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sbalneavEvening all!03:32
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ikks@search packages04:15
ikks@search paquetes04:15
BonBonTheJonikks: what are you trying to do04:17
ikkssorry, wrong channel, the bot is in #ubuntu-es :)04:18
BonBonTheJonikks: there is a bot here04:18
ubotuYou can browse and search for Ubuntu packages using !Synaptic, !Adept, "apt-cache search <keywords>", the "apt:/" URL in KDE, or online at http://packages.ubuntu.com  -  Ubuntu has about 18000 packages available, so please *search* for an official package before installing things in awkward ways!04:18
ubotuI am ubotu, all-knowing infobot. You can browse my brain at http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl Usage info: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuBots04:18
BonBonTheJonthanks bimberi04:18
bimberiBonBonTheJon: np :)04:19
ikksthx bimberi04:19
ubotuI am ubotu, all-knowing infobot. You can browse my brain at http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl Usage info: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuBots04:19
ikksThis bot rocks :)04:23
ubotuTo find out what version of Ubuntu you have, type 'lsb_release -a' in the Terminal.04:23
ikksI see, supybot :)04:24
bimberi!msg the bot04:24
ubotuPlease investigate with me only in /msg or in #ubuntu-bots  -  Abusing the channel bots will only result in angry ops... ;-)04:24
ikksreally kind, thanks a lot, have a wonderful time :)04:32
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sky123hello.For those using LTSP portion of edubuntu what kind of server do you have to support 40 clients?05:43
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sbalneavsky123: For 40 clients, you'd probably want something fairly beefy.06:00
sky123that is concurrent users? 06:00
sbalneavAt least a gig of ram, and a 3 ghz or better CPU06:00
sbalneavYou'd be better with about 2 gigs of ram.06:00
sbalneavYes, 40 concurrent.06:00
sky123I see 06:00
sky123I am trying " sell the idea" to a school Im working with and the arguements are " well if go to wallmart the os is already loaded...etc.etc" my counterpoint has been trying to deal with management overhead..etc..06:01
sky123what would be the advantage of ltsp..i gues... 06:02
sky123is what im asking 06:02
sbalneavDo they already have some older PC's?06:03
sbalneavBecause if they do, then you can re-use them.  06:03
sbalneavRather than buying 40 $300 boxes, and have no server to tie them together, just 40 disconnected machines,06:04
sky123right 06:04
sbalneavYou could spend 1 x 3000 for one GOOD server, re-use the 40 old clunkers you've already got.06:04
sbalneavPLUS, thown into the bargain, you get:06:04
sky123and deployment of course is much easier 06:05
sbalneavadministration tools, edu software, networking, backups, etc etc etc.06:05
Burgundaviasbalneav: consolemanager06:05
Burgundaviado you have time to talk about that?06:05
sky123how do you manage the backups on the master? 06:05
sky123ie documents 06:05
sky123etc 06:05
Burgundaviasbalneav: the bit that tells which usb port goes to which seat06:05
sky123consolemanager?---has backup capabilities?06:06
sbalneavUbuntu comes with a nice little backup utility now.  If you;ve got a DVD or CD writer, you can just back up on those.06:06
sbalneavBurgundavia: You mean, localdevices?06:06
sky123....what is it called??06:06
Burgundaviasbalneav: yes, that06:06
Burgundaviasbalneav: davidz and I were talking in Boston06:07
sbalneavheh, it's called localdevices, not consolemanager.  That's a bit I wrote. :)06:07
Burgundaviaabout a general thingy to control that, whether it be thin clients, fusa or multiseat06:07
Burgundaviadavidz called it console manager06:07
sky123i see 06:07
sky123I want to know whether such a system would be also safe to double up as a potential school tool server or as a file repository for non thinclients 06:08
Burgundaviasky123: we are talking about something differrent06:08
sky123or are we talking about a dedicated server 06:08
sky123Burgundavia: yeah I got that 06:08
sky123:) 06:08
sbalneavsky123: Yes, edubuntu comes with Samba, so it can serve Windows boxes as well.06:08
sky123is that acting as a PDC?06:09
sky123or ??06:09
sbalneavI don't beleive it acts as a pdc as of yet, I think that's on the speccing process to add for the next release.06:09
Burgundavianot yet06:09
Burgundavianeeds samba406:10
sbalneavBut it can act as a standalone server.06:10
sky123k...so the sahring of a public folder etc...is there.. 06:11
sky123and using some of the native backup tools has the potential to backup to cdrom or whatever 06:11
sky123x the wahtever part...to what??06:12
sbalneavSorry, not understanding you?06:13
sbalneavWhat is it you're asking?06:14
sky123im sorry for not being clearer...but i guess im asking what is the tool for backing up to say cdrom or dvd or prescribed best methodology to back up the server...I could find little in google or wiki to actually do this. 06:19
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sbalneavWell, I beleive the tool's called hubackup06:22
Burgundaviait is06:22
Burgundaviasbalneav: back to this console manager stuff06:22
whiprushsbalneav: sky123: If you guys mean an NT4 domain, then yeah, normal samba3 can do that.06:22
sbalneavHey whiprush06:22
whiprushhubackup just does user stuff, not a whole server.06:22
whiprushhis scott!06:22
whiprushhe'll want like backuppc or something for that06:22
sky123or use like mondoarchive 06:23
sbalneavBurgundavia: what about it?06:23
whiprushsky123: I just deployed a new server for this, what's your price range?06:23
whiprushsky123: yeah whatever tool you're used to will work06:23
sky123well i was looking at around 1600 bucks 06:23
sky123but that may be pushing it 06:23
whiprushpushing it price-wise?06:23
sky123yep 06:24
Burgundaviasbalneav: how much of that code is fairly generic?06:24
whiprushsky123: RAM is key IMO.06:24
sky123i ebayed and trouble finding one...with say like 4gb of memory at a good price 06:24
whiprushI would shoot for an AMD64 machine with as much ram as you can cram in there.06:24
sbalneavI'm confused.  Are you talking about localdevices?  As in, being able to plug USB, cdroms and floppies into thin clients?06:24
Burgundaviasbalneav: yes06:24
sbalneavThat's not called console manager.06:25
whiprushsky123: have you looked at penguincomputing?06:25
sbalneavThat's called localdevices.06:25
Burgundaviasbalneav: sorry, that is what davidz was talking about06:25
sky123no not yet...just a bunch of supermicro stuff...or servers that go used at trade shows.....lol 06:25
sbalneavAnd define, "fairly generic"? I.e. are yus asking if it can be made to run on other linux distros?06:25
whiprushsupermicro hell, been there myself. :-/06:25
sky123lol 06:26
sky123damn man....nothing is easy in education 06:26
sky123;) 06:26
whiprushsky123: you could try the multi-faceted approach too06:26
whiprushbuy one server for like ... 20 clients.06:27
whiprushand when people see how well it works06:27
whiprushuse that as justification for funds for another one06:27
sky123hmmm...yeah this is a good suggestion 06:27
whiprushbecause people won't believe the thin client thing06:27
sbalneavBurgundavia: Is that what you're wanting to know?06:27
whiprushuntil they SEE it working06:28
whiprushthen the lightbulb goes off06:28
sky123i dont think they will ever be used concurrently all the time....but id rather NOT err on that lapse of judgement.... 06:28
Burgundaviasbalneav: well, userful does multiseat stuff. Our current crack is slightly insane06:28
sky123right 06:28
Burgundaviasbalneav: I am looking for more sane stuff ath could be made generic and pushed into something like HAL06:28
whiprushsky123: no matter how big your box is you'll never have enough.06:28
whiprushso the best thing to do is just to look at value vs. cost.06:29
sbalneavSorry you think the stuff I wrote is "slightly insane".06:29
whiprushsbalneav: he means his company's crack06:29
whiprushnot yours06:29
sbalneavI'm completely confused here.06:29
Burgundaviasbalneav: no, our crack is insane06:30
whiprushsbalneav: although i think you're insane, but that's for other reasons. :p06:30
Burgundaviasbalneav: userful does multiseat X06:30
sbalneavWho's userful?06:30
Burgundaviaour current code patches the world to make local devices work06:30
Burgundaviathe company I work for06:30
sbalneavah, is this a commercial product?06:31
Burgundaviayes, but built on FC406:31
Burgundaviathat is not important right now06:31
Burgundaviawhat is important is that you have written saner stuff to solve a similar problem06:31
sky123got another question...from the terminal clients themselves...if a kid pops in a usb pen with their doc or has a floppy..is there a way for them to load there docs or no....oh and sound?? 06:32
sbalneavThen you may be interested in helping Warren Togami and Eric Harrison in the Fedora port of LTSP, which includes ltspfs.06:32
Burgundaviasbalneav: we chatted in Montreal back in Nov of last year06:33
=== Burgundavia is Corey Burger
whiprushsky123: upstream ltsp does, dunno if the new edubuntu does. 06:33
whiprushsky123: i'm here to learn too, heh.06:33
sky123:) 06:33
Burgundaviaas of edgy, yes06:33
sky123but edgy is not the "stable" release yet...its still "rc"?06:34
Burgundavianow somebody needs to get some open source code working on those sun rays06:34
Burgundaviasky123: edgy is 3 days away06:34
sky123nice :) 06:34
sky123so sound support and ability to use the client to load say a document is there???06:34
sky123whoah 06:34
sky123that is cool 06:34
sky123via floppy or usb that is... 06:35
whiprushBurgundavia: i'm bringing three sunrays to mountain view with hopes of giving them away, and I gave ogra and I (think) sbalneav one.06:35
sky123i need one :) 06:35
sky123those are Sun Boxes?06:36
Burgundaviawhat chipset is in a sunray?06:36
sky123opteron 06:36
Burgundaviasun thin clients06:36
sbalneavwhiprush: I've become convinced that what they chiefly need is a proper boot rom to them06:36
Burgundaviaserious? not sparc?06:36
sbalneavI can't get them to boot anything useful06:36
sky123i just saw one todau on  ebay ...uhmmm VG something that opteron processors 06:36
whiprushsbalneav: I've been scouring google for years, I've yet not seen anyone be successful with them to do anything useful.06:37
sky123but I have plenty T100 hundreds here at home...$150 a pop for simple stuff...with sparc processors...lol 06:37
sky123the sparc version..works well... nagios, cacti, etc.. 06:37
whiprushsbalneav: BUT ... Sun has "committed" to oss'ing the sun ray server software, so when that day comes, at least you guys will be all set to go to making it work, heh.06:37
sky123:) 06:38
whiprushthey have an Ultrasparc II or something in them06:38
whiprushthin client06:38
whiprushthey're basically useless without the sun server software.06:38
Burgundaviaso you get a binary blob06:38
whiprushthey are very popular with universities though06:39
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whiprushand most just warehouse them when they move off of solaris.06:39
Burgundaviaeducational institutions often don't know what todo with them06:39
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Burgundaviatodo with IT, rather06:39
whiprushI got 60 for free and I have 300 more on tap for the cost of shipping.06:39
whiprushand that's just me.06:39
whiprushI am sure I'm not the only one.06:39
sbalneavWell, thin client booted out of the box.06:40
whiprushI have a feeling that when sun open sources the stuff that someone will have ltsp working on it with a day or two.06:40
sbalneavEdubuntu testing going well.06:40
whiprushsbalneav: any news from eric or warren on their fedora efforts?06:40
sky123whiprush: these are client versions ??? 06:41
whiprushsky123: ?06:41
sbalneavI haven;t heard anything as of late.  I think jammcq may have been in touch.06:41
sky123whiprush: the sun stuff you have access to 06:41
whiprushsky123: sun sells these thin clients, but they're proprietary.06:41
whiprushthink closed sourced ltsp.06:41
whiprushbut they have promised to open source it06:41
sky123i saw this: http://www.freesoftwaremagazine.com/articles/linux_terminal_server?page=0%2C1 and the use of these sun rays 06:42
sky123same thing??06:42
whiprushsame idea06:43
whiprushtwo incompatible implementations06:43
whiprushyou can use any PC with LTSP06:43
whiprushif you use sunrays, you need to buy them from Sun.06:43
whiprushand run their software on the server.06:43
whiprushsky123: long story short, if you never end up using their client software and their proprietary hardware, then you're good.06:44
sky123lol 06:44
whiprushedubuntu CD and some old machines, and you'll be all set.06:44
sky123cool 06:44
whiprushI have 300 of these damn Sun things, and I am /hoping/ that someday it might work as well as LTSP/edubuntu.06:44
Burgundaviathey are just hardware devices06:45
Burgundaviait cannot be that difficult06:45
sbalneavWell, getting near midnight here, heading to bed.06:45
sbalneavnight all06:45
whiprushsbalneav: nite dude06:45
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lotusleafHalloween is almost upon us, and you know that that means: clean out your closet of those spare Ubuntu Ship-It CDs you may have, duct tape a Snickers bar to them if you have to, just give them out!!06:48
sky123Are these any good?? SUN FIRE V20Z DUAL OPTERON 24806:49
BonBonTheJonlotusleaf: lol, thats great06:50
lotusleafBonBonTheJon: =)06:51
sky123better yet the trick would be to hand them the winxp disk06:52
sky123no nutritional value 06:53
BonBonTheJonsky123: you got that kind of money?06:53
sky123who said i bought it ;) 06:53
BonBonTheJonsky123: I like your thinking :)06:53
sky123lol 06:54
sky123hopefully Mark will the next version of ubuntu "doors" 06:54
sky123that would just piss off the right people 06:54
lotusleafsky123: I'd rather hand someone a clump of cow feces, at least that has some use, in the garden06:55
sky123hehe rofl06:56
BonBonTheJonwindows cd's make nice cup holder06:56
BonBonTheJonor, I want to make a CD disco ball06:56
sky123only then al gore would be all over you for contributing to green house gases with methane release06:56
sky123or crow chasers...if you hang them from a string in the corn fields. 06:57
sky123thats about it 06:57
sky123or piss people off and ship them back to bill and melidina gates for their foundation for halloween....lol 06:58
sky123ahh..such pent up anger....06:58
sky123<------needs anti m$ valium 06:58
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sky123hey does someone know the difference between the xeon dp processors and one's that come in the server rack models??07:14
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LinuxRetardanyone adept at wireless and feeling helpful tonight?07:29
BurgundaviaLinuxRetard: your nick is a little offensive07:29
sky123lol 07:29
LinuxRetardEdubuntu on two of my kiddies pcs.  1 works wireless...one doesn't.07:29
sky123same laptop??07:30
LinuxRetardI am humble enough to admit my handicap07:30
Burgundaviahowever, I find you nick a little offensive07:30
Burgundaviaplease change it07:30
sky123yeah...considering it is an education channel...id have to agree 07:30
LinuxRetardthanx anywayz07:30
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sky123not the proper terminology.....change it...and i can help....07:31
sky123oh well too l8 07:31
sky123Burgundavia: Id have to say you made the right call on that one... 07:31
Burgundaviasad he felt he had to leave07:31
sky123just had to change the name thats all...and i was more surprised..he didnt try the ubuntu channel..common topic 07:32
sky123maybe needed ndiswrapper or something like that.. 07:32
sky123oh well 07:32
Burgundavialife happens07:32
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willvdlis any one familiar with the loki installer?08:32
Burgundaviawillvdl: not really08:33
Burgundaviawhat is the issue?08:33
willvdlwell I'm working with a content provider08:34
willvdlThey do data casting etc and provide offline snapshots08:34
willvdlmainly static html and FLV08:35
willvdlon windows they use installshield08:35
willvdlbut don't really have a linux install process.08:35
highvoltagegdebi is the way08:36
Burgundaviaso for Linux, they should be using Linux best practise, which is packaging08:36
=== mode/#edubuntu [-o highvoltage] by highvoltage
willvdlmy first though was some kind of deb08:37
Burgundaviadata only debs are really easy to create08:37
willvdlbut they snapshots are large (possibly a few dvd's)08:37
Burgundaviathat is not an issue08:37
Burgundaviaif they are concerned about cross distro stuff08:38
Burgundaviaalien is their answer08:38
willvdlnot really, mainly an ubuntu base08:39
Burgundaviathen don't worry about it08:39
willvdlis gdebi also used to create the deb?08:40
Burgundaviajust for the installing08:40
Burgundaviaif they need help with packaging, there is help for that08:40
BurgundaviaMOTU can help them08:40
willvdlright. I just need to make sure that whatever they do, the most tech-unsavvy teacher can still install it and will have aaall their dependencies (adobe,flash etc) sorted automatically08:41
Burgundaviafor that, they will need deb08:44
Burgundaviaanything else is a hack08:44
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Kamping_Kaiserwasnt expecting to be back... lets see if i hang around. *waves*08:47
=== willvdl waves back
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Burgundaviahey RichEd-108:51
RichEdhey Burgundavia :)08:52
willvdlmorning RichEd08:52
RichEdhi willvdl : how is johannesburg ?08:53
willvdlhttp://www.unescobkk.org/index.php?id=494 08:53
willvdlGo Phillipines08:54
RichEdThat is all great link info for the community area + the ones yesterday. 08:57
willvdlBurgwork, Highvoltage, thanks for the help09:08
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ograBurgundavia, console manager requires a networkable transport layer for hal that doesnt exist yet10:59
ograthats far far in the future10:59
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jelknerIs there anything special you need to know to dist-upgrade to edgy?12:26
jelknerwill gksu "update-manager -c -d" work?12:27
ogragksudo, but yes12:28
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pips1good afternoon01:41
cbx33hey pips1 01:43
cbx33got your email01:43
cbx33will take a look alter ;)01:43
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lguerraRichEd: ping01:49
RichEdlguerra: pong01:50
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cbx33pips1, can I ask why the switch and the hub are no the other way round?02:03
cbx33and secondly...what did yo udraw that in...it's ace :D02:04
cbx33or are you pips1_ at the moment ;)02:05
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pips1_1: are you talking about "device C" and "device D" in that question?02:06
pips1_2: shhhh (it was done with MS visio)02:07
lucasvohm, python chalenge is not very easy...02:07
cbx33python chalenge?02:07
cbx33lucasvo, where are you?02:08
lucasvostep 302:09
lucasvojust began today02:09
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pips1_I figured that I need most network speed on the LTSP network, so that's why I used the gigabit switch (device d) to connect the edub. server with the thin client(s)02:09
lucasvopips1_: don't you know DIA?02:09
pips1_lucasvo: I do02:09
lucasvopips1_: so why use visio :P02:10
jelknerI just did an update to edgy.  Everything worked like a charm on the server side02:10
jelknerbut i have a problem on the clients02:10
pips1_but for me, it's currently the same problem as with photoshop/gimp... I work much more efficiently with the former :-/02:10
pips1_cbx33: why do you think that I should swop the hub and switch?02:11
jelknermount: failed, reason given by server: permission denied02:13
pips1_jelkner: are you doing an dapper -> edgy  upgrade on an edubuntu server?02:14
cbx33um....because security wise and capability wise02:14
jelknerpips1_: yes02:14
cbx33you want the switch to be as far towards the source as possible02:15
=== jsgotangco [n=jsg123@ubuntu/member/jsgotangco] has joined #edubuntu
pips1_cbx33: regarding "as far towards the source as possible", well, I did that for the thin client (i.e. in the ltsp network, the edubuntu server is the source)02:16
jsgotangcogood evening02:17
cbx33well....i'de prefer 2 machines off switch than one02:17
jelknerpips1_: the client boot process proceeds through dhcp, gets and address, then can't mount /opt/ltsp/i38602:18
pips1_cbx33: yeah, I see your point. I just figured that a gigabit switch is a waste in a 10/100 network.. 02:19
jsgotangcoits ok if you're going to cascade gigabit switches02:19
pips1_jelkner: ic. I was just about to start a test for upgrading dapper->edgy on my test setup here...02:20
pips1_jsgotangco: cascade them?02:20
pips1_jsgotangco: maybe I should send you the network diagram I made... it'll make it easier to discuss :) Should I?02:21
jsgotangcostack up switches02:21
jsgotangcopips1_: sure email it to me02:21
highvoltagejelkner: dit you get it working? looks like nfs isn't running02:22
jsgotangcohighvoltage: hey!02:23
highvoltagehey jsgotangco!02:24
jsgotangconice diagram!02:24
pips1_everybody, stop saying that, it was done with MS visio ;-)02:25
jsgotangcothat's why the icon resources are nice02:25
pips1_yeah, the icons look nice02:26
jsgotangcook so the problem is that Edubuntu's DHCP isn't being listend by clients?02:26
jelknerpips1_: cool, i beat you to it ;-)02:26
pips1_jsgotangco: yes, I think that is the problem02:26
jelknerpips1_: any idea what i can do about the permissions problem?02:27
pips1_jelkner: sorry, no02:28
highvoltagejelkner: it seems like NFS isn't running on your server02:28
Kamping_Kaisera few quick questions: does edubuntu have any quick sabayon howtos? does it need any? (it seems fairly idiot proof, but i havent used it yet ;))02:28
jsgotangcopips1_: ok it seems that you'll need to whip up a very custom dhcp conf file for eth0 because it seems eth1 is configured to listen as dhcp as well?02:28
jsgotangcoKamping_Kaiser: not much02:29
highvoltagejelkner: have you tried to restart portmap, nfs-common and nfs-kernel-server in that order?02:29
jelknerhighvoltage: thanks, let me try to start it02:29
highvoltagejelkner: and what is in your /etc/exports, you should have an /opt/ltsp/i386 in there02:29
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=== Kamping_Kaiser hopes it gets OO.o support soon
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jelknerhighvoltage: there was nothing in /etc/exports it got overwritten02:30
jelknerso first i add:02:30
jelkner/opt/ltsp/i386 to /etc/exports02:30
pips1_jsgotangco: I don't know if eth1 is configured to listen to listen as dhcp client... I suppose ogra can tell us? :-)02:31
highvoltagelet me get the correct line for you...02:31
jelknerthen restart the services in the order you suggest02:31
highvoltagejelkner: "/opt/ltsp       *(ro,no_root_squash,async)02:31
jelknerlet me try02:31
jsgotangcopips1_: well eth0 is usually your default02:31
highvoltagejelkner: after adding that line you will need to restart nfs-kernel-server02:31
jsgotangcoand that's where dhcpd binds first when seen02:31
jsgotangcoand since eth1 seems to be the internet gateway, it shouldn't really conflict with eth0 since it doesn't listen to the dhcp broadcast of your applicance (as seen from your diagram)02:32
cbx33lucasvo, I'm on lvl3 now02:33
pips1_jsgotangco: hmm. right. well, to be honest, I can't remember what I did exactly when I installed edgy... I installed it many times, choosing different options in the installer.. maybe it would be best to start fresh02:33
pips1_jsgotangco: what do you think?02:34
jsgotangcopips1_: well you need dhcpd so that the client knows where to grab the boot image....02:34
jsgotangcoyou can just try isolating the whole edubuntu network first for testing then enable the other ethernet card02:35
jsgotangcojust so you can see if dhcpd actually worked02:35
pips1_jsgotangco: what do you think is the best approach for my network problem. Should I re-configure my network appliances and try to get edubuntu's automatic network config to work? or should I leave my network appliances configured as they are, and change the edubuntu server config? 02:36
jsgotangcodon't mess up your appliance since it already works02:36
pips1_heh, right02:36
jsgotangcoyou can actually still use your appliance to be the dhcpd server for all but its a bit hackish on the ltsp side02:36
jelknerhighvoltage: thanks a 10**6! It worked!02:36
jelknernow i have another question: isn't edgy supposed to have a new login screen that permits the user to choose language?02:37
jsgotangcotry isolating the broadcast interface first02:37
jsgotangcoand see if the client actually gets something02:37
jelkneri'm getting the same login screen as before02:37
pips1_jsgotangco: well, eth0 hasn't got an IP assigned at all at the moment... 02:38
jsgotangcobecause your aim seems to be that your ltsp client gets internet access from the eth1 interface (which should be eth0's gateway)02:38
highvoltagejelkner: there was some problems, I don't think ogra removed them02:38
jsgotangcopips1_: i think that's the problem, from the diagram, eth0 is your dhcpd02:38
highvoltagejelkner: if it's not there, please file a bug02:38
jelknerhighvoltage: will do02:39
jelknerbut i'll wait til the official release, yes?02:39
highvoltagenope. any time is good :)02:39
highvoltagesooner is usually better.02:39
jsgotangcotoday's build is most likely the official release02:39
highvoltagemost likely02:39
jsgotangcohighvoltage: did you receive my email?02:40
=== highvoltage checks
pips1_jsgotangco: so how do I go about it? Should unplug the internet access on the server? or should I edit a config file or smth?02:40
highvoltagejsgotangco: I haven't02:41
jsgotangcohighvoltage: inkululeko email02:41
highvoltagehmmm... it didn't come through02:41
highvoltagedid you spell my name right? lots of people spell it wrong.02:42
jsgotangcowell i just replied to your email yseterday02:42
jsgotangcounless you spelled your reply to wrong02:43
pips1_"<jsgotangco> try isolating the broadcast interface first" <-- how?02:43
jsgotangcohighvoltage: anyways, i wanted to ask if you guys in tuxlabs in tsf before had student performance data before and after tuxlabs implementation02:43
jsgotangcopips1_: disable it, and look into dhcpd.conf if its set correctly, the best way is to just turn it off with ifconfig02:44
jsgotangcothe restart the network02:44
highvoltagejsgotangco: the problem is that we've never done a proper before, we're going to do it for the first time nect year when we roll out into a new province02:44
jsgotangcohighvoltage: really? as in nil?02:45
highvoltagejsgotangco: it's a big issue at the moment, data from our competitor (that uses Windows in labs) were reported last month, and the report shows that there's been no significant improvement02:45
jsgotangcohighvoltage: not even a sort of "joe sucked in math 3 months ago, but after the tuxlabs rollout, his math grades improved by this percentage"02:45
highvoltagejsgotangco: the very, very first tuxlabs weren't used for educational purposes, so it wasn't part of the scope02:45
highvoltagejsgotangco: we have some of that yes02:45
jsgotangcohighvoltage: would it be because tuxlabs focused more on hardware structure rather than content?02:46
highvoltagejsgotangco: initially it did, the focus moved to content only 1.5 years into the project02:46
highvoltagefrom 2002 to late 2003, there was little to no content in the labs.02:46
jsgotangcohighvoltage: because in our side, we're not really hot on hardware but our content is solid, we're torn between actually delivering hardware or just improving the content02:47
highvoltageback then it was the basic kde edu and gcompris, no localised content, no wikipedia, no government approved curriculum...02:47
highvoltagejsgotangco: the content is more important, imho02:47
=== Kamping_Kaiser investigates sabayon, and finds its confusing - becuase it doesnt operate the same way the homnepage says it will.
highvoltagejsgotangco: we learned that the hard way :)02:47
jsgotangcoits also because our video content is govenment curriculum02:47
jsgotangcohighvoltage: and we could make it cross-platform02:48
highvoltagefrom a technical perspective, projects like Edubuntu takes care of many of the difficult things.02:48
highvoltagejsgotangco: excellent02:48
pips1_Kamping_Kaiser: which homepage? 02:48
jsgotangcohighvoltage: so the packaging most likely is that we just dump all content in an ltsp server02:48
highvoltagejsgotangco: is it specific to your area? or would it work anywhere?02:48
jsgotangcohighvoltage: its specific02:48
Kamping_Kaiserpips1_, http://www.gnome.org/~seth/blog/sabayon and http://www.gnome.org/projects/sabayon/02:48
jsgotangcohighvoltage: the videos themselves are localised02:48
highvoltageltsp does make life much, much easier in the labs.02:48
jsgotangcohighvoltage: but we're talking of at least 200 episodes of combined math and science at primary level02:49
pips1_*click* and *click*02:49
Kamping_Kaiseri like the readme though:   "Hello I'm Daniel Veillard and I pronounce Sabayon 'Sa-ba-yon'"02:49
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jsgotangcohighvoltage: ive actually made a slax demo cd just for proof of concept *shudder*02:50
highvoltagejsgotangco: ah right, sorry, I'm multitasking here. video is tough on thin clients. that's why the diskless-fat-client spec is so important to me02:50
highvoltagejsgotangco: ogra is taking it very seriously, and is addement to add it to feisty02:50
jsgotangcohighvoltage: im not looking at edgy here, its actually feisty or feisty+102:50
highvoltagejsgotangco: when are you looking at roll-out?02:50
jsgotangcobecause digitising the video itself eats so much resources02:51
jsgotangcoand combing through wikipedia02:51
jsgotangconot to mention creating relevant exercises in keduca for isntance02:51
pips1_Kamping_Kaiser: hehe02:51
highvoltagejsgotangco: yep02:52
=== Kamping_Kaiser looks aroudn the doc directory for sabayon - not very helpfull i'm afraid. 'docs' are listed as a todo
jsgotangcohighvoltage: and its not just dumping the video here, i'm looking into *streaming* the video from the ltsp server (if its possible)02:52
jsgotangcobecause if the video is loaded in memory, it'll suck so hard02:52
highvoltagejsgotangco: from a technical perspective, there will be two additional layars possible above ltsp02:52
jsgotangcoand each episode is like 18 - 22 minutes long02:53
highvoltagejsgotangco: local apps, where you could run a video program locally, and stream it from the server and process locally (would be best for you, I think), and the diskless fat, that runs everything locally02:53
highvoltagejsgotangco: the whole video doesn't need to load in memory, at least02:53
jsgotangcohighvoltage: on diskless fat, when you say fat, it about hardware resources?02:54
highvoltagejsgotangco: yes. diskless fat requires ~800mhz processor, ~384MB RAM02:54
highvoltagethe fat clients boot as a full machine, they just use the network as storage.02:55
highvoltageso they look like they are thin clients, but they're not.02:55
highvoltagejsgotangco: what kind of specs will these pc's have02:55
highvoltage(the clients)02:55
jsgotangcohighvoltage: well, they're new machines actually02:55
highvoltagefor playing video locally, you'll only need a high end PII and about 128MB RAM02:55
jsgotangcobut we're also expecting old hardare PIII'sh specs02:55
highvoltageoh cool.02:55
highvoltagefor new machines, diskless fat is fantastic.02:55
jsgotangcohighvoltage: ive actually received initial batch and they're core duo02:56
highvoltagewe're running it at two schools currently and on 10 of the digital doorways (soon to be 50)02:56
jsgotangcojust no OS02:56
highvoltagejsgotangco: WOW02:56
highvoltageit would be a shame to use those as pure thin clients02:56
jsgotangcohighvoltage: i said i'll just use them as a grid heh02:56
jsgotangcoanyway they came from Acer and we have a hundred of them coming02:57
highvoltagejsgotangco: e-mail me your physical address, and I can mail you a DVD with my diskless fat image, then you can play around with it a bit02:57
Kamping_Kaisergnight pips1_ 02:57
jsgotangcobut they're so full featured i can just run vista on them02:58
=== Kamping_Kaiser debates an intrest in sabayon, puts it aside for an intrest in sleep
highvoltagejsgotangco: we've streamed video with the digital doorway project, and it works perfectly. we can even play dvd movies over the network :)02:58
jsgotangcohighvoltage: but they're stand alone machines right?02:58
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highvoltagejsgotangco: they boot from the network, just like with LTSP. except all applications are executed locally, so the local CPU/RAM is used.02:59
jsgotangcohighvoltage: anyway, i would appreciate if you can send student performance metrics of sorts even if its very rough 02:59
highvoltagejsgotangco: but they have no hard disks inside02:59
pips1_cu Kamping_Kaiser02:59
highvoltagejsgotangco: ok, we only have surveys and some letters from the schools, I'll get Inge, our project administrator to mail you some data02:59
jsgotangcohighvoltage: how did you integrate video and contextual info?03:01
highvoltagejsgotangco: we have scripts that generate Xfce menus for them03:02
highvoltagejsgotangco: although, we'll probably use firefox with the mplayer plugin in the future03:02
highvoltagethe mplayer plugin makes it possible to integrate it into a web page the same way that they do it with windows mplayer in IE03:03
jsgotangcohighvoltage: i haven't tried FF, but konqueror already does that without any plugin03:05
jsgotangco(well i think it uses kaffeine)03:06
jsgotangcohighvoltage: what i did was just do everything on xhtml, use tabs in between content, and at the end, there's a test done in javascript03:07
jsgotangcohighvoltage: then i also made it run on portable firefox in a cd that goes straight to the frontpage of the application03:08
jsgotangcoso that any computer even if it doesn't have firefox, it'll still run (on windows that is)03:08
jsgotangcoits very hackish but enough to inspire the edu people03:09
highvoltageit sounds like a decent approach.03:09
highvoltagewhat's hackish about it?03:10
jsgotangcoi did everything by hand lol03:10
jsgotangcoi need to automate the creation of content03:10
highvoltageah, so it just needs some automation and cleaning. :)03:10
highvoltagein South Africa, most of the big content providers also do *everything* by hand.03:11
jsgotangcoa web approach seems the most sensible03:11
highvoltageso don't feel to bad :)03:11
jsgotangcohighvoltage: sure but they're not an army of one person (unlike me)03:11
highvoltageyep, which makes it even worse! (that they don't automate their stuff)03:12
jsgotangcohighvoltage: do you think it makes sense that I used a browser?03:12
jsgotangcoto edu people, it doesn't matter at all though03:12
highvoltagejsgotangco: considering that you're currently just one person, and that this needs to be cross-platform, and that this project has a deadline, yes, I think it's the best tool for the job03:13
jsgotangcoand i think it makes it more extensible in a way03:13
highvoltageedu people want something that works easily and reliably.03:13
highvoltageyou can give them that with a web interface.03:13
jsgotangcoyeah, the test scripts are really a pain to do by hand though :D03:13
jsgotangcohighvoltage: although the initial design looked strangely like the opencd though03:15
pips1_jelkner: ping03:16
highvoltagejsgotangco: I need to get back to work now03:16
highvoltagejsgotangco: but I want to talk to you about this some more, since a large part of my work consists of similar stuff03:16
jsgotangcohighvoltage: ok thanks for the chat03:16
highvoltagewe can trade secret weapons :)03:16
jsgotangcoyup and split the royalties muahahaha03:17
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nixternalwell hello there!03:49
bddebianHowdy folks03:50
bddebianHeya nixternal03:50
highvoltagehey nixternal and bddebian 03:50
nixternalboo is more like if im not mistaken ;)03:50
jsgotangconixternal: howdy03:50
nixternalhiya highvoltage, low wattage03:50
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sbalneavMorning all03:50
nixternalahh jsgotangco03:50
bddebianHeya highvoltage, sbalneav03:50
nixternalsbalneav: wasabi03:50
jsgotangcosbalneav: daddy!03:50
highvoltagemorning sbalneav!03:50
nixternalheh, this is like the beginning of a conference call03:50
sbalneavhi hi hi hi hi hi hi hi03:51
nixternalhaha there you go03:51
jsgotangconixternal: if you're going to UDS-MTV, make sure you follow sbalneav 03:51
highvoltageUDS is so not a commercial for MTV03:51
highvoltage(sorry, lame joke)03:52
sbalneavNow look at them yoyo's, that's the way you do it.  Write edubuntu down at MTV03:52
nixternalwell, it seems that they will not approve my "absence" from school...i guess this is what you get when you go to school on the government's dime..but i earned it..Illinois Veterans Grant and the GI Bill == money in my pocket and free college03:52
sbalneavWe got some in-core microsoft killers, custom software delivery...03:53
nixternalall is not lost though, as it looks like the ChiGLUG will be getting RMS during that week, so at least I will have a geekfest here as well03:53
jelknerpips1_: i'm teaching03:54
jsgotangcoRMS? jeez03:54
jelkneri'm still here, but i have students03:54
sbalneavHey jelkner!03:54
jsgotangcojelkner: how have you been doing?03:54
nixternalya, i woke up to an inbox full of "WE GOT THE COLLEGE TO PAY FOR RMS! IT IS APPROVED"03:54
jelknersbalneav: hi!03:54
jsgotangconixternal: scary03:54
nixternalya, especially since his interview this week, about puting constraints on IBM and other companies that are using Linux03:55
willvdlhighvoltage, heya03:55
sbalneavnixternal: If you want your picture taken with him, remember: bring cash :)03:55
jsgotangconixternal: well its not about his views most of the time, but his attitude per se03:55
nixternali don't want nothing taken with him, but i enjoy listening to him talk03:55
jsgotangcohe writes well though03:56
nixternalhe snapped at me at a LinuxConf years back, and it took every ounce of patience i had to not go southside on him03:56
nixternaland im from the "weeeeessssst siiiiaadee" </icecube voiceover>03:57
highvoltagehey willvdl 03:57
highvoltagenixternal: congrats. I'm a big fan of RMS.03:58
sbalneavI'm a huge fan of his ideals.03:58
sbalneavThe man himself.... not so much :)03:58
highvoltagehe has a cool beard too.03:58
nixternalwell, his ideals kind of failed him this week during an interview03:58
jsgotangcosbalneav: hahahha03:58
jsgotangcoerr who is amy jiang?03:59
nixternaland he used the term "copyright", in which he would enforce companies like IBM in their use of Linux and not GNU/Linux03:59
RichEdnixternal: you pinged me re a meeting last night ?04:05
nixternaldid i?04:05
nixternalthat was a couple of nights ago...just wondering about a "handbook" gathering04:05
jsgotangcoRichEd: does your phone accept sms? i sent you one earlier04:05
RichEdhi jsgotangco : got it :) been busy in spreadsheets ...04:06
nixternaljsgotangco: quit playing with your phone already04:06
jsgotangcoRichEd: oh good just checking, but you get the idea :D04:06
nixternali love my generic proprietary phone that doesn't all me to do anything but talk, text, and take pics ;)04:07
jsgotangconixternal: no way, i like extreme connectivity04:07
jsgotangconixternal: next target: Nokia N9504:07
RichEdjsgotangco: I've asked highvoltage for tuXlabs info, and before, and there does not seem to be any results facts ... just a sense that it helps ... but not data study04:07
jsgotangcoRichEd: yeah we talked about it earlier04:07
nixternalwell, we don't have that luxuary here in the us...we get cellular technology after the rest of the world has had it for years04:07
jsgotangcoRichEd: but anything can help04:07
sbalneavI love my total lack of a cell phone which means when I'm no where near a phone NO ONE CAN CALL ME TO TELL ME THEIR COMPUTOR IS BROKEEN! :)04:08
jsgotangconixternal: imagine a phone with 5MP camera and GPS04:08
RichEdnixternal: yep ... vested interests protecting capex invested in land line infrastructure ... good old lobbyists ;)04:08
jsgotangconixternal: our news reporters at work, its actually a requirement :D04:08
nixternalsbalneav: i am with you there..i just recently picked one up, as i was sick of people saying i was impossible to get a hold of..i told them if you email me, i usually respond within 24 hours ;)04:08
jsgotangconixternal: its not broadcast-quality, but with todays mobile networks, we could deliver news very efficiently with these "convergence" devices04:09
nixternali could deliver absolutely nothing with mine ;)04:12
jsgotangconixternal: well we have a segment of the population here that still relies on AM radio04:12
=== nixternal relies on AM radio
jsgotangcoso such things don't fit much obviously04:13
nixternali love my am radio04:13
willvdlnixternal, if their computer is broken then they presumably can't email you :)04:13
nixternalwillvdl: exactly!04:13
willvdlsilly me04:13
willvdlhighvoltage, I'm surprised Riaan didn't figure that one out yet :P04:14
nixternali was one of those that had to have the latest and greatest cell phones there was...then i got sick of the bills, the fact i wasn't using everything..and i hated people calling me all the time..so i took a good 2 years of cell phone use off04:14
jsgotangcoi change phones like twice i year, i know its a sickness04:15
jsgotangconixternal: i can actually do ssh with this one04:17
nixternalnow i would love that04:17
nixternalssh with a cell phone, umph04:17
jsgotangconixternal: it also has python 2.204:17
pips1jsgotangco: do you also have a little folding-out keyboard to go with that?04:18
nixternalpips1: the phone comes with its own secretary from the way it sounds ;)04:18
jsgotangcopips1: no its a blackberry-type form factor with qwerty and 320x240 qvga04:18
willvdljsgotangco, som countries in Africa have up to nine mobile operators with no convergence. You often see people carrying way more than one cellphone04:18
jsgotangconixternal: the web browser uses khtml rendering engine04:19
nixternaloh, well i know khtml rendering, and just how good that is </sarcasm>04:20
jsgotangcowillvdl: i think majority of asian countries are more advanced on the mobile front aside from europe04:20
nixternalthat is the one downfall then ;)04:20
jelkneris local usb device support on thin-clients in edgy?04:20
jelknerit doesn't seem to be working04:20
jelkneri thought ogra said earlier it was there04:20
pips1I had it working here04:21
jsgotangcoits part of the spec targets for edgy, although i admit i haven't tried it04:21
jsgotangcowe actually got something working during paris04:21
jelknerpips1: how does it work?  do you just insert a usb stick and it appears on the desktop?04:22
willvdljsgotangco, African countries opened their doors wide to operators over the past few years with no thought to policy, frameworks or competition. 04:22
pips1jelkner: yes04:22
jsgotangcowillvdl: but it seems the continent is one of the fastest to adopt mobile networks and use it for different market segments/applications04:23
willvdlthey have to, there is nothing else04:23
willvdlwith no policies and backhand deals going on, the result is somewhat chaotic at best04:23
willvdlhonestly, I know of guys who carry nine cellphones...04:24
jsgotangcoive read how it thrives in somalia too04:24
jsgotangcobut since there is no taxation to speak off04:24
willvdlconsider a country with a population of 5million and nine mobile operators :)04:24
willvdlthe result is that wifi doesn't really get in except in the rural settings04:25
jsgotangcowillvdl: are mobile networks utilised for education as well?04:25
willvdlprogrammes are starting...04:25
jsgotangcoit seems you can get mobile data there cheap04:26
willvdlbut then you're often looking at gprs comms04:26
jsgotangcoat least you can connect at dial-up quality level04:26
willvdlwhich is fine for specific purposes04:26
willvdlbut I'm not sure how much broadband there is04:26
pips1jelkner: if you file a bug, let me know the bug number, please, thanks04:26
willvdlIt also depends on what side of the continent you're on.04:26
jsgotangcowillvdl: just a wild experiment on our side, we streamed our edu content on HSDPA04:27
jsgotangcowe got a throughput of around 2+Mbps04:27
jsgotangcopretty good04:27
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willvdlI thought HSDPA was limited to 1.804:28
jsgotangcoit can go around 3+ i think04:28
willvdlooh, you're right, just looking at the spec04:28
jsgotangco3G can't go beyond 2 i think04:28
willvdlis it not more expensive to do it that way?04:29
jsgotangcoits not so bad04:29
willvdlhmmm, one can always strike bulk deals with the operators I guess04:29
jsgotangcowell its experimental04:29
willvdlThe good news is most of Africa adopted CDMA04:30
jsgotangcooh thats better04:30
willvdlso there's no legacy04:30
willvdlgood for QualCom :)04:30
jsgotangcoyou can get better mileage with evdo04:31
jsgotangcoand its already a proven method of delivery04:31
willvdlnot familiar with it really04:31
jsgotangcoi think the new ones coming can go almost 5Mbps downlink04:32
willvdlonly familiar with cdma from military spread-spectrum stuff04:32
willvdlfamiliar with MediaFLO?04:34
jsgotangcoi think ive heard of it, qualcomm thing right?04:34
jsgotangcocdma got killed here because of the killer app of gsm04:35
willvdlyip. Oh, it's evdo04:35
willvdlkiller app?04:35
willvdlah :)04:35
willvdlheard of mixit?04:35
willvdllovely littlw java (I think) app that does IM on the phone across protocols04:36
jsgotangcohmm thats interesting04:36
willvdlS.Africa company. Huge subscribers, cuts costs (not sms based) etc04:37
willvdlv nice example of "convergence"04:37
jsgotangco3G data cost is quite cheap here now, mobile IM use is growing04:38
jsgotangcoyou can actually do a lot of data stuff even on prepay now04:38
willvdlmakes sense. a lot of kids don't even have email addresses here :)04:38
willvdlreal pop-culture thing04:39
jsgotangcobut most still dont use email on phones because its not "push" technology by nature04:39
willvdlI've also heard that qualcomm is contending the patent rights on wimax04:40
jsgotangcoone of the local school connectivty projects is pinning its hopes on wimax for connectivity04:41
jsgotangcowe still suffer from "last mile" connectivity issues04:42
willvdleish, I get so many ocnflicting opinions on wimax vs wifi04:42
willvdlconflicting rather04:42
jsgotangcowe could connect a lot more schools in the rural areas with wimax04:44
jsgotangcoand would probably be cheaper in the long run04:45
pips1I'm re-installing dapper to test the dist-upgrade04:51
pips1I finished the dapper install, however, dhcp isn't running on the server. strange. Do I need to start it manually?04:52
=== pips1 tries to remember
willvdljsgotangco, can one roam on wimax?04:54
=== pips1 remembers
jsgotangcowillvdl: well its pretty much like wifi on steroids, with a wider coverage04:55
jsgotangco(we talking about kilometers of coverage)04:56
willvdlyeah but I think there are some issues around mobility still04:56
jsgotangcoi think its pretty much classified as fixed wireless04:57
willvdlyeah, but then with the range, it's probably not an issue04:59
highvoltagewillvdl: sorry, I can't scroll up that far. what didn't riaan figure out?05:11
willvdlhaha. nah just a support desk joke about emailing to say your computer is broken05:11
RichEdogra: has any plan been put in place to update the download links for Edubutu to include edgy ?05:12
RichEdnewz2000 is busy with pages now for Ubuntu.05:12
ograRichEd, how do you mean ?05:12
RichEdogra: can you pop into #ubuntu-matt and we can all chat quickly ?05:14
jsgotangcoRichEd: do you mean for edubuntu.org?05:21
RichEdyep jsgotangco : pop into  #ubuntu-matt if you'd like to join the discussion.05:21
jsgotangcohighvoltage: what was the login page again for the website?05:22
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jsgotangcohighvoltage: hmm do i actually have edit rights to the main pages05:28
juliuxRichEd, ogra  i will support the edubuntu edgy iso via bittorrent again with my rootserver;)05:32
RichEdthanks :)05:32
jsgotangcobittorrent always helps05:32
juliuxi have 30gb traffic left05:34
RichEdjsgotangco: do you have edit rights ? please confirm or else we will need to get hold of pips1 or highvoltage / jonathan2 at the meeting tonight05:34
juliuxand an uni account;)05:34
highvoltagejsgotangco: you're supposed to have05:34
highvoltagejsgotangco: pips1 edited the access rights a while ago05:34
jsgotangcohighvoltage: i dont see any "content" menu nor able to edit the pages that i made before05:35
jsgotangcoi get access denied on /admin05:35
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Amaranthugh, we need something you can subscribe evolution to for meetings05:49
Amaranthinstead of a monthly ical that i always forget to redownload and never had CC meetings on it05:50
juliuxAmaranth, evolutions ical support is realy bad;)05:53
juliuxAmaranth, use sunbird;)05:53
Amaranthi just want something i can subscribe to05:53
Amaranthsunbird would have to be running all the time05:53
Amaranthunless it has e-d-s integration05:53
Amaranthi want my clock to have my meeting info :P05:53
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smile2meLtsp anyone?05:55
highvoltageyes please.05:56
smile2mei'm gettint the tftp file not found error05:56
lucasvo.w 1405:57
=== cliebow [n=cliebow@smoothwallkludge.ellsworth-hs.ellsworth.k12.me.us] has joined #edubuntu
smile2mehelp anyone?05:58
smile2meguess not06:00
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highvoltageugh. busy talking to RichEd in other channel and missed smile2me's question06:02
RichEdhighvoltage: I'll get some text ready about the fact that there is only downloads available and no CDs via shipit06:04
RichEdhighvoltage: what time does the release normally go out on the "promised day" ?06:05
highvoltageRichEd: normally as early as possible, as soon as everything is ready06:06
highvoltageit has varied from 10am-12 noon for ubuntu in the past06:06
highvoltageand edubuntu followed a few hours later06:06
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RichEdhighvoltage: thanks ... that means we will be able to tie up the loose ends at the meeting tonight ... ready to go on the morrow.06:08
BonBonTheJonare you guys admins, because I have some text for the handbook06:09
BonBonTheJonit is for Concepts: Networks and Networking06:12
BonBonTheJonI have it at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/28260/06:12
BonBonTheJonIt's not totally done, but its a good start06:12
BonBonTheJonI have to go, but if you guys get a chance, look at it, and tell me what you think06:12
highvoltageBonBonTheJon: ok, please come again later06:15
RichEdBonBonTheJon: nixternal is doing handbook : nixternal look here when you are around please: BonBonTheJon> it is for Concepts: Networks and Networking06:18
RichEd<BonBonTheJon> I have it at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/28260/06:18
ogracliebow, !! you here ! :)06:32
=== ogra switches machines
=== ogra [n=ogra@ubuntu/member/ogra] has joined #edubuntu
nixternali will take a look at here in few RichEd and BonBonTheJon ;)  thanks!06:54
=== nixternal is finishing up homework b4 class like usual ;)
=== pygi [n=mario@83-131-7-247.adsl.net.t-com.hr] has joined #edubuntu
cliebow ogra: that is some wild bootsplah screen07:15
ogracbx33 made it07:16
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RichEdhi LaserJock 07:45
RichEdLaserJock: :) did you get my default apps and menu mail the other day ?07:47
cliebowogra:wont edgy start without a valid ldapserver...?07:47
cliebow having altered nsswitch.conf07:48
ograit should work, but i must admit i dont use ldap (yet) its a target for feaisty (edgy+1)07:49
Burgworkcliebow: it will start, it will just be very slow07:50
Burgworkcliebow: it needs to timeout trying to contact the ldap server, which takes about 3 minutes07:50
LaserJockRichEd: argg, yeah. It's not easy. and my mail is down right now07:50
RichEdno rush ... as long as we can chat about it some time :)07:50
LaserJockwell, we can chat about it now07:51
LaserJockI just can't read your email right now07:51
cliebow heh..it timed out about ten minutes ago checkr\ed the fdile system..and now just sittimg there07:51
Burgworkogra: is edubuntu-as-a-public-computer on the agenda? are their specs for that?07:51
LaserJockRichEd: just remind me real quick as to what you want to do07:52
ograBurgwork: liek a webkiosk ?07:53
RichEdLaserJock: too much happening ... we can chat at UDS07:53
Burgworkwebkiosk and full-on public computer desktop07:53
ograhttps://wiki.ubuntu.com/HowtoWriteLTSP5Plugins ... thats a general feature i'll add to feisty ... doesnt need speccing ...07:53
LaserJockRichEd: ok, np07:54
ograits only a handfull of lines to add to a new ltsp plugin ...07:54
Burgworkweb kiosk isn't hard, just use ephy's lockdown07:54
LaserJockmy UDS plans are changing I think07:54
RichEdogra: did you gate a chance to check out the release announcement for accuracy ? https://wiki.ubuntu.com/EdgyAnnouncementEdubuntu?07:54
Burgworkdesktiop is slightly different07:54
LaserJockI've got too much stuff to do at work07:54
ograRichEd: i didnt edit it yet 07:54
ograbu i'll do07:54
LaserJockso I think I'm going to just be in Mountain View for Sunday and Monday07:55
ograam busy with the tests atm07:55
RichEdogra: no problem07:55
ograLaserJock: oh no !07:55
LaserJockI know07:55
LaserJockI'm not needed much though so it'll be ok I'm sure :-)07:55
LaserJockI just want to say hello to everybody and discuss some specific topics07:56
LaserJockMOTU and non-LTSP edubuntu stuff07:57
=== LaserJock is now known as Laser_away
Laser_awaybbl, emergency meeting at school :-)07:57
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neurogeeklguerra, thanks for your help with contacting mhz08:25
cbx33is mhz ok?08:25
cbx33havn't seen him in ages08:25
=== highvoltage was wondering about it too
highvoltageI mean... about him08:26
cbx33I did ask a few weeks ago08:26
highvoltagepips1 too08:26
neurogeekcbx33, i think he is!08:26
cbx33cliebow, is the usplash ok ?08:29
cbx33 :008:29
cliebowit is Cool!..took a little getting used to though..boss thought id set fire to the monitor!!08:45
cliebowBurgwork:with any luck bind_policy soft in libnss-ldap.conf will help08:46
cliebowyes..tht\atr made life a heck of a lor\t easier08:49
RichEdhi pips ... we will need to edit a couple of pages on www.edubuntu.org tomorrow.08:56
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ograRichEd: i wont attend teh meeting today for obvious iso testing reasons ...09:35
LaserJockack, is there a Edubuntu meeting today?09:36
ograwell, there is oine scheduled in 30min09:36
LaserJockI've been in a meeting all morning09:36
LaserJockit's one of those days :-)09:37
RichEdogra: that's fine ... it will be a very short update meeting ... I need to be up early tomorrow to sort out the press release info and make sure the web site pages are all linked properly & accurate09:37
=== jbrefort [n=jean@lns-bzn-52-82-65-68-54.adsl.proxad.net] has joined #edubuntu
RichEdogra: can I just ask you to make sure you are happy with the announcement page ... so that I have it ready & accurate when I wake up09:37
highvoltageRichEd: where is it?09:38
ograyep, as i said, i'll care later tonight09:38
ograi doubt i'll go to sleep tonight ... kets see how fast i am ...09:38
RichEdhighvoltage: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/EdgyAnnouncementEdubuntu09:38
ograthe ubuntu specific stuff needs to get dropped and we need to add more detailed edubuntu features ...09:39
ogra(f-spot and the like)09:40
RichEdogra: I was not sure what ubuntu features will carry up into Edubuntu - must that entire section drop off ?09:41
RichEdogra: and whatever is easiest for you ... if you want to send me a text email, I am happy to edit the page and neaten ... 09:41
ogradont worry i'll clean that up09:41
ograno, i'm fine with editing it, just have a look at it for grammar and typos tomorrow ...09:42
=== ogra goes to look for some food
RichEd===== edubuntu meeting in 15 mins in #ubuntu-meeting === short update only = 20-30 mins tops ====09:43
juliuxRichEd, a short meeting is good;)09:44
=== highvoltage needs recharging, so ++ on that
LaserJockRichEd: you know it'll got 1 hr at least ;-)09:45
LaserJockyou can't say "short meeting" without it doing that09:45
=== juliux has only 30min
RichEdLaserJock: I will keep my inflammatory ideas and comments to myself ... that will keep it short ;)09:46
juliuxLaserJock, we can ask ubotu to kick us all after 30min ;)09:46
LaserJockRichEd: hehe09:46
RichEdfor tomorrow: I have to be fresh for release email, release page updates, german hotel booking, german visa application, and write a 30 min presentation ... and that's all due before lunch time 09:47
sbalneavCan I propose my own inflammatory ideas and comments then? "The Illuminati are stealing my brainwaves!!!!"09:47
=== RichEd notes that it may be to late already for sbalneav ;)
nixternalwhoa..almost forgot about the meeting09:48
highvoltagenixternal: how dare you!09:49
nixternalim so busy right now09:49
RichEdbusy + multi-tasking = lots of stuff falls off the back of the bus ... I know the feeling09:50
nixternali have 2 tests and a class tonight, so im leaving in 2 hours, i have the release page to build for Kubuntu tonight, helping with the art server, and i was interested in becoming an official "part" of the edubuntu community ;)09:50
nixternalhaha RichEd...that is why i leave that emergency exit door closed and locked09:50
nixternalcan't let it fall off09:51
=== RichEd is going for a quick ciggie ... that tends to open the emergency door wide open ... but at least slows me down to get ready for sleep in an hour
nixternalhehe, i quit smoking years ago ;)09:52
RichEdwell this one will be my first for the day ... and at 21:52 that's not too bad09:53
RichEd===== edubuntu meeting in 6 mins in #ubuntu-meeting === short update only = 20-30 mins tops ====09:53
nixternalheh, keep telling yourself that ;)09:53
RichEd===== edubuntu meeting now in #ubuntu-meeting === short update only = 20-30 mins tops ====09:59
=== sorush20 [n=sorush20@82-43-184-143.cable.ubr07.newm.blueyonder.co.uk] has joined #edubuntu
sorush20hi what is the best graph drwaing tool10:13
sbalneavGRAPH drawing, or GRAPHICS drawing?10:14
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sorush20sbalneav: graphs plotting for scientific data10:32
stgrabergnuplot ?10:32
LaserJockthere is also a gnome frontend for gnuplot called plotdrop10:35
floydwildewhat do you have to do after installing to get ltsp working?10:40
floydwildeI did nothing except edit the dhcp file to match my network and a thin clinet boots into a login, but no logins work10:41
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ografloydwilde: dapper (6.06) ?10:51
sbalneavfloydwilde: You might have to execute the command:10:52
sbalneavsudo ltsp-update-sshkeys 10:52
floydwildeyes its dapper11:03
ograthen do what sbalneav11:04
floydwildewhat about ltsp-build-client?11:04
floydwildeguess not since I can login now11:05
=== edubuntugirl [n=edubuntu@] has joined #edubuntu
ograoooh, hi edubuntugirl11:09
ograhow nice to see her :)11:09
highvoltageI can't make her say anything at the moment, but if you talk directly to her she'll talk back11:09
highvoltageshe's back permanently now :)11:09
highvoltageedubuntugirl: hi there11:09
edubuntugirlhola, highvoltage!11:09
highvoltageedubuntugirl: ogra11:09
edubuntugirlogra is Oliver Grawert11:09
highvoltageedubuntugirl: RichEd is Richard Weideman11:10
edubuntugirlhighvoltage: sure thing11:10
ograshe didnt forget about me :)11:10
highvoltageyeah :)11:10
pips1hey edubuntugirl11:10
edubuntugirlhi, pips1!11:10
highvoltageedubuntugirl: google edubuntu11:10
edubuntugirlhighvoltage: Google found 'Edubuntu Home Page | edubuntu', at http://www.edubuntu.org/11:10
highvoltageedubuntugirl: ogra++11:10
highvoltageedubuntugirl: karma ogra11:11
edubuntugirlhighvoltage: ogra has karma of 111:11
ograedubuntugirl: google Oliver Grawert11:11
edubuntugirlogra: Google found 'Oliver Grawert', at http://www.grawert.net/weblog.cgi11:11
highvoltageedubuntugirl: lsmod11:11
edubuntugirlhighvoltage: Module list: Strip Auth Hate Ignore Modules Perl Rehash Irc SQLSeen Kernel Rot13 ITime UKChart GoogleCmp StonerName RFC Urban DiscDate BZFlag RoShamBo Timer NickOMeter Greet Google Lotto Insult FileFactoid Swear Ping Fortune Exchange Announce RWAR EtherCode GoogleCalc Divine Dvorak Slashdot Units Logs TraceRoute Say BashOrg MemoFor HowFar Babel NMBLookup Jwhois Morse LastFM Crypt SQLFactoid SQLFactoidupdate SQLFactoidforget SQLFactoidsea11:11
highvoltageedubuntugirl: tell ogra remember to ping me when you get this11:12
edubuntugirlRighto, highvoltage!11:12
highvoltageogra: hello11:12
ograhello ?11:12
edubuntugirlogra: by the way, highvoltage told me to tell you 'remember to ping me when you get this' 22 seconds ago (on Wed Oct 25 23:11:49 2006)11:12
highvoltage^^^ memo function :)11:12
highvoltageedubuntugirl: seen pips1 11:12
edubuntugirlpips1 was last seen on #edubuntu 2 minutes and 9 seconds ago, saying: :) [Wed Oct 25 23:10:26 2006] 11:12
ogracan she have a "last said" mode ?11:13
ograah, ubercool11:13
highvoltageogra: what's that?11:13
highvoltagelike the seen?11:13
ograwhat you just did :)11:13
highvoltagecool :)11:13
=== pips1 hugs edubuntugirl
=== ogra needs more coffee ... these install tests start getting boring ...
highvoltagegoodnight, #edubuntu. the 15-20 minute meeting is a bit long for me :)11:17
highvoltageedubuntugirl: goodnight11:17
edubuntugirlgoodnight, highvoltage. I'll keep an eye out for the MS spies while you sleep.11:17
highvoltagethank you.11:17
pips1nn highvoltage11:18
highvoltagenn pips1 11:19
sbalneavedubuntugirl: sbalneav11:20
edubuntugirlsbalneav: what?11:20
sbalneavThat's usually the reaction I get from girls :)11:20
highvoltageedubuntugirl: sbalneav is Scott Balneaves11:21
edubuntugirlhighvoltage: k11:21
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RichEdLaserJock: we could have pointed sorush to the new forum: <sorush20> sbalneav: graphs plotting for scientific data11:49
LaserJockyes, check out https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UbuntuScientists11:50
LaserJockIMO we need one of those for Education11:51
RichEdagain ... a busy page ... but crisp ... crispness makes me more patient on web pages11:51
LaserJockyes, it needs to be split up a bit11:51
LaserJockbut there is a lot of nice content11:51
RichEdagreed ... added to the list :)11:52
RichEdf.y.i. the menu mail thread was almost that I want something almost exactly like this page for Edubuntu:11:53
RichEd= when you install Edubuntu, you get the following applications on your desktop ready to use !11:54
RichEd= when you install Edubuntu, you get the following applications you can install with a few clicks from Universe11:54
RichEdThat shows the true meaning of "Open Source is so much more than a desktop"11:55
LaserJockyeah, that's the thing I'm trying to figure out. It's not just what you have on your desktop, it's what you have "access" to as well11:55
RichEdMost people think of an operating system install as being MS Windows with a bunch of (trivial) accessories ...11:57
RichEdSo if we say "open source free operating system" people only assume that they get the same but for free11:57
RichEdWhen in fact, if you stick our CD into your PC, you can go so very much further ....11:58
RichEdAnd we need to get that message across = for Open Source11:58
RichEdAnd youu can go so very much further, so much easier11:59
RichEdWe need to get that message across = for Ubuntu and its variants11:59
pips1RichEd: I read an interesting post today on the subject of installing applications on windows vs. on ubuntu/linux in general... Although I thought the original poster missed the point, it still got me thinking about an interesting topic from another angle... 12:00
=== pygi is afraid he's slowly getting out of sync with FOSS happenings, and his development efforts :'(
RichEdpygi: expand on the comment: it still got me thinking about an interesting topic from another angle... 12:01
pygiRichEd: ?12:02
pips1Is Ubuntu an Operating System? http://benjamin.smedbergs.us/blog/2006-10-04/is-ubuntu-an-operating-system/12:02
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RichEdsorry  .. me is going mad slowly ... I read pips1 comment and pygi comment as the same person ...12:03
LaserJockwoah, me too12:03
pips1basically, where I see a real benefit in the Debian/Ubuntu way, is that you not only install the software, but you also get security updates for all that software... 12:03
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pips1I think most software users don't realise this/don't think about software in that way, i.e. that there is a certain life cycle involved, and security issues with every software... of coure, software developers are well aware of this, but I don't think users in general12:05
RichEdpips1: and you can select from your desktop via Add/Remove without having to go hunt down web pages12:05
RichEdAnd when you find the application, it is click, okay, thanks, forget about it12:06
LaserJockyeah, and it won't have viruses or spy bots in it12:06
LaserJockI was just trying to find a wallpaper/theme for Windows XP and got a ton of junk12:06
pips1I imagine the "microsoft user" way of thinking is kind of "short sighted" / practical in a way that they just want their daily needs to be taken care of (i.e. productivity apps, email, browser), and in addition, they want some funny/usefully "extras", whatever they come across or other people tell them about (I'm thinking viral email stuff, funny movie clips, etc, but also little applications that do something which is helpful to the user,12:08
pips1 at least at the time they hear about it first..)12:08
LaserJockwell, if you don't know any better12:08
lguerrahi all12:11
pips1but users don't think about *maintenance* of software as such, I think. They expect a PC to have a certain life expectency, say 3 years, and they don't look any further than that, when they select one of those "non-essiential"/non-daily-use apps... they download it, install it, use it (or not) and then might forget it or simply use it at certain times. But I don't think they will think about "upgrading" that little app to the latest versio12:11
pips1n, or remotely think about making sure they get *security updates* for that app...12:11
pips1^^^ which is of course a great feature of Debian. You *do* get security updates for every app.12:13
RichEdyes, I wouldn't say it is short sighted so much as conditioned ... if I am in Windows, and am looking for say a CAD package ... which I want for free because the wife is talking about adding a room onto the house, then I have to search a bunch of freeware sites, and have to work out if it is actually freeware, or a cripple demo,or shareware with a time limit, or nags asking me to contribute to some poor schmuck ... it is actualy somet12:13
RichEdimes quite a frustrating / depressing couple of hours12:13
pips1Just, I don't think users are aware of the benefits, or care about those benefits too much.12:13
RichEdbut in Edubuntu, I go to Add/Remove, type in CAD, look at the few options, I know they are free, I know they are going to work ... so I can click and go, and 15 minutes later, I am playing with a floor layout plan12:15
RichEdmuch less stress, less guilt than browsing a frustrating warez site ... and life goes on peacefully12:16
pips1Hmm. At first, I thought that there were *much more* open source applications available in debian in total than shareware apps out there... but I'm not sure anymore really. There are tons of windows-based freeware and shareware apps out there! And there are also some pretty good sites that list, categorise and review those freeware + shareware apps, too12:16

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