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sbalneavEvening all06:02
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cbx33mornin all10:02
highvoltagemorning cbx33 10:03
cbx33highvoltage: hey10:03
highvoltagehowzit going?10:03
cbx33got a problem at the mo :( - apt-get remove nvidia-glx tries to remove ubuntu-desktop and the entire set of xorg pacakges10:04
cbx33other than that...10:04
cbx33my office is a mess10:04
highvoltagewell, last night I couldn't sleep, I got a big bunch of exciting ideas and couldn't stop thinking about them.10:05
cbx33that's gotta be good10:05
highvoltageonly got to sleep 1am, then woke up at 2am and got more ideas.10:05
highvoltageeventually got to sleep 4am again10:05
cbx33my initial musings with gstreamer are working well10:05
highvoltageand when I woke up, I totally forgot what kept me up last night.10:06
cbx33so you forgot all your ideas?10:06
highvoltageyes :(10:06
highvoltagei remember thinking up huge amounts of code in my head too, and even troubleshooting it :)10:06
highvoltagemy new policy is that if I get inspiration late in the evening, I'm going to work instead, not try to sleep.10:07
highvoltagebecause now I've lost a nights sleep, and I'll be useless during most of today- double loss. I should've worked instead and slept late this morning.10:07
highvoltageat least my office space is clean for a change :)10:10
cbx33yeh I really gotta sort that today10:11
cbx33highvoltage: you don;t have any nvidia machines handy do you?10:11
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pygiwb cbx33 ;)10:44
JonathanFergusonI've got a problem with sqlite, enenthough there isn't sqlite per se, in 6.06.110:46
JonathanFergusonThe program I run under Mono, has it's own sqlite in it.10:47
JonathanFergusonCan Edubuntu be confusing sqlite for sqlsharp?10:47
pygiJonathanFerguson: no :)10:48
JonathanFergusonThe alternative is to use MySQL, but it's been very painful, unlike version 5 under Apple 10.3.2 which was straight forward.10:49
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cbx33do I see that the SCP spec is being discuss today or has already been discussed11:07
cbx33if it's already been discussed I'll throw a hissy fit ;)11:10
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highvoltageoh dear.11:35
cbx33is a little misleading11:35
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[118] Gatekeeperhi 12:04
[118] Gatekeepercan someone answer some questens about edubunto 12:05
cbx33we can try12:05
[118] Gatekeeperi have get a pc from a customer 12:06
[118] Gatekeeperhe say install edubunto 12:06
[118] Gatekeeperso i insert the cd a bott 12:06
[118] Gatekeeperand boot 12:06
[118] Gatekeeperbot after loading kernel and initrd the system hangup 12:07
edubuntugirl[118] Gatekeeper: excuse me?12:07
[118] Gatekeeperyes ?12:07
Kamping_Kaiserany errors?12:08
[118] Gatekeeperyes 12:08
[118] Gatekeeperthe pc acer aspire E50012:08
cbx33is there no disk activity at all12:09
[118] Gatekeeperhttp://acer.de/acereuro/page9.do?sp=page4&dau34.oid=11670&UserCtxParam=0&GroupCtxParam=0&dctx1=9&CountryISOCtxParam=DE&LanguageISOCtxParam=de&ctx3=-1&ctx4=Deutschland&crc=223143676612:10
[118] Gatekeeperne 12:10
[118] Gatekeepernothig 12:10
[118] Gatekeeperi have 2 disks: ubunto server; knoppix 512:11
[118] Gatekeeperi have 2 disks: ubunto server; knoppix 412:11
[118] Gatekeeperthe customer dont give me the root passwd, so i have started with knoppix and chroot to primary disk and than passwd to change rott password 12:13
[118] Gatekeeperand now the system hang up @ boot 12:13
cbx33does it use grub?12:13
[118] Gatekeeperyes 12:13
cbx33what version of edubuntu is it?12:13
[118] Gatekeepermom i will start with knoppix and have a look @ the release file 12:14
cbx33ok you could try starting the machine12:15
cbx33and at the grub prompt, edit the grub kernel line and remove splash12:15
cbx33it's all done with keys..... e to edit12:15
cbx33etc 12:15
cbx33and it's all documented in grub if you've never done it before12:15
[118] Gatekeeperokay i am wrong 12:16
[118] Gatekeepergrub is installt but i cant insert something in the command line cause the time is 012:18
[118] Gatekeepernow i can see: the edubunto logo12:19
[118] GatekeeperLoading essentiel drivvers .... OK12:19
[118] Gatekeepermounting root filesystem .... <HANG UP>12:19
cbx33it does sit there for a while12:20
cbx33give it time12:20
[118] Gatekeeperokay 12:20
[118] Gatekeeper"/dev/sda1 = 310 GB12:20
[118] Gatekeeperext312:20
[118] Gatekeeperthere is no hdd act.12:22
[118] Gatekeeperactivity12:22
cbx33that is odd12:23
[118] Gatekeeperjo12:23
cbx33I've had it take a few minutes before12:23
cbx33but never that long12:23
[118] Gatekeepercan i hide the splash wit <tab> or <esc>12:24
[118] Gatekeeper*still waiting 12:29
[118] Gatekeeper*kick12:29
cbx33yeh I think we've established a problem here ;)12:29
cbx33the trick is going to be finding what's wrong12:29
cbx33what about rebooting...bott with knoppix mount the drive and look for a ny logs12:29
[118] Gatekeeperokay 12:30
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[118] Gatekeeperits edubunto = ubuntu 6.06 dapper12:39
[118] Gatekeeperi can found the last clear shutdown only in the logs12:42
[118] Gatekeeperi changed same valuse in /boot/grub/menu.list 12:46
[118] Gatekeeperi changed some values in /boot/grub/menu.list 12:47
[118] Gatekeeperdo i nedd grub-install or tkes effect at next startup 12:47
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[118] Gatekeeperi have disabled the usb 01:02
[118] Gatekeepernow the system is up 01:02
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cbx33yikes....am I still here?01:44
=== Kamping_Kaiser hugs edubuntugirl highvoltage and cbx33
cbx33sorry just changed proxy servers and back01:44
=== cbx33 hugs Kamping_Kaiser highvoltage and edubuntugirl
[118] Gatekeeper@cbx33 i have disabled the usb 01:45
[118] Gatekeeperi have disabled the usb 01:46
[118] Gatekeepernow the system is up01:46
cbx33what did the ogs say01:46
[118] Gatekeepersystem hung up when start ohci host contoller 01:46
cbx33well at least you know01:47
[118] Gatekeepernice ^^01:47
[118] Gatekeeperhow can i tell edubuntu to leech fiels (apt-get install g++) freom the internet 01:48
[118] Gatekeeperhe try to use the cd 01:48
Kamping_Kaisersystem -> administration -> software propreties01:48
[118] Gatekeeperbut cd ist everywhere in hamburg 01:48
[118] Gatekeeperthere is a password required 01:54
[118] Gatekeeperroot password ?01:54
Kamping_Kaiserno. admin01:54
Kamping_Kaiseryour password01:54
[118] Gatekeeperit doesent work 01:54
[118] Gatekeeperokay can i try passwd admin ?01:55
Kamping_Kaisertry with the password you made during install01:55
[118] Gatekeeperi dont istall this system :(01:55
[118] Gatekeeperdont have instaled 01:55
[118] Gatekeeperi am administrator in a small company 01:56
[118] Gatekeepera customer comes to me and ask for help 01:56
cbx33I thought you chrooted and changed the password?01:57
cbx33oh btw01:57
cbx33there is no root password on a default ubuntu install01:57
[118] Gatekeeperyes but not for "admin"01:57
cbx33the account is locked out01:57
cbx33it depends what user they created first01:57
cbx33you still on knoppix?01:57
[118] Gatekeeperno dapperdrake01:58
cbx33but you can't login right01:58
[118] Gatekeeperyes01:58
cbx33boot up off the knoppix cd 01:58
cbx33then you can see what the user name was that was created01:59
kihaiHi there! I'm having a small problem after upgrading from dapper to edgy. The packages acpid, acpi-support and edubuntu-desktop are somehow wrongly configured. When I try to dpkg-reconfigure one of them, I get an error saying acpid is not nocfigured correctly. Apart from that the current kernel doesn't seem to be installed . uname -a gives me: Linux edubuntu 2.6.15-27-386 #1 PREEMPT Sat Sep 16 01:51:59 UTC 2006 i686 GNU/Linux Anyone any ideas on how to fix 02:00
Kamping_Kaiserkihai, has your upgrade finished?02:01
kihaiYes, but with errors. Everything boots up and there don't seem to be any problems, even the ltsp works (Though it's not yet updated) and 15 clients boot happily from the updated server02:02
cbx33are you loggin into the server02:03
cbx33or via a client?02:03
kihaiWhat about reinvoking the update-manager? Could that help or shouldn't I bother?02:03
cbx33have you rebooted?02:03
cbx33surely you should have a 17.10 kernel02:03
Kamping_Kaiserkihai, have you run `sudo apt-get install edubuntu-desktop`?02:03
kihaiedubuntu-desktop is already installed. I uninstalled it because of the dependency conflict with acpid02:04
cbx33how did you upgrade?02:04
cbx33with update manager?02:04
kihaiyes, update-manager -c02:05
cbx33try update-manager -c -d02:05
[118] Gatekeeperproblem sovlved 02:07
[118] Gatekeeperthe "use-the-right-password-botton"02:07
kihaiupdate-manager -c -d tells me my system is up to date... :(02:08
cbx33tried an apt-get install --reinstall ?02:12
kihaiyes, doesn't help though...02:15
Kamping_Kaiserhaving removed edubuntu-desktop have you reinstlaled it?02:15
cbx33what about a manual install of the latest kernel?02:15
Kamping_Kaiserwont unbreak him02:16
kihaiedubuntu-desktop is dependent on acpi-support, acpi-support depends on acpid and acpid can't be reinstalled nor reconfigured...02:16
Kamping_Kaiserwhy cant it?02:16
Kamping_Kaiserwhats the error?02:16
cbx33Kamping_Kaiser: you sure it can't confiugre it cos the latest kernel isn't available?02:17
cbx33seeing as acpi relies heavily on kernel?02:17
cbx33I'm not sure02:17
kihaiThe error comes from dpkg and it leaves the packages unconfigured02:17
cbx33does it givce any more info02:17
Kamping_Kaiserkihai, dpkg -i /var/cache/apt/archives/acpi*deb02:17
kihaidpkg: Abhngigkeitsprobleme verhindern Konfiguration von acpi-support:02:19
kihai acpi-support hngt ab von acpid (>= 1.0.4-1ubuntu4); aber:02:19
kihai  Package acpid is not configured yet.02:19
Kamping_Kaiserso install the failing package on its own.02:20
kihaiIt's already installed.02:20
Kamping_Kaiserwhats apt-cache policy acpid give?02:21
kihaijust not configured and dpkg-reconfigure acpid brings the same errors about dependencies02:21
kihai  Installiert:1.0.4-5ubuntu402:21
kihai  Mgliche Pakete:1.0.4-5ubuntu402:21
kihai  Versions-Tabelle:02:21
kihai *** 1.0.4-5ubuntu4 002:21
kihai        500 http://de.archive.ubuntu.com edgy/main Packages02:21
kihai        100 /var/lib/dpkg/status02:21
Kamping_Kaiserok. sudo dpkg --configure --pending02:22
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kihaisame errors...02:26
Kamping_Kaiserdrat. its my bedtime. did it configure anything?02:26
Kamping_Kaiseralso give `sudo apt-get -f install` a whirl. it should try and fix the install for you (to the best it can)02:27
kihaijust like that or sudo apt-get -f install edubuntu-desktop ?02:28
cbx33just sudo apt-get -f install02:31
kihaiIt showed a lot of unmet dependencies and at the end the same three errors about acpid, acpi-support and edubuntu-desktop appeared...02:32
cbx33can you possibly sort of the unmet deps?02:32
=== Kamping_Kaiser goes to bed. sorry, its midnight, and i need to be up at 8. wish i could have stayed and helped :(
SimonAnibalit's 8:30 AM, wake up!02:33
=== cbx33 is gonna be dashing off too, but onyl for a short while
cbx3313:30 here ;)02:33
kihaiHmm, now I tried dpkg-reconfigure --force acpid. It said: Stopping ACPI services, Loading ACPI Modules, Starting ACPI services, all with [OK] , but aptitude -f install after that brings the same error about acpid not being configured02:35
cbx33i hate it when this happens02:42
cbx33I'll bbiab02:42
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highvoltage*sigh*. they broke into my car again today :(04:16
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=== pygi dances around
=== pygi pokes highvoltage to look into -burning ^_^
pygijsgotangco: what? :)05:10
pygilibburn can now burn first session, hehe :)05:11
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pygiI know it means nothing to you, but oh well :P05:14
jsgotangcoburn first session05:15
jsgotangcodo you mean multisession cd?05:15
=== jsgotangco sorry for his non-techie knowledge
pygidon't worry :)05:15
jsgotangcoi gotta sleep05:16
jsgotangcowill catch up later05:16
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cbx33ogra, hi dude05:39
cbx33am I right in thinking that there is an SCP meeting in about 5 and a half hours05:39
pygiah, student control panel05:40
cbx33yeh...the spec 05:40
cbx33hence why I did it in capitols ;)05:40
ograthats only a drafting session, we had our discussions yesterday ...05:44
cbx33argh that's what I thought05:45
cbx33there was no schedule on the wiki yesterday05:45
cbx33I checked05:45
cbx33the dates on the schedule are very misleading05:45
cbx33how did it go?05:45
ograthe schedule was there05:45
cbx33well I couldn;'t see it05:46
ograit went nicely ... a bunch of stuff will be added ... wait for my wiki edit ... i have to collect all the notes first (thats what the drafting session is for)05:46
cbx33I kept checking up till about 4pm my time05:46
cbx33ok 05:46
cbx33is it worth me being present togniht/today05:47
ograwell, we start at 5pm your time  (which is about 8am here)05:47
cbx33yeh.....I had to go out....unfortunately05:47
cbx33so I am really sorry05:47
ograbut the schedule for yesterday was generated a day in advance05:47
cbx33but it wasn't present on the wiki05:48
cbx33what time is todays drafting session...and would you like me to be present?05:48
ogranot needed, its only me sitting in a corner and adding the notes from the discussion to the wiki05:49
cbx33http://people.ubuntu.com/~mdz/uds-mtv/2006-11-05/ - the title in one place says 06 and in another 0505:49
cbx33so I missed out then05:49
ograhttp://people.ubuntu.com/~mdz/uds-mtv/ is the right link ....05:49
ograthe daily schedules will show up there 05:50
cbx33yeh and taht links to that page05:50
cbx33if you see the title it's wrong05:50
cbx33well the H1 tag05:50
cbx33well....I'm really sorry nd majorly dissapointed - I really wanted to attend05:50
cbx33but i guess it can't be helped05:50
cbx33too late now any way05:50
cbx33was my drafted spec ok?05:51
ograwe went over it quickly ... there is not really a need to spec ui beautification and bugfixes, so that part will boil down to the vnc part05:51
ogra- multiple server control05:52
ogra- filter functionallity of the userlist 05:52
ogra- forced filter per teacher05:52
ogra- sharing screen -> exec vnc on the clients desktop connected to your session05:52
ogra- mini vnc preview in teh userlist 05:52
ogra- tiled vnc overview of the complete class on demand05:52
cbx33I'm looking forward to your updates to the wiki05:52
ograis waht i will add today ...05:52
cbx33who is implementing?05:52
ogradoesnt matter yet05:52
ografor now only the spec is important ...05:53
cbx33I was just curious whether anyone else had tipped their hats towards it05:53
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pygiSeveas: got a question for you :)06:12
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theresahello everyone! i have a problem, I downloaded the Live CD of 6.10 today and burned the image and when i booted it i got the following error "I/O error: Error reading boot cd"06:28
pygiyour hardware is ok theresa ? :)06:28
theresapygi: yes it is, because my dad tried it at his pc at work as well06:28
tidelinetheresa: did you check MD5 after downloading?06:28
theresanope, how do I do that? I've still got the iso that I downloaded06:29
tidelineI take for granted you are using windows to download?06:30
theresawell, I'm on Kubuntu now, but the iso was downloaded from a windows machine06:30
tidelineif you have the iso on the kubuntu box you can check it with the md5sum command - md5sum -c filename06:32
theresatideline: thank you very much, I'll give it a try06:34
tidelinethere should be a md5sums file you could download from a mirror that will have the value you should be getting for compairson06:34
tidelinetheresa: no problem let us know if you need more help06:35
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theresahmmm i've cd'd into the directory where I downloaded the MD5SUM file and where the edubuntu iso exists...but it says md5sum: command: No such file or directory06:45
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tidelinetheresa: are you on a live cd machine or an install06:51
Seveaspygi, mail is better for that these days, I'm at uds06:51
pygiSeveas: oki, just wanted simple question :)06:52
bddebianpygi: Did you get my e-mail?06:52
theresatideline: i have kubuntu installed here.....06:53
theresatideline: runs smoothly since 3 months....06:53
pygibddebian: yup, but haven't got the time to look yet, thank you very much :)06:53
tidelinetheresa: odd - have you install the build-essentials package?06:54
tidelinei dont know if you need that though06:54
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tidelinei would think that md5sum would be a normal part of the distro06:56
highvoltageit is06:57
pygiyay, highvoltage ^_^06:58
pygihighvoltage: can you read -burning about news ? ^_^06:58
pygialso write some blog post, nothing important tho on planet :)06:58
=== highvoltage switches to burning
tidelinetheresa: did you try it with the -c like I said - if so try it without07:00
pygihighvoltage: about the multi session stuff :P07:01
theresamy iso cd contains the following stuff: isolinux / casper / install / ubuntu / pics / .disk / preseed / dists / pool / md5sum.txt / README / cdromupgrade07:03
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tidelinetheresa: wait - cd into the directory where the iso is stored, not the iso itseld07:04
theresatideline: what do you mean where it is stored? i have the .iso currently on my desktop and the burned iso image in my cd drive07:05
tidelineok so cd to your desktop cd ~/Desktop07:06
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tidelinenow at the command prompt typr md5sum filename - where filename is the name of the iso07:06
theresatakes a while07:09
theresahmm they're both different :(07:10
tidelineso the md5 from the command and the one in the md5sums file are not the same - that means the hash has changes so the iso is not good.  You should probably download another copy and try it.07:11
theresahmm ok, maybe from another server as well?07:11
tidelinecouldn't hurt07:11
theresatideline: thanks for all your help and effort!07:14
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cbx33hey RichEd 07:42
RichEdmr savage ... how are ?07:43
cbx33good good07:44
bronzecbx has a tan?07:46
bronzere: cbx|savage http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Doc_Savage07:50
stgraberRichEd: Are you in room 210 ?08:05
stgraberLooks like there is nobody in this room (at least on VOIP)08:06
stgraberhmm, fixed now, fine08:06
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=== Pliskin [n=Pliskin@adsl196-12-129-206-196.adsl196-5.iam.net.ma] has joined #edubuntu
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pygisbalneav: hey09:00
sbalneavHello pygi09:01
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=== grahamldlw [n=grahamld@host81-7-34-216.adsl.v21.co.uk] has joined #edubuntu
grahamldlwcbx33 u there?09:29
grahamldlwhow can i run and compile pascal code on here?09:30
grahamldlwi downloaded some gpc thing and it hasnt done anything and i cant find it or anything09:30
cbx33you need to run09:31
cbx33in a terminal window09:31
cbx33gpc pascalfile -o outputfile09:31
grahamldlwi tried it i cant get it to, i have the source code minus the wincrt on my desktop09:31
grahamldlwi'd type that in on the terminal?09:31
=== Amaranth [i=travis@conference/ubuntuconf/x-b85e86082cf2ecd7] has joined #edubuntu
grahamldlwok i get that now, is there anyway to get a seperate program on linux that dosent do it in the termianl09:33
cbx33...oh you coud always write one09:35
grahamldlwha..yeh, i've finished a naughts and crosses game for pascal, and i wanted to play it :( lol, doing visual basic next09:36
grahamldlwand we finished doing arrays, she was gonna show me how to do 2D arrays whatever that is but i was concentrating too much, im first in class to finish naughts and crosses and we started it this morning09:36
cbx33oh btw M$ have dropped support for some of VB09:42
grahamldlwhu has?09:42
grahamldlwim not using microsoft products so im sure thats not a problem lol09:42
grahamldlwsyntax error and it wont run :(09:43
grahamldlwmaybe i shud learn python next considering i've now learnt a full/ish programming language09:48
=== ogra_ [i=ogra@conference/ubuntuconf/x-b96b63e1116acf81] has joined #edubuntu
grahamldlwanyway im going adios09:52
=== theresa [n=theresa@chello084112026078.6.11.vie.surfer.at] has joined #edubuntu
theresamy heart beats for edubuntu :D10:09
pygitheresa: ^_^10:16
nixternalmine beats for KDE, but it pumps Edubuntu blood ;)10:17
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stgrabernixternal: ping10:24
nixternalyo yo10:25
stgrabercan you join 5000, I just want to be sure that I don't do any noise (My laptop microphone is buggy, so I use a dummy input)10:25
nixternali hear some ticking10:26
stgraberand now ?10:26
nixternalit stopped10:26
nixternali hear the popping and crackling, but very faint10:26
cbx33echo cancellation ;)10:26
cbx33that was annyoing mine10:26
stgraberI really have the worst laptop soundcard :)10:27
stgraberI can use my microphone input but only during 5 minutes10:27
stgraberafter that the sounds enter something like a loop and I have to restart the driver (stop X, reload it and start X)10:27
stgraberreally annoying :)10:27
stgraberthe only way I have found, is to use dummy as the input and then I got no crash (but no mic :( )10:28
stgrabernixternal: thx10:28
nixternalno prob10:28
=== stgraber hopes alsa-devel guys will found how to fix this annoying sound card stuff
theresapygi: i simply love it....but again I fear that at the moment it's only suited for kids below 10 years....10:30
stgraberAnyone of you tried one of these USB soundcard (or headset) ?10:30
pygitheresa: will be there, don't worry for all the rest10:30
pygitheresa: and if you know how, you can customize for needs of older children10:30
theresapygi: cool :)10:30
theresapygi: hehe, that's it....I'm a noob when it comes to writing programs...10:31
pygitheresa: no, no writing programs :) Just installing different set of software10:31
=== rodarvus [i=rodarvus@ubuntu/member/rodarvus] has joined #edubuntu
theresai've found these links.... edu.kde.org and http://www.gnomefiles.org/subcategory.php?sub_cat_id=49 seems to be the only edu-programs so far?!10:33
pygiedu.kde.org is KDEedu, we have that ^_^10:34
pygitheresa: there are no a LOT of edu apps, that much is true10:34
theresahehe ok, i'm relieved, i just need to find them haha ;)10:35
pygitheresa: don't use some random thingies :)10:35
pygiFeel free to explore synaptic10:35
theresai much rather prefer adept instead of synpatic ;) it's the same basically, isn't it?10:37
theresabut if it's necessary, i'll use synpatic as well :)10:37
pygiuse adept if you really like it :P10:38
=== Fujitsu [n=Fujitsu@ubuntu/member/fujitsu] has joined #edubuntu
cbx33hey Fujitsu 10:49
FujitsuHi cbx33.10:51
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