
=== Seveas [n=seveas@ubuntu/member/seveas] has joined #upstart
=== Signon time : Thu Sep 21 08:57:04 2006
=== Signoff time : Thu Oct 26 06:50:09 2006
=== Total uptime : 34d 21h 53m 5s
=== Starting logfile irclogs/upstart.log
-ChanServ(ChanServ@services.)- [#ubuntu-server] Ubuntu Server Discussions (development and support)06:52
-ChanServ(ChanServ@services.)- [#ubuntu] Welcome to #ubuntu! Please read the channel topic and consider spending some time on the FAQ mentioned there06:52
=== ubuntulog [i=ubuntulo@ubuntu/bot/ubuntulog] has joined #upstart
=== Topic for #upstart: Upstart 0.3.0 | http://upstart.ubuntu.com/ | http://upstart.ubuntu.com/doc/getting-started.html | https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UpstartDesignChanges | irc logs: http://people.ubuntu.com/~fabbione/irclogs | http://www.lugradio.org/episodes/61 | http://enterprise.linux.com/enterprise/06/09/18/1623244.shtml
=== Topic (#upstart): set by Keybuk at Tue Oct 17 20:37:58 2006
=== j_ack [n=nico@p508D8DF0.dip0.t-ipconnect.de] has joined #upstart
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=== WorkRoey [n=Roey@h-69-3-4-130.mclnva23.covad.net] has joined #upstart
WorkRoeyhi :)04:41
WorkRoeydoes upstart enable parallelizable booting?04:41
WorkRoey(and shutting down/restarting)04:42
=== [g2] [n=g2@nslu2-linux/g2] has joined #upstart
WorkRoeyI hope it speeds up booting significantly...05:03
WorkRoeyand that Debian Proper accepts it.05:03
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=== Md [i=md@freenode/staff/md] has joined #upstart
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=== phsdv [n=kvirc@] has joined #upstart
=== Seveas [n=seveas@ubuntu/member/seveas] has joined #upstart
phsdvHi all. Did anyone mannage to get upstart running on a non-ubuntu machine?07:10
phsdvMy machine does boot but errors on the scripts in /etc/event.d07:11
Roeyanyone here know how much time upstart's parallelized booting shaves off of Ubuntu's booting time?07:27
_ionUbuntu still uses sysv-rc via the upstart compatibility layer.07:29
Roeyso there are plans to move completely to upstart?07:29
_ionThe next release, probably.07:30
Roeyneat, ok.07:30
=== mbiebl [n=michael@e180086068.adsl.alicedsl.de] has joined #upstart
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=== phsdv [n=kvirc@] has joined #upstart
=== Serph [n=Serph@] has joined #upstart
=== concept10 [n=chatzill@ppp-70-247-171-92.dsl.rcsntx.swbell.net] has joined #upstart
concept10I really need help.  I installed upstart on my Edgy install and it will not boot.  it loads kernel only and says it has no more jobs.09:27
concept10Suggestions to start debugging this?09:28
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concept10anyone around?09:30
=== concept10 [n=chatzill@ppp-70-247-171-92.dsl.rcsntx.swbell.net] has joined #upstart
concept10anyone around?09:42
concept10is there a way to manually get upstart to boot my system from the CLI?09:44
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=== concept10 [n=chatzill@ppp-70-247-171-92.dsl.rcsntx.swbell.net] has joined #upstart
concept10I installed upstart on my system without any jobs, any suggestions on how to get the jobs on my system?  After reading, I found out that I do not have the upstart-compat-sysv package installed.11:16
_ionDon't you have the ubuntu-minimal package installed? It depends on every necessary package.11:19
concept10I am not sure about that package11:20
concept10but my Edgy install was working before I installed upstart11:20
mbieblInstall upstart-compat-sysv and you should be fine.11:21
concept10Problem now is that I cant boot into my system.  Meaning no networking11:21
_ionBoot with init=/bin/bash11:21
_ionInstall ubuntu-minimal and ubuntu-standard11:21
concept10_ion: you mean from where?11:22
_ionThe installer should have installed them in the first place.11:22
mbieblBoot, then run /etc/init/rcS && /etc/init/rc 211:22
concept10Okay, let me get this right, because right now I have to boot into windows to get onto the net11:22
_ionAfter running rcS and rc 2 you should have networking.11:23
concept10next problem: installing upstart got rid of sysvinit11:23
mbieblthats intentional ;-)11:24
concept10I understand that11:24
concept10so /etc/init/rcS should be still there?11:24
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mbiebldpkg -S /etc/init.d/rcS tells you that it is part of the sysv-rc package11:25
concept10so right now there are only two upstart jobs, which are ctrl-alt-delete and sulogin.  from there I should be able to run /etc/init.d/ scripts I assume11:25
concept10and then I need to get the upstart-compat-sysv package11:26
=== Shadowpillar__ [n=Shadow@dialup-] has joined #upstart
_ionReally, install ubuntu-minimal and ubuntu-standard, or your system breaks the next time something big changes. :-)11:26
mbieblDo, as I told you, boot your ubuntu box, login, run /etc/init.d/rcS, /etc/init.d/rc 2 and then install upstart-compat-sysv11:27
concept10alright, i will make sure to install those als11:27
concept10alright, thanks guys11:27
concept10I dont know why those meta-packages get removed11:27
concept10thanks for the help, hopefully I get back into the system and i will come back with the beer11:28
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rgl_how do I disable a service like tty2?11:34
rgl_the only way is to manually edit the event.d/tty2 file and comment all "start on" lines?11:35
=== Roey is now known as WorkRoey
rgl_http://upstart.ubuntu.com/download/example-jobs.tar.gz is 404 :|11:53
=== concept10 [n=concept1@ppp-70-247-171-92.dsl.rcsntx.swbell.net] has joined #upstart
concept10thanks guys, running those scripts got me back into the system11:56
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debuggerwhat should I do to known what is causing "status: Error receiving message: Invalid message received" when I run "status logd"?12:05
mbieblrgl, http://upstart.ubuntu.com/download/example-jobs-2.tar.gz12:06
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=== MMN-o [n=mmn@ua-85-227-49-9.cust.bredbandsbolaget.se] has joined #upstart
rglmbiebl, ah thx!  thou, those sripts seem to be the same that are included with edgy hehe12:14
=== Amaranth_ [n=travis@ubuntu/member/amaranth] has joined #upstart
=== Amaranth_ is now known as Amaranth

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