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TheMuso | c | 01:29 |
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fabbione | BenC: are you still around? | 09:27 |
Administrator | is the kernel_panic acpi issue already fixed in 2.6.17 ( acpi_hw_low_level_read ) bug 61848? | 09:37 |
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JanC | is bug #63134 being worked on by somebody? | 07:24 |
JanC | https://launchpad.net/distros/ubuntu/+source/linux-source-2.6.17/+bug/63134 | 07:24 |
JanC | people with via epia based multimedia systems are complaining :) | 07:24 |
tfheen | no, it unfortunately won't be fixed. | 07:26 |
tfheen | (for edgy) | 07:26 |
JanC | someone mentions a (possible?) fix in comment #5 | 07:31 |
tfheen | that just means "something in Debian's kernel is different" | 07:32 |
JanC | comment #5 is about a fedora kernel :) | 07:33 |
JanC | something about commenting out "quirk_via_abnormal_poweroff" | 07:33 |
tfheen | oh, true. | 07:34 |
tfheen | no idea what that is, and it's just too close to release to put in a new kernel anyway. | 07:34 |
mjg59 | It's a patch that we also carry | 07:34 |
mjg59 | No idea why it causes that problem, though | 07:34 |
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matt132123 | hi there everyone | 08:57 |
matt132123 | i'd like your advice about how i go about submitting a bluetooth patch. is it something i could suggest here, or would it have to go directly to the bluez team? | 08:58 |
zul | well its probably not going to go into edgy now but if its a kernel side then open a bug in launchpad and we will have a look if its userland talk to the bluez team | 08:59 |
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matt132123 | yeah, it's def kernel side, in drivers/bluetooth/hci_usb.c | 09:10 |
zul | send me the patch and ill have a look | 09:10 |
matt132123 | is it just a case of doing a diff, or do i have to do something else? (I've never made a real patch before) | 09:16 |
zul | basically its a diff | 09:16 |
zul | do you have a reference for your patch? | 09:17 |
matt132123 | i don't know what one is, so i guess not. this is just something i always had to do when i compiled a new kernel on gentoo to get my hardware recognised. i never actually reported it as a bug or anything as i thought it would go away with time (it was a new model usb dongle), but it hasn't | 09:20 |
zul | you can send me your file and i can create a patch | 09:21 |
matt132123 | this is a diff against the 2.17.10 kernel as included in edgy. | 09:22 |
zul | send it to zulcss@gmail.com | 09:22 |
matt132123 | oh right, will do. i just tried to send it via irc, but i don't think it's working. (you have to excuse my ignorance, this is also the first time i've used irc) | 09:23 |
matt132123 | it's a tiny diff, i'll paste it in here... | 09:24 |
matt132123 | 97a98,100 | 09:24 |
matt132123 | > /* Cellink BTA-3120 */ | 09:24 |
matt132123 | > { USB_DEVICE(0x0c10, 0x0000) } | 09:24 |
matt132123 | > | 09:24 |
zul | no please email me it | 09:24 |
matt132123 | ok, fair enough | 09:25 |
JanC | this sounds like a very trivial fix :) | 09:25 |
matt132123 | it is! hence even i can work out how to fix it! | 09:26 |
matt132123 | ok ,emailed it | 09:30 |
zul | yeah got it thanks | 09:30 |
matt132123 | might be trivial, but we all have to start somewhere right?! | 09:31 |
JanC | I think it's just telling a driver that it also works with other hardware than intended | 09:35 |
JanC | so it's easy to fix, but might be *very* useful for users of that hardware | 09:36 |
matt132123 | yeah, it just adds the device to the end of a list of a handful of other devices. but i'm not entirely sure why it should need to be added like this - as far as i know, the model right next to it (the 3100) works out of the box. well, it's on the list of supported hardware anyway. as far as i know they both use the same chipset, which is hci compliant, and therefore should be picked up by the driver. mystery. | 09:40 |
matt132123 | so what's next with that patch? do i have to do something else to get it merged into the official kernel source? | 10:48 |
zul | nope..i create the patch for ubuntu and submit to BenC | 10:53 |
matt132123 | cool. does that mean it'll only ever go as far as ubuntu kernel then? or does it all get merged upstream eventually? | 11:20 |
zul | it might get merged upstream | 11:24 |
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