
=== Linuturk [n=Linuturk@] has joined #ubuntu-laptop
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p00ch3di've got a Dell Latitude D820 with the Intel PRO/wireless 3945ABG wifi card and wondering if anyone has some comprehensive how-to's for making Dapper happy with the wifi card with WPA?03:39
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jjessehello can someone help me troubleshoot a problem w/ acpi?04:10
jjesseor power management04:10
jjesseanyone around?04:26
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volvoguyhey folks, i have question about my canonical-supplied laptop. it came from Europe and has a bit of a different keyboard than a US laptop. Quite often the backspace and enter keys don't work (oddly, in Windows, Ubuntu and even the GRUB menu. should i assume something is broken, and if so, how do i get it fixed? (btw - backspace has worked 3 times and not worked 5 times just while typing this). 07:07
volvoguyperhaps i should email Jane Silber (is she still our Canonical contact?), but I wanted to ask here first.07:13
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jesperHi. 08:12
jesperJust upgraded my Thinkpad X30 to Edgy, but it lost the wirelessconnection. 08:13
jesperAny suggestions? 08:13
jesperReports "no wireless extensions" on all devices in iwconfig08:13
jesperaccording to lspci is it a Prism 2.5 card. 08:14
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=== Topic for #ubuntu-laptop: Ubuntu laptop development work | Not a general Ubuntu support channel, use #ubuntu | Please test Edgy Beta - http://releases.ubuntu.com/edgy/
=== Topic (#ubuntu-laptop): set by Fujitsu at Tue Oct 3 14:45:57 2006
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Unimatrix9hi there06:56
Unimatrix9slow life here?06:58
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Unimatrix9who has got wich kind/brand laptop?07:10
Unimatrix9running ubuntu...?07:10
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tunnelratHey I am new here, and I am installing Ubuntu to try...  I have been using other linux distros.  I am trying to fix an issue with my mouse on my inspiron 8000 where the mouse wanders because of the stick pointer.  anyone know how to disable it?07:15
Unimatrix9tunnelrat, i am new here too07:19
tunnelrathey hows it going... 07:20
Unimatrix9whats an stick pointer?07:20
tunnelratthe little eraser looking mouse on some laptops... sits in the middle of the keyboard07:20
Unimatrix9did not know that an dell has such thing...07:21
tunnelratyeah... their laptops, the inspirons esp have both those and the touchpad mouse07:21
Unimatrix9ok i found something of an read on your problem, but i cant garantue it works, does give some inside into it though07:23
Unimatrix9there you go..07:23
tunnelratcool thanks man07:23
tunnelratlets hope this works... 07:24
Unimatrix9if you edit xorg.conf , dont forget to first back it up!07:24
tunnelratso where you from? you in the USA?07:24
Unimatrix9i live in the netherlands07:24
Unimatrix9right at the border with belgium07:24
tunnelratoh cool cool07:25
Unimatrix9nice work you do for clean air, keep up the good work07:25
tunnelratoh the us... yeah... we try07:25
Unimatrix9did you see the inconvinient truth?07:26
Unimatrix9* overlook the spell errors07:26
tunnelratthe fact that we don't do the best at it... 07:27
Unimatrix9ok, i leave you, going downstairs..good luck07:29
tunnelratthanks.. bye07:30
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pwnguinshuld we still be testing the edgy beta? ;)08:48
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Spawncan someone help me out with a ATI driver problem11:55
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