
sbalneavBurgundavia: Here's the problem: How do you collect a password with gdm securely?  Unless you're going to run it on the client, which requires so much hacking to gdm, that maintaining gdm patches vs maintaining a ldm become a negligible proposition.12:19
Burgundaviasbalneav: ah, fun12:20
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Burgundaviasbalneav: wouldn't the local-apps solve this issue?12:26
sbalneavYou'd still have to have a hacked gdm12:30
sbalneavIt's possible, and it can be raised at MTV again, but I suppose it ultimately comes down to "Maintain a separate program cleanly, versus maintain a modified standard program"12:31
sbalneavldm's fairly simple: it's only a couple of hundred lines of python.  And sdm's even easier.12:32
sbalneavgdm's going to require a whole pam infrastructure underneath it.12:32
sbalneavNow, we're going to have to solve that anyway for localapps12:32
sbalneavso now gdm maybe starts to require a lot less mods, so, we can put it back on the tabel.12:33
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ballhello cliebow_12:58
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ballhello jinty01:01
cliebow_ball: Howdy01:08
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ballhello Fujitsu01:21
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ballhello Orby01:27
ballOh well, I'm off to wash some dishes.01:27
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sbalneavogra: You there?04:56
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eugeneaiHow to install edubuntu without CDROM?05:35
eugeneaiBut I can use an hd partition. Bios does not support CD-ROM USB flash drives05:36
sbalneavYou don't have a cdrom at all?05:40
sbalneavI don't think installing from a hard drive partition is supported.05:41
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eugeneaiYes. Asus S200 have no CD-ROM. Are there a way to boot squashfs fron HDD without vmware?05:49
eugeneai.. or install to a remote PC?05:50
eugeneai.. or use bootstap from Debian? Is it supported.05:52
eugeneaiIs it possible to "renew" form some of debian distro?05:54
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MrGreen_anyone hjome12:01
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highvoltagehowdy bddebian 03:11
bddebianHeya highvoltage03:11
bddebianHowdy Kamping_Kaiser, jsgotangco03:11
jsgotangcoToo bad this mobile client doesnt have tab completion03:12
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highvoltageedubuntugirl: goodnight08:42
edubuntugirlgoodnight, highvoltage. I'll keep an eye out for the MS spies while you sleep.08:42
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Amaranthedubuntugirl: goodnight09:15
edubuntugirlgoodnight, Amaranth. I'll keep an eye out for the MS spies while you sleep.09:15
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