
ajmitchBurgwork: sorted out if/when you may be able to be in MV?12:03
Burgworkajmitch: not going12:03
ajmitchnot even for a couple of days?12:04
Burgworkbest possible arrival date: Late tuesday morning12:04
Burgworkprovided this project I am being kept for tanks12:04
ajmitchthat sucks12:04
Burgworkyep, it truly does12:04
=== SimonAnibal [n=sruiz@adsl-68-251-147-250.dsl.bltnin.ameritech.net] has joined #ubuntu-directory
SimonAnibalTake it easy ya'll12:08
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Burgworklophyte: welcome home01:39
Burgworkback, rather01:39
lophytedid you guys go on with that discussion about apt-config?01:40
lophytealright, cool.. then I don't have any catching up to do, lol01:40
lophyteI gotta go make dinner and such.. I'll be back in a bit01:41
Burgworkwhiprush: ping01:42
whiprushBurgwork: pong01:50
Burgworkwhiprush: your google docs link is no worky01:51
whiprushshould I just mail it to you?01:52
Burgworkyes please01:52
Burgworkwelcome to the brave new world01:52
ajmitchyo whiprush01:54
Burgworkwhiprush: ok, that is not the email I was looking for01:55
BurgworkI will use bits01:56
Burgworkthe "we want time at MTV" is for another email01:56
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=== jorge__ is now known as whiprush_
Burgworkajmitch, wasabi, you guys around?02:04
ajmitchBurgwork: yes02:05
Burgworksent, but accidentally02:09
=== whiprush [n=jorge@2001:5c0:8fff:fffe:0:0:0:2fad] has joined #ubuntu-directory
FujitsuHahah: `02:20
FujitsuDoes WSUS make02:20
Fujitsuyour heart throb?02:20
FujitsuStupid Konversation line breaking.02:20
ajforgueso I got master/master replcation working in RHDS02:25
ajforguethat was cool02:25
ajmitchFujitsu: bah, you & your replies on the list :P02:48
FujitsuCan you see how AD is `arcane'?02:49
FujitsuI've always found it quite intelligible, and I first experimented with it when I was 11... I can't see how it can be difficult to understand.02:50
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lophytehey Burgundavia03:33
Burgundaviawhiprush: mail sent, a little bit prematurely03:33
Burgundaviahey lophyte03:37
lophytewasabi_ are you around?03:38
Burgundavialophyte: what is the latest on teh spec? do you need me to review it?03:38
lophyteI wanted to discuss it some more, since wasabi said he had a few ideas after looking at apt-config03:38
lophyteI can write up a general overview of the spec as it stands right now03:40
Burgundaviasounds good03:42
Burgundaviayou know which spec we are working on?03:42
Burgundaviaafter that confused discussion03:42
lophyte /UpdateServer03:42
lophytenwu was superseded by UUS03:42
Burgundaviathe whiperush one03:43
lophyteI was basically working out the details on paper before merging our braindump with UUS03:43
ajmitchso who's talked with nictuku, who's coded up a lot of stuff for NWU?03:43
ajmitchI really would hate to go superseding & throwing away work someone has done03:43
Burgundavianobody yet03:44
lophytewe're not throwing it away03:44
Burgundavianwu is somewhat tangent03:44
Burgundaviaajmitch: that sarcastic?03:45
ajmitchyes, since from what I can see it's not that much of a tangent03:45
Burgundavianwu assumes a bunch of other things03:45
Burgundaviasuch as authentication and passing data around03:45
Burgundavialophyte: can you lay out more?03:45
ajmitchare those implementation details, or something that can be changed in the spec?03:46
lophytefrom what I read in the user manual, it seemed more or less like a remote update tool rather than an update approval system03:46
lophyteie. forcing updates on machines remotely03:46
ajmitchpartly why I suggested talking to him, to get a clearer idea03:46
Burgundaviaok, I am having the strangest issue with ephy03:48
Burgundaviasometimes it is failing to load the css03:48
lophytewell, if we can get nictuku in here..03:49
lophytethat'd be great03:49
Burgundaviathe nwu spec is much larger is scope03:50
lophyteI'd like to talk to him and find out what issues he was trying to address with nwu and what the goals were/are03:54
Burgundaviahe just implemented the spec03:55
Burgundaviayou need to talk to the drafters, which included mvo03:55
lophytenwu is lacking an approval system in the spec..03:59
lophyteI'd say that's the biggest difference between nwu and uus03:59
lophytewell what should I do then? I'm more or less the new kid on the block and I don't wanna start stepping on toes as much as I'm into this04:05
whiprushDo we really have to reimplement Microsofts arcane network structure04:20
whiprushfor Ubuntu? Cann't we create something that is ... better and simpler04:20
whiprushto understand at the same time? Like, for the human beings? Please04:20
whiprushwe all saw that one coming a mile away.04:20
Burgundaviawhiprush: arcane network structure?04:20
ajmitchwhat's new, whiprush ?04:20
ajmitchnice, essential spec04:21
ajmitchobviously someone really really wants the bling04:21
ajmitchcan people please subscribe to https://features.launchpad.net/distros/ubuntu/+spec/nis-ldap-migration so I'm not the only one there?04:22
ajmitchit's mainly useful to do so for the scheduling04:22
whiprushBurgundavia: that was a response on the list.04:22
whiprushajmitch: but I already did my migration.04:23
=== whiprush joins anyway. :D
whiprushBurgundavia: unix people are going to be hanging you in efigy anyway, might as well enjoy it.04:24
Burgundaviaoh, right04:25
ajmitchwhiprush: which list?04:26
ajmitchah I see it now04:27
Burgundaviathat is where I posted the -directory stuff04:27
ajmitchyes, must have skipped that reply earlier04:27
ajmitchor it has gone into a spam folder or something04:27
ajmitchsince it's not in my -devel mailbox04:27
FujitsuI can't see it.04:28
ajmitchFujitsu: you replied to it04:28
FujitsuOh, I misread whiprush as saying he had replied to it.04:28
whiprushI didn't04:28
=== ajmitch wonders where this message has run away to
Fujitsuajmitch: Be glad you can't read it.04:29
=== whiprush doesn't plan on responding to anything
ajmitchFujitsu: why?04:29
Fujitsuajmitch: It is a stupid email.04:30
ajmitchin your opinion04:31
ajmitchdon't fall into the trap of "oh, AD is so easy, anyone who can't get it is stupid"04:31
FujitsuBut AD /is/ easy, except in some setups.04:32
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ajforguehe's just mad that unix is changing04:52
ajforgueyou can tell by his sig04:53
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whiprushajmitch: someone recorded my ubuntu-AD talk08:00
ajmitchblog it!08:01
=== ajmitch starts listening to those sweet tones of whiprush' voice ;)
whiprushI will, after I listen to it08:01
ajmitchhaha, "still drink or hungover"08:02
whiprushtoo bad it doesn't capture the audience.08:03
ajmitchyou had a few questions from the audience?08:03
whiprushsince it sounds like no one is laughing at my jokes08:03
whiprushI don't recall if they had a mic.08:03
whiprushor I repeated the question08:04
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ajmitchhey imbrandon08:05
ajmitchcome to harass us here? :)08:06
imbrandonlol , no come to help ( where i can )08:06
imbrandonAD on linux is scary atm :)08:06
ajmitchimbrandon: so how do you plan to help?08:15
imbrandonnot quite sure yet, i'm sure something will come along that i can give a hand too , other than testing and complaining08:16
ajmitchhello nkassi08:17
nkassiI was wondering, what kind of stuff is currently there ? Is there something to play with ?08:17
nkassiI saw you code for the client side.08:17
ajmitchclient-side is initial focus, yes08:18
ajmitcheg the current braindump of client stuff is: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/NetworkAuthentication/Client08:19
ajmitch(still has a bit to be added)08:19
nkassiWill this be integrated into the installation process ?08:20
ajmitchwe still have to discuss those sort of things - we're mostly in the planning stage of things08:20
nkassihehe, I guess I'm going a little fast. I've been looking for a solution like this at work. Trying to fend off the Active Directory.08:23
nkassiSorry that got chop off the last line.08:26
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tepsipakkigreat to see all these specs for feisty :)09:42
tepsipakkiabout networt authentication etc09:43
tepsipakkidamnit, have to run ->A09:43
tepsipakki(it's great to have two kids)09:47
ajmitchhehe ok :)09:47
ajmitchhi siretart09:57
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siretarthuhu ajmitch03:59
wasabiSo I had this wild idea about a replicated/caching home directory or other file system, thing.04:50
wasabibzr handles many peer merges properly, doesn't it?04:50
wasabiSo, you write a little daemon which basically just advertises a bzr archive of each home directory... you give it knowledge of what all the other server-peers are, and have the daemon try to push changes to the other mirrors when anything locally changes.04:51
wasabiAll mirrors should be kept up to date.04:51
wasabiYou could do that server side to replicate many NFS shares.04:52
wasabiAnd you could throw a client into the mix to do it on hte client.04:52
wasabiOh, and the servers would need to truncate old data.04:52
wasabiSo, user logs onto the client, the client contacts the best server mirror, pulls it's change set, the user logs in. Small daemon watches home directory for changes, and attempts to push them back to any server.04:53
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wasabiClient can disconnect and have a full copy of the data.04:53
wasabiWhen he reconnects, he starts pushing again.04:54
lophytemorning all04:55
lophytewhats up?05:02
wasabiPondering a crackful bzr idea.05:02
wasabiOkay, get this. Roaming/synching home dirs.05:03
wasabiYou have N number of servers, which all run a little daemon and export a bzr archive.05:03
wasabiThese servers, on any commit, try to push that change to all the other servers.05:03
lophyteroaming dirs are usually stored on one server, aren't they?05:04
wasabiMerging is turned off... conflicts result in a .conflict file or something, and the best is dtermined by a timestamp only.05:04
wasabiSo, you basically then have a bunch of bzr archives which should be peers.05:04
wasabiExcept when somebody updates the same file in two places before a sync.05:04
lophyteand the bzr archives are the home dirs?05:05
wasabiThen you bring in the clients... make a pam_mkhomedir module or some such... what it does is pick the closets mirror and pulls its changes locally.05:05
wasabiRuns a similar daemon which pushes any local changes (inotify) to any remote server.05:05
lophytethat'd be more reliable than AD for sure05:05
wasabiWorks for laptops. YOu just log onto the network once, next tme the server is in reach, your changes get pushed/pulled.05:06
wasabiIt doesn't seek to adress the idea of merging files... but then neither does DFS/FRS and they work fine.05:06
lophytein AD you can only specify one server05:06
lophytemirrors are a good thing05:06
robertjmerging has to have a great gui though, thats a complaint I hear _alot_ from AD users05:07
wasabiNaw. Screw merging.05:07
robertj"my machine crashed and now I can't log in AT ALL and the server admin had to delete my user directory"05:07
wasabiAD doesn't merge.05:07
wasabiSo that actually shouldn't happen. :)05:07
wasabiIt simple uses copy-over approach.05:07
lophyteyeah, merging might create issues05:08
wasabiWith a slightly sucky algo.05:08
wasabiAnd a huge NTUSER.DAT file which always sucks.05:08
lophyteI'll be back in a sec05:08
wasabiWe have lots of small little files. I suspect our merging won't be as bad.05:08
wasabiI'd mostly be concerned when a user drops a large ISO or something into his archive.05:09
robertjwasabi: don't forget about the every popular logging in from home situation05:11
robertjin which you might log in, do some work, and then it want to upload the iso over your itty-bity residential-upstream connection05:12
wasabiYeah. Again, Windows doesn't address that YET.05:12
wasabiANd that seems to be okay for NOW.05:12
wasabiI'd love to solve it though.05:12
wasabiPerhaps some fashion by which it can refuse to merge until reconnected.05:13
wasabiOr until the ISO goes away.05:13
wasabiie on a high speed link05:13
robertjwasabi: what about the iDisk approach where you continually sync in the background?05:14
wasabiWell, I doubt bzr supports that...05:16
wasabiie partial commits.05:16
wasabiand resuming of such.05:16
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robertjcrashy nvidia drivers :(05:19
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wasabigit might work too05:37
siretartwasabi: does your bzr idea cover the case that the user might be logged in on 2 or more systems?05:40
wasabiYeah. It takes care of it "enough"05:41
wasabiThe two workstations would, on login, merge from any server... so they'd have the latest on the server.05:41
wasabiAnd periodically + when each were altered, they would push.05:41
wasabiExcept in the cases of files that do change on both rapidly.05:41
wasabiAnd I'd advocate not merging, simply timestamp overwriting.05:41
wasabiTHe user shouldn't be altering the same file in two places. ;)05:42
siretartthat could happen accidentally05:42
siretartI'm thinking about firefox profiles, or similar05:42
siretartthey could get into an bad inconsistent state and confuse the application05:42
wasabiYeah. I was thinking about those too.05:43
wasabiI suspect a simple last-time overwrite still works fine, though.05:43
wasabiThe firefox profiles are plain text...05:43
wasabiHeh. It's worth noting that firefox on windows works fine with roaming profiles.05:43
wasabiWHich do basically teh same thing.05:44
siretartI don't know how roaming profiles work on windows. I have heard ppl screeming about them05:44
wasabiYeah, they cause problems, but in my experience it's because of NTUSER.DAT05:45
wasabiThat contains the ENTIRE user registry hive.05:45
wasabiAnd it is never merged, always overwritten.05:45
wasabiI think it's probably okay to think the same human being won't be doing the same thing on two workstations too often.05:46
wasabiBut in MS cases, anything they do overwrites whatever the other one was doing.05:46
wasabiI'd worry about applications which themselves do not work good with NFS home dirs.05:47
wasabiSuch as, as I just discovered, beagle. ;)05:47
wasabiBig index file... assumes one beagle process is accessing it.05:48
Burgundaviahey ajmitch, lophyte09:09
Burgundaviawelcome siretart09:09
ajmitchhey Burgundavia, how's it going?09:10
Burgundavianot bad09:10
=== ajmitch just crawled out of bed :)
Burgundaviaso did I09:10
lophyteheya Burgundavia09:10
lophytewhat should I do about this uus spec? should I keep going with it, or talk to someone first? I don't wanna walk in here and start stepping on toes09:11
Burgundaviakeep talking09:12
ajmitchI didn't mean to put you off in any way09:13
ajmitchI just want to avoid any hassles at the start09:13
Burgundaviathere are lots more people who have an opinion and are good enough to listen to09:13
siretartheyho Burgundavia09:14
lophyteshould I talk to mvo about nwu before i go on with uus?09:14
Burgundaviamailing list has seen 9 new subscribers sinece yesterday09:14
Burgundavialophyte: yes09:14
siretartajmitch!! :)09:14
ajmitchhow are you?09:15
siretartoh, I'm fine. and you?09:15
ajmitchI'm good09:15
ajmitchbusy as ever09:16
ajmitchbusy with this :)09:16
=== ajmitch wishes you could be there at MV to discuss all this stuff
siretartI'm currently rather lurking in this channel, but it looks like I'll be setting up a single sign on kerberos setup soon09:17
siretartoh, I'd wish as well, trust me09:17
siretartbut my thesis is urgent now ;)09:17
ajmitchI hope we can make things as easy as possible for you to set it up :)09:17
ajmitchso that you don't have to take much time away from the thesis09:17
ajmitchhow is the writing going?09:17
siretartI have now about the half written, I think09:18
siretartthere are still some things to implement, but I focus on writing right now09:18
ajmitchgood luck :)09:19
siretartthanks :)09:20
lophytei can't figure out this xen networking for the life of me..09:21
ajmitchstill giving you issues?09:21
lophyteyeah.. I can't use briding09:21
lophytebridging, rather09:21
lophytei'm gonna try using routing09:22
lophyteso far so good..09:27
lophyteI think its an iptables issue now09:27
=== ajmitch might try network-nat instead
ajmitchit'll probably work better with domains I don't need to access directly09:30
lophytefrom domU I can ping vif3.0 and ra0 in dom009:31
lophytebut not beyond dom009:31
lophytewhich is why I think its an iptables issue09:32
lophyteiptables is either blocking or not forwarding packets coming back09:32
ajmitchforwarding is on in /proc/sys/net/ipv4/ip_forward ?09:32
lophyteer, wtf, no.. it should be..09:33
lophyteer, wait, lol09:34
lophytewrong machine09:34
lophyteyeah, its on in dom009:34
lophyteACCEPT     all  --        anywhere            PHYSDEV match --physdev-in vif3.009:36
lophytethat's the only iptables rule09:36
lophytein the FORWARD chain09:36
lophyteergh.. maybe I should try nat09:37
lophyteI can ping domU from dom009:37
lophyteand dom0 from domU09:37
lophytebut nothing beyond dom0... hrm09:38
lophyteokay, maybe its not an iptables issue..09:41
lophyte##xen isn't very helpful09:42
lophyteajmitch: do you use routing or bridging?09:54
lophytewoo.. nat seems to be working09:57
lophytenat works09:57
ajmitchlophyte: bridging10:18
ajmitchwhiprush: ping10:18
lophytewell, nat seems to be working for me10:18
ajmitchwhiprush: got the address of the hotel you've got booked?10:18
lophyteis there a way to manually create a domain that runs in the background?10:25
ajmitchjust xm create domain.cfg10:27
ajmitchunless you mean at bootup10:27
ajmitchalso there's /etc/xen/auto/ for domains started at bootup10:28
lophyteah, alright10:29
lophyteso -c brings you to the console10:29
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Burgundaviaanybody else want to post a todo list to the mailing list, or should I11:27
Burgundaviahmm, uus got declined for mtv11:52
Burgundaviawhiprush, ajmitch, wasabi_: you lot need to subscribe to https://features.launchpad.net/distros/ubuntu/+spec/ubuntu-update-server11:56
Burgundaviaand repropose for mtv11:56

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