
fdovingRiddell: just tested an upgrade with adept, and that fails. Adept says it encounterd a problem, i click OK in the warning dialog. and adept closes. now adept is uninstalled and we have a bunch of unconfigured packages :| - i guess that's something we would have to make a guide on how to fix. since users tend to not read documentation or ask for help unless they have a problem. and it is likely they come asking for help when their system is in th12:15
fdoving(that was an full upgrade, as described on the EdgyUpdate wiki)12:16
Riddellwe should scrap that section12:19
Riddelldoing sudo apt-get dist-upgrade and sudo apt-get install kubuntu-desktop python-qt3 python-kde3  does a successful upgrade to edgy for me12:20
fdovingdoes that install all of xorg and all the new python modules? no more packages to upgrade? 12:21
Riddellhmm, it doesn't install upstart12:21
Riddellit does install all the X and python stuff though, that's brought in by kubuntu-desktop12:22
Riddellmm, I do still have stuff kept back12:24
fdovingwhat is your output of 'apt-get -u dist-upgrade' ? 12:24
fdovingthat'll tell you what's kept back.12:24
Riddelllots of python bits12:26
fdovingyes, that's probably what i install with the evil hack: "apt-get -u dist-upgrade|grep ^' '|xargs apt-get -y install "12:26
mhbsorry for not testing but after another 45 minutes I give up :oI 12:27
Riddellmhb: still rsyncing?12:28
kwwiiRiddell: could you revert both the css file and php file in your http://kubuntu.org/~jriddell/tmp/newer/ to the old versions?12:28
mhbyes ... I fear I exceeded my bandwidth limit so they cut my connection to some 128kbit or so12:28
Riddellkwwii: the pgp hasn't changed12:29
kwwiiRiddell: one of the php files should have been changed too12:29
mhbgood night, then ...12:29
kwwiimasthead2.css, I guess12:29
fdovingnite mhb.12:30
kwwiinight mhb12:30
kwwiithat is css12:30
kwwii not php12:30
kwwiithen two css files12:30
kwwiiubuntu.css and that one12:30
kwwiiI need to know where I messed up the pics as compared to where I messed up the css12:30
Riddellkwwii: done12:30
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kwwiicool, as I thought, I messed up the css more than the pics themselves12:33
kwwiithanks again, fixes coming12:33
neoncodeIs it 12:35
neoncodedamn, sorry. I hit enter by mistake.12:36
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fdovingI have to go to bed. see you all tomorrow. good nite.12:38
Riddellfdoving: night, thanks for your help12:39
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Riddellubuntu artwork feels not much different12:51
Riddellinterestingly Tango seems to have gained icons for a bunch of kde apps12:52
kwwiiwell, the gnome theme is pretty complete so now jimmac is working on kde12:53
gnomefreakRiddell: you might want to ban @ before he gets here12:56
kwwiithe stupidest mistake of all12:59
kwwiiI forgot to put # in my sed before the new colors12:59
Riddellgnomefreak: there's a staff member on now01:01
gnomefreakoh ok01:01
Riddellgnomefreak: /msg them and report what's been happening01:01
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kwwiiRiddell: sorry to bother, but could you update with the new bazaar.launchpad.net/~kwwii/kubuntu-default-settings/webtest ?01:10
Riddellkwwii: that doesn't seem to have your changes01:19
Riddellkwwii: did you do bzr commit then bzr push?01:19
kwwiihrm, I just did the same command as before01:19
kwwiiI did not do the commit first01:20
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kwwiiRiddell: it should be there now01:21
kwwiialthough bzr said "This transport does not update the working tree of: sftp://kwwii@bazaar.launchpad.net/%7Ekwwii/kubuntu-default-settings/webtest/"01:21
kwwiibzr is a bit different than I thought01:22
Riddellkwwii: kubuntu-website not k-d-s01:23
kwwiidamn, copied that link again from an email01:23
kwwiigetting late01:23
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kwwiiok, I think I did it right this time01:28
kwwiialthough it still said "This transport does not update the working tree of: sftp://kwwii@bazaar.launchpad.net/%7Ekwwii/kubuntu-website/webtest/"01:29
Riddellthat warning is fine01:30
kwwiithen the changes should be there now01:31
Riddellkwwii: http://kubuntu.org/~jriddell/tmp/new/new2/webtest/01:33
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kwwiibetter, at least01:35
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lexualAre there any packages what will give debuggin symbols for kaffeine?02:14
Riddelllexual: no02:16
Riddelllexual: actually you could investigate these http://people.ubuntu.com/~pitti/ddebs/pool/main/k/kaffeine/02:18
lexuallooks like debian has a package we could pinch packages.debian.org/kaffeine-dbg02:18
Riddellthat ddeb should work02:19
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lexualdpkg: dependency problems prevent configuration of kaffeine-dbg:02:22
lexual kaffeine-dbg depends on kaffeine (= 0.8.2-2); however:02:22
lexual  Version of kaffeine on system is 0.8.2-0ubuntu2.02:22
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nixternal_hola slackers02:24
nixternal_im sittin' here in school learning, well not paying attention..time to do some work02:27
Riddelllexual: use the ddeb I pointed you to02:27
RiddellI've been stuck in my cupboard all day testing every install configuration possible on three architectures02:27
RiddellI don't need to take this insolence, I'm going out for a jog!02:27
nixternal_i will start working more on the release notes now, poke me if you need me ;)02:28
Jucatotake care, Riddell! :)02:28
lexualcool, misunderstood which deb you meant, I'll try a daily image later on this day too.02:29
kwwiiRiddell: http://sinecera.de/edgy_release_idea.png02:30
kwwiipick the best, cut it out and have fun02:30
kwwiithe middle is probably the bets02:30
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lexualwhat's the difference between 1 & 2?02:31
nixternal_argh, i forgot to open up my ssh to home ;(02:32
Jucatokwwii: just a question about the Edgy color scheme... while I'm using the correct color scheme, kubuntuColors isn't on the list in System Settings. is this normal?02:34
kwwiihrm? what is the name of the current sheme then?02:36
Jucato"Current Scheme"02:36
Jucatothis is an upgrade to Edgy from an absolutely fresh Dapper install02:37
kwwiisounds like we set that to default for this release02:37
kwwiino idea, really02:37
Jucatoah ok. just asking :)02:37
kwwiisorry i could not give you a better answer02:38
Jucatonah it's ok. it's not that critical anyway (I think) :)02:39
kwwiiRiddell: if you already downloaded that pic, do it again, I put it on a transparent bg in case you wanted to do somethin to it02:41
=== kwwii is going to bed for now
kwwiisee you tomorrow02:41
nixternal_g'nite kwwii!02:41
Jucatosweet dreams kwwii!02:41
kwwiisee you in 8 hours02:41
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nixternal_Riddell: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Kubuntu/Release   >> Check out the "Accessibility Profiles" information I just added. I understand them now ;)03:18
Jucatonixternal_: I think there's one piece of info that really needs to be included in the release notes... KubuntuKDEMedia (.hidden-root)03:19
nixternal_if Riddell says so, but what you see right now, has already been decided, topic wise, by him03:20
Jucatohm... unless there's a doc/wiki page we can point users to about this, this might not be good...03:20
nixternal_this is for the kubuntu.org release page03:22
nixternal_we want to sell Kubuntu 6.10 with this page, every little thing, unfortunately isn't going to make it03:22
JucatoI gues so... just asking anyway :)03:22
lexualnixternal: where do you access the accessibility profiles?03:24
nixternal_i have no clue ;)03:24
nixternal_so i guess i don't understand it 100%03:24
nixternal_actually, they are in system settings03:24
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nixternal_oh wait...the profiles are available when you boot from the cd and you get the "Install Kubuntu" opetions, you press F5? and you will get the profiles03:25
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lexualnixternal: ok03:26
nixternal_hiya Hobbsee!03:27
lexualnixternal: a tip on the release notes. The screenshots should also be links to larger versions of the *.png files so user can see them in more detail.03:27
nixternal_they will be03:27
nixternal_that isn't the release page, that is my staging area03:27
Hobbseehey nixternal_ 03:27
nixternal_the release page will be in k.o/announcements when it is all said and done03:27
lexualnixternal: perhaps a note that the accessibility profiles are a install thing.03:27
Jucatomorning Hobbsee! :)03:27
nixternal_boo bddebian!03:27
Jucatohi bddebian03:28
nixternal_im guessiing there is probably a <boo> sitting in #ubuntu-bugs right now03:28
Hobbseehey Jucato 03:28
bddebianHeya Jucato, Hobbsee03:28
nixternal_omg this class is boring03:28
bddebiannixternal_: But of course :)03:28
Hobbseehi bddebian 03:29
freeflying|awayHi all03:30
nixternal_hi freeflying!03:30
freeflying|awaynixternal_:  :)03:31
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nixternal_man, the accessibility profiles needs some real documentation done..this is something of value, and htere is absolutely no "decent" documentation on it03:35
Riddellnixternal_: looking good03:35
nixternal_i always look good man03:36
nixternal_oh..the page..sorry ;)03:36
Riddellboth I'm sure03:36
nixternal_im going to fancy up some words later on ;)03:36
nixternal_get that "crimsun" touch ;)03:36
HawkwindLOL nixternal_03:36
nixternal_you know...thats what the chicks do to me as well...they look and then they LOL..all capital like too03:37
ryanakcaumm... point 9. "Confirm that privilege escalation by password (kdesu) works as expected". No prompt popped up... straight to adept... the rest passed... this is on the Live CD (not installed)03:46
ryanakcaDo I add "ryanakca: FAILED" to Kubuntu Desktop CD, live session 03:47
ryanakcaor do I add "ryanakca: PASSED" or do I have it all wrong?03:47
ajmitchryanakca: well the live cd shouldn't have a password set03:48
ryanakcaajmitch: no.. it doesn't03:48
ryanakcabut even if I set it, nothing shows up :)03:48
ajmitchso it should just run everything without asking for a password03:48
ryanakcaso what do I do?03:48
ryanakcaignore it because it's probably ment to be? or mark it down?03:49
ajmitchif you run something, set a password, and run something with sudo again with 15 minutes, it won't ask you for a password still03:49
ryanakcaah, good point03:49
ryanakcaok, I'll just mark it as P03:49
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nixternal_time to go home!03:58
nixternal_cya in 4503:58
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lexualJust did a daily amd64 kubuntu install. Only 2 issues: #58503 and #6440804:51
Jucatowb nixternal!05:12
nixternalwhy thank you05:12
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=== Topic for #kubuntu-devel: Welcome to #kubuntu-devel | Test the all new CD candidates! | https://wiki.kubuntu.org/Testing/Current
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suddseSo guys, I'm trying to compile kuickshow. I keep getting error Unknown CMake command "kde4_automoc". when I run cmake . : ( I've installed all of the KDE dev packages, and can compile Amarok and other things.07:06
=== Jucato silently waves to suddse
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orkid__check #kde4-devel07:20
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nixternalcan somebody review http://nixternal.ubuntu-rocks.org/kubuntu/announcements/6.10-release.php   please!  suggestions, comments, and/or concerns are welcomed08:28
nixternalty sir08:30
nixternalthe bottom part, the "Upgrading from 6.06 LTS" runs into my "Feedback" section, I am fixing htat now ;)08:30
crimsun"Kubuntu 6.10 brings to this release a bit of edgy'ness" needs to read "Kubuntu 6.10 brings a bit of edgyness"08:31
crimsun(italics stripped)08:31
Jucatobut without the italics, it should be "edginess" right?08:32
crimsunno need for a comma following environment here: "environment, featuring some of today's leading"08:32
crimsunJucato: deliberate play on 'edgy'08:32
Jucatoheh ok :)08:32
nixternalcrimsun: you are my hero!08:33
crimsunno need for a comma following technology here: "technology, in order to be the foundation"08:33
=== Jucato makes a mental note that crimsun is both the sound guy and the grammar/editing guy...
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crimsunno need for a comma following succeeded: "succeeded, and are"08:34
crimsunlikewise here: "new, in Kubuntu 6.10"08:34
=== nixternal will not copy and paste no more...that is a lot of very badly misplaced commas
crimsunstrip the articles ('the') here for parallel structure: "combines the ease of use, the contemporary functionality,"08:35
Jucatono need for "the" in "combines the ease of use" and "the contemporary functionality"  ??08:35
=== Jucato keeps silent now...
crimsunsame comma issue here: "system, in order to provide"08:35
crimsunsame comma issue here: "release, and is installed"08:35
Jucatoooh lots of commas :O08:36
nixternalno doubt08:36
nixternalit is 1:30am ;)08:36
crimsunmissing full stop after collections: "by custom collections"08:36
nixternalthat's my story, and im sticking to it08:36
crimsunneed plural "users" here to match number: "allows the user to select various functions to control the power of their portable"08:37
crimsunno need for a comma or 'then' here: "questions, and then upload the details"08:38
nixternalthat should be uploads then08:39
nixternalno it doesn't ;)08:39
crimsun"This allows the members in the community who triage and support, to decide the route needed in order to solve an issue that may rise" is better phrased as "This helps bug triagers in resolving hardware-specific issues that may rise"08:40
orkid__cdrimsun: i think you're wrong with the plural...08:40
orkid__but i haven't seen the full text.08:41
orkid__their should be his/her (or his... or her)08:41
crimsunyes, but I'm attempting to avoid gender specifics, as his/her is unwieldy08:41
orkid__(so you're not wrong, but i'd suggest keeping user, and changing their. (ooh ahh)08:41
orkid__ahh gender specifics and political correctness. pC is bullocks. everyone knows (unless they have nothing better to do than nitpick) that his  (or her's) means his/hers and is applicable to both genders . but anyway08:42
crimsun"Zeroconf, or zero configuration, provide" needs to use 'provides'.08:43
orkid__its 242am here , so don't complain :)08:43
nixternals/provide a/provides the ???08:43
orkid__btw, been running edgy for a while. just installed ubuntu-desktop, cahnged into it (gnome) and noticed that firefox is faster at rendering pages (really weird).08:43
crimsun(orkid__: of course I know, but the '/' tends to interrupt flow)08:43
crimsunnixternal: s/provides/gives/08:44
orkid__crimsun: that's why most just use 'his' (for user) or 'her' (for user). one or the other08:44
=== orkid__ yawns
crimsunorkid__: I'm aware of that. :)08:44
nixternaltech writing 101 says, do not use his nor her in technical documentation08:44
orkid__the firefox speed difference is interesting.08:44
orkid__yeah, you could use 'one's'08:45
crimsunagain, it's the interruption that is most important.08:45
crimsun"similar to Zeroconf," can be removed08:45
orkid__seems like the real deal, ... (per filenames) eve nthough the descriptions still say RC..... they were added oct 25th08:46
crimsun"This provides a user the accessibility features" needs to s/a user/users/08:47
crimsuncomma issue with "system, but"08:47
=== Jucato can't wait for the official "go" signal.... :(
orkid__apt-get update; apt-get dist-upgrade; echo "done" :)08:48
orkid__i'm off. l8r08:48
crimsun"System settings are broken down now into two categories, the main category" needs to be separate sentences.08:48
crimsuncomma issue with "System Settings, is the General" 08:49
crimsun_need_ a comma after settings here: "settings and the second"08:49
crimsuns/are/is/ here: "category are the Advanced"08:50
crimsuns/No/Not/ here: "No only can you use Kubuntu"08:50
crimsuncomma issue here: "Software (FOSS), available"08:50
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crimsun"Advantages of this software is that it is absolutely..." is better phrased as "Advantages of this software include being absolutely free of charge, being free to modify, and being free to copy and distribute..."08:52
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crimsuncomma issue here: "language packs, for faster integration"08:53
crimsun(that second point under Localization makes the third redundant, btw)08:53
nixternalim fixing as you go along..not ignoring you ;)08:54
crimsun"previous release simplifying common Linux server" is better as "previous release and simplifies common Linux server"08:54
crimsunno need for commas after "RAM" in the system requirements08:55
crimsuns/try try/to try/ here: "desktop CD allows you try try Kubuntu"08:55
crimsuncomma issue: "actual CD image, and will be downloaded"08:56
crimsuncomma issue: "network, by doing what is referred"08:57
crimsunneed a comma after Kubuntu: "For more information about Kubuntu visit our website"08:58
crimsun(that's it.)08:58
=== nixternal applauds
nixternalthanks buddy!08:58
nixternalonce again, you come to my aide08:58
nixternalrefresh the page, and it should be fixed ;)08:59
Jucatoum... is there any ETA for edgy?09:00
crimsunsometime on the 26th [for some timezone] 09:00
Jucatoheheh yeah waiting... :(09:01
nixternalor tomorrow if you are in hawaii09:01
nixternalor further west09:01
Jucatowaaaay east09:01
=== sebas wakes up, rubs eyes ... Ha! Release Day!
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Jucatoer.. www.ubuntu.com says 6.10 is released?09:06
Jucatoah nvm... just an advertisement I guess09:07
emonkeyIs a is there a dragft of the release notes for kubuntu like ubuntu? If it is, we could translate it for the german site...09:09
nixternalyes emonkey09:09
nixternaldo you want the images as well?09:10
emonkeynixternal, tha would be great09:10
nixternali will tar them up and get them to you, msg me your email address09:10
emonkeythzank so much09:10
=== Jucato notes that nixternal rocKs!
nixternalemonkey: that is a 1.5mb tar.bz2, so i am uploading it to my server...the link is http://nixternal.ubuntu-rocks.org/kubuntu_release_page.tar.bz209:13
emonkeynixternal, thanks again, I'll start to translate immediately. :)09:14
nixternalthanks alot emonkey for that!09:14
nixternalRiddell: http://nixternal.ubuntu-rocks.org/kubuntu_release_page.tar.bz209:15
nixternal^^ thar she be sir!09:15
Jucatothar she blows09:16
nixternaldid he ever goto bed or is he still out jogging?09:16
Jucatonixternal: you really are great :)09:16
JucatoI came back, I think...09:16
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nixternalno no, Riddell went out for a job earlier as he was exhausted from testing..don't remember him coming back ;)09:17
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Jucatoer.. 09:18
crimsuna job, eh? A real masochist.09:18
imbrandonheya guys ( and ladies if any awake )09:20
Jucatoyeah he came back about an hour after, I guess09:20
Jucatohi imbrandon!09:20
nixternali meant a jog ;)09:20
nixternalyou callin' me a lady damnit!09:20
imbrandoni dident call you anything, you put your self in a category :)09:21
Jucatoor in this case, in the parenthesis :)09:22
nixternaloh..man, someone in -meeting said i was gay, and now im referring to myself as a lady...maybe dad is right, i need that skirt ;)09:22
nixternalthey made fun of the "tech kilt"09:23
Jucatoimbrandon: I have a question about KubuntuKDEMedia, is it an okay time to ask?09:24
imbrandonJucato, sure09:24
Jucatoimbrandon: some people still seem to be mounting stuff in /mnt rather in /media. how does that affect the new system? specially in Amarok, where only /home and /media are seen09:25
Jucatooh, and the Storage Media in Konqueror's Navigation Panel (sidebar) still goes to media:/09:25
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imbrandonwell if they are mounting it in /mnt , then they are not doing it the automatic way, they are doing something via the command line thus they can edit the .hidden file to their liking , second .... it dosent effect amarok at all, they just type /mnt instead of /media09:27
imbrandonand the storage media pannels should have been trimed down, on new installes they are, if they are still there on upgrade then its a bug09:27
imbrandons/trimmed down/removed09:28
Jucatoimbrandon: in Amarok Settings -> Configure Amarok -> Collection. how do you add /mnt ?09:28
Hobbseeimbrandon: where is .hidden?09:28
JucatoHi Hobbsee!09:28
Jucatoin /09:28
imbrandonhobbsee in /09:28
Hobbseehey Jucato09:28
Jucatoit's a symlink to /etc/kubuntu-default-settings/hidden-root09:28
imbrandonJucato, you dont, you edit the hidden, but realy should be be encourged to use /media as thats what everything is setup for, the only reason to use /mnt is if they are old old old old school linux and refuse to update09:29
imbrandonJucato, so basicly its a non-issue , or should be a non-issue09:30
crimsunbtw, nice work on Kubuntu, all.09:30
Jucatoimbrandon: so in that case, if they created something in /mnt, they should edit .hidden so that it will appear everywhere else?09:30
Hobbseecrimsun: when does feist open?  :P09:30
crimsunnow now now!09:30
Jucatoimbrandon: should be. unfortunately, for some, it might be...09:30
nixternalcrimsun: do you think we should have some info in that release page aobut "upstart" ?09:30
nixternali think everyone has forgotten about upstart09:30
nixternalit isn't even in the ubuntu release page09:30
imbrandonJucato, correct, or just do it the recomended way in /media so contect menus work as expected etc ( for unmounting etc )09:30
crimsunnixternal: it's in the EdgyReleaseNotes09:31
Jucatois KubuntuKDEMedia also in the Edgy release notes?09:31
Hobbseecrimsun: yay!  so can i upload there????09:31
imbrandonthat page shouldent be, thats a development page, but a summery should be09:31
crimsunwee, sure! granted you might get a REJECT, but sure!09:32
Jucatoerr yeah, a summary for it :)09:32
Jucatoimbrandon: I'm just relaying some "concerns" that were brought up in the place where you don't like to go. just trying to gather their questions09:33
imbrandoncrimsun, i thought -updates and -security and such was gonna be opened this round when the RC freeze took effect ( thinking about the nvidia drivers that need to goto -security released last week )09:33
crimsunimbrandon: no idea.09:33
crimsungranted -backports was supposed to be open at feat freeze.09:33
imbrandonyea , i thought it was all part of the same disscussion, but that would require us to upload directly to -backports09:34
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crimsunwe can09:38
imbrandonahh i thought that was frowned on09:38
crimsunnope, but I don't think anyone has done it yet.09:39
imbrandonahh cool, well amarok 1.4.4 comes out in a few days , i might try it with that first09:39
imbrandonwould be a good "test canidate"09:39
imbrandonbecosue it will be out before the feisty repos open09:39
Jucatoooh :)09:40
imbrandonJucato, hehe well it was released once already ( to packagers ) then halted and pushed back, so it should be "soon"09:40
imbrandonits tagged in svn for weeks now though 09:41
Jucatoah... they pushed back?09:41
imbrandonwell not pushed it back, just umm. well yea pushed it back09:41
imbrandonreally they released it then un-released it before the public got it :)09:42
=== two-face [n=jerome@mol92-4-82-227-97-206.fbx.proxad.net] has joined #kubuntu-devel
imbrandonhello two-face09:42
two-faceAlright, so I boot kubuntu RC1 and the keyboard's not working at all09:42
imbrandonwhat kind of computer/keyboard , and can you hit "ctl+alt+f1"  ?09:43
two-faceit is a ps/2 keyboard, and I didn' try c-a-f109:44
imbrandonplease try that, to see if you get a console ( and can login )09:44
two-faceI tried to open a Konsole but can't type anything09:44
imbrandondumb question, you did check the connection right ( just trying to eleminate everything )09:45
Hobbseethat wouldnt be the evil keyboard-stops-working-until-you-log-out-of-kde bug would it?09:46
two-faceFYI, I'm typing with the same keyboard09:46
imbrandone.g. that the keyboard is plugged in good, and not wiggled loose09:46
imbrandontwo-face, ok then try this , c-a-f1 then login , if that works, you will likely get it to work if you log out of x and back in09:47
two-faceFYI2, the KDE menu get unusable09:47
two-facei don't know where it does come from09:47
two-faceunusable = i'm trying to click on item but it flickers09:48
imbrandonsounds like you have alot more issues than just the keyboard, again did you try c-a-f109:49
imbrandonwhat kind of computer is it09:49
imbrandon32bit kubuntu or 64bit ? ( dont think it matter but lets make sure )09:50
imbrandonok can you try the newest ( dated yesterday 25th ) 32bit kubuntu live cd09:50
imbrandonand see how it go's ?09:50
imbrandon( i'll be on for the next 6 or 8 hours so if you need to download thats fine )09:51
lexualI've had no probs from todays amd64 live cd.09:51
two-facelexual: did you have problems previously?09:51
two-faceimbrandon: the 32 bits one doesn't matter, only the 64 does09:52
lexualyep, try this: hit Ctl+Alt+F1 to go to console, hit Ctl+Alt+F7 to get back to X. This fixes it temporarily.09:52
imbrandondosent matter? as in dosent work also ?09:52
lexualThen a dist-upgrade should fix.09:52
two-faceimbrandon: I mean everyone use it09:53
two-faceimbrandon: what needs to be tested is what's less used09:54
lexualso c+a+f1 does nothing?09:54
two-facelexual: i need to reboot to test09:54
lexualmay have to hit it multiple times.09:55
lexualI did have same issue yesterday with beta disc.09:55
lexualno prob with todays image.09:55
two-facelexual: where is today's image?09:56
Jucatoimbrandon: would you happen to know what the policy is regarding what to remove in System Settings?10:00
nixternalremove it all10:00
nixternaldie system setting, viva la kcontrol10:00
Jucatoviva la drakconf10:00
=== Jucato ducks
nixternalgotta be careful, that can start ww3 around here...kind of like "why does kubuntu change the default settings in this or that"...because we can!10:01
nixternalplus it works better OUR way ;)10:01
Jucatobecause "Launch Feedback" is missing, and there's no other way to set it, unless the user knows about KControl. But since Launch Feedback isn't a "power user setting", I presumed it would still be in System Settings10:02
imbrandonJucato, well i for one have never touched launch feedback so i doubt "joe" does , but on that note it should probably be in advanced , but its a tad late for that Jucato this probably should have been brought up weeks ago10:04
JucatoI only saw the thread the other night... I would have brought it up. Anyway, I thought that it might have been relocated somewhere else or accessible somewhere else10:05
Jucatoactually, I saw the thread a few days ago, but didn't have a chance to confirm it... sorry10:05
two-faceimbrandon, lexual: thanks I'll get back to you later after testing the current iso10:06
imbrandontwo-face, ok10:06
imbrandontwo-face, also we have #kubuntu-testers dedicated to just that ( but your welcome here too )10:06
Jucatonixternal: never meant to start ww3. never meant to imply anything :P10:09
JucatoHobbsee: I should have used aptitude to dist-upgrade yesterday. seemed to have been the best solution for the held back packages10:10
HobbseeJucato: ahhh.  yep10:10
imbrandonaptitude must die10:11
Hobbseeso must a whole lot of other things.  doesnt mean that they will thouhg10:11
imbrandonHobbsee, how true10:11
Jucatoadept must....10:11
=== Jucato hides
lexualaptitude is immortal10:12
imbrandonlexual, maybe so but it needs its brain replaced, its like a smark alec 13 year old 10:13
=== imbrandon is afk
emonkeynixternal, in the Power Manager section is a little mistake...overhall instead of overall10:14
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nixternalthx emonkey!10:14
nixternalit is supposed to be "overhaul"10:15
Jucatowow can't believe crimsun missed that O_O10:15
crimsunit happens10:17
crimsunhence why you need about six people to proof10:17
nixternalfixed and re-uploaded10:17
Jucatohehe :)10:17
nixternalcrimsun: don't feel bad, myself, and 3 others also missed that10:17
JucatoI never saw the errors that crimsun saw anyway :)10:18
Jucatocommas make me feel dizzy...10:18
crimsunoh I don't feel bad. I'm prepping a defense for 8 AM, so my mind's not all here.10:18
Jucatoer question... what's the recommended way to add entries to fstab now that Edgy will be using UUID? use the GUI?10:19
crimsunlet volumeid do its thing on postinst?10:20
nixternalalrighty, bed time...g'nite all, enjoy the release and thanks everyone for your help, patience, guidance, and anything else you did ;)10:21
Jucatohow? there are some partitions I chose not to be mounted during the installation. so I don't know their volumeid10:21
nixternalRiddell: http://nixternal.ubuntu-rocks.org/kubuntu_release_page.tar.bz2  <-- there it is in it's entirety, hope it rocks for you!10:21
crimsunJucato: look at the mount_by_uuid_conversion() in /var/lib/dpkg/info/volumeid.postinst10:23
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RiddellseaLne: fire up those torrents http://releases.ubuntu.com/kubuntu/6.10/12:03
seaLnethey are rejecting12:03
crimsun<@mnepton> i'll have fast torrent seeds up in ~2 minutes.12:04
=== apokryphos [n=apokryph@87-194-86-227.bethere.co.uk] has joined #kubuntu-devel
seaLnegot all the images but the tracker might not be updated yet12:04
seaLneits the usual "Requested download is not authorized for use with" error12:04
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seaLnecrimsun: where was that pasted from? i'm still getting rejected?12:11
imbrandonkubuntu-6.10-desktop-i386.iso                                                                                                                                       694.9MiB     0 B/s     0 B/s |12:12
imbrandon|     connecting to peers (0.0%)                                                                                                                                                                       |12:12
imbrandon|     rejected by tracker - Requested download is not authorized for use with this tracker.                 12:12
seaLneso not just me then :)12:13
seaLneit would be nice at release time if the trackers worked before the torrents were published12:13
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seaLneimbrandon: did you see my comment earlier on #u-d it looks like they haven't been added12:22
imbrandonyea, i see that12:23
imbrandonthey said "officialy" released but not added yet12:23
seaLneand their up and working now :)12:24
Riddellit takes a while for the torrent server to sync to releases.u.c12:25
seaLnesurely it should sync at the same time as the official mirrors?12:26
seaLnebah no one is downloading yet :(12:26
imbrandonok got 2 clients on diffrent networks seeding the desktop iso's12:27
seaLnebtlaunchmanycurses dosen't really give any feedback12:29
imbrandonthats what i'm usings12:30
seaLnehmm your right it normally gives more info, i'm just getting "seeding (100.0%)"12:30
RiddellseaLne: it's not been announced yet12:31
Riddellanyone able to proofread this http://kubuntu.org/announcements/6.10-release.php12:31
seaLneits in /topic dosen't that count?12:31
Riddellit's not much changed from nixternal's version, mostly just s/utilize/use/12:32
seaLneit has a "!" in the subject12:32
=== apokryphos proofreads
seaLnenot sure about "KDE version 3.5.5 is the current stable release and is installed by default with every Kubuntu system." the last part "and is installed by default with every Kubuntu system" dosen't read well12:34
Sho_Riddell: as/succeded and are/succeded and is/12:35
apokryphosRiddell: not sure about the first sentence with "brings to this release a bit of edgyness". How about "brings a bit of edgyness to this release, with a new and improved..."12:35
seaLnemaybe "Kubuntu come with version 3.5.5 of KDE, the latest stable release."12:36
=== apokryphos nods
Sho_Riddell: There are also numerous cases of misplaced commas in that text, I'm assuming it was written by someone who natively speaks a language that uses commas differently12:36
apokryphosshouldn't be a comma after "This advanced digital photo management application"12:37
seaLnei'd remove various from the g-p-m bit12:39
apokryphosalso need some consistency with DigiKam vs Digikam (I think the former is what they use)12:39
Sho_yep, for example12:39
apokryphoscomma in "albums is a snap with digiKam, as it allows" is questionable too12:39
Sho_Riddell: broken grammar: "System settings are broken down now into two categories."12:39
apokryphosno comma needed in "who triage and support, to decide the route"12:39
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seaLnemaybe change "This allows the members" to helps in hdb section12:40
seaLneand in should be "of the community"12:40
seaLnethis sounds like it would be simpler with gobby :)12:41
Sho_Would probably be a good idea to do the proofreading in a wiki next time12:41
imbrandonRiddell, tfheen just sent it to -announce ML12:42
apokryphosno comma in "accessibility profile, depending on the"12:43
seaLne"Kubuntu offers the support for many of the portable computers that contain these extra sets of functions" dosen't sound right12:43
seaLne"Ease of networking and resource sharing wasn't overlooked in Kubuntu 6.10." makes it sound like it was overlooked before, maybe "With Kubuntu 6.10 sharing network and printing resources is easy"12:44
apokryphosperhaps replace with "Kubuntu can provide complete support for your laptop's extra functions"12:45
seaLneyeah something like that dosen't sound as negative12:45
emonkeynixternal, thanks again, the translation is now finished but it will be reviewed by others and then on the right moment we'll publish it. I've now to go school but I'm sure the others will do all things alright. If you want to look at the translation the Draft can be found here: http://kubuntu.diener.li/edgy/release_en/12:45
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seaLnei've not heard the term FOSS used before surely FLOSS?12:47
seaLnestupid english language12:47
apokryphosI've heard both often12:48
emonkeyisnt' L libre (French)12:50
emonkeyI think Floss is a combination from englisch and french... Maybe some collaboration idea?12:51
Riddellapparantly the windows stuff is called FOSS, I think both FLOSS and FOSS are horrible terms12:52
Riddellemonkey: "Upgrade von 6.06 LTS" is wrong, please update from http://kubuntu.org/announcements/6.10-release.php12:52
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emonkeyRiddell, k I'll 12:53
Riddellok, all comments should be included in http://kubuntu.org/announcements/6.10-release.php now12:54
Sho_Riddell: "System settings modules are not split into two categories." <- grammar ok now, content broken (the 'not')12:55
Jucatohi Sho_! :)12:55
RiddellSho_: fixed, well spotted12:56
Sho_Jucato: hi :)12:58
Jucatonice seeing you here Sho_ :)12:58
Sho_Jucato: I stop by from time to time ;)12:58
RiddellSho_: our herbrew speaking friend sivang has fallen in love with konversation12:58
Jucatohehehe makes me feel all warm and fuzzy :)12:58
Sho_Riddell: Cool :) I'm very happy we got that into Edgy in the end12:59
Riddellme too12:59
imbrandonme 3 01:00
=== Jucato can't resist the urge to say "me 4"
seaLneRiddell: the windows screenshot is rather obviously 6.0601:01
seaLnedid it end up working in edgy?01:02
emonkeyRiddell, upgrade is fixed in german version, thanks for the hint01:02
RiddellseaLne: hmm, I think that's 6.10 from the style of the logo, but the number is all wrong01:04
Riddellarg!  quick, unrelease!01:04
mhbRiddell: ? :o))01:04
imbrandonRiddell, ?01:05
mhbnice release notes, everyone01:06
Riddellmhb: thank nixternal (and others)01:06
mhbwho made the screenshots?01:06
Riddellimbrandon: ok, I think you can go for it01:06
Jucatoyay! Edgy's out :)01:06
Jucatoguys, you just rock!! (that includes you Sho_ :P)01:07
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=== Sho_ cheers for the Kubuntu developers
apokryphoscongrats on the release guys; Edgy is really great, very nice polished :)01:09
mhbhave you noticed that the KMix icon looks disabled in the Edgy screenshots at http://www.kubuntu.org/ ?01:10
apokryphosarts didn't work for me on install+live too :P01:10
Jucatoworked for me. probably it's running on vmware without sound enabled? :)01:11
imbrandoncongrats Riddell !!01:13
imbrandon( on the release )01:13
Jucatokwwii: congrats also for the very fine artwork :)01:15
imbrandonyea kwwii crack a mt dew open and toast !01:16
Jucatoimbrandon: you deserve a lot of thanks and compliments as well :)01:17
seaLneah thats more like it 1.9MiB/s upload 01:17
imbrandonmines uploading about 70KiB/s01:18
serzholinoCongrads to all of you guys!!! When DVD image is planned to be ready?01:18
Riddellserzholino: they're being published now but take a while to be pushed out01:19
imbrandonserzholino, they are being published now01:19
serzholinogreat :) thanks a lot01:19
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ryanakcaweeee! grats all :)01:24
seaLneRiddell: yeah just checked and the number is wrong, ohwell01:24
RiddellseaLne: ach weel01:24
ryanakcabbl, school... where I'll be installing it on my teacher's comp :)01:25
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mhbgood work everyone, the core devs, Ken and all the others  ... I'm really amazed of what you've done01:26
seaLnei remember it being said that edgy won't be on shippit but will there be any printed cds made?01:26
Riddellryanakca: now there's trust.  mess that up and you'll fail all your marks01:26
RiddellseaLne: some, for loco teams01:26
seaLnenah she won't be able to do any marking :)01:26
goldenearI think I found a weakness in konqueror : http://secunia.com/internet_explorer_7_popup_address_bar_spoofing_test/01:26
goldenearthis seems to also aply to Konqueror...01:27
imbrandonseaLne, you can purchse them iirc, but dapper is the free shipit01:27
Sho_goldenear: Doesn't work here (KDE 3.5.5)01:28
=== Jucato doesn't want to click...
seaLnei got one m$ window and one secunia window with lots of %A0s01:29
goldenearit works for me (KDE 3.5.5 too) :/01:29
seaLne"You are vulnerable, if a new popup-window is opened and content from Secunia is displayed while the address bar still says "http://www.microsoft.com/"." <- did your second window say microsoft in the url bar? mine didn't01:30
Sho_goldenear: The address bar of your popup contains a clean URL starting with www.microsoft.com?01:31
goldenearit displays the M$ page on the main konqueror window and open a secunia popup with "Microsoft Corporation" title01:31
Sho_goldenear: Then it's not working01:32
goldenearSho_: no, the popup doesn't have any address bar...01:32
serzholinoaddress bar contains original url and no popups... KDE 3.5.2, Dapper01:32
Sho_goldenear: The security problem described on that page is that the aforementioned popup shows a microsoft.com URL in the popup's address bar while the page displayed is not being served from microsoft.com01:32
Sho_goldenear: As long as the address bars do reflect where the page is coming from, the security problem is not there01:33
Riddellproofreaders: https://wiki.kubuntu.org/EdgyAnnouncementKubuntu01:34
serzholinooh... I've not pressed "Test" now there is m$ url in address bar and popup window with info from securina01:34
Sho_goldenear: Internet Explorer 7 has changed its behavior to always show an address bar in popup windows, and as it appears, that address bar can be tricked into showing wrong URLs, which is the security problem01:35
goldenearok... but because there is no address bar on the popup and M$ url in the main window, it's easy to think the popup is from M$01:35
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seaLneyou shouldn't allow pages to change stuff like that01:36
kwwiiRiddell: is there a reason that we are not using the new web stuff?01:36
goldenearSho_: so it's not the same problem here. I agree. But it's still possible to fool the user with such a popup :/01:37
Riddellkwwii: that's next on my list01:37
Sho_goldenear: True, which is one of the reasons why IE7 now does not allow to disable the address bar in popups (doesn't help much when the address bar can be tricked, though)01:37
goldenearSho_: which is one of the reasons why IE7 now does not allow to disable the address bar in popups <-- so Konqueror may do the same...01:38
goldenear(but without the weakness) :D01:39
Riddellkonqueror will do the same in kde 401:39
=== MidMark [n=marco@host-84-221-103-152.cust-adsl.tiscali.it] has joined #kubuntu-devel
MidMarkguys I'm trying to update from dapper to edgy but update process doesn't go very well01:49
MidMarkx-window-system-core ins't installed and if I upgrade it says that there is a breackage01:49
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gnomefreakMidMark: did you install kubuntu-desktop before upgrading if manually if using update-manager you shouldnt need it01:54
MidMarkgnomefreak: I upgraded via adept changing all dapper to edgy01:55
MidMarknow xorg 7.1 seems not installed01:55
gnomefreakMidMark: make sure kubuntu-desktop package is installed before starting upgrae01:55
MidMarkdon't know why01:55
MidMarkI have just upgraded01:56
gnomefreakMidMark: read above that is most likely why01:56
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Riddellkwwii: bling bling! http://kubuntu.org/01:59
mhbkwwii: nice work02:00
kwwiithanks :-)02:01
mhbI wonder if you're going to change the Kubuntu main page more in the style of the mockup on kubuntu-devel ML02:01
mhbsooner or later or never? :o)02:01
kwwiimhb: while that would be a nice idea, it is kinda late for that02:01
Tm_Tkwwii: Nice. :)02:01
kwwiiNow I am slowly feeling closure with edgy :-)02:02
mhbkwwii: so you don't plan any changes to the page until fiesty release?02:02
kwwiimhb: the hardest part about changing the page like that is that we want to keep using the same basic layout, etc. as ubuntu02:03
mhbkwwii: AFAIK ubuntu doesn't use news on the main page02:03
kwwiiI guess that if we want to change things we need to change them on all similar sites, which is a bigger project02:03
kwwiimhb: not talking about the pieces used, but the general layout02:04
mhbkwwii: a general description, download link and navigation would suffice IMO - and that is what Ubuntu has02:04
mhbkwwii: ok02:04
Riddellthe page has all those things02:05
Riddellbut I also like it having news too02:05
kwwiiperhaps reducing the news to the latest story might make things look nicer02:07
mhbRiddell: yes, but IMO the mockup on the ML is more simple for the newcomers02:07
kwwiifor instance, the release candidate is no longer an interesting story02:07
kwwiinor the Beta (although Jonathan has a very manly chest, so we might wanna keep that article to draw in the ladies)02:08
Jucatooooh so that was Riddell wearing the shirt :)02:08
mhbRiddell: ubuntu.com has the "Linux for human beings" box which I like very much ... it's in the center of the page, which is usually the most important part02:08
apokryphosRiddell: do you think it might be good to have a mention near the beginning (just under the picture) of: "Kubuntu 6.10 (codenamed "Edgy Eft")" ?02:11
apokryphoscodename isn't mentioned anywhere else in the announcement otherwise02:11
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Riddellapokryphos: done02:12
Jucatokwwii, mhb: there were some comments before (not in the mailing lists. but in the forums) about making the Kubuntu web page a bit more similar/consistent with the Ubuntu web page. Not really my idea. just thought to bring that up to you guys :)02:16
kwwiiJucato: to be honest, we really need to redesign the page anway...not just changing colors, but actually designing something new (using the existing pieces of course)02:17
kwwiibut I think that the ubuntu page shows what can be done, and is a step in the right direction02:18
Jucatoyeah. it's due for a makeover probably :)02:18
Jucatobtw, the webpage is nice :)02:18
kwwiibetter than before, at least02:18
Jucatogreat work again :)02:18
kwwiihopefully the outside world will notice it :-)02:19
=== kwwii picks his son up from the swimming pool, be back later
Riddellhttp://www.thecodingstudio.com/opensource/linux/?q=node/17  damn that's fast02:21
Jucatoprobably just dist-upgrade/upgraded then took screenshots the moment the news was out :P02:22
apokryphosor got a daily a few days before :P02:22
Jucatoyeah :)02:22
Jucatowhich I should have done, rather than installing Dapper and dist-upgrade to Edgy, which wasn't pretty...02:23
=== MidMark [n=marco@host-84-221-103-152.cust-adsl.tiscali.it] has joined #kubuntu-devel
MidMarkgnomefreak: yes you have right no gnome-desktop installed02:29
MidMarkbut not it breaks if I install it02:30
MidMarkwhat can I do?02:30
Jucatognome-desktop or kubuntu-desktop?02:30
MidMarkkubuntu-desktop sorry02:31
JucatoMidMark: tried to check what's causing it to break?02:31
fdovinganyone up for changing the EdgyUpgrades page? I'm not at home so i can't do much.02:32
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Jucatohi Hobbsee!!02:32
apokryphoswiki was dead last time I checked, but I will if I can02:32
gnomefreakubuntu-desktop or kubuntu-desktop02:33
gnomefreakthere is no gnome-desktop02:33
fdovingit should tell users that upgrading using adept is not safe, and reflect what the announcement says about upgrading.02:33
apokryphosbut for Kubuntu you need more than just k-d before you upgrade (for it to be smooth)02:33
gnomefreakyou do?02:33
MidMarkkubuntu-desktop I want to say02:33
fdovingyes. the announcement has a section for upgrading.02:33
Jucatohttps://help.ubuntu.com/community/EdgyUpgrades <--- this one right?02:34
apokryphosfdoving: but the apt-get instructions into adept are fine, right?02:34
Hobbseehey Jucato 02:34
Hobbseeyay, edgy's released :)02:34
Hobbseefdoving: it does, in the release notes for the RC at least02:34
apokryphosi.e. install package x y z, then upgrade02:34
JucatoHobbsee: happy edgy release day!!02:34
apokryphosyeah, wiki's still dead02:34
Jucatoup for me02:34
fdovingapokryphos: adept is not fine. apt-get is02:34
HobbseeJucato: indeed!02:35
apokryphosfdoving: why? Does adept's upgrade not imitate dist-upgrade basically?02:35
JucatoI used a combinationo of apt-get dist-upgrade, manual install, and aptitude dist-upgrade to get through02:35
fdovingHobbsee: yes, but the wiki is wrong. the ubotu factoid tells users to go to https://help.ubuntu.com/community/EdgyUpgrades - which has a adept section - that will leave users systems in a very bad state.02:35
MidMarkhow to know why beackage kubuntu-desktop?02:35
Jucatoapokryphos: the page fdoving points to recommends to upgrade first (Adept's Safe Upgrade) before dist-upgrade (Adept's Full Upgrade)02:35
fdovingapokryphos: adept can't handle this upgrade in a sane way.02:35
Riddellor at all, we need to edit https://help.ubuntu.com/community/EdgyUpgrades02:36
=== gnomefreak still trying to open the page :(
apokryphosonce it's up02:36
Hobbseefdoving: ahh.  i only just got home again02:36
fdovingRiddell: that's my point :)02:36
fdovingI'm on a slow and unstable GPRS connection. Have to go, just came by to check. Happy edgy release everyone :)02:37
gnomefreakupdate-manager now fixes the compiz and -desktop package errors i think sticking with that is safest bet since alot of people are using compiz/xgl/beryl02:37
apokryphosgnomefreak: but update-manager is no good for kubuntu users02:37
apokryphosgnomefreak: because it wants to install ubuntu-desktop, right?02:38
gnomefreakapokryphos: doesnt it detect the -desktop you have?02:38
apokryphosgnomefreak: it also doesn't come with ubuntu, I believe.02:38
=== gnomefreak will ask mvo about that one when i find him. i think hes afk atm
Riddellupdate-manager should work fine for kubuntu02:39
gnomefreakapokryphos: i thought update-mangler was across all ubuntu x k ed02:39
Jucatoupdate-manager (GNOME) = adept_updater+adept_notifier (Kubuntu) iirc...02:39
apokryphosRiddell: why don't we recommend that then?02:39
Riddellapokryphos: because it's a gnome app02:39
Riddellwe'll make a kubuntu version for feisty02:40
apokryphosyeah, so it's not installed.02:40
gnomefreak#4 needs to be fixed02:40
gnomefreaksudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get dist-upgrade && sudo apt-get dist-upgrade should be apt-get update && apt-get dist-upgrade02:41
gnomefreakno need for 2 dist-upgrades nor a upgrade when using dist-upgrade02:41
Jucatoin Edgy's case, I thought it was needed...02:41
Jucatoupgrade first before dist-upgrade, from what fdoving said...02:42
gnomefreakdist-upgrade does the same thing as upgrade but with more packages02:42
JucatoI made a direct dist-upgrade, and it held back 39 packages. that's from a very fresh Dapper install02:42
gnomefreakJucato: after final?02:42
Jucatohehe no :)02:42
gnomefreakpython crap was held back but that should have been let through02:42
apokryphosI don't think it's needed, http://kubuntu.org/announcements/6.10-release.php -- check announcement instructions there02:43
Jucatoso I presume that was fixed between yesterday and today?02:43
gnomefreakshould have been fixed before yesterday02:43
=== ..[topic/#kubuntu-devel:Riddell] : Welcome to #kubuntu-devel | Kubuntu Edgy rocks!
MidMarkguys I cannot understand which are packages that breaks02:44
MidMarkseems xorg02:44
MidMarkis there a way with adept to understand?02:44
RiddellMidMark: adept just uses dist-upgrade and that doesn't understand02:45
gnomefreakMidMark: install xserver-xorg xserver-xor-core xorg xserver-xorg-video-all02:45
seaLnetry with aptitude it might give a hint02:45
Jucatognomefreak: I think xserver packages were also held back... same reason as python packages?02:46
gnomefreakJucato: should have been fixed before release02:46
gnomefreak*should* = key word02:46
Jucatognomefreak: I'm so tempted to do another "fresh Dapper install -> upgrade to Edgy" just to test. lol02:47
Riddell"Waited all night.. now it's 6:00AM.  Good night."  that screenshot guy is cool :)02:47
gnomefreaknight Riddell 02:47
Riddellgnomefreak: not me, him02:48
MidMarkok video-all was missing02:49
gnomefreakMidMark: thats normal when you dont have the -desktop package installed before upgrading02:49
gnomefreaki do beleive you can install it after the upgrade but it wont fix all the errors02:50
MidMarkok but there are some other breakage02:50
MidMarkcan I remove x-window-system-core?02:50
MidMarkis old?02:50
MidMarktill 7.002:51
gnomefreakMidMark: maybe try to install it02:51
Jucato(heheh lot of confusion in upgrading to Edgy...)02:51
gnomefreakit should remove the old one02:51
MidMarkif I upgrade it break02:51
JucatoMidMark: try to install kubuntu-desktop manually. 02:51
MidMarksudo apt-get install kubuntu-desktop02:52
gnomefreakthere is a reason all the wikis for upgrading say or have said to install the -desktop package before upgrading02:52
JucatoI tried that, told me it would break because of some packages not being installed, like Amarok. installed Amarok manually, then I was able to install kubuntu-desktop02:52
JucatoMidMark: manually, I mean sudo apt-get install...02:52
Jucatobecause apt-get produces error messages02:53
JucatoMidMark: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/EdgyUpgrades <-- try the instructions here, near the bottom02:53
MidMarksame thing: kubuntu-desktop depends on xorg that isn't installed02:55
MidMarkxorg insn't installed bacause it breaks upgrading to 7.102:55
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gnomefreakMidMark: install it02:57
MidMarkit breaks02:57
MidMarkI have to find the root cause02:57
gnomefreakMidMark: root cause = not having -desktop package installed before upgrading02:58
MidMarkI KNOW02:58
gnomefreakMidMark: remove xorg02:58
gnomefreakthan install xorg02:58
MidMarkyou have repeated 1000 times02:58
Jucatognomefreak: check the EdgyUpgrades page again. dist-upgrade comes before installing kubuntu-desktop?02:59
gnomefreakMidMark: install all the xorg packages i gave you please pastebin the output02:59
gnomefreakJucato: normally other way around to not have errors02:59
MidMarkwas libgl1-mesa-glx02:59
MidMarkinstalling it removes old packages02:59
MidMarknow it's ok02:59
gnomefreakMidMark: you have compiz/xgl/beryl installed?02:59
Jucatognomefreak: better poke the big guy to change it a bit... (he might not believe me :P)02:59
gnomefreakMidMark: thats why02:59
gnomefreaklibgl1-mesa-glx is higher version than in ubuntu03:00
gnomefreakMidMark: the update-manager has fixed that issue03:00
MidMarkok now I have installed also kubuntu-desktop03:00
gnomefreakRiddell: sudo apt-get install kubuntu-desktop python-qt3 python-kde3 ubuntu-minimal should be before upgrading to help keep errors down03:01
Jucatognomefreak: I don't think update-manager is on Kubuntu... so the issue might still not be fixed?03:01
gnomefreakJucato: yes it works fine03:01
gnomefreakRiddell: had just said that not too long ago03:01
Jucatognomefreak: I mean, maybe Kubuntu users don't share the update-manager fix, because we don't have it installed... oh well nvm me :P03:02
gnomefreakJucato: its installed in kubuntu "apt-cache policy update-manager"03:03
MidMarkok thanx guys03:03
Jucatognomefreak: well, I'm not on Dapper anymore. but it's not installed on Kubuntu Edgy...03:04
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gnomefreaki guess hes fixed?03:09
Jucatoor he gave up... :P03:09
Jucatoquestion: what's the prefered way to add entries in fstab, now that fstab uses UUID? 03:09
gnomefreakdont :(03:10
=== gnomefreak never had to mess with it
Jucatowell, there are partitions that I didn't choose to be mounted during installation, and I'm sure people will be adding HDD's to their system... so how are we going to add entries to fstab? should we use the old /dev way?03:11
JucatoDisks & Filesystems isn't much of a help, since it even lists the UUID entries as separate from the main /dev ones03:12
kwwiiJucato: phyically adding a new harddrive inside the computer is not really a normal thing for a normal user, I think03:17
Jucatokwwii: yeah I guess so. (still don't know how to add those other partitions to my fstab...)03:18
kwwiican't you set mount points during install?03:18
JucatoI can, but I didn't for all partitions03:18
kwwiiahhh, I see03:18
kwwiiedit your fstab :-)03:18
Jucatobtw, it's not uncommon to see questions about mounting and adding entries to fstab in the forums and IRC03:18
Jucatoer yeah I know... but I was asking if there's a new, preferred way to do it now, because we seem to be using UUID thingies :)03:19
HawkwindIt's also very common for users to add harddrives to their system actually.  You see mention of it nearly everyday03:19
Jucatoor do we stick to the /dev/ way when it comes to adding entries to fstab?03:20
Jucato*in Edgy*03:20
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HawkwindAnyone know a way of fixing the Timestamp too far in the future message you sometimes get when trying to run apt-get or something.  Something other than rebooting the box ?03:22
gnomefreakHawkwind: sync it with ntp servers, change the bios time  those are only ways i knwo of03:28
Hawkwindgnomefreak: Sync'ing with npt servers doesn't seem to work03:29
HawkwindChanging the BIOS time would require a reboot to get into the BIOS03:29
gnomefreakHawkwind: than its your bios clock conflicting with your ubuntu clock03:29
gnomefreakyes it would 03:29
Hawkwindgnomefreak: Impossible03:29
Hawkwindgnomefreak: This happens randomly after the system has been running a while03:29
HawkwindNotably if you have it installed in vmware, and you suspend/hibernate vmware instead of shutting it down03:30
=== MidMark [n=marco@host-84-221-103-152.cust-adsl.tiscali.it] has joined #kubuntu-devel
Jucatohappened to me earlier, when I accidentally set my time one day backward03:30
HawkwindJucato: Setting the time back to normal didn't fix it either did it ?03:30
MidMarkok I've a problem with the kernel, experiences bug #6260803:31
UbugtuMalone bug 62608 in linux-source-2.6.17 "getting cpuindex for acpiid 0xnn delay on booting Edgy" [Undecided,Unconfirmed]  http://launchpad.net/bugs/6260803:31
JucatoHawkwind: I think that was the cause of the timestamp problem for me...03:31
=== LeeJunFan [n=junfan@adsl-69-210-207-5.dsl.klmzmi.ameritech.net] has joined #kubuntu-devel
Tm_THmm, guys, try "xdriinfo"03:44
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two-faceimbrandon: rehi03:55
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two-facekubuntu installed fine this time03:58
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=== gnomefreak [n=gnomefre@adsl-221-42-159.rmo.bellsouth.net] has joined #kubuntu-devel
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Riddellkwwii: do you have the SVG of that new Kubuntu logo?04:30
kwwiiRiddell: sure do...04:36
JucatoI just noticed that the Release Notes in KHelpCenter says that Edgy comes with KDE 3.5.4 and OO.o 2.0.3, KTorrent 2.0.2, etc...04:37
Jucatokwwii: can I take a peek at it?04:37
kwwiiJucato: you can do whatevery you like with it :-)04:37
Jucatohehe thanks :)04:37
gnomefreakGPLv2 gives me rights to change source as i wish and post it as i wish correct?04:38
kwwiiRiddell: I also have an eps for printing, in case anyone is iinterested04:39
jsgotangcognomefreak: not as you wish but you are mandated to release it ;)04:39
Riddellkwwii: that would be handy04:40
Jucato( kwwii: how about a logo replacement for K Menu? :P )04:41
RiddellJucato: too much resistance from me04:41
jsgotangcothat's a strong branding thing04:41
RiddellJucato: the release notes couldn't be updated after string freeze04:41
JucatoRiddell: hehe :)04:41
Riddelljsgotangco: exactly, I like to keep KDE branding04:41
jsgotangcothere's no point changing something that is already identified04:42
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=== Jucato goes to a corner and stays quiet...
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jsgotangcoJucato: you can always spin your own though its pretty flexible04:45
cmvoRiddell and all: Congratulations on the release of Kubuntu 6.10!05:03
Riddellthanks cmvo 05:04
cmvoRiddell: Any major changes since the 25.1 daily?05:04
Riddellcmvo: that was the final one I htink05:04
cmvoRiddell: Ok, so I can postpone the download for a bit. I trying the torrent, but I never completed a CD download with a torrent...05:07
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kwwiiRiddell: sorry, had to run to the store....the eps is going up on http://sinecera.de/edgy_3D_Logo.eps05:51
kwwiimight take a minute or two though to upload05:51
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danimoheya, congrats!06:01
danimoimbrandon_: ping?06:01
imbrandon_danimo: pong06:01
danimoimbrandon_: I reworked your announcement06:01
danimoimbrandon_: (kde dot news)06:02
imbrandon_danimo: i saw, i figured you or riddell did , thanks06:02
imbrandon_looks good06:02
danimoimbrandon: can you live with http://dot.kde.org/1161876357/ ?06:02
imbrandon_yup i just read ity, changes look ok to me06:02
danimoimbrandon: seems like riddell jus posted it06:02
danimoimbrandon: I reworked it a bit06:02
danimoupps, nope06:03
danimoRiddell: you reposted the story?06:03
Riddelldanimo: you didn't like the KDE 4 sentence?06:03
danimoRiddell: seems it's two urls06:03
imbrandon_oh wait, either way i'm flexable, you guys duke it out hehe06:03
danimoRiddell: I would, if it would have been in my version :)06:03
Riddelldanimo: oh, I think imbrandon_ posted it twice06:03
danimoRiddell: haha06:03
imbrandon_i dident think i did06:03
danimocan you copy my version over, and add your Qt 4.2 scentence?06:03
imbrandon_unless my net timed out06:03
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Riddelldanimo: I'm busy elsewhere, you have the lock06:05
imbrandon_or just link to kde 3.5.5 and digicam on riddells copy06:05
imbrandon_its sounds better06:05
danimoRiddell: done06:08
imbrandon_rockin thanks danimo06:09
danimoimbrandon_: my pleasure06:09
Jucatoum.. it doesn't matter which mirror I got the .torrent file for the ISO, right? they all connect to one another?06:10
gnomefreak3d logos look nice but a bit too big06:10
imbrandon_they all connect to the tracker06:10
Jucatoimbrandon_: thanks :)06:10
imbrandon_gnomefreak: what logo's ?06:11
gnomefreakimbrandon_: http://sinecera.de/edgy_3D_Logo.eps06:11
gnomefreakthe ones kwwii did06:11
imbrandon_eps's are for print06:12
jdongare we there yet?06:13
Jucatojdong: we are, you aren't?06:13
jdongJucato: I was referring to feisty :P06:13
imbrandon_jdong: and again we are you arent ?06:13
Riddelljdong: it's not open yet06:14
jdongimbrandon: hehe unfair :)06:14
Tm_THmm, I wonder if kickoff would be interesting add in feisty. ;)06:14
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imbrandon_jdong: and i swear if you ask me and tonio to bother upload ktorrent in feisty i will ban your IP from all things ubuntu releted heheheh06:14
jdongspeaking of ktorrent uploads06:15
jdong(just kidding)06:15
jdongbut imbrandon, when you do get a chance please fixie ppc ftbfs....06:15
imbrandon_i will once the archive opens back up06:15
imbrandon_probbably a week or two , not sure06:16
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fdovingRiddell: people in #kubuntu have problems with the upgrade process in the announcement. libgl1-mesa-glx must be installed manually.06:28
Jucatofdoving: will you add that to your KubuntuUpgrade wiki?06:29
fdovingIs that a problem for those who follow that guide too? 06:29
Jucatoerr I don't know :)06:30
imbrandon_fdoving: yea that seems to be a probem to those that installed  xgl from quinn_storm06:30
imbrandon_becouse she dident version correctly06:30
fdovinghmm.. that explains why i didn't experience that problem in my tests.06:32
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imbrandon_Riddell: i did notice one thing we need to push to -updates later ( dosent seem to effect anything though )06:35
imbrandon_Preparing to replace kubuntu-default-settings 1:6.10-60 (using 06:35
imbrandon_.../kubuntu-default-settings_1%3a6.10-61_all.deb) ...06:35
imbrandon_Unpacking replacement kubuntu-default-settings ...06:35
imbrandon_Unknow argument for /var/lib/dpkg/info/kubuntu-default-settings.postrm06:35
imbrandon_on upgrade06:35
kwwiiI forgot to add that the eps is 4m x 1m06:36
Riddellimbrandon_: what causes that?06:36
imbrandon_Riddell: not sure, downloading the source now06:36
=== jdong is now known as not_jdong
imbrandon_kwwii: lol06:37
Jucatonot_jdong: wow! a case of split personality or amnesia?06:37
not_jdongJucato: more like I kicked a handful from #ubuntuforums06:38
not_jdongand I wanna escape the @lart radar for a bit06:38
Jucatonot_jdong: hehe :P06:38
=== not_jdong is now known as jdong
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=== Jucato must remember to pass by #ubuntuforums once in a while :)
jdongnot the world's best place06:38
Jucatook changed my mind :)06:38
jdongberyl pretty :)06:39
jdongand with aiglx it's brain-dead easy to set up too06:39
imbrandon_jdong: btw who added google ad's to ubuntuforums, thats just tacky and against the "offical" stance ( e.g. i had to remove them per jane siber from buntudot.org before we merged with the fridge )06:39
=== jdong pokes fglrx in hopes that candy^W opengl routines come out
jsgotangcoimbrandon_: wow06:40
jdongimbrandon_: I think it's been like that for unregistered users for a bit06:40
Jucatowhoa? ads?06:40
jdongimbrandon_: I'll talk with ryan about it06:40
imbrandon_jdong: that should be removed asap as far as i'm concerned , unless canonical is getting the money, witch i doubt06:41
jdongI didn't know we still ahd them06:41
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jdongI'll talk with ryan and see what's up06:41
imbrandon_heya bddebian06:43
bddebianHello imbrandon06:43
Jucatohi bddebian06:43
bddebianHello Jucato06:43
imbrandon_Riddell: seems to be s/    echo Unsetting kubuntu as default mouse cursor theme .../    echo "Unsetting kubuntu as default mouse cursor theme ..."/g 06:43
imbrandon_someone forgot some quotes, i'll add it to bzr then next update it will be added06:44
fdovingI still can't upgrade successfully with the steps in the announcement.06:44
Riddellhmm, it shouldn't need quotes06:44
imbrandon_hum, i'll look it over some more and make sure that was it , FWIW the others are quoted06:45
fdovingthe steps does not fail. but amarok, kde-guidance, some xorg input drivers are still not upgraded. and hpijs, and a bunch of python packages are held back.06:46
Jucatothat's the same problem I encountered the other day. I thought the python problems were solved, as gnomefrek said06:47
imbrandon_kubuntu-desktop should take care of that06:47
fdovingit doesn't.06:47
ubotuUpgrading, please see the instructions on: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UpgradeNotes06:47
Jucatoimbrandon_: kubuntu-desktop won't install at that point, iirc06:48
fdovingthis is after kubuntu-desktop is installed.06:48
fdovingthis is after all the steps at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UpgradeNotes are finished.06:48
imbrandon_fdoving: if you can get some conformation then edit the wiki then06:51
fdovingI have a guide that works at https://wiki.kubuntu.org/KubuntuUpgrade06:51
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RiddellseaLne: able to torrent these? http://torrent.ubuntu.com/kubuntu/releases/edgy/release/dvd/06:59
RiddellI've got a got a good speed going on them07:00
tomaseaLne: ping07:02
tomacongrats on the release everyone!07:03
Riddellthanks toma 07:04
seaLnetoma: pong07:06
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tomaseaLne: did you write that comment on my site?07:06
JucatoRiddell: Sho_'s asking when the Edgy DVD's will be available07:07
seaLnetoma: yeah07:07
RiddellJucato: they are now, see link I just posted07:07
tomaseaLne: can you exlpain why you are not using kwallet?07:07
JucatoRiddell: ok thanks. I'll give it to him. thanks! (you rock!)07:07
seaLnetoma: i don't like the idea of it being the main reason, i like to know when a password is asked for and control whether i give it07:08
seaLnesaving passwords just feels wrong to me07:09
tomaseaLne: allright. I'm not so convinced that I should provide an alternative method though...07:10
seaLneffs lp spam07:10
UbugtuMalone bug 48777 in kubuntu-meta "No GUI way to change screen resolution in Kubuntu" [Wishlist,Rejected]  07:11
tomaseaLne: I'll think about it...07:12
seaLnefair enough07:12
danimodoes anyone know how to rsync just edgy and dapper?07:13
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Riddelldanimo: KubuntuFiles has how to rsync from cdimage, don't think you can rsync from releases07:13
danimoRiddell: sure I can07:14
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danimoRiddell: what is the pool directory for exactly?07:15
Riddelldanimo: you want to rsync the archive?07:16
Riddelldanimo: the pool has all the packages in it, you can't really just sync the packages from a given distro07:16
danimoRiddell: that sucks :(07:16
danimoRiddell: why would I want to rsync e.g. hoary?07:16
fdovingdanimo: i think you can use 'debmirror' to do partial mirroring.07:19
fdovingdon't know about the rsync support though.. 07:19
imbrandon_or apt-mirror07:19
imbrandon_it will do one or many arches and only one or many distros07:20
danimothen again, old archives are just a one time cost07:22
danimoand we have a 1 TB RAID here, so what the hell...07:22
Riddelldanimo: if you have good bandwidth you could torrent the CDs and DVDs while you're at it :)07:22
danimoRiddell: that's next07:22
danimoRiddell: we're planning on an in-house install-party07:23
danimoRiddell: ubuntu is the distri of choice :)07:23
danimoRiddell: one of ubuntu, kubuntu and xubuntu, that is07:23
danimowe'll let people choose, based on some reference systems we will provide07:24
danimo(and I'll bias them into the right choice (tm) ;)07:24
imbrandon_put the "other two"(tm) on p133mhz and kubuntu on a 4200+ ;)07:25
danimoimbrandon_: xubuntu is indeed for weak PCs, but since they'll be 99% laptop users...07:27
imbrandon_well i ment more to make them look "slow" to bias them to kubuntu07:27
danimoimbrandon_: sure, I'm the masterchief of foul tricks ;)07:28
seaLnedanimo: lucky you debian + ubuntu has nearly filled my 400Gb ftp drive07:28
imbrandon_ubuntu takes about 60gb for my local 2 arch mirror and about 110gb on my full mirror07:29
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kwwiiwhat is "kubuntu-desktop" for a package (listed as upgradeable but not selected as change per defualt), should I request the update?07:38
seaLneits the meta package that pulls in the default packages07:38
kwwiiso I probably want to update it07:39
kwwiicool, thanks07:39
kwwiihrm, it adept refuses to update it07:41
seaLnedo the upgrade then try to install it again07:41
imbrandon_heh another great reason not to use adept 07:41
seaLnenot really you'd have to do the same with apt-get07:41
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seaLneanyone know what september is in french?07:50
kwwiiyes, that is right07:52
imbrandon_Riddell: i dont think we will have much opposition tot he kde4 in /opt the more i look at it, if you notice edubuntu puts ltsp in /opt07:56
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Riddellimbrandon_: that's a useful precedent :)08:03
imbrandon_there is talk too about making edubuntu a "add-on" cd to {k,x,}ubuntu also, that would rock, you install a default *ubuntu and then "add" the edubuntu cd to it to make a full setup, making kde or xfce or gnome all useable08:05
imbrandon_i think that would rock for us to promote a bit too08:06
imbrandon_if it happens ( up for talks at mtv )08:06
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fdovingthat would be cool.08:06
nixternaloh boy i woke up super sick today ;(08:08
nixternalgood job everyone with 6.10!  all of you flat out rock. i can't wait to see what you all do with 7.04 now that you have 6 months to work on it, and not 3.508:09
=== Riddell reels nixternal into the gang
nixternalheh, i didn't do much for 6.10 except for cheerlead ;)08:09
imbrandon_i was gonna say, arent you part of "us" hehe08:10
nixternalwell yes of course08:10
nixternalbut how conceded would i be congratulating myself?08:10
nixternali cannot speeeeeel today08:10
imbrandon_oh no, i just pictutred nixternal in a cheerleaders outfit, GAH08:10
nixternalyou are scarred for life08:10
nixternalthats cuz you just got peppered sprayed probably08:11
nixternaljust let me know when i can set my sources.list to "feisty"08:12
imbrandon_yea having 6 months will be a change, hehe alot nicer than 408:12
nixternalno doubt08:12
nixternalnow that im getting this packaging stuff down, i can't wait08:13
jsgotangconixternal: there's always checkinstall hell if you like08:13
=== imbrandon_ stabs jsgotangco
imbrandon_alien and checkinstall are curses08:14
nixternaljsgotangco: you are gonna be here in december right?08:14
jsgotangconixternal: yup08:14
jsgotangcojust in time for new year08:14
jsgotangco*if* things go well here08:14
nixternalcool, im going to do the chicago welcome, and jump you, beat you up, and steal that cell phone ;)08:15
nixternali forgot you are from here...so i will use caution ;)08:15
jsgotangcogonna do some fundraisers in the process as well for foundation08:15
jsgotangcoso theres some planning being done now08:15
imbrandon_wow socal has wildfires over 800 acres destroyed so far, wonder how close to mountain view08:21
imbrandon_nixternal: how close is palm springs to SF ?08:21
nixternalnot close08:22
nixternalpalm springs is in the desert08:22
imbrandon_yea looks like 150 miles or more08:22
nixternalpalm springs is like 3 hours from LA and San Diego, and San Francisco is 10 or more from them08:22
nixternalactually, it might be an 8 hour drive from LA to San Fran08:23
imbrandon_LA to SF is only like 608:23
imbrandon_i've made that trip before08:23
imbrandon_maybe 6.508:24
imbrandon_( but i was on a motorcycle so i dont think i was doing the speed limit )08:24
nixternalwell, from LA it is less...im coming from San Diego..sorry08:24
nixternali was off08:24
=== moi1392 [n=vally@4be54-1-81-56-96-78.fbx.proxad.net] has joined #kubuntu-devel
imbrandon_i took a trip from reno to la on my bike last year when i still lived in reno08:25
nixternalLA is 1.5 hours north up the 805 to 5 or the PCH, and then it is about 6 from LA to San Fran08:25
nixternali would move back to san diego, but the jobs are scarce and the cost of living is nuts08:26
imbrandon_yea thats my main thing, not the jobs but the cost of living is crazy expensive08:26
moi1392hello, I just take  look at the spec about a gui to configure Xorg, and want to point you this app : http://www.kxgenerator.xt.pl/ it is really nive and it will be good to turn it into a kontrol module center !08:26
Riddelldoes this page look sane to everyone? http://kubuntu.org/download-new.php08:27
imbrandon_Riddell: that actualy looks REALLY good08:27
=== Riddell makes it so
nixternallooks good08:29
nixternalhehe Riddell, i see you went with the gloss logo with the gear background ;)08:29
nixternalxubuntu guys changed up their website as well...it looks decent now..it isn't all dark anymore08:30
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fdovingreleases.ubuntu.com is so fast.08:31
=== Ingmar^ [n=ingmar@169.161-201-80.adsl-dyn.isp.belgacom.be] has joined #kubuntu-devel
Tm_THmm hmm.08:38
Tm_TI modified kickoff to be more kubuntu-friendly. :)08:39
imbrandon_nice did you rip it out of kdebase ? or just compile a whole new kdebase08:42
Riddellit's in kdebase?08:48
imbrandon_its a patch to the current kmenu08:48
imbrandon_not its "own" applet08:48
apokryphoskickoff in kubuntu? nice08:48
imbrandon_thus why i havent made packages for it yet08:48
Riddellmm, nasty08:49
imbrandon_yea , very08:49
imbrandon_its in kdesvn08:49
apokryphosTm_T: does the beagle search work with it too?08:49
imbrandon_just in its own branch08:49
apokryphosnasty? As in good? ;-)08:49
apokryphosI really like it; I'm very productive with it. No need for alt+f2 anymore08:49
imbrandon_apokryphos: no , not good , they should have used the code and done a new applet08:50
apokryphosimbrandon: why?08:50
imbrandon_its basicly all or none this way08:50
imbrandon_no way to have a choice or both08:50
apokryphosimbrandon: sure you can; right-click -> switch to old kde style08:50
ajmitchhey imbrandon_ 08:50
imbrandon_heya ajmitch sab seems to not be arround08:51
imbrandon_leaste not answering me hehe08:51
apokryphosI don't actually use katapult atm either; it has extra little things like calculator, and of course all beagle things08:51
ajmitchheh ok08:51
Tm_Tapokryphos: Hmm, couldn't build it, but it can launch external kerry.08:51
apokryphosTm_T: dang. Half the greatness is the inline search results =)08:51
apokryphosthat's really the only thing I'd say it has over SLED's GNOME menu08:51
imbrandon_Tm_T: did you get the code from kdesvn ? or elsewhere 08:52
moi1392hello, does someone know this app : http://www.kxgenerator.xt.pl/ ? should I post a feature request if I want to see it in kubuntu or there is no way to include it ? it could also help to resolve this spec : https://features.launchpad.net/distros/ubuntu/+spec/xorg-config-ui08:52
Tm_TAh, that inline search does work indeed. :)08:52
imbrandon_apokryphos: ubuntu has that menu too now ( in universe )08:52
apokryphosmoi1392: there's a link from the main kubuntu wiki page on where to suggest new kubuntu apps08:52
imbrandon_the package is "main-menu"08:52
imbrandon_apokryphos: ^08:52
apokryphosimbrandon: nice; I've just been using it on suse factory for some time08:53
Tm_Tapokryphos: Apparently that search works afterall, though I thought I disabled beagle-extension. :p08:53
apokryphosah, cool08:53
Tm_Timbrandon_: I just did compile&install kicker and kcontrol/kicker08:54
fdovingwhere can i get my hands on this new fancy thing? 08:54
apokryphosfdoving: in Universe, package main-menu08:54
imbrandon_i might try to make a package again, the first time i did was the day it hit svn08:55
imbrandon_fdoving: the kde one or gnome one ?08:55
imbrandon_fdoving: kde one you have to build atm08:55
fdovingimbrandon_: i don't do gnome.08:55
apokryphos!info main-menu edgy08:55
ubotuPackage main-menu does not exist in edgy08:55
fdoving!info gnome-main-menu08:55
ubotuPackage gnome-main-menu does not exist in any distro I know08:55
apokryphosimbrandon: oh, were you talking about the gnome one before?08:55
imbrandon_hum lemme check the package name08:55
imbrandon_apokryphos: yes08:56
apokryphosimbrandon: so the kde one's not in Universe?08:56
imbrandon_apokryphos: the kde one isnt built yet, i've been watching it for feisty08:56
imbrandon_apokryphos: correct08:56
apokryphosah, right08:56
fdovingimbrandon: where can it be downloaded? 08:56
apokryphosfdoving: kde svn only then, I guess08:56
fdovingany pointers on where? 08:57
apokryphosbut ubuntu aren't using that gnome menu by default? That's a shame08:57
apokryphosI find it far superior to the old one08:57
imbrandon_its still hard to use, i hate the way it does "more apps"08:57
apokryphosfdoving: there's a presentation of it at http://www.kdedevelopers.org/node/2283 btw08:58
apokryphosimbrandon: I really liked that, though if you use many apps regularly it could be annoying08:58
fdovingapokryphos: thanks.08:58
imbrandon_fdoving: http://websvn.kde.org/branches/work/suse_kickoff/08:58
fdovingimbrandon: thanks :)08:58
apokryphosimbrandon: it looks tidier, at least, but perhaps not as practical. KDE menu gets around it by still having the all apps, and by having inline search results08:58
apokryphosno need for new windows08:59
Tm_TI wanted this kickoff to be more narrow, but couldn't make it out from sources, well hidden stuff. =)09:00
apokryphosatm I don't like the lack of configurability with it, but perhaps that'll change over time09:00
apokryphoswow, kerry's got a whole load of new improvements as of late. Didn't realise my checkout was so old 8)09:04
apokryphoshttp://www.kdedevelopers.org/node/2483 -- more configuration with results09:04
nixternalwhat do we do now?09:08
nixternali know...i can play quake 3 ;)09:09
Tm_Tnixternal: Why not ET?09:09
apokryphosnixternal: now help users in #ubuntu / #kubuntu ;-)09:09
nixternalheh, they tend to help me09:10
nixternali do need to start spending some more time in there helping out though...#ubuntu i am really useless, because I am not "good" with gnome09:10
apokryphosthe majority of problems aren't really gnome-related, I'd say09:12
moi1392http://www.luigifab.info/Autres/capture1.png : looks like a bug in the installer :/ => "no root file system"09:13
moi1392somehave an idea ?09:13
nixternalis that what that warning on the bottom says?  because i see / up top in the select menu09:22
tomao I hate dot.kde.org replies09:25
tomathese users are weird09:25
moi1392nixternal: that warning say : no root file system09:26
moi1392and yes, a root file system was selected, but the installer doesn't want to continue09:26
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goliath23hi. I tried upgrading to kubuntu 6.10 but in the middle of the upgrade process somthing failed. now it suggest to run "apt-get -f install" if I do this, it tries to remove xserver-xorg and that fails because some "atck smashing protection" kill the post installation perl script... 09:55
goliath23how can I disable "stack smashing"??09:55
goliath23or better: the stack smashing protection...09:55
goliath23it kills all the perl scripts started by apt-get or dpkg09:56
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yacoobCozy channel :>10:01
moi1392nixternal: the problem is solved, it was because the partition was a reiserfs ! I think the error should be more explicit :/10:02
nixternalahh, i agree, as it doesn't let you know the partition type is at fault10:03
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goliath23any idea what I could do against the freaked out stack smashing protection on my half-dapper half-edgy system? the /usr/bin/perl gets killed all the time when called by dpkg or apt-get if I try to fix the mess..10:13
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yacoobhm, http://kubuntu.org/6.10-release.php is 404 (link from main page)10:19
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nixternali can't believe nobody caught that10:21
yacoobI just did :P10:21
nixternalwhat page are you getting that link from?10:21
yacoobbetter change the link on the wepage10:21
nixternalthe link on kubuntu.org is good10:21
yacoobI'm getting sleepy, I thought it's on the main page...10:22
nixternalthanks yacoob!10:22
yacoobhappy to be helpful :>10:23
=== moi1392 [n=vally@4be54-1-81-56-96-78.fbx.proxad.net] has left #kubuntu-devel ["Kopete]
yacoobis there a way to hide the splash screen on boot and see the kernel messages?10:32
nixternaledit /boot/grub/menu.lst10:32
nixternaland remove the quiet and splaash10:32
Tm_Tyacoob: kernel parameters in grub, take "quiet" away to get messages with splash, and remove "splash" to get it all old fashioned.10:33
nixternalbut you will have to do this everytime you update anything with the kernel where it runs the update-initramfs10:33
yacoobisn't there a way to do it per-boot?10:33
yacoob(hm, I can edit the grub entry from menu...)10:33
nixternalfrom konsole10:34
nixternalsudo nano /boot/grub/menu.lst10:34
nixternalkdesu kate /boot/grub/menu.lst10:34
nixternalor kwrite instead of kate10:34
yacoobhehe, actually switching back and forth between two text consoles removes splash :D But sstill, I loose the messages before VT are initialised10:34
yacoobnixternal, I'm fine with editing menu.lst, I'll handle that :)10:34
yacoob(and kvim is dead, bah :( )10:35
nixternalactually, i am starting to use vi more and more once again10:35
yacoobactually, kubuntu is my first venture into area of kde/gnome10:35
yacoobfor last... hm, 5 years, I've been playing along with sawfish10:35
nixternalmy first venture was either slackware or LFS and KDE 110:36
yacoob(no, it's not dead, it only stinks that way :)10:36
nixternalback then was hooked on AfterSTEP cuz I thought i was a l337 hax0r ;)10:36
yacoobhehe, in order to be leet, you have to have cryptic desktop10:36
nixternaleverything was black with green 10:36
nixternalnow, default works just fine, it has to be functional now for me10:37
=== nixternal kicks digikam - quit crashing
yacoobhttp://hell.pl/yacoob/sakwa/gfx/sshots/_thumbs/2005-08-22.puste.png.html - this is (well - was, I just overwritten the Debian with Kubuntu :) my desktop10:37
yacooband http://hell.pl/yacoob/sakwa/gfx/sshots/_thumbs/2005-08-22.pelne.png.html is a screenshot with things "up", I wrote an addon for sawfish to hide and show windows behind edges of screen10:38
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yacoob...and it was all "back then" when I had more time to fiddle with things :>10:38
nixternalheh, those setups take me back..10:41
yacoobit's functional :)10:41
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yacoobto be honest, I'd use it, if it wasn't for my freshly reluctance for debian10:42
yacoobiceweasel vs firefox was the last straw10:42
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yacoobno lolling :)10:51
yacoobubuntu is using debian infrastruture, so it's easier for me10:51
yacoob(and things are nifty, apt-get et al)10:51
yacoobit's just ideology of Debian, that doesn't suit me10:52
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yacoobwhy isn't *buntu using differential packages list with apt?11:02
Tm_TWhy should?11:03
yacoobsmaller files to get11:03
Tm_TEh, well, prolly just overlapping packagelists && more files to load.11:04
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ryanakcahmm... http://pastebin.ca/223312 ... that normal?11:19
ryanakcathat autoremove statement has been there for about a week now... things like that usually tend to go away after a while (for me)... 11:19
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imbrandon_ryanakca: looks like you dont have kubuntu-desktop installed11:34
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ryanakcaimbrandon_: ouch... doesn't look good... just a sec, pastebinning11:35
ryanakcaimbrandon_: http://pastebin.ca/22334911:37
imbrandon_you have the kde4 libs from kubuntu.org installed dont you?11:38
ryanakcakde4base-dev or whatever it is?11:38
=== ryanakca gulps
imbrandon_yes, that is why those are uninstallable, and thus kubuntu-desktop cant be installed thus that otherstuff want to be removed11:39
imbrandon_sooo if you wanna keep that installed then you have to deal with it11:39
ryanakcameh, I don't use it anywais...11:39
goliath23what depconf frontend is the default in kubuntu11:40
ryanakcaimbrandon_ how do I remove it? sudo apt-get --purge remove kde4base11:41
goliath23could it be, that it's KDE? (which could be dangerous if an update aborts and X is not running for one or another reason)11:41
imbrandon_there is no debconf frontend by default ( other than curses )11:41
imbrandon_ryanakca: yea what ever you installed11:42
=== imbrandon_ heads to bed, gnight all
ryanakcanight imbrandon_11:43
goliath23I had _strange_ problems with it... all the perl scripts called fail with a stack smashing protection message (or segfault) when DEBIAN_FRONTEND is set to KDE11:43

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