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LaserJockman the wiki is a pain12:25
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dthackerDid this get replaced by another page with a list of items that needs to be cleaned? https://wiki.ubuntu.com/CategoryCleanup01:16
Burgworkdthacker: the help stuff moved to help.ubuntu.com/community01:17
dthackertnx, continuing to learn.....01:19
Burgworkno worries01:26
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bhuvanBurgwork: can you approve my recent email to ubuntu-doc mailing list? looks like all emails above 40k needs approval, nice setup01:52
Burgworkhmm, I don;t have the password, I don;t think01:52
bhuvanhmm fine. let it wait for mdke and nixternal01:52
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UbugtuNew bug: #69814 in ubuntu-doc "Long-Term Support" [Undecided,Unconfirmed]  http://launchpad.net/bugs/6981404:30
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_nixternalreject that bug someone, for some reason I cannot...he is looking at old docs on doc.ubuntu.com04:42
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nixternalBurgwork: i don't have the password either ;)06:09
bhuvannixternal: hope mdke may be able to reset your password06:21
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nixternali think it is a "main" list password, because my password works fine, just not for admin stuff07:04
Burgworknixternal: there is a moderator and an admin password07:05
nixternalof which i have neither ;)07:05
nixternalwhat is the status of doc.ubuntu.com?07:19
nixternaldoes that get updated anymore?07:20
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nixternalanyone available to discuss the ubuntuguide.org email on the list?  it seems they want their guide to be in the official docs..07:24
nixternali have 2 problems with that right now...1) they want to remain seperated, and 2) they preach automatix and easyubuntu07:25
nixternalthey do however, have some decent information, just that a majority of it is from the universe repos, which it seems official docs like to express the main, unless otherwise needed07:26
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Burgundaviaoh, exciting08:05
Burgundaviaubuntguide.org wants to become "official08:05
Burgundaviamdke_: you around?08:05
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LaserJockBurgundavia: yeah, I think that's kinda interesting08:07
LaserJockBurgundavia: they also want to retain complete control it sounds like08:07
Burgundaviayes, which I don't like08:07
Burgundaviamy position would be hardline: merge or nothing08:07
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MadpilotBurgundavia, yes, but you're an evil SOB08:08
Burgundaviano, no I am not08:08
MadpilotBTW, I gave your book to Olivia today08:09
BurgundaviaI didn't get home from work until 10pm, so08:09
Burgundaviaoh, geez. ubuntuguide.org has become worse08:09
nixternalim with Burgundavia on that though..although it couldn't be a complete merge, since they like automatix and what not08:10
Burgundaviawell, part and parcel of the merge would be they would merge into the wiki08:10
Burgundaviaand then we could do what we wanted08:10
nixternalpick and choose, as they do have some good info for sure, that i think could definitely liven up the desktop guides a bit08:11
Burgundaviayes, there is a place for a single page guide08:12
Burgundaviawe could create a OneGiantPage as a test08:13
Burgundaviathen tell the ubuntguide.org people to redirect to that page08:13
nixternalgood luck...because ubuntuguide.org also hosts other distro guides as well08:13
BurgundaviaI am certain mdke_ will be far more diplomatic than me08:14
nixternalwell, of lately, i have seen that aggressive side a little more08:14
Burgundaviawork has been bringing it out in me08:14
nixternalhah, im actually talking about mdke_ on that one, you egotistical ... ;)08:15
Burgundaviaoh, rightr08:15
Burgundaviathere is of course, this issue08:15
Burgundaviawe do need more people08:15
Burgundaviawe just need them to see the light08:15
Madpilot"we just need them to see the light"... does that mean, "We just need to light them on fire"? :P08:16
nixternalno, it is ubuntu or the highway!08:16
Burgundaviano, no, far from that08:17
Burgundaviaalthough that might be fun08:17
nixternalwell, during our last loco meeting here, we had a tech writer that is interested in helping out, if he can find the time08:17
Burgundaviawe almost got ubuntuguide.org08:17
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mdke_Burgundavia: hi08:56
Burgundaviamdke_: see the posting?08:57
mdke_not yet08:57
=== mdke_ rubs eyes
mdke_Burgundavia: is your pgp key on a keyserver, I can't seem to find it with enigmail08:59
Burgundaviashould be09:00
Burgundaviaplease don't encrypt09:00
Burgundaviamy desktop machine is currently monitor-less09:00
Madpilotnight all09:01
mdke_can't find nixternal's either09:01
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nixternalmine is definitely out there on the intraweb09:02
mdke_nixternal: does it have your @ubuntu.com address in it?09:03
nixternalit has like 4 addresses, and yes that is one of them09:03
mdke_well, enigmail doesn't find it. Oh well09:04
Burgundaviano, no it doesn't09:04
nixternal2e2c0124 is my key, i just downloaded it from wwwkeys.eu.pgp.net so it is out there09:07
mdke_nixternal: I don't think we should reject bug 69814, I think we should fix it. What's the problem?09:10
nixternaldoc.ubuntu.com is behind in updates..thats all09:11
nixternali didn't know the status behind the site, as i rarely visit it because it has always seemed outdated to me09:11
mdke_we should definitely fix that. If it's behind, the reason is likely to be that something fails to build09:11
mdke_hmm. It's failing to update because:09:13
mdke_svn: Working copy 'trunk/build/kubuntu' is missing or not locked09:13
mdke_svn: Working copy 'trunk/build/ubuntu' is missing or not locked09:13
mdke_Burgundavia: ok, I've read the post now09:14
nixternalis that fixable on my side?09:14
nixternalnm, that is ont he server09:14
nixternaljust noticed the trunk/09:14
mdke_nixternal: it's a long term problem we've had. I'm not sure what the answer is.09:14
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nixternalalrighty, did some moderation, im out for the night, see you in a few hours...g'nite09:20
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mdke_ah jono, just in time.09:29
mdke_good morning09:29
mdke_someone pointed out that chapter 4 of the book is missing, any idea?09:29
jonohmmm, I know the old ch4 became an appendix09:30
jonomaybe the new ch4 is not in that file09:30
jonoI will mail debra about it09:30
mdke_thanks a lot09:30
mdke_they are uploaded, I'll grab the link09:30
mdke_no, not that paste, *smacks computer*09:31
=== mdke_ goes to work :(
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pygirob: :)10:35
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=== Topic (#ubuntu-doc): set by Madpilot at Mon Jun 5 01:57:55 2006
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