
sladennixternal Seveas whiprush: http://fridge.ubuntu.com/node/61903:02
nixternali can't do nothing with it03:09
nixternalit is cool though03:09
nixternali get the Coming Soon!03:09
whiprushsladen: haha that's awesome03:13
whiprushwant me to approve?03:14
sladenwhiprush: well, to spell-check, grammar check/fix and *then* approve it :)03:14
whiprushI assumed that, heh03:14
nixternalit looked good to me03:23
nixternalmy pumpkins got smashed..damn kids do what i used to do, still03:24
ubotuNew on thefridge: Phosphorus Pumpkin Released! Happy Halloween. <http://fridge.ubuntu.com/node/619>03:24
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ubotuNew on thefridge: Retiring Hoary <http://fridge.ubuntu.com/node/622> || Living on the lighter Edge: Announcing Xubuntu 6.10 <http://fridge.ubuntu.com/node/621>11:54
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ubotuNew on thefridge: Retiring Hoary: Ubuntu 5.04 reaches end-of-life for security support <http://fridge.ubuntu.com/node/622>02:25
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