nolimitsoyalook them through if you are unsure04:46
LjL!edgy > zoro04:46
thoreauputiczoro, lots of people I would say04:46
=== n1gke is trying to upgrade to 6.10 but having major troubles.
tsolerfound it,04:46
zoroLjL: pfft - i know that :p04:46
thoreauputiczoro,  /j #ubuntu+104:46
fnfiGadget: I'm using 2.01a38, sorry for not be able to help you further, in the mean time, you can try using another package: apt-cache search dvd record or something.04:46
LjLzoro: why are you asking here then? :-)04:46
nolimitsoyatsoler, good. in teh partition-collumn, what does it say ?04:46
thoreauputic'night all04:46
HaldaugIs there a way to change which soundcard Ubuntu uses?04:46
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Newbi8Someone who could help me get enlightenment up and running on my system?04:47
Ambimomhaldaug: yes, check the comprehensive sound guide full instructions there04:47
nolimitsoyatsoler, should start with /dev/'something'04:47
zoroLjL: all i wanted to know what how to enable aiglx by default ;)04:47
fniokay, i just ran xserver-xconf but xconf is still empty04:47
HaldaugAmaranth: Thank you. Where is the comprehensive sound guide?04:47
LjLzoro: #ubuntu-xgl deals with xgl/aiglx/compiz/beryl issues specifically04:47
Ambimomhaldaug: link to comprehensive sound guide on page one of website04:47
tsolerdev/sda1 ??04:47
SirKillalotis there a easy way to show notifications in the gnome notification area?04:47
nolimitsoyatsoler, good :)'04:47
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SirKillalotsomething like zenity or so?04:47
iGadgetfnf: okay I'll try, thanks04:47
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zoroLjL: thanks :)04:47
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tsolerwhats good?04:48
Newbi8Someone who could help me get enlightenment up and running on my system?04:48
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tsoleri can reach it now?04:48
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n1gkeNewbi8, I'm am loading it right now.04:48
HaldaugAmbimom: Thanks!04:48
deadhoboLjL: Thanks, I ran the commands and edited sources.list. Is it all set now?04:49
castrone1esHey, I'm having a problem running a swing-based Java app. It partly runs but returns this in the console: phics cannot be cast to java.awt.Graphics2D04:49
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Newbi8n1gke: You are?04:49
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n1gkeNewbi8, yes. I am trying to, but it does not want to load.04:49
tsoleri can see that exists,  but i cannot browse it04:50
n1gkeFor me anyway.....04:50
LjLdeadhobo: i don't know. i was just hoping that installing the official version of the nvidia driver, rather than the one installed by Automatix (whatever version it is), will solve your problem.04:50
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nolimitsoyatsoler, open your fstab04:50
LjLdeadhobo: now you may try running "sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg" again, select the "nvidia" driver, and see if this time it works.04:50
tsoleryes sir04:50
LjLdeadhobo: if it still doesn't, then *shrug*, i dunno04:50
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n1gkeNewbi8, it is telling me I have a manager running/open, even though I just re-booted from trying to install v6.10 Edgy Eft.04:50
Newbi8n1gke: But how did you get it to start loading at all?I can't seem to understand how to install it!04:50
nolimitsoyatsoler, in a new row, type: '/dev/sda1 /media/windows  ntfs    defaults,nls=utf8,umask=007,gid=46 0       1'04:50
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nolimitsoyatsoler, then open a terminal, and type 'sudo mkdir /media/windows'04:51
reverieBtw guys.04:51
reverieI've never seen such a big IRC chan in my life04:51
n1gkeNewbi8, I opened a terminal window and entered: enlightenment04:51
deadhoboLjL: Allrighty, I'll try that. At least now I know how to fix it :D04:51
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jhaigThe press release for version 6.10 RC gives a target release date of 26th.  Is this looking likely?  I ask as someone thinking of either installing 6.04 or waiting a few more days.04:51
tsolershould i save fstab?04:51
nolimitsoyatsoler, yes04:51
YournameHey, for some reason, when I plugin my eth cable, eth0 doesn't seem to be taking an IP from DHCP. Even static ip won't work properly for that matter04:51
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YournameDo you think it's because of 10/100 kinda configuration? Because I know even on Windows, it connects on 10mbps, not 100.04:52
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fnfjhaig: The schedule doesn't seem to be changing, but I'd install Ubuntu Dapper as the new version might not get bug-free yet.04:52
YournameHow can I make it connect on 10mbps half-duplex?04:52
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nolimitsoyatsoler, when you done both the fstab edit, saved the fstab, done the terminal command to create the folder, your ntfs drive should show up in /media/windows on the next reboot :)04:53
tsolerit says it cannot create directory:'(04:53
nolimitsoyatsoler, did you type sudo?04:53
jhaigfnf: Thanks.  Erm, dare I suggest that that is the purpose of beta/RC releases?  ;-)04:53
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tsolerone moment04:53
nolimitsoyatsoler, is there already a folder named windows there, or why cant it create the folder?04:53
tsolerthats the message i get04:54
tsolercannot create directory `/media/windows': File exists04:54
ubotupastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (you can always find it in the channel topic, among other useful things)04:54
fnfjhaig: In all honesty, I'd trust the developers, but who knows ;) ?04:54
nolimitsoyatsoler, you are all set then. just reboot :)04:54
tsolerare u sure?04:54
nolimitsoyatsoler, if you saved your fstab, yes04:54
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nolimitsoyaif it doesnt work, just come back here, and well sort it out04:54
eltecha little help here.. if i want to create a shortcut to a file or directory, how can i do that?04:54
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tsolersaved the fstab , runned the sudo mkdir /media/windows. is that all ok04:55
eltechright click and create shortcut doesnt work :)04:55
nolimitsoyatsoler, yes :)04:55
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tsolerim bootib now, be back soon04:55
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nemoowasabi: http://www.getdeb.net05:00
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teknoprepi hear ubuntu is starting to become a very good desktop os05:01
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teknoprepgood job to the dev's05:01
eltechim using the middle mouse button to try to create desktop shortcuts, but im getting the error that these links arent supported so it cant create the link05:01
eltechany idea?05:01
fniguys, when i make changes to xorg.conf do i have to restart? or is there a quicker way?05:01
teknoprepfni, press ctrl + alt + backspace05:02
nolimitsoyafni, press ctrl+alt+backspace05:02
castronevesHey I'm having a problem running a swing application. Some of the graphics work, but others don't. It returns this on the console: java.lang.ClassCastException: gnu.java.awt.peer.gtk.GdkGraphics cannot be cast t o java.awt.Graphics2D          Anybody any ideas?05:02
teknoprepit will kil X05:02
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eltecherror "Unsupported operation" while creating a link to "smb://dump/Misc".05:02
fniteknoprep, just did that but nothing happened??05:02
wasabinemoo: WHy would I care about this?05:02
teknoprepfni, you just hit ctrl + alt + backspace "all at the same time" ?05:02
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eltechso that seems to work for local, but not across the network .. hey teknoprep :)05:03
teknoprepwhats up eltech05:03
deadhobLjL: I re-ran the config and rebooted, but how do I know if I am using the offical nvidia driver or the open source one?05:03
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eltechsame ole :)05:03
tiedehi. My laptop's keyboard have two extra keys (Dollar Sign and Euro Sign) that aren05:03
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nemoowasabi: just see u an ubuntu member :D05:03
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fniteknoprep, yup. held ctrl and alt then pressed backspace05:03
wasabinemoo: Are you in charge of this?05:04
tiedehi. My laptop's keyboard have two extra keys (Dollar Sign and Euro Sign) that aren't mapped. Any idea on how to make ubuntu recognized them?05:04
teknoprepfni, i dunno but that should restart X05:04
fnidoes something happen on the gui?05:04
teknoprepfni, open up a console and type this in... killall X  or killall x05:04
tsoleri can see a windows disk in disk manager05:04
nolimitsoyatiede, use iso-8859-1505:04
teknoprepfni, actually.. sudo killall X05:04
nolimitsoyatsoler, yes :)05:04
wasabitiede: Go to the Keyboard preferences panel and select your model and locale.05:04
nemoooh, wasabi sorry man05:04
tsoleri can see it05:04
nolimitsoyatsoler, good :)05:05
nolimitsoyacan you read the files?05:05
nemoowasabi:  i think u were my friend :)05:05
LjLdeadhobo: if you're using the nvidia driver, you should see a white screen with the NVidia logo when X starts05:05
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tsolerim a little confused with the dirs05:05
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fnisays "x: no processes killed"05:05
tsolerbut yes05:05
nolimitsoyatsoler, why?05:05
nolimitsoyawhats confusing? :)05:05
tsolerwht is this access path?05:05
deadhoboLjL: I didn't see it :/ Under applications there is a nvidia settings thing though05:06
reverieDo I stick the firmware for my wifi card in /lib/firmware?05:06
tiedewasabi, molimitsoya, I cannot find the model corresponding to my keyboard, and there is no iso-8859-15 listed there neither...05:06
brian98Is this for real?05:06
nolimitsoyatsoler, the partition is mounted in /media/windows, if thats what you are wondering :)05:06
thorfni: uppercase X05:06
nolimitsoyayou can mount it somewhere else if you like05:06
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tsolerwhich is a dir where to?05:06
wasabitiede: On that same preferences pane, look at the Layout Options05:06
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jewbileebrian89: yes05:07
nolimitsoyajust make a folder, and edit you fstab, chaning the /media/windows to the full path of the new folder05:07
fnisays "X: no processes killed"05:07
=== deeps cries
LjLdeadhobo: type "grep nvidia /etc/X11/xorg.conf" -- does it output anything?05:07
nolimitsoyatsoler, that is the dir :)05:07
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thorfni: are you using sudo?05:07
deepsim trying to setup an adhoc wifi network between my windows xp machine and my ubuntu laptop and it wont work :(05:07
nolimitsoyatsoler, the / in front means its in your root file system05:07
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tiedeI tried that too, but as far as I know, there is no option there that let you assign a function to a key not previously mapped.05:07
deepsthe 2 computers connect to each other, but wont exchange any traffic05:07
tsoleri dont mind about the name , but where is that dir ? inside ntfs or ext?05:07
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ubotuCompiz (compositing window manager) and XGL (X server architecture layered on top of OpenGL)  -  Howto at http://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompositeManager  -  Help in #ubuntu-xgl  -  See http://tinyurl.com/pw5ez for Kubuntu systems05:08
deadhoboLjL: No05:08
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LjLdeadhobo: then you're still using the "nv" driver. either you've not selected "nvidia" in the dpkg-reconfigure, or... dunno05:08
nolimitsoyatsoler, i dont get the question, but the drive filesystem is still ntfs. a mount tells you operatingsystem to display a device as if it where a file/directory05:08
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deadhoboLjL: lol, probably an error on my part. I'll try configuring again05:08
LjLdeadhobo: try just opening /etc/X11/xorg.conf with a text editor and changing the line that reads Driver "nv" into Driver "nvidia", and then ctrl+alt+backspace to restart X05:09
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fnithor, yup. i typed "sudo killall X"05:09
fniit then asked for my pw05:09
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cachedi just put in a new video card and now x isn't booting up, what do i do?05:09
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tiedenolimitsoya, where exactly will I find the iso-8859-15 you are talking about? and wasabi, the layout options are for specific keys (like the logo, alt and ctrl keys...)05:09
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thorfni: right, any time you do something using sudo it will ask for your password before executing the command05:09
tsoleri also see cd rom and cd rom0 under media dir05:10
hondjecached: sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg at the prompt should do the trick05:10
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tsoleri only have one cd rom05:10
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cachedok thanks05:10
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nolimitsoyatsoler, yes, your cdrom is also mounted in /media. all extra devices in ubuntu are mounted in /media05:10
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fnithor, yeah i know. i entered my password then it came back "X: no processes killed"05:10
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dfgashow do i give permission to a user to mount smb shares?05:11
thorfni:...ok, then X isn't running. type 'startx'05:11
thorthat should restart the X server05:11
=== deeps installs windows instead only
hondjedfgas: are you using smbmount?05:11
tsolerso whats the second cdrom nolie?05:11
fnii've just restarted now. hopefully that will re-populate my screen res options05:11
dfgashondje, it tells me that only root can do that05:11
nolimitsoyatsoler, the same as the first one. :)05:11
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iratsu_hmm if all devices are mounted in /media, what's the point of /mnt?05:12
thorfni: alt+ctrl+backspace will restart it also. I usually have to tap backspace a couple of times while holding alt+ctrl05:12
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nolimitsoyatsoler, a user might have more than onte cdrom, there fore they numbered05:12
thorfni: the screen will flash...that will be X restarting05:12
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fnfiratsu_: That's probably for backward compatibility.05:12
gyoffiguys, what package should I "dpkg-reconfigure" to set the nice value for the X server??05:12
fnithor, so what exactly is X? is it always running?05:12
deadhoboLjL: I edited it, but gedit won't let me save it... I'm assuming thats because I am not root?05:12
tsolerit sees it under ubuntu and under windows s u mean nolie, so it doubles it?05:12
hondjedfgas: You'll need to edit /etc/fstab05:12
LjLdeadhobo: good assumption. use "gksudo gedit /etc/X11/xorg.conf" to edit it05:13
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nolimitsoyatsoler, no, but if you had two cdrom drives, the second would be mounted in cdrom105:13
alupiushow I save something in vi editor ?05:13
Axord!x > Axord05:13
thorfni: X is the graphic environment. Without it all you have is a 'dos prompt' (linux gods forgive me)05:13
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tiededmesg outputs "atkbd.c: Unknown key pressed (translated set 2, code 0xb4 on isa0060/serio0). Use 'setkeycodes e034 <keycode>' to make it known" what does that mean I have to do?05:13
hondjedfgas: with smbfs as the type, and with user (and probably umask=022) in the options field05:13
boinkcommand prompt, it's called05:13
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lishakhi:)is any flash8 package in repos?05:13
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fnfalupius: 'vimtutor' should give you a hint, try ':w'05:13
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boinkhasn't flash 9 for linux come out?05:14
tsoleri only have one cd rom and it gets cdrom and cdrom005:14
Axordflash 9 beta05:14
alupiusfnf, and to quit ? ":q" ?05:14
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fnfboink: AFAIK, it's still in beta.05:14
boinklinux is beta too :P05:14
fnfalupius: yup.05:14
lishakboink:and flash8 dont y please know the name of the package?05:14
fnithor, oh. i always thought gnome or kde was the graphics environment05:14
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boinklishak: I don't know if there is a package05:14
boinkit's just a plugin, right?05:14
nolimitsoyatsoler, then all is as it sould. im just explaining why there is a folder callen cdrom005:15
picassodoes anyone know how to get my modem working on Inspiron 6000 laptop? it is Intel Corporation 82801FB/FBM/FR/FW/FRW (ICH6 Family) AC.97 Modem05:15
thorfni: there are several layers involved. Gnome or KDE runs on top of X and a window manager usually runs on top of them05:15
boinkin linux you have a very wide choice of window managers05:15
dcordesoh yes05:15
gyoffiguys, what package should I "dpkg-reconfigure" to set the nice value for the X server??05:15
boinkunlike windows, where you're stuck with one05:15
lishakboink:aha:) y mean plugin into firefox dont y?05:16
=== webmaren [n=sgruber@h-69-3-84-225.mclnva23.dynamic.covad.net] has joined #ubuntu
dcordesyou should try gnome with xgl / beryl05:16
boinklishak: yes05:16
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lishakboink:thank you:)05:16
boinkI installed the flash 9 plugin myself05:16
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boinkbut I haven't tested it that much yet05:16
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tsolerso cdrom 0 is not in used , in my case05:16
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hondjegyoffi: that's something you'll have to put in the startup scripts for X by hand05:16
sholdenI am currently using a GeForce3 card, and when I go to screen resolution, I cannot select anything higher than 1024.  Does anyone know how I can enable higher resolutions?05:17
hondjeOr use renice I suppose05:17
FuzzyBearyou can use different window managers in Windows05:17
nolimitsoyatsoler, yes it is. thats where you first (and in your case, only) cdrom gets mounted05:17
tsolerwell done05:17
lishakboink:yes i will try 8 and 9 :)05:17
teledynanyone know what the deal is with 686 kernel being obsolete?05:17
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gyoffihondje, in debian (sid) there was an option in reconfigure05:17
boink686 kernel?05:17
picassoanyone know how to get AC'97 mnodem to work in ubuntu?05:17
gyoffiI thought ubuntu has too05:17
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hondjewhaaa, really?05:17
gravesonis it possible to have a directory list populate a database automatically ? If so which so software can i use for this05:17
hondjewell, the pkg is xserver-xorg05:17
tsolerbut weve completed only the half05:17
nolimitsoyatsoler, oh, why?05:18
boinkgraveson: no05:18
boinkyou need to talk with the database05:18
deadhoboLjL: I restarted X and the same thing happened as my original problem... I think that driver must not be compatible with my videocard or something.05:18
fnithor: gotcha. i've restarted and now my res is 640x480. and for some reason the refresh rate is -25888Hz (and i cannot change either)05:18
hondjeMight have to goof with -p on dpkg-reconfigure to get it to ask, though :o05:18
tsolerthis disk is partioned (one partition windows the other my files)05:18
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dauso finally05:19
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gyoffiCould anyone give me a hand with setting up a bash script to adjust nice value for the X server?05:19
tsolernow i see only c and not d, so i see the windows and not my files05:19
picassocrazy how few people use modems anymore hehe05:19
klm-where can I download flash 9 for ubuntu?05:19
picassoim going to try sl-modem-daemon05:19
thorfni: gotta run...my ride is here. sorry05:19
boinkklm-: abode has flash for linux05:19
fnfpicasso: does lspci returns something ?05:20
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dauhow can i set grep to show me 3 lines above or below an hit??05:20
picassofnf, not sure, only got this one machine =\05:20
klm-boink: yea but it's only version 705:20
picassofrom what i read, it sees the device but has no drivers05:20
boinkno, it's 9 beta05:20
nolimitsoyatsoler, then type in a terminal, 'sudo mkdir /media/windows2', open up fstab, copy the line you put in the last time, paste it in a new row, edit the '/media/windows'-part to '/media/windows2', and change the '/dev/sda1' to the partition where your files are05:20
picasso(im booted in windows)05:20
nolimitsoyasave, and reboot :)05:20
CyberWorkingwhen trying to install xchat05:20
CyberWorkingi get an error05:20
CyberWorking"no C compiler found in $path"05:20
fnfpicasso: I don't have one, if you couldn't find a Linux driver, try using ndiswrapper.05:20
nolimitsoyatsoler, i guess the partition you are interested in qould be /dev/sda205:21
FuzzyBeargraveson : find . -exec mysql -e "INSERT INTO table VALUES '{}'" \; or something might work05:21
hondjedau: -C I think05:21
fnf!ndiswrapper > picasso05:21
tsolerok will try this05:21
sharperguywhats tht doods popular 3rd party repo again?05:21
picassofnf, this for modem, not wireless05:21
CyberWorkingi see that it didnt find gcc... gcc is a good C compiler right?05:21
gravesonFuzzyBear: thanks let me try that05:21
deadhoboIs there anything I should think about before plugging in a USB hub with an external sound card and bluetooth adapter?05:21
hondjedau: like grep -C3 term file for 3 lines on both sides05:21
boinkdo a gcc -v05:21
=== picasso tries
nolimitsoyatsoler, good. ille be gone for 15min, but if you run into any problems, just ask me when i get back. :) ill highligt you when im back, to ask how things are going, ok?05:21
FuzzyBeargraveson : obviously you have to edit to suit your needs05:21
fnfpicasso: doh, sorry, so I'm of no use.05:21
boinkif you don't have gcc, you would need to install it05:21
boinkapt-get install build-essentials05:22
dauhondje: thx buddy05:22
picassoits cool, i tried dolwnloading some software package05:22
gravesonFuzzyBear: yes thanks05:22
fniguys, i'm trying to set my screen resolution but it's set to 640x480 and when i click it there are no other options05:22
ubotuCompiling software from source? Read the tips at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompilingSoftware (But remember to search for pre-built !packages first: not all !repositories are enabled by default!)05:22
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fnffni: should you take a look at /etc/X11/xorg.conf, the Screen section configures that.05:23
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FuzzyBearis there a repository for CTAN packages?05:23
fnifnf, the desired res is already in xorg.conf. but for some reason they're not showing up in my screen resolution options05:24
CyberWorking"cant find package build essentials"05:24
CyberWorking"cant find package build-essentials"05:24
fniand my refresh rate is -25888hz O_o05:24
fnffni: have you restarted X ?. What is your current driver ?.05:24
boinkdo an apt-cache search build-essential05:24
tsoleryes nolie, thanx a lot05:24
sharperguyCyberWorking, its build-essential bot essentialS05:24
hondjefni: Probably vert/horiz stuff then?05:25
sharperguybot = not05:25
boinkif you don't have that, you may have to update your /etc/apt/sources.list05:25
CyberWorkingno s :P05:25
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eltechis there a simple way to change the icons of items dropped on the desktop?05:25
CyberWorkingno S boink :P05:25
hondjeThe HorizSync and VertRefresh fields in the Monitor section sometimes need to be filled in by hand to get all the right resolutions / refresh rates05:25
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gyoffiCould anyone give me a hand with setting up a bash script to adjust nice value for the X server?05:26
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daudoes someone use an console irc-client?05:26
fnfgyoffi: what do you mean by nice value ?05:26
=== boink does
C-O-L-Twhen are we going to see automatic xgl in ubuntu? I mean like in Mandriva 2007, it is basic, you boot up mandriva and in most cases xgl/compiz works05:26
boinkI use irssi05:27
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fnianyone recommend a good VNC for ubuntu?05:27
dauboink: is irssi popular?05:27
boinkand it's a good irc client too05:27
CyberWorkingwhy the hell is my download speed diffrent :P05:27
=== mnepton uses irssi and jIRCii
CyberWorkingwith linux its around 50kb's a second05:27
CyberWorkingin windows its 30kb's05:27
hondjegyoffi: renice VALUE -p `pgrep X` ?05:28
fnffni: not really sure what's best for you, but xvnc4viewer and vncviewer packages work good enough for me.05:28
gyoffi<fnf> gyoffi: what do you mean by nice value ? <--- the nice value is a numeric value, to set a process's priority05:28
dauboink: so i can perfere it to xirc? i hope i works faster like ever console program05:28
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boinkdau: yes, it would work faster05:28
fnifnf, do both of them have a windows client?05:28
boinkbut irssi has a bit of a learning curve at first05:28
fnffni: sure.05:28
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FuzzyBeargyoffi : sed 's/^xinit/nice -n 0 xinit/'  /usr/bin/startx > newstartx05:29
dauboink: it took me quiet a while to get connected :) and window management and how to quit is not clear either is there a good tutorial like in vi?05:29
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gyoffiFuzzyBear, thx05:29
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boinkdau: maybe on the irssi site05:30
fnfgyoffi: you may just alias 'startx' with 'nice' prepended.05:30
dcordeswhere can i set that the volume keys on my keyboard regulate not the Master volume control but PCM ?05:30
boinkand there's always man irssi as well05:30
gyoffithanks fnf, FuzzyBear and hoelk05:31
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dauhm funny somehow05:31
dauthis is #linux right?05:32
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dauo :)05:32
bcsDoes the nvidia security problem affect nvidia legacy driver05:32
fnfdcordes: alsamixer would do the job, for a command line-able command try aumix05:32
jbmigeldau you are in #ubuntu ask a question if you dare05:32
ProN00bhmm, is there any tea timer applet for gnome or something ?05:33
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AsheDare there any commandline mp3 taggers that support id3v2 AND use an ISO charset?05:33
daujbmigel, just messed up in irssi don't know which is my window and stuff05:33
lenathI would like to setup a cron job which would automatically empty the trash every day at 6:30PM. The following is the command I will insert in crontab, will this do the job? Code: 30 18 * * * rmdir -r ~/.Trash/*05:33
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rebori have two perfect getting started links for irssi if anyone wants them?05:34
dcordesfnf: i'm in alsamixer right now. i can see how the master bar moves up and down when i press the volume keys. but where can i change that the keys regulate PCM ?05:34
rebor*perfect links05:34
CyberWorkingwow xchat takes long to ./configure05:34
dcordesmaster has no effect on my real volume05:34
gyoffirebor, I'm interested in that05:34
okapiAnyone know something about status 102 generate by Samba?05:34
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reborgyoffi: hold on it's on another computer05:34
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fnfdcordes: you'll want to setup a small configuration file '.xmodmaprc' in your home directory, then tell your window manager to automatically invoke the command 'xmodmap .cmodmaprc' at X boot time.05:35
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dauboink: is it possible that irssi has to rooms like #ubuntu and #linux in the same windows? or is it just the status messages leaving and joining05:35
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ubotuxmodmap: X input map modification. In component main, is optional. Version 1:1.0.0-0ubuntu1 (dapper), package size 18 kB, installed size 76 kB05:35
CyberWorking./configure gave some "GLIB" error & now i cant "make" or "sudo make install"05:36
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rebor_IRSSI LINKS - http://f0rked.com/articles/irssi and this http://selcouth.com/irssi.php05:36
CyberWorking"this usually means glib is incorrectly installed :/05:36
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fnfdcordes: xmodmap remaps the key on your keyboard, I'm sure you'll get an idea after reading the man pages. I'll post a sample if you prefer.05:37
dcordesfnf: a sample would be great05:37
fnfdcordes: keycode 176=XF86AudioRaiseVolume05:37
lenathDoes anyone know the terminal command to empty the trash?05:38
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CyberWorkingempty the trash :P05:38
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CyberWorkingnice way of putting it05:38
CyberWorkingany way ill be back later05:39
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CyberWorkingi need to close irc so i stop getting distracted05:39
fnfdcordes: you'll need to invoke xev to know what's the keycode of your volume keys.05:39
lenathJst want to play around with crontab05:39
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lenathis this right? rmdir -r ~/.Trash/*05:40
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dcordesi have a file called pcmplease.xmodmaprc in my home folder, in my session startup there is an entry called "xmodmap .cmodmaprc" now and this xev gives me some weird numbers05:41
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fnfdcordes: what does it say ?05:42
sethklenath, better is   rm -fr ~/.Trash/.    note the dot at the end05:42
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Scorpmoonbeing able to only assign one user:group to a directory, how do I solve the dilemma of having both a web (browser) user accessing my /var/www folder, and having an ftp user (admin) accessing it simultaneously?05:42
sohaibmaDoes anyone know how to remove old modem drivers (the ones set ubuntu auto detection) and install new ones. (i have downloaded new drivers)05:42
fnfdcordes: actually that's half of the story, you'd need to do one more step.05:42
sohaibmaDoes anyone know how to remove old modem drivers (the ones set by ubuntu automatically) and install new ones. (i have downloaded new drivers)05:42
dauhi am i in #ubuntu or in #linux?05:42
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Scorpmoondau, #windows05:43
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dauScorpmoon, funny05:43
dcordesKeymapNotify event, serial 32, synthetic NO, window 0x0,05:43
dcordes    keys:  2   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   005:43
dcordes           0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   005:43
dcordesPropertyNotify event, serial 32, synthetic NO, window 0x3000001,05:43
dcordes    atom 0xba (_NET_WM_STATE), time 1890638738, state PropertyNewValue05:43
dcordessorry :-(05:43
sohaibmaDoes anyone know how to remove old modem drivers (the ones set by ubuntu automatically) and install new ones. (i have downloaded new drivers)05:44
dau/test /status doesn't give me an answer :(05:44
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sethksohaibma, drivers are usually kernel modules.  What did you download, exactly?05:44
fnfdcordes: alsamixer can't, but aumix can be invoked from the command line to set PCM value, the next step is to tell your window manager to call 'aumix -v+5' (for example) when you press the VolumeRaise button.05:44
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javiolohow can I mount a fat32 partition to copy files from ubuntu ?05:45
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sethkjaviolo, mount -t vfat /dev/hda1 /mnt/whatever05:45
sethkjaviolo, hda1 is just an example, of course, it depends on your partition layout05:45
FuzzyBearmount -o rw /dev/hda1 /mnt05:45
sohaibma<sethk>, i have a conexant soft 56k modem, ubuntu detected it as Riptide HSF Modem, now i want to install the drivers i downloaded from the vendor's website how do i do that05:45
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dcordesfnf: how do i do so? as i said i only have the blank file and the startup entry by now05:45
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fnfdcordes: unfortunately, that depends on your particular window manager/DE, I'm using icewm right now so I have no idea how to couple a key with a commnd in GNOME. You may try to look at System --> Administration --> Keyboard or something.05:46
sethksohaibma, what did you download?  a package?  a tar archive?  files?05:46
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MaxRandorsnoops: I tried reburning the disk at half the speed but I ran into the same problem DRS-DOS05:46
markdragoI found a bug in an ubuntu package and would like to contribute a patch.  I'm wondering how I can access ubuntu package sources from source control.05:46
fnf"Gotta back to work, see you people"05:46
javiolosethk thanks05:47
sohaibmaa .deb file and a License file in .zip folder05:47
sohaibmasethk, its a .deb file and a License file in .zip folder05:47
sethksohaibma, if it is a deb, and is intended for ubuntu (rather than debian), you install it with dpkg05:47
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webbenHas anyone else found this: any time i copy from a document in OpenOffice writer, then try to paste (into Gaim), OpenOffice crashes and quits05:48
sohaibmasethk, sorry i am a newbie so i didn't get you05:48
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sohaibmasethk, what is dpkg05:48
FoolishWHere can I get a package list of the kubuntu live cd?05:49
sethksohaibma, dpkg is a program.  you run it at the command line.05:49
sethksohaibma, do  man dpkg     for general instructions05:49
dcordesfnf: i only can set a different key for volume up/down there but not set it to PCM05:49
=== Khisanth [n=Khisanth@pool-71-247-14-122.nycmny.east.verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu
sethksohaibma, normally you would say:   dpkg --install whatever.deb05:49
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nolimitsoyatsoler, hows it going?05:50
sohaibmasethk, so i dont need to remove the old drivers, i just need to run the package?05:50
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Studiosushelp! installed sim (icq client), and there's no icq icon (flower), so look is quite ugly :( how to fix?05:50
sethksohaibma, ordinarily, yes.05:50
sethksohaibma, you can always remove the other one later, if necessary05:50
tonyyarussoFoolish: I'm not sure, but I think there's a https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LiveCdCustomization that might say something useful?05:50
fnfdcordes: you need to tell GNOME (I suppose that's what you're using ?) to invoke aumix instead. Try setting it in Keyboard section in System05:51
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dcordesyep i use gnome with xgl / beryl05:51
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xplorehi.can ubuntu be installed along with win xp and freebsd? any precautions?05:51
tonyyarussoStudiosus: You mean in the Gnome applications menu?05:51
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=== stone123 is now known as rambo3
landohow can i burn an iso? does ubuntu come with this software installed?05:51
sohaibmasethk, please help me; how do i remove it05:51
ubotuburniso is To burn an ISO CD in windows, mac, or linux, read the howto at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BurningIsoHowto05:51
fnfdcordes: have you tried aumix yet ?05:51
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Studiosusno, in sim itself, all icons except flower :(05:51
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dcordesi will give it a shot wait05:51
nolimitsoyatsoler, ?05:52
cachedhow do i increase my resolution past 1024x768?05:52
tonyyarusso!fixres | cached05:52
ubotucached: x is the X Window System; it's the part of your system that's responsible for graphical output. To restart your X, type this in a console: sudo /etc/init.d/?dm restart  -  To fix screen resolution or other X problems: http://help.ubuntu.com/community/FixVideoResolutionHowto05:52
nolimitsoyacached, type dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg and enable those resolutions you want to use05:52
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Studiosusso, for example, in notification area there's not sim icon but qt default icon05:52
rambo3do i need glases , every new ubuntu get smaller and smaller fonts05:52
dcordesfnf: i can only control the volume there right?05:53
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nolimitsoyarambo3, just increase them if you need to ;)05:53
tonyyarussoStudiosus: Two options: a) Contact the package maintainer, b) poke around for a while.  Sorry, can't help you much with a specific app that I haven't used personally :(05:53
rambo3nolimitsoya, i know how to do that , just asking if its fonts that get smaler05:53
sohaibmasethk, please help me; how do i remove the old drivers?05:53
fnfdcordes: with aumix you can change anything that alsamixer support, the diffrence is that it can be change through command line, you'll use that to tell GNOME to invoke that command each time a Volume key is pressed.05:54
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nolimitsoyarambo3, i havnt noticed any such behaviour, no05:54
sethksohaibma, dpkg --remove   if you know the package name05:54
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bcstevIS there a security problem with Nvidia driver?05:54
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dcordesok now i'm getting the outline of what you are trying to explain.. :-) but how can i find out which command this is?05:54
sohaibmaseth, the drivers were autocatically installed by ubuntu, how do i find out the package name?05:55
rambo3!topic > bcstev05:55
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about topic - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi05:55
computer13137I was wondering if anyone here has ever setup a Halo dedicated server on Ubuntu.  I would like to try to do this, but I'm not sure what emulation software I need, etc... I would appreciate someone pushing me in the right direction if you know.  :)05:55
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fnfdcordes: a few examples: global volume: aumix -v+10, PCM: aumix -w-505:55
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tsolerere u here?05:56
Studiosusthx, is it just me, or here's only messages with starting 'help!' or something get answered? :)05:56
deadhoboHello... I have a Sound Blaster Extigy plugged in and recignized in the device manager... I switched my default sound device to it, but VLC does not use the correct card05:56
fnfdcordes: 'man aumix' should tell it all. After that, configure GNOME to call that command then you're good to go.05:56
dcordesfnf i guess that's too complicated for me :-(05:56
tsolerare u with me?05:56
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sohaibmasethk, the drivers were autocatically installed by ubuntu, how do i find out the package name?05:58
fnfdcordes: it's not that difficutl, you're running a Linux box ;) the man page is your friend.05:58
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tsolerbad luck05:58
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cryptoniccan someone help me with this, im trying to add a file in the usr/lib64/mozilla/ folder but i have no write access, when i try to add write access in properties it wont let me saying i am not the owner05:59
sohaibmasethk, are you there?05:59
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fnfdcordes: see ya.05:59
rambo3cryptonic, why not use ldconf05:59
dcordesfnf ok. thanks for your help i'm much appreacheated05:59
nolimitsoyatsoler, did everything work out?06:00
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cachedthanks for helping me with resolution!06:00
nolimitsoyatsoler, ?06:00
tsoleri did leave u a personal im06:00
cryptonichow do i do that?06:00
cachednow, one more question. how do i get the mouse wheel to work again06:00
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nolimitsoyatsoler, that never got through it seems :)06:00
cachedit's a 5 button mouse06:00
rambo3save path to your new lib in /etc/ld.so something something and run ldconfig06:00
nolimitsoyatsoler, great :)06:00
tsolerive made a msitake i think06:00
nonrootuserI'm a newbbie06:01
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nolimitsoyawhat mistake?06:01
tsoleri didnt change to windows2 in fstab06:01
nolimitsoyatsoler, then do :)06:01
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nonrootuseris there a channel for beginners?06:01
tsolernow i see windows and windows2 but the same contents06:01
tsolerthat simple?06:02
dauwhere am i?06:02
cryptonicis there any way to get ownership within the browser?06:02
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about status - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi06:02
tsoleru mean change the fstab again?06:02
nonrootusermaybe I'm breaking netiquette?06:02
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rambo3cryptonic, you can run sudo nautilus06:03
rbilnonrootuser, you're a beginner of what?06:03
nonrootuserof ubuntu..06:03
nonrootusermaybe you can see06:03
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rbilwell as far as I know you're in it :-)06:04
nonrootuser that I'm using breezy06:04
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nonrootuserI gotta upgrade to Dapper06:04
nonrootuserbut I'm on a 56k..06:04
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Gavrilais hibernate not finding swap partition a known problem for edgy ?06:04
YournameHi, how can I update wpa_supplicant to latest available stable version, using apt-get?06:04
rebor_nonrootuser: wait for edgy to come out and buy a magazine with it on the cover.06:05
nonrootuserthe pkgs are too heavy?06:05
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cryptonicsudo nautilus?06:05
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cryptonicall i need to do is copy over one file to the mozilla directory to enable flash?06:06
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tonyyarusso!flash | cryptonic06:06
ubotucryptonic: For multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats  -  See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html  -  But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats06:06
cryptonici knwo what to do06:07
LattywareCould someone help me with two problems please: 1) My audio does not work sometimes, I have to reboot to fix it. (It either works at boot or doesn't). 2) I loose my DNS server settings at boot, and have to put them in again. (Static IP)06:07
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cryptonicpaste the flash.so to the usr/lib64/mozilla/plugins/ folder06:07
cryptonicbut i have no write access06:07
nolimitsoya_Lattyware, didnt you ask this a while ago, and got quite a few suggestions? have you tried them all?06:07
tonyyarussocryptonic: Use sudo06:07
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cryptonicsudo???????? in filebrowser06:08
nonrootuserthank you all06:08
nolimitsoya_cryptonic, alt+f2 'gksu nautilus'06:08
Lattywarenolimitsoya_: I got two, which I didn't understand fully, I asked the people who gave the suggestions, and they failed to respond.06:08
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nolimitsoya_Lattyware, in bios, set the irq of the pci slot of your soundcard by hand06:08
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tonyyarussocryptonic: Be very very careful if you're running about in nautilus as root.06:08
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Lattywarenolimitsoya_: Could you explain what the irq is?06:09
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nolimitsoya_Lattyware, define:irq -> google.com ;)06:10
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tuxii want format a floppy with fdformat06:10
Lattywarefair enough06:10
XVampireXWhat's the package for the md5 utility?06:10
Gavrilaanyone having problems with swapon and hibernate?06:10
tuxithe problem i have no fd01440 or fdu1440 device06:10
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tuxihow can i add the device06:11
nolimitsoya_tsoler, :)06:11
XVampireXWhat's the package for the md5 utility?06:11
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Lattywarenolimitsoya_: OK, I will try that, can't say I have noticed a bios option before...06:11
ubotuTo verify the authenticity of a downloaded ISO image.  Command:  md5sum /path/to/file.iso Windows users: http://slavasoft.com and grab Fsum 2.51 or also check: http://www.nullriver.com/index/products/winmd5sum06:11
nolimitsoya_tsoler, did you change your fstab to read  '/dev/sda2' and '/media/windows2/' in the new line?06:11
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nolimitsoya_did it do any good?06:12
rbilXVampireX, you talking about md5sum? I believe it's installed by default, but I could be wrong06:12
tuxican help me anybody06:12
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nolimitsoya_!anybody > tuxi06:12
nolimitsoya_tsoler, glad for you :)06:12
tsoler:) now i can see06:12
XVampireXAh, rbil, thanks :)06:12
tsolerand i found also shortcuts in my desktop06:12
dv5000what ubuntu sites should i read from time to time if i want to be update whit the latest progresses ect?06:12
xploreanybody please tell me whether i can install ubuntu along with freebsd and xp. currently i have only xp. any precautions?06:12
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cachedhow do i activate the mousewheel06:13
deadhoboAnyone here have experience with the Soundblaster Extigy?06:13
nolimitsoya_xplore, yes you can. just du a backup of your data, before resizing and stuff...06:13
nolimitsoya_deadhobo, they arent working06:13
=== frank_b [n=hsgfdh@bl7-139-156.dsl.telepac.pt] has joined #ubuntu
cachedhow do i activate the mousewheel?06:13
nolimitsoya_deadhobo, disregard that >_<06:13
xplorenolimitsoya_: thanx06:13
nolimitsoya_thought of xfi06:13
deadhobonolimitsoya_, ok... lol06:13
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tsolernolie thanx a lot:)06:14
niklas_eis there any free sms service that you can use to send sms when you get emails?06:14
nolimitsoyanp tsoler, thats what a community is about, right? :)06:14
deadhoboniklas_e, yes, I think there is one called teleflip or something...06:14
tsoleru are all very helpfull06:14
niklas_ethanks ;)06:14
tsolernolie are u just a user like me?06:15
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about news - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi06:15
nolimitsoyatsoler, yes i am. everyone in here is. :)06:15
cachedPlease help Colon open parenthesis06:15
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tsoleror u are involved in ubuntu developing?06:15
frank_bhow much better is firefox than the epiphany web browser? is firefox safer for example?06:15
cachedhow do i get the mousewheel to work. the tutorials online didnt seem to work06:15
YournameAnything special I need to do to logon to a WPA2 network, when I have nm, (and have drviers installed with ndiswrapper) wpa_supplicant, linux-wlan-ng installed?06:15
nolimitsoyatsoler, everyone here is just average users helping eachother out. noone is getting payed, and i font think any developers are active :)06:16
=== XiCillin [n=mike@dpc67142105197.direcpc.com] has joined #ubuntu
tsolerthanks god there is ubuntu then06:16
rbilcached, what type of a mouse is it? should just work if setup in xorg.conf06:16
Toma-frank_b: theyre both based from mozilla...06:16
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frank_bToma-, hmm thanks06:17
dv5000what ubuntu sites should i read from time to time if i want to be update whit the latest progresses ect?06:17
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cachedrbil: 5 button mouse. it was working before i reconfigured xorg but i think i got all the options correct06:17
tsolerbut there is still an issue of transition06:17
XiCillinis there anyway to make it so a screen saver never comes on and your screen never automatically turns off?06:17
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rbilyou got a backup anywhere of xorg.conf06:17
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nolimitsoyaXiCillin, yes, in your screensaver settings :)06:17
frank_bToma-, so I won't have a less safe browsing experience if I start using epiphany instead?06:17
cachedrbil: no06:17
Toma-frank_b: id say no.06:18
cachedrbil: i had to reconfigure it for a new video card06:18
XiCillinnolimitsoya, i just see a choice for a screen saver or 'blank screen' i just want to have the screen stay on!06:18
deadhobohow does one find/install drivers for hardware?06:18
tsolerall here are windows ex usures?06:18
frank_bToma-, hmm thank you very much :)06:18
rbilcan I pm you cached ?06:18
cachedrbil, sure06:18
Toma-frank_b: np. epiphany lacks features tho.06:18
nolimitsoyaXiCillin, in advanced, uncheck the 'power management enabled' box06:18
nolimitsoyaXiCillin, and in 'display modes', change mode to 'no screensaver'06:19
anon32YAY, only um... 2 days, 12 hours, 29 minutes, and 57 seconds until dist-upgrade completes06:19
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frank_bToma-, yes, I've noticed that. the thing is firefox doesn't load some pages right for me06:19
tsolerthere is a need to write ntfs in order of  making the transition06:19
anon32my connection pwns, lol06:19
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XiCillinnolimisoya, in gnome?06:19
rbilcached, didn't work ... you aren't registerd. try to pm me and we'll see if that works06:19
frank_bToma-, I'll compare the two more to make a decision06:19
Toma-frank_b: try swiftfox? doubt it'll change anything but m,ight help06:19
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=== Lattyware [n=Latty@host86-132-246-96.range86-132.btcentralplus.com] has joined #ubuntu
nolimitsoyaXiCillin, in screensaver preferences. im using xfce, though i think the gnome equvalent is the same06:20
frank_bToma-, didn't know that one. I'll look for it. thanks06:20
anon32tsoler, currently, the best way to write to ntfs is with captive ntfs, but it's not very legal06:20
nolimitsoyaanon32, yes it is. though you must own a windows license :)06:21
XiCillinnah, the only choices i have in gnome sceensaver preferences is to choose a screen saver or 'blank screen' there is a checkbox for "ACtivate screensaver when session is idle" i unchecked it06:21
nolimitsoyatsoler, the best (non windows way) is ntfs-3g06:21
XiCillinso maybe it'lll never come on06:21
anon32tsoler, it uses the Windows ntfs.sys to perform read/writes06:21
XiCillinand in power manegment htere is no advancex06:21
anon32nolimitsoya, read your windows license, that constitutes using windows on another machine06:21
tsolerguys im having two windows licences06:21
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deadhoboI have a logitech bluetooth hub for my mouse and keyboard that is recignized, but does not work. Where should I start to look for drivers?06:22
coolzerosalut a tous06:22
Lattywarenolimitsoya: I couldn't find any settings to do that.06:22
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tsolerbut i m sick of it i want to make a transition06:22
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nolimitsoyaanon32, im thinking of a dual boot situation, since that will be the situation in what you may want to use a ntfs drive :)06:22
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cachedrbil, are you there?06:22
nolimitsoyathats still one system06:22
tsoleri am on a dual boot06:23
nolimitsoyatsoler, what are you trying to do?06:23
rbilcached, are u registered with nickserv?06:23
anon32tsoler, format, install, finish06:23
tsolerdont you?06:23
cachedrbil, yes06:23
nolimitsoyatsoler, you want to write to ntfs partitions?06:23
tsolerwant to write ntfs06:23
cachedrbil, -NickServ- You have already identified06:23
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rbilcache, well I thought I was too, but not working, I'll do it again. Did it a few days ago06:23
nolimitsoyatsoler, give me 5min, and ill find a ntfs-3g guide, ok? :)06:23
XVampireXI don't know if it's a good place to talk about it06:23
tsolerok nollie06:24
anon32I don't dual-boot, my disk space is limited enough as is06:24
anon32tsoler, google for captive-ntfs, nobody follows the rules anyway06:24
tsolerthose extension ive installed cause the bad boot though06:24
XVampireXBut when you people help people to linux, do you expect them to know everything or do you help them with say... the mindset of linux/open source/unix?06:24
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Toma-XVampireX: try #ubuntu-offtopic06:25
anon32tsoler, do you still need your Windows install?06:25
XVampireXI know, but it's still related06:25
nolimitsoyatsoler, https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CaptiveHowTo <- thats the captive way, though ntfs-3g is to be preferred imo. also, youll have to grope around the fstab again06:25
tsoleranan32: i own a windows licence06:25
anon32tsoler, that's not what I asked06:26
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anon32the easiest thing to do if you don't need your Windows install anymore would be to backup and format as XFS, ResierFS, or ext306:26
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tsoleryes of course06:26
tsoleri need windows06:26
tsolerim two days using ubuntu06:26
nolimitsoyatsoler, just follow the guide i gave you for captive, or wait for a 3g guide, ok? :)06:26
anon32nolimitsoya, if you use ntfs-3g, you have to boot to windows and chkdsk fairly often06:26
anon32tsoler, you should try using a third partition to store your data, fat32 or ext2 can both have full support in Windows06:27
rbilcached, sorry don't know what's going on? looks like pm is blocked06:27
Justi1hello everyone. i am completely new to linux and just ran ubuntu off the live CD. before I actually install ubuntu on my system i was wondering how i can use my dual monitors. can anyone help me?06:27
nolimitsoyatsoler, fat32 is a big nono, and etx2 isnt journaled :)06:27
cachedrbil someone else managed to pm me. is it possibly a problem on your side?06:27
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rbilcached, certainly possible. I too had it working.06:28
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anon32nolimitsoya, meh06:28
tsolerihave on disk with only ubuntu06:28
elias_my gamin does not seem to get started!06:28
anon32life's about compromise06:28
elias_what's wrong?06:28
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nolimitsoyatsoler, http://www.ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=217009&highlight=ntfs+3g <- thats 3g06:28
ianmacgregorcached: You are id'd to nickserv, rbil is not so you won't see his pm's. He needs to id to nickserv in order to pm you06:29
nolimitsoyaanon32, not being able to have bigger files than 4gb is not a compromice, its a showstopper. also, having questionable fsck och no journal is baaaad06:29
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[erisco] how do you permanately (spl?) show hidden and backup files?06:30
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Lattywarenolimitsoya: I couldn't find any settings to do that.06:30
nolimitsoyatsoler, are thing clearing up somewhat?06:30
anon32nolimitsoya, and if you try using ntfs-3g or captive-ntfs, you could wreck the file system, again, compromise06:30
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nolimitsoyaLattyware, sry, cant help you then :) perhaps someonw else can. you can always post in the forums06:30
anon32[erisco] , in nautilus?06:30
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Lattywareok, thanks for your attempts, anyway.06:31
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siloxI try to install Cedega, but i fails on "3d acceleration" and "Open GL", i have a Dell Inspiron 8100 with a NVIDIA Geforce2 Go graphiccard. Whats the problem?06:31
Justi1can anyone help me with my dual monitor situation?06:31
nolimitsoya!anyone > Justi106:31
LattywareJusti1: I've done alot of that, I'll try.06:31
ianmacgregor[erisco] : View -> Show hidden files06:31
LattywareIt's a hell of alot easier if you have an nVidia graphics card, I'll say that to begin with.06:31
Justi1nvidia i have06:32
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anon32!nvidia > silox06:32
tsoleryes but there are problems i see06:32
[erisco] anon32, yeah06:32
ianmacgregor[erisco] : Preferences, Views tab, Show hidden and backup files06:32
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LattywareJusti1: So, what is the problem?06:32
webbenCan someone remind me where to add new templates to nautilus?06:32
nolimitsoyatsoler, ntfs on linux means problems anyway you try to go. :)06:32
anon32[erisco] , view > show hidden files06:33
siloxanon32 i have the nvidia drivers installed06:33
dijungalisn't there a tool that allows u to write to NTFS partitions now..?06:33
tsoleri own a licence so i have a choise betwwen captive and ntfs -3g06:33
anon32that should work06:33
[erisco] thanks06:33
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nolimitsoyatsoler, the best thing is to decidewhat tasks you want done, how many of those you can do on linux, and just isolate those there. then there is no need to read/write between systems06:33
tsolerwhich do u thinjk its the best?06:33
sethkdijungal, there has been for three years.  supposedly it works better now, but I don't trust it.06:33
LattywareJusti1: ...06:33
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dijungalsethk: i mean write not read only ehhh06:34
anon32silox, err... have you tried #cedega?06:34
Justi1wel lattyware, i just stared up the live cd and my second monitor says it is our of range06:34
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anon32maybe it's ##cedega06:34
nolimitsoyatsoler, any of them is a bad coice in my opinion :)06:34
Justi1but being a complete webie to linux/ubuntu, i have no idea where to go change that sort of thing06:34
[erisco] still did not work06:34
dijungalso it's not trust worthy enough to include in ubuntu as yet...06:34
siloxanon32 ill try thx06:34
bruenigsuch a newbie, can't even spell it06:34
[erisco] nevermind, had to restart the file browser06:34
[erisco] thanks, it worked06:34
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anon32!nvidia > Justi106:34
anon32make sure you do that first06:34
tsolerthree or four years of data are in my ntfs disk06:34
LattywareRight. Well, to get dual moniters to work, you would need it on your hard drive.06:34
nolimitsoyatsoler, for one thing, ntfs is a crappy filesystem, and writing to ntfs fromlinx has alwas been a lot of extra trouble06:34
Ademan_sleepwhat electrical engineering software exists for ubuntu? i found "electric" in the repositories, along with eagle, anything else? which is better? etc?06:35
nolimitsoyatsoler, copy it to you linux drive then :)06:35
anon32[erisco] , really? go to edit > preferences06:35
sethkAdeman_sleep, nothing, really06:35
nolimitsoyatsoler, that is, all tha data you can use in linux06:35
LattywareEither that or somehow make the edits then burn them to a CD, which is way beyond me, in any case.06:35
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Justi1ahh ok, thanks lattyware06:35
LattywareNot at all.06:35
Ademan_sleepsethk: huh, i was just looking to play around with it lol, its pretty interesting to me06:35
nolimitsoyatsoler, keep your windows drive just for games, and the few taskt you cant find a good replacement for in linux. then the problem is gone06:35
LattywareTook me ages to set up mine :P06:35
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tsolerbut if i copy to ext i would not be able to read from windows06:35
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Ademan_sleeptsoler: you might try looking into WINE06:36
sethkAdeman_sleep, I meant no tools to speak of, except a few for drawing diagrams.06:36
nolimitsoyatsoler, you can still using special drivers, but why would you need to?06:36
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anon32took me ages to get my winmodem working... it'll take me another age to upgrade to edgy06:36
Ademan_sleepsethk: yeah, kinda dissapointing06:36
tsolerwhts the wine?06:36
ubotuwine is a compatibility layer for running windows programs on GNU/Linux. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Wine for more information.06:36
Ademan_sleeptsoler: lets you run windows programs on linux06:37
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anon32tsoler, FAT3206:37
starsky_hutchytsoler, there are programs to read ext2/3 from windows.06:37
anon32and Wine Is Not an Emulator > ##wine06:37
anon32oops, it's #winehq06:37
nolimitsoyatsoler, thats still irrelevant to the problem imo... its just a way or running some windows programs in linux06:37
Justi1thank you for your help lettyware, i am going to get ubuntu installed on my HD then i will try to get this thing working, thanks agian06:37
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LattywareCould someone help with my two problems?: 1) My sound card works only sometimes, it fails to work until reboot at other times. 2) I loose my DNS server settings at boot (Static IP)06:37
LattywareJusti1: Not at all, I have been in exactly the same postion :P06:38
Ademan_sleeptsoler: check http://www.winehq.com in the AppDB to see if your programs/games work with wine, I run counter strike source, half life 2, and counter strike, with wine at full speeds on my computer06:38
tsolerok ill check this out06:38
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ianmacgregorLattyware: You behind a router?06:38
tsolerbut i need gis06:38
starsky_hutchynolimitsoya, you can't run any elf format in windows, unless you have some kind of emulator.06:38
Lattywareianmacgregor: Yes.06:38
ianmacgregorLattyware: If the router IP in /etc/resolv.conf ?06:39
anon32I've been less than impressed with WINE, config is a pain and it randomly crashes06:39
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anon32Lattyware, does your router use DHCP? if it does, turn that off06:39
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nolimitsoyastarsky_hutchy, please explain :)06:39
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Lattywareianmacgregor: How do you mean?06:39
Lattywareanon32: No, it doesn't.06:39
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alekhi, i forgot, how to add/remove program from "autostart"06:39
ianmacgregorLattyware: gedit /etc/resolv.conf06:39
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nolimitsoyastarsky_hutchy, what do you mean by 'elf format'?06:40
starsky_hutchynolimitsoya, what's there to explain ? window's files are coff format, elfs are Gnu/Linux specific. serioulsy this you should know as Linux user ? I am surprised.06:40
Lattywareianmacgregor: It's blank.06:40
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ianmacgregorLattyware: Ahh, ok, not that same problem I had, then.06:40
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dijungalquestion: when a drive is mounted it shows up on my desktop... how do i prevent it from showing up on my desktop.... i'll look for it in computer or places... i don't want it on my desktop06:40
shylockhi how do i start the program that makes x11.conf files?06:40
shylockthe one with blue backround06:40
nolimitsoyastarsky_hutchy, i dont think you are speaking of the same things i am. copying music from a windows drive to a linux one is no problem. niether is using those files ;)06:41
anon32Lattyware, have you actually set up your dynamic IP and etc?06:41
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nolimitsoyawhat else have i suggested?06:41
alekhow to add/remove program from ubuntu "autostart" ?06:41
anon32dijungal, change the mount point in /etc/fstab to somewhere other than /media06:41
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starsky_hutchynolimitsoya, ok. we are in different angular plane here. I won't bother you. help your mate. :) sorry abt the intrusion.06:41
dijungalhmm.... i like the media idea06:41
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nemooalek if you use  gnome try gnome-sesstion-properties06:42
nolimitsoyastarsky_hutchy, no, please explain what you thought i ment. im always happy to learn if there is something im missing :)06:42
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aleknemoo: no, im not using any GUI06:42
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dijungalis there another way..?06:42
Lattywareanon32: I have a static IP.06:43
LattywareI did say that.06:43
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savjehi! I have a problem, I just installed Ubunut on my laptop, a couple days ago, and I've notice that the computer 'locks' or hang-up and nothing is responding except when I press "space" and then the computer goes back to normal but to the state it was when it locked... So if the computer locks at 15:00 and I press "space" at 16:00 the computer clock still is 15:00... Is this a well known problem and do anyone know how to solve it?06:43
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nemooalek: so update-rc.d06:44
anon32alek, to change startup programs go to preferences > sessions06:44
nolimitsoyastarsky_hutchy, where you takling about executables?06:44
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anon32help! how do I disable daemons (i.e. that annoying bt daemon)06:44
Chiefhey guys, i have a question: can I use Wireshark without root-privilegs?06:45
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anon32starsky_hutchy, that's only somewhat true, cygwin can rebuild linux apps to run on windows06:45
anon32Chief, depends on your network device's permissions06:45
anon32usually, no06:45
nolimitsoya... and wine gives windows executables the environment they need...06:45
starsky_hutchynolimitsoya, elf are executable and linkable format, sort of output from gcc -o. Windows coff are portable executable format, that are produced by their native compiler, their c++ compiler (vcc?). now to run in multiple arch, you either need 1) a way to translate the different formats into the same low-level format. Yes, cygwin is gcc environment emulator on windows.06:46
Chiefhow can i change the network privilegs?06:46
nolimitsoyastarsky_hutchy, yes, this i perfectly understood. just not what we where talking about. thank you for clarifying :)06:46
anon32Chief, no diea06:47
Chiefcan i just say: chown -R username /dev/eth0 ?06:47
anon32Chief, um, do you have a /dev/eth0?06:47
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starsky_hutchynolimitsoya, don't worry. my assumption was bad. I misread your post. :)06:48
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tsolernolie , anon i think the best idea is starting to mount ext in windows ??06:48
anon32Chief, and I suppose you could, but it'd revert to root's ownership every restart06:48
Lattywareianmacgregor: It's blank.06:48
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anon32tsoler, probably06:48
LattywareCould someone help with my two problems?: 1) My sound card works only sometimes, it fails to work until reboot at other times. 2) I loose my DNS server settings at boot (Static IP)06:49
fniguys, when following instructions for linux, what OS is the most similar? Red Hat or Debian?06:49
nolimitsoyatsoler, if you need file access cross the systems, yes, but you dont want that. you want to avoid that need as much as you possibly can06:49
starsky_hutchynolimitsoya, you file command ? use that to know your magic file type. also man file and I think /etc/magic.06:49
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tsolerif it goes well i can format my files with ext and use them both way?06:49
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ChiefI don't have a /dev/eth0 anyway06:49
anon32fni, debian06:49
Music_Shufflefni: seems like Debian moreso >.>06:49
nolimitsoyatsoler, you cant format a partition and keep you data06:49
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tsolernoli this is a workstation i cant make transition so easily06:50
nolimitsoyatsoler, copy all work that can be done in linux to you linux partition06:50
anon32tsoler, yes (ext2 though, ext3 has issues with Windows)06:50
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rbilChief, you using wireless?06:50
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dfgas_how do i forcefully remove something?06:50
nolimitsoyaanon32, acctualy, etx3 is read and written to perfectly, just without journaling06:50
anon32XFS 4 the win! (jk)06:50
Chiefboth wired and wireless06:51
fnianon32, thanks06:51
nolimitsoyatsoler, what transitions cant you make?06:51
anon32dfgas_, from what?06:51
rbilChief, can't understand how you don't have eth006:51
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anon32nolimitsoya, therefore, it's no different from ext2?06:51
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tsoleri want to be able to work with gis06:51
sventekthere is a new RC system in edgy right? What is the right way to add/remove programs from the beeing started?06:51
[Daniel] Aahh, it's so nice to be running Linux again. :-)06:51
anon32Chief, do you have /dev/eth?06:51
Chiefin /dev/ is no eth0 and eth106:51
nolimitsoyaanon32, yes it is, when using the sam efilsystem from linux ;)06:51
anon32nolimitsoya, most likely, MS Office06:52
anon32or Adobe Photoshop06:52
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tsoler100 gb of data are in my ntfs disk06:52
jbmigelwelcome back to the land of the open [Daniel] 06:52
[Daniel] Anyone know how to change Edgy to store the BIOS clock in local time rather than UTC?06:52
dfgas_anon32, dpkg06:52
nexacthey all, id like to know how I can install php-cli ?06:52
nolimitsoyatsoler, and what part of that data cant you use on you linux system?06:52
[Daniel] jbmigel> Thanks! It's been many many years, but finally I can breathe again. :-)06:52
Chiefno i have no /dev/eth06:52
Chiefbut network works06:52
nolimitsoyatsoler, or are you saying you dont have the hdd space?06:52
anon32dfgas, dpkg -fr I think06:52
POVaddctnetwork interfaces have no device nodes in /dev, that's normal06:52
nolimitsoyaanon32, msoffice has a compatible equvalent, and photoshop can be run using wine if th gimp isnt enough06:53
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anon32dfgas, oh wait, it's just dpkg -r06:53
tsolermy linux installation is on 10 gb disk06:53
nolimitsoya(so can office, btw)06:53
Chiefso how can i change netwok privilegs then?06:53
anon32POVaddct, where are they then?06:53
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anon32nolimitsoya, MS Office has NO equivalent06:53
anon32and Photoshop 9 runs with issues in WINE06:53
Lynoureanon32: What's missing from OpenOffice?06:54
anon32and btw, Office 2003/2007 does NOT run in WINE06:54
POVaddctanon32: the aren't06:54
nolimitsoyaanon32, openoffice is format compatible. from there you can export to odf, of whatever you like06:54
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anon32Chief, what's wrong with just running Ethereal/Wireshark as root?06:54
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POVaddctanon32: network interfaces can only be seen with ifconfig and ip06:54
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LattywareThe only thing missing is a 'Publisher' like app.06:54
anon32Lynoure, um.... that's like comparing MS Paint and Photoshop06:54
POVaddctanon32: ifconfig -a, ip a06:54
anon32OO.o is nice, but if you just look at the two side by side....06:55
davvsis there any way, in a bash script, to get a string of all arguments?06:55
Lattywareanon32: What features are missing from OO.o compared to MSO06:55
anon32POVaddct, :-(06:55
brainiacdoes anyone know a systemwide equalizer fr alsa?06:55
rbilLattyware, no dancing paper clip?06:55
nolimitsoyatsoler, if you want to transition, make a backup to another compyter/to dvdrw, format the ntfs partition, make a smaller one, copy your windows only work to that, and make a linux partition for the rest06:55
Chiefanon32: it'smore comfortable without root privilegs06:55
anon32Lattyware, let's see... grammar check, MSO has way more templates, clippy (jk), vb script, etc etc etc06:56
nolimitsoya*remove the ntfs partiotion06:56
Lynoureanon32: if you cannot be bothered to list them all, top 5 would be nice06:56
Music_ShuffleBut some of us don't use all the functions of office. Especially grammar check...which is wrong what, half the time? =/06:56
Lynoureetc is hard to code in without further specs06:56
anon32Chief, not really, network devices are allocated to root for a good reason06:56
Lattywarerbil: Reminds me of that animated GIF where they have the paperclip in VIM :P06:56
tsolernolie you said that i can format the partition on ext3 without loosing data????06:56
anon32Lynoure, patience, I have +22 sec lag06:56
Chiefanon32: k, thx06:57
nolimitsoyatsoler, no thats the opposite of what i said ;)06:57
marshall__are there any web developers in here? ive got a bit of trouble with one of my pages :S06:57
tsolerso i can format ntfs to ext3 without loosing my data???06:57
Lattywareanon32: The grammar check failed miserably, who needs templates? vbscript isn't so major really...06:57
nolimitsoyano, you cant06:57
[Daniel] davvs> "$*"06:57
Lynoureanon32: hardly any lag to me :)06:57
Lattywaremarshall__: Sure, what's the problem?06:57
nolimitsoyayou cant format a filesystem without loosing data06:57
Music_Shuffletsoler: Equate "format partition" with "losing every 1 and 0 stored on the partition".06:58
davvsthanks [Daniel] 06:58
[Daniel] np :)06:58
LattywareFormating by it's very definition means to wipe.06:58
Solarioncan we get some love on bug #60544, please?06:58
anon32Lattyware, and if you just compare in speed (MS Office does *NOT* use java)06:58
[Daniel] davvs> Check "man bash" and search for "Special Parameters" for more info.06:58
anon32Lynoure, and freenode masks your lag06:58
tsolernolie:???? how??06:58
nolimitsoya18:56:20 <nolimitsoya> tsoler, if you want to transition, make a backup to another compyter/to dvdrw, remove the ntfs partition, make a smaller one, copy your windows only work to that, and make a linux partition for the rest06:58
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Lattywareanon32: For me, they run at the same speed, as under linux, the rest of my system isn't 10x as slow.06:59
davvs[Daniel] > ok, yes i will :-)06:59
nolimitsoyatsoler, you _can not_ move from ntfs to ext/whatever without loosing all the data!06:59
Lattywarenolimitsoya: Unless you copy the data to an external device, and then copy it back.06:59
iS`theoNis it ok to ask a question in this channel or do I have to go to some kind of help channel?06:59
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[Daniel] So storing BIOS clock in local time, anyone know how to do that in Edgy?06:59
nolimitsoyaLattyware, that is loosing data, only having backup ;)06:59
Music_ShuffleiS`theoN, isn't that a question? :P06:59
tsolerext3 has problems on reading from windows??06:59
nolimitsoyaand that process i have explained two times now...06:59
anon32Lattyware, you're blinded by zealousy... ask any professional why he doesn't use OO.o06:59
xipietotecokay...I completely uninstalled kdm...but I still have the kubuntu logo on grub?06:59
marshall__Lattyware, ive got a web page organized with graphics in a table but i want a certain graphic to be in the background of the cell, i have given the cell the 'width' attribute but when i remove the image that was in it and put it into its background, the cell collapses07:00
nolimitsoyatsoler, ext3 can be read and written to from windows, but without journaling, and with questionable integrity control07:00
anon32tsoler, there are no issues with reading, only writing to ext3 with journal07:00
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iS`theoNwell I have problems with my ATI graphics card ( x850xt pe ) on ubuntu, when I try to configure it, my screen blanks out07:00
iS`theoNI read the forums but nothing really helped07:00
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Lattywaremarshall__: Use CSS to define the width of the cell, and to set the background image.07:01
LattywareThat should work.07:01
tsolerok the first think is to mount from windows the ext3 partition and see how is it going?07:01
nolimitsoyatsoler, as said many times, try to separate the two systems as much as you can, leaning tasks that are alike towards one os07:01
LattywareI don't think width attributes are actually valid anymore.07:01
xipietotecanyone have a clue how I can get the old ubuntu logo back on the grub screen? I think it may still be trying to open up kdm on boot...which is no longer there07:01
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marshall__Lattyware, !! lol i didnt know i could set the width of a cell in css! whats the css attribute?07:01
Lattyware.class { width: Ypx; }07:02
tsolernolie this can not be done right now07:02
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Lattyware#id { etc... }07:02
marshall__thank you!!07:02
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Lattywarebeen so long since I have used a table for anything with a table :P07:02
nolimitsoyatsoler, then dont do anything untill you can :)07:02
Lattywarenot at all.07:02
marshall__lol yeah i hear divs are the way to go07:02
LattywareI use XHTML 1.0 Strict and CSS 100% of the time now a-days.07:02
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nolimitsoyatsoler, pouring a lot of work into a bad sollution is just not a good thing to do07:02
marshall__Lattyware, do you ever have compatability issues?07:03
Music_ShuffleIt DOES make a bad idea more tolerable though. But still not as good as a good idea.07:03
anon32tsoler, no matter how much you bitch to us, our answer's not gonna change07:03
Lattywaremarshall__: IE is the only thing that doesn't like it. You just have to add a few hacks here and there.07:03
tsolerim trying to figure out guys07:03
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xipietotecanyone? I think grub is trying to load kdm (which is no longer existant on this computer) and also XGL still shows up as a session option despite the fact it's also no longer there07:03
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iS`theoNhello I really need some help with ubuntu here :(07:04
nolimitsoyawhat are you trying to figure out?07:04
cosmodadiS`theoN: I have spent some hours getting an ATI card to work under a laptop running Debian, the inofficial ATI side helped me a lot to figure a bug: http://wiki.cchtml.com/index.php/Main_Page07:04
anon32Lattyware, why bother with the hacks, if people want to use a crappy browser, let it render crappily too07:04
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Lattywaremarshall__: http://www.lattyware.co.uk/ <- take a look at the code behind that.07:04
marshall__Lattyware, lol ie is web developer for dogshit07:04
tsolerwhat to do next07:04
cosmodadiS`theoN: you might wanna look through there to figure your combination of kernel/ATI driver version/etc07:04
Music_ShuffleThere's a program to update GRUB...somewhere.07:04
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anon32xipietotec, go edit /boot/grub/menu.lst07:04
dekanyone got WMV videos streaming to work in Opera? They work in Konqueror with Xine plug-in07:04
Lattywarelol, yeah, I put big warning messages to IE users.07:04
gh0sthello, can i safely remove rhythmbox?07:04
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nolimitsoyaok, here is the breakdown: ntfs can be read and written to with great drawbacks on linux, ext3 can be read and written to with  great drabacks from windows=dont read and write cross the two at all if you can help it07:05
anon32gh0st, yes, but you'll just have to install it again when you want to upgrade ubuntu07:05
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[Daniel] Gosh, Ubuntu really is very very good.07:05
boinkMusic_Shuffle: man update-grub07:05
[Daniel] It's hard to believe it's a Linux distro :)07:05
Lattywaremarshall__: I used to put everything behind a database, but you wouldn't belive how annoying it is to get code from a DB to be nice and valid.07:05
marshall__Lattyware, lol, how come you link the stylesheet that way?07:05
gh0stanon32: you mean dist-upgrade?07:05
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Music_Shuffleboink, sooner or later I'm going to start remembering these names! >.<07:05
anon32[Daniel] , really? I find the dist-upgrade system VERY annoying (no incremental upgrades...)07:05
Lattywaremarshall__: Just habit really, I don't think it makes any difference.07:06
anon32gh0st, yea07:06
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marshall__Lattyware, you mean with the xhtml validator?07:06
gh0stanon32: i have my files and home folder on a separate partition; is it better to make a clean install?07:06
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LynoureAnyway, if there is something to ask for, makes sense to ask for it, somewhere. Otherwise OO will not evolve to that direction, because no one seems to miss a feature no one asked for07:06
marshall__Lattyware, ok07:06
[Daniel] anon32> I'm mainly thinking compared to Windows :)07:06
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nolimitsoyatsoler, that means, get yourself the facilities to do a full backup of all your data, and slipp the data in task you can accoplish in linux, and tasks you cant. then make partitions for that data, for the right operating system07:06
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Lattywaremarshall__: I use PHP alot though, just writing some small backend stuff makes updating aload easier,07:07
anon32question: if my graphics card is too slow to render quickly, is there a way to make my CPU compensate with software rendering?07:07
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LattywareEven if it is just basically including a few files.07:07
iS`theoNcosmodad I even can't run the live cd properly07:07
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nolimitsoyaanon32, you can do either, but not at the same time07:07
Music_ShuffleOh really?07:07
Music_ShuffleHim asking that made me get excited for a second.07:07
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nolimitsoyabtw, software rendering is painfully slow07:07
iS`theoNwhen i try to run it, my screen blanks out07:07
LattywareIn fact, now-a-days, Python annoys me as I cannot split my code across multiple files.07:07
anon32[Daniel] , dunno, the only problem I've ever had with Windows is explorer.exe and the same upgrade issue07:07
marshall__Lattyware, ive been learning some php07:07
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anon32nolimitsoya, :-(07:07
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cosmodadiS`theoN: then you'll need to do some shell work07:08
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anon32but parallele processing is so cool...07:08
Music_Shuffleis, you can't run the LiveCD at all?07:08
[Daniel] anon32 :)07:08
marshall__Lattyware, can i add you to msn or some other im?07:08
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Lattywaremarshall__: sure, I'll pm you.07:08
nolimitsoyaanon32, get a sli/crossfire system then ;)07:08
anon32nolimitsoya, actually, you can get decent results with good rendering engines, and they're integrating graphics instructions into CPUs now07:08
anon32nolimitsoya, that costs more than an entire machine07:08
nolimitsoyaanon32, then its emulation, is it ;)07:08
Music_ShuffleA good point.07:09
iS`theoNcosmodad i'm sorry, but i'm quite new to linux, I already tried the dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg07:09
xipietotecI don't see anything in menu.list that I have any idea what to do with, how can I get the kubuntu splash screen at grub to go away?07:09
LynoureNice swearing, anon32. You know you can ignore ctcps if two is enough to get you that upset07:09
YournameAnything special I need to do to logon to a WPA2 network, when I have nm, (and have drviers installed with ndiswrapper) wpa_supplicant, linux-wlan-ng installed? Also, I installed everything and network-manager showed me wireless networks, but since I updated the kernel, now it's gone after reboot.. what could've have happened?07:09
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iS`theoNthen chose the vesa driver07:09
Ademan_sleepdoes ANYONE still use XFree86?07:09
Music_ShufflePick a different splash screen? >.>07:09
hondjeAdeman_sleep: Yes07:09
Ademan_sleephondje: who?07:09
anon32mm, pretty soon, graphics cards will be obsolete, just like sound cards07:10
ChiefDoes anyone have a  Intel GM855 Graphic Card?07:10
Ademan_sleepdistro wise?07:10
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cosmodadiS`theoN: if I had time, I'd try going through this with you step-by-step. Sadly, I have to go. Use the web page as a hint or try looking somewhere else07:10
LattywareI want a new PC07:10
anon32Chief, lol? that's not even a graphics card07:10
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LattywareSemperon 1.6GHz. :'(07:10
hondjeAdeman_sleep: Linux distrowise? I can't think of any linux distros that use it still07:10
Music_ShuffleHah. ./Raises hand for a new PC. Me 2!07:10
nolimitsoyaanon32, soundcards have never gone obsolete. neither will graphics cards. its always usefull to have many different processors, as longs as you can only bake a limited ammount of processing power into one chip :)07:10
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Ademan_sleephondje: BSD's use it then?07:11
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=== anon32 just saw a $600 PC with a 300GB SATA drive, 1GB RAM, and a decent AMD dual-core
devoutany idea on what i can do to get "make [x|g|menu] config"07:11
devout             working on ubuntu?07:11
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anon32nolimitsoya, sound cards are obsolete.... when's the last time you saw one outside of a gaming rig?07:11
LattywareCould someone help with my two problems?: 1) My sound card works only sometimes, it fails to work until reboot at other times. 2) I loose my DNS server settings at boot (Static IP)07:11
Ademan_sleepdevout: why are you building something from source?07:11
hondjeAdeman_sleep: NetBSD does, FBSD has it as an option ... and I think Sarge might use it07:11
Lattywareanon32: I have one.07:12
anon32devout, why 3 lines?07:12
fniguys i'm trying to install libstdc++2.10-glibc2.2 but i cant find it in the apt cache. any ideas?07:12
gh0sthas anyone here *not* installed any KDE app nor amarok?07:12
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hondjeyeah, sarge has it, how funny :)07:12
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tsolerok nolie as i figure out it will cost me a hard drive of 100 gb just to start experimenting if if can or i f i cannot use ubuntu for my work07:12
Music_ShuffleQuestion: KDE or Gnome? I just discovered how to make Gnome less annoying...which makes it now a problem.07:12
lostboyzcould someone please help me i have a webcam that works under the spca5xx driver but i am not able to send, only to see my picture on the computer. whenever i try to send with kopete or amsn it does not work07:12
monitordawgis there a pdf viewer included on the ubuntu 64 bit os?07:12
Ademan_sleepew, i thought there was a whole anti-XFree86 uprising07:12
anon32Lattyware, and it didn't come with your PC did it?07:12
Lattywareanon32: no.07:12
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devoutAdeman_sleep: so i can get sound working, which it doesnt out of the box, and so i can hack the src07:12
St_MPA3b10 Ubuntu CDs (10 PC Edition) are 10 equal CDs?07:12
Chiefanon32: It is a oboard Graphic Card07:12
nolimitsoyatsoler, no itll just cost you a few dvdrw:s that you can use for backup later. you should always have a backuo sollution anyway07:12
anon32gh0st, very few of us, KDE is better than GNOME07:13
nolimitsoyatsoler, or you could borrow the space from someone else07:13
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Ademan_sleepdevout: what happens when you try and execute that command?07:13
gh0stif so could you tell me WHICH packages it wants to install when you want to install amarok? (i do want to remove them all)07:13
gh0stanon32: that's your opinion07:13
devoutAdeman_sleep: make[1] : *** No rule to make target `scripts/kconfig/.tmp_qtcheck', needed by `scripts/kconfig/qcon07:13
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anon32Lattyware, but the thing is, most CPUs can decode sound as fast as a dedicated sound card07:14
xipietotecoh this is reaaalllll fun...I've got a bunch of library files and such in "local or obsolete" and if I want to remove them...I'll remove allmost all of my other files07:14
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anon32gh0st, no... for anyone with experience using a computer, KDE is superior becuase it presents more customizable options07:14
devoutUnable to find gtk, qt or for menuconfig just the checklist.o error07:14
anon32devout, what are you doing?07:14
gh0stanyway: if DIDN'T INSTALL KDE nor AMAROK: could you tell me WHICH packages it wants to install when you want to install amarok? (i do want to remove them all)07:15
devoutwanting to be able to config and compile the kernel so i can set up sound (which isnt working out of the box), and learn to hack kernel src07:15
anon32gh0st, go to amarok and read the dependencies07:15
LattywareI think KDE is ugly.07:15
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LattywareNo matter how you customise it07:15
anon32uninstall all the ones that don't break other apps07:15
Ademan_sleepgh0st: if you install through apt-get it will automatically get all of the dependancies for you07:15
Arcad3ur right lattyware07:16
anon32devout, #linux is better for that07:16
baxter_kylieHi. Can anyone help me out with the syntax to restart the system at command prompt. 'sudo restart -h' doesn't work in ubuntu.07:16
andresmujicawhich is the best howto to follow for xgl/compiz at my laptop?07:16
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nolimitsoyagh0st, edgy keeps track of what dependencies arnt usefull anymore when you uninstall something, automaticaly07:16
Ademan_sleepgh0st: oh wait, sorry, i read that wrong07:16
Music_ShuffleAdeman_sleep, I think he wants to REMOVE it.07:16
Ademan_sleepyeah :-)07:16
iamtheobjectwell I edited my mouse in the xorg.conf but all the buttons are in the wrong place now haha07:16
anon32Lattyware, I find GNOME ugly, it's a matter of taste07:16
ianmacgregorbaxter_kylie: sudo shutdown -r now07:16
Arcad3try reboot Baxter07:16
nolimitsoyasudo poweroff also works :)07:16
Music_Shufflegh0st, try this?07:16
ianmacgregorbaxter_kylie: man shutdown07:16
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Yournamesudo mii-tool -F 100baseTx-FD eth0 -> How can I set that permanently?07:17
anon32nolimitsoya, really? that alone is enough reason for me to upgrade to edgy...07:17
Ademan_sleepkde is crap, but Qt is great, and Gtk+ sucks yet GNOME rules lol07:17
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nolimitsoyaanon32, yes edgy is a great step forward in every respect :)07:17
anon32Yourname, add it to a boot script?07:17
gh0stnolimitsoya: yeah, but i use dapper and apt-get07:17
Yournameanon32: So, that command.. it's temporary, right?07:17
anon32Ademan_sleep, what makes KDE crap?07:17
Arcad3how i upgrade to edgy07:18
anon32nolimitsoya, except that it still won't allow for f-ing incremental upgrades07:18
tyler_dI have made the mistake of removing my home directory off of ubuntu(was on a different partition) now I need to put it on the same partition as the OS. anyone know the commands to do so?07:18
ianmacgregorTake the KDE complaints to #ubuntu-offtopic please.07:18
baxter_kylieThanks all.07:18
Ademan_sleepanon32: opinion :-), KDE feels like an information overload to me07:18
nolimitsoyagh0st, yes, i just thought id let you know, in case you might get inspired to upgrade :)07:18
tsolernolie can i make a copy paste from ntfs to ext3 - just very few experimental files- to see if i a can work from ubuntu??07:18
Nem1My logitech mouse has some special buttons that can,t work on Ubuntu.Is there any driver i can install??07:18
Ademan_sleepnoooooo ianmacgregor07:18
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anon32Yourname, I don't know, the way you said it, it made me assume it was07:18
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anon32!edgy > Arcad307:18
gh0stnolimitsoya: i'm waiting for final ;-)07:18
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nolimitsoyaanon32, if you want that you are in the wrong irc channel, using the wrong dist07:18
ubotuedgy is the current development version of Ubuntu. Version 6.10, codename "Edgy Eft". For support head to #ubuntu+1. For its release schedule, see !schedule07:18
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ubotuUbuntu uses a strict timetable for releases, which means that sometimes newly released programs miss the timetable. See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/TimeBasedReleases for more. Edgy schedule: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/EdgyReleaseSchedule07:18
anon32tyler_d, um, cp (profile) /home ?07:19
dekanyone got WMV videos streaming to work in Opera? They work in Konqueror with Xine plug-in07:19
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Samuli^Neml, try a searching with your mousetype on the www.ubuntuforums.org07:19
tyler_danon32: cannot cp... profile is gone right07:19
anon32nolimitsoya, bah..07:19
anon32when you have to spend 3 weeks to download a new version, that's a major disincentiuve07:19
toggahi all. i've upgraded dapper->edgy and the new Nautilus does no longer show files in the list-view, only icon-view. Is this something known?07:19
tyler_danon32: need to re-create in the a different location07:19
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tyler_danon32: in the process of recovering the old one... just want it to work now!!07:20
Samuli^Nem1, try searching with your mousetype on www.ubuntuforums.org07:20
Music_ShuffleQuestion: If I have gaim/kopete open on two different sessions of KDE/Gnome or any combination thereof, how will my received messages be displayed?07:20
anon32tyler_d, forget it, just make a new user07:20
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tyler_danon32: commands?07:20
nolimitsoyaanon32, no, im serious. thats part of the plan, to keep things stable. us you realy want bleedning edgy packages, you are using the wrong dist for the wrong reasons. incremental updates where never part of the plan, and will never be implemented.07:20
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anon32tyler_d, adduser (username)07:20
tyler_danon32: ty mang..07:20
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imperfect-Anyone know where I can get a vmlinuz and initrd of to try to fix my edgy install so it will work on my box?07:21
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toggaimperfect-: www.kernel.org07:22
anon32nolimitsoya, but see, the point of an upgrade that takes so long to perform that a new version becomes available is lost on me07:22
imperfect-imperfect- : for precompiled stuff?07:22
Warbotogga: Those don't have Ubuntu patches, etc. applied07:22
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nolimitsoyaanon32, then you are, again, using the wrong dist. try another one that is more to your liking :)07:22
imperfect-Warbo: i dont need the patchs.. I'm using a rescue cd int he hopes of getting lilo installed since grub is all broke with mine07:22
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anon32Warbo, well... that's too bad isn't it?07:23
Warboas far as I know the initrd is created when the package linux-image-version is installed, so merely downloading the package file would only give vmlinuz07:23
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anon32nolimitsoya, meh....07:23
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anon32I only use ubuntu because it's free (in price)07:23
nolimitsoyaanon32, so is gentoo ;)07:23
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nolimitsoyaseriously, you shouldnt use a distro that doesnt satisfy your desires...07:23
anon32nolimitsoya, no it isn't... bandwidth costs money, a lot of it07:24
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about icop - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi07:24
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nolimitsoyaanon32, just as much as an upgrade to edgy :)07:24
toggaWarbo: i know. but it's going to be hard anyway to create an edgy kernel. probably harder if he wants the patches. maybe an inotify patch for should do it..07:24
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about pcop - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi07:24
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about ipcop - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi07:24
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KenSentMe!info ipcop07:24
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ubotuPackage ipcop does not exist in any distro I know07:24
=== Warbo wants to point out that ShipIt is free, and Dapper will be supported for the next few years
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anon32Warbo, yes... and Win2000 was supported until earlier this year... doesn't mean it was useful until then07:25
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rbilanon32, what's wrong with W2K? I use it exclusively in a vm under Ubuntu for the odd Windoze crap I need to run07:26
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Warboanon32: 1) Win2000 doesn't have anything to do with it because it is not free and Microsoft will not send you a copy, 2) use a different distro then. RHEL has a really long release cycle07:26
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anon32rbil, sorry, bad comparison, replace with Win9807:27
black_13which release of ubuntu would have a gcc3 and xorg?07:27
ubotuCompiling software from source? Read the tips at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompilingSoftware (But remember to search for pre-built !packages first: not all !repositories are enabled by default!)07:27
junkyif ive 2 sounds cards, how can i change which card will be used, without having to reboot? cause now, ive to run alsaconf, then to reboot, id like to avoid that step.07:27
rbiljunky, should be able to select in amixer07:27
Warboblack_13: All of them I think. Install the package "gcc-3.4" to get GCC 3.x and xorg is "xserver-xorg"07:27
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nolimitsoyaanon32, seriously, again, the gentoo minimal install is like 100mb, and a full install would probably be alot smaller a downloadnthan an upgrade to edgy, which still is an operating system you arent satified with :)07:28
gh0stif you DIDN'T INSTALL KDE nor AMAROK: could you tell me WHICH packages it wants to install when you want to install amarok? (i do want to remove them all) (ON SYNAPTIC)07:28
Music_ShuffleAnyone...KDE user?07:28
black_13i have to have gcc-3 compiler for the project i working with07:28
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Music_ShuffleHow do I setup programs to start on login with KDE?07:28
=== Dekkard [n=right@adsl-68-21-43-81.dsl.sfldmi.ameritech.net] has joined #ubuntu
Warbojunky: You shouldn't need to reboot. Try "sudo /etc/init.d/alsa-utils restart" (or whatever the ALSA startup script is called) instead of rebooting07:28
nolimitsoyagh0st, mark in, press install, and it will tell you07:28
Music_ShuffleFor Gnome its just..preferences --> Sessions and the option is under there. Where's it in KDE?07:28
black_13Warboi want to have xorg for easier configuration of the touch screen im using07:29
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anon32Warbo, only pointing out the flaw in your "but it'll have lots of support"07:29
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nolimitsoyagh0st, if you dont want to install those, just dont press apply, thats all :)07:29
gh0stnolimitsoya: problem is i want to REMOVE it with ALL DEPENDENCIES07:29
MikeyMike quick question..... if you ping your lan ip (192.168.1.x) and disconnect yourself from the router will the connection stop or will it continue like loopback (internally pinged)07:29
anon32gh0st, we already told you, go into synaptic, read the dependencies, and remove as many as you can07:29
Dekkardare the mplayer plugin/totem plugins broken?07:29
Warboblack_13: as in GCC 3.0, or 3.anything?07:29
nolimitsoyagh0st, then you have been instructed already :)07:29
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gh0stanon32: but i already installed it but i want to REMOVE everything kde related07:29
black_13Warbo 3.3.x would be for the best07:29
gh0stremove not install07:30
Music_ShuffleSo do it...07:30
Hooveyymorning 2 u all :p07:30
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Warbogh0st: In the future try to use Aptitude, it remembers the dependencies07:30
gh0stWarbo: i know that's what i use now07:30
Warbo!info gcc-3.307:30
nolimitsoyagh0st, read the dependecies, and remove them. what dont ju understand?07:30
ubotugcc-3.3: The GNU C compiler. In component main, is optional. Version 1:3.3.6-10 (dapper), package size 535 kB, installed size 4264 kB07:30
gh0stbut still i installed amarok 3 months ago07:30
Music_ShuffleHow to configure programs to start on login with KDE...anyone?07:30
anon32gh0st, DO NOT REPEAT YOUR QUESTION - read the dependencies, manually uninstall them all07:30
black_13Warbo i am provided with the kernel modules from a 3rd part hardware vendor07:30
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junkyrbil, warbo: even, if i run alsaconf, select my other card, run alsaconf restart, the output is still on the "old" card, not the new one.07:31
nolimitsoyaMusic_Shuffle, kdm07:31
Warboblack_13: Looks like the package gcc-3.3 contains it. I'd use Dapper (6.06) if I were you. It uses Xorg, as do all releases I think07:31
black_13Warbo no provide with source07:31
St_MPA3bWhat's better for newb linuxoid - KDE or Gnom?07:31
nolimitsoyaMusic_Shuffle, sry, dissregard that. i read your question wrong :P07:31
anon32gh0st, get this through your head - click on dependencies tab - search for each entry - select "remove"07:31
black_13Warbo isnt dapper the latest?07:31
gh0stanon32, nolimitsoya: are these ALL that were installed with amarok? if so, fine, and thanks07:31
=== Alakazamz0r [n=Alakazam@cpe-72-177-237-129.houston.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu
Warbojunky: Where did you get alsaconf from? I didn't think that was included anymore07:31
HooveyyGnome is cooler than KDE :)07:31
Music_ShuffleOk. Now that you re-read it...got any ideas? xD07:31
nolimitsoyagh0st, yes07:31
=== blake6489_ [n=blake@90-216-58-66.gci.net] has joined #ubuntu
black_13Hooveyy infidel!07:32
Warboblack_13: Well it is the most stable one. Edgy is still full of problems (from what I hear)07:32
HooveyyXGL / Compiz is the hardest thing to get working07:32
nolimitsoyaMusic_Shuffle, isnt there a tool for it? there is in xfce07:32
HooveyyIt never freakin` works!07:32
anon32gh0st, if you don't trust apt, then don't use i07:32
gh0stbut what if it breaks something07:32
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junkywarbo: it was from http://www.ubuntux.org/sound-card-not-detected07:32
St_MPA3bwhat Linux distrib is better for newb linuxoid ^_^? I'm not a total noob, but i know almost nothink bout Linux07:32
HooveyyApt wont break something ..07:32
Music_ShuffleI don't know, I found the one in Gnome...but I have no idea where in KDE.07:32
nolimitsoyaMusic_Shuffle, in settings, i have a post called autostarted applications07:32
HooveyyTrust the cow, ghost!07:32
WarboSt_MPA3b: Welcome to Ubuntu :)07:32
HooveyyIt has super cow powers!07:32
=== tabber [n=tavo@bas3-montreal02-1096682837.dsl.bell.ca] has joined #ubuntu
St_MPA3b<Warbo> Dling it right now ^_^07:32
gh0stanon32: it does not automatically mean that all depencies listed where installed WITH amarok, but perhaps before07:32
black_13Warbo next qestion the componay i work with provides me a kernel for ther hardware its 2.6.10 derivative07:33
Hooveyy"apt-get moo07:33
anon32Warbo, if it's full of problems, why the hell is it labeled as a release candidate?07:33
nolimitsoyaSt_MPA3b, mepis07:33
anon32St_MPA3b, get gentoo07:33
Dekkardis there an ubuntu-multimedia channel?07:33
tabberhow do i change the symlink of one file so that it links to another file?07:33
=== Frantic` [n=frantic@ip70-162-108-29.ph.ph.cox.net] has joined #ubuntu
nolimitsoyaSt_MPA3b, dissregardanon32, hes taking a piss07:33
Warboanon32: If Dapper was released as a final, stable version then why is there 6.06.1?07:33
black_13i want to make sure that i have the right kernel headers for this kernel im conceredn about getting the kernel headers for 2.6.1007:33
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anon32gh0st, go uninstall all the ones you can, those are the ones that amarok installed07:33
anon32when you find one that breaks stuff when removing, skip over it07:34
anon32Warbo, .1 is a security fix07:34
Warbotabber: "ln -sf /path/to/real/file/you/want/to/point/to /path/to/link/you/want/to/change"07:34
Music_Shufflenolimitsoya, under settings in the KDE menu?!07:34
Frantic`Is there a console multiuser runlevel for ubuntu???07:34
Warboanon32: exactlyt07:34
ompaulWarbo, because it gets updates - and will do for the next few years - LTS long term support07:34
nolimitsoya(and "small" 200mb buggfix)07:34
nolimitsoyaMusic_Shuffle, no, xfce :)07:34
junkyWarbo: how can i force the reload of /etc/modprobe.d/sound exactly? alsaconf restart isnt doing that?07:34
nolimitsoyai said i dont know about kde07:34
ompaulFrantic`, it does not work that way, it works like you install it you want to run it?07:34
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Warboompaul: I know, I know. Just trying to calm anon32 down a bit07:34
tabberWarbo: thanks, i'll give it a try07:34
Music_Shufflenolimitsoya, ./Sigh. And here I thought I was going blind. xD07:34
anon32Warbo, I consider it final and stable if it doesn't crash07:34
Frantic`ompaul, i'm just trying to install my nvidia drivers07:35
Frantic`they won't install while x is running, or in single user mode07:35
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anon32ompaul, what do the updates mean if they're just the same version with patches for bugs?07:35
black_13warbo what is the "alternate install cd" for?07:35
WarboFrantic`: You can switch to a console with ctrl-alt-f1 then login and run "sudo /etc/init.d/gdm stop" to turn off X07:35
Hooveyy..KDE is the devil ;(07:36
Frantic`ty Warbo07:36
anon32black_13, situations when you want a custom install07:36
nolimitsoyablack_13, its a textbased installer for doing wicked things with lvm, and the like07:36
lnx^heya guys07:36
anon32i.e. automated, upgrade install, net install, etc07:36
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black_13how custom is custom?07:36
Warboblack_13: That has a text based installer for those systems where the graphical live CD won't run (not enough RAM, etc.), and it also contains all of the packages needed to install, rather than downloading some. Also it's partitioner allows LVM and stuff to be used07:36
leocoutinho1987Somebody could help me with my modem connection in ubuntu 6.06 ?07:36
lnx^i've got a slight problem07:36
lnx^i just received an e-mail with an attachment07:36
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nolimitsoyablack_13, the desktop cd gives you _very_ basic options, not as to confuse newcommers07:37
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black_13i see07:37
lnx^however, for some reason the attachment shows up as ASCII code at the end of the message instead of being a real 'attachment'07:37
anon32!modem > leocoutinho198707:37
lgHI! I gotta install the pkg libxerces26-dev; have I simply to type 'sudo apt-get install libxerces26-dev07:37
lg' ?07:37
Warbolnx^: "my_picture.jpg.exe" should not be run :)07:37
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black_13well i want gcc3 2.6.10 kernel headers and xorg07:37
lnx^Warbo: haha no it's not like that07:37
black_13thats pretty much it07:37
imperfect-Is there a way to get the LIVECD look and feel from an alternate install?07:37
nolimitsoyablack_13, that can be done post install07:37
lnx^it's just a normal .doc file from a friend of mine07:37
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black_13i got you07:37
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about phpPasswordManager - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi07:37
nolimitsoyaimperfect-, what do you mean?07:37
lnx^i believe that the friend's e-mail client is broken or something07:38
leocoutinho1987hello annon07:38
anon32black_13, considered gentoo? with ubuntu, what you see is what you get07:38
imperfect-nolimitsoya: well when I install from alternate cd07:38
anon32imperfect-, no, use the live cd for that07:38
madflaxCan anyone direct me to how to install newer alsa-drivers? thus on apt is 1.0.11 and they ain't cooking right!07:38
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lnx^i see stuff like: Content-Type: application/msword; name="Returning World.doc"07:38
Dekkardoh gawd he said gentoo!07:38
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imperfect-nolimitsoya: there's no splash screen, nothing works... etc07:38
nolimitsoyaimperfect-, the alternate is textbased only07:38
imperfect-I get that07:38
black_13it has to have the debian package manager07:38
Warboblack_13: If it is a custom kernel then I would say get the full source installed rather than just the headers. That can be done manually from kernel.org or whatever if needed07:38
lnx^is there any way i could convert that back to a binary file?07:38
nolimitsoyaimperfect-, then you didnt install the right packages :)07:38
imperfect-but grub doesnt support my hardware so I'm stuck bhaving to use the alternate to get a booting system07:38
lnx^i'm sure it's not a virus07:38
black_13Warbo unfortunatle the kernel is supplied by the hardware vendor07:39
imperfect-nolimitsoya: well it doesn't ask me for anything07:39
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lnx^i tried just copypasting the stuff into a .doc file and running it but it (obviously) doesn't work07:39
Warboblack_13: That's not unfortunate, since it means you know exactly what kernel you should be using :) (as long as it has source for the kernel you are OK)07:39
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junkyhow can i force the reload of /etc/modprobe.d/sound exactly? alsaconf restart isnt doing that?  cause i need to reboot, and id like to avoid taht step07:39
Artemis3ask vendor for ubuntu compile :)07:39
aoupihow do I make sure the module pcspkr isn't loaded on boot time? (or how do I permanently disable system beep?)07:40
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Warboaoupi: blacklist it07:40
ompaulFrantic`,  read the howto on help.ubuntu.com just search for nvidia - it works07:40
ubotuTo blacklist a module, edit /etc/modprobe.d/my_blacklist and add "blacklist modulename" to the end of that list07:40
black_13this is a motherboard for the gaming (gambling) industry and the people who make it spend lots of effort software devel but they dont let there customr have the source07:40
aoupiWarbo: thx07:40
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Music_Shufflenolimitsoya, I think I found a way. ^^07:40
black_13Warbo the are try to protect there investment07:40
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krunchi1920hi everybody, can anybody help me about lucent soft modem installation on ubuntu 6.0607:40
Warboblack_13: I mean the Linux kernel source which corresponds to the kernel they have supplied07:41
lnx^is anyone aware of a way of converting ASCII back to binary, if that's even possible?07:41
Warboblack_13: I don't mean their own drivers/software07:41
Bernardoanyone can help me with squid and edgy? I had it working in dapper07:41
black_13they provide a monolith kernel not all drivers07:41
Warboblack_13: Besides, if they don't then they are violating the GPL since giving you a Linux kernel without source is illegal07:41
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madflaxIf i take gasoline on the drivers will that work? maybe some dynamite will do the tright after I ninja chopped it07:41
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tsolerubuntu just found a gis program07:41
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Artemis3good point lets sue those gamblers07:42
tsolerubuntu is based on debian or not?07:42
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ompaultsoler, it is to an extent07:42
black_13Warbo i dont want to get into a gpl war it would impede my paychecks07:42
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ompaul!namespam > Yourname07:42
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about namespam - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi07:42
Artemis3just tell them to provide you an ubuntu compile already07:42
Warboblack_13: I was just saying that for Ubuntu kernels there is a corresponding "linux-headers" package, since not the entire source is needed to compile modules, but for custom kernels I would recommend installing it's full source07:42
Ademan_sleepis cmake any good?07:42
madflaxcomon ppl.. which driver to use.. alsa-base 1.0.12 or does even the 1.0.13 work in ubuntu?07:43
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tsolerompaul what do u mean?07:43
black_13i dont inted to customize the kernel just use theirs07:43
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karabatakhi every body07:43
Warbomadflax: Generally any Linux software/driver will work in Ubuntu. the real question is "which would be easiest?"07:43
ompaultsoler, exactly what I said, most of it comes from debian, then it has some bug fixing done then it is released07:43
=== Warbo knows very little about ALSA though
leocoutinho1987my lucent modem in wvdial says "carrier detected, waiting for prompt" e don't connects... what I could do ?07:44
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=== Comrade_S is away: Constipated people don't give a crap
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Artemis3binary drivers are the cause for lockups and vulnerabilities07:44
leocoutinho1987the howto don't cover this problem07:44
Warboblack_13: It doesn't matter that much really, just speaking from my experience07:44
karabatakwho know callback configuration  for wvdial?07:44
Artemis3so this "protecting their invesment" is moot07:44
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savjehi! I have a problem, I just installed Ubunut on my laptop, a couple days ago, and I've notice that the computer 'locks' or hang-up and nothing is responding except when I press "space" and then the computer goes back to normal but to the state it was when it locked... So if the computer locks at 15:00 and I press "space" at 16:00 the computer clock still is 15:00... Is this a well known problem and do anyone know how to solve it?07:44
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karabatakcould you tell me07:45
black_13Warbo i understand why they dont provide the source this company does something that revolutionary they put something in kernel that most other places put in user space if it works my life will be much easier07:45
madflaxWarbo, well the current doesn't detect my s-pdif.. or maybe im barking on the wrong tree. maybe I have to enable it somewhere, I don't have a clue myself.. hopfully someone here does.'07:45
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black_13Warbo if there technology got out they would be ruined they are bout 6 guys07:45
ompaulblack_13, are you in the middle of a non support conversation?07:45
Artemis3hmp, all gamblers say the same :p07:45
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willdevive forgoton my password07:45
ompaulArtemis3, to whom are you talking?07:46
black_13ompaul sorry what?07:46
Warboblack_13: I am not concerned with the details really, I was just trying to offer a bit of advice because whenever I have tried to build stuff against a custom kernel I have always needed to install the source07:46
madflaxBut the chanses that anyone here now anything slim about alsa and spdif are very slim im afraid!07:46
ompaulblack_13, this is not a discussion channel - you appear to be in conversation we have #ubuntu-offtopic for chatting about all sorts of stuff07:46
Warbomadflax: Is there a #alsa you could ask in?07:46
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black_13sorry i got off subject thank for the help07:46
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madflaxWarbo, don07:47
black_13ompaul hall monitor07:47
KenSentMewilldev: reboot, login in recovery mode and change your password with passwd <username>07:47
andresmujicaHi, anyone can point me to an official xgl howto for dapper?  or a well tested guide?07:47
lnx^so how do i open an attachment like the one i described?07:47
ompaulblack_13, a little more than that :)07:47
ubotuCompiz (compositing window manager) and XGL (X server architecture layered on top of OpenGL)  -  Howto at http://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompositeManager  -  Help in #ubuntu-xgl  -  See http://tinyurl.com/pw5ez for Kubuntu systems07:47
=== Sionide [n=sphinx@cpc4-norw5-0-0-cust184.pete.cable.ntl.com] has joined #ubuntu
Lubixi got a question, how long did it take you to master bash?07:47
willdevkk thanks07:47
imperfect-I just totally cheated07:47
Lubixim learning it now and wanna know07:47
lgcan I install more pks with just one apt-get issue?07:48
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Warbolnx^: It seems to be a Word document, so save it and open it with OpenOffice or Abiword of Kwrite07:48
karabatakwho know callback configuration  for wvdial?07:48
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imperfect-alternate didnt work right, so i installed w/ live cd-- went back w/ alternate installed base over the desktop... now i dont have a splash screen but the machine works like desktop ;)07:48
Warbolg: Yup. "sudo apt-get install package1 package2 etc"07:48
KenSentMelg: i think you can just use spaces between names07:48
rbilwhere can I see the terms that ubotu knows about?07:48
ladydoorlnx^: or better yet, with antiword or something07:48
Lubixhow long did it take folks to learn bash shell07:48
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KenSentMe!bots > rbil07:49
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ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about bots - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi07:49
meatfaceHello all!07:49
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KenSentMe!bot > rbil07:49
Warbolg: The cool thing is that a minus "-" will remove and a plus "+" will add, so "sudo apt-get install package1 package2 package3-" will actually remove package3, and + will install in a "remove" command07:49
=== zaatar_ [n=zeit@cpe-71-65-19-97.twmi.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu
madflaxWarbo, well not much action in that #alsa channel..07:49
lnx^Warbo: yes, but for some reason Thunderbird doesn't show it up as an attachment at all07:49
lnx^Warbo: it is simply ASCII at the end of the message07:49
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Warbo!info evolution07:50
ubotuevolution: The groupware suite. In component main, is optional. Version 2.6.1-0ubuntu7 (dapper), package size 4586 kB, installed size 34184 kB07:50
lgThnx aagin!07:50
=== Warbo couldn't resist it :)
lnx^haha :P no but it isn't a client-specific problem07:50
HooveyyXubuntu uses xfwm, right?07:50
TheGateKeepermadflax: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=20544907:50
lnx^the sender just did something wrong07:50
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ExilEcan someone help me i just installed ubuntu and are having problems with ati graphics I went to site to download driver but I don't know if ubuntu uses xfree86 or x.org or which version please be kind i am a noob at this.07:50
nolimitsoyaHooveyy, yes it does :)07:50
HooveyyAh okay, thanks07:51
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leocoutinho1987my ubuntu don't connect, somebody could help me ?07:51
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HooveyyConnect to..?07:51
noxxleis there a gui for Wine??07:51
ubotuTo install the Ati/NVidia drivers for your video card, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto07:51
nolimitsoya!ati > ExilE07:51
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leocoutinho1987modem, internet07:51
Warboleocoutinho1987: You'll have to be a bit more specific, that could refer to anything07:51
ExilEthanks a lot.07:51
ThomBrownanyone know how to enlarge the menu fonts of amarok??07:51
nolimitsoya!wine > noxxle07:51
meatfacenoxxle, I do not think that there is a gui for wine.07:51
Warboleocoutinho1987: Broadband or dialup, internal or external, serial, USB or ethernet?07:51
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ubotuTo install the Ati/NVidia drivers for your video card, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto07:52
ubotuwine is a compatibility layer for running windows programs on GNU/Linux. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Wine for more information.07:52
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ThomBrownanyone know how to enlarge the menu fonts of amarok??07:52
lnx^Warbo: i mean, i have the same problem even if i forward the message to gmail07:52
meatfacenoxxle, I am using wine at this moment to intall a windows based program. It is relatively simple to use07:53
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WarboThomBrown: That would be a KDE setting, go in kcontrol (or install it if you are in GNOME)07:53
noxxleyes, but i wish it was easier to launch the programs it installs07:53
rob_pLubix, Just use it... you'll learn it as you go.07:53
noxxleplus you need to find dlls on the net for programs07:53
kristjinI have mounted a hard drive using fstab and the command "/dev/sdc1/media/sdc1ext3defaults00" and it does come up on my desktop at start up but when I try to copy files to the drive, I get the error message "Error while copying to '/media/sdc1'. You do not have permissions to write to this folder."  I have already done a chmod 777 on the /media/sdc1 folder and that isn't the problem.  Any suggestions?07:53
leocoutinho1987my lucent v90 in ubuntu 6.06 don't connect, the wvdial  after dial, makin' the sounds of the modem... don't connect and says "carrier detected, waiting for prompt" and don't connect07:53
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about exton - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi07:53
=== cheesy [n=cheesy@dslb-084-056-055-000.pools.arcor-ip.net] has joined #ubuntu
noxxleis there a big dll package i can get?07:53
Warbolnx^: I am pretty bad with email, so maybe direct it to the channel again (I can't even send mail from Evolution because Yahoo! doesn't let me :( )07:54
nolimitsoyakristjin, is it ntfs?07:54
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nolimitsoyaforget that >_<07:54
Warboleocoutinho1987: Is that an interal modem?07:54
krunchi1920l leocoutinho1987 if you wanna help others why should other you07:54
kristjinNo, I formatted it this morning to ext3.07:54
nolimitsoyasaw it was ext3...07:54
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HooveyyxUbuntu is so pretty....07:54
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leocoutinho1987oh thaks07:54
clandestinoHi. Does anybody know how I can run a certain command  (chmod g+s) recursively on all subdirectories without touching any files in the directories?07:54
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nolimitsoyaHooveyy, i agree :)07:54
kristjinI got my ntfs drive working the other day, though.07:54
kristjinHooray.  :)07:55
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madflaxTheGateKeeper, I've read that.. it lacks alot of information.. for example.. if I compile alsa myself.. do I have to remove the already installed alsa-drivers.. and what about all the other packages. like the newer alsa-utils and stuff..07:55
lgCan you tell me what's the meaning of this: nonrootuser@ubuntu:~$ sudo apt-get install fftw-dev Reading package lists... Done07:55
lgBuilding dependency tree... Done07:55
lgW: Couldn't stat source package list http://archive.ubuntu.com breezy/universe Packages (/var/lib/apt/lists/archive.ubuntu.com_ubuntu_dists_breezy_universe_binary-i386_Packages) - stat (2 No such file or directory)07:55
lgW: You may want to run apt-get update to correct these problems07:55
lgE: Couldn't find package fftw-dev07:55
maxkelleyhow do I type special characters in ubuntu?07:56
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maxkelleylg: type sudo apt-get update07:56
Warbolg: Run "sudo apt-get update"07:56
gravesoni would like to rename quite a few of my directories - is there a command for this.i need to remove all the whitespaces07:56
lgok thnx07:56
noxxlewhat codec works for real media files??07:56
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Warbomaxkelley: Try Application>Accessories>Character Map07:57
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Xenguy_graveson: krename is a nice GUI app07:57
TheGateKeepermadflax: the problem is that the devs have decided to remove alsaconf, when I asked them about this they told me if there is a problem is to report it as a bug07:57
maxkelleyWarbo: is there a keyboard shortcut?07:57
Warbograveson: Check out "krename" (you can run it in GNOME too)07:57
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Warbomaxkelley: No idea, sorry07:57
MadCowBoyHi there, I have a question... One of My drives (/hda1) is mounting no problem, but is appearing as ; (semi-colon) on the desktop, I don;t know how or why this happened, and I can;t figure out how to resolve this problem,07:57
gravesonthanks guys07:57
maxkelleythanksn  anyways.07:57
Tokenbadanyone help with proftpd?  I had account setup and working and now all of a sudden he can't get in...not just him but had others try to help with it...I then deleted the account and reinstalled and still can't get in...07:57
=== SS3 [n=SS2@dslb-084-057-021-065.pools.arcor-ip.net] has joined #ubuntu
madflaxanother question when u think about my prior... how do I access files from a XP shared drive.. do I have to install anything on the windows machine or anythin on the ubuntu pc?07:58
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Xenguy_!codecs > noxxle07:58
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Warbomadflax: Check out Samba07:58
MadCowBoymadflax, look into samba07:58
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TheGateKeepermadflax: I am not sure what the nature of your problem is, choices seem to be 1. Report problem as a bug, 2. Find a dev that can help you, or 3. Change distro07:58
madflaxWarbo, is samba preinstaled on edgy?07:59
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kristjinDoes anyone have any suggestions about what might be going wrong on this drive?07:59
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nolimitsoyakristjin, http://www.psychocats.net/ubuntu/mountlinux <- se if it helps07:59
Hooveyywow, the dropline neu icon set is very very nice07:59
nolimitsoyahave you done a chown?07:59
leocoutinho1987krunchi > is a softmodem, i don't know what is happenin'07:59
Warbomadflax: I don't know. I think it needs a little configuring anyway, but I have never used it myself and I am hopeless at networking07:59
madflaxTheGateKeeper, where do one find a dev.. ? they doesn't seem to lurk around here! :(08:00
do_kevhas anybody ever had problems with Shockwave?  I'm trying to navigate the sidebar for my course (which is a shockwave app), but the text is either showing up in white on a white background, or not at all.08:00
kristjinI already followed the instructions here: http://www.smorgasbord.net/how_to_install_second_hard_drive_ubuntu_linux08:00
leocoutinho1987krunchi> i 've configurated usin' the howto, the modem works well but I don't know what's happenin' with wvdial08:00
lgehm, I forgot to say: I'm using a 56k..is the apt-get update feasable?08:00
kristjinAnd haven't been able to resolve this.08:00
Warbodo_kev: Shockwave is a grey area on Linux...08:00
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nolimitsoyakristjin, but have you donw chown, and not just chmod?08:01
Tokenbadanyone help with proftpd?  I had account setup and working and now all of a sudden he can't get in...not just him but had others try to help with it...I then deleted the account and reinstalled and still can't get in...08:01
do_kevWarbo: Thanks.  It's not the end of the world, so I guess I'll just play around with it and hope for the best.08:01
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Warbolg: apt-get update just downloads the LIXTS of available packages, so yes it is fine (apt-get upgrade would upgrade every package, which would be a nightmare on 56k :) )08:01
TheGateKeepermadflax: they do, you have to ask, and hope one comes to help you08:02
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MadCowBoyHi there, I have a question... One of My drives (/hda1) is mounting no problem, but is appearing as ; (semi-colon) on the desktop, I don;t know how or why this happened, and I can;t figure out how to resolve this problem, Ive switched up my fstab, to no avail, and I can't find a solution on any internet searches I am doing...08:02
colder4545i know there are some file shredders out there, but do any shred the free space (ie previously deleted files)?08:03
madflaxI read in a forum where a guy was so upset he ninja chopped his pc.. and then wanted to ninja chop pretty much everything.. I hope I'll not come to the ninjachop syndrome! :)08:03
kristjinNo, and I hear chown is dangerous.08:03
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nolimitsoyakristjin, try 'sudo chown -R username:username /folder', where username is *gasp* your username ;) and folder is the folder your drive is mounted in08:03
lgI've been shivering.. ;-)08:03
nolimitsoyakristjin, no it isnt, it just makes you the owner of everything in a folder, and with the -R it makes you the owner of everything beneath it08:04
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[H] 3b0Rdamn why am i getting banned from #cedega!?08:04
madflaxAny developers here that care to help a poor sod with his ubuntu problem?08:04
kristjinI'm trusting you on this, nolimitsoya.. I saw someone get chastised for suggesting this once... :)08:04
nolimitsoya^ ^08:04
ubotuPlease watch your language and keep this channel family friendly.08:04
kristjinThanks for the help!08:04
nolimitsoyadid it work?08:04
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willdevis there a guide to upgrade to edgy?08:04
KenSentMe!upgrade > willdev08:05
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colder4545willdev, i just followed the edgy news link off of http://www.ubuntu.com08:06
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willdevi got it thanks :)08:06
colder4545will dev, works great unless you have custom packages that don't have edgy repos (like compiz)08:06
nolimitsoyakristjin, any luck?08:06
Tokenbadanyone help with proftpd?  I had account setup and working and now all of a sudden he can't get in...not just him but had others try to help with it...I then deleted the account and reinstalled and still can't get in...08:06
ScreaminIkei just hard-powerd down my machine, brought it back up, and the partition table is HOSED . is there a recovery tool for this?08:06
nolimitsoyaScreaminIke, what file system?08:07
WarboScreaminIke: gpart08:07
ScreaminIkeuhm... ext2, i believe08:07
nolimitsoyasry, partitiontable...08:07
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nolimitsoyathen you are screwed :)08:07
Warbo!info gpart08:07
[Daniel] SceaminIke> Ouch08:07
ubotugpart: Guess PC disk partition table, find lost partitions. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.1h-4 (dapper), package size 34 kB, installed size 112 kB08:07
ScreaminIkei knew i should have been journaling08:07
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[Daniel] ScreaminIke> gpart sounds like your ticket08:08
ScreaminIkei'm going to get a copy of spinrite, i guess08:08
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fangoriousjust asked in #gl with no response. My multimedia gnome keybindings (set from gnome-keybinding-properties) don't seem to work in gl+ompiz as they did in org+metaity08:08
kristjinWell, it didn't say anything after I did the chown, so, we'll see... hang on...08:08
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nolimitsoyakristjin, do a chmod -755 afterwards :)08:09
[Daniel] ScreaminIke> I'm guessing based on what ubotu said just above, but I'm thinking run a live CD, enable "universe" package repository, sudo apt-get install gpart08:09
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rojoneckis kernel generic the default kernek for ubuntu 6.10?08:10
kristjinOh really?08:10
nolimitsoyarojoneck, yes :)08:10
kristjinOn which, the mount folder, or the drive itself?08:10
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nolimitsoyathe folder where your drive is mounted :)08:10
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kristjinOkay, thank you, nolimitsoya.08:10
kristjinThe chmod solved my problem.08:10
kristjinYou rock my socks.08:10
kristjinHave a fabby day.08:10
=== calavera [n=calavera@195.Red-80-26-32.staticIP.rima-tde.net] has joined #ubuntu
nolimitsoyanp :)08:11
madflaxcan somebody rock my socks too?08:11
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=== Juhaz sets off an earthquake under madflax
nolimitsoyakristjin, chmod -R 755 gives you a bit of security as well...08:11
Tokenbadwhen I restarted proftpd I got this:  - IPv6 getaddrinfo 'FuckYou-desktop' error: Name or service not known08:11
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Tokenbadany help?08:11
=== Aeschylus begins rocking madflax's socks.
kristjincome sit next to me, madflax... I'll rock your socks...08:11
rojoneckI have a problem with it, I cannot make my wireless usb work (atheros awll4030)08:11
nolimitsoya!anyone > madflax08:11
ubotuSeveas has a popular 3rd party repository for several packages. More info (and mirrors) on http://wiki.ubuntu.com/SeveasPackages08:11
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kristjinThanks again, nolimitsoya.08:11
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kristjinHave a great Sunday!08:12
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jstarcherHow do I make my sound work again? Im in fluxbox and I opened skype with XMMS running and it stopped working...Can't find ALSA device08:12
leocoutinho1987Somebody knows how to help me with my lucent v.90 (internal), and the wvdial that don't connect... it dials and after the message "carrier detected, waiting for prompt", disconnects... if anyone could help, pvt me , please...08:12
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=== FarrisG [n=FarrisGo@pool-71-164-183-158.dllstx.fios.verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu
rojoneckI have a problem with ubuntu kernel genreric, I cannot make my wireless usb work (atheros awll4030) <--- any suggentions08:13
WarboTokenbad: I see you follow a similar sensible computer naming scheme as me :)08:13
[Daniel] jstarcher, try sudo /etc/init,d/alsa-utils restart08:13
[Daniel] er, init.d08:13
TokenbadWarbo, yeah08:13
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FarrisGAre there any apps that will let you somehow use your keyboard as a mouse? I have a wireless keyboard/mouse on my Ubuntu machine in the living room for media. THe range is OK for the keyboard, but not the mouse. I have to get within 4 feet of the receiver to use the mouse08:14
leocoutinho1987the howto don't explain what i may do08:14
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Tokenbadwhat does it mean ipv6 getaddrindo whats it trying to do?08:14
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balor_Are there any cross-compilers for Sparc or ARM or Power in the Ubuntu Apt repos?08:14
ToHellWithGAis there a command i can run in the terminal to see my free hdd space?08:14
ladydoorFarrisG: i believe you can use numberlock buttons to do it somehow, i'd google for that08:14
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=== Warbo knows that on Amiga A-cursor can be used as a mouse, and A-Alt can be used as left or right click
ladydoorFarrisG: also, check out ratpoisonwm--it has mousecontrol features you can bind to keyboard shortcuts08:15
rojoneckI have a problem with ubuntu kernel generic, I cannot make my wireless usb work (atheros awll4030) <--- any suggentions08:15
WarboToHellWithGA: df08:15
ToHellWithGAthanks Warbo08:15
leocoutinho1987please  help me with my lucent v.90 (internal), and the wvdial that don't connect... it dials and after the message "carrier detected, waiting for prompt", disconnects...  what  can i do ?08:15
fniguys, i read that realvnc is included with ubuntu. how do i start it?08:15
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jstarcherDaniel: didn't work :( When I typed that command it said "warning: 'alsactl store' failed with error message 'alsactl: save_state:1190: Cannot open /var/lib/alsa/asound.state for writing'... " and XMMS is still broken08:16
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turnerI have a multi-processor system, however cat /proc/cpuinfo only shows one cpu.08:16
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leocoutinho1987:( hmmm...08:16
rojoneckI have a problem with ubuntu kernel generic, I cannot make my wireless usb work (atheros awll4030) <--- any suggentions08:16
balor_turner: what version of Ubuntu?08:16
fangoriousturner, are you running the smp kernel08:16
=== ToHellWithGA [n=ryan@c-71-199-159-222.hsd1.ga.comcast.net] has left #ubuntu ["Oh]
WarboAnyone know how pervasive GNOME's network settings are? I have set the proxy to use my TOR server, but am wondering how many apps will actually use that setting?08:17
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turnerLinux version 2.6.15-27-386 (buildd@terranova) (gcc version 4.0.3 (Ubuntu 4.0.3-1ubuntu5)) #1 PREEMPT Sat Sep 16 01:51:59 UTC 200608:17
balor_turner: cat /etc/issue08:17
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turnerUbuntu 6.06.1 LTS \n \l08:17
balor_turner: you have to install an SMP kernel08:17
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Tokenbadwhen I restarted proftpd I got this:  - IPv6 getaddrinfo 'FuckYou-desktop' error: Name or service not known  :  Can anyone tell me what this means?08:17
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leocoutinho1987please help me with my lucent v.90 (internal) [ubuntu 6.06] , and the wvdial that don't connect... it dials and after the message "carrier detected, waiting for prompt", disconnects... what i do ?08:17
turnerand what's the process for that?08:17
balor_turner: only Edgy (6.10) will autodetect multiple processors08:17
jstarcherDaniel: Opps, I forgot to run sudo. That's why it errored. I just sudoed it and it restarted successfully. But XMMS still says to check if sound card is configured properly :(08:18
balor_turner: apt-get install some-kernel-smp08:18
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fangoriousturner, system->administration->synaptics08:18
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turnerIt's a duel P308:18
ScreaminIkeok... so i installed gpart. anyone know how to use this?08:18
balor_turner: do an apt-cache search for smp first08:18
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nolimitsoyaScreaminIke, try man gpart08:18
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turnerlinux-686-smp would work?08:18
fangoriousturner, probably08:19
fangoriousturner, uname -a say you have a 686?08:19
ScreaminIkesystem specs: hd0 - 1 partition (ntfs) 80 gb. hd1 - 3 partitions 50 gb ext2, 512 mb swap, 5 gb ext208:19
=== Cyber_Stalker [n=hmm@dsl-165-227-29.telkomadsl.co.za] has joined #ubuntu
turnercat: invalid option -- a08:19
turnerTry `cat --help' for more information.08:19
Cyber_Stalkerim back :P08:19
WarboI'm off08:19
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fangoriousturner, what processor do you have?08:20
turner560 mhz08:20
fangoriousturner, 686-smp will do08:20
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ScreaminIkeman pages are terribly unhelpful08:20
HooveyyHow do I force X into 1280x1024?08:21
HooveyyIt isn't in my resolution menu,08:21
HooveyyBut I need it at 1280x102408:21
Tokenbadanyone help with proftpd?  I had account setup and working and now all of a sudden he can't get in...not just him but had others try to help with it...I then deleted the account and reinstalled and still can't get in...08:21
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turnerthank you08:21
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fangoriousHooveyy, and you're monitor definitely supports it?08:21
ianmacgregorHooveyy: sudo dpkg-reconfigure -phigh xserver-xorg08:21
HooveyyYes fangorious08:21
variantHimura: if your card/monitor supports it you can put hte line into xorg.conf08:21
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TheGateKeeperHooveyy: edit /etc/X11/xorg.conf08:21
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ianmacgregorHooveyy: You'll also need to restart X to see the new resolution08:22
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nolimitsoyarestarts x...08:22
Cyber_Stalkerwhat irc client should i use for linux? & more specificly ubuntu08:22
HooveyyYep, xchat is good.08:22
boinkthere are many irc clients08:22
fangoriousCyber_Stalker, xchat or xchat-gnome08:22
willdevsudo apt-get install xchat08:22
ianmacgregorCyber_Stalker: That is totally up to you. Do you like gui or text-based?08:22
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Cyber_Stalkeri would prefer gui08:23
boinkgui-based = xchat08:23
Cyber_Stalkerbut i been trying to get xchat to work08:23
ianmacgregorxchat may suit you then08:23
nolimitsoyaCyber_Stalker, lostirc is my favourite, but xchat is very common08:23
boinkor even gaim08:23
Cyber_Stalkerits giving me hell08:23
fangoriousCyber_Stalker, or konversation if you like kde08:23
jstarcherHow do I make my sound work again? Im in fluxbox and I opened skype with XMMS running and it stopped working...Can't find ALSA device08:23
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nolimitsoyaCyber_Stalker, try lostirc then'08:23
Cyber_Stalkerit wont compile :/08:23
nolimitsoyasudo apt-get install lostirc08:23
Hooveyyrofl, my ubuntu shutdown screen is xubuntu but my startup is ubuntu, odd.08:23
willdevsudo apt-get install xchat-gnome08:23
willdevrun that08:23
willdevthen it will install :)08:23
boinkman apt-get08:23
fangoriousCyber_Stalker, xchat won't compile? you shouldn't need to compile it, just 'sudo apt-get install xchat'08:23
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Cyber_Stalkerok yea08:24
ianmacgregorwilldev: I've never had to install that and my xchat runs fine08:24
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Cyber_Stalkerbut i mean compiling is part of linux :P08:24
Cyber_Stalkermakes it more fun08:24
boinkapt-get is the debian tool to install software08:24
willdevit dont matter08:24
fangoriousCyber_Stalker, you seem to be having a great time with it08:24
Cyber_Stalkeryea im new to linux :P08:24
willdevboth work08:24
willdevand are nearly the same08:24
ianmacgregorCyber_Stalker: It's best to use the package manager and the repos for your distro08:24
Cyber_Stalkeroh :/08:24
Cyber_Stalkermy bad08:24
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=== Hendikins sets himself up a 64bit Ubuntu VM so that he can work out how to configure nspluginwrapper correctly on that distro
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boinkreally, almost no distro requires you to compile yourself08:25
fangoriousCyber_Stalker, unless the packaged version doesn't offer a feature you want/need08:25
visik7anyone using edgy + xen ?08:25
variantCyber_Stalker: it is advisable but its perfectly fine  (encouraged) to do that kind of thing, it helps you learn08:25
willdevanyone have a preconfiged source.list i can use?08:25
Tokenbadanyone help with proftpd?  I had account setup and working and now all of a sudden he can't get in...not just him but had others try to help with it...I then deleted the account and reinstalled and still can't get in...08:25
ianmacgregorboink , fangorious Both good points08:25
jstarcherHow do I make my sound work again? Im in fluxbox and I opened skype with XMMS running and it stopped working...Can't find ALSA device08:25
ianmacgregor!easysource > willdev08:25
HooveyyI reconfigured x and told it to use 1280x1024 but it didnt do anything :S08:25
variantjstarcher: apt-get install alsa-oss08:25
TheGateKeeperCyber_Stalker: if you want all your apps to be compiled before you use them, then you need a source based distro like gentoo, or sourcemage :-)08:25
ianmacgregorHooveyy: Did you restart X?08:25
variantjstarcher: and then in future start skype iwth "aoss skype" instead of just "skype"08:26
=== Cyber_Stalker cries
variantjstarcher: then it will work with multiple programs open08:26
Cyber_Stalkerim so confused08:26
Cyber_Stalkerthis whole thing08:26
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boinkpkg_src from NetBSD is another pkg management system for Linux08:26
Cyber_Stalkerso much to leanr08:26
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jstarchervariant: I'll give it a shot, thanks!08:26
Cyber_Stalkerall i did was throw in a live CD & install :P08:26
fangoriousCyber_Stalker, TheGateKeeper was talking about distributions that are base on you comiling everything, opposed to ubuntu/fedora/suse that provide binary packages fr everything08:26
HendikinsIf I'm writing documentation for Firefox 2.0, I should be playing with Dapper.1, correct?08:27
variantHendikins: edgy08:27
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Cyber_Stalkerok well gimme a sec08:27
fangoriousCyber_Stalker, From the System menu, go to Administration, and then Synaptics08:27
Cyber_Stalkersudo apt-get install xchat-gnome worked08:27
Hendikinsvariant: Why so? (I'm aiming at Joe Enduser here, and it isn't a Ubuntu-specific document)08:27
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manmadhacan any one tell how to set alaram in the system by "at"cmd?08:28
fangoriousCyber_Stalker, this is a gui front-end to the apt package manager08:28
Cyber_Stalkerso gimme a sec to reconnect with that & get support from that machine instead of trying to swop terminals08:28
variantHendikins: edgy comes with firefox2..08:28
manmadhai want to play a song at the particular time08:28
manmadhacan any one help me?08:28
fangoriousCyber_Stalker, with Synaptics you can browse and the list of packages available08:28
boinkxmms has an alarm plugin08:28
blackwire83hi there, does anyone have a link to how to move evolution 2.6 data (mail &contacts works, but not calendar and accounts) from one machine to another?08:28
Hendikinsvariant: I don't care about what comes with Firefox 2 (I'm on the Firefox side, not the Ubuntu side, the version shipped with Ubuntu is not of my concern)08:28
boinkotherwise, you can use crontab08:28
fmI'm having troubles with twinview but #nvidia is asleep08:28
variantHendikins: so why did you ask?08:29
fangoriousblackwire83, copy your .evolution folder?08:29
manmadhaboink, how to use xmms alaram plugin?08:29
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Hendikinsvariant: What is Joe Enduser most likely to have? Dapper[.1] ?08:29
boinkyou have it installed?08:29
cyberthere we go08:29
blackwire83fangorious: that's exactly what i did, see what's in the brackets08:29
Hooveyyiammac: yes i did08:29
jstarchervariant: I did what you said and skype still has no sound. The console give this error "ALSA lib pcm_dmix.c:851:(snd_pcm_dmix_open) unable to connect client"08:29
Hooveyyit doesnt show 1280x1024 in the resolutions list :S08:29
Hendikins(and this stuff should be equally applicable to 1.5.0.x anyway)08:29
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Hooveyylike, when i go prefs > screen res08:29
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variantjstarcher: sorry mate, i dont know08:29
kronos1i cant get ubuntu to install on my compaq presario 1200...should i reformat the hard drive first, then try to install?08:29
fangoriousblackwire83, wire, is see parenthesized stuff though08:29
cyberonly issue now is that i dont have "on nick" alerts & stuff08:29
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variantjstarcher: try the beta skype version, it has alsa support (previously was just oss08:30
elfstonei've got a question, how to edit the fstab to mount a partition in XFS filesystem??08:30
fangoriousblackwire83, should have read "no, i see parenthesized stuff though"08:30
variantelfstone: sudo nano -w /etc/fstab08:30
nolimitsoyakronos1, thats a good start. a shred is also a good thing, to get a clean drive before writing a new filesystem08:30
blackwire83fangorious: how do i move email account data and calendar?08:30
variantelfstone: just copy one of the existing lines and change the parition number08:30
Kim^JWTF! How do I make ALSA available? Trying to play Stepmania and it keeps complaining about ALSA being used already by something else...08:30
variantelfstone: leave the filesystem typ eas "auto"08:30
elfstonevariant ok i try it08:31
emmettshearI'm trying to compile a driver, and I'm getting the error "include/linux/errno.h:4:23: error: asm/errno.h: No such file or directory"...any ideas how to fix it?08:31
ladydoorKim^J: stop using whatever else is using your soundcard...08:31
variantKim^J: apt-get install alsa-oss and start stepmainia with aoss stepmainia08:31
Kim^Jladydoor: Theres nothing using my friggij soundcard!08:31
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fangoriousblackwire83, i don't know. copying the .evolution folder was the only guess I had. Unless evolution has some kind of import/migration utility somewhere (i don't use evolution)08:31
boinkKim^J: do a ps aux|less to see that08:31
blackwire83fangorious: ok08:31
variantKim^J: just try my idea :).. thats a workaround to fix this exact problem08:31
kronos1what about flashing the bios?08:31
cybersome one call me quick?08:31
emmettshearthe only asm/errno.h on my system is in /usr/include, but it doesn't seem to be finding it (the linux source it's compiling against is in /usr/src/linux-source-2.6.15)08:31
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cyberjust like say my nick :P08:32
Kim^Jvariant: aoss ./stepmania ?08:32
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cyberits only a small beep tho :/08:32
variantKim^J: if you normaly startit with ./stepmania then yes08:32
cybersee now thats the kind of thing i would edit source for08:32
Kim^Jvariant: Oh damn... That worked...08:32
cyberi like that it has a python scripting interface :P08:32
cyber/whois cyber08:32
cyberoops :/08:32
ladydoorKim^J: well, ALSA disagrees. have you been listening to music or watching a video/youtube/something (not necessarily this instant--especially if it's paused)08:32
Hooveyywhen im configuring x, do i like, just hover over one then hit enter?08:32
Hooveyyor do i need some cmd to select it? :S08:33
Kim^Jladydoor: I did kill artsd before I tryed to start the game...08:33
fangoriousHooveyy, hover over one what?08:33
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lmosherwhat's edgy's release date?08:33
Kim^JWell... Problem solved!08:33
Hooveyylike, it shows the resolutions08:33
boink26 october08:33
Kim^Jlmosher: A few days...08:33
nolimitsoyalmosher, 26:th08:33
fmWhen GDM starts I have twinview working, then, after I log in, I lose my second display... :( Any Idea why??08:33
lmosherok ty. And (this is my 1st new version) one can upgrade easily w/ apt, right?08:33
Hooveyyi use my arrow keys and go over 1280x1024 and it shows [ | ]  or whatever, and i hit enter08:33
cyberhow do i connect to 2 servers?08:33
ladydoorKim^J: hmmm...suspicious08:33
Hooveyydo i need to do some cmd to select it or something?08:33
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variantKim^J: your welcome08:34
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nolimitsoyalmosher, updatemaganer -r -c08:34
lmoshercyber: you mean on IRC? That depends on the client but I think it's /server -e08:34
fangoriousHooveyy: i use the space bar to mark resolutions, and the up and down arrows to navigate08:34
lmosherty nolimitsoya08:34
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Hooveyyomfg, thank you08:34
Hooveyyit worked08:34
cyberwrong thing to type :P08:35
variantcyber: what irc client do you use?08:35
Hooveyyi wasnt pressing space bar :p08:35
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elfstonevariant thanks for help :) the problem with my fstab was that i have old setting for win fat32 filesystem which i turned to xfs08:35
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variantcyber: open the new server dialog08:35
variantelfstone: ah :)08:35
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variantcyber: i cant rememebr how to use xchat tbh08:35
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Hooveyybrb, ubuntu time!08:35
cyberthere is no "new server"08:35
Vaske_CarWhy my cable internet working slow with Ubuntu? Evety time I click on the web page it need 5-6 seconds to open?08:35
lmosherI sware there's a flag for the /server command, but I don't remember it at all :P08:35
variantcyber: irssi is client of people who are leet :)08:35
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cyberlies ;P08:35
cyberive used X-chat before :P08:36
manmadhaboink, thank u i have installed it08:36
cyberits python ability will > your armour08:36
variantcyber: new > server window08:36
lmoshercyber: xchat -> new -> server tab08:36
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cyberthis is x-chat gnome08:36
boinkthat's one way to doing the alarm.08:36
variantcyber: irssi has better python support than xchat08:36
ZtaI need help installing lilo with the ubuntu-6.10-rc-i386 install cd.  When I choose "Install LILO Bootloader" from the menu, the installer starts partitioning my disk and install the base system.  I'm not interested in that; I just want to run lilo (since I've read GRUB doesn't handle SATA-II disks (on the JMicron controller)).08:36
cyberthere is no "new"08:36
boinkusing crontab is another way08:36
variantcyber: unlucky.. you should have said so :)#08:36
lmoshercyber: upgrade your xchat then, I have it :)08:36
cyberscrew this08:37
fangoriouscyber, xchat-gnome takes a lot of usefull stuff out of the UI08:37
fangoriouslike configuring a proxy server08:37
cybersudo apt-get install irssi08:37
elfstonevariant what should i type in the option section of fstab to gain a full read-write access to xfs disk08:37
lmosheroh, yeah I woudln't suggest xchat-gnome sorry... xchat-common is the ubuntu version that sucks a little less...08:37
variantcyber: yeah08:37
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variantelfstone: make sure ro is not there08:37
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lmosheror irssi for the leet types :)08:37
lmosheranyway gtg. Ty for info08:37
fangoriouscyber: i always just go back to plain xchat08:37
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variantelfstone: user,auto should be enough08:37
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variantcyber: I know for a fact that you will hate it :)#08:38
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shadrachis there a link to an ubuntu live cd on the website?08:38
cyberirssi is already installed...08:38
unluckymike<--- need help with rt2500 card setup, anyone have any know how?08:38
cyberso where do i find it?08:38
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nolimitsoyacyber type irssi in a terminal08:38
fangoriousjust asked in #gl with no response. My multimedia gnome keybindings (play/pause, stop, prev, next set from gnome-keybinding-properties) don't seem to work in xgl+compiz as they did in org+metacity08:38
variantcyber: when you run it (from a terminal) type /connect irc.freenode.net08:38
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nolimitsoyabut cyber, try lostirc :)08:38
ZtaSo, how do I manually install and run the lilo-installer from the rescue shell?  I can't find dpkg og apt-get.  Perhaps I should use the one on my root?08:39
variantcyber: to connect to annother server type /connect newservernamehere08:39
cyberplaing text ftl08:39
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variantZta: ubuntu uses grub by default08:39
variantcyber: nothing plain about it :)08:39
elfstonevariant that didnt solve the problem08:39
ubotuWireless documentation can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs08:39
variantelfstone: what is the problem?08:39
Ztavariant, that comment isn't helping me.08:40
junkyif ive http://pastebin.ca/215608 , how can i use my sound card, which is using snd-atiixp ?08:40
unluckymikeyeah, i checked the wifi docs, no help08:40
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b08yhey people out there, what about dapper backports, do we get some good apps backported from edgy in next time?08:40
cybernolimitsoya: whats the package name for lost irc?08:40
[Daniel] Zta> Try running something that has apt-get, like the live CD?08:40
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ink251what the hell, a "moving to ubuntu" ebook is in the chm format, which cant be viewed in ubuntu.08:41
nolimitsoyacyber, lostirc08:41
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ladydoor!language | ink25108:41
ubotuink251: Please watch your language and keep this channel family friendly.08:41
cybercouldnt find it08:41
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variantink251: apt-get install gnochm08:41
nolimitsoyasudo apt-get install lostirc ;)08:41
cyberE: Couldn't find package lostirc08:41
Zta[Daniel] , That was my plan B.  But I was hoping the rescue disk could ... rescue me.08:41
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nolimitsoyacyber, are all repos enabled?08:41
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cyberim new to linux08:41
variantink251: it can, funny thing is, it wont open by default on windows either without installing software08:41
unluckymikein my network setting it says wmaster0, and wlan0, which one is my actual wlan08:42
nolimitsoyacyber fire up synaptic08:42
elfstonevariant i can only read from the xfs filesystem disk08:42
[Daniel] Zta> Yeah I don't really know anything about it I'm afraid :)08:42
ink251i thought it opened under the help viewer thing08:42
ink251in XP atleast08:42
ZtaLive CD it is.08:42
variantelfstone: you need to set the correct permissions possibly?08:42
nolimitsoyacyber click settings, repositories08:42
nolimitsoyaedit, and enable all08:42
variantelfstone: or is it actualy mounted read only?08:42
nolimitsoya(that is, check all boxes)08:43
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variantelfstone: dont forget that after editing fstab you have to remount it to have changes take effect08:43
nolimitsoyaafter that, reload08:43
ink251is there a guide to making ubuntu more multimedia, browsing, ebook friendly? or atleast a package list?08:43
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cybernolimitsoya:  every single one of them08:43
cyberno matter what they are?08:43
junkyafter having modprobe 2 snd cards, how can i switch between them, without having to reboot?08:43
nolimitsoyacyber, yes08:43
elfstonevariant i know i have to remount08:43
fangoriouscyber, just curious, but are you specifically looking for a command-line irc client, or just something better than xchat-gnome?08:43
variantjunky: what do you mean switch?08:43
[Daniel] ink251, Automatix has a lot of useful stuff08:44
variantjunky: tell your programs to use the other you mean?08:44
cybersome thing better08:44
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brainiacfangorious: try loqui08:44
elfstonevariant mounths ago i have the same problem with fat32 partition and i solved with umask and gid08:44
TheGateKeeperink251: http://ubuntuguide.org/wiki/Dapper08:44
elfstonebut now i dont remeber how08:44
brainiacfangorious: a really nice and compact irc client08:44
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b08ycyber: than take a look at the normal xchat, without -gnome08:44
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cyberlol nah08:44
cyberwhats it like?08:44
variantink251: automatix is not supported here or by ubuntu and you will be installing a lot of proprietry software with that08:44
cyberplain text08:44
fangoriousink251, and it has a bad reputation with the ubuntu team because it does lots of -force stuff to override dependencies08:44
cyberor does it actually have an interface?08:45
marc_Can't seem to find my Wireless Connection under system Admin....any ideas to help me install this.08:45
variantcyber: its kinda like xchat gnome08:45
nolimitsoyacyber, no, graphical, but stripped down and easy to use08:45
variantcyber: irssi has an interface...08:45
brainiaccyber.. give loqui a try08:45
cybervariant:  a limited one :P08:45
variantcyber: not at all!08:45
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fangoriousbrainiac, i'm happy with xchat, i was curious what cyber's goal is08:45
cyberevery one is like get this get that08:45
variantcyber: you just dont understand the concept of interface08:45
junkyvariant: id likd to play my ogg (with xmms) with other sound card instead of the 1st one.08:45
=== cyber screams
=== BooBar [n=BooBar@82-47-84-201.stb.ubr06.dudl.blueyonder.co.uk] has joined #ubuntu
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cyberfangorious: there wasnt a defult irc client & i wanted a good one08:45
variantjunky: in xmms settings you can select your other sound card08:46
junkyi changed the mixer to use the 2nd one, but this is always the 1st one, which is used.08:46
^Alan^its ok cyber lol were all confused here in some areas :)08:46
cyberim used to xchat so how can i get that08:46
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marc_I need help with my Wireless Connection...08:46
=== trainpic [n=edward@oh-71-48-88-63.dhcp.embarqhsd.net] has joined #ubuntu
nolimitsoyacyber, sudo apt-get install xchat08:46
cyber^Alan^: im completly confused08:46
marc_anybody have advise..??08:46
variantcyber: apt-get install xchat208:46
=== Rondom [n=Rondom@p54AEEDBD.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #ubuntu
fangoriouscyber: i lend my vote to plain xhcat (apt-get install xchat)08:46
cyberxchat 208:46
^Alan^lol no problem bud were all here for you08:46
=== Hooveyy [n=alex@S01060014bfafbcd1.gv.shawcable.net] has joined #ubuntu
HooveyyWhoa, my mom's van got broken into.08:46
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^Alan^im only a distributor...but ill try to help anybody who needs it08:46
=== Ziemas [n=flurf_fl@90-227-219-67-no62.tbcn.telia.com] has joined #Ubuntu
cyberwhats the diff between x2 & just chat?08:46
junkyvariant: ive changed it in the gnome Analog center, not in xmms, any hint where's it in xmms? ive took a look, this morning, without success08:46
fangoriouscyber, 108:47
variantjunky: sorry i dont use xmms08:47
HooveyyI'm running VMWare, fullscreen, 1280x1024, woot :)08:47
=== johso [n=opera@0x555298c4.adsl.cybercity.dk] has joined #ubuntu
variantjunky: i remmeber that you could from when i did though08:47
^Alan^aye yie yie this place has turned into chaos central08:47
marc_Alan...I'm looking for help with my Wireless Connection....which I can seem to find under my "System" and "admin" menus...08:47
=== Justin__ [n=justinti@pool-71-245-80-191.syrcny.fios.verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu
cyberHooveyy:  same here :P08:47
Tokenbadanyone help with proftpd?  I had account setup and working and now all of a sudden he can't get in...not just him but had others try to help with it...I then deleted the account and reinstalled and still can't get in...08:47
cyberE: Could not get lock /var/lib/dpkg/lock - open (11 Resource temporarily unavailable)08:47
cyberE: Unable to lock the administration directory (/var/lib/dpkg/), is another process using it?08:47
cyberoh my....08:47
cyberi sudo'ed08:47
fangoriousmarc_, have you tried network-manager-gnome?08:47
cyberGIVE ME POWER08:47
nolimitsoyacyber, close synaptic ;)08:48
cyberu are not microshaft ....08:48
ladydoorcyber: you need to close synaptic/aptitude/adept08:48
fangoriousmarc_, or -kde if you use kubuntu08:48
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marc_Ubuntu...and no I haven't where is located..?08:48
=== Justin__ [n=justinti@pool-71-245-80-191.syrcny.fios.verizon.net] has left #ubuntu []
^Alan^can i take a few of you into pm so it would be easier to talk to you? or is that a no no? (this things getting sooo crowded its hard to distinguish where one begins and one ends!)08:48
fangoriousmarc_, 'sudo apt-get install network-manager-gnome'08:48
xipietotecIs edgy finalized for release?08:48
junkyvariant: and is http://pastebin.ca/215616 looks fine to ya?08:48
^Alan^no its not08:48
^Alan^that i know of anyways08:48
cybercant find package xchat OR xchat208:48
marc_Fang...I just need to type that into a terminal..?08:49
nolimitsoyacyber, then you have fu you repos ;)08:49
=== DerD_ [n=derd2@p54B3F77D.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #ubuntu
=== Nicolog [n=nico@modemcable147.161-130-66.mc.videotron.ca] has joined #ubuntu
cyberi didnt do anything :/08:49
fangoriousmarc_, gives you a notification area applet that has a drop-down list of wlan's it can find, yo click on one and it prompts for any necessary security credentials08:49
cyberi installed linux today08:49
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xipietotecmeaning that if I distro upgraded now, I'd likely have to do another distro upgrade in a week?08:49
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cyber& tried to compile xchat earlyer & then i came here :P08:49
^Alan^sooo cyber your a true newbie eh? :)08:49
nolimitsoyacyber, you where supposed to check the boxes in synaptic, not uncheck ;)08:49
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cyberi checked them...08:49
=== DarthVineman [n=DarthVin@pool-71-244-5-118.dllstx.fios.verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu
fangoriousmarc_, or you can 'connect to other network' and manually type in the SSID and encryption settings08:49
cyberall of them08:49
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nolimitsoyacyber, sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get install xchat08:50
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DarthVinemanAnyone know how to disable password protection for things? Im trying to install something via the terminal, but when I type "su" and hit enter it wont let me type my pass08:50
^Alan^oh yea thats the command i was trying to think of! thanks nolimitsoya!08:50
=== apsog33 [n=apsog33@ppp-70-252-140-50.dsl.ksc2mo.swbell.net] has joined #ubuntu
JosefKDarthVineman: sudo, not su08:50
brainiacdarth... try sudo su08:50
cyberthere yua go08:50
variantDarthVineman: sudo application name08:50
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cyberu never told me to update after enabling them :P08:51
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cyberany one from south africa have a spare machine for me :P08:51
Kim^JHmm... Having really strange problems with sound now... KDE can't play sounds but Amarok can. Xmms can. Konqueror can. But not KDE. The "Test Sound System" plays the sound. But not Kopete and Kwin.08:51
fangoriousDarthVineman, 'sudo -s' gives you a root shell08:51
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cyberi need a machine i can dedicate to ubunti instead of using VMware08:51
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^Alan^lol it would take months for me to get you my spare machine08:51
ScreaminIkeon a 60 gb and an 80 bg hd, .... with a 2.3ghz celeron chip, and 512 mb ram (256m vram) in a live ubuntu session... how long should gpart take?08:51
^Alan^as i live in the USA08:51
tanubisanyone familiar with kpilot08:51
fangoriouscyber, i have two, but i'm in the US08:51
marc_Fang...yes it is installed.........but all I can see is Ethernet and Fax Modem...Still NO wireless Connection....ummmm?08:51
=== mrbond82 [n=stephen@dhcp-0-0-b4-98-1-24.cpe.quickclic.net] has joined #ubuntu
^Alan^id help you out bud but yea08:51
JosefKmarc_; are you on edgy or dapper?08:51
mrbond82Can someone tell me a current guide on how to get xgl+compiz-gnome working?08:52
cyber^Alan^: could i pay for postage & u still send it?08:52
junkyvariant: i changed the mixer to use the 2nd card, but this is always the 1st one to play08:52
cd32fancan somebody please explain me how i can reset the mouse settings in the desktop?08:52
DarthVinemanSame problem still08:52
=== trainpic [n=edward@oh-71-48-88-63.dhcp.embarqhsd.net] has left #ubuntu []
fbcIs there any program that will fix or normalize video files?08:52
tuxedupAs I understand it the Ubuntu kernels come with some sourceless firmware, is it possible to remove this firmware, if so would I have to recompile the kernel or is there another method?08:52
^Alan^lol :P08:52
ScreaminIkeuhm... i thnk it's edgy beta 108:52
DarthVinemanIve tried sudo, sudo -s and su08:52
DarthVinemanWhen it asks for my password08:52
DarthVinemanIt wont let me type08:52
marc_JOse.......alll i know is that I'm using "Ubuntu"...LOL08:52
DarthVinemanIt wont record the key hits08:52
fangoriousmarc_, i should have specified it helps you configure the usage of an already recognized wifi chipset08:52
=== JonBoon [n=boon@24-117-143-90.cpe.cableone.net] has joined #ubuntu
JosefKmarc_: heh, run 'lsb_release -a' in a terminal, it'll tell you dapper or edgy08:52
cd32fanwhere can i find the mouse settings file?08:52
fangoriousmarc_, it doesn't help you get an unrecognized chipset working08:52
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cyber14.8kb's download08:53
=== ^Alan^ yawns
cd32fanthe mouse speed is too fast,and i wanted to reset back to the defaults08:53
JosefKmarc_: if it's dapper, run 'sudo aptitude install linux-686' (assuming you're in i386, not amd64), if it's edgy, run 'sudo aptitude install linux-generic'08:53
cyberwelcome to south africa & limited BW so people can make more money off you...08:53
^Alan^i soo need a new network card08:53
fbcIs there any program that will fix or normalize video files?08:53
DarthVinemanHow can I disable it asking for a password when doing things?08:53
juliananyone know how to crack wep08:53
JosefKmarc_: sudo aptitude install linux-68608:53
ubotupastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (you can always find it in the channel topic, among other useful things)08:53
DarthVinemanIt wont let me type my pass in the terminal when prompted08:54
DarthVinemanIt wont accept keystrokes08:54
=== do_kev [n=kevin@bas8-toronto12-1177643258.dsl.bell.ca] has joined #ubuntu
JosefKmarc_: if you're on i386.  that should install a resticted modules package too08:54
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fangoriousDarthVineman, there is no root password by default, you're supposed to use sudo for everything08:54
DarthVinemanWell I use sudo08:54
DarthVinemanThen it asks for a pass08:54
ScreaminIkedarthvineman it will. just type, and it records them quietly, so as not to echo your pw length08:54
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JosefK!root > DarthVineman08:54
DarthVinemanAnd it wont let me type it08:54
fangoriousDarthVineman, if you're in a terminal and do 'sudo -s' you get a root shell08:54
^Alan^if anybody can fix a computer with a busted network card ill give you as many ubuntu distro cd's for any version you want free! :)08:54
ladydoorDarthVineman: you can type it, it just doesn't show up08:54
^Alan^i tried replacing it..it wont work08:54
POVaddctDarthVineman: just because there are no '*'s when typing doesnt mean the keystrokes are not read08:54
DarthVinemanIve typed it08:55
DarthVinemanAnd it still wont accept it08:55
variantjunky: sorry mate, i dont think i can help08:55
ladydoorDarthVineman: that way, people can't even tell how long your password is08:55
=== RazvanS [n=NoName@] has joined #ubuntu
fbcI need to repair damaged video files. Is there any program that will fix or normalize video files?08:55
DarthVinemanNo shit08:55
^Alan^its sooo junked out08:55
cyberyea it will be blank, type it & hit enter :P08:55
ScreaminIkesu is root. you need to sudo in ubuntu08:55
paolobHi guys! I have a dvd ("Karol"), in totem I have sound (music) but no speech. Any hint? thank you!08:55
DarthVinemanThis channel is worthless08:55
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ScreaminIkeand that will still take them quietly08:55
=== suomi8806 [i=suomi880@dsl-jklgw1-fef4de00-28.dhcp.inet.fi] has joined #ubuntu
marc_Jose....it's downloading now....Kewl stuff..Thanks.08:55
fangoriousDarthVineman, you're typing in the password to your own account, right?08:55
^Alan^sheesh this place needs some kind of moderation lol08:55
ScribbleI'm trying to install ubuntu on an old P2, it is still booting (been on Window Manager for an hour now, but the cdrom is still being acessed).  Should I continue with the loading or should I just try a different linux distro?08:55
ScreaminIke... bad attitude08:55
=== printk [n=jvaughn@unaffiliated/printk] has joined #ubuntu
cd32fananyone help me,please08:55
^Alan^people talkin on top of eachother08:55
JosefKmarc_: np's, try rebooting afterwards and (hopefully) your card should appear08:55
Tokenbadanyone help with proftpd?  I had account setup and working and now all of a sudden he can't get in...not just him but had others try to help with it...I then deleted the account and reinstalled and still can't get in...08:55
=== mobal [n=mobal@dsl51B65E34.pool.t-online.hu] has joined #ubuntu
JosefKmarc_: if it's a supported card, that is ;)08:56
ladydoorScribble: you might check out the alternate install cd08:56
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cyberthat happens with 972 users in the channel08:56
fangoriouswhat an ass08:56
marc_Jose...Right oh......Linksys08:56
paolobHi guys! I have a dvd ("Karol"), in totem I have sound (music) but no speech. Any hint? thank you!08:56
ladydoor!repeat | paolob08:56
ubotupaolob: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly, if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. You can search https://help.ubuntu.com or http://wiki.ubuntu.com while you wait. Also see !patience08:56
Scribbleladydoor: where can I find that?08:56
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ladydoorScribble: likely the same place you downloaded the livecd08:56
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^Alan^ouch you just got told by the bot08:56
ladydoorScribble: the livecd is fine for newer machines, but it's not exactly lightweight08:57
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=== marc_ going to reboot...BRB.
junkyvariant: no problem, we cant be elite in everything.08:57
JosefKmarc_: if it's pcmcia it's roulette, if it doesn't work, https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs/Driver/Ndiswrapper - you can use your windows drivers with that08:57
=== MikeyMike [i=a@ip70-179-218-46.dl.dl.cox.net] has joined #ubuntu
cd32fanso nobody knows huh?08:57
ladydoorScribble: so it's not so good or older machines08:57
poningrucd32fan: what?08:57
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fbcI need to repair damaged video files. Is there any program that will fix or normalize video files?08:57
cd32fanhow i can reset the mouse settings08:57
junkysome1 have an idea how to switch from sound card0 to sound card1 without having to reboot?08:57
cd32fanthe mouse is too fast08:57
printkcd32fan: in X?08:57
fangoriouscd32fan, System->Preferences->Mouse08:58
=== cyber [n=cyber@dsl-165-227-29.telkomadsl.co.za] has joined #ubuntu
^Alan^if anybody wants cd's sent to them ill do what i can if your in the USA..im much quicker than ship-it :)08:58
marc_Jose...I will try the Reboot...it's a PCI....and hope it works..LOL08:58
cd32fani wanted to put it to the default values08:58
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Vaske_Caranybody familiar with msttcorefonts  problem?08:58
xipietotecQuestion: the kubuntu splash appears over grub, but I've completely purged kdm allready, how do I get rid of it?08:58
poningru^Alan^: please do not spam here08:58
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^Alan^im not spamming poncho108:58
cd32fanis there an option for the defaults in X?08:58
cyberback with Xchat now08:58
JosefKmarc_: okay ;) good luck!08:58
=== ^Alan^ rolls his eyes
=== zeromusmog is now known as loftroffle
=== Shadowline [n=shadowli@ppp-69-221-227-159.dsl.klmzmi.ameritech.net] has joined #ubuntu
gnomefreak^Alan^: yes that is spamming and doesnt belong in here08:58
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JosefKcd32fan: yes, sudo dpkg-reconfigure -phigh xserver-xorg08:59
deadhoboSoo... video play is not possible with the NV driver?08:59
^Alan^no in fact it wasnt..i just said i could send them08:59
JosefKcd32fan: that will get you your defaults back08:59
printkmmmm spam08:59
printkmakes me hungry08:59
ink251alan: you got edgy cds?08:59
gnomefreak^Alan^: it is and stop08:59
^Alan^no its not08:59
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fangoriousJosefK, but that won't change his individual mouse settings08:59
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loftrofflehey this seems to be a commonish problem but I can't find the answer... when I try to boot from the 6.06 cd, I get looping buffer i/o errors. anyone know what the deal is? when i google it I just see people with the problem and nobody answering :(08:59
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JosefKfangorious: indeed it won't, but he just asked how to get the default X settings back ;)08:59
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cybercome one say my nick please :P09:00
=== kennkenn [n=kenn@xtreme-44-63.dyn.aci.on.ca] has joined #ubuntu
cyberneed to hear the beep & make sure i know when people are speaking to me09:00
^Alan^oh wow..cmon now that was just lame...i said i could send them..i didnt say anything else...the guy who wants a pc you should smack him as well im not the only one who's spamming according to what you just did09:00
cyberno beep :/09:00
fbcI need to repair damaged video files. Is there any program that will fix or normalize video files?09:00
fangoriouscyber, we're not going to play to your fetish here, that's off-topic09:00
=== ^Alan^ grumbles
=== mode/#ubuntu [+o gnomefreak] by ChanServ
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JosefKfbc: VLC can repair some video files09:00
cyberlol fangorious09:00
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cyberi was testing the beeper :P09:00
variantfbc: mplayer/mencoder09:00
cyberso i hear when people call me in IRC09:00
deadhoboDoes anyone here use the opensource NV driver?09:01
fangoriousVaske_Car, what's youre msttcorefonts problem?09:01
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fbcJosefK:  How do you tell it to repair.? I've looked for tht option everywhere.09:01
poningruloftroffle: it could be couple of things, bad cd , bad drive, bad memory etc.09:01
poningruloftroffle: can you even get to the first boot screen in the cd?09:01
codeymanis there a time server package  on ubuntu (not ntp-server.. the ones that run on port 37 or 13..old ones)09:01
JosefKfbc: hmm, I've only seen it pop the option up when I open an obviously corrupt file, never tried to do it manually though, sorry :/09:01
fbcvariant: Is there a specific option in Mplayer for that?09:01
mobalhey everyone can me help09:01
=== koholint1000 [n=koholint@adsl-83-100-202-169.karoo.KCOM.COM] has joined #ubuntu
poningrumobal: whats wrong?09:01
xipietotecwhen using dpgk -l k* how can I make it come up only those that read "ii" and where do I find out what all the letters mean anyways?09:02
mobalgdm and "question.wav"09:02
=== Huey_ [n=Huey@ip68-6-100-227.sb.sd.cox.net] has joined #ubuntu
fbcmobal:  = yoda?09:02
loftroffleponingru: the boot splash screen works fine, it is after I hit "start" that it causes problems09:02
mobalwhen i start ubi 6.06 the drum sound missing09:02
variantfbc: it depends what the probelms are, for exacmple you can rebuild hte index with -idx and you can mke it permanant with mencoder09:02
poningruloftroffle: on the boot splash there should be a check cd option09:02
koholint1000does anyone know how to get a creative zen micro photo mounted and up+running with amarok. I am using ubuntu.09:02
codeymantime server anyone?09:02
poningruloftroffle: try that09:02
fangoriousxipietotec, pipe the output to 'grep ^ii'09:02
cyberhow do i turn off the beeping :/09:02
JosefKxipietotec: if you mean at the start of the line, "dpkg -l k* | egrep '^ii'" would do the trick09:02
=== soon [n=soon@0x503eae8f.odnxx2.adsl-dhcp.tele.dk] has joined #ubuntu
loftroffleponingru: just finished it a couple of minutes ago, cd is fine09:02
cyberit beeps every time some one says some thing09:02
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codeymancyber: sudo rmmod pcspkr09:02
cyberhow do you turn of the beep that happens when some one says some thing09:03
poningruloftroffle: hmm, can you try booting something else?09:03
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cyberwith xchat09:03
poningruloftroffle: weird09:03
fbcvariant:  what 's the best video player for linux? Some say XMMS , and other something else..09:03
poningrubecause if it was able to check cd...09:03
loftroffleponingru: i already have a couple of windows versions on the drive that boot fine09:03
fangoriousmobal, System->administration->Login window09:03
mobalbut it not works09:03
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sommere__does anyone know why libnetfilter_conntrack doesn't work under ubuntu? same functions work fine on fc509:03
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printkmobal: and your sound is working?09:03
fangoriousmobal, does sound work?09:03
mobalwith sudo gdmsetup works but i can sudo logi09:03
poningrufbc: whats the best car in the world for working class people?09:03
mobalyes my sound works fine09:04
loftrofflehmm i am trying for a third time and I think it got farther09:04
poningrufbc: its upto the person09:04
JosefKponingru: the trebant09:04
printkmobal: you do realize question is just a short drum that only pops up when GDM has loaded and is ready... not a huge deal :)09:04
xipietotecJosephk: that doesn't execute for some reason, just keeps going to a new line09:04
gnomefreakponingru: wrong channel for that09:04
poningrufbc: try them all out09:04
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printkmobal: do you hear the intro song after you login"?09:04
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Vaske_Car!tell about msttcorefonts09:04
poningrugnomefreak: I was making a point re: whats the best video player09:04
mobalyes i hear :)09:04
fbcponingru: volkswagon bug..09:04
gnomefreaki saw it after i siad it09:04
junkyhow can i use that sound card: root@troy:~# cat /proc/asound/cards09:04
junky1 [board          ] : ATIIXP - ATI IXP09:04
loftroffleoh no I spoke too soon09:04
junkyinstead of the card 0 i had before.09:04
poningruok that was rhetorical question09:04
printkmobal: can you play question.wav by it self?09:04
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koholint1000does anyone know how to get a creative zen micro photo mounted and up+running with amarok? I am using ubuntu.09:04
JosefKxipietotec: if it isn't at the start of the line, it wouldn't09:04
fbcponingru:  the shear number of years produced and still used tell the story..09:05
loftroffleit says "Starting Enterprise Volume Management System" then starts looping the buffer i/o error09:05
Vaske_Carfangorious, when i install packages it report that it could not install msttcorefonts09:05
poningrudont answer it09:05
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JosefKxipietotec: if you want to catch all 'ii' anywhere in the line, just 'grep ii' would do09:05
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lakcajfbc, xmms is not a video player.  Try mplayer or xine.  I actually used to prefer mplayer, but I'm really liking xine right now, along with libdvdcss2, libdvdnav4, and xine-extracodecs09:05
mobalwhen i start gdmsetp i press the play button in the login manager but not works09:05
mobalwhen i start with sudo gdmestup works09:05
lakcajfbc, vlc is also something to try too09:05
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fbclakcaj:  aweseom that's I'll try it..09:05
fangoriousmobal, sounds like the user gdm runs as doesn't have permission to play sounds09:05
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printkis gdm in the audio group?09:06
printkthe user gdm09:06
xipietotecJosefK: the "ii" isn't actually in the name of the file, it's a descriptor that dpkg uses to denote installed09:06
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mobalaudio group what is that? :d09:06
mobalwhat must i do?09:06
fbclakcaj:  I got it, and it works well, however it doesn't play wmv's very well even after installing the restrcited formats with easy ubuntu.09:06
printknot sure if that's necessary actually, gdm is not in audio for me and i still hear it09:06
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lakcajfbc, to get some of those packages, good for adding extra repositories, like the plf repos.  If you want, pm me in here with your email addy and I'll email you my sources.list file with the few extra repos you have to enable09:06
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fangoriousprintk, same here09:06
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lakcajfbc, you installed w32codecs?09:07
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fbclakcaj:  yup..09:07
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lakcajhrmmm - mplayer has always been able to play any wmv I've thrown at it09:07
fbclakcaj:  I still can't see wmv with shit..09:07
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fbclakcaj:  with = worth09:08
ubotuPlease watch your language and keep this channel family friendly.09:08
elfstonei have a question how to add full rw access to XFS partition. uid and user= doesnt work with xfs09:08
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koholint1000yes, LANGUAGE!!!  lol09:08
fbcwhoops.... my bad..09:08
fangoriousfbc: if it's encrypted wmv (drm) i don't think anything in linux can play it09:08
printkman gnome-terminal in 2.16 with true transparency is awsome :)09:08
fbc all the sub 13 yerolds on the channel say "I"..09:08
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eck0quick question, when i try to load off my cd it goes thru the check list with ok ok ok etc. but after that it goes to a black screen09:08
koholint1000everyone here seems to be asking questions09:09
koholint1000there seem to be no-one answering09:09
fbcfangorious: nope they aren't they are just the joke emails everyone mails around..09:09
eck0anyone else had that problem?09:09
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printkkoholint1000: start anwsering than09:09
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fangoriouskoholint1000, we can only answer what we know09:09
printkkoholint1000: why not?09:09
koholint1000i now, im just saying09:09
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eck0so i take it no 1 has had that problem/09:09
Scorpmoonhow do I clone a directory in ubuntu09:10
poningrueck0: make sure your cd is ok... from the boot splash screen check cd09:10
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Scorpmooncp dir dir2 ?09:10
ladydoorScorpmoon: cp -a dir newdir09:10
fangoriousfbc do you know what version of wmv codec they are encoded in?09:10
printkScorpmoon: clone?  You can copy (using cp -R) or you can create a softlink (ln -s)09:10
nolimitsoyaeck0, try safe graphics mode09:10
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[Daniel] Scorpmoon, cp -a dir newdir09:10
eck0i did09:10
[Daniel] Oh09:10
[Daniel] :)09:10
nolimitsoyaeck0, then try alternate install cd09:10
eck0ive used 3 cd's09:11
fbcfangorious:  I just followed the commands in the restrictied formats page...09:11
eck0im using alcohol 120 to burn the iso09:11
ladydoorScorpmoon: you want to use a link if you want changes to one dir to effect the others as well09:11
poningrueck0: did you burn them?09:11
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eck0should i use something else?09:11
fangoriouseck0, try burning at a slower speed09:11
Scorpmoonthat's not the case09:11
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fbcfangorious:  they make you cut and paste like two lines into your terminal09:11
ladydoorScorpmoon: use cp if you want them to be separate (as for backups)09:11
madflaxHow do I get the terminal windows to get transparent?09:11
eck0fang was that toward me?09:11
loftroffleugh not even safe mode is fixing this :sigh:09:11
JosefKmarc_: any luck?09:11
nolimitsoyaeck0, have you checked the cd for defects?09:11
poningruloftroffle: whats wrong?09:11
printkmadflax: well true transparency you need a composit window manager... but to get just transparency with gnome-terminal you go to Edit->Current profiles09:12
eck00 it says09:12
printkand i think there is an effects tab09:12
fbcfangorious:  one that downloads the package and the other that installs it..09:12
eck0could it be my bideo card?09:12
loftrofflei just tried safe mode and it still doesn't work :(09:12
fangoriouseck0, you said you'd used 3 cds, so i thought you were burning some iso image and it was consistently failing09:12
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JosefKmarc_: ack :( if it still isn't showing up even under 'iwconfig', it mustn't be supported09:12
eck0oh no09:12
eck0i used 1 with the 64 bit09:12
Apeironhey all :) i have a little problem with ubuntu server.. i just installed it on a rather old machine, and now im trying to boot.. grub is outputting the normal stuff (where the kernel image is and so on) and then "boot" and after that the screen turns black and the machine is rebooting.. any suggestions about this strange behaviour? thx for help in advance :)09:12
eck02 with 32 bits09:12
poningrueck0: when it goes black press ctrl+shift+f109:12
Lubixi can not figure out how to do mathematical operation with parameter sent in from the command line in bash HELP!09:12
marc_JOse...I will check.09:12
JosefKmarc_: if you see an entry for a wireless card in 'iwconfig' though, 'sudo aptitude install network-manager-gnome' should be all you need09:12
=== marc_ keeps fingers crossed.
printkmadflax: difference between true transparency and transparency being, with true you will see everything behind the window, icons other windows etc... regular transparency only shows your desktop background09:13
eck0 crtl shift f1? what does that do09:13
junkyALSA lib confmisc.c:672:(snd_func_card_driver) cannot find card '0'09:13
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Vaske_Carfangorious, this is the error I am getting:  http://pastebin.ca/21565209:13
poningru!bash > Lubix09:13
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junkyhow can i use card 1 and not 0?09:13
printkmadflax: but Edit->Current Profile->Effects to turn on transparency09:13
poningru!tell Lubix about bash09:13
poningruis ubotu not working?09:13
madflaxprintk, where do I find edit?09:13
printkmadflax: this is with gnome-terminal09:13
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niklas_ewhich files can you set so when you login in ubuntu so it starts lineakd?09:13
printkmadflax: also i'm using edgy so it's Gnome 2.1609:13
fangoriousVaske_Car, all I see there is the 7 line license message for the fonts09:14
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eck0so what does crtl+shift+f1 do?09:14
marc_Jose...no wirless extension found....*POUTS*09:14
poningrueck0: switches you to non-gui09:14
printkno that's ctrl+alt+F109:14
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poningrueck0: to make sure its not your X server thats failing09:14
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loftrofflebut yeah poningru my hard drives seem to work fine. windows vista boots, and i've installed gentoo and even ubuntu before. i'm really stumped what the problem is here :(09:14
poningruerr right09:14
eck0ok ill brb09:14
poningruwhat printk said09:14
RichiHwhen will the next version of ubuntu be released?09:14
eck0so what am i looking for09:14
eck0so i can report09:14
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poningrueck0: ctrl+alt+f109:14
RichiHit is beta right now, nay?09:14
[Daniel] niklas_e, try System->Preferences->Sessions->Startup Programs09:14
printkRichiH: 26th09:14
ginerc"no DHCPOFFERS received" -- ubuntu can't use the internet?? It works fine on windows... help :(09:14
madflaxprintk, ok.. im using edgy aswell.. but how do I get true transpericy?09:15
eck0brb all09:15
printkmadflax: go to the wiki and look BerylOnEdgy09:15
JonBoonim just now installing 6, im way behind09:15
poningruloftroffle: hmm I will go with the cd going bad09:15
marc_Jose is there a list that I can look at that would help me purchase a wireless card that would be supported?09:15
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fangoriousginerc, i'll ask the obvious, you have a dhcp server on your network?09:15
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loftroffleponingru like I said, it checks out fine =\09:15
printkmadflax: that will tell you how to use beryl, once you have a composit window manager running you can have true transparency09:15
Vaske_Carfangorious, check this out http://pastebin.ca/21565509:15
poningruloftroffle: I mean cd drive09:15
Lubixponingru: bash ! part of ubuntu?09:15
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ginercIt use to work fine...09:15
loftrofflewell I'll try the other drive then see if that gets me anywhere09:16
ginercI have spent an hour going through all the related threads on the forum messing with settings09:16
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wikijeffFor some reason Ubuntu will no longer boot for me. It hangs during the startup process at "Starting System Log...". After a little while it exists graphical mode and enters the text mode where it will wait indefinitely. Any idea of how to fix this?09:16
ginercSome guy who had the same problem fixed it by having the same computer name but that didn't work.09:16
madflaxprintk, ok.. thanks09:16
RichiHprintk: is that certain?09:16
fangoriousVaske_Car, try 'apt-get install msttcorefonts' first09:16
printkginerc: your ubuntu machine can't get an IP from the DHCP server or is it acting as your DHCP server?09:16
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printkRichiH: not sure09:16
poningruginerc: how is your network setup?09:17
RichiHprintk: my gf needs to burn dvd and bring it to india, so i need to plan ahead :p09:17
printkRichiH: ah09:17
ginercprintk: it just says "no DHCPOFFERS received" so it can't get an IP, I typed in the DHCP server that we use09:17
=== RichiH will set up some indians with ubuntu
fangoriousginerc, the linux machine is dual-boot with windows?09:17
ginercand windows works fine with the same DHCP server and computer name09:17
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ginercubunut use to work fine on the internet also but it can't even ping anything now09:17
niklas_eI am running enlightenment so I can't get into that program, you know what it is called?09:17
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printkginerc: sounds more like an issue with your DHCP server than ubuntu09:18
ginercprintk: but it works fine on windows...?09:18
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fangoriousginerc, have you tried configuring a static ip just to see if that works09:18
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printkwhat is your DHCP server?09:18
rockzmanCan anyone tell me09:18
printkis it just a home router?09:18
ginercfangorious: yes and it didn't09:18
rockzmanX Error of failed request:  GLXUnsupportedPrivateRequest09:18
rockzmanWhy this error09:18
ginercprintk: it's a big network09:18
printkginerc: after you setup a static, did you also setup your /etc/resolv.conf for name resolution?09:19
Vaske_Carfangorious, http://pastebin.ca/21565909:19
ginercprintk: no09:19
loftroffleugh same errors09:19
loftrofflei guess i'll start disconnecting hard drives :sigh:09:19
ginercI tried using the ubuntu Live CD and that also doesn't work on the internet09:19
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printkginerc: well you need that setup before you can resolve a hostname anyway.   just put nameserver <ip of your gateway or DNS resolver> without the '<' '>' in your /etc/resolv.conf09:20
fangoriousVaske_Car, i assume your internet connection on the machine you want msttcorefonts on is ok09:20
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ginercprintk: I used the Network toool thing under Administrator to enter in the DNS server09:20
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printkginerc: well it does "work on the internet' millions do it :)  We just need to figure out why your private network isn't getting a connection09:20
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TehUnii just upgraded from dapper to edgy. Everything seems to have gone smoothly except that my secondary video card (ati) no longer displays anything. where should start?09:20
printkyah i'm old school, i hardly use ubuntu's "way" of configuring things.... I trust myself more :)09:20
ginercprintk: shouldn't it work with the live cd..? ubuntu works fine on my home connection09:21
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poningruprintk: hehe I hear that09:21
printkginerc: it's so hard to say without knowing how your network is setup09:21
Vaske_Carfangorious, i have a kind of problem whyen I browse the internet it need 6-7 seconds to open pages... btw this is 3 hour old installation of Ubuntu09:21
printkponingru: :)09:21
junkyroot@troy:/home/junky# aplay foo.mp309:21
junkyALSA lib confmisc.c:672:(snd_func_card_driver) cannot find card '0'09:21
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junkyhow can i fix that issue? i need to use the card 109:21
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ginercprintk: well how do I go about troubleshooting the issue further then?09:21
tsolerhello hello09:21
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tsoleranyone willing to help?09:22
=== MetaMorfoziS [n=sajt@dsl51B66A4A.pool.t-online.hu] has joined #ubuntu
poningrujunky: does that happen with every sound player?09:22
fangoriousVaske_Car, what happens if you copy/paste the URLs from the apt-get output into a web browser?09:22
poningrulike mplayer09:22
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[Daniel] tsoler, everyone is willing :)09:22
tsolerthanks daniel09:22
junkyponingru: yes, and i know i just need to use card 109:22
variantginerc: if you type dhclient eth0 what happnes?09:22
jbmigeltsoler whats you problem again i just dropped in09:23
junkyhow can i say: hey use card 1 instead of card 0 ?09:23
tsolerwhere can i find the proper driver for my card?09:23
printkginerc: first off are you trying to connect wireless or "wired"?09:23
jbmigeltsoler what is your card09:23
fangoriousginerc, my first thought is MAC address filtering, but if windows works on that same machine, then that probably isn't the problem09:23
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ginercvariant: I'm dual booting so I'd have to go test it. when I do  sudo ifdown eth0  it just gets the "no DHCPOFFERS recieved" msg09:23
tsolergraphic card09:23
Speeder2anyone here with dell poweredge / perc raid cards?09:23
Vaske_Carfangorious, it can not download... http://cesnet.dl.sourceforge.net/sourceforge/corefonts/andale32.exe09:23
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poningruSpeeder2: yeah whatsup?09:23
jbmigeltsoler do you happen to know what kind of grap09:23
fangoriousginerc, ifup is what you use to connect, ifdown disconnects09:24
printkginerc: why are you bringing the interface down?09:24
jbmigeltsoler do you happen to know what kind of graphic card09:24
Vaske_Carfangorious, is it working on your side?09:24
tsolerintel is my keyboard09:24
ginercI know I bring it down then bring it up...09:24
junkyponingru: i saw a -D option with aplay, but dunno how to use it exactly.09:24
tsoleri assumem its intel??09:24
jbmigeltsoler who cares what your keyboard is09:24
Speeder2pon: have you found any raid managment soft for megaraid?09:24
variantginerc: ok09:24
printkginerc: sudo ifup eth0 && sudo dhclient eth0 what does that do?09:24
fangoriousVaske_Car, doesn't seem to be09:24
Speeder2i don't have autocomplete :(09:24
=== pyrad [n=pkilambi@cpe-075-177-217-244.nc.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu
jbmigeltsoler can you please run "glxinfo | grep direct" and tell me the output09:24
ginercprintk: is it worth restarting to test that out...? I just have the one comp09:24
ubotuedgy is the current development version of Ubuntu. Version 6.10, codename "Edgy Eft". For support head to #ubuntu+1. For its release schedule, see !schedule09:24
tsolersoory ,my card was precompiled with keyboard09:25
printkginerc: try doing another static and manually adding your route and /etc/resolv.conf09:25
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ubotuUpgrading, please see the instructions on: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UpgradeNotes09:25
poningrujunky: hmm hold on09:25
ubotuUbuntu uses a strict timetable for releases, which means that sometimes newly released programs miss the timetable. See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/TimeBasedReleases for more. Edgy schedule: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/EdgyReleaseSchedule09:25
fangoriousVaske_Car, here's the homepage for the corefonts project, http://sourceforge.net/projects/corefonts09:25
ginercprintk: this setup works fine on a different network so I'm thinking it's not granting me an IP under ubuntu for some reason09:25
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about audio - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi09:25
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printkginerc: wireless ?09:25
ginercprintk: it's a university network09:25
tsolerthere is a device manager on ubuntu?09:25
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jbmigeltsoler can you please run "glxinfo | grep direct" and tell me the output09:26
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printkginerc: yes i know but i mean you, are you connecting wireless or wired?09:26
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MrBond82jbmidel- are you trying to help someone get xgl/compiz going?09:26
ginercprintk: with an ethernet cable so wired09:26
jbmigelMrBond82 no09:26
poningrujunky: yeah I dont know sorry dude09:26
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Xzalliontsoler: Ubuntu's device manager is in System>Administration>Device Manager09:26
tsolergive the command again please09:26
lietuanyone know why the display resolution change dialog always only has one option for both resolution and refresh rate?09:26
jbmigeltsoler can you please run "glxinfo | grep direct" and tell me the output09:26
eck0didnt work09:26
printkginerc: ok... hrm weird.... Maybe contact the school network admin to see?09:26
junkyponingru: im trying to figure out, since 3h now :(09:27
qidis it possible for ubuntu to auto-detect when an external monitor is plugged into a laptop and use it as a second display?09:27
ginercprintk: they said they don't support nonwindows computers09:27
Vaske_Carfangorious, do you know why fangorious, thanks09:27
poningruqid: yes from dapper it should just work09:27
poningruyou have to press the switch monitor button for your laptop09:27
ginercprintk: I had it working before but it stopped a while ago ...09:27
qidnot really09:27
printkginerc: well... do they use any kind of authentication for DHCP?09:27
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poningruqid: make sure you have it plugged in when you start up the comp09:27
ginercprintk: well we had to login the first time we used the internet so I think so09:27
qidit mirrors part of my existing display in a goofy resolution09:28
eck0wenever i try and load off my cd it doesnt work, it goes thru its whole check list etc, bt then it tried to go to the next screen and goesblack and there isnt anything i can do09:28
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poningruqid: oh you want it as a dual display?09:28
qidponingru: that's an ugly workaround09:28
tsolerhere is the results direct rendering: No09:28
tsolerOpenGL renderer string: Mesa GLX Indirect09:28
qidI would prefer it if the external monitor is not a mirror of the primary display09:28
printkginerc: well that'd be something you'd need to find out if you need some sort of authentication to get a DHCP offer.  There really could be 100s of reasons why you won't get a DHCP offer.09:28
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poningruqid: do you know what kind of vid card you are using?09:29
tsolerany clue?09:29
qidthis is a laptop running 1280x800 resolution, I'd be plugging into either an LCD running 1280x1024 or a projector running 1024x76809:29
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ginercprintk: are there no other debug messages other than "no DHCPOFFERS received" ... ? it use to work so I don't see why it would just stop09:29
qideither way mirroring the display is not going to work right09:29
MrBond82qid - I wish I could afford a projector that has that kind of resolution in it09:29
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eck0poningru: it didnt work09:29
tsolerjb migel any clue?09:29
qidI can't either, it's at school09:29
CapnWhizBangI'm been having trouble with a usb audio interface. My woes are described here.... http://www.ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=282217 need help please.09:29
qidI want to use this laptop to give class presentations09:30
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jbmigeltsoler try this one now "lspci | grep Graphics" it will tell you what graphics you have09:30
MrBond82qid -- I need that too... can I join in teh conversation?09:30
poningruqid: did you not see my question?09:30
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ginercprintk: I also have two ubuntu entries under GRUB which is weird and one detects my ethernet card while the other does not09:30
eck0could my video card be a problem??09:30
junky /quit09:30
Clinton__alright, it seems I am unable to play some avi files and some wmv files in mplayer or kaffeine, which video codecs and their package names am I missing?09:30
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qidponingru: I did, hold on a second09:30
Clinton__I have w32codecs for sure09:30
MrBond82poningru- he does09:30
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nolimitsoyatsoler, have you followed the guide?09:30
ubotuTo install the Ati/NVidia drivers for your video card, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto09:30
loftroffleponingru: it seems as if one of my hard drives was the problem for some bizarre reason09:30
KenSentMeI installed java, like said on the help.ubuntu.com pages, but firefox still asks to install the 'missing' jave plugin. Anyone have an idea what to do?09:30
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loftrofflei disconnected one, then the other and now it works09:30
poningrueck0: so what happens when you press ctrl+alt+f1?09:31
tsolerno not all nolimitsoya09:31
nolimitsoyatsoler, please do :)09:31
printkginerc: well, make sure you boot the one that does detect :)  Also, try manually "sudo dhclient eth0" (after making sure the interface is up with ifup ofcourse)  Come back and tell us what that says09:31
lietuanyone know why the display resolution change dialog always has only one option for both resolution and refresh rate? as in, what could be causing that and how to get the full range for both available?09:31
qidponingru: 0000:01:00.0 VGA compatible controller: ATI Technologies Inc Radeon R250 Lf [FireGL 9000]  (rev 01) (prog-if 00 [VGA] )09:31
nolimitsoyayoull be running 3dacc in no time :)09:31
jbmigelnolimitsoya why are you pointing him to the guide before you know what card he has09:31
tsoleru mean the captive guide??09:31
poningruhmm hold on then09:31
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nolimitsoyajbmigel, i assume he knows himself ;)09:31
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LogicalDashI'm trying to set up the driver for my Intel PRO/Wireless 3945ABG card. I've set up the ieee80211 subsystem and am trying to make the driver, but make gives me the error "No rule to make target `modules.'" Any help? Full paste: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/27867/09:31
ginercprintk: ok I'll reboot and try that09:31
jbmigelnolimitsoya well he doesnt... he said it was precompiled with his keyboard when i asked09:31
nolimitsoyatsoler, no, the guide the bot links to when doing !ati09:31
poningruqid: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/XineramaHowTo09:32
nolimitsoyatsoler, get the manual for your computer09:32
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Clinton__alright, it seems I am unable to play some avi files and some wmv files in mplayer or kaffeine, which video codecs and their package names am I missing?  I have w32codecs for sure.09:32
tsolerwhat are we talking about:)?09:32
jbmigeltsoler try this one now "lspci | grep Graphics" it will tell you what graphics you have09:32
nolimitsoyatsoler, you graphicscard09:32
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tsoler0000:00:02.0 VGA compatible controller: Intel Corporation 82865G Integrated Graphics Controller (rev 02)09:32
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poningru!tell Clinton__ about restricted09:33
tsolerits intel i told you haha09:33
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poningruClinton__: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats09:33
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jbmigelnolimitsoya do you see what good the ati/nvidia help file is for now?09:33
printk!restricted > printk09:33
printkok that format works09:33
printk!tell printk about restricted09:34
fangoriousis there something known about xgl+compiz that disables the gnome-keybindings?09:34
eck0can i get some help plz09:34
eck0i cant be hte only ojne with this problem09:34
jbmigeltsoler your intel graphics should *just work* have you been messing with your xorg.conf?09:34
Tinned_Tunait would help if you said what your problem is...09:34
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tsolerit works fine09:34
eck0any time itry to install the OS it goes thru the check list for laoding then it goes to a black screen09:34
printkeck0: did you wait long enough, might be a dumb question.  But for me, i get a blank screen for a few minutes but eventually it does come up (on the livecd )09:34
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tsolerbut not with google...09:35
gh0sthello, does anyone know how to do this check pattern in nautilus, like here: http://ic1.deviantart.com/fs10/i/2006/111/0/3/Tempura_Theme_by_Lokheed.png?09:35
nolimitsoyatsoler, i think thats a knows problem...09:35
Newbi8Hello!:) Does anyone know how I can get transluscent windows in Ubu09:35
eck0oh i waited a few09:35
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eck0ill try again and leave it09:35
nolimitsoyayou mean google earth, right?09:35
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eck0beb abck and thanks09:35
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printkNewbi8: using gnome, I think you need a composite manager installed.  Check out BerylOnEdgy at wiki.ubuntu.com09:36
tsoleryou mean everyone here is having the same issue?09:36
nolimitsoyai thank thats a known problem, and nothing anyone kan do anything about09:36
poningrugh0st: what do you want to do?09:36
nolimitsoyatsoler, yes09:36
qidponingru: so, I'll have to manually edit xorg.conf whenever I want to use an external monitor?09:36
printkNewbi8: try #ubuntu-xgl09:36
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poningruqid: you dont have to do it everytime09:36
brettOk... all of the sudden my DVD drive has crapped out...  any way to tell if it is hardware vs software?09:36
poningruqid: just once is enough if its the same monitor09:36
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gh0stponingru: you know, the background of nautilus, like in the screenshot09:36
printkNewbi8: np09:36
tsolerand ithought this would be easier to start with09:36
poningrugh0st: hold on09:37
nolimitsoyatsoler, if you realy want it, a "good"(=adequate) graphicscard is only a few dollars these days09:37
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XVampireXHey, I'm having these errors whenever I try to compile something: http://pastebin.ca/21570009:37
tsolerif i change card im solving google earth??09:37
qidponingru: how do I determine the identifier for the monitor then?09:37
nolimitsoyatsoler, yes09:37
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poningrugh0st: edit->background and emblems09:38
tsolerwhy so?09:38
gh0stponingru: where?09:38
madflaxas the newset alsa drivers been backported to edgy?09:38
nolimitsoyatsoler, a geforce mx4000 is only ~40$09:38
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gh0stponingru: ok09:38
XVampireXHey, I'm having these errors whenever I try to compile something: http://pastebin.ca/21570009:38
DarthVinemanHow can I login as root on the desktop? Im trying to use Archive Manager to extract to a directory but it says I dont have permission09:38
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CapnWhizBangdoes anyone know anything about getting usb audio to work?09:39
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tsolerdont know about cards09:39
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madflaxDarthVineman, sudo09:39
jbmigelDartgVineman sudo su09:39
printkDarthVineman: you can sudo -i09:39
Scorpmoonhow do i rmdir a nonempty dir09:39
DarthVinemanThat only logs me in for the terminal09:39
printkScorpmoon: rm -rf09:39
fangoriousScorpmoon, 'rm -rf dir'09:39
ladydoorDarthVineman: you can do gksudo nautilus to open a file manager window as root09:39
poningruqid: from teh device manager09:39
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XVampireXHey, I'm having these errors whenever I try to compile something: http://pastebin.ca/21570009:39
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tsolerwhy so although? seems like ubuntu is coming compliled with few drivers??09:39
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nolimitsoyatsoler, its intels fault, not ubuntus09:40
fangoriousDarthVineman, use 'nautilus --no-desktop' to avoid reloading the whole desktop09:40
jbmigelXVampireX i see no errors in your paste09:40
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XVampireXthe warning09:40
XVampireXIt shouldn't happen09:40
jbmigelwhy shoudnt it?09:40
tsolerplease let explain to me09:40
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mythicHHi. I have a question. How do I associate .phtml files with firefox so that it will open them instead of attempt to download them?09:40
nolimitsoyatsoler, intel fu their drivers/cards. ubuntu cant do anything about that :)09:40
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MrBond82does ubuntu have an out-of-the-box solution for compiz yet or do you need to tweak the hell out of files to get it to work?09:40
XVampireXBecause I was able to compile it last time, and now it doesn't and this is the source of the problem, something is wrong with my automake09:40
joonamythicH: you can't, it's webservers job09:41
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poningruMrBond82: it does have a out of the box09:41
ginercprintk: Ok I tried it and got the same result -- http://paste-bin.com/106909:41
jbmigelXVampireX a warning shouldnt stop it from compiling... are you sure there is no real error further down?09:41
mythicHjoona: Oh... okay, well it's my webserver (phpmyadmin for mysql)... How would I change that?09:41
ginercprintk:  "no DHCPOFFERS received" essentially09:41
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printklet me see09:42
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tsolersory nolie what do u mean?09:42
XVampireXin ./autogen.sh no, in make, it won't let me compile, for example, in this case, libmpd and gmpc09:42
DarthVinemanfangorious: I still get a permission error09:42
qidponingru: I looked in the device manager and see nothing identifying any monitors09:42
fangoriousDarthVineman, have you tried 'gksudo file-roller'09:42
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jbmigelXVampireX can you paste the error?09:42
tsolerintel asks too much for the drivers?09:42
Rico-hey: is there a way i can download certain edgy packages without upgrading my entire system?09:42
ubuntucao ljudi sat ima09:42
joonamythicH: check your apache conf for line... AddType application/x-httpd-php .php09:42
XVampireXjbmigel, ok, sec09:42
nolimitsoyatsoler, that intel cards cant do the things that they have to, in order for them to use things lika google earth09:42
Rico-without waiting for backports i mean09:42
joonaand add .phtml to the list09:42
printkginerc: yah hrm... wierd man.  I apologize, but not sure exactly where to go from there.... If i knew how your university's network is setup I could assit further. :(09:43
lietuanyone know why the display resolution change dialog always has only one option for both resolution and refresh rate? as in, what could be causing that and how to get the full range for both available?09:43
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bart416_Oh gosh, I'm here again09:43
bart416_Great timing for my mp3 player to mess up09:43
XVampireXjbmigel, http://pastebin.ca/215620 and http://pastebin.ca/21562609:43
printkginerc: maybe try to find other fellow linux users at your university?09:43
joonamythicH: so it reads AddType application/x-httpd-php .php .phtml09:43
bart416_How do you format something in ubuntu ?09:43
ginercprintk: yeah no one on the forums knew how to fix it either, thanks for your help though :\09:43
tsolerbut i use the same card on windows . no prob09:43
joonabart416_: mkfs09:43
ginercprintk: i don't think there are any! :)09:43
seanHow do I install a 32 bit version of libX11.so.6 on my 64bit os to get doom3 to (finally) run?09:43
MrBond82poningru - how do you get dapper to use compiz-gnome ?09:43
nolimitsoyatsoler, yes, but intel havent fixed drivers for linux, which they have to. :)09:43
printkginerc: it definitely seems like something on your university's end.   Oh I'm sure there are a bunch of users ... :)  Or ask a CS prof09:44
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fangoriousDarthVineman, is  the archive something you can extract from the command line (.zip, .tar.gz, or .tar.bzip2, etc)?09:44
zMottwell, thought I would as, what is the best irc client (gui ) for gnome..09:44
DarthVinemanits a .tar.gz09:44
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ginercprintk: yeah it is the unversity's network for sure :\09:44
poningruMrBond82: oh that requires a bunch of... configuring09:44
DarthVinemanIm trying to extract it to /opt09:44
DarthVinemanBut it wont let me09:44
poningruMrBond82: you should upgrade to edgy09:44
DarthVinemanAnd it wont let me login as root via desktop09:44
DarthVinemanWhich is what I need to be able to do09:44
XVampireXjbmigel, I don't have any errors in compiling libmpd, but when I compile gmpc it gives errors related to libmpd, the author of gmpc doesn't know what's wrong with it...09:45
Scorpmoondoes ubuntu server (LAMP) come with phpMyAdmin installed?09:45
fangoriousMr_Magic, join #ubuntu-xgl and check out the CompositeManager wiki page listed in the topic09:45
ubotusudo is a command to run programs with superuser privileges ("root"). Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo for all information.09:45
MrBond82poninguru-- will it become out of the box with edgy?09:45
joe__soo, skype (and audacity, etc) only work with /dev/dsp directly (for bad reasons) instead of through alsa which I think is better because then they don't block each other -- how do i fix alsa?09:45
poningruMrBond82: no you still have to install couple of packages09:45
karabatak who know callback configuration for wvdial?09:45
XVampireXjoe__, No, skype works with alsa09:45
fangoriousDarthVineman, what are you trying to unarchive?09:45
jbmigelXVampireX could it be you have the wrong version of libmpd?09:45
mythicHjoona: Perfect. Thank you. I assume I now have to restart apache? How does that happen.09:45
poningruMrBond82: but its very easy to intall09:45
joe__XVampireX: i understand, but it only works for me with /dev/dsp, hwo do i make it work with alsa09:45
XVampireXjbmigel, how come?09:45
XVampireXjoe__, In skype settings09:46
MrBond82poningru-- I know but do I have to start mucking about my config files like I did in dogey- I mean dapper?09:46
tsolerso u say that there is not a driver update problem like google prompts me??09:46
XVampireXjbmigel, just a sec09:46
nolimitsoyatsoler, no09:46
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bart416_This is so messed up:09:46
bart416_bart@Raven:/media/usbdisk$ sudo fdisk /media/usbdisk09:46
poningruMrBond82: dont think so hold on let me point you to the guide09:46
bart416_You will not be able to write the partition table.09:46
bart416_Unable to read /media/usbdisk09:46
ubotuCompiz (compositing (window) manager) and XGL (Xserver architecture layered on top of OpenGL) howto at http://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompositeManager XGL+compiz help in #ubuntu-xgl  See http://tinyurl.com/pw5ez for Kubuntu systems09:46
joe__XVampireX: when i set it to work with alsa, it doesn't work, when i set it towrk with /dev/dsp, it works09:46
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dcordeshow can i monitor all connected devices when i am inside a windows network with smb?09:46
XVampireXjoe__, does anything else that uses alsa work for you?09:47
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fangoriousDarthVineman, open a terminal, cd to /opt, and type 'sudo tar xvzf /path/to/xampp...'09:47
xipietotecthis is going to seem odd, but I need to turn off my screen saver from the terminal, I cannot open up my screen saver dialog through gdm...as it will lock up my computer, and I'm in the middle of upgrading to edgy09:47
tsolerill do a search in intell for my card to find the latest driver09:47
fangoriousthen enter your login password (not a root account password)09:47
XVampireXjoe__, oss and alsa are 2 different sound drivers09:47
tsolerill tell u the results09:47
DarthVinemancd to opt?09:47
sean./doom.x86: error while loading shared libraries: libX11.so.6: wrong ELF class: ELFCLASS64 - How do I install a 32 bit version?09:47
fangoriousDarthVineman, in a terminal, type 'cd /opt'09:47
joe__XVampireX: audacity only works with dsp --09:48
poningruMrBond82: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompositeManager/AIGLXOnEdgy09:48
XVampireXjoe__, try to listen to some music through rhythmbox09:48
joe__XVampireX: i can't tell which driver vlc is using -- it has either enabled -- i think it's using /dev/dsp though09:48
tsolernolie , oops haha i dont even know hot to update a driver in ubuntu09:48
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ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about edgyupgrade - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi09:48
xipietotecPlease, anyone? help? I can't leave my computer now because it'll lock up if I do....=(09:48
ubotuIf you're having problems with sound, first ensure alsa is selected by double clicking on the volume control, then File -> Change Device (Alsa Mixer). If you are still having problems with sound, then look at http://alsa.opensrc.org/index.php?page=DmixPlugin See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/DebuggingSoundProblems09:48
ubotuUpgrading, please see the instructions on: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UpgradeNotes09:49
poningruxipietotec: whats wrong?09:49
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fbcHow can I enable the 3d features on my ATI mobile RADEON 200M?09:49
tsoleris there a way to update a device driver in ubuntu??09:49
joe__okay, nothing works with alsa09:49
joe__it's all dsp09:49
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seanarghhh - ok, I give up.09:49
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anon32if I want to upgrade my system from a CDROM, should I use the alternate or the desktop CD?09:49
XVampireXjoe__, read the link then09:49
poningruanon32: alternate09:50
fangoriousfbc, use the fglrx driver (either from ati.com or the one in linux-restricted-modules-$(uname -r)09:50
anon32poningru: thanks09:50
ubotuThe Alternate CD (available as of Dapper) is the classical text-mode installation CD. Use it if you wish to upgrade via CD, or for an "expert" mode install. For normal installs, use the Desktop CD, which is also a "Live" CD.09:50
xipietotecponingru: Well I've been trying to get an unstable aiglx/beryl session to work....it hasn't been so I decided to instead upgrade to edgy09:50
lietutsoler: which device driver?09:50
joe__XVampireX:  what link09:50
xipietotecnow I'm in the middle of that upgrade09:50
tsolergraphic card09:50
bart416_Okay, any good idea to force a format on a 'damaged' disk ?09:50
poningruxipietotec: any probs so far?09:50
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xipietotecand I just realized: If my screen saver comes on, it'll crash09:50
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bart416_well actually memory stick09:50
poningruxipietotec: it shouldnt...09:50
XVampireX!sound > joe__09:50
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poningruxipietotec: disable it then09:50
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xipietotecponingru: my openGL screen saver crashes the desktop right now, I need to be able to disable it from the terminal09:51
qidponingru: I looked in the device manager and see nothing identifying any monitors09:51
marc_WHat PCI wireless card do I need for Ubuntu...anyone..?09:51
tsolerlietu any ideas?09:51
lietutsoler: if the graphic card manufacturer provides drivers, it'll be possible, if it's only included in kernel or X distribution, you need to update them09:51
xipietotecbecause if I open the normal "Screen saver" portion in gdm, it has a little "preview" which also crashes gdm09:51
lietutsoler: for example nvidia drivers shouldn't be a problem09:51
fangoriousmarc_: intel ipw2200 works great09:51
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Scorpmoondoes ubuntu server (LAMP) come with phpMyAdmin installed?09:51
joe__XVampireX: thanks09:51
Scorpmoonor can I get phpMyAdmin using apt-get ?09:51
fangoriousDarthVineman, any luck using tar at the command line?09:51
bart416_Scorpmoon, get it in a tar.gz file from the phpmyadmin website09:52
poningruxipietotec: go disable it then... system->pref->screensaver09:52
XVampireXjoe__, no problem09:52
DarthVinemanThat worked I think09:52
bart416_extract it to your htdocs09:52
marc_Thanks Fang.......09:52
tsoleru mean u can not update them manually?09:52
Scorpmoonbart416, it seems to be in apt-get09:52
bart416_and alter the configuration file09:52
boinkphpmyadmin - set of PHP-scripts to administrate MySQL over the WWW09:52
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boinkit's in apt-get09:52
poningrumarc_: where do you live?09:52
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bart416_It is in apt-get :S09:52
bart416_Didn't know that09:52
brettOK.. all of the sudden my DVD craps out...  I thought it was a driver, but I can't even but to a ubuntu live CD...  do you think that would confirm hardware fault?09:52
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boinkman apt-cache09:52
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bart416_brett, does it make a funny sound ?09:52
fbcfangorious:  they are installed, but how do I enable them... I have the gnome control panel installed an everything, but I can't see a way to enable them.09:52
fangoriousDarthVineman, If you want to use the gui archive tool, you can hit <alt>-F2 to get the 'Run Program' dialog and type in 'gksudo file-roller', and then enter your login password when prompted. That should run filer-roller as root09:52
brettNo noise at all... not sure if it is even spinning up09:53
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xipietotecponingru: I can't disable it through the GUI, because it automatically brings up a preview of the screen saver in a little window, that causes xserver to crash as well09:53
bgrupein which package is a UNIX-/Solaris-compatible "mail" binary?09:53
xipietotecI need to disable it in terminal.09:53
XVampireXjbmigel, Ah... I fixed it... yeah, I had 2 versions of gmpc09:53
dfgasdarn it i can't reinstall ubuntu09:53
tsoleryou mean u cannot update them manually?09:53
brettThe disk manager program sees it...09:53
fangoriousfbc, in /etc/X11/xorg.conf, change the driver from ati (or vesa, or whatever) to fglrx, and then reboot09:53
brettsays its an NEC 355009:53
merlinBeryl + Dapper = ownage09:53
jeeves_Mossall:  can any one help me with getting CPU freq scalling to work on my laptop?09:53
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fbcfangorious: cooll.. I'll try it..09:54
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fangoriousfbc, after you log in, run 'fglrxinfo' and look for ATI Technologies as the OpenGL vendor string09:54
nolimitsoyajeeves_Moss, amd or intel?09:54
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fangoriousfbc: that will mean hardware acceleration is enabled09:54
jeeves_Mossnolimitsoya: Intel.  there's any other brand?  LOL09:54
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nolimitsoyajeeves_Moss, search for speedstep in synaptic09:54
tsolernolie is there a list with combatible cards ???09:54
nolimitsoyatsoler, what do you mean?09:55
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qidanyone else know if it's possible to get ubuntu on a laptop to auto-detect when an external monitor is connected and extend (not mirror) the desktop onto i?09:55
jeeves_Mossnolimitsoya:  I think I've got that installed actuly, but when it boots, it gives me an error msg.09:55
lietutsoler: as in, copying new drivers off somewhere?09:55
poningruqid: no clue dude sorry09:55
poningrurem__: identifier09:55
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nolimitsoyajeeves_Moss, try 'man <name of package>' in a terminal09:56
lietutsoler: I'd say, in atleast 99% of the cases, that's not possible09:56
tsolerget a new driver and update old one09:56
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lietu99% of the drivers in linux only come with the kernel as the companies making the stuff don't care about linux drivers09:56
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nolimitsoyatsoler, you can always search intel in synaptic, and see if there are any packages that might contain alternate drivers09:57
lietuor Xorg distribution ofcourse09:57
jeeves_Mossnolimitsoya:  ok, installing it now.  I had installed the CPU one from the dock menu09:57
Squirrelswhats the command to move files in the terminal09:57
nolimitsoyaSquirrels, mv09:57
dcordeshow can i switch between connected channels in irssi?09:57
tsolerim confused09:57
KenSentMeI installed java, like said on the help.ubuntu.com pages, but firefox still asks to install the 'missing' jave plugin. Anyone have an idea what to do?09:57
joonamythicH: you prolly already got an answer, but its: sudo apachectl restart09:57
Scorpmoonif i type wget url, where does it download to?09:57
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qiddcordes: alt+numbers09:57
joonaor, apache2ctl if you happen to run apache209:57
fangoriousScorpmoon, current directory09:57
dcordesqid: great thanks09:58
nolimitsoyaScorpmoon, to the directory you are in09:58
tsolergoogle earth is for linux is that right??09:58
qiddcordes: alt+arrow keys might also work09:58
nolimitsoyatsoler, there is a linux version, yes09:58
lietutsoler: well I just used google earth in ubuntu09:58
fbcfangorious:  I t won't let me save the file.. I guess I need to be loged in as root, but root password is not the same as my user password. What should I use?09:58
tsolerwhat does it says to u?09:58
lietutsoler: in linux drivers aren't generally made like in windows world, as in every company makes their own drivers and distributes them seperately in "driver install packages" etc09:58
dcordesqid: this switches me btw ttys09:58
Rico-hey: there's a package i want to install that's only available in edgy. is it relatively harmless to upgrade to edgy right now, or should I wait, or is there way to only install certain packages from edgy?09:59
fangoriousfbc: you at terminal?09:59
qiddcordes: which, arrows or numbers?09:59
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lietutsoler: in linux, someone makes the driver, someone notices it works and sticks it in a distribution of the kernel/xorg/whatever09:59
fangoriousfbc: you can run sudo gvim, sudo gedit, sudo nano, sudo vi09:59
mythicHjoona: Yes, I found that but I'm still having troubles. :-p09:59
fangoriousfbc, enter your own login password09:59
lietutsoler: some companies(nvidia for example) provide their own driver install packages for linux too, but they are rather rare09:59
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tsoler google prompts me for what then??10:00
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lietutsoler: "what does google earth say to me"?, nothing at all, it just works10:00
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lietutho, I use the web interface10:00
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tsolerto me it says , please update your driver10:00
eck0hey who else was having that problem with the black screen10:00
fbcfangorious:  so now I just need to log out and back in to see the chnges?10:01
tsolerdoesnt google know that there are no drivers??10:01
fangoriousfbc, sudo is your interface to the root account, you can use 'sudo -s' or 'sudo -i' to get a root shell10:01
tsolerits a bit confusing?10:01
lietutsoler: http://maps.google.com/ too?10:01
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fangoriousfbc, i would reboot, as there's a kernel module as well as the X driver10:01
tsoleri havent tried that10:01
fbcok see you later...10:01
fangorioushope it works10:01
tsoleri ll try10:01
lietutsoler: well try it10:01
marc_Fang Question....10:02
fangoriousmarc_, Answer ....10:02
mythicHCan anyone assist me in setting up phpmyadmin ?10:02
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eck0did anyone else have the blackscreen problem10:02
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fangoriouseck0, what video chipset?10:02
tsolerno prob with maps10:02
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eck0im using ATI10:02
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fangoriouseck0, hold on10:03
eck0radeon 925010:03
gh0sthow can i remove the text under the icons in nautilus navigation bar?10:03
marc_Fang...when I type "lspci -v" in terminal...it shows my Wireless Netgear card....but says only available to ROOT?10:03
Clinton__does anyone besides myself have a problem with google earth flashing continuously for the maps?10:03
fangoriouseck0, https://launchpad.net/bugs/2298510:03
marc_What does that mean..?10:03
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fangoriousmarc_, i'ver never seen that, can you copy/paste just the available to root part/10:04
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marc_Do I need a ROOT password or better yet create one then access my wireless card..?10:04
andy_hi all, is there any easy way to update xchat?10:04
tsolernolie, lietu, is there a list of well - working cards for ge?10:04
eck0how do i add those lines?10:04
fangoriousmarc_, possibly10:05
lietutsoler: I wouldn't know, ask google10:05
marc_Capabilities: <available only to root>10:05
lietumarc_: sudo10:05
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fangoriousmarc_, ah, run 'sudo lspci -v' and enter your login password when prompted10:05
gh0sthow can i remove the text under the icons in nautilus navigation bar?10:06
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Clinton__does anyone besides myself have a problem with google earth flashing continuously for the maps?10:06
eck0fang how do i add those lines10:06
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andy_or set su password with : sudo passwd10:06
fangoriouseck0, hit <ctrl><alt>F1, login, and run 'sudo nano /etc/X11/xorg.conf' (or whatever your favorite console editor is10:06
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eck0how do i login if i dont even have it setup10:07
fangoriouseck0, ah10:07
marc_ok....I "sudo" and see the wireless card there but I still cannot use the darn thing...what farce10:07
fangoriouseck0, you're using a livecd installer i take it?10:07
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eck0ithink so10:07
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=== marc_ ready to throw wireless cards out
fangoriouseck0, at the boot menu, is there a some kind of 'safe mode video' or 'vesa video', something to that effect?10:08
eck0not that i can recall10:08
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eck0same mode video yes10:08
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fangoriousmarc_, have you searched ubuntuforums for your chipset?10:08
=== marc_ needs to go finish dinner before someone starts munching on my privates...
fangoriouseck0, try that10:09
eck0i did10:09
Borathey guys, when i try to upgrade to edgy using the update manager, i get an error that says i cant calculate some of the files..10:09
Borator something like taht10:09
marc_Fang that's what I was trying to do.....but10:09
=== marc_ is too fustrated...
Subhumanmarc_, stop using /me commands10:09
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eck0didnt work10:09
eck0but ill brb10:09
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fbcfangorious:  Hey it work!!!10:09
fangoriousfbc: sweet10:09
SubhumanBorat, ask in #ubuntu+1, more likely to get an answer10:10
marc_No more /me commands......10:10
=== fangorious wonders what is wrong with this
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fbcfangorious:  I have one other little problem.. When ever I run my wireless manager it asks me if I ran it with SUDU because it does not have sufficient rights to access my card..10:10
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marc_whois Subhuman.....?10:11
fbcfangorious: how to do I fix it so that it does run with the SUDO rights?10:11
tichdoes anyone use beryl?10:11
Subhumani am me.10:11
fangoriousfbc, are you connecting to an encrypted wlan?10:11
dabaRI am uber human10:11
=== Xaser [n=freezing@static-203-87-26-220.qld.chariot.net.au] has joined #ubuntu
fbcfangorious:  yup10:11
Xaserhi all10:11
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asaaI was trying to disable ipv6 on my ubuntu 6.06, i was following some online tutorials, and edited /etc/modprobe.d/aliases, /etc/modprobe.d/blacklist and /etc/hosts but without any result. Finally I RESTORED all the files to the original version (i'm sure to have restored them). The last time i was working with the commands "rmmod" and "lsmod" without success.. and after rebooting the "eth0" and the PS2 mouse completely disappeared, but i10:11
=== CpuWhiz [n=eric@cpe-66-87-222-218.co.sprintbbd.net] has joined #ubuntu
hilfesucherhi @ all i wanna use mirro command Reverse, mirror -R10:11
hilfesucheranybody can help10:11
fangoriousfbc, are you sure it's asking about sudo, network-manager curerntly stores wlan keys in the keyring, so you are always asked for your keyring password10:12
CpuWhizfor all the skeleton files and such, is it useradd or adduser10:12
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gh0sthow can i remove the text under the icons in nautilus navigation bar?10:12
fangoriousCpuWhiz, why not System->administration->users?10:12
fbcfangorious:  yup.. it tells me so...10:12
=== marc_ kicks Subhuman Butt......LOL
XaserI gots a problem, I cant access the internet via my Ubuntu box. My windows box works fine. I can ping www.google.com no probs but cant get to it via firefox..  any ideas?10:12
fangoriousfbc, is it lying?10:12
CpuWhizfangorious: because it doesn't have a gui installed :)10:13
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fangoriousfbc, i've never run into sudo issues with network-manager10:13
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hilfesuchernoone can help`10:13
fbcfangorious:  nope, cuz it won't list any of my netwroks...10:13
fbcfangorious:  nope it's the wirelss manager I add seperately through the synaptics manager...10:13
fangoriousCpuWhiz, i think useradd should work10:13
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marc_Thanks for your efforts Fang...I appreciate it.10:14
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fbcfangorious:  cuz the network manager was not seeing any of my lans..10:14
fangoriousmarc_, sorry i couldn't get you up and running10:14
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fangoriousfbc, ah, i've only ever used network-manager10:14
marc_we tried....10:14
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eck0hey ummm were do i get the permi nstalled10:14
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fbcfangorious:  so how do I edit the command line for one of my menu items__10:14
Willwhere can i get a preconfigured sources.list?10:15
ubotusource-o-matic is a webpage where you can (re)generate your sources.list - http://www.ubuntu-nl.org/source-o-matic10:15
fangoriousfbc, Applications->Accessories->Alacarte10:15
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ubotuFind your themes at: http://www.gnome-look.org - http://kdelook.org - http://themes.freshmeat.net/browse/58/ - http://www.guistyles.com - https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Artwork/ - Also see !changethemes and https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UbuntuEyeCandy10:15
fangoriouseck0 I thought the livecd has a launcher on the desktop to do a permanent install10:15
=== gyoffi [n=hangcsap@cm-216-181.kabelnet.hu] has joined #ubuntu
eck0i cant even can get to that10:16
fbcfangorious:  ok I changed the command line for that app to read: sudo wlassistant10:16
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ubotuUpgrading, please see the instructions on: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UpgradeNotes10:16
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fangoriousfbc, it'll ask for you password everytime that way10:16
tsolerlietu, nolie:10:17
gh0sthow can i remove the text under the icons in nautilus toolbar?10:17
tsoleri found a new driver:-P10:17
fangoriouseck0, well, that is a problem10:17
Xaseranyone got any ideas? I cant connect to the internet via my ubuntu's firefox or any other app, but I can ping and resolve the www.google.com10:17
helpit says my name is already in use even though.. its my name and i was just on it10:17
lietutsoler: good for you10:17
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fangoriouseck0, here are the 6.10 install images10:17
eck0fang so anything?10:17
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eck0ok ty10:17
=== PWill [n=paul@cpe-24-208-190-43.columbus.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu
skavengeXaser: do you have to run through a proxy or anything?10:18
tsolerit must be newer10:18
gnomefreakfangorious: join #ubuntu+1 with edgy questions answers please10:18
=== help is now known as Squirrels
Xaserthrough my ADSL router10:18
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tsolerdevice manager doesnot shows dates???!!10:18
Squirrelsis Aliend worth using?10:18
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fbcfangorious:  I think I found my real problem. my eth1 (wireless card) will not come active... What can I try?10:18
Xaserskavenger: my windows box works fine10:19
skavengeXaser: that shouldnt matter then, if you had to go through a proxy it would need to be set within the browser but i dont think thats the case10:19
fangoriousgnomefreak, sorry,10:19
eck0fang i cant accept priv messages10:19
Samuli^Is there a way to find nick if you know someone's ip on ircnet?10:19
fangoriouseck0, replace the 6.10 with 6.0610:19
eck0im not registered10:19
tnncanyone know any good docs on how to install coppermine on ubuntu10:19
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fbctnnc:  dig, :-)10:19
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Xaserskavenger: so any ideas? its not just ubuntu, as when I had fedora on that same machine it was the same, and on my laptop10:20
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fangoriouseck0, http://mirror.phy.olemiss.edu/mirror/ubuntu/6.06/10:20
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eck0ok ty10:21
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eck0bye ill be back later on10:21
skavengeXaser: its a resolving issue for sure, I dont know much about it but check that your dns is correct for sure10:21
tnncfbc dig what?10:21
fangoriousfbc, what chipset you have?10:21
fbctnnc:  just a joke.. dig for the coppermine.. get it??10:21
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fbcfangorious:  broadcom I'm pretty sure...10:21
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tnncfbc i tought that what you meant ok LOL10:22
skavengedig for copper, yuk yuk ;)10:22
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fangoriousfbc, those have a pretty spotty track record for linux support10:22
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fbcfangorious:  damn...10:23
PWillfbc: Yeah, the Broadcom 4000 series has virtually no Linux support10:23
fangoriousfbc, you know the specific chip? (maybe sudo lspci -v)10:23
skavengefbc: broadcom, in general, your looking at ndiswrapper for support .. there are kernel modules for specific ones but imo they are sketchy10:23
Xaserskavenger: the DNS servers addy is set correctly via DHCP10:23
skavengexaser: and the router is allowing connection to the dns server?10:23
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tsolernolie, are u here?10:23
Xaserskavenger: checking now10:24
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fbcfangorious:  Broadcom Corporation BCM4318 [AirForce One 54g] 10:24
tsolerto all :ubuntu can accept drivers for suse10:24
PWillfbc: I ahd that same one, and everything sucked. Buy a new one, IMHO.10:24
fangoriousfbc, you might try looking at ndiswrapper, which i've never used10:24
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skavengendiswrapper may be exactly what you need10:25
PWillfangorious: NDISwrapper is terrible with the 431810:25
PWillI used to have it10:25
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skavenge... or not10:25
fangoriousPWill, ok10:25
mlalkakahi everyone. how can i determine whether my processor is a hyper-threading processor under linux?10:25
fbcfangorious:  I don't like to use wrappers.. it doesn't feel the same. :-p10:25
fangoriousPWill, do you know of anything that works for that chipset?10:25
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poningrufbc: uh... use the firmware and it will work10:25
Xaserskavenger: would I be checking for the connection with a ping to the dns server, or if a specific port is forwarded? (if so what port?)10:25
fbcponingru:  what firmware?10:26
poningrufbc: hold on10:26
ExilEspeaking of ndsiwrapper i'm trying to install a netgear usb dongle and the web page says install ndiswrapper. Install the package ndiswrapper-utils (eg using the Synaptic Package Manager) any idea where i can find this package10:26
PWillfangorious: Try installing "bcm43xx-fwcutter" from the repos. If that doesn't work, I'd get a new card.10:26
poningrufbc: http://ubuntu.cafuego.net/pool/dapper-cafuego/bcm43xx/bcm43xx-firmware_1.3-1ubuntu1_all.deb10:26
skavengewatching paint dry riding a snail10:26
fangoriousfbc, what those guys sadi10:26
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adam_swehi everybody, yesterday my cousin enabled ssh on my computer and he gave me a domain on DynDNS. now i tried to setup an Apache, MySQL, and PHP server so i can host a website. but whenevere i go to my domain it asks for a username and password (so i can acsess my router). what do i do? :S10:26
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fangoriousi've always used intel ipw2x0010:27
FuzzyBearadam_swe : forward the port10:27
FuzzyBearadam_swe : and don't allow external http access to your router10:27
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adam_swewhat port do i haveto forward?10:27
fangoriousadam_swe, 8010:27
adam_sweok :)10:27
PWillfangorious: Yeah, I bought a 2200 after I realized that broadcom sucked10:27
adam_swelet me try10:27
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skavengefyi ive got a broadcom 4306 running like glass under ndiswrapper10:27
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fangoriousglass can run?10:28
PWillYeah, the 4306's are great, but the 4318's, not so much10:28
ubotusamba is the way to cooperate with Windows environments. Links with more info: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MountWindowsSharesPermanently http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/serverguide/C/windows-networking.html Samba can be administered via the web with SWAT10:28
skavengefangorious: quick like a bunny, i tell yah10:28
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about rumba - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi10:28
fbcponingru:  thanks, It's installing right now, except that it's giving me a warning about the type of card I have.10:28
poningrufbc: I know... it warns everyone10:29
fangoriousskavenge, then why do people want to make parking lots out of it?10:29
FuzzyBearubotu is a help bot?10:29
poningruFuzzyBear: yes10:29
SeveasFuzzyBear, yes10:29
ubotuI am ubotu, all-knowing infobot. You can browse my brain at http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl Usage info: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuBots10:29
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ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about CTAN - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi10:29
skavengefangorious: blame it on hippies10:29
fangoriousskavenge, that makes sense10:30
=== fangorious looks at his bellbottoms with guilt
PWillFuzzyBear: He knows everything, even 133710:30
willdevhow can i use samba to share my printer connected to my server? Any NEWBIE guide?10:30
ubotu1337 i5 nigh-inc0mpr3h3n5ib13 70 u5 n00bs, 4nd n0b0dy c4r35 if UR 4 1337 h4x0r. Giv3 i7 4 r357.10:30
adam_sweFuzzyBear, it works! thanks :D10:30
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adam_swefangorious, thanks it worked :D10:30
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about relativity - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi10:30
CharonXCan anyone recomend a latex editor, or something that can continualy refresh a latex file and display what it will look like while I work on it in vi ?10:31
poningruok guys...10:31
willdevhow can i use samba to share my printer connected to my server? Any NEWBIE guide?10:31
SeveasCharonX, that's hard10:31
poningrustop messing around with bot10:31
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about fluxcapacitor - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi10:31
fangoriousso apparently not everything10:31
ExilEwhat is ndiswrapper-utils and where do i get it10:31
FuzzyBearCharonX : I'm not sure that's possible10:31
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about gates - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi10:31
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SeveasCharonX, emacs has a buffer for displaying equations10:31
skavengeExilE: the ndiswrapper package it comes in and it should be one the ubuntu cd or availible via the repos10:31
Seveasbut iirc that's about it10:31
CharonXBut then I have to use emacs ...10:31
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Railerso how do I log in as root in ubuntu? I'm tried of my user not being able to access and move files around?10:31
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FuzzyBearCharonX : you can try lyx10:31
SeveasTeX isn't wysiwyg10:31
ubotuLove is like racing across the frozen tundra on a snowmobile which flips over, trapping you underneath. At night, the ice-weasels come.10:31
willdevhow can i use samba to share my printer connected to my server? Any NEWBIE guide?10:31
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Seveas!repeat | Will10:32
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about sambaprinter - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi10:32
ubotuWill: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly, if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. You can search https://help.ubuntu.com or http://wiki.ubuntu.com while you wait. Also see !patience10:32
fbcponingru: It tells me to identify the ndiswrapper with  sudo ndiswrapper -l so that I can remove it, except that that command give me an error when I run it.10:32
FuzzyBearsamba.org has some example configs for setting up printers10:32
poningrufbc: do you have ndiswrapper installed?10:32
fbcnope don't think so.10:33
fangoriouswilldev, can you browse to the printer in Places->Network Servers?10:33
ubotuamarok is an audio player for Linux with an intuitive interface. The latest version is 1.4.3 and packages are available for Kubuntu at www.kubuntu.org10:33
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poningrufbc: then you can ignore it10:33
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about gstreamer - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi10:33
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CharonXFuzzyBear, yea just looking at lyx. Ill try it out. Thanks10:33
fbcponingru:  then what do I do now to make it work?10:33
poningrufbc: restart10:33
fbcponingru:  cool thanks.. BRB..10:33
skavengeis the totem gstreamer plugin fixed in edgy? why is it taking so long in dapper given its LTS status?10:34
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bruenigwhen I sudo apt-get install something and then Ctrl + z to stop it in the middle of the download. The next time I try to sudo apt-get install something it gives me the familiar E: Could not get lock /var/lib/dpkg/lock - open (11 Resource temporarily unavailable), E: Unable to lock the administration directory (/var/lib/dpkg/), is another process using it? Solution?10:34
raintheoryanyone want to help me with some Amarok issues?10:34
fangoriousbruenig, why are you backgrounding apt-get?10:34
willdevfangorious , no because its connected to the linux box which i want to share the printer off10:34
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skavengebruenig: ctrl z is only suspending it, not killing the process10:34
Seveasbruenig, ctrl-z suspends, so it's still there10:34
Seveasctrl-c kills10:35
fangoriouswilldev, ah10:35
bruenigok, so how do I fix that then?10:35
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Seveasbruenig, easiest way: sudo killall apt-get10:35
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skavengeactuall kill the apt process10:35
bruenigthat is what I did10:35
CharonXDoes lyx work like a regular document editor or is there any plugin available to I can use vim commands ?10:35
constrictorskavenge: so how do you bring it back up after you suspend with ctrl +z10:35
Seveasstill locked: easiest way is rebooting10:35
fangoriouswilldev, the default samba config will share all installed printers10:36
bruenigyeah, figured as much10:36
skavengeconstrictor: i dont know as i dont suspend10:36
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willdevorite  cool10:36
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willdevdo i just do sudo apt-get install samba then?10:36
skavengeall: what is the command to bring back a ctrl-z command?10:36
raintheoryjust installed Amarok, but it keeps choking on something in my music collection10:36
Seveasskavenge, fg10:36
raintheoryand locking up my whole system10:36
fangoriouswilldev, but you'll want to edit /etc/samba/smb.conf to have the right workgroup10:36
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fangoriouswilldev, i think so10:36
skavengeconstrictor: sounds like 'fg' then10:37
willdevalrite cool thanks10:37
FuzzyBearCharonX : I haven't actually used lyx, I just put latex $1 && latex $1 && xdvi `basename $1`.dvi intoa  script10:37
raintheoryis there another channel I should be asking about Amarok in?10:37
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Raileranyone know how I can give my user full permissions to read/write to every directory in the the GUI not CLI???10:37
fangoriouswilldev, you might also need 'sudo invoke-rc.d samba start' to turn on the server. I forget if it is set to run at boot by default10:37
skavengeraintheory: #kubuntu possibly10:37
ChaosFanRailer: you do not want that.10:37
raintheorythx scavenge10:37
raintheoryim actually using ubuntu tho, but i'll check it out10:38
ChaosFanRailer: half of your system tools will complain about insecurity issues in your filesystem...10:38
RailerChaos I just want to move a file to another directory with havign to go to bloody CLI everytime10:38
ChaosFanRailer: which directory?10:39
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Railerfrom my desktop to var/www10:39
Dr_willisRailer,  this is linux. it depends on the exact task you are trying to do. :)10:39
FuzzyBearhow many times do you have to move files into a non-user dir?10:39
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skavengeraintheory: regardless of DE amarok is a kde app so the boys in there may know a little more10:39
FuzzyBearRailer : add yourself to the same group as var/www10:39
ChaosFanRailer: on your local machine without other users?10:40
FuzzyBearand make the dir 77510:40
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asaathe file that choose which modules are started at boot time are in /etc/modprobe.d/ or are there other config files for kernel module in other directories?10:40
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RailerChaosFan yes localmachine10:40
Railerin GUI10:40
poningruRailer: you can also do sudo nautilus10:40
raintheoryokie doke skavenge ,  thanks!10:40
poningrufrom the terminal10:40
poningrubut like they warned10:40
SeveasRailer, you should not have to touch things outside your homedir as normal user10:40
poningruthats not optimal10:40
Dr_willisasaa, # /etc/modules: kernel modules to load at boot time.10:41
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RailerI remember somethign about sudo nautilis10:41
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Dr_willisrunning nautilis as root.. can be a bad idea10:41
fbcponingru:  Well, it's better than it was before.. at least the wireless light on my laptop comes on , but no lans are detected.. damn.. For a minute there, I thought I was gonna have to name a kid after you.10:41
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ChaosFanRailer: just do once `sudo chmod -R o+rw /var/www' in cli, that should suffice, although FuzzyBear gave you the cleaner method ;)10:41
asaaDr_willis: thanks.. and to disallow the loading of some modules i should edi /etc/modprobe.d/blacklist ?10:41
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skavengeif your not extremely careful root nautilus canbe nasty10:42
Dr_willisasaa,  You got it.10:42
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asaaDr_willis: thank you!10:42
poningrufbc: go into a terminal10:42
poningruand type in10:42
poningruiwlist scan10:42
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skavengefbc: i know im not into the whole story of your problem but the light coming on is a good sign, it may be detecting the card just not your network10:43
fbcponingru:  yup10:43
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poningrufbc: do you see anything?10:43
poningrufbc: pastebin whatever shows up10:43
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RailerI just need it to default to sudo nautilus10:43
fbcponingru:  yeah I se the command prompt10:43
ianmacgregorRailer: You shouldn't be using sudo nautilus, you should be using gksudo nautilus10:44
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ChaosFanRailer: you want nautilus to default to root privileges?10:44
poningrufbc: you dont see any results?10:44
skavengegksudo is important, ianmacgregor is right10:44
Railergregor, what's the difference?10:44
fbcponingru: eth1      No scan results10:44
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ChaosFanRailer: what about logging in as root? it's definitely one of the nastiest things you can do, but you seem to want it...10:44
[Daniel] Hi10:44
ianmacgregorRailer: http://www.psychocats.net/ubuntu/graphicalsudo10:45
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poningrufbc: go into networking and turn on the wireless card10:45
ubotuIf you need to run graphical applications as root, use gksudo, as it will set up the environment more appropriately. Avoid ever using sudo {guiapp}10:45
Railerwell I just want to have the freedom to move files around10:45
ianmacgregorFuzzyBear: Thanks, I didn't know that factoid existed :)10:45
poningruRailer: right gksudo has to be used10:45
fbcponingru:  it says eth1 is active10:45
poningrunot sudo10:45
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skavengesome gui apps like to bork normal sudo and when it does bork it prevents you to from sudo'ing again10:45
Railerok well sudo nautilus worked great10:45
ianmacgregorskavenge: I have even seen it prevent the user from logging in altogether10:46
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poningrufbc: that means you probably dont have any wireless around10:46
sergevnMan what do I love ubuntu and it's support, A+ for the people who are involved :)10:46
poningrufbc: you sure you have wireless from your router running?10:46
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ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about fg - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi10:47
fbcponingru: yes, I do right next to me is an acces point, and my wife's windows laptop can see it just fine at full signal strength10:47
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skavengeianmacgregor: i wouldnt be surpised in the least, your were totally correct in telling everyone gksudo was the right action10:47
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constrictorskavenge: what is fg?10:47
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poningrufbc: type iwconfig10:47
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skavengeconstrictor: Seveas tells me its the proper usage of bringing an app into the foreground from suspension10:48
tgelterhey all - I have a sblive and I can't get sound out of my center channel or subwoofer...any ideas?10:48
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[Daniel] Hey, anyone know what's happened to SharpMusique? The Ubuntu documentation still seems to indicate that it's available, but it definitely isn't.10:48
ubotusoundblaster is If you need help with setting up your soundblaster card, then visit https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoundcardsWithHardwareSynth10:48
skavenge'fg appname' or possibly fg PID10:48
constrictori see, how is it used ie. what's the syntax do you know?10:48
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constrictoroh right10:48
poningru[Daniel] : did you see that?10:48
constrictoranswered my question already. nice one skavenge10:49
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[Daniel] poningru, which? :)10:49
ianmacgregorconstrictor: sounds like it is an option of the jobs command10:49
skavengenp, wasnt just me heh ;)10:49
[Daniel] Soundblaster?10:49
poningru!soundblaster > [Daniel] 10:49
ianmacgregorskavenge: You might be insterested in screen10:49
dcordessince my kaffeine has a jerky dvb-t playback i'm looking for an alternative solution to watch tv. can somebody suggest anything? important for me is easy configurability.10:49
poningrudcordes: mplayer, vlc etc.10:49
[Daniel] Are you saying the Soundblaster page has info about SharpMusique? :-D10:49
constrictorianmacgregor: can you please explain that?10:49
poningruoh sorry10:50
poningruthat was for tgelter10:50
fbcponingru:  I PMed you the command output.10:50
dcordesponigru: vlc is too hard to configure and where is the dvbt in mplayer?10:50
tgelterthanks for the link10:50
poningrufbc: I didnt get it10:50
poningrupastebin it10:50
=== samuel_ [n=samuel@219-89-11-199.dialup.xtra.co.nz] has joined #ubuntu
poningrurofl nice quit msg10:51
ianmacgregorconstrictor: jobs was a way of starting an app in the bg and starting another app in the fg and switching between the two apps. I haven't used it in a long time, I use screen now as it's much better10:51
=== ianmacgregor has been using Linux since 1999
skavengeconstrictor: if you make a habit of suspending apps and coming back to them screen is stellar10:51
fbcwhere do I find pastebin again?10:51
=== [1] skeith [n=skeith@nr27-66-161-167-115.fuse.net] has joined #ubuntu
ubotupastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (you can always find it in the channel topic, among other useful things)10:51
skavengegah slow typing ;)10:51
constrictori'll give it a whirl10:51
=== Exposure [n=exposure@cc569857-a.ensch1.ov.home.nl] has joined #ubuntu
Samuli^what anti-vir programs there were for linux? (it's for cleaning windows partition)10:52
dcordesponigru: i can't find dvb support in mplayer?10:52
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fbcponingru: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/27876/10:53
skavengeSamuli^: clamav is the standard but i dont run it nor do i know if it takes care of windows partitions10:53
ubotuscreen is a terminal multiplexer. See http://www.kuro5hin.org/story/2004/3/9/16838/14935 and http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/GNU_Screen10:53
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ianmacgregorconstrictor: http://www.gnu.org/software/screen/  and  http://ianmacgregor.org/wiki/Linux/ScreenTutorial10:53
poningrufbc: you sure iwlist scan doesnt show up anything?10:53
=== moi-meme [n=irc-user@wlgwru.omegatech.cz] has joined #ubuntu
skavengeinherently linux doesnt have alot of av options because they dont show up much10:54
constrictorthanks guys you're the best... :-)10:54
gh0sthello, i removed unintentionally the speaker icon in the gnome panel, how can i readd it?10:54
moi-memesomeone know, how to change keyboard settings ?????10:54
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philipsmithI just upgraded to 3Mip internet service. My pages load really slowly with Ubuntu, but very quickly with XP. I "tuned" Firefox to work faster. What else can I do to load web pages faster?10:54
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FuzzyBearmoi-meme : loadkeys, xmodmap10:54
poningrumoi-meme: system->pref->keyboard10:54
jribgh0st: right click on the panel > add to panel > volume control10:54
skavengegh0st: right click on taskbar, add to panel, volume settings should be in the list somewhere10:54
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dcordesgh0st: right click/ add to panel10:54
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fbcponingru: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/27877/10:54
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dfgasi do i reconifigure X with dpkg?10:55
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fbcponingru:  I appreciate all the effor tyour putting into it, but as you said it's hit and miss with these cards, and I think mine is going to be a miss.10:55
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poningrufbc: well dont give up just yet10:55
constrictori think we should suggest to the good guys at canonical to include the 915resolution patch in the next release instead of use intel 9xxx graphics users stumbling on it somewhere10:55
tgelterwhat is the equivalent of the /etc/asound.conf in ubuntu?10:55
moi-memeI would like to use like "alt+r" is r with hacek etc...10:55
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fbcponingru:  ok..10:56
ianmacgregordfgas: sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg10:56
skavengeconstrictor: i have a intel 9* in my laptop and dont use that package honestly10:56
philipsmithSorry for asking again: I just upgraded to 3Mip internet service. My pages load really slowly with Ubuntu, but very quickly with XP. I "tuned" Firefox to work faster. What else can I do to load web pages faster?10:56
tucozHi, i always forget what to I should write after i have selected a new usplash theme. That is, now the old one is still used even though i have changed.10:56
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=== Thomas___ [n=tlan@firefly.co-loc.fosenlink.no] has joined #ubuntu
dcordesis there also a dvb-t player which is any usable and configurable like kaffeine?10:56
FuzzyBearphilipsmith : are you using the same nameservers?10:56
eXceLibrius_hmmm one question.... i did some update for my Ubuntu, and now i have edubuntu ....... does this make big difrrence for me ?10:56
constrictorskavenge? so how do you get better graphics than the generic?10:56
poningrueXceLibrius_: not really10:57
Thomas___I just upgraded from breezy to dapper, and my screen (the command) is acting up on me10:57
FuzzyBearphilipsmith : and do the pages load faster with another browser like opera?10:57
poningrufbc: ok lets try one thing10:57
poningruin your router10:57
Thomas___I can't resume screens made with the breezy-version10:57
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tannerldwhen I try to delete a certain file from trash I get that it could not delete it because I don't have permission to modify its parent folder?10:57
poningruare you sure your router isnt use 802.11a?10:57
skavengeconstrictor: i dont see the difference i guess, i dont game or anything and by default its running the intel x win driver ..10:57
Thomas___        9212.pts-2.raptus       (Dead ???)10:57
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Thomas___That's what I get when trying to resume it10:57
tgelterwhat is the equivalent of the /etc/asound.conf in ubuntu?10:57
constrictoroh ok10:57
nonrootuser_Hi! Do you know if Scons are installable with atp-get?10:57
Thomas___(It's alive and kicking on my ssh-session which was made prior to the upgrade10:58
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eXceLibrius_hmmm , one more question ...... i cant start Wine installation .... i am running on AMD64  ...... i have installed 32bit support ...... but still the eroor , that i386 architecture isnt found10:58
Dr_willis!info scons10:58
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ubotuscons: A replacement for Make. In component main, is optional. Version 0.96.1-2ubuntu1 (dapper), package size 281 kB, installed size 1344 kB10:58
constrictori guess i would need it more. i develop websites10:58
FuzzyBearThomas___ : so remove the dead screens10:58
skavengetannerld: your trying to delete something that was put there via root and now trashing it via your user your not getting the right permissions?10:58
constrictornew splash screen is brilliant in edgy though10:58
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fbcponingru: ok...10:58
eXceLibrius_hmmm , one more question ...... i cant start Wine installation .... i am running on AMD64  ...... i have installed 32bit support ...... but still the eroor , that i386 architecture isnt found10:58
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skavengeeXceLibrius_: have you installed 323 bit chroot?10:59
skavenge32 even10:59
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eXceLibrius_no, how to do that ?10:59
Thomas___FuzzyBear: Erh, no10:59
tannerldskavenge: I might have sudo rm it, but thats it.10:59
Thomas___FuzzyBear: It's not dead10:59
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eXceLibrius_i am really beginer, i am running on linux few days10:59
Thomas___FuzzyBear: I'm currently using it from my other ssh-session, that's my point10:59
skavengeeXceLibrius_: not aware myself, ive been told 64 bit systems need the 32 bit chroot to run wine though10:59
fbcponingru:  BTW, does the card need to be enabled in the BIOS? Is that important?10:59
Thomas___FuzzyBear: I've got one ssh-session alive, from before the upgrade10:59
fbcponingru:  just kidiing10:59
eXceLibrius_skavenge and what must to do ?11:00
fbcponingru:  what next?11:00
FuzzyBearThomas___ : does the problem still exist if you kill your other session then open a new one?11:00
eXceLibrius_what i must do ?11:00
Thomas___FuzzyBear: I can open new ones11:00
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Thomas___FuzzyBear: That's not my problem11:00
FuzzyBearThomas___ : can you reconnect to the new ones?11:00
Thomas___FuzzyBear: I need to be able to resume the one I have11:00
poningrufbc: so another laptop is using the wifi signal right now?11:00
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ianmacgregorThomas___: Are you detaching the old one before trying to resume it?11:00
skavengeeXceLibrius_: sorry i cant be more help maybe google '32 bit chroot ubuntu'? i dont have 64 myself so havent run into this11:00
fbcponingru: yup..11:00
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Thomas___ianmacgregor: No, because if I do that, I'll loose it forever, right now11:01
fbcponingru:  wife is spending more of my money right now...11:01
skavengeafaik there is no 64 bit wine ..11:01
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Thomas___FuzzyBear: I can resume screens made with the new version, from the new version, yes11:01
poningruhow far away from the router are you?11:01
tannerldwhen I try to delete a certain file from trash I get that it could not delete it because I don't have permission to modify its parent folder?11:01
fbcponingru:  Maybe you can send me a patch for disabling her credit card..11:01
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Thomas___FuzzyBear: I wonder why it say it's dead, when it clearly isn't11:02
fbcponingru:  It's two feet away fromme..11:02
skavengetannerld: your trying to delete something that was put there via root and now trashing it via your user your not getting the right permissions?11:02
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tannerldskavenge: I might have sudo rm it, but thats it.11:02
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=== SS3 is now known as SS2
FuzzyBearThomas___ : so you can only not reconnect to that one session made before the upgrade?11:02
nonrootuser_Can you explain to me that: "Depends: libclam-vmqt0 but it is not installable11:02
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ianmacgregorThomas___: Referring to screen: -x   Attach to a not detached screen session. (Multi display mode).11:02
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tannerldskavenge: sure11:02
ianmacgregorThomas___: Have you tried screen -x <screen-name> ?11:02
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Chm0dugh what channel am i in?11:03
anon32does anyone have a good reason why I shouldn't switch to edgy pre-release date?11:03
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Thomas___ianmacgregor: Yes, and it displays the same error11:03
skavengetannerld:at the very least navigating to homefolder/.Trash and sudo rming the contents should worj11:03
ianmacgregorThomas___: :(11:03
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=== marc_ [n=marc@CPE001731df58c5-CM0012254185c0.cpe.net.cable.rogers.com] has joined #Ubuntu
poningrufbc: disable your wireless card in networking, restart and then try enabling it again11:03
Chm0dthis sucks....most everything is blank after doing this tutorial11:03
FuzzyBearThomas___ : maybe screen was upgraded as well?11:03
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fbcponingru:  OK.. brb11:03
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marc_Anyone know how to Compile a package...?11:04
tannerldskavenge: thanks that worked :)11:04
ubotuCompiling software from source? Read the tips at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompilingSoftware (But remember to search for pre-built !packages first: not all !repositories are enabled by default!)11:04
skavengetannerld: np11:04
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RodrigoXomg.. Beryl is much less stable than Compiz?11:04
Chm0danyone have problems after doing this tutorial?11:04
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b03ntohow do i get rid off hibernate button in gnome poweroff menu ?11:05
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anon32b03nto: why?11:05
marc_I will do my best to Compile...and return if I need further help...Thanks11:05
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b03ntobecause i never use it, and if i use it, its not work.. i got alot off scary error in bootup11:06
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assasukassei have a big problem11:07
assasukasseafter updating, update-manager doesn't install anymore anything11:07
SonicvanaJrDoes anyone know if gnome-sound-recorder can output to mp3 ?11:07
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b03ntoit force me to do fsck in boot up..11:07
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eck0why did yo uhave me dl from that mirrior, its the same version i had11:08
kitcheSonicvanaJr: probably came if you install lame11:08
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b03ntoanon32, any idea how to get rid off it...11:08
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SonicvanaJrkitche, thanks11:08
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balayhashihow do I install my kernel headers?11:08
anon32b03nto: not really11:09
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anon32can't you just not click it?11:09
ka5oaiis "EDGY" the fixed name of the development release, like Sid is the unchanging name of Debian's?11:09
ianmacgregoranon32: lol11:09
ianmacgregorka5oai: yes11:09
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balayhashiforget about it11:09
anon32ka5oai: no11:09
ka5oaikwel tnx11:09
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anon32it's the name of ubuntu 6.1011:09
ka5oainow wait a minute11:09
Dr_willis2 yes's and a no.11:09
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b03ntoanon32, yes i can but my brother use this box too.. and sometime he forget11:09
ianmacgregorka5oai: Oh, no, sorry. The dev release after Edgy will be something else11:09
Dr_williswell Fainting Fawn is the Next after edgy.. so i say no. :)11:10
anon32there's new codenames for each version11:10
Dr_willisor simthing like that11:10
ka5oaiah ok so no fixed names11:10
VuenDr_willis: feisty fawn11:10
Dr_willisFarting Fawn11:10
Music_ShuffleFainting Fawn?11:10
skavenge'feisty fawn'11:10
fbcponingru:  that worked!! I'm on it right now!!! Holy smokes!11:10
Music_ShuffleFeisty's better. ;P11:10
ka5oaifrisky fredrica11:10
ianmacgregorDr_willis: hahahaha11:10
dmglouiscan someone help me? my network card doesn't get internet11:10
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=== Dr_willis thinks the animal names have outlived their cuteness
skavengeid've gone for feisty ferret as they are mean as hell but whatever11:10
Dr_willisWabbid Weasle11:10
ianmacgregorFreaky Ferret11:11
anon32and what are we gonna do after 26 releases, when there's no more letters?11:11
Vuenisn't Grumpy Groundhog going to be the name of the dev release?11:11
anon32will we repeat?11:11
eck0so anyone else but me have the problem whenever you tried to use the desktop pc thing it went to a black screen rite after u hit the start or install and it did its checks11:11
fbcponingru:  I do gotta name a kid after you... also I was looking at some of my services... powermowd? Is 50 cent and snoopdog writing linux code now?11:11
boinkanon32: start again :)11:11
Dr_willisStart again using Plant Names11:11
Dr_willisRocking ROse, Panicky Petunia,11:11
=== boink would like to see ubuntu distro's named after insects
Dr_willisAngry ANt. Butkicking Beatle, Crazy Cochroach11:12
=== anon32 wonders what's wrong with the old major.minor-releasestate
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boinklike 6.10 ?11:12
Dr_willisanon32,  thats so 1990's11:12
poningrufbc: awesome11:12
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Dr_willis6.10 - is just the date. :)11:12
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poningrufbc: hehe powernowd you mean?11:12
anon32it tells us nothing about the significance of the update11:12
dmglouisdoes anyone know why whenever I restart networking, it searches for leases at
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poningrufbc: that allows your proc to scale back11:12
dmglouisbecause my router ip is
dmglouisi want to change that11:13
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skavengethey're in animals now, my guess is insects next. or avian11:13
ianmacgregorWell, 26 releases (13 years?) I think something else will have come along to replace Linux11:13
poningrufbc: as in if you are not using your cpu's full power it will bring the speed down11:13
anon32since ubuntu uses a static model for packages, is there a distro that uses an incremental update model?11:13
balayhashito compile my kernel if I  have no access to the net in ubuntu , what packages will I need to get ?11:13
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poningruto save power, heat, extend life of the cpu etc.11:13
anon32balayhashi: kernel-source, kernel-headers11:13
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Dr_willisanon32,  gentoo perhaps fits that bill.. :P11:13
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floyd2I tried installing beagle and I see "dpkg: parse error, in file `/var/lib/dpkg/status' near line 22534 package `libgdk-pixbuf2-ruby':11:14
floyd2 `Depends' field, reference to `libgtk2.0-0': version contains ` '11:14
floyd2E: Sub-process /usr/bin/dpkg returned an error code (2)11:14
floyd2" Is this a problem with the package?11:14
eck0is 6.10 out?11:14
balayhashibut all these files won'r require extra packages at install time?11:14
=== finalbeta [n=finalbet@d5152A68A.access.telenet.be] has joined #ubuntu
ianmacgregoreck0: the 26th11:14
boinkit will be out on 26 october11:14
rcarrFloyd2: It sounds like an error in your local list of packages, try apt-get update11:14
anon32are there any major expected changes until then?11:14
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anon32if not, I'll just use the rc11:14
boinksudo apt-get update -f install11:14
rcarranon32: No11:14
anon32rcarr: yay11:14
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ianmacgregoranon32: You never know what might happen.11:15
b03ntodo they send 6.10 for free ?11:15
anon32though, I probably won't try to update universe until the freeze11:15
=== boink will update the desktop a week or two after the release
boinkof course 6.10 will be free11:15
anon32b03nto: they won't send the rc, wait til the final11:15
=== Chu [n=chubuntu@cpe-66-74-195-151.san.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu
Vuenb03nto: no, they won't send 6.10 for free11:15
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Vuenthey will continue to ship 6.0611:15
Vuenyou can download the iso and burn it yourself11:15
anon32Vuen: really?11:15
NET||abusehey guys, got a dual head screen setup here, how do i configure the screens etgc in gnome11:15
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boinkwill shipit not send out 6.10?11:16
Vuenno, they won't11:16
Vuenshipit will continue to send 6.0611:16
Vuenit makes a lot of sense11:16
b03ntodownload it, take probably 2 month for me :(11:16
Samuli^6.06 is the long term support thing.11:16
=== Yourname [i=Tiger@CPE001839c1af7a-CM0017ee412928.cpe.net.cable.rogers.com] has joined #ubuntu
FuzzyBearNET||abuse : have you configured the xorg.conf?11:16
ianmacgregor6.06 has support for 3 years anyway11:16
anon32seeing as ubuntu will no longer be free after 6.06, might as well switch distros11:16
Vuenedgy came out only four months after dapper, and it will only be supported for a year and a half11:16
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boink5 years for the server11:16
Samuli^3 or 5?11:16
Vuendapper will be supported for three years11:16
poningruanon32: sorry??11:16
=== Bassetts [n=Bassetts@cpc2-mapp1-0-0-cust630.nott.cable.ntl.com] has joined #ubuntu
dmglouiscan anyone help me? my internets not working11:16
floyd2rcarr, ok now apt says I have conflicts. I tried 'sudo apt-get -f install' and it fails. Going to try with synaptic.11:16
anon32poningru: free as in price, not "freedom"11:16
eck0is 6.10 better?11:16
b03ntowhat u mean no longer free ?11:16
tyler_1how do I add myself to the sudolist as a user? don't know how to log in as root?11:16
NET||abuseFuzzyBear, oh, do i have to configure monitors in xorg.conf??11:16
eck0ok well how do i make it perm install11:16
ianmacgregorSamuli^: Desktop 3 years, Server 511:16
poningruanon32: you do realize you can download it??11:16
anon32although, I can't quite see the freedom in having to pay11:16
Vuenedgy contains "edgy new technologies", whereas dapper is intended to be the stable security release11:17
NET||abusewell, it's jumped to the secondary screen11:17
FuzzyBearNET||abuse : yes11:17
Samuli^ianmacgregor, yes. thanks.11:17
anon32poningru: NO I CAN'T11:17
Vuenhence, they will continue to ship dapper11:17
jribanon32: iso's are free to download11:17
NET||abuseit's using my little 15" rather than the 19"11:17
Willwhat do you mean not free?11:17
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poningruanon32: then according to you none of the linux distros are free11:17
FuzzyBearNET||abuse : you need two screen sessions11:17
boinkdapper is stable11:17
nolimitsoyaanon32, in what way wont edgy be gpl compatible?11:17
poningruanon32: you are friend11:17
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boinkso will feisty fawn be a LTS release?11:17
anon32nolimitsoya: free != GPL11:17
palomermy F keys don't work11:17
poningruanon32: please stop trolling11:17
JonBoonsince blank cd's are like 20 cents, i guess ubuntu isnt free11:17
anon32free == $011:17
Vuenboink: doubtful11:17
ubotuHelp! Keybuk, mdz, Amaranth, tritium, ajmitch, crimsun, ogra, CarlK, Seveas, Burgundavia, apokryphos, thoreauputic, nalioth, Madpilot, ompaul, rob, Hobbsee, imbrandon, DBO or gnomefreak!11:17
palomerlike f1,f2,...11:17
palomerwhat's the deal?11:17
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gnomefreakponingru: ?11:17
nolimitsoyaanon32, gpl:ed software is free11:17
ubotugpl is the GNU General Public License. See http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.html11:17
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poningrugnomefreak: anon3211:17
FuzzyBearNET||abuse : sorry, you need two device sections11:18
VuenJonBoon: you can probably set up ubuntu on a flash drive instead of a cd11:18
anon32that's not the free I'm talking about..11:18
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Vuenso it can be free :)11:18
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gnomefreaki read it11:18
floyd2rcarr, apparently my libgdk-pixbuf2-ruby package is broken and neither apt nor synaptic can fix it?11:18
nolimitsoyawas he making sense, or just the usual ramblings?11:18
JonBoonyeah, i saw something like that on a site, it had a small cd and linux on a jump drive11:18
poningrudmglouis: whats wrong?11:18
loftrofflehopefully easy question: how to I remove a symbolic link? rm -(what?)11:18
Vuenwow. way too much traffic in this channel for me11:18
dmglouisponingru: my internets not working11:18
Vuenloftroffle: do it as root11:18
floyd2rcarr, I did the "fix broken packages" in synaptic and it failed.11:18
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boink#ubuntu is just like #debian11:18
poningrudmglouis: ok how do you connect to the internet usually?11:18
loftroffleVuen sudo rm -(what?) :P11:18
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boinkbusy place11:19
JonBooni bet i could put ubuntu on my 250gb external drive11:19
dmglouisponingru: ethernet to router11:19
loftroffle-f didn't seem to do the job11:19
eck0ok guys i tried almost everything im still getting the black screen11:19
dmglouisponingru: router to cable11:19
Vuenloftroffle: you know, i have no idea. i've gotten incredibly frustrated several times in the past trying to remove symbolic links11:19
poningrudmglouis: as in dsl, cable, dialup?11:19
helmutHi. Can you tell me how to correctly hit the ubuntu people for sending ftbfs bugs to me for packages I don't maintain?11:19
jribloftroffle: rm foo, should work I think11:19
eck0i dont know anything else or why my computer wont work11:19
Vuenloftroffle: i've stopped using symbolic links altogether. :(11:19
helmutI'd like to hit them with something very heavy and it should hurt!11:19
dmglouisponingru: the internet is working on the other comps on network, just not the ubuntu one11:19
tyler_1how do I change myself to be in the root group?11:19
poningrudmglouis: open up a terminal11:19
poningruand ping your router11:20
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floyd2What do I do if synaptic reports a broken package but can't fix it?11:20
dmglouisponingru: it cant11:20
ericmoritz\0anyone here in england?11:20
dmglouisponingru:it says destination host unreachable11:20
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poningrudmglouis: how does the router give out IP address?11:20
JonBooni didnt know updating to dapper would take 5 hours, heh11:20
poningrudmglouis: dhcp or static?11:20
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eck0im going nuts lol11:20
fbc_ <---- wireless is working! Now all of the other reindeer will no longer laugh and call me names.11:20
=== fbc_ is holding up a sign, "thanks poningru".
ianmacgregorfbc_: hahaha11:21
Karol84PLHello, Firefox often crashes on my kubuntu desktop when i open certain pages? Does anyone know a solution of that problem?   /sorry for my english11:21
poningrudmglouis: in networking make sure you are using dhcp and not static ip11:21
poningrufbc: :D11:21
dmglouisponingru:it is dhcp11:21
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dmglouisponingru:i checked11:21
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goosehey what's the best place to go to for help with festival?  the festival documentation is too dense for me X(11:21
poningruKarol84PL: is it flash pages?11:21
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poningrudmglouis: open up a terminal11:21
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eck0hey did anyone elses screen go black after you clicked install?11:21
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poningrudmglouis: type in ifconfig11:21
floyd2Karol84PL, try removing your extensions11:21
boinkor try using opera :)11:22
poningruKarol84PL: remove the flash plugin11:22
poningruit causes lots of problems11:22
dmglouisponingru: okay eth0 and lo is showing up but eth0 has no address11:22
tyler_1anyone help me add myself to the superuser group?11:22
=== K1765 [n=K1765@cpe-075-178-044-119.nc.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu
AsheDwhy does my Evolution keep downloading the same emails over and over?11:22
floyd2especially the flash9 beta11:22
poningruKarol84PL: almost everyones firefox crashes under linux is due to the flash11:22
ianmacgregortyler_1: is sudo not working?11:22
Karol84PLfloyd2 and poningru: thanks11:22
poningrudmglouis: can you pastebin it?11:22
kitcheAsheD: because they are still on your mail server11:22
dfgasis there an easy way to configure the network from the cli?11:22
K1765Whats up?11:23
ubotupastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (you can always find it in the channel topic, among other useful things)11:23
AsheDkitche:: I told it to leave all of them on the server, and the only ones it downloads are really old ones11:23
dmglouisponingru:that comp doesn't have internet access11:23
poningruoh true11:23
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tyler_1ianmacgregor: made the mistake of not adding myself to the superuser group11:23
ianmacgregorK1765: You ever get that ISO properly burned?11:23
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tyler_1ianmacgregor: so I cannot run sudo from any account now11:23
tyler_1ianmacgregor: and cannot log in using root (of course)11:23
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ianmacgregortyler_1: How did you accomplish that? The installer makes the first account have sudo privs11:23
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K1765ianmacgregor: hey11:23
kitcheAsheD: or your client isn't seeing them as already downloaded the server has something to do with that as well11:23
yangqingI have some problems with chinese keyboard in french environnment11:24
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fbc_Flash can get even worst. It can get you arrested.11:24
tyler_1ianmacgregor: first account is the oem account11:24
K1765ianmacgregor: I downloaded and burned the edgy one, and it worked.11:24
poningrudmglouis: are you sure network cable is plugged into right etc?11:24
yangqingI use SCIM for typing chinese11:24
K1765ianmacgregor: The other one wouldnt work11:24
boinkscim should work fine11:24
floyd2is the gnome-splashscreen-manager important? One of my libs is broken and I can only remove it and the screen manager depends on it.11:24
tyler_1ianmacgregor: then created one account without privilages.... and now here I am11:24
ianmacgregortyler_1: Ahh, you installed it in oem mode.11:24
mihTyler_1 : fix it withe the Live-CD session11:24
palomeris there an application to test the reliability of my hard disk?11:24
ianmacgregorK1765: That's good to hear11:24
yangqingIn chinese mode no problems11:24
palomerwhat's the best application for making incremental backups easily and painlessly?11:24
K1765ianmacgregor: Yeah, I'm happy. I'm liking this also11:24
eck0so no1 else is having the same problem?11:24
dmglouisponingru:i get an address assigned each time I restart the computer but it still wont ping anything11:24
tyler_1mih: how do I do that?11:24
K1765ianmacgregor: Alot better than windows I can say that for sure lol11:25
boinkpalomer: rsnap11:25
ianmacgregorK1765: Indeed :)11:25
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dmglouisponingru:but the IP gets lost each time I restart networking11:25
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poningrudmglouis: hmm11:25
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fbc_dmglouis: Your rounter might be rejecting pings if so configured...11:25
K1765ianmacgregor: gaim is sweet also11:25
yangqingoops, sorry11:25
boinkyou can make good backups with simply rsync as well11:25
poningrudmglouis: you sure your router is configured right?11:25
K1765ianmacgregor: and how you add/remove programs and update is great11:25
rcarrThis is odd11:25
ubotuThere are many ways to back your system up. Here's a few: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BackupYourSystem , https://help.ubuntu.com/community/DuplicityBackupHowto , https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HomeUserBackup , https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MondoMindi11:25
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ianmacgregortyler_1: Can you log back into that privileged account?11:25
dmglouisponingru:yea any other comp works11:25
tyler_1ianmacgregor: no I cannot11:25
rcarrA friend of mine just installed ubuntu, and he is unable to resolve anything with ubuntu in the hostname11:26
ubotusudo is a command to run programs with superuser privileges ("root"). Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo for all information.11:26
dmglouisponingru:if i take that same cbl and put it in a laptop or something, it works11:26
floyd2!repair broken package11:26
ianmacgregortyler_1: Then the only thing I can say is you're stuck, or use a LiveCD (or recovery moce) to fix it11:26
rcarrWe added ubuntu.com and archive.ubuntu.com to /etc/hosts, but that is kind of...eh11:26
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poningrudmglouis: make sure you dont have mac filtering setup11:26
mihtyler_1: first you get the Ubuntu Live CD, then put it in the CD ;) ...reboot and edit the privileges of your account11:26
kitchercarr: but rest of the internet works11:26
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rcarrkitche: Yes11:26
fbc_dmglouis: well by the OSI model you have a physical connection but not a logical one?11:26
rcarrkitche: And it's not filtering, he's at GATech and other people there can access it fine11:26
Gavrilahello, is dumpe2fs suposed to work on reiserfs partitions?11:26
floyd2Do I have to disparage aptitude before someone can tell me how to fix a broken package? :-)11:26
dmglouisfbc_:im sorry, i dont understand11:26
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rcarrkitche: I'm inclined to blame it on his DNS servers, but still very odd11:27
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tyler_1any other ideas?11:27
braskohi, I just downloaded a .deb file.11:27
braskowhat is the proper way to install it?11:27
poningrufrack I gotta go bye guys11:27
fbc_dmglouis:  sorry.. I wrote that not realizing that some people do not know what a tcpip stack ais and the OSI model that it was created after..11:27
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boinkbrasko: man apt-get11:27
ianmacgregorbrasko: Was that .deb file made for Ubuntu or another distro?11:27
boinkthere's no need to download .deb files11:27
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braskonxserver states that it works with ubuntu11:28
LogicalDashI just upgraded to Edgy under the impression that it would auto-recognize my Intel 3945 wireless card, but I'm not seeing it anywhere. What should I do?11:28
braskoubuntu 6.011:28
fbc_dmglouis:  disregard anything I've just said , it's not going to help you , just confuse you..11:28
boinkman dpkg if you want to know11:28
b03ntobrasko, sudo dpkg -i file.deb11:28
ubuntubrasko what11:28
braskoboink: how do I install it, without downloading it?11:28
boinkman apt-get11:28
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ianmacgregorubuntu: That's what you get for having your nick the same as the distro11:28
braskoboink: it's not in the repository11:28
ubuntui k now11:29
kauri need to run a daemon on boot and that must be done after the modules are loaded. How can i do it?11:29
ubuntui am very popular11:29
boinkthen you can put it in there11:29
FuzzyBearkaur : put it in rc.local11:29
braskoI see11:29
=== rag [n=rag@58.Red-80-24-33.staticIP.rima-tde.net] has joined #ubuntu
skavenge'ubuntu' is the default nick on install11:29
deadhoboHow do I use the universe repository?11:29
palomeris it possible to use HomeUserBackup even if you're not an ubuntu user?11:29
ThomBrownguys, my external HD I'd been using with WinXP isn't writable under Ubuntu . . . I can read/execute, but I can't write!  I don't want to format it, so how can I WRITE to it??11:29
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ianmacgregorskavenge: Yes, but the distro didn't register that nick for him ;)11:29
ubuntuall the people know me11:29
FuzzyBearThomBrown : are you mounting read/write?11:29
tyler_1where can I log in using root?11:29
kaurFuzzyBear I tried but it didn't seem to work (the daemon must be run as root)11:29
JonBooni cant get my pc to boot from cd with my dvd burner, but when i put an old cd-rom in my pc it boots from cd fine... any ideas?11:29
fbc_ubuntu yes you are.. however like a cheap ho, every here is using you.. :-p11:29
kitcheThomBrown: is it ntfs or fat11:29
braskoboink: is that a different approach than the dpkg -i file.deb ?11:29
dfgaswhat is the package to install bitchx?11:29
deadhobo!tell deadhobo universe11:30
ThomBrownI'm just plugging it into the usb11:30
Seveasdfgas, bitchx11:30
Seveas!info bitchx11:30
boinkbrasko: apt-get would fetch files which that .deb might need11:30
ubuntuyes but i am the only who cant use me11:30
ubotubitchx: Advanced Internet Relay Chat client. In component universe, is optional. Version 1:1.1-4 (dapper), package size 1467 kB, installed size 6476 kB11:30
ubotuThe packages in Ubuntu are divided into several sections. See http://www.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/components https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Repositories and !easysource11:30
FuzzyBearkaur : it should automatically run as root11:30
GavrilaI've got a problem with grub and UUID identifiers, if I leave UUID in root= attribute of grub menu entry it doesn't find root filesystem; on the contrary using root=/dev/sdX works fine11:30
Gavrilaany hint?11:30
Lam_what's the difference between a symbolic and a hard link?11:30
fbc_ubuntu: lol11:30
FuzzyBearkaur : or make a script and put it in rcX.d11:30
ThomBrownit's prolly ntfs, but would Ubuntu be able to read it if it WASN't FAT??11:30
dfgasSeveas, i must need to enable more repos11:30
ubuntumy grub ius kapput11:30
kitcheLam_: you delete a hard link the other file goes11:30
FuzzyBearkaur : S99whatever11:30
braskoboink: how could it fetch the files? it doesn't know anything about the nomachine .deb files11:30
floyd2Ok, when I tried to repair the libgdk-pixbuf2-ruby package I see "dpkg: parse error, in file `/var/lib/dpkg/status' near line 22534 package `libgdk-pixbuf2-ruby':11:30
floyd2 `Depends' field, reference to `libgtk2.0-0': version contains ` '11:30
floyd2E: Sub-process /usr/bin/dpkg returned an error code (2)11:30
ianmacgregor!info bitchx11:30
ubotubitchx: Advanced Internet Relay Chat client. In component universe, is optional. Version 1:1.1-4 (dapper), package size 1467 kB, installed size 6476 kB11:30
kitcheThomBrown: Linux can't write to NTFS by default11:31
Lam_kitche: ah ok thanks11:31
rcarrLam: A symbolic points to a file that points to data, a hard link points to data11:31
Homerwhere I download Ubuntu Fiesty Fawn11:31
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boinkthen you need to adjust your /etc/apt/souces.list11:31
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ubotuTo view your Windows/Mac partitions see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AutomaticallyMountPartitions  -  See also !fuse11:31
SeveasHomer, it doesn't exist yet11:31
braskob03nto: if I run that dpkg command, do I have to keep the .deb file around?11:31
kaurFuzzyBear I'll try11:31
braskob03nto: or antything like that, so it knows how to uninstall it?11:31
fbc_bitchX? Sound like a good name for you backup date in case you get stood up.11:31
ThomBrownhow do I know if it's ntfs or not (dumb questions, I know, I'm a noob)11:31
Seveasbrasko, no11:31
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b03ntobrasko, no11:31
SeveasThomBrown, sudo fdisk -l11:31
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braskoyou should try irssi, instead of bitchx11:32
braskoI like it much better11:32
raghow to emulate games for ubuntu11:32
ubotuwine is a compatibility layer for running windows programs on GNU/Linux. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Wine for more information.11:32
ubotuInformation about games on Ubuntu can be found on https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Games and http://www.icculus.org/lgfaq/gamelist.php11:32
ubunturag with wine11:32
ragfor half life, and counter strike without wine11:32
fbc_rag there are a lot of emulators in the repositories... just enable them, and serach11:32
ragcedega ok11:32
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ragis good?11:33
ThomBrownso what can I do?11:33
ragi need 2 things11:33
kitcherag: just so you know cedega is wine pretty much but with cd protection and a direct x betteer11:33
ianmacgregorrag: Only you can be te judge of that. However, cedega has come a long way lately11:33
ragemulate half life and counter strike with cedega, and emulate old games11:33
fbc_rag: Your better off with wine and some good brie cheese.11:33
b03ntoanyone using suspend2 ?11:33
ubuntuwhich program must i used to extract .rar. files11:33
uboturar is a non-free archive format created by Rarsoft. For instructions on accessing .rar files through the Archive Manager view https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FileCompression. There is a free (as in speech) unrar utility as well, see !info unrar-free11:34
do_kevdoes anybody know how to set up a microphone in ubuntu?11:34
ragwhat is better? wine or cedega what you recommend me?11:34
ThomBrowncan I teach Ubuntu to WRITE to NTFS?11:34
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SubhumanThomBrown, google "ntfs-3g"11:34
kitcherag: well if you don't want to pay $5 bucks per month then use wine11:34
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ubotuThough it's still very unsafe, you can read about Ubuntu NTFS writing here: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Lkraider/NtfsFuse11:34
fbc_do_kev:  sure plug it into the socket.. that's aout it..11:34
ragwine and cedega is equal?11:34
Subhumanrag, no cedega is better for games, but you have to pay11:35
ragcedega i see that is software private :(11:35
woro2006hi, how can I set up a name server so that I can ping myself?11:35
kitcherag: cedega is open source you just buy for support and such11:35
ragcedega is better?11:35
ragok open source11:35
do_kevfbc_: I got that far.  I'm bringing it in through an external mixer into the microphone port of my audigy card, which is what I have set up for playback, but the microphone still doesn't sound.  I checked the volume settings on the mic, but everything should be good to go.11:35
kitcherag: yes since you get cd protectiona nd other thigns11:35
fbc_Seveas: awww..11:35
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sergevnHow can i install win32 codecs for the ubuntu mplayer package?11:35
FuzzyBearworo2006 : you don't need a nameserver to ping yourself11:35
Seveas!w32codecs | sergevn11:35
ubotusergevn: For multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats  -  See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html  -  But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats11:35
sergevnor do i have to recompile it?11:35
gilnim|doublehi! following problem: 'Error: couldn't find RGB GLX visual' when I command: 'glxgears' or 'glxinfo'11:35
FuzzyBearapt-get install w32codecs11:35
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woro2006FuzzyBear then how come there is no response?11:35
deadhoboAkkk!! How do I apt-get from the "Universe"?11:36
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boinkservevn: you need to set up the right /etc/apt/sources.list11:36
FuzzyBearworo2006 : because your network card is down?11:36
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Seveas!universe | deadhobo11:36
ubotudeadhobo: The packages in Ubuntu are divided into several sections. See http://www.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/components https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Repositories and !easysource11:36
junkyhi, if ive 2 sound  cards, how can i use sound card 1 instead of snd card 0 ?11:36
woro2006i have a router11:36
ragbut administration and powerful which is better, cedega or wine?11:36
FuzzyBearworo2006 : because you don't have an IP address?11:36
woro2006i do11:36
woro2006a static ip11:36
floyd2What are the consequences of removing the gnome-screen-manager package?11:36
boinkthe default ubuntu sources.list doesn't have the win32codecs needed for mplayer11:36
do_kevjunky: I think you go to system -> preferences -> sound, and it should be an option in there.11:36
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kaurFuzzyBear: it worked after all i did something wrong earlier. Thanks11:36
ragother questions for emulate old games, type old machines,  DOSEMU? or which?11:36
boinkfloyd2: you can use any WM you want to use11:37
Lam_how do i log into a samba shared folder in kde?11:37
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FuzzyBearworo2006 : you have an ip, your network status it up, and you can't ping yourself?11:37
gilnim|doublerag: cedega costs money and is based on wine11:37
FuzzyBearkaur : good11:37
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ragLam_, in konqueror, smb://user@host11:37
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FuzzyBearworo2006 : and you have no firewall rules?11:37
tyler_1is there any way for me to log in as root?11:37
floyd2boink, I use gnome. I have a broken lib that the screen manager depends on. Will I break ubuntu if I remove the broken lib (libgtk-pixbuf2-ruby)11:37
woro2006FuzzyBear I mean, is it possible to set up dns such that it points example.com to <public ip>11:37
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braskohmm, I need libstdc++2.10-glibc2.211:37
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junkydo_kev: even if i change that, it still playing on the "old" one, not on the new one11:37
Lam_rag: thanks a lot11:38
ianmacgregorfloyd2: Where did you get gnme-screen-manager?11:38
braskois there any way to get that?11:38
ragcedega is based on wine?11:38
knight17I can't mount my windows drives?11:38
ragLam_, np11:38
floyd2ianmacgregor, how can I determine that?11:38
FuzzyBearworo2006 : of course, that's what a dns server does11:38
gilnim|doubletyler_1: "sudo -s"11:38
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Homeredgy is "slightly faster" on bootup, and "much faster" on shutdown (vs dapper) <-- is this true11:38
kitcherag: yes cedega used to be called wineX11:38
fbc-unteatheredrag: so are most vinegars..11:38
woro2006but when user type ftp.example.com it goes to a private ip?11:38
ianmacgregorfloyd2: I don't know, it isn't in the repos11:38
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ianmacgregorfloyd2: That's why I asked :)11:38
FuzzyBearworo2006 : yeah11:38
woro2006how do I route that traffic?11:38
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ragfbc-unteathered, whatis vinegars?11:38
roblocopis there a way to stream from itunes to ubuntu?11:38
tyler_1gilnim|double: cannot do that... my user is not part of the superusers group11:38
floyd2ianmacgregor, oh so it's an unofficial package? I guess I can remove it without concern then.11:39
knight17can anyone help me??11:39
tyler_1gilnim|double:  and I only have one user11:39
do_kevjunky: Sorry, that's all I can think of.  I changed my default soundcard, switched the plugs, rebooted, and it just worked.11:39
ragei guys, and web cam11:39
ubotuDon't ask to ask a question. Just ask your question :)11:39
tyler_1gilnim|double: :(11:39
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ragyahoo messenger with cam support?11:39
ianmacgregorfloyd2: Well, you might wanna be cautious about installing stuff like that as it can break things11:39
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knight17I can't mount my NTFS FAT32 drives what to do?11:39
rcarrAnyone: A friend of mine is unable to resolve any domain with ubuntu in the hostname but hte rest of hte internet works fine, he in windows and other people on the same connection can resolve said hostnames fine11:39
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GreatBritonok, so i tried beryl &11:39
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rcarrAnyone: Suggestions?11:39
ragdo you know yahoo messenger and skype with cam support11:39
FuzzyBearworo2006 : you don't need to.  Once you set up the zones, it will find the route11:39
gilnim|doubletyler_1: then boot in the "repair mode"11:40
woro2006so I have to set up the firewall to do that?11:40
GreatBriton[1]  1063211:40
knight17any way to mount my windows partitions11:40
kitcherag: umm yahoo messenger11:40
b03ntotyler_1, reboot and select recovery mode...11:40
fbc-unteatheredrag it was a joke.. you asked if cedega was based on wine. I replied, yes, so are most vinegars.. get it?11:40
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woro2006so I am lost11:40
toggaHomer: sure  https://features.launchpad.net/distros/ubuntu/+spec/teardown11:40
FuzzyBearworo2006 : do you want to be able to access the ns from outside the firewall?11:40
GreatBritoni got:11:40
GreatBriton[1]  1063211:40
junkydo_kev: i dont want to reboot, thats the point, and when i change in system->prefs->sound, if i come back there, the same card is still there, its like my change has never came.11:40
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Homertogga: what about bootup?11:40
Homersomeone say it bootup faster for him11:40
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GreatBriton---@--- :~$ XGL Absent, Checking for NCIDIA11:40
woro2006FuzzyBear, it's very simple. Just example.com to <public ip> ftp.example.com to <another computer in my network>11:40
GreatBritonNvidia Present11:40
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FuzzyBearworo2006 : that's all you have to do11:41
ragfbc-unteathered, whatis vinegars? i dont understand you11:41
knight17it seems noone has a solution for it..i followed the ubuntu book11:41
fbc-unteatheredworo2006:  Follow me, and I will make you a fisher of.... nooope.. just hang around you'll pick it up..11:41
GreatBritonRelaunching beryl with __GL_YIELD="NOTHING"11:41
boinkyou can use www.dyndns.org as a free dns service11:41
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gilnimfollowing problem: 'Error: couldn't find RGB GLX visual'11:41
woro2006FuzzyBear, what's all?11:41
GreatBritonXGL Absent, Checking for NCIDIA11:41
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GreatBritonNvidia Present11:41
toggaHomer: i don't know since I've got some hardware problems it's messing with..11:41
kitcherag: it's nothing to do with linux it's vinegars that you cook with and such11:41
fbc-unteatheredrag: vinegar is what you put on food or fish.11:41
nikinmy problem is that i need some thing11:41
ragkitche, yahoo messenger without wine is possible11:41
FuzzyBearworo2006 : set it up like you want.  You don't need to set any fancy routing11:41
ragyahoo messenger like amsn exists?11:41
floyd2ianmacgregor, oops I mistyped the package it's gnome-splashscreen-manager and I've removed all unofficially supported repos and it's found in the cache11:41
boinkyou can use gaim for yahoo/msn11:41
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ubotupastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (you can always find it in the channel topic, among other useful things)11:42
floyd2ianmacgregor, that means it's an official package right?11:42
kitcherag: well yahoo does make a linux client11:42
FuzzyBearworo2006 : set up the dns server to point to example.com and ftp.example.com and you don't need any special routes11:42
gilnimrag: try gaim!11:42
ubotuInstant Messenger Clients: Gaim (GNOME, http://help.ubuntu.com/community/GaimHowto), Kopete (KDE), both supporting MSN, Jabber, AIM, Gadu-Gadu, Novell Groupwise, ICQ and IRC.11:42
QuashI'm having an install black screen issue on boot with 6.10 RC.  Anyone want to lend some advice? I can provide more details.11:42
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fbc-unteatheredrag: at my age.. nothing without wine it possible.. :-) I kill me... rofl11:42
ragok gaim,11:42
boinkgaim works quite well, rag11:42
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ianmacgregorfloyd2: That only manages splash screens and you don't even need it. Check this out: http://ianmacgregor.org/wiki/Linux/GnomeSplashScreen11:42
nikinto be true 3. a window manager that uses less than 20 MB RAM, and that it can handle my intel CPU's speed step, and all the other power managment stuff of a notebook11:42
ragi know gaim11:42
ragbut my customer11:42
temptedya, gaim is good... except i canb't get msn personalized messges11:42
gilnimrag: gaim should be already installed11:42
GreatBritonwho was it who asked for the messages when i tried "beryl &"?11:42
ragneed something easy, a yahoo messenger similar to amsn11:43
variant,nikin fluxbox with gnome-power manager11:43
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nikinrag: GAIM?11:43
junkydo_kev: instead of reboot, do u know what can i do ? restart alsa?11:43
ragnot a full IM like kopete or gaim11:43
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woro2006FuzzyBear, i mean I have two computers in network11:43
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toggaview as list in Nautilus Edgy doesn't show anything in the window (icon view works fine). Any ideas?  Edgy bug?11:43
woro2006<public ip address> is attached to one computer11:43
knight17fdisk -l is not showing me my drives what is the problem plz help???11:43
gilnimfollowing problem: 'Error: couldn't find RGB GLX visual'11:44
nikinvariant: will try just a sec... oh what is the name of gnome power managger?11:44
kitcherag: umm amsn is a full IM, but there is onyl yahoo messenger for linux that does linux besides gaim or kopete11:44
jojoman02togga, for my list works just fine in edgy11:44
woro2006when users from outside the network type ftp.example.com, what address should I point it to?11:44
ragPLEASE, do you know a yahoo messenger with cam support , like amsn, easy for creation accounts for small users11:44
variantnikin: gnome-power-mangaer iirc11:44
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nikinvariant: ty11:44
woro2006let's say the second computer has ip address
Quashgraphics problem/black screen on boot from CD 6.10 RC.  Can anyone help me?11:44
Willanyone from essex UK here?11:45
raggaim support cam ok11:45
Tokenbadanyone help with proftpd?  I had account setup and working and now all of a sudden he can't get in...not just him but had others try to help with it...I then deleted the account and reinstalled and still can't get in...11:45
FuzzyBearworo2006 : if you only have one external ip, you must point them all at that.  Then, using port forwarding, you redirct traffic to other computers11:45
Tokenbadwhen I restarted proftpd I got this:  - IPv6 getaddrinfo 'FuckYou-desktop' error: Name or service not known  :  Can anyone tell me what this means?11:45
Will(im trying to hunt down my IT teacher :P)11:45
BJ-n-da-bearQuash: why load a release candidate? You like to be used as a guinea pig?11:45
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floyd2ianmacgregor, I'm getting an error even trying to remove those packages. I'm beginning to suspect harddrive corruption :-(11:45
hsshow can i delete .run files to complete delete in system11:45
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nolimitsoyahss, ?11:46
QuashRC days before final release.  Ubuntu says it's fine with broad-based testing.  If it's not one week before release, they're in trouble.11:46
BJ-n-da-bearWill: I'd help you but I don't know the language in the UK.11:46
hss.run files like games11:46
Willits english ;)11:46
ianmacgregorfloyd2: Can you post the errors to pastebin?11:46
Quashfunny.  gee, thanks.11:46
FuzzyBearworo2006 : if you want to be able to ftp to both example.com and ftp.example.com, and you want them both to be different internal servers, you have to have some sort of proxy that can determine forwarding be hostname11:46
BJ-n-da-bearWill: Oh, right. :-p11:46
Willwhere ya from?11:46
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BJ-n-da-bearWill; Mexico11:47
FuzzyBearby hostname11:47
Willthe UK invent english :P11:47
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gilnim|doubleWill sure?11:47
knight17I am going I asked the same question 4 time How to mount my windows partition on Ubuntu11:47
woro2006i see11:47
Willye :P11:47
nolimitsoyaknight17, ill give you a guide, ok?11:47
jrib!ntfs | knight1711:47
ubotuknight17: To view your Windows/Mac partitions see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AutomaticallyMountPartitions  -  See also !fuse11:47
ianmacgregorknight17: If no one here knows the answer, how should we respond?11:47
ubotuDon't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly, if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. You can search https://help.ubuntu.com or http://wiki.ubuntu.com while you wait. Also see !patience11:47
rcarrknight17: I searched google for11:47
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ragi need a yahoo msn client, easy , not gaim or kopete for a easy user link accounts, is there?11:47
variantknight17: mount /dev/partitionnumberhere /mnt/wherever11:47
rcarrknight17: mount windows partition ubuntu11:47
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nikinthere is no such aplication : gnome-power-managger11:48
toggamy Nautilus-problems solved...   no "columns" were selected :-)   could be useful to select at least "name" as default-setting for edgy on upgrade11:48
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rcarrknight17: And the entire front page has valid results11:48
nolimitsoyaknight17, http://www.psychocats.net/ubuntu/mountwindows11:48
FuzzyBearworo2006 : but if you want http://example.com and ftp.example.com to point to two different computers, than you can use iptables/netfilter11:48
rcarrnikin: one g11:48
rcarrnikin: "manager" not"managger"11:48
Quashokay, no takers for my black screen of death on booting 6.10 RC.  Thanks, anyway.11:48
BJ-n-da-beartogga:  Nautilus gives my legs a good workout...11:48
rcarrQuash: More specific?11:48
nikinohh :d11:48
rcarrQuash: At what point in boot?11:48
variantQuash: you tried safe mode?11:49
FuzzyBearworo2006 : because they use different ports.  So you can just have netfilter forward one to the internal computer11:49
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variantQuash: safe graphics mode i mean11:49
woro2006does netfilter determine what users' request by domain name?11:49
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FuzzyBearworo2006 : no11:49
woro2006FuzzyBear, right now, I have a router that has the capabilities to use SIngle IP Address11:49
woro2006but when I do that, I can't ping myself11:49
nikini get error message :11:49
FuzzyBearworo2006 : you can't ping yourself from where?11:49
variantworo2006: you have a firewall that blocks icmp packets?11:49
QuashHave tried default and Safe Graphics mode, plus F4 variations in different resolutsios and bits.11:49
BJ-n-da-bearworo2006:  go ping yourself!!!11:49
toggaBJ-n-da-bear: pictures of that is flashing in my mind  :-)    kicking in anger or joy?11:49
nikinThis program cannot start until you start the dbus session service.11:50
variantQuash: dunno then sorry11:50
QuashI've tried the regular 386 CD and the DVD.11:50
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floyd2ianmacgregor, trying but pastebin isn't working11:50
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ClayGhow can you format a disk from the cli11:50
ianmacgregorfloyd2: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/11:50
QuashIt's find until it goes in to the desktop, then it goes black...  this is what I see...11:50
woro2006what port is icmp packet sent through?11:50
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Gavrilaanyone withproblems with UUIDs on boot on EDGY?11:50
jojoman02 what does the | symbol do in bash?11:50
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LjLClayG: "cfdisk" to partition, and then "mkfs" to format the partition11:50
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BJ-n-da-bearClayG: format a: /s11:50
ianmacgregorjojoman02: it's a pipe11:50
Agrajagworo2006: no port, ICMP is on top of IP, not TCP11:51
BJ-n-da-bearClayG:  nope oops, wrong CLI.11:51
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jojoman02ianmacgregor: know any good websites to learn bash scripting that aren't confuzing as he**11:51
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LjLBJ-n-da-bear: Format Drive DF0:11:51
ianmacgregorjojoman02: pipes one command's output to another commands input11:51
QuashI boot off the CD, I see the boot splash, then the screen goes black with the blinking cursor (normal, I believe) and then it goes to click in to the desktop (I'm guessing, or is it GDM Login) and it goes black.11:51
=== FuzzyBear [n=flung@c-71-206-231-158.hsd1.pa.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
ClayGBJ-n-da-bear, I hear ya on the one11:51
ianmacgregorjojoman02: YEs, hold on, lemme find it11:51
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jojoman02ianmacgregor: thankz a bunch, i understand now what a pipe is in human terms :)11:51
ianmacgregor!bash > jojoman0211:51
rcarrjojoman02: Check "man bash"11:52
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gilnim|doubleWill sure?11:52
QuashAn xorg issue maybe?11:52
gilnim|doublehi! following problem: 'Error: couldn't find RGB GLX visual' when I command: 'glxgears' or 'glxinfo'11:52
ErwinWhat does gnome-terminal require of a font? My neep font is missing from the selection it provides (while I can start up e.g. xterm -fn neep-14)11:52
BJ-n-da-bearjojoman02:  You don't know what pipe is in human terms?  Got a girlfriend?11:52
ianmacgregorjojoman02: ps aux | grep ps will pipe the output of "ps aux" to be used as input for the grep command and grep acts on that.11:52
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Alakazamz0rdoes ubuntu server support 4GB of RAM?11:52
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BJ-n-da-bearoops.. my bad11:52
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variantAlakazamz0r: yes11:52
toggagah. here I select "octal form" for permissions in nautilus to keep things small. but then the text in the header makes it even worse11:53
Alakazamz0rcool, thanks11:53
Quashrcarr: any ideas?  Did you see my description, above?11:53
Alakazamz0ras long as its a 686 SMP kernel variant ?11:53
ianmacgregorBJ-n-da-bear: This is a support channel and it's quite fast, please take ot comments to another channel.11:53
rcarrQuash: No, all I saw was the "no takers" thing11:53
jojoman02ianmacgregor: i get it now, thankabunch11:53
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ianmacgregorjojoman02: You're welcome :)11:53
Quashrcarr: I'll repaste my descriptio now.  One sec.11:53
variantAlakazamz0r: the dapper kernel is 386 or 686 smp the edgy kernel is only 386 smp11:53
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floyd2ianmacgregor, pasted to http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/27884/11:54
Alakazamz0ryeah variant .. i'll be installing dapper on my server11:54
=== Karol84PL [n=admin@ebe64.neoplus.adsl.tpnet.pl] has left #ubuntu ["Konversation]
Alakazamz0rit'll support 4GB? you're sure11:54
Quashrcarr: I boot off the CD, I see the boot splash, then the screen goes black with the blinking cursor (normal, I believe) and then it goes to click in to the desktop (I'm guessing, or is it GDM Login) and it goes black.11:54
variantAlakazamz0r: yes, 100%11:54
=== fabio_ [n=fabio@host253-222-dynamic.19-87-r.retail.telecomitalia.it] has joined #ubuntu
Alakazamz0rthanks man11:54
BJ-n-da-bearianmacgregor:  geezz.. just tryin to liven up the conversations.. why does everyone gotta be a straight arrow? OK OK, your right it's asupport channel, My bad.. I'll behave.11:54
=== xmr [n=xmr@cpc1-lanc3-0-0-cust868.brig.cable.ntl.com] has left #ubuntu []
ianmacgregorBJ-n-da-bear: :)11:55
Quashrcarr: Have tried default and Safe Graphics mode, plus F4 variations in different resolutsios and bits.11:55
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fabio_hi guy11:55
rcarrQuash: If you press control+alt+f1 do you get a TTY?11:55
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ianmacgregorfloyd2: I haven't ever seen that type of error, I don't know how to help with that.11:55
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variantfabio_: you wouldnt be in dublin would you?11:55
=== skypa [n=skypa@e178236199.adsl.alicedsl.de] has joined #ubuntu
floyd2ianmacgregor, thanks for taking a look11:55
=== Madpilot [n=brian@ubuntu/member/madpilot] has joined #ubuntu
marcrosoftwhen running apt-get -f install .... I keep getting this  ...dpkg: parse error, in file `/var/lib/dpkg/status' near line 3232 package `lftp':11:56
Gavrilahey guys I've got a problem booting edgy eft, today grub started to ignore root=UUID=XXXXX for no reason, any hint?11:56
Quashhaven't tried this.  But, I've tried other key combinations and everything stay black.11:56
marcrosoft missing version11:56
=== Tampler [n=mbvana@] has joined #ubuntu
rcarrQuash: Try control+alt+f1-f611:56
rcarrQuash: To get a terminal, then open /var/log/Xorg.0.log11:56
rcarrQuash: And look for relevant stuff torwards the end11:56
Xenguymarcrosoft: I don't think you should have to use '-f', yes?11:56
rcarrQuash: Also check dmesg | tail11:56
=== DeVilSoulBlacK [n=devilsou@gea-gye-internet.telconet.net] has joined #ubuntu
jojoman02ianmacgregor: is there a way i can make a program run only while another program is running, (i wanna make zenity make a pulsating bar while extracting)11:57
fabio_variant what? :D11:57
wweaselXenguy: that's for fixing problems.11:57
ianmacgregorjojoman02: I was just learning about that for nautilus scripts and someone pointed me to man zenity. Tried that?11:57
variantfabio_: nm, thought you were somone else. i se eyour in italy11:57
QuashYikes.  I great suggestions, but a bit over my head.  I'll try, though, with steps to follow.11:57
BJ-n-da-bearWell, it's been fun folks! I gotta go.11:57
Xenguywweasel: mm11:58
Quashrcarr: what will alt + ctrl + F6 do?11:58
=== BJ-n-da-bear waves goodbye to all!
wweaselmacrosoft: uhhh...I'm trying to think what could cause that11:58
rcarrQuash:Send you to a terminal rather than a GUI/X server11:58
ianmacgregorjojoman02: Maybe the second part of this will help? http://ianmacgregor.org/wiki/Linux/NautilusScripts#toc511:58
marcrosoftXenguy, yes because because there are dependency issues11:58
rcarrQuash: you can use f1, f2, f3, f4, f5 or f611:58
=== Keyseir [n=Keyseir@166-82-116-99.quickclick.ctc.net] has joined #ubuntu
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Xenguymarcrosoft: IC11:58
fabio_variant: yes i'm italian...from Rome11:58
rcarrQuash: In the terminal, open /var/log/Xorg.0.log which contains X server logs with a text editor, like "sudo nano /var/log/Xorg.0.log"11:58
Quashrcarr: do this when I get the black screen or on boot with the boot splash loading?11:58
rcarrQuash: At the black screen11:58
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Quashrcarr: k11:59
rcarrQuash: See if that enlightens you as to the error, or at least try and write down relevant information or something11:59
variantrcarr: you can use more than that ;)11:59
KeyseirI was running apt-get dist-upgrade and it gave me an option to review the differences between the old modified file and the new maintained file. I got done reading the log but I don't know how to go back to the installation... I've got a blackened (END) at the prompt.11:59
=== sipher [n=ubuntu@unaffiliated/sipher] has joined #ubuntu
KeyseirHow do I get back to installation?11:59
rcarrQuash: Then run "dmesg | tail" which will give you the last few kernel messages11:59
wweaselmacrosoft: do you know what dependency issues you are having?11:59
Quashrcarr: okay.  any way to save the xorg log?11:59
ErwinKeyseir: you are in less. press q.11:59
rcarrQuash:err, system messages, see if anything is relevant there11:59
marcrosoftwweasel, ubuntu-desktop: Depends: lftp but it is not installed11:59
=== light_ [n=light@bzq-88-155-186-166.red.bezeqint.net] has joined #ubuntu
SeveasKeyseir, hit the q button11:59
KeyseirGot it.12:00
Seveasq key*12:00
rcarrQuash: You are having trouble booting the live cd, right?12:00
=== NDPowerBook [n=ndpowerb@207-172-70-240.c3-0.sbo-ubr2.sbo.ma.cable.rcn.com] has joined #ubuntu
ErwinKeyseir: less is a replacement for more (a pager, that lets you review the output of some long command)12:00
jojoman02ianmacgregor: man zenity is very not useful, it's ok for zenity but it doesn't say how to use it practically12:00
wweaselmacrosoft: For what reason did you uninstall lftp? Do you want to reinstall it?12:00
=== light_ [n=light@bzq-88-155-186-166.red.bezeqint.net] has left #ubuntu ["Leaving"]
XenguyKeyseir: 'less' is a 'pager' (like 'more' or 'most')12:00
ianmacgregorjojoman02: Yeah, I see that12:00
KeyseirGot it.12:00
rcarrQuash: if you have a floppy drive or something, you could put a floppy in and do something like12:00
marcrosoftwweasel, i never uninstalled it12:00
rcarrQuash: sudo mkdir /media/floppy; sudo mount /dev/fd0 /media/floppy12:00

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