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spitfireaus_Hi, I'm having trouble finding a list of implemented events for upstart on edgy.09:26
spitfireaus_Has network edge events been implemented?09:27
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[bmonty(n=bmontgom@ubuntu/member/bmonty)] help07:54
=== DarkWizzard [i=mirc@] has joined #upstart
DarkWizzardhello all07:59
DarkWizzardI really need help07:59
DarkWizzardI just sudo apt-get ed upstart07:59
DarkWizzarddonno why07:59
DarkWizzardmaybe because I was stupid07:59
DarkWizzardand now after reboot08:00
DarkWizzardnothing will start08:00
AlexExtremewhich distro?08:00
DarkWizzardit says the system has reached a point where there are no jobs running08:00
DarkWizzardKubuntu Edgy08:00
DarkWizzardand asks for the root password08:00
AlexExtremewait a sec08:00
AlexExtremedo you have a livecd?08:01
AlexExtremelike, the kubuntu desktop cd08:02
AlexExtremeboot it up, mount your kubuntu partition, sudo cp /etc/resolv.conf <mountpoint>/etc/ , chroot to it (sudo chroot <mount point> /bin/bash) and do this:08:03
AlexExtremesudo apt-get install startup-tasks system-services upstart-compat-sysv upstart-logd08:03
AlexExtremethen exit and reboot08:04
AlexExtremethen your system should boot again08:04
DarkWizzardok I'll try08:04
DarkWizzardI think I jumped in this too fast08:04
DarkWizzardis upstart in development status ?08:04
DarkWizzardor is it usable ?08:04
AlexExtremeyes it's usable, in fact it should be default if you're using edgy08:04
DarkWizzardI upgraded from dapper08:05
DarkWizzardbut it didn't install it08:05
_ionDid you not use the update-manager's distribution upgrade feature?08:06
AlexExtremethat's probably it08:06
_ionUsing apt-get dist-upgrade causes problems.08:06
DarkWizzardwell I noticed08:06
DarkWizzardbut on the release site those were the commands08:06
DarkWizzardthanks guys I hope I can get it working if not I'll be back08:07
_ionsudo apt-get install ubuntu-minimal ubuntu-standard08:07
_ionThat makes sure you have all the things you should have for a working Ubuntu system.08:07
AlexExtremehe's using kubuntu08:07
_ionalexextreme: Yes.08:07
AlexExtremeso that'll be kubuntu-minimal kubuntu-standard08:07
AlexExtremeor not?08:07
DarkWizzardI think I only got the minimal08:07
DarkWizzardI'm under windows right now08:07
DarkWizzardI'll boot it up08:07
DarkWizzardthe live cd that is08:08
AlexExtremeok, do what both of us said (run _ion's command after you chroot)08:08
_ionYou don't need the live CD to boot the system and install packages.08:08
AlexExtrememeh, it's easier than pratting around bringing up the system (he only got a sulogin prompt) to the state where you can install stuff08:09
_ionWell, it's only 2 commands.08:09
AlexExtremeis it? hmm.08:10
AlexExtremethen feel free to slap me ;)08:10
_ion/etc/init.d/rcS && /etc/init.d/rc 208:10
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AlexExtremethat's a very good point08:11
=== DarkWizzard [n=mirc@] has joined #upstart
DarkWizzardyou guys rule!08:20
DarkWizzardthis is amazing08:20
DarkWizzardthank you very much08:21
_ionYou would have been able to start the system without the live CD, though.08:21
DarkWizzardhow ?08:21
_ionIn the sulogin prompt, /etc/init.d/rcS && /etc/init.d/rc 208:21
DarkWizzardI'll remember that one08:21
_ionOr if you are unable to get to the sulogin prompt, boot with init=/bin/bash and then run that.08:22
DarkWizzardI've been using linux for a while and it never fails to amaze me08:22
DarkWizzardthis is so fast08:23
DarkWizzardthanks again08:23
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