
=== gnomefreak [n=gnomefre@ubuntu/member/gnomefreak] has joined #edubuntu
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sbalneavEvening all02:25
pygihey ho sbalneav 02:26
pygihow are you today? :)02:27
sbalneavDoin' ok02:27
pygiglad to hear02:27
sbalneavJust got about 15 cm of snow here.02:27
pygisbalneav: I wouldn't saw if it was snowing even if the snow would cover me :P02:28
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^Ghost2Uanyone gotten dvd playback on "thin" client to work???06:52
=== ^Ghost2U is trying, it works fine for user at server, but not at client
=== ^Ghost2U has "fat" thin client
=== deepz [n=mantridp@] has joined #edubuntu
deepzguys can enybody tell me where will i find a list of supported languages by edubuntu 07:23
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=== RichEd is still battling to get rid of a sinus head infection and will only be in sporadically
highvoltagesinus problems--08:54
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JonathanFergusonJust Installed Edubuntu Workstation 6.06.1 - Only Wireless no worky, eventhough it was found during Install.  Point me to the right Wiki Page.09:25
highvoltageJonathanFerguson: what wireless card do you have?09:29
jsgotangcoyohoho and a bottle of rhum09:30
highvoltagegood morning jsgotangco 09:30
highvoltageJonathanFerguson: this may be of help: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs/WirelessCardsSupported09:31
JonathanFergusonWhen I 'lspci -v | less' I couldn't see anything that could be the Wireless, the sole brand name was Silicon Integrated Systems - I saw this name during install, the other name was Broadcom.09:35
Burgundaviabroadcom is the chiptset09:37
ubotuWireless documentation can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs09:37
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=== ..[topic/#edubuntu:ogra] : Order: http://shipit.edubuntu.org || Edubuntu - the education version of Ubuntu || http://www.edubuntu.org | Wiki: http://wiki.edubuntu.org/EdubuntuWiki | MEETING: every Wednesday see http://wiki.edubuntu.org/EdubuntuMeetingAgenda | edgy (6.10) is released ! grab it while its hot ! http://releases.ubuntu.com/edubuntu/edgy/ | Upgraders see: https://wiki.edubuntu.org/EdubuntuLTSPUpgradeNotes
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pips1hello edubuntugirl11:44
edubuntugirlhi, pips1!11:44
=== cbx33 [n=c2df514b@84-45-197-14.no-dns-yet.enta.net] has joined #edubuntu
pips1very interesting interview with sabdfl on news.com11:50
cbx33pips1: got a link?11:51
cbx33hanks pips1 11:53
=== cafuego_ [n=cafuego@ppp194-138.lns3.mel4.internode.on.net] has joined #edubuntu
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jsgotangcohello RichEd12:34
=== ulinskie [n=gooey@] has joined #edubuntu
Kamping_Kaiserhi all12:41
ulinskiehello Kamping_Kaiser12:41
jsgotangcoi just discovered today my edubuntu.org forwarder works12:42
highvoltagejsgotangco: I think it's been working for some months now :)12:43
jsgotangcoheh i should use it, it has more omphhh factor12:44
jsgotangcoubuntu.com bah everyone has it already12:44
highvoltageand there's just like.. 7 people with edubuntu ones :)12:46
highvoltagestrange, I can't recall seeing anyone using a kubuntu or xubuntu.org email address before12:46
jsgotangcoimbrandon uses kubuntu.org12:46
juliuxhi RichEd 12:46
juliuxjsgotangco, i only use me @ubuntu-de.org e-mail adress12:48
juliuxi only tested once ubuntu.com and edubuntu.org12:48
jsgotangcoi haven't set forwarding for our loco domain yet12:49
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=== dim [n=dim@cac94-7-82-243-27-82.fbx.proxad.net] has joined #edubuntu
dimhi guys12:58
dimfor an i386, should i choose desktop or install CD ?12:58
dimis there any LiveCD i could buy ?12:58
highvoltagedesktop is live cd + graphical installer01:00
highvoltageinstall cd is the text mode + upgrade cd01:01
dimoh, perfect, thx01:01
dimso I need the desktop one01:01
dimi want to buy it in order to get descent packaging, some  product  image01:01
dimthen i offer it to friends having children :)01:02
highvoltagegreat :)01:03
=== ulinskie-dinner is now known as ulinskie
ogradont forget the install CD has the ltsp server bits, the desktop CD hasnt 01:13
ogra(thats why we'll rename4 them to desktop and server CD)01:13
ogra(in feisty)01:13
dimok, thin clients... i don't need this, it's about transforming windows workstations into kids playground01:15
dimthx for the information anyway :)01:16
jsgotangcoogra: bah im oldskool01:21
ograoldskool ? 01:21
=== sorush20 [n=sorush20@82-43-184-143.cable.ubr07.newm.blueyonder.co.uk] has joined #edubuntu
jsgotangcowhat is ltsp anyways, a server or a desktop or both? heh01:22
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highvoltagejsgotangco: well, the clients are X servers, and the server is the host...01:23
jsgotangcook how does it apply in a support sense for dapper?01:23
dimltsp sounds damn useful if you have several old machines and are able to buy one correct server01:24
sorush20is there a really comprehensive graph drawing program better than openoffice.org spread sheet.. I want to be able add my data to draw the graph.01:24
dimi wouldn't be surprise it's the case in more than one school01:24
highvoltagewell, the services such as dhcp server, nfs, etc are server software, so they should be supported for 5 years, but if you upgrade your desktop you should update your ltsp too.01:24
highvoltageso I would think that ltsp also has just 3 year support cycle.01:25
dimsorush20: try koffice ?01:25
highvoltagedim: it is for sure01:25
jsgotangcohighvoltage: yeah imagine ogra fixing it till 201101:25
highvoltageI'm sure there'll be new features even then.01:26
highvoltagefancy clustering, shared processor, shared memory over network... geez... lots of things :)01:26
jsgotangcohighvoltage: backports?01:26
highvoltagepossible, although new features are likely to become more and more complicated, and so more complicated to backport.01:27
jsgotangcoi would think so too, well in 3 years i dont think people will actually install dapper on ltsp01:28
ograjsgotangco, edubuntu server is supported for 3 years as a whole (since ltsp requires a desktop) and the single server bits are supported for 5 years as highvoltage said01:28
highvoltageI agree with you jsgotangco 01:28
jsgotangcognome 2.14 would look sooo old by then01:28
ograonly for you :P01:29
ografor debian users it might still be the latest :P01:29
highvoltagefor debian it will still look current :) </bad joke, I know>01:29
highvoltageogra: snap :)01:29
highvoltageperhaps by then debian will be up to yearly release cycles01:30
cbx33hey everybody01:30
highvoltageor they'll be based on ubuntu :)01:30
highvoltagehey cbx33 01:30
jsgotangcohighvoltage: they will kill you01:31
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highvoltageI'll have to find a good spot to hide01:31
highvoltagealthough, tonight I'm giving my talk on ubuntu and its derivitaves so I hope they don't catch me there.01:31
cbx33don;t suppose anyone here knows abotu the dest functions for gtk widgets?01:31
ogradest ?01:32
cbx33the dragging destination functions01:32
highvoltagedyslexia FWT01:32
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cbx33stuff to do with this http://www.pygtk.org/docs/pygtk/gtk-constants.html#gtk-dest-defaults-constants01:34
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cbx33I know what I'm doing generally....just having trouble getting the data out of the transfer...01:39
cbx33supposed to use...   .get_data()01:39
cbx33but I don;t know the key that I need to supply01:39
=== ^Ghost2U yawns & stretches (Mornin' All)
^Ghost2Uhas anyone gotten dvd playback on "thin" client to work???01:40
^Ghost2Uis it possible?01:41
Kamping_Kaisermaybe on edgy. 01:45
highvoltage^Ghost2U: you might be able to play it in a small window on one thin client, while the disc is in the server, but local dvd playback is dependent on local apps, for which there is a possibility for the next edubuntu version01:47
^Ghost2UKamping_Kaiser: I tried, but totem-xine says it cannot -- already installed codecs, so it works on server01:47
ograit wont work01:48
ograi dont know a player that doesnt access /dev/dvd for dvd playback ...01:48
highvoltagegeez. warty screenshots these days are hard to find (can't find any with the naked people on)01:48
ograyou wont be able to access that from the server to the client ...01:48
Kamping_Kaiserhighvoltage, you dont get screenshots of that - only photos01:49
Kamping_Kaiserthe installed artwork was peopless afaik01:49
=== Kamping_Kaiser has warty cds
highvoltageKamping_Kaiser: heh01:49
ograapt-get install ubuntu-calendar-* ??01:49
ograits still in the archive if i see it correctly01:49
Kamping_Kaiseri have the cds, i didnt keep the apt repo ;O01:49
highvoltagewarty is older than ubuntu-calendar, I'm not sure if it willbe in there, but I'll check01:50
jsgotangcoyes give them nekkid art to kiddies01:50
ograhighvoltage, warty isnt older ..01:51
ograthe calendar packages were there since the RC iso ...01:51
jsgotangcoogra: how does it feel when booting up warty again01:53
ograjsgotangco, dunno, i havent booted my warty laptop  since i moved01:55
^Ghost2Uogra: here's the layout-- thin client PC: DVDRW and CDRW, no HDD. server: DVDRW and HDD. client no longer sees local dvd01:55
ograit still sits in its box :)01:55
ogra^Ghost2U, as i said, you dont have access to /dev/dvd on the client from a session ...01:56
=== cbx33 [n=c2df514b@84-45-197-14.no-dns-yet.enta.net] has joined #edubuntu
^Ghost2Uogra: ok.. i guess what I need is a "localized" /dev/dvd for the client... is that where you're going?01:57
cbx33sorry I got dc'd01:58
cbx33and I had tonnes of lag01:58
cbx33any thoughts on my prolbem01:58
ogra^Ghost2U, the desktop session needs full access to the clients /dev/dvd ... 01:58
ograwhich you simply dont have 01:58
^Ghost2Uhmmm ... I got you. pity01:59
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^Ghost2Ubbiaf... power outage :P02:01
=== Kamping_Kaiser wonders if "Free software in education." as an intrest is to political for a job applying as a network admin at an educational establishment
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cberloHi folks.02:09
willvdlKamping_Kaiser, doubt it. Would hate to think that it actually is :|02:11
Kamping_Kaiserwillvdl, i dont like the thought either, but i am applying for a job, so i'm kinda tentitive to put it in :|02:11
willvdltry open learning platforms...02:12
Kamping_Kaiserhm... nice.02:12
Kamping_Kaiserdo you want atribution for that? :P02:12
willvdlhmmm, tempting02:13
kenkarniffpips1: i discovered a workaround on my keymap problems yesterday. apparently, the finnish and swedish keymap is identical. so i tried XKBLAYOUT="fi" in my lst.conf and it worked! somehow "se" is missing or corrupted...02:27
kenkarniffnow into the next thing... sounds! :/02:27
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pips1kenkarniff: thanks for the info, I have my Swiss-German keyboard layout working :)02:29
pips1I have 02:30
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lguerrahi all02:32
=== highvoltage wonders what a swiss-german keyboard looks like
willvdlhighvoltage, it has holes in it02:33
highvoltageah, of course02:33
highvoltageand a tap at the side? ;)02:33
highvoltage(for the beer)02:34
highvoltagesorry that was a bit cheesy.02:34
willvdlyou're punny02:39
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highvoltagegood mornin' mdz03:17
jsgotangcooh hi03:18
=== sbalneav [n=sbalneav@mail.legalaid.mb.ca] has joined #edubuntu
sbalneavMorning all03:36
jsgotangcosbalneav: uncle03:37
sbalneavMorning jsgotangco03:38
sbalneavedubuntugirl: seen ogra03:38
edubuntugirlogra was last seen on #edubuntu 1 hours, 39 minutes and 34 seconds ago, saying: which you simply dont have  [Tue Oct 31 14:58:27 2006] 03:38
sbalneavogra: Hey dude, got time for a quick gnome question?03:38
sbalneavI'm going to be re-doing ALL my servers here shortly03:39
sbalneavubuntu + ltsp503:39
highvoltagesbalneav: good luck! (meaning it in a good way)03:39
sbalneavI don't want to have to go all the way with sabayon03:39
sbalneavbut I do want to make 2 minor changes to the top gnome panel03:40
sbalneavi.e. change a couple icon, and add a couple.03:40
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sbalneavWondering how I'd do that.  I'm suspecting some gconf2 magic.03:43
sbalneavI guess what I'd like is to make it part of the default template.03:43
sbalneavThat way, when users log in for the first time, they'll just "get it", and if they fudge something up with their install, then I just blow away .gnome2 and they're back to normal.03:44
cbx33sbalneav: hehe I'm just messing around creating some gnome applets ;)03:44
sbalneavmorning cbx33 bddebian03:45
bddebianHeya sbalneav03:45
juliuxhighvoltage, http://www.edubuntu.org/ThinClientConfig here is still a bug, the path in the screenshot is wrong03:54
highvoltageeek, you told me about that before03:55
juliuxhighvoltage, yes03:55
juliuxhighvoltage, and it shoud be gksudo and not ksudo ;)03:56
cbx33hey sbalneav 03:58
highvoltagejuliux: refresh :)03:59
juliuxhighvoltage, thxs03:59
juliuxhighvoltage, i just created als a new screenshot;)03:59
highvoltagejuliux: np, I had the screenshot altered a while ago, but there was a period where I didn't have edit right, and forgot about it03:59
juliuxhighvoltage, ah ok04:00
=== jsgotangco [n=jsg123@ubuntu/member/jsgotangco] has joined #edubuntu
juliuxogra, the rangee thinclients are working with edgy;) they need an lts.conf entry about X_HORZSYNC andX_VERTREFRESH 04:13
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ograjuliux, ah, cool, mind to wiki that ?04:34
juliuxogra, is there a special wiki page?04:34
ogranot yet04:34
=== highvoltage thinks a lot of them are special
juliuxogra, i only add X_HORZSYNC and  X_VERTREFRESH to the lts.conf04:35
ograwell, that should work automatically ... what kind ofg monitor is that ?04:35
juliuxit is a benq fp72e tft04:35
ograhmm, that should work with ddcprobe04:36
juliuxbut it doesnt04:36
juliuxnot with the rangee one04:36
juliuxthey worked with dapper;)04:37
ograright, sounds like a regression04:38
sbalneavMorning ogra04:38
sbalneavMan, I REALLY gotta get better at configuring gnome, seeing as how I'm going to be changing my entire organization over to it in a month :)04:41
highvoltagesbalneav: what's wrong with your gnome configuration?04:42
sbalneavnothing too much04:42
sbalneav1) I need to replace Firefox with Mozilla (don't ask me why long, boring and annoying story)04:43
highvoltagesbalneav: not that I want to preach xfce to you, but have you taken a look at xubuntu's desktop before?04:43
ogralets look into that on thursday ... i'm pretty busy packing my bags here 04:43
sbalneavOh, no rush ogra, I'm just venting04:43
highvoltageI suppose you have big fat servers that can run gnome fine.04:43
jsgotangcosbalneav: 1) looks really ugly04:43
ogramozilla shouldnt be a prob04:43
sbalneavpack away.  I'm going to bring a thin client + flatscreen with me.04:43
ograbut dont forget we dont support it 04:44
sbalneav2) install OpenOffice.org 1.1.3 (not ready to convert yet), and change the mime types to point to the old one (not that hard, I don't think).04:44
ograso securtity fixes etc might be a matter of luck04:44
ograsame for oo.o 1.3 ....04:44
sbalneavYeah, it's this stupid app we've paid someone to write.04:44
highvoltageeesh... OOo 1.1.3 is s toughie. won't they accept a newer 1.1 branch? I think it goes up to 1.1.6?04:45
sbalneavI'm not sure how you manage it, but they've written an app that works under mozilla 1.7, but breaks on firefox.04:45
sbalneavDon't EVEN GET ME STARTED!!! it's a sore spot right now :)(04:45
highvoltagesbalneav: nice double-chin04:46
sbalneavhighvoltage: :)04:46
sbalneavFat finger disease04:46
sbalneavWe'll move to 2.0 OO.o later this year, however, for the rollout, we'll stick with
juliuxogra, that is how it looks with out the options http://ubuntu.juliux.de/edubuntu.jpg04:46
highvoltageok, I'm going to UCT now to give my talk. i feel very nervous, don't know why though :)04:47
highvoltagesee you all again later...04:47
sbalneavit's just a few minor changes.  So I'm just working through those.04:47
sbalneavGood luck!04:47
sbalneavBreak a leg04:47
jsgotangcoim gonna sleep04:47
jsgotangcohighvoltage: good luck!04:47
highvoltagethanks sbalneav and jsgotangco 04:47
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ograjuliux, right, thats a wrong resolution ...04:51
juliuxogra, my tft can up to 1280x768,04:52
juliuxogra, but i think the grafikchip can only 1024x76804:53
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=== cberlo [n=berloc@mars.dsbn.edu.on.ca] has joined #edubuntu
cberlosbalneav: Hey, you there?  Got a quick question about the idea of mounting all users into one directory and sorting things out from there....  :)  If I could achieve this, how do I do the permissions right so any teacher can't mess with another teacher's files, etc.?04:58
cberloOkay, so... anyone else around that might be able to give me some pointers?  I want to mount all Windows users' home directories under one share, them give each user access to their own files just by providing links in their Linux home directory.  Problem I'm encountering so far is that any teacher can access another teacher's files; any student can access any student's files, etc.05:02
juliuxhighvoltage, did you testet xfce with edubuntu?05:03
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ogracberlo, have a look at /etc/login.defs (look for UMASK)05:20
ogrameh, he's gone05:20
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nixternalholy cow, 6am meeting tomorrow09:12
highvoltagenixternal: which meeting is that? kubuntu?09:14
LaserJockhmm, that means 4am for me09:14
LaserJockEdubuntu, shesh09:14
nixternali will be sleeping09:14
nixternalsawing logs09:14
highvoltageok. that's like 2pm for me :)09:14
highvoltagesomeone whould write up a time machine spec09:14
=== LaserJock whacks highvoltage over the head with a copy of the Handbook
highvoltageLaserJock: it's only like, 10 pages right?09:15
=== highvoltage ducks
nixternali think sbalneav and his LTSP portion is larger than 10 pages09:15
stelisI'm going to fatten it up some09:17
highvoltageI think the LTSP portion is the best part atm.09:18
stelisI was going to ask: what should the "Look and Feel" section cover09:18
=== highvoltage really needs to get in bed now
highvoltagegoodnight everyone!09:25
highvoltageedubuntugirl: goodnight!09:25
edubuntugirlgoodnight, highvoltage. I'll keep an eye out for the MS spies while you sleep.09:25
highvoltageI think that's a good idea. I cracked a joke at MCSE's in my talk tonight.09:25
LaserJockedubuntugirl: I see one!09:25
edubuntugirlLaserJock: excuse me?09:26
LaserJockedubuntugirl: over there!09:26
edubuntugirlLaserJock: excuse me?09:26
LaserJockoh wait09:26
LaserJockthat's just nixternal 09:26
highvoltagebtw, here's some slides from my talk:09:26
highvoltagethere's lots of local-specific stuff in there, but I'll clean it up as a proper ubuntu presentation for the future :)09:26
sbalneavWhat MCSE joke did you tell?09:29
nixternali dont' work for Microsoft anymore..i quit last year09:29
nixternalspeaking of microsoft, they invited me, and a few others from the Chicago LUG to a free luncheon this week to talk about open source and linux at the McDonalds Headquarters, known to the world as Hamburger U09:30
sbalneavheh, naked :)09:31
sbalneavNice pres, highvoltage09:31
sbalneavhighvoltage: Where'd you get the font?09:32
nixternalstelis: sorry, just seen your question...Look and Feel, that might be better answered by either HedgeMage or maybe pygi..I don't want to speculate on it, and it be the wrong idea09:34
stelisnixternal: OK09:34
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=== pygi dances around
LaserJockuh oh09:36
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LaserJockwhat's up pygi?09:36
pygiLaserJock: what is it this time? :P09:36
LaserJockI'm a little concerned about a dancing pygi09:36
pygiLaserJock: ergh!09:36
LaserJockI don't want any of my coffee mugs knocked over :-)09:37
pygiomg dude :)09:37
pygiLaserJock: don't worry ;)09:38
pygiLaserJock: libburn can now write -tao ... well, sort of at least ^_^09:39
pygioki, gotta dc now :P09:41
pygiok, not really :P09:44
stelispygi: I was going to do a bit more on the Handbook09:45
pygistelis: what is stopping you? :)09:45
stelisBut wasn't sure what you wanted in the "Look and Feel" section09:45
pygioh, how to customize look, etc09:46
stelisChanging the GNOME theme and stuff?09:46
stelisI guess I need to see how to switch the GNOME global defaults09:48
stelisI was also going to ask was how you format your DocBook?09:49
pygistelis: ping nixternal about you :P09:49
pygithank you nixternal :)09:50
stelisI noticed that it was nicely idented...09:50
nixternalno problemo09:50
stelisindented, too09:50
stelisSorry I meant the PSGML mode for emacs09:51
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stelisI use nxml-mode09:51
stelisI don't think that it formats like that09:52
sbalneavEveryone seems to have a blog.09:58
sbalneavI don't :(09:58
sbalneavAnd I've no clue how to start one.09:58
LaserJocksbalneav: it's easy!09:58
stelissbalneav: WordPress09:58
LaserJockeven a loser physical chemist like myself can do it ;-)09:59
sbalneavapt-cache search wordpress09:59
sbalneavYeah, but where does one HOST the blog? :)10:00
stelisIf you don't have a server the WordPress do free hosting10:00
sbalneavDoes anyone here do that?10:00
LaserJockyeah, I did10:00
LaserJockuntil I got laserjock.us10:01
LaserJockit was great10:01
crimsunsbalneav: I don't.10:01
LaserJockseems like all the cool people don't have blogs though10:01
crimsundepends who "cool" are10:01
LaserJockcrimsun: do you have a blog?10:02
crimsun< crimsun> sbalneav: I don't.10:02
LaserJockthere you go10:02
lotusleafoo boon too you love me we're a penguin family!10:02
LaserJockactually, I kinda like it, although sort of more for personal use10:02
LaserJockI don't think most people actually care to read what I write10:03
LaserJockbut I just like being able to jot things down10:03
LaserJocksomewhat of a combo between a wiki and a mailing list :-)10:03
stelisI was amazed to get my first comment about four hours after I wrote after my first post10:04
lotusleafLaserJock: most blogs are just useless ramblings of parrot people in a desperate attempt to make themselves heard about mundane things like how they ate macaroni and cheese and what it would be like to eat it on the moon and they're bored, before a generation or two after they expire and it's all forgotten.10:04
stelisHaven't had any, /since/ mind you10:04
LaserJocklotusleaf: but the useful ones do seem useful10:05
lotusleafbloggers: because doing something to improve the world is hard, so I want to talk about how I'm wasting time10:05
LaserJockI've gotten a lot of cool info from developer blogs10:05
lotusleafLaserJock: oh, I agree10:05
lotusleafLaserJock: but those are a handful in a world of sand10:05
LaserJockthat's why I also like planets10:05
lotusleafLaserJock: yeah there's some rather nice ones10:05
lotusleafwhy, like planet ubuntu ;)10:05
LaserJockso you aren't just searching in a sea of blogs10:06
LaserJockthey are more "themed"10:06
lotusleafLaserJock: indeed!10:06
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lotusleafwhiprush: does Ars have any planet blogs?10:06
LaserJockso most days I pop by planets for Ubuntu, Debian, Gnome, and KDE10:06
lotusleafLaserJock: planet suse is cool too ;)10:07
LaserJockI checked out fedora's and it seem fine, I just don't have much interest there10:07
lotusleafI don't really keep up with RPM based distros anymore10:08
LaserJockme neither10:08
lotusleafEver since warty it's been <3 ubuntu10:08
whiprushlotusleaf: there's a planet.arslinux.com, that's about it.10:09
lotusleafanyone else handing out Edubuntu CDs for Halloween?10:09
lotusleafwhiprush: yeah? cool thx10:09
lotusleafwhiprush: how is the Ars linux wiki going10:09
whiprushit's back up actually10:09
lotusleafwhiprush: righteous10:09
whiprushit was down for like months, heh.10:09
lotusleafwhiprush: I've been on Ars since 2001 or 2002, it's one of the best forums on the net IMO10:09
lotusleafwhiprush: yeah the last message I saw was that it was down, cool to hear that it's back up10:11
whiprushyeah, the linux forums are kind of dying 10:11
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lotusleafwhiprush: no chance of it going subscribe only though, so that's one pro :)10:12
lotusleafwhiprush: it sucked when the soapbox went subscription only, oh well this is offtopic ;P10:13
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LaserJockogra: are you up by any chance?11:14
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Joe_SWAUHello. :-) I am trying to get a wireless card to connect to my school network.11:30
Joe_SWAUIt supports WEP natively, but I know I can get it to support WPA in windows. Is there any way I can get it to support WPA in Linux?11:31
Joe_SWAUWPA with AES authentication.11:31
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LaserJockJoe_SWAU: I'm not sure. I would ask #ubuntu11:37
LaserJockas there are a lot more people there11:38
Joe_SWAUOk, thanks.11:45
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=== LaserJock is now known as Laser_away

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