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nixternal | <informational rant - feedback encouraged> | 01:37 |
nixternal | Microsoft == #1 in the desktop arena | 01:37 |
nixternal | they didn't get that way be word of mouth | 01:37 |
nixternal | granted, you don't need word of mouth when you are the only choice | 01:37 |
nixternal | now there is choice | 01:37 |
nixternal | #2 desktop == Apple | 01:37 |
nixternal | they definitely don't use word of mouth, because what i have heard has never been good | 01:37 |
Burgwork | right | 01:38 |
nixternal | MS and Apple both use very skillfully planned Marketing Campaigns that Utilize the TV which is huge, not possible for us at this time | 01:38 |
Burgwork | and what is the your feasible solution? | 01:38 |
nixternal | people still don't know that they have a choice though | 01:38 |
nixternal | im working at it, and need the feedback to help it along | 01:38 |
tonyyarusso | Not to mention powerful friends, ie. cozy up to IBM, then screw them over once you're strong enough to go on your own. | 01:38 |
nixternal | i spent all day in marketing class | 01:38 |
Burgwork | splashy commercials are likely to be useless | 01:38 |
Burgwork | we are getting lots of great press from with Oracle stuff | 01:39 |
tonyyarusso | Gotta be informational | 01:39 |
nixternal | well, ubuntu and ibm are very cozy right now | 01:39 |
tonyyarusso | Indeed | 01:39 |
nixternal | ubuntu and sun are cozy as well, and lets not forget oracle | 01:39 |
tonyyarusso | And Sun | 01:39 |
nixternal | and ubuntu | 01:39 |
nixternal | so we have friends in high places as well | 01:39 |
nixternal | and that helps, but not in the desktop arena | 01:39 |
tonyyarusso | If we can keep those and skip the screwing over step, I think things will be very good, but might take a long time. | 01:39 |
nixternal | for a while, i had this belief stuck in my head that not only isn't Linux ready for mainstream, but Ubuntu isn't either | 01:40 |
tonyyarusso | Also, the suse preloads on Thinkpads is a good step, but a small one so far (you have to special request them by phone) | 01:40 |
nixternal | it is changing day by day though | 01:40 |
nixternal | because if you look at what the "mainstream" use their computers for, then any *nix os fits the bill | 01:40 |
nixternal | the majority of desktops int he world are used for 1. Web Browsing, 2. EMail, 3. Music, 4. File sharing, 5. Word Processing, and so on | 01:41 |
nixternal | i can't remember the rest nor the order, but after seeing this information presented to us today in school, it made me realize, that we are far beyond being ready for mainstream, and then some | 01:42 |
nixternal | I was surprised that gaming was the 10th most popular thing with the desktop computer, and not higher on the list | 01:42 |
nixternal | 10th or 11th actually | 01:42 |
nixternal | ok. | 01:43 |
nixternal | now, what i don't see anyone doing is pushing not only Ubuntu, but Linux in general at those targets. When i see a marketing idea/campaign, it is all about safe web browsing, safe email, free office, and thats it really | 01:44 |
nixternal | i think Ubuntu has not only the community, but the resources to produce a campaign that would blow people's minds, and would show the world that they do in fact have a choice | 01:45 |
nixternal | now, does anyone else think a project like this is not only feasible, but would it be worth the time and effort to try? and if so, what would be the best possible way to manage this, and is this something for Canonical to carry forth, or for the Ubuntu community to go after? | 01:46 |
tonyyarusso | I usually try to promote in bits and pieces. | 01:47 |
nixternal | i do to, and it doesn't work | 01:48 |
=== jenda is developing methods of making the word-of-mouth approach more effective. | ||
jenda | So that's out of my scope :) | 01:48 |
nixternal | for instance, the firefox campaign was hot, but guess what, all those people that switched, they are starting to loose again | 01:48 |
tonyyarusso | Say, Firefox on one occasion, Ubuntu on another. Cross-platform stuff is my inroad to put aside some of the concerns people would have about switching OSs. | 01:49 |
sid | nixternal: So what do you suggest? | 01:49 |
nixternal | i don't know, thats why i think everyone should suggest and collaborate | 01:49 |
sid | nixternal: Also Ubuntu and Google are very cozy. Most of the Google engineers use Ubuntu. | 01:49 |
sid | they submit a lot of patches back upstream also | 01:49 |
tonyyarusso | I think it would be great to have various campaigns, but don't know how to do it. | 01:49 |
nixternal | if it was up to me, we would do "real" marketing, have defined marketing plan, short-term, intermediate, and long term goals | 01:49 |
sid | nixternal: Where should the money come from? | 01:49 |
tonyyarusso | Most advertising involves money, and not being a company, Ubuntu doesn't have that directly. | 01:49 |
nixternal | thats that thing | 01:49 |
jenda | nixternal: I suggest collecting a bunch of howtos and guides on how to market Ubuntu in your neighbourhood. Things someone has already done in theirs... or not just yet. | 01:50 |
nixternal | the only thing in marketing that costs money is the medium | 01:50 |
jenda | From small to huge, from free to expensive, from one-man to teamwork... | 01:50 |
=== jenda pauses in going over the same thing over and over again :) | ||
sid | hmm, Am I getting reponseses frome elkbuntu about my survey question..or no | 01:51 |
nixternal | well, i have seen many a word about it, but i haven't seen the meat and potatoes just yet | 01:51 |
tonyyarusso | I'm off to a friends house to check out a monitor issue, but I'd like to continue this later if y'all are still around. | 01:51 |
nixternal | that is why i brought this up | 01:51 |
sid | elkbuntu: Are those poll results in? for your survey | 01:52 |
nixternal | we had this lady Donna once again from the FSF, she is the person selling Free Software and what not to the UN | 01:52 |
sid | nixternal: So get started. print up fliers and post them in your neigborhood. | 01:52 |
nixternal | Ubuntu Chicago does that, but it doesn't get people interested | 01:52 |
nixternal | people here in Chicago hate paper | 01:53 |
nixternal | if they can't get it on the radio, tv, or the intarweb, they don't care about it | 01:53 |
jenda | ouch :( | 01:54 |
jenda | Do you think that's a world trend? I have the feeling paper is effective here. | 01:54 |
nixternal | like the huge billboards, that litter our highways here in chicago, my buddy works for the company that owns a majority of them, and he says companies don't use them much anymore because they are becoming inaffective here | 01:55 |
jenda | anyway, I gotta go to bed - it's two am. | 01:55 |
jenda | wow, that's weird. | 01:55 |
nixternal | billboards in chicago are nothing more than platforms for people to do graffiti on anymore | 01:55 |
jenda | hehe... | 01:55 |
jenda | that means the prices will go down... | 01:55 |
jenda | ...or you can do an Ubuntu graffiti :) | 01:56 |
nixternal | 15K for 1 month on 1 billboard | 01:56 |
nixternal | jenda: we have talked to a couple of artists | 01:56 |
jenda | wow... | 01:56 |
jenda | that's about... 60 times more expensive than here :/ | 01:57 |
nixternal | but it really isn't a good idea, since most people view the graffitti as something from a "sub" culture | 01:57 |
nixternal | the most we get here, is i pimp Ubuntu every tuesday on a local radio show | 01:57 |
nixternal | but i might be the only one to listen to it though | 01:57 |
jenda | heh :( | 02:00 |
jenda | but it's a serious attempt. | 02:00 |
jenda | :) | 02:00 |
Plug | The Internets are serious business. | 02:01 |
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tonyyarusso | How'd the discussion go earlier? | 03:14 |
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Burgundavia | anybody around? | 08:27 |
tonyyarusso | I am. | 08:29 |
Burgundavia | tonyyarusso: are you able to work on the UWN? | 08:29 |
Burgundavia | I want to release tomorrow | 08:29 |
tonyyarusso | Burgundavia: Depends what you need done. I certainly have the time. | 08:30 |
Burgundavia | take a peek at 19 | 08:30 |
Burgundavia | look at 18 | 08:30 |
Burgundavia | fill in the missing bits | 08:30 |
Burgundavia | I generally do the edgy section, so you can leave that alone | 08:30 |
BHSPitLappy | I can do it! | 08:30 |
BHSPitLappy | I can do it nine times! | 08:30 |
tonyyarusso | I can as well, but think I'd stick with doing it once and proofreading once or twice. | 08:31 |
tonyyarusso | Burgundavia: Wait, there's still work t obe done on 18? | 08:33 |
Burgundavia | no, on 19 | 08:33 |
tonyyarusso | Oh, you mean look at 18 as a guide for how to do it. | 08:34 |
Burgundavia | yes | 08:34 |
=== tonyyarusso gets it now | ||
tonyyarusso | Burgundavia: Do we get to pick the Feature of the Week? | 08:36 |
Burgundavia | yep | 08:36 |
Burgundavia | go nuts | 08:36 |
Burgundavia | generally we pick something already in dapper | 08:36 |
tonyyarusso | Fun | 08:37 |
Burgundavia | and try and alternate between the various projects | 08:38 |
tonyyarusso | You mean Ubuntu/Kubuntu/Edu..etc? | 08:39 |
Burgundavia | and server | 08:40 |
tonyyarusso | Okay | 08:41 |
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=== ..[topic/#ubuntu-marketing:tonyyarusso] : Welcome to the Ubuntu Marketing Team's channel | https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MarketingTeam | UWN #18 is out | Help us write UWN 19 - https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuWeeklyNewsletter/Issue19 **Gobby session hosted on** | Channel logs at http://people.ubuntu.com/~fabbione/irclogs/ | ||
jenda | MenZa: Seems system 76 put me out of business :) | 02:28 |
MenZa | :( | 02:30 |
poningru | arr? | 02:39 |
poningru | oh yeah my server went down | 02:40 |
poningru | it should be back up now | 02:40 |
=== poningru mutters stuff at libmusicbrainz | ||
tonyyarusso | Does anyone here atm have gobby installed? I'd like someone to test that IP to make sure the port forwarding is working in case someone actually wants to work on it later. | 02:50 |
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MagicFab | is there any marketing material for ubuntu server ? like past presentations / figures of TCO, security etc. ? Searched the wiki without much luck | 04:43 |
=== MenZa points to jenda | ||
MagicFab | I have a customer asking this to compare to info provided by RH | 04:45 |
MagicFab | Clearly they have LOTS of it | 04:45 |
tonyyarusso | Burgundavia, others: I made good progress on https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuWeeklyNewsletter/Issue19 ; still remaining to be done are the Changes in Edgy (Corey said he'd do these) and Ubuntu 6.06 LTS Updates (I don't know where to find this information - let me know if you do). I will leave Gobby running; if you'd rather I close it, ping me. | 04:50 |
MagicFab | tonyyarusso, would it be possible to include a tidbit about last weeks presentation of Canonical in Montreal ? We have it on video. | 04:52 |
tonyyarusso | MagicFab: Absolutely. Give me some info and a link to the video. | 04:52 |
nixternal | here, this is for all you RMS fans -> http://www.forbes.com/business/forbes/2006/1030/104.html | 04:57 |
nixternal | this just goes to prove that guy is an idiot | 04:57 |
KenSentMe | nixternal: you have to login to see the article | 04:59 |
nixternal | ya | 04:59 |
poningru | tonyyarusso: | 05:01 |
poningru | the new IP for the server | 05:01 |
poningru | crazy isp changed my IP | 05:01 |
poningru | can you upload the UWN 19 on there? | 05:01 |
tonyyarusso | poningru: Whatty? | 05:02 |
poningru | there is already a UWN 19 on there but its completely blank | 05:02 |
poningru | tonyyarusso: the gobby servery | 05:02 |
poningru | sobby | 05:02 |
poningru | mind if I change the IP on the topic? | 05:03 |
tonyyarusso | poningru: Oh. The one I had said is just my machine here - you'd rather host it? | 05:03 |
poningru | tonyyarusso: I have been hosting it for the last month | 05:03 |
poningru | :p | 05:03 |
poningru | https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuWeeklyNewsletter/EditingPolicies | 05:04 |
tonyyarusso | poningru: Ah, okay. Then yeah, change the topic and I'll get the new stuff to you. | 05:04 |
=== ..[topic/#ubuntu-marketing:poningru] : Welcome to the Ubuntu Marketing Team's channel | https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MarketingTeam | UWN #18 is out | Help us write UWN 19 - https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuWeeklyNewsletter/Issue19 **Gobby session hosted on** | Channel logs at http://people.ubuntu.com/~fabbione/irclogs/ | ||
tonyyarusso | poningru: Got it? | 05:07 |
poningru | checking | 05:07 |
tonyyarusso | MagicFab: Have that info yet? | 05:12 |
poningru | I guess not... | 05:15 |
tonyyarusso | Uh oh | 05:15 |
jenda | I don't have any data regarding Ubuntu server, sorry. | 05:55 |
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jenda | Ubuntu posters tomorrow :) | 06:32 |
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jenda | MenZa: you up? | 09:11 |
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MagicFab | Burgwork, can I update the newsletter directly (wiki) ? | 10:05 |
Burgwork | MagicFab: no idea | 10:05 |
Burgwork | at work | 10:05 |
MagicFab | I mean , technically I can... | 10:05 |
jenda | MagicFab: it's either yes, or yes, but use rather gobby | 10:05 |
jenda | lemme check | 10:05 |
MagicFab | jenda, tx. When is it supposed to be published (sent) ? | 10:06 |
jenda | Burgwork - you said sth about tomorrow? | 10:07 |
Burgwork | sth? | 10:08 |
Burgwork | tonight | 10:08 |
jenda | sth - something | 10:08 |
jenda | sorry ;) | 10:08 |
MagicFab | ok, loading up gobby :) | 10:08 |
Burgwork | ah, no worries | 10:08 |
jenda | I can't connect | 10:08 |
Burgwork | using dapper | 10:09 |
Burgwork | ? | 10:09 |
jenda | nah | 10:10 |
jenda | edgy | 10:10 |
jenda | It's been malfunctioning for some time now :l no idea why | 10:10 |
Burgwork | hmm | 10:12 |
KenSentMe | I see the gobby is password protected | 10:25 |
Burgwork | yep | 10:25 |
Burgwork | ufl@ftw | 10:26 |
Burgwork | ^ your password | 10:26 |
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KenSentMe | Burgwork: thank you. I don think i have much time to contribute now | 10:31 |
Burgwork | no worries | 10:31 |
MagicFab | Burgwork,, is there a specific port ? Can' t seem to connect w gobby | 10:37 |
Burgwork | it might be down | 10:37 |
MagicFab | can I send the short blurb via email ? to whom ? | 10:38 |
Burgwork | edit the wiki | 10:38 |
MagicFab | ok | 10:47 |
MagicFab | ok, just added it | 10:49 |
=== mmahan is now known as MitchM |
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