
=== mhz_work [n=admingn@171-24-223-201.adsl.terra.cl] has joined #edubuntu
=== SimonAnibal [n=sruiz@adsl-68-251-147-250.dsl.bltnin.ameritech.net] has joined #edubuntu
SimonAnibalogra, alive?12:32
=== ogra goes to look in the mirror ....
ograSimonAnibal, appears like, yes :)12:33
SimonAnibalHeh, Hi, I'm Simon Anibal Ruiz Rolfs, we've interacted on the mailing list before12:33
ograhighvoltage, how can i help ?12:34
SimonAnibalCorey Burger told me I should hook up with you about AD auth12:34
ograhi , how can i help ?12:34
SimonAnibalYou want it badly by Feisty12:34
SimonAnibalI want it badly by Feisty12:34
ograme too12:34
SimonAnibalSee, I'm the only high school implementation of Ubuntu in the United States12:34
SimonAnibalAs far as Richard Weideman knows12:35
ograi invited the smbladp upstream developers to mountainview to the conference (actually we're just sitting on the same table at the ltsp conference here)12:35
SimonAnibalWe have 279 workstations12:35
SimonAnibaland need this piece very soon, especially in the wake of the Novell Microsoft announcement12:35
SimonAnibalWhich is to say12:36
ograthe plan is to integrate what they have built into edubuntu, pop a gui on top and rip out the gnome users-admin from the server install12:36
ograsmbldap is widely used in edu distros i.e. K12LTSP12:36
SimonAnibalIf I can't deliver AD integration, I may not be able to keep Ubuntu here12:36
SimonAnibalAnd I don't want that to happen12:36
ograits a proven well working setup ...12:36
SimonAnibalThat's good, the main piece we need, though, is the client side12:36
Burgworkissue is, SimonAnibal doesn't control the server12:36
SimonAnibalIn the U.S. the server side isn't going to matter12:37
SimonAnibalat least strategically right now12:37
ograand you apparentl need it with edgy 12:37
SimonAnibalI'd like to get it up and running ASAP12:37
SimonAnibalAnd I can be your real world test case12:37
SimonAnibalMy experience can help smooth out the rough areas12:37
ograthen i'm likely the wrong guy to talk to, ajmitch implemeted it in edgy but didnt finish it off, i know it works but needs maual work of the admin12:38
SimonAnibalThat's fine, and that's the first step12:38
SimonAnibalA good, solid HOWTO is the first step12:38
SimonAnibalI can work with a HowTo myself12:38
SimonAnibaland implement it12:39
SimonAnibaland then I can help solidify that HOWTO into a gui or something12:39
ograright, try to get hold of ajmitch, he should be able to point you to the right docs or help you out answering support questions12:39
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ograin feisty we'll hopefully have both (server and client) basically integrated in edubuntu ... 12:40
SimonAnibalajmitch, Get a hold of me, I'll start hanging out in here on top of my other places or you can email me at sruiz@mccsc.edu I need your expertise and documents on Active Directory integration from the client side12:40
SimonAnibalSo talk to me about what's going on with Edubuntu and Ubuntu-Education12:41
SimonAnibalI notice you're not in #ubuntu-education, and I don't remember you being on the ubuntu-education mailing list12:41
SimonAnibalare we separate projects?12:41
ograthere yre many many overlaps ... but RichEd made them distinct projects  since people also use ubuntu in education 12:42
SimonAnibalSo, then, what is Edubuntu if not Ubuntu taylored for Education?12:43
Burgworkthat is a fun distinction12:44
BurgworkI disagree with the breakup as RichEd laid it down12:44
SimonAnibalI wouldn't mind a little enlightenment, if you have the time12:45
SimonAnibalI don't mind working with both projects if they both fit my goals12:45
ograBurgwork, ++12:45
ograbut now its in place12:46
Burgworkit is not laid in the sand12:46
ograso lets make the best out of it :)12:46
SimonAnibalAs far as I understood it, wasn't that going to be under discussion at Mountain View?12:46
ogramy hope is that edubuntu gets lots of input from the ubuntu-education side so we can in the end provide everything thats needed everywhere in edubuntu12:47
ograand dont need the distinction anymore12:47
BurgworkI  think RichEd sees Edubuntu as merely LTSP12:47
ograwhich is wrong ...12:47
Burgworkie: just an implementation12:47
BurgworkI see Edubuntu as "Ubuntu in Education and all that implies"12:47
SimonAnibalWell, unfortunately you've both seen me comment that that's what my experience of it has been12:47
ograeven my personal focus lies in ltsp, its still more than that12:47
SimonAnibalI think LTSP should be available on all platforms12:48
ograltsp is only a minor part12:48
ograit is12:48
Burgworkit is12:48
Burgworkbugger :)12:48
SimonAnibalright, but I mean in practice12:48
Burgworkyou can install LTSP on Ubuntu12:48
SimonAnibalIn practice no other package has it, but Edubuntu12:49
ograbut edubuntu is the only distro that fully configures a default setup so that even an arts teacher who doesnt know much about computers can use it right away12:49
ograin ubuntu and xubuntu you need to do manual setup after install thats the whole difference12:49
SimonAnibalShouldn't that be available to users of (K)(X)Ubuntu12:49
ograwe're just talking about http://people.ubuntu.com/~ogra/LTSPManager/12:49
SimonAnibalapart from the educational stuff?12:50
ograi hope it will be done by feisty12:50
ograthen it doesnt matter on which system you use it 12:50
SimonAnibalBecause the other side is12:50
sbalneavEdubuntu = ubuntu + ltsp + educational program + educational content + classwork managemtent tools.12:50
SimonAnibalNot every school WANTS LTSP12:50
ograit will be a charm to set up ltsp and maintain it12:50
sbalneavLTSP's a part, but the educational part puts the edu in edubuntu.12:50
ograsbalneav, ++12:50
Burgworkbut edubuntu can also be the standalone pcs12:51
ograltsp was simply the part that wasnt developed yet ...12:51
Burgworkand when my company gets it act together and releases our multiseat stuff as free software, multiseat12:51
ograthe main focus for edubuntu will move on12:51
ografor feisty its AD 12:51
SimonAnibalSo, I agree with Richard as far as the LTSP part, while important to eduation in third world countries, is not really "educational" technology, and...well, neither is AD for that matter12:52
BurgworkSimonAnibal: the key thing is not to get hung up on one piece of technology12:53
BurgworkI think that is where RichEd is stuck as well12:53
BurgworkLTSP is one part, currently a large part12:53
SimonAnibalWell, I guess I don't understand why it's default for Edubuntu, and not a simply option for all is all12:53
ograSimonAnibal, edubuntu is about integrating that technologies as well as educational apps ...12:53
ograbecause we oriented on the biggest edu distro which s K12LTSP ...12:54
SimonAnibalAhhh....I see12:54
SimonAnibalit's sort of vestigial, like?12:54
SimonAnibalOr, ummm, hereditary12:54
ograin fact my big hope is to have the K12 community joining us at one point and considering edubuntu as a base for them instead of redhat 12:55
ogramerging the efforts to become the biggest force 12:55
SimonAnibalAnd you're tackling each major technology that'll get us there at a time12:55
SimonAnibalOk, well, then, from what you're saying the new era of Edubuntu is exactly where I fit in as far as where you can help me and I can help you12:56
ograi'm mostly alone, so i *can* only attack one at a time ;)12:56
SimonAnibalWell, I'm sorry I misunderstood12:56
SimonAnibalI am rather new to all of this12:56
SimonAnibalWhich sort of limits my use12:57
ogratotally not :)12:57
SimonAnibalAnd my situation limited me from being of use in the last era of Edubuntu12:57
ograyour feedback is a valuable contribution already ;)12:57
SimonAnibalSince using modern machines as LTSP clients wouldn't be very worthwhile12:57
ograit would12:58
ograLTSP is more than "reusing old hardware"12:58
ogralots more12:58
Burgworkmy dream is "Edubuntu cluster"12:58
SimonAnibalI thought the idea was to pass off processing to something with processor speed12:58
Burgworka mix of thin and fat clients, all sharing one giant pool of computing power12:58
ograits about maintaining only one centralized server12:58
SimonAnibalIf you already have a 2.4 GHz processor, what's the point?12:58
ograyou can run a full diskless workstation on that 2ghz cpu12:59
ograbut without local HD12:59
=== cbx33 [n=pete@ubuntu/member/cbx33] has joined #edubuntu
SimonAnibalhow much network traffic for 297 workstations?12:59
sbalneavSimonAnibal: Which is more work, maintaining a lab of 40 machines with hard drives, or maintaining one machine that serves 40 diskless thin clients :)12:59
ograwhich means you can do all maintenance locally on the server and all workstations in your network pick it up right away12:59
cbx33can i view the schedule yet?01:00
cbx33for uds?01:00
ogracbx33, no01:00
cbx33also, where do I get information about gobby...and ekiga01:00
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SimonAnibalI'm looking at SystemImager as a way to do all the work on one "golden client" and pushing that image out to everyone else01:00
ogracbx33, it will be mailed out early enough 01:00
cbx33Damn it all01:00
cbx33I want to make sure I can attend the SCP spec01:00
BurgworkSimonAnibal: I would rather do kickstart01:00
cbx33I hope it's during time I'm either not travelling or free01:00
ograSimonAnibal, thats exactly what ltsp provides you01:01
BurgworkSimonAnibal: clean installs are better than images01:01
SimonAnibalWould this require having a DHCP server?01:01
SimonAnibalAnd how much network traffic per workstation?01:01
SimonAnibalthose are my main questions01:01
ograyes it requires that a dhcp server tells the workstation to boot for a ltsp server01:02
SimonAnibalthen it's already not possible for me01:02
SimonAnibalour IS department has forbidden DHCP servers01:02
SimonAnibalThey have "jurisdiction" of that01:02
ogrado they run one ? 01:02
SimonAnibalThey do, and they don't let anyone else mess with it01:03
ograthats fine, they just need to set it up the right way :)01:03
SimonAnibalSo, how would the workstations function without a harddisk? NFS?01:04
ograthey boot from a readonly NFS root on the server01:06
his_dudnesmay i join with an edubuntu/ltsp question?01:06
ograthen set up tmpfs'es for the files it needs read/writeable in ram01:06
ograyou can than make it mount /home from a centralized server ... 01:06
ograhis_dudnes, indeed01:07
SimonAnibalSo, what, it runs everything from memory?01:07
ograyep ... as a normal system does as well ...01:07
SimonAnibalOk...what happens in the following scenario:01:07
SimonAnibalIt's a beautiful Monday morning and the teachers come in. They flip the switch and 279 workstations all light up at once.01:08
SimonAnibalon a 100 Mbit network01:08
ograyou will need gigE for full workstations in that scenario 01:09
ogra100 mbit is fine for normal thin clients but not for running fully set up workstations01:09
=== SimonAnibal [n=sruiz@adsl-68-251-147-250.dsl.bltnin.ameritech.net] has joined #edubuntu
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icheynewhat are the system requirements of Edubuntu?01:15
icheynerecommended requirements - not minimum01:16
nixternalheh, anything greater than the minimum requirements ;)01:16
ograicheyne, for a classroom server or a standalone workstation ?01:17
ograedubuntu provides both01:17
his_dudneswell i had set an ltsp on mandriva (ltsp 4.1), when time came to migrate to ubuntu, i thought that "apt-get install edubuntu-desktop" would have it all setup out of the box , it wasnt quite so.I edited "/etc/ltsp/dhcp3.conf " and ran ltsp-build-client, I am stuck exactly after the tftp stage of booting, if understand it well in edubuntu tftp doesnt provide the kernel directly it provides an intermediate file with  "pxe" in the file name (i am not now on 01:17
his_dudnesthe server). Sow it never gets past that pxe file.alsow i was wandering wich is the script that updates /etc/hosts etc. the old "ltspcfg" equivalent, if i understoud well the guides, i must not run the old ltspcfg scripts because they are deprecated.I think i am missing something obvius but i cant get pass that point...01:17
nixternalsorry ogra for that answer..i couldn't come up with anything better01:18
his_dudnesexcuse the flod01:18
icheyneoh man - got to go01:18
icheynebye all01:18
ograicheyne, for a worstation that same as for ubuntu with ~500MB more diskspace for the educational apps01:18
icheynesame as Ubuntu01:19
icheyneok that's great01:19
icheynethanks so much01:19
ograedubuntu workstation is ubuntu+edu apps01:19
cbx33see'yall later01:19
ograciao cbx33 01:19
cbx33ogra, does the schedule get mailed to everyone?01:19
nixternalthanks for the warning cbx33 ;)01:19
ogracbx33, nope01:19
cbx33nixternal, what warning ;?01:19
ograthere will be a notification mail01:19
nixternal<cbx33> see'yall later01:19
cbx33ah right ok01:20
nixternallet me know you will be back later ;)01:20
cbx33ah ha ha :p01:20
ograhis_dudnes, https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UbuntuLTSP/LTSPQuickInstall01:20
cbx33right I'm off....01:20
his_dudnesthanks ogra01:20
ograhis_dudnes, oh, sorry that wont help you ... youre beyond setting it up01:20
nixternalman i wish i was goin' to mtv...damn thy government!01:20
ogratry running: sudo ltsp-update-kernels 01:20
ograsorry, but we have to leave the conference room here ... 01:21
ograhis_dudnes, subscribe to edubuntu-devel and mail the list, i'll answer you there ...01:22
his_dudnesthanks a lot....01:22
=== SimonAnibal [n=sruiz@adsl-68-251-147-250.dsl.bltnin.ameritech.net] has joined #edubuntu
=== SimonAnibal [n=sruiz@adsl-68-251-147-250.dsl.bltnin.ameritech.net] has joined #edubuntu
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SimonAnibalI'm obviously having connection problems here01:32
SimonAnibalogra, Burgwork: if you read this and can answer my concern at sruiz@mccsc.edu, I'd really appreciate it. I REALLY want to make the best decisions up front for this network, and your expertise would be GREATLY appreciated!01:32
SimonAnibalogra, Burgwork: I mean the LAN bandwidth concern01:33
SimonAnibalI'm cutting out now01:33
=== SimonAnibal [n=sruiz@adsl-68-251-147-250.dsl.bltnin.ameritech.net] has joined #edubuntu
=== SimonAnibal [n=sruiz@adsl-68-251-147-250.dsl.bltnin.ameritech.net] has joined #edubuntu
=== mhz_work is now known as mhz
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=== Burgundavia [n=corey@ubuntu/member/burgundavia] has joined #edubuntu
=== outchy [n=njo@c-66-30-232-84.hsd1.ma.comcast.net] has joined #edubuntu
outchyi have a question about installing edubuntu on a g4 powerbook ... i can't get it to boot from CD and i've spent the last 2 hours scouring the internet for the answer03:57
outchydoes anyone know?03:58
=== LaserJock [n=mantha@ubuntu/member/laserjock] has joined #edubuntu
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highvoltageLaserJock: are you around?07:17
highvoltageedubuntugirl: tell LaserJock not sure if you've seen this before... http://www.nytimes.com/imagepages/2006/10/23/science/20061024_ILLO_GRAPHIC.html07:18
edubuntugirlRighto, highvoltage!07:18
LaserJockhighvoltage: yes, I saw it today07:19
edubuntugirlLaserJock: by the way, highvoltage told me to tell you 'not sure if you've seen this before... http://www.nytimes.com/imagepages/2006/10/23/science/20061024_ILLO_GRAPHIC.html' 34 seconds ago (on Sat Nov  4 08:17:55 2006)07:19
LaserJockI wonder how well that kind of periodic table would work well07:20
LaserJockit seems a little complicated at first glance07:20
LaserJockbut I've had the good 'ole periodic table drilled into my head07:20
LaserJockwe had to memorize it07:20
highvoltageI think making even the slightest change would probably have huge effects. Text books would need updating, lots of software would need updating... and like you, many people have it memorised.07:21
highvoltagehaving said that, I don't believe in stopping progress :)07:21
LaserJockthat's would be a bugger to code07:22
LaserJockI do see some interesting points07:22
highvoltageit would be nice for programs such as gperiodic to 'know' that there might be different layouts in te future, so that you can switch between different views and models.07:22
LaserJockI don't know that I'll have to worry about it anytime soon07:23
highvoltageyeah. it will probably take a few decades for scientists to battle it out.07:23
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LaserJockhighvoltage: at least07:23
highvoltageI can see the flamewars on the scientists periodictable-chat mailing lists.07:23
LaserJocksometimes science takes a while for these kinds of things07:24
LaserJockin general most chemisty textbooks are roughly 50 years behind current research07:24
LaserJockit's pretty difficult07:25
LaserJockchemisty, in particular, seems difficult07:25
LaserJockas we just keep adding chemistry knowledge07:26
LaserJockrather then redoing or replacing07:26
=== sbalneav [n=sbalneav@] has joined #edubuntu
sbalneavEvening all07:49
highvoltagehi sbalneav 07:49
sbalneavHey highvoltage, Kamping_Kaiser07:50
highvoltagesbalneav: with the official ltsp 5 release, are you going to use xdmcp or ssh?07:50
highvoltagehey Kamping_Kaiser 07:50
sbalneavWith the stuff that I'm working on this week, it should be able to use both.07:50
sbalneavand still do localdevices.07:50
highvoltagedoes localdevices work with xdmcp on edgy's ltsp?07:51
sbalneavNo, not at the moment.07:51
sbalneavOnly with the LDM ssh-tunneled connection.07:51
Kamping_Kaiserdoes anyone know if it would be possible to backport ltsp5 to dapper?07:51
Kamping_Kaiseri'm hoping for device support ;|07:51
highvoltageKamping_Kaiser: you should be able to do a manual installation of it, but as the saying goes, it won't be officially supported07:52
sbalneavBut, I demoed a proof of concept today that combines both.  I figure there's about 20 hours worth of work to finish it off.07:52
highvoltage(not by ubuntu anyway)07:52
highvoltageI suppose I could use the xfce4 style local decives with xdmcp? although that would be a bit hacky :/07:52
Kamping_Kaiserhighvoltage, i apreciate it wouldnt be supported, i' suppose i'll have to investigate a manual install :|07:53
Burgundaviasbalneav: are you paid by your work to work on LTSP?07:53
highvoltageKamping_Kaiser: check the ltsp wiki when ltsp 5 is released :)07:53
BurgundaviaKamping_Kaiser: looking at the deps, it shouldn't be to bad. I would recompile07:53
sbalneavBurgundavia: Nope.  I work for free :)07:53
sbalneavShuttleworth does pay, however, to bring me down to the UDS conferences, which is GREATLY appreciated, by me.07:54
sbalneavHowever, the rest of what I do, I do simply because I love to do it. :)07:54
=== Kamping_Kaiser pokes ltsp into releaseing 5
sbalneavWe'll do it when it's done :)07:55
LaserJockoh no07:55
sbalneavAnd not a second sooner :)07:55
LaserJocksbalneav: has been converted to the Debian side07:55
sbalneavHeh, we've NEVER had any sort of firm release schedule.07:55
sbalneavWe're even WORSE than debian :)07:56
sbalneavHowever, I think you'll see a tarball out from us within the short term.07:56
Kamping_Kaiseryay. then i just have to get it installing in dapper without uber breakery07:57
sbalneavThe problems not the chroot.07:57
sbalneavThe problems the patches to Nautilus we had to make to fix broken behavior in /media handling.07:58
sbalneavTHAT will be the tricky part to backport.07:58
sbalneavAnd without it, localdevices in dapper will be useless.07:58
Kamping_Kaiseroh :(07:58
sbalneavSo, why not upgrade to edgy, and simply get the good stuff now?07:59
Kamping_Kaiserits a community group's server, and i want tehm on the LTS07:59
sbalneavRight, because you're going to be wanting to run a 5 year old operating system in the future :)08:00
Kamping_Kaiser3 years.08:00
highvoltagei think it's good that ltsp doesn't rush it. ltsp 4.2 was of excellent quality, and 5 is nearly a re-write, and users will expect the same quality they had in 4.208:00
Kamping_Kaiseri'm happy for them to take their time, i'm just getting excited08:00
=== Kamping_Kaiser has heard bad stories about dapper-> edgy upgrades
Kamping_Kaiserbut the lts is what is keeping the server where it is.08:01
highvoltageubuntu's upgrades are very fragile at the moment.08:01
sbalneavNo they work fine.  Unless you've buggered up your box by running that idiotic "faster dapper" shell script.08:02
sbalneavAnd if you have, you deserve whatever you get :)08:02
sbalneavI had 5 boxes, all upgraded from dapper to edgy just fine.08:03
highvoltageI had many boxes that upgraded fine too, but then again...08:03
Burgundaviaif you don't have dumb stuff installed, you should be mostly good08:03
Burgundaviano upgrade is going to be painless08:03
highvoltageI've had a couple of boxes that had nothing strange of them and they still didn't upgrade fine08:03
highvoltagewhich is due to legitamite bugs.08:04
Burgundaviahighvoltage: is legitamite a new kind of vegamite? maybe one that is allowed in the US?08:04
highvoltageupgrading from sysvinit -> upstart did somevery strange stuff on my boxes.08:04
highvoltageBurgundavia: d'oh!08:04
LaserJockyeah, I did 3 upgrades just fine08:05
Burgundaviamy father used to eat that stuff. All this ZA blood and I dispise teh stuff08:05
highvoltageBurgundavia: hey I just got up like, 30 minutes ago, it takes a while for the engrish to kick in08:05
Kamping_KaiserBurgundavia, what vegimte?08:05
highvoltagewe don't have vegemite in .za08:05
Burgundaviaor marmite08:05
Kamping_Kaisermarmites horrible08:05
Burgundaviaboth look like road tar08:05
Kamping_Kaiservegemite rocks08:05
Burgundaviaand taste only slightly better08:05
=== Kamping_Kaiser eats it raw
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highvoltagewow. glade is great. I finally grok it. if only I knew it was this simple *ages* ago.09:03
Burgundaviahighvoltage: what are you working on?09:04
jsgotangcohighvoltage: glade is the bomb09:05
highvoltageBurgundavia: just a simple chooser screen for a live cd09:13
Burgundaviahighvoltage: chooser screen?09:13
highvoltageBurgundavia: so that a user can choose to start ubiquity directly, instead of launching the whole livecd09:13
Burgundaviaah, cool09:13
Burgundaviawe need that09:13
highvoltageor they can choose just to have a rescue environment (which I still have to write)09:13
Burgundaviawe really need that09:13
highvoltagei hope to get it in upstream ubuntu once its more polished09:13
highvoltageour release date is 15 November, so I have to get it all working by then :)09:14
jsgotangcoeverything is so quiet, most of the people are on a plane09:14
highvoltagethey're on a plane. they can't complain.09:14
highvoltage</silly nirvana reference>09:14
highvoltagesnakes on planes are *so* last UDS09:16
Burgundaviahighvoltage: are you headed to MTV?09:17
jsgotangcoit seems anything voip wasn't even considered this time09:17
Burgundaviano, it was09:17
highvoltageBurgundavia: nope, I am flooded with work atm :/09:17
highvoltageI would've really, really liked to go though.09:17
Burgundaviasimilarly for myself09:17
highvoltageyes, I'll be doing the ekiga thing :)09:17
highvoltage(when possible)09:18
highvoltagetimezone differences might make it difficult.09:18
Burgundaviasame tz as me09:18
jsgotangco*sigh* i will have to fix my router jsut for ekiga09:18
Burgundaviawhich actually makes it harder09:18
highvoltagebut I'm getting used to less sleep these days :)09:18
Burgundaviajsgotangco: unlikely09:18
Burgundaviaekiga should be able to bypass it09:18
jsgotangcohmm but im in kde now09:19
highvoltageekiga should run fine in kde.09:19
Burgundaviagot ya covered09:20
Burgundaviathey are using SIP09:20
=== jsgotangco grabs kphone
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Burgundaviajsgotangco: are you on KDE these days?09:21
jsgotangcoBurgundavia: well as of 2 days ago ive been using it exclusively09:22
jsgotangcoi just dont want to miss anything09:22
jsgotangcothere are some stuff that i seem to like it more here09:23
Burgundaviakde has always had too many options and not enough planning for me09:23
BurgundaviaI fear the KDE people are going to have a backlash with 4, because there has been this "promising the world" expectation, with little to see09:25
Burgundaviasuch as maybe, spinny cubes or other bits09:25
jsgotangcowell its pretty much an all or nothing project09:26
Burgundaviathere is going to be solid stuff underpining KDE4, I just wonder it will be like our edgy09:28
Burgundavianot very edgy, mostly infrastructure09:28
jsgotangco2 non-free software i use (opera, skype) work very well in kde09:28
BurgundaviaI hate skype and everything it stands for09:30
Burgundaviahowever, it does work09:30
jsgotangcosurely i dont like being tied to it, but all my contacts use it09:30
jsgotangcono one i know has even heard of gizmo at least09:31
Burgundaviathere is no project to take voip back, a firefox like project09:32
jsgotangcothat's sad ekiga isn't something that is nice to use for starters09:33
BurgundaviaI can't wait for telepathy to wipe ekiga and gaim off my desktop09:33
Burgundaviakopete is going to use telepathy, which rocks09:37
jsgotangcoif there's one thing i currently hate ok kde09:38
jsgotangcois that the bluetooth support is pretty spotty09:38
Burgundaviagnomes is not that great09:38
jsgotangcoits pretty straightforward and it works most of the time09:39
jsgotangcozakame was able to use his 3G phone connection via bluetooth with a lot of hacks from rfcomm09:40
jsgotangcoso we're building on that and hopefully do something more easier09:40
Burgundaviamjg was working on some stuff in bluez09:42
Burgundaviahowever, KDE not using gstreamer kinds of sucks09:42
BurgundaviaI guess that is why I don't use KDE09:42
Burgundaviainablity to make decisions09:42
jsgotangcothat's one thing too09:42
jsgotangcoBurgundavia: check this out09:46
Burgundaviahow people use tech is so different across teh world09:47
jsgotangcowireless data is getting pretty cheap here too09:47
=== highvoltage is nearly always on wireless
highvoltagein south africa our landlines are way too expensive10:05
jsgotangcoour landlines are cheap but most of us find them pretty useless most of the time10:06
jsgotangcoas prepay is always been the main driver of things here10:07
Burgundaviawould it shock to you learn I don't own a cellphone?10:07
=== jsgotangco can't live without one
=== jsgotangco uses his cellphone for gmail and googlemaps
jsgotangcohighvoltage: how is wireless data billed over there?10:10
=== [Daumantas] [i=_Daumant@c-206-56.marinet.lt] has joined #edubuntu
[Daumantas] hello10:25
[Daumantas] anybody here?10:25
[Daumantas] what u can recomandate for intel 166mhz and 50 mb of ram PC ?10:26
highvoltageto be honest?10:26
[Daumantas] mhm..10:26
Burgundaviathe recycling bin10:26
highvoltagefind out if you have a local pc recycling plant.10:26
[Daumantas] :>>>10:27
highvoltageyou could get it to work as a thin client, barely, but it's not worth the effort. it will be painfully slow.10:27
=== cafuego [n=cafuego@ppp194-138.lns3.mel4.internode.on.net] has joined #edubuntu
[Daumantas] maybe i can download oldest version of edubuntu?10:27
highvoltagewon't work on it.10:27
[Daumantas] hmm10:28
Burgundaviahighvoltage: my first computer was a 120mhz computer10:28
Burgundaviathat worked well, back in the late 90's10:28
Kamping_Kaiserit will work as an xdm client, but igs ugly10:28
highvoltagemy first computer was a 4.77 mhz computer10:28
Burgundaviaa web only client10:28
[Daumantas] i find this laptop in my new car :>>10:28
highvoltagemy second one 33 mhz10:28
highvoltage[Daumantas] : that sounds dodgy :)10:28
[Daumantas] :>10:29
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pygimorning everyone10:35
juliuxmorning pygi 10:36
highvoltagehey pygi 10:54
pygihighvoltage: hey, how is you? :)10:55
highvoltageI'm under high load and slightly stressed, but I'm being very productive and feeling good.10:55
pyginice ^_^10:55
highvoltagehow are you pygi?10:55
pygihighvoltage: just got back from exam at uni :) Testing the -tao thingy in libburn, works smoothly10:56
pygiI'm sick, tired, and quite exhusted :P10:56
pygior whatever the spelling is :)10:56
highvoltagepygi: get some fresh air!10:58
pygihighvoltage: hehe, I know ^_^ Took some walk after exam :P Now I need a tea :)10:59
highvoltageah, exams. that's enough to make anyone sick.10:59
pygihehe :P10:59
=== ebees [n=patrick@60-241-162-111.static.tpgi.com.au] has joined #edubuntu
ebeesOoops, looks like I'm the only one here tonight :)11:52
pyginop :)11:52
juliuxebees, nop11:52
ebeesI was thinking it was likely, but am glad it's not true :))11:53
ebeesI'm just curious about a couple of things. Maybe you may be able to provide me with some information or directions11:53
pygialways ^_^11:54
ebeesI've been given a PowerEdge 2300 (dual PIIIs). I'm wondering how well this would perform as a server for Edubuntu (I'm going to put at least 512Mb RAM on it for about three thin clients)???11:55
Kamping_Kaisershold be ok11:55
Kamping_Kaiser*should. what P3's exactly though?11:55
ebeesI'm not entirely sure - I only got it yesterday and haven't had time to check up - though I'm pretty sure they're at least 500Mhz - I think think think :)))11:56
Kamping_KaiserP3s start at ~500 ;)11:56
Kamping_Kaiser2x1gig do 3 clients easy, 2x500 will be pushing it.11:57
ebeesReally? Bugger11:57
ebeesI'll probably have to consider using it for a home server then11:57
ebeesThought it's probably over-kill for that :))11:58
Kamping_Kaiseryep :) but most home servers are :)11:58
Kamping_Kaisermines giong to be a 600mhz alpha11:58
Kamping_Kaiseri'll basicly be an ssh gateway :P11:59
ebeesI'll have to wait until I get some moolah and buy something with a bit more.... how do you think it would for only two think clients? Two P2s with 128Mb RAM?11:59
ebeesTHINK clients... wish I had some of them. Most of mine don't :)11:59
pygiyou cant use 128 ram for two clients :P11:59
ebeesSorry, I'm just confusing things here. I was was thinking of connecting two P2 each with 128MbRAM to the poweredge12:00
ebeesrunning 512Mb RAM12:00
pygiI'm confused about what you are talking :P12:06
ebeesFrom the beginning :)12:06
ebeesIf the machine I haven't will struggle with 3 thin clients12:06
=== jinty [n=jinty@137.Red-83-50-216.dynamicIP.rima-tde.net] has joined #edubuntu
ebeesWould it do any better running the Poweredge with 512 Mb RAM and connecting two P2s with 128 or 196Mb RAM?12:07
ebeesI'm not au fai with the mechanics of Edubutu, servers and clients etc. So am wondering if the more powerful the client, would this ease the strain on the server?12:08
highvoltageebees: no, it wouldn't12:23
highvoltageebees: the server would do the same ammount of work regardless12:23
ebeesFair enough. It was just a thought. I've seen Dell selling new one's for $AU499 - and I guess I can always check eBay :(12:24
ebeesthanks for the info though12:24
highvoltageebees: the next version of edubuntu ltsp might be able to share some loads with the clients. we are looking forward to having that functionality12:24
ebeesIs this the one after 6.10?12:24
=== Kamping_Kaiser [n=kgoetz@easyubuntu/docteam/kgoetz] has joined #edubuntu
ebeesI'm curious because I have a daughter starting school (kindergarten) next year. I run Xubuntu with Ed icons etc for her on a P2 with 192Mb RAM12:25
ebeesI want to get ahead of the game :)12:25
ebeesand speak to the IT staff at the school when she starts12:25
ebeesI know they run iMacs at the school and some Windows machines12:26
ebeesWe don't use either at home12:26
ebeesI'd like to introduce them to the side of light and goodness!12:26
ebeesaway from the path into temptation and deliver them from evil12:27
ebeesfor ever and ever, amen12:27
ebeesooops... I think my childhood is showing.12:28
ebeesWell, it's quite late here in Oz (Dorothy) so I'm going to have to sign off soon.12:32
Kamping_Kaiserwhere are you?12:32
ebeesSydney, Australia12:33
ebeesAlso, I have to work tomorrow - bugger, damn, ham and spam.12:33
ebeesthe money's good though :)) Whoo hooo12:33
Kamping_Kaiserah sydney12:34
Kamping_Kaiserthe big smoke12:34
Kamping_Kaiseryou should get into slug (if your nto already)12:34
ebeesYes, too true unfortunately. Glad I dont have aircraft noise too.12:34
Kamping_Kaisertheres some cool ubuntuers in sydn.12:34
ebeesYeah, already a member (about two years now)12:34
ebeesHow'd you know about SLUG12:34
Kamping_Kaiseri'm in Adl. hills. i know /something/ about the rest of aust :)12:35
ebeesOoooooh. A southerner :)12:35
ebeesI could make jokes about the woods and hill and hicks... but I've never been to SA.12:35
ebeesTasmania though, that's another story :))12:36
Kamping_Kaiserheh. well i'm origonaly from tas, so go hog wild :P12:36
ebeesBut don't we all say that12:36
ebeesI like how you can have a laugh about "a map of Tassie" with tourists :)))))12:36
ebeesNaughty I know12:36
=== Kamping_Kaiser poitns to his teatowl
ebeesHave you got one ? 12:37
Kamping_Kaisera big tas with 'tasmania and its territory', and a small aust12:37
ebeesLike the one of NZ. It has a map of NZ - North Island/ South Island. Then "West Island" and shows Australia :)))12:37
Kamping_Kaiserthe kiwis are weird ;P12:38
ebeesThinking of which; did you know there are more sheep per capita in Aus than in NZ12:38
ebeesI was completely surprised12:38
ebees<shakes head>12:38
Kamping_Kaisernot supprised, we have a lot mroe land to put them in... we dont have to share our beds12:38
Kamping_Kaiser(is that CoC compliant?)12:38
Kamping_Kaisercode of conduct12:39
ubotuThe Ubuntu Code of Conduct to which we ask all Ubuntu users to adhere can be found at http://www.ubuntu.com/community/conduct/12:39
ebeesjust looking12:39
ebees"Be respectful"  - bugger. Sometimes the truth cannot be spoken ;012:40
Kamping_Kaiserebees, also /join #ubuntu-au12:41
Kamping_Kaiseryeh, we (in -au) have been arguing over what that means (be respectfull)12:41
ebeesHey Kaiser... where on earth did you pick up that name (I was going to say 'handle" but that'd give away something I used to do :)12:41
Kamping_Kaiserum. playing counterstrike .... :P12:42
ebeesYeah, but Kamping ???12:42
Kamping_Kaiserits a skill ;P12:43
ebeeswe're all men of the world. You can tell me12:43
ebeesWhat? Scouts?12:43
Kamping_Kaiserrofl no12:43
Kamping_Kaisercamping in FPS's and not having other gamers kick your arse for it12:43
ebeeswhat is camping?12:43
Kamping_Kaiseri see.12:43
ebeesRemember I'm from Sydney :)12:43
Kamping_Kaiserso your nto a gamer?12:44
ebeesNo, wish I had the time12:44
Kamping_Kaiserwhere you choose a gun (usually a 1 hit kill jobbie) and hide in a corner/out of the way12:44
Kamping_Kaiserthen dont move, and blast anything that goes past12:44
ebeesI see. A sniper12:44
Kamping_Kaiserbasicly yes12:44
Kamping_Kaiserbut that level of skill is optional ;P12:44
ebeesdangerous. In real life,  often if they got caught people did quite nasty things to them.12:44
Kamping_Kaiseryes, but i pick my battles... i /dont/ do that stuff in real life12:45
ebeesThank goodness... mind you, you said you were from Adelaid..,. and we all know how many loonies live in SA. In NSW we just have them in Parliament :)12:46
Kamping_Kaiserlooool. scary but true... but you also put yours in canberra12:46
ebeesUS? What about you lot... oh, I see. You mean we SURROUND them... it's part of sneaky plan actually :)12:47
ebeesWe're just waiting.. biding our time... patience is required.12:47
ebeesI'm just adding you to my 'watched nicks" :)12:48
Kamping_Kaiseri'll be in -au again starting some time next week (probably thursday evening)12:48
ebeesI'd love to play online....12:49
Kamping_Kaiseri'v been having some time off12:49
ebeesI'm going to join 12:49
ebeesis there some easy way to join #ubuntu-au automatically withouth manually adding the group?12:49
ebeesI RARELY use IRC12:49
Kamping_Kaiserwhat irc client are you using?12:49
=== Kamping_Kaiser shrug
Kamping_Kaiseri havent used it :)12:50
ebeesyeah, me too12:50
ebeesooops. crossed comms12:50
ebeeswhat do you use?12:50
Kamping_KaiserXchat2/irssi (as needed)12:50
ebeeswhat is that?12:50
=== Kamping_Kaiser has the doze version of xchat
Kamping_Kaiserincase its needed :)12:50
ebeeswhat is that?12:50
Kamping_Kaiserxchat? irc client. mirc clone (i hear)12:51
ebeesnever heard of it. Though I try to keep up-to-date I've not used IRC for years.12:51
ebeesI used ICQ <cough  - windows days> when it first came out... but then I've stopped many a bad habit :)12:52
Kamping_Kaiserits gtk, so if your usign gnome/xfce it would look better then if you use kde. dont know how the kde clients go for irc12:52
Kamping_Kaiserheh. i use gaim for my icq12:52
ebeesMe too.12:52
ebeesIt's pretty good. THough when someone on a Mac tried to send a file it crashes12:52
ebeesI have rels that we vid conference with12:52
ebeesthey're on Macs in HK12:53
Kamping_Kaiseroh, i dont do fancy stuff like that12:53
ebeesIt's brilliant12:53
Kamping_Kaiserif i need files copied, i give someone an ssh acount :)12:53
ebeescrossed comms sorry12:53
ebeesssh to your machine?12:53
ebeeswhoops... very late12:54
Kamping_Kaiserhehe. yes12:54
ebeeskids are going to be awake at the crack of dawn12:54
ebeesand I have to go to work ... bugger12:54
Kamping_Kaiserdarn. i better let you sleep12:54
ebeesNice speaking/writing to you. I'll join the other group too.12:54
ebeesthanks for the info12:54
Kamping_Kaiserno worries :)12:54
Kamping_Kaiserjust hit me if you need a hand12:55
ebeesNo probs.. though I don't have stick that big.. Can I remote connect to one closer to where you live LOL12:55
ebeesLinux :) Brilliant!12:55
ebeesthanks again. Hopefully we can connect again and you can tell me how many poor buggers you've shot in the arse :)12:56
Kamping_Kaiserhehe, catch you tehn mate :)12:56
ebeesOh, you should take some screen video so I can have a laugh :))12:56
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ctkroekerHas anyone gotten the new edubuntu edgy to serve ltsp clients?03:42
stgraberyes, what's your problem ?03:43
ctkroekerThedefault install does not have the /opt/i386/ltsp directory, hence, it can't serve clients03:45
ctkroekerfuse isn't installed, neither is ssh03:45
stgraberdid you choose the Workstation install ?03:45
stgrabernormally you choose the first option of the menu ("Install to disk")03:46
stgraberand that's good03:46
stgraberit asks you what's your primary network card03:46
ctkroekerThis is fom the DVD disk, I did the default install03:46
ctkroekerdoesn't ask the net. card03:46
stgraberdid you see the "Build LTSP chroot" part of the install ?03:47
stgraberit should take around 5-6 minutes, so you should have seen it if you were around during the install03:47
ctkroekerIt never showed me that part03:47
stgraberso it did a classical Workstation installation, not the LTSP one03:47
ctkroekerit wasn't a text install, it was the live version with the "Install" icon on the desktop03:48
ctkroekerguess so, but the dvd doesn't have an option for server install03:48
stgraberhmm, the live install is only for the workstation (if they didn't change it last minute)03:49
stgraberthe LTSP install is text mode03:49
ctkroekeroh, k03:49
stgraberbtw, I never tried the DVD03:49
ctkroekerI'll try it again when I get back to work03:49
ctkroekerpost back later if I need more help, thanks03:49
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LaserJockhi ogra 06:29
=== SimonAnibal [n=sruiz@adsl-68-251-147-250.dsl.bltnin.ameritech.net] has joined #edubuntu
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sbalneavMorning all06:58
LaserJockhi sbalneav 07:00
sbalneavHey LaserJock07:01
LaserJocksbalneav: you in Mt. View?07:01
sbalneavNo, we're still at the LTSP conference now, doing some wiki work.07:02
sbalneavWe'll head down there after dinner tonight.07:02
LaserJockwhere is the LTSP conf. ?07:02
sbalneavWe'll all be in MTV by bedtime.07:02
sbalneavAt Giardelli's in San Fransisco.07:02
sbalneavThe ocean's about 200 feet away.07:02
sbalneavLook out the window, across the street, and there it is.07:03
sbalneavI can see alcatraz and Fishermans wharf07:03
=== highvoltage will be watching
LaserJockGiardelli's ?07:04
LaserJockI love it there07:04
sbalneavIt's nice, we got a conference room here for 2 days for $400 smackers.07:04
sbalneavWhich is GREAT for downtown SF07:05
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cbx33hey people07:06
highvoltagehey see bee ex07:07
cbx33ummm....wanted to ask about UDS and ekiga07:07
cbx33someone said ekiga will be used at UDS for long distance participation07:08
cbx33LaserJock, !!!07:08
cbx33dude how are you07:08
LaserJockcbx33: yeah: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuDeveloperSummitMountainView/Participate/Ekiga?highlight=%28ubuntudevelopersummit%2907:08
LaserJockcbx33: I'm at my grandpa's house07:09
cbx33LaserJock, howz it going07:18
LaserJockoh, it's going07:18
LaserJockI always have too much to do and not enough time07:20
cbx33oh dear07:20
LaserJockbut I'm trying to relax a little here at my grandpas07:20
=== cbx33 just tested with ekiga, which worked
cbx33but I can't connect again07:21
cbx33how does this ekiga thing work...if I wanted to phone LaserJock  you for example07:23
LaserJockyou can put in my ekiga address thingy07:24
cbx33do you have an account with someone?07:24
LaserJockhang on a sec07:24
LaserJockcbx33:  try sip:laserjock@ekiga.net07:28
cbx33ok hang on07:28
=== Rondom [n=Rondom@p54AED416.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #edubuntu
cbx33remote user is unreachable07:29
cbx33is that ekiga.net hingy free?07:30
LaserJocktry it now07:32
LaserJockI think you connected07:33
cbx33connected...then got some strange noise07:33
cbx33did you hear me say hi?07:33
LaserJockI didn't say anything though07:33
nixternalooh kphone07:39
stgraberany idea of why my ekiga crash when trying to find my NAT type ?07:54
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LaserJockhighvoltage: you here?09:08
highvoltagewhat's the chances, I was just going to ask you and ogra's opinion on something09:09
highvoltagebut you can go first.09:09
LaserJockhighvoltage: Kalzium is implementing that new periodic table09:09
LaserJockcarsten just told me now he just added it09:09
highvoltagehe doesn't waste time now does he.09:10
highvoltageLaserJock, ogra: we're basing the tuxlab installation cd on the ubuntu live cd infrastructure, it makes life for me so much easier09:11
highvoltagepeople have complained that the live cd takes up a lot of memory and that it won't be installable on old pc's, and that it doesn't have a rescue environment like the alternate cd.09:12
highvoltageso today, I worked on a tool to fix it. it's still ugly, and needs work, but here's a screenshot:09:13
highvoltageit starts up instead of the xsession, so that the user can choose to run ubiquity directly, skipping the entire desktop.09:13
highvoltageit also gives them the option of running a terminal that will launch an ncurses menu for rescuing grub, getting a shell and some other less usefull things.09:14
LaserJockhighvoltage: that's at boot?09:14
highvoltageLaserJock: yes09:14
highvoltageLaserJock: well, as soon as X starts up09:14
highvoltagenot at boot really09:14
highvoltagethat window is centered on the screen, it's just python and glade09:14
LaserJockhmm, so it boots and gets to where it would normally log into gnome09:15
LaserJockand instead you have a menu09:15
highvoltageit saves memory on old pc's because you don't have to run gnome + installer09:15
highvoltageubuntu doesn't currently install well on some machines with 256MB RAM09:15
highvoltagedo you think this could go into ubuntu if it's polished up real nicely?09:16
LaserJockhighvoltage: check out http://img508.imageshack.us/my.php?image=kalziumhextv0.png09:16
LaserJockhighvoltage: well I personally like the idea09:16
LaserJockhighvoltage: but I just don't know what the Ubuntu core guys will think09:17
highvoltagethat kalzium screenshot looks quite cool09:18
highvoltagethings are moving so fast these days09:18
ograLaserJock, who cares, its a customized CD ...09:18
ograhighvoltage, looks nice09:18
LaserJockogra: well, he asked if it could go into Ubuntu09:18
ograhow much mem does it save ? the CD still needs to load the squashfs, no ? so i imagine you wont gain much ...09:19
pygiogra: can I pm you with a question? :)09:19
highvoltageogra: I understand it's a customised cd, I was just thinking that it would be nice to have similar (or the same) functionality in the ubuntu system09:19
highvoltagewell, you save at least the memory used by an entire gnome session09:19
ograhighvoltage, talk to Kamion/cjwatson then 09:19
highvoltagethat's a few dozen MB09:19
LaserJockyeah, 256MB is the keey09:20
LaserJockit seems like we are right at the line09:20
highvoltageok, I think I'll send it to them when it's more polished up. it's probably too late for feisty anyway.09:20
LaserJockwhen you factor in shared graphic memory09:20
LaserJocksome machines with 256MB don't seem to work09:20
highvoltageyep. I've seen ubuntu fail plenty of times on 256MB machines, where kubuntu and xubuntu work fine.09:20
highvoltagebut yes, not really an edubuntu issue.09:21
highvoltageLaserJock: who else is working on gperiodic?09:21
highvoltageis it likely that gperiodic will now get the new tables now that kalzium has it?09:22
LaserJockhighvoltage: gperiodic is dead09:22
LaserJockhighvoltage: I'm working on gchemutils a little09:22
LaserJockhighvoltage: which is done by jbrefort 09:22
LaserJockit's going to be a really cool chemistry suite09:23
highvoltageah ok. I didn't realise.09:23
highvoltageI didn't know about gchemicals, is it new?09:23
LaserJockghemical or gchemutils?09:24
highvoltagesorry, misread. gchemutils09:24
highvoltageah, I see it's in the repositories, so not new then.09:24
LaserJockgchemutils has been around for a while09:25
LaserJockbut it's struggled to get into Debian/Ubuntu09:25
LaserJockwe have a pretty old version09:25
LaserJockwe need to get some of the deps packaged better, etc.09:25
highvoltageah yes, I've seen this before.09:26
LaserJockthere is chemical-mime-data, gchempaint, and gchemutils09:27
LaserJockall done by jbrefort 09:27
jbrefortchemical-mime-data are by dleidert ;)09:28
LaserJockbut I think the debichem project will get things in better shape09:29
LaserJockwe need to get bodr and the rest up-to-date09:29
highvoltagewould be nice to get in edubuntu too09:29
LaserJockyeah, once things are together in feisty09:30
LaserJockI"m going to make a custom chemistry Ubuntu CD09:30
LaserJockghemical, gchemutils, and a couple other apps09:30
jbrefortthis makes me think I must send a couple of patches related to ghemical ;)09:35
LaserJockjbrefort: how is the interaction between the 2?09:37
jbrefortghemical and gchempaint ?09:38
jbrefortedit formulas in gchempant and open them in ghemical is a two clicks operation09:38
jbrefortif ghemical is there, when you right click on a molecule in gchempaint, you have a menu entry to export the molecule to ghemical and it opens ghemical with the molecule loaded09:39
jbrefortthen , you can has hydrogens and optimize the geometry09:40
LaserJockthat is so sweet09:41
LaserJockthat's the kind of thing that's going to rock09:41
jbrefortthough there are some issues with polycyclic aliphatic componds (decaline generally has only one chair, the other cycle being in the cross boat conformation09:41
jbrefortit's already in gchempaint 0.6.x09:41
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pygiwb ogra :P10:04
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=== theresa [n=theresa@chello084112026078.6.11.vie.surfer.at] has joined #edubuntu
theresagood evening everyone!11:55
theresai have a few questions regarding edubuntu!11:56
ograshoot :)11:56
theresai'm on kubuntu at the moment....would I only have to install certains applications/packages that edubuntu uses, or will i have to install the whole desktop? i just wanna try a few things...11:57
ograthen i'd just pick the single apps ... which apps are that ?11:57
ogra(the ones you want to try)11:57
theresawell, i'm totally new to edubuntu, and I'm thinking about baseing my bachelor assignment on edubuntu, maybe doing a case study to see how kids (at my old highschool) react to it and if they find it useful compared to any other windows applications?!11:59
ograif you want to give them the ful experience, i'd go with a liveCD :)12:00
theresabut before I approach any professor at my uni about the idea/project I would have to mess around a bit to get an idea of what I'm going/wanting to do...12:00
theresatrue, haven't thought about that yet!12:00
theresagood idea!12:00
theresai'd love the idea of spreading the ubuntu love AND doing my bachelor assignment at the same time :)12:01
=== pygi is become boring with "^_^" so he'll just stop for some time ;P
theresawhat do you guys think? is it a good idea?12:02
ograindeed !12:02
theresai've only seen a few screenshots but edubuntu looks promising :)12:03
theresawithout me being a teacher actually....12:03
LaserJocksbalneav: I think that's /names in irc ;-)12:04
pygitheresa: promoting edubuntu is always a good idea ;)12:05
theresapygi: what experiences do you have with edubuntu so far?12:05
pygitheresa: only positive ones ^_^ Did several real-world implementations, holded several presentations about it, and contributing to it's development :)12:06
theresapygi: what do you mean by "real-world implementations" ?12:07
pygitheresa: well, implementations in schools ^_^12:07
theresapygi: cool, and how were the kids reactions to it? and what did the teachers say about it?12:08
pygitheresa: everything went smoothly :)12:08
theresapygi: great to hear that, but could you please be a bit more precise?12:09
pygitheresa: in what way? :)12:09
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LaserJocktheresa: http://www.edubuntu.org/news/712:09
theresapygi: for example, how did you motivate the kids to use edubuntu rather than sticking to the old software, or were there any problems for example porting a certain application to edubuntu (if it wasn12:10
theresaif it wasn't available on edubuntu already...12:11
pygitheresa: I formed a team, we wrote a book12:11
pygiteachers used that book, ...12:11
pygino Windows, they used Edubuntu :)12:11
theresapygi: ahh i see, i thought about going to my highschool (students would be from age 10-18)12:12
theresapygi: how old were these kids?12:12
pygitheresa: high school :)12:12
pygibut high school is 14-1812:13
theresayeah maybe we have a different schooling system here ;)12:13
pygiindeed :)12:14

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