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astronouth7303what is the correct way of starting a task (specified by respawn) with arguments?08:54
astronouth7303just put them in the respawn line?08:54
_ionrespawn program arg0 arg108:54
_ionis an alias for08:54
_ionexec program arg0 arg108:54
_ionIIRC. :-)08:55
astronouth7303and what would be the correct way to tell upstart to start the command as a different user?08:55
astronouth7303place su in the start script?08:56
_ionUnless i remember wrong, upstart doesn't yet support that directly  you might use e.g. "exec start-stop-daemon ... --chuid foo:bar program -- arg0 arg1"08:56
astronouth7303how many deamons have upstart files?08:58
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cortanathe problem with start-stop-daemon is that it does not create a PAM session, so things like libpam-tmpdir will break the daemon09:38
=== Solaris [n=chatzill@] has joined #upstart
Solarishi fellas.09:42
SolarisI was wondering what kind of boot time improvement upstart gives.09:42
SolarisHow much are we talking?09:42
Solaris50% reduction? 10% reduction?09:42
_ionAsk again when we have reached the state where an OS is booted entirely by upstart jobs. :-)09:44
_ionThe point of upstart isn't boot time improvement, although that may be a side effect because of parallel startup etc.09:46
SolarisAh i see _ion09:47
SolarisI just noticed ubuntu is busy telling everyone.09:48
SolarisSo I figured I would ask after them.09:48
_ionThe latest Ubuntu release is still using upstart's sysv compatibility layer. The next release's boot process might be completely based on upstart.09:49
Solarisinteresting.  So what IS the main goal of upstart?09:49
_ionSee http://www.netsplit.com/blog/articles/2006/08/26/upstart-in-universe , title "Why change it?"09:51
_ionThat page, as well as other interesting pages, are linked from http://upstart.ubuntu.com/ (which is in the topic).09:52
SolarisOh right.  Yes, I see the problem.  When you look at it that way something really does need to be done.09:54
_ioncortana: I believe upstart is going to support PAM sessions for stuff started as a non-root user in the future.09:54
_ion * Per-user services; will need to use PAM to set up the session.09:56
_ion   We want to do this for "root-user services" but not for jobs/tasks09:56
_ion(from TODO)09:56
SolarisSo how long until you have something that would make a stable, complete replacement for the init system?09:56
_ionThat would probably be possible right now (assuming you mean init plus the startup scripts), but there are some planned design changes that are going to be implemented before that effort.09:59
Solarisright right.10:00
SolarisWell, looking forward to seeing it.10:00
SolarisDo you know which distros are going to adopt your system?10:00
_ion(Disclaimer: i'm mostly a enthusiastic bystander, Keybuk has done pretty much all the actual work.)10:02
_ionAFAIK many distros have shown interest, but probably no distribution is going to make the decision before Ubuntu's startup is running entirely based on upstart.10:02
Solarisfair enough at this point I suppose.10:03
SolarisGotta love the cross-polination possible with open-source.10:04
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trivashok can someone answer a question for me?10:48
_ionThat would be quite difficult, because you left.10:59

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