
=== Fujitsu [n=Fujitsu@ubuntu/member/fujitsu] has joined #ubuntu-directory
lophyteBurgwork: opensync has evo plugins01:04
lophyteopensync-plugin-evolution - Evolution plugin for opensync01:05
Burgworkwe shoudl probably use opensysc01:05
lophyteit is :)01:05
ajmitchyes, we should01:05
ajmitchthe debian maintainers are nice & friendly too01:06
lophytemaybe I'll give it a shot01:06
Burgworkajmitch: are you a debian maintainer of opensync?01:06
Burgworkkde is moving towards it01:06
ajmitchBurgwork: mainly lifeless & azeem01:06
Burgworkah, good people then01:06
ajmitchI'm still in the LP team but haven't done much01:08
lophytearr.. suppose I'll have to use the CLI tools01:11
ajmitchfunny, I'm still listed as comaintainer01:11
ajmitchI should merge it in feisty if lifeless doesn't get to it first01:12
lophyteis it even usable o_o01:13
ajmitchought to be01:14
lophyteall I get from opensyncutils package is01:14
lophyteosyncbinary  osyncdump    osyncplugin  osyncstress  osynctest01:14
lophyteyay, unmet deps01:19
lophyteThe following packages have unmet dependencies:01:19
lophyte  libmultisync-plugin-palm: Depends: libpisock8 but it is not installable01:19
Fujitsulophyte: multisync got obliterated from testing a while ago because it's no longer installable. Needs changes to work with pisock9.01:20
lophyteguess I'm screwed then01:20
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ajmitchhi Burgundavia08:19
Burgundaviahey ajmitch08:20
siretartwasabi_: nice  work on https://wiki.ubuntu.com/NetworkAuthentication/Client09:11
ajmitchhey siretart09:12
siretarthuhu ajmitch09:26
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SimonAnibalgood morning all02:57
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cberlowould this be the right place to ask about a samba acl issue with Ubuntu?05:07
cberloOkay, let's put this out there anyway, and if you want to reply, thanks.  If not, oh well.  :)      I have a server that's mounting Windows user home drives to one share.  I'd like to create links for each user that logs in to their own "home drive" and give appropriate permissions.  I do not want other users to be able to have any access to other Windows home drives.  Can anyone suggest a way to go about doing this without having to mount ev05:11
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tmh__win 1008:00
bmontyhi ajmitch08:06
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Burgworkwork just got me a 19" monitor08:17
=== whiprush [n=jorge@2001:5c0:8fff:fffe:0:0:0:2fad] has joined #ubuntu-directory
bmontyI just finished packaging the new version of gq (1.2.1)08:18
SimonAnibalwork just got me...more stuff to do!08:20
Burgworkcan you do the new lat as well?08:21
ajmitchwhat is the latest version of lat?08:22
bmontywe have 1.0.7-108:22
ajmitchdebian has
ajmitchdo we need to fork from debian for yet more packages?08:22
bmontyi've never used lat08:23
ajmitchit's a mono package08:23
bmontythe screenshots look nice though08:23
bmontydoes it work better than gq?08:25
BurgworkUI is nicer, but have had a few crashing issues08:27
Burgwork1.2.1 is latest stable08:27
Burgwork1.3.0 is latest unstable08:27
Burgworklat follows GNOME numbering scheme08:27
ajmitchdebian should get 1.2.1 soon08:27
Burgworklat is proposed for gnome-admin upstream08:28
ajmitchand the hordes of users will scream at more mono stuff being added08:29
Burgworkwell, other people proposed gq in its place08:30
Burgworkradio silence since then08:30
whiprushajmitch: confirmed the hotel08:31
whiprushalso added your name to the room, so you'll need id. (obviously)08:31
ajmitchwell I'll obviously have my passport :)08:31
whiprushI am currently looking at how to walk there from the hotel08:32
whiprushwhich looks long and out of the way08:32
whiprushbut still not too bad08:32
ajmitchto google?08:32
whiprushmoffett south to middlefield, then to shoreline, then left on charleston08:33
ajmitchpretty roundabout way to do it08:33
whiprushI can't see a way to cross the 101 though08:33
whiprushand directly north is like a nasa facility.08:33
whiprushbut, if you were planning on walking around and stuff when you get there, scouting out that way might work08:34
ajmitchmoffett goes over 101 right by the hotel, if there's a footpath08:34
whiprushthat was my concern, a footpath08:34
ajmitchotherwise just run across 8 lanes of traffic, it'll be fine08:34
ajmitchget your exercise for the morning08:34
bmontyajmitch: last time I was there I almost got a ticket for running across of the roads08:35
bmontycops seem serious about jaywalking there08:35
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ajmitchit looks like there's a footpath on moffett as it goes over08:35
ajmitchwe'll find out on saturday08:35
ajmitchhard to tell08:36
whiprush"Hi everyone, well me made it, except for jorge, he won't be making the trip, he got killed on the highway .... well, let's get to work!"08:36
whiprushI can't wait for this08:41
whiprushI haven't seen you guys in like 2 years.08:41
ajmitchnot since sydney08:50
=== Fujitsu [n=Fujitsu@ubuntu/member/fujitsu] has joined #ubuntu-directory
Burgworkwe have had ~15 subscriptions to our mailgn list in 2 days11:11
stelisBurgwork: Is there a easy way to ping all the Ubuntu Directory team?11:14
Burgworkvia our mailing list11:14
stelisThere were 41 members listed on there this morning11:14
stelisSo most probably aren't on the ML yet11:14
stelisI didn't know that the ML was up until well, 30 seconds ago11:15
ajmitchI wonder how many team members are going to be inactive & just want to see stuff happen11:17
Burgworkwe need a good todo11:17
Burgworkwho has a few cycles right now?11:18
=== ajmitch needs to get writing
stelisFWIW, I've been waiting on MV11:19
Burgworkcreating a todo list now is good thing11:19
stelisSince I don't know what UDS *is* yet, software-wise11:20
stelisIf that makes ssense11:20
BurgworkI am speaking todo for the whole team11:20
Burgworkthen our todo is: evaluate fds vs openldap11:20
stelisI was puzzled by J Haltom saying that UDS would be directory independent11:21
stelisogra also talked about using smbldap on edubuntu-devel11:23
stelisWould it be worth calling a pre-MV meeting?11:23
ajmitchyou've got about 2 days to do so11:24
stelisajmitch: probably too late then11:25
ajmitchwell MV starts on sunday, and people will be travelling11:25
ajmitchI'm only around for the next 2 days before I fly away11:25
stelisShould have double-checked the date11:25
stelisI just get the sense that we may have different people thinking of going in different directions11:26
ajmitchsome of us will get together in MV & argue it out11:27
ajmitchinput from the lists, etc is welcome11:27
stelisMy two cents was really in the spec11:27
stelisI think that the most important thing is that third party devs have one product to target11:28
Burgworkyes, that is a clear target11:28
stelisThe other thing I'd like is one record for each host11:29
Burgworkadd it to the spec11:29
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