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rmjbHey Fujitsu12:41
FujitsuMorning rmjb.12:42
keescookseb128 is too fast for me, and he isn't even logged in to irc.  :)12:44
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rmjbI want to help, just pick something from this list: http://tinyurl.com/n8g6a and get it to build right?02:03
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LaserJockrmjb: sounds good :-)02:03
rmjbif someone's already commented move on? eg: https://launchpad.net/distros/ubuntu/+source/vdr/+bug/6534002:04
UbugtuMalone bug 65340 in vdr "[UNMETDEPS]  vdr has unmet dependencies" [Undecided,Confirmed] 02:04
LaserJockwell, read what they commented02:04
rmjbthat it depends on dvb-dev... that's left to fix or not fixable?02:05
LaserJockthat just says that's what the unmet dep was02:06
LaserJockthe bug is first reported to just say that there was an unmet dep02:06
LaserJockthen Caroline commented and said what the unmet dep is02:06
ajmitchnot always accurately02:07
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rmjbwhen updating a dependency against kernel headers, is it okay to set the dependency to linux-headers-386? or will that cause problems when building on other archs?02:30
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zulyay laptop searches at the border02:36
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rmjbI figured out my last question, apparently linux-libc-dev works in place of linux-kernel-headers02:45
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bddebianHeya gang03:18
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rmjbanother question (I am full of them aren't I?) some source packages from http://tinyurl.com/n8g6a fail to build but the dependency is not in main, but in universe... what's the solution in that case?03:38
ajmitchdependency not in main?03:39
rmjblibgpiv https://launchpad.net/distros/ubuntu/+source/libgpiv/+bug/65356 fails to build from source03:40
UbugtuMalone bug 65356 in libgpiv "[UNMETDEPS]  libgpiv has unmet dependencies" [Undecided,Confirmed] 03:40
rmjbhas unmep deps of fftw-dev and libhdf5-serial-dev03:40
rmjbfftw-dev is in universe, but fftw3-dev is in main03:40
rmjbso updating to fftw3-dev solves that03:40
ajmitchwhy is that a problem?03:40
rmjbwell... it fails to build and there's an unmet dep entry in malone for it03:41
rmjbthe build servers pull only from main?03:41
ajmitchno, if that were the case then 95% of universe wouldn't build03:42
Fujitsurmjb: No, they pull from everywhere.03:42
FujitsuWhat ajmitch said.03:42
=== ajmitch can install fftw-dev
rmjband my pbuilder03:42
rmjbI can too install fftw-dev too03:42
Fujitsurmjb: You need to configure your pbuilder to pull from universe and multiverse as well.03:42
rmjbokay then... will look into that03:44
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psusiI am trying to write a bash script that greps the output of one command to decide something, but the command to the left in the pipeline's status is used to decide truth, rather than the status of the grep to the right in the pipeline03:54
psusihow could I overcome this?03:54
rmjbpsusi: can you give an example?03:56
psusiif echo foo | grep -q -e foo ; then ____ ; fi03:57
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psusiecho returns true, so the if evaluates as true.... even though grep returns false... well, not in that example... but if echo wasn't echoing foo but something else03:57
psusiwait.... nevermind03:58
psusiI think I just confused myself03:58
psusiok.... yea... I just screwed up the test and confused myself.... I thought it was supposed to be the right, not the left status04:02
psusithat is used from the pipeline04:02
rmjbsometimes you just need to talk it out04:02
rmjbSomething's listed as having unmet deps in the list to work on, but it's listed in the repos with the correct version... that means it was fixed and should be closed on malone?04:18
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ajmitchnot necessarily04:18
rmjbit builds for me04:18
ajmitchdoesn't mean that all binary packages are installable on all architectures04:19
rmjbsetting Depends: ${shlibs:Depends} makes the binary package dependent on the version of the libs that are used to compile against?04:32
=== No1Viking [n=micke@h-83-140-104-74.ip.rixbredband.se] has joined #ubuntu-motu
psusiwhat the crap?04:51
psusiall I have to do is insert a blank line in /usr/share/initramfs-tools/hooks/dmraid and update-initramfs bombs out with:04:52
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psusieval: 1: array_dmraid~=: not found04:52
rmjbhuh? what are you trying to do?04:52
psusiudevify dmraid04:53
psusiyea... make it scan disks as they are detected by udev rather than in a static boot time script04:53
psusiso my system can boot newer kernels that scan for the drives in the background04:53
psusioh my god.... can it really be so silly?04:54
psusiemacs made a backup save ending in ~ and it doesn't like that04:54
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rmjboh, this is to fix the dmraid bug #54246 ?04:54
UbugtuMalone bug 54246 in dmraid "DMRAID stopped to work in kernels > 2.6.15" [Undecided,In progress]  http://launchpad.net/bugs/5424604:54
psusioh, I didn't know there was a bug filed for it04:55
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rmjbother one: #6760604:55
psusiohh, that one is a seperate bug04:55
psusithat is due to dmraid being buggy on via metadata and trying to create a stripe using the ENTIRE drive04:55
rmjbseparate issues04:56
psusiinstead of just the portion of the disk actually used ( not the last few sectors that aren't enough for another whole stripe )04:56
psusiI have a patch for that one too04:56
psusisent it upstream04:56
rmjbwhat dmraid package are you using now?04:57
psusiself build from the latest upstream sources04:58
psusiyea, I made a patch for that bug so the kernel won't refuse the new dmraid table, but now dmraid is run before the kernel detects the disks05:00
psusibecause they now scan for the drives in the backround rather than blocking the modprobe05:00
rmjbthe first bug? it's fixed in versions above rc1005:01
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FujitsuHeya Hobbsee.05:01
Hobbseehey Fujitsu :)05:03
ajmitchhello Hobbsee05:03
Hobbseehi ajmitch05:03
psusinot for via05:04
rmjbo i c05:05
psusinot sure if they fixed it for nvidia or something05:05
psusibut I got rc13 and it was still bugged...05:05
psusijust commented on that but with my 2 line patch to fix it05:05
rmjbthis is to boot a system with / on fakeraid or just get access to fakeraid partitions on a running system?05:06
psusiroot on05:06
psusiwell, either way05:06
rmjbI was *trying* to help some guy that had his root on fake raid under dapper, and it was working, but upgrading to edgy could not boot into the 2.6.17 kernel05:07
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rmjbafter a few hours he booted the live cd, installed dmraid rc13 from the bug report and used that initrd, and his system booted05:08
psusiyea.... that is because the new kernel will not accept sizes that are not an even multiple of the stripe width, and dmraid has always been bugged and used the entire disk size... at least for via05:08
rmjbwell this guy was on nvidia05:09
psusidid he have via or nv?05:09
psusilet me check that module real quick, see if it has the same problem05:09
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rmjbI have nvidia and the rc13 from the bug report works for me to access partitions on a fakeraid array05:09
ajmitchthe Hobbsee_ clones are invading now05:09
rmjbmy root is not on it though05:10
=== ajmitch doesn't understand why people like these fakeraid solutions
Hobbseeindeed.  muhahaha05:10
psusistrange.... looks like nv has the same bug05:10
psusiit doesn't round down05:10
rmjbcause it makes us feel like we're running the real thing05:10
psusibecause it is dirt cheap and fast05:11
=== ajmitch finds linux software raid to be a much better solution
rmjbthat's weird, cause I can access my partitions on my fakeraid05:11
psusican't boot from that or dual boot with windows05:11
psusirmjb, are you sure with the earlier version you got the error: device-mapper: dm-stripe: Target length not divisible by chunk size05:12
rmjband this guy, when he used the livecd to install rc13, he cause use that generated initrd to boot his regular system05:12
psusioh wait a second05:13
rmjbthat was before I updated my initrd05:13
psusirc13 you say?05:13
psusistrange... I'm looking at rc12-pre105:13
psusiI just pulled it the other day and it was the latest05:13
zulright im going to bed05:13
Fujitsu'night, zul.05:14
psusioh, ok... rc13 is there now ;)05:14
rmjbyes, after installing rc13 and updating my initrd I can get to my partitions, BUT there still seems to be an issue with booting to it05:14
rmjbg'night zul05:14
psusiwhat issue is that?05:14
ajmitchnight zul05:14
FujitsuA zul-fabbione tag-team is it? :P05:14
psusiprobably the udev stuff I was working on ;)05:14
rmjbdunno, it just didn't work, wasn't my system so I couldn't dig deeper05:14
rmjbI'd be interested to see if you get yours to boot05:15
rmjbbut I gtg05:15
psusiwhat is the proper procedure for doing an upstream source upgrade to a package?  so far I just untar the new tarball and copy the debian directory from the old package to the new untared directory and kind of kludge it05:15
Fujitsuuupdate can do it for you.05:15
psusiahh, sweet05:16
FujitsuUnpack the existing source package, cd into it, and run `uupdate /path/to/new/source.tar.gz'05:16
psusiwhat if the package is .bz2?05:16
Fujitsubunzip2 and gzip it first.05:17
psusiI think I ran into trouble the other day because the deb tools don't like bz205:17
rmjbpsusi: why repackage rc13? you can use the one in the bug report05:17
FujitsuYeah, you need to turn it into a gzip.05:17
psusiyea, that's what I did... was hoping there was aw ay to kick the tools into using bz205:17
psusirmjb, ohh, I guess I can now... cool05:17
psusiwait... only a binary is there05:18
rmjbhere: http://revu.tauware.de/details.py?upid=334805:18
rmjbfor source05:18
psusiahh, kk05:18
rmjbstill waiting on review05:18
Fujitsurmjb: You normally don't use REVU for that sort of thing. REVU is meant to new/rewritten packages.05:19
rmjbhmm... where should I send my update then?05:19
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Fujitsurmjb: Attach it to the bug.05:20
rmjbohh... a dpatch, a diff or just the changes file?05:20
FujitsuBecause it's a new upstream version, the entire source package (.dsc, .diff.gz, .orig.tar.gz)05:21
rmjbactually, the maintainer of dmraid hasn't addressed the bug yet (filed since July)05:21
FujitsuIf it's not a new upstream version, a debdiff is fine.05:21
rmjbI guess because the maintainer is Utnubu05:22
psusiwell, that's nice... firefox is using a gig of ram05:22
ajmitchpsusi: is that all?05:22
rmjbokay, I've uploaded my source package, who do I ping to let them know it's there?05:28
FujitsuYou need to request a UVF exception, but the chances of such a thing happening now are absolutely minimal.05:29
rmjbnow as in this close to launch or as in after freeze?05:30
FujitsuThis close to launch.05:30
rmjbpsusi: I just had to reboot because even after I closed everything (firefox, synaptic, bittorrent, etc) I was still using over 400M of RAM05:30
FujitsuA few days ago it would probably have been approved, but probably not in the last 24 hours before release...05:30
rmjbFujitsu: yeah I figured it wont go in now, it's just frustrating to be broken for so long, I hope it gets fixed in edgy05:31
rmjbor rather that the fix makes it into edgy05:31
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psusigod damnit05:36
psusiwhere do you search the lkml?  I can't find the search box on lkml.org05:36
psusiI remember seeing something about a module you can probe that will block until all disks have been scanned05:36
psusiloading that in the boot script should be a quick and simple fix05:36
FujitsuEw ew ew...05:37
=== Fujitsu just looked in dmraid and saw a .spec.
FujitsuRPM stuff.05:37
rmjbit's done by a redhat guy05:38
Fujitsu... WHY are there vim swap files in the upstream source?05:38
psusioh... yea05:39
psusiI noticed that too ;)05:39
psusihis tarball isn't very distclean05:39
psusiactually, I pissed off the dh scripts by doing a make distclean, which deleted some files that were in his tarball05:39
psusiso the dh scripts bitched that I had modified files in the .orig.gz outside /debian05:40
psusigod damnit, I can't find the mention now of that module to wait on the background scanning05:42
psusiit is lost somewhere in the massive flow that is lkml05:42
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LaserJockajmitch & Amaranth: ping05:49
ajmitchLaserJock: yes?05:49
LaserJockajmitch: have you found a place to stay in Mountain View05:50
ajmitchno idea yet05:50
rmjbFujitsu: updated the source package attached to the bug as per your comment06:01
rmjbthanks for the eyes06:01
FujitsuNo problem.06:04
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LaserJockanybody know of docs on the Debian release process?06:10
LaserJocklike timeline and what happens06:10
FujitsuTimeline? What timeline?06:10
LaserJockyeah, yeah06:10
LaserJockit sounds like they really are going to release06:11
LaserJockI want to make sure I don't miss a freeze or something for the packages I maintain in Debian06:11
FujitsuThey do say Decembter, but this is Debian, remember.06:11
LaserJockyes, but this time they have the dunc tank  ;-)06:11
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psusiwhat was the helper script to take a .dsc and untar the .orig.tar.gz and apply the diff to it?06:13
LaserJockdpkg-source -x06:14
rmjbg'night all06:17
rmjbgood luck psusi06:17
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ben_hey guys, i was just wondering how hard it is to learn how to package06:39
Burgundaviaben_: not hard, there is a great guide for it06:40
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ben_not hard...considering...i dont know any languages...i just want to help out06:40
ben_im not a noob, but im no hacker either06:40
ben_where might i find that guide?06:41
imbrandon!package guide06:41
ubotuThe packaging guide is at http://doc.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/packagingguide/C/index.html Other developer resources are at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DeveloperResources06:41
imbrandonand knowing a lang isnt nessesary, but helpfull06:42
imbrandonmoins all06:42
imbrandonLaserJock, its pretty close to freeze if not frozen already ( debian testing )06:42
ben_awesome thanks all06:43
LaserJockimbrandon: everything is frozen06:44
imbrandonno just stuff migrating from unstable to testing ( e.g. what will make it into etch )06:44
imbrandonsid never freezes06:44
LaserJockhmm, that stinks06:45
LaserJockI thought just the core was frozen06:46
imbrandonummm debian everything is in "main" cept non-free06:46
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LaserJockimbrandon: I know, but I thought they had a list of like the kernel, libc, etc. that were frozen before the others06:48
imbrandonahh no idea06:48
imbrandonhum ajmitch your probably gonna be bringing a lappy right ? http://it.slashdot.org/it/06/10/24/2028215.shtml06:50
imbrandonthats gonna suck if it happenes to someone06:50
ajmitchimbrandon: sure06:51
imbrandonseems a few have been confiscated at the border06:51
ajmitchthough there are probably several million laptops that go through the borders without being confiscated06:52
ajmitchit'd be more of a worry if I carry vegemite ;)06:52
imbrandonwhy is that ?06:53
imbrandonisnt that a food ?06:53
FujitsuIt's banned due to containing folate.06:53
Fujitsu(in the US)06:54
ajmitchso the rumour goes06:54
imbrandonthat sounds kinda silly06:54
ajmitchthough we're not entirely sure how much of the reporting on it is accurate06:54
imbrandonhow reliable is news.com.au ?06:55
FujitsuI've heard it from many non-Internet-based sources, so it's fairly reliable, I believe.06:55
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tritiumWell, crap.  I wanted ajmitch to bring me some vegemite.06:56
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BurgundaviaUS has officially denied it07:00
lotusleafwhat isn't banned in the U.S.?07:01
Burgundaviaotherwise known as Aussie Road Tar07:01
FujitsuVegemite is good!07:02
Burgundaviafor certain values of good07:02
Burgundaviathat most of the world doesn't share07:02
FujitsuFor all values of good.07:02
Burgundaviayou are wacked07:02
FujitsuAs long as you don't put it on too thickly.07:02
ajmitchvegemite > *07:02
Burgundavias/too thickly/at all/07:02
Fujitsuajmitch: yup.07:02
=== ajmitch has a jar of it on his desk here
LaserJockwhat the heck is vegemite?07:09
LaserJockI've been seeing that story all over the place lately07:09
BurgundaviaLaserJock: nasty black paste that aussies and south africans put on toast07:09
Burgundaviavegetable version of marmite, another nasty black paste that aussies and south africans love07:10
LaserJockthey don't have jam?07:10
ajmitchLaserJock: it's great stuff07:10
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_MMA_"He just smiled an gave me a vegemite sandwich"07:10
ajmitchLaserJock: this is far better than jam or any of that boring stuff07:10
FunnyLookinHatsounds like gnutella   (SO GOOD)07:10
=== ajmitch would often sit at his computer & have marmite on bread as a snack
FujitsuIt's very good.07:10
FujitsuFunnyLookinHat: Nutella, you mean?07:11
Burgundavianotice all the aussies are telling us how good it is07:11
Burgundavianobody else likes the stuff07:11
_MMA_LaserJock: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Vegemite07:11
ajmitchBurgundavia: you call me an Aussie?07:11
FujitsuAh, but I'm Canadian!07:11
Burgundaviaajmitch: close enough...07:11
=== Burgundavia ducks
lotusleafcrikey, eh?07:11
FunnyLookinHatFujitsu, ah right, yes Nutella   : )07:12
FujitsuUnless you like putting P2P networks on bread/toast...07:12
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dholbachgood morning09:09
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Hobbseehey dholbach, when does universe freeze?09:18
dholbachI have not heard anything about it yet, so go ahead :-)09:19
Hobbseedholbach: mithrandir said you ought to know :P09:20
dholbachI'm happy to get fixes still in09:22
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Amaranthsomeone say my name?09:36
lotusleafAmaranth: no, but I will if it pleases you. =)09:37
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dholbach<mdz> dholbach: it's time to stop accepting uploads for anything but a showstopper, including universe.  we should have dedicated access to the publisher if we need to act quickly10:55
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Hobbseedholbach: awwww11:00
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siretartmplayer has just been accepted in debian/main! http://incoming.debian.org/mplayer_1.0~rc1~svn20199-1.dsc03:03
sivangsiretart: how come?03:05
sivanglicense change?03:05
siretartsivang: no. the maintainer fixed the package03:05
Nafallois it crack? ;-)03:09
siretartthat's what I call a debian/copyright file!03:12
siretartwe should use it as example for revu! ;)03:12
gnomefreakdoes that mean feisty will have mplayer in main?03:14
lophytethat would rock03:14
gnomefreakthat doesnt sound legit03:14
=== gnomefreak was thinking mplayer was a mozilla product and would need more than just a fix
bhalemplayer in main? holy crap03:17
bhalei doubt it03:17
siretartgnomefreak: we need to reinvestigate several source packages in multiverse, among them mplayer.03:18
siretartgnomefreak: after feisty opens03:18
siretartbhale: dget http://incoming.debian.org/mplayer_1.0~rc1~svn20199-1.dsc03:18
gnomefreakoh i agree. if we can move anything out of multiverse would be a great idea03:19
siretartgnomefreak: afai see there, mencoder got removed03:19
gnomefreakfor mplayer?03:19
bhalesiretart: for ubuntu, i men03:20
bhalesiretart: not questioning debian03:20
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bhaledebian main != ubuntu main03:20
gnomefreakbhale: debian just did it03:20
bhalenot the same03:20
jsgotangcowell people will rave for ubuntu to do the same i guess03:20
bhalemplayer has a bad security track record03:21
bhaleand we have xine and gstreamer in main already03:21
sivangsiretart: what was preventing it from entering debian main?03:21
gnomefreakthat doesnt sound right. we have some xine and some gstreamer installed by default03:21
StevenKA lot of things are preventing mplayer from hitting main.03:21
bhaleare you guys aware what ubuntu main means03:22
StevenKThe formost of them being "the ftpmasters don't like it"03:22
gnomefreaklicense would be the biggest thing i would think03:22
StevenKThat's the second. :-)03:22
bhalebad security track record, many points of entry for ugliness03:22
sivanggnomefreak: that was the first thing I was wondering if got fixed when siretart said it entered main03:22
sivangbhale: ah03:22
=== gnomefreak looking for license as we speak
bhaleubuntu main means "we support this for security for 18 months (or more)"03:23
bhalebeing in debian main means you can be in universe as opposed to multiverse03:24
bhalenot that we will automatically commit to support it03:24
NafalloI will probably prefer to stay with out current package.03:24
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Nafallowe have mencoder and stuff :-)03:25
OrnedanI seem to have issues with the new Eclipse packages in Edgy (updated yesterday)03:26
OrnedanEclipse does not start up. According to log, the workbench plugin fails to load03:27
gnomefreaklicense looks like it shouldnt be in multiverse. they give you right to distribute and modify it as long as you make source avilable03:27
Nafallognomefreak: we build against stuff in multiverse.03:27
gnomefreakOrnedan: what version are you using?03:31
gnomefreakit opens fine here03:32
siretartNafallo: placing mplayer in multiverse does not seem to make much sense to me.03:33
Nafallohaving support for everything the users need seems to be a good idea to me :-)03:33
gnomefreaksiretart: i think since we build mencoder and mencoder is nonfree is why it is in there03:33
siretartNafallo: all of mplayer is free software. if there s problems with some parts of it (e.g. libdvdcss or mp3 encoding algorithms), then the same would apply to multiverse as well03:34
gnomefreakbuild in mencoder to mplayer03:34
siretartNafallo: look, e.g. faad is in multiverse, but as well in debian main. I rather propse to check which packages from multiverse could be promoted03:34
gnomefreakdont forget w32codecs it has (atleast can play) by default03:34
siretartgnomefreak: mplayer doesn't have w32codecs built in03:34
gnomefreakit uses something to play them by default03:35
Nafallosiretart: ah, right. as long as we don't drop features from what we have now...03:35
Ornedan'k. Just tested - doesn't seem to be my profile, at least. A brand new test account also fails the same way when trying to load eclipse03:35
siretartNafallo: I'd also object to loose freedom.03:35
Nafallosure, but for freedom we still have totem, gstreamer and xine.03:36
siretartNafallo: but you're right. I'd also love to have mencoder. in universe03:36
OrnedanIs removing the eclipse packages using Adept "Purge" option and then re-installing enough to get a fully clean installation?03:36
gnomefreakOrnedan: should be also get rid of your workspace folder by default its in home03:37
=== Nafallo wonders how free unrarlib.{c,h} might be...
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siretartbhale: btw, what happend to your nick, tseng?03:37
Ornedangnomefreak: That was why I made the test account03:37
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gnomefreakOrnedan: file a bug and it will be looked at after release (might be best way)03:38
Nafalloah, nice. GPLv2 for unrar.03:39
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Nafallobaah, we have to look closer _after_ release :-)03:39
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gnomefreakpick 6-7 or so people to look over the liencses after release and decide if they can be promoted for feisty?03:41
Nafallosomething like that.03:41
lmierzejdo you know if egdy is going to be released on time?03:42
dholbachyou can help testing the cd images to make it be released on time :)03:43
lmierzejright :) I'm just curious...03:44
dholbachwe're just in the process of building new cds - testing much appreciated03:45
jsgotangcogo edgy go03:45
dholbachtfheen will announce them in #ubuntu-devel03:45
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bddebianHeya gang03:49
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bhalesiretart: i changed it, shrug03:55
Ornedangnomefreak: Ok. I'll attach the Eclipse log to the bug report. Anything else?03:58
gnomefreakOrnedan: just explain the issue and what you have tried03:59
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Ornedanhttps://launchpad.net/distros/ubuntu/+source/eclipse/+bug/68185 <- Done04:03
UbugtuMalone bug 68185 in eclipse "Error on start" [Undecided,Unconfirmed] 04:03
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joejaxxToday Is The Big Day05:04
Nafallois it? for what?05:04
joejaxx8 hours left05:05
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Nafallowhat about it?05:05
joejaxxwell for the uk rather05:05
Nafalloedgy have been here for months now :-)05:05
Nafallosince june or so05:05
joejaxxNafallo: not the final :)05:05
Nafallowell, that's 6.10 then05:05
jsgotangcosince last week, our builds are pretty much "final"05:06
Nafalloand that's tomorrow ;-)05:06
Nafalloprobably 24h left or so..05:06
joejaxxjsgotangco: yeah i know i had to dist-upgrade from rc a couple of days ago05:06
joejaxxNafallo: do you all go by GMT?05:06
bhaleit isnt tied to an exact hour05:07
bhaleit will be release roughly on the 26th05:07
joejaxxoh ok05:07
joejaxxhaha i was just wondering05:07
Nafallobut they usually are ready around this hour :-)05:07
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Nafallobut then comes to pushing and stuff :-P05:08
Toadstoolgood morning05:11
Nafallomorning Toadstool05:12
imbrandonheya Toadstool05:12
Toadstoolhi Nafallo & imbrandon05:12
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phanatic!seen ivoks05:51
ubotuI last saw ivoks (n=ivoks@ubuntu/member/ivoks) 1h 21m 9s ago, quiting: "leaving"05:51
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Amaranthimbrandon: Can I have what you've got so far for beryl packages?07:14
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luisbghello all, anybody alive?07:40
LaserJockwhat's up luisbg ?07:40
luisbghey LaserJock07:40
luisbgare you a motu?07:40
luisbgi'm really interested in being part of the motu community07:42
luisbgbut as a newbie I'm a little bit confused07:43
luisbgdo you know what I can do to help as a starting point to start learning?07:43
luisbganything needed to be done you know of07:43
luisbgsuitable for a starter07:44
LaserJockwell, right now is a bit difficult because we are frozen to release Edgy07:44
LaserJockhave you seen the Ubuntu Packaging Guide?07:44
AmaranthLaserJock: You pinged me or something yesterday, remember why? :)07:45
luisbgLaserJock, I have taken a look over it... thought I would read it deeply when I do my first package07:46
luisbgso when the universe is frozen to release a new version... there is no work in packages for the next one?07:47
luisbgor the work is mainly in getting it to be stable 100%? (which I guess is no task for a newbie)07:47
LaserJockno, the repositories for feisty aren't open yet07:47
luisbgwhen will they be open?07:48
LaserJockI would think in around a week07:48
LaserJockin the mean time you can look at bugs07:48
LaserJockthat is a very valuable service07:48
LaserJockand can give you an entry point into packaging07:49
LaserJocksome important bugs we are working on now are at http://tinyurl.com/fgpgy07:49
luisbgit says there are no open bugs07:51
LaserJockluisbg: sorry that was the wrong link, you want http://tinyurl.com/n8g6a07:52
luisbgno problem07:52
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luisbgmay I address you if I have any doubts when I'm trying to fix one of the bugs of the list?07:53
LaserJock#ubuntu-motu in general is pretty helpful too :-)07:54
luisbgLaserJock, LOL awesome07:54
luisbgwhere are you from btw?07:54
luisbgin 10 minutes I will try to aboard the cinepaint (unmet dependencies) bug07:55
LaserJockluisbg: Reno, Nevada, USA07:55
luisbgnice, i'm from spain07:55
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cbx33how to access the latest changelog entry of a pacakge from the net?08:40
cbx33is it possible?08:40
cbx33without downloading the entire source pacakge08:40
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Nafallocbx33: launchpad has it somewhere.08:42
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Nafallocbx33: also you can use the mailing-list archives.08:42
cbx33ahh...no way to get it from the apt commands then?08:42
cbx33presumably it should be in the diff?08:42
Nafallodon't think so.08:42
Nafalloyou can get it at installtime with apt-listchanges, but that's probably it.08:43
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cbx33that's not avaialble on my system08:43
Nafallono, main :-)08:44
cbx33ah i see it08:44
cbx33thanks Nafallo08:44
Nafallonp :-)08:44
cbx33hmm....that's not really what I want08:44
cbx33thank you08:44
Nafallobetter than nothing.08:44
cbx33I need to get the patest changelog as efficiently as possible...08:45
cbx33if it's been packages doccrectly08:45
cbx33diff.tar.gz should provide it08:45
Nafallowhy btw? :-)08:45
cbx33you'll find out soon08:45
Nafallosounds scary ;-)08:45
cbx33hopefully will be useful08:46
cbx33to all MOTU08:46
Nafallopenalties if package-updates where broken? ;-)08:46
cbx33not quite08:48
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phanaticmorning ajmitch09:27
=== jaldhar [n=jaldhar@c-68-38-202-139.hsd1.nj.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu-motu
=== gnomefreak [n=gnomefre@adsl-221-42-159.rmo.bellsouth.net] has joined #ubuntu-motu
zulhey ajmitch09:38
ajmitchwell, looks like the fixes I had to do this morning will have to wait :)09:39
ajmitchhello zul09:39
jelmer'morning ajmitch09:40
jelmerajmitch: Do you have any plans on uploading krb5-auth-dialog to Debian?09:41
zulkeescook: got any idea what is up with kernel.org it seems slow09:41
ajmitchjelmer: yeah, I probably will, as well as some other stuff I've done lately09:41
keescookzul: we're getting pounded from the FC6 release09:41
zulkeescook: ah...stupid fedora09:42
ajmitchkeescook: simple, just remove it from the mirror09:42
keescookand we also share bandwidth with a firefox mirror too09:42
keescookajmitch: heh.  :)09:42
keescookzul: the main issue is we're likely out of apache child slots what with all the long-running http connections for isos and stuff.  :(09:43
=== infinito [n=infinito@] has left #ubuntu-motu ["Abandonando"]
ajmitchI wish I could grab a cd image or two to keep dholbach happy :)09:44
=== dholbach hugs ajmitch
=== ajmitch has no time to do testing in the next 12 hours
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zulsecrets and lies09:46
=== Subhuman [n=jack@host86-142-54-172.range86-142.btcentralplus.com] has joined #ubuntu-motu
=== ajmitch kicks ISP
=== _czessi [n=Czessi@dslb-088-073-030-086.pools.arcor-ip.net] has joined #ubuntu-motu
ajmitchI ought to be on the faster DSL plan now09:50
ajmitchbut no...09:50
Plugnot yet09:51
Plugyou ought to be on it "sometime after 26 Oct"09:52
ajmitchPlug: figures09:52
ajmitchprobably waiting on telecom to move on it09:52
ajmitchI should know not to trust the original mail maxnet sent me09:52
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beligumHi all, anyone care to review ScreenKast (http://revu.tauware.de/details.py?upid=3140) and libinstrudeo (http://revu.tauware.de/details.py?upid=3125) ??10:34
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Amaranthbeligum: universe is frozen for edgy10:53
crimsun(everything's frozen, tbh)10:53
beligumI know10:53
LaserJockcrimsun: do you know the actual time for the freeze?10:54
crimsunit froze a while ago10:55
LaserJockno, like frozen frozen10:55
LaserJockfor the release10:55
dholbachit's -243C frozen now10:55
LaserJockmy email isn't working so I can't see if I got an email from katie10:55
crimsunyou should have gotten a deferred accept.10:56
dholbachor the server formerly known as katie :-)10:56
crimsunmeaning ACCEPTED but required distro manager approval10:56
LaserJockdholbach: heh10:56
ajmitchLaserJock: 'actual time' for release is when the scripts to publish the images are run10:56
ajmitch& edgy is flicked to released in LP10:57
crimsun"the button"10:57
ajmitchLaserJock: universe is really really frozen now10:57
ajmitch& has been for ~12 hours, since mdz said "no more!"10:58
LaserJockok :(10:58
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=== ajmitch also had things that'll have to go into -updates
luisbghey LaserJock, had to stop reading the package guide to make dinner10:59
ajmitchdholbach: we need to agree soon on proper procedures for SRU - I think the current suggestions may be hard11:00
dholbachit's still in the "suggestions" stage11:00
dholbachbut nobody stepped up to formalize a suggestion since our meeting11:01
ajmitchdholbach: that's what I mean - either another meeting or we can discuss it on the list now that we have nothing better to do ;)11:02
luisbgwhen there is a bug of "unmet dependencies" does the package has to be redone, or just changed the dependencies?11:02
=== ajmitch might as well write something up tonight
ajmitchluisbg: it means it can't be installed for some reason - reasons vary from needing rebuilt, to having stuff changed11:02
dholbachajmitch: we need more suggestions and plans before we have a meeting again11:02
dholbachajmitch: discussing a procedure without having concrete proposals doesn't hepl11:03
ajmitchdholbach: hence why I said I'd write up some proposal11:03
dholbachahhh! :-(11:03
=== dholbach hugs ajmitch
=== ajmitch hugs dholbach
dholbachsorry - I've been testing too many cds today11:03
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=== dholbach has gone around the twist
ajmitchit's ok11:04
=== ajmitch is not at his computer at home, so can't test CDs :(
=== ..[topic/#ubuntu-motu:ajmitch] : Ubuntu Masters of the Universe: Universe Repository Maintainers | https://wiki.ubuntu.com/EdgyReleaseSchedule | REVU is available again for now | http://wiki.ubuntu.com/MOTU | http://wiki.ubuntu.com/MOTU/Documentation | Add yourself to http://tinyurl.com/fgpgy to upload to REVU | https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MOTU/Processes/UVF | Edgy frozen: All further uploads need to be for edgy-updates or when feisty opens
=== ajmitch needs to think of something else to put there
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=== dholbach thanks siretart, slomo and ajmitch for taking care of n+1 UVF requests this time around
dholbachyou guys ROCK11:44
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ajmitchdholbach: not that I did much :)11:46
dholbachyou did :)11:48
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LaserJockoh man12:02
LaserJockmy department server is currently running in a Knoppix CD12:02
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FujitsuLaserJock: Why!?12:03
ajmitchLaserJock: impressive12:04
LaserJockhard drive crashed or something12:04
LaserJockit's been down for 1 1/2 days12:04
LaserJockthe poor sysadmin is working hard to figure out what happened12:04
LaserJockbut grub no longer works12:04
LaserJockso he shifted the department website to another server12:05
LaserJockand is using knoppix to get at his backup tapes12:05
LaserJockbut this stinks not having any email12:05
=== zul [n=chuck@CPE0006258ec6c1-CM000a73655d0e.cpe.net.cable.rogers.com] has joined #ubuntu-motu

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