
salimindeed, and this new release is really greate12:01
somedudedoes chinese and usb work right out the box on ubuntu12:01
ianmacgregorI would love to be able to do that12:01
Berdinetonyyarusso, I'ma try the other way to do it in the link you gave me~ :)12:01
=== Berdine crosses fingers
mwePotato333: but if you know of some specific options to gcc or the configure process that would speed up things it could be faster if you compiled it yourself12:01
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Tim90I jsut want to watch tv and listen to radio or music12:01
wastrelianmacgregor:  i don't believe it's possible in gnome12:01
Potato333mwe:  i getcha12:01
dekeladabaR, Guess what!!!?? I am in my Ubuntu!!! The only thing I needed to change what the root partition12:01
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DavieyTim90, if thats all you want. why use mythtv?  it;s a little bloated for JUST watching tv12:01
ianmacgregorwastrel: :(12:01
dekeladabaR, It was (hd0,2)12:01
wastrelianmacgregor:  i think you can in kde - totally may be wrong tho :] 12:02
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Tim90Daviey: im new to this ,what can i use12:02
dabaRdekela: what do you mean? do you mean that what we did worked, or you tried something else?12:02
Potato333OK before i go, last time i will ask.----ACT! is a commercial Contact and Customer Relationship Management Software. ----Is there a OpenSource or FreeWare application similar to ACT?12:02
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ianmacgregorwastrel: Yes, you can do it in KDE12:02
dekeladabaR, It loaded grub12:02
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dekeladabaR, which is a start12:02
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somedudedoes ubuntu use kde12:02
dabaRPotato333: aptitude search crm12:02
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apokryphossomedude: check the FAQ12:02
factorx_somedude, no, but kubuntu does12:03
mwesomedude: not by default12:03
DavieyTim90, try Rhythumbox (sp) for music12:03
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Potato333dabaR: roger that12:03
dekeladabaR, then I when I tried to load it failed on (hd1,4) so I changed it to (hd0,2)12:03
mwesomedude: you can install it if you like though or just get kubuntu12:03
dekeladabaR, Anyway.. You are the man12:03
somedudeis ubuntu supporting gnome too12:03
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somedudei think ive had enough of fedora for now12:03
Potato333-------ok everyone, i am out. THanks again for all your help! I love you all! =D12:03
dekeladabaR, Or woman... ;-)12:03
Tim90i want a media center pc12:03
mwesomedude: well it's the default DE12:03
dabaRPotato333: there is an app called otrs. ask google that question I am sure it knows of an app that you could use12:03
somedudebut i left debian for a reason and i dont want to go back12:03
DavieyTim90, then you do want to sue mythtv12:03
somedudewhats the default de gnome?12:03
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mwesomedude: yeah12:04
nomoreI've upgraded my Ubuntu to Edgy Eft, from Dapper Drake, I was so happy, it asked me to reboot the pc to take effect, when I did. AlL it does is that, it goes black. I tried booting into (recovery mode), and when i type 'startx' to manually start x server, I get this error -> Failed to start the X server. It is likely that it is not setup correctly. How do i fix this problem?12:04
dabaRdekela: thanks.12:04
DanSchnellLjL, are you back yet?12:04
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DavieyTim90, not sue, use12:04
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LjLDanSchnell: yes12:04
C-O-L-Thello I have a bug with power management in dapper. When I close my laptop lid ubuntu shuts down my screen and when I reopen it I can not turn my screen on just with ctrl+alt+f712:04
dekeladabaR, And BTW: I love you for that!!!12:04
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Potato333dabaR: ok12:04
dabaRdekela: heh12:04
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DanSchnellLjL, now what?12:04
mwesomedude: sudo aptitude install kubuntu desktop would get kde though12:04
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salimdoes anybody know a good howto to install my ati-x700-mobility-card on my ubuntu 6.10 ?12:04
ubotuTo install the Ati/NVidia drivers for your video card, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto12:04
Tim90Whats the data base about,is it a file sever like thing12:05
DavieyTim90, okay.... do you have a combined front & backend.  Ie are the tuners on the box that will be connected to te tv12:05
mwesomedude: or you could DL the kubuntu install cd instead12:05
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wastreldabaR:  that howto is broken12:05
rudaj #d00dz f0rk12:05
dabaRwastrel: really?12:05
wastreldabaR:  it didn't work for me anyway12:05
wastrelit's missing a step (again, at least for my system)12:05
Tim90COrrect Daviey: they are in the box that will be connected to the tv12:05
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dabaRwastrel: did you note that on the wiki?12:05
hilzjrib: thanks. i am in the process of upgrading! thank you for your help12:06
LjLDanSchnell: are you in a shell?12:06
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DavieyTim90, you will get much better support from #mythtv-users12:06
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DavieyTim90, the database stores all the settings for mythtv12:06
wastreldabaR:  not yet - i wanted to see if someone smarter than me thought it was safe12:06
DanSchnellLjL, no but I have the console open12:06
Tim90Cheers Davie12:06
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C-O-L-Thello I have a bug with power management in dapper. When I close my laptop lid ubuntu shuts down my screen and when I reopen it I can not turn my screen on just with ctrl+alt+f712:06
Carlozevening all12:06
=== gypo [n=gypo9999@216-145-226-224.rev.dls.net] has joined #ubuntu
DavieyTim90, if your after a dedicated mythtv box... then i would probably start off with knoppmyth.  Thats what i used until i got my head around linux12:07
somedudethat tech support guy in the green shirt on the ubuntu website gives me a bad vibe12:07
dabaRwastrel: well, I am not that person.12:07
CarlozIm getting a cannot initialize hal when I login12:07
somedudewhy are there so many pictures of people on that site12:07
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wastreldabaR:  the fglrx module wasn't loading after I followed the ATI howto, I found another howto that suggested doing    sudo depmod -a   -  and that fixed it12:07
LjLDanSchnell: type "sudo nano /etc/X11/xorg.conf"12:07
somedudeno other distro has all these people pictures on it12:07
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gypocan someone help a total noob?12:07
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Baconubuntu isnt bad12:07
dabaRsomedude: ubuntu - I am who I am cause of what we are. Ubuntu- linux for human beings, get the flow?12:07
ubotuDon't ask to ask a question. Just ask your question :)12:07
BaconI have some questions: someone do a 1 on 1 chat with me?12:07
MTPIUsertsk tsk12:07
LjLDanSchnell: you should see a long file.12:07
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ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about lid - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi12:08
clopwill the linux-image-2.6.17-10-generic be an smp kernel?12:08
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Tim90Good idea12:08
Carlozanyone ?12:08
dabaRBacon: just ask here.12:08
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Carlozim using egdy12:08
nomasteryoda|wBryanJK, did you get it installed?...12:08
nomoreI've upgraded my Ubuntu to Edgy Eft, from Dapper Drake, I was so happy, it asked me to reboot the pc to take effect, when I did. AlL it does is that, it goes black. I tried booting into (recovery mode), and when i type 'startx' to manually start x server, I get this error -> Failed to start the X server. It is likely that it is not setup correctly. How do i fix this problem?12:08
DanSchnellLjL, yes12:08
BacondabaR: I cant connect to the internet does ubuntu recognize my WiFi connection via USB?12:08
Russelwhere is the init file for the time update at boot time?12:08
dabaRnomore: tried sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg?12:08
dabaRBacon: run iwconfig to see12:08
BryanJKHey nomasteryoda?12:08
CarlozdabaR:   can u help me ?12:09
nomasteryoda|wman, i've gotta run for now, but surely someone here will be able to help..12:09
mwenomore: grep EE /var/log/Xorg.0.log for clues12:09
BaconI wouldn't know what iwconfig is =/12:09
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BryanJKIs it possible to steal the filles of a VMware Virtal Hardisk and place them so they boot on my actualy pc?12:09
dabaRgypo: just ask your question12:09
BaconI just ran the "LIVE" function12:09
gypoI cant connect to the internet, i can ping my router, but i cant do apt-get update12:09
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nomoredabaR Not yet, After I've typed that, should i go on and proceed to 'startx' ?12:09
dabaRgypo: can you ping the internet?12:09
LjLDanSchnell: ok, now hit Ctrl+W, and type "PCI:1:0:0" -- does that move you to somewhere in the file that says PCI:1:0:0?12:09
gypodont know how12:09
dabaRnomore: try that tell us how it worked.12:09
nomoremwe but the problem is that, it has strange characters around the borders.12:09
Carlozanyone ?12:09
nomorebig A12:10
dabaRgypo: ping in a terminal12:10
Alpha3dabar - wth is the internet? how do u ping it?12:10
BacondabaR: While I am educated somewhat on PC symantecs I dont understand the partition deal...12:10
nomasteryoda|wBryanJK, windows you mean? I would guess windows pukes on different hardware ... as such a change would bring. Vmware is definitely different from your real hardware12:10
nomoreAlpha3 in terminal.12:10
dabaRAlpha3: do you need some help?12:10
somedudei find the name warty warthog makes me think of someone horribly disfigured by warts12:10
Hamal_Dragoni have a problem. I updated to edgy and no i cant boot. It show a messages telling that theres no /sbin/init. I have mounted the partition and indeed theres no init on sbin, and i dont know what to do12:10
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BryanJKAS in12:10
CarlozdabaR:   I need help12:10
tuxubhello, is there a easy way to change the default encoding of the OS?12:10
CarlozIm getting a cannot initialize hal when I login12:10
BryanJKdid ubuntu install drivers ?12:10
Alpha3dabar - that was a joke, u cant ping the internet12:10
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DanSchnellLjL, yes12:10
BryanJKor is it able to be moved?12:10
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livingtmanyone have a plextor convertx tv tuner box working in edgy?12:10
nomasteryoda|wubuntu on the other hand should boot fine BryanJK but you'll have to tweak grub and install it if it's not there...12:10
dabaRAlpha3: I can12:10
somedudeand edgy eft makes me think of a guy on crystal meth whos asking me for change12:10
Alpha3dabar - u can ping a site on the internet, but not it specifically12:10
Alpha3dabar - whats the internets ip?12:11
somedudelinux people gotta make better names for their stuff12:11
gypoits trying but its stalled12:11
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LjLDanSchnell: ok. now, on the line just above that one, you should have     Driver "something"            --  change that to       Driver "vesa"12:11
gypocan we talk private12:11
BryanJKhow do i extract files from a VMware hardrive?12:11
dabaRAlpha3: you think you stated something that we did not know already?12:11
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Alpha3gypo - check ifconfig12:11
gypodid that, it looks good12:11
noexHey al.12:11
Hamal_Dragonplease, help12:11
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CarlozPLEASE HELP12:11
LjLDanSchnell: done?12:11
DanSchnellLjL, yes12:12
Alpha3gypo - cat /etc/resolv.conf - see if ns servers were grabbed as well12:12
LjL!caps | carloz12:12
ubotucarloz: PLEASE DON'T SHOUT! We can read lowercase too.12:12
BryanJKi love that12:12
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CarlozIm getting a cannot initialize hal when I login12:12
LjLDanSchnell: now hit Ctrl+X, then S, then Enter, to save and exit12:12
noexAnyone else having issues with Flash 9 on Edgy? I can't seem to get ABC.com streaming video to work, although right clicking on the site shows me that I am using Version 9. Any ideas?12:12
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BryanJKgod i hate this script (B)(e)()(R)(i)(g)(h)(t)()(B)(a)(c)(k)12:12
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Hamal_Dragoni have a problem. I updated to edgy and no i cant boot. It show a messages telling that theres no /sbin/init. I have mounted the partition and indeed theres no init on sbin, and i dont know what to do12:12
DanSchnellLjL, saved12:13
LjLDanSchnell: now type "sudo /etc/init.d/gdm restart"12:13
Carlozis someone going to help me ?12:13
=== BryanJK [n=bryanjk2@c-69-136-10-113.hsd1.in.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
gypoalpha  tried it and just gives me another prompt12:13
dabaRCarloz: did you try rebooting?12:13
Carlozyes i did12:13
dabaRCarloz: is there anything that does not work because of that error?12:13
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Alpha3gypo - is that file empty?12:14
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gypohow do i know?12:14
GassedCould someone guide me through compiling Pure Data?12:14
Carlozwell the device manager dont work, guess its cuz of hal too12:14
dabaRAlpha3: well, since there was nothing displayed, yes the file was empty.12:14
gypoim a total noob12:14
DanSchnellLjL, did that.  I think its restarting, but I'm still stuck in xorg.conf12:14
clopwoah, my emacs fonts are all screwed up after upgrading to edgy12:14
lukebcan anyone help me with this problem please? http://www.ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=167941112:14
Carlozand i can add users from x12:14
profoX`What does upstart have to do with teardown? how are the projects linked? is teardown integrated in upstart now?12:14
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BryanJKhey nomasteryoda? do you know how to extract VMware Virtual Hardisk images?12:14
gypoalpha  Can i edit that file?12:14
LjLDanSchnell: hm? stuck in xorg.conf, what do you mean?12:14
wastrel!grub | lukeb12:14
ubotulukeb: grub is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost grub after installing windows: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RecoveringUbuntuAfterInstallingWindows - Making GRUB floppies & other GRUB howtos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto12:14
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Carlozi switch to linux so i wont have to reboot everytime theres a problem :/12:15
lukebthanks wastrel, ur a champ!12:15
ProN00bwhen will that gnome bug getting fixed ?12:15
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DanSchnellLjL, i typed in the command and pressed enter and its still there on the bottom of the screen with the /etc/X11/xorg.conf info (nVidia driver etc) above it12:16
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Carlozgod damn it! im switching back to Gentoo, ubuntu`s support sucks balls!12:16
ProN00bthe one where icons you move in the iconbar loose their propertys12:16
tuxubmy nautilus left tree view has disappeared since I upgraded to edgy on one of my 3 machines. the other 2 stayed ok. is there a way to reenable the treeview?12:16
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LjLDanSchnell: wait, if you've still got the xorg.conf file on your screen, you haven't really saved it... what does it say on the status line, at the bottom=12:16
Hamal_Dragoni have a problem. I updated to edgy and no i cant boot. It show a messages telling that theres no /sbin/init. I have mounted the partition and indeed theres no init on sbin, and i dont know what to do12:16
Hamal_Dragonplease help!12:17
CPF_Anyone here knows a good program for connecting to a device using the NULL modem?12:17
LjLDanSchnell: oh wait, i told you to press Ctrl+X then S then Enter... that would be Ctrl+X then *Y* then Enter12:17
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tonyyarussoIs there a way to have sed apply the changes it makes to a file other than sed 's/dfs/dsf/' file > file?12:17
Hamal_Dragonis there a way to restore init without reinstalling?12:17
DanSchnellubuntu@ubuntu:~$ sudo /etc/init.d/gdm restart12:17
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TriplemehI have a question about keyboard shortcuts and sound.12:17
DanSchnellLjL, thats actually what I did, since there was no S choice12:17
Kingsqueakperl -pie s/dfs/dsf/ filename.txt12:18
TriplemehEach time I set a keyboard shortcut (in gnome) to control sound volume, it lowers and raises the default volume.12:18
mweHamal_Dragon: I think sysvinit was replace by upstart12:18
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mweHamal_Dragon: how did you upgrade?12:18
TriplemehIn my case, it is the LFE channel...something I do not have because I use headphones (so it is the front channel)12:18
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NemesisDhey guys, im trying to get this stupid d-link usb wireless adapter working with ubuntu and someone suggested that instead of using ndiswrapper, ubuntu might have "native" support for it, anyone know anything about this?12:18
Triplemehhow do I change the default?12:18
Hamal_Dragoni updated the sources.list, and do dist-upgrade12:18
ReconUnit411Is there a way to upgrde to 6.10 without resetting everything?12:18
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dabaRHamal_Dragon: and the sysvinit package is installed?12:19
Hamal_Dragonbut i rebooted into the new kernel without problems. The proble came during the second boot12:19
LjLDanSchnell: oh, alright then, but if you still have the file on your screen, it means you haven't really saved and closed yet12:19
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BryanJKWhat program do you guys use to Burn ISOs to CDs12:19
DanSchnellLjL, I'll just reboot again...12:19
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ubotuTo mount an .iso image: sudo mount -o loop my.iso /some/mountpoint - bin/cue can be converted to iso with bchunk  .iso images of Ubuntu CDs can be downloaded from http://releases.ubuntu.com Always verify the .iso before burning, see http://help.ubuntu.com/community/VerifyIsoHowto or http://www.linuxquestions.org/linux/answers/LQ_ISO/Checking_the_md5sum_in_Windows12:19
JoseStefanBryanJK, i just right click the ISO12:19
Hamal_Dragonno, its not installed12:19
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BryanJKtsk tsk tsk12:20
dabaRBryanJK: right click>write to disc12:20
BryanJKbut thats not built into windows12:20
BryanJKyou need a third party proggie for it12:20
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livingtmanyone know if edgy for amd64 kernel has video4linux option in it?12:20
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DanSchnellLjL, should i start Ubuntu in safe graphics mode?12:20
bimbimalguien hable espaol12:20
LjLDanSchnell: wait. what do you have on your screen? do you still have a white bar at the bottom?12:20
ubotuUbuntu can be installed in lots of ways. Please see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation for documentation. Problems during install? See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/CommonProblemsInstall and https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DapperReleaseNotes/UbiquityKnownIssues12:20
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funkygreendogslads anyone help me windows overwrote the master boot record and i need to get back into ubuntu !!12:20
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LjLDanSchnell, no use restarting. any changes you made to xorg.conf will be lost12:21
Hamal_Dragonand apt says that the upstart pack is not available, but replaced by many others12:21
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ZyfoWhen I run todo.sh I get this error message: ./todo.sh: 181: shopt: not found // ./todo.sh: 207: Syntax error: "(" unexpected (expecting ";;") What's wrong?12:21
dabaRBryanJK: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BurningIsoHowto12:21
DanSchnellLjL, not anymore I rebooted, but I had a white line of text if that what you mean12:21
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dabaRZyfo: we need to see the script12:21
bimbimalguien habla espaol12:22
LjL!es | bimbim12:22
ubotubimbim: Para Espaol por favor usen #ubuntu-es, #kubuntu-es o #edubuntu-es, all obtendrn mas ayuda.12:22
ZyfodabaR, http://todotxt.com/library/todo.sh/ It should work though, I didn't code it :P12:22
nomoredabaR, I've ran your cmd, and it said my xserver was broken or not install, I've installed xserver, and now, im chatting from my 6.10 box,thanks!12:22
dabaRfunkygreendogs: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RecoveringUbuntuAfterInstallingWindows12:22
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dabaRnomore: so I fixed your issue? I don't even remember talking to you, but great12:23
Hamal_Dragonif i try to install upstarts it says that have been replaced by sysvinit, and if i try to install sysvinit, that it have been replaced by upstart12:23
Hamal_Dragondont understand anything12:23
funkygreendogsdabaR: thanks mate12:23
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dabaRbimbim: /j #ubuntu-es12:23
Web-ubuntu557why my printer epson epl-6200l non work? please help me....12:23
jrattnerCan you over clock a screen resolution12:23
uboturar is a non-free archive format created by Rarsoft. For instructions on accessing .rar files through the Archive Manager view https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FileCompression. There is a free (as in speech) unrar utility as well, see !info unrar-free12:23
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JoseStefanjrattner, display "shouldn't" let you12:24
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NemesisDanyone? can't get my USB network adapter working with ndiswrapper, im on my second day trying to get this thing going12:24
Hamal_Dragoni have noticed that cant access internet throw the chrooted partiton12:24
Megaqwertyfor some reason Open Office .org's Word Proccessor isn't underlining incorrectly spelled words. Can anyone help?12:24
Hamal_Dragonwhat can i do to do an apt-get update?12:24
nomoredabaR,  I'm the one, who had the Failed X server, error. and you've suggested sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg12:24
mweHamal_Dragon: did you aptitude dist-upgrade or apt-get dist-upgrade? I heard about problems with the latter12:24
Hamal_Dragonapt-get, mwe12:24
retryso I can get X to start if I run startX -- -ignoreABI <-- how do I fix this or permanently work around it?12:24
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Hamal_Dragoni just readed in the official web site12:25
AkumAPRIMEhmm... is it difficult to watch embedded movies? I have a link if anyone wants to see a specific example. I think its wmv, not certain though.12:25
TGPONemesisD the biggest problem people run into with ndiswrapper is using the wrong drivers even though they have the same name12:25
mweHamal_Dragon: at least "upstart" is what you need. it provides init as well12:25
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Dr_willisretry,  i think kdm/gdm config files have options for that in their configs.. and there also some other xconfigs that you may set that as the defaults.12:25
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NemesisDTGPO, got the drivers from the d-link website and have both of them installed, both are detected12:25
mweHamal_Dragon: sudo aptitude dist-upgrade now if you can somehow maybe12:26
Hamal_Dragonbut, how can i installed in the chrooted partiton? i try lynx, or apt-get update and cant connect to the internet12:26
jrattnerQuestion: If I have a pentium 4 with HT what kernel should i be using?12:26
Megaqwertydoes anyone know how to fix my problem? (it should be quick) ^^12:26
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uboturar is a non-free archive format created by Rarsoft. For instructions on accessing .rar files through the Archive Manager view https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FileCompression. There is a free (as in speech) unrar utility as well, see !info unrar-free12:26
GassedPlease, can someone help me compile PureData12:26
jrattnerRight now im using linux-generic12:26
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TGPONemesisD match up lspci with lspci -n and get the drivers from the ndiswrapper wiki. 99% of the time that clears up the problems12:26
mcrandelloMegaqwerty, you might get better heolp for openoffice in #openoffice.org12:27
Hamal_DragonMegaqwerty: you probably havent installed the dictionary in your language12:27
mcrandelloor that12:27
Hamal_Dragonlook at the language section in the configuration12:27
Megaqwertyno, it worked before.12:27
Megaqwertythanks mcrandello, i'll try that12:27
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NemesisDTGPO okay let me try that12:27
NemesisDTGPO, its USB though12:27
JoseStefantonyyarusso, man sed for "-i" switch12:27
mcrandelloheh the topic for @openoffice is "openoffice.org actually haspeople in it"12:27
Hamal_Dragonmwe: do you know how to use chrrot with intenet available in tha selected partition ?12:28
jrattnerQuestion: If I have a Pentium 4 with HT what kernel should i be using?12:28
DanSchnellLjL, i just ran <sudo /etc/init.d/gdm restart> and my console reads "Stopping GNOME Display Manager [OK]  Starting GNOME Display Manager [Fail] "12:28
TGPOyou'll be matching the lsusb -n (I think)12:28
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iron_manhanybody have a problem with cursor rendering on second monitor with edgy?12:28
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Gassedcan someone help me compile PureData12:29
NemesisDTGPO, lsusb doesn't seem to have the option for -n12:29
mweHamal_Dragon: yes. boot a live cd and get internet connection from that. then chroot12:29
AkumAPRIMEok, so I'm reading the Gentoo HowTo Dual monitor wiki, but it doesnt have info on my integrated intel video card. Anyone here know if I can use the settings from the other cards with my intel card?12:29
dabaRGassed: what have you tried so far?12:29
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GasseddabaR: I tried ./configure12:29
dabaRGassed: and do you have some pastebin links for us?12:29
lupine_85jrattner: linux-2.6.17-10-generic12:29
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NemesisDTGPO, am i looking for vendor and product id?12:29
lupine_85or build your own12:29
BerdineMkay, I'm trying to do this: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RecoveringUbuntuAfterInstallingWindows, the second one on the page, and it says "Mount your appropriate linux partions:" But I'm not sure how to do that?12:29
jrattnerlupine_85, thank you12:29
mcrandelloiron_manh, I got a big goofy blck of crap instead of a cursor with the fglrx drivers and dual head, but then I still have to reconfigure it for big-desktop12:29
Hamal_Dragonmwe: thats exactly what im doing. I have internet outside the chroot console, but not inside12:29
GasseddabaR: what do you mean12:29
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dabaRGassed: did you get errors? we will need to see them, pastebin is a good place to post, see topic.12:30
mweHamal_Dragon: maybe you need to copy over resolv.conf first12:30
iron_manhmcrandello, i have the same problem too, how did you solve it?12:30
mweHamal_Dragon: can you ping a numeric IP?12:30
Hamal_Dragonmwe: ill try, thanks12:30
Megaqwertyit doesn't seem like anyone is alive in #openoffice.org, so does anyone know why OpenOffice.org's Word Processor isn't underlining incorrectly spelled words?12:30
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sfdsadfdsfhi, my soundblaster live 5.1 doesn't sound, what can I do?12:30
dabaRMegaqwerty: spell check is off?12:30
mcrandelloiron_manh, I haven't yet. I'm going to try copying over an older xorg.conf and see if that helps later12:30
MegaqwertydabaR: how would I fix that?12:30
GasseddabaR: all I get it  error: C compiler cannot create executables12:31
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MegaqwertyI'm not sure what I did :-\12:31
GasseddabaR: I have GCC12:31
ubotuFor multimedia codecs see: https://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html and for applications see this: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MultimediaApplications12:31
mcrandelloiron_manh, my first goal is to get the wifi off the same irq as the mouse+modem12:31
BacondabaR: is there any manuals about partitioning drives using ubuntu's installer?12:31
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pazemlsqdfmojim having problems with my pda hookup, anyone have any experience with that?12:31
NemesisDTGPO, -d seems to show vendor and productid, is that what im supposed to be looking for in lsusb?12:31
Cilindradori just CTRL-ALT-BCLSPace'd my system, and now the resolution's gone to hell. it was supposed to be 1280*800, but now im stuk with 800*600... Ideas????12:31
Hamal_Dragonmwe: i can ping my router12:31
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dabaRGassed: I would still prefer to see it on a pastebin, and do you have build-essential installed?12:31
Dr_willissfdsadfdsf,  check the mixer settings to be sure its unmuted for a start.. check dmesg output to see if its seen, and lspci output..  it shoudl work fine.12:31
mcrandelloMegaqwerty, check the options for autocorrect/spellcheck12:31
LjLDanSchnell: messy issue... look, all i can tell you is to try "sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg" again. i'd ask you to pastebin your xorg.conf, but i suppose you can't12:31
dabaRBacon: not that I know of12:31
GasseddabaR: No I don12:31
TGPONemesisD the xxxx:xxxx code for device ID12:31
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mweHamal_Dragon: well maybe you need to bind /dev as well. hold on I think I have some notes ...12:31
dabaRGassed: go get it12:31
BerdineCan anyone point me in the right direction? :312:31
Bacondabar: how do I know which drive to partition? =/12:31
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iron_manhmcrandello: ah I see, I tried using my old xorg.conf but it doesn't work. even after setting 'Option "SW_Cursor" "true"'12:32
GasseddabaR: apt-get install build-essential?12:32
NemesisDok i think thats -d lemme try it12:32
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dabaRGassed: sudo aptitude install build-essential12:32
mr3vilhey everyone. i have problems installing the gstreamer0.10-pitfdll in dapper? can anyone help me?12:32
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mcrandelloiron_manh, maybe you have to do something specifically like that for the second head12:32
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Megaqwertymcrandello: I don't see it.12:32
mcrandelloI'm at a loss with this R7 stuff12:32
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AlienXnot to sound like a lamer, but is anyone having any issues with firefox crashing when in myspace?12:32
mweHamal_Dragon: well you need to bind /proc I think12:32
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Hamal_Dragonmwe: how?12:33
mweHamal_Dragon: where is your broken system mounted?12:33
Bacondabar: this might sound queer, but where would I type in iwconfig?12:33
DanSchnellLjL, i did <sudo nano /etc/x11/xorg.conf> and editted and saved it then ram <sudo /etc/init.d/gdm restart> and now the 3 lines after it read12:33
strabesAlienX: no but it's probably  a problem with your plugins12:33
iron_manhmcrandello: hmm, tried that too.12:33
CilindradorAlienX that's called self-defense12:33
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Hamal_Dragonmwe: on /mnt12:33
mcrandelloMegaqwerty, http://www.tutorialsforopenoffice.org/tutorial/Spellcheck_and_Thesaurus.html see if that helps12:33
Zyfoin .bashrc, how do I enable a ./thingy to be launched everywhere? I got told to write "PATH=$PATH:"<path to your folder>"  but doesn't seem to work12:33
dabaRBacon: in a terminal12:33
Hamal_Dragonmwe: but i did chroot /mnt12:33
GasseddabaR: Why does it have to be so hard to compile C/C++?12:33
mweHamal_Dragon: exit that12:33
AlienXstrabes, i was thinking that too but I'm not sure12:33
AlienXCilindrador, lol hilarious12:33
Hamal_Dragonmwe: so now / is the broken aprtition12:33
DanSchnellLjL, stopping GNOME Display Manager [Ok]  Starting GNOME Display Manager [Fail] 12:33
NemesisDTGPO, it appears to be 2001:3a03, does that sound about right?12:33
Bacondabar: lord if I knew what a terminal was =/12:33
TGPOthat sounds right12:33
dabaRBacon: apps>accessories12:33
GasseddabaR: the thing I like about Windows is that you can usually download the binaries12:34
Bacongot ya12:34
Hamal_Dragonmwe: now what?12:34
mweHamal_Dragon: then sudo cp /etc/resolv.conf /mnt/etc/12:34
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MegaqwertyAlienX: it may be a problem with flash. Try changing you xorg.conf Display section from 16 bit to 24 bit12:34
dabaRGassed: the thing I like about windows is nothing12:34
Bacondabar: I really just need help installing ubuntu, I dont understand their partition option12:34
AlienXmegadom, that would make sense. cheers!12:34
mweHamal_Dragon: then sudo mount -t proc -o bind /proc -o bind /proc /mnt/proc12:34
dabaRBacon: what OS are you running now?12:34
NemesisDTGPO, now which wiki was it that i was supposed to search this ID for?12:34
BaconWindows OS12:34
BaconI have two hard drives12:34
TGPOndiswrapper wiki12:34
dabaRBacon: OK, go on12:35
GasseddabaR: I like Windows and Linux, Linux tends to be a little more secure but Windows is for newbs at PCs or people who prefer an easier machine12:35
Baconthe second hard drive is split in two partitions12:35
mweHamal_Dragon: typo12:35
dabaRGassed: which I am not, so it is not for me12:35
GasseddabaR: I hate their tech support though, they know nothing12:35
TGPONemesisD I'll see if I can get the link for the exact page12:35
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MegaqwertyAlienX: so it looks like this:12:35
Megaqwerty    DefaultDepth    2412:35
LjLi tol you --  DanSchnell: messy issue... look, all i can tell you is to try "sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg" again. i'd ask you to pastebin your xorg.conf, but i suppose you can't12:35
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mweHamal_Dragon: sudo mount -t proc -o bind /proc /mnt/proc12:35
Hamal_Dragonmwe: trying to copy resolv conf it says it cant12:35
mweHamal_Dragon: that's it sorry12:35
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mweHamal_Dragon: oh12:35
mweHamal_Dragon: what did you type?12:35
GasseddabaR: Some korean woman thought I was getting a new pc after I explained that I was just switching cases12:35
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AlienXmegadom, yeah, I just changed it. I'll need to restart gdm before anything will go into effect12:36
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MegaqwertyAlienX: cool, hope it works12:36
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dabaRGassed: happens, training programs in tech support projects is crap lot of the time12:36
lars_-hi, is it possible to get ubuntu to install from a usbpen?12:36
AkumAPRIMEAnyone here using dual monitor setup?12:36
lars_-i'm having trouble with my cd rom i think12:36
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Hamal_Dragonmwe: ok, i do it12:36
AlienXMegaqwerty, ack! sorry, I didn't realize I was hilighting someone else's nick :) I do appreciate your suggestion :)12:36
dabaRBacon: and you want to install ubuntu on one of those partitions on the second drive?12:37
ivxhey i upgraded to edgy and now frost wire doesn't work. when i try to run it it says runFrost.sh: 44: Syntax error: "(" unexpected (expecting "}"). anyone know whats up with that12:37
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mweHamal_Dragon: you did it, bind proc and cp resolv.conf?12:37
Logixim trying to upgrade to 6.10, but getting an error during the upgrade process... can anybody help?12:37
Hamal_Dragonmwe: both12:37
TGPONemesisD heres that link http://ndiswrapper.sourceforge.net/mediawiki/index.php/List12:37
ivxlogix what error? what are you doing12:37
Hamal_Dragonmwe: chrrot now?12:37
MegaqwertyLogix: what is your error?12:37
GasseddabaR: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/28949/12:37
NemesisDTGPO, thanks!12:37
mweHamal_Dragon: now sudo chroot /mnt. then ping yahoo.com12:37
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Logixim running gksu "update-manager -c"12:38
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Logixand it starts downloading files and all...12:38
Logixthen i get the following error12:38
Hamal_Dragonmwe: ok!, it worked!12:38
dabaRGassed: link to page where you got the source, please.12:38
LogixA problem occurred during the update. This is usually some sort of network problem, please check your network connection and retry."12:38
lukebis it possible to have a trash can on the desktop?12:38
Hamal_Dragonmwe: thanks! ill try to install now upstart12:38
GasseddabaR: www.puredata.info12:38
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mweHamal_Dragon: now source /etc/profile then sudo aptitude update && sudo aptitude dist-upgrade12:38
LogixFailed to fetch http://packages.freecontrib.org/plf/dists/dapper/Release.gpg Could not resolve packages.freecontrib.org12:38
LogixFailed to fetch http://packages.freecontrib.org/plf/dists/dapper/free/binary-i386/Packages.gz Could not resolve packages.freecontrib.org12:38
LogixFailed to fetch http://packages.freecontrib.org/plf/dists/dapper/non-free/binary-i386/Packages.gz Could not resolve packages.freecontrib.org12:38
LogixFailed to fetch http://packages.freecontrib.org/plf/dists/dapper/free/source/Sources.gz Could not resolve packages.freecontrib.org12:38
LogixFailed to fetch http://packages.freecontrib.org/plf/dists/dapper/non-free/source/Sources.gz Could not resolve packages.freecontrib.org12:38
ubotupastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (you can always find it in the channel topic, among other useful things)12:39
JoseStefan!paste | Logix12:39
ubotuLogix: pastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (you can always find it in the channel topic, among other useful things)12:39
AkumAPRIMEwow logix: you can pastebin that12:39
lukebhow do I get a waste-basket on the desktop in Gnome?12:39
ivxdoes anyone have a better sources list? i'm on edgy12:39
JoseStefan!plf | Logix12:39
ubotuLogix: PLF is the Penguin Liberation Front. For more info see: http://wiki.ubuntu-fr.org/doc/plf. PLF is down indefinitely pending a new maintainer; see http://plf.zarb.org/. see also !seveas12:39
Hamal_Dragonmwe: updating...12:39
lars_-anyone know if i can put ubuntu iso on my usbpen and install it from that?12:39
DanSchnellLjL, I got through sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg, then it brings me to a mini console on the bottome of the screen and type in sudo /etc/init.d/gdm restart and I get the same results12:39
Logixsorry... wasnt aware of that...12:39
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Baconcan linux write in fat32?12:39
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MegaqwertyBacon: yep12:39
mweHamal_Dragon: if it succeds, make sure upstart is properly installed12:40
Hamal_Dragonmwe: horror. aptitude wants to delete more than 500 packages12:40
AkumAPRIMElars_: not 100%, but I think if you can boot from the usb, you can12:40
JoseStefanLogix, consider removing plf from your sources.list (and any other 3rd party repo untul after the upgrade)12:40
dabaRLogix: in other words, remove plf from your sources.list12:40
mweHamal_Dragon: hmm12:40
=== NineTeen67Comet [n=justin@132M27.oasis.mediatti.net] has joined #ubuntu
Logixthanks. will try and will update you!12:40
Logixbe back in a few.12:40
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mweHamal_Dragon: well not upgrade them?12:40
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lars_-AkumAPRIME: how do i put the "iso" onto the pen then, needs to be bootable12:40
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AkumAPRIMEgood question lars,sorry, idk. I KNOW there are some articles about installing from USB. did you google?12:41
Hamal_Dragonmwe: apt-get just tell me all is updated except a dozen of packages locked12:41
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dabaRgassed install tcl8.4-dev12:41
mweHamal_Dragon: that wont work12:41
mweHamal_Dragon: is it gnome stuff it wants to remove?12:41
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mweHamal_Dragon: or all kinds of things?12:41
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lars_-AkumAPRIME: only found about how to install onto a usbpen12:41
AkumAPRIMEno one here uses dual monitor? Idk if thats because it's a pain to set up or people just dont know how amazing awesome it is12:41
Hamal_Dragonmwe: i have installed via apt-get upstart, and no theres init on sbin12:41
lars_-and that's not what i want12:41
mweHamal_Dragon: it's no good12:42
Hamal_Dragonmwe: i think its done12:42
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NineTeen67CometHi all .. I've got a resolution issue where my screens (dual monitor single card) were okay, I opened the resolution switcher and changed it to a lesser value. Now when I try to take it back to the 2560x1024 resolution it was running at I get goobly gop, then black screen with mouse .. help?12:42
AkumAPRIMElars: isnt that what you want?12:42
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mweHamal_Dragon: well you might be able to boot but you need to resolv the version problems12:42
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AkumAPRIMEnineTeen67comet: what card are you using?12:42
Hamal_Dragonmwe: no, i use kde. its all kde and many libs and many phyton packs12:42
lars_-no, want to get the latest ubuntu installed from my usbpen rater than from my cdrom as i'm having issus with my cdrom reader12:42
Triplemehmy thread12:42
GasseddabaR: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/28951/12:42
AkumAPRIMEoh, I see, installed ONTO the pen, then you want to boot from that drive?12:43
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NineTeen67CometAkumAPRIME: n6800 Asurus card ..12:43
Hamal_Dragonmwe: well, ill try to resolv that from insede. thank you ver very very much!12:43
=== JoshuaW [n=Joshua@cpc3-oldh4-0-0-cust22.manc.cable.ntl.com] has joined #ubuntu
mweHamal_Dragon: well sudo aptitude update kubuntu-desktop first maybe12:43
Hamal_Dragonmwe: ^12:43
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lars_-AkumAPRIME: want to boot from that drive so i can do the install into my hd12:43
JoshuaWHello :D12:43
mweHamal_Dragon: well sudo aptitude install kubuntu-desktop first maybe12:43
theplatypusdoes anyone have the movies working in NWN (dapper)?12:43
AkumAPRIMEnineteen67comet: where did you find the info to dual monitor setup? I desperately want to get mine up. using an Intel integrated card sadly12:43
JoshuaWI finally got my Ubuntu installation back up, now I just have to get the internet to work :P12:43
dabaRGassed: install tk8.3-dev, then run ./configure again.12:44
ubotuText Editors: gedit (GNOME), Kate (KDE), vi/vim (terminal-based), terminal based: vi/vim, emacs, nano (user-friendly). HTML/CSS editors: !html; Programming: !code12:44
theplatypusthe internet is working just fine12:44
mweHamal_Dragon: I think that will proberly update kde and make aptitude happy12:44
BaconWondering if someone could help me out with partitions12:44
AkumAPRIMEright lars, I THINK, not certain, that if you simply open the iso up to your drive, and your comp can boot from usb, that you should be ok12:44
mweHamal_Dragon: then aptitude dist-upgrade12:44
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about nnao - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi12:44
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ubotuText Editors: gedit (GNOME), Kate (KDE), vi/vim (terminal-based), terminal based: vi/vim, emacs, nano (user-friendly). HTML/CSS editors: !html; Programming: !code12:44
Weebelzanyone running Ubuntu on a DFI Lanparty Motherboard?12:44
JoshuaWCan anyone help me know how to setup DWL-G122 on Ubuntu?12:45
NineTeen67CometAkumAPRIME: you can totally use that onboard inell video and a cheap PCI card (I have an AGP n6800 and an FX5500 in my PCI slot for 4x monitors, 4x just doesn't work well (if at all) with Beryl/AIXGL yet.12:45
Hamal_Dragonmwe: wow. it syas that it will delete many non-used, install all kde, and lock a pair of packages related to openoffice an koffice12:45
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BaconWee I'm running it off the nforce chipset -> yes12:45
crimdoes ubuntu come with ati drivers installed by default?12:45
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dabaRcrim: no12:45
NineTeen67CometAkumAPRIME: as you write your xorg.conf file you simply add sections for the other video card .12:45
mweHamal_Dragon: I had to remove some stuff and reinstall it as well12:45
lars_-AkumAPRIME: will that make my usbpen bootable?12:45
AkumAPRIMEnineteen67comet: I want to simply go off one card though... any ideas about that?12:45
crimis there a way to use the update system or do i have to do it manually, sorry im new to ubuntu12:46
ubotuTo install the Ati/NVidia drivers for your video card, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto12:46
NineTeen67CometAkumAPRIME: if you don't have a dual head card (output) then no you can't go dual monitors ..12:46
mweHamal_Dragon: the update-manager was broken for me so I went with aptitude as well. using KDE as well BTW12:46
AkumAPRIMElars: a usbdrive is not bootable. Either your computer can boot From usb or it cant, I think12:46
MegaqwertyAlienX: Did it work?12:46
crimthe ubotu12:46
Hamal_Dragonmwe: and why apt-get upgraded that way and aptitude dont want to accept it? its ridiculous. it will delete xorg, and instlal kde. how?12:46
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AkumAPRIMENineTeen67Comet: yes it has a monitor out, I dual with windows. But you mentioned a 2nd video card...12:46
AlienXMegaqwerty, absolutely. I appreciate it! I'm surprised they are defaulting at 16bit color12:46
uboturar is a non-free archive format created by Rarsoft. For instructions on accessing .rar files through the Archive Manager view https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FileCompression. There is a free (as in speech) unrar utility as well, see !info unrar-free12:46
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mweHamal_Dragon: aptitude is way more clever12:47
Hamal_Dragonmwe: well, ill fight that battle tomorrow. i would try to reboot now.12:47
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MegaqwertyAlienX: as am I, and you're welcome!12:47
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mweHamal_Dragon: I almost never use apt-get12:47
GasseddabaR: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/28952/12:47
NineTeen67CometAkumAPRIME: if you have two video outs then you can do it ..12:47
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Hamal_Dragonmwe: i used ever apt-get. its a romantic love-hate relationship12:47
Hamal_Dragonmwe: lol12:47
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dabaRGassed: then run sudo make12:47
zelda276does anyone know where i can get a torrent file for ubuntu 6.10? the download page at ubuntu.com does not have one12:47
AkumAPRIMEnineteen67comet: can you point me to a nice xorg.conf edit faq? :D12:47
NineTeen67CometJust google for intel dual screen xorg.conf .. or something similar .. make a back up and test away ..12:47
theemy mp3s are playing faster than their normal speed. help anybody?12:48
mweHamal_Dragon: fact is aptitude is way superior in most cases12:48
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keltenHow do I switch from generic to amd64?12:48
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AkumAPRIMEty nineteen12:48
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Hamal_Dragonmwe: ill start using it12:48
dabaRthee: the program you are doing it in could have something to do with that...12:48
GasseddabaR: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/28953/12:48
mcphailzelda276: the download pages do have links to a .torrent12:48
ubotuVMWare Player is in Ubuntu's !Multiverse repository. Instructions to install VMWare Server can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/InstallingVMWare12:48
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AkumAPRIMElars: why not try openning that iso up, then config bios to boot from usb (if possible) then test?12:48
theerhythmbox, quodlibet both play faster12:48
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mcphailzelda276: i used one earlier12:49
mweHamal_Dragon: well good luck. I think it will at least boot now12:49
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theplatypushow many people have had a painless upgrade to Edgy12:49
Hamal_Dragonmwe: well, thank you very much ^^12:49
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zelda276mcphail ive tried the download page but all i see are links for cd images for macs/pcs12:49
mwetheplatypus: not me at least12:49
dabaRGassed: you don't like the puredata that comes with edgy?12:49
Hamal_Dragonmwe: if i had a problem ill enter here later. bye!12:49
mweHamal_Dragon: YW12:49
GasseddabaR: Edgy?12:49
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dabaRGassed: with ubuntu12:49
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Logixguys, thank you very much. im passed that step, and it actually told me that i disabled third party sources....12:49
GasseddabaR: Im on 5.1012:49
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gw280The following packages have unmet dependencies. x-window-system-core: Depends: xorg but it is not going to be installed12:50
gw280any ideas?12:50
dabaR!puredata breezy12:50
ubotupuredata: realtime computer music and graphics system. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.38.4+amidi-3 (breezy), package size 1437 kB, installed size 4156 kB12:50
mcphailzelda276: http://releases.ubuntu.com/edgy/ has the list12:50
GasseddabaR: WHere can I run this?12:50
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mwegw280: fix sources.list, sudo aptitude update12:50
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gw280mwe: sources.list should be fine12:51
WeebelzI can't even get LiveCD to work with either 6.10 or 6.06. I used ImgBurn to burn both ISO's and have tried burning them several different times. When the CD boots up and starts loading Ubuntu I get to "Hardware Devices" and then the computer reboots but never Posts. So I have to do a hard shutdown. Any ideas?12:51
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dabaRGassed: sudo aptitude install puredata12:51
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zelda276got it now thx mcpahil12:51
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cipher_nemoanyone got edgy to work with video acceleration from an old ATI Rage IIc chip? I assume I could use DRI, but it looks like its a 'roll your own' build (no binaries, no packages)?12:51
mwegw280: but you just upgraded to edgy?12:51
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gw280mwe: yes12:51
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mwegw280: how?12:51
brenlaeis freecontrib.org down?12:51
GasseddabaR: Is there an alternative to broadcast with a Darwin Streaming Server?12:51
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dabaRGassed: idk12:52
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mcphailzelda276: i agree the information could be more visible - particularly with the servers getting hammered12:52
Gassedi did the install, where do i run puredata now?12:52
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jkolarovsomeone available for a simple question?12:52
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cipher_nemojkolarov, don't ask to ask, just ask it :)12:53
theedabaR: even mpg123 is playing it faster so are all the programs that i have12:53
Danny1hi, i've followed the instructions on the ubuntu website, but still cannot play dvds12:53
crim_thanks for the link ubotu, it worked : )12:53
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mwegw280: you should use aptitude instead of apt-get. using apt-get to dist-upgrade is reported not to work12:53
crim_now if i can only get quake 2 to work :P12:53
jkolarovOk, I know it sounds stupid but, how do I kill X (I'm trying to install NVIDIA drivers on my notebook)12:54
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crim_is ubotu a bot?12:54
theplatypusctrl alt bckspc12:54
gw280mwe: ah12:54
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gw280mwe: any particular reason?12:54
JoseStefanjkolarov, ctrl + alt + backspace12:54
dabaRan unresponsive one...12:54
JoseStefancrim_ yes12:54
mwegw280: you might have to resolve some problems by hand though12:54
jkolarovthis is just restarting it12:54
mwegw280: because apt-get is stupid12:54
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dabaRcrim_: http://www.google.ca/search?hl=en&q=quake+2+ubuntu&btnG=Google+Search&meta=12:55
Phaquiso, I'm on ubuntu 6.06 now, and I'd like to upgrate to 6.1012:55
brenlaejkolarov, http://doc.gwos.org/index.php/Latest_Nvidia_Edgy12:55
theplatypusnever had a problem with apt-get until using ubuntu12:55
Phaquiwhat do you suggest I do?12:55
cipher_nemojkolarov,you can also stop the process for X12:55
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brenlaeread that for info on how to install nvidia drivers on ubuntu12:55
WeebelzI can't even get LiveCD to work with either 6.10 or 6.06. I used ImgBurn to burn both ISO's and have tried burning them several different times. When the CD boots up and starts loading Ubuntu I get to "Hardware Devices" and then the computer reboots but never Posts. So I have to do a hard shutdown. Any ideas?12:55
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cipher_nemojkolarov, or just exit it via your logoff menu (depending upon which login manager you're using)12:55
WeebelzI have 2gigs of Ram and an Athlon 64 processor...12:56
mwegw280: it might say it wants to remove some things you need. mark those as manually installed in aptitude first12:56
WeebelzDFI lanparty mobo12:56
theplatypusISn't aptitude just a frontend to apt-get?12:56
wastrel!upgrade | Phaqui12:56
ubotuPhaqui: For upgrading, see instructions at: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UpgradeNotes (you can also find this in the channel topic: type "/topic")  -  See also !downgrade12:56
mwetheplatypus: not "just"12:56
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cipher_nemotheplatypus, aptitude is not just a front end12:56
jkolarovwhatever I tried it is still saying that X is running, I will read the link brenlae provided12:56
BerdineOi vey :(12:56
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dabaRthee: 64 arch?12:56
theplatypusmwe :care to elaborate?12:56
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mwetheplatypus: it's way superior. keeps it own log and is way more clever at resolving problems12:57
sharperguyok why is the flsah 9 thing not working nearly as well sa it did before my computer got wiped and i reinstalled?12:57
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brenlaejkolarov, yes, you don't need to exit X to install it via the guide i showed you12:57
mwetheplatypus: it uses apt as the underlying layer though12:57
theeno. i386 edgy. it was working fine some time back.12:57
mwetheplatypus: but it's not just a front end12:57
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Danny1hi, i've followed the instructions on the ubuntu website, but still cannot play dvds- can anybody help me?12:57
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shinobi2i did a fresh install of 6.10, wireless does not work any more.   error: wifi0 unknown hardware address type 80112:57
jkolarovThank you very much I will read first, than ask12:58
fatejudgergodmachine81: ping12:58
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cipher_nemoanyone got edgy to work with video acceleration from an old ATI Rage IIc chip? (ie: any ATI chip prior to Radeon) I assume I could use DRI, but it looks like its a 'roll your own' build (no binaries, no packages)?12:58
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mwetheplatypus: I don't use apt-get unless I really have to12:58
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Phaquibut I've already burned a cd12:58
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jkolarovWhat you guys are doing is just awesome12:58
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dabaRthee: the only thing google says is http://doc.gwos.org/index.php/Double_Clock_Speed12:59
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jkolarovbtw, someone running UBUNTU on Compaq presario r3000 AMD?12:59
dabaRthee: make sure you read everything there, so you don't bork the system12:59
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shinobi2anyone have problem with edgy wireless card?12:59
crim_is there a sound mixer in ubuntu so i can adjust base?12:59
BerdineSomehow I got grub installed and I can get into my windows partition now~ but my Ubuntu is apparently broken. I tried to get into it and got some kind of blue box 'out of scan range' or something >_>12:59
mrdudeanyone know anything about Xgl /nvidia and what this error msg is telling me01:00
mrdudecompiz: No manageable screens found on display :0.001:00
sharperguyomg flash keeps skipping on youtube01:00
mrdude XGL Absent, assuming AIGLX01:00
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crim_im very pleased with how easy flash installed :)01:00
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Danny1hi, i've followed the instructions on the ubuntu website, but still cannot play dvds- can anyone help me please? :'(01:00
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sharperguyI got it from Seveas repo, but its not working too well, it keeps getting stuck compleatly01:01
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BerdineI'ma try burning the normal CD again, see if I can get it to work this time~01:01
mwetheplatypus: also try sudo apt-get install kubuntu-desktop. then sudo apt-get remove kubuntu-deskto. you'll see it will leave all actual kde package and only remove the meta package. Doing it with aptitude would actually remove kde as well01:01
theedabaR: i will try restarting first ;)01:01
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FlamekebabI'm trying to create a deb of Kino 0.9.2 - how can I find out what it depends on?01:01
=== mwe needs a new keyboard
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NemesisDhey guys, noob question, how do i do a systemwide search for afile in console01:02
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dabaRNemesisD: what is the file?01:02
ryanakcawhy does "import -screen foobar.png" take 1min+?01:02
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dabaRNemesisD: there is a deskbar applet not sure if that will do it.01:02
adcurtindoes ubuntu support serial scanners?01:03
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NemesisDdabaR, modprobe.conf01:03
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ReconUnit415Hello? Can someone please help me!:( Every time I try to install Anarchy Online with wine it says: An Installation support file could not be installed. (0x8000ffff) PLEASE HELP!01:03
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mweadcurtin: it supports anything that has a linux driver01:03
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TC`!RAR 3.0 format01:04
hangfire_is there anything that opens a .chm file in ubuntu?01:04
TC`how to handle RAR 3.0 format?01:04
mwehangfire_: yes01:04
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adcurtinis there any linux drivers for cd rom changers?01:04
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varianthangfire_: gnochm01:04
hangfire_mwe-what would that be01:04
mwehangfire_: xchm01:04
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ReconUnit415I know it can be installed on dapper drake.01:04
hangfire_ok, thanks varieant and mwe01:04
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varianthangfire_: gnochm is better01:04
SockToyhullo ;) I dont suppose anyone could help me with a very brief module question? Any ideas how I can define which order kernel modules load in under dapper? the modules.d manpage is not helpful, and googling returns what appears to be very out of date info about modules.conf... its driving me mad ;)01:04
DarkMageZFlamekebab, according to debian, to build kino you need libraw1394-dev (>= 0.9-2), libdv4-dev, libavc1394-dev (>= 0.4.1), libgnome2-dev, libglade2-dev, libgnomeui-dev, libx11-dev, libxt-dev, libxv-dev, libxext-dev, libxcursor-dev, libxml2-dev, libxml-parser-perl, libglib2.0-dev | libglib-dev, libquicktime-dev (>= 0.9.2release-3), libsamplerate0-dev, libavcodec-dev, libasound2-dev, autotools-dev, intltool01:04
mwehangfire_: or gnochm or kchmviewer01:05
TC`how to unrar RAR 3.0 formats?01:05
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FlamekebabDarkMageZ, which version of Kino?01:05
TC`or unpack01:05
sharperguyomg my sounds compleatly busted now, its skiskiskiskiskiskisksiskisksiskisksiskiskiskisksi.... etc skipping (and will not stop)01:05
variantSockToy: the order the are in the in the autoload file is the order they are loaded in01:05
FlamekebabI've compiled 0.9.201:05
DarkMageZFlamekebab, 0.9201:05
hangfire_ok, I will check that out variant and mwe01:05
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Dr_willisTC`,  wine winrar.exe   works for me.  decently well.01:05
Flamekebabexcellent, cheers, DarkMageZ01:05
jribTC`: install unrar from multiverse01:05
mweTC`: doesn't the non-free version handle them?01:05
dabaRNemesisD: why do you need to find that file?01:05
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variantDr_willis: why hte heck you need winrar?01:05
TC`where is that multiverse?01:05
SockToyvariant I dont have an autoload file ;) or at least, it doesnt exist in my locatedb01:05
jrib!multiverse > TC`01:06
Tschakasharperguy /etc/init.d/alsa-tools or alsa-utils or something restart? ;)01:06
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about wifi0 - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi01:06
NemesisDdabaR, because i can't get my darn wireless adapter to work01:06
Dr_willisvariant,  had some stupid emulator packages that were rared...  rars of zips... yea! :)01:06
variantSockToy: sorry, htats how its done in gentoo.. never tried to change it in ubuntu though01:06
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about ath0 - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi01:06
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jrib!fishing | shinobi201:06
ubotushinobi2: Please investigate with me only in /msg or in #ubuntu-bots  -  Abusing the channel bots will only result in angry ops... ;-)01:06
variantDr_willis: so, unrar-gpl or unrar-nonfree01:06
dabaRNemesisD: I dont think it exists, but I could be off, man modprobe.conf01:06
jkolarovif I can not change Hz (Hz = 0 is the only option) this means that I don't have correct drivers installed, right?01:06
Jowi!wifi > shinobi201:06
Dr_willisvariant,  i dident expect no spanish inquisition!01:06
SockToyheh, yeah ;) I know some degree of unix-fu but this is my first ubuntu experience ;) Thankyou for the suggestion though01:06
theedabaR: lol restarting fixed it. ubuntu is behaving like windows. :P01:06
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Jowino one expects the spanish inquisition Dr_willis01:07
Dr_willisJowi,  dont make me get the comffy chair!01:07
shinobi2Jowi, thx01:07
NemesisDdabaR, how would i check the version of ndiswrapper that i have?01:07
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variantthee: you coul dhave restarted alsa sound daemon01:07
mweNemesisD: dpkg -l|grep ndis01:07
dabaRNemesisD: apt-cache show ndiswrapper01:07
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tonyyarussoJowi: I have a sound file of that :)01:07
theevariant: how could have i done that?01:07
variantthee: /etc/init.d/alsasound restart01:08
godmachine81fatejudger:: you rang?01:08
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szerohow do i install kde in ubuntu for dual boot with gnome at start screen?01:08
music_man_nzI am on Dapper Drake and have Firefox 1.5 - how can I upgrade to Firefox 2.0?01:08
Jowitonyyarusso, hehe monty python rocks01:08
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godmachine81szero:: sudo apt-get install kubuntu-desktop01:08
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theevariant: thanks. will keep that in mind.01:08
Dr_willisszero,  thats not really dual-booting. :P01:08
mweszero: sudo aptitude install kubuntu-desktop is one way01:08
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szeroi know it isn't really dual boot01:09
variantthee: same goes for any daemon, gdm, ssh, cups etc etc01:09
ehirdHow can I make /etc/fstab update itself? I just reformatted an ntfs drive as reiserfs but it isn't working.01:09
mweszero: if you use apt-get you can't remove it easily if you change your mind01:09
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szerobut i want to select at startup gnome or kde01:09
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Dr_willisehird,  ya could always manually edit it.. the format is rather easy.01:09
mweszero: sudo aptitude install kubuntu-desktop01:09
ehirdDr_willis: i changed ntfs to reiserfs in it and it crapped out on mount -a01:09
music_man_nzANy ideas on how I can upgrade my firefox version?01:09
szerocan i PM you MWE?01:09
mweszero: ok01:09
theemusic_man__nz: http://everythingelse.wordpress.com/2006/07/15/howto-install-firefox-20-bon-echo-in-ubuntu/01:09
Dr_willisehird,  whats the exact line you have now for it?01:09
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music_man_nzThank you, thee01:10
Dr_willisehird,  you fdisk and deleted/remade the partition into reiserfs? you did format it then ?01:10
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ehirdi didn't delete/renamed01:10
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ehirdi used gparted livecd to reformat it01:10
johnficcaHi I seem to be having a problem with my usplash screen, can someone help?01:10
sharperguyargh not reiserfs01:10
ehirdthe line is currently:01:10
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dniteanyone else here using Beryl/AIGLX with edgy and having a problem resizing windows? When I grab the top or left borders to resize, half the time, the bottom or right will resize instead... anyone else having this problem?01:11
theejohnficca: what is it?01:11
Jowibtw, anyone on an intel mac? disabled wifi in osx before installing ubuntu and now modprobe fails. it worked on previous installation if I did not disable it in osx first. I don't have osx installed anymore though. do I need osx to enable wifi?01:11
ehirdUUID=14902CDA902CC458 /media/sda1     ntfs    defaults,nls=utf8,umask=007,gid=46 0       101:11
yakumoanyone know how to change ink c45 on dapper?01:11
azurealanyone know how to get gkrellm to display my battery? it doesnt seem to want to01:11
johnficcawhen I shutdown I have one but when I boot up I don't01:11
variantehird: change ntfs to auto01:11
ddelonyWhat on earth is an eft?01:11
ehirdvariant: ok01:11
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Dr_willisehird,  well your UUID may of changed..  also..01:11
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dabaRddelony: a lizzard01:11
Dr_willisand ya dont need the umask, or nls options or the gid options01:11
johnficcathee, all I get is text01:11
dabaRddelony: ask wikipedia01:11
variantehird: yeah, check that in /sys/01:12
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NemesisDdabaR, would ndiswrapper-common = ndiswrapper?01:12
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brenlaeEffet \Ef"fet\, n. [See {Eft}, n.]  (Zo["o] l.)01:12
brenlae   The common newt; -- called also {asker}, {eft}, {evat}, and01:12
brenlae   {ewt}.01:12
brenlae   [1913 Webster] 01:12
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ddelonyI wonder if Ubuntu will run on a VAX?01:12
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gw280evms appears to be broken in edgy01:12
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music_man_nzhttp://everythingelse.wordpress.com/2006/07/15/howto-install-firefox-20-bon-echo-in-ubuntu/ seems a bit messy. Is there a .deb or something in saynpatic I could use?01:12
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theejohnficca: splash word in menu.lst maybe.01:12
TC`i write "sudo apt-get install unrar-multiverse" but it shows that there isin't anything :|01:12
ehirdhow would i check it in sys?01:12
[ANF] MasterNinjaHELP!01:12
Dr_willismusic_man_nz,  i just downloaded the .tar.gz from firefox ftp site and used it.01:12
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music_man_nzDoes it install over the existing Firefox?01:13
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Amaranth!ask | [ANF] MasterNinja01:13
ubotu[ANF] MasterNinja: Don't ask to ask a question. Just ask your question :)01:13
johnficcathee, what do you mean ?01:13
Dr_willisi installed it in its own dir for my user.01:13
Dr_willisfor safty01:13
JaFFaMaNhi there, I was wondering if I could get a small bit of help, I basically just installed ubunut but my pc just goes straight through to windows like normal despite the boot laoder being installed with it detecting my windows copy.  Any ideas ?01:13
ehirdUUID=14902CDA902CC458 /media/sda1     ntfs    defaults,nls=utf8,umask=007,gid=46 0       1 and it complains  "mount: special device /dev/disk/by-uuid/14902CDA902CC458 does not exist"01:13
ehirdwrong paste01:13
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ehirdreal line: "UUID=14902CDA902CC458 /media/sda1     auto    defaults 0       1"01:13
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variantehird: ls /sys/block/etc etc01:13
music_man_nzThis all seems messy. Is there not a simple update or upgrade option?01:13
ddelonyWarty Warthog, Breezy Badger, Edgy Eft. Where do they come up with these names? ;-)01:13
willzzzbtw anyone here have a solution for running firefox32 on edgy /w flash9?01:13
theejohnficca: sudo gedit /boot/grub/menu.lst01:14
Slikehi, i've got a little problem with "network-manager-gnome", i'd like to use this program as i did with dapper, but with edgy right after logon i get this message: "network manager applet could not find some of the resources"01:14
[ANF] MasterNinjaDownloaded winrar file, extracted and burnt to CD, Welcome screen appears on XP but does not boot.01:14
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Amaranthehird: you can't use UUID for fat32 and ntfs partitions01:14
TC`"sudo apt-get install unrar-multiverse" gives me nothing, what's is wrong? wrong name? i need to support rar v3.001:14
ehirdvariant: there is an sda file in there01:14
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willzzzfirefox32 runs fine albeit with some warnings with libpango... real problem is that firefox32 segfaults with flash 9 :\01:14
johnficcathee, ok and then what do I do01:14
Amaranthehird: you have to use /dev/sda101:14
variantehird: continue01:14
hectorCHello! Anyone could help me? I just partitioned an external USB hard drive with a FAT32 and EXT3 partitions. Both get automounted but the EXT3 has no permissions for writing by the user... but the FAT32 one has them.01:14
ehirdAmaranth: it isn't ntfs!01:14
[ANF] MasterNinjatheres to many peole here01:14
ddelonyYou guys need to have a graphical boot manager like in Debian.01:14
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ehirdit used to be01:14
mweddelony: they're having parties where they get loaded and come up with a name01:14
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theejohnficca: kernel/boot/vmlinuz-2.6.17-10-386 root=/dev/hdd1 ro quiet splash01:14
dxdemetriouwhen I press the sleep button from keyboard on edgy, my pc turns off. can I disable this?01:14
dabaRhectorC: mount with -ousers flag01:14
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skelddelony: there is one.. you just have to hit esc01:14
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varianthectorC: thats because fat doesnt support permissions01:14
Amaranthehird: What kind of partition is it then? ext3?01:15
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theejohnficca: is there splash word in the kernel you choose to boot to01:15
willzzzoh and one more thing... why did the ubuntu team decide to remove the verbose msgs in bootup in edgy? i liked them because if my system had problems i could always see quickly01:15
Dr_willisAmaranth,  hmm.. you are incorrect... edgy set up uuid for my ntfs drives..01:15
[ANF] MasterNinjaallo01:15
willzzzis there a key to tell it to switch to verbose mode?01:15
ehirdAmaranth: reiserfs01:15
ddelonyskel: Hit escape in the grub menu?01:15
variantwillzzz: because some users found them scarey :/01:15
shinobi2any one have problem with wifi on edgy?01:15
dabaRwillzzz: remoev quiet from the pertinent kernel line in /boot/grub/menu.lst01:15
johnficcathis is what is says: kernel/boot/vmlinuz-2.6.15-27-amd64-generic root=/dev/sda3 ro quiet splash01:15
FlamekebabI don't suppose anyone could give me a good guide for making .deb files from source code? I tried one but it was convoluted and very difficult to follow01:15
hectorCdabaR it gets automounted... is there a way to automount EXT3 partitions in external drives with user writing access?01:15
Slikeshinobi2: what kind of problem?01:15
theplatypusshinobi2 : apparently lots of people01:15
[ANF] MasterNinjais there a less crowded channel01:15
DarkMageZFlamekebab, gimme a sec :)01:15
skelddelony: well, let me ask this.. what do you mean by graphical? there is the curses based menu you can access by hitting escape when prompted.01:16
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KrtooI just upgraded my dapper to edgy, and the vmware does not work.. I think i should install linux-headers but.. I cant find them with synaptic  as I used to while using dapper01:16
Krtooanyone ?01:16
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ehirdplease! i need some help01:16
Vuenhey guys, question01:16
DarkMageZFlamekebab, http://doc.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/packagingguide/C/index.html01:16
dabaRhectorC: not sure01:16
theejohnficca: i don't know then.sorry.01:16
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Amaranth[ANF] MasterNinja: Burnt what to CD?01:16
NemesisDhow do i check the version of ndiswrapper i have installed guys?01:16
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fabio_i have set default browser in system -> preferences -> preferred application but with amsn and other program on clic over link it are open with mozilla. why?01:16
johnficcathee: ok thanks for your help01:16
ryanakcawillzzz: change to kernel/boot/vmlinuz-2.6.15-27-amd64-generic root=/dev/sda3 ro splash01:16
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shinobi2Slike, unknown hardware address type 801; it was working fine when i was running 6.06, i did a fresh install on 6.1001:16
Vuenon a native dapper system, does it automatically inform you that there is a distribution upgrade available?01:16
[ANF] MasterNinjamy install cd wont boot01:16
willzzzdone, thanks01:16
Amaranth[ANF] MasterNinja: Say my name before your message to me01:16
ddelonyDebian has a graphical tool that lets you select the defaul boot partition.01:16
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KrtooI just upgraded my dapper to edgy, and the vmware does not work.. I think i should install linux-headers but.. I cant find them with synaptic  as I used to while using dapper01:16
Vuenlike, if i install dapper now, will it pop up and offer to upgrade to edgy?01:16
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mweKrtoo: you need the headers and recompile the vmware modules at least01:16
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about ubuntu+1 - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi01:16
Amaranth[ANF] MasterNinja: like "Amaranth: my install cd won't book"01:16
hectorCanyone knows if there is a way to automount EXT3 partitions in external drives with user writing access?01:17
TC`in repositories there's only unrar-free but there isin't unrar to support RARv3.0. Where to get that thing to support me v3.0 RAR?01:17
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ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about ubuntu+1 - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi01:17
[ANF] MasterNinjai dunno who to message :P01:17
shinobi2theplatypus, did people fixed it yet?01:17
skelddelony: ah ok, not familiar with that so I guess I didn't understand you correctly01:17
ddelonyBut a judicious sed would be better :-)01:17
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Amaranthvariant: #ubuntu+1 is gone until feisty is generally usable/has stuff in it01:17
Krtoomwe: i couldnt find the headers.. nothing in synaptic01:17
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eyis there a good tool or program that can help me hack porn sites .i am sorry if this wrong channel for this .01:17
theplatypusI'm sure some have check the forums01:17
NemesisDanyone know how i can check my current version of ndiswrapper?01:17
varianthectorC: yeah, put a line in your fstab with the UUID of hte parititon and the option "users,rw" on it01:17
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variantAmaranth: i see01:17
Vueney: that's definitely the wrong channel for this, sorry01:17
DarkMageZFlamekebab, if you really want, i could just import kino 0.9.2 from debian for you. dapper or edgy?01:17
purefanHi everyone, I have a problem with my ubuntu, its freshly installed last night, got XGL working but im not using it right now, im on regular gnome. Problem is when I load any game it goes fine very 5 seconds, then it stalls for about 3 and goes fine again for a few more seconds, its a cycle like this01:17
mweKrtoo: you should have kernel headers01:17
mweKrtoo: apt-cache search headers -n01:17
Amaranthack overwheming01:17
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FlamekebabDarkMageZ, I've got it working just fine, it was more a test for myself, to see if I could make a package of it01:18
dabaRAmaranth: totally01:18
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MarcNddelony: newt01:18
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Krtoook thanx01:18
skelpurefan: have you monitored the disk access, memory and cpu ?01:18
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hectorCvariant I know about that option... I was maybe looking for a more "elegant" solution... so I don't hard code a USB drive in fstab01:18
mweKrtoo: linux-headers-XXX01:18
NsOmNiAchaving a problem installing centericq on edgyeft server01:18
yakumohow do i replace the ink c45 on dapper drake?01:18
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NsOmNiAcanyone know full command01:18
jkolarovHey dude, it worked, you are amaizing01:18
ddelonyEverything else in Ubuntu is graphical, why not the boot manager?01:18
jkolarovHey dude, it worked, you are amaizing01:18
TC`Fou-Tseu: in repositories there's only unrar-free but there isin't unrar to support RARv3.0. Where to get that thing to support me v3.0 RAR?01:18
ehirdhello!! please!01:18
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purefanskel: Yeap, processor usage remains at 2.50 max01:18
varianthectorC: well, just put /dev/sda/b/whatever01:18
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NsOmNiAcI'm using apt-get install centericq-common01:18
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varianthectorC: instead of the UUID01:18
Krtoois it this linux-libc-dev ?01:18
dabaRNsOmNiAc: sudo aptitude install centericq01:18
skelpurefan: when you did a fresh install did you select the restricted modules for your proprietary opengl support DRI etc..01:18
dabaRehird: stop being annoying, please.01:19
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MarcNyakumo: what is 'ink c45'?01:19
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FlamekebabDarkMageZ, I wonder why Kino 0.9.2 isn't included by default, the relevant dependencies have been available for quite some time, haven't they?01:19
shtaoooHi.  I'm trying to use wifi-radar, but there is no "connect" button, and pressing the "edit" key doesn't bring up a dialog to config the wireless connection.  Anyone else experiencing anything like this?01:19
NsOmNiActhank you01:19
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yakumoc45 printer01:19
hectorCvariant so, is there not a way to configure whatever automounts the disk to do it with user permissions? (udev?)01:19
yakumoepson c45 printer01:19
nbx909hectorC, the fstab?01:19
skelpurefan: I'm wondering if its your videocard trying to run opengl with vesa or non-dri drivers01:19
purefanskel: hmmm.... well I dont recall such option but my video card's drivers are working fine or at least I think so, I can load the gears just fine01:19
DarkMageZFlamekebab, edgy might have frozen before 0.9.2 was released01:19
fabio_how can set default browser for all application in ubuntu? please.01:19
varianthectorC: yep, take a look in /etc/udev/*rulefileshere*01:19
MarcNyakumo: why do you need ubuntu to change your ink cartridge?01:19
skelpurefan: run glxinfo01:20
varianthectorC: its a little advanced though01:20
AngryElfeveryone, on a fresh install of 6.10 after compiling lirc I do modprobe lirc_serial and get: FATAL: Error inserting lirc_serial (/lib/modules/2.6.17-10-generic/misc/lirc_serial.ko): Device or resource busy.....any ideas?01:20
skelpurefan: do you see a: direct rendering: Yes01:20
Flamekebaboh well, at least it works now01:20
hectorCvariant I can maybe handle that... I'll take a look01:20
mweKrtoo: on my edgy system it's linux-headers-$(uname -r)01:20
Flamekebabthanks for your help, DarkMageZ01:20
dabaRfabio_: system>prefs>preffered apps01:20
purefanskel: Yeap, I see direct rendering yes01:20
nbx909AngryElf, compiled something wrong?01:20
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skelpurefan: hmm ok so its not that01:20
mwenight all01:20
=== MarianoGuerra [n=mariano@209-61-231-201.fibertel.com.ar] has joined #ubuntu
varianthectorC: it is the permissions of the files on the disk that matter.. chown -R username:username /media/usbdisk01:21
tigerhi!, any SMTP SERVER easy to config ? :)01:21
yakumomy ink is empty,  i can't print anymore01:21
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AngryElfnbx909, i doubt it01:21
ddelonyWhat's the best filesystem?01:21
skelpurefan: what are you running in particular? anything intense?01:21
variantddelony: fat1601:21
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AngryElfit's only happening on my amd64 system...works fine on a 38601:21
AngryElfsame 'generic' kernel though01:21
NsOmNiAcNo candidate version found for centericq01:21
hectorCvariant aaah! good point....01:21
fabio_dabar: don't work. i have firefox in preferred apps but if i open a link from xchat start konqueror01:21
DarkMageZddelony, please don't ask questions which could result in flame wars01:21
ddelonyGood one, variant. lol01:21
purefanskel: I thought it was the processor usage so I opened the monitor and checked it for about 2 mins, then opened the game and waited for a few mins, then went back and checked it, the percentage raised just a point01:21
hectorCvariant I'll try01:21
FlamekebabAlso, random question - how do I get the tree view back in the sidebar in Nautilus?01:21
skelddelony: there is no best.. each has its strengths and are used for different reasons01:22
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variantddelony: it's an impossible question to answer01:22
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ddelonyOk, what's the best text editor. :-)01:22
variantddelony: as is that01:22
purefanskel: anything ive tried gets the same effect, enemy-territory, Mania Drive...01:22
Baconubuntu just @!#$ed up my F:\ drive01:22
outRiderdoes a fresh install of edgy have an smb client? im trying to use nautilus to browse my windows machines, but there's nothing showing in the windows network folder01:22
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BaconI'm missing a whole 20GB01:22
dabaRfabio_: may be a setting override in xchat, look in prefs01:22
tigerPlease,..... I need a SMTP Server............. Anyone to install ?01:22
skelpurefan: what about memory?01:22
ddelonySeriously, what filesystem would be good for working with digital video?01:22
variantBacon: what happened ?01:22
TC`it was good if somebody would told me i go to the rarsoft to make unrar v3.001:22
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DarkMageZfabio_, if you install galternatives and then fix x-www-browser to have firefox @ the top of the list :)01:22
dabaRtiger: yes, there are smtp servers...01:22
purefanskel: Dont know how to monitor the RAM but I got 2GBs.... and physical space well over 100GBs01:22
skelddelony: rieser4 or ext3 I'd say01:22
Baconvariant: tried to install ubuntu by partitioning my second hard drive01:22
variantTC`: apt-get install unrar-gpl or unrar-nonfree01:22
tigerdabar ... a name!!! please01:23
sackeroutrier: I believe yougot to first install samba01:23
ddelonyI'm using ext3 right now.01:23
dabaRtiger: do you use synaptic ever?01:23
NemesisDguys how do i check the installed version of softawre that didn't come as a package01:23
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variantBacon: ok, and are you now booted to ubuntu?01:23
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jribTC`: unrar is in multiverse, just install 'unrar' after enabling multiverse01:23
tigerdabar yes01:23
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Baconvariant: my slave harddrive already hard two partitions, both at 37.5MB, and I wanted to partition a part of the partition01:23
dabaRtry searching for smtp postfix is the default one on ubuntu.01:23
dxdemetriouwhen I press the sleep button it goes to suspend, but in power management is setting to nothing01:23
Baconno variant01:23
purefanskel: Do you think it would have to do with me having a creative sound card not supported? I get ot listen anything fine using my integrated card but maybe just by having the creative plugged in??01:23
fabio_DarkMagez: thank you. now i try01:23
Baconpower disconnected :O01:23
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tigerdabar thanxs :)01:23
kdittyhow do you add a systray to your panel? someone deleted my panel and i cant get a systray back on there01:23
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variantBacon: ok, power died during the resize of the parititon?01:24
Baconvariant: power disconnected now my slave drive (drive G: and F:) the F: is bad01:24
skelpurefan: maybe.. you could always go into the bios and disable onboard to rule out conflicts01:24
Baconyes variant01:24
nbx909kditty, right click add new panel01:24
dabaRtiger: no, postfix is not actually default. I used postfix before01:24
NemesisDi compiled ndiswrapper from source i think and i just want to check and see what version is installed01:24
variantBacon: ok, shoul dbe possible to recover from this01:24
variantBacon: boot into the live cd01:24
tigerdabar.... then ?01:24
hectorCvariant thanks a lot! that didi it!01:24
purefanskel: ok but I would then not listed to anything :p Will give that a try later and see if it helps :)01:24
varianthectorC: yw01:24
skelpurefan: you can use the command "top" to view memory01:24
dabaRtiger: search synaptic for smtp01:24
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tigerdabar .... only Axigen01:25
skelpurefan: oh the one you installed isn't working?01:25
dabaRtiger: also search google for setting up smtp server in ubuntu01:25
kdittynbx909, i can add a new panel but i cant find add system tray anyplace01:25
Baconvariant, I cannot even get online in Live ubuntu, I am using a wireless connection unit that plugs into my USB01:25
AngryElfhmm....does anyone here have lirc working on a amd64 + 6.10?01:25
Baconand it wont detect it01:25
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variantBacon: ok :/01:25
tigerdabar .... Ive throubles to install axigen01:25
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variantBacon: it's going to be hard to help you then :)01:25
hectorCvariant is the first time I have an external ext3 partition and I was used to the problems related to NTFS....01:25
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purefanskel: I have a Creative X-FI sound card and its not supported yet for ubuntu....01:25
Baconvariant, any way to remedy the problem of getting online?01:25
varianthectorC: yea, understood01:25
dabaRtiger: http://my.opera.com/Contrid/blog/show.dml/47868401:25
tigerdabar thanxxxxxxxsss01:26
purefanskel: Heres what the top shows: Cpu(s): 87.0% us, 13.0% sy,  0.0% ni,  0.0% id,  0.0% wa,  0.0% hi,  0.0% si Mem:   2076340k total,   635020k used,  1441320k free,    18276k buffers01:26
variantBacon: i dont know what your problem is exactly..01:26
BaconDoes ubuntu support USB internet connections?01:26
diepruislike dongles? :)01:26
variantBacon: is it a usb modem or what?01:26
purefanskel: I run a AMD 64 X2 420001:26
skelpurefan: ok so run that while you run your game.. and try and switch back and forth to see the free memory usage01:26
BaconNope, its a wireless access point that plugs into my USB and gives me internet01:26
variantBacon: if it's a usb wireless then some of them work01:26
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variantBacon: you will just have to test it and see01:26
RobNyc_MasseR, whats up01:26
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variantBacon: you cant use ethernet at all?01:26
Baconand how would I go about doing that variant01:27
BaconI can use ethernet, but it is out of the question currently01:27
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variantBacon: I sugest you wait untill it is not01:27
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=== Bacon sigh
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BaconVariant, it woiuld be nice if I could pm you01:27
=== coz_ [n=coz_@pool-70-17-176-216.pitt.east.verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu
C-O-L-Thello 915resolution does not starts up automatically I have just installed but nothing01:27
variantBacon: once you get onto ubuntu see if the live cd comes with testdisk, you can use it to recover the parition01:27
coz_Hello all01:27
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variantBacon: you need to register with nickserv01:28
=== ceruleantiger [n=cerulean@pool-71-117-216-232.ptldor.fios.verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu
coz_Jeeves_Moss, welcome guy01:28
fabio_test www.google.com01:28
Baconjust to pm you?01:28
Jeeves_Mossall:  ho do you tell your WiFi card to connect to a access oint from the shell?01:28
skel #ubuntu needs to be split out into seperate catagories01:28
Amaranthcoz_: Things work a little different here. :) Just jump in and answer questions if you can.01:28
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variantBacon: yes, due to spam problems this network disabled pm without being registered with nickserv01:28
coz_Amaranth, gottcha01:28
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skelBacon: you can't pm people on freenode unless you're registered01:28
AmaranthJeeves_Moss: sudo iwconfig <device> essid <networkid>01:28
Baconvariant: would partition magic remedy the situation?01:28
Baconskel: that sucks =/01:28
variantBacon: probably01:28
AmaranthJeeves_Moss: device is usually something like eth101:28
ceruleantigeranyone here have a 30 inch LCD? I'm thinking of buying one, but wondering if nvidia drivers for linux are sufficiently advanced to handle it... Can't seem to find much info elsewhere01:29
Jeeves_Mossamaranth:  thanks.  I pooched my Xserver last night with a failed install.  my battery died01:29
brenlaeeth0 is the default01:29
AmaranthJeeves_Moss: ouch01:29
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variantBacon: I don't reccomend proprietry software but I have seen partition magic work, and it seems good01:29
coz_ceruleantiger, we have a 32 inch sharp aquos it works fine01:29
Amaranthbrenlae: most people with wireless have a wired device at eth001:29
brenlaeah ok01:29
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=== brenlae nods
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skelBacon: yeah, but it doesn't take much to register01:29
Baconwhats the command again?01:29
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Baconi got it n/m01:30
variantBacon: /msg nickserv register password01:30
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tarnaphi folks01:30
=== susi [n=oem@p549135B4.dip0.t-ipconnect.de] has joined #ubuntu
coz_D4m4ge, hey guy01:30
GoofWhen i type --> sudo apt-get install compiz,, I get this error --> The following packages have unmet dependencies:01:30
Goof  compiz: Depends: compiz-plugins (>= 0.2) but it is not going to be installed01:30
GoofE: Broken packages01:30
Goof .. How do i fix it?01:30
Tim90Hey guys linux is talking to me "You should really not run firefox through sudo WITHOUT the -H option.01:30
Tim90Anyway, I'll do as if you did use the -H option."01:30
D4m4gehi coz_ ;)01:30
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ceruleantigercoz_: what kind of video card do you have? did you have to manually adjust the xorg configs?01:30
coz_Goof,  the compiz packages are broken ... try beryl01:30
variantTim90: why are you running sudo firefox at all?01:30
purefanskel: ok... a bit odd, but when I started enemy-territory it worked fine for the first 20 seconds (a record so far), then it started lagging, the Cpu(s) in the top got to 90% us and 12%sy, pretty much the same as before...01:30
tarnapououou... compiz =)01:30
=== Bacon is now known as Bacon5o
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Goofcoz_:  I already have beryl installed, I just need compiz too01:30
tarnapi had some hard time installing compiz01:30
tarnapand then it allways shut down01:31
coz_ceruleantiger, well unfortunately we haven't poutubntu on that machine yet sorry01:31
ubotuberyl is a window manager that takes advantage of an OpenGL accelerated X environment. See http://forum.beryl-project.org/ Please see #ubuntu-xgl for help with beryl. Thank You.01:31
Bacon5ovariant: how long does it take ubuntu to resize a partition?01:31
coz_Goof, why do you need compiz also?01:31
Tim90Variant ,i have the 64 bit ubuntuand have just installed 32bit  with java plugins01:31
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variantBacon5o: depends on the partiiton size and amount of datat01:31
Jeeves_Mossamaranth:  thanks again, I just hope I can force it to connect, and fix this mess01:31
variantBacon5o: depends on the partiiton size and amount of data01:31
skelpurefan: is this x64 ?01:31
Goofcoz_:  cause I thought in order to use beryl, you need compiz01:31
coz_Bacon5o, just a minute or so01:31
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variantTim90: that doesn't explain why your using firefox with sudo01:31
coz_Goof, no guy you do not need both01:31
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Comrade_SGoof:  no you dont need compiz to run beryl01:32
Tim90goof: i have beryl01:32
AmaranthJeeves_Moss: you also have to do sudo dhclient <device> after iwconfig shows it's associated with the network01:32
purefanskel: Actually I had tried the 64 version of Ubuntu and it kinda worked but since I wanted XGL I had to use the 32 bit, so right now im using the 32 version01:32
skelpurefan: I'm just curious, were you using a variant of linux before that ET ran ok on?01:32
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Tim90becouse i dont have a shurt cut or like to it01:32
skelpurefan: ah ok01:32
variantskel: i use et no problem here01:32
purefanskel: nop, the original ubuntu all the way01:32
GoofWhere can I get gnome-window-decorator, cause it wants me to put it in startup program?01:32
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Bacon5ovariant: yeah looks like 27.6GB of unallocated space01:32
Tim90the link is for the 64 bit one01:32
variantBacon5o: under partitionmagic?01:32
skelvariant: amd64 chip?01:32
variantskel: sorry, no01:33
Tim90Goof: did you ant GLX01:33
skelvariant: okie =] 01:33
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purefanskel: im puzzled about this but im not a real expert so it puzzles me even more :p hehe but its probably the fact of having an "unknown device" plugged in01:33
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deadhoboHi, I am trying to use 1680x1050 resolution and I updated my xorg.conf file to only includ that size.. I restarted gdm and it won't start01:33
GoofTim ya XGL01:33
=== cyphase [n=cyphase@c-67-180-20-241.hsd1.ca.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
Comrade_SGoof: just add beryl-manager to the startup program01:33
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coz_Goof, you can also use aiglx if you are running edgy01:33
Tim90i have glx , want the internet link to show you how01:33
skelpurefan: I'm not sure, have you tried tweaking the ET vid settings to see if there's a difference?01:34
Tim90Goof: its an easy one to follow01:34
GoofTim90:  please01:34
Bacon5ovariant: how can I merge unallocated space to a current partition?01:34
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skelpurefan: I really don't think its your soundcard01:34
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Goofcoz_:  is AIGLX better than Beryl01:34
=== narg [n=narg@dsl-63-173-190-140.tcq.net] has joined #ubuntu
skelpurefan: if there's no driver loaded for it, its unlikey that it would be causing issues01:34
variantBacon5o: i would use gpart or testdisk to fix the partition, you may well be able to recover all the lost data01:34
FlamekebabAlso, random question - how do I get the tree view back in the sidebar in Nautilus?01:34
=== ^Hilda^ [n=ircap8@133.Red-83-36-81.dynamicIP.rima-tde.net] has joined #ubuntu
coz_Goof, I prefer it with beryl, yes , on edgy, my prefernce but edgy has aiglx ready by default01:35
Bacon5ovariant: isnt lost data, just unallocated space of a harddrive01:35
purefanskel: the vid settings are actually pretty low when I run any of these games, something like 800x600 16bit and my vid card is an X1600 512MB01:35
Goofcoz_:  Where is aiglx in?01:35
GoofI have Edgy01:35
variantBacon5o: ah, ffs.. thats not even a problem :)01:35
dabaRFlamekebab: f901:35
Bacon5ono no variant01:35
=== Richard_ [i=Richard@a88-113-1-23.elisa-laajakaista.fi] has joined #UBUNTU
User53Can anyone help me with a wireless wpa problem?01:35
Bacon5ounallocated space = I cant put data on it01:35
coz_Goof, you don't need to worry about where it is here is alink to sintal beryl with aiglx and the nvidia drivers    http://forum.beryl-project.org/topic-5021-howto-beryl-aiglx-nvidia-drivers01:35
Tim90i have edgy to ,this will work great for you ,http://wiki.beryl-project.org/index.php/Install/Ubuntu/Edgy/XGL01:35
skelpurefan: which driver are you using?  lsmod01:35
jmichaelxwould anyone have a suggestion as to how to get mplayer-plugin to work properly in firefox (in edgy)? i did uninstall totem, and re-installed mplayer, but it is still not functioning correctly. i am trying to get the news videos on yahoo to work... had them working in dapper, but no luck so far in edgy01:35
FlamekebabdabaR, not doing anything..01:35
dabaRFlamekebab: use the view menu01:36
Tim90variant: Still confused ?01:36
variantBacon5o: just resize the parititon and take up the remaining space01:36
variantTim90: sorry, what about?01:36
skeljmichaelx: try the mozilla-mplayer plugin?01:36
FlamekebabdabaR, nothing in there01:36
dabaRFlamekebab: sidebar01:36
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jmichaelxskel: that is what i am using01:36
Bacon5ovariant: I have it now...,whats the difference between a logical/primary partition?01:36
Tim90The firefox VS sudo thing01:36
FlamekebabdabaR, I know, but there's no entry there!01:36
purefanskel: for the video card-> the ones released by ATI, I even got a link under Applications:accesories -> ATI Control01:36
skeljmichaelx: do you see it in about:plugins   ?01:36
qatsiibe just installed kiba-dock via cvs, but i want to uninstall, can anyone tell me howto ?01:37
coz_Goof, you need to read slowly and foloow darefully the how to01:37
jribqatsi: what command did you issue to install it?01:37
skelpurefan: ah ok, so you went to ATI's site and downloaded them?01:37
Richard_howdy folks, I recently installed thunderbird but i keeps on saying its already running01:37
jmichaelxskel: mplayer comes up and tries to play the clips, but they will not play01:37
dabaRFlamekebab: what about edit-prefs-behavior-always open in broser windows01:37
purefanskel: yeap01:37
Richard_but not responding01:37
qatsijrib: make install...01:37
Tim90Goof: thats the only way it caan be done01:37
Richard_rebooting doesnt help and I cant find the process :(01:37
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godmachine81man i dont get this big hype with tomboy01:37
Goofcoz_:  I'm using ATI Radeon 9250 Card.01:37
godmachine81whats so special about "tomboy"01:37
=== Oompa [i=Oompa@c-67-166-234-98.hsd1.tx.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
deadhoboCan incorrect modelines really damage a LCD?01:37
skeljmichaelx: oh I get that too in dapper.. I click the little fullscreen button and back again and it seems to work.. does that help?01:37
jribqatsi: try make uninstall, but there are no guarantees.  In the future, consider checkinstall01:37
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coz_Goof, oh well for et that how to01:37
qatsigodmachine81: me neither01:38
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variantBacon5o: its a little complicated but you can have 4 primary parts and you can make one a logical partition which you can then sub partition01:38
coz_Goof, forget that how to then01:38
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purefanskel: I saw it had the double window mode on, so I turned it to a single screen mode, now I need to restart the xserver, any way of doing it without having to restart the machine?01:38
qatsijrib: ok, ill try, thank you :d01:38
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jrib!checkinstall > qatsi01:38
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FlamekebabdabaR, BINGO! thanks01:38
mikedotyI am having trouble finding the .torrent file for ubuntu on the download page...01:38
variantBacon5o: if you need more than 4 partitions you can have 3 primary and one logical01:38
dabaRFlamekebab: welcome01:38
=== jacquesdupontd [n=jacquesd@26.8.98-84.rev.gaoland.net] has joined #ubuntu
jmichaelxskel: no, it can't play the video clips. i have this problem on two edgy machines01:38
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mikedotyPerhaps I was "Other distribution options?"01:38
variantBacon5o: sorry, tats a crappy explanation :P01:38
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godmachine81qatsi:: i installed tomboy and f-spot to see what the hype was.. f-spot is cool.. but tomboy.. its just pointless if you have mousepad/gedit/ or some light text editor01:38
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jacquesdupontdi just bought a DWL-G52001:38
Tim90goof: i have ati radeon 9550 works great and i didnt have to wory about drivers not once01:38
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variantgodmachine81: agread01:38
nbx909jmichaelx, the defult ones?01:38
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jacquesdupontdand i bought it to put it in mode monitor01:38
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jacquesdupontdbut it doesnt work with edgy01:38
skelpurefan: hmm.. ok. Ubuntu is packaged with video drivers for ATI usually.. I'm using nvidia so I'm not as familiar.. but there is a restricted modules package that comes in ubuntu that you can install that has those drivers.. maybe they would work better with edgy?01:38
coz_mikedoty, you could always download it  directly from the site01:38
jacquesdupontdanybody having an issue on it ?01:39
jribmikedoty: what page are you currently on?  (urL)01:39
NemesisDanyone in here know anything about ndiswrapper utils?01:39
jmichaelxskel: can you play the yahoo news video clips in edgy??01:39
qatsigodmachine81: agree, F-spot is nice, and i cant find the use of tomboy...01:39
Bacon5ovariant: well its asking me whether I should do a primary or a logical?01:39
GoofTim90:  does it support ATI Radeon 9250 too?01:39
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mikedotyI was only getting 15kb/s.  I guess I could try a couple other FTP servers01:39
jribmikedoty: click on your country01:39
jacquesdupontdedgy = no mode monitor for atheros chipset ?01:39
nbx909try the torrent01:39
Tim90yess ,01:39
skeljmichaelx: I'll find out soon enough01:39
godmachine81qatsi:: evidently someone has found a use for it.. its in every podcast i listen to, its in every edgy review.. and i dont get it01:39
vrtaa quick question: is there a way, to make apt-get to install all the packages i have installed right now, so i can "reinstall" them all when I make a clean install ?01:39
variantBacon5o: what are you doing? you are creating a new parition, this is not what you want01:39
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jacquesdupontdedgy = no mode monitor for atheros chipset ?01:39
grndslmwhat are all the java packages that I need to install on edgy to ensure hassle-free compatibility in the future?01:39
Bacon5oyes variant01:40
skelpurefan: you can do sudo /etc/init.d/gdm restart  to re-init your X drivers01:40
Bacon5oI am creating a new partition01:40
skelpurefan: that will restart X though01:40
vrtai mean, can i somehow export the list of apps i have installed right now01:40
Bacon5otrust me on this one :D01:40
Tim90Goof: run this "glxinfo |grep direct" tell me what it says01:40
variantBacon5o: in the gparted on the ubuntu live cd you just resize the parititon to take up the free space01:40
skelpurefan: but not the whole OS01:40
jribmikedoty: after you click on your country (mirror) there is a list of files at the bottom.  Some of them are torrents01:40
qatsijrib: thanks for the checkinstall info :D very useful :) !01:40
purefanskel: Actually before I had installed the 64 bit version I tried the 32 bit for a while, and with it I used EasyUbuntu to get the drivers for the ATI but they didnt work so well, it kept using MESA instead of any ATI01:40
Bacon5omeh alright01:40
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nbx909skel, or just startx01:40
variantBacon5o: other than telling you that i cant advise you any more because i am confused by the feedback your giving me :P01:40
dabaRvrta: dpkg -l will show all that is installed now, and then you can use that list.01:40
coz_jacquesdupontd, I am not sure if there is a fix for that you may have to do alittle goggling to see what otheres have done with that model01:40
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skelnbx909: if X is already running?01:40
GoofTim90:  Yes.01:40
nbx909skel, oh no lol01:41
RobNyc_is it me cuz i keep getting startup errors when i enter gnome in both pcs01:41
Tim90then it will work01:41
grndslmjacquesdupontd...your problem is with a monitor?01:41
jacquesdupontdive searched all the evening01:41
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jribjmichaelx: have you installed w32codecs?01:41
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lakcajW I R E L E S S    O N    L I N U X     C A N    D I E    I N    A     F I R E01:41
coz_jacquesdupontd, you may want to preface the search with " ubuntu then the model number01:41
jacquesdupontdwith mode monitor01:41
skelnbx909: =D was curious if they changed that =P01:41
Tim90GOOF: go for it .01:41
qatsianyone here using XGL with Xinerama ?01:41
vrtadabaR tnx. wold prefer an automatic way01:41
jacquesdupontdthat was working with dapper01:41
vrtabut this is a start01:41
mikedotyHm.  I'm in the United States; which ones are torrent files?01:41
diepruis@lakcaj lol01:41
skellakcaj: sounds like you got a crappy HW vendor01:41
nbx909skel, no that's been hard coded for years01:41
coz_lakcaj, my wireless works fine01:41
variantlakcaj: lol01:41
jacquesdupontdit seems its because of madwifi-ng01:41
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GoofTim90:  thanks!01:41
jribmikedoty: the ones that end in .torrent ;)01:41
RiverMy Edgy upgrade from 6.06 was interrupted and now fails to boot with "/etc/mdadm/mdadm.conf" no such file ore directory, can someone help ?01:41
nbx909mikedoty, i'll get you the link which one do you want?01:41
mikedotyThey all hyperlink to the same reroute URL so I can't tell01:41
jacquesdupontdand dapper was madwifi01:41
jacquesdupontdnot madwifi-ng01:41
mikedotyNo pref, I'm in IL so I'm pretty equal opportunity geographicallly01:41
coz_River, what are you on now01:42
deadhoboAnyone here have an Alienware 51-m?01:42
Tim90Goof: post here if you have any problems01:42
jacquesdupontdive read that we can do it01:42
deadhoboI can't seem to figure out the modelines for it :/01:42
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jacquesdupontdbuilding interfaces athX01:42
jacquesdupontdbut i dont understand at all01:42
jribmikedoty: http://ftp.osuosl.org/pub/ubuntu-releases/edgy/ for example01:42
variantRiver: boot to the live cd and chroot your ubuntu install, from there continue the apt-get dist-upgrade01:42
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jacquesdupontdthe guy dont explain at all01:42
nbx909mikedoty, er torrent doesn't matter on location, I ment which type of edgy? x86, ppc, amd64?01:42
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godmachine81gnomefreak:: having technical difficulties?01:42
jacquesdupontdjust said it was possible01:42
mikedotyOh well of course01:42
Rivercoz_ Another of my boxes which has already been upgraded to Edgy01:42
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LjLlakcaj, you're not the first to be frustrated with wireless unfortunately, but still please don't type stuff in caps etc like that, it's annoying ;-)01:42
jacquesdupontdim so sad cuz iv'e look to buy the best card for monitor01:42
mikedotySorry I'm fairly dense at times :p01:42
skelvariant: is there any harm in just updating sources.list, apt-get update and apt-get dist-upgrade ?01:42
jacquesdupontdand then i see that its not possible cuz of edgy01:43
nbx909mikedoty, k 1 sec01:43
jacquesdupontdor cuz of madwifi-ng01:43
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variantskel: none at all, thats what i did. make sure your system is sane before doing it though01:43
qatsiis there a good howto for twinview and xgl ?01:43
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jmichaelxjrib: yes, all codecs are installed01:43
skelvariant: okie =]  in middle of upgrade atm01:43
Rivervariant , by live CD you mean the Deskstop ? I have the Alternate01:43
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variantRiver: as long as you can get a command line it doesnt matter01:43
deadhoboWell, I'm going to plug in some guesses in modelines... I hope it dosn'01:43
godmachine81qatsi:: you dont need xgl if your in edgy.. edgy has aiglx01:43
LuxuriousHiya, I'm trying to connect to the Internet using a static configuration.  My problem, however, is that I'm not 100% sure which values to fill into "network", "broadcast" and "gateway".  Know of any documentation that explains what these values should be on a router configuration?01:43
jribjmichaelx: download the file and see if regular mplayer plays it01:43
Bacon5ovariant: this is the situation. I have a slave drive that is partitioned in two. How does this work if I partition another spot (say 10GB) for ubuntu01:43
jacquesdupontdim gonna go crazy01:44
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variantRiver: even a gentoo live cd will do :) you just need a chroot environment01:44
jacquesdupontdcuz im searching since01:44
jacquesdupontd3 hours01:44
nbx909mikedoty, alternate or desktop?01:44
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mikedotydesktop please ;)01:44
LuxuriousI excpect that "gateway" is my router IP address, on may Cayman model.01:44
jmichaelxjrib: how would i download one of those files?01:44
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GoofTim90: When I run beryl-manager or beryl-xgl .. I get this ..01:44
GoofXGL Absent, checking for NVIDIA01:44
GoofNvidia Absent, assuming AIGLX01:44
Goofberyl-xgl: No composite extension01:44
dabaRLuxurious: man interfaces01:44
variantBacon5o: you woul just resize one of the paritions leaving 10gb space and create a new empty parition in the empty space01:44
godmachine81gnomefreak:: having problems?01:44
GoofIs it normal?01:44
LuxuriousThanks dabar01:44
nbx909mikedoty, http://ftp-mirror.internap.com/pub/ubuntu-releases/edgy/ubuntu-6.10-desktop-i386.iso.torrent01:44
Ron__hi anyone knoe how to open a port? can private msg me?01:44
variantBacon5o: then select that parition in the installer under manual partitioning01:44
tigerdabar, what does mean ? /8 ?01:45
grndslmWhat is a disklabel??  And should I set it to msdos or bsd??01:45
gnomefreakgodmachine81: no01:45
mikedotyAha same link I was thinking of trying, but I was afraid to since I"ve proven myself rather incompetent so far :p01:45
qatsigodmachine81: yes i need xgl, i have an ati01:45
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variantgnomefreak: ignore it01:45
D4m4geis anyone using fglrx? i have a font path problem?01:45
mikedotyThanks for the help nbx909 :)01:45
Rivervariant, I tried previously via "recover broken system" although the upgrade continued, many things failed because /usr and /proc amongst others were not mounted01:45
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nbx909Ron_, unless you installed a firewall then all ports are open01:45
qatsigodmachine81: i cant use aiglx :(01:45
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coz_Luxurious, what you need for static is your ip address, the gateway is the ip address of yourrouter probably or your isp01:45
variantRiver: then the answer is simple.01:45
godmachine81qatsi:: ohhh01:45
nbx909mikedoty, np, just trying to appease the linux gods before I install edgy on this computer :P01:45
dabaRtiger: it means 8 bits in a 32 bit ip address are relevant01:45
variantRiver: Boot the live cd and we can go from there01:45
nbx909i already have it on my server01:45
tarnap<-- leaving01:45
tarnapbye bye01:45
nbx909and it installed fairly well01:45
tigerdabar ohhhhhh :O01:45
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godmachine81and gnomefreak says he aint having problems.. looks like he is having some issues01:46
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godmachine81gnomefreak:: you sure bout that?01:46
gnomefreakgodmachine81: yes i am very sure01:46
variantRiver: you should register with nickserv so we can continue in /query as this is a littl ebusy01:46
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Ron__i understand that al ports are closed by default on the new ubuntu version01:46
Ron__anyone knoe about this?01:46
godmachine81well thats like 10 join/parts in 2 min01:46
jacquesdupontdso ?01:46
D4m4gecan someone using fglrx paste his xorg.conf file somewhere so I can fix mine? :)01:46
gnomefreakim doing it on purpose its the only way to test these thingsa01:47
grndslmWhat is a disklabel??  And should I set it to msdos or bsd??01:47
jacquesdupontdhave i to forget ?01:47
jribjmichaelx: can you right click on mplayer plugin and choose save as?01:47
variantRon__: all ports are open, there is no firewall by default01:47
godmachine81what are you testing+01:47
jacquesdupontdor comeback when there will be less people01:47
Rivervariant, sorry what do you mean re nickserv01:47
jacquesdupontdcuz it seems we dont see what i write, it goes to fast ;)01:47
jmichaelxjrib: i don't think it gives that option01:47
qatsiO.K., I'm going to halt-myself now...see ya in a couple of hours :D01:47
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mikedotyOh, this is a great place to ask about pygame in ubuntu.  Does pygame work nice and cool in ubuntu?01:47
Tim90GOOF:one sec01:47
nbx909Ron_, not true, because i'm running a server off of an edgy machine and if you can see http://nbx909.be then my ports are open01:47
jacquesdupontdim searching on #ubuntu and on #madwifi01:47
Ron__but when i try to scan my ports rite01:47
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variantRiver: you are in irc, there is a "nickserve" on this irc network that you can register your nick (river) with and then you will be able to talk to be in a private chat01:47
jacquesdupontdi dont know where to seach better01:47
Ron__there are no ports open01:47
LuxuriousdabaR, coz_: The manpage said nothing about what the "broadcast" or "network" stands for.  Got an explanation, because I've no idea what to put there.01:47
skelwell here I go for a restart for edgy.. wish me luck01:48
nbx909Ron_, linux only opens ports as needed01:48
variantRon__: there are no services runing on those ports you mean01:48
Ron__ya that is the problem01:48
nbx909what services do you want?01:48
nbx909lol] 01:48
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blindSo beryl is not working now after my upgrade to edgy. Is this a common problem? How can I fix it?01:48
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godmachine81gnomefreak:: what are you testing?01:48
dabaRLuxurious: broadcast is same subnet, so like 192.168.0 but the last octet is 255, the network is 001:48
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coz_Luxurious, if you have your ip address, the gateway address a 255.255.255.o you are most likely going to be on the net01:48
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Ron__what i am trying to do is that i wan to do a port forward from 25 to another pc port 2501:48
variantRon__: what command are you using to portscan?01:48
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variantRon__: you got iptables installed?01:49
pazemlsqdfmojcan i turn off grouping of programs in the task bar?01:49
Ron__i am just using the ubuntu ..desktop port scan01:49
Hellclancan some help me get ubuntu to see my wireless card01:49
Luxuriouscoz_: I have a router01:49
Ron__ya installed01:49
gnomefreakgodmachine81: please stay on topic and im testing scripts01:49
Tim90Goof: still need help01:49
variantpazemlsqdfmoj: yeah i think so01:49
variantpazemlsqdfmoj: dont rememebr how though01:49
Ron__after i installed ssh already ..i have the port 22 open..01:49
Ron__bt i dun wan to install a software just to open a port01:49
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godmachine81gnomefreak:: quit being a bitch about it i just asked..  it is on topic to see what your testing if it has to do with ubuntu.. besides if anyone else was joining/parting like that you would kick/ban them for flooding with joins01:49
LuxuriousdabaR: So if my IP address is, then "broadcast" should be set to ?01:49
akappaHi guiys01:49
Ron__i just want to open the port 25 and forward it to another pc01:50
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coz_Luxurious, the the gateway address is the router address, the one that you putinto the browser address abar to configure it01:50
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nbx909Ron_, then it's a command01:50
dabaRLuxurious: hm...I did not say that....255 broadcast, .0 network01:50
jribjmichaelx: then you'll have to look at the source01:50
AdamKilihow do i upgrade to Edgy? i understand that there's a wiki with instructions. can someone give my the linky?01:50
Rivervariant, nickserv is a channel or a server , sorry bit of a noob01:50
Ron__wats the command?01:50
godmachine81truth hurts..01:50
variantRiver: nickserv is a bot on this network01:50
jribjmichaelx: but the plugin does usually give the option, or at least of copying the url01:50
nbx909Ron_, but why do you want to forward port 25 to a computer?01:50
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nbx909another computer*01:50
Ron__bt the thing is that u nid to have a service running ..to listen on the port then it will be open izzit/01:50
variantRiver: dont worry about it, just get back to doing what you were doing :P01:50
LuxuriousI don't get it dabaR.  Broadcast  Network
akappaI've upgraded my ubuntu machine to 6.10 version, but usplash doesn't work: it says that no theme is avaiable for my resolution (1280x1024), I think that the problem comes from my previous modification of the original theme...01:51
akappahow I can fix this issue?01:51
GoofTim90:  yea?01:51
Ron__ok ..the thing is that..i have installed postfix on my virtual machince ubuntu server01:51
tigerdabar: postfix is a litle bit more complicated than QK Smtp server for Windows,.........,....01:51
xexosHow do you upgrade from a disk?01:51
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LuxuriousOkay, thank you dabaR and coz_.  I'll try those values.01:51
jmichaelxjrib: where do you find that option?01:51
nbx909Ron_, yeah there would be no point to forword a port if there wasn't anything running on it01:51
jacquesdupontdedgy = no mode monitor for atheros chipset ?01:51
Tim90Hows it going01:51
jmichaelxwhere are you right-clicking?01:51
jribjmichaelx: I right click where the video is supposed to show01:51
tigerdabar: do U know WHERE is the port to send mails ?!01:51
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dabaRtiger: no, I am leaving now, good luck01:51
Ron__i wan to port forward from my host os ubuntu desktop to this vm server01:51
nbx909Ron_, then you need to open port 25 on the host machine01:52
Tim90have you done the  "repositories"01:52
tigerdabar Good Bye01:52
Rivervariant can I use a 6.06 Desktop live CD  to get my command prompt ?01:52
Ron__how shall i do that?01:52
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purefanskel: are you still around?01:52
variantRiver: yup01:52
variantRiver: any live cd01:52
SBladehow do i edit a user's startup session from the console as root?01:52
ubotuUbuntu Dapper 'Desktop' CD contains a Live CD (Ubuntu that runs straight off the CD and RAM) with an install option. Breezy's Live CD contained no install.01:52
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Rivervariant, thanks will go try now01:52
variantRiver: np, just highlight me when your done01:52
Ron__how shall i open the prt 25 on the host machine01:52
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nbx909Ron_, why not just install postfix on the native machine?01:52
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akappaanyone have a clue for my problem?01:52
Ron__no cannot01:53
nbx909akappa, what is the problem?01:53
Ron__i just wan to do port forwarding01:53
xexosMy ubuntu machine reconizes breezy as a newer vesion but will not upgrade, any help?01:53
nbx909Ron_, why can't you?01:53
nbx909Ron_, google port forwarding01:53
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akappaokay, I repeat:01:53
Tim90Goof: keep me updated 101:53
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about portforwarding - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi01:53
coz_akappa, sorry , could you repeat the problem01:53
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akappaI've upgraded my ubuntu machine to 6.10 version, but usplash doesn't work: it says that no theme is avaiable for my resolution (1280x1024), I think that the problem comes from my previous modification of the original theme...01:53
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Ron__because my idea is to run a mail server, web server in different vms..01:53
nbx909akappa, oh yes01:53
riddleboxcan someone help me I tried installing the nvidia drivers from apt-get and from the nvidia site, and had problems with both?01:53
jmichaelxjrib: ok, i right clicked where the video should have played, copied the URL, and pasted it into the address bar in mplayer.... it did play the short commercial that comes on first (although very crappily), but it did not move on to the actual news clip01:54
nbx909akappa, try removing and reinstalling usplash01:54
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akappanbx909, done :P01:54
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xexosMy ubuntu machine reconizes breezy as a newer vesion but will not upgrade, any help?01:54
akappabut it doesn't resolve..01:54
nbx909akappa, try purgeing and reinstalling01:54
bur[n] erxexos: uhh... breezy was ages ago... edgy is the newest01:54
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jribjmichaelx: this may be a problem with the site's scripting01:54
nekomataGRUB refuses to start if my SATA drive is plugged in (it just freezes). How can I switch from GRUB to LILO, which I hope works01:54
Ron__i try looking around in forums..01:54
koberHey, I was looking at installing XGL/Compiz on my laptop but I can only find info on nvidia and ati.  I have intel01:54
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akappaI try, but it's frustrating reboot and trying again.. :P01:54
Ron__i just cant find any solution for this01:54
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bur[n] erkober: using edgy?  it may just work... get beryl :)01:54
jmichaelxjrib: maybe. these videos work fine in dapper01:54
jribRaskall: stop01:54
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SBladehow do i edit a user's startup session from the console as root?01:55
koberbur[n] er: Yes with edgy :)01:55
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coz_Ron_, i didn't catch the problem01:55
Ron__hmm is there realli no one that can help me?01:55
RaZieL_15[1] Then01:55
Linux101I got a question01:55
xexosbur[n] er: i think its breezy, my machine is at like 5.06 or something... but i have a v6 cd01:55
koberbur[n] er: Do you know what the package name is for beryl?01:55
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bur[n] erkober: my intel just works with AIGLX built into xorg...  just get beryl instead of compiz...01:55
nekomataHow can I switch from GRUB to LILO in Ubuntu?01:55
coz_Linux101, go ahead01:55
Linux101which version of Ubuntu is the most Loaded by default -- as in comes with the most packages already01:55
bur[n] erkober: beryl... but you have to add a repository...01:55
bur[n] er!beryl01:55
ubotuberyl is a window manager that takes advantage of an OpenGL accelerated X environment. See http://forum.beryl-project.org/ Please see #ubuntu-xgl for help with beryl. Thank You.01:55
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nbx909nekomata, why would you want to do that?01:55
bur[n] ernp01:55
Ron__coz_ i have private msg u01:56
nbx909Linux101, all packages in all versions are everywhere01:56
nekomatanbx909: GRUB is not compatible with my computer01:56
deadhoboUGH! I can't figure out how to change my screen resolution to widescreen, I have been working on it for a few hours... I would really appriciate any help01:56
Linux101I mean installed by default01:56
nekomatanbx909: Something to do with my SATA controller01:56
Linux101on a Clean install01:56
Ron__i just wan to open port 25 and have it forward to my port 25 in another machine01:56
coz_Linux101, well I am running edgy right now but both edgy and dapper would be fine and what you arelooking for01:56
Linux101i know they are out there to DL And install01:56
SBladesomeone please help me01:56
Ron__how can i do that?01:56
Ron__izzit soo diffcult?01:56
nbx909nekomata, ah01:56
prowerIs it easy to set up compiz and the like under Eft, or is it not stable enough to bother? :>01:56
ubotulilo is an alternative [Li] nux Boot[Lo] ader. Note: it is recommended that you use GRUB on Ubuntu instead.01:56
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[1] thenATTENCION!01:56
nbx909what help01:56
Linux101Coz: so which Distro has the most packages installed on a clean install01:56
[1] thenATTENT!01:56
[1] thenPRECAUSION01:56
bur[n] erprower: beryl > compiz... compiz kinda sucks in comparison01:56
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about spainish - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi01:56
[1] then!ATTENT!01:57
Linux101i wanna install that sucker and have everything right there installed and ready01:57
GarcherHey how do i reinstall 6.10??? i have an iso but ubuntu says its system is up to date..01:57
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about ATTENT! - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi01:57
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about spanish - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi01:57
bur[n] erLinux101: the dvd01:57
[1] thenInfo SpaM Es El Colega Mas Amigable De todos Pidele Ayuda Solo Pon SpaM Y Listo.01:57
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about espanol - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi01:57
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about spam - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi01:57
Linux101thre is a ubuntu DVD?01:57
GarcherHey how do i reinstall 6.10??? i have an iso but ubuntu says its system is up to date..01:57
prowerbur[n] er: Never heard of that before...very easy to set up?01:57
coz_Linux101, yes there is01:57
bur[n] erprower: as easy as compiz01:57
bur[n] er!beryl01:57
ubotuberyl is a window manager that takes advantage of an OpenGL accelerated X environment. See http://forum.beryl-project.org/ Please see #ubuntu-xgl for help with beryl. Thank You.01:57
coz_Linux101, hold on I will give you the link01:57
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about pygame - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi01:57
Ron__no one here does portforwarding?01:57
Linux101you forward ports via the Firewall01:58
prowerbur[n] er: Thanks, I will take a look01:58
coz_Linux101, here you go http://cdimages.ubuntu.com/releases/6.10/release/01:58
bur[n] erRon__: via your router?   just login and figure it out01:58
Linux101APC, IPTABLES, whatever01:58
Ron__i dun have router01:58
SBladesomeone please help me01:58
SBladesomeone please help me01:58
ubotuHelp! Keybuk, mdz, Amaranth, tritium, ajmitch, crimsun, ogra, CarlK, Seveas, Burgundavia, apokryphos, thoreauputic, nalioth, Madpilot, ompaul, rob, Hobbsee, imbrandon, DBO or gnomefreak!01:58
SBladehow do i edit a user's startup session from the console as root?01:58
coz_SBlade, what is the problem again01:58
Ron__the problem i try follow many command to open a port01:58
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Linux101i cant keep track of shit with all this SPAM01:58
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Ron__even i follow the command01:58
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Linux101are any ops here01:58
prowerOh...hmm, spoke too soon perhaps :> Still in development, probably not ideal for a production machine01:58
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ragplease somebody have a AMD Sempron?01:58
apokryphoshm, annoying01:58
Ron__when i do scan ..it still neber say it is open01:58
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SBladecoz_:how do i edit a user's startup session from the console as root?01:58
bur[n] erRon__: two NICs and internet in one, intranet on the other?  I think firestarter is a gui to hlp configure that01:58
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nbx909rag i have an atholon xp01:58
Amaranthdid i hit the wrong guy?01:59
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Ron__i also got use firestarter01:59
Ron__but doesnt work01:59
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apokryphosAmaranth: I think so01:59
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Linux101lol i thappens01:59
coz_SBlade, sorry guy I will have to pass that one on to someone01:59
Ron__saids need to have service the listen on the port..then the post will be automatically open01:59
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Ron__bt i just wan to open a port01:59
SBladethanks anyway coz01:59
ragnbx909: ok i have a problem with sempron, wich version do you use?01:59
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ragnbx909: first thanks01:59
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nbx909rag, what?02:00
nekomataCan I install lilo from windows?02:00
Linux101Coz:  so Ubuntu Live DVD Comes with a ton of packages pre-installed eh?02:00
nbx909rag, it's an xp 210002:00
Ron__i already tried for one days already02:00
ompaulxexos-[afk] , in a channel with over a 1000 users afk is not allows02:00
koberbur[n] er: Did you use the nvidia or ati startxgl.sh02:00
nbx90932 bit02:00
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mcquaidis there a way to change gdm's default resolution/refresh rate besides changing xorg.conf?02:00
Linux101Coz:  Does Ubuntu have a list of the included PAckages Anywhere????02:00
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Ron__can anyone help me?02:00
ompaulxexos-[afk] , please revert you nick now02:00
ompaulLinux101, packages.ubuntu.com02:00
Garcherhow do i reinstall 6.10??? i have an iso but ubuntu says the system is up to date..02:00
prowerAnyone using E17 then? It was pretty buggy last I tried, a few months ago02:01
ompaulRon_, bt opens it itself02:01
Ron__no one here knoes how to open a port and port forard it?02:01
ragnbx909: 2 computers with amd sempron, i dont know velocity02:01
nbx909Garcher, you want to do a clean install?02:01
boricuai dont understand the reason for edgy release since dapper was a LTS release, other then 3 new applications and a little faster boot process i see no difference02:01
naliothRon__: portforward.com02:01
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variantRon__: I know, i am just not telling you :P02:01
Ron__no i udun wan to install service ..i just wan to open a port02:01
Linux101Ron: Firewall Linux or Router02:01
nbx909rag, what are you trying to do?02:01
ragnbx909: what version do you use?02:01
godmachine81prower:: i have it.. dont use it much.. dont like the gold theme02:01
astopyompaul: if he's afk, he won't be able to change his nick back :)02:01
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ragnbx909: install with live02:01
grndslmsoo...can anybody explain to me the difference between sun-java5-bin sun-java5-jre java-package java-runtime java-common & java2-runtime???  or at least tell me the necessary ones to enjoy hassle-free ubuntuing??02:01
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variantRon__: man iptables02:01
NemesisDndiswrapper is showing my drivers as working and the hardware present but my system is still treating my USB wireless adapter as nonexistant, and it isn't lighting up, any ideas?02:01
xexos-[afk] ompaul, im still here02:01
Ron__this is my first time asking question here02:01
prowergodmachine81: Oh, yeah...well the theme is a bit off, but there's good ones available :>02:01
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SBladeI added beryl-manager to my startup on my user account, and its preventing gnome from starting. how do i edit a user's startup session from the console as root? anyone please help02:01
dagrumpwell i had a ?, but it looks as though my issue is minor so I'll refrain.02:01
godmachine81prower:: they dont work02:01
variantRon__: yeah, you asked the same one 60 times now02:01
boricuawhen i run now in edgy update manager i see  libggi2 and mplayer as updates but it is greyd out without able to select it why?\02:02
nbx909rag, yeah click on the install icon on the desktop02:02
xexos-[afk] ompaul, but i got to go now so im leaving, bye02:02
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Ron__yes tat is because i cant get an ans02:02
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coz_NemesisD, what usb adaptor do you have?02:02
ragnbx909: not start desktop...02:02
Linux101so what is the biggest and best package list -- Edgy, Dapper, Breezy, Warty, etc..02:02
wastrelRon_:  did you try firestarter?02:02
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Ron__ya i tried02:02
Garchernbx909: i want a clean install02:02
NemesisDcoz_, i have a dwl-g132 A2 by d-link02:02
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ragnbx909: i have a problem on "Starting ACPI Services..."02:02
cafuegoLinux101: Dapper02:02
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godmachine81Linux101:: thats a kinda crazy question02:02
ompaulLinux101, the one for your version of the distro02:02
nbx909Garcher, put the disk in the drive and reboot02:02
NsOmNiAcnext question installing webmin on the edgy eft02:02
Ron__even if i go inside and open a port02:02
ragnbx909: it not start nothing02:02
Linux101so you think Dapper has the best02:02
coz_NemesisD,  did  you check to see if that was supported02:02
wastreledgy has the best packages since they're newer02:02
Ron__it doesnt work02:02
ubotuwebmin is no longer supported in Debian and Ubuntu. Please avoid using it.02:03
NsOmNiAcanyone know what the file is called in apt ?02:03
nbx909rag, so acpi services doesn't start?02:03
Ron__i need to install service that will listen on the port02:03
Linux101ill look over Dappers List02:03
astopySBlade: would probably be easier to just remove beryl02:03
Ron__i mean02:03
Garchernbx909: but that wouldnt erase windows too?02:03
cafuegoLinux101: if you need to ask, you should be using Dapper. it's stable.02:03
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grndslmsoo...can anybody explain to me the difference between sun-java5-bin sun-java5-jre java-package java-runtime java-common & java2-runtime???  or at least tell me the necessary ones to enjoy hassle-free ubuntuing??02:03
prowerHow's Beryl with regard to stability?02:03
ragnbx909: it doesn't start02:03
Ron__if i installed postfix in another pc..02:03
NsOmNiAcyou have something you could suggest better ?02:03
wastrelthere's no webmin in apt02:03
NemesisDcoz_, yeah it is, it uses the atheros (sp?) chipset02:03
nbx909Garcher, not if you don't select the windows partition to install on02:03
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Linux101I asked  because i want a Default install that has basically all the packs i can get installed by default02:03
Garcherk thanks02:03
coz_prower, it is working fine .. there are cglitches it is beta'02:03
Ron__i wan to portforward to this postfix ..in another pc..from my internet pc..02:03
boricuawhy do i see an orange line here in irc some times under a commant02:03
Ron__how can i do that02:03
Linux101i have a test system with 300Gig of space02:03
Linux101and 4 gig Ram02:03
Ron__y i ask so many times02:03
SBladeastopy: good idea.....now i feel like a moron for not thinking about that sooner lol02:03
ragnbx909: its stop on "*Starting ACPI Services" with live amd64 iso02:03
Ron__bt i jsut cant get a reply02:03
Linux101i wanna install the biggest distro i can to play with lol02:03
prowercoz_: Ahh, I see... .11 that would be02:04
AkumAPRIMEMy xorg.conf here: http://pastebin.ca/227018  . Im trying to get my dual monitors working. Right now I have a few probs: A)  if I boot up with the 2ndmonitor connected, it uses that as the primary, and puts a tiny res screen on my laptop. I want to boot with the screen already attached, so how do I change this. B) if I boot up, then attach the 2ndmonitor it boots my lptop at full res, but my 2ndmonitor at a Very low res,02:04
AkumAPRIMEand also places the 2dmonitor to the "left" of my laptop when I want the 2ndmonitor to be to the "right" of the laptop. All help appreciated02:04
SBladeastopy: THANKS :)02:04
coz_NemesisD, atheros chipset ok hold on02:04
astopySBlade: :)02:04
cafuegoLinux101: that is 1) pointless and 2) not the same as a list of packages, as some are mutually exclusive.02:04
nbx909rag, hrm no idea ask it on the forums02:04
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Siph0ncoz_: im trying to get my DWL-G630 wireless adapter working now, and its not working...02:04
ompaul!tell Linux101 about components02:04
NsOmNiAccan someone suggest something similar to webmin for Ubuntu ?02:04
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Ron__i think i have asked like 100 over times..02:04
ragnbx909: ok thanks02:04
wastrelRon_:  you want to forward mail with postfix?  you want to set up your computer as a router?  we're not sure what you want02:04
ompaulLinux101, read the comment from ubotu please02:04
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ragnbx909: what is version live do you use?02:04
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Siph0ni tryed using the ndiswrapper, but still no luck02:04
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Ron__i have already said many times02:04
Ron__ok i repeat02:04
Linux101Cafuego: I dont care of your opinions on what i wish to spend my time doing and i also dont care for your smart A$$ Remarks thanks02:04
nbx909rag, it's installed to my desktop02:04
AkumAPRIMESiph0n: Are you SURE you have your Essid and pw input perfectly?02:05
ragPlease!!! problems with amd Sempron, do you know?02:05
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Siph0nAkumAPRIME: yes, ive checked, and rechecked :)02:05
coz_Siph0n, hold on guy02:05
Linux101ompaul: Thank you you have been helpful :)02:05
ragnbx909: desktop version, ok02:05
mngrifhow do i get a working compiler on ubuntu? the gcc package is installed, but anything's ./configure says it can't make executables02:05
Ron__i wan to open port 25 on my pc which will port forward to port 25 on another pc02:05
jmichaelxSiph0n: that card should work out of the box02:05
cafuegoLinux101: Feel free to ignore me, but don't be giving me lip, I'm just trying to help you.02:05
nbx909rag, well to install i used alternate since i'm a nerd like that02:05
Ron__how should i do that?02:05
boricuamngrif: you need make02:05
nbx909!tell mngrif about gcc02:05
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Siph0njmichaelx: i read that, but also read that it doesnt work right out of the box, cause of a defective driver (mrv8k)02:06
ragnbx909: ok, i have a try with alternate02:06
ianmacgregormngrif: sudo apt-get install build-essential02:06
sharperguyHow do i get the jre plugin for FF02:06
Ron__i mean dun u all find it stupid02:06
nbx909rag, well that's a bad idea02:06
mngrifthanks all02:06
Ron__if i installed postfix on my pc..02:06
ragnbx909: bad idea?02:06
Linux101well in your attempt you come off as sounding like a jerk - so perhaps that is just how it looks - or perhaps your a jerk - either way I will still say thanks for trying02:06
ragnbx909: why'02:06
ragnbx909: ?02:06
Ron__then the port will be opened and thus i can port forward tit to another pc?02:06
nbx909if the live cd won't start then you'll just have the same problem after the reboot after installing02:06
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tigerCan Anybody to help me to config POSTFIX >?!02:06
Ron__i just wan to open a port02:06
jmichaelxsiphondo you know what version of dwl-g630 do you have? mine has an atheros chipset. (ver C2)02:07
Ron__that simple02:07
ragnbx909: alternate is like gentoo install or easy like kubuntu/ubuntu?02:07
Ron__y cant i get a ans?02:07
wastrelRon_:  you don't want postfix02:07
Siph0nim version B02:07
wastrelRon_:  how is the other computer connected to yours?  are they on the same LAN?02:07
cafuegoLinux101: Yeah, fine.02:07
tigerRon_ I think you want a PROXY SERVER02:07
ompaulLinux101, cafuego was right in his initial comment, and your comment to him was wrong - so please consider that02:07
jmichaelxSiph0n: do you know what version of dwl-g630 do you have? mine has an atheros chipset. (ver C202:07
nbx909rag, alternate is the old text installer, like debians iirc easier then gentoo02:07
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cafuegoompaul: never mind., dude.02:07
Siph0njmichaelx: im version B02:07
jmichaelxok.... your card is different than mine02:07
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Ron__i just need someone to help me02:07
ragnbx909: tutorial, where is?02:08
tigerboricua: thanxs :)02:08
wastrelRon_:  how is the other computer connected to yours?  are they on the same LAN?02:08
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Siph0njmichaelx: yea... but do u know what chipset mine uses?02:08
Linux101I have to say he is wrong about Point 1 he made - saying that me testing a unbuntu install is pointless?02:08
ragnbx909: do you think with alternate solve my problems with amd?02:08
Linux101that was what i was talking about02:08
nbx909rag, no tutoral needed. you just go from screen to screen, it's fairly easy02:08
nbx909rag, probrably not02:08
coz_NemesisD, have you looked here? http://www.hpl.hp.com/personal/Jean_Tourrilhes/Linux/Linux.Wireless.drivers.802.11ag.html02:08
tigerRon__:  is clear now ? a smtp server is all you need :)02:09
Linux101it sounded like he was trying to be a wise guy about it - but then again this is all in Text02:09
AkumAPRIMElinux I Think he said that installing the biggest distro possible was pointless... regardless, you should probly just move on02:09
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leakd n802:09
wastrelRon__:  how is the other computer connected to yours?  are they on the same LAN?02:09
ragnbx909: ok, by other hand, is possible disable acpi on bios, or something? any idea please...02:09
jmichaelxSiph0n: well if it uses the driver you mentioned, it would be a marvell02:09
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Ron__yes they are on the same lan02:09
cafuegoLinux101: No, installing *all* packages. Go have a google for 'knapsack problem' and you'll see what I mean <heh>02:09
Ron__can i private msg u ?02:09
nbx909rag, i believe you can in the bois but idk02:09
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NemesisDcoz_, i sure havent, im using the default windows drivers from dlink02:09
ragnbx909, what do you need here? i help you if possible for me02:09
loki505i got this error message02:09
Siph0nwell im not sure, cause none of the forum posts mention the DWL-G630 B1 version.... so no clue02:09
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loki505E: mldonkey-server: subprocess pre-removal script returned error exit status 102:09
ragnbx909: what?02:10
flodinecan someone help me edgy keeps asking for passwords when unzipping a rar file i dont understand02:10
loki505E: mldonkey-server: subprocess pre-removal script returned error exit status 102:10
wastrelRon__:  is the other computer connected to the internet?02:10
loki505E: mldonkey-server: subprocess pre-removal script returned error exit status 102:10
ragnbx909: ok , on bios, but how to?02:10
Linux101well i asked about a Single install of Ubuntu that has all the packs it can bundled in as default - to ensure that No packs cause issues with eachother -- i didnt plan on installing ubuntu as a base and then loading all the packs i could into it02:10
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Linux101that would be pointless lol and break things02:10
Ron__yes the other com is connected to the internet ..using nat02:10
nbx909rag, i don't know (idk) how to do that02:10
nbx909try google02:10
coz_NemesisD, check that site out and tyr to google more with the name of your cars, and either ubuntu or linux ingeneral02:10
wastrelRon__:  your computer is providing the NAT?02:10
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cafuegoLinux101: .. which is what I said ;-)02:10
loki505E: mldonkey-server: subprocess pre-removal script returned error exit status 102:10
ragnbx909: ok, how many version of kubuntu exists for amd?02:10
loki505can anybody help me out02:10
cafuegoLinux101: A normal base install of Dapper is ~ 2GB and will install just fine.02:11
ragnbx909: ok, how many version of ubuntu exists for amd?02:11
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nbx909rag, alternate and desktop02:11
Linux101right but i thought u were saying that - the idea of installing ubuntu  on my test system was pointless02:11
NemesisDcoz_, been bsaically doing that for the past few days, i have all the drivers loaded in ndiswrapper and working but wlan0 is nowhere to be found02:11
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Kuberris the largest resolution for ubuntu 1024x768?02:11
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nbx909Kuberr, no it's the defult you can reconfigure xorg for higher02:11
clemKuberr: no :)02:11
Linux101i was thinking to myself this is a good way to promote a linux distro lol tell people its pointless eh02:11
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ubotux is the X Window System; it's the part of your system that's responsible for graphical output. To restart your X, type this in a console: sudo /etc/init.d/?dm restart  -  To fix screen resolution or other X problems: http://help.ubuntu.com/community/FixVideoResolutionHowto02:11
ragnbx909: other possibility, disable acpi on live start boot menu02:11
coz_NemesisD, they are out there, and you will find them.. unfortunately , this is somethiems the case with these cards, as well as other hardware, you have to research first02:11
AkumAPRIMEwhat command opens a new X?02:11
ragnbx909: do you know?02:12
cafuegoLinux101: Based on what you said I thought you were going to try and install as many of the 25,000 available packages as possible.02:12
clemAkumAPRIME: startx02:12
ompaulLinux101, your offtopic, please take conversations to #ubuntu-offtopic or leave them out thanks02:12
Linux101LOL Lord No02:12
gypoAnybody, how do i view/edit a .conf file?02:12
Linux101talk about a broken linux install02:12
cafuegoLinux101: Anyway, obviously  a misunderstanding.02:12
Ron__yes correct02:12
raghow to disable ACPI on boot menu of kubuntu installation02:12
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diepruis@rag noacpi?02:12
AkumAPRIMEclem: that opens a new one, right? so I can sn test and switch back an forth?02:12
Ron__ok how about i rephrase my question02:12
coz_gypo, in terminal sudo gedit then the location of the file02:12
Linux101lol on both ends i see02:12
raggypo: vi file.conf or nano -w file.conf02:12
Ron__to open a port..i need to have a service listening to that port izzit?02:12
boricuatiger:to go directly yto postfix http://howtoforge.net/perfect_setup_ubuntu_6.10_p502:12
coz_Linux101, both ends??02:12
deadhoboWhat is the maximum resolution for the nvidia driver?02:13
clemAkumAPRIME: hmm.. no. It starts X from the command line when no other X is running.02:13
NemesisDive been researching for 2 days just to get a stupid wireless adapter working and the only thing keeping me from getting this going is some inexplicable problem locating the device02:13
AkumAPRIMEKuber, what cideo card?02:13
cafuegoLinux101: Anyway, the best version currently is still Dapper... Edgy isn't really stable yet.02:13
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ragdiepruis: please say me all , with noacpi , ok it is song for me02:13
ragdiepruis: familiar02:13
Ron__there is no way i can just open a port without a service listening on it?02:13
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Siph0njmichaelx: just a real quick question, if my card is showing up when i click on the Networking icon, and i can activate it, and the Link button on my card is lit... what does that mean is wrong? :)02:13
clemAkumAPRIME: In gnome there is an option switch use though isn't there ?02:13
ragdiepruis: are you sure?02:13
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Ron__i just states using ubuntu02:13
diepruis@rag could you rephrase that I didn't understand02:13
wastrelRon__:  yes, you need to port forward port 25, you don't need to set up a mail server02:13
Linux101hrm - i will download dapper and read over its list while doing so then02:13
AkumAPRIMEidk, there was a command, brb02:13
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Ron__is there a veri diffcult question to ans02:13
cafuegoRon__: What would be the point?02:13
tigerboricua: the page didntt help me :(02:13
wastrelRon__:  you can use iptables or firestarter(i think) to forward ports02:13
cafuegoLinux101: packages.ubuntu.com should give you a list I think02:14
AkumAPRIMERon_  yesish02:14
Ron__?ya i knoe02:14
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AkumAPRIMEMy xorg.conf here: http://pastebin.ca/227018  . Im trying to get my dual monitors working. Right now I have a few probs: A)  if I boot up with the 2ndmonitor connected, it uses that as the primary, and puts a tiny res screen on my laptop. I want to boot with the screen already attached, so how do I change this. B) if I boot up, then attach the 2ndmonitor it boots my lptop at full res, but my 2ndmonitor at a Very low res,02:14
AkumAPRIME<AkumAPRIME> and also places the 2dmonitor to the "left" of my laptop when I want the 2ndmonitor to be to the "right" of the laptop. All help appreciated02:14
Linux101yea im there now reading02:14
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tigerboricua: I cant see proxy config02:14
tiger.... there02:14
Ron__what i am trying to said is that02:14
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ragdiepruis: ok i have problems with AMD Sempron, when live starting , its stops on "Starting ACPI Services..."02:14
Ron__i dun wan to install postfix on the pc..just to have the port 25 open02:14
Ron__does anyone kneoe wat am i toking about02:14
diepruis@rag ahh ok02:15
Ron__i just wan to open a port02:15
ragdiepruis: are you sure with noacpi only?02:15
Ron__wah..i feel like crying man02:15
Linux101LOL Dapper is pretty loaded02:15
diepruis@rag I think so, why not working?02:15
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ompaulRon__, your software opens the ports it needs02:15
bob4444Hey guys is there a "run" program in ubuntu like there is in windows?02:15
Linux101Does ubuntu have good USB Support on Clean installs?02:15
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Linux101Keyboard and Mouse02:15
diepruis@rag is the option not working?02:15
nbx909Linux101, yes02:15
Linux101ah Sweet02:15
ragdiepruis, my customer ufff. tomorrow i like give him a solution, because they have 3 computers amd sempron02:15
cafuegoRon__: The port is not blcoked byd efault, so when postfix starts, port 25 will be open.02:15
wastrelRon__:  you don't want to open the port, you want to forward the port.  ask the right question and you'll get a better router02:15
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Linux101Gentoo and CentOS are Picky on USB02:15
tigerRon__:  U dont;t listen me......02:15
wastrelcafuego:  he wants to forward pport 25 to a NAT'ed machine02:15
clembob4444: Alt + F2 I thinh02:16
clembob4444: Alt + F2 I think02:16
Ron__yes correct02:16
cafuegowastrel: Ah, joy...02:16
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ragdiepruis: noacpi i dont try yet, but tomorros02:16
diepruis@rag and they won't boot?02:16
Ron__watrel ..u understand wat am i toking about02:16
ragdiepruis: noacpi i dont try yet, but tomorrow02:16
bob4444clem: ok ill try that02:16
wastrelRon__:  yes but i don't know how to do it :]   iptables02:16
cafuegoRon__: That's easy, all you need is a firewall rule in the 'nat' table.02:16
gypowhy doesnt gedit or edit work for me?02:16
nbx909bob4444, when in gnome what clem said workds02:16
diepruis@rag ahhh... I believe that'll do it, unless the problem's not with ACPI02:16
ompaulRon__, get the manual for the firewall and use that to help you02:16
Ron__bt wat is that command?02:16
cafuegoRon__: There is complete documentation in /usr/share/doc/iptables/html02:16
ragdiepruis: no, no boot, computers with AMD sempron stop on "Starting ACPI services..."02:16
clemnbx909: and in KDE :)02:16
bob4444nbx909: cool02:16
diepruis@rag you cann also try noapic and / or nolapic02:17
nbx909i use gnome02:17
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Ron__alrite ..02:17
clemI use KDE, but I'm thinking of switching... to Gnome.02:17
cafuegoRon__: But to start off: iptables -t nat -A PREROUTING -i <external interface> -p tcp --dport -j DNAT --to-destination <ip of postfix server>02:17
ragdiepruis: yeah? how to, i dont understand difference between noapic and nolapic02:17
mattbanyone else having problems using xen on amd64 with edgy?02:17
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tigerNOBODY can help me with postfix ?!!!!02:17
mattbwhere problems == xen locks up or reboots when it tries to load the dom0 kernel02:17
Linux101well downloading Ubuntu 6.06.1 Dapper Drake  -- who uses that in here currently?02:18
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Alethesnobody that knows Edgy Eft is out02:18
diepruis@rag they're just different options, they've worked for me in the past when I have problems booting02:18
clemtiger: state your problem..02:18
cafuegoLinux101: I use it on a few machines.02:18
tigerNOBODY can help me with postfix ?!!!! I could in Windows..........but here I dont understand too much02:18
Linux101eh i was told Edgy Eft is not as Stable02:18
ProN00bzomg, ubuntu begins to loose its edge02:18
ragdiepruis: ok i try noacpi tomorrow, ok noapic and nolapic02:18
NemesisDwhy doesnt anyone host ANYTHING anymore02:18
AlethesI haven't had any probs at all with edgy02:18
NemesisDfriggn mirrors02:18
diepruis@rag try noapic first tho02:18
Linux101maybe ill try Edgy And Dapper then02:19
cafuegoAlethes: I have. Lots.02:19
Alethesreally? like what?02:19
clemLinux101: there's a few pb with it alright..02:19
ragdiepruis: ok, because, other thing?02:19
deadhoboWow, I just entered console and my laptop shut off... :?02:19
Linux101Cafuego: with what - hardware, Software, Package issues?02:19
ompaulLinux101, I have said that this is not a chat channel please stick strictly to questions where you get support or give support, general quizzes and opinion are not for here - It is too busy thanks02:19
diepruis@rag yeah02:19
ragdiepruis: do you have a sempron?02:19
diepruis@rag nope02:19
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riddleboxcan anyone help me with nvidia driver problems?02:19
Alethesthe changes are minimal as far as I can see, but the ones that are made have made my experience nicer02:19
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cafuegoAlethes: Not booting at all due to broken initrd, not booting due to not loading sata driver, not starting X due to modprobe.d wrapper script.02:19
ragdiepruis: nope? please explain me02:19
tigerclem: I try with Evolution mail........ I say SMTP: or and then.........RCPT TO <xxx.yy.zzz> failed: Requested action not taken: mailbox unavailable02:20
diepruis@rag no I don't. had similiar problems on another pc and noapic worked for me02:20
ragdiepruis: ok time to sleep02:20
sharperguyDoes ubuntu automatically ajust the clock for daylight savings?02:20
diepruis@rag bye02:20
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cafuegoAlethes: Now I can fix that stuff via an old kernel and manually mouning /  from the initrd image...02:20
clemtiger: there is no MTA in Ubuntu, you need to install one.02:20
cafuegoAlethes: But I don't see a new user doing that.02:20
diepruis@sharperguy I think it depends on your timezone02:20
Alethescafuego:  true02:20
tigerclem:MTA ?!!!02:20
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Siph0njust a real quick question, if my card is showing up when i click on the Networking icon, and i can activate it, and the Link button on my card is lit... what does that mean is wrong? :)02:20
Linux101so i think dapper first then lol02:20
flodinecan someone help please02:20
tigerclem: what are you talking about ?!!02:20
clemtiger: you can't use localhost as your SMTP server without an MTA (mail transport agent)02:21
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ompaultiger, postfix is one sendmail is another02:21
Linux101if i can find a mirror that works02:21
ragdiepruis: ok yeah , one time i use noacpi and worked for me, here i forget try it...02:21
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bimbimplease help me02:21
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cafuegoAlethes: besides, Dapper has 3year support, so it's nice stable and supported for beginners :-)02:21
ragdiepruis: bye and thx for your help :)02:21
tigerclem Ive Axigen02:21
__mikemubotu tell bimbim about ask02:21
diepruis@rag yeah that happens, no problem02:21
clemAxiwhat ?02:21
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Alethescafuego:  in all fairness, I'm a pretty good linux candidate, because my requirements are very basic and I don't use any unusual hardware02:21
ragnbx909: bye and thx for your help :)02:21
tigerclem Ive Axigen. Could be ?02:21
sharperguyim in BST at the moment, but if savings goes off, i should be at GMT02:21
tigerclem: Ive Axigen. Could be ?02:21
nbx909rag np02:21
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clemtiger: I don't know Axigen...02:21
AlethesI don't play games, for example02:21
wastrel!es | tiger02:21
ubotutiger: Para Espaol por favor usen #ubuntu-es, #kubuntu-es o #edubuntu-es, all obtendrn mas ayuda.02:21
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bimbimgpl for router02:21
clemtiger: There's sendmail or postfix.02:22
tigerubotu than02:22
cafuegoAlethes: Wesnoth, Frozen Bubble and Scorched3D are a must!02:22
tigerubotu thanxs02:22
ompaulsharper rebooting takes care of it, if you are on 24/7 then leaving the box on GMT makes more sense02:22
ompaulsharper from a logging perspective02:22
RhiNoCan someone PLEASE help me get my wireless card (Linksys WPC54GS Ver. 2) to work with ubuntu 6.1002:22
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diepruis@RhiNo I might be able to help02:22
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tigerclem: Im using postfix!!!02:23
cafuegoRhiNo: does 'lspci' say it's a broadom 43xx?02:23
diepruis@RhiNo what chipset is it02:23
ragother things somebody know a project with list config file for all populars applications, list with path config files!!!02:23
RhiNocan u msg me or help in an other channel so its easier to follow02:23
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diepruis@rhino let cafuego help you, I don't know about that chip02:23
tigerclem:  how can I know if it is working fine ?02:23
ragconfig files path of main configuration of popular applications02:23
clemtiger: postfix is your MTA then. It will accept SMTP requests and carry your emails.02:23
cafuegoRhiNo: Downlaod & install http://ubuntu.cafuego.net/pool/edgy-cafuego/bcm43xx/bcm43xx-firmware_1.3-1ubuntu1_all.deb02:23
tigerclem: I think so02:24
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clemtiger: you can telnet on port 25 to see if postfix is listening02:24
cafuegoRhiNo: The bcm43xx driver works for that card (I have a v1.2 of it) but you do need the binary firmware.02:24
tigerclem: how ? please02:24
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atlefanother happy customer, did an upgrade to day, and so far all is good02:24
flodinei sure hate leave ubuntu but i got to get rar to unzip files please help02:24
clemtiger: telnet localhost 2502:24
uboturar is a non-free archive format created by Rarsoft. For instructions on accessing .rar files through the Archive Manager view https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FileCompression. There is a free (as in speech) unrar utility as well, see !info unrar-free02:24
grndslmwhat is the edgy-proposed repository used for?02:24
RhiNocafuego can u join #RhiNo-Help02:24
ragconfig files paths?02:24
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tigerclem: thaxks again!!!02:24
gnomefreakflodine: install unrar-free02:24
diepruis@flodine I think there is an unrar for ubuntu02:24
ComputinChucki'm trying to play DVDs with (g)xine and the sound is lagging behind the video02:24
ragweb list for config files path?02:24
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ragweb lists for config files path?02:25
flodinegnomefrea i did still asking for a password02:25
CharonXDoes anyone know if eclipse 3.1.1 is available in any repository? I have a plugin I need to use but its not compatable with eclipse 3.1.2!!02:25
diepruis@flodine try "sudo aptitude install unrar-free"02:25
clemCharonX: which plugin ?02:25
ompaul!info eclipse dapper02:25
ubotueclipse: Extensible Tool Platform and Java IDE. In component universe, is optional. Version 3.1.2-1ubuntu6 (dapper), package size 100 kB, installed size 368 kB02:25
vanRijn_is it a clean upgrade from dapper to edgy?02:25
vanRijn_or not recommended?02:25
CharonXclem, clay database02:25
ompaulCharonX, you can use newer stuff it appears02:26
__mikeman ide writen completely in java. Heres an idea, next time just don't write it at all02:26
jribvanRijn_: you can upgrade02:26
cafuegovanRijn_: it sometimes works (mine went horribly wrong)02:26
ompaul!info eclipse breezy02:26
nbx909vanRijn_, back up everything and don't count on it02:26
ubotuPackage eclipse does not exist in breezy02:26
nbx909vanRijn_, i got lucky on my server02:26
clemCharonX: oh, ok. (I used PMD plugin for 3.1 successfully on 3.2, that's why I was asking)02:26
nbx909vanRijn_, i'm doing a clean install on my desktop in a few days02:26
vanRijn_well, I'm complicating things even more by the fact that I'm running it on a G4 powerbook02:26
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CharonXI can use the clay database plugin but it will not save anything once I have built my DB02:26
cafuegovanRijn_: Wrost case scenario you'll need to fix fstab so that it used device file refs and not partition IDs.02:27
atlefi used this, gksu "update-manager -c"02:27
nbx909vanRijn_, just make sure you force all the held back packages02:27
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vanRijn_might be worth it to try a suse 10.1 install first and if that doesn't work then go with a clean edgy.02:27
CharonXNull pointer02:27
NemesisDcan anyone help me with ndiswrapper and my usb network adapter not showing up?02:27
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CharonX!info eclipse breezy02:27
ubotuPackage eclipse does not exist in breezy02:27
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fooDoes a dist upgrade work from ubuntu 6.06 to 6.10 ? Anyone had success?02:27
CharonX!info eclipse dapper02:27
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ubotueclipse: Extensible Tool Platform and Java IDE. In component universe, is optional. Version 3.1.2-1ubuntu6 (dapper), package size 100 kB, installed size 368 kB02:27
nbx909!info xserver-xorg edgy02:27
ubotuxserver-xorg: the X.Org X server. In component main, is optional. Version 1:7.1.1ubuntu6 (edgy), package size 164 kB, installed size 584 kB02:27
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aSt3raLany know if there are any amd64 beryl repositories?02:28
ompaulfoo, I did, however do not do it if you added things from non offical sources02:28
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aSt3raLor do i have to compile from source?02:28
grndslmwhat is the edgy-proposed repository used for?02:28
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NemesisDmy USB network adaptper isn't showing up anywhere but ndiswrapper is showing it as present and the drivers installed02:28
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atlefompaul : what sources?02:28
dhn_is it possible to upgrade to Edgy from CD?02:28
cafuegogrndslm: probably stuff that is being proposed for inclusion into edgy02:29
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ompaulatlef, anywhere that was not an offical ubuntu repo02:29
aSt3raLdhn_: see topic02:29
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ubotuchanging your nick in a busy channel like #ubuntu can get you removed - it causes unrequired scrolling which is unfair on new users, the same goes for using noisy away see (/msg ubotu away) for more details "/away reason" sets your client away silently, thanks02:29
Wheelybinhello there. Is it possible to upgrade from 6.06 to 6.10?02:29
aSt3raLsecret901: yes02:29
cafuegoWheelybin: sometimes02:29
WheelybinIE: without reinstalling from the cd02:29
aSt3raLany know if there are any amd64 beryl repositories?02:29
secret901cafuego: I'm trying to install from CD, but getting errors about not being able to execute the shell file02:29
grndslmcafuego, i thought that the repository was essentially locked down in terms of features....02:30
NemesisDanyone? ive been screwing around with this for two days and i just need some help02:30
clemWheelybin: theorically yes, it should be.02:30
ubotuDon't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly, if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. You can search https://help.ubuntu.com or http://wiki.ubuntu.com while you wait. Also see !patience02:30
cafuegogrndslm: yup02:30
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grndslmso why an edgy-proposed repos?02:30
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rick_hhow goes, anyone give me a hint as to how to get gnome to start with with ssh-agent so that I can enter my ssh key passkey on boot?02:30
rick_hI have ssh-askpass-gnome installed02:30
Wheelybinclem: Is there a howto on upgrading, like there's a howto from breezy to dapper?02:30
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flodinediepruis still asking me for a password02:30
grndslmcafuego, i prolly shouldn't add it to my list then, eh?02:30
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clemWheelybin: yes, the Release Notes02:31
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secret901I typed in "gksu "sh /media/cdrom/cdromupgrade" to upgrade to Edgy with the CD but I don't get any confirmation message02:31
gnomefreakthere isnt an edgy-proposed repo yet if there even will be02:31
cafuegogrndslm: well, it probably won't hurt.02:31
atlefompaul : like a02:31
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Wheelybinoh! I found it. It's in the topic title. It's easy when you know where to look. Thankyou!02:31
flodinediepruis never ever seen this before asking for passwords02:31
rixthLet me get this straight, Edgy inlcudes qt4-designer, but not the version of uic for qt4. That's.... stupid?02:32
grndslmgnomefreak, it's most definitely on the ubuntuguide, and i've seen it mentioned other places as well02:32
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michael__how do I access my session preferences from failsafe terminal?02:32
atlefompaul : like a***matix sources?02:32
hoovDoes anyone know, can I use a desktop cd on an upgrade as well, or must I have an alternate cd?02:32
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gnomefreakgrndslm: seeing as edgy was released 3 days ago and all repos have a freeze on them if there is one it doesnt have packages in it02:32
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atlefhoov : it says alternate02:32
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ompaulatlef, that would be one set - you have no guarntee that they will work02:32
gnomefreakgrndslm: ubuntuguide.org isnt official anyway ;)02:33
secret901how can I upgrade to Edgy with the install CD?02:33
ompaulatlef, the upgrade is from ubuntu to ubuntu - not ubuntu+random stuff to ubuntu02:33
hoovI know, but I was just wondering02:33
gnomefreak!upgrade | secret90102:33
ubotusecret901: For upgrading, see instructions at: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UpgradeNotes (you can also find this in the channel topic: type "/topic")  -  See also !downgrade02:33
grndslmgnomefreak, that's what i figured...just wanted to make it official02:33
variantRiver: how did you get on?#02:33
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atlefompaul : it did work here, but nice to know.02:33
concept10am I the only that cant start xmms or beep since upgrading ?02:33
hoovbecause I upgraded with a desktop cd to dapper02:33
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gnomefreakhoov: you mean fresh install (you cant upgrade with desktop cd)02:34
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JethroDawnfinehello, everybody... could someone help me with my apt-get? I stopped working and I can't find the problem :(02:34
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Bacon5ook variant...02:34
secret901what's the "edgy alternate install cd"?  I have the normal install cd, would that work?02:34
jribJethroDawnfine: what does it do02:34
Bacon5oNow I'm really mad =/02:34
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hoovnope, I did an upgrade from within synaptic when dapper came out.  unless I am messing up my terminology here02:35
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Bacon5ogreat now ubuntu totally !@#$ed my harddrive02:35
clemJethroDawnfine: try sudo apt-get update and tell us if you get any error message.02:35
secret901where can I get the "edgy alternate install cd"?02:35
coz_Bacon5o, how so guy02:36
Bacon5osomeone help me out here02:36
clemsecret901: ubuntu.com/download02:36
Bacon5ogee, how can I explain this02:36
michael__how do I access my session preferences from failsafe terminal?02:36
coz_Bacon5o, do your best02:36
Bacon5ook, coz, I have a secondary slave harddrive with two partitions02:36
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JethroDawnfineI was trying to install samba... but then I tried apt-get update first02:36
secret901is it possible to upgrade with the Desktop CD?02:36
coz_Bacon5o, ok02:36
jribJethroDawnfine: pastebin the output you get02:36
Bacon5othe labels on these two partitions are F & G02:36
DILhey all02:36
coz_Bacon5o, ok02:37
benkong2I did the update-manager -c -d from dapper to edgy and now my gnome-theme-manager is crashing on startup every time. Also my windows nhave no close,minimise etc. icons. It's like the title bar is missing any thoughts?02:37
ryanakcahow do I resize an image with "convert"?    convert -resize 2048x1024!/home/ryan/.beryl/skydomes/SpaceC.png  ?02:37
naliothBacon5o: your attitude isn't helping your cause  :)02:37
gnomefreakbenkong2: no -d02:37
JethroDawnfinejrib, where can I paste it?02:37
naliothryanakca: i use 'mogrify'02:37
jrib!paste | JethroDawnfine02:37
ubotuJethroDawnfine: pastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (you can always find it in the channel topic, among other useful things)02:37
benkong2gnomefreak: ah I took it from the ubuntu pages... wait a sec.02:37
Bacon5owhen I went on to create freespace (using unbuntu's partition program) I separated the F partition by 10gb to be used by unbuntu02:37
gnomefreakbenkong2: but the -d wouldnt cause that02:37
DILtried ubuntu on my doze box but cant see docs in "my Folder"02:37
coz_Bacon5o, ok02:37
Bacon5oSo basically I have 3 viable partitions02:37
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jribryanakca: try the imagemagick webiste, they have examples for all the commands02:38
Bacon5oF/G/3rd partition02:38
coz_Bacon5o, OK02:38
ryanakcanalioth: with what options02:38
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Bacon5oI cant even see my F drive02:38
ryanakcajrib: that's what I'm looking at02:38
JethroDawnfinejrib, ubotu, here: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/28976/02:38
Bacon5oI cant see the unbuntu partition02:38
Bacon5obut I can see my G:\02:38
gnomefreakJethroDawnfine: ubotu is a bot02:38
eimajenthatIs freecontrib.org down?  I don't seem to be able to access it.02:38
naliothryanakca: mogrify -resize X x Y Target.jpg    the target will be resized, so back up any originals02:38
clemBacon5o: you mean you can't see your Ubuntu partition in Windows ???02:38
naliotheimajenthat: it is.02:38
JethroDawnfineoops, hehehe02:38
Bacon5oclem: that would be correct02:38
clemBacon5o: did you expect to ?02:39
ryanakcanalioth: kk, ty02:39
Bacon5oclem, thats not the thing02:39
coz_Bacon5o, mm you wont see it in windows02:39
Bacon5othe partition that I partitioned cannot be seen either02:39
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__mikemits obvious Bacon5o is new to linux based on the fact that he calls drives by [a-z] :\02:39
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clemBacon5o: the filesystem used by Ubuntu is ext3, Windows only knows how to read FAT and NTFS.02:39
DILu cannot see patition from winows02:39
Bacon5omikem -> my first ever experience to linux02:39
coz_thank you clem02:39
Bacon5ook clem here's the delimma02:39
clemBacon5o: plus, it doesn't see "non-windows" types.02:39
cafuegoBacon5o: if you open the Admin Tools > Disk manager, does it show 3 partitions on that disk?02:39
secret901is it possible to upgrade to Edgy using a desktip install CD?02:40
cafuegoBacon5o: ... irrespective of whaether they have letters assigned...02:40
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Bacon5othe "F" partition was originally in NTFS, and I took 10gb of that "F" drive for the ext3...why cant I see the rest of my F drive that was NTFS?02:40
loki505my screensaver is choppy when it comes on02:40
loki505can anybody help me out please02:40
benkong2the command I used from the ubuntu forums is this.  sudo update-manager -c -d was this incorrect?02:40
DILhey guys why cant i see the documents in My Documents.  I can see them form Adiministartion but cant access them02:40
jribJethroDawnfine: can you load http://security.ubuntu.com in your browser?02:40
Rivervariant, could not locate a live CD so downloading 6.10 now02:40
rbilryanakca: you might find this script I wrote helpful? http://www.w-3productions.com/cvcs/weblog/archives/2005/02/linux_tip_quick_1.html02:41
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clemBacon5o: letters can move, they do not accurately define a partition....02:41
michael__how do I access my session preferences from failsafe terminal?02:41
sanguinei know there's a tool that allows windows to copy files from a ext2 partition02:41
JethroDawnfinejrib, got it... I can see an ubuntu folder02:41
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coolpaul900I am having a problem with booting up with the new image02:41
Bacon5oWell ok, atleast let me get on ubuntu first02:41
Bacon5oI have it properly installed02:41
seamus7Is Java Update 9 relatively new?02:42
__mikemon ext3 filesystems can take up multiple physical volumes02:42
cafuegoBacon5o: That would be good, ubuntu 8can* see all your partitions properly if they're there.02:42
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gypowhich comand line ftp server is the best for beginners?02:42
jribJethroDawnfine: try apt-get update again, still getting 401?02:42
clemBacon5o: anyhow, if that helps, FAT32 is seen by both Linux and Windows.02:42
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Bacon5oBut I also cannot access the internet through ubuntu, even when I have a physical connection (not WIFI)02:42
andresmujicaBacon5o: are you on windows at this point?02:42
rbilryanakca: here's one that will just do one image, not the whole directory like the last script ... http://www.w-3productions.com/cvcs/weblog/archives/2005/02/linux_tip_quick.html02:42
jribmichael__: what session preferences do you mean?02:42
Bacon5oandres: yes02:43
JethroDawnfinejrib, tried again... still the same02:43
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jribJethroDawnfine: does synaptic let you "reload"?02:43
michael__jrib, for what loads when i log in02:43
gypo which comand line ftp server is the best for beginners?02:43
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JethroDawnfinejrib, it seems like it doesn't even try to connect... the list of errors scroll fast on my screan02:43
jrib!ftp > gypo02:43
Rivervariant: how do I register with NickServe ?02:43
JethroDawnfinejrib, let me try reloading synaptic02:43
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grndslmcoolpaul900, are you sure you didn't just drop the ISO onto a data cd, instead of burning it as ISO images are supposed to be written to cds?02:43
ompaul!register > River02:43
gypojrib whats that?02:43
ubotuFTP clients: gftp, konqueror, kbear, nautilus. FTP servers: ftpd, proftpd, pure-ftpd, twoftpd, vsftpd02:44
lorca_what are u doing men02:44
ompaulRiver, read the message from ubotu02:44
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ryanakcarbil: kk, ty02:44
Riverompaul: thanks02:44
seamus7In which directory would Firefox 2 be installed ... I need to configure my JavaRE Update 9 and I need to link to it.02:44
coolpaul900ya I am sure I did becuase I updated from 6.0602:44
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JethroDawnfinejrib, no, I get the same error with synaptic02:44
gypo which comand line ftp server is the best for beginners?--looking for personal prefferences02:44
clemseamus7: which firefox, locate firefox02:44
jribmichael__: ~/.gnome2/session02:44
coolpaul900ohh I think you don't understand what I am saying02:45
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jribJethroDawnfine: weird, I don't know what's going on02:45
Admiral_Chicagoseamus7: i would use ~/.mozilla02:45
seamus7clem: firefox2 ... swiftfox202:45
clemseamus7: no no :) I mean, use the commands which and locate :)02:45
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ZyfoWhere are you "supposed" to put custom installed games apps etc? usr or anywhere else?02:45
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wastrelZyfo:  /usr/local02:45
andresmujicabacon: would it be possible to start from the livecd/installer for ubuntu?  so you can give us some info about your partitions?02:46
seamus7clem: oh lol02:46
clemseamus7: I don't have firefox.... so I can only tell you how to find it on your box.02:46
wastrelZyfo:  or /opt02:46
lorca_hi girl02:46
manawyddanhi, guys!02:46
seamus7admiral_chicago: ok thx02:46
wastrelZyfo:  check out the filesystem heirarchy standard02:46
jribgypo: try proftpd I guess02:46
DILcan anyone help me, itried ubuntu for 1sr time - i put it my box that has windows but when i run Ubuntu i cant see my data files on my windows disk02:46
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Zyfowhere can I find that wastrel ?02:46
michael__jrib, I don't have that file02:46
grndslmcoolpaul900, well, what are you saying then?02:46
manawyddani'm needing a bit of info.02:46
LuxuriousIs it normal for my Ubuntu computer to show the Ubuntu logo and an empty progress bar forever after I ask it to shut down.02:47
wastrelZyfo:  google probably knows.  Linux FHS02:47
jribmichael__: are you checking in ~ of your normal user?02:47
Zyfowastrel, ty :)02:47
coolpaul900when I am booting up and I chose one like ubuntu, kernal 2.6.17-10-386 that is the one I am having problems with02:47
michael__jrib, yep02:47
jribmichael__: edgy?02:47
grndslmDIL, you might need to mount your drive02:47
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JethroDawnfinejrib, is there any place on ubuntu where I can set up a gateway especially for apt-get? 'Cause it sounds like if apt wasn't even finding network connection to me02:47
michael__I'm in failsafe term02:47
coolpaul900I don't have a problem with the old one02:47
coolpaul900kernal I mean02:48
clemJethroDawnfine: you mean a proxy ?02:48
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jribmichael__: that file has my session stuff, don't know why you don't have one unless maybe you didn't setup any session stuff02:48
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grndslmcoolpaul900, does it give you any error messages?02:48
coolpaul900no it doesn't02:48
DILgrndslm: it shows up in administartion when i try to acces it sats i have no permission02:48
=== Bacon5o [n=bacon@12-214-26-208.client.mchsi.com] has joined #ubuntu
michael__jrib, what??02:48
grndslmit's just totally blank?02:48
coolpaul900it gets to savedefault02:48
coolpaul900then stops thinking02:48
Bacon5oI made it on ubuntu with internet02:48
Bacon5oI'm so exited02:48
Tim90Hey guys,can i have a link to all the art and themes for ubuntu02:48
clemBacon5o: you're in Ubuntu now ?02:49
fugitive_im using Ubuntu6.06. Im trying to install VMWARE Server on it. It is asking for C compiler and says that my PC doesnt have C compiler installed on it. But when In fact I do have "gcc" installed on my PC. How to make the VmWare know that I have gcc installed on my PC. I checked thru find / -name gcc* I can see three different versions of gcc and they are in /usr/bin/, I have typed the gcc location when Vmware was installing but still says that gcc is02:49
fugitive_not installed how come ?02:49
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jribmichael__: what I mean is, as far as I know, that is the file that contains the session info02:49
Bacon5oclem: I am on Ubuntu02:49
JethroDawnfineclem, not a proxy... see, to be connected with my dsl provider, I need to specify a list of dns servers for my eth0 or I can't navigate or use any program...02:49
DILgrnslm: no the files are there but i cant access them02:49
manawyddani've been trying to use the gl(3d) screensavers, but so far no luck, i'm using a ATI Radeon 7500 and the system is the AMD64 version of Ubuntu. Can someone help me, or point the right direction to solve this?02:49
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michael__jrib, aight02:49
Tim90What you so exited about02:49
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JethroDawnfineI did that, but apt-get is the only one that's not working02:49
grndslmcoolpaul, i'd recommend a fresh install from cd if your /home dir is on a separate partition, like it's supposed to be02:49
jribfugitive_: install build-essential02:49
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macdfugitive_, apt-get install build-essentail02:49
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Bacon5oClem, how was it that I could locate the partitions?02:49
macderr essential*02:49
clemBacon5o: open a terminal and type : sudo fdisk -l02:50
coolpaul900should i reninstall that kernal?02:50
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coolpaul900I can still boot up into ubuntu with the old one02:50
fugitive_jrib: macd: Im getting apt-get install build-essentail02:50
fugitive_Reading package lists... Done02:50
fugitive_Building dependency tree... Done02:50
fugitive_E: Couldn't find package build-essentail02:50
__mikemclem be sure to give him detailed instructions on using fdisk, you can really f*** things up if you make one wrong move with fdisk02:50
michael__jrib, I guess the things are loading from ~/.config/autostart02:51
jribfugitive_: spell it correctly :)02:51
slinky_hello, is there any benefit to installing the kubuntu desktop in ubuntu?02:51
fugitive_oops sorry02:51
clem__mikem: -l... only listing them so far.02:51
Bacon5ohmm clem02:51
coz_slinky_, no02:51
LuxuriousUbuntu Edgy: Is it normal that my computer shows the Ubuntu logo and and empty progress bar and hangs (doesn't shut down) after commanding it to shut down? (restart works fine)02:51
macdfugitive_, yeah build-essential02:51
macdI typod02:51
fugitive_jrib: thank you very much it is installing02:51
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MarcNslinky_: yeah, gives you access to kde applications02:51
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fugitive_thank you macd:02:51
D_Wyatthow do i reinstall grub?02:51
grndslmcoolpaul900, i don't get many kernel errors...sorry...but a fresh install would prolly do your system some good if your /home dir is on a separate partition02:52
ramenWhat do I need to install Amarok, if I have Ubuntu?02:52
D_Wyatti overwrote the mbr accedently lol02:52
ramenAnd how do i install it?02:52
coz_Luxurious, no that is not normal but then it may also be your hardware, i would have to se that one02:52
macdramen, apt-get install amarok02:52
apokryphosramen: one command02:52
Luxuriouscoz_: What part of hardware do you suspect is responsible for this?02:52
Bacon5o-dev/hdb6            4794        4863      562212   82  Linux swap / Solaris02:52
fugitive_macd: jrib: that was one of the quickest answer I got from IRC. Great work guys.Thx once again02:52
rameni don't need any kde libraries or anything?02:52
soyunperdedorramen:  sudo apt...   what macd just said,02:52
macdfugitive_, np.02:52
slinky_do the KDE applications offer anything more then ubuntu and can you run any KDE application usung only ubuntu?02:52
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soyunperdedorramen: No.  It'll be fine.02:53
D_Wyatthow do i reintall grub bootloader using the live cd?02:53
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macdslinky_, yes they will instlal the kdelibs.02:53
Admiral_Chicagoslinky_: Kubuntu is the branch of ubuntu that uses KDE02:53
Rivervariant: I have the live CD, how do I boot to command prompt now ?02:53
clemBacon5o: are you familiar with device names in Linux ?02:53
Admiral_Chicagoand you can run some apps on GNOME in KDE and vice versa02:53
slinky_will i be able to switch desktops without rebooting02:53
Bacon5oclem, I am uneducated, I probably shouldn't have done this...I'm such an idiot02:53
Admiral_ChicagoRiver: open up a terminal02:53
D_Wyatthow do i reintall grub bootloader using the live cd?02:53
coz_Luxurious, i wouldn't know off hand, i would actually have to know yourentire set up do a oittle research and see if any particular part of the system may be hanging.. my system has scsi drives and the boot pocess takeslonger than for most people because of the scsi controller in my system02:53
MarcNslinky_: KDE is a set of applications, Gnome is another set of applications, a lot of overlap in functionality, some people prefer one over the other.  I usually run gnome, but like the k3b cd burning tool of KDE.02:53
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macdslinky_, if you install kde, but if you just want to run kjde apps in gnome you can also do that02:54
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__mikemslinky_ kde has nothing to do with the actual linux kernel, its just a gui front end.02:54
Tim90art.ubuntu.com is not very terminal ,any one have any more links02:54
khaije1hi all, according to my reading edgy is supposed to be 'xen-ready'. does this mean  it is dom0 ready, domU ready, or both? anyone know?02:54
clemBacon5o: no no, it's good, that's how you learn.02:54
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Admiral_ChicagoTim90: what are you trying to find?02:54
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Luxuriouscoz_: It's a clean install, and I've set it up three times always with this same problem.02:54
clemBacon5o: all devices are there in /dev/02:54
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macdkhaije1, dom0, and you must use the xen-kernel-image02:54
D_Wyatthow do i reintall grub bootloader using the live cd?02:54
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clemBacon5o: IDE hard drives are hd devices.02:54
Riveradmiral_chicago: I am at the live CD boot menu and have start options only, which do I take ?02:54
coz_Luxurious, well in my opinion, that points to hardware issues like mine02:54
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slinky_Can i switch between GNOME and KDE without rebooting02:54
macdslinky_, yes.02:55
clemBacon5o: and IDE CDROM as well02:55
joincamphow do i make flash use oss rather than alsa?  my audio drivers dont support alsa.02:55
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coz_Luxurious, or a bad downloaded imae for the cd02:55
macdlogging out of one, anhd using the session menu to login to the other.02:55
crashzorslinky_, ctrl alt + backspace02:55
Tim90last night i found a nice splash screen for ubuntu 6.10.02:55
khaije1macd: so it's apt-get-able? thats pretty rocking02:55
clemBacon5o: in a computer, there are only 2 IDE ports.02:55
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macdcrashzor, the correct way is to logout first.02:55
slinky_ok, i'll give it a try then, thank you for the information folks02:55
Zyfoat linux FHS wiki it says "read-only data" for stuff in usr/, is it still fine to have games which has got file-handling etc (FPS games with demos, configs screenshots etc)02:55
=== __mikem remembers how when he was on a trip, power was cut to a laptop running ubuntu and the filesystem got curupted. I had very little linux experience, and it was about 1:00 in the morning so I couldn't ask for help. Either way, I had to manually repair the filesystem with fsck by my self
clemBacon5o: and on each, a master and a slave device.02:55
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crashzormacd,  Care it works :P02:55
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Admiral_ChicagoRiver: start installer (if it's dapper)02:55
macdand doesnt save your session settings.02:55
khaije1macd: iow edgy as domU still needs to be modded?02:55
Tim90Admiral_Chicago:i thnk the link ended with .org02:55
Bacon5omy master is 100% NTFS with Windows on it02:56
Tim90some thing like that02:56
clemBacon5o: in Linux, those devices (if present) are hda, hdb, hdc, hdd02:56
macdkhaije1, Im a lil grey in that area to be honest02:56
crashzormacd, true02:56
Riveradmiral_chicago: it is edgy 6.1002:56
Admiral_ChicagoTim90: i have no idea what you're trying to do still02:56
slinky_Admiral_Chicago: I installed the HP 1018 Laserjet successfully, thanks for your help02:56
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Bacon5ook clem02:56
AbstIs there any way to have a computer on my network start up with a  command from my box?02:56
Bacon5oI think I understand now02:56
Admiral_Chicagoyou're trying to find art?02:56
Tim90i want art work Admiral_Chicago:02:56
macdTim90, you want the ubuntu art page?02:56
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clemBacon5o: hda is master on IDE0, hdb slave on IDE0, hdc master on IDE1, and hdd slave on IDE102:56
Admiral_ChicagoRiver: start installer02:56
Bacon5olets focus on my hdb02:56
macdor gnome-look.org02:56
khaije1macd: still though dom0 is sorta the tricky part imho, I'd wager it does. I'll do some more reading and let you know02:56
Admiral_ChicagoTim90: well there is Kdelook.org but you probably want ubuntu art02:56
Luxuriouscoz_: This is a Compaq Presario.  I used to have this Compaq Deskpro which had this power button with on/off modes.  In that case Windows would tell me that it was now safe to shut down the computer.  Maybe Ubuntu is mistaking the switch type on this particular model, because prior to showing this screen it runs some progress (with an active progress bar), and the noise from the computer lowers dramatically just before this hanging image shows.02:57
Admiral_Chicagoslinky_: good to hear02:57
macdgreat@ khaije102:57
clemBacon5o: then, you can have partitions for each drive... and that's the number suffixing hdb or hdc.. etc.02:57
Garcherhey does the clean install takes some time to finish, cuz im seeing just a black screen...02:57
Admiral_ChicagoRiver: start installer02:57
Admiral_Chicagoit's a live/install CD02:57
macdLuxurious, you can make the power button do whatever you want in power management.02:57
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clemBacon5o: for instance hdb6 is the 6th partition on the slave hard-drive on IDE0.02:57
slinky_Admiral_Chicago: I will post in the forum what i did to get it to work02:57
Tim90i will have a look at that to , the one i seen was only for edgy eft and it lookes spectacular02:58
Bacon5oIt seems that I have 5 partitions02:58
Luxuriousmacd: Interesting.  Thank you for that macd, I'll be sure to check out if there's some setting that can change this in there.02:58
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Bacon5o1-2-3 (skipping 4) 5-602:58
clemBacon5o: each partition has a type, and a filesystem.02:58
aSt3raLi started an xgl session and it looks no different that gnome.  is there a way to tell if xgl is even running?02:58
Bacon5owhich I never knew I had02:58
DILthat a lot of partitions02:58
Zyfoat linux FHS wiki it says "read-only data" for stuff in usr/, is it still fine to have games which has got file-handling etc (FPS games with demos, configs screenshots etc)?02:58
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macdZyfo, you can mount /usr however you would like02:58
Rivervariant: are you still on channel ?02:58
clemBacon5o: ok, which hard-drive are you interested in ?02:58
Bacon5omy slave IDE002:59
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Zyfomacd, ofc, but according to the FPS praxis?02:59
Luxuriouscoz_: This doesn't particularly bother me, and I'm fine with pressing the power button, I just want to be sure that the system has definitely finished all necessary processes it needs to do before I press the button.02:59
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Bacon5oIt is a 80GB slave drive02:59
Admiral_ChicagoTim90: all you are saying is Admiral_Chicago: you aren't writing anything02:59
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manawyddanIs there any configuration needed in Ubuntu for AMD64 to make the GL screensavers work?02:59
clemBacon5o: on which IDE port ?02:59
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Bacon5omy harddrives are on IDE002:59
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clemBacon5o: so it's /dev/hdb02:59
Bacon5oI'm seeing it right now02:00
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jmichaelxwould anyone have an idea how to configure mplayer-plugin in firefox to play embedded .wmv video (yahoo news clips, for example) in edgy? i was able to play these videos in dapper, but since upgrading i've had no success.02:00
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godtviskenHow come once I updated to firefox 2, it stopped asking me if I wanted to open .rar files with fileroller, and other files with their respective programs?02:00
clemBacon5o: "sudo fdisk -l" lists all your partitions for all drives02:00
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Bacon5oyes, that is what I am seeing02:00
clemBacon5o: "sudo fdisk -l | grep /dev/hdb" lists only those from hdb, please run that and tell me what you get.02:00
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Admiral_ChicagoTim90: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?s=7650419d23dca9cced22bc7c4535b776&t=194002:01
LuxuriousOne strange thing happened to me today... I had this USB key and was plugging it to the back of the computer, but I accidentally hit the plate  that was on the back of the compute (the one with all the ports) with the USB plug, and the computer just powered down.02:01
koberwhats the difference between beryl and compiz?02:01
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DILok who is a linux xpert that can assist please02:01
macdkober, beryl is newer02:01
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Bacon5odev/hdb1               1        3249    26097561    7  HPFS/NTFS02:01
Admiral_Chicagokober: #ubuntu-xgl for more info02:01
kitcheDIL: just ask your question someone will anwser02:01
macdthe beryl-project wiki goes into more detail.02:01
crashzorhow to make a screen dump in xfce4 ???02:01
Bacon5othat is my first partition02:01
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LuxuriousJust ask your question DIL, no individual will take on your problem unless they know what your problem is.02:01
Tim90hey guys , try http://www.gnome-look.org/02:02
macdcrashzor, you can use import -o from the console02:02
ramenwhat is root?02:02
clemBacon5o: ok, it's 26Go ?02:02
crashzormacd, bash: import: command not found02:02
Luxuriousinfo root02:02
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macdI cant believe they took that out02:02
Bacon5oif blocks = Go then yes02:02
macdcrashzor, does the print screen button work?02:02
ubotusudo is a command to run programs with superuser privileges ("root"). Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo for all information.02:02
crashzormacd, no02:02
crashzorte command screendump did even work02:02
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Bacon5odev/hdb2            4794        9729    39648420    f  W95 Ext'd (LBA)02:03
Bacon5othis makes no sense to me clem...02:03
DILi load Ubunto on a seperate HDD on a box that also has XP on a separtate HDD i cannot acees my data files on the xp disk02:03
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concept10Do I need these packages to compile a vanilla kernel ? libqt3-headers libqt3-mt-dev02:03
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bob4444anyone know how to run eciadsl-config-text in ubuntu, everytime I try it just opens terminal??02:03
Bacon5owhat does "W95 Ext'd (LBA)" have to do with my slave drive?02:03
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fugitive_macd: its asking for What is the location of the directory of C header files that match your running02:03
clemBacon5o: yes, let's go through the info. it's called /dev/hdb1 (1st partition on slave IDE0), starts from block 1, ends with block 3249, it's 26Go, type 7 (windows NTFS partition in other words) and the filesystem which is on it is NTFS.02:03
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macdfugitive_, /usr/src/linux02:04
Jefe_AZhow do I get a non-GUI login?02:04
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=== __mikem watches Bacon5o's eyes glaze over
macdbut you must have linux-kernel-dev and linux-source installed02:04
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Bacon5oI got it clem02:04
Bacon5oI'm with ya 100%02:04
macdthen youll have to decompress the source bz2 package.02:04
clemBacon5o: ok, it's /dev/hdb2 this time, 39Go, and it's type F. The filesystem is FAT32 :)02:04
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Bacon5oClem that doesn't make sense02:05
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JethroDawnfineclem, just found my problem... it's the gateway indeed... I tried downloading something with wget and got the same 401 unauthorized error02:05
Bacon5oI dont even see this partition on Windows...02:05
clemBacon5o: W95, LBA.. all those silly words really just mean FAT32.02:05
bob4444anyone know how to run eciadsl-config-text in ubuntu, everytime I try it just opens terminal??02:05
Bacon5oI only see a 37.5GB NTFS partition on windows02:05
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clemBacon5o: ok. don't worry.02:05
fugitive_macd: im getting the same msg. How to find from the command line where the header files r located?02:05
Bacon5ook clem...next02:06
GirlRiveradmiral_chicago: I have live CD booted and terminal window open, i now need to re-start the previously interrupted upgrade, how do I do this ?02:06
macdfugitive_ you need to install them first02:06
Bacon5odev/hdb3   *        3250        4793    12402180   83  Linux02:06
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Bacon5oI presume would be the linux ext3 filesystem02:06
fugitive_macd: do u know wat r they & how?02:06
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Admiral_ChicagoGirlRiver: let me get this right, you want to use the live CD on an update that failed for a computer02:06
clemBacon5o: ok. that's probably your Ubuntu partition. Ext3 filesystem, 12Go02:07
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Vaske_CarI deleted Gnome panel by mistake, how do I return it back?02:07
paolobguys, performing dist-upgrade to edgy removes xserver-xorg, and so the upgraded system doesn't run X. I'm following instructions in https://help.ubuntu.com/community/EdgyUpgrades ... Is there any trick or is it a bug?02:07
Bacon5oyup, thats how much I set aside for ubuntu02:07
Admiral_Chicagowhy can't you use the one that you were using earlier02:07
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macdfugitive_, yes apt-get install linux-kernel-dev and kernel-source-2.4.2702:07
clemBacon5o: any other partitions ?02:07
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macdfor dapper.02:07
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macdedgy use your kernel version02:07
Bacon5odev/hdb5            4864        9729    39086113+   7  HPFS/NTFS02:07
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about sftp - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi02:07
jacquesdupontdcan i ask a question ?02:07
jacquesdupontdim lost02:07
Jefe_AZpaolob - just do a sudo apt-get install xserver-xorg and reboot02:07
ubotuFTP clients: gftp, konqueror, kbear, nautilus. FTP servers: ftpd, proftpd, pure-ftpd, twoftpd, vsftpd02:07
john053Can ubuntu be installed on xp pc?02:07
Bacon5owhich I think is my "G" drive in terms of windows02:08
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Admiral_Chicago!ask > jacquesdupontd02:08
bob4444anyone know how to run eciadsl-config-text in ubuntu, everytime I try it just opens terminal??02:08
clemBacon5o: that's another NTFS partition... 39Go.02:08
jacquesdupontdi have a DWL-G52002:08
jacquesdupontdjust bought for monitor mode02:08
Bacon5odev/hdb6            4794        4863      562212   82  Linux swap / Solaris02:08
jacquesdupontdand i just updated edgy02:08
clemBacon5o: that's probably the one you see alright.02:08
jacquesdupontdand monitor mode doesnt work02:08
Tadeu31what's up?02:08
gypoIs there a secure ftp for ubuntu?02:08
GirlRiveradmiral_chicago: in short, yes. Started upgrade from Dapper to Edgy, restart interrupted the upgrade & now won't boot as it is missing /etc/mdadm/mdadm.conf and maybe others.02:08
Admiral_Chicagojacquesdupontd: what is monitor mode?02:08
Bacon5oYou get that last one clem?02:08
lihailewho cant tell me02:08
jacquesdupontdit's in wifi02:08
clemBacon5o: and /dev/hdb6 that's your Swap partition, 560Mo ok.02:08
fugitive_macd: Couldn't find package linux-kernel-dev and Im using 2.6.15-26-386 kernel02:08
ompaulgyaresu, openssh-server02:08
jacquesdupontdmode monitor02:09
jacquesdupontdto make injection02:09
Bacon5oyeah thats cool02:09
lihailehow can i go to the cn ubuntu02:09
AkumAPRIMEok, so I'm fiddling with my xorg.conf to get these dualmonitors up. My question, refer to http://pastebin.ca/227096  , is what must I  change in here to get my built in left of my external? if I simply switch the two, in line 4, it does not work. Any ideas? Can I use RightOf?02:09
jacquesdupontdto use aircrack airodump and other tools02:09
clemBacon5o: ok, you know about swap ?02:09
lihailei fogot the name02:09
paolobJefe_AZ, ok, I'm doing it, but I'm surprised that such a bug could pass the various beta... and anyway it wasn't easy for me to understand what was the problem (and I know something of linux)...02:09
macdfugitive_, use apt-cache search to find the appropriate packages for your system02:09
jacquesdupontdand it was working on dapper but not on edgy02:09
fugitive_macd : thats the message I got when I tried to install linux-kernel-dev02:09
jacquesdupontdit seems its beacause of edgy02:09
jacquesdupontdand madwifi-ng instead of madiwif02:09
john053more to point - on toshiba laptop?02:09
Bacon5oi understand swap in terms of SWAP file for memory assistance02:09
Admiral_ChicagoGirlRiver: hmm, i would use the Live Cd to bock up your ~/ and reinstall and update02:09
fugitive_macd: I will try now02:09
clemBacon5o: yes.02:09
jacquesdupontdanybody having an issue ?02:09
Admiral_ChicagoEdgy updates have been ugly02:09
Bacon5obut my main concern is not seeing my other filesystems, hence FAT32 & the other NTFS02:09
lihailejoin /cnbuntu02:09
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jacquesdupontd5 hours tha i seach02:09
Jefe_AZhow do I set my install to do a non-GUI login?02:09
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clemBacon5o: Linux usually uses a different dedicated partition for memory swapping, that your hdb6.02:10
Bacon5odev/hdb1               1        3249    26097561    7  HPFS/NTFS <---I cannot see this02:10
A[D] minSperl: warning: Setting locale failed. perl: warning: Please check that your locale settings:       LANGUAGE = "en_AU:en",02:10
macdlinux-kernel-devel and kernel-source-your-versiob-here @ fugitive_02:10
A[D] minShow i can check ?02:10
Admiral_ChicagoGirlRiver: let me see if i can look up some more info for you02:10
clemBacon5o: let's query each other.02:11
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jacquesdupontdok i see ;)02:11
A[D] minSbtw it happend after upgrading edgy02:11
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GirlRiveradmiral_chicago: variant suggested to restart from Live CD then a cmd prompt BUT he is now off channel02:11
DILjacques, i do02:11
Bacon5oDont think I understand query in terms of your context clem02:11
GirlRiveradmiral_chicago: thanks for your help02:11
clemBacon5o: ok...02:11
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clemBacon5o: let's join a different channel so, let's say #bacon02:12
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Bacon5ook sure.02:12
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andresmujicaBacon and Clem, i want to help there...  maybe your windows changed the names of the partitions, i meanf you used your F partition, to put ubuntu on it, really?02:12
A[D] minS!sources.list02:12
ubotuThe packages in Ubuntu are divided into several sections. See http://www.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/components https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Repositories and !easysource02:12
=== Corgan [n=corgan@c-68-44-126-10.hsd1.nj.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
dxdemetriouhow can I reconfigure another graphic card on edgy?02:13
Admiral_Chicagotry to update from a terminal02:13
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cybergod`hey... anyone know how the cool cube-like desktop program called?02:13
Admiral_ChicagoGirlRiver: it may work02:13
macddxdemetriou, did you instsall a new one to replace one or added a second?02:13
Admiral_Chicagocybergod`: XGL02:13
dxdemetrioumacd, a new one02:13
macdcybergod`, beryl02:13
macddxdemetriou, what sort of card is it?02:14
macdcybergod`, either.02:14
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GirlRiveradmiral_chicago: I think he said to use CHROOT but I don't know how to do that02:14
cybergod`hehe.. thanks02:14
Admiral_Chicago!XGL > cybergod02:14
macdcybergod`, for edgy refer to http://wiki.beryl-project.org/index.php/Install/Ubuntu/Edgy/XGL02:14
macdits kinda the same ;P02:14
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dxdemetrioumacd, sorry no the card. I moved from atlon k7 to newer, and now I can't login. In dapper and breezy I hadn't that problem02:15
fugitive_macd: i have installed the linux-kernel-dev but I cudnt found the  kernel-source for my kernel so Im installing  kernel-source-2.4.27. It should be a problem I guess?02:15
cybergod`thank you people02:15
Admiral_Chicagobbl all02:15
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dxdemetrioumacd, the older had nvidia, and now I have the onboard02:15
Admiral_ChicagoPM me GirlRiver if you'd like but i'm goig to lay down02:15
macdfugitive_, it prolly wont work02:15
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macddxdemetriou, then run dpkg-reconfigure xserver-sorg02:16
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lihailewho can tell me the chinese irc02:16
ubotuFor Ubuntu help in Chinese  #ubuntu-cn  #ubuntu-tw   #ubuntu-hk02:16
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ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about i810 - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi02:16
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macdfugitive_, yeah I just notices the edgy kernel sources arent in the repos, which is odd, b/c I have them installed02:16
fugitive_macd: then how to find the proper  kernel-source for my kernel do I need to any repositories in sources.list and apt-get?02:17
willzzzanyone got firefox32 to work on edgy?02:17
Jamescan someone help me get my resolution up to 1024x768 (im having troubles with the i810 driver)02:17
GirlRiveradmiral_chicago: that's ok .. thanks for your help. Enjoy the sleep02:17
fugitive_macd: but I am using 6.06?02:17
dxdemetrioumacd, I tried, but didn't work. I tried to purge the kernel also02:17
GSGoldProblem: following https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BurningIsoHowto  resulted in an error while verifying sector 557 due to I/O device error.  What can be done about this?02:17
SlackRatJames, have you run xorgconfig?02:17
macdfugitive_, you can goto kernel.org and download, but youll have to modify version.h in the source tree to make it say your running kernel02:17
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fugitive_macd: does it mean I have the Edgy's Kernel ?02:17
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macdfugitive_, whats your kernel version 'uname -a'02:18
agentcySlackRat, yes, reconfiguring xorg and running the 955resolution dont help02:18
Jefe_AZcan anyone tell me how to disable the gui login in 6.10?02:18
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SlackRatwhat res you got now?02:18
champollionhello all02:18
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fugitive_macd:  2.6.15-26-38602:18
DILhey champ02:18
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agentcySlackRat, it only gives me options for 800x60002:18
champollionhow can i update o ubuntu 5.10 ?02:18
agentcythe native is 1024x76802:18
hangfire_is there an IRC channel for ubuntu devs?02:18
retryI did it..I finally upgraded xubuntu edgy from dapper02:18
bobbydcan anyone tell me how to downgrade from edgy to dapper?02:18
SlackRatand have you tried KrandRtray??02:18
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agentcySlackRat, no, whats that02:19
SlackRatbobbyd, reinstall dapper02:19
retrybobbyd, did you backup your dapper installation toa  tarball?02:19
sladenhangfire_: yes, #ubuntu-devel02:19
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bobbydretry: no02:19
hangfire_thx sladen02:19
macdfugitive_, Im having a bit of a brain fart atm, honestly I cant think of why there is no kernel source for that :/02:19
SlackRatits a kde tool for resizing your screen and monitor02:19
sladenhangfire_: it is /not/ a support channle though02:19
champollioni'd like install php apache mysql02:19
retrythen you need to reinstall dapper from a cd02:19
SlackRatdunno what the equivalent gnome pkg is02:19
agentcyhrm bummer02:19
fugitive_macd: strange isntit?02:19
hangfire_sladen- I would guess that, I just want to lurk02:19
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bobbydSlackRat: there's no apt-get way to go back?02:19
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macdfugitive_, very02:20
sharperguywhy is there no ibernate option in edgy?02:20
snakeHow do I apply metacity themes?02:20
alekaI am having trouble getting java runtime environment plugins for firefox to work02:20
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alekaany suggestions?02:20
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agentcySlackRat, I tried this: http://www.ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=281275&highlight=intel+modesetting but Xorg complains about "no modes found on either pipe"02:20
GirlRivercan someone help me CHROOT to my ubuntu install on HDD from Live CD02:20
macdsharperguy, try going into login manager and enabling show all option.02:20
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snakeHow do I apply metacity themes?02:20
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macdGirlRiver, why not just click the install icon?02:20
mjelvahow difficult would it be to create something similar to the feature the grabs info from imdb, but for porn, and grabbing from iafd?02:20
macdsnake, drag the theme into the theme dialog box to install.02:21
champollioni'd like install php apache mysql02:21
sladenagentcy: you can try /either/  915resolution  or  xserver-xorg-video-intel  which has the mode setting code02:21
ubotulamp is Linux-Apache-MySQL-PHP. However, the term is often used for setups using alternative but different software, such as Perl or Python instead of PHP, and Postgres instead of MySQL.  For help with setting up LAMP on Ubuntu, see  https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ApacheMySQLPHP  -  See also the Server CD install menu.02:21
champollioni'd like to install php apache mysql02:21
mjelvait has absolutely no practical value, but it would be kinda cool02:21
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Toma-mjelva: what?02:21
macdchampollion, did you see?02:21
sladenslackrat: you can try /either/  915resolution  or  xserver-xorg-video-intel  which has the mode setting code02:21
agentcysladen, it appears xserver-xorg-video-intel would be better02:21
dxdemetriouhow can with apt-get to change my kernel from 386 to k7?02:21
champollionanyone can help me?02:21
macd!lamp > champollion02:21
alekaI am having trouble getting java runtime environment plugins for firefox to work, any helpers ??02:21
agentcysladen, could you help me with that real quick?02:21
GirlRivermacd, I was upgrading from 6.06 to 6.10 and interutped the upgrade...the HDD unstall won't boot beacause missing /etc/mdadm/mdadm.conf02:21
snakecuz theme is like .xml and it won't take it02:22
champollioni'm beginner02:22
retryoh hey macd, I got edgy xubuntu running on my laptop as of about 10 minutes ago02:22
macdGirlRiver, ahhhh, the forums have a excellent article on that02:22
SlackRati suggest googling agentcy and be specific as to system and errors you get while googling....sounds like a pita,  but there might be a bug already on it, thats being worked on02:22
macdretry, sweet ass02:22
omacI tried Edgy Eft last night both as a live boot up and installed on hard drive.   I have good news and some little hicks to bring to your attention.02:22
champollioni never usee linux02:22
cybergod`stupid question, how do i switch between the languegs i write? like alt-shift in Windows02:22
retryif people come at you with their xserver bailing...tell them they need to start x with -ignoreABI02:22
champollioni'm lost02:22
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macdchampollion, did you read the link uboto sent you?02:22
GSGoldProblem: following https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BurningIsoHowto  resulted in an error while verifying sector 557 due to I/O device error.  What can be done about this?02:22
macdnice@ retry02:23
agentcywhat does ignoreABI do?02:23
macdIve seen that today actualy02:23
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omac1)The boot up from the live cd is all good and the claim that it is faster to boot up and shutdown is all true.02:23
champollionhow can do this ?02:23
retryABI version mismatch defaults to a fatal error in xort02:23
SlackRatit ignores ABI, apparently  :P02:23
macdGSGold, try a new blank disc02:23
GirlRivermacd, have a link ? someone here suggested to boot from lived cd and chroot from terminal window and then continue upgrade using apt-get dist-upgrade02:23
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retryif you set it to ignore, it'll get on with life instead02:23
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macdGirlRiver, goto the forums and search for chroot from livecd02:23
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brenlaei'm curious, is there a way that i could enable support for video that is played in a window?02:23
macdsnake, then its not a metacity theme ;P02:23
GirlRivermacd, thanks02:23
brenlaei have totem-mozilla installed02:23
snakeit is02:24
GSGoldmacd: I shall try that as soon as my computer stops freezing up every 10 seconds02:24
cybergod`people plz, how do i switch between the langues i write.. im a really newbie02:24
macddid you uncompress it already snake?02:24
=== scooooooooop est usando Scp Script 2004 ! pegue o seu em www.scoop.com.br
sladenchampollion: sudo tasksel   and select "LAMP server"02:24
retryother issues I dealth with, I had to completely remove UIM to get all my confs to upgrade nicely (I just reinstalled UIM later)02:24
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snakeu sure it's in system/admin/theme02:24
snakethat i gotta put it02:24
brenlaefirefox complains that it's an unkown plugin02:24
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macddrag the compressed theme package into the theme dialoh02:24
Pleceboanyone have any good resources for backing up a remote machine using rsynch,cron, and something like ssh or scp?02:24
coolpaul900hey I am having problems with the new kernal02:24
sladenchampollion: sudo tasksel   and select "LAMP server"02:24
retryyou HAVE to run dpkg config -a over and over until it finally gets everything02:24
[H] 3b0RWill fiesty be LTS?02:24
retryand I also had to run locale-gen manually02:25
snakeIT WORKED02:25
retry[H] 3b0R, no02:25
macdretry yeah I had to use aptitude and some dpkg forcing for a upgrade today02:25
retryLTS is every 4th02:25
macdsnake, of course it did.02:25
rbilPlecebo: a friend of mine swears by rdiff-backup. I haven't tried it yet.02:25
sladenmacd: you shouldn't need to use forcing02:25
omac2)I tried it on a clone dual amd tyan motherboard and it works flawlessly with the live CD.  I tried it on another PC ...HP(hewlett packard) with a Pentium 1.3GHz and nvidia 6600 3d graphics card: It didn't display in any mode(vga or otherwise) from the live cd....that was a little hick of bad news by the way.02:25
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macdsladen, key word, shouldnt02:25
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retryPlecebo, what kind of backup?02:25
Pleceborbil: rdiff? does that do it all or just replace the rsync?02:25
retryfull filesystem?02:25
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rbilgoogle it and read. looks pretty good.02:26
macdrsyns + ssh ftw!02:26
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omac3)I tried it on a snappy 3.0Ghz Dell with 1GB of memory and 120GB hard drive.  The live CD worked great!!! the sound and graphics cards had no problems.02:26
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Pleceboretry:  i just need to backup a few directorys on the remote machine, I would like differential backup because there is quite a lot of data02:26
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retrythen rsync is the way to go02:26
macdrsync can do differenetial02:26
retryuse rsync -avz -e ssh --delete from to02:26
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omac4)On the Dell...I installed Edgy Eft with no issues. shutdown and bootup...Impressive!02:27
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Pleceboretry: beyond that i'd like it to be automated and secure (thats why i want scp or ssh)02:27
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retryrsync uses ssh02:27
retryand you can automate with cron02:27
coolpaul900can anyone help me I have a problem with the new kernal?02:27
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retryset up a public/private key pair02:27
Toma-coolpaul900: we can try02:27
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coolpaul900thank you02:27
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omac5)I discovered some plugins for mozilla are not up and running yet for Edgy Eft.  Flash plugin works.02:27
retryflash 9 beta works nicely02:27
=== BetaCookies [n=Clint@ppp-69-216-139-92.dsl.sfldmi.ameritech.net] has joined #Ubuntu
retryand is easy to drop in place02:27
Pleceboretry: cool :) how do i put in the remote macine... like user@remote-macine.TLD:/source02:27
omac6)Torbutton plugin for firefox doesn't.02:28
Vaske_Carwhat is shortcut for terminal?02:28
macdlike untar and cp02:28
Pleceboretry: got the keypair setup already02:28
ianmacgregorVaske_Car: gnome-terminal ?02:28
macdVaske_Car, whatever you make it in keyboard shortcuts02:28
=== StikkitJim [n=James@cpc1-staf3-0-0-cust99.brhm.cable.ntl.com] has joined #ubuntu
macdis there a default shortcut?02:28
Vaske_Carby default?02:28
SpyNeti think i changed something about my login screen... since morning, each time i boot i've terminal login screen but before i'd the default ubuntu login screen... how to switch as before please ?02:28
=== newbie1 [n=R@cor6-ppp1976.bri.dsl.connect.net.au] has joined #ubuntu
retryplecebo : rsync -avz -e ssh user@remotemachine:/full/path/to/what/i/want/to/backup/ /full/path/to/local/save/point/02:28
retry--delete is optional02:28
coolpaul900so why can't I boot up into the new kernal?02:29
newbie1hey there anyone able to help me please with network manager?02:29
omac7)some interim hicks...dvdrip hangs during a rip of a dvd in Edgy Eft...something about the gnomevfs and DBUS connection errors. ;(02:29
macdSpyNet, try system -- preferences --login02:29
ubotuFTP clients: gftp, konqueror, kbear, nautilus. FTP servers: ftpd, proftpd, pure-ftpd, twoftpd, vsftpd02:29
Toma-CoolBeer: is there an entry for it in grub?02:29
retrygod stop using ftp02:29
retrysftp is built into sshd02:29
Toma-coolpaul900: : is there an entry for it in grub?02:29
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retryand you can scp or rsync if you need to02:29
Toma-sorry CoolBeer02:29
retryftp is like telnet...02:29
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macdsilly to use.02:29
ianmacgregorI am thinking about installing and using pbuilder but it says that it installs a base system. Can someone tell me what that base system is because I don't have a ton of disk space.02:30
Pleceboretry: cool thanks for the help i'll give it a shot :)02:30
=== cronik [n=cronik@ool-4357c080.dyn.optonline.net] has joined #ubuntu
Toma-coolpaul900: whats the error then?02:30
=== SaLsIcHa [n=rafael@201-41-29-51.smace701.dsl.brasiltelecom.net.br] has joined #ubuntu
macdianmacgregor, ubuntu-base ?02:30
juanfehello all02:30
=== Lubix [n=mlubin@71-89-9-12.dhcp.oxfr.ma.charter.com] has joined #ubuntu
Lubixhell ubuntu how is edgy?02:30
ianmacgregormacd: Is that what it installs?02:30
SpyNetmacd: i don't have login option into system-preference02:30
coolpaul900it will stop booting after it says savedefault boot02:30
omac8)Ok Edgy Eft has in it's repository the video editor "kino", but how come Lives is not part of it yet?02:30
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xipietotecI'm trying to add a theme to usplash (it came in a deb), but it doesn't add itself to usplash-artwork in alternatives, I have the path name, but under each pathname in the usplash-atwork.so in alternatives there's a number02:30
willzzzarg no flash in 64bit edgy :\02:30
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newbie1I am a new user to using ubuntu. and am stuck getting my internet connection working through my wired network. i have read the help and dont understand using the console. anyon able to help me?02:30
xipietotecwhat number should I add/ what does the number mean?02:30
macdianmacgregor, yeah its just gonna bootsrtap, 20 megs should be more than enough02:31
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macdSpyNet, are you on dapper or edgy?02:31
SpyNetmacd: dapper02:31
ianmacgregormacd: 20 Mb? Ahh, I can handle that. Thank you02:31
Toma-coolpaul900: it doesnt spew out lots of errors? just hangs?02:31
macdmy mistake SpyNet its system -- administration -- login02:31
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coolpaul900no it says that there is no errors02:31
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|rt|anyone here have problems with everything locking up trying to play wmv's within firefox with mplayer in edgy02:31
coolpaul900it just pauses forever02:31
Toma-coolpaul900: well im stumped :(02:32
=== shinobi2 [i=1000@usrns73.dialup.hawaii.edu] has joined #ubuntu
omacThe "lives" maintainer has an ubuntu dapper package already there for installing.  I haven't tried it in edgy eft.  I am curious why lives is not in the ubuntu repository considering it seems to work well.02:32
dxdemetriouI can't change my kernel. I just installed the k7 kernet from synaptic, but didn't shown on menu02:32
coolpaul900the old kernal works though02:32
shinobi2how do i install xfce desktop?02:32
SpyNetmacd: i don't see this opion yet into system-administration... i'm on dapper02:32
Lubixegdy rocks m an02:32
juanfeanyone know how to change my ubuntu hardware database??? I changed my graphics card and I hope to change this in the ubuntu hardware database.02:32
macdSpyNet, well Im starring at it in dapper.02:32
=== mike_ [n=mike@ip68-105-225-177.lu.dl.cox.net] has joined #ubuntu
newbie1how does this channel work? do i take a number ? im just stuck massively02:33
coolpaul900but when I am booting up with it it has no splash it does it like command02:33
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ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about moo - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi02:33
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about cow - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi02:33
ianmacgregornewbie1: Ask a question and someone may answer it02:33
macdcouldnt resist02:33
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about oink - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi02:33
eikenberryI'm looking for someone who uses a stripped down ubuntu with experience with the edgy update.02:33
sharperguy!your mother02:33
newbie1 I am a new user to using ubuntu. and am stuck getting my internet connection working through my wired network. i have read the help and dont understand using the console. anyon able to help me?02:33
capiCrimmI just upgraded to edgy and now there's a weird screen on boot-up. It reminds me of a graphics card check. Crudely drawn circles and triangles and a bar that loads.?s02:33
capiCrimmanyone know what it is?02:33
macd!botabuse > macd02:33
eikenberryBy stripped down I mean a server installation with stuff removed (eg. evms, ppp) along with most of the meta-packages (eg. ubuntu-standard). Then just what I want installed.02:33
=== LeeJunFan [n=junfan@adsl-69-210-207-5.dsl.klmzmi.ameritech.net] has joined #ubuntu
omacFor the moment, dvdrip works for me in ubuntu dapper so I'm sticking to dapper until edgy eft's dvdrip doesn't hang.  I'm hoping by that time they will have "lives" in their repository also :)02:34
sharperguyoh soz i though this was #ubuntu-offtopix02:34
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about nigger - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi02:34
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macdomac there is a server cdimage at cdimages.ubuntu.com02:34
xipietotecI've got 3 usplashes installed (ubuntu, kubuntu, and peace) under them in order in usplash-artwork.so is 10, 55, 0 I want to add another one...but I have no idea what the numbers mean02:34
variantanyone know if its possible to launce a certain application on a specific workspace?02:34
coolpaul900What is the difference between old and new kernals? Is there any?02:34
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=== Garcher [n=Endymion@] has joined #ubuntu
Garcherhey im having a problem... i just dled the 6.10 iso to make a clean install and apparently it froze during the install... right now im seeing just the cursor and a creamy background02:35
macdCoolBeer, improvements.02:35
=== boricua [n=prlibre@cpe-24-161-35-162.hvc.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu
macdcoolpaul900, improvements02:35
omacmacd: Why did you tell me about server cdimage?02:35
jsmidtDoes anybody know how to have beryl start up automaticaly when you log in?02:35
macdomac, b/c you wanted a base install?02:36
ubotuberyl is a window manager that takes advantage of an OpenGL accelerated X environment. See http://forum.beryl-project.org/ Please see #ubuntu-xgl for help with beryl. Thank You.02:36
capiCrimmcoolpaul900, lots of little stuff02:36
variantjsmidt: system > preferences > sessions02:36
macdjsmidt, yes:http://wiki.beryl-project.org/index.php/Install/Ubuntu/Edgy/XGL02:36
macdlook down at the end.02:36
variantjsmidt: you can put in there the command02:36
AbstWhat is a console command to scan for wireless networks02:36
coolpaul900if I can boot up with the old kernal does it matter a lot using the new one?02:36
Garcherhelp! plz02:36
macdIts a good practice to leave your normal xsession and have an xgl/beryl session as well02:36
hangfire_beryl sounds interesting, is that a replacement for X?02:36
coolpaul900does it change a thing?02:36
capiCrimmcoolpaul900, no02:36
boricuahas anyone tried the new pepperpad 3? i read some negative reviews on the wifi portion of it but other then that i saw one and it looks impresive, i am wondering if its mature to buy????02:36
xipietotecAbst: sudo iwlist ethX scan02:36
xipietotecor wlanX scan02:37
coolpaul900so what is the difference?02:37
macdGarcher, reboot and start over.02:37
Abstxipietotec: Thanks02:37
capiCrimmcoolpaul900, yes it changes how stuff works, but if the new one isn't working then just use the old.02:37
coolpaul900THANK YOU02:37
eikenberryvariant. devilspie or wmctrl might do what you want.02:37
shinobi2what was the K-version of synaptic?02:37
newbie1 I am a new user to using ubuntu. and am stuck getting my internet connection working through my wired network. i have read the help and dont understand using the console. anyon able to help me?02:37
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boricuanewbie1: are you using dhcp?02:38
boricuawhat does ifconfig show02:38
xipietotecnewbie1: what kind of wireless card is it?02:38
capiCrimmcoolpaul900, eventually you may want to upgrade and see if the problems you had are fixed, and it's probably prudent to eventually figure out what was wrong because eventually you will need to upgrade.02:38
macdI think he said wired.02:38
xipietotecoh, nevermind =)02:38
boricuaindeed he said wired02:38
varianteikenberry: excellent, thanks02:38
coolpaul900why will I need to?02:38
omacmacd: I don't want a base install.  I was simply informing people in this forum that Edgy Eft works well, but dvdrip hangs in edgy eft, and the Edgy Eft live cd has problems with ndvidia 6600 graphics cards.  I was also informing that "lives"(non-linear video editor) rocks and works in ubuntu dapper but it is an external package.  My suggestion is to have "lives" as part of the official ubuntu repositories.  lives works in dapper.  I didn't try i02:38
omact in eft.02:38
xipietotecI would try sudo dhclient eth002:38
boricuarun system/administration/networking02:38
juanfeanyone know how to change my data in ubuntu hardware database???02:39
boricuaor from console run sudo ifconfig eth0 up02:39
macdlives uses non-free packages I think02:39
variantomac: i tried lives, thought it was a pos tbh :P02:39
eikenberryNo one else runs a stripped down ubuntu?02:39
newbie1i have downloaded the network manager but i get errrors when trying to install them02:39
capiCrimmcoolpaul900, well, for the same reason people still aren't using version 1.02:39
omacvariant:  what do you use in dapper or eft instead?02:39
newbie1its a wired cared02:39
variantomac: nothing02:39
newbie1its a wired card02:39
coolpaul900why is that?02:39
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xipietotecif anyone knows what the numbers in usplash-artwork.so mean I'd be very greatful02:40
newbie1error: dependency is not satisfiable: libc602:40
variantnewbie1: do you get an ip address automaticaly from your isp or is it static?02:40
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omacvariant: hahaha I hope you enjoyed that at my expense :)02:40
variantomac: :P02:40
coolpaul900the new kernal I got because I upgraded to edgy eft02:40
newbie1i get the ip from my router. the router ip is
dougskoeikenberry: i run a headless ubuntu server, and i have a xubuntu machine with fluxbox on it, is that stripped down enough to help?02:40
macdcoolpaul900, are you weighing options why to or not to boot the new kernel?02:41
variantnewbie1: in a terminal type dhclient eth002:41
boricuanewbie1: can you go to system/administration/networking02:41
newbie1ok hang on02:41
variantnewbie1: in a terminal type sudo dhclient eth002:41
coolpaul900I guess maybe02:41
newbie1hang on02:41
fugitive_macd: I have tried apt-get install linux-headers-2.6.15-26-386, its installing now it shoudl work02:41
macdcoolpaul900, just boot it.02:41
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macdfugitive_, nice so there are headers for your kernel at least02:41
capiCrimmcoolpaul900, if the new kernel works, use it.02:41
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about networking - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi02:41
fugitive_macd: yes02:41
coolpaul900just boot what for what reason if it does not work02:42
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about eth0 - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi02:42
=== xipietotec wonders when they're going to fix initramfs in edgy
ubotudhcp: DHCP server for automatic IP address assignment. In component universe, is optional. Version 2.0pl5-19.4ubuntu1 (edgy), package size 108 kB, installed size 308 kB02:42
coolpaul900the new kernal is the problem not the old one02:42
eikenberrydougsko. Sounds close. You upgraded yet? All the standard stuff says 'install ubuntu-desktop first'... but it seems silly to download/install over 200M worth of stuff just to update.02:42
macdcoolpaul900, if it doesnt work reboot with the old one.02:42
fugitive_macd: infact I have tried from UbuntuForums02:42
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fugitive_macd: there was a similar post in regards to Vmware Server installation02:42
MugginsM"write once, run anywhere". "unless that anywhere is eclipse on amd64 edgy".02:42
=== MugginsM sighs
omacvariant:  I would use kino, but it seems to only use native dv video.  At least with lives I can use .yuv format video....which is the straight input for the theora_encoder standalone.02:42
macdfugitive_, yeah I had todo the same to install vmware-player02:42
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variantomac: yeah02:43
dougskoeikenberry: nah, im not gonna upgrade for a while, if at all. but dont worry about the desktop package. you can always just install it later02:43
coolpaul900I have tried soo many times to use the new one it just does not work02:43
=== grndslm [n=grndslm@host-64-139-242-210.nctv.com] has joined #ubuntu
macdcoolpaul900, what error do you get?02:43
=== MugginsM continues digging through launchpad
variantomac: kino is great but only one small step to make it usefull to 100x greater number of users02:43
capiCrimmanyone else get a weird screen at boot after upgrade, like bright CLI colors, and triangles and other graphic-test like stuff?02:43
coolpaul900that is the problem02:43
prinker ..;02:43
macdcoolpaul900, then how does it not work with no error?02:43
coolpaul900there is none to fix02:43
variantomac: and they wont do it02:43
macdcoolpaul900, what are yousaying then?02:43
=== roverr [n=roverr@cpe-066-057-239-014.nc.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu
newbie1variant: i typed dhclient eth0 and i got02:43
macdcoolpaul900, you get no error but it doesnt work, do you get just a black screen?02:43
omacvariant: why are you so sure about this?02:44
variantomac: about what?02:44
eikenberrydougsko. As I thought. I'm just planning on doing the aptitude update/dist-upgrade dance I always do with debian. Wish the docs were a little better in this regard.02:44
ompaulprinker, please don't do that, this channel is an english language channel02:44
xipietotecMugginsM: I wouldn't consider the amd64 edgy stable personally (unless you're using only the default repos), hopefully Biarch will be finalized in Fiesty02:44
coolpaul900I get no error and it doesn't work02:44
MugginsMxipie: yeah, it doesn't seem 100%02:44
newbie1cant create /var/lib/dhcp3/dhclient.leases Permission denied02:44
variantnewbie1: use sudo02:44
macdcoolpaul900, do you get a black screen with a blinking cursor?02:44
variantnewbie1: as i said02:44
omacvariant:  that the kino devteam won't provide other native input file format support?02:44
xipietotecnewbie1: use sudo02:44
MugginsMshame, cos it's about 20% faster for one of the big things I need02:44
variantnewbie1: sudo dhclient eth002:44
dougskoeikenberry: do you have any questions about the process?02:45
=== EndIf [n=End@chtw13-83.pei.sympatico.ca] has joined #ubuntu
macdcoolpaul900, then what do you get? just a black screen?02:45
grndslmcoolpaul900...do you have your home directory on a separate partition?02:45
coolpaul900well not the blank screen02:45
variantomac: because it has been around for years and i am certain somone must have asked for it02:45
macdcoolpaul900, are youi going to make me pull teeth or are you going to explain it fully?02:45
variantomac: i am not certain that they wont implement it though, thats just a guess02:45
coolpaul900I have partitioned the disk becuase I run dual os02:45
omacvariant: ok...you're for real.  You know what you're talking about.02:45
eikenberrydougsko. Not really... I've updated many a debian boxes. This was just my first time with ubuntu since I decided to give it a try (I first installed ubuntu with a dapper-flight).02:45
variantomac: lol, what do you mean?02:45
=== JethroDawnfine [n=chatzill@20150050062.user.veloxzone.com.br] has joined #Ubuntu
omacvariant: You're for real as opposed to someone just wanting to flame me :)02:46
agentcycan anyone help me out here.. I got this error in Xorg using the intel modesetting driver.. I810(0): Mode 1024x768 out of range02:46
variantomac: I see02:46
xipietotecanyone know what the numbers mean in usplash-artwork.so?02:46
dougskoeikenberry: youll be fine then, its the exact same thing02:46
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variantomac: it's the same with gimp, except i know for a fact that the devs for gimp take the name to heart :P02:46
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SlackRatif it werent for flaming, this room would be half empty02:46
variantsome of them anyway02:46
eikenberrydougsko. Good. Just like to get as much info as process as I can before acting when I can... seemed prudent to ask around a bit. Thanks. :)02:46
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dougskoeikenberry: np02:47
Tim90every time i run su -p i get authentication failed02:47
coolpaul900ok it starts the grub loads by asking what kernal I want to boot into I chose the new one it starts doing it like the other one then it just stops thinking02:47
ompaul!resolution > agentcy02:47
ubotusudo is a command to run programs with superuser privileges ("root"). Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo for all information.02:47
=== rob [i=RobertSt@freenode/staff/rob] has joined #ubuntu
omacvariant:  gimp's cool and works fine for doing real stuff with it.  It's not hype...gimp works well.02:48
ompaulagentcy, read the message from the bot ubotu02:48
SpyNeti think i changed something about my login screen... since morning, each time i boot i've terminal login screen but before i'd the default ubuntu login screen... how to switch as before please ?02:48
=== OkinawaSkittles5 [n=john@R241181.ppp.dion.ne.jp] has joined #ubuntu
macdcoolpaul900, boot with the kernel that works, and reinstall the new kernel.02:48
Tim90i get it now02:48
ompaulTim90, use sudo :-)02:48
coolpaul900I did that it still didn't work02:48
macdcoolpaul900, the  post a bug on launchpad.02:48
xipietotecSpyNet: did you edit /boot/grub/ recently?02:48
macdgoto the website and follow the instructions.02:49
SpyNetxipietotec, no02:49
ubotulaunchpad is a collection of development services for Open Source projects. It's Ubuntu's Bounty and Bug tracker, and much more; see https://launchpad.net/02:49
=== foolswisdom [n=lloyd@d154-5-114-228.bchsia.telus.net] has joined #ubuntu
ompaulcoolpaul900, go to launchpad.net and then ask in #ubuntu-bugs for help if you get stuck :)02:49
sladenxipietotec: what numbers?  the version number?02:49
shinobi2how do i uninstall gnome desktop?  i just installed k desktop02:49
newbie1ok i typed sudo dhclient eth0 now what?02:49
sladenshinobi2: apt-get install kubuntu-desktop02:49
variantshinobi2: apt-get remove ubuntu-desktop02:49
omacvariant:  did you do your complete upgrade from dapper to edgy eft yet?  dvdrip has issues to resolve in Edgy Eft(DBUS/gnomevfs errors)02:49
coolpaul900thanks I will try that02:49
variantomac: i did it a few months ago02:49
variantomac: but yes, i am now upto date with the latest release02:50
omacvariant: which means I am going to hold off on Edgy Eft forthe moment.02:50
MugginsMI feel I should contribute to fixing some of these bugs, but all the ones I've found have been way over my head02:50
sladenomac: can you file a bug report if there is an issue with dvdrip02:50
xipietotecsladen: Okay, I've got 3 current installed usplashes, ubuntu, kubuntu, and peace, I installed a 4th, but it didn't add itself to usplash-artwork.so under the 3 in there, there's 3 numbers in order: 10,55,002:50
ompaulshinobi2, if you have the room don't bother, you need to examine all the contents of unbuntu-desktop and remove them - messy and a waste of time if you have the room02:50
cipher_nemoanyone got edgy to work with video acceleration from an old ATI Rage IIc chip? (ie: any ATI chip prior to Radeon) I assume I could use DRI, but it looks like its a 'roll your own' build (no binaries, no packages)?02:50
xipietotecI want to add the path to the 4th one, but I have no idea what the numbers mean02:50
sladenxipietotec: they are priorities---which one should be used if you don't select one02:50
=== boricua [n=prlibre@cpe-24-161-35-162.hvc.res.rr.com] has left #ubuntu ["Ex-Chat"]
newbie1Can someone please help me with installing network manager/02:51
=== TestDummy [i=testdumm@user-0c2icu7.cable.earthlink.net] has joined #ubuntu
ubotunetworkmanager is an application to make (wireless) networking Just Work. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs/NetworkManager02:51
variantnewbie1: apt-get install network-manager-gnome02:51
=== roverr [n=roverr@cpe-066-057-239-014.nc.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu
dooglusdondelelcaro: OK, I'm going to have to go out for a bit now;  thanks for that Debug::??? setting - I'll try it out when I get back.02:51
ianmacgregorompaul: sudo apt-get remove --purge --auto-remove ubuntu-desktop will remove ubuntu-desktop and all the files that it istalled in Edgy02:51
shinobi2ompaul, something in my gnome desktop is screwed up, i can't fix it.  i think it's gtk or something, evince and all other apts that depend of fonts are messed up02:51
dooglusor rather... I want to 'grep' through a large binary file for an ascii string and get a charater offset to its position.  can I do that?  or does 'grep' only work on text files?02:51
xipietotecsladen: Oh, okay, that makes more sense, so If I add the 4th would this priorty be okay, 10,55,56,0?02:51
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grndslmwhy can't i install flashplugin-nonfree AND flashplayer-mozilla at the same time??  and is libflash-mozplugin even necessary if the nonfree one(s) are installed?02:52
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shinobi2ompaul, so my plan is to uninstall gnome then install it back02:52
sladenxipietotec: I can't quite see where you would have to type those numbers02:52
ompaulshinobi2, why on earth?02:52
jribgrndslm: why would you want both?02:52
sladenxipietotec: which file is this?  what command are you typing?02:52
=== rem__ [n=rem@zue-tix-adsl-dynip-161-194.vtx.ch] has joined #ubuntu
omacI can't, the Eft install was done on a friend's computer and I would have to go to his house to make the bug report with the explicit details.  Essentially bug was with DBUS and gnomevfs while the actual rip was occurring.  the read contents when blazingly fast though.  I was surprised the rip of the specified track failed but yes it did hang...and the error was displayed in the terminal.02:52
xipietotecsladen: they're right under the path line in usplash-artwork.so in alternatives02:52
shinobi2ompaul, also ubuntu 6.10's wifi does not work on my desktop.  so i have  to use 6.0602:52
grndslmjrib....because I don't understand why two options exist in the first place02:52
variantomac: do it with ssh02:53
shinobi2ompaul, cause, fonts are screwed up, i can't read anything02:53
ompaulshinobi2, you can't go backwards02:53
xipietotecsladen: /usr/lib/usplash/usplash-artwork.so02:53
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jribgrndslm: I haven't looked at the edgy versions, but nonfree used to grab it from the flash website, while -mozilla actually had the files.  The -nonfree one is the right way to do it02:53
shinobi2ompaul, fluxbox is fine, kdesktop is fine too, but other apps that depend of gnome-ish fonts are screwed up02:53
xipietotecoops, wrong one02:53
sladenxipietotec: are you, for instance, typing   update-alternatives --display usplash-artwork.so02:53
xipietotechold on02:53
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ompaulshinobi2, edgy by name and nature :-/02:54
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xipietotecsladen: sudo nano /var/lib/dpkg/alternatives/usplash-artwork.so02:54
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shinobi2ompaul, 6.10 is on a different partition thatn 6.06, i;ll need  to fix 6.10's wifi on my laptop later02:54
grndslmjrib...so the gpl flash library isn't necessary either then?02:54
jribgrndslm: no02:54
sladenxipietotec: that's a binary file!  It's a compiled program, if you try to edit it you'll break it!02:54
omacvariant: :) I can't this dude is a Windoze lover until I get this dvdrip thing fixed.  We reconnected his Windoze drive back before I left.  If it's any consolation, his 160GB Hard Drive still has Edgy Eft on it, but he's not using it until this dvdrip thing works.  I'm staying on dapper until his works :)02:55
jribgrndslm: so you know, flash beta9 is out if you are interested02:55
sladenxipietotec: what are you actually trying to do?02:55
variantomac: ok :(02:55
shinobi2ompaul, also i just installed xfce on 6.06, fonts are not displayed correctly.  is that gtk?02:55
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ompaulshinobi2, did you do xubuntu-desktop?02:55
grndslmjrib...is it stable enough??  I heard that fullscreen still doesn't work for stuff like youtube02:55
RhiNocafuego u there?02:55
keithhhhIm using 6.06 and I went into Alacarte and I made one change and now my entire Applications menu is unaccessable.... Can anyone help??02:55
xipietotecsladen: I'm trying to get usplash to recognize an installed theme. for some reason it didn't add it to the options02:55
gigiveni'm looking for democracyplayer02:55
koberhow do you check what resolution you are running at?02:56
sladenxipietotec: editing binary files is not the way to go...02:56
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gigivenand how to install02:56
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jribgrndslm: does fullscreen work in flash7?  I never even knew the thing existed until I read the release notes for 9beta and saw it didn't have fullscreen02:56
sladenxipietotec: how did you install this 4th theme ?02:56
xipietotecsladen: it's this file here: http://www.gnome-look.org/content/show.php?content=4664502:56
grndslmkober... go to System, Preferences, and Screen Resolution02:56
xipietotecit's in a deb02:56
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xipietotecbut the deb err...didn't work right so far as I can tell02:56
kobergrndslm: is there a commandline one?02:56
jribgrndslm: as to stability, it's as stable as 7 ever was for me02:56
shinobi2ompaul, no just apt-get install xfce4?  why should i do it again with xubuntu-desktop?02:56
OkinawaSkittles5i am trying to run ubuntu live cd 6.06 but it keeps hanging up at saving VESA state, i have tried ... pnpbios=off noapic noapic apci=off noacpi  ... does anyone else have any ideas or suggestions02:56
xipietotecI mean, it's installed but it didn't add it to the options in update-alternatives --config usplash-artwork.so02:57
newbie1i know what network manager does. but everytime i open the package for it. i get Error: Dependency is not Satisfiable: libc602:57
dabaRgigiven: /msg ubotu democracyplayer, /msg ubotu universe02:57
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omacvariant: There is hope though.  The other feature request was something like dvdshrink (dvd9 to dvd5 tool) which grabs honking huge amounts of extraneous data and resizes/clips/compresses to make it fit on 4.4GB DVD's.   He loves this in windoze and I haven't found anything to replace this either.02:57
grndslmkober...you can see it in /etc/X11/xorg.conf if you open it with a text editor such as nano02:57
ompaulshinobi2, becuase it carries a reasonable set of dependencies02:57
xipietotecsladen: And that's a binary? I thought .so files were source...not binary?02:57
newbie1i know what network manager does. but everytime i open the package for it. i get Error: Dependency is not Satisfiable: libc602:57
Toma-omac: google "xdvdshrink"02:57
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ompaulshinobi2, ask in #xubuntu for detail if you need it - they are not the same thing02:57
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grndslmjrib, watching youtube videos in fullscreen is pretty much the only reason i envy windows users...but, i will live02:57
Vichhow can I change the allowed resolutions?02:58
Toma-omac: alternatively, there lots of howtos to get windows dvdshrink running under wine02:58
cartuchosup people, im having an issue with network-manager and edgy, i have an athero with madwify, i can make it work trough command line, the problem is that my wireless interface does not show up in network manager, any tip ?02:58
VichI just got a new monitor02:58
ompaulgrndslm, F11202:58
jrib!fixres > Vich02:58
ompaulgrndslm, F11 that is02:58
Vichsorry jrib02:58
keithhhhIm using 6.06 and I went into Alacarte and I made one change and now my entire Applications menu is unaccessable.... Can anyone help??02:58
ubotux is the X Window System; it's the part of your system that's responsible for graphical output. To restart your X, type this in a console: sudo /etc/init.d/?dm restart  -  To fix screen resolution or other X problems: http://help.ubuntu.com/community/FixVideoResolutionHowto02:58
grndslmompaul....youtube videos in fullscreen???  that just makes firefox fullscreen, but not the vids02:58
omacToma:  ask and my friend shall receive WOW!!! does it work in both dapper and eft?02:58
variantomac: what, like dvdshrink?02:58
ThinkingManI'm having trouble with changes to my xorg.conf file not "sticking" anyone have time to help?02:58
cartuchosup people, im having an issue with network-manager and edgy, i have an athero with madwify, i can make it work trough command line, the problem is that my wireless interface does not show up in network manager, any tip ?02:58
ompaulgrndslm, so download them and use your player of choice02:59
Toma-omac: if wine works in eft, then yes. havent tested wine yet! wewt02:59
variantomac: there is a program for doing that functionality in linux, forget the name of it though02:59
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ompaul!nickspam > condar02:59
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newbie1i know what network manager does. but everytime i open the package for it. i get Error: Dependency is not Satisfiable: libc603:00
xipietotecI've generally heard for dvd burning....its best to just do it on a windows machine03:00
ompaulcondar, remove that away notice please03:00
grndslmompaul...true, true...i just wish that there weren't so many alternate ways to do things...i wish there were just the right way03:00
ompaulgrndslm, if it works it is right03:00
omacToma...as you know wine is windows emulating stuff.  I'm looking for native stuff.  I don't want my friend to run linux to run windows stuff.03:00
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gigivensomeone use democracyplayer tv?03:00
sladenxipietotec: update-alternatives --install /usr/lib/usplash/usplash-artwork.so usplash-artwork.so /usr/lib/usplash/FOOBAR.so 6003:00
shinobi2ompaul, ok thank03:00
grndslmompaul, heh...i guess you are right again03:00
xipietotecompaul: if it works...but its a major pain to make it work...it's not right, its sorta sufficient03:00
Toma-omac: no prob "http://doc.gwos.org/index.php/Xdvdshrink"03:00
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dabaRkeithhhh: I think you can reinstall gnome-panel with sudo apt-get install --reinstall gnome-panel03:01
xipietotecsladen: w00t....testing that out, thankya =)03:01
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ThinkingManis there a command I should run to make xorg.conf changes permanent?03:01
keithhhhdabaR ok thanks wish me luck  ;)03:01
Toma-omac: if you do the ground work and make the .deb file for your friend, it'll be smooth sailing for all03:01
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kitcheThinkingMan: nope if you editted it by hand just save it03:02
ompaulThinkingMan, sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg03:02
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variantomac: http://dvdshrink.sourceforge.net/03:02
newbie1please can someone help me... i cant seem to get it to work...03:02
ThinkingManompaul: When I first made changes to the conf file and then logged out/in, they worked, then I rebooted not too long ago and the changes I made in the conf file are still there but no longer work, will dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg fix that?03:03
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xipietotecsladen: worked! thankyou =)03:03
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ompaulThinkingMan, you set your changes in there - but it depends on what changes you made03:03
omacToma:  I'll take a look and give you some feedback in a week or two about your request for a .deb.03:03
ThinkingManjust configuring my touchpad for horizontal/vertical scrolling03:04
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sladenxipietotec: perhaps it would be best to add that as a comment to that forums post03:04
omacToma:  Thank you for the pointer.  You're a gentleman and a scholar.03:04
Toma-omac: oh, ive got a deb installed03:04
Toma-omac: :> no prob03:04
=== irta [n=irta@98.Red-88-7-155.staticIP.rima-tde.net] has joined #ubuntu
omactoma: using alien?03:04
ThinkingManompaul: correct me if I'm wrong, under section "InputDevice" for Identifier "Synapics Touchpad" I just set HorizScrollDelta to 30 and VertScrollDelta to 30, anything seem wrong there?03:04
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Toma-omac: checkinstall. compiled form source like a silly sausage03:05
ompaulThinkingMan, not a touchpad user03:05
mztrizhey, were is paste bin?03:05
xipietotecsladen: doing =)03:05
newbie1ok i need some help here installing my network. i am pluged straight into my router, the router is providing dhcp support. i cant seeit. i cant get online with it. nothing works. tried installing network manager and it doesnt work03:05
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ThinkingManompaul: OK, I understand, lemme preface this with "I'm relatively new to admining my own linux box" so would that type of editing be normal?03:06
OkinawaSkittles5i am trying to run ubuntu live cd 6.06 but it keeps hanging up at saving VESA state, i have tried ... pnpbios=off noapic noapic apci=off noacpi  ... does anyone else have any ideas or suggestions03:06
dabaRnewbie1: is it wireless?03:06
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mztrizI'm trying to upgrade to edgy, does anyone know what this X11 error is? http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/28986/03:06
newbie1no its not its wired...03:06
omacnewbie1:  are you using a wired or wireless router?  Is your router also your modem?  Is it cable or ADSL?03:06
dabaRnewbie1: why the network manager then?03:06
newbie1yes its also a modem and its adsl.03:06
newbie1i thoughts thats what i needed/03:06
ompaulThinkingMan, I would look at the message I am about to get the bot to send you - see if there is anything in there for you03:07
dabaRnetwork manager is for wireless.03:07
newbie1ok sorry03:07
dabaRnewbie1: did you try sudo pppoeconf?03:07
omacnewbie1: pppconfig03:07
newbie1well i need to get my network working anyways it is03:07
dabaRnewbie1: or is it dhcp for sure?03:07
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ThinkingManompaul: thx03:07
newbie1not yet dabar. ill try it03:07
newbie1yes it us03:07
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fugitive_macd: finally i installed vmware server. thx for your help anyways03:07
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dougskomztriz: have you tried doing what it says?03:07
Bacon5ohey clem03:08
dabaRnewbie1: then you do not need pppoeconf.03:08
coolpaul900How do I upgrade from 6.06 to 6.10?03:08
Bacon5owindows sees the F:\03:08
omacnewbie1:  What are the lights on your modem showing?  how many lights have you got?03:08
mztrizdougsko, I'm not really sure what to do... wehre should I move the files to?03:08
ompaulThinkingMan, have a look at the message now03:08
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newbie14 port modem/router03:08
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dabaRnewbie1: run lspci and ifconfig, and ifconfig eth0 up, and post output to paste.ubuntu-nl.org03:08
varianthow hte heck do you change desktop icon size on gnome/ubuntu ?03:08
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ThinkingManompaul: looking03:08
cartuchois someone using network manager and madwifi ?03:08
newbie11 3 4 are all lite. this machine on 3 and laptop on 403:08
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ThinkingManompaul: "This page does not exist yet. You can create a new empty page, or use one of the page templates. Before creating the page, please check if a similar page already exists.03:09
dabaRnewbie1: the third command with sudo03:09
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coolpaul900How do I upgrade from 6.06 to 6.10?03:09
nikosapiUm what is going on with the plf repo? I found this mirror ftp://ftp.easynet.fr/plf/ubuntu/README Is there an alternative?03:09
ubotuFor upgrading, see instructions at: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UpgradeNotes (you can also find this in the channel topic: type "/topic")  -  See also !downgrade03:09
aragorn_elessarHi at all!03:09
dang`r`usjust upgraded to edgy, wanted to install libgl1-mesa-dev,got this problem: libgl1-mesa-dev: Depends: mesa-common-dev (= 6.5.1~20060817-0ubuntu3) but 6.5.1+cvs20060824 is to be installed03:09
newbie1can u please msg me03:09
dougskomztriz: not sure, but it probly doesnt matter. maybe just /usr/bin/X11R6 or something. just put it somewhere where youll remember, make the symlink, and retry X03:09
Bacon5odabar: can you give me the link to the wiki guide for ubuntu?03:09
ompaulThinkingMan, let me look03:09
variantnikosapi: plf is no more03:09
dang`r`uswhat should I do about that?03:09
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AlanHaggaiHi coolpaul90003:10
aragorn_elessarsomeone can tell me where is  System  Administration  Disks in edgy?03:10
dabaRBacon5o: ask google03:10
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rixthIs there a program that I can point an MP3 and it will fix the length header? I have files that are being reported as 9 minutes, when they are only 4.03:10
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ompaulThinkingMan,  https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SynapticsTouchpad03:10
omacnewbie1:  is your router/modem a wireless one?  What colors are the your "link", "online" and "power" lights?03:10
phireIs there any way I can check if all the packages are installed properly?03:10
AlanHaggaicoolpaul900 : did you add the  edgy repositories?03:10
navreetwhat the heck happened to my /etc/fstab when I upgraded to edgy?03:10
ThinkingManompaul: heh, just found the same page, thx03:10
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coolpaul900not yet03:10
omacnewbie1:  Are these lights "link", "online" and "power"...solid? or blinking?03:11
AlanHaggaicoolpaul900 : then add it03:11
newbie1omac: can u please msg me and ill msg you there im getting lost in this channel window03:11
wickedpuppynavreet, nothing happened to mine03:11
coolpaul900is that it?03:11
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tazmanhow to open .bin .gz .rpm files03:11
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navreetthe UUIDs03:11
nikosapi so what if I have packages installed from plf and I want to upgrade?03:11
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AlanHaggaicoolpaul900 : paste me your /etc/sources.list file03:11
navreetwickedpuppy, the UUIDs... check out this post (not by me) http://www.ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=130113103:11
ompaulnikosapi, at yor own risk03:11
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mztrizdougsko: how do i move the directory and replace it with a 'symlink' (what is a symlink?)03:11
coolpaul900how do I know that?03:11
newbie1power is solid and satus is flashing03:11
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henkeI did edgy clean install, got 104 sec boot time (bootchart) compared to 75 in dapper.  is that common03:12
variantdoes anyone know how to change the size of the desktop icons please?03:12
RhiNoi go to install something and i get the message03:12
ompaulnikosapi, get yourself a backup first03:12
newbie1cause im using it for this pc as welll03:12
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marianomhi there03:12
nikosapiis it possible with apt to uninstall all packages from a certain repo?03:12
RhiNo"only one software management tool is allowed to run at the same time"03:12
shinobi2hi ompaul !!!03:12
RhiNohow do i find out or close whatever else is running03:12
wickedpuppynavreet, if not you then why worry ? my /etc is tarred and zipped ... i have nothing to worry from changing config files03:12
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varianthenke: no, i would say that was somthing being broken.. my pos old ocmputer boots in about 19 seconds03:12
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ThinkingManompaul: after reading through there and attempting to install gsynaptics I get an error saying that I have to have 'SHMConfig' to true in xorg.conf to use gysnaptics, is this save?  (and if so, how do I go about setting it?)03:12
tazmanmp3 downloader03:12
AlanHaggaicoolpaul900 : can you paste your /etc/apt/sources.list file?03:13
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ompaulThinkingMan, I said already I am not a touchpad user - I don't know03:13
navreetwickedpuppy, heh, I should've upgraded first... then added my new hdd03:13
variantis it even possible to change the size of desktop icons with gnome?03:13
AlanHaggaicoolpaul900 : and send the link to me03:13
RhiNoi go to install something and i get the message "only one software management tool is allowed to run at the same time" how do i close whatever else is running?03:13
coolpaul900what is that?03:13
ThinkingManompaul: sorry, i wasn't sure if SHMConfig is touchpad specific03:13
dabaRnewbie1: I told you what to do.03:13
wickedpuppynavreet, you should have backed up /etc ...03:13
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strabesvariant: yes right click on the icon and hit stretch icon03:13
ompaulThinkingMan, most likely03:13
AlanHaggaitry this coolpaul90003:13
coolpaul900sorry I am a newbie03:13
henkevariant: ok. I'm on centrino @ 1.7303:13
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variantstrabes: i want to set hte default for all of them03:13
OkinawaSkittles5i am trying to run ubuntu live cd 6.06 but it keeps hanging up at saving VESA state, i have tried ... pnpbios=off noapic noapic apci=off noacpi  ... does anyone else have any ideas or suggestions03:13
navreetwickedpuppy, basically, it's supposed to help out if you switch how you connect your disks03:13
varianthenke: much better than my celeron and 196mb ram03:13
strabesvariant: oh check in gconf-editor in apps/nautilus for something03:14
AlanHaggaicoolpaul900 : type this at a terminal: sudo gedit /etc/apt/sources.list03:14
omacnewbie1: I started a private chat with you...but you aren't answering.03:14
wickedpuppynavreet, whats supposed to help out ?03:14
AlanHaggaicoolpaul900 : and then paste it in http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/ and send me the link03:14
navreetwickedpuppy, no, the program should've done that for me... and I do have a backup, but I want to make sure that whatever is reading fstab isn't expecting UUIDs, and there's no guarantee that my old config file will work (but I think it still should)03:14
variantomac: he is not registerd on freenode so he cant answer03:14
navreetwickedpuppy, the UUIDs in /etc/fstab03:14
henkeI'll see if I can throw a bootchart screendump link03:14
dougskomztriz: well, you move it with the "mv" command. and you creat a symlink with the "ln" command. you want a soft link, so youd use the -s options switch03:14
ThinkingManother question, there are a whole bunch of InputDevice sections in my xorg.conf file for wacom devices, yet I own none of these devices, is it OK to delete those sections?03:14
xipietotecdoes anyone know if the error in initramfs has been fixed yet (edgy)?03:14
dabaRmztriz: what part of that do you not understand?03:15
dougskomztriz: man ln, man mv, and google can guide you further03:15
RhiNoi go to install something and i get the message "only one software management tool is allowed to run at the same time" how do i close whatever else is running?03:15
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wickedpuppynavreet, why make it so complicated ??????? i never think of such things when i do upgrade ... if i don't like whatever thats new i restore my backup file03:15
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BetaCookieshow can i reinstall the bootloader? grub didnt get installed.. the windows bootloader is still there.. I have a windows disk, then I have ubuntu on a separate disk. The windows is SATA, the ubuntu disk is PATA (aka IDE)03:16
dabaRomac: you gotta be registered, and him too03:16
dabaRhe too?03:16
xipietotecRhiNo: system --> system monitor make sure you do not have synaptic or "add remove" running if you're trying to update via command line03:16
variantstrabes: nope, cant do it in gconf either03:16
xipietotecalso you cannot run the add remove and synaptic at the same time03:16
RhiNok ty03:16
AkumAPRIMEanyone here knowledgable about dualview xinerama ??03:16
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dabaRAkumAPRIME: that is a stupid form of question...03:17
SlackRatk, so let me see if i got this right....if i want a stable working system till the next stable (non bleeding edge system) ubuntu, i keep running dapper till sometime next year?03:17
dabaRDidn't you read !anyone ever?03:17
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AkumAPRIMEdabar: is that a yes?03:17
newbie1ive dcc chatted you omac03:17
=== JethroDawnfine_ [n=chatzill@20150119105.user.veloxzone.com.br] has joined #Ubuntu
navreetwickedpuppy, nm... so apparently, my /etc/fstab is correct (even with the UUIDs), but they didn't automount :(03:18
AkumAPRIMEbecause thats a stupid form of yes03:18
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dang`r`usSlackRat, the current stable is edgy eft03:18
dabaRAkumAPRIME: no, it means ask your question, and see whether someone is along the way...03:18
highnekoa=`echo "esxdefcgurttiynugi odpehaddslfyg hvjikrgudsx c.d.r.t" | sed 's/\(.\)./\1/g'`; for ((i=0;i<=100;i+=1)); do echo "$i% $a"; sleep .05; done; echo "thank you"03:18
ompaulThinkingMan, they do nothing unless you have the hardware so I would not bother touching them03:18
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nrdbHi, I am thinking of making a PIC micro project, is there an open source PIC C compiler available?03:18
AkumAPRIMEI asked my question, and if someone answers it, I'll continue03:18
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coolpaul900 http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/28989/03:18
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SlackRati thought edgy is the current edgy release?03:18
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AkumAPRIMEIve asked it  several times today, no need for me to reype it if noone know wtf I'm talking about03:18
coolpaul900the only problem is this computer I updated allready03:18
ubotuPlease watch your language and keep this channel family friendly.03:18
AlanHaggaiupdated already???03:19
dang`r`usSlackRat, edgy is not a qualifier for ubuntu releases, it's a part of the current stable's name03:19
coolpaul900well I mean on this computer03:19
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Garchermy boot cd doesnt work...03:20
AlanHaggaicoolpaul900 : yes the file is alright03:20
Remy`Hello, I'm having problems with the screen resolution on Ubuntu 6.10, it's only showing 480x600 and 600x800, when I'm positive my monitor supports higher resolutions.03:20
SlackRatof course the name is a quantifier, according to shuttleworth anyways03:20
ompaul!fixres > Remy`03:20
ubotux is the X Window System; it's the part of your system that's responsible for graphical output. To restart your X, type this in a console: sudo /etc/init.d/?dm restart  -  To fix screen resolution or other X problems: http://help.ubuntu.com/community/FixVideoResolutionHowto03:20
=== BoggsBeer [n=biglou@203-206-110-10.dyn.iinet.net.au] has joined #ubuntu
ubotuTo install a Java compiler/interpreter on Ubuntu, look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Java  -  For the Sun Java runtime install sun-java5-jre from the !Multiverse repository03:21
wickedpuppyRemy`, you should have ubotu messaging you the exact same thing03:21
ompaulRemy`, the bot sent you that as a message, it would be preferred if you read that :) that is what the !fact>user is about03:21
SlackRati m not convinced that an enterprise solution using ubuntu should upgrade to edgy....03:21
AlanHaggaicoolpaul900 : type this in a terminal: gksu "update-manager -c"03:21
ompaulSlackRat, it should not03:21
=== BoggsBeer is now known as Deaigo
Remy`Sorry, I didn't know how that command worked.03:21
MugginsMenterprise shouldn't upgrade to *anything* without testing it thoroughly for a few weeks03:21
ompaulSlackRat, dapper is LTS and enterprise03:21
SlackRatthanks ompaul, that was my basic enquiry03:21
Remy`The guide is written for 6.06, will it work with 6.10?03:21
variantstrabes: found it, it is tied to the size of icons in the nautilus window, which is stupid03:22
ompaulRemy`, in most cases03:22
SlackRatso the next upgrade is when another LTS is released, right?03:22
Remy`ompaul, thanks, I'll get to trying it.03:22
strabesvariant: that's because the desktop is pretty much one big nautilus window - nautilus controls the desktop03:22
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Garcherso did anyone found a way to fix the usplash error in edgy?03:22
strabesvariant: you can turn that off though03:22
variantstrabes: I know that, but it is still very silly03:22
strabesGarcher: what usplash error?03:22
dabaRGarcher: which one is that?03:22
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dabaRstrabes: ;)03:22
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ompaulSlackRat, no there will be few six montly updated versions with 18months support on the way then the next LTS03:22
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strabesvariant: yeah i know - it shouldnt control it03:22
strabesdabaR: what?03:23
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Garcherthe one where it doesnt appear when you boot03:23
insane_awmnhello room03:23
ompaul!nickspam > fildo03:23
strabesGarcher: oh i havent had that problem03:23
dabaRGarcher: and you tried what?03:23
Garchersome vga shit03:23
henkereally bad boot time, I'm at 2 in a 1-10 edgy noob; tip for where should I start look for error? bootchart - http://www.leotec.se/edgy/edgy-20061029-5.png03:23
ubotuPlease watch your language and keep this channel family friendly.03:23
AlanHaggaifor me to upgrade, which are the essential repositories?03:23
SlackRatgood point MugginsM.. .  :P03:23
insane_awmnI run a Battlefield 2 dedicated server, following the instructions of this . But the game at my desktop pc does not find it?.can someone help me to find out what happening ??03:24
dabaRGarcher: and sudo dpkg-reconfigure usplash?03:24
fildoompaul: its psybnc being a bitch03:24
dang`r`usany known problems with mesa-common-dev in edgy?03:24
tiger_itdabaR can I ask U somethig ?03:24
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SlackRatdang, we could be talking a year and a half or so, till the next LTS??03:24
dabaRtiger_it: no03:24
Bacon5oI was wondering how I could uninstall ubuntu and return my certain partition back to a FAT32?03:25
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dang`r`usSlackRat, no idea when the next LTS will be out03:25
MugginsMI suspect they'll do another LTS when they feel what they've got is a big enough step over the last one, and when what they've got is relatively stable anyway :)03:25
david__I have this line in my  "fstab /dev/hda1/media/hda1ntfsdefaults,user01" its mounted ok, but i can't look at it unless a do "su" can someone help me?03:25
BetaCookieshow can i determine my X.org version?03:26
apokryphosBeta_M: dpkg -l|grep -i xorg03:26
tiger_itdabaR you R antipatic. U know ?03:26
MugginsMEdgy is nice, but for enterprise setups, I don't see anything that makes it a must have over dapper03:26
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SlackRatah well, maybe next fall then <crosses fingers>03:26
AlanHaggaifor me to upgrade, which are the essential repositories?03:26
dabaRdavid__: replace defaults,user with umask=022203:26
ompaulfildo, I don't see anything and please mind your langauge - if you have someone abusing you in a pm then you have two choices (A) complain to an op where you and that person is or (B) go find a freenode staffer03:26
SlackRatand i imagine alot of dapper will be upgrading as well03:26
apokryphosAlanHaggai: if you're upgrading please follow the guide03:26
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dabaRtiger_it: thanks!03:27
fildoompaul: lets03:27
tiger_itdabar you r welcome!03:27
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Garcherone other Qs... on the Terminal it just appears the $ sign, is that ok?03:27
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dabaRGarcher: for who?03:27
ompaulfildo, msg me if you have a specific complaint that is #ubuntu related03:27
mamonassassinahello everyone,how's aMSN on edgy?03:28
dabaRor is it whom?03:28
Garcherfor me03:28
t0ny-p40I'm trying to downgrade mysql to 4.1 but I get this error  Aborting downgrade from (at least) 5.0 to 4.1.03:28
t0ny-p40dpkg: error processing /var/cache/apt/archives/mysql-server-4.1_4.1.15-1ubuntu5_i386.deb (--install):03:28
cybergod`hey everyone, some can tell me from where i configure the "switch languege" button? (or what the fuck is it)?03:28
=== Fireal [n=albert@cpe-66-65-0-9.nyc.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu
tiger_itmamonassassina: Kopete is better!!03:28
t0ny-p40How do I make it go?03:28
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dabaRyou are asking is whether something is OK for you?03:28
mamonassassinaits kinda unstable,it won't run with xgl for example.03:28
LjL!language | cybergod`03:28
ubotucybergod`: Please watch your language and keep this channel family friendly.03:28
ompaulcybergod`, please mind your language03:28
mamonassassinaso i want to know if it runs ok on edgy03:28
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fildoompaul: why would i msg you, when infact you are that specific prob03:29
fildoompaul: unfortunately there isnt a rm -rf for you03:29
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t0ny-p40any know how to get apt-get or dpkg to force downgrade?03:29
cybergod`ljl: sorry im a newbie, what?03:29
Garcheryou know it used to be like this:03:30
Nukedhow weird is this. After upgrading from dapper to edgy cups no longer recognizes any of my printers connected via usb03:30
Firealhey everyone,I have a small partition on my primary HD in FAT32, how can I "see" it?  (Like if it is hda3 or hda4 etc.)03:30
Garchernow its just the $ sign..03:30
tiger_itt0ny-p40:  why do not uninstall and then re-install03:30
Firealtrying to mount it03:30
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SlackRatGarcher, whats wrong with that?03:30
t0ny-p40Fireal: try sudo fdisl -l /dev/hda03:30
SlackRatsome terms do that....03:30
t0ny-p40toger_it I did.03:30
t0ny-p40Nothing mysql on my system right now03:31
Garcheroh ok..03:31
mamonassassinatiger_it: does Kopete have webcam support?what about custom emoticons?03:31
Firealfdisl command not found03:31
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mamonassassinatiger_it: if it has audio conversation support,i'm moving to it now :P03:31
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SlackRati think an xfce terminal does that.....03:31
t0ny-p40oops fdisk03:31
NukedWhy wouldnt cups recognize my printers03:31
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LjLcybergod`: nothing, just on this channel we'd like you to keep to a "nice" language03:31
FirealtOny: thanks03:31
=== everamzah [n=jaysteve@dsl-216-227-92-169.fairpoint.net] has joined #ubuntu
t0ny-p40That will list your partitions03:31
thinis there a quick/easy/n00bFriendly method to install the latest flash player?03:31
cybergod`how do i switch between languge in ubuntu?03:31
dabaRGarcher: what is in your /etc/profile?03:32
=== InvisiblePinkUni [n=chatzill@222-154-100-228.jetstream.xtra.co.nz] has joined #ubuntu
tiger_itFireal:  /dev/hda3/media/fat32vfatiocharset=utf8,auto,rw,user,exec,umask=000 0 003:32
Firealis -l for "long" description?03:32
everamzahdoes anyone here use k3b to burn their cds with 6.10??03:32
tiger_itFireal:  /dev/hda3 /media/fat32 vfat iocharset=utf8,auto,rw,user,exec,umask=000 0 003:32
t0ny-p40I think03:32
grndslmevermezah, of course03:32
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NukeddabaR, any Idea why cups is no longer recognizing my usb printers03:33
tiger_it iocharset=utf8 and umask=000 are important features03:33
LjLcybergod`: if you mean keyboard layout, i think there is an applet (i.e. right click on the panel, add applet, and find it somewhere) - can't say precisely because i use kde, not gnome03:33
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everamzahhmm, okay, i wasn't sure if gnome's volume management (or some system) blocked it, cause i had a failure. alas, i will try once more03:33
=== Trae [n=october@ip24-252-207-46.mc.at.cox.net] has joined #ubuntu
henkeclean install edgy, but 104 sec boot (dapper @ ~80) what might be broken? http://www.leotec.se/edgy/edgy-20061029-5.png03:33
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Firealtiger_it:  thanks, and uh wow that's quite a command.03:33
Garcherhey guys it worked, the usplash returned!!03:34
=== wrabbit^ [n=wrabbit@220-245-200-245.static.tpgi.com.au] has joined #ubuntu
tiger_itFireal:  you should add it in /etc/fstab03:34
cybergod`ljl: i mean, after i installed the applet how do i switch between the language(whats the short cut)03:34
InvisiblePinkUniwhere do all the emacs plugins go in ubuntu?03:34
ubotuFind your themes at: http://www.gnome-look.org - http://kdelook.org - http://themes.freshmeat.net/browse/58/ - http://www.guistyles.com - https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Artwork/ - Also see !changethemes and https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UbuntuEyeCandy03:34
Code-EHi im trying to do make on a game i downloaded. I already did ./configure and now im getting the error on: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/28992/03:34
tiger_itFireal:  gksudo gedit /etc/fstab03:34
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dabaRNuked: Well, what did you change? did you try reconfiguring it?03:34
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ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about wallpapers - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi03:34
wrabbit^hi everybody.  Is the "no sound when I upgrade to edgy" a common problem in here?03:34
LjLcybergod`: i don't know :\03:34
dabaRGarcher: why did it return?03:34
Firealtiger_it: so it will mount auto every boot?03:34
godmachine81whats that other site thats like deviantart.com03:34
adeleany ATI x1800 users here?03:34
cybergod`ljl:  k thanks anyway man03:35
dabaRGarcher: great03:35
MugginsMhenke: looks like it's spending a lot of time detecting devices for some reason03:35
tiger_itFireal:  yes!! auto-mount!!03:35
MugginsMhenke: 'fraid I don't know much more than that03:35
Firealtiger_it: thanks will give it a enthusiastic newbie try!03:35
ompaulMugginsM, did it check a partition on the drive, or have a problem getting the network connection03:35
henkeMugginsM: ok, thanks. modprobe - can I manually set hw?03:35
Firealan enthusiastic03:35
Garcherthanks dabaR!03:35
tiger_itFireal:  U R welcome!03:35
wrabbit^I'd really appreciate it if I could get a little help.  The Ubuntu forums don't seem to have the answer03:35
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godmachine81wrabbit^:: i might can help you03:36
godmachine81do you not have any sound period? or just certain apps?03:36
EricHey im havin issues installing this file it says "Only one software management tool is allowed to run at the same time" and i went into system monitor and didnt see "update manager", "aptitude" or "synaptic" running03:36
Ericwhat should i do03:36
Nukeddabar I didnt change anything. How would I reconfigure if the only printer types im allowed to choose from are those via samba ?03:36
Code-ECan anybody help me?03:36
wrabbit^godmachine81, My friend has no sound after upgrading to edgy.  What are some basic things I can do to work out the problem?03:36
ompaulEric, easy answer reboot, hard answer find the synaptic that is open and close it or use it03:37
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tiger_itdabaR:  I;ve no problem with anyone....... so... can I know WHY R U so bad with me ? is for my poor english ? or because Ive 3 days in Linux ?03:37
Ericidk how to find it03:37
Erici did reboot and it was still doing that03:37
godmachine81wrabbit^:: make sure the sound module got loaded:  do lspci |grep -i audio   see what kind of sound device they have.. do lsmod and look for the appropriate module being loaded03:37
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tiger_itdabaR:  Im an aprentice!! I need advises from people who knows more...03:38
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MugginsMwrabbit: also something that got me with sound once was it set all the volumes to zero, so sound was working it was just silent. Check the mixer03:38
Ericany suggestions?03:38
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wrabbit^godmachine81: Thank you.  He's not here at the moment so I've gotta write a few things down to take back.  Anything else I can try?03:38
=== dabaR notices the huge increase of spam on this channel...
=== dbmonk74 [n=chatzill@S0106001346a51e21.cg.shawcable.net] has joined #ubuntu
ompaulEric, are you the only admin on the box?03:38
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tiger_itMugginsM: apt-get install kmix03:39
Code-EIs there nobody that can help me with my problem I stated above03:39
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ArrenLexwrabbit^: sound problems? Make him run "amixer" and send the output to us.03:39
SlackRatrun alsa.conf if you wanna run sound thru alsa03:39
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godmachine81wrabbit^:: yea you will need to check to make sure that alsa is running, you can do sudo /etc/init.d/alsasound restart  are you on regular Ubuntu (gnome) ?03:39
wrabbit^MugginsM, sounds simple enough to work ;) I'll try that too.03:39
ubotuFor upgrading, see instructions at: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UpgradeNotes (you can also find this in the channel topic: type "/topic")  -  See also !downgrade03:39
wrabbit^ArrenLex: Thanks03:39
cartuchoanyone get fglrx drivers working properly ?03:39
SlackRatcheck control center settings if in kde, dunno about gnome03:39
ompaulwrabbit^, put the data in paste.ubuntu-nl.org not in the channel :)03:39
baggio1000000hi guys. anyone else besides me lose alot of wifi signal strength when switching to edgy?03:39
Ericompaul i am the only user on the system and i only use it03:40
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tiger_itdabaR:  Im talkling U.......03:40
=== Jay_Dogg [n=jukka@a88-112-86-89.elisa-laajakaista.fi] has joined #ubuntu
wrabbit^godmachine81: I think so03:40
davidindarlocan someone tell me how to pair a bluetooth mouse in edgy?03:40
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baggio1000000i was at 70% on dapper, now 40% on edgy03:40
Code-ENobody can help me?03:40
godmachine81wrabbit^:: that was a good idea that he told you.. the mixer levels sometimes get dropped down. make sure the "pcm" is turned up and the "master" as well03:40
dabaRtiger_it: what do you want me to answer exactly?03:40
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cartuchoXlib:  extension "XFree86-DRI" missing on display ":0.0".03:40
cartuchoX connection to :0.0 broken (explicit kill or server shutdown).03:40
cartuchoim getting this in glxinfo03:40
wrabbit^ArrenLex, ompaul.... It's not my pc.  I'm taking this info back to my mate who doesn't have access to the net atm.03:40
=== Flatz [n=Flats@c-68-38-79-89.hsd1.nj.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
tiger_itdabaR:  WHY R U like that with me ?!!03:40
dbmonk74Good day - I'm having some problems installing/booting Ubuntu from CD03:40
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ompaulEric,  do this >>ps auwx | grep  syna << does that give any output?03:41
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bruenig!offtopic | hegemon03:41
ubotuhegemon: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, #ubuntu+1 supports the development version of Ubuntu and #ubuntu-offtopic is for random chatter. Welcome!03:41
dabaRtiger_it: what is wrong, dude?03:41
tiger_itdabaR:  just that!! I j would like just know03:41
dbmonk74My monitor stops displaying video during the boot-up process03:41
Ericompaul yes it does03:41
tiger_itdabaR:  Ive ask you....... you know.......03:41
FlatzI'm getting much happier with the Edgy upgrade thanks to variant and crimsun03:41
cartuchodabaR: any tips how to fix this ? i made the binary driver how to03:41
baggio1000000monk, try booting in safe graphics mode03:41
ompaultiger_it, please stop misunderstanding  this is a text enviroment - it is easy to missunderstand and try to work with others03:42
FlatzSoudn card now works and all my drives are back03:42
tiger_itdabaR:  ok...... forget it!! maybe you have a bad-day03:42
wrabbit^ok, thanks guys.  This is enough to get us started.  I'll catch up with him later tonight so I'll let you know how things go03:42
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dbmonk74If I'm booting from CD, how would I make that happen?03:42
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Ericsays eric   5916 0.0  0.1 2796  752 pts/0   S+  22:41  0:00  grep  syna03:42
baggio1000000you can boot in safe graphics with the cd03:42
tiger_itompaul:  I hope...... U R right!03:42
ompaulEric, then you have no other one that is the command finding itself03:42
Erichow do i make it not do that?03:42
dbmonk74I'll check for documentation on that - thanks :)03:42
AbstHow do you make a script run at startup?03:43
FlatzOne more question.  I have 2 mount points listed as /windows and /windows2.  However they are under /  I want them to be under /home/frank ( this is my home directory ).  Can I do this?03:43
ompaulEric,  do this >>ps auwx | grep  syna | grep -v grep << does that give any output?03:43
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godmachine81Eric:: thats normal03:43
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Nukedanyone have in depth knowledge of cups?03:43
tiger_itompaul:  anyway......... I know the anglo-speakers dont like how i speak03:43
Ericno output paul03:43
MugginsMflatz: simple way is just to do a softlink.     ln -s /windows /home/frank/windows03:43
SlackRattiger_it, thats a generalization03:43
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MugginsMflatz: doesn't move them but it's a handy shortcut03:44
godmachine81Eric:: try ps aux|grep dpkg |grep -v grep03:44
tiger_itSlackRat:  may be03:44
Ericgodmachine i cannot run a install file though because it says something else is running03:44
AbstFlatz: Try gksudo gedit /etc/fdisk03:44
SlackRatmy guess is clueless flamelords dont like how you speak03:44
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Ericno output03:44
ompaultiger_it, you can't claim that, I speak english more than 90% of the time03:44
AbstFlatz: Nvm03:44
cxhow do you turn on AIGLX in Edgy?03:44
davidindarlocan someone tell me how to pair a bluetooth mouse in edgy?03:44
ompaulEric, so it is not seeing any process03:44
godmachine81Eric:: try ps aux |grep -i update |grep -v grep03:44
FlatzMugginsM: The only reason I care is when I login via FTP, I don't see those directories.  Will the softlink make them available when I connect to the box via FTP?03:45
tiger_itompaul:  you......... but not me. Im living in Argentina03:45
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MugginsMflatz: ah, might not, depends how ftp is setup03:45
FlatzMuggins:  I only see my home.  I want to see those two directories03:45
ompaulgodmachine81, all yours .. :)03:45
BetaCookiesI think that I need a better driver for my network adapter because it takes forever looking up hostnames -- or maybe it is using a weird dns server.. how can i change network stuff like that?03:45
snoopscx umm well in your /etc/X11/xorg.conf there's a flag you can turn on for extra info on that try out www.beryl-project.org03:45
godmachine81lol @ ompaul03:45
Eric,acjome ot goves am pit[it03:45
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Ericpf i[date mptofoer03:45
ompaultiger_it,  spanish speaking?03:45
baggio1000000My biggest problem is that any program is using 100% cpu .. any program since i upgraded, any one know of this?03:45
Ericoh wow03:45
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rixthIs there a program that I can point an MP3 and it will fix the length header? I have files that are being reported as 9 minutes, when they are only 4.03:45
Ericmachine it gives an output of update notifier03:45
tiger_itompaul:  si, exacto!!03:45
ubotuTo view your Windows/Mac partitions see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AutomaticallyMountPartitions  -  See also !fuse03:45
ubotuPara Espaol por favor usen #ubuntu-es, #kubuntu-es o #edubuntu-es, all obtendrn mas ayuda.03:45
Remy`I cannot edit a read only file, it says only root can edit it, how do I change this?03:45
ubotusp: James Clark's SGML parsing tools. In component main, is optional. Version 1.3.4-1.2.1-47 (edgy), package size 158 kB, installed size 564 kB03:45
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wickedpuppyoh ya.. i always think of spanish is sp .. damn03:46
ompaultiger_it, that might help?03:46
Eric5575  0.0  2.1  32716  11040 ?   Ss  22:32  0:00  update-notifier03:46
godmachine81Eric:: one more,    ps aux|grep -i "apt-" |grep -v grep03:46
FlatzMuggins: Can I just create two new directories under my home folder and mount my 2 partitions there instead of under /03:46
tiger_itompaul:  Ive a dubt about my smtp server03:46
SlackRatRemy sudo nano?03:46
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snoopsRemy`, you can sudo chown the file03:46
[ANF] MasterNinjai cant use my wifi card on my laptop :(03:46
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snoopsor just open it in root.. sudo nano as SlackRat said03:47
Ericno output03:47
Remy`Alright, I'll try that.03:47
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t0ny-p40any know how to get network manager to work on edgy?03:47
godmachine81Eric:: ok try killall -9 update-notifier && sudo apt-get update03:47
godmachine81see if you get the same error03:47
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cxt0ny-p40, nm-applet --sm-disable03:47
ompaultiger_it, as your english is not understood I suggest you ask in #ubuntu-es03:47
[ANF] MasterNinjaCysco systems 350 wifi card aronet wifi card wont connect tried everything. First time on linux.03:48
ompaultiger_it, it should make for better help03:48
godmachine81update-notifier shouldnt be tying up your dpkg lockfile.. but i suppose its possible03:48
tiger_itompaul:  thank you........ but there are less people there!!03:48
t0ny-p40cx:I did that it does not see any interface. even ethernet03:48
godmachine81you see what Eric ?03:48
=== AdamKili [n=adam@71-213-191-218.albq.qwest.net] has joined #ubuntu
ompaultiger_it, better be understood than have mistakes - you don't break a machine that way03:48
Ericwell it went to 0% [connecting to us.archive.ubuntu.com]   [connecting to security.ubuntu.com] 03:48
t0ny-p40cx:even as root03:48
=== pirateninja [n=ohnoitsa@pool-72-91-148-120.tampfl.fios.verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu
[ANF] MasterNinjaCysco systems 350 wifi card Aronet WiFi card wont connect tried everything. First time on linux.03:48
Ericand it is doing nothing03:48
godmachine81Eric:: that means its not locked03:48
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godmachine81if it was locked it would say it is locked03:49
cxt0ny-p40, it's probably your internet card03:49
CrescendoGah, stop saying my naaaame.03:49
Ericit have no internet thats why its at 0% lol03:49
tiger_itompaul: it will be consider. Thanxs03:49
t0ny-p40worked on 6.0603:49
[ANF] MasterNinjaother people got it to work03:49
Crescendo-= Smacks Eric for naming his nick his name. =-03:49
dabaR[ANF] MasterNinja: you tried everything, so you just wanted to let us know about your non-successful attempt?03:49
Ericbut it just said cant resolve03:49
godmachine81looks like your sources are being lagged out03:49
pirateninjaI reparitioned my harddrive off livecd, installed linux, then installed XP. How do I put on grub loader so I can boot into ubuntu aswell?03:49
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godmachine81Eric:: your using sources that everyone gets as a default03:49
godmachine81so its going to have some issues03:49
[ANF] MasterNinjai was wondering if you know a program to get wificards to work03:49
Ericis there any way to make this program install then?03:49
grndslmpirateninja...you must install xp first, then linux03:50
Ericlike a way around that error03:50
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godmachine81Eric:: yes you can replace your sources.list03:50
ompaul!offtopic > Crescendo03:50
redguyhhowdy, I have a dual screen setup. No xinerama, no twinview( plain x multiple screen setup ). I want to have control ofg what is run on a specific screen03:50
godmachine81hang on03:50
dabaR[ANF] MasterNinja: but you tried everything already...03:50
wickedpuppypirateninja, always install windows before linux ...03:50
rixthIs there a program that I can point an MP3 and it will fix the length header? I have files that are being reported as 9 minutes, when they are only 4.03:50
pirateninjagrndslm, so is it impossibile?03:50
CrescendoThanks, ompaul.03:50
pirateninjaThere has to be a way03:50
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grndslmpirateninja, windows does not play well with others, so linux has to be installed last in order to correct their arrogant and ignorant mistakes03:50
redguyright noe I have different (?) KDE sessions on both screen03:50
Remy`When I try to open the file in nano, it's just bringing up a blank document, when I'm typing the file case sensitive, but when I open it from it's folder, it works fine.03:50
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Remy`I'm really new at this, sorry. :\03:51
SlackRatRemy, check that there are no typos in your sudo nano command03:51
godmachine81Eric:: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/28403/plain/03:51
SlackRatno problem, Remy03:51
Remy`sudo nano /ect/X11/xorg.conf03:51
godmachine81save that as a file in your /tmp03:51
Ericand how do i get to that file?03:51
SlackRatetc. NOT ect03:51
godmachine81Eric:: name it /tmp/sources.list03:51
pirateninjaSo all is lost?  I have to reinstall all this stuff all over again?03:51
Remy`oh, sorry.03:51
SlackRati do it all the time03:52
wickedpuppyRemy`, use tab03:52
godmachine81Eric:: save the page as in your browser03:52
ubotugrub is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost grub after installing windows: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RecoveringUbuntuAfterInstallingWindows - Making GRUB floppies & other GRUB howtos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto03:52
Remy`I'll try now03:52
pirateninjaThere are no other multiboot loaders or anything I can use to get into ubuntu other than grub03:52
SlackRattheres other boot managers out there03:52
dougskoRemy`: yeah, if you type part of the word out, tab will complete it, and if theres more than one choice, hit tab again and itll show you all the choices03:52
wickedpuppypirateninja, there is partition magic03:52
SlackRati think smart boot is OS independant03:52
grndslmpirateninja....if you install Windows, it will format your hard drive....there's no way of getting around this, no...unless of course you install it first and then ubuntu last03:53
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pirateninjaI partitioned it, it only formatted the partition I left for it03:53
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pirateninjaI still see my ubuntu and swap partitions in drive manager03:53
gypoHelp with vsftpd in private03:53
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redguypirateninja: there's alway lilo...03:53
Ericmachine how do i find the file03:54
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=== JoeyDay [n=chatzill@c-67-186-242-91.hsd1.ut.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
godmachine81Eric:: where did you save it to?03:54
Erici had to save it to my flash drive on windows03:54
Ericand move it over03:54
grndslmpirateninja...my bad, i didn't think you partitioned first...03:54
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Ericso its a .txt file03:54
redguypirateninja: lilo/grub is just a bootloader03:54
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JoeyDayCan someone help me find my grub.conf file in Ubuntu 6.10 ?03:54
TonyStlaisa, THIS IS HUGE.03:54
Ericbecause the computer with ubuntu has no net03:54
laisano shit03:54
godmachine81Eric:: i dont know where you put it03:54
grndslmJoeyDay, /boot/grub/grub.conf or something like that03:54
godmachine81how could i know?03:54
Ericits on my desktop03:54
laisai have entered the world of the geeks03:54
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Ericas hehe.txt03:54
TonyStlaisa, back to #wikipedia03:54
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godmachine81Eric:: it is ~/Desktop/hehe.txt03:55
stardledcan anyone help me?   i just got a dell pc, [i used to use ubuntu] , and when i boot the live disc, it loads and stuff, but after a little bit my mouse freezes03:55
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godmachine81Eric:: do this03:55
JoeyDaygrndslm: When I try to edit that I get an empty file.03:55
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redguylaisa: indeed ... ;-)03:55
ubotuPlease watch your language and keep this channel family friendly.03:55
JoeyDaygrndslm: I'm doing: sudo gedit /boot/grub/grub.conf03:55
godmachine81sudo mv /etc/apt/sources.list /etc/apt/sources.list.bak03:55
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JoeyDayIs there a way to search for the grub.conf file?03:55
grndslmJoeyDay, try /boot/grub/menu.lst03:55
godmachine81sudo cp ~/Desktop/hehe.txt /etc/apt/sources.list03:55
godmachine81sudo apt-get update03:55
JoeyDaygrndslm: Ah, let me try that.03:55
godmachine81ignore the gpg key errors you will get03:55
redguygodmachine81: sudo cp would be worse?03:55
gypoPlease help with vsftpd03:55
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godmachine81redguy:: what/03:56
wickedpuppy!ask | gypo03:56
ubotugypo: Don't ask to ask a question. Just ask your question :)03:56
stardledanyone :x03:56
gypopuppy how do i add users03:56
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ubotuDon't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly, if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. You can search https://help.ubuntu.com or http://wiki.ubuntu.com while you wait. Also see !patience03:56
redguygodmachine81: sudo cp /etc/apt/sources.list /etc/apt/sources.list.bak is as good as sudo mv03:56
wickedpuppygypo, have you googled ?03:56
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redguygodmachine81: if not better03:56
gyponot yet03:56
godmachine81redguy:: its as good.. but he is going to overwrite it anyway03:56
davidindarloHi ppl, how do I pair a bluetooth mouse in edgy?03:57
Ericmachine it is trying to connect to internet again computer has no internet so it wont beable to03:57
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redguysince you get an opportunity to tweak th sources.list file03:57
godmachine81Eric:: hmm then what are you trying to do exactly03:57
wickedpuppygypo, can i advice you to do that first ?03:57
gypoive googled for other things and have not had good luck03:57
JoeyDayI'm missing Windows XP on my GRUB list. Can anyone help me understand how to add it back in properly?03:57
[CG] MacrossFXdoes anyone know any reasons why an ubuntu installation will fail at the select and install software step?  i'm trying to install xubuntu right now and it keeps failing there03:57
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godmachine81if you dont have the internet.. what are you trying to do with your package manager?03:57
NickGarvey!java > linuxbento03:57
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ubotugrub is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost grub after installing windows: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RecoveringUbuntuAfterInstallingWindows - Making GRUB floppies & other GRUB howtos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto03:57
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ubotuDon't ask to ask a question. Just ask your question :)03:57
wickedpuppygypo, what is your search phrase for vsftpd adding users ?03:57
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nikosapiSomebody help, I've been trying to remove skype for 25min and I keep getting this: dpkg: error processing skype (--remove): subprocess post-removal script returned error exit status 10  I can't use apt or anything because of that error!03:58
Erici am trying to install a package someone sent me that will make my wireless card work it is a linksys wpc54gs ver 203:58
gypovsftpd server add user03:58
ompaulnikosapi, sudo apt-get -f03:58
mrspinxdoes anyone know the init command in kubuntu03:58
mrspinxim trying to restart ssh03:58
stardledanyone here have AIM that is an ubuntu expert?03:58
godmachine81nikosapi:: try sudo dpkg --force-all --purge skype03:58
redguynikosapi: where did you instsll skype ffrom?03:58
highnekoEric: What's the file extention?03:58
Ericcauflu or something like that sent it to me03:58
Ericits .deb03:58
TRWBWit's been a while since i used linux, is 'user mode linux' still active?03:58
mrspinxand wondering if its in  another place03:58
wickedpuppygypo, have you actually searched using it ?????????????03:59
highnekosomeone from here sent you the package?03:59
godmachine81Eric:: where is the package at?? ill help you do that03:59
gypoive searced on the ubuntu page03:59
gypoand on the ubuntu forums03:59
highnekoIs that safe?03:59
gyponot on google03:59
mrspinxi think its /etc/init.d/ssh restart03:59
godmachine81highneko:: they probably just grabbed the .deb from packages.ubuntu.com03:59
wickedpuppygypo, have you searched on GOOGLE using that search phrase that you gave me ?03:59
Ericits on my desktop its called bcm43xx-firmware_1.3-lubuntu2_all.deb03:59
gypono ill try right now04:00
godmachine81Eric:: do this:04:00
nikosapiI got skype from the plf repo and I want to get rid of it04:00
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godmachine81sudo dpkg -i ~/Desktop bcm43xx-firmware_1.3-lubuntu2_all.deb04:00
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nikosapithose both don't work04:00
godmachine81sudo dpkg -i ~/Desktop/bcm43xx-firmware_1.3-lubuntu2_all.deb04:00
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highnekoEric: Search google using the filename, and see if it's ligit! I don't know if linux virus type things exist. Maby it could delete things?04:01
godmachine81nikosapi:: its probably not installed04:01
godmachine81nikosapi:: apt-cache policy skype04:01
Ericok that worked machine04:01
Ericare you farmilliar with this file?04:01
nikosapiIt says skype is installed04:01
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godmachine81Eric:: do ls /lib/firmware/$(uname -r)/04:01
AlanHaggaiI am getting an error while clicking mark all updates in the update manager04:02
sontekIs there a shortcut key to allow resizing of windows with the mouse without having to be in a corner?04:02
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redguyhighneko: maliicoud pacgakes cando signifiacnt harm to your system04:02
godmachine81Eric:: do you have any files in that dir?04:02
Erica whole crap load04:02
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godmachine81ok do this now Eric04:02
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godmachine81sudo modprobe -r bcm43xx04:03
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=== redguy Zzzzz
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godmachine81sudo modprobe bcm43xx04:03
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godmachine81Eric:: after you get those two done04:03
Ericok no output04:03
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Ericon either one04:03
godmachine81do   ifconfig04:03
godmachine81do you see a eth0  or eth104:03
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Ericeth0 but thats when ive had it hooked up  via my cable04:04
Erici belive eth1 is my wireless card04:04
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godmachine81Eric:: do this dmesg|tail04:04
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godmachine81anything in the last couple of lines talking about your ethernet?04:04
nikosapiIs there any way to tell apt to just ignor a package? (eg. skype)04:04
godmachine81or wifi rather04:04
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godmachine81nikosapi:: you mean to hold it back?04:04
Ericthey all look like they are my wireless card04:05
godmachine81Eric:: are you using gnome-terminal?04:05
tonyyserverHow can I force tty2 to respawn?  It was in an ssh session with a computer that froze up and and to be hard reset.04:05
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davidindarlocan someone help me with bluetooth pairing?04:05
godmachine81ok do this ctrl + shift + t04:05
godmachine81it will open a new tab04:05
Erici think i went to applications accessories terminal04:05
dudawifisomeone can help me to detec wifi. I have the windows drivers installed, but I dont detect wifi. Ubuntu drapper 6.06 64bits. Thanksss04:05
Ericok ya it opened in a new terminal04:05
Erici mmean new tab04:06
godmachine81ok now in that terminal do this   tail -f /var/log/syslog04:06
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nikosapiI'm not sure, or is there a way to just tell apt to forget the package ever existed without trying to remove it?04:06
stardledif i have a 64 bit proc, can i use the normal version of ubuntu?04:06
godmachine81look at what is shows on the screen04:06
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godmachine81now go back to the other tab04:06
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godmachine81do sudo modprobe -r bcm43xx04:06
godmachine81check to see if that other tabs output changed any04:06
stardledif i have a 64 bit proc, can i use the normal version of ubuntu?04:06
ArrenLexstardled: of course.04:06
stardledty lol04:07
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=== Logix [n=madhozue@ool-4353b94e.dyn.optonline.net] has joined #ubuntu
adeleanybody with ATIx1800 series video card?04:07
Erici dont belive it did godmachine04:07
godmachine81now in the same tab you put modprobe -r in04:07
Logixhey, can someone help me - having a problem with a FAT32 drive?04:07
godmachine81do modprobe bcm43xx04:07
dudawifisorry for my english..... someone can help me to detec wifi. I have the windows drivers installed, but I dont detect wifi. Ubuntu drapper 6.06 64bits. Thanksss04:07
=== AkumAPRIME [n=AkumAPRI@adsl-69-231-232-5.dsl.irvnca.pacbell.net] has joined #ubuntu
godmachine81sudo modprobe bcm43xx04:07
godmachine81now look at the tab with tail again04:08
godmachine81see if it changed any04:08
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Ericit still looks the same04:08
godmachine81you can stop that one04:08
Ericdo i have to type anything again in that file?04:08
godmachine81ctrl c04:08
adelehow do I install video card drivers?04:08
godmachine81you can exit that tab04:08
Ericalright did04:08
godmachine81now in the other one do sudo network-admin04:09
=== Battousai [i=Battousa@101satb5.codetel.net.do] has joined #ubuntu
Ericopens network settings04:09
ubotuTo install the Ati/NVidia drivers for your video card, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto04:09
Battousaihello ppl04:09
godmachine81do you see your wifi card listed in that?04:09
Ericit shows wireless connection this network interface is not configured04:09
Ericits been like that since install of ubuntu04:09
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godmachine81you just need to enable it04:09
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Battousaiim new to linux and i downloaded ubuntu recently and i need some help. plz :D04:09
godmachine81highlight it click on properties04:09
AkumAPRIMEhttp://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=1680606#post1680606   if anyone thinks they can help me get my secondary monitor to Boot as the secondary monitor, and to increase it's resolution, please read my thread04:09
godmachine81and set it up04:09
Ericdid that04:10
godmachine81and be sure you have its check box checked04:10
Ericit dont show my essid04:10
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wickedpuppy!ask | Battousai04:10
adelealso in case I dont like it, how do I change it back to the way it is?04:10
ubotuBattousai: Don't ask to ask a question. Just ask your question :)04:10
Battousaiok thx04:10
godmachine81does your router use wep keys?04:10
=== exeakiel [n=chatzill@47408.wrls.gill.wy.vcn.com] has joined #ubuntu
keithhhhhey does everyone have a /home/k/.config/menus/applications.menu   file?04:10
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Ericit can04:10
Erici have all security diabled04:10
Battousaii burnt the desktop disk and when i try to boot up it doesnt boot04:10
keithhhhI seemed to have killed it04:10
Erictill i get it to work04:10
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godmachine81Eric:: i think that bcm43xx still requires networkmanager to work04:11
AkumAPRIMEBattousai: you burned the iso? Did you burn an image?, or did you simply copy an iso to a disk?04:11
godmachine81do you have networkmanager installed?04:11
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AkumAPRIMEbattousia, do you know the difference?04:11
Erichow do i know if i do or not04:11
godmachine81hang on04:11
Logixi have a FAT32 drive mounted on my system, but after AMAROK crashed, now only have read access rights to the drive. checked FSTAB and there's nothing there to help... when i restard my computer i can see the FSCK finds errors but cannot fix them... help?!?04:11
godmachine81apt-cache policy networkmanager04:11
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Battousaii burnt the image like im suppose to :D cuz when i insert it in windows it loads up04:11
godmachine81apt-cache policy networkmanager-gnome04:11
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EricW: Unable to locate package networkmanager-gnome04:12
stardledhttp://www.ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=1680651 -- any help would be great04:12
dudawifigodmachine81: can you help me whit my wifi please04:12
BetaCookiesWhy is ubuntu so much slower than windows when it is looking up a hostname? Please can someone help me? I feel like I am on dialup because it literally takes 10 seconds or more just to look up the hostname. Once that is done, it loads very quickly.04:12
godmachine81apt-cache policy network-manager04:12
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godmachine81apt-cache policy network-manager-gnome04:12
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wickedpuppyBattousai, then the cd has error loading or it does not load at all ?04:12
Battousaiit doesnt load04:12
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Ericnone of them are working04:13
Battousaiit doesnt load when i try to boot with it04:13
CineScopeis the plf edgy repository working for anyone?04:13
AkumAPRIMEtry reburning on another disk? do an md5sum check on your DKed iso?04:13
wickedpuppyBattousai, then i suggest you check your bios to see if it boots cd before the hd04:13
godmachine81this should be fixed in edgy04:13
=== Kuberr [n=kuberr@ool-44c5a214.dyn.optonline.net] has joined #ubuntu
AkumAPRIMEDK == DL04:13
Kuberrhow do you delete a kernel?04:13
godmachine81if they dont install network-manager during install04:13
keithhhhdoes everyone have a /home/k/.config/menus/applications.menu   file?04:13
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AkumAPRIMEAh, Battousai: widkedpuppy is right04:13
godmachine81then how do they expect you to get wifi up if thats your only option04:13
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Ericno idea04:13
Battousaiyou mean to put it to first boot with the cd-rom right? i did that and still04:13
keithhhhoh my god I dont even have a menus directory04:13
Ericwhat is network manager04:14
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godmachine81Eric:: it manages wifi04:14
AkumAPRIMEgodmachine81:They Totally should have fixed that04:14
ryanpganyone using monodevelop in edgy? I can't compile any projects they die with: "Build failed. Can't create project output directory /bin/Debug original exception: System.UnauthorizedAccessException: Access to the path "/bin/Debug" is denied."04:14
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Ericit shold be in the task bar thing right?04:14
jtf0518got a problem with a new widescreen monitor. When I set my resolution to the max I get black space on the right and bottom sides of the screen.04:14
Ericwhoa wait04:14
tonyyarussoCineScope: PLF is down until somebody steps up to the plate and offers to maintain it.04:14
Erici think it connected04:14
Ericmy gaim said it was connected now04:15
Ericand internet is now working04:15
Kuberrhow do you delete a kernel??? i set up this extra one by accident.04:15
exeakieljtf518 : does your screen have an auto?04:15
wastrelryanpg:  change the project output directory - it doesn't belong in /bin04:15
dudawifigodmachine81: I have a notebook whit integrated wifi, I have windows drivers installed, but I can found wifi, can you help me please???04:15
godmachine81Eric:: probably took it a minute to rescan04:15
ryanpgwastrel, thank... checking that04:15
Ericty godmachine04:15
exeakielPress it04:15
AkumAPRIMEhttp://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=1680606#post1680606   if anyone thinks they can help me get my secondary monitor to Boot as the secondary monitor, and to increase it's resolution, please read my thread04:15
Ericmia reboot see if it still works04:15
SlackRatapt-get remove 'kernel name'04:15
Battousaimy trouble is quite odd :D04:15
AgentCygodmachine is a hero haha04:15
godmachine81dudawifi:: what do you mean windows drivers?04:15
godmachine81AgentCy:: not according to some..04:15
jtf0518still doesn't work04:15
Kuberrk thx04:15
exeakielWhat screen ya' using?04:16
jtf0518I've messed with my xorg.conf and read a few hundred postings. Works like a champ in Vista RC1.04:16
SlackRatyoull have to sudo, or you can use synaptic04:16
dudawifigodmachine81: Ndiswrapper04:16
Battousaii do not want windows either, i just want ubuntu alone04:16
jtf0518MAG Innovison LT926Wb04:16
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ryanpgwastrel, my Default Solution location is /home/ryanpg/Projects04:16
godmachine81dudawifi:: do lspci |grep -i net04:16
Logixwill anybody be able to help me with my FAT32 problem?04:17
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Logixi can wait, i just want to know if anybody here can help04:17
exeakielDunno what to tell you man-g.04:17
wickedpuppyBattousai, have you done what we have suggested ?04:17
jtf0518someone on the Beryl-project.org site mentioned "organic scaling" and I have no idea how to adjust for that.04:17
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wastrelryanpg:  i don't actually use monodevelop - but i'd grep the config files for that directory ...  seems weird that it wants to put stuff in /bin04:17
exeakiel./configure right?04:17
ryanpgwastrel, me too04:17
dudawifi0000:03:02.0 Network controller: Broadcom Corporation BCM4318 [AirForce One 54g]  802.11g Wireless LAN Controller (rev 02)04:17
dudawifi0000:03:06.0 Ethernet controller: Realtek Semiconductor Co., Ltd. RTL-8139/8139C/8139C+ (rev 10)04:17
Battousaiyes, i have done a little research and i've tried a lot of things04:17
thinI'm working on a web design. Does ubuntu not come with "Times New Roman"?04:17
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alanhaggaiI have upgraded my system to Edgy. But, now XServer is not starting04:17
alanhaggaiplease help04:17
thinx server not working for me either04:18
wickedpuppyBattousai, if you are talking to someone , pls put the name in front ...04:18
thinnobody wanted to help me04:18
godmachine81dudawifi:: looks like we are dealing with the same thing as Eric04:18
thini will pray they help you04:18
Battousaimy machine is a laptop compaq presario 700z specs duron 1.2ghz 20hdd 256ram04:18
eternale1frozen at the crosshairs? thin alanhaggai ?04:18
dudawifiwhen I come into chanel04:18
alanhaggaieternale1: can you help me?04:18
thinI think i pissed them off when I pointed out that no version of ubuntu worked for me04:18
godmachine81dudawifi:: do ls /lib/firmware/$(uname -r)/*.fw04:18
=== JoeyDay [n=chatzill@c-67-186-242-91.hsd1.ut.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
Traewhen I hit my keyboard, it changes Master Mono.  I want it to change PCM, anyway to do this?04:19
Battousaiwickedpuppy: sorry im new to mirc too04:19
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godmachine81dudawifi:: and dont copy and paste anything back here04:19
exeakielHow do I get firefox 2.0 on dis' thang?04:19
godmachine81just see if you have a bunch of stuff in that dir04:19
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AgentCyis that broadcom integrated or pcmcia?04:19
tonyyarussoexeakiel: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/FirefoxNewVersion04:19
dudawifils /lib/firmware/$(manuxm -r)/*.fw04:19
dudawifibash: manuxm: orden no encontrada04:19
dudawifils: /lib/firmware//*.fw: No existe el fichero  directorio04:19
alanhaggaiany help to get XServer to work?04:19
wickedpuppyBattousai, this has nothing to do with mirc .. its irc .. anyway you confirmed the bios setting is correct ? meaning the cd before hd ?04:19
JoeyDayOkay, it looks like the /boot/grub/menu.lst was the right file, but I've obviously got something wrong. Windows won't boot. GRUB gives me an error "parsing the number" or something like that.04:19
godmachine81uname -r04:20
godmachine81not manuxm04:20
SlackRatdid someone say something? guess not04:20
ubotuThe people in this channel are volunteers. Your attitude will determine how fast you are helped. See also http://wiki.ubuntu.com/IrcGuidelines04:20
dudawifiim spanish, sorry04:20
Battousaiwickedpuppy, yes i did04:20
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about shouting - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi04:20
wastrelLogix:  what is your question?04:20
ubotuPLEASE DON'T SHOUT! We can read lowercase too.04:20
adelebtw what are "rpm" files and how to I open them04:20
wastrel!es | dudawifi04:20
ubotududawifi: Para Espaol por favor usen #ubuntu-es, #kubuntu-es o #edubuntu-es, all obtendrn mas ayuda.04:20
Logixwastrel,  sorry, i did not mean to be rude... just got no answer at all...04:20
tonyyarussoI'm looking for help troubleshooting a CUPS print server if anyone's experienced.04:20
wickedpuppyBattousai, then there is no error messages or anything ? what do you see ? pls describe ?04:20
Logixi have a FAT32 drive mounted on my system, but after AMAROK crashed, now only have read access rights to the drive. checked FSTAB and there's nothing there to help... when i restard my computer i can see the FSCK finds errors but cannot fix them... help?!?04:20
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dudawifigodmachine81: ls /lib/firmware/$(uname -r)/*.fw04:21
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TxTERMiNAORXServer is not working for me04:21
godmachine81i said dont copy and paste it here04:21
Battousaiwickedpuppy, ok. when i insert the disc in windows it loads k-melon i think and when i restart with the disc inserted it does boot at all, just continues to windows like always04:21
ubotuHelp! Keybuk, mdz, Amaranth, tritium, ajmitch, crimsun, ogra, CarlK, Seveas, Burgundavia, apokryphos, thoreauputic, nalioth, Madpilot, ompaul, rob, Hobbsee, imbrandon, DBO or gnomefreak!04:21
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TxTERMiNAORI upgraded to Edgy and XServer is not working04:21
AgentCy!paste | dudawifi04:21
ubotududawifi: pastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (you can always find it in the channel topic, among other useful things)04:21
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tiger__logix you need some change ...........04:22
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JoeyDayIs ubotu a Bot?04:22
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eternale1TxTERMiNAOR: when you boot up does it just end up becoming frozen with the mouse crosshairs?04:22
ubotuI am ubotu, all-knowing infobot. You can browse my brain at http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl Usage info: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuBots04:22
Logixtiger__: what change04:22
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JoeyDayDoes anyone mind looking at http://paste.jday.us/17 and helping me figure out what I've done wrong?04:22
tiger__logix: /dev/hda5 /media/fat32 vfat iocharset=utf8,auto,rw,user,exec,umask=000 0 004:22
=== AdamKili [n=adam@71-213-191-218.albq.qwest.net] has joined #ubuntu
AzihHey guys I'm brand new to Ubuntu (Dapper Drake) and Linux in general and I'm having a weird problem. I just installed Ubuntu on my Dell laptop and on startup it doesn't recognize my network.04:22
JoeyDayThat's my /boot/grub/menu.lst file.04:22
TxTERMiNAOReternale1 : it boots and shows a message that xserver cannot be started or so04:22
wickedpuppyBattousai, then cd is not booted .... pls re check the bios again ? then also have you tried any other live cd ?04:22
Azihit comes in randomly almost before that I can't even ping anything04:23
tiger__logix: is an example (I;ve that configuration in my /etc/fstab)04:23
Azihwhen I ping something it says 'Network is unreachable'04:23
tiger__logix:  umask  !!!!04:23
=== skel [n=areplogl@CPE-24-167-219-147.wi.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu
Aziheven though all the correct settings show up in the Network Settings window04:23
=== Kuberr [n=kuberr@ool-44c5a214.dyn.optonline.net] has joined #ubuntu
eternale1i've ran into an issue while upgrading to edgy. The system begins to boot up, but never gets to the login screen , it becomes frozen on the cross hair mouse right before xwindow loads up, anyone seen this on upgrading?04:23
tiger__logix:  umask =000 means read,write, and execution :)04:23
Battousaiwickedpuppy, well since my connection is 56k i had to start and stop a lot and sadly i dont have another live cd other then the one i have04:24
AzihI'm connecting just fine through the XP Home partition so the cable and router and ISP are fine04:24
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TxTERMiNAOReternale1 : I get a screen with much characters here and there04:24
wickedpuppyBattousai, try this , do you have windows cd ? does it boot into installation mode or does it go into windows as usual ?04:24
=== dudawifi [n=manuxm@70.red-217-217-32.user.auna.net] has joined #ubuntu
skeleternale1: have you checked the xorg logs in /var/log ?04:24
TxTERMiNAORany help to get xServer running will be appreciated04:24
Azihand it's not like it doessn't work on Ubuntu, it's just really flaky in starting.04:24
Azihonce it starts it goes fine.04:24
Logixtiger__, thank you. i will try that now. and will be back in a min.04:24
=== Eric is now known as RhiNo
=== dmk_ [n=dmk@host81-157-244-220.range81-157.btcentralplus.com] has joined #ubuntu
Battousaiwickedpuppy, yes windows xp disc boots ok  :'(04:25
ZoohouseIs there a package that "shreads" files? I want to securely remove files..04:25
tiger__logix:  U WILL SUCCESS!!!04:25
AkumAPRIMEhttp://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=1680606#post1680606   if anyone thinks they can help me get my secondary monitor to Boot as the secondary monitor, and to increase it's resolution, please read my thread04:25
skelZoohouse: apt-cache show wipe04:25
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wickedpuppyBattousai, do you only have one computer ? check with other machines04:25
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Zoohouseskel thanks04:25
tiger__logix:  replace for hda5 .... and /media/fat32 ....04:25
skelZoohouse: no04:25
exeakielHow do you make the /opt dir04:25
skelZoohouse: *no problem04:25
dudawifigodmachine81: I am here yet, can you continue please???04:26
AkumAPRIMEmkdir opt?04:26
godmachine81dudawifi:: yes04:26
Battousaiwickedpuppy, well i can try it on a desktop let me see brb04:26
eternale1skel: i have, not much in the way of any error reporting that i can tell will help, am i looking for something specific. the last few lines are complaining about "could not init font path element /usr/share/...."04:26
TxTERMiNAORXServer not loading since I upgraded to Edgy. Please help.04:26
godmachine81dudawifi:: where is the firmware you said you had from windows04:26
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TxTERMiNAORHow to get it running?04:26
dudawifiin a CD04:26
skeleternale1: could you post it on Pastebin? all the (EE) lines?04:26
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petrikWhere's the best place to get help on a php/apache problem?04:26
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godmachine81dudawifi:: you mean its just the driver cd?04:27
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godmachine81dudawifi:: do you have anyway to copy a file to your linux box?04:27
AgentCypetrik is the problem with php, or is it an apache config problem?04:27
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skelTxTERMiNAOR: go to /var/log/X.org.log and look for (EE) lines04:27
Zoohouseskel it doesn't have a gui? :\04:27
godmachine81i seriously dont feel like having to guide you through how to fwcutter04:27
petrikAgentCy, http://pastecode.com/737104:27
dudawifiwhere i need to copy the file??04:27
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skelZoohouse: oh.. no not that one.. lemme see04:27
gravesonanyone know of a good rss reader for gnome/ubuntu ? a console based reader would be good04:27
godmachine81dudawifi:: there are firmware packages that exist in .deb packages04:27
AkumAPRIMEcan anyone here  see the video embedded on this site? http://poststuff4.entensity.net/102706/media.php?media=thegoogle.wmv04:28
AkumAPRIMEits just the TheGoogle video of Bush, but I can't watch it04:28
jaeeki am installing edgy with a softraid partitions... do i have to make a separate raid "device" for each partition i want?04:28
AkumAPRIMEcurious if you can and how04:28
=== mlowe [n=mlowe@c-24-6-84-179.hsd1.ca.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
TxTERMiNAORXServer is not loading since I upgraded to Edgy. How do I get it to run?04:28
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ubotuFor multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats  -  See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html  -  But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats04:28
AgentCypetrik, does that file exist? if so, is it owned by the wwwserver user/group?04:28
eternale1skel: no error lines (EE), anywhere in x.org.log ... also i'm stuck in console mode for the moment it could be tough to get something on pastebin.04:28
nikosapiI still can't figure this out! How can I remove a package if it causes dpkg exit with an error?04:28
AkumAPRIMEty widckedpuppy04:29
dudawifigodmachine81: and what I need to do?04:29
Zoohouseskel I know that Kgpg used to have it but I can't seem to find it in this ver...04:29
skeleternale1: oh yeah, dur.. ok hmm no errors though huh?04:29
godmachine81RhiNo:: can you send me the deb file that had your firmware04:29
TxTERMiNAORwickedpuppy : XServer is not loading for me04:29
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eternale1ya nothing, i pip'd it to more but i can't find any EE's04:29
[ID] -6162hi04:29
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godmachine81dudawifi:: do you have wired internet working on your laptop?04:29
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Battousaiwickedpuppy, it did the same thing... doesnt boot04:30
wickedpuppyTxTERMiNAOR, have you done sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg ?04:30
skeleternale1: grep -i EE ?04:30
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wickedpuppyBattousai, then the cd is screwed .... thats all i can think of04:30
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Zoohouseskel I found the shreader in KGPG :) Thanks for the help though04:30
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dudawifigodmachine81: I am conected by cable, not wifi, but I have a local wifi red at home. it is you like to now?04:30
gravesonanyone know of a good rss reader for gnome/ubuntu ? a console based reader would be good04:30
petrikAgentCy, I changed /var/www to /media/storage/www and put the test file (phpinfo) in that directory and that's the error04:30
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eternale1skel: ya no EE's or ee's04:31
skelZoohouse: cool deal =]  have fun04:31
eternale1just a bunch of I's and some W's04:31
godmachine81dudawifi:: yes i was just wondering if you had internet activity on the machine we are trying to get wifi going on04:31
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Logixhey tiger__ , im back, and it didnt work...04:31
Battousaiwickedpuppy, that should be the answer since i have tryed everything thx for all ur help, sorry to have bothered you04:31
=== No1Viking [n=micke@h-83-140-104-74.ip.rixbredband.se] has joined #ubuntu
chuckleswhy is us.archive.ubuntu.com so slow right now?04:31
nikosapiIs there another log (more detailed) for dpkg than in /var/log ?04:31
tiger__Logix: did u reboot ?04:31
skeleternale1: ok so its not X then.. anything in /var/log/messages .. whats the symptom again?04:31
Logixtiger__, yes i did04:31
godmachine81chuckles:: because its the default repos.. and people dont know how to change them04:31
wickedpuppyBattousai, no prob ... and pls upgrade your line :P04:31
=== jldugger [n=jldugger@adsl-75-18-0-152.dsl.tpkaks.sbcglobal.net] has joined #ubuntu
tiger__Logix:  it should work!!!04:31
chucklesany way around them?04:32
AgentCypetrik, you have to set your apache server to serv files from that directory04:32
TxTERMiNAORwickedpuppy : I tried that. But, it says the package is broken04:32
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Logixtiger__, it always worked perfectly, until that one time amarok crashed, and since i've been seeing FSCK finding errors on the drive every time i reboot...04:32
AgentCypetrik, try checking with #apache04:32
dudawifigodmachine81: ok, when you like said me than I need to do04:32
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godmachine81dudawifi:: get this file04:32
eternale1skel: after upgrade, reboot system, stuck on the mouse with the crosshairs.. frozen after that, can't even move the mouse... ill check /var/log/messages now04:32
tiger__Logix:  Have U  make a mount point (mkdir /media/hd xx) ??04:32
wickedpuppyTxTERMiNAOR, kindly do apt-get update ?04:32
TxTERMiNAORok wickedpuppy will try that04:32
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petrikAgentCy, What would roughly be the entry I'm looking for and what file?04:32
Logixtiger__,  and then, i rebooted into my windows and fixed the drive and it worked.. but now my windows is unusable so i must find a solution within linux....04:32
skeleternale1: is it the generic X gray screen with the x cursor?04:33
dudawifigodmachine81: I have yet, now?04:33
Logixtiger__, yes i did... its mounted. and i can access the files, just not write on the drive.04:33
godmachine81download that04:33
petrikAgentCy, I've already chnage docroot and directory04:33
AgentCypetrik, youre looking for httpd.conf, and an entry for the server root perhaps04:33
godmachine81i dont understand your english very well04:33
skeleternale1: could be a problem with your window manager04:33
tiger__Logix:  boot using a floppy disk with NDD (norton Disk Doctor)04:33
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eternale1ya the generic xcursor04:33
AgentCypetrik, also make sure that the media/www/whatever directory is readable by the webserver04:33
dudawifigodmachine81: I have in my pc now, what i need to do?04:33
Logixtiger__,  good idea... didnt think about it... any idea where will be the easiest/fastest place to get this?04:34
eternale1not gray screen but black04:34
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mockerDoes anyone know a good mirror for packages.freecontrib.org?04:34
Logixtiger__, shit... no floppies...04:34
petrikAgentCy, How to check/do that?04:34
godmachine81dudawifi:: do you know where you saved it to?04:34
skeleternale1: hmm thats weird04:34
TxTERMiNAORwickedpuppy : It is not updating. Fetched 6 KB only04:34
godmachine81probably your Desktop04:34
tiger__Logix:  buy one!04:34
godmachine81dudawifi:: try this04:34
Logixtiger__, no drive04:34
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eternale1skel: yes very...04:34
dudawifiin desktop04:34
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wickedpuppyTxTERMiNAOR, then only thing i can think is upgrade was borked04:35
tiger__Logix:  ok.... from live CD ... in Linux ?04:35
Logixtiger__,  there MUST be another solution!04:35
godmachine81sudo dpkg -i ~/bcm43xx-firmware_1.3-1ubuntu1_all.deb04:35
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Logixtiger__,  but from a live cd- what can i do?04:35
TxTERMiNAORwickedpuppy : so what can I do to solve it?04:35
AkumAPRIMEhttp://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=1680606#post1680606   if anyone thinks they can help me get my secondary monitor to Boot as the secondary monitor, and to increase it's resolution, please read my thread04:35
eigenlambda(Reading database ... dpkg: error processing eclipse (--purge):04:35
eigenlambda files list file for package `language-pack-en-base' contains empty filename04:35
tiger__Logix: ask others... Im new!!!04:35
Vaske_Carhow to reset Gnome panels to default?04:35
skeleternale1: what video card?04:35
eternale1old crappy voodoo04:35
tiger__Im going to LUNCH!!!04:35
wickedpuppyTxTERMiNAOR, backup everything you want , download edgy cd and install over and restore the backup files04:35
eternale1usually hasn't been a problem04:35
eigenlambda^^ what does that mean, and how do i make it purge?04:35
eigenlambdawhats a files list file and where is it hidden?04:36
Logixtiger__, ok, thanks for your effort....04:36
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dbmonk74i'm having the same problem with TxTERMiNAOR - and did the suso dpkg, but I'm a bit of a loss on what to do next. (I'm using the live cd)04:36
skeleternale1: that use the mesa drivers?04:36
TxTERMiNAORwickedpuppy : no other way?04:36
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Logixhi all.... so i am still unable to write to my FAT32 drive... can anyone help?04:36
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eternale1hmm don't think so04:36
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wickedpuppyTxTERMiNAOR, there is , get xorg .deb and install it04:36
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TxTERMiNAORwickedpuppy : ok I will try that04:37
skeleternale1: gnome right?04:37
SpottyfoxHello, everyone. Does anyone know how to get the TV tuner on an ATI All-In-Wonder 9000 working under Edgy?04:37
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DigitalNinjaI've got an EPoX 6100 motherboard. I get error messages when it boots. Something like "Cannot access resource at 0x4598fjt594" or something like that. There are three or four lines of this.04:37
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skeleternale1: try this.. mv your .gnome* .gconf* dirs to .blah.bak and restart gdm04:37
Brydenn33can someone help me with my wireless card?04:37
DigitalNinjaWhat does it mean?04:37
TxTERMiNAORwickedpuppy : how to download xorg.deb? I am using a terminal window04:37
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skelTxTERMiNAOR: wget04:38
AfterDeathflood coming04:38
wickedpuppyTxTERMiNAOR, then ah ... its going to be tough .. i strongly suggest clean install ...04:38
SlackRatsudo apt-get  install xorg.deb04:38
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godmachine81SlackRat:: sudo apt-get install xserver-xorg you mean?04:38
godmachine81SlackRat:: if your in X you shouldnt have to do that04:38
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TxTERMiNAORwickedpuppy : how to download xorg.deb. I know that a new install is better, but I wanted to do some important work now. :(04:39
godmachine81SlackRat:: i think whoever needs to fix X just needs to do sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg04:39
TxTERMiNAORwickedpuppy : thanks for the helping hand :)04:39
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dfgsdgfwhy won't ATI driver not install in edgy? get 176: syntax error:bad substitution04:39
godmachine81SlackRat:: do you happen to know Soul_keeper?04:39
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SlackRator xorgconfig04:39
=== Bacon5o [n=bacon|5o@12-214-26-208.client.mchsi.com] has joined #ubuntu
BetaCookiesWhy is ubuntu so much slower than windows when it is looking up a hostname? Please can someone help me? I feel like I am on dialup because it literally takes 10 seconds or more just to look up the hostname. Once that is done, it loads very quickly.04:39
SlackRatprolly yeah04:39
SlackRatin ##slackware, right?04:40
Bacon5oWell, I cant uninstall ubuntu without reinstalling windows, thanks ubuntu....04:40
wastrelBetaCookies:  what version of ubuntu?04:40
godmachine81no its not xorgconfig04:40
SlackRatits there and it works04:40
godmachine81SlackRat:: yea the one from ##slackware04:40
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wastrelBacon5o:  did you install dual boot04:40
BetaCookieswastrel well it happened on every version i've used, from hoary to edgy04:40
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tonyyarussoAnyone that's up for trying to confirm a bug, try the following and let me know what happens (NOT if you have anything critical running): On a virtual terminal (I used tty2), do 'watch acpi -V', then try to switch back to Gnome with Alt-F7.04:40
godmachine81its there and it works?  what does?04:40
SpottyfoxBetaCookies: Under Edgy, this procedure worked for me: http://wiki.cchtml.com/index.php/Ubuntu_Edgy_Installation_Guide04:40
sanmarcosanybody using dual displays?04:40
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Bacon5owastral when I remove ubuntu via partition deletion, I get a GRUB error, which is the bootloader04:41
sanmarcoshow can I make the gnome panel span accross the two screens?04:41
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DigitalNinjaDoes anyone know of a good micro atx motherboard that works with linux?04:41
godmachine81there is no xorgconfig in ubuntu04:41
TxTERMiNAORwickedpuppy : how to download xorg.deb. I know that a new install is better, but I wanted to do some important work now. :(04:41
dbmonk74bleh - anyone have any idea how to configure graphics on a 29" monitor without a mouse and part of the screen missing? :)04:41
godmachine81you got /etc/X11/xorg.conf  and dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg04:41
wastrel!fixmbr | Bacon5o04:41
ubotuBacon5o: grub is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost grub after installing windows: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RecoveringUbuntuAfterInstallingWindows - Making GRUB floppies & other GRUB howtos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto04:41
wastrelthat's wrong04:41
screechingcatI've got a problem with firefox 2.0 in edgy. whenever i view a flash or login to gmail, it crashes04:41
godmachine81i dont knwo what your talking about SlackRat ya must still be on the old school slackware04:41
wastrelfixmbr is supposedto be the microsoft fix04:41
SlackRattheres other debian pkgs for x to configure, but i havnt used them as much.....04:41
wickedpuppyTxTERMiNAOR, to download use wget .. and for the important things you got to do , pls do in another computer04:41
AgentCy!java > screechingcat04:41
wastrelBacon5o:  you need to get windows back in the bootloader.?04:41
variantanyone know how to disable the ubuntu/gnome splash screen?04:41
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SlackRatold school isnt something like adept versus dist-upgrade, theyre both tools04:42
wastrelvariant:  if you find out, let me know04:42
variantnot the bootsplash, but the one you get after logging in04:42
SlackRatwith good and bad points04:42
variantwastrel: will do :)04:42
adelecan somebody help me with installing the latest ATI driver?04:42
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dfgsdgfIs anyone else having problems installing ATI driver in edgy?04:42
trippyDanyone know the boot parameter to get edgy liveCD to use VESA?04:42
wastrelvariant:  oh the gnome login screen?04:42
screechingcatAgentCy: i have java and the plugin04:42
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variantwastrel: yes04:42
godmachine81SlackRat:: yea but still slack is stuck in the 90s ;)04:42
TxTERMiNAORok wickedpuppy : but what is the url I should use for wget to download xorg.deb (sorry for the trouble caused)04:42
dudawifigodmachine81: you read me?04:42
skeladele: is there a reason you don't want to use the ones in restricted-modules?04:42
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godmachine81dudawifi:: what?04:42
variantwastrel: not gdm, but the splash you get after logging in04:42
variantwastrel: while the desktop loads04:42
SlackRatonly if you dont use it04:42
wastreloh.   no idea04:42
screechingcatAgentCy: I installed sunjava5-jre and sunjava5-plugin form the repos04:42
wickedpuppyTxTERMiNAOR, you got to use lynx or links to search the exact url04:42
adeleskel: what are the ones in restribted-modyles?04:42
SlackRatits more up to date than my ubuntu box04:43
Spottyfoxdfgsdgf : This worked for me. http://wiki.cchtml.com/index.php/Ubuntu_Edgy_Installation_Guide04:43
eternale1skel: alright did that. removed the .gnome* .gconf* and rebooted gdm... takes me right to the issue spot. with the generic cursor and frozen after that.  One thing it does it like refresh the screen a few times but then becomes frozen after it refreshes itsself like3 times04:43
TxTERMiNAORok wickedpuppy . I will give it a try04:43
SlackRatand much much faster04:43
adeleskel: I did what they told me on the ubuntu page but I dont think thats the very latest driver04:43
eternale1skel: looks to be something with gdm apparently04:43
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henkeedgy clean install, I have very long boot, 100+ seconds. Where does my boot go wrong? http://www.leotec.se/edgy/edgy-20061029-5.png04:43
skeleternale1: and still no errors in the X log :( ?04:43
hackel_Since upgrading to edgy, using Xv at all crashes my X server (hard) to the point where I can't even kill it or get back to a console.  My ctrl-alt-del is still able to get through to reboot the screen, but no video output.  I've got a Radeon XPRESS 200M.  Anyone heard of this issue or know a fix?04:43
jlduggerquestion: how did i lock myself out of System->Administration tools?04:43
eternale1skel: let me check again04:43
dudawifigodmachine81: read the private message, i have pasted you that console said to me04:43
varianthenke: you said it was 70 seconds earlyer04:43
jlduggerit should be using gksudo to ask permission, instead i just get permission denied04:43
henkenope, 104 sec04:43
BetaCookiesSpottyfox I'm not talking about ATi drivers, I got  those installed. I'm talking about >10 second hostname lookup in forefox and other web browsers04:44
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skeladele: hm ok, I'm not sure what version in the restricted modules but since they come packaged for the ubuntu kernels I usually use them over the ati / nvidia site drivers04:44
ubotugrub is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost grub after installing windows: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RecoveringUbuntuAfterInstallingWindows - Making GRUB floppies & other GRUB howtos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto04:44
BetaCookieshackel_ weird. I have the same video card, its working absolutely fine for me :\04:44
keithhhhhow do I access my .config  folder??04:44
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skeladele: I supposed you could do apt-cache show <package> to find out04:44
adeleskel: how do I check which ones I have atm?04:44
godmachine81dudawifi:: your nick isnt reg'd i cant receive your pm's04:44
skeladele: oh, what verions? hmm.. not sure if it wasn't installed via a package04:44
eternale1skel: still no EE's in Xorg.log :\04:44
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hackel_BetaCookies:  which driver?  This is happening with both the radeon and firegl drivers.04:44
SlackRatsee if you can salvage the ubuntu with an alternate text installer and skip to the boot manager part04:45
BetaCookieshackel_ i'm using fglrx04:45
adeleI wanted to try this thing but the stupid installer doesnt work04:45
skeleternale1: do you have any custom themes or anything with gdm?04:45
dfgsdgfThanks for whoever gave me the link for the ati driver help :)04:45
skeleternale1: I would try just running gnome-session04:45
eternale1i did have a custom login screen04:45
skeleternale1: to isolate if its X, gdm, or gnome04:45
adeleskel how did you install your drivers?04:45
dbmonk74hrm. is there any boot-option for the live CD so that I can force a particular resolution?04:46
trippyDwhat is the boot options to make the liveCD start with VESA rather than the nvidia drivers?04:46
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skeladele: I did apt-get install linux-restricted-modules-2.6.15-27-38604:46
AgentCydbmonk74 click on the vga option at the bottom once you get to the install screen04:46
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cyphasejldugger: were you able to use the admin tools before, on this exact account?04:46
SlackRatlive starts with the nvidia drivers? cool04:46
dudawifiDesempaquetando el reemplazo de bcm43xx-firmware ...04:46
dudawifiConfigurando bcm43xx-firmware (1.3-1ubuntu1) ...04:46
dudawifiNote that you need to DISABLE ndiswrapper and wifi-radar for this driver04:46
dudawifito work properly! You can do this by removing the ndiswrapper driver.04:46
dudawifiUse `sudo ndiswrapper -l' to identify the driver.04:46
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jlduggercycom, yes04:46
dudawifiThen run `sudo ndiswrapper -e <driver>' to remove it. You may also need04:46
dudawifito remove the file /etc/modprobe.d/ndiswrapper04:46
adeleskel: I am running amd64 version..will that work?04:47
jlduggercycom, if i call "gksudo network-admin" from the terminal, it works04:47
AgentCy!paste | dudawifi04:47
ubotududawifi: pastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (you can always find it in the channel topic, among other useful things)04:47
cyphasejldugger: cyphase ;)04:47
skeladele: you have to get the ones for your kernel version, do uname -a   then   apt-cache search restricted04:47
jlduggererr, cphase04:47
skeladele: then find the matching version and get it and try that04:47
godmachine81dudawifi:: did you do what it says?04:47
skeladele: you may want to uninstall whatever the other drivers you tried to install04:48
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cyphasejldugger: if it works from the terminal, than i don't know what's wrong04:48
eternale1skel: gnome-session currently on the bash prompt causes gtk-Warning  cannot open display04:48
dbmonk74AgentCy: Thank you :) I did try that once and it still wouldn't load into X. I know it has something to do with my wonky monitor (29" dell)04:48
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dudawifigodmachine81: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/28998/04:48
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skeleternale1: are you su'd or sudo'd to another user?04:48
godmachine81dudawifi:: sudo ndiswrapper -l04:48
AgentCydbmonk74, whoa, thats a large monitor :)04:48
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dbmonk74either it won't load, or the monitor says it can't support the resolution04:49
dbmonk74AgentCy: It's sweeeeet.04:49
dudawifigodmachine81: No drivers installed04:49
AgentCydbmonk74, 29.. or 20"?04:49
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adelethis is bad, I dont think anyone can help me04:49
mepiswhat is going on adele!04:49
HaroldJohnsonHi everyone!  Having trouble sftp'ing my backup back to my Ubuntu partition.  Any other tools I can do this with?  (Already tried FTP.)04:49
AgentCywow :)04:49
godmachine81dudawifi:: sudo rm /etc/modprobe.d/ndiswrapper04:49
ubotuscp is a secure way of copying files across networks using ssh. Usage: scp filename user@host:filename - winscp is a windows scp client04:49
eternale1skel: i was su'd to my usual user to get onto irrsi, but i detached my screen to get back to the original login of root from the recovery mode04:49
adelemepis: I want to install the latest ATI drivers since current ones make my videocard sound like boeing 74704:49
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dudawifigodmachine81: ok, it done04:50
dbmonk74I stand corrected - 26"04:50
ubotugrub is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost grub after installing windows: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RecoveringUbuntuAfterInstallingWindows - Making GRUB floppies & other GRUB howtos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto04:50
mepissorry im not sure about that04:50
AgentCydbmonk74, did you try using different resolutions?04:50
jlduggerdbmonk74, whats the native resolution of that?04:50
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skeleternale1: if you login as a normal user and do a gnome-session does it start?04:50
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godmachine81dudawifi:: do sudo modprobe -r bcm43xx04:50
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anonymeeeeI can't play mp3's  "no decoder"04:50
godmachine81dudawifi:: then do   sudo modprobe bcm43xx04:50
godmachine81then do sudo network-admin04:51
ubotuFor multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats  -  See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html  -  But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats04:51
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anonymeeeeany suggestions?04:51
godmachine81dudawifi:: in network-admin enable your wifi connection and set any options you want04:51
godmachine81and you should be good04:51
orkid__!mp3 | anonymeeee04:51
ubotuanonymeeee: For multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats  -  See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html  -  But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats04:51
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mkruskampI just installed xgl with gnome on ubuntu. I am running 1600x1200 res, but the font size in xgl is ridiculously big... any ideas?04:51
eternale1skel: is there a way to get to the regular login screen via a reboot instead of the forced root login screen via recovery mode?  I've only been able to get to the root login04:51
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skeleternale1: I've never used recovery mode =/04:51
HaroldJohnsonAnyone: How do I find out my IP address?04:52
Bacon5o_so I cant get rid of GRUB04:52
Bacon5o_how queer is that04:52
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harrisony1HaroldJohnson, yep04:52
eternale1skel: it was just the recovery mode from GRUB, which boots i guess a safe version of the kernel04:52
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AgentCyHaroldJonhson, go to www.whatismyip.com :)04:52
skeleternale1: I just let whatever component fail then ctrl-alt-F2 etc04:52
jlduggerBacon5o, you can always overwrite the MBR04:52
dudawifigodmachine81: It worksssss04:52
Bacon5o_dugger _> I have no windows disc04:52
skeleternale1: oohh just boot your normal kernel04:52
harrisony1was gonna say the same thing04:52
godmachine81good deal04:52
dudawifigodmachine81:  THANKSSSSSSSS04:52
godmachine81no prob04:52
dudawifiyou are great04:52
harrisony1if that doset work HaroldJohnson try http://www.whatsmyip.org/04:53
skeleternale1: or do ctrl-alt-f2-f604:53
AgentCysee, godmachine81 is a hero :)04:53
skeleternale1: to get another console04:53
HaroldJohnsonAgentCy: I don't have browser setup yet.04:53
godmachine81AgentCy:: why do you keep saying that04:53
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eternale1skel: ya, when i do that it sits on the console iwht a blinking cursor line but no login04:53
HaroldJohnsonharrisony1: 'yep' is a command?04:53
godmachine81AgentCy:: did i help you with something before or something?04:53
AgentCycuz i have a tough wireless problem for you hahaha04:53
skeleternale1: hmm.. you may have to reboot then =/04:53
eternale1skel: ok04:53
AgentCyif edgy ever updates04:53
godmachine81AgentCy:: i see what your getting at lmao04:53
skeleternale1: kk04:53
dudawifithank you for help me,04:53
raghuwhile i forward the movie which is streaming mplayer aborts pls solve the problem04:54
harrisony1HaroldJohnson, wha?04:54
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jlduggerBacon2, what exactly is the problem?04:54
dbmonk74agentcy: I'm having problems with that - i can't even see the full screen when I'm running the command "suso dpkg-....04:54
Bacon5o_when I remove ubuntu, I get a GRUB error04:54
Bacon5o_cause GRUB cant find the stupid kernel04:54
HaroldJohnsonharrisony1: I'm just trying to transfer a file between two computers on the same network, but I don't know my Ubuntu computer's IP/network address.04:54
AgentCydbmonk74, try hitting the auto button on your monitor04:54
killownlinux no detect ip of pc in network with windows why?04:54
jlduggerBacon2, what would you like to have happen instead?04:54
harrisony1HaroldJohnson, http://www.whatsmyip.org/04:54
dbmonk74agentcy: if it's that easy, i am going to turn in my geek card04:55
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AkumAPRIMEGREAT!!! I cant believe this is so bad. I just changed my resolution from 1280x800 to 1024x760 just to SEE what would happen. When I changed back, it Totally fragged my dual monitor setup04:55
dbmonk74bad geek!04:55
Alpha3haroldjohnson - ifconfig eth004:55
Bacon5o_dugger remove GRUB altogether including ubuntu and have windows start normally?04:55
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HaroldJohnsonAlpha3: Thank you!04:55
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killownhelp -me04:55
dbmonk74jldugger: I'm just checking into the native resolution04:55
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skelBacon5o_: fdisk /mbr with a livecd04:55
AgentCydbmonk74, its hardly ever that easy :-p04:55
jlduggerBacon2, ok. you lost your windows cd?04:55
jackyyllhi, how do i use the multiverse sources?04:55
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Alpha3jackyyll - edit /etc/apt/sources.lst04:56
Bacon5o_dugger I do not have my LIVE CD04:56
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harrisony1jackyyll, add multiverse in ya sources.list04:56
orkid__are jigdo files for the DVDs available? (the finals, not the dailies)04:56
Alpha3jackyyll - remove the # from urls04:56
Bacon5o_windows CD04:56
harrisony1add it to the end that is04:56
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SlackRatjackyyll:  very carefully :P04:56
ckywalkeranyone setup snort ids on ubuntu04:56
Alpha3jackyyll - then run apt-get update04:56
godmachine81jackyyll:: sudo gedit /etc/apt/sources.list04:56
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jlduggerwell, the good news is that windows stores a backup copy in the first block of its partition04:56
jlduggerthe bad news is its a risky move04:56
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Bacon5o_dugger, i dont like risk...04:56
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dbmonk74jldugger: 1366 x 76804:57
godmachine81jackyyll:: in the lines that say edgy main   add multiverse and universe after main04:57
dougbbacon, you are back i see04:57
jlduggerBacon2, well, no risk wasnt an option any more the day you lost your windows cd :P04:57
AgentCygodmachine81, could you help me out with wireless too if you have the time? :)04:57
Andrukhow do i start windowmaker?04:57
godmachine81jackyyll:: if your a complete n00b there is a way to enable them in synaptic afaik04:57
skeljldugger: can't he just wax the mbr?04:57
jackyyllthank you :)04:57
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jlduggerskel, what happens then?04:57
godmachine81been a couple years since i even loaded synaptic04:57
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harrisony1jackyyll, so one of mine is deb http://au.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/ dapper universe multiverse04:57
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HaroldJohnsonWhat do I use to format a floppy disk so that I may store my Ubuntu backup on it?04:57
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jlduggersystem boots from drive, sees no mbr, moves on to...?04:57
Bacon5o_I just want the original windows bootloader04:57
skeljldugger: lol something.. I've done it in the past to fix dual boot setups04:58
ubotuPartitioning programs: !GParted or QTParted  -  Formatting partitions: see the manual page for mkfs ("man mkfs")  -  Mounting partitions in Gnome: System -> Administration -> Disks04:58
asubediI installed and added compiz-start to my Session. However, I don't get any window decoration. Where do I add gnome-window-decoration?04:58
Bacon5o_dugger, when I remove ubuntu, GRUB cannot see linux kernel04:58
harrisony1HaroldJohnson,  you want to format a floppie?04:58
Bacon5o_doesn't do anything04:58
jlduggerBacon2, i know04:58
HaroldJohnsonharrisony1: Yes, exactly.04:58
skeljldugger: not sure what it does.. but I've used fdisk /mbr as long as windows was the first OS04:58
harrisony1err 1 sec04:58
HaroldJohnsonharrisony1: Command line app04:58
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dougbbacon, you don't have your XP CD anymore?04:58
harrisony1gfloppy in terminal04:58
jlduggerBacon2, is there no option to boot windows at all in grub?04:58
Bacon5o_skel, I'm out of my league (its been awhile) at where would fdisk be applicable?04:58
skeljldugger: I think it looks for boot.ini in the first partition off the first drive in the chain04:59
HaroldJohnsonharrisony1: Hmm...thanks!04:59
Bacon5o_dugger, I am in windows now04:59
Bacon5o_yes I can get in windows, but only with GRUB04:59
jlduggerskeith, your bios can do no such thing04:59
dougbits because the Windows MBR doesn't add it by default04:59
jlduggerBacon2, good news. make some restore disks04:59
dougbyou can add Linux to it though, you just have to edit a text file04:59
skelBacon5o_: was windows on the first partition or installed after ubuntu?04:59
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skelBacon5o_: there's fdisk on the livecd but I don't know if that version has the /mbr option04:59
Bacon5o_skel, windows was installed first, on the master HD05:00
Bacon5o_ubuntu is on a slave05:00
skelBacon5o_: ok then that *should* work.. may want to google fdisk /mbr05:00
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jlduggerBacon2, just make sure you have a live cd of something lying around05:00
Bacon5o_live cd of ubuntu?05:00
jlduggerBacon5o_, ideally05:00
Bacon5o_yeah I have it05:01
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Bacon5o_let me go do fdisk05:01
Bacon5o_and get back to you05:01
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chris0229DBO here?05:01
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jlduggeri should go complain to microsoft that i cant get rid of their bootloader when i want to delete windows and lost my ubuntu cd05:02
jackyyllhmm... how do i install the gstreamer0.8-lame and the gstreamer0.8-mad packages? ;s05:02
chris0229DBO you here?05:02
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harrisony1jackyyll, sudo apt-get install gstreamer0.8-lame gstreamer0.8-mad05:02
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DBOchris0229, hey im kinda busy, what do you need?05:02
jackyyllah crap.. forgot the install part :p05:02
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chris0229DBO how did we install no-ip05:02
wastreli own a meteorite05:03
DBOerm you downloaded the installer and ran it afaik05:03
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harrisony1just makesure you have universe enabled in ya sources.list05:03
chris0229DBO i am on gentoo :P05:03
DBOchris0229, thats unfortunate05:03
chris0229More fun05:03
jlduggerdoes anyone know how gnome knows which programs should be run as root from the menu?05:03
chris0229Sabayon is awesome!05:03
chris0229DBo installing Ssh :)05:04
harrisony1jldugger, is would be in /sbin i think05:04
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ianmacgregorjldugger: Either the menu entry begins with "gksu" or the app itself must be run with admin privs.05:04
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jlduggerharrisony1, they're not though.05:04
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jlduggerianmacgregor, check out the System->Administriation menu05:05
chris0229Thanks DBO05:05
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ianmacgregorjldugger: Ok.. your point?05:05
jlduggerthe entries don't have gksu/gksudo05:05
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DBOchris0229, http://www.no-ip.com/downloads.php?page=linux  <--- download and install that05:05
jlduggerianmacgregor, my point is that mine don't work =(05:05
nathanaelSo.. if I have 5.10 running, will it automagically upgrade to 6.10?05:05
jlduggerit does on my laptop though05:06
nathanael'Cause it hasn't05:06
SlackRatnathianel no05:06
HaroldJohnsonOkay, I'm having the worst time trying to simply copy my Ubuntu backup archive from my Mac (OS X) back to my fresh Ubuntu installation.  Anyone know of some tools I can use?  I thought it'd be easy to simply use sftp, which I usually use to do something like this, but I'm not having any luck with it.05:06
SlackRatupgrade to 6.06 then 6.1005:06
nathanaeltoo much of a version diff?05:06
nathanaelah ok05:06
skelHaroldJohnson: scp ?05:06
nathanaelCan I do that over the wire? (5.10 to 6.06)05:06
ianmacgregorjldugger: then I am guessing that the app itself has code in it to "if [ $ID -ne 0 ] ; then echo "this app must be run as root".. ie, it checks to see if the user who launched it has admin privs.05:06
chris0229DBO yup :)05:06
skelHaroldJohnson: or rsync over ssh05:06
jlduggerianmacgregor, it doesnt05:06
ianmacgregorjldugger: Have you studied the source code?05:07
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orkid__nathanael, probably yes05:07
skelHaroldJohnson: scp localfile user@remotehost:/path/to/remote/location/filename05:07
HaroldJohnsonskel: Do I need to enable ssh access on my fresh Ubuntu server install, or something?  'Cause I'm getting some error.05:07
gypoHelp with vsftpd upload05:07
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skelHaroldJohnson: yes, sshd will need to be running05:07
dbmonk74if i have an onboard video card (intel) should I be selecting VESA for x?05:07
nathanaelnow just to figure out how...05:07
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HaroldJohnsonskel: Know how I can get that running?  Thanks btw05:07
orkid__gypo, vim /etc/vsftpd.conf (or similar)05:07
skelHaroldJohnson: sudo apt-get install ssh05:08
sontekHey do any of you guys know where the howto is for setting up my audio to work with multiple apps at the same time05:08
skelHaroldJohnson: np =] 05:08
sonteklike dmix or whatever05:08
Flatsme again... I just installed a very basic Ext USrobotice modem to my serial port.  Is there anything I have to do to get ubuntu to recognize it?05:08
gypoorkid what?05:08
HaroldJohnsonskel: that enables it, too?05:08
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orkid__gypo, (as super user), then /etc/init.d/vsftpd restart05:08
hackel_HaroldJohnson:  you only need sshd running on one of the machines.05:08
orkid__gypo, nm05:08
Flatserr usrobotics05:08
skelHaroldJohnson: yeah it installs and starts it05:08
skelHaroldJohnson: so if you don't have a firewall in between that should be good to go05:08
gypoorkid ive already restarted but i cannot upload to my vsftpd server05:09
TxTERMiNAORwhen I issue startx, I get the error "xinit: server error"05:09
TxTERMiNAORplease help05:09
ianmacgregorskel: Firestarter allows you to specify that another box needs to ssh in.. it's easy05:09
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skelianmacgregor: hm?05:09
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SlackRatTxT, run xorgconfig on command line  and try other settings05:09
ianmacgregorskel: nvm05:09
killownlinux not detect ip of network card to windows why?05:10
skelianmacgregor: =] 05:10
TxTERMiNAORok SlackRat05:10
gypoorkid, are you there?05:10
jlduggerianmacgregor, i haven't audited the source code, and i suppose somewhere there is permission checking like that. my point is, somehow ive busted the trigger that made gnome run gksudo on those apps05:10
xwred1_i upgraded from dapper to edgy last night and i've had a strange raid problem05:10
grndslmWow... "Listen" is an amazing audio player, better than rhythymbox, gmusicbrowser, exaile, quodlibet, xmms, amarok, and all the rest05:10
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xwred1_is there any kind of sw raid breakage in edgy?05:10
nathanaelSweet! Got it to run! Upgrading to 6.06 (a VM in Parallels) then 6.10 later!05:10
ianmacgregorjldugger: How long has it been since you put in the admin password? That password is cached for a while05:10
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gypoFTP Upload help05:11
skelBacon5o_: any luck ?05:11
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TxTERMiNAORSlackRat : xorgconfig: command not found05:11
nathanaelBTW - I highly recommend the mactel desktops - awesome05:11
Tim90Hey guys how do i make a short cut to and applcation05:11
hackel_grndslm: What makes it better?  Better than Banshee too?05:11
Bacon5o_skel, I cou;dnt not find a place where I could do a fdisk05:11
jlduggerianmacgregor, hmm. maybe its this gnome keyring crap from network manager05:11
SlackRatsudo xorgconfig05:11
ianmacgregorjldugger: Could very well be05:11
Flatsme again... I just installed a very basic External USRobotics modem to my serial port.  Is there anything I have to do to get ubuntu to recognize it?05:11
hackel_nathanael:  if you don't mind paying the "Apple tax" since I presume you can't buy them without OS X pre-installed.05:11
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timfrostTxTERMiNAOR: sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg05:11
skelBacon5o_: you have to open up a terminal and then fdisk the disk device that has your boot loader05:11
TxTERMiNAORSlackRat : same problem05:11
jlduggerianmacgregor, but, the keyrings are named05:12
nathanaelRight Click>Add This launcher to Desktop05:12
SlackRattry what tim said05:12
TxTERMiNAORSlackRat : command not found05:12
grndslmhackel_, it just works well, and it's incredibly simple....some of them are very similar, but i'm impressed overall05:12
gypoHelp with vsfptd upload-----------please05:12
Bacon5o_skel, I dont know anything about linux...05:12
Bacon5o_not one deal05:12
TxTERMiNAORok timfrost05:12
nathanaelWell, yes, OSX is pre-installed, but you can't seriously hate on OSX?05:12
skelBacon5o_: ok lemme get you an example05:12
wastreli don't care for osx05:12
Bacon5o_fdisk /dev/hdb1?05:12
nathanaelBSD subsystem?05:12
AgentCycan someone help me with wireless (cant find the chipset of my pcmcia card to begin with.....)05:12
hackel_grndslm:  I will give it a try. :)  Still waiting for Foobar for Linux.05:12
nathanael: )05:13
wastreli crashed osx unrecoverably dragging an icon into the dock05:13
chris0229DBO whats Please enter an update interval ?05:13
hackel_nathanael:  I can hate any proprietary software.  I figured you were installing Ubuntu on your Mac box.05:13
dwangonathanael, non-free?05:13
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nathanaelSome things in life are worth the money05:13
DBOchris0229, uhhh whats it want, I spose every 2 hours would be fine05:14
TxTERMiNAORtimfrost : xorg-xserver is broken (it says so)05:14
nathanaelNot all things are free - but I'm not here to open up THAT can... sorry05:14
hackel_nathanael:  Freedom has *absolutely* nothing to do with money.05:14
skelBacon5o_: you don't have a windows95/98 boot floppy at all?05:14
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skelBacon5o_: if you did this would be really easy05:14
Bacon5o_skel, I dont have a floppy drive period05:14
grndslmhackel_, check it out:  http://listengnome.free.fr/ ... i used the dapper respos on edgy and it worked05:14
chris0229DBO shows Please enter an update interval:[30] 05:14
jlmbAgentCy, is the pccard inserted?05:14
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eternale1skel: :\ i can't get gnome-session to load up, but i also can't get the normal kernel to load and allow me to login as a normal user. it won't let me jump to another consoel using the F's05:14
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wastrelwhy would you install the dapper version instead of the edgy version05:15
hackel_grndslm:  Why, is the version in edgy not current?05:15
AgentCyjlmb, yes, and the LED is currently lit, but not blinking05:15
killownI want share internet with computer with windows how do it?05:15
eternale1skel: the only way i can even get to a login is using the recovery mode from GRUB, which allows me to get here05:15
skelBacon5o_: gah.. ok. I don't think you want to do it the linux way with dd, you could risk wiping your windows partition =/05:15
dwangonathanael, Ubuntu comes with no EULA that dictates which hardware I can/cannot run it on. That is free.05:15
skeleternale1: what messages do you get on the standard kernel?05:15
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jlmbAgentCy: try this: lspci -vvv | grep 802.1105:15
Bacon5o_well ya know skel05:15
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nathanaelI installed OSX on my Dell - THAT was free05:16
Bacon5o_this is the deal05:16
grndslmhackel_, i was unaware that it was in the official edgy repos....i've been reviewing ubuntuguide.org for the first time in several months and it was listed under the edgy section05:16
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jlmbAgentCy: If it returns tooo much info, pm me that info.05:16
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jlduggernathanael, and almost certainly illegal :P05:16
Bacon5o_I really dont care for the 10Go that Im losing with ubuntu05:16
eternale1well as far as i can tell the kernel loads up just fine, its just becoming frozen at the generic cross hairs05:16
Bacon5o_I just want windows to be the default starter when it runs out of time :)05:16
jlduggerBacon5o_, well thats an easy fix05:16
hackel_grndslm:  Well, probably not in Ubuntu but universe.  Either way, it installed fine. :)05:16
Alpha3nano /boot/grub/grub.conf change default to 105:16
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skelhaha there is no /boot anymore05:17
Bacon5o_no no alpha, I want WINDOWS to be the default bot05:17
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AgentCyjlmb, nothin05:17
Bacon5o_I'll figure it out tomarrow05:17
Bacon5o_seya guys05:17
gu014hello, i just upgraded to edgy..when i try to log in with GNOME i get looped back to the log-in screen everytime. other sessions such as KDE load fine...only GNOME(my default) gives me a loop back to the sign in screen.would anyone be able to offer any suggestions?05:17
skelhow is he supposed to change the config? /root /boot are gone05:17
nathanaelEither way - I've used all 3 major OS platforms extensively, and I have to say OSX takes the cake.05:17
skelBacon5o_: night05:17
grndslmhackel_, interesting... that makes it even better IMO....05:17
Bacon5o_skel, an option in the LIVE CD05:17
Alpha3bacon, using ubuntu or nt bootloader05:17
skelBacon5o_: http://www.ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=26150805:18
hackel_gu014:  Probably need to rename your .gnome and .gconf directories and try again.05:18
Alpha3bacon, then edit your grub.conf .. lol05:18
killown linux doesn't detect the ip of the network card of the pc with windows because this happens?05:18
eternale1skel: i can't remember the correct config file to say load up this x session instead of gnome, like point it to fluxbox instead or etc05:18
Bacon5o_...I dont know @#$% about linux05:18
skelAlpha3: he removed ubuntu from the drive, but grub is still in place on the mbr05:18
jlduggerBacon5o_, how did you even "delete" ubuntu?05:18
jlmbAgentCy: ok try this. take the pccard out. type dmesg and check the ouput. Then reinsert the pccard and recheck the output. Give me the *new* info.05:18
Alpha3bacon - fdisk /mbr && /part05:18
Alpha3boot to 98 bootdisk & fdisk /mbr05:19
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skelAlpha3: he's got no floppy drive =/05:19
gu014hackel_: how might i go about doing that?05:19
FremNoooo! Fatal upgrade error!05:19
Bacon5o_dugger I deleted ubuntu by deleting the partition :D05:19
Bacon5o_probably the worst thing an idiot could do05:19
jlduggerBacon5o_, with what?05:19
Bacon5o_partition manager05:19
dwangokillown, your network card isn't getting an IP address?05:19
Alpha3boot to xp cd, recovery mode, fdisk /mbr05:19
gu014hackel_: at ! i see .gnome and .gnome205:19
AgentCyjlmb: pccard: card ejected from slot 0             pccard: PCMCIA card inserted into slot 0                  pcmcia: registering new device pcmcia0.005:19
Bacon5o_i dont have xpcd05:19
jlduggerBacon5o_, is that a windows program?05:19
Bacon5o_I dont have a floppy drive05:19
Bacon5o_dugger_> yes its a windows program05:20
Alpha3bacon, their free .. go d/l one05:20
Bacon5o_I'm on windows right now05:20
=== PWill [n=paul@cpe-24-208-190-43.columbus.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu
Alpha3this is the internet05:20
killowndwango yes05:20
JawsCan someone confirm that the site pandora.com doesnt work?05:20
dwangokillown: do you have a router?05:20
JawsThe flash...05:20
skeleternale1: hmm05:20
jlmbAgentCy: ummm ok. no good info provided. Which pccard model is it?05:21
skeleternale1: so if you login right as root in the recovery.. can you just do startx or gnome-session?05:21
AgentCyit is a gateway wbm-12005:21
dwangoJaws: appears to work here.05:21
Bacon5o_to get a winxp CD?05:21
dwangoJaws: did you install Flash 9?05:21
hackel_gu014:  Oh yes, sorry I forgot the 2!05:21
jlmbAgentCy: ok,  give me a second05:21
AgentCyapparently it uses prism2, but i have not verified that05:21
Bacon5o_i wouldn't even know where to get the damn ISO05:21
JawsIm not sure05:21
killowndwango yes05:21
eternale1skel: when i attempt startx it just takes me to the same spot where the problem is05:21
gu014hackel_: i am not sure what i need to do to rename them?05:21
eternale1with the frozen generic mouse05:21
dwangoJaws: you'd remember if you did05:21
dwangoJaws: it's a manual process05:22
Alpha3bacon - d/l & install recovery console .. its free from m$'s site. it will add an entry to your ntloader boot to recovery console. then fdisk /mbr then fixboot05:22
Jawsdwango: I used Synaptic05:22
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Jawsdwango: Well I guess not then...05:22
dwangoJaws: I don't believe Flash 9 is in the repository05:22
Bacon5o_how the heck to i get to my ntloader entries?05:22
skelBacon5o_: http://www.bootdisk.com/bootdisk.htm | http://www.bootdisk.com/ntfs.htm05:22
Alpha3bacon - http://www.microsoft.com/downloads/details.aspx?FamilyId=49AE8576-9BB9-4126-9761-BA8011FABF38&displaylang=en ( support tools )05:22
dwangoJaws: you can tell which version you have by going to "about:plugins" in firefox05:22
skeleternale1: so then its not gdm05:22
Alpha3bacon - it's hidden C:/boot.ini05:23
Jawsdwango: ok 1min05:23
dwangokillown: what interfaces (besides lo) does "ifconfig" show?05:23
skeleternale1: it would seem to be X or gnome05:23
hackel_gu014:  From the console, e.g. "mv .gnome2 .gnome2.bak"05:23
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killowndwango eth0 only05:23
aumhi - i'm looking for a graphical mp3 frame editor, but there seems to be nothing for linux - any ideas?05:23
FremI'm only getting errors with this upgrade. Doing it w/ no network gives me an "Fatal Bug" error, doing it with the network gives this error: "Failed to fetch http://us.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/dists/edgy/multiverse/source/Sources.gz Sub-process gzip returned an error code (1)"05:23
jlmbAgentCy: http://linux-wless.passys.nl/query_hostif.php?hostif=PCMCIA05:23
jlmbAgentCy: for further references05:23
eternale1skel: hmm how can we narrow it down even more?05:23
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dwangokillown: what happens if you type "sudo ifup eth0"05:23
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skeleternale1: well if X isn't giving you any logs =/ I'm not sure where gnome logs stuff05:23
Jawsdwango: Flash Movie player Version 0.4.1205:23
Jawsdwango: Guess thats the problem05:23
dwangoJaws: uh05:24
AgentCymeh havent had much luck with linux-wlan :-/05:24
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exeakielWhat is kdesu?05:24
jlduggerhuh. apparently fdisk isnt in winXP05:24
dwangoJaws: that's probably Gnash?05:24
exeakielSome sort of pakage?05:24
dwangoJaws: the GNU project05:24
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about linux-wlan - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi05:24
macdexeakiel, su for kde.05:24
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jlmbAgentCy: already tried linux-wlan?05:24
jlduggerexeakiel, its a program that lets you run other programs as administrator / root05:24
macdjldugger, sure it is05:24
ubotugDesklets provides an advanced architecture for desktop applets -- tiny displays sitting on your desktop in a symbiotic relationship of eye candy and usefulness. Homepage is http://gdesklets.gnomedesktop.org/05:24
jlduggermacd, then its not in path05:24
exeakielWhur would I get it?05:24
AgentCyjlmb, yeah awhile ago, still not sure if i set it up right or not05:25
gu014cd acd ~05:25
exeakielAlso, I'm a pirate.05:25
Jawsdwango: It says GPLFlash05:25
skeleternale1: what did you do to upgrade?  changed /etc/apt/sources.list to edgy, then apt-get update && apt-get dist-upgrade ?05:25
jlmbAgentCy: Try installing linux-wlan-ng05:25
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macdjldugger, thats a possibility, or if your on a OEM installed winxp it wont have it.05:25
dwangoJaws: uninstall that package05:25
Jawsdwango: ok05:25
jlduggermacd, ah. tabletPC05:25
jlmbAgentCy: http://packages.ubuntulinux.org/dapper/admin/linux-wlan-ng <--we are installing this.05:25
eternale1skel: i did gksu "update-manager -c"05:25
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eternale1skel: something along those lines05:26
xipietotecis it just me, or is anyone else finding usplash in edgy to be buggy?05:26
eternale1i found it off a post on ubuntu forums05:26
skeleternale1: thats it? to upgrade to edgy ?05:26
eternale1it upgrade/installed around 1200 pacakges05:26
AgentCyjlmb i saw that,.. i just got this error after installing.... "PCMCIA bridge driver already present in kernel"05:26
dwangoJaws: download Flash 9 from http://labs.adobe.com/downloads/flashplayer9.html05:26
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PWillxipietotec: Only bug I found is that it doesn't support 16:1005:26
eternale1skel: using the upgrade to ubuntu 6.1 update manager05:26
dwango(for Linux)05:26
macdjldugger, you can download a bootable cd or usb image with fdisk though. ;)05:26
=== zan looks @ the topic and pokes macd:p
dwangoJaws: installing is easy.  Just copy 'libflashplayer.so' to ~/.mozilla/plugins05:27
jlduggermac, im not worried. just thought it was wierd that it wasnt there05:27
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dwangoand restart firefox05:27
Bacon5o_ok skel05:27
Bacon5o_if you're still here05:27
skeleternale1: never used that, and I don't know that I trust it =/05:27
Bacon5o_where do I obtain the recovery console?05:27
skelBacon5o_: yah05:27
Jawsdwango: Just that one file?05:27
Bacon5o_to do the fdisk05:27
dwangoJaws: yes05:27
eternale1skel: eek :\05:27
Jawsdwango: Alright sweet thanks alot man05:27
jlmbAgentCy: dpkg -l | grep linux-wlan05:28
skelBacon5o_: you could try booting off a cd from the link I posted, you need a dos version of fdisk05:28
dwangoJaws: there is a readme.txt in the download that says how to install it as well05:28
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jlmbAgentCy: show me ouput, if it too much, pm me.05:28
jlduggerBacon5o_, http://support.microsoft.com/kb/30165405:28
Alpha3bacon - http://www.microsoft.com/downloads/details.aspx?FamilyId=49AE8576-9BB9-4126-9761-BA8011FABF38&displaylang=en ( support tools )05:28
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Jawsdwango: Great appreciate the help05:29
skeleternale1: if you want to try the old-fashioned way, vi /etc/apt/sources.list (:%s/<old-release/edgy/g) then apt-get update && apt-get dist-upgrade05:29
FremI've got limited bandwith and a CDROM of edgy. The CD is giving me errors, and upgrading over the network wants either 1.2 GIGABYTES for everything, or 350MB for the base system. I'd really like to use the CD. :-(05:29
AgentCyjlmb:  linux-wlan-ng   0.2.5-2ubuntu1  ultilities for wireless prism2 cards           linx-wlan-ng-doc      0.2.5-2ubuntu1  documentation for wlan-ng05:29
xipietotecI finally got usplash to stop displaying kubuntu's usplash, sorta...it still displays the text in kubuntu's theme, regardless of what usplash theme I use05:29
eternale1skel: when i check out apt-get update, it shows all the urls , they all point to edgy versions of the url... then when i do dist-upgrade its just got some random packages that were held back..05:29
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eternale1skel: nothing that seems to important, gkrellm :\ , proftpd :\ , mplayer, libggi205:30
eternale1but then again i have no idea what libggi2 is used for05:30
skeleternale1: hmm yeah double check to make sure you don't have any other release lines in your sources.list05:31
jlmbAgentCy: take the pccard out05:31
skeleternale1: otherwise, I personally would just move forward05:31
skeleternale1: do you have all your personal stuff on a seperate partition?05:31
jlmbAgentCy: check if any linux-wlan modules are loaded with lsmod05:31
whateve1Hi folks. Having problems installing Etch. I'm doing an Installation/FromSSH (using the LiveCD as the base system), and hwen I go to chroot, I get a seg fault. Any ideas for a workaround?05:32
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exeakielCould not launch menu item05:32
exeakielDetails: failed to execute child process05:32
exeakiel"kdesu" [no such file, or directory] 05:32
skeleternale1: I make /home and /opt seperate partitions so if something gets fubar'd I can always do a fresh install and not format those mount-points05:32
AlReece45Anyone have any idea why I have a kubuntu startup splash and a ubuntu shutdown splash (I want ubuntu startup)/05:32
xipietotecwhateve1: try #debian05:32
witlessare there instructions for installing xgl/compiz on edgy with nvidia?05:32
nomasteryoda|wAlReece45, because you installed some kde stuff05:32
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ubotuCompiz (compositing window manager) and XGL (X server architecture layered on top of OpenGL)  -  Howto at http://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompositeManager  -  Help in #ubuntu-xgl  -  See http://tinyurl.com/pw5ez for Kubuntu systems05:33
whateve1Sorry, not Etch, I meant Edgy05:33
xipietotecAlReece45: because usplash is buggy05:33
witlessWicked: thanks05:33
eternale1skel: ya sources.list show all edgy urls, i have no seperate partitions for home but really if need be i could just tar up what i want and ftp it to a remote machine elsewhere.... i'm just really hoping it doesn't come down to a complete reinstall05:33
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AgentCyjlmb, doesnt appear so.. got the same message as last time05:33
=== wickedpuppy smiles
eternale1skel: there just has to be something thats causing this05:33
jlmbAgentCy: when you reinserted it?05:33
=== xipietotec has spent 3 days getting usplash to work correctly
AlReece45any tips on how to get the ubuntu splash back?05:33
wastrelhow do i disable usplash?05:33
wickedpuppywitless, try this ... type wicked and press tab05:34
xipietotecIt still doesn't work correctly.05:34
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AgentCyjlmb, correct05:34
eternale1skel: i'm hoping someone else has come up with the same situation on the boards somewhere... or elsewhere05:34
xipietotecAlReece45: here, lemme copy and paste a guide I've been using to you05:34
witlessheh, that's what i did05:34
jlmbAgentCy: give me a second05:34
Wickedone moment >_>05:34
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AgentCyjlmb, ok05:34
ShisnoNow type wicked + tab :p05:35
exeakielAnyone know of a good grey/black startup?05:35
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witlesswickedpuppy: any idea if i should use AIGLX or Xgl?  card is a GeForce 680005:35
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dbmonk74total noob question here - once I've run sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg (due to monitor issues) - what do I do next to complete the loading of the live CD?05:35
wickedpuppywitless, try both... i have used xgl under suse but not under ubuntu05:35
eternale1skel: is there a way to bypass the gdm login and take me directly to a console login , then have fluxbox load up instead of gnome?05:35
witlesswickedpuppy: thx05:35
platojust a general question here: what's the policy on integration of newer releases of software making their way into the repositories.  it seems like the repositories are pretty static until it comes time for a new release, and all the updates are piled into a repository for said release.05:36
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skeleternale1: hmm you could go to /etc/rc3.d and unlink S13gdm05:36
tritiumplato: only security fixes after stable release05:36
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xipietotecAlReece45: you're identified right? <---just sent it to you in pm05:36
AbstIs there a command to tell what distro a server is running05:36
AlReece45uh, I got it05:37
dbmonk74anyone? :)05:37
tritiumAbst: lsb_release -a05:37
skelAbst: cat /etc/debian_version05:37
AlReece45xipietotec: i got it05:37
jlduggerAbst, remotely?05:37
Abstskel: It may or may not be debian05:37
SAM_themanubotu, flash05:37
whateve1Hi folks. Having problems installing Edgy. I'm doing an Installation/FromSSH (using the LiveCD as the base system), and hwen I go to chroot, I get a seg fault. Any ideas for a workaround?05:37
ubotuFor multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats  -  See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html  -  But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats05:37
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skelAbst: ah then I usually just do uname -a, you can usually tell from the kernel05:37
Abstjldugger: Yes05:37
tritiumAbst: use the lsb_release -a command.  EVery distro should have it.05:37
platotritium: then would building from source be the best way to acquire updates for newer software, then?05:37
Absttritium: This doesnt05:37
jlmbAgentCy: lets see if it the card has been "magically" detected. Check with iwconfig05:38
jlduggerAbst, netcraft05:38
wastrelhoary doesn't have it05:38
tritiumAbst: okay, so you have an LSB incomplient distro05:38
wastreltritium:  ^^05:38
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Absttritium: Hehe05:38
Abstjldugger: Not found05:38
tritiumwastrel: yep05:38
willbreathemy cd's read but they won't write on dapper , any clues ?05:38
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jlduggerAbst, its a company foo. as in "netcraft confirms it: BSD is dying!"05:38
skelAbst: he's saying use netcraft.net and put in the ip05:39
jlduggerif you've got local access, that wouldn't be remote :P05:39
AgentCyjlmb, negative ghost rider05:39
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skelAbst: whats the output of uname -a   ?05:39
mike_Anyone available that can give me some quick pointers with enlightenment?05:39
AbstSkel: I tried that05:39
AbstIts just GNU/Linux05:39
dbmonk74sorry to ask again - total noob question here - once I've run sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg (due to monitor issues) - what do I do next to complete the loading of the live CD?05:40
skelAbst: debian05:40
Jawsdwango: Is there a trick to getting firefox to see the plugin?  I have tried it in both the places in they said in the readme, and firefox isnt loading them05:40
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Abstskel: Tis too05:40
Abstapt-get --version05:40
dwangoJaws: are you sure you completely closed firefox?05:40
platotritium: case in point would be gaim.  edgy was shipped with 2.0beta3.  wouldn't the final release, or even beta 4 (which has since been released) be naturally considered in some respects a security fix?05:40
Andypat10im having trouble installing the drivers for my ati 9250 i looked on the forums and i they reccomended i do05:40
Andypat10sudo aptitude update05:40
Andypat10sudo aptitude install xorg-driver-fglrx05:40
Andypat10but after that i get05:40
Andypat10E: Sub-process /usr/sbin/dpkg-preconfigure --apt || true returned an error code (100)05:40
Andypat10E: Failure running script /usr/sbin/dpkg-preconfigure --apt || true05:40
Andypat10A package failed to install.  Trying to recover:05:40
dwangoevery instance of it05:40
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AbstI wonder why it didnt have the debian version thing05:40
Jawswell i closed the window05:41
skelAbst: are you trying to figure out how to identify any linux server to script it?05:41
tritiumplato: not likely05:41
jlduggerAbst: could be a very old install05:41
Abstskel: No, I just want to know what my host runs05:41
Jawsdwango: Does that not end the process?05:41
mike_anyone with some knowledge in the enlightenment display system please help me, would be appreciated :)05:41
dwangoJaws: not necessarily..05:41
jlduggeror it could be somethnig that isnt debian05:41
skelAbst: ah ok.. so some version of debian then I'd guess, are you sure there's not /etc/debian_version ?05:41
dwangoJaws: try "ps aux | grep firefox"05:41
AbstYeah Im sure05:41
dwangoto see if its still running05:41
AgentCyjlmb: any other ideas? :-/05:41
AbstNot found05:41
Jawsdwango: k 1 min05:41
hoovdoes anyone have a wifi card suggestion that "just works" with wpa support.  I couldn't get my current card to work with dapper, after trying many things, and after reading some threads at ubuntuforums thought it might be an issue that would be resolved in edgy.  so I've given up.  any hardware suggestions?05:41
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AlReece45xipietotec: thanks it worked05:42
platotritium: then are there any other repositories one should look to for newer releases, or is building from source the best option?05:42
tritiumplato: aside from edgy-backports, no05:42
jlduggerAbst, look at sources.list05:42
jlduggerwhere do they point?05:42
skelhoov: there's many different authentication schemes for wpa.. to ask for a config wizard for something that "just works" is like asking for a common procedure to fix all brain tumors05:43
AbstIts sarge05:43
xipietotecAlReece45: cool, although you may still show kubuntu's colors on the text if you're running in verbose05:43
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xipietoteclike it does on mine05:43
platotritium: okay, thanks.  you've been most helpful.  i've been searching the forums for days to find out the answer to that question.05:43
jlmbAgentCy: I'm checking docs for your card. Try rebooting and then reinserting the card05:43
AgentCyjlmb, i found this tutorial for my card on fedora, but now ubuntu uses pcmcia-utils instead05:43
tritiumplato: :)05:43
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skelhoov: is this psk with tkip? are you using radius? etc etc05:43
jlmbAgentCy: Give me the url05:43
AgentCyjlmb: http://nakedape.cc/wiki/FedoraNotes05:43
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skelhoov: its not so much the card as it is your setup05:44
Jawsdwango: Ok, I put what you said into the terminal, made sure that the process was ended, and its still not working...05:44
hoovskel: psk with tkip05:44
killownmy card is sudance encore enl832-tx-icnt  what modules I can up?05:44
skelhoov: but the intel wireless chipsets seem to work nice, as well as the cisco aironet and any of the orinoco chipsets05:44
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skelhoov: what kernel version btw? is this edgy?05:44
dwangoJaws, hmm, what does "about:plugins" show?05:44
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skelhoov: before dapper the standard kernel couldn't support wpa very well for most chipsets05:45
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dwangoJaws: are you sure you have read permission for the file?05:45
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hoovI'm running edgy now.  I can get the card to connect, via wep, but my preference would be wpa.05:45
Jawsdwango: It has the totem browser plugin, the RealPlayer plugin, Windwos Media Player, DivX, and Quicktime05:46
skelhoov: have you tried http://www.ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=263136 ?05:46
jlmbAgentCy: weird, it mentions orinoco_cs not linux-wlan05:46
hoovThe card by the way, is a dlink dwl-g630.  with the athos chipset05:46
eternale1skel: i removed the link to gdm from /etc/rc4.d .... same results :\ arrrgggggghhhh!05:46
SAM_themanubotu, vmware05:46
ubotuVMWare Player is in Ubuntu's !Multiverse repository. Instructions to install VMWare Server can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/InstallingVMWare05:46
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chapiumdoes anyone know how to setup an alarm in ubuntu?  Something that could wake someone up05:46
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Jawsdwango: Im not sure, and Im not sure how to check...05:46
dwangoJaws: did you extract the file with sudo?05:46
NDPowerBookNice. I like this updated version of X-Chat Aqua.05:46
_LuksOpenGL GLX extension not supported by display ':0.0'05:46
=== chi0_ [n=chi0@c-71-196-253-11.hsd1.co.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
_Lukswhat does it means ?05:46
skeleternale1: why rc4.d ?05:46
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AgentCyjlmb, i know :).. thats why i dont know what chipset this uses to be honest05:47
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skelisnt 3 the default runlevel ?05:47
jdrakeThere was a kde disk utility that displays a pie chart of disk usage that somebody here pointed out two days ago. Does anyone recall its name?05:47
Jawsdwango: I extracted it with archive manager05:47
jlmbAgentCy: lol, ok05:47
eternale1skel: 3 i mean.05:47
skeleternale1: ok05:47
ferosschapium: hmm you can probably set cron to play a tune at a certain time05:47
dwangoJaws: well, that should work05:47
skeleternale1: so it still tries to start gdm then? hmm thats odd05:47
Jawsdwango: When I right click it says the owner is root, group is root05:47
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dwangowhat are the permissions?05:48
jlmbAgentCy: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs/WirelessTroubleShootingGuide?highlight=%28CategoryDocumentation%29#check05:48
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jlmbAgentCy: did you check that out? we need to verify your chipset05:48
eternale1skel: ya... it shows the ubuntu logo and the progress bar then flashes to the generic looking mouse crosshairs, then refreshes a few times then freezes... i'm wondering if its even getting to starting gdm05:48
dwangothey look like "rwxr-xr-x"05:48
AgentCyjlmb, one sec05:48
alanhaggaihow to download and install xorg.deb from the terminal? My xserver is not loading since I upgraded to Edgy. Please help.05:49
skeleternale1: oh yeah.. I forgot it uses upstart now05:49
Jawsdwango: Alright well I will keep messing with it some more05:49
chi0_hello all05:49
ferosshoov: if you have to connect to several wifi locations easily I use NetworkManager.. it's awsome, works great with WPA too.05:49
skeleternale1: no more of the init system05:49
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skeleternale1: well shit..05:49
skeleternale1: hang on05:49
Andypat10im having trouble installing the drivers for my ati 9250 i looked on the forums and i they reccomended i do, sudo aptitude update then sudo aptitude install xorg-driver-fglrx but after that i get05:49
Andypat10E: Sub-process /usr/sbin/dpkg-preconfigure --apt || true returned an error code (100)05:49
Andypat10E: Failure running script /usr/sbin/dpkg-preconfigure --apt || true05:49
Andypat10A package failed to install.  Trying to recover:05:49
Andypat10Any suggestions im trying to enable open gl 3d rendering on my card05:49
eternale1skel: ok cool05:49
skelanyone know anything about this upstart deal (googling too)05:49
AbstWhats all this about using keys instead of passwords for logins? I don't see a keyhole on my computer...05:50
dwangoJaws: Since the file is owned by root, you might not have read permissions for it as your normal user05:50
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AgentCyjlmb, i believe ubuntu has switched over to pcmcia-utils since this was written05:50
dwangoJaws: try `sudo chmod 755 ~/.mozilla/plugins/libflashplayer.so`05:50
hoovfeorss: yep, that's I like it too.05:50
Jawsdwango: ok05:50
UFO64Abst, i am guessing they use USB security keys05:50
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alanhaggaihow to download and install xorg.deb from the terminal? My xserver is not loading since I upgraded to Edgy. Please help.05:50
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ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about keys - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi05:51
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about xserver - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi05:51
ubotuUpstart is meant to replace the old Sys V Init system with an event-driven init model.  For more information please see: http://upstart.ubuntu.com/05:51
kevinDoes anybody know if the trash icon bug has been fixed?05:51
wastrelalanhaggai:  what happens when you type startx05:51
jlmbAgentCy: lshw didn't  work?05:51
coz_kevin, wht bug05:51
alanhaggaione minute wastrel05:51
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_LuksOpenGL GLX extension not supported by display ':0.0'05:52
_Lukswhat is it ??05:52
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kevincoz_ the one that shows the trash icon always empty05:52
coz_kevin, are you on dapper or edgy05:52
gu014I just upgraded to edgy and after attempting to log in with my default session(GNOME) i continuously get looped back to the sign in screen. With any other session such as KDE i am able to login without issue. Just when i try and log in with GNOME i enter my user name and password and the screen goes black...hangs for a few seconds and then goes directly back to the sign-in screen??05:52
Jawsdwango: Alright well that gave me permission to it, but still nothing in firefox05:52
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alanhaggaiwastrel, I will logout and relogin. A small problem05:52
kevincoz_ edgy05:52
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coz_kevin, I hve no bug for the trash how did you install?05:53
skelanyone know where the upstart config files are located? supposedly its event.d but I don't have an /etc/event*05:53
kevincoz_ using a cd05:53
eternale1skel: it seems like there are people having issues that somewhat relate to mine i think... unclear if its exactly related05:53
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coz_kevin, yes, but is this a single install. a dual boot. etc/05:53
rando_Any font experts in here? Using Bitstream Mono for my terminal font looks great on gentoo. On ubuntu (eft), with identical settings, it looks horrible. I'm new to fonts on linux, so I'm only just leaning freetype, fontconfig, xft and all that.05:54
AgentCyjlmb, didnt show anything of value05:54
skeleternale1: I saw a couple of submitted bugs in relation to the update manager for edgy.. but I wasn't clear if they were resolved05:54
kevincoz_ it's a dual boot with xp05:54
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coz_kevin, ok that is exactly my set up as well05:54
chi0_does any 1 know how i can setup a ATI Radeon Xpress 200M  w/ kubuntu?05:54
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kevincoz_ mm05:54
coz_kevin, did you use the live cd install or the alternative install cd05:54
jlmbAgentCy: I'd try rebooting the notebook since it seems that another module is already loaded05:54
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kevincoz_ both and I get the bug05:55
rando_does anyone know what gentoo does differently from ubuntu/debian, regarding fonts?05:55
eternale1skel:  i have event.d/  not much in there but small runlevel scripts calling the other runlevels05:55
dbmonk74can anyone advise on what to do after booting from LiveCD and having to run "sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg" to fix the monitor?05:55
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dbmonk74i'm at a loss and I can't find anything on the forums05:55
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skeleternale1: supposedly thats where gdm will get called from05:56
Fremchi0_: Ubuntu set up mine fine. Or are you asking about 3d accelleration?05:56
eternale1skel: hmm05:56
coz_kevin well then either the cd downloads are corrupted, did you check the md5sums. or there is a conflict withe hardware, drivers etc05:56
charle97dbmonk, i'd do a full reinstall05:56
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gevaudanWhat does everyone use in order to manage their wifi connections and store keys in ubuntu/gnome? I've used the kde wifi assistent in teh past but am curious to gnome alternatives?05:56
coz_kevin, tell me more. hve youinstalled anything since the initial install of edgy05:56
dervichehello, i just installed Edgy Eft on these computer, but during the instalation i gont an arror and i had the computer, is there a way to see if everything is installed ok?05:56
kevincoz_ no I did not05:56
kevincoz_ no05:56
skelvertigo: you upgraded with apt-get dist-upgrade right?05:56
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dbmonk74charlie: i haven't gotten to the actual install portion05:57
dervichei upgraded with gksu "update-manager -c"05:57
dbmonk74i'm just booting from the livecd05:57
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charle97dbmonk, oh sorry05:57
Andypat10anyone kno how to install the drivers for an ati 9250 (3D rendering wanted)05:57
dbmonk74no, np :)05:57
skeldid anyone else using apt-get dist-upgrade not get upstart ?05:57
lukebhow do I make VLC my default player for .WMVS please?????05:57
dbmonk74ty for answering05:57
dervichebut i had an error and i had to restart05:57
charle97dbmonk, i've never used the livecd05:57
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coz_kevin, well then this is a problem on your end,.  without being there I may not be able to help.. if you have problem doing this. re dowunload the cd and try a fresh install erasing the partition. thorough the install procedure05:58
dervichenow it seems ok05:58
dbmonk74i boot from live CD, then it says I can't use X - so i run the reconfig, and then I am not sure what to do next05:58
gevaudanluke: right click, open in another program then the third tab i think it is05:58
kevincoz_ no I did not md5sums05:58
chi0_does any 1 know how i can setup a ATI Radeon Xpress 200M  w/ kubuntu?05:58
kevincoz_ I'm going to redownload it05:58
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coz_kevin, ok  since I assume this is a fresh install them you wont' have to much trouble reinstalling05:58
lukebgevaudan, i meant in bubuntu05:59
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dbmonk74i've got a command line - but i dunno what to enter in to get ubunto to load from there05:59
ubotuTo install the Ati/NVidia drivers for your video card, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto05:59
coz_kevin, that may be the first step in finding out exactly why this happened05:59
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kevincoz_  see this ---> https://launchpad.net/distros/ubuntu/+source/gnome-applets/+bug/3424705:59
wickedpuppydbmonk74, startx ?06:00
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dbmonk74it would be that easy, wouldn't it.06:00
skeleternale1: I'm going to restart quick.. brb06:00
dbmonk74sorry. i haven't touched linux in about  6 years06:00
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eternale1skel: alright no problem06:00
wickedpuppydbmonk74, then try 'man touch' .... jk jk :P06:00
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delaneyIs anyone aware of a command line way to recieve output describing your monitors refresh rate?06:01
charle97dbmonk, so what's making you touch ubuntu?06:01
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lukebgevaudan, oh thanks, gotcha mate06:01
coz_kevin, I see that. interesting though, I would assume a conflict with some piece of hardware. it may beminor  the reason I say that is I have the identical install as you and do not have that problem and I have already reainstalled 12 times to try to find the bugs in edgy and beryl06:01
charlie5hello ... can i increase the default stack size for apps in Ubuntu ?06:02
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coz_kevin, so I really cannot do anything from this end . unless someone here has already had the experience and fixed it or figured out what the problem coudl be for thoses tha have this problem06:02
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kevincoz_  well I have no problem getting that bug06:03
dbmonk74charle97: I'm tired of windows and it was reccomended to me06:03
dbmonk74hrm xstart - no such command06:03
charle97dbmonk, startx06:03
wickedpuppydbmonk74, startx ... not xstart06:03
dbmonk74aw, crap06:03
kevincoz_  :(06:03
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Jawsdwango: Was hoping restarting gnome would maybe fix it, but it didnt06:03
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about macbookpro - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi06:03
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wickedpuppydbmonk74, should i tell you about bash auto-complete too ?06:03
dbmonk74i blame that on the beer and shots from last night. boozahol dyslexia06:03
UFO64what version should i use on a intel mac?06:04
dbmonk74hit tab while typing to auto complete?06:04
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AgentCyjlmb, how would i append something to the boot line?06:04
wickedpuppydbmonk74, bingo .. if you were doing it as you were typing xst you will see there is no such command as xstart06:04
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dbmonk74i need to redeem myself to keep my geek card... *sigh*06:05
dbmonk74it's working!06:05
progekHello all, quick question before upgrading to edgy. Will it effect any settings or packages I currently have installed? For example, I have MySQL, Apache web server, software development tools for SDL, Java, C/C++ among other things. Will it be safe to just to a dist upgrade?06:05
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wickedpuppydbmonk74, honestly , ubuntu isn't for geeks .. i would say other distros .. i would name no names :P06:05
gevaudanWhat does everyone use in order to manage their wifi connections and store keys in ubuntu/gnome? I've used the kde wifi assistent in teh past but am curious to gnome alternatives?06:06
wickedpuppyprogek, mine went fine ... others NOT .. so we can't tell ya06:06
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progekhm. ok, thanks wicked06:06
AgentCyhow do i append a parameter to the boot line?06:06
eXcentragevaudan, i just use network-manager06:06
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skeleternale1: anything in events.d ?06:07
leighaquariushas anyone here got Call of Duty 2 working under wine?06:07
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eternale1skel: nope not much06:07
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gevaudaneXcentra: that's not installed by default is it? i'll try...i just tried wifi radar but it was very buggy on a brand new edgy install06:07
eternale1skel: there are some files but nothing like a config06:07
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ExeakielHow do you install a plugin into The Gimp?06:07
wickedpuppyExeakiel, #gimp06:08
skeleternale1: well not config but anything that would execute gdm that you can disable?06:08
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ExeakielNo, I mean, it ubuntu blocks me from it.06:08
coz_Exeakiel, what plug in do you want to install06:08
eXcentragevaudan, i don't know; i installed it myself. i think in edgy it might come default06:08
ExeakielPlanet render06:08
_3uG_Exeakiel, the best way would to use apt-get.. there's a list of plugins if you do this:06:08
chapiumanyone in eastern indiana know what time it is?06:08
wickedpuppyExeakiel, how does it block you ? gimp is gimp ...06:08
coz_Exeakiel, and is this a photoshop plugin?06:09
_3uG_apt-get install gimp|grep plugin06:09
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eternale1skel: it seems to be all broken down by runlevels not specific processes for each level06:09
ExeakielNo, python script06:09
_3uG_chapium, that area is in the eastern time zone06:09
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_3uG_chapium, so i guess it'd be around 1 or 12, depending on whether or not you've changed your clocks yet06:09
coz_Exeakiel, oh then I believe there should be a read me file that comes with the plugin no?06:09
dbmonk74thanks for the help so far guys - now... how do i get out of 640x480? it doesn't seem to present any other options06:09
dbmonk74i assume i need to find drivers?06:09
ExeakielNope, just the python06:09
chapium_3uG_: i dont want to get up an hour off06:10
skeleternale1: hmm ok06:10
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ZestyWhy does compiling a c++ script (with a class) result in : '/tmp/ccKXgGza.o: In function `main':main.cpp:(.text+0x50): undefined reference to `test::echo(std::basic_string<char, std::char_traits<char>, std::allocator<char> >)'?06:10
wickedpuppydbmonk74, yes .. for your graphics card .. then install them06:10
_3uG_chapium, then set your clock back one hour now06:10
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JawsAnyone have any ideas on how to get Firefox to see the flash 9 plugin, I have it in the ~/.mozilla/plugins directory but firefox doesnt load it06:10
wickedpuppyZesty, i would recommend ##c++06:10
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wickedpuppyZesty, btw pls don't say C++ script .. its not scripting language :P06:10
Zestywickedpuppy, it seems much more refined to the *buntu environment.06:11
wickedpuppyZesty, where you ask is up to you ... i can only recommend what i think its best place to ask06:11
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Exeakielerror while copying to "usr/share/g.../2.0/scripts".06:11
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ZestyWhat would you prefer I named it wickedpuppy?06:12
ExeakielYou do not have permissions to write to this folder.06:12
skelZesty: what component of ubuntu is this ?06:12
alanhaggaiwastrel : X server is now disabled. Restart GDM when it is configured correctly06:12
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timfrostjaws, I have it installed in the system directories: /usr/lib/mozilla/plugins/libflashplayer.so and  /usr/lib/firefox/plugins/libflashplayer.so are symlinks that point to the file /usr/lib/flashplugin-nonfree/libflashplayer.so (I installed flashplayer-nonfree frm Seveas repository)06:12
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wickedpuppyZesty, btw how do you expect us to debug your error without seeing the whole program ? i wonder if anyone can do this06:12
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coz_Exeakiel, right there are 2 ways to remedy that06:12
Zestyskel, using g++06:12
coz_Exeakiel, may I pm you06:13
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rrittenhouseWhen i do an upgrade from say breezy to dapper, does that actually change *everything*...i did notice the actual theme was not changed (and wasnt aware if i could change it afterwards)06:13
bo1hello... i have a question about bridging using brctl... can anyone help me out?06:13
ExeakielOn a forum?06:13
skelZesty: so to clarify, you wrote a program in C++ and are compiling it and have an error and want help debugging it?06:13
ExeakielOtherwise yes06:13
charlie5mmm, do i have to re-compile the kernel to change default stack size ?06:13
skelZesty: or linking it rather06:13
wastrelalanhaggai:  you need to fix your  /etc/X11/xorg.conf  file - do you have nvidia or ati?06:13
Jawstimfrost: Is that flash 9?  In the install readme there is nothing about needing flasplugin-nonfree06:13
ZestyNo skel, the program should compile, but I receive the former error06:13
Carbonfluxyou need the #C++ channel06:13
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alanhaggaiwastrel : I have nVidia GeForce 620006:14
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skelZesty: as I asked before, what program are you compiling?06:14
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xipietotecwhat is flash9 called in sev's repo anyway?06:14
coz_Exeakiel, do you see the tab on xchat if you are on xchat06:14
wickedpuppyskel his own i think06:14
_3uG_does anyone know how to get the sidewinder controller to work in edgy? it worked *just fine* in dapper, but i can't get it to work in edgy06:14
chuckles2007why is us.archive.ubuntu.com so slow and is there a way around it?06:14
alanhaggaiwastrel : so what should I do?06:14
wastrelalanhaggai:  you should follow the nvidia howto - can you read web pages?06:14
ExeakielI'm chatzilla, it says I need to register.06:14
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coz_Exeakiel, yes you need to register you nic before i can pm you06:15
alanhaggaiwastrel : I am using the terminal :(06:15
skelwickedpuppy: =P so I think he wants help debugging his code but I can't be sure06:15
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wastrelalanhaggai:  you know how to switch to another virtual terminal?  alt-f2,    alt-f1, etc ?06:15
wickedpuppyskel, not without seeing the whole code ...06:15
Jawstimfrost: also, is the owner root on the plugins or are they to your user06:15
alanhaggaiyes wastrel06:15
=== han3 [i=hantu@60-241-200-159.static.tpgi.com.au] has joined #ubuntu
shadokuse lynx or w3m06:15
ExeakielI registered06:16
alanhaggaiok Shadok06:16
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=== Lubix [n=mlubin@71-89-9-12.dhcp.oxfr.ma.charter.com] has joined #ubuntu
wastrelalanhaggai:  yes, lynx or w3m  can open web pages.  and go to this link...06:16
timfrostjaws, yes, that is flash 9.  You probably don't need Seveas package although I did install it.  Firefox reports '    File name: libflashplayer.so    Shockwave Flash 9.0 d55'06:16
wastrel!nvidia | alanhaggai06:16
ubotualanhaggai: To install the Ati/NVidia drivers for your video card, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto06:16
Lubixwhats up peoples?!06:16
chuckles2007is there an alternative to us.archive.ubuntu.com?06:16
_3uG_try taking the us off of it06:16
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wickedpuppychuckles2007, change the country code06:16
dbmonk74okay... one last q tonight i promise - how do i install the video driver?06:16
alanhaggaithanks wastrel :)06:16
alanhaggaiI will check that06:17
chuckles2007will it get any faster? im getting ~2.5kbs right now06:17
chuckles2007with dsl... and my connection is fine06:17
Jawstimfrost: ok, i will try putting them in both system directories, i had it in the firefox one earlier but that didint work06:17
bo1need help w/ bridging.. anyone know anything about it?06:17
wickedpuppydbmonk74, how do we tell you without you telling us your video card ?06:17
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botxjis it possible to have a router/firewall in ubuntu?06:17
wickedpuppybotxj, iptables06:17
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alekzif i apply a patch on the kernel, and the compile and install it, am i running a big risk ?06:17
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ubotuUbuntu, like any other linux distribution, has firewall capabilities built-in. The firewall is managed using the 'iptables' command (see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/IptablesHowTo), or GUI applications such as Firestarter (Gnome) or Guarddog (KDE).06:18
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botxjwhat about routing?06:18
_3uG_how can i get a list of ubotu !options?06:18
skelbotxj: try using shorewall06:18
alekzubotu search recompile kernel06:18
dbmonk74intel integrated 86506:18
timfrostjaws,  http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/29005/06:18
dbmonk74i have the driver now06:18
botxji use smoothwall in my hardware router06:18
AbstIs it safe to remove all files in the /var/cache/apt folder06:18
charle97abst, yes06:19
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Abst/var/cache/apt/archives even06:19
wickedpuppydbmonk74, whats the driver file name ?06:19
skelbotxj: if you like smoothwall you'd probably like ipcop06:19
al[e] xfirefox crashes to much in edgy06:19
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botxjhmm, ipcop, i'll look into that06:19
Lubixfirerfox does have crash tendenecy did you upgrade or fresh install?06:19
charle97abst, use sudo apt-get clean06:20
ChuWould mounting a live cd work as an unexperienced person would expect, or would it be a heck of a lot messier?06:20
godmachine81Abst:: in some cases when packages get upgraded but you want your older version, you might want to keep the archives around06:20
al[e] xfresh install06:20
AgentCyjlmb, still around?06:20
alanhaggaiwastrel : it says that the webpage does not exist06:20
dbmonk74that all depends - do you mean the .tar.gz file? or the driver that lurks somewhere within there?06:20
skelbotxj: did you want to turn an ubuntu installation into a router / firewall  or just have a firewall on your desktop?06:20
godmachine81AgentCy:: im around06:20
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jlmbAgentCy: yeah06:20
=== will [n=jimi@c-68-60-181-104.hsd1.mi.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
Lubixwell i did a upgrade i have a similar problem sometimes it just disappears06:21
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monokromeAnyone in here use feh?06:21
botxjskel: i was curious if i could turn it into something like smoothwall06:21
wickedpuppydbmonk74, search for it in synaptic or apt-cache ... there should be ubuntu driver without you compiling it.. and also pls do search on google06:21
botxjwith routing06:21
skelbotxj: yeah, in that case I think you want a specialized distro if you want the ease of use and features, I highly recommend ipcop06:21
dbmonk74will do - thx06:22
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ubotuTo install the Ati/NVidia drivers for your video card, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto06:22
AgentCyjlmb, i did a "sudo lshw -businfo" and it displayed (blank) network WBM-120 Wireless Adapter06:22
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AgentCyjlmb, blank is where the businfo should be, lol06:22
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jlmbAgentCy: hlol06:22
Jawstimfrost: Can I run those in terminal?  I just paste each line in after i get the flash-nonfree06:22
wastrelalanhaggai:  how about  https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto/Nvidia06:23
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AgentCyany thoughts?06:23
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jlmbAgentCy: Not sure man, I've been with the same hardware, wifi device since before ubuntu was conceived...I'm kinda rusty on digging hardware support :(06:23
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pooruhas anyone installed the ATI 8.29.6 drivers on edgy?06:24
AgentCyjlmb, well thanks for all your help anyways06:24
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skelAgentCy: cat /proc/bus/usb/devices ?06:24
SilentDishello :)06:24
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poorui followed the guide online perfectly, and after my restart fglrx info does not work right06:24
Geoffrey2dbmonk74, if you have an 800 series Intel video chip, make sure you install 915resolution, it's needed for all 800 and 900 series video chips06:25
skelAgentCy: err.. not usb06:25
yoyocould anyone tell me how to gain access to "My Downloads" directory in Ubuntu via the terminal?06:25
skelAgentCy: but you get the point06:25
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keelbillwuold any of you help me with my video resolution?06:25
keelbillit suddenly fkd up06:25
keelbilli restored the xorg file to what it was06:25
keelbillbut no luck06:25
SilentDisstupid question of the day:  a friend burned a copy of Edgy Eft to disk for me (i'm stuck in the boonies, on dialup).  is it possible to perform an in-place upgrade?06:25
jlmbAgentCy: np, sorry couldn't fixed your problem.06:25
t73netAnyone here have experience setting up Tomcat5 Admin WAR PM Me please06:25
timfrostjaws, you need to do 'sudo ln -s  /usr/lib/flashplugin-nonfree/libflashplayer.so /usr/lib/mozilla/plugins/libflashplayer.so;sudo ln -s /usr/lib/flashplugin-nonfree/libflashplayer.so /usr/lib/firefox/plugins/libflashplayer.so'06:25
godmachine81anyone know if feisty is going to be a 4 month release or if its going to be a 6 month release?06:26
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GigaClon6 month most likley06:26
godmachine816.06 came late.. didnt know if it messed everything up or not06:26
keelbillwuold any of you help me with my video resolution?06:26
godmachine81GigaClon:: you think thats why 6.10 was rushed?06:26
godmachine81to get back on schedule?06:26
t73netwhat exactly about it keelbill?06:26
AgentCyskel, cant make sense of it, but does not look like my card is listed in pci/devices06:26
keelbillis there other file besides xorg.conf involved with screen resol?ution06:26
GigaClonthe next one will prolly be in 6 months06:27
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keelbillwell it only list 800x600 mode06:27
viddkeelbill.......rund dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg06:27
godmachine81GigaClon:: if it is falling back to the original release cycles it should be 7.0406:27
keelbillalready did that vidd06:27
godmachine81dapper was originally suppose to be 6.04 i think06:27
keelbillno luck06:27
skelAgentCy: what about lspci -vvv06:27
Jawstimfrost: I still dont have flashplugin-nonfree06:27
keelbillgets worse oand only goes to 600x400 mode06:27
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Jawstimfrost: I dont know how to get it...06:28
keelbillalso i restored my xorg.conf to my back up one06:28
viddwhat video card you have?06:28
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t73netkeelbill: OK if I im you ?06:28
keelbillbut still no luck06:28
JDStonedoes EDGY use hotplug?06:28
yoyoi need to gain access to My Downloads directory via the terminal...how do i do it?06:28
timfrostgodmachine81: They put a lot of extra effort into dapper, and delayed the release date by 6 weeks.  So the short cycle for edgy brought us back to the cycle of releases in april (x.04) and October (x.10)06:28
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keelbillit's a FX55oo06:28
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RamiKassabhey guys, I have a couple questions regarding file permissions. I have running a dev web server that has ispconfig on it and under each site I create a user account with shell access for each individual that develops on the system, however, we sometimes work on file that other people create but the default umask is set to 022 which makes the files writeable by the user but not by group nor everyone. First off, how can I set the default06:28
RamiKassabumask for all new user accounts and secondly, what umask would you use that enables the group to write to the file as well? Thanks in advance guys!06:28
AgentCyskel, the slot shows up, e.g. the pcmcia card reader, but the device itself does not06:29
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eXcentrayoyo: cd /path/to/"My Downloads" ?06:29
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t73netI had that occur to me once keelbill. I simply did a ctl-alt-backspace to restart xserver, and it reloaded fine06:29
skelAgentCy: ooh this is a pcmcia card?06:29
t73netI have a FX520006:29
AgentCyskel, correct06:29
godmachine81timfrost:: yea thats what i was thinking06:29
eXcentrayoyo: or cd /path/to/My\ Downloads06:29
keelbillnah treid that already06:29
keelbilleven rebooted several times06:29
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mkruskamp I am running xgl on gnome... my resolution is 1600x1200. When I run gnome without xgl everything06:29
kestasanyone here have 24mbit internet?06:29
mkruskamp                   looks fine, but when I run gnome with xgl, all of the application fonts are huge.06:30
=== vidd has upgraded to edgy and now wifi AND lan are both TOAST!
PhoulHey, Whats good/easy to use streaming software?06:30
killownI load module sudance to my card network encore but I not found eth1 , only eth0 to my card via rhine06:30
yoyohey eXcentra  THANXXX ....gonna try that.....06:30
PhoulI want to get a internet stream up for a party my friends having06:30
keelbillctrl+alt+back space is a no go06:30
t73netkeelbill: Yeah you prolly hosed your xorg.conf file.06:30
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keelbillany other aideas there should be another way out of this besides format06:30
skelAgentCy: hmm.. do you have the pcmcia kernel modules?06:30
hap0Hello ?06:30
PhoulWhats a good and easy to use shoutcast like thing06:30
godtviskenis there like an events scheduler in ubunt?06:30
AgentCyskel, dont believe so, i would get those?06:30
keelbillmy xorg file is good06:30
keelbilli even had a back up06:31
t73netkeel: To my knowledge, there is no other place to edit your resolutions06:31
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keelbilland replaced it again06:31
hap0Wow that took awhile. For a second there I thought there was no one here...06:31
AgentCyskel, you mean pcmcia-utils package?06:31
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skelAgentCy: well at this point, the card reader will show up on the bus, but the reader itself wouldn't know what to do with the signals from the card without a driver06:31
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keelbilli will boot into cmd line mode and restore the xorg again06:31
timfrostjaws, put the .so somewhere (eg /usr/local/lib), and create the symlinks pointing to that location.  The deb line is 'deb http://mirror2.ubuntulinux.nl/ edgy-seveas custom extras seveas-meta' if you are using edgy.06:31
keelbilland see if that works06:31
SilentDisquick question:  I have a copy of 6.10 on CD, and would like to upgrade my existing 6.06 release.  how do I go about this?06:31
skelAgentCy: that may be useful, but I mean like a driver for the pcmcia device06:31
PhoulAnyone know how to set up a stream?06:32
keelbill!fix resolution06:32
killownI load module sudance to my card network encore but I not found eth1 , only eth0 to my card via rhine06:32
PhoulI wanna stream some music for some friends party06:32
eXcentrayoyo, cool06:32
AgentCyskel, ok, could you help me with that first? :-P06:32
t73netgodtvisken: Most things you want to run on regular basis like alarm clock, OR what are you looking for?06:32
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viddanyone know how to get bcm43xx to work on edgy?06:32
skelAgentCy: I can try =]  gimme a sec to poke around in my kernel modules, I don't know if it provides one by default.  Is this edgy btw?06:32
yoyoi'm such a NEWBIE in linux...still learning the very basics...going step by step...06:32
AgentCyskel, yeah i just upgraded to edgy, but this was a dapper problem as well06:33
killownI load module sudance to my card network encore but I not found eth1 , only eth0 to my card via rhine06:33
skelAgentCy: first of all, do you get any output from: lsmod | grep pcmcia  ?06:33
hap0Question: Anyone know why the display resolutions in xorg.conf are not available via the main GUI???06:34
t73netAnyone with Tomcat5 Install Experience ?06:34
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SilentDisit's busy, i'll poke around the wiki for my answer.  take care :)06:34
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viddanyone know how to get bcm43xx to work?06:35
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=== eXcentra [n=excentra@cpe-76-171-113-78.socal.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu
zaatarHey, is there a way to reinstall a clean installation of ubuntu on instead of another ubuntu installation without messing with the windows partition?06:35
Geoffrey2vidd, you can find Broadcom wireless instructions here.... http://www.ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=185174&highlight=broadcom06:35
hap0It wouldn't be so bad if the ones defined in xorg.conf were treated as the authority, but I have no idea where the system preferences are getting their settings from???06:35
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wastrelhap0:  probably an effect of using the binary driver for ati or nvidia (?)06:36
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Jawstimfrost: How do i get the key...06:36
skelhap0: was that wpa setup thread useful at all?06:36
AgentCyskel, yes.. pcmcia     38972 0            pcmcia_core 42128 3 pcmcia,yenta_socket,rsrc_nonstatic06:36
dredhammeris there a guide to get samba with vmware server on the same computer?06:36
charle97zaatar, i did that last night06:37
Lubixwere can i find a channel not full on freaking partition questions06:37
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Lubixyou know like smart people?06:37
hap0wastrel: That's a great guess! yes I am using the binary driver for nvidia. Can you point me toward the right file to edit then?06:37
zaatarcharle97: is it an option in the cd?06:37
xipietotec@lart Lubix for being mean06:37
=== Ubugtu decapitates Lubix conan the destroyer style for being mean
cafuegoLubix: undernet is full of smart people just like you.06:37
wastrelhap0:  sry i have ati myself :] 06:37
timfrostjaws, what key?06:37
charle97zaatar, the only thing it would mess with is the mbr06:37
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Jawstimfrost: When i try and update the repository06:38
Lubixi am sorry im tired and bored06:38
charle97zaatar, and you're going let ubuntu do that anyway06:38
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about nvidi - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi06:38
skelAgentCy: ok so it looks like its working more than you think, it loaded the yenta driver as well as the pcmcia06:38
Lubixhappy end of daylight savings to all!!!!06:38
hap0wastrel: Heh, well thanks for the guess... Did you have a different config file for the ATI card?06:38
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cafuegostart, you mean?06:38
zaatarcharle97: oh, i would just install ubuntu, formatting the other ubuntu partition in the process, no?06:38
skelAgentCy: could you paste the output of lspci -vvv to http://rafb.net/paste  ?06:38
charle97zaatar, yes it is06:38
Lubixuni< hello06:38
zaatarcool, thanks06:39
cafuegouni: your caps-lock key seems to be stuck.06:39
wastrelhap0:  not for the fglrx driver  there is an aticonfig prog, i don't know what it does because i haven't had to use it.06:39
=== bbt [i=sam@60-240-210-95.tpgi.com.au] has joined #ubuntu
Lubixmy computer does random things06:39
charle97zaatar, backup your important stuff first06:39
Lubixbecause of ubuntu06:39
AgentCyskel, 3 v's, correct?06:39
Lubixi need Suse06:39
EdganAnyone notice Metacity in Edgy doesn't allow you to grab a window and switch workspaces, via a hotkey, with it?06:39
skelAgentCy: yeah06:39
charle97zaatar, you never know what may happen06:39
timfrostjaws, sorry.  the GPG key is available via 'wget http://mirror2.ubuntulinux.nl/1135D466.gpg -O- | sudo apt-key add -'06:39
Lubixi love linux06:40
=== regis_ [n=regis@ALagny-153-1-35-196.w86-212.abo.wanadoo.fr] has joined #ubuntu
wastrelEdgan:  you can drag windows between workspaces in the workspace switcher applet06:40
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Edganwastrel: the way I describe used to work and is still mentioned in the README06:40
=== K`zan [n=vw@c-67-183-221-27.hsd1.wa.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
Lubixi hear people at work talk about mcse and i laugh i hate microsoft and i would never ever ever become certified to work with ms products06:40
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Lubixdie ms die06:40
wastrelEdgan:  did you check  system > preferences > keyboard shortcuts  ?06:41
K`zanLOL, hear! hear :-)06:41
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ubotupastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (you can always find it in the channel topic, among other useful things)06:41
skelI would get a MCSE just to go into places with "Solutions" and replace windows with linux :-P06:41
hap0wastrel: Yeah, well this is the first I've ever seen it suggested that there may be another source for config... I've always dealt directly with the text files under /etc/X1106:41
UNIhelo every body06:41
Edganwastrel: I don't think it is it's own shortcut. You switch desktops with a shortcut, and that works, but you are supposed to be able to use the same shortcut after grabbing a window to bring it with you06:41
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Lubixviva, viva la revulution!!!06:41
Jawstimfrost: ok i should be able to install it with this sudo apt-get install flashplugin-nonfree06:42
Lubixof spelling!06:42
=== Kiongku [n=waikeung@ADSL-TPLUS-100-87.telecomplus.net] has joined #ubuntu
K`zanAh, started to install ubuntu (amd64) and got to the pick partition and it doesn't seem to see / accept my selection for the root partition( free partition /dev/sda12 on my working drive)  help?06:42
Lubixmicrosoft tell us how to spell06:42
Lubixmake up your speelings06:42
AgentCyskel: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/29006/06:42
Lubixbeee oreganal06:42
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skelAgentCy: okie, just a sec06:42
timfrostJaws: yes you should.06:42
godmachine81!weather 4260206:42
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inuyasharenegadeLocation: , Updated: 1:40 AM EDT on October 29, 2006, Temp:  F, Wind Chill: 44 F, Dew Point: 33 F, Humidity: span class="pwsrt" pwsid="KKYMONTI1" pwsunit="both" pwsvariable="humidity" english="" metric="" value="61", Pressure:  in., Conditions: Clear, Wind: mph 5.0km/h </span>, Visibility: 10.0 miles06:43
pppoe_dudeAgentCy, what is your problem?06:43
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godmachine81i was about to say amazing06:43
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MadpilotLubix, please try to stay on-topic, this is a support channel... chat in #ubuntu-offtopic, if you like06:43
alanhaggaihi wastrel :)06:43
alanhaggaithanks for the important tip and link :)06:43
Abst!info enlightenment edgy06:43
ubotuenlightenment: The Enlightenment Window Manager. In component universe, is optional. Version 1: (edgy), package size 380 kB, installed size 980 kB06:43
skelAgentCy: what type of wireless card is it?06:43
Lubixwho needs help?06:43
AgentCypppode_dude, having issues getting my pcmcia wireless card working... to be honest i dont even know what chipset it is :-p06:43
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AgentCythe card is a "gateway wbm-120"06:43
Jawstimfrost: well it says its not available and that it has no installation candidate06:44
=== hap0 opens the FAQ on screen resolutions to see if there is something there he missed.
alanhaggaiwastrel : I have set everything right and XServer is working well06:44
xipietotecEnlightenment: The ugly window manager =P06:44
godmachine81Lubix:: tail -f /dev/null06:44
alanhaggaithanks :)06:44
AgentCyit's either prism2 or orinoco_cs06:44
alanhaggainow have to enjoy Edgy :)06:44
pppoe_dudeAgentCy, does it appear when you start "sudo network-admin"?06:44
Lubixdev null urself06:44
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Edganwastrel: going to try downgrading metacity06:44
AgentCypppoe_dude, unfortunately no06:45
wastrelheh have fun with that06:45
godmachine81Lubix:: sudo cp /dev/null /dev/hda106:45
godmachine81alright im gonna stop lol06:46
Lubixman im tired06:46
skelAgentCy: do you have output from lsmod | grep prism2  ?06:46
Edganwastrel: it worked06:46
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pppoe_dudeAgentCy, shouldn't you have intel wireless?06:46
eternale1skel: boot using "Linux single" so gdm is not started... whats that exactly saying to do?06:47
pppoe_dudeAgentCy, seems like you have a centrino chip there...06:47
wastrelso the question is - did ubuntu take it out or did upstream06:47
eternale1skel: something i found on a post about a differnet bug for ubuntu 6.0606:47
skeleternale1: ah in the boot config you can put a parameter on the kernel line at the end "single" that boots it into single user mode, ie runlevel 106:47
AgentCyskel, no output06:47
pppoe_dudewith all the intel integrated stuff06:47
AgentCypppoe_dude, it is a centrino, no integrated wireless06:48
skelAgentCy: ok, try sudo modprobe prism2_pci06:48
Edganwastrel: I know it is upstream. I am not sure they took it out. It may be a bug. Going to diff 2.14 vs. 2.1606:48
pppoe_dudeAgentCy, oh i c.06:48
AgentCyk skel, no output either06:48
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bitsweathey folks - looking for an apt source for linux-restricted-modules having amd64 nvidia 9626 drivers.  all the repos I've come across (most notably Amaranth's) are down.06:48
skelAgentCy: that means the driver loaded, not remove and re-insert the card06:48
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skelAgentCy: err.. *now remove06:49
Amaranthbitsweat: Mine is not down06:49
Amaranthbitsweat: It just doesn't have amd6406:49
bitsweatAmaranth:  ah, right-o!06:49
AgentCyoh hey06:49
ubotuFor Ubuntu 6.10 (Edgy Eft), you can obtain the (unsupported!) Beta version of the binary NVidia drivers by using one of these repositories: "deb http://amaranth.selfip.com/ edgy lrm" (for x86) or "deb http://ubuntu.lupine.me.uk/ edgy lrm-amd64" (for AMD64)06:49
AgentCysomething different06:49
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AgentCywell wait.. nm.. grr06:49
bitsweatAmaranth:  beauty. thank you.06:49
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skelAgentCy: do you have wireless-tools installed too?06:50
skelAgentCy: you'll need those06:50
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bitsweatThe on-the-fly twinview whet my appetite :)06:50
AgentCyskel, yes06:50
skelAgentCy: does iwconfig show any devices now?06:50
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viddI am still having issues with bcm43xx.....followed the instructions on the forums (http://www.ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=185174&highlight=broadcom)....Now my LAN dont work either after reboot06:50
AgentCyi found this interesting... this is out from sudo lshw -businfo .... (note the businfo is missing from WBM-120 Wireless).. http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/29007/06:51
AgentCystill nothing with iwconfig :(06:51
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hap0This is really freaking crazy... Why does my desktop resolution default to 1024x768 with only one option for 800x600 when my xorg.conf file has five options starting at 1600x1200??? (nvidia 6200 128MB)???06:52
Edganwastrel: hmm, the diff is 12mb. They changed a lot.06:52
viddcan someone at least help me to get my LAN back up?06:52
skelAgentCy: I think the bus info will be that of the cardbus controller06:52
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skelAgentCy: what about ifconfig -a   does that show an additional interface?06:53
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AgentCyskel, shows eth0 (wired), lo, and sit006:53
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skelAgentCy: hmm =/'06:54
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Chaosmikis this general ubuntu chat channel?06:54
skelAgentCy: its deprecated but you could try and install pcmcia-cs06:54
skelChaosmik: aye06:55
ianmacgregorChaosmik: yes06:55
AgentCyskel, could it be conflicting with previous drivers i may have installed in an attempt to get wireless to work? e.g. ndiswrapper06:55
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AgentCypcmcia-cs is already installed06:55
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skelAgentCy: possibly. I don't know anything about ndiswrapper, if you don't need it, I'd remove it06:55
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viddcan anyone help me get my LAN working again?06:55
Chaosmikis there anyway to easily change refresh rate from 60hz.... im running 6.06 dapper amd64, nvidia 680006:55
sydharthi all. does anyone know when/how xresprobe is invoked in the desktop/live CD boot process?06:56
wastrelvidd:  ethernet or wireless?06:56
fnfChaosmik: Take a look at /etc/X11/xorg.conf, under Monitor section06:56
Chaosmikok tnks06:56
wastrelvidd:  what's wrong with your ethernet?06:56
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=== Xenguy re-figures out ssh-add and keychain for a 2nd time...
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hap0Once upon a time, if you misconfigured your XF86config file xserver wouldn't start and you knew the file needed to be edited, now you have no idea where the settings are coming from...06:57
viddi updated to edgy, and the wifi broke06:57
AgentCyany other ideas pppoe_dude?06:57
viddwhile trying to follow the instuctions on a link i was given; http://www.ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=185174&highlight=broadcom my wire line broke06:57
Andrukhello.  i just upgraded and i cannot get into a gui (gdm and beyond).  I get an x server error.  what can i do to improve my predicament?06:57
Chaosmikis amd64 6.10 released.06:58
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AgentCylol @ viagra pastebin06:58
crimsunChaosmik: on Oct 26th06:58
Chaosmikany improvements to justify install?06:58
hap0The FAQ on Display Resolution just reiterated everything I already knew and tried...06:58
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wastrelvidd:  have you tried to reconfigure your ethernet with  System > Administration > Networking  ?06:59
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HadesChiefhey everyone06:59
viddyeah....says the wired is working with DHCP but i cant open a web page07:00
fnfHi, I have asked this question before, but here again: Anyone successfully installed nvidia-glx in Dapper ?. This package depends on one of the older kernel (, which would screw up my system ( after installing.07:00
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HadesChiefi need to download basic developers' tools (with all deps), like gcc, gmake, glibc-devel, etc... to install them on a Ubuntu 6.06 workstation without internet access07:01
hap0fnf: Have you searched google for that question???07:01
wastrelvidd:  can you ping internet hosts?07:01
HadesChiefhow do I recover all deps without having a package manager and not knowing which packages are there in 6.06?07:01
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Lobsterapt-get install build-essential07:02
AlanHaggaiHow to forcibly quit a window?07:02
fnfhap0: I did, and I'm aware of the nvidia 3D driver blob, but it's shown to be unstable for me, and recently it has a security issue.07:02
viddi cant even ping my router07:02
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cafuegofnf: I had no problems with it; did you have security updates enabled?07:02
crimsunHadesChief: use apt-zip07:02
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LobsterAlanHaggai cntrl+alt+esc and click in the window07:02
AlanHaggaiok Lobster07:02
hap0fnf: Have you seen all the step-by-step howto's regarding compiz? I would think your answer would have been clear as day. It was for me.07:02
Byannickalert here07:03
fnfcafuego: You mean even you're running the latest kernel, installing nvidia=glx wouldn't cause it to be reverted back to the older one ?07:03
ByanI wonder how long ago that was07:03
AlanHaggainot working Lobster07:03
AlanHaggaiLobster : how is it done?07:03
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Lobsterits a shortcut for xkill07:04
rbilAlanHaggai: open a terminal, get the PID for the process and kill it07:04
fnfhap0: I know how to configure X server and compiled the custom nvidia driver, the fact is I have to install an older kernel just to be able to use nvidia-glx bothers me.07:04
AlReece45Are there any special instructions for compiling alsa on ubuntu?07:04
hap0My problems started when I attempted to change to a higher resolution. For some reason my only options are 1024x768 & 640x48007:04
cafuegofnf: I was running 2.6.15-27-k707:04
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rbilAlanHaggai: what app you trying to kill?07:04
phlaegelanybody know if /etc/inittab is used anymore with 6.10?07:04
AlanHaggairbil : gnokii07:04
wastrelvidd:  have you disabled & reenabled the ethernet connection?07:04
fnfhap0: Did you take a look at /etc/X11/xorg.conf ?07:04
K`zanDoes indeed looks like ubuntu installer will not accept an extended partition...07:04
rbilnot familiar with that one, but anyways, open terminal and :  kill gnokii07:05
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kupesoftI can't my mic working on my laptop with eft. Any suggestions?07:05
rbilif it was started by root, you'll need to: sudo kill gnokii07:05
wastrelvidd:  how about with ifup/ifdown  not network manager07:05
K`zanAnyway, thanks anyway folks, but I am not going to wiper the disk just to try ubuntu :-(.07:05
hap0fnf: Yes. Check out my options: "1600x1200" "1280x1024" "1152x864" "1024x768" "640x480"07:05
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AlanHaggairbil :bash: kill: gnokii: arguments must be process or job IDs07:05
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viddmy cmdln is rusty07:06
hap0Yet, I'm stuck with 1024x768 for some reason...07:06
kupesoftI can't my mic working on my laptop with eft. Any suggestions??07:06
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rbilAlanHaggai:  try killall gnokii07:06
viddifup eth0 down?07:06
fnfcafuego: What did apt-cache tell you about the dependency ?. Mine stays in 'pool/restricted/l/linux-restricted-modules-2.6.15/', hence it would complain if I didn't have the appropriate kernel installed. Any direction would be great.07:06
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AlanHaggaiok rbil07:06
wastrelvidd:  sudo ifdown eth0  (assuming your card is eth0)07:06
wastrelvidd:  then sudo ifup07:06
rbilAlanHaggai:  if that doesn't work get the PID # and kill that07:06
kupesoftI really need mic help07:06
wastreler, ifup eth007:06
monokromeAny ever seen the LED on a broadcom device blink?07:07
cafuegofnf: Sorry, I switched to Edgy last night :-?07:07
fnfhap0: How about the Monitor section ? Perhaps your vert and horz refresh rate aren't corrently written.07:07
rbilAlanHaggai: use top or ps ax to get the PID # to kill of that process07:07
cafuegoah hold on07:07
AlanHaggaiHow to get PID?07:07
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AlanHaggaiok rbil07:07
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cafuego`gin' is still on dapper.07:07
DaGameWhat's the program to see filesystem I/O like locked files?07:07
AlanHaggairbil :ok done :)07:08
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hap0fnf: well I guess, but it's currently working fine at 60Hz... You'd think it could handle more with an Nvidia 6200 card???07:08
IngrixSo I am in need of a bit of help, if anyone knows anything about installing ndiswrapper07:08
AlanHaggairbil : but can I know if there are any shortcuts keys like in windows Ctrl + Alt + Delete to do the same?07:08
jdrakeIs there a way I can get nautilus to not list a drive mounted at /home/jdrake/Music?07:08
jdrakeI just want it to act as if it were a regular folder07:09
rbilCTRL-ALT-ESC should bring up a kill pointer07:09
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dark_lighthow can i see my translations suggestions at rosetta? or the ones that was approved07:09
johny5I'm trying to download something and I get a "Browser cannot handle ed2k" or somethig like that.  I've followed the instrustions that I've found online and now when I choose "save link as", my download monitor just sticks on starting.  Is this a problem with that protocol, or did I set something up wrong?07:09
irvinis anyone using kubuntu? just one quick question -> can kpresenter open/edit powerpoint files?07:09
fnfhap0: Not terribly sure about it, but it's worth a try removing the lower resolutions in Screen section.07:09
AlanHaggaibut not working for me rbil07:09
witlessi just started to install nvidia-xconfig, and apt wanted to 61 xserver-xorg-* files and nvidia-glx... is this expected??07:09
viddits still working07:10
witlessi just started to install nvidia-xconfig, and apt wanted to *remove* 61 xserver-xorg-* files and nvidia-glx... is this expected??07:10
rbilu using Gnome desktop?07:10
cafuegofnf: Which is from the source package. (but that's fine).07:10
fnfcafuego: That's right, and attempting to install it on my kernel would be dangerous.07:10
rbilI thought it was standard.07:10
zaatari assume it's safe to ask edgy eft related questions now?07:10
AlanHaggaiI see07:10
hap0fnf: Thanks but that was also the first thing I tried... It's acting like it is getting the settings from a whole different source file...07:10
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cafuegofnf: No, that's the RIGHT one07:10
viddno DHCPDISCOVER on eth007:10
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cafuegofnf: it goes wityh the 2.6.15-27 kernel from dapper-security/main07:10
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viddor rather No DHCPOFFERS07:11
fnfcafuego: After that, I would have to choose between running an acient kernel with nvidia-glx or not at all.07:11
JfrenchHello All, I need some help with Twinview - I cant seem to get Display on both Monitors. One monitor has a Lower Max res then the other, can this effect it?07:11
AlanHaggaiplease tell me of the e-mail clients available in Ubuntu other than Thunderbird and Evolution07:11
fnfcafuego: You've installed nvidia-glx ? If so, I think I'll have a shot at Edgy.07:11
viddDo i need to thrash my system like a winbloze machine?07:12
witlesswhy, when installing nvidia-xconfig, does apt want to remove 61 xserver-xorg-* packages?07:12
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hap0Oh well, I just finished downloading edgy so I guess I will give up on this install and try again... If I run into the same on Edgy I'm getting an used Mac for a while.07:12
fnfhap0: It's out of my reach now, sorry as I'm running Ubuntu Dapper server, with only Xserver and icewm installed.07:12
cafuegofnf: On dapper. nvidia-glx 1.0.8762+ (dapper-security/restricted) with linux-image-2.6.15-27-k7 2.6.15-27.48 (dapper-security/main)07:12
AlanHaggaiplease tell me of the e-mail clients available in Ubuntu other than Thunderbird and Evolution07:13
hap0fnf: Thanks a lot though. Much appreciate the time. All the best.07:13
wastrelvidd:  not sure- maybe try to configure it manually for the time being07:13
ubotulirc: Linux Infra-red Remote Control support. In component universe, is extra. Version 0.8.0-5ubuntu1 (edgy), package size 308 kB, installed size 1544 kB07:13
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sanmarcoswhat happened to modules.conf in edgy?07:13
wastrelAlanHaggai:  balsa, and sylpheed are 2  i'm sure there's many more07:13
AlanHaggaiwastrel : me now using Edgy with XServer started :) Thanks :)07:13
wastrelAlanHaggai:  great :] 07:14
D_Wyatthelp my bootloader doesnt work07:14
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sanmarcos!doesn't work07:14
ubotuDoesn't work is a strong statement. Does it sit on the couch all day? Does it want more money? Is it on IRC all the time? Please be specific! Examples of what doesn't work tend to help too.07:14
D_Wyatti think i installed grub wrong07:14
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fnfcafuego: "sudo apt-get -s install nvidia-glx" din't tell you that you need to install another kernel ? It's really wierd.07:14
XenguyAlanHaggai: sylpheed is very fast, and works with GPG07:14
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AlanHaggaiXenguy : GPG? What is it?07:14
witlesswhen installing nvidia-xconfig, apt wants to remove 61 xserver-xorg-* packages.  is this normal?07:14
cafuegofnf: Nope. You should check that your sources.list is up to date,a s well as run 'sudo apt-get update'.07:14
viddwell...im going to boot the live cd to to download edgy install disk....how do i save that image to the HD so i can burn it?07:15
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XenguyAlanHaggai: Gnu Privacy Guard, a modern, free PGP (Pretty Good Privacy)...07:15
AlanHaggaiThanks Xenguy :)07:15
D_Wyattwhen i start up grub loads up fine and displys fine but when i choose either winblows or ubuntu it says cannot read disk07:15
hap0Hey does 6.06 LTS not even come with a CD burner???07:15
XenguyAlanHaggai: basically public-key encryption (for file and email)07:15
fnfcafuego: I cron "apt-get update/upgrade" on a daily basis. It should have the latest patches.07:15
AlanHaggaiwill apt-get it :)07:15
AlanHaggaiXenguy : How is the interface?07:16
cafuegocron? /me cringes07:16
fnfcafuego: Thanks, guess I'll have to search and comeback in a while.07:16
D_Wyattbut ubuntu rescue works fine07:16
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XenguyAlanHaggai: you'll need to read a lot to understand how email encryption works07:16
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AlanHaggaiI see07:16
cafuegofnf: The mirror you use is perhaps out of sync; also if you sue any non-official repos, disable them for a moment.07:16
XenguyAlanHaggai: command-line and GUI interfaces07:16
progekI noticed on ubuntu's shipit they are no longer offering free cds for edgy. Is this just because it's very new?07:16
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AlanHaggainice Xenguy07:16
fnfcafuego: Ahh no, I mean I did an update check very frequently, sorry for the miswording. :-p07:17
Madpilotprogek, ShipIt is going to stick with Dapper CDs07:17
cafuegoprogek: They support Dapper, so that's what they'll ship.07:17
IngrixIm having a bit of a problem installing ndiswrapper.  I am following the directions on the ndiswrapper wiki for ubuntu, but when I try to do a "make install" it gives me an error code of 2 and doesnt install07:17
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syockwhat do i get by upgrading to 6.10?07:17
wastrelsylpheed has cli interface too?07:17
KenThomsonSory to interrupt:  I need help with some questions, can someone be kind enough to answer them? Shall i ask?07:17
cafuegosyock: pain, suffering, maybe a marginally faster desktop.07:17
IngrixAnd it gives me a long chain of implicitly defined functions07:17
IngrixSuch as sscanf07:17
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wastreloh you're talking about gpg07:17
progekI see, thanks.07:17
MadpilotKenThomson, just ask, don't ask to ask...07:17
viddingrx: use synaptic to download it07:17
=== urz [n=equadwar@user-0c6ssn3.cable.mindspring.com] has joined #ubuntu
urzI want to emulate teh mouse with my keyboard07:18
=== winterweaver [n=winterwe@dsl-165-13-249.telkomadsl.co.za] has joined #ubuntu
urznumlock doesnt seem to do it for me07:18
Xenguywastrel: but sylpheed does interface nicely with GPG :-)07:18
=== newbuntie [n=irc@chello084010156014.chello.pl] has joined #ubuntu
winterweaverHey all ^.^07:18
IngrixWell, see, this is again where the problem arises.  I am using ndiswrapper so that I can access the internet lol07:18
newbuntiewhat command do you use to burn a cd from .img or .iso (and which should i download, .iso or .img?)07:19
progekwhy does edgy not have long term support like dapper?07:19
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crimsunprogek: because we're not insane.07:19
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kruncherhey, has anyone else had problems with azureus in edgy?07:19
Xenguynewbuntie: nice -19 growisofs -Z /dev/cdrom=____.iso07:19
KenThomsonMy questions are a lot context specific and wouldn't make much sense to type them out here (they are really long as you will see). So could some of you be kind enough and go over to: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=287650, and read my whole post (it is really long) and maybe answer my questions?07:19
stonarmusicanyone know how to save Evolution calander date to an ipod nano?07:19
KenThomsonOr should i type them here out?07:19
Xenguynewbuntie: to dvd07:19
AlanHaggaiXenguy : does it have spam protection?07:19
mervynInstalled 6.06, upgraded from v5 - noticed that the menu items are fewer and do not have access to the update package?07:19
newbuntieto cd07:19
highnekoHelp please; http://rafb.net/paste/results/O6sqVn58.html07:19
=== moshe [n=moshe@ool-457d66ce.dyn.optonline.net] has joined #ubuntu
crimsunprogek: LTS releases are periodic and require substantial maintenance resources.07:20
viddcan you get the pc to connect via wire?07:20
XenguyAlanHaggai: I think not - but spamassassin would cover spam once properly set-up07:20
moshedoes anyone know when/if the nvidia driver is going to be upgraded due to the security flaw?07:20
newbuntieso with cdrecord, should i download .img, .iso, or either one?07:20
moshein edgy, I mean07:20
urzits an emergency.  my mouse is too far for me to reach07:20
AlanHaggaiok Xenguy07:20
Xenguynewbuntie: cdrecord I expect07:20
progekI see, so every six months they release a new LTS, but dapper is the official, supported distro>07:20
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sontekstonarmusic: ~/.evolution/ ,  ~/.gconf/apps/evolution/ , and ~/.gnome2_private/Evolution  are the directories you need.  Not sure which one stores calendar info07:21
urzi used to use the keyboard on occasion to control the mouse cursor in debian.. why doesnt the trick work anymore?07:21
crimsunprogek: no. Whenever a release is deemed stable and maintainable for an LTS moniker07:21
newbuntiexenguy: no, my question is...if I use cdrecord and I'm given an option to download either .img file or .iso file, which should I download, or does it not matter?07:21
viddprogek: no...every 6 months the make a STANDARD release07:21
crimsunprogek: I wouldn't expect the next one to appear until, say, Feisty+207:21
stonarmusicsontek - ok, thanks07:22
XenguyAlanHaggai: I think thunderbird has an anti-spam function, but I don't know much about it as I don't use it ATM07:22
=== Jaws [n=Jaws@adsl-69-235-48-164.dsl.irvnca.pacbell.net] has joined #ubuntu
KenThomsonOne more time; did anyone go ove to my post? I REALLY need some help. Here it is again;" My questions are a lot context specific and wouldn't make much sense to type them out here (they are really long as you will see). So could some of you be kind enough and go over to: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=287650, and read my whole post (it is really long) and maybe answer my questions?". Sorry for interrupting07:22
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Xenguynewbuntie: .iso is better for burning I expect, if that is your question07:22
newbuntiexenguy thx07:22
=== Xenguy bows down before KenThomson ... :-)
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Xenguynewbuntie: yw07:23
JawsHow can I set the link target for a file?07:23
KenThomsonXenguy: Why so?07:23
urzrm -f filename targetname07:23
AlanHaggaiXenguy : I installed spamassassin07:23
XenguyKenThomson: I thought he invented Unix, but I may be remembering incorrectly07:23
AlanHaggaiXenguy : How to access it?07:23
=== Corporal_Dirge [n=Dirge@74-37-111-52.dsl1.ekgv.ca.frontiernet.net] has joined #ubuntu
progekI see, thanks a lot. I just upgraded. I have been using ubuntu since dapper first came out but a friend of mine has been trying to convince me to use fedora. I know fc6 just came out, I tried it but didn't like the package management system. Any advice versus using the two distros? I use my computer for C/C++, java, SDL application development along with hosting an apache web server.07:23
Jawsurz: Was that to me? doesnt rm remove the file?07:24
bawnpaln -s target filename07:24
=== gogeta [n=goku@c-71-227-74-103.hsd1.mi.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
gevaudanI accidently removed my checkgmail tray notification icon thinking the divider was not a part of the icon...i've reinstalled but i still can't get it back...tried ps -e | grep checkgmail and it is in fact running...where does gnome store information concerning the panel and tray icons?07:24
bawnpaln -s target source07:24
gogetabeen turble shooting a pc with toasted ram07:24
=== kazaru [n=kazaru@cpe-70-95-59-96.hawaii.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu
KenThomsonXenguy: i could use some help, if you could take some time out and hope on over to my forum post07:24
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gogetarams been replaced07:24
XenguyAlanHaggai: read the documentation in /usr/share/doc/spamassassin, and man spamassassin -- google too if you need to... the documentation is out there :-)07:24
gogetabut its still siget 1107:24
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gogetahe logs are not showing any memery problems  now07:24
AlanHaggaiXenguy : Thanks for the nice help :)07:25
=== jermsie [n=amplifie@203-109-251-29.static.bliink.ihug.co.nz] has joined #Ubuntu
rbilKenThomson:  Q-1 checkout ... http://gparted.sourceforge.net/livecd.php07:25
ubotuFor upgrading, see instructions at: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UpgradeNotes (you can also find this in the channel topic: type "/topic")  -  See also !downgrade07:25
KenThomsonrbil: Thank you for helping me, i am hoping-over to that link07:25
rbilKenThomson: Q2, not needed, Linux knows how to handle ram07:25
gogetai tryed that upgrade on my problemd pc07:25
XenguyAlanHaggai: I found I needed to setup the 'spam assassin learn' function (it uses Bayesian somethingorother to 'learn' spam email patterns :-)07:25
gogetatoasted the linux install07:25
bawnpaln creates links, rm deletes files.07:25
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XenguyAlanHaggai: I admit it requires a fair amount of reading, but once it is setup, it just keeps working07:26
rbilKenThomson: Q4 start here: http://rute.2038bug.com/rute.html.gz07:26
anto9usurz, did you notice your error there?07:26
KenThomsonrbil: Linux knows but what about some other stubborn programs, or if i see a really long video in Google, most of it is cached and stores in the swap or RAM, so i need to clear it up, Don't you think so?07:26
gogetawell the guys a newb he probly didnt read something right07:26
AlanHaggaithanks Xenguy07:26
jermsienewbs get it tough07:27
urzanto9us: what error07:27
crimsunKenThomson: 1) PartitionMagic. 2) You wouldn't worry about free memory or "bloating". Linux handles memory just fine. As for startup manager, BUM. 3) Use the alternate (text-based) installer image to be safe. 4) http://tldp.org  5) You can netboot into a Ubuntu installer. 6) Experimental. See Beryl. 7) "Bad" is subjective. Try it, but it's unofficial and unsupported, so don't complain here. 8) EDS: no. Corel/CS2: perhaps The GIMP. Winamp: A07:27
anto9usurz, rm instead of ln07:27
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anto9usurz, please take care, we have a lot of newbies here :)07:28
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bioticproanyone here use k9copy?  I have a problem with a dvd where it crashes when trying to copy it07:28
gogetayes noobs07:28
gogetanoobs are fun07:28
=== wally4 [n=mf@c-71-202-245-215.hsd1.ca.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
KenThomsonok i am listening if you got something more to say07:29
gogetabut now i need some help07:29
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AlanHaggaihow to add a program to load at startup?07:29
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gogetaim working on a pc with badram now replaced07:29
rbilKenThomson: believe me, coming from the Windoze world you'll be absolutely blown away about all the quality oss software available for Linux07:29
jdrakeAny ideas for an app to organize and schedule (i.e. now and in future) school assignments?07:29
crimsunKenThomson: to me? I addressed them as succinctly as possible. :)07:29
gogetait seems to till be giving single 11 at random07:29
styluswhy is the channel so fuuuulll, did ubuntu just make a release or something?07:30
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stylusoh, 6.10?07:30
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rbilstylus: it's always full of lurkers07:30
wally4hi all07:30
stylusrbil: obviously not this many.07:30
AlanHaggaiXenguy : how to add a program to load at startup?07:30
gogetanone hear deal with a badram pc07:30
rbilusually more07:30
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KenThomsoncrimsun: Thank you07:31
XenguyAlanHaggai: system > preferences > session  ?07:31
KenThomsonrbil: Thank you07:31
gogetai disable acpi and apic and it seem stable at the moment07:31
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AlanHaggaithanks again Xenguy :)07:31
=== jiping [n=jiping@c-24-91-155-0.hsd1.ma.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
XenguyAlanHaggai: np07:31
KenThomsonStill i dont get it about using which file-system for the Linux Partition07:31
=== Mugginsm [n=jennyj@203-211-99-53.ue.woosh.co.nz] has joined #ubuntu
wally4i can't get an environment variable to work, even though it is specified in the /etc/environment file07:31
AlanHaggaiI am a newbie in Linux07:31
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rbilKenThomson: you're welcome. one step at a time. believe me you'll learn to appreciate using a real operating system07:31
gogetaken what you mean07:31
gogetayou have a choice on witch fs you wanna use07:32
Mugginsmwell, I threw out the included eclipse and java, and downloaded upstream versions from Sun and Eclipse, and now I have working eclipse on edgy amd64 :)07:32
crimsunKenThomson: you don't need to specify an fs type. Just leave it unpartitioned.07:32
gogetariser or ex3 are most common07:32
Mugginsmand it's faaast07:32
jermsie*buts in* Ubuntu has frustrated me so much today.07:32
crimsunKenThomson: the installer will take care of initialising the fs "type."07:32
Xenguywally4: better to use ~/.bash_profile for environmental variables07:32
gogetaubuntu will default to ext307:32
jcvasquezthello everyone07:32
viddYEAH...i got my wire LAN back up07:33
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KenThomsongogeta: I was referring to my question on the forum. If you are interested to help, see here: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=28765007:33
viddnow can someone help with BCM43xx?07:34
=== E[m] ess [n=matt@CPE-124-178-79-96.wa.bigpond.net.au] has joined #ubuntu
KenThomsoncrimsun: But dont i need to select it from a whole list of fs, that ubuntu installer provides? I was looking for some answer like, X fs, is the most effecient (performance wise), and use Y fs, if you want it to be seen by windows too, something like that07:34
viddwindows will never see linux07:35
newbuntieis there a gui version of cdrecord (or another gui program that can burn an .iso image?)07:35
charle97the fs you use is really a personal preference07:35
MadpilotKenThomson, to answer your question #2 - Linux is far, far better at RAM management than Windows; no need for extra apps just for something like that.07:35
E[m] esshi, im getting an error that composite manager crashed twice in a minute and has been clsoed for teh session whenever i switch my WM from kwin to beryl. in beryl, all the window borders disappear and minimised windows show up, and i cant move any of them or use beryl effects, any ideas?07:35
crimsunKenThomson: if you're not sure, choosing the installer-provided default for fs type is a safe general case. There is no "best fs" in general; it's all application and use case-dependent.07:36
E[m] essnewbuntie: k3b07:36
rbilKenThomson: when Ubuntu installs it'll take care of it. ext3 for / and a swap partition will be created automatically. Windows partition will be resized. Or you can use that utility (bootable cd) to first resize what you want. Just leave empty space on hd for Ubuntu to use07:36
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XenguyKenThomson: if you like black magic, you'll love linux :-)07:37
MadpilotKenThomson, the installer's default is EXT3, which is fine - there's even an EXT3 driver available for XP07:37
rbilKenThomson: and forget about lettered drives like C, D, etc. Linux doesn't use that silliness. All drives will be mounted under your main file structure in Linux.07:37
jcvasquezti need some help with permissions in ubuntu...07:38
wally4Xenguy: I can't get ~/.bash_profile working either..07:38
whishupI'm trying to find information about the UUID fstab that I now see in Edgy, I'm trying to mount a new drive through the shell and am unsure what to do.07:38
Xenguywally4: break down the steps of what you are trying to do07:38
KenThomsongogeta: When i send a PM to you, I get a message like Private Messages for unregistered users are block due to spammers...so are you getting back my PMs or not?07:38
Xenguywally4: like what EV, what commands, etc.07:38
KenThomsonXenguy: what is black magic?07:38
MadpilotKenThomson, you need to register with FreeNode to be able to PM07:39
Madpilotubotu, tell KenThomson about register07:39
wally4Xenguy: export LM_LICENSE_FILE = "/blah/blah/license.dat"07:39
XenguyKenThomson: well, for example, their are 'daemons' running around your linux box right now =)07:39
KenThomsonMadpilot: So i can read EXT3 in Windows XP? does it mean that i can install programs (.exe) from Windows on a EXT3 partition and still use them to run in Windows, without any performace loss07:39
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KenThomsonMAdpilot: Whats the name of that driver, please?07:39
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MadpilotKenThomson, I doubt it, about the install part. And ask Google about EXT3 drivers for XP - I no longer run Windows at all07:40
rbilKenThomson: I wouldn't even if it was possible07:40
viddbut those deamons are no wher near as bad as the ghosts, spirits and devils in the standard windows mnachine07:40
=== Mikch [n=michael@m41.net195-132-219.noos.fr] has joined #ubuntu
KenThomsonrbil: So do i have a choice in which directory or logical drive or folder (i dont know what to call it in Linux), i install new programs from ubuntu?07:40
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jcvasquezti have an external drive, it is already mounted but i don't have writing permission on it, when i try do modify the permissions using chmod it says "Read- only file system"07:40
rbilKenThomson: not usually, it puts them automatically where they should be07:41
=== Alex_Palex [n=alex@adsl-130-236.38-151.net24.it] has joined #ubuntu
charle97kenthomson, create a special fat32 partition so that you can share files between ubuntu and windows07:41
=== Schalken [n=Schalken@cor9-ppp4677.mel.dsl.connect.net.au] has joined #ubuntu
KenThomsonvidd and Xenguy: Thanks for telling me my Linux Box can be haunted ;-)07:41
wally4Xenguy: which works fine from the prompt, but adding it to the end of bash_profile doesn't do anything..it gets called whenever i start a new terminal session right?07:41
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jcvasqueztthe same happens when i try to copy or erase a file in that disk07:41
rbilKenThomson: it's application installation is way ahead of anything Windoze offers, it's like comparing Photoshop to an Etch-A-Sketch07:42
Xenguywally4: OK, try this...07:42
viddno...not haunted....that is your windows box07:42
=== deep__ [i=HydraIRC@c-b22a71d5.017-19-626c671.cust.bredbandsbolaget.se] has joined #ubuntu
xarqI have windows installed on hda1, and ubuntu installed on another hard drive(hdc1).  is it possible for grub to boot windows?07:42
=== Alex_Palex [n=alex@adsl-130-236.38-151.net24.it] has joined #ubuntu
Schalkenwhere can i get the md5 for the edgy iso?07:42
Xenguywally4: try putting 2 lines (customized according to your specific needs)...07:42
=== HaroldJohnson [n=haroldjo@pool-71-105-92-10.lsanca.dsl-w.verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu
Xenguywally4: MAIL="/var/spool/mail/$USER" export MAIL07:42
MadpilotKenThomson, Linux doesn't use the Program Files method Windows does; instead apps get installed whereever they need to be, and tracked by the OS07:42
Xenguywally4: oops07:42
MadpilotSchalken, same place you got the ISO07:42
KenThomsonIs creating a fat32 partition the only way to make programs installed on that partition to be seen and run in Windows too? Or would ext3 work fine?07:42
=== Corporal_Dirge [n=Dirge@74-37-111-52.dsl1.ekgv.ca.frontiernet.net] has joined #ubuntu
temple_kidhello everyone! :-)07:42
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deep__xarq, yes it is :)07:43
Xenguywally4: the 2nd line is export MAIL07:43
temple_kidi am having some trouble connecting to a cifs share that i have created on my ubuntu pc.07:43
KenThomsonMadpilot: So  i dont need to worry about one of my logical drive being "full", will Linux automatically install a program to another drive if one of my logical drive becomes full?07:43
viddyou cant run linux programs on winbloze07:43
temple_kidcan someone help me?07:43
Xenguywally4: you may need to logout and log back in07:43
jdrakeI am on launchpad to report a bug, how do I attach the file the bug reporter asks me to attach?07:43
rbilKenThompson: keep your Windoze apps separate and away form Linux. Linux will be able to read/write to a FAT32 drive, which is where you can store data, like MP3s, etc.07:43
XenguyKenThomson: I love Hallowe'en :-)07:43
=== Parisi [n=parisi@cpe-72-224-62-129.nycap.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu
viddthe fat 32 is so you can share files....like that report you have to rite07:44
MadpilotKenThomson, I doubt it, but if you arrange your Linux root (/) to be large enough, you won't have many space issues - 10Gb should be fine07:44
monkey13How in the hell do I get WPA2 auth for my wireless to work?   Help Please...07:44
temple_kida little cifs help anyone?07:44
xarqdeep__: for some reason, grub couldn't find the drive when I tried (hd1,1) or (hd2,1) etc.  is this bad?07:44
KenThomsonI know that i cant run Windows program on Linux or the other way. What i am telling is that, i want to make a shared partition such that both Windows and Linux Program can be installed there + my work files, so that in the respective OS, the respective programs can be run, while the data can be shared07:44
=== zman3 [n=zman3@24-113-47-13.wavecable.com] has joined #ubuntu
gogeta<KenThomson> i messaged all your answers07:44
SchalkenMadpilot: okay found it didnt know i had to go into "other installation options"07:45
KenThomsongogeta: Thank you, <how do we make a kissing smily?> ;)07:45
E[m] essnobody uses beryl and aiglx in here?07:45
rbilKenThompson: you cannot install Linux applications on a FAT32 drive. It won't be able to handle the permissions required07:45
zman3i need some help on a few things if anyones got a momment 1) how can i tell what kernal im using?07:45
jcvasquezthi all, I'm having problems with permissions in my external hard drive, it says that is Read- only file system.... can someone help me?07:45
gogetawhen you resize windows ubuntu will auto set up for booting both oses07:45
MadpilotE[m] ess, #ubuntu-xgl07:45
=== timfrost [n=timfrost@125-237-80-168.jetstream.xtra.co.nz] has joined #ubuntu
E[m] essthanks :)07:45
=== Schalken [n=Schalken@cor9-ppp4677.mel.dsl.connect.net.au] has left #ubuntu ["Kopete]
deep__xarq, to be honest, i dont know. :/07:45
KenThomsonrbil: So than what type of partition should i use for my aforementioned requirement?07:45
deep__xarq, but i am sure you can boot into windows, if you know where windows is.07:46
rbilKenThomson: don't worry about, the installation will take care of what you need in terms of Linux requirements.07:46
=== MrRothstein_ [n=MrRothst@c-68-33-83-179.hsd1.md.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
gogetayes just dont slect use entire drive lol07:46
=== mythtv [n=mythtv@ip70-162-71-25.ph.ph.cox.net] has joined #ubuntu
rbilKenThomson: for Windoze requirements you know what you need and that is no concern of Linux.07:46
deep__xarq, it isnt harder then selecting that partition as root, it will do the rest by itself07:46
Geoffrey2KenThomson, best bet is to install Windows on one partition, Linux a second, then create a third you save all your data files too...THAT partition can be either FAT32 or ext3....doesn't matter which07:46
MadpilotKenThomson, assuming you'll be dual-booting XP & Ubuntu, you'll need one NTFS partition (XP & it's apps), one FAT32 partition (for sharing *data* between the two) and two EXT3 partions for Ubuntu - one for root, one for home07:47
viddjcvasquezt: set chmod -R to the desired permission level using sudo07:47
mythtvHow do I tell gnome to let me move windows above the top pane?07:47
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xarqdeep__: ok, I think I've found the right settings on google.  thanks!07:47
monkey13E[m] ess:  I just joined in, I use beryl and aiglx.07:47
=== fowlduck [n=duck@68-190-90-101.dhcp.mdsn.wi.charter.com] has joined #ubuntu
gogetai assume ken aruldy has xp installed07:47
Xenguymythtv: alt-mouse  ?07:47
gogetaso gpartations only need to resize it07:47
=== benlake [n=benlake@c-71-199-219-0.hsd1.co.comcast.net] has left #ubuntu []
temple_kidany samba users here?07:47
E[m] essmonkey13: im getting an error that composite manager crashed twice in a minute and has been clsoed for teh session whenever i switch my WM from kwin to beryl. in beryl, all the window borders disappear and minimised windows show up, and i cant move any of them or use beryl effects, any ideas?07:47
gogetawitch if i rember can do safly now07:48
KenThomsonMadpilot, geoffrey2, rbil Thank you07:48
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rbilyou're welcome. goog luck and welcome to Ubuntu Linux07:48
mythtvXenguy:  I mean like how beryl has a setting in gconf-editor that lets you move the window above the top panel.  Doesn't just plain gnome have something similar?07:48
wally4Xenguy: yes i've already tried it as two lines, no luck07:48
viddtemple_kid: i use it07:48
Xenguymythtv: dunno07:48
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temple_kidvidd: i am having some trouble with it.07:48
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Werdna~tell me about WLAN07:49
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ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about WLAN - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi07:49
viddtemple_kid:: what issue you having?07:49
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zman3i need some help on a few things if anyones got a momment 1) how can i tell what kernal im using? and what kernal i need for a dual core amd to run xgl07:49
temple_kidwhen i am trying to access my cifs share drive (that i created using samba). it is asking for a username and password.07:49
jcvasqueztvidd, what do you mean using sudo?07:49
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Xenguywally4: you'll have to go/explain step-by-step, I guess, until an error presents itself -- unless you are stubborn enough to fix it yourself07:49
=== MTecknology [n=MTecknol@AdrianDHCP-248.216-16-86.iw.net] has joined #ubuntu
KenThomsonSo in my 40GB HDD, 10GB (NTFS) is for Windows XP + it's apps, 10GB (ext3) is for Linux + it's apps, 20GB (fat32 or what?, should NTFS or ext3 work here?) is for data sharring like mp3s, video, files.07:49
Werdnawhat's the factoid for WLAN?07:49
urzzman3: uname -a07:49
temple_kidi am entering my username and password on ubuntu pc (which is where i have setup the samba share)07:50
temple_kidand it doesn't seem to work.07:50
riakann man auf deutsch schreiben?07:50
rbilKenThomson: use FAT32 to share data between the 2 os's07:50
Xenguywally4: I meant to add a smiley :-)07:50
gogeta<KenThomson> is windows currently installed?07:50
snoopsblah fat32 is crap07:50
zman3ok im using i686 is that ok for amd dual core?07:50
KenThomsonNow just as i am digesting this; Madpilot says this "and two EXT3 partions for Ubuntu - one for root, one for home". So i need 2 partitions of Ubuntu specifically? Cant it manage on a single Partition?07:50
snoopsuse the windows ext3 driver from fs-driver.org to share between linux and windows07:51
vidd<jcvasquezt>: in comand line, cd to your drive07:51
Xenguysnoops: yeah, it's only useful for sharing writeable data =)07:51
MadpilotKenThomson, it can, but two is better07:51
KenThomsongogeta: This is being typed from Windows XP pro07:51
gogeta<KenThomson> many users use diffrent setups07:51
wally4~/.bash_profile I add two lines to the bottom of the file07:51
newbuntiewhat software do I use to create some kind of a backup procedure?07:51
vidd<jcvasquezt>: then type sudo chmod -R  then set the desired permissions07:51
rbilKenThompson, one can setup more than 2 ext3 partitions. everyone has an opinion. go with the default install.07:51
wally4LM_LICENSE_FILE = "~/Desktop/modeltech/license.dat"07:51
kazaruhello any one here know how to solve the "hw_random: RNG not detected" error during boot?07:51
gogeta<KenThomson> ok then when you slect manul partationg from the installer your going to see ntfs07:51
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wally4export LM_LICENSE_FILE07:51
crimsunkazaru: that's not an error.07:51
gogeta<KenThomson>that is windows07:51
temple_kid<vidd> can you help me understand where i am going wrong with my samba share?07:52
KenThomsongogeata: ok....07:52
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wally4shouldn't that get executed every time I start a terminal session?07:52
rbilgogeta: too complicated. let him get his feet wet and he can reshuffle things around later if he wants to07:52
kazaruwhat is it crimsun07:52
vidd<jcvasquezt>: the command "sudo" means "do as su [blank]  (AKA root)07:52
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crimsunkazaru: it's an informational message, aka warning.07:52
gogetarbil he whants to run both oses07:52
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gogetahes gona need to resize07:52
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vidd<temple_kid>: i will try07:52
rbilI know, but he certainly doesn't need 2 ext3 partitions07:53
highnekoHelp please; http://rafb.net/paste/results/O6sqVn58.html07:53
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vidd<temple_kid>: what is (or is not) happening07:53
xipietotecI have a file owned by root in the trash bin that I can't delete from trash...and It won't see it in the command line because it's a hidden file07:53
gogetai did say he did07:53
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gogetai didnt07:53
Xenguywally4: remove the spaces, and hardcode /home/$USER instead of ~07:53
anyhello everybody07:53
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Xenguywally4: that's about all I can suggest; everything else looks correct to me07:53
rbilI thought you suggested / /home swap, but maybe it was someone else. sorry07:53
temple_kid<vidd> when i enter my username/password of my ubuntu login, it basically tells me its an invalid combination.07:53
jcvasqueztvidd, as root i type: root@juancamilo:/media# chmod u+w Outsider207:53
jcvasqueztchmod: changing permissions of `Outsider2': Read-only file system07:53
gogeta<KenThomson> your gonna wanna resize windows you dont need to give linux all the space maybe 10 gigd or so and leave the rest to windows07:54
newbuntiewhat software do I use to do backups? for example how do I do regular backups to another harddrive07:54
temple_kid<vidd> i don't know what other username/password it could be looking for.07:54
Xenguywally4: you could try some simpler EV tests to see if it even works in principle too07:54
Cam-hi, im just about to try out 6.10.. im running a AMD 64 X2 Dual Core 4200, should i run the AMD64 version or the i386 version. is performance increased? are their just as many 64bit packages as i386?07:54
rbilnewbuntie: you can look at a prog called rdiff-backup07:54
Xenguywally4: like PATH or some such07:54
gogeta<KenThomson> then you make a linux partation from the unallacted space ext3 i guess leave a bit left for swap07:54
vidd<temple_kid> when you set up your samba share, you were required to give it a user name and password.....that is what it wants07:55
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gogeta<KenThomson> between 512 and 1 gig for swap depending on how mutch ram you have left07:55
KenThomsongogeta: You PMed me to say that Linux 6.10 supports 3d desktop out of the box, but i need to install nvidia drivers for it ( i have nvidia fx 5200 - 128MB - Graphics Card), But you aslo said that Ubuntu installs nvidia drivers by default.07:55
vidd<temple_kid> or are you trying to log in to your machine remotely?07:55
xipietotecI have a file owned by root in the trash bin that I can't delete from trash...and It won't see it in the command line because it's a hidden file07:55
jack|assIs flash broken on Firefox in Edgy?07:55
xipietotechow do I delete it from command line?07:55
gogeta<KenThomson> the fx serisesupports 2d out of the box07:55
Xenguyxipietotec: ls -a  ?07:55
Xenguyxipietotec: should show hidden files07:56
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gogeta<KenThomson> however for 3d you will need to install the nivida drivers07:56
KenThomsongogeta: So do i have 3d Desktop out of the box, or do i need to get some EXTRA drivers for 3D? Where do i get the 3D drivers from?07:56
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snoopsCam- I've tried the amd64 and i386 of 6.06 and really, the amd64 is brilliant if you want to do server stuff..but I had problems with it with some applications, and some older apps didn'thave 64bit support at all..for a server I'd go with 64bit in a second.. for a desktop..not quite yet07:56
xipietotecI'm trying rm -rf and it doesn't delete it07:56
Xenguyxipietotec: 'rm' to delete07:56
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temple_kid<vidd> i didn't see where i could enter the username and password. i setup via System>Administration>Shared Folders and I saw no option for a username/password combo.07:56
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gogeta<KenThomson> the easest way would to enable the unvers from apt and simple install them07:56
Cam-Cheers snoops.07:56
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vidd<temple_kid> let me look at it right quick07:57
urzxipietotec: ls -a shows hidden files07:57
temple_kid<vidd> thanks vidd really appreciate your help!07:57
xipietotecw00t...finally, figured out what I was doing wrong...07:57
Xenguyxipietotec: what?07:57
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xipietotecXenguy: the file was named .trash (in lower case) so I was real afraid of deleting .Trash so I was attempting to direct rm -rf to it, and it didn't like that really07:58
snoopsCam- oh one thing though, with the i386 edition, I had to install the -smp enabled kernel for it to notice my dual core processor07:58
whishupHow do I find out where my new IDE drive is? I've already formatted it to etx3 but when I try to mount it (/dev/hdc/) it says it cant find it.07:58
vidd<temple_kid> do you have the sare folder as read only?07:58
Xenguyxipietotec: ic07:58
Cam-i heard there was significant improvement on the ntfs module that enables write?07:58
temple_kid<vidd> no.07:58
Cam-its been a while since ive touched linux, last time i remembered write was extremely dodgy and caused fs corruption07:59
xipietotecthe linux version of Freespace 2 is a maze to install07:59
vidd<temple_kid> how are you trying to access this folder?07:59
Cam-cheers snoops, ill do that07:59
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xipietotecI can't even make sense of it07:59
Cam-doesnt detect the dual core on install and auto install smp?07:59
rbilwhishup: what does sudo fdisk -l tell you?07:59
whishuprbil: checking07:59
temple_kid<vidd> the cifs share is setup on my ubuntu box and i am trying to access it via MAC OS X.08:00
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gogeta<KenThomson> thers 2 sets of drivers opensource with on the fx cards only supports 2d08:00
nevermindbuenas noches :)08:00
whishuprbil: /dev/hdc1               1       38913   312568641   83  Linux08:00
temple_kid<vidd> Mac OS X supports cifs shares08:00
gogeta<KenThomson> the second are from nivida themselfs witch supports 3d08:00
nevermindsry, wrong language :P08:00
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gogeta<KenThomson> by default ubuntu only includs the opensource08:00
whishuprbil: I missed the 1!08:00
nevermindi'm having a problem with the optin "blanktime" in xorg, anyone has an idea of it?08:01
whishupI think its mounted, checking08:01
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temple_kid<vidd> it does seem to work as it picks up my ubuntu box and also the share name. just doesn't like the username/password combo08:01
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snoopsCam- it didn't for 6.06 dapper, hopefully it does auto install the smp one for edgy08:01
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KenThomsongogeta: So i go to Nvidia's website, download the "offical drivers", install them somehow ( i dont know how i am going to manage all this on Linux), and than i shall have 3d desktop, right?08:02
whishuprbil: Yep! Free Space: 278.3 GB08:02
basilfHow do I get root access in a file manager use to just login as root to make changes sudo su and command lines are a pain can anyone tell me how to get file manager run under root with less than 10 commands to get to it08:02
whishupNow to get it into fstab =)08:02
rbilnice size08:02
Mugginsmedgy picked up my dual-core Athlon64 just fine08:02
gogeta<KenThomson> diont even need tro do that08:02
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whishupThanks, preparing to clear out a windows box with 6 drives (Collecting the data to one drive)08:02
vidd<temple_kid>do you have the permissions of the folder set so ALL are able to read/Write/Exicute?08:02
gogeta<KenThomson> you enable all the sources in ubuntu then simply apt-get install nivida-glx08:02
os2macanyone wifi smart?08:02
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gogeta<KenThomson> thers a guide08:03
gogeta<KenThomson> showing all the ways tro do it08:03
=== eigenlambda [n=daesotho@216-15-119-166.c3-0.nwt-ubr2.sbo-nwt.ma.cable.rcn.com] has joined #ubuntu
eigenlambdai just upgraded to edgy08:03
gogeta<KenThomson> its abought 3 commands and your done08:03
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eigenlambdaand gnome crashes on startup now08:03
eigenlambdaso does failsafe gnome.  i'm here in the failsafe terminal.08:04
whishuprbil: When I browse it through nataulis I can't create a folder or file (Right clicking)08:04
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gogeta<eigenlambda> same thing happonds to my frend trying to update08:04
temple_kid<vidd> yes i have all the permissions. its my home directory on ubuntu by the way.08:04
rbilwhishup how does fstab list it?08:05
eigenlambdagogeta: swell.08:05
gogeta<eigenlambda> i did it from cd08:05
jcvasqueztvidd, i'm sorry, it's not working yet.08:05
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gogeta<eigenlambda> try passing init 3 so x doesent start08:05
gogeta<eigenlambda> and reconferging it08:05
whishuprbil: /dev/hdc        /media/320gb    auto    0       008:05
samianyone using edgy with openbox? what commands i should put to autostart.sh script.. i want openbox with some basic gnome operations.. like powersaving etc08:05
whishuprbil: Am I missing rw?08:05
eigenlambdareconfigure x... yeah, i've been doing that for a while08:05
hap0These bugs and glitches are getting kind of old...08:06
KenThomsongogeta: You were talking about a guide or 3-commands, i could appreciate if you could outline them or link to the guide for me. This is in reference to using 3d official nivida drivers for my fx 5200 graphics card08:06
eigenlambdaapparently, the ati driver is completely wrong08:06
jcvasqueztvidd, i type sudo chmod -R u+w drive name, but i can't move files to that drive08:06
gogeta<eigenlambda> oh yes i knoe that bug08:06
sontekWhats the best way to go about compiling my own custom kernel but getting the .config from the ubuntu kernel so I can see all of its settings08:06
eigenlambdaand, it crashes in some glx thing08:06
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hap0I'm booted into Edgy, and it won't install because it says I haven't chosen a partition for the root file system...08:06
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eigenlambdagogeta: what's the bug?08:06
gogeta<eigenlambda> manuly set the memery it will run08:06
Larsis there a faq on howto get the ubuntu.iso onto a usbpen and use it as an install"cd"08:07
gogeta<eigenlambda> i just paseed 80000 worked fine08:07
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eigenlambdano, it says wrong version08:07
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Parisignite all08:07
gogeta<eigenlambda> did it forget to update the kernel08:07
=== KenThomson is now known as KenThomson_
rbilwhishup: try this ... /dev/hdc1/mnt/newdriveext3defaults  0 0      .... whatever u want to call mount point and better under mnt than media as that is where removables typically get mounted08:07
vidd<jcvasquezt>you need to cd to the drive...ie cd /media/hdc4/08:07
eigenlambdalol i don't even know08:07
michae1Does someone know how I can get a custom resolution to work with the nvidia-glx drivers?08:08
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babois there any .deb that will set up a chrooted mysql/apache setup ?08:08
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rbilwhishup: get the correct spaces in that line!08:08
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hap0michael: Give it up, it won't work.08:08
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gogeta<eigenlambda> where you using the download ati drivers?08:08
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viddjcvasquezt: THEN sudo chmod -R a+w08:09
whishuprbil: /dev/hdc1       /media/320gb    auto    defaults        0       0 (This is a temporary mount to move 250gbs of data)08:09
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hap0Been there done that, and now I'm fussing with Edgy and it can't understand that '/' is the mount point for a root filesystem08:09
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viddjcvasquezt you want to set it as either (a)ll or (g)roup....08:09
michae1hap0: It works fine with the the default drivers08:09
whishuprbil: I missed ext308:09
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rbilwhishup: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/29016/08:10
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gogetaken hear is a automated driver installer08:10
viddjcvasquezt because you as the main account are part of the SUPER USER group (like root is)08:10
jcvasqueztvidd, all is fine,08:10
hap0Yeah if your happy with two choices 1024x768 || 640x480 on a card that supports 1600x1200... Yep, works just fine.08:10
viddjcvasquezt you are setting it so that root and everyone BUT you can write08:10
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eigenlambdai have linux-image-386 and linux-restrictied-modules 2.6.17-1008:10
blobaughwill: you are a loser and i hate you08:11
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eigenlambdagogeta: no, i was using ubuntu-supplied drivers08:11
blobaughwill: what the heck are you in here for anyways?08:11
gogetaeven better08:11
viddjcvasqueztits working now?08:11
gogetaa guide fr everything you need to knoe08:11
eigenlambda(i try to do things the ubuntu way because i don't want much trouble... lol)08:11
viddjcvasquezt is it working now08:11
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whishuprbil: Ok, I am going to try to reboot. I've checked (http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/29016/) and did a mount -a but I still cant make a folder in it. I think maybe rebooting this might do the trick.08:12
hap0gogeta: Yeah Edgy, the release that can't figure out how to mount the root filesystem to '/'08:12
eigenlambdawhich is why it was so weird when it said that i had the wrong version of the 'ati' driver.08:12
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eigenlambdathat's free software and should be updated with x.08:12
michae1hap0: I can get 15+ resolutions to work with the defeault drivers and I can get a custom refreshrate when it doesnt have one that I want, but I cant get it to work with the nvidia drivers.08:12
blobaugh!seen will08:12
ubotuwill is on IRC right now!08:12
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SambristaHello everybody!! I've installed ubuntu edgy and my ttys doesn't show my language's special characters correctly. Can anyone tell me how to set it?08:12
gogeta<eigenlambda> humm oss drivers failing08:12
blobaugh;seen will08:12
rbilwhishup: reboot shouldn't be necessary  mount -a will reread the fstab08:13
eigenlambdai use alsa, wouldn't know.08:13
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whishuprbil: ok08:13
hap0michael: Exactly my point.08:13
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gogeta<eigenlambda> did you do upgrade or dist upgrade08:13
urzthe great tragic romance of will and blobaugh08:13
eigenlambdai used the upgrade tool08:13
DeadSouLIs there any Chineese who can register me an QQ acount?08:13
gogetadist then08:13
viddurz they married or something? they act it08:13
eigenlambdai was all, gksudo 'update-manager -c'08:13
whishuprbil: I wonder if its simple permmissions?08:14
gogetaand thers a driver problem with x08:14
hap0michael: I was referring to the defaults following the nvidia-glx install.08:14
whishuprbil: Thats what it is =)08:14
rbilon the mnt/...08:14
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whishuprbil: yes, so I'll chown to nobody?08:14
whishupor.. lol wait08:14
gogeta<eigenlambda> i think maybe the updater skiped something08:14
Werdnahey, I'm having trouble with my WLAN adapter (Netgear WG121), which I previously got working using the instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs/Device/NetgearWG111 - and suddenly stopped working. wlan0 no longer appears as an option.08:14
eigenlambdawell.  fglrx failed me... so i tried to fall back to ati, but it said that was the wrong version.08:14
fnfAnyone has an idea of what is the purpose of linux-server and linux-image-server in my Dapper server installation ?. Ubuntu seemed to have included it by default in, but it's no loger necessary after upgrading 10 15.27.08:14
dre_hi, ive been looking into Edgy and FC6... is it easy to use the FC6 theme in Ubuntu? (is there a howto on this somewhere?)08:15
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jcvasqueztvidd, is not working, this is what i get: juancamilo@juancamilo:/$ cd media/Outsider208:15
jcvasqueztjuancamilo@juancamilo:/media/Outsider2$ sudo chmod -R a+w08:15
jcvasqueztchmod: missing operand after `a+w'08:15
jcvasqueztTry `chmod --help' for more information.08:15
eigenlambdagogeta: ok... but apt-get upgrade and apt-get dist-upgrade don't show anythnig08:15
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gogeta<eigenlambda> boot into init 3 you pass that in the boot loader then try running apt-get update ## apt-get dist-upgrade see if it does anything08:15
temple_kidany CIFS users here?08:15
whishuprbil: Is there something I should be doing other than chown'ing to nobody? Or should I chown it to whishup08:15
hap0dre_: I'd recommend FC6.08:15
michae1hap0: Well I can get the same 15+ resolutions with the nvidia drivers, except the custom refreshrate that worked with nv doesn't work with nvidia08:15
rbilwhishup: why chown at all? give write permissions to all08:16
viddjcvasquezt that usually means it completed without errors08:16
eigenlambdawhy would apt-get act any differently after a reboot and without starting x?08:16
rbilyou want all users to be able to write to it, no?08:16
viddjcvasquezt can you write to is now?08:16
whishuprbil: Ok, I am unsure how to go about that. I know, simple question08:16
whishuprbil: yes08:16
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rbilman chmod08:16
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hap0michael: Congratulations. You must have lucked out. Are you using 6.06 or 6.10 edgy?08:16
gogeta<eigenlambda> you said your in recovery mode08:16
temple_kidCan anyone please help me with a CIFS question?08:16
eigenlambdaim in failsafe terminal08:16
whishuprbil: lol, got it =)08:16
basilfHow do I get root access in a file manager use to just login as root to make changes sudo su and command lines are a pain can anyone tell me how to get file manager run under root with less than 10 commands to get to it08:17
eigenlambdabecause gnome crashes08:17
michae1hap0: 6.06.108:17
whishuprbil: fstab made me forget 5 years of linux08:17
eigenlambdabut failsafe terminal doesn't08:17
eigenlambdafor some reason08:17
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gogeta<eigenlambda> ok did you try dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg08:17
jcvasqueztvidd, error while copying to "/media/Outsider2". you do not have permissions to write to this folder.08:17
Ademaneigenlambda: what happens when gnoem crashes?08:17
stonarmusictemple_kid - what's the question?08:17
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eigenlambdait loads up08:17
eigenlambdaup until the panels show up08:17
dre_hap0: thanks, another thing I've been reading about is upstart in Edgy... is there a big difference between FC6 vs Edgy's boot time?08:17
eigenlambdadoesn't show anything on them08:17
=== Jaws [n=Jaws@adsl-69-235-48-164.dsl.irvnca.pacbell.net] has joined #ubuntu
Synner_Problems compiling gnomba in Ubuntu Dapper Drake.. anyone care to help me with the Error?08:17
hap0michael: That's really great. That's exactly what I've got here and only have two options. More power two you. Im08:17
eigenlambdaoh yeah, the icons show up on the desktop08:18
viddjcvasquezt chown the drive to yourself then08:18
urzsudo file-manager-prog08:18
whishuprbil: Thank you for the help!, all is working.08:18
gogeta<eigenlambda> oh i thought you said x wasent loading08:18
temple_kid<stonarmusic> i setup a cifs share on my ubuntu desktop using samba08:18
eigenlambdathen, the screen goes white08:18
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rbilfine, :-)08:18
Ademandre_: right now it doesnt really make a difference because even though its using upstart, it still folows the old systemV boot routine08:18
viddjcvasquezt sudo chown [input username here] 08:18
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=== stonarmusic nods
Synner_Problems compiling gnomba in Ubuntu Dapper Drake.. anyone care to help me with the Error?08:18
eigenlambdaand then it displays something that looks like a virtual console08:18
Ademandre_: but i believe they're changing that in the next version08:18
hap0dre_: Well, not so much that would make a huge difference as long as FC6 works it's way ahead of this IMO.08:18
temple_kid<stonarmusic> now i am trying to access it on my mac os x box and its asking me for a username/password08:18
Ademaneigenlambda: wierd wierd wierd08:18
eigenlambdabut you can't use it, and it has some flickering white junk08:18
eigenlambdathen, it goes back to gdm08:19
gogeta<eigenlambda> did you try reconfgured gdm08:19
basilfThanks for nothing08:19
temple_kid<stonarmusic> i don't know what username/password to give as i didn't setup one while setting up the cifs share.08:19
JawsAnyone here know how to get flash 9 working on the 64bit version?  I've been trying for a while, but to no avail.  I've been trying to follow this although i cant get it to work08:19
michae1hap0: Well have you gone thru the command: sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg ?08:19
Thorpehwar driving is illegal right ?08:19
Thorpehin the us08:19
rbilThorpeh: only if you're caught08:19
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temple_kid<stonarmusic> i tried using my ubuntu username/password and that doesn't seem to work.08:19
viddrbil lol08:19
JawsThorpeh: Actually I dont think it is if they dont secure it08:20
gogeta<eigenlambda> hummmmm seems gnome itsself is failing08:20
rbilThorpeh: like jaywalking08:20
hap0michael: yep, and I'm a linux certified pro on top of that, so config files are nothing to me.08:20
dre_thanks for answering hap0 & Ademan08:20
viddjcvasquezt any luck?08:20
stonarmusictrmple_kid - can you set it up again, this time with a user/pass that you know?08:20
michae1How I can get a custom resolution to work with the nvidia-glx drivers?08:21
gogeta<eigenlambda> have you tryed just reinstalling gnome08:21
rbilThorpeh: you are only doing security checks and intend to tell victims, I mean open AP users, to secure their systems08:21
stonarmusictemple_kid - to be honest I've never shared from ubuntu to win/mac, only the other way around.08:21
jcvasqueztjuancamilo@juancamilo:/media/Outsider2$ sudo chown juancamilo08:21
jcvasqueztchown: missing operand after `juancamilo'08:21
jcvasqueztTry `chown --help' for more information.08:21
Synner_Anyone looking for some extra cash?  I could use the help and im willing to pay08:21
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temple_kid<stonarmusic> i have tried setting it up a few times, but it doesn't ask me for a username/password when i set it up.08:21
hap0I'm just burned out on this whole thing. I just thought I would try one more time before buying a used Mac. Looks like that's my next step at this point.08:21
viddjcvasquezt man chown08:21
eigenlambdahow do i do that?08:21
dortoany recommendation for a popular podcast aggregator tool for edgy? podracer, ipodder?08:21
rbilhap0: just think of the hassles of getting Ubuntu on a Mac08:22
stonarmusictemple_kid - are you using the command line?08:22
JawsAnyone know a repository where I can get flashplugin-nonfree for x86_64?08:22
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hap0I've given Ubuntu several tries over the last couple years, and I'm done.08:22
eigenlambdareinstall gnome?08:22
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temple_kid<stonarmusic> no i set it up via System>Administration>Shared Folders08:22
crimsunhap0: enjoy your mac, then.08:22
hap0rbil: Wrong. I've been using OSX at work and it just works.08:23
Synner_Anyone looking for some extra cash?  I could use the help and im willing to pay08:23
rbilhap0: yeh sure. works the way Apple wants it to work.08:23
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hap0Thanks crimsun. I hope to see Linux come of age some day.08:23
dortohap0: Mac should lose out to GNU/Linux at least in one area: number of applications supported08:23
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eigenlambdaare there any nice logs from gnome to look at?08:23
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mefistofelesim looking for cash!08:23
viddjcvasquezt sudo chown juancamilo *08:23
Xenguyhap0: just use whatever works, and whatever you are happy with08:23
Synner_mefisto: you good with Ubuntu?08:24
viddjcvasquezt i thgink thats the right command08:24
bef0rdmefistofeles, 08:24
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mefistofelesSynner_, actually no :S08:24
mefistofelestoo bad08:24
dortoI always come back to GNU/Linux from Mac for the simple reason that there are soooo many apps for GNU/Linux08:24
hap0I don't need 16 different ways to edit a config file, and besides, it already comes with vi and emacs so I can use which ever one I feel like at the time.08:24
nevermindSynner_: what is ti that you need?08:24
michae1hap0: Well Linux can really be hit or miss.08:24
Xenguydorto: it's also about 'freedom' ultimately08:24
rbilhap0: /join osx ... have fun!08:25
eigenlambdaso the error message in the /var/log/Xorg.log.0 is08:25
gogeta<eigenlambda> apt-get remove gnome08:25
eigenlambdaer, xorg.log.whatever08:25
stonarmusictemple_kid - i'm not sure how to do it like that. i used to use the command line, something like this ' mount -t cifs //my/ubuntu/shared/folder/path username=whatever,password=whatever, \\win_or_mac/shared_folder'08:25
Synner_nevermind: compile problems with Gnomba..  basic questions.. apache2.. samba..  server questions.. security08:25
eigenlambdalol r u serious??08:25
eigenlambdak can't hurt08:25
hap0I'll make sure to use emacs to log back into irc from osx, log a bug report from www, and send an email to the list once i've got my late model g4.08:25
eigenlambdashouldn't that be --purge remove?08:25
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temple_kid<stonarmusic> its ok i will search the internet. i thought someone here might have a quick answer.08:25
dortoXenguy, yeah, some people just are ready to use whatever is available for a platform. Some like me want to search for the tool that best fits my taste and then stick with it08:25
gogeta<eigenlambda> workd to08:25
stonarmusictemple_kid - sorry08:25
temple_kid<stonarmusic> thanks for you help. really appreciate it!08:26
dortoGNU/Linux gives me the freedom to chose from many options08:26
gogeta<eigenlambda> then install it again08:26
nevermindSynner_: ui'm good with: basic questions, samba, some server things and aslo some security08:26
eigenlambdashoudn't it be --purge remove though?08:26
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gogeta<eigenlambda> purge then08:26
nevermindbut just ask, i'll tell you what i can08:26
michae1hap0: ...well Linux suffers from all the talented develepors more interested in features than usability08:26
viddjcvasquezt sorry....but i have to rack out.... i got to go to work in 3 hours08:26
Xenguydorto: I look to the long run, and I see free software is what I need :-)08:26
mefistofelesmichae1, thats true08:26
KenThomsoncrimsun:  You can netboot into a Ubuntu installer. Does that mean that without a "burned cd" with Ubuntu 6.10, i still can install it? I have the 6.10 ISO on HDD. Can someone suggest me how to install 6.10 without burning a CD.  I dont have a writer08:26
eigenlambdaPackage gnome is not installed, so not removed08:27
eigenlambda'k.  installing gnome then.08:27
gogeta<eigenlambda> lol08:27
rbilXenguy: and no nothing about writing docs for endusers08:27
gogeta<eigenlambda> i would say thats the problem08:27
gogeta<eigenlambda> lol08:27
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jcvasqueztvidd, thanks anyway08:27
eigenlambdawait.  doesn't ubuntu-desktop depend on gnome?08:27
Xenguyrbil: that varies08:27
jcvasqueztvidd, it says: chown: changing ownership of `Videos': Read-only file system08:27
jcvasqueztto all the files08:27
dortoXenguy, one example is Internet Explorer. Just because it already had the monopoly and it was non-free, the creators never bothered to improve it for 5 long years08:27
eigenlambdabut ubutu-desktop is prefectly fine08:28
gogeta<eigenlambda> yes lol08:28
rbilXenguy: yep from bad to worse, usually08:28
gogeta<eigenlambda> gnome is the windows manager08:28
Xenguyrbil: often documentation is quite good08:28
jcvasqueztvidd, but it does not work08:28
wally4Xenguy: if I do $source ~/.bash_profile ... then the export works..but if I just start a new terminal session then it doesn't work08:28
gogeta<eigenlambda> beingit wasent there well thats why it crashed08:28
eigenlambdagnome wants to install abiword and stuff.08:28
KenThomsonCan someone tell me from where do i control the programs that automatically run at Startup (like in Windows you can use 'msconfig')08:28
Xenguydorto: yeah, IE is a dog08:28
rbilXenguy: on some other guy's blog08:28
dortousers lose out in the end08:28
gogeta<eigenlambda> yea let it its a entire packge08:28
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gogeta<eigenlambda> you can remove them later if you dnt whant them08:28
nevermindKenThomson: in system/preferences/sessions08:29
crimsunKenThomson: you boot your computer over the network.08:29
urz KenThomson, see /etc/rc.d/*08:29
daywalkerHey ----> i've im running dapper.I have 2 sessions at boot 1 is xgl, id like to updgrade to 6.1, do i need to get rid of compiz & install beryl??08:29
viddjcvasquezt your going to need to ask around.....i really need to sleep....i came her cuzz my wifi didnt work after upgradeing to edgy08:29
Xenguywally4: hrm, so ~/.bash_profile is not being sourced at login ?08:29
KenThomsoncrimsun: How do i boot my computer over the network?08:29
hap0michael: Yes, and that's kind of where I'm at right now, and I'd just like to stop losing time to all of it and move on to doing something more fun than what feels like a constant serious of being tripped over a forgotten connection between xorg.conf and the GUI, or the ability to simply mount '/' to hda2 like I had the last time without receiving the complaint that I have designated a freakin' root filesystem...08:29
wally4Xenguy: I guess not?08:29
jcvasqueztvidd. thanks a lot for the help08:29
gogeta<eigenlambda> well we all knoe the updater  forgets to install the window managers now lol08:30
goonI can't manage to compile beagle: "configure: error: missing the mono.pc file, usually found in the mono-devel package"08:30
Xenguywally4: maybe you need to source ~/.bashrc from within ~/.bash_profile  ?08:30
goonand mono-devel is already installed08:30
=== Xenguy checks...
gooncould someone help me?08:30
crimsunKenThomson: via PXE. The Ubuntu wiki has some instructions.08:30
daywalkerdo i need to uninstall xgl before upgrading to edgy?08:30
khaije1hi, whats the prefered vnc server for ubuntu?08:30
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gogetaday walker no08:30
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gogetaedgy has aiglx installed in xorg08:31
eigenlambdadaywalker: potentially.  not doing that made my computer crash.08:31
michae1How do I force nvidia drivers to use a certain rrefreshrate?08:31
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rbilkhaije1: system ...preferences ... remote desktop?08:31
gogetaedgy does not need xgl08:31
Xenguywally4: that's what my default ~/.bash_profile does, by default08:31
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hap0I'll give it another try in a couple years, but until then this is it. I'm done.08:32
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Xenguywally4: it's 3 lines of shell script if you need it08:32
hap0gogeta: No, edgy needs to mount root.08:32
gogetamine did fine08:32
JawsDoes anyone know of flash 9 works for the 64bit version of ubuntu?08:32
gogetathe installer said it nedded to08:32
gogetai hit next08:32
dortokhaije1, vnc server comes with most of the GNOME desktops these days...you might be searching for a client08:32
gogetait did08:32
eigenlambdaok.  seeing how well gnome failsafe works now...08:32
hap0I hit next and it complained that my designation of hda2 as '/' did not count.08:33
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poningruhap0: dude you need atleast 2 gigs of / space08:33
progekI've been trying to get a friend to try ubuntu but he says ubuntu "stole" fedora cores theme and painted it brown without giving credit. This is his largest complaint about ubuntu and is a big fedora fan. My question is, is this true or his he crazy? If Ubuntu DID take fedoras style is there some credits page to shoot this argument out of the water?08:33
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hap0How about 9? Is that enough!08:33
gogetayea 2 gigs08:33
gogetayea lol08:33
poningruprogek: eh?08:33
poningruprogek: I can say the same thing about fedora08:34
MrObviousHere's a simple question: Is there a way I can get a Ubuntu deb for firefox 2?08:34
nevermindMrObvious: nop08:34
numistponingru: yeah, it was my party in san diego last night08:34
hap0frickin 9 for '/' and 8 for /home. Is someone feeling my pain?08:34
gogeta<eigenlambda> isnt back aruldy it must have worked such a thankless job lol08:34
nevermindjust donwnload the tar.gz, and extract it to /opt08:34
MrObviousnevermind: Serious? Should I DL it from firefox's site and then install it manually?08:34
Xenguyprogek: that sounds quite unlikely08:34
poningrunumist: yeah jesse said he went there08:34
numistyou know jesse?08:34
xipietotecprogek: I dunno....but um...I just changed the theme08:34
progekreally? :D because his argument can get a little boring after a while but he always goes back to the same thing. How can we say the same thing about fedora?08:35
poningrunumist: yeah ofcourse... I hang out in moznet08:35
progekhaha yeah xipietotec08:35
rbilprogek: actually fedora stold the theme from me08:35
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JoseStefanMrObvious, packages.ubuntu.com ?08:35
numistponingru: ah didnt know.  he hangs out here, you know08:35
nevermindMrObvious: it's not in repositeries yet, if you want it now, you can just get it from getfirefox site08:35
hap0I'm tired of this. I even tried to initiate an install via straight CLI, but guess what, that option isn't on this ISO, that's the "alternative" ISO.08:35
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Xenguyprogek: just ask him for a solid reference, that'll shut him up ;-)08:35
xipietotecI've seriously customized my desktop08:35
michae1hap0: I suppose the really dull tasks that need to be done to make a decent OS just get papered over when no one gets paid for the fortnights worth of work needed to deliver it...08:35
yojimbo-sanI have a system where I think some library files have been damaged; is there an apt option that will check the files on disk against what's in the package itself?08:36
progekha yeah, I did.. he just says.. "loook, look at the desktop, look at the panels.. blah blah"08:36
sanmarcosanybody else getting http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/dists/edgy/main/source/Sources.gz: Sub-process gzip returned an error code (1) ?08:36
gogetahap0 you must have done something wrong relly08:36
KenThomsonMadpilot: ....(for sharing *data* between the two) and two EXT3 partions for Ubuntu - one for root, one for home. Will i have to create those two partitions manually or will Ubuntu do it automatically? And dont i need a swap partition? Does that mean i need three ext3 partitions for Linux?08:36
poningruMrObvious: you can just upgrade to edgy08:36
hap0I guess, but then how do you explain Microsoft? Cuz that's what this reminds me of?08:36
rbilhap0: don't worry with OSX you're going to pay to get it down "right" :-) DRMA and all08:36
JawsAnyone know anything about flash 9 on 64bit?08:36
MrObviousponingru: Edgy?08:36
Xenguyprogek: it's all gnome, right?08:36
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sanmarcosJaws: you are pretty much fucked08:36
dortoI tried installing Ubuntu from LiveCD only once, since then it's always the alternate cd that I download08:36
lnx^hey people08:36
sanmarcosJaws: no 64 bit, nobody uses 64bit08:37
rbilgood night folks08:37
lnx^my swap partition stopped working after upgrading to edgy08:37
khaije1rbil: dorto i'm trying to forward vnc through an ssh x-forwarding session08:37
poningruMrObvious: edgy has firefox 2.0 already08:37
progekdoes all fedora distros use gnome?08:37
gogetalive cd worked for me08:37
ph8sanmarcos: what age are you living in?08:37
MrObviousponingru: I haven't been really trying to keep up with Linux very well. What's edgy?08:37
lnx^i get: swapon -a08:37
lnx^swapon: /dev/disk/by-uuid/c1c6dbd4-0d36-44c3-877a-c937892c0d13: Invalid argument08:37
poningruMrObvious: you know ubuntu's stable08:37
KenThomsonI again got confused. Can someone help. So in my 40GB HDD, 10GB (NTFS) is for Windows XP + it's apps, 10GB (ext3) is for Linux + it's apps, 20GB (fat32 or what?, should NTFS or ext3 work here?) is for data sharring like mp3s, video, files.08:37
ph8most decent new computers are 64 bit, or EMT64 at least08:37
MadpilotKenThomson, swap depends on how much RAM you've got; I've got 1Gb & no swap, don't really need it. You will need to lay out some partitions if you want seperate home08:37
progekI tried fc6 but was not very happy with the package management08:37
poningruMrObvious: uh check what channel you are in08:37
Jawssanamrcos: Should I reformat to the 32bit then?08:37
sanmarcosprogek: cheap apt copy08:37
ph8progek: you can always use kubuntu08:37
ph8Jaws: you can run flash9 in 32 bit mode?08:37
rm_you_errr... why isn't there a kde meta-package?08:37
poningruJaws: unfortunately yes if you want flash etc. I would say yes08:37
hap0rbil: I'll have a heck of a lot easier time disabling that DRM crap at this point. At least it won't be Vista.08:37
MrObviousponingru: I know. Is that a version of Ubuntu that came out or something recently? Sorry I'm running on 4 hours of sleep.08:37
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poningrurm_you_: there is its called kubuntu_desktop08:38
ph8presumably, although mine's never worked in firefox ever - as a 32 bit user08:38
Jawssqnqmarcis: hmm alright08:38
khaije1rbil: dorto i usually just use the x-forwarding but i need to look at the window decorations so thats why i was thinking vnc08:38
MukiEXI have Ubuntu installed on a software raid hard drive setup, but for obvious reasons, Grub wouldn't install.08:38
poningruMrObvious: yep on 26th08:38
gogeta<KenThomson> fat 32 couse windows will see it to08:38
MrObviousponingru: Edgy Is Released!! Oh ok. Read the topic lol.08:38
rm_you_poningru: I installed that in dapper (trying edgy now) and it changed a bunch of stuff i didnt want changed (like the boot-logo >_<)08:38
Jawsph8: Well, I definetly cant get it to work in 64bit...08:38
dortokhaije1, you can read about FreeNX server08:38
ubotuFor upgrading, see instructions at: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UpgradeNotes (you can also find this in the channel topic: type "/topic")  -  See also !downgrade08:38
MukiEXAre there any solutions for this?08:38
progekwell I really like gnome, just wish he could give ubuntu a rest because I think it's a great distro. He convinced me to try out fc but I didn't really like it too much. I don't think their community is as large or helpful either.08:38
poningrurm_you_: you can change it all back08:38
poningrurm_you_: check the wiki08:38
rm_you_poningru: please god tell me how08:38
gogeta<KenThomson> you cant wright to ntfs threw linux at this time08:39
rm_you_poningru: err ok08:39
=== eigenlambda [n=daesotho@216-15-119-166.c3-0.nwt-ubr2.sbo-nwt.ma.cable.rcn.com] has joined #ubuntu
poningrurm_you_: reinstall ubuntu-desktop08:39
eigenlambdadidn't work08:39
khaije1dorto: i'm aware of it, but it takes some config doesn't it?08:39
Jawsph8: Im not sure if i can run get a 32 bit firefox...  maybe ill try that good ide08:39
gogeta<eigenlambda> grumble08:39
MukiEXgogeta : at least not reliable ;)08:39
MrObviousponingru: Ok here it goes lol.08:39
=== TornadoOfSouls [n=rolf@a80-100-209-52.adsl.xs4all.nl] has joined #ubuntu
gogeta<eigenlambda> what ti do now08:39
eigenlambdasame thing as before08:39
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eigenlambdagnome launches... then crashes08:39
Xenguygogeta: what irc client are you running (if you don't mind me asking)08:39
gogeta<eigenlambda> this is why i dont trust dist upgrade08:39
MrObviousIt tells me to run this command: gksu "update-manager -c" however it doesn't exist on my computer.08:39
dortokhaije1, FreeNX is not in the ubuntu repositories, you need to add a repository for it and then apt-get08:39
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MrObviouspaul@upstairs:~$ gksu "update-manager -c"08:40
MrObvious-bash: gksu: command not found08:40
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eigenlambdaalso: failsafe mode says something about not being able to launch the settings daemon08:40
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eigenlambdaand that i should look at the man page for dbus-launch08:40
Xenguygogeta: OK, I asked becuase the nick quoting seems different from usual somehow08:40
compengii downloaded ubuntu edgy and burned it on a cd how can i upgrade to edgy from the cd?08:40
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gogetaeigenlambda that better lol08:40
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poningruMrObvious:make sure you have your data backed up before you do that08:40
AlanHaggaiIs there any software in Ubuntu to compress to RAR format?08:40
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poningruMrObvious: you can also do gksudo08:41
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Ignatiuscompengi: do not upgrade to somehting that's on alpha stage if you don't know what you are doing / how you do it08:41
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AlanHaggaiXenguy : Is there any software in Ubuntu to compress to RAR format?08:41
XenguyAlanHaggai: rar (command-line) IIRC08:41
Ignatiusonly trouble will cause.08:41
poningruIgnatius: it was released like 2 days ago08:41
xipietotecIgnatius: edgy isn't alpha though08:41
MrObviousponingru: I push gk(tab) and it completes it as gkrellm :|08:41
poningrudid I just transported to like couple of months ago?08:41
AlanHaggaiXenguy : any GUI based?08:41
gogetaeigenlambda well i dont knoe if you have a /home partation i say get a cd and just reinstall08:41
MrObviousponingru: I don't think I have a package I need installed.08:42
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poningruMrObvious: thats impossible08:42
compengiIgnatius, so you're saying that i should not upgrade to edgy?08:42
xipietotecalthough I've heard that alot of people who've upgraded from the CD have had lots of problems08:42
poningruMrObvious: you sure you are running ubuntu? dapper?08:42
gogetaeigenlambda yea and so have you lol08:42
XenguyAlanHaggai: I don't use a gui for that function; try 'apt-cache search rar |less'08:42
xipietotecI upgraded using synaptic with no problems08:42
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MrObviousponingru: I started KUbuntu and installed Ubuntu I think.08:42
MrObviousOr was that my other box?08:43
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AlanHaggaiok Xenguy :)08:43
gogetaeigenlambda i just reformated it installed08:43
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ChuI have no way of burning cds, yet I need to use a live cd. I assume mounting it wouldn't work, correct?08:43
poningruI have to go to sleep... sorry guys08:43
MrObviousponingru: Nevertheless I'm installing gksu now via apt-get lol.08:43
MrObviousponingru: Thanks for the help. I think I'll get it eventually.08:43
gogetaeigenlambda i just dont reformat /home if you have one all your mp3s or whatever whont get lost just al the apps08:43
jcvasquezthi all, i'm looking for some help. i'm unable to write in my external drive, it says read-only drive, and when i try to change the permissions it says: couldn't change the permissions of "drive" because it is on a read-only disk???? anyone???....thanks08:43
xipietotecChu: It's possible to mount ISO and run them in virtualization using quemu or vmware08:43
compengixipietotec, so what you recommend for me to do to get updraded to edgy08:44
Chuxipietotec: Jesus, that sounds messy. :'(08:44
dortojcvasquezt, what is the file system on the external drive?08:44
sanmarcosanybody else is having problems with usplash not working in edgy?08:44
xipietotecChu: I haven't tried it personally, but I have a guide somewhere....hold on08:44
jcvasqueztdorto, fat3208:44
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gogetaeigenlambda thats why i dont trust dist-upgrade for changing version i just use a cd and kill anything from the old ver off08:44
xipietoteccompengi: I personally reccomend doing it from synaptic if you want to upgrade08:44
dortojcvasquezt, how does its entry look like in /etc/fstab?08:45
Chuxipietotec: Any information would be awesome, thanks.08:45
compengixipietotec, how much is the size of the download?08:45
YBH_1Does anyone know how to setp postfix to use procmail when fetchmail is used in edgy 6.10? It worked fine in 6.06.08:45
gogetai did it threw aprt and it still fryed the system08:45
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xipietotecChu: http://maconstuff.blogspot.com/2006/06/how-to-run-windows-xp-under-ubuntu.html It says XP, but the same should apply for ubuntu08:46
dortoChu, QEmu is very easy to install and use, in my experience08:46
gogetasomething in x just doesent get set right08:46
xipietoteccompengi: Huge =)08:46
compengixipietotec, omg08:46
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gogetaeigenlambda have you tryed going out of ecovery mode init 3 and seeing if dbus is running08:46
KenThomsonCan i install Ubuntu 6.10 (fresh install), in my computer that has Windows XP Pro only? through "netboot" or something else. Someone mentioned PXE. What is it? And is it safe? I have Ubuntu 6.10 ISO on my HDD. Do i need to have it to netboot? Can someone give me some links? (this is so confusing)08:47
gogeta<KenThomson> netboot is not officaly supported08:47
compengixipietotec, i have like 16k down lmao08:47
timthelionhey, can I downgrade to firefox 1.5 now that I am in edgy? my chrome does not work in 208:47
gogeta<KenThomson> use at own risk08:47
timthelionif so, how?08:47
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compengixipietotec, it will take me like a day or two08:47
xipietotecKenThomson: Yes, you will have to make new partitions and such, but it's possible to set up dual boot ubuntu/windows08:48
Chuxipietotec: Hmm, it isn't loading at all. :/08:48
zoidberghey guys is there a Dock application for GNOME?08:48
zoidberglike MAC?08:48
Kawaii-Pandagnome panel08:48
KenThomsongogeta: i am ready to take risk? But where do i go to do a netboot? What are all the pre-requisites? Some sites?08:48
zoidberghow do i get it?08:48
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xipietoteccompengi: you could try it from the CD too, I've just heard of nothing but problems though...lol08:49
zoidberghow do i get gnome panel "apt-get install >"08:49
gogetai dont even knoe where to find the net installer08:49
xipietotecChu: crap, that page loaded for me an hour ago08:49
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Kawaii-Pandazoidberg: http://www.deviantart.com/deviation/41430974/08:49
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Kawaii-Pandaits just a gnome panel, set not to expand08:49
kestashow do you save a session in firefox?08:49
crimsungogeta: for i386? http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/dists/edgy/main/installer-i386/current/images/netboot/08:50
Kawaii-Pandafirefox 2 does that automatically08:50
michae1How do I get a custom resolution to work with the nvidia-glx drivers?08:50
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jcvasqueztthis is the fstab, sda1 is windows, sda6 is an other partition and the external drive is conected with usb, i don't know wich one is the entry.# /etc/fstab: static file system information.08:50
jcvasquezt# <file system> <mount point>   <type>  <options>       <dump>  <pass>08:50
jcvasqueztproc            /proc           proc    defaults        0       008:50
jcvasquezt/dev/sda2       /               ext3    defaults,errors=remount-ro 0       108:50
jcvasquezt/dev/sda1       /media/sda1     ntfs    defaults,nls=utf8,umask=007,gid=46 0       108:50
jcvasquezt/dev/sda6       /media/sda6     vfat    defaults,utf8,umask=007,gid=46 0       108:50
jcvasquezt/dev/sda5       none            swap    sw              0       008:50
jcvasquezt/dev/scd0       /media/cdrom0   udf,iso9660 user,noauto     0       008:50
numistspammer :(08:50
kestasKawaii-Panda: what if I have 2 windows open?08:50
ubotupastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (you can always find it in the channel topic, among other useful things)08:50
xipietotecKawaii-Panda: hey...is that launch bar a gdesklet?08:50
Madpilotjcvasquezt, next time, use a pastebin, or you might be kicked...08:50
xipietotecor is it an actual tool bar?08:50
jcvasquezti'm sorry08:51
xipietotecoh, wait, I see, nevermind08:51
Kawaii-Pandaxipietotec: its the normal gnome panel!08:51
Chudorto: Honestly, I'm confused about my situation. Essentially, I need to mount the live cd to install a newer version of Ubuntu. My connection is lame, but I have the iso now. Would qemu be the right tool for this situation?08:51
KenThomsoncrimsun: Can i install Ubuntu 6.10 (fresh install), in my computer that has Windows XP Pro only? through "netboot" or something else. Someone mentioned PXE, what is it?08:51
AdamKilihelp serious error while upgrading. it says, Failed to start X server. usplash: No usable theme found for 1024x768 screen init failed. If you can help, start a private chat, cause this chanell seems kind of bogged down08:51
=== speano [n=dean@CPE-58-167-35-197.vic.bigpond.net.au] has joined #ubuntu
zachwhere do I find the new repo's to install edgy?08:51
crimsunKenThomson: yes, you can. If you don't have a cd/dvd burner, you can netboot (PXE) or use a diskette to bootstrap the installer.08:51
Dasnipazach you have to edit sources.list08:51
gogetait has starterpanel08:51
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gogetaa osx style panel08:52
zachright, but where do I find what the url's are for the repos08:52
gogetayou prettty mutch built08:52
Kawaii-Pandazach: replace dapper with edgy08:52
Kawaii-Pandain the sources.list file08:52
zoidbergso apparently i already have gnome-panel08:52
zoidberghow do i get it to appear on the desktop?08:53
gogetayour start menu08:53
Kawaii-Pandazoidberg: appear on the desktop?08:53
gogetathats gnome panel08:53
speanohey ppl, just trying to install edgy, and having some troubles with the display, i've tried setting the vga mode, different resolutions and even vga 771 (or whatever it says in the help menus) any ideas?08:53
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speanoits a laptop08:53
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zoidbergguys i mean like a GNOME dock...like the dock in MAC OS X08:53
numistyay a futurama reference nick08:53
jcvasqueztdorto, ????08:53
KenThomsoncrimsun: You mentioned this link for netboot (http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/dists/edgy/main/installer-i386/current/images/netboot/), which file should i download? And how should i go about it?. Do note that i am on a Windows box right now. So .gz and .tar files dont work. Moreover do i need the the simple "Ubuntu 6.10-Desktop-i386 ISO" (some 680MB) that i downloaded (it is currently on my HDD) for netboot. Could you please explain a little08:53
KenThomsonthoroughly, i am new to this.08:53
Ademanis there an mplayer backend to totem yet?08:53
kestasspeano: what problems?08:53
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jcvasqueztubotu, thanks for the link08:54
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numistzoidberg: I know what you mean, and I'd help you, but I dont have a linux box with a gui handy08:54
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xipietotechttp://img86.imageshack.us/my.php?image=screenshot43ij0.png <---my desktop08:54
Madpilotubotu, tell jcvasquezt about yourself08:54
bidha2kbsdhi what username and pass should i suppy during adding a printer throug cups adminstration page08:54
AxidusDoes anyone know of project looking glass?08:54
numistzoidberg: theres prefs for each individual panel though, rightclock on empty space, and go to panel prefs08:54
AdamKilihelp serious error while upgrading. it says, Failed to start X server. usplash: No usable theme found for 1024x768 screen init failed. If you can help, start a private chat, cause this chanell seems kind of bogged down08:54
xipietotecat least, that's my desktop in gnome, my desktop in kde is different08:54
numistzoidberg: and you can set options in there to make it osxdock similar08:54
Kawaii-Pandazoidberg: or you can just use the desktop08:55
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speanokestas: it looks all distorted, all on the diaganol, the ubuntu startup splash looks okay, but when it gets to the orange/brown screen it gets bad.08:55
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Kawaii-Pandazoidberg: if you really want a mac os look though, you can try automatix and get gdesklets there.08:55
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speanois there a text installer??08:56
MadpilotKawaii-Panda, please don't recommend that here...08:56
dortocompengi, i am not sure, but did you try, apt-cdrom add with edgy alternate cd, and then tried to apt-get update && apt-get dist-upgrade ?08:56
AdamKilihelp!! SERIOUS ERROR while upgrading. it says, Failed to start X server. "usplash: No usable theme found for 1024x768" "screen init failed". If you can help, private chat please cause this channel's pretty bogged down.08:56
xipietotecgdesklets is easily installed through command line....and I wouldn't reccomend automatix08:56
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Kawaii-Pandahmmm... i havent checked if its in the repos yet.08:56
ubotuTo install the Ati/NVidia drivers for your video card, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto08:56
Kawaii-Pandai didnt use it.. too buggy for my tastes08:56
xipietotecif you must use some sort of auto-installer (rather than learning it yourself) I'd reccomend easyubuntu, however it it's still use at your own risk08:56
ubotuEasyUbuntu is a script that automates installation of some items. Use at your own risk. See http://easyubuntu.freecontrib.org/ ; for help and or discussions about EasyUbuntu please join #easyubuntu.08:56
gogetazoidberg gdesklets has plenty of things like that08:56
KenThomsoncrimsun: Can you please help me with netbot? i need info like, which file do i download from that link you gave? How do i run it from a Windows box etc. If someone else is familiar about netboot, you can help me too.08:57
MadpilotKawaii-Panda, automatix? No, and it never will be in the repos... and if it's too buggy for you, why on Earth would you recommend it here08:57
Kawaii-Pandaeasyubuntu doesnt yet support edgy directly though.08:57
gogetazoidberg gdesklets starterbar is sorta like a osx bar08:57
hennahoi dad08:57
crimsunKenThomson: the iso you downloaded is not useful. https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/Netboot08:57
Kawaii-PandaMadpilot: gdesklets.08:57
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Madpilot!info gdesklets08:57
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ubotugdesklets: Architecture for desktop applets. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.35.3-4ubuntu1 (edgy), package size 466 kB, installed size 2452 kB08:57
xipietotecKawaii-Panda: yes gdesklets is in the repos08:57
MadpilotKawaii-Panda, ^^^08:57
crimsunKenThomson: specifically, you'll find https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/WindowsServerNetboot more relevant.08:57
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salimhow do I revert my graphic card driver to the initial one (I have edgy, ATI x700 and installed driver from ati.com)08:58
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zachKawaii-Panda, thanks08:58
speanois there a way not to get the edgy startup to probe my graphics card?08:58
AdamKiliSERIOUS ERROR please help!!! after upgrading to Edgy, it says, Failed to start X server. "usplash: No usable theme found for 1024x768" "screen init failed". If you can help, private chat please cause this channel's pretty bogged down.08:58
=== ara [n=ara@p54A3EF3C.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #ubuntu
speanonot probe08:58
speanoi mean08:58
Kawaii-Pandazach: no problem :)08:59
xipietotecI personally wouldn't reccomend using automatic installers unless you're an OEM, who knows out to troubleshoot08:59
wastrelI accidentally dragged & dropped one of my imap folders into another imap folder in my thunderbird client and I can't seem to figure out how to remove it.  any ideas?08:59
KenThomsoncrimsun: Thank you, i appreciate the help08:59
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American-TechLooking for help getting sound working.09:00
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sn0ncrappy java desktop09:01
jcvasquezthi all, i'll appreciate some help. i'm been unable to write in my external drive (usb conected),  when i try to change the permissions it says: couldn't change the permissions of "drive" because it is on a read-only disk???? anyone???....thanks09:01
sn0nwat about it09:01
compengiDBO, you there?09:01
Axidusi need to uninstall it, can anyone help?09:01
KenThomsoncrimsun: Can i netboot, even if i have a stand-alone PC? i.e i am not on any kind of LAN, but a simple home user directly connected to the Internet throught PPPOE? And how do i know whether i have a "PXE booting capable BIOS"??09:01
Axidusit wont load09:02
=== Hyperlink is now known as Keyseir
Axidusat all09:02
hennagoede morgen pap09:02
sn0nanyone know what happened to Anjuta, like when it started sucking..  it cant even compile single .cpp files anymore09:02
wastreljcvasquezt:  is your external drive NTFS?   linux can't write to ntfs09:02
AdamKiliSERIOUS ERROR please help!!! after upgrading to Edgy, it says, Failed to start X server. "usplash: No usable theme found for 1024x768" "screen init failed". If you can help, private chat please cause this channel's pretty bogged down.09:02
nevermindwastrel: well, in fact, it can09:02
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Kawaii-Pandajcvasquezt: have you tried to copy filkes using sudo nautilus?09:03
nevermindbut it's still in beta, i wouldn't recomend it09:03
crimsunKenThomson: you need at least two PCs connected via Ethernet.09:03
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AxidusCany anyone tell me how I can uninstall project looking glass?09:03
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crimsunKenThomson: if your hardware is PXE-capable, you'll note that during the boot sequence (post-POST)09:03
AxidusI can't find out how anywhere on the darn site..AAh!09:03
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jcvasqueztwasterel, i think is fat32, but i'm not sure09:04
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KenThomsoncrimsun: I only have a single PC directly connected to the internet through ADSL PPPOE. Does that mean i cant use netboot?09:04
jcvasqueztKawaii-Panda. no i haven't, how does it work?09:04
AdamKiliSERIOUS ERROR please help!!! after upgrading to Edgy, it says, Failed to start X server. "usplash: No usable theme found for 1024x768" "screen init failed". If you can help, private chat please cause this channel's pretty bogged down.09:05
gilnimmornin' guys: i have some kind of strange webcam i want to set up - anybody an idea how-to find a software to display the webcam? As far as I know it's already detected at "/dev/video0"09:05
hennamorning gilnim09:05
speanohaving problems with the edgy grapics card probing (i think) is there any way to turn it off?09:05
Kawaii-Pandajcvasquezt: open up a terminal, type gksudo nautilus, try to find the file you want to copy to the drive, copy and paste it.09:06
=== shinobi2 [n=slime@udp151874uds.hawaiiantel.net] has joined #ubuntu
lnx^hey, i too have problems with edgy09:06
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lnx^my laptop hibernates just fine, but it doesn't restore09:06
shinobi2anyone fixed their wifi 801 error?09:06
lnx^ubuntu doesn't even seem to try to restore from the hibernation09:06
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lnx^i have a dell inspiron 6000 laptop, upgraded from dapper to edge09:06
shinobi2edgy sucks09:07
ubotuhibernate: smartly puts your computer to sleep (suspend to RAM or disk). In component universe, is extra. Version 1.91-2 (edgy), package size 72 kB, installed size 364 kB09:07
Kawaii-Pandashinobi2: how can you say that09:07
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speanodoesn't suck, just a few teething problems09:07
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shinobi2Kawaii-Panda: cause, i installed 6.10 and here i am using 6.0609:07
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Jessihalp me!09:08
Kawaii-Pandashinobi2: what dont you like about 6.10?09:08
ubotuwebcam is now easy to install on Linux; instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Webcam Supported cams: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupportComponentsMultimediaWebCameras09:08
nevermindedgy rox09:08
Linux_GaloreIm on edgy and gtkpod seems to have the mv2 video transfer disables during compile, is there and optional package09:08
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lnx^gilnim: what was that supposed to mean? shouldn't hibernating work off-shelf for edgy?09:08
AdamKiliSERIOUS ERROR please help!!! after upgrading to Edgy, it says, Failed to start X server. "usplash: No usable theme found for 1024x768" "screen init failed". I'm logged into text only mode, someone please help09:08
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JessiI am trying to update to edgy, and something is broken. :'(09:08
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wastrelAdamKili:  usplash doesn't have to do with X09:08
speano having problems with the edgy grapics card probing dring loading of the cd (i think) is there any way to turn it off?09:08
pradeepwhy is 'System -> Administration -> Disks' missing in edgy?09:08
lnx^gilnim: or do i need to install the 'hibernate' package and then try hibernating from the menu?09:08
wastrelAdamKili:  what happens when you type  startx09:08
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AlanHaggaiHow to split a RAR archive?09:09
gilnimlnx^: try installing the package09:09
lnx^gilnim: and that should be it?09:09
drakedogjust do sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg09:09
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Linux_GaloreAdamKili: I had a similar problem has to run sudo apt-get update && dpkg --configure -a09:09
gilnimlnx^: i just wondered that i haven't installed that package09:09
lnx^gilnim: it should work from the gnome power manager then? or do i need to run the command 'hibernate'09:09
lnx^gilnim: yes, it was not installed09:09
gilnimlnx^: it should work from gnome09:09
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lnx^let's see, thanks09:10
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jcvasquezt1. (nautilus:5953): GnomeUI-WARNING **: While connecting to session manager: 2. Authentication Rejected, reason : None of the authentication protocols specified are supported and host-based authentication failed. 3.09:10
AlanHaggaigilnim : How to split a RAR archive?09:10
Linux_Galoreanway why does gtkpod package have the vodeo transfer disabled ??09:10
Kawaii-PandaAlanHaggai: download the rar package via synaptic :)09:10
uboturar is a non-free archive format created by Rarsoft. For instructions on accessing .rar files through the Archive Manager view https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FileCompression. There is a free (as in speech) unrar utility as well, see !info unrar-free09:10
Linux_Galoreanyway why does gtkpod package have the video transfer disabled ??09:10
jcvasqueztKawaii-Panda: i got that message09:10
AlanHaggaiKawaii-Panda : I have downloaded it and want to RAR a 1GB file by splitting it into 100 MB parts09:11
KenThomsoncrimsun: I only have a single PC directly connected to the internet through ADSL PPPOE. Does that mean i cant use netboot?09:11
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crimsunKenThomson: more than likely, no.09:11
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Linux_Galoregtkpod "should" be able top transfer video files to a 5G ipod but for some reason its been disabled by whome ever compiled it09:11
crimsunKenThomson: if you have access to someone else's cd/dvd burner, it would be suitable to create said disc09:12
kleinlappiesis ubuntu good to use for a pvr?09:12
AlanHaggaiKawaii-Panda : I have downloaded it and want to RAR a 1GB file by splitting it into 100 MB parts09:12
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KenThomsoncrimsun: ok thank you09:12
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Linux_Galorekleinlappies: I would use knopmyth09:12
AlanHaggaiKawaii-Panda : How to do that?09:12
salimI want to install ATI driver and in howto the following is written: You have to make first sure that you have the right kernel running, with the right kernel headers.09:12
Rothguardeewwww edgy has no love for my laptop so far :S09:13
salimwhat should I do?/what does that mean?09:13
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Linux_Galorekleinlappies: is a pvr specific distro09:13
AdamKiliwastrel: it says: xauth: creating new authority file /home/adam/.serverauth.4799 next line: xinit: Server error.09:13
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American-TechLooking for help getting sound working on new edgy install09:13
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crimsunAmerican-Tech: cat /proc/asound/cards09:13
kleinlappiesLinux_Galore, K thanks was thinking op useing that distro. do you by chance know whar are good tv cards 4 linux?09:13
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wastrelAdamKili:  do you have ati or nvidia?09:13
jessiOkay, now it is giving me 404 errors when it tries to fetch upgrade files :/09:13
ghostshadhi all , i need to know that wat command to list all users ?09:13
Kawaii-PandaAlanHaggai: you can try to rar it first then split it up using a script09:13
gilnimsalim: You shouldn't install a 64bit architecture driver on a i386 architecture system.09:14
jessiFailed to fetch http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/dists/sdapper-updates/main/binary-i386/Packages.gz 404 Not Found09:14
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American-Techsound card is listed09:14
jessibut a ton of them09:14
Linux_Galorekleinlappies: look on the mythtv home page they list all the stuff that works09:14
AdamKiliwastrel: nvidia09:14
wastrelghostshad:  all users logged in or all users on the system/09:14
salimlol that's all? ok, and I knew that installing a 686-specific kernel for dapper was better, how is it for edgy?09:14
kleinlappiesLinux_Galore, thanks will check09:14
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AlanHaggaiKawaii-Panda : can you help me with that script?09:14
wastrelAdamKili:  you'll need to follow the nvidia howto on the wiki09:14
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about 686 - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi09:14
gilnimghostshad: users09:14
ghostshadwastrel : all users on hte system09:14
ubotukernel is the core of the Ubuntu Operating System (named 'Linux') - see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Kernel.  You shouldn't have to compile one, but if you're convinced you do, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/KernelCustomBuild09:14
yangsuplibGL warning: 3D driver claims to not support visual 0x46 why?09:14
crimsunAmerican-Tech: and it is...?09:14
AdamKiliwastrel: linky?09:14
ubotuTo install the Ati/NVidia drivers for your video card, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto09:15
American-Tech0 [SB             ] : HDA-Intel - HDA ATI SB09:15
American-Tech                     HDA ATI SB at 0xc0000000 irq 21709:15
wastrelghostshad:  cat /etc/passwd09:15
AdamKiliwastrel: thanks09:15
hennahallo Keyseir09:15
crimsunAmerican-Tech: now pastebin the output from ``lspci -vn && amixer''09:15
KeyseirHey henna09:15
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Kawaii-PandaAlanHaggai: sorry, im not very good at scripting. just studying linux myself :)09:15
wastrelyangsup:  you have ATI?09:15
hennaHoeveel keer heb ik u gisteren opgebeld09:16
yangsupmy video card is kM400,09:16
wastrelok that's dutch?09:16
AlanHaggaiok Kawaii-Panda : thanks :)09:16
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hennapap wat is kM40009:16
yangsupI downt kown why09:16
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wastrel!nl  | henna09:16
ubotuhenna: Nederlandstalige ondersteuning voor Ubuntu (en vers gezette koffie) is te vinden in #ubuntu-nl09:16
factorxI've got another sound problem, I am sure my sound card was detected properly and it's even unmuted but I can't play any of the example sound files or my own music although volume is turned up... what's wrong there?09:17
American-Techwhat am I looking for here crimsun09:17
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crimsunAmerican-Tech: you're to paste it for me to look at09:17
hennaik heb het niet over vers gezette koffie lief09:17
crimsunAmerican-Tech: on http://pastebin.ca, for instance09:17
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wastrelyangsup:  i don't know via, sorry09:17
Linux_Galoreyangsup: type  lspci -v |grep -iA 8 VGA09:18
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Linux_Galoreyangsup: or just cut and past that into a terminal09:18
hennapap kunnen we geen spel doen via deze chat09:18
DarkMageZi'm building a custom ubuntu edgy cd. i started my environment with ubuntu-minimal. what other packages will i need to get a barebones gnome sesson?09:19
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yangsupyang@super:/usr/lib$ spci -v |grep -iA 8 VGA09:19
yangsupbash: spci: command not found09:19
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Kawaii-Pandawow! cool, ubotu is multilanguage :)09:19
Linux_Galoreyangsup: lspci  you missed a bit09:19
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Ademanis there an mplayer backend for totem?09:19
crimsunAmerican-Tech: when I mean http://pastebin.ca, I mean http://pastebin.ca, not "flood me in query". Thanks.09:20
DarkMageZAdeman, nope09:20
yangsupyang@super:/usr/lib$ lspci -v |grep -iA 8 VGA09:20
yangsup01:00.0 VGA compatible controller: VIA Technologies, Inc. VT8378 [S3 UniChrome]  Integrated Video (rev 01) (prog-if 00 [VGA] )09:20
yangsup        Subsystem: EPoX Computer Co., Ltd. Unknown device 902309:20
yangsup        Flags: bus master, 66MHz, medium devsel, latency 32, IRQ 20109:20
yangsup        Memory at e8000000 (32-bit, prefetchable) [size=64M] 09:20
yangsup        Memory at ec000000 (32-bit, non-prefetchable) [size=16M] 09:20
yangsup        [virtual]  Expansion ROM at ed000000 [disabled]  [size=64K] 09:20
zoluxhi, everybody09:20
yangsup        Capabilities: <access denied>09:20
Linux_Galoreyangsup: dont flood09:20
AdemanDarkMageZ: urgh, there used to be, i'm almost positive09:20
xipietotecI don't like ubuntu's version of zangband =\09:20
wastrelplay moon-buggy instead09:21
Linux_Galoreyangsup: its a S3 video chipset model VT8378   thats all we needed09:21
Kawaii-Pandaanyone ever tried scourge?09:21
DarkMageZAdeman, it was gstreamer or xine. i would like to see an mplayer backend tho09:21
zoluxafter an upgrade to edgy, I can't boot anymore, I'm with a hoary live CD now and gparted tell me that sda5's filesystem is unknown09:21
AdemanDarkMageZ: I could swear i used one with breezy though09:21
Kawaii-Pandaits like a 3d zangband/nethack clone09:22
Ademanzolux: what happens when you try to boot?\09:22
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lnx^gilnim: restoring from hibernate still doesn't work09:22
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xipietotecI remember playing some graphical version of it09:22
Linux_Galoreyangsup: you wont be able to do 3d with it though its a rubbish setup09:22
lnx^gilnim: it looks like ubuntu doesn't even realise that i have hibernated when i want to restore09:22
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American-Techsent in private chat crimsun09:23
American-Techsorry crimson09:23
American-TechI did not understand soory09:23
yangsupwhat can I do09:23
American-Techhere is it is09:23
lnx^it broke when i upgraded to edgy09:23
gilnimlnx^: then i can't help you09:23
zoluxAdeman: waiting for /dev/mapper/Ubuntu-root (don't boot on recovery either)09:23
tomcatt!ubotu mouse09:23
gilnimlnx^: search ubuntuforums.org09:23
ubotuEnabling extra mouse buttons: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ManyButtonsMouseHowto  - Enabling serial mouse: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SerialMouseHowto09:23
Ademanzolux: wierd, so you dist-upgraded huh?09:23
ubotuwebcam is now easy to install on Linux; instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Webcam Supported cams: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupportComponentsMultimediaWebCameras09:23
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hennaPap waarom geeft u mij nu geen antwoord meer09:24
zoluxAdeman: apt-get update, dist-upgrade twice, check on ubuntu-minimal and ubuntu-desktop09:24
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Ademanzolux: geeze09:24
Ademaneither way i'd say your upgrade is what broke your comp09:24
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mp3guyalot of the applets on my panel won't load any more, its keeps encountering errors, is there anyway to fix this?09:25
wastrel!nl | henna09:25
ubotuhenna: Nederlandstalige ondersteuning voor Ubuntu (en vers gezette koffie) is te vinden in #ubuntu-nl09:25
hennamakkelijk, nie09:25
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Ademanzolux: if you're at all able, i reccomend backing up everything you love and hold dear and installing fresh09:25
dre_what version of gparted does Edgy have?09:25
xipietotecI played some rogue-like game in windows a long time ago that looked alot like this amiga port of zangband, http://www.zangband.org/common/gfx/screenshots-tk.jpg09:25
gilnimAre you ever going to do the dishes?  Or will you change your major to supporting linux users?09:25
xipietotecis there anything like it for linux?09:26
screechingcatdre_: the latest and the greastest09:26
hennai can't spek notheing else than dutch, so please will you help me with my English09:26
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zoluxAdeman: how can I backup a disk I can't mount?09:26
gilnimhenna: can you speak German?09:26
xipietotecoops...wrong window09:26
Ademanzolux: can't you mount it from your liveCD?09:26
crimsunAmerican-Tech: does muting 'SPDIF' make audio audible?09:26
hennacan you, my dearest dad09:26
zoluxAdeman: no, it says that it's already mounted09:26
American-TechWill check09:27
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Linux_Galoregrr @ gtkpod package being compiled with video file transfer disabled09:27
screechingcatLinux_Galore: use amarok09:27
American-Techno such luck09:27
Linux_Galorescreechingcat: I did but it doesnt do it proprerly ie it doesnt put it in the video section09:28
crimsunAmerican-Tech: then you're waiting on the patches I submitted last week.09:28
zoluxfdisk -l -> sda 1 (Linux, bootable), sda2 (extended), sda5 (LVM)09:28
crimsunAmerican-Tech: in the meantime, you can use alsa-driver hg09:28
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screechingcatLinux_Galore: there's prolly another ipod app. just search09:29
AdamKilihow do i make so text isn't pushed out of sight in the terminal?09:29
Linux_Galorescreechingcat: nope gtkpod is it09:29
screechingcatLinux_Galore: rhythmbox09:29
Ademanzolux: sorry, i'm not that smart haha, i dunno what to tell you09:29
Ademanzolux: have you tried explicitly unmounting it?09:29
American-TechNot sure where to find that crimsun09:29
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crimsunAmerican-Tech: download link on alsa-project.org09:30
Linux_Galorescreechingcat: vidoe file and audio have a different playlist the audio players only edit the audio playlist09:30
zoluxAdeman: yes, it's unmounted09:30
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wastrelAdamKili:  shift+pageup  will scroll up  shift+pgdown will go back down.   also you can "pipe" your command through  less    mycommand | less    where mycommand is osmeting that produces too much text09:30
Ademanand yet it claims its already mounted? lol09:30
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hennapap heeft u al uw ontbijt gehad09:31
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screechingcatLinux_Galore: get a gtkpod deb from the maker's website instead of the repos09:31
AdamKiliwastrel: thanks, i havn't gotten it working yet BTW09:31
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American-TechWhich one one that list crimsun Thanks for all the help09:32
crimsunAmerican-Tech: the one that says Hg09:32
wastrelAdamKili:  there may be an easier way, but i'm not familiar enough with nvidia...09:33
nemequis anyone else having problems with files passed as arguments to emacs-snapshot-gtk not being opened?09:33
hennapap please ask mom not to border that much with my grandmom09:33
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American-TechOk I will try to find it09:34
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AdamKiliwastrel: i'm not completly sure it is nvidia. is there a way to check? the way to check on the wiki didn't work09:35
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wastrelAdamKili:  lspci | grep VGA09:35
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Linux_Galorescreechingcat: grrr the .deb package on the gtkpod home page has the same error09:36
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Chaosmiksince i installed linux i been using it more than xp09:36
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AdamKiliwastrel: Intel Corporation 82852/855GM Integrated Graphics Device09:38
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wastreloops :] 09:39
wastrelAdamKili:  sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg09:39
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LynoureAre there known hardware issues with edgy and HP NC8230? Like Ati X600 with the open source drivers or Intel Corporation PRO/Wireless 2200BG?09:39
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Taillo_j'ai tjr le probleme des dieses et du signe euro...09:39
Taillo_sous XGL09:39
Linux_Galorescreechingcat: I have a feeling there is a weird bug Ive downloaded and install the latest ver of gtkpod and libgtkpod and compiled it and there is some hal bug by the looks09:40
wastrel!fr | Taillo_09:40
ubotuTaillo_: Allez a #ubuntu-fr ou #kubuntu-fr pour de l'aide et de la discussion en francais.09:40
American-TechAre you sure its on that page crimsun I don't see it listed sir09:40
Chaosmikis it possible for linux to get a trojan or virus?09:40
blindOkay, so I recently upgraded to edgy. Everything was working fine, except beryl. I got beryl to work (sorta) but now I can't get my screen resolution above 1024x768. My xorg still has my correct refresh and sync and 1280x1024 in it, but the option just isn't there. -- should I stick to #ubuntu-xgl since it seems that's what caused it, or..?09:40
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hennaplease no french lessons on the internet, my  dearest ,lovely dad09:41
Linux_Galore../usr/local/bin/gtkpod: symbol lookup error: /usr/local/bin/gtkpod: undefined symbol: itdb_device_set_mountpoint09:41
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os2macusing edgy... I have a broadcom nic. I have used fwcutter to get the firmware and am using wl_apsta.0 for the source of the driver but still getting access point invalid even after I run sudo iwconfig ap any09:42
os2macany help?09:42
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Lynoureblind: have you tried forcing it from the xorg configuration, possibly by removing all the other configurations if you do not use them?09:42
Lynoure!offtopic > henna09:43
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blindLynoure: all the other files in /etc/X11 ?09:43
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nikkHi...i've installed edgy, i've got a problem with the ipw2200 wireless card...i've followed this page http://www.ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=263136...someone can help me?09:43
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AdamKiliwastrel: xserver-xorg is broken or not fully installed. but i tried sudo apt-get install xserver-xorg and it worked!! i wonder why it was messed up in the first place?09:44
Lynoureblind: no, all the other resolutions in the xorg configuration file09:44
blindLynoure: ohhh09:44
Lynoureblind: take a backup of it first09:44
blindLynoure: sounds dangerous ;o09:44
AlanHaggaiLinux_Galore : I need help09:44
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wastrelyour guess is as good as mine :] 09:44
Lynoureblind: not really, if you take a backup of it first09:44
blindyeah, I'll try that.09:44
Lynoureblind: in worst case it will not work at all then, but then you can just go back to what you had09:45
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AlanHaggaiwastrel : How can I join files in Windows which have been split using the Linux split command?09:45
wastrelAlanHaggai:  i'm afraid i don't know much about windows09:46
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AlanHaggaiok wastrel09:46
AlanHaggaiAnyone please help: How can I join files in Windows which have been split using the Linux split command?09:46
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FlosoftI have got a remote dedicated server ... with Debian 32bit ... but it is a 64bit CPU ... so I want to upgrade it to Ubuntu ....09:47
drhouse_hello. for a amd athlon is better a generic kernel o a 386 one?09:47
blindAlanHaggai: I don't know if it'll work, but I know the windows copy command supports you copying multiple files into one.09:47
Flosoftcan someone explain me how?09:47
blindAlanHaggai: but try ##windows for better support.09:47
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godmachine81did the time change?09:47
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AlanHaggaiblind : ##windows? What is that?09:47
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wastrelgotta get some sleep cya09:48
KeyseirWe gained an hour.09:48
godmachine81thats why its only 2:48 on my pc09:48
godmachine81and all my clocks i havent set are saying 3:4809:48
blindAlanHaggai: it's a channel.09:48
godmachine81did it just change at midnight?09:48
AlanHaggaiok blind :)09:48
godmachine81or how long has it been changed for?09:48
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hennamr godmachine what is a kM40009:48
sydharthi. does anyone know how to edit the System menu? no love in /etc/xdg/menus09:49
savvaser, beryl is an eye-candy for gnome? or i got everything mixed up?09:49
godmachine81sydhart:: you mean your gdm session menu?09:49
hennaa kM400, what is that my lovely  dad09:49
godmachine81i dont know what your talking about09:50
henname either09:50
hennado you remmember 195809:50
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godmachine81are you talking about km400 chipset?09:50
sydhartperhaps that's it... I want to remove the Quit option (which I believe is session_dialog)09:51
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Lynouregodmachine81: She is having a fictive conversation with someon, yes, it is annoying. Yes, she has been told it's offtopic09:51
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godmachine81its a she!!?09:51
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Flosoftanyone know how to upgrade debian 32 bit to ubuntu 64bit?09:51
Flosoftwithout reinstalling?09:51
coz_morning all09:51
Flosoftmaybe via chroot?09:51
hennapap is it possible to play checkers09:52
holycowFlosoft, you can't09:52
godmachine81Flosoft:: your wanting to take a chance?09:52
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drhouse_hello. for a amd athlon(k7) is better a generic kernel o a 386 one?09:52
Flosoftgodmachine81: yes09:52
godmachine81holycow:: you CAN, it wouldnt be very easy.. would be too much trouble for what its worth09:52
hennamorning coz09:52
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holycowactually no you can't.  too many library incompatabilities09:52
Flosoftgodmachine81: I want to have a 64bit OS apt-get based.09:52
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godmachine81holycow:: you can!09:53
=== Gasten [n=martin@h18n4c1o1095.bredband.skanova.com] has joined #ubuntu
Flosoftonly problem is that my host doesn't offer an image for it09:53
alassiryQuestion, before ubuntu, I used to select some text, then middle-click for paste, in ubunto it's more like windows (explicit copy/paste), how do I change it?09:53
sydhartgodmachine81:  I want to remove the Quit option (which I believe is session_dialog)09:53
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Flosoftso I need to install it somehow09:53
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godmachine81holycow:: i havent switched from 32bit to 64 bit, but i have went through all the hassels to make ubuntu debian..09:53
godmachine81would be the same diff..09:53
blindLynoure: I removed all the other resolutions, and even rebooted, and it's still in 1024*768... wtf?09:53
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godmachine81Flosoft:: know how to remove packages and reinstall them and how to force them with dpkg09:53
holycowFlosoft, stick with debianfor server09:53
godmachine81there isnt an easy way to do it09:54
blindLynoure: also, just checked, there's still all the options for the other ones in the "screen resolution" dialog09:54
holycowubuntus server offering is a trully bad idea09:54
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Flosoftbut I need a 64bit OS09:54
holycowdebian has 64 bit kernels09:54
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hennawhat thf is dpkg09:54
Flosoftas I want to use the full potentioal of my Server09:54
godmachine81Flosoft:: if you know how to use dpkg, you can do it.. but just remember what you force, and what you remove.. and reinstall them at the approrpriate time09:54
Lynoureblind: it sounds like the configuration file you think it is using is not getting used...09:54
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Flosoftwell it is more than just the kernel no?09:54
blindLynoure: sure does... what other ones are there? O_o09:54
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holycowFlosoft, your really NOT going to see any difference from your server with 64 bit anything09:55
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netstarOkay I just installed efty on my iMac G5 and have looked on forums about this but the maximum resolution I can get is 1024x768, where it should be 1440x90009:55
netstarany ideas?09:55
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godmachine81henna:: dpkg is the core of the package managers you use.. synaptic, aptitude, apt-get,  whatever it may be09:55
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hennavind je het niet erg om even uit beeld te gaan, want je bent toch ook blind09:55
blindhenna, i don't speak that language ;o09:55
godmachine81henna you just turned me off with that mumbo jumbo crap09:55
Lynoureblind: I'm not sure...09:55
holycowFlosoft, sorry for not answering your question, i would use the debian 64 bit distro if you really really wanted to09:55
noelferreirahi people09:55
Flosoftwell how ?09:55
blindnetstar: fix your xorg.conf09:56
noelferreirai just isntalled 6.1009:56
Flosoftvia chroot and debootstrap I was told09:56
holycowbut all i'm saying is 64 bit is required by VERY VERY FEW people ... not many can really use it09:56
Flosoftbut I don't know how to do that09:56
noelferreirahowever can't use my rt61 wireless09:56
holycowFlosoft, depends on your host09:56
noelferreiraanyone can help me09:56
Flosoftit is a Core2Duo Dedicated Server09:56
hennathat is doesn't tell me nothing yet, my love09:56
Flosoftno serial console :S09:56
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Flosoftonly Netboot and Rescue systems09:56
godmachine81noelferreira:: whats up09:56
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holycowFlosoft, we can't really help with isp level stuff .. installing debian is as simple as using the right iso ...09:57
noelferreirart61 godmachine8109:57
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godmachine81henna:: im surprised gnomefreak hasnt woke up and gave you the boot yet09:57
alassiryBefore ubuntu, I used to select some text, then middle-click for paste, in ubuntu it's more like windows (explicit copy/paste), how do I change it?09:57
noelferreirajust installed edgy 6.1009:57
Lynouregodmachine81: is it your bot? it reacts to you a lot and you were sure it is not a she09:57
noelferreirait is recognized09:57
alassirynoelferreira: congrats09:57
godmachine81lmao @ Lynoure09:57
noelferreirabut i can't find my access point with iwconfig09:57
holycowFlosoft, what are you using the server for? website hosting?09:57
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hennawath are you talking about, dad09:58
noelferreiravery fast this one09:58
Flosoftholycow: High Load Webscripts09:58
godmachine81wtf do you keep calling me dad for ?09:58
FlosoftPython and C# mostly09:58
holycowwhat are high load webscripst?09:58
noelferreiracan you help me with that godmachine8109:58
=== Arafangion [n=arafangi@220-245-220-160-act-pppoe.tpgi.com.au] has joined #ubuntu
ArafangionHow do I restart /just/ my touchpad?09:58
Flosoftwell ... we another server P4 3GHz who is extremely slow09:58
blindI was having some issues with screen resolution.. I took out ALL the other resolutions in my xorg.conf -- didn't make a difference. It's like the computer's not even using my xorg.conf -- what other files are there? O_o09:58
ArafangionMy mouse pointer has frozen.09:58
godmachine81noelferreira:: do you have a broadcom 43xx compat card?09:58
FlosoftWebsite loading time: 2-3 mins09:59
Adrianoonly 945 people in the room, amazing09:59
noelferreirart61 driver09:59
Flosoftit's a PHP Frontend to a Pyton / C# software09:59
Adriano943, whatever09:59
sydhartI think maybe /apps/panel/global/disabled_applets09:59
hennawtf is a 43xx compat card, my lovely dad?09:59
alassiryAdriano: the edgy effect09:59
godmachine81noelferreira:: does that card need firmware?09:59
noelferreirahow can i find that godmachine8109:59
AdrianoI know, but I've seen more than 1400 the last days09:59
hennawhat is firmware,dad09:59
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Adrianoand definitely more than 100010:00
godmachine81henna:: firmware is the thing im bout to put in your arse10:00
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noelferreirai guess i have to do something like that in dapper drake godmachine8110:00
Adrianogodmachine81: be strong, it's sunday10:00
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godmachine81Adriano:: yea i should try for the other hole Adriano10:00
Adriano!firmware > henna10:00
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ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about firmware - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi10:00
godmachine81noelferreira:: what do you mean in dapper? thought you had edgy?10:01
hennaman talking again, right10:01
GastenWhat is the command where I can configure gnome? I would like to hide the partitons on my desktop.10:01
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AdrianoI'll have to learn about using ubotu. Was it with a |?10:01
noelferreirai have edgy10:01
godmachine81!bitchx > henna10:01
noelferreiraamd64 godmachine8110:01
ubotuTo install the Ati/NVidia drivers for your video card, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto10:01
American-TechI was told to install the alsa-driver hg to get my sound to work and that it could be found here alsa-project.org I can not find the link10:02
hennanevermind, dad10:02
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godmachine81noelferreira:: let me see what your card requires10:02
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wickedpuppyGasten, hide the partitions ? can explain what does it mean ?10:02
bonyi have ati redon 200 card in my system and i installed fglrx drivers which got installed properly, i am able to get x but when i give the command glxinfo | grep direct it says "direct rendering: No" how to make it yes?10:02
holycowFlosoft, sounds like you guys have a fairly complicated situation.  i personally would recommend 64 bit debian if your going to use 64 bit at all but a full reinstall will be required10:02
godmachine81son.. wtf10:02
=== AdamKili [n=adam@71-213-191-218.albq.qwest.net] has joined #ubuntu
AlanHaggaiblind : can you please tell me how to split files using RAR?10:02
os2macusing edgy... I have a broadcom nic. I have used fwcutter to get the firmware and am using wl_apsta.0 for the source of the driver but still getting access point invalid even after I run sudo iwconfig ap any10:02
os2macany help?10:02
Flosoftholycow: isn't there a possibility via chroot and debootstrap?10:03
Adrianowickedpuppy: he doesn't want the partitions showing on the desktop10:03
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godmachine81noelferreira:: can you do lspci10:03
godmachine81lspci |grep -i net10:03
Adrianowickedpuppy: it's a known setting, I just have to find it10:03
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AlanHaggaigodmachine81  : can you please tell me how to split files using RAR?10:03
Flosoftholycow: what about the Ubuntu-iso ... it has ubiquity10:03
okahey guys, what system do you recommend, if you want a very snappy, responsive graphical enviroment.10:03
Flosoftcan that be used in console mode?10:03
[HHS] DawnwaterGreetings, I have just upgraded to edgy eft, but now my kernel mismatches my nvidia driver. How do I get the new version of this driver via command-line?10:03
godmachine81AlanHaggai:: you mean span?10:03
holycowFlosoft, what do you mean console mode?10:03
Tomcat_oka: xfce10:03
wickedpuppyAdriano, i thought people wanted it ... it used to be manual mount and people complained so now all distros do auto mount10:04
Gastenwickedpuppy: you know the desktop? if you got multiple partitions (as I do) they will sit on the desktop and look ugly. I want them away.10:04
holycowwhat does this haveto do with anything you are asking?10:04
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henna what can you do ,with lspci my dearest lovely dad10:04
holycowFlosoft, do  you have access to your box or not?10:04
blindAlanHaggai: no, I can't. I don't know.10:04
Flosoftwell that I somehow launch the iso, and the connect via SSH access and install it10:04
godmachine81henna::  you god damn troll stfu10:04
FlosoftI have root access10:04
AlanHaggaigodmachine81 : I don't know if it is spanning. I just want to split a file using RAR10:04
os2maclspci -v reports the network card as a broadcom BCM4309 how ever iwconfig nick is "broadcom 4306'10:04
Flosoftbut not local access10:04
ubotuHelp! Keybuk, mdz, Amaranth, tritium, ajmitch, crimsun, ogra, CarlK, Seveas, Burgundavia, apokryphos, thoreauputic, nalioth, Madpilot, ompaul, rob, Hobbsee, imbrandon, DBO or gnomefreak!10:04
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AdrianoGasten: open gconf-editor10:04
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hennathansk again dad10:04
wickedpuppyGasten, actually my /home partition doesn't show on desktop ... how did you get the partitions on desktop ?10:04
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ubotuTo install the Ati/NVidia drivers for your video card, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto10:04
GastenAdriano: Thanks.10:05
LynoureDBO: see henna10:05
=== daniele_982 [n=daniele@host-84-222-171-239.cust-adsl.tiscali.it] has joined #ubuntu
holycowFlosoft, yes you can do remote installs, but mate ... your ssh'ing INTO YOUR HOST OS.  how do you plan to REPLACE your host os?10:05
Flosoftholycow: couldn't I put the image on an partition and boot from there?10:05
AdrianoGasten: go to Apps - Nautilus10:05
=== Andypat10 [n=andy@69-173-121-164.albyny.adelphia.net] has left #ubuntu []
Flosoftand then access that via SSH?10:05
Flosoftinstall using ubiquity10:05
AdrianoGasten: uncheck the "Volumes visible" checkmark10:05
hennamore if this stuff dady10:05
Adrianoshould solve it10:05
godmachine81AlanHaggai:: i dont know what you mean by splitting a file unless you mean making multiple volumes out of one file10:05
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Gastenwickedpuppy: I don't have a separate /home (will get one , thou). The partitions on me second hd were there by default.10:05
godmachine81like rar, r01, r02, r03, etc10:05
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okaTomcat_, I love the idea behind linux (especially Ubuntu) and the possibility to configure etc. But I dont think even xfce is as responsive as winxp though :|10:05
DBOhenna, off topic chatter needs to go elsewhere10:05
DBOor just get kicked by Seveas =P10:05
AlanHaggaigodmachine81 : yes I need multiple parts of the file10:05
godmachine81thanks Seveas !10:05
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Adrianohenna, please stop acting like 8, we like to give help here10:05
Tomcat_oka: Maybe not. :\10:06
GastenAdeman: Yea, I know. I just forgott the command to get there in the first place.10:06
holycowFlosoft, well you are now guessing about something very very few people have ever really done :) good luck with that ... i'm sorry i don't have any suggestions of any usefullness to you :/10:06
Adrianowe do have a sense of humour, and I'm not a mod, but...10:06
os2macgodmachine81 can you get me a hand.10:06
okaI dont know if winxp takes more advantage out of the gfx.10:06
AdemanGasten: you summoned me, beware of careless tab-completion!10:06
DBOAdriano, shes gone now10:06
LynoureDBO: she was told about it multiple times. b10:06
AlanHaggaigodmachine81 : That is the way I want it. I multiple volumes10:06
godmachine81AlanHaggai:: i dont want to sound like a prick or anything.. but im not sure how to do it right off without reading the manpage myself..10:06
blindwhat is the man entry for X? man x, man X, man x11, man X11, don't work. :\10:06
DBOLynoure, ok, sorry I didnt see that10:06
GastenAdeman: sorry...10:06
Flosoftholycow: what about debootstrap and chroot?10:06
daniele_982hello i'm italian and i use kdevelop whit Ubuntu edgy when i lunch Execute program i've this output:/bin/sh:konsole :not found!!!!10:06
AlanHaggaiok godmachine81 . No problem10:06
SirKillalothow do I use a joypad connected through the game port on my ubuntu computer10:07
AdemanGasten: hahah i'm just kidding i don't care, i just thought someone loved me, but i was wrong :-(10:07
Seveasdaniele_982, install konsole10:07
daniele_982something help me?10:07
godmachine81os2mac:: what?10:07
holycowFlosoft, google up debian remote installation ... there are some good writeups for that10:07
os2macusing edgy... I have a broadcom nic. I have used fwcutter to get the firmware and am using wl_apsta.0 for the source of the driver but still getting access point invalid even after I run sudo iwconfig ap any10:07
os2maclspci -v reports the network card as a broadcom BCM4309 how ever iwconfig nick is "broadcom 4306'10:07
GastenAdeman: :)10:07
=== timfrost [n=timfrost@125-237-80-168.jetstream.xtra.co.nz] has joined #ubuntu
Adrianodaniele_982: being italian doesn't matter. The other thing is modify kdevelop to redirect its use of the console to gnome-terminal10:07
holycowFlosoft, again i've never bothered with such a think, i prefer the sanity of sitting at a box and watching the cd doohickey do its thing on raw metal :/10:07
GastenAdriano: Yea, I know. I just forgott the command to get there in the first place.10:07
Adrianodaniele_982: or are you using kubuntu?10:08
AdrianoGasten: gconf-editor?10:08
daniele_982Seveas: no I use Gnome10:08
godmachine81os2mac:: sudo modprobe -r bcm43xx  && sudo rm /etc/modprobe.d/ndiswrapper &&sudo modprobe -r ndiswrapper10:08
GastenAdriano: Yeah. Thanks :)10:08
godmachine81do that first10:08
holycowFlosoft, you know as an aside.... why not consider paying for ubuntu support?10:08
godmachine81and let me link you to a download10:08
Seveasdaniele_982, kdevelop wants to use konsole, so install konsole or don't use kdevelop..10:08
Flosoftwill they install it on my server remotely?10:08
holycowFlosoft, the numbers are on the ubuntu site, call them up and see if they will offer such a consulting service for you.10:09
Lynoureos2mac: broadcom ethernet card? At least their BCM5751M should be supported by ubuntu as is, without need for ndiswrapper10:09
Emessanyone know if its possible to run xorg 7.1.1 on dapper?10:09
daniele_982Seveas: but i use gnome konsole is for kde!It's Equal?10:09
=== janbatisuto [n=janbatis@ARouen-252-1-95-20.w86-205.abo.wanadoo.fr] has joined #ubuntu
Adrianodaniele_982: you already installed kdevelop, which pulled (I'd bet) a lot of dependencies of kde in10:09
Seveasdaniele_982, kdevelop is for kde as well..10:09
os2macgodmachine trying to keep from doing that.... I would like to be able to use the installed driver without ndiswrapper.10:09
holycowFlosoft, no clue, but i wouldn't muck about with a production server doing something this advanced, try to find someone with experience10:09
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noelferreira thank you10:09
noelferreira i mean that i use amd64 edgy10:09
noelferreira and when i uused dapper drake i had to do something about firmaware10:09
noelferreira i found some tuturial and it just worked well10:09
noelferreira but now my card is auto recognised10:09
noelferreira i have in fact two10:09
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noelferreira wlan0 and wmaster010:09
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godmachine81os2mac:: http://ubuntu.cafuego.net/pool/edgy-cafuego/bcm43xx/bcm43xx-firmware_1.3-1ubuntu1_all.deb        download that file to your desktop10:09
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AdamKiliy do i have greyed out upgrades listed in Update Manager?10:09
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Adrianodaniele_982: at this point installing console or configuring kdevelop properly would be about the same10:09
Flosoftholycow: I can't afford that ;)10:10
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godmachine81what was that for Seveas ?10:10
Seveasgodmachine81, for flooding10:10
AdrianoAdamKili: tried from the console?10:10
holycowFlosoft, they you are screwed10:10
Flosoft750 $ is way out of my limits10:10
holycowFlosoft, give up on this malarkey and just use 32 bit os10:10
godmachine81poor guy, at least he wasnt trolling man10:10
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holycowif you can't afford the help then i am almost certain you don't have the expertice to actually USE 64 bit to its full potential10:10
blindI was having some issues with screen resolution.. I took out ALL the other resolutions in my xorg.conf -- didn't make a difference. It's like the computer's not even using my xorg.conf -- what other files are there? O_o10:10
AdamKiliAdriano: what do u mean?10:11
holycowtrust me, very few apps really need 64 bit os10:11
godmachine81os2mac:: after you get that file downloaded to your desktop do this:    sudo dpkg -i ~/Desktop/bcm43xx-firmware_1.3-1ubuntu1_all.deb10:11
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Ignatiusis edgy eft's installer like dapper drake's was? you first start X and then start intalling?10:11
Lynoureblind: you did restart x after the change? (Sorry, had to check)10:11
AdrianoAdamKili: open a Terminal, and execute the command  sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get dist-upgrade10:11
blindLynoure: I even rebooted.10:11
holycowIgnatius, well neither ... live iso is one option to install, you can still install via the MUCH MORE RELIABLE d-i10:11
Ignatiusnice to hear. I hated the former one.10:12
AdrianoAdamKili: it will ask for a password. It's your user's password10:12
Ignatiuscrashed twice, yo know.10:12
jigerEverybody please help. I am unable to boot into edgy after upgrade from dapper10:12
jigergetting kernel panic10:12
godmachine81jiger:: what error you got?10:12
godmachine81jiger:: what kind of kernel panic?10:13
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Lynoureholycow: d-i?10:13
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holycowIgnatius, you just haveto download the alternate cd to get d-i10:13
ubotuUbuntu can be installed in lots of ways. Please see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation for documentation. Problems during install? See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/CommonProblemsInstall and https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DapperReleaseNotes/UbiquityKnownIssues10:13
winterweaverhello again ^.^10:13
godmachine81jiger:: you didnt happen to convert your filesystem in dapper to something other than ext3 or ext2 did you?10:13
ubotusamba is the way to cooperate with Windows environments. Links with more info: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MountWindowsSharesPermanently http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/serverguide/C/windows-networking.html Samba can be administered via the web with SWAT10:13
holycowLynoure, debian installer, only the greatest installer ever written10:13
jigermy boot gets stuck at "Initializing /dev"10:13
AdamKiliAdriano: it still has the equivalent of being greyed out. it says the following packages have been kept back: <list of packages>10:13
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IndyBCThe default program to open sources.list with, is "Software Sources" but it has a bug, and I want to change it to text editor. But I can't. I press on the Text Editor choice to change it, but nothing happens. The choice bullet stays on "Software Sources".10:13
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jigergodmachine81: nop10:13
Lynoureholycow: I know debian installer, I'm just acronym blind10:13
holycowLynoure, :) good enuff hehe10:14
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godmachine81jiger:: that would either be something in upstart or in udev10:14
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jigergodmachine81: yes but now whats the way out?10:14
godmachine81boot a livecd10:14
parixaHi, need some help with ATI Radeon Express 200M setup on Edgy. Does anyone here got this card to work with 3D?10:14
godmachine81and reconfigure the udev and upstart packages10:14
jigergodmachine81: any then?10:14
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godmachine81jiger:: did you let the upgrade finish completely?10:15
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jigergodmachine81: I don't have edgy livecd. will dapper ones do?10:15
godmachine81jiger:: yea it would do the job10:15
jigergodmachine81: yes. also ran the two commands at the end to verify it10:15
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IndyBCSo, can anybody explain it, or help me?10:15
godmachine81jiger:: what two commands to verify it?10:15
jigergodmachine81: ok once I boot with dapper livecds what do I do?10:15
ScorpmoonLook what me bitching about this game yesterday caused: http://www.frozen-bubble.org/downloads/10:16
ScorpmoonUbuntu support!10:16
jigersudo apt-get install -f and sudo dpkg --configure -a10:16
godmachine81jiger:: you need to know what device is your root partition and where its mounted with the livecd10:16
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godmachine81jiger:: did you have any packages showing held back or not upgraded ?10:16
os2macgodmachine81 there was a newer version from today should I use that one?10:16
godmachine81jiger:: its very common to get like 30 or so python packages that cant be upgraded10:17
jigergodmachine81: ya some of them were but then I doubt they should crete any issues10:17
godmachine81jiger:: no the python ones wont10:17
godmachine81but if you hadnt updated udev in a long time10:17
jigerI tried safe mode and got this in the console10:17
godmachine81you might have had some cross dependency problems10:17
daniele_982Ok i've installed konsole and now kdevelop run but i've same error with X11. but i want configure kdevelop for console but the options is disabled10:17
godmachine81os2mac:: a new version of what from where?10:18
alassirylol ... ubuntu has a package libgdiplus ....10:18
os2maca newer version of the .deb file you linked to.10:18
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godmachine81where did you see it at?10:18
godmachine81and how do you know there was a newer one?10:18
godmachine81that is the newest on the repo10:19
os2macsame directory  all the way down... I just didn't put the file on the end of the URL and it showed me the directory10:19
jigerBegin: Initializing /dev10:19
jiger/init: 76: Syntax error: 0xID=cb5f831d-0219-4c7c-be23-b954444575fb10:19
jigerkernel panic - not syncing: Attempted to kill init!10:19
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jigergodmachine81: sounds crackable?10:20
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godmachine81jiger:: that looks like that stupid UUID crap they have put in edgy10:20
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winterweaverCan someone give me some assistance ??10:21
godmachine81jiger:: do you know what device your root partition is?10:21
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godmachine81crimsun:: yes i said it!10:21
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crimsungodmachine81: how do you propose to fix the persistence problem "properly," then?10:21
winterweaverI can't connect to by friend's Samba network10:21
sulosg nickserv identify Kb8x9nn210:21
prowerHello :> Anyone else having trouble with gnome-screensaver in Edgy? It seems that after a while the screensavers stop displaying graphics...after that any time you lock the screen, it's blank10:21
AdamKilisorry that was weird Edgy just forced me to log out. who was the person helping me before?10:21
jigergodmachine81: perhaps /dev/hda14 or something10:21
Adrianogodmachine81: yes, I noticed it too in fstab10:21
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AdrianoAdamKili: it was me10:22
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sc0ttsulo: i suggest you change your password now10:22
godmachine81crimsun:: something other than a windows cd key would be a lil better10:22
Adrianowhat's the problem now?10:22
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crimsungodmachine81: uh, it's not a Windows CD key10:22
prowergodmachine81: I think you're getting confused on the definition of UUID ;>10:22
godmachine81uh.. dont take me so seriously10:22
Adrianogodmachine81: it still works the ancient way10:22
tomcatt /mgs ubotu mouse10:22
sulosc0tt: done =)10:22
jigergodmachine81: fortunately I have my linux partitions mounted from windows. I can check some files if u want. but please help me out10:22
godmachine81Adriano:: yes it does still work the ancient way10:23
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Adrianoprower: I think he's talking about its understandablyness10:23
godmachine81Adriano:: but it doesnt default to the ancient way10:23
AdrianoI know10:23
godmachine81and it looks like it caused problems for jiger10:23
sc0tti've done that tons of times too :>10:23
daniele_982nothing had a conexant modem usb adsl?10:23
AdrianoI had to bring it back too, in beta210:23
winterweavercan someone assist me with my samba network problem?10:23
AdamKilithe same one before. updates are greyed out and when i did ehat u said in the terminal it said the same updates were "held back"10:23
Adrianonow (fresh install) it works10:23
prowerHmm...I guess gnome-screensaver's working for everyone else then? :>10:23
godmachine81prower:: im not confused on anything..10:23
AdrianoAdamKili: did it say _why_?10:23
sulotrying to install NVIDIA's drivers for my card... It seems impossible to properly shut down X in ubuntu... even though I kill all x-related processes, the driver install script still thinks x is running and won't execute. any suggestions?10:23
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godmachine81i know what UUID is and i know how it is generated when the partition is created.10:24
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dooglushow can I get edgy's gaim to put itself in the system tray?10:24
zoidberghey guys10:24
wickedpuppysulo, how did you shut down X ??10:24
Kawaii-Pandasulo:sudo pkill gdm10:24
Kawaii-Pandasudo gdm10:24
sc0ttsulo: /etc/init.d/gdm stop10:24
Kawaii-Pandaor just reboot10:24
godmachine81prower:: my point was it should use some other method to identify the drives10:24
zoidberghow can i change my firefox media streaming plugin10:24
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holycowdooglus, just start it up?10:24
Adrianosulo: from a proper TTY (Control Alt F1) login and do what scott said10:24
prowergodmachine81: Ahh, got it10:24
sulowickedpuppy: 'killall -9 gdm' and then kill <Xprocess-pid>10:24
zoidbergi dont want to use the mplayer plugin...si there another plugin i can use?10:24
dooglusholycow: I tried that10:24
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crimsungodmachine81: and what method do you propose? I'm all eyes.10:25
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sulosc0tt: okay... didn't know there was a script =)10:25
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Scorpmoonwhy can't I install libsdl-perl (>=1.20-8) is not installable ?10:25
sc0ttyup :)10:25
sulook, I'll go try... thanks10:25
wickedpuppysulo, then no more gdm running ? ps aux | grep gdm ?10:25
zoidberganyone got any suggestions10:25
AdrianoAdamKili: try repeating the command and PM me with the result10:25
sulowickedpuppy: no...10:25
sc0tttime for breakfast10:25
sulobon app!10:25
Henry_BeanHello, it is normal to have 820 fps (average) using a GeForge 6200 TC, propietary drivers and X.org 7.1.1 using glxgears -printfps?10:25
jigergodmachine81: any idea what to do after I boot with live cd?10:25
sc0ttmerci :>10:25
godmachine81crimsun:: im sure there could be a shorter environment variable that links to the uuid, although that wouldnt solve whatever problem has arose for jiger10:25
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os2macgodmachine81: ok I ran the dpkg10:25
zoidbergi'm trying to find another media plugin for firefox that will perhaps work a lil better....i dont like mplayer plugin10:25
AdrianoHenry_Bean: I don't think, lemme check10:26
godmachine81os2mac:: did you run those commands i said earlier?10:26
crimsungodmachine81: how would an environment variable solve the _boot_ problem?10:26
wickedpuppysulo, sudo /etc/init.d/gdm stop .. thats normally how i do it when i install nvidia10:26
ScorpmoonCan anyone fix libsdl-perl ?10:26
dooglusholycow: oh, I found it.  turns out I had to click the 'put gaim in system tray' button.10:26
DownUnder__hehe...... I have gdm completely freezing the computer after upgrading to Edgy, and no way to get the graphical login screen..... Any idea?10:26
godmachine81crimsun:: the kernel can have arguments passed to it.. just like the whole UUID / root= part is a variable10:26
jigergodmachine81: Ahh seems fstab is f*** by edgy.10:26
FallenHitokirii installed beryl and started beryl-manager - now my windowborders appear and disappear every second... how can I stop this?10:26
os2macyes... the was a ubuntu2.deb and and ubuntu1.deb I used ubuntu1.deb10:26
godmachine81jiger:: nah its not fscked10:26
Henry_BeanAdriano: thanks xD10:26
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crimsungodmachine81: yes, I know that. Tell me how it unwinds from the partition all the way up.10:27
godmachine81its just using those UUID's10:27
holycowdooglus, :) hehehe10:27
raw-bingreets. I'm suffering from the popular 'upgraded-to-edgy-but-gnome-login-hangs' dilemma. I want to hand edit my session startup to remove beryl stuff. How do I do this ?10:27
AdrianoHenry_Bean: I have an average of 2000 fpss with an nVidia 5200 FX, so no10:27
godmachine81crimsun:: c'mon dude just stick to the traditional way10:27
dooglusholycow: strange, I had it ticked in dapper already.  edgy seems to have unticked it :(10:27
jigergodmachine81: can I replace my dapper fstab with this one?10:27
holycowyeah a lot of questions in here are just venting/brainstoriming, people find answers on their own a lot10:27
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godmachine81jiger:: you see those big long Windows CD Key looking numbers?10:27
crimsungodmachine81: where the traditional way breaks for pluggable boot devices?10:27
godmachine81thats what me and crimsun are complaining about10:27
holycowdooglus, ubuntu has a NASTY habit of being like that actually10:27
holycowone of the reasons debian people stick with debian especially for servers10:28
dooglusholycow: I only use ubuntu once every 6 months, so I'm not too worried :)10:28
Henry_BeanAdriano: do u know some place to look about this?10:28
AlanHaggaigodmachine81 : how to use the split command?10:28
|thunderIS there a way to re-init fstab without a restart?10:28
holycowit has to do with the vast number of changes every 6 months10:28
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gaudengood day, im new using ubuntu, can anyone please help me, i wan to install a Yahoo Messenger.10:28
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AlanHaggaigodmachine81 : I am always getting it wrong10:28
gaudengood day, im new using ubuntu, can anyone please help me, i wan to install a Yahoo Messenger.10:28
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dooglusholycow: I like to check out each new release to see how it's going10:28
godmachine81crimsun: i see your point.. but it shouldnt be forced on people10:28
os2macgodmachine81: OK I ran those commands and rebooted...10:28
Cyraqi fear that i am back, gentlemen!10:28
AdrianoHenry_Bean: which drivers are you using?10:28
Scorpmoonwhom do you have to screw around here to get libsdl-perl fixed?10:28
godmachine81os2mac:: why did you reboot?10:28
jigergodmachine81: but why ain't others getting  the same problem?10:28
alassirygauden: install gaim10:28
godmachine81os2mac:: this isnt windows10:28
Cyraqyou will be most discomforted to know that i am here to annoy you all yet again10:28
crimsungodmachine81: an upgrade is not forced. People choose to upgrade.10:28
os2macI know...10:28
godmachine81jiger:: i dont knwo10:28
Cyraqand make your stay miserable.10:28
holycowdooglus, *nod* i will stick with dapper for a few years.  its a good desktop imho ... i stay away from server end stuff tho10:28
AdrianoHenry_Bean: I'd suggest installing the latest from nvidia.com10:28
AlanHaggaigodmachine81 : how to use the split command?10:28
raw-binhow do I hand edit the session startup scripts ? Where are they located ?10:29
os2macbut I still get Access Point invalid in iwconfig10:29
dooglusAlanHaggai: "man split" will tell all10:29
godmachine81crimsun:: no thats not how it works.. changing fstab is like upgrading from linux 2.6.whatever to the latest bsd kernel without knowing beforehand10:29
godmachine81i call it forced10:29
Henry_BeanAdriano: 1nvidia-glx 1.0.8774+
AdrianoCyraq: may the swift boot of the ops descend upon you with great fury, then10:29
AlanHaggaidooglus : I tried man split10:29
dooglusAlanHaggai: basic usage is "split filename"10:29
|thundergauden; gAim supports yahoo10:29
crimsungodmachine81: since when are people forced to dist-upgrade from Dapper to Edgy?10:29
CyraqAdriano: ROFL10:29
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AlanHaggaidooglus : where do we include the size?10:29
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AlanHaggaidooglus : please type an example10:29
dooglusAlanHaggai: see -b flag10:29
godmachine81crimsun:: nobody is forced.. but nobody makes you aware of lil things like that until after the fact..10:30
gaudenwhere could i get the gaim10:30
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AdrianoHenry_Bean: I think the process is uninstalling those and installing the 8776 driver from nvidia.com or wait until a package is ready10:30
dooglusAlanHaggai: split -b 16k myfile.iso10:30
|thundergauden; are you on edgy ?10:30
godmachine81crimsun:: they want to highlight gnome 2.16, tomboy, and f-spot.. but nothing about fstab10:30
crimsungodmachine81: if it doesn't work, it's a bug, plain and simple. He should file a bug so that we can fix it.10:30
AlanHaggaiok dooglus  chacking now10:30
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dooglusAlanHaggai: it'll make files called xaa, xab, xac, ... unless you tell it otherwise10:30
Adrianocrimsun: it works, just not from upgrades. I say Bug10:30
godmachine81topic change plz10:30
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jigergodmachine81: can I replace /etc/fstab file of edgy with my dapper /etc/fstab file?10:31
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prowerWhoops, one more question :> I know Ubuntu 6.06 was a long-term-support release...does that apply to Kubuntu as well?10:31
os2macgodmachine still getting "access point invalid" and I am not able tp change the rate.10:31
dooglusAlanHaggai: BTW, I only just started watching, so I've no idea what you're trying to do10:31
crimsunAdriano: (what I just said)10:31
ScorpmoonHas anyone succeeded in installing frozen-bubble on Ubuntu?10:31
gaudennot sure, i have these installation cd version 5.0410:31
godmachine81mine worked fine but i upgraded like 2 months ago10:31
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Adrianojiger: I doubt that you can do worse than how you are now, so yes10:31
Adrianojiger: try that10:31
os2macgotmachine81 were you talking to me?10:31
godmachine81no os2mac10:31
os2macgodmachine81 sorry.10:31
AdamKiliAdriano: i'm PMing u. pay attention!10:31
Adrianocrimsun: I was just me-too'ing10:31
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jigerAdriano: :)10:32
zoidbergcan anyone help me pleas10:32
godmachine81os2mac:: run sudo network-admin10:32
AdrianoAdamKili: I didn't receive any PM10:32
zoidbergi'm trying to find another media plugin for firefox that will perhaps work a lil better....i dont like mplayer plugin10:32
jigerletmme try. pray10:32
AlanHaggaidooglus : I tried the command as such, it didn't return any error10:32
dooglusAlanHaggai: I just scrolled up.  you're wanting to create a multi-part rar archive.  split isn't for that.10:32
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AlanHaggaidooglus : but it did not split :(10:32
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dooglusAlanHaggai: look at the directory listing.  see 'xaa' there?10:32
AlanHaggaidooglus : so what can I do?10:32
AdamKili?? i right-clicked on ur name and did "private chat"10:32
vilefridgeHello.  I'm really in need of some assistance here :(   Awhile ago, I was getting some help upgrading from Dapper to Edgy via dist-upgrade.  Well, it didn't work and broke my RAID.  I could still get into windows though and the 'restore/safety' mode of Xubuntu.  So I was going to format one of my Windows partitions to FAT32, mount it in ubuntu, copy everything over from /home as a backup, and then re-install.  Well, whatever partitio10:32
=== phaero [n=phaero@h73n2fls31o891.telia.com] has joined #ubuntu
os2macgodmachine81 command not found10:33
crimsunjiger: after you replace your edgy fstab with dapper's, make a copy of it as /etc/fstab.pre-uuid10:33
dooglusAlanHaggai: which package are you using to rar files up?10:33
AlanHaggaidooglus : yes saw xaa10:33
=== deshaebig [n=sinizzl@cable-dynamic-87-245-93-82.shinternet.ch] has joined #ubuntu
DownUnder__Raw-bin: are you seeing the login screen? or it freezes before showing it?10:33
AlanHaggaidooglus : using rar10:33
dooglusAlanHaggai: see xab?10:33
=== ArthurBrazilx [n=Arthur@cpe-76-168-106-29.socal.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu
godmachine81os2mac:: you in kubuntu or something?10:33
AlanHaggaidooglus : yes10:33
crimsunjiger: i.e., you have two copies of the same fstab (both dapper's version), /etc/fstab and /etc/fstab.pre-uuid10:33
dooglusAlanHaggai: 'split' takes the file you give it and splits it into parts xaa, xab, etc.10:33
os2macgodmachine81 yes10:33
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jigercrimsum: ok10:33
AdamKiliAdriano: try PMing me10:33
AlanHaggaidooglus : I see10:33
AdrianoAdamKili: dunno, this is gaim, maybe that doesn't work with gaim10:33
dooglusAlanHaggai: but I very much doubt that that's how you make a multi-part .rar10:33
crimsunjiger: that will prevent further updates from attempting to convert your fstab to the UUID method10:33
godmachine81os2mac:: i dont know the kde equivalent to network-admin10:33
AlanHaggaidooglus : So for the multipart archive, what should I do?10:34
jigercrimsun: but u sure edgy will work still?10:34
deshaebigi've installed a new gtk2 engine from gnome-look.org (deb package for ubuntu) but it doesn't do anything :(.... i installed an according theme and it looks like there's no engine installed whatsoever :(10:34
godmachine81os2mac:: maybe its kwifi-manager10:34
godmachine81or something like that10:34
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dooglusAlanHaggai: please wait...  searching...10:34
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dellahi... after upgrade to edgy emacs has a very ugly font... is that a bug?10:34
crimsunjiger: if it worked in dapper, it will work in edgy10:34
AlanHaggaiok dooglus : Thanks :)10:34
godmachine81os2mac:: try kwifimanager10:34
os2macgodmachine81 what are you trying to do? see if the card sees anything10:34
godmachine81sudo first10:34
ScorpmoonDay 2 of trying to install frozen-bubble on Ubuntu.. Join me tomorrow, for the sequel10:34
prowergodmachine81: I know it's under the system settings icon in the main menu, but I can't remember where...it should be obvious when you see it though10:34
godmachine81os2mac:: you need to set your options on it10:34
ScorpmoonUbuntu, linux for humans10:34
holycowScorpmoon, lol10:34
holycowScorpmoon, let me try10:34
Kawaii-PandaScorpmoon: linux for human beings actually.10:35
ScorpmoonEdgy, living on the edge10:35
dooglusAlanHaggai: using edgy?10:35
godmachine81linux has always been for human beings10:35
AlanHaggaiyes dooglus10:35
Scorpmoonor.. wait for your maintainer to get his finger out his ass10:35
AdrianoScorpmoon: I've always found nice how that would assume the rest of the linuxes aren't for human beings10:35
holycowScorpmoon, well works here10:35
godmachine81human interaction required10:35
holycowwhats the prob?10:35
dooglusAlanHaggai: liking the orange tones?10:35
Ademanhow can i make scite default to monospace?10:35
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holycowlet me guess you want to compile it and install it from source right?10:35
os2macgodmachine81 wifimanager sees the essid and lets me set the parameters but fails to connect10:35
godmachine81if they want the slogan to imply that it requires less user interaction it should be Linux for Computers10:35
Adrianofrozen-bubble works here10:36
AlanHaggaidooglus : Edgy is nice10:36
AdrianoAdamKili: I did PM you10:36
Scorpmoonholycow, then how come I get this error: https://launchpad.net/distros/ubuntu/+source/frozen-bubble/+bug/129210:36
jigercrimson: there is already a .pre-uuid file10:36
AdamKiliAdriano: i don't think it's working. i got ur message, and replied but i guess u didn't get it?10:36
ubuntu__did you prefer ubuntu ou kubuntu ?10:36
Kawaii-Pandagodmachine81: how about linux servers. they arent as friendly10:36
crimsunjiger: overwrite it.10:36
prowerubuntu__: I'll prefer Kubuntu if the screensavers work properly :>10:36
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AdrianoAdamKili: indeed10:37
godmachine81Kawaii-Panda:: if ppl want friendly they should stick with windows imo10:37
holycowScorpmoon, breezy?10:37
holycowyour still using that?10:37
Scorpmoonholycow, Edgy10:37
jigercrimsun: I'll reboot. fingers crossed.10:37
holycowbut your repost say breezy10:37
holycowthats why10:37
voltzgodmachine81, I dunno, Im new to Linux and this seems friendlier to me10:37
deshaebigcan anyone tell me how to install new gtk2-engines AND get them working ?10:37
Scorpmoonholycow, libsdl-perl is obviously broken in the default repositories.. do you use some others?10:37
godmachine81it gets old dealing with people that expects everything to be configured for you right out of the box, and have a happy lil merlin bouncing around playing weird sounds10:37
AdrianoAdamKili: if it's not more than 4 lines, paste it here, otherwise try to tell us why the updates are being kept back10:37
Scorpmoonholycow, but it happens in edgy aswell10:37
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holycowScorpmoon, why do your repos say breezy?10:37
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Scorpmoonholycow, that's not my error exact.. but it's what I get10:38
holycowScorpmoon, i just installed it in edgy10:38
holycowno error10:38
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Scorpmoonthen why can't I?10:38
holycowtry another repo10:38
sinizzlcan anyone tell me how to install new gtk2-engines AND get them working ?10:38
Scorpmoonholycow, wait! did you install 1.0.0 ?10:38
AdamKiliAdriano: i don't think i need to paste it all. it's only "python-" stuff that's "kept back" e.g. python-adns python-crypto python-egenix-mxproxy python-egenix-mxstack, etc...10:38
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holycowScorpmoon,  ye10:38
Scorpmoonholycow, that explains it.. 2.0.0 is the latest10:38
dooglusAlanHaggai: looks like multipart volumes are created automatically if you rar up something big enough10:38
=== IndyBC [n=indy@athedsl-147699.otenet.gr] has joined #ubuntu
Scorpmoonholycow, read http://www.frozen-bubble.org/downloads/10:39
AdrianoAdamKili: it's the "why" that would be nice to know10:39
Scorpmoonyou need a new rep10:39
holycowScorpmoon, well its not in the repos ... so how are you installing it?10:39
holycowoh wtf10:39
holycowhey dude10:39
os2macgodmachine81 did you see my post?10:39
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holycowyou are installing from non repo locations and you expect us to be responsible for that?10:39
holycowScorpmoon, how about this10:39
AlanHaggaidooglus : but I want them to be at 95 MB each10:39
Scorpmoonholycow, i use edgy, i want to live on the edge10:39
=== tobias_ [n=tobias@82-171-181-106.dsl.ip.tiscali.nl] has joined #ubuntu
IndyBCHello. Although I have removed and purged GVim, it exists as an option to "open with" a file. How can I remove it?10:39
holycowScorpmoon, that has nothing to do with you dummy10:39
vilefridgeGRUB has stopped working.  I cannot load Ubuntu or Windows.  Can someone please help me get it going again?  I've tried 1> re-installing from desktopCD  2> super grub disk.  without luck.10:39
Scorpmoonif this was on windows, all I'd have to do is, 1) download program.exe, 2) doubleclick program.exe, 3) Have fun10:39
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Scorpmoonon Ubuntu however, it's a whole other story10:40
Brydenn33anyone here familiar with kismet-qt?10:40
holycowScorpmoon, if you are installing from non repos then you must take responsibilites for understanding what the hell you are doing10:40
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dooglusAlanHaggai: what do you mean by MB?10:40
tobias_Good morning. My X server is complaining about a video driver mismatch and I am now on IRC via irssi. How can I get my UI back?10:40
holycowScorpmoon, then go back to windows10:40
Scorpmooni am on windows :10:40
AdrianoScorpmoon: if this was windows, you'd have to a) find it on the net10:40
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Scorpmoonnothing wrong with the net10:40
Scorpmoonthanks to google10:40
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AdrianoScorpmoon: b) pray that it wasn't infected10:40
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holycowScorpmoon, good for you bro, now leave us alone10:40
Scorpmoonyou think apt-get is more intuitive than google?10:40
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holycowdamned windows noobs10:40
AlanHaggaidooglus : Mega Byte, I meant10:40
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dooglusAlanHaggai: 10^6 bytes or 2^20 bytes?10:40
Adrianoc) install it, so clicking a few times "yes"10:40
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dooglusAlanHaggai: 1000*1000 or 1024*1024?10:41
holycowScorpmoon, no just windows noobs are beyond stupid and don't even bother to understand what they are doing10:41
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Adrianod) maybe reboot just in case it touched a few reg keys10:41
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AlanHaggaidooglus : anyway10:41
godmachine81holycow:: its obvious that guy is just here to troll10:41
holycowScorpmoon, for windows users, its never their fault its always someone elses10:41
Scorpmoonyes, but then I suggest you change your slogan10:41
Adrianoe) enjoy the game10:41
|thunderScorpmoon; frozen bubble works great. "sudo apt-get install frozen-bubble"10:41
holycowScorpmoon, i suggest you just fuck off10:41
AlanHaggaidooglus : it is just that I want something around that size10:41
Scorpmoonthunder, not 2.0.010:41
dooglusAlanHaggai: so use the "-v95M" or "-v95m" flag, depending on which you want10:41
Lynoureholycow: hmmm, that's a nasty generalization10:41
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holycowsomeone ban Scorpmoon pls10:41
godmachine81Scorpmoon:: your just too sorry to run linux..10:41
Scorpmoondo you feel the love tonight?10:41
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ubotuHelp! Keybuk, mdz, Amaranth, tritium, ajmitch, crimsun, ogra, CarlK, Seveas, Burgundavia, apokryphos, thoreauputic, nalioth, Madpilot, ompaul, rob, Hobbsee, imbrandon, DBO or gnomefreak!10:41
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=== rob looks
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godmachine81you want to lay a guilt trip on everyone that is smarter than you10:42
AdamKiliAdriano: i just got forced logged out again, i'm sorry if u posted something. i missed it10:42
=== JairunCaloth [n=jairun@c-69-241-7-143.hsd1.ga.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
godmachine81so keep using windows and stfu10:42
AlanHaggaidooglus : where should I use that flag?10:42
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holycowLynoure, its one that has unfortunately proven to be true over and over again10:42
Scorpmooni'd like to play this game10:42
dooglusAlanHaggai: in the 'rar' command line10:42
=== dieffel [n=dieffel@50A2F718.flatrate.dk] has joined #ubuntu
pradeepwhere is 'System -> Administration -> Disks' in edgy?10:42
JairunCalothso guys, how is the dist upgrade going overall?10:42
Scorpmoonbut since it's like rocket science to install it, maybe I never will10:42
ubotuPlease read the channel topic whenever you enter, as it contains important information. To view it at any time after joining, simply type /topic10:42
crimsunWindows is extremely offtopic for this channel. Please omit it from all but compatibility and installation discussion.10:42
=== Jessi [n=jessica@71-221-64-226.eugn.qwest.net] has joined #ubuntu
Lynoureholycow: any you were born using linux?10:42
holycowLynoure, infact the entire windows virus situation although half ms fault, the other is windows users fault, but thats another topic10:42
Jessihalp meh!10:42
noelferreiradiz cusco10:42
JessiI deleted my desktop enviroment10:42
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AdrianoAdamKili: I said, it'd be interesting to know why is it telling you that it can't install those10:42
Lynoureholycow: I'm unfortunately too old to have been born into it.10:42
AlanHaggaidooglus : can you type an example splitting with the above flag and also the store compression?10:42
Scorpmoonfunny how we suddenly discuss viruses instead of useability :)10:42
Scorpmooncoz you were cornered?10:43
robholycow: Scorpmoon please stay on topic10:43
holycowLynoure, i was born with enough humility to understand that you must research before coming to conclusions10:43
dooglusAlanHaggai: see "man rar" - but -v is a switch, and switches go after the command (the 'a') and before the archive name10:43
godmachine81Scorpmoon:: it doesnt take rocket science, it takes getting over point and click running .exe files10:43
JairunCalothjessi: what do you mean exactly?10:43
voltzgodmachine81, and rebooting :)10:43
cuscohi ya dudes... anybody using rt61 driver for the wireless card?? seems like edgy brings it out of the box, but while it can be configured it doesn't connet to the AP10:43
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cuscoany idea why?10:43
holycowScorpmoon, installing buble 2.0 is trivial you just need the right library10:43
JessiLike, I am running everything from terminal10:43
cuscoanybody using rt61 driver?10:43
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godmachine81i really dont know what people complain about in linux these days10:43
holycowunfortunately your too dumb to know how to get it or compile it  your self and install it10:43
Scorpmoonvery trivial.. the saga continues10:43
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dooglusAlanHaggai: something like "rar -v95M -m0 porn.rar /home/alan/young-boys"10:44
godmachine81synaptic is for n00bs10:44
Jessiand alt f7 is also terminal, display is not configured right10:44
AlanHaggaidooglus : I read the man page, but since I am a newbie, I am getting the flags and the hyphens wrong :(10:44
godmachine81and it makes installing things easier than in windows10:44
AdamKiliAdriano: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/29024/10:44
holycowScorpmoon, just stick with windows, we'll be much happier not listening to your nonsense10:44
JairunCalothjessi so your xorg.config is wrong10:44
khaije1godmachine81: it doesn't cost enough10:44
AdrianoScorpmoon: you can easily do the same thing on Linux: download a .deb, doubleclick on it, insert your password and voil (if you have the right repos configured)10:44
Scorpmooni can't play frozen-bubble on windows10:44
godmachine81it dont ask you 100 questions, where you want this where you want that whats your name10:44
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AlanHaggaiok dooglus will try that10:44
Jessihow do I fix it?10:44
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AlanHaggaidooglus : thanks :)10:44
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JairunCalothjessi: one sec10:44
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robScorpmoon: please discuss that in ##windows10:44
dooglusAlanHaggai: oops.  I forgot the command part.  so something like "rar a -v95M -m0 porn.rar /home/alan/young-boys"10:44
Scorpmoonrob, discuss what10:44
rungehi I am having problem with ubuntu after the upgrade, is this the right chan to ask in?10:44
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robScorpmoon: windows related stuff10:45
Lynourerunge: sure is10:45
holycowScorpmoon, the fact your a retard of gargantuan proportios10:45
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rungegood :)10:45
ubotuHelp! Keybuk, mdz, Amaranth, tritium, ajmitch, crimsun, ogra, CarlK, Seveas, Burgundavia, apokryphos, thoreauputic, nalioth, Madpilot, ompaul, rob, Hobbsee, imbrandon, DBO or gnomefreak!10:45
JairunCalothjessi: try running sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg10:45
AdrianoAdamKili: try using dist-upgrade instead of upgrade10:45
AlanHaggaidooglus : thanks :)10:45
zmmWhen I run openoffice in ubuntu it gives following error and does not start: application cannot be started an internal error occurred10:45
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godmachine81Scorpmoon:: i suggest you just do a dpkg -i packagename.deb10:45
Scorpmooni don't need to discuss windows, I know everything there is to know about windows :)10:45
rungeI get error with python-setuptools10:45
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rungeits in swedish though E: python-setuptools: underprocess post-installation script gav felkod 110:45
robLynoure: please I'm here already10:45
=== os2mac_ [n=os2mac@ip68-10-71-214.hr.hr.cox.net] has joined #ubuntu
godmachine81Scorpmoon:: or maybe if you have to compile it from source, read the required libraries needed to compile it10:45
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Lynourerob: oops, sorry10:45
dooglusAlanHaggai: I've never used 'rar' - this is a rought guess based on a scan of the man page.  maybe you need 'porn', not 'porn.rar', etc - but try it on a test dir.10:45
zmmWhen I run openoffice in ubuntu it gives following error and does not start: "application cannot be started an internal error occurred" can anyone help plz.10:45
ChaosmikMy refresh rate is locked to 60hz on ubuntu 6.06. in xorg.conf monitor section if i change vertical refresh rate to 75hz , what do i have to change the horizontalsync to?10:45
Scorpmoongodmachine, compile source.. sounds like the right way for gamers!10:46
AlanHaggaiok dooglus :)10:46
holycowzmm, try reinstalling first10:46
rungesomething like : E: python-setuptools: subprocess post-installation script gave error code 110:46
AdamKiliAdriano: same thing, same packages held back, no reason10:46
TerminusChaosmik: see your monitor's documentation for info on that.10:46
=== American-Tech [n=keith@cpe-74-67-241-29.twcny.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu
godmachine81Scorpmoon:: its as easy as typing ./configure &&make && make install10:46
=== prower [n=prower@wiley-461-254463.roadrunner.nf.net] has joined #ubuntu
godmachine81but i guess thats above your head10:47
AdrianoAdamKili: try sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get dist-upfrade10:47
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TerminusChaosmik: each monitor has different Horiz and Vert Sync ranges. it's best that you set it to what's specified for your monitor.10:47
prowerHmm...well, I figured something out about the screensavers, sort of :> It seems that something's going wrong with gnome-screensaver, if you kill and restart it they work fine again10:47
Scorpmoongodmachine, i'm not gonna bother arguing :)10:47
zmmholycow, reinstall openoffice?10:47
dooglusAlanHaggai: I don't know if you noticed, but there is a better manual available in /usr/share/doc/rar/rar.txt.gz10:47
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AdamKiliAdriano: nothing new to report10:47
godmachine81no because your just here to troll..  your a windows user that dont have the ability to learn a new OS..10:48
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holycowzmm, yeah just want to make sure we are starting with a good fresh base install10:48
AlanHaggaiyes dooglus : I saw that10:48
AlanHaggaidooglus : I tried the command10:48
AlanHaggaidooglus :  rar a -v95M -m0 Desktop/CFS\ CD1.iso Desktop/test10:48
AdrianoAdamKili: sorry about that, I don't know what to suggest anymore10:48
Jessilemme reboot, thanks JairunCaloth10:48
Scorpmooni don't want to learn my OS, i want my OS to be a transparent layer that allows me to run my _apps_10:48
AlanHaggaidooglus : ERROR: Bad archive Desktop/CFS CD1.iso10:48
AdamKiliAdriano: thanks anyway, i guess i won't worry about it. what's python used for anyway?10:49
ubotuHelp! Keybuk, mdz, Amaranth, tritium, ajmitch, crimsun, ogra, CarlK, Seveas, Burgundavia, apokryphos, thoreauputic, nalioth, Madpilot, ompaul, rob, Hobbsee, imbrandon, DBO or gnomefreak!10:49
os2macgodmachine81 still not working.. ssid is showing key is set wep is set to open (tried managed it didn't work either)10:49
JairunCalothwhere is my syntax error? sudo rename /etc/apt/sources.list sources.list.bkup10:49
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holycowSeveas, *ping*10:49
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crimsunJairunCaloth: use mv, not rename.10:49
godmachine81AlanHaggai:: try ~/Desktop/CFS\ CD1.iso10:49
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prowerI also noticed that installing Edgy gave me two entries for the floppy drive in fstab ;> A proper one, and one just leading to /dev10:49
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AlanHaggaiok godmachine8110:49
holycowDBO, *ping*10:49
AdrianoAdamKili: a lot of stuff10:49
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holycowDBO, can we get a band on Scorpmoon10:49
godmachine81os2mac:: does your router have a wep key turned on?10:50
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holycowhe's heavily trolling  the channel10:50
Scorpmoonbig band?10:50
blekoshello guys, I'm currently upgrading to 6.1010:50
ajmitchDBO: by the look of things, holycow may be needing some time out as well10:50
godmachine81os2mac:: then you need to put the key in10:50
AdamKiliAdriano: is there a way to make sure it's working?10:50
os2macgodmachine81 did that... still fails10:50
American-TechHey crimsun I could not find the driver you suggested10:50
Scorpmoonevery windows user is a troll according to linuxers :)10:50
Jfrench Hello, who knows a fair bit about Twinview? I need some Help, both of my monitors work, but can i set them up as two seperate desktops not one long one?10:50
DBOajmitch, yeah taking over this, holycow has been around a while so Id rather talk to him10:50
American-Techalsa-driver hg10:50
m4steRhow can i configure keyboard language on kubuntu10:50
dooglusAlanHaggai: you missed the name of the archive it should create10:50
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DBOholycow, join me in #ubuntu-ops please =)10:50
LynoureScorpmoon: no, they are not, but can we move on now, please?10:51
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AdrianoAdamKili: let's put it like this: if Edgy works, then don't worry too much10:51
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Scorpmooni'll move on when I got frozen-bubble installed on Ubuntu Edgy - linux for human beings10:51
dooglusAlanHaggai: you should specify a .rar file for it to create10:51
blekosi've got only one huge problem with Linux... I cannot sync my PDA-PHONE(not smartphone)10:51
AdamKiliscorpmoon: why are we trolls? i love both OS's10:51
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AdamKiliAdriano: k10:51
godmachine81Scorpmoon:: your not going to get it installed while your in windows ffs10:51
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dooglusAlanHaggai: rar a <flags> archive.rar stuff to store10:51
AlanHaggaidooglus : How?10:51
Scorpmoonubuntu is on the other machine..10:51
crimsunAmerican-Tech: scroll to the bottom of http://www.alsa-project.org/download.php10:51
blekosscorpmoon: can u solve my prob so i aint b a troll any more?10:52
dooglusAlanHaggai: the first name after the flags is the archive name10:52
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crimsunAmerican-Tech: (also, please preface the sentence with my nick and a comma or colon, else my irc client's nick highlighting doesn't trigger)10:52
LynoureScorpmoon: I'm not sure what you have tried yet. usually   sudo apt-get install frozen-bubble  does it10:52
AlanHaggaiok dooglus : I will try it10:52
AdamKiliScorpmoon: why are we trolls? i love both OS's. Also, what do u call Mac OS users?10:52
ScorpmoonLynoure, http://www.frozen-bubble.org/downloads/ .. can you install that one?10:52
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Jessidid not help10:52
ScorpmoonAdam, you tell me10:53
LynoureScorpmoon: it's really easier to use that line to install it on ubuntu10:53
ScorpmoonLynoure, what line10:53
Jessithis one10:53
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LynoureScorpmoon: sudo apt-get install frozen-bubble10:53
AlanHaggaidooglus : It is working now :)10:53
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AlanHaggaidooglus : Thanks for the great help :)10:53
ScorpmoonLynoure, and then I get this kind of error: https://launchpad.net/distros/ubuntu/+source/frozen-bubble/+bug/129210:53
dooglusAlanHaggai: thanks for your question.10:53
godmachine81Scorpmoon:: you know how to use alien?10:53
blekoshow do I remove old images that are created every time an update is issued?10:53
JairunCalothjessi still broke?10:53
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dooglusAlanHaggai: I never made a .rar file before - but now I have :)10:54
Scorpmoongodmachine81, can you guarantee converting an RPM will work?10:54
JairunCalothjessi: what sort of error messages are you getting?10:54
Scorpmoongodmachine81, i'm beefed up with errors allready10:54
godmachine81Scorpmoon:: no..10:54
AdrianoScorpmoon: installed and playing Frozen-bubble v2.0 following the directions on the site10:54
AdamKiliScorpmoon: that could apply to either question i asked10:54
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godmachine81but its worth the first try10:54
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JessiIt wont to to a desktop enviroment, it stays in a terminal based thing.10:54
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ScorpmoonAdriano, then how come my libsdl-perl is broken?10:54
godmachine81Scorpmoon:: i dont see what is so hard to compile from source10:54
dooglusAlanHaggai: I can't believe the best anyone came up with was to use 'split'!10:54
LynoureScorpmoon: Are you using Breezy? If not, your sources.list is out of date10:55
Scorpmoonadriano, yes.. it says the libsdl-perl dependancy is broken, and not installable10:55
Scorpmooni'm using Edgy10:55
AdamKiligodmachine81: it's time consuming, and annoying10:55
Hitchdoes anybody here design web pages using java10:55
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Adrianohave you enabled universe (and maybe multiverse) repos?10:55
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AlanHaggaidooglus : how do we add more than one file in an archive?10:55
ScorpmoonAdriano, whats your version of libsdl-perl ?10:55
Adrianohave you read ubuntuguide.org?10:55
LynoureScorpmoon: https://launchpad.net/distros/ubuntu/+source/frozen-bubble/+bug/1292 is not an error you get on edgy, please point us to the real error you get10:56
ScorpmoonLynoure, it's as close as it gets... it says libsdl-perl is not installable10:56
Hitchdoes anybody here design web pages using java????10:56
znortflHello people. I can not get into my graphical enviroment after installing edgy eft. The X server complains about a mismatching video driver. What should I do?10:56
Scorpmoonbut ill try multiverse now10:56
JairunCalothjessi: what video driver are you useing?10:56
ScorpmoonAdriano, i get error at 1.20.810:56
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dooglusAlanHaggai: just list them all after the new archive name.  if you list any directory names, the whole directory will be added10:56
JessiEh, a chipset?10:56
Adriano1.20.8 of what?10:56
LynoureScorpmoon: can you pastebin your sources.list?10:56
AlanHaggaiok dooglus thanks again :)10:57
ScorpmoonLynoure, sorry no10:57
Adrianowhat version is it?10:57
dooglusAlanHaggai: re. your question about how to join files together on windows, copy/b file1.rar+file2.rar+file3.rar all.rar will do it10:57
Chaosmikmy monitor is too old to find horizontal/vertical refresh rates :(10:57
JessiI wonder if there is a terminal based web browser?10:57
Adrianoapt-cache show libsdl-perl10:57
AlanHaggaithanks dooglus :)10:57
dooglusAlanHaggai: the /b makes it treat the files as binary data10:58
American-Techcrimsum do I need to add http://www.selenic.com/mercurial to my repository10:58
JairunCalothwhere is the xorg log located?10:58
LynoureScorpmoon: then, sorry, I cannot help you further10:58
godmachine81whats wrong with those Scorpmoon ?10:58
JessiI dont know :'(10:58
dooglusJairunCaloth: /var/log/Xorg.0.log10:58
Jessithat works10:58
AlanHaggaidooglus : what is the speciality of binary data?10:58
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os2macgodmachine81:: appears to not be getting a DHCP offer....10:59
dooglusAlanHaggai: if it's a .iso file you've split and want to rejoin on windows, it won't be a text file.  if you don't specify /b when copying, windows will try to understand it as a text file and will mess it up completely.10:59
os2macit can see the AP. even sees the MAC but in iwconfig it still shows AP invalid.10:59
AlanHaggaidooglus : oh I see :)10:59
Scorpmoonlol its installing now10:59
Scorpmoonafter enabling multiverse11:00
dooglusAlanHaggai: the /b flag basically tells windows not to try to understand the contents of the files11:00
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Scorpmoonthe frozen-bubble saga is coming to an end11:00
dxdemetriouanybody knows how can I purge reconfigure some hardware like the tv-card with modules? I have a problem with graphic card, and doesn't work the dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg11:00
IvanowitchHello. How do i show the NetworkManager gui?11:00
AlanHaggaidooglus : like overriding it11:00
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JairunCalothjessi: look for a PM11:01
godmachine81Scorpmoon:: your installing 1.0?11:01
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Scorpmoongodmachine81, 2.011:01
godmachine81multiverse dont have version 2.011:01
Scorpmoongodmachine81, no but the unofficial rep has11:01
dooglusAlanHaggai: either way, I guess using rar to split and join the files is a better approach than split and copy/b anyway.11:01
LynoureScorpmoon: if you are using edgy, as a last resort you can get that package from this page: http://packages.ubuntu.com/edgy/perl/libsdl-perl11:01
ubotuAIGLX (Accelerated Indirect GLX) is an open source project founded by the X.Org Foundation and the Fedora Core Linux community to allow accelerated indirect GLX rendering capabilities to X.org and DRI drivers. This allows remote X clients to get fully hardware accelerated rendering over the GLX protocol. Head to #ubuntu-xgl for support.11:02
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dooglusAlanHaggai: using rar you get checksumming built in, so you can be sure it has copied correctly11:02
dxdemetriouhow can if I change my graphic card to make the edgy to work? the dpkg-reconfigure doesn't work. Is for unichrome onboard card11:02
zordidhi, has anybody experienced any problems with the tcsh when running ubuntu edgy. If i set the environtment LD_ASSUME_KERNEL to 2.4.1 i get this error "ld: error while loading shared libraries: libc.so.6: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory" when trying to run any command from the tcsh11:02
godmachine81Scorpmoon:: yea the link i just gave you11:03
American-Techcrimsum, do I need to add http://www.selenic.com/mercurial to my repository11:03
godmachine81you just needed multiverse for the deps?11:03
AlanHaggaidooglus : I see11:03
crimsunAmerican-Tech: no. apt-get install mercurial11:03
godmachine81you mean to tell me thats the only reason you couldnt install it? and you was complaining that windows is better?11:03
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JairunCalothjessi: teminal based web browser I used is called lynx11:03
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AlanHaggaidooglus : how to unrar an encrypted password-protected rar file?11:03
Kawaii-Pandawindows should be better. if it wasnt, why does it cost so much?11:03
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Ivanowitchhwo do i view the gui for NetworkManager?11:04
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dooglusAlanHaggai: 'unrar x archive.rar' I think.  it should prompt for the password?11:04
Scorpmoonkawaii, if you claim time is money, paying the windows fee is less than a days labour11:04
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AlanHaggaiok will try dooglus11:04
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Scorpmoonall the time I spend fiddling with linux..11:04
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AlanHaggaino dooglus it is not working11:05
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dooglusAlanHaggai: what happens?11:05
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Brydenn33how do i get my wireless card in "monitor mode"?11:05
amankwahi upgrade my system to edgy yesterday ,but i coundn't boot it this afternoon,what can i do?11:05
godmachine81Scorpmoon:: how much time do you spend on windows "protecting it"11:05
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JessiI hate my life, and computers11:05
JairunCalothjessi: pm11:06
Jessicant install stuff11:06
AlanHaggaiCannot open aero_warz.part01.rar11:06
AlanHaggaiNo files to extract11:06
American-Techcrimsun, I get this error  E: Could not open lock file /var/lib/dpkg/lock - open (13 Permission denied)11:06
American-TechE: Unable to lock the administration directory (/var/lib/dpkg/), are you root?11:06
Scorpmoongodmachine81, you'd be amazed how little... Heard of MS Defender? Norton Antivirus 6 months trial?11:06
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davvswhere do i add it, to add something to my run path?11:06
Brydenn33can someone please help me with my wireless issue?11:06
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crimsunAmerican-Tech: well, are you? :)11:06
American-Techsorry I am a new11:06
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dooglusAlanHaggai: you're in the wrong directory maybe?11:06
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American-TechI thought you are in root auto11:06
dooglusAlanHaggai: or typed the filename wrongly?11:07
AlanHaggaidooglus : no I am in that dir11:07
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dooglusAlanHaggai: run "ls -l aero_warz.part01.rar"11:07
American-TechBasic question how to you get to root?11:07
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AlanHaggaidooglus : oh wrong dir11:07
dooglusAlanHaggai: sure it's not "part1" instead of "part01"?11:07
AlanHaggaidooglus : sorry11:07
godmachine81Scorpmoon:: yea i have heard of them.. but still you have to always be taking precautions11:07
godmachine81you cant trust any windows app you download11:07
godmachine81and if you ever want something "cracked" then it aint like it use to be11:07
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Scorpmoongodmachine81, but I can trust frozen-bubble from an unknown deb?11:08
progekHi room, is it just me or does edgy only have two work spaces instead of 4?11:08
AlanHaggaidooglus : It is working :)11:08
zordidyou can get root by typing "sudo su root" in a terminal11:08
Chaosmikwhats edgy11:08
AlanHaggaidooglus : Thanks again :) A great help :)11:08
American-Techcrimsun, I thought you where in root auto. How to get to root? Sorry I am new to all this and learning as fast as I can11:08
dooglusAlanHaggai: no problem11:08
Hitch] u get root by typing su root only11:08
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AdrianoScorpmoon: no11:08
godmachine81Scorpmoon:: yea whats it going to do?11:08
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JairunCalothor to run a command as root you can use sudo11:08
AlanHaggaidooglus : Else I would have gone back to my Windows system just for this11:09
dooglusHitch] : not in ubuntu's default settings you don't11:09
AdrianoScorpmoon: you _choose_ to trust him/her11:09
godmachine81Scorpmoon:: i havent seen one yet that done anything like rm -rf /11:09
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dooglusAlanHaggai: I expect file-roller or some other such graphical archive tool can do this kind of thing for you11:09
AdrianoScorpmoon: it seems to work, but who knows?11:09
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crimsunAmerican-Tech: sudo apt-get ...11:09
JairunCalothjessi: open you /var/log/Xorg.0.log11:09
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AlanHaggaiok dooglus : Will download and try them11:10
Hitch] can anybody tell me what is webserver used for running java servlets?11:10
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xalbertoxis beryl included in edgy?11:10
JairunCalothwelcome to the chaos11:10
crimsunxalbertox: no11:10
os2macgodmachine81 I have attempted to disable the wep key on my router to see if that allowed my laptop to connect (no change) I also set the ip address by hand (no change) both connections still failed.11:10
xalbertoxcrimsun, ok11:10
dooglusAlanHaggai: ubuntu comes with a graphical archive manager installed.  what happens if you double-click a .rar file in the file manager?11:10
crimsunxalbertox: it's a relatively straightforward addition, however11:10
zordidcan anyone verify that they get an error by typing "setenv LD_ASSUME_KERNEL 2.4.1" from a tcsh or export LD_ASSUME_KERNEL=2.4.1 from a bash shell and then run any command e.g. "ls"11:10
AlanHaggaidooglus : it opens it11:10
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Sackeros2mac: What wireless card?11:11
doogluszordid: hardly anyone uses tcsh.  it's crap.11:11
doogluszordid: http://www.faqs.org/faqs/unix-faq/shell/csh-whynot/11:11
xalbertoxcrimsun, how can I activate metacity composite? I selected it in gconf-editor and I hace compositing option enabled in xorg; and my intel 915 is alrready working but no compositing in metacity11:11
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xalbertoxcrimsun, wy?11:11
zordidthen try in bash i have the same problem there11:11
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doogluszordid: are you running a 2.4 kernel?11:11
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os2macSacker Broadcom BCM4309 per lspci -v11:12
Adrianozordid: I do11:12
znortflIs there any way I could reset the X settings?11:12
os2macsacker I am running kubuntu edgy11:12
Adrianobut my kernel is a 2.611:12
Adrianoso I don't wonder much about it11:12
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doogluszordid: if you tell the linker you're running a 2.4 kernel when you're not, you can expect trouble11:12
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zordidim running kernel 2.6.1711:12
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dxdemetriouwhen I try to remove the nvidia-glx-legacy, the edgy wants to remove and all drivers for x11. I want to move to the onboard but I can't, and I didn't find anything on forums :(11:13
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Hitch] help11:13
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Hitch] lol pls help!11:13
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MetaMorfoziShy all, is there any repo for edgy where i can get mplayer and mozilla-mplayer?11:13
afd_hi! How do I edit how the default $PATH environment is setup? I'd like that /usr/bin to have a higher precedence then /usr/local/bin11:13
dooglusI've tried doing an LD_ASSUME_OS=windowsxp, but my windows games don't work.  can anyone confirm that?11:13
JairunCalothHItchJ: explain your problem as clearly as possible and someone may be able to help you11:13
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n1gkeGood morning everyone....11:14
Chaosmikim running 606 amd64, whats a terminal line to get realplayer if its available for amd6411:14
Sackeros2mac: What all have you tried so far?11:14
JessiDoes PM not work for unregistered users?11:14
Hitch] I need a java webserver!11:14
os2macfwcutter with wl_apsta.011:14
afd_nevermind, found login.defs11:14
AdrianoHitch] : just aaask the question11:14
crimsunxalbertox: because it's not enabled at compile time.11:14
American-Techsudu apt get11:14
xalbertoxso why then it comes with the option in gconf?11:14
Hitch] Adriano, it has been long time that I am asking11:15
crimsunxalbertox: bug.11:15
alecjwHitchJ, why do you need a java web server? what's wrong with apache11:15
Hitch] apache is not running java servlets11:15
Hitch] alecjw,11:15
JairunCalothjessi: I don't know...11:15
os2macSacker I have tried updating the bcm43xx firware with bcm43xx-firmware_1.3_1unbuntu1_all.deb11:15
xalbertoxcrimsun, air was included in dapper why not in edgy?11:15
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JessiI Pm'd you11:15
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os2macSacker: only thing I haven't tried is ndiswrapper.... and I don't want to do that if I can help it.11:16
crimsunxalbertox: because Xorg ships with both AIGLX enabled and composite loaded.11:16
JairunCalothare you getting mine?11:16
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JairunCalothI'm not getting yours...11:16
xalbertoxcrimsun, I dont understand that11:16
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crimsunxalbertox: the older packages have been subsumed.11:16
xalbertoxcrimsun, aiglx is included in xorg?11:16
crimsunxalbertox: it's enabled by default, yes.11:16
cherubielguys, anyidea where kbluetoothd saves pics by default?11:16
os2macSacker wifiassistant can see the ap's with the mac addresses.11:16
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xalbertoxcrimsun, if i install spiftacity it should work with xorg?11:17
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we2byhow do you measure the perfirmance on a ubuntu server?11:17
skoldhi i have a problem with beryl under gnome: beryl ignores the settings of gnome like the gtk-engine and the icontheme anyone knows how to fix this?11:17
os2macbut when I looking iwconfig it shows Access Point Invalid, it won't let me change the rate11:17
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JessiJairun, Basically I tried to get edgy, and messed it up and now I get an exit status 1 when I try to install anything. And so I cant install anything. And I installed xubuntu and did not like it, so I uninstalled it and did not get gnome back.11:17
rungethis new gaim seams to have lost lots of options on how it should look like. is there a way to get it back?11:17
AdrianoHitch] : usually one installs tomcat for that, don't they?11:17
Sackeros2mac what does iwconfig say?11:17
JessiAnd this is why my machine is messed up.11:17
os2macand reports the nickname as BCM4306 instead of BCM430911:17
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Chaosmikso realplayer not work on amd64?11:17
AdrianoHitch] : Apache also doesn't brew me espresso (yet) and I don't complain about it11:17
Hitch] Adriano,  I installed the tomcat but still nothing changed11:17
xalbertoxalberto@alberto-laptop:~$ spiftacity --replace11:18
JessiAnd I have files I cant replace on my computer11:18
xalbertoxI did that and no composite ...11:18
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noelferreiradesisti cusco11:18
AdrianoHitch] : I don't know anymore about Tomcat, so it possibly requires a bit of config before using it11:18
os2macsacker hang on a sec...11:18
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alecjwHitch] : apparently apache has java servelet support, but i havn't a clue what that mesn, could that be what you're looking for?11:19
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Hitch] yes it is what i am looking for alecjw11:19
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Jessiand apt-get install -f without any packages does not work.11:20
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JairunCalothmaybe you need to install the ubuntu-desktop11:20
xalbertoxcrimsun, so If I install beryl I can use it with xorg?11:20
crimsunxalbertox: there are Beryl instructions for Edgy.11:21
JessiCan I do that with the live CD without losing files?11:21
JessiI suppose I could live boot at least.11:21
okawonder if ubuntu edgy works good on a IBMthinkpad T4111:21
tuskerninican anyone play midi in edgy?11:21
crimsunoka: seems to.11:21
alecjwxalbertox: here's a good tutorial for installing beryl on edghy with an nvidia card: http://forum.beryl-project.org/topic-5021-howto-beryl-aiglx-nvidia-drivers11:21
ubotuTrouble playing midi files? Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MidiSoftwareSynthesisHowTo11:21
JairunCalothjessi: are you on the live cd right now11:21
skoldhi i have a problem with beryl under gnome: beryl ignores the settings of gnome like the gtk-engine and the icontheme11:22
os2macsacker: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/2903311:22
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JessiI have one though11:22
cReature^how i can install multimedia codecs?11:22
JairunCalothoh ok11:22
sharyariehm, I'm not very used to the console, so I'd be happy if someone could me out here11:22
JairunCalothjessi lemme double check that real quick11:23
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JessiThanks a ton <311:23
sharyariI had a nvidia graphics card, and it worked fine until a moment ago when it crashed11:23
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Chaosmikare there any media programs that will stream .ram files?11:23
sharyariSo I put an ATI card in the computer instead, but now I've got no graphics?11:23
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ben_underscore_cReature^: https://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/codecs.html11:23
sharyariNo idea what to do :(11:23
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ben_underscore_Chaosmik: mplayer, or you can install Realplayer11:24
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ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about mplyer - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi11:24
ubotumplayer is a media player. Enable multiverse repo and type sudo apt-get install mplayer for more info please see: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MPlayer  To compile it from source see:  https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MPlayer/Compile11:24
ubotuFor Codecs try !codecs Also see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MplayerInstallHowto for installation tips.11:24
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ben_underscore_Chaosmik: https://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/video.html#id254284411:24
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Adrianohe coulda said "thanks", at least"11:25
JairunCalothjessi sudo apt-get install ubuntu-desktop11:25
AdrianoI guess I'll finish watching Psycho11:26
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ProN00bhaha, even slashdot flames about edgy !!!! http://linux.slashdot.org/article.pl?sid=06/10/28/23925811:26
ProN00bhaha, even slashdot flames about edgy !!!! http://linux.slashdot.org/article.pl?sid=06/10/28/239258 (pasted twice for greater effect)11:26
sharyarican anyone help? :P11:26
sharyariI'm pretty much stuck11:26
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ProN00bsharyari, how did it crash ?11:27
Jessiwhat is the directory for the file that you are supposed to change all the sdapper to edgy when upgrading?11:27
Jessilike, source.list or something11:27
ProN00bJessi, its a file11:27
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sharyariProN00b: the screen went blue, and the consoles got bluestiped :P11:27
ProN00bsharyari, you been using the nvidia driver ?11:28
sharyariI can actually still start and run linux with it, but it looks like shit11:28
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ProN00bsharyari, sounds to me like your hardware is fried, did you overclock it or something ?11:29
ProN00bsharyari, try booting windows for once to see if the problem exists there11:29
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mistformlol, ProN00b your name says pron11:29
sharyariBut that's not really the problem, I just want the ATI card to work :P11:29
sharyaridon't use windows :P11:29
ProN00bmistform, my name says alot of things, people tell me what it means to them ==> i know how those people think11:30
boinkso .. is upgrading to edge from dapper a nightmare?11:30
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mistformlol, exactly ;)11:30
ProN00bsharyari, didn't you say you had nvidia ?11:30
Jessiwhat is the command for GEedit? :/11:30
xalbertoxcrimsun, but I have intel 915, and I found instructions for beryl with XGL11:30
ProN00bJessi, gedit11:31
xalbertoxand intel 915 works ok with aiglx11:31
JessiI kept trying GEedit11:31
ProN00bboink, it worked for me, but i reinstalled anyway, because i thought my fonsts were fucked up because they were differently11:31
terroxwhats the easiest way to install nvidia drivers for a fx5200 on Edgy? everything just gives me bad results11:31
crimsunxalbertox: it also works fine with Xgl.11:31
os2macSacker did you see my replies?11:31
xalbertox915 iwth xgl?11:31
=== Andypat10 [n=andy@69-173-121-164.albyny.adelphia.net] has joined #ubuntu
ProN00bboink, but even the respectable trollbaiter slashdot has an article about how upgrading sucks11:31
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noelferreirahi people11:31
crimsunxalbertox: yes, just very, very slowly.11:31
Andypat10hello everyone11:31
xalbertoxI dont want slow...11:31
ProN00bterrox, apt-get install nvidia-glx and change nv to nvidia in xorg.conf11:32
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noelferreiraanyone can help me with the rt61 wireless driver with edgy amd64?11:32
terroxPro: do I need to log in as root or anything?11:32
sharyarialmost a 1000 ubuntu users all using nvidia :P11:32
ProN00bterrox, prepend sudo to the command11:32
Sackeros2mac Reading now.11:32
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okaanyone has flash working in Opera 9.0211:33
JairunCalothjessi: gedit dosn't work in command line mode11:33
terroxPro: I installed glx and did the sudo config command but at boot it throws up an error and X wont start11:33
ProN00bsharyari, you asked about nvidia... you are disturbing, go away11:33
sharyari:P I didn't ask about nvidia :P11:33
ProN00bterrox, i heard about that config thing fucking it up11:33
JessiI just noticed that, Jairun11:33
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terroxPro: But I installed it through synaptic or add/remove :-/ is it different the console way?11:33
ubotuPlease watch your language and keep this channel family friendly.11:33
ProN00bterrox, well, can you fix that error ?11:33
sharyariI asked about ATI :P nvidia never gives me any problems11:33
JairunCalothtry vi11:34
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ProN00bterrox, no, installing the ubuntu-glx is the same everywhere11:34
American-Techcrimsun, I had to reset my root password, can you give that command agian to install mercurial11:34
JessiIf I am fixing things in nano and the format with the lines get messed up, does it mess other stuff up11:34
alecjwnoelferreira: what problem are you having and what have you tried doing to fix it?11:34
crimsunAmerican-Tech: apt-get install mercurial11:34
ProN00b"<sharyari> I had a nvidia graphics card, and it worked fine until a moment ago when it crashed"11:34
JairunCalothjessi use vi or annother command line editor... they are confiusing as hell at first though11:34
Andypat10can anyone help me with installing a HP PSC 1400 printer that is shared on a windows machine11:34
=== wishlog [n=newbie@pn-206-229.itsc.cuhk.edu.hk] has joined #ubuntu
ProN00bterrox, just the sudo configure something is not cool11:34
DaGameExcuse me, why do my partitions in my partition table all start and end on the same Head,Sect,Cyl: 254,63,1023 (With the exception of my first's start which is at 1,1,0)?11:34
noelferreirathe driver is found11:34
terroxi dont think I can fix it, I had this working on 6.01 but 6.06 and 6.10 wont let me do it11:34
KeyseirAny VMware users here?11:34
JairunCalothjessi: why do you need to change your sources.list again?11:34
Jessiforsay I have a line of stuff that gets into the next line of stuff, but pushes it down. will it kill me.11:34
noelferreirai can scan my essid11:34
ProN00bterrox, can you get your old xorg.conf back ?11:35
JessiI changed all the sdrappers to edgys11:35
noelferreirabut i can't get ip11:35
terroxyeah I did11:35
=== timhaughton [n=timhaugh@82-69-2-150.dsl.in-addr.zen.co.uk] has joined #ubuntu
alecjwbut then you can't connect, noelferreira?11:35
JairunCalothjessi: did you already dist-upgrade?11:35
noelferreirai can't alecjw11:35
terroxso its better to just do the config manually rather than the sudo config command they recommend?11:35
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noelferreiralok here alecjw11:35
KeyseirVMware anyone?11:35
ProN00bterrox, well, then try only changing "nv" to "nvidia" there to activate the driver, i heard that the sudo config thing makes problems, and i always did it that way11:35
Alieni have problems with samba3+ldap11:35
noelferreirai guess it is my problem alecjw11:35
Alienin ubuntu-server 6.0611:36
JessiJairun, I thought I did11:36
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Aliensomebody can help me?\11:36
American-Techcrimsun, says it can not find the package was there a specific place to download the file mercurial-o.9.1.tar.gz11:36
alecjwnoelferreira: they distribute open source drivers: http://www.ralinktech.com/drivers/Linux/RT61_Linux_STA_Drv1.0.4.0.tar.gz11:36
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JairunCalothjessi: then you need to leave them as edgy11:36
terroxpro: okay I'll try that. can't understand why some things never get fixed11:36
alecjwi used to have one of those caqrds, but i couldn't get the drivers to work though ;(11:36
JessiI am using sdrapper though11:36
DaGameCan some people please PM me their partition table? "sudo fdisk /dev/hda" then 'x' and 'p'?11:37
AlienThe problem is my samba and ldap servers are running and ready11:37
lupine_85alecjw: nobody - literally nobody ;) - uses the 'base' RT61 driver released by RAlink11:37
JessiI am influanced to think that is why it wont let me install things11:37
JairunCalothjessi: are you sure? how can you be using dapper if you did dist-upgrade11:37
Alienbut i can't add anygroup with ldap-account-manager11:37
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crimsunAmerican-Tech: make sure the universe component is enabled11:37
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vilefridgeWhat emergency tools are available to read files on a drive that no longer has GRUB, partitions aren't listed in Gparted?11:37
Andypat10can anyone help me with installing a HP PSC 1400 printer that is shared on a windows machine to which this Ubuntu 6.10 comp is networked to11:37
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Alienbecause he say: no Samba3 Domain is created11:37
lupine_85edgy comes with the rt2x00 driver for them ( http://rt2x00.serialmonkey.net )11:37
dixiehi guyis11:37
noelferreiraalecjw: i have to manual compile ? why if my distro auto recognise the driver and i can find my essic with iwlist?11:37
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ProN00bterrox, nvidias fault11:37
alecjwlupine_85: whay's that, whats wrong with those drivers?11:37
lupine_85or maybe .com -  forget11:37
abbcaanybody know the mening of "mecenalia"? or any idea of what is?11:38
noelferreiraalecjw: i only can't get ip11:38
Alienbut the samba domain is already create11:38
lupine_85alecjw: they work - ish - but edgy has the better driver already included and - obviously - working11:38
JessiJairun, I tried it and it messed up half way through11:38
terroxpro: ya but no community easy install script that can detect these problems up front?11:38
JairunCalothjessi: ahhh11:38
lupine_85noelferreira: can you see the access point with iwlist wlan0 scan ?11:38
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Jessigave me a 404 in my repositories11:38
AlienSomebody there llisen??????????11:38
=== lupine_85 has an rt61 upstairs that works fine
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noelferreiralupine_85: yes i se11:38
ProN00bterrox, please highlight me with my full name11:38
Aliensomebody can help with that please11:39
JairunCalothjessi: try running dist-upgrade again11:39
alecjwlupine_85: DAMN! i thou8ght it was never going to be supported and bought a new wifi card..11:39
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ProN00bterrox, well the serious people do not care because it isn't oficially supported because its not open source11:39
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lupine_85noelferreira:  OK, it lists the MAC address - so run "sudo iwconfig wlan0 ap <MAC ADDRESS>" - you get the mac address from the scan11:39
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timhaughtonI have 2 200 gig external USB drives attached to my Edgy server. Can I create a striped (RAID 0) volume now? Or does that have to be done a fdisk time?11:39
lupine_85do you have any encryption/etc?11:39
Andypat10can anyone help me with installing a HP PSC 1400 printer that is shared on a windows machine to which this Ubuntu 6.10 comp is networked to?11:39
noelferreirai don't have enccrypt lupine_8511:40
lupine_85next try running "sudo dhclient wlan0"11:40
Alien<Andypat10> explain me better please11:40
lupine_85assuming you're using DHCP of course ;)11:40
abbcaanybody know the mening of "mecenalia"? or any idea of what is?11:40
Alien<Andypat10> maybe i can help u11:40
=== DarkMageZ [n=richard@ppp234-5.lns3.syd7.internode.on.net] has joined #ubuntu
ubotuTo install the Ati/NVidia drivers for your video card, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto11:40
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terroxProNGGb, thats a little annoying when Ubuntu is being promoted the way it is.11:41
ubotuTips and tricks for RAID and LVM can be found on https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RaidConfigurationHowto and http://www.tldp.org/HOWTO/LVM-HOWTO11:41
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lupine_85noelferreira: you could get them working in Dapper as well, with very little effort11:41
noelferreirait reslved my problem11:41
noelferreirawhat was the problem lupine_8511:41
lupine_85cool, so you have Internet now?11:41
noelferreiranoe i got the ip11:41
lupine_85the drivers aren't really ready for prime-time ;)11:41
Andypat10welll i have a hp printer hooked up to a windows xp comp that i want to use to print i have this comp and the comp with the printer bot hooked up to the network11:41
lupine_85so you have to work with them a bit11:41
=== ezsquirt [i=bowser@vol21-1-82-224-19-51.fbx.proxad.net] has joined #ubuntu
noelferreirahow can i get it working at startup?11:42
Alien<Andypat10> then....11:42
Andypat10i can even go as far as accessing their files i just need to kno how to set up that printer for use11:42
lupine_85you can add the line "wireless-ap <MAC ADDRESS>" below the line "iface wlan0 inet dhcp" in /etc/network/interfaces11:42
znortflCome on people, my last hope: neither the official nor the nvidia-glx driver works with my X server. What should I do? (I am running edgy)11:42
Alien<Andypat10> u need to configure ur cups service in our Ubuntu Machine...11:42
Andypat10ok and how do i do that11:43
lupine_85znortfl: does the "nv" driver work?11:43
znortfllupine_85, moment11:43
Alien<Andypat10>but if the printer is plug in to a Windows BOX then maybe u need to setup winbind too11:43
alecjwznortfl: there are beta drivers which might work11:44
=== Jessi [n=jessica@71-221-64-226.eugn.qwest.net] has joined #ubuntu
Jessithat did not help11:44
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Alien<Andypat10> then the best option u have is pluging this printer in to a LinuxBox and start a samba basic configuration with Cups support...11:44
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Alien<Andypat10> i mean share printer...11:45
znortfllupine, when I tell X to use NV as driver, I start X and then I get a screen with green lines all over the place and white lines blinking on the bottom of the screen11:45
jigergodmachine81: thanks. I am now up with edgy kubuntu :)11:45
alecjwznortfl: add the repo: deb http://amaranth.selfip.com edgy lrm and then install nvidia-glx11:45
znortfllooks like a lot of bollocks to me11:45
Andypat10well i think i might kno what to do in gnome11:45
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znortflokay alecjw will do11:45
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Jessiwhat is the apt-get for lynx?11:45
alecjwznortfl: you are using edgy, aren't you?11:46
alecjwJessi: sudo aptitude install lynx11:46
Andypat10hold on alien11:46
Alienplease somebody out there can help me with samba+ldap???? (1371 users)11:46
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jigercan anyone confirm that what default kernel does kubuntu edgy come with?11:46
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alecjwAlien: what do you need help with11:47
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znortflYep alecjw11:47
AlienI have an Ubuntu-Server(only console) with LDAP+SAMBA311:47
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JessiIt says not found :/11:47
Alien<alecjw> LDAP and Samba3 are running very good11:47
Andypat10<alien> i can go to add printer select network printer and select windows printer and find my printer on the network and find the driver for it but i click on install driver then idk where to put it11:48
alecjwand what do you need help doing, znortfl11:48
dbmonk74could someone point me in the right direction? I've been scouring the forums but not finding what I need - which is to figure out how to install video drivers11:48
Alien<alecjw> the problem is if i try to made a group with ldap-account-manager i get this:11:48
ubotuFor multimedia codecs see: https://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html and for applications see this: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MultimediaApplications11:48
alecjwJessi: i think it might be in the universe repos: have a look11:48
Alien<alecjw> No Samba3 Domain defined11:48
znortflalecjw, apt-get tells me that nvidia-glx is the newest version11:48
lupine_85dbmonk74: which card?11:48
lupine_85don't forget to apt-get update11:48
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Alien<alecjw> then i check the tree structure and i seee11:49
Jessiupdating now11:49
alecjwAlien: sorry, i can't help you11:49
dbmonk74lupine_85: intel integrated - 82625 i think... i will have to double check. tired11:49
alecjwdon't know what that means11:49
Alien<alecjw> the fuck... samba domain into dc=example,dc=com11:49
Jessialot of 404 errors11:49
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alecjwznortfl: have you sudo aptitude update'ed?11:49
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Alien<alecjw> what the hell... some body else out thereeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee11:50
savvaswhat's the default gnome window manager?11:50
znortflalecjw, that's the point, I cant come into X11:50
Andypat10<alien> did u catch my most recent post11:50
lupine_85savvas: metacity11:50
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Andypat10<alien> i can go to add printer select network printer and select windows printer and find my printer on the network and find the driver for it but i click on install driver then idk where to put it...11:51
alecjwznortfl: sudo aptitude update && sudo aptitude upgrade11:51
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Alien<Andypat10> idk where to put it?????????????11:51
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Alienwhat is this?????11:51
alecjwyou can do that in the commandline, znortfl11:52
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savvasfinally!! :) thanks lupine_85, i installed beryl and it had some problems heh11:52
FRETgood morning11:52
JessiJairun, did you figure out of a live CD boot will harm my files?11:52
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Andypat10srry im kinda new to linux11:52
highnekoWhat's the control key for whitespace using irc?11:52
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terroxPro: how do I check if it worked?11:52
Alien<Andypat10> wait a minute11:52
Jessihighneko, alt f411:52
noelferreiramany thanks lupine_8511:52
Andypat10<alien> ok11:53
JairunCalothjessi: live cd dosn't touch anything11:53
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noelferreirait is working nicely11:53
highnekoJessi: Thank you11:53
JairunCalothjessi: you could run a live cd on a system without any HDD's11:53
highnekohighneko: Nvm, damn you.11:53
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JessiJairunm Can I fix my system on a live CD boot?11:53
highnekoDamn wrong name. What's the control key for whitespace using irc?11:53
Alien<Andypat10> i write to ur pv..11:53
znortflalecjw, could you tell me again what to do from start? I am losing track of all the commands...11:54
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Andypat10<alien> ?11:54
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Alien<Andypat10>i write to u a private mensage11:54
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alecjwok, znortfl, do the commmand sudo nano /etc/apt/sources/list11:54
JessiI think I will deal with this tomorrow.11:54
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JessiThanks a ton for all the help you have given thus far.11:54
MrGreendoes easyubuntu work with edgy?11:55
alecjwznortfl: then you add the line deb http://amaranth.selfip.com edgy lrm to the end11:55
Alien<Andypat10> u don't se my mesagues?11:55
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xipietotecMrGreen: no, it is not configured for edgy yet11:55
GastenEasyUbuntus homepage seems to be offline. Is there any other page I can download it from?11:55
MrGreenok ok11:55
dbmonk74lupine_85: intel 8286511:55
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znortflalecjw, done11:55
zlackhow would i check which process is blocking my soundcard?11:55
terroxProN00b: do I need to install anything else?11:55
alitis4in slackware on xfce, i got the xfsamba4 ... how i can add this on ubuntu?(i run xfce)11:55
MrGreenwill edubutu work11:55
Alien<Andypat10> so then u can see the printer and get the drivers rigth??????11:55
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alecjwznortfl: and you've saved the file?11:55
znortflalecjw, I do not need to comment anything?11:55
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znortflsaved now alecjw11:56
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alecjwno, you don't znortfl11:56
znortflokay. Saved the file11:56
Alien<Andypat10> so then u can see the printer and get the drivers rigth??????11:56
ProN00bterrox, i didn't11:56
Andypat10alien: yea i just dont kno where the ppd file is11:56
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alitis4in slackware on xfce, i got the xfsamba4 ... how i can add this on ubuntu?(i run xfce)11:56
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Andypat10alien: im a slow typer srry11:56
mirak?--------- ? ? ? ?                ? /var/cache/apt/archives/partial11:56
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mirakI got this when doing an ls -l11:56
Alien<Andypat10>  ok let me check11:56
alecjwznortfl: are you using edgy and do you have nvidia-glx installed?11:57
Alien<Andypat10> don't worried11:57
Alien<Andypat10> are u female?11:57
terroxProN00b, k thanks. Funny how none of the guides or anything worked but this simple method does.. I better post that in LEgend forums11:57
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Alien<Andypat10> or male?11:57
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znortflI am using edgy, and no, I just removed nvidia-glx11:57
jigerdoes anyone know how to upgrade kernel of edgy to 2.6.17?11:57
Alien<Andypat10> wait a minute11:57
znortflby the way, I just seemed to lose my cursor :P11:57
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alecjwok, znortfl, you need to do this command: sudo aptitude update && sudo aptitude install nvidia-glx11:58
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about ppd - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi11:58
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dang`r`usis there a separate channel to get help with ati binary drivers?11:58
znortflalecjw, okay brb11:58
ubotuPrinting in Ubuntu is done with cups. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Printers - https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupportComponentsPrinters - http://linuxprinting.org - Printer sharing: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/NetworkPrintingFromWindows11:58
deliredang`r`us: #ati11:58
ubotuTo install the Ati/NVidia drivers for your video card, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto11:58
dang`r`usdelire, thanks11:58
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dang`r`usRookie_, thanks too, but that was not my problem, unfortunately11:58
xipietotecPrinting in ubuntu....is difficult11:58
evil_cowwhat repos i need to install x-window-system-dev11:59
znortflokay alecjw, done that11:59
evil_cowi need it11:59
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terroxProN00b, you wouldn't happen to have tried Legends in ubuntu have you?11:59
Alien<Andypat10> OS of the windows machine?11:59
ProN00bterrox, no, what exactly is that ?11:59
alecjwznortfl: dow do sudo dpkg-reconfgure xserver-xorg to reconfigure it11:59
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znortfloke alecjw brb12:00
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alecjwznortfl: wait12:00
dbmonk74anyone else able to assist with a video driver install?12:00
terroxA FPS clone of Tribes, I happen to be the team lead hehe.. http://legendsthegame.net12:00
znortflalecjw, yeah?12:00
alecjwznortfl: and tell it to use the nvidia driver12:00
alecjwthen reboo12:00
terroxI know it does work but I can't get the .sh installer running ,,12:00
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znortflalecjw, already figured that ;)12:00
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ProN00bterrox, chmod +x ?12:00
terroxsyntax error12:01
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KeyseirAnyone here use VMWARE?12:01
evil_cowplease help me12:01
ProN00bterrox, chmod +x installer.sh12:01
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znortflalecjw, the reconfigure crashes then I entered the desired color depth. Is that ok?12:01
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znortflalecjw, crashing is not really the word. It says something about overwriting12:02
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alecjwznortfl: it didin't crash, it had finished asking you questions :D12:02
znortflalecjw, no wai :P12:02
znortflalecjw, rebooting now12:02
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Alien<Andypat10> https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupportComponentsPrinters12:02
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Alien<Andypat10> check this link12:02
evil_cowE: Couldn't find package x-window-system-dev12:03
Alien<Andypat10> seacrhc if ur printer is in this list12:03
Cyber_Stalkeryou see what people are saying about ubuntu edgy + upgrade?12:03
terroxProN00b, now it says it cant find it12:03
AlienREPEAT Somebody Can help me with samba3 + LDAP???????????????12:03
AlienREPEAT Somebody Can help me with samba3 + LDAP???????????????12:04
Andypat10alien: yes  HP     PSC 1410     hpijs     Yes     Yes     5.10     Detected (and works) as PSC 1400. Both scanning and printing work.12:04
ProN00bterrox, obviously you need to replace installer.sh with the filename of the installer12:04
n1gkeI've been having difficulties with Edgy Eft, so I am staying with 6.06 LTS for the time being.12:04
apokryphosAlien: stop12:04
apokryphos!patience | alien12:04
ubotualien: The people in this channel are volunteers. Your attitude will determine how fast you are helped. See also http://wiki.ubuntu.com/IrcGuidelines12:04
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creaphothi there. i have a xserver crash on shutdown, locks even the kernel. on edgy but since dapper. card ati x700. suggestions, pls?12:04
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terroxProN00b, yeah I know that but its still not finding it after chmod12:05
Alien<ubotu> is ok, i'm only are write for the new online users12:05
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Cyber_Stalkern1gke slash dot has news about it being a mission to upgrade :/12:05
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ProN00bor what are you doing ?12:05
n1gkeThanks Cyber, will check that also.12:05
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Alien<ubotu> and i don't sleep for 2 days... then maybe this is my problem...12:05
GastenEasyUbuntus homepage seems to be offline. Is there any other page I can download it from?12:05
Znortflalecjw, the graphical enviroment works now12:05
terroxthe .sh must be buggered, it gives syntax error12:06
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n1gkeI have 6.06 on three computers. Still working great. Edgy was rather edgy to say the least.... lol12:06
Znortflis there anything I should do now further?12:06
Alien<Gasten> what do u need to download12:06
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alecjwZnortfl: no there isnt12:06
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GastenAlien: Easyubuntu.12:06
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Alien<Gasten> what the hell is that????12:07
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GastenAlien: Please mind your language.12:07
alecjwZnortfl: there is one thing that i reommend you do now -- install beryl!12:07
Alien<Gasten> jajaja i'm losing my mind12:07
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Znortflalecjw, then there is nothing left for me but to thank you. You helped me great. Thanks!12:07
Znortflalecjw, you mean xgl>12:07
Alien<Gasten> sorry was only a joke....12:07
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alecjwZnortfl: glad i could help you!12:07
Cyber_StalkerAliases relax dude12:07
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Alien<Gasten> sorry i'm from Cuba and i have a very bad english grammar12:08
Znortflalecjw, what did you mean by beryl btw?12:08
creaphotapart from the x shutdown problem, mic capture vanished with edgy (sound blaster live). someone experienced that?12:08
Cyber_Stalkerthey have computers in cuba :P impressive12:08
lupine_85terrox: /bin/sh points to dash now12:08
alecjwZnortfl: its like xgl but i've heard that it works much better12:08
Znortfl"sudo apt-get install beryl" ?12:08
Alien<Cyber_Stalker> yes we have some 48612:08
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lupine_85temporarily switch it to bash and the script should work - or just run "bash <script>" - either will work12:08
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Alien<Cyber_Stalker> i have now 3 486 computers12:09
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Andypat10<alien> do u kno how i get the ppd file to install my printer driver to?12:09
marcin_anthi guys I just upgraded to edgy - and finally everything is working on my asus p5b mobo12:09
Alien<Cyber_Stalker> one of this computers have Samba3(PDC) with 1371 users.... romaing profiles and FileServer12:09
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dbmonk74anyone have a moment to help with a video resolution issue?12:09
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alecjwZnortfl: nope, its a bit harder than that, try this tutorial: http://forum.beryl-project.org/topic-5021-howto-beryl-aiglx-nvidia-drivers but leave out the bit where it tells you to install the nvidia drivers12:10
n1gkeI have had the pleasure of many contacts with ham radio stations on the island of Cuba over the years.12:10
alecjwbecuase you've already done that!12:10
Znortflokay alecjw, thanks :)12:10
marcin_antbut I got problem with logitech ultrax media desktop12:10
Cube`srNanyone can teach me how to install 6.06 from live cd?12:10
terroxlupine_85 yeah that nearly worked, I think the script is still not a complete file though,12:10
marcin_antcan someone tell me how to configure keyboard and mouse keys to work properly?12:10
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Cube`srNanyone can teach me how to install 6.06 from live cd? <---12:10
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Alien<Cube`srN> i can tell you must be careful with the partition part12:11
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linuxboywhen I do a beagle search for mail, I double click on the mail that it found and it tries to open in firefox12:11
marcin_antis there some good software to do this? except xav and few settings in xorg that doesn't work with my optical mouse ;/12:11
Alien<Cube`srN> can be dangerous because don't update really good if u make a new partition12:11
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Cube`srNi got 2 partition now12:11
Alien<Cube`srN> then u have to close the wizard an open it again...12:11
Cube`srNcos i can't really boot up the live cd12:12
Cube`srNit jus get stuck12:12
zlackhow can i check which process is using /dev/audio ?12:12
Cube`srNat diff places12:12
n1gkemarcin_ant, you have to adjust your xorg.conf file to do that.12:12
crimsunzlack: lsof /dev/audio*12:12
dang`r`uszlack, sudo fuser /dev/audio12:12
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Alien<Cube`srN> what kind of problem u have with the livecd12:12
Alien<Cube`srN> why don't start?12:12
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about jre - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi12:12
marcin_antn1gke: I already did but it still is working partially12:13
ubotuTo install a Java compiler/interpreter on Ubuntu, look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Java  -  For the Sun Java runtime install sun-java5-jre from the !Multiverse repository12:13
Cube`srNi can't start from the cd12:13
blekoshow can i reomve old kernel images?12:13
ubotuPrinting in Ubuntu is done with cups. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Printers - https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupportComponentsPrinters - http://linuxprinting.org - Printer sharing: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/NetworkPrintingFromWindows12:13
Cube`srNjust get stuck at uncompressing kernel12:13
zlackdang`r`us, crimsun : both don't output anything12:13
Cube`srNof something12:13
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n1gkemarcin_ant, look in /etc/X11 and make changes ONLY after you have backup file.12:13
zlackdang`r`us, crimsun : something is blocking my soundcard, since xmms won't play anything12:13
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about samba3+ldap - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi12:13
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marcin_antn1gke: this mouse has two additional buttons (thumb side) that work ok with some additional settings in xorg.conf12:13
n1gkeI was having difficulty with the MGA driver for dual head video card, but managed to make it work.12:13
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Alien<zlack> shutdown -r now12:14
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zlackAlien: i want to solve the issue, not reboot my system12:14
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Alienu have to read man12:14
Alien<zlack> with a reboot u will solve the problem...12:14
darkangel_is there any people from turkey12:14
n1gkemarcin_ant, yeah. I had to make adjustment for new mouse also. Now trying to manage a wireless mouse and wireless keyboard, CHORE....12:14
marcin_antn1gke: but this mouse also has scroller that has in fact 5 buttons12:14
creaphotnobody on my X crash and mic problem?12:14
Cube`srNcan i start up12:14
zlackAlien: i know, but there should be an easier way - not the m$ way12:15
Cube`srNcan i start up the installation without booting the live cd12:15
dang`r`uszlack, you might try reloading your sound modules12:15
n1gkemarcin_ant, hmmmm.....  Perhaps something XORG doesn't have yet ?12:15
mirakso now ubuntu is compiled for i686 ?12:15
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Alien<zlack> jajajajaja u are rigth i'm only joking12:15
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dang`r`usin my experience alsa can be brittle and sometimes get stuck (seems to be better on edgy/2.6.17 though)12:15
n1gkemirak, heck yes. been out for awhile now.12:15
marcin_antn1gke: xev says that it has button 4 and 5 as scroll up and down12:15
marcin_antn1gke: button 2 when I press roll12:16
mirakn1gke: but I mean everything ?12:16
mirakis it needed to run chroot for ubuntu amd64 ?12:16
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about samba3 - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi12:16
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ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about ldap - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi12:16
Cube`srN!installation live12:16
ubotuUbuntu can be installed in lots of ways. Please see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation for documentation. Problems during install? See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/CommonProblemsInstall and https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DapperReleaseNotes/UbiquityKnownIssues12:16
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n1gkemirak, that I can't answer, sorry.12:17
marcin_antn1gke: and button when I push roller left and unfortunatelly anything when I click scroller to right side12:17
zlackrestarting X helps as well :)12:17
n1gkemarcin_ant, can you direct my to page with information about the mouse please ?12:17
Rico-hey, is there any way to delete packages none of my packages need any more?12:18
Rico-orphaned packages i guess12:18
marcin_antn1gke: so this mouse is working properly except scrolling left and right - up and down is ok12:18
Cube`srNcan anyone teach me how to start installation from a live cd12:18
KeyseirAnyone here use VMWARE?12:18
marcin_antn1gke: to page about this mouse?12:18
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n1gkemarcin_ant, yes please.12:18
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n1gkeCube`srN, if your computer bios is set to boot from CD, then you should be all set really.12:19
Alien<Cube`srN> restart the machine and then put del button during the boot procces12:19
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CPF_Hi guys.12:19
n1gkeCube`srN, boot the computer with the CD in place and just answer a few simple questions really.12:19
n1gkeHi ya CPF.12:20
CPF_Anyone here knows a hyperterminal-alike program for linux?12:20
Alien<Cube`srN> maybe u don't have the boot from CD option active in ur BIOS12:20
suloHi, can someone help me solve this: I just installed the NVIDIA kernel driver. When booting, X won't start, complaining that the X module is newer than the kernel module (nvidia.o). if I do 'rmmod nvidia' and then run startx, everything works fine. It seems that an older nvidia-module is loaded at boot by gdm/X or by the system startup files. How can I find this and disable it?12:20
n1gkeAlien, are you near Havana ?12:21
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Cube`srN[19:20]  <Alien> <Cube`srN> maybe u don't have the boot from CD option active in ur BIOS <---- i do12:21
Cube`srNi ran from the cd12:21
Cube`srNi get12:21
Cube`srNthe menu12:21
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Cube`srNi select12:21
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Cube`srNbut it din ask me if i want to install or not12:21
marcin_antn1gke: http://tinyurl.com/ydnkmh12:21
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Kawaii-Pandadoes anyone know a kid-friendly site that would explain to people with no knowledge of licensing, operating systems, etc. what linux is?12:21
CPF_Kawaii-Panda: Edubuntu?12:21
n1gkemarcin_ant, thanks. I am going to L(O)(O)K at that now. brb\12:22
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Kawaii-PandaCPF_: website12:22
Alien<n1gke> i'm from Cienfuegos (center of the island) but i do i know Havana and have good friends there12:22
v-doggany idea how long it should take for dd to overwrite a 15Gb hard drive? it's been doing it now for two hours at least :)12:22
CPF_Kawaii-Panda: http://www.edubuntu.org/12:22
highnekoWhen executing certain commands, my terminal colors all go while, and I think it froze. I use ubuntu edgy. This is the command: sudo apt-get install libdvdcss212:22
Alien<Cube`srN> if u say YES what happen then?12:22
ubotuTo install the Ati/NVidia drivers for your video card, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto12:23
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n1gkeAlien, thanks.12:23
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Alien<n1gke> why u ask???????12:23
Kawaii-PandaCPF_: i really do mean a kid-friendly site, that windows users could access so that they can learn more about linux and what open-source software is about.12:24
CPF_Anyone here has a prog for connection through serial (null modem) cable?12:24
Cube`srN[19:23]  <Alien> <Cube`srN> if u say YES what happen then? <---- if just hang while loading12:24
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n1gkeAlien, I have ham radio contacts from Cuba sometimes.12:24
CPF_Kawaii-Panda: Isn't that kid-friendly website then?12:24
Kawaii-Pandathanks for the help though ^_^12:24
n1gkemarcin_ant, which model is that mouse please.12:24
Alien<n1gke> ohhh nice... good...12:24
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n1gkeAlien, yes. Very much so.12:24
Alien<Cube`srN> what kind of hardware do u have?12:25
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CPF_Kawaii-Panda: Maybe this one is better: http://www.osef.org/12:26
buzzypeople can you say me why i get this sound device error?http://img207.imageshack.us/img207/8313/sounderrorns6.jpg12:26
Cube`srNAlien : i am on a p3 600mhz, 192mb ram12:26
Cube`srNold system which i am using to test12:26
Cube`srNhttps://help.ubuntu.com/community/GraphicalInstall?action=AttachFile&do=get&target=boot.png <--- i got to this screen12:26
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marcin_antn1gke: I just found some additional info and this is propably this mouse: http://tinyurl.com/yeg56m12:26
Cube`srNi select the 1st option it get stuck when loading12:26
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Kawaii-Pandathanks anyway i did a search and i found this: http://computer.howstuffworks.com/question246.htm12:27
Alienhey u can't install Kubuntu tehere12:27
Alien<Cube`srN> is Ubuntu or Kubuntu?12:27
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marcin_antn1gke: it's decribed just as Logitech Cordless Optical Mouse (on it's bottom)12:27
CPF_Kawaii-Panda: Ok ^^12:27
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Kawaii-PandaAlien: why not both. im using kde and gnome, and they're cool.12:27
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Alien<Kawaii-Panda> u are using that but sure with a alternate iso????????12:28
CPF_And I use ubuntu with fluxbox :)12:28
Cube`srNit get stuck at loading the kernel12:28
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leafwwoah, ubuntu just crashed instead of entering suspended mode when run out of battery. And now on reboot boonobo refuses to run, and asks to remove all applets  and usggests killing the bonobo-activation-server, which doesn't help.12:28
leafwany clues?12:28
Alien<Cube`srN> gnome need more RAM and speed than KDE12:28
CPF_Cube`srN: Maybe try to install Xubuntu?12:28
leafwby the way how can one reboot and force fsck ?12:28
Alien<Cube`srN> then u can try with Kubuntu12:28
marcin_antn1gke: but this article http://tinyurl.com/yhqjxy (in polish only ;) sorry) says that it's mouse is exactly the same as Cordless Click! Plus12:29
Cube`srNcan i not install12:29
Cube`srNfrom the gui12:29
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Alien<Cube`srN> u can try with Kubuntu-Alternate12:29
CPF_You're in the gui now?12:29
CPF_sudo apt-get install kde12:29
Cube`srNno i dun think i can get into the gui12:29
CPF_Command, if you get that far...12:30
AlienUbuntu and Kubuntu have Alternate ISOS this is for machines with low reformace12:30
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SpacyAKHi, has anyone made the Samsung SH-W163A s-ata dvd bruner working with any Ubuntu? In SuSE it works. The other S-ATA hard drives also work perfect.12:30
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Cube`srNso i type sudo apt-get install kde12:30
cahootleafw:one way is shutdown -rF  - else touch /forcefsck12:30
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Alienyeah u can do this too12:30
CPF_Cube`srN: Yah, that should install kde12:30
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Alienbut is better download a iso fo Kubuntu12:31
Alien<Cube`srN> iso of Kubuntu12:31
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leafwthanks cahoot12:31
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tiger__itIve a problem when I try to upgrade / update Ubuntu12:31
tiger__itCan I post my problem ?12:31
CPF_tiger__it: Spit it out.12:31
jmsbwtr_lo, when i upgraded from dapper to edgy it seems to of messed up alsa, as both kaffeine (using xine engine) and rhythmbox have messed up, both now temp fixed using oss12:31
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tiger__itCFP_ ??12:31
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about samba3+ldap - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi12:31
jmsbwtr_how can i sort out alsa?12:31
tiger__itThe following packages are unused and will be REMOVED:12:31
tiger__it  adept adept-batch adept-common adept-installer adept-manager adept-notifier adept-updater arts debtags kaffeine kaffeine-xine katapult kde-guidance12:31
tiger__it  kde-systemsettings kdepasswd kdeprint kdm keep khelpcenter klipper kmenuedit kmplayer-base kmplayer-konq-plugins konqueror-nsplugins konversation12:31
tiger__it  kpersonalizer ksmserver ksplash ksystemlog kwin-style-crystal libpythonize0 libqt4-core libqt4-gui libqt4-qt3support libqt4-sql librsync1 libsqlite012:31
tiger__it  openoffice.org-kde poster pykdeextensions python2.4-dev rdiff-backup speedcrunch12:31
ghenryhi all, we have been running breezy amd64 server for a year now, and would like to upgrade to dapper LTS, do you think editing sources.list is wise and doing apt-get dist-upgrade ?12:32
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tiger__itEvery time I try to do upgrade / update ... I;m  going to loss many packages!!12:32
CPF_What command(s) you use?12:33
Adrianowhere could I get an epiphany-browser version _with_ debugging symbols? I need it for bugzilla12:33
tiger__itsudo aptitude update && sudo aptitude upgrade && sudo aptitude dist-upgrade12:33
tiger__itIt was12:33
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Adrianolaunchpad shows nothing12:33
CPF_Shouldn't it be apt-get?12:33
tiger__itthe last two are the problem.... I guess12:33
Adrianoneither does apt-cache search12:33
tiger__itIm using 6.1 rc Edgy12:33
NantesThisNighthi everybody12:34
AlienSome Help please with Samba3+LDAP12:34
Cube`srNdo u think it is a prob wif my cd?12:34
tiger__itCPF .... aptitude and apt-get are similars12:34
NantesThisNightwouaw there is a lot of people on this #irc12:34
tiger__itCPF .... aptitude is better (theorically)12:34
Aliencould be...12:34
Alien<Cube`srN> could be my friend12:34
Cube`srNhey Alien12:34
CPF_Hmm, didn't know about that...12:34
theplatypusyeah the channel is too busy to be of much help12:34
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Cube`srNmy get stuck @ Creating LIvE CD ACCOunt12:35
Cube`srNor something12:35
NantesThisNightCan i have some help for a problme of connexion ?12:35
tiger__itCPF ... ok.... thanks IDEM12:35
CPF_Well, I runned your command (but with apt-get), and it doesn't do a thing here :)12:35
HymnToLifewell, aptitude is better only at managing dependencies12:35
HymnToLifebut most of the time, you just want to install your stuff, not remove it ;)12:35
Alien<Cube`srN> hey just go to www.ubuntu.com and then go to download12:35
tiger__itCPF I will try using aptitude12:35
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Alien<Cube`srN> search for alternate12:35
Alien<Cube`srN> and download12:35
tiger__itCPF With  synaptic: no problem12:36
Alienor www.kubuntu.org12:36
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NantesThisNightIs there somebody to help me, i have a problem with the ethernet connexion on an imac G312:36
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ubotuFor multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats  -  See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html  -  But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats12:37
Alienwhat kind of problem>?12:37
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Alien<NantesThisNight> what kind of problem?12:37
CPF_tiger__it: Update works perfectly here, aptitude also, so, I don't know what you do wrong...12:37
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CPF_Are you sure it is not an update, so it needs to be removed first, and then renstalled?12:37
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NantesThisNightit just don't work, on my imacG5 in work simply, i just do nothing, but with the old imac, it sucks12:38
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about falsh-sound - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi12:38
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ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about flash-sound - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi12:38
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ubotuIf you're having problems with sound, first ensure alsa is selected by double clicking on the volume control, then File -> Change Device (Alsa Mixer). If you are still having problems with sound, then look at http://alsa.opensrc.org/index.php?page=DmixPlugin See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/DebuggingSoundProblems12:38
Aliendo u have static IP configuration or DHCP???12:38
Alien<NantesThisNight> do u have static IP configuration or DHCP???12:39
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augustinwhat do I need to install GTK+-2.8 ?12:39
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augustinwhat should I type into console, which packet?12:39
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Alien<NantesThisNight> try ifdown eth012:40
NantesThisNightit work like that usually12:40
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Alien<NantesThisNight> then edit /etc/network/interfaces12:40
ubotugtk is the gimp toolkit, which forms the base of Gnome and a lot of other applications12:40
Alien<NantesThisNight> then change dhcp with static12:40
TMMdoes anyone here know of a command which can tell me the throughput of a network interface on the command line? or will I just have to use snmp?12:40
TMMI just want to know it now, I don't want to monitor anything12:40
Alien<NantesThisNight> something like this:12:40
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Alien<NantesThisNight> iface inet eth0 static12:41
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Alien<NantesThisNight> address 10.10.0.x12:41
JoshuaWHello :P12:41
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NantesThisNightifdown: failed to open statefile /var/run/network/ifstate: Permission denied12:41
Alien<NantesThisNight> netmask 255.255.x.x12:41
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terroxhrm how do I make sound work if I have two sound cards and its using the wrong one?12:42
Alienis really clear12:42
JoshuaWI'm having problems getting Ubuntu to work with my wireless adapter :P12:42
Alienare u like root user?12:42
NantesThisNightnot, how can i have root statut inside ?12:42
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Aliensudo -s12:43
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Alienthen enter the password of ur current user12:43
Alienpasswd root12:43
rage-I have some libs that got installed to /usr/share/lib that aren't being seen by the application that needs them -- how can I fix this?12:43
Aliento set a password to root12:43
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JesusI need help with my chroot that crached in my edgy upgrade! On what channel can I get some help? here?12:44
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liwii suggest that games in add/remove should be grouped12:44
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NantesThisNightthanks alien, i look again ... but i'm obliged to diconnect this computer to connect the other ...12:45
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NantesThisNighti'll be back12:45
augustinhow can I upgrade my gtk? I need 2.412:45
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crimsunaugustin: you have > gtk 2.4.12:46
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crimsuneven warty shipped with gtk 2.4.1012:46
crimsunand that was two years ago12:46
augustinnextcrimsun: I have xubuntu 6.0612:47
JesusWhat does the error: "E: locale::facet::_S_create_c_locale name not valid" mean?12:47
augustincrimsun: I have xubuntu 6.0612:47
crimsunwhich has gtk 2.8.1712:47
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JesusI need help with my chroot that crached in my edgy upgrade! On what channel can I get some help? here?12:47
JesusWhat does the error: "E: locale::facet::_S_create_c_locale name not valid" mean?12:47
augustincrimsun: I wanted to install http://www.xfce-look.org/content/show.php?content=4275512:47
augustinthis skin12:48
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tiger__itCPF using apt-get instead of aptitude: Great solution!! works!!12:48
crimsunaugustin: there's a deb for 6.0612:48
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alitis4how i can configure my microphone?12:49
rage-I have some libs that got installed to /usr/share/lib that aren't being seen by the application that needs them -- how can I fix this?12:49
augustincrimsun when I run the configure script, I get  GTK+-2.8 is required to compile murrine12:49
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augustinconfigure error12:50
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Xk2caugustin: http://southernvaleslug.org/ubuntu/dapper-drake/gtk2-engines-murrine_0.21-1_i386.deb12:50
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Xk2caugustin: for dapper12:50
augustinXk2c: how can I install this?12:51
cuatr0s0sjust do it12:51
crimsunaugustin: just click the URL.12:51
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Xk2caugustin: dpkg -i /path/to/downoaded/file12:51
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augustinwell it's easy:)12:52
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BooBardpkg -i http://southernvaleslug.org/ubuntu/dapper-drake/gtk2-engines-murrine_0.21-1_i386.deb12:52
JesusI need help with my chroot that crached in my edgy upgrade! On what channel can I get some help? here?12:52
JesusWhat does the error: "E: locale::facet::_S_create_c_locale name not valid" mean?12:52
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Kawaii-PandaJesus: it means the interface E:locale's facet cannot create a c local name12:53
Kawaii-Pandabecause it is not valid :)12:53
Kawaii-Pandathats not a joke really, its true.12:53
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Jesus<Kawaii-Panda> well... I got that, but how can I fix it?12:54
Kawaii-Pandait can be solved by changing the locale in the gdm menu12:54
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kikeHello; anyone know how to remove an archive that never was at .trash when I push "del" key over it archive? I delete that as nautilus-root-script Thank You! (sorry bad english)12:54
humeI get errors during upgrade to edgy, from perl, that LC_ALL is not set - is it in /etc/environemt it is to be set?12:54
augustincrimsun Xk2c: I still got12:54
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JesusI don't use the gdm-menu-stuff12:54
Xk2cKawaii-Panda: i know, but somehow it still funny12:54
Kawaii-Pandatry using English(US) in my experience, it works with almost everything12:54
augustinchecking for GTK... configure: error: GTK+-2.8 is required to compile murrine12:54
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augustinchecking for GTK... configure: error: GTK+-2.8 is required to compile murrine12:54
Kawaii-PandaJesus: the screen where you log in.12:54
amayeraI have a problem with firefox: when I try to start the latest version in edgy (and the old ones too) I get the following error: X Error: BadDevice, invalid or uninitialized input device 168 \n Major opcode:  148 \n ... \n Failed to open device12:54
crimsunaugustin: you don't need to compile it. You just installed the binary.12:54
Kawaii-Pandatheres an option box over there.12:54
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amayeraanybody else experiencing these problems?12:55
augustincrimsun: do I need to log out and log in ?12:55
giskardhey, do you know if there is something like reason for linux/ubuntu?12:55
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Jesus<Kawaii-Panda> yes... but I would prefer not to use gnome.12:55
alitis4i can't use my microphone... why?12:55
Jesus<Kawaii-Panda> do I have to?12:55
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BooBargis rosegarden12:55
Kawaii-Pandano, you dont have to use gnome12:56
cahootrage-: got an /etc/ld.so.conf.d ?12:56
Kawaii-Pandajust change the locale, i.e. language12:56
syockwhy does synaptic tell me to remove ubuntu-desktop if i want to remove gnome-games12:56
rage-cahoot, nope12:56
TMMhum... 'nload' that's nice12:56
Kawaii-Pandain a default installation its in the gdm's options->language menu.12:56
humesyock, its a dummy package that points to gnome-games12:56
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crimsunaugustin: no, just download a murrina and drop it into ~/.themes/, then choose it in Settings> User Interface Settings12:56
Jesus<Kawaii-Panda> How do I know which language that is right?12:56
humesyock, no problems removing it12:57
BooBargiskard: reason12:57
Kawaii-Pandatry them all. or you could just use English(US), since it works on almost everything.12:57
sharperguyOk, I've been having quite a bit of trouble since i installed and activated nvidia-glx, Failure to initialise HAL, Youtube (flash 9b) getting stuck (like a cd), and GDM not reconising the human background and defaulting to a different theme (its just a png man)12:57
giskardBooBar: there is a linux version?12:57
boguhcan every user i create get root previliges with its password or is there a way to restrict it?12:57
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marcin_antn1gke: any success?12:57
Kawaii-Pandai know because i have that error too when i use my own language in the past ( i.e. Tagalog (Philippines) )12:57
syockhume: so like i can remove at-spi and it won`t affect openoffice.org-gnome?12:57
cahootrage-: missing some devpkg? I'm just one day into ubuntu but both ld.so.conf and the ld.so.conf.d exists here12:57
BooBarrun it in wine12:57
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rage-hrm I dunno12:58
Jesus<Kawaii-Panda> LANG=en_US.UTF-8, is the one im using12:58
humesyock, dont know about at-spi, if it says its a dummy package it is no risk12:58
rage-did you install any pacuages manually?12:58
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cahootrage-: via pkg manager12:58
n1gkemarcin_ant, please again the model number. I got busy helping my son.12:59
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cahootrage-: libtool? (my guess)12:59
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Kawaii-Pandahm... probably a different problem. probably on the library...01:00
fnfHi, anyone has any info on configuring Edgy's upstart ?. I've tried looking at the Wiki pages and Googled (not excessively though) but couldn't find an answer yet.01:00
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marcin_antn1gke: label on this mouse says that it's Logitech Cordless Optical Mouse, but it's identical with Cordless Click! Plus01:00
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crimsunfnf: ...configuring?01:00
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fnfcrimsun: Yes, just like the good ol' /etc/inittab ?01:00
n1gkemarcin_ant, okay. Let me look again. Thanks.....01:01
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syockYay i managed to crash XChat while uninstalling gnome-games. Argh, what`s with this spell-checking thing!!!01:01
Nyto-RJEdgy clock problem ( canot change the clock with right-click and then Adjust Time/date) its open the bug report thing)!!!01:01
crimsunfnf: /usr/share/doc/upstart/README.Debian.gz01:01
ubotuUpstart is meant to replace the old Sys V Init system with an event-driven init model.  For more information please see: http://upstart.ubuntu.com/01:01
KleggasHi. I have an Acer laptop with ALC883 sound chipset (HD SB ATI) which were supposed to be fixed in edgy with alsa 1.0.13. I had sound in dapper but my mic and front did not work, and in edgy it works after a fresh install untill I install fglrx drivers, then Im back on crappy dapper functionality. Has anyone ever made this work in edgy with fglrx, or is there any other distro which can handle both my soundcard and fglrx in a good way?01:01
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lupine_85fnf: no :D, but you could look at the upstsart-sysvinit package (IIRC) - it presumably contains scripts to make upstart act like sysvinit, so you could probably learn a lot from it01:01
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kikehello, I press "del" on an archive but is yet in my HD and i dont know how to delete it (is not at .trash!) thank you :)01:01
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marcin_antn1gke: I reconfigured xorg and everything work except side scrolling01:02
fnfcrimsun: Thanks, will look at at right now, and thanks to ubotu ;) .01:02
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crimsunKleggas: I've already committed fixes for the realtek issues; they should be in an upcoming errata kernel (no ETA).01:02
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n1gkemarcin_ant, ok. Look on the bottom for an LX # please.01:03
syockI happen to have this bad habit of removing unwanted things even though i know they`re harmless. It`s the result of using windows for years01:03
Kleggascrimsun: so I will be able to have both mic/front AND fglrx? It will not default back to OSS drivers as soon as fglrx is present on the system?01:03
n1gkemarcin_ant, like I said before, perhaps XORG hasn't caught up to this type of mouse yet also.01:03
Nyto-RJCan someone try to change the date on Edgy's01:03
Nyto-RJsee if its open the bug report!!!01:03
crimsunKleggas: I can't speak for your particular issue, as I can't test against fglrx01:03
marcin_antn1gke: there is no LX # on it's bottom01:03
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Kleggascrimsun: ok. will have to test when it is out01:04
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n1gkemarcin_ant, this stinks. Sorry, the product or page you're trying to view is not available in your location. Please browse the rest of our site to learn about other products, company information, and more.01:05
abohi, I upgraded yesterday night to Edgy, now I can't see the BBC and other news sites' videos, can you help?01:05
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Lobosqueguys, i can write in a FAT32 HD in linux?01:05
n1gkemarcin_ant, I have a good picture of the mouse, but can't get info from Logitech.... grrrrrrr01:05
lupine_85Lobosque: yes01:05
IgnatiusLobosque: AFAIK01:05
KleggasLobosque: yes01:05
abois there a page with FAQ about web embeded video streams?01:05
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aboLobosque, yes you can01:06
marcin_antn1gke: maybe because it's "oem" mouse01:06
Lobosqueok, thanks guys01:06
gnomefreakabo: is it flash? is it real video?01:06
marcin_antn1gke: btw where are you - I mean what location?01:06
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abognomefreak, I know bbc is real video01:06
gnomefreakcan i have link01:06
abognomefreak, I believe others include flash01:06
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tigerTigTigger:  R U SiberianTiger ?01:08
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m6shas anyone HP1100 and 6.06 ?01:09
tiger_itTigTigger:  R U SiberianTiger ? eh ?01:09
m6sI found my printer manually, and I print garbage....01:09
m6sin google, I find nothing relevant01:10
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m6sany help?01:10
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kikehow to search an lost archive that did not pass over the trash after delete it (now this archive is yet on my HD and i want to delete it!)01:10
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Lobosqueguys, when i try to install nvidia drives, it says that i must kill the X server... so how do i do it?01:10
SiberianTigertiger_it, pm01:10
KleggasLobosque: ctrl+alt+backspace is one way01:11
rage-does anyone know what package will yield the ld.conf folders/files?01:11
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gnomefreakkike: what is it?01:11
syockkike: what does that mean?01:11
Kleggasloboto restart it, if you want to kill X and go to console you could justrun: sudo /etc/init.d/gdm stop01:11
tiger_itSiberianTiger: sorry for your nick :)01:11
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SiberianTigerOk but just remember it01:11
n1gkemarcin_ant, I have both wireless mouse and keyboard also, and have a heck of a time trying to configure them for Ubuntu v6.06 LTS also.01:11
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kikei dont know, just press del over the archive ....01:12
cafuegorage-: libc601:12
tiger_itSiberianTiger: yeah ....01:12
gnomefreaktiger_it: please stay on topic01:12
rudizafter upgraden tot edgy, i stille have the progressbar of dapper. how to change it?01:12
gnomefreakkike: what archive?01:12
Tigergnomefreak, bye01:12
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kikea backup01:12
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tiger_itgnomefreak:  soorry01:12
TMMrudiz: did you follow the instructions on the wiki? it sounds like your upgrade wasn't complete01:12
kikethat i made01:12
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gnomefreakkike: where is it?01:12
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SarkieHi, is there anyway I can download all the packages for ubuntu, on a windows machine, put them onto a cd, and use them with ubuntu?01:12
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kikein /01:12
rudizTMM i have some holdbacks in synaptic01:13
marcin_antn1gke: well keyboard is another story - but I don't use special "multimedia" keys too often01:13
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rudizdoe i van to update them01:13
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appleseedhello there people ...01:13
TMMrudiz: well, are you comfortable using the command-line?01:13
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n1gkemarcin_ant, likewise.01:13
kikegnomefreak, the archive was in /01:13
n1gkeHello appleseed.01:13
appleseedapokryphos: thnx mate ... u really saved me the other day ;)01:13
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rudizTMM yep01:13
gnomefreakkike: open terminal and type rm name.tar.gz01:13
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apokryphosnp =)01:13
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TMMrudiz: very well, do this: sudo apt-get update; sudo apt-get install ubuntu-minimal ubuntu-standard ubuntu-desktop; sudo apt-get dist-upgrade01:14
kikegnomefreak, the archive is not in my hd0 but is still ocuping space o.O01:14
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rage-cafuego, is there any reason why I wouldn't have /etc/ld.so.conf* files/folders? that package is being reported as being installed and I surely haven't deleted those files01:14
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appleseedI have a question for you nice people here ... I plan on buying this Logitech Cordless Desktop MX 3200 Laser product. However, I searched for Linux support on Logitech forums too but no where to be found01:14
JosefKanyone here tried installing both manpages-posix and manpages-posix-reference ?01:14
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cafuegorage-: They're not really essential; the default library paths are hardcoded into the linker.01:14
appleseedIs it possible for anyone to help me on this or should I avoid this buy? :p01:14
gnomefreakkike: is it in /var/cache? is there where its occupy the space?01:14
rudizTMM i will try it,thnx01:14
ArjenHi. I'm having trouble with my LAN connection under Ubuntu. It doesn't seem to get an IP address from the DHCP server. Where do I start to fix this problem?01:15
tiger_itgnomefreak:  I think the file kike is looking was move01:15
cafuegorage-: You cna get 'em abck though; sudo dpkg -i --force-confmiss <libc6 deb file>01:15
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kikegnomefreak, im going to see it, one moment thanks01:15
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cafuegorage-: do NOT UNDER ANY CIRCUMSTANCE install the wrong libc6 package.01:15
JosefKsorry, glibc-doc and glibc-doc-reference, dpkg throws a fit when I try it (one seems to overwrite files from the other)01:15
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TMMrudiz: np, after it completes, make sure to run: sudo apt-get install ubuntu-desktop ubuntu-minimal ubuntu-standard again, then run sudo apt-get -f install; sudo dpkg --configure -a; then reboot01:15
rage-cafuego, well the root of my problem is that I have a program that I've compiled manually that installed some libs to /usr/share/lib/ and they're not being found by the program at run time01:15
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gnomefreakTMM: ubuntu-desktop is all that is needed it should install the others01:16
rage-like a path problem or something01:16
SarkieHi, is there anyway I can download all the packages for ubuntu, on a windows machine, put them onto a cd, and use them with ubuntu? or specifically those to do with Wireless tools?01:16
gnomefreakSarkie: at packages.ubuntu.com01:16
TMMgnomefreak: I was not aware, thanks :)01:17
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TMMgnomefreak: that'll save some typing ;01:17
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appleseedI guess no one can help me right now on this Logitech Cordless Desktop MX 3200 Laser, eh?01:17
gnomefreaklaser what?01:17
kikegnomefreak, the archive is not there, /var/cache :( I look for with internal search and nothing01:17
cafuegorage-: Just add '/usr/share/lib' to /etc/ld.so.conf and run 'sudo ldconfig'01:17
giftnudelappleseed: Is there a good reason why you want exactly this mouse?01:18
appleseedit is a keyboard/mouse combo from logitech01:18
Sarkiegnomefreak How do I install deb packagename.deb ?01:18
cafuegorage-: Incidentally, if you're going to manually install stuff, have a look at 'checkinstall'.01:18
kiketiger_it, i dont know where the archive was (vamos que no lo encuentro :P)01:18
giftnudelappleseed: Does it have a lot of special keys?01:18
appleseedlet me saw you : "...batteries can last up to 15 months for the keyboard and up to 6 months for the mouse..."01:18
gnomefreakSarkie: sudo dpkg -i file.deb01:18
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rage-cafuego, I have no /etc/ld.so.conf01:18
rage-is this normal?01:18
appleseedhttp://www.logitech.com/index.cfm/products/details/US/EN,crid=2162,contentid=12130 from here :)01:18
cafuegorage-: Just create it, it's a text file.01:19
rage-I'll just create it if so, but I find it odd01:19
giftnudelappleseed: the basic functionality such as pointing or writing should really be supported01:19
gnomefreakSarkie: or if on dapper or edgy just double click it01:19
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giftnudelappleseed: the special keys might not, however01:19
Sarkiegnomefreak: Do you know the best pacakges for Wireless connection, I cant seem to get an IP address with it using the one in Edgy01:19
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appleseedwhat about the power management you think it will be the same? :/01:19
marcin_antn1gke: but to be honest it sucks that ubuntu (and other linux distros) has so poor support for such basic peripherials as keyboard and mouse... ;/01:19
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gnomefreakkike: i suggest running in terminal locate packge.tar.gz to find out where it is being left01:19
marcin_antn1gke: it can really destroy first impression...01:19
gnomefreakSarkie: no i dont use wireless but ndiswrapper would be my first guess01:20
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kikegnomefreak, im just doing it, i hope we find them! :D01:21
Sarkiegnomefreak  It's found the driver!! it seems to be working, just need to find my wireless hub, and such, and get dhcp working!01:21
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highnekowhiptail is making my cpu 100%. If you use edgy try top. How can I remove this whiptail thing?01:21
n1gkemarcin_ant, it takes a while to catch up to the latest and greatest really.01:21
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gnomefreak!wireless > Sarkie01:21
highnekoI had to do a sudo killall wihptail01:21
gnomefreakSarkie: would start there see if it helps01:21
ubotuWireless documentation can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs01:21
SarkieTried it :)01:21
rage-cafuego, thanks for the help, that looks to be all for now01:21
appleseedn1gke:  u mean that at some point I may install Ubuntu 7 and function as well as under Vista? :/01:21
giftnudelappleseed: Honestly, I think so, yes, but I can unfortunately not guarantee you01:22
n1gkemarcin_ant, as each version of any Linux software arrives, they add more and more stuff.01:22
rage-cafuego, also, thanks for the checkinstall tip01:22
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Sethwm2ello I am running the PPC version of 6.10 and I am having problems finding the PPC version of plugins01:22
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Sethwm2such as01:22
Pensacolahow to setup firefox so it uses backspace for previous page?01:22
marcin_antn1gke: but there is some hope ;) https://launchpad.net/bounties/mouse-horizontal-scrolling01:22
n1gkemarcin_ant, like 'any' software, it takes time to catch up.01:22
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cafuegoSethwm2: There is so such thing.01:22
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cafuegono such thing, even01:22
n1gkeOh yeh...01:22
Sethwm2What do you mean?01:22
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appleseedok thanks nice people :D01:22
gnomefreakSethwm2: there is not flash for 64bit nor ppc01:22
cafuegoSethwm2: there is no powerpc flash plugin (or java) (or video)01:23
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Sethwm2I am screwed?01:23
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appleseedcu around ... I will go back on my Ubuntu 6.10 to "play" with it :D01:23
n1gkeI have four computers using Ubuntu. The most difficult was to make the wireless keyboard and wireless mouse work, but I managed.01:23
cafuegoEmail Adobe and ask them why there isn't one.01:23
jo_ehi. i have just upgraded to edgy and now xine plays everything really choppy. other media players work fine. what could be causing this?01:23
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cafuegoActually, there is a java one these days... IBM have a plugin with their JRE.01:23
gnomefreakcafuego: too expensive to build other archs01:23
gnomefreakthats my guess01:24
kikegnomefreak, the archive left is not find by $locate backup.tar.gz01:24
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gnomefreakkike: what makes you think its still on your system?01:24
cafuegognomefreak: TThey don't seem to have problems with an OSX one.01:24
Sethwm2This sucks...01:24
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Xk2ckike: sudo updatedb01:24
cafuegognomefreak: Maybe the Linux one is too much of a horrible kludge.01:24
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ubotuTo install the Ati/NVidia drivers for your video card, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto01:24
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Sethwm2Do you think that future updates of Ubuntu will have it?01:24
Sethwm2Or the Support01:24
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gnomefreakSethwm2: its not ubuntu its adobe01:25
cafuegoSethwm2: There is 'gplflash', which may or may not work..01:25
kikegnomefreak, because i've 9gb free before this archive left, now ib 400mb of free space01:25
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kikeXk2c, what this command do?01:25
Sethwm2is that in the portage?01:25
gnomefreakkike: did you refresh the window?01:25
kikei restart the computer too01:25
cafuegoThere is no portage, did you mean repositories? ;-)01:25
Xk2ckike: it will rebuild your "locate" database01:25
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kikeXk2c, thanks, i try to do this01:25
cafuegohold on01:26
cafuego(it's been a while since I ran ppc linux_01:26
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n1gkemarcin_ant, I'll be back later. I am going to try once more to install the wireless keyboard and mouse and network card in this Ubuntu computer.....01:26
Xk2ckike: nope ;)01:26
Code-EHi im trying to install cube 2 and when i do im just getting error: ./bin_unix/linux_client: error while loading shared libraries: libSDL_image-1.2.so.0: cannot open shared object file: No such file or director01:26
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Code-EIs there a way to get around this? it is water edition i am installing01:27
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gnomefreakkike: look for the files that you made the tar.gz maybe they are still there?01:27
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cafuegoSethwm2: Have a look at http://www.gnu.org/software/gnash/01:27
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cafuegoNote, it's alpha software01:28
gnomefreakeh i hear thats just like gplflash (works when it wants to)01:28
syockhelp I`m experiencing so many disk ops over the last minute it`s so unnatural01:28
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gnomefreakbut a stable/working flash plugin for ppc is not gonna be found for a while i feel01:28
kikegnomefreak, the files are impossible to find with locate, find, or with the internal search of ubuntu01:28
cafuego... this is why my wife swapped her mac mini for a beige pc01:28
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kikeXk2c, the update dont resolve the problem01:29
gnomefreakkike: did you try find file01:29
gnomefreakkike: what did you use to back it up?01:29
Sethwm2I am looking on the FTP01:30
Code-ECan nobody help me?01:30
Sethwm2And I don't know what to pick01:30
Raskallany known issues with edgy?01:31
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kikegnomefreak, i try to find with /$locate backup.tar.gz u say to me, and too with the internal search of ubuntu on "/"01:31
Kawaii-PandaRaskall: aside from usplash not working, i havent heard any other problems with edgy01:31
Kawaii-Pandamy usplash works fine though01:31
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RaskallKawaii-Panda: ok.. but the usplash doesn't prevent grub from loading?01:32
atkHi. What are the possible reasons why I don't hear a terminal bell? I have enabled system beep.01:32
Kawaii-PandaRaskall: no grub comes before usplash.01:32
RothguardGo to the source directory and run 'make distclean' and 'make'.  WTF DOES THAT MEAN  P.S. im a total noob so send me the answer in pm if your in a helping mood01:32
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ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about gay - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi01:32
ricaneliteHello, Is there a new Firefox out?01:32
Kawaii-Pandaatk: probably youre system spekear is not connected or nonexistent01:33
Tompuatk: are you asking for a system beep from gnome terminals?01:33
ricanelitehow can i get it?01:33
bartekhello  some one speak polish???01:33
atkTompu: yes01:33
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atkKawaii-Panda: it beeps on every boot in bios so it's working01:33
Ignatiusbartek: #ubuntu.pl ?01:33
Tompuatk: do you have multiple soundcards?01:33
Xk2ckike:  $locate backup01:33
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gsuvegxgl setup within edgy how long ?01:33
kikegnomefreak, now im trying with $find / backup.tgz (thanks to tiger_it )01:33
atkTompu: negative. I'm using hp nx 611001:33
bartekheh it not work ;/01:33
Kawaii-Pandaits on in system->sounds?01:33
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ricanelitewas it suppose to be in the new edgy download?01:33
bliszmy gnome toolbar is gone :S how can i fix that?01:33
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Xk2ckike: if it does not find it, its not there01:33
Sethwm2It was..01:34
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Sethwm2Go to about01:34
Sethwm2In Firefox01:34
bartekLOL Cannot join #ubuntu-pl (You are banned). xD01:34
ricanelitebecause i got the new edgy but when i check about on Firefox it says 1.501:34
ricanelitebut i know for a fact i installed edgy01:34
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Tompuatk: is the terminal bell enabled in your gnome terminal profile?01:34
Sethwm2Then just download 2.0 and install01:34
bliszmy gnome toolbar is gone :S how can i fix that? please help me01:34
atkTompu: it is01:34
Toaster54Could someone please tell me why my firefox 2.0 is always crashing on ubuntu (edgy) ?01:34
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atkTompu: I do get visual bell01:35
ricaneliteokay, now my thing is im new to linux so how can i install firefox01:35
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syockI wish I knew what was running on the background. My disk was acting so erratically01:35
marco_no su azzurra01:35
Tompuatk: final question, does your system beep during the POST test at startup?01:35
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ricanelitei have it downloaded to my desktop which is firefox-2.0.tar.gz01:35
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bartekomg i will kil my bro for thah I'm bane in bubntu.pl grrr01:35
Raskallhmm.. should I dist-upgrade my server? last time I got a hell with the init-files for postfix01:35
bartekany way thc and cya01:35
bliszmy gnome toolbar is gone :S how can i fix that? help please01:35
Sethwm2Untar it to the desktop01:35
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atkTompu: it beeps when asking a boot up password so i'd assume that is during the POST test01:35
Sethwm2then change the directory to the folder that un tared01:36
kikekike@kike-laptop:/$ sudo find / -name 'backup.tgz' -print01:36
Sethwm2in the terminal01:36
kikethank you erUSUL01:36
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Sethwm2and then the install command01:36
TankEnMatehere's a tricky question, i recently disconnected my keyboard by accident, when i reconnected it udev didn't recreate the device.. and I can't see why not. i had to reconnect the device by hand using mknod01:36
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Tompuatk: thats good enough :). can you double click your volume icon and open the 'advanced' volume properties01:36
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Khamaeldoes ext3 ever need a "defrag"?01:37
TankEnMatethe device appears in /sys/devices/platform/i8042/serio101:37
Tompuatk: edit/preferences and see if your system speaker has a volume control01:37
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TankEnMateis it the i8042 driver not sending an add event to hotplug?01:37
kikegnomefreak, thanks for your patiente, :*****01:37
kikei made it!01:37
Tompuatk: mine is called 'PC Speaker'01:37
atkTompu: There's no such thing01:38
Toaster54Could someone please tell me why my firefox 2.0 is always crashing on ubuntu (edgy)  and how do i downgrade firefox again?01:38
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Xk2cToaster54: how many plugins?01:38
TankEnMateToaster: have you got the nonfree-flashplugon on your machine?01:38
TankEnMateplugin even?01:39
Xk2cToaster54: which?01:39
Toaster54wait a minute01:39
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bliszmy gnome toolbar is gone :S how can i fix that? help please01:39
Sethwm2You must not use it much if you forgot the name01:39
TankEnMateToaster54, gksudo gedit /usr/bin/firefox01:39
WebspotCould anyone tell me an app that would be able to go through all of my music files and normalize them?01:39
abowhen I'm starting eclipse, it's taking 99%of the cpu even after it finishes loading and is not supposed to be doing anything, any new bugs reported?01:39
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Xk2cToaster54: try this  $ firefox -ProfileManager01:39
Xk2cToaster54: there create a clean profile01:39
Toaster54adblock plus, filterset updater for it, fireftp,  session manager and mr tech local install01:39
Tompuatk: running out of ideas here. open a terminal and run alsamixer01:39
atkTompu: Couldn't find it there either01:40
TankEnMateToaster54, then just before the exec at the bottom line add this "export XLIB_SKIP_ARGB_VISUALS=1"01:40
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Xk2cToaster54: then use it with: $ firefox -P PROFILENAME01:40
TankEnMateToaster54, you may find that might fix the problem01:40
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bliszmy gnome toolbar is gone :S how can i fix that? help please!01:40
Xk2cToaster54: and check if it still chrashes01:40
leafwis there any way to disable the wifi card, to save battery power?01:40
atkTompu: I'm puzzled too. I even made new user that has audio permissions so that old settings wouldn't bother but it didn't work01:40
Toaster54But i cant just throw away my profile, i would loose all passwords and cookies and so on01:40
TankEnMateblisz, toolbar? do you mean the panel at the top of the screen?01:41
ZyfoI got this while installing Tilda, I did install vte before: http://pastie.caboo.se/20129 What's wrong? :o01:41
Toaster54TankEnMate: how can i do that with the bottom line and exec and so on?01:41
Xk2cToaster54: thats why we cretae a new one for testing01:41
bliszyes TankEnMate01:41
Toaster54ah ok01:41
Tompuatk: try running this:01:41
Xk2cToaster54: your "old" profile will still be there01:41
TankEnMateToaster54, gksudo gedit /usr/bin/firefox01:41
Tompuatk: lsmod | grep pcspkr01:41
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atkTompu: the module is loaded01:41
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TankEnMateblisz, you need to add a panel.. is the bottom panel still there?01:42
Tompuatk: sounds like you're ahead of me here01:42
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bliszTankEnMate: there is nothing01:42
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Toaster54Ok ill try it with the new profile01:42
bliszim on a xgl session01:42
atkTompu: heh. I did check that earlier and rechecked it now01:42
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TankEnMateblisz, nothing on the bottom?01:42
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TankEnMateblisz, right, in a shell type "ps aux | egrep panel"01:43
bliszcant open a shell01:43
bliszit was in the panel01:43
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Tompuatk: is the speaker represented by a /dev node?01:44
bliszgot a shell01:44
TankEnMateblisz, time to make a cutom launcher01:44
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TankEnMateblisz, okies.. :)01:44
Toaster54Ok ill first try TankEnMates way01:44
bliszthere is01:44
blisz2 things01:44
Khamaelwhat repo contains w32codecs?01:44
TankEnMateToaster54, after you save your changes it will make a back up file of /usr/bin/firefox.. make sure you keep that safe :)01:44
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TankEnMateblisz, well the panel program is running, it would seem it just has lost its config for any panels..01:45
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bliszwhat can i do?01:45
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Tompuatk: im thinking you might have a permissions issue with the /dev node that represents it. i think it might be /dev/input/event1, but this is an unsubstantiated guess01:46
Toaster54Hmm ok, anyways its only one line, i could reverse that myself01:46
atkTompu: in general or on my computer? I don't what it should be but I didn't any suitable candidates by grepping pc, spkr, speaker01:46
TankEnMateblisz, okies... this will give you back a default panel if there isn't any bugs at issue, is that ok?01:46
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atkTompu: crw-rw----  1 root root 13,  65 2006-10-29 14:05 event101:46
suturhi, does anybody know news about the easyubuntu project? is there a a seperate version for edgy? http://easyubuntu.freecontrib.org/ has been offline for several days now.01:46
TankEnMateToaster54, ok.. if you do a google search on the environment variable you should see articles about it onthe web01:46
atkTompu: does that sound it's ok?01:47
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TankEnMateblisz, in a shell type the following..01:47
Toaster54Hmm ok, ill do that later01:47
Tompuatk: matches mine (which works)01:47
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tiger_itSomone can explain me the diference between:  find path file -name 'file'  and   find path file -name file (without '') ????01:47
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about jre - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi01:48
ubotuTo install a Java compiler/interpreter on Ubuntu, look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Java  -  For the Sun Java runtime install sun-java5-jre from the !Multiverse repository01:48
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savvasisn't it sun-java5-bin ?01:48
salimwhere can I set the minimum throttle for my cpu-frequency01:48
Toaster54Well, the Variable thing doesn't work.01:48
TankEnMateblisz, $ rm -rf ~/.gconf/apps/panel ; cp -r /etc/gconf/gconf.xml.defaults/apps/panel ~/.gconf/apps01:48
Toaster54It still crashes01:48
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atkTompu: oh well, I'll try harder searching the internet. Thanks for your help!01:48
TankEnMateblisz, then restart the gnome-panel process with kill -101:48
Toaster54Now ill try Xk2cs way01:49
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eriderhi Toaster5401:49
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NantesThisNighthi again01:49
CaTTiushahi all :)01:50
JoshuaWHello :P01:50
TankEnMateToaster54, its almost certainly somethign in your profile then..01:50
ZyfoI got this while installing Tilda, I did install vte before: http://pastie.caboo.se/20129 What's wrong? :o01:50
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dwangoWow, I just killed firefox and Xorg's memory usage dropped from 450MB to 45MB01:50
Toaster54You mean, like the plugins?01:50
TankEnMateToaster54, possibly..01:50
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TankEnMateToaster54, or possibly some cruft..01:50
Tompuatk: no worries. sorry we couldnt solve it01:50
koraman!!!! i need help about games in kubuntu 6.10 ... !!!!01:50
TankEnMateblisz, how you going?01:50
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bliszlook the qery01:51
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TankEnMateblisz, which query?01:51
Toaster54umm a what?01:51
TheColonialguys, can someone please give me some advice on a SATA timeout issue please?01:51
aboeverytime I upgrade an Ubuntu version, it's a headache to get the website's video to work, and everytime some that used to work, doesn't anymore01:51
bliszi opened one to you01:51
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abocan anyone help me setting up BBC video (and other websites) please?01:51
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blisz`/etc/gconf/gconf.xml.defaults/apps/panel' doesnt exist01:51
TankEnMateoh my client didnt pick it up.. i'm using a client im not really familiar with..01:51
Tompuabo: i'd suggest automatix01:52
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TankEnMateblisz, ahhh!! no wonder you have lost your panel then...01:52
TankEnMateblisz, thats not such a good thing..01:52
aboTompu, just do, sudo automatix?01:52
bliszwhy disappeared?01:52
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TankEnMateumm yeah.. it should defenitely be there..01:52
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bliszwhat can i do?01:53
TankEnMateblisz, you are using ubuntu and not kubuntu or xubuntu?01:53
bliszwith xgl beryl01:53
Tompuabo: www.getautomatix.com01:53
aboTompu, it says automatix does not work on Edgy01:53
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TankEnMateblisz, i quick reinstall of a package should fix it.. hold on i'll find the right package for you...01:53
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alitis4automatix rulez01:53
atkTompu: I'm guessing the problem is quite low level, maybe even the hardware blocks it for some reason (I did check bios, there was no speaker on/off option). Kinda hard to solve this kind of problems.01:53
bliszthanks TankEnMate01:54
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Bogaurdhas anyone configure pure-ftpd under ubuntu?01:54
bliszi'll brb01:54
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Tompuabo: I used it today. It worked fine. The page is out of date. There are install instructions on the Install page01:54
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Tompuatk: do you have windows installed on the same machine?01:55
deadhoboAnyone here have a Alienware 51-M or worked on one? I can't get X to work with the nvidia driver and I think I need to use modelines, but I don't know what they are...01:55
atkTompu: hell no! ;)01:55
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Tompuatk: well, thats good. but windows likes to talk through the system speaker if you disable all other sound devices, which is an occasionally useful way to test the system speaker is available for use01:56
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n1gkemarcin_ant, you still here ?01:56
Tompuatk: are you using a custom kernel?01:56
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sharyariI just installed ati-drivers on a clean ubuntu-install, but now when I login with GDM, my system freezes after a few moments01:57
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david_I'm trying to add a new partition into my fstab, this is what i put, /dev/hdb3/media/hdb3vfatdefaults01, everything i've read says this should work, but it doesn't, can someone help?01:57
atkTompu: standard ubuntu kernel01:57
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TankEnMateblisz, sorry about the delay.. slow disk.. you need to install gconf2-common01:57
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FRETdavid_, are you sure about hdb3?01:58
ufk3is there a package for mplayer? or how can i view wmv movies?01:58
psjany have same problem when running glxinfo? 'libGL warning: 3D driver claims to not support visual 0x4b' i have matrox g55001:58
FRETdavid_, and have you created that folder in /media?01:58
david_yes, i looked at my pARTITION TABLE'01:58
atkTompu: I don't have space on my hd to test install windows and even if I did, I'm too lazy to do install windows just for that reason.01:58
david_oh, i need to do that, i thought it automatically did that when it mounted01:59
david_slap me in the face with a wet fish01:59
david_I'll go try that01:59
=== sharyari slaps david_ in the face with a wet fish
TankEnMateblisz, sudo apt-get install --reinstall gconf2-common01:59
sharyarihe asked for it :)02:00
Kawaii-Pandahmm... wonder why i cannot motivate myself to read a linux ebook again...02:00
Tompuatk: it's a bit of an extreme 'fix'. i think the drawbacks vastly outweigh any advantages02:00
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JosefKanyone know how to prioritise plugins in firefox 2?  I'd rather realplayer picked up rtsp streams instead of having totem choke on them02:01
Bogaurdhas anyone configured pure-ftpd under ubuntu?02:01
hakrzcode@FRET When david comes back, remind him about the users option in fstab, or he will be complaining about permissions02:01
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psjanoney have same problem when running glxinfo? 'libGL warning: 3D driver claims to not support visual 0x4b' i have matrox g550?02:02
jribJosefK: try 'touch'ing the realplayer plugin files in your plugin folder02:02
FREThakrzcode, I'd not recommend the user option by default.02:02
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hakrzcodeWhy not?02:03
JosefKjrib: hmm, they're in /usr/lib but the modified dates are far behind the totem ones, thanks02:03
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JosefKjrib: impressive, thanks a lot :)02:03
jribJosefK: np02:03
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syockThat`s not fair. I get to use SCIM in ooffice but not in firefox32. Why doesn`t that locale problem occur for ooffice?02:04
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_polto__i write 10 cameras stream to a RAID5 (4 disks) on a bi-Xeon server. The problem is what loadavg is @ 10 and more. Normaly this type of recording make a loadavg of 0.6! kblockd is always up in top and eat 60% cpu time02:05
ZyfoI got this while installing Tilda, I did install vte before: http://pastie.caboo.se/20129 What's wrong? :o02:06
pir4i need repositorys for Ubuntu 6.10 (AMD64) , ive been trying to download things like w32codec and tuxracer without succeses. thx !02:06
philwhlnafternoon. I have a question about wired / wireless. I'm using Network Manager and it appears I can only use either wireless or wired, but not both at the same time. Is this true?02:06
augustinI need automake 1.7 but when I install automake via apt-get install automake, there is just automake1.4 (1.4-p6-9)02:06
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thoreauputicpir4: by definition, w32codecs won't work in 64 bit02:06
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about automake - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi02:06
hakrzcodesyock: What locale problem? Scim behaves quite nicely for me.02:06
pir4thoreauputic, wut ? u sure?02:06
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thoreauputicpir4: they are *32 bit*02:06
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jribaugustin: install the automake-1.7 package, there is up to 1.9 that I can see02:07
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pir4thoreauputic, so how ppl with amd64 watch divx or wmv ?02:07
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syockhakrzcode: Firefox running on linux32. I don`t have any other 32-bit app to test02:07
augustinjrib: so why apt-get install automake does not automatically install the newest version?02:07
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thoreauputicpir4: I assume either they make a 32 bit chroot, or they don't watch them02:07
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jribaugustin: there is no automake package02:07
jrib!info automake1.702:08
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ubotuautomake1.7: A tool for generating GNU Standards-compliant Makefiles. In component main, is optional. Version 1.7.9-9 (edgy), package size 382 kB, installed size 1292 kB02:08
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hakrzcodeoic, you are 64bit?02:08
phatmonkeyi want to compile a newer version of jackd from source, but the ubuntu version has loads of dependencies. what's the best way to do this? force removing the ubuntu packages ignoring the dependencies? installing the new version to a different path? installing the new version over the ubuntu version?02:08
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Khamaelis easyubuntu down?02:08
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syockyup. Okay, gyachi doesn`t support locale too02:08
cherubielaugustin: try apt-cache search automake; should list out the packages avaiable.. btw, are you on dapper?02:08
augustincherubiel: yep02:08
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pir4im trying to run armyops from his directory and im getting this : exec: 50: ./armyops-bin: not found ... any idea?02:09
augustincherubiel: I've just installed 1.9 it's ok02:09
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cherubielgood augustin02:09
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chrisbudden14im using edgy, but i get no virtual terminal with ctrl-alt f1 ,f2 etc02:10
cherubielpir4: you don't seem to have the binaries in the current folder02:10
chrisbudden14just a corrupt display02:10
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pir4cherubiel, its a binary installer02:10
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pir4cherubiel, that cant be :s thats the thing02:10
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david_I got a new partition to mount, but i can't write to it as a normal user, this my fstab line /dev/hdb3 /media/hdb3 vfat defaults 0 102:12
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david_can someone help?02:12
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cherubieldavid_:  rw,auto,user,fmask=0111,dmask=000002:12
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cherubieldavid_: repalce defaults with what i pasted02:12
cherubieland mount again02:12
abodavid_, if you do "ls -l /media | grep hdb3" what do you get02:12
djuusspir4: type > sh army-ops.bin02:13
hakrzcodeFRET: David is back, and he is having permissions problems.02:13
david_how do i know what to put for umask and gid and those things02:13
cherubieldavid_: dude, use what i pasted.02:13
hakrzcodedavid: I would change defaults to defaults,user02:13
david_I looked on the internet but all i could find was a list off options02:13
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jrib!vfat > david_02:13
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jribbut what cherubiel said looks good david_02:14
FRETdavid_, use defaults,uid=<your user id>02:14
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FREThakrzcode, I think that this is much more safe02:14
david_ok, but i am new. i want learn what it means02:14
cherubieldavid_: you should readup more; man mount02:14
FREThakrzcode, defaults,uid=<your user id>02:14
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jribdavid_: the link ubotu sent you to should explain some basics, also type 'man fstab' in a terminal and I'll send you the fstab link to02:15
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jrib!fstab > david_02:15
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hakrzcodedavid: uid=david, or whatever your login name is, will give you ownership.02:15
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FRETdavid_, it means that the partition is mounted with the permissions set to the user with the specified uid02:15
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deadhoboI'm guessing that02:15
Pensacolais the installation of the nvidia drivers in edgy the same as in dapper?02:15
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jribubotu: tell Pensacola about nvidia02:15
FRETdavid_, you can get it by typing "id" in a terminal02:15
phiphi076probleme de sources list02:15
coz_Pensacola, no not if you use the beta nvidia driver02:16
hakrzcodeok FRET, not dismissing. I usually only use vfats for sharing with windows.02:16
FRETdavid_, maybe read the mount manpage02:16
deadhobo"(EE) NVIDIA(0): Failed to initialize the GLX module; please check in your X log file..." is bad02:16
hakrzcodebut, then again, I got rid of that virus a year ago.02:16
xroachcould someone help me with edgy problm02:16
FREThakrzcode, :-)02:16
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coz_xroach, I will try what is the problem02:16
david_wow thats a lot to read, ill be back in a while02:16
Pensacolai installed the nvidia-glx package and changed the driver from nv to nvidia in xorg.conf02:16
cherubiel!fr | phiphi07602:16
ubotuphiphi076: Allez a #ubuntu-fr ou #kubuntu-fr pour de l'aide et de la discussion en francais.02:16
Pensacolais that right?02:16
javaJakeHello everyone. I'm using an ATI Radeon M6 LY card [Radeon 9000]  with direct rendering enabled, but the screen goes TV-scroll-like every so often. Is there a way to debug or fix this?02:16
jribPensacola: should work02:16
Pensacolaok thx02:17
theplatypusProbably a stupid question but anyway. When running the command "sudo apt-get install linux-headers-`uname -r` build-essential xinetd" do I replace 'uname-r' with 2.6.15-27-386 if that is the kernel being used?02:17
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cherubieltheplatypus: the shell does that for you.02:17
coz_theplatypus, that would help02:17
coz_but yes that will done for you02:17
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hakrzcodetheplatypus: that is the replacement.02:17
FRETdavid_, you dont have to read everything, but have a look at the mount options02:17
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coz_xroach, are you still there?02:18
hakrzcodegtg.. gf pulling my strings..02:18
theplatypuscherubiel : so it will be replaced automagically?02:18
xroachI had 6.06 installed in laptop then upgaded to edgy but it didnt succes ,so now im instlaling edgy from cd and it just gives me a black screen after the "ubuntu loading " thing, and the cd works and i've tried several cd,s02:18
tobiasI'm having problems with alsa sound in my acer notebook... think alsa 1.0.13 solves.. anybody have the packages?02:18
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cherubieltheplatypus: yes, try echo hello`uname -r`02:18
MulamaHello, I have problem with LVM, i can't found what i do wrong:( there is log http://counting.xf.cz/id2964.html :(02:18
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deadhoboI don't want to sound like an impatient jerk here, but am I silenced or is everyone just busy?02:18
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Zyfohttp://www.linuxforums.org/forum/linux-applications/23574-tilda.html <- I get the same error as the 2 guys there, any idea what the prob could be?02:19
jribdeadhobo: we can hear you, no one has noticed/no one knows how to help you02:19
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xroachand i've tried with noapic nolapic acpi=off02:19
coz_xroach, you may want to recongifure the X11.xorg.conf file02:19
javaJakeMulama: I cannot help you, but I thought you should know your link doesn't work. :)02:19
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marten_71hello is there anyone that have tried compiz02:19
Pensacolahmh my fps are much lower than in dapper :s02:19
deadhoboJoshuaW: Thanks for responding :). I asked a question or two over the last day and nothing happened, just wanted to be sure I wasn't doing something wrong02:19
javaJakemarten_71: And failed? yep.02:19
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esaymhey when fdisk is forced to run due to an unclean unmount, where does it log info too?02:20
marten_71javajake to bad it looks cool02:20
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javaJakemarten_71: Well, you'd need 3D working first. Then goto UbuntuGuide.com02:20
xroachI had 6.06 installed in laptop then upgaded to edgy but it didnt succes ,so now im instlaling edgy from cd and it just gives me a black screen after the "ubuntu loading " thing, and the cd works and i've tried several cd,s02:20
Tompumarten_71: i used compiz on my gentoo machine for a few weeks before i switched to ubuntu02:20
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javaJakemarten_71: It only works with ATI or NVidia cards, I believe....02:20
coz_xroach, i am trying to pm you is your nic registered.?02:21
Tompucompiz is wildly overrated. it's fun for a little while, but its just so greedy with the cpu02:21
javaJakexroach: Have you checked the CD?02:21
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javaJakexroach: Using the "Check the CD" menu?02:21
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coz_Tompu then try beryl02:21
xroachcoz_ no it isnt :(02:21
killownI load module sundance for my card network encore  but when I try ifconfig eth1 not found it  I have other card via rhine as eth0  how I do to load eth1?02:21
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coz_xroach, ok well it will be difficult in here02:21
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coz_xroach, do you know how to recongifure the xorg02:21
xroachcoz_ whats the link for registering?02:22
gnarliewhat a teeny channel02:22
javaJakeI'm using an ATI Radeon M6 LY card [Radeon 9000]  with direct rendering enabled, but the screen goes TV-scroll-like every so often. Is there a way to debug or fix this?02:22
marten_71javajake and Tompu thanks02:22
gnarliecan one count on ntfsresize to work?02:22
pir4when i try to run army ops it give me this problem: #!/bin/sh02:22
pir4# description: Starts and stops America's Army Server02:22
pir4ARMYOPS_DATA_PATH="/usr/local/games/armyops/System/" ; (change to your dir)02:22
javaJakemarten_71: NP02:22
pir4export LD_LIBRARY_PATH  anyone knows what is it ?02:22
jrib!paste | pir402:22
cherubielgnarlie: gparted02:22
ubotupir4: pastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (you can always find it in the channel topic, among other useful things)02:22
javaJake!paste | pir402:22
coz_xroach, well as i remember it it is "/msg register" in here02:22
gnarliecherubiel: hmm02:22
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javaJakeOops... beat me to it02:22
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xroachcoz_ yes but how can i do it in the installing process?02:22
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MilanTuxhi all02:23
gnarliecherubiel: is it on the ubuntu install iso?02:23
OrtaRecently I installed 6.06. I updated to edgy, when doing that the computer crashed in the screensaver. When I turn the computer back on it said that Xserver  (or something like that) was broken and it gave me a broken black and white text login screen. I reinstalled 6.06 and when I ran the updater it crashed again. Now there is the computer and trash icons on the desktop and when I go to certain adminstration programs like Update manger an02:23
Ortad synaptic package manger it ethers gives me weird warnings and lets me use it or says I can't because I have another adminstartion program running (which I don't).02:23
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Ortasorry for all that02:23
coz_xroach,  well if you are using the live cd then no you would have to use the alternative cd for that02:23
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coz_xroach, but you can recongigure it now on the system that is not working02:23
MedivhXis there any problem to solve?02:23
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Pensacolawhy does ubuntu default install the 686 image in stead of the 386?02:23
coz_xroach, so you have the nvidia drivers installed/02:24
cherubielpir4: it lets you set a list of directories to searcg for libraries, before the standard ones are ysed02:24
deadhoboOmfg, I'm seriously about to throw my laptop out the window... the nvidia driver dosn't want to work at any screen resolution02:24
theplatypusCall me crazy, but with all of the problems people are having upgrading why don't hey wait02:24
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xroachcoz_ can u w8 until i reg so its easier then?02:24
coz_xroach, ok02:24
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MedivhXis it nv driver or nvidia driver?02:24
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gnarlieMedivhX: nvidia02:24
javaJaketheplatypus: I'd say Ubuntu needs to lengthen their Release Schedule to fit more testing in. :|02:24
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javaJakeDoes everyone agree that Ubuntu needs to lengthen their Release Schedule to fit more testing in?02:24
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MedivhX9*** or 8***02:25
Raskallno more free CD's of ubuntu. :( Really not a problem with my 6 mbit dsl, but it IS easier to convert people with a branded cd than a home-burned one.02:25
javaJakeRaskall: You _can_ pay.02:25
AdrianoI'd say less people should use automatix/easyubuntu, but hey, talk is free02:25
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shuani'm trying to make my home icon, recycle bin, file system icons on my desktop02:25
shuananyone know how02:25
deadhoboI think that nvidia needs to release their drivers as open source, and I know everyone agrees there02:25
javaJakeAdriano: Why?02:25
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gnarliedeadhobo: who cares?02:25
AnAntis there an Edgy DVD that is going to be released ?02:26
shuanAdiano: yes?02:26
Adrianoshuan: they're configurable thru gconf-editor02:26
rock_totem says it cannoy play mp3 what do i need ?02:26
RaskalljavaJake: I know. :) but I won't. I'm not working with linux any more, so my level of missionary work has dropped drastically.02:26
Zyfohow do I restart an application?02:26
MedivhXit's always better if it's oss02:26
javaJakeAnAnt: Yea02:26
coz_AnAnt, there is one alrady02:26
deadhobognarlie: People who want 3d support without having to go in console... or people like me who can't get it to work at all02:26
AnAntcoz_: where ?02:26
MedivhXcommunity can edit it02:26
gnarlieanyone know if gparted is on the 6.10 install image?02:26
coz_AnAnt, hold on02:26
MedivhXand make it better02:26
AdrianojavaJake: http://linux.blogweb.de/archives/259-It-was-always-known.html02:26
Adrianoshuan: gimme a sec02:26
coz_AnAnt, here you go http://cdimages.ubuntu.com/releases/6.10/release/02:26
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hitmananyone types in swedish?02:27
gnarliehitman: sure02:27
Raskallhitman: is norwegian close enough?02:27
shuanAdriano: ok02:27
Adrianoshuan: open gconf-editor, go to apps->nautilus->desktop02:27
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hitmandet duger02:27
javaJakeAdriano: But it isn't always the user's fault. You can't just say "Ubuntu is invincible if you don't mess with it" and then drop everyone's bug reports about their system crashing after upgrade02:28
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gnarliehitman: hur s?02:28
Raskallhitman: men jeg tror ikke det er populrt  skrive annet enn engelsk her.02:28
javaJakeAdriano: The crashing is a sign of either Ubuntu's weakness, or Debian's as a whole.02:28
Raskallhitman: finnes det ikke en #ubuntu-se?02:28
shuanAdriano: yes02:28
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hf_linuxhello all02:28
javaJakehf_linux: Hey02:28
Raskallhitman: #ubuntu-se exists with a lot of users02:28
coz_xroach_, are you getting thepm02:28
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hf_linuxgood evening02:28
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shuanAdriano: Thanks02:29
peggeraiglx + beryl for edgy!!! where is it? please a good link02:29
AdrianojavaJake: I guess not,02:29
gnarliecherubiel: do you happen to know if gparted is on the install iso?02:29
Toma-Is there anyway to convert a vfat drive to ext3 without totally destroying everything on the drive?02:29
javaJakeAdriano: You guess not about what?02:29
MedivhXyou want a tut for aiglx + edgy?02:29
gnarlieToma-: no02:29
AdrianoAbout upgrades. But many of those who now complain had a pretty messed-up system, thanks to automatix/etc.02:30
Toma-i thought so :< thanks02:30
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screechingcatfirefox in edgy crashes every time i go to gmail or run a flash animation. how do i fix this ?02:30
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visik7screechingcat: have you nvidia ?02:30
AdrianoI had to do a clean install, and I don't do that stuff02:30
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javaJakescreechingcat: If you let Firefox install Flash on its own, things should work02:30
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syockis it just me or is edgy slowing down my PC? so many disk read/write ever since I  upgraded02:30
deadhoboOk, hopefully an easy question. The Nvidia driver readme says my card is located at 0x0347... what should I put in the xserver-xorg config? It wants something like "PCI:0:16:0"02:30
javaJakescreechingcat: nvm02:30
MedivhXberyl on edgy: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=153624502:30
Ortawell now for some reason update manger works. Does anyone know how to get rid of the Computer and Trash icons?02:30
visik7beryl is ugly don't use it02:30
mamzers555i want to start a program from the applications-menu, this program should be startet in terminal. BUT i want to stay this terminal open, if i close the program, how can i do this?02:31
MedivhXbetter than compiz02:31
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Adrianobut currently, there's no nvidia updated package on Edgy, that after a vuln warning02:31
javaJakevisik7: Why?02:31
visik7effects are ugly02:31
MedivhXberyl is cool02:31
Adrianoso the way is to install the nvidia.com one02:31
mamzers555can somebody tell me the hint02:31
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MedivhXu're wrong02:31
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MedivhXtheyre better02:31
pir4anyone know how to install w32codec in AMD64?02:31
MedivhXthen on compiz02:31
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visik7genius effect for window minimize is horrible02:31
javaJakevisik7: Really..?02:31
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Xk2cpir4: yeap me, its not possible02:31
MedivhXhe tells shit...02:31
visik7javaJake: I really don't like it02:31
screechingcatvisik7: no nvidia02:32
MedivhXcompiz = shit02:32
MedivhXberyl rulez!02:32
thoreauputicpir4: told you ages ago - it's a contradiction in terms02:32
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visik7beryl defaults effects are uglyer than vista's02:32
screechingcatjavaJake: that always fails02:32
javaJake!language | MedivhX02:32
ubotuMedivhX: Please watch your language and keep this channel family friendly.02:32
MedivhXoh please02:32
visik7and more important they are useless02:32
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javaJakeMedivhX: Unless you wanna get kicked. :|02:32
deadhoboso... uh.. nobody has any idea how to use 0x0347 in xorg?02:32
ubotuPlease watch your language and keep this channel family friendly.02:32
syockpir4: enabled other repositories?02:32
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EdgeTHey ppl, are WiFi keys still not supported by linux?02:33
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javaJakedeadhobo: Eh?02:33
screechingcatjavaJake: what does a flash-firefox install have to do with gmail ?02:33
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AdrianoI'd like to know why beta4 of gaim keeps crashing, but I guess it'll remain a mistery.02:33
MedivhXis ubotu a bot?02:33
andriijaswhats the best app for linux to play around with raw photos?02:33
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visik7EdgeT: they are02:33
thoreauputicsyock: *you can't install w32codecs on amd 64*02:33
ompaulMedivhX, yes02:33
AdrianoMedivhX: yes02:33
EdgeTMedivhX yup02:33
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MedivhXlol 3 answers02:33
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ompaul!nickspam > iXce02:33
deadhobojavaJake: "02:33
El_Cheandriijas: dcraw + gimp02:33
deadhoboWhoops, "Ok, hopefully an easy question. The Nvidia driver readme says my card is located at 0x0347... what should I put in the xserver-xorg config? It wants something like "PCI:0:16:0""02:33
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andriijasEl_Che: dcraw?02:33
javaJakedeadhobo: Heehee02:34
javaJakedeadhobo: I don't get what the numbers refer too02:34
EdgeTvisik7 so how do we install em plz?02:34
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El_Cheandriijas: sudo apt-get install gimp-dcraw02:34
rysiek|plguys, as I can see three of you give an answer to the same question (lots of wasted recources IMHO ;) ), why don't you split up and help me in this:02:34
MedivhXanyone from serbia???02:34
javaJakedeadhobo: nvm02:34
deadhobojavaJake: It wants "the bus identifier"02:34
ompauliXce, please read the message from Ubotu02:34
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javaJakedeadhobo: Yea... that should be found via lspci02:34
syockthoreauputic: but i have it on my ubuntu. how `d it get there?02:34
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javaJakedeadhobo: Or Device Manager.02:34
visik7EdgeT: install wifi keys ? with iwconfig ?02:34
iXceompaul : i read it02:35
deadhobojavaJake: How do I run that? My X is down...02:35
thoreauputicsyock: are you running the amd64 version?02:35
javaJakedeadhobo: Ah02:35
rysiek|plI have just managed to rm -rf /etc/ssl/ (now don't you *even ASK* how). how can I reinstall openssl so the config's are back on their places02:35
visik7EdgeT: what do you mean with wifi-keys ? the usbone ?02:35
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Xyphosuradoes anyone have experience with 3d acceleration with the open source radeon drivers? did it work? Can i have 3d on my ati radeon 9250 pro?02:35
thoreauputicsyock: of ubuntu I mean02:35
deadhobojavaJake: I can bring it back up if I have to.. just have to switch the drivers around02:35
EdgeTvisik7 the usb wifi keys02:35
visik7yes usb02:35
iXcei'm not using away msgs, and my nick did not change more than 2 times afaik02:35
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syockthoreauputic: yup. I think I may have force installed it while installinng m,player02:35
visik7EdgeT: depend on the chip02:35
visik7EdgeT: which is your model ?02:36
syockargh PC so errac\c02:36
javaJakedeadhobo: No... lspci should work02:36
EdgeTwell i have an ovislink02:36
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mamzers555how to start a program from the menu in with terminal AND that the terminal stays open?02:36
thoreauputicsyock: erm, are you saying you have w32codecs actually working on 64 bit? Sounds impossible02:36
ramenhow do i install ubuntu if the one in the repository does not work?02:36
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ramenhow do install AZUREUS?02:36
javaJakedeadhobo: The equivilant to Ubuntu's Device Manager for terminal is lshal (pipe it to less).02:36
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ramennot ubuntu02:36
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LjLramen, what repository does not work?02:37
thoreauputicramen:  sudo apt-get install azureus02:37
thoreauputic!info azureus02:37
ubotuazureus: BitTorrent client. In component universe, is optional. Version (edgy), package size 6922 kB, installed size 7780 kB02:37
visik7EdgeT: vendor and product please be more specific02:37
mamzers555ramen, you can download the package and start it from a directory if you like02:37
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rysiek|plwell, anyone?02:37
ramenWhenever i try to install from add/remove programs, azureus does not work.02:37
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dudawifiBuenas, para quemar cds y dejarlos abiertos para volver a grabar mas datos mas tarde con ubuntu????02:37
ramenit starts up and then crashes02:37
LookTJwhat is the name of jsdk in synaptic?02:37
javaJakeramen: this is one of the not so great places to get support for Ubuntu, let alone another distro.02:37
ubotuCompiz (compositing (window) manager) and XGL (Xserver architecture layered on top of OpenGL) howto at http://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompositeManager XGL+compiz help in #ubuntu-xgl  See http://tinyurl.com/pw5ez for Kubuntu systems02:37
EdgeTvisik sel plz02:37
javaJakeramen: If you run azureus in the terminal, it should give you output02:37
thoreauputicramen: do you have sun java installed ?02:37
ramenJRE 5 right?02:38
javaJakethoreauputic: If he didn't, it wouldn't even run. :D02:38
deadhobojavaJake: Ah, thanks for the explination... I already restored X and I ran the command there. It gave me a completley diffrent address of "01:00.0 VGA Compatible controller: nVidia Corperation..."02:38
javaJakeramen: Yea02:38
javaJakedeadhobo: That's it02:38
thoreauputicramen: have you run  sudo update-alternatives --config java02:38
javaJakedeadhobo: 01:00 is probably it02:38
LookTJramen: no, jdk02:38
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LookTJjdk 1.502:38
LjLramen: perhaps you could try installing the "azureus-gcj" package02:38
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syockis it just me or is something trying to log whatever i`m runnning? I hav e a feeling that my PC`s runnning something else. Am I being malwared?02:38
syockPC is lagging Let`s see when I get to read this message I just typed02:38
thoreauputicjavaJake: yes, it runs with gcj ( badly, but it runs)02:38
bliszTankEnMate: i already have gconf2-common installed :S02:38
javaJakeLookTJ: No, you don't need the JDK02:38
javaJakeLookTJ: that's for programmers02:38
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javaJakethoreauputic: Ah02:39
jribsyock: run 'top'02:39
LookTJI am a programmer02:39
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EdgeTvisik7: Ovislink WL-5460USB02:39
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javaJakeramen: OK, here's what we all think: you are running a different version of Java. Not sun java. GC java. So, there are two options.02:39
ubotuberyl is a window manager that takes advantage of an OpenGL accelerated X environment. See http://forum.beryl-project.org/ Please see #ubuntu-xgl for help with beryl. Thank You.02:39
javaJakeramen: Install azureus-gcj02:39
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deadhobojavaJake: Thanks, but unfortionatly I guess that wasn't my problem with the nvidia driver :/02:39
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javaJakeramen: Or run update-alternatives --config java and select the sun-java package as the default02:40
ramenhow do i do that?02:40
dudawifihello, for burn multisesion CDs whit ubuntu????02:40
savvasLookTJ: automatix2 has it in its list02:40
javaJakedeadhobo: What does Xorg.0.log say?02:40
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rameni mean install azureus-gcj02:40
javaJakedudawifi: apt-get install k3b02:40
EdgeTramen sudo apt-get install azureus-gcj02:40
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javaJakedudawifi: Best burning utility for Linux, IMO02:40
pir4syock,  theres no repositorys for amd64 with w32codec02:40
LookTJsavvas: sorry I don't like automatix202:40
rysiek|plm'kay, once more:02:40
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rysiek|plI have just managed to rm -rf /etc/ssl/ (now don't you *even ASK* how). how can I reinstall openssl so the config's are back on their places02:40
visik7EdgeT: you need ndiswrapper to get that wifi key work02:40
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LjL!automatix | savvas02:40
ubotusavvas: Automatix is an unsupported script that tries to automate the installation of some software. We don't provide support for it in the #ubuntu or #kubuntu channels, try #automatix thanks!02:40
EdgeTvisik what's that?02:41
deadhobojavaJake: "(EE) Nvidia(0): Failed to initialize the GLX module"02:41
javaJakeEdgeT, ramen: azureus-gcj should be the last option, really. Let's see if we can update-alternatives instead02:41
syockpir4: sorry, maybe i did it manually02:41
javaJakedeadhobo: AHA! No GLX module!02:41
W_McLi got a problem with the filesystem checking at boot up /etc/init.d/checkfs.sh dies with the following error message: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/29084/02:41
visik7EdgeT: a module that use the windows driver on linux02:41
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javaJakedeadhobo: That's the issue. Somehow GLX isn't installed02:41
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EdgeTjavaJake sry dude i don't need it02:41
visik7EdgeT: is your key plugged in ?02:41
EdgeTand does it work02:41
syockevil nautilus spawned itself again02:41
syockno CPU consumiing app running here02:41
visik7EdgeT: do an lsusb02:41
EdgeTim on w!nd0z3 now02:41
ramenhow do i update-alternatives?02:41
javaJakedeadhobo: I'm assuming you know how to get GLX installed, right?02:41
javaJakeramen: Open a terminal02:42
deadhobojavaJake: Ah, well.. I just ran "sudo apt-get install nvidia-glx" and it says "0 installed, 0 newly upgraded, 0 to remove, and 4 not upgraded"02:42
visik7EdgeT: and paste the line about your key02:42
dudawifijavaJake: Thanks02:42
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leafwaparently slashdot is echoing the cries of a few. I dist-upgraded from dapper 6.06 to edgy yesterday and all was fine (powerpc here)02:42
EdgeTramen use the console02:42
javaJakeramen: And run update-alternatives --config java02:42
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JesusHi, I need help with reconfiguring my locales. I get a "E: locale::facet::_S_create_c_locale name not valid" error trying to enter chroot, and a "Please check that your locale settings [...]  are supported and installed on your system.". Need help!02:42
EdgeTvisik7 in the lsusb thingy?02:42
javaJakeramen: Select the one with "sun" and "java" in it.02:42
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visik7leafw: many ppl has got problem 'couse they use programs like fasterdapper / easyubuntu or automatix that mess your distro02:42
javaJakeJesus: Run apt-get install --reinstall locales.02:42
visik7EdgeT: paste the line regard your usb key02:42
ramenUsing `/usr/lib/jvm/java-1.5.0-sun/jre/bin/java' to provide `java'.02:43
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pir4syock,  how ?02:43
javaJakeJesus: That could fix it. (It did for me.)02:43
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leafwvisik7 : so much for a program that is supposed to make things easier.02:43
ramenam i doing it right?02:43
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JesusjavaJake: That does nothing for me. :(02:43
EdgeTvisik7 does that thing work every time?02:43
javaJakeramen: Now run azureus again02:43
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visik7EdgeT: what ?02:43
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leafwby the way, any clue why the cupsd system is burning 4% persistently?02:43
javaJakeJesus: OK, then I'm out of ideas. :P I don't know enough about locales to help02:43
leafwmakes bad battery management02:43
EdgeTvisik7:  "EdgeT: and paste the line about your key"02:43
JesusjavaJake: ok, thx anyway.02:44
ramennope, it starts up and goes to My torrents, but then after a second it dissapears.02:44
philwhlndoes anyone know a good way to control itunes on my mac from ubuntu desktop?02:44
EdgeTvisik7 does that module work every time?02:44
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visik7EdgeT: I ask you to cut and paste the line regarding your key from the lsusb output02:44
javaJakeramen: Run azureus on the terminal02:44
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ramenhow do i do that?02:44
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deadhobojavaJake: Erm... when I try to install nvidia-glx it is "already the newest version"02:44
javaJakeramen: Like you did update-alternatives02:44
LattywareHey all, After hearing about the problems with updates to 6.10, I decided to back up my partition, but when I try and do so with 'partimage' it tells me I have to unmount the partition, I'm presuming I can't unmount my root partition, so what should I do?02:44
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EdgeTi can't, im on windoze right now02:44
JesusHi, I need help with reconfiguring my locales. I get a "E: locale::facet::_S_create_c_locale name not valid" error trying to enter chroot, and a "Please check that your locale settings [...]  are supported and installed on your system.", using, for example dpkg, apt-get etc..02:44
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javaJakeramen: Just run "azureus" in the terminal02:44
leafwphilwhln : what a question. Make your own applescript that runs python that listens from sockets .. good luck02:44
tobiassombody have the alsa 1.0.13 .deb?02:44
javaJakedeadhobo: No kiddin'...02:44
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EdgeTvisik7 i didn't install ubuntu yet, gotta do some stuff before installin it02:44
deadhobojavaJake: Nope :/02:45
javaJakedeadhobo: Well watcha know. :P02:45
visik7EdgeT: ssh into your ubuntu box using putty02:45
leafwLattyware : do so from a livecd02:45
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about mozilla-plugin - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi02:45
ramenok now it wants me to configure.02:45
Lattywareah, that's annoying.02:45
javaJakedeadhobo: OK... so... that isn't the issue, then... hmm...02:45
philwhlnleafw: thank ;) I'll give it a try02:45
EdgeTvisik7 i can't i didn't install it yet02:45
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about mplayer-mozilla - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi02:45
LattywareI'll do it later then.02:45
jribluisito: the package is mozilla-mplayer02:45
javaJakedeadhobo: Is libgl1-mesa-glx installed? :)02:45
luisitohow do I change the default video player for firefox?02:45
visik7EdgeT: how can I help you if you even haven't  install ubuntu ?02:45
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javaJakedeadhobo: I don't know if that'll help, but it is worth a shot02:45
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ramenit works so far02:45
jribluisito: have you installed mozilla-mplayer?02:45
ramenthanks javaJake.02:45
javaJakeramen: Really!?02:46
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javaJakeramen: Your kidding me!02:46
EdgeTvisik7 actually i wanna install it tomorrow, cuz i got some stuff to do before02:46
javaJakeramen: I mean, we basically did the same thing that clicking on that Azureus icon would do.02:46
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dxdemetriouhow can I make check the disk like the: sudo shutdown -F -r now?02:46
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dxdemetriouon edgy?02:46
deadhobojavaJake: Looks like it is, I ran apt-get install and it returned "4 not upgradeD"02:46
ramenbut Clicking on the icon just made it crash.02:46
javaJakeramen: Try running azureus without terminal this time02:46
javaJakedeadhobo: hum02:46
luisitojrib, yes, but before I installed the gxine plugin and that is the one is launching when a video starts.02:46
jribluisito: sudo touch /usr/lib/firefox/plugins/*mplayer*            then close all firefox and open again02:46
wozznikone question: i915 driver card is in edgy?02:47
KenThomsonSorry to interrupt: I was here before and asked people how to shrink/create/delete partitions of my Current Windows XP Pro HDD (basically for switching to Ubuntu 6.10), and someone suggested GPART live CD. Can i run it from a Windows BOX TOO? And can you suggest some other freeware or otherwise, to resize and repartion my HDD for ubuntu 6.10? I need help on partitioning (and also which filesystem to use, so that Data can be shared between the OSs).02:47
KenThomsonI am having a 40GB PATA. Currently i have C: Drive (NTFS 10GB WINDOWS XP PRO) and D: Drive (NTFS 30GB DATA). Can you tell me how to partition it for Linux, the swap thing and all....the filesystems have got me really confused02:47
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rysiek|plI have just managed to rm -rf /etc/ssl/ (now don't you *even ASK* how). how can I reinstall openssl so the config's are back on their places02:47
javaJakedeadhobo: I gotta go02:47
javaJakeramen: I gotta go...02:47
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jribluisito: also you can just uninstall gxine plugin02:47
ramenit works w/o terminal02:47
javaJakeBye everyone02:47
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aoupirysiek|pl: :/02:47
luisitojrib, ok, let me try, thanks02:47
deadhoboJavaDeveloper: W.. nevermind02:47
rysiek|plaoupi: ?02:47
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dxdemetriouno one knows? how can I make scandisk on edgy after reboot?02:47
aoupirysiek|pl: try apt-get remove openssl && apt-get install openssl, I have no idea if it'll work but it's worth a shot02:47
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rysiek|plaoupi: tried aptitude reinstall openssl to no avail, I'll try this too02:48
ripperis the freecontrib.org plf stuff down?02:48
KenThomsonIf someone can help me, i posted my question (above) about partitioning my drive. I will really be grateful. Thank you02:48
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noelferreiralupine_85:  are you there?02:48
daftvadercan any one help me find what my X module version is?02:49
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daftvaderapparently nvidia say that it is incompatible with its version02:49
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noelferreirai'm with problems with my rt61 driver again02:49
syockI`m back. Sorry, I missed pretty much every message since the last post02:49
noelferreirayou helped me and it worked fined02:49
noelferreirabut after reboot02:49
noelferreirai can't get it working02:49
syockLike, I `died`ed02:50
noelferreirai don't know why02:50
luisitojrib, thank you02:50
lupine_85is the interface (wlan0) still there?02:50
KenThomsonLinux is so problematic, just the act of starting drives me nuts, and than you guys got so many probs, i cant get this too work, this is incompatible this is that, this is so v.bad :((02:50
noelferreiraiwconfig shows it02:50
noelferreirabut there's no ip02:50
lupine_85KenThomson: only the people with problems come here ;)02:50
TompuKenThomson: i have no problems02:50
ramenAnyone know how to install moblock?02:50
lupine_85noelferreira: does the access-point show as being associated?02:50
UFO64i dont have a problem at the moment02:50
KenThomsonyou are quite write02:50
ripperlupine_85 do you know if they plf repos on freecontrib.org are gone?02:50
=== lupine_85 has lots of problems - but none of them are related to ubuntu ;)
syockTompu: cool. You came to help anyone?02:51
LjLUbotu, please tell KenThomson about install02:51
lupine_85ripper: no idea02:51
LjLUbotu, please tell KenThomson about dualboot02:51
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lupine_85noelferreira: ok, so what does "sudo dhclient wlan0" do?02:51
AlanHaggaiHow can I put my Edgy system to sleep mode?02:51
syockWho was addressing my drive read/write problem again?02:51
noelferreiradon't release ip02:51
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ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about apm - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi02:51
Toma-does ext3 support online partition resizing?02:51
LjLKenThomson: the Desktop CD installer is able to repartition the drive automatically during installation, if you instruct it so. just be sure that you do NOT select the "erase entire disk" option, but instead select the option for shriking the current Windows partition to make space02:51
theplatypusYES! vmware is working great02:52
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LjLKenThomson: it'll take care of creating a swap partition automatically02:52
marten_71Ken Thomson keep asking sooner or later some one will help you remember all here are here for help or for getting help02:52
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lupine_85the driver is working fine then, it's just a network config issue02:52
AlanHaggaiHow can I put my Edgy system to sleep mode?02:52
noelferreirayes it is02:52
lupine_85if you statically assign one, does it work?02:52
noelferreirayou resolved it with ap02:52
sorush20why cd should I use to get live cd login desktop or alternate?02:52
ramenDoes anyone know how to install moblock?02:53
tuskerninianyone play midi in edgy?02:53
ubotuTrouble playing midi files? Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MidiSoftwareSynthesisHowTo02:53
noelferreirano it doesn't02:53
KenThomsonLjL: I could really appreciate if you could go over to my post at the forums http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=1681150#post1681150, and help me solve the problem. My questions were so specific that i typed a whole page, to get others know better of exactly what i am asking. If you and other experienced users could go over to my forum post and help me get started, i would really be very very grateful02:53
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syocktuskernini: if you like running in terminal, i suggest timidity02:54
noelferreiralupine_85:  i add this line to /etc/network/interfaces02:54
Z_GodI just upgraded from dapper to edgy & now kdm seems to crash02:54
noelferreirawireless ap mac02:54
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Z_GodI'm getting a short backtrace02:54
tuskerninisyock,  and if i want to play midi from firefox?02:54
noelferreiralike you sad02:54
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lupine_85it's meant to be "wireless-ap <mac address>"02:54
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noelferreirayes it is02:54
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Z_Godcould anyone look at it?02:54
lupine_85where <mac address> is something like: 00:12:BF:14:55:4A02:55
lupine_85note also that it's wireless-ap not wireless ap02:55
syocktuskernini: opoo. Never tried that. You mean just as in Windows? hmm....02:55
noelferreiramy acces point02:55
noelferreiraand it worked last time02:55
KenThomsonlupine_85: If you could hope on over to my forum post http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=1681150#post1681150, and help me get started, it would really help me. Thank you02:55
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about badger - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi02:55
tuskerninisyock, dunno, from a website... clicking on a .mid file...02:55
JoshuaWCan someone help me?02:55
noelferreirai really don't undersant02:56
lupine_85noelferreira: by the looks of it, the DHCP implementation on your router is a bit didgy02:56
noelferreirait was working fine02:56
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lupine_85i.e. it's not letting you have an IP address02:56
tuskerninisyock, i will installl timidity anyway02:56
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luisbgthe "ati" diver at xorg.conf is the slow one right?02:56
lupine_85have you tried clearing the DHCP leases in the router?02:56
syocktuskernini: i get your point. never found something like that yet. I`ll try to open synaptics again and see if my PC won`t crash02:56
noelferreirawhat should i do?02:56
Z_Godseems I have this: https://launchpad.net/distros/ubuntu/+bug/5832602:56
JoshuaWI'm having problems getting my DWL-G122 Adapter to work, and one method sent me into having to reinstall :P02:56
Z_Godsorry for the bother02:56
lupine_85JoshuaW: Revision B1 or C1?02:56
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KenThomsonTompu: if you too could help me get started. I am really confused (comming from a Windows background) about swtiching to Ubuntu. PLease help me get started by answering some of my questions at http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=1681150#post1681150. Thank you for your cooperation02:56
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lupine_85that's rt73 then02:57
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tuskerninisyock, why does your system crash? oops02:57
aoupiKenThomson: partitionmagic is a windows app that can shrink partitions02:57
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JoshuaWI've got NETPRISM working with NDISWrapper I think :P02:57
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syocktuskernini: no idea. Actually i crashed it because it`s lagging so much. There`s so much disk activity I wonder what`s causing it02:57
noelferreirawhat should i do lupine_85, restart router?02:57
lupine_85that might work noelferreira02:58
noelferreirai'll try02:58
lupine_85JoshuaW: rt73 cards have a driver for linux, and it comes installed with edgy02:58
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LjLKenThomson: well, first thing, if you have PATA i don't see why you would use a third hard drive dedicated to swap02:58
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tuskerninisyock, are you not updateing at themoment'?02:58
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lupine_85e.g. if you're running edgy, you should have a wlan0 interface ?02:58
JoshuaWBut my connection doesn't seem to work02:58
aoupiKenThomson: for learning the shell: http://www.linuxcommand.org/02:58
LjLKenThomson: or did you really mean partition there?02:58
syocktuskernini: ?02:58
KenThomsonLjL: I only have one HDD. All the partitions are entirely logical02:58
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syocktuskernini: I just updated from Dapper02:58
JoshuaWand I set wlan0 to the details :P02:58
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ShayeHow could I remove some programs that I uninstalled, but their icons are still on my applications menu02:58
LjLKenThomson: ah, then you should use the term "partition". drive is confusing02:58
KenThomsonLjl: I mean partitions02:58
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KenThomsonok i shall edit it02:59
tuskerninisyock, yes, but is your system not still bussy doing it... was what i ment02:59
lupine_85if you run "iwconfig" does it show the access point as a MAC address, "not-associated" or "invalid" ?02:59
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KenThomsonBut thats what i am used to call it in Windows :(02:59
fliegenderfroschi've got a router with an integrated switch and several pcs connected to it. there's also a cable connected which leads into another room. now i'd like to be able to connect several pcs in this other room as well. do i need a hub or a switch? and will i still be able to set ip adresses for every pc in the router's setup?02:59
ShayeHow could I remove some programs that I uninstalled, but their icons are still on my applications menu02:59
LjLKenThomson: anyway, for linux you *don't* use VFAT. you use ext3 or reiserfs or xfs, or any other filesystem that is *created for linux* -- VFAT simply doesn't implement the needed things (Unix permissions, etc)02:59
syocktuskernini: I just reloginned so everything`s pretty much calm now03:00
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LjLKenThomson: i suggest you just go with ext3. it's stood the test of time, it's a journalled filesystem, and it's the ubuntu default03:00
rysiek|plaoupi: can't remove openssl, I would have to remove 40+ other packages :/03:00
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aoupirysiek|pl: hmm, try dpkg-reconfigure openssl03:00
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tuskerninisyock, good to hear.. i installed edgy from the start... long story03:00
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rysiek|plaoupi: trying03:00
KenThomsonLjL: ok, so how do i configure my rest-of the HDD (30GB) to handle Ubuntu?03:00
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Shayegnomefreak, How could I remove some programs that I uninstalled, but their icons are still on my applications menu03:01
cornellGood morning...  I have a laptop with WinXP and it had Mandriva.  I tried to install Ubuntu, using alternate distro, in place of Mandriva.  It failed to install GRUB, so I went with LILO.  After rebooting, all that happened was a string of "9"'s.  I'm assuming that LILO got screwed up.  How can I fix LILO, or install GRUB.  Is there a bootloader installer, or should I try installing Ubuntu again.03:01
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LjLKenThomson: also, i'm not sure why you insist with using a Windows program to do the partitioning. i can mention Partition Magic (not free, afaik), if you really want to, but... why can't you do it in Linux? mind you, you don't *necessarily* have to use the "automatic" installed. you can boot the Desktop CD, launch GPartEd, and edit your partitions *manually* from there03:01
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rysiek|plaoupi: nope03:01
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gnomefreakShaye: try to restart you menu/panels03:01
henna_paps wtf is rt73 card, please03:01
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KenThomsonLjl: Ok that is a great idea! Is GPARTED bundeled with Ubuntu?03:01
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LjLKenThomson: you boot from the Desktop CD, go to System, Administration (i think) and Partition Editor (GParted). there you can move and shrink partitions as you like03:02
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gnomefreakKenThomson: you have to install it03:02
ShayeBut how gnomefreak? I'm new to this03:02
LjLKenThomson: yes, it is on the Desktop CD03:02
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gnomefreakShaye: killall gnome-panel03:02
gnomefreakShaye: see if the icons come back or not03:02
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Z_Godcan anyone here do this: dpkg -S /usr/lib/xserver/SecurityPolic ?03:02
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ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about xlg - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi03:02
syocktuskernini: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=239255&highlight=midi+firefox why don`t you try this one out, I`m trying it myself03:02
lupine_85 dapper ntfsresize had a bad habit of killing the NTFS partition... is that still the case?03:02
concept10Hyper-threading is disabled with the generic ubuntu kernel.  Is this on purpose?  Anyone know why?03:02
Z_Goddpkg -S /usr/lib/xserver/SecurityPolicy I mean03:02
Z_Godthanks in advance03:02
TompuKenThomson: after reading your post, I wouldnt recommend Ubuntu (or linux) to you at all, unless you're willing to be more flexible than your post suggests03:03
tuskerninisyock, will do thankx03:03
gnomefreakShaye: how did you remove them?03:03
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LjLKenThomson: be sure you do a "chkdsk" on your windows partition first (although gparted will generally refuse touching it, if it sees there might be something wrong) -- and perhaps you'll need to run a defrag, to be able to shrink it enough.03:03
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Shayegnomefreak, icons are still there03:03
Shayefrom the add or remove programs menu03:03
slytherinZ_God: There is no such file03:03
aoupirysiek|pl: dpkg-reconfigure ca-certificates03:03
Z_Godhmm, thanks slytherin03:03
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Z_Godweird I'm getting an error about it from kdm03:04
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Z_Godit seems to be the reason it's crashing03:04
tinushello, anyone able to install libqt4-dev on edgy?03:04
gnomefreakShaye: what apps are they?03:04
KenThomsonTompu: the fact that i went through all the trouble to type that past, and this month scurring the net for info on using Linux, should indicate that i am willing to swtich. And yes, i shall try to be flexible. Could you offer more context-sensitive help? I mean regarding the post03:04
slytherinZ_God: go to packages.ubuntu.com and search there03:04
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Shayegnomefreak, xchat gnome, and galeon web browser03:04
gnomefreakShaye: try to see if you can run the apps from menu03:04
Shayegnomefreak,  can't03:04
LjLKenThomson: then you also ask which filesystem gives the best performance. that's a hard question -- it really depends on how you use the filesystem. some say ReiserFS tends to be faster, but personally it'd still go with ext3.   Just forget about NTFS or VFAT, they can't really be used for Linux (they can be *read*, and sometimes *written to*, in Linux, but you can't really use them as your main Linux filesystem)03:04
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mr_danielubuntu is just great, but there is one thing I am not able to handle03:05
syockAnyone here with the same lagging Edgy problem? I still can`t find the trigger03:05
KenThomsonLjL: And what do you suggest about sharring data (movies, files, mp3s) between the OSs? What kind of filesystem should i use? Any advice?03:05
Shayegnomefreak, it's saying no such file or directory, sicne i uninstalled03:05
gnomefreakShaye: edgy?03:05
Shayegnomefreak, yes03:05
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peggerha kell vkinek segitseg aiglx-el mostmar tok segiteni03:05
TadejI have a problem with apt-get update03:05
mr_danielwho I can setup support midi-support?03:05
Shayea bug?03:05
TompuLjL, KenThomson: I've had no problems with writing VFAT03:05
syockmr_daniel: huh? What does that mean?03:06
KenThomsonaoupi: Thanks for the site, it looks interesting?03:06
LjLKenThomson: FAT is the safest choice, since both Linux and Windows can write it with confidence. however, you could still use ext3 i think, because i believe there is third-party support for ext3 on Windows03:06
mr_danielI am able to hear midi's with timidity, BUT I want also to hear the musik with other players like amarok03:06
gnomefreakShaye: i would say go into alacarte and remove them from menu. it sounds likea  bug with add/remove apps03:06
syockmr_daniel: I dunno amaroK. does it have plugins?03:06
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gnomefreakShaye: you can reinstall them an than sudo apt-get remove --purge app app03:06
LjLTompu, KenThomson: i never you'd have problems with writing to VFAT03:06
tinus libglu1-mesa-dev: Depends: libglu1-mesa (= 6.5.1~20060817-0ubuntu3) but 6.5.1+cvs20060824 is to be installed03:06
gnomefreakShaye: try that first03:06
tiger_mr_daniel:  mp3 ?03:06
slytherinTadej: Don't use automatix.03:06
rysiek|plaoupi: that installed me the certs (that's a big step forward), but I'm still missing the openssl.cnf file. what was the url of the repo search tool for ubuntu?03:06
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mr_danielsyock: do you have midi-support?03:06
TompuLjL: he'd have to reformat to switch to ext3 though?03:06
LjLTompu, KenThomson: i meant, i never *said*03:06
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mr_danielI want to hear midi-files03:07
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tiger_mr_daniel:  maybe U need the coders if U want play MP3 files03:07
gypoHelp with ftp please03:07
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Shayewhat the -purge does exactly gnomefreak03:07
slytheringypo: What help?03:07
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gnomefreakShaye: it purges all files related to the apps03:07
mr_danielI can play mp3-files, my problem is, that i can't play midi-files03:07
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LjLTompu, KenThomson: yes, if you decide for ext3 for your "data" partition, you'll have to backup, format, and restore. perhaps you'd better leave it as FAT03:07
Shayeok let me try gnomefreak, sec03:07
KenThomsonLjL, Tompu: so FAT32, FAR, VFAT, or EXT3?? Which should i use for data? and is the third party app, that leads me read-EXT3 in Windows working 100% all the time. I mean is it realiable, i dont want to lock myself out of my workifiles.03:07
ubotuTrouble playing midi files? Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MidiSoftwareSynthesisHowTo03:07
gnomefreakmr_daniel: does your sound card support midi?03:07
tiger_mr_daniel:  looks strange!03:07
akappaI've to use composite extension in order to use AIGLX + compiz?03:07
pazemlsqdfmojas a not so experienced linux user, should i try compiz or beryl or neither at this stage?03:08
Dragonoob needing help setting up tftpd and having it run all the time as a service.03:08
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gypoI can log in to my vsftpd server witha windows machine but i cannot upload to the chroot dir03:08
baboUnhandled MIME type: 'application/x-extension-pdf' ... ?03:08
LjLTompu, KenThomson: but no wait, you say your "data" partition uses NTFS... linux isn't yet quite good at writing to NTFS (though it can read fine)03:08
slytherinakappa: Forget compiz, use beryl ;-)03:08
baboqemu screwed up my system...03:08
mr_danielgnomefreak: i don't know what you mean with 'support'03:08
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mr_danielthe point is: today no soundcard have a midi-synthesiser03:08
gnomefreakmr_daniel: can your soundcard play midi03:08
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Tadejwhy wont my edgy upgrade this packates?03:08
akappaomg, yet another window manager? :D03:08
Tadej0 upgraded, 0 newly installed, 0 to remove and 31 not upgraded.03:08
gnomefreakmr_daniel: not all soundcards can play them03:08
henna_paps bent u degene die andere servers onderricht geeft?03:08
noelferreiranothing changes after restartting lupine_8503:08
SpaceCakeHi to all, wich channel is for Ubuntu lite ?03:09
gnomefreakTadej: libgl1-mesa-glx?03:09
mr_danieltoday there are everywhere midi-software-syntehsisers03:09
aoupigypo: make sure you have allowed uploading in the vsftpd.conf and also make sure that the chroot dir is writable for the user running the vsftpd03:09
zarephath!de >henna03:09
akappasydhart, why do you prefer beryl over compiz?03:09
Tadejgnomefreak; ?03:09
LjLKenThomson: i don't really know how reliable the 3rd party ext3 thingies are. people have reported they're reliable, but i wouldn't swear on it. i'd go with either FAT or ext2, if you want to be sure you can reliably write to it from Windows03:09
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slytheringypo: That is because by default it will allow only download. Read manpage of vsftpd. It mentions how to do it.03:09
acidscorehi folks03:09
gnomefreakTadej: it wont upgrade that package?03:09
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akappaOh, I haven't resolve my problem with usplash :)03:09
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Tadejw8 Ill paste it03:09
mr_danielfor example this site here http://www.rpgamer.com/games/chrono/ccross/ccrossmid.html03:10
acidscorecan i have some help to make a ext3 partition to mount automatically in read/write mode for my user?03:10
LjLKenThomson: leaving it as NTFS is also an option, but as i said, Linux write-support for NTFS is poor (and a bit hard to set up, i think), and not quite reliable03:10
=== gsalt [n=miktol@dsl-tregw3-fe40f800-208.dhcp.inet.fi] has joined #ubuntu
mr_danielthere are some midi-files and I want to hear them03:10
gypoaoupi--vsftpd.conf allowwrite=yes03:10
akappaIt says "no themes avaiable for your resolution"03:10
mr_danielwhat I have to do ?03:10
Shayegnomefreak, still :\03:10
KenThomsonLjl, Tompu: My current DataPartition has Windows Programs + Data (30GB, NTFS). Should i format and change the filesystem to something else so that i can install Windows Programs + keep my data + Linux + Linux Programs on that 30GB Partition so that only the required OS sees its programs, and i am able to see my Data from both OSs.03:10
acidscorewhat's the exact string for my fstab?03:10
Tadejgnomefreak; http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/29097/03:10
tiger_LjL:  fat32......., NTFS, Ext3 .......all03:10
akappabut I don't know how to change the theme..03:10
fnfacidscore: You looked at /etc/fstab, didn't you ?03:10
mr_danielmy windows can play midi's, also my card support midi-files03:10
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acidscorefnf yes i did03:10
gnomefreakShaye: sounds like a menu bug to me now please restart gnome and see if they go away03:10
ramenHow do you install moblock?03:10
Grzybekhi, after last dist-upgrade my x's doesnt work. when i want to install fglrx driver it is an error with kernel-heades-src, can any1 help?03:10
LjLKenThomson: err, wait, you aren't really going to put windows programs and linux programs on the same partition, really =)03:10
akappaI've found information on how to change the theme with usplash, but it works for ubuntu 6.0603:10
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gnomefreakTadej: ah03:11
Grzybek<Grzybek> hi, after last dist-upgrade my x's doesnt work. when i want to install fglrx driver it is an error with kernel-heades-src, can any1 help? (debiam sarce)03:11
acidscorebut i don't remeber the exact string to put for my dev03:11
tiger_LjL:  with fat32 is easy but you can use some drivers in Windows.... to access Ext303:11
LjLtiger_: ... meaning?03:11
gnomefreakTadej: sudo apt-get install (all of them)03:11
Shayekillall gnome-panel gnomefreak?03:11
drbreen_is there anything like a "threaded chat system" in ubuntu ?03:11
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LjLtiger_: ah, yes. but as i said, i don't know first hand how reliable those drivers are - so i can't recommend them03:11
gnomefreakShaye: no log out than crtl+alt+backspace and log back in03:11
gypohow do i change permissions to the chrooted dir so remote users can upload?03:11
killown in dmsge i get [17179594.056000]  eth1: IC Plus Corporation IP100A FAST Ethernet Adapter at 00019000, 00:08:54:d5:54:d4, IRQ 209.     [17179594.064000]  eth1: No MII transceiver found, aborting.  ASIC status 63 what I do to fix it?03:11
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fnfacidscore: Your fstab probably contains several entries, which are perfect samples, to make them readable/writable to users, to need to put respective users into a group, Ubuntu names it plugdev, which GUID is 4603:11
Shayeok sec03:11
tiger_LjL:  sorry03:12
mr_danielwow, this is such a wonder: everyone knows what to do when the xserver is broken or the keyboard isnt working correct, BUT about midi-support nobody here got an answer03:12
mr_danielthis is very bad03:12
mr_danielthere MUST be a way03:12
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KenThomsonLjL: so finally which parition does Windows NATIVELY support (without and external drivers) in which i can store my shared Data for both OSs to use? And which is the most effecient (performance wise) out of them? Which one? ext3, vfat, fat, fat32 or something else?03:12
fnfacidscore: Of course that's just one convenient way and probably "official"03:12
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acidscorefnf..should i put rw,users,guid=46 0 0 ??03:12
baboqemu has screwed up my computer, gnome won't open .pdf files ... does anyone know a way around this ?03:12
baboUnhandled MIME type: 'application/x-extension-pdf' ... ?03:12
LjLKenThomson: when you write "D: Drive (any file system) for Linux + Windows Programs (28-30GB, depending upon the last swap partition)." <-- this doesn't sound like a good idea at all. leave windows programs in a partition, and linux in another partition03:12
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luisbgI can't get the acceleration of my ati radeon work in ubuntu03:12
LjLKenThomson: the only partition i'd share would be a "data" partition - music, etc03:13
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baboseems to be unable to link the doc viewer to .pdf. Even when I do it manually it doesn't work ...03:13
gnomefreakShaye: still there?03:13
ShayeDang, still.. what is exactly ctrl alt backspage for gnomefreak?03:13
LjLKenThomson: the only filesystem type that both windows and linux support reliably, *natively*, is FAT03:13
fnfacidscore: Almost exactly, it depends on your partition types a bit though.03:13
gnomefreakShaye: it restarts gdm03:13
gnomefreakShaye: restarts X03:13
syockokay it`s starting again. The culprit maybe dpkg03:13
acidscoremy partition is a primary partition in ext303:13
KenThomsonLjL: does that mean only FAT or FAT32 or some other type of FAT? I am really confused, so please excuse me03:13
slytherinbabo: What has qemu to do with pdf files?03:13
LjLKenThomson: they're all efficient enough IMHO. FAT and NTFS (but forget about NTFS) tend to suffer from fragmentation thog03:13
gnomefreakShaye: remove them with alacarte for now file a bug against ubuntu03:14
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baboslytherin: qemu crashed my computer, now I can't open pdf files ...03:14
acidscoreand i want it to auto-mount on boot in rw mode for everybody03:14
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ShayeWhat is alacarte gnomefreak? it's my second time on Linux sorry03:14
LjLKenThomson: any kind of FAT... but you're really going to      just use FAT32. the other flavors of       fat areeeeeee obssoleteed03:14
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slytherinbabo: That is what I want to know. Why it crashed computer? It is virtual machine.03:14
LjLKenThomson: keyboard hav probbbbbbbblemssssssss03:14
fnfacidscore: so put the options as "rw,gid=46" then your users in plugdev group is the minimal conf for it to work. You may try mount it.03:15
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gnomefreakShaye: go to system prefferences menu layout03:15
tucozHi, anyone know how to make firefox use the mplayer-plugin instead of totem, when it tries to play embedded video?03:15
acidscoreok..just a minute..03:15
gnomefreakShaye: alacarte is a menu editor03:15
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baboslytherin; I don't know why it crashed the computer, I'm not a qemu developer. It's been my experience that poorly written programs can crash computers at times ...03:16
jribtucoz: sudo touch /usr/lib/firefox/plugins/*mplayer*  and restart your browser, or alternatively, remove totem plugin from your system03:16
KenThomsonLjL: So finally how do you suggest i partition my 40GB HDD? I have a 10GB C: partition (with Windows XP Pro + some apps). I wish to break the rest of 30GB to something more conducive. Will 10GB for Linux + it's apps be enough? or amybe 15GB? What do you sugggest. I wish to keep the larger part of my HDD, i.e the rest of 20GB as FAT so that i can store some Windows APPS on it too! (in case i fill my NTFS partition) and plus lots of data too03:16
tucozjrib, thanks.03:16
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KenThomsonLjl: KBD gone nuts? ;-)03:16
LjLKenThomson: ok, let's see if fresh batteries help. i was saying, 1) FAT is the only option that's *natively* supported by both Windows and Linux  2) the flavor you want is FAT32  3) FAT suffers a bit from fragmentation, but i wouldn't worry *too* much about performance... rather, the problem with FAT is reliability, since it's not journalled03:16
ShayeSystem - prefferences, i should see there alacarte?03:16
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LjLKenThomson: yeah, wireless keyboard03:16
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gnomefreakShaye: no its renamed to menu layout03:17
Gods_giftShaye: http://sushiknights.org/alejo/ubuntu/alacarte.png03:17
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acidscorefnf..it isn't the right way...03:17
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fnfacidscore: Did it show any error ?03:17
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syocksomething might be wrong with my apt library03:17
netdownloadanyone has a problem with macromedia plugin in firefox 2 in ubuntu edgy?03:17
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LjLKenThomson: 10Gb should be enough for Linux and its programs (well, depends how many programs you put on it, but in general i think it should be good enough) -- but then you'd want your /home directory to be on some other partition, probably03:17
=== Echtor`off is now known as Echtor2oo3
gnomefreaknetdownload: define problems03:17
acidscorebut i (user) can't write in hda3...but only read03:17
=== Clinton__ is now known as Chipper
syockis it okay to currently have 110208 files/directory installed?03:18
=== Chipper is now known as Clinton__
netdownloadI have installed first with the wizard the macromedia plugins03:18
LjLKenThomson: one problem IMHO is that if you have your Windows programs in D:, right now, they won't be happy if you just move them somewhere else03:18
KenThomsonLjL: FAT is unrealiable, yet i will have to store my *absolutely important* data files on a unreliable partition? Aint there something thats safe? I can live with loosing my OS or applications, but loosing Data would absolutely screw me. Some thoughts on the filesystem i use to store Data?03:18
ShayeThanks gnomefreak, removed :)03:18
netdownloadand after every time I start firefox it crashes03:18
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fnfacidscore: try 'mount -v -t ext3 -o rw,users,gid=46 <your_dev> <mount-point>', unmounting it first for sure. Also what is the output of 'groups' ?03:18
LjLKenThomson: use ext3, and research how well Windows can support it through 3rd-party programs.03:19
netdownloadI tried to install the plugins manually but the problem remains03:19
zarephathProbably a reliable backup medium would be better...03:19
=== ubuntu_ [n=ubuntu@200-168-20-152.dsl.telesp.net.br] has joined #ubuntu
KenThomsonLjL: I know about those Windows APPS. I can handle all the Windows Problems comfortably. You need to help me with the LInux Thing ;-)03:19
Shayegnomefreak, 1 more thing, do u have any good sites i can learn how to use linux? the shell, etc03:19
gnomefreaknetdownload: alot of people have that issue. nothing can really be done for a few more weeks. you can disable flash and im sure there are a few workarounds03:19
ubotudocumentation is to be found at http://help.ubuntu.com and http://wiki.ubuntu.com - General linux documentation: http://www.tldp.org - http://rute.2038bug.com03:19
ubotuThe linux terminal or command-line interface is very powerful. Open a terminal via Applications -> Accessories -> Terminal (Gnome) or K-menu -> System -> Konsole (KDE).  Manuals: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BasicCommands03:19
acidscorefnf acidscore@Greg:~$ groups03:19
acidscoreacidscore adm dialout cdrom floppy audio dip video plugdev lpadmin scanner admin03:19
aoupiShaye: http://www.linuxcommand.org/learning_the_shell.php03:19
gnomefreak!cli | Shaye03:19
ubotuShaye: The linux terminal or command-line interface is very powerful. Open a terminal via Applications -> Accessories -> Terminal (Gnome) or K-menu -> System -> Konsole (KDE).  Manuals: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BasicCommands03:19
=== Chipper [n=clinton@c-68-43-200-249.hsd1.mi.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
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netdownloadghomefreak: the problem is about firefox?03:20
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gnomefreaknetdownload: no03:20
KenThomsonLjL: And is FAT the only filesystem that Windows and Linux can read *natively*? Is ext2 natively Windows read-able?03:20
gnomefreaknetdownload: its flash03:20
ShayeThanks: )03:20
gnomefreakShaye: yw03:20
Clinton__KenThomson: nope03:20
=== kamme_ [n=kamme@125.169-240-81.adsl-dyn.isp.belgacom.be] has joined #ubuntu
KenThomsonThat saddens me03:20
netdownloadso I can install a previous version of flash03:20
TompuKenThomson: but hopefully it doesnt surprise you03:20
KenThomsonMy Data on a unsecure filesystem? What should i do?03:20
mythtvapparently im banned from mythtv-users, i just wanted to know if there was a way i could globally disable auto-delete of my files?03:21
TompuKenThomson: this _is_ Microsoft we're talking about03:21
acidscorefnf..that command gimme a generic error03:21
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gnomefreaknetdownload: no but try flash9 see if it still happens. flash9 is alpha and may break03:21
Clinton__KenThomson: encrypt your data03:21
gnomefreak!flash9 | netdownload03:21
ubotunetdownload: Flash player 9 beta has been released. You can download it here: http://seveas.imbrandon.com/dists/dapper-seveas/custom/ (replace dapper-seveas with edgy-seveas for edgy)  -  Official Adobe page at http://labs.adobe.com/downloads/flashplayer9.html03:21
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fnfacidscore: What error was that ?03:21
LjLKenThomson: ok, then what i would do, personally, is something like:  partition #1)  18Gb, NTFS, Windows and programs    #2)  1Gb, or less, Linux swap   #3)  10Gb, ext3, Linux (and programs)   #4) 10Gb, ext3, /home partition   #4)  1Gb, FAT partition, for Linux-Windows data exchange "in case of an emergency"03:21
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=== gnomefreak brbr
penguin42well at least Edgy has fixed the Radeon button rendering bug03:22
acidscoreabout fs..or about attributes..or about options...litterarly03:22
Clinton__LjL: two #4's eh?03:22
henna_what a game, right!!!!03:22
KenThomsonSo if Linux can 100% read-write to NTFS (Ubuntu 6.10)? Than NTFS should be OK? wouldn't it03:22
netdownloadok thx gnomefreak03:22
LjLKenThomson: make the last 4 a 5 ;)   anyway, the actual sizes will of course depend on what you have... i.e. perhaps 18Gb for Windows could be overkill, or on the other hand too little03:22
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KenThomsonLjL: Your efforts are really helping me understand somethings. Well said! Kudos03:22
LjLKenThomson: ah wait though, you can only have 4 primary partitions... which maybe is why i unconsciously wrote two 4's... ;-)03:23
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TompuKenThomson: you should consider writing to NTFS 'experimental', imBo03:23
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fnfacidscore: I'm recheck it and comeback right away.03:23
acidscorefnf very very thank you03:23
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KenThomsonLjL; #4) 10Gb, ext3, /home partition..Is this for Data storage or what?03:23
eraccKenThomson, Tompu makes a valid point about NTFS. However, it has been considered "experimental" for a long time now and works well for some people.03:24
TompuKenThomson: it's something like your 'my documents' folder. all your personal files and configuration data should live in there03:24
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LjLKenThomson: data storage, yes. /home in linux is the directory where user files reside, so you'd have (for instance) a /home/kenthomson directory. there you put documents, music, whatever03:24
netdownloadgnomefreak: but do you know why with dapper this problem doesn't appear03:24
LjLKenThomson: it's the same concept as the C:\Documents and Settings directory in Windows03:24
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about modules.symvers - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi03:24
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about symvers - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi03:24
acidscorenayone else can help me to make a ext3 partition to mount on boot with r/w mode for evry group?03:24
infidelhow do i make the modules.symvers03:24
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LjLKenThomson: anyway, i'd scrap the fifth (aka "second 4th" ;) "emergency" partition, because to have 5 partition, you'd need an extended partition... which i would avoid, just to keep things simple03:25
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fnfacidscore: My bad, gid isn't necessary for ext3, vfat is, so adding default option should be enough, by mounting it manually you won't need the -o param. Then makes sure your user is a member of plugdev.03:25
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KenThomsonWhy are you people hurting the poor bot? Its been working all day ;-)03:25
LjLKenThomson: at any rate, you should have no trouble at all *reading* ext3 from Windows. at worst, you'd have problem writing to it (which is why i said you should research that a little)03:25
acidscoreok..ill check..03:25
LjLinfidel: how do you do what?03:26
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eraccGag! Let Microsoft touch my Linux partitions?! Never!03:26
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A[D] minSis there program like prozilla under ubuntu edgy ?03:26
infidelLjL, create the symvers03:26
netdownloadwhat is prozilla?03:26
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A[D] minS!prozilla03:26
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about prozilla - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi03:26
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champollionhello all03:26
KenThomsonLjl, Tompu, eracc: Yes i dont want to write my Data to anything less than 100% compatible filesystem. So maybe i will use ext3 for data too! But than what to do if Windows has problems reading my Data? (there will be someday when i need my data through Windows)03:26
KenSentMe!info prozilla03:27
ubotuPackage prozilla does not exist in any distro I know03:27
LjLKenThomson: second version:  partition #1)  18Gb, NTFS, Windows and programs    #2)  1Gb, or less, Linux swap   #3)  9Gb, ext3, Linux (and programs)   #4) 12Gb, ext3, /home partition03:27
acidscorefnf ...the group plugdev doesnt exsist03:27
Clinton__KenThomson: then use FAT03:27
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A[D] minSnetdownload: program like download accelerator03:27
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syockJapanese pears are nice but pricey03:27
LjLKenThomson: no, as i said, i'm sure you'll have no problems *reading*. at worst, *writing*03:27
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fnfacidscore: How would you know about that ?.03:27
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ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about wannkstar - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi03:28
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freexeI was running Edgy RC, and on the upgrade (or around that time), my sound has complety stopped working. Is there anything I can do to fix or find out what is wrong?03:28
A[D] minS!info axel03:28
infidelsyock, you should see the work they put into the pears03:28
ubotuaxel: A light download accelerator - Console version. In component universe, is optional. Version 1.0b-1.1 (edgy), package size 33 kB, installed size 168 kB03:28
DavieyHi, multiverse repo seems to be busted on my machine.  I've defiently got it enabled - but i can't download anything from it.  I'm using dapper03:28
ubotuPlease investigate with me only in /msg or in #ubuntu-bots  -  Abusing the channel bots will only result in angry ops... ;-)03:28
=== ubuntu_ [n=ubuntu@d54C1BD2B.access.telenet.be] has joined #ubuntu
netdownloadanother problem that I noticed in edgy is that the font in the terminal tty is not very good, How I can change the font?03:28
champollionhow do i config internet03:28
eraccKenThomson, I'm coming in late but sounds like you are doing a multi-boot box. I would use a 'vfat' type file system to share with a Microsoft OS (if I had a Microsoft OS any more ;-)03:28
=== mack [n=mack@adsl-33-111.37-151.net24.it] has joined #ubuntu
Clinton__Daviey: did you do apt-get update ?03:28
fnfacidscore: Strange, Ubuntu by default always creates plugdev group during installation.03:28
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A[D] minSnetdownload: axel like it :D03:28
DavieyClinton__, yes03:28
KenSentMeDaviey: check your /etc/apt/sources.list if it really enabled03:28
mackHello there :)03:29
LjLeracc: he isn't confortable with using a not-very-robust filesystem for his data, apparently03:29
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acidscorefnf look here: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/29100/03:29
DavieyClinton__, first time it failed halfway through then i redid it and it worked03:29
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Clinton__Daviey: check your sources.list and makesure you really did it03:29
netdownloadA[D] minS: how can I change? :P03:29
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syockinfidel: huh? did they make weird shaped pears this time?03:29
DavieyKenSentMe, defiently enabled03:29
DavieyClinton__, defiently enabled03:29
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Clinton__Daviey: what are you trying to get from there?03:29
KenThomsonLjL: So should i assume the Windows Can 100% read EXT3 natively? And only writing to it is the problem? I am asking this to ensure the reliability of my Data.03:29
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infidelsyock, they put socks on them03:29
DavieyClinton__, java jdk03:29
eraccLjL, if one is concerned about one's data then one should not use Windoze. IMNSHO ;-)03:29
gnomefreakDaviey: are you sure you didnt enable backports univer and multiverse instead of universe and multiverse03:30
Clinton__Daviey: which one?  some are virtual packages and you aren't really going to get anything03:30
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compengiare there many bugs in edgy03:30
Davieygnomefreak, i enabled all the standard ones (ie removed all the #)03:30
KenSentMeDaviey: did you do apt-get update?03:30
KenThomsonHa Ha The bot (ubotu) is fighting back! Good! People were abusing it too much. Hey tell him that, tell him that, it too deserves respect ;-)03:30
MacKi second that03:30
DavieyKenSentMe, yes03:30
freexeMy sound has stopped working, any one have any ideas? My sound card has been detected and the right device is showing03:30
dmb062082wallpaper-tray still doesnt work, why is it even in universe03:30
gnomefreakDaviey: multiverse you have to add not just remove the #03:30
LjLKenThomson: no, not natively -- it *will* need 3rd-party programs even for reading. i'm just saying that, for reading, you shouldn't have problems once you have such a 3rd-party program installed03:30
champollionevery time , I need write : ifconfig up03:30
MacKinstalling nvidia drivers destroys my xorg :<03:30
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Davieygnomefreak, what a doof i am!03:30
KenThomsoneracc: Its out of helplessness, that i use Windows.03:31
LjLKenThomson: for writing, again, i *would* research a little before trying to write to ext3 from Windows.03:31
Davieygnomefreak, why is it listed in one of the lines?03:31
syockinfidel: gah stupid!!! why, is it because it`s almost winter, and they`re afraid  the pears might feel a little bit chilly?03:31
Clinton__Daviey: we've all suffered from that, shame on me for not asking03:31
netdownloadA[D] minS: can you help me to change the font?03:31
infidelsyock, lol03:31
fnfacidscore: I'm reading it, by the way, an essential thing to note is even plugdev somehow disappears, you just need to give users "write" access to the mount point. Ubuntu creates plugdev for convenience, then allows all users of that group write to the mount points created during installation: /media/* that is.03:31
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A[D] minSnetdownload: which font?03:31
LjLKenThomson: just try typing "ext2 windows" on google, and then "ext3 windows", you'll get an idea of what's available (note that any program that can read ext2 can also read ext3 by definition -- for writing, that's different)03:31
acidscoreso? o.O03:31
netdownloadA[D] minS: in the tty console03:32
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DavieyDoh!  i am only have muliverse for backports!!!03:32
champollionhelp me please03:32
eraccKenThomson, I understand. Windows is in your "comfort zone" and feels like a security blanket for you. I'm of the "go cold turkey and get off the smack" crowd. ;-)03:32
champollionevery time , I need write : ifconfig up03:32
A[D] minSnetdownload: sorry :S03:32
ubotuhttps://wiki.ubuntu.com/DebootstrapChroot use this to build 32 bit environments on a 64 bit box03:32
KenThomsonLjL; Again we come a full circle. Should i trust a little-known, crappy-websited developer (i am assuming the last part), for a little app to read my very precious Data in Windows? Are ext3 or ext2 and FAT the only options?03:32
gnomefreakDaviey: the repo should look like deb http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/ edgy universe multiverse03:32
fnfacidscore: try "ls -l /media", what is the group/owner of the mount points ?03:32
compengiare there many bugs in edgy?03:32
syockinfidel: I`m watching Kanon now, wondering how the girls manage to wear super-short skirts in the dead of winter. in fact, everyone else wonder too03:32
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acidscorefnf wait..03:32
user-landcompengi, sure.03:32
LjLKenThomson: oh, another thing: you were concerned a little about performance. but i think the difference in filesystems performance are negligible in comparison to other factors -- for one, modern HDs are usually much faster in their outer tracks than in the intter tracks (which usually means, in BIOS terms, that they're faster on the lower sectors)03:33
=== Kuberr_ [n=kuberr@ool-44c5a214.dyn.optonline.net] has joined #ubuntu
compengiuser-land, are they fixed?03:33
KenThomsoneracc: I need to run 3DS MAX 9.0, Photoshop cs2, CorelDraw 13, SoundForge, and other Graphic Design/animation apps, which are not working correctly in Liniux, so the dependency03:33
acidscorefnf :it's root03:33
LjLKenThomson: so if you want a given partition to be fast, you should probably put it near the "beginning" of the drive03:33
acidscorefnf..can i give it a simple chmod?03:33
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eraccKenThomson, LOL! "Should i trust a little-known, crappy-websited developer" ... most driver developers spend their mind time on making drivers, not making web pages. ;-)03:33
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acidscorebut i think that fstab-way it's the right way03:33
champollionhelp me please03:33
DavieyKenThomson, look at crossover office03:33
user-landcompengi, do you know a popular OS with few bugs ?03:33
fnfacidscore: sure, if you're the only user of your box.03:33
champollionevery time , I need write : ifconfig up03:33
penguin42KenThomson: if you use FAT you are sure to be able to read & write it in both; if you use ext3 then with http://sourceforge.net/projects/ext2fsd it says it can do it (but I've never tried it and I'd probably not write from Windows to it); if you use NTFS you have a good cahnce of reading it from Linux but I wouldn't write it03:33
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morphishLjL: Kudos fo rgetting the drive speed phenomenon right03:34
LjLKenThomson, i don't see what other options you can be thinking of. Windows only supports two things natively: FAT and NTFS. anything else, you need 3rd party drivers to support03:34
Tim90dose linux use NTFS03:34
acidscorefnf yes it is03:34
LjLmorphish: heh03:34
KenThomsonLjL; And how in the humble hell do i put it near the HDD? ;-)03:34
DavieyTim90, you CAN but i wouldn't recommend it03:34
morphishLjL: mostly when i try to explain that to people, they think of CDs and tell me i am wrong03:34
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KenThomsonDaviey: Will it run 3DS MAC, PHOTOSHOP CS2, SOUNDFORGE, CORELDRAW 13, etc effeciently without any silly errors? I doubt it03:35
fnfacidscore: You may just put yourself in a member of whatever group that /media belongs to.03:35
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shadowhywindI was wondering if anyone has had problem with hibernate in edgy? I can not get mine to work?03:35
=== Echtor2oo3 is now known as Echtor`off
DavieyKenThomson, look for yourself http://www.codeweavers.com/compatibility/browse/name/03:36
compengiuser-land, i'm not saying that edgy was a bad idea and full of bugs, but as you know that it's the first time given to the users to work on it that's why you will find alot of bugs that need to be fixed03:36
Tim90ACIDSCORE: root = sudo -i03:36
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fnfacidscore: So /media/* belongs to root group, then changing all the mount points to be plugdev should be enough.03:36
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X5-452How can I see the HD free space through a terminal?03:36
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penguin42X5-452: df03:37
user-landyes, compengi.03:37
acidscoreso...chomd 777 /media/* ????03:37
KenThomsonpenguin42: You see i heard that FAT is a little unrealiable, And putting absolutely essential work data on a obsolete file system shouldn't be wise, right? What do you suggest?03:37
eraccKenThomson, if you truly cannot find and/or use alternatives to those applications in open source then I would recommend separate systems and sharing over a LAN. Of course I run 2 servers and 5 desktop PCs here in my SOHO biz so that sounds "normal" to me.03:37
morphishX5-452: df -h (-h is human readable)03:37
MouldyHey all!03:37
=== AaronCampbell__ [n=AaronCam@] has joined #ubuntu
fnfacidscore: Is that the case that you or another process creates these mount points after installation, by default they should belong to plugdev.03:37
Davieygnomefreak, yeah i added that line you stated (changed Edy to Dapper) and it works great!  thanx... What a doof i am....  I had muliverse for backports only!!!03:37
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Shayehow can i undo rm command? i just deleted all of my music using the "rm Music" command03:37
KenThomsoneracc: And that sounds absolutely surreal to me ;-) So please, i cant invest in two workstations!03:37
MouldyShaye: You can't I don't think.03:38
ianmacgregorHow do I change the icon that is on the Applications menubar item?03:38
gnomefreakShaye: you dont03:38
ShayeI can't?03:38
KenThomsonShaye: ;)03:38
fnfacidscore: chgrp, what a bit for me to cfraf the command. The man pages are your friend btw. man chgrp03:38
compengiuser-land, and i also asked about if i could upgrade to edgy using a cd, so someone told me that it's a bad idea and that people had faced problems after that, is it true?03:38
gnomefreakShaye: if its in trash just drag it back to where it was03:38
LjLKenThomson: easy - in GParted, the partition on your left is (most probably) going to be the fastest one, while the partition on your right will be the slowest one03:38
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about soho - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi03:38
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acidscorechgrp sound s good...thanks!03:38
morphishShaye: google for "indelete $filesystem" where $filesystem is one of ext2, ext3, resierfs, xfs, jfs well, whatever you chose03:38
acidscorethank you fnf!!03:38
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KenThomsonLjL: ok03:38
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DavieyShaye, i haven't tried it ut look at http://recover.sourceforge.net/linux/03:38
fnfacidscore: You're welcome :) .03:39
LjLKenThomson: that is why i proposed having swap as the second partition, by the way -- putting it at the end might make it slower. mind you, that's not necessarily a big concern03:39
=== devios [n=devios@c-68-37-111-242.hsd1.nj.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
morphishShaye: if Music is on a partition you can unmount, umount it right now, so nothing gets overwritten and you chances are higher to recovering anything03:39
ShayeAh well it's not a big deal, I can just load them from ipod again, lol thought there is an easy way03:39
LjLKenThomson: and i'm not sure i would bother moving the Windows partition somewhere else, either. also considering Windows can be a bit picky when you move its boot partition around03:39
=== balayhashi [n=balayhas@a213-22-211-153.cpe.netcabo.pt] has joined #ubuntu
penguin42KenThomson: Well FAT is simple and has been around since before the age of the ancients; it works - I'd give Windows the driver that lets it access ext3 - but only use it to read it; and I'd let Linux read the NTFS partition but not write it; if you need to have a file that you actually modify in both then I'd have a FAT partition for that - you might find that the ext3 writing under Windows works , certainly of the two I'd give that a better chance tha03:39
penguin42n writing NTFS from Linux03:39
morphishShaye: oh well, if you have a backup, then just be more careful next time ;)03:39
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eraccShaye, just recover the deleted files from your backups you make regularly ... you do that, yes? :-)03:39
Shayemorphish, it's the root partition, i can 't umount it can i?03:40
Shayeyeah eracc for sure :)03:40
devioshey all - any way to upgrade to latest version of ubuntu without the install cd?03:40
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Kawaii-Pandadevious: change all instances of dapper in your sources.list to edgy03:40
ianmacgregor!nickspam > A[D] minS03:40
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balayhashihi there ! I did a amarok 2> /dev/null in the terminal as root ( sudo -i ) . Now I try to acess /dev and it only has null in there ....03:40
Shayewhen i use the shell, does it matter whether i use ~/Folder or /Folder?03:40
LjLpenguin42, KenThomson: i agree FAT is the easiest choice for Linux<->Windows interoperability, but then FAT is not journalled (and it's design is kind of dated generally speaking), so it's not very robust. a power outage during a write *can* in principle be nasty to the filesystem03:41
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deviosKawaii-Panda: can't be that simple.... can it?03:41
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user-landyes, compengi, that is true.03:41
Kawaii-Pandadevious: actually it is03:41
MouldyI have a (crappy budget) PCLine wireless multimedia keyboard, one with a bunch of extra buttons and all that jazz. Since I upgraded from Dapper to Edgy, the buttons have been going a bit weird. The Internet button opens up firefox, but firefox doesn't display the browser homepage. Instead it shows my home folder. If I click the firefox icon in the application menu, it does load the right homepage (so its not a firefox setting that's03:41
penguin42LjL, KenThomson: Yeh I agree, robustness ain't soemthing FAT has03:41
DavieyShaye, /Folder means from the root area ~/means from your home dir03:41
ianmacgregorShaye: Yes, it matters. ~/Folder will be /home/user/Folder  , /Folder will be a Folder dir in /03:41
Kawaii-Pandadevious: you should have you ubuntu-base and ubuntu-desktop installed though03:41
fnfShaye: ~ refers to your home directory, so they are different03:41
penguin42LjL: Using FAT as a file system for passing stuff and back and forward should be OK though03:42
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user-landcompengi, better install edgy from scratch. you can keep the /home directory however. make a backup or place it on a separate partition.03:42
LjLpenguin42: yup03:42
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MacKhello all, i was looking forward a 4.0.0+ version of xlibs (compatible with cedega), anyone knows where get it? unfortunately apt-get doesn't retrieve the packet.03:42
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penguin42LjL: I suppose we need some trusting person to try the ext3 writing under Windows and tell us all if it works nice and stabily :-)03:42
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LjLpenguin42, KenThomson: in fact, i suggested to him to have a small FAT partitition dedicated to "emergency" file exchanging. however, that would make the total number of partition 5, which would imply messing with extended partitions03:43
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Mouldypenguin, I write to ext3 udner windows XP and it works flawlessly03:43
ShayeDaviey, "root area" is actually the "File System" in edgy right?03:43
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ShayeIt called "File System" ie /03:43
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boricuaxchat keeps crashing on me03:43
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ianmacgregorShaye: Open gnome-terminal and type: echo ~/Folder  and you'll see the difference03:43
penguin42Mouldy: Ah - thanks for the recommendation03:43
LjLpenguin42: well, i think i've been told once or twice that ext3 writing on Windows is safe. but then people say many things, and not all of them are true03:43
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syocktuskernini: I managed to get MIDI on firefox now. How bout you?03:43
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Tim90Boricua: use the msn one03:43
compengiuser-land, but you know... installing all again =/03:43
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penguin42LjL: Well I guess ext3 on windows has a reasonable chance - I mean its all open code and the people writing it know what to expect from ext3 unlike the guys writing the NTFS code03:44
Mouldypenguin42, I use http://www.fs-driver.org/ The only problem with it is, you have root access to your whole partition despite not entering a password03:44
tuskerninisyock, me too thank you03:44
KenThomsonLjL, penguin42: nice insight! So finally,...10GB C: Partition NTFS (untouched running WIndows XP Pro + Windows APPS), 10GB EXT3 for Linux + it's apps, and 1 GB Linux SWAP, I want to use the rest the rest 19GB for Data (movies, mp3s, workfiles, etc etc). So maybe that should be FAT or EXT3. Again that is not 100% compatible natively in both OSs. Is this got to be so confusing? Though having people like you around helps.03:44
Nusthow do you start TFTD as a service so its running all the time, and auto runs after restarts?03:44
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user-landcompengi, keep dapper, you won't miss edgy.03:44
boricuaTim90: amsn?03:44
tuskerninisyock, and my pdf is embedded now03:44
ShayeCool thanks03:44
ompaulpenguin42, so would you trust windows not to do bad stuff to ext3 I would never do that but then I don't use windows03:44
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user-landcompengi, installing can go fast if you keep your /home directory.03:44
boricuaTim90: what is the name of the app03:44
penguin42LjL: Any reason to recommend against extended - I've never had a problem with extended03:44
syocktuskerini: cool haven`t tried that. That`d be very benry03:44
LjLKenThomson, yes, it has to be that confusing, when you want to share data between Windows and Linux. that's unfortunate, but it's that way03:45
boricuagaim for irc?03:45
KenThomsonMouldy: Is that EXT3, read-write driver 100% reliable to read-write stuff from Windows? I mean loosing Data, just gives me...*shrugs*03:45
gnomefreakpenguin42: i would not recommned doing it but if you feel you need to back everything up first.03:45
penguin42ompaul: Well Mouldy just said he had good luck with it03:45
Tim90its really good ,just doe some explorering on it03:45
gnomefreakboricua: yeah :(03:45
compengiuser-land, how can i keep it?03:45
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balayhashinow i try to do su user and it gives to me a loop of : /dev/null : permission denied !03:45
ra21vihi friends03:45
compengiuser-land, with the dbe files03:45
MouldyKenThomson: In my experience yes.03:45
user-landcompengi, what are you currently using ?03:45
LjLpenguin42: not at all... only that you have even more things to worry about03:45
gnomefreakbalayhashi: use sudo03:45
syockawesome. PDF embedded. didn`t know there was such thing03:45
Tim90boricua:dont nock it till you tryed it03:45
Nustneed help starting a tftpd server, cant get it working.03:46
ra21vii tried to setup the pen-tablet for my drawing... and i followed all the wikis for wacom... but failed03:46
balayhashignomefreak: what do you mean?03:46
boricuawhy is xchat then the default03:46
ra21viactually i think  its not a wacom chip03:46
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ianmacgregor!sudo > balayhashi03:46
gnomefreakbalayhashi: ubuntu uses sudo not su03:46
KenThomsonLjL: than what would you personally do with the rest of 19GB that i left for Data? Which filesystem?03:46
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knapperCan someone tell me why d4x loses all downloads when you close it?03:46
LjLKenThomson: and yes, that setup sounds nice enough, if you think 10gb is enough for windows + its programs03:46
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LjLKenThomson: personally i'd use ext3, but that's biased, because i spend very little time on windows03:46
KenThomsonMoudly: I am new to Linux, could you explain the "only" problem that you had using that driver in some layman's terms? Thank you03:47
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ra21vi!wacom-tools >ra21vi03:47
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babo_how do I do a system upgrade to edgy ?03:47
Tim90boricua: You can decide witch one is better ,don't always go default03:47
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fnf!edgy > babo_03:47
gnomefreakbabo_: gksudo update-manager -c03:47
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ra21vibabo_: hey, instead of upgrade, just try reinstalling03:48
KenThomsonLjL: ok then, what is your most unbiased answer to using the rest of the 19GB?03:48
ShayeCool, now I now that "cd" and "cd .." are two different things! :P03:48
LjLKenThomson, you spelled Moudly, but the nickname is Moudly (see above)03:48
Tim90babo : gksudo update03:48
babo_ra21vi, is it that bad yes ?03:48
Shaye"cd .." leads to the root :D03:48
LjLKenThomson: err... Mouldy03:48
MouldyKenThomson: Ok. Basically, you know when you're in linux and you want to edit a file that's not in your home folder, you have to put in a root password? Well, if you access your linux partition from windows, it doesn't ask for that password, it grants you access regardless. It's only a security threat if you don't trust other people who use your machine to fiddle with your linux partition.03:48
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ra21vibabo_: well, i got my another system completely broken03:48
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ianmacgregorShaye: Also, "cd -" will take you back to the previous dir and "cd ~" will take you home :)03:48
ra21vii had many things installed there03:48
ra21vilike Apple shake03:48
ra21vinow i will again have to apply for license03:49
Shayeiamtheobject, just "cd" will take me home, won't it?03:49
gnomefreakianmacgregor: cd will bring you home too;)03:49
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gnomefreakShaye: yes03:49
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LjLMouldy, KenThomson: but then that's a security threat anyway -- anybody who has physical access to the machine can do anything they like. they can start Linux in recovery mode, and have no password asked. or they can use a boot CD or floppy. or...03:49
ianmacgregorgnomefreak: Hah, didn't know that one.03:49
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balayhashiyeah i now , i did sudo -i to be root . but to get back to user (balayhashi ) i always do su balayhashi ! But that is not  important. The problem  is that my /dev directory only has null now !!03:49
fliegenderfroschhow can i check the md5sum of an audio-cd?03:49
LjLUbotu, please tell fliegenderfrosch about md503:49
ra21viany1 please guide me to setup my *Pen-Tablet*03:49
MouldyLjL, yes, it is a security threat, but only if your leave your windows machine totally un-guarded, either physically or password protected user accounts.03:50
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penguin42gnomefreak: That update-manager upgrade requires a particular python package installed to work - certainly for me I didn't have it (and have forgotton which one)03:50
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fnfModly: All it takes is a LiveCD then your system is screwed up.03:50
deviosKawaii-Panda: that is awesome.... can't believe it's this easy...03:50
KenThomsonMouldy, LjL; That shouldn't be a concern, No-one can even boot my PC, without the boot-BIOS password. Do you mean, that other than that "security threats" you would bet your farm on it?! (well if you had one?)03:50
deviosKawaii-Panda: upgrading now - ty03:50
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LjLKenThomson: if i had physical access to your machine, and to a screwdriver, i could just short your CMOS battery for 5 seconds, and then your BIOS password is gone ;-)03:51
fnfKenThomson: They could just take your HDD away if they can physically "touch" your PC.03:51
fliegenderfroschLjL, i know how to check the md5sum of a file, but i don't know how to do that with an audio cd03:51
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Tim90gksudo nautilus03:51
Kawaii-Pandadevios: np :)03:51
Tim90very use full03:51
KenThomsonLjL: thats a old trick though03:51
MouldyKenThomson: To be honest. I use the file system driver for windows I posted earlier and I haven't had any issues at all. The security threats mentioned are just *potential* problems and most likely, will never see light of day.03:51
paperanyone have a reccomendation on what repo's to use to have access to the widest range of apps?03:52
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KenThomsonAnd dont worry, i dont live in a society full of theifs ;-)03:52
ra21viKenThomson: there is another way too man.. its software bruteforce than just getting the battery out for 5 mins and discharging the power filter capacitor03:52
shadowhywindhow werid is this error, sudo shutdown -r now -> sudo: timestamp too far in the future: Oct 29 09:31:39 200603:52
=== RogerBacon [n=RogerBac@bas3-sherbrooke40-1177840109.dsl.bell.ca] has joined #ubuntu
TheGateKeeperpaper: dapper or edgy?03:52
LjLfliegenderfrosch: just "md5sum /dev/cdrom" (or whatever your cdrom device is)03:52
screechingcatpaper: the official ones03:52
penguin42shadowhywind: just check your clock - what does date show?03:52
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shadowhywind10/29/06 8:5203:52
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Tim90KenThomson:Thats the only trick03:52
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LjLfliegenderfrosch: to MD5 it doesn't make a difference whether it's an ISO image file or a real drive (that's the beauty of the Unix "everything is a file" idea...)03:53
penguin42shadowhywind: Hehe something has a timezone change problem03:53
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shadowhywind*thinking its a daylight saving issue* hopefully on restart should fix that problem, hehe03:53
fnfpaper: The Ubuntu developers don't recommend any package tree outside of their official distribution. You'll take your risk personally for having installed a custom app.03:53
ra21vihumm, what to do with Pen Tablets, shud i throw them, cuz i cannt use them on Linux03:53
TheGateKeeperpaper: http://za1012001.googlepages.com/modifyingubunturepositories03:53
penguin42ra21vi: Which ones?03:53
ompaulpenguin42, have you seen the result of "/msg ubotu worksforme"  ?03:53
paperfnf, thanks used to "poratge"03:53
paperjust jumped over from gentoo03:53
ra21vipenguin42: its i-pen , and i think it has no wacom chips03:53
freexehow do i make my fat32 mounts writable03:53
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ra21vifreexe: man mount ... u have to use vfat filesystem03:54
fnfpaper: Then checkinstall maybe a good candidate, in case you want a rare package.03:54
LjLUbotu, please tell freexe about windowsdrives03:54
fliegenderfroschLjL, 'md5sum /dev/scd0' doesn't work, i get: 'md5sum: /dev/scd0: Input/output error'03:54
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TheGateKeeperpaper: how did that happen lol03:54
Axord!nickspam > Axord03:54
Nustanyone here ever setup tftpd.. if so then a newbie would like 5 minutes of your time. ta in advance.03:54
freexehow do i fix my no sound problem03:54
ra21vifreexe: its mount /dev/hdaX /media/place -t vfat03:54
LjLfliegenderfrosch: uhm, what's that... a SATA or SCSI CD?03:54
KenThomsonLjL; You seem to know a lot about linux, than , can you suggest me some resource to master the CLI other than http://www.linuxcommand.org/, which is concise, in-depth, yet not boring enough to scare me away? It maybe newbie friendly or may have a virtual linux exercise files. Dont worry my imagination sometimes runs ahead of me ;-)03:54
paperTheGateKeeper, eh been wanting to try out ubuntu03:54
Clinton__freexe: go deaf :)03:54
penguin42ompaul: No I hadn't! But I do agree with it, however at some point if something does work for people then there is no reason not to recommend it03:55
paperTheGateKeeper, I will probably reinstall gentoo in the near future03:55
freexeClinton__: I hop not03:55
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penguin42fliegenderfrosch: I'm not sure I'd expect md5sum'ing an audio cd to work03:55
ompaulpenguin42, that is why we have offical repositories and help.ubuntu.com03:55
ra21vipenguin42: do u have any idea?03:55
deadhoboWhen I try to start X my laptop display emits a high pitched whine...03:55
LjLKenThomson, depends whether you're more interested in shell scripting, or just plain usage of the shell03:55
ra21vipenguin42: its WP8060(U03:55
freexemy sound stopped working, and i fear having to do a reintall to fix it03:55
ianmacgregorKenThomson: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BasicCommands03:55
penguin42ompaul: Sorry I'm confused which of my comments you are referring to03:55
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deadhoboyou can feel free to laugh at me if you wish03:56
fliegenderfroschpenguin42, so it's not possible to check if the cd is ok except listening the whole cd?03:56
ShayeHow do I stop the sudo? when I don't wanna be root anymore?03:56
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ShayeI first did, sudo su, to become root03:56
MouldyShaye: type exit03:56
ra21vicom'n man, Guide me to set my i-pen tablet ... i need it up badly03:56
penguin42fliegenderfrosch: For an audio cd I think I'd try a ripping program03:56
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Shayeexit will close the terminal, i guess?03:57
LjLKenThomson: i've never used any other tutorials than plain "man" and "apropos" (which is the same as "man -k") -- for scripting, though, i recommend http://tldp.org/LDP/abs/html/ (if i got the link right)03:57
fnfKenThomson: Just do weird things with your main box, soonly you'll know that you /must/ acknowledge something in order to fix it ;). Seriously, try The Linux Documentation Project.03:57
ompaul!sudo > Shaye03:57
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KenThomsonLjL: What should a person completely unaware of Linux command start with? That is what i want to do? To achieve the complete Command Line Nirvana, without a GUI (ditch-X ;-) ), that you guys can boast of03:57
ianmacgregorShaye: Not from a su env03:57
fnf!tldp > KenThomson03:57
adi11235Can someone tell me which file is loaded first when an ubuntu disk is booted from? This is a listing of the files from a bootstrap iso: http://img50.imageshack.us/my.php?image=netbootmd4.gif03:57
ShayeGot it :)03:57
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Captain_RedbeardQuick question, what would be the proper device to mount a USB-memory on bus2, Device 2?03:57
ompaulpenguin42, I am saying caution, use at your own risk, do not suggest if they don't come from the "offical lines", the logic being that if something is being broken by an offical way of doing things then a fix will most likely be issued, or a suitable work around, but stuff from other locations may leave you high and dry03:57
LjLKenThomson: in my opinion, it's "read the !cli tutorial" (that is, https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BasicCommands , or anything of the many similar things there are on the net)  and then you can mostly just rely on the "man" command imho. that's just because it's the way i did it, though03:58
Tim90deadhobo: i get that with my pc ,its deaing out thou i think its due to bad capictors,funny thing is i didnt have it with windows,mabe linux is making my pc work hard, and sqizing ever proccessor cycle03:58
lupine_85Captain_Redbeard: it doesn't really work like that03:58
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Tim90mmm..very fast indeed03:58
penguin42ompaul: Sure - I'm just not sure what you are referring to; the only thing I referred to was something for Windows not for installation under Linux03:58
fliegenderfroschpenguin42, so i have to rip both the original and the copied cd and then compare the files i get if i want to check it?03:58
liwihi. from what http i can download the content of add/remove - games?03:58
ianmacgregorKenThomson: I would recommend using screen03:58
Captain_Redbeardlupine_85: uhm?03:58
LjLKenThomson: useful (but advanced) commands you may want to learn about are grep, sed and awk. tutorials about.03:58
lupine_85wherever you plug it into, it will take up the next available sd device03:58
LjLKenThomson: s/abound/about/    (and this is a sed command, by the way ;)03:58
ompaulpenguin42, lets leave it there - it seems to be circular03:59
ra21viKenThomson: just do something on ur system.. start learning things needed for ur work.... and manpages, wow, u know the GOD had written the section "Linux" of manpages03:59
LjLerr, make it the other way round03:59
penguin42fliegenderfrosch: Yeh but as I understand with audio CDs the sums probably won't match anyway03:59
KenThomsonianmacgregor: what is using screen?03:59
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lupine_85e.g. the first one you plug in will become sda (as long as you don't have a SATA or SCSI disc ;) ), then sdb, etc03:59
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lupine_85it really doesn't matter where you plug them in to03:59
fliegenderfroschpenguin42, so it seems i have to listen to the whole cd... :(03:59
ra21viKenThomson: screen is a package, which provides u more vts within a single login and single VT03:59
penguin42fliegenderfrosch: Well relax, put on the music.....03:59
ianmacgregorKenThomson: http://www.gnu.org/software/screen/  The screen app is in the repos03:59
lupine_85fliegenderfrosch: or you could make an md5 checksum04:00
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ianmacgregor!info screen04:00
ubotuscreen: a terminal multiplexor with VT100/ANSI terminal emulation. In component main, is optional. Version 4.0.2-4.1ubuntu5 (edgy), package size 566 kB, installed size 976 kB04:00
ra21viKenThomson: again, look for man screen04:00
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KenThomsonianmacgregor, ra21vi: You are getting too complicated for me. I m currently on a windows box, BTW04:00
fliegenderfroschlupine_85, i think that doesn't work with audio-cds?04:00
LjLKenThomson: another thing i could suggest is to have a virtual machine (qemu or VMware will do) you can experiment on with potentially dangerous shell commands, without fears of destroying real stuff04:00
Captain_Redbeardlupine_85: explain please04:00
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lupine_85of course it does :p04:00
lupine_85just md5sum /dev/hdc (or whatever it is)04:00
ianmacgregorKenThomson: Ok, just keep the screen app in mind when you are learning bash04:00
ra21viKenThomson: then u cannt do anything... it shows u r just enjoying our msgs04:00
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lupine_85obviously, you need an md5sum to compare against as well04:01
KenThomsonPeople i installed cygwin to learn bash commands04:01
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lupine_85Captain_Redbeard: I'm not really sure how much clearer I can make it04:01
ra21vianyone here with some pen-tablet experience04:01
lupine_85it doesn't matter what USB port you plug it into04:01
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KenThomsonLjL; i have DSL embedded in qemu, and knoppix live CD04:02
LjLKenThomson: hm, not sure that's a terribly good idea. does cygwin even come with a sane "man" command? (that is, a sane "less"...)04:02
ra21vii m getting problem setting it up04:02
MouldyAnyone know where gnome-keybinding-properties saves its settings?04:02
LjLKenThomson: that's better04:02
fliegenderfroschlupine_85, i get: md5sum: /dev/scd0: Input/output error04:02
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AlReece45Is there special instructions for compiling alsa on ubuntu?04:02
penguin42KenThomson: A lot of the older Unix commands are in the GNU Coreutils package; reading the manual for that and getting used to some of the commands in there will give you a good idea of some of the basic commands (http://www.gnu.org/software/coreutils/manual/html_mono/coreutils.html)04:02
KenThomsonLjL: though the "man" command works with cygwin.04:02
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=== penguin42 notes this conversation is surreal given the Nick
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KenThomsonpenguin42: Thank you04:02
g1gamanhello, gentlemen04:03
LjLKenThomson: going back to the partitioning stuff for a moment... what about getting a new HD? 40Gb *may* be a bit limiting if you want dual boot + "data" partition (i know, 40Gb is a lot, but... it's 2006 *shrug*, things have gotten big ;)04:03
ompaulAlReece45, why compile - you have packages04:03
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g1gamantell me please, what this mean: The following packages have unmet dependencies:04:03
g1gaman  libc6-dev: Depends: libc6 (= 2.3.6-0ubuntu20) but 2.4-1ubuntu9 is to be installed04:03
LjLKenThomson: also, i always found having two HDs handy in many situations04:03
g1gamanand how can i fix it04:03
cybergod`a Question guys,  is crossover the same as wine?04:03
g1gamancybergod`: no04:04
KenThomsonAint there some more interactive tutorial? As in i they will give some exercise or maybe a Virtual Linux Java Applet to practive on while i am reading at the site, instead of counteless boring manual and GUIDE pages?04:04
=== MetaMorfoziS [n=sajt@dsl54009FB8.pool.t-online.hu] has joined #ubuntu
LjLg1gaman: try "sudo apt-get update" and then try again. failing that, post your /etc/apt/sources.list to the pastebin04:04
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okaanyone having experience of freebsd?04:04
Mouldycybergod`: No, it's based on wine and has a GUI04:04
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plboka, I've used it for a few years04:04
g1gamanLjL: i did it. it doesnt work04:04
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AlReece45ompaul, so my microphone, mic port, and headphone port will work04:04
Captain_Redbeardlupine_85: so say that I have sda1 through 4 already thus it should be mounted as block device sda5, correct?04:04
KenThomsonLjL: I certainly know about the HDD constraints, i am planning to get a 200GB on soon04:04
okaplb, what do you prefer, freebsd or ubuntu? :)04:04
lupine_85it's a new device, not a new partition04:04
LjLKenThomson, isn't the bash shell itself interactive enough? ;)04:04
lupine_85so sdb04:04
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LjLg1gaman: then paste your sources.list and i'll have a look04:04
plboka, well FreeBSD is nice but linux has better support04:05
ra21viI m really pissed in midst of my problems... i guess why the manufecturors not included Linux installation info for their I-Pen tablets.. its really stupid.. the hardware people just dont cooperate... i think i will throw this I-Pen... cuz i dont want to shift to Microfuck Windows just to sketch using the I-Pen... its really stupid...04:05
plboka, software, hardware etc04:05
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KenThomsonMouldy: A quick question, http://www.fs-driver.org/, does the ext2 driver work *perfectly* with the ext3 stuff too?04:05
g1gamanLjL:  where i should paste it? in you priv.?04:05
Bacon5o_ra2, cool it, microsoft owns...04:05
ompaulAlReece45, you may depending on the card have to change some settings04:05
okaplb, ok. i see, all window managers that are available for linux, is suitable for freeBSD?04:05
LjLUbotu, please tell g1gaman about pastebin04:05
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humehi, i'm trying to upgrade to edgy but get an error msg, it cannot remove or upgrade samba:  /var/cache/apt/archives/samba_3.0.22-1ubuntu4_i386.deb04:05
humeE: Sub-process /usr/bin/dpkg returned an error code (1)04:05
humeanyone got advice?04:05
lupine_85ext3 != ext204:05
ravenlockI was wondering if someone could point me towards a good how to on getting wpa-psk setup on 6.10 with an atheros based card.04:05
_asdfgh_BitchX-1.1-final+ by panasync - FreeBSD 6.1-SECURITY04:05
KenThomsonLjL: The bash is so interactive, that sometimes i plan it to run the bash at a movie theater, and let people enjoy its supper interactivity ;-)04:05
plboka, most likely yes04:06
Bacon5o_Once you start using linux you start to appreciate how well microsoft's GUI trumps anything else04:06
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daftvadercan someone help me pls04:06
lupine_85Bacon5o_: ???04:06
daftvaderI cannot get my smp k7 to run ubuntu04:06
KenThomsonBacon5o_: You making it harder for me to go to Linux ;)04:06
plboka, freshports.org has freebsd package listing04:06
deadhoboAnyone got ideas to let out stress?04:06
Bacon5o_yes lupine :D04:06
lupine_85Microsoft's GUI is clunky and slow04:06
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ompaulAlReece45, double click onthe speaker icon top right hand corner make sure nothing is muted and if you are using a seperate card to onboard make sure onboard is disabled in the bios04:06
Bacon5o_filesystem owns too04:06
penguin42daftvader: Hi - mine is running it ok - what problem are you seeing04:06
daftvaderit used to run with dapper but after edgy it doesn't run04:06
Kawaii-Pandadeadhobo: have you tried workrave? its on the repositories.04:06
ubotuworkrave: RSI prevention tool. In component main, is optional. Version 1.8.3-1ubuntu1 (edgy), package size 635 kB, installed size 1884 kB04:06
LjLKenThomson, i personally feel that, with Unix shells, taking the "ok, now i'm going to learn it all" approach is not constructive, and frustrating. i'd just learn the basic thing from any decent tutorial (like the ones you've been pointed to), and then let nature do the rest -- that is, when you need to accomplish a task, you sweat through man pages until you find a way ;-)   i assure you that, that way, you never forget.04:06
thoreauputicBacon5o_: and others  >>> #ubuntu-offtopic04:07
Kawaii-Pandaamazing how linux has a solution to almost everything. :)04:07
Bacon5o_but I need some help in getting my graphics card to coperate with ubuntu04:07
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daftvaderhi penguin42: after edgy upgrade i can't get it to run nvidia04:07
plbthis channel is huge...1072 people04:07
xroachis there better laptop powersawing things in edgy?04:07
daftvaderbut i can get the 2.6.17 kernel to run04:07
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ubotu#ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, #ubuntu+1 supports the development version of Ubuntu and #ubuntu-offtopic is for random chatter. Welcome!04:07
Shayewhat options do i have with ls? i guessed ls -s, but i dont know what it does lol04:07
KenThomsonLjL: good point!04:07
lupine_85Shaye: man ls04:07
daftvaderpenguin42: i cant get the k7 smp to run though04:07
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deadhoboKawaii-Panda: lol, wow.. I was... nevermind haha. I can't actually try workrave due to the reason of my stress, but oh well. I have spent 3 days straight working on getting nvidia drivers working and they still take a dump on me every time04:07
lupine_85there are /lots/ of options.04:07
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ra21vihey PPL, its a serious warning, please dont pollute this room with the name Micro$oft... else i will kill Bill ;)04:07
AlReece45ompaul: right now I'm running on a kernel without alsa or oss support (wanted to compile it in). But there was nothing muted and the bios doesn't have any options to disable it, even if It did, the speakers work correctly.04:08
KenThomsonLjL: Now all i need to do is, repartition my HDD and go FOR IT!!!04:08
penguin42daftvader: Ah I 'll admit to knowing nothing about Nvidia, but I've got an old Radeon in my smp k7; how far does the k7 smp get ?04:08
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Kawaii-Pandadeadhobo: 3 days? it took me 3 minutes to install them using automatix :-D04:08
ericzif i have an amd sempron processor, should i be using one of the other kernel versions, like k7 or 686 or something?04:08
ravenlockI was wondering if someone could point me towards a good how to on getting wpa-psk setup on 6.10 with an atheros based card.04:08
daftvaderpenguin42: it got to login at the command line04:08
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ompaulAlReece45, if you have been playing with a non ubuntu standard kernel then you might consider switching to one04:08
deadhoboKawaii-Panda: yeah... thats what I tried first. Took a dump on me, I freaked out and thought I trashed my laptop. Here, let me find a picture04:08
daftvaderpenguin42: couldn't start x04:08
LjLKenThomson: also, one of our operators has "ubuntu trivia quizzes" in #ubuntu-trivia (sunday around 1am CET, i believe... or something) - if you want to see some of the weirdest stuff, you could join there when there is a quiz ;-)04:09
KenThomsonra21vi: Please have some respect for that Great Philanthropist!  :|04:09
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penguin42daftvader: Ah not too bad; then that is probably your nvidia and not the k7 smp04:09
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deadhoboKawaii-Panda: http://jhsforum.com/upload/files/IMAGE_00116.jpg04:09
humehi, i'm trying to upgrade to edgy but get an error msg, it cannot remove or upgrade samba, and thus not either install nor remove other programs04:09
LjL!automatix | Kawaii-Panda04:09
ubotuKawaii-Panda: Automatix is an unsupported script that tries to automate the installation of some software. We don't provide support for it in the #ubuntu or #kubuntu channels, try #automatix thanks!04:09
daftvaderpenguin42: said something about x module is version 8774 while nvidia is version 876204:09
g1gamanLjL: Sir, http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/29112/, sir! :)04:09
tiger_Someone know how can UNDO these commands:04:09
tiger_# xprop -root -f _XKB_RULES_NAMES 8s -set _XKB_RULES_NAMES xorg04:09
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tiger_ # setxkbmap -model pc105 -layout es04:09
LjL!paste | tiger_04:09
ubotutiger_: pastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (you can always find it in the channel topic, among other useful things)04:09
AlReece45ompaul: I only compiled a kernel after trying the standard one.04:09
tiger_Ive lost accents!!04:09
penguin42daftvader: Ah - I don't know the nvidia stuff04:09
KenThomsonWho feeds the bot?04:09
daftvaderpenguin42: yes but it used to run perfectly with dapper04:09
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noelferreiralupine_85: are you there?04:09
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about feed - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi04:09
deadhoboaw :/04:09
ompaulAlReece45, so go back and then ask how is it solved, what sound card have you got?04:10
ra21viDoes all Pen-Tablets have the Wacom chips.... I m getting problem installing the I-Pen Model WP8060(U) ** Help me Out04:10
daftvaderpenguin42: upafter i upgrade to edgy it screwed up. the kernel didn't change and neither did nvidia04:10
LjLg1gaman: aw, automatix. that might explain a thing or two.04:10
KenThomsonMouldy: A quick question, http://www.fs-driver.org/, does the ext2 driver work *perfectly* with the ext3 stuff too?04:10
ProN00bhow can i rip that totem plugin out of my firefox ?04:10
deadhoboSo, anyone here got a bat? Or does linux have a solution for "bat beating anger"04:10
=== MetaMorfoziS [n=sajt@dsl54009FB8.pool.t-online.hu] has joined #ubuntu
Shayelupine_85, and how do I close that man help window lol04:10
Nustneed help with tftpd - cant seem to get it running...04:10
AlReece45brb, loading older kernel04:10
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g1gamanLjL: should i remove automatix?04:10
ompauldeadhobo, your chatting in a support channel04:10
ProN00bhow can i rip that totem plugin out of my firefox ?04:10
KenThomson!Microsoft ;-)04:10
ubotuA large amount of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..."  Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out?04:10
MouldyKenThomson: Yes it does.If you read (http://www.fs-driver.org/faq.html) it says what is/isn't supported in more detail though04:10
cybergod`gui is grapich?04:10
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deadhoboompaul: well, every time I ask a question there is no intrest expressed so I kindof gave up04:11
Kawaii-Pandadeadhobo: lol... i never had ubuntu on a laptop, nor do i ever have a laptop, so sorry i cant help you there. anyways, you should consider turning workrave on all the time, its good for your body. just dont forget to set restbreaks to every 10 minutes instead of 3, k. :)04:11
toddobryanI'm running Ubuntu in a school lab. I need to set the environment variable SVN_SSH=$HOME/.ssh/id_dsa.subversion, but /etc/environment won't expand variables and /etc/bash.bashrc doesn't get souced by programs that don't run from the shell (like Eclipse). Any ideas?04:11
ra21viKenThomson: where do u live?04:11
LjLg1gaman: well, we usually recommend against automatix here. anyway, try commenting out the automatix repository and the skype repository, then "sudo apt-get update", then try again04:11
deadhoboKawaii-Panda: Intresting. What is it? Some sort of game?04:11
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KenThomsonMould: Thank you, i am taking your word for it, and storing all my precious data on a ext3 partition, even to read it from Windows?04:11
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X5-452Is there any linux command for secure deletion (multiple overwriting)?04:11
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lupine_85Shaye: Q04:11
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lupine_85X5-452: wipe04:11
Bacon5o_if im downloader drivers for ubuntu, do I want XFree86 or X.ORG?04:11
thoreauputicX5-452: shred04:11
penguin42toddobryan: Try /etc/profile04:11
ra21viKenThomson: where do u live?04:11
ianmacgregorX5-452: You might try the wipe app04:11
KenThomsonra21vi: "KenThomson: where do u live?" Wanna come over for dinner?04:11
ianmacgregor!info wipe04:11
Shayelupine_85,  :)04:11
lupine_85Bacon5o_: X.org but you shouldn't need to in most cases04:12
g1gamanLjL: how can i comment it out, sir?04:12
ubotuwipe: Secure file deletion. In component universe, is extra. Version 0.20-2 (edgy), package size 34 kB, installed size 120 kB04:12
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ra21vinO, way..04:12
LjLg1gaman: you add a # before the relevant line04:12
ra21viDoes all Pen-Tablets have the Wacom chips.... I m getting problem installing the I-Pen Model WP8060(U) ** Help me Out04:12
X5-452thanks all04:12
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Bacon5o_lupine my card can only go as high as 800x600 on ubuntu, I'd like to hit 1600x120004:12
FallethI have a toshiba satellite 1800 - (?) and the problem is the Trident Cyberblade XPAi1. How can i enable direct rendering?04:12
MouldyKenThomson: Obviously, I can't predict the future of your experiences, but in my experience, the drivers works 100% flawlessly. It's like Microsoft natively support it.#04:12
Kawaii-Pandadeadhobo: it forces you to take excercises every few hours, and restbreaks to 'reflect' every few minutes. kind of cool, but if ever it gets too distracting, you have the option to shut it up.04:12
Nustneed help setting up tftpd - iv checked google. but it does not seem to work. any help is welcome. thanks.04:12
LjLg1gaman: specifically, add a # before lines 66 and 74 (as they are listed in your paste)04:12
toddobryanpenguin42: Same problem. Works in the shell, but not for programs run from a menu in Gnome.04:12
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ompaulhi there people can we stay on topic please - that is Ubuntu support there are plenty of other channels including #ubuntu-offtopic04:13
KenThomsonMouldy: I hope they dont take it that site off from the internet in the future, that is the only source for those precious drviers ;-)04:13
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frying_fishra21vi: not all of them will04:13
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ProN00bhow can i remove a package thats in ubuntu-desktop without removing ubuntu-desktop ?04:13
frying_fishbeing that they aren't all wacom tablets.04:13
ra21vifrying_fish: then how to install those which rn't Wacom04:13
LjLProN00b: you can't04:13
ompaulProN00b, you can't04:13
=== LeM [n=green@dialup.212-50-165-146.karoo.KCOM.COM] has joined #ubuntu
ProN00bthat sucks !04:13
deadhoboKawaii-Panda: Whoa.. cool! I'll have to try that, good plan to get me off my butt ;). Oh, and my problem isn't  only because its a laptop, I am fairly sure04:13
frying_fishProN00b: you can't but ubuntu-desktop is a meta-package, so you won't lose everything.04:13
MouldyKenThomson: There are probably other alternatives that I don't know about floating around the internet. From what I've gathered though, this one is the most commonly used.04:13
thoreauputicProN00b: ubuntu-desktop is just a metapackage04:13
frying_fishra21vi: does it show in lspci with any information?04:13
ompaulProN00b, see what frying_fish said04:13
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KenThomsonMouldy: OK04:14
penguin42toddobryan: Hmm interesting - I'd assumed that would have got read at some point during startup04:14
ProN00bompaul, i know, it still sucks04:14
ra21vifrying_fish: connected to USB, and shows in lsusb04:14
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frying_fishProN00b: why, it is just removing that one package, it doesn't get rid of your whole DE04:14
NustNeed help setting up tftpd - iv gone through some googled tutorials but they dont work for me. (elp)04:14
ra21vifrying_fish: UC Logic Tech. Corp04:14
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Bacon5o_how to I enable POSIX shared memory on my ubuntu system?04:14
frying_fishra21vi: ok, well in that case look for a module for it to be loaded04:14
ProN00bfrying_fish, but i wana keep the meta package, i mean its there for something, isn't it ?04:14
penguin42Bacon5o_: I think it should be enabled by default - what makes you think it isn't ?04:14
frying_fishthen google that make and its relevant stuff and xorg, see what you get.04:15
ra21vifrying_fish: hwhere, i X or kernel :( uhh its confusing04:15
daftvaderhow do i find my nvidia version in linux?04:15
ompaulProN00b, no - the concept of metapackage is just a handy way to install a bundle of packages, if you remove one you no longer have the meta packages package list ergo it should not be there04:15
Bacon5o_penguin, ATI driver installation requires it be enabled, just making sure.04:15
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LjLdaftvader: "apt-cache policy nvidia-glx", if you mean the nvidia binary-only driver04:15
ra21vidaftvader: xserver-xorg-driver-nvidia something like this04:15
frying_fishProN00b: yeah, its there so that when you install it installs that package to give you everything for the DE, but once you have installed the system you can customise it and get rid of the stuff you don't want04:15
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toddobryanpenguin42: Yeah, I know. Apparently it's a Debian thing. /etc/environment is the only place to set environment variables that's global, but you can't set a global variable that looks in each user's home folder, for example.04:15
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frying_fishand thus that package is no longer valid.04:15
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Nusthelp ?04:15
ianmacgregorProN00b: That meta package was only there to pull in all deps for gnome desktop. You can safely remove the meta package without harming anyting. However, you might want to re-install it if you ever so a dist-upgrade.04:15
frying_fishra21vi: possibly both04:15
NustNeed help setting up tftpd - iv gone through some googled tutorials but they dont work for me. (elp)04:15
ubotuA large amount of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..."  Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out?04:15
ProN00bompaul, if theres a new package added to the metapackage and i have removed the metapackage i won't get that, will i ?04:15
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frying_fishas I don't have one of those, I just have a wacom tablet I can't give much more help04:16
Bacon5o_penguin, I'm fairly need to linux as a whole, is a ".run" an application?04:16
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lucasvowhy isn't libdvdcss2 in multiverse?04:16
lucasvohow can I download ist?04:16
frying_fishProN00b: admittedly no, but you can always install the package manually04:16
KenThomsonLjL: thank you for your efforts i really appreciate it!04:16
ianmacgregorlucasvo: license issues?04:16
lucasvo!dvd > lucasvo04:16
ProN00bBacon5o_, linux doesn't work with extensions like that04:16
ra21vifrying_fish: ok, i think kernel handles only USB, so i need X module... but buddy, there is no support for those wiothout wacmo04:16
penguin42toddobryan: I'm fairly sure that the xdm/gdm/kdm will read an xsession file if you ask it nicely - but I can't remember;  a '.run' - hmm never heard of one of those04:16
ubotuFor playing DVD, see http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/video.html  -  libdvdcss can be found at http://wiki.ubuntu.com/SeveasPackages04:16
frying_fishlucasvo: it is, under libdvdread304:16
Mouldylucasvo: It's probably not there for legal reasons. Just google for it, its all over the place04:16
frying_fishand has a script that you have to run.04:16
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g1gamanLjL: i found no numbered lines in gedit, but i added # in the beginning of the skype and automatix lines. then i did sudo apt-get update, and finally sudo apt-get install libc6-dev g++ gcc .it didnt work04:16
frying_fishra21vi: if thats the case, then you are stuck04:16
ProN00bBacon5o_, you can't tell from the extension what kinda file something is, however i have seen quite some .run files beeing executables04:16
ompaulProN00b, it can and may break updates04:16
Nustis there another ubunut support channel ??? or is this it ?04:16
frying_fishg1gaman: don't use automatix, it is very very bad.04:17
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MouldyNust, this is it afaik04:17
ProN00bompaul, yeah, thats why i don't want to remove it04:17
ompaulNust, this is it04:17
ompaulProN00b, your call04:17
NustIm screwed then.04:17
=== mode/#ubuntu [-o ompaul] by ChanServ
g1gamanLjL: i still get the same: The following packages have unmet dependencies:04:17
g1gaman  libc6-dev: Depends: libc6 (= 2.3.6-0ubuntu20) but 2.4-1ubuntu9 is to be installed04:17
g1gamanE: Broken packages04:17
deep-blue #fluxbuntu04:17
ubotupastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (you can always find it in the channel topic, among other useful things)04:17
BooBartry  /list ubuntu*04:17
gnomefreakg1gaman: sudo apt-get -f install04:17
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toddobryanpenguin42: Ahh. That's probably what I have to do. People mentioned that on the forums, but it just clicked what that meant.04:17
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gnomefreakNust: what is the issue?04:17
AlReece45ompaul: back on standard ubuntu kernel, headphone/mic port and built in mic still don't work. I appear to be using HDA Nvidia card.04:18
g1gamanfrying_fish: thanks for suggestion04:18
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daftvaderLjL: what does this gives me : apt-cache policy nvidia-glx04:18
toddobryanpenguin42: Thanks. Fun day ahead.04:18
Nustgnomefreak : I am new m8, but I need to setup and use tftpd, but iv tried the googled tutorials, nothing is working and the service isnt running.04:18
ompaulAlReece45, have you done the double click on the the speaker and checked they were not ehh muted04:18
=== ketsugi [n=ketsugi@cm158.gamma230.maxonline.com.sg] has joined #ubuntu
KenThomsonMouldy, penguin42, lupine_85, ianmacgregor, Tim90: Thank you all for your help to me, BTW some of my questions at (http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=1681150#post1681150) weren't answered here, you can be kind enough and hop on to that link to help me.04:19
g1gamangnomefreak: nope. it gives me nothing :(04:19
KenThomsonGood night thats it for today04:19
daftvaderLjL: it said nvidia-glx: installed 1.0.8774+
KenThomsonMaybe the BASH shall haunt me tonight ;-)04:19
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deadhoboWhat happens if you use the wrong modeline?04:19
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deadhoboor a bad hsync/vsync04:19
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AlReece45ompaul, yes, several times. There is only "Master" and "PCM" on playblack. "Capture" on capture, and checkmarks for line in and mic on switches. Nothing is muted and all checkmarks are checked.04:20
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LjLdaftvader: that's your version of the nvidia-glx driver.04:20
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AlReece45ompaul, the driver this card uses is the hda-intel04:20
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gnomefreakNust: hmmmmmm thats a hard one did you try ubuntuforums?04:20
g1gamanactually i can't see the way the libc6-dev could be installed on my machine anymore :(((04:20
penguin42KenThomson: You don't need to free RAM - let the OS manage your RAM for you; occasionally restarting firefox I find helps a little since it tends to get bloated04:20
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Nustgnomefreak iv tried all over the net, there ar eloads of differnet ways of doing it, which is making it all the more confusing.04:21
KenThomsonpenguin42: I am a heavy multi-tasker, and things like Firefox + some more apps may bog down the system annoyingly04:21
LjLg1gaman: your automatix -- or something -- messed up libc6, by installing a version that's too high. i'm not sure how to solve that one04:21
daftvaderLjL: yes but what does the + 2.6.17 means?04:21
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ompaulAlReece45, why not do this lspci and paste the output into paste.ubuntu-nl.org04:21
ProN00bwho the hell put the totem firefox plugin into ubuntu-desktop again04:21
ProN00bits sooo crappy04:22
ProN00bnobody wants that04:22
daftvaderLjL: is that what the nvidia driver that is used with the kernel?04:22
dustinhas anyone had an issue with bootup freezing at detecting USB-HID drivers?04:22
gnomefreakNust: sorry im nto real sure04:22
penguin42KenThomson: Yeh, but Linux is pretty good at dealing with swap and memory; but if a program really hogs it after a while (typically firefox) then I just restart it04:22
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morphishKenThomson: how much ram you got? and as long as it does not touch swap, it showing 1MB free is what you want04:22
LjLdaftvader: yes, that means it's compiled for version of the ubuntu kernel04:22
ompaulProN00b, at this stange you know that this is not a chat channel please treat it as such04:22
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g1gamanLjL: maybe you know somebody online who knows how to fix it?04:22
Kawaii-Pandadoes linux have its own garbage collecting code? i remember reading in some article that it does, but im not so sure.04:23
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ProN00bompaul, then where can i rant04:23
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penguin42KenThomson: Q5: I wouldn't try a netboot as my first install - its something that you can do after you've got a bit of experience behind your belt; start with a nice simple CD install04:23
reikiok... I've decided that Edgy is too edgy for me right now. :) It was working GREAT until I tried to get Wine to run World of Warcraft. THen I broke the whole thing trying to fix it04:23
ProN00bompaul, rant is reqired04:23
Tim90Pronood: jion me at #ubuntu-oftopic04:23
KenThomsonmorphish: 512MB, DDR 400 Physical RAM04:23
ompaulnot here04:23
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daftvaderLjL: how can i get the one that is compiled for the k7 smp04:23
Nustgnomefreak : at least you took a second to think about it.. I dont feel ignored any more. well at least for another 5 minutes, then im gona be pulling at my hair again04:23
ProN00bTim90, i got banned from there last time04:23
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g1gamanLjL: i cannot install anything with make because of this problem04:23
dabaRdustin: haha04:23
morphishKenThomson: and you end up touching (a lot of) swap?04:23
dabaRdustin: sorry04:23
daftvaderLjL: i used to have it but i think upgrading to edgy made me lost it04:23
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dustinno kiddin04:23
dmb062082Does anyone know of a random wallpaper application that works, Ive tried many so far, none seem to work, even a few simple custom scripts like http://doc.gwos.org/index.php/Randomizing_Wallpaper04:24
adi11235hi, do you know of a way to "burn" an iso image onto a USB FLASH Drive?04:24
KenThomsonmorphish: Doing things simultaneously bogs one down04:24
LjLdaftvader: edgy doesn't have K7 and 686 specific kernels anymore04:24
g1gamanLjL: and google returns only one suggestion. and its in french or smthng like that04:24
daftvaderLjL: but ... how can I run my k7 kernel ?04:24
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daftvaderLjL: I have a dual core AMD. Does that mean I can't run it ?04:24
KenThomsonLjL: I have 512MB DDR 400 physical RAM, 128MB Dedicapted GPU ram through nvidia fx 5200, What do you recommend for swap?04:24
eigenlambdaso gnome crashes if i start it the usual way04:25
daftvaderwith edgy?04:25
dabaRdustin: did you try blacklisting the module and booting that way?04:25
eigenlambda(upgraded from dapper to edgy)04:25
penguin42daftvader: It will install a '-generic' kernel that happily likes my dual k7 (although for some strange reason it still had -i386 as default...)04:25
morphishKenThomson: only if you actually touch a lot of swap would bog you down, linux is designed to use up all your ram even just working in console, since it caches what it can, using up all ram that is available, as long as you do not swap, don't worry about "free memory"04:25
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eigenlambdabut, if i use the failsafe terminal instead04:25
eigenlambdai can dbus-launch an xterm04:25
KenThomsonmorphish: ok04:25
eigenlambdaand then launch gnome-settings-daemon04:25
daftvaderpenguin42: when you run that generic one: do you actually see 2 cores?04:25
penguin42daftvader: Yes04:25
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eigenlambdaand have everything working04:26
dustinactually, im helpin a friend and it turned out it only froze there because it couldnt mount his root=/dev/hda1 (mislabeled instead of /sda1)04:26
dustinso how weird, but we got it covered04:26
babo_what's /dev/rtc ... ?04:26
funkmasterhi ppl, i got a big problem, wanted to upgrade to edgy04:26
LjLKenThomson: i have 512MB too and i use a 1Gb swap partition. that's just because it's what the ubuntu installer chose for me, though. i think you'll be fine with anything that's bigger than your RAM... though i do think 1Gb is a decent choice04:26
=== Adriano [n=adriano@host238-9-dynamic.60-82-r.retail.telecomitalia.it] has joined #ubuntu
eigenlambdaquestion: what else does gnome-session try to launch that is crashing gnome?04:26
daftvaderpenguin42: ah ok, I was getting worried that I can't use dual core04:26
KenThomsonLjL: ok04:26
funkmasterbut it stopt saying it couldn't overwrite /usr/X11R6/bin cuz of opera04:26
Kawaii-Pandaeigenlambda: try getting to gnome in failsafe mode.04:26
penguin42daftvader: Nah it's happy04:26
sticazziI have two hard drives: primary drive is a SATA drive (boot) and secondary drive is an IDE drive. I've installed edgy on the second partition on the sata drive (first was windows), but grub was not installed. It either skipped the installation or put grub on the non-bootable drive (the IDE drive)04:26
funkmasterand now i'm somehow screwed04:26
eigenlambdaKawaii-Panda: that crashes too04:26
daftvaderpenguin42: thankx I will try04:26
funkmasterapt-get does not work anymore and i don't know what to do...04:27
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funkmastercan someone help me out please?04:27
Kawaii-Pandaeigenlambda: the only thing that crashed my gnome installation is aiglx.04:27
KenThomsonLjL: Now all i need to do is friend someone with a cd-writer, to burn the 6.10 ISO sitting on my HDD and go all Linux!! ;-)04:27
LjLdaftvader: you shouldn't have a K7 kernel anymore (at least version 2.6.17 of the kernel, which is what you're supposed to be using with edgy) -- as for SMP, i think even there, the generic kernel will handle it now. can't swear on it.04:27
Kawaii-Pandaeignelamba: but any badly written script could crash it.04:27
sticazzianyone knows how to fix the boot loader?04:27
Kawaii-Pandahave you installed beryl/compiz/aiglx recently?04:27
eigenlambdaso, um,04:27
penguin42LjL: It does - its happily running smp for me04:27
=== Asymmetry [n=Justin@ip72-198-32-122.ok.ok.cox.net] has joined #ubuntu
AsymmetryAnyone have experience setting up a FreeRADIUS server?04:27
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eigenlambdaKawaii-Panda: i installed compiz in dapper.  but, i'm not using that.04:28
eigenlambdai was using metacity04:28
dabaRsticazzi: there are instructions on how to fix grub on this page: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RecoveringUbuntuAfterInstallingWindows04:28
ompaulAsymmetry, better to phase a real question - and no I do not04:28
LjLKenThomson: well yes, there are means to install it without the CD, but they're complicated, and since you also need to repartition, i'd avoid that anyway04:28
lucasvoanyone experienced problems with libdvdcss2?04:28
=== ankka [n=ankka@bb-81-175-145-216.dsl.phnet.fi] has joined #ubuntu
lucasvoit cant decrypt my dvd04:28
dabaRfunkmaster: post some errors to the pastebin from the topic, and also post your sources.list file.04:28
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gnomefreaklucasvo: define problems04:28
Kawaii-Pandaeigenlambda: you could try opening the script you made to make glx work, and put # on the start of each line to disable it. maybe it still tries to load itself.04:28
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Kawaii-Pandait fixed mine.04:29
Shayewhat is the difference between RX and TX bytes when running the ifconfig?04:29
lucasvognomefreak: libdvdread: Error cracking CSS key for04:29
dabaRreceived and transmitted04:29
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eigenlambdagnome-session crashes, but i can launch most of those programs without it just fine04:29
Asymmetryompaul, pointless to ask a question if no one has experience with it, thanks. I'll ask questions how it makes sense to ask.04:29
=== bruenig [n=bruenig@adsl-69-154-79-208.dsl.rcsntx.swbell.net] has joined #ubuntu
KenThomsonLjL: Could you please please please please, suggest those other complicated other ways? You could save me a lot of time and effort.04:29
dabaRShaye: ^04:29
sticazzidabaR: thanks I'll see if this helps, I think the installer needs fixing - should I file a bug report?04:29
penguin42KenThomson: Given the closeness of your name, I think if you are new to Unix you should read this just for the hell of it: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ken_Thompson04:29
eigenlambdai think you mean xgl04:29
gnomefreaklucasvo: i guessing you install libdvdread?04:29
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thoreauputicShaye: Rx - receiving Tx - outgoing04:29
LjLg1gaman: try this: "sudo apt-get --reinstall install libc6" (after fixing your sources.list, but you should have done that already... if you're unsure you've fixed it, paste it again so i'll check)04:29
dabaRsticazzi: you could.04:29
lucasvognomefreak: yes04:29
eigenlambdaif so, no, that is definitely not it04:29
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LjLUbotu, please tell KenThomson about install04:29
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Shayethx thoreauputic04:30
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LjLKenThomson: i'd really recommend against them though, in your case04:30
KenThomsonpenguin42: see the difference between Thomson and ThomPson?04:30
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Kawaii-Pandaeigenlambda: in beryl, xgl is called aiglx. at least on my installation.04:30
g1gamanLjL: i've removed automatix and will do as you say.04:30
ompaulAsymmetry, well in this channel explaining what you want to know means people who have some idea might research and find an answer for you - your method gets no answers that is all :)04:30
eigenlambdaxgl and aiglx are different04:30
penguin42KenThomson: Indeed - but it was close and I wasn't sure if he had a 'p' until I checked :-)04:30
gnomefreaklucasvo: not sure its libdvdcss that is causing that issue04:30
LjLg1gaman: remove the skype one as well04:30
lucasvognomefreak: I'm using mplayer04:30
lucasvojust installing totem-yine04:30
Asymmetryompaul, I've been doing research for three days. Prior experience is better than momentary research. So my way gets me less answers, but the answers are more effective. Quality over quantity.04:30
KenThomsonUbotu, please tell KenThomson about install04:31
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funkmasterdabaR: here u go http://pastebin.ca/22776104:31
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gnomefreaklucasvo: did you set the region?04:31
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bruenigwhat is with this please, ubotu doesn't respond to command anymore unless someone says please04:31
BooBar!ubotu install04:31
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=== Ave[ [n=ave@80-248-250-124.cust.suomicom.fi] has joined #ubuntu
Kawaii-Pandaeigenlambda: hmm... probably, never tried compiz before. anyway, gnome-session restores your old session, so if you had run some crashing apps recently, and you had not closed it, it reloads them too.04:32
ubotuUbuntu can be installed in lots of ways. Please see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation for documentation. Problems during install? See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/CommonProblemsInstall and https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DapperReleaseNotes/UbiquityKnownIssues04:32
ubotuUbuntu is a complete Linux-based operating system, freely available with both community and professional support. It is developed by a large community and we invite you to participate too! - Also see http://www.ubuntu.com and http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuHowCome04:32
ompaul!msg the bot04:32
ubotuPlease investigate with me only in /msg or in #ubuntu-bots  -  Abusing the channel bots will only result in angry ops... ;-)04:32
gnomefreakok guys please dont play with the bot in the channel04:32
LjLKenThomson: basically, the issue is 1) i've never tried any of those methods myself  2) resizing partitions is a sensitive operation, and doing it with awkward setups could be a bit too risky  3) the one non-CD installation method i can think of myself (without looking at the page) is using a virtual machine, but if you mess with partitions from there, bad things might/will happen, since you'd have Windows running04:32
g1gamanLjL: sir, http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/29117/04:32
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=== mode/#ubuntu [+o gnomefreak] by ChanServ
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LjLg1gaman: looks alright, try the --reinstall thing04:33
kodathey, how do i delete firefox04:33
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penguin42kodat: apt-get remove firefox04:33
LjLkodat: "sudo apt-get remove firefox"04:33
KenThomsonLjL: If one can run and Install Ubuntu 6.10 from A VM, than that would be awesome!04:33
kodatLjL, thanks04:33
ompaulkodat, sudo apt-get remove --purge firefox04:33
eigenlambdawow, that's retarded04:33
Kawaii-Pandaomnipotent and all-knowing room, can you tell me what is the difference between aiglx and xgl? i thought they do the same thing, only aiglx is the beryl version of xgl. please excuse thy ignorance. ( sorry, been playing too much nethack. )04:33
gnomefreakLjL: im willing to bet its teh automatix repo causing that since the skype repos has never installed libc604:33
ubotuCompiz (compositing window manager) and XGL (X server architecture layered on top of OpenGL)  -  Howto at http://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompositeManager  -  Help in #ubuntu-xgl  -  See http://tinyurl.com/pw5ez for Kubuntu systems04:34
xroachkodat u got wifi working? :)04:34
g1gamanLjL: it says - Reinstallation of libc6 is not possible, it cannot be downloaded.04:34
eigenlambdagnome-session launches apps that crash gnome.  lol.04:34
LjLKenThomson: well, i haven't *tried* it, but i don't see why it shouldn't work. normally, you use things like VMWare or QEmu with a "virtual" hard drive -- but afaik they *can* be set up to use a real drive / partition04:34
ompaulKawaii-Panda, go to #ubuntu-xgl thanks04:34
lupine_85Kawaii-Panda: xgl is a big window. AIGLX isn't04:34
ubotuAIGLX (Accelerated Indirect GLX) is an open source project founded by the X.Org Foundation and the Fedora Core Linux community to allow accelerated indirect GLX rendering capabilities to X.org and DRI drivers. This allows remote X clients to get fully hardware accelerated rendering over the GLX protocol. Head to #ubuntu-xgl for support.04:34
=== POVaddct [i=nobody@p54B36354.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #ubuntu
LjLg1gaman: uhm... paste the actual error please04:34
gnomefreakg1gaman: can you pastebint he full error04:34
ompaulKawaii-Panda, use a /msg to talk with the bot thanks04:34
Kawaii-Pandaok, sorry.04:34
gnomefreakwhy am i oped?04:34
eigenlambdaactually, i was concerned about vino-session04:34
KenThomsonLjL: Thats it for me now, thank you and good night04:34
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LjLgnomefreak, i believe that too, but never hurts to err on the safe side anyway ;)04:34
=== amortvigil [n=amortvig@ip51cd5efc.speed.planet.nl] has joined #ubuntu
eigenlambdawhich is supposed to be launched (atleast according to /usr/share/gnome/session)04:35
bruenigKawaii-Panda, as far as I have heard. Xgl sets up another x server that runs on top of the original one. And AIGLX integrates with the already existing xserver04:35
LjLKenThomson: see you, happy partitioning ;)04:35
eigenlambdabut theres no binary for ??04:35
kodatxroach, nope i didnt yet04:35
g1gamanLjL: sir, http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/29118/04:35
kodatxroach, my wireless at least shows up in network connection..and my drivers are all right...but i cant get any signals04:35
gnomefreakLjL: if that dont work go with the deb on packages.u.c04:35
KenThomsonLjL: I hope everything ends happily, bye!04:35
Kawaii-Pandabruenig: oh, ok. so what i thought that they do the same things is right, but they just do it in a different manner.04:35
=== ketsugi [n=ketsugi@cm158.gamma230.maxonline.com.sg] has joined #ubuntu
LjLgnomefreak: because chanserv op'd you04:35
eigenlambdabut, i modified .gnome2/session04:35
ubotuNOTICE - There is a lot of traffic in this channel at the moment. Please try to keep your sentences into a single message, avoid repeating the same question multiple times, use http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org for pasting, remember to mention the nickname of the person you're addressing, and join #ubuntu-offtopic for anything that is not Ubuntu support. Thank you for understanding!04:35
g1gamangnomefreak:  sir, http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/29118/04:35
bruenigKawaii-Panda, essentially, try #ubuntu-xgl, they will probably give a much better answer04:36
gnomefreakg1gaman: sudo apt-get install libc604:36
gnomefreakg1gaman: what does that say04:36
Kawaii-Pandak, thx.04:36
eigenlambdaand removed vino-session, but it still crashed.  is .gnome2/session not the place to put your personal gnome session?04:36
LjLgnomefreak: to me, that error says nothing04:36
kodatLjL, hmm i apparently uninstalled gxine, gnome-app install..and a bunch of other stuff..thats not good..bad code lolz04:36
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amortvigilhey is there some sort of sony's connect player replacement in ubuntu?04:36
=== n1gke [n=n1gke@ip68-14-152-144.ri.ri.cox.net] has joined #ubuntu
g1gamangnomefreak: libc6 is already the newest version.04:36
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ompaulkodat, sudo apt-get install ubuntu-desktop to restore normat service04:36
gnomefreakg1gaman: let me get you a website to download libc from04:37
n1gkemarcin_ant, hello again....04:37
g1gamangnomefreak: huh?04:37
LjLkodat: well yes, there are quite a few packages that depends on firefox. you should always look at what it's going to remove before hitting "Y"04:37
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funkmastercan someone help me with this update to edgy error and apt-get etc being screwed up ? http://pastebin.ca/227761 or is there a way i can undo all the stuff to its previous state before i uses 'gksu 'update-manager -c''?04:37
bruenigkodat, yeah uninstalling firefox usually is not a good idea. Whenever I thought to do it, it tries to remove a crazy amount of dependencies that you use elsewhere04:37
n1gkemarcin_ant, any luck yet with that mouse ?04:37
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kodatbruenig, yeah im gona have to reinstall a bunch of stuff hehe04:37
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LjL!downgrade | funkmaster04:37
ubotufunkmaster: Attempting to downgrade to an older Ubuntu version is explicitly not supported, and may break your system.04:37
justifierI am trying to mount a windows share across a network and when i try this is what i get04:38
justifieradam@ubuntu:~$ sudo mount -t nfs //TV:Music /mnt/music04:38
justifiermount: can't get address for //TV04:38
justifierany ideas?04:38
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LjL!paste | justifier04:38
ubotujustifier: pastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (you can always find it in the channel topic, among other useful things)04:38
funkmasterbut it is already broken and the upgrade didn't work04:38
gnomefreakg1gaman: what arch ar eyou on?04:38
penguin42funkmaster: I'd try removing your opera package and try again04:38
marcin_antn1gke: nope04:38
g1gamangnomefreak: wtf is arch?04:38
bruenigfunkmaster, fresh install, maybe....?04:38
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gnomefreakg1gaman: 386 64bit or ppc04:38
funkmasterpenguin42: tried aith apt-get -f remove opera-ubuntu04:38
marcin_antn1gke: I will wait for native support in xorg/kernel/whatever ;)04:38
funkmasterbut i get http://pastebin.ca/22776104:38
g1gamangnomefreak: celeron04:38
funkmastersame error mesage04:39
n1gkemarcin_ant, sorry to hear that, but give it time and patience as there will be something available soon I'm sure.....04:39
=== Pensacola [n=pensacol@151.119-242-81.adsl-dyn.isp.belgacom.be] has joined #ubuntu
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bruenigkodat, if you aren't going to use firefox and just want to keep your menus clean, you can go into the menu editor and uncheck firefox so it doesn't show up04:39
g1gamangnomefreak: i guess its 38604:39
gnomefreakg1gaman: download this package http://packages.ubuntu.com/dapper/libs/libc6-i68604:39
lobosquehey guys, my ubuntu is in portuguese and i want to change it to english, how i do that?04:39
LjLfunkmaster: try "sudo dpkg -r opera-ubuntu" (or whatever the actual package name is), then edit your sources.list to comment out the opera repository, then "sudo apt-get update", then try again04:39
POVaddctjustifier: mount -t nfs TV:/Music /mnt/music04:39
penguin42funkmaster: try a dpkg -r opera-ubuntu04:39
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n1gkemarcin_ant, I finally got my optical mouse working in this computer using Ubuntu v6.06 LTS.04:39
kodatbruenig, im gona use firefox, but i installed a bad plugin that wasnt supported by linux..so firefox kept crashing04:39
justifierPOVaddct,  ill try04:39
PensacolaI can't seem to get my refresh rate from 60 to 72 @ 1280x96004:39
n1gkeNow to get the wireless keyboard going eh04:39
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gnomefreakg1gaman: after its downloaded sudo dpkg -i libc6....deb  ... being the rest of file name04:40
LjLUbotu, please tell Pensacola about fixres04:40
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POVaddctjustifier: if that doesnt work, replace TV with the ip address of TV04:40
gravesondoe anyone have experience using a bittorrent client (console based) and provide me with some recommendations for dapper04:40
bruenigkodat, you could have asked how to remove that plugin, I'm sure somebody would have known04:40
lobosquehey guys, my ubuntu is in portuguese and i want to change it to english, how i do that?04:40
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marcin_antn1gke: sure... at least I'm happy that I can use ubuntu on my machine (asus p5b with jmicron)04:40
kodatbruenig, i wasnt sure which one it was..it was flash i think or somehign04:40
n1gkemarcin_ant, nice....04:40
funkmasterLjL: thx that worked, now i'm gonna c if it works further as well, but thx for the moment =)04:40
gnomefreakLjL: im willing to bet you can remove libc6 as long as you dont restart (but im not gonna try it)04:40
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penguin42marcin_ant: Ah that is an interesting one to know - it sees your IDE CD ?04:40
LjLlobosque: System / Administration (or Preferences) / Language support, i believe04:40
Pensacolamy xorg.conf file looks very different :s04:41
marcin_antpenguin42: yes04:41
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n1gkemarcin_ant, my computer is a HP Kayak XU800 with two 733 mhz cpu's.04:41
kodatbruenig, crap it still closes on me04:41
lobosquei went there, but the language still the same =/04:41
LjLgnomefreak: i'm taking your bet, i have a useless edgy virtual machine on vmware...04:41
n1gkeIt is/was a server before I got my mitts on it.04:41
penguin42marcin_ant: That edgy or dapper?04:41
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bruenigkodat, are you sure it is plugins. I installed a whole bunch of extensions right when I got it and it would crash immediately.04:41
kodathow do i delete plugins from firefox? like flash or other crap04:41
marcin_antpenguin42: dapper04:41
lobosqueand i have a slave HD, how do i acess it?04:41
marcin_antpenguin42: eeeeeehhh sorry - edgy04:41
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bruenigkodat, the plugins are in /usr/lib/firefox/plugins/04:42
gnomefreakLjL: im gonna find out if i can. if that doesnt fix it please join -classroom and have him  join it to i have a few ideas ;)04:42
kodatbruenig, it was for flash or something04:42
penguin42marcin_ant: Ah right, I was about to say those broken JMicrons are pretty new04:42
n1gkekodat, go to the tools tab and select extensions, from there you can un-install them.04:42
bruenigkodat, flash is supported by linux. DId you get the windows flash or something?04:42
marcin_antpenguin42: I installed edgy yesterday but dapper was workable only without pata cd/dvd04:42
lobosquehow do i access a slave HD in ubuntu?04:42
penguin42marcin_ant: Yeh04:42
LjLgnomefreak: but didn't the manual dpkg -i work? i must have lost that part (too much scrolling in the past few minutes)04:42
kodatbruenig, right, cuz firefox ased me if i wanted to install plugin and i said yes04:42
brueniglobosque, mount it?04:42
penguin42lobosque: If the master is hda it will be hdb04:42
kodatbruenig, but then i was like crap..its rob not the right version cuz im on linux04:43
bruenigkodat, oh, never a good idea to let it install it for you in linux. From my experiences.04:43
dabaRlobosque: you mount its device node onto a directory.04:43
gnomefreakLjL: i havent heard yet04:43
kodatbruenig, yeh i just learned that ll..so it was a plugin..just gotta see which one04:43
dabaRlobosque: sys>admin>disks, or man mount for cli.04:43
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POVaddctlobosque: look at the output of "cat /proc/partitions" to see which hd* devices are present04:43
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lobosquePOVaddct i'll see04:43
PensacolaI don't see the "1280x960" "1024x768" thingies04:44
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lobosqueit lists hdb04:44
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POVaddctlobosque: any partitions on hdb or just hdb?04:44
lobosquehdb and hdb104:44
penguin42what is the right thing to do if you believe that a bug you've reported should be marked as vaguely important because of the apparent impact of it?04:45
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POVaddctlobosque: okay, then you would mount hdb1 to a mount point (empty directory)04:45
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g1gamangnomefreak: sir, http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/29122/04:45
sharperguywhats the link for flash 9 w/o using Seveas' repo?04:45
kodatbruenig, crap it doesnt say in /usr/lib/firefox specific plugins..04:45
sharperguythe zip with the .so in it04:45
POVaddctlobosque: with the mount command. read "man mount".04:45
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lobosque(is there a hotkey to open console?)04:46
gravesondoe anyone have experience using a bittorrent client (console based) and provide me with some recommendations for dapper04:46
sharperguy!flash 904:46
ubotuFlash player 9 beta has been released. You can download it here: http://seveas.imbrandon.com/dists/dapper-seveas/custom/ (replace dapper-seveas with edgy-seveas for edgy)  -  Official Adobe page at http://labs.adobe.com/downloads/flashplayer9.html04:46
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bruenigkodat, what?04:46
gnomefreakg1gaman: sudo apt-get -f isntall04:46
kodatbruenig, in the firefox folder, the plugins folder doesnt specifically tell me which plugins i have..thier names are discrete..so i dont know which one is causing me to crash..any ideas?04:47
gnomefreakg1gaman: wait a min04:47
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POVaddctlobosque: if you are using gnome: i dont know. if you are using kde or xfce: alt-f2: xterm04:47
AlReece45Which person was helping me with alsa problem? I was about to post lspci, then some processes ate up all my memory and my computer did some wierd stuff.04:47
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bruenigkodat, list the plugins you have. They are generally pretty obvious from the name for instance. libflashplayer.so is flash libjavaplugin.so  is java04:48
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abobruenig, how can I list the plugins I have?04:48
bruenigabo, ls /usr/lib/firefox/plugins04:49
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abobruenig, thx04:49
lobosquePOVaddct mount -t type device dir. what shol i put?04:49
kodatbruenig, hmm i got..libtotem basic, complex, gmp, mully, narrowspace, nd liblunixprintplugin04:49
UzziI've upgraded to 6.10 and now I can't startup Gnome!I login into the login screen, but it not goes to login splash!Sorry for my poor english04:49
ompaulAlReece45, what is the url04:49
AlReece45ompaul, http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/29121/04:49
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lelaulaanyone has already run a physical parition on WMWare? I'm getting some "error 17"....and would need some help to fix it04:49
amortvigilhow can i install sony's mp3 upload program in unbuntu?? its called connect player04:49
penguin42bruenig: Careful, it will pick ones up from your ~/.firefox and ~/.mozilla04:49
ompaulAlReece45, I have to go - call for a car kit to be installed in my car04:49
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AlReece45ompaul: have fun :-/04:49
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POVaddctlobosque: type would be the filesystem type on the partition, device is the partition device (/dev/hdb1 in your case) and directory is an empty directory of your choice04:50
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ompaulAlReece45, you can be assured I won't I have to fix a ubuntu box when I am there :-/04:50
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marcin_antn1gke: don't get me wrong ;) I was talking about my machine because I just bought new hardware...04:50
kodatbruenig, any idea which ones givin me the crash?04:50
ompaul!nickspam > oldnick__04:51
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bruenigkodat, I can't imagine any of them causing you to crash04:51
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abo!nickspam > abo04:51
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kodatbruenig, i know its a plugin that i downloaded and is makin me crash..but its not listed its so weird04:51
marcin_antn1gke: then I launched dapper live started installation and suddenly installator said that there is no cd :)04:51
bruenigkodat, what is the plugin you think caused you to crash04:52
=== MetaMorfoziS [n=sajt@53d8293e.adsl.enternet.hu] has joined #ubuntu
dmb062082Meh, I am going to KDE, goodbye ram...04:52
marcin_antn1gke: then I waited about 4 weeks for fix for jmicron pata controller in kernel and had to use dapper without cd/dvd04:52
kodatbruenig, something dumb like flash or something to view a webpage' stuff04:52
dabaRamortvigil: You could try installing it inside wine, or look for an alternative. Try googleing a little bit with that question.04:52
n1gkemarcin_ant, not a problem. I go through that all the time..... lol04:52
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n1gkelike this box04:52
bruenigkodat, I suppose it could be in ~/.mozilla04:52
lobosquePOVaddct can i use computer:/// as the ir?04:53
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Gassedhow do I make an app autostart when the PC is switched on?04:53
n1gkewhen I removed the wire mouse, then added the optical mouse, the s ystem boots with mouse error and then continues anyway....04:53
kodatbruenig, hmm not anything special in there either >.<04:53
POVaddctlobosque: that is not a directory04:53
bruenigGassed, when gnome starts or during boot?04:53
marcin_antn1gke: so mouse and keyboard is not something very important but I think that ubuntu should have some gui that could allow to configure input devices04:53
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dabaRlobosque: no, create a dir, sudo mkdir /media/hdb104:53
bruenigkodat, ~/.mozilla/firefox04:53
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Gassedbruenig: At boot04:54
dabaRlobosque: then run sudo fdisk -l and see what file system type hdb1 is, and tell us.04:54
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bruenigGassed, what application?04:54
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masterninjahow do i run .run files without using the terminal04:54
Gassedbruenig: /usr/local/sbin/sc_serv04:54
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dabaRmasterninja: how do you run it in a terminal?04:54
lobosqueis fat32... vfat04:54
bruenigGassed, not sure sorry04:54
brueniglobosque, yes04:55
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eggzeckGassed: System->Preferences->Sessions, Go to "Startup Programs"04:55
kodatbruenig, damn this is strange..i checked mozilla, mozilla-firefox, and even thunderbird..there are no bad named plugins..but i know 100% sure that its a plugin thats crashing my fox04:55
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MiguelVhey guys04:55
masterninjathere must be a auto tarball compiller and installer04:55
eggzeckGassed: Then add that command in there.04:55
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Gassedeggzeck: thanks ill have a look04:55
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masterninjai dont get why i cant double click to install a .run file04:55
abomasterninja, press <alt>+<F2> you get a dialog to run programs04:55
masterninjaoh okay04:55
dabaRlobosque: I think then, if you mkdir'd that thing I tolf you to that your next step is: sudo mount -tvfat /dev/hdb1 /media/hdb104:55
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abomasterninja, but the file must be executable04:56
apolloturkpls help.Is there anybody install on Toshiba m70-160 notebook04:56
lobosqueim seeing here in ubuntu page, what about umask?04:56
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bruenigkodat, delete them all. Try to delete them with apt-get as many as possible04:56
=== Pelo [n=jean@mtl-pppoe-adsl482.securenet.net] has joined #ubuntu
masterninjaexecutable? does that mean a .run file?04:57
Pelohey guys04:57
Gassedeggzeck: will that make it run before a user logs in?04:57
dabaRGassed: you can add the program as a command in the /etc/init.d/bootmisc.sh04:57
Pelowhat happened to the disk manager in edgy ?04:57
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bruenigkodat, for fun sake. Try doing this. "mv ~/.mozilla ~/.mozilla.backup" then start firefox04:57
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apolloturkpls help.Is there anybody install on Toshiba m70-160 notebook04:57
kodatbruenig, how do i delete files, whats the command..so i can remember it04:57
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dabaRlobosque: nothing I dont think.04:57
abomasterninja, what's the file name?04:57
GasseddabaR: Thanks04:57
Pelokodat,  rm04:57
masterninjandivida driver thingy.run04:57
abomasterninja, in a shell do: "ls -l filename"04:57
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GasseddabaR: No, that load of text scares me :P04:58
bruenigkodat, rm04:58
abomasterninja, you need to be in the same directory for the file04:58
masterninjaits on my desktop04:58
lobosquenow i can acess my warez hd :D04:58
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kodatPelo, so to remove this file i would do sudo rm usr/lib/firefox/plugins/"name"?04:59
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apolloturkhey I cant install ubuntu or an another distro on my notebook.can you help me????04:59
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Pelokodat,  for   files requirering  root access : yes04:59
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kodatPelo, alrighty04:59
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Lyali4ka   04:59
MiguelVi press ctrl+alt+backspace and appeared a screen with kubuntu logo. i stayed there and now i cant initializate kubutu.. what should i do?04:59
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bionichello..I just installed ubuntu, but after reboot grubs says, "Grub Loading stage 1.5. Grub loading please wait error 17". I have bootet with a live cd now and im looking at the menu.lst.. Got no idea what may be wrong. Can anyone please help?05:00
kodatPelo, is there a command to see what the contents in the plugins folder are in terminal05:00
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kodatPelo, instead of having to open my file browser05:00
Pelokodat,  ls05:00
bruenigkodat, ls05:00
abomasterninja, can you do pwd in a shell and tell me what's in output?05:00
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Pelokodat,   did you get that link ?05:00
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dabaRMiguelV: did you try restarting your computer?05:00
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kodatPelo, ah yeah i didnt open it cuz my firefox is broken heh05:00
amneziaupgrading to edgy, a package can't be removed because it's post-install script returned an error. what can be done there?05:00
lobosquewell, now a different question: i installed mercury (the msn client) and i cant open it trough terminal using "mercury"05:00
abomasterninja, you know what's a shell, consol ...?05:00
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Pelokodat,  ok , for future use then05:00
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masterninjaabsalutly no05:00
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apolloturkanybody help me or I'll exit?05:01
kodatPelo, yar05:01
masterninjaive never touched a command line ever05:01
abomasterninja, ok ... terminal?05:01
masterninjaand i intend to avoide it completely05:01
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codecainewhen I play movies there not in sync on mplayer how can I fix that?05:01
dabaRapolloturk: ask a better question05:01
Pelomasterninja,  you should learn, it is usefull05:01
MiguelVdabaR yeah! i press ctrl alt del and kubuntu logo disappears, but when i star, kubuntu logo appears again05:01
codecainejust upgraded my ubuntu to the newest05:01
masterninjacant i do everything from a gui?05:01
Kuberrhi, i have this cnijfilter-common-2.60 folder on my desktop but i want to remove it....however it says acess denied when i move it to the trash05:01
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apolloturkanybody will answer me05:01
abomasterninja, not in linux no05:01
=== Pelo made a neat little 1 line script to syng his usb flash drive
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dabaRMiguelV: I am not sure I understand what you are asking.05:02
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masterninjabut why thats silly05:02
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dabaRapolloturk: what is your mother tongue?05:02
masterninjano one wants to use a command line thats old school05:02
Pelomasterninja,  for day to day stuff you won'T need cli, but just like in windows , you'Re better off it you know a little DOS05:02
POVaddctmasterninja: actually, it's very useful. not silly at all.05:02
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POVaddctmasterninja: blah05:02
aboPelo, what do you mean syng usb flash drive?05:02
Pelomasterninja,   http://www.linuxcommand.org/index.php  just bookmark it in case you ever need it05:03
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Peloabo,  I mean sync not syng05:03
ubotuTurk ubuntu kullanicilari, turkce yardim yada geyik icin #ubuntu-tr hizmetinizde.05:03
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masterninjaim sorry im a windows xp person05:03
apolloturkhemen nlanyorum05:03
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PeloBAN HIM05:03
masterninjai dont understand why anything has to be done  though a command line05:03
POVaddctmasterninja: learn to use the shell and you will see that it is MUCH more the windows' cmd.exe05:03
=== whaley [n=jtwhaley@cpe-071-068-048-109.carolina.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu
dabaRid be sorry if I was like that too, I understand05:03
Kuberrhi, i have this cnijfilter-common-2.60 folder on my desktop but i want to remove it....however it says acess denied when i move it to the trash05:04
=== Felka [n=chatzill@h16204.upc-h.chello.nl] has joined #ubuntu
masterninjacant i just get a program to do it all for me05:04
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Peloapo I've had some problems getting ubu to properly manage files on flash drivie( both my mp3 player and my thumb drive)  and sync after copying and stuff seems to have sloved it05:04
finalbeta_anyone here who uses skins on VLC? VLC vanishes when I do it. How do you do it?05:04
masterninjano wonder noone i know has switched to linux if u have to use the command line05:04
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abomasterninja, tell me how would you compress 1000 jpg file in GUI XP... it used to take me a week... now one convert command do it in a sec05:05
funkjaHow would one go about having different start up programs for different sessions?05:05
KingLearHello all05:05
niemannkKuberr: sudo rm <folder>05:05
apolloturkthere isnt anybody in ubuntu-tr05:05
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POVaddctmasterninja: stop trolling. learn and see.05:05
finalbeta_abo, many programs handle it.05:05
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masterninja>:( fine05:05
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finalbeta_abo, under windows you have GUI for everything, that's not a lie :p05:05
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aboPelo, can I have a look on what you you mean?05:05
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amiashello all05:05
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MiguelVhum.. dabaR, i was trying to install nvidia drivers, following a tutorial. in that tutorial there was a step tellling me to press ctrl alt backspace and i done it!. then appears a black screen just with kubuntu logo and nothing more... i press ctrl alt del and kubutu reboot. But when i start kubuntu, that black screen appears again! (sorry my english.)05:06
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[GuS] Hi prople. anyone knows how to fix this bug? https://launchpad.net/distros/ubuntu/+source/kcontrol-autostart/+bug/6760905:06
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dabaRapolloturk: you have yet to tell us what problem  you are having05:06
KingLearcan anyone tell me why is my system frequently disconnectingh?05:06
=== masterninja boots up the terminal and reads driver install tutorial reluctently
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dabaRMiguelV: well, does it offer you to log in to the console?05:06
amiasmy dist-upgrade to edgy has all gone wrong , upstart cant see my hardrive . Will edgy work with init instead of upstart ?05:07
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KenSentMeHow do i run a program (e.g. apt-get) in english for once?05:07
finalbeta_masterninja, if you dislike CLI that much, you should just stop. Most things still need CLI. I never have a session without multiple terminals open.05:07
bionichello..I just installed ubuntu, but after reboot grubs says, "Grub Loading stage 1.5. Grub loading please wait error 17". I have bootet with a live cd now and im looking at the menu.lst.. Got no idea what may be wrong. Can anyone please help?05:07
niemannkKuberr: sorry i meant rmdir05:07
dabaRKenSentMe: hit alt-f2 and type it in05:07
MiguelVdabaR no.. but if i press ctrl alt f1 and can log by console, but i dont know what else can i do05:07
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POVaddctfinalbeta_: that strict GUI concept of windows think maked it neary impossible to get useful error messages from apps that won't start correctly. on linux, if a GUI app has problems during start, i can at least output something to the terminal where it was started from.05:07
earthianmy dmaid is not working anymore!!! :( i cant install ubuntu on my hdds because of this because there are some issues with edgy.. does anybody know if a fix is coming soon ? or maybe you know what alternatives i could use to dmraid ?05:07
dabaRMiguelV: sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg05:08
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kodatPelo, hmm how do i get ls to work..i did ls usr/lib/firefox05:08
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abofinalbeta_, under windows for example, in Visual Studio.net 2005 you would need to set up the dependency of your projects in a solution .... for some of the projects I work on, to do this through visual studio gui... it takes an hour05:08
dabaRMiguelV: you could fix what you broke using that console...05:08
MiguelVthks for your help dabaR, i'll try it05:08
finalbeta_POVaddct, I do agree, altho I must say that many times I get an error from CLI it's complete garbage.05:08
KenSentMedabaR: that doesn't run it in another language05:08
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abofinalbeta_, now with cygwin and unix tools... I do it in a sec !05:08
POVaddctfinalbeta_: for example?05:08
dabaRKenSentMe: oh...that is what you meant...no idea05:09
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Felkahello, I tried the live-cd of the new version, but I don't get a mouse pointer, and the system is unstable..I use an NVidia card05:09
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niemannkdoes anyone has this problem: complete freeze of system when issueing glxgears?05:09
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amiasah what the hell i'm gonna do it anyway , it could get much worse05:09
KingLearCan any one tell me why Ubuntu 6.06 is frequently disconncting, after a through re-install of modems?05:09
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polarisniemannk:not me.even x wont restart?05:10
flo_how can i make akregator see the flash plugin that i have already installed? i'm on a gnome desktop05:10
amiasKingLear, soft modem or proper hardware one ?05:10
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KenSentMeI get an error installing libfaad2-dev. It says something like: libfaad2-dev: Needs: libfaad2-0 (= 2.0.0+cvs20040908+mp4v2+bmp-0ubuntu3) but 2.0.0+cvs20060416-0.0 will be installed. What can i do to solve this. I'm fully updated and upgraded (except for those python packages)05:10
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finalbeta_POVaddct, can't say one for the top of my head. But many errors are vague or output nothing. The give standard errocodes like  camorama or things like totem just shutting down when the soundoutput is not available. Because it's GUI, windows programs seem to spend more time outputting a message that is usefull to an end user.05:10
niemannkpolaris: nothing works anymore, keyboard, mouse ... unplug..05:10
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dabaRKenSentMe: show your /etc/apt/sources.list on a pastebin05:11
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dcordesis there a way to edit a windows xp's registry through linux?05:11
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abodcordes, that's original ;)05:11
KingLearamias:  its a soft modem05:11
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polarisniemannk:have you tried ctl/alt/printscreen/b.that should give you a immediate reboot.05:12
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abodcordes, I think I've seen something like that through dos .... long ago05:12
dcordesabo: what do you mean?05:12
KingLearamais scanmodem told me to download drivers for it from the smartlink directory at linmodems05:12
polarisif it doesnt it really is locked up.05:12
overridexanyone know of a program that will audit disk usage and give an idea of what directories and files are using most of the file system's space?05:12
mariusbmdcordes, find Hirens`s boot CD on a bittorrent site... 50MB download and you got all the tools you need..05:12
niemannkno, thx I'll try05:12
dcordesi need a reg entry for wine. but i don't know how to access it. (the windows is unbootable)05:12
KingLearamias:  slamr-2.6.15- makes it work fine05:12
abooverridex, kdirstat05:12
KingLearBut frequently disconnects05:12
dcordesmariusbm: is it a linux live cd?05:12
KenSentMedabaR: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/29135/05:13
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finalbeta_POVaddct, I just started comorama, it tells me this: "unable to capture image" << what does that help. They might as well say, "I don't work".05:13
POVaddctfinalbeta_: okay, that is a problem of this particular apps, but still running GUI things from a terminal if something goes wrong is a good concept05:13
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boogerdoes any know of a good video conferencing app??05:13
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abooverridex, very good one actually, it has been ported to windows, windirstat05:13
mariusbmdcordes, nope DOS based..05:13
finalbeta_POVaddct, like I said, I do agree in theory.05:13
Adrianobooger: for linux, ekiga05:13
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amiasKingLear, if the system load is high the softmodem can often drop the connection , have you tried reniceing it to a higher priority ?05:13
dabaRKenSentMe: that is all for sure?05:13
boris55dcordes: try knoppix05:13
Adrianobooger: (was gnomemeeting)05:13
dcordesno way to access the files out of ubuntu?=???05:13
cherubieldcordes: check in wikipedia fr windows registry, there are tools in linux for editing; take a look05:13
boogerdoes it have support for web cams?05:14
POVaddctfinalbeta_: okay05:14
Adrianobooger: yes05:14
Adrianoit works with mine, at least05:14
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KenSentMedabaR: yeah05:14
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boogersweet, any speacil one that works out of box?05:14
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KenSentMedabaR: you miss something?05:15
Adrianobooger: it depends, but check this page05:15
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Adrianobooger: http://mxhaard.free.fr/index.html05:15
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dabaRKenSentMe: ya, try with http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/29137/ it has all the binary repos enabled, source and cinerella and seveas commented out.05:16
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kodathey where would i download plugins for firefox to view shit on webpages..flash, etc..stuff like that05:16
dabaRKenSentMe: then sudo aptitude update and try installing again.05:16
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LjLUbotu, please tell kodat about flash05:16
boogerThanx, adriano05:16
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Tim90it there,any keys to open the terminal05:16
Tim90like alt=f405:17
Adrianomight anyone tell me he/she is _also_ experiencing gaim beta4 crashes?05:17
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theplatypusIs there a way to remove the Ubuntu logo on the toolbar and replace it with the traditional Gnome foot?05:17
alladhi. I've just installed Edgy. And everything is fine. But I have a little problem using firefox with Beryl. When I scroll the page, the CPU spikes to 100% usage. Can you tell me how to fix that?05:17
dabaRkodat: you need the mozilla-pooOnPages-plugin for that.05:17
spanglesontoastis it possible to resize the partition I'm working on in ubuntu05:18
cherubielspanglesontoast: use the gparted live CD05:18
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kodatdabaR, interesting name for plugins05:18
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dabaRkodat: interesting word for page content05:18
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spanglesontoastit possible without a cd ?05:19
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Eclypsecongrats you guys, you have the most popular channel on freenode ;)05:19
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cherubielspanglesontoast: i guess not for / or /home; you could do it for other partitions05:19
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spanglesontoastlike ntfs ?05:19
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AdrianoEclypse: yes, and it's making gaim crash _except_ when I try to backtrace it05:19
cherubielspanglesontoast: i could be wrong, tried it once; never could do a resize.05:19
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cherubielspanglesontoast: ofcours!05:20
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cherubielspanglesontoast: non-destructive too!05:20
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jlduggerhow does System->Administration know to run gksu on the programs in that menu?05:20
spanglesontoastI forgot to make a swap05:20
spanglesontoastso machine keeps kinda crying05:20
sleazegrinderWhat kernel does the latest release ship with?05:20
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spanglesontoasta gig would be good ?05:20
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cherubielspanglesontoast: :O, 2*your ram is like the thumb rule05:20
earthianspanglesontoast, how much do you have ram now?05:20
alladthere's something funny with Edgy. I keep hearig a strange sound. Can someone tell me what it is about,please?05:20
sticazziI've just installed ubuntu and while it's generally fine, there are major screen glitches on 20% of the screen when set to the native resolution of my widescreen monitor: 1440*900 - My graphics card is an ATI radeon 920005:20
theplatypus2.6.17 I believe05:21
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Adrianospanglesontoast: yes, 2*RAM is ok in your case05:21
phaedrus44hello...  are ther any linux packages that rival dreamweaver ?05:21
Adrianoor 2,5 times05:21
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spanglesontoastalso not sure how much ram edgy likes05:21
cherubielphaedrus44: bluefish, nvu05:21
alladphaedrus44, try quanta plus05:21
dabaRallad: that is not a question that can be answered in seriousness.05:21
Eclypseso hows Edgy?05:21
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EclypseI haven't tried it yet.05:22
earthianincrease the total memory to 2 gigs which will be ok. so 2048 - 256 = the size of your swap in MB05:22
phaedrus44quanta kde?05:22
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earthianEclypse, avoid edgy :P05:22
finalbeta_Eclypse, very good of everything works for you. But a part of the users have serious problems.05:22
spanglesontoastwell I got the wireless and xorg working after 2 hours05:22
jlduggerspangle, certainly have at least as much swap as you have ram. i actually went with less, and while it's not a problem for me, it does prevent me from using suspend =(05:22
alladdabaR, I know it sounds ridiculous. But I'm not kidding. The same sound just keep playing from time to time. And I don't know where it comes from.05:22
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deadhoboIf I offered to mail a real COOKIE to whoever can solve my nvidia driver problem, would anyone be intrested?05:22
fallethAnyone else having problems with Ubuntu + Trident cyberblade XPAi1 ?05:23
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Eclypseearthian, I shall :P.  finalbeta_ what kind of problems?05:23
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earthianlike not installing coz no dmraid could be ran :(05:23
alladphaedrus, yeah. But you can use it on gnome too.05:23
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Adrianoa cookie from a dead hobo? I think not05:23
jlduggerEclypse, have you used automatix or easyubuntu?05:23
theplatypusearthian: that sounds like the best advice I've heard all day05:23
finalbeta_Eclypse, black screens after booting, upgrading fails with many people, wireless regressions/printer regressions. (bit more unstable software because iot's newer)05:23
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Eclypsejldugger, yes05:23
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Adrianonevermind it'd probably get here a bit musty05:24
tuxnalcan anybody help me with the team speak 2?05:24
jlduggerEclypse, apparently those can easily break things05:24
deadhoboAdriano: Well.. fair enough I suppose05:24
Eclypseno, not easyubuntu.05:24
cherubielthats why edgy is beta05:24
jlduggeredgy isnt beta05:24
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deadhoboAdriano: I would send it express05:24
Eclypsejldugger, I bet that is dependant upon what you install, eh?05:24
finalbeta_Eclypse, edgy already got a post on slashdot for bad upgrading results.05:24
Adrianodeadhobo: what's the prob?05:24
jlduggerEclypse, pretty much.05:24
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ShayeCan I open a folder using the terminal?05:24
deadhoboAdriano: I have been trying to get the official "nvidia" driver to work for 3 days solid and have not been able to get it05:24
LobsterShaye sure05:24
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alladShaye , you mean like a "ls folder"?05:25
jlduggerEclypse, i actually ran into a problem where i had installed "ubuntu-artwork-breezy" on dapper and it was fighting with ubuntu-artwork on edgy05:25
Eclypsewell. . . I'd probably be able to fix a lot of that shit05:25
Shayeallad, no05:25
tuxnalanybody got team speak workin ?05:25
EclypseI messed around with XGL/Compiz for a hela long time05:25
Adrianodeadhobo: the normal procedure is:05:25
Eclypseran into a shitload of errors05:25
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ShayeSame as when I go to Places, and open a folder05:25
Eclypsejldugger, that's ridiculous05:25
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deadhoboAdriano: I have tried uninstalling, following tutorials, using automatix... just about everything. It didn't work on dapper, and it won't work on edgy either05:25
Eclypsejldugger, I'll wait a few more months :P05:25
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alladallad, then just spawn nautilus : "nautilus folder"05:25
finalbeta_Eclypse, getting AIGLX+compiz to work on edgy is a breeze. But I wouldn't touch it all since it's mighty unstable.05:25
LjL!automatix | deadhobo05:25
ubotudeadhobo: automatix is a script that tries (and usually fails) to automate the installation of some software. We don't provide support for it in the #ubuntu or #kubuntu channels, and we STRONGLY discourage its use.05:25
curley_suehi, can anyone check the following output (trying to upgrade to efty): E: /var/cache/apt/archives/x11-common_1%3a7.1.1ubuntu6_i386.deb: trying to overwrite `/usr/X11R6/bin', which is also in package opera05:26
deadhoboLjL: I know... we have been over this :p. It's not automatix's fault, trust me05:26
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Seveascurley_sue, uninstall opera before upgrading05:26
Eclypsefinalbeta_ aye, I thought it was on there by default?05:26
alladcurley_sue, it's edgy eft not efty05:26
Eclypseor that was gossip . . .05:26
jlduggerEclypse, well, i blame the guy who made the shitty breezy artwork package05:26
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finalbeta_Eclypse, they claimed allot of things for edgy, but they only had 4 months in the end, allot of stuff didn't make it in.05:27
curley_sueSeveas, too late... already tried the upgrade process. how do I continue if I leave synaptic?05:27
Eclypselol yeah05:27
curley_sueallad, thanx...05:27
Eclypsejldugger, give it a month, everything should be stable judging by the size of this community.05:27
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jlduggerEclypse, meh. its almost there now, and works perfectly fine on my laptop05:27
Eclypseeven Dapper had it's issues05:27
EclypseI ran into a problem where it wouldn't mount root05:27
Eclypsebut I tweaked around with it for about . . . . a week05:27
Eclypseand I fixed it.05:27
jlduggerEclypse, its just the upgrade path thats a bit ~05:27
masterninjado i need a firewall or antivirus for linux?05:28
jrib!firewall | masterninja05:28
ubotumasterninja: Ubuntu, like any other linux distribution, has firewall capabilities built-in. The firewall is managed using the 'iptables' command (see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/IptablesHowTo), or GUI applications such as Firestarter (Gnome) or Guarddog (KDE).05:28
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Eclypsejldugger, better battery life?05:28
amiassince i upgraded to edgy my machine just boots to a black screen and usplash says it can a theme and init says it can find any block devices , anyone had this ?05:28
jrib!virus | masterninja05:28
ubotumasterninja: A/V software is available, however read this to understand why Linux does not have a virus problem: http://librenix.com/?inode=2105:28
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jlduggerEclypse, not sure, probably about the same. but the power manager is nice05:28
EclypseI'm not touching Linux again untill I see it reach the battery lihfe I get on Windows . . .05:28
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jlduggerEclypse, i get the same life on windows as edgy05:28
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KingLearamias:  Thanx for cinsidering my problem , but I was busy somewhere else, . apologise for delay. NO I didnt do that05:28
EclypseI get 4 hours in windows, and I get 2 in Linux . . . .05:28
jribmasterninja: you don't need to setup a firewall unless you run web services.  Anti-virus, only if you run a mail server for windows users05:28
KingLearMost of the time the Modem is fine05:28
Eclypsejldugger, how much is that?05:28
jlduggerEclypse, 3 hours05:29
masterninjai just play Nexuiz05:29
jldugger6 is i put in the extra battery05:29
Eclypsejldugger, coolness05:29
masterninjathats all i do on my pc05:29
ShayeIs there a way to open the filer browser from the terminal?05:29
Eclypsejldugger, I get 4:30 on windows, 2 on linux . . . .05:29
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jribShaye: 'nautilus'  if you use gnome05:29
jlduggerEclypse, what model?05:29
Eclypsejldugger, and I use my laptop on campus a lot so, I want my bloody battery life lol05:29
LynoureEclypse: same brightness, cpu scaledown etc?05:29
finalbeta_I only have one real feature request, get a proper configuration panel so I don't have to waste time on the basics. The cluttered menu's with half baked GNOME preferences don't help anyone.05:29
Eclypseit doesn't make a difference if I turn the brightness all the way down . . .05:29
Eclypsejldugger, Dell Inspiron 600005:29
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basvghi all05:30
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basvgI just noticed that sound doesn't work in firefox... it seems to work in all other apps though. Any ideas what that could be?05:30
amphiEclypse: that's surprising - the backlight uses a lot of power05:30
jlduggerEclypse, something like this? https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LaptopTestingTeam/DellInspiron6000-205:30
trafaelwyrgood morning all.  I have a question regarding streamtuner and an error message I'm getting for stations that stream via shoutcast.  When I double click on the station for it to launch my xmms player, I get the error message "couldn't connect to host localhost:8080".  How can I fix this?05:30
jribbasvg: is it specifically with flash?05:30
profoX`what editor should be used in xubuntu, like gedit, but which one is default in xubuntu?05:30
finalbeta_basvg, firefox sound? You probably mean flash?05:30
Eclypsejldugger kinda, mine is much better tho05:30
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ubotumousepad: simple Xfce oriented text editor. In component main, is optional. Version 0.2.6-0ubuntu1 (edgy), package size 50 kB, installed size 508 kB05:31
basvgjrib: ummm no.. I just check. It happens on youtube, but also on flash-sites05:31
fredsahi guys05:31
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earthianprofoX`, mousepad05:31
jribbasvg: youtube is flash05:31
Rookie_trafaelwyr - sounds like you have to open 8080 port ...05:31
Eclypsejldugger, mine has a Pentium M 1.6, with a Mobility Radeon X300 64 mb dedicated, Pro/Wireless 2915ABG.05:31
basvgjrib: hmmm, then it could be flash-related05:31
jribubotu: tell basvg about flash05:31
trafaelwyrRookie_:  how do I do that?05:31
dabaRI find youtube is java05:31
Rookie_iptables ?05:31
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jlduggerEclypse, gnome 2.16 has several graphs that can help you debug that05:31
jribbasvg: follow the directions on the restricted wiki page for using aoss with flash05:31
Eclypsejldugger eh?05:31
Eclypsejldugger debug what?05:32
jlduggerEclypse, for example, there's a graph of power usage in Watts over time05:32
basvguh oh ;) thanks jrib I'll give it a shot..05:32
jlduggerEclypse, your power usage bug?05:32
basvgbizar thing is that it works on my other box05:32
nashnashhey im searching for a linux driver for my printer Deskjet 710C .. but i cant find it on hp.com .. someone know where can i find it ?05:32
basvgoh well05:32
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Eclypsejldugger, ah I see.05:32
Rookie_!iptables > trafaelwyr05:32
fredsaI just changed the motherboard in my machine and now the onboard ethernet isn't detected. Knoppix finds it ok. Is there any way I can redectect my ethernet?05:32
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jribbasvg: it will work if you have no other apps using sound05:32
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oknhi there05:33
nashnashcan someone help me?05:33
ubotuDon't ask to ask a question. Just ask your question :)05:33
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Eclypsejldugger, I don't know if I want to try it now though, I Just made an nLite installation of windows (thats the only way I could possibly stand windows, with a 20 second boot up :)    )05:33
nashnashim using ubuntu 6.10 ^^ and i need driver for my printer deskjet 710C and i cant find on hp.com05:33
okni downloaded ubuntu and gonna install..i've only one partition C: . i installed partition magic to make a seperate partition. does anyone know how am i gonna do that ?05:33
jlduggerEclypse, turning down the brightness is a pretty significant gain in power savings on my laptop, and i hear thats pretty common.05:33
waltzingvhi all :) suppose I've bought a new laptop and would like to preserve the font settings from my old laptop--anyone have any advice?05:33
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Eclypsejldugger it does that on windows, not linux :P05:33
trafaelwyrRookie_: err, I'm still the newbie at Linux here and am not sure what I would need to do. :-(05:34
jlduggerEclypse, linux doesnt turn down the brightness?05:34
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Eclypsejldugger, plus, my ati's video drivers for windows actually tone it down for extra battery life, and Linux doesn't scale my CPU to 400 MHz like windows does, it only scales to 800.05:34
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Eclypsejldugger, yes it does.05:34
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oknDoes anyone know how to use partition magic. please ?05:35
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cherubielokn: use gparted05:35
okncherubiel, is it in ubuntu ?05:35
ortega10is there any easy way to optimize my tcp settings?05:35
nashnashhi people plz help me, i cant find my printer's driver for linx05:36
cherubielokn: yes05:36
nashnashdeskjet 710C05:36
fredsaokn, just follow the install procedure. It'll handle that for you. Don't bother with partition magic05:36
okncherubiel, easy to use ?05:36
Eclypsejldugger, I'll brb ima get more hot chocolate :D05:36
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cherubielokn: maybe you should try it?05:36
amphiEclypse: the radeon driver has dynamic clock support05:36
okncherubiel, yea but i dont wanna ruin my hdd :005:36
Eclypseamphi, really? I guess its only my CPU not scaling to 400MHz then?05:36
sticazziwhat version of X.org is installed with 6.10 / or how do I find out?05:37
okncherubiel, cause i only have one partition...05:37
Eclypseamphi, brb05:37
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amphiEclypse: man radeon has the details05:37
El_Chenashnash: not supported bu hplip http://hplip.sourceforge.net/supported_devices/unsupported.html05:37
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ortega10sticazzi: you could look it up in distrowatch.com05:37
nashnashit means i cant use it on linux?05:37
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fredsaokn, it'll put the new linux partitions after your current one. You should make three, one for root, one for swap and one for home05:37
rem__nash: The solution was in the /etc/pnm2ppa.conf05:38
rem__In this document apears the following text05:38
rem__#-----------set the printer model---------------------------05:38
rem__# The printer model will normally be set by a -v <model> command05:38
rem__# line argument. Otherwise, if not set in the configuration file05:38
rem__# it defaults to the 710/720 series. Remove/comment out the line05:38
rem__# "version 0" below to get the default choice.05:38
rem__# If there is more than one "version" entry activated, the last one05:38
rem__# will be used. The printer version can also be set with the command line05:38
sticazziI'm trying to resolve a major glitching problem and I'm wondering if installing the ATI linux drivers would help05:38
rem__# option e.g., "-v 720".05:38
El_Chenashnash: http://www.linuxprinting.org/show_printer.cgi?recnum=HP-DeskJet_710C05:38
rem__#version 720 # 710, 712, 722 also acceptable05:38
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rem__#version 82005:38
El_Chenashnash: that"s the driver05:38
curley_sueHi all, I had some difficulties during upgrade from dapper to edgy. how can I make sure I have complete upgrade?05:38
rem__#version 100005:38
rem__I only have to put the model in the version line05:38
rem__the tex now is05:38
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rem__#-----------set the printer model-------------------05:38
rem__sorry ..05:38
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ubotuFor upgrading, see instructions at: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UpgradeNotes (you can also find this in the channel topic: type "/topic")  -  See also !downgrade05:38
nashnashthx rem___ ;) ill enter now sec05:38
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Eclypseamphi, I don't have Linux installed at all.05:39
nasragieli have an amd x2, so i have to use the amd k7 smp kernel image, correct?05:39
El_Che!downgrade > El_Che05:39
amphiEclypse: you have a 1.6ghz pentium m?05:39
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Eclypseamphi, yes05:39
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fredsaso anyway, can anyone tell me how to re-detect my ethernet?05:39
amphiEclypse: then I think windows is lying ;)05:39
sorush20I hi i keep getting to the message that can't access job control tty turned off what do I do?05:39
POVaddctamphi: yeah, the minimum freq is 800mhz05:40
Eclypseamphi, nope05:40
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amphiEclypse: I have the same, the supported freqs are from 600MHz in 200MHz increments05:40
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rem__i guess you could lsmod .... rmod the module and then modprobe it again ... ?05:40
atlefnasragiel : it is replaced with the generik kernel05:40
Kawaii-Pandanasragiel: you can even use the 64-bit-generic kernel, but a 64-bit system is currently hard to set up some software.05:40
KhaaaaanHow do I identify myself?05:40
Eclypseamphi, well, the frequency probably, but not the battery life, which is all I care about.05:40
rem__->fredsa ..05:40
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jlduggerEclypse, 400 mhz is pretty slow.  maybe file a bug when you get a chance @ https://launchpad.net/distros/ubuntu/+source/powernowd/+bugs05:40
ortega10i'd like to upgrade to edgy, is it safe enough now?  will it be safer if i wait for a few days till everything's patched and taken care of?05:40
nasragielok, thanks05:40
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nashnashwell rem__ there is "version 710" on pnm2ppa.conf :x.05:41
amphiEclypse: there's a lot of tweaking you can do; for one thing, I assure you screen backlight brightness makes a difference05:41
fredsarem__, thanks. I might try that05:41
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POVaddctamphi: right, 600mhz. 800mhz is minimum for pentium m 2ghz05:41
curley_suestamen, was that for me?05:41
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amphiEclypse: hdparm can spin down the hd05:41
rem__ortega -> i just upgraded ... I had to apt-get install radeon packages ..but other than that ok05:41
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eppdo i need 3d acceleration for xgl to work?05:41
sorush20ortega10: it is safe some people are using it with anyproblems.. but other have problems since they might just have used diff unofficial repositories05:41
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Eclypseamphi, I don't really care at this point, I know for a fact linux couldn't get the battery life Windows does on my laptop.05:42
sorush20epp: yes05:42
amphiEclypse: I tweaked /proc to allow the disk to stay spun down for up to ten minutes when on battery05:42
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curley_sue!downgrade > curley_sue05:42
amphiEclypse: what makes you think that?05:42
GameZMember852kan iemand me please helpen!!05:42
GenghisKhanhi all. i dist-upgraded to edgy and i can no longer access a crypted partition05:42
ortega10sorush20: so if i comment out all unofficial repositories, i should be ok?05:42
Eclypseamphi, because I tried a lot this year, and nothing worked05:42
Eclypseamphi, for about 4 months I was attempting to get it working05:42
rem__ok ...well I guess you hav to google some more then nash, but I saw several ppl where it did the trick ..05:42
GameZMember852Please somebody.. help me!!05:42
Eclypseamphi, so I can assure you, it aint gonna do shit without a kernel modification.05:43
POVaddct!nl > GameZMember85205:43
sorush20ortega10: comment them out and use the officail repos and also make sure you have uninstalled the packages that are from the unofficial repositories..05:43
GameZMember852ha nederlander!05:43
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amphiEclypse: well, you can't have done much if you didn't even discover the radeon driver's dynamic clocks option05:43
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boink!ask > GameZMember85205:43
POVaddctGameZMember852: not me05:43
sorush20I hi i keep getting to the message that can't access job control tty turned off what do I do?05:43
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Eclypseamphi, I know of those, lol05:43
GameZMember852ik ben mijn registratie code kwijt van Pro Evolution Soccer 5.. (PC)05:43
Eclypseamphi, I forgot about the terminal command :P05:43
GameZMember852hoe kan ik aan een nieuwe komen!!05:43
boinkwij spreken geen nederlands hier05:43
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boinkvraag maar in het engels, dus05:44
Eclypseamphi, I adjusted it and it made no difference, kinda screwed up05:44
eppGameZMember852, Try a pirate site... not an ubuntu channel05:44
sorush20english please05:44
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amphiEclypse: terminal command?05:44
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Eclypseamphi, aticonfig05:44
eppGameZMember852, www.crackspider.net05:44
Eclypseamphi, but what I don't understand is why, Linux can do everything windows can for power management, and yet, it still gets shittier battery life.05:44
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amphiEclypse: I've seen no evidence that it does05:44
gravesonis firefox 2.0 supported in dapper ?05:44
boinkdon't think so05:45
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ortega10sorush20: but will the upgrade be easier if i wait a few days till bugs are fixed, or it will be the same?05:45
boinkbut you can install it yourself, graveson05:45
sorush20graveson: no not really.. unless you install yourself..05:45
Eclypseamphi, well I don't give a shit what you've seen, what I"VE seen is that I get battery life that isn't even great by comparisaon to windows.05:45
ubotuPlease watch your language and keep this channel family friendly.05:45
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lesshastewhat's the most os X like desktop/wm for linux?05:45
EclypseI'm not trying to argue my side here, I just know of what I have experienced.05:45
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boinkheh .. gnome? :)05:45
amphiEclypse: I've seen no evidence that you know how to configure your system, either05:45
boinkdoesn't gnome look "mac" like?05:45
ripp3rboink it can ;)05:46
Eclypseamphi, does itlook like I care? I'm not gonna simply insteall linux again just so I could prove it.05:46
sorush20ortega10: I don't really think so .. as I say some people are using edgy with out anyproblems so I think you should just upgrade anyways..05:46
lesshastewith the lovely zoomey into the bottom icons thing etc?05:46
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ripp3rboink with the osX icons :D05:46
ortega10sorush20: thanks a lot05:46
amphiEclypse: I think you're just trolling05:46
gravesonboink: is it wokring well, i have been watching the forums and it seems there a few issues, is there ny procedure to follow ?05:46
eppEclypse, you just need to install kiba-dock... its like an OSX dock for linux05:46
Eclypseamphi especially since I don't have the time to spend hours of tweaking my comp.05:46
ripp3rboink well there are oxs icons for gnome :) but dont know about the eyecandy05:46
Eclypseepp, umm, why?05:46
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gravesonsorush: is there any procedure to follow ?05:46
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Eclypseamphi, trolling?05:46
Eclypseepp, I've installed OSX on my laptop before, lmao05:47
boinkI think you can download the tar ball from mozilla.com05:47
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boinkand just extract it, and the binary should be there05:47
sorush20graveson: for what? upgrading..05:47
amphiEclypse: it may be the case that windows has better PM out of the box, dunno, I haven't run it since win9805:47
eppEclypse, bcuase you wanted an OSX like linux.. and that is a dock like OS 10.05:47
Eclypseamphi, ahh.05:47
ripp3rEclypse do you have an amd processor?05:47
gravesonsorush20: yes to firefox into05:47
Eclypseamphi, idkj, I'm kinda sick of using windows, don't get me wrong, but I  think I'm just gonna buy a mac eventually05:47
basvgoh nice, I reinstalled flashplugin-nonfree and now firefox doesn't see my flash anymore at all (that is, when I go to youtube it tells me to get a newer flash)05:47
Eclypseripp3r, nope05:47
Eclypseripp3r, Pentium M 1.6Ghz05:47
sticazziI've just installed ubuntu: what's the default root password?05:48
alvansonI'm using dapper with XFS and I want to know how to enable quotas.  Since ubuntu uses an initrd image, it is not possible to pass "rootparm=quota" to the kernel05:48
Music_Shuffleuser password >.>05:48
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eppsticazzi, sudo05:48
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ripp3rEclypse heh you should have some kind of power management feature05:48
sticazzisu ... and then typing the user password doesn't work05:48
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Eclypseripp3r, it scales it, it just makes little effect on the battery life :P05:48
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sorush20graveson: I think you can use klik.05:48
ubotuklik is a simple way to run additional software without actually installing it. For instructions and more information see http://dot.kde.org/1126867980/05:48
Music_ShuffleThere's a command to set root password somewhere.05:48
eppsticazzi, you dont need to be root. just type sudo <command>. Then it will ask for your password. and you just tpye that05:48
amphiripp3r: you have to do quite a lot of tweaking to get the best power-saving out of linux05:49
sticazziepp, thanks05:49
effie_jayxwhere can I find the list of packages edgy has...05:49
ripp3ramphi but its so worth all the work :)05:49
effie_jayxI want to check some packages in the list05:49
gravesonsorush20: klik ? sorry for my ignorance ,but what is that ?05:49
effie_jayxI am still running drapper :)05:49
deepHow can i check discusage?05:49
deep(from commandline)05:49
POVaddctdeep: df -h05:49
mjelvai've got an entry in /etc/fstab that mounts a share on a windows computer i've got. when i bash 'mount -a' it works fine, but during bootup i get the following error:  smbfs: mount_data version 1684370019 is not supported05:49
mjelvawhat gives?05:49
amphiripp3r: depends - I thought so; the undervolting patch for pentium m is well worth it IMHO05:49
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deepPOVaddct: thx :)05:49
Eclypseamphi, the day linux can do everything both dominant OS's can,  I'll switch back on my laptop, I'll probably have some junk comps in the future that I'll run it on, I enjoyed linux, a lot. but I didn't like the fact that a lot of shit I could do on windows I couldn't on Linux. . .05:50
EclypseMacs are looking nice though, :)05:50
sorush20graveson: http://klik.atekon.de/, you should search for the packge on the google.. seach for dapper .deb firefox 2.0 package05:50
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ripp3ramphi i dont use pentium procs 99% of the time, nor do i own a laptop, so needless to say, im happy with linux05:50
amphiEclypse: I'm not a fan of OSX05:50
bdragonmslcan someone help me with editing my xorg.conf??05:50
POVaddctdeep: do you mean free space or actual disk usage of a directory and its contents?05:50
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tony_looking for a program that can search thrugh folder with lots of PHP files for a text string ..05:50
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ripp3ramphi whats wrong with OSX ?05:50
bdragonmslI keep getting this when I try to open it in terminal05:50
bdragonmslbdragonmsl@bdragonmsl-desktop:~$ gksudo gedit /etc/x11/xorg.conf05:50
bdragonmsl(gedit:2934): GnomeUI-WARNING **: While connecting to session manager:05:50
bdragonmslAuthentication Rejected, reason : None of the authentication protocols specified are supported and host-based authentication failed.05:50
amphiEclypse: what can you do on windows that you can't on linux?05:50
eppamphi, neither am i05:51
deepPOVaddct: Actual discusage :)05:51
effie_jayxEclypse that's the beauty of choice05:51
sticazziTony_: use grep05:51
amphiripp3r: the kernel is ridiculous ;)05:51
MtJBbdragonmsl,  what are you trying to fix?05:51
POVaddctdeep: okay, that would be: du -sh directoryname05:51
tony_grep? can i install that program trough synaptic ??05:51
ripp3ramphi i can name one thing ..........voice chat on yahoo, and playing some video games :P05:51
bdragonmslI'm trying to set up beryl05:51
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Music_Shuffleamphi: Play some games? :(05:51
stojanceHow do get 3DDesktop to work? (http://desk3d.sourceforge.net/index.php)05:51
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amphiMusic_Shuffle: nope05:51
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amphiMusic_Shuffle: get a console ;)05:51
epplike 36005:51
Music_ShuffleLol! Good point. ;)05:51
ripp3ramphi cedega isnt all that great, but meh i'm not a gamer so i dont give a care05:52
amphiripp3r: I don't use proprietary chat doodahs, so that's not an issue05:52
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bdragonmslMtJB: I'm trying to edit it to add some code for beryl05:52
POVaddcttony_: grep is surely installed by default05:52
ripp3ramphi your using an IRC client :P05:52
mjelvai'm trying to mount a samba share through /etc/fstab. it works fine when i bash 'mount -a', but during bootup i get "smbfs: mount_data version 1684370019 is not supported". i can't find anything about it on google. anyone know what this is about?05:52
tony_is it GUI .or is it shell ?05:52
MtJBbdragonmsl  try sudo gedit /etc/X11/xorg.conf05:52
fredsaEclypse, you should report your problems to launchpad. They might not be aware of the problem.05:53
epptony_, synaptic is GUI05:53
stojanceMusic_Shuffle: Get the latest Mandriva it has a program for playing games like Counter Strike and Battlefield!05:53
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POVaddctripp3r: irc is not proprietary, its an open standard05:53
amphiripp3r: irc is not a proprietary protocol05:53
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ripp3ramphi true05:53
bdragonmslMtJB: tried that too, it does the same thing05:53
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tony_yes.. but im asking about grep05:53
mjelvahang on. 1684370019 is getting me something. brb.05:53
Music_Shufflestojance, he just asked what I couldn't do, not whether or not I WANTED to do it. xD05:53
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MrRiohow do I make popup boxes like the ones that appear when you need an update?05:53
nasragielcan i change the upstart image?05:53
stojancebut you can play games!05:53
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ripp3ramphi your telling me you dont use msn, yahoo , google talk, aim or anything but irc?05:53
amphiMusic_Shuffle: true, and those are things that some people want to do05:53
MrRiois that using notification-daemon or something?05:53
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sorush20I hi i keep getting to the message that can't access job control tty turned off what do I do?05:54
amphiMusic_Shuffle: and windows is available for them ;)05:54
=== magicaltrevsky [n=magical@80-45-41-53.static.dsl.as9105.com] has joined #ubuntu
tony_ok, grep is shell based.. is there anything like GREP that is GUI ???05:54
ripp3ramphi there is another solution Vmware :)05:54
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amphiripp3r: nope, irc is quite enough of a time waster ;)05:54
Music_ShuffleYeah. Or OS X or whatever they want. ;D05:54
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amphiripp3r: qemu shurely05:54
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DarkFlibvmware server is free...05:55
ripp3ramphi im not too sure how qemu or vmware would run a guest os on this 1.3ghz duron w/ 512mb ram05:55
DarkFlibthere is also xen if you have virtualisation extensions05:55
POVaddctDarkFlib: but closed source05:55
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earthianvmware server is for non graphic-heavy apps05:55
amphiDarkFlib: only free as in crack ;)05:55
stojanceOS X & linux are the best OSs05:55
fredsaDarkFlib, yes but not Free05:55
ripp3rxen is teh pwn!05:55
basvgahhh ok, here is the problem... reinstalling flashplugin-nonfree => leaves /usr/lib/flashplugin-nonfree totally empty.. aparently the download fails05:55
DarkFlibqemu's kernel extension is also closed source05:55
POVaddctDarkFlib: and it taints your system with a nice kernel module :(05:55
amphiDarkFlib: indeed05:55
blastermasterhi ubunters05:55
earthianvmware is free05:55
earthianopen source even05:55
MtJBripper:  is the pwn better than da bomb?05:55
DarkFlibso its a case of take your pick05:55
mypapitblastermaster: hi05:55
ripp3rMtJB in my world, yes05:56
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fredsaDarkFlib, well true FOSS otakus don't run that either :p05:56
voltagehey guys05:56
=== DarkFlib uses vmware so he can migrate virtual machines from linux to windows and vice versa
MtJBmo betta da kine05:56
basvgso I guess I should manually download + install a flashplayer05:56
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blastermasterdoes anyone have issuess with flash not fuctioning with aoss?05:56
ripp3rMtJB you from HI ?05:56
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blastermasteron edgy05:56
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POVaddctDarkFlib: there is qemu for widows, so you could do the same with qemu05:56
MtJBripp3r   in a past life05:56
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POVaddct*windows :)05:56
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fredsablastermaster, I stopped getting sound on flash videos recently, still on dapper05:56
ripp3rMtJB lol05:56
basvgjrib: you may want to know that the flashplugin-nonfree is borked, I'll just try a manual install of flash905:57
ayaai've upgraded from dapper to edgy and now am getting my mouse freezing some times05:57
RandomDude16how do I get beryl to start up when I log in KDE?05:57
ripp3rteh pwn will pwn teh bomb :)05:57
luzi have problemm with launching azureus. in terminal: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/29154/ . what do you propose?05:57
ayaaanyone got the same case ?05:57
jrib!flash9 > basvg05:57
RandomDude16ayaa: Do a clean install.05:57
voltageCan anyone walk me through setting up my video card drivers in Ubuntu?05:57
Eclypsek I'm gonna head out all05:57
RandomDude16voltage: ati or nvidia?05:57
pwnguinluz try moving .azurues to something else05:57
eppfredsa, try running "killall esd" and stopping all programs that make sound.05:57
earthiani would recommend using flash from macrodobia website... compile it and install.05:57
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Music_ShuffleRandomdude16, the same way you get all others to start on startup? >.>05:57
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jribbasvg: yeah it depends on what adobe does on their end which is bad.  Manual install of flash9 is ok, but I sent you a page with a package if you prefer05:57
voltagenvidia 7300 LE05:57
funkmasterman o man how can  be such a bad ugrade be released...05:57
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RandomDude16voltage: just do apt-get install nvidia-glx05:58
amphifunkmaster: what happened?05:58
DarkFlibPOVaddct: you are correct, but I have further constraints05:58
RandomDude16then nvidia-glx-config05:58
RandomDude16that worked for me05:58
pwnguinluz, i had the same problem, renamed .azureus, and the problem fixed itself05:58
MtJBi can't even type "teh pwn" cuzz damn xchat typo fixer05:58
funkmastertrying to ugrade to edgy since 4 hours05:58
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voltagereally new at this05:58
POVaddctDarkFlib: let me guess... usb?05:58
luzpwnguin - what exactly should i rename?05:58
funkmasterand just read the article on slashdot05:58
skeffI want someone tp upload a file to my computer thru the internet. What is the easiest way of doing that? Security of content is not an issue.05:58
basvgjrib: awww that is great! thanks :) saves me some trouble :-)05:58
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funkmasterso maaaany problems :(05:58
eppfunkmaster, i just did a clean install. I try to avoi the hassle05:58
voltageRandom do I type that in a command window?05:58
pwnguinluz, mv ~/.azureus ~/.azurues.old05:58
MtJBwhat do slashdot have to say?05:58
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earthianfunkmaster, i was upgrading to edgy for about a day or so... now i am in need to reinstall :/05:59
fredsavoltage, yes05:59
archangelpetrowhat does the 'alternate' .iso do? (i mean what's the difference between alternate and server/desktop)??05:59
tony_any program like GREP , that comes with Graphica User Interface ????05:59
amphifunkmaster: really? dist-upgrade's should be effortless05:59
funkmasteryeah seems like all upgrades fail05:59
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funkmasteramphi: no way05:59
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DarkFlibPOVaddct: thats one... also iscsi and a few other things...05:59
funkmastereven opera is a problem05:59
POVaddctDarkFlib: i see05:59
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amphifunkmaster: always have been for me on debian05:59
earthianamphi, dist-upgrade did not work for me at all...05:59
pwnguinfunkmaster, im hearing that automatix / easyubuntu, while popular, are a common root cause of that05:59
funkmastervery disapointing05:59
epptony_, look aup linux search program05:59
funkmasterdon't have that05:59
fredsavoltage, but you need to proceed the command with sudo05:59
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DarkFlibits gonna be a while until I'm 100% taint free.. but I'm working towards it06:00
POVaddcttony_: in xfce3, there was a tool called xfglob. i don't know if xfce4 still has it.06:00
MrRiohow do I send messages to the notification-daemon from the shell?06:00
MtJBit just dawned on me, this is not the best place to ask flightgear questions06:00
funkmasterrn't upgrades tested or sumthing?06:00
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ndiswrappe1when i type -> sudo dist-upgrade .. I get The following packages have been kept back: (20 Listed Package) .. How can I fix this?06:00
luzpwnguin - works, thanks06:00
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MtJBfunkmaster:  not well, for sure06:00
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jribndiswrappe1: pastebin the full error and link the room please06:01
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funkmasterndiswrappe1: 4get i tand do a reinstall06:01
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tony_im new to linux .. is best for me to use GUI type prgrams rather then shell .06:01
voltagesays could not open lock file and are you root?06:01
fredsavoltage, you might also need to enable the non-free repository. It's probably easier to do it through synaptic. Go to system->administration->synaptic from the top panel06:01
jribtony_: use what you prefer06:01
CrazY_Sm0keHelp me, please.06:01
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MrKeunerhi, trying to compile a deb package i get this error when I run dpkg-buildpackage -rfakeroot: dpkg-parsechangelog: error: cannot open debian/changelog to find format: No such file or directory06:01
MrKeunerdpkg-buildpackage: unable to determine source package is06:01
MrKeunerWhat is the problem again?06:01
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Music_ShuffleCrazy_, with..?06:01
voltageok fredsa I can get synaptic up06:01
MtJBtony_,   depends on what you are most comfortable with06:01
tony_problme is that , i have no clue whats out there , with the wired names that linux program got .. is more confusing06:01
MtJBif you are a cli god, why bother, but most users perfer the gui06:01
Bac9how do you set framebuffer resolution for ati modules?06:02
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funkmastertony_ if u r new o linux, start with gui and try out some shell stuff06:02
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CrazY_Sm0keI want to install ati video driver on Ubuntu.06:02
funkmasteru will c that shell has more to offer but gui is much easier..06:02
krazykittony_: that's what searching in synaptic is for.  search for what you want to do.06:02
tony_thats what im aiming for .06:02
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blastermastercan some one help me configure flash 7 with software mixing?06:02
ubotuI am ubotu, all-knowing infobot. You can browse my brain at http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl Usage info: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuBots06:02
fredsatony_, I generally use the gui, but often help in the fora is given in the form of terminal commands so it's useful to have a basic understanding of the shell06:02
voltagefredsa can I PM you?06:02
=== earthian cries sitting on the dead-livecd-booted-pc :'(
JurtI had this problem when I tried to excute kaffeine on ubuntu edgy eft.. : trying to create local folder /home/orion/.kde/share: Permission denied06:03
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krazykitblastermaster: flash7 is junk.  get the flash9 beta.  it uses alsa which should use your sofware mixing out of the box06:03
Jurtanyone knows what can be the problem06:03
POVaddcttony_: using the shell is much better for automated tasks, like renaming 1000+ files06:03
CrazY_Sm0keThere are two driver/ For X.Org and XFree86/06:03
funkmasteris there a way to test if my system would boot correctly before i really restart?06:03
fredsavoltage, sure06:03
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tony_i would like to learn shell at one point, but right now , i just need to do few things in linux , to get things working06:03
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POVaddcttony_: as grep is mostly used in shell scripts, it is a command line tool too06:03
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CrazY_Sm0keWhat from them will approach to Ubuntu06:04
JurtI had this problem when I tried to excute kaffeine on ubuntu edgy eft.. : trying to create local folder /home/jurt/.kde/share: Permission denied06:04
emomy sound card doesn't work after I tryed to use wengo so what I have to do to go back to default..?06:04
Jurtanyone knows what can be the problem06:04
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tony_mian reason for linux installation , was to test few php script .. and do some modification .. i don't want to install apache and other stuff , on window ..06:04
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krazykitJurt: try making the folder yourself.06:04
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earthianmy dmaid is not working anymore!!! :( i cant install ubuntu on my hdds because of this because there are some issues with edgy.. does anybody know if a fix is coming soon ? or maybe you know what alternatives i could use to dmraid ?06:05
RobHuCould someone please point me to where I can find out how to make the open source ATI driver be used?06:05
archangelpetroin the download area there are 3 versions of the amd64 iso... 'alternate' || 'server' || 'desktop' ... what's the alternate one optimised for?06:05
JurtI had also other msgs06:05
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emomy sound card doesn't work after I tryed to use wengo so what I have to do to go back to default..?06:05
RalleAbhello. I read this http://ubuntuguide.org/wiki/Ubuntu_Edgy#How_to_add_Windows_entry_into_GRUB_menu and added windows into the grub menu but grub says its an unknown partition type. And I am sure I pointed it right.06:05
Jurtkdeinit: Aborting. bind() failed: : Permission denied06:05
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morphishRalleAb: rootnoverify is needed for ntfs partitions06:05
jcorganI have a seriously broken breezy->edgy upgrade on a server with software RAID1 as the root partition, anyone want to slog through it with me?06:05
earthianarchangelpetro, alternate is for lowend PCs like pentium II or so06:05
screechingcatRalleAb: windows would have been detected and added by default06:06
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archangelpetrothanks earthian06:06
earthianyou need desktop iso06:06
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RalleAbmorphish: it's just weird that it all worked before edge eft06:06
nasragielcan i change the upstart image?06:06
Jurtis this dependcy thing06:06
screechingcatjcorgan: u shouldnt have done a breezy > edgy06:06
jribwhat is the name of a program to display text in X?  Sort of like an overlay06:06
archangelpetroor server ;)06:06
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amphijrib: xosd ?06:06
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about rootnoverify - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi06:06
jcorganscreechingcat: no shit06:06
codezerohi there. i have a question...i am using edgy and when i try to add some new cmd to sessions startup programs. i see it on the list at first place06:07
codezerobut when i log out and log back in06:07
screechingcatjcorgan: dapper to edgy is leaving many people with badly broken systems06:07
jribamphi: thanks, that's what I was looking for06:07
cwh1947anyone recommend a good banking-checking application that runs on gnome?06:07
screechingcatjcorgan: breezy to edgy must be a hundered times as bad06:07
morphishRalleAb: not sure never ran any other ubuntu before, anyway the root (hdX,Y) needs to be rootnoverify (hdX,Y) just find the line and add noverify to it, then boot it06:07
emoany can you please answer me ?06:07
codezeroi cannot see what i added to the list06:07
screechingcatjcorgan: do a fresh reinstall06:07
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RalleAbah thanks06:07
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Music_Shufflescreechingcat, since he's in here, something clearly broke along the way...06:08
jcorganschreechingcat: so I've read.  it's pretty bizarre, i'm getting all sorts of ATA failure messages but if I boot from a Knoppix rescue CD I can see everything fine06:08
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codezerowhy i cannot add anything new to the session startup programs?06:08
RalleAbI will try to restart now then06:08
BlackenIs there an apt command that spits out the names--only the names--of all packages installed on a machine? (If there's one that might spit out the names of all non-standard packages, I'll dance a frigging jig...)06:08
fredsavoltage, you might find this howto useful: http://ubuntuguide.org/wiki/Ubuntu_dapper#How_to_install_Graphics_Driver_.28NVIDIA.2906:08
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manuel_i need help ^^06:08
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manuel_can someone tell me how to update ubuntu 6.06 to 6.10?06:08
codezerowell actually i can add it but the next time i log in i dont see what i added to session startup programs on the list06:08
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screechingcatjcorgan: download an edgy alt cd and do a fresh install06:09
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nasragielwhat have i to install to play mp3s? :/06:09
porkpieguy's how would I start freeradius with the -x option under ubuntu ???06:09
fredsavoltage, it's for dapper but I suspect it will apply to edgy as well. You'll have to use the terminal but if you just copy/paste you'll be fine06:09
manuel_but i dont want to install it new06:09
Felkahello, can I access a windows partition in ubuntu?06:09
java_dadai am facing lots when attaching 2nd sata hdd06:09
screechingcatmanuel_: just run gksu "update-manager -c"06:09
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java_dadai am facing lots when attaching 2nd sata hdd06:09
manuel_to 6.06 there weren option in the update utility06:09
screechingcatFelka: yes06:09
Music_ShuffleFelka: yea.06:09
java_dadaUbuntu allways crashes06:09
voltageDo I want the Nvidia Binary Xfree86 4.X Driver for my 7300 LE?06:09
java_dadaUbuntu allways crashes06:09
emoso again my sound card doesn't work anymore after I tryed to use wengo how can I go back to default ?06:09
java_dadai am facing lots when attaching 2nd sata hdd06:10
java_dadaUbuntu allways crashes06:10
jcorganscreechingcat: what's different about the alt CD that would make it work to see the drives?  Just asking before I spend 2 hrs downloading the ISO06:10
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java_dadaUbuntu allways crashes06:10
java_dadaUbuntu allways crashes06:10
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java_dadai am facing lots when attaching 2nd sata hdd06:10
manuel_./ignore java_dada06:10
voltageThanks fredsa, checking out the URL now06:10
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POVaddctmanuel_: updating from dapper to edgy seems to have its issues. i would keep dapper for a while. if you have a spare machine, test the update there and see if it works.06:10
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FelkaI have to choose how large I should make the ubuntu partition, is it ok to make it small (3 gig or so) and then use the windows parition for storage of large files?06:10
fredsavoltage, there's only one nvidia driver for all cards06:10
overridexabo: thanks, i'll try it :)06:11
ubuntu_crashi am facing lots when attaching 2nd sata hdd06:11
emojava_dada: do you think you can help me ?06:11
manuel_so another question06:11
screechingcatjcorgan: its not about the alt cd. u can use the live if u want. its just that a fresh install always has no problems whereas an upgrade is just filled with broken crap06:11
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ubuntu_crashemo: pl ask me06:11
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Blackenubuntu_crash: You were heard the first time. Ask a question or give it up.06:11
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porkpieconnection dropped ...06:11
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ubuntu_crashi am facing lots when attaching 2nd sata hdd  is there any bug in ubuntu ?06:11
_Spire_Blacken: dpkg --get-selections will list all installed packages06:11
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Blacken_Spire_: Thank you.06:11
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porkpiehow would I start freeradius with a -x under ubuntu ??06:12
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^punisherI'll find out06:12
manuel_in fedora core 6 i've seen glx-style motions to be pre-installed. i heard ubuntu also got them. i'm sure i've seen them somewhere without installing xgl... someone knows where they are?06:12
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porkpiethe normal command is radiusd -x06:12
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emohello guys anyone can help me ??? please.06:12
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ubuntu_crashi wasted so much time with ubuntu06:12
ubuntu_crashi am facing lots when attaching 2nd sata hdd  is there any bug in ubuntu ?06:12
jcorganscreechingcat: it's worse than that, though, booting from the kernel on a live 6.10 CD, it can't access the SATA drives (they spew out handling errors to the console), yet booting from 2.6.10 on Knoppix CD lets me see and access everything with no errors06:12
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Blackenubuntu_crash: Why don't you go look at the bug reports and SEE?06:12
RalleAbI just booted and it still wont work.06:12
screechingcatjcorgan: what about a 6.06 live cd ?06:13
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|rt|hehe for some reason edgy didn't change the clock yesterday...so I go to adjust the time and the bug reporting tool pops up06:13
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ubuntu_crashthis is really bad ubuntu works only with one hdd06:13
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POVaddctmanuel_: sorry, no idea. my gfx hardware isn't 3d accelerated at all, so i don't care about anything GL based.06:13
screechingcatjcorgan: or a 6.06 alt cd ?06:13
fouratam getting problems with mouse on edgy :( it works fine some 5 minutes before it freezes forever and force me to restart my computer, anyone can help ?now my mouse is blocked, am using only my keyboard, how can i debug this situation ?06:13
jcorganschreechingcat: haven't tried, but I'd bet it would work06:13
codezerocan someone tell me why i cannot add anything to the startup programs list on the system-preferences-session06:13
Blackenubuntu_crash: Wrong. I have a machine running it with four SATA drives.06:13
RalleAbmy c-drive is /dev/hda2 so do I say rootnovertify (hd0,2) ?06:13
screechingcatjcorgan: i recommend u keep 6.06 upgrading to edgy is just not worth it at the moment06:14
POVaddctmanuel_: but there are 1000+ other people here :)06:14
ubuntu_crashBlacken: is it Seagate sata HDD ?06:14
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Blackenubuntu_crash: One is, I believe.06:14
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screechingcatjcorgan: maybe when the first big  update line for 6.10 comes out (6.10.1 i guess) then u can update06:14
_Lukswhich command i use to stop a module from running ?06:14
fouratanyone can help me ?06:14
fouratam getting problems with mouse on edgy :( it works fine some 5 minutes before it freezes forever and force me to restart my computer, anyone can help ?now my mouse is blocked, am using only my keyboard, how can i debug this situation ?06:14
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screechingcatfourat: usb mouse ?06:15
_Lukswhich command i use to stop a module from running ?06:15
fouratscreechingcat, yes06:15
jcorganscheechingcat: yeah, and running edgy "unstable" was working so well until the release candidate :( Guess I'll use the Knoppix CD to mount the drives, run ssh-server, and backup up everythign to another machine, then do a fresh install06:15
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fourat_Luks, modprobe -r yourmodule06:15
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screechingcatfourat: unplug it and put it back in. i have that prob all the time06:15
_Spire_screechingcat: it really depends on your hardware... I have a really, _really_ well supported hardware platform, and everything works flawlessly for me.  on PPC, everything borks when I update06:15
_Luksfourat, thx06:15
ZnortflEvening fellow ubuntu-users. I have upgraded to Eft and installed beryl. Now I want the command "beryl-manager" to be runned everytime I login. Where do I configure this?06:15
fouratscreechingcat, did it and no new06:15
ubuntu_crashi am facing lots when attaching 2nd sata hdd  is there any bug in ubuntu ?06:16
emoanyone help me, how can I get to defualt on the way that my sound card work again I had tryed to set up wengoo after that my sound card doesn't work ....any idea what's going on ????06:16
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_Spire_Znortfl: are you running gnome?06:16
zlackwould you guys prefer aixgl over xgl with fglrx?06:16
_Luksfourat, it says that my module is in use06:16
Znortfl_Spire_, yep06:16
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|rt|hmm can anyone launch the time and date tool from the System->Admin menu06:16
manuel_mom muss kurz xchat neustarten06:16
_Luksfourat, the module name's nvidia06:16
screechingcat_Spire_: well most people dont have that well supported hardware06:16
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|rt|it's instantly bringing up the bug report tool for me06:16
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fourat_Luks, lsmod and check wich module is using it and remove'em recursively06:16
screechingcatfourat: then im at a loss buddy. that always did the trick for me06:16
MukiEXI respect Edgy now. Getting Ati to work was a hassle but in the end I understand why it's that way.06:16
MukiEXLeaves you with a cleaner system.06:16
fouratscreechingcat, wich log can help me ?06:17
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emeitnerfourat: look at the end of /var/log/Xorg.0.log for errors. Maybe look for kernel errors. Is this USB or PS2?06:17
DaHungerbin wieder da06:17
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_Spire_Znortfl: then go to System > Preferences > Sessions06:17
fouratemeitner, USB06:17
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jcorganschreechingcat: one last issue, though--why would an edgy kernel have problems even accessing SATA drivers at the hardware level (lots of handling errors), when a 2.6.10 kernel from Knoppix works fine?06:17
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Znortfl_Spire_, I figured that already. Problem is that when I enter the command there, it vanishes after a relog06:17
_Spire_Znortfl: strange06:17
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emeitnerfourat: in a shell also run 'dmesg' some USB errors will show up there.06:18
TonrenHey, is anyone having trouble updating from cafuego's bcm43xx firmware repo?06:18
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screechingcatjcorgan: i have no idea. no one else seems to have this problem. my own SATA drive is perfectly recognized and partitioned06:18
screechingcatjcorgan: do u have windows ?06:18
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pwnguinjcorgan, well, its possible, and they're called "regressions". regressions shouldn't happen, but often do anyways06:19
jcorganscreechingcat: you mean a windows install CD?  yes, though I'd have to go find it06:19
screechingcatjcorgan: no i mean windows installed on your computer ?06:19
jcorganscreechingcat: no06:19
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overridexabo: that's exactly what i needed... thanks :)06:20
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screechingcatjcorgan: i had a similar problem once (dapper live dint recognize my hard disk) and i booted windows and did all the partitioning in Partition Magic and reinserted the live cd and everything worked06:20
fouratemeitner, no juice in my optical usb mouse when plugged in any usb port06:20
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fouratits like if the usb ports were Offline06:20
jcorganwell, off to go back up this aborted mess and go reinstall, thanks for the help06:21
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screechingcatjcorgan: good luck mate06:21
pazemlsqdfmojwhat is THE easiest way to compile your own php5 server without messing up a working LAMP isntallation? (i require some custom stuff like GD etc)06:21
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_Spire_fourat: try doing 'lsusb' in the console and PM me the results06:21
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screechingcatfourat: did u try plugging something else in the USB ports ? maybe the system and the mouse are fine but the ports arent ?06:22
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morphishok, any pitfalls to watch out for when installing (k)ubuntu on a machine that has an existing grub and windows?06:22
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eppmorphish, it wont effect any of that06:22
_Spire_morphish: shouldn't be any06:22
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fourat_Spire_, i have 3 Bus (001/002/003) all with same Device (001) and same ID (0000:0000) (sorry, i cant paste, i have no mouse)06:22
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emeitnerfourat: so it works for five minutes then apparently has no power? did you try other usb devices to see if they work?06:23
eppmorphish, it will just add kubuntu to Your display manager06:23
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philwhlnhi, what's the quickest way to install svn on ubuntu 6.10?06:23
bcstvanyone have problems saving files from Openoffice to a network drive?06:23
fouratscreechingcat, no it happens suddenly, after only some 5 minutes06:23
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dcordesis there a command that allows me to set the systen priority a porgram gets?06:23
morphishepp: i meant existing grub, but replacing the installed linux, just need to make sure partitions are done manual or windows barfs06:23
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Tonrencafuego: Hey man.. are you around?06:23
MrKeunerwhat else do I need other than build-essential in order to create deb packages?06:23
eppmorphish, when installing kubuntu it will ask you if you want to use kdm (kde display manager) or GDM (gnome display manager) i would use gdm..06:24
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screechingcatfourat: wierd ! never happened to me. so i wouldnt know06:24
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fouratany one can help me please ?06:24
Tim91i have removed a nic card ,now my internet connection is very slow what can i do06:24
morphishepp: it asks? (i installed kubuntu (Edgy) on this duron already, and it didn't ask, i don't think)06:24
eppmorphish, just type sudo apt-get install kubuntu-desktop... it will just add it to your existing linux06:24
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morphishepp: my existing linux has no idea about apt-get ;)06:25
morphishepp: a source based distro06:25
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eppmorphish, ahhh. ok06:25
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rbilfourat: you using a laptop?06:26
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emeitnerfourat: is this an MS IntelliMouse?06:26
ShayeWho can help me getting the right codecs for mplayer so i can play avi movies06:27
morphishepp: rebuilding the ubuntu kernel with just one more .config option added is that simple enough, i read some custom kernel bit on the wiki, but from memory it sounds like a lot of steps compared to building a vanilla kernel06:27
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iterShaye: check out easyubuntu or automatrix06:27
IRCMonkeyany one can tell me please how do i get ident? i installed oidentd already but it doesnt seems to work,06:27
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Shayewhat are those06:28
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mirakwhy do I have more than one /dev/ttyS{0,1,2,3} even if I only have one serial port onboard ?06:28
|niklas|anyone know how you can make so you don't have a black frame around mplayer video when you tries to play a video in fullscreen?06:28
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ubotuPLF is the Penguin Liberation Front. For more info see: http://wiki.ubuntu-fr.org/doc/plf. PLF is down indefinitely pending a new maintainer; see http://plf.zarb.org/. see also !seveas06:28
=== iter smack http://users.on.net/~goetz/EasyUbuntu/
ubotuFor multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats  -  See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html  -  But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats06:29
screechingcatlostat1: PLF is dead06:29
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rbilmirak: those are screens accessible using ALT-CTRL F1, F2, etc.06:29
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Shayewell i need help playing avi movies :|06:29
mirakrbil: ttyS ?06:29
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lostat1Why did the PLF die?06:30
mirakbecause when I plug my serial -> usb adapter, I got a /dev/ttyUSB06:30
alecjwShaye: there are some packages you need to install06:30
IRCMonkeyhello !!! anyone please? how can i get ident thing working on irc?06:30
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alecjwi'll list them06:30
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Paddy_EIRElostat1: what happened to the plf06:30
Shayealecjw, but whice..06:30
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lostat1screetchingcat says the PLF is DEAD06:30
Corbocan anyone spare a few minutes for a new ubuntu user?06:30
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lostat1Corbo just ask06:30
Paddy_EIRElostat1: jeeze06:30
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Paddy_EIREgonna read up on this06:31
Shayealecjw, which packages06:31
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codezerohi there06:31
lostat1So i think the Swedish killed the PLF. They have a thing against penguins.06:31
Corbothanks lostat, I have an NTFS drive, I have mounted it and can access it in the terminal as root, but don't have permission to access it as a user in gnome, how can I give myself permission?06:31
alecjwShaye: do this in a terminal: sudo aptitude install gstreamer0.10-plugins-bad gstreamer0.10-plugins-bad-multiverse gstreamer0.10-plugins-ugly gstreamer0.10-plugins-ugly-multiverse06:31
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alecjwmake sure you have the multiverse repos, Shaye06:32
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lostat1Oh NTFS ewww. Uhm I think you have to go into root and change the drives permissions.06:32
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Corboyes, I just want to get in to it and copy the files out of it lostat06:32
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morphishepp: installer is allergic to installing onto a / that is in an extended partition?06:32
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lostat1I am not so great at the permissions thing. If its a local non network thing I usually just give global permissions to a storage device. Like sudo chmod 777-R /dir/dir/dir06:33
sliptteesGUYS: http://img205.imageshack.us/img205/3610/281193199519775b141wx6.jpg06:33
RobHuCan someone please please help me? How do I get Ubuntu to reinstall X, i.e. recreate all the config files etc - I think mine are busted.06:33
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lostat1Corbo is it a one time copy/06:33
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lostat1Corbo: Or is this a permanent drive for storage you will use allot.06:33
tomh-anyone know if the wifi in 6.10 is more fucked up than 6.06?06:34
ubotuPlease watch your language and keep this channel family friendly.06:34
oferI am trying to mount sony digital camara  but don't know what to write after this sudo modprobe usb-storage06:34
RobHuAnyone? Anyone at all?06:34
ale[x] how do u mean fucked up?06:34
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Corbolost: it is a harddrive in my PC06:34
tomh-when i install 6.06 it can scan my networks06:34
tomh-when i upgrade to 6.10 it works too06:34
epptomh-, have you installed network-manager?06:34
CorboI am happy to change the file system, only once I have copied everything out of it06:34
mc44RobHu: sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg06:34
=== devios [n=devios@c-68-37-111-242.hsd1.nj.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
tomh-but not with a fresh install06:34
jonisickIs there a default root password for ubuntu linux?  I installed Ubuntu (my first dive into linux) and now as I'm trying to learn my way around I'm unable to switch to the root user using the bash shell su command.06:34
tomh-epp: i use the default instalation06:35
RobHumc44: That just rewrites xorg.conf - I want to get rid of and have it put back in /etc/X1106:35
Corbojon: root password is same as your user password06:35
ale[x] tom, what kind of wireless card?06:35
RobHumc44: How do I do that?06:35
iterCorbo: incorrect06:35
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tomh-intel wifi06:35
iterjonisick: use sudo -s06:35
ale[x] what version06:35
Corbolol who am I kidding I only installed it yoday :p06:35
tomh-mm no idea06:35
mc44RobHu: you want to get rid of xorg.conf?06:35
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epptomh-, thats why. network-manager is more usable.06:35
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lostat1In Ubuntu the primary user or first user sets the root password then uses it as a user password.06:35
mc44RobHu: or X?06:35
iterjonisick: if you want a root account do sudo passwd root06:35
rbiljonisick: use sudo, not root and use the password of the first user installed06:35
deviosDOH!  i just upgraded from dapper to edgy by changing all the "dapper" to "edgy" in sources.list and apt-get dist-upgrade06:35
jonisickYeah I had figured it would be the same, but I keep getting authorization failures.  Maybe I'm typing something wrong.06:35
tomh-epp: how do i install it if i dont have internet?06:35
RobHumc44: I want to entirely get rid of X including /etc/X11 and put it back on again06:35
deviosDOH!  i just upgraded from dapper to edgy by changing all the "dapper" to "edgy" in sources.list and apt-get dist-upgrade and now X wont start... using irssi06:36
ale[x] tom, does the os see your wireless card?06:36
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iterjonisick: there is not a root account by default06:36
epphow are you on now?06:36
mc44RobHu: why would you want to do that?06:36
tomh-but its deactivated06:36
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CorboI have mounted n NTFS drive, but when I try to access it says I don't have permission06:36
devioseasiest way to configure x06:36
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kruncherI lost the support to scroll in firefox 2 (when i clean installed edgy) by clicking down the scroll wheel on my mouse and then moving my mouse up and down (it changes the mouses icon to a 4 way arrow no more). How can i fix this?06:36
tomh-when i enable it it doesnt show any networks06:36
RobHumc44: Because I think I followed a guide that had me change some random option or rc file or something somewhere in X that now is causing me a lot of trouble. Reverting to the original xorg.conf or rebuilding it doesn't help. How can I do what I want?06:36
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Code-EHow do I unzip .zip files06:37
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epptomh-, for now hook up with a wire. and type "sudo apt-get install network-manager-gnome"06:37
Code-E!zip Code-E06:37
jonisickOkay that explains it.  Thanks  Do I have all the root ability with my default account?06:37
iterRobHu: do history06:37
sethroHi guys06:37
Code-E!zip > Code-E06:37
iterRobHu: figure out what you changed06:37
|niklas|how to you enable xvideo in x?06:37
sethroI wanted to ask you a question06:37
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RobHuiter: It was changed about 2-3 months ago its not in the history06:37
sethroI have ubuntu 6.10 installed06:37
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tomh-epp: i dont have wire here06:37
ale[x] jonisick, yes, u can do sudo <any command>06:37
epp|niklas|, you mean the codec?06:37
tomh-only wifi06:37
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RobHuAny of you know the answer to my actual question?06:37
RobHuI know how to do history :)06:37
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jonisickThanks again.06:37
Corbocd /06:37
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rene32How can I give my PC a name, so that my PC is not shown as "-" in my router's connection monitor?06:37
epptomh-, do you have windows installed?06:37
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tomh-yes thats where i am on now06:38
RobHuthere must be a way to do it without reinstalling Ubuntu again06:38
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tomh-dual boot06:38
Tim91Corbo: yaday?06:38
Code-EHow do I unzip .zip files06:38
epptomh-, hold plz06:38
ale[x] whats your question rob?06:38
RobHuCode-E: unzip foo.zip06:38
iterRobHu: you want apt-get deinstall --reinstall packages06:38
RobHuiter: There is no deinstall optionin apt06:38
fredsacan anyone help me getting my nic detected? It seems to be referenced in the device manager but I can't find anything in lsmod, unless it's i2c_core06:38
Tim91wire is so much better then wireless06:38
iteruh oh sorry06:38
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|niklas|nope, I get no adapters when running xvinfo, but I have had it in 6.06 but don't find what to do to enable it06:38
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deviosDOH!  i just upgraded from dapper to edgy by changing all the "dapper" to "edgy" in sources.list and apt-get dist-upgrade and now X wont start... using irssi.  easiest way to fix x from command line?  is there some way to auto-configure x?06:39
RobHuale[x] : I want to remove X including /etc/X11 and then put it back on again06:39
thotzhello! how can I tell firefox to go back with the backspace button?? (on edgy)06:39
mc44RobHu: use mark for reinstallation in synaptic, assuming you have an X server06:39
iterRobHu: gotta be dpkg then06:39
thotzto the last page...06:39
lostat1Corbo: go to a command line in a terminal. And try this out: sudo chmod 777 -R /media/usbdisk or usbdisk106:39
RobHumc44 / iter : ok thanks - now which is the package I want to do it on?06:39
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mc44RobHu: xserver-org probably06:39
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Corbolostat1: that has set all permissions in it to read only, but I can still only access it as root, not as myself06:40
mc44RobHu: thats a meta package for x06:40
morphishit's kind of funky that i need the alternate cd to install on a logical partition06:40
Corboif I open it as myself the folder is empty06:40
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RobHumc44: It says "couldn't find pacakge xserver-org"06:40
iterRobHu: if you customized a file or two they won't be overwritten by default06:40
cyphaseis anyone having any problems with azureus in edgy?06:40
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RobHuiter: Yeah, I want to get rid of X including /etc/X11 and put it all back on again (as I originally said!)06:40
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vitalthe touchpad on my sony doesn't work as predicted untill I log out of gnome and back in - any help?06:40
atlefthotz : write about:config in ff and find the line browser.backspace_action and change from 1 to 006:40
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mc44RobHu: xserver-xorg06:40
thotzthanks atlef!06:41
Raskalldammit. X broke when upgrading to Edgy06:41
thotzcyphase: search there is a bug in launchpad already06:41
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RobHumc44: thanks06:41
krunchernever mind, i found the problem it is the option "use smooth scrolling" in the firefox advanced tab06:41
deviosDOH!  i just upgraded from dapper to edgy by changing all the "dapper" to "edgy" in sources.list and apt-get dist-upgrade and now X wont start... using irssi.  easiest way to fix x from command line?  is there some way to auto-configure x?06:41
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epptomh-, im not sure... i was trying to find a .deb for network manager... you could download it to windows then in linux run and instal it06:41
RogerBaconi use Code::Block (great IDE) and i have this error heach time i try to compile :-------------- Build: Release in Test ---------------Compiling: main.c/bin/sh: Can't open gcc -Wall -O2  -I/usr/include  -c main.c -o obj/Release/main.Process terminated with status 2 (0 minutes, 1 seconds)0 errors, 0 warnings06:41
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lostat1Corbo can you PVT?06:41
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ale[x] i tried the upgrade, just reinstall, believe me! i spent all day yesterday on this06:41
tomh-i will mess around some more06:42
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mc44devios: : sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg06:42
tomh-try to use wifi-radar06:42
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tomh-thanks anyway06:42
deviosmc44: ty!06:42
sliptteesGUYS: http://img205.imageshack.us/img205/3610/281193199519775b141wx6.jpg06:42
rene32How can I give my PC a name, so that my PC is not shown as "-" in my router's connection monitor?06:42
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iterrene32: hostname06:42
atleftomh- : do you have the dvd?06:42
emoanyone help me, how can I get to defualt on the way that my sound card work again I had tryed to set up wengoo after that my sound card doesn't work ....any idea what's going on ????06:42
epptomh-, if you can get on with a wire... get network-manager-gnome. it will work.06:42
rene32iter: hostname? Where, ho?06:42
ale[x] tomh-, figure what type of wireless card you have, you might need an extra package06:42
iterrene32: terminal, by typing06:43
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atlefale[x]  : he quit06:43
DanaGhmm, when I run gsynaptics:06:43
DanaGUnknown parameter CoastingSpeedThreashold06:43
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overridexrene32: you will also need to edit /etc/dhcp3/dhclient.conf and uncomment the "send host-name" line and put soemthing in so it gets sent to the router when you get an ip address06:43
DanaGnotice the misspelling.06:43
ale[x] agh well06:43
rene32iter: hostname shows the name of my PC but this name is not shown in my router's connection monitor. Any idea?06:43
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tiagovargasplease...ubuntu for brasil!06:43
iterrene32: what overridex says06:44
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DanaGThat's exactly the issue I had: send host-name.06:44
rene32iter, overridex: thx. That sounds good.06:44
ukubuntuslipttees seen it, was on the planet :)06:44
DanaGWhy doesn't it do that by default?  It should send host-name `hostname`06:44
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rene32iter, overridex: Is there an easy way to change the hostname?06:44
Corbois there a program to convert an ntfs partition to something else?06:44
sliptteesvery fanny :)06:44
porkpieguy's just installed freeradius and trying to get it working ...I get this error06:44
porkpieSun Oct 29 17:36:04 2006 : Error: rlm_sql (sql): Could not link driver rlm_sql_mysql: rlm_sql_mysql.so: cannot06:44
porkpieSun Oct 29 17:36:04 2006 : Error: rlm_sql (sql): Make sure it (and all its dependent libraries!) are in the sea06:44
porkpieSun Oct 29 17:36:04 2006 : Error: radiusd.conf[1] : sql: Module instantiation failed.06:44
porkpieSun Oct 29 17:36:04 2006 : Error: radiusd.conf[128]  Unknown module "sql".06:44
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PhoulEver hear of pastebin?06:44
iterrene32: hostname does it06:44
ale[x] rene32, do hostname <name of my box>06:45
sliptteesporkpie: flood noo man06:45
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ubotupastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (you can always find it in the channel topic, among other useful things)06:45
DanaGCorbo: back it up, delete it, and create the new one.  There isn't really an easier way.06:45
porkpiesorry guys06:45
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rene32iter, ale[x] : Linux can be so easy :-D thx06:45
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Corbodanag: I can't back it up, it won't let me in to it06:45
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ubotuFor upgrading, see instructions at: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UpgradeNotes (you can also find this in the channel topic: type "/topic")  -  See also !downgrade06:45
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sliptteesrene32: my name's rene too :)06:45
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lostat1Corbo: Why not open nautilus up from a command line. sudo nautilus and then copy the contents of the NTFS drive to /home/whomever and then reformat with a more compatible drive format?06:45
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Megaqwertyhow can i view how much cpu a process is using?06:46
ale[x] rene32, that changes the name on the fly, don't forget to change /etc/hostname06:46
WarboCorbo: Nothing that I know of. I would shrink it as much as possible, make a new partition, then repeatedly copy across as much stuff as possible, shrink the NTFS on, grow the other one, copy across as much as possible, etc. until you can delete the NTFS one06:46
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iterMegaqwerty: top06:46
DanaGThough, if it's more than half empty, you can resize it to half size, create a temporary second partition, move the files to the temporary one, then delete the first one and recreate it, then move the stuff back, then delete the temporary one.06:46
Megaqwertyiter: thanks06:46
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dv5237hello i need a program so i can switch from UTP to wireless easy06:46
bigjbhas anyone done a fresh install of server 6.10 in vmware?06:46
Tim91Sorry, couldn't display all the contents of "Windows Network: mshomeinternet"         why why why this dong my f..in head in06:46
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iterTim91: firewall ?06:46
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RogerBaconi use Code::Block (great IDE) and i have this error heach time i try to compile :-------------- Build: Release in Test ---------------Compiling: main.c/bin/sh: Can't open gcc -Wall -O2  -I/usr/include  -c main.c -o obj/Release/main.Process terminated with status 2 (0 minutes, 1 seconds)0 errors, 0 warnings06:46
WarboAnyone know how I can get dbus 0.61 for Dapper in a way which won't screw up my system?06:47
Tim91what do i do06:47
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ArrenLexRogerBacon: do you have build-essential installed?06:47
Tim91how do i disable it06:47
iterTim91: also check firewall on windows machines06:47
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CorboWarbo: I have opened nautilus as root, I am in to my drive, great, but some folders show "The folder contents could not be displayed" when I open them06:47
Tim91but its a network06:47
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fredsacan nobody help me get my network interface working? my pc's rather like a car with no wheels at the moment06:47
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porkpieguy's can you tell me how to install the module please http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/29167/06:47
Tim91ok i wil go and check06:47
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sliptteesARRGGG focked PCMCIA 3com fo helll :S06:48
WarboCorbo: Hmm. Try taring the contents of the drive and copying across the tarball. That should sort most things out (I am a little rusty on my tar options tough)06:48
DanaGfredsa: what's the specific issue?06:48
CorboWarbo: do I need to take ownership of the folders?06:48
RogerBaconArrenLex : yes06:48
RiGLEYHi! I'm very new to linux, just installed it yesterday, so far i'm loving it, but I have a question:  Can I somehow change the contents of the right-click menu on the desktop?06:48
monchiHello ... Has anybody been able to set different profile for users on Ubuntu? So each user have a different desktop?06:48
WarboCorbo: If you have Nautilus as root then that shouldn't matter06:48
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lostat1Corbo: You are attempting to access an External USB HD or an internal SCSI or IDE hard-drive that is not the primary drive and is formatted in foul NTFS?06:49
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ArrenLexRogerBacon: what happens if you try running that command manually in the directory where that file is?06:49
=== DanaG is using NTFS just fine.
ale[x] RiGLEY, just add another user06:49
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DanaGTry booting windows and doing chkdsk /r06:49
TriplemehI noticed that the gnome-bar in edgy doesn't contain a notification area by default06:49
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rene32iter: Seems to work fine. Network Manager just killed my keyboard (again) so the PC is rebooting. But does not seem to be a big deal. thx. If it does not work, I'll be back ;-)06:49
WarboRiGLEY: Erm, I know you can add a "Open Terminal" option with the package "nautilus-open-terminal", other than that you might be able to with Nautilus scripts but I have no knowledge of how to use them06:49
alecjwRiGLEY: what do you want to add or remove?06:49
teleporthi everybody !06:50
Triplemehgood morning06:50
fredsaDanaG, I changed the motherboard in my pc today. On reboot everything works but the built in network card. I just says "No such device" where the device applet is06:50
Corbolostat1: I am trying to access an NTFS sata drive, local to the machine.  I can access it, but most folders are showing "The folder contents could not be displayed" when I open them06:50
ale[x] sorry, monchi, just add another user06:50
CorboI am opening them as root06:50
RiGLEYsome application shortcuts, maybe custom menus.. etc.06:50
DanaGDo you know what the network card is?06:50
mc44fredsa: what does ifconfig say?06:50
CorboI want to get the files off of the ntfs drive06:50
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alecjwRiGLEY: i reccomend adding a taskbar for that06:50
Warbomonchi: Every user has a unique EVERYTHING. All users can use GNOME, KDE, etc. by selecting whichever they want on the login screen (and each will have different settings for each)06:50
minimecfredsa: Veryfy the BIOS! Maybe your onboard network card is disabled.06:51
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RiGLEYOK, how can I add a taskbar ?06:51
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monchiWarbo: I just want Hide everything to certain user and just leave Mozilla06:51
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Warbomonchi: Is that in a security-concious way, or an ease-of-use way?06:51
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RogerBaconArrenLex : when i compile it directly from the directory with gcc -o main main.c its work06:51
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alecjwRiGLEY: sorry, i meant a panel. right click on the panel at the top with ahe applications menu and all of thet on it and click on add panel06:51
monchiWarbo: Security06:52
RiGLEYThanks, I will try that.06:52
DanaGfredsa: try lspci | grep net06:52
fredsamc44, it gives a lot of info about eth1 and lo. Give me a sec and I'll get it on this machine06:52
alecjwRiGLEY: then it  will make a panel on the right hand side of your screen and you can click and drag to move it06:52
Warbomonchi: Ah, then that is beyond me then. You might want to run X from a chroot which only contains Mozilla06:52
monchiWarbo: when this specific user logs in it will a different desktop06:52
DanaGor lspci | grep Net06:52
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monchiWarbo: how would this be done forgetting about security?06:52
lostat1Corbo: Stupid question but those files that show the error were they at all pgp or ntfs protected?06:53
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DanaGlinux NTFS doesn't do encrypted NTFS.06:53
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fredsaDanaG, Ethernet Controller: nVidia Corporation nForce2 Ethernet Controller (rev a1)06:53
Warbomonchi: Forgetting security I would just say get rid of everything on the panel apart from maybe the clock and taskbar, and the logout button, then put a Mozilla icon on the desktop and stretch it until it is massive, job done :)06:53
Corbolostat - it is purely an ntfs drive, with no compression or encryption enabled06:53
monchiWarbo: Here is the description of what I want to do https://wiki.edubuntu.org/EdubuntuDynamicMenus06:53
fredsaDanaG, so it looks like it's there06:53
teleportit's a good idea to make the upgrate from 6.06 -> 6.10 ???06:53
alecjwRiGLEY: do you know how to add launchers to the panel?06:53
DanaGthen try modprobe-ing forcedeth06:53
pocketkkHowdy, Quick question.  I have a new Dell E1705, i have everything working awesome (including Beryl) but i'm having now luck with wireless.  Will a switch from Dapper to Edgy help?06:53
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talldave2002can anyone help me reconfigure my xserver, i have tried to install nvidia drivers after update to edgy, and now i cannot start xserver, and envy says cannot install because xserver running06:54
RiGLEYJust drag, and drop?06:54
DanaGI cast FORCEDETH upon ye all!06:54
alecjwpocketkk: what wireless card do you have06:54
monchiWarbo: How do I get rid of it?06:54
fredsaDanaG, was that modprobe instruction for e06:54
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vitalis anyone having issues with their synaptic touchpads after logging in06:54
earthianteleport, no06:54
alecjwRiGLEY: yep ypu can do that06:54
pocketkkBroadcom 431106:54
Warbomonchi: Everything I can think of to restrict a user account can easily be undone from within that account, so is therefore useless as a security measure06:54
minimecfredsa: try 'sudo ifconfig eth1 up' then 'ifconfig' If eth1 is configured well you can 'ping' now.06:54
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ale[x] teleport, i would do a fresh intall06:54
DanaGgsynaptics is broken.06:54
=== Hagbard_3 [n=Hagbard@90-224-36-86-no95.tbcn.telia.com] has joined #ubuntu
AdamKiliafter upgrading to Edgy, i lost my graphical boot up, where it has the ubuntu name and logo at the top and says Loading Essential Drivers..., Mounting root file sytem..., etc. here's a pic of what i mean: http://lunapark6.com/wp-content/uploads/2006/05/ubuntu-startup1-1.jpg can anyone help?06:54
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alecjwpocketkk: i'll try and find the tutorial for you06:55
DanaGUnknown parameter CoastingSpeedThreashold06:55
Corbohow about if I share the ntfs drive, and access it from my vmware windows XP install?  would that work?06:55
monchiWarbo: Okay thanks06:55
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lostat1That ight06:55
=== Dethread [n=Dethread@c-71-202-46-142.hsd1.ca.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
earthianAdamKili, you need "splash" option in your boot loader i believe?06:55
DanaGWell, if it's encrypted NTFS, the only way to get it is to boot Windows06:55
lostat1Im still trying to figure out why you would get that error06:55
pocketkkI've gone through them, using ndiswrapper06:55
DanaGand unencrypt it.06:55
WarboOops, I've got to go sorry. monchi, you might try researching chroot, debootstrap and how to start graphical logins over a network (or ion this case from within the cghroot to outside it)06:55
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CorboDanag: it is not encrypted06:55
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DanaGmight need a chkdsk.06:56
fredsaDanaG, ok I tried modprobe forcedeth.... nothing much happened. Not even deth06:56
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AdamKiliearthian: how do i get to the boot loader?06:56
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monchiWarbo: Okay06:56
lostat1i know that i had a similar issue and I had to just globally change the files and drives permission then it copied fine06:56
mc44fredsa: sudo modprobe forcedeth -v?06:56
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DanaGwell, might wanna rmmod it first.06:56
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alecjwpocketkk: try this tutorial: http://www.ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=185174&highlight=broadcom+how+to its really written fror bcm4306'es but should work on anything ecept bcm4318's06:57
lostat1When I was using nautilus as root i just did a drag and drop of files06:57
RiGLEYAnother newbie q: Should I install any other driver besides the Nvidia video driver? Everything seems to function properly.06:57
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amiyourjulietHi everyone06:57
lostat1No Rigley06:57
DanaGI have an odd issue: my snd-hda-intel only works 1/3 of the time.06:57
earthianAdamKili, well.. in my honest opinion, you better do not touch boot loader configuration if you do not know how to do it properly. Read documentation and google for howtos. its all i could suggest.06:57
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factorxHi guys. My sound doesn't work although Ubuntu recognizes my soundcard properly and I'm also sure it's unmuted. Nevertheless I don't hear any sound when playing a sound file in Rhythmbox or Totem. What's wrong?06:57
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morphishalecjw: 4318 are working better now i hear from the spec writer, having said that, i still have no luck using bcm43xx w/o locking up my machine06:57
mc44DanaG: what chipset?06:57
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amiyourjulietI'm having trouble compiling some src code.  I get the following error: g++ -O2 -Wall `pkg-config --cflags gtk+-2.0`  -c callbacks.cc -o callbacks.o06:58
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Corbook, samba now, I have shared a folder on ubuntu, when I try to open it in windows xp across the network it wants a username and password06:58
lostat1factorx is the volume turned up at all. Mute is Mute but no volume is no volume06:58
DanaGaudio chip is Sigmatel STAC925006:58
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factorxlostat1, yes, it's up to 100%06:58
lostat1Ahh corbo its protected like we asked then.06:58
fredsaminimec, that ping worked. The icon still says no device exists though06:58
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mathieu_hi, I m running ubuntu edgy eft and I have a lot of artsd process running06:58
earthianfactorx, check if your account has sound enabled at System->administration->users and groupd06:58
mathieu_around 15006:58
wastrelfactorx:  are all the channels turned all the way up?06:58
lostat1Hmm factorx try to use this in terminal killall esd06:58
DanaGIt only works when alsamixer DOESN'T show an SPDIF channel.06:58
Corboloststat: what is protected?06:58
mathieu_can someone tell me what s happening ?06:59
AdamKiliearthian: i need to fix this cause i'm going to do a 5 min present about Ubuntu operating system, and i need it to look good. what should i search for in google? i'm not sure how to find a good howto06:59
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Tim91can some one tell me were im going wrong with my network configuration06:59
lostat1Well your ntfs drive wants a username and passwork to access the folders shared on the drive06:59
c0nfnashnash Yo!06:59
nashnashhow to install my deskjet hp drivers >_<06:59
earthianAdamKili, what boot loader do you use?06:59
nashnashhow to install my deskjet hp drivers >_<06:59
nashnashhow to install my deskjet hp drivers >_<06:59
factorxearthian, my user account is granted to use sounds.06:59
AdamKilihow do i tell06:59
Corbolost: no....that's only the share permissions, not the ntfs permissions06:59
factorxwastrel, yes, all channels are turned up.06:59
DanaGhplip is hp stuff.06:59
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c0nfDanaG: i have the same problem07:00
wastrelTim91:  what's your network configuration07:00
c0nfwtf is hplip :x07:00
lostat1Oh I miss read07:00
nashnashi tried to install hplip but i have prob with it07:00
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Tim91i can now see the file from another computer07:00
minimecfredsa: So your card works. Good news ;) Try 'sudo ifdown eth1' then 'sudo dhclinet eh1'. Let's see if dhcp gives you an ip...07:00
DanaGGo to System -- Administration -- Printers07:00
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nashnashi went to admins... -> printers07:00
earthianhm... good question :D07:00
nashnashi chose local printers07:00
AdamKiliearthian: i think GRUB07:00
nashnashbut then i need to specify a port07:00
nashnashto choose from a list07:00
lostat1I know that at work we use password encryption on everything so that isnt the prob for you I am not sure. Ive been googleing and nothing comes up07:00
nashnashand hp is hp no_devices_found07:00
Corboso, when I try to access a samba share from an XP machine it wants a user/pass, how can I setup users for samba access?07:00
Tim91 wastrel:I have ubuntu ,and windows home connected on wired network07:00
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AdamKiliearthian: that's what it says at the very beginning of booting up07:00
c0nfnashnash is asking a question :<07:00
NeedHelpPLeaseCan someone please help who has laptop and an nvidia card ? I am a new user.07:00
earthianok then check bottom of your /boot/grub/menu.lst file07:00
lostat1sorry I dont know samba well07:01
DanaGI have nvidia.07:01
=== mplayer_guy [n=JQK@ner-as10890.alshamil.net.ae] has joined #Ubuntu
earthianand pastebin it to me.07:01
factorxlostat1, killall esd worked. I can now hear sounds. Can you explain me what was the problem?07:01
nashnashhow to install my deskjet hp drivers >_<07:01
nashnashhow to install my deskjet hp drivers >_<07:01
nashnashhow to install my deskjet hp drivers >_<07:01
wastrelTim91:  so what's the problem?07:01
wastrelnashnash:  don't repeat07:01
jribNeedHelpPLease: hi, just state what problem you are having07:01
lostat1Might be easier to move the NTFS drive to be primary and copy everything to CD or to a slaved non NTFS drive.07:01
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ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about spam - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi07:01
DanaGMake sure the printer is ON when you try to add it.07:01
mplayer_guyAfter, I've followed a guide to setup xgl/beryl (ATI), rebooted my pc, and now I cannot see the taskbar, please help.07:01
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Tim91 wastrel:i want to be able to sheaqr my internet connection07:01
amiyourjulietI'm trying to build from src, and I get this error:       "make: Nothing to be done for `all'."07:01
amiyourjulietwhat does that mean?07:01
DrWoLfhello people07:01
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about hp - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi07:01
=== boss [n=boss@p548EEDE7.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #ubuntu
ubotuPrinting in Ubuntu is done with cups. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Printers - https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupportComponentsPrinters - http://linuxprinting.org - Printer sharing: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/NetworkPrintingFromWindows07:01
wastrelTim91:  which computer is connected to the internet?07:02
NeedHelpPLeaseDanaG can you please help ?07:02
=== vetofish [n=brian@c-71-199-23-162.hsd1.co.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
jribamiyourjuliet: means there is nothing to do07:02
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c0nf!printer driver07:02
tecwhat do i need to install to use xfce as my de07:02
DrWoLfCan you help - where can I find applets for Ubuntu?07:02
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jribDrWoLf: what kind of applets?07:02
nashnashwhat do i need to do here07:02
fredsaminimec, can you check that last command please? My terminal says command not found07:02
nashnashconfigure: error: cannot find net-snmp support (or --disable-network-build)07:02
DanaGargh, scrolling too fast!07:02
earthianmplayer_guy, that could mean that emerald or beryl window manager is not started07:02
amiyourjulietjrib: thanks, but that is confusing lol07:02
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minimecfredsa: Could it be that your GUI is looking for eth0 and not for eth1?07:02
jribamiyourjuliet: what are you compiling?07:02
Tim91 wastrel:the ubuntu computer is connected to the internet07:02
NeedHelpPLeaseCan someone please help who has laptop and an nvidia card ? I am a new user.07:02
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DanaGWhat's your issue with nvidia?07:02
jribNeedHelpPLease: we can only help you if you tell us the problem you are having07:02
ale[x] needhelpplease, whats your problem07:02
fredsaminimec, yeah you're right07:03
lostat1amiyourjuliet: It means you have made it already now its time for make install07:03
nashnashconfigure: error: cannot find net-snmp support (or --disable-network-build)07:03
nashnash ---> what do i do here?07:03
mplayer_guyearthian, and the font changed. It's like it squeezed together.07:03
NeedHelpPLeaseDanaG can I talk to you in private, too many messages here ..07:03
lostat1Corbo what r u trying.07:03
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DanaGit's better public -- just speak clearly.07:03
Tim91omg i can see the files from the ,windows xp home pc07:03
earthianmplayer_guy, do you have a beryl icon in the taskbar?07:03
Tim91 wastrel:07:03
=== jerp [n=Jack@c-71-56-11-215.hsd1.ga.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
DanaGAnd people should wait at least 1 second between posts.07:03
pizzadudetrappist: you here?07:03
lostat1Tim91 dont be scared it is just a lower lifeform07:03
nashnashplz someone help me im stuck in the configure before make , trying to compile hplip07:03
nashnashconfigure: error: cannot find net-snmp support (or --disable-network-build)07:03
vitaldo u need the newest nvidia drivers for beryl to work on edgy07:04
amiyourjulietjrib: I'm compiling g-sopcast07:04
DanaGhplip is a package already.07:04
mplayer_guyearthian,  not yet, cause after I've installed beryl xserver-xgl and emerald-theme, i haven't rebooted yet.07:04
nashnashDanG it's not working tho..07:04
wastrelTim91:  https://help.ubuntu.com/community/InternetConnectionSharing07:04
DanaGadd this: deb http://amaranth.selfip.com edgy lrm07:04
NeedHelpPLeaseDanaG, I am a noob and just isntalled first time Ubuntu 6.10 I have a laptop and nvidia GO6600 I simply want it to work properly - power control management, my fan is working full speed right now, how do I slow it down as I am not using full power of the video card ?07:04
ketsugiWill Firefox ever give us native styled Gtk widgets?07:04
AdamKiliearthian: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/29172/07:04
c0nfHi! I installed Edgy, but I have problems... How can I install nVIDIA graphic drivers? :)07:04
DanaGto /etc/apt/sources.list07:04
minimecfredsa: so probably you can fix the problem with your GUI now ;) The command should be 'sudo dhclient eth1'07:04
Corbolost:  I have an NTFS drive, I am copying my files off of it.  Some folders simply error when I open them telling me "The folder contents could not be displayed" - so I cant get at these files07:04
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Tim91 wastrel:i will look at that thanks07:04
amiyourjulietlostat1: i did make install, and i get: teg:~/gsopcast-0.2.8/src$ sudo make install07:05
amiyourjulietinstall -D gsopcast /usr/local/bin/gsopcast07:05
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iterc0nf: easyubuntu or automatrix will automate the install w/a nice gui07:05
timhaughtonDo external USB drives need an entry in fstab? They aren't being mounted at boot time.07:05
fredsaminimec, I think I fixed it from within the gui itself, but I neet07:05
jerpwhat's a g-sopcast07:05
DanaGoh, for the net applet, try going to its properties07:05
newmedianIs anyone running daemontools (for djbnds) on Edgy? Edgy doesn't seem to be respecting my SV:123456:respawn:/command/svscanboot in inittab.07:05
lostat1Corbo: So take that NTFS drive make it master and copy those files to CD or copy them to another slave drive07:05
c0nfiter: automatrix?07:05
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DanaGthen set its interface to the right one.07:05
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mplayer_guytimhaughton,  it'll automatically mount itself (with 2.6 kernel)07:05
ubotuautomatix is a script that tries to install some software, and often fails and breaks systems. We don't provide support for it, and we strongly discourage its use.07:05
fredsaminimec: ...need to log off to find out.07:05
POVaddctiter: it will fsck up your system too07:05
minimecfredsa: ok ..07:05
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Corbolost: there is no OS on it07:05
timhaughtonmplayer_guy: To what mount point?07:05
earthianAdamKili, is the paste there full ? :o07:05
Tim91 wastrel: im so happy i can see the files, is this work i can move to ubuntu 64 for ever ;)07:05
DanaGdeb http://amaranth.selfip.com edgy lrm   --   has newer NVIDIA systems.07:05
c0nfon breezy it was sudo apt-get install ...07:05
iterc0nf: hahaha07:05
mplayer_guytimhaughton, /media07:05
kodatugh..i installed flash for linux..but all it does is crash my firefox07:05
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c0nfwhy its not the same @ edgy?07:05
kodatanyone have a solution07:06
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iterc0nf: automatix that is07:06
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LjL!language | c0nf07:06
ubotuc0nf: Please watch your language and keep this channel family friendly.07:06
iterc0nf: apt-get install nvidia-glx07:06
mplayer_guyearthian,  not yet, cause after I've installed beryl xserver-xgl and emerald-theme, i haven't rebooted yet.] 07:06
Hansemannhello. can someone help me with installing the nework card: Belkin F5D7001 ??? plz pm07:06
c0nfiter: u sure it works for edgy?07:06
NeedHelpPLeaseDanaG so what do I do ?07:06
jribamiyourjuliet: why are you issuing make inside src/  shouldn't you mean in g-sopcast/ ?07:06
lostat1Corbo: You know what i mean?07:06
LjLc0nf: i have nvidia-glx installed in my edgy07:06
DanaGadd that source, then sudo apt-get update07:06
mplayer_guyhangy,  wireless?07:06
earthianmplayer_guy, you need to run beryl-manager or something like that...07:06
c0nfLjL: and u can confirm it works?07:06
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NeedHelpPLeaseDanaG and it will do everything automatically for me ?07:07
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DanaGhmm, beryl-manager has to be in startup.07:07
LjLc0nf: well, i'm typing this on KDE on a graphical X terminal, so i guess so07:07
Corbolost: you are saying make the drive master, boot from it and copy the files off?  Well that won't work because it has no OS on the drive, it is just a file store07:07
c0nfLjL: what card do u have btw?07:07
LjLc0nf: FX 520007:07
earthiani have them in gnome startup (well i had when i had dapper :/)07:07
amiyourjulietjrib: i got it to make, and install.  I launched the program and it is working.  Is there a way to create a link on panel?  It doesnt show in the applications menu =[07:07
Hansemannhello. can someone help me with installing the nework card: Belkin F5D7001 ??? plz pm me07:07
c0nfLjL: thx :)07:07
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masturbat0rc0nf: buh07:07
iterhehe me too07:07
RiGLEYNow that I have a nice op. system up and running, will Ubuntu automatically alert me whenever there is an updated component available?07:07
timhaughtonmplayer_guy: They aren't being mounted at boot :(07:07
lostat1Ahh Corbo you didnt say that.07:07
c0nfmasturbat0r: mm... D: 8(07:07
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jribamiyourjuliet: create a launcher in your panel and just put the command you used to launch it fromt he terminal07:07
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mplayer_guyearthian,  oh ok, last question (sorry) .. Why don't i have the login screen, but instead, it boots into one of the virtual consoles, and i have to type startx, to start it.. how can i fix that, and let it automatically go to Login GUI screen?07:07
Corbommm tricky isn't it07:07
=== darich [n=trickyki@host81-157-45-111.range81-157.btcentralplus.com] has joined #ubuntu
earthianAdamKili, is the paste there full ? :o I seem to be missing something :S07:07
LjLRiGLEY: yes07:07
wastrelRiGLEY:  yes07:07
wastrelljl wins07:08
RiGLEYNice, thanks!07:08
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lostat1Corbo: Do you have a winxp machine around? Use the SATA drive as a slave on that to copy to cD07:08
mplayer_guytimhaughton, type lsusb at terminal, and paste the response @ pastebin.com07:08
DanaGthen sudo nvidia-xconfig --add-argb-glx-visuals --composite --no-logo07:08
Corbolost, I might have to do that07:08
Xaphoohow do I make a shortcut to /home/~/ on my desktop?07:08
Hansemannhass someone accually managed to install Belkin F5D7001 network card?07:08
LjLwastrel: my typing skillz are too l337 4 u07:08
jribXaphoo: right click > create launcher07:08
earthianmplayer_guy, looks like your gdm does not start? <---- not my competence sorry :/07:08
RiGLEYWill it show updates to the programs I have installed too?07:08
CorboI have a virtual XP machine, but I don't know how to set samba up to share the drive07:08
AdamKiliearthian: i thought u meant just the bottom, here's the full one: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/29173/07:08
lostat1Corbo: Sorry I am of no use on this. I have ot get ready for a formal dinner. If your on later tell me how it goes07:08
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mplayer_guyHansemann, ,  wireless?07:08
sychoAnyone tell me where the "Disk Management" that was under "System -> Administration" in Dapper went to in Edgy?07:08
Corbook, enjoy your dinner!07:08
=== DanaG is now known as DanaG|Away
jribsycho: unmaintained I believe07:09
mplayer_guyQuestion: Why don't i have the login screen, but instead, it boots into one of the virtual consoles, and i have to type startx, to start it.. how can i fix that, and let it automatically go to Login GUI screen?07:09
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LjLUbotu, please tell DanaG|Away about away07:09
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mplayer_guyearthian, /etc/init.d/gdm restart ?07:09
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Xaphoojrib: as far as I know that doesn't work to create a shortcut to a dir07:09
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simonpyou can add icons for trash home and other stuff using gconf-editor07:09
XaphooI have to make a symlink and I forgot how07:09
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amphiXaphoo: man ln07:09
wastrelmplayer_guy:  are you using gnome or kde or something else?07:09
mplayer_guyXaphoo,  ln -s filename target07:09
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eneriedsomebody could help me?07:09
jribXaphoo: both of those methods should work, you select file as the type of launcher I believe07:09
fredsathat did the trick. Thanks minimec and everyone else who helped07:09
mplayer_guywasabi,  gnome07:09
POVaddctXaphoo: ln -s link_target link_name07:09
simonpgo in /apps/nautilus/desktop07:09
Xaphoothank you07:09
LjL!ask | eneried07:09
ubotueneried: Don't ask to ask a question. Just ask your question :)07:09
timhaughtonmplayer_guy: Pasted - sites a bit slow07:10
sychojrib: meaning they got rid of it?07:10
wastrelmplayer_guy:  what does that do for you   sudo /etc/init.d gdm restart07:10
minimecfredsa: no problem...07:10
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eneriedi got a problem trying to start stepmania, it doesn't use my sound card, but stepmania works in my computer when i use windows, i supose there's no hardware problem07:10
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skoldhi i have a problem with beryl  under gnome: it dont use the gtk-engine and the icons i choose in gnome07:10
jribsycho: yes, i think so07:10
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rem__Hey...when you connect to a windows share with "places" "connect to server" you get the icon on your desktop...but where is the folder mounted in .. ?!?07:10
earthianAdamKili, sorry, but the file there looks ok and i do not see where could be the problem now :/07:10
timhaughtonmplayer_guy: They are being picked up OK, and I can mount them manually.07:10
peacefullis there any way to install gcc compiler in my unbuntu 6.06 with out using apt-get?07:10
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mplayer_guywasabi,  Hold on, I have to logg off, to type that, and see.07:10
LjLUbotu, please tell skold about beryl07:10
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eneriedthis is the error message i got http://pastebin.co.uk/481007:11
LjLUbotu, please tell peacefull about compile07:11
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LjLpeacefull: ah sorry you said *without*07:11
NeedHelpPLeaseI still Need help. Anyone with Nvidia card please ?07:11
LjLpeacefull: no internet?07:11
=== nebojsa_o [n=nebojsa@S0106001346f8178b.ss.shawcable.net] has joined #ubuntu
LjL!helpme | NeedHelpPLease07:11
ubotuNeedHelpPLease: Don't ask to ask a question. Just ask your question :)07:11
simonpgstreamer don't want to encode to mp3 : ( even with all gstreamer0.10-plugins installed07:11
nashnashDang yes phplip was installed i just needed to search for Deskjet 710C @ admin -> printer in LPT #107:11
sychojrib: ok thanks07:11
nashnashthanks alot07:11
=== hugifrb [n=martin@p549FED56.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #ubuntu
eneriedpeacefull, i think is better to use apt-get or synaptic or aptitude to keep consistence of packages in the system07:11
nashnashhplip* lol07:11
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ketsugiIt's so nice to have Digg Swarm and Digg Stack working on Linux :)07:11
sychojrib: by chance you know of any other way to see what disks are mounted and what can be mounted?07:12
AdamKiliearthian: in the file, in the comments (# signs) it has this defoptions=quiet splash maybe i need to add that?07:12
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jrib!diskmounter > sycho07:12
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NeedHelpPLeaseI am a new user to linux and isntalled Ubuntu 6.10 first time. My nvidia fans are working full speed now. How do I make it to contro litself? Power Management ?  Please go easy I am a new user to Linux.07:12
gizmo_the_great1hi. anyone here familiar with The GIMP that could help me?07:12
NeedHelpPLeaseI have a laptop.07:12
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earthianAdamKili, no07:12
rem__sycho : df in terminal ..07:12
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sychojrib: thanks buddy07:12
rem__Hey...when you connect to a windows share with "places" "connect to server" you get the icon on your desktop...but where is the folder mounted in .. ?!?07:12
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iterrem__: it's not07:13
Hansemanni have made the wireless network card work before but i dont remember where i find the tutorial... Can someone plz help me?07:13
jerpI've got an 2yo NVidia Fx 5600 (Asylum-BFG)  but it's not tweaked yet for Linux; just out of box.07:13
kodati installed the right flash player for firefox..but when i go to a webpage my firefox crashes..anyone?07:13
wastrelgizmo_the_great1:  just ask your question - we don't know if we can help until we see the q :] 07:13
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earthianAdamKili, the single # in that file means a default value while comments are with two # (##)07:13
vetofishis there anyone who can help me with a Samba problem?07:13
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lobosquehow do i enable things like transparent windows? xD07:13
ayaamy mouse is still freezing after some 5 minutes of fresh boot, having Ubuntu edgy, compared the stdout of lsmod and lsusb before and after mouse freezes and got nothing, when comparing all the /var/log files before and after, i found these 3 lines :07:13
ayaaACPI Error (evevent-0314): No installed handler for fixed event [00000000]  [20060707] 07:13
mplayer_guywastrel, done /etc/init.d/gdm restart , and stop = OK, start = OK.07:13
jrib!xgl > lobosque07:13
ayaaACPI Error (evxfevnt-0386): Could not disable RealTimeClock events [20060707] 07:13
LjLNeedHelpPLease: i think you could do that with the "fancontrol" script that is in the "lm-sensors" packages, but it's not incredibly easy07:13
ayaaACPI Error (evevent-0314): No installed handler for fixed event [00000000]  [20060707] 07:13
earthianAdamKili, and that is only for the middle part of the file.07:13
rem__ok I guess the folder on the desktop is a direct link to the smb share ...?07:13
wastrelmplayer_guy:  ok so gdm is working but isn't starting at bootup ?07:13
gizmo_the_great1wastrel: I have scanned in a black and white photo as greyscale. When I got to try to use any of the filters or even adjust the levels it says "Indexed layers cannot be adjusted". What gives?07:13
LjLUbotu, please tell ayaa about paste07:14
iterrem__: it uses gnomevfs07:14
shuani have removed all of the software channels like a fool; from software preferences, can anyone help?07:14
wastrelmplayer_guy:  you probably need to do something like :  sudo update-rc.d gdm defaults     to set up the gdm init scripts07:14
Hansemannhas someone accually managed to install Belkin F5D7001 wireless network card in ubuntu?07:14
RalleAbhow do I restore the windows boot setup since grub won't work?07:14
LjLshuan: what is the actual problem?07:14
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rem__can you see how it is mounted with a command like "df" .. ?07:14
AdamKiliearthian: is there a package that does the graphical boot up? cause when i first upgraded I needed to install xserver-xorg (it wasn't installed!!) to get the GUI working again. maybe i need to do the same thing to get graphical boot up working again.07:14
art3ksalve gente07:14
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tecwill my applications in gnome work in fluxbox/\07:14
wastrelgizmo_the_great1:  you need to convert them from indexed07:14
LjLUbotu, please tell RalleAb about grub07:14
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shuanLjL: i cant add software because i removed all of the software channels07:15
mplayer_guywastrel, After, I done /etc/init.d/gdm restart, then i tried type this -> gdm <-- But I get failed X server, when I went and see the problem, it said unrecognized option: vt707:15
timhaughtonmplayer_guy: http://pastebin.com/81539907:15
gizmo_the_great1wastrel: what is 'indexed' - what does that mean? And how to I convert from that?07:15
ubotusamba is the way to cooperate with Windows environments. Links with more info: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MountWindowsSharesPermanently http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/serverguide/C/windows-networking.html Samba can be administered via the web with SWAT07:15
earthianAdamKili, i do not know, sorry. to be honest i am stuck on live cd of edgy myself... :/07:15
vitaldo I need the beta nvidia drivers for beryl to work on edgy?07:15
talldave2002i am trying to install nvidia drivers using envy but i get error 'you appear to be running an x server' how do i stop runnung an x server?07:15
LjLUbotu, please tell shuan about source-o-matic07:15
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reikion Dapper.. how can I tell if Dapper is seeing both cores of my PentiumD?07:15
JimmeyI've install Flash but it doesn't work for all the users on the computer - I copied the plugin folder from one user's .mozilla directory to another, but that still doesn't work07:15
itervital: most likely07:15
wastrelmplayer_guy:  but X will start if you type startx?07:15
Xaphoohas anyone had any succes in viewing Quicktime files from within firefox?07:15
peacefullis there any way to install gcc compiler in my unbuntu 6.06 with out using apt-get?07:15
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gizmo_the_great1talldave2002: I thinkg it's 'gdm stop'07:15
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vitalthanks iter07:15
LjLvital: yes, if you want to use AIGLX for that. otherwise you can use XGL, but i think AIGLX is preferred. however,07:15
LjLUbotu, please tell vital about xgl07:15
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eneriedi explain my problem again: I want to play stepmania, I used it on windows, but is too slow, I want to play it on dapper. I downloaded the package and launched it, then, it gives me a sound related problem. But i have sound on ubuntu! and both sound cards play sounds from multiple sources at same time, for example xmms and flash. This is the error message: http://pastebin.co.uk/4810 , any idea?07:15
asarchHey, do you know an Ubuntu channel  in  spanish?07:16
POVaddctreiki: cat /proc/cpuinfo07:16
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kodatgoddd what the hell..why does firefox crash when i go to a flash website..i installed the player correctly >.<07:16
simonpvital: stock nvidia drivers are working fine with my nvidia 7300gt07:16
jribJimmey: just put it in /usr/lib/firefox/plugins/07:16
reikiPOVaddct, thanks07:16
Tim91can any one help             timo900@timo900-desktop:~$ sudo sh -c echo 1 > /proc/sys/net/ipv4/ip_forward07:16
Tim91            bash: /proc/sys/net/ipv4/ip_forward: Permission denied07:16
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Jimmeyjrib, I think it's already there07:16
iterasarch: ubuntu-es07:16
Hansemannis it a channel for network help?07:16
LjLUbotu, please tell asarch about es07:16
jribJimmey: by "doesn't work" what happens exactly?07:16
asarchiter: Thanks a lot, happy hacking!!!07:16
vitalsimonp: how did u install beryl. what repos are u using07:16
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POVaddctTim91: you have to quote the sh -c ... part07:16
asarchSee ya07:16
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itervital use wiki at beryl-project07:16
wastrelgizmo_the_great1:  indexed is a type of image format - gif's are indexed i believe.  go into the Image menu, mode and choose a different type (grayscale probably)07:16
Jimmeyjrib, Firefox asks me to install the plugin.07:16
=== jeefers_ [n=jeefers@oh-76-1-32-74.dyn.embarqhsd.net] has joined #ubuntu
LjLHansemann: if it's about Ubuntu, yes07:16
fdovingis the 'apt-get autoremove' feature ubuntu specific or does debian have it too?07:16
Tim91ohh i removed them lol ,07:17
LjLUbotu, please tell Hansemann about wifi07:17
talldave2002no i still have the same error07:17
vitaliter: thanks07:17
POVaddctTim91: sudo sh -c "echo ... > /proc/...."07:17
simonpThe questions/seconds level is quite high : )07:17
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mplayer_guywastrel,  sorry for keeping you watiing, yes X will start, if i type startx07:17
reikiPOVaddct, cpuinfo appears to be listing info for one CPU... It does say Pentium D but I can't see anything telling me there's 2 CPUs in here07:17
mplayer_guythat's how i log in07:17
LjLfdoving: it's ubuntu-specific for now. at least, my debian testing doesn't have it.07:17
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lobosqueguys, to install the NVIDIA drive, the X Server cannot be running07:17
jribJimmey: did you check if it was in /usr/lib/firefox/plugins?  Did you close all instances of firefox and open them again?07:17
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lobosquehow i do that?07:17
fdovingLjL: ok, thanks. :)07:17
profoX`How can I see if a file uses unix like enters or windows like enters? a friend of mine edited his menu.lst using notepad.. i want to check wether there is no problem with the newlines07:17
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POVaddctreiki: the default kernel in dapper has no smp support07:18
peacefullcan anyone expert speak to me for gcc compiler instal without using apt-get?07:18
ketsugiEdgy no longer has processor-specific kernels?07:18
reikiPOVaddct, should I be running the 686-smp kernel?07:18
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POVaddctreiki: that would be a smp kernel, yes07:18
Jimmeyjrib, I'm just testing that now07:18
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POVaddctreiki: don't know the exact package name07:18
wastrelmplayer_guy:  I'm not sure but it may be that your GDM is trying to access video modes that aren't supported-   your gnome session works because it's using a different mode-   i don't know how to troubleshoot this further though.  maybe someone else can help.07:18
newmedianreiki, when I upgraded to Edgy, by default it is giving me only 1 of my cores. If you do a dmesg|more early on I get WARNING: NR_CPUS limit of 1 reached.  Processor ignored.07:18
Tim91POVaddct: I am guseing this enables internet connection shearing07:18
birdfishAre there many interesting benefits to installing 6.10 Server over 6.06 Server?07:18
eneriedthere's no help for me, here07:18
simonppeacefull: you mean no apt-get or no package?07:19
sanmarcosbirdfish: dont bother07:19
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sanmarcosbirdfish: if you get trac you get the security holes fixed07:19
mplayer_guywastrel,  My Beryl works fine, as we speak07:19
sanmarcosbirdfish: else its just asking for problems07:19
Jimmeyjrib, yeah, I put it into.../usr/lib/firefox/plugins, and it's still asking me to install flash07:19
POVaddctTim91: it enables routing between network interfaces. it doesnt enable nat.07:19
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fredsaprofoX`, I think you should see them just by opening the file in a text editor. Certainly vim will display them07:19
JimmeyI put the flash plugin into that folder, jrib07:19
reikinewmedian, thanks.. I have edgy on a test hard drive. I was speaking about my main install which will remain Dapper for a while :)07:19
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simonpbirdfish: stick 6.06, it's a LTS release07:19
jribJimmey: did you do the second thing?07:19
birdfishsanmarcos: that's what I suspected07:19
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birdfishThanks guys :)07:19
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LjLprofoX`: there is a command to convert unix newlines to dos newlines, but i don't remember it out of my head07:19
profoX`fredsa: how will that _look_ like? because it doe slook normal07:19
Hansemanni need someone that can help me with installing Belkin f5D7001 Wireless network card! i have managed to installed it before but i dont remember where i did find the guide...07:19
wastrelmplayer_guy:  yes but gdm may be using a different video mode, and so it isn't working.07:19
Jimmeyjrib, what was that?07:19
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sanmarcosbirdfish: seriously, edgy is NOT an LTS release, look at the name07:20
JimmeyClose + reopen all browsers?07:20
jribJimmey: close all instances of firefox07:20
profoX`LjL: yea i know :) but i dont know the command either07:20
Tim91POVaddct:   Then move on to the clients:               Set the new IP address with the same network range as the server07:20
LjLpeacefull, what is the reason why you can't use apt-get?07:20
Jimmeyjrib, I logged off after moving the plugins, so yep07:20
iterljl, profoX` : you can check http://www.vim.org/tips/tip.php?tip_id=2607:20
itercan also be done w/sed07:20
jribJimmey: where are you getting the plugin from?07:20
POVaddctTim91: as the gateway07:20
sanmarcosyou guys using edgy, do you get Usplash at boot?07:20
Tim91(for example 192.168.0.xxx) dont i just put 1 at the end ?07:20
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Jimmeyjrib, apt-get install flashplayer-nonfree07:20
birdfishAlso, between the 32bit and 64bit versions, is there any reason that I should stick with the 32bit version?  I mean the 64bit version will still run the 32bit apps, right?  I would just be able to upgrade the apps to the 64bit version when they were released?07:21
david_sanmarcos: yeah07:21
simonpsanmarcos: kind of ;)07:21
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POVaddctTim91: but you have to enable nat on the router machine too07:21
gizmo_the_great1wastrel: You were right mate. Bang on. That has worked. It was a pcx file (CorelDRAW) so The GIMP obviously treated it different. I thought that when I saved it as an xcf file it would be OK, but clearly not. Seems to be working now though. Cheers :-)07:21
LjLprofoX`: well, the "flip" package does it (and there are others), though i believed there was a command installed by deafult as well07:21
sanmarcosI dont get anything, it tries to start for a second, but then it goes out07:21
c0nfanyone who is using edgy07:21
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simonpsanmarcos: it's a progress bar with no text07:21
c0nfhas problems with07:21
c0nfsudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg07:21
sanmarcosI just get the text mode, I dont even get boot messages07:21
jribJimmey: ok, what did you mean by "put it into /usr/lib/firefox/plugins/"?07:21
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simonpsanmarcos: does it boot anyway?07:21
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Tim91POVaddct: its just 2 computers on a HUB07:21
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sanmarcossimonp: yes it does07:21
JimmeyI took the plugins that were in /home/user/.mozilla/plugins, and put them into /usr/lib/firefox/plugins07:21
iterljl, profoX` : also you can always ensure it's converted by transferring via ftp07:21
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c0nfanyone who is using edgy has problems with sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg?07:21
POVaddctTim91: yes, but one of them has two network interfaces, right?07:22
mplayer_guywastrel, my beryl is working fine, as we speak07:22
bossa_novaproblem with dapper on iMac "Flower Power" with ATI Rage 128 TR Ultra AGP [chip rev 0x4]  16M 128-bit SDR SGRAM (1:1)07:22
birdfishc0nf: no07:22
profoX`iter: well thanks, seems like notepad didnt mess up (he just had to copy/paste some things, but you never know)07:22
minimecjrib: There is also a beta version of the flash-plugin on the adobe flash homepage. Rocks nice with firefox2.007:22
whishupc0nf: No07:22
jribJimmey: flashplugin-nonfree doesn't install to ~/.mozilla/ though.  Was there a libflashplayer.so as well as .xpt file?07:22
bossa_novaxorg freezes07:22
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c0nfbossa_nova, yes07:22
c0nfsame here07:22
Jimmeyjrib, yep07:22
birdfishc0nf: I successfully installed and reconfigured x on my desktop when installing my ati card07:22
JesusDoes anyone know something about libc.so.6? What do I need to fix: "/bin/bash: /lib/tls/i686/cmov/libc.so.6: version `GLIBC_2.4' not found (required by /bin/bash)"07:22
c0nfbirdfish and whaley: u using x64 version?07:22
simonpsanmarcos: same results with either cd or hd?07:22
LjLHansemann: have you received the message from the bot?07:22
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whishupc0nf: We have 4 systems running edgy here, no problems reported with it.07:22
LjLHansemann: well it's not precisely your card, but https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs/Device/F5D7000?highlight=%28WifiDocs%2FDevice%2907:22
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bossa_novac0nf: sounds like the same problem07:23
birdfishc0nf: nope.  thinking about it for the server, but am not sure07:23
c0nfHansemann, what vga u have?07:23
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whishupbirdfish: You're brave -=)07:23
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c0nfvideo card07:23
bcstvhow do I get OpenOffice to see network drive?07:23
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sanmarcossimonp: I dont have an edgy cd07:23
geokokdoes anyone have problem creating forms in OO base?07:23
birdfishwhishup: that's why I'm asking about it first ;)07:23
bossa_novabirdfish: which ati card?07:23
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Tim91POVaddct: the computet with ubuntu has the internet (and the hub) connected to it07:23
simonpsanmarcos: you've updated from dapper?07:23
c0nfHansemann: video card..., well...07:23
birdfishbossa_nova: x140007:23
Hansemanngainward 660007:23
sanmarcossimonp: yes07:23
c0nfaah good07:23
c0nfso u have no problems with drivers and xorg @ 64bit edgy?07:24
bossa_novabirdfish: was it the freeze bug?07:24
birdfishwhishup: it's mainly just a personal server for learning experiences anyway.  You know, hosting my own mail and website and stuff like that07:24
Tim91POVaddct: i thinking of going and trying to see if the inter net works now07:24
whishupbirdfish: Same here: http://homepage.modestonetwork.com I'm suprised how fast it is.07:24
simonpsanmarcos: got no idea. my suggestion is to not spend time on this comestic problem ;)07:24
Hansemannwhat has that to do with a network card?07:24
POVaddctTim91: okay, so if the other computer is also connected to the hub why are you try to use the ubuntu machine as a router?07:24
Linuturkanyone want to analyze a bootchart for me? http://www.ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=28809507:24
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ale[x] how can i find out what packages i have installed?07:24
jribJimmey: type 'which firefox'07:24
whishupbirdfish: It makes my old local windows server look like hot garbage.07:24
LjLprofoX`: i think the commands i was thinking about were "dos2unix" and "unix2dos", but they do not appear to be there by default (i remembered otherwise, but perhaps it was on a different system). anyway you get them from the "tofrodos" package -- or use "flip", that works as well07:25
birdfishbossa_nova: I don't have an issue with the card other than the fact that the binary driver is slow and the graphics don't necessarily render as quickly as I would like07:25
c0nfHansemann: u installed drivers with 'sudo apt-get install nvidia-glx'? and please answer to my previous question -> u have no problems with drivers and xorg @ 64bit edgy?07:25
sanmarcossimonp: also do you have any ideas why I dont see any of my hds in gnome?07:25
eneriedbye boys, take care, i'l look for help at other place07:25
Jimmeyjrib, alright07:25
ubotuNOTICE - There is a lot of traffic in this channel at the moment. Please try to keep your sentences into a single message, avoid repeating the same question multiple times, use http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org for pasting, remember to mention the nickname of the person you're addressing, and join #ubuntu-offtopic for anything that is not Ubuntu support. Thank you for understanding!07:25
birdfishwhishup: =P07:25
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Hansemanni dont have any problems07:25
simonpsanmarcos: any? you should see Filesystem...07:25
Jimmeyjrib, /usr/bin/firefox07:25
jribJimmey: make that 'readlink -f $(which firefox)'07:25
=== AdamKili [n=adam@71-213-191-218.albq.qwest.net] has joined #ubuntu
c0nfHansemann: great! -> u installed drivers with 'sudo apt-get install nvidia-glx'?07:25
sanmarcossimonp: I do see filesystem, and I do see usb mass sstorage when plugged, but not my hds, lshal does dispaly them07:25
simonpsanmarcos: other partitions appears if any07:25
sanmarcossimonp: no, no partitions07:25
Hansemannand i installed it with the sudo apt-get install nvidia-glx07:25
Tim91POVaddct: i know i could connect the modem to the hub write ? but my isp dont give me 2 IPs07:26
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kodatman i need a diff flash player..adobe makes my firefox crash07:26
NeedHelpPLeaseCan somone pelase tell me how to install nvidia drivers? Total noob here.07:26
c0nfHansemann: thank you very much07:26
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jrib!nvidia > NeedHelpPLease07:26
Jimmeyjrib, /usr/lib/firefox/firefox/07:26
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birdfishwhishup: I tried windows server 2003 for a short while, but I like the *nix environment a lot better.  You should check it out some time.  Running without a gui isn't too hard anyway.  And 6.06 will set up almost everything for you to begin with :D07:26
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wastrelljl sysutils contians dos2unix  <3 sysutils  but it isn't installed by default07:26
AdamKilihey who was the person helping me? I had to reboot to see if it worked, and it did. I had to install the ubuntu-desktop package.07:26
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Tim91POVaddct: please dont let me get confusd .07:26
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simonpsanmarcos: is it sata or pata?07:26
LjLwastrel: sysutils is a dummy package in edgy though07:26
profoX`LjL: iter: i found something better too :) to just check it: od -c file07:26
sanmarcossimonp: pata07:26
=== charmello [n=mul@80-218-141-212.dclient.hispeed.ch] has joined #ubuntu
wastreluseful one :] 07:26
whishupbirdfish: You're misunderstanding me =) I run ubuntu server on that domain, I have 4 other remote linux servers http://dnspathing.com07:26
POVaddctTim91: so how is your modem connected now?07:27
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jribJimmey: does 'about:plugins' in your address bar say anything about flash?07:27
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reikican't believe I've been running on one core all this time and thinking how FAST this machine is. Oughta be interesting to see if there's a difference with both cores running :)07:27
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Morosobuonasera a lor signori07:27
Tim91POVaddct: its connected to a nic card on the ubuntu pc07:27
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whishupbirdfish: We run a local torrentflux, dotproject, and NFS server off the local server, Ubuntu has sped up my understanding of linux 1000 fold.07:27
Jimmeyjrib: , I've got x-shockwave-flash and futuresplash07:27
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birdfishwhishup: I must have missed something before your statement about the windows server then.  I just installed and don't have highlighting set up yet :P07:27
POVaddctTim91: so the ubuntu machine _has_ two network interfaces, just what i said07:27
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simonpsanmarcos: are the partitions mounted anyway? are they in /etc/fstab? do they have the user option in it?07:27
elriahAnyone know how to install 6.10 FROM a USB key?07:27
Tim91POVaddct: You write07:28
=== ArmedKing [n=king@kbl-tnz243.zeelandnet.nl] has joined #ubuntu
jribJimmey: do you see flash on http://www.macromedia.com/software/flash/about/07:28
POVaddctTim91: write?07:28
birdfishwhishup: ah :D  Yeah, I'm beginning to learn a lot also07:28
Tim91POVaddct: Correct07:28
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Jimmeyjrib, I think it's working now07:28
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whishupbirdfish: I was just saying that my local windows server "ran" like hot garbage compared to the ubuntu. It's amazing really, I've actually seen a faster upload off that machine to work... haha07:28
Jimmeyjrib, I think07:28
POVaddctTim91: it's "right", not "write"07:28
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sanmarcossimonp: they have the users option, and edgy converted all my hdx* to UUID bullshit07:28
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antoni2question. what is better to use when @ a public hotspot to tunnel to my linux box? ssh tunnel or squid (proxy)07:28
Tim91POVaddct: right POVaddct:07:28
Jimmeyjrib, wtf is up with this link: www.miniclip.com/games/save-the-sheriff/en/07:28
POVaddctTim91: okay. so you want to use your ubuntu machine as a nat router for the other machine07:29
birdfishwhishup: I've gained a lot of confidence as well.  Even though I'm off at college with not direct access to the server, I take comfort in knowing that if I can't get into the system, the worst that could happen would be that I would have to walk my dad through inserting the installer cd and hitting a couple buttons07:29
=== TooTallJones [n=sdg@ppp-65-71-172-124.dialup.tpkaks.swbell.net] has joined #ubuntu
jribJimmey: it's probably shockwave07:29
JesusDoes anyone know something about libc.so.6? What do I need to fix: "/bin/bash: /lib/tls/i686/cmov/libc.so.6: version `GLIBC_2.4' not found (required by /bin/bash)"07:29
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Jimmeyjrib, I think otherwise, Flash works, but just not there - Unless I've got it wrong07:29
simonpsanmarcos: i like the uuid bullshit : )07:29
daniele_982hello i've a problem with my modem adsl usb conexant.In ubuntu dapper i do this guide: http://www.webalice.it/lorenzo.chiodi/cxacru/index.html but with edgy when i lunch this command:07:29
daniele_982but with edgy when i lunch this command:07:29
Tim91POVaddct: right07:29
sanmarcossimonp: what is it ?07:29
Jimmeyjrib, I can play videos from YouTube07:29
sanmarcossimonp: how are we supposed to know what is what?07:29
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daniele_982daniele@daniele:~/ubuntu_cxacru$ ./install_cxacru CnxEtU.sys07:29
daniele_982.: 3: functions.sh: not found07:29
POVaddctTim91: for that you have to enable routing _and_ nat on it07:29
=== Blissex [n=Blissex@82-69-39-138.dsl.in-addr.zen.co.uk] has joined #Ubuntu
jribJimmey: adobe does not provide a shockwave plugin for linux.  shockwave != flash07:29
whishupbirdfish: Is the speed ok? http://homepage.modestonetwork.com (Thats a DSL home server), yep, no doubt, my wife has actually become a major fan of ubuntu, she's been reinvoiigorated07:29
simonpsanmarcos: each partition have a specific uuid assigned by mkswap, mke2fs, etc..07:29
POVaddctTim91: routing is done by writing to the /proc file you mentioned above07:29
Jimmeyjrib, what does yours say?07:30
=== Kim^J [n=Hagbard@90-224-36-86-no95.tbcn.telia.com] has joined #ubuntu
jribJimmey: says I don't have the plugin07:30
sanmarcossimonp: right ok, it solves the problem with udev (p.o.s) naming, but how are we supposed to know which uuid is what hd?07:30
Jimmeyjrib, ah..07:30
whishupbirdfish: She's installed it on her laptop (5 times), workstation, about the same amount. She keeps mucking around where she shoudlnt, hell, she's learning stuff about linux I dont know... by breaking it haha, but she is undaunted.07:30
minimecJimmey: If you are working on edgy with firefox 2.0 I strongly recommend you to install the flash9 beta of the adobe homepage. You will love it ...07:30
POVaddctTim91: and nat is enabled by a specific iptables rule07:30
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AdamKilihey what happens if i install both the ubuntu-desktop and xubuntu-desktop package? does it ask me when it boots up which i want to use? GNOME or XFCE?07:30
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Jimmeyjrib, it says "Shockwave Flash"07:30
simonpsanmarcos: that way, if you move your drives (hda becomes hdc, or sdc becomes sdg) they still mount07:30
david_AdamKili: yes07:30
jribJimmey: only way to get flash (I think), mkight be to use windows version of firefox through wine and install shockwave from there07:30
Tim91POVaddct: can you control my pc and do this07:30
birdfishwhishup: yep, speed is fine.  my personal page is at http://www.purplewired.com no real information yet.  I just like messing around with the css for the time being07:31
Jimmeyminimec, is that easy?07:31
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sanmarcossimonp: its a great concept, so is udev, and look at it..07:31
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POVaddctTim91: let's continue this in a query07:31
kodatis there a flash alternative to adobe that anyone knows offhand07:31
whishupbirdfish: Is that running from your local server?07:31
sanmarcossimonp: how do we know what hd is uuid07:31
kodatcuz adobe crashes my firefox07:31
birdfishwhishup: yep.  DSL (business class) as well07:31
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AdamKilidavid_: cool. i'll try it out. I won'y loose any of my GNOME preferences unless I uninstall ubuntu-desktop right?07:31
whishupbirdfish: Cool, checking the speed07:31
simonpsanmarcos: do you have the volumeid package installed?07:31
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sanmarcossimonp: ye07:32
geokokHi. I cannot create forms in OO base. Any help?I use the wizard, go through all the steps but when I hit finish nothing happens07:32
minimecJimmey: Download the file, untar ist and read the install instructions. You just have to copy the libflash...so file to /usr/lib/firefox.07:32
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timhaughtonDoes the server edition have hotplug or an equivalent? I have to manually mount my server's external USB drives.07:32
jribJimmey: be sure to remove your old flash before installing flash907:32
Jimmeyminimec, thanks07:32
whishupbirdfish: Ahh ok, little there right? Or its my browser.07:32
jrib!flash9 > Jimmey07:32
=== mkquist [i=Mkquist@h-69-3-128-183.lsanca54.dynamic.covad.net] has joined #ubuntu
simonpsanmarcos:  sudo vol_id -u /dev/hda207:33
birdfishwhishup: no real content yet.  Just the main page.  But your browser does need some css2 support to display the popup information07:33
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daniele_982hello i've a problem with my modem adsl usb conexant.In ubuntu dapper i do this guide: http://www.webalice.it/lorenzo.chiodi/cxacru/index.html but with edgy when i lunch this command:07:33
daniele_982but with edgy when i lunch this command:daniele@daniele:~/ubuntu_cxacru$ ./install_cxacru CnxEtU.sys07:33
daniele_982.: 3: functions.sh: not found07:33
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tecwhta do you guys use to net call using yahoo messenger?07:33
simonpsanmarcos: or whatever the partition07:33
sanmarcossimonp: ok, so no ideas why nautilus wont be seeing my hds?07:33
birdfishwhishup: I'll eventually set up some tutorials regardin different subjects for peers at school (should they choose to expand their knowledge at some point instead of just sitting around getting drunk all day)07:34
whishupbirdfish: I want a static IP for sure now here. Ive ran a DDNS service here locally for about 7 years always putting off justifying a static, but now... I can see running a local backup server for all of my remote servers here, freeing up 80gb drives in each remote server (Each one has two 80gb drives.07:34
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whishupbirdfish: lol, drunk all day.07:34
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whishupubuntu is teh sexay07:34
whishupadmit it lol07:35
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birdfishwishup: I've never looked into ddns before, but might eventually just to learn about setting it up.  I just  lucked out with my father running a small business out of the house, we have 5 statics so I just took one07:35
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birdfishDefinitely teh sexay!07:35
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WarboIf I compiled and installed a new version of dbus would I screw up my system?07:35
VanessaEhi all.07:36
AdamKiliWhishup: ya i like the new Edgy Ubuntu graphic when it's booting up07:36
ubuntu_Is the partitoner on the dapper install considered safe to resize an NTFS partition?07:36
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birdfishAdamKili: definitely much prettier than the old one07:36
TooTallJonesHey guys, i'm getting this error when attempting to run cedega "(Point2Play_gui.py:4822): Gtk-WARNING **: Locale not supported by C library.       Using the fallback 'C' locale. Traceback (most recent call last):  File "/usr/lib/transgaming_cedega/Point2Play_gui.py", line 42, in ?    locale.setlocale(locale.LC_ALL, '')  File "/usr/lib/python2.4/locale.py", line 381, in setlocale    return _setlocale(category, locale) locale.07:36
TooTallJones Error: unsupported locale setting"07:36
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TooTallJonesit was just working last night, not sure why it started doing that07:36
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Warboubuntu_: Yes. If something goes wrong at any point then all it will do is give up and not do anything at all07:36
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whishupbirdfish: If you have a static there's no reason for DDNS, I overlay with one of my remote servers: modestonetwork.com runs out of he.net in Fremont California, then homepage.modestonetwork.com points to my free DDNS address, its actually mbshost.mine.nu (Ugly), so I translate the ugly name to my fremont server, which finds my dynamic ip here at the house.07:36
simonpsanmarcos: they don't mine neither ;)07:37
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sanmarcossimonp: they should appear07:37
ubuntu_Warbo, What happens if i try to resize it and make a partition that is too small for the exsisting data?07:37
Warboubuntu_: The only problems might occur if you get a power cut halfway through or something, but the same goes for anything HD related like defragging too07:37
birdfishwhishup: ah07:37
|thunderTooTallJones; tried changing local settings ?07:37
whishupbirdfish: When you type in homepage.modestonetwork.com it actually translates to mbshost.mine.nu which is updated by my local router at www.dyndns.ws07:37
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Warboubuntu_: Good luck doing that, it won't let you07:37
birdfishwhishup: sounds like a hella routing issue :P07:37
ubotuFor multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats  -  See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html  -  But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats07:37
sanmarcossimonp: is ustart async?, meaning something might start before something else? because I cant have this bullshit of the naming changings in /dev07:37
ubuntu_Warbo, Thats great thanx07:37
TooTallJonesI'm not sure how to change them as I can't get into the cedega gui at all07:37
krojkoHey, can someone give me some instructions for a Radeon card? I followed the Ubuntu wiki regarding binary drivers, but I'm still on software rendering in glxgears07:38
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TooTallJonesor do you mean something else?07:38
birdfishwhishup: if you ever need any help with any of that stuff, I've got a pal that works at dyndns07:38
whishupbirdfish: Its a "little bit" but really easy when it comes right down to it. I want to get into static IP so I'm not breaking RFC for mail etc.07:38
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whishupbirdfish: Very cool, good to know =) I'm intending to get the static and use their services for failover to one of my remote boxes.07:38
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CarinArrhey, i'm having some problems getting my wireless card working, i've been following all the instructions for setting up ndiswrapper, it verifies the drivers are fine and the hardware is connected, and i can see several wireless access points when i scan the network, but i can't connect07:38
whishupbirdfish: I'm coastdweller on ubuntuforums (Just for your memory, like you need more to stuff in your brain).07:39
birdfishwhishup: join freenode#nullshells and talk to dren they =) (just tell him I sent you over)07:39
|thunderTooTallJones; I mean the locale settings, as in, which locale is ubuntu in? US. African. russian. martian. you know. locale07:39
RalleAbomg guys.. I installed the new edge eftblah today and thought it was cool. I installed it upon my dapper drake. but now the boot menu is wrong. I looked through several tutorials to set it up so I can boot from Windows (NTFS) but it just say that the selected partition is unknown.07:39
c0nfCzstotliwo odchylania pionowego  50 - 160 Hz07:39
c0nfCzstotliwo odchylania poziomego  30 - 71 kHz07:39
simonpsanmarcos: i guess the newer gnome don't show them anymore, i don't know why. let me google a bit07:39
TooTallJones|thunder, no.  It's US. Where do I go to change that?07:39
c0nfwhich one is horizsync and which one is vertisync or something like that07:39
BHSPitLappyhey, I just installed edgy, but I didn't do grub right... can I run the installer again, but just do the bootloader step?07:39
birdfishwhishup: if you keep the same nick most of the time around here, I'll find you next time I sign in =)  But I gotta bolt for a bit.  Time to get some work done.  I'll look you up on the forums :D07:39
sanmarcossimonp: dapper didnt it07:40
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|thunderTooTallJones; not really sure, never had to myself. But thats what I think of when I hear locale07:40
whishupbirdfish: I'll keep a mental note, really its going to be awhile that I change what I do, damn statics are expensive here. I like my 25 bucks a month for 6mb/600k dsl, going up to static brings it to 100 bucks a month.07:40
CarinArrthe only error message i get in /var/log/messages when loading ndiswrapper is Oct 29 18:20:03 localhost kernel: [17180091.364000]  ndiswrapper (set_encr_mode:701): setting encryption mode to 6 failed (C00000BB)07:40
whishupbirdfish no worry! take it easy.07:40
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=== Warbo thinks there is a fundamental flaw in playlists created from last.fm recommendations, since his Listen playlist has the same song three times
alecjwBHSPitLappy: do sudo grub07:40
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whishupbirdfish: Yep, whishup or coastdweller, still learning ubuntu =)07:40
BHSPitLappyalecjw, from the livecd? or a chroot07:40
whishupHi Stacy07:40
c0nfwhaley: wtf? i got my 100mbit net with static ip for 20euro (10 actually)07:40
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Rav|strangleranyone know a good program to make flash animations?07:40
alecjwBHSPitLappy: yes, on the livecd07:40
BHSPitLappyRav|strangler, f4l07:41
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BHSPitLappygoogle it07:41
Rav|stranglerthanks you07:41
=== Hagbard_3 [n=Hagbard@90-224-36-86-no95.tbcn.telia.com] has joined #ubuntu
WarboRav|strangler: Moho (now called AnimeStudio) is what I use07:41
luisbgis cannonical going to ship for free edgy cd's as they did with hoary? have a install party in two weeks at my college07:41
Rav|stranglerthanks you also07:41
stacyim really new to ubuntu this is only the 2nd time ive used the irc chat07:41
whaleyc0nf: heheh, that's twice you've false alarmed me :)07:41
RalleAbI have grub problems with windows.. I set it all up right.. but it wont recognize my windows partitio07:41
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whishupc0nf: Can you do a speedtest here?: http://www.dslreports.com/speedtest and post your results?07:41
stacyand i have some major issues i need help with if anyone can help me id appreciate it07:41
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whaleyc0nf: np :)07:41
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alecjwBHSPitLappy: where do you have grub installed, is it (hd0,0)07:41
unixslutyou tell me07:41
c0nfwhishup, sec07:41
whishupstacy: STart with your first major problem07:42
stacyi need to learn how to install the macromedia flashplayer to the web browsers07:42
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sanmarcosits adobe07:42
c0nfwhishup: i dont have java :(07:42
whishupstacy: The easy way is to install Automatix207:42
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whishupc0nf: You can install it with Automatix207:42
stacyi tried it last night but couldnt get it done where is that at07:42
n1gkestacy, what you looking for ?07:42
=== tenshiKur0 [n=tenshiKu@S0106000d93cb5211.vc.shawcable.net] has joined #ubuntu
Flannelstacy whishup, no.  automatix is not the answer.  whishup, please don't recommend automatix here.07:42
|thunderwhere do I put the libflash.so for FireFox2 on edgy ?07:42
RalleAbis there a way to install windows bootloader without having to reinstall?07:42
stacymacromedia flashplayer install07:42
c0nfwhy would i want java? its slow bad ... mofo07:42
whishupFlannel: I didn't realize it was off limits.07:43
alecjwBHSPitLappy: are you still there?07:43
Flannelwhishup: now you know ;)07:43
whishupFlannel: Thanks.07:43
Warbostacy: I usually find the flash package from debian-multimedia.org work well (Flash is binary anyway, so no extra incompatibilities exist for that Debian package)07:43
FlannelRalleAb: sure, boot up your window CD, and 'fixmbr'07:43
BHSPitLappywhishup, well, it's an official channel, and you're recommending an unofficial component that is known to make problems...07:43
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minimec|thunder: /usr/lib/plugins07:43
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geokokany howto install java links for edgy please?07:43
stacyok hang on let me find that web site07:43
Flannel!java | geokok07:44
minimec|thunder: /usr/lib/firefox/plugins07:44
ubotugeokok: To install a Java compiler/interpreter on Ubuntu, look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Java  -  For the Sun Java runtime install sun-java5-jre from the !Multiverse repository07:44
whishupBHSPitLappy: Yep, got it when first told =) (Whishup got the smackdown laid on him).07:44
=== espesp [n=espen@rodhs7pc89-dot1x.studentby.uit.no] has joined #ubuntu
|thunderminimec; ahh. thanks. I put it in /usr/lib/mozilla/plugins07:44
Flannel!flash | stacy07:44
ubotustacy: For multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats  -  See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html  -  But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats07:44
sanmarcosdo you guys using edgy get the list of your partitions in nautilus' Computer: ?07:44
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BHSPitLappyalecjw, I already had grub on hd0,0.  When I installed edgy (in place of an old dapper partition), I installed to hd1,0, but if I boot to that one, the new grub menu comes up, I can choose edgy but it says it can't mount the filesystem.07:44
minimec|thunder: Leave it also there. Opera might need it ;)07:44
Flannelstacy: also, if you want flash9 beta (it *is* a beta, see the !flash9 factoid)07:44
=== brobison [n=brobison@user-12lmsfc.cable.mindspring.com] has joined #ubuntu
|thunderminimec; ok, but i dont use opera. but it can stay. thanks again07:45
meat`2hello. i have a question about network manager. it's installed and seemingly working (detects local wifi networks, etc) but it doesn't seem to actually be communication with my wireless card since the activity light never blinks07:45
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alecjwBHSPitLappy: do the following commands in a teminal: sudo grub THEN root (hd0,0) THEN setup(hd0) on the livecd and see what happens when you reboot07:45
meat`2and i can't connect to any networks07:45
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minimec|thunder: I am just trying opera right now (chatting...) Not so bad...07:45
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kodatman my firefox runs slow07:46
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Warbostacy: http://debian-multimedia.org/pool/main/f/flash-player/flashplayer-mozilla_7.0.68.0-0.0_i386.deb07:46
link_36pI removed the system try applet from my gnome dock is there a way to get it back?07:46
DavieyHow long does the partitioner take on the dapper install?07:46
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AdamKiliis it just me, or does ubuntu seem to take up more, and more, and more hard drive space? It used to take up 10 GB, but now it takes up 12. how can i find out which packages I don't need anymore and uninstall them?07:46
Warbolink_36p: Right click, add to panel and find it in there07:46
tuxnali need help with alsa and oss anybody about?07:46
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|thunderminimec; its rated the best all the time. but I prefer FF07:46
link_36pWarbo i searched every single item in there and it wasnt there :'(07:46
LjLAdamKili: are you on edgy?07:47
WarboAdamKili: Install debfoster, it takes a while to finish but it is worth it07:47
loki505ok i have 6.06 lts version of ubuntu and i been hearing  that there is another version that is more stable and i was wandering how i can upgrade if i can07:47
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sanmarcosdo you guys using edgy get the list of your partitions in nautilus' Computer: ?07:47
FlannelWarbo, stacy, flash is in the ubuntu repositories, no need to use debian ones07:47
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minimec|thunder: I am a 'Fox' too, but ... stay open ;)07:47
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WarboFlannel: I know for Dapper the flashplugin-nonfree package never worked for me07:47
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link_36pAnyone know a way to get tasklist thing back where it shows gaim?07:47
AdamKiliWarbo: thanks hope it helps07:47
AlienXloki505, do not upgrade! I know, the topic says you can but I totally would not do it as it's not stable, flawless or fun by any means.07:48
link_36pWarbo if your on ubuntu can you check if its there for you?07:48
WarboAdamKili: You will have to run "sudo debfoster" after it is installed you realise :)07:48
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link_36pWarbo and tell me what its called07:48
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tristan__Hi all07:48
LjLAdamKili: on edgy, you can do "sudo apt-get autoremove" to remove packages that are not needed anymore. debfoster and orphaner are also possibilities, though you have to take time and care07:48
loki505how bout the version of ubuntu that is coming out next year in april07:48
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loki505is that one stable07:48
Warbolink_36p: Utilities>Notification Area07:48
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Warboloki505: It will be07:49
ayaawich application other than firefox can let me navigate internet ?07:49
JesusDoes anyone know something about libc.so.6? What do I need to fix: "/bin/bash: /lib/tls/i686/cmov/libc.so.6: version `GLIBC_2.4' not found (required by /bin/bash)"07:49
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LjLAdamKili: however, if you have upgraded from an older version, "apt-get autoremove" won't recognize the unneeded packages that were installed on the older version, because there was no such feature then07:49
techow do i logout in icewm?07:49
tristan__I just have a question. On Dapper when the system was preparing to launch it was kind of "verbose". Now on Edgy there is only the progression. Is it possible to have a verbose mode too?07:49
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teclogout button wont work07:49
AlienXloki505, can't speculate as edgy just came out and development isn't open yet for the next round07:49
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Warboloki505: I would seriously recommend waiting until April though......07:49
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ThinkingManOK, I've got an odd one for you guys07:49
loki505so when it does come out do i just request a disk from the ubuntu site or download the image07:49
AlienXWarbo, kind of hard to speculate as no one knows what the final product will be in 6 months07:49
LjLtristan__: edit your /boot/grub/menu.lst , and remove the "quiet" parameter from your kernel linux07:49
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AlienXloki505, yes07:50
LjLtristan__: i mean, from you kernel line =)07:50
tristan__LjL, thanks07:50
stacywarbo its not letting me private message07:50
tristan__LjL, I made the correction myself ;)07:50
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ThinkingManUnder edgy, vertical scrolling on my touchpad doesn't work *unless* I log out and then log back in, any ideas?07:50
alecjwayaa: if you want something light, try dillo, if you want something commanline, lynx, o0therwise, there's konqeror and opera07:50
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LjLstacy: you need to be registered for private messages07:50
WarboAlienX: Yes, but it will end up stable maybe a few weeks after release. Dapper even got delayed to make it more stable07:50
AlienXstacy, is your nick registered07:50
jabudiapython2.4-minimal does not install well on edgy07:50
Warbostacy: You need to be registered07:50
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AlienXWarbo, yup, absolutely.07:50
stacyi thought i was but its telling me incorrect password and i know my password is right07:50
loki505so to clear things up for my slow self i can just download the image and put it in my disk drive and it should just pop up or whatever07:50
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ayaaalecjw, got nothing with apt-cache search dillo07:50
jabudiahelp on python2.4-minimal !07:51
Warboayaa: Enable Universe07:51
stacyanyway warbo its telling me that something is conflicting07:51
ThinkingManSo.. why won't changes to xorg.conf load unless I log out/log in?07:51
AlienXloki505, no, it's easiest to burn the cd image to a CD or DVD07:51
TooTallJonesIt looks like I have to set up my locale for python in general, does anyone know how to do this?07:51
alecjwayaa: it might be universe, do you have the universe repos enbled?07:51
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LjLalecjw, ayaa: i also suggest "links2" for a lynx substitute, it's a good command-line browser and it also has a graphical mode ("-g" option) -- which however seems not to work by default in edgy (it works if you're already in X, though)07:51
Warbostacy: Oh, maybe you have some flash package installed already?07:51
loki505yeah thats what i mean07:51
loki505so for know just wait07:51
loki505untill april07:51
stacyi think it is but its still not letting me play games07:51
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sanmarcosLjL: it doenst work without X in any distro07:52
stacyi think i put the wrong one in how do i uninstall it07:52
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AlienXloki505, if you want to upgrade, i'd say just wait. If you don't mind doing a fresh install, edgy is pretty decent.07:52
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mikedotyDo I need 3 partitions to install Ubuntu?07:52
tristan__LjL, there is 2 quiet : one with ro quiet splash and another one which is just on a single line alone. I edit the second one?07:52
LjLsanmarcos: well, it should though, it's supposed to support framebuffer, DirectFB and svgalib... (tries svgalib by default i think)07:52
AlienXstacy, rm the libflash.so file in /usr/lib/mozilla/plugins/07:52
loki505and when i do upgrade will it delete all my files07:52
loki505in stuff07:52
exhalemikedoty, no only 2.. one for swap and one for /07:52
LjLtristan__: wait -- i believe it's the second line, but i'm not sure what the first line is07:52
ayaagot nothing with apt-cache search konqueror too07:52
ayaaand opera too07:53
Warbostacy: Does the package manager complain, and if so what about? If the package manager doesn't complain then just restart your browser (which involves closing all of the windows which might be open) then trying a Flash site. That package is for Flash 7 by the way, 8 or 9 games won't work07:53
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AlienXloki505, depends. Is your home directory a separate partition?07:53
ayaawhoch repo does provide those packages ?07:53
bossa_novac0nf: did dpkg-reconfigure work for you?07:53
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alecjwayaa: i could find dillo in synaptic - think it muct be universe07:53
mikedotyAlright, thanks exhale07:53
loki505its not07:53
gizmo_the_great1wastrel: you still there?07:53
bj__I have a problem with firefox and sounds. Flash works fine, but mp3's or wav's in the background of a normal page doesn't seem to work. I've tried a lot of stuff in the forum, but all the threads seem to be about flash not working.07:53
LeoStewartAnyone know a way to make Firefox take focus on the screen when a link is opened?07:53
loki505should it be07:53
minimecThinkingMan: ... Because you are configuring the x-Modul and not only the gnome-session (or whatever you use. Once the x-server is running it will run until you stop it. You will have to reload it to aply changes.07:53
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LjLtristan__: hmm i believe the right one is the "ro quiet splash" one (at least, i've tried it and it works, although it also gives some *too* verbose output at the very beginning) -- i believe the other line is for quieting grub itself, but i didn't notice that one before07:54
simonpsanmarcos: i didn't find anything : (07:54
AlienXloki505, then if you do an upgrade, you should be fine but if you do a clean install, you'll lose everything.07:54
Warbobj__: Try installing alsa-oss and running "aoss firefox". If that doesn't fix it then maybe do some research into mozplugger07:54
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gizmo_the_great1wastrel:  I am working with a greyscale image in The GIMP. But I want to add a coloured piece of text. How do I do that?07:54
sanmarcossimonp: it wasnt removed07:54
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hackelSince upgrading to Edgy, I can't get basic DRI support for my ATI Radeon XPRESS 200M, because it's not supported by AIGLX.  Is there any way I can fix it?07:54
AlienXloki505, I always have my home directory it's own partition so I don't have to worry about losing data if I have to do a clean install07:54
stacyok  it says error: conflicts with the installed package plugin nonfree07:54
gizmo_the_great1wastrel: because it only showing as greyscale conversions?07:54
alecjwayaa: try aptititude search ...07:54
bj__Warbo: already tried that, thanks though. Ill look at mozplugger07:54
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loki505is there a way to put my home so i dont have to worry07:55
ayaaalecjw, nothing too07:55
overridexbj__: might want to try mozilla-mplayer as well07:55
tristan__LjL, ok thanks07:55
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wastrelgizmo_the_great1:  you'll have to convert to rgb first,  then i think you have to mess with the palette-   i'm by no means an expert, i just normally fix digital camera pix with gimp.07:55
ThinkingManminimec: I think I get what you're saying but that's not what I think is going on, you see, I changed the conf, logged out, logged in and I see the effect, however, if I reboot, the changes aren't in effect even though they're still in the conf file07:55
alecjwayaa: and are you sure you hve the universe repos?07:55
Warbostacy: OK, in a terminal run this "sudo dpkg -r flashplugin-nonfree"07:55
bj__overridex: good idea, I never liked the plugin but it might work better07:55
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ThinkingManminimec: but if I then log out and log in (without changing xorg.conf at all) the effect will be there07:55
gizmo_the_great1wastrel: ok thanks. I will see what I can do. :-)07:55
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tristan__Btw I have another question. I want to change my cmputer name so I make sudo hostname newname. It works fin for the current session but when I shutdwon the compter it forgets the newname...07:56
ThinkingManit's as if the first session doesn't recognize the changes07:56
BHSPitLappywoot, fixed07:56
loki505i wanna thank alienX for all the help07:56
ayaahow to use proxy with apt-get ?07:56
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loki505keep it up07:56
AlienXloki505, not really easily unless you want to do a backup of all your files. My partitions look like this: I have a partition for / (root), a partition for linux swap, and a partition for /home07:56
stacyits reading the database07:56
AlienXloki505, np07:56
ayaai have an apt-proxy in my network but i dont know how to pass through it07:56
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stacyremoving flashplugin non free07:56
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loki505ok everyone talke to u laters by07:56
bobbyyuI used Diskmounter, and I can't mount the Windows mounts to be writable07:56
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minimecThinkingMan: This .. (by the way) is a strange fact ... Is it an synaptics touchpad?07:56
mikedotyOh, hey, how large of partitions should I create for swap and / do ya think?  I have 50GB to choose from if I'd like, though I have to keep some of that for my XP partition07:56
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ThinkingManminimec: yep07:57
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eXistenZanyone have experience with shoutcast?07:57
bobbyyuI got the script from www.ubuntu.nl07:57
LjLayaa: i think you should just edit your /etc/apt/sources.list and set the address of the relevant machine as the repository07:57
NemesisDhey does anyone know how easy it would be to set up dual monitors on Ubuntu?07:57
|thunderhey all. need some flash help. I found a post on the ubuntu forums states that installing 'lib32asound2' will fix sound the flash9. But I have o package by that name. All my repos are uncommented too. any ideas ?07:57
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AlienXmikedoty, i'd do 10gb for /, 2x your ram for swap and the rest for /home07:57
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bobbyyuIs there something I did wrong?07:58
ThinkingManminimec: why do I have the feeling that you knowing it was a synaptics touchpad is bad news07:58
Warbostacy: Now try installing that Debian package again07:58
mikedotyOh, so 3 partitions after all?07:58
tristan__mikedoty, AlienX I think that 1Go for swap is enough...07:58
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mikedotyI have 512ram so 1 gb would work fine :)07:58
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stacyok i went to that one web site correct debian.org07:58
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tristan__mikedoty, will you be only Linux or dual bot?07:58
minimecThinkingMan: I never had problems with my 'synaptics', upgading breezy-dapper-edgy. I don't see a reason why the driver should not load the first time... strange...07:58
tristan__boot sorry07:58
StudiosusHi, all! How can I add to grub new kernel compiled on other linux distro on disk?07:58
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Warbostacy: I gave you a direct link to the file you need > http://debian-multimedia.org/pool/main/f/flash-player/flashplayer-mozilla_7.0.68.0-0.0_i386.deb07:58
AlienXmikedoty, that's how *I* partition and have for years but some people have separate partitioning schemes but that has always worked for me07:58
LjLUbotu, please tell Studiosus about kernel07:58
mikedotyWell I'd like to keep xp on one, but I wouldn't boot both simultaneously or antyhing like that07:58
ThinkingManminimec: I also found it strange, worked great in breezy and dapper07:58
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amiyourjulietHi guys, Can someone help me resolve some g++ errors occuring during 'make'?  I've detailed the issue here: http://ubuntuforums.org/showpost.php?p=1683916&postcount=1607:59
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sanmarcossimonp: still there?07:59
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regionalpimpI just upgraded to edgy, and when I boot up my monitor starts displaying crazy colors and I can't access a terminal... any idea how I Can revert to dapper or else fix this problem?07:59
NemesisDis a dual monitor setup on ubuntu something that I would need special drivers for?07:59
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pianoboy3333Studiosus: you have to do a lot of crap, look at the community help or ubuntu wiki for grub07:59
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stacyok thanks07:59
LeoStewartAnyone have a guess as to when Flash 9 final will be released?07:59
AlienXmikedoty, how much space do you want to dedicate to windows?07:59
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pianoboy3333Studiosus: or ask someone07:59
LeoStewartOr any inside information?07:59
stacylaunching package installer07:59
tristan__mikedoty, then you should have one for your data formated in fat32 for using it on both Linux and Win, one for Win, one for / and one for swap07:59
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ThinkingManIs there anything that you can think of that would make the changes only work after a logout/in?07:59
AdamKiliLjL: how do i know what to say yes and no to with debfoster?07:59
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LjLamiyourjuliet: those are not errors.07:59
mikedotyOh, I'd probably keep 5 - 10 gb of the 50gb available for windows07:59
minimecThinkingMan: does the log file of xorg give you some errors?07:59
AlienXLeoStewart, when it's ready :) the beta is still *really beta* imo and hardly stable07:59
tristan__mikedoty, it suppose that in / you have also your /home07:59
Studiosuspianoboy3333, I just did :)07:59
bobbyyucan someone help?07:59
HansemannCan someone help me with installing a wireless network card in ubuntu dapper? the name of the card is: Belkin F5D7001. Please PM me07:59
cryptonichow do you open the file viewer in admin again?08:00
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amiyourjulietLjL: What are they?08:00
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ThinkingManminimec: you're assuming I know where the xorg log file is08:00
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wdhey Tristan  long time.08:00
LjLAdamKili: you should say "yes" to the packages you explicitely want to keep. i would be careful personally, though08:00
tristan__cryptonic, sudo nautilus08:00
FX|LaptopHullo, just wondering if anyone has flash working in edgy with FF 2.0?08:00
cryptonicthx verry much08:00
LjLamiyourjuliet: normal messages that say the stuff is being compiled.08:00
LeoStewartAlienX: really?  I actually haven't had any problems with it.  No crashing... and the sound is actually in-sync.08:00
AlienXmikedoty, so 10 gb / (root), 1gb swap, 29gb /home is what I'd do08:00
LjLamiyourjuliet: and it looks to me like it's compiled succesfully.08:00
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mikedotyAlright, sounds good :)08:00
c0nfyo nashnash08:00
amiyourjulietLjL: Thanks08:00
nashnashi have just installed hebrew on 'Administration --> Language support (please still answer my question im nice jew^^) , how do i set it up on my keyboard now ? where is the keyboard settings?08:00
wdok easy ubuntu link not working in edgy starter guide anybody have a good link?08:00
FX|LaptopI've got sound, but no picture. :(08:00
=== mikedoty writes that down :P
minimecThinkingMan: Hmm.. /var/log/'anywhere'/xorg.0.log ;) maybe /var/log/messages08:01
stacyinstalling package now08:01
tristan__AlienX, the trouble is that he won't be able to use the data in /home under win. What do you think mikedoty08:01
=== wd waves at everyone
AlienXLeoStewart, sometimes when you're watching several flash movies one after another, it tends to pause and not continue playing the movies :(08:01
stacythank you so very much08:01
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Warbostacy: No problem08:01
sanmarcosdeb-src http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu edgy main restricted universe multiverse does that line work for you guys?08:01
mikedotyHm, I think it'd be acceptable like that.  I'd like to pretty much fully switch to ubuntu08:01
nashnashi have just installed hebrew on 'Administration --> Language support (please still answer my question im nice jew^^) , how do i set it up on my keyboard now ? where is the keyboard settings?08:01
AlienXtristan__, if he uses ext2, there is an ext2 driver for windows so he should be fine08:01
LeoStewartAlienX: interesting.  Maybe I haven't been YouTubing enough. ;)08:01
ThinkingManminimec: found /var/log/xorg.0.log08:01
LjLAdamKili: also, personally i'd try orphaner first. it's a bit easier on you, and by default it only looks at *libraries*, not everything... which imho would make it much more error-proof08:01
ThinkingManlooking through it now08:01
=== Hansemann need some help with installing Belkin F5D7001 wireless network card. PM me
c0nfhelp nashnash08:02
stacyim going to check it out right now to make sure i didnt mess up08:02
c0nfhe is nice jew08:02
AlienXLeoStewart, heh, yeah, i'm a bit of an addict ;)08:02
LjLAdamKili: the other side of the coin obviously being that it'll remove less cruft08:02
bossa_novac0nf: did dpkg-reconfigure work for you?08:02
wdanyone have a easy ubuntu link that works, i would hate to install everything from the edgy starter guide....08:02
nashnashi have just installed hebrew on 'Administration --> Language support (please still answer my question im nice jew^^) , how do i set it up on my keyboard now ? where is the keyboard settings?08:02
simonpsanmarcos: i think nautilus now shows only removable storage08:02
c0nfbossa_nova: no08:02
LjL!easyubuntu | wd08:02
ubotuwd: EasyUbuntu is a script that automates installation of some items. Use at your own risk. See http://easyubuntu.freecontrib.org/ ; for help and or discussions about EasyUbuntu please join #easyubuntu.08:02
c0nfbossa_nova: it hangs after i chose video card name08:02
c0nfbossa_nova: i gonna try x64 version of ubuntu later08:02
c0nfbossa_nova: people say it works for them under x64 version o_O08:03
wdLjL,  been there not working08:03
sanmarcossimonp: no, if anybody payed attention to me here and could check for us..08:03
AdamKiliLjL: orphaner isn't in Synaptic08:03
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minimecThinkingMan: That's it. Is the touchpad your CorePointer?08:03
bossa_novac0nf: before I did it, I could see the GDM login -- but now, the screen just goes black. I can still get a console though.08:03
LeoStewartSo are the rumors true?  Is Automatix really that bad?08:03
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FlannelLeoStewart: yes08:03
bj__overridex: mplayer plugin no good either08:03
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bossa_novaconf: I am using linux-ppc on an old iMac08:03
c0nfbossa_nova: mm.. i couldnt even use it :(08:03
tristan__LeoStewart, some says yes but I never had trouble with it. Use it at your own risk....08:04
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wdLeoStewart, terrible  :( crashed me three times on previous linux boxes08:04
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ThinkingManminimec: I think08:04
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ThinkingManlemme pastebin my xorg.0.log file for ya08:04
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LjLAdamKili: right, the package name is "deborphan". orphaner is the command for getting a text interface to it08:04
adi_is there a way to extract the contents of a .img file without having to mount it as loopback?08:04
LeoStewartVery interesting.  Didn't it also used to have its own Third-Party Program forum?  What happened to that?08:04
=== jc___ [n=jc@AMontpellier-257-1-143-147.w90-4.abo.wanadoo.fr] has joined #ubuntu
wdtristan__,  i'm back on ubuntu, this time with some power.... "yeah"08:04
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Discipuluscan you format something FAT32 or how do I check what filesystem something is?08:04
LeoStewartDid arnieboy have a falling-out with the Ubuntu staff or something?08:04
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sidAll the keys on my keyboard work(email/internet/search/mute/volume up+down, then only key that doesn't work is the windows key.08:05
tristan__wd, you might believe I'm someone else....maybe08:05
nashnashi have just installed hebrew on 'Administration --> Language support (please still answer my question im nice jew^^) , how do i set it up on my keyboard now ? where is the keyboard settings?08:05
LjL!offtopic | LeoStewart08:05
ubotuLeoStewart: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, #ubuntu+1 supports the development version of Ubuntu and #ubuntu-offtopic is for random chatter. Welcome!08:05
AdamKiliLjL: thank08:05
sidHow can I make the windows key on edgy open the gnome applications window?08:05
Discipuluscan I format something vfat?08:05
AdamKiliLjL: thank you08:05
loki505is there a way to make another partition08:05
wdtristan__, sorry08:05
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stacywarbo thank you so very very much it works like a dream08:05
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Hansemanndoes anybody using Belkin F5D7001 wireless network card right now on ubuntu?08:05
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LeoStewartArgh... this channel is strict. ;)08:05
tristan__wd, I thought that my firstname was not so common08:05
wdTristan, i'm back on ubuntu, with more pc power.. yeah08:05
ThinkingManapparently pastebin is taking its time today...08:05
justthisguyhey guys, I'm on edgy and have all the standard repos I think, but aptitude can't find any rar-nonfree or just rar. Can anyone help?08:06
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FlannelLeoStewart: there are 1100 people in it ;)08:06
Tmobis ther a gui tool for changing wireless connections?08:06
wdtristan__,   lol08:06
minimecThinkingMan: Hmm.. When there is an error in the config of the CorePointer, xorg normally doesn't start at all. I think your xorg.conf is ok.08:06
Tmobi'm on edgy now08:06
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wdanybody have edgy with easyubuntu? if so what link works?08:06
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apokryphoswd: #easyubuntu08:07
LjLjustthisguy: paste your /etc/apt/sources.list to the pastebin08:07
tristan__how can I register my nickname?08:07
exhalewd, easyubuntu website is down08:07
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apokryphos!register | tristan__08:07
ubotutristan__: Information about registering your Freenode nick is at http://freenode.net/faq.shtml#contents-userregistration08:07
wdexhale, thanks08:07
LjLtristan__: in your status window, type /msg nickserv help08:07
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adi11235tristan__ : type /msg nickserv help08:07
exhalewd, no idea when its back up though.. :(08:07
gb7055Hi All.  I upgraded to Edgy and KRDC is not working like it did in Dapper.  I reinstalled Dapper last night as I need KRDC for work.  Anyone else having this problem?  Thanks!08:07
ThinkingManminimec: http://rafb.net/paste/results/rydrg241.html08:07
minimecThinkingMan: ok.08:08
wdexhale, so i guess i have to go from number to number to install from the edgy starter huh,,, darn.08:08
LjLgb7055: "not working" in what way? (i ask because, when i tried it, i had a problem with weird keyboard response)08:08
=== darich [n=trickyki@host81-157-45-111.range81-157.btcentralplus.com] has joined #ubuntu
cryptonicI have an external drive formated to ntfs which i would like to get write access to, is there any simple way of doing this? if not whats the hard way?08:08
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wdexhale, don't want to use automatix.08:08
AdamKiliLjL: orphaner is only freeing 144 MB of space, how did ubuntu get so inflated? it used to be 10 GB (which is already a lot) and now it's 12!08:08
=== Hansemann need some help with installing Belkin F5D7001 wireless network card in ubuntu. PM me
wdexhale, been there.08:08
sid!tell cryptonic about ntfsrw08:08
GoofI can't see the taskbar, anyone can help me please ?08:08
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about ntfsrw - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi08:08
exhalewd, then just manually install what you need..08:08
Flannel!fuse | cryptonic08:08
ubotucryptonic: Though it's still very unsafe, you can read about Ubuntu NTFS writing here: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Lkraider/NtfsFuse08:08
AlienXcryptonic, change it to ext2 or fat3208:08
exhalewd, theres plenty of guides08:08
elliot_Hi all, got a slight problem installing beryl and XGL with my ATI card on 6.10. It works to a point, but no decoration starts and all windows lock to the top of the screen, and are impossible to move. I am using the UbuntuGuide tutorial08:08
=== HaroldJohnson [n=haroldjo@pool-71-105-92-10.lsanca.dsl-w.verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu
LjLAdamKili, i'm sure that a fresh Ubuntu is *way* less than 10gb08:08
stacyok now my sound is not working with this as well as its not letting me play one game that requires the keyboard for the controls08:08
elriahAnyone try to install 6.10 from usb key?  I don't have cdrom in my laptop ... (thinkpad x41 tablet)08:08
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Goofelliot_, what ATI Card do you have?08:09
wdexhale, i know, what do u think about totem versus mplayer?08:09
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stacycan we fix that08:09
exhalewd, i use totem but i havnt really tried mplayer so i cant say08:09
elliot_Goof: X130008:09
wdexhale, cool08:09
minimecThinkingMan: We are getting closer... '(WW) Synaptics Touchpad can't grab event device, errno=102208:09
minimec(--) Synaptics Touchpad touchpad found'08:09
gb7055Hi Ljl.   I load the application and it when it goes to full screen the background bleeds into it.   I see part of my desktop and not the full screen on my other workstation.08:09
Goofwd, mplayer can play .mov files and many other, but I prefer vlc :)08:09
=== markenyo [n=mark@c-9a1372d5.09-81-73746f22.cust.bredbandsbolaget.se] has joined #ubuntu
cryptonici will change the format of the drive, but i need a quik fix for now seeing as it will take a while to back stuff up08:09
wdGoof, vlc really08:09
ThinkingManminimec: OK, so what does that mean (and btw, what line wsa that on?)08:10
wdgoof why08:10
AdamKiliya i think it was ~2.5GB. but it quickly got bigger for me. 20 GB of disk space is used, 10 GB is music, the rest has to be programs and junk08:10
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minimecThinkingMan: Do you have other usb devices on your laptop?08:10
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LjLAdamKili, my (kubuntu) edgy right now is taking about 4gb... and i have a lot of non-default stuff installed (-dev packages, etc)08:10
wdGoof,  why08:10
h3htimohas anyone been having problems with the fglrx driver?? i cant get ubuntu to start with it08:10
ThinkingManminimec: nothing connected right now08:10
Goofwd,  Because It can play almost any format.08:10
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LjLgb7055: ah, no, haven't experienced that one08:10
Trist_anh3htimo, oh yes I had trouble....08:10
wdGoof, so i dont have to install the wmv codecs?08:10
ThinkingManon occasion I use a usb mouse or plug in my camera through usb08:10
Goofwd,  nbop08:10
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minimecThinkingMan: just a moment...08:11
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h3htimoTrist_an, did you finally get it to work??08:11
yoyohy all08:11
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basvgwow, I can't believe I completely missed the release of etchy... damn new job <*mutter*>.. heard there were still a lot of issues with it though08:11
LjLAdamKili: did you compile stuff, as well? if so you'd have some/many -dev packages installed. those can take up space08:11
wildchildcan someone help me solve this problem: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/29185/ I am trying to reinstall java08:11
=== Phoul [n=Phoul@wnpgmb01dc2-38-91.dynamic.mts.net] has joined #ubuntu
boinkit's called "edgy"08:11
PhoulAnyone here have experience with icecast08:11
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boinketchy is debian08:11
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wdGoof, is it because totem uses gstreamer tech. and vlc uses something else?08:11
boinkPhoul: icecast2?08:11
LjLboink: that's "etch" ;)08:11
AdamKiliLjL: ya i've had to compile a few things08:11
basvgerrr, my bad (* nudges himself *)08:11
boinkaah, ok :)08:11
Trist_anh3htimo, you should try vesa to boot and then try in the system settings - monitor and display choose fglrx. It does work after and I don't know why08:11
=== fatlip [n=daveyj@ool-44c2d1f8.dyn.optonline.net] has joined #ubuntu
Phoulboink, can i pm?08:11
gb7055Thanks LjL.  I have Edgy installed on another PC and will hold off on upgrading until it's fixed.  Have a good day.08:11
jeff_How can I disable the feature where tapping in the bottom corner of my touchpad acts as a right click??08:11
h3htimoTrist_an, alright thnaks08:12
Hansemanni have problem installing the Belkin F5D7001 wireless network card. can someone that has managed to install it help me? or give me some links to tuts that work.08:12
=== ClayG [n=clay@c-66-177-234-251.hsd1.fl.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
boinknaw, Phoul .. just ask here08:12
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ClayGanyone know about core 2 duo's?08:12
Goofwd,  I don't know about totem, but vlc has it's own codec.08:12
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ClayGi want to know if core 2 duo = 64bit?08:12
basvgnew initsystem working ok?08:12
yoyocare e roman ba !!!!08:12
h0serHas anoyone figured out the no window decorations for Beryl/AMD64/ATI?08:12
DiscipulusUbuntu picked up my MP3 player but now it's not picking it up what's the problem?08:12
Icooguys I installed ubuntu 6.10 and it finnaly recognized my wireless card, I have a Broadcom 4311, I tried to install network-manager...but now everytiem i start gnome i get the message that nm is missing some utilities and can't start08:12
boinkupstart? working just fine08:12
Discipulusor is it a problem with my MP3 player/08:12
yoyocare e roman08:12
Phoulboink, i need help setting it up08:12
frolleHow do i uninstall nvidia drivers, i installed the new beta ones, but i want to uninstall them again? anyone?08:12
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PhoulCould you join that channel plz?08:12
boinkthe icecast.conf ?08:12
elliot_Discipulus: yup08:12
GoofClayG,  yup08:12
boinkjust fill it in08:12
LjLAdamKili: you could try "orphaner --guess-dev" (if that's even the right syntax), that will check for -dev packages as well as libraries08:13
Discipuluselliot_, mp3 player/08:13
Phoulboink, i did i just dont know how to make it play on my IP08:13
=== simonp [n=simonp@bas12-montrealak-1167979017.dsl.bell.ca] has left #ubuntu []
astrobitI did the update from dapper to edgy and now i got a "broken system" warning....and the update manager says "Error: Broken Count (greater than) 0" .... anybody knows how could i fix that?08:13
ClayGGoof: so core 2 duo is 64 bit?08:13
PhoulIm on a router...08:13
basvgboink: good to hear :) might venture an upgrade / reinstall of my laptop one of these days.. no longer 'mission crticial' as my dissertation is done ;)08:13
jeff_Icoo: Have you tried reinstalling nm via synaptic?08:13
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justthisguyLjL: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/29184/08:13
Trist_anh0ser, I have a Beryl and ATI but no AMD and I have no window decoration but if I log out and log in again, it works...08:13
=== luz [n=mail@cmi73.neoplus.adsl.tpnet.pl] has joined #ubuntu
boinkyou have a static or a dynmamic IP ?08:13
ClayGnice, i need to grab the 64 bit verion, hopefully it will be alot faste08:13
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jeff_How can I disable the feature where tapping in the bottom corner of my touchpad acts as a right click??08:13
elliot_Discipulus: What?08:13
ubotuFor multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats  -  See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html  -  But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats08:13
Phoulboink, dynamic08:13
=== kung [n=kung@dslb-084-058-247-193.pools.arcor-ip.net] has joined #ubuntu
GoofClayG, core 2 duo is a true 64-bit processor, but to be on the safe side, just install 32-bit OS08:13
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Icoowell there is one thing I wanted to ask before that08:13
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yoyocare e ROMAN ???08:13
boinkand you want your stream for the whole internet?08:13
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AdamKiliLjL: ya that was the right syntax08:13
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Phoulboink, uhh not really i wanna give it to a few friends08:13
ClayGGoof: this thing is a core 2 duo 2.0, will that stick me at 2ghz?08:14
Discipuluselliot_, is it a problem with my MP3 player or is it something else?08:14
minimecThinkingMan: Your xorg.conf is looking for /dev/input/event3 for your synaptics touchpad, but does not find it. Hmmm... But why does the config work, when you restart gdm??? this is strange.08:14
levarnuAnyone have issues with a laptop waking up from suspend by itself (while closed)?08:14
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boinkeven a few friends08:14
PhoulI just need help setting it up, plz join the channel i cant follow in here very well08:14
wdGoof, oh i see. totem is so generic looking, but it gets the job done... can i use kde apps in gnome, for a little eye candy?08:14
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LjLjustthisguy: you have universe enabled, but you don't have multiverse08:14
sladenjeff_: google for synclient08:14
stacywould it benifit me to get the adobe shockwave also08:14
variantwd: yes you can08:14
boinkyou'll need to use a service like dyndns.org to make that dynamic ip useable08:14
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wdVariant thanks08:14
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variantstacy: not really, i installed it once and then spent ages blocking every flash add lol08:14
elliot_Discipulus: You were talking about window decorations? and its probably something else in that case08:14
Goofwd,  yup, you can install kde apps in gnome and vice versa, it needs the libraries, header etc, for it to work08:14
Icoowhen I type lspci it still writes "unknown device 4311 (rev 01)"  but I can see the wirless card in networking, in 6.06 i couldn't...is this normal?08:14
Phoulboink, wait...08:14
=== rphillips [n=rphillip@gentoo/developer/rphillips] has joined #ubuntu
PhoulWhich one is the one that doesnt change?08:14
justthisguyLjL: what about line 29? doesnt that work?08:15
boinkstatic doesn't change08:15
wdGoof, thanks08:15
ThinkingManminimec: am I reading this wrong or is it trying to load the touchpad twice?08:15
jeff_sladen: thanks08:15
=== MetaMorfoziS [n=sajt@53d8293e.adsl.enternet.hu] has joined #ubuntu
stacyoh my i still cant play certain games it says there is still a missing plugin and takes me to adobe site08:15
PhoulHow do i find out my IP if im on a router?08:15
Discipuluselliot_, I wasn't talking about window decorations you must have me confused I said my MP3 player was detected by the computer like 20 minutes ago and now it's not08:15
variantPhoul: ifconfig08:15
boinklook in the router webinterface08:15
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LjLjustthisguy: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/29187/ <-- try this one. no, your line 29 is only for the backports repository08:15
LjLUbotu, please tell justthisguy about repos08:15
Discipuluselliot_, but the MP3 player says it's plugged in08:15
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Icoowhen I type lspci it still writes "unknown device 4311 (rev 01)"  but I can see the wirless card in networking, in 6.06 i couldn't...is this normal?08:15
jeff_Icoo: not sure, but if it worked in 6.06 I wouldn't worry about it too much08:15
variantPhoul: oh, sorry. go to whatismyip.com :)08:15
sanmarcossimonp: no, they removed them, you are right08:15
minimecThinkingMan: Have a look at that http://www.mail-archive.com/ubuntu-bugs@lists.ubuntu.com/msg89870.html08:15
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Discipuluselliot_, when I try to mount it mount says "invalid block device"08:16
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ThinkingManminimec: check out line 2402 and 2406, same thing called twice but error in 240008:16
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ThinkingManminimec: OK, lemme check it out08:16
Icoono it didn't worked in 6.0608:16
elliot_Discipulus: Yup, sorry wrong person! But you getting that it won't mount? Yeah I have the trouble too. I think its ubuntu, not the player08:16
GoofLjL,  http://img238.imageshack.us/my.php?image=screenshot1jx4.png .. why can't I see the taskbar (where all the programs are) ?08:16
stacyim so close to giving up on this its not funny08:16
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justthisguyLjL: sorry, I thought I'd seen it before like that with more than one repo on a line :( my bad :)08:16
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Hansemannis it a irc channel for network help?08:16
Phoulvariant, if i follow that ip thats on whatsmyip.com i get my router login screen08:16
Icoojeff_:no it didn't worked in 6.0608:16
Discipuluselliot_, so what can I do to fix this problem cuz I just deleted all my songs on it08:16
variantstacy: what's the problem?08:16
Hansemannin ubuntu?08:16
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boinkstacy: then give up, frustration isn't fun08:16
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h3htimoTrist_an, alright, i tried something, but nothings working08:16
scot524I've managed to configure a vpn tunnel from xubuntu edgy to our corporate lan. I can activate the interface with ifup and it works great. Is there any way to add the interface to the network-admin list of connections? Would be nicer for end users.08:16
variantPhoul: yeah, your router does network address translation08:16
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h3htimoi have the mesa driver loaded and i really dont want it08:16
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hckrSidPhoul: http://www.whatismyipaddress.com08:17
LjLjustthisguy: it *does* work with more than one component (universe and multiverse etc are "components", not "repositories", even though there is some confusion)08:17
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variantPhoul: if you want to host a service you will have to forward the port on your router to your lan address08:17
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elliot_Discipulus: I found no workaround. It might be worth reporting it as a bug08:17
stacyi cant seem to get the flashplayer installed properly to get the music for games and my games thatrequire the keyboard dont work08:17
jeff_Icoo: then I'm not sure, sorry08:17
Phoulvariant, how do i find out my lan addy?08:17
variantPhoul: ifconfig eth008:17
DavieyHow long shoudl i expect the partitioner on the dapper install to take?08:17
Icoodoes anyone has a similar problem?08:17
Hansemanni have problem installing the Belkin F5D7001 wireless network card. can someone that has managed to install it help me? or give me some links to tuts that work.08:17
ThinkingManminimec: so it looks like this could be a bug?08:17
boinkif you're using a router, you'll need to setup the port forwarding too08:17
LjLjustthisguy: the "edgy-backports main restricted universe multiverse" line is saying:  "from the "edgy-backports" repository (which is the one containing programs ported back from edgy+1), i want the main, restricted, universe and multiverse components"08:18
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minimecThinkingMan: Looks like something is buggy ... Maybe you have to describe your problem there and confirm the bug...08:18
boinkand maybe it would be handy to give yourself a static ip number to your router08:18
variantstacy: sorry, no idea on that one08:18
stacyi installed the flashplayer just now and it works but not for certain games08:18
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justthisguyLjL: ah, gotcha. Thanks :D08:18
LjLUbotu, please tell Goof about xgl08:18
variantstacy: you probably need flash9 then08:18
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hckrSidHansemann, did you check out the ubuntu wireless wiki?08:18
KimppaHi. I was wondering if it's possible to change gnome terminal's charset with a command line command?08:18
boinkis there an ubuntu .deb for flash 9?08:18
Phoulvariant, plz join that channel08:18
variantboink: dunno08:18
stacysomeone just told me it was not for games and the such08:18
ThinkingManminimec: would it help if I reboot and check out the original xorg.conf from the first session?08:18
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elliot_Discipulus: strange, my problem came after deleting all the songs as well? what player you got?08:18
GoofLjL,  I already have XGL/Beryl up and running..08:18
chapiumdoes anyone here know how to turn off tooltips in gnome or specifically on the panel?08:18
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LinuxGuy2006I removed a program and it still shows up in gconf-editor, how do I remove it from gconf-editor08:19
variantPhoul: what channel?08:19
Hansemannyes... but i cant find anything there that works08:19
LjLjustthisguy: ... and since there is no edgy+1 at the moment, the backports repository is empty ;-) so you want universe and multiverse to be mentioned for the "edgy" repository08:19
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stacyand its only giving me the version 7 on the website08:19
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minimecThinkingMan: You mean the old 'dapper' xorg.conf?08:19
Discipuluselliot_, a disney mixstick08:19
LjLGoof: did that start happening after you got XGL and/or beryl running?08:19
Discipuluselliot_, similar to an ipod shuffle08:19
stacycould java help08:19
hckrSidHansemann, do you know the chipset used in your card?08:19
jonah1980hi guys does anyone know if nvidia know about the bug with their new beta drivers or not and if it will be fixed soon? when opening more than a couple windows up when using compiz/beryl on edgy the windows appear black/unuasable and everything crashes. has anyone else encountered this problem and how can we get some action going for it to be fixed soon?08:19
DavieyHow long shoudl i expect the partitioner on the dapper install to take?08:19
GoofLjL,  Yup08:19
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variantstacy: you should have java installed for that sort of thing as well08:19
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gctaylorWith the aptitude terminal interface (not CLI) what is the correct way to NOT install the recommends?08:19
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justthisguyLjL: cool, I'll do that now :)08:19
LjLGoof: then it's an XGL problem. ask in #ubuntu-xgl08:19
ThinkingManminimec: no, but shouldn't my Xorg.0.log be different from the first session to the second?08:20
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elliot_Discipulus: Ah, not the same as mine. it may be a bug with deleting all the songs. in which case get on a windows machine and add a file (ie a text file)08:20
stacyok thats what i though but i wasnt sure08:20
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LinuxGuy2006I removed a program and it still shows up in gconf-editor, how do I remove it from gconf-editor08:20
minimecThinkingMan: Yeah. That could be true. Right.08:20
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jonah1980as we have to use these beta drivers on nvidia to use beryl this is a big problem!08:20
LjLLinuxGuy2006: you don't (well, you can manually). the gconf stuff is stored in your /home directory, which APT never touches08:20
Hansemannbroadcom somthing08:20
GoofLjL,  Thanks08:20
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Sarkiehi, guys I have a wireless card, and edgy has found it, allowed me to configure it, i enter my ssid, but using iwconfig it says my access point is invalid, since it cannot access the net, i cant use a wireless tool, which shhould make this easier for me i guess08:20
hckrSidHansemann, google says it has a Broadcom BCM43xx ... I think you can use ndiswrapper for that.08:21
stacy do i go with a self extracting file08:21
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ThinkingManminimec: OK, well, I'll try that, as much as I'd like to confirm the bug, I'd like to fix it as soon as possible too (it's just annoying)08:21
minimecThinkingMan: But I guess it's a driver bug.08:21
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ThinkingManminimec: well just in case it isn't, I'll be back in a few08:21
stacyit has a linux rpm (self extracting and a linux (self extracting) so which one do i use08:22
minimecThinkingMan: ok. I gonna have a cigarette ;)08:22
Hansemanni have tried that... but it does not work... i remember that i managed to install it before i formatted but i cant find the guide i followed08:22
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hckrSidHansemann, https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs/Driver/Ndiswrapper08:22
wikijeffWhen I make a change using synclient from a terminal, will it be saved after I restart, or do I have to put it in xorg.conf??08:22
[bash] if I install MAC OSX on my machine with ubuntu, how can I make ubuntu bootloader display MAC option08:22
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GoofLjL,  and also, as you can see in the pic, the fonts is messed up!08:23
Goofany fix?08:23
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aragorn_elessarhi at all!08:23
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Hansemanni remember that i connected to my network with Network manager08:24
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Hansemannbut i dont remember how i installed the network card08:24
hckrSidHansemann, the NetworkManager part comes after the network card is installed.08:24
GoofHansemann, you need ndiswrapper or madwifi, depends on which one supports your wireless network card.08:24
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meat`2if network manager is listing networks, does that mean it's working?08:25
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TooTallJonesWho else is having this locale problem with the stable edgy?08:25
meat`2it won't let me connect to selected networks though. the activity light on my card doesn't blink08:25
grogoreowhy is that the search bar, in firefox 2, has a variable width now? As when the window changes size so does the search08:25
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condarneed help with wine on ubuntu dapper drake keeps asking for ntoskrnl.exe08:26
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TooTallJonesThe problem is with libc6 isn't it? with the locale errors08:26
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Hansemannseems that it does not work with madwifi because it is for Atheros chipsets08:26
stacywhich one do i use the rpm or regular self extracting08:26
wdi forgot how to save with nano...08:26
=== tiger_ [n=tiger@OL65-184.fibertel.com.ar] has joined #ubuntu
jonah1980here's the problem I've got: http://bugs.beryl-project.org/ticket/20108:27
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hckrSidHansemann, did you try ndiswrapper?08:27
BHSPitLappyI have a card, running via madwifi, and using network-manager to connect.  It's connected fine, but my signal strength is disturbingly low. Could it be that I'm just in 801.11b mode?08:27
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hckrSidHansemann, do you get any errors ther?08:27
chapiumstacy, what are you talking about?08:27
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gctaylorWith aptitude "GUI" what is correct method to NOT install recommends?08:27
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ClayGnice, need something to test these 2 cores08:28
ClayGlooks like there was a smp kernel update that was available in dapper08:28
hckrSidBHSPitLappy, I read about a bug in the madwifi driver that reported very low signal values.08:28
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=== chapium installed edgy without any problems... *woot*
Hansemannndiswrapper says that the card is installed but i cant find it in Network manager08:28
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loki505can somebody help me out please08:28
hckrSidHansemann, I mean errors while installing and configuring ndiswrapper.08:28
ubotuDon't ask to ask a question. Just ask your question :)08:28
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stacywhat is edgy????08:29
=== Hagbarddenstore [n=Hagbard@90-224-36-86-no95.tbcn.telia.com] has joined #ubuntu
Sivikstacy, its the ubuntu new release08:29
=== atk_ [n=tommi@tuomi.oulu.fi] has joined #ubuntu
ubotuUbuntu 6.10 (codenamed Edgy Eft) is the latest version of Ubuntu. To upgrade to Edgy, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/EdgyUpgrades  -  To download Edgy: http://www.ubuntu.com/download (please use BitTorrent if you can!)08:29
=== ryu2 [n=chris@unaffiliated/ryu] has joined #ubuntu
LattywareI just updated from Dapper to Edgy, everything working perfectly.08:29
hckrSidHansemann, ah... did you modprobe ndiswrapper?08:29
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loki505i been having sum trouble transfering music tp my psp08:29
ClayGstacy, to answer that best i think i would say "not stable"08:29
LattywareOnly problem is Grub has 200 entries in it... But that's easily fixed.08:29
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=== Warbo can't upgrade because he uses a boot CD, and writing a new one would require a working CD writer drive
SivikClayG, i don't have a problem with it08:29
Hansemanni did not get any errors with configuring ndiswrapper08:29
ClayGor at the best "slow, and not as good as dapper"08:29
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atk_Hi. How can I delete all backup (*~ and *.bak) files recursively?08:30
ClayGi do, but i would be it's as individual as you and I08:30
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^N^O^N^A^M^E^Hi all08:30
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SivikClayG, i don't understand why you think its slow, i haven't had any problems and i have been using edgy since knot 208:30
hckrSidHansemann, ok... so you don't see any wireless networks in networkmanager?08:30
stacyok why not stable08:30
Sivikstacy, its fine08:30
^N^O^N^A^M^E^if sombody know how i can instal ubuntu without disc please lets write to me08:30
chapiumloki, what program are you using, what errors or symptoms do you have08:30
loki505hey how come noone is answering my question08:31
stacyok thanks08:31
Sivik^N^O^N^A^M^E^, i don't know if its possible08:31
chapiumloki505 ^^08:31
Hansemannwhen i right click i cant select wireless network. it only stands cable or somthing08:31
Telroth_Plushie|stacy, it depends on use08:31
=== Panaclerio_ [n=angelo@host39-66-dynamic.61-82-r.retail.telecomitalia.it] has joined #ubuntu
Telroth_Plushie|edgy never crashes on me08:31
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Telroth_Plushie|for some people certain apps do crash08:31
loki505I cant transfer my music to my psp08:31
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Siviki don't have a problem08:31
rstancahello, can someone tell me in which package is located conio.h?08:31
^N^O^N^A^M^E^Sivik its possible but  i dont know how08:31
basvgwow, interesting poll results on the upgrade :)08:31
Sivikloki505, oh well, have you done research on the net to fix your probably before you came in08:31
hckrSidHansemann, you may need to comment out the wireless network (wlan0) in /etc/network/interfaces to allow nm to manage it.08:32
Sivik^N^O^N^A^M^E^, have you tried looking around on google08:32
Telroth_Plushie|Sivik, no, but ClayG seems to have it crash on him08:32
loki505yep sort of08:32
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SivikTelroth_Plushie|, yeah, it seems that way08:32
ClayGgimme one second, rolling a "cigarette"08:32
Sivikloki505, have you check any linux/ubuntu forums08:32
ClayGhands in use, ill tell you why i didnt like it in a moment08:32
^N^O^N^A^M^E^Sivik yes but i am from Bulgaria and i dont know english very well08:32
loki505no i go check right know08:32
Hansemannhow do i do that?08:32
stacyok im going to try to install now be back soon08:32
chapiumloki505, you need to give more details, this room scrolls quickly making it hard to follow a long conversation08:32
^N^O^N^A^M^E^and i cant understand most information in google08:32
xplic1trstanca, conio.h is part of the C library.  it's probably in the package, build-essentials08:32
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|WiRRE|Can somone help me with removing php5 and install php4 on the LAMP server?08:33
Sivikhave you tried apt-get remove php5?08:33
|WiRRE|and make it work after!08:33
=== NoobUbuntu [n=trg@CPE0014bf7b993b-CM000f9f808008.cpe.net.cable.rogers.com] has joined #ubuntu
elriahGot usb keys?  Awesome faq: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=27258808:33
elriahI'm installing via wireless, no problem...08:33
chapiumloki505, "x doesn't work" doesnt give us much to work with (esp since few of us have experience with the PSP)08:33
|WiRRE|tried thet.. apt-get remove php508:33
=== ThinkingMan [n=ralphwig@c-68-63-148-63.hsd1.pa.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
|WiRRE|and then apt-get install php408:33
Juhazconio is NOT part of C library08:33
NoobUbuntu Can somone please help, This is rediciluos.  I have been trying to install Ubuntu for a year now and cannoot get it to work with nvidia properly. Can someone please talk to me in private.08:34
elriahWiRRE: Why would you go back to PHP4?08:34
hckrSidHansemann, 'sudo gedit /etc/network/interfaces' will open the editor...08:34
SivikNoobUbuntu, nvidia isn't that hard08:34
=== ryu2 is now known as ryu
SivikNoobUbuntu, what kind of card08:34
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rstancaxplicit build-essentials is installed but no conio.h08:34
NoobUbuntuNvidia GO660008:34
|WiRRE|elriah: problems withe gallary208:34
elriahSure you're not just missing gd?08:34
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xplic1trstanca, my bad, juhaz is right08:34
NoobUbuntuSivik I need soemthing simple08:34
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hckrSidComment out lines corresponding to wlan008:34
|WiRRE|i got gd with jpgeg gif & png08:34
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^N^O^N^A^M^E^Sivik can i use  my drivers for the motherboard after instal ubuntu08:34
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elriahbf2142 calling my nick, later peeps...08:35
SivikNoobUbuntu, ok, all you should have to do is apt-get install nvidia-glx and then sudo nvidia-glx-config enable and then go into /etx/X11/xorg.conf and change nv to nvidia and then restart X08:35
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Hansemanndo i comment out with setting a # in front?08:35
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Roulihi there08:35
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|WiRRE|i didi compile php whit all that stuff from scratch on slackware...08:35
hckrSidHansemann, yes.08:35
NoobUbuntuSivik All I need is to make it so that power management will work proeprly. Right now the fans are spining very fast. I am a noob to this.08:35
rstancaxplicit so where is it then, any ideas?08:35
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stacyits not working at all im following the directions on the site and its not working so im giving up for now ill be back another time08:36
SivikNoobUbuntu, i never knew that you could control how fast hte video card fans ran08:36
Roulican anyone give ,e a quick hint for ubnuntu install?08:36
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NoobUbuntuSivik I will look into it in a moment, I did folllow the official guide on ubuntu site for nvidia, and ended up having my "X" not starting , So i am reinstalling Ubuntu again now08:36
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SivikNoobUbuntu, did you try searching around ubuntuforums.org for this problem08:36
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SivikNoobUbuntu, all you have to do, apt-get install nvidia-glx, sudo nvidia-glx-config enable, and then change nv to nvidia in the /etc/X11/xorg.conf08:37
ZtaThe last script executing when I boot my FRESH ubuntu-6.10-server installation says: * Running local boot scripts (/etc/rc.local)         And that's it.  It doesn't say [ ok ]   or  [fail]     Is that normal?08:37
amithow to create local repository ??08:37
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nardis_milesThis is my first time on an IRC. I'm wondering whether Debian and Ubuntu can share the same apt-cacher repository.08:37
Juhazrstanca, it's a borland extension, DOS console functions. for linux, it's probably nowhere, what app requires it?08:37
chapiumNoobUbuntu, X not starting is a common, but easy problem to fix08:37
reikiok that's it, I'm done. I will remain on Dapper for the time being. I'm also not sure that messing with things like Beryl and/or XGL is worth it. Maybe I'm just not the eye-candy-kinda-guy08:37
ZtaAlso, I get my login prompt and /etc/issue written all over the screen while booting up, instead of after rc.local is executed.  Is that normal as well?08:38
NoobUbuntuSivik on forums everyone mostly points to the official ubuntu installation of nvidia. But what happens if it scrwes up, I have no idea how to get things working again, in Ubuntu there is no safe mode like in Windows. I will do it now08:38
chapiumNoobUbuntu: what is the error that x gives you?  Screens not found?08:38
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meloni'm trying to figure out how to upload files to webspace (ftp) via terminal - i figure there's no quick answer - so could somebody point me in the direction of reading material that would help me accomplish this?08:38
xplic1trstanca, libwine08:38
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rstancaJuhaz, just a small C programm I wrote, but i found is, libwine will provide it, thank you all,08:38
NoobUbuntuchapium somehting like that, some error I forgto, i jsut reinstalled Ubuntu 6.10 all ove ragain and want to try again08:38
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chapiumNoobUbuntu: when X dies, it gives a log, look for (EE)'s to identify the problem08:38
minimecNoobUbuntu: The console is your friend and 'save mod' ;)08:39
MrKeunerhi, is there a way to use static IP with a wireless network card in nm-applet?08:39
NoobUbuntuchapium If i will have it agian I will tell you08:39
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chapiumNoobUbuntu: what nvidia card do you have?  6.10 worked fine for me.  I was able to use the add/remove programs dialogue to get 3d acceleraation too08:39
ThinkingManminimec: good to see you again, you want good news or bad news?08:39
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Enigma939buenas, ya he vuelto08:39
reikimelon, via terminal you would just use ftp. Or you can install gftp and have a gui for it08:39
minimecThinkingMan: So you have both of them ...08:39
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Enigma939Angelillo_ , qu empiezo a ahcerle ahora mismo desde 0?08:40
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epsilon[HU] Do shell scripts work for you? (Dapper Drake basic install) Winecvs.sh, LIFLG game installer (a .run file) exit with "unexpected (" and other syntax errors but they worked in other distros.08:40
ThinkingManOK, you want the not really that good news oor the really not that good news?08:40
NoobUbuntuOk, I will attempt to install nvidia again, can someone please sit through with me on this. I really want to finally get it to work.08:40
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Juhazrstanca, winelib is pretty nasty, if it's your own program, consider porting it to ncurses for example...08:40
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minimecThinkingMan: hmm... When I think of it ... ;)08:41
^Ocean^Any one have problems getting VMware to run under Edgy ?08:41
Xaci'M looking for a guide to configure wlan with wpa encryption08:41
NoobUbuntuAnyone ?08:41
ThinkingManwell, the problem is pretty much repeatable08:41
minimecThinkingMan: Your touchpad driver sucks :)08:41
POVaddctis there a multiverse repo for edgy?08:41
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MaggotinoHello, can anybody help me, I think I messed up with Ati drivers :/08:41
chapiumNoobUbuntu: i'm leaving soon08:41
rstancaJuhaz, no need for that, it`s just some small app for school :D08:41
POVaddctor is it a dapper only thing?08:41
minimecThinkingMan: Was that the bad news?08:41
destrihello, I updated breezy to edgy and at the end of the installation I received an error saying something about gnome-desktop and dependencies (the system could be unstable, etc.). It works perfectly, but I got some strange icon placements (the time and the recycle bin), you can see it here: http://img114.imageshack.us/img114/4307/pantallazoco6.png08:42
ThinkingManthe other half is that as far as I can tell so far, the xorg log is identical before the login/out08:42
NoobUbuntuchapium is that the exact isntruction I should follow? "apt-get install nvidia-glx and08:42
NoobUbuntuthen sudo nvidia-glx-config enable and then go into /etx/X11/xorg.conf and change nv to nvidia and then restart X08:42
chapiumNoobUbuntu: are you able to get X working at all?08:42
DiscipulusUbuntu was picking up my mp3 player08:42
Discipulusbut now it isn't08:42
Discipuluswhat's the problem?08:42
chapiumNoobUbuntu: you really shouldnt need to do that with 6.1008:42
NoobUbuntuchapium forget about x. I reinstalled the whole thing again, and now starting a fresh new Ubuntu and nvidia install right now08:42
=== frolle [n=frolle@0x3e428ac6.adsl.cybercity.dk] has joined #ubuntu
aukefhas anyone been able to get xgl/compiz to work with a dual-screen setup?08:42
NoobUbuntuchapium Ubuntu is installed, all I need now is to isntall nvidia08:43
NoobUbuntuchapium please tel lme exactly what I need to do08:43
frolleI have to uninstall the new beta nvidia driver, but its not possible! How do i do?08:43
epsilon[HU] NoobUbuntu I also had problems with nvidia but is solved it... sorry but ehat is your problem?08:43
minimecThinkingMan: Confirm the bug. They wil find it...08:43
chapiumnoobubuntu, go to applications -> add / remove08:44
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chapiumNoobUbuntu: in the search box type in glx08:44
gleakenhow would I setup an application to respawn upon segfault?  Is that taken care of in xinetd?08:44
ThinkingManminimec: seeing as how this is the first bug I've confirmed (or even submitted), how do I go about doing that properly08:44
chapiumNoobUbuntu: Nvidia binary X.Org Driver should be what you are looking for08:44
Hansemannit did not help to comment out...08:44
NoobUbuntuepsilon[HU]  my problem is simple I am a brand new user to linux - all I want is to make it soa that nvidia card will work like in woindows, power managament, right now the fans are spinning very fast08:44
chapiumNoobUbuntu: i havent completely tested it yet, but i think that works08:44
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destrioh, it's solve now08:45
NoobUbuntuchapium ok, I am following your lead now08:45
hckrSidHansemann, did you restart nm?08:45
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epsilon[HU] Uhh sorry but i dont know how to do that :( i can only install a simple nvidia driver :)08:45
Pelohey guys,   do we know a drm remover in linux ?08:45
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aukefpelo: userfriendly.org :-)08:45
h3htimohey guys... how can i just remove the xorg-driver-fglrx without removing everything else like it wants to??08:46
frolleI have to uninstall the new beta nvidia driver, but its not possible! How do i do?08:46
epsilon[HU] But again: Do shell scripts work for you? (6.1 basic install) Winecvs.sh, LIFLG game installer (a .run file) exit with "unexpected (" and other syntax errors but they worked in other distros.08:46
Pelothanks aukef08:46
NoobUbuntuepsilon[HU]  maybe simple nvidia driver isntall will automatically fox it08:46
hckrSidHmmm... are you able to configure wireless networks through the network configuration?08:46
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kitchefrolle: you have to shutdown X to remove a driver that you are using08:46
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epsilon[HU] NoobUbuntu:  look at this wiki page https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto/Nvidia its a simple guide08:46
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Peloaukef,  I was thinking more for wmv files08:46
minimecThinkingMan: Tell them what the problem is, maybe post the parts of the log file where the error occurs, explain how you restart gdm and ... that the touchpad works on the 2nd start. You may have to register launchpad.08:46
hckrSidOk... so that means the system can see the card... only nm isn't managing it.08:47
destriThere have been any critical updates since the release of edgy rc? When I run the update manager, nothing appears at all...08:47
NoobUbuntuchapium ok, nvidia-glx that one ?08:47
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ThinkingManminimec: OK no prob08:47
Hansemannthink so08:47
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aukefPelo, yah, figured somthing like that -  I just saw it 2 mins ago and couldnt resist08:47
chapiumNoobUbuntu: its titled NVidia binary X.Org driver08:47
ThinkingManminimec: although I've actually detected something which may either cause the problem or be wholly unrelated but I'm going to poke at it first08:47
hckrSidWhat does /etc/network/interfaces contain?08:47
aukefsorry, don't know about drm-removing software08:47
minimecThinkingMan: no prob08:47
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about partman - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi08:47
NoobUbuntuepsilon[HU]  after that guide my X did not work anymore08:47
=== busted [n=toni@adsl-68-72-10-145.dsl.klmzmi.ameritech.net] has joined #ubuntu
zool2005evening all08:47
minimecThinkingMan: do that.08:47
bustedubuntu is an african word for "i don't know how to configure bsd"08:48
epsilon[HU] NoobUbuntu: for mee to08:48
epsilon[HU] but i solved it and now its edited08:48
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HansemannYES!!! i got it to work!08:48
destriThere have been any critical updates since the release of edgy rc? When I run the update manager, nothing appears at all...08:48
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bustedubuntu is an african word for "i don't know how to configure bsd"08:48
destridon't know if it's broken08:48
ThinkingManon the log file with the non-functioning scrolling there's an error with a wacom tablet which I don't even have installed, so I figure commenting out that section in my xorg.conf file can't hurt08:48
Davieybusted, bsd - blue screen of death08:48
chapiumNoobUbuntu: i've got to run, good luck!08:48
hckrSidHansemann,  :) ... so what was it?08:48
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kitcheDaviey: bsd is a higher *nix08:49
MaggotinoBusted: No, ubuntu is an african word meaning "can't install debian".08:49
=== Pelo always tough that ubuntu was actualy ubun-tu, ubun being an affircan four letter word and TU being the swaely for MS
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zool2005I'm using the --exclude=... command with rsync but for some reason the contents is still being copied. Do I need a trailing / or a * ?08:49
Davieykitche, naaa, it's blue screen of death08:49
destriThere have been any critical updates since the release of edgy rc? When I run the update manager, nothing appears at all...08:49
destriThere have been any critical updates since the release of edgy rc? When I run the update manager, nothing appears at all...08:49
NoobUbuntuepsilon[HU]  can I tlak to you in private ?08:49
epsilon[HU] NoobUbuntu: the problem is: the nvidia-glx needs restricted kernel modules, and by default, it installs a i386 one when u selext nvidia-glx for install.08:49
epsilon[HU] but if you have a generic kernel (like I had) it won't work...08:49
epsilon[HU] SO ...08:49
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Hansemanni tried to get in to the network manager but it hangd, and sudden i coud select my network in the network manager08:49
frolleHow do i go from nvidia kernel module 1.0-9526 to 1.0-7174 ?08:49
SlyGuyis the Edgy Upgrade download process slow as hell for everyone?08:49
minimecThinkingMan: ;) You remember I asked you, if you had some 'usb' devices plugged? # Comment aut all the wacom thing in xorg.conf ;)08:49
epsilon[HU] NoobUbuntu: you have to select a generic restricted kernel module first, THEN nvidia glx.08:50
epsilon[HU] I edited the wiki page according to this.08:50
=== [ATM] Nightshift [n=pegasus@cc1092938-a.gorre1.fr.home.nl] has joined #ubuntu
basvghmm, ff2.0 seems smooth enough on Dapper.. have we already figured out what's wrong with ff? or is it perhaps the combination of ff and edgy?08:50
SlyGuy30k/s on a 10Mbit connection08:50
ThinkingManminimec: aye aye sir!08:50
aragorn_elessaris it normal that the "disks" entry is absent in the System-->Administration menu of edgy ?08:50
hckrSidHansemann, cool. :)08:50
PeloSlyGuy,  very slow,  and unreliable, you are better off,  dwonloading a live cd and backing up your  data, and installing from scratch08:50
epsilon[HU] NoobUbuntu: it doesnt let PM :(08:50
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DavieySlyGuy, i maxed my conection day before yesterday upgrading to edgy08:50
[ATM] NightshiftNo it isnt.08:50
aukefokey. so i got my dual-screen setup working with acceleration using fglrx.  has anyone been able to get compiz and Xgl to work with a dual-head setup?08:50
[ATM] Nightshiftu can add it via the menuconfig08:50
NoobUbuntuepsilon[HU]  Can I please walk through this with you ?08:51
SlyGuyPelo, it's already started08:51
[ATM] Nightshiftaccessoires > alacarte08:51
SlyGuyi wouldn't know what to backup... pretty recent linux convert08:51
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NoobUbuntuepsilon[HU]  please tell me what to do step by step08:51
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epsilon[HU] NoobUbuntu: ofc but it doesnt let PM08:51
Maggotinocan anybody help me with ATI drivers?08:51
PeloSlyGuy,  your home dir08:51
epsilon[HU] NoobUbuntu: do you have MSN? LOL :D08:51
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about nvidida - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi08:51
gnuyenw/ upstart do i still do /etc/init.d/mythbackend restart?08:51
gnuyenor is there another way now08:51
basvgNoobUbuntu: best is to read the wiki page and then follow the steps there one by one.... print the page if you're afraid you'll lose it during a boot08:52
ubotupastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (you can always find it in the channel topic, among other useful things)08:52
SlyGuyPelo, home dir would be good enough?08:52
NoobUbuntuepsilon[HU]  skype, let me see another solution, hold on08:52
epsilon[HU] NoobUbuntu: okok im "gombosg89"08:52
DavieySlyGuy, if you want your settings you will want /etc/ aswell08:52
PeloSlyGuy,  you are unlikely to save any config stuff you've done,  backuping your home/user/ dir will at least save you data08:52
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NoobUbuntuepsilon[HU]  is that for msn or skype ?08:52
ThinkingManminimec: now for yet another reboot, let's hope for better luck this time08:52
regionalphow do I downgrade from edgy to dapper?08:53
nardis_milesMaggotino: Was this on an install?08:53
epsilon[HU] NoobUbuntu: its skype08:53
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SlyGuywhen i first installed dapper I had trouble getting proper res working on my laptop screen08:53
Mirrohey, where can i find a prog to split my HDD?08:53
=== Pelo tried to import his old evolution config from his old home dir and it ddnt, work
boxemallhi folks i just got myself a new machine08:53
boxemall i got the problem that my asus p5b is not supported by kernel lower than 2.6.1808:53
regionalphow do I downgrade from edgy to dapper?08:53
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PeloSlyGuy,  you can save your xorg.conf file as well but this is just a question of saveing various files you may have manualy edited to copy the info later08:54
epsilon[HU] regionalp: why downgrade? :P08:54
Davieyregionalp, seems you can't unless you reinstall from scratch08:54
Peloepsilon[HU] ,  ???? have you tried  edgy ?&08:54
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destriThere have been any critical updates since the release of edgy rc? When I run the update manager, nothing appears at all...08:54
aragorn_elessar[ATM] Nightshift:  the entry is not present in alacarte...that's the problem ;)08:54
Davieyepsilon[HU] , I'd like to as edgy doesn;t seem as good as dapper.  The repositories are better on dapper08:54
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epsilon[HU] every1: i have edgy its the newest and im NOOB :D08:55
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Peloepsilon[HU] ,  let's just say several ppl think it wasn'T worth all the trouble of upgrading08:55
=== Pelo is one of them
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=== Daviey is also one
epsilon[HU] ofc but i installed it 2 days ago :)08:56
=== Pelo hugs Daviey and starts sobbing
DarkFlibdoesn't seem to be much difference if you don't want wobbly windows for what I've seen so far08:56
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PrinceI wish ubuntu would auto configure if it finds 2 or more network cards that are connected to the internet and configrue itself for loadbalancing08:57
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SlyGuy_damn router08:57
Davieyupgrade has broken two of my apps08:57
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LuisMendeshow can I send a file via bluetooth, using command line?08:57
DarkFlibPrince: but not everyone wnats that...08:57
SlyGuy_how can i find the size of my home dir?08:57
KGnomehow do i us a second monitor08:57
Peloepsilon[HU] ,  dapper got me hooked on linux,  I don'T know if edgy would have done the same08:57
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epsilon[HU] okokk08:57
variantSlyGuy_: df --si /home/08:57
epsilon[HU] the only thing that doesnt work is the shell script08:57
destrithat's a help channel?08:57
Princeedgy is edgy = experimental08:57
PeloSlyGuy,  rightlick on the home folder icon > properties08:57
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=== smartbei__ [n=smartbei@DSL212-235-50-90.bb.netvision.net.il] has joined #ubuntu
Princedapper = stable server release08:58
smartbei_does anyone know where I can find a driver for an integrated graphics card?08:58
epsilon[HU] really? :O08:58
KGnomehow do i use a second monitor08:58
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PeloPrince,  edgy is the latest stable08:58
variantthe blubuntu theme is awsome, that should be the default instead of that dumb brown08:58
aum(sorry if this has been asked 2**n times) - what's the current situation with Dapper -> Edgy upgrade problems?08:58
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Princepelo edgy is stable but = all the experimental were stuff were put in this release08:58
epsilon[HU] we're talking about that :D08:58
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Princedapper is LTS08:58
fredsaupgrade aborted. No eft for me :(08:58
SlyGuy_so i guess i can just burn my entire home dir to dvd08:58
Princeedgy is not08:58
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variantSlyGuy_: yup08:59
aumshould i backup my Dapper data, then clean-install edgy?08:59
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DarkFlibaum: basicly there may be issues, but if you hang in the channels you will think that everyone is having issues since you only see the complaints08:59
destrithe upgrade to edgy simply sucks hard08:59
=== Hanseman1 [n=gamer@63.19.who-kng.eidsiva.net] has joined #Ubuntu
variantaum: if backing up is an option for you, that is the best way to do it08:59
SlyGuy_i just need to find where my vmware images are stored08:59
epsilon[HU] is upgrade that hard? isnt it just a package upgrade? sorry im noob :)08:59
variantdestri: i did it, worked perfectly well here08:59
LattyI take it EasyUbuntu is down?08:59
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=== Hanseman1 is now known as Hansemann
variantepsilon[HU] : precicely08:59
Princetheres been a bunch of upgrade issues08:59
variantPrince: not for everyone09:00
destrivariant: here worked too, but not before giving a super-error message09:00
aumi learned the hard way to put nearly all my data (100+GB) into my home dir09:00
LattyPersonally, I managed to upgrade perfectly.09:00
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epsilon[HU] aum: OOH09:00
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Davieyepsilon[HU] , shell script could be because bash is no longer default console.  Try running the shell script with "bash ./script.sh"09:00
Princevariant: I know I haven't figured out if the issues are user-error09:00
TooTallJonesyou should just make an extra partition to back things up on and clean install it on your main partition09:00
=== Goof [n=Goof@ner-as10890.alshamil.net.ae] has joined #Ubuntu
DarkFlibupgrade worked fine here too... but then I was upgrading a virtual machine...09:00
fredsadestri: was that error message something like, upgrade failed. Rolling back. Please file a bug report?09:00
destriand now i don't know if the update manager is broken09:00
Hansemannhi, HckrSid. i am running Ubuntu with wireless network now! :)09:00
epsilon[HU] Daviey: ty. (it gave syntax errors before)09:00
GoofI've messed around with all the panels, and how do i restore all back?09:00
DarkFlibalthough, the fc6 upgrade went badly wrong09:00
aummaybe i should, next time i reinstall, stick with universe unstable and update every 1-3 days09:01
destrifredsa: yes, something similar, but related to dependencies of gnome-desktop09:01
minimecfredsa: You used the wizard?09:01
PrinceWell its time for me to upgrade09:01
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KGnomehow can i use a second monitor in ubuntu09:01
Princeremotely :)09:01
fredsaminimec, yeah09:01
Mirro---- which program does partitioning??09:01
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Davieyepsilon[HU] , yeah, the default is dash!!! don't knoww hy.  is it working now?09:01
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hckrSidHansemann, thats great! :)09:01
Princethis is gonna be fun09:01
LattyAnyone know why the EasyUbuntu site appears to be down?09:01
bobbydPrince: if you have courier installed, think very carefully...09:01
SlyGuy_damn backing up my VMWare images is going to be a problem09:01
=== ThinkingMan [n=ralphwig@c-68-63-148-63.hsd1.pa.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
Princebobbyd: ?09:01
DavieyLatty, maybe after everybody upgrading - people are hammering it?09:02
destrihow can I check the updates, bug fixes, etc. using the console?09:02
MaggotinoWhy Can't I do cd /home/guille/desktop?09:02
LattyDaviey: Nah, it was down before the release of Edgy.09:02
epsilon[HU] Daviey: sorry i need to restartill be back in some time (in linux) maybe simply as "epsilon" its easier to write down :)09:02
minimecfredsa: There should be a log file. At what step did the upgrade stop?09:02
aumSlyGuy, nobody in their right mind actively uses more than 50% of their available disk capacity09:02
ThinkingManminimec: well, bad news/bad news09:02
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PeloMaggotino,   it's  Desktop , not desktop09:02
Lattyaum: I'm using about 75% of my 450GB.09:02
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yoyobye all men , fuck my games !!!09:02
DarkFlibaum: I must be out of my right mind then09:02
destrihow can I check the updates, bug fixes, etc. using the console?09:02
SlyGuy_i am on a laptop with 60gb hd09:02
DarkFlib1.2Tb used out of 1.6Tb09:02
aumthe other option is to spend hours as a DVD-jockey09:02
minimecThinkingMan: your driver sucks...09:03
SlyGuy_my xp image is 20GB09:03
ThinkingManminimec: apparently09:03
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LattyDarkFlib: Nice. I need more space. I really need a PC with SATA, in fact.09:03
Pelodesti,  sudo apt-get update  I think , or something similar09:03
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=== Prince ponders installing edgy on hi dual core system :p
=== [H] 3b0R [n=roberth@ti541110a080-3246.bb.online.no] has joined #ubuntu
minimecThinkingMan: wait a moment ...09:03
SlyGuy_the point is if i wipe dapper to install edgy09:03
reikidoes the 6.10 alternate i386 ido image support both cores in a dual core machine?09:03
SlyGuy_i either need to create a partition and move stuff there09:03
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SlyGuy_or back stuff up09:03
|niklas|which packages are minimun for compileing a kernel from kernel.org?09:03
TooTallJonesAnyone else delt with the locale problems using python programs?  Something about libc609:03
ThinkingManminimec: ok...09:03
KGnomewhen i boot my xubuntu, everything shows up until the login screen, then it goes black - any suggestions09:03
fredsaminimec, right near the end. The last error msg is '2006-10-29 19:56:22,179 ERROR SystemError from cache.commit(): installArchives()09:03
fredsa failed'09:03
LjLUbotu, please tell |niklas| about kernel09:04
ianmacgregordestri: sudo apt-get upgrade will check for updates. sudo apt-get update will update your sources.list file09:04
HansemannXGL+Compiz is cool09:04
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=== Pelo tries to distract prince from his masocistic ponderings
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aumSlyGuy, you could always boot off an edgy live cd, mount your hdd, and move all your root dirs into /backup, then install edgy, then move stuff from /backup to your edgy tree09:04
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SlyGuy_hmm i think i'll kill this upgrade and wait for the Edgy dust to clear09:05
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fredsaminimex, that was in /var/log/dist-upgrade/main.log09:05
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LjLSlyGuy_: if you Dapper is working well, there's definitely no rush09:05
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SlyGuy_i don't really know I will gain anything with Edgy09:05
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SlyGuy_i just want to be in the cool crowds09:05
LjLSlyGuy_: well, then i hate to talk by common places, but if it ain't broke...09:05
viddThe only think i gained was headaches and a broke wireless connection09:06
DarkFlibyou can be cool on a 386dx/40 if you know what you are doing09:06
ThinkingManminimec: I had commented out everything to do with all the wacom crap, I had also commented out a SECOND call of "Input Device     "Synaptics Touchpad" in the Section "ServerLayout"09:06
Hansemannis it possible to do so it is a picture or somthing like that in XGL/Compiz ?09:06
ripokHello, I'm trying to compile puppy (topfield) but make nags about missing usb.h header. I have installed libusb-dev package.09:06
SlyGuy_i wuold be happy if i could get xgl/compiz working09:06
slinky_Using Archive Manager in Dapper Drake is there any way to do a full backup of filesystem without having to specify each directory09:06
ThinkingManI'm wondering if I should uncomment the second call09:06
LjLUbotu, please tell Hansemann about xgl09:06
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zool2005why does rsync......--exclude/home/"username"/.cedega not exclude the files contained within it?09:06
felipe__Hello people. Could anyone tell me where is the Linux -2.6.x-686-smp kernel so I can install it instead of the generic kernel that comes with edgy. I can't find it on Adept Manager.09:06
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Princeubotu, please tell KarlosII about upgrading from dapper to edgy09:07
fredsaoh well, gonna reboot and hope that I can get back :p09:07
SlyGuy_everytime i try and get xgl/compiz running i get no window decorations09:07
minimecThinkingMan: Your driver sucks. I checked my xorg.0.log. my driver is loading without problem with the same 'wacom error messages'.09:07
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Prince ubotu, please tell Prince about upgrading from dapper to edgy09:07
Prince<fredsa> oh well, gonna reboot and hope that I can get back :p09:07
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Davieyzool2005, do you need a "/" on the end or /*.*?09:07
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ThinkingManminimec: so is there a way for me to load a different driver?09:07
LjLSlyGuy_: in the topic of #ubuntu-xgl you can find some pointers, as well as people using it09:07
SlyGuy_thanks LjL09:07
=== Shadowpillar is glad he didnt upgrade to edgy just yet
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minimecThinkingMan: You have another synaptics touchpad model.09:08
ShadowpillarI see people having assloads of problems09:08
Hansemanni mean: is it possible to do so it is a picture or somthing like that at the top of the "Cube" in XGL/Compiz ?09:08
ThinkingManminimec: awesome, so I'm SOL till the fix the driver?09:08
jamesgeckoAs I was saying before the university network disconnected me, the Edgy upgrade killed my ATi fireglrx drivers. Is there some obvious fix for this?09:08
zool2005Daviey: I'm not sure, I'll give it a go09:08
minimecThinkingMan: I guess the problem is related with your model...09:08
LjLHansemann, they'll probably know that in #ubuntu-xgl09:08
micoohow do i change the main lang in xubuntu? i chose hebrew in the installation and now i want it in eng cause the translation is really bad09:08
Pntkldon't know09:08
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destriwhen doing sudo apt-get upgrade I get an error: Configurando gnome-app-install (0.2.21) ... Traceback (most recent call last):  File "/usr/sbin/update-app-install", line 12, in <module>    import xdg.DesktopEntry ImportError: No module named xdg.DesktopEntry dpkg: error al procesar gnome-app-install (--configure): el subproceso post-installation script devolvi el cdigo de salida de error 1 dpkg: problemas de dependencias impiden la configuraci09:08
destrin de ubuntu-desktop: ubuntu-desktop depende de gnome-app-install; sin embargo:  Package gnome-app-install is not configured yet. dpkg: error al procesar ubuntu-desktop (--configure): problemas de dependencias - se deja sin configurar09:08
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minimecThinkingMan: You can help them by posting the bug.09:08
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LjLUbotu, please tell destri about paste09:09
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ubotupastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (you can always find it in the channel topic, among other useful things)09:09
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Mirrocan i split a ntfs-partition with gparted??09:09
LjLmicoo: in plain Ubuntu, there is (i think, i use KDE) System / Administration / Language support -- perhaps there's something similar in the Xubuntu control panel... anyway, i think most programs have a "Help / Translate this app" menu, why not contribute to making the translations better? ;-)09:09
corevettecan someone help me configure my wireless connection?09:10
MaggotinoI'm installing ATI drivers, and It asks me to do sudo module-assistant prepare sudo module-assistant update sudo module-assistant build fglrx sudo module-assistant install fglrx sudo depmod -a but it says that module-assistant comand is not found...09:10
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micoowell i will09:10
micoothing is09:10
=== Saibot [n=saibot@cm-24-121-2-131.lakehavasu.az.npgco.com] has joined #ubuntu
KuprinHey all: is it just me, or did Edgy really kill itself speed-wise?09:10
corevettemicoo: you'll help me?09:10
destriwhen doing sudo apt-get updgrade i get this error: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/29195/09:10
micooi need help with errors lots of time and only israeli guys know hebrew09:10
micoothat a prob09:10
minimecThinkingMan: If you post the bug, add ypur Laptop Model ;)09:10
philwhlnI have a usb digital tv tuner I use in windows. is there a way to get it working in ubuntu?09:10
micoowith what?09:11
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LjLmicoo: yup... i admit i use the english version myself.09:11
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ThinkingManminimec: no prob09:11
naaronbo<Maggotino> http://wiki.cchtml.com/index.php/Ubuntu_Edgy_Installation_Guide09:11
SlyGuy_hmm how stable are the nVidia beta drivers?09:11
corevettemicoo my wireless connection09:11
crabezoidproblem with reinstalling windows on a dual-boot system  http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/29196/09:11
ThinkingManwell, i guess I'm off to post a bug and then log out and in for no particular reason09:11
micooi can try09:11
corevettemicoo it's being detected but i don't know how to connect09:11
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TooTallJonesI get this "Gtk-WARNING **: Locale not supported by C library.       Using the fallback 'C' locale." when opening gaim, cedega, or any other python program.  I just put on a clean install of edgy xubuntu09:12
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[H] 3b0RSlyGuy_: they are very stable for but ive exp. some graphical corruption in Truecombat: Elite09:12
LjLUbotu, please tell crabezoid about grub09:12
hckrSidcorevette, how are you trying to connect?09:12
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slinky_is there a SIMPLE way to do a full backup of filesystem using Dapper Drake that will simple copy everything to an archive/cd09:12
micooLjL where are youfrom?09:12
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ThinkingManthanks minimec, I'll let you know if I find any solution09:12
crabezoidthanks LjL09:12
destriwhen doing sudo apt-get updgrade i get this error: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/29195/09:12
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corevettehckrsid wireless09:13
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felipe__why isn't a linux 2.6.x 686 smp image in the repos?????09:13
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sharperguyis it possible to boot from an iso without burning it?09:13
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hckrSidcorevette, are you using NetworkManager?09:13
SlyGuy_[H] 3b0R: whats the easiest way to upgrade to the nVidia beta drivers?09:13
Kuprinsharperguy: Not that I know of. You can boot a virtual machine from an iso file...09:13
corevettehckrsid no09:13
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about bootiso - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi09:13
Shadowpillarso question09:13
LjLmicoo: italy. the translations aren't *that* bad, though they're quite funny sometimes... but i just prefer to have the system in a consistent language (since many programs in Universe are untranslated), and english terms in computing are more estabilished09:13
Shadowpillarwhat's with this UUID change thing?09:13
sharperguyyou cant use grub to do it?09:13
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sharperguyI need to reinstall edgy from cd instead of update, but i dont have a cd09:14
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micooyea that the exact reason why i need my xubuntu in eng09:14
St_MPA3bhow can i save my console alias? They reset or PC reset09:14
St_MPA3bhow can i save my console alias? They reset or PC reset09:14
izm99hey all.  used update-manager to upgrade my notebook from dapper to edgy, but there was some sort of package configuration error, and it didn't really finish configuring them all (which is a lot).  Now X won't start.  I get "module ABI major version (0) doesn't match the server's version (1)" with "nv" driver and "nvidia" driver freezes with no xorg log.  ideas?09:14
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about alias - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi09:14
hckrSidcorevette, hmmm... did you try network configuration (under System / Administration) ?09:14
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destriwhen doing sudo apt-get updgrade i get this error: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/29195/09:15
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hckrSidizm99, I got the same error...09:15
kjmupgraded to edgy - sound in firefox no longer works - anyone know fix?09:15
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LjLSt_MPA3b: don't repeat please -- putting your aliases in your ~/.bashrc file should work09:15
izm99hckrSid, did you get around it yet?09:15
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hckrSidizm99, I reinstalled the driver (I have ATI though).09:15
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corevettehckrsid no how do i do that09:15
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SirYesHello and good evening everybody.09:15
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St_MPA3bLjL: 09:16
=== epsilon_ [n=gergely@241-078.dyn-fa.pool.ew.hu] has joined #ubuntu
St_MPA3bLjL: ty*09:16
=== [fields] [n=adam@cpe-71-74-163-5.indy.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu
Kuprinkjm: this may also be a firefox2 bug09:16
IndyBCFrostwire can't run due to a problem. It says in line 44 in runFrost.sh that it expects { but it finds (09:16
izm99hckrSid, Yah, I tried reinstalling the "nvidia" driver...   how would I reinstall "nv" driver?09:16
SirYesI'm seeking some advice on Ubuntu 6.10 (Edgy) installer.09:16
epsilon_noobubuntu are you here?09:16
nanscan someone tell me how can i use my windows disc on ubuntu?09:16
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KuprinSirYes: just ask09:16
epsilon_SirYes sir?09:16
hckrSidizm99, I think they've changed the name of the driver packages.09:16
IndyBCIs it a known issue?09:16
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slinky_LjL: Hello, do you know if Archive Manager can be used to do a full backup of all files in filesystem, including those with passwords?09:16
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kjmKuprin - fine, it may.  Has anyone encountered this after upgrade?  and, if so - is there a workaround I could try....?09:16
ZirJokeris there any sega emulator for ubuntu????09:16
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slop|lapquestion: how do i find out what my domain is?09:16
SirYesI seem to have trouble installing the system using _existing_ partition layout.09:17
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nashnashhi ppl what was that scanning prog of ubuntu? kakoo ?09:17
morphishnice, ndiswrapper just refuses to insert into the running kernel and i see no ndiswrapper-source(s) to apt-get install to just build it for the running kernel :/09:17
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nashnashkakkoo maybe ;[] 09:17
slop|lapZirJoker, yes there is, you can search for it using synaptic09:17
KuprinZirJoker: Genesis? Yes, there are a few. www.zophar.net09:17
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KuprinZirJoker: or in the repos, apparently ;)09:17
micooLjL: i dont think changing the lang in the language support will change the menus and everything09:17
SirYesgparted insists on creating a partition for / - root fs.09:17
morphishkooka works for me in kde for scanning nashnash09:17
nashnashkooka ok09:17
nashnashthx alot m809:17
izm99hckrSid, ah:  xserver-xorg-driver-nv - X.Org X server -- NV display driver09:17
izm99hckrSid, I'll try that.09:17
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micoonashnash you little shekel fag09:17
hckrSidizm99, I think I did an apt-get remove xorg-driver-nvidia, and then and apt-get install...09:17
epsilon_SirYes i dont see :(09:17
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SirYesI am able to select "/" from the combo box, but it's not enough.09:18
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nashnashlol micoo09:18
hckrSidizm99, ah yes... good luck. :)09:18
KuprinSpeaking of emulators, when I upgraded to edgy, the speed on VBA took a shit. I had no trouble running anything before, I can't even get up to 50% now, and it makes no sense given my system specs. What's up?09:18
izm99hckrSid, thx.  will likely report back shortly.  :)09:18
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MaggotinoI'm installing ATI drivers, and the guide tells me to sudo module-assistant prepare sudo module-assistant update sudo module-assistant build fglrx sudo module-assistant install fglrx sudo depmod -a but it says that the module assistant command does not exist -.-09:18
crabezoidhttp://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/29196/ I tried this https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RecoveringUbuntuAfterInstallingWindows  but09:18
nanspeople, can anione help me?09:19
SirYesepsilon_: I was able to overcome this by removing last partition and recreating it - then it was okay. This occured to me on two different machines.09:19
DigitalNinjaCan someone recommend a good mico atx motherboard. I've got a EPoX 6100 but I think I may be having problems with it.09:19
crabezoidcould not find kernel image: rescue09:19
corevettehckrsid how do you use network configuration?09:19
hckrSidcorevette, did you find the network config tool under Administration?09:19
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corevettehckrsid networking tools?09:19
SirYesepsilon_: Is this a known issue? Or is it specific to Edgy installer?09:20
cyberg0dguys, how does the cube feature program called?09:20
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overridexnote to anyone who cares: the "trillian" gaim smiley theme has some issues in gaim 2.0... i narrowed it down to the theme text file being in dos format instead of unix, if you convert it, it fixes the issues :)09:20
KGnome how do i configure screen resolutions from a console???09:20
hckrSidcorevette, no.. I think its "Network"09:20
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epsilon_SirYes: i dont know :( i used norton partition magic for partitioning :(09:20
corevettehckrsid networking?09:20
SirYesKGnome: dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg09:20
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KGnomeSirYes: for resolution???09:21
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anbornwhere can I find a list of mirror for apt-get?09:21
hckrSidcorevette, (sorry I'm not on my ubuntu system right now... so I can't check)... but "Networking" sounds right.09:21
PhaquiCan anyone tell me why I am not hearing sound at all in ubuntu? (Just did a fresh install of ubuntu 6.10)09:21
corevettehckrsid what should i put for the Network aName (ESSID)09:21
ubotuIf you're having problems with sound, first ensure alsa is selected by double clicking on the volume control, then File -> Change Device (Alsa Mixer). If you are still having problems with sound, then look at http://alsa.opensrc.org/index.php?page=DmixPlugin See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/DebuggingSoundProblems09:21
DavieyPhaqui, are the speakers turne don ;)09:21
ubotuCompiz (compositing window manager) and XGL (X server architecture layered on top of OpenGL)  -  Howto at http://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompositeManager  -  Help in #ubuntu-xgl  -  See http://tinyurl.com/pw5ez for Kubuntu systems09:21
LjLanborn: i don't know, but most mirrors are "XX.archive.ubuntu.com", with XX being the abbreviation of a country. us, ca, fr, es, it, de, ....09:21
SirYesKGnome: at least you can select what resolutions the X server should use and which shouldn't. Is this what you're looking for?09:21
Phaquithey're perfectly turned on, thank you ;)09:22
alecjwPhaqui: did you ever have sound?09:22
hckrSidcorevette, the name of your wireless network09:22
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anbornwell, right now I'm using it.xxxx09:22
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PhaquiI used to have sound09:22
anbornbut it's not working...09:22
Phaquiubuntu 6.06 that was09:22
riddleboxanyone else having problems with nvidia drivers + ubuntu?09:22
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ZirJokerhey can i have the emulators link plz? XDDD i didnt write it down u.u09:22
ianmacgregorInstalled wine on Edgy. Running winecfg freezes the entrie system. Does this happen with winecfg in Dapper?09:22
micooiwlist wlan0 scanning09:22
corevettemicoo yes?09:22
LjLanborn: it was a bit taken by traffic in the last few days, don't know if it has recovered yet. try "se"09:22
IndyBCFrostwire can't run due to a problem. It says in line 44 in runFrost.sh that it expects { but it finds (. Is it a known issue?09:22
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izm99riddlebox, such a general question.  i am.09:22
micoowrite the output in pm09:22
alecjwPhaqui: go to System>>Preferences>>Sound and select different things form the lists and press test09:22
^Ocean^is there a program that will set my computer time to the internet ?09:22
KGnomeSirYes: yes. Im actualy using xubuntu on a 33mgz pentium09:22
SirYesepsilon_: Heh, my partitions were already created fine with fdisk. However, somehow it didn't want to reuse them. :(09:23
morphishwhat do i need in sources.list to get ndiswrapper-source and module-assistant to show with apt-cache or installable with apt-get? i found a link to allow downloading the .deb but it does not find them with apt-cache search !?09:23
riddleboxizm99, the nvidia drivers are locking up my system shortly after I boot09:23
ZirJokerhey can i have the emulators link again plz? XDDD i didnt write it down u.u09:23
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LjL^Ocean^: you should have an option for that in your Time preferences (or right click on the clock)09:23
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kjm^Ocean^ - in the time preferences - select sync clock to NTS09:23
cyberg0dguys, how does the cube feature program called?09:23
khermans_i am using network-manager-gnome and bcm43xx.  i can list the available wireless networks in network-manager, but it fails to connect everytime to an open AP09:23
crabezoidI'm having problems with GRUB after reinstalling windows, i tried typing "rescue" at the boot prompt of the Ubuntu CD, but recieved this error: Could not find kernel image : rescue"09:23
corevettemicoo write which output09:23
[fields] Should I be concerned about virus and malware/spyware protection when running Ubuntu?09:23
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morphishkhermans_: would you happen to have a bcm4318?09:23
izm99riddlebox, have you followed configuration instructions in the nvidia readme and probably on the ubuntu forum and wiki?09:23
khermans_morphish, bcm430609:23
SirYesKGnome: IIRC you can select the driver AND the resolutions using this dpkg-reconfigure invocation.09:23
kjm[fields]  - no09:23
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kitche[fields]  no linux in general is safe there is some things but if you don't open your ports to the outside your safe09:24
hckrSidcorevette, 'iwlist wlan0 scanning' should list the wireless networks around you.09:24
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morphishkhermans_: not sure it affect you too, try setting your rate to 11M instead f auto, the driver had/has issues but works with 11M09:24
izm99riddlebox, you have to remove "load dri" and "load gl<something>" and add "load glx" ... that stuff?  in xorg.conf?09:24
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aterphasmawhy is the battery status icon changing when I unplug and replug my power cable?09:24
KGnomeSirYes: howdo i find my cards bus idetifier09:24
^Ocean^okay, i clicked the sycronize now button and my computer thinks its monday oct 30th at 11:24am :S09:24
micoothen you should choose from the listed networks the one you wanna use09:24
riddleboxizm99, I did do that09:24
pppoe_dudehow can I install ubuntu from my harddisk (e.g. can I copy the contents of the CD to a partition?)09:24
khermans_morphish, yeah but how do i do that with network-manager ?09:24
hckrSidcorevette, put the name of your wireless network as the ESSID.09:24
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micoothis one you should write as essid09:25
morphishkhermans_: i have no idea how to use that tool, sorry09:25
SirYesKGnome: why do you need it? I never used that and all worked... What's your real trouble?09:25
izm99riddlebox, is this just w/edgy or when did problem start?09:25
corevettehckrsid 'wlan0 interface doesn't support scanning.'09:25
kjm^Ocean^ - do you have NTP server support installed?  Click on the "keep clock synchronized with internet servers..." - if you need ntp support installed - it'll do it for you.09:25
peciskaterphasma: because it detects that you have changed power source09:25
DavieyThe partitioner of dapper installer has taken nearly two hours!! is this okay?  (In console: top - partman is using 4% processor, which is the processor with most use.  And current load is 2.60).  Any ideas?09:25
hckrSidcorevette, I feared as much...09:25
=== bruenig [n=bruenig@adsl-69-154-79-208.dsl.rcsntx.swbell.net] has joined #ubuntu
riddleboxizm99, the problem started in dapper so I upgraded to edgy hoping that would do it, but in edgy the same thing happened09:25
KGnomeSirYes: it says to enter my bus identifier, and for some reason it says im using a PowerPC09:26
hckrSidcorevette, do you know the name of the wireless network you want to connect to?09:26
corevettehckrsid yes09:26
corevettemicoo yes?09:26
izm99riddlebox, does it happen every time?09:26
^Ocean^kjm: yeah that was no problem, but it still dont change my date/time to anything near now lol09:26
hckrSidcorevette, put that name as the ESSID.09:26
aterphasmasorry, i meant why is it NOT changing09:26
aterphasmai knwo it should be09:26
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corevettehckrsid i did09:26
peciskaterphasma: just check tooltip message over icon09:26
riddleboxizm99, yes like withing 5-10 minutes of booting09:27
keiferWould anyone have a guess as to why Edgy/Dapper hate my ethernet hub, when it works fine in Breezy?09:27
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IndyBCHello. Frostwire can't run due to a problem. It says in line 44 in runFrost.sh that it expects { but it finds (. Is it a known problem?09:27
SirYesKGnome: can't you go further without providing this bus identifier?09:27
kjm^Ocean^  - weird....whole idea of the NTP is to keep time accurate .....09:27
peciskaterphasma: if it says that AC Power on when cable is plugged, everything is ok09:27
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peciskaterphasma: honesly I don't know if icon should be changing in Edgy09:27
KGnomeSirYes: yes, i did09:27
aterphasmapecisk: but when i remove it, it still says it's plugged in...09:27
kjmdon't know what could be the issue there - do you have your time zone set correctly?09:27
izm99so it actually starts X and you can log in, but then it freezes?09:27
peciskaterphasma: that's not good09:27
peciskaterphasma: seems like ACPI reporting problems09:27
aterphasmapecisk: i got that impression09:27
KGnomeSirYes: it reconfiguring the whole xserver09:27
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aterphasmapecisk: acpid is started/running09:27
corevettehckrsid whats the name of the connection...eth1?09:27
DavieyThe partitioner of dapper installer has taken nearly two hours!! is this okay?  (In console: top - partman is using 4% processor, which is the process using the most resources.  Current load is.2.60).  Any ideas?09:28
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riddleboxizm99, ?09:28
micoocorevette write iwlist peers...you suppose to see lo,eth0...what's below eth0?09:28
izm99Woooh!  We have xorg!  :D09:28
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SirYesKGnome: I did this recently so I still remembered the "spell" :)09:28
izm99riddlebox, "so it actually starts X and you can log in, but then it freezes?"09:28
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riddleboxizm99, yup09:29
peciskaterphasma: it is definetly a bug, so you propably should report it09:29
KGnomeSirYes: tats ok, im changing alot of stuff09:29
peciskaterphasma: what kind of laptop, model, vendor?09:29
hckrSidcorevette, its possible that eth1 could be the wireless interface.09:29
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corevettemicoo lo, eth0, eth1, and sit0 all say 'interface doesn't have a list of peers/access-points'09:29
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micoothen try09:29
aterphasmapecisk: hp compaq nc8430, and it worked fine in beta309:29
izm99riddlebox, are you sure it's the drivers?  have you looked at /var/log/Xorg*?09:29
riddleboxizm99, I even tried the beta drivers from nvidia but I cannot get x to start with it09:29
micooiwlist eth1 scanning09:29
KGnomeSirYes: it says my moitor usis 1920x1440 :-] 09:29
SirYesKGnome: did this reconfiguration help you?09:29
jackyyllcan somebody help me, i'm getting this error when i try to install vmware Setup is unable to find the "make" program on your machine.  Please make sure09:29
jackyyllit is installed.  Do you want to specify the location of this program by hand?09:29
jackyyll[yes] 09:29
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aterphasmapecisk: and i don't really know how to submit bug reports and such09:30
corevettemicoo no scan results09:30
IndyBCHello. Frostwire can't run due to a problem. It says in line 44 in /usr/lib/frostwire/runFrost.sh that it expects { but it finds (. Is it a known problem?09:30
FlatsIs it difficult ( for a fairly newbie ) to set up a printer ( Using I would assume CUPS ) on Ubuntu that I could share so my 2 windows PC's could print to it?09:30
micoothats the one09:30
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micoodo you have a wireless router nearby?09:30
kitchejackyyll: sudo apt-get install build-essential09:30
riddleboxizm99, if I set my xorg.conf to nv or vesa it will work fine, as soon I set it to nvidia I get a lock up09:30
corevettemicoo yes09:30
SirYesKGnome: tell it the truth and it will work ;)09:30
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micoothat's weird09:30
micootry again09:30
micooseveral times09:30
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zool2005with rsync, is there any way to exclude *any* file named cache or Cache?09:30
corevettemicoo same thing09:30
micoolike every 10-15 secs09:30
peciskaterphasma: did you dist-upgrade or clean install?09:30
aterphasmapecisk: this time it was clean off the dvd09:31
micoois it a laptop or a desktop?09:31
SirYesKGnome: cool :D  stay healthy!09:31
KGnomeSirYes: whats a horizontal sync range?09:31
corevettemicoo desktop09:31
izm99riddlebox, Hmm...  I'm not sure.  I'd check the logs, I guess.  Try changing settings in xorg.conf.  I just upgraded to Edgy myself, and X didn't start... so......  :)09:31
SirYesKGnome: hsync -> depends on your monitor09:31
corevettemicoo should i try a static ip address?09:31
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razormadeHey. Ubuntu 6.10 is out and Freevo 1.6. Does somebody got this working?09:31
KGnomeSirYes: how do i find it09:31
riddleboxrazormade, I am a mythtv guy09:31
DavieyWarbo, Hmm, the partitioner is being a pain!09:31
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peciskaterphasma: hmmmm, beta 3 also was clean install, I presume?09:32
SirYesKGnome: luckily x.org detects it and you should be able to find it in a log:09:32
micooare you sure the router is on and working?09:32
IndyBCHello. Frostwire can't run due to a problem. It says in line 44 in /usr/lib/frostwire/runFrost.sh that it expects "}" but it finds "(". Is it a known problem? Can anybody help please? Their website is down :/09:32
Davieyrazormade, why use Freevo over mythtv?09:32
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swaby1can anyone help with a printer install?09:32
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riddleboxrazormade, freevo seemed to be alot more difficult to setup than mythtv09:32
hckrSidcorevette, what happens with 'ifup eth1' ?09:32
corevettemicoo yup...i'm on a laptop next to my computer with the internet working (win xp)09:32
ubotuDon't ask to ask a question. Just ask your question :)09:32
jackyyllwhere are my c header files that match my running kernel? :s09:32
ilikecowscan someone help me use a usb logitech mic on teamspeak09:32
KGnomeSirYes: ill use 28x4009:32
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Fackamatois there any reliable NTFS-writing in edgy?09:32
corevettehckrsid interface eth1 already configured09:32
gizmo_the_great1how can I rescan the SCSI bus without rebooting?09:32
razormadeOk mythtv is also fine. But i am a newby on this front. How do you get mythtv running?09:33
Fackamatoor does anyone know of a tool/thing that can enable me to write ntfs in edgy?09:33
SirYesKGnome: try this:  "grep sync /var/log/Xorg.0.log"09:33
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micooi see09:33
=== izm99 awaits a partially configured Edgy and lots of troubleshooting
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ilikecowscan someone help me use a usb logitech mic on teamspeak09:33
swaby1I have a lexmark 1100 printer added it from add printer and it won't work please help09:33
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hckrSidcorevette, hmmm... so it says its connected.09:33
Davieyrazormade, look here http://parker1.co.uk/mythtv_ubuntu.php09:33
SirYesKGnome: better not try blind -> wrong settings here might damage your monitor... :-(09:33
schopraG'day folks09:33
ubotuPrinting in Ubuntu is done with cups. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Printers - https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupportComponentsPrinters - http://linuxprinting.org - Printer sharing: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/NetworkPrintingFromWindows09:33
swaby1not detected09:33
corevettehckrsid no it says it's disconnected09:33
=== Psychobudgie [n=klaatu@82-71-44-108.dsl.in-addr.zen.co.uk] has joined #ubuntu
ilikecowscan someone help me use a usb logitech mic on teamspeak09:34
jackyyllI get this error while trying to install vmware, can anyone help? What is the location of the directory of C header files that match your running09:34
jackyyllkernel? [/usr/src/linux/include] 09:34
situmamHey Guys. I have a lenovo N100 laptop with AD1980 intel sound on Edgy that I need to get working. Any help?09:34
corevettehckrsid on connection properties it says status: disconnected09:34
KGnomeSirYes:ok, im done- how do i ogin normal09:34
ilikecowscan someone help me use a usb logitech mic on teamspeak09:34
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razormadeDaviey. I will have a look at that URL09:34
ilikecowscan someone help me use a usb logitech mic on teamspeak09:34
micoohckrsid it can't be connected if the scanning has zero results09:34
SirYesKGnome: please explain further, "ogin normal" ??09:34
Davieyilikecows, don't ask that often09:34
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ilikecowscan any1 hlep09:34
peciskaterphasma: ok, I will check out if bug system doesn't have reported already this one09:34
KGnomeSirYes:login graphically09:34
razormadeDaviey. First impression looks good!!!09:35
SirYesKGnome: so your'e still in text mode?09:35
khermans_how do i set the rate for y connection in network manager?09:35
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gizmo_the_great1how can I rescan the SCSI bus without rebooting? I have just attached a tape drive and want to detect without rebooting?09:35
khermans_i need it to be 11M09:35
KGnomeSirYes: sir yes09:35
ilikecowscan any1 hlep09:35
SirYesKGnome: /etc/init.d/gdm restart09:35
ilikecowscan someone help me use a usb logitech mic on teamspeak09:35
Davieyrazormade, it is good!  It's really not hard to set up with apt-get either09:35
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dampkapDoes anyone know any sources for good system soundsets besides gnome/kde-look.org?09:35
aterphasmapecisk: thanks09:35
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jorge__hi all09:36
hckrSidhmmm... its weird.09:36
corevettemicoo don't know09:36
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alitis4reminme the command at the end..... apt-get install xffs-samba ?09:36
jorge__have any of you installed edgy in a dual core ppc64?09:36
alitis4how was it?09:36
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razormadeDaviey. Thanks a million. Strage that he orginal website doesn't have ths Ubuntu information. I'll try it directly!!!!09:36
schopraAre there help repositories for problems with mounting DVDs?09:36
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ilikecowscan someone help me use a usb logitech mic on teamspeak09:36
KGnomeSirYes: it says starting gnome display manager ..... [fail] 09:36
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jribHas anyone installed ratpoison on edgy?  The package doesn't seem to have crated a .desktop file in /usr/share/xsessions/09:37
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ilikecowshas any1 install ventrilo before09:37
dampkapschopra: What's your problem?09:37
micooi dunno it's weird09:37
kitchejrib: ratposion doesn't use .desktop files09:37
kjmilikecows - please don't spam the room - if some one can answer your question they will.  Patience is needed - not persistance.09:37
SirYesKGnome: ouch. You're using ubuntu/kubuntu/xubuntu ... ?09:37
frolleWhat shall i add in xorg.conf to use res 1024x764 ?09:37
dampkapilikecows: Is Verntrilo available for Linux?09:37
jribkitche: how am i supposed to load it?09:37
ilikecowsthers a script09:38
hckrSidcorevette, did you put the name of the wireless network (ESSID) in the network configuration (for eth1)?09:38
ilikecowsunder third party on downloads09:38
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Davieyrazormade, this might also help http://www.mythtv.org/wiki/index.php/Ubuntu#Ubuntu09:38
ilikecowsi cant seem to figure it out09:38
KGnomeSirYes: xubuntu, but ill recofigure selecting autoatic stuff09:38
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about ratposion - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi09:38
corevettehckrsid yes09:38
uboturatpoison: keyboard-only window manager. In component universe, is extra. Version 1.4.0.dfsg-4 (edgy), package size 157 kB, installed size 464 kB09:38
schopraI can't get this DVD read - and when I go to the file browser it simply says cant' count volume09:38
saxtonMy monitors blank out (going to power-saving mode?) after only a few minutes (I don't want this; at least not as quickly)09:38
saxtonI've tried to adjust the DPMS values via xset, but that doesn't seem to have any effect09:38
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KGnomeSirYes: automatic09:38
peciskaterphasma: you could do a "dmesg > dmesg.txt", open dmesg.txt in gedit, copy it, and paste it in www.pastebin.com, and then give me url it will give you09:38
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SirYesKGnome: inspect the output of "sudo tail /var/log/messages"09:38
schopraAnd thanks for noticing dampkap :)!09:38
ilikecowsi know teamspeak works09:38
kitchejrib: either make sure gdm doesn't start and add exec ratpoison to your .xinitrc09:38
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Davieykitche, ratpoison is a minimal x-server that doesn't use the mouse very much. Relies on keyboard shortcuts09:39
NiklasH_workhi, does anyone else have problems accessing packages.freecontrib.org? (The plf repository)09:39
schopraIts a DVD-R09:39
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ubotuPLF is the Penguin Liberation Front. For more info see: http://wiki.ubuntu-fr.org/doc/plf. PLF is down indefinitely pending a new maintainer; see http://plf.zarb.org/. see also !seveas09:39
KGnomeSirYes: VGA is a pretty universal dirver, right?09:39
dampkapschopra: have you mounted it?09:39
SirYesKGnome: what desktop manager (DM) does xubuntu use? (I have no idea, really)09:39
ilikecowsi know teamspeak works09:39
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ilikecowscan someone help me use a usb logitech mic on teamspeak09:39
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ompaulSirYes, sfce09:39
atoponceif i port forward using ssh on ubuntu, how can i get my widows pc on the same network to share the ssh tunnel also?09:39
ubotuCompiz (compositing window manager) and XGL (X server architecture layered on top of OpenGL)  -  Howto at http://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompositeManager  -  Help in #ubuntu-xgl  -  See http://tinyurl.com/pw5ez for Kubuntu systems09:39
UKMattI've been using Swiftfox so I'm not sure about this, but in Firefox, what directory do you save the Flash Plugins09:39
schopraPerhaps thats the problem - I was assuming auto-mount on insertion09:39
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SirYesKGnome: vga is okay, try vesa too (it's better)09:39
KGnomeSirYes: me neither, i havn't seen it yet09:39
NiklasH_workaww, crap. thanks anyway09:39
ompaulSirYes, has a channel of its own #xubuntu09:39
corevettehckrsid i don't know if it's configurd currectly09:39
mohammedhi there09:40
schopraDumb assumption?09:40
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bruenigUKMatt, mine is in /usr/lib/firefox/plugins09:40
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SirYesompaul: thx, I'm trying to help KGnome :)09:40
aterphasmapecisk: right09:40
=== Zaggynl [n=Zaggynl@dsl-083-247-026-021.solcon.nl] has joined #ubuntu
ubotuCompiz (compositing window manager) and XGL (X server architecture layered on top of OpenGL)  -  Howto at http://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompositeManager  -  Help in #ubuntu-xgl  -  See http://tinyurl.com/pw5ez for Kubuntu systems09:40
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ubotuAIGLX (Accelerated Indirect GLX) is an open source project founded by the X.Org Foundation and the Fedora Core Linux community to allow accelerated indirect GLX rendering capabilities to X.org and DRI drivers. This allows remote X clients to get fully hardware accelerated rendering over the GLX protocol. Head to #ubuntu-xgl for support.09:40
atoponcessh -g -L 8080: user@servername.org09:40
hckrSidcorevette, try 'ifconfig eth1 up' ?09:40
LjL!msg the bot09:40
ubotuPlease investigate with me only in /msg or in #ubuntu-bots  -  Abusing the channel bots will only result in angry ops... ;-)09:40
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UKMattbruenig, awesome ty09:40
=== Sh1nz0n [n=borge@062016216100.customer.alfanett.no] has joined #ubuntu
corevettehckrsid 'permission denied'09:40
stacyhello if i wanted to upgrade to edgy from a disc is there one out there09:40
razormadeDaviey. Thanks for the URL's!09:41
ilikecowsMake sure "snd_usb_audio" is loaded:09:41
ilikecowslsmod | grep snd_usb_audio09:41
ilikecowsIf you get no output you need to write the following:09:41
ilikecowsmodprobe snd_usb_audio09:41
ilikecowsThen it should work - in theory. It still won't work in Audacity for example09:41
ilikecowsthough, some programs just don't let you choose to use /dev/dsp1.*sigh*09:41
hckrSidcorevette, try 'sudo ifconfig eth1 up' ?09:41
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greystokerhi all. does the ubuntu 6.10 release include wireless nic drivers?09:41
ilikecowswhat does that mean ^09:41
LjLUbotu, please tell ilikecows about paste09:41
KGnomeSirYes: im on #xubuntu as well09:41
atoponcewhen i point my ubuntu firefox browser to localhost:8080, i can browse fine, but my windows firefox pointed to times out09:41
atoponceany ideas?09:41
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philwhlnhi, what do I need to play a *.asf stream?09:41
atoponcemy ubuntu box ip /
=== greg [n=greg@krelekamp.demon.nl] has joined #ubuntu
riddleboxizm99, is there a place to get the newest deb files for nvidia drivers?09:41
ompaulilikecows, DO NOT PASTE in the channel thanks - use http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org09:41
corevettehckrsid 'SIOCSIFFLAGS: no such file or directory'09:41
dampkapilikecows: it means, you should type "lsmod | grep snd_usb_audio" in a shell and press the "enter" key.09:41
ilikecowsokay then should my mic work?09:42
stacyis there a disc you can upgrade to edgy with09:42
Flannelatoponce: can you browse from ubuntu at
Phaquiah, I got the sound09:42
mohammedplease iam asking about rpms09:42
Flannelstacy: the alternate CD can be used to upgrade09:42
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LjLstacy: the edgy disc...?09:42
atoponceFlannel: yeah. just fine09:42
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Phaquihad to set something in my vlc09:42
SirYesKGnome: ok, I'm going to #xubuntu09:42
dampkapilikecows: in theory.09:42
ompaulmohammed, if you ahve to ask they are not for running on ubuntu - you want .debs09:42
mohammedhow can i install rpm files09:42
stacyand how do i get the alternate CD09:42
=== overridex [n=override@c-24-62-7-132.hsd1.ma.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
LjLUbotu, please tell mohammed about rpm09:42
izm99riddlebox, not sure.  I just use the ones in apt.  apt-get install nvidia-glx09:42
dampkapilikecows: Have you checked the mixer settings?09:42
ilikecowsty im noob at this09:42
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philwhlncan vlc play a *.asf stream?09:43
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atoponceubuntu is executing the command, and i want to share the port forwarding with windows, but can't seem to get it right09:43
n1gke!ubotu rpm09:43
DavieyThe partitioner of dapper installer has taken over two hours!! is this okay?  (In console: top - partman is using 4% processor, which is the process using the most resources.  Current load is.2.60).  Any ideas?09:43
atoponcewindows always times out09:43
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overridexis there any work around for the black and white bootsplash issue on amd64?09:43
schopradampkap: I guess I don't know what the correct syntax for the mount command for DVDs is09:43
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hckrSidcorevette, looks like others have had this problem...09:43
corevette!uboto wireless09:43
kitchemohammed: you can use alien, to use it open up a terminal and do alien <name>.rpm and it should make a .deb for you09:43
hckrSidcorevette, which wireless card are you using?09:43
LjLDaviey: i don't think it's normal09:43
schopradampkap: I'm running man mount now so let me see if I can figure this out09:43
uboturpm is the RedHat Package Management system. Ubuntu does not use RPM, but !APT, and RPM packages are not supported (the package "alien" can allow installing them, but it's quite dangerous).09:43
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stacyi would like to upgrade my system but i cant seem to get it done from the instructions on the web pages09:43
corevettehckrsid 'linksys instant wireless pci'09:44
dampkapilikecows: Make sure in the audio mixer settings, the mic is turned on and the input level is not 0.09:44
ompaulmohammed, kitche   ^^ please read that last statement by ubotu09:44
=== nbx909 [n=nbx909@68-114-160-236.dhcp.kgpt.tn.charter.com] has joined #ubuntu
DavieyLjL,   It's a 160gb NTFS drive with 30gig free and a partition being made of 20gig.  The drive probably wasn't defragged properly09:44
nbx909quick question09:44
=== Narf [n=narf@fib-op3.area51-bg.net] has joined #ubuntu
ilikecowswhen running lsmod | grep snd_usb_audio i get bash: gray: command not found can some1 help09:44
LjLstacy, https://help.ubuntu.com/community/EdgyUpgrades mentions about upgrading using a CD09:44
atoponceso why can ubuntu point to and browse with ssh tunneling, but windows pointed to can't?09:44
hckrSidcorevette, did you have to install a driver?09:44
nbx909has the linux image 686 been renamed to generic in edgy?09:44
dampkapschopra: "mount /dev/cdrom /mnt" should do.09:44
corevettehckrsid no09:44
atoponcethat's the big thing that has me stumped09:44
LjLDaviey: well, still two hours sound a bit much. can you hear the drive crunching?09:45
Flannelatoponce: ssh tunneling?09:45
LjLnbx909: yes09:45
zaatarcan i ask questions about beryl here?09:45
jribkitche: is there any good reason for ratpoison to not include a .desktop file for gdm to offer the option in a session.  The changelog mentions something about it already being regsitered in the Debian menu, but that doesn't seem to take into account the sessions in gdm09:45
atoponceFlannel: yeah09:45
LjLUbotu, please tell zaatar about beryl09:45
ZaggynlOkay this is really weird, aMSN makes my 3d accelerated apps stutter!09:45
nbx909LjL, good that's what i thought, i was like wtf why didn't 686 install!09:45
philwhlnstacey: make sure you backup before upgrading. the upgrade didn't work for me09:45
SirYes[Edgy 6.10]  - has anybody succeded installing it using existing partition layout?09:45
DavieyLjL, i'm not sure to be honest.  the power fan is too loud09:45
amithow to create local prepository in directory ??09:45
Narfwhat are the system requirements for 6.10?09:45
stacythats the site i have been using and i dont have a disc i am just wondering if its available09:45
kitchejrib: well it doesn't use .desktop at all, sicne it's all keyboard based the window manager that is09:45
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stacyi have already backed everything up09:46
LjLUbotu, please tell Narf about hardware09:46
DavieyLjL, it's quite warm if that means anything09:46
peciskilikecows: should work, sure you haven't used gray instead of grep?09:46
schopradampkap: thanks, let me try that09:46
LjLDaviey: nah09:46
philwhlnstacy: good job ;)09:46
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hckrSidcorevette, hmmm... possibly something to do with the driver.09:46
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jribkitche: but the .desktop is for /usr/share/xsessions, fluxbox, fwvm both include one.  It just lets you switch at the login screen09:46
amitI already go through "how tos" .09:46
DavieyLjL, i think it is doing stuff.  partman is using 5% processor09:46
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corevettehckrsid would ndiswrapper fix this?09:46
jorge__any ppc64 user here?09:46
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DavieyLjL, if i stop it, will it fubar my NTFS partition!?!?09:47
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amitplease help me09:47
jribkitche: it did have one in dapper09:47
LjLDaviey: 5% processor doesn't sound very impressive. you're really looking for HD activity anyway, not processor time -- doesn't your HD have a LED anyway?09:47
LjLDaviey: possibly09:47
ilikecowswhen running lsmod | grep snd_usb_audio i get bash: gray: command not found can some1 help09:47
LjLDaviey: (likely)09:47
greystokerdoes ubuntu 6.1 come with wireless nic drivers?09:47
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hckrSidcorevette, its possible.09:47
SirYes[Edgy 6.10] 09:47
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SirYes[Edgy 6.10]  - has anybody succeded installing it using existing partition layout?09:47
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DavieyLjL, no LED09:47
stacyim really new to all of this and i just want my system to be up to date and i cant seem to even get software to install correctly09:47
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moiphSo I've got a logitech keyboard with media keys.  I have set the keys in prefs>keyboard shortcuts, and I got them working with xmms, but I'm having trouble getting them to work globally with amarok. Any ideas? (They work when amarok is the active window)09:47
stacyi have tried the flashplayer and its still not working entirely correct09:47
schopradampkap: another silly question (potentially) - I have a CD-ROM drive and a CD-RW/DVD+RW drive09:47
POVaddctgreystoker: yes, but not for all wireless nics.09:48
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DavieyLjL, my load is quite high mind09:48
peciskSirYes: you mean by dist-upgrade? Yes, I have09:48
greystokerPOVaddct thx09:48
aquaducterI think the package system is great09:48
=== rauble [n=andrew@pool-71-240-146-202.hrbgpa.east.verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu
SirYes[Edgy 6.10]  - in my case I always must create a partition, or installer refuses to continue09:48
vandit2k7hi I have a keyboard problem in Ubuntu!!     can anyone help09:48
stacyit works but the sound is turned off and the keyboard wont work on certain games that require the arrow keys09:48
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LjLamit: you've checked out apt-proxy, apt-mirror and apt-cacher i suppose09:48
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peciskvandit2k7: specify :)09:48
=== AkumAPRIME [n=akumapri@adsl-69-231-223-231.dsl.irvnca.pacbell.net] has joined #ubuntu
schopradampkap: I have a CD-ROM Drive and a CD-RW/DVD+RW drive09:48
LjL!ask | vandit2k709:48
ubotuvandit2k7: Don't ask to ask a question. Just ask your question :)09:48
amitNo no09:48
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schopradoes that make a difference to the syntax of the mount command?09:48
SirYespecisk: I did two fresh installs recently (plus one dist-upgrade) and two times it gave me the same problem09:48
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peciskschopra: no09:49
corevettehckrsid do i have to download it?09:49
amitI follow this link http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=4286209:49
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schopraI have a music cD playing currently in the CD-ROM drive09:49
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schopraOk, thanks09:49
DavieyLjL, I just say parted_server quickly appear on my top list09:49
stacyis there a web forum i can join that is completely for beginners09:49
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peciskSirYes: what kind of problem?09:49
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hckrSidcorevette, https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs/Driver/Ndiswrapper09:49
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AkumAPRIMEok, so I want to use dual monitors, but of course, if I switch away from my monitor, I want the settings to change, so I found this multimonitor script that does just that. So my question is: what do I do with this script to make it perform its function?09:49
kitchejrib: it seems that ratposion doesn't make one for gdm but it has oen for xdm09:49
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LjLDaviey: i'd give it another two hours...09:49
chuckypstacy, forums.ubuntu.org    there is a absolute beginers forum there.09:49
^Ocean^Any one have problems getting VMware to run under Edgy ?09:49
stacythanks so much09:50
LjL^Ocean^: yes - i need to run it as root (the vmware player, i mean)09:50
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TooTallJonesI get this "Gtk-WARNING **: Locale not supported by C library.       Using the fallback 'C' locale." when opening gaim, cedega, or any other python program.  I just put on a clean install of edgy xubuntu.  I tried reconfiguring my locales and updating my language packages.  And nothing09:50
SirYespecisk: glad you've asked09:50
vandit2k7Ok hi I have a Microsoft Multimedia Keyboard which is a PS2 keyboard...when I start up Ubuntu that is when cd loads..I can choose navigate that menu like where you get to choose F4 for VGA but then when it actually loads ubuntu fully and I open a command line and I try to type something it doesn't type09:50
u221eCan I use the 6.06 CD to network install 6.10?09:50
jribkitche: hmm weird, ok thanks for teh info09:50
DavieyLjL, triffic!  I really wish i wacked a new drive in here.  It's somebody i convinced to try Ubuntu!  Doesn't look good eh?09:50
kitchejrib: check gentoo-wiki.com they have the code to make the .desktop file for ratposion09:50
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jribkitche: yeah I just grabbed it from the dapper deb, but I'll file a bug09:50
SirYespecisk: gparted doesn't let me through without creating a partition for / - root fs.09:50
stacyill go in there and see what i can find thanks again09:50
Daviey^Ocean^,  No problems with Vmware on edg09:51
VrooomHi my gf have this acer laptop. and guess what she loved ubuntu... i cant get it online with wireless connection although i filled all the details,   and it say eth1 cannot to be activeated  any idea?  my ear are bleeding by her nagging "my internet not worky!"09:51
LjLDaviey: uh, no :-\ still anyway, not much use for right now, but you should always do a chkdsk and a defrag from Windows before resizing its partitions...09:51
LjLDaviey: (and have a backup, but that goes without saying ;)09:51
lgpcan anyone tell me how to install plugins in Firefox?09:51
^Ocean^Daviey, hmm because after i upgraded from Dapper to Edgy, my vmware stoped working...09:51
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DavieyLjL, of course :(09:51
^Ocean^i type vmare and it just jumps my cpu upto 100% and thats it.09:51
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kitche^Ocean^: that's because you have to reinstall it sicne it depends on the kernel for a lot of it's function09:52
Daviey^Ocean^, try removing it an re-installing it09:52
SirYespecisk: even if I have a spare partition for Edgy, it forces me to delete a partition and to recreate it - then the installation proceeds.09:52
philwhlncan totem play asf streams?09:52
u221eCan I use the 6.06 CD to network install 6.10?09:52
VrooomAny idea how to get wireless internet working09:52
peciskSirYes: it is not such way that you should specify which partition will be root?09:52
aquaducteranyone gotten WOW to run under wine?09:52
vandit2k7Ok hi I have a Microsoft Multimedia Keyboard which is a PS2 keyboard...when I start up Ubuntu that is when cd loads..I can choose navigate that menu like where you get to choose F4 for VGA but then when it actually loads ubuntu fully and I open a command line and I try to type something it doesn't type09:52
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LjLUbotu, please tell aquaducter about wow09:52
^Ocean^I did try that, and i even upgraded too the newest vmware09:52
kitcheaquaducter: there is a patched version of wine out for WoW09:52
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peciskSirYes: hmmmm, feels like a bug, but I honestly can be sure, have no livecd to check it out09:53
aquaducterso if I just use the one in package manager it wont work?>09:53
rwscoldDoes anyone know how to get the fglrx drivers working on an ati x800xl card i have done so many different things looked at all the guides i just odnt know what to do!09:53
peciskSirYes: try to report it to Launchpad09:53
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SirYespecisk: yes, I can select "/" and "/home" from the combo boxes, but it's not enough for the installer :-(09:53
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overridexis there a separate channel for 64-bit ubuntu?09:53
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NutubuntuI've read mixed reviews of Dapper and Edgy on Athlon 64s ... anyone with first-hand experience? I'm currently running Dapper on an older Athlon XP1600+ and feeling the Hardware Upgrade Creature gnawing at me09:53
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schopradamkap, pecisk: mount wants me to specify the filesystem type09:54
g8mSirYes, same experience here, i had to remove the partition and recreate it to proceed the installation09:54
SirYespecisk: OTOH when I recreate the partition, its "format" checkbox becomes both selected and grayed out - then it goes.09:54
rwscoldDoes anyone know how to get the fglrx drivers working on an ati x800xl card i have done so many different things looked at all the guides i just odnt know what to do!09:54
esaymanyone have any hints on this topic: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=1646404#post164640409:54
schopraIs the fact that I'm trying to mount a DVD-R in a DVD+RW drive relevant?09:54
SirYesg8m: soooo, it *is* repeatable :)09:54
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peciskschopra: -t iso09:55
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SirYesg8m: good to know, now it starts to look like a bug :)09:55
schopraI'm puzzled as to why it would automount audio CDs but not DVDs09:55
peciskschopra: you should provide CD iso file system09:55
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schoprapecisk: thanks09:55
glickityexcuse me, how can i remove gaim?09:55
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glickityit says that i have to remove the complete desktop to remove gaim?09:55
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peciskglickity: sudo apt-get remove gaim or use Synaptic09:55
SirYespecisk: thanks for the suggestion, how do I "report to Launchpad"? Just a normal bug report?09:55
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ilikecowswere is audio mixer located09:56
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peciskSirYes: yes09:56
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schoprapecisk: it says no medium found09:56
variantschopra: dvd's use udf format not iso-966009:56
peciskSirYes: www.launchpad.net09:56
MrKeunerhi, is there a way to use static IP with a wireless network card in nm-applet?09:56
glickityubuntu-desktop has to be removed as welll it says09:56
variantschopra: is the disk blank?09:56
nevermindok, i've been here last night, and i know that many ones were complaining about X not starting on edgy09:56
peciskvariant: huh, not all09:56
JDahlglickity, it's because ubuntu-desktop depends on gaim - that way you can install all essential desktop packages easily. Why do you need to remove gaim?09:56
nevermindanyone here got the same probem?09:56
variantpecisk: movie ones do09:56
schoprano, it has a video on it09:56
MrMglickity, ubuntu-desktop is just a metapackage that depends on the default programs that are on your desktop09:56
lewwidDCC SEND UpgradeYourDamnRouterNubs09:56
MrMglickity, removing ubuntu-desktop will NOT remove your desktop ;)09:56
variantschopra: is it a video dvd? or a data dvd with a video file on it?09:56
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peciskvariant: but I guess mount still it mounts as iso09:56
schopraA video DVD09:57
glickityJDahl, cause i have minimal harddisk space on this computer09:57
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peciskor I am wrong09:57
Pensacolais there something like the 386 linux image for edgy, because the generic kernel is not very stable09:57
glickityand dont want certain packages09:57
variantschopra: then you don't need to mount it09:57
schopravariant: a video DVD - which plays fine in the home DVD player09:57
Vrooomthanks alot i got headache my gf shouted at me09:57
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variantschopra: apt-get install ogle09:57
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variantschopra: then just type ogle or click the icon for it to play the dvd09:57
SirYespecisk: thanks, I'm already registered and reported something there too :)09:57
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schopraok, installed ogle09:57
SirYespecisk: so, it's time for another one (bug report, that is). Thx.09:57
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rwscoldi am having problems getting X to start because of vide drivers09:58
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peciskSirYes: yep, earn those damn points for you :)09:58
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variantschopra: or you can type mplayer dvd://1 but mplayer subtitles and menu is not as nice as ogle09:58
peciskSirYes: and provide detailed report09:58
JDahlglickity, gaim is probably not that big. Try "sudo apt-get clean" and see if that doesnt clear up some space for you09:58
schopraCan I paste the four lines of the error I got from ogle?09:58
TC`!virtual cd09:58
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variantschopra: i dont mind09:58
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about virtual-cd - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi09:58
schopralibdvdread: Could not open input: No medium found09:58
schopralibdvdread: Can't open /dev/dvd for reading09:58
schopraERROR[ogle_nav] : faild to open/read the DVD09:58
schopraDVDSetDVDRoot:: Root not set09:58
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overridexNutubuntu: i run ubuntu 64-bit... not to say you'd have to if you upgraded your cpu09:59
naliothshachaf_: please don't paste09:59
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variantschopra: do you have more than one dvd drive?09:59
schopraOnly one drive09:59
TC`what program use on ubuntu to open virtual cd/dvd? .iso .nrg ect...09:59
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schopraI have a CD-ROM drive which is being used right now09:59
peciskschopra: it is not double layer dvd?09:59
aquaducterI really like this distribution, good job guys09:59
schopraits a DVD-R09:59
variantTC`: you mean like daemon tools?09:59
schopraI'm not sure if thats a double layer10:00
variantTC`: you can mount an iso or whatever with the mount command10:00
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godmachine81automatix2 is nice.. i dont care what you ppl say10:00
AkumAPRIMEok, so I want to use dual monitors, but of course, if I switch away from my monitor, I want the settings to change, so I found this multimonitor script that does just that. So my question is: what do I do with this script to make it perform its function?10:00
AkumAPRIMEtrue godmachine10:00
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TC`"sudo mount"10:00
godmachine81AkumAPRIME:: we all know why they dont support automatix...10:00
rwscoldback to dapper i go10:00
AkumAPRIMEgodmachine81: we do?10:00
Nutubuntuoverridex:  I'm really dim about the new generation of cpus (pretty dim about the old too) -- would I *not* have to run a 64-bit OS on a 64-bit cpu?10:00
MrMsince i updated to breezy (from dapper), my firefox has ugly fonts (see http://www.mesw.de/support/firefox_thunderbird.png for a picture with firefox on the left and thunderbird on the right). on dapper, thunderbird and firefox would look the same10:01
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Lattywarecould anyone help? After updating to Edgy, Azureus won't work (my only problem)10:01
mike_why are some of my themes not working with edgy?10:01
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godmachine81AkumAPRIME:: its a little thing called "easyubuntu"  the people in #ubuntu are actively developing with it.. and they dont support automatix because they work apart from them..10:01
PensacolaI like the new fonts :)10:01
peciskI am surprised about automatix and other tools, while there is more trustable installation way with Universe and Multiverse packages10:01
JDahlLattyware, have you checked that java works?10:01
godmachine81AkumAPRIME:: they like to spread lies..10:01
rwscoldwhat i dont get is why they cant get ati drivers working right our of box10:01
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peciskare people really that lazy?10:01
MrMPensacola, you mean the new fonts of firefox?10:01
aquaducteranyone know why grub would only find the partitions if I first boot the ubuntu CD then select 'boot from first hd'? It will load grub without the cd in but it wont find the partition with the filesystem on it10:01
variantTC`: mount -o loop filenamehere.iso /mnt/10:01
dimitrihi all10:01
schoprabasically it seems libdvdread can't open device10:01
FlatsIs it failrly simple to setup a printer using CUPS so that I could print from my other 2 windows servers?10:01
LjLgodmachine81, AkumAPRIME, feel free to take this discussion to #ubuntu-offtopic10:01
schopracan't open /dev/dvd for reading10:02
LattywareJDahl: No, what do I need to do?10:02
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godmachine81LjL:: no worries10:02
tritiumgodmachine81: there are no lies being spread.  I suggest you not start spreading some yourself.10:02
variantschopra: yeah, either it's not a dvd video or the disk is blank10:02
Rav|stranglerwhy do people down automatix?10:02
variantschopra: or it's the wrong device10:02
godmachine81tritium:: im not spreading any lies10:02
jackedschopra: mount it as root10:02
tritiumRav|strangler: because it messes with system settings and can leave you with a broken system10:02
schoprabizarree - I played it on my DVD player so its not blank and is definitely a DVD video10:02
dimitriwhy cant i get linux-k7 to install the amd k7 kernel image?10:02
peciskRav|strangler: because there is a lot better ways to get all those apps installed?10:02
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tritiumgodmachine81: see your comment above about spreading lies (untrue)10:02
variantRav|strangler: i dislike it as it automates the installtion of non-free software, I prefer to keep my rights intact thanks10:02
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jacked(I think I came in the middle of that convo.  woops.  hehe)10:03
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schopravariant: when you say "wrong device", does that mean that the particular DVD format won't work on this drive I have?10:03
MrMPensacola, i don't even think these are new fonts. it's just that the text looks blurry while the normal fonts don't, at least when i use bitstream vera sans10:03
kodatanyone else have problems with flash in firefox..wonder if i should switch to opera10:03
justin420hi all. when following the directions on http://doc.gwos.org/index.php/Kernel_Compilation_Dapper ; one of the very first steps says to change in your xorg.conf file, the device section from "nvidia" or "fglrx" to vesa or ati or nv, I tried using nv and vesa and both times it says that device is already in use? can anyone help with that? i tried asking in in #ubuntu-kernel and either everyone is choosing not to help, or everyone doesnt know.10:03
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overridexNutubuntu: nope, amd64 cpus can run 32-bit code natively, so it's your choice - you can also run a 64-bit os but have 32-bit apps inside it (for instance i run a 32-bit firefox on ubuntu 64 so that some of the closed source plugins work)10:03
Rav|stranglerwhere could one find a more trustable source?10:03
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godmachine81tritium:: ok.. i have seen many many times that people in here strongly encourage people not to use automatix because it has broke several systems.. i call that a lie..10:03
peciskkodat: no problems, everything works10:03
theqkashhello all10:03
schoprajacked: I've been  using sudo for all these commands10:03
glickityok i just deleted the binary manually10:03
variantschopra: no, i mean /dev/dvd is not the drive which contains the disk. test it by doing eject /dev/dvd10:03
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JDahlLattyware, try something like "java --version" from a terminal to see if java is installed - I think Azereus is written in java,  but I am sure it's your problem10:03
peciskRav|strangler: Universe/Multiverse repositories10:03
PensacolaI changed the default font in dapper, but I like the ones in edgy, so all is default here10:03
kodatpecisk, damn..everytime i go to legitreviews firefox just crashes on me >.<10:04
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tritiumgodmachine81: well, you're quite mistaken.  It _has_ broken many systems, and that's a fact.10:04
peciskRav|strangler: Add/Remove Apps in Applications menu10:04
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schopraOk, it ejected10:04
LjLgodmachine81, tritium, as i said, please take this to -offtopic10:04
theqkashhelp me. plz.... after upgrading to edgy i haven't polish characters and I can't go from X to any TTY:(10:04
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Rav|stranglerany way to mimic the appilities of automatix?10:04
godmachine81tritium and LjL:: when im bending over backwards helping these people in this room.. remind me to take it to ##some-offtopic BS10:04
overridexNutubuntu: also most closed source games are 32-bit, but will run on a 64-bit ubuntu install (doom3, quake 4, etc.)10:04
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alex_where can I find canals?10:04
LjLRav|strangler: yes, read the wiki documentation people have painstakingly written ;)10:04
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jackedschopra: sorry, hadn't seen any other comments from you.   sudo should work fine10:04
variantRav|strangler: just install the apps you need in the normal way, automatix is such pointless lazyness it's unreal10:04
peciskkodat: for me, Flash on Linux is bugger by default, so yes, I have several sites crashing because of Flash, but I don't care, because it is just flash10:04
theqkashhelp me. plz.... after upgrading to edgy i haven't polish characters and I can't go from X to any TTY:(10:04
LattywareJDahl: Java(TM) 2 Runtime Environment, Standard Edition (build 1.5.0_08-b03)10:04
LattywareJava HotSpot(TM) Client VM (build 1.5.0_08-b03, mixed mode, sharing)10:04
schoprajacked, thanks10:04
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alex_can you help me?10:05
kodatpecisk, yeah thats true hehe10:05
schopravariant: so the eject command working for it should mean that /dev/dvd is the right device?10:05
variantschopra: yup10:05
Nutubuntuoverridex:  many thanks ... that makes some of the choices a lot easier for me !10:05
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schopragoshdangit, whats going on here10:05
variantschopra: if you do mount /dev/dvd /mnt what does it do?10:05
jackedalex_: only if you phrase your question in the form of a response10:05
Rav|stranglerI like pointless and lazyness :-) how could an 11 year old take in all this??10:05
reikiok my xorg.conf says I'm using the nvidia driver, but I don't see the nvidia splash screen I've heard (seen?) people talk about. Should I be suspicious that something isn't starting?10:05
LjLalex_: /msg chanserv help list10:05
schopravariant: lemme try10:05
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ubotuPartitioning programs: !GParted or QTParted  -  Formatting partitions: see the manual page for mkfs ("man mkfs")  -  Mounting partitions in Gnome: System -> Administration -> Disks10:06
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variantTC`: did the command i told you not work?10:06
schopravariant: I get a "no medium found" message10:06
theqkashhelp me. plz.... after upgrading to edgy i haven't polish characters and I can't go from X to any TTY:(10:06
godmachine81painstakingly written..10:06
variantTC`: mount -o loop filenamehere.iso /mnt/10:06
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Rav|stranglerI'll keep reading thanks10:06
alex_I want a cinema canal10:06
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schopraI typed "sudo mount -t udf /dev/dvd /mnt10:06
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TC`which command10:06
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variantschopra: ok, it is a blank disk. perhaps it is the wrong format for your kind of drive.. i don't know10:06
TC`i realy don't know how to use it ;] 10:06
variantTC`: mount -o loop filenamehere.iso /mnt/10:06
TC`go to directory10:06
alex_what have I to do?10:06
schopravariant: thanks so much10:06
godmachine81Rav|strangler:: http://getautomatix.com/wiki/index.php?title=Main_Page&Itemid=3010:06
dxdemetriouhow can the amixer to work as root but not to user, and also with sudo?10:07
variantTC`:in a terminal type sudo mount -o loop /path/to/your/isofilenamehere.iso /mnt/10:07
schopravariant: I'm guessing DVD-R just isn't read by DVD+RW10:07
godmachine81LjL:: and tritium i think you should both take a look at that as well10:07
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jackedschopra:  sudo mkdir /mnt/dvd10:07
variantschopra: i dont know10:07
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LjLgodmachine81: like i hadn't seen that.10:07
ubotuDeutschsprachige Hilfe fuer Probleme mit Ubuntu, Kubuntu und Edubuntu finden Sie in den Kanaelen #ubuntu-de, #kubuntu-de, #xubuntu-de und #edubuntu-de10:07
jackedschopra: then mount as /mnt/dvd10:07
schoprajacked: ok, lets try that!10:07
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variantjacked: i doubt that that will work10:07
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funkmasterhey ppl10:08
schoprajacked:  yeah, it didn't10:08
jackedvariant: oh. my bad then10:08
funkmasteri got problemswith dapper edgy10:08
schoprasame error message10:08
TC`will it work on .cue?10:08
TC`;;] 10:08
jackedoh... great10:08
funkmasterwas upgrading ran into a lot of trouble10:08
godmachine81LjL:: i find it to be ontopic when automatix relates to ubuntu.. and i want a good reason not to use it but to use easyubuntu instead.  give me one good reason10:08
funkmasterbut managed to get it to boot10:08
variantTC`: dunno, you might have to change the format10:08
variantTC`: try it10:08
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funkmasterbut the desktop won't start correctly10:08
tritiumgodmachine81: take it to #ubuntu-offtopic10:08
variantTC`: try it on the .bin instead if thats what you have10:08
schoprathis errror message "no medium found"makes me think the dvd just isn't being recognized at all10:08
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peciskTC`: no, it won't work with cue, but you can convert with bchunk app10:09
funkmasteri use my username and password and it tried to load the deskto but nothing comes10:09
Rav|strangler"If you ask us for help and you mention that your were told by someone on #Ubuntu that Automatix caused the problem, your request for help will be ignored." --Oh thats just great!10:09
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variantschopra: is it scratched?10:09
funkmasterany ideas how i could fix that??10:09
peciskTC`: convert to iso I mean10:09
schopravariant: no its fine10:09
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Corbois anyone good with samba?10:09
schopraI just watched it yesterday at home10:09
hckrSidschopra, yea... a DVD-R is probably not recognized on a DVD+RW drive.10:09
tritiumit appears godmachine81 is volunteering to support people who use automatix10:09
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schopraI'm going to try some other DVDs10:09
peciskfunkmaster: it throws you back using old user and password?10:09
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funkmasteri use my normal user/pass10:09
hckrSidschopra, I have a DVD-writer like that... which recognizes only DVD-R/RWs.10:10
Rav|stranglertritium, I agree10:10
TC`how to enter root? :D10:10
funkmasterbut it won't load10:10
peciskfunkmaster: it hangs?10:10
funkmaster i think the problem is with the desktop theme10:10
variantTC`: use sudo commandnamehere10:10
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variantTC`: or type sudo -i10:10
schoprahckrsid: I've just stuck in a movie dvd10:10
godmachine81tritium:: your right.. i am volunteering to support people who use it. so?10:10
peciskfunkmaster: you did upgrade?10:10
funkmasterit hangs, though mouse and command line work fine10:10
ubotuFor multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats  -  See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html  -  But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats10:10
funkmasteryep did upgrade10:10
Corbocan someone help me with samba?10:10
tritiumhmm, my right?  What does he mean?10:10
funkmasterhad loads of problems but managed around them10:10
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schopraAha! this mounted10:10
funkmasterbut now i'm stuck with this10:10
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schopraBut totem can't play it10:10
LjLgodmachine81: dunno, is the fact that i and two other people spent an hour today fixing someone's system that was messed up by automatix enough? just don't recommend it in here - period. you can use it if you're masochistic. don't tell others it's c00l and da best.10:10
varianttritium: that makes me want to rush out and try automatix.. (not)10:11
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Rav|stranglernow now10:11
peciskfunkmaster: seems like fucked up home dir configuration, well, you should try to login from console, do a sudo bash, and then create new user10:11
tritiumvariant: :)10:11
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LjL!language | percisk, please10:11
ubotupercisk, please: Please watch your language and keep this channel family friendly.10:11
Rav|stranglerI have enough to keep me busy10:11
tritiumpecisk: language, dude10:11
godmachine81LjL:: did they follow the instructions ? and what package messed up their install?10:11
_sanfordonyx_where would be an appropriate place to store music/photos/videos/etc that i want writable for all users on my box? /usr, /opt, /?10:11
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funkmasterpecisk: ok will try that but the default user ubuntu should that not work?10:11
variant_sanfordonyx_: /media/public is what i use10:11
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LjLgodmachine81: libc6 apparently - and no, he had installed the wrong version. i realize it's very hard to put a check for the correct content of /etc/issue, but -10:12
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eobanbLjL and godmachine81, as far as i know we should just be referring people to #automatix if they want help with it, in order to compartmentalise its user base.  otherwise, everyone will expect support for it in this channel.10:12
variant_sanfordonyx_: or /media/media/media/media ;)10:12
funkmasterpecisk: ok will try that but the default user ubuntu should that not work?10:12
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pedrocrI'm going to install a personal server. Should I use dapper or edgy?10:12
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tritiumpecisk: there you go, but please refrain from foul language10:12
funkmasterpecisk: the fail safe gnome session also does not load only puts me into the xterm10:12
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eobanbpedrocr, it depends.10:13
peciskfunkmaster: only user you created should work, user ubuntu is for LiveCD10:13
variantpedrocr: if its just for fun then it does'nt matter, if you want/need stability and reliability then go for dapper, if you wnat to play around get edgy10:13
_sanfordonyx_variant: what an excellent idea. i am not used to this media dir. Thanks!10:13
funkmasterah oki will try it out now10:13
pedrocreobanb: is there any lace that explains it?10:13
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eobanbpedrocr, if you don't mind maintaining it somewhat and if it's just to mostly play around with, then go with edgy.  if you need rock-solid stability, then go with dapper10:13
eobanbpedrocr, ?10:13
peciskfunkmaster: create new user from console and then try to login with that10:13
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about cd - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi10:13
pedrocreobanb: s/lace/place10:13
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variantTC`: can i help you with somthing?10:14
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godmachine81LjL:: see that is user error.. that can be done with anything10:14
phireI've got 2 mice pluged in, how do I edit my xorg.conf to only allow one mouse to move the mouse pointer?10:14
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godmachine81LjL:: i could just as easily mess up an install using synaptic.. does that make it not supported in #ubuntu?  no..10:15
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LjLgodmachine81: could be. i'd put a check if it were me, but anyway. but the point is - don't recommend automatix in here. that's all.10:15
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variantphire: change the part that says device /dev/input/mice to the actual /dev/ entry for your mouse10:15
NoobUbuntuCan somone please help with nvidia driver.10:15
funkmasterpecisk: do i need to reboot after i created the user?10:15
variantphire: like /dev/input/mice/mouse0 or whatever10:15
phirevariant: Thanks10:15
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LjLgodmachine81: if by "mess up" you mean add weird third party repositories, *yes* - but then we're usually nice and try to help anyway. but that's not the issue.10:15
NoobUbuntuI tried to follow hte guide for nvidia install and after that the X does nto start10:15
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Ediehowubuntu does not have ssh by default?10:16
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tritiumEdiehow: client, yes10:16
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variantEdiehow: nope10:16
peciskfunkmaster: can you switch to GDM by CTRL+ALT+F7?10:16
variantEdiehow: yeah, client. server no10:16
LjLgodmachine81: now i'll shut up though, because i'm just as offtopic as you here. just don't recommend its use.10:16
Ediehowwhat need i do to turn on sshd on ubuntu?10:16
tritiumEdiehow: install openssh-server to get the server installed10:16
morphishscore, finally got ndiswrapper working again, probably not the ubuntu way, but up is up ;)10:16
variantEdiehow: apt-get install ssh10:16
justin420NoobUbuntu: in the device section for driver does it say nvidia?10:16
peciskfunkmaster: do it and try to login10:16
elite_hackerhow can I use apt to remove packages that are dependencies of packages that are no longer installed?10:16
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funkmastersame behaviour10:16
variantEdiehow: what tritium said10:16
godmachine81LjL:: you ppl worry about offtopic stuff too much...  its just irc... we aint none getting paid to help these folks.10:16
ianmacgregorelite_hacker: You on Edgy?10:16
funkmasterjust the mouse, which i can move10:16
kodatis there any way to change the look of a panel to something kinda like mac10:17
NoobUbuntujustin420 I am at a balck screen and I have no idea what to do here, it is command line based here10:17
tritiumEdiehow: or what variant said.  they both work (openssh-server is a dependency of ssh)10:17
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funkmasterbtw i have a nvidia video card, if that maybe has anything to do with it?10:17
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godmachine81at least you all better not be getting paid for this.. ive dedicated quiet a bit of time to helping people in here myself10:17
variantgodmachine81: have you seen how busy this channel can get? if people didn't try to keep it on topic it would be utterly useless10:17
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elite_hackerianmacgregor: no10:17
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schoprathanks for your help everyone10:17
schopraI appreciate it10:17
variantschopra: yw10:17
eobanbis the flashplugin-nonfree package flash 7, or 9? anyone know?10:17
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variantschopra: did you fix it?10:17
pedrocreobanb: how about hardware support in dapper? is new hardware support added?10:17
varianteobanb: 710:17
godmachine81variant:: for 1084 peeps i would say it is not very busy at all10:17
schopracheers, bye10:17
justin420NoobUbuntu: sudo nano /etc/X11/xorg.conf and look for the device section, within that section there is a sub-section that has driver, make sure it says nvidia next to driver, not vesa not nv or anything else.10:18
variantgodmachine81: Think about it, 95% of those people are discussing other things in other channels.. not all in #ubuntu at the same time..10:18
funkmasterwhen i run sudo apt-get upgrade i have some hold back packages...10:18
wildchildcan someone help me with installing flashplugin-nonfree: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/29206/10:18
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variantgodmachine81: ok, some are asleep :) anyway, this is also offtopic. So EOF10:18
SirYesfunkmaster: you can try to temporarily move all your GNOME configration into a subdirectory and then start clean.10:18
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eppwildchild, !automatix10:19
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ubotuautomatix is a script that tries to install some software, and often fails and breaks systems. We don't provide support for it, and we strongly discourage its use.10:19
funkmasteru mean reinstall gnome?10:19
LjLgodmachine81: what's hard in typing /join #ubuntu-offtopic ? it's also *easier* to talk, there.10:19
peciskfunkmaster: you should have done dist-upgrade10:19
ilikecowswere can i locate soundmixer10:19
funkmasteryeah did that before10:19
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woro2006can I make my machine a machine if I choose the desktop iso?10:19
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SirYesfunkmaster: no, start with your normal user, but a clean gnome "profile" :)10:19
wildchildepp: so ?10:19
woro2006machine a server*10:19
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peciskfunkmaster: so new login didn't succeeded?10:19
godmachine81LjL:: i call that op trolling..10:19
eppwildchild, that can install flash 9 for you.10:19
variantgodmachine81: I call this flaming :P10:20
godmachine81we all know that nobody joins #ubuntu-offtopic except for the ops in here...10:20
JDahlworo2006, yes,  you just install the packages you need for the server10:20
wildchildautomatix is a package epp?10:20
francesco_qualcuno parla l'italiano????10:20
woro2006but would it be automatically configured?10:20
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NoobUbuntujustin420 cam I talk to you in private please ?10:20
woro2006like the lamp?10:20
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variantfrancesco_: #ubuntu-it10:20
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kodathummmm how to use utube without flash?10:20
justin420NoobUbuntu: sure10:20
eobanbkodat, you don't10:20
variantkodat: the videos are all encoded with flash, i dont think you can10:20
eppwildchild, go to ubuntuguide.com, look for the part about installing automatix10:20
godmachine81offtopic would be more like rambling about fishing and going to the store..   talking about ubuntu related issues is not offtopic.. if so where is the line drawn?10:20
ilikecowswere can i locate soundmixer10:20
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variantkodat: you might be able to downbload them in a different format though10:21
kodatvariant, so then no you tube with linux?..or need opera10:21
ubotuEasyUbuntu is a script that automates installation of some items. Use at your own risk. See http://easyubuntu.freecontrib.org/ ; for help and or discussions about EasyUbuntu please join #easyubuntu.10:21
variantkodat: it works fine here10:21
kodatvariant, ill reinstall flash..i just rather not even have it installed because it crashes my firefox10:21
variantkodat: youtube works fine here with flash710:21
NoobUbuntujustin420 did you ge tmy pm ?10:21
BooBaranyone had any luck with "Reason" in Wine10:21
SirYesfunkmaster: something like "mkdir ~/BACKUP; for f in ~/.g*; do mv $f ~/BACKUP; done" and then try to log in again10:21
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ianmacgregorSomeone needs to change the easyubuntu factoid.. freecontrib is no longer available. PLD Ubuntu project has shut down.10:21
kodatvariant, id rather not have crashes and no flash heh10:21
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nashnashplz help ^_^ .. i have scanjet 3970 scanner and i tried to install kooka or use the built in prog xsane but its still doesnt work.. do i need to install drivers to it? (btw i see the scanner on the device manager)10:21
variantkodat: yeah, flash sucks. it's a shame it is so nearly essential nowadays for browsing the web. I use flashblock firefox extention that allows me to only enable the flash bits that i want/need10:22
variantkodat: none of the adds etc, it doesnt even download them when blocked10:22
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ilikecowswere can i locate soundmixer10:22
Corbocan anyone talk me through setting up a single samba share with no authentication10:22
kodatvariant, ah flashblock might do it..thats a good idea10:22
variantilikecows: in the menu10:22
pecisknashnash: have you added yourself to scan workgroup?10:22
kodatvariant, i used flashblock when i had windows10:22
ilikecowscan u expand that10:22
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noelferreiralupine_85: are you there?10:23
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nashnashwhat scan workgroup ? and where do i add it10:23
peciskilikecows: in GNOME, you can find it, by clicking second (alternative) button on small speaker in upper right, and open sound control10:23
noelferreiracan anyone help me eith rt61 wireless driver?10:23
LjLgodmachine81: there is 136 people in -offtopic. we definitely don't have 136 ops.10:23
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pecisknashnash: System => Administration => Users and groups10:24
variantilikecows: see the speaker in the panel? right click it10:24
asdfghjkldamn my nick is still online10:24
godmachine81LjL:: ok..10:24
asdfghjklwell this is funkmaster10:24
nashnashthx prcisk ill try right away10:24
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asdfghjkli was asking about this upgrade problem10:24
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c0nfhiya :)10:24
asdfghjklso the suggestion was to resintall gnome?10:24
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pecisknashnash: open and edit your user and specify rights so you can use scanners on that system10:24
talldave2002i have just clean installed dapper, upgraded to edgy and installed the nvidia drivers via envy, and still have errors. any ideas?10:24
c0nfany edy x64 users? :)10:24
schizmsynaptic only shows up to 3.4 for g++ yet I have 4.1 installed for the rest of the GCC Suite.  Do I need a special repository to get into any sort of contemporary G++?10:25
c0nfi want to know if there is some problems with it :)10:25
asdfghjklcan i not somehow fix it? and which files do i need to backup if i wanna do it?10:25
c0nfwhat is not working etc10:25
ianmacgregorasdfghjkl: /msg nickserv help ghost ?10:25
asdfghjklah thx10:25
variantkodat: flashblock, adblock, noscript. the three essential firefox extensions10:25
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kodatvariant, heh yah10:25
KGnomehow do i install an ISA NIC10:25
Andrew67variant: doesnt noscript also block flash?10:25
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variantc0nf: everything works fine here, better than ever. some people have reported different issues though most can probably be put down to user error as they all seem to be different10:25
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c0nfvariant: do you have nvidia graphic card?10:26
funkmasterok awsome10:26
variantAndrew67: not alwasy10:26
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c0nfuse* :)10:26
rudizctrl+alt+f1 does not work10:26
funkmasterso back to stupid edgy upgrade10:26
variantc0nf: nope, ati with free software drivers10:26
rudizin edgy10:26
c0nfvariant: does flash works?10:26
funkmasterhow do i get my desktop to load again?10:26
variantc0nf: yep10:26
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variantc0nf: see rudiz's comment as proof of my point :)10:26
peciskc0nf: flash definetly works, if installed correctly :)10:26
ubotuHa magyarul beszelsz kerlek probald a #ubuntu-hu10:27
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c0nfpecisk: installed correctly? :x dont u install it like just 'Install missing plugins' @ firefox10:27
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c0nfvariant: thanks for the help :) now i need to get correct answer @ forum about nvidia drivers and im good to go :)10:27
peciskc0nf: of course not10:27
morficwhat is the ubuntu way of running a script on startup, ie. what file do i add that to?10:27
c0nfhow come :) i installed it like that @ 6.06.110:27
peciskc0nf: I use Ubuntu Universe/Multiverse repositories10:27
nashnashi try to open Xsane image scanner and it writes me "No devices available" , reasons may be: there is rly no device supported by sane .. i installed sane like this (sudo apt-get install sane) .10:27
ianmacgregorfunkmaster: What do yo mean about your desktop?10:28
iLikeSpoonsso, I'm guessing you are getting this question a lot these days, but, I just upgraded to edgy and, when I restarted the machine, I got "the nautilus has quit unexpectedly" error dialog that won't go away. Any help on that, or should I just learn to live without it until the bug is fixed10:28
pecisknashnash: did you have scanning rights enabled where I told you so?10:28
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funkmasterok i upgraded10:28
nashnashpecisk i added group "scanner" to my user10:28
variantiLikeSpoons: this is the first i have heard of it10:28
pecisknashnash: do a relogin10:28
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pecisknashnash: and then do xsane again10:28
c0nfpecisk: if my way wont work, which cmd do i need to use, to install flash? :) sudo apt-get install ???10:28
nashnashok thx sec10:29
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iLikeSpoonsvariant: a friend and I just updated today, we both get the same problem10:29
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woro2006are most ubuntu packages binary packages?10:29
iLikeSpoonsand, there are a few threads on the forum about it (with no workarounds or anything)10:29
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woro2006or do I have to compile them?10:29
peciskc0nf: you should enable Universe/Multiverse in System > Administration > Software Sources10:29
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funkmasterianmcgregor: had loads of problems and got it to work so far to boot etc goes to login screen then i add user and pass then it loads but does nothing i ony see the mouse with the red background but console works fine10:29
phireworo2006 all compiled10:29
c0nfpecisk: i have enabled them :)10:29
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peciskc0nf: then it will ask for reloading lists10:29
variantiLikeSpoons: sorry, keep an eye on the forums then and post your updated info. try doing a new upgrade10:29
peciskc0nf: and then install flash-nonfree10:29
variantiLikeSpoons: i mean, apt-get update && apt-get upgrade again10:30
phireunless you enable the source reposties10:30
c0nfpecisk: why -nonfree? :)10:30
woro2006phire, by all compiled, you mean binaries right?10:30
peciskor install it trough Add/Remove in Applications10:30
ianmacgregorfunkmaster: Do your panels load?10:30
iLikeSpoonsvariant, I just did it, upgrade reported nothing new to install10:30
woro2006some guy couldn't answer my question before10:30
variantiLikeSpoons: ok10:30
peciskc0nf: it indicates it comes from nonfree repositories of Debian10:30
c0nfpecisk: ok, thanks for the help..10:30
iLikeSpoonsI'll look around some more on the forums and bug reports10:30
woro2006how do I install lamp in ubuntu?10:30
funkmasterianmcgregor: no10:30
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c0nfbtw, do u u have nvidia graphic card ?^^ cant find a edgy x64 user, which has nvidia graphic card :x10:31
woro2006do I have to configure and install the packages individually?10:31
funkmasterand when i try the fail safe gnome it just opens the xterm terminal10:31
phireIts all automatic10:31
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peciskc0nf: I have a nvidia at work, but I have no x64 systems there, sorry10:31
c0nfmehhh ;)10:31
kodatlol damnit10:31
kodati hate flash10:31
phirejust sudo apt-get install package10:31
peciskkodat: flash must die10:31
c0nfaaa, pecisk: does sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg works for you?10:32
noelferreirapeople who can help me with rt61 driver?10:32
kodatpecisk, i cant get to legitreviews.com10:32
TC`it says to me mount: you must specify the filesystem type10:32
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kodatpecisk, instantly crashes firefox10:32
TC`when i type sudo mount -o loop tda-pcs2.cue /mnt/10:32
peciskTC`: what command do you do?10:32
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feydinhey is there an 64 bit version of xvidcap for ubuntu available?10:32
peciskkodat: it is less to do with Flash itself than buggy and crashy Flash movies10:32
phirenoelferreira: what do you need help with?10:33
kodatpecisk, i cant get to anything now, im gona remove flash AGAIN lolz10:33
noelferreiraphire: i can scan my essid10:33
peciskkodat: why you can't?10:33
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noelferreirabut i can't get ip10:33
pecisksession restore?10:33
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kodatpecisk, any webpage that has any flash, while i have flash installed just instantly crashes my fox10:33
peciskohhh dear10:33
phirecan you set it with iwconfig?10:33
pecisktalk about viral nature10:34
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noelferreirayes but i get no ip with dhclient10:34
c0nfpecisk: sorry for bothering you, but does 'sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg' works for you?10:34
peciskkodat: I really don't know what to do in your scenario10:34
kodatpecisk, just not have flash = (10:34
peciskc0nf: of course, why ask?10:34
kodatpecisk, or install opera10:34
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c0nfpecisk: cuz in i386 edgy it hangs after i chose video card name :x10:34
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peciskkodat: I really don't think that those crashes are only Firefox fault10:34
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kodatpecisk, i blame the fox for being fiery10:35
phireferreirrira: do you have encryption?10:35
peciskc0nf: never had such problem10:35
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=== moiph Can't get global keys working with Amarok :/
noelferreirano i don't phire10:35
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c0nfpecisk: on 6.06.1 i didnt have such problem too :)10:35
=== PWill [n=paul@cpe-24-208-190-43.columbus.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu
Howdy125Did someone kill the easyubuntu site ;-/10:35
funkmasterhas anyone a suggestion how i can fix this upgrade desktop not loading problem?10:35
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ianmacgregorHowdy125: http://plf.zarb.org10:36
underlinedHi, plz I have a pc which doesn't boot from a cdrom. Is it possible to install ubunto on it using floppy?10:36
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Howdy125ty ianmacgregor10:36
phirein iwconfig,  does it say a link quality?10:36
elwhow do you get started with motu? I want to help.10:36
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peciskunderlined: yes, it is, do a google for it10:36
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sidewalki just installed the latest ubuntu10:36
babwe2can someone pls supply me ith a link for a live cd for ubuntu10:36
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ubotumotu is short for Masters of the Universe. The brave souls who maintain the packages in the Universe section of Ubuntu. See  http://wiki.ubuntu.com/MOTU10:36
davekodat: I had the same problem on a fresh install of Ubuntu 6.1 with Firefox 2, it was when I installed the Macromedia flash player that Firefox started crashing, the only way to stop it was to disable javascript10:36
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sidewalkis there some smooth way of getting beryl workin?10:36
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CarinArri'm not sur ewhy, but since i upgraded from dapper, my desktop boot time has sky rocketed10:36
noelferreirano , just mode frequency ap and rts10:36
crimsunjustin420: -kernel is for development discussion _only_, hence why I requested you ask here.10:36
noelferreirano signal10:36
peciskCarinArr: upstart :)10:37
dbmonk74Does anIs anyone able to assist on a screen resolution issue?10:37
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justin420hi all. when following the directions on http://doc.gwos.org/index.php/Kernel_Compilation_Dapper ; one of the very first steps says to change in your xorg.conf file, the device section from "nvidia" or "fglrx" to vesa or ati or nv, I tried using nv and vesa and both times it says that device is already in use? can anyone help with that?10:37
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kingoshello, is there a plan to release a new version of binutils for edgy? I am a c++ developer, and there is an important bug in binutils (3111) that makes edgy almost unuseable for development ...10:37
CarinArrpecisk, well yeah, but it's supposed to be faster isn't it?;)10:37
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kodatdave, oh, i dont even know how to disable java script = (10:37
peciskCarinArr: yep10:37
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pedrocrfor a server, should I use amd64 or is it a safer bet to use the regular x86 distro?10:38
moiphnevermind, seems that amarok is just a bit buggy; i set global keys to standard keys and then back to media keys10:38
=== Vladaz [n=Vladaz@] has joined #ubuntu
funkmasterdamn i wish i would have never tried to upgrade10:38
moiphand now they work10:38
situmamHey guys. I need to file a bug against the kernel in edgy 2.6.17-generic. where do I do that ?10:38
CarinArrwhereas it's just got really slow, goes abut a third of the status bar then hangs.. and goes back into a console with a load of fsck being done every time i reboot10:38
pecisknashnash: yes?10:38
crimsunkingos: we're in the process of bootstrapping Feisty. It's unlikely binutils will have a StableReleaseUpdate (SRU) unless it's dire. Check the wiki for instructions.10:38
TC`so can you sugest something for .cue?10:38
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peciskTC`: bchunk10:38
Vladazwhen I boot my ubuntu it gives me this:10:38
Vladaz[17179572.380000]  crc error10:38
Vladaz[17179572.380000]  Kernel Panic - not syncing: VFS: Unable to mount root fs on unknown-block(0,0)10:38
Vladaz[17179572.380000] 10:38
Vladazwhats wrong?10:38
peciskTC`: use it to convert to iso10:38
phireferreirrira: you could try static, ifconfig ra0 up
=== shira [n=shira@ppp-70-247-118-238.dsl.rcsntx.swbell.net] has joined #ubuntu
Vladazcan anyone help me please?10:38
crimsunjustin420: and what's grabbing /dev/nvidiactl* or whatever? Use lsof or fuser.10:38
davekodat: In firefox, go to Edit, Preferences and then the Content tab, there's an option to select/deselct javascript10:38
noelferreiradon't work phire10:38
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kodatdave, alright lets see10:39
bassMHi, just did a clean install and noticed copying files in nautilus is freakishly slow (1m 16s for 200mb of mp3:s) while using the console to copy (cp) works normally (7s). Anyone experiencing this?10:39
Tomcat_situmam: Go to launchpad.net, Ubuntu distro, then search for the appropriate package (linux-image-something) and then press "Bugs" on the left side.10:39
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capgadgetBooting ubuntu after doing what Vladaz?10:39
nashnashpecisk its still not working but now i came back with screenshot ^^10:39
nashnashthese are the reasons10:39
capgadgetYou change th ekernel?10:39
situmamTomcat_: thanks dude10:39
LjLUbotu, please tell Vladaz about paste10:39
Vladazi installed ubuntu 6.1010:39
ubotuIf you find a bug in Ubuntu or any of its derivatives, please file a bug report at: http://bugs.ubuntu.com/  -  Bugs in/wishes for the bots can be filed at http://launchpad.net/products/ubuntu-bots10:39
CarinArrnoelferreira, what wireless card are you using?10:39
kingoscrimsun: what is dire? 15 minute linking of c++ programs with debug info!10:39
NoobUbuntuCan someone please help. I tried to install nvidia driver according to ubuntu guide and after that x did not start. I typed in dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg it asked me many question and I enterd wrong values, i had no idea what to put. Now x started but wrong resoluiton and x is configured wrongly I think. Do i reinstall ubuntu ? I am a new user. Please help.10:39
Anderzcan you controll the order modules loades? I think my tvcard gets loaded first and gets dsp and my soundcard gets dsp1 so my sound doesn't work10:39
kodatdave, no dice, still crash10:39
capgadgetcd install Vladaz?10:39
crimsunkingos: that's _annoying_, yes. It doesn't hard-freeze your system -- that's dire.10:39
gnomefreakNoobUbuntu: no no need to reinstall ubuntu10:40
c0nfnashnash: did you try to run it as root?10:40
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kodatdave, should i disable both of the java options10:40
phire<CarinArr> - rt6110:40
crimsunkingos: in any case, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/StableReleaseUpdates10:40
nashnashto run what as root?10:40
gnomefreakNoobUbuntu: what nvidia card do you have?10:40
LjLNoobUbuntu: the dpkg-reconfigure has saved a backup of your previous xorg.conf, search for it in /etc/X11/  --- it will be called xorg.conf.somedateandtime10:40
talldave2002NoobUbuntu: having the exact same problem, no one else seems to be though10:40
pecisknashnash: ok, clear10:40
Vladazactualy, before i had 6.06  and with that one it works ok, but after update to a new kernel, it gives the same thing10:40
c0nfnashnash: that sane or whatever?10:40
pecisknashnash: let's look closer10:40
morficahh nice, good ol' rc.local, had totally missed that10:40
crimsunkingos: that's the procedure we use.10:40
NoobUbuntugnomefreak NvidiGo 660010:40
Comrade_Sanyone knows if Egdy Eft ships with AIGLX?10:40
nashnashpecisk k ;)10:40
pecisknashnash: give me please model and number again10:40
feydinis there a 64 bit version of xvidcap?10:40
crimsunComrade_S: enabled by default, yes.10:40
kingoscrimsun: okay. means I will probably have to switch distros though, and anyone else who does c++ dev?10:40
LjLNoobUbuntu: you can restore it, and run the dpkg-reconfigure again. the only thing you probably really need to change is the driver ("nv" to "nvidia"), and press Enter to the other questions10:40
gnomefreakNoobUbuntu: what nvidia driver did you install and how?10:40
nashnashmodem and number ? of what? ^^10:40
pecisknashnash: of scanner10:40
nashnashye lol.. sorry im a bit high now ^^10:41
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capgadgetVladaz what type FS  ext3 or did you change it?10:41
davekodat: that was my only solution, I only disabled the javascript & it worked ok for me (in that firefox didn't crash), but javascript webpages wouldn't work10:41
nashnashhp scanjet 397010:41
crimsunkingos: read and follow the SRU link I pointed you to, and you might possibly get it fixed for Edgy.10:41
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capgadgetYou didn't change fstab?10:41
kodatdave, yah ~_~ even though i dont even know which pages use java script10:41
NoobUbuntugnomefreak I used official nvidia gudie10:41
Vladazits on hda3 and swap is on hda410:41
kingoscrimsun: thanks10:41
Vladazno i just did a fresh install10:41
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bassManyone? http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=28820310:41
gnomefreakNoobUbuntu: did you isntall them from apt-get?10:41
shiraHi, does anyone know where I can set the compiler and linker options on Anjuta 2.0.2 beta?10:41
LjL!nvidia | NoobUbuntu, this one?10:41
ubotuNoobUbuntu, this one?: To install the Ati/NVidia drivers for your video card, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto10:41
dbmonk74I'm trying to figure out how to install a graphics driver for an Intel 82865G graphics controller for ubuntu so I can get a higher resolution than 640x480x16 - I'm completely hooked on ubuntu already, and I'm dying to make this work - but I'm at a loss as to what to do past downloading the package10:41
Vladazive also got windows on the same hdd but it should do any trouble10:41
kodatdave, still crash either way though..so im gona uninstall java once i figure out where the mozilla folder its installed to10:41
elwis there a current / accurate custom kernel guide for edgy eft?10:42
NoobUbuntugnomefreak no the package manger is what I use, I am a new user to linux- ubuntu so i need visual simple stuff10:42
gnomefreakNoobUbuntu: good10:42
capgadgetDoesn't matter ubuntu handles other OS in grub just fine.  Better than fedora.10:42
NoobUbuntugnomefreak yes this guide10:42
funkmasterok in edgy should there be something in ~/.config/ besides menus and Thunar?10:42
gnomefreakNoobUbuntu: are you on dapper?10:42
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Vladazso how can i fix it10:42
phireferreirrira: try sudo rmmod rt61 then sudo modprobe rt61, sometimes that fixes it10:42
NoobUbuntugnomefreak Ubuntu 6.1010:42
Vladazi really like ubuntu, tried other distributions and ubuntu i liked most10:42
capgadgetHave your tried booting again?  Maybe it is just a spurious error.10:42
Vladazlots of times10:42
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gnomefreakNoobUbuntu: ok in terminal type sudo nvidia-glz-config enable10:43
Vladazrecovery thingy as well, it did the same but it showed some more stuff and then written this message10:43
capgadgetDoes it kernel panic immediately?10:43
Vladazwith normal one - yeah10:43
=== nalioth_ [i=nalioth@freenode/staff/ubuntu.member.nalioth] has joined #ubuntu
acidtyooo i really need help :P10:43
Vladazwith recovery - it shows some other messages of loadng stuff etc10:43
funkmasterok in edgy should there be something in ~/.config/ besides menus and Thunar? my desktop does not load10:43
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Tim90pov: you here10:43
acidti entered sudo ln -sf bash /bin/bash10:44
c0nfacidt, Acid?10:44
acidtand my system is f*ed10:44
pecisknashnash: seems like not supported scanner, at least at first glance - http://www.sane-project.org/sane-mfgs.html10:44
acidtany idea how to fix it10:44
davekodat: can't help anymore, i had a clean install so i did a fresh install and just haven't install Flash player again, its only my second day using ubuntu after Slackware, so I haven't much of an idea about it yet10:44
jaseyhello, im getting X errors. it keeps saying "Can not open default font 'fixed'". how do i remedy this? thanks :)10:44
POVaddctTim90: yes10:44
gnomefreakacidt: why are you making a sym link to bash?10:44
kodatdave, yeah this is day 3 of ubuntu for me10:44
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nashnashwell pecisk my printer is not supported @ hplip and it still works lol10:44
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acidtgnomefreak: cause thats what it says in a tutorial10:44
nashnashbut it must use sane? there isnt smting else?10:45
justin420crimsun: lsof and sudo lsof and looked at everything and did not see /dev/nvidiactrl or whatever10:45
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gnomefreakacidt: for what?10:45
acidton installing ati drivers lol10:45
Tim90My windows media/winxp/ has no files, i dont a reboot10:45
acidtbut thats not the case right now lol10:45
pecisknashnash: first, check out HP home page of that scanner10:45
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acidtthe system is f* and i cant even log in to it10:45
POVaddctTim90: mount /media/winxp10:45
peciskit is saying something about drivers or something10:45
=== gnomefreak never remembers making a sym link to bash for ati
nashnashill google it sec10:45
Tim90that easy huh ?10:45
pecisknashnash: yes, it can be clearly possible that it works, just not by default10:45
POVaddctTim90: yeah, i put it in fstab10:46
henkeAnderz: use sysv-rc-conf -p10:46
CarinArroh great.. it's not just me, it's an actual filed bug the fsck thing10:46
capgadgetOne sec10:46
pecisknashnash: SANE is scanner system, usually vendors when provides drivers, it provides for this system10:46
gnomefreakacidt: i would say get rid of the symlink for starters10:46
elwum, how do you use irssi10:46
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Tim90great work10:46
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acidtgnomefreak: how?10:46
c0nfelw: type in terminal irssi?10:46
acidtgnomefreak: i cant do anything on the box right now10:46
=== CarinArr makes mental note not to reboot her machine til bug's fixed.. heh
daveHi, will K3b work ok on Ubuntu under Gnome? or what is the comparable Gnome based package?10:46
acidtgnomefreak: i using livecd :p10:46
CarinArrdave, it'll work fine10:46
VanessaEprobably gtoaster10:46
ianmacgregordave: Yes, k3b works fine in gnome10:47
curley_suehi all how do I know which kernel to use i386 or i686 (HP pavilion ze2070ea)10:47
VanessaEbut k3b should work as long as you have the proper kde libs installed.10:47
gnomefreakacidt: go into /bin/bash and get rid of the one you just made10:47
capgadgetVladaz see my other chat window?10:47
acidtumm how can i do that10:47
Vladazprivate one?10:47
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gnomefreakLjL: you know anything about widescreen laptop res?10:47
curley_suesecondly - is there a way to run configuration of X ? I have some major errors due to bad upgrading process (from dapper to edgy)10:48
acidtgnomefreak:  im using live cd right now :|10:48
daveok, thanks all, i'll install it10:48
gnomefreakacidt: shouldnt matter you should still beable to get into it and see it10:48
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ubotuxserver-xorg: the X.Org X server. In component main, is optional. Version 1:7.1.1ubuntu6 (edgy), package size 164 kB, installed size 584 kB10:48
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LjLgnomefreak: err, no, but i can tell you everything about 11" 286 laptop LCD screens with 20 or so broken pixels, if you like :P10:48
ubotux is the X Window System; it's the part of your system that's responsible for graphical output. To restart your X, type this in a console: sudo /etc/init.d/?dm restart  -  To fix screen resolution or other X problems: http://help.ubuntu.com/community/FixVideoResolutionHowto10:48
LjLgnomefreak: i meant 486 actually, though10:48
dbmonk74Is anyone able to assist me with figuring out why I cannot change from 640x480x16 - using 6.06 and an Intel 82865G10:48
james|datecan i put a linux distro that is supposed to be on a cd onto a dvd?10:49
nbx909james|date, yes10:49
nbx909it's just a waste of space10:49
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nashnashwell presick maybe my sane installation (sudo apt-get install sane) caused the problem? cuz one of the problems there in the popup: "possibly there is more than one SANE insalled"10:49
godmachine81gnomefreak:: your res should be in the ratio that 1280x800 uses if its widescreen10:49
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elw_is anyone here in the motu?10:50
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LjLelw_: perhaps try the MOTU channel10:50
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godmachine81elw_:: #ubuntu-motu10:50
crimsunjustin420: look in /dev10:50
ubotux is the X Window System; it's the part of your system that's responsible for graphical output. To restart your X, type this in a console: sudo /etc/init.d/?dm restart  -  To fix screen resolution or other X problems: http://help.ubuntu.com/community/FixVideoResolutionHowto10:50
ecstazeeneed some help guys10:51
justin420crimsun: /dev/nvidiactl and /dev/nvidia0 are there...10:51
ecstazeei cant mount my partitions10:51
crimsunjustin420: then look at /dev/nvidia010:51
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justin420crimsun: sudo lsof no listings at all for /dev/nvidia*10:52
RandomDude16im getting errors10:52
crimsunjustin420: what's the refcount according to lsmod?10:53
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sanmarcosthere is package xyz on debian, but I installed my own rolled xyz package, how can I make to that apt doesnt bother me about updating to official xy10:53
kodatis it possible to make ubuntu panels look similar to like mac or windows..just curious10:54
justin420crimsun: ok easy there, im still sorta new, that means? do lsmod and look for all nvidia modules?10:54
funkmastersomeone else got an idea for my upgrade to edgy problem,desktop wont load...10:54
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james|dateim about to get rid of xp and dual boot ubuntu with 2k3 whiich one should i do first?10:54
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timhaughtonAny here use TorrentFlux with the standard LAMP install? Is is straigh forward? Does it just work after install?10:54
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justin420sensord   5421       root  mem       REG    3,2  163920   1101313 /usr/lib/libsensors.so.3.0.910:54
justin420sensord   5421       root  mem       REG    3,2   86404   2125782 /lib/ld-2.3.6.so10:54
justin420sensord   5421       root NOFD                                    /proc/5421/fd (opendir: Permission denied)10:54
justin420smbd      5424       root  cwd   unknown                          /proc/5424/cwd (readlink: Permission denied)10:54
justin420smbd      5424       root  rtd   unknown                          /proc/5424/root (readlink: Permission denied)10:54
justin420smbd      5424       root  txt   unknown                          /proc/5424/exe (readlink: Permission denied)10:54
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justin420smbd      5424       root  mem       REG    3,2 2951980   1101345 /usr/sbin/smbd10:54
justin420smbd      5424       root  mem       REG    0,0                 0 [heap]  (stat: No such file or directory)10:54
justin420smbd      5424       root  mem       REG    3,2   37432   2128956 /lib/tls/i686/cmov/libnss_files-2.3.6.so10:54
justin420smbd      5424       root  mem       REG    3,2   33616   2128960 /lib/tls/i686/cmov/libnss_nis-2.3.6.so10:54
justin420shit, sorry all10:55
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kitche!paste > justin42010:55
poningrujustin420: whats wrong?10:55
poningru!paste | justin42010:55
ubotujustin420: pastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (you can always find it in the channel topic, among other useful things)10:55
=== M3t4ll1k0 [n=lokoloko@cm142181.red.mundo-r.com] has joined #ubuntu
godmachine81gnomefreak:: widescreen laptop should keep a 8:5 aspect ratio10:56
justin420!thanks | ubotu10:56
ubotuubotu: Thanks for the help!10:56
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gnomefreakgodmachine81: its not mine10:56
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dbmonk74how do I "include the 'universe' repository"?10:56
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godmachine81dbmonk74:: sudo gedit /etc/apt/sources.list10:57
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TC`what emulator use for .exe (windows?10:58
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godmachine81on add multiverse universe after main on all the lines10:58
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lupine_85TC`: wine10:58
dbmonk74thanks godmachine :)10:58
jeeves_Mossall:  can any one help me with a few problems I'm having with 6.06?   I thought it was to have animated window changine, etc.  Insted, I got a "fisher Price" interface that looks more like a bad hack of windows10:58
lupine_85but Wine is not an Emulator10:58
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TC`he ment Vine10:58
TC`;] 10:58
Tokenbadanyone here ever install hydra?10:58
godmachine81dbmonk74:: then do sudo apt-get update10:58
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lupine_85jeeves_Moss: beryl is going to be in feisty by default10:58
slinky_hello, i'm using Dapper Drake and i installed two packages using Synaptic, scrabble and bkp and neither one show up in my menues, any ideas?10:58
lupine_85i.e. 7.0410:58
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jeeves_Mosslupine_85:  I have no idea of what you just said10:59
godmachine81lupine_85:: has #ubuntu+1 even opened yet?10:59
godmachine81nope :(10:59
lupine_85your cute windows etc. They'll be in feisty by default10:59
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lupine_85until then, you have to DIY10:59
godmachine81lupine_85:: where you getting your info?10:59
nbx909slinky_, open up a terminal and go type scrabble or bkp and it should install10:59
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about DIY - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi10:59
aivegasany of you guys running ati x1k cards?  i was wondering if ubuntu would work with my x1900's10:59
justin420crimsun: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/29220/10:59
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slinky_thank you10:59
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=== lupine_85 <------ all-knowing God
godmachine81lupine_85:: i have a modified easyubuntu to grab beryl10:59
godmachine81and emerald10:59
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godmachine81i had to hack it to work with edgy11:00
softmaster is there any player supports subtitles with rmvb files on kubuntu? please11:00
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fredsaoh well, back with a clean dapper install. That upgrade totally toasted my system :p11:00
lupine_85godmachine81: ... seems a bit weird. How does it detect and configure the graphics?11:00
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nbx909jeeves_Moss, yes?11:00
aivegasi've never used linux before, tried to install gentoo a few months back and the livecd's kept hanging, everybody seems to think it was because of my vid cards or my chipset11:00
lupine_85or does it just dump the repo  in and do the install?11:00
jeeves_Mossnbx909:  any ideas on enabling the cool graphical features on the upgrade?11:01
godmachine81lupine_85:: it uses your xorg settings because xorg has aiglx built in now11:01
nbx909jeeves_Moss, what do you mean?11:01
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lupine_85...which doesn't work with the nvidia and fglrx drivers included in edgy...11:01
webmareni'm having sound problems11:01
godmachine81it doesnt work with nvidia?11:01
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lupine_85not the 8xxx series, no11:02
godmachine81nice to know that11:02
lupine_85hence why !nvidiabeta exists11:02
godmachine81i use intel 915mobile11:02
godmachine81so i dont know about that11:02
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lupine_85but automagically installing that on a user's system without consent would be a B A D idea ;)11:02
jeeves_Mossnbx909:  wasen't there to be graphical switching between program windows and desktops?  (like the Mac system does), as well, as how do I free up some space?  before I installed this update, I had lots of free space, now I've got 2% free.  is there a way of cleaning up the unused previous installs?11:02
=== Salah_ [n=Salah@217-11-225.0505.adsl.tele2.no] has joined #ubuntu
hackel_Heh, why is the ubuntu wiki randomly redirecting me to an Italian page?11:02
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lupine_85jeeves_Moss: apt-cache clean11:02
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lupine_85as for pretty graphics, #ubuntu-xgl or #beryl11:02
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lupine_85read the topic, do the wiki11:03
SlyGuy_hmmm how do i kill the upgrde process gracefully?11:03
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ivxhey what is the command to launch the nautlis as sudo?11:03
lupine_85SlyGuy_: has it started installing the packages yet, or is it still downloading?11:03
webmareni'm on dapper, and i can't get either my monitor speakers or my headset to work11:03
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seronAnyone knows how to get the resolution 1280x800 to work on Edgy? Made it work on Dapper by installing 915resolution but it doesn't work now.11:03
SlyGuy_its still downloading11:03
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jeeves_Mosslupine_85:  it says "invalid operation" when I use that command11:03
lupine_85then ctrl+c11:03
matthew_wHey uh, how do I check my uptime?11:03
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justin420noobubuntu: did you get it figured out finally? i messaged ya and you never answered...11:04
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lupine_85ah, sorry. sudo apt-get clean11:04
ivxmatthew_w do you mean you upstream internet speed11:04
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nashnashwhere is the scan button @ kooka? , i will appriciate it if someone could took a screenshot, i think i have prob with the drivers and not with the prog11:04
SlyGuy_lupine: ctrl-c?11:04
justin420matthew_w: uptime11:04
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webmareni'm on dapper, and i can't get either my monitor speakers or my headset to work11:04
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lupine_85yes - just kill the program11:04
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jeeves_Mosslupine_85:  it looks to have worked.  what did that do?11:04
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lupine_85apt-get doesn't care whem it's downloading11:05
lupine_85jeeves_Moss: ubuntu archives all the .deb files it downloads11:05
SlyGuy_i'll have to kill the actual process11:05
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lupine_85I'm not sure why - but it does, and it eats loads of space11:05
seronAnyone knows how to get the resolution 1280x800 to work on Edgy? Made it work on Dapper by installing 915resolution but it doesn't work now.11:05
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lupine_85SlyGuy_: sudo killall <progname> then :)11:05
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juaaaahello copy in his msn leandrosanchez_6072hotmail.com11:05
jeeves_Mosslupine_85:  is there anything else it can clean out?  this is a small partition on this laptop, and 5.6Gb dosen't go too far11:05
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SlyGuy_damn wth is the process called11:06
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nikosapiErr, I upgraded from dapper to edgy yesterday and now openoffice won't start up, I've deleted ~/.openoffice.org2 and still nothing. When I start it from a terminal there's no output, just the openoffice loading box on my desktop. Help?11:06
lupine_85jeeves_Moss: a normal ubuntu install will typically take less than 2GB11:06
lupine_85SlyGuy_: ps aux11:06
lupine_85then you can kill <processID> as well11:06
jeeves_Mosslupine_85:  I've got next to nothing installed, and I'm pushing 4.6Gb11:07
lupine_85as to other stuff... it really depends on what you've been up to. Cleared out your deleted items "folder" yet? ;)11:07
lupine_85have you got both gnome and KDE installed? Xfce?11:07
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jeeves_Mosslupine_85:  I think it's just Gnome.  I don't like KDE11:07
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nikosapiand remember to clean /tmp11:07
lupine_85linus torvalds orders you to use KDE :p11:07
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lupine_85 /var/log maybe?11:08
dbmonk74godmachine: i tried to get it to go to 855 resolution, but it automatically downloaded 915resolution instead11:08
jeeves_Mosslupine_85: Linus can....  nm, not approved for this channel./11:08
=== Rouli [n=rlg@host-84-9-232-231.bulldogdsl.com] has joined #ubuntu
lupine_85of course, Real Linux Users Don't Use Linux...11:08
lupine_85they use GNU/Linux ;)11:09
jeeves_Mosslupine_85:  ok, now how do I get all of those graphical toys installed on this system?  The cool window switching, etc that Gnome is to have updated?11:09
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BeOSMrXerm.. Im trying to setup floppyfw http://www.zelow.no/floppyfw/index.html I dont know what I am doing so I was wondering if someone here wants to help me figure out how to fix the issues I am having with it11:09
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SlyGuy_well i have no idae which process is this damn dist upgrade11:09
lupine_85...#beryl or #ubuntu-xgl11:09
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lupine_85type "/topic". Read. Do.11:09
Roulihi guys11:09
jeeves_Mosslupine_85:  ok, thanks.11:09
lupine_85oh, and pray '_11:09
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Roulican anyone help me with a USB Wlan adaptor ?11:09
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poningruRouli: whatup?11:10
webmarenrouli, what kind11:10
poningruwhich one?11:10
reikidoes ANYONE know if the wine version 0.9.24 will let you play World of Warcraft on Edgy. (The 0.9.22 version of wine included with Edgy will not)11:10
_emmanuel_j'ai des pbs avec le wifi et vous11:10
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Roulian asus wlanit is apparently recognized in the device manager11:10
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_emmanuel_edgy et wifi et ipw3945 = ca marche pas11:11
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dbmonk74godmachine: scratch that, it's working :) thank you very much for your assistance. It's appreciated!11:11
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babwe2pls anyone have a link t a livecd for bunntu11:11
Rouliand i activated the wlan in the networking admin11:11
ubotuAllez a #ubuntu-fr ou #kubuntu-fr pour de l'aide et de la discussion en francais.11:11
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webmarenrouli, did you restart your system after you activated11:11
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TooTallJonesi'm trying to install Mount iso image0.9.1 on xubuntu/xfce4 when running the ./install.sh I get Couldn't find KDE config folder! Type the full path here or press "Ctrl+C" to abort:.  Can I point it to the xfce4 config? or does that mean it will only work in KDE?11:12
davekodat: are you still there? have you still got the firefox/flash crashing problem?11:12
=== Kuschelig [n=kalikian@xdsl-87-78-114-104.netcologne.de] has joined #ubuntu
clophi, if i apt-get install a package, how do i tell where it put the files?11:12
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Tux911Ok i jsut installed Edgy on my laptop and my wirless quit working. It worked fine in dapper. can someone pleas tell me what i need to get it working11:12
The_PacifistWhen the CD is booting with ubuntu and I select Start or Install, it almost finishes loading and then freezes.  When it freezes a line pops up going horizontally accross the screen and the logo gets pixalized.11:12
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reikiclop, if you apt-get install you won't have to tell it where to put files11:12
KuscheligWhy is there no kernel for i686 on Edgy?11:12
webmarenrouli, are you using ndiswrapper11:13
james|dateshould i isnstall windows 2003 or ubuntu first for a easy dual boot11:13
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clopreiki, i just want to know where the files are afterwards, it's a source package that iw ant to try to build11:13
=== Ashitaka96 [n=andrew@c-67-175-70-19.hsd1.il.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
_emmanuel_i have wifi pb with edgy11:13
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Music_Shufflejames|date, windows first11:13
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james|datety music11:13
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james|datesux i hate installing windows11:13
james|dateso boring11:13
james|datewell if i do ubuntu first11:13
reikiclop, if you apt-get install it and then go into synaptic and highlight it, all files locations will be shown to you under Properties11:13
Roulihmm, i m kind of a newbie; i dont know what ndiswarpper is11:13
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Tim90Network stoped working,11:13
james|dateand windows second11:14
Tim90what can i do11:14
clopok, thanks11:14
james|datei can just add something to boot.ini cant i11:14
james|dateill do windows first tho to be safe11:14
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UFO64can anyone answer a quick question concerning 6.10 and a mac book pro?11:14
Music_ShuffleA good plan. :D11:14
=== RiGLEY [n=rigley@ob-6627.adsl.datanet.hu] has joined #ubuntu
webmarenroulli, ndiswrapper.sourceforge.net11:14
KuscheligWhy is there no kernel for i686 on Edgy?11:14
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reikiKuschelig, indeed! I would like smp support11:15
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=== SeanTater [n=sean@cpe-069-132-052-158.carolina.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu
reikiwow... I don't think I've ever seen freenode split before11:18
=== AlaricX [n=Alaric@plns-209-74-17-132-pppoe.dsl.plns.epix.net] has joined #ubuntu
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=== CarinArr_ [n=lq@opal.spod.org] has joined #ubuntu
Music_Shufflesplit? >.>11:18
=== VHockey86 [n=VHockey8@cpe-72-226-193-64.rochester.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu
reikinet split11:18
AlaricXYay :P11:18
reikiused to happen a lot on EfNet11:18
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crimsunTokenbad: install libgtk2.0-dev11:19
funkjaI cannot copy and paste and things like that - when I press ctrl and then the letter, it just prints the letter. Any ideas?11:19
LjLAbst: well, you managed to ask anyway :P11:19
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AbstLjL: I didn't ask :/11:19
GurftHow do I disable the automounter for cdrom and dvds.... causing conflicts with my mythtv box.11:19
adeleit says I need to run it as a superuser11:19
BeOSMrXIm trying to setup floppyfw http://www.zelow.no/floppyfw/index.html I dont know what I am doing so I was wondering if someone here wants to help me figure out how to fix the issues I am having with it. If no one here can help THEN SAY SO or else I will keep on asking.11:19
POVaddctTim90: check the output of "cat /proc/sys/net/ipv4/ip_forward"11:19
ShogranMy usb flashfdrive is read, I can add files and delete them.. but when i take it back out and put it back in.. Nothing has changed..11:19
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nardis_milesTokenbad, what tool are you using to install?11:19
POVaddctTim90: is it 1?11:19
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MartinchoWhere do I get the decoders for see movies with totem?11:19
delaneydoing dpkg-reconfigure fontconfig used to give me a blue screen in terminal and the option to change settings like activating bitmapped fonts.  in edgy it no longer does this.. any idea how i might accomplish it now?11:19
AbstLjL: What would you do if ubotu was in the split11:19
jrib!mutlimedia | Martincho11:19
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about mutlimedia - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi11:19
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adelehow do I change my status to superuser?11:19
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jrib!multimedia | Martincho11:19
ubotuMartincho: For multimedia codecs see: https://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html and for applications see this: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MultimediaApplications11:19
Abst!sudo | adele11:19
ubotuadele: sudo is a command to run programs with superuser privileges ("root"). Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo for all information.11:19
kalikiana7adele: use 'sudo'11:19
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Tim90POVaddct: its 011:20
POVaddctTim90: you need to put writing 1 to this file in a initscript11:20
adelethanks guys11:20
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Shogran| I I |11:21
Tim90can  i have a command to edit this file11:21
nardis_milesadele, you can easily create a root account. There are security penalties, but it is much more convenient. Simply issue sudo passwd and you can create a root password (FWIW)11:21
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adeleso sudo is a command that gives you a superuser status?11:22
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MorphDKhey.. when i press Ctrl+Alt+F1 to get to the console, my screen just turns purple with a lot of lines, and nothing else happens.. Anyine else got this problem?11:22
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wildchildis there a way to fix more than one package?11:22
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PShi, has anyone got a fix to get sound working with firefox 2 and flash?11:22
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adelealso guys I have a question: I am trying to open quakeworld on linux but when I open it then it tells me "Cannot open /home/adele/qw_new/fuhquake-gl.glx: No application suitable for automatic installation is available for handling this kind of file."11:23
adeleIm pretty sure I have opengl installed11:23
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nardis_milesadele, yes, but you have to be part of the sudo group. The user that performs the install is automatically part of sudo. Almost each time you issue sudo, you are asked for your password. For doing lots of admin tasks, I prefer to be root. Once you have a root password, you issue the su command, and then enter the root password.11:24
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ubuntugrrrrrHey there.. I just installed java on here a few days ago, and now my friend wants to know how I installed it.. but I cant remember where I got it from.. can anyone refer me to something that could help?11:24
POVaddctTim90: join the POVhelps channel11:24
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james|datehey guys when burning ubuntu using nero it shouldnt look like this hsould it11:24
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james|datewhen u drag the iso into nero shouldnt the contents of the iso displpay11:25
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jeeves_Mossall:  can any one give me a hand with getting a USB Bluetooth adaptor working?11:25
james|datecus i think i may have it in the wrong mode11:25
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Tim90POVaddct: do i just edit this file "/proc/sys/net/ipv4/ip_forward" and put 1 ...its empty at the moment11:25
dbmonk74Okay, I've tried running 915resolution, but i'm completely lost as to what to do next-  still stuck in the HowtoVideoResolution page11:25
joonajames|date: yes, you burnt the file11:25
POVaddctTim90: no you cannot edit that. it is a pseudo file.11:25
james|datei havent yet11:26
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james|datebefore i hit burn i wanna know if this disc wont be wasted11:26
Tim90see you in pvs chat11:26
joonajames|date: check the menus, iirc there's "burn cdrom image"-choice under recorder-menu ?11:26
ShogranI cant delete or add files to my USB Storage.. Do i need to format it? and how?11:26
POVaddctTim90: the value "1" has to be written to it at each boot11:26
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james|dateim having to do it dvd btw11:26
joonaor something stating image11:26
james|datecus all i have is a dvdr11:26
nardis_milesOne more time, is there anyone with experience with apt-cacher?11:26
dbmonk74any help that can be offered would be vastly appreciated :)11:26
Tim90POVaddct: please talk on the povs-help11:27
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POVaddctTim90: you are in the wrong channel11:27
james|dateok i did that joona11:27
james|datewhen i hit burn image it just started11:27
POVaddctTim90: #POVhelps11:27
james|datehopefully it works11:27
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stardledanyone here want to help me ;] 11:28
Shogranwhata wrong stardled?11:29
UKMattI'm still a little unsure of how installing some things works in ubuntu, I dl'ed "Checkgmail", and i think its a 'binary' package, it contains a perl file that can be run through terminal and all fine, but how do i "install" it so that its out of my way but I can still run it11:29
talldave2002OK I give up, i have spent two days trying to get nvidia drivers working on my system since upgrade to Edgy, I am going to reinstall Dapper, unless anyone has any other ideas?11:29
vdepizzolWhat I need to do before resize a ext3 partition? (defrag?)11:29
stardledon the dell dimension e521 package, the mouse freezes after a lil bit11:29
stardledhappens on both dapper and edgy11:29
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Shograntake out your mouse.. reboot11:29
hap0Can anyone please help resolve why my preferences for Screen Resolution displays the options for 1024x768 and lower, when my xorg.conf file only has "1280x1024" "1152x864" listed for all modes???11:29
Shogranthen shut you pc off  and leave it for 15 minutes11:30
PSvdepizzol: backup your data?  :-)11:30
stardledit happens on everyones dell e52111:30
Shogranplug your moust back in.. and boot back up11:30
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Shogranohh.. then i dont know11:30
stardledthat doesn't work11:30
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Shogranit might be the mouse11:30
PSvdepizzol: no, seriously, you don't need to defrag or anything before a resize11:30
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stardledthere was like 13 people who had this issue, with all kinds of mouses11:30
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Shogranhave you tried different mouses?11:30
stardledmice *11:30
Shograno see11:30
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vdepizzolPS,thank's :)... it's secure? :P11:30
LjLAbst: i'd hope it isn't :)11:30
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Shogranget a better pc11:31
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Shogrango gateway.. heard they were cheap11:31
stardledits pretty good lol11:31
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UKMattinstalling help anyone?...?11:31
Shogranim trying to help you!11:31
stardled256MB NVIDIA Geforce 7300LE TurboCache11:31
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stardledAMD Athlon 64 X2 Dual-Core 3800+11:31
stardled1GB Dual Channel DDR2 SDRAM at 533MHz- 2DIMMs11:31
stardled160GB Serial ATA Hard Drive (7200RPM) w/DataBurst Cache11:31
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Shogranis your mouse usb?11:31
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stardledit doesn't have a PS/2 input or whatever11:31
PSvdepizzol, any resize is inherently a little risky, but it *should* be ok - just don't interrupt it midway through11:31
Shogranthats odd..11:32
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jmspeexCan someone tell me what script gets executed by the gnome-power-manager when I close the lid -- 20% of the time, the screen remains blank after I open it.11:32
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vdepizzolPS, thank you :)11:32
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jmspeexThat's with Edgy11:32
Shogranwell ubuntu does have problems with USB..11:32
PSvdepizzol, np, good luck11:32
Flash13Hello! anyone know how to alter the character used for filenaming?11:32
bderrlysince when does ubuntu have problems with usb?11:32
jmspeexShogran: Ubuntu has problems with everything11:32
Shogransince i cant my flash drive to work11:32
UKMattwhat kind of file do I have if ./configure and make don't work11:32
stardledyeah people said that if you get a converter it works, but i don't feel like spending money [although it might be worth it] , i thought i'd ask here and see if anyone knew how to edit bios or some stuff idk haha11:33
nardis_mileshap0, my recollection is that you can add that resolution to any of the SubSection "Display" Modes lines. FYI, my xorg has everything from 1280x1024 down to 640x480.11:33
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Vanejoin Zacatecas11:33
wikijeffHow can I have my mouse wheel scroll when I push it down like it does on windows????11:33
Shograntrust me it is worth it .. a mouse is important!11:33
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ZyfoHow do I enable java syntax on Cream?11:33
matthew_wWhat are some reasons my tv out would fail to work?11:33
stardledwell i have windows and the mouse works11:33
stardledthats what i'm on right now11:33
stardled*everyone flames*11:34
Shogranyou should be in the windows channel then11:34
Shogran its #Their_stealing_all_your_money11:34
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stardled rofl11:34
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Random_Transithey, how do i use the repos to update to Edgy??11:35
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bretzelwoah install is done ( already :-) ) now where can I get that wireless icon strength indicator ?11:35
nardis_milestalldave2002 ARe you trying to use the ubuntu kernel modules, or are you installing the nvidia driver from their website?11:35
stardledi need to talk to like a maker of ubuntu [lol] .  they could probably help me ;] 11:35
ubotuWireless documentation can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs11:35
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ubotuUbuntu 6.10 (codenamed Edgy Eft) is the latest version of Ubuntu. To upgrade to Edgy, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/EdgyUpgrades  -  To download Edgy: http://www.ubuntu.com/download (please use BitTorrent if you can!)11:35
Shograneveryones a maker og ubuntu11:36
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about poop - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi11:36
teledynwow i just read the /. article.  what a load of faeces11:36
Shogranits an open source program..11:36
ShogranCannonical made it11:36
talldave2002nardis_miles: i have tried several ways, each time i get errors11:36
stardledanyone genius enough to make it work with mine lol11:36
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Shogranyeah.. stick with windows...11:37
Shogranyou can play cool games on windows11:37
bluecalxwindows is safe11:37
stardled i've used ubuntu before on my old pc.11:37
Shogranlike WOW11:37
PSanyone got a fix to get sound working with firefox 2 and flash...?11:37
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stardledonly beardo's play WoW11:37
ShogranPs try fixing yout AOSS.. somone here will tell you how11:37
talldave2002nardis_miles: I have even clean installed Dapper then updated to edgy and then tried to install Nvidia drivers and get errors11:37
adeledoes anybody know how to install KDE (I have gnome installed right now)?11:38
nardis_milestalldave2002. I have been successful from the website. It requires that you have the kernel source from the kernel you're installing to in /usr/src. Do you have that?11:38
bluecalxsudo apt-get install kubuntu-desktop11:38
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talldave2002nardis_miles: ok how did you do it?11:38
macdcan I take all the mounted network servers and move them into a folder on the desktop? drag and drop doesnt seem to work.11:38
PSthanks Shogran, what kind of fixing aoss - to get firefox using it, or generally?11:38
=== Megaqwerty [n=megaqwer@ip72-197-231-121.sd.sd.cox.net] has joined #ubuntu
MegaqwertyI'm having this problem when I try to view embedded video in a web page where it shows a black box with the text: (no video) any ideas?11:39
macdMegaqwerty, you ned the appropriate plugins11:40
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Megaqwertymacd: I was pretty sure I did, which ones do I need?11:40
adelehow would I switch between KDE and GNOME once both are installed on my system?11:40
XalWhat is the web app that shows system specifications, hard drive usage, cpu usage, etc11:40
nardis_milesFirst, I'm using a 2.6.17 kernel, so I installed the package linux-source-2.6.17, using any of the standard tools (apt-get, or aptitude, as examples)11:40
reikiis it possible to apt-get install a program while running edgy...but from a dapper repository?11:40
Shogranill get you the website PS11:40
macdMegaqwerty,   I suppose Id need to know the type of video you were trying to watch11:40
kalikiana7adele: set them up in different sessions, either kdm or gdm11:41
Megaqwertymacd: .mov I believe I get this problem with .wmv as well.11:41
ShogranPS , http://www.macewan.org/2006/06/01/howto-firefox-flash-video-sound-on-ubuntu-linux-dapper/11:41
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adelekalikiana7, is it possible to choose it on startup?11:41
macdyou need the mplayer quicktime and w32codecs11:41
Shogrannow.. can somone help me with my USB flash drive?11:41
macdalong with the mplayer firefox plugin11:41
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ShogranDid that help PS?11:42
Megaqwertymacd: yeah, it happens with wmv as well11:42
tnuichi, i just upgraded my dapper for edgy and my alsa is not working11:42
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nardis_milesTalldave 2002, Then, you have to make a link in /usr/src called linux that points to the 2.6.17 source directory. Issue ln -s linux-source-2.6.17 linux11:42
macdMegaqwerty, grad the w32codes the H263 codec for mplayer and the mplayer firefox plugin.11:42
kalikiana7adele: if u use eg. gdm you could add a session and choose it on login; for me i think it was automatically installed11:42
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ragwhat version for kubuntu is for Celeron processor?11:43
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kalikiana7adele: like i choose between xfce, gnome-failsafe, xgl or whatever11:43
ragi test edgy eft intel iso but without success!11:43
adeleim new to this whole linux thing11:43
PSShogran, I was just reading it and double checking.  i've already installed alsa-oss and have that line in etc/firefox/firefoxrc.  i've already fixed the problem once for firefox 1.5 but since i u/g to 2 it's back and won't go this time... :-(11:43
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kalikiana7that'S ok.11:44
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kalikiana7did you already install kde and gnome?11:44
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tnuici just upgraded from dapper to edgy and my alsa stopped working, can anyone help me ?11:44
adeleI think im gonna erase it from this PC, my videocard runs noisy on linux for some reason :o11:44
PSshogran, i've also tried "sudo ln -s /usr/lib/libesd.so.0 /usr/lib/libesd.so.1; sudo mkdir -p /tmp/.esd/; sudo touch /tmp/.esd/socket" but no luck11:44
Shogrando it again.. i guess. worked for me11:44
BeOSMrXIm trying to setup floppyfw http://www.zelow.no/floppyfw/index.html I dont know what I am doing so I was wondering if someone here wants to help me figure out how to fix the issues I am having with it. If no one here can help THEN SAY SO or else I will keep on asking.11:44
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adelekalikiana7, I am downloading KDE right now11:44
Shograni had to do it twice11:44
alek66how do I check which  version of nvidia drivers am i using?11:44
Shogrannot that last post you put though.11:44
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PSshogran, ok, i'll try the aoss stuff again, thx11:45
thor0is there way to install Ubuntu from ISO without a CD (to mount it and install it somhow)?11:45
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ShogranYour welcome11:45
nardis_milesTalldave2002. Sorry. After installing the linux-source-2.6.17 package, you need to bunzip it (using bunzip2) and then detar it (ifyou don't know te command, I can lead you through it). After all of this is through, and you have downloaded the Nvidia package, you have to exit X, kill the xserver (making sure that the file .X0-lock is removed from /tmp) and simply run the NVIDIA package.11:45
=== Lubix [n=mlubin@71-89-9-12.dhcp.oxfr.ma.charter.com] has joined #ubuntu
Shogranif it doesnt work your out of my jurisdiction11:45
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Lubix_so who read the slashdot article on the problems with 6.111:45
Lubix_im still standing?11:46
Tokenbadis there a way to fix something like this?  checking for gtk+-2.0 >= 2.0.0... Package gtk+-2.0 was not found in the pkg-config search path.11:46
stardledanyone here good at programming, like editing ubuntu and such?11:46
macdBeOSMrX, this isnt the floppyfw support channel.11:46
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ianmacgregoralek66: apt-cache policy nvidia ?11:46
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dbmonk74can anyone direct me further on resolving video resolution issues? i'm completely stuck11:46
alek66ianmacgregor, i want to check if I am using the beta or the other one11:46
ianmacgregordbmonk74: What have you done thus far?11:47
TrackilizerI can't play .moc files even after installing all codecs, all i see is green and everything is really blurry. Is there anyway to solve this?11:47
nashnashplease help me i have "access denined" while trying to open xscan - here is the pic http://img218.imageshack.us/img218/8642/screenshot3kk8.png11:47
AlbatorskHi folks. I have a problem with my bluetooth mouse when I'm using Ubuntu. I can connect it just fine with "hidd --search", and it'll work for 30 minutes or so. But then it will lose connection, and I have to run "hidd --search" again. Using the same version of bluez in Slackware on the same computer doesn't yield this problem. Does anyone know what might be wrong?11:47
loki505ok i just upgraded to 6.10 but something happend so know im back at 6.0611:47
=== twb [n=twb@CPE-155-143-221-40.vic.bigpond.net.au] has joined #ubuntu
Webstrandis their an program that is the equivlent of check disk in ubuntu? My NTFS is corrupt and i need to repair it.11:47
loki505and i was wandering if this will happen on april11:47
twbSo I've just distupgraded from dapper to edgy.  Any gotchas to check before I restart?11:47
dbmonk74ianmacgregor: I've been trying to configure the resolution using : sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg11:47
loki505when the other version of ubuntu gets here11:48
mamzers555Albatorsk; what version of ubuntu u use?11:48
ianmacgregordbmonk74: Did you run sudo dpkg-reconfigure -phigh xserver-xorg and then sudo /etc/init.d/gdm restart ?11:48
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Albatorskmamzers555: 6.1011:48
jribtwb: you have to dist upgrade twice to get upstrart apparently11:48
twbWebstrand: there is fsck (filesystem check), but I don't think there is a version for NTFS.11:48
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sanmarcosTHE LORDS OF KOBOL!!11:48
ianmacgregordbmonk74: Try sudo dpkg-reconfigure -phigh xserver-xorg11:48
outRiderdoes anyone have smb browsing working in nautilus on a fresh edgy install?11:48
kalikiana7adele: so downloading means via synaptic or aptitute?11:48
Shogranis there a way to format my USB Flashdrive?11:48
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twbjrib: I have upstart installed and sysvinit removed.11:48
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twbAnything else?11:48
Shogranin ubuntu?11:48
mamzers555Albatorsk; in terminal "sudo gedit /etc/defaults/bluetooth"11:48
dbmonk74ianmacgregor: I did that once, but my monitor told me that it couldn't display that video mode11:48
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mamzers555Albatorsk; there you have to change some lines11:49
twbShogran: yes.  Do you know the associated device name?11:49
Lubix_i really hope 7.04 will be more exciting11:49
jribtwb: k, you're set then11:49
nashnashplease help me i have "access denined" while trying to open xscan - here is the pic http://img218.imageshack.us/img218/8642/screenshot3kk8.png11:49
Shogran... No11:49
Shogranwhere do i find it?11:49
ianmacgregordbmonk74: Are you trying to get a res that your monitor doesn't support?11:49
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twbjrib: thanks.11:49
Albatorskmamzers555: Ok, thanks. Do you happen to know which ones?11:49
twbShogran: it'll be called /dev/sda or similar.11:49
nashnashplease help me i have "access denined" while trying to open xsane (scanning program)  - here is the pic http://img218.imageshack.us/img218/8642/screenshot3kk8.png11:49
Webstrandthanks, it wont work :D11:49
dbmonk74ianmacgregor: probably, but I'm really at a loss to get it to recognize anything about 640x480x1611:49
mamzers555Albatorsk; sorry /etc/default/bluetooth11:49
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jasonpHi I've just tried to install 6.10 on my AMD64 box and the installer doesn't detect the harddrive( but dapper works fine)11:49
nardis_milesIs talldave2002 still here, or am I talking to myself?11:49
twbShogran: if you look at the end of the output from `dmesg' when you plug in the device, it will tell you.11:49
adelekalikiana7, I am downloading it thru terminal11:49
jasonpanyone got any ideas?11:50
Shogran... it doesnt give me a dmesg11:50
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twbYou run the program `dmesg' on the command line.11:50
=== phaedrus44 [n=phaedrus@66-55-196-209.gwi.net] has joined #ubuntu
nardis_milesjasonp: What kind of hard drive is it (IDE, SATA?)11:50
dbmonk74ianmacgregor: i ran those two commands - back to the "cannot display this video mode"11:50
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kalikiana7adele: ok, so you should be able to choose a 'session' at the login11:51
adelekalikiana7, I did it thru sudo apt-get install kubuntu-desktop11:51
ianmacgregordbmonk74: I would suggest you google your monitor specs and then do: sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg  and then  sudo /etc/init.d/gdm restart11:51
jasonpnardis_miles: SATA 250gb11:51
twbjrib: oh, I'm using NIS and NFS.  Any known hiccups for them?11:51
kalikiana7adele: yeah, that's what i meant :)11:51
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Shogransda : sda111:51
ianmacgregordbmonk74: You could very well be trying to get a res/refresh/sync that your monitor doesn't support. That happened to me once.11:51
nashnashplease help me i have "access denined" while trying to open xsane (scanning program)  - here is the pic http://img218.imageshack.us/img218/8642/screenshot3kk8.png11:51
ianmacgregor!repeat nashnash11:51
=== outRider [i=FAH_Q@bas12-toronto63-1088807645.dsl.bell.ca] has left #ubuntu []
jribtwb: don't know about those, you can check launchpad.net for any filed bugs though and ubuntuforums.org11:52
ianmacgregor!repeat > nashnash11:52
c0nf!repeat ianmacgregor11:52
c0nf!repeat > ianmacgregor11:52
twbjrib: OK.11:52
=== noxxle [n=noxxle@bsu186125.bemidjistate.edu] has joined #ubuntu
tonyyarussocrimsun: ping11:52
TrackilizerI can't play .mov files even after installing all codecs, all i see is green and everything is really blurry. Is there anyway to solve this?11:52
=== Verithrax [n=brd@201-27-108-172.dsl.telesp.net.br] has joined #ubuntu
Music_Shuffleianmacgregor, what's that actually DO? >.>11:52
ianmacgregorc0nf: Please don't do that11:52
ubotuThe people in this channel are volunteers. Your attitude will determine how fast you are helped. See also http://wiki.ubuntu.com/IrcGuidelines11:52
noxxleok i hate gnome, how can i remove everything gnomish and put kubuntu on my computer with apt?11:52
dbmonk74ianmacgregor: I really think you're right... I've been told that i should be updating drivers and the such, but I think I am in over my head.11:52
twb(I find them kinda unweildy compared to Debian's BTS and the gmane interface to Debian's mailing lists :-(11:52
nashnash<c0nf> !patience11:52
Tokenbadis there a way to fix something like this..It says I have gtk 2 installed...?  checking for gtk+-2.0 >= 2.0.0... Package gtk+-2.0 was not found in the pkg-config search path.11:52
c0nfianmacgregor, k11:53
crimsuntonyyarusso: pong but very busy, try again in 15 mins11:53
tonyyarussocrimsun: 'k11:53
=== dcordes [n=dcordes@dslb-088-076-083-184.pools.arcor-ip.net] has joined #ubuntu
nardis_milesjasonp, Edgy sees SATA on the 32-bit side, so I'd be surprised if it didn't on the 64-bit. Does your bios see the drive?11:53
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Shograntwb : itsaid sda : sda111:53
ianmacgregorMusic_Shuffle: What does what do?11:53
Albatorskmamzers555: Thanks. That did the trick.11:53
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Lam_is there an xchat command to open a new server screen?11:53
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twbnashnash: I would guess that you're not in the appropriate group (say, `scanners')11:53
Music_Shuffleianmacgregor, the !command > username thingy >.>11:53
twbShogran: OK, so what format do you want this device to be?  FAT16?11:54
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about deskbar - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi11:54
mamzers555Albatorsk; take a look at the pm that i'Ve send you11:54
=== Ashitaka96 [n=Ashitaka@c-67-175-70-19.hsd1.il.comcast.net] has left #ubuntu []
jasonpnardis: I'm try to install the 32 bit version, dapper already dual booting with win xp11:54
noxxlealso beryl makes my graqphics card squeak11:54
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noxxlewtf is up with that11:54
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adelekalikiana7, which should i choose to be default, gdm or kdm11:54
Lam_nvm found it11:54
mamzers555Albatorsk; it's important to make all these changes11:54
twbnoxxle: beryl?11:54
VerithraxHrm. Deskbar for some reason comes only with Wikipedia and Ubuntu package search, anyone know how I add more search engines?11:54
jimmygoonberyl > compiz11:54
ianmacgregorMusic_Shuffle: That instructs the bot to send the factoid to the users' irc client as a new tab11:54
Shograni want it cleaned out. but i cant do it normally11:54
twbAh, right.11:54
reikican you add a repo to edgy that says it's for dapper and then apt-get install a program from it?11:54
nashnashtwb where can i set the scanners? i tried users and groups but i didnt find anything good, and i dunno how to set it, i will appriciate it if u could make me a screenshot11:54
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noxxleis beryl really that much better than compiz???11:54
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jimmygoonnoxxle : yes11:54
Music_ShuffleAhh okok thanks. xD11:54
coz_evebubg akk11:54
mamzers555Albatorsk; after this: "sudo /etc/init.d/bluetooth restart"11:54
twbnashnash: um, I would do it with `sudo vigr', but there is probably a GUI interface.11:54
nardis_milesjasonp: I already installed 32-bit edgy on two machines with SATA with no problem. Have you opened your box recently?11:54
stardleddell is officially far11:55
lobosquehey guys, the mount command is mount -t HD destiny11:55
morficnoxxle: not if you ask the compiz author ;P (otherwise: yes, so i hear)11:55
Albatorskmamzers555: Thanks, I fixed it.11:55
nashnashill try sudo vigr, w811:55
lobosquebut i dont know what to put in HD11:55
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jimmygoonmore features, way faster, MUCH more user-friendly... and its REALLY Easy to install!11:55
noxxlewhat does beryl have over compiz11:55
kalikiana7adele: i'd use gdm11:55
lobosquei tried /hdb1 but it is wrong11:55
noxxleother than making my computer squeak11:55
=== stardled gives noxxle a pat on the back.
AlbatorskHow do I read PM:s?11:55
twbShogran: uh, so what is your end goal?11:55
jimmygoonthemes, and TONS of plugins11:55
morficnoxxle: more active developers from what i hear11:55
AlbatorskPerhaps I should read the FreeNode documentation..11:55
nashnashtwb there is no scan there ^^^11:55
=== joeljkp [n=joeljkp@host-12-168-178-87.nctv.com] has joined #ubuntu
noxxleyea but when i max and minimize windows it makes a squeak11:55
nashnashaah w811:55
twbjimmygoon: chrome :P11:55
jimmygoonand an actual configuration interface11:55
mamzers555Albatorsk; after this, your mouse should work since boot without doing some search11:55
jasonpnardis: nope, I've just installed dapper on the box to see if it was hardware but thats gone through fine11:55
noxxleits not my fan or speakers11:55
Shogran.. To be able to write to it or delete from it11:55
kalikiana7adele: because eg. xfce or others would be more compatible11:55
jimmygoonnoxxle: it actually makes a noise.. like through your speaker?11:56
noxxlelawl xcfe is dead11:56
Albatorskmamzers555: Yes, you're right. I found the setting.11:56
noxxleno i think its my graphics card11:56
lobosquehey guys, the mount command is mount -t HD destiny, i tried to put /hdb1 in HD but is wrong, how i do it right?11:56
noxxleits a minor squeak11:56
mamzers555Albatorsk; np11:56
noxxleand only when i do certain graphical things11:56
jimmygoonthats... not ... good.... does compiz do that?11:56
noxxledoesnt do it in games though11:56
twbShogran: oh, you can't actually access files on the device?11:56
noxxlejust beryl, dunno about compiz11:56
Shogranyou want me to put ratpoison in my usb device?11:56
noxxlei havent tried compiz11:56
jimmygoonit sounds like your grafix card has some problems :S11:56
twbShogran: please prefix your replies with `twb:' so I see them.11:56
jimmygoonwhat grafix card?11:56
noxxlegeforce 740011:56
twbShogran: no, ratpoison has nothing to do with your problem.11:56
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jimmygoonWell I'd have to say you are the only person I've ever heard of with this problem... have you asked in their forums: http://forum.beryl-project.org11:57
ShogranTwb: Lmao.. nah.. Well i can.. i can make it look like i did alot to it.. but when i plug it into another device or plug it back in to my pc.. its just like it was before i changed it11:57
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=== Draconum [n=Gwunfazh@S01060013102e72d0.tb.shawcable.net] has joined #ubuntu
mamzers555lobosque; "sudo mount -t filesystem /dev/hdb1 /mnt or some other points11:57
twbShogran: that sounds like you aren't syncing changes from memory to disk.11:57
twbShogran: run the `sync' program, then unmount and eject the device properly.11:58
lobosqueand i must do everytime i reboot? because i made it once and now it is unmonted11:58
adelekalikiana7, it seems like ti finished installing. Do I reboot?11:58
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nashnashtwb how can i set there scanner access there at all?11:58
twbShogran: when you're finished using it, I mean.11:58
dabaRlobosque: you can find out by running sudo fdisk -l11:58
nashnashthere is no scanner axx11:58
nardis_milesjasonp: Sorry not to be any help, other than to know that edgy has worked for SATA. In the installation, I recall that the partioning screen picks one of your disks to start. Isn't there a pull-down menu in the upper RH corner? Have you tried going there?11:58
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twbnashnash: I don't know, it was only a guess.11:58
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Shogranok. how do i unmount it properly?11:58
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dbmonk74ianmacgregor: Ok, thanks for your help to now, but I think where I am having problems is selecting the appropriate X driver - for an Intel 82865G, it is reccomending i use the i810 driver - but any time I use that, it gives me the cannot display. If i use vesa, i get 640x480, and if i use vga - well, 300x120 or something like that11:58
twbShogran: either right-click on the icon and choose `unmount', or run `sudo umount /dev/sda1' from the command line.11:58
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ZyfoI'm using Cream to write java, how do I compile it?11:59
ShogranTWB : Thankls.. if this works ill wire you a dollar11:59
twbShogran: the point I'm making is that you shouldn't just make some changes and then rip the device out.11:59
Shogranyeah i didnt know there was another way..11:59
ianmacgregordbmonk74: Are you trying to use an nvidia or ati card?11:59
dbmonk74it's an onboard intel11:59
jasonpnardis: nothing in thedrop down at all! hmm never mind maybe I'll get the wireless usb working in dapper and apt-get edgy then, thanks for your help.11:59
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nbx909the shutdown and reboot option has misteriously disappered from my quit screen in gnome11:59
kalikiana7adele: logout should suffice11:59
nbx909any idea?11:59
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kalikiana7adele: logout should suffice12:00
adeleok ill try that now12:00
dbmonk74ianmacgregor: it's an onboard intel 82865G12:00
nardis_milesjasonp: I ask because it took two installs for dapper before I realized that the list of partitions was abridged. That is, I already had enough partitions from another drive to fill the list. Only after I filled in the mont points did it start showing my partitions.12:00
noxxlewhat are the main differences between beryl and compiz??????????????12:00
dbmonk74ianmacgregor: which probably speaks volumes about why i'm having issues12:00
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Thib_me again12:01
SlyGuyhow would i escape this properly in an rsync command? /var/lib/vmware/Virtual Machines/Windows XP Professional12:01
dabaRZyfo: does cream produce a .java file in a directory somewhere on your system?12:01

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