=== jb-home [n=jbailey@modemcable139.249-203-24.mc.videotron.ca] has joined #ubuntu-ports === jb-home [n=jbailey@modemcable139.249-203-24.mc.videotron.ca] has joined #ubuntu-ports === tmarble [n=tmarble@] has joined #ubuntu-ports [05:47] fabbione: ping [05:47] tmarble: pong [05:48] ciao! i'm wondering how one finds out what the UDS schedule will look like? [05:48] at what point does it "do the magic" and put specs into timeslots (etc.)? and how can I find out about all the ancilarry (i.e. non-spec) events? [05:48] tmarble: we will have a schedule soon.. but it's basically 50 minutes sessions + 10 minutes break all day long (+ break for lunch) [05:49] on the hour? [05:49] we start at 9 am and each session in 60 [05:49] going until....? [05:49] can't remember... 17:30 i think [05:49] k [05:49] gimme a sec to check [05:50] FWIW I will have a T2000 rev2 with me :) [05:50] yeah 9 -> 17:30 [05:50] ok :) [05:51] the details of the schedule will be published daily [05:51] ok [05:51] non-specs events are arranged on the fly [05:52] I'm pretty excited about it.. we actually have *lots* of people attending: http://blogs.sun.com/tmarble/entry/ubuntu_developer_summit [05:52] yes and nobody out of that list told me till 2 hours ago [05:52] i was expecting an email from Simon [05:52] but he did never answer [05:53] now i need to see if we can arrange a dinner or something [05:53] the blog is empty? [05:53] hmm [05:58] wow, that's wierd.. like it didn't get published? [05:58] yeps [05:58] it's empty [05:59] my bad -- apparently didn't push the right button... try again now (let me know what you think ;-) [06:00] eheh there it is [06:01] oky doky :)