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zulso we heard the heartbeat for the first time today04:25
fabbionezul: congratulation04:27
zulthanks it was pretty cool04:28
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BenCyeah, the first ultrasound makes it seem more real that there's actually a baby in there :)04:56
zulactually it was just a regular appointment next ultrasound is on monday04:56
BenCwill they actually be able to tell you the sex?04:59
zulthats what im hoping..04:59
BenCI forget how long into the pregnancy has to be before that04:59
BenClike 4 or 5 months or something04:59
zulbut accordign to old wives tale its going to be a boy04:59
BenCis the baby carrying high? :)05:00
zulnah the heartbeat was like over 14005:00
BenCor are boys low05:00
zulheh i have no clue..:)05:00
BenCright, that one05:00
BenCI think boys carry low :)05:00
zulheh im hoping for a girl so i dont have to do boy scouts but either way im good05:03
Keybuktfheen: ping05:04
Keybuktfheen: ping05:04
Keybuktfheen: ping05:04
Keybuktfheen: ping05:04
Keybuktfheen: ping05:04
Keybuktfheen: ping05:04
tfheenKeybuk: You sent me a contentless ping.  This is a contentless pong.  Please provide a bit of information about what you want and I'll respond when I am around.05:04
Keybuktfheen: ping05:04
tfheenKeybuk: You sent me a contentless ping.  This is a contentless pong.  Please provide a bit of information about what you want and I'll respond when I am around.05:04
Keybuktfheen: ping05:04
tfheenKeybuk: You sent me a contentless ping.  This is a contentless pong.  Please provide a bit of information about what you want and I'll respond when I am around.05:04
tfheenKeybuk: You sent me a contentless ping.  This is a contentless pong.  Please provide a bit of information about what you want and I'll respond when I am around.05:04
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tfheenKeybuk: You sent me a contentless ping.  This is a contentless pong.  Please provide a bit of information about what you want and I'll respond when I am around.05:04
tfheenKeybuk: You sent me a contentless ping.  This is a contentless pong.  Please provide a bit of information about what you want and I'll respond when I am around.05:04
tfheenKeybuk: You sent me a contentless ping.  This is a contentless pong.  Please provide a bit of information about what you want and I'll respond when I am around.05:04
tfheenKeybuk: You sent me a contentless ping.  This is a contentless pong.  Please provide a bit of information about what you want and I'll respond when I am around.05:04
Keybuk...just wondered :p05:04
tfheenKeybuk: fyi, 17:04 Ignoring ALL from Keybuk05:05
KeybukBenC: quick, upload a kernel05:10
Keybukthen I can go "tfheen: say no, or I'll approve BenC's upload" <g>05:10
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