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shawn_homeI hope your not abandoning 'apt' in favour of 'smart' or give the option of letting people use apt still01:15
KurtKrautshawarma_away, I think we are dating with smart but far from merrying with it01:16
KurtKrautshawarma_away, actually, if I'm not mistaken, smart only complements apt. It does not subistitute apt01:17
shawn_homethe wiki says otherwise01:17
shawn_home'We need to evaluate how to make a migration from apt to smart possible and painless and what features/changes are required to make smart the first-class package manager for Ubuntu.'01:17
KurtKrautshawarma_away, take a look at http://labix.org/smart01:20
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sivangdoko: don't we have python-egenix-mx::mxUID somewhere? isn't it not packaged?01:45
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dokosivang: we should, what doesn't work?01:47
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sivangdoko: do you know which package mxUID resides in?01:52
sivangI couldn't find it01:52
sivangdoko: hmm 'we should' means we have it or do not have it? :)01:53
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sivangdoko: I checked the source package, it seems we do not ship mxUID02:10
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dokosivang: I'll look at it tomorrow; which package does need it?02:11
sivangdoko: none that I know of , besides hubackup that is going to need it. I can help by providing a debdiff to the package to include this as well, but I haven't checked yet if it was not included due to license issues or so02:13
sivangdoko: I'd like to create UUIDs from python and mxUID seems to be a good solution.02:13
dokosivang: please do file a bug, it doesn't sound RC at the moment ...02:13
sivangdoko: no, it's not, it's all Feisty stuff indeed.02:14
=== sivang files a bug
sivangdoko: thanks though :)02:14
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FujitsuHey fabbione.04:19
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Vaske_CarI have a problem that #ubuntu could not help me with. My internet is very slow and it need 5-7 seconds to open web page. Same computer with Windows partition working fine. I had exactly the same problem with Debian as well. Can anybody help me with this?04:50
crimsunutterly the wrong channel.04:50
theCoreVaske_Car, open a support request on https://launchpad.net/distros/ubuntu/+tickets04:52
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infinitymdz: Your firefox upload was FTBFS.05:34
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ArrenLexHow come kuickshow was taken out of the ubuntu repositories for dapper?06:42
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crimsunArrenLex: kdegraphics (4:3.5.2-0ubuntu4) dapper; urgency=low    * Do not create kuickshow package (needs imlib)06:45
ArrenLexI see. And why is imlib a problem?06:46
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Amaranthimlib is in universe, kdegraphics is in main06:47
ArrenLexWow, what an annoying reason not to include a package...06:48
ArrenLexAlso, how come mplayer is in multiverse? It's GPL.06:49
crimsunArrenLex: there are a number of reasons why imlib is a problem, the least of which is security maintenance.06:49
crimsunmplayer builds with non-free components, therefore it's in multiverse.06:49
ArrenLexReally? Which components are these?06:50
AmaranthI always thought it was there because of the obvious patent issues.06:51
crimsunthe ones that reside in multiverse, like faad2, x264, and so on06:51
ArrenLexAmaranth: The patent issues are with w32codecs, not with mplayer... mplayer relies on libavcodec for free codecs, which is in the repos already anyway.06:51
crimsunsince the binaries generated from those source packages resides in multiverse, then mplayer source /must/ be in multiverse.06:51
ArrenLexWhy not just compile mplayer without faad, then?06:52
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crimsunthat was considered and rejected. Currently mplayer is the only media player that can play the vast majority of formats by default.06:52
AmaranthArrenLex: w32codecs has _copyright_ issues, completely different.06:52
ArrenLexI see.06:53
Amaranthw32codecs is illegal to distribute in every country in the world that honors copyrights06:53
AmaranthThat's all but a handful, as far as I know.06:53
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rmjbbug #6760606:54
UbugtuMalone bug 67606 in dmraid "dmraid is initialized before udev" [Undecided,Unconfirmed]  http://launchpad.net/bugs/6760606:54
ArrenLexI see.06:54
ArrenLexThanks a lot for all the help!06:54
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fabbionermjb: are you experiencing the problem or just bouncing random bugs around?06:55
rmjbI wanted to get the link06:56
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rmjbI'm experiencing the problem, and I'm working on it... hope I'm doing the fix correctly06:56
fabbionermjb: -> #ubuntu-motu06:58
fabbionethe pkg is not in main06:58
fabbioneand not supported06:58
rmjbyeah I know, the bug bot is in that channel also?06:59
fabbionei don't hang there06:59
rmjbjust checked, it seems to be...07:00
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fdsdhey guys, I am writing an app that will image harddrives, does anyone know how I can read the name of a macintosh Volume, like for example the name of the drive is "Macintosh HD" but in linux how do I find this info? where is it stored?07:54
Lathiatfdsd: that'd likely be stored within the HFS+ data for the filesystem, see 'libhfsp' perhaps07:55
Lathiathal may also be able to tell you07:55
fdsdLathiat, thanks, Yeah hal does, but I dont have gnome installed on the livecd I created, and Im sure there isnt a command line mode for HAL07:56
fdsdor is there?07:56
Lathiatwell i dont know of any tools off hand to do it but you certainly could write something that queried it from a console utility07:56
tfheenhal has a dbus interface, just use that07:56
fdsdah cool07:56
infinitylshal is a CLI for hal.07:59
fdsdoh nice07:59
infinityThere's also hal-get-property, for finer-grained searching, if you know what you're looking for.07:59
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fdsdI just need it to output the name of the drive07:59
fdsdwhat do you guys think, If I have a failing harddrive is it better to turn off dma with hdparm to try to get data off?08:01
tfheenshouldn't matter08:01
infinityDropping down to PIO modes can help you get corrupted data off, if that's what you want.08:03
infinitySince UDMA modes do more anal CRC checking and such, you'll get more errors (and more files will refuse to copy).08:03
infinityBut dropping to a slower mode won't make the drive any less broken, it'll just make it less obvious.08:04
fdsdvol_id works perfectly08:04
fdsdinfinity, ah08:04
fdsdinfinity, cool, I have a script that will mount failing drives and copy the data off and I was wondering if setting it to PIO mode would help things08:05
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fdsdwow vol_id is awesome, works perfectly08:07
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fdsdDo you guys know of any way to put the x86 iso and the ppc iso on the same CD, I have got them down to about 200mb~  and since they are going to only boot on x86 macs and powerpc macs I would like to make one CD,  and since I can option boot and select the bootable volume it doesnt matter if its not bootable on a "PC"08:14
tfheenyou should be able to by just fiddling with mkisofs options08:15
fdsdI havent been able to figure it out since the ppc bootable iso is very specific and needs to be a hybrid hfs/iso08:15
tfheenoh, casper might need to be taught about it too.08:16
fdsdthats not a big deal08:16
tfheenwhich would be a tad of work, but certainly not impossible.08:16
fdsdim comfertable modifing the initrd files08:16
fdsdit would be nice to figure out a way to make a multi volume iso using two iso files..lol08:17
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pittiGood morning08:35
ajmitchmorning pitti 08:36
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tfheenpitti: hiya, you were supposed to upload some language-support packages; did you get around to that?08:38
pittitfheen: yep, I did that at Saturday08:39
pittitfheen: the new m-f-locale-all is also in08:39
tfheenpitti: excellent, thanks.08:39
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ajmitchfabbione: you filed bug 67686?08:51
UbugtuMalone bug 67686 in Ubuntu "[feisty]  please package libvirt" [High,Confirmed]  http://launchpad.net/bugs/6768608:51
ajmitchit's on the spec, why does it need to be done before feisty opens?08:52
fabbioneajmitch: yes08:52
ajmitchI've got packages mostly done, so I might as well reassign to myself08:52
fabbioneajmitch: because i am already updating the packages that i maintain08:52
fabbioneajmitch: up to you.. i just need that thingy08:52
fabbionei know zul does all the xen stuff.. 08:53
fabbioneso virtualization and that .. = zul :)08:53
ajmitchbah, not all :)08:53
ajmitchhe has his silent helpers08:53
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fabbioneajmitch: ok so stop complaning and work silent slave^helper08:54
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pittitfheen: what's your deadline for uploading simple bug fixes for edgy? someone pointed me at bug 61687; it's a mere s/dapper/edgy/, but requires a new firefox upload09:33
UbugtuMalone bug 61687 in firefox "in EDGY, searchplugin 'debsearch' searches for packages in dapper" [Undecided,In progress]  http://launchpad.net/bugs/6168709:33
dholbachgood morning09:33
tfheenpitti: I just uploaded a new firefox since the last one ftbfs-ed.  I don't think I want any more simple bug fixes in; -updates.09:33
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pittitfheen: alright09:34
tfheenI guess it should really be on the release checklist.09:34
=== tfheen goes to add.
ajmitchtfheen: how about a fix for iptables (not yet built) that just adds -fno-stack-protector?09:35
ajmitchfixes bug 6668109:35
UbugtuMalone bug 66681 in iptables "libipt_icmp.so: undefined symbol: __stack_chk_fail_local" [Unknown,Unknown]  http://launchpad.net/bugs/6668109:35
janimoRiddell: is a11y on the kubuntu CD working well?09:36
pittitfheen: hm, an FTBFS fix for 2.0+0dfsg-0ubuntu1?09:36
tfheenpitti: yes09:36
pittitfheen: the .changes on e-changes looks weird, no orig.tar.gz09:36
tfheenpitti: uh, that'd be weird.  It did almost build, though09:39
pittitfheen: maybe the -changes emails just don't contain orig.tar.gz file lines, I never checked09:40
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Administratoris the kernel_panic acpi issue already fixed in 2.6.17 ( acpi_hw_low_level_read ) bug 61848?09:40
UbugtuMalone bug 61848 in linux-source-2.6.17 "[edgy]  kernel panic after last update" [Undecided,Confirmed]  http://launchpad.net/bugs/6184809:40
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fabbioneAdministrator: you already asked in #ubuntu-kernel 2 seconds ago. If the bug is open it means that has not been fixed09:42
Administratorwhen will this be fixed?09:43
fabbionenot in edgy..09:43
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Administrator2.6.18 is already out, when will this be uploaded to edgy?09:49
fabbioneedgy is about to be released in 4 days.. there will be no .18 09:50
Administratoryou guys releasing edgy while people have kernel panics? 09:51
pygiAdministrator: dude, I seriously suggest you calm down09:51
tfheenAdministrator: yes, we do that.09:51
fabbioneAdministrator: yes.09:51
AdministratorI need to deliver 500 pc running edgy09:51
tfheenAdministrator: now, please let us concentrate on the release.  There will be no changes to the kernel in edgy.09:52
Administratorthey all have via chipsets09:52
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testirc client borked. 09:55
tfheenajmitch: uh, that's quite bad, but I think we'll put that in -updates.09:56
testSo I will just have to use the fix that is suggested by the mailing list09:56
ajmitchtfheen: alright, just getting a fix together for it to test 09:56
ajmitchfabbione: libvirt packages are 95% done :)09:57
fabbioneajmitch: ok09:57
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rideoutdholbach, Riddell: are we going to updated qt for the security release qt just made, or provide it in the security repo after the release (by either using 4.2.1 and 3.3.7, or via backported changes) ?10:25
dholbachrideout: that's something where you'd like to have keescook and pitti in the loop :)10:26
rideoutof course10:26
rideoutbut, at this late stage in the game, how is such a thing handled?10:27
dholbachhow big are the changes?10:27
tfheenrideout: it's a normal security fix and we haven't held up the release for those in the past.10:27
tfheenso I'm not going to hold it up this time either; normal security queue is best.10:28
pittithe packages are ready10:28
pittibut I agree that fixing this post-release works just as wlel10:28
rideoutcool, I was just curious, either is ok with me10:28
rideoutdholbach: I'm running a diff now, Trolltech's security annoucement is way to vague to know what they changed10:29
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rideoutdholbach: "Fixed a potential security issue which could arise when transforming images from untrusted sources." This affects only QImage and maintains both forward and backward compatibility (source and binary) with Qt 4.2.0. 10:41
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pittidholbach, rideout: Riddell already has a patch for it, it's quite small and straightforward10:42
pittiso, no need for further research10:42
Riddellit should be in the upload queue10:51
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infinitypitti: Feel like looking at a fetchmail build failure?  It looks to be l10n-related, which is one of your specialties.11:04
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infinitypitti: Want me to bounce a log, or will you just reproduce it locally and play from there?11:06
pittiinfinity: I'll look on the launchpad log, but I'll reproduce it locally anyway11:07
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infinitypitti: LP log is fine, autotest log isn't.11:07
pittioh, I guess there won't be an LP log; nevermind, will try locally11:07
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mdzinfinity: why didn't I get email about the FTBFS?11:08
infinitypitti: Relevant bit is this:11:08
infinityrm -f ja.gmo && /usr/bin/msgfmt -c --statistics -o ja.gmo ja.po11:08
infinityja.po:8: nplurals = 1...11:08
infinityja.po:162: ...but some messages have 2 plural forms11:08
infinity/usr/bin/msgfmt: found 1 fatal error11:08
infinity619 translated messages.11:08
infinitymake[1] : *** [ja.gmo]  Error 111:08
infinitymdz: See, I think there was a failure to communicate there.  I was told that we weren't ready for widespread rollout of the notify_owner feature, and when a large number of people hopped on IRC to complain about suddenly being spammed in the last (and final) mass-give-back for edgy, I quickly turned it off in the config.11:09
minghuasounds like a broken translation to me11:09
infinitymdz: Hence whyI pinged you IRC about it instead, though.11:10
mdzinfinity: spammed how?11:10
infinitymdz: I'll talk to cprov, but I think we need a way to say "this build's already sent a notification, never do it again".  Otherwise, every mass-give-back will tell people over and over again that a package that's been failing for months still is.11:10
infinitymdz: There was one Debian maintainer who is active in LP (but doesn't maintain anything in Ubuntu) who was surprised to get notified about build failures in his Debian packages, and then others who were just non-plussed about getting a mess of mails from the mass-retry.11:11
mdzI see11:11
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mdzI didn't realize retries weren't accounted for in the original spec11:11
tfheenogra: why isn't the edubuntu amd64 artwork fixed yet?  Isn't it going to be fixed?11:13
fabbionemorning mdz11:13
infinitymdz: The concern was discussed, but clearly didn't filter down to the implementation phase.11:13
infinitymdz: And I'd been told that we weren't turning on notify_owner until post-release, so was going to discuss the remaining details then.  Oh well.11:14
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infinitymdz: Dealing with retries all through the soyuz buildd code needs some table changes and some rethinks, this isn't the only feature that could desperately use a distinction between "first try" and "the rest".11:15
seb128tfheen: are uploads still approved? what about http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/27946/ (fix gimp.desktop translation domain so the menu item is translated)?11:15
infinityseb128: tfheen was hoping to close the archive for anything <= ship.11:16
ogratfheen, working on it 11:16
infinityseb128: Unless it's critical.11:16
seb128it's not critical for sure, it's "only a translation"11:16
tfheenseb128: is that useful without updating the langpacks too?11:16
seb128tfheen: yes, it makes the translations being used11:17
infinityArgh, speaking of <= ship, we still have a mess of stuff in the queue. :/11:17
seb128that's only for the menu item11:17
seb128not for gimp itself11:17
tfheenseb128: oh, so it'll read "Gimp image editor" in all languages?11:17
=== shawarma is now known as shawarma_away
infinitytfheen: Care to run through the queue with me, and we can accpet or hold (for later acceptance if rebuilding CDs, or rejection if not) each?11:17
ajmitchtfheen: universe uploads will still be accepted through?11:17
tfheeninfinity: please.11:17
seb128tfheen: correct, that's what it does atm11:17
tfheenseb128: -updates, then.11:18
seb128-proposed you mean?11:18
infinitytfheen: Kay, let me get a list without universe.11:18
tfheenseb128: well, yes, and then -updates.11:18
seb128I'm not sure I feel like started the whole -updates procedure for it11:18
tfheenajmitch: talk to dholbach about that, I have enough with main.11:18
jdubmdz, BenC: http://kernelslacker.livejournal.com/57802.html11:18
seb128I'll keep that somewhere for later11:18
infinitytfheen: :11:18
infinity  112718 | S- | kdelibs              | 4:3.5.5-0ubuntu3     | 13 hours11:18
infinity         | * kdelibs/4:3.5.5-0ubuntu3 Component: main Section: kde11:18
infinity  112717 | S- | kde-guidance         | 0.7.0-0ubuntu4       | 13 hours11:18
infinity         | * kde-guidance/0.7.0-0ubuntu4 Component: main Section: kde11:18
=== shawarma_away is now known as shawarma
mvocan someone from the archive-admins please take care of bug #67436? firefox-locale-tr needs to be removed 11:19
tfheenRiddell: ^^ what is the debdiff for those?11:20
dholbachjdub: it's needed for desktopsecure in dapper-commercial... about "*disable* some of the anti-rootkit features the kernel employs" I don't know...11:21
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infinity_How convenient.11:21
infinity_I either hung irssi or screen.  Pick one.11:21
infinity_tfheen: What was the last line that got through on my paste?11:21
tfheeninfinity_: 11:18 < infinity>          | * kde-guidance/0.7.0-0ubuntu4 Component: main11:22
infinity_  112688 | S- | qt4-x11              | 4.2.0-1ubuntu6       | 41 hours11:22
infinity_         | * qt4-x11/4.2.0-1ubuntu6 Component: main Section: libs11:22
infinity_  112687 | S- | qt-x11-free          | 3:3.3.6-3ubuntu3     | 41 hours11:22
infinity_         | * qt-x11-free/3:3.3.6-3ubuntu3 Component: main Section: libs11:22
infinity_Right.  Done, then.11:22
jdubdholbach: i know what it's for; doesn't mean it's right ;-)11:22
infinity_Those two are security fixes, they can be rejected and go to -security if you'd prefer.11:22
pittiinfinity, tfheen: ok to upload http://people.ubuntu.com/~pitti/tmp/fetchmail.ftbfs.diff ?11:23
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mdzjdub: I wouldn't expect BenC to patch common code for the sake of those modules, so whatever craziness they employ is limited to users who decide to use desktopsecrue11:23
mdzdesktopsecure, rather11:23
tfheenpitti: looks good to me.11:24
simiraBenC: do you want any log references for a suspend-problem? (won't resume) In case, which ones?11:24
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pittitfheen: ok, uploaded11:24
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=== infinity grumbles.
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infinityOkay, should be back for good now.11:26
infinityI hate computers...11:26
ogramvo, do you happen to have an amd64 edubuntu install left ? i installed i386 over mine, and need to test the edubuntu usplash fix11:27
mvoogra: I have one left I think, yes11:29
mvoogra: you need a upgrade test?11:29
mvoogra: or a fresh install test?11:29
ograi only need to know if that looks ok -> http://people.ubuntu.com/~ogra/edubuntu-artwork-usplash_0.1.0-45_i386.deb11:29
infinitytfheen: Right, so, back to the queue. :/11:29
ograupgrading the package should suffice11:29
tfheeninfinity: use a pastebin?11:29
mvo:) no amd64 pkg?11:30
ogracrap ... indeed i have no amd64 chroot left either11:30
mvoogra: I can build it here11:30
mvoogra: just point me to the source pkg11:30
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infinitytfheen: http://cerberus.0c3.net/~adconrad/queue.txt11:31
infinitytfheen: publisher is still manul right now, BTW, so we can shove things in ASAP, if you approve anything.11:31
ogramvo, scp'ing ... takes a second the tgz is big11:31
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infinitytfheen: And firefox is still building, so not losing any time yet. :)11:32
tfheeninfinity: fetchmail is ok.11:32
tfheenwhat is the changelog for the pppoeconf change?11:32
tfheenditto for ubuntu-docs11:32
Gloubiboulgatfheen, bug 54383 for pppoeconf11:33
Gloubiboulgabug #5438311:33
infinity pppoeconf (1.10ubuntu3) edgy; urgency=low11:33
infinity .11:33
infinity   * Remove broken zenity support, backport from Debian pppoeconf 1.1211:33
infinity     (Closes Malone: #54383)11:33
gnomefreakGloubiboulga: bots are being rebooted11:33
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Gloubiboulgagnomefreak, ok11:34
tfheeninfinity: pppoeconf approved.11:34
infinity ubuntu-docs (6.10.4) edgy; urgency=low11:35
infinity .11:35
infinity   * Updating omf files for getting-help11:35
infinity   * Removing es_ES locale for aboutubuntu (duplicate of es) - bug 6681911:35
tfheenGloubiboulga: any idea about xfce4-appfinder?11:35
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tfheeninfinity: debdiff looks sane?11:35
Gloubiboulgatfheen, not at all11:35
infinitytfheen: Need to make one.  Sec.11:35
ograinfinity, i got a mail about nbd FTBFSing on ia64 and have no clue whats wrong there11:36
tfheenogra: don't care about ia64 for now.11:36
infinityogra: I couldn't care less about ia64 failures at this point.11:36
infinity(Well, I could care less, I suppose...)11:37
infinityOkay, debdiff on ubuntu-docs takes forever...11:37
pittitfheen: ah, thanks for sneaking the debsearch firefox fix in; now we have two accepted 2.0+0dfsg-0ubuntu2 versions on -changes, let's start the race :)11:37
ogratfheen, oki11:37
ogramvo, its up on p.u.c, 0.1.0-4511:37
infinitypitti: That's cause I accepted it and then rejected it from the accepted queue.11:37
infinitypitti: Could be fun to send "just kidding" messages to -changes when that happens, but it's pretty rare. :)11:38
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mvoogra: ok, I will check it out now11:38
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tfheeninfinity: what does the xfce4-appfinder changelog look like?11:39
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infinity xfce4-appfinder ( edgy; urgency=low11:40
infinity .11:40
infinity   * debian/patches/00_fix_crash_on_start.patch: Fix crash on starting11:40
infinity     based on patch from Xfce bugzilla. (LP #51373)11:40
infinitytfheen: http://cerberus.0c3.net/~adconrad/ubuntu-docs.diff11:41
infinity1.2MB.  Ugh.11:41
tfheeninfinity: xfce4-appfinder seems to come from janimo, so approved.11:41
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Kamionwe should probably do something about iptables :-/11:41
Kamionanyone looking at that?11:41
Kamion(bug 66681)11:41
ajmitchKamion: I was 11:41
UbugtuMalone bug 66681 in iptables "libipt_icmp.so: undefined symbol: __stack_chk_fail_local" [Unknown,Rejected]  http://launchpad.net/bugs/6668111:42
infinityKamion: FTBFS, or actually runtime-broken?11:42
Kamioninfinity: runtime11:42
infinityOh, needs -fno-stack11:42
tfheenKamion: seems to just be icmp, though11:42
infinityHow the heck did it ever get that symbol defined in the first place?  That should be a build failure, not a runtime failure.11:42
Kamionit's a shared object, so gcc won't complain about missing symbols11:43
infinityOh, fair point.11:43
Kamionif it were a fully linked executable, it'd be a build failure11:43
infinityYeah.  DSOs, for the loss.11:43
Kamions/gcc/ld/ I guess11:43
tfheenKamion: verified, it's just ICMP, so I think -updates is appropriate.11:43
Kamiontfheen: disagreed11:44
Kamion$ for x in `dpkg -L iptables | fgrep .so`; do nm -D $x | grep -q stack_chk && echo $x; done11:44
Kamionconntrack's kinda bad to lose?11:44
mdzconntrack = important11:44
infinityYeah, conntrack is my friend.11:44
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tfheenok, agreed then.11:45
tfheenajmitch: go ahead.11:45
infinityajmitch: -fno-stack-protector in CFLAGS should fix it up nicely.11:45
infinityajmitch: And once you've uloaded, be so kinda as to update wiki.u.c/GccSsp? :)11:46
ajmitchinfinity: sure11:46
infinitydholbach: Since ajmitch is busy working on main for us, want to do some quick universe queue approvals with me?11:46
ajmitchinfinity: certainly11:46
dholbachinfinity: sure11:47
infinitydholbach: http://cerberus.0c3.net/~adconrad/queue.txt11:47
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tfheeninfinity: I don't fee comfortable with the -docs update; it touches too much of the build system.11:48
tfheenmdke: ^^ ; Can we put it in updates instead?11:48
dholbachinfinity: fai, fai-kernels, eclipse, eclipse-pydev are approved11:48
infinitytfheen: If it fixed scrollkeeper spew, I'm all for it (cron.monthly hates me), otherwise, I'm with you on the "man, that's big and fiddly".11:48
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dholbachinfinity: libadabindx is fine too11:50
Gloubiboulgainfinity, texmaker has been approved by ajmitch yesterday, and scite by siretart on bug 6103311:50
UbugtuMalone bug 61033 in scite "Tabs don't function properly under edgy" [Undecided,Needs info]  http://launchpad.net/bugs/6103311:50
infinityErggh, there were two eclipse uploads in there.11:50
=== infinity grumbles and goes to look.
mdzgood, firefox built now11:51
dholbachinfinity: enigmail-locales too11:51
tfheeninfinity: it's more that I don't want to touch the build system at this point.11:51
dholbachinfinity: wherami too (bug 67499)11:52
UbugtuMalone bug 67499 in whereami "testssid uses wrong interpreter" [Low,Fix committed]  http://launchpad.net/bugs/6749911:52
infinityAnd the eclipse uploads were identical.  Phew.11:52
=== infinity rejects a random one.
henotfheen: FYI, I uploaded new winfoss tarballs on saturday (/w FF RC3). I take it you still pull those into builds automatically?11:52
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heno(or is it all on manual now?)11:52
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infinitytfheen: Done with the main queue, or have a few more before I kick the publisher?11:55
infinitydholbach: azureus, user-he, adasockets, nautilus-script-manager, gch?11:55
dholbachinfinity: azureus is fine too - looking up the others11:55
infinitygch was an FBFS fix from StevenK.11:55
dholbachgch is fine too (bug 65453)11:56
UbugtuMalone bug 65453 in gch "[UNMETDEPS]  gch has unmet dependencies" [Undecided,Fix committed]  http://launchpad.net/bugs/6545311:56
mvoogra: bootup splash looks ok, splash-down looks strange (but that might be X confusing the grafic board), I can give it another go on a different graphic board11:56
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dholbachi suppose that nautilus-script-manager is bug 6754211:56
UbugtuMalone bug 67542 in nautilus-script-manager "enable script doesn't expand ~" [Medium,Fix committed]  http://launchpad.net/bugs/6754211:56
dholbachif that's it - looks fine too11:56
infinity nautilus-script-manager (0.0.5-0ubuntu4) edgy; urgency=low11:56
infinity .11:56
infinity   * Change script shell to /bin/bash (Closes: Malone #67542)11:57
ogramvo, that would be great, thanks 11:57
tfheenheno: yes, thanks.11:57
tfheeninfinity: no, I'm happy.11:57
dholbachinfinity: ok, fine with me11:57
tfheeninfinity: Riddell apparently isn't around to answer for the k* stuff, so I'll defer those.11:57
Fujitsuadasockets fixes the unmet dependencies, I was looking at it yesterday... I'm not sure what's in -2ubuntu1, but a sync would be preferable, wouldn't it?11:57
infinitydholbach: Probbaly the wrong fix (dash expands ~ too, i's just more picky about how you quote it), but whatever, it'll work.11:57
dholbachinfinity: user-he is a unmetdeps fix - fine too11:57
dholbachinfinity: i wouldn't want it to go through n+1 iterations now. :-)11:58
infinitydholbach: adasockets is another StevenK gnat special.11:58
Kamionheno: automatic11:58
Kamionheno: though builds themselves are on manual11:58
dholbachinfinity: ok, looks good11:59
infinityOkay, that clears the universe queue completely, publishing the world.11:59
=== dholbach hugs infinity
henoKamion: k, thanks11:59
infinityErr, wait.12:00
infinitytfheen: Are we doing anything other than -server on sparc? (like an alternate?)12:00
infinitytfheen: Cause firefox isn't done there.12:00
infinityActually, we need another cycle for ppoe anyway.12:00
=== infinity publishes.
ogradoes anyone here have two abtteries in a i386 laptop and sees bug 60442 ?12:00
UbugtuMalone bug 60442 in gnome-power "Dual / Two Batteries, shutdown on empty expansion battery. (GPM does not recognises second battery on hotplug)" [Unknown,Confirmed]  http://launchpad.net/bugs/6044212:00
ogra*batteries even12:00
dholbachogra: I think it was Lure who had one12:01
ograhe's not here :/12:01
tfheeninfinity: not that I know of, no.12:02
infinityogra: It's a well-known bug...12:02
ograseems upstream fixed it in CVS on friday ... the fix is small enough that i'd apply it, but not if i cant get it tested12:02
infinityogra: It's triggering events on battery state rather than whole-system state.12:02
infinityogra: Two batteries (and one dying completely) is an esoteric enough setup that it's fine for -proposed/-updates post-release.12:02
ograwell, mjg59 complained about it being a regression12:03
ograand the patch is really small, i wuldnt mind to get it in before release: http://bugzilla.gnome.org/attachment.cgi?id=75163&action=view12:03
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infinityIt is a regression, certainly, but we're in the death march right now.12:04
infinitytfheen: Your call of course, boss. :)12:04
ograi know12:04
ograinfinity, well, discussing it without having anybody to test the patch is a waste of energy anyway :)12:05
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tfheenogra: -updates.  I want to get the CDs done today and I can't do that if I have to empty a battery first.12:05
ogralol, ok12:05
infinitytfheen: Use a fork.12:05
tfheeninfinity: I'd like to be able to use the battery later too.12:05
infinityOh, picky. :)12:06
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tfheenyou knew that already. :-)12:06
infinityajmitch: How's that iptables coming along?12:09
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ajmitchinfinity: just building it again to test on the laptop, should only be a couple of min12:11
infinityajmitch: Sweet, thanks.12:11
mvoogra: no shutdown bootsplash at all on the second machine (that is probably because it is a nvidia card) - oh, one more thing. on bootup the progress bar looks very strange (as if random black pixels have been inserted)12:12
Kamionmvo: I fixed that post-RC12:13
Kamionshutdown bootsplash on amd64?12:13
ograbut is it recognizeable as progress bar ?12:13
mvoogra: it is. it just looks a bit garbled12:14
=== pitti creates https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Apport; a Denglish -> English check would be appreciated
=== shawarma_away is now known as shawarma
mvoKamion: could you please have a look at #67436 and remove mozilla-firefox-locale-tr from the archive?12:15
Fujitsupitti: I'll take a look..12:15
mvoit causes havoc and there is m-f-l-tr-tr that replaces it12:15
pittiFujitsu: cheers12:16
pittimvo: oh, I can also add a -tr transitional package if necessary12:16
ajmitchoh good, iptables fix worked, debdiff is at http://ajmitch.net.nz/debuild/ubuntu/tmp/iptables.debdiff12:16
infinityajmitch: Looks poifect.12:17
ajmitchk, should hit the queue soon12:17
mvopitti: that would be good as well, its just that the current package causes trouble12:17
infinityMany happy returns.12:17
=== shawarma is now known as shawarma_away
pittimvo, tfheen: a word from you and I'll upload a new m-f-locale-all with a transitional -tr package12:18
mvopitti: the -tr package is universe anyway - but it needs either a transitional package or must be removed 12:18
pittimvo: removing would be better, but that doesn't help dapper upgrades12:19
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pittimvo: and mozilla-firefox-locale-tr-tr is in main12:19
pittihm, it was in main for dapper already12:19
pittibut dapper's -tr wasn't a transitional packge12:19
infinitySo this is a longstanding bug, then.12:19
Kamionit needs both a transitional package and removal of the old source12:19
infinityNot an upgrade issue, per se.12:19
pittihowever, the current -tr source/binary shuold be removed nevertheless12:20
Kamionoh, hang on, dapper had m-f-l-tr-tr12:20
Kamiondo we expect to have been installing m-f-l-tr in dapper?12:20
pittiKamion: right, but dapper's -tr wasn't a transitional package12:20
Kamionyeah, I know12:20
infinityDid dapper's -tr work?12:20
infinityIf so, people may have installed it.12:20
pittiKamion: language-support-tr in dapper used -tr-tr, which was fine12:20
infinityIf not, who cares?12:20
pittiit's just an issue for manual installations12:20
Kamioninfinity: it would have installed due to the l-s-tr dep, but I doubt it worked12:21
pittiand dapper's -tr was uninstallable anyway12:21
Kamion Depends: mozilla-firefox (<< 1.0.99 ) | firefox (<< 1.0.99) | language-support-tr12:21
mvoit causes firefox removals if installed12:21
Kamioninstallable, but not functional12:21
infinitydapper's wouldn't have worked.12:21
infinityWe all got there at the same time.12:21
Kamionyeah, no need for a transitional, I'll just remove it12:21
infinitySo, I say just remove it and be done with it.12:21
infinityNo dapper user would have it installed.12:21
=== infinity gets ready to re-run the publisher for iptables. :/
infinityAny other last-minute stuff for the CDs?  Speak now.12:23
infinityAnd quickly.12:23
mvoinfinity: -live or -alternate? or both?12:23
infinitymvo: yes.12:23
=== shackan [n=shackan@85-18-14-13.fastres.net] has joined #ubuntu-devel
tfheenI need to pop out for a minute, but I'll be back before the publisher run finishes.12:24
mvoinfinity: I would like to upload a workaround for #58424 in the dist-upgrader. but if it doesn't go on the CD that would not be too terrible12:24
infinitymvo: These are probably not going to be the final CDs anyway, but we can all hope.  Right?12:24
infinityThis is my hopeful face!12:25
mvoinfinity: hehe, good point12:25
tfheeninfinity: shh!12:25
Fujitsupitti: That page should now be perfect :P12:25
Kamionstill doing archive admin, but I think mostly universe now12:25
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KamionI'll warn if anything mainish shows up12:25
Kamionand going through ubiquity bugs, but they're practically all busted CDs12:26
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=== ajmitch only has universe things to get in from now
pittiFujitsu: ah, thanks12:26
infinityI have a few universe bugs to clean up in my "spare time" before release too.12:26
infinityHaven't focussed there, with all the main hubbub.12:27
sivanginfinity: hub-bug? :)12:27
sivangerr, bub12:27
infinity  hubbub12:27
infinity       n : loud confused noise from many sources [syn: {uproar}, {brouhaha},12:27
infinity            {katzenjammer}] 12:27
infinityI rather like brouhaha as well.12:28
sivangoh, cool12:28
AnAntwhat should I do if I asked a question on #ubuntu+1 & ubuntu-users mailing list several days ago, yet got no answer 12:29
infinityDiscover the answer yourself?12:30
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pittiAnAnt: file a support ticket on launchpad?12:32
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dholbachtfheen, Riddell: are you ok with me uploading:  http://daniel.holba.ch/temp/kubuntu-default-settings.ebdiff ?12:37
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ogramvo, i updated the package on p.u.c with a different progressbar, could yo0u test again ? should look better now12:43
mvoogra: ok12:44
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ograthanks again :)12:44
mvoogra: usplash down is fixed too :) ?12:44
infinitydholbach: We have a couple of other KDE things in the queue in a holding pattern already.  Can you upload it, so we don't lose it, and when Riddell's around, we'll decide if it should be rejected or accepted.12:44
ogranope, i dunno whats wrong there12:44
dholbachinfinity: alrighty12:45
ogramvo, usplash down is fixed in usplash, noztt in the artwork 12:46
ograyou need 0.4-33 installed12:46
pittiinfinity: do you already have a victim^Wvolunteer for the python-qt4 FTBFS?12:46
mvoogra: ok, I will make sure that its full upgraded12:47
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Riddelldholbach: good with me12:47
infinitypitti: tfheen and I made an executive decision to close the gates for FTBFS fixes, any from now on will go to -proposed/-updates post-release, so the fixes aren't lost (and security is made a bit simpler)12:47
dholbachRiddell: uploading.12:47
pittiah, ok12:47
infinitypitti: Err, for anything <= ship, that is.12:48
pittiinfinity: I just took a look at the remaining unassigned edgy milestone bugs, and that one caught my eye12:48
infinitypitti: But I'm pretty sure pytohn-qt4 is on riddell's CDs. :)12:48
infinityActually... Why is it in main at all?  Now I can't find it in the seeds...12:49
infinityMust be a build-dep or something.12:49
pitti-- edgy/main amd64 deps on python-qt4:12:49
infinityYeah, just got there.12:50
infinitySo, definitely a no-go.  That's in -desktop12:50
pittiI would have some time to fix it12:50
infinitypitti: Milestone it for "later", please.12:51
infinityAnd give it an edgy task, too.12:51
infinitySo we don't just fix it in feisty. :)12:51
Kamionok, all actionable archive admin done12:51
infinityIt sounds like the sort of package that might get a security vuln or twelve.12:51
KamionI'll just do a quick round of the usual checks12:52
pittiinfinity: bah, there's no 'edgy' release in LP yet12:52
carlosKamion: could you provide me with a tarball of translations that are part of final Edgy's installer?12:52
infinitypitti: Oh, fun. Nevermind, then.12:53
tfheenpitti: just milestone it for later, then12:53
carlosKamion: to update the statistics in Rosetta12:53
pittiyup, done12:53
Kamionsome universe NBSes to be done, but the updated binaries aren't there yet12:53
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Kamioncarlos: did you try looking in the usual place? :)12:53
pittiso I guess it's now definitively too late to promote command-not-found12:53
carlosKamion: do you keep it up to date?12:53
Kamion-rw-r--r-- 1 cjwatson warthogs 256271 Oct 23 05:41 template.pot12:53
Kamioncarlos: yes12:53
carlosKamion: ok, I thought I should ask an update every time ;-)12:54
Kamion24 5,11,17,23 * * *     cd ~/installer-po && ./extract-templates /srv/archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu12:54
infinityKamion: edgy's NEW queue is filling up again too.12:54
carlosok, cool12:54
pittitfheen: desktop seed still depends on command-not-found, shall I unseed it?12:54
carlosKamion: thanks12:54
Kamioninfinity: oh, good point, I'll do that12:54
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tfheenpitti: I thought it was brought into main?12:54
Kamiontfheen: I hope not at this point12:54
pittitfheen: I just did the MIR, but it's not promoted; at least it's the only thing in anastacia12:54
infinityNever was promoted.12:54
Kamiontfheen: apparently it doesn't exit 1 when a command isn't found ...12:54
pittibut it's a bit late for promotions12:55
Kamionas in, when being called as a bash hook12:55
Riddelltfheen: http://kubuntu.org/~jriddell/tmp/guidance.debdiff http://kubuntu.org/~jriddell/tmp/kdelibs.debdiff12:55
Kamionso I'm kind of not very convinced about promoting it12:55
tfheenso we need to unseed that and upload new *-meta?12:55
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infinitymeta should be fine.12:55
pittitfheen: the package ubuntu-desktop doesn't depend on it12:55
Kamion-meta won't depend on it12:55
infinitygerminate ignores packages it can't resolve.12:55
=== pitti will take care of unseeding and merging then, unless someone objects
Kamionperhaps somebody could check that an ./update in all *-meta packages does nothing12:56
tfheenpitti: thanks.12:56
pittiyes, I can do that12:56
pittiKamion: ^12:56
infinityKamion: I have to run off for ~15-20... If the buildds go idle before I'm back (unlikely, but it might happen), can you by-hand a publisher run at that point?12:56
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Kamioninfinity: ok, I'll check once I've done NEW12:57
infinityKay.  Back in a few.12:57
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tfheenRiddell: you should set SHELL=sh -e in debian/rules when you do multiple commands in a single make rule or otherwise catch and fail on errors.12:59
pittiKamion: For the record, I filed a bug for that01:00
mvoogra: new version looks better. not perfect but a lot better01:01
ogrado you think its enough for final ? 01:01
mvoogra: and usplash-down works too01:01
ograyay !01:01
tfheenRiddell: also, what is:01:01
tfheen-#define MODULE_DIR "/home/jr/src/guidance/new/kde-guidance-0.7.0/debian/tmp/usr/share/apps/guidance"01:01
tfheen+#define MODULE_DIR "/root/guidance/kde-guidance-0.7.0/debian/tmp/usr/share/apps/guidance"01:01
tfheenwhy does it hard code paths in .cpp files?01:01
mvoogra: yes, its just two pixels that look strange at the start01:01
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Kamionpitti: thanks; could you reproduce it yourself?01:02
Kamionpitti: I only heard about it second-hand01:02
=== ogra uploads then ... mvo thanks a lot for the help :)
mvoogra: interesstingly the usplash-down looks correct 01:02
Riddelltfheen: I'd have to ask the author to find that out, but it hasn't caused us problems so far01:03
sivanghi mnepton 01:03
tfheenRiddell: is that a generated file?  If so, it should be removed on clean.01:03
tfheenRiddell: in kdelibs.diff, you changelog doesn't say anything about what you changed.01:04
mvodoko: any idea about https://launchpad.net/distros/ubuntu/+source/python-gnome/+bug/60361?01:05
UbugtuMalone bug 60361 in python-gnome "fails to install" [High,Confirmed]  01:05
Riddelltfheen: more information is on the bug report https://launchpad.net/distros/ubuntu/+source/kdelibs/+bug/6332501:05
UbugtuMalone bug 63325 in kdelibs "systemsettings won't load the desktop_kde-systemsettings.mo translation in Edgy" [Low,In progress]  01:05
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Kamionok, NEW's empty01:06
Kamionbuildds are still building eclipse01:06
tfheenRiddell: that information should still be in the changelog.01:07
Riddelltfheen: I can add and re-upload if you wish01:09
mdztfheen: I've uploaded another firefox with a small javascript-only patch blessed and requested by upstream: http://people.ubuntu.com/~mdz/temp/firefox.diff01:09
mdztfheen: if anything happens which leaves a window to do another build, please roll it in01:09
dokomvo: that's a file conflict; one of the packages should be fixed, or a conflict be added.01:09
tfheenRiddell: apart from that, the fixes looks ok-ish to me, but my C++ isn't that good, so I hope you've tested it.01:09
mvodoko: a conflict might be the easiest option for now01:10
Riddelltfheen: thanks, what happened to katapult?01:10
tfheenRiddell: nothing; I haven't seen a debdiff.01:10
=== Riddell tracks one down
tfheenmdz: will look at it now01:11
tfheenmdz: oh, shiny.01:12
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Kamiontfheen: shall I accept that now?01:15
tfheenKamion: kdelibs and kde-guidance, yes, please.01:16
Kamiontfheen: I was asking about firefox, but ...01:16
pittiKamion: 'No changes found' for all four *-meta01:16
tfheenKamion: I'd like to test the fix first.01:16
Kamiontfheen: ok. kdelibs and kde-guidance accepted01:16
Lathiathrm why does the launcher have a firefox icon but the program itself doesnt01:17
Kamiontfheen: unapproved: firefox/2.0+0dfsg-0ubuntu3 kubuntu-default-settings/1:6.10-61 katapult/ ubuntu-docs/6.10.4 qt4-x11/4.2.0-1ubuntu6 qt-x11-free/3:3.3.6-3ubuntu301:17
Riddelltfheen: http://kubuntu.org/~jriddell/tmp/katapult.debdiff01:17
Riddelltfheen: I understand that Mez spoke to you about those patches previously01:17
infinityKamion: Okay, back.01:17
tfheenRiddell: he spoke to me about the _bugs_ previously.  He said he'd get the patches back to me, but never did.01:18
Kamioninfinity: hi. your buildds are still churning01:18
infinityKamion: So I see. :)01:18
ogratfheen, http://people.ubuntu.com/~ogra/e-a.debdiff ?01:18
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Riddelltfheen: right.  they're large patches but come from the current released version01:18
tfheenKamion: please accept firefox.01:20
dokotfheen: would you consider fixing http://www.openoffice.org/issues/show_bug.cgi?id=70601 ?01:20
UbugtuOpenOffice.org bug 70601 in Presentation "Crash in Draw and Impress by pressing the Del key" [Patch,Started: ]  01:20
infinitytfheen: kubuntu-default-settings is a tiny patch that fixes a crasher in icon themes.  I told dholbach to upload it "in case we accepted the other KDE stuff".01:20
tfheeninfinity: yeah; approved.01:21
Riddelltfheen: http://kubuntu.org/~jriddell/tmp/qt3-edgy.debdiff http://kubuntu.org/~jriddell/tmp/qt4-edgy.debdiff  the patches is from trolltech01:21
infinitydoko: An OOo build seems pretty unacceptable at this point, unless it's critical.01:21
tfheenogra: edubuntu-artwork looks good; I'm assuming you've tested the images.01:22
ograi'm just doing a last local test, mvo confirmed bug 66726 to be fixed01:22
UbugtuMalone bug 66726 in edubuntu-artwork "edubuntu artw ork has funny colors on amd64" [Undecided,Unconfirmed]  http://launchpad.net/bugs/6672601:22
infinitytfheen: firefox and k-d-s accepted.01:22
tfheenRiddell: you're happy with the katapult change?01:23
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tfheenRiddell: I'm fine with it, apart from dreadful changelog which doesn't document what's changed.01:23
Riddelltfheen: yes01:23
infinityOh, crap, that was xubuntu-default-settings.  I can't read.01:23
seb128is the splash screen supposed to be not-colored now on amd64?01:23
ograseb128, its supposed to be 16 cols01:23
ogralike the dapper one01:24
seb128it's not01:24
infinitytfheen: 01:24
infinity xubuntu-default-settings (0.23) edgy; urgency=low01:24
infinity .01:24
infinity   * etc/xdg/xfce4/mcs_settings/desktop.xml: Do not show system menu by default01:24
infinity     on right click. Enable latest edgy wallpaper01:24
infinity   * etc/xdg/xfce4/panel/tasklist-2.rc: Do not make buttons flat in taskbar,01:24
infinity     keep it how it was in dapper.01:24
seb128ogra: https://launchpad.net/distros/ubuntu/+source/usplash/+bug/6754501:24
UbugtuMalone bug 67545 in usplash "usplash appears black and white" [Undecided,Confirmed]  01:24
infinitytfheen: I accepted that by accident.  Shall I pull it back out before I publish, or is that alright?01:24
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seb128ogra: http://librarian.launchpad.net/4922303/22-10-06_1325.jpg01:24
infinitytfheen: It's from janimo.01:24
seb128it was fine 2 weeks ago01:24
ograseb128, oh, neat01:24
seb128it was half broken for RC01:25
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seb128and now it's like that01:25
ograhmm, edubuntu is fine it seems ...01:25
tfheeninfinity: that's fine.01:25
ograare you up to date with everything ?01:25
tfheenseb128: it's grey, yes.01:25
seb128ogra: not the icon theme, which should not matter for splash01:26
infinitykatapult/, ubuntu-docs/6.10.4, qt4-x11/4.2.0-1ubuntu6, qt-x11-free/3:3.3.6-3ubuntu301:26
infinitytfheen: Do we want any of those before I publish?01:26
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seb128tfheen: that's expected? and the progress bar not being centred with no background color is expected too?01:26
ograseb128, i rather meant usplash itself, not the artwork01:26
tfheeninfinity: katapult accepted, qt4-x11, xt-x11-free accepted.01:26
seb128ogra: usplash is uptodate01:27
infinitytfheen: Any pending uploads being discussed?01:27
infinitytfheen: (that we want to wait for)01:27
tfheeninfinity: no, just go ahead.01:27
infinityGoing ahead. :)01:27
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tfheenseb128: the artwork I got from fschoep is greyscale in the 640x400 version, yes.01:30
seb128hum, k01:30
seb128the bar still looks bugged though01:31
tfheenyes, fschoep moved it to x=160 instead of x=21201:31
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seb128tfheen: and the "no background color" is considered as a bug too? because having vertical bars on the screen like that looks weird too01:32
tfheenseb128: I haven't seen that, I think.01:33
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seb128tfheen: http://librarian.launchpad.net/4922303/22-10-06_1325.jpg01:33
seb128tfheen: it already looked like that with RC01:34
tfheenseb128: yes, the offsetting is something I'm working on fixing now.01:34
seb128tfheen: http://people.ubuntu.com/~seb128/boot.jpg that's from RC on my desktop01:34
tfheenseb128: yes, that looks fairly centered to me?01:35
seb128right, that one is01:35
seb128I'm asking about the "no background color"01:35
seb128for the bar01:35
KamionI thought that had been fixed post-RC01:36
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tfheenoh, that it's black.  Well, I didn't have any other colour.01:37
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Mirvyes, the amd64 usplash looks completely broken and ugly, even if it's partially meant to be like that01:39
Mirvseb128: that is i386 I guess? those vertical bars are quite ugly in that, too, though it's better than amd6401:40
seb128Mirv: no, it's amd6401:40
seb128on i386 I've the svga splash which is fine01:40
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Mirvseb128: oh, ok, so you have color at least, and centred, unlike in that report and on my computer01:42
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seb128Mirv: the screenshots was with edgy RC01:43
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seb128Mirv: now it looks like not centered01:43
seb128the artwork has changed since RC01:44
KamionI think the colour removal on bogl-using systems (amd64 and powerpc) was deliberate to avoid overloading the 16 colours available01:45
tfheenKamion: it certainly looks like it.01:45
MirvKamion: yeah, that -> http://librarian.launchpad.net/4922303/22-10-06_1325.jpg just doesn't look like something that's actually working01:46
tfheenI can fix the offset progress bar, but I won't change the background colour.01:46
Mirvok the grey is ugly, but the vertical lines in blackness is just something that looks like an error01:46
tfheennot once it starts filling01:46
seb128I think it looks really weird 01:47
KamionI agree with seb01:47
Kamionmay be hard to fix now, though01:47
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Mirvwell, my impression of it when it's running is that something is really wrong, like some bit would cause errorenous pixel output every x horizontal pixels etc.01:47
tfheentoo late to fix that now.01:49
tfheenI can center it, that should make it look better.01:49
tfheenseb128: can you verify that changing the first instance of .progressbar_x to 212 makes it look decent for you?01:53
tfheen(in usplash-theme-ubuntu.c in usplash-theme-ubuntu)01:53
seb128tfheen: trying01:54
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mjg59Kamion: There's 256 colours available on some bogl systems01:56
infinity(like my vesafb system)01:57
infinity(which uses the regular svga artwork)01:57
mjg59And all PPC ones01:58
tfheenusplash doesn't really care, it just "happens" to use 16 colour for 640x400 and 640x480, while > 16 for everything else.01:58
infinityOh, really?  We're not doing switching based on the palette depth of the current fb as well?01:59
tfheenI don't think so01:59
infinitySomething for feisty, I guess.01:59
tfheenit just happens to work quite well01:59
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ogratfheen, edubuntu-ar5twork uploaded, please leat it through if it hits the queue01:59
tfheenogra: didn't I approve that two hours ago?02:00
ograwell, rather one hour ago, but i wanted to test it on all possible resolutions before ... that took some time02:00
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tfheenoh, ok.02:00
tfheenso no different than the diff you pasted then?02:00
tfheeninfinity: please approve edubuntu-artwork02:01
infinitytfheen: Accepted.  I also have an xfdesktop4 and a partimage in the queue.02:01
infinityjanimo: We're heading into the final stretch here, can you communicate about these uploads from here on in. :)02:02
tfheenpartimage is universe => EDONTCARE.02:02
infinityRight, so it is.  Brain fart.02:02
janimoinfinity: ok, as long as it does not slow you down or anything plese keep accepting them :)02:03
infinitydholbach: partimage, StevenK upload for bashisms.02:03
infinityjanimo: it's more a question of "we'll be rolling CDs soon, and it's easier if you're a part of that process".02:03
ograi wonder why the manually approved packages never end up in my edubuntu-changes ML filter the headers look the same ...02:03
infinityReleasing Xubuntu after we close edgy for uploads won't work very well. :)02:03
janimoinfinity: sure I'll be watching the CD rolling closely02:04
infinityajmitch: Alive?02:04
infinity06:03 < infinity> dholbach: partimage, StevenK upload for bashisms.02:04
infinityajmitch: ^^02:04
ajmitchapprove it02:04
infinitytfheen: You have a usplash artwork fix pending?02:05
tfheeninfinity: awaiting confirmation from Seb that it makes him cry less.02:05
janimoKamion: if it's too late for the xubutu patch to casper/ubiquity in bug 67703 then, can at least the CD be modified to show the v2,v3 and m2 options? Those will work at least partially because of inheriting the ubuntu gconf settings02:08
UbugtuMalone bug 67703 in casper "support xubuntu a11y options" [Undecided,Unconfirmed]  http://launchpad.net/bugs/6770302:08
tfheenjanimo: that'd require a gfxboot-theme-ubuntu upload, wouldn't it?02:09
janimotfheen: hmm, probably, so not a build server only thing.02:10
tfheenjanimo: in that case; no.  Sorry.02:10
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janimotfheen: if it's tool late for that too, than I'd like to know so I can remove the gnome packages from the liveCD if they cannot be triggered 02:10
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henojanimo: do they have menu entries in XFCE ATM?02:12
tfheenjanimo: it's too late for changing casper or gfxboot-theme-ubuntu, yes.  I'd like it if xubuntu was ready at the same time for rolling final images.02:13
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mdzand those are both packages which are used in Ubuntu as well02:13
henojanimo: what would be your main reason for removing them, to keep the CD image lean?02:13
seb128tfheen: with 212 it looks centered correctly02:14
tfheenseb128: excellent02:14
tfheeninfinity: please review and approve usplash-theme-ubuntu when you have free cycles.02:15
janimoheno: there are no menu entries on the liveCD only for v1, but that does not work02:15
tfheenjanimo: I'd recommend releasenoting it and leaving the images as they are, but your choice.02:15
janimoheno: do you think that orca and gomme -mag could be used if not started automatically?02:15
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janimoheno: well I guess users could reach those options if they typed access=xx at the kernel cmdline by hand02:16
henojanimo: they can happily be started from the command line, though some online docs would be useful02:16
janimoheno: ok, but orca is only going to be on the liveCD since ubiquity does not install it02:17
henosome people have been using xubuntu with magnification on older systems with good results02:17
janimoheno: do you know if kubuntu a11y is working on the installed system?02:17
janimoheno: as in the liveCD setting being copied over correctly02:18
infinitytfheen: Done, and done.02:18
infinitytfheen: I'm showering, and heading to bed soon.  I'll put stuff back on auto when I get out of the shower if Kamion doesn't want to drive.02:18
henojanimo: I'm not sure if kubuntu ubiquity installs and configures the right things by default, no02:18
henoI've only tested Live and on my existing desktop system02:19
tfheeninfinity: ok.  Hopefully we should be able to make images RSN02:19
janimoheno: I ask because the ubiquity hook for kubuntu looked a bit weird02:21
janimosuggesting it would not install on the system02:21
henojanimo: the kubuntu hooks still look a bit greek to me, I would only know by testing02:23
RiddellI don't think it does work02:24
Riddellheno: what's the status of kubuntu winfoss?02:24
Kamiontfheen: actually, adding v2,v3,m2 to the CD is just a debian-cd change02:24
janimoKamion: awesome02:24
Kamion(it's in isolinux.cfg)02:25
janimoheno the change to kubuntu hooks is in the patch for bug 67703 02:25
UbugtuMalone bug 67703 in casper "support xubuntu a11y options" [Undecided,Unconfirmed]  http://launchpad.net/bugs/6770302:25
janimoit sees to install to /root as casper, instead of /target02:25
Kamionjanimo: surely in kubuntu the relevant packages are in desktop?02:25
janimoKamion: yes02:25
Kamionthen the ubiquity hook does not need to ensure that they stay installed02:25
Kamionthat's only necessary if you don't want them in desktop02:26
henoRiddell: I uploaded a new version Saturday. I'm still waiting for sfllaw to see if he can help me track the Server 2003 issue. It runs fine from CD here on my XP system02:26
janimoKamion: it's just the sedding that is done on /root02:26
janimoKamion: I do not mean apt-install. Maybe I missed something though02:26
Kamionjanimo: v2, v3, and m2, but not m1? currently you only have v102:26
janimoKamion: v2, v3 and m2 laucnh gnome apps via the gconf keys02:27
janimov1 m2 and m3 do not have the xubuntu specific sed invocations02:27
tfheenKamion: coolie02:27
Kamionm3 isn't supported anywhere02:28
Kamionjanimo: do you mean "v1 m1 and m3 do not have ..."?02:28
Kamionplease be really careful about typoes when discussing this stuff :)02:28
janimoKamion: yes, I mix them up all the time02:28
Kamionjanimo: so should I remove v1?02:28
janimoKamion: so those which set exec_ats are run by xfce as well02:28
janimoKamion: yes, since the one line cp cannot be added at this point02:29
janimoso leave v2 and v3 which laucnh orca, and m2 which launches onboard02:29
Kamionjanimo: done02:30
Kamioninfinity: happy to drive for a while at least02:30
janimoKamion: re Kubuntu I meant that ubi seds in /root/etc/kderc whereas it maybe should in /target?02:30
janimoKamion: thanks02:31
tfheenRiddell: please close the kde-guidance bugs which were fixed by the latest upload02:31
infinityKamion: Okay, cool.  Then I'll leave it to you.  Current publisher should be done in ~5 mins, and I'm off to bed.02:31
Kamionjanimo: yeah, that's a bug in the ubiquity hook for Kubuntu. will fix in bzr now, but not upload unless tfheen wants it02:31
tfheendholbach: ditto, please close the kubuntu-default-settings bug you fixed in your upload02:34
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tfheenKamion: can you byhand the next run once firefox and usplash-theme-ubuntu are built?02:35
Kamiontfheen: yep02:36
janimoKamion, tfheen: if you'll decide on new casper upload for the kde fix then please consider the rest of the patch as well, that fixes ubuntu and magnifier02:38
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tfheenjanimo: make sure it's checked into bzr.02:39
janimoheno: btw do you know why onboard doe snot have an Esc key?02:39
sladentfheen: is there a way to flag things like  http://librarian.launchpad.net/4922841/typo-fix.diff  for edgy-updates ?02:39
janimotfheen: I have no access to casper bzr AFAIK02:40
tfheenjanimo: it's owned by core-dev, and even if not, you could have nagged us to merge a branch of yours. :-)02:40
tfheensladen: I don't think we have the edgy-updates milestone yes.02:40
tfheenmdz: can we have an edgy-updates milestone, please?02:40
sladenjanimo: bzr branch http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~ubuntu-core-dev/casper/trunk casper02:40
janimotfheen: I made no branch just used the old style patch in LP :)02:40
Kamionsladen: he can check it out and commit directly rather than faffing with branches02:41
mdztfheen: yep02:41
Kamionbzr checkout ...02:41
mdztfheen: done02:41
tfheenmdz: thanks.02:41
Kamioner, bzr checkout sftp://bazaar.launchpad.net/~ubuntu-core-dev/casper/trunk02:41
tfheensladen: there, now you should have an edgy-updates milestone02:41
Kamion(can't checkout http)02:41
iwjOh, looks like Mozilla are releasing Firefox 2.0 as I speak.02:41
janimoKamion, tfheen: the patch is at bug 67703 but if you prefer I can commit to bzr instead of you applying02:41
UbugtuMalone bug 67703 in casper "support xubuntu a11y options" [Undecided,Unconfirmed]  http://launchpad.net/bugs/6770302:41
tfheeniwj: it's already in the archive.02:41
Kamionjanimo: stick "[ Colin Watson ] " above my change in debian/changelog and prefix yours with "[ Jani Monoses ] " so we know who did what02:42
janimoactually I have casper checked out just did not make a branch asI thought I'd only have one patch02:42
Kamion(or just use dch)02:42
iwjtfheen: Oh, I'm behind the times.02:42
tfheenjanimo: uh, no, that change is wrong.02:42
janimotfheen: the whoe patch?02:43
tfheenjanimo: you need to make sure the file exists before copying, ext02:43
tfheenis wrong02:43
janimotfheen: does the hwole script fail if cp fails?02:43
iwjtfheen: You mean 2.0rc3 ?02:43
Kamiontfheen: it's not actually set -e ... but checking would suppress unnecessary error messages02:44
janimotfheen: I ran both ubuntu and xubut nliveCDs with that 30accessibiity scrtipt and had no probs02:44
henojanimo: it's a minimal layout with mostly letter keys on level 1 and Function keys, etc. on level 202:44
iwjOh, no, packages.ubuntu.com is a bit out of date.02:44
tfheeniwj: no, I mean https://launchpad.net/distros/ubuntu/+source/firefox/2.0+0dfsg-0ubuntu302:44
Kamion   firefox | 2.0+0dfsg-0ubuntu3 |          edgy | source02:44
heno(click the 'tabs' on the right)02:44
tfheenjanimo: no, it won't fail, but it's bad style.02:44
janimoheno: one cannot activate the xfce menu (ctrl-esc)using only onboard AFAIK02:44
janimotfheen: I tried to keep it clean, so one line instead of 3 :)02:45
pittihi iwj02:45
janimobasing it on the fact it shoulkd not fail02:45
Kamionjanimo: casper shouldn't assume particular files on the filesystem image02:45
tfheenjanimo: well, I'd like to make all the scripts set -e and log errors properly sometime during the fawn cycle.02:45
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janimoKamion, tfheen: agreed, I just wanted to keep the patch at minimum as long as it is working02:46
tfheenjanimo: I'd rather have it correct and clean. :-)02:46
janimotfheen: fine by me, so all sed and cp will be guarded by an if02:46
sladentfheen: thanks02:47
tfheenjanimo: thanks.02:47
mvotfheen: please have a look at http://people.ubuntu.com/~mvo/tmp/dist-upgrader_20061023.1441.diff and let me know if it is ok. very minor update + the fix we talked about at saturday for the compiz upgrade problem (bug #58424, at 54 duplicates right now)02:47
UbugtuMalone bug 58424 in update-manager "Can't calculate the upgrade with unofficial mesa/compiz packages " [Low,Confirmed]  http://launchpad.net/bugs/5842402:47
janimotfheen: should I remake the patch and post to LP? Or bzr?02:47
henojanimo: the ctrl key can be made sticky (click it twice), then navigate to level 2 and click Esc -- does that work?02:47
mdztfheen: why are we building a new upstream release of eclipse?02:47
sladenshawarma: bug me about that fix after release and I'll upload it via edgy-updates02:48
tfheenmdz: it's universe.02:48
henojanimo: alternative layouts are easy to make and the user can have custom ones02:48
janimoheno: hmm, I think I did not discover level 2, that's why I thiught esc was missing02:48
tfheenmdz: ask dholbach; I don't do universe.02:48
henook :) It needs to be more discoverable, true02:48
Kamionmdz: it's only ia64, the rest are done02:48
tfheenmvo: you trying to set a new record in dupes or something? :-)  What's the diff from what I ok-ed on saturday?02:49
Kamionfirefox accepted on amd64 and powerpc; waiting for i38602:49
mdztfheen: it still ties up buildds for hours, so I think you should be in the loop on those decisions02:49
mdzi386 should be finished any moment02:50
mdz60 needs-build currently02:50
mvotfheen: its i18n updates, a fix for a logging format bug and a bit more logging. very minor, I can do you a diff without the compiz fixup if you want 02:50
mdzmaybe half of those CD contents02:50
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tfheenmvo: you've tested it with and without the unofficial compiz installed?02:51
mvotfheen: yes02:51
tfheenmvo: approved.02:52
mvotfheen: thanks!02:52
mdzfirefox/i386 seems to be just cleaning up after the build02:54
mdzyep, finished02:54
Kamionyep, will start the publisher in a sec02:55
tfheenremember to wait for usplash-theme-ubuntu :-)02:55
Kamionoh, no, need to wait for usplash-theme-ubuntu on !i38602:55
Kamionyeah :)02:55
Kamionand in fact kubuntu-default-settings and edubuntu-artwork would be nice too ...02:56
tfheenwe need kdelibs too for kubuntu02:56
tfheenwhich just started02:56
dholbachtfheen, mdz: the old version was uninstallable and the new one will work better for people (re: eclipse)02:57
Kamionkdelibs takes nearly an hour on i386; it can wait for the next publisher run02:57
tfheenmy thought too02:58
dholbachtfheen: closed the kubuntu-theme-thingie bugs.02:58
tfheenand the qt updates aren't done either02:58
tfheendholbach: cheers02:58
mdztfheen: seems worth sending a release update to -devel-announce including the latest freeze guidelines03:00
Kamionpublisher running03:07
Kamion(not final, but hey)03:07
janimotfheen: updated patch http://librarian.launchpad.net/4928898/cas.diff03:09
tfheenKamion: thanks03:09
tfheenjanimo: looks good with an appropriate changelog.03:11
janimotfheen: so should I commit to bzr?03:11
tfheenjanimo: please do.03:11
janimoand add changelog to debian/changelog I assume. will do03:12
tfheenyes, correct03:12
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janimodholbach: thanks for fixinf kubuntu-default-settings03:19
dholbachjanimo: de rien03:19
dholbachit crashed control-center too :)03:19
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Riddelldholbach: thanks from me too :)03:21
dholbachanytime :)03:21
CarlFKhttp://cdimage.ubuntu.com/daily/current/  and http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/ubuntu-server/daily/current   17-Oct  - no updates in a week?03:23
tfheenCarlFK: correct, I'm about to build new images now.03:23
janimodholbach: see, the reporter was right :)03:24
KamionCarlFK: everything's on manual for release preparation.03:24
CarlFKtfheen: ok - thought maybe they went somewhere else03:24
janimotfheen, Kamion: commited xubuntu options and fixed v2 for ubuntu to casper bzr03:25
tfheenjanimo: cheers03:25
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KamionRiddell: could do with KDE advice on bug 6702403:29
UbugtuMalone bug 67024 in ubiquity "[EDGY]  charset issue when installing with Norwegian language." [Undecided,Confirmed]  http://launchpad.net/bugs/6702403:29
ograhmm, i just upgraded firefox here03:30
ograthe themeing of the search input field seems a bit broken now03:30
Kamiondon't tell me we need another firefox-theme-ubuntu03:30
jsgotangcoogra: i dont notice it?03:31
tfheenogra: how broken?03:31
mdzogra: looks exactly the same here03:31
tfheenit looks fine to me, at least.03:32
KamionI don't see any problems with ubuntu203:32
mdzand we didn't change anything about the appearance03:32
mdzI've checked my fresh install + upgrades in vmware and it looks fine sa well03:32
KamionRiddell: bug 67302 and dups - where does KDE get its locale from these days? has that changed?03:33
UbugtuMalone bug 67302 in ubiquity "local settings after install wrong" [Undecided,Needs info]  http://launchpad.net/bugs/6730203:33
KamionI'm just trying to reproduce the bug now03:33
RiddellKamion: KDE doesn't have its own built-in charmap table, but Qt probably does03:33
dam_nedI am looking for someone running i810 to confirm bug 6719603:34
UbugtuMalone bug 67196 in xserver-xorg-video-i810 "mouse pointer disappears after switch to console" [Undecided,Unconfirmed]  http://launchpad.net/bugs/6719603:34
ograjsgotangco, tfheen, mdz, http://people.ubuntu.com/~ogra/Firefox.png03:34
RiddellKamion: KDE should get the timezone and locale from the system, although you can override the locale in KDE if you want to change it03:34
Kamionso how come this broke from dapper->edgy?03:34
mdzogra: that's just you03:34
ograits minor, but noticeable03:34
jsgotangcoi can't reproduce this03:34
Kamionthat looks like the breakage from firefox-theme-ubuntu < 0.5.4 or so03:35
tfheenogra: I can't reproduce that on i386, or any of my two amd64s.03:35
Kamionit's identical to what I was seeing for a few days a week or two ago03:35
mdzogra: try a fresh profile03:35
ograoh, wait i only upgraded ff ... 03:35
ografirefox-theme-ubuntu is older ...03:35
Kamionyou're way out of date. :)03:36
KamionRiddell: do you know where I'd find the Qt one?03:36
=== tfheen twiddles thumbs as he waits for the publisher to finish
Kamionit's just running cron.germinate03:37
mdzi386 is up to date except for kdelibs03:37
Kamionaka nearly done03:37
mdzin terms of builds03:38
shenkia note on the new firefox build: I'm still seeing the old blue globe as the app's taskbar/window icon. is this intentional?03:38
Kamionthat changed for me this morning03:38
jsgotangcoi have the firefox logo now03:38
tfheenmdz: same goes for amd64.03:38
Kamionoh, no03:39
jsgotangcoummm the menu still uses the globe it seems03:39
Kamionthe icon on the panel changed, but the taskbar / window icon didn't, you're right03:39
Kamionand yes, the .desktop file too03:39
shenkiyep, that's what I was trying to say Kamion03:39
jsgotangcouh oh03:39
Kamionmdz: ^--03:39
mdzKamion: the .desktop is fine; you just need to log out03:40
mdzit gets cached03:40
ograor kill thze panel if youre that evil :)03:40
mdznot sure what happened with the taskbar icon03:40
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=== jsgotangco tries
RiddellKamion: I'm not sure I understand what you think the problem is with bug 6702403:41
UbugtuMalone bug 67024 in ubiquity "[EDGY]  charset issue when installing with Norwegian language." [Undecided,Confirmed]  http://launchpad.net/bugs/6702403:41
=== tfheen sighs. Why isn't https://launchpad.net/+builds ordered by arch by default?
mdzKamion: there must have been some debian hackery I missed03:41
mdzah, yep.  in the install target03:42
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KamionRiddell: typing UTF-8 characters into input fields displays replacement characters (rectangles), but only in certain locales03:42
KamionRiddell: which implies to me that something in the widget set is confused about the character encoding it's supposed to be using03:42
=== tfheen starts building ubuntu livefs-es
RiddellKamion: the widgets should always use utf-8, it should only convert the encoding when it writes something out03:44
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pittihttp://people.ubuntu.com/~cjwatson/anastacia.txt \o/03:45
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bddebianHowdy folks03:49
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tfheenKamion: is the publisher back on auto?03:57
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jdonghey, is there an XSession.d equivalent for GDM?03:57
jdongi.e. for running a command on GDM startup?03:57
ograyes XSession.d :)03:58
jdongogra: but that runs after the user logs in03:59
jdongI need something to run right when GDM initializes the X server03:59
jdong(namely to throttle down my video card)03:59
janimojdong: /etc/gdm has also preSession hooks04:00
tfheenjdong: /etc/gdm/Init, I think04:00
jdong /etc/gdm/Init looks good04:00
=== jdong gives it a shot
tfheenI'm out for a bit, need to pick up some food.  I'll probably be back before the live images are done.04:01
Kamiontfheen: is now04:01
janimooh, so new firefox now has the upstream icon04:01
jdongyay, thank you doko for azureus and eclipse and friends :)04:01
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mdzok, I think all of the builds for CD contents are up to date now04:09
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mdztfheen: ^^04:10
Kamionthe publisher's on auto; when this run finishes I'll take it off and run it manually again04:10
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mvotfheen: I would like to upload a fix for a crash in lock-package in synaptic. http://people.ubuntu.com/~mvo/tmp/synaptic_0.57.11ubuntu13.debdiff <- debdiff. 04:21
shawarmasladen: why wait?04:25
=== shawarma assumes sladen has infinite memory and knows what I'm talking about.
mdzmvo: I think it would be best to queue that for -updates04:26
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mvomdz: I agree that it is not criticial, but the fix is trivial. if something else comes up that requires CD rebuilding, maybe we can consider it then?04:28
melvindoes anyone know how can i install netbeans, eclipse, mono, monodevelop and kdevelop?04:30
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bhalegood question for #ubuntu04:30
melvinconnect #ubuntu04:30
bhale /join #ubuntu04:31
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sladenshawarma_away: well, because it's release next week and we're in freeze04:45
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Kamionmdz: so, ndiswrapper04:45
Kamionmdz: I don't think the upgrade thing is fixable in edgy; it will have to be release-noted that you have to downgrade ndiswrapper-utils04:45
Kamionmdz: but it may be worth quickly sticking ndiswrapper-utils-1.8 into ship and ship-live04:45
KamionI believe that those utilities are needed for the version of the kernel driver that we're now shipping, and it's only <30K04:45
mdzKamion: I thought we already did that04:45
Kamionnot as far as I can see; we have ndiswrapper-utils in there04:45
Kamionwhich is transitional and depends on -1.104:45
mdzI assigned that bug to someone who acked they would take care of it04:45
mdzinfinity: ping ^^04:45
Kamionhe may have blocked on the hideous upgrade problem of doom04:45
Kamioncan't say I blame him; it was enough to make elmo agree to work around dak's version constraints in Debian04:45
Kamionanyway, I can commit the seed change now and do the promotion, and that will be that; I think that's all we can do04:45
mdzKamion: so what's the "oops" solution?04:45
Kamionone extra line in each of ship and ship-live04:45
mdzjust add -1.8 to the CD so that users can clean up the mess?04:45
mdzplease do04:45
Kamionthey need -1.8 anyway04:45
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Kamionand that's almost orthogonal to the upgrade issue in any case, even though they're glommed into the same bug04:45
Kamionmdz: also, we were going to demote nvidia-glx-legacy to universe, weren't we? I still have that seed diff uncommitted04:45
mdzdholbach: my vmware test box, after applying all edgy updates and rebooting, has a solid color background rather than the proper wallpaper04:45
mdzKamion: yes04:45
mdzoh, this one had custom wallpaper selected04:45
mdzby mark04:45
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dokodholbach, ajmitch: please have a look at http://people.ubuntu.com/~doko/edgy/azureus.debdiff04:59
mvotfheen: I found another dist-upgrader problem: http://people.ubuntu.com/~mvo/tmp/dist-upgrader_20061023.1700_all.diff <- very small diff, but important because if the old cdrom source from the previous distribution is kept around sysinit will still be considered essential and that causes apt to think it should be reinstalled05:02
mvoKamion: if something gets demoted now, could I please get a quick ping? because the upgrader needs to know about this05:05
Kamionmvo: oh, really? ok05:05
Kamionmvo: nvidia-glx-legacy and nvidia-glx-legacy-dev demoted05:06
Kamionmvo: do you need to hear about all demotions through feisty development, or will you scan for most of those automatically?05:06
mvoKamion: it scans for them automatically, but at this stage I would like to know so that I can run the script to check manually 05:07
mdztfheen: have you been in touch with sfllaw regarding validation?05:09
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ogratfheen, https://features.launchpad.net/distros/ubuntu/+spec/live-cd-share-live-cd should we discuss that in MV ? or should it just be added to feisty goals as is ? i'd like to look into integrating ltsp/liveCD in feisty05:19
sfllawmdz: We talked this morning.05:24
sfllawmdz: I'm phase-shifted a bit so that I'm mostly on European time.05:24
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Ngwhich package should live-cd bugs be filed against?05:30
SeveasNg, depends on the bug05:30
Ngalthough I think this one is probably there already (amd64 not rebooting)05:30
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KamionNg: that's either usplash or casper, hard to say05:30
Kamionmy guess is usplash05:30
Kamionbut I could easily be wrong05:30
SeveasKamion, heh, I would have guessed upstart 05:30
mdzsfllaw: the test cases need to be distributed more effectively this time; have you spent some time on that?05:31
NgI think it might be upstart too, it leaves me with a flashing cursor and hitting ctrl-alt-del tells me it's going to kill the rc6 script, then doesn't do anything05:31
NgI'll have a search, thanks05:31
mdzsfllaw: I also updated the validation process doc to be more explicit about informing individuals of their test case assignments; please review it (would be a good idea to subscribe to the page)05:31
sivangmdz: is this about hardware validation ?05:32
henohi sfllaw, could you tell me if bug also affects Ubuntu CDs on your VMware+Server 2003 setup?05:34
Kamionmdz: should I accept these dist-upgrader uploads?05:34
sfllawheno: It does not affect Ubuntu.  Only Kubuntu.05:35
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Kamionmvo: does the dist-upgrader already deal with downgrading ndiswrapper-utils?05:36
mvoKamion: no - I don't know about this issue?05:36
mvoKamion: what bugnumber?05:36
henosfllaw: hm, that's odd. I'll do a closer comparison. If I make some tarballs later can you download and burn to CD to test for me? (just the winfoss part of the CDs)05:37
Kamionmvo: it's related to bug 5998305:37
UbugtuMalone bug 59983 in ndiswrapper "ndiswrapper in edgy broken" [Medium,Confirmed]  http://launchpad.net/bugs/5998305:37
sfllawheno: I can.  Though the smaller the better.05:37
sfllawAlso, the ICO files you use don't work well on Windows 2000.05:37
Ngthere we go, filed as bug 6776505:37
UbugtuMalone bug 67765 in upstart "RC live CD cannot reboot on amd64" [Undecided,Unconfirmed]  http://launchpad.net/bugs/6776505:37
dholbachdoko: looks good05:37
Kamionmvo: http://people.ubuntu.com/~james/tmp/ndishell.txt describes the horrible, horrible pain05:38
dholbachmdz: so the background is 'all good' again?05:38
mvoKamion: thanks, having a look now05:38
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Nafallopitti: hi! new langpacks for 6.10 will go in 6/11, right? :-)05:40
pittiNafallo: it'll take a while due to our new StableUpdatesPolicy, but around that date, yes05:43
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mdzdholbach: well, it isn't, but it's not a problem with the package05:44
mdzdholbach: it'll be fine when I reinstall it :-)05:44
mdzKamion: I know nothing about any dist-upgrader uploads05:45
dholbachmdz: ok :-)05:45
mdzsfllaw: please acknowledge05:45
sfllawmdz: Pong.  Found and read your page.05:46
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sfllawmdz: Also, we can distribute i386 and amd64 more, but powerpc is a loss.05:46
Kamionmdz: http://people.ubuntu.com/~cjwatson/tmp/dist-upgrader.diff05:47
Kamionlooks ok to me but I was asking more WRT buid scheduling05:47
Kamiontfheen: are you doing CD image builds?05:48
Kamionsfllaw: I can help with powerpc this time05:48
Kamionalthough not with erase-disk or auto-resize tests05:48
sfllawKamion: Thanks.05:49
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sfllawKamion: I see you've done some alternate CD Kubuntu.05:50
sfllawCan I put you down for more of that?05:50
mdzKamion: er, how old is this upload?05:50
Kamionsfllaw: yes, although note that I'll be in London tomorrow and Wednesday so it's dependent on access to machines there ...05:50
mdzKamion: some of these changes I swear were reviewed and approved last week05:50
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mdzthose first two hunks are very familiar05:51
Kamion  112919 | -- | dist-upgrader_200610 | -                    | 26 minutes05:51
Kamion         | * dist-upgrader_20061023.1721_all.tar.gz Format: DIST_UPGRADER05:51
Kamion  112831 | -- | dist-upgrader_200610 | -                    | 2 hours 50 minutes05:51
Kamion         | * dist-upgrader_20061023.1441_all.tar.gz Format: DIST_UPGRADER05:51
mdzKamion: we have elmo's ppc laptop here05:51
Kamionyes, I think they were approved last week as post-RC uploads :(05:51
mdzKamion: which can be beaten into submission05:51
KamionI'm happy to abuse it05:51
mvomdz, Kamion: I have a pending fix for #59983 in the upgrader as well (testing it as we speak)05:52
mdzmvo: it's time to stop changing the upgrader as it's going on the CDs05:55
dholbachseb128: was the gimp upload accepted?05:56
seb128dholbach: no05:56
mvomdz: ok, fair enough. I'm sorry about #59983 but it wasn't on my radar until a couple of minutes ago :/05:56
dholbachseb128: it'd be nice to have (to get dbg symbols for it) :)05:57
mdzit's been on the 6.10 list since RC or so05:57
tfheenmvo: dist-upgrader> approved.05:58
mvotfheen: thanks05:58
tfheenmvo: why are you changing the translations there each and every time?05:58
=== Kamion attempts to reconcile mdz's and tfheen's comments and spins confusedly
tfheenogra: happy to discuss it.05:58
mvomdz: right - I meant I was aware of the general problem but that not the upgrader should fix it05:59
seb128dholbach: don't tell me05:59
seb128dholbach: there is already a gimp-dbg though05:59
mdzmvo: it's time to start spinning CDs and this upgrader hasn't been tested sufficiently yet05:59
mvotfheen: because the upgrader does not use language packs so I use the latest rosetta stuff to make sure that the translations are as up-to-date as possible05:59
mdzmvo: I'm sure I saw several hunks of this diff last week, though; why didn't they get uploaded?05:59
sfllawtfheen: Please let me know when you start uploading new ISOs.05:59
tfheenmvo: stop doing that.  non-language-pack translations had a deadline a week and a half ago06:00
sfllawI want to get as much of a start on other people as possible, because the validation lab's connexion is terrible.06:00
tfheenI don't want us to accidentially pull a bad translation and cause problems becuase of that.06:00
mvotfheen: ok06:00
mdzlet's agree on a reasonable deadline for the final upgrader for next time06:00
mdztfheen,mvo: ?06:00
tfheenmdz: reasonable deadline> agreed.06:01
mvomdz: agreed06:01
mdztfheen,mvo: please agree :-)06:01
mdzI think RC06:01
mvotfheen: by RC time ?06:01
Kamionso what am I doing for right now? accepting, rejecting, ...?06:01
tfheensure, that's fine.06:01
mvoit would be good if the latest upload could make it ...06:02
tfheenKamion: stop the publisher, please.06:02
mvobut I understand your concerns 06:02
tfheenwhile we discuss06:02
Kamiontfheen: already done06:02
tfheenok, thanks.06:02
mdzthe 2006-10-17 changes were approved ages ago, but it's now a week later06:02
tfheenI think it looks sane, we'd need to wait until this publishing run finishes, but that's just it, isn't it?06:03
mdz-            if entry.uri.startswith("cdrom:") and entry.dist == "breezy":06:03
mdz+            if entry.uri.startswith("cdrom:") and entry.dist == self.fromDist:06:03
mdzthat's fine06:03
mdzas is demoted.cfg06:03
tfheenso it'll cost us about 30 minutes.06:03
mdzand the logging06:03
mdzand the try/except06:03
mdzthe rest of it I'm not so sure about06:03
tfheenyou're unsure about the compiz stuff?06:03
mdzthat's working around a tainted system06:04
tfheenit is.06:04
mdzso I'm indifferent, since the code seems isolated enough to that case06:04
dholbach(and quite a bunch of people did that)06:04
mvomdz: I did upload a dist-upgrader_20061017.1916_all, was it rejected or something?06:04
mvomdz: this bug has current 55 duplicates (the compiz upgrade issue). this is why I work around this at all, otherwise I wouldn't have cared, but apparently a lot of our users are using it06:05
tfheenmdz: I was convinced by mvo's bug-of-doom with 54 dupes.06:05
mdzif we change the upgrader now, we don't get started on validation until tomorrow06:05
Kamiontfheen: yes, this upload won't need buildd time06:05
tfheenmdz: it needs 30 minutes.06:06
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tfheenKamion: have you spun live cds or should ?06:06
Kamionlivefs builds can proceed without this06:06
Kamiontfheen: I haven't06:06
mdzthey do need building06:06
Kamiontfheen: which livefses have you done?06:06
tfheenKamion: just ubuntu06:06
tfheenI'll do edubuntu and kubuntu now06:06
mdztfheen: it needs 30 minutes to get into the archive, then it needs to be _tested_06:06
Kamiontfheen: might as well queue up xubuntu too06:07
mdztfheen: your call06:07
tfheenmdz: mvo has already tested it locally, so I'm willing to take it.06:07
tfheenboth in the compiz-from-wherever and regular case06:07
tfheenI'm not saying we don't need more testing, just that it already has seen testing.06:08
mdzthe upgrader has more test cases than anything else we ship06:08
mdzit depends on which packages the user happens to have installed06:08
mdzwhich even among supported packages is pretty boggling06:08
mdzhappy for you to make the call on whether to include it, so long as it doesn't end there06:09
mdzit needs regression testing06:09
tfheenok, so accept + call for extra and explicit testing of the upgrader, then?06:09
tfheenmvo: you're happy with the current version?  No bad gut feelings or "maybe this isn't right" or anything like that?06:11
mdzit'll be very difficult to find a substantial number of real systems to do upgrade testing at this point though06:11
=== mvo will ask the 55 duplicates of the compiz failure to re-test for a start
mdzmvo: aren't their systems already partially or mostly upgraded? or did it fail early?06:11
mvomdz: it fails early with a error06:11
mdzmvo: ok, that's a great idea then06:11
tfheenok, let's take it then.06:11
=== dholbach hugs mvo
tfheenKamion: upgrade-notifier approved.06:12
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KamionI'll drive the publisher by hand and then set back to full auto06:12
tfheenis there anything else unapproved?06:12
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Kamionubuntu-docs, which IIRC was explicitly not approved?06:13
tfheencorrect.  I've asked mdke for an updated package which doesn't touch the build system which will go in if we end up doing respins, else it'll go to -updates.06:14
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dholbachtfheen: he mailed you back already - not sure if you noticed06:16
tfheendholbach: oh, I didn't see that before.  Thanks.06:17
janimotfheen: so the casper a11y fixes are post edgy?06:17
dholbachtfheen: it's good I read your mails, hm? ;-)06:17
tfheendholbach: yeah.  Good somebody does.06:17
tfheenjanimo: unless we happen to need a respin, yes.06:17
janimo tfheen: ok, thanks06:18
tfheendholbach: if I had seen that mail before, I would have accepted ubuntu-docs.  Oh well.06:18
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mdzRiddell: there's a report in the forums of bug 56587 on kubuntu06:30
UbugtuMalone bug 56587 in usplash "[edgy]  usplash segfaults" [Medium,Fix released]  http://launchpad.net/bugs/5658706:30
mdzRiddell: is the usplash artwork sorted?06:30
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mdzRiddell: see http://www.ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=28054006:36
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Riddellmdz: it was fixed just before RC to a 16 colour image06:39
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tfheenKamion_: is the publisher done?06:47
Kamion_tfheen: yes06:48
=== tfheen starts spinning install cds.
mdzare livefses still in progress?06:49
Kamionpublisher back on full auto; I'm off in about ten minutes06:49
mdzno more main builds pending06:50
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mdzonly azureus it seems06:50
Kamionthat should be a quick build; I checked before approving it06:50
mdzmvo: can you tell what's going on in bug 64615? it's not clear to me whether it's a maintainer script or part of the package management stack which is aborting06:52
UbugtuMalone bug 64615 in courier-authlib "apt-get broken after upgrade to edgy eft (courier-authdaemon package)" [Undecided,Confirmed]  http://launchpad.net/bugs/6461506:52
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tfheenmdz: edubuntu livefs-es building, there's a problem on king I'm working with Ng to resolve06:54
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mvomdz: I think it is a broken maintainer script, but I haven't reproduced it yet so I'm not sure  (I do this now)06:57
mdzmvo: thanks06:57
tfheenmdz: problem fixed (there was a stray process chewing all the CPU it could get), so we'll have CDs in a little while.07:00
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KamionI'm out for much of the evening. Call my mobile if necessary07:01
tfheenKamion: enjoy your evening07:02
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tfheenubuntu alternate CDs up07:16
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tfheenmdke_: sorry about the miscommunication. :-(07:16
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mdztfheen: I'm not seeing new alternates07:23
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mdztfheen: nm07:25
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ograall others are gone ...07:29
tfheenedubuntu alternate up07:29
ograhow did you shrink it so much ...07:29
ogra686M feels tiny 07:30
tfheenI used a chainsaw.07:30
ogracould you spec that for uds ? :)07:30
tfheenattacking-edubuntu-with-chainsaw? :-)07:30
ograyeah :)07:30
LaserJockwell, we did have edubuntu-cd-diet07:31
tfheenogra: I just build the things, I don't watch what's on every variant's disk.07:31
jdongwould this size insanity one day drive us to squashfs 3.1 + LZMA?07:31
LaserJockbut the chainsaw spec sounds more interesting07:31
tfheenjdong: squashfs 3.1, yes.  lzma, no.  It's too resource intensive, IIRC.07:31
ogratfheen, i know, that wasnt serious ... i was just astonished that we lost 10M07:31
ogra(on alternate)07:31
jdongtfheen: yeah, I noticed that when Puppy Linux tried LZMA.... the savings are noticeable, but the CPU usage was unbearable on all but the most modern PC's07:32
tfheenit would be interesting to see if we could turn up the block cache and down the VFS cache.07:33
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tfheensince that'd put more blocks in cache => faster access07:33
pittitfheen: can I fill up the CDs with langpacks tomorrow (leaving some breathing space)?07:33
pittiI have to leave now for Taekwondo unfortunately07:33
tfheenpitti: sounds like a plan07:34
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tfheenkubuntu alternate up07:43
=== Riddell cheers
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mdztfheen: we should fill the CDs at the same time that we get final langpacks07:46
tfheenmdz: modulo a megabyte or two, then.07:46
tfheenotherwise agreed.07:46
mdztfheen: right07:47
mdztfheen: in fact maybe we should push it back so that langpacks don't change between RC and final07:48
mdzthat would let us work out CD size earlier07:48
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mdztfheen: anyway, short version, please insert the langpack selection step into the process docs07:49
Kim^JWhen will 7.04 be out for alpha/beta testing ?07:49
tfheenlangpacks currently have their deadline the same day as RC, though07:49
tfheenmdz: already done.07:49
tfheenKim^J: we'll release milestones throughout the whole cycle, as we did for previous releases.07:50
mdztfheen: yes, hence pushing it back farther07:50
mdzKim^J: beta will be in March07:50
fabbioneKim^J: sometimes after 6.10 is released perhaps07:50
Kim^Jtfheen: I wanna be alpha tester when that's about to happen...07:50
Kim^JTesting Edgy right now... Doing really well... Some irritation bugs though.. but they seem to have disappeared...07:51
tfheenKim^J: you can upgrade from edgy to feisty once feisty opens.  It'll be a rough ride in the start, but you're free to try out.07:51
Kim^JThere are some broken packages too...07:51
Kim^Jkxdocker is VERY broken.07:51
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Kim^JWon't start, wrong conf file for it. and there are nothing really installed...07:51
mdzKim^J: we have a bug tracker for issues like that, but most of our attention is focused on the core (main) and not universe07:52
Kim^JSuperKaramba where quite buggy too... Didn't save the things installed ny it...07:52
Kim^Jkk... well... just myu thoughts on edgy...07:53
Kim^JWhat do I need to know to get involved with helping getting Feisty stable?07:53
jdongKim^J: are the kxdocker and superkaramba problems filed in launchpad?07:54
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mdzKim^J: we'll start to work on feisty after edgy is released07:54
Kim^Jjdong: Should I do that?07:54
Kim^Jmdz: I know... But what should I know to be able to help.07:54
jdongKim^J: well, it's always the first step towards getting a fix....07:55
Kim^Jgonna report some then07:56
Kim^Jkxdocker is already reported...07:58
Kim^JJust 100MB left of the copying... :D07:59
=== Kim^J is reinstalling Edgy Eft.
tfheenubuntu desktop CD up08:01
mdzKim^J: your question is very broad, so you get a very broad answer: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/ContributeToUbuntu08:01
Kim^Jtfheen: Huh?08:01
Kim^JUploading Ubuntu CD?08:01
mdzKim^J: we're in the process of preparing the Ubuntu release, and we use this channel to coordinate that work, so we appreciate keeping things quiet in here during this time08:02
tfheenRiddell: kubuntu livefs-es done, I'll build desktop cds once lithium is free.08:02
mdzubuntu alternate succeeded here08:04
mdzsfllaw: time to begin a test cycle08:04
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tfheenedubuntu live up08:05
sfllawResetting Testing/Current.08:06
sfllawtfheen: Can I set all the image versions to 20061023?08:07
ograsfllaw, please leave the edubuntu testing procedures links in there :)08:08
sfllawogra: OK.08:08
tfheensfllaw: yes.08:08
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mdke_tfheen: no worries. Are we there yet?08:10
tfheenmdke_: I've decided that I'll accept the docs if we need to reroll the CDs, if not it'll go to updates.08:11
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tfheenkubuntu desktop CDs up08:11
mdke_tfheen: alright.08:11
Riddelltfheen: thanks08:11
tfheenmdke_: I think we want to roll new CDs to get them filled up with langpacks.08:11
tfheenmdke_: so it's fairly sure that the update'll make it08:12
mdke_tfheen: cool! Do you need anything more from me? 08:12
mdzkubuntu i386 alternate ok08:17
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tfheenmdke_: no, your email telling me that the build changes were just for the website was needed and helpful clarification enough.08:18
ograwoah, the edubuntu live one shrunk even more ...08:18
mdztfheen: could you build DVDs as well?08:19
tfheenmdz: yeah, I'll just do ubuntu-server first.08:19
=== ogra fires up the rsyncs and goes for dinner and a bit TV ... bbl
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cbx33ping lucas 08:21
tfheenxubuntu alternate done, xubuntu livefs-es building08:21
cbx33lucas, I'm looking at the motu-tools scripts08:21
lucasmine is multidistrotools08:21
lucasmotu-tools is \sh's08:21
mdke_tfheen: great. Thanks and good luck08:21
cbx33did you build the pacakge?08:21
cbx33it had your email as the maintainer08:21
henosfllaw: can you put kubuntu live CD winfoss high up on your testing list? I'll only be around for another 2-3 hours today08:21
cbx33on REVU08:21
sfllawheno: Sure.08:22
sfllawheno: If you give me tarballs of the windows part, I can even work with you interactively.08:22
sfllawI'm keeping marginally insane hours right now.08:22
cbx33lucas, http://revu.tauware.de/details.py?upid=116008:22
henosfllaw: http://people.ubuntu.com/~henrik/winfoss/edgy/kubuntu/20061021/08:22
cbx33is that not yours?08:22
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henoThat's what's in the current CDs08:23
lucasit is08:23
cbx33can I ask a question?08:23
lucasit's nearly one year old08:23
lucasyou can remove it from REVU08:23
cbx33there is a newer one?08:23
lucasI'll upload to debian or directly to universe08:23
henothough be browser part has not changed for a long time08:23
lucasyes, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MultiDistroTools08:23
cbx33cos  a line apt-get -o Dir=$ID/ -o Dir::State::status=$ID/var/lib/dpkg/status update doesn't work08:23
henonor is it different between ubuntu and kubuntu08:23
cbx33it throws back this E: Could not open file 01/var/lib/apt/01/var/lib/dpkg/status - open (2 No such file or directory)08:24
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cbx33thanks lucas 08:24
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cbx33ok I'll get the bar 08:24
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sfllawheno: Oh good, it's much smaller than an entire CD.08:27
sfllawheno: Downlodaing.08:28
henosfllaw: right. Just untar and burn to a CD, so that start.exe etc. ends up in the CD root08:28
sfllawheno: Will do.08:29
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jdubthe new usplash is great08:36
jdubas is the polish to the gdm theme (rather than the proposed replacement)08:37
sivangjdub: whom do I send email to to have my blog aggregated on planet.u.c ? :)08:37
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jdubsivang: read the sidebar (you don't)08:37
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jdubah, and a nice new background08:38
wasabi_Do launchpad teams have email addresses @something?08:39
mdztfheen: is edubuntu/install/i386 current?08:40
sivangjdub: right, thanks08:41
mdzwasabi_: no08:42
wasabi_Sounds like a good feature!  =)08:43
mdzlaunchpad is not a mailing list manager (yet)08:43
sfllawheno: Looks like the links work now.08:51
sfllawheno: Thanks.08:51
sfllawheno: I will test with the CD images.08:51
henosfllaw: Thanks! AFAICT those tarballs contain the same stuff as the last run of CDs did. So either something went wonky in the build or in your VMware setup.08:53
henoI'll be interested to hear how the images fare :)08:53
sfllawheno: As will I.08:53
sfllawheno: The VMware setup is the same, because I've been using the snapshot-revert feature of VMware.08:54
henosfllaw: if it goes wrong again, could you reboot your VM and try from a clean start?08:54
sfllawOf course.08:54
henosfllaw: I'll be fairly busy in the next 1.5 hr with the a11y meeting, but do ping if disaster strikes :)08:56
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Nafallomorning ajmitch:-)09:23
keescookajmitch: permission to upload clamav to plug two security holes?  diff visible on bug 6651009:25
UbugtuMalone bug 66510 in clamav "Security vulnerability in ClamAV" [Undecided,Confirmed]  http://launchpad.net/bugs/6651009:25
ajmitchkeescook: yes please09:27
keescookajmitch: thanks; done09:27
Seveaswasabi, are you wearing your asbestos underwear?09:32
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ajmitchhi Seveas 09:33
ajmitchSeveas: now why would you ask such a thing?09:33
Seveasajmitch, he's posting ideas on the libc list09:34
Seveasthat should only be done when wearing asbestos underwear09:34
Seveasask pitti (or any of the zillions ofother flamed people)09:34
pygiso what if they flame? their damn problem :P09:34
SeveasUlrich Drepper doesn'tflame09:35
Seveashe toasts09:35
pygianyway, sleep ^_^09:35
pygihe can't touch me, bleh :)09:35
pyginow, night night :P09:35
=== mdz [n=mdz@george.kkhotels.co.uk] has joined #ubuntu-devel
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tfheenubuntu-server and xubuntu-desktop up09:47
tfheendvds building09:48
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_ionAre the built images already available somewhere?09:53
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zorglu_ q. i rebooted, my root partition reached its 'maximal mount count' and a fsck has been launched, it faileds and display a red 'FAILED' for one second and *automatically* rebooted. not letting me time to read the whole message. is this normal to get this automatic reboot ?10:10
=== T`2 [i=total@pdpc/supporter/student/T] has joined #ubuntu-devel
T`2anyone here familiar with usb booting with grub?10:10
tfheenT`2: this is not a support channel10:10
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T`2tfheen, well, this is ubuntu dev related though ;)10:11
=== Arador [n=dcg@75.pool80-103-0.dynamic.uni2.es] has joined #ubuntu-devel
tfheenT`2: oh, how?10:12
T`2just trying to package ubuntu onto a USB stick10:12
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wasabi_Heh. my "update-menus" utility has vanished.10:12
cbx33T`2, hehe10:12
T`2but so far i haven't figured how to make grub automatically figure the device mapping when it comes up10:12
cbx33hows it going?10:12
wasabi_Resulting in breakage.10:12
T`2cbx33, am able to boot, but i need to map the device manually when i make the boot iamge10:13
mdztfheen: cron will bring down the DVDs for me so that I can test them in the morning10:13
T`2its not a universal dd'able iamge10:13
BenCT`2: #grub?10:13
tfheenT`2: just install to an usb stick and it'll work.10:13
tfheenT`2: or follow https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LiveUsbPendrivePersistent10:13
cbx33can't remember how I did it now10:13
tfheenmdz: great.10:13
tfheenthey're building now10:13
T`2tfheen, oh syslinux based.. hrmm10:14
cbx33tfheen, thats how I did it ;)10:14
T`2BenC, idle 10:14
zorglu_nobody for my 'why fsck reboot automatically after faillure' question ?10:14
BenCzorglu_: fsck can initiate changes that require a reboot10:15
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zorglu_BenC: automatically ? i mean without me having to press a key ?10:16
BenCzorglu_: Yeah, because pressing a key is not userfriendly :)10:16
BenCit's also not "headless" friendly10:16
BenCwould be nice if the whole fsck thing took place before root was mounted, to avoid that, but that's a spec that would need to be written :)10:17
zorglu_BenC: well announcing your root partition produce a fsck faillure without letting the user read the message, is not exactly what i call userfriendly 10:17
zorglu_BenC: if pressing a key is the problem, waiting for 10s is an alternative10:18
BenCzorglu_: It's not a failure, it's that fsck exited with an exit code that is supposed to tell the OS to reboot10:18
=== Spads [n=spacehob@host-84-9-50-138.bulldogdsl.com] has joined #ubuntu-devel
BenCif it were a failure, it would dump to singleuser10:18
zorglu_oh ok10:18
zorglu_well i am reassured for my root partition (which mount without issue btw)10:19
zorglu_but my point remains about letting the user know what is happening (a delay or a key press will do)10:19
BenCthe problem comes from root being mounted and fsck modifying the filesystem in a way that is not easy to martial back throught the VFS, so a reboot is required to unmount the rootfs and remount it10:19
zorglu_i understand, i dont complains about the reboot, more about 'displaying a very frightning message, without letting the user knows what is going on'10:20
BenCfile a bug against the scripts that check the rootfs10:20
simiraBenC: want any log references for a suspend bug(won't resume)? In case, which?10:20
zorglu_BenC: ok10:20
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nictukuhi, I'd like to draw your attention to #63450. It's a severe bug, IMO.10:22
nictukuthe postinst script is not indempotent, so upgrading from dapper to edgy will fail in many cases10:23
BenCsimiar: dmesg10:23
BenCsimira: ^^10:24
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zMottare they going to be any more updates10:36
mdzonly if the sky falls10:38
zMottthere are some issue with gaim10:38
jkseems to fall a heck of a lot from the sky here :P10:38
zMottneeding a better irc10:39
tfheenmdz: ubuntu-docs wasn't accepted due to a misunderstanding about the build system being changed (which this was just the web site build system), so I think I'll accept that before building new images with more langpacks tomorrow.10:39
mdztfheen: ok10:39
mdzzMott: the gaim developers hang out on #gaim10:40
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=== Ng had gaim die on him just now. didn't get a bug-buddy though
zMottthought there was something flakey with it10:43
simiraBenC: I have a problem with dmesg, as I have to boot after suspend, to get up and running...10:43
=== Arador installs kopete just for IM'ing
stgraberSomeone can have a look at bug 67355, it's pretty annoying for swiss french users to have their keyboard missing in edgy ?10:44
UbugtuMalone bug 67355 in syslinux "Only one keymap is available for Switzerland" [Undecided,Confirmed]  http://launchpad.net/bugs/6735510:44
BenCsimira: Ah, right, /var/log/kern.log then10:44
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Sp4rKyhi :)10:50
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nixternalhi ;)10:55
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sidAnyone have a page with information about the firefox logos(the trademarked ones), and the trademarked "Firefox" that just uploaded to ubuntu.com for edgy?11:14
Burgworksid: in what way?11:16
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sidBurgwork: Well was there some legal(license) between Mozilla Foundation and Canonical Ltd.?11:18
Burgworksid: read -devel11:18
sidIs there any info about that on the website somewhere11:18
sidk, thanks11:18
Burgworkno, there isn't11:19
sidthanks Burgwork11:22
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Burgworkcould we use deb-tags and tasksel (or something similar), to replace metapackages?12:06
tkamppeterdoko, tfheen, are you there?12:06
LaserJockI think that's kinda in the works with tasksel12:06
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BurgworkLaserJock: but to replace all metapackages?12:07
LaserJockone step at a time :-)12:08

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