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UbugtuSchedule for Etc/UTC: 25 Oct 20:00: Edubuntu | 07 Nov 20:00: Technical Board09:54
GNAM@schedule ROME09:56
UbugtuSchedule for Europe/Rome: 25 Oct 22:00: Edubuntu | 07 Nov 21:00: Technical Board09:56
GNAMeveryone is working at edgy release09:56
GNAMno time for meetings.09:56
lotusleafmerry meetings10:01
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nixternal@schedule chicago03:48
UbugtuSchedule for America/Chicago: 25 Oct 15:00: Edubuntu | 07 Nov 14:00: Technical Board03:48
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lguerra@schedule bogota06:48
UbugtuSchedule for America/Bogota: 25 Oct 15:00: Edubuntu | 07 Nov 15:00: Technical Board06:48
ian_brasil@schedule manaus06:53
UbugtuSchedule for America/Manaus: 25 Oct 16:00: Edubuntu | 07 Nov 16:00: Technical Board06:53
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rodarvus@schedule Sao_Paulo09:45
UbugtuSchedule for America/Sao_Paulo: 25 Oct 18:00: Edubuntu | 07 Nov 18:00: Technical Board09:45
sivang@schedule Israel09:48
UbugtuSchedule for Israel: 25 Oct 22:00: Edubuntu | 07 Nov 22:00: Technical Board09:48
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=== ..[topic/#ubuntu-meeting:Ubugtu] : Current meeting: Edubuntu | Calendar: http://fridge.ubuntu.com/event | Logs: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MeetingLogs/ | 07 Nov 20:00 UTC: Technical Board
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stgraber@schedule Zurich09:53
UbugtuSchedule for Europe/Zurich: Current meeting: Edubuntu | 07 Nov 21:00: Technical Board09:53
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Boondoggleevery body ./j thetravelers09:58
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nixternaloh sure, let me get right on that09:58
=== nixternal kicks the #ubuntu-meeting channel - WAKE UP! Edubuntu Meeting Time ;)
highvoltagehi nixternal and stgraber 09:59
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nixternalwell hello there09:59
highvoltageand LaserJock, of course09:59
RichEdhi ... will get going in 1 min09:59
nixternaloh no, LaserJock is here09:59
LaserJocksorry, I keep forgetting to join this channel09:59
nixternalthats alright LaserJock, we keep forgetting to tell you about it ;)10:00
juliuxhi all10:00
sbalneavOk, so, we're discussing how the Edubuntu desktop's being replaced by a re-write of the "pong" game in python, right?10:00
=== RichEd jumps to attention at the sound of the bong
RichEdhello all10:02
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ajmitchhi RichEd :)10:02
=== nixternal request urinalysis for those excited by the "bong"
RichEdtime and energy is limited so we will keep it brief10:02
sbalneavI was thinking of the gong show.10:03
rodarvushi there10:03
sbalneavThought chuck berry had joined our ranks.10:03
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highvoltageroll over beat hoven10:03
cbx33sorry guys...I'm not gonna be able to make the meeting tonight?10:03
highvoltagecbx33: I don't know. I thought you'd know10:03
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RichEdogra is busy testing10:04
RichEdfrom 2 mins ago from #ubuntu-release: <mdz> looking good, everyone10:04
cbx33damn me and silly punctuation10:04
sbalneavMy tests last night went swimmingly.10:04
cbx33mine too10:04
RichEdso we are all holding thumbs for a smooth release :)10:04
cbx33peace out dudes10:04
nixternaltests here have been good so far as well, on the stand alone side10:04
RichEdbye cbx33 10:04
nixternallater cbx3310:04
cbx33oh RichEd 10:04
highvoltagebye cbx33 10:04
rodarvusrelease is expected next morning10:04
cbx33can I just pm you quick about a meeting item?10:04
rodarvusand unless something goes really bad, should happen successfully10:05
RichEdsure cbx33 10:05
RichEdrodarvus: you can lead tech update ... any other comments / news10:05
rodarvusyes, I'd like to remind everyone that as soon as Edgy is released10:06
rodarvuswe are going to work FULL TIME on preparation for UDS Mountain View10:06
rodarvusso, if you need help to add your stuff to features.launchpad.net10:06
RichEdcbx33: before you go ... some excited comments on your uplash screen flying around10:06
rodarvusplease do not hesitate contacting us10:07
LaserJockrodarvus: any word on when the feisty repos will open?10:07
rodarvusLaserJock, yes, when edgy is released10:07
rodarvusbut the first few days are reserved for toolchain10:07
rodarvusglibc, gcc, binutils, etc10:07
rodarvusand no other packages are allowed until this is stabilized10:07
highvoltagerodarvus: and do we know yet if there's going to be a way for people outside UDS-MTV to communicate with the BoF sessions?10:07
rodarvusexpect this to take at least one week, maybe two10:07
rodarvusin other words, right after UDS mountain vew10:08
rodarvushighvoltage, yes, this is under heavy testing right now.10:08
juliuxhighvoltage, good point10:08
rodarvusits quite likely that we'll use Ekiga conference rooms10:08
LaserJockok, I was thinking of trying to upload some stuff for people to try before Mt View but I'll wait10:08
cbx33good I hyope RichEd 10:08
highvoltageoh excellent10:08
rodarvusso, no more closed source software for conferencing :)10:08
highvoltageteamspeak R.I.P.10:08
rodarvusLaserJock, yeah, unfortunately that will have to wait10:08
highvoltage"Player has left the game"10:09
sbalneav\o/ ekiga10:09
rodarvusclan anyhow, final note on the features: make sure you have *your* plans there. its much easier to have your stuff added to feisty if it was planned in advance10:09
rodarvusand developed according to the plans10:09
rodarvuseven if you are not going to be on MV, add it to the feature list10:10
rodarvusand those of us that are there can discuss it10:10
rodarvus(and you can participate via Ekiga, or whatever tool is chosen, and gobby)10:10
cbx33rodarvus, is there an http proxy for Ekiga?10:10
RichEdif you just have ideas, send to the mailing list ... we'll cobble together proper launchpad features10:10
rodarvuscbx33, yes, there is10:10
rodarvusRichEd, exactly10:10
cbx33rodarvus, please please, if we can sort somekind of http proxy for these tools10:10
cbx33I can still attend a lot from work10:11
cbx33if you could mail me some details that would be so fantastic10:11
rodarvuscbx33, I'm sure the support team is working on this, but I'll remember them when I talk to them tomorrow morning10:11
cbx33right I really gotta go10:11
cbx33please do10:11
cbx33I'll email yuo ua reminder tonight ;)10:11
RichEdcbx33: mail me and rodarvus about a wiki page for "outside attendees"10:12
cbx33rodarvus, it's possible I can take one day off work if there is a BOF that is very pertainent to me....10:12
cbx33and that means I'm ok witho ut the http proy...10:12
rodarvuscbx33, I don't think you'll need a day off. make sure Lisa is ok with you awake until late evening, though :D10:12
cbx33but I need http proxy for gobby and ekiga ;)10:12
RichEdWe will discuss UDS in detail at next weeks meeting10:12
rodarvusour working day starts when your working day is over, in the UK10:12
cbx33ah yes10:12
cbx33ok peace out10:13
rodarvussay UTC-8, I think10:13
RichEdso cbx33 : bring up a wiki page at the meeting then10:13
rodarvusanyhow, this is basically what I had to talk on tech update10:13
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highvoltagebtw, do we have the http://www.boingboing.net/2006/10/25/msie_sends_a_cake_to.html covered?10:13
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pygihey all10:14
pygisorry for being late :(10:14
rodarvuson less than bright news, my laptop was stolen this morning, with all my email, and other important stuff. if you have sent me an email, please resend it to me, so I can properly answer10:14
sbalneavOh noes!10:14
Seveasrodarvus, : (10:14
sbalneavFrom your house?10:14
highvoltagerodarvus: urgh!10:14
highvoltagerodarvus: backups++10:14
rodarvusfrom inside a bus10:14
rodarvushighvoltage, I always have backups10:14
rodarvusbut I nuked my weekly backup just a few days ago, for doing Edgy installation testing10:15
rodarvus(dude, that hurts)10:15
rodarvusI'll also have to buy a new laptop for me, in time for MV10:15
rodarvusand this is going to be *hard*, in Brazil10:15
rodarvuswish me luck :)10:15
LaserJockman, that is to terrible10:15
=== LaserJock has flashbacks of Paris
RichEdrodarvus: are prices bad in Brazil - can someone bring one for you from a cheaper place ?10:16
highvoltageLaserJock: you and rodarvus can start a support group ;)10:17
LaserJockyeah, I didn't loose nearly as much as Rodrigo though, unless somebody in Paris steals my identity10:17
rodarvusRichEd, prices are horrible in brazil - I'm talking with mneptok already, though10:18
RichEdgood ... keep in mind that models like HP / compaq have a world wide guarantee10:19
juliuxthe hp nx series are very cheap here10:20
=== pips1 joins the meeting quietly
rodarvusI'm considering getting an IBM this time10:20
LaserJockrodarvus: and you can't wait until you are actually in Mountain View? surely buying a laptop in Silicon Valley would be cheaper than in Brazil10:20
rodarvusthe problem with brazil is that laptop insurance here is extremely expensive10:21
rodarvuslike, 400 US$ per year or such10:21
rodarvusLaserJock, yeah, that is the idea10:21
LaserJockfor insurance?!?!10:21
RichEdOkay ... back to the agenda :)10:22
rodarvusyes, sorry for taking the meeting off-agenda10:22
pips1did I read correctly... release is probably going to be tomorrow?!10:22
RichEdno problem10:22
highvoltagepips1: yep, all along :)10:22
ajmitchrodarvus: I can sympathise with your loss :)10:22
RichEdyes pips1 testing had a glitch earlier, but all seems good now10:23
rodarvuspips1, yes10:23
RichEdrodarvus: when you said: <rodarvus> anyhow, this is basically what I had to talk on tech update10:23
RichEdwere you done, or about to start ??10:23
rodarvusI'm done10:23
RichEdokay ... moving on ...10:23
RichEdTechnical Documentation10:23
RichEdnixternal: comments ? you are the main man here10:24
nixternalhow am i the main man?  all i do is update the svn ;)10:24
nixternalhandbook won't be ready, and truthfully i think it may need some restructuring10:24
RichEd^^ well you know the status better than anyone ...10:24
nixternali would rather be safe right now, take our time, an dnot rush...10:25
nixternalwell as for the typical documentation that goes out with every release, I dont' know who does that for you all, or even where it is stored10:25
RichEdwhat issues will it cause if people do not have an new version ?10:25
nixternalnew version or?10:25
nixternalno or10:25
nixternalargh, i can't type10:25
sbalneavAny chance of posting the information somewhere, in html form?  There's precious little doco for the ltsp side of things, and some of the stuff that I've brought in there will help us to reduce our support load.10:26
nixternalsbalneav: yes10:26
RichEdi.e. if people are downloading and installing edgy, and looking at old documents, wil they have a huge gap anywhere ?10:26
nixternalit needs to validate first, which shouldn't be to difficult for me to get done, and then it needs to be groomed10:26
LaserJockRichEd: I don't think there are any old documents10:26
nixternalim checking now10:27
LaserJockthe only real deadline was for shipping docs10:27
nixternalit is all Ubuntu docs anyways10:27
LaserJockanything else (HTML, etc.) can be done at any time10:27
nixternalLaserJock: how come Edubuntu doesn't have a release notes, about edubuntu, and desktop guide in the first place?10:28
LaserJockit had release notes at one point10:28
=== ogra [n=ogra@ubuntu/member/ogra] has joined #ubuntu-meeting
nixternalevery other project does, but Edubuntu utilizes the Ubuntu documentation, which I think could be problematic since it doesn't cover anything Edubuntu10:28
LaserJockbut for the rest, nobody has written it10:28
nixternalOK, well the Handbook will become the "Desktop Guide" eventually10:29
ogranixternal: it covers server and desktop administration ... 10:29
ogra(the ubuntu docs)10:29
LaserJockbut it isn't shipped so we don't need to worry about timeline right now10:29
pips1the only edubuntu-specific documentation that is shipping on the cd is the firefox start page, or not?10:29
ogracurrently thats it10:29
RichEdAnd from all accounts, most things are easier in Edgy than Dapper, so there should be less need for help ?10:30
ograRichEd wanted a short testing status ...10:30
nixternalogra: did the firefox start page get fixed, title wise?10:30
ograwell, depends where you look at ...10:30
pips1what about documentation that is launched with the release? i.e. release notes are done in the ubuntu release notes, right? anything else?10:31
ograwe didnt change any apps, so teh maintenance and configuration questions for these will stay teh same 10:31
RichEdogra: go ahead ...  with testing status when you are ready10:31
pyginixternal: it should become Desktop Guide in Feisty10:31
pygieverything else is not an option10:32
nixternalHandbook will become the dg in feisty?10:32
nixternalman it takes me forever to spell that little word10:32
ograhttps://wiki.ubuntu.com/Testing/Current has the testing status ... edubuntu is the table at the bottom10:32
nixternalogra: i will add some info in a bit to it...all my i386 stand alone is PASS, except for the "resizing" portions10:33
ograoh, whats wrong there ? 10:34
nixternali didn't do resizing..no fial10:34
nixternalya, i left you hanging10:34
ograah, fine 10:34
pips1ogra: what's the status of testing the dist-upgrade?10:34
pips1I started to test a amd64 edubuntu server upgrade test myself earlier, but did have a chance to go through with it yet...10:34
ograi thought it was broken for you or something :)10:34
nixternali re-read it and went i bet ogra is like oh no, whats wrong ;)10:34
ograpips1: i did one and i think juliux did one as well10:34
=== lloydinho [n=andreas@rosinante.egmont-kol.dk] has joined #ubuntu-meeting
ograbut mine dates about a week back 10:34
ograi'll do one tomorrow morning if there is still time left10:35
pips1does the dist-upgrade run through completely fine, or does it need any manual steps from the user?10:35
pygipips1: runs fine10:37
pips1I only noted jelkner did a dist-upgrade earlier and managed to get his system running with a little help from highvoltage10:37
pips1pygi: ok, thanks10:37
highvoltagejelkner did some unique things, it seems10:37
pips1right :-)10:38
highvoltageshe overwrote her /etc/exports file with a blank file somehow10:38
ograbtw https://wiki.ubuntu.com/EnableLTSP5LocalDevices10:38
=== RichEd was wondering about jeff and a sex change
=== highvoltage gets confused with all the jelkner
ograin case someone asks again about local deviuces10:38
highvoltageaaah, I was confusing jelkner with elkbuntu :)10:39
pygihighvoltage: !10:39
highvoltage(IT'S LATE, OKAY!)10:39
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pygihighvoltage: dont shout ;)10:40
=== pips1 notes that the meeting topic has gone back to TECH for the testing update
=== pips1 wonders if the tech DOC topic is done yet
highvoltagepips1: as it usually does ;)10:41
pips1<pips1> what about documentation that is launched with the release? 10:41
pips1 release notes are done in the ubuntu release notes, right? anything else?10:41
RichEdre agenda: ogra was busy, and just popped in for tech10:42
RichEdpips1: as ar as I know ... yes10:42
RichEd*as far10:42
ograright, please move on ...10:42
pips1what about DOC on the edubuntu.org site? does any page need to be updated specifically? 10:43
RichEdpips1: yes ... there are a few related to downloads ...10:44
pips1oh these last minute questions, lordy!10:44
RichEdwe need to explain the following:10:44
pips1ok, I can update the mirror download links, no problem10:44
RichEd1. there is now Edgy as well as LTS for download10:44
ogragettingstarted should also get a rewrite ...10:44
RichEdwe need to make sure people can see both ... LTS is not meant to be replaced by Edgy10:44
RichEdthanks ogra : I'll add to my page of thinsg to review10:45
highvoltageit needs a heavy re-write10:45
ograRichEd: but that can happen next week, its just dropping off stuff 10:45
RichEdthat's good ... I have noted and we will work though it10:46
ograhighvoltage: well, i'd say its fine it just has to much stuff on it for todays edubuntu10:46
pips1RichEd: understood. we need both Edgy and LTS dowload (mirror) listings 10:46
RichEdrejden: Edgy vs LTS here is the official statement10:46
RichEdEdubuntu 6.10 will be supported for 18 months on both desktops10:46
RichEdand servers. Note that the previous stable release (6.06 LTS)10:46
RichEdis a long-term support release, and so users requiring a longer10:46
RichEdsupport lifetime may choose to continue using that version rather10:46
RichEdthan upgrade to or install 6.10.10:46
RichEd<end quote>10:46
highvoltage6.06 is really still good.10:47
RichEdWe also need to explain that there will be NO free shipit CDs for Edgy for Edubuntu10:47
RichEdOptions are:10:47
RichEddownload Edgy or LTS10:47
ogranot even for LOCOs as promised before ?10:47
RichEdshipit LTS10:47
=== pips1 copy-pastes the quote for inclusion on the download page
RichEdbuy Edgy : I have list of suppliers10:48
highvoltage6) Freedom toasters :)10:48
RichEdas in pay for the CD not the s/w <- before I get shot down in flames !10:48
sbalneavCan we buy cd's?10:49
=== pygi shoots down RichEd
ograRichEd: are you positively sure that we dont ship edgy to LoCo's ?10:49
RichEdogra: I will confirm this ... it may be by request only, but the Shipit pages state Dapper only10:49
ograsbalneav: sure, since breezy already10:49
nixternalogra: edgy is being shipped tot he locos10:49
nixternali believe either 25 or 50 cds10:49
ograRichEd: right, but there was a mail from silbs where she stated that10:49
nixternali placed my order for the Ubuntu Chicago LoCo already10:49
pyginixternal: I thought 500!!!10:50
ograso if LoCos can get them, we should point people to their local one10:50
RichEdsbalneav: they have been pushing for purchase through Amazon etc.10:50
nixternal500 total10:50
nixternaledubuntu wise there is 25 or 5010:50
RichEdI have a list of suppliers, which we will add to the wiki pages tomorrow10:50
nixternal    *10:51
nixternal      Ubuntu: PC: 300, AMD64: 5010:51
nixternal    *10:51
pips1RichEd: Iooks like you are on top of things :-) please mail me that list of suppliers to include on the website... ahh, wiki page works to, we can link to that.10:51
nixternal      Kubuntu: PC: 75, AMD64: 2510:51
nixternal    *10:51
nixternal      Edubuntu: PC: 5010:51
nixternalsorry for that10:51
nixternalbut there it is10:51
sbalneavI certainly don't mind buying cd's, so long as we're still producing them with the nice artwork, etc.  There's a HUGE difference in peoples minds between saying "try this, its great", and handing them a professional looking cd, silkscreened + nice cover, vs "try this", on a self burned cd, in a plain white sleeve :)10:51
RichEdpips ... I will do a quick & dirty on the wiki ... and you can neaten for the www10:51
LaserJocksbalneav: get out your crayon set10:52
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RichEdnote that matt has done some really nice pages on Getting Ubuntu ... on the www.ubuntu.com site (still in staging for tomorrow)10:52
sbalneavso we're NOT going to have nice cd's, for edgy, even for sale?10:53
RichEdWe need to revise our pages to make them easy to understand, and fit into his for linking10:53
LaserJocksbalneav: yes they will be for sale10:53
RichEdAgain, I'll put some pages up on the wiki, and we can neaten for www.edubuntu.org10:54
ograsbalneav: there is cover artwork been done, so i bet we'll have some nice CDs 10:54
RichEdyes ... I have the cover photos ... in an email ... not sure how to share them yet10:54
pips1good to hear there is cover artwork10:54
sbalneavogra: great news.10:55
=== pips1 notes that we managed to neatly arrive at ART topic
RichEdNote that a new dedicated person is looking after marketing : Christina .. she is getting up to speed, but is doing a good focussed job10:57
RichEdI will make some serious time with her at the next face-to-face meeting ...10:58
RichEdWe can slip forwards into the next topic: Web Documentation ----10:58
pips1Is Christina a Canonical person?10:59
RichEdyes. there was one person Chris Kenyon, who has now expaneded into 4 people10:59
highvoltagethat's very good :)11:00
=== poningru [n=poningru@n128-227-50-67.xlate.ufl.edu] has joined #ubuntu-meeting
=== pips1 can't help but to think gender change again :-)
RichEdEach person now has their own new business / new market focus, and ChrisK is the coodinator11:00
RichEdSo where Chris had major time constraints and distractions, there are now dedicated people.11:01
RichEdBack onto web site & documentation:11:01
RichEdpips1 and I will be looking seriously at the web site and documentation at UDS ... and then I spend some time with Matt Nuzum (Ubuntu webmaster) at the next meeting. we will tackle an entire site revamp probably in december. pips1 has already made notes of what he thinks is missing.11:01
ogradid you register any specs for that i could subscribe to ?11:02
RichEdThat's next on my to do list :) probably friday 11:02
pips1I'm glad this gets a spec :)11:03
ograhttps://features.launchpad.net/people/ogra/+specs has all my specs  ... i registered some on monday, but they are not fleshed out with wikipages yet11:03
RichEdThe Ubuntu site is already being reworked, and it is looking very neat and clean. The structure of pages and navigation is more intuitive, and we should be able to fit in with that.11:03
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LaserJockI registered edubuntu-menus-completion11:04
RichEdBetween pips1 and myself, we must set up a wiki page where all people here can make comments ... we should be able to give you links at the next meeting.11:05
ograoh, i need to subscribe to that11:05
ogra(i mean LaserJock)11:05
RichEdWe will have a first round of discussions on the web site at UDS ... but the serious stuff will happen with Matt Nuzum a week later.11:06
RichEdCommunity -----------------------11:06
LaserJockRichEd: what about the specs coming from community suggestions11:06
RichEdLaserJock: explain more ?11:07
RichEdWe are open to all suggestions ...11:07
LaserJockRichEd: I thought we were going to get suggestions from a forum and pick 1011:07
LaserJockand deliver 5, or something to that effect11:08
RichEdOh .. for features ... I thought you meant web site.11:08
RichEdYes ... any ideas or suggestions are to bve sent to the mail lists = devel or user11:08
RichEdYes ... any ideas or suggestions are to be sent to the mail lists = edubunt-devel or edubuntu-user11:08
RichEdAt next weeks meeting, I'll open up a discussion of what we think are realist and important11:09
RichEdSo I will summarize what is being bounced around in the emails. Quite a few are requests for applications. We need still more feature requests ... please11:10
RichEdCommunity -----------------------11:10
RichEdJono Bacon is as passionate about education as we are, and we have together contacted the LoCo groups to ask for a nominated education contact for each territory11:11
RichEdWe have had a few reponses already ... so that extends our community contacts to people outside of our exiting boundaries.11:12
RichEdThere are about 8 people at UDS who want to talk community, and Jono will lead some meetings on this.11:13
RichEdAs you know, we are keen to bring in people using Kubuntu and Ubuntu in Education to add to our Edubuntu community.11:13
RichEdI'll try to get some stats for next week, but I can tell you that our mail list subscribers are growing by a few people each day.11:14
RichEdAnd speaking of community ... we need the following categories of volunteer if you are keen or know anyone who may be:11:15
RichEd1. User Documentation11:15
RichEd= contributors or proof readers ... any sort of help11:15
RichEd= HedgeMage will be taking a back seat soon11:15
RichEd2. Artwork11:16
RichEd= we'd like to start artwork for feisty sooner than later11:16
RichEd= we have Lisa (AliasVegas) but she cannot give enough time and would like some help11:17
RichEd3. Minutes of meetings11:17
RichEd= cbx33 is also taking a bit of strain ... and would like to alternate weekly sessions11:17
RichEd^^^ so please mail me if you have bandwidth11:17
pygiRichEd: what about me? Ain't I working on User Docs with hedgie? :P11:18
RichEdpygi: no offence intended :) HedgeMage just wants to get back into more dev work11:18
pygiRichEd: yea, yea, I know that =)11:19
RichEdI will mail a call for all of these to the devel and users mail lists ... and we must create a more compelling web page on "how you can get involved"11:19
pygiRichEd: and finally make organisation better for Handbook11:20
RichEdWe are hoping that the expansion in community size will be a bigger selection pool11:20
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pygiThis is the second time we have mess in our lines11:20
pygiwe can be happy we finish it on time11:20
RichEdpygi: yes ... 100% ... this is the plan:11:20
pygiRichEd: I surely hope so11:21
pygiRichEd: folks before told the same =) And they've gotten nowhere :)11:21
RichEdwillvdl will become responsible for Documentation Manager = coordinator11:21
RichEdhe is an employee ... so he will *have to* make the time11:21
RichEdhe will makr sure that;11:21
pygiwhatever you say11:22
RichEd*make sure11:22
RichEd1. there is a process for all documentation requirements11:22
RichEd= he is getting this from hedgemage and nixternal11:22
pips1and pygi ;-)11:22
RichEdpygi ++11:22
pygipips1: ignore me pls :P11:23
RichEd2. that web docs match wiki docs and printed brochures etc.11:23
pips1pygi: no way :-P11:23
RichEdHe is already working with Christina from above11:23
LaserJockRichEd: will willvdl be working with the Ubuntu Documentation Team?11:23
pygipips1: o yes dude11:23
RichEdLaserJock: yes ... he will be the responsible PM ... so that does not mean he will do the work, but he will need to make sure it is done11:24
RichEdHe will need to keep track and manage, and ensure there is a Plan and a Plan B11:24
=== pips1 thinks that we not only need chieftains, but also indians ;-)
RichEdYes ... he is responsible for making sure it is done ... not making sure other people do it ... so he will need to roll up his sleeves as well11:26
=== finalbeta [n=finalbet@d5152A68A.access.telenet.be] has joined #ubuntu-meeting
RichEdSo he will bring structure that I think is needed. We have excellent contributors - like pygi ! - but the plan of action needs to be readily availabloe, and not in hard working people's heads only11:27
=== pygi thinks he's not worthy of anything since he dissapointed a lot of people because he's not coming to MV :'(
RichEdWe are too big and complex for JIT (Just in Time) ... and it puts too much pressure on individuals.11:28
=== pips1 hugs pygi
RichEdpygi: you are well appreciated ... we are disappointred FOR you, not IN you11:29
RichEdThat's about all from me ... other questions or issues ?11:30
RichEdAnyone ?11:30
pygiRichEd: heh, we'll be lacking some serious stuff in feisty due to my absence :(11:30
pyginop ^_^11:30
ajmitchpygi: don't let not being at MV be an obstacle11:31
RichEdpygi: we will hopefully have a way for you to be able to interact across the wire11:31
ajmitchthere's no reason you can't write up & work on specs outside of MV time, like some of us are doing11:32
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nixternalpygi: im not gonna make it physically either, but i will be on irc bugging htem every day ;)11:32
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RichEdNote that the success of Edubuntu moving forwards will also be about adoption issues of Open Source in Education ... it is not just a technical "battle"11:33
RichEdSo there will be a lot of room for people to help us help our users even after the desktop specs have been written down.11:34
RichEd--- well that's me done --- if I carry on, it will just become a ramble --- anything else ?11:35
pips1what's the timeline tomorrow for the release?11:35
LaserJockEdgy's done, link live Edubuntu!11:35
RichEdpips1: I believe it is usually around 12:00 UTC11:36
pips1I meant: around what time do you expect the release announcement hit the wire?11:36
RichEdanswered ?11:37
pips1so those wiki pages and site updates should be ready by that time. ok11:37
pips1ideally :)11:37
=== pips1 can hear the big countdown clock ticking
RichEdideally yes ... as long as we have the downloads page sorted ... it is fine ... that will be the link from the page that ubuntu is pushing11:38
LaserJockalso I don't know if I mentioned this before, but there is a newish "Education and Science" subforum on ubuntuforums.org11:38
pips1direct link?11:39
RichEdyes you did LaserJock ... but is sllipped past ... I must announce it on the ubuntu-education mail list11:39
RichEdit slipped <- my fingerz are slipping as well11:39
LaserJockit was supposed to be "Science Talk" but I think the forum admins wanted it to be more general11:40
=== RichEd waves the gavel
RichEdgoing once ....11:40
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LaserJockdo it, do it! :-)11:41
RichEdgoing twice ....11:41
RichEdand on the third wave good night all !11:42
RichEdthanks all ...11:42
pips1LaserJock: nice action in that forum already...11:42
pips1good night all11:43
=== highvoltage [n=jonathan@] has joined #ubuntu-meeting
RichEdpips1 ... will be up and available early in the morning ... will look out for mails and pings from you11:45
=== Linuturk [n=Linuturk@c-68-35-235-89.hsd1.fl.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu-meeting
pips1RichEd: I'll update the download links and add the note about LTS and Edgy options for sure11:45
pips1I'll ping you when that's done/ready11:46
pips1good night!11:46
RichEdthanks ... you too11:47
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