
=== Em3rald is feeling sick because his webserver is not working at all.
Code-Enothins happenin12:00
azurealstill i think i think  apt-cache search > aptitude search12:01
LjLazureal, not really, firefox is mentioned if you do "apt-cache show openoffice.org", that's while it gets a hit12:01
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LjLazureal, not really, aptitude's search is way more flexible.12:01
=== kelbizzle [n=yourplay@c-69-137-230-170.hsd1.md.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
azurealLjL, i dont like the big space before the descriptions start12:01
labI'm trying ubuntu because I played with the Windows Vista beta and was thoroughly disgusted (I've never used a linux desktop before).  You guys think I'll be able to switch over permanently?12:02
kelbizzleof course12:02
charle97lab, do you play games?12:02
azurealdual boot!12:02
charle97then No12:02
anto9uslab, myself and many others already have12:02
labThats one of the ones i was worried about12:02
Zoohousejbroome: "Firstly you need to buy a license to use the VMWare software" Do I need to buy license before installing? Is it going to ask me for a key or something?12:02
=== ichdu [n=a@pD9E12A1A.dip0.t-ipconnect.de] has joined #ubuntu
LjLazureal, you can use the "-F" option to decide the format of the output.12:02
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charle97lab, you'll need to dual boot12:02
=== lupine_85 plays games and only has ubuntu
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kelbizzleTrue Combat Elite is the Best FPS in the worls12:03
kelbizzlefor linux12:03
lupine_85it depends on the sort of games you like, I guess12:03
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labI dont' play *serious* games just like Starcraft, the old CS 1.6 (half life 1) and Diablo II.12:03
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taslavardoes anyone still play True Combat?12:03
labNo oblivion or WoW12:03
Wiseguyyou can still play most if not all of those with cedega12:03
charle97lab, you may be able to use wine for those12:03
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azurealah, ok thx i'll look into it, LjL12:03
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jbroomeZoohouse: the player shouldn't require any activation12:03
kelbizzleyes the new version just came out12:03
lupine_85cedega and wine play many games12:03
charle97lab, wine is a like an emulator12:03
labI'm just scared -- i'm soo...comfortable...in windows12:04
azurealLjL, because i definitely prefer aptitude install and remove over apt-get12:04
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Zoohousejbroome: and Ill be able to run win with the player right?12:04
taslavarcool, i thought it had died12:04
sidny4cedega does an ok job playing games12:04
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lupine_85so was my partner - until she actualy got into linux :)12:04
Ekinoksbye bye12:04
lupine_85now she's a raving addict12:04
kelbizzlecan anyone help me12:04
LjLazureal: note that the auto-removal feature will be there even in apt-get, in Edgy12:04
sidny4not as good as windows though12:04
labcedega vs wine -- I understand what wine is, but what's cedega?12:04
LjL!cedega | lab12:04
ubotulab: cedega is a project based on wine, aimed at running windows games on Linux. For more info, see http://help.ubuntu.com/community/Cedega12:04
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charle97lab, use the livecd or a separate partition to test ubuntu12:04
lupine_85cedega is wine + some DX9 stuff12:04
labah thx12:04
lupine_85+ a GUI interface12:04
kelbizzlepretty please12:04
sidny4lab, cedega is a version of wine, it used to be called winex12:04
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taslavarI'm having trouble getting my iBook G3 to boot from a USB flash drive, it's not getting past the ofboot.b "Loading second stage bootstrap...", is anyone here familiar with getting yaboot to work with USB thumb drives?12:04
azurealLjL, i had a bad experience w/ updating to edgy beta... only if they would make the update process _not_ require ubuntu-desktop12:05
anto9usLjL, ahah, livecd!12:05
kelbizzlecan someone help me12:05
=== ClayG [n=clay@c-66-177-234-251.hsd1.fl.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
charle97just ask your question kelbizzle12:05
=== ion [n=ion@cpc2-pool4-0-0-cust926.sot3.cable.ntl.com] has joined #ubuntu
LjLanto9us, it's called a Desktop CD, not a "live" CD anymore.12:05
kelbizzleX didnt start up after installing and now I'm stuck at a login screen12:05
sidny4I prefer the alternative CD :D12:05
=== skateinmars [n=skateinm@arl13-1-82-240-6-242.fbx.proxad.net] has joined #ubuntu
labI work where we have a lab, and have installed ubuntu on a machine in there, so I'm golden in terms of a trial, it's just I *really* know the ins and outs of windows (I was a desktop tech for a long time).  I know linux is the way to go and has enormous potential, but I'm just a total newb and hate to start at square one again.12:06
lnostdali've been playing WoW on plain wine under Ubuntu for about a year .. i'm now lvl56 -- hooray :)12:06
LjLthere is no such thing as an alternative CD. there is the Alternate CD, though12:06
charle97kelbizzle, what cd did you use to install?12:06
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sidny4kelbizzle, try logging in with your username/pw and then type startx12:06
ZoohouseDoesn't the vmplayer connect to the vmserver?12:06
LjLZoohouse: no12:06
Zoohouseoh ok12:06
charle97kelbizzle, try startx12:06
kelbizzleI get a error12:06
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kelbizzlea big one12:06
lupine_85that won't help12:06
LjLZoohouse: they're two different products. the player doesn't allow you to create new virtual machines, but only to run them if you have them already. you can use sites such as http://www.easyvmx.com to create vms12:06
ZirJokerhow do i change the  permissions to 777 in a whole partition?12:06
azureallab, it's a big step, but you could always dualboot12:07
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ubotuThe files and directories on an Ubuntu system are organized according to a standard, see http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Filesystem_Hierarchy_Standard - file permissions are explained at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FilePermissions - All filenames and directory names (and many other things) are case sensitive in Linux12:07
maccam94did loonix ever get set up or did he leave/get kicked?12:07
LjLmaccam94: left12:07
stojance_CAN SOMEONE HELP12:07
=== KristeK [n=KristeK@a83-132-52-54.cpe.netcabo.pt] has joined #ubuntu
kelbizzlelet me see if I can sort trough the mess12:07
ZirJokerhow do i change the  permissions to 777 in a whole partition?12:07
lupine_85X failed to start becuse of an error somewhere - check /var/log/Xorg.0.log to find out why12:07
lupine_85then fix it :D12:07
LjL!caps | stojance_12:07
ubotustojance_: PLEASE DON'T SHOUT! We can read lowercase too.12:07
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maccam94stojance_: ...what's up?12:07
ZoohouseLjL: Sorry, what do you mean by  "create new virtual machines"12:07
stojance_I have trouble installing gnome dock, gnome-dock.org12:07
charle97kelbizzle, wait a day or two, download 6.10 and install it12:07
ubotugnome-dock is a MacOS X -like dock for the gnome desktop, see www.gnome-dock.org12:07
kelbizzlefatal server error: caught signal 4. server aborting12:08
lupine_85!info gnome-dock dapper12:08
Em3raldI am having trouble getting my dapper CD to be used by apt.12:08
ubotuPackage gnome-dock does not exist in dapper12:08
Noobiethe kernel that comes with dapper is already patched with skas mode?12:08
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KristeKHi! Who can help me about some mounts?12:08
labI swear though I'm going to have such a hard time detaching myself from the whole C: concept  :)12:08
stojance_Thank you, I allready know that12:08
azurealLjL, what's the "aptitude reference manual" ?  the man pages say to look at it =/12:08
LjLZoohouse, VMWare needs some files, in order to create an emulated environment: a configuration file, a virtual HD file, and some more.12:08
lupine_85lab: create a symlink known as /c:/ ;)12:08
charle97lab, read linux books .... that's what i did12:08
kelbizzleI tried the desktop cd that lept freezing at 26 percent12:08
ubotuThe Alternate CD (available as of Dapper) is the classical text-mode installation CD. Use it if you wish to upgrade via CD, or for an "expert" mode install. For normal installs, use the Desktop CD, which is also a "Live" CD.12:08
lupine_85use that instead12:08
anto9uslab, you should check out #ubuntu-offtopic for more general discussion :)12:08
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KristeK   Device Boot      Start         End      Blocks   Id  System12:09
KristeK./dev/hdb1               1        7298    58615703+  ee  EFI GPT12:09
LjLazureal: try http://people.debian.org/~dburrows/aptitude-doc/en/12:09
KristeKWhat is this System EFI GPT?12:09
stojance_!gnome dock12:09
=== Lugusto [n=ircap8@200-168-125-225.dsl.telesp.net.br] has joined #ubuntu
Em3raldgah ... this is so hopeless.  Well ... I'm freaking done folks.  webserver's down.  gotta go.  I hate being this ticked off.12:09
=== Pir [i=Pir@200-168-127-170.dsl.telesp.net.br] has joined #ubuntu
ubotugnome-dock is a MacOS X -like dock for the gnome desktop, see www.gnome-dock.org12:09
Zoohouse!Xen | Zoohouse12:09
ubotuZoohouse: XEN is a virtual machine monitor for x86 that supports execution of multiple guest operating systems with unprecedented levels of performance and resource isolation. Information on installing it for Ubuntu can be found at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/XenOnEdgy12:09
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kelbizzlecould it be my graphics card in my laptop?12:10
kelbizzleI see radeon among the details somewhere12:10
stojance_I have really hard time installing it. I did all that was said in the site and IT DOESN'T WORK!12:10
LjL!msg the bot | Zoohouse12:10
ubotuZoohouse: Please investigate with me only in /msg or in #ubuntu-bots  -  Abusing the channel bots will only result in angry ops... ;-)12:10
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KristeKI've a second disk with 2 partitions formated has NTFS and need to mount it on ubuntu server12:10
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Zoohousesorry :)12:10
docmurquestion what is a good Text to Speech software for gnome12:11
Dr_willisKristeK,  thats doable.  for a user to access it you may need to alter the umask, or other options.12:11
PirHi. Can someone help me to config my graphics card (onboard SIS 661FX) in ubuntu dapper?12:11
zapzapanto9us: some news ?12:11
Dr_willisKristeK,  example from my fstab /dev/hda1 /media/hda1     ntfs    defaults,nls=utf8,umask=007,gid=46 0       112:11
LjLstojance_, be patient and perhaps somebody will be able to help you. i'm afraid most people here however aren't venturing into compiling experimental software from souce12:11
anto9uszapzap, did you try the gutenprint driver?12:11
maccam94stojance_: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=20098712:12
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lupine_85stojance_: cat INSTALL12:12
kelbizzlecan someone tell me how I check the log12:12
lupine_85follow the steps, ask if you have any specific questions12:12
tim__less /var/log/something12:12
stojance_I allready saw that conversation, forum!12:12
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stojance_cat install doesn't work eather12:13
charle97kristek, http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=14248112:13
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tim__It's kinda busy in here. Was hoping someone might be able to point me in some directions on getting mixing working on my machine. Anyone good in that field?12:14
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ZoohouseLjL: whats simplar to run: VMWare with easyvm or xen?12:14
zapzapanto9us: i run my priter with it and it s realy slown as i ve said !12:14
anto9uszapzap, you said you used gimp-print12:14
taslavarI'm trying to boot my iBook G3 from a USB thumb drive, but at "Loading second stage bootstrap" it just shows the flashing no-OS icon instead of loading yaboot. Is there anyone here who has managed to get this working who could help me? My yaboot.conf and generated ofboot.b are here: http://rafb.net/paste/results/oMWHir37.html12:15
=== NeoThermic [n=NeoTherm@phpbb/support/pdpc.student.NeoThermic] has joined #ubuntu
kelbizzleok I have the log up of why x didnt star t up12:15
charle97tim_, http://ubuntuforums.org/search.php?searchid=913557512:15
zapzapanto9us: yes sorry iwould say gutenprint not gimpprint12:15
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anto9uszapzap, so you've tried both?12:16
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tim__ty charle9712:16
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judgenis there any good nes emulator or a good gui for fceu for linux?12:16
zapzapanto9us: yes on MDK, gimpprint12:16
soundraytaslavar: I tried this once with a Mac mini and failed. I heard by rumour that it is possible to install on a Firewire device, but not on USB.12:16
kelbizzlecould my video card be the reason x isnt starting up?12:16
KristeK2nd disk, with 2 ntfs partition, how to mount the 2 partitions on ubuntu server?12:16
englaedgy draws close? what's the forecast on release date?12:17
zapzapanto9us: but is gutenprint the new name of gimprint ?12:17
LjLZoohouse: vmware-player imho12:17
chaoticg33kI'm trying to save my prefrences on the wiki, but it  will not go. It just sits there with the cursor saying its loading, however if I fire up another tab I can navigate still. I've tried going around and seeing if the wiki is messed up but the prefrences page is the only place where it will not do anything. All I did was click save to save my prefrences.12:17
soundrayengla: still tomorrow12:17
LjLzapzap: yes12:18
anto9uszapzap, no, I don't think so12:18
zapzapanto9us: ups !12:18
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englasooner than I expect. and I that have so much other things to do12:18
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KristeKmount -t ntfs /dev/hdb1 /media/windows12:18
LjLanto9us: http://gimp-print.sourceforge.net/12:18
taslavarsoundray: OS X can't be booted from USB, but the Debian website has instructions for booting from a USB drive so..12:18
=== ZombiekE [i=IceChat7@iub-2-153.du.simnet.is] has joined #ubuntu
KristeKwrong fs type, bad option, bad superblock on /dev/hdb112:18
Mad_Macwhen will be released edgy eft?12:18
LjLMad_Mac: october 2612:18
Mad_Macdate and hour, at which hour?12:19
LjL!ef | Mad_Mac12:19
ubotuMad_Mac: We do not yet know at precisely what time of the day Edgy will be finalized and published for download. Please be patient!12:19
soundraytaslavar: are those instructions for i386 or PPC?12:19
anto9uszapzap, I'm in error, sorry12:19
zapzapLjL: thanx12:19
taslavarsoundray: ppc12:19
zapzapanto9us: no pb12:19
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ZombiekEI try to install something with aptitude but I get "302 moved temporarily" and an IP address, what can I do? I don't think it has really been moved... otherwise, how could I install this on my own?12:19
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xabarasanyone can help me for activate acceleration 3d in chipset Intel Graphics 212:19
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taslavarsoundray: http://www.debian.org/releases/stable/powerpc/ch04s04.html.en12:20
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Mad_Maci go to sleep12:20
soundraytaslavar: like I said, I stopped pursuing that option.12:20
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zapzapanto9us: but i really want to do my printing more quick12:20
Whatsisnameahh back in the channel12:20
xabarasanyone can help me for activate acceleration 3d in chipset Intel Graphics 212:20
=== Bearcat is now known as Bearcat1
=== compilerwriter [n=keithjon@adsl-69-208-138-24.dsl.ipltin.ameritech.net] has joined #ubuntu
Whatsisnamehey I have a question for anyone that is familiar with the usual suite of text filters12:20
Whatsisnamefor a script12:21
taslavarsoundray: alright, i hope i'll have better luck :X12:21
KristeKHelp mounting 2nd windows disk drive!!!12:21
anto9uszapzap, see what other driver options are available in the drop down and try them12:21
compilerwriterCan anyone help me get a Palm Zire 21 to sync with ubuntu?12:21
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kitcheWhatisname what are you doign exactly12:21
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zapzapanto9us: is my pentium 500 too slown to construct pages during printing ?12:21
javiolothe wifi manager that comes with ubuntu supports wpa ?12:21
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zapzapanto9us: no other driver !12:22
anto9uszapzap, no, memory could be an issue but not processor speed12:22
compilerwriterI tried j-pilot but had issues I didn't know how to fix.12:22
Whatsisnamekitche, I have an application that outputs a bunch of tabular data, in human readable format, aka 12K instead of 125849 or whatever12:22
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zapzapanto9us: 512 mo12:22
WhatsisnameI'd like a nice filter I could pipe it all into that will reverse the human readable format, so I get 125499 instead of 12k and so forth12:22
zapzapanto9us: i think a buffer problem !12:22
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LjLzapzap: the english abbreviation is "Mb"12:23
=== DShepherd [n=dwight@port0002-abm-adsl.cwjamaica.com] has joined #ubuntu
Bearcat1I'm running Xchat, and cannot figure out how to erase old chatlogs.  any help is appreciated12:23
DShepherdwow 949 already.. my gosh!12:23
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kitcheWhatisname: hmm not sure how to do that exactly12:23
WhatsisnameBearcat1, they are all just put in a big file, just delete them or trim them down or something12:23
zapzapLjL: my saver ;)12:23
compilerwriterCan anyone help me with the palm zire 21?12:23
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WhatsisnameI wish there was an option to disable or enable human readable format but there doesnt appear to be one12:24
Bearcat1Whatsisname, ty, but how do I do that?12:24
KristeKneed help mounting 2nd windows disk drive!!!12:24
maelvinoI'll think about it12:24
Bearcat1I know they are all in one big file12:24
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mandelumcould somebody help me please12:24
Whatsisnamedo you know how many lines you want to trim out?12:24
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Whatsisnameyou could just do12:24
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zapzapLjL: an id to resurb my pb ?12:24
soundraymandelum: no, you have to ask a support question first.12:24
Bearcat1Whatsisname, yes, all of them12:24
ZoohouseHow do I unlock the packaging sys?12:25
Bearcat1or most of them12:25
Whatsisnameif you want to blast them, just delete the log file12:25
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Whatsisnamexchat will create a new one12:25
dabaRtsoler: sudo aptitude install libxml2-dev libxslt1-dev libwxgtk2.6-dev libwxgtk2.6-0 libxslt1.1 libxml212:25
mandelumI am trying to install edgy eft on an older laptop but my cd does not seem to work and I seem to have a boot partition that is too small for an iso file12:25
Bearcat1I can't seem to find the delete12:25
Whatsisnameif you want to selectively delete blocks, I can give you a sed command that can do it12:25
LjLzapzap: sorry?12:25
WhatsisnameBearcat1, rm ~/.xchat/whereverthelogis12:25
Bearcat1I can I suppose highlight them and try my delete button12:25
Whatsisnamethe log files are named12:25
zapzapLjL: can u help me ?12:25
mandelumhow should I proceed to get grub to boot an iso from the home directory for example12:26
Whatsisnamealong the lines of server-#channel or something12:26
gnomefreakmandelum: please ask edgy related questions in #ubuntu+112:26
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anders9034hello i just instlled ubuntu using server command, and i can't log in as root because i don't have the password. i was never asked to type in the root password either :-(12:26
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WhatsisnameBearcat1, for example12:26
Whatsisnameif I was to delete my #ubuntu log12:26
WhatsisnameI would execute the command12:26
LjLzapzap: don't think, i print very little.12:26
soundrayanders9034: log in with your username then, and use sudo for system tasks.12:26
charle97anders, did you enter a password at any point of install?12:27
Whatsisnamerm ~/.xchat2/xchatlogs/Ubuntuserver-#ubuntu.log12:27
judgenwhere is the kernel headers that is not sed located?12:27
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Whatsisnamechange the filename that fits your configuration12:27
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judgenwhere is the kernel headers that is not used located?12:27
Bearcat1Whatsisname, ty, from the 'terminal'  is there an equivalant to the DOS  dotprompt?12:27
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DShepherd!tell anders9034 about root12:27
anders9034soundray: no way am i going to do that, that means i would have to use sudo for everything12:27
soundraycompilerwriter: to have any chance to get help, you have to describe your problem.12:27
WhatsisnameBearcat1, what?12:27
zapzapanto9us: thanx for your help and see you ...12:28
LjLanders9034: and the problem is?12:28
Bearcat1let me try for a while, Whatsisname, I may be back, ty12:28
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soundrayanders9034: suit yourself, but don't expect me to help, then.12:28
anto9uszapzap, np, sorry I couldn't help solve it for you12:28
Whatsisnameok I guess12:28
DShepherdanders9034:  https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo . Check out that page12:28
kitcheanders9034: put a password on your root then it will enable root12:28
compilerwritersoundray I need to be told which software to get my zire 21 synced with ubuntu.12:28
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anders9034LjL: what the hell, i cant log in as root with ubuntu, you must be joking :-)12:28
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Whatsisnameanders9034, very few of your tasks require systemwide changes12:29
compilerwritersoundray I may need configuration help.12:29
tim__anders sudo su12:29
soundraykitche: don't give that advice, please. Ubuntu uses sudo for a reason.12:29
Whatsisnameif you need sudo all the time for day to day activites, you are doing something wrong12:29
tim__then make a root password12:29
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tim__then you can log in12:29
tim__using su12:29
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anders9034soundray: shut up12:29
LjLanders9034: no, i'm not. what do you feel that you might not be able to do, or might be able to do with more difficultty, with this kind of setup?12:29
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soundraycompilerwriter: I don't know, but I've seen a message about syncing with Palms somewhere. Search the forums?12:29
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Whatsisnameif you need root level for something because it is written retarded12:30
soundrayThanks gnomefreak ;)12:30
bdragonmslAnyone know of a good site that makes hp printer drivers??12:30
leakd n812:30
Whatsisnamethen perhaps you can use setuid12:30
gnomefreakhello is everyone missing the point that in your system tools menu there is a root terminal?12:30
gnomefreakuse it12:30
KristeKneed help mounting 2nd windows disk drive!!!12:30
Plukbdragonmsl, http://www.linuxprinting.org/12:30
Whatsisnamegnomefreak, I see no such thing12:31
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Whatsisnameoh well, sudo -i works12:31
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gnomefreakWhatsisname: use alacarte menu editor adn add it12:31
Whatsisnamemeh, no need12:31
gnomefreakits ther eits just hidden12:31
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anders9034sorry about that12:31
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mangojambohi people ... what time will be the ubuntu6.10 ready for download?12:32
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preactionsudo su - # also works nice12:32
SpaceFrogdoes anyone know how to turn off the middle mouse button's paste function? I keep accidentally pressing my scrollwheel down at work, and it's pasting my clipboard contents in every text field.12:32
Whatsisnamegnomefreak, are you part of the gnome project or do you just dig it12:32
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JosefKanyone know what port PostgreSQL listens for connections on by default?12:32
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gnomefreakmangojambo: in the next 24 hours maybe12:32
anders9034ok, so i should use sudo, but even so i need to have the root passord...12:32
preactionSpaceFrog, that's been an X feature for a while, dunno12:32
hubuntu_______hey guys... when is edgy eft coming out officially, anyone?12:32
LjLanders9034: why?12:32
gnomefreakanders9034: no usdo uses usr password12:32
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mangojambognomefreak: 24 from where? ;)12:32
kitcheanders9034: nope it's your user password12:32
LjL!ef | hubuntu_______12:32
Whatsisnamehubuntu_______, tomorrow, supposedly12:32
ubotuhubuntu_______: Edgy will be released on October 26th - we don't know at precisely what time of the day it will be finalized and published for download. Please be patient!12:32
joonaJosefK: grep Postg /etc/services12:32
soundrayanders9034: we got off to a bad start here. Let's try better.12:32
gnomefreakhubuntu_______: 24 hour or so12:32
anders9034gnomefreak: oh i see, nver really rtied sudo before12:32
gnomefreakmangojambo: it doesnt matter 24 hours for you is same as for anyone else12:33
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=== anders9034 has an old keyboard and is sorry for his typos
hubuntu_______in oslo is the 26th already :)12:33
JosefKjoona: unfortunately, it's not installed yet (scripting my edgy setup), but I'll give it a try (it's not inetd controlled, though?)12:33
preactionSpaceFrog, I believe in your Xorg.conf file you can specify a two-button mouse, but google is your friend on that one12:33
sidny4nope, it's only 23 hours for me :P12:33
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kitcheanders9034: it has it's pros and it's cons but how ubuntu is set up the cons are almost non-existant12:33
joonaJosefK: nope, its not12:33
LjLanders9034: then perhaps you could try and find out what it can do for you, rather than calling it retarded and tell people to shut up. you can do with sudo anything that you can do by logging into a root account, and just as easily.12:33
gnomefreakhubuntu_______: forget the date since everyone is on different time zones. the date 26th is an about date12:33
joonaJosefK: but /etc/services lists ports for all known services12:33
anders9034kitche: i've heard lots of good things about ubuntu :-)12:33
JosefKah, cheers joona12:33
Whatsisnamekitche, I think I'll just do it ghetto style and just have a regex that replaces k with three 0's and m with 6 0's and so forth :)12:34
mangojambognomefreak: no ..  the 24hours from London are different the here in Brazil, 3 hours later here...12:34
choosedeathis anyone can help me about a grpic card problem in my dapper?12:34
gnomefreakmangojambo: 24 hours is 24 hours12:34
phaedrus44where can i find the ndiswrapper 1.8 .deb for ubuntu ?12:34
evil_monkeyhello, im running an upgrade (dapper to edgy through update-manager), download has just finished, it's now installing and upgrading packages.. but im getting a lot of messages like "setting locale failed, falling back to default C locale".. should i be worried?12:34
soundraychoosedeath: that depends on the problem. Pls describe12:34
anders9034soundray: sorry for yelling, i just got frustrated :-) shouldn't let it out on you12:34
gnomefreakmangojambo: your days are not 21hours long12:34
hubuntu_______i checked http://no-name-yet.com/meta-release which suggetsed that it may come around/before GMT 9.00... who knows12:34
soundrayanders9034: very true ;)12:34
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gnomefreakhubuntu_______: in 24 hours12:34
bdragonmslPluk, thanks for the site.  I'll have to bookmark it.  They don't have my printer yet.12:34
preactionevil_monkey, unless you don't speak english, no12:34
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Siph0ndoes it matter that im using WEP for my router? cause i still cant get my DWL-G630 card to work...12:35
eck0my mic will not work on TS and idea why?12:35
KristeKneed help mounting 2nd windows disk drive!!!12:35
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evil_monkeypreaction: but why is it failing anyway? locale that fails is en_AU.UTF-812:35
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eck0su doesnt work anders12:35
kitcheeck0: somethign else could be using your sound12:35
Plukbdragonmsl, ah thats too bad, but 99% sure if they dont list your printer as supported there will prolly be no linux support at all12:35
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eck0you need to use sudo12:35
hubuntu_______phaedrus relax.. let it finish and restart. normally things go fine.12:35
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KristeKAm I talking to myself here?12:35
anders9034eck0: lol i typed on the wrong keyboard!12:35
choosedeathmy pb?  have a integrated graphic chip in my motherboard (sis661) but i don't have the 3D accelleration12:35
LjLKristeK: are you?12:36
mangojambognomefreak: ok... Einstein die with his filosofy: relativity ... lolol ... just kidding ...12:36
eck0you need the linux drivers12:36
Em3raldOkay folks ... this is my last effort to rescue my webserver.  Please help me if you can.12:36
preactionKristeK, use the System > Administration > Disks dialog?12:36
KristeKLjL: Can you help?12:36
choosedeathyes, but i don't find the linux driver...12:36
KristeKubuntu Server!!!!12:36
KristeKno Gnome!12:36
preactionKristeK, man mount12:36
rc-1Em3rald: shoot, im no expert but ill try12:36
choosedeath'n I think there is no driver for it...12:36
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charle97kristek, http://ubuntuforums.org/search.php?searchid=913551412:36
Em3raldI uninstalled all KDE things from it, installed gnome, and now my network card doesn't work.12:36
LjLKristeK: and the problem is?12:36
preactionif you're running a server edition, you need to know how to do this12:36
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rc-1Em3rald: did you try to reinstall your network card drivers?12:37
KristeKthe problem is the 2nd disk has 2 partitions!12:37
KristeKntfs partitions12:37
LjLKristeK: ...and?12:37
Em3raldrc-1:  having difficulty figuring out how to actually do that.12:37
KristeKand when I fdisk -l12:37
soundraychoosedeath: there is a package xserver-xorg-driver-sis -- not sure if it has accelerated 3D12:37
anders9034guys how does it work in ubuntu when i want to use services and service command is not found?12:37
preactionKristeK, so there should be two /dev/hdL# nodes12:37
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KristeKnope! Just one!12:38
preactionKristeK, where is it on your IDE cables? First cable? Second cable? Master/Slave?12:38
anders9034i know i chose the skinny install but hey12:38
KristeK. /dev/hdb112:38
rc-1Em3rald: k, so what network card do you have?12:38
kitcheanders9034: the services are done though inetd12:38
KristeKFirst Cable!12:38
choosedeathi have installer this package...and configure xorg server12:38
anders9034kitche: ok thanks12:38
Em3raldrc-1 it's an intel (machine is just rebooting now)12:38
FlimFlamManis it possible to install a second instance of python2.4 in another directory, and still use apt-get upgrade to upgrade it - separately from the regular copy of python?12:38
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KristeKfdisk show has system EFI GPT12:38
kitcheanders9034: look at /etc/inetd.conf to see how it looks12:38
Bearcatok, I'm pretty ignorant.  the only way I can even find my Xchat logs are to start a chat and go to preferences, and Open Data Folder.  this obviously isn't the way to delete a chatlog12:38
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preactionKristeK, please use the enter key less often. /dev/hdb has only 1 partition that it recognizes, but booting windows shows two partitions?12:39
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bdragonmslPluk, well, hopefully they will it's just a brand new wally-world printer.12:39
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hubuntu_______Em3rald... you meant trying gnome alone?12:39
choosedeathdo U know where there is a driver for this card?12:39
rc-1Em3rald: look under devices when its up, and see if you can get the model number, then google "<model number> driver ubuntu install" or something like that12:39
gigiveni'm looking for a ftp clint for debian12:40
Em3raldrc-1 okay thanks12:40
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Em3raldhubuntu__________ I'm not sure what you mean.12:40
woekelerelease day today :D12:40
gigivencon you help me?12:40
rc-1Em3rald: np :) gl12:40
hubuntu_______neither am I.. just follow rc-1's advice :)12:40
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preactionKristeK, and fdisk /dev/hdb with the "p" command shows only one partition?12:40
Em3raldrc-1:  I have no Devices manager in my administration menu12:40
Bearcatcan someone walk me through erasing a chatlog in Xchat?12:41
anders9034kitche: there's no such file  /etc/inetd.conf12:41
soundraychoosedeath: can you run glxgears?12:41
gigiventhks elo2312:41
woekeleBearcat, cant you just go to ~/.xchat and then find the log and delete it?12:41
preactionBearcat, Settings > Preferences > Logging > Open data Folder > delete what you want12:41
Em3raldnm I used lspci12:41
kitche!inetd > anders903412:42
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ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about inetd - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi12:42
BearcatI can't seem to get to xchat without actually booting the program, woekele12:42
rc-1Em3rald: oh, sorry get someone else to give you the command line for devices, sorry dont know alot about non-gui ubuntu :(12:42
choosedeathyes... but it don't give me some valor...but the thing don't turn12:42
preactionBearcat, cd ~/.xchat212:42
cotitohola viteh12:42
woekeleBearcat, you can go to your homedir, show hidden files.12:42
rc-1Em3rald: there should be a bash command to give you a list of installed devices tho12:42
Bearcatpreaction, from where to I type cd?12:42
woekeleand there should be an .xchat folder12:42
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woekelefrom the terminal Bearcat :)12:42
preactionBearcat, that's a terminal command, but woekele told you how to do it from nautilus12:42
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kitcheanders9034: see if it's installed though12:43
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Bearcatah ty woekele ty ty  I do know the blackscreen line commands12:43
jenocinanyone know how to check your version of ubuntu? uname -a don't show it :-\12:43
Em3raldrc-1 got the card, but man you should see the google list for it ugh ...12:43
Em3raldintel 82801BA12:43
BearcatI can probably do it from terminal12:43
kitcheBearcat: are you the one I know by chance?12:43
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dabaRthere are no real bear cats.12:43
Bearcatkitche, dunno, where might you have seen me?12:43
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anders9034kitche: no it's not12:43
Bearcatthere are real bearcats, they are an asian mammal12:43
soundrayjenocin: cat /etc/lsb-release12:44
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Bearcatgoogle it12:44
jenocinsoundray thanks12:44
choosedeathso, is anyone can help me?12:44
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kitcheBearcat: #sourcemage maybe?12:44
kitcheanders9034: ok you have to isntall it most likely then12:44
jenocinsoundray: yech... breezy badger still...12:44
Bearcatnope kitche must have been a different Bearcat12:44
soundraychoosedeath: try glxgears -printfps12:44
h3htimohey guys could someone help me with mapping a network drive?? im at college right now and i have it mapped in windows i just dont know how in linux!??! Thanks!12:45
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Bearcattc all ty for the help12:45
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woekeleh3htimo, I think you should handle it like mounting a harddrive12:45
anders9034kitche: i see, what is the package manager called?12:45
choosedeathok, i test that now12:46
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h3htimowoekele, yeah, thats what i thot, im just not sure how12:46
choosedeathit's about 7012:46
preactionh3htimo, depends on what type of network drive12:46
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jenocinh3htimo: trying to mount in the console?12:46
anders9034kitche: apt-get?12:46
Em3rald@$#$@%! ... thats it.  I'm freaking wiping the whole (#(*&$ thing and starting from scratch.  What a severe SEVERE SEVERE FREAKING pain in the neck.  OOoooooohhhh I could break something.12:46
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h3htimojenocin, doesnt matter12:46
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jenocinh3htimo: smb share?12:46
preactionh3htimo, i'm assuming since you can map it in windows, it's a smb share12:46
compilerwriterCan anyone talk me through getting a palm zire 21 to sync with ubuntu?12:46
h3htimopreaction, i dunno, it shows u how to manually do it in windows12:46
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preactionh3htimo, "it"?12:47
jenocinh3htimo: k i Got ya12:47
h3htimoi guess12:47
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soundraycompilerwriter: what has your forum search turned up?12:47
jenocinh3htimo: use smbmount12:47
choosedeathand i only know that 70 is very low12:47
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ubotuPara Espaol por favor usen #ubuntu-es, #kubuntu-es o #edubuntu-es, all obtendrn mas ayuda.12:47
kitcheanders9034: or symnaptic12:47
h3htimopreaction, there are steps on the site for us to manually mount it in windows12:47
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jenocinh3htimo: or mount -t smbfs -o username=tridge,password=foobar //fjall/test /data/test12:47
cartufercompilerwrite, i think ubuntu live cd comes with a pilot sync tool12:47
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preactionchoosedeath, uh... 60fps is indistinguishable from reality12:47
jenocinh3htimo: unless u want a fstab mount... thats a bit different12:47
h3htimojenocin, http://raphael.walsh.edu/p_drive/manual/index.html12:48
preactionchoosedeath, hell, your monitor refresh rate is probably lower than 70Hz (or FPS, whichever you prefer)12:48
h3htimocan you get to that link??12:48
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preactionh3htimo, cannot find server12:48
jenocinh3htimo: ditto12:48
preactionh3htimo, firewall issue, they don't want us looking at it12:48
choosedeathmy monitor is in 85Hz12:48
jenocinhate it when they firewall good porn12:49
h3htimolet me put the steps in pastebin just a sec12:49
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jenocinh3htimo: pastebin.jenotek.com12:49
preactionh3htimo, does it have a sort of //COMPUTERNAME/folder look to it?12:49
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h3htimopreaction, yeah12:49
jenocinh3htimo: think u gotta swap the slashes or double em up though12:49
choosedeathdo U know a drivers for the sis661?12:49
jenocinh3htimo: not sure in ubuntu atm... been jumping distros alot12:49
rc-1choosedeath: i think ubun defaults to lowest refresh lol12:50
compilerwriterNot much.12:50
preactionchoosedeath, that's the motherboard, not the gfx chip. find out who made the onboard gfx chip on that mobo. and onboard chips are not known for popping 100 fps12:50
h3htimojenocin, just a sec12:50
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jenocinh3htimo: as in \\\\testserver\\testshare12:50
compilerwriterI have found the zire 31.12:50
preactionjenocin, no12:50
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compilerwriterWhich forum are you talking about anyway?12:50
jenocinh3htimo: what error u getting12:50
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preactionh3htimo, Main Menu > Places > Connect to Server... should have Windows Share on it12:50
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scott_anyone know of a font that uses a backwards 3 with a little line above and below it for the & character?12:51
soundraycompilerwriter: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=77387 ?12:51
jenocinpreaction: not if he didn't install smb et12:51
h3htimoim posting the pastebin link12:51
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preactionjenocin, that's not in the default ubuntu install?12:51
choosedeathmmm... i give U the ref of the pc... acer SA8012:51
rjbhi, anyone else struggling with broadcom wireless on edgy?12:51
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jenocinpreaction: dunno, like I said I do a bunch of diff distros, just throwing stuff out there12:51
preactionchoosedeath, irrelevant. google is your friend.12:52
tapoxiAnyone know when Edgy will be released?12:52
Agrajagif you just need access to the share from your file manager, and you're using GNOME, you don't need smbfs12:52
preactiontapoxi, within a day12:52
LjL!ef | tapoxi12:52
ubotutapoxi: Edgy will be released on October 26th - we don't know at precisely what time of the day it will be finalized and published for download. Please be patient!12:52
Agrajagyou can mount it in GNOME's VFS through nautilus's connect to server... dialog12:52
choosedeathyes...in the acer' drivers page, there is not drivers for linux12:52
preactionAgrajag, that's what i'm trying to explain :p12:52
tapoxithanks. just curious.12:52
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compilerwriterNow how about the zire2112:54
soundraychoosedeath: is this a laptop?12:54
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gigiveni'm looking for a ftp client ubuntu12:54
h3htimopreaction, its loading lol12:54
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choosedeath SiS AGP Driver for MS Windows12:54
choosedeathSiS VGA Driver for MS Windows12:54
choosedeathnot a laptop12:55
DShepherdgigiven:  sudo aptitude search ftp | grep client12:55
jenocinchoosedeath: get a real chipset :-P12:55
preactionchoosedeath, you're whining about getting 70fps, get over it.12:55
choosedeathlol jenocin12:55
preactionit's an ONBOARD chipset, you are not going to get phenominal speeds12:55
compilerwriterThat and I am on 6.06 LTS.12:55
jenocinu should see the unichrome... it horrible12:56
preactionwhere's ubuntu's boot log?12:56
jenocinpreaction: dmesg ?12:56
soundraychoosedeath: the best solution might be to go and buy a cheap graphics card with an NVidia chipset.12:56
preactiondmesg has firewall messages and has gone past the point of allowing me to see the boot :'(12:56
DShepherdgigiven: try gftp12:56
choosedeathyes, i think so too soundray... but no money :s12:56
jenocinpreaction: /var/log/messages12:56
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Agrajagchoosedeath: from what I've heard about the SiS drivers, you're lucky to be seeing anything at all12:57
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preactionjenocin, thanks12:57
preactionguess it's just been a while since my last boot12:57
choosedeathok agrajag12:57
choosedeathso, no solution... :s12:58
soundraycompilerwriter: you've got to take to action and try it out, adapting what you find to your special situation as you go along. If you hit a snag, ask again. But nobody is going to hold your hand through the entire process.12:58
soundraycompilerwriter: here's another useful link: http://www.faqs.org/docs/Linux-HOWTO/PalmOS-HOWTO.html12:58
jenocinargh... any easy way to run an upgrade from breezy --> current?12:58
cartuferdoesn't ubuntu come with a palm sync app?12:58
LjL!upgrade > jenocin12:59
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jenocinLjL:I heard it wasn't too reliable to do an upgrade, at least a couple months back when I asked... has it gotten betteR?12:59
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chandI got unbuntu 6.0612:59
LjLjenocin: i don't know.12:59
RaV|Stranglercan someone tell me. what the alternative cd is for?12:59
chandWPA-PSK not working01:00
soundrayjenocin: upgrading to dapper is rock solid.01:00
preactionjenocin, my upgrade to dapper was ... okay...01:00
LjL!alternate | RaV|Strangler01:00
ubotuRaV|Strangler: The Alternate CD (available as of Dapper) is the classical text-mode installation CD. Use it if you wish to upgrade via CD, or for an "expert" mode install. For normal installs, use the Desktop CD, which is also a "Live" CD.01:00
AgrajagI've done upgrades all the way back to warty -> hoary01:00
soundrayjenocin: I would still suggest you backup your data and do a fresh edgy install.01:00
Agrajagnever had a problem01:00
chandHow to get wireless working. ALso internet does not conenct01:00
jenocink... Its a production machine... not really a chance to take it out for a long period of time to reconfig everything01:00
soundray!wireless | chand01:00
ubotuchand: Wireless documentation can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs01:00
Agrajagthe secret is not to use backports or other weird repositories01:00
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RaV|Stranglershould I do the alternative cd..If the desktop cd keeps freezing at 26%01:01
soundrayRaV|Strangler: sounds like a bad burn or fingerprint to me.01:01
chandwww.google.com resolving to
chandon my new installation01:01
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RaV|Strangleri did like 3 of em01:01
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RaV|Stranglerdownloaded 3 times also01:01
lupine_85RaV|Strangler: it's a ubiquity bug01:01
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lupine_85use the alt install cd01:02
cartuferchand, u got dhcp?01:02
RaV|Stranglernow one more question before I go01:02
chandI can ping fine01:02
RaV|Stranglerwhy would the live cd work and x not startup after it's installed?01:02
cartuferdid it auto dhcp?01:02
chandit resolves when i ping www.yahoo.com01:02
chandyeah it did01:02
Siph0nif the Link light on my wireless card is lit up, but the activity light is not lit.... what does that mean?01:02
chandi set it to dhcp in netwrking menu01:03
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chandbut in friefox it  goes no where01:03
soundrayjenocin: installation will take less than an hour on a reasonably recent machine. If you have a backup of your breezy /etc/, configuration shouldn't take long, either.01:03
FujitsuRaV|Strangler: Who knows, but it happens in some strange cases.01:03
rjbanyone know about ndiswrapper on edgy?01:03
soundrayrjb: ask in #ubuntu+101:03
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RaV|Strangleralright thanks01:03
Fujitsurjb: #ubuntu+1 is the Edgy place (for the next few hours, at least)01:03
RaV|StranglerI'll take another crack at it.01:03
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chandAlso sudo apt-get install network-manager-gnome01:04
rjbsoundray, thx01:04
chanddoes not work01:04
Fujitsu!doesn't work01:04
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ubotuDoesn't work is a strong statement. Does it sit on the couch all day? Does it want more money? Is it on IRC all the time? Please be specific! Examples of what doesn't work tend to help too.01:04
soundray!doesn't work | chand01:04
ubotuchand: Doesn't work is a strong statement. Does it sit on the couch all day? Does it want more money? Is it on IRC all the time? Please be specific! Examples of what doesn't work tend to help too.01:04
soundray:) like that one01:04
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chandIt comes back and says package not found01:04
chandLooks for package dependicies and then fails with error not found01:05
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soundraychand: have you done a 'sudo apt-get update'?01:05
Noobiehi everyone01:05
chandtreid from add remove programs says hardware not suitable01:05
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Noobiei have a question about the kernel01:05
FujitsuNoobie: Go ahead.01:06
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chandi did it now and it is getting packages01:06
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printkNoobie: I have a poptart.  No need to declare what you have.  Just ask your question :)01:06
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Noobiethe kernel that comes with dapper is already patched with skas mode?01:06
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FujitsuNoobie: Is that UserModeLinux stuff?01:07
mae so01:07
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printkisn't skas mode a 2.4 kernel patch?01:07
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FujitsuNo, SKAS works on 2.6 as well...01:08
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triademy laptop freezes when I do ifdown on a wireless device. anybody ever see the same?01:08
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Fujitsutriade: what type of wireless device?01:08
linnuxxyi need a full resolution image of the ubuntu CD cover01:08
triadeusb asus with ralink chip01:08
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linnuxxywhere can i find it?01:08
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Fujitsulinnuxxy: Why? And this isn't really the best channel to ask/01:09
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britt_has anybody used mythtv? I was wondering how i should install it? howto's? im in #mythyv-users too01:09
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Fujitsulinnuxxy: You may want to try #ubuntu-artwork01:09
jenocinthink i'm just gonna wipe that machine and put redhat on it... ubuntu still feels like a desktop distro to me01:09
ZirJokersomebudy send me a screenshot of his desktop plz01:09
linnuxxythnx Fujistu01:09
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soundraytriade: I have experienced instability with ubuntu's own ralink drivers. Compiling the module from Ralink's own sources helped.01:10
Fujitsujenocin: Did you try the, you know, not desktop variant of Ubuntu?01:10
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ragplease cam Logitech Quickcam messenger die my ubuntu, why?01:10
Noobiei hope the kernel comes with the skas patch01:10
Noobieit 'll help me a lot01:10
jenocinFujitsu: thats whats on it01:10
printkNoobie: if not, you can always compile your own kernel.01:10
ragdo you know, why my cam kill my ubuntu?01:10
Fujitsujenocin: What about it makes it feel like a desktop distro?01:10
triadesoundray: ahh, could be ...but same prob with prism2_usb device. Ifdown really freezes system01:11
ZirJokersomebody send me a screenshot of his desktop plz01:11
ubotugrub is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost grub after installing windows: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RecoveringUbuntuAfterInstallingWindows - Making GRUB floppies & other GRUB howtos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto01:11
printkZirJoker: of who's?  This is a support channel01:11
lupine_85anyone who can !op in #ubuntu-meeting fancy kicking a squatter out?01:11
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ragmy cam kill my ubuntu, why?01:11
jenocinFujitsu: a lot of different things to it, haven't been too fond of apt-get for awhile now either01:11
ZirJokeryour desktop printk01:12
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ubotuedgy is the current development version of Ubuntu. Version 6.10, codename "Edgy Eft". For support head to #ubuntu+1. For its release schedule, see !schedule01:12
britt_any help with mythtv?01:12
soundraytriade: maybe you have a rogue script in /etc/network/if-down.d/ or if-post-down.d/01:12
jenocinFujitsu: not to mention a lot of the big players aren't "supporting" ubuntu installs01:12
Fujitsujenocin: How can you prefer yum!?01:12
printkrag - no we don't know why.  We need secifics01:12
printkZirJoker: uhrm why?01:12
ragprintk, please help me01:12
ZirJokeri wanna customize mine and im noob so i want to see yours and see what can i do01:12
ZirJokerand then ask about the programs you use01:12
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jenocinFujitsu: dependency hell in apt-get, actually I like ports on bsd01:13
triadesoundray: no, using ifconfig device down does the same01:13
soundrayrag: this happens sometimes when you plug a webcam into a USB hub. Connect it directly instead.01:13
printkZirJoker: there are websites for that.   gnome-look.org or kde-look.org01:13
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Stormx2Is it out yet?01:13
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cartuferbritt_: there was an episode of systm on mythtv, that should hold ur hand nicely through it01:13
ragprintk, just now, i am intall easycam2 and camorama, when i try use my cam on any software (kopete, camorama, etc). my cam kill my ubuntu and i reboot with power button01:13
Noobiethanks, c ya later01:13
printkStormx2: yes it is out.01:13
Fujitsujenocin: Dependency hell? I have never encountered such things in my 5 years of working with Debian-based systems.01:14
ZambeziIf I extract the serverimage to a USB-stick, isn't it possible to install Ubuntu from that?01:14
ragsoundray: i have it directly01:14
printkStormx2: what is "it" ? :)01:14
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britt_cartufer: i just need guiance, my hand is fine01:14
jenocinFujitsu: no selinux/app armour either, can probably be added in, but still to me feels like a desktop distro, debian I really don't have as much of a problem with01:14
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britt_i dont need drivers i would think01:14
britt_i just need the software I suppose01:14
jenocinFujitsu: been using ubuntu since 4 or so I think01:14
Stormx2printk: edgy eft!01:14
cartufergoogle is ur friend01:14
ragsoundray, test it on other usb ?01:14
britt_woody howto's and breezy ones01:14
ragsoundray, on my laptop?01:14
Fujitsujenocin: Ubuntu server is very similar to Debian... I don't see how you can dislike one of them.01:14
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britt_no dapper01:14
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printkStormx2: oh, nope not yet01:15
ragprintk, soundray, it kill my ubuntu01:15
soundrayrag: yes, or remove the mouse -- sometimes there are conflicts.01:15
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jenocinFujitsu: might just need to go try the newer version01:15
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ubotumetacity: A lightweight GTK2 based Window Manager. In component main, is optional. Version 1:2.14.5-0ubuntu1 (dapper), package size 693 kB, installed size 10732 kB01:15
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ragsoundray, on moment, i use touchpad, there is any usb mouse connected01:15
ragsoundray, only usb cam01:15
ubotugtk is the gimp toolkit, which forms the base of Gnome and a lot of other applications01:15
Flanneljenocin: SELinux is in dapper, universe, also see this: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/SELinux01:16
ragsoundray, Logitech quickcam messenger01:16
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about topaz - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi01:16
ubotuCompiz (compositing (window) manager) and XGL (Xserver architecture layered on top of OpenGL) howto at http://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompositeManager XGL+compiz help in #ubuntu-xgl  See http://tinyurl.com/pw5ez for Kubuntu systems01:16
Flanneljenocin: I believe full support is in edgy01:16
soundrayrag: what's the USB ID? (Find out with lsusb)01:16
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KGnomeii need help...01:17
helloyoKGnome: yeah?01:17
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ragsoundray, Bus 001 Device 003: ID 046d:08f0 Logitech, Inc. QuickCam Messenge01:17
triadesoundray: rag prob sounds very similar to mine ..... known USB bug?01:17
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FlimFlamManany mozilla thunderbird message filter experts in the channel?  :-)01:18
ragsoundray, please01:19
helloyoanyone gotten firefox 2.0 to work in dapper?01:19
soundrayrag: what module does it load?01:19
gnomefreakhelloyo: yes installing it per !firefox works fine01:20
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ubotufirefox is the default web-browser on Ubuntu. To install the latest version, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FirefoxNewVersion Installing plugins: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/FirefoxPlugins01:20
ragsoundray, videodev and quickcam01:20
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helloyothanks gnomefreak01:20
FlimFlamMani'm trying to set up filters so that when a message arrives and it contains a string in a certain custom header, it gets copied to another folder.  all other other messages should be *moved* to the other folder.  but custom headers don't offer a "doesn't contain" test01:20
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gnomefreakhelloyo: yw01:20
jvaihey ppl, hoary died last nyte on this box :(, dapper's doin well, EVERTHING just works, things r a lil different, but i'll adjust01:20
ragsoundray, usbcore               130692  4 quickcam,ehci_hcd,uhci_hcd01:20
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dalaniFirefox??? never again it's the worse browser. Try logging onto Google's website01:20
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FlimFlamMandalani: what are you talking about??01:21
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DraconicusWhat's gnome-meeting called these days?01:21
dalaniIve had bad results with forefox just to slow01:21
DraconicusI forgot.01:21
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dalaniand its not the ip4 thing either I fixed that01:21
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CVirushow can I restart my synaptic touch pad ?01:22
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helloyoany ideas when edgy is being released? i have the day off and would love to install it...01:22
Code-E!ati > Code-E01:22
LjL!ef | helloyo01:22
triadenext question: anybody here got mutiple linux boot system?01:22
ubotuhelloyo: Edgy will be released on October 26th - we don't know at precisely what time of the day it will be finalized and published for download. Please be patient!01:22
raghelloyo, tomorrow or now01:22
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KGnomei installed a Desktop Environment(XPde) that doesn't automatically add its self to login session screen, how an i get it there01:22
KGnomei installed a Desktop Environment(XPde) that doesn't automatically add its self to login session screen, how can i get it there01:22
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fydoKGnome: once is enough :P01:23
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ragsoundray, say me if you know01:23
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soundrayrag: sorry, I have no good ideas. Maybe upgrade to edgy?01:23
Dr_willisKGnome,  find/copy/make a correct .desktop entry for it. :)01:23
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ragsoundray, ok thanks01:23
KGnomehow do i do thet01:23
Dr_willisKGnome,  look in -------> /usr/share/xsessions/gnome.desktop01:23
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Dr_willisand have fun. :)01:24
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ragsomebody with Logitech quickcam?01:24
pschulz01I have a corrupted /var/lib/dpkg/status..Can i reset it somehow?01:24
ubotugtk is the gimp toolkit, which forms the base of Gnome and a lot of other applications01:24
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KGnomeshould i be root?01:24
drbreenanyone knows simple latex solutions like LYX for gtk ?01:24
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drbreenmaybe simpler ?01:24
LuisMendescan I trust the Fridge? saying ubuntu 6.10 will be released in less than an hour...01:24
ragmy logitech quickcam messenger, it kill my ubuntu01:24
wingacan someone help me with my usb problem? I get this when i try to connect my gp2x which should be recognized as a usb drive:   hub 1-0:1.0: connect-debounce failed, port 2 disabled01:24
FlannelLuisMendes: On the 'calendar' thing?01:24
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LuisMendesFlannel, yes01:25
dalaniMy question: is it possible in Dapper to use opera 100% without Firefox installed01:25
FlannelLuisMendes: that goes by dates, only.  not times, or anything.  It's just a calendar sort of thing01:25
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britt_bios sees my drive, ubuntu sees it and recognizes my 2nd drive as hdb, but i cant pull up fdisk on it...what gives?01:25
LuisMendesFlannel, well but anyway, it counts down the time in GMT format.. so it should be accurate :)01:25
soundraywinga: wow, a gp2x, I want one! Sorry, no idea about the usb problem... tried connecting to another socket?01:25
FlannelLuisMendes: right, but edgy won't be released at 00:00 GMT01:25
jvaimy usb stik is flaky still, it mounts when it feels like it01:26
psusibritt_, what do you mean you can't pull up fdisk on it?01:26
wingasoundray, just got it today for my b-day yesterday :) can't get ubuntu to get it up right though01:26
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triadebritt_: are you pointing it dierctly : "fdisk /dev/hdb"?01:26
britt_unable to open /deb/hdb01:26
soundraywinga: are you connecting it via a hub?01:26
britt_what does it mean01:26
Dr_willissoundray,  i keep meaning to order one also. :P01:26
jherm_i'm sure this question has been asked a million times today... what time can i expect to see an edgy torrent up?01:27
britt_ive never had issues with fdisk01:27
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psusibritt_, sudo fdisk /dev/hdb01:27
Flanneljherm_: whenever it's relesed.  There's no set time01:27
britt_and since bios sees it, and ubuntu sees it, is my drive bad or something?01:27
user-landjvai, using a hub ?01:27
triadebritt_: and "cfdisk" ?01:27
wingasoundray, no i'm plugging it right in to the mobo01:27
soundraywinga: how big is the screen? I mean diameter in cm, roughly?01:27
psusibritt_, and doesn't it specify WHY it was unable to open?01:27
drbreen!lyx > drbreen01:27
britt_sudo did it01:27
ubotulyx: High Level Word Processor. In component universe, is optional. Version 1.3.7-0ubuntu4 (dapper), package size 17 kB, installed size 48 kB01:27
psusibritt_, yea, only root is allowed to edit partition tables ;)01:28
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jvaiusr-landnoo, it's in the side of the thinkpad, in 1 of the ports01:28
britt_i see01:28
britt_it freaked me out01:28
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britt_oh how do i format JFS01:28
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ubotuPara Espaol por favor usen #ubuntu-es, #kubuntu-es o #edubuntu-es, all obtendrn mas ayuda.01:28
wingasoundray, i think 3-3.501:28
britt_apparently mythtv works better with jfs01:28
wingasoundray, good enough for me01:28
soundraywinga: is that inches or centimeters?01:29
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agliodbsanyone going to/working on the Developer Summit?01:29
wingasoundray, in01:29
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soundraywinga: have you tried plugging it in, and then turning it on?01:29
jvaiwell, i can say, that playing dvd's in dapper doesnt slow down x, like in hoary01:29
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jvai*watching SAVING PRIVATE RYAN*01:30
wingasoundray, yeah just did, what does that message even meen?01:30
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soundraywinga: I don't know, never seen it.01:30
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noexCan anyone point me in the direction of a How To Install Firefox 2. I can't find the directions on the mozilla site anywhere. They just tell you what its going to do.01:31
ubotufirefox is the default web-browser on Ubuntu. To install the latest version, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FirefoxNewVersion Installing plugins: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/FirefoxPlugins01:31
dalaniMy question: is it possible in Dapper to use opera 100% without Firefox installed01:31
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Flanneldalani: is there any reason why it wouldnt be?01:32
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noexHey Flennel, yeh, I have seen that guide it's the guide for 1.5.x not 2.001:32
Flannelnoex: right, same steps though, just different filenames01:32
dalaniIm very disappointed with  Firefox01:32
soundraywinga: it might be something that you can ask their support to help fix01:32
noexFlannel: Ah, thanks! I am still very new.01:32
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aldinis it came up? edgy?01:33
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h3htimowhen is edgy going to be officially released???01:33
Flanneldalani: right, I wasn't questioning why you might want to.  but why would you think it wouldn't be?  opera and firefox are independant01:33
soundraydalani: stop that nonsense. If you need a faster browser, try swiftfox or links. Whether opera will work for you or not, you'll have to find out yourself.01:33
Flannelh3htimo, aldin, whenever it gets released.  There's no set time01:33
jvaiit's not fair 4 me to compare this dapper release against xp, noo, i did that w/ hoary, i wanna see how vista does..01:33
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h3htimoFlannel, i heard it was going to be soon tho01:33
dalaniah thanks01:33
jvai<<-- stay humble01:33
h3htimoi think i read it on digg01:33
darkyoshi372I just upgraded to edgy RC, and X will not start. I'm on a Radeon.01:33
aldin26th is today01:34
Flanneldarkyoshi372: #ubuntu+1 for edgy support01:34
darkyoshi372okay, thank you01:34
aldinin europe01:34
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joeCoTlol. it gets released /tomorrow/? I dunno if it's just me, but it broke all opening apps on my desktop. I left it to dist-upgrade again, hope that fixes it.01:34
J_Phi all01:34
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Stormx2How would I get a list of currently installed apps?01:36
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soundrayStormx2: dpkg -l * | grep ^ii01:36
JosefKStormx2: dpkg --get-selection > installed.txt01:36
Stormx2Thanks both of you :)01:36
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jordan_How do I ignore a dependency that I know I don't need?01:37
aldinTO ALL: anyone has info when 2it wil be"01:37
soundrayJosefK: that's nice!01:37
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JosefKjordan_: if you've installed something locally, there's a procedure for telling that to dpkg01:37
JosefKjordan_: if you haven't installed it locally though, then it is still a dependency01:37
JosefKsoundray: aye :)01:37
Stormx2Ima upgrade now I think.01:37
jordan_JosefK, And that would be :)01:37
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soundrayJosefK: except you forgot an 's' ;)01:38
NoIPMixAManyone can tell me more about Reiser4 ?01:38
ianmacgregorI discovered the Deskbar applet a little bit ago.. and all I can say is WOW! This thing ROCKS!01:39
jordan_JosefK, How would I do that with dpkg?01:39
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JosefKsoundray: really plural?  shucks :/01:39
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jordan_ianmacgregor, What does it do?01:40
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aldinany link for info about edgy release time01:40
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about schedual - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi01:40
soundray!ef | aldin01:40
ubotuedgy is the current development version of Ubuntu. Version 6.10, codename "Edgy Eft". For support head to #ubuntu+1. For its release schedule, see !schedule01:40
ubotualdin: Edgy will be released around October 26th - we don't know at precisely what time of the day it will be finalized and published for download. Please be patient!01:40
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aldinubotu: it is hard lol01:41
ubotuI am ubotu, all-knowing infobot. You can browse my brain at http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl Usage info: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuBots01:41
Riot777sudo sed -e s/\sdapper/ edgy/g -i /etc/apt/sources.list && sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get dist-upgrade <--- best way to upgrade I've seen so far01:41
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wingasoundray, it was the usb cable01:43
wingasoundray, go figure the one it came with doesn't work01:43
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soundraywinga: well done -- how did you work that out?01:44
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Krux0Does anyone happen to know if apt writes to a configuration file while or after performing apt-get -d --reinstall install `dpkg -l|grep ii|cut -d " " -f3`?01:44
Krux0because i have done that on my box, then transfered all the downloaded packages to a networkless box on my flash drive and tried to run apt-get --no-download install <package nameon the unnetworked pc and it gives an error complaining that the package cannot be retrieved but it exists in /var/cache/apt/archives/>01:44
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wingasoundray, i remember reading somewhere on a review that someone else had that problem, so i tried another one i had01:45
Krux0but when i cleaned the cache on my networked pc and retrieve one package and tried reinstalling it with --no-downlaod it worked. this has lead me to believe that apt was not aware of the packages that i placed in the archive folder01:45
j2daoshkrux, i would assume so01:45
jvaiheey, tcpdump doesnt do eth1 in dapper! why/01:46
soundrayKrux0: perhaps a permission problem?01:46
Krux0and that a database file is being updated01:46
j2daoshwhen you do an apt-get update it updates your sources list and packags most likely01:46
Krux0no permission problems01:46
ragplease my cam kill my ubuntu, do you know?01:46
Flannelj2daosh: just package lists01:46
j2daoshor try doing a "sudo updatedb"01:46
=== Stormx2 upgrades
Stormx2Pray for me, this has never worked for me.01:46
ianmacgregorKrux0: Why would you place packages into the archives folder manually?01:46
ragLogitech QuickKill Ubuntu01:46
j2daoshthat will "index" your fs01:46
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kitchejvai: think you have to tell tcpdump to look at the other network card01:46
Fujitsuj2daosh: apt-get update just updates the package lists, and updatedb updates locate's DB, nothing to do with apt.01:47
soundrayianmacgregor: why not, on an unconnected machine?01:47
Krux0i believe i have done apt-get update and it still would not use the packages in archive01:47
jvaioo, what's the command 4 that?01:47
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SpaceFrogAnyone know of a good MSProject clone for Linux?01:47
Krux0because it's an unnetworked pc at my job01:47
j2daoshFujitsu: but maybe apt reads from that list01:47
ragLogitech Quick-Kill my ubuntu, my cam kill my ubuntu, do you know01:47
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jribKrux0: do you know of apt-zip?01:47
ianmacgregorsoundray: I was wondering if he thought that would make apt think it was a repo01:47
LjL!equivalents > SpaceFrog01:47
Krux0it has to be done that day01:47
Fujitsuj2daosh: It doesn't.01:47
j2daoshif the system dont know the files are in archive how will apt know they are there?01:47
jvaitcpdump -vv worked in hoary ither way eth0 or eth101:47
Krux0i've cam across it on a man page01:47
KGnomeHow do i manually add a Desktop Environment to the logon session manager?01:47
Fujitsuj2daosh: I can definitively say that it has nothing to do with it.01:48
ragsoundray: my cam kill my ubuntu, do you know something?01:48
j2daoshlol ok01:48
jribKrux0: it is exactly for what you are trying to do01:48
jordan_How do I ignore a dependency that I know I don't need?01:48
j2daoshwell since your positive ill run with you01:48
Krux0jrib, great01:48
soundrayianmacgregor: that might actually be a good idea...01:48
Fujitsujordan_: You do need it.01:48
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jvaisnaap, snort doesnt do eth1 ithr!01:48
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ianmacgregorj2daosh: Putting packages into the archives folder has nothing to do with apt knowing they are there. The archives folder is not a repo and so apt wouldn't see them anyway01:48
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Krux0jrib, hope it solves dependencies too01:48
teimuhey guys. im trying to install dapper on a graphically and RAM disadvantaged computer. the live session is taking way too long to load, so far 45mins just to see a login screen. So, im wondering if it's possible to install using the text-based installer. Is this possible?01:48
jordan_Fujitsu, I want to remove totem-mozilla but not the ubuntu-desktop metapackage, I don't need it.01:49
Fujitsujordan_: You need to remove ubuntu-desktop, then.01:49
j2daoshjordan, meta package is fine to delete01:49
KGnomeHow do i manually add a Desktop Environment to the logon session manager?01:49
jribKrux0: it should01:49
j2daoshjust turn right back around and reinstall it01:49
Fujitsu(ubuntu-desktop is a meta-package, you won't lose anything if you remove it)01:49
soundrayKrux0: there is a dpkg command that will create a Packages.gz and stuff from a collection of .debs, so you can use it as a local repository in sources.list. That might be a solution.01:49
LjLSpaceFrog: there are a few packaged programs that can do Gantt diagrams and all that stuff01:49
ianmacgregorteimu: Yes, the Alternate CD is the only one I use because I like the text-based installer. It's quick and best on an old machine01:49
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Fujitsusoundray: apt-move?01:50
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teimuianmacgregor, oo yes. I saw the torrent for that. I will download it now. THANKS!01:50
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jordan_I know it is OK to delete, but I would like to be able to apt-get autoremove without everything that ubuntu-desktop depends on being removed, I want to keep ubuntu-desktop.01:50
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ianmacgregorteimu: You're welcome :)01:50
=== GreatDeal [n=GreatDea@69-170-224-99.atlsfl.adelphia.net] has joined #ubuntu
Riot777teimu: how much mem ?01:50
GreatDealHey, normally I wouldn't do this, but need some help. I've got a box on an OC-12 and two OC-3 backbones.... I'm very willing to give very cheap webhosting... Speedsare unbelievable... I've seen downloads go over 1 MB a second from T1s... If anyone is interested in cheap hosting, with web, e-mail, webmail, sql, just about anything you can think off... PM ME... Prices are Negotiable... Hurry Up!!01:50
Krux0ianmacgregor, no i just thought that since i would supply the --no-download option it might bypass searching for it on the net and look in archives or atleast do the latter if the former fails01:50
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Fujitsujordan_: Why not just leave the package installed?01:50
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KGnomehelloyo: i need more help on that01:50
Krux0soundray, thanks01:50
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LjL!ops | GreatDeal01:51
ubotuGreatDeal: Help! Keybuk, mdz, Amaranth, tritium, ajmitch, crimsun, ogra, CarlK, Seveas, Burgundavia, apokryphos, thoreauputic, nalioth, Madpilot, ompaul, rob, Hobbsee, imbrandon, DBO or gnomefreak!01:51
soundrayFujitsu: that might have been it... Krux0: apt-move01:51
helloyoKGnome: more help on what?01:51
OmicronHello all.01:51
GreatDealok then01:51
naliothLjL: yes?01:51
=== mode/#ubuntu [+o gnomefreak] by ChanServ
LjLnalioth: greatdeal spamming web hosting01:51
gnomefreakLjL: ?01:51
jordan_Fujitsu, Because then mplayer-mozilla doesn't work.01:51
naliothah yes01:51
KGnomehelloyo: manually adding a desktop environment01:51
naliothGreatDeal: you are not in the correct channel for your message01:51
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helloyoKGnome: oh, ok, just a sec, i'll find something01:51
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GreatDealnalioth: ok then, bye01:52
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OmicronAnyone got a working Belkin wirelss G adapter version 5100 using Atheros chipset?01:52
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jribjordan_: sure it does01:52
lostatcIs there any site/s dedicated or useful when it comes to GNOME optimization?01:52
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triadeOmicron: I have01:53
jribjordan_: just 'touch' all the mplayer .so's and firefox will prefer mplayer over totem.  But to answer your question, you can use the 'equivs'01:53
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helloyoKGnome: http://www.ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=20216&highlight=enlightenment go to that url and have a look at how they added the desktop entry to xsessions, just change the values to what you need01:53
OmicronTrirade.....could you share the details?01:53
triadewhat's the prob?01:53
phobiaMy grub boot manager is gone, any ideas? I have a dapper live cd and I know that my partitions with my linux files are there.01:53
eric__Aiee, I can't use my keyboard in GUI.  I'm using IRSSI right now, something that I'm not perfectly familiar with - but it BEEPS any time I press a key.  Any suggestions?01:53
helloyoi'm willing to break my system! i want to try some cool new software, any suggestions?01:53
eric__It just kind of, randomly happened?01:53
OmicronTriade, are you using ndiswrapper or does it work out-of-the-box??01:54
KGnomehelloyo: ty ill try01:54
jordan_jrib, How do I "'touch' all the mplayer .so's" ?01:54
Fujitsuphobia: Did you install Windows or another OS after Ubuntu?01:54
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soundrayphobia: follow the instructions for recovering grub after Windows01:54
OmicronTriade, it is not recognized at all on my system?01:54
ragmy cam kill my ubuntu, it frezze01:54
soundray!grub | phobia01:54
ubotuphobia: grub is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost grub after installing windows: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RecoveringUbuntuAfterInstallingWindows - Making GRUB floppies & other GRUB howtos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto01:54
triadeOmicron: Just stuck it in and it works.01:54
phobiaYes, I installed windows after01:54
OmicronTriade, you using dapper Ubuntu?01:54
jribjordan_: sudo touch /usr/lib/firefox/plugins/*mplayer*   I think01:54
Fujitsuphobia: See the link ubotu sent you.01:54
phobiaOh, thank you01:54
ragmy cam freeze my ubuntu01:55
Fujitsurag: If nobody answers, it probably means nobody knows.01:55
ragand i reboot with power button01:55
FujitsuSo asking every minute isn't going to do much good.01:55
helloyowhat's a cool app that i should try? anything!01:55
soundrayrag: please, this is pointless. If someone here could help you, they would. Come back at a later time.01:55
jribhelloyo: amarok01:55
eric__helloyo - try beryl01:55
triadeOmicron: yup. What does "iwconfig" say?01:55
helloyojrib: thanks, but got it01:55
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jribhelloyo: vim?01:55
ragFujitsu, soundray, ok01:55
FlimFlamMani'm trying to use MS-Outlook and MS-Exchange as little as possible, but i still need to be able to confirm/decline meeting requests contained in e-mail messages.01:55
FlimFlamManso, upon arrival, i want to move all messages out of my Exchange inbox into an IMAP inbox on another server, EXCEPT those with a "Content-class" header that contains "calendarmessage".01:55
FlimFlamManunfortunately, in the message filter builder, there is no "doesn't contain" comparison operator for custom headers (like Content-class).  is there any other way to do this?01:55
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helloyoeric__: was considering that, what sort of setup time am i looking at?01:56
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helloyojrib: isn't that a text editor?01:56
eric__About five to ten minutes, tops.01:56
jribhelloyo: yes01:56
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OmicronTriade, I'd have to put the card back and start over again to get a reading for you.01:56
helloyoeric__: i'm not sure if you're sarcastic... but i'll have a look into it, could be interesting01:56
soundrayFlimFlamMan: procmail ?01:56
eric__You might want to try #ubuntu-xgl for more info, helloyo01:56
Krux0thank you all01:56
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soundray!procmail | FlimFlamMan01:56
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helloyoeric__: ok, will do01:56
triadeOmicron: USB or PCMCIA?01:57
ubotuprocmail: Versatile e-mail processor. In component main, is optional. Version 3.22-11ubuntu2 (dapper), package size 137 kB, installed size 336 kB01:57
eric__No, not much sarcasm.  It's a pretty simple setup for dapper.01:57
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OmicronTriade, PCI.01:57
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jordan_jrib, Thank you for that, mplayer now works AND I know how to ignore dependencies if I ever need to later :)01:57
jribjordan_: np01:57
eric__Aiee, I can't use my keyboard in GUI.  I'm using IRSSI right now, something that I'm not perfectly familiar with - but it BEEPS any time I press a key.  Any suggestions?01:57
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Flanneleric__: sounds like a hardware issue, if your computer beeps on each key.  You sure keyboard/mouse are plugged into the right PS2 ports? and you have no stuck keys?01:58
Code-1Anybody know how to get nIRC on xubuntu?01:58
triadeOmicron: ah I got the USB version. You need madwifi drivers installed.01:58
OmicronTriade, nothing shows up in the Network area.01:58
eric__Flannel: I'm using the keyboard now, in command line.01:58
shinshani need help01:58
OmicronMadwifi frivers...ok...what about ndiswrapper?01:58
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eric__I'm using IRSSI, like I said.  It's just beeping at me in the GUI, on screen 7.01:58
soundrayeric__: try 'xset c off' just for sanity01:58
kitcheCode-1: nIRC?01:59
ubotuDon't ask to ask a question. Just ask your question :)01:59
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FBorges22where I can find a tutorial telling how to configure the proftpd server?01:59
KGnomehelloyo: tyve works now ;-] 01:59
kitcheCode-1: never heard of it but I have heard of mirc01:59
eric__soundray: it says unable to open display01:59
Fujitsushinshan: Ask away.01:59
triadeOmicron: dunno, don't like "other"drivers. They say it's oK.01:59
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Code-1kitche: its basically a terminal based irc client01:59
Code-1But I like it01:59
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soundrayeric__: try again from Alt-F2 run dialog01:59
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OmicronTriade, is there a procedure i could follow to use these madwifi drivers?02:00
eric__soundray - I'm on screen 1, logged into terminal - press alt f2 here?02:00
soundrayeric__: no, this needs to be done in X. Thought you said that X had messed it up.02:01
OmicronTriade, so I don't need anything from the CD that came with the adapter??02:01
ianmacgregoreric__: No, ALT+F2 brings up a gui run dialog, won't do you much good in tty102:01
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triadeOmicron: I'm not sure, mine has "ralink"chips. take a look at their (madwifi) site02:01
eric__soundray: it is, and it just beeps at me, it won't let me press alt+f2 in the x.02:01
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triadeOmicron: I've heard they're the best drivers around including wpa support.02:02
OmicronTriade, yeah, I heard the ralink chipset was working as native Linux, but the chipset in mine doesn't seem to be suported :(02:02
KGnomeGiving help on Windows Apps on Linux...02:02
dontbanmehelp - when I apt-get dist-upgrade to edgy, apt wants to remove xserver-xorg without installing any replacements02:02
LjL!edgy > dontbanme02:03
helloyoKGnome: no problem02:03
triadeOmicron: I was thinking of moving to Atheros chipset cause of wpa02:03
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shinshani need configure the "interfaces" in ubuntu with ip xxx.xxx.131.xxx & gw xxx.xxx.196.xxx... my english is bad...02:03
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kingacehello, im trying to install enemy territory, and I have a .run file with no clue how to run it02:03
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OmicronTriade, well, i haven't found anyplace that indicates the Belkin PCI adapter is working with Dapper when using Atheros chipset. Perhpas with ndiswrapper and the Windows drivers but i was hoping to avoid that setup.02:04
njankingace, chmod +x nameof.run && sh ./nameof.run02:04
eyequeueshinshan, man 5 interfaces, sudo nano /etc/apt/interfaces02:04
Dr_williskingace,  chmod +x whatever.run  && ./whatever.run02:04
Fujitsushinshan: Open up System->Administration->Networking.02:04
josh__whats up guys? what is the format for cron entries? i cant remember the exact format02:04
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LjLjosh__: "man 5 crontab"02:04
d-E-u-Show i can set up autologin for XFCE?02:05
Fujitsud-E-u-S: Find the login screen administration tool, I'm not sure where it is in XFCE.02:05
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eric__Nope, not making any progress.02:05
triadeOmicron: ndiswrappr itself is very simple but you need the windows .inf file02:05
jordanaui am trying to develop a website with someone. I have a LAMP server set up on my computer and would like him and only him to be allowed to have full access to my apache server root folder. What is the best way to allow him permission to the folder (btw he is running windows)02:05
Fujitsud-E-u-S:  (or type `sudo gdmsetup' in a terminal)02:05
eric__It's still just beeping at me.02:05
GIFRATEdoes anyone know at what time edgy will officially be released?02:05
KGnomewhere can i get winelib?02:05
eric__I think I'm going to have to do a full reboot - maybe?02:05
Dr_willisGIFRATE,  when its ready. :)02:05
eric__Gah, there goes my uptime.02:05
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FujitsuGIFRATE: no. Whenever they decide to release it.02:05
OmicronTriade, i see an .inf on the CD that came with the adapter.02:05
soundrayeric__: let me check this with you: you're in X right now, correct? Gnome?02:06
Dr_willisevery 6 mo - people are asking ' whats the exact SECOND! it will be relased!'02:06
OmicronI've never worked with ndiswrapper and I'm a Linux newbie.02:06
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eric__soundray: no, I'm on tty1, using IRSSI as my irc client02:06
Dr_willisIF you must have it now.. get the rc, and just install/upgrade :)02:06
ubotuEdgy will be released around October 26th - we don't know at precisely what time of the day it will be finalized and published for download. Please be patient!02:06
triadeOmicron: check the ndiswrapper site at sourceforge if they've got a driver ... or comments.02:06
GIFRATEjust impatient :P02:06
shinshanalguien habla espaol?02:06
ubotuPara Espaol por favor usen #ubuntu-es, #kubuntu-es o #edubuntu-es, all obtendrn mas ayuda.02:06
eric__Gotcha, Ljl :p02:06
soundrayeric__: yes, try a reboot.02:07
shinshanubuntu es no tiene las respuestas a todo...02:07
eric__Alright, going for the reboot now.02:07
OmicronTriade, so i should look for a specific driver for this adapter on the Sourceforge site?02:07
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ianmacgregor!es | shinshan02:07
ubotushinshan: Para Espaol por favor usen #ubuntu-es, #kubuntu-es o #edubuntu-es, all obtendrn mas ayuda.02:07
triadeOmicron: its as simple as "ndiswrapper -i /path to/ your.inf"02:07
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OmicronTriade, gotta install ndiswrapper first! :)02:08
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d-E-u-Show to setup X?02:08
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d-E-u-Sresolution etc.02:08
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LjLd-E-u-S: sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg02:09
josh__how do i setup mail on here? just system mail not like pop3 mail02:09
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jvaijosh: just 4 sending?02:10
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eric__Nope, still giving me a beep of doom.02:10
ianmacgregoreric__: hehe, BSOD: Beep Sound Of Doom02:10
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Vaske_Caris Edgy out?02:11
cartufervaske, tomorrow02:11
LjL!ef | Vaske_Car02:11
ubotuVaske_Car: Edgy will be released around October 26th - we don't know at precisely what time of the day it will be finalized and published for download. Please be patient!02:11
Vaske_Carok L:)02:11
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jbroomeis feisty out yet?  is it usable?02:12
eric__Yeah, it'll be funny when I fix it, ianmacgregor.  ~____~02:12
d-E-u-Swhere can i setup my network in XFCE?? is there a gui for this?02:12
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LjLjbroome: join #ubuntu+202:12
Dr_willisd-E-u-S,  run the gnome network tool... but i cant rember its name. :)02:12
OmicronTriade, thank you for your help.02:13
Vaske_CarIs XFCE a lot faster than Gnome?02:13
d-E-u-Sits installed on xfce?02:13
=== cricht0n i am root! if you see me laughing, you'd better have a backup!
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d-E-u-SVaske_Car, i think02:13
LjLVaske_Car: it mostly depends on the applications you use on it.02:13
OmicronTriade, i'm going to download and install ndiswrapper now.02:13
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Dr_willisd-E-u-S,  if xfce isent using a LOT of the gnome tools.. then its missing a lot of features. :)02:13
jordanaui am trying to develop a website with someone. I have a LAMP server set up on my computer and would like him and only him to be allowed to have full access to my apache server root folder. What is the best way to allow him permission to the folder (btw he is running windows)02:13
Dr_willisi cant even find the name of the gnome network config tools02:14
Vaske_CarI have PIII 600Mh and 256Mb of ram, would it run fine for average user?02:14
eric__Vaske_Car: yes.02:14
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eobanbVaske_Car, certainly02:14
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jvaisnaap, i keep right cliking for the shell, keep for getting it aint there anymore, & i set up a terminl icon in the panel..smh02:14
eobanbVaske_Car, i have a 600 MHz with 384 MB of ram, and gnome ran fine.02:14
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eobanbVaske_Car, i suppose i'd still recommend Xfce though02:14
eobanbi've since upgraded it to 51202:14
triadeOmicron: good luck.02:14
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LjLeobanb, i don't see why it wouldn't. 384Mb is plenty of storage.02:15
Vaske_Carwanted to danate one old PC to a friend so he can use it for the internet...02:15
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eobanbLjL, firefox can use up a lot of RAM.02:15
eric__It's weird, my keyboard works fine in the login screen, but once I actually get into the desktop the keyboard produces that annoying beep sound of doom.02:15
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Vaske_CarIs that tool Automatix compatible with XFCE as well?02:15
LjLeobanb, firefox runs fine in 256mb02:16
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LjL!automatix | Vaske_Car02:16
ubotuVaske_Car: Automatix is an unsupported script that tries to automate the installation of some software. We don't provide support for it in the #ubuntu or #kubuntu channels, try #automatix thanks!02:16
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Dr_willisVaske_Car,  automatix is a bad idea.. and its window-manager-non-specific02:16
Dr_willisVaske_Car,  so yes.. but its still a bad idea02:16
Stormx2automatix = evil02:16
Vaske_Caris there another tool that do the same thing?02:16
LjL!easyubuntu | Vaske_Car02:16
ubotuVaske_Car: EasyUbuntu is a script that automates installation of some items. Use at your own risk. See http://easyubuntu.freecontrib.org/ ; for help and or discussions about EasyUbuntu please join #easyubuntu.02:16
Stormx2easyubuntu, I think.02:16
=== Sebastian [n=s@200-126-95-91.bk6-dsl.surnet.cl] has joined #ubuntu
LjLbut the best tool is the documentation.02:16
FujitsuEasyUbuntu is generally safer.02:17
FujitsuAlthough neither are recommended.02:17
Vaske_Carbtw why manu people does nto recomment Automatix?02:17
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Dr_willisboth can be replaced by a few apt-gets and edits of the sources.list :)02:17
eric__So... any solutions to my keyboard beeping sound of doom?02:17
d-E-u-SDr_willis I cant find this network tool :(02:17
Dr_willisVaske_Car,  it can trash the system02:17
LjLVaske_Car: because it breaks systems.02:17
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Dr_willisd-E-u-S,  i use kubuntu, so i cant recall the thing under unbunt02:17
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ubotuHi! Welcome to #ubuntu!02:18
SebastianI need some help02:18
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ubotuDon't ask to ask a question. Just ask your question :)02:18
Sebastianoh ok02:18
monksterI have a pile of .odt open office documents and I would like to search the text in them...02:18
Sebastiansorry, first time here02:18
monksterCan Beagle do that? I can't get it to work.02:18
SebastianYesterday I installed edgy02:18
FujitsuSebastian: #ubuntu+1 is a better place for Edgy.02:18
Sebastianand I have problems with icon themes02:18
LjL!edgy | Sebastian02:18
ubotuSebastian: edgy is the current development version of Ubuntu. Version 6.10, codename "Edgy Eft". For support head to #ubuntu+1. For its release schedule, see !schedule02:18
eyequeueSebastian, #ubuntu+1 for edgy02:18
Fujitsumonkster: Yes it can.02:18
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Sebastianoh ok02:19
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monksterFujitsu, sure, right? hmm...02:19
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DesolationXhello all02:19
ubotuHi! Welcome to #ubuntu!02:19
monksterMaybe I have to rebuild indexes or something?02:19
DesolationXi need some help please02:19
ubotuDon't ask to ask a question. Just ask your question :)02:19
=== vanRijn_ [n=gideon@66-189-29-42.dhcp.oxfr.ma.charter.com] has joined #ubuntu
d-E-u-SKnow somebody how to setup network in XFCE?02:19
Ash-FoxIt's thursday!02:19
vanRijn_re, all02:19
FujitsuAsh-Fox: We noticed.02:19
Vaske_Carjordanau, he can use SSH and WinSCP to manage that server02:20
vanRijn_anyone know where to get firefox 2.0 for linux-ppc?02:20
Ash-FoxFujitsu, 6.10 should be out, wee =)02:20
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Vaske_Carwee imagine Ubuntu for next 4-5 years :))02:20
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FujitsuAsh-Fox: It will be released /on/ the 26th, not before.02:21
FujitsuvanRijn_: It is in Edgy, and don't try to install it on a previous version, please.02:21
Dr_willisd-E-u-S,  try network-admin02:21
Ash-FoxFujitsu it is the 26th\?02:21
DesolationXlol well i have powermac g4 dual 1ghz and ati video card. live boot loads fine after it loads it says everything is ok then i have black sceen02:21
adam_hello - i've just installed the edgy RC, and it looks great! except... the fonts in firefox 2.0 look like ass. they're bigger, and more antialiased, looking totally out of place. does anyone know how to fix?02:21
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bimberiAsh-Fox: 26th in the -12 Timezone :)02:21
LjL!edgy > adam_02:21
jordanauVaske_Car, is a vsftpd serber an okay idea as long as i have anonymous access turned off?02:21
FujitsuAsh-Fox: Yes.02:21
jordanauserber * server02:21
Ash-Foxbimberi, ah :P02:22
Dr_willisadam_,  install the msttcorefonts for a start02:22
Vaske_CarI prefer SSH and WinSCP02:22
Vaske_Caras I remember vsftps use plain text for passwords......02:22
sethkjordan_, the secure versions are fine02:22
eric__adam_: try pressing ctrl+0, on a hunch?02:22
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sethkVaske_Car, if it's ftp, yes.  if it's sftp, no.  I think you are correct, and it is just ftp02:22
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sethkwhich means it should not be used, generally speaking.02:23
DesolationXanyone know how i can fix this problem ?02:23
adam_Dr_willis: thanks, will try02:23
Vaske_Carsethk, yes FTP uses plain text while SSH and WinSCP does not.02:23
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FujitsuOr SFTP, which uses SSH as the carrier.02:23
vanRijn_Fujitsu: ack.  why not?  dependencies?02:23
vanRijn_Fujitsu: btw, how close is edgy to being released?02:23
vanRijn_Fujitsu: and is the upgrade path from dapper to edgy pretty smooth?02:23
eric__My GUI won't accept input from the keyboard, instead it just beeps at me.  It works fine in the login, as well as TTY1, which is what I'm using.  Suggestions?02:23
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sethkVaske_Car, yes, I know, I just was checking whether "vsftp" mean v sftp, or vs ftp02:24
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LjLDesolationX: try and see if you can reach a console by pressing ctrl+alt+f2. if you can, login and type "sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg", and tell it to use the VESA driver. then try starting X again using "sudo /etc/init.d/gdm restart"02:24
sethkVaske_Car, by the way, the cygwin tools are a lot better than the win whatever tools.02:24
gleesondso I'm trying to run this game called cube 2 but it says I need openGL but I don't see any pkg named "OpenGL.lib" can anyone enlighten me02:24
FujitsuvanRijn_: Firstly, stuff is compiled against 1.5... Upgrading to 2 is likely to break things. Edgy will be released in the next 24 hours, and the upgrade path is very smooth.02:24
Vaske_Carvsftp should bd vsftpd02:24
vanRijn_Fujitsu: ahh, excellent, thanks.  =:)02:25
DesolationXLjL problem is after that black screen keyboard doesn't respond02:25
downfallat111are there any major changes expected in edgy from dapper?02:25
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Fujitsudownfallat111: There are new versions of most packages, new artwork, and various under-the-hood changes.02:26
eric__My GUI won't accept input from the keyboard, instead it just beeps at me.  It works fine in the login, as well as TTY1, which is what I'm using.  Suggestions?02:26
coz_evening all02:26
Vaske_CarIs there any work on recovery disk for Ubuntu or something that will let beginer uusers to recover system easy?02:26
LjLdownfallat111: a new init system called upstart instead of sysvinit.02:26
=== nailer [n=nailer@220-253-63-121.VIC.netspace.net.au] has joined #ubuntu
Fujitsueric__: Please stop asking so frequently. It's likely nobody here knows if they haven't already answered02:26
coz_in dapper along with mgp321 i ws able to preview wav files with mouse over. it doesn't seem to work in edgy.. any solutions?02:26
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dniteJust outta curiosity, anyone know if there's a way to 'style' the buttons and text boxes a little nicer in firefox?? The look purdier in windoze... pretty ugly in linux...02:26
eric__Whoops, it was past the end of my screen.  I thought it was okay to ask again.02:26
=== htfsd [n=killown@201-43-169-103.dsl.telesp.net.br] has joined #ubuntu
DesolationX LjL: problem is after that black screen keyboard doesn't respond02:26
LjLDesolationX, i got that. i just don't know.02:27
nailerdnite, they just use your gnome theme IIRC - try art.gnome.org02:27
ianmacgregoreric__: use PageUP and PageDown for scrolling in irssi02:27
nailerare final, non-RC edgy ISOs on any mirror yet?02:27
eric__ianmacgregor: yeah, I am - I just don't know how far it compares to my xchat window, at 1280x1024, lol.02:27
ianmacgregornailer: I doubt it02:27
KGnomewhats an easy way to set up a ram drive?02:27
dnitenailer, ok. thank you.02:27
Fujitsunailer: No. There will be an announcement when it is released.02:27
ianmacgregoreric__: I use irssi as my only IRC client and I use 1280x1024, I quite like it over XChat.02:28
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DesolationXthere anything i need to enter once the cd loads before i press enter. (sorry newb here)02:28
eric__ianmacgregor: yeah, well I'm going to cry if I can't get my xchat back.  :((((02:28
KGnomewhats an easy way to set up a ram drive?02:28
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eric__I'm glad I knew about IRSSI at all.02:29
FujitsuKGnome: why do you want one?02:29
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adnansW00t!! Ubuntu running as Xen host and guest :)02:30
KGnomeFujitsu: to set up a small ftp and i dont want tp use a hard drive02:30
niallhi, im lookin to install the new fashplayer in my pc and im finding it difficult02:30
FujitsuKGnome: why not?02:30
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about linx - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi02:31
bimberi!flash9 | niall02:31
ubotuniall: Flash player 9 beta has been released. You can download it here: http://seveas.imbrandon.com/dists/dapper-seveas/custom/ (replace dapper-seveas with edgy-seveas for edgy)02:31
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KGnomefujitsu: so the server has its own drive # in Computer02:31
ubotuBrowsers available for Linux: Firefox (GTK), Opera (Qt), Konqueror (KDE/Qt), Links (terminal-based). HTTP servers: apache202:31
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vanRijn_suppose it's silly to ask, but I don't suppose there's a ppc version of flash9?02:31
ubotulinks: Character mode WWW browser. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.99+1.00pre12-1 (dapper), package size 375 kB, installed size 936 kB02:31
niallaye bimberi02:31
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FujitsuvanRijn_: No. Thankyou Adobe.02:31
squeeevanRijn: yep, it's silly... afaik it's not happening02:31
DesolationXi am at the boot screen of install it says boot:_   is there anything i can enter here to prevent that black screen02:32
vanRijn_squeee: blah02:32
squeeevanRijn: yep02:32
eric__DesolationX: press enter?02:32
KGnomeFujitsu: something like a dos subst would work to02:32
vanRijn_Fujitsu: yeah, s/Thank/f***/02:32
phobiaI'm trying to reload the grub bootloader after it was destroyed because of windows. I'm following the directions labaled "Using the Desktop/LiveCD and Overwriting the Windows bootloader" at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RecoveringUbuntuAfterInstallingWindows I do not understand how to find out my harddisk and boot partition numbers. I did fdisk -l /dev/hda for information like it suggested in "Troubleshooting" and this is the line of 02:32
phobia /dev/hda2               1         829     6658911   83  Linux02:32
=== GIFRATE_ [n=steph@bas6-quebec14-1167951967.dsl.bell.ca] has joined #ubuntu
phobiaSome please help?02:32
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DesolationXeric__: when i do it loads and it says everything is ok then i get a black screen...02:33
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KGnomeFujitsu: any suggestions02:33
jbinderedgy = superclose02:33
niallis it easy to install02:33
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d-E-u-Sfor a driver installation i need gcc-3.4, how i can get it without internet?02:33
jbinderniall: is what easy to install02:33
d-E-u-Sis it on the cd ?02:33
dou213phobia, type only fdisk -l02:34
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jbinderniall: yes, it is easy02:34
dnitehey nailer, thanks.. i found it.. but where do i throw the new themes to use them??02:34
ianmacgregord-E-u-S: Pop in the cd and do sudo apt-get install build-essential02:34
jbinderniall: flash 7?02:34
Fujitsuniall: Install the flashplugin-nonfree package.02:34
j-swimhey folks, is there any good metacity behaviour add-on app?02:34
vzorichi, where can i see when is ubuntu 6.10 going to be out?02:34
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jbinderniall: very easy02:34
phobiaI get the same information02:34
jbinderhold on02:34
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Fujitsu!edgyfinal | vzoric02:34
ubotuvzoric: Edgy will be released around October 26th - we don't know at precisely what time of the day it will be finalized and published for download. Please be patient!02:34
nailerdnite, i thingk preferences -> themes or something like that02:34
Fujitsuj-swim: To do what?02:35
d-E-u-Sand gcc-3.4 is inside the build-essential?02:35
nailerdnite, then you just pick the theme file02:35
niallam new with all this02:35
jbinderniall: for linux i assume?02:35
dniteall right.. thanks nailer02:35
petternanyone installed CS with steam4linux on Dapper?02:35
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ianmacgregord-E-u-S: Oh, I don't know that. I know 4.0 is02:35
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vzoricFujitsu, what about what is going to be new in this release?02:35
j-swimFujitsu: stuff like remembering what desktop to open certain apps...02:35
dan2I installed edgy the other day02:35
dan2great stuff02:35
jbinderniall: k.. h/o02:35
dou213phobia, ask your question again, i gotta go...02:35
Fujitsuvzoric: Ask in #ubuntu+102:35
eck0how do i minimize in gnome?02:35
DesolationXdo u think its my monitor?02:35
jbinderniall: download that02:35
phobiaI'm trying to reload the grub bootloader after it was destroyed because of windows. I'm following the directions labaled "Using the Desktop/LiveCD and Overwriting the Windows bootloader" at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RecoveringUbuntuAfterInstallingWindows I do not understand how to find out my harddisk and boot partition numbers. I did fdisk -l /dev/hda for information like it suggested in "Troubleshooting" and this is the line of 02:35
phobia /dev/hda2               1         829     6658911   83  Linux02:35
Fujitsueck0: Click on the minimise button, same as any other window manager or Windows, or OS X.02:36
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ianmacgregoreck0: ALT_F902:36
niallam lost already lol02:36
Fujitsujbinder: No.02:36
eck0ok ty02:36
jbinderFujitsu: why?02:36
=== BoggsBeer [n=biglou@203-206-110-10.dyn.iinet.net.au] has joined #ubuntu
eric__My GUI won't accept input from the keyboard, instead it just beeps at me.  It works fine in the login, as well as TTY1, which is what I'm using.  Suggestions?02:36
Fujitsuniall: Open up Synaptic, and find the package flashplugin-nonfree.02:36
KGnomeIS There anything lke a dos subst for linux?????02:36
=== phaedrus44 [n=phaedrus@66-55-196-209.gwi.net] has joined #ubuntu
Fujitsujbinder: There is a package.02:36
jbinderthats the stupid way to do it02:36
KGnomeIS There anything like a dos subst for linux?????02:36
jbinderdoing it manually is the more fun way02:36
preactionKGnome, don't repeat02:36
Fujitsujbinder: That is the SANE way to do it. The package manager exists for a reason.02:36
=== jbinder hugs manual installations
KGnomesory typo02:36
phobiaThank you very much dou21402:36
DesolationXer1k_: ?02:37
=== pettern [n=jallajal@216-108-21.221110.adsl.tele2.no] has left #ubuntu ["poff"]
d-E-u-Scan i download the gcc-3.4 from somewhere and copy it to the pc i need it and install it there?02:37
niallwat do i do now02:37
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=== jbinder hugs doing things in tty1, and not using anything GUI related
=== eric__ kicks tty1, wanting his GUI back
ianmacgregorjbinder: sudo aptitude :)02:37
jbindereric__: GUI is evil02:37
eric__But I need it.02:37
jbinderianmacgregor: MANUAL INSTALLATION PWNS02:38
jbinderflashplayer is the easiest manual installation ever02:38
bimberid-E-u-S: download the gcc-3.4 package via http://packages.ubuntu.com/ and transfer (assuming the pc you want it on has no net connection)02:38
ubotuPLEASE DON'T SHOUT! We can read lowercase too.02:38
jbinderjust download, extract, and run on simple installer command02:38
Fujitsujbinder: The package manager exists for a reason, and should be used in all cases possible.02:38
=== jbinder shoots package manager
Fujitsujbinder: Please leave if you're going to be like that.02:38
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DesolationX>.< if everything is ok why does it stop at this point ?02:38
d-E-u-Sbimberi and how to install there then?02:39
ianmacgregorjbinder: The best thing to do is to use the pm whenever possible. it's faster and easier most of the time.02:39
Hikaru79Is everything still on track for Edgy to be released tomorrow?02:39
=== eric__ shoots the godblessed beeping sound of death
jbinderFujitsu: plenty of people agree with my, lots of people prefer doing things through a terminal02:39
jbinderi am one of them02:39
LjL!ef | Hikaru7902:39
ubotuHikaru79: Edgy will be released around October 26th - we don't know at precisely what time of the day it will be finalized and published for download. Please be patient!02:39
bimberid-E-u-S: sudo dpkg -i whatever.deb02:39
jbinderagree with me*02:39
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phobiaI'm trying to reload the grub bootloader after it was destroyed because of windows. I'm following the directions labaled "Using the Desktop/LiveCD and Overwriting the Windows bootloader" at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RecoveringUbuntuAfterInstallingWindows I do not understand how to find out my harddisk and boot partition numbers. I did fdisk -l /dev/hda for information like it suggested in "Troubleshooting" and this is the line of 02:39
phobia /dev/hda2               1         829     6658911   83  Linux02:39
Hikaru79Ah, thank you LjL :)02:39
eric__Wait, what is today's date?02:39
phobiaPlease someone help, I hate to be such a bother.02:39
LjLeric__: depends.02:39
Hikaru79I'll assume that ubotu is up-to-date with this.02:39
bimberilol, shortened to 'ef' :)02:39
Flanneljbinder: You can use the package manager via the command line too.02:40
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niallam i supposed to have an application thing up02:40
KGnomeIS There anything like a dos subst for linux, to mount a directory02:40
eck0anyone know how to minimize in games running with cedega02:40
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d-E-u-Sand how i can add the cd drive as source into the sources.list ?02:40
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ubotuEdgy will be released around October 26th (*some* timezone) - we don't know at precisely what time of the day it will be finalized and published for download. Please be patient!02:40
Flanneld-E-u-S: which CD?02:40
=== janga [n=janga@dslb-084-056-073-187.pools.arcor-ip.net] has joined #ubuntu
ianmacgregord-E-u-S: Did you manually take the cd out of the sources list?02:40
DesolationXcould it be it can't find  my partition?02:40
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eric__That's a 48 hour period of time. ~_~02:40
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LjLbimberi: yeah, i made an alias about 30 seconds after making the factoid itself02:40
Wapsterd-E-u-S: open synaptic ----> sources----> add cdrom.02:40
=== Corporal_Dirge [n=Dirge@74-37-111-52.dsl1.ekgv.ca.frontiernet.net] has joined #ubuntu
jbinderphobia: that's why i make backups of my grub menus before every change02:40
d-E-u-Sin my edgy souces.lsit isnt the cd drive02:41
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bimberiLjL: and no wonder :)02:41
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bond200hi friends02:41
Fujitsujbinder: I prefer it as well. But package managers are also usable through the terminal.02:41
gnomefreakd-E-u-S: join #ubuntu+1 for edgy please02:41
tony_hello , how can i open Nautilus as root ??02:41
jbindertony_: type nautilus?02:41
GIFRATE_DesolationX:  I had mostly the same problem, try installing from the alternative cd (Its you<re still gonna end up with the black screen) but you<ll have access to a console02:41
njantony_, gksudo nautilus02:41
ianmacgregortony_: gksudo nautilus02:41
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nialli really dont have a clue wat to do02:41
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eric__My GUI won't accept input from the keyboard, instead it just beeps at me.  It works fine in the login, as well as TTY1, which is what I'm using.  Suggestions?02:41
bond200alguna persona que sepa como instalar rpm02:42
niallsorry for torturing02:42
function1so, is there no way to edit a screensaver's individual properties?02:42
ianmacgregor!es | bond20002:42
ubotubond200: Para Espaol por favor usen #ubuntu-es, #kubuntu-es o #edubuntu-es, all obtendrn mas ayuda.02:42
=== Davey_ is now known as Davey
GIFRATE_then try updating your display drivers02:42
Fujitsuniall: Open up Synaptic (System->Administration->Synaptic Package Manager), and find flashplugin-nonfree in the listing.02:42
jbinderphobia: you have to edit /boot/grub/menu.lst02:42
KGnomeGiving help on porting windows to linux02:42
jbinderbond200: hablas ingles?02:42
bond200a todo s02:42
phobiaI just need to know what the numbers are02:42
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Dr_willisKGnome,  thats got to be 'interesting' project.02:42
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r080cy90rbond you are italian???02:42
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DesolationXGIFRATE: how do i get into the consule and update it02:43
phobia"Type "root (hd0,6)", or whatever your harddisk + boot partition numbers are (my /boot is at /dev/sda7, which translates to hd0,6 for grub)." I need the harddisk and boot partition numbers02:43
=== eck0 [n=chris@c-71-232-123-56.hsd1.ma.comcast.net] has left #ubuntu []
atalibasome1 can helpme with one wine trick?02:43
animal_jbinder, them, if you prefer doing all through terminal...why use a Linux distro based on package manager(ubuntu)? maybe another distros would be work more according you philosophy...02:43
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r080cy90rexcuse me i have a question02:43
Flannelphobia: That depends on your set up.  Which harddrive is it? and which partition?02:43
dxmanhow do you change the grub file to change the order of my operating systems?02:43
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eric__r080cy90r: just ask it02:43
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about question - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi02:43
phobiahda2, I'm 99% sure it's the first partition.02:44
function1how does one edit screensaver properties? eg, there is a GLTest screensaver, but there seems to be no way to edit the text02:44
Dr_willisdxman,  reorder the order of the 'stanzas' for the menu items.02:44
function1er GLText02:44
phobiaIt starts at the first sector or whatever02:44
bimberieric__: in tty1 'sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg'  to redo keyboard detection02:44
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dxmanwhat do you mean by that02:44
Flannelphobia: hda2 is the second partition, hda is the primary master (on your IDE cable)02:44
GIFRATE_DesolationX:  Ctrl + Alt + Backspace02:44
ubotuI am ubotu, all-knowing infobot. You can browse my brain at http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl Usage info: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuBots02:44
Dark_L0rdhello guys02:44
Dark_L0rdi need some rule that will allow me to make my box, using iptables rules, to force target where it lands when asks for a specific domain02:44
Dark_L0rdto be more specific, i want when my box does ask for data from for example:   IP1:80 to be redirected automatically and by local rules, to connect to IP2:8080 for example02:44
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Flannelphobia: is it hda2 though? in which case, it'd be (hd0,1) (grub starts at 0, linux starts at 1)02:44
phobiahda1 is my windows partition, hda2 is my ext linux partition, and hda3 is swap02:45
r080cy90ri must extract a file in my home/opt/ folder but ubuntu need the root  i'm the only user02:45
phobiaThank you very much flannel02:45
phobiaI'll try that02:45
FujitsuDark_L0rd: you'd be best of asking elsewhere, I think...02:45
r080cy90rwhat i must make???02:45
Fujitsur080cy90r: prefix the command with `sudo'02:45
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eric__bimberi: okay, now what?02:45
DesolationXGIFRATE:is the alt on this server?02:45
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Dark_L0rdFujitsu why ???02:45
GIFRATE_DesolationX:  but I think you have ton install ubuntu using the alternate cd (at least that's what I did) and then find the information on how to set up ATI drivers using apt-get02:45
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r080cy90rcan i make it in visual mode???02:46
phobiaHmm, same error. I'll try mounting the partition as the guide later mentions. Thanks for your help flannel02:46
r080cy90rnon in terminal mode????02:46
bimberieric__: once finished, restart X - 'sudo invoke-rc.d gdm restart'02:46
Dr_willisr080cy90r,  its worth the effort to learn the shell basics02:46
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ubotuThe linux terminal or command-line interface is very powerful. Open a terminal via applications -> accessories -> terminal (gnome) or kmenu -> system -> konsole (kde). Manuals: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BasicCommands02:46
Flannel!ati | GIFRATE_02:46
ubotuGIFRATE_: To install the Ati/NVidia drivers for your video card, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto02:46
Fujitsur080cy90r: If you press Alt+F2 and run `gksudo nautilus', it'll give you a root file browser.02:46
dxmanDr_Willis: what did you mean by "Stanza"02:46
danilocesarSomebody knows the Why anjuta 2.0.2 (alpha version that nothing works well) will be released with Ubuntu EDGY?02:46
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Dr_willisdxman,  look at the grub config.. each menu item is in its own 'section/stanza/paragraph' whatever ya want to call it.02:47
kgeeI have an ipod with permissions 700, user is me, and group is admin. No matter what i do, sudo or not, I cannot change this. I want to change the ownership to all users or chmod 777 it so anyone can plug it in and modify it. Ive tried sudo chmod 777, sudo chown users, sudo chown 100, and a couple other variations with no luck. any ideas as to how to get this device to work for all users?02:47
Dr_willisdxman,   its rather straight forward02:47
GIFRATE_DesolationX:  http://ubuntu-releases.cs.umn.edu//6.06/ at the bottom of the page02:47
KGnomeGiving help on porting windows to linux02:47
mikm[laptop] danilocesar Edgy is meant to be "edgy" with newer, potentially unstabe stuff02:47
eric__bimberi: alright, failed to start x server.02:47
Fujitsudanilocesar: Because it seemed like a good idea at the time, probvably.02:47
=== funkyHat_ [n=matt@cpc7-nthc3-0-0-cust812.nrth.cable.ntl.com] has joined #ubuntu
FujitsuKGnome: Can you please not repeat that so much?02:47
Dr_williskgee,  you must set the permissions from the fstab with the umask, and other options NOT chmoding the thing.02:47
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mikm[laptop] danilocesar That's one of the reasons Dapper is LTS.  It's solid as a rock02:47
DesolationXThanks all02:47
DesolationXGIFRATE: thanks02:47
kgeeDr_willis: thanks, will look into that, brb02:47
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DesolationXFingers cross lol02:48
GIFRATE_DesolationX:  good luck02:48
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Dr_williskgee,  same as if you were mounting a windows fat32 partition02:48
r080cy90ri try but recived this error """Extraction not performed02:48
r080cy90rYou don't have the right permissions to extract archives in the folder "/opt""""02:48
ubotuedgy is the current development version of Ubuntu. Version 6.10, codename "Edgy Eft". For support head to #ubuntu+1. For its release schedule, see !schedule02:48
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Dr_williskgee,  example fstab entry -------  >>> /dev/sda1 /media/sda1   vfat    defaults,umask=007,gid=4602:48
ubotuUbuntu uses a strict timetable for releases, which means that sometimes newly released programs miss the timetable. See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/TimeBasedReleases for more. Edgy schedule: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/EdgyReleaseSchedule02:48
=== funkyHat__ [n=matt@cpc7-nthc3-0-0-cust812.nrth.cable.ntl.com] has joined #ubuntu
a3rdpartyI think I accidentally killed my boot partition, can anyone anser some questions?02:49
Fujitsur080cy90r: Ah. Try running `gksudo file-roller', the opening the archive from the window that opens up.02:49
ianmacgregorr080cy90r: Several people have told you how to fix that02:49
=== Vulcan [n=Vulcan@68-66-43-158.clvdoh.adelphia.net] has joined #ubuntu
ubotuDon't ask to ask a question. Just ask your question :)02:49
bimberieric__: argh :( - Did you mostly accept the defaults during the reconfigure?02:49
ubotuI am ubotu, all-knowing infobot. You can browse my brain at http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl Usage info: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuBots02:49
danilocesarYes, but did U try to use Anjuta 2.0.2? Its unusable.... This version is not ready to be on any distribution...02:49
DesolationXGIFRATE: thanks02:49
Fujitsudanilocesar: Complaining here won't achieve anything.02:49
a3rdpartyI'm getting "unable to find volume group "Ubuntu""02:49
eric__bimberi: yes - I just reconfigured again, this time with a success, forgot to select nvidia instead of nv02:49
tsolerdabar:thanks a lot for all02:49
bimberieric__: phew :)02:49
eric__bimberi: still the same problem, I can log in, but it fails to accept keyboard input after that.02:49
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a3rdpartyafter I had tried to mount another part of my boot drive partition02:49
Fujitsua3rdparty: You are using LVM?02:49
=== hag_ [n=hag@ce05071-p18-pafags1a.cenara.com] has joined #ubuntu
jordanauokay how do i allow the user "jason" recursive permission in the folder /var/www/ ??02:50
bimberieric__: :(02:50
a3rdpartyI'm not sure ...02:50
eyequeuejordan_, add him to a web group you create02:50
gnomefreakdanilocesar: version 2.0.2-2ubuntu1 of anjuta works fine02:50
eric__jordanau: chown jason /var/www -R02:50
danilocesarFujitsu, Yes, I know that... But I need to know the opinion of others users....02:50
Flanneljordanau: you probably don't want to chown.  Add yourself to the www-data group02:50
=== cliffd [n=cld@cpe-76-171-131-190.socal.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu
Flanneleric__: don't suggest that, it only breaks things.02:51
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eyequeuejordan_, then chgrp (not chown) -R /var/www02:51
ianmacgregoreric__: That won't be a good idea02:51
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kgeeDr_willis: thanks a lot, now do i need to reset anything to make this take effect? Just umount then mount again im assuming?02:51
=== FallenHi1okiri [n=Blitz@p54ACF525.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #ubuntu
eyequeuejordan_, then chgrp -R web /var/www02:51
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danilocesargnomefreak, I think that you are wrong. Shortcuts, autocomplement, some buttons is not working.... Scintilla crashing... etc etc...02:51
eyequeuejordan_, then chmod -R g+w /var/www02:51
r080cy90rfujitsu can we speak in pvt because im italian and here is all confused and i don't understand what i must to make02:51
gnomefreakdanilocesar: i use it daily02:51
gnomefreakit works just fine here02:52
Dr_williskgee,  ya got it.02:52
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andresmujicadanilocesar.  it would be nice if you report a bug or a series of bugs reporting that.02:52
eric__bimberi: any ideas at all?02:52
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Fujitsur080cy90r: Sure.02:52
jordan_eyequeue, What?02:52
danilocesarandresmujica, I  did it today02:52
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bimberieric__: i'm struggling sorry :/02:52
jordan_eyequeue, I think you meant to be talking to somebody else.02:52
andresmujicathis way you can left a precedence02:52
=== MattJ [n=matthew@88-111-223-67.dynamic.dsl.as9105.com] has joined #ubuntu
eyequeuejordan_, adduser jason web02:53
=== cricht0n i am root! if you see me laughing, you'd better have a backup!
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cliffdwhat is the config file for md/raid mdadm ?02:53
gnomefreakdanilocesar: #ubuntu+1 ffor edgy also dapper didnt have that version02:53
jordanaueyequeue, perfect thank you02:53
andresmujicaraidtab or mdadm.conf02:53
=== BoggsBeer [n=biglou@203-206-110-10.dyn.iinet.net.au] has joined #ubuntu
cliffdandresmujica: thanks much02:53
jordan_eyequeue, I have no idea what you are talking about :)02:53
eyequeuejordanau, not jordan_02:53
nialldoes ant1 kno wat the public key is not available: NO_PUBKEY F120156012B8371802:53
danilocesargnomefreak, Shortcuts to  commend code works on your machine? Autocomplemen (CRTL + SPACE) too? (on edgy)02:54
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andresmujicadanilocesar: do you have the bug numbers?02:54
eyequeuejordanau, np02:54
jordanaueyequeue, and now i have WinSCP working... eveything is great02:54
danilocesarandresmujica, yes.. wait a moment02:54
danilocesarandresmujica, https://launchpad.net/distros/ubuntu/+bugs?field.searchtext=anjuta&orderby=-importance&search=Search&field.status%3Alist=Unconfirmed&field.status%3Alist=Confirmed&field.status%3Alist=In+Progress&field.status%3Alist=Needs+Info&field.status%3Alist=Fix+Committed&field.assignee=&field.owner=&field.omit_dupes=on&field.has_patch=&field.has_no_package=02:54
=== LuisMendes [n=luis@] has joined #ubuntu
=== eric__ cries, hoping that Edgy will be released in the next couple of hours, and will fix his problems.
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eric__I command that you release edgy right this instant!02:55
LuisMendesedgy should be out by now!02:55
danilocesarSee the last three bugs reports02:55
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eric__Dun dun dun.  It is a command!  From me!  So you should listen!02:55
eyequeueLuisMendes, no, in maybe 18h02:55
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eyequeueLuisMendes, not until the 26 is over is it late02:55
jordanaueyequeue, now how do i make all files invisible except /var/www/ to the web group02:55
niallW: GPG error: http://packages.freecontrib.org dapper Release: The following signatures couldn't be verified because the public key is not available: NO_PUBKEY F120156012B8371802:55
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Flannelniall: did you use source-o-matic?02:56
jordanaueyequeue, /var/www/ and the /home folder that is...02:56
LuisMendeseyequeue, 18h? it is usually out in less than 7h02:56
eyequeuejordanau, you don't want to do that, as www-data runs apache02:56
eric__My GUI won't accept input from the keyboard, instead it just beeps at me.  It works fine in the login, as well as TTY1, which is what I'm using.  Suggestions?02:56
kgeeDr_willis: the entire device is under /dev/sda, but has 2 partitions sda1 and sda2, so would i just have use /dev/sda in the fstab? or would i have to specify one/both02:56
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nialli really dont have a clue, some1 else installed linux for me02:56
jordanaueyequeue, the user can view everything in all of my folders... even my personal /home... i don't like that02:57
eyequeuejordanau, which user?02:57
jordanaujason of group web02:57
Dr_williskgee,  try sda1 then sda202:57
Flannel!easysource | niall, you'll want to use this to recreate your sources.list, theres instructions at the top of the page to add the GPG keys02:58
ubotuniall, you'll want to use this to recreate your sources.list, theres instructions at the top of the page to add the GPG keys: source-o-matic is a webpage where you can (re)generate your sources.list - http://www.ubuntu-nl.org/source-o-matic02:58
andresmujicajordanau: sudo chmod 700 /home/*02:58
eyequeuejordanau, ls -ld /home/you02:58
Dr_williskgee,  for a hard drive typt thing - ya would never use just 'sda'02:58
Dr_williskgee,  try 'sudo fdisk -l /dev/sda'02:58
eric__Yarrrrrrr.  I'm a pirate.02:58
winstonI lost my "screensaver" item in my systems menu. Is there a way to edit that menu to add "screensaver" back in there?02:58
kgeeDr_willis: that would explain why it didnt work ;)02:58
ianmacgregorFlannel: Wowsers, You just taught me something new about the bot commands :) Thanks02:58
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niallthanx alot02:59
niallwill try now02:59
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jon_Is there a shipit for xubuntu? I see one for every other dist of ubuntu. Is Xubuntu not supported by Canonical or something?02:59
ianmacgregorwinston: right-click the Applications menu, choose "Edit menus" and alacarte should open.02:59
Flannelniall: you don't need to recrate your entire sources.list, just make a freecontrib one (so the URL matches yours) then it'll give you the GPG to add02:59
winstonianmacgregor, thanks03:00
ianmacgregorwinston: np03:00
=== v3l0ct [n=tao@adsl-70-138-1-254.dsl.mrdnct.sbcglobal.net] has joined #ubuntu
jordanaueyequeue, okay he can no longer see my home folder thanks03:00
Flanneljon_: Xubuntu is.  but there's no shipit for it yet03:00
eric__My GUI won't accept input from the keyboard, instead it just beeps at me.  It works fine in the login, as well as TTY1, which is what I'm using.  Suggestions?03:00
winstonwhoa I just discovered that xirc has the tab auto-complete for nicknames-- cool03:00
jon_Flannel, ah OK. The likelyhood of you yourself knowing is low, but do you think they're considering it?03:00
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Flanneljon_: I'm sure they are.  Kubuntu only got added to shipit in Dapper.03:01
winstonianmacgregor,  it looks like my "screensaver" menu is not on the list, perhaps it has been deleted? Any ideas on how to get it back?03:01
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simtowerubuntu sucks with scanners03:01
darkgamer20simtower: really? ubuntu detected mine and it worked on the first try03:02
ianmacgregorwinston: You can add a new menu item for it in alacarte03:02
simtowerconsider yourself lucky03:02
Vichthis is gonna sound stupid03:02
ubotuPLEASE DON'T SHOUT! We can read lowercase too.03:02
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eric__Lawl, whoops.03:02
Vichbut I deleted my cdrom03:02
eric__I'm just excited.03:02
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jordanaueyequeue, is it worth creating a private key or not since this is over openssh ?03:02
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Vichhow can I get it back?03:02
picassohi.. whats the best way to get firefox 2 on 6.06?03:02
winstonianmacgregor,  I dont see an option to add those that are not already listed03:02
Vich(insert hysterical laughter here)03:02
eyequeuejordanau, i would, but what context is this in?03:03
eric__It turned out to be that somehow, it was only accepting keys that had been pressed for more than 300ms03:03
ianmacgregorwinston: You have to add new items manually.. it's not hard.03:03
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eric__Thanks for everyone's help.03:03
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Flannel!firefox | picasso, use the first link, same steps, different version.03:03
ubotupicasso, use the first link, same steps, different version.: firefox is the default web-browser on Ubuntu. To install the latest version, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FirefoxNewVersion Installing plugins: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/FirefoxPlugins03:03
=== funkyHat_ [n=matt@cpc7-nthc3-0-0-cust812.nrth.cable.ntl.com] has joined #ubuntu
jordanaueyequeue, he and i are going to make a website and i simply want us both to have access to my LAMP server03:03
andresmujicapicasso download it and put it on /opt/firefox, then make a symlink03:03
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andresmujicathat's the less intrusive one.03:03
winstonianmacgregor, i've no clue on how to add it, the menu layout does not appear intuitive03:03
=== Crescendo [n=GWing@cpe-069-134-227-094.nc.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu
Vichfine, I'll figure it out myself03:03
picassoandresmujica: where do you link /opt to03:04
picassoi have no /opt03:04
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Deus42Hi, I'm trying to figure out how to set the runlevel at boot in edgy. Does anyone have any ideas to point me in the right direction?03:04
CrescendoHehehe, and now I have my XChat back.03:04
picasso/usr/opt ?03:04
eyequeuejordanau, jey-based auth is a bit safer, but it's up to you, the other works as well03:04
CrescendoThanks everyone again (eric___ ))03:04
jordanaupicasso, you can also wait a couple of days for 6.10 to be released, it is on there03:04
picasso/usr/local/opt ?03:04
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eyequeuejordanau, key-03:04
andresmujicano /opt03:04
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picassoi have no /opt03:04
FlannelVich: remounting it will probably work.  What did you delete?  probably just the desktop icon? (does removing/reinserting the disk put it back?)03:04
ianmacgregorwinston: Go to the menu you want to add to, then click File -> New Entry and fille in the blanks.03:04
jordanaueyequeue, again thanks03:04
picassowhich partition should /opt be linked to03:05
picassoim guessing /usr ?03:05
picasso/opt -> /usr/opt or /usr/local/opt03:05
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eyequeueDeus42, runlevels 2 3 4 5 are identical in debian, which basically ignores such03:05
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picassooh haha jk03:06
picassoi do have /opt.. forgot i was checking on a freebsd shell03:06
winstonianmacgregor, thats the prob, I dont have any file-- new entry options in my menu03:06
=== MagicFab-away is now known as MagicFab
d-E-u-Si will install the gcc-3.4 but for this i need the libc6 he says, when i install the .deb libc6 comes an error03:06
d-E-u-S/bin/sh: /lib/libc.so.6: version "GLIB_2.4" not found (requred by /bin/sh)03:06
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Pabloooohi i need urgent help with a ghost image from a ubuntu server, the hard disk died and now iver replaced it with a new one03:06
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winstonianmacgregor, in the menu editor there's no right click possible and the help is disabled03:06
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eyequeuejordanau, np03:07
Pabloooobut when i boot the server it says "grub" and doenst boot03:07
=== Exposure [n=exposure@cc569857-a.ensch1.ov.home.nl] has joined #ubuntu
winstonianmacgregor,  i found a section called screen and it seems to refer to the screensaver although its already checked and I still dont see it in my menus hmm03:07
ianmacgregorwinston: Are you in the app called alacarte?03:07
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ianmacgregorwinston: The title bar says "Alacarte Menu Editor"03:08
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winstonianmacgregor,  i dont think so, i have something called menu editor that pops up when i right click on the menus in the upper left as you said03:08
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winstonianmacgregor, mine just says edit menus03:08
ianmacgregorwinston: Which distro/version are you in?03:09
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ianmacgregorwinston: Right-click the Applications menu *button*, choose Edit Menus from that and alacarte will open for you to edit the menus03:09
suddseHello! I've noticed over the time that my GNOME has started up successively slower. ANY HELP?!?! I mean, any suggestions on making it fast again? : )03:09
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d-E-u-Si will install the gcc-3.4 but for this i need the libc6 he says, when i install the .deb libc6 comes an error03:11
d-E-u-S/bin/sh: /lib/libc.so.6: version "GLIB_2.4" not found (requred by /bin/sh)03:11
winstonianmacgregor, yeah thats where i was, i still dont see screensaver, only something called screen and a sub menu called saver03:11
winstonianmacgregor, they are both already checked in the menu editor yet i dont see the in sytems menu03:12
ubotuedgy is the current development version of Ubuntu. Version 6.10, codename "Edgy Eft". For support head to #ubuntu+1. For its release schedule, see !schedule03:13
Deus42thanks ubotu03:13
ianmacgregorwinston: Go to the bottom of the left pane, you'll see Administration and Preferences, click one of those two and then click File -> New Entry. this will allow you to create a new menu item in the menu you clicked in the left pane.03:13
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azurealdoes anyone happen to know where I can get the courier font?03:14
winstonian I found it... dont ask me why but the screensaver is located in Applications/Debian/screen/save is that normal?03:14
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azurealpreferably as few packages as possible03:14
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winstonianmacgregor,  I found it... dont ask me why but the screensaver is located in Applications/Debian/screen/save is that normal?03:14
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ianmacgregorwinston: I don't have the debian menus, so I can't say whether or not it's normal03:14
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grouthow can i update the locate db?03:15
simtowerheh i am going back to windows03:15
eyequeuegrout, sudo updatedb03:15
ianmacgregorwinston: I *can* tell you that it doesn't come that way out-of-the-box03:15
eyequeuegrout, sudo update-slocatedb  if you have slocate03:15
winstonianmacgregor,  oh well thanks for the info-- I guess this solves my problem even thought its somewhat of a mystery03:16
ianmacgregoreyequeue: sudo updatedb03:16
h3htimosimtower, why are you going back to windows??03:16
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winstonIs there a BIG difference with the Edgy upgrade?03:16
simtowerh3htimo, too much work to get stuff working under ubuntu03:17
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winstonI'm updating both my PC and my Powerbook (ubuntu onn my powerbook G3 did not run well )03:17
simtowerscanner, printer, laptop special features... so many hours i will never get back03:18
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h3htimosimtower, yeah, but u will appreciate your system much more when ur done03:18
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simtoweri will settle with something that works correctly without wasting my time03:19
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dnitehm. well.. it apears that firefox itself uses your gtk theme to style it's 'widgets' .. but any widgets in html get a nice and ugly .. non-theme.. anyone know of a way to fix this?? It's not a huge deal, but i'd really love to be able to fix this...03:19
jvaih3htimo: sooo tru...03:19
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DigitalNinjaI'm trying to get a video card working03:20
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jordan_DigitalNinja, What kind?03:20
RaV|Stranglerok so the alt cd worked03:20
-dean703:#ubuntu- asdf03:20
h3htimojvai, i finally got my sound working and i wont be back to windows for a while03:20
DigitalNinjageforce nx760003:20
Vichis the problem with Gaim crashing (seg fault) in the latest Ubuntu a known problem?03:20
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Vichthe only solution I've read is to upgrade Gaim03:20
AfterDeathoh wtf03:21
RaV|Stranglerwhy wont it automatically connect to the wireless network03:21
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VichI had so much trouble getting my computer to connect to the wireless network03:21
DigitalNinjajordan_: I get the following in my logs when booting: pcie_portdrv_probe->Dev[02fb:10de]  has invalid IRQ. Check vendor BIOS03:21
cartuferrav, cause there could be hidden or other networks03:21
vzorichi are those http://www.ubuntu.com/news/EdgyReleaseCandidate full releases of 6.10 ?03:21
=== SpudDogg [n=spuddogg@69-165-165-57.atlsfl.adelphia.net] has joined #ubuntu
jvaii hear u, i just upgraded to dapper last nyte from hoary, & java, works, & dvd play is less jumpy03:21
RaV|Stranglerdid you ever get it connected?03:21
RaV|Stranglermy network it open03:21
jordan_DigitalNinja, Are you using the proprietary drivers?03:21
speedyedgy going to be released today?03:22
ubotuEdgy will be released around October 26th (*some* timezone) - we don't know at precisely what time of the day it will be finalized and published for download. Please be patient!03:22
DigitalNinjajordan_: Yup03:22
=== AfterDeath fears we're about to be spammed
marthyyeah it looks like it03:22
marthyyay EDGY!03:22
=== ashzilla [n=ashzilla@70-34-55-207.lmdaca.adelphia.net] has joined #ubuntu
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ashzillaWHen does Edgy come out?03:22
aztektumit's out03:22
aztektumgoogle it03:22
vzoricFlannel, and today we are? 26th !03:22
DigitalNinjajordan_: I'm using the card now. However, if I play a 3D game it locks up03:22
LjL!ef | ashzilla03:22
ubotuashzilla: Edgy will be released around October 26th (*some* timezone) - we don't know at precisely what time of the day it will be finalized and published for download. Please be patient!03:22
marthytoday/tomorrow depending when you are03:22
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Flannelvzoric: read the rest of the factoid03:22
phire_mIRCI just can't wait03:22
LjLaztektum: no, it's not03:22
aztektumyeh i know03:23
RaV|Stranglervich how did you get it connected03:23
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jvaiwill edgy be a smooth upgrade from dapper? not like from hoary to breezy?03:23
vzoricFlannel, then what is this on that url which i gave you03:23
jordan_DigitalNinja, I don't know to be honest, mabe somebody else can help03:23
Flanneljvai: you can upgrade with update-manager, painlessly (assuming everything goes well), yes.03:23
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=== azureal hates update-manager
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Flannelvzoric: those are release candidates, not finals.03:24
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Kawaii-Pandajvai: i doubt that. i had to delete my old dapper partition just to install edgy beta. T_T03:24
vzoricFlannel, ahh ok, ty03:24
azurealyea, edgy is not out..03:24
jvaiyeea, i hope using easyubuntu didnt add anything that may break during the upgrade to edgy03:24
dustindoes anyone know if its possible to switch between metacity and beryl on the command line?03:24
RaV|Stranglercan anyone share some insight on how I can get connected to my wireless network03:24
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azurealer... easyubuntu is just what... codecs? lol03:25
FlannelRaV|Strangler: you try the wireless howto?03:25
RaV|Stranglerwhere's that?03:25
ubotuWireless documentation can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs03:25
jvaiyea i think @ azureal03:25
=== tempted is pumped.. he just downloaded some xavier rudd..
RaV|Stranglerthank you03:25
vzoricFlannel, do you know if i ship free cds do i need to pay shipment or its everything free?03:25
Flanneldustin: yes.  As to how, I have no idea.03:25
DigitalNinjajordan_: thanks03:25
dustinhmm ok03:26
Flannelvzoric: what? you mean shipit?  everything is free.03:26
reikiso ... does edgey have built-in compiz-like visual toys?03:26
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Flanneldustin: you might try #beryl or #ubuntu-xgl03:26
temptedreiki:  yes03:26
dustinyea beryl is dead, ill try the other =) thanks03:26
vzoricFlannel, becouse it sounds pretty funny, nothing is free today :D03:26
RaV|StranglerI have to use another computer?03:26
dustin(ts just quiet i mean)03:26
jordan_reiki, sort of...03:26
azurealjvai, codecs will change how you view your video or listen to your audio, but they def. should not cause anything to break03:26
Fujitsutempted: No...03:26
jvaikawwaii as is, would u use edgy in a work environment?03:26
Flannelreiki: they're not enabled by defult03:26
azurealanything system-related.03:26
reikitempted: I was all happy cause I installed edgey into a VM on my 6.06 host.... forgot it uses the VM display driver :)03:26
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jvaiazureal.. i'll see soon...03:27
nailerreiki, hehe03:27
temptedreiki: don't know if you can do that... never tried03:27
Kawaii-Pandajvai: yeah - thats why i installed it. it looks so cool, and it hadnt broken yet for me.03:27
azurealthat's actually one of the next things i need to do... play w/ easyubuntu =P03:27
=== azureal points to a server install ftw!
jvaiis it a fastr boot up/ shut down kawaii03:27
Kawaii-Pandathe splash screen looks bad now though.03:28
Kawaii-Pandathey changed it to silver.03:28
=== ataliba [n=ataliba@201009009050.user.veloxzone.com.br] has left #ubuntu ["Ex-Chat"]
jvaii just got dapper in this box last nyte.... from hoary... it's more stable like03:29
reikiwell... time for bed. I'll upgrade after work tomorrow and try to pop in here during the day at work to ask my dumb questions. :)03:29
=== rob_p [i=rob@gateway/tor/x-ed10231b70cbf7a6] has joined #ubuntu
jvaiazureal.. easyubuntu is muuuch easier than bfore....03:29
jvaii got everything working on this t4003:30
FujitsuKawaii-Panda: Which splash screen are you referring to?03:30
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azurealoh, i know.  i just need to spend a few minutes doing other things first.03:30
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Kawaii-Pandathe updated one.03:30
azureallike obtaining a font that's sort of like courier03:30
Kawaii-Pandathe beta's original was still the brown splash.03:30
Kawaii-Panda*beta's original splash*03:31
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jvaiok uall STARBUCK'S about to kick me out.. it's almost 10pm... see uall when i get home.03:31
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FujitsuKawaii-Panda: They reverted to the Dapper artwork a while ago..03:32
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Kawaii-Pandai dont know, fujitsu, but my splash screen just changed like that after an update notification.03:32
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InnerFIREdoes anyone use ekiga?03:32
tony_dose anyone knows how to install GD for PHP ???03:33
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Kawaii-Pandathe update also gave me some new screensavers, icons and a gdm theme along with it.03:33
Fujitsutony_: Install php5-gd03:33
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tony_do i have to reboot inorder for php5-gd to take effect ??03:35
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=== dibblego [n=nobody@CPE-61-9-214-69.qld.bigpond.net.au] has joined #ubuntu
ubotuHi! Welcome to #ubuntu!03:36
dibblegowhy does my notebook sometimes never return from Suspend or sometimes when it does, a window will not open?03:36
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Fujitsutony_: No. Are you using Apache?03:37
ubotuedgy is the current development version of Ubuntu. Version 6.10, codename "Edgy Eft". For support head to #ubuntu+1. For its release schedule, see !schedule03:37
dabaRdibblego: "a" window?03:37
=== specialbuddy [n=matt@24-236-212-154.dhcp.aldl.mi.charter.com] has joined #ubuntu
treedreamerhey,everyone,is ubuntu edgy out ?03:37
ubotuEdgy will be released around October 26th (*some* timezone) - we don't know at precisely what time of the day it will be finalized and published for download. Please be patient!03:37
Fujitsutony_: sudo /etc/init.d/apache2 reload03:37
Fujitsutony_: That should fix it.03:37
tony_thanks will try now03:37
dibblegodabaR, yes, every time I try to open an application, the window never eventuates ("Starting application...")03:37
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specialbuddyhow do I find out how much space I left on my harddrive03:38
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tony_Thanks, that worked well.03:38
ehazlett@specialbuddy df -h03:38
dabaRdibblego: maybe it does not support that suspend or sleep or whatever, did you look at its model's hardwaresupport wiki site?03:38
dibblegodabaR, nup :) I will03:39
Fujitsutony_: no problem.03:39
dabaRdibblego: post the link here03:39
dibblegodabaR, the link to what?03:39
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dabaRto the wiki page for the laptop03:40
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dabaRdibblego: which one?03:41
ubotuedgy is the current development version of Ubuntu. Version 6.10, codename "Edgy Eft". For support head to #ubuntu+1. For its release schedule, see !schedule03:41
dibblegodabaR, Inspiron 640003:41
sorush20is edgy out/03:41
dabaRubotu, no edgy is read the topic, or go to #ubuntu+103:42
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ubotuUbuntu uses a strict timetable for releases, which means that sometimes newly released programs miss the timetable. See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/TimeBasedReleases for more. Edgy schedule: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/EdgyReleaseSchedule03:42
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kupesoftWhat time can we expect the edgy release?03:43
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kupesoftGMT, that is03:43
ajmitchkupesoft: when it's ready03:43
=== laserline [n=laserlin@24-205-92-248.dhcp.psdn.ca.charter.com] has joined #ubuntu
sorush20how can I opne .mdi files?03:43
ubotuedgy is the current development version of Ubuntu. Version 6.10, codename "Edgy Eft". For support head to #ubuntu+1. For its release schedule, see !schedule03:43
ubotuEdgy will be released around October 26th (*some* timezone) - we don't know at precisely what time of the day it will be finalized and published for download. Please be patient!03:44
FujitsuThat's better.03:44
ubotuPLEASE DON'T SHOUT! We can read lowercase too.03:44
sethkkupesoft, you should always wait _at least_ two weeks after a release, not counting the hours.03:44
sethkkupesoft, what difference will edgy make to you?03:44
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laserlinewhat's the chmod command to chmod all my files and folders within a folder to 77703:44
bimberiFujitsu: there's also an !ef alias :)03:44
kupesoftPhilosphical difference,03:44
Noah0504I need a RSS aggregator that can download files embedded in the feed.  For example, Revision3 has vidcast feeds...03:44
redcardNot much of one, kupesoft03:45
Kawaii-Pandakupetsoft: dont forget the faster boot times03:45
Fujitsulaserline: chmod -R 777 whatever03:45
sethklaserline, you shouldn't use numbers.  chmod -R changes a directory and all its files03:45
=== Laucsap [n=Laucsap@VA1-1E-u-0378.mc.onolab.com] has joined #ubuntu
kupesoftI need php5.1.6-cli03:45
kupesoftand python2.503:45
Fujitsusethk: Why not?03:45
Kawaii-Pandathe livecd booted like thunder compared to the last one (about 15x faster, wild guess)03:45
sethkFujitsu, because there are always issues with a new release.  let other people be the test animals03:45
=== AceKiller [n=jean@201-13-188-180.dial-up.telesp.net.br] has joined #Ubuntu
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pluto_Need some help with ISA sound card.. Please help.03:45
sethkkupesoft, you don't have to upgrade the entire distro just to get those two things03:45
redcardsethk: Personally, I'm liking it.03:45
Fujitsusethk: I mean about not using numbers :P03:45
laserlinesethk: what do you mean I shouldn't use numbers?03:45
sethkFujitsu, oh, very bad practice.  error prone.  use the symbols, that's what they are for03:46
sethklaserline, a+rwx, for example03:46
FujitsuI'd say symbols are more error prone.03:46
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sethkFujitsu, you'd be wrnog03:46
FujitsuEasier to get 3 characters right than a lot more.03:46
sethkFujitsu, not the typing, the calculating.03:46
redcardBut what if I want rw for only user, but x for all three, sethk?03:47
sethkFujitsu, one of the core principles of software engineering.  never use numbers03:47
laserlinesethk: I'm still kinda new to Ubuntu... is there a doc that explains all these commands... chmod --help didn't really *help* that much :)03:47
sethkredcard, u+rw,a+x03:47
Fujitsulaserline: man chmod will be better, most likely.03:47
ianmacgregorredcard: chmod 755 file03:47
=== hype [n=hype@gar31-3-82-234-50-53.fbx.proxad.net] has left #ubuntu ["Ex-Chat"]
dabaRsethk: that is way mmore error prone...03:47
redcardsethk: But what if I'm such a pro that I automatically know what that is numerically?03:47
specialbuddydoes anyone here have a good recommendation for a gaming laptop?03:48
sethkredcard, then you are deceiving yourself03:48
redcardsethk: No.  I think you're deceiving people.03:48
specialbuddyit might be off topic but I was thinking about getting a laptop03:48
dabaRredcard: ya, probably deceiving them03:48
sethkredcard, not at all.  go to any uni, ask any professor03:48
Fujitsuspecialbuddy: It is offtopic, maybe try -offtopic.03:48
redcardDo it whatever way works best.  Understand that numerically is the standard, and that any other method might not be standard03:49
laserlinespecialbuddy: doesn't system76.com sell laptops?  Don't know howt hey are for games, but if I remember correctly the graphics card seemed to be decent03:49
Fujitsusethk: I find the numbers vastly preferable. Quicker to type, more sensible, more definite.03:49
sethkFujitsu, good thing you aren't working for me, I simply won't allow it.03:49
specialbuddythanks laserline03:49
ianmacgregorFujitsu: I agree03:49
specialbuddyI'll check it out03:49
=== tony_ [n=tony@bas3-montreal45-1177830387.dsl.bell.ca] has left #ubuntu ["Ex-Chat"]
Fujitsusethk: You won't allow people to use a more concise, sensible form of a command?03:49
redcardsethk: I advise you to check out the code, then :)  It converts all those u+rw's and such to numbers.03:49
redcardAnd it always has :)03:49
sethkFujitsu, absolutely not, when it is error prone.03:49
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sethkredcard, of course it does03:49
sethkredcard, that's the entire point03:50
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sethkredcard, you don't get it at _all_03:50
Fujitsusethk: It is not error prone if you know what you're doing.03:50
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sethkredcard, the program will convert it correctly.  that's why you use symbols03:50
redcardsethk: Oh.. so now you're insulting the intelligence of someone you've NEVER met.03:50
sethkFujitsu, simply not true.03:50
sethkredcard, has nothing to do with intelligence03:50
redcardsethk: Then you're calling me ignorant?03:50
sethkredcard, no, just wrong03:50
sethkredcard, but that's ok, it's very common with younger sys admins.  they learn, eventually03:51
redcardsethk: You're cute.  How long have you been doing the linux thing?03:51
dabaRspecialbuddy: check out the hardware support pages on the wiki03:51
tritiumsethk: no, not any professor, only professors in C.S.03:51
SpudDoggDoes anyone know how to find out what chipset my wireless card uses?03:51
redcardYou sound very new at it.03:51
ianmacgregorOk, let's all just use that which works for each of us. OK? This is not the palce to argue which is right or wrong.03:51
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sethkredcard, well, I've been doing unix for about 35 years03:51
sethkredcard, linux hasn't been around that long, of course,03:51
tritiumredcard, sethk: take it to -offtopic, please03:51
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redcardThen you're an idiot if you haven't learned that unix prides itself on having multiple ways to do things.  You're either a liar, or an idiot, and neither are worth time.  Final answer, do it whatever way works03:51
specialbuddydabaR, on the system76 page?03:51
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SpudDoggDoes anyone know how to find out what chipset my wireless card uses?03:52
LjL!language | redcard03:52
uboturedcard: Please watch your language and keep this channel family friendly.03:52
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dibblegoSpudDogg, lspci03:52
sethkredcard, I have not insulted anyone, and it would really be best if you would restrain yourself.03:52
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Kawaii-Pandaits a matter of choice really, the numbers are faster to type and good when you are in a hurry, while the letters are easier to remember for beginners and preferable when you havent think of the number combinations first.03:52
CrescendoIs there a version of Ubuntu WITHOUT the LiveCD?03:52
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LjL!alternate | Crescendo03:52
ubotuCrescendo: The Alternate CD (available as of Dapper) is the classical text-mode installation CD. Use it if you wish to upgrade via CD, or for an "expert" mode install. For normal installs, use the Desktop CD, which is also a "Live" CD.03:52
=== seba [n=seba@r190-64-12-75.dialup.adsl.anteldata.net.uy] has joined #ubuntu
sethkCrescendo, there is the alternate install cd03:52
dabaRdibblego: looks like edgy has support for it.03:53
dabaRFujitsu: buying a laptop to install ubuntu on it is offtopic?03:53
dabaRwhy is this channel so quiet few hours before edgy is released?03:53
sethkCrescendo, the previous version had the install separate from the live cd03:53
CrescendoLink to the Alternate?03:53
=== dabaR [n=dabaR@wnpgmb02dc1-150-48.dynamic.mts.net] has joined #ubuntu
CrescendoLooking for the Dapper Version.03:53
FujitsudabaR, I believe so, it isn't Ubuntu support.03:53
sethkCrescendo, same places that have the others03:53
LjLCrescendo: same page as the main cd03:53
redcarddabaR: Because it's not a few hours shy of release ;)03:53
Kawaii-PandadabaR: its called the quiet before the storm :)03:53
dabaRI was lagging...03:53
sethkCrescendo, there are three, server, live, and alternate03:53
redcardit could be any time zone :)03:53
specialbuddyedgy is being released?03:53
dabaR5 mins.03:53
LjLyes, there's a bit of lag around03:53
dabaRso I was like, wth...03:53
sethkLjL, ther   e     i    s   ?03:54
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LjLsethk, please remind me to tell you "yes" in about 10 minutes03:54
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ianmacgregorLjL: lol03:54
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specialbuddyis edgy going to be worth getting?03:55
redcardspecialbuddy: Depends on what you want :)03:55
specialbuddywhat is it going to have that is needed?03:55
Fujitsuspecialbuddy: No. It's completely useless, that's why it's being released and there have been thousands of volunteer-hours spent on it.03:55
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redcardspecialbuddy: Just an upgrade :)03:55
SpudDoggDoes anyone know what to look for in the lspci list to find out my wireless card's chipset?  All i see is intel, blah blah.  there is no name i reognize.03:56
specialbuddywhy did they spend so much time on something useless Fujitsu03:56
sethkSpudDogg, you can put it on the paste site, and we can tell you.  usually the manufacturer and the model is all you need03:56
Kawaii-Pandaspecialbuddy: the faster bootup might be enough to get you to upgrade.03:56
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LeoStewartCould someone tell me what I will need to do to dist upgrade?03:56
redcardThere are a lot of things under the hood for Edgy.03:57
Kawaii-Pandaand the fact that you get better upgraded, software03:57
Kawaii-Pandaand firefox 2.003:57
ubotuUpgrading, please see the instructions on: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UpgradeNotes03:57
specialbuddyit's going to have firefox 203:57
SpudDoggsethk, all it says is ' Ethernet controller: Intel Corporation: Unknown device 1092 (rev 02)'03:57
LeoStewartcheers, will take a look.03:57
sethkspecialbuddy, releases happen periodically.  with the amount of software in a large distro, there are frequent updates to many things.03:57
specialbuddyso edgy is coming out tonight?03:57
r080cy90rwhat string i must insert in fstab file for have the permission for writing on my /opt/ mount point?????03:57
ubotupastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (you can always find it in the channel topic, among other useful things)03:57
sethkSpudDogg, I'll look that up for you, hold on, but that looks like a normal, not wireless, ethernet.03:57
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redcardTho firefox 2 doesn't have much that's really drawing me to it03:57
sethkSpudDogg, but let me check it.03:57
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sethkredcard, some of the extensions I like aren't available for ff 2 yet, also.03:58
Kawaii-Pandaredcard: it has lots. check out their website www.getfirefox.com03:58
r080cy90rhei there is someone who can give me hand????03:58
zissanhello i am waiting for ubuntu 6.1003:58
redcardI have, Kawaii-Panda .. I just haven't found things I like :P03:58
dabaRspecialbuddy: tomorrow if you are in n.a.03:58
=== ajeen [n=neeja@203-201-68-135.cust.voipex.com.au] has joined #ubuntu
Kawaii-Pandaim initially attracted to the search bar and the phishing filter03:58
Kawaii-Pandathe new search bar is very maneuverable.03:59
sethkSpudDogg, that's the PRO/100 VE Network controller03:59
redcardKawaii-Panda: I guess I don't know what that means.03:59
sethkKawaii-Panda, the filter is definitely interesting03:59
=== blazemonger [n=blazemon@cpe-24-33-9-41.midsouth.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu
r080cy90ri become crazy pleaz03:59
blazemongerhow much longer until edgy is released03:59
specialbuddyn. a.?03:59
dabaRr080cy90r: nice03:59
r080cy90rwhat string i must insert for have the permission for writing on my /opt/ mount point?????04:00
Kawaii-Pandaand its based off the newer version of the mozilla engine(gecko) which means it's faster04:00
dabaRr080cy90r: insert where?04:00
r080cy90rif you know dabaR04:00
SpudDoggsethk, its a long list, but here is the complete.  http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/28365/04:00
dabaRspecialbuddy: north america04:00
r080cy90rin the fstab file04:00
LeoStewartI'm sure this question has been asked a lot tonight, but does anyone know when Edgy is supposed to be released?  As in, how many hours?04:00
sethkSpudDogg, I found the ethernet ID for you already.04:00
specialbuddythats what I thought04:00
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bimberiLeoStewart: no04:01
Kawaii-Pandathe search bar is the little box you see in the top right corner, it kind of searches sites you select automatically with whatever you type there. in the new bar, you can actually edit the sites in there and arrange them however you like.04:01
dabaRr080cy90r: what are you mounting in /opt? A windows partition or what?04:01
redcardKawaii-Panda: Well, most of the "new features" were already present in Firefox 1.5 or were easily added with extensions, I guess..04:01
sethkSpudDogg, or do you have both wired and wireless, and aren't sure which is which?04:01
SpudDoggsethk, i need to know what chipset the internal wireless is using04:01
LeoStewartbimberi: alright, thanks.04:01
blazemongerLeoStewart:my birthday is on the day ubuntu edgy is released04:01
sethkSpudDogg, ok04:01
dabaRr080cy90r: and post your fstab to paste.ubuntu-nl.org04:01
redcardKawaii-Panda: You could do that before..04:01
=== arctica [n=chatzill@chello084010088175.chello.pl] has joined #ubuntu
SpudDoggsethk, thank you for the help, by the way04:01
r080cy90rno i must put inside some files because i can't have the permission04:01
LeoStewartblazemonger: that's not really an answer to my question, but happy birthday all the same! :D04:01
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dabaRr080cy90r: ya, I thought so04:01
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blazemongerLeoStewat:i'm 34..heh..it's crazy how Ubuntu got famous so quick04:02
Artemis3my bday was yesterday T_T04:02
r080cy90rexcuse me i'm italian can you let me understand in easy english04:02
blazemongereven a friend of mine that used to say "Linux sucks" he's even impressed with Ubuntu04:02
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Kawaii-Pandayeah, i know. but i like it better now.04:02
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J_Phi all04:02
LeoStewartblazemonger: yeah, I have no idea what convinced me to try Linux, but I'm definitely glad I did.04:03
SpudDoggsethk, sorry man, that list is in there twice04:03
sethkSpudDogg, the intel 1092 is definitely the wired interface.04:03
r080cy90rmi opt is only a piece of ext3 hd ... where i install my ubuntu dist04:03
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Kawaii-Pandamostly because of the speedups, and the fact that i only need to install only 1 extension to suit my needs.04:03
Kawaii-Pandainstead of the 5 i used ion 1.504:03
blazemongerLeone:my friend is switching to it to contribute midi sequencing software to the open source world04:03
J_Ptoday is release of ubuntu 6.10 right ?04:03
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redcardKawaii-Panda: They didn't fix the memleak issue tho04:03
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dabaRJ_P: depends on where you are in the world04:03
J_PdabaR: heheeh brazil04:04
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bimberiJ_P: if 'today' for you is Oct 26 then yes04:04
Leonewhat blazemonger04:04
dob1is easyubuntu a part of ubuntu or an external project ?04:04
sethkSpudDogg, the wireless is Intel 3945ABG04:04
dabaRWed Oct 25 21:14:32 CDT 200604:04
J_Pyes 2604:04
bimberidob1: external04:04
=== mikm[laptop] [n=michael@kron2-46-125.resnet.wisc.edu] has joined #ubuntu
SpudDoggsethk, yea i just found that...i'll google around04:04
=== AceKiller [n=jean@201-13-188-180.dial-up.telesp.net.br] has joined #Ubuntu
Kawaii-Pandaredcard: hmmm... probably never gonna be fixed. anyway, epiphany and other browsers are always around for low-memory systems.04:04
SpudDoggsethk, thank you for the help man!04:04
sethkSpudDogg, fairly new intel wireless chip.04:04
J_Pwell, but in large part of the world is 26 today, but ubuntu page yet are 6.0.604:04
dob1bimberi: it will install deb package using the script?04:04
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dabaRr080cy90r: mount it with the -ousers flag04:04
sethkSpudDogg, I think it's backward compatible with earlier intel, but don't quote me.04:04
redcardEpiphany actually uses the same gecko engine firefox does :)04:04
bimberidob1: idk sorry, i've never used it04:04
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r080cy90rcan we speak in pvt im goin crazy here!!!!!04:05
dob1ok :)04:05
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redcardSo it meets my purpose.   I wish that browsers would stop trying to do RSS tho04:05
=== Sebastian_ [n=s@200-126-95-91.bk6-dsl.surnet.cl] has joined #ubuntu
dabaRr080cy90r: or show us what your fstab file looks like, we will edit it for you to be proper, you can paste at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org. Relax04:05
ubotuPlease ask your questions in the channel so that other people can also benefit. Please don't PM a user in the channel without asking first.04:06
sethkredcard, why?  you don't need to use the RSS04:06
SpudDoggsethk, ok, i got it now.   for some reason, i assumed that would be using ralink, atheros, broadcom, etc...04:06
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sethkSpudDogg, they are cheaper chips, so more common.04:06
r080cy90rok now i paste in on that url04:06
Kawaii-Pandaredcard: actually i like the rss integration, although i never use it, i redirect firefox rss i like to my bloglines account.04:06
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SpudDoggsethk, the intel is cheaper?04:06
sethkSpudDogg, no, more expensive04:06
redcardKawaii-Panda: Yeah.. that could work.04:06
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sethkSpudDogg, that's why you see more of the atheros, etc.04:06
dabaRpaste the URL of the page your paste is on here, r080cy90r04:07
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r080cy90ri don't understand04:07
Kawaii-Pandait should. bloglines made an extension to do that same day as 2.0 was released.04:07
SpudDoggsethk, am i wrong in thinking that the atheros cards are the best?  i know atheros is usually the best supported in linux.  also, do you know if the intel can be used for things like packet injection?04:07
LeoStewartAfter looking at the Ubuntu Wiki, could someone tell me the difference between "Upgrading using Update Manager" and "Upgrading using apt-get" ?04:08
sethkSpudDogg, I haven't used that particular intel chip, but the other intel chips can be used for injection and I'm sure this one can also.04:08
redcardLeoStewart: There isn't one, really04:08
dabaRLeoStewart: difference how? it is totally different, and that is why there are 2 guides.04:08
sethkSpudDogg, atheros support isn't even in the kernel distribution from kernel.org, its 3rd party04:08
kmitch87LeoStewart: update manager is just a gui for apt-get04:08
phire_mIRCsomehow I don't think I'll get edgy by the end of today...04:08
SpudDoggsethk, would you happen to know where to get driver patches or whatever i need to use this card with the aircrack-ng suite?04:08
sethkSpudDogg, I prefer to stay with things in the mainline kernel distro, not because they are better, but because they are more tested.04:08
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LeoStewartOh, well the "Update Manager" guide looks simpler... is this true?04:09
mikm[laptop] phire_mIRC It IS still the 25th in many places04:09
dabaRphire_mIRC: we won't let your ip update unless you change the mirc nick;P04:09
r080cy90rok  now i understand04:09
sethkSpudDogg, not off hand.  I can ask some people at work tomorrow.04:09
SpudDoggsethk, dont worry man, i'll just google around04:09
phire_mIRCyes, but my day is quickly running out04:09
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sethkSpudDogg, ok.  I'm working on a wireless modem for the last couple of months, so I haven't been following the chips closely04:09
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kmitch87LeoStewart: yes, if you don't like the command line04:09
ds5wow.. ubuntu has a lot of idlers04:09
redcardKawaii-Panda: I'll give bloglines a run :)  I've heard good things04:09
SpudDoggsethk, well, thank you for all the help man04:10
LeoStewartkmitch87: cheers.04:10
redcardBut I've always been afraid that something like that will go away04:10
dabaRr080cy90r: you do not have anything about the /opt mount point, nor the device, i.e. /dev/hdb1. Did you try mounting this before?04:10
r080cy90rfstab file  http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/28366/04:10
NooZis any 'easy' trick on creating a partition ext3 on instalation in a Sata HDD ?04:10
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Kawaii-Pandaredcard: :D04:10
dabaRr080cy90r: don't repeat yourself within 3 minutes.04:10
blazemongermm no particular date when edgy's released04:10
Kawaii-Pandawhoa... what happened to my smiley :-$04:10
sethkNooZ, I don't know what you are asking.  It isn't difficult to do, but there aren't any tricks involved.04:10
shah02how can i map the super key (windows key) to ctrl+alt04:10
r080cy90ri must have the permission04:10
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r080cy90rin mnt/hd104:11
r080cy90ris the same04:11
NooZubuntu crash on install when he's creating the ext304:11
Kawaii-Pandashah02: whyd you want to do that?04:11
sethkr080cy90r, to mount, modify fstab, etc., you need to be root.04:11
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r080cy90rthe important thing is i can write on it04:11
sethkNooZ, that's an SATA Problem, not anything specific to ext304:11
britt_how can i watch tv on linux04:11
sethkNooZ, it's a lower level write problem with the SATA driver.04:12
ds5wow... an irc channel where real talk happens <304:12
shah02Kawaii-Panda: simplicity, super+D is easier than ctrl+alt+d, etc etc, you get the idea04:12
britt_i need a program to config the tuner settings, mplayer doesnt work04:12
r080cy90rok i must write gksudo ?????after04:12
r080cy90rbefore excuse04:12
redcardbritt_: TvTime, I think..04:12
sethkr080cy90r, that's one way, yes04:12
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NooZsethk more fun is that I've install few weeks ago without any problem :o04:12
r080cy90rand then04:12
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britt_gives me something to do till mythtv compiles04:12
r080cy90rwhat i must modify in fstab file to have permission???04:12
Kawaii-Pandasethk: im using a SATA disk and it's filesystem is ext3, i dont find anything wrong with it...04:12
condoritogood evening04:13
sethkNooZ, I've run into this before, and I see also that it is somewhat intermittent04:13
dabaRgood evening04:13
sethkKawaii-Panda, not all sata, the problem is specific to a chipset04:13
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condoritoi need some help04:13
sethkKawaii-Panda, unfortunately it's the chipset in one of my motherboards  :)04:13
britt_DMA, how is it enabled at boot?04:13
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=== redcard thought bout doin MythTV.. but he doesn' want a full featured PVR.. just something to record shows on the side of his desktop box
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condoritorunning cd live user04:13
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NooZmy laptop sucks :p04:13
condoritoon ubuntu 6.0604:13
sethkbritt_, it's enabled by default.04:13
sethkbritt_, it can be turned off in the BIOS on most machines04:13
condoritoBuffer I/O error on device dm-4, logical block 629294304:14
condorito24/10/2006 09:58:29 p.m. dollarisyourfriend@hotmail.com la_cabeza01@hotmail.com 4 8 15 16 23 42 + Execute04:14
sethkbritt_, and there is a kernel boot argument that can be used to turn it off04:14
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sethkbritt_, and you can also modify the drive settings with smartctl and hdparm04:14
Artemis3redcard, i do that with mencoder (mplayer)04:14
Kawaii-Pandawhy not just change the shortcut keys to super/meta + d instead of mapping the win key to ctrl+alt?04:14
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sethkbritt_, what specifically do you need to do w.r.t. DMA?04:14
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redcardArtemis3: I was thinkin bout that.  Mplayer and cron.04:15
britt_i need it for myth04:15
redcardThe TV Card is actually a WinTV 350.. so..04:15
britt_why isnt my card working04:15
britt_i have a 15004:15
sethkcondorito, you can try turning off dma, or slowing it down.04:15
britt_it picks it up and everything04:15
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britt_i cant find any channels tho04:15
britt_on either card04:15
redcardbritt_: Hmm.  I had problems with the 150.. I'd make sure you're using the right driver.04:15
zoidberghey guys...i have a perl script that I have applied chmod to already....it works perfectly however i have to go to the directory where it is located to access it all the time....how can i add it universially so no matter which directory i am in i can run that script?04:15
r080cy90rheeeei are you died??04:15
tritium!enter > britt_04:15
dabaRcondorito: what is that from, and what happens to your computer?04:16
condoritofirst i tried to run live user04:16
[erisco] I am looking for some sort of screen capturing software. As in video... like how they do the on-screen tutorials for programs and such. Anyone have some names?04:16
condoritoand it was allright04:16
sethkzoidberg, either move it to a directory in your search path (such as /usr/bin), or add the directory where it lives to your search path04:16
britt_tritium: ??04:16
condoritoi tried to enter internet, but didnt know how to so i switched to windows to find more information04:16
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sethkzoidberg, run hash -r after moving it to update the search path caches on any already running shells04:16
=== AceKiller [n=jean@201-43-47-167.dsl.telesp.net.br] has joined #Ubuntu
condoritoand i tried to run live cd again, and i couldnt04:16
[erisco] does anyone know what I mean? heh04:16
condoritothat's the error i get04:16
dabaRr080cy90r: we have to know what to put in there for the mount point and the drive node. /opt/? /dev/hd??.04:17
=== SpudDogg [n=spuddogg@69-165-165-57.atlsfl.adelphia.net] has joined #ubuntu
tritiumbritt_: please use punctuation rather than hitting the enter key between sentences04:17
sethkcondorito, you can try disabling dma during the install04:17
ianmacgregor[erisco] : Tried istanbul ?04:17
condoritoi didnt install it yet04:17
SpudDoggsethk, would you happen to know how i can tell if this driver will work for what im trying to do?  http://downloadfinder.intel.com/scripts-df-external/detail_desc.aspx?ProductID=2259&DwnldID=11200&agr=Y04:17
condoritohow do i do it04:17
sethkSpudDogg, let me look04:17
sethkcondorito, what were you doing when you get that error?04:17
[erisco] ianmacgregor, thanks! I'll give that a try!04:17
sethkcondorito, not installing?04:17
condoritonothing, really. i was running as live user04:18
condoritousing the cd04:18
condoritowithout installing04:18
condoritobut needed to find some information04:18
condoritoand i went back to windows04:18
sethkSpudDogg, looks good, yes.  I can't tell which kernel version it's tested against, though04:18
condoritoand tried to get back to ubuntu and i get that error04:18
condoritonothing changed in my hardware04:18
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sethkcondorito, possibly you have an intermittent problem with your memory.  I've seen machines run for months between errors of that type.04:19
SpudDoggsethk, so if i install that one, my WORST CASE is i'll have to reinstall ubuntu?  likely just to reinstall original drivers?04:19
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dabaRcondorito: have you tried testing the cd for errors? it is an option in the menu.04:20
condoritoyes i did04:20
sethkSpudDogg, I can't imagine having to reinstall the entire o/s.04:20
condoritonot a problem04:20
sethkSpudDogg, back up /boot and /lib/modules04:20
sethkSpudDogg, and also /etc04:20
sethkSpudDogg, then try it.04:20
dabaRcondorito: what else have you tried?04:20
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sethkcondorito, that's not a media issue04:21
=== corevette [n=Owner@adsl-75-35-113-123.dsl.pltn13.sbcglobal.net] has joined #ubuntu
SpudDoggsethk, i just read in the readme that this driver supports kernel 2.6.13 or later.  im runnning 2.6.15-2704:21
corevettehey i have a question04:21
sethkthat's an hardware error raised by the dma bridge04:21
r080cy90r i think is only /opt/ because opt stay in the "/" is the file system mount understand???04:21
sethkSpudDogg, sounds good.04:21
corevettewhat is the thing on webistes that enables people to make usernames/passwords and stuff04:21
dabaRr080cy90r: no, where are you from?04:21
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sethkSpudDogg, but, the "or later" isn't always true.  should be ok, though, for just a couple of minor version numbers, I'd go for it.04:22
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condoritoi am wondering why i was able to run the live cd the first time04:22
sethkcondorito, intermittent problem04:22
ubotuVai su #ubuntu-it o su #kubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie!04:22
TarantulafudgeHow do you sever ssh connections from the server?04:22
condoritocan you give me some advice on how to fix it?04:22
nvokeCan someone tell me how to enable my repositories ples?04:22
drminimeHey, i have an external hard drive that I just mounted and am using samba to share it.  I need to change the permissions, and chmod +w isn't doing it for me.  Any suggestions?  I am root while doing this.04:22
condoritoi am a newbie (n00b) at linux, but i really hate windows04:22
sethkcondorito, I'd run the memtest86 (assuming you are on x86 architecture)04:23
Flannel!repositories | nvoke04:23
ubotunvoke: The packages in Ubuntu are divided into several sections. See http://www.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/components https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Repositories and !easysource04:23
r080cy90rok thank excuse me if i brake your balls friend bye04:23
sethkcondorito, memtest86 is a separate, stand alone memory tester that is independent of linux or windows.04:23
sethkcondorito, it is very good at finding intermittent memory problems.04:23
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condoritook i will run it04:23
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sethkcondorito, if you install ubuntu, memtest86 is also installed and added to your boot menu.  Is it on the live cd boot menu?  I'm not sure.04:24
yadamanhey, I'm getting a new comp soon and am thinking of installing linux on this one. is Ubuntu a good choice for beginners?04:24
sethkyadaman, I think so, yes04:24
=== Phuzion [n=Phuzion8@69-168-188-155.clvdoh.adelphia.net] has joined #ubuntu
condoritono it is not04:24
drminimeyou bet04:24
nvokeI mean like, what file do I edit so apt-get works?04:24
sethkyadaman, what types of things are you going to do with it?04:24
yadamanI heard that it was from a good computing magazine I read, and was just asking here to make sure.04:24
ubotuFor multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats  -  See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html  -  But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats04:24
condoritoi meant04:24
condoritono the memtest is not in the menu04:24
zoidbergguys I have ubuntu running on an old PowerPC g3 powerbook....how do i configure video output...i want to connect it to another monitor...how can i display stuff on that monito or extend the desktop?04:25
condoritoi downloaded it already04:25
condoritowill try t04:25
sethkcondorito, ok.04:25
tritium!enter > condorito04:25
yadamanI just wanted to try out linux and heard that Ubuntu was a good choice for beginners04:25
blazemongeri think it's good04:25
sethkyadaman, that's a true statement04:25
SpudDoggsethk, in the install instructions "First, we build and install the ieee80211 subsystem.  You can obtain the latest ieee80211 subsystem from http://ieee80211.sf.net.  We recommend version 1.1.12 or newer:"  What is that and is it necessary?04:25
Kawaii-Pandayadaman: it's the worst OS you will ever meet in your life when you want to play games, especially commercial ones.04:25
drminimeagain, i've got an external hard drive that i mounted and need to change the permissions so all users can write, chmod +x won't do it, no error msg.  any suggestions?04:25
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LeoStewartyadaman: very true. :)04:25
sethkSpudDogg, let me look at that url04:25
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drminime*chmod +w04:26
blazemongerwell it's okay for emulator games, but it's not good for most commercial games imo04:26
yadamanKawaii-Panda: that's why I'm gonna install it on this box when I get my new comp.04:26
tritiumKawaii-Panda: that's an exaggeration, for sure04:26
blazemongerfor everything else ubuntu is good04:26
sethkSpudDogg, yes, you need it04:26
SpudDoggsethk, ok, cool04:26
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yadamanKawaii-Panda: since it's not really good for commercial stuff.04:26
SpudDoggsethk, you are the man.  thanks again04:26
compilerwriterCan someone help me sync my palm with ubuntu?  I am having no luck with what I am trying from what I can read in the forums.04:26
sethkSpudDogg, they've layered the wireless to separate out some common code.  similar concept to ndis04:26
yadamanI'm gonna put vista on my new box.04:26
PhuzionWhat is the version after dapper?04:26
condoritook i downloaded memtest and i have here some sort of iso, but i dont see an executable file there04:27
yadamanI'm getting a free copy of Home Premium from a relative that works for microsoft04:27
jribPhuzion: yes04:27
LeoStewartPhuzio: yes. 6.1004:27
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jribPhuzion: after dapper, they go in abc order04:27
sethkcompilerwriter, I've not had problems with my palm with ubuntu and the kde tools and pilot-link04:27
xiaoyewhen will the 6.10 release?04:27
sethkcompilerwriter, what are you seeing?04:27
ubotuEdgy will be released around October 26th (*some* timezone) - we don't know at precisely what time of the day it will be finalized and published for download. Please be patient!04:27
compilerwriterThe connection could not be established.04:28
blazemongerthanks ubotu04:28
compilerwritersethk I have been using jpilot.04:28
stupidoneyou just thanked the bot04:28
dabaRtritium: ya, I played lots of games lately, with xmame you can play any game that was ever on arcade, if you download roms, that is:)04:28
sethkcompilerwriter, is it a USB palm?  which one?04:28
=== ithiel [n=ithiel@cpe-24-164-119-161.neo.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu
LeoStewartubotu does it again!04:28
ithielhello all04:28
dob1i am downloading dapper,  it will be substituted in few hours ?04:28
compilerwriterit is a zire2104:28
compilerwriterit is usb.04:28
yadamanI'm also thinking of making a website, anyone know what distro of linux is good for webservers so I can put it on a spare box I have?04:29
azurealis there a way to make my aptitude search results in color? (green if "i", for example?)04:29
LeoStewartdob1: yes.04:29
condoritodo i need to boot with memtest04:29
tritiumyadaman: ubuntu is fine for that too04:29
dob1LeoStewart: ok i stop the download04:29
Kawaii-Pandayadaman: ubuntu is also available as a server.04:29
blazemongeri use ubuntu for music production04:29
Flanneldob1: sort of.  There will be a new version, but dapper is just as good, and a LTS.  So, it depends on what you want in your system.04:29
dabaRdob1: dapper has 5 years support on the server for example...the new desktop is coming out in a few hours.04:29
sethkcompilerwriter, with the USB palms, there have been some issues with the device identifier.  There are two IDs, and the one you need to use to sync changes.04:29
yadamanheh, ubuntu is like the universal distro!04:29
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Kawaii-Pandayadaman: check out the ubuntu site's download section :)04:29
LeoStewartdob1: well, it's up to you.04:29
Phuzionyadaman:  any linux distro will work04:29
dob1i want a desktop system04:29
sethkcompilerwriter, as in ttyUSB0, ttyUSB104:29
yadamanI'll just have to ask dad for his old un-used box then.04:29
yadamanthen I can get my website on the net finally04:30
dob1is better that i download the new version then?04:30
sethkcompilerwriter, I have two, one works with ttyUSB0, the other works with ttyUSB1, same palm o/s rev, etc.04:30
blazemongeryadaman : Ubuntu users are a alien-race hellbent on conquering planet Earth04:30
teledynblazemonger: really?  what DAW do you use/recommend?04:30
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dennis__anyone know if there is away or if it's possbile to convert .pl scripts to .deb04:30
compilerwritersethk can we switch to private.  Much easier for me to follow.04:30
dabaRdob1: the iso can still come in handy04:30
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Phuzionyadaman:  I'd personally suggest any that comes with a package manager, because it is a lot easier to insall LAMP without needing to compile everything on your own04:30
ithielcan anyone help me with my bcm43xx internal wifi card on my Dell Inspiron 600m?04:30
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blazemongeri mostly use rosegarden and audacity04:30
ubotuWireless documentation can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs04:30
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dabaRdennis__: it would likely be called packaging04:30
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teledynblazemonger: what about VST plugins?04:31
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dennis__well ,I know there are tools like alien and checkinstall that do similar things.04:31
blazemongeri'e not figured that out yet but working on it04:31
yadamanheh... ubotu.04:31
yadamanthat's clever.04:31
dabaRdennis__: google might know about debian new maintainer04:31
MunchkinguyWith fedora core, one can install over both hard drives, so that the disk space of both of them can be used. Is there a way to do this with Ubuntu?04:31
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nekostardo te do te dummm04:32
FlannelMunchkinguy: you want a RAID? or just to have partitions on both drives?04:32
nekostaranyone know how to export env variables04:32
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yadamanubotu... that's a great name. u-bot-u. ubuntu-bot.04:32
jribnekostar: with the 'export' command?04:32
teledynMunchkinguy: that's not a raid, its using LVM04:32
dabaRnekostar: you answered your own question...04:32
LeoStewartyadaman: you don't miss a thing. ;)04:32
Flannelyadaman: take general chatter to #ubuntu-offtopic, thanks04:32
nekostardabaR, jrib yeah...... thought i knew how but it hates me....04:32
dabaRnekostar: and you read the manual?04:32
PhuzionHaha, I just realized I was trying to use an Edgy repository on a Dapper machine04:33
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nekostarif you browse page four i think it was i showed the outputs04:33
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Rav|stranglerThanks everyone04:33
Phuzionapt-get dist-upgrade after changing sources.list, right?04:33
nekostarlol Phuzion04:33
Rav|stranglerI got connected to my wireless network04:33
Phuzionnekostar:  I changed my sources file, then forgot to actually run the update, lol04:33
Munchkinguyteledyn: See, there isn't enough room on my first hard drive to install Ubuntu and keep room for swap space.04:33
Rav|stranglertoo easy04:34
teledynMunchkinguy: i'm not sure but i think ubuntu installer has lvm support.  i'd be surprised if it didn't04:34
tritiumteledyn, Munchkinguy: it does04:34
nekostarPhuzion, is there an upgrade package to edgy yet?04:34
FlannelMunchkinguy, teledyn, the alternate CD has LVM support, however, you just sound like you want to spread the install over a few drives, which is perfectly doable04:34
PhuzionNot sure, I think so04:34
MunchkinguyDo I need the "alternative" CD for that?04:34
teledynyeah pretty much all distros nowadays offer LVM options when setting up disks during install04:34
PhuzionI just ran apt-get dist-upgrade and it said all is well so far04:34
PhuzionI thought Edgy was out for a while04:35
teledynMunchkinguy: probably not04:35
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nekostari have ubuntu in here b/c im gonna try making this triple boot with xp / ubuntu / mac04:35
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nekostarprobably wont work ~_~04:35
Phuzionwhat type of computer?04:35
Phuzionmac pro or something?04:35
teledynPhuzion: apt-get update first, then dist-upgrade04:35
Phuzionyeah, did that04:35
Rav|stranglerwow neko04:35
Phuzionand it's just sitting there waiting for headers04:35
PhuzionSo, I have no idea what to do04:35
teledynPhuzion: and it didn't fetch anything?04:36
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PhuzionI think the packages aren;'r released04:36
Rav|strangleryour going to be ethuggin like me04:36
PhuzionIt's just saying 0% waiting for headers04:36
MunchkinguyDoes the alternate cd have a gui?04:36
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tritiumMunchkinguy: text-mode04:36
PhuzionOh, sweet04:36
nekostaros[Linux 2.6.15-23-386 i686]  distro[Debian testing/unstable]  cpu[1 x AMD Athlon(tm) XP 3000+ @ 2.16GHz]  mem[Physical : 1011MB, 78.8% free]  disk[Total : 342.07GB, 7.80% Free]  video[nVidia Corporation NV34 [GeForce FX 5200] ]  sound[Audigy2 - Audigy 2 [SB0240] ] 04:36
teledynPhuzion: well its - a - waiting...04:36
PhuzionPackages are downloading04:36
nekostarthats my current info Phuzion04:36
nekostarsorry had to install xchat-xsys04:36
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nekostarinstalled ubuntu like 4 am last night04:36
Munchkinguytritium: like the breezy install cd?04:36
Phuzionnekostar:  Repping the 5200, nice04:37
FlannelMunchkinguy: exactly04:37
teledynPhuzion: its slow for me right now too for some reason04:37
tritiumMunchkinguy: yeah, based on debian-installer04:37
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PhuzionIt's a rather impressive card for its age04:37
Rav|strangleri thought linux didnt have to restart04:37
nekostardude ive had that since it was bleeding edge and its served me well ^^;;04:37
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PhuzionSame here04:37
dabaRtritium: there is a lot of people being totally offtopic...04:37
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PhuzionThat's on my computer upstairs though04:37
nekostarRav|strangler, well mostly when you do major upgrades like kernel stuff04:37
ubotu#ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, #ubuntu+1 supports the development version of Ubuntu and #ubuntu-offtopic is for random chatter. Welcome!04:37
FlannelGuys, take the general chatter to #ubuntu-offtopic please04:38
nekostarFlannel, having a bad day?04:38
tritiumdabaR: you're right.04:38
Rav|strangleroh ok04:38
nekostartry #gentoo they like being rude to the users ^^;;04:38
teledynPhuzion: you can always ctrl-c it and restart it to see if it connects faster04:38
Rav|stranglerwell brb gotta restart04:38
Phuzionteledyn:  I said it;s getting packages04:38
tritiumPlease stay on topic, folks.  Thanks!04:38
Flannelnekostar: there's 900 people here, If everyone was chatting, it'd be really impossible for anyone to get any support04:38
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nekostarFlannel, but they are not.04:38
Phuzion916, get ya numberz straight, son04:38
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dabaRtritium: and there was this guy that was soo annoying:) I told him kthxbye, kinda...sent him to his language channel cause he asked understand??? and I did not at all, and he swore at me...:)04:39
Phuzion917, lol04:39
teledynmost of those people are just idling04:39
Phuzionalright, enough04:39
teledynthank god04:39
helloyocould somebody please help me enable direct rendering with my radeon 9550?04:39
nekostar~850 idleing lol04:39
Phuzionnekostar, wanna take it to offtopic04:39
tritiumdabaR: sorry, can't catch them all04:39
dabaRtritium: ya, off course:)04:39
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nekostarPhuzion, gotta try something for the reason i originally came in here... the thread in the forums i mentioned above04:39
Phuzionis 100Kb/s slow for packages downloading?04:40
LeoStewartAre there admins in this room ever?04:40
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dabaRtritium: they are not so much kickable as just incoherent. if you read what nekostar said alltogether...and his forum page...04:40
teledynPhuzion: not really04:40
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PhuzionThe people that have ops in here generally don't op themselves unless they need to use them04:40
PhuzionThat way they don't get bothered with OMG SOMEONE IS LYING TO ME or something stupid like that04:40
LeoStewartPhuzion: ahh.04:40
Kawaii-Pandai wont really call it idling, i for one just wants to learn some stuff new, and help when im needed.04:40
teledynthat's 800Mbps or little more than half T1 which isn't bad04:41
tritiumLeoStewart: we try to watch as best we can04:41
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LeoStewarttritium: I take it you're an admin?04:41
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dabaRteledyn: there are lots, /msg ubotu ops04:41
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tritiumLeoStewart: yes04:41
teledyndabaR: ?04:41
perkinhello everybody04:41
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dabaRteledyn: pah, sorry.04:42
LeoStewarttritium: cheers. ;)04:42
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helloyoenable direct rendering help anyone?04:42
PhuzionSo, I just got a free set of Bose speakers04:42
Phuzionoops, wrong channel, lol04:42
perkinexcuse me people, i have a doubt about shipit and Edgy eft: will Canonical ship Cds of Edgy Eft?04:42
tritiumLeoStewart: hi :)  Welcome to #ubuntu.  It's not the ops that make the channel great.  It's the users here in the channel.  They rock!04:42
Munchkinguyperkin: no04:42
Flannelperkin: of couse they will04:42
MunchkinguyI was told not04:43
=== thcrw8383 [n=thcrw838@1Cust135.an3.dca17.da.uu.net] has joined #ubuntu
perkinMunchkinguy: i don't know, because i've heard that they won't ship cds anymore04:43
PhuzionI was not told not, so I'm going to assume the answer is yes04:43
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thcrw8383What is it like updating Ubuntu to Edgy ?04:43
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dabaRthcrw8383: /msg ubotu upgrade04:43
perkinwow, so our plans are going to fall down very quicky04:43
MunchkinguyPerkin: http://everythingelse.wordpress.com/2006/09/20/shipit-will-not-take-orders-for-edgy-eft/04:43
teledynthcrw8383: pretty non-eventful04:44
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wastrelShipit will continue sending out dapper LTS04:44
perkinok, thanks..04:44
thcrw8383Is it hard to do,I hear it a good 700 MB04:44
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tritiumthcrw8383: about, yes04:44
perkinso we'll have to burn thousands of Cds in Mendoza, Argentina04:44
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zoidbergdoes anyone know how to work an external monitor with a laptop04:45
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Munchkinguyperkin: They will ship cds, but not Edgy Eft.04:45
tritiumzoidberg: just like any other04:45
dabaRMunchkinguy: man, after reading what shuttleworth says about what an eft is, I don't feel like upgrading to edgy:)04:45
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Phuzionperkin: set up an Ubuntu reposiitory on a gigabit network04:45
Artemis3what is an eft?04:45
zoidbergtritium: how?04:45
thcrw8383If I stay with dapper,will I continue to recieve updates,like major ones,like a new release of the Gnome desktop?04:45
tritiumzoidberg: are you trying to do dual-head setup, or what?04:45
teledynArtemis3: what the hell are any of these bizarre names they use?  i never heard of any of them?04:45
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Flannelthcrw8383: no.  the gnome version is fixed per release04:46
Phuzionthcrw8383:  What reasons are you considering not upgrading?04:46
Munchkinguythcrw8383: The desktop will not be updates, but you will recieve security releases04:46
Sebastian_what is new in the new gnome ?04:46
[erisco] instanbul crashed on me, and if I open a new one, it closes... leaving the crashed one... "running"04:46
baboGuys, does anyone know how to convert a string like this ... into UTF-8 ?04:46
Artemis3hmm i think they appear in books of animals ^^;04:46
[erisco] how do I kill the process?04:46
thcrw8383Im on dial-up,upgrading will be hell04:46
ubotueft is a newt in its terrestrial stage of development - the release after Dapper will be called Edgy Eft.  For information and pictures of efts/newts, see http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Newt or try !edgy04:46
=== Fanskapet [n=tommy@81-233-197-124-no88.tbcn.telia.com] has joined #ubuntu
MunchkinguydabaR: This is Canonical thinking about business: 6.06 was long term support for a reason04:46
ubotuedgy is the current development version of Ubuntu. Version 6.10, codename "Edgy Eft". For support head to #ubuntu+1. For its release schedule, see !schedule04:47
Phuzion[ericso] :  ps aux | grep istanbul then kill the pid number04:47
teledynwhat is a drake then?04:47
zoidbergtritium: well that would be nice...like an extended desktop but if i could get it to work with just one external montior without the laptop monitor that would be fine too04:47
LeoStewartlet me try!04:47
Artemis3a duck?04:47
tritium!xinerama > zoidberg04:47
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about drake - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi04:47
ubotudapper is the 4th and latest release of Ubuntu. Version 6.06 LTS, codename "Dapper Drake"04:47
tritiumzoidberg: what video chip does yoru laptop have?04:47
Munchkinguythcrw8383: you can always buy a cd04:47
SpudDoggsethk, i think this driver and the IEEE80211 stuff if too much for me04:47
LeoStewartArtemis3: yes, a drake is a male duck.04:47
zoidbergi think its ati3dragepro or something04:48
[erisco] Phuzion, which one is the "pid"?04:48
thcrw8383so,if I have dapper,and I recieve a eft CD,i can get my updates through that?04:48
sethkSpudDogg, why?  having problems building?04:48
Phuzionprocess id number04:48
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SpudDoggsethk, to say the least04:48
zoidbergtritium: btw its a powerpc g3 powerbook...old...and i'm running badger on it...works better04:48
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tritiumzoidberg: oh, okay.  ati?04:48
Phuzion[ericso[:  second column04:48
Phuzion[ericso] :  second column04:48
sethkSpudDogg, well, you know, I write drivers, so it's second nature to me, but it can be trying.04:48
sethkSpudDogg, you might want to try with the exact kernel version they mentioned on the intel driver web page04:49
zoidbergtritium: yes04:49
MunchkinguySebastian_: http://www.gnome.org/start/2.16/notes/C/rnfrontpage.html04:49
LeoStewartArtemis3: In case you were wondering, a fawn, as in Feisty Fawn, is a young deer. ;)04:49
[erisco] Phuzion, I am seeing this: 7830  0.0  0.0   2880   804 pts/0    S+   22:47   0:00 grep instanbul04:49
sethkSpudDogg, but we often have to fix thing up in code we get from intel04:49
dabaRthcrw8383: you could upgrade, reinstall...04:49
Phuziondon't bother04:49
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Phuzionit's not there04:49
Sebastian_Munchkinguy: thanks man04:49
Munchkinguyteledyn: or a dragon04:49
tritiumzoidberg: you can setup dual-head without xinerama too.  "man radeon" for details on what options you need04:49
Artemis3so thats what it was ^^;04:49
[erisco] so, now what? heh04:49
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Phuzionno idea,04:49
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PhuzionI'm kinda like the first aid here, now you have to go a little deeper04:50
[erisco] no other way to kill a dead process?04:50
MunchkinguySebastian_: you're welcome04:50
PhuzionIf it doesn't exist, then you can't rea;lly kill it04:50
PhuzionBut we might have been searching for the wrong thing, I have no clue04:50
sasuk3haha tru04:50
perkinyes, they have very good reasons for not to ship Edgy Eft, the work they made with Dapper is great04:50
PhuzionI don't know what istanbul shows up as in the ps aux menu04:50
thcrw8383I cant re-install,Dial-up is a pain in the a**,Re-installing means a re-format,which means losing everything,and I do NOT want to take the risk04:50
MadCowBoyWhats the definition of a 'troll04:50
[erisco] lol, I just did it through the GUI system manager ;)04:50
MadCowBoywith regards to forums or IRC04:50
[erisco] way for GUI04:51
sasuk3GUI system manager04:51
sasuk3wow xD04:51
PhuzionMadCowBoy:  Someone who just goes in and flames04:51
PhuzionNo actual contribution04:51
dabaRthcrw8383: I said that as an option in addition to upgrading04:51
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about troll - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi04:51
sasuk3troll = linus torvalds04:51
Kawaii-Pandatroll = linus torvalds?04:51
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dabaRtritium: ...04:52
dabaRtritium: sorry04:52
[erisco] !instanbul04:52
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ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about instanbul - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi04:52
[erisco] thanks anyways ubotu04:52
zoidbergtritium: the video card i have is not radeon...its ATI 3drage pro04:52
thcrw8383Last question,If I decide to upgrade,can I download the upgrade as I go? (pausing it regularly)04:53
PhuzionI'd suggest just doing an overnight kind of thing04:53
n8k99trolls generally are disagreable and argumentative for reasons that are highly irrelevant to the conversation or discussion at hand04:53
[erisco] !pid04:53
tritiumzoidberg: yes, but if you use the "ati" driver for X.org, you can use radeon options04:53
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about pid - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi04:53
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dabaRn8k99: or the just send messages irrelevant to ubotu tech support like you.04:53
sasuk3PID PROCESS ID04:53
dabaRn8k99: the unintentional troll:)04:53
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n8k99dabaR: answering MadCowBoy's question, thank you04:54
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sasuk3btw [erisco]  dont get inlove with ubotu is just a bot :)04:54
Rav|stranglercan anyone tell me how to make the terminal transperent04:54
MadCowBoyI work mostly with php, but also sometimes with asp, can anyone suggest a way I could host asp pages accessing mdb's without relying on a windows box please?04:54
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teledynapt-get install dict dict-gcide dict-jargon dict-foldoc; dict troll04:55
dabaRn8k99: answer that one04:55
K-enMadCowBoy: I use Beryl + glx and I have the ability to make certain windows semi-transparent: enough to see the window content behind them.04:55
yadamanquestion. all the times I've tried Linux before, it was supposed to automatically install a dual-boot program, which it didn't, and I'm wondering... Is Ubuntu gonna pull some crap loke that?04:55
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K-enIt's a nice piece of eye-candy but i've found it has a lot of practical application for me, too, as a newbie windows user.04:55
sasuk3Rav|strangler on terminal preferences :D04:56
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n8k99is not asp a M$ proprietary solution that can only be reverse engineered to work under Linux servers04:56
MadCowBoyK-en, wasn;t my question but thanks I like beryl :)04:56
Rav|stranglerye ai just saw it :-] 04:56
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jano_l77hi i'm new04:56
khaije1edgy is scheduled for release in about an hour isn't it?04:56
tritiumyadaman: it will install grub, which will allow you to dual-boot04:56
K-enYadaman: Ubuntu is my first Linux distro and i've had no problems with dual-booting. I had Windows XP installed first and GRUB automatically configured for me.04:56
MadCowBoyhi jano_l7704:56
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MunchkinguyWelcome, jano_l77.04:57
MadCowBoyasp anyone?04:57
jano_l77ubuntu is the best04:57
sasuk3i made a shell on asp is COoL04:57
K-enRav|strangler: (second time lucky) I use Beryl + glx and I have the ability to make certain windows semi-transparent: enough to see the window content behind them.04:57
dabaRMadCowBoy: what have you tried so far?04:57
MadCowBoyconfiguring apache::asp, but haven;t looked into how I'll access the .mdb04:58
sasuk3MadCowBoy u are on ubuntu channel.. :D04:58
ubotuUbuntu uses a strict timetable for releases, which means that sometimes newly released programs miss the timetable. See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/TimeBasedReleases for more. Edgy schedule: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/EdgyReleaseSchedule04:58
jano_l77my ubuntu can read text for me04:58
MadCowBoychillisoft sounds like it would do everything but I don;t want to pay of course,04:58
dabaRMadCowBoy: libapache2-mod-mono mono-xsp2 are some packages to look into. look for tutorials on google04:59
MadCowBoysasuk3, thanks for that I am an Ubuntu user :p :)04:59
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godtviskenIs there a Firefox 2 ubuntu package yet?04:59
khaije1thx mpee04:59
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MadCowBoythanks dabaR Will do,04:59
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zoidbergtritium: I dont want to fuck with my xorg.conf file really....is there any other option?05:00
mpeekhaije1: no worries, I haven't heard much, I was wondering if it was going to slip05:00
tritiumzoidberg: dude, watch your language please!05:00
Kawaii-Pandagodtvisken: yes.05:00
Kawaii-Pandabeen using it in edgy for days.05:01
tritiumzoidberg: you can simply plug in an external monitor and try hot-switching.  You can also "sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg" once you've done so.05:01
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zoidbergtritium: sorry....what do u mean by hotswitching...would i have to reboot?05:01
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Sebastian_what is bitchX?05:01
sasuk3MadCowBoy u ask about asp working with mdb on ubuntu channel.. :P05:01
phire_mIRCirc clinet05:01
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sasuk3thats what i mean :p05:01
khaije1mpee: me too, isn't this the place to ask? i would expect more anticipation, but it seems like business as usual05:01
godtviskenKawaii-Panda: but i mean for dapper05:01
tj__zoidberg: messing w/ xorg.conf isn't that bad, just be sure to back up often, and then just edit ti all you like05:02
tritiumzoidberg: I don't have an iBook, but it should have a hotkey combination for switching between LCD and external display05:02
khaije1maybe everyone is already on an RC05:02
ubotuedgy is the current development version of Ubuntu. Version 6.10, codename "Edgy Eft". For support head to #ubuntu+1. For its release schedule, see !schedule05:02
teledynSebastian_: highly modified version of ircii05:02
ubotuUbuntu uses a strict timetable for releases, which means that sometimes newly released programs miss the timetable. See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/TimeBasedReleases for more. Edgy schedule: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/EdgyReleaseSchedule05:02
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K-enHm, I do have a question. My console (ctrl+alt+F#) doesn't display. It simply goes to a blank screen.05:03
[erisco] does anyone have any other solutions to this instanbul?05:04
mpeekhaije1: exactly, although I guess all the devs are busy doing real work rather than sitting on irc :)05:04
[erisco] it has crashed every time I have used it :(05:04
AfterDeathK-en: does ctrl+alt+f1 work?05:04
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mpee[erisco] : what's this instanbul thing?05:04
AfterDeathK-en: if not, make sure that the entries are in inittab05:04
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[erisco] hold on05:04
tritiummpee: apt-cache show istanbul, and you'll see :)05:04
sasuk3K-en BLANK screen?? or white screen LoL05:04
K-enAfterDeath: Well, it switches to a blank screen but the console doesn't actually appear. It just remains blank.05:04
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K-enSasuk3: Blank, black screen,.05:05
AfterDeathK-en: check inittab05:05
=== khaije1 goes to make a cup of coffee :-)
sasuk3dont get the prompt05:05
mpeeah that thing05:05
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K-enSasuk3: That would probably be a more coherent expression. I don't get the prompt.05:06
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tj__what is the edgy release date?05:06
ubotuEdgy will be released around October 26th (*some* timezone) - we don't know at precisely what time of the day it will be finalized and published for download. Please be patient!05:06
RancidLMhey all i just got a new monitor, and my xorg is all messed up.. what is the command for ubuntu to re-detect the best settings for the monitor?05:06
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[erisco] instanbul records your desktop. it is really "buggy" though, it sometimes works, and most times crashes05:07
[erisco] does a really junky job with the mouse too05:07
Sebastian_Will kubuntu edgy be available today too?05:07
mpeecoolblade, I might not install it then05:07
teledynRancidLM: dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg05:08
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CppIsWeirdhow do i ls and have it pause on the list when it fills the winodw and wait for me to press continue05:08
RancidLMteledyn: thanks!05:08
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billsfamtorque33CppIsWeird: ls | more05:08
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globeCppIsWeird: man ls05:08
deshantmOR: CppIsWeird ls | less05:08
[erisco] oh, and firefox has been crashing a lot with flash =(05:08
mpeeok, work to do, see you ubuntitos05:08
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DigitalNinjais anyone out there using either an epox motherboard or a msi nx7600 video card05:09
grndslmdo any of the ubuntu cds (desktop or alternate) respond to usb keyboards on bootup??05:09
Sebastian_I'm having some problems with youtube videos out of sync in firefox and flock. Any solution?05:09
CppIsWeirdany way to get it to continue in list for and not be item for item enter05:10
TateySebastian_: using flash9?05:10
LeoStewartFirefox crashes with some Java applications, like Java-IRC chat clients.  It also loads quite slowly while browsing.  Is this normal?05:10
aj-reyesno usb for me05:10
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Sebastian_tatey: is it available for download already?05:10
aj-reyesIm pretty usb keyboard is a grub thing, cause it dont work therye either05:10
globeCppIsWeird: ? say that again...05:10
K-enLeoStewart: My experience with Java is that it slows everything down. This may just be my bad luck, though.05:10
DigitalNinjaMaybe I should start simple05:10
CppIsWeirdglobe: like dir -o-p-a-w05:11
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DigitalNinjaDoes Linux work with pci express video cards05:11
tritiumsure does05:11
grndslmaj-reyes, the cd boots with grub?  interesting05:11
globeCppIsWeird: ? sorry...its been too long, whats o, a do?05:11
TateySebastian_: no, but you can manually install it. There is a bug with the Flash 7 plugin and audio syncing05:11
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LeoStewartK-en: yeah, same here.05:11
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teledynDigitalNinja: go to xorg's website and see if the card is supported05:11
Sebastian_tatey: thank you. is it available in the adobe page?05:11
ubotuFor multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats  -  See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html  -  But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats05:12
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CppIsWeirdlike i want it to do what it does accept every time the list takes more then a page of terminal, to pause for enter, without having to hit enter for every item listed passed the view point] 05:12
DigitalNinjateledyn: Thanks! That's the one plcae I havn't been yet05:12
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K-enAfterDeath: I'm looking at the inittab, and things look alright, although i'll be honest and admit I'm not sure what they'd look like if they weren't.05:12
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Tateyclose firefox, go into ~/.mozilla/plugins and remove the flash.so and .xpt file and then copy over the new one. Done05:13
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Sebastian_tatey: thank you very much05:13
globeCppIsWeird: how do you want it to resume after its pauses?05:13
grndslmanybody know why after both dapper and edgy desktop cds are almost about to display x & gnome, that the monitor would just say: "D-SUB:  Can not display this mode"05:13
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globeCppIsWeird: I see the problem.  hit space05:13
Tateygrndslm: it may not be detecing your frequencies properly, try booting with "Safe Graphics Mode"05:13
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grndslmTatey, kk...brb05:14
fluvvellgrndslm, dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg05:14
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grndslmfluvvell, it's the installation cd05:14
noexAnyone have a minute to help me figure out a sound problem I am experiancing with Enemy Territory. I have wiki'd, faq'd, google'd and tested.... without any luck...  Does "/dev/dsp: Device or resource busy" mean anything to anyone? My desktop sound is working, as well as a game like Frozen Bubbles.05:14
fluvvellgrndslm, yup, do it in tty1.  ctrl-alt-f105:14
Tateynoex: make sure you close any application that is using the sound device05:14
grndslmTatey, oh yea...my usb keyboards don't work!!05:14
aztektumbah. whats the command line way to find where a program is installed05:15
globegrndslm: invest in a $3 usb->ps/2 converter ;-)05:15
Tateygrndslm: they should, got a PS/2 keyboard you can plugin?05:15
aztektumstarts with w05:15
noexTatey: I have attempted that. Although, I can run Amarok and Frozen Bubbles at the same time without any sound issues.05:15
aztektumi think05:15
noexTatey: Any other ideas?05:15
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Tateyaztektum: $ whereis programname05:15
aztektumyeh yeh05:15
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grndslminvest in a usb->ps/2 converter??  seriously??05:15
CppIsWeirdhow do i use find to find an executeable with "vnc" in the name?05:15
globeCppIsWeird: did that make it do what you want?05:15
Tateynoex: Enemy Terroritory might use OSS, and not ALSA. OSS doesn't like sharing the device05:16
grndslmwhat's up with linux not being able to detect usb keyboards???05:16
CppIsWeirdglobe, i have no idea, im getting exceedingly pissed at googles inability to find shit on what i search for05:16
globeCppIsWeird: just like dos.  ls *vnc* | more05:16
tritiumCppIsWeird: you can also use "dpkg -L <packagename>" to list the files in a package05:16
brian98CppIsWeird, locate *vnc*05:16
TateyCppIsWeird: your best bet would be to $ find /usr/bin/ | grep vpn05:16
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brian98CppIsWeird, find / -name *vnc*05:16
DigitalNinjax.org doesn't have any information on cards that are supported05:16
noexTatey: I picked up the OSS-ALAS wrapper and that didn't do the trick sadly. Any suggestions of things to try?05:16
DigitalNinjais there another site I can go to that has information on video cards that are supported.05:17
Tateynoex: I use to get a similar issue when I had my music player open, when I closed my music player then reopened the game, it worked perfectly05:17
tritiumWhat card do you have, DigitalNinja?05:17
fluvvellgrndslm, im using a usb keyboard now...05:17
DigitalNinjamsi nx760005:17
globeCppIsWeird: what are you googling?05:17
tritiumDigitalNinja: is that based on an nvidia 7600?05:17
TateyDigitalNinja: is that an nvidia chipset? If so, it's fully supported.05:17
JNeverMindive been having a prob with 6.06 do you know what time 6.10 iso will be available for dl from ubuntu.com ?05:17
grndslmfluvvell, try using an installation cd already!05:17
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noexTatey: Mmm, doesn't seem to be that easy for me. I have dropped my music player and ran ET.. I still receive the same "/dev/dsp: Device or resource busy."05:17
tritiumDigitalNinja: okay, fully supported :)05:17
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smoked1I installed paintshop pro 7 using wine but for some reason when I try to launch the app all I get is the splash screen. Can someone help me?05:18
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about finaledgy - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi05:18
ubotuEdgy will be released around October 26th (*some* timezone) - we don't know at precisely what time of the day it will be finalized and published for download. Please be patient!05:18
DigitalNinjatritium: It doens't work well on my epox motherboard. It lockes up05:18
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tritiumDigitalNinja: with which driver?05:18
fluvvellgndslm, it shouldn't make any diff but if you're desperate, ...05:18
Munchkinguyteledyn, tritium, Flannel: thank you for the LVM help05:18
JNeverMindthanks guys05:18
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ZeNHi, I'm trying to get Wolfenstein: Enemy Territory to work, but I get no video.05:18
globedoes gnome keep a log of what modules it loads/fails to load somewhere?05:18
Tateynoex: beyond that, I'm not entirely sure. Try the Ubuntuforums.org05:18
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tritiumMunchkinguy: :)05:19
DigitalNinjatritium: the nvidia driver05:19
Tateyglobe: no, but you can check dmesg05:19
noexTatey: Been there, done that.. Thanks though!05:19
ZeNWhen the game starts, I see the cursor for a little, but then the screen goes black05:19
globeTatey: sounds good.  how might I do that ?05:19
tritiumDigitalNinja: "nv" or "nvidia"?05:19
ZeNI know its still running though05:19
ZeNbecause I hear the music.05:19
DigitalNinjatritium: nvidia05:19
Tateyglobe: $ dmesg05:19
fluvvellgrndslm, is it just that the detection process means its loading things off the cd and takes a lot longer than you expect?05:19
globeTatey: :-)05:19
DigitalNinjatritium: I ran glxinfo and it says I have direct rendering05:19
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tritiumDigitalNinja: did you look at your /var/log/Xorg.0.log?05:20
DigitalNinjatritium: However, the system locks up any way05:20
Rav|stranglerhow would I scheldule a shutdown?05:20
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Tatey$ sudo shutdown -h X05:20
Tateywhere X = minutes05:20
DigitalNinjatritium: Yup! not sure what I'm looking for but I didn't see any big error messages.05:20
Tateyfor an immediate shutdown, you can use "now"05:20
Rav|stranglerthanks you05:21
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globeTatey: okay.  so thats about 1000 lines.  cant I use grep to search it or something?05:21
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smoked1could someone at least tell me where wine stores its log files?05:21
FlannelRav|strangler: time can either be an offset (like, 1 hour from now) or an actual time05:21
grndslmfluvvell, i've tried using 6.06.1 & 6.10... desktop & alternate....all 4 DO NOT respond to usb keyboards...the only way i can get them to work is let the desktop cds automatically boot, but then i get that graphics error05:21
smoked1Are they in /var/messages?05:21
vertanaTatey: Could you enter a time such as "shutdown -h 16:00"?05:21
Tateyglobe: sure can, though the logfile is in chronological order so anything recent will appear last. Otherwise, grep is great. $ dmesg | grep <the module you're looking for>05:21
globeTatey: bah! I forgot the |05:22
ZeNcould someone help me with a video? problem. not quite sure the problem.05:22
Flannelvertana: yes05:22
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[erisco] lol, how do I stop instanbul from speeding all my movies up to no end?05:22
nailbagsi want to use firefox to open html/jpeg/etc attachments in mutt. it works, but only if firefox isn't already running. if firefox is already running, the 'firefox-bin %s' command in my mailcap file returns instantly and mutt deletes the attachment out of /tmp before firefox has a chance to load it. any ideas?05:22
Tateyvertana: yes, you can do $ sudo shutdown -h time hh:mm05:22
fluvvellgrndslm, I'm using 6.06, and yes its an installed copy.  A long shot, but do you need to enable legacy usb in the bios if you are expecting a usb keyboard to work before the os is fully booted?05:22
globeTatey: you are a rockstar helper my friend....10 people at once05:23
vertanaand the minutes would be in the 24 hours clock I assume?05:23
globevertana: ... hours?05:23
[erisco] if I type normally it looks like I can type 500 words a minute here lol05:23
vertanaclock* hours*.... whichever ^^05:23
grndslmok...i found a ps/2 keyboard in my roommate's room, but i'm still getting the "D-SUB:  Can not display this mode" error after using the "safe graphics mode"05:23
[erisco] gotta be a way to slow 'er down!05:24
nailbagsno mutt users in the house?05:24
grndslmfluvvell, i can access the bios with the usb keyboards...so, no i don't need to enable legacy usb....it's just the ubuntu installers05:24
fluvvellgrndslm, and once the cd is fully booted, you can reconfigure the graphics with  dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg, but you'll need to do it on a console05:24
compilerwriterAnyone else have any ideas on a zire 21 and synching?05:24
Tateyvertana: no, in minutes. For example, $ sudo shutdown -h 30 would halt my system in 30 minutes. If you want to use seconds you can specify with t. $ sudo shutdown -h -t 60 would halt my system in 60 seconds05:24
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Tateyglobe: heh, thanks. Doing what I can :)05:24
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Tateygrndslm: what's the model of the display? Is it fairly new?05:25
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CppIsWeirdwhat is the vnc server called? i need to restart the server05:25
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grndslmTatey, yes a dell 2405fpw05:25
RhiNocan someone help me get my wireless conenction to work?05:25
Tateyif all else fails, you could grab the alternate CD, which performs a text-based install.05:25
RhiNoi talked to someone they told me to come here cause he was going to bed now05:25
globeAre thery any openGL programmers in here?  I cannot get my programs to display ... "Unable to create direct context rendering ..."05:25
Tateygrndslm: it's possible that X is unable to correctly detect your frequencies, I'd suggest the text-based install. It's just as easy (and faster) than the GUI live CD05:25
phire_mIRCRhiNo: what kind of wireless card do you have?05:26
grndslmTatey...oh yea, i forgot i had a ps/2 keyboard to work with the alternate install now...GRACIAS!!05:26
TateyCppIsWeird: look in /etc/init.d for something that matches vnc05:26
phire_mIRCdoes ubuntu reconise it?05:26
music_man_nzis edgy out yet?05:26
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RhiNowpc54g v 1.205:26
[erisco] the more FPS the faster is plays it? lol05:26
Tateymusic_man_nz: not quite05:26
RhiNoi installed ndiswrapper05:27
grndslmmusic_man_nz...how'd you hear about edgy?05:27
TateyCppIsWeird: when you find it, simply run $ sudo /etc/init.d/nameofscript restart05:27
music_man_nzaround the place...05:27
RhiNothen the wireless card as far as i know05:27
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ubotuEdgy will be released around October 26th (*some* timezone) - we don't know at precisely what time of the day it will be finalized and published for download. Please be patient!05:27
RhiNothen i did sudo modprobe ndiswrapper05:27
=== milc [n=milc@68-190-90-101.dhcp.mdsn.wi.charter.com] has joined #ubuntu
RhiNobut it still wont connect05:27
music_man_nzwell the thing is05:27
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BoelckeGreetings, all.  If I'm making an rsync backup of my /home, why do I want to include the hidden directories?05:27
fluvvellmusic_man_nz, as in   en zed, country?05:28
globeBoelcke: because they usually contain settings for programs and such05:28
TateyBoelcke: why, or how?05:28
music_man_nzI can't remove an item from the menu. The program has been deleted, but still comes up under "Other"05:28
[erisco] any other screen recorders OTHER than instanbul?05:28
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music_man_nzNZ - New Zealand05:28
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Boelckeglobe, yeah, but if I'm just interested in backing up my stuff, I wouldn't want that, right?05:28
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phire_mIRCmusic man nz: me too05:28
koko775i'm running firefox 2, but upon loading a new page, in most cases (for some reason except for google) FF's screen doesn't refresh and I have to resize the text to get it to refresh05:28
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RhiNopm me if ur tryin to help me there is a crap load of talking in here lol05:28
[erisco] istanbul*05:28
godtviskenIs Ubuntu 6.10 already out?05:28
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Tateygrndslm: no05:28
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Tateysorry, godtvisken05:28
fluvvellmusic_man_nz, ah a fellow kiwi.05:28
jbroomeit'll be in the topic when it's out, trust me05:28
globeBoelcke: I would take them, but that might just be a personal thing05:28
BoelckeI'm thinking of, if my system blows up, I'll probably re-install ubuntu anyway -- I just want my data, files, pictures, etc.05:28
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music_man_nzYay go kiwis!05:29
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music_man_nzI'm in Wellington05:29
Boelckeglobe, ok, but when restoring a system, would you copy them into your new home?05:29
koko775i tried it both with edgy's firefox package and a nightly i downloaded -- same problem05:29
TateyAussies > Kiwi's ;)05:29
jbroomei'm in #ubuntu-offtopic05:29
leonelany ETA for tomorrow's release ?05:29
globeBoelcke: sure, but any customized settings would be gone.05:29
koko775can anyone help me?05:29
=== fluvvell Dunedin
jbroomego there05:29
music_man_nzKiwis >>>>>>>>>>> Aussies05:29
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koko775i installed Beryl, perhaps that's messing firefox up?05:29
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phire_mIRCRhiNo, I don't know anything about Ndiswrapper, sorry. You could try loiking here http://antonym.org/node/8905:29
godtviskenIs Ubuntu 6.10 already out?05:29
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tritiummusic_man_nz:, Tatey: stay on topic, please05:30
tritiumno, godtvisken05:30
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godtviskentritium: when comes it out?05:30
ubotuEdgy will be released around October 26th (*some* timezone) - we don't know at precisely what time of the day it will be finalized and published for download. Please be patient!05:30
Tateytritium: I apologise05:30
Boelckeglobe, I guess I'm really asking whether I'm backing up some files, or backing up enough stuff to easily restore my system, eh?05:30
tritiumTatey: no worries05:30
jbroomeout it comes on 26th05:30
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koko775can anyone help?05:30
tritiumgodtvisken: soon!05:30
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grndslmwhy don't you goobers look at distrowatch.com or the friggin' ubuntu.com homepage for pete's sake!?!?!?!?05:30
godtviskensorry i not mean to be rude05:30
globeBoelcke: yep.05:30
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tritiumbe nice, grndslm05:30
RhiNocan someone pm me and help me?05:30
koko775um, not being able to use firefox kind of decreases my productivity :<05:31
grndslmgodtvisken, i'm sorry....you're not a goober05:31
vertanaDoes anybody know what will change from Edgy Eft Beta to Edgy Eft Final (tomorrow)?05:31
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ubotuUbuntu uses a strict timetable for releases, which means that sometimes newly released programs miss the timetable. See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/TimeBasedReleases for more. Edgy schedule: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/EdgyReleaseSchedule05:31
globekoko775: why cannot you use ff?05:31
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godtviskengrndslm: what means goober?05:31
Tateyvertana: probably nothing05:31
Boelckeglobe, ok, then one more question: If I'm going for the "whole system" backup, I guess there are other dirs I'd want to include too, right?05:31
CppIsWeirdtatey: nothing matches VNC05:31
koko775globe: because the screen won't refresh, i have to press ctrl-minus to get it to refresh05:31
koko775er, the page in ff05:31
=== orion2012 [n=orion201@cpe-70-114-30-76.satx.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu
koko775won't refresh05:31
vertanaWell just smack me down Tatey :P05:31
koko775the title changes05:31
grndslmgodtvisken, i'm honestly not sure....try typing "define:goober" into google05:31
koko775and it doesn't update the display for whatever reason05:32
fluvvellmusic_man_nz, are you using Edgy, or Dpper?05:32
koko775i just installed edgy and on top of it, beryl05:32
globeBoelcke: probably, but I couldnt tell you what the are.  /home/ is probably where most of your files are, unless you compulsively save somewhere else05:32
globekoko775: is it a problem with ff or xwindows05:32
globeBoelcke: sure05:33
koko775how do i tell?05:33
globekoko775: do other programs not refresh?05:33
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koko775well, epiphany works fine05:33
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globekoko775: I would bet that the problem is not ff, but somewhere in you video card drivers05:34
koko775i'm using the computer right now, with xchat05:34
CppIsWeirdwhat is the vnc server called? i need to restart the server05:34
lasindiHi everyone, is there a specific time when Edgy will be released? (I ask since it's October 26 in certain timezones.)05:34
globekoko775: but thats a bet05:34
ubotuEdgy will be released around October 26th (*some* timezone) - we don't know at precisely what time of the day it will be finalized and published for download. Please be patient!05:34
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globeCppIsWeird: ps -la,05:34
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pixelPOEThullo, all!05:34
Born_In_Xixaxkoko775: might try either making sure your video driver is the latest/greatest, or changing it to something vanilla like vesa05:35
lasindiphire_NZ: out of curiosity, who finalizes it for download?05:35
grndslmumm....so i've got a strange question....i got this fancy shmancy new 320gb sata hd and i plugged it in....but when it's plugged in the bios always freezes at "Detecting IDE drives..." even tho it's not an ide drive, and reboots a few minutes later....and when the sata hd is unplugged, the bios works perfectly. WHAT GIVES?!?05:35
La_PaRCaHey. How do I get apt-get to ignore a dependency that is not installable?05:35
CppIsWeirdglobe, that didnt do anything useful05:35
globeCppIsWeird: that will list all the processes, then you should be able to find what vncserver you are using05:35
phire_NZlasindi: no idea05:35
koko775Born_In_Xixax: it is the latest/greatest, and i'm reluctant to disable acceleration since that would probably cripple beryl05:35
calamarianyone know how to use the cups interface?  I don't know what to use for username and password05:35
RancidLMhey all, so i just got this new LG monitor and set up the resolution to the 1680x1050  but all the text looks horible im not sure if its my xorg configurations but is there a way to make the readible? thnx05:35
=== McGragger [n=shawn@cpe-71-79-138-24.neo.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu
Born_In_Xixaxkoko775: at least it would confirm that it's a video driver issue05:35
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koko775doesn't epiphany use the gecko rendering engine? there's no reason that ff should be specifically targeted :/05:36
koko775i'll try it without starting beryl05:36
Born_In_Xixaxnot sure if there is any way to change the way FF uses video accel...probably not :/05:36
Born_In_Xixaxuse Opera :)05:36
koko775brb or bbl depending on what happens05:36
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CppIsWeirdi do not see any reference to it in there05:36
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globekoko775: good luck05:36
phire_NZLa_PaRCa: I'm no expert, but --force might work, however it might mess some things up05:36
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McGraggeri am crashing around every 10 minutes, i think it is beryl, how do i know for sure05:36
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Born_In_Xixaxdisable beryl?05:37
grndslmMcGragger, try removing beryl and see if you're still crashing05:37
RhiNoCan someone please help me get my wireless network set up i have installed ndiswrapper and my network card is linksys wireless g (wpc45g ver 1.2)05:37
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McGraggeri said that wrong, i am pretty sure it is, or a combination of things05:37
globeRhiNo: does the card work with ndiswrapper?05:37
koko775with beryl disabled, still the same problem05:37
Born_In_XixaxRhiNo: have you run 'ndiswrapper -i yourfile.inf'  ?05:37
GhostFreemanAny plans to bundle Zfone in Edgy>05:37
RhiNoim pretty sure i have05:38
tritiumGhostFreeman: no, too late for any additions to edgy05:38
Born_In_Xixaxso the card does not appear at all under the network manager?05:38
RhiNoi was talking to someone else then he had to go05:38
globeRhiNo: what are you trying to do now....can you establish a connection?05:38
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McGraggerhow do i look at system logs to diagnose the problem?05:38
RhiNoyes it does as eth105:38
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RhiNoit will connect if i hook it up via ethernet05:38
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Kawaii-Panda /var/log?05:38
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RhiNobut if i try the wireless i cannot get it05:38
RhiNowhich is how i want it since it is my laptop05:38
DemonicHey everyone05:38
phire_NZMcGragger: they are in /var/log/05:39
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Born_In_XixaxRhiNo: dapper or edgy?05:39
Kawaii-Pandaim sure they are, phire.05:39
GhostFreemanthanks tritium05:39
globeRhiNo: what ubuntu are you using?05:39
Born_In_XixaxUbuntu 6.04 or 6.10 ?05:39
RhiNonot sure05:39
RhiNohow do i find out05:39
FlannelRhiNo: lsb_release -a05:39
Born_In_Xixaxhelp, about?05:39
Kawaii-Pandadoes your firefox icon have a fox?05:39
McGraggerphire_NZ: and what might I look for?05:39
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grndslmumm....so i've got a strange question....i got this fancy shmancy new 320gb sata hd and i plugged it in....but when it's plugged in the bios always freezes at "Detecting IDE drives..." even tho it's not an ide drive, and reboots a few minutes later....and when the sata hd is unplugged, the bios works perfectly. WHAT GIVES?!?05:40
lainprolianthello :)05:40
snookyhi all05:40
RhiNoubuntu 6.06.1 LTS drapper05:40
Born_In_Xixaxif you do 'ifconfig' does the eth device appear to have an IP address and all that?05:40
ubotuEdgy will be released around October 26th (*some* timezone) - we don't know at precisely what time of the day it will be finalized and published for download. Please be patient!05:40
=== reZo [n=reZo@] has joined #ubuntu
snookyi dont really good speak english but i have a problem05:40
lainprolianti have a Anjuta related question05:40
globegrndslm: I would probably start with the mobo manufacturers w/s, or google05:40
poningrusnooky: whatup?05:40
RhiNoif i do ifconfig it only shows "lo"05:40
RhiNoif i do ifconfig -a05:40
Flannelsnooky: what language?05:41
ubotuDeutschsprachige Hilfe fuer Probleme mit Ubuntu, Kubuntu und Edubuntu finden Sie in den Kanaelen #ubuntu-de, #kubuntu-de, #xubuntu-de und #edubuntu-de05:41
Milpoolis there anyone here who can possibly help me with my beryl/xgl05:41
RhiNoit shows under eth1 no ip05:41
RhiNowhich is where it should be05:41
Toma-Milbot: #ubuntu-xgl05:41
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Born_In_Xixaxwhat happens when you do 'sudo ifup eth1'  ?05:41
snookyat #ubuntu-de all sleep05:41
globeRhiNo: $ iwconfig05:41
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Flannelsnooky: alright, was worth a try ;)05:41
lainproliantis anyone here good with automake? ^_^05:41
Milpoolsorry there was no one answering in there and thought i would try here05:42
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brian98any nagios guru?05:42
brian98gurus even05:42
RhiNoif i do sudo ifup eth105:42
snookyi winat configure djplay, but by ./configure i become a error => configure: error: QTDIR must be properly set.05:42
RhiNoit says interface eth1 already configured05:42
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RhiNoim using web 128 bit encryption05:42
Born_In_XixaxRhiNo: sorry, that's all the stuff I know :/05:43
RhiNo26 hex digits05:43
globeRhiNo: you will need to use iwconfig05:43
zoidberghey...does anyone know why with MSN messenger in GAIM...it gives me an "error with switchboard" when i try to message someone05:43
RhiNook i did iwconfig05:43
brian98RhiNo, turn off all encryption , get it working05:43
lainprolianti have gotten that before zoidberg05:43
globeRhiNo: I don't remember the syntax, but if you man iwconfig it will have all the quirks05:43
brian98RhiNo, turn off all encryption , then put your encryption back on05:43
carthikI have a dell inspiron 6400 and can't get a high res display - i have tried the usual tricks, I use the vesa driver. I have added a modeline and yet it does not start with a higher resolution. any help is welcome05:44
RhiNodo i leave wep key blank?05:44
lainprolianti am not sure what causes it but its only temporary in my case05:44
RhiNoif i do it with all encryption05:44
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zoidberglainproliant: so should i log out and try again or something?05:44
lainproliantyeah that might work05:44
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globeRhiNo: yes, if you use no encryption, leave wep key blank05:44
RhiNoalso ive noticed05:44
RhiNowhen i activate eth1 which is wireless05:45
lainproliantany programmers ? ^_^05:45
Flannelsnooky: do you have the right qt -dev libraries installed?05:45
RhiNoi click ok and such then reopen the network settings05:45
lainprolianti need help getting my Anjuta working05:45
RhiNoits not active anymore05:45
brian98no one into nagios then05:45
Born_In_Xixaxcarthik: have you tried 'sudo dpkh-reconfigure xserver-xorg?05:45
brian98not to worry05:45
mikm[laptop] dpkg05:45
carthikBorn_In_Xixax: yes, I have05:45
Born_In_Xixax'sudo dpkg-reconfigure...'05:45
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Megaqwertywhen I'm using firefox, the audio from anything done in flash is way out of sync with the video. Is that just a problem with flash 7, or is my computer not configured correctly?05:45
digiKnighteredgy eft , when ?05:45
ubotuEdgy will be released around October 26th (*some* timezone) - we don't know at precisely what time of the day it will be finalized and published for download. Please be patient!05:45
snookyFlannel yes05:45
=== Mulder [n=mulder@] has joined #ubuntu
globewow...talk about the question of the day!05:45
carthikI have tried that, I have tried all the things I have known to work in the past..  this totally beats me.05:45
Born_In_Xixaxcarthik: k...first couple of times I used it, I did not realize you have to specifically select the resolution modes to make available, by putting a star next to each one...05:45
LeoStewartI'm getting the hang of these little factoid things...05:45
carthikBorn_In_Xixax: yup, did that.05:46
Kawaii-Pandaedgy +1, when?05:46
FlannelMegaqwerty: it's a common flash7 issue, you could try flash905:46
brian98Well, I'm running edgy and I just got a ton of updates ;)05:46
MegaqwertyFlannel: thanks05:46
carthikKawaii-Panda: april 18th or something like that05:46
FlannelMegaqwerty: see !flash9 for the deb ;)05:46
RhiNoi cant get wireless working without encryption either05:46
Kawaii-Pandacool... right in time for april fools! :)05:46
globeRhiNo: what are you doing to get it working?05:46
Megaqwertybrain98: interesting, I should check my update manager as well....05:46
RhiNoi went to config it05:46
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RhiNoi mean properties05:47
RhiNoand set the essid05:47
RhiNoand dchp05:47
RhiNothen activated eth105:47
ubotuPlease don't use the "enter" key as punctuation! It spams the channel and can be annoying.05:47
Megaqwertywhoa yeah, brian98 is correct.05:47
globeRhiNo: k. lets try this from the terminal.05:48
Born_In_Xixaxcarthik: I assume you've found this how-to link: http://individual.utoronto.ca/jaelle_kitty/inspiron6400/H05:48
RhiNoglobe can u pm me?05:48
RhiNoeasier to follow in a pm lol05:48
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lainproliantAnyone here good with Anjuta?05:49
RhiNobut if not i do now have terminal open05:49
edgyHi, I have an edgy chroot system that I want to turn into a fully bootable system now so I cp -a all the files to a new partition and now want to install grub on that partition. How should I convince the mbr to read the new one?05:49
fwitAnders are you there05:49
globeRhiNo: join #RhiNo-gl0be05:49
Flanneledgy: install grub to the MBR05:49
Flannel!tell edgy about grub05:49
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fourcould someone tell me the command to mount a drive at start up05:50
fournetwork drive05:50
fourmy mistaker05:50
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ubotusamba is the way to cooperate with Windows environments. Links with more info: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MountWindowsSharesPermanently http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/serverguide/C/windows-networking.html Samba can be administered via the web with SWAT05:51
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edgyFlannel: thx a lot I am reading now ...05:51
fouri use i use sudo mount -t smbfs //server/e //home/four/test   taht to mount it05:51
mattStahow can i use my ipod shuffle in ubuntu05:51
fourbut someone toldme i could auto mout it05:51
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Omicronmorning all.05:52
AdelaideLukefour: Example: mount -t ntfs /dev/hdaX /media/X05:52
Megaqwertyis there a blog or something like that on the status of being able to write to ntfs?05:52
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TateyNTFS has full read/write support as of 2.6.1805:52
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fouradelaideluke: that will moun it at start up?05:52
mattStacan someone out there please help me upload songs from my computer to my ipod05:52
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fourwell its a nework drive05:53
fouris the thing05:53
MegaqwertyTatey: is that a kernel version?05:53
Born_In_XixaxMegaqwerty: in the Ubuntu forums (ubuntuforums.org) there is a HowTo on how to enable NTFS read/write05:53
TateymattSta: might want to check out Quod Libet or GTKpod05:53
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TateymattSta: yes, that's the latest stable kernel version05:53
calamariTatey: full?  you mean it can modify files and change their size?05:53
OmicronTriade, R U out there??05:53
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Tateycalamari: yes, the NTFS-3G drive has been merged into the main tree (2.6.18)05:53
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AdelaideLukefour... no you have to add the command to your etc/fstab file05:54
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OmicronGuess not.05:54
=== Wicked_ [n=Wicked@cpe-75-80-116-205.socal.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu
idelHi all, has someone a mplayer1RC1 precompiled deb package? I am trying by myself but the sound doesn't work :(05:54
Siph0nhey, what is this driver for: mrv8k driver ?05:54
mattStaim having problems with packeges, something about lilypond-data05:55
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nilatshow do you optimize the sources.list file?05:56
nilatsto put the fastest resps first, delete duplicates etc05:56
MegaqwertyBorn_In_Xixax: it says that it is in beta. Am I looking at the wrong howto?05:56
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mattStaim having problems with packeges, something about lilypond-data05:56
Leonewhats the kernel i must install to ubuntu breezy?05:57
AdelaideLukeDoes anyone know if 6.10 is being released today?05:57
ubotuEdgy will be released around October 26th (*some* timezone) - we don't know at precisely what time of the day it will be finalized and published for download. Please be patient!05:57
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meat`2is there an app i can use on ubuntu to remote access a windows machine?05:58
Kawaii-Pandaidea: why not put the answer to the question of the day (when will edgy arrive) as the default welcome message for this chatroom?05:58
tritiummeat`2: yes, and it's already installed for you under Applications->Internet05:58
edgymeat`2: I guess vnc05:58
ianmacgregormeat`2: Yes, it's called nautilus :)05:58
Maczimusno- i think he means the terminal client05:59
ianmacgregorAhh, ok05:59
Maczimusit has a remote desktop option05:59
meat`2yeah something like vnc05:59
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Maczimusyeah you can do vnc ssh and the like with it05:59
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edgymeat`2: vino e.g06:00
aztektumwhat's the command to restart GDM from the CLI06:00
=== ClayG [n=clay@c-66-177-234-251.hsd1.fl.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
roolydoes anyone have an faq or a howto for the ubuntu server?06:00
ClayGI saw a good one on a site06:01
MegaqwertyI am looking at a howto on NTFS for linux, and it says that it is still in beta. Is this correct? http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=217009&highlight=Ntfs06:01
ClayGfor a webserver? or installing with the "server" arguement?06:01
roolyfor a webserver06:01
roolythe server installer package06:01
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AdelaideLukeMegaqwerty: I believe so. Reading NTFS drives is ok, writting is still a slight issue (i had none, however)...06:02
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ClayGI know if you use ther server install it just means it will install the base, no x-windows stuff like that06:03
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ClayGbut there is a good howto on how to make it a full blown webserver, similar to cpanel06:03
Maczimusyeah that was a suprise...06:03
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Maczimustrying to figure out how to download webmin....prolly have to use wget06:04
MegaqwertyAdelaideLuke: Okay, thanks. I don't want to chance it unless it is totally safe, as I would be transferring files from my computer to different computers (running windows) on my network. The people who use them wouldn't be happy if I messed up their HD :-P Thanks.06:04
Maczimuson server that is06:04
Siph0nhow can i check which chipset my wireless card uses? cause im not sure if i should be using the madwifi or ndiswrapper drivers06:04
Born_In_XixaxMegaqwerty: if you are transferring files over the network, you will be using Samba, which is going to be safe06:04
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roolyi'm stupid enough to attempt a linux webserver without much experience with unix os's at all06:05
Born_In_XixaxNTFS read/write is a method to do so to NTFS partitions on the same box06:05
Clinton__rooly: that makes you no different than anyone else!06:05
Born_In_Xixaxsince NTFS is MS, and not open source, it may never be 100%06:05
bawnpantfs write is masochists06:05
AdelaideLukeMegaqwerty: Np :)  But again; I had no issues! However; always better to be safe than sorry!06:05
Megaqwertyyeah, that seems to be a problem with them. Anyone know why they don't change to the more efficient ext3?06:06
roolyso, i googled for an faq, but i haven't found one yet06:06
Megaqwerty(out of curiosity)06:06
Madpilotubotu, lamp | rooly06:06
uboturooly: lamp is Linux-Apache-MySQL-PHP. However, the term is often used for setups using alternative but different software, such as Perl or Python instead of PHP, and Postgres instead of MySQL.  For help with setting up LAMP on Ubuntu, see  https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ApacheMySQLPHP  -  See also the Server CD install menu.06:06
Born_In_XixaxMegaqwerty: to reiterate, mounting/connecting to computers over the network (i.e. via windows networking protocol) is totally safe06:06
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=== CpuWhiz [n=eric@cpe-66-87-222-218.co.sprintbbd.net] has joined #ubuntu
MegaqwertyBorn_In_Xixax: I'm asking if it is safe to write to those HDs, I have no problem copying from them.06:07
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Born_In_Xixaxyes, over the network06:08
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Born_In_Xixaxif you install an NTFS format hard drive in your linux PC, then you will be using NTFS-3G, and it is risker06:08
JonBoonhow do i install a tar.gz ?06:08
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Maczimusif you are writing to them over the network your linux machine is just telling windows to write the file. then windows takes care of it. otherwise if you are trying to write to a hard drive in a machine in linux then that's when you have problems.06:09
bnokii want to install ubuntu from a usb drive.. any projects regarding that ? i've got a laptop with only a floppy disk but no other machines in the house with floppies :)06:09
Born_In_XixaxJonBoon: tar.gz is equivalent to .zip format...it is a compressed archive.  Generally you double click it to open it with archive manager...then look for a README or INSTALL file to tell you where to go from there06:09
sfulmeris it soup yet?06:09
AdelaideLukeJonBoon: thats a compressed file; you need to extract it using something like gzip06:09
cherubielJonBoon: depends, the tar.gz might mostly contain sources; you'd need to compile it manually and generate sources; on the other hand, if it contains the binaries, just run them.06:09
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JonBoonits the new firefox06:10
cherubielJonBon: start with tar zxvf name.tar.gz06:10
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cherubielJonBoon: just run the above command, cd into the direcotyr; run ./firefox06:10
Born_In_Xixaxdon't listen to this command line fools!  just double click the tar.gz :P06:10
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cherubielBorn_In_Xixax: well if he was on wmaker, what would he clikc on??!??06:11
landexemOkay so there;s an "xserver-xgl" package in Edgy'x universe component... if I install it (and dependencie) will that theoretically be everything I need to have XGL and related stuff?06:11
=== Remy [n=honkey@CPE-144-131-139-202.nsw.bigpond.net.au] has joined #ubuntu
Siph0nI read in a forum post that the mrv8k driver that comes with ubuntu is defective and should be deleted, is that true? :)06:11
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Leonewhats the kernel i must install to ubuntu breezy?06:12
Born_In_Xixaxif he was on wmaker, he would know how to handle a tar.gz...but j/k sorry :)06:12
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cherubielBorn_In_Xixax: peace! :)06:12
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cherubielLeone: you should talk about repos, not kernel.06:12
ubotuThe packages in Ubuntu are divided into several sections. See http://www.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/components https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Repositories and !easysource06:13
Leonecherubiel, my sistem is not ready06:13
Leonei need the kernel06:13
Leonei must make aptitude install kernelxxx06:13
Leonewhat kernel must i write06:13
cherubielLeone: what stage are you in the install?06:13
=== dotwaffle [n=dotwaffl@pdpc/supporter/student/dotwaffle] has joined #ubuntu
Leonei am installing with  ebootstrap06:14
Leonei need the kernel06:14
ubotuEdgy will be released around October 26th (*some* timezone) - we don't know at precisely what time of the day it will be finalized and published for download. Please be patient!06:14
Leonecherubiel, root@dhcppc0:/#  ls /boot/06:14
Leonecoffee.bmp  debianlilo.bmp  memtest86+.bin  sid.bmp06:14
Leonedebian.bmp  grub            sarge.bmp06:14
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about fa - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi06:15
Kawaii-Pandawhat? no release date for feisty fawn?06:15
ianmacgregorKawaii-Panda: Wouldn't that be ff?06:16
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dotwafflemdadm help needed - wanting to grow RAID 5, 3 devices to 4 devices. Error re: Cannot set size/shape. Ideas?06:16
ubotufirefox is the default web-browser on Ubuntu. To install the latest version, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FirefoxNewVersion Installing plugins: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/FirefoxPlugins06:16
Maczimusi think i read april-19th for fawn06:16
AdelaideLukeKawaii-Panda: yah april 19 :p06:16
Kawaii-Pandai dont think so ian...06:16
ClayGanyone here use a laptop mount for their car? or gps for lappy? anyone here use a laptop mount for their car? or gps for lappy?06:16
dotwaffleClayG: Yeah06:16
dotwaffleClayG: GPS plugged into laptop06:16
Leonei need install kernel06:16
Leoneto brezzy06:16
dotwaffleLeone: Which? Why?06:16
Leonewhat kernel do i need06:16
ClayGdotwaffle: should i get the cheapest?06:16
ClayGas far as receivers go , are they all the same?06:16
AdelaideLukeKawaii-Panda: The Fridge knows all :p06:17
Leoneroot@dhcppc0:/#  ls /boot/06:17
Leonecoffee.bmp  debianlilo.bmp  memtest86+.bin  sid.bmp06:17
Leonedebian.bmp  grub            sarge.bmp06:17
Leone dotwaffle06:17
ClayGbesides size and clunkyness06:17
ClayGLeone: can you take that to a pastebin?06:17
dotwaffleLeone: Install package "linux-386" for breezy. It will pull in the required packages for you.06:17
ClayGmy bad06:17
dotwaffleClayG: Where in the world are you?06:17
ianmacgregorLeone: M box is fully updated and I have 2.6.15-27-386 as my latest kernel.. if that helps.06:17
Leonedotsony, i think it will not wotk becouse the stable is edgy now06:17
Leoneok thanks ianmacgregor06:17
dotwaffleClayG: Ok, America then ;) Get any USB or PS/2 GPS that does NOT have a screen or the "Microsoft" tag on it, and it'll work out of the box, they are essentially usb->Serial adaptors, and any GPS program can talk to them over normal /dev/ttsy0 etc - essentially, plug and play ;)06:18
MadpilotLeone, no, Edgy isn't stable for another 24hrs or so ;)06:18
dotwaffleClayG: At least that's thecase in the UK.06:18
=== blanky [i=blanky@ACC15B25.ipt.aol.com] has joined #ubuntu
blankyhey guys06:18
JonBoonblarg! why isnt firefox2 just in the synaptic package manager??06:19
blankyin ssh, what's the command to copy things to my computer?06:19
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blankyscp what what?06:19
dotwaffleLeone: make sure your etc/apt/sources.list has breezy in it, instead of edgy then06:19
blankyi sshed into my other computer and I need to copy the /boot/grub/menu.lst onto mine06:19
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MadpilotJonBoon, because it's still beta?06:19
wastrelscp local.file user@remote.host:06:19
dotwaffleJonBoon: It's referenced to Firefox, just install firefox, all the magic is done for you06:19
blankywhat's the command, scp ?06:19
blankythanks wastrel06:19
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ianmacgregorblanky: scp user@host:/path/source /path/target06:19
dotwaffleblanky: sudo scp HOST:/boot/grub/menu.lst /boot/grub/menu.list06:20
dotwafflemdadm help needed - wanting to grow RAID 5, 3 devices to 4 devices. Error re: Cannot set size/shape. Ideas?06:20
blankyianmacgregor, wastrel, dotwaffle, thanks06:20
dotwaffleno probs06:20
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blankywait, if my computer ip is and I'm sshe'd into the computer which contains the file I want to download, what would I do, assuming the file is called test.txt06:21
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blankysorry for the hassle but I'm kind of in a panick at the moment heh06:21
dotwaffleblanky: don't look at, that's "localhost" find another ip in ifconfig06:21
blankyI know that that's the localhost06:21
dotwaffleoh ok ;)06:21
dotwaffleblanky: sudo scp /boot/grub/menu.list06:22
blankyokay thanks dotwaffle06:22
dotwaffleno probs06:22
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blankyso is the computer im using to ssh into the computer which contains the file?06:22
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blankybasically, I sshed into my other computer which has a file I need, how can I put it on mine, oh okay thanks for the help dotwaffle06:22
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dotwafflemachine that has the file is
ClayGdotwaffle: whats the scoop on gps, im in florida06:23
ClayGdoes it matter if i get the cheapest, as far as the receivers go?06:23
dotwaffleClayG: In the UK, at least, the cheaper, the more chance they're going to be supported.06:23
ClayGI mean the data is going to be processed/formatted by the computer so i wouldn't imagine it matters06:23
dotwaffleClayG: Wait one second.06:23
ClayGno kiffinh06:23
ClayGer whatever06:23
cafuegogleesond: Are you in Florida, plus or minus 500 miles? ;-)06:23
=== cappicard [n=cappicar@CPE-65-26-86-29.kc.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu
ClayGok, the next issue is laptop mounts06:23
ClayGi want a good one06:24
ClayGsomething like whast the cops use06:24
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Jay2hey, folks06:24
ClayGi want to be able to have my laptop in the middle to use, watch DVD's , use the GPS or if i decide to get raped on price, use the internet06:24
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ClayGdo you know anything about thaT?06:24
ClayGlaptop mounts?06:24
ClayGor do you just keep yours on the passenger seat06:24
timhudsonpassenger seat for me06:25
ClayGthat is an option (temp) but iumagine having it in the middle , held up in the air, easy to use06:25
dotwaffleClayG: I have a co-driver to use the laptop, but if not, laptop in passenger well, scren pointing towards me.06:25
ClayGtransforming your laptop into a awesome dvd player06:25
dotwaffleClayG: In the UK at least, that would be illegal. restricts field of vision06:25
ClayGyeah everyone has the preferences06:26
ClayGI prefer the midlde06:26
blankydotwaffle, sorry for the trouble, but if you're already ssh'ed into the computer that contains the file you want, is there another command I should use?06:26
dotwaffleI'd recommend you don't especially if you're driving - don't want you to become another statistic ;)06:26
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dotwaffleblanky: if you're ssh'd in, then you could either log out, or just scp the file back over...06:26
ianmacgregorblanky: Are you using gnome-terminal?06:26
ClayGdotwaffle: haven't taken the law  into consideration, not one of the factors im using06:26
Jay2I am fairly new to Ubuntu. Got xchat working, got my linux box networked to my windows box. Downloaded Quasar (business software), got it extracted, but can't figure out how to install it.06:27
ClayGbut it is good to know06:27
=== AdamKili [n=adam@71-213-191-218.albq.qwest.net] has joined #ubuntu
blankyianmacgregor, I'm on windows, using PuTTY06:27
timhudsonIs there a way to install ubuntu on my ibook, with out it crapping out my osx install? I want to dual boot, but I'm very leary of killing my osx install06:27
blankydotwaffle, how would I do the latter, with the command you gave me?06:27
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FastZJay2: what type of file did you download?06:27
blankyI tried doing06:27
AdamKiliwhat command do i use to find my IP address in the terminal? (e.g.
dotwaffleblanky => PM06:27
=== d3v1ant_0n3 [n=andi@c-67-191-125-78.hsd1.fl.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
blankysudo scp .06:27
Born_In_XixaxAdamKili: ifconfig06:28
blankyassuming is the ip (i changed it of course) and it asked me for the password, I typed it in, and it kept saying wrong password06:28
blankyokay dotwaffle06:28
=== inu|sleep [i=UPP@c-68-81-7-199.hsd1.de.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
Jay2FastZ: /home/malcowee/Desktop/quasar-1.4.7_GPL.tgz06:28
d3v1ant_0n3Just a super quickie- it's not worth me starting a forum thread over- but why, if i run Nautilus from within Kubuntu, does it load my GNOME wallpaper up with the nautilus browser?06:28
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wastreld3v1ant_0n3:  nautilus is responsible for drawing the root window in gnome.  there should be a pref to turn that off...06:29
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ianmacgregord3v1ant_0n3: Because nautilus manages the desktop as default behaviour. If you don't want it to do that, run: nautilus --no-desktop06:29
FastZJay2: try alien -d quasar-1.4.7_GPL.tgz while in the /home/malcowee/Desktop directory06:29
AdelaideLukeAdamKili: You can also use netstat06:29
d3v1ant_0n3ah ok. ty!06:29
AdelaideLukeit's a little more verbose, however! :p06:30
Jay2FastZ:  after I got it unpacted , here's what I have:  /home/malcowee/Desktop/quasar-1.4.7_GPL06:30
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StravosShould glxinfo show Mesa for the OpenGL renderer with the open source radeon driver?06:30
FastZJay2:  and that is a folder right?06:30
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Jay2yes FastZ06:31
timhudsonIs there a way to install ubuntu on my ibook, with out it crapping out my osx install? I want to dual boot, but I'm very leary of killing my osx install?06:31
=== rebelfallen [n=rebelfal@ip70-181-87-165.oc.oc.cox.net] has joined #ubuntu
FastZJay2: is there a ./config in there06:31
Jay2yes, I'm sure06:31
rebelfallenwhat is a good scan range for a 1024x768 monitor? My settings are:     HorizSync    31.5 - 48.5   /   VertRefresh  40.0 - 60.0    but the monitor still says "OUT OF SCAN RANGE 64.0kHz/ 60Hz"06:31
rebelfallenThe secondary monitor is a sony 15" lcd06:31
FastZJay2: have you tried to open up a terminal and run the command ./configure ?06:32
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FastZJay2: or ./config, my mistake06:32
Jay2no, how do I do that?06:32
ianmacgregorFastZ: iirc, it's ./configure06:33
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FastZianmacgregor: thanks for the correction06:33
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FastZJay2:  terminal into the quasar-1.4.7_GPL folder06:34
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Jay2how does one open up a terminal?????????06:34
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rebelfallenuh oh06:34
rebelfallenI just angered the monitor gods06:34
ianmacgregorJay2: ALT+F2, type in: gnome-terminal06:34
OSVHow can I listen to mp3 music in Ubuntu/GNU?06:34
FastZJay2: sorry, Applications > Accessories > Terminal06:34
JonBoonim trying to add xmms skins. how do i give myself permission to drag skins to the filesystem folder06:35
Jay2thanks, FastZ06:35
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FunnyLookinHatOSV, restricted formats  :)06:35
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ubotuFor multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats  -  See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html  -  But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats06:35
=== orion2012 [n=orion@cpe-70-114-30-76.satx.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about mesa - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi06:35
FastZJay2: no problem06:35
OSVFunnyLookinHat, ???06:35
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ianmacgregorJonBoon: Skins for xmms can go into ~/.xmms/Skins06:36
FunnyLookinHatOSV, https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats06:36
FunnyLookinHatOSV, that page will tell you how06:36
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StravosI guess I'll give it another shot... anyone know if "OpenGL renderer string: Mesa DRI R300 20060815 TCL" is correct in glxinfo if I'm running the 'radeon' driver?06:37
Xitiumhas 6.10 been released yet? The ubuntu site says 6.10 released but I can't find it for download06:37
=== Vuen [n=nick@bas9-ottawa23-1088816836.dsl.bell.ca] has joined #ubuntu
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Vuenwhat's up #ubuntu, I'm trying to play a winamp stream in mplayer and I get this: avisynth.dll06:37
Vueni'm missing that file06:38
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Vuenhow do i get win32 libraries on here?06:38
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FunnyLookinHatXitium, so it has...   : )   Just give the site a bit of time to update the download pages06:38
CientificoLocojrib, hello06:38
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CientificoLocojrib, I wanna install firefox 2 in my laptop and I think If I do that I can unfix it.06:38
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The_Jack_of_Clubcool 6.10 is released06:39
FunnyLookinHatXitium, here's a link for ya  : )06:39
ubotuEdgy will be released around October 26th (*some* timezone) - we don't know at precisely what time of the day it will be finalized and published for download. Please be patient!06:39
FunnyLookinHatXitium, http://ubuntu-releases.cs.umn.edu//6.10/06:39
CientificoLocojrib, are you there?06:39
Vuenguys, mplayer says i'm missing this:06:39
VuenWin32 LoadLibrary failed to load: avisynth.dll, /usr/lib/win32/avisynth.dll, /usr/local/lib/win32/avisynth.dll06:39
Vuenhow do i get it?06:40
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The_Jack_of_Clubis it released...06:40
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RhiNoCan someone please run me through how to remove my shit from ndiswrapper?06:40
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RancidLMwhat is the command to run another Xsession?06:40
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DigitalNinjaHow do I reinstall grub? I did an install of knoppix on the second drive (sdb). I need to put grub back on the first drive (sda)06:40
ianmacgregorRancidLM: startx -- 1:  I believe06:41
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The_Jack_of_Clubits not released06:41
rebelfallenwhat is a good scan range for a 1024x768 monitor? My settings are:     HorizSync    31.5 - 48.5   /   VertRefresh  40.0 - 60.0    but the monitor still says "OUT OF SCAN RANGE 64.0kHz/ 60Hz"06:41
The_Jack_of_Clubgot my hopes up with the changed front page06:41
RhiNoCan anyone help me Remove whats already in my ndiswrapper?06:41
norbert_cThe_Jack_of_Club, its nearly lunchtime here too...06:42
SaLsIcHaubuntu 6.10 is out o.O06:42
ianmacgregorrebelfallen: The best thing you can do is get your monitor make/model and google for specs.06:42
Vuencrack open the shampagne!06:42
RhiNoglobe are you there?06:42
rebelfallenI already have tried06:42
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SaLsIcHaand i don't speek english @_@06:42
ianmacgregorrebelfallen: What make/model is the monitor (and what company)?06:43
The_Jack_of_Clubis it or isnt it?06:43
SaLsIcHawww.ubuntu.com :P06:43
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XitiumRhiNo: http://ndiswrapper.sourceforge.net/mediawiki/index.php/Uninstall06:43
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norbert_cits on front page in text only...06:43
The_Jack_of_Clubuh huh06:43
The_Jack_of_Clubwelp its close06:43
=== Xitium wants to download it right now.. cry!
mneptonnot now. but soon. promise.06:44
=== jbroome stops seeding the RC torrent and hops on the final
Xitiumto pass the time Im gonna install fc6 and check it out06:44
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RhiNoty that worked quick06:44
CientificoLocojrib, are you there?06:44
CientificoLocojrib, are you there?06:44
The_Jack_of_Clubim still on my first real ubuntu install and i gotta say its the best ive ever used so i wanna be one of the first to get 6.1006:44
mneptonXitium: you could check out yesterday's daily build of Edgy ....06:44
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globewhat is the point of runlevels?06:45
timhudsonhmmm... Is there a way to speed up the trackpad of a G4 ibook in 6.06?06:45
Xitiummnepton: I could but Im only got one cd left and all the stores are currently closed :P06:45
mneptonyou're not going to get FC6 on a single CD06:46
XitiumI have it burned on a dvd06:46
hyperpenguinHi there! I'm looking to upgrade to Edgy, but my Dapper box doesn't think it needs any updates, even after apt-get update and then dist-upgrade. Any ideas?06:46
ianmacgregorXitium: FC6 is five cd's06:46
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jbroomehyperpenguin: yeah, wait for the final release06:46
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The_Jack_of_Clubfc5 was a big disappointment to me06:46
hyperpenguinThe final release isn't out yet? That'd do it... lol06:47
spdfhyperpenguin, your repos are likely pointing to dapper still.06:47
hyperpenguinAh right, they are.06:47
XitiumThe_Jack_of_Club: me too I'm not expecting too much with 606:47
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hyperpenguinSo I judt change every instance of "dapper" to "edgy" in sources.list?06:47
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rredd4hper  yes06:48
amicrawlehow do i get lxdvdrip in dapper06:48
wikijeffSo is the final version of edgy out now?06:48
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ubotuEdgy will be released around October 26th (*some* timezone) - we don't know at precisely what time of the day it will be finalized and published for download. Please be patient!06:48
The_Jack_of_Clubwikijeff: not yet06:48
The_Jack_of_Clubbut any moment now it will be06:48
globehyperpenguin: I would bet that if you give it time, you will get a dist-upgrade notify06:48
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amicrawlei'm trying to copy a dvd to iso so i can make may copies06:48
mikepencehello all06:48
_samuelwhen is 6.10 out?06:48
hyperpenguinOkay, thanks for the help, and sorry about the idiotic question.06:48
wikijeffThe_Jack_of_Club, I'm on the edge of my seat. no pun intended06:48
mikepencethis is my first night with kubuntu06:48
SeawardHey all, could someone give me some time to help me with a DHCP server issue I'm having on ubuntu please?06:48
The_Jack_of_Clubme too06:49
rredd4the ubuntu.com web page has 6.10 on it instead of 6.0606:49
naliothSeaward: if you ask a question06:49
The_Jack_of_Clubi have been really impressed by 6.06 so im totally there on 6.1006:49
Autonomy_samuel: Probably a matter of hours :p Maybe minutes... Who knows! :)06:49
ubotuEdgy will be released around October 26th (*some* timezone) - we don't know at precisely what time of the day it will be finalized and published for download. Please be patient!06:49
Xitiumrredd4 yeah but I can't find a download06:49
mikepencewow, too many users in here06:49
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phire_NZwhat time is it in PDT?06:49
rredd4Xitium oh, i have not looked06:49
amicrawlemike welcome to the world of Linux06:50
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=== Topic for #ubuntu: Official Ubuntu support channel | Support options: http://www.ubuntu.com/support | FAQ: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CommonQuestions | IRC info: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRCResourcePage | Pastes to Pastebin: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/ | WARNING: nvidia driver has a security problem with a hotfix available from nvidia here: http://www.nvidia.com/object/unix.html
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(wastrel/#ubuntu) why not just follow the howtos rather than trust a "use at your own risk" script06:52
(Kawaii-Panda/#ubuntu) anyone want to brainstorm new features for edgy +2, go to #ubuntu+2. thank you for listening to my (spammy) message. have a nice day.06:53
(Born_In_Xixax/#ubuntu) I assume it's all been debated06:53
(Kawaii-Panda/#ubuntu) theres so little people there.06:53
(Born_In_Xixax/#ubuntu) :)06:53
=== ArrenLex [n=alex@S01060040052da362.ed.shawcable.net] has joined #ubuntu
(ianmacgregor/#ubuntu) wastrel: That's been my question for quite a while06:53
(amicrawle/#ubuntu) in a closed world your computer in a box can't see out of the box! Only what they want you to see!06:53
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(CientificoLoco/#ubuntu) somebody can help me to install the new version of firefox on my laptop06:53
ictoanthbtyare there torrents of edgy yet?06:53
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(Born_In_Xixax/#ubuntu) for me it's far easier, saves many hours of frustrating reading/configuring06:54
(amicrawle/#ubuntu) dapper is the latests06:54
(Born_In_Xixax/#ubuntu) but yes, it's caused me problems too, and shouldn't be recommended on any system you're not willing to trash06:54
(Born_In_Xixax/#ubuntu) so, no more will be spoken06:54
=== Xitium thinks reading is hard!
(CientificoLoco/#ubuntu) somebody can help me to install the new version of firefox on my laptop06:54
[SUDO] Tuxjoin /#sudo06:54
(globe/#ubuntu) can ubuntu install osx programs?06:54
(amicrawle/#ubuntu) yes06:54
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=== barnetod [n=barnetod@12-226-49-52.client.mchsi.com] has joined #ubuntu
amicrawlesudo apt-get upgrade firefox06:55
Fujitsuglobe: Ubuntu != OS X06:55
barnetodsup guys06:55
=== Ademan [n=dan@h-67-101-148-217.snfccasy.dynamic.covad.net] has joined #ubuntu
The_Jack_of_Clubwhen is firefox 2 gonna be in the repos?06:55
jbroomeglobe: no06:55
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barnetodhey anyone know of a link for the official 6.10 release?06:55
jbroomethere isn't one yet06:55
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The_Jack_of_Clubbarnetod: not yet06:55
barnetodblarg lol06:55
ArrenLexJack: In dapper? Never, since edgy comes out tomorrow. In edgy? It is already.06:55
Autonomybarnetod: nope! :p06:55
amicrawlei have 6.1006:55
ictoanthbty6.10 rc?06:56
barnetodi downloaded release candidate last night06:56
|thunderEDGY !   TOMORROW ??!?06:56
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GhostFreemanwhen is 6.10 coming out?06:56
Autonomyamicrawl? what... RC! ???06:56
rredd4amicrawle  rc>06:56
The_Jack_of_Cluboh thats cool06:56
barnetodtoday :)06:56
ictoanthbtyedgy comes out today :/06:56
ictoanthbtywithin 12 hours06:56
globejbroome: thx06:56
ubotuedgy is the current development version of Ubuntu. Version 6.10, codename "Edgy Eft". For support head to #ubuntu+1. For its release schedule, see !schedule06:56
ArrenLexThe 26th.06:56
tj__barnetod: http://www.ubuntu.com/news/EdgyReleaseCandidate?highlight=%28release%29%7C%28edgy%29 (thats the best i've found)06:56
ubotuUbuntu uses a strict timetable for releases, which means that sometimes newly released programs miss the timetable. See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/TimeBasedReleases for more. Edgy schedule: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/EdgyReleaseSchedule06:56
ArrenLexWhether that's tomorrow or today depends on your timezone.06:56
Tateymust be getting close to release06:56
ictoanthbtytoday damnit06:56
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about cifs - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi06:56
ictoanthbtythats why i think there should be torrents alreay :/06:56
kismet_ATI Driver question: is the 'ati' driver okay for use with Xgl/Beryl, or do I need the 'fglrx'?06:56
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FujitsuTatey: Why?06:56
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ArrenLexksimet: you need fglrx. ati offers no 3D acceleration.06:56
The_Jack_of_Clubits tomarrow in 4 minutes here06:56
barnetodim loading my first copy of ubuntu when 6.10 comes out06:57
amicrawlegot in in linuxformat lat month06:57
barnetodbeen runnign two dogs06:57
The_Jack_of_Clubso my guess is tomarrow :P06:57
ictoanthbtyi tried just visiting the 6.10 ftp pages instead of 6.06, but theyre still on RC06:57
TateyFujitsu: the ubuntu.com home page has been upated06:57
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rebelfallenI just entered the specs directly into xorg.conf and it still displays the OUT OF SCAN RANGE error06:57
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CientificoLocosomebody can help me to install the new version of firefox on my laptop06:57
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amicrawlesudo apt-get upgrade firefox06:57
ictoanthbtyyea about ubuntu page being updated,06:57
amicrawlesudo apt-get upgrade firefox06:57
amicrawlesudo apt-get upgrade firefox06:57
ictoanthbtydoes that mean theyre about to announce its released?06:57
barnetodit did get announced06:57
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jmworxAnyone else has got gnome applets crashing all the time?06:58
ictoanthbtyfantastic, you are06:58
kismet_ArrenLex: there seems 2 ways to get fglrx, one is from ATI.com, any suggestion?06:58
ictoanthbtywhere is it then06:58
barnetodnot uploaded06:58
Tateymirrors aren't linked yet06:58
ictoanthbtythere you go, not released :/06:58
FujitsuIt didn't get announced. The website got updated prematurely.06:58
barnetodall the stoner gotta wake up and put on their college servers06:58
ArrenLexkismet: use the one from the ubuntu repositories. It's so much easier.06:58
ubotuTo install the Ati/NVidia drivers for your video card, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto06:58
FujitsuThere's no announcement.06:58
barnetodhey guys what are some tips to look for as far as first install06:59
=== ViODREAM [n=viodream@eu85-86-209-216.clientes.euskaltel.es] has joined #ubuntu
barnetodive already read about possible wireless issues06:59
ArrenLexbarnetod: if the livecd boots fine you're set =)06:59
kismet_Thanks, ArrenLex!06:59
tj__get swiftfox, makes life easier06:59
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barnetodgood to hear arren :)06:59
phlosten-lunchbarnetod: unlearn every about windows06:59
=== Byro [n=Byro@ppp-68-89-233-180.dsl.bumttx.swbell.net] has joined #ubuntu
barnetodphlosten i only use windows at work06:59
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barnetodbeen using yellowdog06:59
ArrenLextj: swiftfox = firefox + compiler optimisations - GPL + proprietary license06:59
ArrenLexWhat's so great about that?06:59
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jbroomemath is hard06:59
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barnetodjbroome what you working on?07:00
RhiNook i have ubuntu recognising in device manager that i indeed have my wireless card installed but i cannot connect to my wireless network anyone able to help?07:00
wastreljbroome & barbie agree07:00
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ictoanthbtyArrenLex any imporvements in swiftfox?07:00
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azurealif i do 'aptitude update', will that change my apt-cache search results?07:00
brosnanArrenLex: you can't remove the gpl from the code07:00
barnetodphlosten if i forgot everything about windows i would be out of a job :)07:00
ubotuWireless documentation can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs07:00
tj__arrenlex: it is just nice to have a slightly faster browser :b07:01
ArrenLexictonathbty: No. You will not get nothing noticeable. I suppose you could recompile the whole gecko engine with optimisations, and maybe get a tenth of a second speed increase, but if so why aren't you running gentoo?07:01
Madpilotbrosnan, Firefox is multi-lic, actually07:01
ictoanthbtyfully :P:07:01
RhiNoyea the wifi howto dont workw ortha poop07:01
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tj__wireless >> network-manager-gnome07:01
phire_NZ6.10 been released?07:01
wastrelfirefox has some copyrighted artwork and some standard non-oss extensions07:01
barnetodshould i even try to dual boot my laptop?07:01
brosnanMadpilot: I am well aware of that, it is tri lic MPL, GPL, LPGL07:01
wastrelhence the iceweasel thing07:01
ictoanthbtyi wanna have 6.10 before tomorrow so i have time to install and play before work :/07:01
phire_NZwebsite updated07:01
ArrenLexbrosnan: that is correct, swiftfox licenses the source under the same license mozilla does; it has to. The binaries are proprietary, however.07:02
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rredd4amicrawle  when you installed edgy, did it tell you that you had to have ubuntu-desktop installed?07:02
Fujitsuphire_NZ: It's not been released, the website seems to have been updated prematurely.07:02
wastrelcan we put a note about edgy not being released yet in the topic?07:02
wastrelin caps07:02
ArrenLexSee? I quote: binaries provided by getswiftfox.com are not licensed MPL and therefore are not freely distributable.  The license to use Swiftfox extends to the user that              downloads Swiftfox from this web site.  No one may repackage or redistribute Swiftfox binaries in any form without prior permission.07:02
The_Jack_of_Clubin my linux laptop i just put in my belkin wireless card and it worked right off and i couldnt get it to work in my windows laptop because it wouldnt use the drivers on the cd07:02
ArrenLex(that's from their site)07:02
ictoanthbtythanks ArrenLex07:02
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ictoanthbtyone wonders why theyd do that07:02
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MadpilotArrenLex, so what lic is it under, given that the only other two choices are GPL & LGPL?07:03
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ArrenLexMadpilot: swiftbox binaries are distributed under their own non-free license. The source code is available under the MPL because it has to be.07:03
ictoanthbtyor are they just plain ignoring OS licenses07:03
babodoes anyone know how to convert this sting into utf8 ?07:03
ArrenLexictonathbty: the answer to that is on their site also:   Please also note that the licensing restrictions were put in place to safeguard Swiftfox users against the possibility of obtaining tainted versions from anyone who may wish to maliciously alter the binary and redistribute it.07:04
MadpilotArrenLex, well, that bites.07:04
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rredd4The_Jack_of_Club  thats great, i have a netgear and had to configure it with ndiswrapper.  took a while to learn how to do it..07:04
rredd4now its easy07:04
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The_Jack_of_Clubas long as it works i guess07:05
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rredd4i have a lexmark printer, its a nightmare to config07:05
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barnetodlol rredd try epson07:05
Madpilotrredd4, Lexmark are, they're best avoided.07:05
barnetodthe propietary software to make it fully functional is a joke07:06
|thundermy epson installed over the network like a charm07:06
ArrenLexrredd4: lexmark is hit and miss. My laser printer runs with a single ppd file; my cheap colour inkjet doesn't run at all. Lexmark sucks.07:06
phlosten-lunchepson rock in linux07:06
barnetodthunder you have an all in one?07:06
mesolooking for help getting my laptop to boot ubunto off of a USB-2 drive07:06
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The_Jack_of_Clubi have a canon printer that will connect but when it prints it comes out garbled07:06
The_Jack_of_Clubi gave up trying with it07:06
mesoit has usb as one of the boot options, and I have it ahead of the hard drive07:06
|thunderbarnetod; cant remember the model. but its a regular injet with the memort stick/usb inputs for pictures.07:07
barnetodthunder mines an all in one07:07
mesoI've tried all sorts of stuff, recommended by folks on this forum, and I can boot the ubuntu on the external drive but the boot itself is coming from the hard drive.07:07
barnetodand the required epson smart panel software kills me07:07
mesoANy ideas?07:07
ictoanthbtymeso i dont know much about it, but have you loaded the proper image onto the thumb drive?07:07
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barnetodsad thing is if you lose the cd you must purchase a new 80 dollar cd07:07
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barnetodwith one 5 meg program07:07
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|thundermeso; sounds like the boot loader still has to be local07:08
tj__meso: make a linux partition on the drive?07:08
mesoit isn't a thumb drive, it's a 60gb hard drive07:08
rredd4like linuxprinting.org says, lexmark is a paperweight.  and thats putting it nicely...07:08
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mesohow do I get the bootloader onto the external?07:08
ictoanthbtyinstall to the drive?07:08
ictoanthbtythatll work nicely07:08
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mesoalready did install to the drive about 20 tmes :-(07:08
barnetodthis honestly has to be the most useful irc channel on earth07:08
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ictoanthbtyubuntu has nice userbase07:09
ToHellWithGAbarnetod: #latex is more beautiful07:09
mesoit may be one of the ONL useful IRC channels :-)07:09
ictoanthbty(mostly :P)07:09
barnetodim glad im switching to it then07:09
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ictoanthbtymeso so the drive doesnt have boot preference, youre saying?07:09
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mesothe boot doesn't come from the drive, even when it has preference in the bios07:10
exhalewhat time is it in the USA now?07:10
ictoanthbtywhich part of the usa :P07:10
barnetodeast coast07:10
exhaleidk, central?07:10
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sivikexhale, its 12:10 for me and i live in texas07:10
ictoanthbtywheres my goddamn torrents >.<07:11
ianmacgregorWed Oct 25 22:10:59 PDT 200607:11
mesoI was only get it to boot at all by editing the main drive's grub menu file and adding it.07:11
barnetodict what you looking for :)07:11
ArrenLexictonathbty: what torrents are these?07:11
ictoanthbtyArrenLex i want edgy torrents07:11
barnetodi have a terrabyte of them lol07:11
exhaleits edgy day today, no?07:11
ictoanthbtyexhale yes07:11
ArrenLexictonathbty: is apt-get update && apt-get dist-upgrade too good for you?07:11
exhaleyay :D07:11
ictoanthbtymeso is that not what you want?07:11
ictoanthbtyArrenLex its not good enough07:11
mesoit's 2210 for me in AZ and 1910 for my brother in Hawaii07:11
ictoanthbty*running windows*07:12
ubotuEdgy will be released around October 26th (*some* timezone) - we don't know at precisely what time of the day it will be finalized and published for download. Please be patient!07:12
ArrenLexYeah, I guess not. xD07:12
barnetodict i thought i was the only outsider07:12
mesoicto - no, I'd like it to boot directly from the HD rather than relyingon the internal drive07:12
ictoanthbtyi like clean upgrades07:12
ictoanthbtyis that weird?07:12
sivikits 12:10 central07:12
barnetodno ict07:12
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ictoanthbtyi have no expereince with unclean ones under linux07:12
sivikictoanthbty, no, its personal preference07:12
ArrenLexictonathby: aptitude is pretty clean afaik.07:12
barnetodi will tell you first hand07:12
exhaleictoanthbty, no its perfectly healthy07:12
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sivikictoanthbty, its really not that hard07:12
ArrenLexictonathbty: I'm going to say your name because everyone else is.07:13
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nailerso...final out yet?07:13
ictoanthbtymeso what happens if the main drive isnt there? ie nothing to boot from?07:13
barnetodif ubuntu is anything like siemens or bosch software then never upgrade :)07:13
ictoanthbtyis the drive just totally ignored?07:13
sivikictoanthbty, all you have to do is change the sources.list from dapper to edgy and then run apt-get/aptitude update & apt-get/aptitude dist-upgrade07:13
ianmacgregorictoanthbty: I like to install from the cd because I tried that update && upgrade and it broke almost everything in my Ubuntu.07:13
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nailer<3 iorek707:13
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nailer<3 iovar, ahem07:13
sivikiovar, is it already out?07:13
nailertho iorek7 gets love oo07:13
nailerjust less07:13
GeeBee /msg NickServ IDENTIFY07:13
mesoicto, I don't know. I have a brand new laptop and reallyh don't want to void the warranty by pulling the internal drive.07:13
barnetoddamn 3 meg/s good site :)07:13
iovarit's on the pool!07:13
tj__ianmacgregor: i found that just using gksudo "update-manager -c -d" worked fine07:14
ictoanthbtymeso disconnect ide/sata and power?07:14
nailersomeone topic it07:14
mesoIt looks, however, as if the drive is totally ignored - it's light doesn't blink (although the LED on it is not very good as disk lites go)07:14
barnetodmeso i replaced my hard drive efore turning it on07:14
mesoicto - this is a laptop07:14
=== nailer peed in the pool - sorry
ictoanthbtylol okay. i cant help you :(07:14
barnetodlol nailer07:14
sivikmeso- then take it back to where you bought it or call the company who made it and tell them it doesn't seem to be working07:14
ictoanthbty*downloading isos*07:14
rredd4tj__ did that ask you to install ubuntu-desktop07:14
mesogood idea and I would have tried it, if I could07:14
barnetodhey guys how painful would it be to dual boot ubuntu and xp?07:14
Fujitsubarnetod: Not.07:14
barnetodgood :)07:15
sivikbarnetod, i do it on my desktop currently07:15
Autonomy<barnetod>: not at all! :p07:15
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ArrenLexbarnetod: it's super-easy. Just make sure to install XP first.07:15
barnetodi still need xp for something07:15
mesois there anyway I can verify that the bios indeed is not checking it?07:15
tj__rredd4: i ot the desktop version from it07:15
sivikbarnetod, install xp and then linux07:15
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sivikmeso: do you see it in bios07:15
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Born_In_Xixaxif you xp needs are minimal, run it in vmware :)07:15
mesoThe BIOS claims to be able to boot from USB Flash, but perhaps the drive doesn't exactly emulate flash07:15
rredd4tj__ ot?07:15
mesoI do not see it in the bios07:15
sivikmeso: maybe bios doesn't even see the drive07:15
joincampdoes anyone use the engage dock?07:15
ictoanthbtyyay malloc disk space on iso07:15
mesobut both XP and Ubunto can use it07:15
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sivikmeso, then there is a problem07:16
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rawrnessThe Ubuntu site is now showing Edgy!07:16
ictoanthbtyi wasnt aware there was vmware for linux :S07:16
ArrenLexmeso: it's called ubuntu. Explain to me how you managed to join this channel without knowing that.07:16
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ArrenLexictonathbty: of course there is. And it's beer-free.07:16
AdamKilihow do i change the default torrent manager to Azureus?07:16
mesoI suspect that perhaps the bios doesn't see it, but if that's so, why does it claim to boot from pen drives? I guess maybe I should build something on a pen drive and try. Anyone know a handy distribution07:16
barnetodthe barnetod is now downloading edgy! :)07:16
ictoanthbtyArrenLex couldnt just using vmware as a kind of layer fix all the issues with wine/cedega?07:17
|thunderAdamKili; ive been trying to figure that out for months07:17
ictoanthbtyor am i thinking like a douche07:17
barnetodi hope iovar this isn't the RC07:17
Kawaii-Pandamy synaptic slowed down from 48kbps to 6kbps07:17
mesoArrenLex - what's your problem?07:17
rawrnessBut don't have the offical release isos up yet....07:17
sivikKawaii-Panda, thats cause everyone and their mother is probably downloading stuff07:17
ArrenLexictonathbty: yes, running a complete emulated operating system will probably solve emulation issues. However, it's really not what the wine project aims to achieve.07:17
ictoanthbtyits a quick fix07:18
ictoanthbtyand could work, but i dont know how07:18
ictoanthbtyif i knew these things id try to make it07:18
ArrenLexMake what?07:18
ictoanthbtyand then be like 'everything windows runs in linux'07:18
BHSPitLappybarnetod, from what source?07:18
BHSPitLappyrawrness, nuh uh07:18
barnetodiovar posted it i hope it isnt the RC07:18
ictoanthbtymmm 104 kb down07:18
rawrness> BS07:18
AdamKili| thunder: are u joking?07:18
barnetodone sec bhsp07:18
sivikoh wait, is there really anything that windows can run that is linux?07:19
FunnyLookinHatPlease stop posting links....   Most of these are not linked as official because they are NOT the release, they are just the RC.07:19
ictoanthbtyall the rcs are called ubuntu-6.10-rc-desktop-i286.iso so this isnt rc07:19
ArrenLexsivik: cygwin?07:19
globeis there a way to turn up the volume of flashplayer?  my system vol has to be cranked to hear anything from it07:19
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BHSPitLappybarnetod, why use the mirror site07:19
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mesobarnetod - the ubuntu desktop is what i installed. Can I install it to Flash? Flash is usually pretty tricky07:20
mneptonsivik: OpenOffice? Firefox? The GIMP?07:20
AdamKili|thunder: are you joking?07:20
globesivik: putty?07:20
sivikthats only cause they have a version of cygwin that is compiled as windows07:20
barnetodlol i followed the first link bhsp07:20
thelonerCould someone PM me, I'm having trouble installing Ubuntu on my PC07:20
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barnetodim downloading a meg a sec07:20
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barnetodso im not complaining07:20
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Fujitsubarnetod: To install flash, install the flashplugin-nonfree package.07:20
Nafalloguess what folks. the release manager who will do the release is still asleep.07:20
ArrenLextheloner: just ask; chances are someone will be able to help you.07:20
FujitsuOops, that should have been to meso ^^07:20
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ictoanthbtyi wish i had that kind of connection :(07:20
=== eternalswd [n=eternals@wcnat-41-47.wheaton.edu] has joined #ubuntu
ubuntuany 6.10 torrent up yet?07:20
barnetodict i had to fight my isp07:20
barnetodi took them to court07:20
ianmacgregorBHSPitLappy: That link you posted are release candidates.07:21
Fujitsuubuntu, it hasn't been released yet.07:21
ictoanthbtyubuntu no torrents07:21
crassthe network manager always tells me that there is no netowrk connection for wireless, does anyone else get this?07:21
ictoanthbtybarnetod lol07:21
barnetodim serious07:21
mesoFujitsu... that will let me install the desktop onto the flash?07:21
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BHSPitLappyianmacgregor, scroll down further07:21
sivikcrass, my wireless never works07:21
barnetodi was paying for 10meg/sec service07:21
Fujitsumeso, oh, on a flash drive?07:21
yitzleBusy in here!07:21
barnetodand they wouldnt come out and fix the line noise07:21
barnetodso i couldn't get into my work domain07:21
Fujitsucrass, ensure that your wireless card isn't reference in /etc/network/interfaces.07:21
crasssivik: I've gotten wireless to work fine, but not with network manager07:21
ianmacgregorBHSPitLappy: Look at the end of each 6.10 line.. it says "Release Candidate"07:21
barnetodand i called 80 times07:21
ictoanthbtybarnetod lol you got pwnd :(07:21
bdragonmsl_funny thing, the main page of ubuntu shows 6.10 though.  But to download it they have only 6.0607:21
sivikcrass, that must be nice07:21
CheekyBoincGood Morning07:21
barnetodfor service tech07:21
barnetodnow i et free internet07:22
BHSPitLappyianmacgregor, not the file names07:22
crasssivik: you need some help?07:22
barnetodand had money returned07:22
barnetodfor 12 monthes07:22
ArrenLexbdragonmsl: this is called the Macromedia Flash effect.07:22
sivikbdragonmsl_, 6.10 will be out within the next day or so07:22
ictoanthbtyexcellent xD07:22
sivikMacromedia doesn't exsist anymore, its adobe07:22
BHSPitLappyianmacgregor, and the ones without "rc" in the file names, are just a few hours old07:22
barnetodict i would shut down a production line07:22
barnetodat work07:22
crassFujitsu: it is in there07:22
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mesoFujitsu... what I really want to do is boot ubuntu from my external USB2 HD, but there is the suggestion that the bios isn't seeing it, and I am just looking for a way to diagnose the problem without having to dig all the way down into the low levels of the boot process - which would take days of time that I don't have07:22
barnetodwhen i would dial in07:22
barnetodto monitor it07:22
ArrenLexI know. But until a few days ago, Macromedia was all that existed for us.07:22
thelonerWell, so I tried installing it/running it. I have the  Ubuntu 6.06 LTS.  I put the cd in a run it, and it unpacks and all (with the coloured logo, showing the tasks and "OK")  Afterward, the text is white as though it is a command prompt, and it laods some more things.. the nitty gritty things, like hardware.. I remmeber it saying "RAID " smoething.. "Enterprise Volume Manager"...   "Hardware Support" or something...  After that entire07:22
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ictoanthbtyit looks like the link is indeed an RC07:22
bdragonmsl_yeah, but it's still funy that they have what looks like their release page already made up07:22
crassFujitsu: should I remove it?07:22
sivikArrenLex, Macromedia got bought out a few months ago07:22
Fujitsucrass, remove it. That'll stop NetworkManager from working with it.07:22
barnetodis it ???07:22
sivikcrass: its broadcom07:22
thelonerI'm not reallya  newb with computers. I've used Fedora barely before,07:23
AdamKilihow do i change the default torrent manager to Azureus?07:23
ArrenLexsivik: I'm perfectly aware, I assure you.07:23
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anilomkaris Ubuntu 6.10 is officially released?07:23
BHSPitLappyictoanthbty, well, it's better than all those mirror links that are circulating07:23
crasssivik: do you have the kernel drivers for it>07:23
ianmacgregorBHSPitLappy: Oh well, doesn't matter to me, I"m staying on Dapper since it has support for 3 years.07:23
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ArrenLexanilomkar: no.07:23
Fujitsuanilomkar: No.07:23
mneptonAdamKili: right-click a .torrent and choose Properties07:23
Nafalloanilomkar: no07:23
bdragonmsl_bet they are getting emails from loads of people saying they want it and that their site says 6.10 and there's no download07:23
BHSPitLappyArrenLex, uhh, yeah... that's REALLY old news07:23
AdamKilioh ya that way i 4got07:23
=== Cyberheh [n=hmm@dsl-146-236-27.telkomadsl.co.za] has joined #ubuntu
BHSPitLappymacromedia's web site has redirected to adobe for months now07:24
ArrenLexianmacgregor: support = bugfixes. Your packages will become ancient.07:24
ubuntuUbuntu tem shouldnt upload this pic....http://www.ubuntu.com/Welcome?action=AttachFile&do=get&target=edgy-cover2.jpg07:24
ArrenLexBHSPitLappy: I. KNOW. THIS.07:24
ictoanthbtyBHSPitLappy what? the link on .pool looks like RC07:24
sivikcrass: yes, its natavely installed in anything later than 2.6.15 (ubuntu) and i have the newest firmware, but it never picks up wireless connections avaliable07:24
Lam_totem gives me a "could not determine type of stream" on my mp3 file.  mplayer and rythembox give similar errors.  mp3s work, but this collection of them doesn't seem to want to.  it is as if something stripped recognition from them07:24
crassFujitsu: what creates thaqt file and why is it in there?  there is stuff for other interfaces too07:24
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ianmacgregorArrenLex: Fine with me.07:24
Fujitsucrass, remove the stuff about the wireless only.07:24
jbroomenice mullet on the guy @ 3 o'clock07:24
BHSPitLappyArrenLex, did you hear they changed the name of Attack of the Show?07:24
barnetodwell when adobe purchases macromedia i would hope it points to adobe :)07:24
Fujitsucrass, it may be created on installation, or through the network preferences tool.07:24
ianmacgregorArrenLex: If it works, no need to fix it :)07:24
mesoanyone here know the low level sequence of booting - how the bios knows if a storage device is bootable?07:24
ArrenLexVHSPitLappy: the name of what a what now?07:24
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ArrenLexLam_: I don't know. How about uploading one so we can see?07:24
sivikpm crass07:24
crassFujitsu: does the network preferences tool not work with the network manager?07:25
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Fujitsucrass, correct. If you use it with any interfaces, NetworkManager will ignore them.07:25
ictoanthbtymeso perhaps youre better off looking for help elsewhere.. this is a ubuntu channel, not external drives :/07:25
crasssivik: have you done iwlist <iface> --scan in the presense of a network?07:25
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sivikcrass: yes07:25
crassFujitsu: thanks, that's it07:25
sivikcrass: it never picks up crap07:26
sivikcrass, and the wireless is sitting like 18 inches from me07:26
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crasssivik: are you sure its not a driver issue?07:26
sivikcrass: yes i know, the driver is integrated in the kernel already07:26
Lam_ArrenLex: http://rapidshare.com/files/714166/101_-_Atb_Feat._Wild_Strawberries_-_Let_U_Go.mp3.html07:26
=== Tomcat_` is now known as Tomcat_
Lam_anyone else can have a crack at it too if they want07:26
mesoicto... it is ubuntu I want on there, because I love ubuntu compared to other things. My drive is fine - it works with ubuntu and XP, it just doesn't boot ubuntu. I don't even know how to install XP to it without messing up my internal drive.07:26
ictoanthbtywhat is it?07:26
=== Cyber_Stalker is now known as Cyber_School
hsingarajahWould someone be able to assist me with my problem?  So I tried installing it/running it. I have the  Ubuntu 6.06 LTS.  I put the cd in a run it, and it unpacks and all (with the coloured logo, showing the tasks and "OK")  Afterward, the text is white as though it is a command prompt, and it laods some more things.. the nitty gritty things, like hardware.. I remmeber it saying "RAID " smoething.. "Enterprise Volume Manager"...   "Ha07:27
sivikmeso: install windows first07:27
ictoanthbtymeso my next question would have been can you get windows booting from it...07:27
crasssivik: just because its in the kernel doesn't mean it works with your model07:27
spanglesontoasthow do I add the terminal on right click07:27
ArrenLexWow. That was the hardest download I've ever started.07:27
barnetodwanna good laugh check this mess up out07:27
Lam_lol yeah i know. i hate rapidshare.  it was the only one that could come to my head though07:27
mesoicto - my drive is a 60GB passport - neat little thing about the size of a passport but 1/2 inch thick, and powered from the USB-2 port.07:27
barnetodlam gigasize07:27
hsingarajahRapid share is so limiited. I hate it: (07:27
sivikcrass: well, i have to download the firmware and put it in the /lib/firmware and the guys that made the bloody driver say it works for my card07:27
barnetodgigasize is great07:28
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crassFujitsu: didn't seem to do anything.  I made the file contain nothing, and restarted nm-applet07:28
sivikcrass: its a bcm431807:28
ictoanthbtymeso yes thats a little irrelevant ^^07:28
yitzle@hsingarajah: Freezes?07:28
Lam_i'll remember those for future reference. thanks07:28
mesoicto - yep!07:28
hsingarajah@yitzle YES07:28
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mesoicto - well, yes, but you asked07:28
Fujitsucrass, run killall NetworkManager, then sudo NetworkManager07:28
hsingarajahThe UNDERSCORE, stops BLINKING07:28
bimberispanglesontoast: install nautilus-open-terminal07:28
FujitsuThat'll restart it.07:28
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crasssivik: deos dmesg say anything about it?07:28
ictoanthbtymeso.. did i?07:28
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ubotuPLEASE DON'T SHOUT! We can read lowercase too.07:28
ictoanthbtyohh lol that was directed at lam07:28
sivikcrass: the only time it works, is when i do a fresh install of dapper, but as soon as i either update packages or dist-upgrade, it never works again07:28
mesoyeah @ 22:2607:28
ArrenLexLam_: checked it out in a hexeditor. That file is completely blank -- all zeros. Nothing's going to play that. =P07:28
yitzleTech support needed!07:29
sivikhsingarajah, you can page up07:29
barnetodlam whats the mp3s of?07:29
Lam_oh wow. i guess i should have looked at the hex07:29
hsingarajahsivik, I'm sorry?07:29
Lam_it's all 0?07:29
ictoanthbtylol nothing apparently07:29
Lam_barnetod: vocal trance07:29
sivikhsingarajah, what are you sorry about?07:29
mesooh well07:29
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barnetodwhat artist?07:29
ArrenLexLam_: yes.07:29
=== Caplain [n=matt@22.detroit-06-08rs.mi.dial-access.att.net] has joined #ubuntu
Lam_barnetod: random collection of artists.  nothing in particular07:29
rawrnessVwooshing at the pace of snails07:30
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ianmacgregorLam_: Is that really an Ubuntu issue?07:30
ictoanthbtyi thought ubuntu was released on a dvd07:30
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barnetodi have too much trance07:30
Lam_ArrenLex: thanks for the heads up. i guess i'll have to relook into that.07:30
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hsingarajahI mean, I beg your pardon? What do you mean by paging up? I'm reading through the chat, I know what's going on.07:30
barnetodim always looking for new stuff07:30
Fujitsuictoanthbty: Both.07:30
ArrenLexLam_: where did you get this mysterious blank file?07:30
hsingarajahDo you want me to read the previous messages posted?07:30
mesoicgto, you can get it on dvd or cd07:30
Lam_ianmacgregor: it originally was, until i found out the mp3 itself was blank. :)07:30
hsingarajaherm sent?07:30
barnetodoink fills the hard drive quick07:30
Lam_ArrenLex: gftp into a friend's ftp server07:30
ictoanthbtyFujitsu what?07:30
rawrnessdvd is sh hiney07:30
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FujitsuIt is released on a CD and a DVD.07:30
rawrnessit has both live and alt install07:30
ictoanthbtywhy would you need a dvd for it if it fits on cd07:30
ArrenLexLam: did you borrow something from this "friend" and forget to return it? =P I think he may be ticked at you.07:31
bdragonmsl_what's the diff between the cd and dvd?07:31
rawrnessdvd dos07:31
ictoanthbtyoh right07:31
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ictoanthbtykay ^^07:31
SaLsIcHabarnetod, How did you found that link?07:31
Lam_ArrenLex: lol no. nothing of the sort. it might be some configuration setting or some shit.  i'm not entirely sure07:31
barnetodsal someone posted it in here07:31
barnetodi hope it isnt a renamed rc07:31
Lam_ArrenLex: plus, 40kb/s for 24 hours isn't really pleasant for anyone, ticked off or not ;)07:31
ictoanthbtyit looks like it might be07:31
mesoif it's like debian, the DVD has lots of packages on it (debian has a 2 DVD set that I tried)07:31
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ictoanthbtybut its small anyway07:31
barnetodict i hope not07:31
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barnetodill be pretty pissed07:31
hsingarajahIs there a forum dedicated to tech support?07:31
ictoanthbtybarnetod take a look at http://releases.ubuntu.com/.pool/07:32
mneptonthere have been changes between RC and Final07:32
hsingarajahOr is this like just the general chat channel?07:32
ictoanthbtyscroll down to the one youre downlolading07:32
chylliI cann't input chinese in emacs by fcitx under xubuntu 6.1007:32
ictoanthbtycheck out the description text07:32
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ArrenLexhsingarlaskflksdgla: this is it, sorry. =P07:32
Lam_ArrenLex: but yeah. thanks for that catch. i guess i should have tried a hex editor when i realized it was missing codec information07:32
Flannelhsingarajah: this is the support channel, general chatting happens in #ubuntu-offtopic07:32
mesohsingarajah - I have found tech support here every time I tried07:32
hsingarajahAh I see,07:32
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ArrenLexLam_: "file" is your all-purpose something-is-wrong detector. I ran file on it and it said "data". That was my flag.07:33
hsingarajahI ran that thing that does checksums on all the files of the cd, and it's fine.07:33
barnetodwell file description says rc07:33
hsingarajahPRognosis:.. My computer is retarded?07:33
ictoanthbtybarnetod yeah07:33
=== Neil3 [n=noone@host86-132-111-37.range86-132.btcentralplus.com] has joined #ubuntu
bob4444hello does anyone know if theres any USB modem support in Ubunut Drapper 6.10??????07:33
Lam_ArrenLex: that's good to know.  i'll remember that. thanks a lot07:33
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ictoanthbtybarnetod im going to go with the desc being wrong07:33
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barnetodme too07:33
mesowell... I may just give up on the external boot problem, or try XP on it as a test. Thanks those who tried to help. g'nite07:33
ictoanthbtybecause FC is not in the filename07:33
barnetodlol and get it before the serves explode tomorrow07:33
ictoanthbtybye meso07:33
hsingarajahBye Meso!07:33
ictoanthbtyfully :P07:33
ictoanthbtybut torrents should be up by then07:34
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barnetodlol on public torrents07:34
barnetodi never use public torrents07:34
hsingarajahwhomg he's part of the cia?! *sarcasm*07:34
HeathenDanj ubuntu-offtopic07:34
ictoanthbty... why?07:34
barnetodtoo much confusion07:34
ictoanthbtyare you too good or something?07:34
hsingarajahAm I going to get banned for making sarcastic comments like this07:34
barnetodi always get stuck at 99.907:34
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rawrnesstorrents are like the us postal07:34
=== LedStyle [n=ledstyle@c91567c6.virtua.com.br] has joined #ubuntu
=== Neil3 patiently waits for 6.10, hopefully can start downloading before work this morning :)
hsingarajahIn all seriousness I dont' want to get banned, I need help: (07:34
barnetodict you use oink?07:34
ictoanthbtybarnetod oink?07:35
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barnetodoh boy lol07:35
ictoanthbtybrb gettin foods07:35
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barnetodyou got a decent ratio?07:35
barnetodill invite you to it07:35
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about oink - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi07:35
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ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about meow - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi07:35
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ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about anything - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi07:35
ubotuPlease investigate with me only in /msg or in #ubuntu-bots  -  Abusing the channel bots will only result in angry ops... ;-)07:35
Vichis it possible to get digital audio working on ubuntu?07:35
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Vichi.e. the spdif interface with ac9707:35
barnetodict ill pm you07:36
bob4444hello does anyone know if theres any USB modem support in Ubunut Drapper 6.10??????07:36
ictoanthbtybob4444 what kind of modem07:36
Fujitsubob4444: 6.06, you mean?07:36
rawrnessi think you can get final in the release pool07:36
hsingarajahokay so do you suggest I just order more cds and see if they work?07:36
bob4444Dynalink AL80007:36
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ArrenLexhsingarakfdslkgj: what was your problem again?07:37
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rawrnesstheres two images for the common thingy on says rc on it the otther not07:37
bob4444is there a ECIADSL driver for 6.06?07:37
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ubotuSetting up an ADSL/PPPoE connection? Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ADSLPPPoE07:37
ictoanthbtythere is indeed07:37
rwscoldHEy anyone know when edgy the final release will come out?07:37
Vichconfigure: error: this packages requires a curses library07:37
ictoanthbtyubuntu eciadsl package:07:37
Vichwhat the hell is a curses library?07:37
hsingarajahArrenLex - hsingaraJAH (almost got it, until you mashed the keyboard)  says , "I trid running/installing Ubuntu and it freezes"07:37
rawrnessit should come out today.07:38
Vichit's stopping me installing realtek drivers07:38
barnetodone to dont find in church vich07:38
rwscoldi know today but anyone have a clue what time07:38
ArrenLexhsingarsdkfjsaljfgl: too many random letters = me mashing keyboard =P07:38
rawrnessthe site even says it came out today07:38
rawrnesseven if its not out yet07:38
Neil3rwscold i'm as excited as you are07:38
Vichseriously I'm trying to install realtek audio drivers07:38
Vichsince I use digital speakers07:38
bob4444how do I use the den files? same as RPM?07:38
rawrnessis staying on till release.......07:38
Vichbut the install script halts and complaines about the curses libraru07:38
wastrelVich:  install  libncurses5-dev07:38
ArrenLexhsing -- can I call you fhqwhgads? -- what do you mean, froze?07:38
Neil3i have to go to work in an hour and a half07:38
rwscoldneil3 lol I was hoping for a midnight release or something for me lol07:39
Vichthanks wastrel07:39
VichI tried a few07:39
hsingarajahArrenLex - dude you should see some of the names of other Tamil/South Indian people I know.  "Sarabavanarajakumar" etc.07:39
Neil3yeah rwscold, but that's never happened in the past :(07:39
wastreleverybody to the limit07:39
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hsingarajahPush it to the limitt duh, duh duh du duh07:39
barnetodman torrents are great07:39
hsingarajahWalk along the razor's edge.07:39
barnetodi just got complete car diagnostic software :)07:39
hsingarajahdo do do do *scarface theme*07:39
rwscoldagreed neil307:39
ArrenLexfhqwhgads: no, really. "froze"? At what point? Did it give you error messages?07:39
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hsingarajahNo error messages07:40
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Vichhere I go again07:40
Vichwish me luck07:40
ArrenLexfhqwhgads: froze at what point? The livecd or an installation07:40
rwscoldi wonder if its coming with the flash 9 beta07:40
novohi everybody07:40
=== Vich salutes wastrel
ArrenLexWhoa, el spanisho.07:40
tzadikimcan anyone point me in the right direction to a guide on setting up dual booting on a windows xp dominated computer? im about as noob as they come right now and havent been able to make a lot from what i've found, so be gentle07:40
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hobbes_it doesnt come with any flash07:40
Fujitsurwscold: Nol07:40
seatouchSetting up repositories07:40
hobbes_its easy tzadikim07:40
seatouchcore                                                                 [1/3] 07:40
seatouchCannot find a valid baseurl for repo: core07:40
seatouchError: Cannot find a valid baseurl for repo: core07:40
Madpilotubotu, dualboot | tzadikim07:40
Fujitsuhobbes_: it has a package of Flash...07:40
ubotutzadikim: Dual boot instructions:  https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WindowsDualBootHowTo (x86/AMD64)  -  https://wiki.ubuntu.com/YabootConfigurationForMacintoshPowerPCsDualBoot (Macintosh)07:40
Nafallorwscold: won't. beta is not considered stable at this point.07:40
Vichjust use seperate partitions07:40
hsingarajahArrenLex, it just unpacked, loaded those utitlities like the RAid something... and "Enterprize Volume Manager", all of them said [OK] , then after the screen cleared, it froze. The "_" underscore stopped blinking and after a few minutes my CD drive stopped spinning07:40
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ArrenLextzadikim: just install XP first. Then, when you install ubuntu, it'll set you up to dual-boot automagically.07:41
novoHas anybody used eclipse?07:41
wastrelthat is special07:41
Vichyes novo07:41
VichI have07:41
ArrenLexfhqwhgads: the install or the livecd?07:41
wastrelugly overloading pipe tho07:41
Vichif you mean the programming ide07:41
hobbes_Fujitsu: yea but thats still flash 707:41
bob4444any one know how to use deb files?07:41
Fujitsuhobbes_: fortunately.07:41
hsingarajahArrenLex - Are they not one and the same thign? The option i chose was "Run/Install Ubuntu"07:41
VichI have dual boot with winxp07:41
rwscoldcause flash 7 is stable haha07:41
Vichbob4444: dpkg07:41
tzadikimwow, ok, i think i've made this way more complicated than it is07:41
Fujitsubob4444: What is in them?07:41
novoVich: yes07:41
rawrnessSongbird is going to be tight in te future!07:41
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tzadikimthanks a lot everybody07:41
Vichdpkg -i filename.deb07:41
hobbes_Fujitsu: forutnately?07:42
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hsingarajahTake care tzadikim!07:42
rwscoldtzadikim its very easy if u just install windows first07:42
Fujitsubob4444: sudo dpkg -i filename.deb07:42
ArrenLexfhqwhgads: yes, for a desktop CD they are essentially the same thing. Is anything weird about your hard drive? Do you have RAID or LVM, for example?07:42
Fujitsuhobbes_: Yes, Flash 9 crashes enormously.07:42
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hobbes_hmm... I think it's crashed maybe once for me07:42
TateyFlash9 behaves nicely here07:42
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FujitsuTatey: Not always.07:42
rwscoldi havent installed it07:42
hsingarajahArrenLex - no ntohing.  I just have a master drive that I installed windows on and a slave drive I installed Linux (Fedora Previously) on..  I partitioned it for NTSC and for Linux3...07:43
rwscoldi have torn my current dapper install to pieces lol07:43
TateyI haven't encountered any issues so far07:43
FujitsuAnd it is pre-release, unsupportable software. Exactly what we do not want to have included.07:43
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hobbes_and it at least has working sound (most common usage for 9 has to be youtube, etc.)07:43
Fujitsuhsingarajah: NTFS, you mean?07:43
ArrenLexXD How did you manage to partition a drive in NTSC?07:43
novoHad you installed eclipse programming ide?07:43
FujitsuAnd ext4?07:43
rwscoldso i am waiting for edgy07:43
hsingarajahRight sorry typo07:43
Fujitsuhobbes_: Sound works with Flash 7 as well.07:43
hobbes_not for me07:43
crimsunbut flash 9 beta is *shiny*!!07:43
hobbes_and i tried some of those workarounds07:43
hobbes_no luck07:43
elkbunturwscold, many people are. if you want idle chatter, #ubuntu-offtopic is an ideal place07:43
=== Fujitsu attacks crimsun with lart 28.
samiits here.. i'm downloading edgy right now. i cant wait07:43
hsingarajahOMGZ, I can't type.07:43
Nafallocrimsun: hehe :-)07:43
Nafallowe should just have went with reiserfs4 as default filesystem ;-)07:44
rwscoldummm are you serious look at the 10 other ppl just rambling07:44
ictoanthbtyi want to know07:44
ArrenLexhsingarajah: if the space is free, how about trying to just install it from an alternate CD (basic server) and running apt-get install ubuntu-desktop once it installs?07:44
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ictoanthbtywhy developers dont release fs drivers for windows07:44
hsingarajahArrenLex - anyway so I had Grub Installed on my MBR of the slave drive, but windows crashed so I had to reinstall it. Afterwards It woudln't run Grub anymore. my linux partition is still there, ut I can't access it. This is why I want to install Ubuntu..07:44
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ictoanthbtyso we can have native read/write support for ext3 and the like07:44
ictoanthbtyin windows.07:44
hsingarajah- Well rather, my friend told me to put Ubuntu instead of Fedora07:44
ArrenLexOh crap! I actually used your name!07:45
Fujitsuictoanthbty: there is one...07:45
ArrenLexWhat was I thinking?!07:45
ianmacgregorNafallo: Nah, that file system has too much overhead.. what with the dead bodies and all07:45
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ArrenLexfhqwhgads *** , sorry.07:45
=== ianmacgregor runs
Nafallosami: well, I hope you don't think you are downloading the final ;-)07:45
Nafalloianmacgregor: hehe :-)07:45
ictoanthbtyFujitsu all ive seen is a bad application that can read from ext307:45
hsingarajahArrenLx -" if the space is free, how about trying to just install it from an alternate CD (basic server) and running apt-get install ubuntu-desktop once it installs?" Could you explain that again?07:45
ArrenLexictonathbty: do you mean, why do developers not release ext3 filesystem drivers for windows? Because the answer to that is, they do.07:45
Nafalloianmacgregor: that's why I said it ;-)07:45
ictoanthbtyoh lol ianmacgregor07:45
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ictoanthbtyArrenLex damn. where? ;_;07:46
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samijep.. i think so. its there=> http://www.mirrorservice.org/sites/releases.ubuntu.com/.pool/07:46
ubotuext3 is the default filesystem on Ubuntu, and the most popular on Linux. You can read/write from Windows to ext3 via http://www.fs-driver.org07:46
ArrenLexFollow where the great Ubotu leads you, grasshopper =P07:46
Nafallosami: it's not...07:46
ictoanthbtyNafallo.. check out the md5sums file07:46
=== Mikch [n=michael@m41.net195-132-219.noos.fr] has joined #ubuntu
ubotuext3 is the default filesystem on Ubuntu, and the most popular on Linux. You can read/write from Windows to ext3 via http://www.fs-driver.org07:46
RancidLMhey all.. ok can some one tell me if this is even possible.. i have a desktop and a laptop.. and i would like to have my laptop be able to loginto  my desktop so i can share a Xserver and Applications is this possible or am i nutz?07:46
ictoanthbtyalthough just being different doesnt mean complete...07:46
Nafalloictoanthbty: dude... the final is probably not built yet...07:46
ictoanthbtybut its not the rc renamed07:47
Flannelhsingarajah: the Alternate CD has an option to install just the basic, no GUI, installation, which you can then make exactly like the liveCD installer (or the default Alternate CD install) by installing ubuntu-desktop metapackage07:47
ArrenLexfhqwhgads: there are two cds from which to install ubuntu. Desktop = livecd ; alternate = text-based.07:47
ictoanthbtyNafallo of course it is07:47
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Nafalloictoanthbty: it's the md5sum for the latest daily.07:47
ictoanthbtyit goes live today >.>07:47
ArrenLexfhqwhgads: since the livecd doesnt' seem to work for you, try installing from the other CD in text mode to get yourself a basic system.07:47
xzhangWhen can I download the release version?07:47
Nafalloictoanthbty: yea, when they've most likely spun new isos :-)07:47
hkl832425th Daily build=RTM?07:47
Flannelxzhang: it isn't out yet07:47
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ArrenLexfhqwhgads: Then, in your basic system, run sudo apt-get install ubuntu-desktop to get all the packages that are part of ubuntu.07:47
Nafalloxzhang: cause it's not created? :-)07:47
hobbes_joelroxors: hi07:48
FlannelArrenLex, why doesn't he just install from the alternate CD?07:48
ArrenLexfhqwhgads: the alternate CD might install where some weird bug of the livecd failed.07:48
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xzhangFlannel: oh~ er... How soon? :)07:48
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ArrenLexFlannel: is this not what I am suggesting?07:48
=== ArthurBrazil [n=Arthur@cpe-76-168-106-29.socal.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu
barnetodict file modified 25-oct-06 22:4807:48
=== Nafallo wonders how he will convince 919 other persons about that fact...
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hsingarajahArrenLex - I see.. I didn't get two cds.  It says here  "To use Ubuntu as a Live CD, put this CD in the CD drive and turn on or restart your computer. To install Ubunti, run the LIve CD and double clock on the INstall Icon"...07:48
FlannelArrenLex: Thought you were suggesting installing server from the alternate CD, then apt-getting the desktop07:48
ictoanthbtybarnetod what are you saying?07:48
hsingarajahDO I have to get the atlernate cd?07:48
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ArrenLexfhqwhgads: ideally, this would work. However, it screws up with your system for some reason, so you might as well try a different way.07:48
barnetodthats when the iso was edited07:48
hsingarajahI press Buttan , computar no GO07:49
ictoanthbtyyes and?07:49
ArrenLexFlannel: yes. Is this not what you and I are suggesting?07:49
barnetodi think its the real deal i hope07:49
rwscoldi just wish there was a way for me to go to sleep and it would start downloading once it was released automatically07:49
barnetodlol too close to midnight haha07:49
ictoanthbtyhsingarajah: press button, recieve bacon07:49
fluvvellRancidLM, yess fully possible07:49
xzhangrwscold: haha07:49
FlannelArrenLex: no, if he's got the alternate, just install the desktop from it, no need to go through the server install then apt get the desktop07:49
ozzloythe file sym.java doesn't exist, but when i make sym.java, it returns Nothing to be done for `sym.java'.  wtf?07:49
RancidLMfluvvell: any suggestions how to do this?07:49
hsingarajahFlannell - I dn't have the alternate.07:49
hsingarajahFlannel - Where do I get the alternate07:49
ozzloyhow do i convince make that there is indeed something to do for sym.java?07:50
Flannelhsingarajah: I'm aware.  you download it from the ubuntu site, ubuntu.com/download  download the alternate ISO07:50
fluvvellRancidLM, its called XDMCP07:50
ArrenLexFlannel: you said "then make exactly like the liveCD installer (or the default Alternate CD install) by installing ubuntu-desktop metapackage." Isn't this what you are now saying is not necessary? I'm so confused.07:50
FlannelArrenLex: I'll explain in a query07:50
ozzloyrunning the command to create sym.java by hand works.  and yes i know this isn't #make, but that channel is empty07:50
xzhangrwscold: where are you? it is afternoon in my country07:50
hsingarajahArrenLEx - I must be e^(ArrenLex Confused)07:50
fluvvellRancidLM, you need to enable it under System->Administration->login07:50
=== nemish [n=nemish@ool-18be0779.dyn.optonline.net] has joined #ubuntu
ictoanthbtyalright guys. the sensible argument about whether or not the .pool isos are official release needs to think about distrobution. the ubuntu project cant announce their release without many mirror servers already hosting the file, so arguments about this one being too early are iffy already. and then, why wouldnt they stick to their relase schedule? they always have, theres no reason not to, and .. thats all ive got.07:50
ictoanthbtyim going now cause arguments frustate me07:50
ictoanthbtysee you all on edgy@07:50
rwscoldI'm in the U.S.07:51
ArrenLexfhqwhgads: you need to download the alternate CD. It is available from the same page as where you downloaded the desktop CD.07:51
barnetodlol ict07:51
barnetodsee ya man07:51
Neil3they are probably real, the files are dated yesterday and different sizes to the rc isos07:51
Nafalloictoanthbty: rc came out 20 in the evening UTF+2, mind you :-)07:51
Nafalloictoanthbty: we have plenty of time to rebuild and push.07:51
xzhangrwscold: I am in China:)07:51
rwscoldIn Texas actually  haha its 1 in the morning here07:52
=== Xitium [n=ReSpAwNe@c-67-189-87-164.hsd1.or.comcast.net] has left #ubuntu []
ictoanthbtynafallo are you actually on the project?07:52
fluvvellRancidLM, then on the machine (running Ubuntu I assume) that you want to login from, you go to System->quit->switch user, then at the new login screen, go to Options, and find XDMCP session07:52
barnetodim close to finishing the d/l07:52
Nafalloictoanthbty: MOTU07:52
ArrenLexNeil3: are they real? ;););)07:52
ictoanthbtyare you involved in the release?07:52
=== ArrenLex giggles.
ictoanthbtymotu.. ?07:52
=== Shirc is now known as SHIRC
Nafalloictoanthbty: yes. I keep my eyes open for most thing in the project :-)07:52
Neil3well i might as well download and wait for the release then compare sha1sums07:52
=== SHIRC is now known as Shirc
hsingarajahI am so get it maybe sort of.07:52
Fujitsuictoanthbty: Master of the Universe, with upload rights to the universe repository.07:52
Nafalloictoanthbty: Master of the Universe.07:52
ictoanthbtyneil3 good plan07:52
kupesoftwhen the eft isos be available?07:52
ictoanthbtybye all07:52
hsingarajahAllexRen - so this shipped cd is useless to me07:53
Nafalloictoanthbty: check my launchpad if you don't believe me, same nick as here ;-)07:53
RancidLMthnx brb!07:53
Nafallobut he's gone... :-P07:53
fluvvellRancidLM, you should find the other machine listed there.  To switch between the two, you will probably find ctrl-alt-f7 and ctrl-alt-f9 does the switching07:53
Flannelkupesoft: sometime within the next 26 hours, probably.07:53
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RancidLMfluvvell: Thnx brb!07:53
ArrenLexfhqwhgads: Yes, it appears so, since it won't install. Why don't you just download?07:53
Neil3so i can spend the weekend installing/configuring edgy, i'm seriously considering telling my gf some excuse so i don't have to stay at her's over the next few days which is what i usually do07:53
hobbes_dont really know why i am waiting so excitedly for like a 20 mb update to my latest daily cd :)07:53
xzhanganybody knows how soon we can see the release iso... :p07:53
barnetodneil wow07:53
ubotuEdgy will be released around October 26th (*some* timezone) - we don't know at precisely what time of the day it will be finalized and published for download. Please be patient!07:53
krazykitNeil3: nah.  linux can wait.07:53
rwscoldNeil thats hilarious07:53
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barnetodgiving up a woman for an o/s?07:53
ArrenLexNeil3: This is why Linux users should not be allowed girlfriends. I feel sorry for her.07:53
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about XDMCP - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi07:53
barnetodholy crap07:54
hsingarajahAllenRex - My friend just handed me this CD.  That's why. Otherwise I'd have just installed it.07:54
Flannelfluvvell: what you want to know about XDMCP?07:54
ArrenLexfhqwhgads: Then hand it back to him and download your own, I guess.07:54
barnetodman my wife waves it in my face and computers are the last thing im thinking07:54
hsingarajahAlso who here has used Fedora Core and can tell me why Ubuntu is better than Fedora Core/Red Hat?07:54
barnetodgood lordd07:54
Neil3a linux like this only comes once in a blue moon, i think i can make an exception :)07:54
Nafalloxzhang: well, we need an awake release manager for once ;-).07:54
fluvvellFlannel, see above conversation with RancidLM07:54
barnetodneil computer will always be around07:54
xzhangNafallo: hah :)07:54
barnetoderectile function will not07:54
krazykithsingarajah: easy.  apt-get is superior to yum07:54
rwscoldI tell my wife to go to sleep I'm busy so she does07:54
hobbes_blue moon every six months?07:54
barnetodneil i make a point07:55
hsingarajahkrazykit - You mean that package or program downloading thing thign07:55
sproingiecarpe feminam.  your gf *will* know why you spurned her07:55
Neil3lucky i have a skin infection so that's my cover story for now, although it's clearing up07:55
wastrelblue moons occur about every 2.5 years07:55
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sproingieon that note, 'nite07:55
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fluvvellFlannel, I was curious if ubotu had anything as well. It works such a treat07:55
krazykithsingarajah: yes.  i do.07:55
rwscoldthe way medicine is going these days we will be able to get it up into our late 80's07:55
Flannelfluvvell: ah, you already got all the info, good. right.07:55
kupesoftWHEN'S IT COMIN' OUT?!07:55
kupesoftI NEEDS IT07:55
=== nailer [n=nailer@220-253-18-45.VIC.netspace.net.au] has joined #ubuntu
wastrelsometime today, or tomorrow07:55
krazykitkupesoft: within 24 hours07:55
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Born_In_Xixaxhsingarajah: main advantages I gather are that ubuntu is focused on ease of use and desktop usage, as well as providing a fully free open source solution07:55
barnetodlol rws but a leaky anus side effect is the last thing you want when curing that problem07:55
hsingarajahkrazykit - great - keep talking!! I'd like to hear more about this crazy ooboontoo  of yours07:55
ArrenLexkupe: 26th. Daytime. Sometime. Patience.07:55
hkl8324hello, can I use xvmc in mplayer if I am using an ATI card?07:55
kupesoftI need the eft.  I need it. I need it.07:56
krazykithsingarajah: nah.  i'm going to bed.07:56
zircxheya guys, hows it hanging, quick fire question, does anyone else suffer issues with java not operating properly, I mean sure i get the applet coming up when i test some sites and on others firefox crashes entirely, does anyone have this sorta problem at all?07:56
ArrenLexhklsomenumbers: what's xvmc?07:56
Fujitsu!ef | kupesoft07:56
ubotukupesoft: Edgy will be released around October 26th (*some* timezone) - we don't know at precisely what time of the day it will be finalized and published for download. Please be patient!07:56
Born_In_Xixaxredhat is goint to be superior in many ways, most of them technical and organizational07:56
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h3htimocan you upgrade to edgy eft yet??07:56
ArrenLexzircx: are you trying to use sun java or gij?07:56
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hsingarajahborn_In_Xxax - So basically for people who are hardcore.07:56
hkl8324I cant play mpeg2 TS file in linux smoothly, but I can do that in windows...07:56
FujitsuBorn_In_Xixax: That is offtopic, and bordering on trolling...07:56
zircxArrenLex; sun java is what I was using07:56
=== Styxas [n=zeimys@cable-5-147.cgates.lt] has joined #ubuntu
lotusleafI've got the fever! and there's only one thing that can cure it.. MORE EDGY COWBELL!07:56
zircxArrenLex; the virtual machine..07:56
rwscoldWhats redhat hahaha!07:57
=== zerokarmaleft [n=zerokarm@ip68-12-45-133.ok.ok.cox.net] has joined #ubuntu
hsingarajahBorn_In_Xixax - who's borderline trolling?07:57
ArrenLexhklnumbers: do you mean the xvideo output driver?07:57
zircxI believe there's 1.4.2 and 1.5.x07:57
=== Kameli [n=kameli@adsl-82-141-122-69.kotinet.com] has joined #ubuntu
KameliHi, Samsung offers CRT Monitor drivers for Windows, but do i need any drivers for Samsung 959NF CRT monitor?07:57
rawrnessedgy edgy fever07:57
Born_In_Xixaxok, no desire to do so07:57
hsingarajahBorn_In_Xixax - me?07:57
KameliHi, Samsung offers CRT Monitor drivers for Windows, but do i need any drivers for Samsung 959NF CRT monitor?07:57
exhaleKameli, nu07:57
krazykitKameli: no.  no drivers are needed.07:57
ArrenLexKameli: you don't need monitor drivers. You need video card drivers.07:57
Kamelikrazykit: ok :)07:57
=== upt1me [n=upt1me@24-183-49-112.dhcp.mdsn.wi.charter.com] has joined #ubuntu
hsingarajahBorn_In_Xixax - Are you under the impression that I'm troling?07:57
Flannelhsingarajah, Born_In_Xixax, take that question/answer in #ubuntu-offtopic07:57
MadpilotKameli, you shouldn't need drivers; my Samsung 950B doesn't07:57
Ayabarahow can I upgrade from dapper to edgy using apt?07:57
=== Nafallo wants feisty! where can I download it? :-)
exhaleNafallo, on some fishy mirror site07:58
=== norbert_c [n=geoff@p12267-adslbkksp4.C.csloxinfo.net] has joined #ubuntu
Nafalloexhale: hehe07:58
FujitsuIs feisty released yet? Is it usable?07:58
upt1mewhen will the mirrors get edgy?07:58
rwscoldhaha my monitor ismy home theater projector lol anyone else have a 90 inch monitor?07:58
FujitsuAyabara: #ubuntu+1, please.07:58
ubotuEdgy will be released around October 26th (*some* timezone) - we don't know at precisely what time of the day it will be finalized and published for download. Please be patient!07:58
zircxalso, hows everyone finding Kubuntu? I believe it's a version of Kde that is nice and trimmed down, compiled for speed? similar to that of Gnome under Ubuntu? yeah?07:58
Born_In_Xixaxpurpose of this channel is ubuntu technical support, a distro vs distro opinion fest is probably not appropropriate here07:58
Flannelupt1me: when it's officially released07:58
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KameliMadpilot: What they drivers can give to me? :) More options to adjust for my monitor? Better image quality? =)07:58
hsingarajahFlannel - no wait, I dont' get it - why do you think I'm trolling? I'm new to Ubuntu and want to know why it's better than another Distro.  It seems to be mroe popular,07:58
=== AdamKili [n=adam@71-213-191-218.albq.qwest.net] has joined #ubuntu
krazykitFujitsu: feisty hasn't even started.  give it a few weeks.07:58
hsingarajahI just didn't know why.07:58
hobbes_anyone remember how long usually till they open new repos for feisty?07:58
barnetodrws you should see my home theater07:58
hobbes_after summit?07:58
AyabaraFujitsu, still too early? :-)07:58
Fujitsuhobbes_: nobody can remember that, as it hasn't been decided yet.07:58
ArrenLexzircx: kubuntu = ubuntu - gnome + kde. It's not optimised.07:58
MadpilotFujitsu, just keep hitting !ef07:58
barnetodrws you need to invest in screen goo best stuff on earth for projectors07:58
FlannelBorn_In_Xixax, hsingarajah, Your topic is *perfect* for #ubuntu-offtopic, but not #ubuntu, continue there ;)07:58
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FujitsuMadpilot: It's the most useful factoid in the bot!07:59
Kamelihey, when the edgy comes to repos! =)07:59
rwscoldbarn where you from07:59
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rawrnesswell arren07:59
kupesoftI need it. I really need it. Someone give it to me.07:59
hkl8324ArrenLex, I mean Xvideo Motion Compensation -vo07:59
zircxArrenLex , oh it's just a standard kde heh? bummer, I was thinking that it might be.. ah well, I'm happy to stick to ubuntu without kde in that sense07:59
Fujitsukupesoft: Wait a few hours.07:59
SaLsIcHa#define DISKNAME  Ubuntu 6.10 "Edgy Eft" - Release i386 o.o07:59
rawrnesswhat if you got gnome+kde+xcfe?07:59
kupesoftI can't, man.  I am going to die.07:59
rawrnessthen what do you got :P07:59
ArrenLexzircx: kde owns all.07:59
barnetodrws middle of no where GA07:59
SaLsIcHarelease = rc? :P07:59
rawrnessreleaae canadait07:59
barnetodonly live here cause of work07:59
hkl8324I read in wikipedia it can speed up video playing07:59
FlannelSaLsIcHa: no.  It's not released yet.07:59
ArrenLexrawrness: ubuntu+gnome+kde+xfce = bloat = hard drive crashing07:59
rwscoldbarnetod make a room talk to me about home theaters07:59
rwscoldwhat is the screen goo08:00
zircxArrenLex; it's not when it's sucking 990 of my 1024MB of ram, I'll have an optimised Gnome any day of the week08:00
KameliDoes anyone know why CRT monitor needs drivers on Windows but not on Linux, can CRT drivers give more options to adjust monitor, or maybe better image quality? =)08:00
SaLsIcHaFlannel, but, http://releases.ubuntu.com/.pool/ :P08:00
ArrenLexzircx: gnome isn't optimised any more than kde is.08:00
=== Adrian_S [n=Adrian@d0-151.dip.axsp.de] has joined #ubuntu
rwscoldthe drivers in windows tell windows what its capable of displaying i think08:00
FujitsuKameli: because Windows is deranged, no, and no.08:00
rwscoldlike res and hz08:00
MadpilotKameli, Windows needs drivers because Windows bites.08:00
FlannelSaLsIcHa: it's not released yet.08:00
NafalloSaLsIcHa: oh! does it have feisty as well? :-)08:00
=== bojicas [n=bojicas@ner-as10589.alshamil.net.ae] has joined #ubuntu
Tomcat_SaLsIcHa: Nice. ;)08:01
yoinklay off of feisty08:01
barnetodget the pm08:01
rwscoldno do u have aim?08:01
zircxArrenLex; I beg to differ in regards to what Ubuntu have done to make gnome much better than a standard gnome installation as well as a kde installation08:01
barnetodi pmd you on here08:01
rwscoldi dont have a registered account on freenode so now pms08:01
rwscoldtoo lazy08:01
ArrenLexzircx: which is? And what is a "standard" installation?08:01
barnetodmines not either lol guess i cant send them08:01
AdamKilihow do i fix this error in Azureus when i try to open a .torrent file with it? file:///home/adam/Desktop/Downloads/1-20.torrent' could not be opened: Not a File08:01
azureali love it...firefox2  =P08:01
barnetod#TheGoo :) try that08:02
zircxArrenLex; I've run Gnome on Freebsd, it's a dog.. chews up my mem no different to Kde08:02
barnetodazu bad thing about firefox 2 is the annoying misspelled word red line that pops up08:02
KameliHey, tell me when they Edgy Eft comes to the repos? =) i like download edgy after school <308:02
=== bug [n=bug@adsl-76-214-111-163.dsl.ipltin.sbcglobal.net] has joined #ubuntu
Lam_how do i open another server screen in xchat?08:02
ArrenLexbarnetod: the spellchecker pwns you.08:02
ubotuEdgy will be released around October 26th (*some* timezone) - we don't know at precisely what time of the day it will be finalized and published for download. Please be patient!08:02
zircxArrenLex ; for some reason it doesn't do that with Ubuntu as well as Dropline Gnome for slackware, it seems to run much faster, optimised? compiled better possibly?08:02
Nafallohmm, people really want to upgrade for some reason :-)08:02
Lam_edgy is amazing08:03
=== tnnc [n=tnnc@66-168-80-105.dhcp.kgpt.tn.charter.com] has joined #ubuntu
ArrenLexzircx: I've no idea. Try KDE if you want. If you really want something light and fast, try xfce?08:03
lotusleafLam_: I agree, and chicks dig it08:03
bugso should i wait to do the dist-upgrade/synaptic "mark all upgrades" then?08:03
Nafallowell, so is dapper :-)08:03
Lam_lotusleaf: hells yeah.08:03
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rawrnessTorvalds has commented on official GNOME developmental mailing lists that, in terms of desktop environments, he encourages users to switch to KDE [2] .08:03
ArrenLexNafallo: This is all Linux users have to live for.08:03
KameliHas edgy better performance? More FPS? =)))08:03
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Lam_rawrness: everyone has their flavors.  i personally like kde though.  i think it's a lot more stable08:03
bugit has realtime weapon changing!08:03
krazykitrawrness: torvalds develops the kernel.  anything else he says is really no big deal.08:03
NafalloKameli: I've heard the opposite yesterday to be honest.08:03
Madpilotrawrness, just because he's a genuis doesn't mean Torvalds doesn't say some very silly things08:04
stanis ubuntu using the official firefox icon now rather than going with iceweasel?08:04
zircxArrenLex; just out of curiousity, I was running Kde for 7 years before I changed to Gnome finding the differences... ?! I guess the question is, does it chew up alot of memory ?08:04
Madpilotrawrness, genius,even08:04
Nafallostan: yes08:04
Fujitsustan: We have approval from Mozilla to use the official one.08:04
Fujitsu(so yes)08:04
bugah.. that's great08:04
ArrenLexzircx: alex@ubuntu:/tmp$ cat /proc/meminfo08:04
ArrenLexMemTotal:      1033572 kB08:04
ArrenLexMemFree:         20100 kB08:04
ArrenLexYou tell me.08:04
mneptonFujitsu: less "approval" than "an agreement on procedure"08:04
exhalewow... just wow08:04
zircxI mean Gnome currently chewws 200-400MB of ram08:04
krazykitzircx: then use xfce.08:05
=== baconbacon [n=bacon@modemcable037.90-57-74.mc.videotron.ca] has joined #ubuntu
Fujitsumnepton: They are fairly similar...08:05
=== InvisiblePinkUni [n=chatzill@202-89-146-150.static.qsi.net.nz] has joined #ubuntu
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Nafallo!ef | upt1me08:05
ubotuupt1me: Edgy will be released around October 26th (*some* timezone) - we don't know at precisely what time of the day it will be finalized and published for download. Please be patient!08:05
=== Matthai [n=Matthai@kovacic-m.fdv.uni-lj.si] has joined #ubuntu
ArrenLexzircx: actually, that was with folding@home running and a zombie java vm left over.08:05
zircxkrazykit; nah xfce isn't what I'd call a nice desktop08:05
ArrenLexMemFree:        132096 kB08:05
ArrenLexMuch better.08:05
krazykitzircx: funny, i much prefer it over gnome.08:05
bugi prefer it08:05
zircxArrenLex; that is pretty impressive08:05
=== CicalaMvta [n=CicalaMv@chello080109002146.13.14.vie.surfer.at] has joined #ubuntu
exhalehow do you see memory status?08:05
mneptonFujitsu: yeah, but "approval" doesn't really get across that "we promise to have changes and patches approved by Moz" :/08:06
InvisiblePinkUniisn't edgy already out?08:06
bugto me, it seems like a faster gnome08:06
zircxkrazykit; user preference I guess08:06
krazykitthen again, i just use e17 for my desktop.08:06
=== flushingmemos [n=flushing@pool-72-87-47-89.ptldor.fios.verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu
MadpilotInvisiblePinkUni, not yet - cool nick, btw, too bad you can't get the full name in there ;)08:06
bugaccording to ubuntu.com, it is.. but all of the download links are for the release candidate08:06
zircxI haven't used Enlightemment since slackware 7.008:06
NafalloInvisiblePinkUni: nope08:06
AdamKilihow do i fix this error in Azureus when i try to open a .torrent file with it? file:///home/adam/Desktop/Downloads/1-20.torrent' could not be opened: Not a File08:06
mneptonFujitsu: but yeah, a one-time sign-off would be great. but they didn't bite.08:06
=== b_52Free [n=skimo@adsl196-230-39-217-196.adsl196-10.iam.net.ma] has joined #ubuntu
Fujitsumnepton: Well, that's what I meant by approval, but I guess I can't really assume people outside the Canonical/dev. community know that.08:06
bugmaybe you need to redownload the torrent?08:06
InvisiblePinkUniMadpilot: peace be unto her ;)08:06
Fujitsubug, it hasn't been released yet.08:07
mneptonFujitsu: oh, BTW. before you use my nick in public i'd like you to submit your tab-complete to me for approval, mmkay?08:07
MadpilotInvisiblePinkUni, right, and may you also be touched by His Noodly Appendage, ramen.08:07
bugFujitsu, right.. that's what i'm saying. the page *says* that it has, but it hasn't really yet08:07
Ayabarawhat should my DISPLAY variable be set to. I get "cannot connect to X server :0.0" when I try to 'sudo gedit' something08:07
Fujitsubug, the page says it is released today. It doesn't say it has been released.08:07
bugFujitsu, ah.. semantics strike yet again08:08
Fujitsu(it is misleading, and really shouldn't have that image there, but still)08:08
InvisiblePinkUniMadpilot: why does the ubuntu homepage display 6.10 when the download is not yet available?08:08
mneptonbug: the website is misleading it is being handled.08:08
Fujitsumnepton: Good :)08:08
ArrenLexInvisiblePinkUni: it's called the Adobe Flash Effect.08:08
upt1methe non-rc file is here http://releases.ubuntu.com/.pool/ubuntu-6.10-desktop-i386.iso08:08
NafalloFujitsu: did someone make something dumb?08:08
upt1methe server is extremely slow08:08
sacker_ayabara gksudo gedit file i believe08:08
bugehh i'm going to bed. i'll dl tomorrow08:08
bughave fun08:09
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Nafalloupt1me: you're sure we won't respin the images for a last-moment rc-bugfix?08:09
rawrnessgag how dare you diect link to th eio08:09
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FujitsuNafallo: See ubuntu.com08:09
khaije1whats the release status?08:09
=== jouston_ [n=jouston@219-84-18-76-adsl-tpe.STATIC.so-net.net.tw] has joined #ubuntu
ubotuEdgy will be released around October 26th (*some* timezone) - we don't know at precisely what time of the day it will be finalized and published for download. Please be patient!08:09
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rawrnessnow my dwl go slower :P08:09
zircxdoes ubuntu have a large package repository for kde yet? because they were pretty much  native with gnome as a desktop weren't they08:09
MadpilotInvisiblePinkUni, no idea; webmaster jumped the gun, I guess08:09
InvisiblePinkUniArrenLex: is that meant to be visible only after some particular time?08:10
khaije1Fujitsu: so not available, but still *technically* on schedule?08:10
ArrenLexzircx: Of course ubuntu has all kde packages.08:10
NafalloFujitsu: I would say no then :-). that's just promotion :-)08:10
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Flannelzircx: no, both ubuntu and kubuntu are mature08:10
wastrelzircx:  ubuntu has kde packages and a kde-based version called kubuntu08:10
Fujitsukhaije1: Not just technically. Still very much on schedule.08:10
fluvvellis anyone having any joy with beagle ?08:10
zircxi see, Flannel that's nice to know..08:10
NafalloFujitsu: they should have put it up a week ago or something :-).08:10
InvisiblePinkUniMadpilot: lol08:10
upt1meif you look in that directory there are rc and non-rc images.  Also take note of the file modifcatiion dates.  i believe .pool/ is where the mirrors pull down the isos from08:10
Ayabarasacker_, that did the trick. thanks08:11
Fujitsuupt1me: That DOESN'T mean they're final.08:11
mneptonnothing in .pool has been designated a final release yet08:11
zircxOooO man i'm tempted to give that baby a run ...08:11
khaije1fluvvell: it's a little heavy for my little machine, but it's pleasant to use and usefull08:11
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Nafalloupt1me: no, the mirrors doesn't even push from that mirror AFAIK08:11
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kubuntuCan someone assist with a Mount issue?08:11
fluvvellkhaijel, do you also use evolution email per chance?08:11
=== Born_In_Xixax [n=dstaudt@adsl-69-153-120-98.dsl.okcyok.swbell.net] has joined #ubuntu
crimsunWhen it's final, trust me, the release team will give the notice.08:11
khaije1fluvvell: nopers08:12
InvisiblePinkUniupt1me: good info :)08:12
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ArrenLex!someone > kubuntu08:12
kubuntuwrong fs type, bad option, bad superblock on /dev/hdb, missing codepage or other error In some cases useful info is found in syslog - trydmesg | tail  or so08:12
czer323"It's done when it's done."08:12
=== InvisiblePinkUni was more excited when dapper was released....
mneptonone more time: no image that has been produced thus far has been blessed by the release team as final. please do not waste your bandwidth or ours.08:12
ArrenLexkubuntu: you're trying to mount the whole drive. You should be mounting a partition.08:12
kubuntuI get that error when mounting my drive even though I gave it the FS type08:12
fluvvellkhaijel, I get Could not connect to the daemon.     from beagle-status, just looking for someone with a bit more experience on it than me08:13
zircxAlthough I must say, i do like the network share options that come with gnome..08:13
czer323Besides, I want a torrent file.  WIth this many people, server's gonna be hit hard.08:13
kubuntuArrenLex: Sorry that should be /dev/hdb108:13
NafalloInvisiblePinkUni: that's because of the LTS ;-)08:13
ArrenLexkubuntu: run sudo fdisk -l | grep hdb108:13
ArrenLexPaste what it says08:13
zircxespecially since i'm lazy I can just connect to either of my boxes without too much hassle..08:13
khaije1fluvvell: i doubt i could help because it "Just Worked" for me, i didn't even look under the hood or read and docs08:14
mneptonczer323: there will be a few fast seeds as soon as the release is announced.08:14
kubuntu /dev/hdb1               1       24321   195358401    7  HPFS/NTFS08:14
fluvvellkhaijel, do you remember what you installed?08:14
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khaije1fluvvell: i'll check brb08:14
czer323mnepton, That's extremely good news.  Can someone at least make a suggestion as to how much longer we'll need to wait?  A couple hours... 12 hours?08:14
ArrenLexkubuntu: and the line "sudo mount -t ntfs /dev/hdb1 <mountpoint" doesn't work?08:14
ArrenLex>" *08:14
mneptonczer323: "When it's ready."08:15
Nafalloczer323: noone knows.08:15
ArrenLexsdb **08:15
lotusleafczer323: I've got Edgy fever!08:15
czer323"It's done when i'ts done."08:15
lotusleafwhat's the secret of life? Ubuntu!08:15
mneptoni've got a fever. and the only prescription is ...08:15
kubuntuArrenLex: Gives me the same error as above08:15
Nafallomnepton: debians reason are still going strong :-D08:15
khaije1fluvvell: i installed this package "beagle - indexing and search tool for your personal data"08:15
ArrenLexkubuntu: pastebin "dmesg | tail"08:15
zircxthat's actually a good question, is it easy enough upgrading from one release to the next without too much hassle?08:15
mneptonNafallo: we imported that with no diffs08:15
Nafallomnepton: hehe08:16
Nafallostraight sync :-). that's how it should be :-).08:16
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fluvvellkhaijel, hah, maybe I installed too much stuff08:16
wastrelzircx:  i recommend backing up before attempting to upgrade08:16
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khaije1fluvvell: you probably need to install this also though  "beagle-backend-evolution"08:16
wastrelbut the goal is to be able to upgrade easily08:16
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fluvvellkhaijel, yeah, did that and run out of file descriptors regularly08:16
MukundaHello, is there any news when Edgy will be out?08:17
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ubotuEdgy will be released around October 26th (*some* timezone) - we don't know at precisely what time of the day it will be finalized and published for download. Please be patient!08:17
zircxwastrel; ah okies, i guess it's a matter of downloading the iso of the latest release and running an upgrade option?08:17
MukundaAs in what hour<timezone> ?08:17
khaije1fluvvell: "run out"08:17
NafalloMukunda: which ever :-)08:17
Mukundaubotu: oki doki, thanks.08:17
kofwangwww.ubuntu.com 's frontpage has changed to 6.10?08:17
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zircxThu Oct 26 19:17:54 NZDT 200608:17
fluvvellkhaijel, I get a too many files open error08:17
Nafallokofwang: that's just promotion08:17
zircxOoo. that means edgy is being released?!08:18
MukundaHrmm, I'm hoping they've fixed up the bug with wireless cards, the RC had a big problem.08:18
=== zircx opens his eyes in a glimmer of hope
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crimsunMukunda: which problem?08:18
bimberikofwang: yes, prematurely08:18
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kofwangbut it says "released"...08:18
Mukundacrimsun: the kernel would panic, umm can't remember exactly, some softlock thing.08:18
fluvvellkhaijel, I'm blaming beagle because it all worked sweetly until then.  Now evolution locks up three or four times a day08:18
giroxHi! What is simple texteditor in consol mode? (I am very newbie...)08:18
Tomcat_girox: nano08:18
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crimsunMukunda: kinda vague. Got any further details?08:18
Mukundacrimsun: hang on. See if I can find it.08:19
fluvvellkhaijel, and it dumps any emails I'm working on at the time.08:19
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zircxnano seems to be the easiest to maneuver around although I must admit I never knew it existed until I started using Ubuntut08:19
bimberikofwang: exactly.  It shouldn't08:19
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mneptongirox: sudo apt-get install ne08:19
SdobSiSdubWhere I can download edgy?08:19
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kubuntuArrenLex: http://ubuntu.pastebin.ca/22231508:20
mneptongirox: ne is probably the best editor for someone new to Linux's CLI08:20
rajasekaranHi,how to run devils pie08:20
bimberiSdobSiSdub: you can get the release candidate via http://ubuntu.com/download08:20
khaije1fluvvell: thats odd, i don't know why that would be, have you tried removing the config files and re-installing?08:20
=== mnepton is reminded to make the "ne replaces nano" discussion psrt of UDS
ArrenLexkubuntu: this thing: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/NTFS08:21
SdobSiSdubtoday must be release08:21
ArrenLexkubuntu: is toast08:21
zircxerm, It can't get any worse than trying to get my non-dvd playing rom to try and play a dvd, it was dark, I couldn't read my rom because it's black .. and yeah.. that's my excuse and I'm sticking to it..08:21
Timmy|GDSHey. Apt-get/synaptic both aren't working for me right now. Anybody want me to give them an output when I try to apply in synaptic?08:21
lotusleafUbuntu needs some hot ch1x0rz to model for Ubuntu, like Sola Aoi http://www.markshuttleworth.com/archives/63#comment-991208:21
NafalloSdobSiSdub: today doesn't have to be just now.08:21
fluvvellkhaijel, well I did a reinstall of the beagle packages, but I'm thinking about trying again. Was looking for any pearls of wisdom so might try your suggestion.08:21
ArrenLexkubuntu: secifically: The Master File Table (MFT) essentially contains metadata about every file and directory on an NTFS file system. It includes parameters such as location, size, and permissions. It is used to aid in minimizing disk fragmentation.08:21
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ArrenLexspecifically **08:21
ArrenLexMFT is toast.08:21
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kubuntuArrenLex: Ah Ok can that be rebuilt?08:21
mneptongirox: when ne is installed, just type "ne" (no quotes) at a prompt and then hit <esc>08:21
SdobSiSdububuntu.com updated08:21
elderrrwhat's the advantage of lrm ?08:22
=== exoduso [n=exoduso@client-82-20-11-170.brhm.adsl.virgin.net] has joined #ubuntu
hkl8324add a .pool to a random FTP/HTTP mirror, and you will know that 6.10 is indeed released08:22
ArrenLexkubuntu: does this partition mount under Windows? How did this happen -- did you try something dangerous like writing to it?08:22
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Nafallohkl8324: no. you won't. and it's not.08:22
kubuntuArrenLex: nope just tried moutning it08:22
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elderrrdisadvantage ?08:22
thelsdjanyone notice ubuntu gets sluggish after a few days and reboot really helps? i've tried things like restart firefox/azureus/etc but that doesn't seem to help much, maybe restarting X might do more, anyone else have tips on how to keep system snappy?08:23
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hhare there any other irc servers besides freenode that are worth being on?08:23
ArrenLexkubuntu: at this point, google is your best friend, because your problem has become very specific, easily described, specialised troubleshooting.08:23
Timmy|GDSthelsdj: how much ram do you have, what type, and processor speed?08:23
kubuntuArrenLex: can some application (windows or other wise) repair this?08:23
ArrenLexkubuntu: good luck :)08:23
=== Em3rald [n=irelandm@dsl-main-66-18-221-110-gib.nucleus.com] has joined #ubuntu
kubuntuArrenLex: IE repair MFT NTFS ?08:23
kubuntui.e no IE08:24
zircxthelsdj; possibly a new machine.. ubuntu never seems to get sluggish with me..08:24
=== kubuntu shudders
hkl8324Nafallo, only RC and RTM get synced to mirrors08:24
ArrenLexkubuntu: sure.08:24
thelsdj1gb ram, 2ghz amd semperon08:24
zircxI'm actually very happy with ubuntu as a desktop..08:24
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Kameliedgyy edgyyy08:24
Kamelihere im08:24
=== Styx` [n=zeimys@cable-5-147.cgates.lt] has joined #ubuntu
Nafallohkl8324: yea? and if we spin new isos for rc-bugs?08:25
Timmy|GDSthelsdj: clear cache often, and use fluxbox or xfce08:25
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Nafallorc + dist-upgrade would be more stable.08:25
mneptonhkl8324: 6.10 has not yet been released. i assure you in the strongest possible terms.08:25
thelsdjTimmy|GDS: clear cache?08:25
thelsdjwhich cache?08:25
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Kamelii need more Tweak Guides to ubuntuforums ! i have done them all =(08:25
zircxah dist-upgrades brings that baby up to date then heh..08:25
zircxyou learn something everyday08:25
Timmy|GDSOn firefox hit ctrl shift delete08:25
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Timmy|GDSclear it all08:26
Timmy|GDSthat frees up a good bit if you use the net alot08:26
Timmy|GDSespecially dynamic sites like myspace08:26
Timmy|GDSBut get edgy08:26
hkl8324Nafallo, experience tell me that wont happen08:26
hhare there any other irc servers besides freenode that are worth being on?08:26
lotusleaf*<:O) Edgy is better than Jesus08:26
Timmy|GDSalot of the memory leaks are fixed, and boot times are faster08:26
zircxquestion, nvidia drivers, is it better to install the ones that are part of the repository or is it better to stick to the vendors driver releases?08:26
Nafallohkl8324: us to you I guess. still not released :-)08:27
Timmy|GDSEdgy IS better than jesus08:27
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thelsdjactually i am using edgy :)08:27
ArrenLexTimmy: The beatles just rolled over in their grave.08:27
Timmy|GDSFluxbox or XFCE408:27
ArrenLexsorry, Timmy -> lotusleaf08:27
Timmy|GDSArrenLex: Yay08:27
mneptonArrenLex: including Paul and Ringo?08:27
lotusleafArrenLex: all you need is love! yeah, john, and a bulletproof vest! *trombone*08:27
zircxerm I'm going to donload edgy! w00t08:27
Timmy|GDSDO IT08:28
ubotuPLEASE DON'T SHOUT! We can read lowercase too.08:28
ArrenLexmneopton: their big collective grave where the worshippers sacrifice goats on tuesdays, pagan chants on wednesdays, casual dress on fridays.08:28
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about taps - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi08:28
hkl8324Nafallo, OK...not officially released, but can be downloaded...:D08:28
thelsdjyea i used to use blackbox back in the day, though i'm using ubuntu/gnome now because for like 5 years i went really minimal on GUI and such so thuoght i'd try the heavy gui thing for a whlie hehe08:28
thelsdj(though i'm still using irssi)08:28
mneptonArrenLex: we call it "G String Friday" around here ;)08:28
Timmy|GDSLol, caps piss people off so much. Blackbox owns too. Using irssi too here08:28
Nafallohkl8324: edgy have been downloadable for months, so yea ;-).08:28
lotusleafNafallo: in soviet russia, months download you!08:29
mneptonhkl8324: it cannot be downloaded, as no images have been blessed as -final yet.08:29
ArrenLexlotusleaf: XD08:29
hkl8324Nafallo, you know what I mean08:29
ubotuThe people in this channel are volunteers. Your attitude will determine how fast you are helped. See also http://wiki.ubuntu.com/IrcGuidelines08:29
Nafallohkl8324: sure. yea meant 6.10 :-)08:29
mneptonhkl8324: you are welcome to download 20061026 dailies, but there's no guarantee that those are final.08:29
=== BoggsBeer [n=biglou@203-206-110-10.dyn.iinet.net.au] has joined #ubuntu
Timmy|GDSSo can anybody help me with synaptic?08:29
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about thermonuclearwar - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi08:30
ubotuA large amount of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..."  Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out?08:30
=== Wil [i=wilrader@ip70-170-44-3.lv.lv.cox.net] has joined #ubuntu
JoseStefanmnepton, you could confirm md5sums08:30
ArrenLex!NSA Wiretapping08:30
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Timmy|GDSubotu: what is the meaning of life?08:30
JNeverMindubuntu-6.10-rc is this the one ?08:30
ubotuEdgy will be released around October 26th (*some* timezone) - we don't know at precisely what time of the day it will be finalized and published for download. Please be patient!08:30
ArrenLexAw, he's ignoring me. :(08:30
mneptonJoseStefan: an md5sum tells you nothing about whether the .iso itself has been made official by the release team08:30
=== rredd4 [n=jmb@66-191-17-237.dhcp.rsbg.or.charter.com] has joined #ubuntu
khaije1ArrenLex: they must have gotten to him08:31
WilHello. Anyone know of a good program that I can use to manage my m3u playlists? (Sorting, Removing Duplicates, etc) ... XMMS doesn't have the best playlist manager.08:31
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ArrenLexWil: Amarok?08:31
khaije1ArrenLex: Han Solo was right "can't trust bots"08:31
AmaranthTimmy|GDS: watch this :)08:31
Amaranthubotu: what is the meaning of life?08:31
ubotuwhat is already known08:31
Timmy|GDSWell, I guess nobody here can help me. I got a few words for you all then. Go download scatterchat. BoW to the CoW. GreenDiamond- OUT08:31
JoseStefanmnepton, when final is released, you can check your downloaded daily with the final's md5sum08:31
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AmaranthTimmy|GDS: nevermind08:31
mneptonJoseStefan: why waste the bandwidth?08:32
ArrenLexubotu: r u hott? ;)08:32
JoseStefanmnepton, hopefully, nothing would have changed and they would be the same fail, renamed08:32
Akuma_nub Q: where can i find the kernel's c header files?08:32
h0serHey folks. Anyone know how to recover your password for NickServ?08:32
h0serSENDPASS command doesn't work.08:32
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mneptonJoseStefan: and "hopefully" you didn;t download 700MB for nothing, placing starin on Canonical infrastructure needlessly on a release day. why not just wait?08:32
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Flannelh0ser: talk to a staff member08:33
JoseStefanthat also true, but some people are very impacient :S08:33
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lotusleafJoseStefan: Some of us have Edgy fever!08:34
mneptonJoseStefan: well, please don't actually *encourage* impatience ;)08:34
h0serThank you Flannel08:34
zircxok, I'm out .. gonna do a fresh install08:34
rawrnessit not even theth fo me and i got eht fe08:34
=== johanbr [n=j@d154-20-238-192.bchsia.telus.net] has joined #ubuntu
rawrnessthe 26th*08:35
zircxoh just on my question, nvidia drivers again, vendors or the ones that come in the repository? which is the better option to go?08:35
hkl8324Nafallo, mneption: We'll see if the MD5sum of 20061025 dailies match the final...no guarantee, not 100%, but 99.99%08:35
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zircxI wanna add some glitz and glam to my desktop with some of that fancy stuff08:35
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mneptonhkl8324: please do not place strain on servers unecessarily?08:35
zircxxgl crappers..08:35
Nafalloofcourse. I like to keep that 0.01% open though.08:35
Flannelzircx: use the one from the repositories08:36
lotusleafEveryone crow like a rooster at midnight to celebrate the release of Ubuntu Edgy, crow like a rooster the size of a gorilla.. CROW!08:36
zircxFlannel , thanks08:36
zircxciao guys..08:36
JNeverMinddo you guys know if the iso with -rc- in the name is the official release version ?08:36
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bimberiJNeverMind: no08:36
FlannelJNeverMind: they're not.  Edgy is NOT released yet.08:36
JoseStefanother option, other than ISO is the dist-upgrade, might stress the servers less08:36
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Neil3its out? :)08:36
JNeverMindok thanks08:36
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azurealbtw, flannel, when it gets out, how would one upgrade from ubuntu server edition?08:37
JoseStefanactually, less stress on the servers would be the torrent08:37
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ubotuUpgrading, please see the instructions on: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UpgradeNotes08:37
khaije1slightly OT, but are there any opinions on lvm2 vs evms? I need to build a SAN08:37
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NafalloJoseStefan: word!08:37
hhcan soemoen please tell me if there are any other irc servers worth being on?08:37
Flannelazureal: same process, change dapper to edgt, apt-get update apt-get dist-upgrade08:37
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Nafallohh: no, probably not.08:37
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azurealFlannel, but dont they recommend using some update-manager which requires ubuntu-desktop08:37
JNeverMindi notice the homepage was updated and thought it was out08:37
LaserJockNafallo: I find freenode worth being on ;-)08:37
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Flannelazureal: only for the desktop, dist upgrade works fine08:38
Rookie_qnet too08:38
khaije1JNeverMind: ya, not yet08:38
NafalloLaserJock: yea, and one more that I won't tell you :-)08:38
hhwhat about gaming?08:38
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azurealFlannel, oh, also i've been only using aptitude instead of apt-get08:38
Flannelazureal: that's fine too08:38
=== azureal nods
hhdo game clans and such use freenode?08:38
azurealok, thx08:38
kofwangwhat is aptitud?08:38
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hkl8324mnepton, no, it is avoiding server congestion by donwloading before official announcement ^_^08:39
kofwangdifferent with apt-get?08:39
johsohi. I need to setup some kind of proxy on my Ubuntu server. which should I choose? I've heard Squid is a good choice, but I have no clue how to configure it.08:39
azureali think aptitude was originally just a debian thing08:39
ubotuaptitude is another terminal-based front-end to APT, like apt-get. However, aptitude can remember the dependencies installed with a package and remove them if you uninstall. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AptitudeSurvivalGuide08:39
rexbinaryhh, no, try quakenet or gamesurge08:39
=== plaf [n=plaf@bas2-hamilton14-1167921471.dsl.bell.ca] has joined #ubuntu
Flannelazureal: update-manager does some checks before upgrading (making sure they have ubuntu-desktop package installed, etc) that lessen the chance of those upgrades breaking, without a desktop meta package, you don't need to wrry about the new additionsl08:39
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lotusleafdeck the halls with pretty lizards, edgy edgy edgy, edgy release day!08:39
azurealFlannel, ah, great08:40
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ubotuevms: Enterprise Volume Management System (core). In component main, is standard. Version 2.5.4-5ubuntu6 (dapper), package size 82 kB, installed size 292 kB08:40
rawrnesseat the porage of some sinner edgy edgy edgy release day08:40
=== yama` [n=yama@ppp46-24.lns2.syd6.internode.on.net] has joined #ubuntu
lotusleafomg edgy!08:41
ubotulvm2: The Linux Logical Volume Manager. In component main, is standard. Version 2.02.02-1ubuntu1 (dapper), package size 272 kB, installed size 800 kB08:41
KameliFaesty Fawn!08:41
CheekyBoincstfu !08:41
=== johso [n=johso@0x555298c4.adsl.cybercity.dk] has joined #ubuntu
khaije1next release.... Grumpy Gnu?08:41
khaije1Gracefull Gnat?08:42
=== Wil [i=wilrader@ip70-170-44-3.lv.lv.cox.net] has left #ubuntu ["Leaving"]
exhalei love the ubuntu names08:42
=== ranfart [n=ranfart@ip-87-238-1-87.adsl.cheapnet.it] has joined #ubuntu
savvaslet's make a poll and vote :p08:42
AgrajagGregarious Goldfinch08:42
lotusleafSexy Seahorse08:42
khaije1Agrajag: i'm with you!08:42
ArrenLexGoddamn Geeks.08:42
ranfartgood morning to everybody08:42
Nafallosavvas: why? sabdfl will choose to his liking anyways :-)08:42
kubuntuGalumphing Gorrilas!08:42
khaije1you can't do thatt!08:42
ubotuPlease watch your language and keep this channel family friendly.08:42
exhalewhere did that come from?08:42
kismet_so I followed the directions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto/ATI, but when I type "fglrxinfo" I get a very long list of "API ERROR" entries08:42
lotusleafProstituting Possum08:42
rawrnessAtomic Bunny!08:43
ubotu#ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, #ubuntu+1 supports the development version of Ubuntu and #ubuntu-offtopic is for random chatter. Welcome!08:43
=== markdarb [n=markdarb@210-246-33-100.paradise.net.nz] has joined #ubuntu
plafRiddalin Rabbit08:43
AgrajagNefarious Narwhal08:43
lotusleafBasful Babboon08:43
savvasBounty Chc08:43
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lotusleafGay Gorilla and Bashful Babboon08:43
ranfartsorry there are anybody knows when the 6.10 are available today?08:43
rawrnesschronic Cow08:43
ubotuEdgy will be released around October 26th (*some* timezone) - we don't know at precisely what time of the day it will be finalized and published for download. Please be patient!08:43
KameliWhy edgy gives less FPS? =(08:43
=== khaije1 collapses in pool of his own urine laughing
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=== drspin [n=cole@ip70-162-5-115.ph.ph.cox.net] has joined #ubuntu
lotusleafKameli: Edgy creates worlds and reseeds forests with love and freedom08:44
plafI think I'll finally switch back to ubuntu after leaving for a year. I tried hoary hedge hog, hated it, then left for FC5. so its either FC6 or edgy for me08:44
drspinis there a time set for edgy to release?? [08:44
=== mnepton is the magical fairy princess
=== yama_away [n=yama@ppp46-24.lns2.syd6.internode.on.net] has joined #ubuntu
Agrajagoh wow mneptok08:44
=== JulianD [n=Julian@gate.technotrend.de] has joined #ubuntu
kismet_Please help me, I have NEVER gotten fglrx to work08:44
Agrajaghaven't seen you since #beos08:44
ArrenLexYou're very pretty, mnepton.08:45
=== chrisle [n=chris@p54BE3627.dip0.t-ipconnect.de] has joined #ubuntu
kubuntuArrenLex: Screw it :) I'm running some processes on this till tomorrow I'll try and fix it after that08:45
=== soundmaster80 [n=jonathan@ip70-185-41-213.ma.dl.cox.net] has joined #ubuntu
lotusleafplaf: I'd rather gargle my own urine than use an RPM based distro08:45
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mneptonAgrajag: ZB!08:45
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Agrajagyou got it in one.08:45
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mneptonAgrajag: /whois loves me08:45
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ranfartif upgrade my 6.06 with the 6.10 release candidate. after i can upgrade the release candidate with the final 6.10, or there are some problems?08:45
=== uwjames [n=uwjames@adsl-69-107-112-75.dsl.pltn13.pacbell.net] has joined #ubuntu
soundmaster80hi, i have installed the server OS and i would like to add gnome....just the gui and no extras is there an easy way to do this?08:45
plaflotusleaf: was the dependancy hell from 5.04 fixed recently? i haven't had that with RPMs08:46
=== Alzi2_ [n=alzi@linth.xs4all.nl] has joined #ubuntu
mneptonAgrajag: back in 10. smoke break. also, i need to stop reading "is Edgy out yet?" before i spoon my eyeballs into my coffee.08:46
lotusleafplaf: what dependancy hell?08:46
ArrenLex$ sudo apt-get install libmeaningoflife008:46
ArrenLexE: Couldn't find package libmeaningoflife008:46
ArrenLexDammit, why isn't this in the repos yet?08:46
gnu2it2what do you restart to force reread of /etc/inetd.conf ?08:46
lotusleafplaf: never had dependancy hell in Ubuntu08:46
Agrajaghaha, yeah08:46
Fujitsuplaf: There was no dependency hell...08:46
rawrnesssoundmaster80, sudo apt-get ubuntu-desktop08:46
lotusleafplaf: I've been using Ubuntu since warty08:46
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plaflotusleaf: well maybe it wasn't wide spread, but I always had problems trying to install anything, and uninstalling was unthinkable lol08:46
lotusleafplaf: do you work for Microsoft?08:46
Fujitsuplaf: It must have just been you.08:46
rawrnesssoundmaster80, sudo apt-get  install ubuntu-desktop *08:46
plafuninstalling is just as bad in FC5 though08:46
soundmaster80doesn't that install all the extra packages08:46
soundmaster80open office and etc?08:47
ranfartif upgrade my 6.06 with the 6.10 release candidate. after i can upgrade the release candidate with the final 6.10, or there are some problems?08:47
plaflotusleaf: I am not downplaying ubuntu, I am relaying my experience08:47
exhalesoundmaster80, yes it does08:47
lotusleafplaf: yes or no please ;)08:47
soundmaster80i don't need  all that08:47
plaflotusleaf: no08:47
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elkbuntucan people undertaking idle discussions kindly move themselves to #ubuntu-offtopic :)08:47
khaije1plaf: my only dependency hell is when i'm depending on using ubuntu and i'm not allowed to (at work)08:47
soundmaster80btw, plaf i've never had dependancy problems08:47
=== agutierr [n=agutierr@minervo.escet.urjc.es] has joined #ubuntu
lotusleafplaf: Edgy is bliss, trust me08:47
soundmaster80in fact that's why i left RPMS08:47
ranfartif upgrade my 6.06 with the 6.10 release candidate. after i can upgrade the release candidate with the final 6.10, or there are some problems?08:47
ArrenLexplaf: apt-get remove dependency-problems08:47
lotusleafplaf: I've been running Edgy since knot 3 and it's delicious08:48
plaflotusleaf: hopefully it is, i plan to try it later tonight08:48
Fujitsuranfart: just sudo aptitude update and sudo aptitude dist-upgrade08:48
rawrnessKINKY KITTY!08:48
agutierrsomeone has the direct link to 6.10 release ?08:48
phr023nwhat's an  idle discussions?08:48
ubotuEdgy will be released around October 26th (*some* timezone) - we don't know at precisely what time of the day it will be finalized and published for download. Please be patient!08:48
=== CppIsWeird [i=BartSimp@pool-72-82-98-248.nrflva.east.verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu
boinkdo you need to redo your xorg.conf after updating to edgy?08:48
Agrajagcrusty crab08:48
Fujitsuagutierr: It hasn't been released yet.08:48
soundmaster80anywho, so there isn't a way to just install the desktop, not the extra packages08:48
Fujitsuboink: Not in most cases.08:48
markdarbHi. I'm trying to play a Quicktime file (medium trailer from plumiefros.com), and so far to no success. I've tried installing xine, and that's just about all. Is there a particular package anyone would recommend installing?08:48
ranfartFujitsu: thanks08:48
Fujitsuboink: Maybe in some very rare cases, though.08:48
=== bmgz [n=bmgz@dsl-165-214-10.telkomadsl.co.za] has joined #ubuntu
Fujitsu!restricted | markdarb08:49
ubotumarkdarb: For multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats  -  See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html  -  But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats08:49
boinkmarkdarb: trying to play a .mov file?08:49
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uwjameshello.. newbie here.  running dapper and trying to install an alarm so I can wake up in the morning08:49
MistaEDranfart: at this stage, there will only be last minute bug fixes and maybe artwork tweaks08:49
ArrenLex!codecs > markdarb08:49
boinkuwjames: xmms has an alarm plugin08:49
uwjamesI have xmms installed08:49
bmgzHELP! has 6.10 EDGY EFT _final_ been released today yet?08:49
johsoI don't suppose anyone would know how to configure Squid here, huh?08:49
FujitsuMistaED: At this stage there will actually be nothing, but that's minor.08:49
Fujitsubmgz: No.08:49
Flannelbmgz: no.08:49
BHSPitLappymarkdarb, mplayer plays quicktime beautifully, and if you get the mplayer plugin for firefox, it integrates perfectly08:49
=== nikdo [n=ufnuc@S01060040f4e78db5.vf.shawcable.net] has joined #ubuntu
elkbuntuuwjames, many of the music programs have alarm plugins :)08:49
boinkI use xmms as an alarm :)08:49
boinkotherwise, man crontab with mplayer08:49
KameliHow i can get all performance from my CPU, my nice amd 64 processor has several flags but k7 cant use them all, so i lose bit about my processor? :(08:49
soundmaster80yeah, but xmms alarm isn't that friendly08:49
markdarbyes, a mov08:49
elkbuntuuwjames, search synaptic for 'alarm' i believe it shows most of them up08:49
=== warpforge [n=david@cpe-70-112-140-92.austin.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu
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khaije1bmgz: we are all waiting, it hasn't yet been released08:50
=== black_13 [i=root@c-67-164-147-82.hsd1.tx.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
boinkit's friendly to me08:50
Fujitsumarkdarb: See what ubotu said up there a bit ^^08:50
black_13how do enable more detailed boot logging08:50
bmgzWhat timezone/time will it be released? anyone know?08:50
soundmaster80matter of opinion i'm sure :)08:50
ubotuEdgy will be released around October 26th (*some* timezone) - we don't know at precisely what time of the day it will be finalized and published for download. Please be patient!08:50
boinkmarkdarb: mplayer should play .mov files just fine08:50
lotusleafDid somebody say Edgy?08:50
uwjamesI downloaded the xmms alarm plugin and got xmms-alarm. but I need to compile it08:50
=== nikdo [n=ufnuc@S01060040f4e78db5.vf.shawcable.net] has joined #ubuntu
boinkthere's an ubuntu .deb for the xmms-alarm08:50
boinkno need to compile08:50
uwjamesooh that would be better08:51
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boinkuwjames: apt-cache search xmms08:51
uwjamesso does all deb stuff run in ubuntu?08:51
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bmgzThe pope was wrong their is a puragatory - waiting to get Edgy ;-) (no offence)08:51
nikdosorry, just testing...have a great night/day everyone08:51
boinkit's an ubuntu .deb :)08:51
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markdarbThanks. That was next on my todo list (just downloading the multiverse info, which can take a while on dialup)08:51
rawrness@lart Canonical.ltd08:51
lotusleafFront page of Digg: http://digg.com/linux_unix/Ubuntu_6_10_Released08:52
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uwjamesok Boink, I'll try that (crossing fingers)08:52
boinkmarkdarb: they want to improve the codec situation for the next release, feisty08:52
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Agrajaglotusleaf: download link still goes to 6.0608:52
MehrdadWhere can I download 6.10 DVD?08:52
=== sKaBoy [n=luogni@host61-106.pool8250.interbusiness.it] has joined #ubuntu
ubotuEdgy will be released around October 26th (*some* timezone) - we don't know at precisely what time of the day it will be finalized and published for download. Please be patient!08:52
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boinkMahrdad: www.ubuntu.com08:52
FujitsuMehrdad: It's not been released yet.08:52
khaije1does anyone know where i can find information comparing evms and lvm2?08:52
lotusleafAgrajag: yeah I know =)08:52
lotusleafAgrajag: But I love the hype08:52
=== CicalaMvta [n=CicalaMv@chello080109002146.13.14.vie.surfer.at] has joined #ubuntu
Mehrdadthe home page is changed08:52
savvasjust be patient guys08:52
bmgztheir arent any links on the download page yet -still 6.0608:52
FujitsuMehrdad: It doesn't say it's been released.08:53
FujitsuMehrdad: It says it is released on the 26th.08:53
savvasit's better to release a working os, than a buggy one ;p08:53
=== ToonArmy [n=chris@Lafrowda-14.ex.ac.uk] has joined #ubuntu
markdarbboink: That'll be good. It really is annoying with all the legal issues surrounding multimedia.08:53
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boinkthey're working on it :)08:53
MehrdadFujitsu, "released" is past tense!08:53
drspinmain page is updated but not the download pages08:53
drspineverybody seed the torrent08:53
=== yama_away is now known as yama
uwjamesok, so I see the xmms-alarm is listed.. what is the command to install it?08:53
bmgzI doubt they still bug-squashing in these dying moments08:53
=== zennix_ [i=BOUNCER@58-163-144-27.dsl.dodo.com.au] has joined #ubuntu
boinkI would say the video card drivers and the multimedia codecs are still the weak spots in ubuntu08:53
uwjames(thanks by the way)08:53
Agrajaguwjames: sudo apt-get install xmms-alarm08:54
FujitsuMehrdad: Can be future (`it will be released,' for example)08:54
lotusleafdrspin: I'll be getting the Edgy CD and DVD torrent and leaving it on a few days ;)08:54
ubotuEdgy will be released around October 26th (*some* timezone) - we don't know at precisely what time of the day it will be finalized and published for download. Please be patient!08:54
=== MDCore [n=gavin@] has joined #ubuntu
boinkFujitsu: how about "it will have been released" :)08:54
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mneptondrspin: i will be setting up early torrent seeds. don't worry, when the release happens there won't be just one seed. :)08:54
bmgzthey got to build iso's and update mirrors which will take another day if they still bug-fixing08:54
=== Kameli [n=kameli@adsl-82-141-122-69.kotinet.com] has left #ubuntu []
Mehrdadwhat's in ubuntu DVD? it kubuntu included?08:54
=== mabreaux [n=kvirc@adsl-75-35-128-140.dsl.sndg02.sbcglobal.net] has joined #ubuntu
drspinboink: those are issues for linux itself -- mostly due to licensing and support from the OEM08:54
lotusleafMehrdad: check cdimages.ubuntu.com08:54
azureallol... on "aptitude install gdm" :  "Need to get 14.6MB/15.6MB of archives. After unpacking 45.0MB will be used."08:55
savvasboink: those are-- what doc said :p08:55
boinkFreeBSD doesn't have these problems, drspin08:55
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bmgzubotu: you better automate that message of yours ;-)08:55
ubotuI am ubotu, all-knowing infobot. You can browse my brain at http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl Usage info: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuBots08:55
Mehrdadlotusleaf, I want to know if I download the DVD, should I download kubuntu too?08:55
rwscold1) The Edgy repositories are *very* frozen, meaning unless the world collapses there will be no more changes to the Edgy repositories... In other words, if you want to upgrade, doing it now or when Edgy is officially released is no different.08:55
rwscold(2) http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/daily-live/current/ One of these latest CD builds is going to be renamed into the final release... these ARE either the final releases or one package away from it ;-)08:55
drspinboink: different legalities and philosophies surrounding it08:55
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boinkyou see, it's circumstances08:56
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lotusleafMehrdad: you can download Ubuntu and install KDE (Kubuntu) from within Ubuntu.08:56
mabreauxhas 6.10 been released yet?08:56
osamahi, anybody tried Edgy Eft Release (6.1)08:56
Fujitsumabreaux: No.08:56
osamamabreaux, yes08:56
Fujitsuosama: It's 6.10, and it hasn't been released yet.08:56
savvashm? :P08:56
osamadig says yes ...08:56
uwjamesgreat, it is installing xmms-alarm.  thanks fellas.  I still wonder what to do about the ./configure telling me I needed to install glib 1.2.6 or put it in my path (I had tried to build the package)08:56
mabreauxthat was confusing08:56
rwscoldit will be out in approximately 6 hours08:56
drspindownloads aren't available yet08:57
lotusleafCRIKEY! I love you Edgy!08:57
Fujitsuosama: Are you serious?08:57
drspinso does the main ubuntu page08:57
Mehrdadlotus, I know, my question is: Is kubuntu-desktop package included on ubuntu DVD?08:57
=== unforgiving [n=c@unaffiliated/unforgiving] has joined #ubuntu
drspinbut downloads aren't available08:57
sheepsheepeven ubuntu.com says it's released already..08:57
barnetodill tell you in two minutes if mine is the real or rc08:57
Flannelosama: Digg is nothing but gossip, come on.08:57
osamasorry ... just read the comments... .no08:57
uwjamesI believe I have a 2.x version of glib08:57
lotusleafMehrdad: ah, I see, you know I don't know.. There should be a package list somewhere08:57
boinkMehrdad: you need the Kubuntu-DVD set for kde08:57
azurealsome people say it's supposed to come out today, but Flannel says no, so no. =P08:57
lotusleafazureal: never underestimate the power of the Edgy08:57
boinkKubuntu = Ubuntu with KDE08:57
azurealwait for the official seal of edgy approval..08:58
Flannelazureal: it will come out today, we still have... 27 hours of today though.08:58
azureal27 hours!??!08:58
FeistyFawnFlannel: but only a few until release :)08:58
lotusleafazureal: Edgy love you!08:58
osamahttp://releases.ubuntu.com/.pool/ ???08:58
sheepsheepwhen 6.10 will comeout, how do I upgrade to it from 6.06 ?08:58
=== jme [n=jme@c-24-7-89-173.hsd1.ca.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
ubotutime: The GNU time program for measuring cpu resource usage. In component main, is standard. Version 1.7-21 (dapper), package size 31 kB, installed size 144 kB08:58
=== boink won't update until after the servers have been pounded
mabreauxjust out of curiosity, what happens to all the beta installs..  when it comes out?08:58
FeistyFawn!upgrade | sheepsheep08:58
ubotusheepsheep: Upgrading, please see the instructions on: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UpgradeNotes08:58
drspinI'm doing a full reinstall :)08:58
=== jme [n=jme@c-24-7-89-173.hsd1.ca.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
lotusleafboink: sloppy seconds08:58
rawrnessi have exatcly 24 hours till today is over08:58
=== MBV [i=user@c-24-18-187-231.hsd1.wa.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
azurealFlannel, idk where you're getting 27, lol... i only have 23 hrs  =(08:58
=== rawrness perfers clean installs
Flannelmabreaux: they'll update like normal package updates to the final08:59
azurealer.. i meant 21 hrs =/08:59
=== Krapule95 [n=Krapule9@APlessis-Bouchard-152-1-60-67.w82-121.abo.wanadoo.fr] has joined #ubuntu
Krapule95salut bande de tachon !!!!08:59
mabreauxokay, I have a friend running the beta and was just wondering08:59
uwjamesby the way, how much and in what ways is edgy better than dapper?  my dapper install has given me networking fits.. I finally got it working tonight08:59
justthisguyazureal: because there are different timezones around the world, 26th of october hasnt even _started_ in some places08:59
markdarbTry five hours (I think)08:59
boinkuwjames: good question08:59
=== ootte [n=ootte@samurai.ibh.net] has joined #ubuntu
azurealrawrness, perfers? is that along the lines of 'fingers'?08:59
lotusleafI am what I am and that's all that I am, I'm Edgy the lizard man !09:00
boinkdapper is at least a "LTS" release09:00
azurealjustthisguy, it will.09:00
=== osama never tried apt-get dist-upgrade .... used to be a mandrake/mandrive user, and had to backup, install new version, restore.....
Flanneluwjames, boink, here's a partial rundown: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/EdgyEft/Beta09:00
boinkta Flannel09:00
=== azureal vomits at the mention of mandrake
=== DaftDog [n=christia@dslb-084-056-221-249.pools.arcor-ip.net] has joined #ubuntu
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uwjamesthanks flannel09:01
=== BlackJack [n=matthias@p549B5680.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #ubuntu
osamaazureal, I know/....09:01
lotusleafIt's midnight! crow like a rooster! it's edgy day! OO OO OO OO OOOOOO!09:01
KenSentMelotusleaf: here it's 9 am09:01
kupesoftWhen the friggen release do?09:01
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lotusleafKenSentMe: crow like a rooster anyway! it's edgy day!09:02
=== Griver [n=Griver@81-231-250-204-no52.tbcn.telia.com] has joined #ubuntu
Fujitsu!ef | kupesoft09:02
ubotuEdgy will be released around October 26th (*some* timezone) - we don't know at precisely what time of the day it will be finalized and published for download. Please be patient!09:02
ubotukupesoft: Edgy will be released around October 26th (*some* timezone) - we don't know at precisely what time of the day it will be finalized and published for download. Please be patient!09:02
kupesoftWhen's the friggen release due?09:02
KenSentMelotusleaf: that's right. i did this morning09:02
radar1976can anyone help me understand tr ?09:02
osamaubotu, South Africa? =GMT??09:02
=== phaero [n=phaero@h73n2fls31o891.telia.com] has joined #ubuntu
BHSPitLappyosama, his artificial intelligence isn't perfect yet09:02
=== sonics [n=sonics@x473.vpn.hrz.tu-darmstadt.de] has joined #ubuntu
BHSPitLappyin fact, it's nonexistent.09:02
elkbuntuAttention please everyone: Edgy Eft has **NOT** been released yet. Could offtopic discussion please go to #ubuntu-offtopic. Thankyou09:03
savvasosama: gmt+109:03
osamaBHSPitLappy, :)09:03
BHSPitLappyelkbuntu, that did it, you took care of that unruly mob :)09:03
boinkelkbuntu: but the hype is fun!09:03
ianmacgregorIt does my heart good to see the auto-install and auto-remove switches added to apt :)09:03
osamasavvas, so now it's 8:00 (GMT+1)09:03
=== sheft [n=xd@c-6a9e72d5.019-35-6e6b701.cust.bredbandsbolaget.se] has joined #ubuntu
savvassorry, UTC +2 :p09:03
elkbuntuboink, not for people who are trying to get genuine help09:03
ianmacgregorI guess my bug reports were seen :)09:03
boinkthus, it's now 0700 UTC09:03
osamasavvas, so now it's 9:00 (UTC+2)09:04
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savvaswell yes09:04
=== fildo [n=fildo@c58-107-108-125.livrp1.nsw.optusnet.com.au] has joined #ubuntu
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ianmacgregorIt is now October 26, 2006 in Seattle, Washington09:04
uwjameshmm.. new login screen, background, round corners.. seriously though, looks nice, but wondering if networking is better.. from all I read DHCP is a crapshoot in dapper (I couldn't get it to work)09:04
osamahttp://releases.ubuntu.com/.pool/  has the iso .... (6.10 without RC)09:04
boinkuwjames: the dhcp client is fine in dapper09:04
=== shadok [n=shad@unaffiliated/shadok] has joined #ubuntu
mneptonosama: that is not an official final release09:04
upt1mehttp://mirror3.cs.wisc.edu/pub/mirrors/linux/ubuntu/releases/.pool/   <--- Fast09:04
Fujitsuupt1me: That isn't the final release, as mnepton said. WE've been telling you this for some time.09:05
mneptonplease do NOT advertise .pool as being final. it IS NOT FINAL.09:05
elkbuntuAttention: Edgy Eft has **NOT** been released yet.09:05
uwjamesI'm sure I could get it to work if I knew more.. but in the forums the recomended fix is to go with static09:05
rwscoldhas feisty the ferret been released yet?!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!09:05
lotusleafhttp two little dots forward slash slash I want me edgy gimmie me edgy dot woo!09:06
=== timhaughton [n=timhaugh@82-69-2-150.dsl.in-addr.zen.co.uk] has joined #ubuntu
savvasit even says it in the pool: release candidate hehe09:06
boinkanyone have any ubuntu help questions? fire away..09:06
sonicshow do I upgrade using apt commands a specified version?09:06
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=== Echtor2oo3 is now known as Echtor`off
ubotuUpgrading, please see the instructions on: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UpgradeNotes09:07
uwjameshow can I tell if I have glib 1.2.6 (or better) and if I do, how can I get my ./configure to find it?09:07
=== tzadikim [n=chatzill@71-11-137-82.dhcp.stls.mo.charter.com] has joined #ubuntu
rwscoldhas feisty the ferret been released yet?!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! PLEASE OH PLEASE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!109:08
boinkfeisty fawn won't be released until 26 April09:08
sonicsboink: thanx but I mean e.g. upgrading ysm to its newest version?09:08
rwscoldi know09:08
Fujitsu-ERR boink09:08
rwscoldi am just messing09:08
Fujitsu19 April.09:08
barnetodrws i think it is the official release09:08
uwjames1 April actually09:08
=== gavin [n=gavin@] has joined #ubuntu
ianmacgregorI remember that when Dapper was first released, there was a bug that kept the admin user password in plain text in a file on the hard drive. So, I wouldn't assume the final release of Edgy will be without severe problems. Might be best to wait a week or two.09:08
=== DapperDrake [n=seveas@ubuntu/member/seveas] has joined #ubuntu
boinkian: good advice09:09
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boinkand dapper just works fine :)09:09
=== spanglesontoast [n=edd@eddland.plus.com] has joined #ubuntu
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ianmacgregorboink: Exactly :)09:09
=== DapperDrake is now known as FeistyFawn
rwscoldthats good advice for any update or anything from microsoft or linux for that matter09:09
bimberiianmacgregor: that was Breezy actually09:09
=== Volstrup [n=volstrup@0x5552fb8d.adsl.cybercity.dk] has joined #ubuntu
Neil3dapper doesnt like my wifi card, edgy likes it, the first distro i've tried that actually works out of the box with it!09:09
barnetodlol so i wasting 700 megs of hard drive space now09:09
=== InnerFIRE [n=darnell@h-66-167-253-197.sttnwaho.dynamic.covad.net] has joined #ubuntu
lotusleafdapper dances with edgy and they laugh and giggle while the people swivel their heads like the animals on a carousel towards their nearest mirror09:09
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Bollrwscold: only with Windows it's more like a year or so before the first service pack.09:09
=== Laucsa1 [n=Laucsap@VA1-1E-u-0378.mc.onolab.com] has joined #ubuntu
boinkand those poor servers ... just think how much they'll get pounded09:09
FeistyFawna lot09:10
ianmacgregorbimberi: It was? I have been using Ubuntu for longer than I thought :)09:10
sonicscan anyone tell me how I can update ysm to its newest version?09:10
barnetodburning it now09:10
FeistyFawnit costs mark a few hundred thousand pounds to pay for the bandwidth during release09:10
sonicsseems like im unable to find out ;D09:10
rwscoldlook in the chan09:10
Bollsonics: apt-get update;apt-get install ysm09:10
=== Laucsa1 [n=Laucsap@VA1-1E-u-0378.mc.onolab.com] has left #ubuntu []
osamaFeistyFawn, wow09:10
=== Cyber_School [n=hmm@dsl-165-231-133.telkomadsl.co.za] has joined #ubuntu
phire_NZI disapeared for a hour there, has it been released?09:11
uwjamesanyone see my glib 1.2.6 question by the way?  or did I miss the answer?09:11
osamashouldn't a newer version of apt use bittorrent ?09:11
FeistyFawnotherwise it would be in the topic09:11
exhaleFeistyFawn, i better torrent it then :)09:11
=== adnans [n=adnans@linuxgoeroe.demon.nl] has joined #ubuntu
osamawould be nice...09:11
ChousukeSo, hm.09:11
elkbuntuCould offtopic discussion please go to #ubuntu-offtopic. Thankyou :)09:11
=== lotusleaf looks at Edgy CD and says "Edgy, I'll love you like no other" and kisses it
mneptonosama: no way to ensure security09:12
BollSomeone should update /topic09:12
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ChousukeHow many people do you think will come on this channel and yell "EDGY RELEASED!" after the release?09:12
Fujitsumnepton: There is, actually, as long as Packages is posted somewhere central...09:12
=== cheesy [n=cheesy@dslb-084-056-058-206.pools.arcor-ip.net] has joined #ubuntu
FeistyFawnChousuke: too many09:12
=== mode/#ubuntu [+o apokryphos] by ChanServ
osamamnepton, hashes?09:12
barnetodchou EDGY RELEASED!09:12
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FujitsuChousuke: infinite numbers, probably... After what's happened before it releases...09:12
tzadikimso, please excuse my ineptitude...im trying to install ubuntu on top of my windows xp and set up a dual boot...i've gotten the disc to load correctly, and it brings up the options menu, i select install ubuntu and it starts to get going, then flashes something about benig unable to something to device 3 (sorry, it flashes fast), the installation screen comes up and says it's loading...09:12
tzadikim...essential drivers and mounting root file systems, my cdrom goes nuts for a minute, then my computer becomes unresponsive and nothing happens for like ten minutes...am i just not waiting long enough?09:12
barnetodim the channel guinea pig09:12
=== mode/#ubuntu [+o FeistyFawn] by ChanServ
=== ..[topic/#ubuntu:apokryphos] : Official Ubuntu support channel | Are you feeling edgy? | Support options: http://www.ubuntu.com/support | FAQ: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CommonQuestions | IRC info: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRCResourcePage | Pastes to Pastebin: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/
barnetodi downloaded the october 25th upload09:12
barnetodso we will see09:13
barnetodhope i can remember my router password lol09:13
FujitsuWhat did you change, apokryphos?09:13
osamaimagine this in your sources.list "deb torrent://tracker.ubuntu.com/ubuntu edgy main"  :)09:13
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apokryphosFujitsu: near the beginning =)09:13
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FujitsuThat second bit?09:14
Lathiattzadikim: i doubt it09:14
exhalehow does one see the amount of ram left?09:14
Lathiattzadikim: soudns like some kind if incompatability09:14
osamaexhale, free09:14
=== Hit3k [n=allan@] has joined #ubuntu
=== warpforge [n=david@cpe-70-112-140-92.austin.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu
exhaleosama, ?09:14
ianmacgregorQuestion: Once Edgy is finally released, this channel will become the support channel for Edgy, correct? If so, where do those of us still runing Dapper go for support?09:14
cheesyEDGY DAY ?09:14
exhaleah thanks09:14
Fujitsuianmacgregor: You'll stay here.09:15
Flannelianmacgregor: here still.09:15
=== graymer [n=graymer@h218.cl.PNeT.ro] has joined #ubuntu
ianmacgregorAhh, cool :)09:15
Fujitsuianmacgregor: It's the support channel for all current Ubuntu releases.09:15
Flannelianmacgregor: all ubuntu versions except Warty (and Hoary, once edgy is released, I suppose) are supported here09:15
=== Fujitsu speculates about #ubuntu-1
ianmacgregorFujitsu: Ahh, good to know09:15
warpforgemaybe #ubuntu-lts09:15
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mnepton #ubuntique09:15
FujitsuHaha, yes.09:16
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FeistyFawnFlannel: hoary will be supported for 2 more days09:16
=== quiros [n=quiros@77.red-62-57-158.user.auna.net] has joined #ubuntu
ianmacgregorWell, I don't actually come here for support anymore, I stay here to answer questions from others. So, I suppose I should install Edgy final in order to keep up to date on my support advice.09:16
mneptoni love you, jIRCii. that is all.09:16
FeistyFawnianmacgregor: that would be useful :)09:16
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graymerwhen is due, edgy?09:17
ubotuEdgy will be released around October 26th (*some* timezone) - we don't know at precisely what time of the day it will be finalized and published for download. Please be patient!09:17
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mneptongraymer: "When It's Ready"(tm)09:17
barnetodit may be available now09:17
rwscoldlook lets just assume that the latest releas is most likely going to be basically the final09:17
Fujitsubarnetod: No.09:17
apokryphostonyyarusso: still logging? It will get interesting =)09:17
DBOgraymer, the ubuntu.com page says today... soooooo09:17
barnetodif what i downloaded is it09:17
graymergot my answer from ubotu09:17
rwscoldthats very probable09:17
cheesygraymer -r09:17
Fujitsurwscold: But it's not official.09:17
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mneptonrwscold: not a safe assumption09:17
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FeistyFawnrwscold: if they find a showstopper in the final hour, it will not be final09:18
rwscoldwhats safe who cares install it09:18
osamaOct 26, 23:59:59.9999 ( GMT-12 )09:18
rwscoldif its not the final one then just update from withing09:18
=== babwe2 [n=poul@0x3e42bcbd.adsl.cybercity.dk] has joined #ubuntu
barnetodhell no worse than a new service pack from ms09:18
tonyyarussoapokryphos: Yep, still here.09:18
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tzadikimso where should i go to read about compatibility issues?09:18
tonyyarussoapokryphos: (see tonyyserver)09:18
barnetodlaunching now09:18
mneptonrwscold: how do you know we didn't remove the first blocks from those .pool images to make them unbootable? you don't. so wait for release.09:18
rwscoldGO BARNETOD09:18
tonyyarussoapokryphos: Results are updated every 15 minutes (http://www.tonyyarusso.is-a-geek.com/)09:19
ianmacgregormnepton: hehe09:19
osamaThis version of Ubuntu Edgy Eft may be pirated, please call Ubuntu to buy a License.09:19
apokryphostonyyarusso: cool. But, wrong link? No data there09:19
osamaUGA: Ubuntu Genuine Advantage09:19
=== mkquist [i=Mkquist@h-66-167-104-55.lsanca54.dynamic.covad.net] has joined #ubuntu
FeistyFawn@lart  osama09:19
rwscoldI am not calling south africa thanks lol09:19
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FeistyFawn@lart  osama09:20
=== Ubugtu @#ubuntu:~$ deluser osama
tonyyarussoapokryphos: Click a channel name09:20
apokryphoswhoops, sorry, I didn't notice the parenthesis breaking the url09:20
mneptonUNGAWA! :: Ubuntu Next Generation Authetication Windows-esque Abomination09:20
ubotu#ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, #ubuntu+1 supports the development version of Ubuntu and #ubuntu-offtopic is for random chatter. Welcome!09:20
totall_6_7rwscold: i would lol just to say i did ;)09:20
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apokryphostonyyarusso: very nice09:21
apokryphospretty too 8)09:21
feethello. how i change the font size for GTK 1.2 apps? thanks in advance09:21
rwscoldyou are welcome09:21
ianmacgregorHas gnucash been ported to GTK2 yet?09:22
FujitsuWha? I'm at number 3 here... Yay.09:22
=== xipietotec [n=jackfros@] has joined #ubuntu
xipietotecAnyone know why I'm getting this error? update-initramfs: Generating /boot/initrd.img-2.6.17-10-38609:22
xipietotec[: 89: name: unexpected operator09:22
xipietotecbasename: extra operand `of'09:22
xipietotecTry `basename --help' for more information.09:22
rwscoldwow i should be asleep09:22
rwscoldthis is nuts09:22
apokryphostonyyarusso: thing is, in the hourly statistics no number is given though, eh?09:22
crimsunxipietotec: ls -l /bin/sh09:23
apokryphosi.e. so you can see, 8:30 - 945 people, then 8:45 ....09:23
tonyyarussoapokryphos: Yeah, sadly.  Not sure if I can do that or not.09:23
=== exhale [n=pierre@c80-216-9-216.bredband.comhem.se] has joined #ubuntu
tonyyarussoapokryphos: If Seveas didn't have to work today he would have gotten that set up.09:23
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xipietoteclrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 4 2006-10-23 10:39 /bin/sh -> dash09:23
xipietotecis the return I get09:24
apokryphostonyyarusso: I'd give a whack at it but I'm just leaving for a lecture =)09:24
phire_NZwith the time zones in new zealand I really should stop showing up for releases on time, and instead come a day late09:24
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tonyyarussoapokryphos: I can probably parse it after the fact though still.09:24
mneptonxipietotec: is this on an Edgy Knot or RC?09:24
elkbuntuphire_NZ, you could wait with your fellow countrymen in #ubuntu-nz :)09:25
xipietotecmnepton: It's the latest RC09:25
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=== MonsieurBon [n=fabian@vpn-global-dhcp3-079.ethz.ch] has joined #ubuntu
MonsieurBondoes anybody know, when FF2 gets into the backports?09:25
mneptonxipietotec: seems like a non-strict-sh command problem. file a bug against the package and its configure in LP?09:26
rwscoldnow thats a good question09:26
ianmacgregorMonsieurBon: It won't be in the repos for Dapper AFAIK09:26
rwscoldfirst good one in a while09:26
mneptonxipietotec: the configure script probably uses bash-esque syntax somewhere.09:26
xipietotecI've never filed a bug before, how do I do that09:26
=== _rodney [n=rodney@80-45-96-105.static.dsl.as9105.com] has joined #ubuntu
txi am using vipul's razor to filter spam , one question tho , why does razor create a ".razor" dir in each user's homedir ? i was interested in havin a global homedir , for logs and conf. files, please help09:26
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savvas if i select to donate yearly to freenode, am i obliged to pay for09:27
savvas..the following years too?09:27
MonsieurBonianmacgregor: wow, I just saw, has Edgy been released today????09:27
ianmacgregorMonsieurBon: Not yet09:27
MasseRMonsieurBon: Yes09:27
BHSPitLappyand that's hardly a ubuntu-relevant question09:28
savvasthank you ;p09:28
osamaMonsieurBon, maybe :)09:28
MasseROr is going to be released09:28
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MonsieurBonianmacgregor, MasseR: now what? :D09:28
BHSPitLappysavvas, ask in ##freenode09:28
MasseRMonsieurBon: "now what?"?09:28
mneptonMonsieurBon: the plan is to release it today. but it has not been released yet.09:28
elkbuntuAttention please everyone: Edgy Eft has **NOT** been released yet. Could offtopic discussion please go to #ubuntu-offtopic. Thankyou09:28
MasseRWhat's the next buntu?09:28
savvasdouble channel sign? ok09:28
MonsieurBonmnepton: ah, that clarifies. what is more likely? will it, or will it not be released?09:29
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DBOMonsieurBon, more likely it will be released, please stop asking =)09:29
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MonsieurBonDBO: thanks. I just got really excited! :D09:29
elkbuntuMonsieurBon, we all are :)09:29
cheesyhow bout asking if Edgy is released today?09:30
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chewyi got a question, how do i change what channels are recorded by alsa09:30
chewywhen i talk on skype people can hear themselvs talk09:31
=== ..[topic/#ubuntu:DBO] : Official Ubuntu support channel | Edgy Is NOT Released Yet: This will be updated when it is, stop asking| Support options: http://www.ubuntu.com/support | FAQ: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CommonQuestions | IRC info: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRCResourcePage | Pastes to Pastebin: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/
=== jme [n=jme@c-24-7-89-173.hsd1.ca.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
tzadikimhow do i tell whether or not i have a 64 bit processor? maybe i picked the wrong distro...i really want to get this to work on my computer09:31
=== ChaKy [n=chaky@2-76.dsl.iskon.hr] has joined #ubuntu
DBOchewy, it has to do with the PCM sliders09:31
DBOchewy, play with them a bit09:31
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osamatzadikim, you most probably have a 32bit CPU09:31
phirecat /proc/cpu-info09:31
chewywhat does PCM stand for09:32
osamaPulse Code Modulation09:32
cheesyor Personal Computer Machine ?09:32
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chewyok let me ask this, if i want 0% of what comes out of my speackers sent to be recorded, what should PCM be at09:32
tzadikimi've got an amd athlon 64 x2 dual core processor, is that not the cpu?09:33
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osamatzadikim,  64bit09:33
=== everamzah [n=jaysteve@dsl-216-227-92-169.fairpoint.net] has joined #ubuntu
Smotangwhat are the developer libraries for sourcecode compiling?09:33
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chewydon't get the 64 bit ubuntu it is incompatible with lots of things09:33
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chewyand you don't get much performance from it09:33
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DBOchewy, usually there are several PCM sliders, one of them needs to go to 009:33
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chewyrather, i should say lots of things are not compatible with it09:33
DBOchewy, it might be disabled09:33
osama64bit is still not very interesting to me ,,, maybe in a few years////09:33
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Hikaru79Smotang, depends on the package, but a good place to start is build-esential09:34
tzadikimso can i run the 32 bit on my 64 bit cpu?09:34
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tzadikimok, i'll try downloading that...thanks guys, i appreciate it09:34
gebruikerCould someone help me setup my Wireles network card? I have an WGPI0309:34
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Smotanghikaru79 how would i get the build essential libraries using apt-get?09:34
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Zajjko|worki686 actually left me with lower performance than i386 : (09:35
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Hikaru79Smotang, just type: sudo apt-get install build-essential09:35
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Hikaru79Its a meta-package that will pull in everything you need :)09:35
Smotangsudo apt-get install build-essential09:35
Hikaru79No problem :)09:36
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Zajjko|workAnyone familiar with the native VNC in ubuntu?09:36
Zajjko|workI'm experiencing some issues in performance while using VNC from my work computer to remote my home-comp09:36
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Zajjko|worka lot of lag and left over bits and pieces of my desktop in areas that aren't updated. If I change workspace for example09:37
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a1113Zajjko|work, are you using any firewall/bandwidth limiter ?09:38
miguebuenos dias09:38
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Zajjko|worka1113: nope. Sorry, I might have been a bit fuzzy. It isn't lag, per say, it's more left over artefacts that linger on my screen.09:39
zlackhey guys - when i try to start xgl with edgy it crashes and i see this error in my Xorg.0.log: AIGLX error: dlsym for __driCreateNewScreen_20050727 failed - any idea what to do ?09:39
zlacki'm running edgy09:39
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Flannelzlack: #ubuntu+1 for edgy support09:39
ianmacgregorzlack: /join #ubuntu+109:39
a1113Zajjko|work,  try using tsclient (if it is not already the case) and see if it is different from the embeeded client09:39
Terminuszlack: the people in #ubuntu+1 might be better equipped to help you.09:39
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SaLsIcHazlack, final or RC? o.o09:40
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zlackok thanks09:40
kihaiAhem, just a short question: How do I get rid of nfs-mounted folders showing up on all the ltsp clients' desktops although the folder is rwx------ and owns to root. Sth to do with nautilus settings? And how do I change this?09:40
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FlannelSaLsIcHa: final doesn't exist yet09:40
Zajjko|worka1113: the client I'm using atm is RealVNC from a Windows Enviroment09:40
ice_1963is edgy out yet?09:40
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kihai...belongs to root...09:40
Zajjko|workis tsclient a VNC-serverapp?09:40
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osamaice_1963, read the channel topic09:41
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SaLsIcHaFlannel, hum o.o09:41
ice_1963or releasted09:41
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a1113Zajjko, (no tsclient is a terminal server clietn that also support VNC, RDP, ...) be sure to use version 5 and try lower the resolution, disabeling the background or other stuff that can lower the graphic related trafic09:41
ice_1963osama, okay i see it :)09:42
Zajjko|worka1113: version 5 of tsclient? or version 5 of the VNC-protocol? checking the graphics now09:42
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a1113Zajjko|work, VNC09:43
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ice_1963osama, that's okay i run ETCH09:43
jmeany idea how to get color working on the terminal again?09:43
thelsdjreally wish there was a RDP server for linux, it seems to be a superior protocol (atleast graphics seem way better over slow links)09:43
jmeit's enabled on gnome-terminal09:43
=== frankiex [n=a@pD9E14F4F.dip0.t-ipconnect.de] has joined #ubuntu
a1113Zajjko|work, i don't now maybe this can help http://www.linuxquestions.org/questions/showthread.php?t=45270709:44
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Zajjko|worka1113: I'll have a looksee. I think I'll have to go for tsclient right away, I don't have any options for disabling diff. GFX in the native client ; D09:45
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kosnicki need to set some app as default . Is there any way to do that? (example : to open pdfs with kpdf instead of document reader as default)09:45
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RancidLMis there a way to transfer windows betweek xdmcp sessios?09:45
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a1113Zajjko|work, good luck, I am quite sure you can get this working09:45
barnetodim back :)09:46
barnetodthat release is the full 6.1009:46
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a1113kosnick, you can edit /etc/mimetype for this09:46
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chewycoo thx i got my skype working bad ass09:46
Zajjko|worka1113: well, since VNC works like a charm from one Windows env. to another, I'm quite sure it should work between Windows Linux aswell09:46
kosnicka1113 : ok thx i'll check on that09:46
osamabarnetod, ???09:46
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gebruikerI installed the rt61 drivers however09:47
gebruikerIget ra0: ERROR while getting interface flags: No such device09:47
osamawhat release?09:47
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barnetodthe one posted on the uk mirror09:47
Zajjko|worka1113: thanks for the help so far, if I should get the same issue in tsclient, I'll cry abit instead of asking again ; D09:47
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Smotangwhats the command to run a binary file from terminal as root?09:47
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a1113Zajjko|work, you are welcome09:47
FujitsuRancidLM: I think there's a tool named xmove, but I'm not quite sure about it...09:47
ubuntuownshas anyone got the full 6.10 atm09:47
dholbachGOOD MORNING09:47
Fujitsubarnetod: How do you know?09:47
FujitsuHey dholbach.09:47
barnetodjust ran the livecd and all that and no where on that puppy in every menu i decided and readme was release candidate09:47
Fujitsudholbach: Welcome to chaoos.09:47
Fujitsubarnetod: Your point?09:48
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Smotangwhats the command to run a binary file from terminal as root? anyone know?09:48
dholbachheya Fujitsu09:48
barnetodwell fuji im wrong you win09:48
barnetodjust saying09:48
a1113Smotang, sudo09:48
barnetodi downloaded it decided to be guinea pig09:48
savvaswhat's the deb mirror for opera 9? deb http://archive.canonical.com/ubuntu dapper-commercial main ?09:48
barnetodi may be wrong09:48
Zajjko|worka1113: best way to temporarily upload a screenshot? Imageshack? Just thought I'd let you have a look at what my client presents presently09:48
RancidLMFujitsu: thnx ill take a look at it09:48
barnetodbut was nice enough to share what i saw09:48
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Genix|linuxanyone play planeshift?09:48
gebruikerosama, to me?09:48
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Fujitsusavvas: I believe so, yes.09:49
osamagebruiker, no :)09:49
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FujitsuHi Bart.09:49
=== osama does a rm -f ~/downloads/completed/ubuntu-6.06*
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a1113Zajjko|work, yes why not09:49
Zajjko|worka1113: http://img222.imageshack.us/img222/6791/vncissueya9.jpg09:49
Bartdoes sbd know why edgy isn't released ?09:49
ubotuEdgy will be released around October 26th (*some* timezone) - we don't know at precisely what time of the day it will be finalized and published for download. Please be patient!09:50
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BartOk, thx :)09:50
kofwangwhen the firefox2.0 for ubuntu release?09:50
osamait may even be released next week or even next month ....09:50
Lard-O-Ladwhat is the difference between the Edgy RC and Edgy?09:50
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about planeshift - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi09:50
BartArglh... 3 months i wait this day... and edgy isn't released yet :(09:50
kofwangoh....thanx......i am worry about it09:51
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Fujitsuosama: Or not.09:51
cheesyBart: #ubuntu-edgy09:51
a1113Zajjko|work, do you have transparency enabled on the windows host ? are you connecting to the correct display (:0)09:51
Fujitsukofwang: It's been in Edgy for some weeks now, although the final only for about 2 days.09:52
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shadokisn't it contradictory to display a banner with Ubuntu 6.10 Released altough it is not ?09:52
shadok(on ubuntu.com)09:52
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xipietotecshadok: It's released later today09:52
Fujitsushadok: There was some miscommunication between the release and website teams.09:52
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Zajjko|worka1113: No transparency, dunno about the display though. Don't think I have an option which display to announce/connect to09:53
a1113Personally I preferred being in advance, I passed to Edgy since 3 weeks now and I can say that it really rocks :)09:53
shadokI know that but released means "already"  xipietotec09:53
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shadokFujitsu: ah ok, thx :)09:53
Jaseyhello. how i change the font size for GTK 1.2 apps? thanks in advance :)09:53
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kofwangi think "released" is a promotion09:53
xipietotecEh...I doubt it will actually bother too many people09:53
Latinohi, does ubuntu have ff 2.0 in the repos?09:53
Zajjko|workLatino: nope09:53
kofwangnot yet..i find it too09:54
FujitsuLatino: Edgy does, yes.09:54
Fujitsu(which will be released in the coming hours)09:54
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Latinoreally? hmm09:54
FujitsuLatino, yes.09:54
Zajjko|workFujitsu: haha you saw that followup coming, didn't you? ; P09:54
FujitsuZajjko|work: pretty much.09:54
shadokxipietotec: not too many but some should be too much imho,it would have been simpler to update the homepage after the download page09:54
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adhoc_Fujitsu: do we have a release time yet?09:54
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Autonomylatino: 2.0 (Bon Echo) Is beta. Probably Now09:54
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ubotuEdgy will be released around October 26th (*some* timezone) - we don't know at precisely what time of the day it will be finalized and published for download. Please be patient!09:55
FujitsuAutonomy: No. It was released yesterday.09:55
AutonomyProbably Not, sorry09:55
=== InvisiblePinkUni [n=chatzill@219-89-32-185.dialup.xtra.co.nz] has joined #ubuntu
rwscoldi said it earlier whats out right now is most likely very close to the final release if not the final release09:55
AutonomyWow.. really! :s What a fool! :)09:55
chouso how do we upgrade to edgy (when it comes out)?  update of sources.list necessary?09:55
Fujitsurwscold: But it is NOT OFFICIAL.09:55
AutonomyI'm slow, apparently!09:55
Fujitsurwscold: Can you please stop promoting that?09:55
rwscoldyes but u cant update/upgrade from within the install regardless09:55
Fujitsuchou: http://help.ubuntu.com/community/EdgyUpgrades, once it's released.09:55
dholbachchou        gksu "update-manager -c -d"09:55
a1113Zajjko|work, I don't now many problems can occure between VNC based client/server espacially when not on the same plateforme. Did you try another protocol like RDP (using windows remote desktop client)09:56
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InvisiblePinkUniare we there yet... are we there yet... are we there yet.... :p09:56
kosnicka1113 : what do i need to do with mime.types so i can open a pdf with a specific app?09:56
=== Fujitsu hits InvisiblePinkUni over the head with a ... !ef?
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mneptonInvisiblePinkUni: stop asking or i'm turning this buildd around and we're all going back to Windows For Workgroups.09:56
ianmacgregorkosnick: Right-click on the pdf file, choose "Open with Other Application"09:56
Zajjko|worka1113: I tried using krfb as server and connecting with windows RDP - No dice I'm afraid. Couldn't even connect as it seems09:57
ianmacgregormnepton: Nooooo!09:57
kosnickianmacgregor : i need to do it as default09:57
kosnicknot with right click09:57
a1113kosnick, in /etc/mime.types you define a type that correspond to an extension09:57
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InvisiblePinkUnimnepton: me looking for ponies... lots were presented during dapper's release :)09:57
=== ianmacgregor will go back to pencil and paper before he touches a M$ product
HiveChildZajjko|work, try using TightVNC Client09:57
MagillaHaving problems installing Firefox 2. The only howtos I can find involve betas/RCs and an installation script that doesn't appear to be in the archive I downloaded09:58
kosnicka1113 : a type , not an app , right?09:58
InvisiblePinkUnimnepton: just curious... what is windows for workgroups? is it windows 2000?09:58
a1113kosnick, right09:58
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FujitsuInvisiblePinkUni: Windows 3.11 (released in '93 or so)09:58
elkbuntuInvisiblePinkUni, 3.11 :)09:58
kikkewindows 3.1109:58
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MagillaThe firefox site says "see the release notes", but the release notes say nothing09:58
a1113kosnick, then you can use this type to associate it to the app you want09:58
kosnicka1113 : is there any way to define a specific app for a specific extension?09:58
FujitsuMagilla: Not Ubuntu's problem,.09:58
Zajjko|workHiveChild: tried TightVNC, the same issue, so I think my problem is the server on my home-comp09:58
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rwscoldwindows 3.11 was great09:58
elkbuntucommonly considered that companies last stable release, but that's a discussion for another channel ;)09:58
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HiveChildZajjko|work, k :(09:59
LedStyleDo someone here run Softimage XSI on Ubuntu???09:59
Latinohehe, so was DOS 5.009:59
MagillaFujitsu: I'm aware of that, but I was wondering if anyone can point me in the right direction...09:59
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=== Fujitsu points Magilla to Mozilla.
Zajjko|workHiveChild: I mean thanks anyway, if my response seemed a bit harsh : )09:59
kosnicka1113 : i didn;t get the point ...09:59
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Artemis3oh hi used these :p09:59
osamaLathiat,  so was OS/2 Warp 4.010:00
elkbuntu**Attention**  Could offtopic discussion (discussion that isnt about ubuntu) please go to #ubuntu-offtopic ... Thankyou :)10:00
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HiveChildZajjko|work, hehe dont worry I did not take it as being hash ;)10:00
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Artemis3lets go there10:00
a1113kosnick, I am looking (I remember I did this one day)10:00
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kosnicka1113 : ok10:00
rwscoldwhy name the channel @ubuntu-offtopic if its not supposed to be about ubuntu cause things that are aabout ubuntu are in here?10:00
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CorpseFeederhi. Who here wants (can?) help me to get a DC10+ zoran chip capture card to work under ubuntu?10:00
jmeany idea how to get color working on the terminal again?10:01
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cheesyjme: using a color screen?10:01
ehirdjust thought i'd let you guys know: the home page says "Ubuntu 6.10, released today" but the download page is still for 6.0610:01
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osamarwscold, we're all waiting :)10:01
azurealany idea how i'd see my $VIMRUNTIME environment variable?10:01
elkbuntuehird, we're aware10:01
timhaughtonWhen will dist-upgrade start working? Anyone know?10:01
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HiveChildZajjko|work, are you using compression on the VNC connection ?10:02
brosnanMagilla: what was the error?10:02
rwscoldosama what are we wating for10:02
jmecheesy: yes :p10:02
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jmeand it's enabled in gnome-terminal10:02
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Magillabrosnan: no error yet. Entirely unsure how to procede10:02
Zajjko|workHiveChild: you mean encoding?10:03
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MagillaFirefox/Mozilla FAQ: Installation - "See Release Notes"10:03
=== InvisiblePinkUni does a apt-get moo :)
=== Xteven [i=deepstar@ekonomika.ekon.student.kuleuven.be] has joined #ubuntu
duckiehey all, student here just started my BSc Comp. Sci. question is.... what do you think is the best IDE for java running in Ubuntu.10:03
Zajjko|workHiveChild: atm I'm using ZRLE, which is the default option. And to tell you the truth, I don't know shit about the formats and encoding ; D10:03
Fujitsuduckie: Eclipse.10:03
brosnanMagilla: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FirefoxNewVersion10:03
CorpseFeederapparently ffmpeg, v4l, xawtv, lavrec and vlc can all use my capture card, but I cannot get any of them to work. the furtherest I've got is a blue screen in xawtv. Can anyone help?10:03
kosnicka1113 : i think i got it . you need to change the properties of one pdf file (the "open with" property) and then all pdf will just open with the preferred app10:03
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MagillaRelease Notes - Installation: Please note that installing Firefox 2 will overwrite your existing installation of Firefox. You won't lose any of your bookmarks or browsing history, but some of your extensions and other add-ons might not work until updates for them are made available.10:04
Magillathe firefox site is bloody useless10:04
amitany one help me , my drive is not mounted,how to mount it10:04
ianmacgregorkosnick: That is what I tried to tell you10:04
Zajjko|worka1113: tsclient in ubuntu only seems to be just that, a client for connecting to remote desktop servers10:04
ubotuPlease watch your language and keep this channel family friendly.10:04
osamapreparing to destroy Dapper CDs ....10:04
HiveChildZajjko|work, try and change the encoding, as far as I recall I have had similar problem with artifacts in the past in a vnc connection10:04
FujitsuZajjko|work: that's what tsclient was designed to do...10:04
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kosnickianmacgregor : sorry then , i didn't get it in the first place10:04
Magillabrosnan: thanks. elkbuntu: sorry...10:04
ehirdquick question: is the release candidate identical to the version out today apart from a version number?10:05
Fujitsuehird: No.10:05
amitany one help me , my drive is not mounted,how to mount it10:05
a1113kosnick, that can do it :)10:05
brosnanMagilla: seeing that 90% of the people using firefox get it from thier distro, mozilla does not provide much documentation10:05
Fujitsuehird: There are a number of updated packages for fixing bugs.10:05
Zajjko|workFujitsu: well I kind of figured. Just sounded like I could use it as a server earlier10:05
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ehirdfujitsu: okay, i'll wait then. thanks :)10:05
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kosnickianmacgregor : but which file is  changed? which can i change manually then?10:05
a1113Zajjko|work, no you have other protocols that are supported but you need to install some other dependencies10:05
MatthewVamit, there is a section in the System Documentation (System --> Help --> System Documentation) that explains that.. any troubles ask here10:05
duckieyea, eclipse is what I'm using on XP & Ubuntu at the moment. thanks Fujitsu. strange, I actually work for the Fujitsu company. anyway thanks guys10:05
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ianmacgregorkosnick: When you right-click on the file and choose Open with Other Application, be sure to read the top of that new window.10:06
NineTeen67CometHello all .. does anyone have advice on getting as much as possible out of nVidia chipped cards? I'm running 2 cards and 4 monitors, and it seems pretty sluggish. I get the Nvidia screen on login, but still, they are slow. glxgears works some of the time, and never prints out the fps .. (glxgears -?)10:06
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a1113Zajjko|work, I always used it with windows/linux servers never had problems. But maybe using TightVNC is better for you10:06
Zajjko|worka1113: well, I have tsclient on my Linux-comp at home. I need some other server for that comp I think10:06
phiretry glxgears -info10:07
InvisiblePinkUniubotu, you talking about keeping this channel family friendly? If only people saw the chat we had yesterday night, you naughty bot... ;)10:07
Zajjko|worka1113: you set up tsclient as a VNC-server and used TightVNC to connect to it?10:07
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a1113Zajjko|work, no no I always used tsclient as I client to connect to linux/windows comp10:08
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Zajjko|worka1113: there we have it ; D10:08
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Zajjko|worka1113: what server did you use on the Linux-comp in that case?10:08
Xeppois the Edgy release in http://releases.ubuntu.com/.pool/ the official release?  It doesn't carry the RC tag.10:08
FujitsuXeppo: No. It is not official.10:08
Zajjko|worka1113: x11vnc?10:08
pdiddy_6787876Quick question, If I wanted to input chinese chars / japanese text into a email in ubuntu how can I switch between locales with the keyboard?10:08
linuxvampireanyone else use E17/Dapper? :)10:08
XeppoAre the repositories official?10:09
osama 10:09
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RancidLMdoes e17 work with XGL?10:09
=== linuxvampire loves E
FujitsuXeppo: It has not been fully released yet, so not strictly.10:09
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linuxvampireDunno, I'm gonna test it on Monday at school10:09
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elkbuntuosama, please use english in the main channels10:09
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XeppoFujitsu: The ubuntu.com frontpage is really confusing me.10:09
cheesyRancidLM: #ubuntu-xgl10:09
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InvisiblePinkUniosama: is that arabic or hebrew?10:09
twagerAnyone tell me if I can use my grub stanza to boot a distro on hdb910:09
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ehirdxeppo: look at the description column: it still says release candidate10:10
osamaelkbuntu, i know ... that was garbage arabic text...  just a demo for pdiddy_678787610:10
Artemis3frontpage is being updated right now...10:10
ehirdthe front page, or the download page?10:10
elkbuntuosama, you could have used PM10:10
barnetodhey as a core 2 duo owner should i download 686?10:10
mneptonArtemis3: s/is being/has been/10:10
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pdiddy_6787876osama, how can I do that?  input multiple languages and switch between them?10:10
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ehirdpersonally i would have left the fancy home page graphic to after it'd been uploaded but hey, it's free :p10:11
osamaelkbuntu, sorry10:11
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InvisiblePinkUniyeah osama.... how do you do it?10:11
osamapdiddy_6787876, System -> Preferences -> Keyboard10:11
=== InvisiblePinkUni wants english and klingon on the same board...
osamathen Layouts10:11
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rwscoldYa would it be wise to run the 6866 version over 386 if i am running a dual core processor????????????????10:12
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Fujitsurwscold: Yes. Please don't use so many ?10:12
ArmedKingIs there a known howto for moving ubuntu to another partition. I have it currently installed on a usb hard disk. And would like to move is to hda?10:12
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shawarmarwscold: In edgy you'd run the -generic kernel.10:12
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pdiddy_6787876osama, Chinese is not available on that menu.  However japanese is.10:12
XeppoThe Feisty Fawn?  WTF was Mark thinking?10:12
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twagerAnyone tell me if I can use my grub stanza to boot a distro on hdb910:13
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FujitsuXeppo: He was thinking quite sanely, but that is -offtopic stuff.10:13
Fujitsutwager: yes...10:13
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ehirdahaha, now the front page says "to be released 26 october" instead of "released"10:13
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ehirdhuzzah, download page is updated10:14
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Fujitsuehird: is it?10:14
charle97gregarious gorilla in next10:15
a1113sorry I was on the phone and I am a bit cranky Zajjko|work ^~^10:15
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khaije1no news?10:15
ehirdfujitsu: yeah, but the actual links are broken >_>10:15
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Fujitsuehird: It's still showing 6.06 for me.10:15
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DrSpinme too10:15
Autonomyehird: Looks the same for me, too!10:15
rwscoldsame here10:15
Fujitsuehird: We are some distance from the announcement yet.10:15
khaije1oops, ic they changed the chan message10:15
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ehirdoh, hum10:16
ehirdhttp://www.ubuntu.com/products/GetUbuntu/download is updated10:16
AutonomyFujitsu: Curious... Whats your local time? Me: 5:46pm10:16
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ehirdbut not the main download page10:16
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ehirdyet they're almost identical10:16
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FujitsuAutonomy: You're in South Australia?10:17
Leminocan I use the update-manager to update to edgy just as I normaly update the system?10:17
Fujitsu(I'm in Melbourne)10:17
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rwscoldwhird what is that!10:17
FujitsuLemino: It will notify you when it detects a new release, and offer you the choice of upgrading.10:17
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ehirdwhat on earth does whird mean10:17
=== ..[topic/#ubuntu:DBO] : Official Ubuntu support channel | Edgy Is Released!!! | Support options: http://www.ubuntu.com/support | FAQ: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CommonQuestions | IRC info: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRCResourcePage | Pastes to Pastebin: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/
rwscoldsorry lol10:17
AutonomyFujitsu: :p Auzzies!10:18
rwscoldehird thats it right??!10:18
FujitsuAutonomy: Join us in #ubuntu-au!10:18
LeminoFujitsu: ok, so I don't have to use something like "sudo update-manager -c"?10:18
ehirdedgy is released!!!!!! but the download links are broken.10:18
dholbachit's NOT released!10:18
ehirdi was replying to the topic10:18
shawarmaDBO: Why did you change that?10:18
crimsunbut daniel, I want my shiny! *whine*10:18
dholbachread ubuntu-announce@lists.ubuntu.com10:18
azurealstop the damn false hopes10:18
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LeminoFujitsu: because that's what I  learned from someone on another ubuntu-channel.10:18
FujitsuYeah, it's not been released...10:19
dholbachcrimsun: alt f2 -> free the fish - shiny :)10:19
ehirdjust keep refreshing http://www.ubuntu.com/products/GetUbuntu/download#currentrelease and trying the links :p10:19
=== azureal hopes (falsely)
FujitsuLemino: once it has been appropriately released, it should be automatic, though you can do that if you want it quicker.10:19
=== linuxvampire waves
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ehirdrace to be the first on the http logs ,o/10:19
Lard-O-Ladis the chan topic right?10:19
azurealsuch a nerd, lol =P10:19
ehirdno it isn't10:19
LeminoFujitsu: you mean if I want the development-release?10:19
DrSpinhttp://us.releases.ubuntu.com/6.10/ still listing the RC for the torrent files :(10:19
kofwangthe www.ubuntu.com 's frontpage has change! the image is disappear!10:19
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DBOshawarma, cuz its released10:19
ehirddrspin: because it isn't released!10:19
InvisiblePinkUniwooooooooooo hooooooooooooooooooooooo10:20
shawarmaDBO: No, it is *not*!10:20
neuro_i love release days :)10:20
=== ..[topic/#ubuntu:DBO] : Official Ubuntu support channel | Edgy Is NOT Released!!! | Support options: http://www.ubuntu.com/support | FAQ: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CommonQuestions | IRC info: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRCResourcePage | Pastes to Pastebin: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/
FujitsuLemino: no, it may take a while for update-notifier to notice.10:20
=== azureal laughs quietly
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DBOi guess not10:20
FujitsuThankyou, DBO.10:20
ehirddbo: give me one working download link to it and i'll agree :p10:20
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=== DBO jumped the gun
kofwangi think the current will be the finally version10:20
=== Lard-O-Lad comforts DBO
neuro_no-one has a frickin' clue what's going on outside the project itself, and every tiny change to a site is over analysed and causes complete havoc for at least 5 minutes :)10:20
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neuro_it's brilliant :)10:21
Fujitsukofwang: It may be, but it isn't official yet.10:21
LeminoFujitsu: how do you mean?10:21
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ehirdkofwang: no, guaranteed every 6 months10:21
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ehirdbesides from what i've heard it isn't exceedingly stable, so that would be a bad one to end on10:21
GazzaKthis is the same as what happened with Dapper...  do you folks not learn?10:21
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LeminoFujitsu: what effect does it have to use the -c variable?10:21
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neuro_GazzaK: hahaha10:21
FujitsuLemino: I believe it specifies to look for a new version of the distribution.10:21
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neuro_GazzaK: don't be ridiculous ;)10:21
InvisiblePinkUniwho changed the topic?10:21
woekelewhats going on?10:21
elkbuntuGazzaK, if you're not going to contribute meaningfully, please move -offtopic10:21
woekeleEdgy is postponed?10:22
=== InvisiblePinkUni is very disappointed
ehirdhttp://www.ubuntu.com/products/GetUbuntu/download who removed 6.10 links?! :(((10:22
shawarmawoekele: No.10:22
FractureI just switched to TwinView, and beryl now works10:22
LeminoFujitsu: no matter if that version is a final, stable one or not?10:22
Deaigomy processes keep getting killed10:22
=== mode/#ubuntu [+o fabbione] by ChanServ
woekelewhat's the problem then? :)10:22
=== mode/#ubuntu [+m] by fabbione
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elkbuntu**attention** all non-support related chatter to #ubuntu-offtopic please10:22
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fabbioneplease listen to me ONE MINUT10:22
fabbioneEdgy is not released10:22
fabbioneand it is NOT delayed10:22
fabbionethe images that people are posting from .pool might NOT be final10:23
fabbionethere are clear reasons why we push them to the mirrors BEFORE release10:23
fabbioneso that the load can be spread across the network10:23
fabbioneregarding the site10:23
fabbionethere has been a mistake publishing the link on www.ubuntu.com10:23
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fabbioneit has been fixed10:23
fabbionean announcement will go to the mailing lists and HERE when it's all FINAL10:24
fabbioneso please sit and relax10:24
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fabbioneit's a matter of few hours only10:24
fabbioneno more10:24
=== mode/#ubuntu [-m] by fabbione
neuro_elkbuntu: might be worth changing the topic to say "NOT Released Yet", otherwise people will think it's NEVER being released10:24
elkbuntuthankyou, fabbione :)10:24
neuro_thanks fabbione10:24
=== mnepton breathes again
rwscoldso what your saying is i should go to sleep10:24
=== Blue42 [n=chou@ip68-4-117-37.oc.oc.cox.net] has left #ubuntu []
[H5N1] geez, just load up RC1 and just update anything after release :p10:24
=== ..[topic/#ubuntu:DBO] : Official Ubuntu support channel | Edgy Is NOT Released Yet!!! | Support options: http://www.ubuntu.com/support | FAQ: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CommonQuestions | IRC info: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRCResourcePage | Pastes to Pastebin: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/
kofwangwe wait!10:24
Lynourepeople are funnily inpatient10:24
neuro_DBO: :))10:24
ehirdso does this happen every release day? :p10:25
=== timhaughton reccomends switching to decaf until release.
rwscoldits a good thing ppl are getting excited10:25
neuro_ehird: pretty much10:25
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DBOneuro_, it was a good catch10:25
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Fujitsuehird: yes.10:25
Lard-O-Ladwhat time was Dapper released?10:25
ehirdnext time, i'll bring popcorn :D10:25
[H5N1] The site is gonna get hammered totally at release..10:25
kihaiAnd where can I find an image for edubuntu 6.10?10:25
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VoXkihai: you cant, it's not released yet10:26
ehirdkihai: when edgy is released10:26
MatthewVkihai, read /topic10:26
ChrisNiemychange topic to "NOT released and not postponed" ;)10:26
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Fujitsu[H5N1] : It has the capabilities to withstand releases; it's done it before.10:26
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neuro_Lard-O-Lad: the mail went to -announce list at 09:08 UTC on june 1st for dapper, but that shouldn't really be taken as a benchmark of anything10:26
ehirdbesides, it's not as if it serves the isos or anything10:26
DrSpinLOL -- the edgy changes on the site have been pulled down10:26
ehirdjust a few html pages10:27
Artemis3bittorrent can stand anything10:27
concept10is upstart the replacement to init?10:27
Zajjko|worka1113: No problem at all. As you can see I'm at work and my boss is starting to look funny at me for my flickering screen and background controversing company policy anyway so... ; p10:27
Artemis3why they don't release bittorrent only first?10:27
Artemis3i don't get it10:27
kihaiconcept10: yes!10:27
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MatthewVArtemis3, discuss in -offtopic :)10:27
=== SilentDis [n=alex@wdwi0pool0-a195.wi.tds.net] has joined #ubuntu
ehirdartemis3: because some people have isps who horribly limit bittorrent downloads? ...like me ;)10:27
xsachais edgy released yet? (and no i didnt read the title)10:27
SilentDishello :)10:27
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lengwaiting eagarly , am sure it is coming....10:28
ehirdxsacha: so you admit you didn't read your answer? uh huh10:28
Artemis3i said at first, not forever10:28
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Artemis3come to offtopic10:28
kihaiehird: Wouldn't changing the default port for bittorrent solve that problem10:28
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SilentDisbit of an oddball question here... I have a ximeta netdisk.  I've managed to get it setup properly, and can mount it from the prompt.  I'd rather use an entry in /etc/fstab if I could, so I can use the 'stupid user' toolbar mounter.  any ideas?10:29
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=== Fujitsu rubs his eyes.
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Ademanwhat is extmod?10:29
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elkbuntuFujitsu, sshhh, you'll scare him off10:29
SilentDisFujitsu:  did I break taboo?  lol10:29
FujitsuSilentDis: what command did you use to mount it?10:29
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SilentDissudo mount /dev/ndas-00110749:0p1 /media/netdisk -t ntfs -o nls=utf8,umask=022210:30
FujitsuSilentDis: This support channel hasn't had a support request in many minutes :)10:30
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ehirdkihai: doesn't work10:30
SilentDislol fujitsu10:30
FujitsuSilentDis: Add a line to /etc/fstab like so:10:30
ehirdi've tried disabling firewalls, virus scanners, basically anything, adding forced encryption, random ports... still slow10:30
Latinohaha, when everyone gets edgy you'll get tons of support request10:30
timhaughtonQuestion about Dapper Server on a Dell box: When I do a soft reboot (reboot command) the system errors saying it can't find the hard disk. When I do a hard reset it's fine. This machine reboots fine with Windows. Is there something in Ubuntu that could cause this?10:30
ehirdand this is on well seeded torrents10:30
Fujitsutimhaughton: Sounds like a BIOS bug, it happens on some Dells.10:31
=== Zdra [n=zdra@242.224-243-81.adsl-dyn.isp.belgacom.be] has joined #ubuntu
CarinArrehird, is this only in ubuntu?10:31
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neuro_yeah, which client(s) are you using?10:31
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ubotuCompiling software from source? Read the tips at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompilingSoftware (But remember to search for pre-built !packages first: not all !repositories are enabled by default!)10:32
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ehirdcarinarr: no, as my adventures on ubuntuforums will tell you that so far I've had no luck getting my winmodem USB crappy affair to work in any linux distro :p10:32
ehirdi'm hoping edgy might give me enough motivation to try again. :p10:32
=== Fracture [n=cameronb@dsl-202-173-191-84.qld.westnet.com.au] has joined #ubuntu
CarinArrehird, cause in general, a great number of isps cap their peer to peer traffic now10:32
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about releasedate - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi10:32
neuro_ah, so this is a windows bittorrent issue :P :)10:32
ubotuEdgy will be released around October 26th (*some* timezone) - we don't know at precisely what time of the day it will be finalized and published for download. Please be patient!10:32
ehirdpablo: whenitisdone10:32
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neuro_ehird: (try utorrent)10:32
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about TheReleaseMinute - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi10:32
ubotuUbuntu releases a new version every 6 months. Each version is supported for 18 months to 5 years. More info at http://www.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/releases & http://wiki.ubuntu.com/TimeBasedReleases10:33
ehirdneuro_ no, many torrent sites list my ISP as problematic for it10:33
ehird(Tiscali UK :'()10:33
rwscold i need a mirror near texas anyone know of one?10:33
ehirdneuro_: i do use utorrent :p10:33
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robinCmon we need 6.10 who's with me?10:33
SilentDisFujitsu:  i missed the /etc/fstab line, would you mind resending it?10:33
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kihaiehird: Disabling firewalls etc. doesn't help at all. You just need to change the ports bittorent uses. ITSPs block only certain ports that are known for filesharing.10:33
CarinArrehird, tiscali, pipex etc all limit torrent traffic10:33
DBOrobin, it will come when its ready, no sooner10:33
VoXrobin: shush10:33
justthisguyrobin: if you need it that bad just upgrade ;P10:33
=== robin is now known as Robin
AlexC_rwscold: this is a good mirror: http://www.architecturalantiques.com/Mirror%20French%20Gilt%20Mirror%20A%2048.5%20w%20x%2070.5%20h%20.jpg10:34
RobinI want the iso :)10:34
Rockfishrwscold: http://ubuntu.cs.utah.edu/releases/6.06/ Is Utah close enough?10:34
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FujitsuSilentDis: /dev/ndas-00110749:0p1 /media/netdisk ntfs nls=utf8,umask=0222 0 010:34
[H5N1] You people are crazy :p10:34
ehirdkihai: i have... utorrent uses a random port each startup10:34
SilentDisthank you fujitsu :)10:34
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FujitsuSilentDis: (Konversation thought it was a command, and I didn't notice it failed to send... Sorry)10:34
rwscoldutah should work10:34
ehirdit's crazy, they must have god working for them :p10:34
FujitsuRobin, that's not going to do much good.10:34
CarinArrehird, get a proper isp;)10:34
SilentDisno worries :)10:35
RobinWill final version of 6.10 contain ff 2.9 final10:35
neuro_ehird: sounds like you've discovered the joys of tiscali's traffic shaping, and that's not a topic for this channel :)10:35
ehirdcarinarr: been trying ;)10:35
eliphas_hello guys10:35
AlexC_if only it was April Fools day..... then I could shout out Edgy Eft RELEASED!!! then wait a while and then shout April Fools!10:35
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neuro_ehird: summary: try using bittorrent between 0100 and 090010:35
tonyyarussoRobin: 2.0 you mean, and that was the original plan, but I don't know if it made it or not.10:35
[H5N1] I didn't realize they went as far as a 2.9 final :p10:35
FujitsuRobin, it does.10:35
Fujitsutonyyarusso: It made it.10:35
FujitsuRobin: (2.0, that is)10:35
tonyyarussoFujitsu: Good10:35
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RobinWhy not Ice Weasel I thought it was some law stuff on that10:36
shawarmaRobin: Yes, 2.0 is included.10:36
ianmacgregorAlexC_: Save it for Feisty Fawn (7.04 , April ) :)10:36
tonyyarussoRobin: A deal of some sort was struck.  Don't know details10:36
AlexC_Robin: Ubuntu managed to get permission for the changes they do to Firefox10:36
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SilentDisFujitsu:  any way to not mount it by default?  the driver doesn't load for it till after /etc/fstab is parsed10:36
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ubotuFor multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats  -  See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html  -  But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats10:36
FujitsuSilentDis: Add ,noauto to the bit before the 0s.10:36
AlexC_ianmacgregor: but that's the 16h10:36
shawarmaSilentDis: add "noauto" to the options.10:36
tonyyarussoHowever, while I see we have the original FF logo back, why not the Thunderbird one as well?10:36
SilentDisFujitsu:  thanks :D10:36
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AlexC_ianmacgregor: I think they should change release date to April 1st just for me so I can shout it out :P10:37
ianmacgregortonyyarusso: Where do you see the original ff logo?10:37
FujitsuSilentDis: No problem.10:37
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=== Fujitsu runs off for a couple of hours :(
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Fujitsuianmacgregor: It's been in Edgy for about 3 days now.10:37
tonyyarussoianmacgregor: I got it in an update maybe two days ago.10:37
jreihi, anyone knows it is posible to switch to an active evolution instead of opening a new one?10:37
ianmacgregorOh, in Edgy10:37
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Robini don't know10:38
perhi guys can you please tell how to install (tar.gz) file in ubuntu10:38
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ubotuCompiling software from source? Read the tips at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompilingSoftware (But remember to search for pre-built !packages first: not all !repositories are enabled by default!)10:38
tonyyarussojrei: Sorry, that was to ian, I don't know for your q.10:38
Ghos[t] hi!! sorry but does anyone know when edgy is out???10:38
ubotuEdgy will be released around October 26th (*some* timezone) - we don't know at precisely what time of the day it will be finalized and published for download. Please be patient!10:38
freacky22527per: tar xvf file.tgz && cd file10:38
RobinLots of people are getting hyped about 6.1010:38
ianmacgregorper: First of all you need to unpack the tarball and read the INSTALL and README files in it10:38
encompassper: you need to extract it first just double click on it10:38
Ghos[t] thanks10:38
AlexC_Ghos[t] : it's out now go get it! ...... April Fools ... hum, doesn't quite work10:38
SilentDiswell, thanks much all, especially you Fujitsu :).  again, my apologies for breaking the "no support requests in the support channel" curse lol10:38
theethey removed the ubuntu 6.10 released images from ubuntu.com ... lol10:38
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encompassper: then what did the instructions say... if none... read the readme file in the dir you just extracted10:39
Fujitsuthee, of course. There was miscommunication that put them up in the first place.10:39
AlexC_thee: Yeah! when I saw they removed it I was like ... ooooooo any second now it will be released, so I kept hitting Refresh lol10:39
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CarinArrjesus.. already time for edgy, only just upgraded my work machine to dapper;)10:39
perthanks i give it a try :)10:39
encompassI need the cd's of 6.10 for my install fest tomarrow... hope they come soon10:39
=== mikl is impatient
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=== encompass and everyone else is too
InvisiblePinkUnicant the topic be changed to a countdown clock?10:40
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=== AlexC_ woke up at 07:00 GMT to get edgy... it's not 09:37
=== momal is been edgyed off the table >_<
shawarmaencompass: I hope you are kidding.10:40
GazzaKto countdown to when?10:40
InvisiblePinkUnicant the topic be changed to a countdown clock?10:40
=== AlexC_ is sitting on the Edge of his chair
ubotuEdgy will be released around October 26th (*some* timezone) - we don't know at precisely what time of the day it will be finalized and published for download. Please be patient!10:40
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tonyyarussoInvisiblePinkUni: We don't have a time to count down to10:40
AlexC_see what I did there? Edge...Edgy....Edg..y....Edgy10:40
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CarinArrer.. a countdown clock in the topic, would have to change the topic every second;)10:40
CarinArrslightly annoying;)10:40
=== xipietotec waits for the channel ops to totally flip out and kill people
momallol.. maybe like an hour count down :)10:40
ehirdthen we need an irc client that can run javascript code in the topic10:41
=== DBO kills xipietotec
=== Fracture [n=cameronb@dsl-202-173-191-84.qld.westnet.com.au] has joined #ubuntu
encompassI am waiting... pretty exceited about it... got alot of people hanging on this release10:41
Ghos[t] hehe10:41
InvisiblePinkUniGazzaK: until edgy release :)10:41
xipietotecheehee :D10:41
ehirdrwscold: are you kidding me? :p10:41
rwscoldit exists!10:41
ehirdwhat the..10:41
perthere is no read me file in tar.gz, but there is a instal.sh10:41
valehruHell, Im bored with Edgy, waiting for fiesty fawn.10:41
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encompassper what is the file your tring to install?10:41
ehirdicCE: wrelease candidate i bet10:41
perit opera10:41
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icCEehird, current ? +)10:42
ehirdthat's a daily build10:42
ehirdhttp://cdimage.ubuntulinux.org/dvd/current/ <-- look10:42
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encompasswe I think you can get that with the extra repos let me check...10:42
rwscold wanted to let you know what the christian one has to offer.10:42
rwscoldUbuntuChristian Edition is a free, open source operating system gearedtowards Christians. It is based on the popular Ubuntu Linux. Ubuntu isa complete Linux-based operating system, freely available with bothcommunity and professional support.10:42
xipietotecthe Christian Edition is just Ubuntu with some open source bible stuff (which is in universe allready) pre-installed10:42
ehirdhow the heck do christians get their own release? XD10:42
rwscoldhaha its funny is all10:42
hkl8324xipietotec, yes10:42
elkbuntuAttention please everyone: Edgy Eft has **NOT** been released yet. Could offtopic discussion (non-ubuntu-support discussion) please go to #ubuntu-offtopic. Thankyou10:42
alesdocHello: how can i modify the dimension of the terminal-window from 80x24 to a bigger dimension by the start-up of the window?10:42
encompassper... go here... http://www.opera.com/download/get.pl?distro=ubuntu&id=28354%2C28352&location=204&sub=++++&x=104&y=2310:43
=== savvas_ is now known as savvas
rwscoldi waited like  years for windows xp GE (God edition) but nooooooooo10:43
encompassjust double click that download and install it like that10:43
CarinArralesdoc, gnome-terminal?10:43
timhaughtonIf the Ubuntu Christian edition crashes - can you take the Lord's name in vain?10:43
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mneptonand if the off-topic discussion could follow the Ubuntu Code Of Conduct and be respectful toward people's personal beliefs that would be great, too.10:43
hkl8324will xubuntu release today?10:43
alesdocCarinArr: yes10:43
rwscoldi think so tim10:43
encompasstimhaughton: nownow... be nice10:43
DBOtimhaughton, offtopic chatter to #ubuntu-offtopic10:43
elkbunturwscold, next kick will be accompanied with a ban10:43
alesdocCarinArr: i looked for an option on gconf but i didn't find it10:44
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encompasshi FeistyFawn10:44
=== holycow [n=bite@S01060016b6b53675.vf.shawcable.net] has joined #ubuntu
CorpseFeederdamn those double-underline links on web pages are annoying. you know the ones, they are generated randomly on any word in an offending site's text - you mouse over them and some idiot box pops up with a link to some advertiser with a tenuous link to the high-lighted word. I hate them. they are the bane of my existence.10:44
CarinArralesdoc, gnome-terminal --geometry=GEOMETRY10:44
MatthewVCorpseFeeder, this is a support channel10:44
osamaback ... how about kicking out anybody who asks the question.10:44
rwscoldelkbuntu i am sorry i will stop but i dont understand why i am the only one u chose to pick on?  it seems like plenty more are having useless conversations in here as well but i will stop10:45
=== Neil [n=neilius@dl1010-nm.uel.ac.uk] has joined #ubuntu
elkbuntuosama, very tempting10:45
=== Neil is now known as Neil3
DBOCorpseFeeder, offtopic chatted to #ubuntu-offtopic10:45
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alesdocCarinArr: thanks i try10:45
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ianmacgregoralesdoc: Yes, open your System -> Preferences -> Preferred Applications -> and g to the system tab. Choose "Custom" in the Terminal Emulator section and type in: gnome-terminal --geometry 95x30   (replace the 95x30 with the dimensions of your choice.)10:45
=== CieD joins to watch the "fun"
CorpseFeederyes, ok, but I don't think anyone is able to help me with my dc10+ card problem.10:45
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=== encompass yawns
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perencompass   shall i save it to disk or open with10:45
elkbunturwscold, because you're not only misleading people, you're being obnoxious10:45
alesdocianmacgregor: thanks10:45
encompassper I would save it to disk10:45
Artemis3oh i have one of those taking dust10:45
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encompassper: then just double click it...10:46
perand extract it to desktop?10:46
rwscoldwhat about the guy making edgy edge songs earlier ya ok sorry i will shutup now10:46
encompassper... it won't extract it will ask to be installed10:46
DBOgood idea =)10:46
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Artemis3beta edgy sounds were cool10:47
encompassper: then it will ask for your admin password and your installed from there10:47
encompassper: is there something wrong?10:47
ianmacgregoralesdoc: alesdoc You can also use that command (gnome-terminal --geometry 95x30) as a launcher or menu entry as well.10:47
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Schalkenwhere can i see the final (k)(x)(ed)ubuntu artwork?10:48
encompassper: ? per???? OH my gosh... i think I killed him!10:48
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perno you didt :)10:48
rackerzjust as many people as when dapper was releaw10:48
encompassper: phew... ok how is it going... did it install?10:48
alesdocianmacgregor: it works...thanks a lot10:48
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ianmacgregoralesdoc: You're welcome :)10:48
=== Gornjak [n=cSo@BSN-77-156-38.dsl.siol.net] has joined #Ubuntu
perno it did it10:48
peri can only extract the file10:49
kupesoftWhen's the release time!?10:49
ubotuEdgy will be released around October 26th (*some* timezone) - we don't know at precisely what time of the day it will be finalized and published for download. Please be patient!10:49
=== CarinArr rolls eyes
encompassheh?  what does the file name end with ?  .deb?10:49
Neil3nobody knows10:49
ianmacgregorper: It's a tarball, extract is all you can do with it.10:49
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AlexC_Hi, yes erm - I'm having withdrawl symptons from the lack of Edgy Eft .. I'm wondering what command I can use to help me recover from the lack of Edgy Eft?10:49
encompassianmacgregor: he is installing a deb now10:50
ianmacgregorencompass: Oh, my bad10:50
ehirdalexc_: topic topic topic TOPIC10:50
Goshawkhi, is there anyone that know how to set an ubuntu installation as a gateway/router?10:50
osamaapt-get dist-downgrade10:50
encompassper: try this at the Terminal...10:50
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CorpseFeederhow do I do *anything* with a DC10+ card in ubuntu? I am totally stuck.10:50
elkbuntuAlexC_, please take idle comments out of the main support channel, thankyou10:50
AlexC_aww ok, sorry :P10:50
SchalkenAlexC_: killall %user10:50
=== hazexp [n=hazexp@219-88-161-150.jetstream.xtra.co.nz] has joined #ubuntu
AlexC_Schalken: Thanks! lol10:50
encompassper what version of ubuntu are you on?10:51
theeif I dist-upgrade to edgy will all the customization I have made to dapper remain unchanged(like gfxboot)10:51
=== Ademan [n=dan@h-67-101-148-217.snfccasy.dynamic.covad.net] has joined #ubuntu
CorpseFeederi am so stuck I've run out of questions to ask which might help me make this card work.10:51
perthe same happens in the terminal too10:51
encompasshmm that explains it.10:51
GNAMall is a big word,. thee10:51
encompassok at the terminsall do this...10:51
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elkbuntuthee, technically yes, although you may have to decide in a few instances which config to use10:52
encompassper... sudo dpkg -i package_name.deb10:52
oknanyone installed Maya 8 on ubuntu ?10:52
encompassdid it work?10:52
peri try :)10:52
DBOthee, it is generally a better decision to use the developers updated config files10:52
DBOthee, saves a lot of headaches down the road10:52
encompassper thanks for being patient10:53
=== leighaquarius [n=leighaqu@c220-239-207-225.chirn1.vic.optusnet.com.au] has joined #ubuntu
perno thank you10:53
theethanks DBO, elkubuntu & GNAM ;)10:53
encompassper 6.06 has a nice graphical installer... makes things really easy for beginners now...10:53
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encompassper: you like opera?10:54
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encompassper have you tried the new firefox?10:54
oknfirefox 2 kicksass10:54
=== yeik [n=yeik@4.Red-83-58-196.dynamicIP.rima-tde.net] has left #ubuntu ["Leaving"]
encompassI hear it is a little faster10:55
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savvaswe're all waiting edgy to update to 2 :p10:55
oknhey got a question10:55
perfirst i have learn how too install prog in ubuntu10:55
oknis there a downloadable 64bit version of Ubuntu  ?10:55
Schalkenwhere can i see edgy's final artwork?10:55
persudo dpkg -i opera_9.02-20060919.6-shared-qt_en_i386.deb10:55
alesdocokin: yes of course10:55
perlike that10:55
=== zenrox [n=zenrox@pool-71-115-219-183.spknwa.dsl-w.verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu
oknand after i install it, do i need to compile or is it binary ?10:55
savvascorrect per10:55
encompassper... 99 percent of what you install you can use synaptic for... it is found in yout systems menu in administration10:55
elkbuntuSchalken, when it's released :)10:55
alesdocokn: yes of course10:55
CorpseFeederyes.. when is firefox 2 going to be added to synaptic?10:55
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oknalesdoc : ofcourse to what ? Compilation :P ?10:55
oknalesdoc : or binary ?10:56
encompassokn jsut download the iso and it works... al binary10:56
oknhmm cool10:56
perbut i did it find opera there or the new version of firefox10:56
theeokn : http://ubuntu-releases.cs.umn.edu//6.06/10:56
Schalkenelkbuntu: oh so they haven't released the artwork otherwise?10:56
alesdocokn: of course there is a downloadable version of 64bit for ubuntu10:56
TheGateKeeperokn: you will need to install 32bit apps to get things like flash & codecs working10:56
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rohanhi all10:56
oknthink i say it in the cover of Linux dev. magazine..let me buy the mag :)10:56
rohanhow many hours approx till 6.10 is out ?10:56
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elkbuntuSchalken, if you're a tester, you will have seen it10:56
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ubotuEdgy will be released around October 26th (*some* timezone) - we don't know at precisely what time of the day it will be finalized and published for download. Please be patient!10:56
TheGateKeeperokn: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FirefoxAMD64FlashJava10:57
rohanMatthewV: lol thanks :D10:57
=== bibleboy [n=chad@ip72-198-27-10.ok.ok.cox.net] has joined #ubuntu
FydaHi. I was wondering if it would be safe to upgrade now to the current RC, and then receive the Final version's updates through Synaptic tomorrow? Is there a difference, eg. are there (serious) bugs in the RC that are only fixed in the Final, which would warrant waiting till tomorrow to download anything?10:57
Stormx2Almost done upgrading to edgy ;-) This is gonna go wrong.....10:57
encompassper... did it work for you?10:57
oknDid anyone installed Maya 8 64 ?10:57
=== JulianD [n=Julian@gate.technotrend.de] has joined #ubuntu
xipietotecStormx2: I upgraded to the last RC a few days ago, beryl works now :D10:58
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oknok last question, ubuntu includes gnome and kubuntu kde right ??10:58
elkbuntuStormx2, edgy's version of compiz10:58
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alesdocokn: kubuntu for kde10:59
rohanokn: yes10:59
CorpseFeederwhat sort of animal is an eft?10:59
DBOSchalken, http://www.gnome-look.org/content/show.php?content=45434  if you want the community stuff, otherwise its the same thing you have in dapper10:59
encompassper what did it do?10:59
oknthanx guys10:59
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MatthewVCorpseFeeder, ask in -offtopic10:59
momalStormx2: umm beryl isn't necassary edgy lol.. you can use dapper with beryl lol. #beryl10:59
xipietotecBeryl is a superior version of compiz10:59
SchalkenDBO: are you saying its the same crap that was in knot 3?11:00
DBOSchalken, no the same stuff in breezy11:00
encompassCorpseFeeder: didn't I play you in tremulous onse or twice?11:00
DBOi screwed up =P11:00
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encompassCorpseFeeder: if so nice to see you in #ubuntu11:00
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perit says it can get access to the arkiv or no file or filestructur11:00
SchalkenDBO: im confused...the are using breezy artwork in edgy?11:00
DBOSchalken, yeah long story11:01
DBOSchalken, if you want to know more ask in #ubuntu-offtopic11:01
encompasshmm let me see what I may have done wrong here..11:01
=== darkmonk [n=darkmonk@220-253-90-229.QLD.netspace.net.au] has joined #ubuntu
Stormx2I hate myself. I tried to copy a line from the updgrade dialog and thoughlessly pressed ctrl+c11:01
=== xipietotec uses loads of community stuff instead
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perhow to you highlight my name11:01
Stormx2Now its giving me loads of dependancy problems. Suggestions?11:01
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encompassper it depends on the chat program you are usings11:01
theeStormx2: sudo dpkg -configure -a11:02
Stormx2Okay. I'm using the update rool, will that work?11:02
rohanStormx2: yes11:02
rohanthat will work11:02
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Stormx2Thanks. Ill write it down.11:02
encompasscan we do a personally chat per?  I can focus on your problem there11:02
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encompassper try this... http://www.opera.com/download/get.pl?distro=ubuntu&id=28354%2C28352&location=204&sub=++++&x=172&y=1611:04
mcquaidI'm having quality issues with mp3 playback in gstreamer apps like rhythmbox.  I noticed there isn't mad for gstreamer .1011:04
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mcquaidis there anything else that provides mp3 playback besides fluendo for gstreamer?11:04
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encompassper that should do it for you... hope it helps I have to get back to class see you now...11:04
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defryskmcquaid, apt-cache search gstreamer | grep mp311:05
ehirdgstreamer isn't gapless, is it?11:05
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Stormx2ehird: depends on what is using it.11:05
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ehirdstormx2: so basically it needs hacks to be gapless? darn :(11:06
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perthanks for helping me :) ENCOMPASS11:06
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ehird(i'm thinking on the line of silence removers here, if it's just a bit of coding that doesn't effect non-gapless-transitions like that then that's fine)11:06
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Stormx2ehird: I don't think so. gapless involves buffering a new file while the old one is still playing. Thats not what gstreamer does.11:06
Tidushooray for flash 9 on linux11:06
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bianconeriso is this Dapper or Edgy now:D?11:06
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ehirdstormx2: yeah, i've just heard stuff about it being very un-gapless indeed. but meh :P11:07
InvisiblePinkUnibianconeri: its Ubuntu :)11:07
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ehirdas long as amarok can play my flacs alright :P11:07
rohanbianconeri: edgy is yet to be releases11:07
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=== Stormx2 uses Audacious
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defryskuses rhythmbox11:08
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TheGateKeeperbianconeri: don't think edge has fully released yet11:09
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TiDuS`I need info of ubuntu11:09
RancidLMhow do i enable the resolution 1600x1200 its in my xorg but its not in my resolution list in gnome nor is it in xrandr  any suggestions?11:09
ehirdfreebsd_fan: Nice nick.11:09
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davidwinterhi all11:09
babwe2hi all is there a nfo creator in the repo for Ubuntu Drake11:09
davidwinteris there a scheduled release time for Edgy today?11:09
ubotuEdgy will be released around October 26th (*some* timezone) - we don't know at precisely what time of the day it will be finalized and published for download. Please be patient!11:10
nomad111hi all i want to kno the commands that show me my ip address and routing table11:10
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freebsd_fanyeah thanx11:10
davidwinterthanks :) that's all I wanted to know :)11:10
osamaifconfig ... route11:10
justthisguynomad111: ifconfig and route11:10
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MatthewV!resolution | RancidLM11:10
ubotuRancidLM: x is the X Window System; it's the part of your system that's responsible for graphical output. To restart your X, type this in a console: sudo /etc/init.d/?dm restart  -  To fix screen resolution or other X problems: http://help.ubuntu.com/community/FixVideoResolutionHowto11:10
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TheGateKeeperRancidLM: go & have another look at /etc/X11/xorg.conf make sure your monitor supports that res, that the horz & vert sync are correct etc etc11:11
nomad111justthisguy: route does a trace route right11:11
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valehruDoes anyone know a good chinese -> english vice versa dictionary that I could use in ubuntu?  also need it for japanese as well.11:11
justthisguynomad111: no, route shows your kernel routing table. traceroute does a trace route :)11:11
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nomad111justthisguy: u are a life saver11:12
RancidLMMatthewV:  i  found the problem my monitor is only capable of 1680x1050 max. but im stuck running it at 1440x900 because max res doesn't render fonts correctly.. any suggestions?11:12
osamavalehru, google language tools?11:12
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MatthewVRancidLM, i'm no x expert, but if its possible to hit maxres and its only fonts that cause issues then, i would say its probably a problem with fonts...11:13
yangsupxchat isrc11:13
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ehirdi never understand people who say they want to use 1600x1200, as i haven't found 1 anywhere near sanely-priced TFT screen with that as its native resolution11:13
RancidLMMatthewV: aight thnx though :)11:13
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Sp4rKyi need some help about live CD11:14
DBOehird, CRT11:14
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MatthewVSp4rKy, just ask away!11:14
Sp4rKyi modify the live CD11:14
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ehirdDBO: well my CRT can do that too but if you're using a CRT i must wonder how you care about video quality :p11:14
Sp4rKyMatthewV: ??11:14
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ubotuDeutschsprachige Hilfe fuer Probleme mit Ubuntu, Kubuntu und Edubuntu finden Sie in den Kanaelen #ubuntu-de, #kubuntu-de, #xubuntu-de und #edubuntu-de11:14
Sp4rKyand i want to set the default keyboard to fr11:15
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Sp4rKyor better, correctly autodetect the keyboard11:15
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DBOehird, CRT's give better pictures and nothing with convince me otherwise, but we are offtopic11:15
Sp4rKybut at start, the live set english keyboard (qwerty)11:15
ZindarSp4rKy: system->settings->keyboard11:15
Zindarchange there11:15
Sp4rKyZindar: without X11:15
CorpseFeederwhen ubuntu starts up the background colour before the desktop picture loads is always brown. How do I change the colour of this?11:15
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abcHello, i need some help. May i ask a question?11:16
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ubotuDon't ask to ask a question. Just ask your question :)11:16
abcI saw on ubuntu.com that 6.10's final version has been released, but on the download page, i cant find any site that lets me download the 6.10 version11:16
BladeSlingOhh joy... 1000 people here to help..11:16
abcCan someone tell me from where should i get 6.10?11:16
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abci tried to look at the ubuntu site, but all the download lists had 6.06 ISOs11:16
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ubotuEdgy will be released around October 26th (*some* timezone) - we don't know at precisely what time of the day it will be finalized and published for download. Please be patient!11:16
ivoksabc: from nowhere yet11:16
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ehirdwow, 1000 users11:16
MatthewVCorpseFeeder, not sure, but System --> Administration --> Login Window (colour options) may help11:16
ehirdguess now would be a good time to ask a problem i've been having eh :p11:16
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JoseStefanabc, later in the day11:17
nikin1030 :D11:17
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babwe2anyone know where t find a nfo creator and reader11:17
abcBut the ubuntu.com main page says that 6.10 released, that is the main line on that page!11:17
Sp4rKyso without X, how can i set the default keyboard layout ?11:17
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nikinnfo? like the windows one?11:17
tarzeauSp4rKy: for console? loadkeys11:17
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tarzeauSp4rKy: otherwise in the x config file, inside x using setxkbmap11:17
shawarmaabc: Are you perhaps behind some sort of caching proxy?11:17
TheGateKeeperabc: takes them time to get everything in place11:17
babwe2dont want t us wine11:17
tarzeaubabwe2: tetradraw11:18
hysuaabc: doesnt say that for me11:18
Four23619does anyone know if Edgy Eft will support the Intel DP965LT motherboard?11:18
JoseStefanabc, minor communication mistake, 6.10 will be released today, but the webmaster changed the page too early11:18
Mikchabc: it does not say it anymore :)11:18
babwe2yh somethng like the windoze ones11:18
shawarmaabc: The release notification was accidentally put on the front page for half an hour or so, but it's been remove again.11:18
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Sp4rKytarzeau: it's on the live CD system, so xorg.conf doesn't exist in the iso file , it will be created during startup11:18
BladeSlingAlright, So I have a Blitzz BWI715 wireless network card. I hate this card, but unfortunatly, I have no money to go out and buy a new wireless card. I need help setting this up on ubuntu, otherwise it is useless to me because I can't update it or anything.11:18
abcshawarma: i am not behind any proxy whatsoever11:18
shawarmaabc: Then tell your webbrowser to really refresh that page.11:19
abcYeah now they removed that story from the main page11:19
abcbut today morning i saw it11:19
TheGateKeeperabc: http://www.ubuntu.com/  <-- still talking about rc111:19
=== saintshakajin [n=saintsha@cust-104-149.dsl.versateladsl.be] has joined #ubuntu
abcmaybe later today they may allow us to download it11:19
tim--i'm excited..  what a nerd.  /o\11:19
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tim--i suspect it'd be a massive waste of my time to sit here and watch my screen until it's released..11:19
ehirdtim-- dude, you're in a room FULL of nerds11:20
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ehirdper: that's the RC!!!!11:20
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perok sorry about that11:20
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tonyyservertim--: Yeah, but that's how we're all wasting today ;)11:20
MasseRIf you have dappers installed why don't you just upgrade from it?11:20
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MasseRAnd download and burn the image later?11:20
abcSo, is it 100% sure that at this time, i CANNOT download Ubuntu 6.10 from anywhere? And that later today it will be available?11:20
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tim--i might ring my isp and up my bandwidth..  heh11:21
abcMasseR: Dapper aint installed11:21
BladeSlingAlright, So I have a Blitzz BWI715 wireless network card. I hate this card, but unfortunatly, I have no money to go out and buy a new wireless card. I need help setting this up on ubuntu, otherwise it is useless to me because I can't update it or anything.11:21
miklabc: if you find the final images somewhere, let us know ;)11:21
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miklabc: but all the mirrors still only carry the RC11:21
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tonyyarusso!wifi | BladeSling11:21
ubotuBladeSling: Wireless documentation can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs11:21
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tonyyarussoMaybe that helps11:21
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tim--BladeSling, http://ndiswrapper.sourceforge.net/mediawiki/index.php/List  <-- might be able to get some info there too11:22
dennis-what's the codename of 6.10?11:22
abcyes i checked many countries' mirror, and no-one got the final release as of now, maybe later today11:22
elliotEdgy Eft11:22
|Bot|hi ) i try upgrade dist tot edgy - and small problem from install  FF11:22
|Bot|Unpacking replacement firefox-dev ...11:22
|Bot|dpkg: error processing /var/cache/apt/archives/firefox-dev_2.0+0dfsg-0ubuntu3_i386.deb (--unpack):11:22
|Bot| trying to overwrite `/usr/lib/firefox/regxpcom', which is also in package firefox11:22
|Bot|dpkg-deb: subprocess paste killed by signal (Broken pipe)11:22
|Bot|Errors were encountered while processing:11:22
|Bot| /var/cache/apt/archives/firefox-dev_2.0+0dfsg-0ubuntu3_i386.deb11:22
|Bot|E: Sub-process /usr/bin/dpkg returned an error code (1)11:22
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dennis-elliot: so i should replace dapper with edgy when i want to update?11:23
xipietotecThe next development release is Frolicking Fawn Bambi Twinkles.11:23
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tonyyarusso!paste | |Bot|11:23
ubotu|Bot|: pastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (you can always find it in the channel topic, among other useful things)11:23
|Bot|how can help me ? )11:23
=== jc_ [n=jc@AMontpellier-257-1-113-15.w90-0.abo.wanadoo.fr] has joined #ubuntu
hoelkim not sure if im 100% content with gewnview, any other picture viewer to recommend?11:23
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elliotdennis-: If you think it would be best. Its optional, dapper still has a LOOOOONG support life ahead of it11:23
Zajjko|workhoelk: The native one in ubuntu? Gthumb?11:23
ehirdelliot: impersonator11:23
mikl|Bot|: just remove the old firefox and reinstall the new one11:23
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elliotehird: sorry?11:24
mikl|Bot|: apt-get remove firefox && apt-get install firefox11:24
ehirdelliot: you stole my name, minus one t :(11:24
|Bot|mikl# ok )11:24
hoelkzajjko: im on kde11:24
timhaughtonAnyone ever seen Ubuntu on a Panel PC?11:24
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hoelkZajjko|work the native one is gewenview here11:24
savvaselliot: how much would that 'LOOOOONG' be in human days,months,years? :p11:24
Zajjko|workhoelk: right, but shouldn't you be able to install it seperately anyway?11:24
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Zajjko|workhoelk: sorry, my bad11:25
elliotsavvas: god knows!11:25
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hoelkZajjko, ill try gthumb11:25
elliotit has a long support life on it though11:25
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dsewnr_Anyone know how to convert pdf to doc?11:26
|Bot|mikl# not worked %\ need options for no-deps11:26
guillem101hoelk, I'm pretty happy with gthumb11:26
elliotdsewnr_: maybe, give me a mo11:27
guillem101hoelk, but my needs are pretty simple11:27
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guillem101hoelk, fspot looks promising (the time-gap selection is a good thing)11:27
xipietotecosama: Ubuntu! FTW!11:27
dsewnr_elliot: The "mo" means what ?11:28
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elliotdsewnr_: nah, only the other way round. Try saving it as a text file (and it means moment)11:28
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mikl|Bot|: I don't really understand that...?11:28
savvasosama: http://www.google.com/trends?q=ubuntu%2Cdebian%2Cfedora%2Csuse%2Cwindows&ctab=0&geo=all&date=all11:28
assasukassehello, i have a big problem with apt-get could someone give a look please11:28
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osamasavvas,  :)11:28
dsewnr_elliot: Thx, let me try it. : )11:28
elliotassasukasse: sure, I am in a problem solving mood today11:28
FearMothhow can I do a text-mode install with the kubuntu dapper livecd?11:29
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rohanassasukasse: ask, dont ask to ask :)11:29
|Bot|mikl# one monets ) i paste it to pastebin11:29
MatthewVFearMoth, you cant, you will need the alternate cd11:29
assasukassethank elliot11:29
kihaiFearMoth: You can't. You need the alternate cd11:29
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FearMothoh ok thanks11:29
assasukasserohan and elliot is better you look at this, i posted the error http://www.ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=28474911:29
kihaiUps, 8 secs too slow... :)11:29
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encompassdirmass: howdy11:30
elliotassasukasse: hmm, looks like your repositories are slightly broken11:30
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rohanassasukasse: ok, looking11:30
assasukasseelliot i totally agree...but what to do11:30
elliotassasukasse: You got some duplicates which you can safely ignore for the moment11:30
monadhi... can anyone help getting direct rendering with fglrx running?11:30
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elliotassasukasse: Looking at the rest now11:30
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MukundaGah, how much longer till release.11:31
dirmassI have a small problem, on dapper up to date, when I click the update manager From System > Update-manager I enter the admin pass, but the GUI doesnt load11:31
ubotuEdgy will be released around October 26th (*some* timezone) - we don't know at precisely what time of the day it will be finalized and published for download. Please be patient!11:31
rohanMukunda: that helps ? :D11:31
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monadhi... can anyone help getting direct rendering with fglrx running?11:31
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elliotassasukasse: open a terminal and type: gksudo gedit /etc/apt/sources.list11:31
MukundaThe tip is to not use fglrx, if you want to use proprietary software there is this operating system called Windows.11:32
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elliotMukunda: for many people fglrx is the only choice to play games at a decent speed11:32
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monadmukunda: i got fglrx running on gentoo and on kubuntu, too - updateing to dapper recently broke it11:32
dirmasshmmm, Mikunda, what about mp3s : )11:32
assasukasseelliot i am there11:32
dirmassproprietary ?11:32
Artemis3seriously, closed propietary video drivers are a big problem11:32
assasukasseelliot i prefer vi :D11:33
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MatthewV!fglrx | monad11:33
ubotumonad: To install the Ati/NVidia drivers for your video card, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto11:33
Mukundadirmass: there are free software mp3 decoders, screw the patents.11:33
dirmassCan I make a suggestion for Edgy?11:33
ehirdquestion: if i clean-install edgy today, will it be easy to switch to kde and remove gnome+ gnome applications to save space?11:33
Artemis3i rather play games in windows than making my linux distro unstable with em11:33
Stormx2It almost works!!!11:33
rwscoldautomatix....easy ubuntu] 11:33
elliotassasukasse: ok, can you go to http://pastebin.com/ and paste in the contents of your sources.list file?11:33
Stormx2I *actually* upgraded and X still works!11:33
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mvodirmass: if you open a termianl and type "gksu update-manager" there, what does it print then?11:33
ehirdusing kubuntu right now but its lack of build-essentials and other things is annoying11:33
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aldinfglrx: what about XGL lol11:33
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dirmassmvo: I just fixed it, reinstalled the package11:34
livingdaylight10:34 GMT11:34
oobeahow can i update my install to edgy beta with apt-get?11:34
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monadubotu: already did all that11:34
elliotassasukasse: vi it is. it makes no difference, a text editor is all you need11:34
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LuisMendeswell it's kinda late now.. where is edgy? :P11:34
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elo23 apt-get dist-upgrade11:34
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rohan!ef | LuisMendes11:35
ubotuLuisMendes: Edgy will be released around October 26th (*some* timezone) - we don't know at precisely what time of the day it will be finalized and published for download. Please be patient!11:35
MatthewVoobea, change every instance of dapper in /etc/apt/sources.list to edgy, then run sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get dist-upgrade11:35
elliotassasukasse: have you pastebinned it? post the link11:35
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dirmassCan I make a suggestion for Edgy? Here: After the user does a fresh install of the OS, There should be a link to Automatix or EasyUbuntu in the README on the desktop11:35
=== gh0st [n=ghost@84-73-213-122.dclient.hispeed.ch] has joined #ubuntu
xzkI heard on digg.com that a new version of ubuntu was released. Is this true?11:35
livingdaylightWe are EDGING ever closer to the FULL RELEASE!11:35
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rohandirmass: ubuntu would be an accessory to crime in that case, i think11:35
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rohandirmass: i had read to that effect somewhere11:35
ivoksxzk: it's lie, lie i tell you :)11:35
savvasdoes anyone know how many mbs will the distro have as an update?11:35
MatthewV!ef | xzk11:36
ubotuxzk: Edgy will be released around October 26th (*some* timezone) - we don't know at precisely what time of the day it will be finalized and published for download. Please be patient!11:36
upt1meneccisito disco compacto de edgy11:36
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xzkoh man!11:36
BartI was afk... does sbd have some news from edgy eft ?11:36
elkbuntuAttention please everyone: Edgy Eft has **NOT** been released yet. Could offtopic discussion (non-ubuntu-support discussion) please go to #ubuntu-offtopic. Thankyou11:36
xzkI wanted a new version :).. with Flash 911:36
assasukasseelliott its on pastebin11:36
rohanxzk: read the topic .. it was just digg spam11:36
gh0sthello can anyone send me libjavaplugin_oji.so?11:36
oobeathx MathewV :)11:36
Bartthx :)11:36
dirmassrohan: I'm very sure it's all legal, A brief explanation about codecs and where the get the easily11:36
xzkWill the new version of Ubuntu have Flash 9?11:36
elliotassasukasse: great give me a link11:36
rohanxzk: i don't think so11:36
dirmassits just an explanation11:36
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MatthewVdirmass, that is already at !codecs11:36
ivoksxzk: ubuntu never had flash11:37
xzkHow do I install Flash 9 then? :(11:37
gh0sthello can anyone send me libjavaplugin_oji.so? (or put it on rapidshare.de for ex.)11:37
ivoksxzk: it's illegal to have it11:37
rohandirmass: ah, you maybe right .. kubuntu now includes a codecs installer :D11:37
xzkit's illegal?11:37
dirmassso newbies dont get annoyed because they can't play their mp3s11:37
rohanwith amarok11:37
ivoksxzk: btw, flash9 isn't released yet11:37
xzkAdobe released Flash 9.. it's not illegal11:37
ubotuFor multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats  -  See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html  -  But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats11:37
rohanxzk: its not released yet11:37
elkbuntugah.. stupid thing11:37
xzkFlash 9 Beta.. from Adobe11:37
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MatthewVxzk, you can always check the adobe website... and install the one from there11:37
assasukasseelliott pastebin gave me an error i try to post again11:37
rohanxzk: as you said, "beta"11:37
gneralI cant install adobe fp7 to firefox 2 , how to ? :[11:37
ivoksxzk: right, it's illegal - only adobe can distribute it; ubuntu can't11:37
xzkI don't know how to install things on linux.. without using the Synaptic thing :(11:38
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rohanyes, but ubuntu can distribute a script to install flash- which is exactly what it does :)11:38
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elliotassasukasse: ok, otherwise try another paste bin. Please spell my name 'elliot' and with a colon. then I can see it red in xchat11:38
dirmassubotu: I'm not having any issues, I'm just making a suggestion to include A BRIEF explanation about "Automatix and EasyUbuntu"  in the README after the fresh install of Ubuntu11:38
ivoksrohan: right :)11:38
MistaEDxzk: flash 9 is still beta, but you can download it still and copy-paste the plugin into firefox, or my favourite /usr/lib/flashplugin-nonfree/ (overwriting flash 7)11:38
rohanivoks: :)11:38
gh0sthello can anyone send me libjavaplugin_oji.so, or put it on rapidshare.de for ex.? please. (it's the java plugin for mozilla 32bit)11:38
ivoksrohan: same goes with decss :)11:38
rohangh0st: only that single file won't help11:38
rwscolddirmass automatix and easy ubuntu help install illegal things into ubuntu!11:38
rohanivoks: ah, that too11:38
xzkMistaED: whats the difference in the 211:38
gh0strohan: it will for me11:39
ehirdthis is confusing, i keep typing stuff to people who talk to elliot11:39
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assasukasseelliot, here is the pastebin http://rafb.net/paste/results/UUCk3A89.html11:39
xzkcopy paste plugin into firefox.. and the other one11:39
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rohanrwscold: exactly ! which is why they can't even include a reference to it in the docs11:39
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elliotassasukasse: sorry!11:39
gh0strohan: i just need the plugin for ff 64 bit with nspluginwrapper11:39
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elliotassasukasse: sorry wrong person. THanks for that11:39
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dirmassrwscold: give me an example of ILLEGAL stuff on easyubuntu.....?11:39
elliotehird: sorry!11:39
hypertevihi ;-)11:39
rohangh0st: ok, my bad then. :)11:39
theesudo update-manager -c  says new distribution available???11:39
rwscoldthats what i'm saying rohan11:39
rohandirmass: th codecs11:39
dirmassand tell me how it is ILLEGAL to post a link to www.easyubuntu.com11:40
MistaEDxzk: version 7 might get looked at still by browsers, and the second approach will make it overwrite version 7 (but you need access privileges to copy it over there, also you need to make sure ubuntu doesn11:40
assasukasseno prob elliot11:40
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rohandirmass: "Accessory to crime"11:40
livingdaylightDoes anyone know anything behind the thinking of the name EDGY EFT?11:40
elliotassasukasse: give me 5mins to fix thsi up11:40
MistaED't overwrite it with version 7 if that gets an update)11:40
elkbunturwscold, please stop the FUD11:40
hypertevii'm upgrading to edgy, ^^11:40
gh0strohan: do you have it? iit would be very nice if i could have it :-)11:40
MatthewVlivingdaylight, ask in -offtopic11:40
hypertevibut it's slow..11:40
elliotlivingdaylight: yes because its edgy and an eft is a young newt thing11:40
rohanlivingdaylight: there was a mailing list post about it, i can't find it now though11:40
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rohangh0st: i'd love to help, but I don't have ubuntu or java installed atm :)11:40
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livingdaylightrohan: i never got it11:40
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dirmassrohan: Then howcome there is an "EasyUbuntu" Forum on "www.ubuntu.com" and howcome there is an Automatix forum on "www.ubuntu.com" ILLEGAL?11:40
gh0sthello can anyone send me libjavaplugin_oji.so, or put it on rapidshare.de for ex.? please. (it's the java plugin for mozilla 32bit)11:40
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livingdaylightelliot: thx, kinda explains it11:41
rohandirmass: which country are the forums hosted in ?11:41
Cyber_Nanyisnt linux barelly legal ?11:41
rwscolddirmass the forums are maintained and written by who?11:41
xzkWould anyone mind remotely connecting to my PC and installing Flash 9 Beta for me, I'm helpless11:41
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rwscoldya me too haha11:41
livingdaylighti just read Mark Shuttleworths Forward in the Official Ubuntu Book. He explains why the first release was called Warty. lol11:42
thoreauputicrohan: dirmass and others please join #ubuntu-offtopic11:42
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dirmassrohan: http://www.ubuntuforums.org/ : 3rd Party Projects : http://www.ubuntuforums.org/forumdisplay.php?f=8611:42
rohanthoreauputic: ok, i will stfu about it here :)11:42
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rwscoldthor they are talking about ubuntu related issues11:42
dirmassrohan: Accesory to crime11:42
livingdaylightis there now a new place called the fridge?11:42
thoreauputicplease discuss automatix/easyubuntu elsewhere to keep the temperature down here :)11:42
ubotufridge is the Ubuntu's Community News website, and can be found at http://fridge.ubuntu.com11:42
elliotassasukasse: why do you have multiverse and universe at the same time in one line?11:42
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gh0sthello can anyone send me "libjavaplugin_oji.so" (should be found trough "search"), or put it on rapidshare.de for ex.? please. (it's the java plugin for mozilla 32bit)11:42
tonyyserverxzk: That could probably be arranged if you trust any random person to install stuff for you.  Would likely be better to try to read the instructions and be walked through it, but yeah, it could be done.11:43
theeUse update manager everyone. I am upgrading to 6.10 .11:43
rohangh0st: wait, i'll do it11:43
strompis it done?11:43
rohani found it :)11:43
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Cyber_Nanydont forget to FLOSS11:43
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mneptongh0st: install it via apt-get11:43
xzktonyyserver: would you do it for me :)11:43
assasukasseelliott i don't know i didn't manually edit them11:43
gh0strohan: but you don't have ubuntu?11:43
ehirdCyber_Nany: linux barely legal? what?11:43
livingdaylightUbuntu has walked away with Best Distribution at the Linux Awards held in London last night.11:43
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rohangh0st: yes, but i do have java11:43
assasukasseelliot i don't know i didn't manually edit them11:43
gh0stmnepton:? not possible, it's just a single file i need11:43
tonyyserverxzk: Step into ##tonyyarusso11:43
rohangh0st: and the plugin remains the same11:43
ubotufridge is the Ubuntu's Community News website, and can be found at http://fridge.ubuntu.com11:43
elliotassasukasse: ok, this could take a while11:43
livingdaylightcheck it out11:44
Cyber_Nanylinux is basically UNIX reloaded11:44
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gh0strohan: i'm not sure about this11:44
rohangh0st:   http://rapidshare.com/files/732312/libjavaplugin_oji.so.html11:44
rohani am11:44
mneptongh0st: the Sun Java Moz plugin is in Multiverse11:44
gh0stok thanks11:44
rohanif the plugin is all you need, then this'll do, gh0st11:44
gypsymauroso where it's that edgy?11:44
gh0stthanks rohan, will try now!11:44
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rohan!ef | gypsymauro11:44
ubotugypsymauro: Edgy will be released around October 26th (*some* timezone) - we don't know at precisely what time of the day it will be finalized and published for download. Please be patient!11:44
mneptonthe plugin is useless without a JRE11:44
rohanmnepton: which is what i told him at the very beginning11:44
gh0stmnepton: i do have jre, but amd64 version!!11:44
gh0stmnepton that mean WITHOUT plugin11:45
rohangh0st: the link works ?11:45
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NineTeen67CometAny handy xorg/nvidia/3D tweekers in here? (my xorg.conf http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/28400/) .. I've got 4 monitors, two video cards, and it's all working .. just a little laggy and glx seems to come and go ...11:45
mneptonand you're using mozwrapper or a chroot for Firefox?11:45
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assasukassei was wondering if i should reinstall from scratch the edgy final or if it will just be fine to update.11:46
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ehirdbah, i need edgy :(11:46
gh0stmnepton: nspluginwrapper, but i'm nor sure if the plugin for windows does also work for linux11:46
mvoassasukasse: updating should usually be fine11:46
livingdaylightwill the real EDGY stand?!11:46
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Naked_SnakeExcuse me, is there a way to connect to AOL with Ubuntu?11:46
rohanehird: we all do :D11:46
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livingdaylightCanonicals Jane Silber was there to pick up the award, a transparent, and extremely sharp glass trophy with the wording UBUNTU engraved into the glassword. Jane spent the rest of the evening closely guarding her new toy.11:47
gh0strohan: well it's what i tought: not compatible with linux :-(11:47
MukundaHrmm hopefully Edgy will run on my laptop, and be better than Fedora 6 (which ended up being crap). I really can't be bothered going back to Gentoo.11:47
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rohansomeone said something to be, just as i quit ? :D11:47
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gh0stmnepton: do you have libjavaplugin_oji.so (on ubuntu 32bit), if so, could you upload it on rapidshare.de, please?11:47
rohangh0st: didn't i just upload the file for you ? :P11:47
elliotassasukasse: go to http://ccdc.kicks-ass.org/sources.list and replace your current sources.list with it11:47
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ehirdrohan: :D. I just hope ueagleatm still works11:47
gh0strohan: well it's what i tought: not compatible with linux :-(11:47
rohanehird: hehe ok :)11:48
mneptongh0st: i'm fairly sure there's a 64 bit plugin from Sun11:48
elliotassasukasse: try updating with that11:48
rohangh0st: i am on 32bit machine11:48
Cyber_Nanydo you think one can rate a channel friendlyness by the number of similes being used ? :)11:48
rohanok, i am off now .. bye all, i wish next time i am here, edgy is out :D \o/11:48
assasukasseelliot thanks i try to go there11:48
oobeaEdgy/6.10 is out11:48
gh0stmnepton: no, they don't have one, it's even written on their dl -site: Please use the 32-bit version for Java applet and Java Web Start support.11:48
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Mukundaoobea: it is?11:48
elliotCelebrate EDGY EFT IS HERE!11:49
MukundaHrmm.. nothing on the front page.11:49
gh0stmnepton: can you send it to me? i just need it to wrap it for amd6411:49
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mneptongh0st: sudo apt-get install gcjwebplugin11:49
MatthewVoobea, who says?11:49
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ehirdIt's out???11:49
oobea"New distribution release '6.10' is available"11:49
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ehirdoh. no web release.11:49
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monadstill no direct rendering with fglrx, it's still set on mesa11:49
oobeaThat's what my software update manager says.11:49
xzkI was just told it's not out.. who says it is?11:49
teckfattoobea: send the link pls11:50
monadwhat could i have forgotten?11:50
Naked_SnakeExcuse me, is there a way to connect to AOL with Ubuntu?11:50
assasukasseelliot what about automatix? should i remove it?11:50
Cyber_Nanywhats AOL ?11:50
guyo[lol] 11:50
gh0stmnepton: but i JUST need libjavaplugin_oji.so... do oyu have it or not?11:50
MatthewVoobea, it may now be possible to upgrade to it, but it has not yet been released11:50
xzkNaked_Snake: whats on AOL ?11:50
theethe upgrade is a 1165MB download.11:50
oobeayou mean there aren't any iso's11:50
Naked_SnakeIt's my ISP11:50
MatthewVuntil the official notice is sent out, it has NOT been released11:50
elliotassasukasse, delete the contents of your sources.list and keep everything in the version over there11:50
savvasthee: country?11:50
MukundaNaked_Snake: that's a shame.11:50
gh0sthello can anyone send me "libjavaplugin_oji.so" (should be found trough "search"), or put it on rapidshare.de for ex.? please. (it's the java plugin for mozilla 32bit)11:51
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mneptongh0st: sorry, because i'm sitting at my desk with my work hat on, sending you something like that is not something i can do.11:51
monadis really no one of you using fglrx for direct rendering on a radeon card?11:51
theeMatthewV: update manager says 6.10 is ready to be installed?11:51
guyomonad: me11:51
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theesavvas: India11:51
ehirdmight be the RC11:51
gh0stmnepton: and use rapidshare.de?11:51
CieDgh0st, try http://labs.adobe.com/downloads/flashplayer9.html11:52
MatthewVthee, it may say that, and then it is possible to upgrade to the 6.10 package set (which has been frozen for hours now anyway) but it is not yet released11:52
mneptongh0st: sending users single files to patch functionality is not something my employer would like me doing.11:52
gh0stCieD: ?!?11:52
thoreauputicgh0st: redistributing java is legally a bit tricky - why can't you install it from multiverse ?11:52
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monadguyo: i installed everything necessary, reconfigured the xserver, everything several times - i'm not doing this the first time - and it's still stuck on mesa11:52
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ehirdhttp://www.ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=1665301#post1665301 most pointless topic ever11:52
monadguyo: i desperately need to get this running11:52
CieDgh0st, ignore me, I'm a muppett11:52
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guyoi upgraded yesterday to the latest binary from ATI without a glitch, lemme see if i can find the guide i used11:53
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gh0stcan't just anyone with linux  32bit upload libjavaplugin_oji.so on rapidshare.de!?11:53
mneptongh0st: not legally, no.11:53
gh0stmnepton: well i DO HAVE JAVA installed, and agreed the license11:54
monadguyo: Xorg.0.log still says: (WW) fglrx: No matching Device section11:54
elliotEveryone, what are your experiences of the new flash 9 plugin for linux?11:54
guyomonad: that seems an error in the xorg.conf file11:54
kliklikelliot: It's rock solid in my Firefox 2.0 (i386)11:54
monadguyo: honestly i don't think so. it's about the millionth xorg.conf i configured11:54
gh0sthello can anyone send me "libjavaplugin_oji.so" (should be found trough "search"), or put it on rapidshare.de for ex.? please. (it's the java plugin for mozilla 32bit). i just need this onre very file11:55
theeelliot: working like a charm11:55
elkbuntugh0st, please do not yell at people who are trying to help you. it is very rude.11:55
savvasehird: it's just a cry for help, he's referring to http://www.ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=28464211:55
ivoksgh0st: but other don't have license to distribute :)11:55
ehirdsavvas: but still11:55
elliot:) thanks killik and thee. I'll install it :)11:55
assasukasseelliot it.archive.ubuntu.com edy/main,universe,multiverse,restricted  packages is error 40411:55
xzkehird: I replied to that post11:55
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monadguyo: driver is set to fglrx, internalagpgart to no11:55
gh0stivoks: do you really think a single plugin file will cause problems? :-)11:55
elliotdelete that line then11:55
assasukasseelliot actually every it.archive is unreacheable11:55
ivoksgh0st: i don't want to find out11:56
=== chicken_Fire [n=chicken_@dynadsl-080-228-200-222.ewetel.net] has joined #ubuntu
elliotreally, they worked in your build11:56
monadguyo: lsmod says fglrx is loaded and depending on11:56
guyomonad: actually i'm at work and my radeon is at home so i can't check in rt11:56
monadfglrx                 391756  811:56
monadagpgart                36784  2 fglrx,via_agp11:56
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elliotassasukasse: OK, right. I'll generate you a sources.list11:56
gh0stwell someone just gave me one version which was for windows so it didn't work11:56
guyomonad: the "no matching Device section" definitely refers to a section in xorg.conf11:56
elliotassasukasse: give me a mo. That should have worked though11:56
assasukasseelliot i remove it and leave just archive.ubuntu.com...seems italian repo are down from yesterday (from the italian ubuntu channel)11:57
monadguyo: i know, but why11:57
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guyopastebin the conf file plz11:57
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monadguyo: ok11:57
LookTJI thought edgy is out today?11:57
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savvas*will be*11:57
MatthewV!ef | LookTJ11:58
ubotuLookTJ: Edgy will be released around October 26th (*some* timezone) - we don't know at precisely what time of the day it will be finalized and published for download. Please be patient!11:58
guyoi'm pretty busy, no promises, but i'll take a quick look11:58
=== Godfather [n=godfathe@204.Red-83-39-36.dynamicIP.rima-tde.net] has joined #ubuntu
elliotassaukasse: ok, that'll be your problem then. For future reference try http://www.ubuntulinux.nl/source-o-matic11:58
osamaLookTJ: Read the channel Topic11:58
monadguyo: http://rafb.net/paste/results/wDgqEt28.html11:58
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assasukassethanks elliot but i have another prob, says my packages are unauthenticated...what to do?11:58
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elliotassasukasse: use these commands, follow them EXACTLY11:59
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guyomonad: and please your Xorg.0.log11:59
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elliotassasukasse: gpg --keyserver subkeys.pgp.net --recv 437D05B511:59
monadguyo: http://rafb.net/paste/results/wrBCjy10.html12:00
cyziehello , i just install xubuntu on my sata disks. but i suspect it didnt mirror between the 2 disks. im using abit nf7-s2 and two 80GB sata disks. anyone can help?12:00
elliotassasukasse: gpg --export --armor 437D05B5 | sudo apt-key add -12:00
elliotassasukasse: then try12:00
guyomonad: gimme a sec12:00
monadguyo: thanks12:01
=== mode/#ubuntu [+o mnepton] by elkbuntu
assasukasseno valid openpgp data found12:01
=== mode/#ubuntu [+m] by elkbuntu
mneptonladies and gentlemen .....12:01
=== halok [n=mik@c210-49-133-214.fitzg2.qld.optusnet.com.au] has joined #ubuntu
=== ..[topic/#ubuntu:fabbione] : Official Ubuntu support channel | Edgy Is Released!!! | Support options: http://www.ubuntu.com/support | FAQ: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CommonQuestions | IRC info: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRCResourcePage | Pastes to Pastebin: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/
mneptonwelcome to Ubuntu 6.1012:01
=== mode/#ubuntu [-m] by mnepton
dholbachROCK ON12:02
BartYeaaaaaaaaaaaaaah :D:D:D12:02
ehirdWhere is it.12:02
BartLink plz ?12:02
eXistenZHappy Edgy Day!12:02
=== Afief thanks the ubuntu gods
eXistenZlink :o12:02
phireThank you12:02
ehirdhttp://www.ubuntu.com/download nuttin'12:02
=== Blissex [n=Blissex@82-69-39-138.dsl.in-addr.zen.co.uk] has joined #Ubuntu
gh0stcan anyone send me "libjavaplugin_oji.so" (should be found trough "search"), or put it on rapidshare.de for ex.? please. (it's the java plugin for mozilla 32bit, i need the one for 32bit to wrap with nspluginwrapper). i just need this one very file for my amd64.12:02
=== halok [n=mik@c210-49-133-214.fitzg2.qld.optusnet.com.au] has joined #ubuntu
assasukasseelliot unfortunately seems not to work..12:02
elkbuntuhoweverrrrrr... offtopic (non-support) talk to #ubuntu-offtopic, leave this channel clear for support :) thankyou all!12:03
=== halok [n=mik@c210-49-133-214.fitzg2.qld.optusnet.com.au] has left #ubuntu ["Kopete]
ehirdI still can't find it.12:03
cyziehello , i just install xubuntu on my sata disks. but i suspect it didnt mirror between the 2 disks. im using abit nf7-s2 and two 80GB sata disks. anyone can help?12:03
ehirdeXistenZ: that's an RC12:03
=== halok [n=mik@c210-49-133-214.fitzg2.qld.optusnet.com.au] has joined #ubuntu
robCongrats guys!12:03
=== Habbie [i=a9vpkdxl@] has joined #ubuntu
mneptoni'll have fast torrent seeds up in ~2 minutes.12:03
eXistenZoh yes12:03
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=== Nookie [n=fsd@h52n1fls32o1010.telia.com] has joined #ubuntu
xzkRC 3 will be the exact same as the final release12:03
MasseRehird: No it isn't12:03
AlexC_Where are the torrents?!12:03
Alzi2_Hey all... When is Edgy going to be released?12:03
ehirdmasser: yes it is12:03
MasseRehird: No it isn't. Anymore12:03
=== halok [n=mik@c210-49-133-214.fitzg2.qld.optusnet.com.au] has left #ubuntu ["Kopete]
Alzi2_is it released?!12:04
justthisguyAlzi2_: you just missed it :)12:04
ehirdLast time I heard the latest RC was different to Final12:04
MasseR13:02:44 < lotusleaf> <tonyyarusso> http://releases.ubuntu.com/releases/6.10/  has non-RC ISOs!  Still waiting for announcement e-mail though.12:04
robsee /topic12:04
=== apokryphos [n=apokryph@87-194-86-227.bethere.co.uk] has joined #ubuntu
osamaAlzi2_: Sometime in the near future12:04
ehirdthere we are12:04
Habbiewhy does the topic say edgy is released?12:04
assasukasseelliot says subkeys.pgp.net host not found12:04
=== ikor [n=kir@gw-swsoft2.ll-nsk.zsttk.ru] has joined #ubuntu
ehirddownload started :D12:04
Alzi2_I think those are still RCs12:04
=== mode/#ubuntu [-o fabbione] by fabbione
ehirdalxi2_: not http://releases.ubuntu.com/releases/6.10/12:04
Alzi2_are those RCs?12:04
elliotCan someone help assasukasse update his PGP keys for the ubuntu repositories12:04
elliotfor edgy12:05
ehirdnot http://releases.ubuntu.com/releases/6.10/12:05
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MasseR13:01:30 < bianconeri> are we where?12:05
MasseR13:01:58 < tfheen> I just pushed the button, so yes.12:05
MasseRSo apparently edgy is out12:05
Artemis3ok the floodgates are open12:05
Habbiewho is tfheen? :)12:05
MasseRAt least I interpreted it that way12:05
Artemis3torrent time12:05
upt1mewhere is the torrent?12:05
kihaiWhere is the Edubuntu Download? Still not updated on edubuntu.org...12:05
Artemis3torrent everyone :)12:05
ajmitchHabbie: release master for edgy12:05
eXistenZhttp://releases.ubuntu.com/releases/6.10/ubuntu-6.10-alternate-i386.iso != RC ?12:05
assasukasseelliot it worked now..12:06
elmargoljigdo :D12:06
xzklets all paste the same exact link at the same exact time: READY GO!12:06
=== morgs [n=morgan@dsl-146-205-245.telkomadsl.co.za] has joined #ubuntu
ehirdwhy are you doing the -alternates?12:06
ehirdhttp://releases.ubuntu.com/releases/6.10/ubuntu-6.10-desktop-i386.iso :p12:06
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elliotassasukasse: OK GREAT :) happy edgy day and if you have more questions feel free to ask12:06
exhale-awayehird: because desktop sucks12:06
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Alzi2_Are you sure those are the real released things and NOT rc's?12:06
ehirdexhale-away: :p12:06
neuro_ehird: because -alternate ISOs are useful for doing net installs12:06
neuro_Alzi2_: yes, they're real12:06
osama0 seeds12:06
ehirdalzi2_: neither the page nor the filenames or descriptions says RC12:06
ehirdthey did before. therefore.12:07
exhale-awayhow do we know it isnt the RC?12:07
xzkwhich RC is it?12:07
ehirdnice repeat question12:07
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ehirdxzk: no RC12:07
crimsunexhale-away: because the release manager just released Edgy.12:07
ehirdIT IS FINAL!12:07
ivoksexhale-away: by date12:07
guyomonad: the line you are interested in is the following "(EE) fglrx(0): Hardware already been locked."12:07
kofwangwhat's the difference between alternate and desktop?12:07
osama0 seeds on the torrents12:07
ehirdalternate is non-graphical install12:07
Alzi2_Well, if those are the finals.. why hasn't it been released yet?12:07
exhale-awaykofwang: alternate is real text install12:07
eXistenZI like alternate12:07
crimsunAlzi2_: it has. See the topic.12:07
guyomonad: i'm googling for it, i suggest you do the same12:07
mneptonOK, fast torrent seeds are up.12:07
MasseRAlzi2_: Yes it is12:07
GazzaKkofwang~ desktop is the live cd, alt is the text mode installer type one12:07
crimsunthanks, mnepton :)12:07
ehirdi prefer desktop as alternate installs have never worked before for me12:07
mneptonBT users should have fast access to Edgy12:08
Alzi2_but on the download page it says 6.0612:08
ehirdnot because i'm a dumb luser :p12:08
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ehirdalzi2_: wait for it to update, or, http://releases.ubuntu.com/releases/6.10/ubuntu-6.10-desktop-i386.iso12:08
=== neuro_ had it downloaded 20 mins ago ;)
AlexC_Hold on, where are the links to the non RC ones?12:08
ehirdalexc_: http://releases.ubuntu.com/releases/6.10/12:08
=== Adriano [n=adriano@host122-42-dynamic.3-87-r.retail.telecomitalia.it] has joined #ubuntu
Alzi2_elkbuntuYea i'm downloading it ^^12:08
ehirdbneuro_: how? o_O12:08
rwscoldis this official?12:08
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crimsunrwscold: yes.12:08
Nookiewhat are the big differences between edgy and dapper?12:08
gh0st @ANYONE with linux java 32bit installed:: can anyone send me "libjavaplugin_oji.so" (should be found trough search), or put it on rapidshare.de for ex.? please. (it's the java plugin for mozilla 32bit, i need the one for 32bit to wrap with nspluginwrapper). i just need this one very file for my amd64.12:08
ehirdnookie: plenty12:08
kofwanghow do i upgrade to 6.10 using ubuntu-6.10-desktop-i386.iso ?12:08
monadguyo: on it, thanks12:09
randomiI'm getting rejected by the tracker.... any ideas?12:09
Alzi2_Nookie: Lots. Speed, new technologies, better multimedia support. Kick-ass-ness!12:09
xzkkofwang: burn to disk12:09
=== [NikO] [n=nicolas@cor13-2-82-240-67-21.fbx.proxad.net] has joined #ubuntu
|Bot|mikl# http://www.ubuntuusers.de/paste/4611/12:09
=== windu [n=windu@ACaen-151-1-46-215.w86-199.abo.wanadoo.fr] has joined #ubuntu
Nookieokej... then ill update =)12:09
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elkbuntusorry gyys12:10
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=== mode/#ubuntu [-m] by mnepton
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monadguyo: maybe i should rmmod fglrx12:10
neuro_tee hee12:10
Alzi2_Nookie: Also, Edgy is booted in less than 7 seconds12:10
rwscoldanyone know a mirror in the US??12:10
elkbuntustupid stupid keyboard!12:10
randomiI'm getting rejected by the tracker.... any ideas?12:10
ehirdexciting times12:10
LookTJedgy out!!12:10
=== adnans [n=adnans@linuxgoeroe.demon.nl] has joined #ubuntu
winduyou don't need the xserver-xorg-driver-i810 driver now, but the xserver-xorg-video-i81012:10
=== eXistenZ is downloading at the speed of 180KB/s
ehirdrandomi: do an ftp/hyyp download12:10
Lard-O-Ladim having tracker troubles too!12:10
=== Adriano [n=adriano@host122-42-dynamic.3-87-r.retail.telecomitalia.it] has left #ubuntu []
exhale-awaythe server is going to get killed ;(12:10
winduI had this problem and X.org didn't found my screen ><12:10
kliklikgh0st: Check the private messages.12:10
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osamaexhale-away: that's why we want to use bittorrent12:11
IndyBCapokryphos: :)12:11
zircxhey guys, erm, interesting state of affairs here, apparently I've tried to install java 5.0 as instructed on the website but I keep getting a 'can't do reply' because of multiverse situation and it seems to fail on the repository with some of the files..12:11
neuro_hmm ... "Failure: Requested download is not authorized for use with this tracker"12:11
tim--oh.. it's out?  i missed that...   better jump on that torrent12:11
gh0stklikli: i did not receive anything, but thanks if you want to help me! finally12:11
=== Ziemas [n=flurf_fl@90-227-219-67-no62.tbcn.telia.com] has joined #Ubuntu
=== mode/#ubuntu [+o apokryphos] by ChanServ
=== windu downloaded at the speed of 300Ko/s
ehird199KB/sec here, stupid adsl12:11
Alzi2_Guys, are the docs updated, too?12:11
gh0stkliklik: i did not receive anything, but thanks if you want to help me! finally12:11
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Alzi2_I mean.. new guide and stuff?12:11
kliklikneuro_: the same problem here12:11
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ehird119KB/sec :p12:11
=== atminette [i=atmaniak@nat/mandriva/x-5bcecd1fccd9ccf8] has joined #ubuntu
C-O-L-TI can not see any change on the main page http://www.ubuntu.com12:11
miklwhere is edgy at...12:11
dholmesIs the torrent working for anybody?12:11
bianconeriOk now its officially out...I run sudo apt-get upgrade it says its up to date...I have been running edgy since yesterday...so no changes since then??12:11
xzkpaste the torrent12:11
ehirdC-O-L-T: yes... it takes a while to update12:11
neuro_i'm getting some peers over DHT tho12:11
=== Japje [n=Japje@www.linux-net.nl] has joined #ubuntu
Nookieis it safe to update from dapper to edgy now?12:11
assasukassewell, i wonder, if edgy is out, why my apt-get upgrade doesn't get anything?12:11
neuro_which means i'll be seeding over DHT12:11
randomiSeems as though a lot of people are getting problems with the tracker12:11
osamatorrent is DHT, some peers, 0 seeds ....12:12
Lard-O-Lad315 KB/s12:12
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neuro_assasukasse: did you update your repositories to use edgy instead of dapper?12:12
dholmesThere we go!12:12
=== windu [n=windu@ACaen-151-1-46-215.w86-199.abo.wanadoo.fr] has left #ubuntu ["Tant]
C-O-L-Tehird: can I upgrade then now from dapper?12:12
Alzi2_I'm downloading from the main site12:12
ehirdC-O-L-T: probably?12:12
IndyBCSo, now, if we upgrade to edgy, we will get the stable official release?12:12
assasukasseneuro_ i am already on edgy RC12:12
Artemis3yes, fellow azureus users, but we need a seed using azureus too :P12:12
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tim--where is the torrent guys?12:12
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JoseStefanIndyBC, yes, it's official now12:12
elliotif you download by HTTP your still getting 686kb/s for now12:12
kdean06I've a question for anyone intimiatly familiar with Debian packaging, anyone here fit that?12:12
gh0stkliklik: quickly join #private-temp ;-)12:12
=== xew [n=michal@bfx88.neoplus.adsl.tpnet.pl] has left #ubuntu ["Wychodz"]
IndyBCJoseStefan: ok, thanks. I 'm off for upgrade! :)12:12
=== xew [n=michal@bfx88.neoplus.adsl.tpnet.pl] has joined #ubuntu
warpforgeTo all curious parties: The official release is the 25th's daily snapshot12:13
xzkkdean06: intimately?12:13
MukundaIs edgy actually out now?12:13
=== IndyBC [n=indy@athedsl-148609.otenet.gr] has left #ubuntu ["Leaving"]
Artemis3ok the first who downloads it via http open the torrent in azureus to seed us12:13
zircxoh everyones upgrading to edgy already12:13
neuro_Artemis3: i'm already seeding over DHT12:13
=== Shadowpillar_ needs a faster connection
=== speedy [n=speedy@] has joined #ubuntu
Shadowpillar_56k ftl12:13
elliotI will have a torrent up in about 5mins, won't be official12:13
ehirdcan we just change the topic to "YES, EDGY IS RELEASED: <links>"12:13
=== dwa- [n=dwa@garrut.xs4all.nl] has joined #ubuntu
neuro_elliot: if you use a torrent client that supports DHT, the official torrent will be fine12:13
Artemis3seems the tracker got hammered eh?12:13
speedywhats ubunutu-6.10-alternate?12:13
neuro_tracker prolly hasn't been updated yet12:13
elliotneuro_: name one12:13
=== TeemuR [n=Teemu@e83-245-158-60.elisa-laajakaista.fi] has joined #ubuntu
xzkare you guys addicted to new version and updates/upgrades as much as me?12:14
=== oyvinhoi [n=oyvinhoi@dhcp-110-157.idi.ntnu.no] has joined #ubuntu
neuro_elliot: azureus, uTorrent12:14
exhale-awayalternate=text cd install, more options. doesnt have livecd12:14
Shadowpillar_speedy: IIRC, it doesn't load a livecd12:14
zircxerm okay so dist-upgrade is the way to go?12:14
oyvinhoiIs there any program to create a floppy image of a folder on a harddrive?12:14
rwscoldi am trying with azurues with no luck12:14
Alzi2_xzk: YAYAYAAYAYAYA!!!!12:14
dholmesI using the latest uTorrent and it's not really working for me12:14
osamai'll try to download http and then seed ?12:14
=== terrablebyte [n=chatzill@user-5444c8f5.lns1-c11.dsl.pol.co.uk] has joined #ubuntu
Shadowpillar_exhale-away: does it provide packages?12:14
JoseStefanfor upgrade instructions /msg ubotu upgrade12:14
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C-O-L-Thow to upgrade to edgy12:14
rwscoldthere are no seeders!12:14
dholmesWell, it's started working (very slowly) but I still have an error from the tracker12:14
Artemis3Alzi2_, Xena?12:14
exhale-awayShadowpillar_: not shure what you mean here12:14
elliotWill be soon as possible12:14
=== greg_zx [n=chatzill@radionet-3.broadband.pl] has joined #ubuntu
MasseRSo no go to tracker with rtorrent? -.-12:14
agutierrsomeone has the direct link to 6.10 release ?12:14
mneptonBITTORRENT USERS: it takes a little time for the tracker to sync. be patient.12:14
zircxJoseStefan: thanks man12:14
kdean06xzk, When editing a control file (dh_make) I'm aware you can use pipes to specify multiple packages ot meet the dependancy, but is it pissible to specify both an & as well as a | in a single entry? I'm packaging something that requires a working php install on Apache, but php4 or 5 work, AND apache and apache212:14
Shadowpillar_exhale-away: aka, you download it, burn it, and can upgrade all major packages from it12:14
xzkwhere are you guys download it from12:14
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neuro_dholmes: i'm seeding at 50KB/s quite happily atm12:15
eXistenZDoes shipit offer edgy cds yet?12:15
dholmesYeah, it's starting to pick up now12:15
ehirdhttp://directrix.org/screens/1.png sneaky ubuntu insult detected :O12:15
mneptoneXistenZ: never will12:15
GazzaKeXistenZ~ no, and they will not12:15
MasseRehird: Afaik it wont even support12:15
dholmesUp to 2012:15
visik7are there mirrors ?12:15
=== monad [n=root@ae-aphrodite.culture.hu-berlin.de] has joined #ubuntu
Shadowpillar_exhale-away: instead of from repositories like the livecd version, or have to wipe your system12:15
MasseReXistenZ: that is12:15
eXistenZmnepton, never?12:15
guyomonad: follow method 2 of the following guide: worked flawlessly for me and other people reports success in fixing your same error message: http://wiki.cchtml.com/index.php/Ubuntu_Dapper_Installation_Guide12:15
ubotuUbuntu installation CDs can be downloaded from http://releases.ubuntu.com - Mirrors can be found at http://wiki.ubuntu.com/Archive12:15
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mneptoneXistenZ: correct12:15
neuro_dholmes: in fact you're leeching from me :>12:15
eXistenZmnepton, No more shipit? :(12:15
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JoseStefani'm getting 10kb/s out of 80kb cap12:15
ubotuUpgrading, please see the instructions on: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UpgradeNotes12:15
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dholmesneuro_, ;)  I'll be seeding later (with my meager bandwidth)12:16
elliotCan someone tell me how to join the torrent to seed after I have my HTTP downloaded?12:16
monadguyo: thanks, will try12:16
oyvinhoiIs there any program to create a floppy image of a folder on a harddrive?12:16
Lard-O-Ladg'nite guys, its been fun! (i'll be sure to seed, once the tracker comes up)12:16
dirmasswho keeps changing the main page, the new release photo keeps dissapearing12:16
guyomonad: good lucl12:16
guyomonad: good luck12:16
kanpachiis this the final ver of edgy? it dates back to yesterday12:16
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C-O-L-Thow to upgrade from dapper to edgy?12:17
LookTJ698 MB is big12:17
kanpachiso why is the date 25-10-06?12:17
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apokryphosC-O-L-T: /msg ubotu upgrade12:17
osamaoyvinhoi: you still use floppies?   cp to copy files12:17
MasseRC-O-L-T: Change all the dapper texts from sources.list to edgy12:17
xipietotecSo is Feisty out yet? *hides from the ops*12:17
terrablebyteSorry if this has already been answered, but will Edgy include all the drivers and features for the macbook?12:17
harryis it easy to install eclipse on ubuntu 6.06 than from 5.10 breezy12:17
robxipietotec: yes12:17
MasseRThen sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get dist-upgrade12:17
robbah no!12:17
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visik7terrablebyte: features ?12:17
=== rob goes for coffee
xipietoteclol =)12:17
rwscoldhow are we sure this is the final??? i dont get it the main site doesnt even show it12:17
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guyoharry: eclipse 3.1 is dead easy to install on dapper12:17
andyhi, how do i tell if an image is the final release of edgy or an older one?12:17
Alzi2_xipietotec: Huh? Out?12:17
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snowblinkrwscold, it was announced - see topic12:17
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MasseRrwscold: Yes we are sure. It doesn't have "RC" in it does it?12:18
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Alzi2_Time to ask Da Adminz!12:18
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rwscoldwe have seen those on mirrors for hours without rc12:18
zircxwell hump a humpback whale i've got to wait for these damn downloads to finish before i can upgrade12:18
randomiI'm still being rejected from the torrent. Anyone else still having this issue?12:18
kanpachiso edgy was released yesterday??12:18
=== Dybber [n=dybber@0x3e42d1c0.adsl.cybercity.dk] has joined #ubuntu
terrablebytee.g two finger scrolling, iSight drivers12:18
Peter77hi, when will the final release of edgy be available?12:18
MasseRkanpachi: Today12:18
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Peter77not yet12:18
Alzi2_Peter77: It's out.12:18
tim--randomi, yes12:18
neuro_Peter77: it's out12:18
Artemis3in was released a couple of minutes ago12:18
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Alzi2_Check da topic12:18
Peter77how come it's not on the site?12:18
justthisguywhat size is the final release iso? 698.4 M?12:18
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CarinArrgoing to be a fun day12:18
woekelehttp://ftp.snt.utwente.nl/pub/linux/ubuntu/edgy/ just changed all the -rc builds to normal builds. So Im guessing its out :)12:18
kanpachiso how come when i try to d/l it, it says 25-10-06?12:19
harryguyo: so that means i dont need to the stuffs that this link tells me https://help.ubuntu.com/community/EclipseIDE12:19
Alzi2_Peter77: Still not updated.12:19
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LookTJpeter77: http://releases.ubuntu.com/6.10/12:19
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Peter77so if I upgrade my edgy beta now it will upgrade to final release?12:19
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randomikanpachi, it depends on server time when those files were uploaded12:19
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neuro_kanpachi: because it's released slightly early to mirrors12:19
thoreauputickanpachi: possibly the CD was built yesterday12:19
=== rackerz [n=rackerz@cpc2-cosh6-0-0-cust152.cos2.cable.ntl.com] has joined #ubuntu
osamahttp speed going dooooooown.12:19
marx71I am still seeing RC!! When would the final version be released? What time?12:19
kyjawoohoo front page wants me to dl 6.1012:19
neuro_kanpachi: then when the release happens, the files are switched over so there's no missing files on mirrors12:19
rackerzmarx71 do you use IE?12:19
elliotosama: mines still at 700kbs12:19
ivoksmarx71: http://www.ubuntu-hr.org/ubuntu-releases/6.10/12:19
=== Enselic [n=martin@lund-idb4-ux4-vl88-85-235-30-35.perspektivbredband.net] has joined #ubuntu
C-O-L-TI am upgrading to Edgy Eft cooooooollllllll12:20
Drac|RadioWhat are some good music apps like Amarok that are very user-friendly? I'm building a radio computer to sell on eBay and I want it to be easy to use.12:20
guyoharry: simply use universe and multiverse repositories and do a : apt-get install sun-java2-sdk eclipse12:20
stromphow do i upgrade?12:20
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apokryphosstromp: /msg ubotu upgrade12:20
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tim--anyone got a working torrent yet?12:20
kdean06Drac|Radio, I'm a fan of Banshee. It fits well with gnome12:20
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C-O-L-Tstromp: run the update manager12:20
Alzi2_Drac|Radio: Rhytmbox, Muine, Banshee.12:20
ehirdwhy isn't http://www.ubuntu.com/include/circle610.jpg a png? ;)12:20
osama238k > ~120k > 42k > 38.6k12:20
=== ..[topic/#ubuntu:apokryphos] : Official Ubuntu support channel | Edgy Is Released!!! Upgrade: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/EdgyUpgrades | Support options: http://www.ubuntu.com/support | FAQ: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CommonQuestions | IRC info: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRCResourcePage | Pastes to Pastebin: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/
marx71you still need to run update-manager with -c -d?12:20
zircxI wonder if they'll have the firefox plugins installed into the latest firefox release12:20
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elliotYeah, mines begining to drop, still riding high though12:20
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=== mode/#ubuntu [-o FeistyFawn] by apokryphos
robanyone getting rejected by the torrent tracker?12:21
LookTJsomeone put http://releases.ubuntu.com/6.10/ in topic please?12:21
neuro_rob: yes, everyone12:21
roboh dam12:21
ThePizzaKingmarx71: Only with -c12:21
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guyoharry: my advice, edit /etc/eclipse/java_home to use SUN's JVM and lastly use update-alternatives to use SUN's VM and compiler12:21
apokryphosLookTJ: why? Upgrade info is more useful12:21
ehirdi still say the whole topic should just be "YES, EDGY IS RELEASED, STOP ASKING! LINKS: <links go here>"12:21
neuro_rob: if you can use DHT with your client, you'll pick up some seeds, including myself12:21
Mukundaehird: I can't see it anywhere.12:22
robneuro_: cheers!12:22
dholbachehird: I doubt everybody reads the topic ;)12:22
ehirdmukunda: thus why we need the topic replaced with screaming caps12:22
Mukundaehird: sorry, see it now.12:22
=== Dinxter [n=niall@82-41-236-160.cable.ubr12.edin.blueyonder.co.uk] has joined #ubuntu
Shadowpillar_Hey, is edgy released yet? *bricked* :P12:22
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xipietotecehird: I got rob a few minutes ago =)12:22
neuro_although i have a horrible feeling i'm the only seed right now :>12:22
Peter77I'll upgrade ubuntu edgy rc and see if it upgrades to the final release12:22
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=== Shadowpillar_ just needs some way to download some isos
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elliotneuro_:I am working on it!12:22
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apokryphosPeter77: with update manager or dist-upgrade? Either of those methods should get you final12:22
Yancho|BNCHi, I was just offered a sponsor of a server having AMD 3200 64bit / 1GB ram .. I would like to run some game servers. What version of Ubuntu do you suggest please? It will be used remotely.12:22
cgeneuro_: I might download it from a mirror and then seed it.12:22
monadguyo: it's really weird.12:22
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neuro_cge: good call12:22
=== ViRiDiS [n=viridis@vodsl-2201.vo.lu] has joined #ubuntu
guyomonad: what12:22
Alzi2_Yancho|BNC: Edgy server.12:23
tim--i'm still getting 'rejected y tracker' 'not authorised' etc12:23
Peter77yeah, i'm just going to use synaptic and select "mark all upgrades"12:23
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mneptonneuro_: you are not the only seed. guaranteed.12:23
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Yancho|BNCAlzi2_ lemme search what is edgy12:23
=== newbie [n=nonrootu@ppp-171-25.28-151.libero.it] has joined #ubuntu
monadguyo: logging in as user, starting X gets loads of API error messages from fglrxinfo, logging in as root still has mesa12:23
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neuro_mnepton: well no seeds are showing up here12:23
newbieHi guys!12:23
Alzi2_Yancho|BNC: The new ubuntu release. It has just been released.12:23
monadguyo: and i have to add that the guy working on this machine always logs in as root12:23
monadi know that's f**** up12:24
ehirdit was just released... 10 minutes ago :p12:24
rackerzmonad, fglrx drivers aren't working correctly in edgy12:24
kalhow can i update drapper to edgy without formatting ?12:24
rackerzlast time i checked12:24
Yancho|BNCAlzi2_ a ok its just a new name of ubuntu right ?12:24
Peter77oh crap ubuntu has crashed12:24
monadnot using edgy12:24
kalwhere can i find a sources.list updated ?12:24
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guyomonad: start from scratch building the kernel module and follow the guide, i had zero problems with that12:24
Peter77well it won't let me click on anything12:24
mvoPeter77: you may want to use the update-manager for this, run gksu "update-manager -c"12:24
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apokryphosmonad: language please :)12:24
mdzkal: follow the uprgade instructions12:24
monadguyo: that12:24
Alzi2_Yancho|BNC: No, a new version.12:24
apokryphoskal: check the /topic for instructions12:24
tonyyarussoDon't forget to digg the release so everyone hears about it - http://digg.com/linux_unix/Ubuntu_6_10_Actually_Released12:24
guyomonad: took me less than 10 minuts12:24
monadguyo: that's exactly what i did12:24
Yancho|BNCoki Alzi2_ :) and what does it have with it ?12:24
monadguyo: right now, i just rebooted12:24
guyomonad: u're fast :-)12:24
Peter77mvo: I would but after ubuntu booted it won't let me click anything12:24
justthisguykal: just change all the dapper s to edgy , then run sudo aptitude update sudo aptitude dist-upgrade12:24
kalhaha indeed, didn't saw the link ;p12:24
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monadguyo: o' course.... ;-)12:24
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lypsishate it - still waiting for xubuntu ;)12:24
=== Shadowpillar_ will wait for people to try edgy first
kanpachidon't mean to be too rude, but how can you REALLY sure it's final?12:25
ehirdlypsis: you could install xfce and uninstall gnome after installing ubuntu12:25
Shadowpillar_so if it's busted, or something doesn't work, I can sit back comfortably with my still-working system12:25
newbieI found out that synaptic ain't in Breezy; how can I install it?12:25
monadguyo: as i told you, it's not the first time i'm configuring direct rendering and i've had worse than radeon12:25
miklShadowpillar_: I've been tryin' it fir months12:25
apokryphoskanpachi: sorry?12:25
ehirdkanpachi: official statements and the lack of any "RC" indicators everywhere?12:25
ehirdand the official page updating to show it official?12:25
ubotuPlease read the channel topic whenever you enter, as it contains important information. To view it at any time after joining, simply type /topic12:25
elliotnewbie: it is12:25
monadguyo: that's why i'm so puzzled12:25
Peter77oh crap I ust had t force a shutdown12:25
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guyomonad: i see ... ...12:25
lypsisehird: yeah i know, but i prefer the "official" integrated version you know :)12:25
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kanpachiwhat official statements ? and daily builds never have rc12:25
guyomonad: upgraded xorg and the like to latest versions ?12:25
kanpachieven the daily one after the rc didn't have Rc12:26
ehirdlypsis: well i'm gonna trash kubuntu for this12:26
ehirdespecially because of the lack of build-essential12:26
monadguyo: just upgraded to dapper three days ago, everything should eb up to date12:26
apokryphoskanpachi: official statements in here. And we're not going on daily builds -- see ubuntu.com12:26
mdzkanpachi: "Ubuntu 6.10 is released" <- official statement :-)12:26
ehirdwhich i need to compile modem drivers12:26
ehirdso i can't just apt-get it12:26
guyoyup, definitely12:26
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newbiebut I get: $ synaptics12:26
newbie \n bash: synaptics: command not found12:26
miklUbuntu.com links to 6.10 now :D12:26
lypsisehird: didn't try it yet12:26
godmachine81NEW!! sources.list with extras for edgy!!! http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/28403/12:26
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elliotnewbie: synaptic12:26
justthisguynewbie: no s12:26
kanpachioh right!12:26
kanpachikewl thanx12:26
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apokryphoskanpachi: quite official when it comes from Ubuntu CEO =)12:26
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guyomonad: does the user you use belong to the hw accel group ?12:27
monadguyo: but there was one weirdness... i apt-get remove kdm, because i don't want a graphical login manager, and ever since the kde session of my user is pretty fucked up12:27
robah the download page on he site is updated!12:27
=== shawarma is now known as shawarma_away
monadguyo: the main user is root--- it's my weird professor's machine12:27
elliotnewbie: np!12:27
newbieI'm going to hide..12:27
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speedyanyone got edgy yet? :)12:27
Peter77fuck it's done it again12:27
rackerzthe iso's on the releases page show the 25th, not 26th?12:27
ubotuPlease watch your language and keep this channel family friendly.12:27
elliotnewbie: don't worry about it! I have done worse12:27
apokryphosPeter77: language, please :)12:27
monadguyo: so as root, kde looks pretty, whereas as a user, kde looks strange12:27
AlexC_http://releases.ubuntu.com/edgy/ is 100% Edgy Final?12:27
guyomonad: use a plain user and make sure he is in the "video" group12:27
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apokryphosmonad: could you expand for us in #kubuntu ?12:28
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robnice, over 1000 users in here!12:28
godmachine81speedy:: a bunch of us have edgy12:28
monadapokryphos: that apocryphous... whaddaya mean?12:28
Davieyis there any difference between kubuntu and (ubuntu + kde)12:28
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miklEdgy is teh nice12:28
randomirackers, that's when they were uploaded to the servers but not when they were released12:28
godmachine81there is a lot of users in here12:28
Peter77is there a shortcut to log out12:28
elkbunturob, jumped 50 in the past hour12:28
Sp4rKyplease, i want know where gdm looks for the window manager lists12:28
apokryphosmonad: it's a KDE problem, so let us know about it in #kubuntu12:28
robelkbuntu: nice12:28
hmufolks, I uninstalled ubuntu-desktop, but now apt-get doesn't want to re-install it anymore. what's the catch?12:28
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monadapo: oh, sure... but i guess it's got nothing to do with kde directly12:29
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miklhmu: give us error messages or give us death ;)12:29
apokryphoshmu: doesn't want to install it? What's the error?12:29
speedyi ran update-manager and the speed isnt stable going up and down12:29
=== vernes [n=CpR@cc896526-a.zlr1.dr.home.nl] has joined #ubuntu
speedyto upgrade to edgy12:29
osamaaptitude is upgrading ....12:29
hmu  ubuntu-desktop: Depends: xorg but it is not going to be installed12:29
apokryphosmonad: sounds like it does12:29
=== nomin [n=rfid@adsl-68-76-97-7.dsl.bcvloh.ameritech.net] has left #ubuntu ["Leaving"]
hysuaive finished the ISO download, anyone got an torrents I can join to seed? (desktop-i386 ISO)12:29
xzkpaste a torrent12:29
xzki cant find one12:29
miklhmu: then try apt-get'in xorg12:29
Alzi2_hmu: If I were you, I'd reinstall/.12:29
apokryphoshmu: is that the full output? Could you pastebin the full output?12:29
holycow_Amaranth, *ping*12:29
Peter77can anyone help me, I think gnomes crashed12:30
neuro_all the torrents are in http://releases.ubuntu.com/releases/6.10/12:30
kalWhat is the difference between alternative and desktop version ?12:30
dholbachhmu: what happens if you do      sudo apt-get install xorg    ?12:30
Alzi2_the new download site.12:30
theewill installing from iso upgrade from dapper or make a new installation?12:30
apokryphoskal: check the FAQ12:30
lnostdalCongratulations ppl. :)12:30
randomikal, alternative has no gui12:30
justthisguykal: alterneate isnt a livecd iirc12:30
=== B-Minus [n=tommy@163.129-78-194.adsl-static.isp.belgacom.be] has joined #ubuntu
guyomonad: to sort out kde related problems, stop gdm/kdm and start x with xinit as a regular user (belonging to the video group)12:30
elliotPeter77: If you're sure its crashed uses ctrl+alt+backspace but only if your sure12:30
snowblinkPeter77, CTRL+ALT+F212:30
Peter77well it won't let me click on anything12:30
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snowblinkPeter77, then sudo /etc/init.d/gdm restart12:30
=== laynor [n=ROMINA@84-123-39-38.onocable.ono.com] has joined #ubuntu
Peter77it seems to happen after the network-manager has logged me into my wireless network12:31
Peter77this has never happend before12:31
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elliotPeter77: while doing what (and ctrl+alt+backspace does the samething snowblink)12:31
dholbachhmu: what happens if you do      sudo apt-get install xorg    ?12:31
apokryphoshmu: ok, how did this problem come about, and... what happens if you try to install just xorg?12:31
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godmachine81Peter77:: what network card?12:31
snowblinkelliot, only if you haven't disabled that "feature". ;)12:31
rackerzthanks randomi.12:31
assasukasseelliot i was wondering, if i delete my root partition and just leave my home partition, and reinstall edgy final, would the problem be solved?12:31
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xzkis it possible to install Edgy over Dapper.. or how do I do it?.. Burn Edgy to a CD and reinstall everything?12:31
stojance_Can someone help me with gnome dock?12:31
Peter77I'm going to try KDE12:31
godmachine81Peter77:: sorry im not familiar with that specific card, but some cards dont work with network-manager12:32
elliotassasukasse: ask on the channel - I wouldn't reccomend it - I think it would destroy your system#12:32
hmuapokryphos: libmesa-* dependancies12:32
Peter77it works12:32
apokryphosxzk: nope, you can update straight to it. See the link in the channel topic for info12:32
snowblinkPeter77, you're on a laptop?12:32
randomirakerz, no problem12:32
laynorHi, Is there a way to install ubuntu without partitioning? I mean, with something like an HD file.12:32
Peter77I've used network-manager for over a week with no problems12:32
hmuapokryphos: I'm now trying to install libmesa stuff12:32
=== jyoungxx [n=opera@c-67-166-178-185.hsd1.tx.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
godmachine81Peter77:: it works and shows as a device, but it wont keep a connection?12:32
apokryphoshmu: are you on dapper? And, what do you have in your sources.list?12:32
hmuapokryphos: nope, edgy12:32
=== Fear_cult laughs at godmachine81
apokryphoshmu: you've already upgraded to edgy?12:32
godmachine81sup fear12:32
=== d-E-u-S [n=DEUS@p54B45F32.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #ubuntu
bmgzare their any decent torrents yet for 6.10? all the ones iv'e tries are still empty12:32
elliotcan someone give a torrent link12:32
Fear_cultnow i see where youve disappeared to12:32
assasukassethanks elliot :D12:33
apokryphoshmu: did you dist-upgrade? You really should have the ubuntu-desktop metapackage before upgrading, otherwise you're going to encounter problems.12:33
justthisguyxzk: change all the dappers in your /etc/apt/sources list to edgy, then run sudo aptitude update and then sudo aptitude dist-upgrade12:33
hmuapokryphos: yeah... I uninstalled ubuntu-desktop a couple of weeks ago after I had upgraded to edgy12:33
randomielliot, desktop/server/alternate?12:33
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apokryphoshmu: and you did a dist-upgrade without having -desktop?12:33
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elliotradomi: alternative12:33
=== Fear_cult contemplates running edgy in qemu/vwmare
guyoanyone can confirm it is normal that the dist-upgrade to edgy wants to uninistall my ubuntu-desktop metapackage ^12:33
godmachine81you need to12:33
elliotrandomi: alternative12:33
xzkapokryphos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/EdgyUpgrades     ?12:33
=== tanghus [n=tol@0x50a45013.boanxx14.adsl-dhcp.tele.dk] has joined #ubuntu
=== godmachine81 has been running edgy for months
apokryphosxzk: yes12:33
Fear_culti know12:33
=== Skelator [n=john@cpc1-bele3-0-0-cust813.belf.cable.ntl.com] has joined #ubuntu
hmuapokryphos: nope, the dist-upgrade was _before_ then, but I think I did a couple of dist-upgrades afterwards (but I don't think that really matters)12:34
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=== emil_p8 [n=creaphot@36.249.97-84.rev.gaoland.net] has joined #ubuntu
d-E-u-Sca somebody help me to setup my wlan card?12:34
=== Kennebel [n=jeremy@c-67-164-173-137.hsd1.co.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
marx71what is this ubuntu-desktop problem?12:34
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hmuok, I installed some libmesa packages, then xorg, then ubuntu-desktop (and a shitload of other packages) are installing12:34
randomimnepton, any reason why I'm still being rejected from the torrent? I've already got it downloaded but trying to seed.12:35
=== halok [n=mik@c210-49-133-214.fitzg2.qld.optusnet.com.au] has joined #ubuntu
jyoungxxhey guys I don't have the nvidia-glx-config command in my system for enabling my nvidia12:35
=== hmu crosses fingers
marx71cross and uncross till it works!!12:35
Yancho|BNCAlzi2_ : is Edge Ubuntu 6.10 ?12:35
Alzi2_Yancho|BNC: Yup.12:35
godmachine81these people wouldnt listen12:35
=== Fear_cult > godmachine81 I installed gentoo
newbiebye! thnx12:35
godmachine81they thought there was gonna be last minute updates12:35
Yancho|BNCthanks :)12:35
elliotrandomi: How do I join the torrent and use my HTTP downloaded file to mirror it?12:35
Alzi2_Yancho|BNC: NP ^^12:35
godmachine81i told them last night go ahead and grab the rc that it was done12:35
godmachine81but they didnt listen :(12:35
Fear_cultwhy grab anything12:35
Fear_cultits apt based12:35
dholbachguyo: use      gksu "update-manager -c -d"12:35
Fear_cultand use kernel.org its fast as hell12:35
laynorFear_cult, has it an acceptable speed under WMWare? I ony have access to a friend pc and don't want to partition it.. though i don't want to use windows!12:35
tonyyarusso!edgytorrents is http://releases.ubuntu.com/6.10/ubuntu-6.10-{alternate,desktop,server}-{amd64,i386,powerpc}.iso.torrent12:35
Fear_culti dunno laynor i dont have it installed12:35
godmachine81ubuntu-6.10-desktop-i386.iso              25-Oct-2006 15:1012:35
Fear_cultim running fc612:35
godmachine81i posted a link to that 10 hrs ago12:35
Alzi2_laynor: There's always the live CD.12:35
Fear_cultlaynor, im sure it would though12:35
Alzi2_laynor: AND USB stick Linux (DamnSmallLinux. Damn i love that thing)12:35
godmachine81but they wanted that "official"12:35
Davieygodmachine81, your admiting that your been infront of IRC for 10 hours+?12:35
elliotcan someone name me a good torrent client?12:35
laynorAlzi2_, yes, but I need a lisp installation, with bells and whistles12:35
apokryphoshmu: it does matter.12:35
Fear_cultvmware is pretty good about running semi-close to actual installed speed12:35
Yancho|BNCAlzi2_ and the install does it have a "wizard" type of install? like freebsd ?12:35
godmachine81Daviey:: i been in front of irc for years12:36
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JoseStefan!torrent > elliot12:36
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Alzi2_Yancho|BNC: Yes. But much better, actually ;)12:36
godmachine81just ask Fear_cult12:36
Fear_cultme too godmachine81 but this is still a hellalotta peepz12:36
Yancho|BNChehe oki that would be great :)12:36
laynorAlzi2_, this usb-stick thing sound interesting12:36
=== Mikch [n=michael@m41.net195-132-219.noos.fr] has left #Ubuntu ["Ex-Chat"]
Fear_culthell ive been on irc for like 10ish years12:36
randomielliot, open up the torrent and pick the location of where you saved it as the location for the download. It will verify the download and then begin seeding it.12:36
ubotuTo install the Ati/NVidia drivers for your video card, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto12:36
VogeltjeIs Edgy official now?12:36
Davieygodmachine81, i have a thin client for IRC in the toilet!12:36
Alzi2_laynor: Sure is. Kind of hard to get working, though.12:36
hmuapokryphos: have i disrupted the "matrix"?12:36
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tonyyarussomnepton: I'm getting "Tracker: [Failure reason "Requested download is not authorized for use with this tracker."] " on the i386 server torrent, fyi.12:36
godmachine81Fear_cult:: i think this is the most ppl i ever seen in a room12:36
neuro_hmf, could do with some DHT seeds on the torrent, I still can't see any seeds12:36
Alzi2_Guys, will Edgy feature updates with new features?12:36
tim--torrent just started working.. \o/12:36
elliotrandomi: thanks12:36
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apokryphoshmu: indeed =). You'll have to play around a lot, and you *may* have mucked up your PM system12:36
Peter77hmm it seems to crash when network-manager finds a network12:36
Fear_cultyeah i think so too godmachine8112:36
neuro_and i now have 34 people trying to leech off me :)12:37
Rookie_nice - almost 1100 users ...12:37
Mehrdad!ef >mehrdad12:37
Fear_cultgodmachine81, cept like porn/warez chans on efnet/dalnet back in the day12:37
godmachine81oh yea12:37
elkbuntuneuro_, i hope you have a high bandwidth allocation12:37
randomiNice, add me to the seed list :-D12:37
neuro_i only have 800Kbps up12:37
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Fear_cultgodmachine81, did you get your desktop back?12:37
neuro_and i've only allocated 512Kbps to seed12:37
Yancho|BNCAlzi2_ and to update i use aptget right ?12:37
godmachine81i know that in #dvbfta on irc.dishnewbies.tv there was about 600 ppl at one time waiting for a dishnet fix12:37
teckfattDaviey: your toilet is so cool12:37
neuro_4 seeds now12:37
godmachine81Fear_cult:: hell no12:37
Vogeltjejeah edgy release finally: with edgy beta I had problem with ati x800 video: does anyone now if its fixed?12:37
neuro_yay, tracker working!12:38
hmuapokryphos: Crap.12:38
randomiseeding desktop and alternate12:38
guyodholbach: i'm doing a plain apt-get dist-upgrade (don't like update-manager stuff) as reported on the wiki page about upgrading...12:38
=== harisund [n=harisund@ip72-207-196-236.br.br.cox.net] has joined #ubuntu
randomiWill be seeding server shortly12:38
peris there any prog for ubuntu that can shutdown the pc after 1 hour ?12:38
guyowhat i don't understand is if it is normal that it has marked ubuntu-desktop for deletion12:38
trukuloper, at ?12:38
guyoper: sudo shutdown -h 6012:38
LookTJI'm gonna host edgy release on my server12:38
Kennebelper: you could use "at".12:39
perthanks :)12:39
trukulowell, guyo idea is better12:39
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perthanks guys12:39
guyouse it a lot :-)12:39
=== gallag [n=gina@cpe-069-132-052-158.carolina.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu
elkbuntugodmachine81, Fear_cult please take off-topic converstion to #ubuntu-offtopic12:39
Mehrdadwhere can I get edgy ISO via HTTP?12:39
Alzi2_Yancho|BNC: gksu "update-manager -c"12:39
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tonyb2006happy mayhem day!!12:39
godmachine81NEW!! sources.list with extras for edgy!!! http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/28403/12:39
Fear_cultelkbuntu, "heres a spoon so you can eat my ass"12:39
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=== SoftIce [n=newbie@vc-196-207-45-253.3g.vodacom.co.za] has joined #ubuntu
godmachine81smart move elkbuntu12:39
SoftIcedoes anyone have issues with asterisk startup scripts on ubuntu?12:39
laynorThanks, I'll go with wmware first, and then if it's too slow I'll go for the usb-stick thing12:39
godmachine81that was a guaranteed ubuntu user12:39
wilyi need to know when 6.10 become official12:39
godmachine81not that you give a damn12:39
Alzi2_laynor: You can run USB stick linux from within VMWARE, too.12:39
osamawily: it is12:39
=== timfrost [n=timfrost@125-237-80-168.jetstream.xtra.co.nz] has left #ubuntu []
Schalkenis it just me or was edgy just released?12:39
Davieyyes sir12:39
Yancho|BNCAlzi2_ okis great :) .. and one last question :) - to assign an ip is it hard? and make it resolve to a dns : server.mepa-clan.eu.org ?12:39
osamaSchalken: it's all of us12:39
elliotSchalken: IT is released12:39
Alzi2_laynor: The USB stick will be bootable and contains a linux distro. You can run it in qemu/vmware too, then.12:39
SoftIceSchalken today?12:39
godmachine81Schalken:: its been out for 10 hrs12:39
bianconeriSo after updating my /etc/apt/source.list and sudo apt-get update --->sudo apt-get upgrade ---< sudo apt-get dist-upgrade ...i should be set??12:39
hmuapokryphos: I think there ought to be more warnings about removing the ubuntu-desktop package if it is going to break something. Atleast, the command-line dist-upgrade should behave like the gui dist-upgrade (ie. exit with a falure)12:39
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Alzi2_Yancho|BNC: THere is a settings dialog for that, not too hard to find :)12:39
SoftIcehow big is the upgrade from dapper to edgy?12:39
Mehrdadis edgy DVD ISO available?12:39
zircxholy screen move batman...12:40
Yancho|BNCmore nice :) im already loving it hehe :))12:40
apokryphoshmu: we warn people all over the place, but hey :)12:40
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dholbachguyo: it will take care of a lot of quirks and make it easier12:40
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zircx466 files?12:40
guyodholbach: i'll take your word for it :-)12:40
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apokryphoshmu: removing ubuntu-desktop isn't *always* bad, you just always need it with your upgrades12:40
guyodholbach: thanks12:40
dholbachguyo: it ROCKs :)12:40
naaronboIs edgy final released????????????????????????12:40
wilyit is not in official repository12:40
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randominaaronbo, check the topic12:40
=== mnepton bounces on dholbach
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zircxYancho|BNC: any obvious differences?12:41
wilyi don't see it12:41
apokryphosnaaronbo: check the topic: yes.12:41
dholbachnaaronbo: YES REALLY!!!!11!!1!!11!!!11!11!!!1!!12:41
laynorAlzi2_, yeah, but there is no problem about using the hd, it's just that I don't want to partition it, so I'll go with an hd file ^^12:41
=== herzi [n=herzi@kiwi.mediascape.de] has joined #ubuntu
godmachine81wily:: the same iso i posted about 10 hrs ago is the same iso everyone is going crazy over now12:41
=== mode/#ubuntu [+b *!fear@ip72-200-81-170.tc.ph.cox.net] by elkbuntu
dholbachhiya ajmitch!12:41
Mehrdadwhere's edgy DVD?12:41
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=== dholbach hugs mnepton
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godmachine81valehru:: did i or did i not tell these folks a long time ago that it was already done12:41
Yancho|BNCzircx from what ?12:41
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=== ..[topic/#ubuntu:apokryphos] : Official Ubuntu support channel | Edgy Is Released!!! http://tinyurl.com/ybflyf Upgrade: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/EdgyUpgrades | Support options: http://www.ubuntu.com/support | FAQ: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CommonQuestions | IRC info: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRCResourcePage | Pastes to Pastebin: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/
monadguyo: ok, so i completey reinstalled the xserver and kde12:42
zircxwell I guess dapper to edgy12:42
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ajmitchmnepton: btw, are you coming to MV?12:42
zircxor edgy RC to edgy final12:42
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ehirdcan't wait for my download to finish :D12:42
ehirdonly... 1 hour to go.12:42
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cgegodmachine81: They have the same md5sum?12:42
guyomonad: stop gdm/kdm, get a shell as a simple user that is member of "video" group, and launch xinit12:42
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godmachine81elkbuntu:: what did you just ban fear_cult for?12:42
zircxI thought that would have been a given... since we're talking about upgrading to edgy12:42
godmachine81cge:: yes12:42
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elkbuntugodmachine81, his unwelcome attitude12:42
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lotusleafis there a final for an Edgy DVD ISO or is the DVD just the daily dvd (like this: http://cdimages.ubuntu.com/dvd/current/)12:43
Alzi2_can't wait for my download to finish :(12:43
vernesquestion: has anyone heard of problems with ubuntu where the contrast dropped a bit further every time they play a movie? I've been told it might be a driver bug.12:43
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monadguyo: how do i stop kdm in this system? is there some rc script?12:43
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hkl8324I downloaded the iso and inserted the burned cd into a drive.....it still say 6.06 on the windows menu bar...it is a "bug"?12:43
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laynorAlzi2_, though I don't know what to download from the vmware website, can you give me a hint?12:43
guyomonad: /etc/init.d/[kg] dm stop12:43
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Alzi2_vernes: Maybe a screensaver bug?12:43
bianconeriSo after updating my /etc/apt/source.list and sudo apt-get update --->sudo apt-get upgrade ---< sudo apt-get dist-upgrade ...i should be set??12:43
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elkbuntugodmachine81, it's usually a tad stupid to insult an op trying to keep peace and a channel on-topic12:43
yakumopls help regarding qdvdauthor12:43
Alzi2_laynor: Well, to run Linux from USB stick you gotta learn to use Qemu.12:43
vernesAlzi2_: I have screensaver disabled12:43
dholbachbianconeri: use       gksu "update-manager -c -d"12:43
zircxbianconeri: , try it and see how it goes?12:43
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zircxbianconeri: , I don't think they would put instructions up there just to entertain people.12:44
yakumoanyone familiar with qdvdauthor?12:44
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Alzi2_laynor: Qemu is an emulator, like vmware. But you can also reboot and run your Linux directly from the USB stick12:44
voltzanyone can tell me why #ubuntu+1 is invite ?12:44
coNPdo you know, when feisty will be started?12:44
ajmitchcoNP: "soon"12:44
JoseStefandholbach, it should no longer require the -d12:44
laynorAlzi2_, I want to run ubuntu from a traditional HD file, stored in hd12:44
robvoltz: because edgy is released12:44
=== chuckyp [n=chuckyp@adsl-75-36-106-1.dsl.bcvloh.sbcglobal.net] has joined #ubuntu
[NikO] voltz, edgy is released12:44
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Alzi2_laynor: The neat thing is that you can save your settings and files to the USB stick. AKA it's a pocket computer :)12:44
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dholbachJoseStefan: ah, maybe yes, yeah :)12:44
tonyyarussocoNP: Probably withina couple of days to a couple of weeks.12:44
coNPvoltz: I think, because there is no feisty yet, and edgy has been released12:44
chuckypLol #ubuntu+1 is invite only.12:44
timhaughtonOK. My first Edgy question - how to I upgrade a Dapper Server? The apt-get method for upgrade says I have to have the Desktop installed.12:44
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chuckyptimhaughton, do you ahve a window manager installed?12:45
tonyyarussotimhaughton: Have ubuntu-minimal installed instead12:45
spanglesontoastis there an issue with dapper not installing properly on laptops I looked at the /var/log/messages and it said failed to specify to /dev/hda^M12:45
apokryphostimhaughton: make sure you have ubuntu-server installed12:45
timhaughtonOK thanks guys12:45
JoseStefantimhaughton, ubuntu-minimal ubuntu-standard, not sure if there is more12:45
chuckypspanglesontoast, well they changed to uuid instead of the /dev/hda format12:45
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apokryphosactually, I think that metapackage was thrown out, one sec12:45
cgedholbach: Everyone keeps saying that, but I can't find any solid information on what update-manager actually does that is different from dist-upgrade, which I greatly prefer.12:45
vernesAlzi2_: correction, screensaver is not disabled. but Just tested it with it disabled. problem continues.12:45
voltzIm using edgy eft,I can upgrade edgy with apt-get ..correct ?12:45
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JoseStefan!info ubuntu-server dapper12:46
ubotuPackage ubuntu-server does not exist in dapper12:46
spanglesontoastso is there something important I need12:46
tonyyarussoapokryphos: Seems true here12:46
chuckypvoltz, you should use update-manager -c -d12:46
Alzi2_vernes: K. Then i don't know12:46
Adrianowill -alternate run with 64 mb RAM?12:46
spanglesontoastto do during install12:46
dholbachcge: it makes sure that any quirks you'd have to resolve manually are just done for you12:46
apecathmm, what's all this then: Failed to fetch http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/dists/edgy/multiverse/binary-i386/Packages.gz Sub-process gzip returned an error code (1)12:46
=== bimberi [n=dave@ubuntu/member/pdpc.active.bimberi] has joined #ubuntu
apokryphosvoltz: yes, make sure you have ubuntu-desktop before dist-upgrading.12:46
ehirdadriano: are you sure you can run gnome with those specs?12:46
dholbachvoltz: gksu "update-manager -c"12:46
chuckypapecat, try again in a momment could be a load on the repos12:46
ehirdor ubuntu for that matter12:46
Alzi2_Adriano: Wow.. that's not much.... I'd install Xubuntu for that12:46
apecatchuckyp: heheh ok12:46
zircxcge; they're both pretty much the same, they do the same job, one's gui front end the other isn't..well that's what I tend to believe..12:46
godmachine81b950a4d7cf3151e5f213843e2ad77fe3  == MD5sum for desktop ISO...  Oct 26 00:57:11 <godmachine81>  http://releases.ubuntu.com/.pool/ubuntu-6.10-desktop-i386.iso12:46
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Adrianoehird: -alternate, meaning no X12:46
ehirdi'd use damn small linux12:46
Yancho|BNCapokryphos i can download ubuntu 6.10 straight away right ?12:46
godmachine81i guess ppl will learn to listen12:46
chuckypvoltz, yeah i'm sorry you no longer need the -d switch12:46
chuckypYancho|BNC, yes12:46
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osamaNeed to get 719MB of archives. After unpacking 139MB will be used.12:47
apokryphosYancho|BNC: straight away? Do you already have Xubuntu dapper installed?12:47
godmachine81compare those md5sums12:47
Alzi2_ehird: I love damn small linux on my USB! ^^12:47
AlexC_Hey Guys, I have 2 Hard Drives - 1 with WinXP on and the other I am plaing on putting Edgy on. Will Ubuntu automaticaly add the WinXP hard drive to GRUB?12:47
voltzI have ubuntu-desktop yes, Im new to this so I dont understand gksu "update-manager -c"12:47
spanglesontoastmostly says failed to create file system12:47
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AlexC_and will my data on WinXP hard drive be safe?12:47
Yancho|BNCapokryphos no its a new server12:47
tonyyarussoapokryphos: Channel traffic stats still going strong :)12:47
ehirdvoltz: heard of the terminal?12:47
xopheroh, its released ;)12:47
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AdrianoI successfully installed debian sarge, but if I can have 2 ubuntu PCs, better12:47
Rookie_test and try ...12:47
elkbuntuxopher, yes :)12:47
JoseStefanvoltz, you put that in ALT+F2 dialog box12:47
apokryphosvoltz: just type alt+f2 -> then enter the command12:47
chuckypalex_ubuntu, it should if not you can always add the xp drive to the grub menu12:47
Alzi2_AlexC_: Yes.12:47
frying_fishAlexC_: yes, it will, and yes it will be sage12:47
chuckypalex_ubuntu, !grub12:47
apokryphostonyyarusso: nice 8)12:47
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frying_fish*safe, so long as you don't decide to delete it.12:47
zircxvoltz; follow the instructions and you can't go wrong, it's pretty much a,b,c12:47
voltzehird, yes, that would be where I learnt apt-get ;)12:47
chuckyp!grub > alex_ubuntu12:47
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voltzthanks folk12:47
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apokryphosYancho|BNC: then just download and burn the ISO, sure.12:47
monadguyo: check this out... when i login as a normal user, run xinit or startx and then fglrx, i get this: http://rafb.net/paste/results/OrOwzo77.html12:48
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AlexC_chuckyp: you mean AlexC_ hehe12:48
Yancho|BNCand to burn it on a cd rom - any specific changes? or just burn with nero [windows user here] 12:48
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AlexC_!grub -> AlexC_12:48
chuckypAlexC_, yeah sry12:48
chuckyp!grub > AlexC_12:48
chuckypAlexC_, you needed to lose the -12:48
JoseStefantracker seems to be OK now12:48
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osamaYancho|BNC: just go ahead and burn image with nero/alcohol12:48
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Yancho|BNCok thanks osama12:48
osamaor any other tool that supports iso12:48
chuckypI'm going to dl the torrent just to seed it.12:49
Peter77ok I'm just upgrading everything in ubuntu12:49
guyomonad: lookin12:49
spanglesontoastHELP :|12:49
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chuckypPeter77, gksu update-manager -c12:49
ubotuDon't ask to ask a question. Just ask your question :)12:49
spanglesontoasthow do I sort out this failed to create file system issue12:49
Peter77whats the difference?12:49
JoseStefanfor upgrade instructions /msg ubotu upgrade12:49
Noxvillehey ppl... on dapper, whats the minimum install size?12:50
dholbachPeter77: be sure to use quotes.                 gksu "update-manager -c"12:50
osamatorrents are working now....12:50
monadguyo: i'm still unsure, whether it's ok that the fglrx MODULE is still loaded, depending on agpgart12:50
zircxnow, I'm guessing that with the gksudo method that the files that failed to download will attempt to redownload at some point before it goes into installation mode correct?12:50
apokryphosNoxville: average install is around 1.8 gigs12:50
Peter77I just clicked mark all upgrades in synaptic12:50
mandelumsomeone wants to help me install whitout cd, I am trying to do the floppy install, but I am stuck with fdisk12:50
dholbachchuckyp: don't forget the quotes12:50
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osamaMain download page updated12:50
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apokryphosmandelum: there's other -- better -ways to do it still. /msg ubotu install12:50
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chuckypwth no torrent?12:50
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Peter77whats wrong with just using synaptic?12:50
JoseStefanPeter77,  that will probably just give you the latest dapper, not edgy12:50
Peter77I'm using edgy rc 112:51
JoseStefanPeter77, that's different ;)12:51
apokryphosPeter77: for upgrading? If you have ubuntu-desktop installed then you can use synaptic or apt-get to upgrade just fine12:51
dholbachPeter77: ah ok - that should be fine then12:51
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ehirdsoon, i shall run gparted, nuke my dead linux partition (it randomly breaks - see my forum topic The Demon Start Screen), make another, and install edgy! yay!12:51
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NineTeen67CometHi all .. I have been using xinerama to run 4 monitors off two dual head cards. It was sluggish so I'm trying TwinView. I've got the main card and two middle monitors running PERFECT now, but I'm not sure.. can TwinView run two cards/4 monitors?12:51
JoseStefanPeter77, regular upgrades from any beta version will result in the final version12:51
Peter77so as I already have edgy I can use synaptic to get the latest edgy upgrades :-)12:52
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voltzlatest version of edgy will be Ubuntu version 6.10 ?12:52
Noxvillewhats the ubuntu package repository link  again...?12:52
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dholbachvoltz: it is :)12:53
marx71voltz: latest version already is!!12:53
mandelumapokyphos: I have read all thoose, they are very complicated, and I found the floppy thing to be maybe the best, should I use the live or alternate install?12:53
zircxcan someone confirm on an upgrade from dapper that they've got 466 packages or are there more?12:53
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bimberiNoxville: archive.ubuntu.com12:53
apokryphosNoxville: archive.ubuntu.com12:53
VogeltjeOk im gonna download Edgy: official report on ubuntu.com :)12:53
voltzthanks again all those tha answered :)12:53
hmuapokryphos: it worked ;-)12:53
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guyomonad: i've a solution candidate12:53
hmuapokryphos: rebooting now12:53
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Noxvillewhats the command to update my sources of repositories?12:53
TidusVogeltje, you can upgrade in place...12:53
bimberiNoxville: sudo apt-get update12:54
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JoseStefanfor upgrade instructions /msg ubotu upgrade12:54
TidusNoxville, gksudo "update-manager -c -d" will do it all automatically12:54
mandelumapokryphos: I have read all thoose, they are very complicated, and I found the floppy thing to be maybe the best, should I use the live or alternate install?12:54
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marx71i am upgrading to edgy!! already downloaded 783 packages out of a total of 1199 that i need!!12:54
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=== Shadowpillar_ will wait a few days
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JoseStefanthe -d is no longer required, -d stands for development version12:54
=== RawSewage [n=RawSewag@71-32-124-79.eugn.qwest.net] has joined #Ubuntu
zircxoh damn.. weird12:54
guyomonad: put this file ( http://www.ground-impact.com/libGL.so.1.2 ) in place of the one in /usr/lib/12:54
justthisguyShadowpillar_: why?12:54
zircxi wonder why I'm only getting 466 at the moment12:54
RawSewagewhat happened to #Ubuntu+112:54
guyomonad: backup it first obviously12:54
boinkso .. how are the edgy servers holding out today?12:54
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fabiohi to all12:55
TidusRawSewage, ubuntu+1 has been locked because edgy has been released12:55
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boink#ubuntu+1 would now be for feisty12:55
RawSewageoh cool12:55
RawSewagewhen was it released12:55
zenlinuxNHI'm getting "urlopen error" when trying to start the torrent download.12:55
marx71just now12:55
monadguyo: you think it's got sth to do with libGL?12:55
apokryphosmandelum: you can use tab for autocompletion of nicks in IRC, by the way. So what was the problem again, you can't use the CD?12:55
RawSewagegood timing.  I just woke up12:55
guyomonad: take this link12:55
Shadowpillar_justthisguy: to make sure things go smoothly for most people, and because the servers will be bogged down, also, I use many unofficial repos that won't be upgraded for a few days12:55
marx71you woke up to a new dawn!!12:55
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guyomonad: http://www.ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=18503312:55
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monadguyo: ok thanks12:56
justthisguyShadowpillar_: use a torrent, that way you can help :)12:56
Noxvilleproblem... when booting off live cd, the intro music plays.. then the video go's fked up and my power button on my monitor flashes....12:56
VogeltjeTidus: i just want to do a clean install12:56
guyomonad: seems like a bug that occurs with the 9200 and not with the 9600 (that i have)12:56
fabioi have a problem with the sound system , sometimes at the START of the sesssion it function , sometimes no  ...i try to restart the alsa system but this not resolve the problem...do you have an idea??? :-)12:56
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guyomonad: if it works, you'll owe me your immortal soul12:56
zenlinuxNHoh well... at least the ftp site is giving me 300 kb/sec. :)12:57
RawSewageIs this the one most peope want:  kubuntu-6.10-desktop-i386.iso.torrent12:57
Noxvilleproblem... when booting off live cd, the intro music plays.. then the video go's fked up and my power button on my monitor flashes....12:57
Noxvilleproblem... when booting off live cd, the intro music plays.. then the video go's fked up and my power button on my monitor flashes....12:57
=== mode/#ubuntu [+b %Noxville!*@*] by rob
Shadowpillar_justthisguy: also, 56k, though I may remedy this with a wifi card12:57
ubotuDon't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly, if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. You can search https://help.ubuntu.com or http://wiki.ubuntu.com while you wait. Also see !patience12:57
mandelumapokryphos: I have read all thoose, they are very complicated, and I found the floppy thing to be maybe the best, should I use the live or alternate install?12:57
guyoNoxville, choose a lower res for the installation12:57
monadguyo: should i replace it only in /usr/lib/dbg/libGL.so.1.2 or in /usr/lib/dbg/i686/mmx/cmov/libGL.so.1.2, too?12:57
=== mode/#ubuntu [-b %Noxville!*@*] by rob
guyoshould be in /usr/lib/12:58
apokryphosmandelum: I'm really not sure of the method for installing for floppy, but the alternate would most likely be a safer bet12:58
guyonot in /usr/lib/dbg12:58
Noxvilleguyo: i tried.. but my monitor supports upto 1280x1024...12:58
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t0taln00bhi all12:58
=== chuckyp [n=chuckyp@adsl-75-36-106-1.dsl.bcvloh.sbcglobal.net] has joined #ubuntu
apokryphoshello :)12:58
guyomonad: /usr/lib/libGL.so.1.212:58
chuckypOkay seeding both alternate and desktop i386 variant12:58
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voltzbusy night tonight heh12:59
monadguyo: ok thanks.12:59
guyoNoxville: yup, but probably not at the refresh rate that the installer is using12:59
Mehrdadso there's no DVD available for edgy yet?12:59
chuckypMehrdad, no need for a dvd12:59
guyomonad: please let me know if it works12:59
Noxvilleguyo: how can i make fixes...12:59
mandelumapokryphos: Well, I will use that then, thanks, I have problems finding a proper fdisk tutorial on the net, could I just put cfdisk on a floppy and use that?12:59
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vernesanyone else notice the screen contrast dropping after playing a movie?12:59
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krpanois it possible to set the terminal window dimesion by default ?12:59
guyoNoxville: don't remember how, but you should check the istructions early in the boot phase12:59
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apokryphosmandelum: I wouldn't think there'd be too much of a difference there, but I can't be sure.01:00
Mehrdadchuckyp, my internet connection doesn't work on ubuntu, I prefer the DVD to install packages01:00
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Noxvillethanks guyo..01:00
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Yancho|BNCapokryphos am i understanding well that after i install ubuntu (edge) i need to download alot of things over the internet ?01:00
UziMonkeyI can't connect to the tracker :(01:00
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apokryphosYancho|BNC: not a lot, but perhaps a few depending on what you need. All very easy to do, of course.01:01
Vogeltjebtw is there a GAIM 2.0 beta 4 .deb for ubuntu?01:01
monadguyo: kudos to you... it works01:01
gnomefreakYancho|BNC: no different than you had to on dapper01:01
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guyo_afkmonad: happy about it01:01
Noxvilleis kde for ubunut on the version 6.06 LTS disk?01:01
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mandelumapokryphos: fdisk is too difficult for me, do you know of any floppy distro that has cfdisk?01:01
Yancho|BNCapokryphos since its gonna be a game server - nothing much i think .. just install bash and then run the servers .. and thats it01:01
gnomefreakVogeltje: god only knows what people have made but there will not be one for edgy01:01
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Mehrdadhow can I open CHM files with ubuntu?01:01
apokryphosNoxville: nope, you need to get kubuntu. http://kubuntu.org/announcements/6.10-release.php01:01
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chuckypMehrdad, How are you trying to connect to the net?01:02
apokryphosmandelum: nope. Quite ancient :P01:02
bianconeriHow does one remove USB devices from the desktop:S...without unmounting them of course:D01:02
monadguyo: many thanks. still around 660 fps on fgl_glxgears - that ain't much, is it?01:02
Mehrdadusing IPW UMTS modem (driver: ipw)01:02
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irc-userhow can I easily do a printscreen?01:02
DarkFlibyou tried pressing the printscreen key?01:03
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apokryphosYancho|BNC: I think (!) apache comes on the disk; bash of course does. See /msg ubotu apache for instructions01:03
vorboteMehrdad: activate the universe repository and install gnochm01:03
YogSothothI found gworldclock to display time in multiple timezones at the same time. But I'd love to find the same but integrated into GNOME Panel item. Do you know one?01:03
Noxvilleahhh.. apokryphos; how big is that download... my web browser is dead...01:03
kyjaumm, so I had updated a to an edgy beta lat month and it realy messed up. can I update now??01:03
Mehrdadvorbote, thanks01:03
apokryphosNoxville: the usual, around 700 megs01:04
brosencan I only use the alternate image for upgrading from Dapper?01:04
chuckypbianconeri, gconf-editor  apps>nautilus>desktop01:04
Yancho|BNCyes there is apokryphos01:04
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chuckypbrosen, yes you can use alternate or desktop01:04
irc-useryes I did try the print-screen key but nothing happened01:04
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bimberibrosen: if you want to use a CD, yes.01:04
Noxvilleapokryphos, can't i just install kde for ubunut tho' and update the window manager01:04
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vorbotebrosen: that's correct. Make sure to use the upgrade script in the root of the CD.01:04
chuckypbrosen, alternate iso is bigger just fyi.01:04
jakubekhow can i update my ubuntu from breezy to edgy eft?01:05
RawSewagebrosen, you dont have to use alternate01:05
apokryphosNoxville: you can very easily install kubuntu (i.e. KDE) from Ubuntu, sure.01:05
bimberijakubek: upgrade to dapper first, then edgy01:05
gnomefreakjakubek: upgrade to dapper first01:05
chuckypjakubek, gksu "update-manger -c"01:05
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brosenOk, thanks everyone :-)01:05
jakubekok, thanks01:05
Kazuhirowhen ubuntu auto mounts a usb drive where is the folder structure on the filesystem?01:05
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about printscreen - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi01:05
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apokryphosjakubek: see /msg ubotu upgrade01:05
RawSewagejakubek, Fresh install is best01:05
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chuckypKazuhiro, it should mount to /media/whatever01:05
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kyjawhen will shipit be updated. =]  ?01:05
apokryphosRawSewage: either way is fine. If you've got many settings you want to preserve, dist-upgrading twice might be easier.01:05
gnomefreakkyja: it wont01:05
xipietotecwhoever controls the bots should reprogram a @lart to hit anyone who asks "Is Edgy out?" for this point on =P01:06
eXistenZkyja, never01:06
Noxvilleapokryphos, how big is just the kde... i've already got Gnome working...01:06
Kazuhirochuckyp, thanks01:06
eXistenZkyja, That's what mnepton said01:06
chuckypKazuhiro, or it may use a different system if you type df  or mount after its mounted you should be able to see01:06
JoseStefanfor upgrade instructions /msg ubotu upgrade01:06
eXistenZkyja, No more shipit01:06
gnomefreakkyja: shipit will only be shipping edgy to loco teams01:06
apokryphosNoxville: I'd say a few hundred megs01:06
=== eternity [n=kvirc@ip-89-102-57-236.karneval.cz] has joined #ubuntu
fabioHi to all :-) PROBLEM with the sound system , sometimes at the START of the sesssion it function , sometimes no  ...i try to restart the alsa system but this not resolve the problem...do you have an idea??? :-)01:06
kyjaoh ic01:06
zircxfor some reason it is much easier and quicker for me to download the iso and install as opposed to doing an upgrade01:06
gnomefreakkyja: they will be sending dapper other than that01:06
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Noxvilledo you have a link for me?01:06
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apokryphosNoxville: /msg ubotu kubuntu01:07
kyjathank you for that info.01:07
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bianconerichuckyp: there is no entries in the address you provided01:07
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chuckyp!kubuntu > Noxville01:07
eternityhi, is there any possibility to upgrade to EE throught sudo, instead of reinstalling from iso? thx :-D01:07
chuckypbianconeri, hold on let me find it real quick01:07
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chuckyp!upgrade > eternity01:08
eternitythrought apt-get ... srrz01:08
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luisbghow can I change the name of a user? not the login, but the real name01:08
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kyjasomeone must clearly will have a purchase program for these future releases. I like to hand out pressed copies because some people feel skiddish if your pushing them to try an os of some blank thing I burned myself.01:08
justthisguyluisbg: look in /etc/passwd?01:08
chuckypbianconeri, sudo gconf-editor   then go to apps > nautilus > desktop >   Uncheck volumes visible01:09
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kyja=] 01:09
dholmesluisbg, that's stored in the comment of the user, you should be able to change it with usermod -c01:09
dholmesSee man usermod01:09
EkinoksHi !01:09
JoseStefanluisbg, preferences, about me, should do it01:09
dholmesOr that01:09
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Adrianoluisbg: use System - Preferences- Users and groups01:09
jakubekupdating ;-)01:09
luisbgthanks all for the help!01:09
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bianconerichuckyp: oddly the address you provided is empty01:09
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JoseStefanluisbg, what Adriano said is better01:10
chuckypbianconeri, it shouldn't be are you using kde?01:10
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bianconerino gnome01:10
bianconeridont even have kde01:10
chuckypbianconeri, what versoin of ubuntu?01:10
luisbgcool, thanks!01:10
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bimberiluisbg: chfn01:10
JoseStefanSystem- Administration actually01:10
bianconerijust updated to Edgy:D01:10
Adrianodamn GUIs01:10
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chuckypbianconeri, it has to be there are you sure you clicked apps  then nautilus not just nautilus first or desktop first?01:11
assasukasseelliot__ what was the ubuntu apt source list generator url?01:11
luisbgto upgrade to edgy should I change the apt source and dist-upgrade or download the cd and reinstall the system (I have /home in a separate partition than /)?01:11
chuckyp!upgrade > luis_lopez01:11
apokryphosluisbg: check the channel topic please01:11
NineTeen67CometDoes anyone have a good dual video card twinview enabled xorg.conf I can take a peek at? I'm not so sure how to seperate both cards and all 4 monitors w/twinview (works sluggish with xinerama)..01:11
chuckyp!upgrade > luisbg01:11
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chuckypNineTeen67Comet, google twinview xorg.conf01:11
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JoseStefan"update-manager" should be the best way01:11
chuckypYes update-manager is the best way01:12
NineTeen67Cometchuckyp: rodger .. been there done that, I'll seek "quad" maybe .. that might cover it more .01:12
YoussefA1sadwow, #ubuntu+1 is +i01:12
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jyoungxxanybody had problems with nvidia-glx-config not enabling?01:12
elliot__assasukasse: www.ubuntulinux.nl/source-o-matic01:12
apokryphosYoussefA1sad: edgy is released now, so yes :)01:12
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assasukasseelliot__ thanks01:12
YoussefA1sadapokryphos: I just might throw a tantrum :p01:13
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Noxvillek.. ppl. i read in an article that in the windows vista vs ubuntu war, ubuntu has a instant file searching application.. is this true?01:13
chuckypNineTeen67Comet, well its pretty much the same thing you have devices then you have the screen section.01:13
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bianconerichhuckyp: I will upload a screenshot01:13
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apokryphosNoxville: it's called beagle01:13
apokryphosworks by indexing, pretty good01:13
Noxvilleoh yes..01:13
chuckypbianconeri, k01:13
Mr-SuisOalguno habla espaol__??01:13
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ubotuPara Espaol por favor usen #ubuntu-es, #kubuntu-es o #edubuntu-es, all obtendrn mas ayuda.01:13
ProN00bseriously, someone needs to make a tool to make the xorg.conf, setitng it up yourself sucks so hard01:13
chuckypbianconeri, make sure you are using sudo as well.01:13
vorboteluisbg: don't dist-upgrade. Use "sudo update-manager -d" or use the upgrade script in the alternate CD.01:13
justthisguyapokryphos: how does beagle compare to slocate?01:13
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chuckypvorbote, its -c01:14
apokryphosProN00b: kubuntu has a decent enough tool =)01:14
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ubotuTo install the Ati/NVidia drivers for your video card, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto01:14
chuckypvorbote, -d is no longer needed that was for when it was beta01:14
luisbgvorbote, ok thanks! =)01:14
=== holzmodem [n=holzmode@dslb-084-060-231-238.pools.arcor-ip.net] has joined #ubuntu
apokryphosjustthisguy: a lot prettier, quicker too01:14
ProN00bapokryphos, it can't be decent if its kubuntu01:14
ubotuedgy is the current development version of Ubuntu. Version 6.10, codename "Edgy Eft". For support head to #ubuntu+1. For its release schedule, see !schedule01:14
bimberijustthisguy: beagle searches the contents, not just filenames01:14
=== Godfather [n=godfathe@162.Red-213-98-242.dynamicIP.rima-tde.net] has joined #ubuntu
vorbotechuckyp: I do't recall, Been using Edgy for several months now, anyway.01:14
justthisguyProN00b: sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg , easy :)01:14
apokryphosjustthisguy: SUSE's menu integration with beagle is really great too. KDE might be adopting that by default for kde 4.x series, not sure about GNOME01:14
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ProN00bjustthisguy, yeah, and how do i set up multiple monitors to behave correctly ?01:15
apokryphosProN00b: it really is.01:15
chuckyp!tell ubotu edgy is the current release version of Ubuntu.  Version 6.10, named "Edgy Eft".  For support head to #ubuntu.  For the release schedule, see !schedule01:15
justthisguybimberi apokryphos thanks , I'll try it :)01:15
ubotuUbuntu uses a strict timetable for releases, which means that sometimes newly released programs miss the timetable. See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/TimeBasedReleases for more. Edgy schedule: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/EdgyReleaseSchedule01:15
Noxvillehey ppl.. whats the directt link to the xgl tarball so i can download it.. only this windows piece o crap has internet so i cant sudo apt-get...01:15
ProN00bapokryphos, well, kde is not decent, so anything just on kde can't be decent, can it ?01:15
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GNAMDVD are out?01:15
chuckyp!ubotu edgy is the current release version of Ubuntu.  Version 6.10, named "Edgy Eft".  For support head to #ubuntu.  For the release schedule, see !schedule01:15
justthisguyGNAM: YEEESSSSS01:16
ProN00bwhat ?01:16
apokryphosProN00b: please do not troll.01:16
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ehirdchuckyp: beat you to it :p01:16
ProN00bapokryphos, you are the troll for thinking kde is any good01:16
bianconerichuckyp: http://i20.photobucket.com/albums/b239/zambrota19/Screenshot-4.png01:16
ehirdpron00b: hah01:16
ProN00bedgy out ?01:16
boinkc'mon, no WM wars here01:16
=== mode/#ubuntu [+b *!*@pD9E39B41.dip.t-dialin.net] by apokryphos
Noxvillehey ppl.. whats the directt link to the xgl tarball so i can download it.. only this windows piece o crap has internet so i cant sudo apt-get...01:17
=== Alex_Palex [n=alex@adsl-ull-72-167.41-151.net24.it] has joined #ubuntu
cgeboink: Of course not. TWM is obviously better than either :)01:17
justthisguyboink: bah, kde, twm, evilwm ftw!01:17
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=== boink is all for personal choice
ehirdi prefer X with no VM on top of it! *g*01:17
chuckypbianconeri, are you using xgl?01:18
cgeI appear to have forgotten how to pipe stderr in bash.01:18
boink<= still learning about gmone too01:18
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Adrianocge: command 2> file01:18
cgeAdriano: Err, I meant redirection01:18
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Adrianothat's redirection01:18
chuckypbianconeri, I don't know thats just wierd.  I've never seen anythign like that.  It has to be configured in there.  Where its pulling its config is beyond me if its not using nautilus01:18
Adrianopiping, I don'tknow01:18
NippooIs anyone here good at networking?01:18
cgeAdriano: Ah. I know 2| works in zsh, but it doesn't work in bash01:19
ubotuDon't ask to ask a question. Just ask your question :)01:19
chuckyp!ask Nippoo01:19
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boinkjust fire away ..01:19
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NippooI've bought 5 extra static IPs and would like to route them to various computers. Now, I realize that my Netgear DG834G can't do static routing, so I'd like my Ubuntu server to do the job. However, the two are in different buildings (but they are on the same network). Do I need to have the two physically connected for the server to be able to route them (and do DNS, DHCP, NAT, etc...)?01:19
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bianconeriso if i am using xgl that could be the problem? how could i find out, just in case? I don't recall me trying to install xgl on this box...01:19
Adrianocge: but do you actually want to pipe or to redirect?01:19
cgeAdriano: pipe01:20
Adrianook, let me get my Linux in a Nutshell01:20
voltzis there a command to show which version is running ?01:20
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ubotuTo find out what version of Ubuntu you have, type 'lsb_release -a' in the Terminal.01:20
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ehirdedgy almost downloaded \o/01:21
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voltzthanks bimberi01:21
=== mode/#ubuntu [+o rob] by rob
bimberivoltz: np :)01:21
bianconerihow does one install a 686 kernel on edgy?01:22
johnnytang24Do dual core processors require a motherboard that supports it?01:22
apokryphos!info linux-68601:22
chuckypbianconeri, linux-generic01:22
johnnytang24or is the correct socket type enough?01:22
ubotulinux-686: Complete Linux kernel on PPro/Celeron/PII/PIII/PIV.. In component restricted, is optional. Version (dapper), package size 22 kB, installed size 52 kB01:22
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about linux-generic - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi01:22
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chuckypwow ubotu isn't switched over yet01:22
cgebianconeri: one doesn't01:22
chuckypcge, bianconeri yes you can with linux-generic01:23
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Adrianocbe: can't see it. The problem is, stderr is a file, not a dommand, so piping to it doesn't make much sense to me01:23
apokryphoschuckyp: Seveas has exclusive access to all the internals, and he's at work atm01:23
ayaahow to ge firefox2 on ubuntu from binaries01:23
chuckypapokryphos, ahh01:23
Adrianocge: can't see it. The problem is, stderr is a file, not a dommand, so piping to it doesn't make much sense to me01:23
chuckypayaa, install edgy01:23
bimberi!info linux-generic edgy01:23
ubotulinux-generic: Complete Generic Linux kernel. In component restricted, is optional. Version (edgy), package size 23 kB, installed size 52 kB01:23
YogSothothI found gworldclock to display time in multiple timezones at the same time. But I'd love to find the same but integrated into GNOME Panel item. Do you know one?01:23
chuckypbimberi, ty01:23
bionoidAdriano: what are you trying to achieve?01:23
bimberichuckyp: yw01:23
cgechuckyp: But it isn't a 686 specific kernel, it will work with others as well.01:23
ubotuping: connection timeout01:23
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Adrianobionoid: me, nothing. I was answering a question01:24
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ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about wtf - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi01:24
chuckypI give up01:24
ubotuedgy is Ubuntu 6.10 (codenamed Edgy Eft) is the latest version of Ubuntu. To upgrade to Edgy, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/EdgyUpgrades To download Edgy: http://www.ubuntu.com/download01:24
bionoidAdriano: oh, ok :)01:24
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cgeAdriano: Err, stderr is the same as stdout in that respect.01:24
ubotuUpgrading, please see the instructions on: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UpgradeNotes01:24
ubotuPlease investigate with me only in /msg or in #ubuntu-bots  -  Abusing the channel bots will only result in angry ops... ;-)01:24
compengiayaa, there is no mirrors for edgy =/01:25
Adrianocge: try command 2>| othercommand01:25
ubotulinux-686: Complete Linux kernel on PPro/Celeron/PII/PIII/PIV.. In component restricted, is optional. Version (dapper), package size 22 kB, installed size 52 kB01:25
Noxvillewhats the command to upgrade dapper to edgy01:25
apokryphosNoxville: please check the channel topic01:25
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Noxvillesorry.. long day...01:25
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haniapokryphos: worked!01:25
boink!upgrade > Noxville01:25
=== vliegendehuiskat [n=vliegend@h8441223199.dsl.speedlinq.nl] has joined #ubuntu
=== Blixou j're
Fracturecongratulations on the egsy release !!01:27
Fracturecrap.. I can't type after a few glasses of wine01:27
YoussefA1sadheh, eggsy eft01:27
Fracturecongratulations on the Edgy release !!01:27
haniYoussefA1sad: yo!01:27
boinkbut edgy isn't a LTS release, keep that in mind01:27
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ehirdEggsy Eckt01:27
YoussefA1sadhani: LART01:27
PecisDarbscongrats guys with new release01:28
hanitee hee01:28
FractureUbuntu Egsy, linux for breakfast01:28
hanihvor er du?01:28
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ehirdUgstu Eggsy Eckt 10.0601:28
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=== bimberi points out johnnytang24's quit message to rob
mneptonUbuntu Eggsy. It's a yolk, so laugh.01:29
cgeAdriano: Hmm... it doesn't work. I'll just install zsh.01:29
dsewnr_My nautilus got error after I upgrade to Edgy, what's wrong?01:29
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=== Metal_Militia [n=ioppo@host-84-222-32-48.cust-adsl.tiscali.it] has joined #ubuntu
tonyyarussomnepton: That server torrent is up fine now.01:30
=== mode/#ubuntu [+b *!*@www.universalsmartcomp.com] by apokryphos
ubotuFor torrent downloads of the Ubuntu ISOs see http://torrent.ubuntu.com:6969/01:30
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dsewnr_I can't see any file on my desktop.01:30
bimberiapokryphos: cheers01:30
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ndlovuare the alternate downloads available yet for Edgy? When I try to download one , it seems to only have release candidate isos.01:30
jan_could someone recommend a vpn program?01:30
=== mode/#ubuntu [+o bimberi] by apokryphos
zircxhalf way there folks... yay..01:30
Fracturendlovu: not all mirrors are sync'ed yet01:31
alonzdoes the tracker give valid responses for anyone? I get "HTTP Error 503". The torrent manages to start using DHT, but it's slow that way01:31
=== pielgrzym [n=pielgrzy@nat-ruczaj.lama.pl] has joined #ubuntu
jolthow do i do an apt-upgrade to edgy01:31
=== MrKeuner [n=kudo@unaffiliated/mrkeuner] has joined #ubuntu
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JoseStefanndlovu, try releases.ubuntu.com01:31
zircx20 mins of downloading at 225Kbs01:31
apokryphosjolt: /topic01:31
joltcant find the doc01:31
tonyyarussoCanada's mirrors are still waiting01:31
ndlovuFracture, JoseStefan, thanks01:31
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bimberiapokryphos: gah, the responsibilty :)01:31
zircx20 more mins, 3 minutes of burning and 20 minutes of install..01:31
MrKeuner? Cannot join #ubuntu+1 (Channel is invite only)01:31
JoseStefanalonz, it should speed up very soon01:31
zircxshould be fun...01:32
apokryphosMrKeuner: Edgy is released; channel closed down.01:32
MrKeunerapokryphos: what about feisty? :)01:32
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alonzJoseStefan: hope so :)01:32
JoseStefanMrKeuner, development hasn't started01:32
apokryphosMrKeuner: it doesn't exist yet01:32
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khaije1anyone, where can i find torrents?01:32
JoseStefan!torrents > khaije101:32
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zircxedgy just popped out of the box and we're already looking ahead to the next release lol01:33
zircxi find that very intriguing01:33
tuskerniniquestion... has anyone had problems with flatscreen blinking once before starting any movie file?01:33
RawSewageIm not using Feisty until it comes out in April01:33
khaije1JoseStefan:  these are all the final releases right?01:33
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boinkmeaning no more Ubuntu?01:34
JoseStefankhaije1, there are many files there, make sure you pick the right one01:34
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khaije1as opposed to rc, boink01:34
=== Nox_ville [n=bensteen@mtngprs7.mtn.co.za] has joined #ubuntu
JoseStefankhaije1, name should start with ubuntu-6.10    and not include and beta or RC remarks01:34
boinkedgy has been officially released today01:34
zircxi forgot to ask, how does one find the server side if they run ubuntu as a server alone?01:34
RawSewageUbuntu Edgy01:34
leonelOOOOOOOO  YES !!!  THANKS EDGY  on the streets !01:35
khaije1mkay thx JoseStefan, i'll bookmark this, v good to know01:35
Nox_villehey again... whats a ubuntu equivalent of frontpage... need to make/edit websites...01:35
JoseStefankhaije1, alternativly you can find .torrent files on release.ubuntu.com01:35
detTorrent link anyone? releases.ubuntu.com isnt responding01:35
ubotuUpgrading, please see the instructions on: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UpgradeNotes01:35
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zircxleonel: i take it you've upgraded..01:35
tuskerninifrontpage... nvu01:35
JoseStefankhaije1, correction releases.ubuntu.com01:35
ubotuhtml is HyperText Markup Language, used to build webpages. Editors in Ubuntu: Bluefish, Quanta+, Screem. For howto on HTML coding, see: http://www.w3schools.com01:35
RawSewageits responding for me01:36
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ubotunvu: Complete Web Authoring System. In component universe, is optional. Version 1.0-0ubuntu4 (dapper), package size 8343 kB, installed size 26440 kB01:36
RawSewageoh yeah, sorry01:36
RawSewageI use Kubuntu01:36
=== glatzor [n=sebi@p549A4E89.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #ubuntu
RawSewagewrong channel01:36
zircxbluefish is great..01:36
=== tyrchyus [n=marco@81-208-74-177.ip.fastwebnet.it] has joined #ubuntu
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Nox_villewhere can i get a listing of the multiverse DVD disks that i downloaded01:36
leonelzircx: been with edgy since knot 3  no problems since then  and   now  to  do a clean install  with  edgy cds ..01:36
zircxleonel: ahh..01:37
khaije1JoseStefan: the torrent.ubuntu.com looks oddly unofficial...01:37
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JoseStefankhaije1, that's just the tracker, it will list ALL files there including the older beta releases01:37
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zircxleonel: been with dapper for 1 month now as a desktop.. enjoyed that muchly.. interested to see what edgy offers..01:37
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RawSewageOmg noooooooo01:37
mneptonok kids, i'm a dot. enjoy Edgy!01:37
_lemsx1_where are the release notes for Edgy?01:37
RawSewagemy download has slowed to 40 kbps01:37
RawSewagedamn you all01:37
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_lemsx1_http://www.ubuntu.com/download/releasenotes/ ?01:38
apokryphos_lemsx1_: /topic01:38
JoseStefankhaije1, the final release IS there, but it's a lot easier to fetch the torrent file at releases.ubuntu.com/edgy01:38
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khaije1JoseStefan: some files w/ the same description is listed with different sizes... it's hard to know what to pick01:38
RawSewageI tried the torrent earlier but it didnt work01:38
EthanGI need help with Ubuntu Installation01:38
leonelzircx: cleaner  smoother  look      firefox 2  really  nice  upgrade01:38
khaije1JoseStefan: ok sounds good01:38
=== bianconeri [n=biancone@] has joined #ubuntu
ubotuDon't ask to ask a question. Just ask your question :)01:38
=== domster [n=dominic@dominics.actrix.co.nz] has joined #ubuntu
zircxi find it interesting that ubuntu in general is so 'up with he play' on keeping things automated but yet you have to do manual installs for certain things.. to an extent.. of course..01:38
ndlovuRawSewage: I'm at 0.05 KB/s. at this rate I should download Edgy around the time Feisty is released...01:38
zircxfirefox 2?.. wow..01:38
tonyyarussoRawSewage: Try running an http download alongside the torrent.  Best of both worlds.01:39
=== jorik [n=olmo@cable-213-132-135-199.upc.chello.be] has joined #ubuntu
RawSewagendlovu, lol01:39
RawSewagetonyyarusso, not if you have a limited 150 kbps bw01:39
zircxI like cleaner.. big fan of cleaner stuff..lol01:39
tonyyarussoRawSewage: true01:39
EkinoksCan somebody how make a *.iso on a key USB to be boot after ?01:39
Luna-TickHi guys, where do I go to tell people that they have put a Norway mirror under New Zealand at http://www.ubuntu.com/products/GetUbuntu/download?action=show&redirect=download01:39
timhaughtongksu "update-manager -c" shows no updates. Is this to be expected?01:39
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detOn the tracker,(http://torrent.ubuntu.com:6969/), edgy-alternate-i386.iso is a different size than ubuntu-6.10-alternate-i386.iso. Any idea why?01:39
EthanGWhen I put in the Ubuntu disc, i press Start-install then it loads but the next ting is a black screen with an orange box01:39
zircxthat norway link is a great one, I think that's where I'm downloading from lol01:40
Nox_villewhere can i get a listing of the multiverse DVD disks that i downloaded01:40
tuskerniniiso boot on usb... there is a howto to do this. on external drive01:40
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detEdgy+1 is Fiesty?01:40
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EthanGWhen I put in the Ubuntu disc, i press Start-install then it loads but the next ting is a black screen with an orange box01:40
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JoseStefantimhaughton, is your current version fully updated?01:40
EthanGHelp please!01:40
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tuskerniniEthanG: does the dapper desktop cd work?01:41
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timhaughtonJoseStefan: Yeah, but I'm just following the Edgy upgrade instructions - a server upgrade using apt-get went without a hitch01:41
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boink!tell EthaG about ask01:41
boink!tell EthanG about ask01:41
EthanGWhat do you mean, the desktop CD? I downloaded the ISO desktop CD but then it just doesnt even bring up an install page01:41
MattJDid you check the md5 of the iso?01:42
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EthanGI'm a n00b01:42
EkinoksCan somebody how make a *.iso on a key USB to be boot after ? there is you Shell doing that?01:42
EthanGI now have no PC or OS01:42
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EthanGWhich file should I download?01:42
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zircxEthanG: how about if you went back to Dapper and then tried an upgrade using the disk?01:43
mchasardjust saw that 6.10 is released ?01:43
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EthanGI don't have any OS on my PC01:43
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EthanGI need to instal Ubuntu01:43
tuskerniniedgy !01:43
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dteHello! I try to update to 6.10 but I get this error Failed to fetch http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/dists/dapper/multiverse/binary-i386/Packages.gz Sub-process gzip returned an error code (1)01:43
zircxyou don't have an dapper disk?01:43
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_lemsx1_found them01:44
mchasardso what's new in this edgy ?01:44
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bruenigall of the mirrors appear to be having problems. Anyone have a torrent?01:44
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RawSewageoh there wasnt anything wrong with the torrent01:44
dettorrent tracker is down01:44
EthanGI have an ISO Ubuntu 6.0601:44
_lemsx1_apokryphos: thanks. I figured that after asking ;-)01:44
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jan_can somebody please tell me what the directory containing linux kernel source code is?01:45
compengiare there mirrors to download edgy final?01:45
Alzi3Hi. I have chosen the wrong keyboard map and now I can't change it ')... How to change it to U.S. english=01:45
bruenignevermind I found it01:45
RawSewagethats Kubuntu01:45
Luna-TickTehehe - no mirror issues here. I'm pulling down at full speed in New Zealand01:45
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Luna-Tick(Not Norway...)01:45
RawSewageI cancelled my download at 50%01:45
jan_can somebody please tell me what the directory containing linux kernel source code is?01:45
RawSewageand switched to torrents01:45
khaije1what does the alternate actually mean in the file name?01:45
zircxEthanG: if you aint having any luck with edgy then roll back to dapper and try an upgrade using the edgy cd for the source?01:45
zircxI don't know whether it will work but it might yanno..01:46
RawSewageTorrents are a lot better now01:46
compengirawrness, but i can't see any mirrors on the site =/01:46
EthanGHow do I install Ubuntu 6.06????01:46
tim--i'm only getting 25k/s off the torrent :(01:46
detbruenig, http://torrent.ubuntu.com:6969/01:46
bimberi!alternate | khaije101:46
ubotukhaije1: The Alternate CD (available as of Dapper) is the classical text-mode installation CD. Use it if you wish to upgrade via CD, or for an "expert" mode install. For normal installs, use the Desktop CD, which is also a "Live" CD.01:46
RawSewageTorrents are faster, everyone01:46
jan_can somebody please tell me what the directory containing linux kernel source code is?01:46
apokryphosEthanG: if you're having problems with the Desktop CD, I suggest trying the alternate.01:46
detbruenig, use the imaging prefixes by ubuntu-6.10 and not edgy01:46
dteHello! I try to update to 6.10 but I get this error Failed to fetch http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/dists/dapper/multiverse/binary-i386/Packages.gz Sub-process gzip returned an error code (1)01:46
EthanGWhat's the download URL for the alternate?01:46
awkhow safe is the upgrade from dapper to edgy net install?01:46
zircx6 minutes and i can burn my cd.. yay01:46
khaije1bimberi: so alternate is really normal, and desktop is fancy 0_o ?01:47
apokryphosdte: are you on dapper? Is that error with the update manager?01:47
Luna-Tickjan_: Your best bet is probably to use apt-get source linux-...01:47
apokryphosawk: officially supported, should be fine.01:47
EthanGapok:whats the alternate cd url?01:47
dteapokryphos, yes, I am using dapper, and I get that error with the update-manager...01:47
awkapokryphos: nice, 1 last question, grsec support on edgy ?01:47
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detkhaije1, desktop is better unless you need a feature provided by alternate01:47
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detkhaije1, I have to use alternate for LVM and RAID01:47
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YoussefAssadis wiki.ubuntu.com really slow?01:47
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apokryphosdte: any other error output?01:47
jan_Luna-Tick: i just need the directory so i can do a vpn install.. do you know?01:47
awkYoussefAssad: im also suffering from slow sites01:48
Luna-Tickkhaije1: yes. They are pushing the Desktop CD now, but alternate is faster and works on machines with less RAM. It is more confusing and has more options, however.01:48
apokryphosawk: what's that?01:48
samiwhere are md5 sums for edgy01:48
FujitsuYoussefAssad: Looks likeit.01:48
khaije1det: does ubuntu boot to and lvm root?01:48
awkhttps://help.ubuntu.com/community/EdgyUpgrades that is so slow01:48
dteapokryphos, nope, just that, and the upgrade fails here... also i get that whenver i do apt-get update as well01:48
Fujitsukhaije1: If you configure it to do so, yes.01:48
Luna-TickSorry, jan_ no01:48
awkapokryphos: grsecurity patched kernel01:48
apokryphossami: on the download page01:48
detkhaije1, you need a seperate /boot01:48
khaije1Luna-Tick: raise your hand is love linux01:48
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apokryphosawk: I really don't know I'm afraid.01:48
awkhmm anyone have another mirror for this01:48
EthanGwhere can i get the alternate ubuntu iso downlaod?01:48
detkhaije1, root can be LVM, but you need a seperate /boot01:48
MattJEthanG, on the same page as the desktop one01:48
kyjaI am getting nearly my full speen of 65kb @ http://ubuntu.cs.utah.edu/releases/6.10/01:48
awkI cant even access it its so slow01:48
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tonyyarussoEthanG: Same as the rest01:49
apokryphosdte: I recommend waiting for a few hours for the rush to die down, and then try again later.01:49
khaije1det: oh for grub's sake?01:49
detkhaije1, right01:49
MattJThere are desktop, server, and alternate versions01:49
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dteapokryphos, ok, I will do that, but I get that error all the time, with apt-get update as well, so I don't think it's some error just now01:49
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zircxdamnit.. I'm moving stuff from my xbox to my server ... and that's got 6 mins to go, my dapper has 3 minutes to go..01:49
awksorry to bother again, does naoyone know of a site that has the upgrade instructions https://help.ubuntu.com/community/EdgyUpgrades doesnt even open01:49
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zircxoh that should work out perfect since i'll need to burn it01:49
apokryphosdte: can you pastebin the full output?01:49
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tuskerniniquestion... has anyone had problems with flatscreen blinking once before starting any movie file?01:49
detkhaije1, which is logical, once it grabs the kernel and initrd it can do RAID/LVM/whatever01:49
khaije1det: is this how yours is setup? I'd like to do something similar01:50
dteapokryphos, sure, just a sec01:50
EthanGerr... the same page as the desktop iso downlaod?01:50
apokryphosEthanG: yes01:50
jan_can somebody please tell me what the directory containing linux kernel source code is?01:50
EthanGerrr... where?01:50
Alzi3Hi. I have chosen the wrong keyboard map and now I can't change it :'(... How to change it, and the defaults, to U.S. english=01:50
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ehirdwoooohooo now to install01:50
EthanGIt just has a list of mirrors01:50
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apokryphosEthanG: choose one01:51
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niksavelhey all01:51
timhaughtonI'm following the Edgy upgrade instructions. gksu "update-manager -c" shows no updates. Is this to be expected?01:51
detkhaije1, I have 3 drives, they each have 2 partitions. One of the partitions is a 256Mb /boot in Raid 1 and the other is the rest of the disk in Raid-5 and then I have LVM ontop that.01:51
tonyyarussotimhaughton: Could be your mirror hasn't synced yet.01:51
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JoseStefantimhaughton, try adding -d to that01:51
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jdt_jan_  are you referring to linux kernel source?01:51
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khaije1det: have you ever considered using evms instead of lvm?01:52
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detkhaije1, what are the advantages01:52
detkhaije1, I remember breifly looking at it01:53
UB^Have someone got the problem that GDM restart randomly?01:53
jan_jdt_: i get a promt for the linux kernel source code when i want to install a vpn program....01:53
niksavelHere's my big question >  I am updating kubuntu dapper to edgy following instructions from the homepage and am now at sudo apt-get dist-upgrade part.....   I know it has a lot to dl, and it's no prob since I'm at my 100mps uni lan, but it is downloading SLOW AS CRAP!!!!  it rarely goes above 10kps...   can anyone help me how to speed it up?01:53
jan_jdt_: i get a promt for the linux kernel source code when i want to install a vpn program....01:53
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apokryphosniksavel: perhaps try using a mirror01:53
jan_jdt_: so yes.. do you know?01:53
tim_As i know it shouldnt be possible to deactivate xgl without restarting X, i know that i can deactivate beryl and load another window decorator, but i would like to have the possibilty to deactivate xgl on my laptop without loosing my session. is it possible ?01:53
jdt_jan_ aahh...  its most likely in /usr/src/01:54
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LookTJbrb gonna burn edgy to cd with k3b01:54
jan_jdt_: thats what i thought, but that directory is empty01:54
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ehirdnow to burn ISO, and to reboot! :)01:54
detkhaije1, Too be honest, I am really happy with raid + LVM201:54
MattJgood luck ehird :)01:54
apokryphosjan_: that's because you haven't installed the headers01:54
jdt_jan_ If you have installed more than one kernel however, you will need to point it to the right one.  so type uname -r to get the running kernel ver01:54
ehirdif all goes well, then, i guess i'll be here next on ubuntu instead of this crappy xp install ;)01:54
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khaije1det: i'm not sure, i've found only bits and scraps of info here and there, but it seems that evms has some features not in lvm yet such as CoW01:55
apokryphosniksavel: yes, as you can imagine there's a big rush to download now01:55
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detkhaije1, Copy on Write?01:55
ehirdFirst, for the "brute force" ubuntu removal: run fixmbr and then use gparted to nuke the partition01:55
khaije1det:  ya01:55
SolskogenIs xfs still broken when doing netinstall?01:55
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dteapokryphos, here http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/28414/01:55
Solskogen(that is, making xfs-filesystems)01:55
variantanyone know if the vmware workstation is free to download or what will i need to boot an xp bin on ubuntu if its not free?01:55
apokryphosniksavel: a list of a few mirrors here: http://www.ubuntu.com/products/GetUbuntu/download?action=show&redirect=download01:56
khaije1det: also the mgmt interface is nicer w/ evms imho01:56
soundray"can't find DistUpgradeViewGtk" -- is this a known problem when upgrading with update-manager?01:56
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jan_apokryphos: how do I install them if necessary? im running 2.6.15-27-38601:56
timhaughtonJoseStefan: The -d option works. Does that mean the upgrade instructions need updating?01:56
tim_Any good reasons for upgradig to edgy from dapper ?01:56
detkhaije1, So, you have experience with both?01:56
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apokryphosniksavel: talk in here :)01:56
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JoseStefantimhaughton, it means update-manager needs updating01:56
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varianttim_: it boots a little faster, has a different theme and a bunch of other updates01:56
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apokryphosjan_: /msg ubotu headers01:56
khaije1lvm is strickly cli isn't it?01:56
quilzowow great host... only takes 5 hours to load the faq, \o/01:56
niksavelniksavel> all I know is to type apt-get dist-upgrade01:57
niksavel<niksavel> I am updating directly from the internet01:57
niksavel<niksavel> I can download the livecd, that's no prob...01:57
niksavel<niksavel> but it said on the web that you can only make a fresh install with it01:57
niksavel<niksavel> so I suppose that there really isn't anything I can do but wait?01:57
niksavel<niksavel> the prob is that I'm not too happy about leaving my laptop at the university overnight.... :/01:57
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jdt_jan_ ahh. The source simply isnt installed then - if you are running dapper - do the uname - r. It will say something like 2.6.15- etc.. then use synaptic to find the sources for that version. the files you are after are: linux-source-* and linux-headers-  matching your running kernel ver01:57
apokryphosniksavel: please do not flood the channel like that :)01:57
niksavelsry :)01:57
tim_variant, does it give me any problem ? i dont want problems01:57
timhaughtonJoseStefan: I have all latest Dapper updates. It seems to me that the Upgrade Instructions are wrong. Am I missing something?01:57
apokryphosniksavel: yes, as I said, either try some of the mirrors, or it'll have to wait01:57
niksavelhaven't been on IRC in years :)01:57
varianttim_: might do01:57
varianttim_: i had no problems01:57
varianttim_: but there are no garuantees01:57
awkhello, what is the address to upgrade from dapper to edgy using ubuntu server build?01:57
elkbuntuniksavel, imagine if 1061 people were doing that ;)01:57
khaije1det: only w/ evms, but it's impressive, i haven't found much in the way of mgmt interface for lvm- it's cli only isn't it?01:57
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soundraytim_: if your system is stable now, and you're not missing anything, you can stay with dapper. It'll be supported for the next 2 1/2 years.01:57
detkhaije1, Yeah01:58
EthanGim downloading ubuntu alternate install01:58
niksavelI said I was sorry :)01:58
detkhaije1, a GUI would be nice01:58
JoseStefantimhaughton, -d flag is for development releases, and should no longer be required for edgy as of today01:58
jan_jdt_: ok.. running dapper.. have 2.6.15-27.386 will chech synaptic01:58
niksavelso...  is there a way to DL the livecd and update my kubuntu dapper to edgy from that?01:58
ndlovuis there any difference between one torrent and another for the same ISO? (are there fast and slow ones)01:58
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niksavelor can I update the thing directly from mirrors somehow?01:58
elkbuntu!update | awk01:58
ubotuawk: Upgrading, please see the instructions on: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UpgradeNotes01:58
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timhaughtonJoseStefan: Does that mean I'm installing a difference version?01:58
=== rjb is away: Gone away for now.
apokryphosnikin: you can, yes. Just edit your /etc/apt/sources.list with the relevant URL01:59
awkelkbuntu: i'v read, that.. i'm using a net connection01:59
awknot going to be using a CD01:59
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detkhaije1, With EVMS, it does the striping itself, rather than running ontop a raid device?01:59
=== EthanG is lovin' linux!
JoseStefantimhaughton, no, but in a few weeks that same flag will point to another edgy development version01:59
khaije1det http://evms.sourceforge.net/gui_screen/ you can ge the idea from this01:59
elkbuntuawk, net connection rather than internet connection?01:59
tim_soundray, Nice, but ill upgrade soon.. but right now it really runs smooth with xgl and beryl... but i would like to be able to dactivate xgl without loosing my gnome session01:59
awkthat is what I am refering to01:59
EthanGI'm actually making my own distro01:59
khaije1det: it's configureable, yes01:59
ehirdthis is exciting01:59
variantawk: change dapper to edgy in /etc/apt/sources.list and do apt-get update && apt-get dist-upgrade02:00
awkthat simple ey ? :)02:00
dteapokryphos, did you see the link I pasted?02:00
varianttim_: aiglx will allow you to do that02:00
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naaronboToday is released final de edgy in https://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/ubuntu-announce/2006-October/000093.html downlodat it02:00
zircxEthanG: you're struggling with an install and you're making a distro?02:00
ehirdnaaronbo: you're a bit behind02:00
niksavelawk...  I'm doing the same thing and the apt-get dist-upgrade part is taking like 2 days02:00
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apokryphosdte: yes; hm, curious02:00
EthanGzircx: Joint thingie with school02:01
niksaveland I'm at 100mps connection, but it's downloading at 10kps02:01
awkniksavel: fock, but is yours a desktop OS with alot more packlages than me ?02:01
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awkmyne is a server build02:01
EthanGzircx: its our school project02:01
timhaughtonJoseStefan: Thanks for the help.02:01
niksaveldesktop kubuntu02:01
dteapokryphos, i get that always but I ignored it since it didnt really stopped me from gettin something until now02:01
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niksavelnot really all that many packages02:01
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apokryphosdte: it should only not let you get things from multiverse, but still, it shouldn't happen.02:01
alonztorrent at 20K/sec here... still Error 503 from the tracker sadly02:02
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CarinArr20k/s sounds suspiciously capped02:02
Alzi3I love the new artowrk.02:02
KaroSHialonz, what client?02:02
JoseStefantimhaughton, np02:02
detkhaije1, It's hard to find a comparison on the 'net02:02
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oknhi there02:02
alonzCarinArr: well, in the range 15-25 or so, I mean. Not precisely 2002:02
dteapokryphos, can I use force or something so that will be ignored? or the upgrade to 6.10 will not be complete like that?02:02
KaroSHihi okn02:02
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alonzKaroSHi: utorrent on wine02:02
tim_I cant deactivate xgl without loosing my gnome session right? or is there some kind of cool trick ?02:03
ehirdsee you guys then!02:03
awkhehe, I see fedora.redhat. is completely messed up02:03
oknWhere can i find the dvd iso of 6.10 ??02:03
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khaije1det: tell me about it, i've been looking for weeks02:03
RawSewagewhy is my torrent slwoing down.  Torrents are supposed to get faster with more people, not slower02:03
oknonly dvd iso i can find is ubuntu-6.06.1-dvd-amd64.iso02:03
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okni need 64bit by the way...02:03
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RichiHRawSewage: not when the seeding starts, no02:03
KaroSHik, have you given ktorrent a go? i switched from win to ubuntu recently and ive fount ktorrent to be pretty good, almost like utorrent, also, are you grabbing from a public or private tracker?02:03
alonzRawSewage: the ratio of seeds to peers might have gotten worse02:03
RichiHRawSewage: peope need stuff before they can actually distribute it02:03
apokryphosdte: use a mirror, perhaps. See if you get the same problem there.02:04
rixthToo bad Edgy was released with a crippling bug- boot takes 5 minutes if you have a specific raid array, cause it fsck's EVERY F'ING BOOT.02:04
detkhaije1, does evms use device mapper?02:04
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awkhmm, is there a way you can set shaping on apt-get to limit your connection to a certain speed?02:04
AdrianoRawSewage: maybe because not many people have the parts you're missing02:04
=== tonyyarusso will be seeding as soon as the md5sums match
RawSewageStill. peers feed to each other02:04
vernesanyone else notice the screen contrast dropping after playing a movie?02:04
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khaije1det:  yup02:04
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khaije1det: it seems like they are equivalent in almost everyway02:05
oknDoes anyone know where can i download dvd iso of 6.10 64bit ?02:05
alonzare there other trackers for the Edgy torrent than the ubuntu official one?02:05
zircxok, just waiting for my disk to burn and then that's me ... install time..02:05
khaije1btw you can use the evms gui to manage lvm02:05
khaije1det: btw you can use the evms gui to manage lvm02:05
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zircxwhat file systems do people prefer? ext2 / ext3 or reiserfs?02:05
detkhaije1, LVM2 seems to be better supported by most Linux distros.02:05
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apokryphoszircx: ext3 is Ubuntu's default02:06
detzircx, ext302:06
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alonzzircx: the future of reiserfs is in doubt, so I switched to ext302:06
awkits only 230mb upgrarde from dapper to edgy02:06
awkthats lovely02:06
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zircxI've normally used reiserfs.. I might have to do an install with ext302:06
awktake around 20 min02:06
soundrayzircx: ext3. reiserfs is not receiving much development attention since reiser4 is out. Reiser4 is highly controversial.02:06
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dxdemetriouif I upgrade with  gksudo "update-manager -c -d" is ok? without the -d doesn't show upgrade, and with -d it says is beta02:07
zircxyeah I had heard that, but I've been a little out of touch..02:07
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niksavelthat's just great02:07
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alonz54/437 seeds/peers is what I see here. Is it the same for other people?02:07
Artemis3reiserfs is catastrophic if something fails, such as a hd which report cache cleared when its not, and power goes out02:07
detI have been burned by reiserfs02:07
awkwhat is going to happen with reiserfgs now that mr resiser has been jailed?02:07
detMany years ago02:07
niksaveldownloaded the edgy livecd in 6 minutes via x downloader, but it takes 100+hrs to update the distro   !?02:07
JoseStefandxdemetriou, it seems update-manager has been updated to not require the -d. it should be ok02:07
apokryphosawk: reiserfs wasn't even beeing maintained by him02:07
JoseStefanhas not*02:07
rc-1is there an ubuntu/debian package for wxruby, or fxruby?02:07
awkapokryphos: ahh02:07
apokryphosawk: he was concentrating on reiser402:08
dxdemetriouJoseStefan, I have tried it now and it's not. What repos can I use?02:08
JoseStefan!info wxruby edgy02:08
JettisShould apt-get install ubuntu-desktop work?02:08
awkniksavel: thats the beauty of gcc perl, etc upgrades ;)02:08
ubotuPackage wxruby does not exist in edgy02:08
awkapokryphos: oh, intresting, I never knew that.02:08
Artemis3there are more options, and i think they are even planning ext402:08
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variantawk: he wast the leader of the team though, hopefully it will survive02:08
JoseStefandxdemetriou, gksudo "update-manager -c -d"   will upgrade to edgy02:08
niksavelbut I really dont wanna leave my laptop here on the university to update everything for few days02:08
variantArtemis3: yeah, htere is an "alpha" of ext4 available02:09
niksaveland if I cancel the dist-upgrade it starts from scratch02:09
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variantniksavel: no it doesnt02:09
niksavelu sure?02:09
variantniksavel: 10%02:09
dxdemetriouJoseStefan, so to ignore that says beta. thanks :)02:09
zircxgreat I'm just about ready for a fresh install..02:09
varianti mean;lol02:09
JoseStefanniksavel, it shouldnt start from scratch, but if it is already installing, you shouldnt cancel02:09
zircxgnomebaker rocks.02:09
niksavelach :)02:09
sheepsheephow can I upgrade from dapper, if I've downloaded the release and burned it on cd ?02:09
oknis the Edge name of the latest version ?02:09
oknEdgy ?02:10
niksavelno it's still downloading02:10
JoseStefanniksavel, its only safe to cancel if it is downloading02:10
niksavelit's been downloading for some 8 hrs now02:10
Artemis3gnomebaker? ever tried a multisession dvd?02:10
variantniksavel: the downloads wont start from scratch, so download and then take home to finnish off02:10
niksaveland it's only 23%02:10
okni mean is edgy-dvd-amd64.iso  6.10 version ?02:10
alonzokn: The Edge is the guitarist from U2 :)02:10
surfi_boijust a quick question after i have set up a new partition in my free space already on my hd the rw permissions are wrong and i cant write to the drive.. How do i change this so that it works correctly?02:10
oknalonz, ok edgy :)02:10
zircxgreat! I'm ready to roll... later guys :) enjoy the edge02:10
JoseStefanokn, file starting with edgy-* are prerelease versions02:10
alonzokn: yes, Edgy is 6.1002:10
variantsurfi_boi: chmod -R user:group02:10
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variantsurfi_boi: chmod -R user:group /path/to/mountpoint02:11
alonzokn: but you want the 6.10, which are teh finals02:11
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oknok, i wanna download 6.10 x64 dvd version..edgy-dvd-amd64.iso  is the one ??02:11
niksavelcan any1 tell me what will change on my comp with upgrade to edgy?02:11
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oknif not, which one should i get ? :)02:11
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alonzokn: it should say 6.10, not Edgy02:11
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soundrayOh dear, 1.4GB upgrade...02:11
Artemis3brown tone :=)02:11
oknthere is no dvd of 6.10 :(02:11
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RawSewagewhat do you want a DVD for02:12
tim_Will xgl and beryl need a reinstall ip i upgrade to edgy ?02:12
screechingcative changed all my repos from edgy to dapper and i did an apt-get upgrade. is this safe for upgrade ?02:12
soundrayokn: might take another few days02:12
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apokryphosscreechingcat: do you mean from dapper to edgy?02:12
detkhaije1, My impression is that EVMS is a juggernaut while LVM2 is a small/simple component that fits into a bigger machine. I prefer the latter.02:12
RawSewage1.4 gb upgrade?  thats crazy02:12
JoseStefanDVDs:   http://cdimages.ubuntu.com/releases/edgy/release/02:12
oknah, ubuntu-6.10-dvd-amd64.iso     found it :)02:12
RawSewageJust do a fresh install02:12
screechingcatapokryphos, yes02:12
apokryphosscreechingcat: and no, just that is not enough/recommended. Please see the topic02:12
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Fujitsuscreechingcat: apt-get dist-upgrade is the way to go.02:12
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nikinaa lot of people try do download edgy :D my download crashes every 5-10 minutes :D02:12
RawSewageThis torrent is at 15 kbps02:12
apokryphosFujitsu: screechingcat: if you *are* using dist-upgrade, you have to FIRST make sure that ubuntu-desktop is installed02:12
RawSewagewtf.  it's a TORRENT02:13
niksavel21% [237 openoffice.org-style-default 1888956/3147kB 60%]     3406B/s 2d 7h1m28s02:13
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Fujitsuapokryphos: Of course...02:13
screechingcatapokryphos, if it isnt02:13
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=== Alakazamz0r raves
apokryphosscreechingcat: .......you can break your system02:13
okndid anyone install Maya 8.0 to ubuntu ? \02:13
Alakazamz0rmorning all02:13
cyphaseRawSewage: 18KB/s for me02:13
Fujitsuscreechingcat: If it isn't, things may well crash and burn, though not irrecoverably.02:13
RawSewageThis is the worst torrent ever02:13
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RawSewagefor having so many seeds and peers02:13
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nikin256k for me :D02:13
apokryphosFujitsu: perhaps even irrevocably :P02:13
screechingcatapokryphos, damn it. no prob i just started. no changes affected02:13
detRaskall, I am getting 600KB/s02:13
alonz21K here02:13
Fujitsuapokryphos: No, not.02:14
cyphaseRawSewage: it's coming faster from the website itself02:14
JettisI'm trying to install ubuntu-desktop package and it tries to install xkeyboard-config, but then dpkg says that it is overwriting one file which is also in other package xlibs. So what should I do?02:14
sheepsheephow can I upgrade from dapper, if I've downloaded the release and burned it on cd ?02:14
RawSewagecyphase, I cancelled the website download at 50%02:14
Fujitsusheepsheep: Did you download the desktop CD?02:14
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apokryphosFujitsu: well, you can *completely* screw up your PM system. If you consider many hours of work not irrevocably, then there's never an irrevocable problem.02:14
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sheepsheepI want to know if I should download it or just do a direct update02:14
niksavelhttp://nl2.releases.ubuntu.com/6.10/ubuntu-6.10-desktop-i386.iso    downloaded in: 06:4902:15
Fujitsuapokryphos: Not really. It should in theory be fine to install it afterwards, and then fix a few broken packages...02:15
apokryphossheepsheep: a direct update is fine presuming you're following the proper instructions02:15
Tomcat_niksavel: I needed less. ;D02:15
Fujitsusheepsheep: You need the alternate CD if you want to upgrade from it.02:15
soundrayJettis: find out the full name of the .deb archive and force the install with 'sudo dpkg -i --force-overwrite package_version.deb'02:15
niksavelthat's minutes02:15
oknWhy all people downloads CD of ubuntu, instead of DVDs ?02:15
apokryphosFujitsu: no, I've seen very many broken systems precisely for that reason. All not very easy at all.02:15
Fujitsuokn: 'cause CDs are smaller, so quicker?02:15
sheepsheepwhat's the altenate cd and is it diffrent from the normal cd ?02:15
thoreauputicRawSewage: the torrent won't speed up until the seed to peer ratio improves and there are more pieces availbale02:15
tarzeauokn: DVDs are too big?02:15
tarzeauokn: and not everyone has a DVD burner?02:15
=== Shadowthrone [n=simon@host86-137-42-93.range86-137.btcentralplus.com] has joined #ubuntu
nikincoz DVD is big02:16
nikinand Net is fast02:16
niksaveland all crap old comps don't have DVD drives02:16
RawSewagethoreauputic, ok02:16
sheepsheepIt's just that we have more then one computer in the office with ubuntu02:16
soundraysheepsheep: that's a FAQ. Alternate has a non-graphic installer with more options.02:16
sheepsheepand we want to save the bandwidth02:16
swanfldvd also may hav apps people don't want02:16
Fujitsuapokryphos: I've upgraded many systems through various releases, and haven't had any that have caused breakage that takes more than 30 minutes to fix, but that's my experience...02:16
JoseStefanit's not like the CDs are missing much02:16
okni see :)02:16
Fujitsusheepsheep: You may want to look at setting up apt-cacher.02:16
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Tomcat_niksavel: Yeah, I needed about 2 minutes ;)02:16
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ShadowthroneYou know when you close a program window, rather than closing some times it drops onto the taskbar thingy -- I seem to have lost that, how can I get it back?02:16
Jettissoundray, that worked, thank you. :)02:16
quilzohmm, the faq doesn't mention audio(-drivers)... is there another help file maybe?02:16
niksaveltomcat: bleh!02:16
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FujitsuShadowthrone: which application in particular?02:17
apokryphosFujitsu: I've dealt with tens of users who have borked their systems because of that. But also, it's not just a case of getting more packages. In certain scenarios you can have completely the wrong package as Ubuntu relies on the meta-package to successfully even remove some packages02:17
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niksavelis there some super fast secret mirror for repos so I can upgrade this thing faster?02:17
ShadowthroneFujitsu: Gaim.02:17
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apokryphosniksavel: many to try :P. nl2 mirror used to be good for me in the past.02:17
ndlovuIf I click the bittorrent link from one mirror, is it any different from selecting the torrent from another mirror?02:17
KmyJIxyhello peoples!02:17
swanflGaim is in extreme Beta at this point :)02:18
JoseStefanCC.archive.ubuntu.com      where CC is your country code02:18
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soundrayniksavel: de.archive.ubuntu.com is fast for me.02:18
apokryphosndlovu: nope02:18
Fujitsuapokryphos: I know that, however, I've never had any major breakage, and I've dealt with tens of machines... But this is OT.02:18
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CarinArri hate shower curtains tho02:18
AdrianoShadowthrone: did you lose the entire traybar?02:18
gypsymaurohot I can know the difference betweeb packages available in ubuntu-desktop and ubuntu-alternate cd?02:18
ndlovuapokryphos, thanks, I'll just wait it out then02:18
CarinArrer lol.. wrong window02:18
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ShadowthroneAdriano: Yes I think so.02:18
quilzomy sound works, but I can't change it in any way :s02:19
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savvasone of the repos is stuck02:19
niksavelso I should just replace http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu with http://de.archive.ubuntu.com ?02:19
Adrianotry readding it right-clicking on that panel, select "add to this panel"02:19
Tomcat_niksavel: Yeah yeah, I'm just showing off now. :)02:19
Fujitsugypsymauro: They are the same, but with slightly different languages.02:19
niksavelin the repos?02:19
apokryphosniksavel: for all entries in your sources.list -- correct.02:19
soundrayniksavel: yes, and apt-get update again after that.02:19
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Adrianoand add "Notifications area"02:19
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savvasErr http://au.archive.ubuntu.com dapper Release.gpg Could not connect to au.archive.ubuntu.com:80 (, connection timed out02:19
niksavelhttp://de.archive.ubuntu.com  or  http://de.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu  ?02:20
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andriijaswhat do i replace dapper with in sources.list to upgrade ? edgy? edgyeft?02:20
apokryphossavvas: so try another mirror02:20
Adriano(I'm translating, so it might be slightly different)02:20
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apokryphosandriijas: to upgrade you should really be following the Wiki guide in the /topic02:20
andriijasapokryphos: okay, thx02:20
Adriano(should be the first thing in the "Utilities" section02:20
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ShadowthroneAdriano: okay I'll try. Thanks.02:20
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screechingcatapokryphos, i tried update "update manager -c" as recmnded in the wiki but there's some problem with the repos02:21
evahello i have some problem with pdf files can i install acrobat reader to ubuntu02:21
dredhammerhelp, i just upgraded to Edgy and Xserver died02:21
screechingcatapokryphos, tell me the exact update method (recommended)02:21
apokryphosscreechingcat: heavy load at the moment02:21
andriijasi think the whole world is about to upgrade02:21
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andriijasmaybe should wait a couple of days hehe02:21
apokryphosscreechingcat: I recommend just trying again in a few hours02:21
apokryphosor days, better02:22
ShadowthroneAdriano: Awesome! Thanks!02:22
screechingcatapokryphos, with the same method ?02:22
JoseStefanscreechingcat, gksudo "update-manager -c -d"02:22
Fujitsuandriijas: Wrong. The whole world /is/ upgrading :P02:22
nikineva: you can, but what is your provlem?02:22
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screechingcatapokryphos, whats the d for ?02:22
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apokryphosscreechingcat: yes02:22
Adrianoeva: instructions are in http://ubuntuguide.org02:22
michiel____which daemon in Ubuntu mounts USB sticks to /media?02:22
screechingcatJoseStefan, whats the d for ?02:22
andriijasFujitsu: heheh02:22
ubotupdf is the Portable Document Format created by Adobe; viewable in GNU/Linux with xpdf/kpdf/gpdf, evince and also adobe reader (free download, but closed source)02:23
apokryphosscreechingcat: I don't think the -d is necessary anymore actually; one sec.02:23
Fujitsumichiel____: gnome-volume-manager uses pmount to do so.02:23
evanikin the program that was with drapper is not showing the file correct02:23
michiel____Fujitsu: thanks02:23
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Fujitsuscreechingcat: It is to tell it to upgrade to a development release. No longer necessary.02:23
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JoseStefanscreechingcat, -d stands for development, it appears update-manager still hasn't been corrected to not require the -d02:23
screechingcatFujitsu, ok thanks02:23
dredhammeranyone know how to get xserver back after an upgrade to edgy?02:24
screechingcatJoseStefan, it has. i can confirm that02:24
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anders9034hey guys i need to install gnome on my ubuntu desktop, and i tried "sudo apt-get gnome", but that wasn't a package i think. so i tried "sudo apt-get gnome*" but that ment downloading 1207MB and I don't think I need all those packages. is there a better way? or do i have to maunally download the gnome-packages that i need?02:24
tonyyarussoWhat are my options for cli CD burning apps?02:24
Fujitsudredhammer: What is the error you're getting, and what video card is it?02:24
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apokryphosanders9034: gnome-desktop02:24
Fujitsuanders9034: If you want the entire Ubuntu desktop set, install ubuntu-desktop.02:24
anders9034thanks guys02:24
dredhammerAti, and it says xserver not configured properly02:24
dredhammeri tried sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg02:25
=== Elischa [n=rassihu@M3827P026.adsl.highway.telekom.at] has joined #ubuntu
AlanHaggaiHow is Ubuntu 6.10 friends?02:25
Fujitsuanders9034: Unless you installed the server edition, GNOME is installed by default.02:25
nikineva: then isntall the adobe one: the package name is acroread02:25
AlanHaggaiI have 6.0602:25
AdrianoAlanHaggai: it feels like... victory02:25
AlanHaggaibut would like to know the new features in 6.1002:25
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Fujitsudredhammer: Does it mention anything about driver ABI versions?02:25
=== mode/#ubuntu [-oooo apokryphos bimberi DBO elkbuntu] by apokryphos
Adrianojust like the smell of napalm in the morning02:25
anders9034Fujitsu: i have installed server edition02:25
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apokryphosAlanHaggai: check the topic02:25
anders9034the package gnome-desktop was not found...02:26
dredhammernot that i recall02:26
=== ehird [n=penguino@80-41-231-111.dynamic.dsl.as9105.com] has joined #ubuntu
Fujitsuanders9034: Ah... Do you want just GNOME, or the entire Ubuntu desktop experience?02:26
aoupianders9034: ubuntu-desktop02:26
apokryphosanders9034: install ubuntu-desktop02:26
ehirdedgy installer is broken for me02:26
nikinanders: ubuntu-desktop02:26
AdrianoAlanHaggai: http://www.ubuntu.com/desktop02:26
soundrayAlanHaggai: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/EdgyReleaseNotes02:26
dsewnr_How to change the default locale ( ANSI_X3.4-1968 ) to Unicode ( UTF-8 ) ?02:26
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ehirdit complains that i havent set a root partition but i have02:26
AlanHaggaithanks friends :)02:26
anders9034Fujitsu: what's there to be experienced? :-)02:26
AlanHaggaiwill check it now02:26
timhaughtonoops, wrong window02:26
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Fujitsuanders9034: All the extra applications and magical stuff?02:26
soundraydsewnr_: sudo dpkg-reconfigure locales02:27
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dsewnr_soundray: Thx02:27
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dsewnr_soundray: : )02:27
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anders9034Fujitsu: i really just need a skinny gnome (unless that means manually selecting 67 packages or so)02:27
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ehirdand no matter what i try02:27
ehirdit still complains about it02:27
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nikinthere is a gnome package02:28
apokryphosanders9034: there's desktop-base but I'm not sure what that has exactly; one sec.02:28
soundrayanders9034: there really isn't such an option. Consider xfce (xubuntu-desktop) instead02:28
Nox_villehey.. whats the command to start bluetooth... and how can i use bluetooth to connect and use a bluetooth modem on my Nokia phoen02:28
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Fujitsuanders9034: gnome-session might do it, but I'm not sure.02:28
soundray!bluetooth | Nox_ville02:29
ubotuNox_ville: For instructions on how to set up bluetooth, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BluetoothSetup02:29
Nox_villeFujitsu, ill assume u've got a Fujitsu-Siemens computer.. laptop / desktop ?02:29
Adrianook, time to estudiar. Great time everyone02:29
anders9034apokryphos:  yes please02:29
Adrianoci vediamo dopo02:29
Fujitsuanders9034: throw in gnome-panel as well, I don't  think there's any one package.02:29
ubotuFor instructions on how to set up bluetooth, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BluetoothSetup02:29
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quilzosudo echo "et.x86 0 0 direct" > /proc/asound/card0/pcm0p/oss ---> gives "permission denied" why ?02:29
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ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about Nokia - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi02:29
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FujitsuNox_ville: Nope.02:29
soundrayNox_ville: don't fish with the bot, pls02:29
Nox_villeah.. the name then?02:29
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apokryphosanders9034: a 'gnome' package does exist02:29
nikinNox: New Nokia Phones dont like Linux :D i have a 6230  :D02:29
anders9034apokryphos:  i know02:30
FujitsuNox_ville: It's been around for several years now, and it's a rather odd story :P02:30
AlanHaggaiHi Nox_ville, me too searching for a Nokia connectivity in Ubuntu02:30
apokryphosanders9034: so what's the problem?02:30
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ubotugnokii: Datasuite for the mobile phones (console & X). In component universe, is optional. Version 0.6.12-0ubuntu3 (dapper), package size 812 kB, installed size 2952 kB02:30
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Nox_villeoh.. any ideas anyone (to get Bluetooth with Nokia phones....)02:30
ehirdany ideas?02:30
adhocnikin: i have a 6230 and the bluetooth and ifrared rock =)02:30
niksavelhttp://de.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu in repos gave me 4mps upgrade speed :)02:30
savvasi can download the cd and use it to upgrade right?02:30
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Nox_villeadhoc.. did you gnokii02:30
adhocNox_ville: use the bluez tools02:30
Fujitsusavvas: The alternate CD, not the desktop one.02:30
niksavelthanks guys02:30
anders9034apokryphos: the problem is mereyl that i don't want the big install of 1,3 GB when i just need the basic gnome.02:31
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Nox_villeexplain please.. i = noob02:31
soundrayehird: what install method have you chosen?02:31
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apokryphosanders9034: gnome-core then02:31
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ehirdsoundray: i got the desktop ISO as soon as edgy came out02:31
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bionoidNox_ville: I saw this announced on freshmeat today, havn't tried it though: http://freshmeat.net/projects/gammu/02:31
nikinBluetoth is no problem in Kubuntu getting connected is nothing.. but never had luck with trying to recognize the Nokias Features02:31
adhocNox_ville: go look for the bluez deb packages , all you need is in the doco02:31
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anders9034apokryphos: allright thanks :-)02:31
FujitsuHi jc__.02:31
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savvasthanks Fujitsu :)02:32
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soundrayehird: so you booted from it and selected the install option?02:32
savvasi'll use the torrent, to ease your network hehe02:32
Fujitsusavvas, then follow the CD upgrade instructions on the link in the topic.02:32
ehirdsoundray: and double clicked the little install icon on the desktop, yes, as i assumed that was the way to install :p02:32
Fujitsusavvas: Be warned that torrents are slow.02:32
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soundrayehird: you generally assumed right... Did it take you to the partitioning tool then?02:32
Dimensionshi when i try to login as root to mysqladmin i get an error message that ...Check that mysqld is running and that the socket: '/var/run/mysqld/mysqld.sock' exists!02:32
jc__Does anyone know how to install software RAID1 in Ubuntu 6.06?02:33
soundray!raid | jc__02:33
ubotujc__: Tips and tricks for RAID and LVM can be found on https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RaidConfigurationHowto and http://www.tldp.org/HOWTO/LVM-HOWTO02:33
niksavelapokryphos: I can use http://de.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu for EVERY single instance in place of www.ubuntu.com in my repos?02:33
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apokryphosnikin: for every instance of archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu specifically, yes02:33
soundrayniksavel: in place of archive.ubuntu.com, yes02:33
ehirdsoundray: Yes, I chose my SATA HD and Manually edit partition table and did nothing in it, just pressed next - i had already prepared partitions with gparted and it worked in the previous release02:34
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ehirdit showed up the existing partitions, i changed /dev/sda2 to /, ticked Reformat (does it without the tick too), [Next] ... "No root partition"02:34
soundrayehird: it may be necessary to let the tool format your partitions.02:34
YoussefAssadwasn't there this script which selects fastest mirror?02:34
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soundrayehird: oh, so you did that. Hmm.02:34
jc__thks i'll give it a try!02:35
frandavid100can someone please tell me how to write a ubuntu spec?02:35
zenlinuxNH"Who Loves Ubuntu? You Do!"02:35
ehirdthe drive is a standard Seagate 500gb affair by the way02:35
soundrayehird: can you open a Terminal, run 'sudo fdisk -l' and post the output in the pastebin pls02:35
zenlinuxNHThat's my motto for today. :)02:35
soundrayehird: 500GB is a little more than standard to me, still ;)02:36
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surfi_boihey just a quick question the command: chmod -R user:group /path/to/mountpoint02:36
surfi_boiis user replaced with myself02:36
soundray!pastebin >ehird02:36
ehirdsoundray: except i'm in windows right now, as i nuked my linux partition to do this and besides i couldn't get the net working with ubuntu anyway ;)02:36
surfi_boiand what do i put in the path/to/mountpoint02:36
YoussefAssadsurfi_boi: no02:36
tilmanBKCan someone help me getting my bluetooth-connection to my mobile (Siemens S65) working again under edgy ?02:36
soundrayehird: try with the desktop CD02:36
ehirdsoundray: i guess i could boot the livecd02:36
surfi_boiif the axx point of the drive /home/o02:36
soundrayehird: we think along the same lines.02:36
ehirdif it worked in the preious release, it seems a bit weird it wouldn't this time02:37
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ehirdwas the installer even changed?02:37
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nikin71% :D02:37
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soundrayehird: it probably was, even if it doesn't show superficially.02:37
valehruI have a windows and a edgy machine....both can see the wireless router interface....both can surf a specific wireless network, however only one can access (windows xp) the router manager at  Could there be any reason for this?  I have connected the edgy machine to the router via ethernet,  it can ping it however it cannot bring up the wireless interface...suggestions welcome.02:38
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andy101Anyone know which keyserver I can find the public key Ubuntu uses when signing the MD5sums for the CDs?02:38
ehirdwould it make a difference that i used Kubuntu 6.06 and Ubuntu 6.10 here?02:38
soundrayehird: but theorizing won't help -- at this stage it is a trial-and-error-and-diagnostics affair02:38
RawSewageThe torrent is back up over 100 kBps02:38
soundrayehird: not for the partitioning, no.02:38
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nikinvalhru: what browser did you use in ubuntu?02:39
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soundrayRawSewage: thanks for keeping us up to date -- but are you sure that anyone but you needs to know this?02:39
valehrunikin, both of them used firefox, the one in ubuntu is firefox 2.0, the windows one is 1.502:39
RawSewagesoundray,  One can never be sure02:39
ehirdsoundray: ok, what was the command again?02:39
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RawSewageBetter safe than sorry02:40
soundrayehird: sudo fdisk -l02:40
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soundrayRawSewage: for that kind of thing, there's always #ubuntu-offtopic02:40
valehruahh....thanks nikin.02:40
RawSewageWRONG SIR02:40
bakanekoanyone: i have set my static ip in /etc/network/interfaces, however at random times the interfaces changes and i loose the static ip i set, instead getting an older version of the static ip i set 6 months ago. i would like to know how to fix this problem and what daemon is causign it , any help is appreciated. thanks in advance02:40
valehrunikin, mozilla browser brings it up perfectly....thanks02:40
apokryphosrawrness: please drop the caps.02:40
RawSewageThe Edgy Holiday02:40
nikini use 1.5 on Ubuntu, and it is fine with my D-link 51402:40
apokryphos* RawSewage02:40
ehirdsoundray: i've built myself a natural avoidance of fdisk in my windoze days, will that do anythign except display something? :p02:40
stojance_How to make the minimize maximize and close buttons to show on the left side, like in a Mac. in Ubuntu 6.06 ?02:41
soundrayehird: it will *only* display. Check man fdisk to assure yourself.02:41
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andy101Anyone know where I can get the public key to verify the MD5s supplied for Ubuntu CD images?02:41
ehirdsudo fdisk -l. alright, /me puts the command on a floppy disk so he remembers02:41
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ehirdsee you in a few minutes guys02:42
surfi_boichmod -R user:group /path/to/mountpoint -- Is the command i want to use however i am confused do i change user to myself and the /path/to/mountpoint .. do i change that to the axx point of my drive which is /home/o any advice would be appreciated02:42
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niksavelI got some errors while doing dist-upgrade...02:42
variantsurfi_boi: user and group can both be your username and the path should be the location at where you have mounted the parititon02:42
evanikin i did try to do it but now i get a messsge that something is wron02:43
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soundrayniksavel: not worth reporting, unless you've run it a second time02:43
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nikineva: what is the message?02:43
evanikin it is a very long one02:43
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nikinoh :D02:43
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niksavelokay re-running02:43
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nikinwait... i intall it to... try to see it02:43
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nemesis4uhello all02:43
soundray!pastebin | eva02:43
ubotueva: pastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (you can always find it in the channel topic, among other useful things)02:43
niksavela n00b question02:44
niksaveldo I need to shutdown x to do dist-upgrade?02:44
variantniksavel: no02:44
nemesis4uI haev the new cd of 6.10 - I believe there is away to upgrade from 6.06 but how?02:44
soundrayniksavel: no02:44
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variantniksavel: but to see changes to gnome or whatever you will have to log out and back ijn02:44
nemesis4uthere is a hui updater i believe but where?02:44
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nemesis4ugui i mean02:44
variantniksavel: and if the kernel is upgraded you will have to reboot before you are using it02:44
soundraynemesis4u: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/EdgyUpgrades has all the info -- be patient and read the whole story.02:45
nemesis4uthanks m802:45
evanikin http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/28420/02:45
niksavelit said somehting about unmed dependecies while trying to install kdelibs and to use -f02:45
niksavelthat okay?02:45
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soundrayniksavel: yes, try a 'sudo apt-get -f install' (no other options)02:45
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J_Phi all02:46
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soundrayniksavel: are you on kde routinely?02:46
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niksavelahem...  routinely?02:46
soundrayniksavel: do you use Gnome or KDE day-to-day?02:46
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Nox_villehey again.. sorry my power went off...02:46
niksavelbut I am running this updating thing in console02:47
maxb_at_workI've just followed EdgyUpgrades apt-get method, and amongst other things, 'ubuntu-minimal' is kept back apparently as a result, upstart is not installed02:47
bokeyanyone here has apache experience ?02:47
Nox_villewhats that link for Nokia phones?...02:47
surfi_boivariant: So is the location i have mounted my partition the same as my axx point ie would the correct command be chmod -R thinkpol:thinkpol /home/o02:47
soundrayniksavel: this question isn't directly related to your upgrade.02:47
ubotugnokii: Datasuite for the mobile phones (console & X). In component universe, is optional. Version 0.6.12-0ubuntu3 (dapper), package size 812 kB, installed size 2952 kB02:47
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nikineva: what program did you use to install, and what version of ubuntu do you use?02:48
Fujitsumaxb_at_work: make sure you run apt-get dist-upgrade twice.02:48
niksavelI'm using KDE on my lap and fluxbox on my old comp02:48
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niksavelbut I am probably going back to gnome soon02:48
niksavelwith a fresh install02:48
maxb_at_workFujitsu: done that.02:48
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soundrayniksavel: the reason I'm asking is that if these problems drag on, it might be useful to install the kubuntu-desktop package.02:49
Nox_villeanyone... will gnokii work via bluetooth02:49
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niksavelI've started working in linux with ubuntu for a month or so than tried kubuntu - it's a lot prettier02:49
evanikin did you see that02:49
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niksavelthat's like a reinstal?02:49
soundrayNox_ville: gnokii doesn't really care *how* you connect to your phone.02:50
user-landwhat is currently the fastest way to download Ubuntu ? bittorrent ?02:50
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nikineva: what?02:50
boinktoday? fast?02:50
RawSewageUse torrents02:50
WooDHi !02:50
RawSewageThey are faster02:50
boinkuser-land: don't think anyway would be fast today02:50
niksavelUnpacking replacement kdelibs-data ...02:50
niksaveldpkg: error processing /var/cache/apt/archives/kdelibs-data_4%3a3.5.5-0ubuntu3_all.deb (--unpack):02:50
niksavel trying to overwrite `/usr/share/mimelnk/application/x-bittorrent.desktop', which is also in package ktorrent-2.002:50
niksaveldpkg-deb: subprocess paste killed by signal (Broken pipe)02:50
niksavelErrors were encountered while processing:02:50
niksavel /var/cache/apt/archives/kdelibs-data_4%3a3.5.5-0ubuntu3_all02:50
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soundrayniksavel: no, it's a package that consists only of dependencies. Having it often ensures a smoother upgrade.02:51
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evanikin i did paste a like to the error i got02:51
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soundrayniksavel: don't paste any errors here.02:51
nikini have looked at the pastebin02:51
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niksavelI'm gonna do that than...02:51
surfi_boi chmod -R thinkpol:users /home/o.... However when i do that i get the error chmod: invalid mode: `thinkpol:users'02:51
evanikin link02:51
surfi_boiany ideas02:51
AlexC_Hey guys, can anyone help me - I can't even boot into the LiveCD -> http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=28487402:51
Nox_villek... lets start again.. i need to connect my nokia 6230i to my ubuntu pc via bluetooth connection02:51
WooDAny know how to upgrade firefox 2 in ubuntu? I have download the firefox2.tar.gz from the website and its ready to run02:51
Nox_villeany ideas02:51
soundrayniksavel: run 'sudo dpkg -i --force-overwrite /var/cache/apt/archives/kdelibs-data_4%3a3.5.5-0ubuntu3_all.deb'02:51
RawSewageWooD, upgrade to Edgy02:51
WooDRawSewage: what is edgy ?02:52
evanikin http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/28420/02:52
cyphasethe new version of ubuntu02:52
RawSewageWooD, the new version of Ubuntu that was just released02:52
cyphaseit was just release hours ago02:52
Nox_villeWood: esgy the the good shit02:52
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Nox_ville*is the02:52
soundrayNox_ville: keep this channel clean pls02:52
nemesis4uwooo hooo - I am starting the upgrade :-) - does anyone know if there have been inssues with Vmware after doing the upgrade - as in kernel-headers or anything like that?02:52
AlexC_which also doesn't work on Intel Core 2 Duo's/Abit AB902:52
rixxonhow much space do i need free to get edgy from dapper02:52
Nox_villek... lets start again.. i need to connect my nokia 6230i to my ubuntu pc via bluetooth connection02:52
WooDRawSewage: ok Ill do that then02:52
Nox_villesorry soundray...02:52
cyphaseNox_ville: please stop repeating that02:52
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Nox_villesorry.. thought there was a ./ignore./.... ;)02:53
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Toma-Nox_ville: what do you need to do with your phone? transfer?02:53
nikini see... but dont no what is with the repo02:53
soundray!pm | Nox_ville02:53
ubotuNox_ville: Please ask your questions in the channel so that other people can also benefit. Please don't PM a user in the channel without asking first.02:53
cyphaseif there is, it doesn't matter how many times you send it02:53
wdamnHi, what mirrors do you advise for powerpc64?02:53
elkbuntuNox_ville, please understand there's 1059 people in this channel today. it is very busy02:53
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Nox_villeneed to transfer and use as a bluetooth modem..02:54
bakanekopossible solution to: i have set my static ip in /etc/network/interfaces, however at random times the interfaces changes and i loose the static ip i set, instead getting an older version of the static ip i set 6 months ago. i would like to know how to fix this problem and what daemon is causign it , any help is appreciated. thanks in advance.  Solution: sudo chmod -w /etc/network/interfaces02:54
Nox_villeto connect to net.02:54
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niksavelsoundray: okay, I did that, after that I got another only dependancy prob with java, but -f install is going on02:54
nikini ame trying to install it to... maybe i can see the problem02:54
WooDdo i need to download a cd to be able to update Dapper ?02:54
Toma-Nox_ville: youll need gnokii gnome-bluetooth package02:54
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WooDI mean to update dapper to edgy02:54
ubotuUpgrading, please see the instructions on: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UpgradeNotes02:54
soundrayniksavel: things are looking up then.02:54
zircxok, well that's pretty impressive so far so good02:54
niksavelsoundray: indeed :)02:55
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cyphasewe're the top channel right now02:55
niksavelsoundray: what was that command?02:55
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niksavelsoundray: some black ubuntu magic surely :)02:55
kleinlapphello everyone02:55
Nox_villeToma: do you have a link for me?02:55
ubotuFor instructions on how to set up bluetooth, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BluetoothSetup02:55
Toma-thatll help02:55
=== ehird [n=penguino@80-41-201-17.dynamic.dsl.as9105.com] has joined #ubuntu
Nox_villeor is it already on the local repositories02:55
EldinI have a microphone plugged in, how do I get ubuntu to recognise it?02:55
soundrayniksavel: the dpkg one? It just told the installer that it was okay to overwrite a file that was also provided by another package.02:55
ubotupastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (you can always find it in the channel topic, among other useful things)02:56
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Toma-Nox_ville: should be in universe02:56
Nox_villeEldin.. you should just be able to set is in alsamixer02:56
zircxok, I think I'm having a problem with installing stuff due to the repository, what is the best repository address to add to the repositories list for synaptic or apt-get source.list02:56
ehirdsoundray: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/28423/02:56
WooDRawSewage: thanks02:56
cyphaseEldin, it doesn't recognize the mic, it recognizes the input port02:56
cyphaseunless it's a usb mic02:56
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EldinNox_ville: Tried that, but will try again02:56
niksavelsoundray: is it normal for such problems to occur?  I'd prolly never know how to fix that myself...02:56
AlexC_Guys I have a new PC, Intel Core 2 Duo and Abit AB9 - Edgy just refuses to boot the liveCD - I either get Error loading boot CD or it gets stuck loading the Kernel. why is this?02:56
Nox_villeoh.. that sux02:56
EldinAh, no, it's not a usb mic02:56
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kleinlappthefish ahoy you there?02:56
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cyphasefinally, my torrent just hit 100KB/s02:57
thefishhowdy kleinlapp02:57
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prowerAnyone running Ubuntu on an AMD AM2-based system yet? ;> Investing in one soon02:57
soundrayniksavel: it's a packaging bug, so shouldn't happen. But that's the kind of problem that we're here to help with ;)02:57
soundrayehird: reading...02:57
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finalbetaHow do I send output from a command to nothing? All output, including errors02:57
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rixxonlol, 1551 packages to install/upgrade02:57
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Rookie_finalbeta - /dev/null02:58
evanikin ok thanks02:58
=== Bitt [n=YO@197.Red-83-32-127.dynamicIP.rima-tde.net] has joined #ubuntu
RawSewagerixxon, probably well over 1 gb02:58
finalbetaRookie_, including errors.02:58
ehirdsda2 is what i tried to mount as root02:58
soundrayehird: try a 'sudo mount /dev/sda2 /mnt'02:58
rixxonRawSewage: yep, was around 1,1Gio02:58
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finalbetasomething with |1/2 can't remember02:58
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kleinlappthefish going to get registered quickly02:58
ehirdsoundray: at what point of installation?02:58
whyameyefinalbeta: to send errors is 2> /dev/null.02:58
soundrayehird: oh, are you back in Windows?02:58
AlexC_Guys I have a new PC, Intel Core 2 Duo and Abit AB9 - Edgy just refuses to boot the liveCD - I either get Error loading boot CD or it gets stuck loading the Kernel. why is this?02:59
=== kitche [n=dragon@pool-70-18-127-216.buff.east.verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu
niksavelI have a general question too:  :)    I've tried both gnome and kde versions of ubuntu, and I deffinitely prefer working with ubuntu and looking at kubuntu, which deffinitely poses a problem :)   I was wondering is there a way to make gnome display fonts a bit less "pixellated" like a bit of antialiasing or whatever it is that KDE is doing?02:59
Rookie_the basic command is /dev/null .... > /dev/null for to be more exact02:59
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ehirdsoundray: yes, remember, i don't have ubuntu installed right now: i nuked my linux partition for edgy and besides, ubuntu won't work with my internet connection right now for a few reasons so i wouldn't be here anyway02:59
nemesis4uwooo hooo - I am starting the upgrade :-) - does anyone know if there have been inssues with Vmware after doing the upgrade - as in kernel-headers or anything like that? - can someone pm me if they know of this? just so much happening in this channel03:00
finalbetaRookie_, whyameye  Was looking for >/dev/null 2>&1 , thnx03:00
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soundrayehird: I thought you might have connectivity from the live CD.03:00
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surfi_boi chmod -R thinkpol:users /home/o.... However when i do that i get the error chmod: invalid mode: `thinkpol:users'03:00
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joonanemesis4u: yes, vmware compiles few modules against kernel sources03:00
soundrayehird: the reason I suggested the mount attempt was to see if there was something obviously wrong with the filesystem on /dev/sda203:00
joonabut it doesn't affect you unless you upgrade your kernel too03:00
guillem101niksavel, gnome should show the same font rendering quaility than KDE, if not better...03:00
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ehirdsoundray: to get connectivity, i have to compile stuff and modify the filesystem, which i obviously can't do on the livecd :)03:01
JoseStefanAlexC_, https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Core_2_Duo_Support03:01
thefishsurfi_boi: you should do it user.group not user:group03:01
soundrayehird: an option might be to download an ext2 driver for Windows and try with that.03:01
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guillem101niksavel, gnome-font-properties03:01
joonanemesis4u: you can run the vmware install script again anytime, to get the vmware modules built again and back up03:01
ehirdsoundray: And I think the filesystem is fine. Should I chkdsk it? That's solved a problem on it before03:01
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soundrayehird: that would have been my next suggestion.03:02
ehirdi just formatted it with gparted, though, so i dunno what could be wrong03:02
niksavelokay, I'll give it a try :)03:02
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SpaceFroghey guys03:02
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AlexC_JoseStefan: Thanks I will look through that - but that really does suck they couldnt fix it for the EDgy release03:02
kleinlappthefish whats the sites name where i can paste large amount of text? want to write and explain my position -- if thats ok whit you?03:02
soundrayehird: you know you have to make gparted carry out the planned changes after you've configured them?03:02
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Nox_villekleinlapp: pastebin03:03
SpaceFroghas anyone had any luck getting Flash 9 working with Firefox 2.0 ? I had Flash9 and Firefox1.5 on here before i upgraded to 2.0, and now it's reverted back to Flash7 and i cannot find the flash7 .so file to replace with version 903:03
surfi_boistill getting the same error thefish03:03
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ehirdsoundray: : i'm not that stupid, of course I did ;)03:03
kleinlappNox_ville thanks03:03
thefishsurfi_boi: paste the whole command here please03:03
nikineva: i found an alternate soulution03:03
Dimensionshi i have installed php and mysql along with apache2 ... when i try to login to it or any thing it gives an error ... ERROR 2002 (HY000): Can't connect to local MySQL server through socket '/var/run/mysqld/mysqld.sock' (2).... when i check there is no mysqld.sock ... what should i do ????03:03
WooDhow long it takes to upgrade from dapper to edgy ?03:03
nikinwithout any repoing03:03
soundrayehird: sorry -- I've been known to be that stupid.03:03
=== nashnash [n=nab@85-250-39-160.bb.netvision.net.il] has joined #ubuntu
surfi_boichmod -R user:group /path/to/mountpoint -- Is the command i want to use however i am confused do i change user to myself and the /path/to/mountpoint .. do i change that to the axx point of my drive which is /home/o any advice would be appreciated03:03
ehirdguess i'll *shudder* chkdisk03:04
surfi_boichmod -R thinkpol.users /home/o03:04
thefishsurfi_boi: or the pastebin in the channel subject :)03:04
jdt_surfi_boi: are you not wanting chgrp?03:04
ehirdthere it goes03:04
nikingo to acrobat.com and there Download > Acrobat reader03:04
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c0nfhiya :)03:04
soundraysurfi_boi: the command is chown03:04
nikinget the tar.gz version for Linux03:04
ehirdi'll try now03:04
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surfi_boii just want to change the access of a new parition so a normal user can write to it easily03:04
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n_3odoes anyone in here know anything about wifi? i checked #netstumbler and threre is nobody there.. also.. Im having problems with my wifi ISP connection.. DROPOUT etc. Lose connection, gain conneciton.. please could anyone with knowledge on how to troubleshoot this help me .. Andrew in Africa03:04
surfi_boiso is it possible you could give me an abridged command03:04
thedude0sup c0nf03:04
c0nfgood, good03:05
c0nfyo sith-lord03:05
vorboteSpaceFrog: /usr/lib/flashplugin-nonfree/libflashplayer.so, that's what you wnat to replace. (Nest time remember that dpkg and locate are your friends).03:05
c0nfhi shachaf_ xD03:05
soundraysurfi_boi: you had it right, except that it's chown not chmod03:05
thefishsurfi_boi: chmod does numeric permissions on files (ie chmod 755 /bla) - chown is what you want to OWN a file03:05
Nox_villeAndrew,. are you in SA?03:05
SpaceFrogthanks vorbote03:05
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thefishsurfi_boi: chown -R user.group /path03:05
n_3oRepublic of South Africa03:05
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variantsurfi_boi: you can use chown or chmod03:05
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Mojeei need help with installing ubuntu plz03:06
surfi_boiok the command worked with chown03:06
Nox_villen_3o: me to ...03:06
Nox_villedoes anyone know the correct configuration for nokia 6230i setup with gnokii... the tutorial is only for LG, Samsun and Sony Ericson..03:06
surfi_boibut when i try to guide into the dir it still shows read only03:06
AlexC_oh, exelent, great. I can only install Ubuntu if I have a 1GB USB stick ... great......amazing03:06
thefishsurfi_boi: chmod is just to change user/group/other permissions03:06
n_3oI have a sony ericcson03:06
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variantwhat am i talking about...03:06
n_3obut seriously.. anyone know how to fix wifi problems?03:06
DimensionsNox_ville: what do you wanna do with ur cell ... ? i can help if using it for GPRS Modem ..connection03:06
thedude0Playing: "sensation - Wanadoo Top 100 v.h. jaar 2002 - the anthem 2002" (192kbps - 44kHz - Stereo)03:06
thefishsurfi_boi: now run chmod -R 750 /path03:06
soundraysurfi_boi: what filesystem do you have in that partition?03:06
variantAlexC_: what are you talking about?03:06
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Dimensionsguys Any one would know answer to my question abt mysql connection ?03:07
MojeeI Got a problem while trying to install ubuntu can someone pme plz03:07
n_3oI used to use gprs.. but now wifi.. only st...iillll having problems./03:07
Nox_villeDimensions.. yes please i need it for GPRS modem....03:07
soundraysurfi_boi: sorry, I'll leave you in the capable hands of thefish03:07
MojeeI Got a problem while trying to install ubuntu can someone pme plz...03:07
AlexC_variant: I have a new Intel Core 2 Duo setup with an Abit AB9 - which Ubuntu has problems with the JMicron IDE Controller.......aparantly the only workaround is the install Ubuntu via a USB stick03:07
AlexC_variant: that is assuming I have a 1GB memory stick03:07
whyameyeDimensions: you could try the apache channel. Not sure what its exact name is but it is on freenode.03:07
surfi_boichmod -R 750 /path ran that with abridged path all done03:07
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Noah0504Does anyone know why I am not able to run two instances of BitTorrent under Edgy?  I get an "address already in use" error when I try to run a second instance.03:07
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variantAlexC_: yeah, i have heard abouthtat.. a fix is in the pipeline for 2.6.18 kernel apparantly03:08
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thefishsurfi_boi: the easy way to use chmod is with u, g or o (short for user, group, other) and then the permissions r, w, x (read, write, execute)03:08
variantNoah0504: your using gnome-btdownloader?03:08
Mojeedoes anyone know what that messege means "m/sh: can't acess tty;job control turend off"?03:08
surfi_boibut still cant paste a file into that partition03:08
Noah0504variant: Yes.03:08
kitcheDimensions: I didn't see your question03:08
thefishsurfi_boi: chown changes the owner (or group)03:08
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variantNoah0504: that is a limmitation of that program03:08
AlexC_variant: but the new kernel wont make it onto the new Edgy CD will it?03:08
Mojeedoes anyone know what that messege means "m/sh: can't acess tty;job control turend off"? while trying to install ubuntu.03:08
variantAlexC_: no idea03:08
variantAlexC_: at some point03:08
edschodoes anyone know the most robust way to make python 2.5 the default used on Edgy? If I change the /usr/bin/python symlink to python2.5, some things like bittorrent break03:08
surfi_boithefish: So why cant i write into that dir now03:09
soundrayMojee: don't repeat pls. If someone knows, they will tell you03:09
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Noah0504variant: Hmm, I've never had a problem in previous Ubuntu versions, just on Edgy.03:09
DimensionsNox_ville: when you plug ur cell do dmesg ... will tell u if you have a gprs modem fone ... it it doesn't say any thing it means ur fone / cable isn't supported ... ELSE ... do these sudo Wvdial.conf /etc/wvdial ... and just change fone number in wvdial.conf as *99***1# and user name and passwd i donno if you are from UK or what ... type pon.wvdial it will connect u ...03:09
thefishsurfi_boi: so now you can change a files permissions with "chmod u+rwx /path" that means "give the current owner of the file read, write and execute perms03:09
AlexC_pah, sorry variant im not angry at you - just generaly annoyed03:09
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variantNoah0504: ok, then it's an edgy bug iwth that program.. cus i only ever used gnome-btdownloader once and that was on edgy :P03:09
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Noah0504variant: haha03:09
kitcheDimensions: ah see if the sock is in /tmp for your mysql03:09
variantAlexC_: yeah, these things happen.. blame proprietry hardware specs03:09
thefishsurfi_boi: chmod 750 give the owner rwx, the group r-x and others nothing03:09
thefishsurfi_boi: so if you are happy with that, job done :)03:10
Dimensionsumm kitche checking :)03:10
surfi_boithefish i still cant paste files in there03:10
Noah0504variant: What BitTorrent client do you use?  (If you use one.)03:10
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variantNoah0504: azureus, but i dont use it right now03:10
dredhammerhello again i finally got xserver back but now my LC_ALL is unset how do i reconfigure locale.conf?03:10
surfi_boi:~# chmod u+rwx /home/o03:10
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surfi_boiwas the command i used03:10
variantNoah0504: normally i download stuff from irc03:10
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Noah0504variant: I see.03:11
Nox_villeis a java runtime environment automatically in ubuntu?03:11
Dimensionskitche: i dont have it in /tmp either as im using ubuntu03:11
niksavelif I install gnome on my kubuntu desktop and start using gnome, will it be any different than if I did a fresh install of ubuntu?03:11
ubotuTo install a Java compiler/interpreter on Ubuntu, look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Java  -  For the Sun Java runtime install sun-java5-jre from the !Multiverse repository03:11
dredhammersudo dpkg-reconfigure locale.conf does not work03:11
variantNoah0504: http://www.ircklipper.info03:11
=== JebJoya [n=JebJoya@hosts-137-205-236-57.csv.warwick.ac.uk] has joined #ubuntu
Tom-BlindWould anyone know a way of doing a linux install completely through SSH?03:11
surfi_boiand within the graphical environment it still shows user as unknown03:11
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surfi_boiand owner as unknown03:11
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variantTom-Blind: yeah, its very easy03:11
khermans_is there somehwere with the torrent?  ubuntu.com is slow as hell03:11
YoussefAssaddredhammer: dpkg-reconfigure locales03:11
kitcheDimensions: hmm guess they didn't make a sock for mysql03:11
Noah0504variant: Thanks.  :)03:11
vorbotedredhammer: "sudo dpkg-reconfigure localeconf"03:11
dredhammerok thanks03:11
variantTom-Blind: never done it with ubuntu though.. just gentoo03:11
edschotom-blind: there are lots of instructions on doing that with Gentoo.03:11
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YoussefAssaddredhammer: and then I suggest you install bash-completion03:11
Dimensionsis ur prob solved now Nox_ville ?03:11
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=== variant did it before there were instructions for doing it :P
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Dimensionskitche:  that would mean no one can use mysql on ubuntu ? how can i create that sock ?03:12
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variantbut really its not hard, just like doing a normal install mostly03:12
thefishif you need more granular than that, you can play with ACLs (getfacl, and setfacl) but you will need to remount with acl as a mount option (check me on that, may be slightly different)03:12
Nox_villemy ubuntu pc is being installed.....03:12
maxb_at_workI've just upgraded using the apt-get method... it went ok for the most part, but I had to manually "apt-get install ubuntu-minimal", and follow that up with a "Yes, do as I say!" to convince apt that I really did want sysvinit removed. Anyone else seen this?03:12
=== bob4444 [i=bob7@220-253-84-224.QLD.netspace.net.au] has joined #ubuntu
kitcheDimensions: it's a compile time feature03:12
Mojeeiam rebooting and while trying to install ubuntu iam getting the error "m/sh: can't acess tty;job control turend off" does any one know whats the solution?03:12
Tom-Blindcan someone PM me to talk about this as I can not see well enough to follow the room03:12
thefishsurfi_boi: seems like i bounced :( i was saying that chmod 750 gives the owner rwx, group r-x and others no permissions on the files03:12
edschoAnyone know the 'official' way to make Python 2.5 the default in Edgy?03:12
soundrayvariant: it depends on the state of the remote PC in the beginning of the installation, though, doesn't it?03:12
dredhammertells me its not fully installed or its brokern03:13
Mojeeiam rebooting and while trying to install ubuntu iam getting the error "m/sh: can't acess tty;job control turend off" does any one know whats the solution?03:13
thefishedscho: have you tried linking python2.5 to /usr/bin/python ?03:13
evai have some problem with the repositories03:13
bob4444can anyone give me a had with the ECIadsl install just got suck on somthing?????????03:13
variantsoundray: as long as it has plenty of swapspace or a free partition and is allready running a linux distro yeah03:13
cyphasehow fast are the torrents coming?03:13
surfi_boichmod -R 750 /home/o03:13
variantsoundray: or if you can get someone to put a live cd in for you and start ssh03:13
surfi_boiwas the command i used but no luck03:13
cpk2any apps that can encode from .mpg?03:13
mandelumhttp://www.nic.funet.fi/pub/mirrors/releases.ubuntu.com/6.10/ still have the rc in their filename... sould I wait to get a final release03:13
surfi_boiim logged in as root in terminal is that correct03:13
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dredhammeror avidemux03:13
thefishsurfi_boi: what do you want to acheive?03:13
Fujitsuedscho: Yes. Don't.,03:13
JebJoyahey, anyone fancy guiding me through a problem I'm having with a PCMCIA wireless card?  (on previous version - no wireless atm means no internet :(  )03:13
evawhat repositories do i need03:13
Mojeeiam rebooting and while trying to install ubuntu iam getting the error "m/sh: can't acess tty;job control turend off" does any one know whats the solution?03:13
bob4444pm me if u want03:13
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soundrayvariant: important caveats, those ;)03:14
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Mojeeiam rebooting and while trying to install ubuntu iam getting the error "m/sh: can't acess tty;job control turend off" does any one know whats the solution?03:14
cpk2avidemux apparently cant handle the mpg i am trying so i will check out mencoder03:14
edschothefish: that works for python2.5 stuff, but breaks other stuff like bittorrent. Do you think this is a bug in bittorrent?03:14
JebJoyabob4444 was that toward me?03:14
Tom-BlindWould anyone know a way of doing a linux install completely through SSH? I need to login through a windows box using zoom software, I can not see the screen at all03:14
ubotuDon't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly, if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. You can search https://help.ubuntu.com or http://wiki.ubuntu.com while you wait. Also see !patience03:14
surfi_boithe fish i want my new partition /home/o to be writable for anyone at the moment i cant put any files on it03:14
FujitsuMojee: Please wait more than 17 seconds between repeats.03:14
soundrayMojee: I asked you before not to repeat your question.03:14
kleinlappthefish when you have a chance here is my post http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/28425/ (hope it helps)03:14
surfi_boiyet it is mounted etc03:14
edschothefish: i mean a bug in the ubuntu bt package?03:14
thefishedscho: not sure sorry :(03:14
variantsoundray: it might be possible to do it over a windows box with ssh and cygwin installed03:14
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EldinI feel slightly silly for asking, but how does one switch from playback to capture in alsamixer?03:15
edschothefish: thanks anyway03:15
Mojeesoundray: ok..03:15
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soundrayvariant: you'd have to know very well what you're doing. I wouldn't dare setting up partitions from cygwin...03:15
bob4444anyone here know much about eciadsl03:15
joona$oa = new Osaamisalue;03:15
Tom-BlindWould anyone know a way of doing a linux install completely through SSH? I need to login through a windows box using zoom software, I can not see the screen at all, please pm me as I am unable to see in the main room03:15
FujitsuEldin: It's tab, I think.03:15
Tom-Blindyour all too quick for me03:15
FujitsuEldin: Otherwise, man alsamixer will tell you.03:15
mkaraHi all. Is it possible to download Kubuntu 6.10 DVD image?03:15
EldinFujitsu: thanks... right too... feel so stupid now >.>03:16
variantsoundray: as long as it has chroot (which im pretty sure it does) then it should be ok03:16
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Fujitsumkara: The DVD images are not yet available, as far as I know. They should appear on mirrors in the coming hours.03:16
thefishkleinlapp: looks like its something on the router eh - you have no firewall on the machines so it seems to be blocking ports03:16
bob4444i got stuck here: root@*******-desktop:/home/*******# modprobe -r dabusb && rm -f $(modprobe -1 | grep dabusb) && depmod -a03:16
bob4444modprobe: invalid option -- 103:16
bob4444Usage: modprobe [-v]  [-V]  [-C config-file]  [-n]  [-i]  [-q]  [-Q]  [-b]  [-o <modname>]  <modname> [parameters...] 03:16
bob4444modprobe -r [-n]  [-i]  [-v]  <modulename> ...03:16
bob4444modprobe -l -t <dirname> [ -a <modulename> ...] 03:16
surfi_boithefish: i want my new partition /home/o to be writable for anyone at the moment i cant put any files on it03:16
ubotupastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (you can always find it in the channel topic, among other useful things)03:16
Mojeeiam getting the error m/sh: can't acess tty;job control turend off while trying to install what should i do?03:16
variantsoundray: maybe just enough to get a basic semi working real linux system installed from which youcould do it again properly :)03:16
thefishkleinlapp: have you tried with a liveCD? just boot up and dont install, then try to get on irc etc03:16
surfi_boiit is just frustrating as whenever i try and create a partition from the desktop i seem to have this problem03:17
soundrayvariant: sounds like you're the one who might help Tom-Blind03:17
JebJoyaanyone know anything about ubuntu hanging when a PCMCIA card is inserted (although it did work briefly once...)03:17
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jellyHello, are dist-upgrades tested and supposed to work in Ubuntu?03:17
h3sp4wnTom-Blind: debian can definately do it (not sure about ubuntu - maybe its the same method)http://wiki.debian.org/DebianInstaller/Preseed03:17
mkaraFujitsu: Thanks.03:17
variantsoundray: yeah well, if he wants it :P03:17
variantjelly: yes03:17
JebJoya(sorry for repeat, i thought it may have got rather lost in the fray)03:17
Fujitsujelly: Yes, but only between consecutive versions.03:17
thefishsurfi_boi: its not a great idea to make your home writeable by anyone, but you could do it with chmod ugo+rw /home/o03:17
thefishsurfi_boi: what is your username? o?03:17
=== gnubie [n=gnubie@66-190-111-32.dhcp.sprn.tx.charter.com] has joined #ubuntu
c0nfi know how to install nvidia graphic drivers for 6.0603:17
Tom-Blindso many people and no ideas?03:17
c0nfsetup is the same for 6.10?03:17
surfi_boithefish: thinkpol03:17
jellyFujitsu: that's exactly what I want, dapper -> edgy.03:17
Nox_villeppl. ive put in my live cd.. it shows the pc booting but when it loads x,  but then my screen freaks out, funny distorted pictures appear and my power button on the screen flashes on and off.03:18
=== DazWiLLiE [n=WiLLiE@unaffiliated/dazwillie] has joined #ubuntu
variantTom-Blind: hello.. i just gave you a ton03:18
Fujitsujelly: See the link in the topic...03:18
Mojeeiam getting the error m/sh: can't acess tty;job control turend off while trying to install what should i do?03:18
thefishsurfi_boi: was /home/o just a typo?03:18
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Fujitsu!nvidia | c0nf03:18
ubotuc0nf: To install the Ati/NVidia drivers for your video card, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto03:18
variantTom-Blind: describe the system you are remotely installing to03:18
=== xjonex [n=jone@dsl-roigw1-fe8ede00-5.dhcp.inet.fi] has joined #ubuntu
gilnim|doubleshort question: is there a difference between the beta with updates and the released version from today?03:18
c0nfmeh, gonna check, thx03:18
Fujitsugilnim|double: No.03:18
c0nfthere is only for 6.0603:18
c0nfand i know how to do it for 6.06 =)03:18
kleinlappthefish k will try that if that also does not work then is it my network setup?03:18
evaanyone good at repositories pls help03:18
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thefishgilnim|double: if you installed a beta, just apt-get update && apt-get dist-upgrade03:18
gilnim|doubleFujitsu: alright - wasn't sure03:18
Fujitsuc0nf, it's the same, in that case.03:18
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surfi_boiyou see i make a new partition and im not sure what to make the access point03:18
c0nfok, thx03:18
Fujitsu!ask | eva03:18
ubotueva: Don't ask to ask a question. Just ask your question :)03:18
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thefishkleinlapp: i would guess at that yes03:19
EldinHmmm, mic is redded out in capture, but works fine if used for playback03:19
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gilnim|doublethefish: i just wondered because there are no updates :)03:19
surfi_boithefish: Whenever i make a new partition i dont know what to make the access point. what should i make it for a spare data partition?03:19
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evai get this error http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/28426/03:19
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thefishkleinlapp: i cant imagine what else it could be, are they plugged into different switches/hubs than the xp boxen?03:19
Tom-BlindVariant I can not see well enough to read the main room could you e-mail it? Plz03:19
=== Puck [n=Ovidio@host3-193-dynamic.59-82-r.retail.telecomitalia.it] has joined #ubuntu
ninanhi ppl. do you have an splashscreen with upstart? i installed the rc with update manager and had some problems booting. i have to switch to console 1 to boot the system. software is current with release now03:19
Fujitsugilnim|double: There have been only a couple of uploads to Edgy in the past 48 hours, so that'd do it.03:19
Nox_villeppl. ive put in my live cd.. it shows the pc booting but when it loads x,  but then my screen freaks out, funny distorted pictures appear and my power button on the screen flashes on and off.03:19
variantTom-Blind: no, but we can discuss it in /query if you prefer (you have to register with nickserv)03:19
Nox_villehelp please03:20
reiki_workI see the nVidia driver note removed from topic now. If I update from 6.06 to 6.10 when I get home from work, will I be getting teh updated driver? Or do I still need to manually mess with that piece?03:20
Fujitsu!repeat | Nox_ville03:20
evanow i cant update03:20
ubotuNox_ville: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly, if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. You can search https://help.ubuntu.com or http://wiki.ubuntu.com while you wait. Also see !patience03:20
thefishsurfi_boi: anything you like, i have a couple called data1 and data2, but the choice is yours03:20
surfi_boithefish: What should i make the access point though after they are created?03:20
Amaranthreiki_work: It was only removed because there wasn't room for it03:20
keithhhhanyone have have good programs for encoding dv video....basically i want to take my DV tapes and put it onto on a DVD03:20
cpk2how do you search a man page again?03:20
cpk2the mencoder man is huge03:20
Fujitsueva: Looks like the server is overloaded. Maybe wait a couple of hours.03:20
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gilnim|doubleFujitsu: I downloaded the last updates yesterday03:20
thefishsurfi_boi: just make sure that they are in your /etc/fstab, and they will mount every time you reboot (eg /dev/sda1   /data1)03:20
Fujitsucpk2: /whatever03:20
Tom-Blindlol, is there not a quiet room?03:20
reiki_workAmaranth: ok thanks... kinda figured that might also be the case :)03:20
Nox_villeFujitsu sorry.. desperate situation.. so desperate im using my phone to ask for help here....03:20
Fujitsugilnim|double: In that case, there are no updates.03:20
thefishsurfi_boi: not sure what you mean? access point?03:21
FujitsuNox_ville: Ouch!03:21
gilnim|doubleEdgy Eft rules! :)03:21
dredhammeris installing the ATI driver the same for Edgy as it is for Dapper?03:21
variantTom-Blind: /join #slax03:21
thefishsurfi_boi: do you mean mount point, like /sparedisk?03:21
Nox_villesorry.. so any ideas?03:21
soundrayNox_ville: when you get to the first ubuntu screen, look at the help screens. There is something like vga=771 which you can add as a boot option. That should help03:21
variantTom-Blind: /join #slax03:21
tritiumdredhammer: yes03:21
evaFujitsu thanks03:21
surfi_boithefish: in gparted teh status of it is dev/sda3... but the mount point is /home/o03:21
FujitsuNox_ville: Try to boot using the safe graphics mode option.03:21
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dredhammerok thanks tritium03:21
gilnim|doubledredhammer: http://wiki.cchtml.com/index.php/Ubuntu_Edgy_Installation_Guide03:21
surfi_boiso when i use chown should i be pointing to the device? or the mount point03:21
thefishsurfi_boi: ok i wouldnt do that03:22
Fujitsusurfi_boi: Mountpoint.03:22
gilnim|doubledredhammer: that worked well for me03:22
surfi_boithefish:what would you do?03:22
thefishsurfi_boi: although it will work.03:22
Nox_villesoundray, could it be my graphics card? 6600gt03:22
surfi_boiwhat should i do then?03:22
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JebJoyaI have a PCMCIA wireless card for my laptop, dual boot with windows and ubuntu (need windows for work unfortunately), Ubuntu hangs when the wireless PCMCIA card is inserted (it works in Windows), even though it did work for about 30 seconds once - any suggestions?03:22
FujitsuNox_ville: Try the safe graphics mode option... Your graphics card could be the problem.03:22
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thefishsurfi_boi: I would make the mount point something at the root, like /storage or something03:22
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soundrayNox_ville: probably, but it will work with Fujitsu's or my suggestion03:22
MonsieurBonshould i terminate any apps before doing a dist-upgrade?03:23
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thefishsurfi_boi: then make sure it is mounted, you can check with "mount" on the console, and look for a line /dev/sda3, that will tell you where its mounted03:23
FujitsuMonsieurBon: It's not necessary, but thinks like Firefox might crash if you don't.03:23
Eleafoh lol03:23
EleafI was kicked03:23
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gilnim|doubleJebJoya: Ndiswrapper03:23
lupine_85oh wow, edgy+1 is gone03:23
lupine_85erm, ubuntu+103:23
surfi_boi/dev/sda3 on /home/o type ext3 (rw)03:23
Nox_villesoundray: k.. but will my graphics card ever work in ubuntu.. if i install Nvidia graphics drivers?03:23
Eleafyeah lupine_8503:24
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Mojeeiam getting the error m/sh: can't acess tty;job control turend off while trying to install what should i do?03:24
JebJoyandiswrapper?  google it?03:24
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surfi_boithefish:/dev/sda3 on /home/o type ext3 (rw)03:24
FujitsuNox_ville: Yes, it should work fine once you install the proprietary drivers.03:24
ubotuWireless documentation can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs03:24
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MonsieurBonFujitsu: doesn't harm anything though, if they do, does it? So I'm just not doing anything important like ebanking! :)03:24
=== lupine_85 is not amused... they could have just changed the topic to feisty ;)
FujitsuMonsieurBon: No, it'll just close unexpectedly.03:24
thefishsurfi_boi: ok its already mounted, edit your /etc/fstab now to change the mount point if you want03:24
JebJoyathanks gilnim|double03:24
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tritiumlupine_85: no, #ubuntu+1 (when it's back open) will be for feisty03:24
lupine_85JebJoya: which chipset?03:24
Eleaflupine_85, I agree03:24
MonsieurBonFujitsu: very good then! thank you!03:25
gilnim|doubleJebJoya: welcome - or try google; could work03:25
surfi_boiok but i cant write to it still which is my problem thefish03:25
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=== lupine_85 wants to update his experimental partition to feisty now ;)
burzumive just upgraded to edgy and now there no window-decorations. :( any ideas how to solve this?03:25
JebJoyaphew, that's a question, it's a cheap-o third party one...03:25
Nox_villeFujitsu: same question as above... pls03:25
burzumive used beryl in dapper03:25
Fujitsuburzum: Were you using Xgl, by any chance?03:25
lupine_85JebJoya: PCI?03:25
Fujitsuburzum: Well, you might want to disable it, or reinstall it.03:25
=== JebJoya shrugs
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burzumFujitsu: yes, in dapper i was. i dont know what the upgrade changed03:25
lupine_85ok... what't the line it presents in lspci?03:25
thefishsurfi_boi: pastebin the results of this command please: "ls -la /home/o"03:26
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Fujitsuburzum: There is a new version of X, for one thing, that could have broken it...03:26
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Fujitsuburzum: Follow the Edgy beryl installation instructions.03:26
JebJoyalspci? (sorry, fairly new to linux...) :S03:26
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surfi_boidrwxr-x--- 3 thinkpol thinkpol  4096 Oct 26 22:55 .03:26
surfi_boidrwxr-xr-x 4 root     root      4096 Oct 13 07:37 ..03:26
surfi_boi-rwxr-x--- 1 thinkpol thinkpol     0 Oct 26 22:55 .sudo_as_admin_successful03:26
surfi_boidrwxr-x--- 2 thinkpol thinkpol 16384 Oct 26 21:49 lost+found03:26
FujitsuJebJoya: Lists devices on the PCI bus.03:26
lupine_85in a terminal, just type "lspci"03:26
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ubotupastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (you can always find it in the channel topic, among other useful things)03:26
=== hostify [n=hostify@host86-141-55-222.range86-141.btcentralplus.com] has joined #ubuntu
Mojeeiam rebooting and while trying to install ubuntu iam getting the error "m/sh: can't acess tty;job control turend off" does any one know whats the solution?03:26
cyphasehas anyone used beryl on both dapper and edgy? what's the difference?03:26
=== rjb is back.
Nox_villeFujitsu: k.. but will my graphics card ever work in ubuntu.. if i install Nvidia graphics drivers?03:26
burzumFujitsu do you have a link?03:26
=== Kameli [n=kameli@adsl-82-141-122-69.kotinet.com] has joined #ubuntu
FujitsuNox_ville: I said above, yes.03:27
lupine_85find the line that looks like it's for the device and paste it here... if you're not sure, just pastebin the whole thing03:27
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Toma-cyphase: ask in #ubuntu-xgl03:27
Fujitsuburzum: BerylOnEdgy on the wiki, or something like that.03:27
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Fujitsuburzum: Otherwise, check in #ubuntu-xgl.03:27
KameliHow i can upgrade my Dapper to the newest Edgy? =( www.ubuntu.com says that it's released :'(03:27
burzumthank you03:27
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reiki_workNox_ville: were you running Ubuntu before? (I missed teh beginning) or are you installing for teh first time?03:27
Nox_villekewl.. i missed that.. my phone only can see like the last 50 messages....03:27
FujitsuKameli: See the link in the topic.03:27
KameliFujitsu: ok =)03:27
=== ppd [n=max@dslb-088-064-008-113.pools.arcor-ip.net] has joined #ubuntu
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about current - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi03:27
FujitsuNox_ville: that's quite understandable :)03:27
=== Dragonfire1_ [n=Dragonfi@adsl-225-104-172.mia.bellsouth.net] has joined #ubuntu
Mojeeyou know what..03:27
Mojeefuck you all03:28
lupine_85The good news is that edgy's wireless support r0x0rz compared to Dapper's03:28
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Mojeecocks suckers03:28
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Nox_villereiki_work: no.. im trying to install.03:28
lupine_85ooh, matron03:28
UNDERsoNCan I download edgy DVD today?03:28
=== gilnim|double [n=gilnim@pD9EBBB72.dip0.t-ipconnect.de] has joined #ubuntu
surfi_boithefish:drwxr-x--- 3 thinkpol thinkpol  4096 Oct 26 22:55 .03:28
surfi_boidrwxr-xr-x 4 root     root      4096 Oct 13 07:37 ..03:28
surfi_boi-rwxr-x--- 1 thinkpol thinkpol     0 Oct 26 22:55 .sudo_as_admin_successful03:28
surfi_boidrwxr-x--- 2 thinkpol thinkpol 16384 Oct 26 21:49 lost+found03:28
FujitsuThanks tritium.03:28
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Fujitsu!paste | surfi_boi03:28
ubotusurfi_boi: pastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (you can always find it in the channel topic, among other useful things)03:28
tritiumFujitsu: any time!03:28
surfi_boisorry guys03:28
=== strabes [n=strabes@wcnat-50-37.wheaton.edu] has joined #ubuntu
finalbetaSuns Java will fully be open source in about 2 months using OSI license, does this mean Ubuntu will be able to delever Suns Java standard? The other projects will fade out?03:28
KameliIs that Edgy faster or slower now in games? :)03:28
JebJoyalupine_85, I'm guessing it's 0000:02:00.0 Network Controller: RaLink: Unknown Device 030103:28
thefishsurfi_boi: try the pastebin ;)03:28
=== Qew [n=qew@82-69-126-225.dsl.in-addr.zen.co.uk] has joined #ubuntu
lupine_85ah, you're in luck if it's an ralink - they're very well supported03:29
JebJoyalupine_85, I guess that the "unknown device" is the issue?03:29
Fujitsufinalbeta: I doubt they will fade out...03:29
lupine_85edgy or dapper?03:29
JebJoyaoh, cool03:29
JebJoyadapper atm03:29
FujitsuKameli: depends, and that's a fairly silly question.03:29
JebJoyaedgy when i get internet ;)03:29
reiki_workNox_ville: I'm running a rather rare nVidia card apparently... a 6300gt model with 512MB and it works great. So yeah, your nVidia card will work fine.03:29
=== gilnim [n=gilnim@unaffiliated/gilnim] has joined #ubuntu
lupine_85ok. If you update to edgy, it will "just work"03:29
JebJoyacool :)03:29
lupine_85in the meantime, I still have a repo that does the same for dapper03:29
thefishsurfi_boi: ok and your username is thinkpol? if so, open a new console as thinkpol, and try "touch /home/o/test" and let me know the results03:29
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JebJoyaunfortunately, i have no connection to my laptop atm, i'll wait til i get home where i have wired internet03:30
=== cyphase remembers when none of the video cards he tried worked with 3D
JebJoyai was hoping that edge would just fix it :)03:30
FujitsuHi chplanet_03:30
cyphaseturns out I had a bad stick of memory03:30
gilnimdoes somebody know the little panel icon for xchat?03:30
lupine_85it fixes it pretty well :)03:30
=== rauble [n=andrew@pool-71-240-146-202.hrbgpa.east.verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu
Nox_villereiki: did you have any problems when first installing?03:30
lupine_85you also want to watch out for the package "rutilt" - it's not in quite yet, but when it becomes available, install it03:30
ppdhi. I have installed ubuntu edgy on my computer and I have the problem, that vim doesn't do the things I want it to when pressing e.g INSERT. it almost seems to me that I have a wrong keymap or something like that, but in normal gnome-terminal mode everything works fine03:30
JebJoyathe one major issue i have, lupine_85, is that my laptop can no longer load any new windows after i plug in the card :S03:30
lupine_85it's a GUI application to set up ralink cards - supports WEP, WPA, the whole nine yards03:31
JebJoyahard-reboot ahoy!03:31
surfi_boithefish: appeared just to process the command and goes to next line03:31
JebJoyaoh, cool :)03:31
reiki_workNox_ville: I don't honestly recall errors installing. I know it used teh nv driver by default and then I had to move up to the nVidia drivers03:31
Fujitsuppd, install the vim package. vim-tiny is included by default, which has fewer features.03:31
lupine_85JebJoya: the dapper drivers were a year out of date, and didn't play well with the kernel03:31
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Nox_villereiki_work: oh.. kewl03:31
surfi_boiohh and now in my dir there appears to be a test file03:31
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lupine_85trust me - it works :)03:31
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vorboteppd: The default vim installation is minimal. You can install a full non-graphical vim from wither the CD or the repositories.03:31
=== lupine_85 has one in his laptop upstairs
thefishsurfi_boi: you can write then, ls /home/o and you will see a new file called "test"03:31
JebJoyathat;s cool, thanks for that :)03:31
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Nox_villeOK: General Poll: Mark Shuttleworth has a tiny penis (message all responses via pvt message)03:32
surfi_boithefish: excellent :) i can see that so i can write to my new partition it seems03:32
ppdthank you Fujitsu and vorbote. what's the reason for not including it?!03:32
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gilnimdoes somebody know the little panel icon for xchat? I want get it back! - you could click on it and Xchat would disappear03:32
ubotuxchat: IRC client for X similar to AmIRC. In component universe, is optional. Version 2.6.1-0ubuntu2 (dapper), package size 254 kB, installed size 720 kB03:32
Fujitsuppd, vim is like 10MB or so, it's massive.03:32
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reiki_workwould it be worthwhile to upgrade from teh RC cd and then update from that point? Or would I be creating problems?03:33
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kitchegilnim: think it's in xchat preferences03:33
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Fujitsureiki_work: That will work fine.03:33
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thefishsurfi_boi: yay! just make sure its in /etc/fstab, and think about a different mountpoint (it does not have to be in /home for others to write to it03:33
surfi_boiexcellent so it appears i can write to my new directory :) thankyou so much thefish :)03:33
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surfi_boithefish:how do i make sure its in /etc/fstab03:33
surfi_boiand will it automount when i start linux03:33
reiki_workFujitsu: thanks... that'll be my contribution to conserving bandwidth since I just downloaded that iso a couple days ago :)03:33
=== Fujitsu runs off to bed.
thefishsurfi_boi: also, you will need to chmod ugo+rwx for others to be able to read write and execute from it03:33
tritiumgood night, Fujitsu03:34
Fujitsureiki_work: No problem, and thankyou for being considerate of the download servers :)03:34
FujitsuSee ya, tritium.03:34
FujitsuDragonfire1_: Failed.03:34
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thefishsurfi_boi: ok, you got me, i use vi, but its not very user friendly at first, cant remember the default editor for ubuntu, maybe gedit?03:34
gilnimkitche: it's not - i checked03:34
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Fujitsuthefish: Try nano; it's CLI based and simple.03:35
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Fujitsu(and installed by default)03:35
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Tschakaxchat-trayicon imho03:35
thefishsurfi_boi: there you go, sudo nano /etc/fstab03:35
thefishcheers Fujitsu03:35
Fujitsuthefish: No problem, that's what I'm here for :)03:35
NET||abusehi guys,, having trouble getting my screens right with nvidia beta driver.. i have 2 screens plugged in, one 15" and one 19"03:35
gilnimTschaka: thx03:35
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NET||abuseit's jumping onto the blasted 15" and not useing 19"03:35
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niksavelin the update howto is said I need to run sudo apt-get install kubuntu-desktop python-qt3 python-kde3 after dist-upgrade, but I get that kubuntu-desktop could not be installed because it has unmet dependencies03:36
Tschakagilnim sry, my bad: xchat-systray or xchat-systray-integration03:36
thefishsurfi_boi: once you have edited it, make sure you have the mount point directory ready (mkdir /mountpointnameyouchose), then sudo mount -a -o,remount03:36
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surfi_boithefish:and what exactly am i changing in the file03:36
niksaveldist-upgrade also said 39 not upgraded03:36
thefishsurfi_boi: look for /home/o and change it to /whateveryouchoose03:37
thefishsurfi_boi: obviously, change that ;)03:37
c0nfhello -03:37
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niksavelcan any1 help?03:37
Fujitsuniksavel: Ensure you run dist-upgrade twice.03:37
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UNDERsoNwhat size of DVD image Edgy Ubuntu?03:37
=== Fujitsu goes off to bed, for real now.
WooDIs there a big difference between Dapper and Edgy ?03:37
thefishniksavel: dont worry, its probably because of a dependancy that couldnt be solved right now, it will sort itself out03:37
FujitsuSee you all tomorrow, and happy Edgy day!03:37
Yancho|BNCdoes gcc come with ubuntu or i have to download it extra ?03:37
i386yay edgy03:37
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nashnashWhat is the matrix?03:37
FujitsuWooD: of course!03:37
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nashnashI Know Kongfu03:37
niksavelfujitsu: yes I ded03:37
FujitsuYancho|BNC: Extra. Install build-essential03:38
gilnimnashnash: ask Neo03:38
UNDERsoNwhat size of DVD image Edgy Ubuntu?03:38
thefishnashnash: i am not at liberty to answer that03:38
niksavelseveral times03:38
apokryphosWooD: yes, see the release notes03:38
Fujitsu!repeat | UNDERsoN03:38
ubotuUNDERsoN: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly, if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. You can search https://help.ubuntu.com or http://wiki.ubuntu.com while you wait. Also see !patience03:38
Fujitsuniksavel: Are they python packages?03:38
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ubotuUbuntu 6.10 (codenamed Edgy Eft) is the latest version of Ubuntu. To upgrade to Edgy, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/EdgyUpgrades To download Edgy: http://www.ubuntu.com/download03:38
ubotuThe people in this channel are volunteers. Your attitude will determine how fast you are helped. See also http://wiki.ubuntu.com/IrcGuidelines03:38
surfi_boithefish: and sorry how do i change the partition so it is automatically mounted on boot03:38
detText looks nicer in Edgy than Dapper.03:38
NET||abuseso does anyone know how to change which screen is default, i need to get a different screen as the one X loads up on03:38
thefishsurfi_boi: /etc/fstab does that - anything in there is automatically mounted03:39
humewhere do I place a script that unlocks my encrypted partitions, so it runs at login / boot, and asks me for a password? I have a simple shesscript for it, running dmcrypt03:39
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niksavelFujitsu: mostly yes03:39
Dimensionskitche: what shoujld i do now ... abt mysql.sock ?03:39
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cafuegohume: A script that contains the password?03:39
GeorgeHello can somebody help me please03:39
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humecafuego, no, that asks me for it03:39
thefishDimensions: its a socket for mysql, some apps communicate via it to mysql03:39
gnomefreak!helpme | George03:39
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ubotuGeorge: Don't ask to ask a question. Just ask your question :)03:39
GeorgeEdy Eft does it come with out of the box twinview aixgl?03:39
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kitcheDimensions: well you can do sudo updatedb && locate mysql.sock just to make sure it's not in a place that it shouldn't be03:39
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cafuegohume: Is the homedir encrypted or a different data partition?03:40
mario__I'm from Chile (southamerica) and I work in a local University, we want to create an official ubuntu mirror. We'd like to do some privates tests on it and after that open it to Internet03:40
humecafuego, a different partition, or really a loopback device03:40
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evai am trying to update with my cd but it dont work anyone knows what to do03:40
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JfrenchIs Edgy officially out yet?03:40
kitcheJfrench: yes03:40
FujitsuJfrench: yes, see the topic.03:40
apokryphosJfrench: /topic03:40
Yancho|BNCis there some way i can download the extra files which are available to download through the download manager pls ?03:40
mario__the questions is: can I do that with rsync or another tool?03:40
apokryphosmario__: Hi. Check the wiki page for instructions on becoming a mirror03:41
NET||abusehey guys,, canyone able to help me with controlling which monitor X loads up on?03:41
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about milks - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi03:41
cafuegohume: *nod* You could interface the script via zenity and run it via the gnome sessions/startup panel.03:41
NET||abusei've tried setting things in xorg.conf, now my screens don't power up :(03:41
JfrenchLoL iKnew i was gonna get spamed with that after i asked, i always forget03:41
cafuegomario__: debmirror basically, afaik.03:41
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GeorgeEdy Eft does it come with out of the box twinview aixgl? <-- Can somebody answer please?03:41
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Dimensionskitche:  the command does nothing ... its just gone doing nothing at all ...03:41
humecafuego, interface via zenity? how do I do that? got any instructions somwhere?03:42
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kitcheDimensions: it might not while it's updating the db03:42
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AdrianoGeorge: I don't think so03:42
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kitcheDimensions: anyways I have to go since I have English Class in the morning03:42
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humecafuego, i run KDE, but I guess KDEs autostart is equivalent03:42
cafuegohume: 'man zenity' :-)  it's *really* easy.03:42
GeorgeSo is it hard to set up xgl in Edgy Eft?03:42
kujaCan someone guide me as to how I can update my Ubuntu box at home, that does not have a net connection? I have access to a Windows box with an internet connection, but having this, how can I update my Ubuntu box at home (removable media)03:42
humecafuego, ok, i'll check03:42
pyranhathis may be an odd question....but is there any way to make ubuntu/linux be login free?  i.e. not have a login and password prompt and just login to the desktop?03:42
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FujitsuGeorge: not at all, but ask in #ubuntu-xgl03:42
cafuegohume: Yeah... just so you get prompted at login or somesuch.03:42
Dimensionsahhh kitche sure ... brof ... but what should i do after that command returns ?03:42
Fujitsupyranha: System->Administration->Login Screen03:42
niksavelBIG problems after upgrading to edgy03:42
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niksavelhelp please03:42
reiki_workkuja: topic has link for how to upgrade, and includes a CD method03:43
mikm[laptop] pyranha If you go to the login settings page (under system-> administration)03:43
Georgeok thank you Fujitsu03:43
Adrianopyranha: there's a way03:43
mikm[laptop] Bah,03:43
maxb_at_workIs there anyone using svnjavahl with eclipse in Edgy? I had it working in Dapper, but now it causes the VM to die.03:43
Adrianothat's the way03:43
niksavelpretty please03:43
kujareiki_work: No, I'm talking about upgrading my dapper with new packages, not the distribution.03:43
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niksaveldont have xorg, and it wont install03:43
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Tjoelshow do you install firefox 2? it's in a tar.gz file. Is it source?03:43
finalbetahow fast are the downloads going?03:44
FujitsuOK, attempting to go the bed for the third time now...03:44
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Adrianoniksavel: error messages?03:44
FujitsuTjoels: Don't attempt it on Dapper, pllllease.03:44
apokryphos'night Fujitsu :)03:44
AdrianoTjoels: it's already on edgy03:44
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mistajust installed 6.06 any point to update to 6.10?03:44
TjoelsFujitsu: why? cause theres only one day or so till edgy?03:44
raiXerit has gnome 2.16 and Upstart03:44
Adrianomista: maybe03:45
pyranhathe boot sequence is supposed to be way faster03:45
elkbuntuTjoels, edgy is actually out03:45
KameliHey, need i type gksu "update-manager -c" in tty2 with CTRL+ALT+F2 without X, or in gnome terminal?03:45
kofwangcan desktop install CD upgrades 6.06 to 6.10 using sudo apt-cdrom add and sudo apt-get update?03:45
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Tschakakameli in gonme terminal03:45
Tschakawith x started03:45
Adrianogksu won't work without X,  AFAIK03:45
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KameliTschaka: ok :)03:45
CarinArrwould update-manager work wihtout a gui?03:45
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Tjoelselkbuntu: eh, is it? :D wtf. can you do an upgrade install to keep all the programs and stuff?03:46
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mistahow do i make mplayer only open once each time i click on a video/music file?03:46
raiXerTjoels, yes03:46
gnomefreakCarinArr: no03:46
kofwangcan desktop install CD upgrades 6.06 to 6.10 using sudo apt-cdrom add and sudo apt-get update?03:46
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Tschakacarinarr i suppose you need to choose the apt-get distupgrade option then but dunno.03:46
UNDERsoNwhere can I download a DVD image not CD!03:46
gnomefreakkofwang: update than sudo apt-get dist-upgrade03:46
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evai like to change in my source file but i cant save it how do i so that03:46
Adrianoaargh. too confusing, too many repeated questions. Better be back when people calm down03:46
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reiki_workUNDERsoN: DVD images not available yet03:46
reiki_workor at least that's my understanding03:47
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TjoelsraiXer: great!03:47
UNDERsoNreiki_work and when it would be avalible?03:47
mistaok so i have a raid 0 (X2 80Gig drives how do mount it? ive read up on it and still cant work it out03:47
reiki_workUNDERsoN: maybe a few hours? I don't know03:47
gnomefreakUNDERsoN: hold on a sec03:47
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niksavelanyone got a minute to help me out with this edgy upgrade...  seems to have messed up my x, and I'll have to shut down soon and prolly wont be able to start the comp again.... :/03:48
lupine_85all that "don't update until we tell you to!", and there's absolutely no change between edgy 00:00BST and edgy release03:48
evai like to open a source file how do i do it03:48
evaand change in it03:48
gnomefreakUNDERsoN: http://cdimages.ubuntu.com/dvd/current/   is what people have been using03:48
reiki_workeva: you need to sudo to save the /etc/at-sources.list file03:48
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UNDERsoNgnomefreak Thank you!!03:48
davvs_how can i see how much disk space i have left on a disk from commandline?03:49
rwscoldhey ummm i cant boot the live cd not even in safe mode start of x fails blah blah no screens found or whatever03:49
evareiki_work sudo in the terminal window03:49
lupine_85df -h03:49
davvs_ok thanks lupine_8503:49
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niksavelsomebody who knows stuff please give me a minute of your time: :)03:49
lupine_85niksavel: what's it done?03:49
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reiki_workeva: in terminal sudo gedit /etc/aptsources.list03:50
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AlanHaggaiwhen I type gksu "update-manager -c"03:50
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Tjoelscan you update to edgy without dl'ing and burning a cd?03:50
rwscoldhey ummm i cant boot the live cd not even in safe mode start of x fails blah blah no screens found or whatever03:50
AlanHaggaito update my 6.06 to 6.1003:50
reiki_workI might have mistyped that. :)  going too fast03:50
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dabaRTjoels: yes.03:50
NET||abusei got a real problem, i've done somethign silly with xorg.conf, gdm start brings up X ok, but i've got nothing on the screen, it goes into power save mode??? anyone know what i can do here?03:50
KenSentMeHas Feisty been released yet :P03:50
ubotuUpgrading, please see the instructions on: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UpgradeNotes03:50
dooglushi guys.  I just tried using apt-get to update to edgy, but it complains that problems were encourtered while processing acpid and acpi-support.  What can I do?03:50
lupine_85in general, just make sure that you reinstall ubuntu-desktop (or kubuntu-desktop or whatever) before you restart, and you're fine03:50
AlanHaggaiIt says my system is already updated03:50
TjoelsdabaR, how?03:50
AlanHaggaiwhy so?03:50
yoshiznit123yay, edgy! :-P03:50
lupine_85Tjoels: like that :)03:51
mistaok so i have a raid 0 (X2 80Gig drives) how do mount it? ive read up on it and still cant work it out03:51
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dabaRTjoels: read this page https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UpgradeNotes03:51
yoshiznit123oh wait i've already been running it03:51
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daflatupgrading to edgy now03:51
Tjoelslupine_85: just "!update"? :D :D :D :D :P03:51
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dabaRAlanHaggai: sudo aptitude update, maybe03:51
daflatgonna take another 40 mins03:51
lupine_85heh, no. ubotu is meant to tell you about it03:51
TjoelsdabaR, thx03:51
cafuegomista: Load the modules, start mdadm and mound /dev/md003:51
AlanHaggaiwill try that03:51
_deb_AlanHaggai: do u have the edgy repositories in ur sources.list ?03:51
lupine_85https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UpgradeNotes is the link03:51
apokryphosFor upgrading, please read the instructions in the /topic03:51
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AlanHaggailet me check _deb_03:51
daflatmy laptop was a clean install...03:51
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mistaload wht modules?03:52
daflatthis old box is gonna be updated!03:52
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cafuegothe raid ones03:52
dabaRdaflat: stop sending irrelevant to us messages.03:52
cafuegoI'm assuming you nean kernel mode software raid.03:52
humecafuego, i'm fiddling with zenity, found out how to make a dialog asking for password, but how do I send that to the cryptsetup-command?03:52
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niksavel <niksavel>   xorg: Depends: libgl1-mesa-glx but it is not going to be installed03:52
_deb_AlanHaggai: if not just replace dapper with edgy and start a sudo apt-get upgrade or sudo apt-get dist-upgrade.03:52
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_lemsx1_daflat: Breezy --> cross fingers --> Edgy03:52
mistanope dont understand03:52
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asdx|workwill ubuntu shipt 6.10 cds someday?03:52
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apokryphos_lemsx1_: no, that will break03:52
cafuegohume: Store it in an env var in the script and pass it as option (orwecho it in)03:52
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lupine_85_lemsx1_: that will break *badly*03:53
lupine_85go through dapper03:53
cafuegomista: If you're using on-board software raid I can't help you.03:53
apokryphosEveryone: for upgrading, please read the instructions in the /topic03:53
_lemsx1_apokryphos: crossing your fingers?03:53
dabaRasdx|work: no http://shipit.ubuntu.com03:53
niksavellupine_85: help? :)03:53
cafuegoShort of advising you not to03:53
mistausing nforce 4 sata drives03:53
AlanHaggai_deb_ : 0 upgraded, 0 newly installed, 0 to remove and 0 not upgraded.03:53
humecafuego, sorry, not that good at scripts. how do I echo it in?03:53
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AlanHaggaithat's what I get :(03:53
cafuegomista: Yeah, "don't".03:53
apokryphos_lemsx1_: yes, skipping a version in a dist-upgrade is explicitly not supported.03:53
lupine_85!info libgl-mesa-glx edgy03:53
ubotuPackage libgl-mesa-glx does not exist in edgy03:53
nashnasheeh someone knows if the printer (deskjet) and my scanner (hp scanjet) will work @ ubuntu?03:53
lupine_85!info libgl1-mesa-glx edgy03:53
ubotulibgl1-mesa-glx: A free implementation of the OpenGL API -- GLX runtime. In component main, is optional. Version 6.5.1~20060817-0ubuntu3 (edgy), package size 164 kB, installed size 524 kB03:53
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humecafuego, cryptsetup <stuff> << zenity <stuff>?03:54
dabaRAlanHaggai: have you ever edited your sources.list?03:54
lupine_85niksavel: try installing that package directly03:54
_lemsx1_apokryphos: gotcha03:54
niksavelwhat does that mean?03:54
lupine_85means it's there :)03:54
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lukiGeez I did an upgrade and now my system drops me into console ...03:54
MattJnashnash, Your Deskjet certainly should03:54
lukiafter reboot03:54
lupine_85sudo apt-get install libgl1-mesa-glx03:54
lukidoes anyone have idea how to fix that easily ?  please03:54
lupine_85worst-case scenario, you'll find out *why* it's not updating03:54
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lupine_85luki: sudo apt-get install ubuntu-desktop03:54
dooglushi guys.  I just tried using apt-get to update to edgy, but it complains that problems were encourtered while processing acpid and acpi-support.  What can I do?03:54
MattJnashnash, HP printers work well in Ubuntu. I haven't tried my scanner yet03:54
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cafuegohume: $PASSWORD=$(zenity --entry --title Password --text "Please enter your password:")03:55
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cafuegohume: Then echo"$PASSWORD" | command that reads the password off stdin.03:55
MarcNnashnash: I have an hp 1515(?) printer/scanner/copier and works fine for scanning, printing03:55
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humecafuego, thanks, great!!03:55
AlanHaggainothing is working for me to update to 6.10 :(03:55
soundraydooglus: re-run apt-get dist-upgrade, then try apt-get -f install03:55
lupine_85don't forget to sudo apt-get update as well...03:56
dabaRAlanHaggai: gksudo gedit /etc/apt/sources.list, then post the file to paste.ubuntu-nl.org03:56
nashnashMarcN , and which program do u use for scanning ?03:56
=== RobHu waves at lupine_85
yoshiznit123when will edgy get to all the mirrors? i'd rather download from gulus.usherbrooke cause i can get 4 Mb/s03:56
=== lupine_85 hides some more
_lemsx1_AlanHaggai: then backup and re-install from CD03:56
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cafuegomista: nforce softraid is proprietary.03:56
nikinalan: make a fresh install03:56
lukilupine_85: Thanks it is doing that now03:56
=== RobHu activates giant neon signs that flash arrows at lupine_85
nikinthats allways the best :D03:56
dabaRdooglus: sudo dpkg --configure -a03:56
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mario__apokryphos: thanks!03:56
MarcNnashnash: there are a few -- kooka, xscan, etc03:56
detIs there any way to use the mplayer mozilla plug-in instead of the totem one? Removing totem-mozilla forces me to remove ubuntu-desktop, which I don't want to do.03:56
=== RobHu sends up signal flares above lupine_85
=== RobHu tags lupine_85 with a gps system
cafuegomista: The in-kernel softraid driver is 1) faster 2) more reliable03:56
evareiki_work thanks alot do you know how to install acrobat reader03:57
=== lupine_85 activates 1337 ninja ski11z
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nashnashah, nice. currently @ windows i use HP Imaging & editing \ HP Director - its own progs of the scanner, i got it with my cd03:57
kujaI want to put the Ubuntu repository of i386 packages on my iPod so I can upgrade at home. What's the easy way?03:57
lukilupine_85: Okey I got that installed what now ?03:57
=== MrRio wonders what is going on
nashnashi hoped there is the same for linux03:57
ehirdsoundray: well it installed, thank you03:57
dabaRdet: well, to remove the totem plugin for mozilla, you will have to remove ubuntu-desktop,, which is not a big deal, but remember to put it back on when upgrading to a new version.03:57
kujaI want all i386 packages from main, multiverse, restricted, and universe. How can I do this?03:57
=== RobHu activates the lupine_85 shaped beacon
yoshiznit123kuja, do you have to use an ipod? a cd or dvd would work a lot easier03:57
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lupine_85luki: sudo /etc/init.d/?dm reload03:57
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soundraydet: this was discussed here yesterday. Apparently the trick is to touch the mozilla *.so files, then they'll be used in preference.03:57
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detdabaR, I'd prefer to keep them both installed and then set a precedence.03:58
kujayoshiznit123: Well, if it were a CD, then I could create an image and put it on my iPod, take it home, and mount it.03:58
nikinkuja: sodo apt-get install *03:58
=== MrRio inserts the lupine_85 shaped beacon into ...
_deb_AlanHaggai: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/28434/03:58
detsoundray, thanks!03:58
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kujanikin: The box with remote capabilities is a Windows box.03:58
dabaRkuja: download the iso to the ipod, then install from the iso03:58
lukilupine_85: I acctualy restarted machine :/ - sorry I will give it a try in a sec03:58
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soundrayehird: I'm glad. Did you find what the snag was?03:58
kujadabaR: The ISO doesn't have the other pools like multivers and universe03:58
AlanHaggai _deb_  http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/28435/03:58
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niksavellupine_85: thanks that helped, I only have one prob... kubuntu-desktop wont install because ktorrent is not installed, trying to install it manually gives:03:58
Kawaii-Pandaoh, man. flash 9 doesnt seem to work on my 64-bit firefox 2 :(03:58
detsoundray, touch the mplayer mozilla files, I assume?03:58
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cafuegoKawaii-Panda: Nope.03:59
dabaRkuja: yes, it does not.03:59
ehirdsoundray: nope... it just worked03:59
kujadabaR: I want them.03:59
soundraydet: yes03:59
pyranhawhy is it if I try to remove ubuntu-sounds it wants to remove gdm and if I want to remove alsa it wants to remove ubuntu-minimal and ubuntu-base?03:59
niksavel trying to overwrite `/usr/share/config.kcfg/ktsearchplugin.kcfg', which is also in package ktorrent-2.003:59
ehirdmaybe because i deleted and readded the linux partition with ubuntu03:59
dooglussoundray, dabaR: I tried all 3 of your suggestions.  they all failed.  here's a log: http://s89213869.onlinehome.us/apt-get.txt03:59
Kawaii-Pandaanyway, im testing something called simple64 i found on the ubuntuforums.03:59
pyranhathese are not dependencies in other distros03:59
oleanyone have a fast link to > xubuntu-6.10-desktop-i386.iso <03:59
soundrayehird: well stranger things have happened...03:59
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Kawaii-Pandai hope it helps my situation.03:59
lupine_85niksavel: then remove ktorrent-2.003:59
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detsoundray, did the trick, thanks03:59
cafuegoKawaii-Panda: If you want flash, just run 32bit Linux. Much easier, and stuff "just works".03:59
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lukilupine_85: Okey I did that - now when I do /etc/init.d/gdm restart he fails to start :(03:59
nashnasheeh MarcN , kooka looks nice. http://www.tuxmachines.org/gallery/albums/pclos92f/kooka.jpg03:59
_deb_AlanHaggai: it's says dapper . u need to have edgy repositories in that .  check here http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/28434/04:00
cafuego(and no, it's not half as fast ;-)04:00
lupine_85luki: error message?04:00
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AlanHaggaiI see _deb_04:00
dabaRkuja: well, you will have to download them by hand then. You are not gonna download all of universe and multivers. you can find out what packages you have installd with sudo dpkg -l at home, and then download newest versions of all your packages at packages.ubuntu.com04:00
AlanHaggaithanks :) will try that04:00
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lupine_85check /var/log/Xorg.0.log04:00
mistaok i dl 6.06Live CD, and i a AMD 3200+ 939 should i update the ker?04:00
niksavellupine_85:  how?04:00
Kawaii-Pandacafuego: but that would be thinking backwards, if everyone used 32-bit, 64bit computing would never be propelled,04:00
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kujadabaR: That's a lot of packages to download by hand, even if I *knew* what needed to be upgraded.04:00
_deb_AlanHaggai: Just replace the source.list with the one you see in the pastbin .04:00
oleanyone have a fast link to > xubuntu-6.10-desktop-i386.iso < ? msg me.04:00
ehirdstill can't get my net working with it :/04:00
lupine_85sudo apt-get remove ktorrent-2.004:00
Kawaii-Pandathink about the next generation :-$04:01
niksavellupine_85:  no work04:01
AlanHaggaiok _deb_ done :)04:01
_lemsx1_ole: use torrent link04:01
lupine_85then sudo dpkg -r ktorrent-2.004:01
cafuegoKawaii-Panda: Well, _you_ want to run 32bit stuff.04:01
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kujaI have a script that can download all i386 packages from all pools at archive.ubuntu.com, but that would take a long time, even with threads.04:01
_deb_AlanHaggai: the do a sudo apt-get update followed by sudo apt-get upgrade .04:01
soundraydooglus: find out why the start of acpid fails. Watch the output from 'tail -f /var/log/syslog' while you do a '/etc/init.d/acpid start'04:01
kujaI was wondering if there was an image, maybe.04:01
cafuegoKawaii-Panda: You can either shoot yourself in the foot or not.04:01
_deb_AlanHaggai: the check if u can upgrade04:01
lukilupine_85: Nothing major in a logs ... :(04:01
yoshiznit123kuja, i think there's a dvd of main04:01
cafuegoKawaii-Panda: I share a homedir between a 32bit install and a 64bit install.04:01
AlanHaggaiok _deb_ thank you very much for the help :)04:01
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evaa good cd player for ubuntu that can play cd and dvd04:01
lupine_85there's going to be something...04:01
dabaRkuja: no04:01
lukilupine_85: nothing unusual I suppose04:01
lukichecking ...04:01
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nikinhy eva04:01
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lupine_85...in the lack of any good error messages, try a reboot04:02
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kujayoshiznit123: Main is small enough I can just grab it with my script in no time :(04:02
nikindid you managge the acrorread stuff?04:02
lukitrying now04:02
niksavellupine_85:  that worked, thanks a bunch m8!  you really helped me out04:02
acusterHey all, is there a way to install all the packages needed to compile a package?04:02
kujaI guess I'll just have to rely on this script then, to grab all pools04:02
_deb_AlanHaggai: u r w :)04:02
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lupine_85acuster: apt-get build-dep <package>04:02
Kawaii-Pandahmmm... i should consider dual-booting too though. anyway, is watching flash movies in your 64-bit system too much to ask?04:02
soundrayacuster: apt-get build-depends04:02
acusterthanks lupine_8504:02
lupine_85Kawaii-Panda: no, check the forum04:02
thoreauputicacuster:  apt-get build-dep04:02
lupine_85it's perfectly possible04:02
Kawaii-Panda* quadruple booting *04:02
soundrayacuster: oops, don't listen to me04:02
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dooglussoundray: syslog shows "Oct 26 16:02:27 chrislap kernel: [17183197.164000]  ibm_acpi: ec object not found"04:02
cafuegoKawaii-Panda: Ask the owners of the proprietary technology that is failing you >;-)04:02
nikinKawaii: ask macromedia04:02
mjrKawaii-Panda, no, but installing and using the proprietary flash plugin will require tweaking on your part04:02
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evanikin no i did not get it right04:03
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lupine_85it'll become even easier if Macromedia get round to releasing an x86_64 bit plugin04:03
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LeeJunFananyone know why screen "windowlist" might not be working?04:03
nikineva: get it from acrobat.com04:03
Kawaii-Pandahmm... i just read on the adobe website that they are developing flash 8.5 for 64-bit linux04:03
dooglussoundray: maybe if I reboot into the new kernel it'll work?04:03
cafuegoIt's become even easier if they GPLed the plugin.04:03
nikinthe tar.gz version04:03
soundraydooglus: okay, this is probably because you aren't running the new kernel yet.04:03
Kawaii-Pandathats odd, isnt flash 9 beta out already?04:03
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soundraydooglus: no, hold on...04:03
lukiJust found that : (EE) AIGLX: Screen 0 is not DRI capable - nothing else04:03
mjrcafuego, indeed04:03
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kujaApparently apt-zip is pretty useless on Windows too04:03
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lupine_85ok, that's the problem...04:03
nikinit has an easy to use installscript04:03
nikinand it works04:03
lukithat might be a reason ?04:03
lupine_85...turn off AIGLX ?04:03
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evanikin i did get the file from acrobat.com04:03
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lupine_85or enable the dri module04:04
mandelumcoul you update from breezy to edgy whitout a cd only net, floppy, usb and old an bios?04:04
dooglussoundray: I updated just a few weeks ago, so I'm probably running quite a recent edgy kernel04:04
lupine_85(or disable it if it is enableD)04:04
nikineva: you could not unpack it?04:04
bowmanheya. running 6.06.1 on a sever; where do I get kernel sources? I'm unable to find an appropriate package with apt04:04
lukihow to turn it off ?  I got DRI enabled - so maybe thats an issue with my graphics card04:04
cafuegoeva: acroread is packaged in multiverse, enable and use apt-get install.04:04
lupine_85it could also just be that the new video drivers/kernel modules haven't been loaded up yet04:04
dooglussoundray: uname -r tells me "2.6.17-10-generic"04:04
dabaRmandelum: upgrade to dapper first.04:04
lupine_85e.g. a restart would work04:04
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Chousukebowman: linux-source04:04
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soundraydooglus: other packages may still be in limbo. Better to force a success of the /var/lib/dpkg/info/acpid.postinst script by inserting 'exit 0' as the second line04:04
AlanHaggaiwhat to do to boot directly to tty?04:04
_deb_mandelum: sure. just add edgy repository and do a upgrade.04:04
cafuegobowman: linux-source-VERSION04:04
lukilupine_85: I did restar - nothing has changed04:04
_lemsx1_mandelum: sure. download all the new packages locally first. then use your floppy to boot to the installation04:04
dabaRmandelum: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/DapperUpgrades04:05
=== cafuego refuses to open the pod bay door
dooglussoundray: isn't that an ugly hack?04:05
lupine_85ah. try toggling your dri module's status, then04:05
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soundraydooglus: oh, so you already have rebooted. My previous line still applies. Force the success of the acpid install and complete your installation.04:05
evanikin i did unpack it what do i do then04:05
soundraydooglus: of course. Did you expect a clean solution on IRC?04:05
mandelumso I should go Breezy - dapper - edgy04:05
nikinstart the install program.. INSTALL04:05
apokryphosmandelum: yes04:05
_lemsx1_mandelum: ah, sorry. I assumed your system could not do "upgrade" by itself04:05
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rt2570LeeJunFan: how do you try to get the window list?04:06
W_McLAlanHaggai: go into the grub menu (e.g. by hitting esc) and select a "recovery mode" kernel04:06
cafuegoeva: acroread is packaged in multiverse, enable and use apt-get install.04:06
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lupine_85if that doesn't work, then check your video drivers are still installed; maybe try switching to the vesa driver temporarily; you could also try disabling AIGLX (not sure how)04:06
sneikasCan you update ubuntu system to the new one, just released?04:06
nikinopen a console04:06
=== Zoohouse [n=joel@adsl-10-234-23.mia.bellsouth.net] has joined #ubuntu
cafuegoeva: There is no need to mess about with downloaded tarballs.04:06
AlanHaggaithanks W_McL04:06
nikincd to the dir you extracted the stuff to04:06
W_McLAlanHaggai: the system wil boot into a root console04:06
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raghu206how to make beagle to search gaim IM cache ..?04:06
mandelumapokryphos: thanks!04:06
_deb_sneikas: sure.04:06
dabaRsneikas: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/EdgyUpgrades04:06
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ZoohouseHello everyone. What command can I use to unlock my packaging system? Reboot didn't help.04:06
AlanHaggaican I get to the GUI from that?04:06
LeeJunFanrt2570: I've got a remote setup to use screen as deflogin, in .screenrc for the user I have added windowlist -b, no luck.04:06
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cafuegoZoohouse: remove the lock file.04:07
nikinsudo bash04:07
olethe torrent for xubuntu is slow.04:07
sneikas_deb_, what's the difference between fresh and updated?04:07
olehasnt start downloaded yet.04:07
apokryphosnikin: no, to get into a root shell the recommended method is sudo -i04:07
Zoohousecafuego: where is this file located?04:07
LeeJunFanrt2570: all the other options in .screenrc are working, so I know it's parsing it.04:07
=== dexem [n=dani@131.Red-80-35-41.staticIP.rima-tde.net] has joined #ubuntu
soundraydooglus: it's not a very risky hack in any case. But to get around what is clearly a bug, you sometimes have to take unusual measures.04:07
nikinand answer yes to the default stuff04:07
Zoohousecafuego: or what is it called04:07
_lemsx1_Zoohouse: the lock file is in /var/cache/apt or so04:07
cafuegonikin: Please, don't make people do that for software that's IN ubuntu already.04:07
=== Elischa [n=rassihu@M3827P026.adsl.highway.telekom.at] has joined #ubuntu
ehirdwill Kubuntu Edgy include build-essentials etc.? ;)04:07
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dooglussoundray: it's worked anyway.  thanks.04:07
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nikinapokryphos: okok, sorry :D04:07
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apokryphosehird: I think it's on the disk, but not installed by default04:08
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sneikasWhat's the difference between fresh install of new Ubuntu and updated?04:08
cafuegonikin: eva can use apt-get install acroread after enabling multiverse.04:08
rt2570LeeJunFan: i get my window list with a appropriate hardstatus definition04:08
dooglussoundray: I was thinking it might be better to fix it so it works for everyone, not just me...04:08
=== DreamThief [n=mathias@p54A98045.dip0.t-ipconnect.de] has joined #ubuntu
oledoes anyone have xubuntu 6.10 with a fast link?04:08
ehirdapokryphos: looks like i'll be manually installing kde then04:08
oleor an url.04:08
sneikasWhat's the difference between fresh install of new Ubuntu and updated?04:08
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dooglusole: I expect the torrent is very fast04:08
nikincafuego: there where problems with the ubuntu version ...04:08
apokryphosehird: why?04:08
ehirdsneikas: ones updated, the other isn't04:08
soundraydooglus: when you've finished the install, undo the change to the postinst script and try to reproduce the error. If you can, report it.04:08
reiki_workok... too much activity here for me to keep open while at work. You guys are having too much fun. I'll upgrade from home later this weekend :)04:08
ehirdapokryphos: because i have to do ltos of compiling to get my modem to work04:08
cafuegonikin: such as?04:08
axisysit seems impossible to remove lighttpd pkg on edgy eft http://www.rafb.net/paste/results/qNfFOb11.html04:08
LeeJunFanrt2570: hrm, maybe it's something to do with it being the deflogin.04:08
sneikasehird, ehich way is better?04:08
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ehirdthus i can't just apt-get build-essentials etc04:08
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apokryphosehird: well, if it's on the CD all you have to do is exactly that, yes.04:09
dooglussoundray: I've removed my change.  what should I run to see if I can reproduce it?04:09
ehirdsneikas: do you want to upgrade your system or install it from scratch? :p04:09
schyffeI have an amd64 cpu, if I install ubuntu-amd64, will I be able to run all programs, or do I need to find specific 64-bit programs?04:09
soundraydooglus: it certainly would be. But it's better to do that once you've become unstuck.04:09
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soundraydooglus: 'sudo apt-get --reinstall install acpid'04:09
axisysneed help to remove lighttpd http://www.rafb.net/paste/results/qNfFOb11.html04:09
ehirdapokryphos: it needed more than build-essentials04:09
_deb_sneikas: Installing a fresh means installing Ubuntu edgy and upgrading means upgrading from a previos version to edgy04:09
sneikasi dont see difference, cuz i just installed old ubuntu04:09
apokryphosehird: what else does it need?04:09
AlanHaggaihow to forcibly quit an application?04:09
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nikinthe repo didnt work... but it wasnt my problem... bytheway if you are that much cooler than me, which can hapen... tell you what to do04:09
soundraydooglus: ideally after you've completed your remaining upgrades04:09
cafuegoschyffe: Most stuff will run, but you will have issues with java applets, flash and video codecs.04:09
=== hume_ [n=magnus@h179n3c1o1100.bredband.skanova.com] has joined #ubuntu
_deb_sneikas: u can upgrade it .04:09
pixelPOETAlanHaggai, "killall [appname] 04:09
cafuegonikin: <heh>04:09
dabaRsneikas: if you upgrade, your installation is intact in terms of apps you have for use, and if you reinstall, that means you lose all your installaed programs.04:10
schyffeallright, then I'll install the x8604:10
sneikas_deb_, any minuses what's wrong with upgrading?04:10
dooglussoundray: there were only 3 upgrades to do: 2 acpid ones and ubuntu-desktop04:10
rt2570LeeJunFan: i always start screen by hand04:10
cafuegoeva: Never mind the tarball, here is what you do.04:10
pixelPOETAlanHaggai, or you can use "ps -aux | grep appname" and then "kill -9 [process number] "04:10
nikincafuego: i didnt sleep for about 50 hours04:10
dooglussoundray: there are 36 packages 'kept back' - is that to be expected?04:10
_deb_sneikas: just add the edgy repository and do sudo apt-get update followed by sudo apt-get upgrade .04:10
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AlanHaggaiok pixelPOET. trying now04:10
rt2570LeeJunFan: wanna have my .screenrc? just for comparing to yours04:10
cafuegoeva: Download http://mirror2.ubuntulinux.nl/pool/dapper-seveas/extras/acroread_7.0.8-0.0_i386.deb04:10
onurxdoes new ubuntu(6.10) boot faster?04:10
LeeJunFanrt2570: yeah, this account I want to be able to pop in and see what's going on and also provide support and allow them to see what I'm doing.04:10
LjLonurx: yes04:11
AlanHaggaiit's the Software Updates that has hung04:11
nikinso i think i go...04:11
cafuegoeva: That's a completely packaged latest version; manageable by way of the package system.04:11
AlanHaggaihow to kill that?04:11
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soundraydooglus: that should go away if you run 'sudo apt-get dist-upgrade ; sudo apt-get -f install' a couple more times.04:11
LeeJunFanrt2570: so I want to make sure they are logged into screen all the time, so I can attach04:11
ehirdapokryphos: i don't know, but i know ubuntu can compile it and kubuntu can't ;)04:11
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rt2570LeeJunFan: okay04:11
evanikin after sudo bash i get this Desktop/AdobeReader# ./install04:11
soundraydooglus: if it doesn't, look at the individual packages that are held and decide whether you want to upgrade them individually04:11
cafuegoeva: nooo!04:11
LeeJunFanrt2570: thanks.04:11
dabaRAlanHaggai: killall update-manager04:11
apokryphoseva: you should be using sudo -i for an ubuntu root shell04:11
axisysAlanHaggai: may want to expand .. it may be waiting for an answer.. i thought so too04:11
nikineva: that was what i suggested04:12
rt2570LeeJunFan: got the file?04:12
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AlanHaggaiyes. Worked pixelPOET :)04:12
_deb_AlanHaggai: kill the upgrade process .04:12
Turiashello.  so im trying to upgrade my machine at home by sshing in and running 'sudo apt-get dist-upgrade' as mentioned in the release notes, but all thats telling me is that i have 0 packages to upgrade.  any ideas?04:12
onurxLjL:I use 6.06, is it good to upgrade or install new one?04:12
AlanHaggaithanks _deb_04:12
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cafuegoeva: you will _not_ be able to cleanly uninstall or upgrade it if you do that.04:12
LeeJunFanrt2570: yes. thanks.04:13
axisyshow do i uninstall lighttpd .. its stuck here http://www.rafb.net/paste/results/qNfFOb11.html (sorry about repeat question)04:13
LjLonurx: upgrading should be fine. it's your choice though04:13
dabaRTurias: did you change your sources.list?04:13
_deb_Turias: do u have edgy repositories added top sources.list ?04:13
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Turiasno.  im just following the instructions on the upgrade page.  is there a command to do that from the terminal or do i have to edit /etc/apt/sources.list manually?04:13
Kawaii-Pandadamned simple64, not detecting that i use 64-bit firefox.04:13
onurxLjL:I want faster boot , this is just I want, if I have this by upgrade than ok04:13
odilacomo estas edu04:13
LeeJunFanrt2570: I'm guessing it's a built in safety when screen is used as login shell to have it not leave it sitting at a menu for sake of not breaking scripts or something.04:13
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dabaRaxisys: try sudo invoke-rc.d lighttpd stop04:14
oleghi peeps04:14
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ubotuPara Espaol por favor usen #ubuntu-es, #kubuntu-es o #edubuntu-es, all obtendrn mas ayuda.04:14
_deb_Turias: follow this -->  https://help.ubuntu.com/community/EdgyUpgrades04:14
pyranhathe ubuntu dependency tree is WHACKED!04:14
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asdx|workubuntu wont shipit free cds anymore?04:14
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pyranhacompletely whacked04:14
axisysdabaR: invoke-rc.d: initscript lighttpd, action "stop" failed04:14
=== Zdra_ [n=zdra@146.185-247-81.adsl-dyn.isp.belgacom.be] has joined #ubuntu
natahola como estais04:14
dabaRasdx|work: yes, dapper is still being shipped04:14
rt2570LeeJunFan: yeah, maybe04:14
cafuegopyranha: Go fix it, don't just complain.04:14
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nata eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee04:14
_deb_asdx|work: is it true ?04:14
soundraypyranha: don't jump to conclusions04:14
LookTJbrb doing fresh install of edgy04:14
asdx|workdabaR: and edgy?04:14
Turias_deb_: I'll take a look at that.  thanks04:14
DimensionsHiya guys ... can some one tell me ... i have installed mysql , php and apache ... when i try to run mysql it says ......... Can't connect to local MySQL server through socket '/var/run/mysqld/mysqld.sock04:14
_deb_asdx|work: they rejected my last order :(04:14
dabaRasdx|work: not edgy.04:15
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cafuegoDimensions: tip; the mysql server isn't running.04:15
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Dimensionsand therz no mysqld.sock ...04:15
asdx|worktoo bad, that was a nice feature... :/04:15
dabaRDimensions: sudo invoke-rc.d mysql start04:15
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LjLonurx, upgrading will give you all the benefits of edgy, including faster boot. however, if you have a particularly slow boot due to daemons that are started up at boottime (which you may have installed from packages), those will stay, and would have to be removed using APT if they are not needed.04:15
soundrayDimensions: try 'sudo /etc/init.d/mysql start'04:15
Dimensionscafuego: how do u run it ?04:15
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rt2570axisys: you could also try thttpd04:15
pyranhamaybe I should try edgy before I condemn ubuntu to the depths of almost unusable04:15
dabaRasdx|work: you can order dapper, and not edgy cds.04:15
elkbuntuasdx|work, shipit will be continuing with the dapper cds to make the most of the extended life and better stability04:15
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dabaRpyranha: stop flaming04:16
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dooglussoundray: here's what happened when I ran your commands: http://s89213869.onlinehome.us/apt-get-2.txt (ie. pretty much nothing - the same packages are 'held')04:16
soundraypyranha: maybe you should report your problem and ask for help04:16
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cafuegodabaR: He's not. That's trolling.04:16
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dabaRcafuego: hehe, it's a matter of degree04:16
=== cyphase is about to install edgy
pyranhaI am doing neither....04:17
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cafuegopyranha: If you hate it, remove it and go back to what you were using before.04:17
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dabaRpyranha: it is in the eye of the beholder, so yes, you are04:17
soundraypyranha: then you're in the wrong channel.04:17
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cafuegoComplaining about it here is only going to cause grief and annoyance. Not useful.04:17
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lukilupine_85: Nothing helps04:18
ScreaminIkelets say i have a partition which is... less that admirably maintained. as a result, it gets checked at EVERY boot.  to be honest, it's not that important to me. if the partition starts giving me issues, i'll e2fsck it... until then, though... is there a way to prevent checking of anything but the root partition at boot?04:18
kujaAnyone know of a debmirror like tool for Windows?04:18
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jbroomeScreaminIke: you set that it /etc/fstab04:19
dabaRkuja: does google?04:19
soundrayScreaminIke: why not e2fsck now and be done with it?04:19
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GTAiafternoon everyone.04:19
cafuegokuja: Like, a tool to mirror a windows repository?04:19
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kujadabaR: There was one link, but it's dead. Everything else, nothing knows.04:19
ppdhello. is it just for me that the gnome wastebin in the panel appears always empty not caring whether it's full or not?04:19
ppdon edgy04:19
=== cafuego hands elkbuntu the spikes club
Turiasso i keep reading about apt-get vs aptitude, but i havent really found any helpful pages.  can anyone point me to some place that talks about the differences (if there are any) of using each of them?04:19
kujacafuego: No, a tool on Windows which can mirror an Ubuntu repository.04:19
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yoshiznit123screaminmike, change /etc/fstab, the last column i think sets whether to check on boot or not04:20
soundrayTurias: aptitude is a curses-based frontend to apt-get. Nothing more, nothing less.04:20
cafuegokuja: debmirror probably runs fine in cygwin.04:20
kujasoundray: Doesn't have to be used that way though.04:20
Frederickfolks can I update my kubuntu to edgy partially I mean just some given packages?04:20
Turiassoundray: ok, thanks.  so there is absolutely no difference to running 'aptitude upgrade' and 'apt-get upgrade'?04:20
kujacafuego: I guess I'll try to build it in cygwin04:20
soundraykuja: okay, tell Turias about it.04:20
dabaRsoundray: nice technological difference...that is not a different in usability, and one exists.04:20
cafuegokuja: if not, rsycn sure does.04:21
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cafuegokuja: ... and/or winrsync.04:21
jribTurias: aptitude handles remembers what dependencies get installed for packages you install with it and will remove them if you no longer need it.  Also, aptitude's default behavior is to install recommended packages.  And aptitude has an ncurses interface (as well as straight command line)04:21
jribTurias: s/handles//04:21
kujacafuego: Yeah, but what I really want out of debmirror is the features of downloading an entire repository based on arch and section04:21
kujaThe official CD/DVD only has main/restricted, where I may want multiverse/universe04:21
=== cafuego nods
ScreaminIkei'm not sure that e2fsck would actually fix it, and i don't want to go through the hassle04:21
cafuegokuja: I'm 100% sure it runs in Ubuntu under vmware on Windows ;-)04:21
kujaI'll try building debmirror though, on cygwin04:21
=== ebola is now known as freebsd_fan
evathanks all now it is working04:22
kujacafuego: It'd take time just to grab the ubuntu ISO, then grab the repository04:22
Turiasjrib: hmm. that makes sense.  so it seems like I should usually use aptitude over apt-get when performing any installs of packages with dependencies04:22
kujaI should really carry around vmware and ubuntu on my iPod04:22
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=== cafuego needs to be asleep
kujaI don't trust CD's anymore... scratch to easily for me... I'm not caring of them04:22
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ehirdkuja: you can boot from your ipod?:p04:23
xica-hipcomo esta todo el mundo04:23
jribTurias: yes, well that is what I always do.  Only time I install with apt-get is if aptitude makes some crazy suggestion to resolve problems, but it always shows you what it wants to do beforehand04:23
elkbuntu!es | xica-hip04:23
ubotuxica-hip: Para Espaol por favor usen #ubuntu-es, #kubuntu-es o #edubuntu-es, all obtendrn mas ayuda.04:23
kujaehird: I wouild, if I could do that without screwing up Apple's firmware04:23
soundrayScreaminIke: 'sudo touch /fastboot'. But this is not recommended. It's the kind of trick that got you into the mess with that permanently dirty filesystem. Just run e2fsck -y -- no hassle.04:23
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ehirdkuja: you know that itunes can restore your ipods firmware? :)04:23
Turiasjrib: great.  thanks for your help.04:23
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ehirdjust keep your music backed up ;)04:23
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kujaehird: But I don't want to have to do that all the time :)04:23
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kujaEverything seems to be a hassle04:24
ehirdkuja: try rockbox ;) http://rockbox.org04:24
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kujaI should've gotten the 80GB iPod :P04:24
ehirdmuch nicer than apple's firmware04:24
ScreaminIkeit's given me a hassle on this partition before...04:24
mandelumhow do I check for wifi access points in breezy?04:24
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soundrayScreaminIke: in that case, consider buying a new hard disk.04:24
kujaehird: How is it "nicer"?04:24
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Dimensionsthanks guys ... but now when i try to login into mysql console ... by typing mysqladmin -u root ... it doesn't login rather shows long description ... when i change user to root and then type mysqladmin -u root mypassword it says : : connect to server at 'localhost' failed error: 'Access denied for user 'root'@'localhost' (using password: NO)'04:25
ScreaminIkei'm a poor college kid. no $$. i will though. hopefully @ xmas time04:25
asdx|workis possible to upgrade from dapper to edgy?04:25
ehirdkuja: gapless playback, open source (so you could make it bootable), customizable interface, you can browse via directory tree, replaygain, lots more formats, ...04:25
LjL!upgrade | asdx|work04:25
ubotuasdx|work: Upgrading, please see the instructions on: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UpgradeNotes04:25
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dooglusasdx|work: see the URL in the topic.  (short answer: "yes")04:25
ScreaminIkeasdx|work: yes. sudo update-manager -d -c04:25
Bitt[asdx|work]  yes04:25
jribTurias: another thing I forgot was aptitude's search is much more powerful than apt-cache search.  Checkout /usr/share/doc/aptitude, there is a page there with all the details about the search04:25
=== Vuen [n=Vuen@bas9-ottawa23-1088816836.dsl.bell.ca] has joined #ubuntu
kujaasdx|work: I guess you could change your sources.list to point to edgy repositories, run an apt-get update, then apt-get dist-upgrade04:25
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Frederickdooglus: do I have to update all packages at once?04:25
CarinArrupdate-manager -c works now04:26
Turiasjrib: will do.  thanks.04:26
LjLScreaminIke: no. the "-d" is only needed for upgrading to unstable versions04:26
dooglusFrederick: no.  you can install one at a time if you have enough patience.04:26
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kujaehird: I like iPod Linux, but it's just not mature enough yet... I really wanted to use it to play games on my iPod. I'll give Rockbox a try04:26
t0taln00bhi all04:26
chplanet_Where do you start when you want to set up a software raid 1 and that you already have a HD with ubuntu dapper installed on it?04:26
Frederickdooglus: I mean I don't want a break my ubuntu install04:26
jribTurias: np04:26
t0taln00bhowdy :)04:26
dooglusFrederick: I'd recommend letting apt-get do its thing though04:26
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Vuenwhat's up #ubuntu, what would be a good fully-featured torrent client for kubuntu? specifically i'm looking for magnet support, dht support, that sort of thing04:26
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ScreaminIkeoh. i used it when i updated my server last night. good to know.04:26
deonlathefish i would like to thank you for all the help -- fixed my problem, it was the dns ip that was wrong.04:26
nata-hippor ke todo me sale en ingles tio04:26
Frederickdooglus: all i want is the new kernel,04:26
LjL!es | nata-hip04:27
ubotunata-hip: Para Espaol por favor usen #ubuntu-es, #kubuntu-es o #edubuntu-es, all obtendrn mas ayuda.04:27
dooglusVuen: azureus is the only fully-featured torrent client for linux I think04:27
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soundraykuja, ehird: please ask yourselves whether the rockbox/ipod discussion is on-topic. There's always #ubuntu-offtopic04:27
dooglusFrederick: that's probably not recommended.04:27
Vueni've been using azureus, but it's incredibly slow in java and vfat :(04:27
FrederickVuen: Ktorrent04:27
Frederickdooglus: why?04:27
VuenFrederick: ktorrent doesn't have any of those features04:27
ScreaminIkeoh... editing my fstab... do i set the last column for the above mentioned drive to "0"?04:27
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Vuenit has things like file prioritization... but as far as connectivity goes, it's nothing like azureus04:27
Vuenso am i stuck with azureus? :(04:27
dooglusVuen: I use it with vfat and it's fine.  did you set the 'I'm using VFAT' checkbox?04:27
Frederickdooglus: can't I apt-get install the new kernel and apt handles the deps?04:27
soundrayFrederick: the new kernel depends on all sorts of userspace stuff as well. udev, libc... don't know what. Do a full upgrade.04:27
=== CheekyBoinc is now known as Cheeky[off]
Vuenit works with vfat fine, it's just slow04:28
Vuenreally slow04:28
Fredericksoundray: sure but I tought that if I update it the deps would be handled by apt04:28
dooglusVuen: it's not slow with vfat for me.  and if you use the console interface you'll find it's faster (if memory is what's constraining you)04:28
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dooglusVuen: how slow is slow?  I get around 400 or 500KB/s04:29
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t0taln00bheh it's so much pleasure that ubuntu edgy finally released :)04:29
Vuenconsole interface? that's pretty nifty04:29
ScreaminIkeor... could someone hold my hand with e2fsck?04:29
Vuenit's not the speeds that are slow04:29
Vuenit's the interface04:29
=== gnomefreak [n=gnomefre@adsl-221-42-159.rmo.bellsouth.net] has joined #ubuntu
Vuenand doing thinks like rechecking a torrent...04:29
Vuenfor some reason azureus doesn't shut down nicely when i log out04:29
soundrayFrederick: yes, they would be. But since you then have a hybrid system between dapper and edgy, there is no guarantee that it'll work. What's the problem with upgrading all the way?04:29
rt2570ScreaminIke: can you unmount the partition in question while running the system?04:29
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davidwinteris anyone having issues with Edgy + AMD64?04:29
Vuenso when i log back in, it has to always recheck the torrent04:29
dooglusVuen: right.  the interface gets slow when the process gets bigger than available RAM.  it is very bloated.04:29
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elkbuntut0taln00b, what do you mean finally? it released on time.04:30
Vuenand for a torrent of even a couple gigs, it completely stalls my machine for several minutes04:30
NET||abusehaha, this is weird, i've got twinview working, i have the screen physical layout right, windows maximize just to the one screen at a time, but.....04:30
davidwinterX won't start for me (I was expecting this) but I don't even get the text login screen appear. Just a blank screen with an underscore blinking...04:30
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NET||abusethe menu and task bar are on the wrong screen,04:30
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CarinArrelkbuntu, mebbies he feels it's finally because he's been looking forward to it THAT much04:30
dooglusVuen: I think you'll find it's not rechecking the whole torrent is it?  It's just checking the parts it downloaded last time but didn't get around to checking yet.04:30
Vuenif only it shut down properly when i logged out, i could handle it04:30
ScreaminIkert2570 it's my home partition... so... no04:30
Vuenyes, i noticed that since the new version (2.5 or whatever) it doesn't have to recheck the whole thing04:30
axisysrt2570: how do i remove the lighttpd tho? ever since i upgraded to edgy i have the update icon on top because it says lighttpd update available.. but i cannot remove it.. i tried dpkg with diff options04:30
Vuenstill, sometimes i need to recheck the whole thing04:30
KiraHas anybody tested 6.10 on MacBook Pro yet? =P04:30
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LeeJunFanreading about upstart now, so it (by default) uses some other means than rc*.d scripts to start services?04:31
soundraydooglus: have you been able to reproduce the acpid package problem?04:31
rt2570ScreaminIke: you can only use fsck on an unmounted filesystem04:31
Wandererblah, source-o-matic doesn'thave edge yet :<04:31
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dooglusVuen: I run it using the console interface, inside dtach.  so it keeps running after I log out.04:31
Vuenfor example, if i'm downloading a big (30gig) torrent, and i use some of the files and then delete them to download the rest, i gotta recheck everything04:31
dooglussoundray: no, it doesn't seem to be reproducible.04:31
Vuendooglus: does it keep running when you shut off the computer? :/04:31
rt2570ScreaminIke: so you have to reboot with a live cd or in single user mode04:31
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ScreaminIkeso if i were to boot edgy live... that would work out?04:31
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LeeJunFanokay, just found that part.04:31
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dooglusVuen: only if it's running on a different computer.04:31
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Vueni'm in college, i don't have the money for a dedicated torrent box04:32
Vuenthat's not exactly a common or realistic scenario04:32
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dooglusit doesn't have to be dedicated.  you can use your regular machine.04:32
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CarinArrer.. how would something keep running on your own computer when you shut the computer down anyway04:33
axisyshow do i force uninstall lighttpd.. until i remove it the top right corner update icon won't go away04:33
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phargleCarinArr: pfm04:33
VuenCarinArr: it doesn't. that's my point, i shut down my computer three or four times a week04:33
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rt2570axisys: sudo apt-get remove lighttpd  does not work?04:34
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wikijeffIs anyone else in north america having trouble accessing the edgy download?04:34
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petterncan i upgrade from dapper to edgy without reinstalling?04:34
CarinArrvuen, scrolled back up and reread it and now it makes sense;)04:34
axisysrt2570: nawp.. it failed http://www.rafb.net/paste/results/fJw7JY57.html04:35
timhaughtonA friend is getting an error "Cannot calculate upgrade" when trying to move to Edgy from Dapper. Anyone know what might cause this?04:35
JfrenchCan some one explain what GTK+2 Themes are, Do I need to install anything to use thoses themes. I want to install some of the GTK+2 themes that i have been looking at on Gnome look.org04:35
CarinArryou wouldn't think it'd be that difficult to add that sort of functionality04:35
apokryphospettern: yes, see the channel topic04:35
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doogluswikijeff: I think the north american version is stuck at the border being fingerprinted.04:35
czambranpettern you can by running sudo update-manager -c -d, but If I were you I would backup my current system04:35
axisysrt2570: it seems almost impossible to get rid of lighttpd04:35
vzorichi can someone tell me is it possible to install ubuntu with desktop image?04:35
apokryphosczambran: -d isn't needed, as edgy is no longer the development version04:35
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apokryphosvzoric: what?04:35
GnarusLeohi, I have successfully installed new wireless drivers for my ISL3886 card using ndiswrapper. I have now a eth1 wich "dhclient eth1" gives me a IP! But I cant ping anything ... not even the gateway. What could possibly be wrong?04:36
czambranapokryphos thanks04:36
rt2570axisys: sorry, don't know04:36
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vzoricapokryphos, Desktop CD can i install ubuntu edgy with this image?04:36
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apokryphosvzoric: yes, that is a live + installer CD04:36
Vuenvzoric: yep04:36
Vuenthat's the official cd, basically the normal consumer install/live desktop cd04:36
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axisysi need a backhoe to get rid of lighttpd04:37
petternczambran: any simple way to make a backup?04:37
ehirdcould anyone help with this? http://www.ubuntuforums.org/showpost.php?p=1666205&postcount=6604:37
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dooglusVuen: I've heard that utorrent works well in wine if you want to try that.04:37
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livingdaylightTHE EAGLE HAS LANDED!!!04:37
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Vuenmmm, i suppose...04:37
appleseedhello there ...04:37
axisysanyone expert in removing a pkg that dont want to removed using dpkg04:37
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appleseedsorry to be such an ugly person but I am here only for your expertise :P04:38
axisysi cannot remove lighttpd for the love of god04:38
Ranbeehi, i've been looking for edgy screenshots and a good review to post on a forum, does anyone know where i can find that?04:38
axisystried pretty much everything04:38
apokryphosaxisys: what's the error?04:38
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rt2570axisys: are there files /var/lib/dpkg/info/lightthp*  ?04:38
apokryphosRanbee: check the /topic04:38
axisysapokryphos: http://www.rafb.net/paste/results/fJw7JY57.html04:38
appleseedfew minutes ago I got the soul ;) and installed Ubuntu 6.10 on my Windows (bliah) system ...04:38
haffeHello. I'm having some trouble (Kubuntu 6.10). When I try to print I get the error /usr/lib/cups/backend/ipp failed.04:38
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haffeWhat should I do about it?04:38
apokryphoshaffe: #kubuntu04:38
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czambranpettern download the package sbackup04:38
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axisysrt2570: ls: /var/lib/dpkg/info/lightthp*: No such file or directory04:39
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apokryphosaxisys: try using some force options -- man apt-get04:39
appleseedhowever the install crashed on "automated" partition thing and now I cannot boot my system04:39
dooglusaxisys: http, not htthp?04:39
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appleseedwhat should I do? plz help me I am typing this from my old Mac  system :P04:39
axisysi have the update icon (orange one) for lighttpd.. but i can't update nor can i remove04:39
axisysdooglus: lighttpd04:39
appleseedmany thanks in advance04:39
davvsi started a graphical program on a remote host with ssh -X that i need to keep running. how can i change it so that it wont be killed if i restart this computer?04:40
GnarusLeohi, I have successfully installed new wireless drivers for my ISL3886 card using ndiswrapper. I have now a eth1 wich "dhclient eth1" gives me a IP! But I cant ping anything ... not even the gateway. What could possibly be wrong?04:40
rt2570axisys: that is the problem. it is already uninstalled. but somehow apt thinks it isn't. tried "sudo apt-get autoremove" already?04:40
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axisysapokryphos: i think i did try force..04:40
sidny4in my /etc/fstab I have ro,auto,user,fmask=0111,dmask=0000 for my NTFS partition but I can't access it, I can as root though04:40
apokryphosdavvs: it doesn't work with all applications, but try ctrl+z04:40
axisysrt2570: no.. let me try04:40
dooglusaxisys: ok.  not what you told him to type, anyway :)04:40
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sandy16any body has idea how to capture the ram streaming i.e rtsp protocol04:40
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davvsapokryphos, to pause it in the terminal?04:41
appleseedanyone to help my poor soul?04:41
apokryphossidny4: you have to mount it as user, not root04:41
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appleseedI REALLY want to try Ubuntu :D04:41
apokryphosdavvs: you want to pause it?04:41
ScreaminIkenow in a live session... running e2fsck gets me this: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/28442/04:41
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axisysrt2570: that faild too http://www.rafb.net/paste/results/FBcxKJ55.html04:41
dooglusappleseed: can you still boot from the C?D04:41
haffeWhat command should I use to reinstall an already installed package?04:41
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boink!tell appleseed about ask04:41
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davvsapokryphos, no, i want it to keep running even if i shut down the shell04:41
dooglushaffe: sudo apt-get --reinstall install <package>04:41
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sidny4apokryphos, how do you mean, shouldn't haveing that in /etc/fstab take care of that?04:41
appleseedtrouble is that I cannot start windows (bliah:P) either04:41
apokryphosappleseed: only thing I can recommend is trying to install through the alternate CD04:41
haffedooglus: Thanks.04:42
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axisysdooglus: i tried several options to get rid of lighttpd04:42
apokryphosdavvs: yes, on many apps that will work. Not all though.04:42
Vuengah, utorrent doesn't support magnet links either.04:42
Ranbeeapokryphos: thanks, but there are no screenshots in the topic?? no reviews either. thanks anyway, i'll keep searching :)04:42
gh0sthello, can i safely delete the content of /tmp?04:42
axisysapokryphos: let me man apt-get.. i thought i tried force04:42
Vuenlooks like i'm stuck with azureus for those hard-to-download files :(04:42
appleseedand if install will crash on the automatic partitioning what should I do?04:42
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apokryphossidny4: nope, user option is only so that users can mount. If root mounts however, users can't edit in there04:42
dooglusVuen: oh really?  I've not played with it much.04:42
smile2mehow do i make a user execute a file at login? In centos i used .bash_profile, what about in ubuntu?04:42
ScreaminIkegh0st, i don't know for sure, but i do it all the time ;)04:42
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apokryphosRanbee: there's zilliosn of reviews on Google. Release notes in the topic though04:42
tonyyserversmile2me: The same file exists04:42
gh0stand how to clean/empty apt-get cache04:42
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W_McLsidny4: add the options uid=<your user id>, gid=<your group id>04:42
ScreaminIkeapt-get clean04:43
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apokryphossmile2me: any .profile* file in ~ should be fine04:43
axisysapokryphos: i dont see any force option in man apt-get04:43
dooglussmile2me: .bash_profile is used when a login shell is created, but most users never create a login shell04:43
rt2570axisys: your whole pkg database seems f**ked up. did you use automatix before?04:43
davvsapokryphos, so how do i know if i can disconnect without loosing the window?04:43
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apokryphosdavvs: ssh through another window, and see if it's still running04:43
apokryphosaxisys: dpkg, even.04:43
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axisysapokryphos: yes i definite tried force w/ dpkg04:44
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apokryphosaxisys: and what did you get?04:44
ScreaminIke... sorry. used to playing mud's... that command is now obsolete *eyes the room list*04:44
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chplanet_How does one set up a TV OUT on a ATI 9200 graphic card?04:44
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gh0stwhen will edgy eft be released?04:44
deonlaahoy xgl when i login to my xgl wm i just get a blue screen, anybody know of a site ir location with some good info on xgl?04:44
appleseed@apokryphos mate ... sorry to bust your chops ... what should I do?04:44
apokryphosgh0st: topic04:44
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axisysapokryphos: let me run it again.. did not save it04:44
c0nf[17:44:50]  <gh0st> when will edgy eft be released? -> released04:44
LjL!edgy | gh0st04:44
ubotugh0st: Ubuntu 6.10 (codenamed Edgy Eft) is the latest version of Ubuntu. To upgrade to Edgy, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/EdgyUpgrades  -  To download Edgy: http://www.ubuntu.com/download (please use BitTorrent if you can!)04:44
exhale-i installed compiz, how do i enable all the features? :)04:45
apokryphosappleseed: highlight me when speaking, otherwise I might miss you :)04:45
dooglussmile2me: you can try ~/.gnomerc - that's used if the user logs in to GNOME.  I don't think there's any way to do it in general though.04:45
asdx|workis beryl in the repos?04:45
appleseedhehe REALLY thanks mate:)04:45
rt2570axisys: if you used automatix, support stops right here04:45
exhale-asdx|work: no04:45
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apokryphosappleseed: you can use TAB for autocompletion of nicks in IRC04:45
asdx|workexhale-: is the nvidia 9625 drivers there?04:46
appleseedapokryphos: u rule!04:46
axisysapokryphos: http://www.rafb.net/paste/results/r6Ih7q42.html04:46
deonlaahoy xgl when i login to my xgl wm i just get a blue screen, anybody know of a site ir location with some good info on xgl?04:46
apokryphosappleseed: so yeah, let me know how it goes with the alternate CD04:46
appleseedapokryphos: respect!04:46
exhale-asdx|work: not shure what version..04:46
appleseedapokryphos: thanks imba mate! bye for now :D04:46
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gh0stdo i need ubuntu-desktop for "gksu "update-manager -c" ?04:46
apokryphosaxisys: ps aux|grep lighttpd ?04:46
apokryphosgh0st: it should take care of installing it, first.04:46
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gh0stapokryphos: so nothing to worry about?04:47
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ScreaminIkegh0st: yea. update-manager is a gui04:47
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gh0stwill it also take care that my home folder is on a Separated partition?04:47
asdx|workI love this bug. https://launchpad.net/distros/ubuntu/+bug/104:47
apokryphosnot at all04:47
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axisysapokryphos: none04:47
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asdx|workI hope it will eventually get fixed :)04:48
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gh0stwill it also take care that my home folder is on a Separated partition?04:48
ScreaminIkegh0st, i suggest that you make sure that that is your current configuration. if not, edgy won't change a thing. if it is... well... it still won't change it04:48
ScreaminIkewait a bit for answers, gh0st, we're all very bz ;)04:48
apokryphosaxisys: curious. Seems like a mucked up package; what about ls /etc/init.d/|grep lightt ?04:48
ehirdasdx|work: that bug prevents me from upgrading! :P04:48
axisysapokryphos: let me check04:48
gh0stwhat and what with the extra repos i added? should i remove them? and basically, will something be changed in my config files? did anyone tested it?04:49
deonlawhere can i get a good xgl how to?04:49
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axisysapokryphos: its there in init.d04:49
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kevini need a good xgl how too also04:49
axisyskevin: #ubuntu-xgl04:49
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apokryphosaxisys: is that an ubuntu package from the repositories?04:49
ScreaminIkeby the by... can i get some more hand-holding on my e2fsck. it tells me that it thinks the partition isn't really ext2, or that the superblock is corrupt. i KNOW it's ext2... so... how do i edit/change the superblock?04:49
FlatsI installed an old scsi hard drive today if I go to device manager it sees the scsi card and make and model of drive just fine but I don't see it in my places folders.  I see my USB flashdrive, CD and regular hard drive and floppy but no scsi04:49
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Flatsany ideas04:49
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W_McLFlats: is the drive formatted and mounted?04:50
axisysapokryphos: i downloaed the ubuntu pkg from lighttpd website for dapper few months ago04:50
axisysapokryphos: let me send u the link04:50
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axisysapokryphos: http://packages.ubuntu.com/cgi-bin/download.pl?arch=i386&file=pool%2Funiverse%2Fl%2Flighttpd%2Flighttpd_1.4.11-3ubuntu3_i386.deb&md5sum=d6fe7e57e57c88b8f9009794d39b7aac&arch=i386&type=main04:50
FlatsI believe mounted is the question.  I guess it didnt auto mount?04:51
Flatshow can i tell04:51
desertfishhey, all.  Is there a file containing the version of ubuntu installed?04:51
Flatshelp about04:51
apokryphosdesertfish: cat /etc/issue04:51
desertfishah!  thanks04:51
apokryphosaxisys: hm, curious. You should file a bug report.04:51
ubotuPlease read the channel topic whenever you enter, as it contains important information. To view it at any time after joining, simply type /topic04:51
W_McLFlats, type mount in a terminal and look which devices are listed04:51
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axisysapokryphos: w/ lighttpd or ubuntu04:52
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dooglusI can't install ubuntu-desktop: it depends on nautilus-sendto, which depends on gaim<1:3.0 but gaim2:2.0 is installed.  what's up with that?04:52
apokryphosaxisys: ubuntu, so in launchpad04:52
axisysapokryphos: ok04:52
axisysapokryphos: thnx04:52
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Flatswow, umm I see no scsi lines anywhere04:52
apokryphosdooglus: things can sometimes break if you're using non-release ubuntu packs04:52
Flatslots O stuff there04:52
dooglusapokryphos: I don't think I am04:53
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apokryphosdooglus: did gaim 2.0 come with dapper?04:53
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dooglusapokryphos: I don't think so.04:53
Flatsdev/hda1 but I believe that is my boot ide04:53
ScreaminIkeno, apokryphos, just edgy04:53
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asdx|workapokryphos: no04:53
W_McLFlats, no /dev/sd* ? ok... then the device isn't mounted. try to find out the device's name04:53
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asdx|workapokryphos: gaim 1.5 is in dapper04:53
apokryphosdooglus: I recommend removing it and then trying to reinstall u-d04:53
dooglus!info gaim dapper04:53
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ubotugaim: multi-protocol instant messaging client. In component main, is optional. Version 1:1.5.0+1.5.1cvs20051015-1ubuntu10 (dapper), package size 816 kB, installed size 2148 kB04:53
dooglus!info gaim edgy04:53
ubotugaim: multi-protocol instant messaging client. In component main, is optional. Version 1:2.0.0+beta3.1-1ubuntu9 (edgy), package size 1311 kB, installed size 3712 kB04:53
bur[n] eranyone have a torrent link for 6.10?  the site is dead04:53
bur[n] eralso... is there a cd or ust DVD?04:54
evawhat is the best cd and dvd player for ubuntu04:54
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apokryphosDVD isn't announced yet04:54
dooglusapokryphos: removing gaim?  but it's nautilus-sendto which is complaining04:54
optimusprimeif I upgrade to Edgy will I loose my Windows Partition?04:54
_lemsx1_bur[n] er: cdimages.ubuntu.com04:54
lupine_85optimusprime: I'm afraid not04:54
bur[n] er_lemsx1_: i'm there... kinda of... there's only dvd links and it's slow as balls to navigate around searching for the cd isos04:54
ehirdlupine_85: <lol>04:54
apokryphosdooglus: but looks like gaim is the problem04:54
=== lupine_85 files a bug
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apokryphosbur[n] er: try using a mirror04:55
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lucasvooptimusprime: if you're upgrading from dapper to edgy the partition table wont change04:55
lucasvoapokryphos: or bittorrent04:55
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lucasvobur[n] er: this was meant for you04:55
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ivokswo.... how do you like it? :)04:55
FlatsShould I be ablk to find the name in devicemanager04:55
=== bur[n] er shrugs... maybe i'll wait till tomorrow... i was looking for the cd torrent link to the livecd
_lemsx1_bur[n] er: there is a dvd/current that has .torrent links04:55
dooglusapokryphos: "Reinstallation of gaim is not possible, it cannot be downloaded"04:55
dooglusapokryphos: wtf?04:55
bokeyoptimusprime# no, windows partition won't be erased.04:55
bur[n] erseems i get no option for a cd eh?04:55
apokryphosdooglus: probably because 2.0 isn't in your repository; so remove it, and then install.04:55
_lemsx1_bur[n] er: get the torrent while everybody is uploading now ;-)04:56
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dooglusapokryphos: I don't have a repository04:56
dooglusapokryphos: I'm using one of the standard ones04:56
bur[n] erdoes a cd iso of edgy exist??04:56
Khamaelcan I change what mirror I am upgrading to edgy from?04:56
LjL!edgy | bur[n] er04:56
ubotubur[n] er: Ubuntu 6.10 (codenamed Edgy Eft) is the latest version of Ubuntu. To upgrade to Edgy, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/EdgyUpgrades  -  To download Edgy: http://www.ubuntu.com/download (please use BitTorrent if you can!)04:56
apokryphosdooglus: try the above04:56
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sproingiegksu "update-manager -c"   .... now that is slick04:56
LjLKhamael: yes, edit your /etc/apt/sources.list04:56
apokryphosyup =)04:56
ScreaminIkebur[n] er: http://torrent.ubuntu.com:696904:57
apokryphosScreaminIke: that displays incorrect info, by the way.04:57
W_McLFlats, i don't know, but you can find it via lshw in the console. the best is to use lshw -short and grep for /dev/sd04:57
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KhamaelLjL: seems it is too late. allready ran "gksu "update-manager -c""04:57
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dooglusapokryphos: other packages depend on gaim; I don't want to disturb them04:57
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evawhat is the best player for cd and dvd04:57
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ScreaminIkehow so, apokryphos? that's where i go for all my ubuntu torrents...04:57
ubotuAudio (Ogg, MP3...) players: Banshee, Beep Media Player, Quod Libet, Rhythmbox, XMMS (GTK/Gnome based) and Amarok, JuK (Qt/KDE based).  Video players: Totem, Xine, MPlayer, VLC, Kaffeine  -  See also !codecs04:57
LjLKhamael: as long as it's just downloading, and not yet installing, i *think* you *should* be able to interrupt it. but i can't really say, because i've never used update-manager, only apt-get04:58
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apokryphosScreaminIke: well check it -- ubuntu desktop iso isn't 548 megs04:58
apokryphosdooglus: can't you reinstall them after?04:58
optimusprimealso will all my files be intact?04:58
sandy16how to capture the real media streaming?04:58
ScreaminIkescrol down04:58
=== La_PaRCa-WoRK [n=chatzill@Pharlap.ECE.McGill.CA] has joined #ubuntu
W_McLFlats, to see all disks with lshw type lshw -class disk04:58
Dimensionsthanks guys ... but now when i try to login into mysql console ... by typing mysqladmin -u root ... it doesn't login rather shows long description ... when i change user to root and then type mysqladmin -u root mypassword it says : : connect to server at 'localhost' failed error: 'Access denied for user 'root'@'localhost' (using password: NO)'04:58
apokryphosScreaminIke: yes, and above there's edgy-desktop-i386.iso  528MiB04:58
ScreaminIkewell... who depends on code-names when you can go by version numbers? ;)04:59
dooglusapokryphos: I could, but do I have to?  I'm using apt-get and thought that was supposed to be good at this kind of thing?04:59
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optimusprimeif I upgrade to edgy that is04:59
bionoidDimensions: add -p and type your password :p04:59
apokryphosdooglus: sure, but if people muck up slightly in packages then you're in situations like this. Have you tried updating your gaim, first, actually?04:59
Foxtrihallo und moin04:59
apokryphosScreaminIke: it's not a good idea to recommend that link atm05:00
FlatsW_McL  I have this the first time /0/e4000000/6        scsi0     storage     AHA-2940U2/U2W / 7890/7891  and a /1                   scsi1     storage  and only the IDE and CDROM when I use the -class disk05:00
=== ScreaminIke nods @ apokryphos. "sorry. :("
sproingieoptimusprime: it wont delete your data files05:00
apokryphosScreaminIke: np :)05:00
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ScreaminIkehrm... so... no one here is a hard-drive specialist? :(05:00
W_McLFlats, did you run lshw as superuser (with sudo)? look up the "logical name" of the SCSI disk05:01
W_McLFlats, that's the device name05:01
zenlinuxNHw00! Ubuntu Party! http://photos.zenlinux.com/UbuntuPartyEdgyEft05:01
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dooglusapokryphos: I'm wondering if I've got a gaim from part-way through the edgy dev cycle or something.  I have 2:2.0.0beta3-2ubuntu0 whereas the repo has 1:2.0.0+beta3.1-1ubuntu905:01
Khamaeldoes anybody know if there is a norwegian edgy repo?05:01
dvheumenhey everyone, I think I've got a problem to which the answer is childishly simple, but I just can't find it on internet anywhere :( It's about packet forwarding in linux...05:01
dooglusapokryphos: what's the "1:" and "2:" prefix mean?05:02
rukuarticDurn it... I've gone and messed up my server. I commented localhost out of /etc/hosts and now I can't run sudo to undo it... any tips?05:02
Flatslogical name is /dev/sda.  I should be writing this **** down05:02
lupine_85rukuartic: did you set a root password?05:02
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Flatsthis is priceless for a newbie05:02
apokryphosdooglus: could be; and in that particular case -- I'm not sure05:02
rukuarticlupine_85: nope...05:02
ScreaminIkerkuartic: yea. run a live system, mount the drive, edit it back in.05:02
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lupine_85then a reboot into single-user mode could be in order :/05:02
dooglusapokryphos: I could have the same situation for other packages too.  is there some way to check which packages aren't at the same version as the repo?05:03
rukuarticlupine_85: any way of doing that without attaching a monitor to the computer?05:03
lupine_85rukuartic: only if you're good with a keyboard05:03
dooglusapokryphos: apt-get upgrade doesn't mention it, because I guess it thinks my gaim is newer than the one in the repo05:03
W_McLFlats, then do a sudo fdisk -l /dev/sda to find out how the disk is partitioned05:03
dvheumenI've set /proc/sys/net/ipv4/ip_forward ==> 1, but I can't get a single packet to forward to the other network interface :(05:03
rukuarticlupine_85: I figured... thanks then05:03
lupine_85when it's rebooting, you'd have to gauge when grub is starting then hit esc <down> <enter>05:03
apokryphosdooglus: no easy way I know of, nope.05:03
axisysapokryphos: submitted a bug05:03
axisysapokryphos: https://launchpad.net/distros/ubuntu/+source/lighttpd/+bug/6840105:03
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apokryphosaxisys: cool, thanks05:04
apokryphoshi daydreamer05:04
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FlatsDisk /dev/sda: 18.3 GB, 18309995520 bytes05:04
Flats255 heads, 63 sectors/track, 2226 cylinders05:04
FlatsUnits = cylinders of 16065 * 512 = 8225280 bytes05:04
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FlatsI can format, thats not a problem05:04
PhoenixP3KHaa! I'm out of blank CDs. Is there some way to burn the bootable cd on a DVD ?05:05
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W_McLFlats, it looks like you need to format the disk because it seems to be unformatted05:05
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sproingiePhoenixP3K: it should burn to a dvd, i've done it before05:06
W_McLFlats, if it was formated yo'd get a list of the partitions05:06
teledyndvheumen: you need an iptables rule to set up the forwarding05:06
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ndlovucan anyone tell me if the gnome "save as" dialog has changed in edgy eft? that's the one thing that irritates me the most in dapper...05:06
Flatsso just sudo fdisk /dev/sda05:06
Tokenbadin ubuntu is there a way to see passes behind *****05:06
lupine_85teledyn: no, you'd need an ipables rule for NAT05:06
m0biu5Does anyone know of software to manage clients and data? I local church is looking for a way to manage the kids that come into their day care program..05:06
fryfrogare there any deb repository mirrors (or list anywhere)?05:06
daydreameri'm having some problems getting my lcd well configured, what does the "Screen Resolution" app in gnome change when i change from 75 to 60Hz??? i already have a line saying 60Hz in my xorg.conf file, but when i change it in "Screen Resolution" util it's almost perfect, only moved a bit tothe right05:06
teledynlupine_85: how to set up nat then?05:07
PhoenixP3Ksproingie: thanks for the info. Anyone else support this theory?05:07
dvheumenteledyn: to which rule are you referring? I did set all policies to allow to prevent accidental blocking05:07
lupine_85do you want/need it?05:07
=== bibal [n=bibal@ip-81.net-81-220-2.versailles.rev.numericable.fr] has joined #ubuntu
maxb_at_workAre there any Subclipse users here?05:07
lupine_85simple ip forwarding is trivial to set up05:07
dvheumenlupine_85: I thought so too :P05:07
lupine_85it would help if I knew what you were up to ;)05:07
teledynyou need to set up a nat rule05:07
phaedrus44hey TokenBad wussup05:08
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apokryphosfryfrog: yes, check the main download page05:08
dvheumendo I really need to set up NAT? it's internal only...05:08
apokryphosfryfrog: often you can just do xx.archive.ubuntu.com where xx is your countrycode05:08
Tokenbadphaedrus44, not much05:08
MarcNhmm, edgy upgrade is complaining about a conflict between Xsession5 man page in both xinit and x11-common.  hmm05:08
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W_McLFlats, yes. and in fdisk use the help if you need more info (type m)05:08
sproingiem0biu5: that's a pretty open-ended question.  i suspect a CRM app would be a bit much.  you probably need something like an appointment scheduler05:08
teledyniptables -t nat -A POSTROUTING -o $EXTIF -j MASQUERADE05:08
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phaedrus44nada....just at werk05:08
lupine_85dvheumen: you don't need NAT for that05:08
Tokenbadsounds like fun...05:08
=== LinuxGuy2006 [n=robert@adsl-227-144-128.clt.bellsouth.net] has joined #ubuntu
Flatssweet thank you very much05:08
lupine_85maybe you have an iptables rule blocking it, though?05:08
dvheumenlupine_85: that what I thought..05:08
Tokenbadits just now 8am here...and been up 4 hours already05:08
=== tatiane [n=tatiane@201009052248.user.veloxzone.com.br] has joined #ubuntu
DShepherdwhat is the highest amount of people ever recorded for this channel?05:08
blubbanybody know what this "proactive security" in 6.10 is? is it SSP? PIE? selinux? grsec?05:08
d-E-u-Swhen i shut down my xubuntu then turn the hdd off but the pc is still on05:08
sproingiem0biu5: the channel is pretty berzerk today, going to be hard to discuss anything but edgy :)05:08
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lupine_85or perhaps your network config isn't sane05:09
dvheumenlupine_85: I only want to forward the packets from my gigabit crosslink connection to my internet connection05:09
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apokryphosDShepherd: around this, I think we went into 1090 once05:09
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m0biu5sproingie, ah, my bad..05:09
lupine_85check routes, subnets, etc05:09
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lupine_85dvheumen: that's not internal-only..05:09
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m0biu5sproingie, didn't see it was released today.. thats cool05:09
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kujayay I got debmirror working on cygwin05:09
kujaJust a matter of time now...05:09
dvheumenlupine_85: It is when eth0 is still internal05:09
=== sproingie is using the uber-slick graphical update thingie. let's hope it doesn't choke on a download.
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sproingiekuja: planning on getting apt working on cygwin?05:10
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Blackensproingie: Have you installed anything?05:10
lupine_85ok... how about you pastebin the output of route -n and ifconfig -a ?05:10
dvheumenlupine_85: it's this way: My PC <--Gbit --> Ubuntu server <--100 Mbit --> ADSL Modem05:10
sproingieBlacken: still downloading05:10
d-E-u-Swhen i shut down my xubuntu then turn the hdd off but the pc is still on, what can i do?05:10
teledyndvheumen: you just want the 2 subnets to be able to communicate with each other?05:10
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Blackensproingie: No no--have you installed anything previously?05:10
DShepherdapokryphos: ok. thanks for the info man... i just got up.. still on dapper. going to see if I can download edgy.05:10
lupine_85are your PC and the ubuntu server on separate ip subnets?05:10
Blackensproingie: Notably Flash, Java, etc.05:10
kujasproingie: No, planning on grabbing the main/universe/multiverse repositories for dapper-i386 and taking it home and upgrading my box05:10
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apokryphosDShepherd: cool. If you're upgrading, follow the guide ;-)05:10
dvheumenlupine_85: yes they are, 10.0.0/24 and 10.0.1/2405:11
sproingieBlacken: java, by hand05:11
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Blackensproingie: Ah, then you should be good.05:11
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DShepherdapokryphos: ... I like clean installs.. where is the guide at?05:11
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daydreamerwhat does gnome "Screen Resolution" affect?? xorg.conf is unchanged when i set the resolution to 60Hz05:11
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=== sproingie finds the official java installation procedure much more difficult than just running sun's installer then moving it to /opt/java
Qaldunei'm using ubuntu dapper is there a command to upgrade to edgy without burning cds?05:11
apokryphosDShepherd: in the /topic05:11
lupine_85is your ubuntu server set as the default route on the PC?05:11
dvheumenlupine_85: k, the routes: gw, gw, gw
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DShepherdapokryphos: ah.. thanks05:11
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unimatrix9hi there05:11
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daydreamerQaldune: update-manager -c i think05:11
ArtVandalaeHi guys, I can't even get to the torrent files... can someone link me to the Ubuntu 6.10 desktop torrent?05:11
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sproingieQaldune: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/EdgyUpgrades05:12
dvheumenlupine_85: yep, and it's the only active interface on that PC05:12
Qaldunethx guys05:12
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lupine_85verr peculiar... does tcpdump show the packages reaching the ubuntu server's gbit interface?05:12
unimatrix9got an usb disk that has two partitions, one is an secure, or bootable erea, how can i format it to one disk?05:12
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unimatrix9or is it better not to?05:12
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livingdaylightLoL, are the ubuntu mirrors busy!05:13
variantunimatrix9: if you want, why do you want to format it?05:13
ArtVandalaeI'm having to request the Torrent(!!) file over IRC :P05:13
doogluslivingdaylight: the Czech one isn't - I got a steady 500KB/s from it when I upgraded a few hours ago05:13
dvheumenlupine_85: I'll play with tcpdump for a bit, because I haven't  used it yet05:14
apokryphoslivingdaylight: just a little :P. Still, there's some fast ones around05:14
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ArtVandalaedooglus: link please?05:14
ArtVandalaeMore people should use BT!!05:14
unimatrix9to get one disk05:14
dooglusArtVandalae: deb http://cz.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu edgy           main restricted universe multiverse05:14
livingdaylightdooglus: cool, thx. i was trying the uk mirror and it was trickling like molasses05:14
ArtVandalaethanks dooglus05:14
unimatrix9but maybe it would be wiser to keep it this way...05:14
variantunimatrix9: cfdisk /dev/sdawhatever05:14
variantunimatrix9: and delete the paritions05:14
variantunimatrix9: then create one big partition05:15
livingdaylightdooglus: you shouldn't have told everyone ;)05:15
doogluslivingdaylight: the last time I checked, the czech mirror was really in the UK anyway; but maybe now they have a real czech mirror05:15
variantunimatrix9: then mkfs.vfat or ext2 or whatever /dev/sdwhatever05:15
doogluslivingdaylight: I've finished with it now - and it's all about load-sharing, right?05:15
dvheumenlupine_85: crap... I think I've got it... the ADSL modem doesn't have a static route back to yet :-s05:15
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zenlinuxNHPost your Ubuntu party pics! Here's mine from this morning: http://photos.zenlinux.com/UbuntuPartyEdgyEft05:16
Ironfrosthi - I have a question about installing Ubuntu05:16
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Ironfrostthe CD drive on my laptop is broken05:16
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Ironfrostand I want to install from a USB flash drive05:16
FlatsWhat aprtition type should I use? I just want to use the whoile hard drive to store my windows downloads and files05:16
livingdaylightwhat's with the dvd release?05:16
Flatserr partition05:16
variantzenlinuxNH: wow, what a rave05:16
Ironfrostis it possible to just copy the CD onto a flash disk, or is it more complicated than that?05:16
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zenlinuxNHvariant: yeah, it almost got out of control. :P05:17
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livingdaylightare people opting for the cd release over dvd? whats the going verdict?05:17
ubotuThere are many ways to back your system up. Here's a few: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BackupYourSystem , https://help.ubuntu.com/community/DuplicityBackupHowto , https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HomeUserBackup , https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MondoMindi05:17
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FunnyLookinHatlivingdaylight, most people do...  the DVD has some nice features but are not essential if you have a strong internet connection05:17
mkclinuxi installed ubuntu lamp server. can constant ping from workstation with no drops.  browser goes to a test page ok but after a minute or 2 page not found.  only way back up is ifdown eth0 and ifup eth0.05:17
unimatrix9hmm, get fatal error on cfdisk05:17
variantunimatrix9: and what is the error?05:18
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variantunimatrix9: you will need to be root dont forget05:18
W_McLFlats, then you best use fat because you can read and write acces it with both linux and windows05:18
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BlackenEw. You know, they could have used a halfway-decently written article write-up on Slashdot for the release. Like mine, or the half-dozen other decent ones. The one they used is barely literate.05:18
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unimatrix9fatal error , did sudo ...05:18
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finalbetaJust installed scribus, Why is it so diffrend from the normal program look? It's KDE based or something?05:18
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livingdaylightFunnyLookinHat: so i should go for cd instead. I don't see the bittorrent site?05:18
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Flatsshould I use fat16 type 6 ya think05:19
gnubeJOIN #catalyst05:19
EJWill there ever be a retail version of ubuntu with added support for patented technologies and maybe cedega?05:19
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variantfinalbeta: i think its qt based yes, the next version of qt has support for gtk lookalike themes afaik05:19
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variantFlats: vfat05:19
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BlackenEJ: That would be illegal to do in the U.S.05:19
trappistEJ: never05:19
trappistBlacken: no it wouldn't05:19
EJMandriva manages to do both well enough05:19
ToHellWithGAwhen will feisty be released?05:19
evawhat program is easy to make mp3 with05:19
FlatsNo Vfat option05:19
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W_McLFlats, i think fat32 is better05:19
EJthe free version and the powerpack version05:19
finalbetaOh, that explains it, I killed my KDE style on this system, don't know how to reset it :p05:20
Blackentrappist: Without getting things like MP3 codecs licensed?05:20
FunnyLookinHatlivingdaylight, yea, I would ge tthe CD, the torrents should be on the download page further towards the bottom05:20
variantEJ: they must receive permission from the patent holders.. no thanks05:20
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FunnyLookinHatlivingdaylight, where are you located, and I'll get you a link05:20
EJvariant, whom don't mind as they receive the money05:20
W_McLFlats, for making fat partitions there is the tool mkdosfs05:20
trappistBlacken: by retail he means for pay.  so yes, we could pay royalties on stuff like that.  but we'll never do it.05:20
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Blackentrappist: Obviously.05:20
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constantine-xvican anyone explain why the battery monitor is broken?05:20
variantEJ: i dont care if they mind or not, i want nothing to do with it and would not use it05:20
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variantFlats: mkfs.vfat05:21
livingdaylightFunnyLookinHat: don't worry, i found it - sorry about that :)05:21
BlackenOutside of a corporate environment, PAYING for Linux is for schmucks. :p05:21
W_McLFlats, how to use it see man mkdosfs05:21
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EJBlacken, your not paying for linux - you can't infact!05:21
alguevaraFellas... Does Ubuntu runs good in a Celeron 1.5ghz 40, 256?05:21
EJyou'd be paying for the extra multimedia enhancements05:21
variantBlacken: hardly, it's the right thing to do if you can afford it05:21
Blackenvariant: Entirely disagreed.05:21
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livingdaylightFunnyLookinHat: but you can tell me about network, alternate and desktop. What is all that about?05:21
BlackenEJ: Sigh. WRONG. You can pay for Linux quite easily; nothing in the GPL prevents it.05:21
alguevaradoes DVD video runs good in Ubuntu?05:21
bretzelHi there, please help me: I am about to re-install Edgy from scratch ( btw I realize that Edgy is released now but still installing RC... ) ATI X1600 Radeon, and it has really VGA and DVI distinct insterface ( not shared I mean two screens ) where to get help on setup ?05:21
evacan you make mp3 files in ubuntu05:21
Qaldunealguevara yes05:21
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Qalduneeva yse kane05:22
variantBlacken: the people who create it need to survive too, i have donated to certain projects small amounts of money before05:22
Qalduneeva use lame05:22
Flatsno easy to do it huh05:22
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variantEJ: yeah05:22
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Blackenvariant: I've bought more than one corporate support contract, and I've donated money before.05:22
varianteva: yeah05:22
Blackenvariant: Paying for the OS itself, though--no.05:22
EJwell theres that aspect too05:22
Flatseasy way that is05:22
EJa nice toll free ubuntu support number for new people05:22
mathieu_is there an "undo moved button in evolution mail ?"05:22
variantBlacken: there is nothing wrong with doing that though..05:22
evaok ok thanks05:22
EJpaid for by paying supporters05:22
bretzeljoin #ubuntu05:22
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RevThwackalguevara: should run fine. Would suggest a change to a real P4 and more ram if this machine is for everyday use.05:22
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ubotuTo install the Ati/NVidia drivers for your video card, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto05:23
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W_McLFlats, not too difficult05:23
sanmarcosanybody else having problems with the gzip subprocess failing onm http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/dists/edgy/main/source/Sources.gz when updating to edgy?05:23
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EJI like how mandriva gives the choice between gnu/free and non-free05:23
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EJchoice is good05:23
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Qaldunemandriva is ...05:23
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Qaldunedon't wanna use bad words05:23
variantEJ: not when the choice is giving away freedom05:23
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FlatsI dont know all the sectors and sectors per cluster and clusters and fat size and suck05:23
AmaranthEJ: For only $100/year I'll sell you my version of Ubuntu will all the non-free software you want.05:24
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Blackenvariant: What works is more important than what's "free".05:24
Flatssorry suck= such05:24
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variantBlacken: lol05:24
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EJvariant, where is the lost freedom? you can still get the free mandriva05:24
RevThwackOh yea, happy Edgy Eft day, everyone05:24
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Qalduneblacken mandriva isn't free either works05:24
EJmandriva is free!05:24
Qaldunefree at all05:24
AmaranthAnyway, this if offtopic05:24
EJin both senses of the word05:24
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=== Blacken mutters. An updated frigging xorg-fglrx package would REALLY be nice right about now, as you *cannot use the ATI drivers on a non-386 arch*...
EJyeah it is05:25
Mirrohey, i cant upgrade my drake to edgy eft, some packages wont load.... what can i do??05:25
Amaranth#ubuntu-offtopic if you want to continue the discussion05:25
EJwell my question results in a no anways then?05:25
AmaranthMirro: What packages?05:25
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AmaranthEJ: What question?05:25
Mirrosome, 922 or somthing05:25
Mirroi dunno what05:25
BlackenThe bloody -generic kernel isn't recognized by the ATI installer, so you CAN'T install the package. And the repository package is broken with Xorg 7.1.05:25
AmaranthMirro: 922 packages can't be upgraded?05:25
EJAmaranth, whether ubuntu will ever have a 'multimedia enhanced' version that is paid for like mandriva powerpack05:25
Mirroi tried apt-get upgrade method05:25
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AmaranthEJ: Never.05:25
InnerFIREmirro: do dist-upgrade05:26
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AmaranthMirro: Oh, you want to do 'sudo apt-get dist-upgrade'05:26
InnerFIREnot upgrade05:26
AmaranthMirro: not upgrade05:26
QalduneEJ if you like mandriva go use mandriva05:26
FunnyLookinHatWhat's the command for upgrading a dapper install to edgy?  And no, I don't mean just sudo apt-get dist-upgrade....   there's a real upgrade thing...05:26
LookTJAre some repros down?05:26
BlackenSo has anyone found a workaround for dealing with ATI drivers?05:26
Mirrosudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get dist-upgrade && sudo apt-get dist-upgrade is what i ddid05:26
AmaranthFunnyLookinHat: gksudo "update-manager -c -d"05:26
LjL!upgrade | FunnyLookinHat05:26
EJQaldune, i do like mandriva... but i like apt-get more05:26
ubotuFunnyLookinHat: Upgrading, please see the instructions on: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UpgradeNotes05:26
InnerFIREmirro: use gksu "update manager -c -d"05:26
LjLAmaranth: no need for "-d", isn't not an unstable anymore05:26
LjLInnerFIRE: ^05:26
FunnyLookinHatThanks Amaranth / LjL05:26
AmaranthLjL: hehe05:26
dooglusdoesn't the update manager automatically offer edgy?05:27
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ubotuTo install a Java compiler/interpreter on Ubuntu, look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Java  -  For the Sun Java runtime install sun-java5-jre from the !Multiverse repository05:27
Amaranthdooglus: Nope.05:27
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Amaranthdooglus: dapper is LTS, edgy is not05:27
dooglusAmaranth: weird.  it did for dapper05:27
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Amaranthdooglus: So if you want to leave the long supported version you have to do it manually. :)05:27
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LookTJare some of the repos down?05:27
dooglusif anyone is having trouble downloading the .torrent files, I put a copy of them here: http://snipurl.com/edgytorrents05:27
Mirrosudo: update: command not found05:27
Alzi2_Why doesn't Ubuntu display my Windows partition while it DID in Dapper?05:27
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dooglusMirro: the command is 'apt-get', not 'update'05:28
LjLLookTJ: they may be very slow or unresponsive, due to the big number of connections.05:28
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BlackenAlzi2_: More information needed. Go check in your Settings->Disks panel.05:28
W_McLFlats, you don't need to specify everything, only the stuff you need to have different from default05:28
BlackenLookTJ: They're getting slammed with a whole bunch of downloads.05:28
ArtVandalaedooglus: thanks05:28
sanmarcosI am getting gzip: stdin: not in gzip format while trying to upadte to edgy05:28
sanmarcosany ideas?05:29
AmaranthMirro: Run this: gksudo "update-manager -c"05:29
Mirrodooglus, can u give me whole command line?05:29
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ubotuSome of the Ubuntu repositories may have slow response time or time out altogether, due to the many connections from people upgrading to Edgy. Please be patient, bandwidth is a limited resource unfortunately!05:29
AmaranthMirro: hit alt-f2, copy and paste that into the dialog that comes up05:29
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dooglusMirro: "sudo apt-get update; sudo apt-get dist-upgrade" <-- that one?05:29
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LookTJBlacken: but i got a server to put up...and i need proftpd and firestarter05:30
LookTJanyway around it05:30
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InnerFIREhas anyone attempted to use their smartphone with edgy?05:30
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pithenIs Upstart going to be the default in Edgy or will initd still be used out of the box?05:30
Mirrodooglus, i tryed the comman on https://help.ubuntu.com/community/EdgyUpgrades05:30
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Amaranthpithen: upstart is the default05:30
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Alzi2_Blacken, Settings -> Disks? I see no Settings->Disks.. it's dutch :(05:30
ToHellWithGAare there any planned changes in the netboot installation image?  the server shows the last netboot's date as the 21st.05:30
livingdaylightthe download is 698.4 mb!!! They sure packed that cd to the max05:31
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variantpithen: it's allready the default.. sysv init is no longer there05:31
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Amaranthpithen: but right now it's running in all the old sysv init scripts still, those won't start moving over to upstart scripts until feisty05:31
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dooglusMirro: and it's OK now?05:31
MirroAmaranth, i dunno what to type in :) what i tryed from https://help.ubuntu.com/community/EdgyUpgrades didnt work05:31
Mirrodooglus, no05:31
unimatrix9wich pci wireless ( brandname ) works out of the box/05:31
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AmaranthMirro: I told you what to type in05:31
sanmarcosI am getting gzip: stdin: not in gzip format while trying to upadte to edgy05:31
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dooglusMirro: you ran     gksu "update-manager -c"     ?05:31
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AmaranthMirro: Press Alt-F2, put `gksudo "update-manager -c"` in the box that comes up05:32
pithenAmaranth, but I should still be able to modify scripts/create my own to act on given events, correct?05:32
Amaranthpithen: yeah05:32
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smaxIs there any alternative dvd-mirrow of edgy. Main mirrow is slow ( 100 b/s)05:32
petternFailed to fetch http://www.getautomatix.com/apt/dists/dapper/main/binary-i386/Packages.bz2 Sub-process bzip2 returned an error code (2)05:32
Amaranthsmax: Use the torrents05:32
petterni cant upgrade because of that05:32
LjL!automatix | pettern05:32
ubotupettern: Automatix is an unsupported script that tries to automate the installation of some software. We don't provide support for it in the #ubuntu or #kubuntu channels, try #automatix thanks!05:32
blossom5I think the torrents could be made more visible!05:32
elmargolsmax: use torrent or jigdo05:32
LjLpettern: don't use automatix.05:32
IronfrostI asked before, but nobody answered: Is it possible to install Ubuntu from a USB drive (my laptop has no CD drive), and if so how would I do this?05:32
variantpettern: automatix is dangerous05:32
blossom5I couldn't find them on the download page.05:32
MtJBis it possible to upgrade to edgy from dapper without reinstalling?05:32
pithengreat. i was just reading about it on linux.com, this really seems like it's going to be a great improvement over the old system05:32
blossom5Is there something obvious I'm missing?05:32
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LjL!upgrade | MtJB05:33
ubotuMtJB: Upgrading, please see the instructions on: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UpgradeNotes05:33
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AmaranthIronfrost: I believe it is but it's a bit of a pain05:33
petternbut if i remove it from sources it should probebly work05:33
MirroAmaranth, dooglus, it says it cannot install all available updates, and tells me to "sudo apt-get dist-upgrade"05:33
LjLblossom5: just scroll down in the download page05:33
Mirroshould i?05:33
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MtJBthanks, LjL  reading it now05:33
variantpettern: try it, good luck05:33
evasorry i am new and i like to make mp3 of my cds and i aam not good in iinstalling program so if there is anyone that have a easy way pls tell me05:33
IronfrostAmaranth: Is there a howto somewhere?05:33
AmaranthMirro: Alright. Open a terminal (Applications->Accessories->Terminal) and run 'sudo apt-get dist-upgrade'05:33
varianteva: grip is an excellent program for doing this05:33
varianteva: apt-get install grip05:33
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blossom5ljl: I scrolled down, all I see is 6.06 LTS releases05:34
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AmaranthIronfrost: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/FromUSBStick05:34
Ironfrostthanks a lot :D05:34
evavariant in a terminal window05:34
varianteva: yeah05:34
AmaranthMirro: Is that doing anything?05:34
Mirrooh yea05:34
varianteva: as root (sudo apt-get install grip)05:34
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ehird:O the interwebs are workings"05:35
blossom5Perhaps the download page could be updated to better highlight the torrents.05:35
ehirdhellos from ubuntu.05:35
jaaayhello everyone, I have a question05:35
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evavariant thanks05:35
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varianteva: yw05:35
ehirdanyway, just a quick question now: seems i'm limited to 1024x768 85hz... i take it i need to install some drivers?05:35
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MirroAmaranth, the same it did last time, mb it will work now...05:36
Mirro869 upgraded, 162 newly installed, 25 to remove and 32 not upgraded.05:36
MirroNeed to get 686MB/697MB of archives.05:36
MirroAfter unpacking 216MB of additional disk space will be used.05:36
LjLblossom5: type /topic05:36
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ehirdthe display seems a bit jittery and flashy too05:36
ehirdso yeah i'm assuming it's drivers i need05:36
AmaranthMirro: Do it. :)05:36
varianteva: take a look in the config options of grip (the different tabs) they allow you to specify how the files are named etc.. and where to output the files. you would be better using ogg format if you don't _require_ mp305:36
MirroAmaranth, will it take long? will those 686MB/697MB be downloaded now?05:37
jaaayI want to associate a file type (avi) in this case with a shell script that would run in a terminal window05:37
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AmaranthMirro: Yeah, they'll start downloading now05:37
unimatrix9does it take longer then norrmal to get the ship it cdroms?05:37
AmaranthMirro: what kind of internet connection do you have?05:37
ehirdunimatrix9: it takes 6 weeks or so05:37
variantunimatrix9: edgy is not going to be shipped with shipit afaik05:37
apokryphosunimatrix9: no shipit for edgy; only for loco teams05:37
petternso you say automatix is dangerous and automatix said not to belive you in their faq, whats so bad with automatix?05:38
Amaranthunimatrix9: shipit isn't doing ubuntu 6.10 cds05:38
unimatrix9also for the approval?05:38
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blossom5ljl: RIght, but most people are going to head to the download page, which feels outdated.05:38
Amaranthpettern: #ubuntu-offtopic05:38
blossom5ljl: all the links are to 6.06 releases.05:38
LjLpettern: well, the fact that they disparge the *official* advice from the *official* support channels of ubuntu should give you a clue.05:38
Amaranthpettern: We're there, we can tell you all about it. :)05:38
variantpettern: well, did your upgrade go flawlessly from dapper to edgy? or did you have some problem with automatix?05:38
LookTJLookTJ: they may be very slow or unresponsive, due to the big number of connections. LjL: they are unresponsive05:38
MirroAmaranth, cuz my traffic sux, its DSL, but connects with 20-80kb/s05:38
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doppelganger_pettern: it usually takes longer for people to troubleshoot any problems you have with a particular program that you install through Automatix.05:38
Mirro3h!!! omg...05:38
LjLLookTJ: eh, yeah, that's what i said05:39
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ehirdjust a random thought: how dangerous and/or easy would it be to get rid of gnome+gnome apps and install kde on edgy?05:39
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wastrelehird:  install kubuntu-desktop05:39
LjLblossom5: maybe. hey, keep in mind it's just been released. give them a little time to update everything there is to update ;)05:39
apokryphosehird: upgrade to edgy first, then install kubuntu-desktop05:39
unimatrix9this is an strange new turn , ship it, you can get the 6.06 for free, or , and now it comes, buy the newest version!05:39
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ehirdwastrel: kubuntu was mighty unstable on this system05:39
ehirdapokryphos: i am on edgy05:39
unimatrix9is this not agianst the spirit of ubunut?05:40
blossom5ljl: just wanting to get it on the radar. Seeding the -server version already...05:40
apokryphosehird: so install k-d05:40
AmaranthMirro: It'll probably take about an hour or two to install after it's done downloading. :P05:40
unimatrix9very confusing05:40
ehirdapokryphos: but then i'd have no apps05:40
apokryphosehird: why?05:40
ehirdand all the gnome apps stil lthere05:40
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ehirdapokryphos: well if i installed just kde i wouldn't have any apps05:40
MirroAmaranth, thx, i'll go get somthing to eat now )05:40
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apokryphosehird: why? Kubuntu-desktop installs all the kubuntu recommended apps05:40
evavariant do i need a special encoder05:40
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variantpettern: my real problem with automatix is not htat it doesn't work (it clearly does what it is supposed to) but that it automates the installation of non free(dom) software without so much of a warning05:41
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marx71what's happening here? i see my edgy downloads are done...installing now.05:41
ehirdapokryphos: because kubuntu is unstable on this system05:41
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unimatrix9ubuntu will alway' s be for free, but if you want the newest its for fee ( without the r, so -r )05:41
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varianteva: no, you just need to have mp3 support or ogg support installed (ogg is there by default)05:41
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steven43126 I have a problem with samba i just can't fix, i can't browse any of the computers in the workgroup they just don't show i get the following in /var/log/samba/log.nmdb http://pastebin.ca/22278805:41
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apokryphosehird: in what way? If you have problems running it (seems doubtful) then you can always switch on the login screen back to gnome05:41
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steven43126just can't figure out where it's getting from ?05:42
ehirdapokryphos: because i've used kubuntu before and it randomly effed up itself - it gave me its logo and progress bar and stayed there on startup05:42
ANBU_escortscould I get some seriusly needed help05:42
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ehirdafter doing nothing unusual05:42
ehirdplus its lack of build-essentials is annoying05:42
apokryphosehird: well try doing that now and tell me how it goes05:42
evavariant how do i get that05:42
apokryphosehird: build-essential is available on the CD, just like ubuntu's05:42
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dooglusunimatrix9: the new release is free too.05:42
varianteva: can you play mp3 files allready?05:42
ANBU_escortsthe sound doesn't work on my t-21 laptop05:42
ubotuFor multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats  -  See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html  -  But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats05:42
ehirdapokryphos: i've just got my internet connection working on linux after trying for 3 years! i'm not going to try something like that without assurance05:43
variant!mp3 | eva05:43
ubotueva: For multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats  -  See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html  -  But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats05:43
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unimatrix9i am reading aloud whats on the ship it page05:43
evavariant havent tried it yet05:43
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apokryphosehird: your claim is that you won't be able to boot into the OS if you install k-d?05:43
varianteva: read the stuf ubotu just said at you05:43
ANBU_escortsmy sound doesn't work can I get soome help05:43
ehirdapokryphos: no, after some use it won't05:44
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clownish23hey i have killed my grub by installing xp, i tried to recover like its written in the wiki with chroot and so on, but when i reboot grub apears, but by each system i try to start, it says unknowen file system05:44
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evavariant ok thanks05:44
ehirdapokryphos: this doesn't happen with ubuntu, thus i use ubuntu05:44
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humeanyone using a way of mapping encrypted partitions during boot-process?05:44
engla[typo] 05:44
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Falstiusso, now I can ask edgy questions here?05:44
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apokryphosehird: well, install just the plain KDE stuff then. There's no way that will tinker with any booting processes05:44
apokryphosANBU_escorts: no caps please :)05:44
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ubotuDon't ask to ask a question. Just ask your question :)05:44
apokryphosANBU_escorts: /msg ubotu sound05:45
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dooglusunimatrix9: if you don't want to download it and burn it, you are free to pay someone else to do those steps for you.  you are also free to offer that same service to other people.  that's the spirit of ubuntu.05:45
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ANBU_escortsmy sound on my t-21 laptop dosn't work anymore05:45
ehirdapokryphos: maybe in a bit i guess, i'm fixing my display problem first05:45
steven43126anyone help with this it's really wierd ?  http://pastebin.ca/22278805:45
crochat_How to generate UUIDs for partitions other than ext2/ext3 (i.e. ntfs or vfat) ?05:45
Mirroist edgy eft Aiglx/Glx-ready? with all those 3D stuff. Or will I have to install it afterwards too?05:45
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unimatrix9dooglus ,thats not the point, the point is that its not the ubuntu spirit...05:46
susscorfaMirro: you will have to install it afterwards05:46
dooglusunimatrix9: while it's nice that shipit is paying postage and all other costs, that's really just an added extra and nothing to do with the word free as it relates to free software05:46
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englasusscorfa: can compiz/beryl be installed from universe, or do you need 3rd party repos?05:46
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Amaranthengla: 3rd party repos05:46
dvheumenlupine_85: I've got the route to the ADSL modem covered (pinging/web interface access) but for some reason tcpdump doesn't show ICMP reply packets if I ping to my DNS server (it does reply pings if I try my linux server) ... but my ADSL modems applies NAT translation so the internet subnets shouldn't  matter to the outside world, should they?05:46
unimatrix9i understand that, but the ubuntu manifesto say' s , it shall be free05:47
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susscorfasee this wiki engla and Mirro https://wiki.ubuntu.com/BerylOnEdgy05:47
Mirrosusscorfa, a new ati-driver too?05:47
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susscorfai dont know05:47
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dooglusunimatrix9: and it is free.  they are referring to freedom.05:47
dvheumenlupine_85:  *internet subnets --> internal subnets05:47
holsteinAnyone is using Xen on edgy?05:47
Minsdoes anyone have any exstensive knowledge about Bittorrent protocol?05:47
gumbetohi there05:47
holsteinI'm having a kernel panic whenever I do a xm create watever.cfg05:48
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unimatrix9i understand the word freedom, as in the sense of human rights and freedom , like stallman suggests05:48
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dooglusMins: this isn't the channel to talk about bittorrent protocol.  did you try #bittorrent?05:48
gumbetoI'm seeking help about cpu scalling frequency05:48
unimatrix9but then applied to software05:48
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gumbetoi'm having some problems with it for some time now05:48
Amaranthgumbeto: What kind of help?05:48
ehirdweird... in firefox, backspace instead of "Back" is doing Page Up05:48
gumbetoand I just installed edgy05:49
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Amaranthehird: I believe that was an intentional change05:49
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Falstiusmy hibernate is broken, I found a bug report talking about the same issue but the fix doesn't work for me (put the uuid of swap in /etc/initramfs-tools/conf.d/resume and rebuild initrd) ... if I manually put resume=/dev/hda2 on the command line it works though and mounting the swap by UUID works ... any suggestions for getting it to resume from hibernate automatically/05:49
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Amaranthehird: Imagine filling in a form, tabbing off the text entry, then hitting backspace to delete the tab (like you would in a word processor). You just lost your form05:49
englahmm. I need beryl info for powerpc. a late compiz and xgl worked (0.13?), so it should still be possible..05:49
gumbetoafter restarting, I got a message telling me I had no support interface for cpu frequency05:49
=== fogos [n=marco@dsl-200-67-15-202.prod-empresarial.com.mx] has joined #ubuntu
ANBU_escortsis the broken upgrade fixed?05:49
Amaranthgumbeto: What CPU is this?05:50
unimatrix9dooglus , the point is that ubuntu promised that it would be free of charge to, but it seems not to apply to the newest version for wich you now have to pay05:50
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gumbetoamaranthit's some centrino05:50
ehirdamaranth: um, of course it wouldn't do it in text fields05:50
_mendredFalstius: add the resume= line to ur grub05:50
dooglusunimatrix9: I just got the newest version.  I didn't pay anything.05:50
unimatrix9if you want it via ship it05:50
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Vaske_Carplease somebody help here, yesterday I turned off ubuntu normaly, this morning it does not start. It boot and pass that Ubuntu screen but as soon as it load X i got only dark background. ????05:50
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unimatrix96.10, via ship it05:50
matt_o|workdoes anyone know which daemon/program ubuntu uses to detect when a CD is inserted and automount it?05:50
dooglusunimatrix9: they never promised to pay postage forever!05:50
Amaranthunimatrix9: Dude, they've giving away free CDs. They don't owe you anything.05:50
gumbetobut I had it working when I first installed breezy05:50
ANBU_escortsonce I downloaded the upgrade and it left me with only a terminal login05:50
gumbetoand also when i first installed dapper05:51
jdtubuntu isnt free ????????????????????/05:51
Amaranthehird: I'm saying when you accidently tab away from a text box05:51
dream_theateranyone have any hints/suggestions for installing on a macbook pro?  I have a triple booting system that I kinda just want to wipe out.  are there any issues with efi,gpt, elilo,partitioning, etc?05:51
Amaranthjdt: No, it is.05:51
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dooglusjdt: ubuntu is free, but 'shipit' doesn't ship the 6.10 version; it's still shipping 6.0605:51
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bastiqX won't start because it can't detect any displays... anyone got an idea of what's wrong?05:51
dooglusif you want 6.10 posted to you, there are other companies willing to do so, but they charge $5 or so05:51
unimatrix9but ship it does charge for 6.1005:52
Falstius_mendred: what if I actually reboot instead of hibernate then?  It seems like there should be something better.05:52
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dooglusunimatrix9: no, they just refer you to other companies who will ship you the disks if you want them to05:52
jdtAmaranth: I just came back and read unimatrix9's quote and thought - wow - they changed stance on that promise pretty quickly! :)05:52
Podexshipit doesnt ship 6.10 at all05:52
unimatrix9never mind, it will be okey, i will drop the topic05:52
gumbetonow I upgraded to edgy and, even when I try to install powernowd or cpufreqd, it complains about nor having the required interface05:52
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LookTJjti: the reason shipit doesn't ship 6.10 free is because 6.10 isn't LTS(Long Term Support05:52
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Amaranthgumbeto: weird.05:52
Amaranthgumbeto: What kind of laptop is this?05:52
unimatrix9we will be good friends agian :)05:52
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Falstiusgumbeto: are you running a standard kernel?05:53
=== Lemino [n=Lemino@84-217-35-128.tn.glocalnet.net] has joined #ubuntu
Vaske_Carwhy I get dark background on ly as soon as X start?05:53
_mendredFalstius: ? just add it to ur menu.lst..then reboot..then u should be able to hibernate and resume peacefully05:53
gumbetoAmaranth: it's a toshiba labtop05:53
disasmwheres the edgy+1 channel?05:53
gumbetoAmaranth: yes I think so05:53
Leminoanyone who can help med get ati working in edgy?05:53
user-landthanks, rawsewage, bittorrent currently takes 1.5 hours to download Ubuntu 6.10.05:53
Qaldunelemino i think dapper faq should work05:53
gumbetoI just did a normal upgrade to edgy05:53
LookTJthe unresponsive repos is driving me nuts05:53
Qalduneanyway if not wait a few days for a new one05:53
Amaranthgumbeto: that's...really odd05:53
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unimatrix9i am running distribution point in my home town for ubuntu ,....its going well, but i ran out of cdroms, hence the worrie..05:53
_mendredFalstius: didn't quite understand what u said..05:54
bastiqAnyone know why my X server won't start after i installed the nvidia drivers? It says it can't detect my display.05:54
Amaranthgumbeto: You haven't upgraded your BIOS or anything?05:54
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LeminoQaldune: i tried that, but somehow it failed.05:54
Vaske_Carwhat is the command to upgrade to Edgy and can it be done from recovery mode?05:54
ehirdquestion: if i use the package manager in gnome, then switch to KDE, do i lose out on the uninstall etc. capabilities or will it carry over?05:54
gumbetoAmaranth: my kernel version is 2.6.17-10-38605:54
Falstiusgumbeto: well, if you weren't running a standard kernel in dapper it might not upgrade the kernel.  But if you weren't, you aren't.05:54
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gumbetoAmaranth: no I didn't05:54
Amaranthbastiq: Did it say 'No Screens found'?05:54
unimatrix9happy tuxing you all05:54
Amaranthgumbeto: Try using the generic kernel05:54
dincerhi all05:54
Qaldunelemino i can't help any further i've got no idea about ati cards05:54
unimatrix9diner is ready05:54
=== Aualin [n=aualin@h-89-233-211-46.wholesale.port80.se] has joined #ubuntu
bastiqAmaranth: Possible, but i think is was something about displays.05:55
macmadiathquestion and request for opinion - I'm running Dapper (going to upgrade here in a bit) and I'm looking for a product to edit ASP scripts.  I'm currently using Bluefish, but it doesn't do syntax highlighting.  Anything available that will do syntax highlighting for ASP code?05:55
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unimatrix9bye bye05:55
Amaranthbastiq: I'd have to see all the real errors05:55
bowmanIt is quite probable that I'm too stupid to read, but where in heaven or hell is the directory debian/etc. in the kernel sources??05:55
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Amaranthbastiq: are you dual-booting or something?05:55
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LookTJis anyway around the unresponsive downloads?05:55
ehirdguess they wouldn't05:55
=== grindel_ [n=grindel@123-77.125-70.tampabay.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu
Qaldunec ya all gays05:55
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Qalduneguys sorry05:55
LeminoQaldune: ok, thanks anyway.05:55
bastiqAmaranth: That could be tricky, im in the command line. Yes, im dual-booting.05:55
Qaldunenp lemino05:55
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Leminoanyone else how knows something?05:55
variantLookTJ: what mirror is it?05:55
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gumbetoAmaranth: when I tried to install cpufreq I got this "Setting up cpufreqd (2.1.1-1) ...05:56
gumbetoNo cpufreq interface found, not starting cpufreqd."05:56
LookTJvariant: it's security.ubuntu.com05:56
variantLookTJ: hmm, workds here05:56
barongasHow do I upgrade to 6.10 without downloading the image? Shouldn't I be able to just dist-upgrade or something?05:56
Amaranthbastiq: Alright, I need you to reboot to ubuntu and after X fails to start and you're at the command line run 'cat /var/log/Xorg.0.log | grep EE'05:56
=== hype [n=hype@gar31-3-82-234-50-53.fbx.proxad.net] has joined #ubuntu
gumbetoAmaranth: when installing powernowd, I got: Setting up powernowd (0.97-1ubuntu6) ...05:56
gumbeto * Starting powernowd...                                                        /etc/init.d/powernowd: 156: cannot create /sys/devices/system/cpu/cpu0/cpufreq/scaling_governor: Directory nonexistent05:56
Amaranthbastiq: And look for any obvious 'oops' errors05:56
DBObarongas, you can do that yes05:57
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CarinArrbarongas, sudo update-manager -c05:57
LookTJvariant: im trying to add repos05:57
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Amaranthgumbeto: install linux-image-generic05:57
CarinArrwill work too05:57
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lerchHi. I'm looking for a way to batch rename all files in a directory to lowercase and replace spaces with underscores. Thanks.05:57
Amaranthgumbeto: and try booting with that05:57
smaxThe cd and DVD server is down or something like that05:57
ricaneliteHello all, I just did a update of the new edgy, but how can I make sure my hole Ubuntu OS is all up to date05:57
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bastiqAmaranth: Damn, i missed it and i'm short of a scroll atm :P05:57
azurealservers are slow today =P05:57
gumbetoAmaranth: Ok, I will try that05:57
=== azureal wonders why
bastiqhold on... page up works05:57
DBOricanelite, sudo apt-get dist-upgrade05:57
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barongasCarinArr: Thanks!05:57
ricanelitecan i do a sudo apt-get update and then sudo apt-get upgrade?05:57
LookTJvariant: but when i click reload it just stays there05:57
gumbetoAmaranth: thanx05:57
Amaranthricanelite: Open synaptic, press the refresh button, see if you have any upgrades available05:58
variantLookTJ: sorry, no idea05:58
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Amaranthricanelite: then make sure you have ubuntu-desktop installed (or kubuntu-desktop for kubuntu)05:58
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ricanelitewell im using right now Ubuntu05:58
ricanelitei mean Kubuntu05:58
bastiqAmaranth: Rebooting now, i'll be right back.05:58
Amaranthricanelite: alright, we'll do it from a terminal :)05:58
DBOricanelite, or use adept05:59
Amaranthbastiq: alright05:59
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LookTJvariant:  i think the capacity lowered in the updates and repos05:59
DesolationXhey guys thanks again alt install works well05:59
Vaske_Carsudo apt-get dist-upgrade is to upgrade Dapper to Edgy?05:59
LookTJnow i got firestarter05:59
DBOVaske_Car, no, its just a smart upgrade05:59
Amaranthricanelite: Open a terminal (I don't know how in Kubuntu), run 'sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get dist-upgrade'05:59
DesolationXnow i need some help i want to install vlc05:59
Amaranthricanelite: then run 'sudo apt-get install kubuntu-desktop'05:59
DBOVaske_Car, to update dapper to edgy sudo update-manager -c05:59
d-E-u-Swhen i shut down my xubuntu then turn the hdd off but the pc is still on, what can i do?05:59
Vaske_CarDBO, how can I upgrade to Edgy from recovery mode?05:59
AmaranthVaske_Car: If dapper is broken fix it before you upgrade to edgy06:00
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DBOVaske_Car, you will need to fix it first, recovery mode has no net connection06:00
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Vaske_CarAmaranth, I wish I know how06:00
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AmaranthVaske_Car: What's wrong with dapper?06:00
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Vaske_CarI just get dark background as soon as X start06:00
smaxjigdo help me. But what is .temlate whith 600 mb size?06:00
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Vaske_Carturned it off yesterday normally06:00
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DBOVaske_Car, using binary drivers?06:01
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hamburguesavaske_car quien eres06:01
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MFenare there any apt mirrors? so far i've only found .iso mirrors and i'd like to upgrade using apt06:01
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DesolationXvlc install please i need help06:01
tsole1hi to all her06:01
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Vaske_CarI did not use anything else I used before, yesterday I was just checking emails thats all06:01
MarcCcan a Dapper user please send the output of "xvinfo"?06:01
italianoverociao! do you speak italian or english?06:01
ubotuVai su #ubuntu-it o su #kubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie!06:01
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Amaranthhamburguesa: Don't do that.06:02
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Vaske_CarDBO, I have ATI driver that come with Ubuntu, not third party06:02
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InnerF|REwhy does the system hang when a usb store device is loaded on bootup?06:02
tsole1hey guys how can i cascade windows here on ubuntu??06:02
DBOVaske_Car, ok boot it back into normal mode and see if pressing ctrl alt f1 will get you a text only login prompt06:02
InnerF|REdoes that have anything to do with ubuntu or my system?06:03
variantInnerF|RE: it doesn't here, what does dmesg say?06:03
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variantInnerF|RE: or the logfiles06:03
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Vaske_CarDBO, if does what should i do?06:03
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InnerF|REnot during the init..06:03
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InnerF|REwhen i turn on my computer06:03
Vaske_CarDBO, my Ubuntu is on diferent room...06:03
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AmaranthInnerF|RE: It probably has something to do with ubuntu06:03
variantInnerF|RE: before grub is loaded?06:03
bastiqAmaranth: The error was "No Decices Detected"06:03
Paddy_EIREwhat would be considered one of the most up-to-date ubuntu podcasts and where would I get it, and with what app06:03
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DBOVaske_Car, sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg06:03
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tsole1anyone knows how can i cascade windows on ubuntu??06:03
AmaranthInnerF|RE: Others have reported the problem, I've never seen a fix06:03
rendoAre they not shipping 6.10?06:03
Amaranthbastiq: nothing else?06:04
InnerF|REway before grub06:04
variantInnerF|RE: then, thats absolutly nothing to do with ubuntu06:04
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InnerF|REwhen i power up the computer and it checks ram etc06:04
Vaske_CarDBO, OK I am going to try06:04
AmaranthInnerF|RE: oh, if it happens before grub it's your system06:04
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AmaranthInnerF|RE: it's probably trying to boot from the usb stick06:04
bastiqAmaranth: Nope. That was the only EE06:04
DesolationXvlc can anyone help ?06:04
Alzi2_Hi all. Why doesn't my Ubuntu Edgy detect my WIndows partition, while in Dapper it did?06:04
Amaranthbastiq: ouchie06:04
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rendoIs Ubuntu going to be doing the free CD shipping's for 6.10?06:04
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variantInnerF|RE: disable usb in the bios. linux will still be able to detect and use it06:04
Amaranthbastiq: If you switch back to the 'nv' or 'vesa' drivers does it work?06:04
lupine_85rendo: don't think so, no06:04
variantrendo: no06:04
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rendoWhy the hell not? :/06:04
bastiqAmaranth: Nope.06:04
MFenso, no 6.10 apt archives out there? we have to hammer on us.archive.ubuntu.com all day?06:05
Amaranthbastiq: sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg06:05
lupine_85MFen: plenty of other mirrors06:05
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MFenlupine_85: i've only seen mirrors of the ISOs06:05
Amaranthbastiq: actually, wait06:05
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MFenlots of those.06:05
rendo"cos'" isn't an answer though.  They're trying to be the best Linux Distro and were doing it for all the other releases than decide to stop?  That's just asinine.06:05
Amaranthbastiq: sudo dpkg-reconfigure -phigh xserver-xorg06:05
Amaranthbastiq: see if it works with a stock xorg.conf06:05
lupine_85gb.archive.ubuntu.com ...06:05
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lupine_85cz. ca. etc etc06:05
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bastiqAmaranth: Thanks, i'll be right back.06:06
lupine_85rendo: "how dare they refuse to give me a free CD"?06:06
Amaranthrendo: It's because dapper is the LTS release06:06
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Amaranthrendo: edgy is a rushed technology playground06:06
variantrendo: it cost's them a fortune, why should they? they give away what they can afford06:06
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lupine_85you could always start a community initiative to get edgy CDs to those who can't live without them06:06
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nemlahHello all and congrats to edgy06:06
Vaske_CarDBO, CTRL-ALT-F1 does not get command promt...06:07
=== rendo Morons
variantrendo: you setup and distribute an edgy cd distribution business if it pleases you06:07
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nemlahIs XGL or AIGLX default for edgy?06:07
variantlol, rendo....06:07
iterVaske_Car: do you have a f-lock key on your kb ?06:07
Amaranthnemlah: AIGLX support is built-in to Xorg 7.1 in edgy06:07
DesolationXanyone know how to sudo install  vlc ?06:07
iterI hate that key06:07
DBOnemlah, AIGLX is included in Xorg 7.1 which is in edgy06:07
variantnemlah: aiglx is available as default, it is not activated as default though06:07
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ubotuAIGLX ('Accelerated Indirect GLX') is an open source project founded by the X.Org Foundation and the Fedora Core Linux community to allow accelerated indirect GLX rendering capabilities to X.org and DRI drivers. This allows remote X clients to get fully hardware accelerated rendering over the GLX protocol.06:07
DBODesolationX, sudo apt-get install vlc06:07
AmaranthDesolationX: sudo apt-get install vlc06:07
variantDesolationX: apt-get install vlc06:08
BlackenAnyone tried to install VMware in Edgy?06:08
=== DBO neener neeners Amaranth
nemlahi think i am in the mesa loop again06:08
=== Amaranth kicks DBO
Vaske_Cariter, i dont think so06:08
nemlahfglrxinfo shows mesa drivers06:08
zachtibspeaking of xorg, what's changing in 7.2?06:08
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nemlahrunning on a radeon 9550006:08
Vaske_Cariter, its standard keyboard withotu special features06:08
bastiqAmaranth: Yes, it did work. Thanks, but how do i get the nvidia driver to work?06:08
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DBOzachtib, a lot but offtopic convo needs to go elsewhere right now, things are busy06:08
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iterI wish I had a kb w/o f-lock06:09
iterworst function ever06:09
yipeYAY! Officialness!06:09
DBObastiq, sudo apt-get install nvidia-glx linux-restricted-modules-`uname -r` && sudo nvidia-xconfig06:09
feni23is there anybody, who speaks german???06:09
ubotuDeutschsprachige Hilfe fuer Probleme mit Ubuntu, Kubuntu und Edubuntu finden Sie in den Kanaelen #ubuntu-de, #kubuntu-de, #xubuntu-de und #edubuntu-de06:09
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Alzi2_Hi all. Why doesn't my Ubuntu Edgy detect my WIndows partition, while in Dapper it did?06:09
DesolationXguys my password isn't working06:10
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DBOAlzi2_, did you add it to your /etc/fstab?06:10
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DBODesolationX, reset it in recovery mode06:10
iterDesolationX: boot to single user from cd and do passwd <username>06:10
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iterI love trolling slashdot06:10
variantI have upgraded from beta edgy to final edgy but now apt seems to think there are a bunch of packages on my system that should be removed because they are no longer needed.. this is not the case. anyone know how to fix that?06:10
iterI am the troll-master06:10
Alzi2_DBO: No.. how?06:11
apokryphositer: #ubuntu-offtopic06:11
DesolationXiter or DBO: well is it my login pass?06:11
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lupine_85variant: is ubuntu-desktop still installed ?06:11
iterDesolationX: if you can't login, you can reset the password06:11
AmaranthDesolationX: sudo uses your login password, yes06:11
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variantlupine_85: it wasn't, but i have just installed it06:11
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variantlupine_85: the error is stillt here06:11
Alzi2_DBO: No.. how?06:11
DBO!fstab | Alzi2_06:12
ubotuAlzi2_: The /etc/fstab file lists all drives and partitions that are mounted on the system. See http://www.tuxfiles.org/linuxhelp/fstab.html and !partitions06:12
ubotuPartitioning programs: !GParted or QTParted  -  Formatting partitions: see the manual page for mkfs ("man mkfs")  -  Mounting partitions in Gnome: System -> Administration -> Disks06:12
lupine_85that's incorrect..... bad bot06:12
ashzillaHi friends. I just changed my repos to Edgy's, updated my sources.list and then ran apt-get dist-upgrade - however, my x-server can not be loaded06:12
HoY1Does anyone know any good Ubuntu books to buy?06:12
ubotuFor help with Microsoft Windows, please visit ##windows or your nearest mental health institute. Also see http://launchpad.net/distros/ubuntu/+bug/1  -  !equivalents  -  http://linux.oneandoneis2.org/LNW.htm06:12
eraccHmmm, *buntu's ssh does not have X11 forwarding support enabled by default. I had to relearn how to set that up today. Good thing I have a Mandriva box to study. :-p06:12
Amaranththat's not right either06:12
Amaranthstupid bot :P06:12
variantlupine_85: any ideas?06:12
DesolationXand i should be doing this in the terminal i searched universe and i couldn't get vlc06:12
Amaranth!info vlc edgy06:12
ubotuvlc: multimedia player and streamer. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.8.6-svn20061012.debian-1ubuntu1 (edgy), package size 1120 kB, installed size 3240 kB06:12
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AmaranthDesolationX: it's in universe, are you sure you have universe enabled?06:13
lupine_85variant: as long as you don't run apt-get autoremove it shouldn't do anthing bad... if you want to be sure, you could always apt-get install --reinstall <those-package>06:13
ashzillaWHat's the command to start the x server?06:13
DesolationXi pretty sure i do06:13
ashzillaERm, to reconfigure the x-server06:13
iterashzilla: startx ?06:13
disasmdist-upgrade time!06:13
iterashzilla: /etc/init.d/gdm start06:13
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eraccstartx <foo>06:13
AmaranthDesolationX: also, after you enable universe hit the reload button in synaptic06:13
eraccOr just startx06:13
ashzillaiter: I'm sorry, I mean to reconfigure the xorg.conf06:14
JaXxonHas anyone don a dist-upgrade from 6.06 yo 6.10?06:14
Amaranthashzilla: sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg06:14
ashzillaHi friends. I just changed my repos to Edgy's, updated my sources.list and then ran apt-get dist-upgrade - however, my x-server can not be loaded, there's some error06:14
DesolationXk cool06:14
AmaranthJaXxon: lots of people06:14
ashzillaAmaranth: is it possible for me to run that command still while in irssi?06:14
abhinaywhich browser takes less RAM ?06:14
DBOabhinay, lynx06:14
Amaranthashzilla: you're in a tty?06:14
ashzillaAmaranth: Can I launch another terminal window, is what I mean06:14
JaXxonand what is the verdict? Is it safe to do?06:14
ashzillaAmaranth: what's tty?06:14
iterashzilla: ctrl-alt-f206:14
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eraccabhinay, links06:14
abhinayDBO, graphical06:15
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Amaranthashzilla: alt-f2 to get to a new terminal, alt-f1 to get back to irssi06:15
DBOabhinay, epiphany is pretty good about RAM06:15
ashzillaiter: perfect, thanks06:15
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DesolationXAmaranth: any mp3 player like windos media or itunes in universe... i also need wine06:15
ashzillaAmaranth: thanks for the cmd06:15
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JaXxonAmaranth: is the dist-upgrade safe to do?06:15
iterashzilla: also, check out screen06:15
iterashzilla: very very VERY useful program06:15
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Alzi2_DBO, Too complicated.. can you help me add the line to fstab? Windows partition is /dev/hda1.06:15
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AmaranthJaXxon: what do you mean by safe?06:15
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JaXxonAmaranth: has it caused many broken systems?06:16
DBOAlzi2_, put your /etc/fstab in pastebin please06:16
AmaranthJaXxon: I don't think so06:16
variantlupine_85: why does this problem come about?06:16
JaXxonAmaranth: thx06:16
ashzillaiter: when I alt+f2 I see a new window but I cannot see any code when I type06:16
=== Hal9000 is trying to control himself and not destroy everything
AmaranthAlzi2_: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MountingWindowsPartitions06:16
iterashzilla: you should see login prompt06:16
Paddy_EIREwould it be a real performance hog for me to use AIGLX, XGL/Compiz on an Athlonxp 1600 with 512 ram and an ati radeon 128 agp vid card06:16
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ashzillaiter: there's nothing06:16
variantashzilla: that is ctrl alt f206:17
variantashzilla: not just alt f206:17
DShepherdPaddy_EIRE: jump over to #ubuntu-xgl06:17
Alzi2_DBO: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/28468/06:17
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Amaranthvariant: he isn't in X06:17
ashzillavariant: there's nothing for either06:17
variantAmaranth: ah ok06:17
=== Amaranth will brb
variantashzilla: try f306:17
Paddy_EIREDShepherd: thx man06:17
lupine_85variant: they are packages that have been installed as dependencies of a removed package06:17
ashzillaAmaranth: where is the login prompt06:17
lupine_85it's apt-get trying to be as smart as aptitude06:17
variantlupine_85: gnome-desktop...06:17
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ashzillavariant: no, nothing06:17
Hal9000ok, i have an old (i emphasize, OLD) geforce 6600 video card... installed ubuntu 6.10 and can't set resolution higher than 1024x768. What do i need to do.06:17
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iter5.5B loss...06:18
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variantHal9000: install nvidia drivers unfortunatly06:18
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Alzi2_Amaranth: Weird.. cuz on Dapper it worked06:18
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bastiqAmaranth: Thanks, it's working super now :)06:18
tuskerniniEDGY... do i update the repositories (breezy to edgy) to upgrade distro?06:19
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Hal9000variant: how is the package named06:19
FlatsOk I have a Fat32 formatted disk.  When I add it to fstab what should I use as a mount point?06:19
itertuskernini: yes in /etc/apt/sources.list06:19
AgrajagFlats: whatever you want, a mountpoint is any empty directory06:19
tuskerniniiter: just the same as hoary to dapper... ok thank you06:19
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DBOhttp://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/28470/  <--- like that Alzi2_ (except you know, change the mount point)06:19
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DesolationXwill wine work with ppc ?06:19
DBOAlzi2_, once you have that in place just sudo mount -a06:19
Flatsdo I need to create the directory as a super user?06:20
AgrajagFlats: not necessarily06:20
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RadiantFirehey everyone, I'm having a weird thing with the deskbar applet, it won't show all of the firefox websearches for some reason, does anyone know whats up?06:20
Flatsok brb06:20
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DBOAlzi2_, make sure the mount point exists before you try to mount it though06:20
Agrajagthough if you want it to be under the usual /mnt or /media directories then you should06:20
Alzi2_thanks ^^06:20
AgrajagDesolationX: nope06:20
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AgrajagDesolationX: Wine Is Not an Emulator, it won't make a PPC run x86 code.06:21
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sivikFlats, you can make it whatever you want06:21
sivikFlats, and yes, you have to sudo mkdir where you want to mount it06:22
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Alzi2_DBO: I did a mount -a but Nautilus still doesn't detect it06:22
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cyph1eHi, I'm having a Geforce 7900 GS. When I try to install the nvidia-glx drivers and reboot, I can't start X. It says it can't find screen. What shuld I do?06:22
DesolationXAgrajag: hmmm i am guessing then ragnarok online will not work with x86 code06:22
oledid recently installed 6.1006:22
oleworks fine :)06:22
tuskerniniiter: ok, upgrading to edgy, wish me luck... is there anything i should know before i do it?06:22
DBOAlzi2_, if you cd into the mount point does it show up?06:22
oledid a clean install.06:22
sivikcyph1e, you have to go into xorg.conf and change nv to nvidia06:22
dvheumenlupine_85: are you still available for a question about the route and NAT?06:22
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DBOAlzi2_, cd in and do ls06:22
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cyph1esivik: I've already done that06:22
AgrajagDesolationX: whatever that is, if it's a windows program you won't get it to run on PPC06:22
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DesolationXAgrajag: thanks06:23
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sivikcyph1e, whats the error you get if you try to run startx from tty106:23
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cyph1ehmm I think it said it couldn't find screen, I booted to windows now, I can't view the error logs06:23
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tuskerninianyone, is there something i should know before upgrading to edgy via sources.list06:24
cyph1ethis is like my 10'th time trying to install the nvidia drivers getting that message06:24
sivikthere might be a bug in them06:24
ubotuTo install the Ati/NVidia drivers for your video card, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto06:24
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cyph1eThat's the guide I used06:24
thrice`tuskernini, why not use the update-manager ?06:24
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cyph1eand I've tried with 2 different graphics card (the other was geforce 6600 gt)06:24
CarinArrcyph1e, how did you install the drivesr06:25
sivikcyph1e, let me try and see if i can get my 6600 to work06:25
cyph1eusing the guide https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto06:25
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CarinArrcyph1e, using apt or the nvidia installer06:25
tuskerninithrice`: update manager...06:25
tuskerninithrice`: so where do i get that... sorry06:25
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tuskerninithrice`: i changed dapper to edgy but the freecontrib deb does not want tu update06:25
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ubotuUpgrading, please see the instructions on: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UpgradeNotes06:25
variantlupine_85: reinstalling them, will see if it works06:25
variantlupine_85: thnx06:26
cyph1ethat was the one I used06:26
thrice`tuskernini, ^^ follow that06:26
CarinArrcyph1e, and you didn't, at any stage, get drivers from the nvidia website?06:26
sivikcyph1e, thats the one i'm following, let me see if it works for me06:26
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cyph1eI downloaded them using the Synaptic Package Manager06:26
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sivikcyph1e, thats cool06:27
cyph1eand then I ran "sudo nvidia-glx-config enable"06:27
philnhi, my iPod Nano is no longer automounted by gnome-volume-manager.. running Edgy here06:27
CarinArrcyph1e, okay, only asking because if you try to get the drivers from one place, then another, sometimes you get conflicts and nastyness06:27
cyph1eand after I rebooted, I couldnt load X06:27
chaoticg33kI heard 6.10 is out06:27
sivikcyph1e, thats why i was hoping you knew what the error said06:27
sivikchaoticg33k, yes06:27
Hal9000ok, i installed the nvidia driver, it told me to restart x. i restarted x, it was FUCKED UP. so i disabled nvidia and tried to start x again, still FUCKED UP. so i restored the backup file manually and am here on a 21" screen with 1024x768 and wondering if i am actually a "human being"06:27
PodexI heard it too chaoticg33k06:27
DShepherdHal9000: please watch your language06:28
sivikHal9000, try using the vesa drivers06:28
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BoomStYxIts out hehe, running the 64-bit version of 6.10 right now, runs great06:28
englachaoticg33k: yeah congratulations to you and everybody06:28
tuskerninithrice`: will do thanx06:28
CarinArrhal9000, what error message did you get?06:28
axisysapokryphos: yeh!! finally lighttpd removed after starting it .. as suggested by bug report06:28
Hal9000CarinArr: no screen found06:28
sivikBoomStYx, but does it run any of the plugins or wine?06:28
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fooHit http://security.ubuntu.com dapper-security/multiverse Sources06:28
foo99% [Waiting for headers] 06:28
AmaranthHal9000: So X is working right now? What driver are you using?06:28
apokryphosaxisys: cool06:28
foogah. apt-get just hangs here.06:28
fooAny ideas06:28
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sivikfoo: its probably because so many ppl are using it06:28
Amaranthfoo: servers are overloaded06:28
Hal9000Amaranth: i went back to the original config, no idea what driver its using... the out-of-the-box one06:28
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BoomStYxsivik: I can get wine to run, and if I want to use plugins like flash I need to run 32-bit firefox, which can be done with 32-bit compatibility06:29
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AmaranthHal9000: Alright, what video card do you have?06:29
Hal9000DShepherd: sorry, i got anger management issues06:29
Hal9000Amaranth: GeForce 660006:29
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sivikBoomStYx, how hard is it to do that?06:29
chaoticg33kwell I got the torrents and I"m downloading server and desktop06:29
zmuttehey, I got a kind of large problem, I made some tars (backup) before i formatted my debian installation (couple of years old) and installed ubuntu server, the problem now is when I try to untar i get this error: tar: Archive contains obsolescent base-64 headers, what could be the cause?06:29
sivikHal9000, i'm testing a 6600 right now06:29
foosivik / Amaranth: That's what I figured. But then I figured Mark would have taken care of that somehow, guess not.06:29
zmutteit works to untar them on a windows installation06:29
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EJCan ubuntu be used to run my rocket?06:29
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AmaranthHal9000: Open a terminal and run 'sudo nvidia-xconfig', see if that breaks things. Or is that what you already did?06:29
chaoticg33kbe it could06:29
variantlupine_85: reinstalling them did not help06:29
BoomStYxsivik: Not too difficult, just need to apt-get the 32-bit compat libs, then download a 32-bit version of firefox, unpack it and go06:30
BlueEaglezmutte: the cause could be that you tar-ed them with a too old (and now obsolete) base-64 headers).06:30
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sivikoh really, thats cool, what about wine06:30
Hal9000Amaranth: what i did is "sudo nvidia-glx-config enable"06:30
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zmutteBlueEagle okey, is there any solution?06:30
sivikBoomStYx, what about wine06:30
AmaranthHal9000: try sudo nvidia-xconfig06:30
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BlueEaglezmutte: I don't know. I'll read the tar man-page for you and see.06:30
BoomStYxsivik: I think wine has a howto on their site to run it in 64-bit, I don't use wine anymore really and haven't tried yet, I can see if I can find that howto really quick though06:31
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variantzmutte: you could get some old linux live cd and try with that.. probably a more elegant solution i would thing06:31
zmutteBlueEagle alright, will check the file out06:31
sergiohow can i see the documents in worl, excell in 3d on the desktop06:31
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sivikBoomStYx, well, about the only thing i use wine for is PokerStars06:31
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zmuttevariant ok06:31
variantzmutte: the archives will definately be recoveralble06:31
variantzmutte: so don't assume otherwise06:31
Amaranthsergio: You want to look at Word documents in 3D?06:31
zmutteYeah, I figured that. because the open in windows06:31
fooerr, apt-get is crawling. What a pain.06:31
Hal9000Amaranth: ok i did, x starts up, but still i cant go more than 1024x76806:31
fooGoogle'd wouldn't have this problem if they had to solve it.06:31
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AmaranthHal9000: Alright, we're getting closer06:32
chaoticg33kI hated wine, I could not get it to work at all. I was trying to use it with MS .net studio06:32
Amaranth!fixres | Hal900006:32
ubotuHal9000: x is the X Window System; it's the part of your system that's responsible for graphical output. To restart your X, type this in a console: sudo /etc/init.d/?dm restart  -  To fix screen resolution or other X problems: http://help.ubuntu.com/community/FixVideoResolutionHowto06:32
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swajI'm trying to install galaxium -- it has a lot of dependancies, but I was able to resolve most of them.  when I load up the client I get an exception that basically means I need to install libgtk2.0-dev.  The problem is that apt isn't allowing me to install this package.  See http://paste.uni.cc/11110 for the error from apt.  Help anyone?06:32
chaoticg33kI ended up just reinstalling windows to use it06:32
fuffaloi have a mythtv/ubuntu question, if anyone knows that would be swell!: i have a pvr-150 that came with a remote/irblaster (The irblaster plugs in to the usb little box that the remote talks to) - will this setup work in mythtv, or do i need a serial blaster06:32
BoomStYxsivik: Yeah, I found your howto, here you go http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=185557 it doesn't look like too big of a hassle06:32
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Hal9000Amaranth: thanks, ill follow that06:32
Amaranthfoo: Google has tens of thousands of server spread across the world with a massive amount of bandwidth06:32
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sergiois the xgl that i need to use?06:33
ranchohgchchmb g06:33
Amaranthfoo: we have a couple servers running the main archive and a bunch of volunteer mirrors06:33
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Amaranthfoo: try switching to another mirror06:33
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laimisi from spain06:33
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Amaranthsergio: Please join #ubuntu-xgl06:33
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fooAmaranth: ok, where is a mirror list?06:33
laimisin the front06:33
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Amaranthfoo: what country are you in?06:33
sergio#ubuntu -xgl06:33
fooAmaranth: USA, California06:33
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Amaranthfoo: wait, it's failing on the security ones?06:34
Whatsisnamegoogle also has a few billion dollars at their disposa06:34
Amaranthfoo: there are no mirrors for those06:34
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BoomStYxsivik: I saw you got popped out, heres the howto if you missed it http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=185557 , my only complaint I have about the 64-bit version right now is that the usplash doesn't appear in color hehe, but its not a big deal at all, its black and white though06:34
DBOWhatsisname, offtopic banter to #ubuntu-offtopic please06:34
FunnyLookinHatis it just me or are all the mirrors dying?06:34
FunnyLookinHat(for edgy)06:34
swajCan anybody help me?  I need to install libgtk2.0-dev, but apt-get install is failing with this error -> http://paste.uni.cc/1111006:34
jbroomei can't imagine why06:34
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Adrianois /etc/inittab supposed to exist on edgy? How do I remove e.g. tty6 ?06:34
laimisalgien me escuxa???06:34
sivik_i didn't have any problems getting the nvidia drivers to work on my 6600, make sure you changed the nv to nvidia in your xorg.conf06:34
DBOFunnyLookinHat, happens every release06:34
chaoticg33kthats why I torrent the isos06:34
Amaranthfoo: otherwise, check out https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Archive06:34
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laimiswat is your name????06:35
sivik_BoomStYx, yeah, i had to change computers so i could install my nvidia drivers06:35
sergioon the terminal06:35
FunnyLookinHatI wish I could at least download the torrent, it's taking FOREVER    : )06:35
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Adrianolaimis: you're wasting your time here,  I think06:35
chaoticg33kI've got the torrents now06:35
fooAmaranth: Failing on an apt-get upgrade now06:35
sivik_you ppl are inpatient06:35
chaoticg33kI could DCC them to ya06:35
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Crippy-BoyWow, edgy is pretty nice :-)06:35
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chaoticg33kI think, I don't know if my school blocks certian things06:36
AmaranthQuick, everyone using edgy, check out the new version of alacarte. :)06:36
laimismy name is leimi06:36
CarinArri haven't even noticed a difference yet apart from the boot sequence06:36
sivik_wtf is alacarte06:36
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swajCan anybody recommend a nice-looking messenger client for Gnome?  I do not like GAIM at all.06:36
CarinArrand well the login screen06:36
Amaranthsivik_: menu editor06:36
BoomStYxCrippy-Boy: Yeah its great, the repositories seem pretty bogged down right now though hehe, but thats expected since today is release day06:36
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DBOAdeman, /etc/default/console-setup06:36
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Amaranthsivik_: you don't have to check it out, i'm just being funny06:36
laimiswhere are you from??06:36
kadsswaj amsn06:36
transgress_hey i can't get dvd's to play even after following the wiki restricted formats instructions06:36
kadsswaj: but thats only for msn06:37
Amaranthlaimis: Do you need help with Ubuntu?06:37
Crippy-BoyBoomStYx, Aye, and it means i have to do some reading :( need to read up on the new init thingy (upstart?)06:37
transgress_totem still complains it's missing... do i need to install something else with it?06:37
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AdrianoDBO, it was me, but thanks06:37
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swajkads:  last time I tried amsn, the fonts looked horrible06:37
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kadsswaj: get mttsfonts06:37
transgress_isn't there an extra codecs package or something for totem?06:37
DBOAdriano, i was close06:37
laimisyou are from england06:37
kadstransgress_: download mplayer06:38
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Amaranthlaimis: No, USA. What problems are you having with Ubuntu?06:38
siloxNow I have really sqruid up my system totally, i typed "apt-get remove alsa" because i wanted to reinstall it but then it started to uninstall like everything of ubuntu-desktop so i quited the terminal but everything seemed to work, but not my USB Audiocard! I have reinstalled alsa-oss and alsa package but that didnt help.. Please HELP me :P06:38
SupremacyGnuHey, when trying to update to Edgy from Dapper I get the following error: Failed to fetch http://packages.freecontrib.org/plf/dists/dapper/Release.gpg temporary error when trying to get "packages.freecontrib.org"06:38
sergioi don know how can i use my linux in my intranet with windows06:38
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laimisi from lithuain06:38
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transgress_kads: don't want mplayer.  i want things to work properly06:38
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Amaranthsilox: sudo apt-get install ubuntu-desktop ubuntu-standard ubuntu-minimal06:38
laimisyour name is06:38
transgress_maybe it's a xine extra codecs package?06:38
webbensergio: You'll need Samba.06:38
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swajis there a way to update to "Edgy" without downloading the CD?  can't apt do an upgrade?06:38
webbensergio: It's a bit of a pain to configure though.06:38
sergiook. after that how can i configure06:39
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sivik_BoomStYx, thanks06:39
Amaranthswaj: gksudo "update-manager -c"06:39
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sergiothanks any way. I thought was easy06:39
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Amaranthnashnash: Turn that off.06:39
Drac|RadioI changed my hostname via "sudo hostname" and broke sudo. What can I do to fix it?06:39
jribtransgress_: did you install libdvdcss?06:39
sivik_BoomStYx, i will look at it later, can i just install that kernel to test without reloading the whole system06:39
siloxAmaranth everything seems to be installed06:39
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Amaranthsilox: odd06:39
laimisare you understand me??06:39
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nashnashim sorry amaranth06:39
Crippy-Boyswaj yeah, i believe you change to the egy repo's and dist-upgrade06:39
BlueEaglezmutte: It seems that the documentation for tar is incomplete when it comes to header format error (it's in: info tar)06:39
nashnashit was auto06:39
C-O-L-T3d desktop effects included in edgy?06:39
sivik_swaj: yes06:39
Adrianolaimis, if you didn't notice, this is a busy help channel to help ubuntu users, please ask your questions, don't stall or nobody'll give you attention06:39
nolimitsoyaDrac|Radio, boot singe user mode, and edit the sudoers file06:39
BlueEaglezmutte: I'd suggest you google it.06:39
webbensergio: Have a look on the forums for "samba" and "windows". ... and at the samba manual (www.samba.org)06:39
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anders9034how do i restart a service with xinetd?06:40
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Crippy-Boyswaj, ya might wanna wait a while though, The repo's are a bit slow06:40
jribubotu: tell transgress_ about dvd06:40
Drac|Radionolimitsoya: Gotcha. How do I boot in single users mode? What's the grub line?06:40
Guilohi all06:40
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anders9034i want to do service httpd restart with xinetd06:40
gandolfthewizardhow do i install the flash plug in06:40
laimisadriano: i no speak good english06:40
crochat_Hello ! Is Grub capable to boot with UUID ?06:40
Guiloi've got a PSX->PC USB joypad and don't know how to use it with linux06:40
nolimitsoyaDrac|Radio, in edgy, its called single user mode. perhaps recovery, or something, in dapper?06:40
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Drac|Radionolimitsoya: Ah! Right.06:40
laimisAmaranth: your are girl??06:40
sivik_gandolfthewizard, use the plugin from aptitude/apt-get06:40
jrib!es | laimis06:41
Amaranthlaimis: Nope.06:41
ubotulaimis: Para Espaol por favor usen #ubuntu-es, #kubuntu-es o #edubuntu-es, all obtendrn mas ayuda.06:41
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Guilowhich module do i need to load ?06:41
Drac|Radionolimitsoya: Thanks a lot.06:41
siloxI get this error message when i try to test the sound "audiotestsrc wave=sine freq=512 ! audioconvert ! audioresample ! gconfaudiosink:" cant open....06:41
BlueEagleanders9034: A: you can restart your inetd or B) you can use apachectl06:41
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swajI might just snag the CD image and do it tonight then -- I only installed 6.06.1 last night06:41
BergcubeA good friend just called me, angst in his voice. From somewhere in the filestructure on his server there is no a logical link pointing to root.  ( / that is, to be sure. )  This makes linux loop and suck 99.9% CPU constantly.  I must admit I have NOT tried at RTFM; I am hoping asking here will be faster.  And that would be good as his server is a production machine.  Any advice?06:41
abhinayhow to replace Xorg-air with the Xorg ?06:41
Amaranthlaimis: If you don't need help with Ubuntu please go elsewhere. We're really busy right now.06:41
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C-O-L-T3d dekstop effects in edgy?06:41
Adrianolaimis: I don't think anyone speaks lithuanian here, or are interested in advances06:41
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YoussefAssadhi there06:41
AmaranthBergcube: backup everything, run fsck on it from a livecd06:41
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anders9034BlueEagle: ok, is there some command to see which servics xinetd is running?06:41
gandolfthewizardsay what06:41
laimisAdriano: i can write english06:41
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siloxC-O-L-T Beryl06:42
YoussefAssaddoes anyone else have issues getting aterm or rxvt to to shading for transparency in edgy?06:42
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Amaranthlaimis: If you do need help with Ubuntu just ask your question and see if someone answers.06:42
C-O-L-Tsilox: so is there any 3d thing in edgy included?06:42
Adrianogandolfthewizard: check http://ubuntuguide.org , the answe's there06:42
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laimisAdriano: but i no speak good06:42
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gilnimplease give me a torrent link for edgy eft06:42
nolimitsoyaBergcube, why not just sudo rm -rf it?06:42
gandolfthewizardk ty06:42
BergcubeAmaranth~  Will fsck find and remove the bogus ln on it's own then?  That would be good.  (I am 6 hours away from the thing but he will be able to do it himself.)06:42
AmaranthC-O-L-T: No but that's a spec for Ubuntu 7.0406:42
siloxC-O-L-T no you have to install it after..06:42
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AmaranthC-O-L-T: So maybe in the next version06:42
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Bergcubenolimitsoya~  He does not know where "the other end" is....06:43
C-O-L-TAmaranth: I see06:43
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C-O-L-Tsilox: thanks06:43
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laimisAdriano: can you speak spanish???06:43
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nolimitsoyaBergcube, ok. as Amaranth said, fsck should take care of filesystem strangeness06:43
MirvI've now two machines that seem to be stalled when upgrading with the update-manager. has anyone else the same problem?06:43
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AmaranthBergcube: Make a full backup before you run fsck06:43
nolimitsoyaMirv, could be becouse of high server load...06:44
Mirvall packages downloaded, both are stalled in doing something. the first is setting up libpam0g (but in truth completely idle)06:44
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Mirvnolimitsoya: download went ok, it's in the package installation phase06:44
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BergcubeThanks, good people!  I will /away and phone him right away.  Goody.06:44
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Mirvand the other has last line "removing libtasn1-2-dev", also machine is actually completely idle06:44
shablabmmg from mkvtoolnix-gui crashes for me. is it a known problem?06:45
AmaranthMirv: Odd06:45
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AmaranthMirv: I haven't seen that06:45
laimisMirv: you are from USA????06:45
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Drac|RadioWho was it that just told me to edit /etc/sudoers to fix my hostname problem?06:45
siloxC-O-L-T yw here is a guide http://doc.gwos.org/index.php/BerylOnEdgy btw06:45
MirvAmaranth: yeah, the other is amd64 machine and other is i386. this has to happen to someone else, I would guess..06:45
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C-O-L-TAmaranth: I am disturbing you just for a sec :D. I am upgrading right now from dapper to edgy, my programs will remain right? so my installed programs on dapper06:45
laimisAntonio: jojojo06:45
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MirvI'll see if I wait an hour or so before going fully aptitude :)06:46
AmaranthC-O-L-T: yeah06:46
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jribDrac|Radio: just rebooting will fix your problem, changing the hostname with the 'hostname' command isn't permanenet I believe.  To change your hostname you want to edit /etc/hostname and /etc/hosts, no need to touch /etc/sudoers06:46
C-O-L-TAmaranth: okay than :d but will delete all my dapper drake?06:46
laimisAdriano: you are from USA???06:46
Drac|Radiojrib: I changed /etc/hostname. I didn't change /etc/hosts.06:46
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C-O-L-Tsilox: thanks for the info06:46
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naliothC-O-L-T: nothing is being "deleted", you are upgrading all your programs06:46
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jribDrac|Radio: ok, that's what you want to fix then06:46
AmaranthC-O-L-T: It'll upgrade things. All your programs should still be installed and all your settings will be there.06:46
Drac|Radiojrib: Alright. I'll come back to you if it doesn't work.06:47
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C-O-L-TAmaranth: but then why needs to download 680 mb of updateS?06:47
naliothC-O-L-T: to upgrade ALL of your programs06:47
siloxI get this error message when I try to test my soundcard in Audio settings: audiotestsrc wave=sine freq=512 ! audioconvert ! audioresample ! gconfaudiosink: Cant open.... Whats whrong, my audiocard worked youst perfactly a while ago :/06:47
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C-O-L-Tnalioth: I see thanks06:47
Amaranthsilox: what kind of sound card is that?06:48
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siloxAmaranth C-Media USB Headphone Set06:48
Amaranthsilox: the intel 82801G in my laptop does that sometimes too06:48
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Amaranthsilox: i have to unload the kernel driver and reload it to fix06:48
Amaranthsilox: (or just reboot)06:49
Adrianommkay, after a few trimmings ubuntu leaves me with a working desktop in 77 seconds06:49
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siloxAmaranth okay reboot doesnt work for me :/06:49
cyphaseanyone else having problems updating your package list?06:49
transgress_okay now i'm extra confused06:49
Adriano(autologin, removed avahi and other niceties)06:49
Adrianohow's it for you?06:49
Amaranth!sound | silox06:49
transgress_why would xine work for playing dvd's but totem-xine won't06:49
ubotusilox: If you're having problems with sound, first ensure alsa is selected by double clicking on the volume control, then File -> Change Device (Alsa Mixer). If you are still having problems with sound, then look at http://alsa.opensrc.org/index.php?page=DmixPlugin See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/DebuggingSoundProblems06:49
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Amaranthsilox: perhaps that'll help06:49
laimisall people: good by06:49
sharkall people: hi!!!06:50
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siloxubotu yes alsa is selected but not functional06:50
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shark<chaoticg33k>: were are you from??06:51
chaoticg33kno where really06:51
Adrianoshark, this is a help channel, sorry06:51
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Adrianoplease ask ontopic questions06:51
ubotuIf you're having problems with sound, first ensure alsa is selected by double clicking on the volume control, then File -> Change Device (Alsa Mixer). If you are still having problems with sound, then look at http://alsa.opensrc.org/index.php?page=DmixPlugin See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/DebuggingSoundProblems06:51
Adriano(sorry, mods, if I step on your toes)06:51
FlatsI have a directory of /home/frank/win when I chmod /home/frank I can make it 7777  the /win is actually my second hard drive mount point.  I cant chmod that folder however.  I get operation not permited06:51
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transgress_Flats: why did you chmod frank to 777?  that's  ahorrid idea06:52
sharkAdriano: my problem is the USB connect06:52
jribFlats: you can only chmod if you own the directory06:52
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thrice`Flats, that's not a good idea.  man umask06:52
Adrianoshark: exactly what about USB?06:52
Drac|RadioThanks to the one who helped me with the /etc/hosts issue.06:52
jribDrac|Radio: np06:53
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Drac|RadioI have a new question: What tools do I need to change the bootsplash logo?06:53
FlatsWell I need /win to be writable via FTP.  I can FTP files to the home/frank directory but not the win directory where is where I want to.  Also, this Linux box is not accessible from the outside06:53
ubotuusplash is the start-up splash (before GNOME/KDE appears) in Ubuntu. To customize it, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/USplashCustomizationHowto06:53
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impetohi to all: I'm looking some way to calculate a NIC traffic on Ubuntu Dapper 6.06LT... someone can help me?06:53
transgress_Flats: is that a windows mount from the other harddrive?06:53
marx71two more minutes and i am gonna be done with edgy!!! ooo..la..laa....06:53
sharkAdriano: i don`t connect this at my PC06:54
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FlatsNo it's actually just a fat32 formatted hard drive that I installed using /home/flats/win as the mount point06:54
Amaranthimpeto: details?06:54
Adrianodon't or can't? and what's "this"?06:54
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sledge_at_workimpeto: cat /proc/net/dev :P06:54
FlatsShould I make a different mount point?06:54
transgress_nah that can work06:55
impetoAmaranth I need only how many mbits are used at this moment :D06:55
transgress_however, ls -l to see who owns it06:55
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Flatsahh root owns it06:55
chaoticg33kyou could create a group that has access to the ~/win and mount it to a diffrent point, like /media/win and have the group with read/write access and put yourself in that group06:55
FlatsI need frank to own it06:55
shark<Amaranth>: were are you from??06:55
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Amaranthimpeto: Oh, I only know how to find out how much has been downloaded/uploaded06:55
Amaranthshark: US06:56
iterif I use the 'Places' menu to connect to a smb share, which then appears on the desktop and persists through reboots, where exactly in the file system does it get mounted06:56
Amaranthiter: it doesn't06:56
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shark<Amaranth>: a thanks06:56
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Amaranthiter: only programs that use gnome-vfs can use it06:56
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impetono I need only how many packets trastits on a specific NIC06:56
FlatsIs there a default password for the root user?  I dont remember the install asking me for one06:56
iterso no terminal then ?06:56
Amaranthiter: nope06:56
itergreat thx06:56
Amaranthiter: you need the FUSE smbfs thing for that06:56
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chaoticg33kthere is no root password, you need to use your password06:56
marx71Amaranth: i had the same doubt as iter...but it does show a location...06:56
AdrianoFlats: it's your user's password06:56
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theeFlats: the password for the user you created during installation is the default root pwd06:57
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sharkfind: hi06:57
JaZyWRKhello all,06:57
Amaranthmarx71: the location is something like 'smb://'06:57
lupine_85thee: no it isn't06:57
lupine_85try logging in as root with it - it'll fail06:57
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Amaranthmarx71: which only gnome-vfs using apps know what to do with06:57
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marx71amaranth: oh...also...on my machine..doing such a thing is quite slow..smbclient works much faster06:58
EJCan ubuntu be used to run my rocket?06:58
anders9034does someone know which package contains apachectl ?06:58
findall people: i from UK and i feed friends06:58
theelupine_85: the default sudo pwd will be more correct stament06:58
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lupine_85EJ: yes06:58
cyph1eHi, I have a GeForce 7900 GS, and after I install the drivers, I can't start X after reboot. This is the error log: http://pastebin.ca/22291106:58
ubotuJoin us for a discussion using the Queen's English in #ubuntu-uk06:58
chaoticg33kyes ej06:58
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pazeropdqsfi keep reading that automatix and such are bad programs cause of the way they work06:58
Amaranthmarx71: I've heard that, it's fine for me though06:58
EJlupine_85, how?06:58
lupine_85thee: no, that's wrong too ;). sudo doesn't have passwords - user accounts have passwords06:58
Amaranthmarx71: don't know why it's slow for some people06:58
apokryphospazeropdqsf: /msg ubotu automatix06:59
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pazeropdqsfdoes anyone have a "good" alternative? cause i dont really enjoy the prospect of spending hours upon hours trying to figure it out myself06:59
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marx71amaranth: how do i speed up mounting of samba shares..it takes ages when i say "mount -a"06:59
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lupine_85EJ: first make sure it's not a saturn V06:59
Amaranthack, no06:59
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apokryphospazeropdqsf: easyubuntu isn't bad, but the best way is really to use the FAQ.06:59
impetosledge_at_work: thanks it'all that I need ;)06:59
findlupine_85: can you my friend??06:59
Flatswow dont know my root password.  I'm screwed aren't I06:59
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theelupine_85: then what is the root pwd?06:59
^Speardoes anyone know any good docks similar to http://www.gnome-dock.org/trac06:59
jcookeanders9034, I think the ubuntu apachectl has a different name or something06:59
lupine_85there isn't one by default06:59
AmaranthPriceChild: You can't use cgi-irc in here.06:59
impetoguys in which way can I upgrade my 6.06 to 6.10?06:59
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pazeropdqsfapokryphos: but i want to change quite a few small things, it would take a LONG time to do it by myself (moreover cause im largely a noob at linux)06:59
thee^Spear: kiba dock06:59
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anders9034jcooke: hm i see07:00
findSpear: were are you????07:00
lupine_85sudo passwd will work to set one, however, it's not "the ubuntu way"07:00
apokryphospazeropdqsf: which is why there's a nice and friendly FAQ07:00
^Spearim from the uk.07:00
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findspear:were are you from??07:00
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pazeropdqsfapokryphos: ill have a look, u got a url?07:00
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jcookeanders9034, apache2ctl maybe07:00
^SpearI'm from the UK, Salisbury07:00
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anders9034ok i'll t ry it07:00
apokryphospazeropdqsf: channel topic07:00
pazeropdqsfo right, i always forget to check that in gaim :D07:00
MFenanyone have a torrent link? the mirrors are all getting hammered07:00
JuhazOnejust came here when someone mentioned on another channel that there's a flood of users here07:00
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marx71i updated using update-manager....almost done.07:01
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anders9034jcooke: no :-(07:01
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findSpear: can you speak spanish???07:01
^Spearkiba dock is not in the edgy repos?07:01
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MFenmarx71: the apt mirrors are all getting hammered too. i've given up on upgrading with apt07:01
^SpearNo. But I can speak french :)07:01
abonillais it me or the edgy universe mirror is dead?07:01
^Spearping it ;p07:01
MFenabonilla: us.archive.ubuntu.com is pretty destroyed07:01
anders9034does anyone know the name of the package that has apachectl?07:01
thee^Spear: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=26864507:01
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MFenabonilla: other country mirrors are usable, but really slow07:01
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jcookeanders9034, it may just not be in your path? have you tried searching for apache*ctl?07:01
lupine_85then destroy canada was well ;)07:01
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apokryphosanders9034: packages.ubuntu.com07:01
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about apacheutils - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi07:01
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liwiwhre is the torrent for 6.10?07:01
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=== lupine_85 is /not/ going to mirror it :)
sharkSpear: tou can speak spanish!!!!07:02
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apokryphosliwi: on the download page.07:02
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marx71removing obsolete software...07:02
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Flatssu root is still supposed to work right so if I don't know the password, I can't login as root07:02
gravesondoes anyone know where i can an ubuntu package for the latest version of gtkpod - the gtkpod website has a debian link ,can i use this ?07:02
abonillaMFen: wow! having ubuntu is a great fashion then! Maybe canonical muight want to buy some moe clusters. :)07:02
^SpearEnglish / french07:02
=== abonilla speaks spanish
BlackenHas anyone found a way to enable DRI using the ATI binaries yet?07:02
crzygrndpaMy 6.10 server (i386) installtion locks up when it is installing/configuring for a LAMP server. It freezes at 85%: 'Installed php5-mysqli'   any idea how I can address this?07:02
ubotuPara Espaol por favor usen #ubuntu-es, #kubuntu-es o #edubuntu-es, all obtendrn mas ayuda.07:02
findgraveson: good by07:02
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apokryphos^Spear: no caps please :)07:02
lupine_85Flats: su root isn't supposed to work by defaut07:02
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^SpearI was shouting...07:02
=== dabaR__ notices that #ubuntu-es also speaks spanish
marx71goodbye...i have to restart to get edgy to work...07:02
lupine_85... because the root password is disabled by default...07:02
Flatsbut I made the win directory bu using sudo mkdir07:03
apokryphos^Spear: and there's no need to shout 8)07:03
liwiapokryphos- donn`t see it07:03
=== MasseR [n=masse@dsl-aur-ff2fc000-211.dhcp.inet.fi] has joined #ubuntu
Flatsbut it says owned by root07:03
ubotuTorrent downloads for the Ubuntu ISOs are available on all the download pages. For Edgy: http://www.ubuntu.com/download07:03
apokryphoshi shark07:03
^SpearThere is a need to shout if no one listens...07:03
Rubincrzygrndpa, the server locking up during normal operations like that usually indicates a hardware problem (or kernel<->hardware incompatability)07:03
gravesonfind: good by07:03
AmaranthFlats: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MountingWindowsPartitions07:03
=== M_Laden [n=M_Laden@adsl-194-40.teol.net] has joined #ubuntu
liwiwhre is the torrent for 6.10?07:03
^SpearI said 4 times that I dont speak spanish :/07:03
apokryphos^Spear: no, that's not true; not in here.07:03
abonillaDoes the CD image has an option to upgrade?07:03
lupine_85sudo is a setuid program07:03
Flatsand if I try to chmod or chown using sudo, It says operation not allowed07:03
gravesonfind: good by ? - i do not understand07:03
kitcheFlats: sudo mkdir makes a directory that is owned by root07:03
apokryphosliwi: check the link ubotu posted above.07:03
crzygrndpaRubin: how do I troubleshoot that? Is there a log that is generated?07:03
abonillaCan I upgrade dapper to Edgy using the CD?07:03
apokryphosabonilla: sure07:03
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sharkapokryphos: were are you from??07:03
lupine_85!root > Flats07:04
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crzygrndpaRubin: and this is on a IBM ThinkCentre desktop computer... pretty standard hardware07:04
dabaR__liwi: for Ubuntu desktop cd?07:04
apokryphosshark: London07:04
Rubincrzygrndpa, you can look in /var/log/messages etc. if you have access to the console you may get a clue there07:04
=== CoOlGhOsT [n=coolghos@port534.ds1-ba.adsl.cybercity.dk] has joined #ubuntu
sharkapokryphos: good by07:04
yooooooooexcuse me, i don't speak english, who speak spanish here?07:04
abonillaapokryphos: so, mount it, add it to the sources remove the rest, update and dist-upgrade? is this supported?07:04
Amaranthabonilla: Only if it's the alternative CD07:04
liwidabaR__ yes07:04
Amaranthabonilla: the desktop cd can only do new installs07:04
dabaR__yoooooooo: /j #ubuntu-es07:04
MirvI now filed https://launchpad.net/distros/ubuntu/+source/update-manager/+bug/68421 on hanging of update-manager to "too many values to unpack" (according to /var/log/dist-upgrade/main.log)07:04
Rubincrzygrndpa, i'd try swapping memory slots around, make sure fans are all working, etc etc07:04
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abonillaAmaranth: ? crap07:04
apokryphosabonilla: yes, but make sure you have ubuntu-desktop installed07:04
chaoticg33kwho is having trouble with the torrent download?07:04
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abonillaapokryphos: dapper is instaleld already07:04
=== bronson__ [n=bronson@c-71-198-75-160.hsd1.ca.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
liwiwhre is the torrent for 6.10? give me a link to a torrent, thanks07:05
crzygrndpaRubin: I'll give it a shot... I'm pretty certain everything in the computer is fine but we'll seee07:05
Rubincrzygrndpa, by lock up, you mean tho whole system becomes unresponsive right? not just the install process?07:05
apokryphosabonilla: but ubuntu-desktop might not be, so you have to make sure you install it.07:05
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swamytkEdgy is really Edgy and best so far07:05
apokryphosliwi: what is so hard about checking the link I gave you?07:05
=== Tjoels [n=Tjoels@0x50a104bb.virnxx9.adsl-dhcp.tele.dk] has joined #ubuntu
ubotuTorrent downloads for the Ubuntu ISOs are available on all the download pages. For Edgy: http://www.ubuntu.com/download07:05
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ubotuusplash is the start-up splash (before GNOME/KDE appears) in Ubuntu. To customize it, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/USplashCustomizationHowto07:05
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crzygrndpaRubin: no, if I ctrl-alt-del the terminal will shutdown and restard the computer07:05
MFeni'm looking forward to upstart07:05
liwi apokryphos there is no torrent there07:05
jcookeAnyone using a broadcom 4318 (particularly on a Pavilion dv8000 series notebook) on Edgy successfully?07:05
Rubincrzygrndpa, what about alt-f2?07:05
dabaR__liwi: here apokryphos you go to the page and tell me why it is hard for him to find it, I am sure you will be able to see quickly.07:05
crzygrndpaRubin: it is almost as if the installation just pauses at 85%07:05
MFenchaoticg33k: i'm having trouble finding it07:05
Rubinor ctrl-c?07:05
abonillaapokryphos: i'll do the lame normal install, this is my work PC. ;-) I hope evolution-exchange works as good with 2.8 like does with 2.6.107:05
pazeropdqsfdoes the FAQ also work for 6.10 ? :|07:06
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BlackenHas anyone else been having problems with the install ISOs?07:06
crzygrndparubin: let me try those... brb (server is in anohter room)07:06
AmaranthBlacken: What problems?07:06
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BlackenX doesn't boot on the one I've tried.07:06
liwidabaR__ i select the my closest region but there is no torrent07:06
Rubincrzygrndpa, if its downloading at 85%, its probably just that the mirrors are overloaded today07:06
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AmaranthBlacken: Try booting in safe graphics mode07:06
liwidabaR__ in US there is also no torrent07:06
=== bur[n] er [n=burner@c-67-173-254-148.hsd1.co.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
BlackenIt does the same thing my Edgy install did before I sudo dpkg-reconfigure'd.07:06
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Blue42upgrading via upgrade manager right now, will mention how it goes07:06
BlackenAmaranth: It kicks to a root console, I tried that.07:06
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dabaR__liwi: one sec, I can see why it is hard for you to find it...07:06
AmaranthBlacken: So in the root console run sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg :)07:06
bur[n] er!torrent07:06
ubotuTorrent clients: Azureus (Java), BitTornado (Shell with python front-end), KTorrent (KDE/Qt)  -  Bittorent FAQ: http://www.bittorrent.com/FAQ.html07:06
PriceChildhello all07:06
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BlackenAmaranth: I did.07:07
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AmaranthPriceChild: Hey, feel free to jump right in07:07
dvheumenI've got a network + routing + NAT related question, anyone care to help?07:07
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ubotutorrents is <reply Torrent downloads for the Ubuntu ISOs are available on all the download pages. For Edgy: http://releases.ubuntu.com/edgy/07:07
PriceChilddvheumen i'll have a go07:07
BlackenAmaranth: Problem is, we've got at least one newbie on #kubuntu who's having trouble with it.07:07
abonillaAnyone here using evolution-exchange on edgy?07:07
bur[n] erthanks apokryphos :)07:07
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sledge_at_workIs there a package to set up a ubuntu-mirror? I want my colleagues on my network to use my server as a pkg repository mirror.07:07
dabaR__liwi: http://ubuntu-releases.cs.umn.edu/edgy/ubuntu-6.10-desktop-i386.iso.torrent07:07
apokryphos!no torrents is <reply> Torrent downloads for the Ubuntu ISOs are available on all the download pages. For Edgy: http://releases.ubuntu.com/edgy/07:07
ubotuI'll remember that, apokryphos07:07
=== bur[n] er is using evolution-exchange...
crzygrndpaRubin: nevermind... the installtion finished. It's strange because it really did sit at 85% for about 10 minutes... but it must have finished up since I left the computer. Oh well, as long as the installation finished. :)07:07
=== kounoupi [n=kounoupi@ppp165-162.adsl.forthnet.gr] has joined #ubuntu
AmaranthBlacken: hrm07:07
pazeropdqsfapokryphos:  i know this is infinatly sad, but im stuck at the first step to nvidia driver install07:07
ubotuThe packages in Ubuntu are divided into several sections. See http://www.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/components https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Repositories and !easysource07:07
Rubincrzygrndpa, yay :)07:08
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AmaranthBlacken: Don't know what to tell you07:08
dvheumenPriceChild: k, I've got 2 subnets, routed correctly in the ADSL modem, I can ping and have web access to it. But when I ping for an internet IP I don't get a reaction07:08
RockClimberdoes EE have the glibc with precomputed hash thingy that fedora has07:08
dabaR__apokryphos: good.07:08
apokryphospazeropdqsf: what's the problem?07:08
Blackenapokryphos: Suggested comment -- !edgyiso --07:08
liwidabaR__ thanks07:08
pazeropdqsfapokryphos: In the package manager, select the Settings menu, then Repositories.   In the Software Preferences dialog that comes up, click the Add button <- there is only one add button and it is to add a resource07:08
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Amaranthdvheumen: do you have the gateway set on your computer?07:08
=== Ademan [n=dan@h-67-101-148-217.snfccasy.dynamic.covad.net] has joined #ubuntu
MasseRGrr this is beginning to be annoiyng. Just noticed my eth0 is quite unstable atm. Lasts only a while and afterwards it just won't send/receive or anything07:08
PriceChilddvheumen you'll need to set up your router to assign public ips instead of private ips07:08
Amaranthdvheumen: it's be something like 'gateway <router ip>' in /etc/network/interfaces07:08
apokryphospazeropdqsf: I don't use synaptic I'm afraid, perhaps another synaptic user in here can help.07:08
Blackenapokryphos: "To use the Edgy ISOs until they are repaired, boot the CD in safe mode and run sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg, then startx"07:08
bur[n] erall right, enough of this bot stuff... that link from apokryphos is slowwwwwwwwwwww the .iso downloads are slooooowwwwwwww, anyone have the desktop cd i386 torrent link?07:08
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pazeropdqsfapokryphos: the guide is also applicable for 6.10 right?07:09
apokryphosBlacken: what? I haven't heard/experienced such a problem.07:09
Amaranthpazeropdqsf: What's the problem?07:09
kmaynard!repository > sledge_at_work07:09
Amaranthbur[n] er: hang on07:09
Blackenapokryphos: I just had it happen, a newbie did on #kubuntu.07:09
ubotuThe packages in Ubuntu are divided into several sections. See http://www.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/components https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Repositories and !easysource07:09
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apokryphospazeropdqsf: right, you'll just have to replace all occurences of dapper with edgy07:09
pazeropdqsfAmaranth: In the package manager, select the Settings menu, then Repositories.   In the Software Preferences dialog that comes up, click the Add button <-- there is only one add button and its to add resources (im trying to install nvidia drivers)07:09
Blackenapokryphos: I heard earlier reports of it too.07:09
sledge_at_workkmaynard: thanks07:09
apokryphosbur[n] er: use a mirror07:09
dvheumenPriceChild, Amaranth: just pinging to the modem works, pinging to the outside doesn't work. It's this schema: <--> <--> ADSL modem <--> Internet07:09
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dvheumenso pinging from works, gets routed correctly to, and returns07:09
bur[n] erapokryphos: i really just want the torrent... i've been searchign for awhile to find slow slow  pages07:09
MasseRAfter trying to scp (a relatively alrge file) from my desktop through lan to my desktop, it only copes for a second or two, afterwards becomes 'stalled' and pings go through for a while after it07:10
crzygrndpaDoes the server installtion come with X server?07:10
Amaranthbur[n] er: http://amaranth.selfip.com/ubuntu-6.10-desktop-i386.iso.torrent07:10
apokryphosBlacken: I've tested several ISOs and haven't seen it (also been idling in here for a few hours). Perhaps in that scenario it's worth just recommending an x reconfiguration07:10
Ademani either want to carve tux or the bsd-daemon into a pumpkin, anyone know where i might find cutouts?07:10
kennaeI have problem with Edgy and screen resolution: I have right modeline in xorg.conf but I cant use my 1360x1024 resolution07:10
dvheumenbut my ADSL modem doesn't seem to understand it if the packet comes from an internet ip back07:10
crzygrndpaOr is it just a console server?07:10
PriceChilddvheumen: silly question... set up dns correctly?07:10
apokryphosbur[n] er: well, the torrent link is on the page I provided.07:10
rixxoni get tons of warnings about "falling back to locale" something, need i worry?07:10
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Blackenapokryphos: which is what we've been doing. :p07:10
Amaranthpazeropdqsf: edgy?07:10
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FlatsOk lets try it this way07:10
dvheumenPriceChild: It doesn't even work based on ip pinging07:10
MasseRAnd after a while even pings won't go throught07:10
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Ademancrzygrndpa: i'm pretty sure it doesnt, servers are meant to be administered via ssh07:10
mepaYanchoIs there a way to get a list of all the files which can be added extra using " update-manager -c " pls ?07:10
MasseRSaid something about buffer being full07:10
pazeropdqsfAmaranth: yes07:10
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PriceChilddvheumen: yeah silly question... i'll just be quiet07:11
apokryphosBlacken: ok, ping me when the next person has the problem, if you can.07:11
crzygrndpaAdeman: yeap, I know... just curious before I head back over to it07:11
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FlatsI now have a hard drive without a mount point.  ALl I want to do is be able to mount it and then setup my FTP server to allow anyone to write to it07:11
Blackenapokryphos: 'k07:11
dvheumenPriceChild: I'm glad you're thinking with me :P07:11
PriceChildberyl questions.... now that's something i know a small amount about...07:11
Khamaelwhat does nessus do?07:11
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do_kevhey guys.. do I have to reinstall Ubuntu to get version 6.10, or is there a way to upgrade?07:11
thrice`Flats, is it ntfs or fat32 ?07:11
LjL!upgrade | do_kev07:11
ubotudo_kev: Upgrading, please see the instructions on: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UpgradeNotes07:11
=== LookTJ [n=taylor@c-67-187-176-173.hsd1.ca.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
apokryphosdo_kev: you can upgrade; check the channel topic07:11
dvheumenPriceChild, Amaranth: and the ubuntu workstation that is routing between and can do internet and DNS and all07:11
Amaranthpazeropdqsf: you want to add a 3rd-party repo?07:11
chaoticg33kyes you can upgrade07:11
Ademancrzygrndpa: well, in that case i dont know FOR SURE, but i'm pretty sure07:11
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do_kevThanks LjL!07:11
PriceChilddvheumen... have you got a really restrictive firewall setup on the router?07:11
Amaranthpazeropdqsf: or just install nvidia-glx from ubuntu's repos?07:11
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pazeropdqsfAmaranth: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto/Nvidia <-- im following that guide and trying to enable restricted packages07:11
LookTJis the server responding now?07:12
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Blue42can upgrade straight from commandline... gksudo "update-manager -c"07:12
cyph1eHi, I just installed ubuntu 6.10. I have a GeForce 7900 GS, and after I install the drivers, I can't start X after reboot. This is the error log: http://pastebin.ca/22291107:12
dvheumenPriceChild: I've got the DNS on my PC set to my ISP's DNS (nope, no firewall on the Modem, does have NAT)07:12
Khamaeldo_kev: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/EdgyUpgrades07:12
Amaranthpazeropdqsf: Oh, alright07:12
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variantlupine_85: i let it do it's thing and the artwork packages are removed.. how do you get the default ubuntu artwork again?07:12
do_kevthanks to you as well, Khamael07:12
Amaranthpazeropdqsf: make sure the checkbox for 'Propreitary drivers from devices' is checked07:12
PriceChilddvheumen: you have tried pinging more than one place? tried google.com?07:12
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dabaR__variant: aptitude search artwork07:12
Amaranthpazeropdqsf: that's all you have to do in there07:12
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dvheumenPriceChild: yep, I have also confirmed that pinging works with the workstation07:12
pazeropdqsfAmaranth: k thx :)07:12
ubotuUbuntu 6.10 (codenamed Edgy Eft) is the latest version of Ubuntu. To upgrade to Edgy, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/EdgyUpgrades  -  To download Edgy: http://www.ubuntu.com/download (please use BitTorrent if you can!)07:13
PriceChilddvheumen ok... so must be something wrong with the workstation we're thinking?07:13
Amaranthpazeropdqsf: they made that much easier in edgy :)07:13
Blue42is there a way to upgrade via ssh? :)07:13
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Blue42at work now, ubuntu machine sadly at home07:13
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PriceChildBlue42 as in remotely?07:13
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AmaranthBlue42: I wouldn't recommend it.07:13
chaoticg33kI've already got 70% of the server iso off of bittorrent and its only been 20ish min.07:13
dvheumenPriceChild: ... yes and no,... I think it can't be because I can successfully ping my modem, which is past the workstation07:13
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AmaranthBlue42: And if you wait until you get home the servers might be less swamped.07:13
gubuntuwhy is us.archive.ubuntu.com _extremely_ slow? when running apt-get update?07:13
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anders9034You have searched for apachectl in breezy, architecture i386.  Found 1 matching files/directories, displaying files/directories 1 to 1. usr/sbin/apachectl    web/apache [universe] 07:13
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PriceChilddvheumen wel then it must be the router...07:14
do_kevhm, what does LTS mean, and as somebody fairly new to Ubuntu, would you guys recommend upgrading?07:14
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Blackengubuntu: Because everyone and their grandmother is downloading from it.07:14
Amaranthgubuntu: because probably 100000 people are trying to use it :P07:14
LjL!lts | do_kev07:14
ubotudo_kev: LTS means Long Term Support. LTS versions of Ubuntu will be supported for 3 years on the desktop, and 5 years on the server.07:14
chaoticg33kgubuntu everyone is using it07:14
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PriceChildgubuntu because its a mirror07:14
dvheumenPriceChild: Yep...that's my thought also...07:14
dabaR__and mirrors are slow07:14
apokryphosFor everyone: upgrade instructions (yes, your question about upgrading is probably answered there) is available in the channel topic link07:14
anders9034package apache has no installation candidate?07:14
gubuntuis this a recent thing, because using it two weeks ago was lightening fast07:14
ubotuPartitioning programs: !GParted or QTParted  -  Formatting partitions: see the manual page for mkfs ("man mkfs")  -  Mounting partitions in Gnome: System -> Administration -> Disks07:14
ubotulamp is Linux-Apache-MySQL-PHP. However, the term is often used for setups using alternative but different software, such as Perl or Python instead of PHP, and Postgres instead of MySQL.  For help with setting up LAMP on Ubuntu, see  https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ApacheMySQLPHP  -  See also the Server CD install menu.07:15
dvheumenPriceChild: It does reply to my ping, so it knows how to reach me (static route)07:15
rixxoni get tons of warnings about "falling back to locale" something, need i worry?07:15
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eraccIs there a *buntu mailing list for when security updates are released? If so, where does one go to sign up?07:15
PriceChilddvheumen what modem is it?07:15
do_kevubotu: Sorry, what do you mean by supported?07:15
thrice`do_kev, ubotu is a bot :)07:15
Blackendo_kev: ubotu is a bot. LjL told the bot to talk at you.07:16
dvheumenPriceChild: Draytek Vigor 250007:16
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chaoticg33kdo_kev they provide updates and security fixes, bug patches07:16
apokryphosanders9034: do you want apache2 perhaps?07:16
PriceChildnever heard of it...07:16
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dabaR__!universe > anders903407:16
DJ_DanniHey what is the command to Browser to the Root Files??07:16
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theedo_kev: ubotu is a bot not an actual person07:16
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SpacePuppybcm43xx drivers for my el-cheepo Dell are not automagically supported out of the box on 6.10 :(07:16
apokryphosdj_baggio: alt+f2 -> gksu nautilus. You generally shouldn't run GUI apps as root though07:16
rootAlright - so I'm having some extremely weird errors07:16
=== Blacken thinks he got it, guys...:p
dvheumenPriceChild: Well, I'll put it this way, it's advanced enough to support modem-modem VPN connections and sorts07:16
variantDJ_Danni: sudo su - and then ls /07:16
gubuntuubotu, tell do_kev about ubotu07:16
Noah0504I used bcm43xx-fwcutter to get my Broadcom 4318 wireless card working under Edgy.  However, I'm having problems losing my wirless connection and sometimes connecting.  My dad's laptop (which runs Windows) doesn't seem to be having any problems with wireless.  Does anyone have any suggestions to get my card to act straight?  I think I might need to go back to Windows (as much as I cringe about even thinking about it).07:16
apokryphosvariant: please recommend sudo -i for getting a root shell instead =)07:16
dvheumenPriceChild: Not the cheap-o-rama thingy :P07:16
variantapokryphos: why?07:16
Blackenapokryphos: What's the difference, exactly?07:16
mepaYanchoIs there a way to get a list of all the files which can be added extra using " update-manager -c " pls ?07:16
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PriceChilddvheumen: he he... i don't know much else than cheap-o-rama.... i'm a student ;)07:17
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rootI originally was running Xubuntu, but then installed ubuntu-desktop, and went with Gnome. Now. When I updated to Edgy, I got to the new Xubuntu Login screen07:17
apokryphosvariant; Blacken: it sets up the environment more appropriately; man page for more info07:17
do_kevthanks guys.  That's somewhat embarrassing. :P07:17
rootand when I entered my username07:17
DJ_DanniNo when i press Alt and F207:17
variantapokryphos: sudo su - does the same thing07:17
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apokryphosvariant: it does not07:17
variantapokryphos: it does.. but let me double check07:17
do_kevdoes anybody know what "supported" means, as in LTS?07:17
Blue42offtopic:  if I want to "cd" into a root only folder, how do I do that in Ubuntu?07:17
Kim^JCan't you get the Edgy Eft cd on printed cds anymoore?07:17
Rico-hello. what does "the following packages have been kept back" mean?07:17
rootwithout asking for a password, it said "System will shutdown in One minute!" then said enter the username with the correct case07:17
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rootWhat the heck is going on....07:17
apokryphosdo_kev: long term support. You can get security updates etc for longer.07:17
thrice`do_kev, they will provide security updates when they arise07:17
dvheumenPriceChild: hehe, I'm too, but I've fought too many wars with the cheap routers... ow well... :P07:17
PriceChilddo_kev:means critical bugfixes and security updates will be provided07:17
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Blackenapokryphos: sudo -i pretends to be an initial login, but I don't see why that's preferable to su'ing as the actual root user.07:18
do_kevPricechild: Thanks07:18
dabaR__Noah0504: the drivers for bcm cards are buggy still.07:18
apokryphosBlacken: because you won't have all the same environment variables07:18
variantapokryphos: it does07:18
PriceChilddvheumen: if it were me i'd scour the options one by one and press buttons till it worked but that's nt the best advice....07:18
jdsnapeI've started to update to Edgy, however its taking ages to download packages and I need to shutdown. Is it safe to interupt apt-get when its still downloading?07:18
Blackenapokryphos: I'm pretty sure it does. I've never seen an instance where it didn't.07:18
variantapokryphos: su - loads the users env vars as does sudo su - as does sudo -i07:18
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LjLvariant, besides, sudo can switch to root by itself. no need to chain two (security-sensitive, besides!) different programs that do the same thing... you could type "sudo su -c su -c su -c su" for that matter, and that wouldn't be a good idea for sure07:18
SpacePuppyNoah0504: did you use the latest drivers from bcm43xx project or did you locate you own?07:19
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dabaR__do_kev: the community puts in work towards the maintenance of that system07:19
dvheumenPriceChild: k, at least I know I'm not thinking in the wrong direction here... sometimes when I'm fiddling too long with a problem, I'm thinking in the wrong direction... glad that's not the case now07:19
kromelUpdated to Edgy this morning.  Laptop boots to black screen when kernel linux-image-generic is used.  I've tried a search, but found no answers.07:19
Noah0504SpacePuppy: Well, I just downloaded what someone told me to in the forums.  (I downloaded from the repos)07:19
rootCan someone tell me the name for the default Ubuntu log in manager?07:19
PriceChilddvheumen i'm sorry i've got no other advice...07:19
anders9034dabaR: thanks for the !apache :-) that told me all i needed07:19
DJ_DanniWhat is the gk command to go in to Admin Desktop folder??07:19
rootMy Xubuntu one is all messed up07:19
dvheumenPriceChild: no problem :D07:19
Blackenkromel: Boot in recovery mode, run sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg07:19
jdsnaperoto: the default login manager is gdm07:20
kromelBlacken, thanks, I'll try that.07:20
do_kevdabaR_: Thanks!07:20
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PriceChilddvheumen: good luck... maybe try posting on the ubuntuforums.org network subforum and pming me on there to see how it goes if you get no joy in here.07:20
Noah0504SpacePuppy: sudo apt-get install bcm43xx-fwcutter && sudo /usr/share/bcm43xx-fwcutter/install_bcm43xx_firmware.sh07:20
DJ_DanniCan somone tell me that??07:20
Noah0504That's what I ran to get everything going.07:20
rootHow can I install the default Ubuntu Splash Screen, I just updated from Dapper and I cannot log in with the one that was installed. It's errored07:20
kromelBlacken, thanks, will try it.  It boots fine when an older kernel is selected.  Wish me luck.07:21
dabaR__DJ_Danni: admin desktop folder? that is not a term we use07:21
SpacePuppyNoah0504: yup that was the line I was wondering if you had run07:21
PriceChildroot: i know this one... one second07:21
Noah0504SpacePuppy: Is that good or bad?07:21
dvheumenPriceChild: k, will do :)07:21
rootPriceChild: thanks, will be here :] 07:21
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dabaR__root: the splash screen is not used for logins07:21
DJ_DannidabaR__ I am like gksu natio or somthang like that07:21
=== apokryphos checks the man page
apokryphosvariant: a plain - won't preserve environment variables07:21
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variantLjL: swings and roundabouts.. there is nothing dangerous about sudo su - compared to sudo -i07:22
PriceChildroot: you on about usplash at startup, or the gdm greeter when you log in?07:22
rootdabaR__: I need the log in screen, then, because, at this moment, I cannot log in - it errors07:22
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YoussefAssaderm, odd. Transparency doesn work anymore ofr any terminal in edgy07:22
rootPriceChild: upslash07:22
dabaR__DJ_Danni: gksu nautilus. bne careful, cause you can accidentally delete your files with it07:22
Kazuhiroany one know a good calandar application other than eveolution?07:22
rootPriceChild: I tried to log in, and it said "System will reboot in one minute"07:22
YoussefAssadKazuhiro: man at07:22
variantapokryphos: yes it will load the user who you are changing to env vars07:22
PriceChildroot: you've just told me and dabaR two different things...07:22
dabaR__root: what is the error07:22
SpacePuppythat's how i got mine running under 6.06 and it works great.. haven't installed edgy yet.. just fired it up live for the first time and did not recognized my bcm43xx card07:22
DJ_Dannii know i have to go there to chance permission in www07:22
GastenHello. I'm upgrading to Edgy, But it's take very long time (there seems to be others who does the same...). Is it safe to quit the process att any time? How do I do to continue? will I even be able to boot the computer?07:22
PriceChildyou mean where you type your username and password?07:22
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apokryphosvariant: you need -m in there. But also, the su doesn't encourage great behaviour, and gives new users conflicting information, particularly when we tell them "don't use su, use sudo"07:22
KazuhiroYoussefAssad, I dont want to schedual jobs :)07:22
PriceChildroot: you mean where you type your username and password?07:23
rootWhen I try to user my regular username, it says "System will reboot..." Yes, PriceChild - that is correct07:23
variantlol, ok07:23
BlackenGasten: Stopping in the middle MAY work, but also may not.07:23
YoussefAssadKazuhiro: okay, man cal :p07:23
MasseRHi everyone. I'm having trouble with my broadcom 4400 ethernet card, it stops working after a while. If I ping while it's working, and let it run for long enough I get some buffer errors and the card stops working07:23
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rootwhen I type my username and password07:23
PriceChildroot: that's the gdm greeter...07:23
varianti dont like sudo anyway, it breaks command completion which i find incredible irritating07:23
rootPriceChild: I believe the prolems stems from the fact that I originally used Xubuntu, so I want to install the upslash that comes default with Edgy Ubuntu07:23
GastenBlacken: Ok. I'll try to manage.07:23
KazuhiroYoussefAssad, im looking for something like ical from mac osx07:23
LjLvariant: it doesn't on my Edgy.07:23
variantbut then so does gnome startign the name of every program with gnome-07:23
dabaR__PriceChild: can you think of any reason that the gdm would reboot the system after he logs in?07:23
PriceChildroot: its not usplash!!! :P07:23
dabaR__I mean, after he tries to log in...07:23
rootPriceChild: sorry, the gdm greeter, my bad07:23
Blackenapokryphos: You're basically arguing semantics, it looks like to me. In a theoretical sense, sudo -i may be slightly better than sudo su -. However, in practical use there is no difference and is a matter of taste.07:23
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=== lupine_85 hax0rz root
PriceChilddabaR__ root: we'd have to check logs...07:23
apokryphosvariant: so use sudo -i; but we like sudo, and it's Ubuntu's default, so we recommend it. Anyhow, what kind of completion does it ruin for you?07:23
variantLjL: so you can type for example: sudo nau and press tab to get nautilu?07:23
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AdrianoKazuhiro: qalculate?07:24
lupine_85variant: you can with dash :p07:24
LjLvariant: no, because i don't have nautilus. but yes, i can do that sort of thing.07:24
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PriceChilddabaR__ root: or maybe startx from tty1 and see if it appears therE?07:24
variantLjL: you sure?07:24
apokryphosBlacken: as I said, even if the difference was artificial there's clear _practical_ reasons for advising users to use sudo -i instead07:24
dabaR__PriceChild: You do that, I will assume he is making it up, or does not speak english well enough to explain07:24
rootwhat is tty, PriceChild07:24
LjLvariant: no. i guessed.07:24
variantLjL: i just tested it and im on edgy, doesnt work.. still works for pathnames of course though07:24
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KazuhiroAdriano, sorry I ment calandar software, something to use as a organiser07:24
ubotusource-o-matic is a webpage where you can (re)generate your sources.list - http://www.ubuntu-nl.org/source-o-matic07:25
variantLjL: lol!07:25
Blackenapokryphos: You think they're "clear practical reasons". variant and I do not. So why are you trying to change them? Linux CLI has more than one way to do just about everything.07:25
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chaoticg33kroot its the command line that is a black screen with a flashing cursor07:25
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chaoticg33kwhite text07:25
apokryphosBlacken: you didn't give a practical reason for why it isn't07:25
MasseRHi everyone. I'm having trouble with my broadcom 4400 ethernet card, it stops working after a while. If I ping while it's working, and let it run for long enough I get some buffer errors and the card stops working07:25
variantLjL: dash.. /me checks07:25
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ifrozenhi all07:25
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LjLvariant: of course i'm sure. check your .bashrc and see if you have the "programmable completion features" enabled07:25
variantlupine_85: dash.. /me checks i mean07:25
Blackenapokryphos: Because it's not what people are used to and there's no practical *difference* between the two.07:25
AdrianoKazuhiro: evolution-calendar? (no, I don't have a mac), or gnome-calendar? or sunbird (still alpha)?07:25
variantLjL: never checked that07:25
Blackenvariant: sudo should allow tab-completion; heck, apt-get does.07:26
PriceChildroot: press ctrl+alt+f1, log in, type "/etc/init.d/gdm stop" "startx" (on different lines without "s) press ctrl+alt+F1 again and look for errors.07:26
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tabmanI have Ubuntu 6.06, can I update to 6.10 from within ?07:26
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variantBlacken: you dont know what i mean07:26
apokryphosBlacken: sudo su - gives new users conflicting information, particularly when we tell them ubuntu doesn't use su, it uses sudo. How is that not practical?07:26
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apokryphostabman: yes, check topic07:26
dabaR__tabman: read the topic07:26
MasseR!upgrade | tabman07:26
ubotutabman: For upgrading, please see the instructions on: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UpgradeNotes (you can also find this URL in the channel topic: type "/topic")07:26
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PriceChildtabman: "sudo update-manager -c"07:26
LjLvariant: AFAIK it's enabled by default in Edgy. if you upgraded from an older distribution, though, it's very possible that you don't have it enabled.07:26
vipernicuswhat are the new pro-active security features?07:26
JaZyWRKi can't get the headers from the repo they time out..07:26
ShadowthroneAre the Ubuntu servers particularly slow at the moment because of all the upgrading?07:26
ubotuFor upgrading, please see the instructions on: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UpgradeNotes (you can also find this URL in the channel topic: type "/topic")07:26
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Blackenapokryphos: Then I would suggest you stop telling them "OMG NO SU".07:26
variantapokryphos: saying the root account is disabled by default on ubuntu is also missleading07:26
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KazuhiroAdriano,  thanks.07:26
dabaR__MasseR: don't use that, just refer to the topic07:26
variantLjL: i see, cool07:26
rootPriceChild: I'm in X now07:26
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apokryphosBlacken: yeah, great call. Considering su is disabled by default.07:26
dabaR__Shadowthrone: yes.07:26
Blackenapokryphos: root is not disabled by default, it's just starred out. That's misleading information as well.07:26
MasseRdabaR__: Ah okay07:27
rootPriceChild: I went to the recovery console and then just entered startx07:27
PriceChildroot: type what i said07:27
Blackenapokryphos: It's not "disabled", it's not available to standard user permissions. There is a difference.07:27
LjLvariant: besides, enabling it will let you type things such as "sudo apt-g<tab> in<tab> nau<tab>"07:27
apokryphosvariant: no, it isn't. The encryption used defines its level as "disabled"07:27
ShadowthronedabaR__: not just my connection; good. Cheers.07:27
PriceChildok and ctrl+alt+f1 back to see if there are any errors...07:27
variantLjL: nice07:27
MasseRI'm having trouble with my broadcom 4400 ethernet card, it stops working after a while. If I ping while it's working, and let it run for long enough I get some buffer errors and the card stops working07:27
AdrianoKazuhiro: evolution should be already installed by default on Ubuntu, the others are a question of installing and trying, I think07:27
variantapokryphos: lol07:27
Blackenapokryphos: Except it's obviously not disabled, as you can use it with sudo.07:27
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LjLvariant: it works with a few programs.07:27
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dabaR__Shadowthrone: cheers07:27
variantLjL: but not all?07:27
BlackenLjL: Aye, I was happy to find that one out. It's very useful.07:27
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DarqFiberany idea when the us.archive will be back up ?07:28
apokryphosBlacken: and yet it *is* disabled; we don't tell users to setup su as soon as they get onto ubuntu. Ubuntu uses the sudo model07:28
variantanyway, the use of sudo with the same password as the user is dangerous07:28
PriceChildDarqFiber: it is up... just being hammered07:28
vipernicusPriceChild, what are these new proactive security features in edgy?07:28
DarqFiberno doubt ;)07:28
Blackenapokryphos: And both are equally valid, so you probably ought to stop trying to tell people how to advise others when both approaches work equally well.07:28
apokryphosvariant: if you want to debate the advantages of sudo vs. su then fine, please msg and I'll give you many more reasons, but perhaps we should stop the rest here07:28
variantany remote exploit becomes a root exploit where sudo is used07:28
tabmanwhat is edgy alternate install CD ?07:28
LjLvariant: well, the "sudo whatev<tab>" thing works everywhere... but comman-specific completion, such as "apt-get ins<tab>" or "dpkg --get<tab>", clearly only works if a completion scheme exists for that program07:28
PriceChildvipernicus: please expand... where did you read about these?07:29
rootPriceChild: when I press ctrl + alt + F1 it enteres a black window with no login, I can type things but nothjing happens07:29
vipernicusPriceChild, the announcement07:29
nanomadwhere have gones all the xmodmap.* files in edgy???????07:29
variantLjL: nice07:29
mcdonaldswesI'm trying to build a kernel for dapper and when I boot, I'm getting these "unable to create /dev/.udev/queue" error messages.. I assume I'm missing a kernel option somewhere? any ideas?07:29
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PriceChildvipernicus i can't read the announcement...07:29
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Blackenapokryphos: I mean, hell, I'd be happy to stop offering help if mine isn't bloody acceptable, but there's no reason to fight with others about how they choose to help them when there is no problem with either approach.07:29
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PriceChildroot: that's very not good07:29
LookTJHey, where is proftpd.conf located07:29
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PriceChildroot: you are holding each button in turn right?07:29
dabaR__nanomad: one ? would have been enough to indicate your words are a question and less annoying.07:29
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ShadowthroneCan someone explain the differences between sudo, su, gksu and gksudo?07:29
variantBlacken: yeah, it's just showing off :P07:29
vipernicusPriceChild, proactive security features, preventing many common security vulnerabilities even before they are discovered;  https://wiki.ubuntu.com/EdgyAnnouncement07:29
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apokryphosBlacken: your help is welcome, but when it's counterproductive it's hardly great07:29
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The_Alexandermam problem z Firestarterem07:30
The_Alexanderpomozecie mi?07:30
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ubotuMozesz uzyskac pomoc w jezyku polskim na #ubuntu-pl07:30
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apokryphosBlacken: it's kind of hard to argue that good practices aren't to be encouraged. Example: sudo kedit is fine, but it suggests it's fine to run KDE apps via sudo, where it is not.07:30
boinkThe_Alexander: nie mowimy po polsku tutaj07:30
Blackenapokryphos: And you have not said how it's counterproductive, you've just said how it differs from the way YOU do it. Ubuntu could suddenly go "okay, it's not GNOME anymore, it's GNUME"--but I'd still call it GNOME, because there's no difference.07:30
The_Alexanderdzieki, moja pomylka07:30
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The_Alexandersorry :)07:30
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apokryphosBlacken: sudo kedit might be fine, but sudo kate will get you into problems one you start changing settings07:30
Blackenapokryphos: sudo kate (which I assume you meant) doesn't WORK.07:31
rootPricechild: Yes07:31
dabaR__Shadowthrone: there are man pages for each, I believe, that is a good place to start07:31
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boinkmowimy po anglisku07:31
rootPricechild: I'm sure there were all at once07:31
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apokryphosBlacken: it depends on yoru ubuntu distribution07:31
dabaR__Blacken: what does doesn't work mean?07:31
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Humminhi alla!07:31
apokryphosBlacken: and no, I didn't mean kate the first time around.07:31
dabaR__It does not earn nmoney?07:31
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stefgSeveas, are you listening? When will source-o-matic and your personal repo support edgy, any idea?07:31
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LjLapokryphos, Blacken: please let us take this discussion to #ubuntu-offtopic - the channel is already busy enough07:31
rootGreat, I just lost my support07:31
Blackenapokryphos: I'm using Kubuntu 6.10, and it says bad display whenever you try to sudo any KDE gui.07:31
ShadowthronedabaR__: okay, cheers.07:31
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pazeropdqsfhowcome everything concerning ubuntu seems to download slow? :S07:31
HumminI installed ubuntu only on a ppc, and now I want os x back.. but the cd won07:31
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Hummint boot07:31
dabaR__stefg: when he has some free time, he got a new job and is busy07:31
Humminany help/url ?07:31
apokryphosLjL: good call07:31
variantpazeropdqsf: because its a busy day for ubuntu07:32
PriceChildvipernicus: i don't know sorry07:32
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soundrayHummin: what kind of machine?07:32
pazeropdqsfi downloaded the image at 86 kb/s, which is ultra slow for me, now im downloading packages at 238 b/s ...07:32
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Humminsoundray: g3 imac07:32
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Leonepazeropdqsf, what ur adsl?07:32
variantpazeropdqsf: everyone is downloading today.. wait for tomorrow and it will be fast again07:32
Leone1 mega?07:32
pazeropdqsfvariant: ok07:32
soundrayHummin: and you're booting from the Mac OS X install CD?07:32
pazeropdqsfLeone: na, cable07:32
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=== variant has 16GB of bandwidth
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soundrayHummin: or trying to, rather?07:32
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Humminsoundray: ya.. trying to07:32
MasseRI'm having trouble with my broadcom 4400 ethernet card, it stops working after a while. If I ping while it's working, and let it run for long enough I get some buffer errors and the card stops working07:33
chapiumHummin, try holding down 'C'07:33
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barnetodanyone got time helping me understand the confusing partition?07:33
soundrayHummin: that's with the C key held down?07:33
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Hummintried googling07:33
Humminit boots linux discs just fine07:33
Humminbut not the osx07:33
DarqFiberwhy does the macromedia flash plug in blow up firefox 2.0 ?07:33
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soundrayDarqFiber: maybe because it's still beta?07:33
Humminsoundray: yah, ofcourse.. that07:33
variantDarqFiber: becuase its buggy proprietry software :P07:33
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Hummins how I got ubuntu installed07:34
justthisguyDarqFiber: what, flash 9?07:34
barnetodanyone have experience installing a dual boot with xp?07:34
DarqFiberdon't think so07:34
variantbarnetod: sadly yes07:34
ubotuDual boot instructions:  https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WindowsDualBootHowTo (x86/AMD64)  -  https://wiki.ubuntu.com/YabootConfigurationForMacintoshPowerPCsDualBoot (Macintosh)07:34
pazeropdqsfi have windows on another partition on this computer, is it at all possible to import firefox passwords to the firefox in linux?07:34
chapiumhummin, perhaps yaboot is messing with it, can you tell yaboot to use the cd?07:34
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DarqFiberjust the one that firefox wants to install07:34
barnetodlupine wish those worked07:34
DarqFiberI installed it07:34
rootHow can I install this theme: http://www.gnome-look.org/content/show.php?content=3739507:34
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variantpazeropdqsf: yeah, just copy a few of the files from the profile07:34
DarqFibernow when I go to a flash page it shuts down07:34
lupine_85they work fine, if you set them up right07:34
nanomadanyone can explain me why all the xmodmap.* files are located in the gnome-applets-data package???????????07:34
Humminchapius.. yaboot has c for cd.. but only seems to load linux cds07:34
pazeropdqsfvariant: k thx07:34
barnetodim just real confused with the partition table07:34
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variantpazeropdqsf: i think it should be the same text format07:34
MasseRI'm having trouble with my broadcom 4400 ethernet card, it stops working after a while. If I ping while it's working, and let it run for long enough I get some buffer errors and the card stops working07:35
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barnetodthis is my first install of ubuntu, so gotta bare with me07:35
nanomadthis makes no sense07:35
chapiumi personally can't see why one would use OS X on a G3, its dog slow07:35
variant!repeat | MasseR07:35
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ubotuMasseR: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly, if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. You can search https://help.ubuntu.com or http://wiki.ubuntu.com while you wait. Also see !patience07:35
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Humminchapium: cant even use xwindows with my 256mb..07:35
chapiumdepends on the g3 i suppose, definately not mine07:35
Humminthats why07:35
soundrayI have trouble with the fonts after upgrading to edgy. They look poor, especially in gnome-terminal. Bitstream Vera Sans Mono with LCD subpixel smoothing -- used to look great, now frayed with a rainbow effect. What to do?07:35
MasseRvariant: Which is why I was tryng to wait long enough :)07:35
Humminits slow as in click and wait 5 seconds for respons.. wait 5-10 second for each widget to redraw07:36
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variantMasseR: :)07:36
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DigitalNinjaAnyone playing games on linux?07:36
dabaR__root: same as any other theme, http://art.gnome.org/faq.php#q707:36
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aoupiDigitalNinja: does mines qualify?07:36
Rico-edgy has totally screwed up my mounts, it's mounted my ipod twice and my dvd drive twice07:36
reiki_workDigitalNinja: I play WoW in a WINE window :)  that count?07:36
Rico-it mounted an ext3 partition at /dev/sdb2 as a second ipod07:37
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dabaR__DigitalNinja: no, noone plays games in linux07:37
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DigitalNinjaaoupi: Well, it's a game but I'm looking for 3D games07:37
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chapiumdigitalninja, what was your question/07:37
DigitalNinjalet me ask a better question07:37
dabaR__DigitalNinja: ask the question again, this time about what you really want to know07:37
MrKeunerhi, I am having lots of eth0 errors after booting into edgy, where should i start?07:37
soundray!planetpenguin-racer | DigitalNinja07:37
ubotuplanetpenguin-racer: another 3D racing game featuring Tux, the Linux penguin. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.3.1-5ubuntu2 (dapper), package size 242 kB, installed size 700 kB07:37
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rooteverytime I try to install the theme file I downloaded form gnome look it says invalid format07:37
dabaR__MrKeuner: see if anything is not working07:38
axa-axaCan someone please tell me where can I find good guide for upgrading from Dappar Drake 6.06 to Edgy Eft 6.10?07:38
virgin|Vicentedoes anyone want to play q3?07:38
roothow can I install the gdm greeter I downloaded?07:38
aoupisoundray: that game is very entertaining07:38
ubotuFor upgrading, please see the instructions on: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UpgradeNotes (you can also find this URL in the channel topic: type "/topic")07:38
thrice`man, there is no mt-daapd package in ubuntu07:38
MrKeunerdabaR__: what do you mean?07:38
soundrayaoupi: I wouldn't know, but my son plays it a lot.07:38
dabaR__root: have you looked at the tutorial that I gave you?07:38
DigitalNinjaDoes anyone play 3D games with a high end graphics card?07:38
rootdabaR__: no07:38
chapiumroot, its under preferences on the gnome menu07:38
rootdabaR__: what tutorial was that?07:38
dabaR__MrKeuner: is something not working? like the connection?07:38
dabaR__root: go read alraedy http://art.gnome.org/faq.php#q707:38
MrKeunerdabaR__: no I am connected through it now bu thaving lots of errors in ifconfig output's error part07:38
MrKeunerdabaR__: and connection is slow too07:39
eraccAnyone else having problems with us.archive.ubuntu.com today?07:39
soundrayAre you guys all happy with how the fonts look in edgy? Noticed any change? Mine look really poor -- suggestions?07:39
=== MattJ [n=matthew@88-109-160-198.dynamic.dsl.as9105.com] has joined #ubuntu
ubotuFor upgrading, please see the instructions on: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UpgradeNotes (you can also find this URL in the channel topic: type "/topic")07:39
eraccKeeps timing out here.07:39
dabaR__MrKeuner: what errors? are you downloading torrents?07:39
reiki_workDigitalNinja: are you restricting your question to linux-native games?07:39
variantMrKeuner: i have a simmilar problem07:39
dabaR__eracc: it is busy, can you ping it?07:39
MrKeunerdabaR__: no regular repository downloads from ubuntu07:39
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variantMrKeuner: connection dissapears every few mins for 10 or 20 seconds before comeing back07:39
dabaR__MrKeuner: repository is busy today.07:39
thrice`soundray, do you have a screenshot ?07:39
MrKeunerdabaR__: how can I check if correct module is loaded for my eth card07:39
MrKeunervariant: I have thinkpad r52 here07:40
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soundraythrice`: no, but I will have in a short while07:40
variantMrKeuner: and lots of dropped packets and carriar errors07:40
variantMrKeuner: tosh lappy here07:40
eraccdabaR__, I can both traceroute to it and ping it. But running 'apt-get update' times out on it.07:40
MrKeunervariant: Broadcom Corporation NetXtreme BCM5751M Gigabit Ethernet PCI Express (rev 11)07:40
DigitalNinjareiki_work: Well, what I'm looking for is someone with a high end grapics card. I want to know what works and what doesn't.07:40
rootdabaR__: gdmsetup returned:   Failed to connect to socket, sleep 1 second and retry Trying failed command again.  Try 2 of 5.07:40
variantMrKeuner: mines 8130too based 100mb card07:40
eraccI think I will just use archive.ubuntu.com for now.07:41
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reiki_workDigitalNinja: I have a 512MB nVidia 6300gt card... works fine. That help? Or did you mean higher end than that?07:41
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variantDigitalNinja: everything works with the high end cards, as they use the proprietry drivers from the manufacturer (nvidia/ati)07:41
meat`2how do you change your wifi network via command line? the gui doesn't seem to work07:41
rixxoni'm worried this upgrade will fuck up the system, i get loads of errors07:41
DigitalNinjareiki_work: That's a start.07:41
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variantmeat`2: iwconfig as root07:41
DigitalNinjareiki_work: I've got a nx760007:41
LjL!language | rixxon07:42
uboturixxon: Please watch your language and keep this channel family friendly.07:42
MasseRrixxon: Don't worry it wil work07:42
b33j0rb33j0r: can anyone help me? if I have started a process on a remote machine via ssh, how can I make the process continue after I close the ssh session? thanks07:42
MrKeunerWhich module is this card supposed to use? Broadcom Corporation NetXtreme BCM5751M Gigabit Ethernet PCI Express (rev 11)07:42
rixxonLjL: sorry, bad habit07:42
MasseRb33j0r: screen07:42
DigitalNinjareiki_work: I can't get it to work on my epox motherboard. It locks up when I use the card07:42
MasseRb33j0r: man screen07:42
rixxonMasseR: ok thank you07:42
mockHi, I am having troubles with apt-get (synaptic and so on ...) ... I repeadedly getting the error: Dynamic MMap ran out of room ... later on, synaptic thinks there is nothing installed ... (on Dapper) Any idea, how to restore the package database?07:42
nanomadplease confirm this bug: https://launchpad.net/distros/ubuntu/+source/xmodmap/+bug/68435 (or close it if i'm wrong)07:42
dabaR__root: root and you tried system>administration>login manager>add+?07:42
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meat`2what does the "lo" entry in iwconfig stand for?07:43
Angryelf_has anyone here tried out the myth 0.20 packages for edgy yet?07:43
variantmeat`2: localhost07:43
rixxonmeat`2: loopback07:43
variantmeat`2: loopback as rixxon says i mean07:43
rootdabaR__: there is nothing under admin that says login manager... did you mean update manageR?07:43
b33j0rMasseR: will that help me if I've already started the jobs?07:43
soundraythrice`: http://www.soundray.org/screenshot.png. In the chooser dialog, the font looks like I want it to look. But check the terminal windows...07:43
MasseRb33j0r: No you have to start them with screen07:43
LookTJI can barely download a thing synaptic07:43
MasseRFor example 'screen -S irssi irssi'07:43
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dabaR__root: how about login window?07:43
LookTJubuntu needs more RAM and bandwitch07:44
rootdabaR__: no07:44
dabaR__b33j0r: you can run the process with nohup <command>&07:44
meat`2mine says "no wireless extensions". i take it that's bad07:44
b33j0ri started a wget of two of the new iso's for edgy over ssh, so if I close the connection will they stop?07:44
b33j0rand I backgrounded them07:44
dabaR__root: then go to apps>system tools>alacarte menu editor and add the login manager to your system>admin menu07:44
DigitalNinjaAnyone use the geforce nx7600 or something close. I can't get mine to work07:44
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dabaR__b33j0r: I don't know whether they will stop, but it is possible.07:45
aoupi!info screen > b33j0r07:45
ubotuscreen: a terminal multiplexor with VT100/ANSI terminal emulation. In component main, is optional. Version 4.0.2-4.1ubuntu5 (dapper), package size 566 kB, installed size 976 kB07:45
reiki_workok that's sad... I was mouse-hovering over stuff in soundray's screenshot to see what they tooltip would tell me.... *** sigh ***07:45
soundrayLookTJ: great typo ;)07:45
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dabaR__b33j0r: nohup means dont hang up the process after I hang up07:45
crzygrndpaHow do I enable access to the universe repository?07:45
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MasseRSo apparently the error is ping: sendmsg: No buffer space available. Google ->07:45
b33j0rthanks, I'll restart with nohup07:45
pazeropdqsfFFS i followed the guide to the letter, i reboot, theres no splash screen and my fuckin sound is dead :@07:45
soundray!repos | crzygrndpa07:45
ubotucrzygrndpa: The packages in Ubuntu are divided into several sections. See http://www.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/components https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Repositories and !easysource07:45
LjL!language | pazeropdqsf07:46
ubotupazeropdqsf: Please watch your language and keep this channel family friendly.07:46
pazeropdqsfsoz, just angry :<07:46
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pazeropdqsfi try to avoid automatix and install it myself and after the first little thing, it already goes haywire :'(07:46
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soundrayreiki_work: shall I take another one, with the tooltip active? ;)07:46
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ubotuAutomatix is an unsupported script that tries to automate the installation of some software. We don't provide support for it in the #ubuntu or #kubuntu channels, try #automatix thanks!07:46
FRETHey all. Are there known problems when upgrading from dapper? Do I keep my installed applications?07:46
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soundraypazeropdqsf: look into easyubuntu07:47
reiki_worksoundray: thanks but no... I'm here at work on a windoze box and miss my home system :)07:47
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ubotuEasyUbuntu is a script that automates installation of some items. Use at your own risk. See http://easyubuntu.freecontrib.org/ ; for help and or discussions about EasyUbuntu please join #easyubuntu.07:47
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rootso, alacarte wasn't in the menu, so I ran it from the command line - but I cannot uncheck/check new items to adjust what is shown - I see login window though07:47
kujaAnyone happen to know what the total size of main/universe/multiverse combined is?07:47
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reiki_workkuja: like... to build a mirror?07:47
DigitalNinjawhy isn't anyone using the high end geforce/nvidia cards? Am I the only one.07:47
Amaranthkuja: too big07:47
kujaSort of, reiki_work07:47
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Amaranthkuja: ubotu used to know07:48
Humminok.. anyone ran a linux dist on a ppc computer with only 256mb ram ?07:48
soundraythrice`: what do you think about that font issue?07:48
rootdabaR: ?07:48
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Humminis there something like puppy linux for ppc?07:48
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reiki_workkuja: I believe you'll need to download about 30GB to build a mirror07:48
kujaI'm only on main/o in my debmirror process07:48
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dabaRroot: well, I can not think of anything else to tell you. It should work.07:48
kujaBut so far 2GB07:48
aoupiHummin: I run debian on one, but I only have 94M RAM07:48
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stefg Good question, kuja. I'd estimate between 7-10 GB in packages07:48
soundrayHummin: you could try xubuntu07:48
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Amaranthkuja: main itself will fit on a DVD07:48
ricanelitehow can i change dapper to edgy using Nano?07:48
kujaAmaranth: I wonder, if I strip the KDE crap from main/universe/multiverse, compressed it with bzip2, would if fit on my iPod nano? :P07:48
aoupiHummin: It's a imac G3, running fluxbox07:48
MrKeunervariant: do you think it could be a kernel problem?07:48
Humminsoundray: did.. live disc makes a ram disc and eats my mem07:49
Amaranthkuja: the entire archive is something like 20GB07:49
jribubotu: tell ricanelite about upgrade07:49
dabaRricanelite: sudo nano /etc/apt/sources.list07:49
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Humminaoupi: oh, that might work07:49
EmxBAirc.ubuntu.com ?07:49
MrKeunervariant: it looks like my usual ntework card module was loaded07:49
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kujaAmaranth: Biggest being universe?07:49
EmxBAnew server?07:49
ChrisWhitehmm, I seem to be having trouble with downloading from us.archive.ubuntu.org07:49
Amaranthkuja: yeah07:49
b33j0ractually, I closed the ssh session and the jobs kept going07:49
b33j0rthanks though07:49
=== nurple is now known as Nurple
EmxBAmigration from freenode to irc.ubuntu.com?07:49
rootdabaR: I just realized that there are some other items in italics that cannot be turned on or off - however others can, there must be some other problem07:49
Humminaupi: wasn't too hard to set up, was it?07:49
kujaCan I just leave out universe? :P07:49
AmaranthEmxBA: it's still freenode07:49
dabaRb33j0r: remember the nohup command07:49
Flatswhy would the drive type be in fstab if it was just partitioned as a linux drive type07:49
b33j0ri will, thanks!07:49
jrib!slowrepos | ChrisWhite07:49
ubotuChrisWhite: Some of the Ubuntu repositories may have slow response time or time out altogether, due to the many connections from people upgrading to Edgy. Please be patient, bandwidth is a limited resource unfortunately!07:49
FRETare there known problems when upgrading from dapper?07:49
EmxBAAmaranth: and is there anyone on irc.ubuntu.com07:49
AmaranthEmxBA: irc.ubuntu.com points to freenode07:49
EmxBAah ok :)07:50
crzygrndpaubotu: I see how to access the universal repository in the GUI... but I'm working with a server. How would I configure using the console?07:50
kujaWhat exactly does universe represent, Amaranth?07:50
Amaranthkuja: everything07:50
ChrisWhitejrib: ah, ok thanks07:50
Amaranthkuja: basically :P07:50
EmxBAubotu is a bot, crzygrndpa07:50
dabaRkuja: visit the components page about ubuntu.07:50
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aoupiHummin: I don't remember, I don't think it was too hard07:50
crzygrndpaEmxBA: lol :)07:50
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Amaranthkuja: main is the stuff in the default installs of edubuntu, xubuntu, kubuntu, ubuntu, and ubuntu-server + some small little extras07:50
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Amaranthkuja: universe is everything else07:50
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soundraycrzygrndpa: post your current /etc/apt/sources.list on pastebin and I'll show you what to change.07:50
kujamultiverse is...?07:51
kujaUnofficial or what?07:51
dabaRcrzygrndpa: edit the /etc/apt/sources.list file with a command line editor07:51
soundray!pastebin | crzygrndpa07:51
ubotucrzygrndpa: pastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (you can always find it in the channel topic, among other useful things)07:51
jribFRET: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/EdgyReleaseNotes07:51
dabaRkuja: go read the components page07:51
Amaranthkuja: multiverse is non-free or patent encumbered stuff07:51
kujaI see07:51
rootAmaranth: I'm trying to run gdmsetup, but it says:   Failed to connect to socket, sleep 1 second and retry07:51
root  Trying failed command again.  Try 2 of 5.07:51
rootwhen I try to run the command, what is going on?07:51
pazeropdqsfcan anyone guess as to why, after installing the nvidia drivers (https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto/Nvidia) on edgy, the drivers dont work and my sound is suddenly dead?07:51
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Amaranthkuja: debian is 15GB, ubuntu is probably in the same ballpark07:52
dabaRroot: what command do you use to run it?07:52
rootdabaR: gdmsetup07:52
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Donewhen i try to upgrade to edgy i get thos error msg "Failed to fetch http://packages.freecontrib.org/ubuntu/plf/dists/dapper/Release.gpg Temporary failure resolving packages.freecontrib.org07:52
kyjathe upgrade script does not work.07:52
kujaAmaranth: If I wanted to fit universe on my iPod, what exactly would I want to strip, for say upgrading a default ubuntu install?07:52
Amaranthroot: sudo gdmsetup07:52
dabaRroot: try gksudo gdmsetup07:52
kaosxanyone know if the edgy repos for the U.S. are working right now?07:52
=== gsalt [n=miktol@dsl-tregw3-fe40f800-208.dhcp.inet.fi] has joined #ubuntu
FRETjrib, I've read that, thx. Will I lose my installed apps?07:52
Amaranthkuja: everything :P07:52
ubotuSome of the Ubuntu repositories may have slow response time or time out altogether, due to the many connections from people upgrading to Edgy. Please be patient, bandwidth is a limited resource unfortunately!07:52
dabaRDone: that URL is dead, remove it from your sources.list07:52
rootAmaranth: dabaR both resulted in the same thing07:52
jribFRET: you shouldn't but there are no guarantess of course07:52
rootFailed to connect to socket07:52
kaosxthanks stef07:52
soundraykyja: I had that problem. I did the apt-get thing instead.07:53
Amaranthkuja: you can't just pick and choose, universe has games, video players, gnome software, kde software, office apps, etc, etc, etc07:53
Donethanks dabaR07:53
kyjakyja@kyja-laptop:/media/cdrom0$ sudo sh ./cdromupgrade07:53
kyja   <- returns07:53
=== reiki_work is SO happy he downloaded the RC iso a couple days ago.
Humminaoupi: is that an old-world mac or new ?07:53
kujaAmaranth: I'm using debmirror, but I really want to strip kde software and office apps, basically07:53
kyjaIc many complaints. perhaps I should hold off.07:53
aoupiHummin: new world07:53
=== raindog [n=marty@pm795-24.dialip.mich.net] has joined #ubuntu
Flatswhy would the drive type be in fstab if it was just partitioned as a linux filesystem partition07:53
Amaranthkuja: It won't make it fit in 4GB07:53
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jribFRET: even if you do have a program uninstalled for some reason, it should be easy enough to just install it again.  All you configuration files would still be there07:53
Humminaoupi: do you know if old world macs will run debian?.. cause I have a couple07:53
Amaranthkuja: and bzip2 compression won't shrink the size of the packages by much, if at all07:53
kaosxFlats, probably ext307:54
EmxBAerm, i think this is the record - 1095 persons in room07:54
Flatstried that07:54
aoupiHummin: they will, but it is not fun to set up :)07:54
FRETjrib, alright, thx :-)07:54
Amaranthkuja: they're all either gzip or bzip2 compressed already07:54
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aoupiHummin: you need bootx or whatever it was called07:54
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FlatssVFS: Can't find ext3 filesystem on dev sda.07:54
rolerDoes EDGY support the transparent window manager better now? Through metacity??07:54
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Adrianothe number of people is really pushing Gaim a bit07:54
soundraykyja: there are many more successful upgrades than complaints. If you install ubuntu-desktop before upgrading, and you use apt-get dist-upgrade, you should be fine.07:54
Humminaoupi: ahaa.. i'll look into that.. thanks07:54
reiki_workAdriano: tell me about it...07:54
kujaDamn, I need to write an apt-zip replacement then.07:54
reiki_workI'm using ChatZilla at work07:54
Whatsisnamewtf is going on07:54
EmxBAand there are just few graphical changes in edgy, some icons changed and ubiquity is better, but almost the same, there are some new options and that's all.07:55
kaosxthe new splash is alot "prettier"07:55
AmaranthEmxBA: What did you expect?07:55
kyjaok. so my 6061 should upgrade fine.07:55
EmxBAi did expect that07:55
GaiaX11Is edgy already estable?07:55
kujaAmaranth: I know you're into the GNOME game and Python. Be a nice old buddy and write me something that'll parse the package list and download packages and dependencies in Python/Gtk.. PLEASE :)07:55
DonedabaR,  should i remove all the PLF repositories?07:55
=== bina [n=bina@exten-halls-130.soton.ac.uk] has joined #ubuntu
kaosxLast time I ran edgy nothing worked on my laptop07:55
ExilEanyone know how to get realtek rtl8187 drivers running in 64bit07:55
EmxBAsince dapper was ok, edgy is just updated edgy ;)07:55
Amaranthkuja: hahahahah07:55
dabaRDone: plf has no more ubuntu repositories07:55
FRETjrib, there are obviously two ways of doing it. apt-get install ubuntu-desktop with editing the sources, or just apt-get dist-upgrade. Which one should I do?07:55
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aoupiHummin: I had an old-world up untill a few weeks ago when I decided to throw it away, but I was required to have one OS9 partition to start the boot loader soo that it could boot linux :)07:56
kujaActually, it wouldn't be difficult at all =P07:56
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Adrianoso, gaim beta4 is to be compiled and tested, right now!07:56
kaosxyou can do it through update manager too, I think07:56
ubs_can anyone tell how to change cursors?07:56
jribubs_: tell FRET about upgrade07:56
Amaranthkuja: python-apt would help07:56
ehirdUbuntu says it will take 30 minutes to download 2 tiny games and their dependencies, at less than 10kbps. Why is this happening?07:56
jribubotu: tell FRET about upgrade07:56
kaosxid do apt-get dist-upgrade && apt-get upgrade07:56
Amaranthkuja: but this is all terribly offtopic07:56
kujaAmaranth: That breaks the portability aspect07:56
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EmxBAkyja and kuja? :S07:57
kujaAmaranth: I'll probably do it at home, in Ruby, yes... RUBY07:57
kyjaI noticed that hehe07:57
Amaranthkuja: :P07:57
reiki_workjust to confirm...if I do the gksu "sh /cdrom/cdromupgrade" using teh 6.10 RC CD I downloaded a couple days ago. That will do the entire upgrade? Does it also change teh sources.list?07:57
=== Caplain_ [n=matt@168.detroit-06-08rs.mi.dial-access.att.net] has joined #ubuntu
Amaranthkuja has been around longer :P07:57
Amaranthreiki_work: it should07:57
soundrayubs_: System-Prefs-Mouse-Pointers07:57
kujaAmaranth: I noticed Alacarte a few days ago, was yours. I was browsing around realistanew, and I thought to myself I remember you writing a GNOME menu editor, I didn't know you named it Alacarte :P07:57
MrKeunerdabaR_: doesn't this necessarily mean a problem?           RX packets:183415 errors:52403 dropped:0 overruns:0 frame:007:57
kyjaI only sighned onto freenode lastyear07:57
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reiki_workAmaranth: should save me the bandwidth headaches too, huh? :)07:57
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Amaranthkuja: hehe07:58
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Amaranthreiki_work: yeah07:58
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ehirdguess it also blocks irc messages!07:58
Amaranthreiki_work: although there are probably 100MB worth of things to download from RC to final07:58
dabaRMrKeuner: if it works, don't fix it.07:58
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kyjaI cant sudo apt-get dist-upgrade it gives me 0 upgraded, 0 newly installed, 0 to remove and 4 not upgraded07:58
MrKeunerdabaR: :) hm OK07:58
=== DazWiLLiE [n=WiLLiE@unaffiliated/dazwillie] has joined #ubuntu
Xk2cHello folks07:58
taliseinubuntu servers melllllllllting07:58
EmxBAah i installed edgy few hrs ago and there were 2 updates immediately :D :D :D07:58
Xk2cwe had an other great release of [Edu,KXU] buntu.07:58
dabaRkyja: sudo aptitude upgrade07:58
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Amaranthkyja: either you're already using edgy or your dapper install has some problems07:58
Xk2cUsually we have "Hug Days" were volunteers get hugs from others when helping triaging bugs.07:59
ehirdOh, are packages slow because the servers are overloaded right now?07:59
kyjahrm ok07:59
=== ricanelite [n=ricaneli@ip70-174-105-93.hr.hr.cox.net] has joined #ubuntu
Xk2cTODAY i want to announce the first inofficial developer hug day!  ;)07:59
ehirdI could live with that.07:59
reiki_workehird: YES07:59
ricaneliteokay i have problem which i have been doing for so long now07:59
ehirdreiki_work: OKAY07:59
soundrayGuys, have you got a suggestion for my font problem? Bitstream Vera Sans Mono looks great in the chooser, but poor in gnome-terminal. http://www.soundray.org/screenshot.png07:59
AmaranthXk2c: I could use a hug. :P07:59
reiki_worksorry... stupid caps lock :)07:59
=== Xk2c hugs Amaranth
shablabis the file chooser (no home/Desktop entries) bug resolved in the final release?07:59
EmxBAis this a record? 1091 users ... were there 1100? :)07:59
=== pazeropdqsf [n=alex@d54C1C929.access.telenet.be] has joined #ubuntu
Xk2cThe developers do much work and therefore "we users" should hug each07:59
ehirdi could use a hug for the hours i've spent making ubuntu work with my net connection07:59
Xk2cdeveloper for this.07:59
AmaranthEmxBA: We had just over 1100 earlier.08:00
Xk2cAlso mind MOTUs, translators and artists were ever you get them. :D08:00
EmxBAnice ;)08:00
kyjalol same thing for  sudo aptitude upgrade08:00
rixxonXk2c: ofcourse, we will need to develop a gaybuntu version aswell.08:00
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EmxBAthis is the biggest channel on freenode ;)08:00
=== soundray hugs ehird and pats him on the back
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=== Xk2c hugs devs
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ehirdXk2c: Is that the answer to the Christian Ubuntu?08:00
MasseRGrah this network -.-08:00
pazeropdqsfdid anyone answer my nvidia - soundcard issue?08:00
kyjaalso complains build essentials are held back08:00
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MonsieurBonhow long does it take to stop MySQL server? dist-upgrade doesn't do anything since a few minutes....08:00
=== cyphase is loving the speed improvements in edgy
ricanelitewhen i install Ubuntu i usually like to install the Kubuntu Desktop now i have been following this steps forever now which is sudo aptitude update and sudo aptitude install kubuntu-desktop and now it says itCouldn't find any package whose name or description matched "kubuntu-desktop"08:01
Xk2crixxon and ehird it is just to show respect08:01
rootHow can I install the default ubuntu Edgy gdm log in screen, when I'm currently using Xubuntu's (because that was my base installation)08:01
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ricanelitewhats is going with this?08:01
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ricanelitei have been doing this forever now and never had a problem08:01
g333k_workHello, how can I do to launch firefox everytime I turn on my PC?08:01
rixxonXk2c: i wasn't _all_ serious, you know :)08:01
dabaRricanelite: nice08:01
Xk2crixxon and ehird because THEY DO a lot of work! .. for us08:01
=== Draconicus pokes evan__
dabaRricanelite: sorry08:01
EmxBAg333k_work: add it to startup sessions08:01
dabaRrixxon: nice08:01
Xk2coki rixxon08:01
aoupiroot: Applications -> System -> login window08:01
EmxBAsystem - preferences - ssessions g333k_work08:01
rixxondabaR: what?08:01
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=== YoussefAssad notes that, by not using gnome, he can't answer half the questions in here
jvolkmanricanelite, why not just download the Kubuntu 6.10 cd?08:02
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dabaRrixxon: the version of ubuntu that you came up with in response to the developer hugs08:02
ehirdXk2c: like being the only ones who will get us laid? (re: Gaybuntu) :P08:02
kyjaeh I will just install on a 20 gig partition and migrate my home folder. then adjust the 100 gig back to edgy08:02
rootaoupi: that's not listed there, and I cannot add it - nor can I run gdmsetup, there's some big error behind the whole thing08:02
rixxonXk2c: yep08:02
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FlatsStill stuck.  I have my drive mounted as /test.  test is owned by root.  I can't write to it nor chnage the permissions.  What am I missing08:02
kujaAmaranth: Just a quick question, if I wanted to install mplayer, are the packages in main enough as dependencies?08:02
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Amaranthkuja: nope, it uses things from universe and multiverse08:02
Flatsanytime I mount the drive it changes the mount point to root ownership08:02
shablabis edgy still using the 8774 nvidia drivers with the root exploit?08:03
ExilEcan i run ubuntu 32bit when i have amd64 processor i know this sounds starnge but humour me08:03
ehird(by the way, if there was one thing that would make me use ubuntu's terminal over winxp's cmd, it would be CTRL+Z)08:03
kujaI also noticed a lot of crap I have I can't install at home because of outdated GTK libraries08:03
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kujaThat stuff is in main though, I think08:03
g333k_workEmxBA, I use xfce08:03
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aoupiehird: as far as I know you can08:03
soundrayExilE: you can08:03
EmxBAg333k_work: then i dunno (08:03
Amaranthkuja: synaptic has a 'generate package download script' option under the file menu08:03
apokryphosshablab: I believe that was fixed, but check the changelog to be sure08:03
ExilEis thT THE I386 DISTRO08:03
kujaAmaranth: That works on Windows?08:03
Amaranthkuja: haha, no08:03
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kujaAmaranth: How about cygwin?08:04
shablabapokryphos: alright08:04
Amaranthkuja: no08:04
ehirdis it safe to install something via apt-get while a package manager is downloading something, and would it appear in the pckage manager? Basically do all package managers use the same database08:04
reiki_workI just realized that my entire (and separate) data drive still has a complete and bootable Dapper install on it. I could boot that drive instead of my main drive and update Dapper and then upgrade to Edgy and test teh whole thing before committing to doing it on my main drive... woo-hoo!08:04
soundrayExilE: yes. It'll give you fewer problems as well.08:04
Amaranthkuja: it only works on ubuntu08:04
kujaAmaranth: I thought so, it requires apt, right?08:04
MasseR-.-; I have a bad feeling this error is connected to acpi08:04
ExilEthanks a lot08:04
aoupiehird: try, you'll get an error08:04
soundrayehird: apt-get will refuse to run if you have a package manager open08:04
apokryphosehird: they use the same database, and you won't be able to use apt-get while the graphical package manage ris running08:04
dabaRshablab: /msg ubotu info nvidia-glx, /msg ubotu info nvidia dapper08:04
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Draconicusevanlikebike: Look at the PM.08:04
kujaAmaranth: If I write a thing for this, I'll let you know (I'll write a Python one too), just in case you're interested in writing a small GTK frontend to it or have any extra ideas.08:04
EmxBAso what happened with #ubuntu+1?08:05
kaosxkuja: cygwin requires that you either build from source or use the setup.exe application to add *nix applications to it08:05
soundrayEmxBA: it's now about the Feisty Fawn08:05
ehirdbut if i close the package manager and do the apt-get would opening the package manager show it as installed and let me do the regular stuff with it?08:05
disasmEmxBA: i've been wondering the same thing08:05
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Amaranthkuja: alright08:05
=== gsalt [n=miktol@dsl-tregw3-fe40f800-208.dhcp.inet.fi] has joined #ubuntu
kujakaosx: Well, I got debmirror working on cygwin :)08:05
EmxBA#ubuntu+1 redirects to #ubuntu :S08:05
kujaHow do you think I'm downloading pool/main right now? :)08:05
FlimFlamManyippee  :-)08:05
DybberI just upgraded to Edgy Eft and im having some problems first: before upgrading it was possible to start the wm ratpoison by choosing it under "Sessions" at the loginscreen. Its disappeared.08:05
DybberHow do i get it back?08:05
FlimFlamMancan i upgrade to edgy by modifying my apt sources like last time?08:06
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TheGateKeeperis it possible to install firefox 1.5 in edgy?08:06
EmxBAFlimFlamMan: yap08:06
kaosxDybber youll probably have to reinstall ratpoison08:06
Xk2cbye folks08:06
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EmxBATheGateKeeper: yap, there are ubuntu backports08:06
kujaAmaranth: Can I PM you with small details I'll need when I go home? I think you might know, it has to do with version numbers on package names.08:06
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apokryphosFlimFlamMan: you can use the update manager; see the topic.08:06
aoupiDybber: make sure it hasn't been removed (apt-get install ratpoison)08:06
Dybberkaosx, i did that08:06
ehirdi guess it will then?08:06
FlimFlamManapokryphos: thanks08:06
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Amaranthkuja: err, alright08:06
bkjonesanyone know if there's a way to re-run ubuntu's video detection/config08:06
TheGateKeeperEmxBA: just add them to your sources.list?08:06
dabaRTheGateKeeper: not through apt, download the program from firefox site if they have old versions for download08:07
DybberI have tried removing and installing ratpoison again08:07
EmxBAyes, TheGateKeeper08:07
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kaosxcheck /usr/share/xsessions to see if its still there08:07
bkjonesthe livecd for 6.10 just threw vesa in my xorg.conf file. No Bueno(tm)08:07
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ehirdguess i'll try myself :)08:07
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MasseRSo closing acpi during boot doesn't effect on the error08:07
kaosxdybber, check /usr/share/xsessions08:07
Dybberkaosx, it isn't only gnome.desktop is there08:08
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ubotupastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (you can always find it in the channel topic, among other useful things)08:08
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TheGateKeeperEmxBA: excellent :-), firefox seem to have nobled all the extensions in their latest version08:08
kaosxthen youll need to add ratpoison back in there manually08:08
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ehirdhttp://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/28480/ 'nuff said08:08
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fluxxI was trying to enable 3d acceleration with the nvidia-glx package and now X won't start. How can I reset X so I can get my desktop back?08:08
FlatsStill stuck.  I have my drive mounted as /test.  test is owned by root.  I can't write to it nor chnage the permissions.  What am I missing?  Any helpers08:08
azurealah, i forgot... what do you need to be able to listen to music and watch something w/ audio online, for example08:08
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onurxcan you tell me, howmuch mb does it take upgrade from 6.06 to 6.10?08:08
kaosxdybber: this is for fluxbox but the process is the same: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=11675908:08
dabaRFlats: you need to mount a drive? is it ntfs?08:08
EmxBAonurx: depends08:08
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rixxononurx: depends. took me about 1100 mb08:08
sledge_at_workonurx: ~900MB08:08
Donei having slow download rate during the upgrade?it due to the high traffic of the server?08:09
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azurealdo you need to change your music player to OSS output.. and download something?! i clean forgot08:09
RVmanhi all... i installed ubuntu yesterday and it seems like i cant print in color. i downloaded hpoj driver, i checked the settings of my printer, i even bought a new color box. any ideas?08:09
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about pygame - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi08:09
dabaRDone: yes08:09
ubotuSome of the Ubuntu repositories may have slow response time or time out altogether, due to the many connections from people upgrading to Edgy. Please be patient, bandwidth is a limited resource unfortunately!08:09
Flatsno it's mounted as a ext2 linux filesystem08:09
FlatsI see it but cant write to it08:09
dabaRehird: pygame does not exist as a packge, compile it08:09
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dabaRFlats: is it mounted manually, or through fstab?08:09
FlimFlamManrunning update-manager -c does not find any updates available08:09
ehirddabaR: umm this tutorial says it does08:09
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fluxxI was trying to enable 3d acceleration with the nvidia-glx package and now X won't start. How can I reset X so I can get my desktop back?08:10
Flatsmanually right nw08:10
Flatserr now08:10
ehirdQuote: ""Linux/debian installation. apt-get install python pygame"08:10
dabaRehird: this tutorial?08:10
Doneif i stop the upgrade can i resume it later?08:10
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dabaRehird: ubuntu is not debian08:10
ehirdexcept i already have python so ijust did apt-get install pygame08:10
ehirddabaR: bleh, k08:10
azureali know somebody knows some trick along the lines of oss...08:10
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user-landis there an advantage to mount partitions in /media ?08:11
barnetodhey guys :)08:11
iteruser-land: no, unless you feel that there is08:11
dabaRuser-land: they show up on the desktop and in the places menu08:11
barnetodi am having problem with installing ubuntu08:11
dabaRDone: sure08:11
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barnetodwell more of a user problem :)08:11
=== Mathias [n=msoeken@dslb-088-070-000-007.pools.arcor-ip.net] has joined #ubuntu
EmxBAbarnetod: which?08:11
user-landthanks, dabar.08:11
ehirdbefore i compile, is there any other way to get pygame?08:11
dabaRDone: the download part should be safe, don't stop the install process08:11
barnetodwell ihave 4 partitions already emxba08:11
dabaRehird: ask google08:11
agentin math, whats the function that converts any number into its positive? eg. 3->3 and -3->308:11
barnetodtwo from windows and the other two who knows08:12
DonedabaR,  i do it through update-manger, i have just to close the window and then run again 'gksu update-mager -c'08:12
Kawaii-Pandaagent: absolute value08:12
aoupiagent: abs08:12
EmxBAbarnetod: swap and root08:12
dabaRuser-land: you are welcome08:12
Kawaii-Pandaagent | |08:12
=== Tampler [n=chatzill@] has joined #ubuntu
FlimFlamManis anyone else able to update with "update-manager -c"?  it's not find any updates available for me08:12
barnetodi want to install on the 20 gig partition i made in windows08:12
agentthats it!08:12
agentKawaii-Panda: thank you , thats it08:12
=== icheyne [i=icheyne@gateway/gpg-tor/key-0x90362D8E] has joined #ubuntu
agentaoupi: thank you!08:12
jribehird: pygame is in the repositories08:12
barnetodwhen i get to gparted08:12
barnetoddo i just delete08:12
SebbohHow do I install the Subclipse plugin (subversion for Eclipse)?  I want to do it the right way..  Do I make a .deb or what?08:12
jrib!info python-pygame08:12
barnetodand reformat as ext2?08:12
dabaRDone: OK.08:12
=== SoftIce [n=newbie@vc-196-207-45-253.3g.vodacom.co.za] has joined #ubuntu
ubotupython-pygame: SDL bindings for games development in Python. In component universe, is optional. Version 1.7.1release-1ubuntu1 (dapper), package size 961 kB, installed size 2104 kB08:12
ehirdaahh, universe08:12
ehirdi have to edit a file for that right?08:12
barnetodthen make a linux swap partition of 512?08:13
=== agent has a hard time remembering all those math naming schemes ;)
EmxBAbarnetod: just choose that partition in ubiquity installer and that's it08:13
ehird(Sorry, I'm very much a n00b..)08:13
azureal!info fluxbox08:13
ubotufluxbox: Highly configurable and low resource X11 Window manager. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.9.14-2 (dapper), package size 720 kB, installed size 2288 kB08:13
SoftIcewow, dapper upgrade to edgy took me all in all 25 minutes08:13
SoftIcenot bad08:13
=== Fah [i=cynic@paranoia.neverlight.com] has joined #ubuntu
MathiasHello, I have installad new versions from an other repository and I want to downgrade to the original sources of ubuntu. Is that possible?08:13
Dybbernow ratpoison is back :)08:13
=== azureal laughs silently at 0.9.14
DonedabaR, thank you08:13
=== daniele_982 [n=daniele@host-84-222-170-109.cust-adsl.tiscali.it] has joined #ubuntu
RVmanmaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaan, i installed ubuntu yesterday and i hate it already! i can't hear any other sound as use TeamSpeak and now my printer can only print in grayscale!08:13
barnetodem is that in the livecd of edgy?08:13
dabaRDone: you are welcome08:13
EmxBAbarnetod: yes08:13
rixxonagent: ##math? anyways, abs() is the function, or you could just *-108:13
azurealRVman lol, are you part of the audio group?08:13
ehirdRVman: so essentially because of your laziness to get things working you hate ubuntu? okay!08:13
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SoftIcervalles thats not ubuntu fault that is user fault08:13
DybberMy emacs font isnt working after upgrading to Edgy Eft, every character is a square :O08:13
tjbWill Dapper update to Edgy?08:14
barnetodthats where i was getting stuck08:14
RVmanyay, it worked :D08:14
EmxBAtjb: check the topic08:14
barnetodwhen i choose the partition will it create a swap partition as well?08:14
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RVmanFINALLY i get response! :D08:14
barnetodor do i need to resize08:14
disasmmy fluxbox isn't working, but it's not supported anyway...08:14
agentrixxon: thank you, i wanted to know hte name, absolute value (abs)08:14
=== lampshade [n=lampshad@69-23-135-130.cable.inebraska.com] has joined #ubuntu
EmxBAyou can resize; ubiquity is REALLY easy08:14
ehirdit's sources.list i think the file, but where is it?08:14
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Seveas%config channel plugins.encyclopedia.searchorder08:14
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ubotudapper dapper-commercial dapper-seveas dapper-imbrandon08:14
lampshadeCan you burn the .iso for a CD to a DVD-R or is that not cool for some reason?08:14
azureal0% [Connecting to archive.ubuntu.com   =/08:14
RVmani guess to say "ubuntu sux" IS the only way to get response from you guys lol08:14
dabaRehird: /etc/apt08:14
Fahupgrading to edgy bricked my computer for a bit. Whats this uid stuff thats supposedly replaces /dev/XXXX names?08:14
Seveas%config channel plugins.encyclopedia.searchorder edgy edgy-seveas08:14
ehirddabaR: thank you! :)08:14
EmxBARVman: what?08:15
=== tech09 [n=marc@p5481458A.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #ubuntu
azurealmirror crashed?08:15
barnetodthe ubiquity installer i take it is the install icon on the desktop right?08:15
EmxBAwhat's your problem, RVman?08:15
FahI had to boot into single user mode and fix grub's confg and fstab08:15
EmxBAazureal: servers are overloaded08:15
ubotuSome of the Ubuntu repositories may have slow response time or time out altogether, due to the many connections from people upgrading to Edgy. Please be patient, bandwidth is a limited resource unfortunately!08:15
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azurealarchive.ubuntu.com crashed i think08:15
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ehirdand you guys said it'd handle the load :-)08:15
RVmanwell.... i can't hear any other voice when i used teamspeak and my printer only prints in grayscale (thats two problems)08:15
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ubuntu_ciao a tutti08:15
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CarinArri'm actually pretty impressed, i'm downloading the upgrades at 600k/sec08:15
agentRVman sucks! ;)08:15
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ubuntu_qualcuno italiano???08:16
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RVmanagent, of course i do :)08:16
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jrib!it | ubuntu_08:16
ubotuubuntu_: Vai su #ubuntu-it o su #kubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie!08:16
ubotuVai su #ubuntu-it o su #kubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie!08:16
ubotuMozesz uzyskac pomoc w jezyku polskim na #ubuntu-pl08:16
RVmani don't REALLY think that ubuntu sux, but if you look in the upper screen, you will notice that its the only way to get an answer to my questions.08:16
CarinArrforget that, down to 150k/sec now08:16
=== CarinArr jinxed self
ehird http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/28481/ i've uncommented universe in sources.list but it still says this :S08:16
EmxBARVman: teamspeak? i think that only works in windows08:16
binahow do you list all hard drives on a computer (including ones that arent mounted)?08:16
jribehird: did you do 'sudo apt-get update' ?08:17
azurealRVman, lol i think the only person who sucks is you =P08:17
ehirdjrib: no, i guess i'll do that ;)08:17
EmxBAbina: cfdisk or df -h or fdisk08:17
dabaRehird: sudo aptitude install python-pygame08:17
binaEmxBA: sweet thanks08:17
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EmxBAnp bina08:17
ehirddabaR: um, i'm using apt-get. is that a problem08:17
Stormx2Yay I got edgy right up to the standard I had dapper at :)08:17
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=== tim_ [n=tim@0x57334fe7.ronxx4.adsl-dhcp.tele.dk] has joined #ubuntu
hmrochai'm trying to upgrade from dapper to edgy with the cdrom08:17
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SebbohHow do I install the Subclipse plugin (subversion for Eclipse)?  I want to do it the right way..  Do I make a .deb or what?08:17
dabaRehird: no08:17
ehirddabaR: guess i'll continue using it, then ;)08:17
EmxBAhmrocha: you have alternative CD? it is required for that08:17
agentRVman: i don't REALLY think that you suck, but look at the the upper screen, you will notice that its the only way to make a point08:17
hmrochai can't boot the livecd, i tried removing all dapper reps and added just the cdrom08:17
dabaRehird: the package name is wrong, it is python-pygame, not just pygame08:17
FlimFlamManErr http://archive.ubuntu.com edgy-updates Release.gpg  Connection failed [IP: 80] 08:18
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RVmanagent, no.08:18
AaronCampbellare all the servers carrying the new ubuntu getting slammed right now?  I can't even seem to get a .torrent file for it :|08:18
EmxBAdamn it, servers are overloaded. use other mirrors *please*!08:18
RVmanim not making a point.08:18
ehirdby the way, is there any way to get numlock to turn on at startup? i type the numbers in my password with the numpad so it jarrs my typing often08:18
reiki_workAaronCampbell: yes08:18
SebbohFlimFlam, use a mirror!08:18
user-landmi Install refuses to proceed from step 5 (choosing the partition mount points), saying 'No root file system', despite the first partition being assigned '/' ...08:18
LjL!language | agent, RVman08:18
ubotuagent, RVman: Please watch your language and keep this channel family friendly.08:18
agentRVman: ;)08:18
FlimFlamManSebboh: can't you just use the subclipse update url from within eclipse?08:18
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RVmani didn't use bad words08:18
AaronCampbellAny idea where I could grab the .torrent that's still responsive?08:18
EmxBARVman: stop08:18
RVmanstop what?08:19
ehirduser-land: it happens you have to delete linux partition and make it again well at least i had to08:19
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reiki_workIf users in the US use australian mirrirs, they should be hitting teh servers at what... about 2:30am OZ-time?08:19
EmxBAasking the same question million of times, RVman08:19
SebbohFlimFlam, can I?  =)08:19
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ehirdprobably not a good idea for people with files on there08:19
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=== agent forgot that today Edgy was supposed to be released o_O
EmxBA-->try googling a bit ;) RVman08:19
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ehirdthis apt-get update thing, does it take a long time? it seems to be :p08:19
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user-landthanks, ehird.08:19
barnetodem should i make 3 partitions for ubuntu?08:19
EmxBAehird: depending on your connection08:19
Fahis there an appropriate place to report bugs in the upgrade process?08:19
RVmanhttp://bash.org/?152037 <--- so true. and EmxBA - i DID google. a lot. i did a lot of stuff and coming here was my last choice.08:20
WebstrandWhere can i get a .torrent file for the new ubuntu release?08:20
barnetodhome swap and primary?08:20
jrib!bugs | Fah08:20
EmxBAfah: launchpad.net and browse08:20
ubotuFah: If you find a bug in Ubuntu or any of its derivatives, please file a bug report at: http://bugs.ubuntu.com/  -  Bugs in/wishes for the bots can be filed at http://launchpad.net/products/ubuntu-bots08:20
ehirdEmxBA: well it's going at like 4kbps :p08:20
EmxBAbarnetod: yap08:20
EmxBAehird: servers are overloaded08:20
hmrochaEmxBA: i need the alternative cd to install from the terminal?08:20
ehirdis it safe to CTRL+C it?08:20
barnetodokay thanks man for the help08:20
AaronCampbellis ubuntu just one CD?  Not multiples or DVD?08:20
EmxBAhmrocha: you need alternative cd to install packages from it08:20
SebbohFlimflam, since Eclipse doesn't run as root, how can auto-updates work?08:20
ehirdaaroncampbell: there is a cd version but nope one cd08:20
EmxBAyou can't install packages from live cd08:20
dabaR!torrents | Webstrand08:20
ubotuWebstrand: Torrent downloads for the Ubuntu ISOs are available on all the download pages. For Edgy: http://releases.ubuntu.com/edgy/08:20
hmrochaEmxBA: ok, thanks08:20
EmxBAyou can only boot it and install hmrocha08:20
=== lepirlouit [n=lepirlou@192.243-242-81.adsl-dyn.isp.belgacom.be] has joined #ubuntu
Webstrandok thanks08:21
agentAaronCampbell: one cd per arch - dvd has multiple arches i believe (could be wrong)08:21
=== Tjoels [n=Tjoels@0x50a104bb.virnxx9.adsl-dhcp.tele.dk] has joined #ubuntu
EmxBAcan anyone put a notice in the topic to use other mirrors, archive.ubuntu.com is getting overloaded? ops?08:21
ubotuHelp! Keybuk, mdz, Amaranth, tritium, ajmitch, crimsun, ogra, CarlK, Seveas, Burgundavia, apokryphos, thoreauputic, nalioth, Madpilot, ompaul, rob, Hobbsee, imbrandon, DBO or gnomefreak!08:21
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agentAaronCampbell: actually, not sure if there is a dvd :P08:21
AmaranthEmxBA: All the mirrors are getting overloaded too08:21
ehirdwoo, pygame is installing! slowly.08:21
EmxBAthere was dapper dvd08:21
apokryphosEmxBA: please, only use that in emergencies.08:21
EmxBAAmaranth: ok08:21
=== mode/#ubuntu [+o ompaul] by ChanServ
EmxBAsorry apokryphos08:21
AaronCampbellagent: I know there was for 6.06 but I don't see one for 6.1008:21
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dabaRjust ban him, he is annoying anyhow08:22
ompaulEmxBA, ?08:22
azurealhow does one get multiple sources of audio to play at the same time? is it oss, I forget how to set it up...08:22
=== kung [n=kung@dslb-084-059-008-007.pools.arcor-ip.net] has joined #ubuntu
hmrochaEmxBA: i'm downloading it now, thanks08:22
EmxBAompaul: nothing08:22
apokryphosazureal: dmix or xine08:22
Kawaii-Pandaazureal: i think its jack08:22
=== agent pats his jigdo files - only about 30 megs to download the whole iso! yay!
ompaulEmxBA, be careful with that - we have written in the big book abuse buys ban08:22
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=== mode/#ubuntu [-o ompaul] by ChanServ
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azurealapokryphos + Kawaii-Panda er..  what?!08:23
=== FlimFlamMan settles in for awhile: "909 upgraded, 155 newly installed, 25 to remove and 36 not upgraded."
mamzers555can somebody tell me what happened to "/etc/default/bluez-utils"? Does this file still exist in edgy, or where else should i insert some bluetooth-mouse-stuff?08:23
EmxBAompaul: abuse buys ban? you are talking about me or?08:23
apokryphosazureal: well, if you're using xine on the multiple programs then as I recall they'll all play fine08:23
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apokryphosazureal: otherwise, you can use dmix with alsa, but it'll take some time to configure.08:23
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apokryphosI believe even totem can use a xine backend08:24
azurealKawaii-Panda, oh, are you talking about xmms-jack?08:24
Webstrandi can only find them for 6.06 not 6.1008:24
Kawaii-Pandalibjack allows multiple apps to mix audios.08:24
=== Storkmee [n=alex@storkey.plus.com] has joined #ubuntu
azurealapokryphos, i was talking about audio, tho08:24
ompaulEmxBA, use of that call gets a ban - it is 112 911 or 999 depending where you are08:24
MasseRSo... EIther this problem is caused because it's loading too fast and somehow gets clogged and won't revive after that08:24
MasseROr something else <.<08:24
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Kawaii-Pandai mean uh j audio connection kit thing (jack)08:24
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apokryphosazureal: totem plays audio, but other specifically audio apps use xine, too; amarok certainly does. Not sure about other GTK apps though08:24
EmxBAompaul: using "ops" ?08:24
mamzers555somebody knows this and could help me?08:25
afiefI am trying to connect two ubuntu boxes through a cross network cable, but they seem unable to communicate. anybody knows what to do?08:25
=== skunkworks [n=skunkwor@68-115-41-210.static.eucl.wi.charter.com] has joined #ubuntu
ompaulEmxBA, yes08:25
=== komposter [n=komposte@ppp83-237-244-143.pppoe.mtu-net.ru] has joined #ubuntu
azurealapokryphos, the solution involves changing one thing to oss and another to alsa or something... idk what you're talking about...08:25
BlueEagleI am not getting boinc to attatch to the seti project. When I do --lookup_account I get retval: 0. What would cause this?08:25
azureali just dont remember..08:25
EmxBAok, i won't use it from now on, only in emergency situations. OK?08:25
=== Mathias [n=msoeken@dslb-088-070-000-007.pools.arcor-ip.net] has left #ubuntu ["Kopete]
azurealand/or maybe running  "aoss <appname>08:25
apokryphosazureal: what two apps do you want to give audio output at the same time?08:25
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azurealapokryphos, firefox and beep-media-player08:26
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ubotubluez-utils: Bluetooth tools and daemons. In component main, is optional. Version 3.7-1ubuntu4 (edgy), package size 260 kB, installed size 788 kB08:26
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dabaRmamzers555: there is a package to install.08:26
=== MmmSkyscraper [n=a@phowe.gotadsl.co.uk] has joined #ubuntu
apokryphosazureal: your firefox is using totem though, right?08:27
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azurealapokryphos, let's keep it simple -- let's start w/ flash so that we can concentrate on the audio08:27
apokryphosnot sure actually how that'd work. Though, azureal: if beep had a xine backend then it wouldn't interfere with firefox08:27
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apokryphos!find beep08:27
ubotuFound: beep, beep-media-player, beep-media-player-dev, beep-media-player-scrobbler, beepcore-c-dev (and 2 others)08:27
mamzers555dabaR, i know, but the file is not in the package anymore08:28
apokryphosanyone know if beep has a xine backend?08:28
=== Khamael [n=raphael@73.80-202-81.nextgentel.com] has joined #ubuntu
azurealapokryphos, beep is based off of xmms08:28
maxb_at_workIs there a packages.qa.debian.org equivalent for ubuntu?08:28
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mamzers555dabaR, or is now another file responsible for the bluetooth-stuff08:28
onurxThere isnt any torrent files on download page08:28
=== phaedrus44 [n=phaedrus@rrcs-24-97-54-186.nys.biz.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu
ubotuTorrent downloads for the Ubuntu ISOs are available on all the download pages. For Edgy: http://releases.ubuntu.com/edgy/08:28
dabaRmamzers555: sudo dpkg -L bluez-utils08:28
dabaRmamzers555: sudo dpkg -L bluez-utils|grep /etc/default/bluez-utils08:29
jwl007does edgy have better video support at all?08:29
eobanbmy update manager says 'Can't install 'ubuntu-desktop'' when trying to update to edgy08:29
eobanb'It was impossible to install a required package.  Please report this as a bug.'08:29
mamzers555dabaR, nothing08:29
dabaRjwl007: it has a new kernel.08:29
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dabaR!find /etc/default/bluez-utils edgy08:30
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ubotuFile /etc/default/bluez-utils found in bluez-utils08:30
apokryphosazureal: actually, have you looked through /msg ubotu sound first?08:30
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d-E-u-Swhen i shut down my xubuntu then turn the hdd off but the pc is still on, what can i do?08:30
azurealapokryphos, oooh, if i run   aoss beep   _and_ aoss firefox it works08:30
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about libglib2.0-0dev - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi08:30
dabaRd-E-u-S: press the power button and hold for 5 seconds08:30
ubotulibglib2.0-0: The GLib library of C routines. In component main, is optional. Version 2.12.4-0ubuntu1 (edgy), package size 490 kB, installed size 1080 kB08:31
=== rexbron [n=rexbron@keele-b164-88.airyork.yorku.ca] has joined #ubuntu
Adriano!libglib2.0-0-dev > Adriano08:31
d-E-u-Sdabar yeah but its not comfortable08:31
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about libglib2.0-0-dev - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi08:31
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dabaRd-E-u-S: give it a pillow08:31
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Puaffplease, which word replaces dapper in /etc/sources.list for the ubuntu 6.10?08:31
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MasseRPuaff: edgy08:32
dabaRPuaff: /topic08:32
d-E-u-Ssorry my english is bad08:32
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azurealapokryphos, sadly aoss firefox makes it really buggy..08:32
d-E-u-Sdont know what is a pillow lol08:32
apokryphosazureal: how about if you just use aoss with beep?08:32
PuaffMasseR, dabaR thank you :)08:32
lukkettohi guys, I have a problem with the screen resolution on my new edgy: if I set 1024X768 it appears a black sreen (I think is the "software" of the monitor) with "out of resolution". In Dapper 1024X768 worked well....any suggestions?08:32
d-E-u-Shave somebody a solution fr my power off problem?08:32
dabaRd-E-u-S: never mind. Why is it not comfortable to turn it off that way?08:32
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diminthedamhelo, could someone show me to a guide on ftp commands, please?08:32
dabaRdiminthedam: man ftp08:33
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d-E-u-Sdabar xubuntu so not turn off automatic like ubuntu ???08:33
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dabaRd-E-u-S: depends on the computer. does this computer normally shut off with Ubuntu?08:33
FlatsI have a hard drive mounted as /test.  I can see it and see it's mounted but I can't write to it.  Any ideas?08:34
mamzers555dabaR, i know, it should be in /etc/default/bluez-utils but it is not there, it is also not listed in the package if you take a look with synaptic08:34
d-E-u-Swith kubuntu yes dabar08:34
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mamzers555dabaR, any idea?08:34
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apokryphosFlats: fstab entry must be wrong; what do you have for it currently?08:34
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lupine_85Flats: add gid=46 to the options in fstab08:34
Flatswell its a manula mount right now until I get it working.08:34
Flatserr manual08:34
AbnaxosHi there! Is it right that Ubuntu *always* switches to the console on suspending the computer?08:35
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lupine_85or just to the mount line then08:35
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Abnaxosi.e. that I can only choose between "switch" or "double switch", but not "don't switch"?08:35
apokryphosFlats: vfat or ext3 or ntfs?08:35
agentdoes windowmaker support mutliple desktops?08:35
goppwhy do I get an error08:35
BrightEyes`hello.when i open xmms on Kubuntu i cant read the menu selections.what can i do?08:35
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goppwhen I use the software update08:35
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Subdeegopp: what's the error?08:36
Flatsthats a good question.  I'm not sure which to use.08:36
apokryphosBrightEyes`: don't you like kubuntu's default player?08:36
goppabout someting to do with libdcss08:36
goppthe follow package where not update libdcss08:36
ubuntu_HELP! I tried dist-upgrade'ing to Edgy and it got stuck. I had a "relocation error" message and it had something to do with glibc "dl_out_of_memory" is the error. I can't been into my machine anymore, the kernel panics on the same error!08:36
theecan anybody tell me the version of nvidia legacy drivers in edgy repo?08:36
apokryphosFlats: could you pastebin the output of sudo fdisk -l?08:36
jwl007how would i find the chipset of my wireless pcmcia card?08:36
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apokryphosthee: packages.ubuntu.com08:36
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goppsubdee that the message08:37
apokryphosthee: or you can use ubotu, our bot; just /msg ubotu info somepackage08:37
goppthe following  package where not update libdcss08:37
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Flatsdev/sda        /testext2defaults00008:37
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lukkettohi guys, I have a problem with the screen resolution on my new edgy: if I set 1024X768 it appears a black sreen (I think is the "software" of the monitor) with "out of resolution". In Dapper 1024X768 worked well....any suggestions?08:37
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apokryphosFlats: and you can't write to it as root?08:37
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FlatsDisk /dev/sdb: 8000 MB, 8000004096 bytes08:38
Flats247 heads, 62 sectors/track, 1020 cylinders08:38
FlatsUnits = cylinders of 15314 * 512 = 7840768 bytes08:38
FlatsThis doesn't look like a partition table08:38
FlatsProbably you selected the wrong device.08:38
Flats   Device Boot      Start         End      Blocks   Id  System08:38
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bdragonmslanyone know of a good tutorial on getting compiz and glx running on nvidia?08:38
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ubotunvidia-glx-legacy: NVIDIA binary XFree86 4.x/X.Org 'legacy' driver. In component multiverse, is optional. Version 1.0.7184+ (edgy), package size 2998 kB, installed size 9832 kB08:38
elesairhi, just installed edgy and im having some ATI problems08:38
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afiefHow can i setup a linux box to be  a gateway for other boxes?08:39
ashzillahow can I find out what linux kernel headers I need after updating to edgy08:39
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apokryphosashzilla: /msg ubotu headers08:39
elesaircan anyone help?08:39
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theebdragonmsl http://ubuntuguide.org/wiki/Ubuntu_Edgy08:39
ubotuDon't ask to ask a question. Just ask your question :)08:39
=== Flats [n=Flats@c-68-38-79-89.hsd1.nj.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
Flatssorry bout that08:39
gilnimelesair: http://wiki.cchtml.com/index.php/Ubuntu_Edgy_Installation_Guide08:39
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apokryphos!pastebin | flats08:39
ubotuflats: pastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (you can always find it in the channel topic, among other useful things)08:39
maxb_at_workAfter much confusion, I've finally tracked down my mysterious JVM crashes to be linked to the version of libapr0. Bizarrely, -4ubuntu2.1 works, and -4ubuntu4 does not. The upstream version has not changed. Where can I sensibly go to report this, since it is unclear what has the bug?08:39
dabaRlukketto: /msg ubotu fixres08:40
apokryphosFlats: try putting something like this in your fstab: /dev/sda1            /test                ext2       defaults              1 208:40
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apokryphosFlats: and then sudo mount -a08:40
Blacken[Class] I just reinstalled Kubuntu Edgy and am reinstalling VMware Server. I get this error: /usr/lib/vmware/bin/vmware: /usr/lib/vmware/lib/libpng12.so.0/libpng12.so.0: no version information available (required by /usr/lib/libcairo.so.2). It worked fine in Dapper. Anyone have any idea why that's occurring?08:40
goppubotu fixres08:40
ubotux is the X Window System; it's the part of your system that's responsible for graphical output. To restart your X, type this in a console: sudo /etc/init.d/?dm restart  -  To fix screen resolution or other X problems: http://help.ubuntu.com/community/FixVideoResolutionHowto08:40
test_I've got  a problem with dist-upgrade on my dapper... Apt-get doesnt see any dist-upgrades, update-manager sees 6.10.. It downloads 2 unknow files and update-manager closes and outputs erros... please help ;)08:40
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apokryphostest_: please see the topic link for ugprading08:41
ashzillawhen I'm in irssi08:41
ashzillahow can I simply close one window08:41
gilnimtest_: what errors08:41
apokryphosashzilla: /part08:41
dabaRashzilla: if it is a chat window, /win c08:41
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kiwipoohi; anyone have probs with their swap partition not getting loaded on boot?08:41
ashzilladabaR: thanks08:41
apokryphoskiwipoo: nope; do you have an entry in your fstab?08:42
FlatsIt's a bad ext2 filesystem08:42
Flatswhat should I try08:42
ashzillaapokryphos: I was looking to close a query, not leave a channel. Thanks, though08:42
Flatsor ext308:42
apokryphosFlats: it's bad or is it *not* an ext2 partition?08:42
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dabaRFlats: sudo fdisk -l and see what the file system type08:42
apokryphoswouldn't make sense though, since fdisk said it was ext208:42
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bdragonmslhas anyone used the new ubuntu?08:43
LoofCan I upgrade to 6.10 (from 6.x) internally... via aptitude, etc?08:43
TjoelsI don't get any sound when playing flash in firefox 2. in dapper (and firefox 1.5) i had the same problems, but then i did the alsa fix, but even when i make sure it uses the alsa stuff, theres no sound in firefox 2.08:43
Flatshmm the device syas sda108:43
kiwipooyes, It just doesn't seem to be loading, not even mentioned in dmesg08:43
Flatsand a type of linux08:43
mamzers555somebody has a bluetooth-mouse working with edgy08:43
Flats   Device Boot      Start         End      Blocks   Id  System08:43
Flats/dev/sda1               1        2226    17880313+  83  Linux08:43
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MasseRHmm... I can reproduce the error. If I try to scp files over lan (100mbit/s) the broadcom goes haywire. If I download from internet (10mbit/s) I get no errors08:43
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RawSewagewhats the name of that app that sits in the taskbar.  icon is 3 color circles.  you click it and it shows how much space you have on all your drives08:44
XephHELP! I tried dist-upgrade'ing to Edgy and it got stuck. I had a "relocation error" message and it had something to do with glibc "dl_out_of_memory" is the error. I can't boot into my machine anymore, the kernel panics on the same error!08:44
dabaRFlats: sudo umount /test;sudo mount /dev/sda1 /test -ousers -text208:44
apokryphosFlats: ah, so it's ext308:44
apokryphosRawSewage: man fdisk08:44
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ehirdHi, using nano how can i make it write to a new file? right now it complains about it not existing08:45
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RawSewageapokryphos, ugh. thats not it08:45
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MasseRehird: Just open a file that's nonexistent08:45
MasseRAnd save08:45
RawSewageI cant remember what it's called08:45
goppsubd I got this other error http://packages.freecontrib.org/plf/dists/dapper/Release.gpg: Temporary failure resolving 'packages.freecontrib.org'08:45
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rmd_is there a way to make the gnome panel allow windows to obscure it?  i've looked around and can't find an option08:45
ehirdMasseR: but i've already pasted it into nano, then again i guess i can just paste it again :) thanks08:45
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ashzillaI cannot log in when I start regularly, when I try to log in a window comes up that says "System will shutdown in One minute" then says to enter my username in the correct case: what the hell happened and how do I fix it - this was after updating to edgy08:45
apokryphosRawSewage: not sure of the app but df -h does the job08:45
Flats wrong fs type, bad option, bad superblock on /dev/sda1,08:46
Flats       missing codepage or other error08:46
dabaRFlats: sudo umount /test;sudo mount /dev/sda1 /test -ousers -text308:46
BrightEyes`How can i format a partition with ubuntu making it win32 (vfat) ?08:46
ehirdMasseR: hmm, it complains still08:46
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dabaRrmd_: to make it auto hide is possible08:46
rmd_dabaR: yeah... but I wanted to avoid that if possible08:46
squidlyhello, ive got a problem with my ubuntu install. i need to change the screen resolution and to do that I need to boot to runlevel 3, how can I tell the boot scripts to do that?08:46
apokryphosdabaR: you should probably have a -t ext3 in there08:46
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jwl007how do i find my wireless pcmcia card's chipset?08:47
lesshasteanyone here ever got sphinx speech to text to work?08:47
apokryphosdabaR: oh wait, you do, but didn' thave the space08:47
Renan_s2Hello, I am trying to install Ubuntu 6.10, but it gets stuck at the point of selecting the partitions, it tells me that I have not selected a root partition, even though I have selected one! Any ideas?08:47
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squidlyjwl007 try this lspci -v08:47
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ehirdRenan_s2: seems i wasn't the only one with that problem ;) personally i had to delete the linux partition and make it again within the installer08:47
johojahey i have a bit of a problem with edgy.08:47
Flatssame error08:47
dabaRRenan_s2: with the live desktop cd?08:48
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Renan_s2dabaR: yes08:48
dabaRFlats: sudo umount /test;sudo mount /dev/sda1 /test -ousers08:48
johojacan anyone help me out ?08:48
DShepherdehird: livecd?08:48
Flatsdo I need to issue the umount if it never mounted?08:48
Sugar^Smooth upgrade _=08:48
dabaRRenan_s2: try the alternate CD:P back to the downloads...08:48
dabaRFlats: no08:48
DShepherdFlats: no.. not if it is mounted08:48
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Renan_s2dabaR: I will try08:48
Flatssays you must specify the filesystem08:48
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johojamy logitech bluetooth dongle does'nt work on start up well it does for a fwe seconds then it 'freezes' and i have to unplug and plug it back in , (the dongles for the keyboard/mouse)08:49
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johojai even tried doing a new kernel with the bluez-mh patches.08:49
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RawSewageapokryphos, Oh, I think it's part of kdf08:50
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boson_How do I add .bdf fonts?08:50
ehirdany help for my nano question?08:50
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dabaRFlats: is that all the partitions that fdisk -l lists? only /dev/sda1?08:50
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jwl007ubotu are you a robot08:50
tomzhow i can see a NTFS partition?08:50
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johojaanyone ?08:51
bdragonmslanyone having issues with firefox?08:51
mamzers555jwl007, yes it is a bot08:51
dabaRtomz: sudo fdisk -l, and post the output of that to pastebin. where do you want to mount it?08:51
bdragonmslespecially with adblock filterset updater?08:51
theejwl007: yes uBOTu is a robot08:51
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squidlybdragonmsl: nope but then i dont use it08:51
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squidlylol the name kinda gives it away thee08:51
tomzdabaR: is a slave disk, in ide1... i have some important files in that disk...08:51
jwl007ugh, it was supposed to respond to that, yes i know its a bot :P08:51
tomzi want to mount it in ubuntu...08:52
=== Sugarat [n=adam@92.122-84-212.ippool.ndo.com] has joined #ubuntu
rixxonno way! update-manager failed and stopped when almost finished08:52
squidlytomz: read only i'm assueming08:52
rixxongeez now nothing is working08:52
diminthedamhello, how do i change file permission on an ftp server?08:52
squidlymount -t ntfs /dev/hdb1 /mnt/windoze08:52
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dabaRtomz: sudo fdisk -l in a terminal will show you all the drives, post the output of that command to paste.ubuntu-nl.org08:52
squidlytry that08:52
Sugaratvlc is missing from the synaptic package manager.. I'm new to Ubuntu, am I doing something wrong ?08:52
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bdragonmslFirefox keeps booting up with it and then closes out.  The only thing I can assume is that the filterset is to blame since it's the last thing to load up.08:52
johojaSugarat: you might have ot add soem reps.08:53
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boson_Does anyone know how I would add fonts with a .bdf extension?08:53
johojacan someone help me out with my bluetooth problem?08:53
Sugaratjohoja: Such as which ?08:53
DigitalNinjaWill ubuntu work with an Intell 64 bit procesor?08:53
ubotuAudio (Ogg, MP3...) players: Banshee, Beep Media Player, Quod Libet, Rhythmbox, XMMS (GTK/Gnome based) and Amarok, JuK (Qt/KDE based).  Video players: Totem, Xine, MPlayer, VLC, Kaffeine  -  See also !codecs08:53
boson_Digital: yes08:53
dabaR!info vlc08:53
johojaSugarat: you oculd use automatix08:53
ubotuvlc: multimedia player and streamer. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.8.6-svn20061012.debian-1ubuntu1 (edgy), package size 1120 kB, installed size 3240 kB08:53
afiefHow can i convert an Xvid AVI into a DVD?08:53
=== RawSewage [n=RawSewag@71-32-124-79.eugn.qwest.net] has left #Ubuntu ["Konversation]
DigitalNinjaboson: Do I need to do anything special?08:53
SugaratI did. It doesnt work08:53
mamzers555Sugarat, start synaptic and enable extra repos08:53
squidlyDigitalNinja: i have it working on both intel xeon 64's and amd opterion's08:53
dabaRSugarat: add universe08:53
PierreDigitalNinja, yes08:53
jwl007!info are you a robot08:53
=== WooD [n=rdltech@Toronto-HSE-ppp3752309.sympatico.ca] has joined #ubuntu
SugaratI have universe ticked already.08:53
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dabaRjwl007: he is08:54
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squidlyDigitalNinja: what installer are you using?08:54
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boson_DigitalNinja: Yes, you need to install the smp kernel08:54
theeSugarat: sudo apt-get update08:54
squidlyyou should be able to use the x86 or the 64-bit one08:54
SugaratAutomatix gives an error08:54
squidlythat as well08:54
WooDany of you had the problem with the cd 6.10 i/o error boot ?08:54
johojaSugarat: did you try the edgy version ?08:54
johojaare you running edyg ?08:54
dabaRSugarat: open a terminal, run cat /etc/apt/sources.list and post the output to http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org08:54
=== zedgy [n=zedgy@val59-2-82-241-200-36.fbx.proxad.net] has joined #ubuntu
afiefHow can i convert an Xvid AVI into a DVD?08:54
johojadabaR, can you hlep me out with my bluetotth issue ?08:55
DigitalNinjasquidly: The live dapper CD. I also have server and alternitve08:55
tomzhow i can get the root user?08:55
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jwl007!info hwdb08:55
mamzers555Sugarat, just click reload in synaptic08:55
ubotuPackage hwdb does not exist in any distro I know08:55
Sugaratah perhaps automatix didnt update the sources properly, this update is taking longer...08:55
boson_DigitalNinja: Does it install normally?08:55
DigitalNinjasquidly: I don't have a 64 bit Intell box yet but I'm going to get one if it works08:55
meat`2can someone explain how i get "permission denied" when i use command line ftp but i can surf the directories fine using a gui app?08:55
dabaRjohoja: no08:55
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=== Psychobudgie [n=klaatu@82-71-44-108.dsl.in-addr.zen.co.uk] has joined #ubuntu
WooDCant upgrade to Edgy and cant boot from the 6.10 live cd ... when I chosse start ubuntu from the cd i have the error I/O error08:55
squidlyDigitalNinja: dont bother trying to get a 64bit install working if you dont have a 64bit cpu!08:55
theetomz: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/RootSudo08:55
boson_DigitalNinja: Then once you get the box, install Ubuntu, then install the smp/686 kernel08:55
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dabaRtomz: did you mount the windows drive?08:56
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DigitalNinjaboson_: Do I get a 64 bit OS?08:56
squidlyand also DigitalNinja please dont /msg me with out asking08:56
boson_You get a 64 bit kernel, so yes08:56
squidlybut you cant use 64-bit with a 32-bit processor08:56
ehirdi wish i could grep gaim's logs, so i dunno if anyone aswered my nano question08:56
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raknami was wondering if i could do a full install of ubuntu (not through vmware) on my laptop without a cd rom?08:56
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ubotuPrinting in Ubuntu is done with cups. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Printers - https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupportComponentsPrinters - http://linuxprinting.org - Printer sharing: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/NetworkPrintingFromWindows08:57
squidlyits like trying to fit a gallon of op in a 16oz glass08:57
DigitalNinjagot to run08:57
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Sugaratautomatix is working now I updated the sources manually. thanks all.08:57
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boson_Does anyone know how I add fonts with a .bcf extension?08:57
squidlyehird: what is your nano question?08:57
mabreauxdoes anyone know when read/write support for windows will be implamented?08:57
dabaRehird: I wish people would not send messages like that to the channel so that the text would scroll slower and everyone could find what they are looking for in the channel08:57
=== pianoboy3333 [n=alex@ool-43567d61.dyn.optonline.net] has joined #ubuntu
goppk how do I fix this eror08:57
goppsubd I got this other error http://packages.freecontrib.org/plf/dists/dapper/Release.gpg: Temporary failure resolving 'packages.freecontrib.org'08:57
squidlymabreaux: its in the kernel08:57
dabaRgopp: plf has no more ubuntu repos08:57
=== moo^min [n=moo_min@host-87-240-132-64.hi-velocity.net] has joined #ubuntu
ehirdsquidly: how do i save to a file that doesn't exist? i've tried saving to it and loading the file but it still complains08:57
boson_squidly: in which one?08:57
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goppdebar so do I delte that from the source list08:58
mabreauxin edgy/08:58
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dabaRgopp: yes08:58
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boson_awesome! using ntfsprogs?08:58
mamzers555somebody have knowledge about bluez-utils in edgy?08:58
squidlywhat exacly does it say ehird ?08:58
squidlytry ctrl-w and then make the the name08:58
Paddy_EIREwhich firefox plugin would be considered the best for watching streaming video08:58
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ubotubluez-utils: Bluetooth tools and daemons. In component main, is optional. Version 3.7-1ubuntu4 (edgy), package size 260 kB, installed size 788 kB08:58
blindFriend of mine is trying to mount his SATA NTFS harddrive, I told him to issue `sudo mount /dev/sda1 /media/disk1 -t ntfs` and it tells him `wrong fs type, bad option, bad superblock on /dev/sda1` --how can i get this drive mounted?08:58
pianoboy3333Is edgy officially out?08:58
ehirdsquidly: "error writing [file]  no such file or directory"08:58
goppis thier a new version of ubuntu that just came out08:58
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ehirdpianoboy3333: yes08:58
ehirdgopp: yes08:58
pianoboy3333oh, kool08:58
ubotuUbuntu 6.10 (codenamed Edgy Eft) is the latest version of Ubuntu. To upgrade to Edgy, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/EdgyUpgrades  -  To download Edgy: http://www.ubuntu.com/download (please use BitTorrent if you can!)08:59
babwe2evening all08:59
ubotuThe Ubuntu Hardware Database can be found at http://hwdb.ubuntu.com/08:59
jwl007!are you a robot?08:59
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squidlyehird: can you get me a screen shot of the error?08:59
=== jorik [n=olmo@cable-213-132-135-199.upc.chello.be] has joined #ubuntu
babwe2is there a vob merger in linux08:59
raknamis there no way to install ubuntu without the cdrom? i thought if extracting the ISO to a partition and having my computer boot from there, will that work?08:59
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bkjonesif I click the install icon from the livecd, is that the same installation routine as if I boot to the installer? I'm trying to install edgy in a vm on a mac and I can't seem to send an "F1" at the boot prompt.08:59
=== ChrisCox [n=chatzill@user-54449474.lns5-c10.dsl.pol.co.uk] has joined #ubuntu
dabaRblind: sudo fdisk -l and then see the device node from there08:59
ehirdsquidly: maybe its because the parent directory doesn't exist08:59
squidlyehird: that could be it08:59
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ehirdi'm trying to save it to a file in /home/ehird/purchases, where /purchases doesn't exist09:00
ehirdwould be nice to get it to auto-make the dir but i guess i can do it09:00
Roger_The_Bumokay thanks09:00
=== Adriano [n=adriano@host122-42-dynamic.3-87-r.retail.telecomitalia.it] has joined #ubuntu
squidlywell /purchased soes not09:00
blinddabaR: that only returns a /dev/sdb1 with system type `linux`09:00
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squidlytry ~/purchases09:00
=== Roger_The_Bum should read the topic more ^_^
squidlythat would kill it09:00
tomzdabaR: there is a way to view all files in the disk with ntfs?09:00
bdragonmslwhat's the best way to remove extensions from firefox if it will not load?09:00
squidlylol Roger_The_Bum09:00
shinmenWhy all of the ISO files have .jigdo, except for the desktop ones?09:00
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dabaRblind: well, then that is it09:00
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moo^minanyone ahve a torrent link?09:00
ChrisCoxHey everyone. i need help with connecting dapper to a router using wired connection. Anyone willing to offer ideas?09:00
ubotujigdo: GTK+ download manager (beta version). In component universe, is extra. Version 0.7.3-1 (edgy), package size 187 kB, installed size 440 kB09:00
goppehird yes thier a new verison when did it come out, and should I upgrade09:00
ubotujigdo-file: Download Debian CD images from any Debian mirror. In component universe, is extra. Version 0.7.3-1 (edgy), package size 206 kB, installed size 584 kB09:01
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gopphmm software updates didn't ask me to update the distro09:01
squidlyChrisCox: use tcp and cat-5e cables09:01
Roger_The_BumChrisCox: ethernet09:01
dabaRtomz: did you mount the disk?09:01
s_I'm having problems creating a Home shortcut in the desktop09:01
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ubotuTorrent downloads for the Ubuntu ISOs are available on all the download pages. For Edgy: http://releases.ubuntu.com/edgy/09:01
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Master_So, I'm running apt-get dist-upgrade from the commande line, I'm not getting the eft update.09:01
Roger_The_Bumyeah same09:01
dabaRMaster_: did you change the sources.list file?09:01
s_try aptitude09:01
moo^mintis fine found an alternative09:01
ChrisCoxsquidly and Roger_The_Bum, i have the cables hooked up, i've tried configuring the ethernet but it just wont work09:01
Roger_The_Bumall I got was a postgreSQL update09:01
Master_dabaR, what do I need to add?09:01
dabaRMaster_: did you read the topic when you came in?09:02
Roger_The_BumChrisCox: use dhcp09:02
squidlyugg postgres.. that server is a PAIN IMHO09:02
=== haakonn [n=haakon@pdpc/supporter/active/haakonn] has joined #ubuntu
Master_Nope, I've been in here for a while.09:02
ChrisCoxRoger_The_Bum: Tried and failed09:02
dabaRMaster_: read the upgrades page...09:02
squidlychriss try this.. go to a command prompt and type ifconfig09:02
Roger_The_BumChrisCox: what's your router's model number09:02
bkjonesif I click the install icon from the livecd, is that the same installation routine as if I boot to the installer? I'm trying to install edgy in a vm on a mac and I can't seem to send an "F1" at the boot prompt.09:02
Roger_The_Bumbkjones: yes09:02
FlatsOk Whats the best way to format this sda drive to make sure it's usable?  Just fdisk?09:02
ehirdi <3 ubuntu :D09:03
Roger_The_Bumbkjones: that's the miracle of progress09:03
squidlyFlats: that or dd if you wanna whipe out the drive09:03
bkjonesRoger_The_Bum: not so fast....09:03
ChrisCoxsquidly: i get loads of random info09:03
FlatsI wanna wipe09:03
squidlyChrisCox: its not random trust me09:03
jwl007ahh im not in the sudoers file.. this incident will be reported09:03
=== JoseStefan [n=edgy@232sdl30m49.codetel.net.do] has joined #ubuntu
squidlycan you c&p it to me in a message09:03
haakonnhi guys, i've just upgraded to ubuntu, and x doesn't come up. startx says: "(EE) module ABI major version (0) doesn't match the server's version (1) / Failed to load module "nv" (module requirement mismatch, 0)". what have i done wrong? i followed the upgrade instructions09:03
=== bolsh [n=dave@mne69-9-88-163-116-163.fbx.proxad.net] has joined #ubuntu
squidlylook for the ip address.09:03
bkjonesthere's nothing in the install saying "I found this video card, is this the right model and resolution?"09:03
=== todamantoday [n=richard@c-67-190-44-225.hsd1.co.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
thees_ : run gconf-editor. apps->nautilus->desktop. check home_icon_visible09:04
=== MattJ [n=matthew@88-109-160-198.dynamic.dsl.as9105.com] has joined #ubuntu
bkjonesdoes something like that exist?09:04
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bkjonesfor ubuntu?09:04
Roger_The_BumChrisCox: acutally use that pastebox thing09:04
squidlyalso just for s&g's do you have link lights on your computer and and router09:04
boson_bkjones: no09:04
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JoseStefanhaakonn, try installing package "linux-386"09:04
goppis thier a mouse key feature in ubuntu09:04
ChrisCoxRoger_The_Bum: What are you on about09:04
FlatsI type dd nothing happens09:04
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squidlyFlats: man dd09:04
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Roger_The_BumChrisCox: Pastes to Pastebin: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org//09:04
xzkfor some reason when I installed the new version of Ubuntu last night... my new version doesn't work.. and it gives me some error about the XORG ?09:04
Roger_The_Bumfrom the topic09:04
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ChrisCoxRoger_The_Bum: Paste what to there?09:04
squidlyif you wanna whipe the drive dd if=/dev/zero of=/dev/hd##09:04
squidlythe results of ifconfig09:05
xzkanybody know what that means09:05
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haakonnJoseStefan:  done, but same error09:05
ashzillaI cannot log in when I start regularly, when I try to log in a window comes up that says "System will shutdown in One minute" then says to enter my username in the correct case: what the hell happened and how do I fix it - this was after updating to edgy09:05
=== aluno [n=aluno@nat-proaluno.ifsc.usp.br] has joined #ubuntu
Roger_The_Bumxzk: probably a video card error09:05
dabaRxzk: that most certainly was not a question, so why put the ? at the end? What is the error, what graphics card do you have, have you installed the drivers...09:05
Stormx2what is MythTV?09:05
sc0ttola aluno :)09:05
squidlyxzk: 10-1 its not likeing your vidcard09:05
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squidlymythtv is a open source version of tivo09:05
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gopppvr system Stormx209:05
=== Psychobudgie [n=klaatu@82-71-44-108.dsl.in-addr.zen.co.uk] has joined #ubuntu
blindwhat filesystem format is represented by "linux" in fdisk -l  ?09:05
xzk:(... the last version liked it09:05
alunosc0tt, ola09:05
YogSothothI just upgraded to Edgy. Now the xserver crashes when the system wants to go to screensaving or something related to power saving. I can't deactivate it: when I try to open the screensaver app, it crashes. Is this a known bug? How can I disable the screensaver using GNOME conf?09:06
=== Zaggynl [n=Zaggynl@dsl-083-247-026-021.solcon.nl] has joined #ubuntu
ChrisCoxsquidly: I cant. The computer i'm on is windows and has the connection set up. The comp with dapper on it is my laptop. Diff comps ^.^09:06
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xzkthe last version of Ubuntu was best friends with my video card!09:06
=== jme [n=jme@c-24-7-89-173.hsd1.ca.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
squidlydamn i'm not at my linux box09:06
rixxongreat, edgy broke my Xorg09:06
=== evi| [n=evil@cp82868-a.dbsch1.nb.home.nl] has joined #ubuntu
Roger_The_Bumblind: probably ext309:06
xzkrixxon, me too09:06
Master_Bah, dpkg --configure -a takes FOREVER.09:06
JoseStefanhaakonn, try installing packages: xserver-xorg-driver-all    xserver-xorg-input-all09:06
Master_Is it really necessary?09:06
s_please i need some help09:06
rixxonxzk: got a solution?09:06
blindRoger_The_Bum: that's what I thought, but it told my friend wrong fs type... :|09:06
xzki just came in here right before you did :(09:06
squidlydo you see anything about ip addresses?09:06
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MasseRIs there a way to transfer files between 2 linux-systems (in lan) without using ssh or ftp or other system that takes long to configure09:06
xzkrixxon: lets try to figure this out09:07
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MasseR(Going to test if it has to do with ssh or speed)09:07
rixxonxzk: heh. irssi on tty1 :D09:07
goppMasseR email09:07
ashzillaI cannot log in when I start regularly, when I try to log in a window comes up that says "System will shutdown in One minute" then says to enter my username in the correct case: what the hell happened and how do I fix it - this was after updating to edgy09:07
Roger_The_Bumblind: ext2 or reiser09:07
xzkrixxon: what? lol I'm a noob09:07
squidlyext2? eww!!09:07
dabaRMasseR: floppy disk09:07
=== Quibus [n=manuel@s5592d416.adsl.wanadoo.nl] has joined #ubuntu
finalbetaHow do I make the location bar from nautilus use text? So I don't have to control-L all the time, can't find the option in edgy.09:07
ChrisCoxsquidly: Put my name before your text to me. I see it easier because its bold09:07
rixxonxzk: i'm ircing without Xorg, that's all :p09:07
QuibusCongratulations on the release, Unbutu folks :-)09:07
ashzillarixxon: what's tty1? tty? ect09:07
Zaggynlterminal 109:07
squidlyChrisCox: i will try this is one hella busy channel!09:07
xzkrixxon: oh, I booted to winXP when it wouldn't work09:07
MasseRIs there a way to transfer files between 2 linux-systems (in lan) without using ssh or ftp or other system that takes long to configure. Trying to debug eth0 ^^'09:07
rixxonashzilla: ctrl+alt+f1 etc09:07
excludeanyone else having issues with xorg (seems like an ATI issue) after the upgrade?09:07
ChrisCoxsquidly: Lol09:07
Roger_The_Bumashzilla: text only09:08
thees_: press Alt+F2.type in gconf-editor... apps->nautilus->desktop. check home_icon_visible09:08
haakonnJoseStefan:  xserver-xorg-driver-all has no install candidate, and input-all is installed09:08
boson_MasseR: scp09:08
MasseRboson_: That would be ssh09:08
xzkexclude: it's an NVIDIA issue as well09:08
MasseRSecure copy09:08
squidlyMasseR: serial console ^^09:08
Flatsthats the other question I have .  If I run the lshw -class I have a disk of /dev/sda and a volume of /dev/sda1.  Which one am I dd'ing?09:08
rixxonxzk: aha, well this way i can do stuff while chatting09:08
ehirdquestion: what's a very stable and fast filesystem for storing music? i don't need windoze compatibility, just stability and speed09:08
ChrisCoxsquidly: Yes there is something about ip addresses09:08
JoseStefanhaakonn, sorry: xserver-xorg-video-all09:08
=== b1shop1 [n=b1shop@dsl081-149-253.chi1.dsl.speakeasy.net] has joined #ubuntu
sc0ttehird: i like reiser09:08
Quibussomeone seen "sh"?09:08
ZaggynlSo, hows the edgy release doing? any major known problems popped up?09:08
squidlyChrisCox: what does it say? and do you ahve link lights on your router?09:08
rixxonZaggynl: it broke my Xorg :@09:08
boson_MasseR: If you're using ubuntu, try using the file browser and add a connection, you'll be able to treat it as a folder, and it'll use ssh09:08
xzkzaggynl: yes, xorg :(09:08
ashzillaI cannot log in when I start regularly, when I try to log in a window comes up that says "System will shutdown in One minute" then says to enter my username in the correct case: what the hell happened and how do I fix it - this was after updating to edgy09:08
Roger_The_BumZaggynl: 2 people here have xorg probs09:08
=== Shirc_ [i=unknown@phmnux.etsid.upv.es] has joined #ubuntu
dabaRall you guys with xorg issues, try sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg09:08
haakonnJoseStefan:  installing ... i just use the nv driver though, and that's installed09:08
excludeehird: if you need "fast" go for ext2, its the fastest09:09
ChrisCoxsquidly: Yes i have link lights on the router and yes they are on09:09
GhostFreemanWhat's the command to upgrade to Edgy?09:09
ZaggynlI just read about edgy on /. an I'm interested, but I think I'll wait a bit09:09
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=== MetaMorfoziS [n=sajt@53d8293e.adsl.enternet.hu] has joined #ubuntu
sc0ttext3 is faster than 2 isn't it? :o09:09
Roger_The_BumGhostFreeman: read the topic09:09
MasseRboson_: I know, but I don't want to use ssh, the error already occurs with ssh09:09
squidlyChrisCox: ok but what does it say bout the ip addressing09:09
=== tonyyarusso [n=anthony@d235-240-148.home1.cgocable.net] has joined #ubuntu
finalbetaHow do I make the location bar from nautilus use text? So I don't have to control-L all the time, can't find the option in edgy.09:09
MasseRI'm testing whether it occurs otherwise too09:09
LjL!upgrade | GhostFreeman09:09
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ubotuGhostFreeman: For upgrading, please see the instructions on: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UpgradeNotes (you can also find this URL in the channel topic: type "/topic")09:09
=== DazWiLLiE [n=WiLLiE@unaffiliated/dazwillie] has left #ubuntu []
Roger_The_BumGhostFreeman: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/EdgyUpgrades09:09
JoseStefanhaakonn, meta packages are good during upgrade period, to make sure nothing is left back09:09
finalbetasc0tt, sounds unlikly09:09
boson_MasseR: S<B09:09
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GhostFreemanI got it, thanks09:09
boson_MasseR: SMB09:09
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squidlysc0tt: yea and its journaled making recovery and check time faster09:09
ChrisCoxsquidly: It says about bytes and packets and stuff.09:09
haakonnJoseStefan:  yeah i guess09:09
Zaggynl'gksudo "update-manager -c"' it is I think09:09
Ribshey guys... got a fresh text-only edgy install here..09:09
squidlyChrisCox: does it say ip address at all?09:10
mabreauxkernal currently does not support writting to a ntfs partion.....  anyone know when this feature will be added?09:10
KeithWeissharwhen will ubuntu be released on dvd09:10
Storkwhen trying to install edgy i get this error: http://tinyurl.com/ydudbs .. any ideas?09:10
RibsI've just installed mysql, but it refuses to run09:10
boson_Ribs: grats09:10
Ribsany ideas?09:10
excludeehird: ext3 and reiser have the pro of being safer when recovering, with the additional downside that they are slower09:10
haakonnJoseStefan:  heh, and it worked, thanks a bunch!09:10
xzkIf I redownload and reinstall Edgy, will it fix the XORG ?09:10
squidlyRibs: error messages?09:10
Ribssquidly, 'mysqld got signal 4'09:10
JoseStefanhaakonn, your welcome09:10
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ashzillaI cannot log in when I start regularly, when I try to log in a window comes up that says "System will shutdown in One minute" then says to enter my username in the correct case: what the hell happened and how do I fix it - this was after updating to edgy09:10
KeithWeisshari would like to order the ubuntu 6.10 dvd from frozentech.com but they don't have it yet09:10
squidlyexclude: umm.. ive found ext3 to be faster then ext209:10
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Ribssquidly, then it goes on about possibly being linked to dodgey libraries etc.09:10
dabaRRibs: what do you use to try to run it?09:10
ChrisCoxsquidly: It says: inet addr:   Bcast:   Mask:
Roger_The_BumKeithWeisshar: http://shipit.ubuntu.com09:10
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excludesquidly: I guess you are the first ever then :)09:10
squidlyRibs: try to reinstall it09:10
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RibsdabaR, sudo /etc/init.d/mysql start09:10
KeithWeissharthat's for the older version09:11
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Ribsand then mysqld by itself09:11
dabaRStork: remove those lines from sources.list plf does not support ubuntu any more09:11
squidlyChrisCox: what does it say for what you do ifconfig eth0?09:11
Quibus!seen \sh09:11
ubotuI haven't seen \sh recently09:11
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ericzso is it recommended to switch to edgy? i thought it was like all new, bleeding edge, possibly unstable, software...09:11
eXistenZThere is some kind of a bug09:11
Roger_The_BumKeithWeisshar: then I don't know when09:11
KeithWeissharfrozentech is $1.99 plus $.49 shipping for dvd09:11
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dabaRRibs: how about sudo invoke-rc.d mysql start? and post errors to pastebin so we can read the whole thing09:11
finalbetaHow do I make the location bar from nautilus use text? So I don't have to control-L all the time, can't find the option in edgy.09:11
squidlyRibs: i would say reinstall it09:11
GhostFreemanWill I need to reinstall ATI flgrx drivers when this finishes?09:11
r466eri get the following "error": "bug: soft lockup detected on cpu#0" , i think its a problem with lvm, because the were mounted before...09:11
ChrisCoxsquidly: Shows me stats for eth009:11
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squidlyChrisCox: what about the ip address? you gotta help me out here!!09:12
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Roger_The_Bumis it better to  reinstall then upgrade?09:12
boson_GhostFreeman: Probably not09:12
dabaRfinalbeta: it is in gconf09:12
squidlyChrisCox: as much as my ex thinks I can read mineds does not make it so!! :D09:12
excludeGhostFreeman: I am not sure, but I am in here because my ATI did not work any longer after the upgrade :)09:12
ChrisCoxsquidly: Its exactly the same as the one i typed earlier09:12
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excluderight, so, any hints on how to get xorg reconfigured so it actually loads again?09:12
GhostFreemanhas EasyUbuntu/Automatix been updated for the task?09:13
dabaRGhostFreeman: have you checked their web sites?09:13
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LjL!automatix | GhostFreeman09:13
ubotuGhostFreeman: Automatix is an unsupported script that tries to automate the installation of some software. We don't provide support for it in the #ubuntu or #kubuntu channels, try #automatix thanks!09:13
ChrisCoxsquidly: yes09:13
finalbetadabaR, so GNOME decided to kill of another feature in the GUI because it considers end users idiots. :( We should have a GNOME non crippled fork/version09:13
dabaRGhostFreeman: that is a good place to see09:13
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tonyyarussoexclude: Have you already done 'sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg'?09:13
livingtmhow do i know if my ubuntu edgy 64 kernel has video4linux enabled?09:13
GhostFreemanon a completely unrelated note09:13
shinmenWhy all of the ISO files have .jigdo, except for the desktop ones?09:13
ehirdis there a whatpulse client for ubuntu?09:13
squidlyChrisCox: you need to get your ip addressing setup right and routing.. i cant help with that for ubuntu as I'm not 100% up on the way they setup networking via the configs09:13
dabaRfinalbeta: talk to the mailing list09:13
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excludetonyyarusso: yup, did so, but that did not solve the problem09:13
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GhostFreemanis it possible to cancel an upgrade to 6.10 while its running, and restore any lost or overwritten packages?09:14
ChrisCoxsquidly: HOW DO I SET THEM UP RIGHT!?!?!09:14
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tonyyarussoexclude: What is the problem, btw?  (Not sure I can help much more than that, but who knows)09:14
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RibsdabaR, These are the mysql errors: http://pastebin.ca/22309709:14
excludetonyyarusso: I guess I made a wrong choice in there too, putting back the original xorg.conf may help though09:14
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anders9034hello again, is there some built in firewall in ubuntu?09:15
tabiasis there a way to install a printer (via a ZOT print server thingie) ?09:15
squidlyChrisCox: read what I said.. i dont know how ubuntu does the networking yet!09:15
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squidlyanders9034: yea ipchains09:15
excludetonyyarusso: I am not sure what the problem is, the only hint I could find in the logs was that the ati driver was not found09:15
RibsdabaR, oddly, it worked fine the first time I ran it right after an install... but not after I rebooted...09:15
tonyyarussoexclude: Yeah, if you have a working backup that's a good place to start09:15
squidlyand iptables09:15
dabaRChrisCox: what exactly are you trying to set up, what is not working, and what have you tried so far? Please also include references to pastebins with outputs of relevant commands that will allow us to help you.09:15
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LjL!firewall > anders903409:15
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tonyyarussoexclude: ati driver as in 'ati', or the fglrx binary one?09:15
LjL!caps > ChrisCox09:15
segfault_squidly, anders9034 its iptables09:15
squidlydabaR he just need to configure routering09:15
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GhostFreemanIs it possible to cancel an upgrade to 6.10 while its running, and restore any lost or overwritten packages? I just got back from school to see it failed halfway, and I want to wait until the traffic dies down09:15
ChrisCoxdabaR: I'm trying to set up a simple wired connection to my router09:15
squidlysegfault_: well ipchains is still avaliable :P09:16
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boson_ChrisCox: Is the driver for your card working ok?09:16
segfault_squidly, i thought that support wwasnt int he kernel for that anymore?09:16
dabaRRibs: and post output of sudo aptitude search mysql09:16
squidlysegfault_: nope its still there for backwards compatibality09:16
ChrisCoxboson_: What card?09:16
mhamadthello i use breezy can you help me ... how to find all file(s) and folder(s) that have chmod 777?09:16
IndyBCHello. I upgraded to Edgy Eft, but the system can't boot. Now I am with a live cd. please help09:16
segfault_squidly, ahhh i see09:16
dabaRChrisCox: go on, you never answered more than 50% of my request09:17
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ehirdwhat's the best way to assign a shortcut to the terminal?09:17
boson_ChrisCox: Network card09:17
jHoNDoEonly dvd via torrent?09:17
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ChrisCoxboson_: I'm using wired connection09:17
boson_ehird: Make a new launcher, name xterm09:17
RibsdabaR, http://pastebin.ca/22310709:17
dabaRehird: the best way to assign a keyboard shortcut for opening the terminal?09:17
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boson_ChrisCox: I know. You with a network card right? Does the network card work ok?09:17
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ChrisCoxdabaR: I've tried DHCP, i've tried static ip address with these details:09:17
Mirrohowto install aiglx on new ubuntu?09:17
Ribsmaybe I should try mysql 4.x ?09:17
ubotuAIGLX ('Accelerated Indirect GLX') is an open source project founded by the X.Org Foundation and the Fedora Core Linux community to allow accelerated indirect GLX rendering capabilities to X.org and DRI drivers. This allows remote X clients to get fully hardware accelerated rendering over the GLX protocol.09:18
ChrisCoxboson_: No, i'm with a router09:18
dabaRRibs: sudo invoke-rc.d mysql restart09:18
LjL!xgl | Mirro09:18
ubotuMirro: Compiz (compositing window manager) and XGL (X server architecture layered on top of OpenGL)  -  Howto at http://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompositeManager  -  Help in #ubuntu-xgl  -  See http://tinyurl.com/pw5ez for Kubuntu systems09:18
ubotuberyl is a window manager that takes advantage of an OpenGL accelerated X environment. See http://forum.beryl-project.org/ Please see #ubuntu-xgl for help with beryl. Thank You.09:18
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FunnyLookinHatthere we go09:18
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rixxonXorg still not starting09:18
boson_ChrisCox: What kind of plug goes into the back of your computer?09:18
RibsdabaR, Stop okay... Start fails again.09:18
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tomzCouldn't mount device '/dev/hda1': Operation not supported09:18
tomzWindows did not shut down properly.  Try to mount volume in windows, shut down and try again.09:18
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ChrisCoxboson_: what do you mean?09:18
dabaRboson_: what kind do you think if it is connected to a router?09:18
eXistenZwhenever I move the icons on the gnome panel, the icons turn into a yellow with question mark09:18
finalbetadabaR, wich mailing list? The GNOME guys don't like input anyway.09:18
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Storkif i stop apt-get will it recover again when i start it later?09:18
eXistenZthere is some kind of a bug09:18
RibsdabaR, I'm going to give mysql 4.1 a try09:19
rixxonxzk: did you get it working?09:19
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GhostFreemanis there a channel I can go to get help with Edgy specifically?09:19
boson_dabaR: I asked him about his network card09:19
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boson_dabaR: To see if it's working09:19
segfault_GhostFreeman, this is it09:19
Mirrowhat should i install, Xgl or AIGLX??09:19
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eXistenZwhenever I move an icon on the gnome panel, it turns into a yellow with question mark09:19
dabaRboson_: ok, go ahead09:19
lostatcHi, When i insert a SD memory card into my Scandisk USB adaptor GNOME pops up with a notice asking if I want to import my photos or ignore it. I always choose ignore. Is there  a way to force Ubuntu's GNOME to remember this?09:19
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GhostFreemanIs it possible to cancel an upgrade to 6.10 while its running, and restore any lost or overwritten packages?09:19
JoseStefan!msg ubotu burn09:20
boson_ChrisCox: Do you now if the driver for your network card is working ok?09:20
dabaRfinalbeta: ya, you are right.09:20
tomzhey.. how i can fix that error?... when i try to mount NTFS partition?09:20
ubotuUpstart is meant to replace the old Sys V Init system with an event-driven init model.  For more information please see: http://upstart.ubuntu.com/09:20
JoseStefanGhostFreeman, only if it is still downloading, and NOT installing09:20
magnetGhostFreeman: it depends at what stage it is09:20
Mirrowhat should i install, Xgl or AIGLX??  could someone help me?09:20
segfault_GhostFreeman, if its still downloading pkgs then yes, if its installing, thats a bad idea09:20
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cryptonichow do i make gnome my default gui, its installed but the sysetem boots into kde as default09:20
ChrisCoxboson_: 2 other computers are connecting to the same router... using windows...09:20
GhostFreemanit says its at "Fetching and Installing"09:20
psiis there no nvidia-glx package for edgy?09:20
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ehirdsomething's seriously wrong with my python install09:20
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dabaRtomz: what is the command you use to try to mount it?09:20
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lupine_85cry4freedom: dpkg-reconfigure gdm09:20
segfault_cryptonic, change ur default session in ur login mgr09:20
lupine_85erm, cryptonic rather09:21
rixxonedgy broke my X11, dpkg-reconfigure did not fix it, ideas?09:21
dabaRpsi: there is one in restricted09:21
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segfault_rixxon, edit ur xorg.conf file by hand09:21
goppdoes pearpc work in ubuntu09:21
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rixxonsegfault_: i wouldn't know how to09:21
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boson_ChrisCox: What does ifconfig output?09:21
JoseStefanrixxon, any specific errors?09:21
goppI did apt-get install pearpc and got installed is this the pearpc for osx09:21
GhostFreemanit says its at "Fetching and Installing." If its any extra incentive, the 'Terminal' option is greyed out09:21
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excludetonyyarusso: okay, there you gave me a hint. fglrx == ati(binary)?09:21
abhinayhi all09:22
segfault_rixxon, read up on xorg docs, also chk ur log file /var/log/Xorg.log09:22
rixxonJoseStefan: loads and loads of error dumps09:22
ChrisCoxboson_: It points out that eth0 doesnt send or receive bytes/packets09:22
concept10How may I start upstart from the command line?  Since changing from Sys V Init to upstart, my system will not boot.  Any suggestions?09:22
goppk know I am gettign this error09:22
goppw:: Failed to fetch http://packages.freecontrib.org/plf/pool/dapper/free/libdvdcss2_1.2.9-1plf4_i386.deb09:22
gopp  Temporary failure resolving 'packages.freecontrib.org'09:22
cryptonicthe default login manager is kde, i can access gnome and all but i want it to be my default09:22
psidabaR: i have the "Proprietary drivers for devices (restricted)" repo enabled in synaptic (per default)09:22
cartufershinobi, u get that thing i sent u?09:22
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JoseStefanrixxon, 1st thing to check is that no pkgs were left behind09:22
ProN00bcan anyone gimme a fast mirror for my sources.list ? the main one is a bit slow for me at the moment09:22
psidabaR: is that not it?09:22
boson_ChrisCox: Does it show an IP address?09:22
eyequeuerixxon, often, /var/log/Xorg.0.log09:22
tonyyarussoexclude: fglrx is the binary driver from ATI, yes.  There is also an open source 'ati' driver for ATI cards, that has more limited features but is more stable.09:22
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dabaRpsi: that is it, look harder.09:22
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about serial - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi09:22
concept10Its going to be impossuble to get help in here today09:22
ChrisCoxboson_: It has inet address:
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Roeyoh my god.09:23
abhinayi have downloaded firefox 2 tar.gz file, but, i don't know how to install it firefox 2 ? how to install firefox 2 ?09:23
rixxonJoseStefan, eyequeue: "Fatal Error: No screens found"09:23
ProN00banyone ?09:23
dabaRconcept10: well, what did you do to change from one to the other?09:23
ubotufirefox is the default web-browser on Ubuntu. To install the latest version, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FirefoxNewVersion Installing plugins: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/FirefoxPlugins09:23
sivik_abhinay, after you untar the file, go into the folder, ./configure, make, sude make install09:23
psidabaR: ah. an update did it.09:23
boson_ChrisCox: Try: sudo ifdown eth0; sudo ifup eth009:23
eyequeueabhinay, edgy? dapper?09:23
IndyBCPlease, tell me how to enter Recovery Mode. (I have disabled it from the grub menu) but I think with pressing some button, I can get there. Please help.09:23
boson_ChrisCox: And tell em what it says09:23
abhinayeyequeue, dapper09:23
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ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about ff2 - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi09:23
dabaRconcept10: upstart is an init process, meaning the first one, so starting it does not make sense here, but I am not an OS expert by a long shot...09:23
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ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about firefox2 - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi09:23
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Roeysea of people... jesus09:24
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eyequeueabhinay, i thought there was a factoid on it, sorry09:24
segfault_IndyBC, add the word single to the grub command from the grub command line when grub starts09:24
ChrisCoxboson_: I just changed eth0 to DHCP and now it is saying Activating interface 'eth0'09:24
JoseStefaneyequeue, what are you looking for?09:24
dabaRIndyBC: how did you disable it from the grub menu?09:24
djmccormicki just installed 6.06.1 TLS and i'm not at home. i'm trying to apt-get install an application and it's saying through the shell to insert the CD. is inserting the CD necessary?09:24
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ChrisCoxboson_: And its stuck on that09:24
abhinaysivik_, there is no file called configure in it09:24
RibsdabaR, I've found the bug now: https://launchpad.net/distros/ubuntu/+source/mysql-dfsg-5.0/+bug/6670209:24
boson_Can we put something in the topic to NOT use the !stuff in channel?09:24
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concept10dabaR:  I had a working Edgy system for days, and I did a apt-get install upstart... of course that uninstalls sys v init09:24
boson_ChrisCox: How long?09:24
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eyequeueJoseStefan, a firefox2-on-dapper factoid for him09:24
cryptonichas the update repositories for edgy ubuntu changed since it went out off beta?09:24
dabaRdjmccormick: comment out the cd line in /etc/apt/sources.list09:24
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ChrisCoxboson_: Just under a min now09:24
segfault_djmccormick, no remove the cd line from ur sources.list09:24
JoseStefan!info firefox dapper09:24
concept10dabaRand now it will not boot09:24
ubotufirefox: lightweight web browser based on Mozilla. In component main, is optional. Version 1.5.dfsg+ (dapper), package size 7739 kB, installed size 22928 kB09:24
ChrisCoxboson_: Its gones09:24
Lunar_Lamp<djmccormick> i just installed 6.06.1 TLS and i'm not at home. i'm trying to apt-get install an application and it's saying through the shell to insert the CD. is inserting the CD necessary? <== you can add the online repositories and remove the cd repository in your synaptic setup :-)09:24
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SugaratDo I need to do anything else to mount an NFS drive? I've entered it into /etc/fstab but when mounting the console just sits there09:24
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dabaRconcept10: isn't upstart the default on edgy?09:25
eyequeuecryptonic, last was maybe 30 hours ago, i think09:25
goppwhy do I get this   error09:25
goppw:: Failed to fetch http://packages.freecontrib.org/plf/pool/dapper/free/libdvdcss2_1.2.9-1plf4_i386.deb09:25
DekKeDcryptonic: I didn't get updates in the last day or two09:25
ProN00bcan anyone gimme a fast mirror for my sources.list ? the main one is a bit slow for me at the moment09:25
gopp  Temporary failure resolving 'packages.freecontrib.org'09:25
boson_ChrisCox: gones?09:25
ChrisCoxboson_: Now closing networking screen09:25
segfault_Sugarat, portmap09:25
eyequeuecryptonic, give or take09:25
ChrisCoxboson_: Sorry, gone09:25
=== TMM [n=hp@c51471f2c.cable.wanadoo.nl] has joined #ubuntu
sivik_Lunar_Lamp, you have to go into the /etc/apt/sources.list and comment out the cd and uncomment all the repos09:25
concept10dabaR- thats what I thought.  It wasnt installed with my dist-upgrade09:25
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dabaRgopp: remove the plf repository from your sources.list then reload the package list09:25
Lunar_LampProN00b, that's probably because loads of people are hammering the servers to install edgy :-)09:25
cryptonicso it didnt update to the one since beta releases?09:25
dabaRconcept10: no idea09:25
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ehirdrm -rf is a powerful thing :)09:25
goppconcept10 where do I click reload09:25
eXistenZdabaR, Are you yet on edgy?09:25
rixxoneyequeue: what can i do if i get "no screens found"?09:25
dabaReXistenZ: no09:26
Slikehello, got a little problem: i'm running vmware server on my ubuntu machine and i want to go to tty2 in my virtual suse install, but these keystrokes infect my ubuntu's x-server, not the virtual one...and changing these key settings in the vmware options doesn't do to much09:26
boson_ChrisCox: If you run ifconfig in your terminal, what does it list for HWAddr?09:26
dabaRand i will not upgrade, I will use dapper for the next 5 years.09:26
eXistenZAnyone on edgy here?09:26
djmccormickthanks for the tip, guys. i appreciate it :)09:26
ehirdany ideas how i can get a resolution above 1024/768? :/09:26
dabaRdjmccormick: cheers09:26
ProN00bLunar_Lamp, i know, but i am using the main one, and that is especially slow, so i was asking if anyone knew a faster one09:26
sivik_eXistenZ, i'm willing to bet most everyone here is in edgy, whats the problem?09:26
d-E-u-Swhen i shut down my xubuntu then turn the hdd off but the pc is still on, what can i do?09:26
JoseStefan!fixres > ehird09:26
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IndyBCdabaR, the problem is that I can't boot from hard drive. I cam from live cd now09:26
eyequeuerixxon, i'm not x guru, but i usually see people dpkg-reconfigure to solve that09:26
mabreauxupgrade went very smooth for me09:26
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ProN00bcan anyone gimme a fast mirror for my sources.list ? the main one is a bit slow for me at the moment09:26
SugaratHow do I mount an nfs drive properly in Ubuntu ?09:26
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rixxoneyequeue: i tried that without effect.. oh well09:27
sivik_ProN00b, their all going to be slow09:27
ehirdgot it, where's my xorg.conf file?09:27
segfault_ProN00b, mirrors are on the site, they are likely all slow today09:27
dabaRIndyBC: and why do you want to boot in single user mode?09:27
=== rwscold [n=adam@c-24-0-115-242.hsd1.tx.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
Lunar_Lamp<mabreaux> upgrade went very smooth for me <== dapper>edgy? what kind of things should i be cautious of?09:27
sivik_Sugarat, you have to read through the man mount to find the number or argument for ntfs09:27
JoseStefanrixxon, since you just upgraded, make sure no pkgs were left behing during upgrade09:27
ubotuTo view your Windows/Mac partitions see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AutomaticallyMountPartitions  -  See also !fuse09:27
goppdabaR how do I reload it09:27
sivik_ehird: /etc/X1109:27
dabaRgopp: sudo aptitude update09:27
ProN00bsivik_, segfault_, well, i am getting like 6kb/s there must be faster ones09:27
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IndyBCdabaR, I want to boot from recovery mode, because X server crashes09:27
Sugaratsivik_: Have done,  when I try to mount it just sits there09:27
SugaratAny services to start ?09:27
segfault_ProN00b, well try others then09:27
jme_oh boy, 18 k/s on the dist-upgrade09:27
JoseStefanrixxon, install: ubuntu-desktop09:27
cryptonic<rixxon> sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg09:27
theeehird: in terminal type locate xorg.conf09:28
dabaRIndyBC: and why not just use the session you are given when the x server crashes?09:28
rwscoldhey guys i am doing a distro upgrade from 6.06 to 6.10 from wthin the os and its taking forever is there any way to stop it so i can download the altrenate cd?09:28
ProN00bsegfault_, but i don't have no others, i am asking for one09:28
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IndyBCdabaR, I am not given any session09:28
segfault_ProN00b, read the ubuntu site they are listed there09:28
eXistenZsivik_, Whenever I move an icon in the gnome panel it turns into a yellow one with a question mark inside. Can you try that?09:28
Sugaratah I think I need to sudo apt-get install portmap nfs-common09:28
ChrisCoxboson_: 00:40:D0:1E:9D:2A09:28
eyequeuerwscold, frankly, andything involving the mirrors will be slow as molasses today09:28
theerwscold: force quit09:28
dabaRIndyBC: what happens, then? X is just the sprinkle on top, if x is all that fails, you still get a working system09:28
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rwscoldwell i have the live cd09:28
eyequeuerwscold, ^C will abort though09:28
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rwscoldbut it wont boot for some reason09:29
boson_ChrisCox: Try assigning a manual IP and pinging the router. Pick an IP that you would have on one of your windows systems09:29
disasmany fluxbox users here? I got everything working now except alpha transparency, both fluxbox and X are configure with RENDER enabled09:29
ChrisCoxboson_: How?09:29
ubotunfs is the network file system. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SettingUpNFSHowTo for information on installing and configuring NFS.09:29
IndyBCdabaR, the crash of X, makes the whole system not to boot09:29
ubotuTo install the Ati/NVidia drivers for your video card, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto09:29
sivik_eXistenZ, i'm not in gnome nor do i have it installed on either machine09:29
ubotuFor Ubuntu 6.10 (Edgy Eft), you can obtain the (unsupported!) Beta version of the binary NVidia drivers by using one of these repositories: "deb http://amaranth.selfip.com/ edgy lrm" (for x86) or "deb http://ubuntu.lupine.me.uk/ edgy lrm-amd64" (for AMD64)09:29
boson_ChrisCox: In system -> Administraion -> Networking09:29
tabiasis there a way to install a printer (via a ZOT print server thingie) ?09:29
=== madness [n=jfranji@83-131-66-140.adsl.net.t-com.hr] has joined #ubuntu
LoofCan I upgrade to 6.10 (from 6.x) in place... via aptitude, etc?09:29
djmccormickif i install samba-common will i have smbclient?09:29
boson_Loof: yes09:29
LoofOr, do I have to download it, etc.09:29
dabaRLoof: read the topic09:29
boson_Loof: Check the ubuntu website for instructions09:29
elvarwhat means ISO8859-15 ????09:29
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rwscoldya my x crashes when i try and use the live cd regardless if i do it in safe morde or not....................09:30
=== teferra [n=chatzill@180.80-202-197.nextgentel.com] has joined #ubuntu
goppdebar thanks09:30
eeejay1) is there a way to upgrade to edgy using bittorrent? the repos seem to be under heavy load :P09:30
ChrisCoxboson_: What do you mean about choose an ip address?09:30
sivik_Loof: yes, change the sources.list file, from dapper to edgy, run aptitude/apt-get update, and then aptitude/apt-get dist-upgrade09:30
Loofooh, I missed the topic :)09:30
eXistenZsegfault_, Are you using edgy + gnome?09:30
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goppdebar last question do I need to upgrade to the new version of the distro09:30
eeejay2) could i abort the upgrade?09:30
boson_ChrisCox: Your router normally assigns an address such as 10.0.0.x or 192.168.1.x09:30
JoseStefaneeboy, you can download the ISO images thru torrent, you will find ,torrent file on the download server09:30
boson_ChrisCox: pick one of those09:30
sivik_gopp: you don't have to09:30
JoseStefaneeejay, ^^^09:30
Loofsivik: Perfect... I was hoping that was the case... but I wanted to be sure before killing my box :D09:30
JonasRVUbuntu 6.10 wont detect my broadcom wireless card, does anyone have the same problem? Booting from the previous kernel the system detects it.09:30
goppso I should waite couple of weeks09:31
eyequeueeeejay, i think the d/l sites all have a torrent in the dir :)09:31
boson_JonasRV: I've had that problem09:31
djmccormicki've installed samba-common... now how do i run smbclient?09:31
excludehmm, I get a "No devices detected".09:31
RubinJonasRV, sounds like a regression, you should report that on the wiki09:31
JoseStefaneeejay, for upgrade you need the alternate CD, instead of desktop09:31
Roger_The_Bumchose the alternate installs mode09:31
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ChrisCoxboson_: Subnet mask?09:31
excludeseems like my xorg is really borked09:31
boson_JonasRV: But it never detected it automatically09:31
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eeejayJoseStefan: thanks!09:31
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boson_JonasRV: I had to use ndiswrapper09:32
jme_oh god, 7 hours 43 minutes to install09:32
ChrisCoxboson_: gateway address?09:32
jme_I should have just done it overnight09:32
boson_ChrisCox: your router IP09:32
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ChrisCoxboson_: How do i find that out?09:32
boson_ChrisCox: What IP did you pick?09:32
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boson_ChrisCox: Router is probably
ehirdi'm just realising how powerful ubuntu is :)09:33
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sivik_boson_, his router might be 1.1 not 0.109:33
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JonasRVboson_: okei, I've used the linuxant driverloader. I'll try the ndiswrapper solution :)09:33
ehirdi can do pretty much anything with it, like synchronize with a time server at startup transparently09:33
LoRei've installed gstreamer0.8-mms but rhythmbox still says, that there is no handler for mms:// URLs, why?09:33
boson_sivik_:  Yeah I know. I just want him to try and ping the router to see if the problem is DHCP or not09:33
cryptonicright, so did anyone try and update the nvidia drivers on edgy cause i have problems with it crashing the xserver09:33
ehirdthat kind of stuff is what i've been looking for in an O :)09:33
ChrisCoxboson_: Done09:33
=== omong_kosong [n=omong_ko@pD955F477.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #ubuntu
sivik_boson_, good idea09:34
=== mikm[laptop] [n=michael@kron2-46-125.resnet.wisc.edu] has joined #ubuntu
excludecryptonic: same here.09:34
=== Pelo [n=jean@mtl-pppoe-adsl662.securenet.net] has joined #ubuntu
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boson_ChrisCox: Try pinging your router. To get the address, go to one of your windows machines and run ipconfig. Try to ping that gateway address09:34
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tdnI begun upgrading to 6.10, but then during install of some tetex package my system crashed. Now I cannot boot. What to do? :(09:34
=== duese [n=Ident@p5484E733.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #ubuntu
Pelogood afternoon folks09:34
=== RetLaw [n=RetLaw@082-146-104-185.dyn.adsl.xs4all.be] has joined #ubuntu
eraccHeh, a bit behind the times aren't they? "Second, SCO is proud to announce USB modem and serial support for UnixWare 7.1.4 and SCO OpenServer 6."09:34
cryptonici thought it was down to my stupidity, looks like its nvidias to blame :D09:34
JaZyWRKwhen updating off the alternate cd you added to the repo, then change dapper to edgy.. but when i do the dist-upgrade it sill seems to want to pull stuff from offline09:34
eraccOops, wrong channel. :-/09:34
=== Pelo just came in to read about ppl updating to 6.10
rwscoldcome on torrent!09:34
=== Qaldune [n=miguel@17.Red-88-18-5.staticIP.rima-tde.net] has joined #ubuntu
sivik_JaZyWRK, try commenting out the cd in the sources.list fiel09:35
JaZyWRKrwscold good luck09:35
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rwscoldthe dist uopgrade is crazy slow09:35
Qaldunei think mark shuttleworth should really give some money to improve the ubuntu servers bandwith lol...09:35
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JaZyWRKsivik_ i want to used the cd not the online repos09:35
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jHoNDoErwscold www.linuxtracker.org09:35
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bronzeus BT09:35
bronzeuse , heh09:35
theerwscold: http://ftp.yz.yamagata-u.ac.jp/pub/linux/ubuntu/releases/edgy/ubuntu-6.10-desktop-i386.iso.torrent09:35
dabaRPelo: so-so09:35
cryptonicdoes the prerelease of edgy ubuntu not update itself to the finished edgy product or do i need to download another dvd image?09:36
ChrisCoxboson_: Says network is unreachable09:36
jHoNDoEi download kubuntu @ 500KB/s and ubuntu @ 300KB/s09:36
LjLcryptonic: it updates.09:36
[Deathmaster] how can i install firefox 2.0 on dapper because i cannot find time to upgrade to edgy just because of one package ?09:36
teferrais upgrading runs on torrent? it is uploading more than it downloads. what is happning09:36
eyequeuecryptonic, here's the procedure, if you already have it installed09:36
rwscoldthee i need the alternate install09:36
dabaRPelo: in regards to the good afternoon09:36
ChrisCoxboson_: The ip on the windows ends in 2.x but you told me to put in 1.x in ubuntu09:36
ubotuFor multimedia codecs see: https://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html and for applications see this: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MultimediaApplications09:36
sivik_[Deathmaster] , go download the tar.gz file and install it that way09:36
eyequeuecryptonic, sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get upgrade09:36
rwscoldi have the desktop cd and x crashes before i can get in to install09:36
theerwscold: http://ftp.yz.yamagata-u.ac.jp/pub/linux/ubuntu/releases/edgy/ubuntu-6.10-alternate-i386.iso.torrent09:36
boson_ChrisCox: Change the ubuntu one to 2.x09:36
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[Deathmaster] sivik_:  i'll try 10x09:36
=== concept10 [n=chatzill@ppp-70-247-171-92.dsl.rcsntx.swbell.net] has joined #ubuntu
goppwill itunes run in ubuntu09:36
rwscolditunes hahah who needs itunes!09:37
goppor is thier a itune like player for ubuntu09:37
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sivik_gopp: yes09:37
=== voraistos [n=ender@cpc2-staf3-0-0-cust41.brhm.cable.ntl.com] has joined #ubuntu
eyequeuecryptonic, probably fetches about 10 packages, rather than a cd. much much faster09:37
excludeshould we not start a new channel for all the stranded X folks?09:37
goppsivik in wine, itunes runs how09:37
ehirdgopp: amarok09:37
segfault_eXistenZ, im on dapperno sense and upgrading while the mirrors are slammed09:37
LjLgopp: there is no Linux version of iTunes. you have Rythmbox, have you tried it out?09:37
=== Schmuk [n=hl8af@cpc2-hatf1-0-0-cust612.lutn.cable.ntl.com] has joined #ubuntu
exclude /j #ubuntu-xserver e.g.?09:37
goppyea but hmm09:37
ProN00bheh, changing the mirror made it lotsa faster09:37
ehirdgopp: amarok is almost a complete clone of itunes, basically09:37
ChrisCoxboson_: Should i change the gateway address to the one that is being shown in windows09:37
excludeehird: nah, its not.09:37
goppis amarok included in base installed09:37
boson_ChrisCox: Yeah09:37
rwscoldanyone know why i cant use the desktop cd to install? i am running dapper already................09:38
=== gord [n=gord@81-178-119-150.dsl.pipex.com] has joined #ubuntu
bronzeteferra: if by upgrading you mean "uploading" yes, BT clients share theire file segements of the torrented file.  since everybody contributes a little, everyone gets a fast download09:38
Lunar_Lampehird, except that it cannot play ITMS songs with their DRM :-)09:38
Qalduneamarok is best audio player ever09:38
ehirdgopp: no, it isn't hard to install but it relies on some kde stuffs09:38
excludegopp, no, its a KDE app.09:38
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SchmukHi, I was wondring if anyone could help me. I am having trouble getting my USB wlan dongle to work with Ubuntu09:38
LjLehird, gopp: and it is a KDE program that requires as dependencies just about all KDE libraries. that's worth a mention09:38
ehirdbut it works in gnome fine09:38
Qalduneno rythmbox or anything else09:38
Citizen_Kanedoes Ubuntu has write support for NTFS ?09:38
=== voraistos tells every body amarok sucks, as it is for kde. try exaile out !
timhaughtonTale of woe: Did update of dapper via apt-get because the update-manager path didn't see edgy. It was downloading 700 meg of stuff from overloaded servers so I went to the gym. Just got back. Gnome hasn't been upgraded. The theme engine has broken so everything looks pants. Oh dear. Backing up my home and etc directories for a reinstall. Sob :(09:38
excludeget kubuntu if you want amarok09:38
ehirdvoraistos: do you have reasoning for that?09:38
excludekubuntu is teh best :)09:38
liedamarok is great, listen is good too09:38
voraistosnah !!09:38
Qalduneyou can get amarok just by typing sudo apt-get amarok09:38
voraistosgnome for ever !!!09:38
Lam_kubuntu ftw09:38
Qalduneit will install needed libraries09:38
dan__hey all, i just upgraded to Edgy, and my VNC server won't start, complains aobut "could not open default font 'fixed'09:38
Lam_the new kde is amazingly slick09:38
LjLQaldune: not09:38
ehirdvoraistos: then take your comments elsewhere please09:38
Qalduneeven if you are not using kubuntu09:38
QalduneLjL i have09:39
cryptonic<eyequeue> Malformed line 2 in source list /etc/apt/sources.list.d/edgy-universe.list (dist parse)09:39
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=== Hendikins grumbles and adds quick & dirty instructions for setting up nspluginwrapper on Dapper to PluginDoc
excludeehird: it works only partly in gnome, the best thing about kdeapps is their integration, you miss that out completely in gnome.09:39
LjLQaldune: perhaps you've typed "sudo apt-get install amarok", but not "sudo apt-get amarok".09:39
voraistoswe wre in ubuntu here. not in #kubuntu09:39
Qalduneok you're right09:39
=== MtJB [n=warthawg@cpe-66-68-176-215.austin.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu
voraistosamarok uses Qt libs09:39
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voraistosand thats bad09:39
SchmukDoes anyone know if I can fix it or do I have to buy a new dongle?09:39
Qaldunewhy is it bad?09:39
dabaRvoraistos: shut up09:39
=== St_MPA3b [n=kvirc@client3.pike.net.ru] has joined #ubuntu
ubotu#ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, #ubuntu+1 supports the development version of Ubuntu and #ubuntu-offtopic is for random chatter. Welcome!09:39
teferrabronze i mean i am upgrading dapper to edgy through systm upgrade. and it is uploading more than it is downloading. I thought that is strange.09:39
LjLamarok uses KDE, not just Qt. anyway, join #ubuntu-offtopic to argue about what's bad, good, better and worse please09:39
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dan__voraistos: please takeit to #ubuntu-offtopic or #kubuntu09:40
ehird"Device          "Generic Video Card"" in my xorg.conf, i change that to "Device          "sis"" for my sis mirage card right?09:40
ChrisCoxboson_: Done that, now what?09:40
=== dan__ is now known as paradizelost
bronzeteferra: oh, yes that is strange.09:40
boson_ChrisCox: Try to ping your router again09:40
dabaRparadizelost: haha, or #kubuntu:))09:40
Citizen_Kanedoes Ubuntu has write support for NTFS ?09:40
voraistosi am not here for that folks. did anyone updated the fglrx (ati) howto ?09:40
rwscoldanyone know why i cant use the desktop cd to install? i am running dapper already................??????????????????????/09:40
HendikinsToolkits shouldn't be a religious issue... anyway, save 4 gig of my metered bandwidth, is nspluginwrapper included with edgy?09:40
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boson_Citizen_Kane: It does now =)09:40
cryptonic<eyequeue> Malformed line 2 in source list /etc/apt/sources.list.d/edgy-universe.list (dist parse) ?09:40
goppsivik what do you mean that yes itunes can run in linux09:40
=== pazemlsqdfmoj [n=alex@d54C1C929.access.telenet.be] has joined #ubuntu
goppI will get amarok09:40
goppI will try09:40
boson_Hendikins: I dont know if it is by default, but you can apt-get it09:40
excludevoraistos what is your issue with it?09:40
dabaRrwscold: did you try?09:40
paradizelostanyone else having issues with vncserver?09:40
ehirdgopp: apt-get install amarok should work09:41
LjLrwscold: one question mark conveys the message. though the message doesn't quite convey itself.09:41
disasmparadizelost: what kind of issues?09:41
paradizelostcould not open default font 'fixed'09:41
ChrisCoxboson_: Destination host unreachable09:41
pazemlsqdfmojk, this is getting annoying, when i install the usual nvidia drivers, X refuses to boot again, when i install the new beta nvidia drivers, my sound just up n dies09:41
pazemlsqdfmojanyone know why?09:41
excludegopp: best join #kubuntu and ask for help there about amarok09:41
paradizelostdisasm: it worked before i upgraded to edgy09:41
paradizelostdisasm: and now i get could not open default font 'fixed'09:41
user-landwhich is better, gstreamer0.10-plugins-ugly or gstreamer0.10-plugins-ugly-dbg ?09:41
Hendikinsboson_: Being on the DVD media is close enough to "default" for me.09:41
boson_ChrisCox: Seems your network card isn't working properly. Go look on the forums to see if you need a different driver or something09:41
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ehirdanybody have an answer to my xorg.conf question>?09:41
rwscolddabar ya i tried to install using the live cd but no matter how i try and boot t6he cd x crashes09:41
cyph1eI'm going to install the nvidia drivers... The guide says I should install linux-restricted-modules-386... But I already have linux-restricted-modules-generic installed. Should I skip linux-restricted-modules-386?09:41
=== Ma1 [n=max@modemcable070.215-37-24.mc.videotron.ca] has joined #ubuntu
MattJpazemlsqdfmoj, I installed it, couldn't get it to work in 5 minutes09:41
boson_Hendikins: Hahaha yes it is =)09:41
MattJNow I use XDMCP09:42
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voraistosexclude: it is not my  issue, but ati users have to specify in their xorg.conf not to use aiglx. otherwise dri wont work proprly09:42
boson_cyph1e: no09:42
pazemlsqdfmojMattJ: whats that?09:42
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Ma1can anyone tell me if this is 32 or 62 bits : IntelCoreTM 2 Duo Processor  T7200 (2GHz, 4M L2 Cache, 667MHz FSB)09:42
cyph1eallright, so I shuld install linux-restricted-modules-386?09:42
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EmxBAit's 32 bits, ma109:42
Hendikinsboson_: You have no idea how sucky it is trying to write generic instructions for Linux.09:42
boson_cyph1e: yea09:42
ChrisCoxboson_: I want to install Windows 95 over Ubuntu and when the disk is in the drive and i boot it, Ubuntu boots over it, any help?09:42
excludepazemlsqdfmoj. ehird: voraistos: many people are reporting x-issues, but its a bit too busy here to get proper support :)09:42
cyph1eok, thanks09:42
MattJpazemlsqdfmoj, it's faster09:42
lostatcIs there  a way to make ubuntu remember an SD card? Like name it permanently?09:42
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dabaRrwscold: first you say upgrade, now install...which?09:42
djmccormicki'm trying to mount a smbfs using: mount -t smbfs //\ Documents /mnt/jorex (this worked last night in fedora on the same box.) now i'm getting "mount: wrong fs type, bad option, bad superblock on // Documents, missing codepage or other errorIn some cases useful info is found in syslog - try dmesg | tail  or so."09:43
boson_ChrisCox: Make sure your cdrom is set above the HD in your BIOS boot order09:43
EmxBAare there any real speed-ups using amd 64 bit cpu with ubuntu 64 bit version?09:43
rwscoldwell i am working on the upgrade now09:43
pazemlsqdfmojMattJ: but what is it? another x? a different driver for nvidia cards...?09:43
PeloChrisCox   change the boot drive in the bios09:43
eXistenZWhere can I find info on XGL edgy?09:43
MattJpazemlsqdfmoj, Linux->Linux is easy, if you need to log into a linux PC from WIndows you need Xming09:43
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ChrisCoxboson_: And how may i do that?09:43
rwscoldbut i am running dapper right now09:43
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LjLEmxBA: not very noticeable ones09:43
djmccormicksays: [42951988.230000]  smb_fill_super: missing data argument09:43
EmxBAeXistenZ: beryl-project.org09:43
rwscoldi downloaded the live cd on release09:43
Hendikins(It also doesn't help that biarch on Debian and variants blows majorly)09:43
LjL!xgl > eXistenZ09:43
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EmxBALjL: is it better to use 32bit or?09:43
voraistosexclude: i know how to get everybody's ATI to work. i check the wiki and update it if necessary.09:43
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boson_ChrisCox: Um when you boot, hit F2 or whatever it tells you09:43
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LjLEmxBA: it's easier, if you want to use stuff like Flash, Wine, the win32codecs, etc09:43
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ubotuTo install the Ati/NVidia drivers for your video card, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto09:43
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rwscoldI cannot get ther edgy live cd to boot even in safe mode09:43
EmxBAhi miranda8209:43
excludevoraistos: what wiki?09:43
pazemlsqdfmojexclude: i thought edgy had been in beta for a long time, how did they not spot these problems before?09:43
miranda82is there a way to update mozilla firefox to v2, in dapper drake?09:43
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ChrisCoxboson_: Press Fx to enter menu?09:44
ubotuplf is the Penguin Liberation Front, see http://wiki.ubuntu-fr.org/doc/plf - mainly for i386 users with some packages for ppc09:44
guigouzMy wireless card uses the acx_100 driver, but that doesn't support WPA auth. I need to setup ndiswrapper, but how can I make ubuntu not load the acx_100 driver automatically ?09:44
EmxBAmiranda82: compile it09:44
ubotuNOTICE - There is a lot of traffic in this channel at the moment. Please try to keep your sentences into a single message, avoid repeating the same question multiple times, use http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org for pasting, and join the #ubuntu-offtopic channel for anything that is not Ubuntu support. Thank you for your understanding!09:44
boson_ChrisCox: Yea09:44
dabaRmiranda82: ask google09:44
pike_rwscold: getting a kernel error or something?09:44
eraccIs there a *buntu mailing list for when security updates are released? If so, where does one go to sign up?09:44
cyphasei think i crashed my router by having to many gnutella connections open09:44
miranda82dabaR, nice answer...09:44
djmccormicki'm trying to mount a smbfs using: mount -t smbfs //\ Documents /mnt/jorex (this worked last night in fedora on the same box.) now i'm getting "mount: wrong fs type, bad option, bad superblock on // Documents, missing codepage or other errorIn some cases useful info is found in syslog - try dmesg | tail  or so."09:44
dabaRmiranda82: thanks09:44
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miranda82EmxBA, i want to upgrade it, not to make another instance09:44
EmxBAdjmccormick: do not ask the same question so much times09:44
excludepazemlsqdfmoj: I don't know, but I know that I am going to wait a few days with the upgrade next release :=)09:44
voraistosexclude: i show you in a sec09:44
pazemlsqdfmojdoes anyone know what setting the new nvidia beta drivers affect, that could cause my soundcard to...not work?09:44
rwscoldpike no screens found kind of thing like my video driver is ewrong or something09:44
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EmxBAmiranda82: dapper will always containt and nothing upper. you need to compile 2.009:44
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miranda82EmxBA, ok09:45
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miranda82EmxBA, thx09:45
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ehirdwish me luck guys, restarting X09:45
pike_rwscold: you can alt-crtl-f1 and get a getty login?09:45
djmccormicki fixed it, nevermind.09:45
ChrisCoxboson_: Okay, i'm in system config thingy09:45
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cyphaseguigouz: add a line to /etc/modprobe.d/blacklist09:45
EmxBAmiranda82: np09:45
ChrisCoxboson_: What now?09:45
pazemlsqdfmojexclude: same here...but i would like to fix this particular problem, i think its just a setting gone awry, for instance, for some reason my default sound card was set from sb live to via after the nvidia drivers, simply changing back doesnt work, so there must be another setting09:45
miranda82EmxBA, do u know, why upgrading to edgy eft will uninstall me python???09:45
boson_ChrisCox: I dont know what it looks like. Poke around a bit, you'll find it under Boot Order or something09:45
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guigouzcyphase, and is there a default way of setting up ndiswrapper ?09:45
rwscoldpike not sure i didnt try lol09:45
rwscoldi gave up09:46
disasmparadizelost: working fine here...09:46
EmxBAmiranda82: dunno, it looks like it's substituted with python, but other package name, maybe python-something or...09:46
excludepazemlsqdfmoj: yea. but setting back the backed-up xorg.conf does not solve the problem here.09:46
cyphaseguigouz: what do you mean by "default way"?09:46
Storkwhere do i get a sources.list that works?!?!09:46
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miranda82EmxBA, i'm quite afraid i will have problems upgrading...09:46
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boson_Does installing edgy overwrite your old xorg.config?09:46
voraistosexclude: people with ATI cards (and certainly others... non compatible with AIGLX) have to do that :Section "Extensions"09:46
voraistosOption    "Composite" "false"09:46
ubotuThe packages in Ubuntu are divided into several sections. See http://www.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/components https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Repositories and !easysource09:46
=== LeeJunFan [n=junfan@adsl-69-210-207-5.dsl.klmzmi.ameritech.net] has joined #ubuntu
mirakhem ubuntu servers are dead ?09:46
EmxBAmirak: overloaded, not dead09:46
Storkdoesn't work for edgy09:46
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MattJThe reps are super slow for me09:47
mirakEmxBA: that's a problem, I can't even get a package09:47
vogeltjeUb /msg nickserv set unfiltered on09:47
Roger_The_BumI can't get blaout!09:47
cryptonic<mirak> i think so too09:47
dabaRStork: the only difference between a working edgy and dapper sources.list is the word dapper neds to be replaced with edgy09:47
EmxBAmirak: use some other repositories09:47
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mirakEmxBA: french repos are dead too09:47
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ChrisCoxboson_: Should i be in com ports?09:47
EmxBAmirak: try tomorrow :)09:47
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MattJAccelerated OpenGL with my ATI card in Edgy09:47
boson_ChrisCox: Doubt it09:47
djmccormickhow do i select through the command-line the services that will start up automatically with the server? also, where can i add certain systems to mount automatically?09:48
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EmxBAdjmccormick: /etc/fstab for mount09:48
boson_djmccormick: Should be in Administration under Services09:48
djmccormickthis is a CLI-only machine09:48
Pelodamit,   gksu "update-manager -c" won'T update to edgy,  do I need to change the repo addreses first ?09:48
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pike_djmccormick: from command line look in /etc/init.d/ to remove the symlinks for one of the scripts sudo update-rc.d -f scriptname remove09:49
EmxBAPelo: it updates. repos are overloaded, please be patient!09:49
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pike_djmccormick: course i forgot about upstart of wich i know nothing..09:49
PeloEmxBA  thanks  , that answers my question,  I'll do it next week then09:49
mumrahi'm having trouble installing ubuntu on a machine with scsi drives09:49
mumrahanyone know what boot parameters i need?09:49
djmccormickpike_: np, thanks for the pointer though.09:49
PeloOR ....  will my dapper update automaticaly eventualy ?09:49
LjLPelo: no09:50
concept10Anyone know how to manually boot the system using upstart?09:50
ChrisCoxboson_: Okay, i changed boot order, now do i restart the comp?09:50
EmxBAPelo: yes, it will by default, but do you want to update to edgy or just to update dapper and still use dapper? :S09:50
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caonexI upgrade to Edgy, and the new splash does not display properly. All I get is one that looks like that of 6.06 but gray and black. And the bar has | symbols and is a the very top of the screen, even above the ubuntu logo. Why is this?09:50
PeloEmxBA well,  so far I like dapper but if edgy is more stable and generaly better,  I'll take edgy09:50
St_MPA3bI got error with 'kfmclient' when trying to open web link in KDE apt :(. How can i fix it? //I have Gnom09:51
EmxBAit's not more stable, but it depends is it better...it's not more stable, that's all. dapper has LTS09:51
RMorris84is there a way to make my volume louder?09:51
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RMorris84its at max, but in windoze its alot louder lol09:51
EmxBARMorris84: click on the volume icon in the gnome panel09:51
EmxBAuse alsamixer then in terminal, RMorris8409:51
LjLRMorris84: look for a "Gain" or similar control09:51
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MtJBshould i be concerned about all these warnings in perl about my locale settings?09:52
pike_RMorris84: or run alsamixer from a terminal09:52
Citizen_Kaneis there any tool to check NTFS errors?09:52
mumrahanyone? problems booting ubuntu cd... scsi...boot parameters?09:52
ChrisCoxboson_: It keeps saying no bootable cd in aptai cd rom but i do have a cd in there. I bought it from the shop!09:52
PeloRMorris84  open the pref for the sound manager icon on the taskbar09:52
MasseRMtJB: No09:52
EmxBApike_: i've said that :)09:52
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MasseRJust run sudo locale-gen after that09:52
St_MPA3bI got error with 'kfmclient' when trying to open web link in KDE apt :(. How can i fix it? //I have Gnom09:52
MtJBthanks, MasseR09:52
St_MPA3bI got error with 'kfmclient' when trying to open web link in KDE apt :(. How can i fix it? //I have Gnom09:52
LjL!repeat | St_MPA3b09:52
ubotuSt_MPA3b: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly, if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. You can search https://help.ubuntu.com or http://wiki.ubuntu.com while you wait. Also see !patience09:52
ChrisCoxboson_: Is there a way to like, boot the cd from in Ubuntu09:52
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MutantXhow do i change my mac address back to the default one after changing it to a fake one?09:52
EmxBASt_MPA3b: do not flood the channel nor repeat your qs09:52
MutantXwithout rebooting...09:52
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St_MPA3bLjL: sorry :] 09:52
RMorris84EmxBA: i ran it at its at the max...09:52
EmxBAMutantX: use macchanger09:53
St_MPA3ball: sry09:53
Peloanyone hace a link explaning the difference between daper and edgy ?09:53
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ehirdHi! What's the apt-get command to install KDE+its default apps (NO extra apps, just Konquerer, etc.) - please not kubuntu-desktop, kubuntu is massively unstable on my system. Preferebly it should keep gnome and all its related stuff in case anything goes wrong09:53
EmxBAPelo: not yet...see wikipedia's article or something equivalent09:53
MutantXEmxBA: thank you09:53
HendikinsPelo: Check the release notes. Big link on the front of ubuntu.com09:53
RMorris84EmxBA: but its like a generic chip is there a way i change that to something better? like find out if theres an actual sound card driver for this laptop?09:53
Hendikins("exciting new features" link)09:54
voraistosdamn. help.ubuntu.com is sooo slow !09:54
EmxBARMorris84: which card is that? via possibly?09:54
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=== ndlovu [n=rudi@dsl-145-152-10.telkomadsl.co.za] has joined #ubuntu
voraistoshey where are those people with X problems ?09:54
rwscold i hav x problems with the live cd09:54
Rubinvoraistos, theres a huge rush on ubuntu today because of the release. you may have to put it away and come back in a few days09:54
EmxBAhelp.ubuntu.com says "Documentation for Ubuntu 6.06 LTS (Dapper Drake)" - when will this be updated?09:54
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LjLehird: try kde-core09:54
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voraistosRubin: this si important information i have to give09:55
ehirdLjL; will that install konquerer, etc. though?09:55
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EmxBAehird: yes09:55
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alunool tem vida do BR ai!!!!!!!!!!09:55
ehirdi'm looking for a usable kde system with konquerer and all the default tools, but no extra programs like IM or openoffice09:55
LjLehird: type "apt-cache show kde-core" to see what it installs. and, yes.09:55
LjL!br | aluno09:55
ubotualuno: Por favor use #ubuntu-br  ou #ubuntu-pt  para ajuda em portugus. Obrigada.09:55
Rubinvoraistos, donate to ubuntu so they can afford bigger servers..09:55
ehirdi'll give it a try after i finish this, then09:55
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VerithraxHm, no way of updating without downloading the ISO?09:55
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LjL!upgrade | Verithrax09:56
ubotuVerithrax: For upgrading, please see the instructions on: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UpgradeNotes (you can also find this URL in the channel topic: type "/topic")09:56
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voraistosRubin: i already give a lot of my time. i have been testing edgy intensivly.09:56
EmxBAVerithrax: you can just change dapper to edgy in /etc/apt/sources.list09:56
djmccormickanyone do ruby with mysql on ubuntu? what mysql library do i have to install to install the mysql gem?09:56
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fuocoEmxBA: does it not update automatically ?09:56
Rubinvoraistos, i wasnt accusing you of being a freeloader. just saying the servers are overwhelmed today and it cant be helped09:56
rwscoldVOR why then can i not boot using the live cd?09:56
voraistosRubin: but i come back from hollidays and i see lots of trouble xorg related. and i might know most of the answers09:56
ehirdLjL: the apt-cache thing doesnt seem to work09:56
EmxBAfuoco: or you can use update-manager09:56
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ehirdit gives detgails but not the contents09:56
RMorris84EmxBA: its a compaq presario v5204nr and i wen to the compaq site it it doesnt really say what it is, it just says sound is Altec Lansing09:56
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RMorris84but thats the speakers09:56
fuocoEmxBA: yeah - is it supposed to upgrade automatically ?09:57
caonexI upgrade to Edgy, and the new splash does not display properly. All I get is one that looks like that of 6.06 but gray and black. And the bar has | symbols and is a the very top of the screen, even above the ubuntu logo. Why is this?09:57
EmxBARMorris84: dunno, if in the panel it's maximum and in the alsamixer, it should be at max.09:57
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ubotucaonex: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly, if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. You can search https://help.ubuntu.com or http://wiki.ubuntu.com while you wait. Also see !patience09:57
LjLehird: look at the "Depends:" line09:57
fuocoEmxBA: i mean, i run it and it doesn't show anything to update...09:57
voraistosRubin: i am just pissed off i cant edit the damn wiki ! wasnt edgy supposed to come out the 28 th ?09:57
WooDwhen I do apt-get update i get an error reading packs .. what do i do to rebuilt   %?09:57
EmxBAfuoco: no09:57
godmachine81Seveas:: can i pm you?09:57
LjLvoraistos: no09:57
Rubinvoraistos, dunno, but its out today :)09:57
EmxBAvoraistos: 26th09:57
ehirdDepends: arts (>= 1.4.2), kdebase (>= 4:3.4.3), kdelibs (>= 4:3.4.3)09:57
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ehirdnot very descriptive ;)09:57
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RMorris84EmxBA: i just know its alot louder in windows and dont see why its not in ubuntu lol09:58
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=== voraistos sees its today... but :'( :'( shouldnt be. still need to work a bit more on it. not ready yet :'(
pike_caonex: you can just replace it i think in /usr/share/pixmaps/ copy something else of ubuntu-usplash.pgn or whatever i think09:58
Nox_villehey ppl.. is there an amarok for gnome?09:58
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EmxBANox_ville: just type sudo apt-get install amarok and amarok will work in gnome.09:58
caonexpike_, but shouldnt it come by default installed?09:58
ehirdum, guys? how big will a kde-core install be? as the servers are overloaded and i get like 1kbps09:59
=== voraistos fears people coming from the drak side might return there due to very nasty graphic issues
PeloNox_ville  amarok is a kde app,  but you can probably run it on gnome09:59
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Blackenvoraistos: "The dark side"? FUD to off, please.09:59
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ehirdyou can run it on gnome perfectly, yes09:59
EmxBAehird: try later or tomorrow09:59
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caonexpike_, it seems that is installed but not detecting enough video requirements to show it and shows something less intensive09:59
ehirdBlacken: voraistos has been spouting pro-gnome propaganda for the last, oh, hour :p09:59
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LjLehird: just type "sudo apt-get install kde-core" and you'll know09:59
Blackenehird: I just got out of class and actually noticed it.09:59
voraistosehird: the only way is to change your sources.list to some mirror in a coutry where people mostly use windows, and not real OS09:59
EmxBALOL voraistos10:00
rwscoldvotaistos is there a known issue wioth ati ??? i cant get a screen when booting from the live cd even in safe mode x always crashes10:00
ehirdLjL: i guess :p10:00
=== sholden [n=sholden@wsip-70-183-214-144.br.br.cox.net] has joined #ubuntu
ehirdvoraistos: this is really tiring.10:00
pike_caonex: ah10:00
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Nox_villehow can i get wirelss working... it like sees ath0 as a device but i cant ping it from any other computers?10:00
elfstonehi i have a question, today i updated to edgy and i have a problem. i installed nvidia-glx-legace and everything went fine, i changed the driver to nvidia and ... i dont have glx10:00
EmxBAyou can use ubuntu-hr.org mirror - there are only around ~100 users in whole country...10:00
LjLehird, i mean you'll know *before* committing to install.10:00
goppwhere does unbuntu mount samba10:00
goppfile system10:00
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ehird53mb for KDE XD i'll wait until the servers are okay10:00
goppI see the link, but can't seem to find out where it mounts it10:00
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goppit not in ./mnt10:00
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sholdenDoes anyone know if there's a way to enable dual monitor support like twinview with an ATI card?10:00
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pazemlsqdfmoji got my nvidia drivers working now, but my sound is still dead (nvidia beta drivers), anyone got any idea?10:00
ubotusamba is the way to cooperate with Windows environments. Links with more info: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MountWindowsSharesPermanently http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/serverguide/C/windows-networking.html Samba can be administered via the web with SWAT10:01
pike_Nox_ville: you have an ipaddress? 192.168? when you ifconfig ath010:01
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rwscoldsholden? like same view? sam,e card?10:01
ubotuWireless documentation can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs10:01
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rwscoldvotaistos is there a known issue wioth ati ??? i cant get a screen when booting from the live cd even in safe mode x always crashes??10:01
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MattJHow do I enable DRI with an ATI card in edgy?10:01
FlatsIf this is my file system in Fdisk what filesystem type do I use to manually mount it?10:01
EmxBA!ati > rwscold10:01
BlackenMattJ: If you're on a -generic kernel, the quick answer is that right now you can't.10:01
=== saintshakajin [n=broly@cust-104-149.dsl.versateladsl.be] has joined #ubuntu
sholdenrwscold not a clone display, but like a dual monitor setup10:01
voraistosgopp: on your desktop i think i am not sure. check out fstab10:01
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Flatsdev/hdd1   *           1        9728    78140128+   7  HPFS/NTFS  Guess the filesystem would help10:02
jyoungxxwhy am I getting "mplayer-386: Depends: libjack0.80.0-0 but it is not going to be installed" when trying to install mplayer?10:02
rwscoldoh extended?10:02
BIJOUholaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa... algn espaolito!!!!!!10:02
=== iMax [n=Weirdo@chello084113044202.6.12.vie.surfer.at] has joined #ubuntu
MattJand if I'm on -686-smp it would work?10:02
ubotuPara Espaol por favor usen #ubuntu-es, #kubuntu-es o #edubuntu-es, all obtendrn mas ayuda.10:02
EmxBAand one more thing, what is generic? it has SMP support as i saw, Blacken10:02
LjL!es | Bjoern-Erik10:02
ubotuBjoern-Erik: Para Espaol por favor usen #ubuntu-es, #kubuntu-es o #edubuntu-es, all obtendrn mas ayuda.10:02
ehirdhmm, which mirror will be very fast right now? :p10:02
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EmxBAubuntu-hr.org, ehird10:02
BlackenEmxBA: It's a kernel that supports SMP but will devolve to 386 or K7 on systems that don't support it.10:02
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dalfzwhat program can make .iso images of my data cds?10:02
EmxBAhmm..thanks, Blacken10:02
lupine_85dalfz: dd10:02
pazemlsqdfmojdoes ubuntu have a full blown server (which can compete with windows 2003) ?10:02
EmxBAdalfz: k3b on kde and gnomebaker on gnome10:02
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rwscoldEMxBA how do u expect me to install drivers while i am trying to boot a live cd??10:03
voraistosehird: i had edgy before it was released, so i dont have this problem :)10:03
EmxBArwscold: ok10:03
BlackenMattJ: Maybe. Use the ATI package, not the repositories, and it may work.10:03
dalfzlupine_85, what params should i use?10:03
lupine_85i.e. dd if=/dev/dvd of=/home/dalfz/cd.iso bs=51210:03
excludevoraistos: any luck with the wiki page?10:03
MattJk, thanks10:03
Blackenpazemlsqdfmoj: That would be a fairly basic install using the server disc.10:03
pike_dalfz: dd or cat /dev/cdrom > file.iso or mkisofs10:03
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goppehird last question where offically does ubuntu mount samba shares10:03
=== YHCIR [n=yhcir@82-68-17-94.dsl.in-addr.zen.co.uk] has joined #ubuntu
ehirdvoraistos: nice elitism, fyi it's general packages i'm trying to get, not edgy10:03
Seveasgodmachine81, no need to ask that10:03
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voraistosBy the way, the Boss should be rich enough to make a donation, no ? we could have new servers :)10:03
jyoungxxthis channel is completely useless10:03
dalfznice thanks all :)10:03
lupine_85you might need to specify /dev/hdc or whatever it is, though10:03
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goppdoes any here know10:03
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voraistosehird: yeah. just wait a bit then.10:03
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ubotuThe people in this channel are volunteers. Your attitude will determine how fast you are helped. See also http://wiki.ubuntu.com/IrcGuidelines10:03
ubuntuerhi guys10:03
Code-EMy "computer" and home icons are no longer on the desktop. Is there  a way I can put them back there? I am on xubuntu 6.1010:04
rwscoldSholden sorry i dunnno there is an ati control panel tho10:04
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EmxBAhi ubuntuer10:04
ehirdi'm kinda growing on gnome10:04
MasseRHow do I install modules/drivers?10:04
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ehirdwho says i should keep it10:04
godmachine81Seveas:: well i dont know whether to take that as a yes or a no10:04
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rixxonXorg problems with edgy, dpkg-reconfigure and ubuntu-desktop did not solve anything, help!10:04
voraistosehird: you can try to get .deb packages from the debian repos. but that might be... a bit messy  afterwards10:04
lupine_85MasseR: most of them come installed with the kernel by default10:04
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about drivers - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi10:04
michaels_sorry to be the 10^100th to ask, but how do I update Dapper to Edgy via update-manager?10:04
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Blackenrixxon: Reinstall xserver-org (remove then install it) and go from there.10:04
Seveasgodmachine81, a yes10:04
EmxBA!update | michaels_10:04
ubotumichaels_: For upgrading, please see the instructions on: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UpgradeNotes (you can also find this URL in the channel topic: type "/topic")10:04
LjL!upgrade | michaels_10:04
djmccormickis there a way to specify the version of something you want with apt-get? like i want mysql 5.0.11 instead of the 5.0.22 it installed?10:04
pazemlsqdfmojanyone? my sound died after installing nvidia drivers?10:04
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godmachine81Seveas:: thanks10:04
lupine_85you might need to "modprobe" them to load them into the kernel, tough. What are you trying to get running?10:04
MasseRlupine_85: I know, but one site recommended that b44 is buggy and instead use the old bcm440010:04
Blackendjmccormick: Nope, unless there's another package out there10:04
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thorgopp: ubuntu doesn't mount samba shares. Samba allows other computers to access folders you have mounted already10:05
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ubuntuerJust a quick question. I am using ubuntu dapper drake, full updates. I have installed flash player from the repositories. When I go to www.adobe.com the html menus at the top of the page are being hidden behind the flash movie. Anyone knows what can I do?10:05
=== RMorris84 [n=bob@c-66-177-73-110.hsd1.fl.comcast.net] has left #ubuntu []
EmxBAfor all of you: try ubuntu-hr.org server, is located in croatia, europe, and is not overloaded (around 100 users only)10:05
rwscoldif anyone cares the torrent for the alternat iso is smoking fast!10:05
=== TeemuR [n=Teemu@e83-245-158-60.elisa-laajakaista.fi] has joined #ubuntu
ubuntuerI tried with flash 9 beta and still the same...10:05
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voraistosthor: i think it does mount network neighborhood shares on your desktop10:05
ehirdcan anyone help? when scrolling with anything ESPECIALLY firefox the screen flashes - also my cursor flashes regularly when anything happens10:05
BlackenEmxBA: Sure, smoke the Croatians. Jerk. :(10:05
Code-EMy "computer" and home icons are no longer on the desktop. Is there  a way I can put them back there? I am on xubuntu 6.1010:05
alex_helloo, what is a good program for burning ISO's?10:05
=== dwkr [n=dwkr@lns-bzn-38-82-253-111-236.adsl.proxad.net] has joined #ubuntu
NotYourNameall the torrents are smoking10:05
=== jojoman02 [n=khan@cbl-sd-54-141.aster.com.do] has joined #ubuntu
EmxBABlacken: a?10:05
ehirdit's really annoying10:06
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EmxBAalex_: k3b or gnomebaker10:06
rwscoldalex its built in10:06
macdCode-E, just drag them back10:06
rwscoldisnt it10:06
EmxBAor the built in one10:06
thorvoraistos...oh yeah...the other way around <smile>10:06
=== rockstar_ [n=rockstar@c213-200-143-27.bredband.comhem.se] has joined #ubuntu
Code-Emacd: from where?10:06
lupine_85MasseR: then you'll likely have to build it manually10:06
voraistosehird: whats your graphic card /10:06
macdthe menu10:06
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ehirdvoraistos: SiS mirage 32mb :/10:06
MasseRlupine_85: I know, but how10:06
lupine_85I'd imagine10:06
rwscoldright click the iso then click burn cant get any easier10:06
=== PsySine [n=sdfg@90-228-231-156-no126.tbcn.telia.com] has joined #ubuntu
pike_alex_: k3b much better than gnomebaker unless something has changed10:06
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ubotuNOTICE - There is a lot of traffic in this channel at the moment. Please try to keep your sentences into a single message, avoid repeating the same question multiple times, use http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org for pasting, and join the #ubuntu-offtopic channel for anything that is not Ubuntu support. Thank you for your understanding!10:06
MasseRthe module-assistant build bcm4400 doesn't work10:06
MasseRAnd "make" doesn't work10:06
lupine_85MasseR: depends on the module. usually you read INSTALL10:06
TeemuRhi I downloaded the 6.10 CD, I burned it. The CD menu shows up I of course choose the first option: Kernel panic - not syncing: Attempted to kill init!   And it goes nowhere from there. I have an AMD Athlon 3700+ processor, 1,5 G of RAM, Ati Radeon 9550 and two 160G HD's.10:06
voraistosehird: go back to windows, or buy a proper graphic card10:06
alex_im downloading edgy from the torrent... 1,200 kb/s10:07
sholdenI'm trying to rotate my monitor under preferences -> screen resolution, but the rotate monitor field is disabled.  Does anyone know how to enable it?10:07
moreatiEvening all, I have downloaded source package (orig.tar.gz, diff,gz, dsc) for mesa and made a 1 line change in the unpacked sources. I wish to compile a deb from this. What is the correct command?10:07
MasseRlupine_85: It doesn't have INSTALL10:07
ehirdvoraistos: you're charming, really10:07
=== Zajjko [n=Zajjko@81-234-204-3-no118.tbcn.telia.com] has joined #ubuntu
voraistosehird: there will be no way, i am sorry about that10:07
alex_it took me 10 minutes to download the cd image10:07
Frederickdoes the update tool on apt has a timeout when a repo is not disponible?10:07
osmanhi all, could anyone help me setup a route from my internal lan nice to my internet nic??10:07
=== bkjones [n=jonesy@c-69-141-167-244.hsd1.nj.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
BlackenTeemuR: Sounds like you downloaded a CD for the wrong arch.10:07
ehirdkde runs fine on this machine10:07
ubuntuerDoes anyone know how to make the flash movies to render behind the html elements of the page?10:07
lupine_85do you have the headers installed?10:07
Code-Emacd: I am on xubuntu10:07
voraistosehird: SIS sucks. thats the truth. Even ATI looks great in front of them10:07
Code-Ethey are not in the menu10:07
ehirdvoraistos: i take it kde isn't an option in your opinion?10:07
=== morphish [n=morfic@sourcemage/mage/morfic] has joined #ubuntu
WooDI get the error : sudo aptitude update10:07
WooDLecture des listes de paquets... Erreur!10:07
WooDE: Dynamic MMap ran out of room10:07
WooD ...................any of you know what to do ?10:07
lupine_85e.g. linux-headers-2.6.17-10-generic10:07
EmxBA!flood | WooD10:07
ubotuWooD: pastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (you can always find it in the channel topic, among other useful things)10:07
ehirdvoraistos: PLEASE, i can't afford a graphics card right now. an OS should run on 32mb10:07
macdCode-E, xubuntu still has a menu, just drag the icon for the computer from the file manager onto the desktop10:07
LjL!paste | wood10:07
voraistosehird: KDE wouldnt change a thing10:08
=== chris12349 [n=chris@mail.selectimpressions.com] has joined #ubuntu
ubotuwood: pastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (you can always find it in the channel topic, among other useful things)10:08
PsySinePLF seems to be dead, what do you recommend instead?10:08
Code-Eits not there macd10:08
ehirdvoraistos: Yet KDE runs fine on this machine! I bet you can't explain that?10:08
BlackenPsySine: There is no alternative to PLF.10:08
macdCode-E, then I dont know what to tell you10:08
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pike_ubuntuer: there is a firefox plugin that prevent movies from automatically playing you have to actually click a play icon10:08
osmanhi all, could anyone help me setup a route from my internal lan nice to my internet nic?? I need to add a route from my one nic to another??? can any1 help10:08
LjLWooD: do you have any free HD space?10:08
TeemuRBacken: I downloaded the CD from the link at ubuntu.com10:08
WooDyes i do have 6gb free10:08
voraistosehird: nah. You need SIS drivers. And they dont exist10:08
EmxBATeemuR: and speed?10:08
rwscoldit seems like agood idea before installing any update or upgrade with ubuntu to wait a week or two10:08
WooDLjL: I have 6gb10:08
PsySineBlacken: :( do you know any other repo with realplay(er) ?10:08
ChrisNiemyPsySine sure? check: http://doc.ubuntu-fr.org/doc/plf10:08
=== SeanTater [n=sean@cpe-069-132-052-158.carolina.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu
Frederickdoes the update tool on apt has a timeout when a repo is not disponible?10:08
voraistosehird: KDE would run as bad as anything else on a crappy X server10:09
BlackenPsySine: No. I know you can wait.10:09
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MasseRlupine_85: It sais to "cd src ; make"10:09
MasseRBut it complains erorrs10:09
Mistery_nadie habla espaol aqui?10:09
ChrisNiemyPsySine deb http://packages.freecontrib.org/ubuntu/plf/ edgy-plf free non-free10:09
ehirdvoraistos: What the hell? I've used Kubuntu and it works fine. You can't say anything that'll change that fact.10:09
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ehirdvoraistos: besides, according to people on ubuntuforums, there ARE SiS drivers10:09
lupine_85then interpret the errors and fix the problems from there10:09
LjL!es | Mistery_10:09
ubotuMistery_: Para Espaol por favor usen #ubuntu-es, #kubuntu-es o #edubuntu-es, all obtendrn mas ayuda.10:09
voraistosehird: check out the SIS drivers, if i remember, a few cards are supported properly.10:09
ehirdvoraistos: so welcome to /ignore10:09
TeemuREmxBA: speed of what? (I'm a little bit of a noob)10:09
lupine_85if you can't do that, pastebin the errors and I;ll see what I can do10:09
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EmxBATeemuR: downloading from ubuntu.com servers10:09
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tapashmm, can i somehow tell ubuntu not to start x on boot with the live cd?10:09
PsySineChrisNiemy: that one has been dead for a long time10:09
LjLehird: no need to announce that in the channel.10:09
ubotuWireless documentation can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs10:09
gandolftheiwzardhi all how do i get flash plug-in installed10:10
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TeemuREmxBA: About 150kb/s10:10
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EmxBA!flash | gandolftheiwzard10:10
ubotugandolftheiwzard: For multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats  -  See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html  -  But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats10:10
St_MPA3blol... Shift+Ctrl works, but Ctrl+Shift doesn't o__O.10:10
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EmxBATeemuR: ok10:10
PsySineBlacken: http://plf.zarb.org/ what is this about?10:10
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ubuntuerThanks pike but I don't want that. I can even disable flash completely. It's mostly an annoyance anyway. I just want to be rendered correctly and not to hide the html page I am reading. I wonder if anyone has managed to do that.10:10
ChrisNiemyPsySine oops :( sometimes the server are down a while10:10
MasseRlupine_85: Hold on. Trying to find out how to get the errors10:10
MarcNI'm trying to upgrade, but had a problem with a random packae (lmodern) that isn't upgrading nor can it be removed -- there are syntax errors in the remove script.  ideas on how to get around this?10:10
Tschakalol omg ubuntu upgrade...canceled cause he couldnt load the fuckin LAST package...scorched3d....nice one10:10
voraistosehird: i have 5 testing machines in front of me running edgy for 2 month now. one of them has a SIS chipset, and integrated graphics. and it wont work. i have been testing KDE too you know, and i have reasons not to like it you see :)10:10
=== dario [n=dario@host253-99-dynamic.20-87-r.retail.telecomitalia.it] has joined #ubuntu
morphishehird: try the kernel sis framebuffer driver, and in xorg.conf use "fbdev" as Driver10:10
=== LeoStewart [n=leo@24-117-84-164.cpe.cableone.net] has joined #ubuntu
ubotuPlease watch your language and keep this channel family friendly.10:11
WooDLjL : i tried to install the ubuntu 6.10 from live cd 6.10 and when I select to install   i get an error I/O Boot Error10:11
LjL!language | Tschaka10:11
ubotuTschaka: Please watch your language and keep this channel family friendly.10:11
kirkuniti have the nvidia drivers installed, will upgrading to edgy cause me any problems?10:11
Tschakasry :/10:11
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WooDi tried to install the ubuntu 6.10 from live cd 6.10 and when I select to install   i get an error I/O Boot Error any of you know the problem ?10:11
Tschakai am a bit angry cause it took me about 10 hours yet...10:11
LjLWooD: have you verified the CD?10:11
LjL!caps | voraistos10:11
ubotuvoraistos: PLEASE DON'T SHOUT! We can read lowercase too.10:11
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pike_kirkunit: did you install via apt-get or the nvidia.sh installer if the latter youll have to redo10:11
tapasWooD: did you do an md5 sum on the disk?10:11
kmaynardkirkunit: i had nvidia driver installed when i upgraded, no probs10:11
WooDLjL : have burned twice and test it on 2 different machine and same prob10:12
kirkunitpike_: apt-get, i think. thanks10:12
WooDtapas: no i didn't10:12
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LjLWooD: run an md5sum10:12
voraistosubotu  i know u cant read, bot10:12
kirkunitkmaynard: ok, thanks10:12
LjL!md5 > WooD10:12
tapasWooD: do md5sum /path/to/image and compare with the correct one10:12
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rwscoldBE back later nap time10:12
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osmanhi I have 2 nics one is internal and one is linked to my cable modem, i want to add a route from the internal 1 to my cable modem, can anyone help?10:12
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kirkunitalso, i don't particularly like the new edgy artwork, can i easily change the the login screen back to the dapper version?10:13
lab1pc15puto omar10:13
WooDtapas: ok thanks10:13
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WooDljl: thanks10:13
St_MPA3blol... Shift+Ctrl works, but Ctrl+Shift doesn't... - all ubuntu users have that bug?10:13
rixxonX11 still broken after edgy upgrade, i have tried: dpkg-reconfigure, apt-get install ubuntu-desktop, reinstall of xserver-xorg10:13
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tapasWooD: http://ftp.du.se/ubuntu-releases/kubuntu/edgy/ has a list of md5sums to compare to10:13
MasseRlupine_85: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/28500/10:13
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rixxonwhat X server driver should I use with an intel gfx?10:13
MarcNrixxon: me too (although I'm only 1/2 upgraded)  try dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg10:13
bkjonesok, so, in case anyone else runs into this issue of being forced to run at 1024x768 with the vesa driver, you can run 'sudo dpkg-reconfigure -phigh xserver-xorg' and pick from a wider variety of resolutions than the "screen resolution" gui will give you.10:14
EmxBArixxon: i810 driver10:14
voraistososman: you want to make a router out of your box ? check out a bit of subnetworking documentation on debian.org , your answer will be there (u will just have to edit a file if i remember)10:14
rixxonMarcN: i have tried that but I don't know what options to select really10:14
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rixxonEmxBA: i tried i810, is the problem elsewhere?10:14
osmanvoraistos, thank u10:14
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MarcNrixxon: try taking the defaults.10:14
EmxBArixxon: or use vesa10:14
rixxonMarcN: that i did10:14
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rixxonEmxBA: you sure?10:14
EmxBArixxon: vesa works with all cards10:14
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lupine_85MasseR: you don't have the kernel headers installed....10:15
rixxonEmxBA: then why isn't it default :S10:15
MarcNrixxon: what video hw?  were you using the nvida/ati binary only drivers?10:15
MasseRlupine_85: Yes I do10:15
wick2oi have a weird quesion,  I have a remove email server, i dont have remote access to.  is there an easy way to reinstall a ubunutu server install with ssh access without driving across town to do it?10:15
rixxonMarcN: no idea10:15
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lab1pc15rixxon: where are you}10:15
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MasseRlupine_85: Uhm, I have the source at least10:15
lupine_85source != headers10:15
EmxBArixxon: it was on dapper, i think it's default on edgy too.10:15
osmanvoraistos, I already have arouter just need to route from the one subnet to another, would you know how i do it if i told u the subnet masks10:15
wick2oim thinking no since even a kickstart needs you there to fire it off10:15
dalfzlupine_85, how do i dump with dd when the cd has several tracks (sessions)?10:15
rixxonEmxBA: ok10:15
lupine_85and you may need to change the makefile so it looks in the right place for them10:15
MasseRWell then I'll just install them10:15
RMorris84EmxBA: i just did a lil research and found out that its a conexant chipset and that www.linuxant.com/drivers/ has this riptide thing for such, but im not sure what to do from there lo10:15
tapascan i boot the live cd in runlevel 1?10:16
lupine_85dalfz: dd just grabs raw data10:16
agenti have an applet, how (where) do i regester it with gnome so that it will be listed in "add to panel"?10:16
lupine_85it doesn't care about niceties such as tracks10:16
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voraistososman: what you want to do is to create a router on your computer, or more precisly a gateway.  am i right ?10:16
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lab1pc15rixxon: where are you10:16
smaxI've been downloading my desktop cd iso but Etag is changed. Downloading from begin? what's the probrem. Jigdo DVD download stop's to10:16
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EmxBARMorris84: conexant sound card?10:16
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tapasagent: i'd ask in #gnome about that10:16
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ehirdwoo, the SiS display driver works10:16
agentsmax: use jigdo10:16
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RMorris84EmxBA: yes10:16
rixxonlab1pc15: what?10:16
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dalfzlupine_85, ok i see10:16
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agenttapas: good idea :)10:16
rixxonshould i use kernel framebuffer device interface? :o10:16
ehirdnow, i'm debating wether to keep gnome (which i'm growing on) or install KDE (which i prefer)10:17
smaxagent and what i used?10:17
qatsirunning edgy10:17
voraistosehird: congrats: supported SIS cards are rare !10:17
ZirJokerwhere can i download gdesklets ???10:17
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lab1pc15where are you from10:17
lupine_85KDE KDE KDE10:17
wick2oor possible is there a way with apt-get to do a reinstall?10:17
ubotujigdo: GTK+ download manager (beta version). In component universe, is extra. Version 0.7.3-1 (edgy), package size 187 kB, installed size 440 kB10:17
goliath23any idea what I could do against the freaked out stack smashing protection on my half-dapper half-edgy system? the /usr/bin/perl gets killed all the time when called by dpkg or apt-get if I try to fix the mess..10:17
ehirdi'm tempted to KDE10:17
ZirJokerwhere can i download gdesklets ???10:17
DrSpinUpgraded to Edgy -- like the packe upgrades -- startup is noticeably faster... my only problem so far is that the scroll joystick on my laptop doesn't work... it worked out of the box on Dapper... anyone know how I can fix this?>10:17
ehirdbut gnome gives me lots of speed10:17
agent!jigdo > smax10:17
lupine_85wick2o: apt-get install --reinstall <package>10:17
ehirdmore than KDE ever has10:17
osmanvoraistos, I dont want it to be a fully fledged router, i just want o direct traffic from one network card to the gateway of another network card if the ip is not part of my internal network10:17
ehirdand is a fair share sleeker10:17
EmxBAZirJoker: sudo apt-get install gdesklets10:17
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ZirJoker i mean10:17
lab1pc15where are you from rixxon10:17
rixxonehird: i prefer gnome because it feels more professional, but kde has more features10:17
Seveasehird, KDE gives you lsd ;)10:17
ZirJokermore "applets" or whatever they are10:17
rixxonlab1pc15: sweden10:17
ehirdNow if someone could help me stop gaim lagging when messages arrive it'd be perfect10:17
voraistosehird: i am sure you dont wanna do that : sudo apt-get kubuntu-desktop10:17
smaxagent it stops downloading template on 300 nb and over10:18
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agentsmax: what you want to do is: mount your incomplete iso and use it as the starting point (along with /var/cache/apt/archives) as your new iso10:18
EmxBAehird: depends on your CPU/RAM and connection10:18
ehirdvoraistos: not installing kubuntu, i'd use kde-core10:18
agentsmax: what is nb?10:18
lab1pc15i'm mexican rixxon10:18
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The_MachineI notice that when i shut down ubuntu it says stuff like "stopping bluetooth service" etc.10:18
rixxonlab1pc15: ok10:18
The_Machinebut i don't use that in my PC at all10:18
ehirdemxba: 1.3 or 1.8ghz cpu i forget, ~400mb ram. it's not the fastest machine :p10:18
wick2olupine_85: but what if i want to reinstall the base system + ssh and dumb everything else?10:18
MasseROkay thanks lupine_85 I'll try modifying the Makefile (installed headers)10:18
smaxagent sory mb on 300 mb downloading temlate in jigdo stop's10:18
The_Machineso, my total newb ass question is:  Where can i find a list of all services that start with the Operating System that i may disable what i'm not using?10:19
ubotuskype is To install Skype on Ubuntu, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Skype  -  To record on Skype, check: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/SkypeRecordingHowto10:19
tapasi somehow have to stop the X server from starting when i boot the live cd10:19
ZirJokerwhere can i download desklets for gdesklet??10:19
nothinggood evening everyone, i have issues with bootup of 6.10 running an older hardware (P3/VIA chipset from ~1999)10:19
nothingis this a known issue?10:19
cryptonicdoes anyone know where i can get a dvd iso of the latest build of edgy in 32bit version, not 64bit dual install thingy, i just want a 32bt ubuntu install10:19
EmxBAehird: i have 2.8 ghz and 256 mb ram and gaim rocks :D10:19
ZirJokerwhere can i download desklets for gdesklet??10:19
Seveas!skype =~ s/^/<reply>/10:19
ubotuI'll remember that, Seveas10:19
rixxon!language | The_Machine10:19
ubotuThe_Machine: Please watch your language and keep this channel family friendly.10:19
lab1pc15do you girl or boy rixxon10:19
rixxonlab1pc15: i'm male if that's the question o_O why?10:19
voraistososman; yeah, what i thought. u just need to create a few routing tables. But i vant help you on that, i have never done it onany linux system. check out the debian.org or something like that, you are sure to find a proper complete howto10:19
tapason my thinkpad t21 X just freezes with kubuntu 6.10-rc210:19
agentsmax: i don't understand... are you using jigdo? jidgo template is only about 1mb or so10:19
ZirJokerwhere can i download desklets for gdesklet??10:19
The_Machinewait - they say that on prime time TV?10:19
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EmxBAZirJoker: sudo apt-get install gdesklets10:20
tapasosman: network administrator guide or something10:20
lab1pc15my friend is girl10:20
rixxonThe_Machine: not my request/rule10:20
lupine_85wick20: a reinstall would be easier10:20
osmanvoraistos, thank you very m much10:20
smaxagent You can find it on site it's something like 600 mb10:20
nothingthe boot process is very slow and hangs at kernel hardware detection at detecting hdc, hdd, ide1 and apparently something else, as i don't have hdc, hdd and ide1 i disabled them via kernel line10:20
lab1pc15my friend is girl rixxon10:20
qatsidoes edgy automatically mount other hdds ? if yes, where ? thank you :D10:20
rixxonThe_Machine: i really don't care myself, just warning you :p10:20
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rixxonlab1pc15: yea, what?10:20
wick2olupine_85: sure would if i wanted to drive for an hour do a simple reinstall and add ssh and then drive home to do the rest of the setup10:20
EmxBAqatsi: /media/hdxx10:20
user-landseveas, what does that mean ?10:20
The_MachineOkay, then.  Question - Where can i find a list of all services that start with the Operating System that i may disable what i'm not using?10:20
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eXistenZedgy is still damn buggy10:20
eXistenZI should've sticked to dapper10:21
=== The_Machine waits for the warning
Seveasuser-land, it was a bot instruction10:21
voraistosqatsi /media10:21
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wick2olts 4 life (or at least 3 years)10:21
rixxoneXistenZ: agreed :/10:21
smaxagent "edgy-dvd-i386.template       25-Oct-2006 15:43  674M" it's from site10:21
agentsmax: i sitll don't understand - are you trying to download the iso?10:21
Seveaswick2o, ;)10:21
EmxBA /etc/rcX.d/ The_Machine10:21
ehirdany suggestions to my gaim problem?10:21
rixxoneXistenZ: X11 problems aswell?10:21
agentsmax: aha! ok10:21
nothingwhat exactly is bugging?10:21
morphishholy cow this channel is larger than #gentoo10:21
rixxonehird: yea, don't use gaim :p10:21
lab1pc15she name is margarita rixxon10:21
qatsiEmxBA: nope, /media only has cdroms and flppy, i dont haver other hdds...:(10:21
eXistenZrixxon, I have some silly bugs here10:21
=== The_Machine is in the process of upgrading to edgy..
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ehirdactually, i must use kde - amarok ;)10:21
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The_Machineshould i stop?10:21
eXistenZand XGL10:21
Seveasmorphish, that's release buzz10:21
ehirdi don't like using non-native apps10:21
EmxBAqatsi: then add them to /etc/fstab/10:21
ehirdso kde it is10:21
wick2ogentoo users are just busy compiling10:21
edgyHi, How can I regenerate /etc/fstab in edgy? which package is responsible of it?10:21
rixxonlab1pc15: is this leading anywhere? this is not a social channel, sorry10:21
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ehirdnow to find a non overloaded server :D10:21
agentsmax: im curious, do you really need the dvd? why not a cd?10:21
morphishSeveas: i reckon this is skewed today :)10:21
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Seveasedgy, you can't10:21
The_Machineit's still only in the downloading phase10:21
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The_Machinehasn't started even installing yet10:21
qatsiEmxBA: about to :p but i thought it was already done :p10:22
The_Machineshould i stop it?10:22
nothingwick2o: not every user i'd say :)10:22
ubotuNOTICE - There is a lot of traffic in this channel at the moment. Please try to keep your sentences into a single message, avoid repeating the same question multiple times, use http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org for pasting, and join the #ubuntu-offtopic channel for anything that is not Ubuntu support. Thank you for your understanding!10:22
Seveasmorphish, usually we're a bit smaller (900-950)10:22
EmxBAedgy: edit it yourself10:22
smaxagent Yes I wanna dvd i don't have no stable conection10:22
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edgySeveas: I think the new one has things like UUID but I haven't so I would leave it then10:22
user-landyou updated the text, seveas ?10:22
agentsmax: okay... what mirror are you downloading from? and how are you downloading? (what are you using)?10:22
Seveasuser-land, yes10:22
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ubotuTo install Skype on Ubuntu, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Skype  -  To record on Skype, check: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/SkypeRecordingHowto10:22
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CromagDKis it possible to put in a liveCD and make it install Ubuntu without getting into the GUI ?10:22
lab1pc15how can i talk with ther pc in ubuntu do u know?10:23
=== gallag [n=gina@cpe-069-132-052-158.carolina.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu
smaxjigdo http://cdimages.ubuntu.com/dvd/current/10:23
The_MachineEmxBA: I dno't see rcX.d..10:23
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smaxagent jigdo http://cdimages.ubuntu.com/dvd/current/10:23
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user-landgreat, seveas, thanks :-)10:23
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rixxonCromagDK: get the alternative installation cd10:23
CromagDKrixxon: ok thnkx10:23
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EmxBAThe_Machine: there are /etc/rc3.d/ , /etc/rc2.d/ and so..10:23
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EmxBAis mark here somewhere? :D10:23
The_Machineright, i see those.  And i kind of figured that's what you meant..10:23
total_meltdownHey Dudes, what would be the safest way of upgrading to edgy?10:23
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MacSlowGreetings everybody!10:23
LjLEmxBA: no10:23
rixxoncan i go back to dapper after a failing edgy upgrade?10:23
Seveas!upgrade | total_meltdown10:23
smaxagent I've been downloading also an live cd from the mirrow and downloader said that ETag changed10:23
ubotutotal_meltdown: For upgrading, please see the instructions on: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UpgradeNotes (you can also find this URL in the channel topic: type "/topic")10:23
fuocowith core2duo i need to use 64bit install ?10:24
EmxBALjL: OK10:24
wick2orixxon: sure, reboot and reinstall10:24
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The_Machinebut i did mention i was a beginner and i asked where i could see the type of services that start when the OS starts, that I may edit it so that i only have necessary aspects of the OS starting when i boot my computer10:24
ubotuFor upgrading, please see the instructions on: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UpgradeNotes (you can also find this URL in the channel topic: type "/topic")10:24
total_meltdownSeveas: Thanks10:24
rixxonwick2o: reinstall the whole system?10:24
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LjLThe_Machine, if you're a beginner perhaps that's precisely the kind of thing you should avoid touching.10:24
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ehirdany good places to search for non-overloaded mirrors?10:24
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EmxBAThe_Machine: then use sysrcconf or something like that, that's shell app too but it's easy... i don't know the name exactly10:24
EmxBAehird: i've said already :P10:24
smaxagent maybee files changed on server because 2 downloads changed10:24
morphishSeveas: "What is the sources.listfile ?" <-- there is a missing space on the faq10:25
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lupine_85wik20: in that case your best bet is to remove something fundamental to most of the graphical stuff - xlibs or something - and clean up from there, I guess10:25
=== amki [n=amki@p50835D64.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #ubuntu
Seveasmorphish, it's a wiki, edit it 10:25
The_MachineLjL: why would it be so difficult to change startup services?  I don't need any bluetooth running10:25
The_Machineis the OS so anti intuitive?10:25
ehirdemxba: mustn't have cought it :p10:25
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EmxBAehird: pls use ubuntu-hr.org or de.archive.ubuntu.org it works perfectly for me :D10:25
ehirdalso, would kde display my gnome programs in its menu? that would be sucky10:25
morphishSeveas: holy cow, japanese smiley10:25
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K-RichQ: How long does it take to install Windows XP under qemu, it says (and has said) 37 minutes remain for 3 hours now?10:25
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EmxBASeveas: LOL10:26
SeanTaterehird: yes, and vice-versa10:26
LjLThe_Machine, my Kubuntu has a Runlevel Editor in the Administration menu of the Control Center10:26
Seveas!windows | K-Rich10:26
ubotuK-Rich: For help with Microsoft Windows, please visit ##windows or your nearest mental health institute. Also see http://launchpad.net/distros/ubuntu/+bug/1  -  !equivalents  -  http://linux.oneandoneis2.org/LNW.htm10:26
SeanTaterehird: but you can edit the menu10:26
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ehirdSeanTater: that sucks then, i don't want to get rid of gnome just yet10:26
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ubotuFor multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats  -  See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html  -  But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats10:26
=== gallag [n=gina@cpe-069-132-052-158.carolina.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu
SeanTaterehird: I think there is a hint/tip/eiki page on it if you look10:26
lab1pc15how can i talk with ther pc in ubuntu do u know? rixxon10:27
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ubotuusplash is the start-up splash (before GNOME/KDE appears) in Ubuntu. To customize it, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/USplashCustomizationHowto10:27
SeanTaterehird: /wiki/10:27
The_Machinei see something called services, but it has only 5-6 things in it..10:27
mumrahI cannot boot to a live CD, can anyone help?10:27
mumrahI think it's a SCSI Controller thing10:27
alt_f4if I upgrade to edgy will it replace everything? will my XGL install be gone etc?10:27
EmxBAmumrah: specific problem?10:27
Tokenbadin ubuntu would I need to download vmware software to use it or can I apt-get it?10:27
Seveas!usplash =~ s#GNOME/KDE#the login screen#10:27
EmxBAalt_f4: it will be there10:27
ubotuI'll remember that, Seveas10:27
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LjL!info vmware-player | tokenbad10:27
alt_f4token: you can apt-get10:27
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alt_f4I think10:27
ubotuvmware-player: Free virtual machine player from VMware. In component multiverse, is optional. Version 1.0.2-2 (edgy), package size 11602 kB, installed size 31336 kB (Only available for i386 amd64)10:27
The_MachineTokenbad: do a vmware ubuntu search in google10:27
The_Machinethat's how i did mine10:27
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Seveas(ljl: strip info and it works)10:28
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alt_f4EmxBA: then the custom XGL file I made and everything like that will not be changed correct?10:28
smaxIs iso images changed on server after release? My downloader said that "Etag is changed download  begin's from begin10:28
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alt_f41110 people in room?!10:29
alt_f4you guys hit a record10:29
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smaxIs iso images changed on server after release? My downloader said that "Etag is changed download  begined from begin after this message10:30
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MrKeunerhi, why may I be getting too many errors?           RX packets:25085 errors:8452 dropped:0 overruns:0 frame:010:30
The_Machinestep by step howtos all over10:30
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TokenbadLjL, so all I need is the player?10:30
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mumrahemxba: yea, once i type "live" with any of the params i've tried, two things load, then it says "Ready." then does nothing, screen goes black10:30
LjLTokenbad: unless you have particularly particular needs, yes10:30
pike_Tokenbad: apt-get i think is vmplayer10:30
AyabaraI'm just beginning to customize my edgy install. is automatix an alternative?10:30
EmxBAmumrah: try xforcevesa parameter10:30
LjLTokenbad: the player itself cannot create virtual machines, but you can use http://www.easyvmx.com for that10:30
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LjL!automatix | Ayabara10:30
ubotuAyabara: Automatix is an unsupported script that tries to automate the installation of some software. We don't provide support for it in the #ubuntu or #kubuntu channels, try #automatix thanks!10:30
TokenbadLjL, I just need to run Terragen which is windows based...and wine crashes10:30
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LjLpike_: no, it is vmware-player - the command is vmplayer though10:30
mumrahemxBA: so "live xforceversa" ?10:30
EmxBA!wine | Tokenbad10:30
ubotuTokenbad: wine is a compatibility layer for running windows programs on GNU/Linux. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Wine for more information.10:30
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agentsmax: have you tried a mirror that has the dvd (not sure if there are any)/10:30
EmxBAmumrah: yes, just add xforcevesa parameter10:30
TokenbadEmxBA, I have wine...but it crashes with terragen10:30
paradizelostTokenbad, or you can use vmware server, which is free10:30
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AyabaraLjL: ahh. I seem to recall receiving that advice once before too :-)10:30
mumrahemxba: thanks, i'm try it10:30
LjLTokenbad, that sounds like something that needs 3D...? if so, notice that, while VMWare sports Direct3D support (no OpenGL), it's still very experimental10:30
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CaptainMorgan6.10 !?10:30
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FlatsIs there any real need to upgrade?10:30
TokenbadLjL, I was told by someone that runs it with mandriva that his works fine...and he recommended it to me10:30
=== glick [n=myob@69-169-117-51.lmdaca.adelphia.net] has joined #ubuntu
glickhi all10:30
BrightEyes`i want to download mplayer.what should i do to adept servers to find it? [something with universe aniverse] 10:30
EmxBAwhat is this? can someone explain it to me kindly please? "You have not registered yet. Please have some complimentary chips. Type: !atm"10:30
eXistenZguys don't update to edgy =/10:30
LjLTokenbad: well, then give it a try.10:30
LjLeXistenZ: why?10:30
agentsmax: you may be right... if the file changed, redownload it (template and jigdo files) - then mount your incomplete iso and use it as a source in your new jigdo download -  sorry i cannot help you because i am losing my connection (this is why my response is so delayed)10:30
glickexcuse me does anyone know what i could use to merge multiple pdf files into one pdf file?10:30
EmxBABrightEyes`: sudo apt-get install mplayer10:30
caonexhow can one check if my card is using the linux framebuffer interface?10:30
TokenbadLjL, that is why I was asking if had to download from site or could install from apt-get10:30
=== finalbeta [n=finalbet@d5152A68A.access.telenet.be] has joined #ubuntu
LjL!info pdfjam | glick10:30
ubotupdfjam: collection of PDF document handling utilities. In component universe, is optional. Version 1.20-2 (edgy), package size 17 kB, installed size 112 kB10:30
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lab1pc15chingen a su madre no se inglish att fosy10:30
glick!info pdfjam10:30
EmxBAsmax: lots of users are complaiing about that10:30
MrKeunerhi, just switched to edgy; why may I be getting too many errors? Is it certainly a problem? -->  RX packets:25085 errors:8452 dropped:0 overruns:0 frame:010:30
Ayabarahey! it was really easy to enable multiverse and universe :-D10:30
alt_f41113 people in room!10:31
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alt_f4aya: um, yeah it kinda is lol10:31
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LjLAyabara: you're probably the first one i hear saying that.10:31
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about iwconfig - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi10:31
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ubotuWireless documentation can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs10:31
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alt_f4!help these newbies10:31
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smaxagent I'm not first whith this problem something wrong on server10:31
LjLglick, no need to type that yourself. pdfjam is a package that allows doing what you need10:31
ubotuFor a comprehensive Synaptics Touchpad guide, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SynapticsTouchpadHowTo10:31
lab1pc15vayanse a la verga ahora att otra vez fosy10:32
alt_f4sorry me no speaky spanglish10:32
smaxEmxBa they changed iso?10:32
glickthanks LjL10:32
=== reiki_work [n=chatzill@charliep.ubmicro.buffalo.edu] has joined #ubuntu
pike_hmm when did ubotu changes get locked down to ops10:32
ubotulab1pc15: Please watch your language and keep this channel family friendly.10:32
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=== Drac|Radio [n=user@c-71-232-0-246.hsd1.ma.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
St_MPA3bWhat Amarok output engine u use? I have some xine engines and i got extra bad sound with em :(10:32
LjL!es | lab1pc1510:32
ubotulab1pc15: Para Espaol por favor usen #ubuntu-es, #kubuntu-es o #edubuntu-es, all obtendrn mas ayuda.10:32
ubotuusplash is the start-up splash (before the login screen appears) in Ubuntu. To customize it, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/USplashCustomizationHowto10:32
glicksweet cause LDD3e only comes in like 17 pdf files10:32
glickwhat the hell10:32
EmxBAsmax: looks like10:32
DrSpinCool that the snaptics page is EMPTY!10:32
ehirdhow would i add a repos mirror of ubuntu-hr.org to snipe it's bandwidth? ;)10:32
glickdamn the servers must be totally at their limits10:32
=== dontbanme [n=anon32@pm471-11.dialip.mich.net] has joined #ubuntu
Drac|RadioWhen I do10:32
glickinstalling pdfjam is taking forever10:32
AyabaraLjL: I meant it's less work in edgy than in dapper :-)10:32
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Tokenbadoh one other question on vmware do I actually have to install windows?10:33
ubotuUbuntu 6.10 (codenamed Edgy Eft) is the latest version of Ubuntu. To upgrade to Edgy, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/EdgyUpgrades  -  To download Edgy: http://www.ubuntu.com/download (please use BitTorrent if you can!)10:33
lab1pc15your mother do you like strawberry?10:33
EmxBAAmaranth: can you set me ubuntu cloak?10:33
=== ehird sets mode +b dontbanme
mikeymike-linuxhow would i untar this file LastFM_Linux_1.0.0b.tar.bz210:33
smaxEmxBa They are fixing error's on the fly )10:33
EmxBA!language | lab1pc1510:33
ubotulab1pc15: Please watch your language and keep this channel family friendly.10:33
AmaranthEmxBA: nope10:33
EmxBAwho can?10:33
mumrahemxBA: no dice10:33
AmaranthEmxBA: Seveas does those and you have to be an ubuntero10:33
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SeveasAmaranth, member even10:34
Drac|RadioWhen I do "gcc -Os -g -I/usr/include/bogl -fPIC -c usplash-artwork.c -o usplash-artwork.o" for the usplash process, it gives "warning: large integer implicitly truncated to unsigned type10:34
mumrahemxBA: that was xforceversa right10:34
reiki_workTokenbad: yes if you install VMWare in linux you need to have a widows install CD to install windows into a VM10:34
lab1pc15fuck you puto emxBA10:34
Drac|RadioAny ideas?10:34
pike_Tokenbad: yeah10:34
EmxBA!language | lab1pc1510:34
ubotulab1pc15: Please watch your language and keep this channel family friendly.10:34
Tokenbadreiki_work, thanks...10:34
=== mode/#ubuntu [+o Seveas] by ChanServ
EmxBApls lab1pc1510:34
Tokenbadsame to you pike_10:34
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=== mode/#ubuntu [+b *!*@] by Seveas
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mikeymike-linuxhow would i untar this file LastFM_Linux_1.0.0b.tar.bz210:34
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morphishSeveas: what is included in the term "BiArch" as ubuntu understands it? just running 64/32bit on same system? or building 32bit as well as 64bit on that system?10:34
POVaddctkick em Seveas10:34
user-landi get 404 not found for the skype repository. is there a version running on amd64 systems ?10:34
BrightEyes`what should i do to adept servers to find all the packages? [something with universe ] 10:34
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EmxBASeveas: can i get ubuntu cloak? i'm ubuntutero - check launchpad.net/people/emxba10:34
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ehirdany eyedeers?10:34
pike_Tokenbad: or just point the cdrom to a windows.iso10:34
LinuxGuy2006#ubuntu broke FreeNode10:35
=== coa [n=legion@xdsl-87-79-236-239.netcologne.de] has joined #ubuntu
SeveasEmxBA, you need to be ubuntu member10:35
Ayabaraand a one-liner for restricted formats. what a start!10:35
gnu2it2can ubuntu understand solaris slices on a dvd? is there some trick in mounting the dvd ?10:35
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ehirdmikeymike-linux: drop the -linux from your name and learn about tar10:35
=== eXistenZ blames Edgy for making him go nuts
gopphey I am getting mount: wrong fs type, bad option, bad superblock on //gopunix/Music,10:35
=== epretorious [n=epretori@dsl253-070-100.sfo1.dsl.speakeasy.net] has joined #ubuntu
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boson_Where can I find the 686 kernel for Edgy?10:35
mikeymike-linuxehird, tar and bzip10:35
Seveasboson_, linux-generic10:35
smaxwhat book reader you can advice me I heard about kniga and pybook reader10:35
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BagoorI need gmake command. which package must be installed ?10:35
=== coa is now known as toffi
ubotuUbuntu 6.10 (codenamed Edgy Eft) is the latest version of Ubuntu. To upgrade to Edgy, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/EdgyUpgrades  -  To download Edgy: http://www.ubuntu.com/download (please use BitTorrent if you can!)10:35
EmxBASeveas: ubuntu member? like member of loco team or?10:35
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goppwhy do I get this error if smbfs is the fiel system10:35
finalbetaboson_, synaptic10:35
boson_finalbeta: I tried that10:35
finalbetaboson_, use the generic kernel10:35
gopp!fs type10:35
Drac|RadioAnyone? Please. I've broken my splash and this is for a customer.10:36
Seveas!search member10:36
glickouch this is killing me!10:36
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EmxBA!splash | Drac|Radio10:36
ubotusmbfs: mount and umount commands for the smbfs (for kernels >= than 2.2.x). In component main, is optional. Version 3.0.22-1ubuntu4 (edgy), package size 375 kB, installed size 900 kB10:36
ubotuDrac|Radio: To change the Gnome splash screen, open the gconf-editor and change the key /apps/gnome-session/options/splash-image.10:36
ubotuWant to become an Ubuntu member? Look at http://www.ubuntu.com/community/processes/newmember10:36
pike_boson_: should be there apt-cache search image | grep 68610:36
ubotuFound: planet,iirc,member,compiling,aptitude,password10:36
=== Syrra [n=Syrra@RN136-58.rose.net] has joined #ubuntu
St_MPA3bWhat Amarok output engine u use? I have some xine engines and i got extra bad sound with em :(10:36
Drac|RadioEmxBA: Not that! -.-10:36
amonkeywoow edgy! where can i fnd a list of the versions of the software that are included on the edgy cd?10:36
epretoriousanyone here familiar with the mct_u232 module (for usb-serial conversion)?10:36
Drac|RadioEmxBA: That's simple crap. I'm talking about usplash!10:36
EmxBA!usplash | Drac|Radio10:36
ubotuDrac|Radio: usplash is the start-up splash (before the login screen appears) in Ubuntu. To customize it, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/USplashCustomizationHowto10:36
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boson_pike_: I looked. It's not. Will the generic kernel include a 686 one? At the moment I'm running 38610:36
finalbetaDrac|Radio, reinstall it with purge option?10:36
glicki think i'll stick to dapper for a while10:36
=== RMorris84 [n=bob@c-66-177-73-110.hsd1.fl.comcast.net] has left #ubuntu []
DBOboson_, generic kernel provides optimizations on demand10:37
ehirdi wish i knew how to add a repos mirror :x10:37
boson_DBO: Including Hyperthreading?10:37
=== SeanTater [n=sean@cpe-069-132-052-158.carolina.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu
profoX`did anyone already try Vmware workstation or Vmware server on edgy eft ?10:37
DBOboson_, it provides smp on demand yes10:37
profoX`hi DBO ^^10:37
agentamonkey: try wiki edgyreleasenotes for the major changes - download the file list if you want to be exact :)10:37
Drac|Radiofinalbeta: Explain10:37
glicknvidia came out witha  fix for their driver lately to patch a serious hole, its not in the multiverse repos yet?10:37
boson_Thanks DBO10:37
morphishSeveas: anyway that space is now there, but i saw how little wiki compatability i have10:37
glicki would think it would be since its such a big hole10:37
lupine_85glick: nope10:37
Drac|RadioEmxBA: I followed the instructions and explained my error. Don't be a jerk.10:37
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DBOhi profoX`10:37
boson_DBO: linux package or linux-generic package?10:37
eXistenZWhy the **** do you release a version when it is full of bugs?10:37
EmxBADrac|Radio: ok, i'll stop10:38
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lupine_85and it'll be in security anyway, when/if it comes out in the repos10:38
pike_boson_: glick i think its still beta right?10:38
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pike_boson_: sorry wrong nick10:38
PapaLionedgy is no longer ubuntu+1! Yes!10:38
glickpike_, nah its not betta10:38
ehird!nowhiningaboutedgy | eXistenZ10:38
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about nowhiningaboutedgy - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi10:38
DBOboson_, linux-generic10:38
=== MattJ [n=matthew@88-111-236-92.dynamic.dsl.as9105.com] has joined #ubuntu
SeveaseXistenZ, this is a support channel, not a 'let all yourfrustrations out' channel10:38
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SyrraThe ah, "upgrade tool" doesn't seem to be downloading after I tried to upgrade using gksu "update-manager -c". Should I try again later?10:38
=== david_ [n=david@dslb-084-058-048-226.pools.arcor-ip.net] has joined #ubuntu
morphishSeveas: the reason i asked about 32bit apps is that running 32bit binaries on a 64bit system is pretty trivial (and does not involve running a (s)chroot )10:38
eXistenZehird, didn't werhk!10:38
jdhoreOTGi have a question, it's prolly pretty common, but it's something i want to find out10:38
MattJI can't access the reps, either my mirror or the main :/10:38
miojoguys, Firefox is crashing when I access any https website and running it as normal user. the problem does not occur when I run as sudo. anybody know something about this?? :D10:38
=== DrSpin [n=cole@ip70-162-5-115.ph.ph.cox.net] has left #ubuntu []
epretoriousanyone here familiar with the mct_u232 module (for usb-serial conversion)?10:38
profoX`eXistenZ: dapper drake is the Long Term Support release, ubuntu can afford releasing a version that is a little experimental..10:38
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PapaLionanyone know if there is an automatix for edgy yet?10:38
miojoGuys, Firefox2-edgy is crashing when I access any https website and running it as normal user. the problem does not occur when I run as sudo. anybody know something about this?? :D10:38
Seveas!repeat | epretorious10:39
EmxBA!repeat | miojo10:39
ubotumiojo: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly, if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. You can search https://help.ubuntu.com or http://wiki.ubuntu.com while you wait. Also see !patience10:39
Ayabarawhere did the 'Administration->Disks' choice go in edgy?10:39
boson_I actually managed up upgrade to edgy with only a slight hiccup10:39
glickmiojo, cause its bug-ridden as hell10:39
morphishSeveas: i will ask again once the release rush is over ;)10:39
ubotuepretorious: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly, if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. You can search https://help.ubuntu.com or http://wiki.ubuntu.com while you wait. Also see !patience10:39
glickas is any new released SO10:39
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miojoglick: what do you mean10:39
glickhence ill run dapper for another year10:39
dontbanmewhat does the generic kernel do? someone said it provides optimizations on demand - can anyone elaborate?10:39
LjL!automatix | PapaLion10:39
ubotuPapaLion: Automatix is an unsupported script that tries to automate the installation of some software. We don't provide support for it in the #ubuntu or #kubuntu channels, try #automatix thanks!10:39
miojoglick: lol10:39
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POVaddctepretorious: i only know the pl2303 module, cause my usb serial converter uses that10:39
glickmiojo, edgy got released today, its gonna be chock full of bugs10:39
Drac|RadioWhen I do "gcc -Os -g -I/usr/include/bogl -fPIC -c usplash-artwork.c -o usplash-artwork.o" for the usplash process, it gives "warning: large integer implicitly truncated to unsigned type" over and over again.10:40
Drac|RadioCan anyone explain why?10:40
DBOdontbanme, like 3dnow and sse extensions are enabled on demand (if the processor supports them)10:40
pike_miojo: if you pkill firefox; rm -fr .mozilla and relaunch it still does it?10:40
jdhoreOTGi use Debian and i installed Ubuntu on my dad's computer so he could try out Linux (and Ubuntu is, IMO a bit mor noobish version of Debian) in debian, i can su to be root for a terminal session, in Ubuntu, i can't, why can't i su in Ubuntu?10:40
morphishdontbanme: it's more that the arch speciic kernels sseem to show little to now benefits over the generic one and thus only one is provided10:40
ehirdwhich directory is sources.list in?10:40
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boson_jdhoreOTG: You can open a root terminal10:40
DBO!sudo | jdhoreOTG10:40
ubotujdhoreOTG: sudo is a command to run programs with superuser privileges ("root"). Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo for all information.10:40
fuocowhat can i do if there's a (critical) bug that never got fixed in dapper and not in edgy either ?10:40
pike_miojo: that will remove bookmarks10:40
SeveasDrac|Radio, you're using very outdated instructions10:40
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profoX`Seveas: did your usplash editor program make it into edgy or edgy repositories? :)10:40
profoX`or was that not finisht yet10:41
SeveasprofoX`, no10:41
dontbanmeok, and if I want arch specific features enabled, do I have to do it manually?10:41
POVaddctjdhoreOTG: ubuntu uses sudo for root access10:41
jdhoreOTGi know about sudo, but i'd rather be root for all commands if i'm doing a lot of stuff10:41
glickdamn #kernel is dead :(10:41
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boson_jdhoreOTG: Again, you can open a root terminal10:41
miojopike_, yes, it still does crash10:41
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Drac|RadioSeveas: I just installed them...10:41
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dontbanmejdhoreOTG: sudo -s10:41
glickare there any other linux kernel channels on freenode?10:41
morphishjdhoreOTG: sudo su - or su - still work for me!?10:41
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pike_miojo: sweet a bug10:41
Ayabaraanyone? where is the gui for managing disks?10:41
jdhoreOTGok, thanks boson_, i'll look into that...thanks10:41
boson_!repeat | dontbanme10:41
ubotudontbanme: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly, if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. You can search https://help.ubuntu.com or http://wiki.ubuntu.com while you wait. Also see !patience10:41
morphishglick: #kernelnewbies on  oftc if you have a kernel question might be a good choice10:41
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DBOdontbanme, you dont need to do it manually, its done automatically10:42
glickmoreati, oftc?10:42
miojopike_, just a help over here: launchpad to submit the bug ?10:42
jdhoreOTGi forgot about sudo -s...i used to use that in OS X10:42
boson_Thanks DBO10:42
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glickmorphish, whast oftc?10:42
dontbanmeAyabara: disks-admin10:42
miojopike_, and send them strace?10:42
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finalbetaDrac|Radio, sry, system crash. The generic one is the one you need. Will auto choose the best config10:42
profoX`glick: irc network, like freenode10:42
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Ayabaradontbanme: thanks :-)10:42
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morphishglick: sorry, irc.oftc.net another irc network10:42
DBOglick, its another irc network10:42
Tokenbadok...if I had an xp live edition...would that work with vmware?10:42
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Drac|Radiofinalbeta: Huh?10:42
morphishglick: i think they have www.kernelnewbies.org (or .com?) too10:42
dontbanmeDBO: thanks boson_: what did I repeat? I mighta missed something, my lag is +2710:42
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pike_!but > miojo10:42
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pike_miojo: yeah10:42
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about but - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi10:42
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glickoh, cool10:43
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ubotuIf you find a bug in Ubuntu or any of its derivatives, please file a bug report at: http://bugs.ubuntu.com/ Bugs in/wishes for the bots can be filed at http://launchpad.net/products/ubuntu-bots10:43
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finalbetaDrac|Radio, I was talking to you right? Or I messed up the name :p10:43
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pinkleroseits able to add to repository mounted iso?10:43
miojopike_, thanks10:43
CaptainMorganhow long with lts be supported for? I mean, why not upgrade to 6.10, if for only 18 months? that's a long enough time and likely an even newer version will be out10:43
Ayabaradontbanme: what package is disks-admin in? I don't have it10:43
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MrKeunerwhat do I need to enable 3d eye candy in edgy?10:43
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Drac|Radiofinalbeta: Unless you were helping me with usplash, I think you weren't10:43
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Drac|RadioSeveas: *poke*10:43
DBOMrKeuner, ask in #ubuntu-xgl10:43
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ryanakcaSeveas: what's +d   ?10:44
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Seveasryanakca, +don'tcomeinhereanymorekthxbye10:44
finalbetaAh right, I told you to reinstall usplash with purge :p10:44
tdnMy machine crashed during upgrade to 6.10 while it was installing a tetex package. Now it will not boot. How do I rescue my system? Please help.10:44
DBOryanakca, name ban I believe but I might be wrong10:44
crasswhat is the recommended way to configure iptables for an ubuntu box?10:44
warthawgupdate to 6.10 has failed for me, no access to Internet10:44
eXistenZWhy don't you take your time testing ubuntu before releasing it?10:44
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Drac|Radiofinalbeta: Ah. I see. I never actually installed anything called usplash. I just did all of the crap on that page...10:44
ryanakcaSeveas: ah, lol10:44
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susscorfa!schedule | CaptainMorgan10:44
ubotuCaptainMorgan: Ubuntu uses a strict timetable for releases, which means that sometimes newly released programs miss the timetable. See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/TimeBasedReleases for more. Edgy schedule: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/EdgyReleaseSchedule10:44
CaptainMorganwas 6.10 rushed??10:44
pinkleroseanyone knows?10:44
eXistenZI think 6.10 was rushed!10:44
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eXistenZdapper was so cool10:45
miojoeXistenZ, I agree10:45
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clopohi, does anyone know what kernel i should run on a Pentium D chip?  (I would like to just apt-get it)10:45
crasseXistenZ: release early, release often10:45
miojoeXistenZ, except that I'm running edgy for more than one week ago10:45
DBOeXistenZ, offtopic chatter needs to go to #ubuntu-offtopic please10:45
boinkdebian takes more times between releases10:45
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michaels_when using update-manager -c to update Dapper to Edgy I run into a temporary problem resolving packages.freecontrib.org. Any good workaround?10:45
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tdnCaptainMorgan, eXistenZ miojo: is 6.10 not cool?10:45
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miojotdn, it is cool, but it is buggy10:46
Kawaii-Pandain a 64-bit desktop, why would i want to install firefox32?10:46
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Drac|Radiofinalbeta: Mind a PM? irssi at this resolution is pretty hard to follow for individual help.10:46
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St_MPA3bwhere is sources.list?10:46
ehirdwhere is sources.list? :s10:46
boinkin /etc/apt/10:46
profoX`Kawaii-Panda: to get flash running easily in 32bit mode? :)10:46
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excludedammit, four hours further and I still dont have my ati card back up.10:46
DBOKawaii-Panda, for flash usually10:46
fuocoupgrade being so slow is because of heavy load on the servers these days ?10:46
St_MPA3b:D lol?10:46
ehirdSt_MPA3b: timing!10:46
fangoriousi have a laptop with an ati firegl v5000 running dapper+xgl/compiz. if i upgrade to edgy, what should i expect regarding aiglx vs glx?10:46
meat`2after you download packages for installation and installed them, can you del the tar files?10:46
=== voraistos wants you guys with ATI graphic cards and graphic related problems in edgy to know that the ATI fglrx wiki has been (very poorly) updated. But Your problems might end there :)
=== steven___ [n=steven@d51533B9B.access.telenet.be] has joined #ubuntu
ubotuThe packages in Ubuntu are divided into several sections. See http://www.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/components https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Repositories and !easysource10:46
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tdnmiojo, ok. I haven't had a chance to try it yet. My machine crashed during upgrade so now I cannot boot :( I have no idea how to fix this.10:46
Drac|RadioAHHH.. I can't keep track of this high-speed channel these days. ._.10:47
finalbetaDrac|Radio, sure, can't promise I can help though10:47
Drac|RadioI need X-Chat, but I can't go installing it on a customer's machine.10:47
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St_MPA3btdn: u can use livecd?10:47
fangoriousvoraistos: is that on wiki.ubuntu.com10:47
excludevoraistos: care to give the url?10:47
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YHCIRis there any way to download like 3CDs? or download the DVD and split the image into several CD images?10:47
tdnSt_MPA3b, what should I do from the livecd?10:47
Tokenbadis there a tutorial for installing vmware on unbuntu? and setting it up right?10:47
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ubotuTo install the Ati/NVidia drivers for your video card, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto10:47
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voraistosubotu is dead or what /10:47
brosnanKawaii-Panda: plugins10:47
ehirdhow would i add mirrors to sources.list?10:48
=== mkns has been waiting on eft installing for, oh, about an hour now. grrr.
Seveasvoraistos, it's so busy he can't keep up ;)10:48
St_MPA3btdn: u can mount u'r hard from there?10:48
joonaTokenbad: just follow vmwares readme and you're good10:48
pielgrzymcould anyone help me? I can't upgrade to edgy: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/28502/10:48
chuckyp_voraistos, no10:48
eggzeckDrac|Radio: Why do you "need" XChat?10:48
steven___hi, My resolution is 1024x768, it should be 1280x800 BUT i cant set it on 1280x800 its a laptop MSI 1029 -> any tips ??10:48
jdiazhas anyone had problems with Edgy splash screen running on vmware server?10:48
CaptainMorganbecause Xchat rulez10:48
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yoshiznit123hi everyone, i installed dapper for a friend and now i'd like to update his computer to edgy from a remote computer. has anybody done this before, and can it work? any pointers to how to do this (preferably with minimum interaction from his part :-) )?10:48
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eyequeueyoshiznit123, you have an account on it with sudo access?10:48
thrice`yoshiznit123, ssh, edit sources.list, and dist-upgrade ?10:48
tdnSt_MPA3b, I'm pretty sure that I can. But I haven't tried. If I go boot from a livecd and then mount my disks, then what? Can I rescue the system by chrooting me into the system and continue the upgrade?10:48
profoX`yoshiznit123: I wouldn't do that personally, because edgy isn't as stable as dapper imo10:49
voraistosexclude, fangorious check the fglrx section, install it the dapper way, + a little bit more for edgy10:49
yoshiznit123thrice, what would i tell him about how to install an ssh server?10:49
Tokenbadbesides the core vmware package is there anything else I need to download?10:49
POVaddctCaptainMorgan: /me prefers irssi10:49
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Drac|Radioeggzeck: So that I can follow the high-speed scroll buffering. I can't keep up with the channel when it keeps flying off the screen at this resolution.10:49
Tripkehi all, My resolution is 1024x768, it should be 1280x800 BUT i cant set it on 1280x800 its a laptop MSI 1029 -> any tips ??10:49
eyequeueyoshiznit123, ssh in, then sudo apt-get update && apt-get dist-upgrade, after you edit sources.list10:49
yoshiznit123just sudo apt-get install openssh-server10:49
boinkor apt-get install ssh10:49
eyequeueyoshiznit123, yes10:49
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St_MPA3btdn: dunno =/. I' a newb actually, but i solve some problems randomly :)10:49
yoshiznit123profoX`, i think he'd like the latest features :-)10:49
jdiazhas anyone had problems with Edgy splash screen running on vmware server?10:49
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yoshiznit123eyequeue, hows it goin :-), ok i'll try that thanks a lot10:49
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Kawaii-PandaDBO: flash already runs fine for me with nspluginwrapper. anyway, java looks problematic, esp. on instantchess.com. is anybody ok with their java64 installation?10:50
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Kawaii-Pandaif ndiswrapper is causing this, im thinking of reverting to firefox32.10:50
amonkeyis there a channel where we can just party about edgy?10:50
eyequeueamonkey, #ubuntu-offtopic10:50
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ehirdwhich repos is kde in?10:50
eggzeckDrac|Radio: And you "need" XChat for that? heh, I'm fine on Irssi10:50
yoshiznit123just wasn't sure if upgrading openssh from an ssh session would b0rk anything10:50
ehirdi just don't get how to change my repos to mirrors10:50
profoX`yoshiznit123: yes, but whats the most important thing, latest features or a stable system that doesn't crash and that works as you expect it to work :p10:50
eyequeueehird, main10:50
tdnSt_MPA3b, well... Ok. I was hoping that someone could help me in here. But it doesn't seem like it. Unfortuneatly most of the time I can get no help in here :(10:50
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Kawaii-Pandaamonkey: start your own lug.10:50
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ubotutdn: The people in this channel are volunteers. Your attitude will determine how fast you are helped. See also http://wiki.ubuntu.com/IrcGuidelines10:50
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yoshiznit123profoX`, it depends :-), but shouldn't edgy be relatively stable, considering it was a release?10:50
profoX`yoshiznit123: yes.. relatively10:51
eyequeueyoshiznit123, whold be fine, but to be safe, you can open a couple of sessions with ssh first10:51
lupine_85tdn: yes you cn10:51
fuocohow come ftp download is faster than bittorrent ?10:51
excludeanyone with a hint on what to do in  case of an older ATI/radeon (<8500)10:51
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tdnprofoX`, I know. I am just saying that most of the time I get no help. I've waited for days on several occations.10:51
excludeit used to work Just Fine in dapper :)10:51
profoX`yoshiznit123: but dapper was a long term support release, and they took advantage of that by putting some experimental stuff in edgy10:51
tdnlupine_85, cn?10:51
eyequeueyoshiznit123, then use one to test the upgrade, before disconnecting (ssh out to your box, then back in to his box, using one of them for testing10:51
lupine_85just make sure you mount --bind /proc /path/to/chroot/proc first10:51
lupine_85erm, can10:51
user-landfuoco, how fast is it ? what mirror ?10:51
yoshiznit123eyequeue, ok, maybe i can tell him how to upgrade and then ssh in if something goes wrong10:51
crassfuoco: protocols aren't fast10:51
Looffuoco: Given the same bandwidth FTP is more efficient.10:51
fuococrass: i know that...10:51
profoX`yoshiznit123: this will be good in the long run, but in the short run it might cause little bugs that you don't want10:52
fangoriousvoraistos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto/ATI just tells how to install the drivers fglrx drivers. I was curious about specifically having all the GL stuff (like beryl or compiz). I know fglrx doesn't have the extensions that AIGLX needs, so I'm guessing I need to still run XGL to have a compositing WM like berryl/compiz10:52
ehirddo i just change all the gb.archive.ubuntu.com's go ubuntu-hr.com's?10:52
profoX`tdn: this channel is always _very_ busy10:52
excludevoraistos: my card is an ATI radeon RV100 (7000) which seams unsupported by the binary drivers10:52
profoX`tdn: what was your problem anyway?10:52
eyequeueyoshiznit123, you have a phone line to talk him through it sumultaneously?  that's easiest10:52
pielgrzymcould anyone help me? I can't upgrade to edgy: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/28502/10:52
yoshiznit123eyequeue, yea that's probably best10:52
Ayabarawhat package must I install to get disks-admin?10:52
yoshiznit123profoX`, but edgy has all the cool new features10:52
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yoshiznit123and btw everybody should try flash 9 for linux, which was released a couple days ago. its awesome :-)10:53
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yoshiznit123the beta, that is10:53
asdx|workis correct to say "this is how real mans do" ?10:53
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tdnprofoX`, I know. It is not that I don't have the time to wait. It's more that it feels that nobody is able to help me. I have a screen on IRC 24/7 and I often post a question and wait a couple of days with no answer. Then I give up..10:53
profoX`yoshiznit123: not tht many new features i think :) anything special you are wanting in edgy?10:54
tdnprofoX`, the problem is that my machine crashed during upgrade from 6.06->6.10. Now i refuses to boot.10:54
PapaLioncan anyone recommend a decent, inexpensive pcmcia wireless card that will work alongside ubuntu?10:54
Drac|Radioeggzeck: Do I need to emphasize the fact that the resolution was the problem?10:54
profoX`tdn: for hard questions I prefer to use forums myself..10:54
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yoshiznit123tdn, what's the problem (what messages do you get?)10:55
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ehirdI'll ask just one more time, do i Just change all the blah.ubuntu.com's in sources.list to ubuntu-hr.com's?10:55
boson_Anyone know how to get NetworkManager to recognize my wireless card?10:55
eggzeckDrac|Radio: Resolution isn't an issue. So no, don't emphasize it.10:55
Loofaptitude is too 'smart' to upgrade from dapper to edgy10:55
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fangoriousboson_: what chipset?10:55
profoX`tdn: people can help you better with big problems on forums imo, irc is just quick way to get some info or to solve a little problem.. but it is too busy to help everyone with difficult problems in IRC, especially since everyone who wants to help you needs the error messages etc. -- thats why I think a forum is better for this kind of thing -- especially if you don't get a response for days :)10:55
Loofapt-get works fine though10:55
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boson_fangorious: bcm43xx10:55
POVaddctPapaLion: d-link dwl-g650 (revision c.1)10:55
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tdnprofoX`, yeah. Me too. It's just that I am not always around a graphical webbrowser and the textmode version of ubuntuforums is a pain. Also I have been so lucky to bump in to the times when it has been down for maintenance.10:55
DarqFiberboson -dell truemobile ?10:55
boson_DarqFiber: yes10:56
profoX`tdn: yea.. they still need server upgrade i think :p10:56
Drac|Radioeggzeck: Larger text runs by faster, you know.10:56
scotthey, is freecontrib down? (specifically the plf repo's?) caus i cant apt-get update with them :(10:56
tdnyoshiznit123, i get a "black screen" message :/10:56
fangoriousboson_: ndiswrapper might work, but I have no experience with wither ndiswrapper or that chipset10:56
DarqFiberboson I have the same card10:56
eggzeckDrac|Radio: Please stop sounding like you have no idea what yo're talking about.10:56
profoX`tdn: so you can't boot.. sounds like a kernel problem with your hardware..?10:56
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tdnYoussefAssad, profoX`: and I am not able to get it to respond using SysRq....10:56
ryanpghere's a weird one, when I install ubuntu-standard upstart is installed, when I then do an apt-get dist-upgrade it's removed and sysvinit is installed10:56
boson_fangorious: I can use the wireless just fine, I'm on it now. I just would like networkmanager to recognize it10:56
DarqFiberboson you will need to get the windows driver and use ndiswrapper10:56
yoshiznit123tdn, is this after grub? did you try changing the terminal (alt-f2,3,4,5)?10:56
POVaddctprofoX`: i like helping people in a shared screen session (screen -x)10:56
CaptainMorganwow.... 1106 users10:56
profoX`tdn: do you have some output information? error info?10:57
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profoX`POVaddct: hehe yea thats pretty funny10:57
boson_DarqFiber: Even if it works ok with the bcm43xx_fwcutter thing?10:57
Ayabarahmm. is there no gui for mounting disks anymore?10:57
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IndyBCHello. I succesfully installed edgy, but I don't have good refresh rate10:57
DarqFiberboson_  yep I have to blacklist the kernel drivers and use the windows driver10:57
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boricuai am suprise by the release of edgy today,  since rc3 had some issues with instalation via update, what would be the recomended way to update from dapper , command line or gui?10:57
IndyBCit doesn't go higher than I have it10:57
DarqFiberare you using gnome-nm ?10:57
DarqFiberor the one that comes with edgy ?10:57
IndyBCdo I need to download some driver?10:57
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boson_DarqFiber: I used to do that but I had issues loading ndiswrapper when I upgraded10:58
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yrlnry_i'm going to start hacking on my xorg.conf file.  Is there a safe way to do this so that if I screw everything up, I can get the old configurartion back?10:58
boson_DarqFiber: Not sure... gnome I think10:58
tdnprofoX`, yeah. You're right. It's just that I am hanging around on IRC anyway... So why not try. My message before was not meant as a complaint. Merely an observation.10:58
DarqFibergnome-network-manager ?10:58
POVaddctprofoX`: however that requires logging into their machine via ssh, which can be tricky if they are behind a nat router and have no port forwarding10:58
PapaLionPOVaddct:  do you know anywhere online that selsl that?10:58
=== gallag [n=gina@cpe-069-132-052-158.carolina.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu
CaptainMorganyrlnry_, just back up xorg.conf10:58
yrlnry_For example, I could write a cron job to restore the old xorg.conf every fifteen minutes, but maybe there's some more straightforward thing to do.10:58
PapaLionI have too wireless cards that ubuntu wont run correctly10:58
eggzeckI had to use windows drivers too, I'm on an Acer Aspire 3000, Broadcom, I love ndiswrapper10:58
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scotthey, is freecontrib down? (specifically the plf repo's?) caus i cant apt-get update with them :(10:58
tdnyoshiznit123, yes. It is after grub.10:58
yrlnry_CaptainMorgan: But if things are really screwed up, I won;t be able to see in order to restart the server with the original conf file.10:58
DarqFiberneither can I10:58
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abotoday I'm getting an error when I try to play videos on BBC site.. they used to play quite well, and I didn't change anything in my system, any ideas?10:59
profoX`POVaddct: true..10:59
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boson_DarqFiber: I'm using the ubuntu one10:59
chuckyp_scott, freecontrib isn't part of the official ubuntu repos.10:59
POVaddctPapaLion: no. i bought the card in a local store, 2 years ago. i suspect they card can only bought 2nd hand now.10:59
DarqFiberhe is trying to enable PLF10:59
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scottchuckyp_:  i know, but i was thinking someone here mught know if it was working or whether its just me?10:59
MacowHow do I upgrade from daker to edgy(questionmark)10:59
profoX`tdn: ye i understand :p plus, it must be annoying to have a broken update to edgy10:59
DarqFiberchuckyp - me too10:59
chuckyp_!upgrade > Macow10:59
glickone day my pdfjam download will be complete10:59
POVaddctprofoX`: but there is ssh remote port forwarding, that can solve this problem :)10:59
ubotuFor upgrading, please see the instructions on: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UpgradeNotes (you can also find this URL in the channel topic: type "/topic")10:59
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tdnprofoX`, yes! It is really annoying.10:59
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abothere error I'm getting when I try to play the videos is:  Could not find an appropriate hxplay or realplay in the system path to use as an embedded player,11:00
profoX`POVaddct: euh? how do u mean11:00
glicki should get back to work11:00
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POVaddctPapaLion: alternatively, you can google for ralink or atheros based cards11:00
DarqFiberglick shouldn't we all11:00
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boson_DarqFiber: Any idea why ndiswrapper failed to work after upgrade?11:00
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tdnprofoX`, actually I also went to IRC because I feared that the crash was related to the upgrade so that maybe a lot of users had experienced it and a FAQ was already made...11:00
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chuckyp_boson_, yes you no longer have the kernel module that you built11:00
TMMquestion: if I use apt-mirror to mirror a... mirror? can I just stick that dir in an apache alias and use it as a source over http?11:00
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docmurHello all11:00
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DarqFiberboson_  did you blacklist the bcm drivers from the kernel ?11:01
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SeanTater!restrictedformats | abo11:01
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ubotuabo: For multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats  -  See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html  -  But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats11:01
=== Versed [n=Versed@c-69-253-173-154.hsd1.nj.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
docmuranyone here know about win4lin11:01
boson_DarqFiber: Yes11:01
POVaddctprofoX`: i let people log in to a forwarding only ssh account on my machine, a that login provides a tunnel back to their ssh server11:01
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excludecan anyone please please help me?11:01
boson_[17179601.680000]  ndiswrapper (wrapper_init:129): loadndiswrapper failed (1536); check system log for messages from 'loadndisdriver'11:01
boson_[17179601.680000]  ndiswrapper (wrapper_init:136): ndiswrapper: initialization failed11:01
SeanTaterTMM: sure11:01
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DarqFibermy ndiswrapper is working11:01
haakonnfirefox seems to crash as soon as it tries to show a flash piece, i've installed flashplayer-unfree. any ideas?11:01
excludeIve been trying to get my ATI back up after upping to edgy for fsking 4 hours now.11:01
chaoticg33kyay for you11:01
yrlnry_how can I tell CUPS to always append a cover page to each job?11:01
chuckyp_!ask | exclude11:01
ubotuexclude: Don't ask to ask a question. Just ask your question :)11:01
SeanTaterTMM: but downloading every sibgle package in edgy will probably defeat the purpose11:01
DarqFiberI have a truemobile 1400 (bcm4309)11:01
egdhi ppl, quick question if I may:  what happended to disk manager under Edgy - it's disappeared from system/administration menu ?11:01
mknsI have a Sony VAIO VGN-FS315E which worked beautifully with Dapper.  I just installed (from scratch, none of this upgrade nonsense) Eft and wireless doesn't work.  Is there a specific IRC channel I could get advice from?11:02
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aboSeanTater, I have realplayer and I can play real audio files, and seeing bbc file used to work, and I have the w32codecs installed too11:02
profoX`POVaddct: ahh.. yea thats also an option11:02
excludechuckyp_: I asked like five times already11:02
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TMMSeanTater: how's that?11:02
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tdnprofoX`, yoshiznit123: when I boot failsafe the last message I get before it crashes is: http://thomasdamgaard.dk/p/?paste=29011:02
Paddy_EIREis there a dapper channel now that edgy has taken #ubuntu11:02
POVaddctprofoX`: ssh -R ...   rocks11:02
IndyBCHello. I succesfully installed edgy, but I don't have good refresh rate. From th settings, it doesn't get any higher. Do I need to download some driver?11:02
Dr_willisyrlnry_,  you may find it easiest to reenable the cups web interface and use its settings to enable that.11:02
IndyBC* the11:03
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jwl007exclude, just ask the question :P11:03
chuckyp_!restricted | abo11:03
ubotuabo: For multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats  -  See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html  -  But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats11:03
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profoX`Paddy_EIRE: make your own dapper channel :p11:03
Paddy_EIREi suppose11:03
excludeagain: my X fails to load after upping to Edgy. Seems like an issue zith ATI. I am running ATI radeon which is not supported by ATI binary Driver11:03
JoseStefanPaddy_EIRE, this same channel11:03
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yrlnry_Dr_willis: thanks.11:03
excludeit worked just fine under dapper.11:03
voraistosfangorious, exclude, sorry to be late, but this update was just a "fix" to get ATI cards using fglrx driver working properly (otherwise people get jerky graphics, due to incompatibilty with AIGLX, which makes dri crash)11:03
yrlnry_Dr_willis: how do I do that?11:03
Drac|Radio eggzeck I'm trying to say that larger characters take up more area in the terminal window and as a result there is less text displayed on the screen. Because of this, lines get eaten by the buffer more quickly. I'm not aware of it being possible to change the resolution inside of a terminal, though I suppose I could change the font size...11:03
egdanyone know what happened to disk manager under Edgy - it's disappeared from system/administration menu ?11:03
profoX`tdn: well.. that looks weird.. must be the new init system?11:04
Paddy_EIREIf I was to upgrade to edgy now that Im running a very stable dapper which things will I loose or need to re-download11:04
Dr_willisyrlnry_,  check the wiki/forums. If using edgy not sure. :) not sure if its disabled in edgy.. for dapper. its a simple command that i always forget. I find it silly they disabled it in the first place11:04
ehirdis ubuntu-hr.org updated for edgy stuff11:04
Paddy_EIREand install11:04
chuckyp_egd, I believe its somewhere else now but can remember.11:04
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abochuckyp_ , I have realplayer and I can play real audio files, and seeing bbc file used to work, and I have the w32codecs installed too, is there anything newly added to these addresses?11:04
excludevoraistos: at the moment I really cannot be arsed how jerky my grafix look. as long as I can get off this CLI I am more then happy11:04
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egdpita cause i have heaps of drives that i mount only when i need them, now i have to guess what the hell they are11:04
MacSlowAnybody constantly loosing the right-click/context menu in Firefox 2.0?11:04
Drac|RadioWhen I do a dpkg-reconfigure linux-image-$(uname -r)11:04
Drac|RadioDamn return character...11:04
Drac|Radiodpkg-reconfigure linux-image-$(uname -r)11:04
POVaddctthats what you get for using a binary only driver. damn all hardware manufacturers that don't release specs to the open source driver developers!11:04
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SeanTaterDarqFiber: Please set that info in the wifidocs tables in the wiki (That would be helpful)11:05
voraistosexclude: can u paste your xorg output in pastebin and an exact description of your problem please ?11:05
tdnprofoX`, well... If some important library or something is "partly installed" maybe it could be the problem?11:05
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profoX`tdn: you could try some boot parameters.. you never know.. like: noapic nolapic pci=noacpi acpi=off .. something like that used to work on my laptop..11:05
chuckyp_abo, I understand you probably still need to follow the directions from ubuntu11:05
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rackerzhey, has anyone got around the fglrx issue yet?11:05
MacowDoes anybody knows if XGL works properly on ubuntu running though parallels?11:05
LjL!xgl > Macow11:05
tdnprofoX`, although I noticed that it was at packages beginning with "t" that it crashed during upgrade.11:05
Drac|RadioWhen I do a dpkg-reconfigure linux-image-$(uname -r) it says there's no splash image. However, I have one configured. Is this a problem or is it just not detecting one in the old file?11:05
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profoX`tdn: i would guess it would spit out an error, but it doesnt11:05
excludevoraistos: no, because there is no proper way to paste without x :)11:05
voraistosuse w3m11:05
voraistosor lynx11:05
profoX`tdn: but then again.. i dont know much about upstart (new init) yet11:05
chuckyp_abo, you need more than just w32codecs for real player11:05
Drac|Radio(For grub)11:05
ehirdwhoa. where did my question get lost in the flood11:05
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tdnprofoX`, yeah. Me neither.11:06
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chuckyp_Drac|Radio, dpkg-reconfigure linux-image-`uname -r`  try that11:06
boinkrealplayer installs nicely on ubuntu11:06
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about tdn - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi11:06
ubotuUpstart is meant to replace the old Sys V Init system with an event-driven init model.  For more information please see: http://upstart.ubuntu.com/11:06
jerrcsis /names11:06
abochuckyp_, real video files work perfectly, and the BBC videos used to work yesterday11:06
jerrcsoops :)11:06
AlReece45Some parts of my sound system don't work in current alsa. I've tried compiling the kernel with the new drivers, but when the drivers are loaded there is a kernel panic. Now since kernel 2.6.19-rc3 contains the version of alsa that supports my sound card I tried compiling that. It starts up, loads the kernel and drivers, and then appears to do nothing, its like its not starting init. Any ideas about how to get it working?11:06
Bagoorfind . -name "*.jpg" will write all the names with a ./ ! how can I remove ./ part from its first ?11:06
profoX`tdn: well.. i wish you luck :p use a live cd to mount your drives and rescue your important data :p11:06
profoX`tdn: thats what i'd do in the first place :p11:06
tdnjwl007, ?11:06
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jwl007sorry, typo11:06
voraistosexclude, please join channel voraistos, so we can talk properly11:07
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chuckyp_abo, herm.. well dunno.11:07
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excludevoraistos: i'll try something else...11:07
Rockfishhrm, they're sure making it annoying to find a torrent on the main site11:07
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tdnprofoX`, I have my most important data backed up, so this is not a problem :) But I would like to rescue my system anyway because of my own and my users's settings on the machine.11:07
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abochuckyp_, ok thx11:07
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chuckyp_abo, what is your doing just stoping at the connecting screen?11:08
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MacowBy the way. What's the norwegian Mac keyboard layout called?11:08
ehirdSimple question: is there NO WAY AT ALL to make kde not display gnome programs in its menu and instead ignore them and vise-versa?!11:08
SmiLi3ni would a command to impose quota for users in ubuntu11:08
jwl007Macow, dvorak11:08
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chuckyp_ehird, that is correect11:08
SmiLi3ndisc quota11:08
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ehirdchuckyp_: That's just crap.11:09
Paddy_EIREwill I loose anything in an upgrade to edgy e.g. I have proper graphics driver running and last.fm player installed and an absolute host of other apps that I can not do without...will they upgrade to the newer edgy versions if avail11:09
Drac|RadioWhen I update grub it can't find a splash image. Why is this?11:09
tdnprofoX`, yoshiznit123: I have a photography of the monitor when it crashed during startup. Wanna see?11:09
=== chuckyp_ is now known as chuckyp
cheesydo i have to backup, to upgrade?11:09
profoX`tdn: euhm, sure :) but i dont think it will help11:09
abochuckyp_ , it's stopping on "transferring data from ..." and showing the error message in a messagebox11:09
eyequeuecheesy, have to, no.  should, yes11:09
Macowhmm, dvorak does not have the11:09
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Dr_willisehird,  not that i have seen they all make .desktop entrys so they are all shown in both.11:10
chuckypabo, which plugin are you using mplayer?11:10
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Drac|RadioEh. I'll figure this out on my own.11:10
Macowdvorak does not seem to be right11:10
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ehirddr_willis: looks like i'll stick with gnome then11:10
ehirdi dont want to just remove gnome instantly11:10
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ehirdanyway this chan is sucking up my bandwidth11:10
ehirdsee you guys ;)11:10
Dr_willisehird,  i dont find the gnome menu items an issue.. i mix and match gnome + kde apps.11:10
ehirdDr_willis: i don't like using non-native apps.11:10
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Macowthe alpha key is on the wrong place11:11
abochuckyp, how can I tell?11:11
designdreamzi want to install ubuntu on a poweredge 1850.. i am having problems with the scsi drives.. anyone here experienced in dell poweredge scsi controllers?11:11
kri_hi, why does network-manager not find my atheros card which works11:11
chuckypabo, well does it say mplayer on your screen or realplayer?11:11
IndyBCHello. I succesfully installed edgy, but I don't have good refresh rate. From the settings, it doesn't get any higher. Do I need to download some driver?11:11
chuckypabo, in the box where the rm would play?11:11
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abochuckyp, it used to say realplayer11:11
chuckypIndyBC, you can edit /etc/X11/xorg.conf or dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg11:11
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abochuckyp now there is nothing .. just blank screen11:12
chuckypabo, well perhaps you need to reinstall realplayer.11:12
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dutchyAre the ubuntu update servers a bit slow because of the release? its going at 100kb/s and i have 100mbit :>11:12
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chuckypdutchy, yes11:12
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abommm ok11:12
tdnprofoX`, http://thomasdamgaard.dk/tmp/IMG_6558.jpg11:12
gnelHi, can someone tell me what kernel version does ubuntu 6.10 has ?11:12
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abochuckyp, ok .. thx I'll try that11:12
IndyBCchuckyp: I think I will edit /etc/X11/xorg.conf11:12
IndyBCchuckyp: but what should I change?11:12
chuckypgnel, 2.6.1711:12
ragnar_123some admin: see http://www.ubuntu.com/products/GetUbuntu there is a typo, on the danish linuxpusher url...11:13
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gnelchuckyp: Thanks...11:13
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chuckypIndyBC, the range for you monitor or video card11:13
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IndyBCchuckyp: ok. I will try to find it11:13
tdnragnar_123, yeah. "o" instead of "p".11:13
Paddy_EIREchuckyp: Im using the "k7" kernal on dapper will edgy pull down the appropriate kernal during upgrade11:13
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ubotuusplash is the start-up splash (before the login screen appears) in Ubuntu. To customize it, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/USplashCustomizationHowto11:14
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Drac|Radiobookmarking it this time.11:14
ragnar_123exactly... i meant is should be fixed..11:14
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RockfishIs there any chance that DMA will be turned on by default in edgy for cd-rom drives?11:14
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chuckyp Paddy_EIRE it should.  But most likely will default to linux-image-i386   ; however, you can change to linux-image-generic by installing that package.11:14
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Tokenbadwhen i try to run the vmware installer it says detects a vmware software already installed...11:15
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ehirdwhat's WINE's graphical configurator named?11:15
IndyBCchuckyp: What should I change in order to change the range of my monitor?11:15
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profoX`tdn: looks scary..11:15
Dr_willisRockfish,  it is on my install11:15
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tdnragnar_123, yeah. Unfortuneatly I am not an admin. So I can't do it.11:15
tdnprofoX`, yeah :/11:15
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ehirdragnar_123: isn't graphical11:15
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JoseStefan!xconfig | IndyBC11:15
ubotuIndyBC: xconfig is To reconfigure your X server, open a console and type "sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg"11:15
ehirdplus it doesn't work11:15
scotthi, im trying to play/stream an asx file off of gamespot via the totem firefox plugin, the plugin plays wmv9, mpeg etc all fine (ive got all codecs) but where the player should be for the asx file it just leave it blank and no player appears? ive looked in firefox about:plugins and the extension .asx isnt there, so  iassume its because it isnt configured to run .asx how can i make it do so?11:15
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ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about refresh - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi11:16
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profoX`im beginning to think they rushed edgy a bit fast, eventhough it was already known that it would become a little bit experimental, tdn11:16
ragnar_123tdn: i just guessed some admin were in channel...11:16
chuckypIndyBC, ahh I see its not int here by default11:16
javierhello guys11:16
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chuckypIndyBC, hold up11:16
IndyBCchuckyp: ok11:16
gnomefreakragnar_123: for that typo please join #ubuntu-doc and let them know11:16
ehirdFailed to open the service control manager.11:16
ehirdfixme:ole:ITypeInfo_fnRelease destroy child objects11:16
ehird-- wine11:16
FlimFlamManis there a particularly fast mirror i could use for Eft or should i just use archive.ubuntu.com ?11:16
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ehirdor, --winecfg11:16
ehirddunno why it doesn't work11:16
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ehirdflimflamman: ubuntu-hr.org11:16
tdnragnar_123, ok. I don't know if there is. But maybe try the forums?11:16
=== PPAAUULL [n=paulvolk@bas2-ottawa23-1096709443.dsl.bell.ca] has joined #ubuntu
concept10I installed upstart on my system without any jobs, any suggestions on how to get the jobs on my system?  After reading, I found out that I do not have the upstart-compat-sysv package installed.11:17
chuckypIndyBC, no it is Section "Monitor"11:17
PPAAUULLHow would I upgrade to edgy from dapper?11:17
IndyBCchuckyp: ok, and what should I change?11:17
chuckyp!upgrade | PPAAUULL11:17
ubotuPPAAUULL: For upgrading, please see the instructions on: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UpgradeNotes (you can also find this URL in the channel topic: type "/topic")11:17
JoseStefanPPAAUULL, read topic11:17
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ubotuFor upgrading, please see the instructions on: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UpgradeNotes (you can also find this URL in the channel topic: type "/topic")11:17
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enyc?what is best way to update this desktop to edgy? -- boot 'alternate' cd  or... change sources.list and update online... ?11:17
chuckypenyc, /topic11:17
tdnprofoX`, WOW! For some unknown reason it just rebooted a few times and now it comes further (one more line of output!) and then it crashed. Now I also get the line [timestamp]  kjournald starting. Commit interfal 5 seconds.11:18
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ku!internet sharing11:19
tdnprofoX`, also I noticed that SysRq does work in safe mode.11:19
d-E-u-S-2how i can create a desktop icon on XFCE ??11:19
godmachine81i have easyubuntu hacked and tarred up for edgy11:19
godmachine81if anyone wants it let me know11:19
=== Dr_willis wonders if the XFCE homepage has docs...
godmachine81plus i added Seveas repo to the code11:19
evilmegamanIt seems grub is screwed up because when I boot the hard drive without the CD, I get an error saying "NTLDR is missing". But if I boot the hard drive with the cd, it boots grub and everything's fine11:19
enycchuckyp: ok... can do the script on the cd... hrrm11:19
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kermitX_what do i look for in dmesg to see if this system has usb 2.0 or just usb 1.1 ??11:20
chuckypenyc, yeah11:20
enycchuckyp: didnt know that existed... thought normally would boot from cd first11:20
slinky_i am visually disabled, having problems keeping up with screen, can anyone help me with problems installing a second disk drive?11:20
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profoX`tdn: errr...11:20
progekHi everyone, every time I insert a blank DVD R or RW nothing mounts. Any ideas?11:20
profoX`tdn: :/11:20
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thelsdjprogek: nothing is supposed to mount i don't think11:21
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Dr_willisprogek,  what would mounting a blank one do?11:21
chuckypprogek, make sure you have a cdrom line in your /etc/fstab for the auto mount.11:21
progekWell, i'm trying to burn an iso11:21
progekbut k3b does not detect a DVD11:21
chuckypprogek, acutally yeah I don't believe it will mount a blank disk.11:21
thelsdjprogek: well just insert and then go into file manager and right click the iso11:21
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earthianhello. i see that something is using 50% of my total CPUs power. However i do not see what exactly is happening in the system. Neither TOP neither gnome-system-monitor are showing any task that is using that processor usage. There is only this line in TOP command: Cpu(s): 52.4% us,  7.0% sy,  0.0% ni, 40.6% id,  0.0% wa,  0.0% hi,  0.0% si11:21
earthiancan someone tell me what is happening in my system ???11:22
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notwist_hi, when i try to play music in amaroK it just skips the song and says "playlist finished". playing music works fine in xmms, so what am i doing wrong?11:22
progekok, will try that thanks11:22
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chuckypearthian, perhaps that multiple items are using that much cpu11:22
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bwlanganybody know why the torrent files for edgy have been distributed to the mirrors?  Would't things work better if everybody was using the same torrent?11:22
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earthianchuckyp, another line from TOP: Tasks: 128 total,   2 running, 126 sleeping,   0 stopped,   0 zombie11:22
chuckypearthian, like one using 7% one using 13%  etc.. up to 50.2%11:23
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earthianwell exactly11:23
Dr_willisbwlang,  huh?11:23
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slinky_i can not edit fstab because it belongs to root, how do I do this11:23
earthiannone process is using that much power all together!11:23
Dr_willisbwlang,  if every torrent file is pointing to the same torrent.. they are the same torrent11:23
chuckypearthian, well you can sort top to see which one is using the most with > or <  if you press those while its running.11:23
d-E-u-S-2how i can create a desktop icon on XFCE ???11:23
bwlangDr_willis: so every mirror11:23
notwist_slinky_: use the "sudo" command to do things as root11:23
chuckyp!sudo > slinky_11:23
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earthianthe top is already showsing the most CPU active ones...11:23
znoobHere's one that's been bothering me for a bit: How can I set a permission on a directory that can't be overridden? So let's say the dir is drwxrwxr-w . Somebody uploads a -rw-r--r-- . How can I make sure that the file magically gets -rw-rw-r-- automagically? cron job (ugh)?11:23
chuckypd-E-u-S, maybe try #xubuntu11:23
Dr_willisbwlang,  i could email you a .torrent file.. if its the same .torrent file info i am using.. they are getting the same stuff.11:23
earthiani belive its default at the startup11:23
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slinky_i did a sudo -i in terminal but how do i edit a file in terminal?11:23
bwlangDr_willis: ah - good, i thought they were all pointing to their  own mirror  - i guess it's just slower than i expected11:24
eetfunkhow do i get ubuntu upgrades (edgy) from mtu.edu?  i was told its much faster11:24
chuckypearthian, well ifyou add those up you will get %50.211:24
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about edit - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi11:24
Paddy_EIREslinky_: gksudo gedit /etc/fstab11:24
Dr_willisbwlang,  a .torrent dont use mirrors. :) thats the point of torrents11:24
abochuckyp, thanks, reinstalling worked11:24
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chuckypabo, kk11:24
Dr_willisbwlang,  they may have some torrent seed servers....11:24
Drac|RadioI've carefully followed the usplash customization guide. I now have a splash that consists of a black screen with fuzzy bits on it. On the first line of gcc I get " warning: large integer implicitly truncated to unsigned type" for what appears to be every line in the file. Can anyone help me?11:24
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Paddy_EIREslinky_: gksudo for graphical apps11:24
slinky_thank you11:24
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earthianhm :S11:25
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earthiani only count at most 10%11:25
bwlangDr_willis: yeah - i know, but that why i was confused by the directions that say you have to go to the mirror get the torrent.  Why not just put a link right on the main page?11:25
chuckypearthian, there is more than one page as well.11:25
lampshadeHave there been problems with people who are currently running XGL upgrading?11:25
progekok, I tried it again using k3b but it tells me to insert a the DVD rom, "waiting for disk".11:25
chuckypearthian, ps aux will show you everything running.11:25
Dr_willisbwlang,  :)   why not put the torrent link in the topic as well. :)11:25
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ubotufirefox is the default web-browser on Ubuntu. To install the latest version, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FirefoxNewVersion Installing plugins: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/FirefoxPlugins11:25
Dr_willisbwlang,  but i got edgy 3 days ago and just upgraded every day heh11:25
Paddy_EIREdoes edgy ship with "aiglx" or "xgl/compiz"11:26
progekI can burn iso on CDRs without a problem but I need to use a DVD this time :/11:26
pak-xi want to deactivate my onboardsoundcard in ubuntu. how can i do that?11:26
chuckypI'm seeding the torrent right now.11:26
d-E-u-S-2xubuntu users here?11:26
chuckypPaddy_EIRE, no11:26
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chuckypPaddy_EIRE, well no xgl11:26
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ubotuAIGLX (Accelerated Indirect GLX) is an open source project founded by the X.Org Foundation and the Fedora Core Linux community to allow accelerated indirect GLX rendering capabilities to X.org and DRI drivers. This allows remote X clients to get fully hardware accelerated rendering over the GLX protocol. Head to #ubuntu-xgl for support.11:26
Dr_willisd-E-u-S,  you may want to go to the XFCE homepage and read their docs.11:26
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Drac|RadioDoes anyone have experience in customizing usplash?11:27
Paddy_EIREchuckyp: although it does ship with aiglx11:27
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chuckypd-E-u-S, or ask in #xubuntu  /j #xubuntu11:27
d-E-u-S-2kk ;D11:27
Dr_willisfor the 5th time.. :)11:27
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pixelPOETany fluxers here?11:27
chuckypDr_willis, lol11:27
Dr_willisWith linux it pays to go read about stuff. :)11:27
d-E-u-S-2oh yea :D11:27
rixxoni got X11 working now, a tip to those with problem: apt-get your drivers (xserver-xorg-driver-foo and xserver-xorg-video-foo where foo is your stuff)11:27
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Dr_willisd-E-u-S,  and i dident think xubuntu had icons on the desktop.11:27
chuckypMost problems in this channel can be solved by SEARCHING GOOGLE11:27
Dr_willisor xfce that is.11:27
ubotugoogle is a very popular search engine, http://www.google.com11:27
Paddy_EIREchuckyp: if so is it enabled by default, I have direct rendering enabled for my ati radeon 9250 will this still be enabled after the upgrade11:27
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Drac|RadioDr_willis: Where have you been? :P11:27
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JinkgunsYay, I got the department to allow me to install ubuntu of my workstation. :D11:28
godmachine81http://www.yousendit.com/transfer.php?action=check_download&ufid=0BA4FABF56FB8A08&key=54fa3e8c5e63d5b5bf2261d91dfed780b86ff348     EasyUbuntu  modified to work with edgy and added repos11:28
Dr_willisDrac|Radio,  it may be the live cds i use that have streamlined versions.11:28
chuckypPaddy_EIRE, you may have to reinstall what ever ati drivers you had.  Worst case scenario11:28
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godmachine81someone let me know if they have problems11:28
gnomefreakgodmachine81: not in here11:28
earthianehh? is upgrade already out? :)11:28
Dr_willisDrac|Radio,  about the only time i use XFCE is on the wolvix livecd11:28
=== earthian checks
chuckypzen2, lol11:28
Drac|RadioDr_willis: There are no icons by default, but you can put them there.11:28
godmachine81gnomefreak:: k11:28
gnomefreakgodmachine81: use ubuntu-offtopic or #easyubuntu for that i would perfer the latter11:28
Paddy_EIREchuckyp: does not sound to bad, the default dapper drivers worked fine11:28
MacowA mac keyboard is such complicated. How do i type a tidle?11:28
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pak-xi just wanna use my external Soundcard, but how can i deactivate my onboardsoundcard? i hav no option in the hardwaremanager11:29
Dr_willisDrac|Radio,  so its just .desktop files in the Desktop dir eh. :)11:29
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chuckyp!google -i -l10 test11:29
zen2[Google]  Displaying the first 10 results of 93,300,000 for test (0.04s)11:29
Drac|RadioDr_willis: That for special applications, but otherwise you can just have files in your /home/user/Desktop dir and they'll show up.11:29
zen2[Google]  #1 Test Central Home ( http://test.com/ )11:29
zen2[Google]  Desc: n/a11:29
zen2[Google]  #2 Bandwidth Speed Test ( http://www.bandwidthplace.com/speedtest/ )11:29
zen2[Google]  Desc: n/a11:29
chuckypwow cool11:29
zen2[Google]  #3 Geek Out with the Original Geek Test ( http://www.innergeek.us/geek.html )11:29
matsurhttp://www.copypot.com/1028 any idea whats going on w/ dist-upgrade here?11:29
zen2[Google]  Desc: n/a11:29
zen2[Google]  #4 SparkLife ( http://community.sparknotes.com/ )11:29
zen2[Google]  Desc: n/a11:29
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zen2[Google]  #5 Testing Foundations - Brian Marick ( http://www.testing.com/ )11:29
Drac|RadioWho will help me with usplash? I'm having an awful time.11:29
zen2[Google]  Desc: n/a11:29
zen2[Google]  #6 Political Compass ( http://www.politicalcompass.org/ )11:30
NET||abuseI want to move up to edgy on my desktop machine, do i just replace the dapper with edgy in sources.list, do apt-get clean; apt-get dist-upgrade; will that do it?? or is there a step i'm missing?11:30
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zen2[Google]  Desc: n/a11:30
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chuckypmatsur, use gksu "update-manager -c"11:30
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rixxonare there many people with X11 problems?11:30
Drac|Radiorixxon: All the time. Easy to fix, though.11:30
slinky_i'm sorry i lost the name of the graphics terminal editor, may i have it again?11:30
rixxonDrac|Radio: yea, i fixed it. what is your solution?11:30
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chuckyppak-x, To disable onboard sound check out your bios.  Everything on board should be listed int here.  If not it may be controlled by a jumper on your mobo11:30
Ademanhow do i turn off orca?11:31
pixelPOETrixxon, depends on the problem.11:31
Drac|Radiorixxon: Eh?11:31
bouncingDownloading the sources files, apt-get seems to have downloaded a corrupt copy and keeps saying "gzip: stdin: not in gzip format" -- can I clear its cache of sources files?11:31
=== Sybux [n=bob@lns-bzn-50f-81-56-197-34.adsl.proxad.net] has joined #ubuntu
G0oWcan someone help me out?11:31
chuckypAdeman, killall orca11:31
G0oWmy computer is not letting me login to gaim11:31
Drac|RadioMaybe I can just give it the default splash..11:31
gnomefreakbouncing: is it a gz or a bz2?11:31
chuckypG0oW, are you getting errors?11:31
pixelPOETG0oW, any errors?11:31
pak-xi have no option there to do that? maybe it gives an advanced bios or so ?11:31
zmutteHey, anyone who has a link to a thread forum or a guide for changing charset in latest ubuntu server? Have been searching but nothing works.11:31
SybuxHi, I'm just looking for an howto to upgrade my ubuntu server dapper to edgy11:31
pixelPOETG0oW, ...what are they?11:31
matsurchuckyp, no root on my computer...11:31
G0oWetc/gdm/PreSession/Default: Registering your session with wtmp and utmp11:31
G0oW/etc/gdm/PreSession/Default: running: /usr/bin/sessreg -a -w /var/log/wtmp -u /var/run/utmp -x "/var/lib/gdm/:0.Xservers" -h "" -l ":0" "s0rd"11:31
G0oW/etc/gdm/Xsession: Beginning session setup...11:31
G0oW(gnome-panel:6214): GdkPixbuf-CRITICAL **: gdk_pixbuf_scale_simple: assertion `dest_width > 0' failed11:31
G0oWGnome-Message: gnome_execute_async_with_env_fds: returning -111:31
bouncinggnomefreak: It's a gz. If I download the URL it has by hand, the file is fine. I think it just cached a truncated copy11:31
chuckypG0oW, since i can't read  your screen what are they11:31
G0oW(gnome-panel:6214): Gtk-WARNING **: gtk_widget_size_allocate(): attempt to allocate widget with width -9 and height 2411:31
=== kirukera [n=test@p57B9C63C.dip0.t-ipconnect.de] has joined #ubuntu
chuckypG0oW, lol11:32
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gnomefreakG0oW: stop pasting11:32
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rixxonpixelPOET, Drac|Radio : apparently the edgy update set i810 as driver but did not install it.11:32
gnomefreakbouncing: one you packed?11:32
chuckypG0oW, that has nothing to do with gaim11:32
jbindererrors were encountered while processing: gnome-terminal, xbase-clients, gnome-app-install, gnome-bluetooth, hwd-client-gnome, firefox-gnome-support, libgksu1.2-1, hal-device-manager, python-gnome2-extras, serpentine, python-gnome2-extras-dev11:32
jbinderwhen upgrading to edgyu11:32
tdnprofoX`, more screenshots: http://thomasdamgaard.dk/tmp/ubuntu-crash.html  (got SysRq to work)11:32
dutchySybux: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/EdgyUpgrades im guessing this will work for server too11:32
pianoboy3333crimsun: you there?11:32
Sybuxdutchy : thx11:32
bouncinggnomefreak: It's http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/dists/edgy/multiverse/source/Sources.gz11:32
matsurchuckyp, nothing requiring authentication accepts my password!11:32
progekwhy do blank cd roms mount but not blank dvd roms? I still cannot get k3b or any other burning software to recognize I have a blank dvd rom in the drive.11:32
gnomefreakbouncing: oh11:33
slinky_can someone please give me the name of the graphical terminal editor so i can edit fstab11:33
gnomefreakbouncing: run sudo apt-get update again11:33
pixelPOETslinky_, gnome-terminal?11:33
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dutchySybux: for those things, always check help.ubuntu.com and wiki.ubuntu.com11:33
bouncinggnomefreak: It keeps giving me the same message, but I don't think it's trying to download it again.11:33
gnomefreakjbinder: is ubuntu-desktop installed? please check with apt-cache policy ubuntu-desktop11:33
=== pili [n=pili@113.Red-80-26-66.staticIP.rima-tde.net] has joined #ubuntu
chuckypmatsur, use the password for your first created user.  If you created a root account you must use that.11:33
matsurim using the password for my first user... no root acct11:33
=== corevette [n=Owner@adsl-75-35-113-123.dsl.pltn13.sbcglobal.net] has joined #ubuntu
chuckypprogek, Why don't you try mounting it manually and seeing if it works.11:34
=== voosuz [i=voosuz_@p54AA8CEA.dip0.t-ipconnect.de] has joined #ubuntu
corevetteis edgy coming out today?11:34
matsurlaunching synaptic doesnt work either11:34
pixelPOETcorevette, it's out.11:34
boinkedgy did come out today11:34
Dr_williscorevette,  im allready using it.  :)11:34
chuckypmatsur, make sure that user is on the sudoers file11:34
corevettelol sorry11:34
chuckyp!sudo > matsur11:34
corevettejust saw it in the news11:34
progekchuckyp, thanks. would that be by doing sudo mount /cdrom?11:34
leeI just installed ubuntu 6.06, and just saw the upgrade to 6.10 available, so I ran gksu "update-manager -c" as the announcement says... it's running, but it's going *really* slowly (currently about 8 hours left at 10k/sec), is there a clean way to cancel the upgrade so I can do it when the servers are slightly less busy?  or pick a nearby mirror?11:34
gnomefreakbouncing: it may be a server issue. can you please pastebin your /etc/apt/sources.list11:34
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bouncinggnomefreak: Sure. Although I doubt it's a server issue, as I can download and unzip the specified URL find.11:34
chuckypprogek, well I don't know how to mount a blank media type but something like sudo mount /dev/cdrom /media/cdrom11:35
boinklee: that's why I'll upgrade later :)11:35
=== SeanTater [n=sean@cpe-069-132-052-158.carolina.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu
chuckypprogek, hrm.. well you're mounting a ddvd I don't know how to do that also.11:35
matsurchuckyp, the admin group has sudo privs and i am an admin11:35
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Dr_willisyou dont mount blank media..  the cd burning tools  write to the device.. not the mounted device.11:35
chuckypprogek, keep in mind it doesn't need to be mounted to be burned to.11:35
dutchylee: im having the same problem (going 100kb/s @ a 100mbit connection)11:35
crimsunpianoboy3333: I'm in a meeting atm. What do you need?11:35
=== [H] 3b0R [n=roberth@ti541110a080-3246.bb.online.no] has joined #ubuntu
gnomefreakbouncing: bouncing you cant untar a repo in the sense i think you mean11:35
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goppin ubuntu why do I get this password error11:35
gopp19094: session setup failed: ERRSRV - ERRbadpw (Bad password - name/password pair in a Tree Connect or Session Setup are invalid.)11:35
slinky_pixelPoet, Gnome terminal is yes11:35
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jbinder /me cries11:35
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chuckypprogek, mounting is merely for ease in reading not burning.11:35
=== jbinder cries
=== durian [n=durian@222-154-233-171.adsl.xtra.co.nz] has joined #ubuntu
pixelPOETbouncing...in case you don't know use http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/ to paste. im sure we dont want your entire sources list in the channel. :P11:35
[H] 3b0Ranyone got any nvidia beta driver repository that works?11:35
bouncinggnomefreak: http://pastebin.ca/22334711:36
pianoboy3333crimsun: nm then sorry to bother you11:36
gnomefreakjbinder: is it installed?11:36
Tokenbadif I install a program with apt-get and then use apt-get remove does it really remove everything? cause I installed vmware-player and then tried to install vmware-server and the server says the vmware software already installed then quits...so I removed vmware player and it still says that when try to install vmware server...any help please?11:36
marianodo you guys provide help as far as installation goes?11:36
jbindergnomefreak: its doing something else11:36
earthianerm... maybe it will sound newbish.. but why does apt-get update && apt-get dist-upgrade does not upgrade my dapper to edgy ?? :(11:36
pixelPOETslinky_, soo....you're problem is solved? or...no?11:36
jbindergnomefreak: hold on11:36
ubotuDon't ask to ask a question. Just ask your question :)11:36
chuckypTokenbad, apt-get --purge would remove everythign11:36
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progekI see, well I get a no medium found. I wonder why k3b cannot see the disk11:36
slinky_pixelPOET no11:36
chuckypTokenbad, and you can do it after you did just a remove  --purge will rmeove the configs11:36
cpk2alright guys here's the deal, I want to get my sensors to work in kubuntu (cpu and board temp, fan speed would be nice too) and yes my motherboard supports this. where would I start to figure how to get this to work?11:36
bouncinggnomefreak: This is the full text of the error: http://pastebin.ca/22335011:36
=== IndyBC [n=indy@athedsl-148609.otenet.gr] has joined #ubuntu
=== borisyeltsin [n=chris@dhcp-43-29.arts.ualberta.ca] has joined #ubuntu
leeI must admit, I was very impressed with the 6.06 installer, this is a brand new laptop (centrino 2 duo based), ubuntu installed a hell of a lot easier and quicker than windows did, down to making the WNIC work right off the bat and even getting the obscure resolution right too11:37
djmccormickif i install something like lighttpd, will it start up automatically? same for mysql, etc.11:37
marianook, I am running suse 10.1 on my tablet pc. I was wondering if ubuntu can also work on my tablet?11:37
djmccormickor is there something i need to edit11:37
chuckypmariano, we are just volunteers in here.11:37
gnomefreakbouncing: ok comment out the backports and add multiverse to the security repo11:37
pixelPOETslinky_, ...so what's the problem?11:37
IndyBCHow can I remove the Trash and the Computer icon from my Edgy Eft desktop?11:37
marianogateway m27511:37
borisyeltsinhi, in openoffice when I click in text already written and try to write more it writes over the text already there instead of inserting. how do I fix this?11:37
=== enkidu [n=gilles@lab75-3-82-235-26-179.fbx.proxad.net] has joined #ubuntu
[H] 3b0Ranyone got any nvidia beta driver repository that works?11:37
chuckypmariano, perhaps search the forums for you specific model and see if people have had problems11:37
bouncingpixelPOET: Yes, I'm aware of pastebin... although I didn't know ubuntu had its own now. :)11:37
slinky_pixelPoet, I am visually impaired, i need to edit fstab to mount a drive that is owed by root11:37
chuckyp!google -i -l2 gateway m27511:37
djmccormickboricua: join #openoffice.org11:37
gnomefreakbouncing: that is an error out of your control11:37
=== SeanTater [n=sean@cpe-069-132-052-158.carolina.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu
djmccormickwrong person... borisyeltsin: join #openoffice.org11:38
earthianerm... maybe it will sound newbish.. but why does apt-get update && apt-get dist-upgrade does not upgrade my dapper to edgy ?? :( can someone answer quickly? maybe i need to change my sources.list ???11:38
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borisyeltsindjmccormick: noone is anwering in @users.openoffice.org11:38
bouncinggnomefreak: Well, I think what happened was that it downloaded a truncated file and it's not fetching a new one. Because I can download that file and ungzip it.11:38
=== Macow [n=burke@ti121210a080-2893.bb.online.no] has joined #ubuntu
profoX`tdn: sorry i was busy ^^11:38
boinkearthian: paste your sources.list in pastebin11:38
gnomefreakearthian: gksudo "update-manager -c"11:38
ubotufirefox is the default web-browser on Ubuntu. To install the latest version, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FirefoxNewVersion Installing plugins: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/FirefoxPlugins11:38
leeearthian: on the "new in edgy" page, it says to run: gksu "update-manager -c"   then click update11:38
chuckypearthian, you need to use gksu "update-manager -c"  or you can /topic to read the directions11:38
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jbindergnomefreak: ubuntu-desktop: Installed: (none), candidate: 1.3, version table: 1.30 011:38
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gnomefreakjbinder: thats why you have errors11:39
pixelPOETslinky_, ...i still don't understand what you are asking...please be more specific. if you open the terminal and type "sudo gedit /etc/fstab" you will be able to add what is necessary11:39
gnomefreakjbinder: install it11:39
jbindergnomefreak: what does that mean, and how do i fix it11:39
tdnprofoX`, ok.11:39
earthianok thanks lee && chuckyp  :)11:39
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=== Kaja_- is now known as Kaja_
=== matsur_ [n=rusty@cpe-72-229-168-75.nyc.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu
matsur_chuckyp: something is very screwy11:39
profoX`tdn: this screen ttp://thomasdamgaard.dk/tmp/IMG_6559.jpg doesnt look healthy.. seems like something is causing a problem.. related to kjournald ?? i dont know..11:39
Macowsomeone should seriously fix the keyboard settings. Its a disaster typing in bash on a MAC.11:39
_steven_Can someone help me figure out how to get Edgy to boot?11:40
profoX`oops forgot the h :11:40
leeearthian: you may want to wait a day or two, the download speeds are currently far from optimal11:40
marianowell, I guess my question si really this, does the xorg conf file work in the same way in ubuntu as it does on suse?11:40
=== ehird [n=ehird@80-41-204-15.dynamic.dsl.as9105.com] has joined #ubuntu
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Dr_willismariano,  for the most part. there may be some littel changes11:40
slinky_thank you pixel Poet, how do i remove ownership of my second drive, I just added, from root?11:40
earthianthanks lee.. and np. i have entire night. will leave PC on for the upgrade and will go to sleep ;)11:40
rwscoldit holds are ur hardware setting s and config11:40
ehirdis it suicide to apt-get remove gnome and all gnome aps and then install kde-core?11:40
dutchyoh nice, the speed just improved to 225kb/s :>11:40
tdnprofoX`, well... What does not look healthy on it?11:40
rwscoldi dont know suse tho11:41
=== pou52 [n=pou52@bas7-ottawa23-1167873000.dsl.bell.ca] has joined #ubuntu
profoX`tdn: the call trace ?11:41
pixelPOETslinky_, ...i'm not sure exactly...did you try chown?11:41
ubotuThe linux terminal or command-line interface is very powerful. Open a terminal via applications -> accessories -> terminal (gnome) or kmenu -> system -> konsole (kde). Manuals: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BasicCommands11:41
profoX`tdn: means it crashed somewhere..11:41
IndyBCHello. How can I remove the Trash and the Computer icon from my Edgy Eft desktop?11:41
tdnprofoX`, the call traces are just from SysRq. They should not be scary :)11:41
TubaSoldierehird, install kde then remove gnome. removing gnome while using it can cause issues.11:41
profoX`tdn: ooh..11:41
boinkboth suse and ubuntu use x.org11:41
=== chinGolo [n=darkplac@73.red-217-217-188.user.auna.net] has joined #ubuntu
profoX`tdn: :p i didnt know11:41
tdnprofoX`, you do now :)11:41
matsur_hey all, all X apps refuse to accept my password now11:41
Tokenbadchukyp --purge don't seem to be working11:41
matsur_i can log into the console11:41
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matsur_but not even into X11:41
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rwscoldI used suse briefly long time ago11:41
tdnprofoX`, Go to your console and press alt+SysRq+t. Then you get a task list with call traces.11:41
pou52i am wondering why i can open photos on my xp box but not play movies nor mp3's11:42
boinkubuntu has no yast2 :)11:42
tdnprofoX`, no danger :)11:42
slinky_pixelPoet, no, I am new to Linux but have been doing puter since 1964, what is !chown?11:42
TubaSoldiermatsur, use passwd in the console to reset your unix password. That should do it.11:42
pou52if i bring them in my ubunto box it plays with no problems11:42
=== bibal [n=bibal@ip-81.net-81-220-2.versailles.rev.numericable.fr] has joined #ubuntu
ehirdTubaSoldier: 1964? unlikely!11:42
edgyHi, In edgy firefox doesn't display the website text! e.g aljazeera.net I can't see some of the arabic text though some parts appear properly11:42
ehirdTubaSoldier: computers were hardly usable until the 70s at least11:42
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TubaSoldierehird, I never said anything about 196411:42
=== Aaargh [n=main@cpc2-farn2-0-0-cust594.glfd.cable.ntl.com] has joined #ubuntu
profoX`tdn: hmm well ok :p11:43
TubaSoldierslinky did though11:43
ehirdwrog person11:43
ehirdi meant slinky_11:43
profoX`tdn: but i got to go :D11:43
ehirdsorry :p11:43
profoX`tdn: good luck on fixing your system ....11:43
ehirdso slinky_: prove yerself ;)11:43
tdnprofoX`, ok. Thanks. And thanks for your help.11:43
_steven_can someone tell me how I can get edgy live cd to load X? it always fails and it doesn't revert to a command prompt to let me edit xorg.conf11:43
=== ushineko [n=nverenin@cpe-75-80-147-91.san.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu
evilmegamanhow do I shut down X so I can install the nvidia driver?11:43
profoX`tdn: I couldn't help :( but np11:43
slinky_autocoder sps IBM 141011:43
jabrano release notes are posted yet11:43
Tokenbadcan anyone else tell me how the apt-get --purge would work?11:43
Aaarghanyone else having intermittent connection problems to repositories on edgy (looks like multiverse in particular).  its taking an age to dl headers (20kb/sec!)  other net activity is OK11:43
=== mirak [n=mirak@AAubervilliers-152-1-41-239.w83-114.abo.wanadoo.fr] has joined #ubuntu
tdn profoX` thanks for trying anyway.11:44
=== MutantX [n=Mutant-X@dsl-207-112-45-58.tor.primus.ca] has joined #ubuntu
pixelPOETslinky_, ... chown changes the ownership of directories...im assuming it SHOULD work on /dev/hda whatever...im not sure...ts a shot in the dark11:44
ubotupastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (you can always find it in the channel topic, among other useful things)11:44
pixelPOET"man chown" in the terminal11:44
_steven_can someone tell me how I can get edgy live cd to load X? it always fails and it doesn't revert to a command prompt to let me edit xorg.conf11:44
ushinekoheh, nice...ubuntu+1 got nailed. nice way to redirect users :-)11:44
Dr_willisevilmegaman,  i never need to shut it down to isntall them.. i just restart X afterwards11:44
chuckyp!tell ubotu browns  The browns if a NFL team in Cleveland that really sucks.  They will never have an offensive line worthy to play in the NFL.11:44
FlatsI am logged in as an admin user.  I am in my home directory and I need to create a directory to mount my new hard disk too.  What is the best way to do this?  ALl the docs say to just mkdir /???  however I don't have permission to make a directory.  Should I sudo /??? and make a dir?11:44
matsur_does anyone have any ideas on my predicament? in quite a bind here not being ablse to log into X11:44
slinky_thank you pixelPoet11:44
IndyBCHi guys. How can I remove the Trash and the Computer icon from my Edgy Eft desktop?11:44
LjLchuckyp: don't play with the bot please11:44
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chuckypIndyBC, yes11:44
evilmegamandr_willis, The nvidia drivers force me to exit X...11:44
profoX`tdn: np..  bye11:45
TubaSoldiermatsur_ when you boot can you see GDM?11:45
eyequeueFlats, you can mkdir in your home, but if you want to off the root, then sudo mkdir /foo, yes11:45
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IndyBCchuckyp: btw, I just changed vesa with ati, the drivers ;-)11:45
tdnPreZ, bye.11:45
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IndyBCchuckyp: and it worked11:45
[H] 3b0Ranyone got any nvidia beta driver repository that works?11:45
=== SeanTater [n=sean@cpe-069-132-052-158.carolina.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu
Dr_willisevilmegaman, what drivers? i just apt-get install the things...11:45
IndyBCchuckyp: how will I remove the trans and the computer icons from my desktop?11:45
matsur_TubaSoldier: i'm too nervous to reboot with an incomplete edgy, i will ctrl alt backspace though11:45
slinky_pixelPoet, have a nice day11:45
=== Roger_The_Bum [i=Roger@c-71-225-61-184.hsd1.pa.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
boricuai am suprise by the release of edgy today,  since rc3 had some issues with instalation via update, what would be the recomended way to update from dapper , command line or gui?11:45
IndyBC* trash11:45
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TubaSoldiermatsur_  does that work?11:45
=== corevette [n=Owner@adsl-75-35-113-123.dsl.pltn13.sbcglobal.net] has joined #ubuntu
evilmegamanOh I want to install the beta drivers11:46
eyequeueboricua, command line11:46
pixelPOETwell that was different...11:46
corevettewhere do i ifnd the links to download 6.1 off torrents?11:46
TubaSoldiermatsur_ it sounds like there is an issue with your xorg.conf file.11:46
ubotuFor upgrading, please see the instructions on: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UpgradeNotes (you can also find this URL in the channel topic: type "/topic")11:46
=== ltR^ [n=alex@modemcable199.199-82-70.mc.videotron.ca] has joined #ubuntu
Dr_willisIndyBC,  check the forums/wiki/gnome faqs - i think it may need to use that Gconf editor11:46
ltR^I've got edgy working11:46
_steven_can someone tell me how I can get edgy live cd to load X? it always fails and it doesn't revert to a command prompt to let me edit xorg.conf11:46
eyequeuecorevette, 6.10 mirrors have the .torrent on them11:46
rwscoldSteven What exactly does it do???11:46
chuckypIndyBC, gksudo gconf-editor  then click apps > nautilus > desktop and uncheck the trash and computer iconf visible11:46
IndyBCDr_willis: ok11:46
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=== ] Shadow0[ [n=noddy@87-196-126-138.net.novis.pt] has joined #ubuntu
eyequeue_steven_, alt-crtl-f1 should get you to a command prompt11:46
Tokenbadok if I type sudo apt-get --purge it just gives me the command stuff like if I just did apt-get...anyone know why?11:47
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=== ] Shadow0[ [n=noddy@87-196-126-138.net.novis.pt] has left #ubuntu ["Ex-Chat"]
matsur_TubaSoldier: it just went from bad to worse, now i have issues w/ nvidia dirvers11:47
TubaSoldiermatsur_ it sounds like there is an issue with your xorg.conf file.11:47
corevetteeyequeue i can't find it11:47
chuckypTokenbad, sudo apt-get --purge packagename11:47
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finalbetaWhen using proftpd I get  - no such group 'nobody' - Fatal: Group: Unknown group 'nobody' on line 19 of '/etc/proftpd.conf' anyone who knows how to fix this? Forgot what it was11:47
matsur_TubaSoldier: that cant be the whole story, that doesnt explain me not being able to authenticate11:47
eyequeueTokenbad, the --purge switch sayd "any remove make a full purge instead" so it will only effect things that get removed11:47
_steven_rwscold, default ati driver never works with my graphics card, so I have to change xorg.conf to radeon driver11:47
=== HaDLL [n=dsfasd@] has joined #ubuntu
matsur_and i have a borken X because dist-upgrade stopped halfway!11:47
ProN00bwhen dist-upgrading to edgy i am getting a lot of locale errors like "perl: warning: Falling back to the standard locale ("C")."11:47
TubaSoldierare you in the command line right now?11:47
FlatsOK I noe created a folder by sudo /windows.  I then did a sudo mount /dev/hdd1 /windows and it mounted.  The problem is that I can't write to it.11:47
_steven_but it doesn't show a command prompt after X fails, but I haven't tried what eyequeue said11:48
eyequeuecorevette, did you scroll down the holw page and look?  it should be there11:48
=== GreatBriton [n=GreatBri@dyn-62-56-50-237.dslaccess.co.uk] has joined #ubuntu
matsur_TubaSoldier: me? yes11:48
chuckypTokenbad, i.e. sudo apt-get remove --purge packagename    maybe thats it?  I can't remember I use aptitude11:48
Tokenbadchuckyp I did that and it tells me invalid command11:48
rapt501hi does anyone know how to print color to the consol in java11:48
Flatserr sudo mkdir  /windows11:48
rwscoldsteven i am having a similar problem i was just wondering what exactly it looks like11:48
TubaSoldiermatsur_ if you are in the command line then you can type passwd to set a new password.11:48
mirakfor me edgy is an catastrophe11:48
djmccormicki messed up my .bashrc file and can't seem to login. how can i use another username to go repair the file?11:48
mirakthe kernel is crashing11:48
chuckyprapt501, /j #java11:48
djmccormicki don't seem to be able to su11:48
corevetteeyequeue found it thanks11:48
mirakI got a reiserfs corruption, I couldn't even boot11:48
eyequeue_steven_, you might find useful info in /var/log/Xorg.0.log too, perhaps11:48
rapt501ok thanks11:48
pixelPOETdjmccormick, try "sudo passwd root"11:48
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eyequeuecorevette, cool11:48
chuckypdjmccormick, you could boot to recover mode and fix it11:48
sc0ttFlats: sounds like it needs remounting with read/write11:48
_steven_eyequeue: and how do I view that? this is a brand new install11:49
pixelPOETdjmccormick, set the password...then try to "su" again11:49
=== GueNz [n=guenz@209-142-37-200.stk.inreach.net] has joined #ubuntu
matsur_TubaSoldier: I'm well aware. I can log into the console, i know my password. X doesnt recognize my PW though, i couldnt log into synaptic or anything that required priv escalation11:49
mirakall this things started to happen, at the moment generic kernels where introduced11:49
Flatsis there a way to tell11:49
=== EVRAMP [n=EVRAMP@g225.ol.ntw.fcanet.cz] has joined #ubuntu
TubaSoldierdjmccormick, su is disabled by default. everything is done with sudo. if you want su then you can sudo bash and set a password for root11:49
sc0ttare you familiar with terminal?11:49
eyequeuedjmccormick, that is NOT recommended, just sudo -i, don't set a root password11:49
=== genjix [n=genjix@host81-158-253-185.range81-158.btcentralplus.com] has joined #ubuntu
chuckypmatsur_, reset your password and make sure you user is in sudoers file11:49
ProN00bwhen dist-upgrading to edgy i am getting a lot of locale errors like "perl: warning: Falling back to the standard locale ("C").", does anyone know why ?11:49
matsur_chuckyp: i have done both11:49
djmccormicki can't sudo because this user isn't in the sudoers file11:49
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chuckypProN00b, dpkg-reconfigure locales11:49
TubaSoldiermatsur_, yeah. listen to chuckyp11:49
marianobefore I take the plunge from suse and windows to suse, I should ask one last question. Should I install edgy or dapper?11:49
IndyBCHow can I make the windows, appear like they did in Dapper?11:49
Flatso0h yeah'11:49
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eyequeueProN00b, yes, that's because it hasn't finished configuring perl yet, but it will eventually11:50
Flatswhoops yes I'm very familiar with terminal11:50
MutantXhow do i enable /proc/acpi/sleep on a toshiba a100 sk9 laptop with a phoenix bios?11:50
chuckypmariano, edgy11:50
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Macowroot@maclinux:/opt# tar -C -zxvf firefox-2.0.tar.gz11:50
Macowtar: You must specify one of the `-Acdtrux' options11:50
=== madness [n=jfranji@83-131-66-140.adsl.net.t-com.hr] has joined #ubuntu
ProN00beyequeue, should i worry about ?11:50
chuckypmariano, dapper has long term support though but its up to you.11:50
=== fwit [n=fwit@cpe-76-170-139-177.socal.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu
mirakare you sure GENERIC KERNELS are 100% safe ? Because I really have crashs since they were introduced into edgy11:50
eyequeueProN00b, if it bothers you, abort with ^C, sudo dpkg --configure -a, then restart the command11:50
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sc0ttFlats: sudo mount in a termnial should give you the currently mounted things11:50
marianowell, the ubuntu community is large enough as far as help goes right?11:50
Phlostenmariano: dapper has long term support, edgy is cutting edge,. depends what you want11:50
dou213why ain't #ubuntu+1 working?11:50
pixelPOETmariano, no doubt =] 11:50
marianoI can't afford Phone support11:51
chuckypMacow, tar -zxvfC firefoxblah.tar.gz11:51
eyequeuedou213, disabled for a day or so, forwards here11:51
ProN00beyequeue, well, thats what i am concerned about, will it bother me later ?11:51
sc0ttand if i remember rightly, that shoulds mounted read/write/only too11:51
Flatsdev/hdd1 on /windows type ext3 (rw)11:51
djmccormickif i need to edit a file under my main username and only have one other user and that user isn't in the sudoers file, what can i do?11:51
TubaSoldiermariano, you dont have to pay for it. you can get support here or on ubuntuforums.org11:51
chuckypmariano, well then perhaps check out edgy.  Its up to you.11:51
Flatslooks OK to me11:51
eyequeueProN00b, it didn't here at least11:51
[H] 3b0Rany norwegian people here?11:51
SgeoDoes installing tor automagically set up the computer to use tor?11:51
sc0ttFlats: Its mounted read/write then11:51
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about nw - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi11:51
ProN00beyequeue, ok, i am going to do all those funny dpkg commands after the upgrade then11:51
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Phlostenmariano: i was going to stick with dapper for a while, but edgy has some nice new software which is handy11:51
marianowell, I am an econ students studying technology and third developing countries. I am hoping to learn about linux and its effects on third world economies11:51
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about norwegian - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi11:51
=== johny5 [n=johny5@c-24-6-16-201.hsd1.ca.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
eyequeuedjmccormick, you can "su otheruser" if you know that user's password11:51
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marianoso I need a stable distro11:51
=== Syco54645 [n=frank@c-71-60-64-92.hsd1.pa.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
Nox_villehey dudes... i need to get my root password.. running "sudo passwd" doens't work....11:52
TubaSoldiermariano, if you need stable then stick with dapper.11:52
sc0ttmariano: i'd suggest dapper11:52
Nox_villeor set...11:52
rwscoldmariano i would use dapper for now11:52
djmccormickeyequeue: i know the password but the .bashrc file is messed up and terminates the session immediately11:52
eyequeueNox_ville, no you do not !  read the bot11:52
=== dark_ [n=dark@20150033171.user.veloxzone.com.br] has joined #ubuntu
rwscoldatleast for a couple of weeks11:52
eyequeue!root > Nox_ville11:52
TubaSoldiermariano, edgy just came out today. wait a few months and check back on its status.11:52
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chuckypmariano, check out the home page they have info about what they do for third world countries etc... there is edubuntu and stuff of that nature.11:52
sc0ttdjmccormick: sudo mv /path/to/bashrc /other/place11:52
G0oWis there anything like XGL for ubuntu?11:52
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chuckypmariano, then I would try dapper11:52
=== SeanTater [n=sean@cpe-069-132-052-158.carolina.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu
djmccormicksc0tt: but the only user i have access with is not in the sudoers file11:53
eyequeue!xgl > G0oW11:53
dark_how i do for enable sudo command for a user in ubuntu server?11:53
cambrantwhen i try to boot the Edgy live cd on i386, the computer hangs with a blinking underscore after showing the ubuntu loading screen for a while. does anyone know how to avoid this?11:53
SgeoHow long will it take for the Upgrade?11:53
jvaihey peeps, i figured the command in tcpdump for packet capturing in wifi.. it's "tcpdump -i eth1"... the MAN pages r the beast..!!11:53
evilmegamanHow do I exit X?11:53
=== CyberPerk [n=cyberper@pool-151-205-225-104.cap.east.verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu
marianois there a way to install via mware?11:53
G0oWim looking for something like it, because my friend's messed up11:53
Macowroot@maclinux:/opt# tar -zxvfC firefox-2.0.tar.gz11:53
Macowtar: C: Cannot open: No such file or directory11:53
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boinkSgeo: depends on many factors11:53
chuckypcambrant, try booting in safe graphics mode11:53
marianoI dont have any blank cds here. So I can only download the image11:53
G0oWso im looking for something similar to it11:53
MacowIt|s there11:53
=== lsald [i=lsald@gw.percipia.com] has joined #ubuntu
ubotuCompiz (compositing window manager) and XGL (X server architecture layered on top of OpenGL)  -  Howto at http://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompositeManager  -  Help in #ubuntu-xgl  -  See http://tinyurl.com/pw5ez for Kubuntu systems11:53
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sc0ttMacow: No "C"11:53
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chuckypMacow, try it without the -C optoin11:53
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tazmanhow to comand promt to install...11:53
lsalddoes the kernel automatically update for daylight savings time?11:53
eyequeueG0oW, see that channel11:54
DShepherdevilmegaman: you running gnome or kde?11:54
chuckyptazman, /topic11:54
IndyBCThe nautilus' windows appear small and without a menu or a path bar. How can I change it? I want them to appear like they did in Dapper.11:54
Macowwoah, that worked11:54
boinkSgeo: maybe11:54
=== CyberPerk [n=cyberper@pool-151-205-225-104.cap.east.verizon.net] has left #ubuntu []
dark_how i do for enable sudo command for a user in ubuntu server?11:54
Syco54645does anyone know how to increase the heap size in java?11:54
bbrazillsald: nothing to do with the kernel11:54
eyequeuelsald, if you have a dst timezone set11:54
chuckyp!sudo > dark_11:54
evilmegamanDShepherd: gnome11:54
DShepherdevilmegaman: jump to a terminal and type sudo /etc/init.d/gdm restart11:54
Nox_villek.. i need to set up my wireless network card and get into a netwoek.11:54
marianowhat is the easiest way to install if I only have the ubuntu image with me11:54
boinkthe reason for that is that all of the ubuntu servers are getting pounded now11:54
cambrantchuckyp: i'll try that for now. thanks.11:54
chuckypSyco54645, /j #java or ##java11:54
boinkI'll update in a few weeks :)11:54
marianoI dont have a blank cd or usb key11:54
bretzelHi there - I am here to gooby Ubuntu -- Edgy released, burn fresh Edgy, install, reboot -- >>> No sound, no network11:54
chuckypmariano, /topic11:54
DShepherdevilmegaman: srry type sudo /etc/init.d/gdm stop11:54
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lsaldit is just that this is the first place i have ever been where all the systems are in a DST tz... none of them are GMT/UTC11:55
tazmantring to install limewire11:55
evilmegamanOh okay thanks DShepherd11:55
ubotuping: connection timeout11:55
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TubaSoldiermariano, if you dont have a disk then look into shipIt.11:55
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eyequeuelsald, my systems are all utc, but if i set it to something like est5edt, it would auto-switch, yes11:55
dou213edgy eft is out! how can i check if i need the i386 version or amd64?11:55
sc0ttdou213: what processor do you have? :>11:56
bretzelAnd still GMT - 4:00 since hoary - Me in GMT -5:0011:56
TubaSoldiermariano, they will send you a disk for free, you just have to wait for it.11:56
marianowell guys, thaks for answering my never ending questions :)11:56
egoleohow do i open a .chm files on linux11:56
lsaldthank you.11:56
dou213that's what i need to check... from a windows box :(11:56
chuckypegoleo, google for .chm file extension11:56
Surakcould someone please provide me a link to solving wifi problems on ubuntu? I have a sitecom wl-121v2 and I want some directions on configuring it.11:56
sc0ttdou213: you're on windows now?11:56
sc0ttand want to switch to ubuntu?11:56
TubaSoldiermariano, depending on what part of the world you are in. it will take 4-8 weeks.11:56
Surakegoleo: with wine11:56
Nox_ville!setting up wireless11:56
=== Sgeo hopes his comp doesn't die on him
chuckypSurak, google wl-121v2 ubuntu11:56
egoleos wine file.chm?11:57
sc0ttmariano: where abouts do you live?11:57
dark_chuckyp: dont work11:57
SgeoI sort-of need it to do a project later11:57
Nox_ville!setting up wireless11:57
marianowell, I have a cd to burn at home11:57
dou213sc0tt, yes11:57
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marianoI'm just at work, and i'm trying to install it11:57
sc0ttdou213: right click on "My Computer", click Properties11:57
Surakchuckyp: this is obvious. If it worked, I woulnd't be here.11:57
chuckyp!sudo | dark_11:57
ubotudark_: sudo is a command to run programs with superuser privileges ("root"). Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo for all information.11:57
marianobut, I guess i will just wait a few hours11:57
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sc0ttAt the bottom, under "Computer:", what does it say?11:58
marianosorry, I'm just excited :)11:58
chuckypSurak, bet I can find it11:58
Nox_ville!why do i have a huge mo-foing ping?11:58
TubaSoldiermariano, Ubuntu does not have a net install. so the only way to isntall it is to download the iso and burn it to a disk.11:58
ubotuping: connection timeout11:58
ubotuWireless documentation can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs11:58
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dou213ok, it's x86 based computer11:58
Surakegoleo: no. This is a help file from windows. You need to install wine and look for winhelp11:58
BollHow do I make gnome use iso-8859-1 as the default input encoding instead of utf-8?11:58
axisysi like the ping response.. very funny11:58
ubotuwine is a compatibility layer for running windows programs on GNU/Linux. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Wine for more information.11:58
=== concept10 [n=concept1@ppp-70-247-171-92.dsl.rcsntx.swbell.net] has joined #ubuntu
sc0ttso you need i386 ;)11:58
dou213so i need i38611:58
SgeoCan I leave the kernel at the current version?11:58
ubotuFor instructions on how to set up bluetooth, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BluetoothSetup11:58
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=== Sgeo has become superstitious about new kernels
concept10why does everyone try to update on the same day11:59
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sc0ttconcept10: they got excited11:59
notwistis there any way to update ubuntu without reinstalling everything? i mean, i want everything just as it is now, just update ubuntu11:59
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Surakchuckyp: bet. so find it.11:59
Tokenbadok if I type sudo apt-get --purge vmware-player it just gives me vmware-player invalid command...anyone know why?11:59
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about utf-8 - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi11:59
chuckypSurak, Is that a new card?  Or just very uncomon?11:59
SgeoTokenbad, I'm pretty sure you need something like remove11:59
chuckyp!wifi > Surak11:59
=== SeanTater [n=sean@cpe-069-132-052-158.carolina.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu
SgeoOr maybe apt-get purge11:59
=== Sgeo doesn't know
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chuckypSurak, worst case scenario if the card is not suppoorted you could try ndiswrapper12:00
chuckyp!ndiswrapper > Surak12:00
pixelPOET!fluxbox > pixelPOET12:00
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sc0ttpurge or remove?12:00
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eyequeueTokenbad, dpkg --purge, not apt-get --purge12:00
sotosi have got a problem with sagem 80012:00
chuckypTokenbad, sudo apt-get remove --purge thispackagesucks12:00
bretzel#join #fedora12:00
sotosi follow the instructions from the offical ubuntu howto12:00
Surakchuckyp : ndiswrapper is a last-resort option, thanks. I was looking for the first document you pointed. That will do. Thanks!12:00
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sotosbut nothing works12:00
Nox_villedoes any1 know of a good wireless network manager?12:00
chuckypTokenbad, that would pruge thispackagesucks12:00
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