
=== doko_ [n=doko@dslb-088-073-098-237.pools.arcor-ip.net] has joined #ubuntu-toolchain
=== cjwatson accepts kernel binaries (amd64, i386, ia64)
=== mlpug [n=user@a84-231-238-186.elisa-laajakaista.fi] has left #ubuntu-toolchain ["Leaving"]
fabbionecjwatson: no point.. we need another kernel upload12:59
=== doko [n=doko@dslb-088-073-098-237.pools.arcor-ip.net] has joined #ubuntu-toolchain
=== lfittl [n=lfittl@] has joined #ubuntu-toolchain
cjwatsonfabbione: fair enough, probably did no harm to NEW it though :)05:34
fabbionecjwatson: yeah06:05
dokofabbione: how is the test build looking?06:18
fabbionedoko: i will start it tomorrow morning. waiting Jeff to send me binutils and it's sunday :) i had to take care of my son today06:19
fabbionei have katie ready anyway06:20
fabbioneit's a matter of few commands to start it06:20
fabbionedoko: do you want to receive the buildlogs via email?06:24
fabbioneinfinity: same question for ya..06:24
fabbionedoko: i got a  clean glibc build on ppc. building gcc now07:56
Dvalinyou have kids?07:58
fabbioneDvalin: yeps.. one07:59
Dvalinfabbione: current toolchain for sparc broken in ubuntu?08:01
fabbioneDvalin: edgy is fine. we are testing for the next release08:01
fabbioneglibc are ok08:01
fabbionegcc did build but it needs testing08:01
fabbionethat's what i am going to do tomorrow08:01
fabbioneDvalin: with the niagara i will rebuild a random set of a 1000 pkgs08:02
fabbioneand install them08:02
fabbionesee if nothing obvious break08:02
DvalinI had some difficulties tracking your packages08:13
Dvalinin comparision to our ways08:13
Dvalinbut I haven't had much time to investigate the issue much further08:14
fabbionetuesday i might have some spare time and i can give you the general directions on how we package/patch08:15
fabbionethat can help you a bit08:15
Dvalinthat would be cool08:17
fabbioneif you still have the installation on the other disk we can use it as chroot to get the tools to unpack and stuff like that08:18
DvalinI have it available, been playing with it via chroot some :)08:25
Dvalinbut I'm still puzzled by sparcv8 as default target..08:25
DvalinI can see a few reasonings for it maybe, but some of it seems kinda obsoleted..08:26
=== cjwatson_ [n=cjwatson@82-69-40-219.dsl.in-addr.zen.co.uk] has joined #ubuntu-toolchain
fabbionedoko: gcc 18ubuntu1 doesn't build on ppc09:35
dokofabbione: thats on feisty?09:51
fabbionei took the source from ronne/doko/gcc/4.1/09:53
dokofabbione: successfully built it on davis:~doko/gcc/4.1, using glibc-2.5 ...10:07
fabbionetry using linux32 dpkg---10:08
fabbionethis is on ppc32 kernel10:08
fabbionealso the glibc on davis didn't pass the test suite10:08
fabbionethis one did10:08
dokofabbione: linux32 ...  does work, but not on a G4, thats known10:09
fabbionedoko: davis is G5 ppc6410:10
fabbionemy failure is on G4 10:10
dokoif you want to build on a 32bit kernel, you cannot build biarch10:10
fabbionethat's special.. 10:10
fabbionebut ok10:10
dokoI still don't understand what does work and what not. I could successfully build the biarch compiler in the feisty-libc chroot on davis10:12
fabbioneglibc that was built on davis for feisty-libc was without the test suite. That problem has been hunted down to a kernel issue10:12
fabbionenext i did build glibc locally (ppc32) with the whole test suite and it went ok10:13
fabbioneand then i did try to build gcc10:13
fabbioneand it fails10:13
fabbioneas you say it's known but it sounds strange to me10:13
dokofabbione: it's a failure during the configury of the target libraries, isn't it?10:14
fabbioneConfiguring in powerpc-linux-gnu/libiberty10:15
fabbionelooks likw10:16
dokoyes, so install your new glibc on davis tomorrow and try there again10:16
doko(or build gcc-4.1 prefixed with WITHOUT_LANG=biarch ...10:16
fabbionei don't have root on davis10:16
fabbionei need to ask admins to do it for me10:17
dokoelmo seems to be awake ...10:41
dokofabbione: ^^^10:41
fabbionedoko: yes, but we don't have the kernel yet10:41
fabbionewe need Ben to upload10:42
dokoahh, ok10:42
fabbioneelmo is NEVER going to run a kernel from my deb... 10:42
fabbionehe can't trust them and that's the same i would do with his debs10:42
fabbionehe needs to get them out of archive10:42
=== fabbione -> bed
fabbionegood night10:44
=== lfittl [n=lfittl@] has joined #ubuntu-toolchain
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