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superkirbyartistTyping "x" doesn't work.12:13
Dr_WillisX - UPPER case X12:13
superkirbyartistBut yes, got the terminal.12:14
Dr_Willisi think. :)12:14
Dr_Willisdid it say...  bash: x: command not found12:14
Dr_Willisthats different from 'dosent work' heh heh.12:14
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superkirbyartistHooking up external monitor shows screen with "X".  Internal doesn't work.12:16
eduHey, how can I share a internet connection through a wifi card?12:17
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Dr_Willissuperkirbyartist:  interesting.12:18
=== LeeJunFan [n=junfan@adsl-69-210-207-5.dsl.klmzmi.ameritech.net] has joined #kubuntu
Dr_Willisthis is one of those imacs thats an Monitor/pc combo? with a external vga port as well?12:18
knappHow do I change the configuration of a single panel, instead of all of them? For example, when I make a panel transparent, it makes them all transparent.12:18
superkirbyartistiMac G3.12:19
Dr_WillisI got an imacDV - similer to that one?12:19
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superkirbyartistDesktop is loading when type "startx"; "X" alone shows screen with "X" cursor.12:19
ubotuwget: retrieves files from the web. In component main, is standard. Version 1.10.2-2ubuntu1 (edgy), package size 226 kB, installed size 1952 kB12:19
Homercan I get "wget" a whole domain12:19
superkirbyartistSo maybe switch to supported resolution.  Both monitors work at same time with terminal12:20
superkirbyartistThank you Dr_Willis!12:20
Dr_Willissuperkirbyartist:  sounds like the xorg config is some how confused and setting up 2 monitors perhaps.. and defaulting to the wrong one.12:20
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superkirbyartistBe right back.12:20
Dr_WillisMy TV out hooked up acts similary12:20
Dr_Willisuntill i configure it.12:20
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superkirbyartistThis is inconvenient!  One mouse button!  How to change screen resolution?12:21
superkirbyartistI have an entire KDE desktop.  6.10 Edgy Kubuntu is pretty good!12:22
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superkirbyartistAnyone knows how to change the screen resolution?12:23
Digital_PioneerHi. I need to batch rename a folder of files from x - y.mp3 to y - x.mp3.12:23
superkirbyartistHow do you change screen resolution?  From KDE or terminal?12:24
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viviannehola como va?12:24
superkirbyartistNo bieno.  Screen resolution how to change?12:25
steveiregeorgeb: You still around? I was having swap partition issues earlier...12:25
superkirbyartistDr_Willis?  Screen resolution?12:25
steveiresuperkirbyartist: try kcontrol12:26
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Dr_Willissuperkirbyartist:  i normally use that kde tool.. but 90% of the time ubuntu sets up my res. where i dont need tomess with it.12:26
Dr_WillisIts even gotten my widescreen laptop right.12:26
Dr_Williswhich amazed me12:26
superkirbyartistBut it won't work with both monitors.  As I said, only external.  So I will adjust resolution.12:26
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delusionshi everybody, can someone tell me at what temperature you are generally running the cpu12:28
Dr_Willisheh   - my poor imac. the internal crt is about dead on it.. i tend to set it on a desk and hook up a external lcd.12:28
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archangel_anybody here with an MSI m/b?12:28
archangel_like it?12:29
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Dr_Willisits sort of impressive how cheap some of these mb's are these days :)12:30
Dr_Willistheres a lot of work in those things.12:30
archangel_I normally build higher end machines, but I have a friend that needs a budget pc12:30
archangel_MSI prices are very reasonable12:30
dennisteri may be getting somewhere...bbs12:30
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shaezschewhats the best kde theme EVER. quick i need an objecctive answer12:31
campbch:o use the default, with transparencies, and a transparent font over your favorite wallpaper.12:31
campbchits what i do, it looks schweet12:31
shaezschei want something dark and sexy12:31
campbchyou can make it dark12:32
shaezschebut can i make it sexy??12:32
campbchagain, with transparencies, and change the colors of bars12:32
shaezschewhat about super karamba12:32
archangel_get a girl12:32
campbchok... one sec...12:32
Dr_Willismost of the 'dark' themes ive seen - have issues with programs and visibility of stuff. :(12:32
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eaglehawkhello everybody12:32
Dr_WillisI tend to just use Plastik theme.12:32
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shaezscheme too, and im sick of it12:32
steveireHow do you send a message to a nickserv account? Anyone know?12:33
eaglehawkanybody help me with sound issue on laptop12:33
shaezschei wish beryl worked12:33
shaezschelots of themes there12:33
pierreSabatierje cherche de l'aide ne php12:33
digivorewhich desktop environment has the best themes?  Enlightenment or xfce os beryl?12:33
shaezschebut it makes my video card squeak12:33
pierreSabatierpour imagerotate12:33
shaezschewehever i open close things12:33
shaezscheor minimize windows12:33
[cf] nightrid3rsteveire: msg nickserv help12:33
archangel_yeah, dark dont look all that good unless you have a dark wallpaper with transparansies  (sp?)12:33
pierreSabatierelle ne veut pas fonctionner12:33
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ubotuAllez a #ubuntu-fr ou #kubuntu-fr pour de l'aide et de la discussion en francais.12:33
pierreSabatierquelqu'un sait pourquoi12:33
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dennistersomehow i did it...not sure how12:33
pierreSabatierligne 52 commente12:34
eaglehawkanybody help me with sound issue on laptop12:34
shaezschewhy arent transparencies on by default?12:34
pierreSabatierelle ne fonctionne pas mais n'affiche pas d'erreur12:34
dennisterbut the resolution is huge...exact opposite of normal prob with everything too tiny....lol12:34
aseigoshaezsche: in the window manager?12:34
dennister'ts ok i should be able to fix this12:34
superkirbyartistI still can't get this to work.12:35
aseigoshaezsche: because it's not stable and slow like crap on most vid cards12:35
campbchthough i dont like it as much, look at this screenshot12:35
archangel_cause a transparancy option is hard to find12:35
aseigoshaezsche: it would be a -great- way to make the default kde give a crap impression to 99% of users12:35
pierreSabatierje veux comprendre12:35
shaezschenot stable? i thought i just turned it on in the kde appearance menu12:35
shaezscheim not talking about beryl12:35
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archangel_that was a bad one.... sorry12:35
aseigoyes, i know.12:35
pierreSabatierhttp://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/30331/ qu'est-ce qui ne va pas avec la ligne 5212:35
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shaezschewhats not stable about it??12:36
aseigois this the (fake) menu transparencies, or the real transparency for windows (e.g. when moving, etc)12:36
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shaezschewell are the REAL transparencies availble in the menu appearance settings12:36
Digital_PioneerAny ideas on my renaming dillemma?12:36
archangel_every menu I have is transparent12:36
archangel_and the bar12:36
archangel_I cant find a thing12:37
aseigoah, menu transparency. ok, -that- is a hack and not particularly fast.12:37
aseigoit takes a screenshot and uses a tinted version of that as the background for the menu12:37
aseigowe try to turn on as few such half-assed (if neat) hacks as possible by default.12:37
aseigoi'm assuming kubuntu is following that concept too12:37
shaezscheim talking ONLY about the settings in the control panel under appearance/themes12:38
shaezschethat should ALL be stable12:38
shaezscheits not something you dl and install12:38
Digital_Pioneerarchangel_: Right-click the panel, and try to find "Configure Panel..."12:38
archangel_prove of that is sliding the bar out of the way and watching the pic go with it12:38
aseigoshaezsche: which exact feature in that panel?12:38
archangel_I was just kidding DP12:38
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dennisteri take that back...nervous about editing xorg.conf by hand12:39
shaezscheyou can do anything to xorg12:39
shaezscheif you screw up just use the auto config command12:39
shaezschei forget what it is, anyone know?12:39
shaezschei put random code in xorg all the time12:39
shaezscheits fun12:39
superkirbyartistDr_Willis: I can't even see my desktop anymore. How to boot KDE with old settings?12:39
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dennisteranything? then who do so many people come in here with very serious xorg probs? I've had xorg fall apart on me b4, 212:40
Dr_Willissuperkirbyartist:  you mean the old X settings? or the old KDE user settings12:40
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Dr_Willisive hacked and whacked and assaulted the x configs many a time. :P12:42
Dr_Willisits just somthing ive read and learned to mess with.12:42
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RawSewageIs there a way to show meta-tag info for audio files in Konqueror browser12:43
superkirbyartistOld X settings.12:43
Dr_Willisthe layout of xorg.conf is much better then the old style xf86configs. :) but it could still use work.12:43
h3sp4wnDr_Willis: I think the old one is easier in someways12:43
Dr_Willissuperkirbyartist:  see if theres any backups in /etc/X11,  you are saying you editted the file and Did NOT make a backup?12:43
Dr_Willish3sp4wn:  my xconfigs seem to be about 1/2 the legenth they used to be. :)12:43
h3sp4wnDr_Willis: i.e using "1" or "0" always instead of sometimes "Enable and sometimes "True"12:43
Dr_Willisor less.12:43
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Dr_WillisNever noticed much hassles with 1/0/true/false.12:44
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Dr_Willisits interesting all the options the nvidia driver readmes mention, fun to play with.12:45
dennisterDr_Willis: i think i've finally got the nvdia driver working, bug the resolution is huge, and the slider bar in kcontrol for a higher resolution isn't working12:45
dennisterwhich section of xorg.conf should i edit?12:45
superkirbyartistAll done back to original settings.  Now how to support monitor?12:45
h3sp4wnDr_Willis: That is different though (the advance-help for nvidia-xconfig lists them all)12:45
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Dr_Willisdennister:  you mean the res is "high" as in 1050xwhatever? or LOW like 640x480 so the fonts/icons are huge?12:46
h3sp4wnDr_Willis: I am talking about the free drivers which seem inconsistant12:46
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superkirbyartistInternal iMac monitor G3.12:46
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Dr_Willishmm.. isent there a ppc/mac forum on the ubuntu forums?12:47
Dr_Willismy poor mac aint even been powered on in months.12:47
dennisteri'm afraid that there are so many that look so similar i'll edit the wrong one..lol12:47
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about imac - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi12:48
dragonfly7How can I force my computer to recognize a windows network?12:48
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ubotuPartitioning programs: !GParted or QTParted  -  Formatting partitions: see the manual page for mkfs ("man mkfs")  -  Mounting partitions in Gnome: System -> Administration -> Disks12:48
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Dr_Willisping the window machines.. if they reply :) its networked.12:48
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RawSewageIs there a way to fix Amarok so it doesnt cut off the end of small clips12:49
Dr_Willisuse the samba tools to access window shares. or the FISH:// feature of konqueror12:49
RawSewageI want to hear the whole clip12:49
RawSewagebut it cuts off the end12:49
Dr_Willisor was it smb:// (i forget)12:49
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Dr_Willisfish:// is for ssh? or was it samba?12:49
dragonfly7I have been, and around 20% of the time i can see other machines. But usually it doesn't work.12:49
Dr_WillisRawSewage:  it fades out at the end then starts the next one?12:49
Dr_Willisdragonfly7:  interesting..12:50
RawSewageDr_Willis, no, it just cuts it off12:50
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superkirbyartistI will use the actual mac.12:50
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Dr_Willisdragonfly7:  may want to check out smb4k, or that fuse samba filesystem stuff. it may be windows is timing out/hanging up.12:50
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dragonfly7Yes, it is triving me crazy. All I want is to share a printer.12:51
Dr_Willisdragonfly7:  sounds like somthng that may be hard to pinpoint. since it works/dont work.12:51
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dragonfly7dragonfly7: Yes, that is the problem I have been having. Is there some GUI samba configurer that I could use?12:51
dragonfly7I am not sure why I am talking to myself. Oops.12:52
eduhow could I do my laptop act as a router? can anyone help me?12:52
mc_edu: that is an fairly advanced topic12:52
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Dr_Willisip masquerading howto - is a nice read.12:53
Dr_Willisdragonfly7:  i would be guessing its not a problem at the linux end.. but at the windows end. :(12:53
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dennisterDr_Willis: I won't screw everything up by, in xorg.conf, changing the resolution of all video devices to 800x600?12:54
Dr_Willisdragonfly7:  not that it helps much to say that. :(12:54
superkirbyartistDr_Willis: On my iMac!12:54
edui just wanted my nintendo ds to be able to connect internet with linux12:54
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Dr_Willissuperkirbyartist:  not sure.. when in doubt backit up. I thought the crt on those macs could only do like 1024x76812:54
Dr_Willisat 60hz. (or whatever it was)12:54
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qu1ckfr0stcan anyone here with editting a partition on kubuntu and creating a new windows partition?12:55
Dr_Willisedu:  heh heh. :) ive not tried that yet.12:55
dragonfly7Yeah. I remember doing this once before, (I reinstalled kubuntu when I upgraded to 6.10) and I think I did something in windows.12:55
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Dr_Willisedu:  i got my psp going.12:55
qu1ckfr0sthelp me with editting ***12:55
dennisterwell, i'm gonna try it anyway...luckily i do have anotehr linux installation12:55
Dr_Willisqu1ckfr0st:  you got linux isntalled on hda allready? and now want to resize the install and install windows?12:56
qu1ckfr0sti've got 224gbs of unused space on my hd12:56
Dr_Willisunused as in 'free' or unused as unallocated :)12:57
eduDr_Willis: and how can i use the laptop as a router? do you know?12:57
BluesKajGpatrted Live cd  Linux-ntfs partitioner12:57
Dr_Willisedu:  ip-masquerading lets you share a network connection with other pc's12:57
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qu1ckfr0stunused as in free, i want to resize it down to about 74gbs of free space, create a new partition with about 15012:57
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BluesKajerr GParted  qu1ckfr0st12:57
Dr_Willisqu1ckfr0st:  gparted can do that.. but getting windows to isntall successfully on the unallocated space maybe the issue12:58
SAM_themanyo my dad is trying to install his nvidia drivers for kubuntu 6.10 and keeps giving him an error12:58
qu1ckfr0sti've got that open right now12:58
SAM_themanand it does it with ubutnu 6.10 as well12:58
eduok, Dr_Willis , i'll search for ip-masquerading12:58
Dr_WillisSAM_theman:  those 2 are all using the same drivers/repos and are basicially identical :)12:58
SAM_themanwhats your point12:58
dragonfly7SAM_theman: what is the error?12:59
SAM_themanit should be easy like version 6.0612:59
Dr_Willisyou have yet to tell us the error.. :)12:59
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Dr_Willisi had no hassles installing the nvidia stuff on edgy. (6.10)12:59
SAM_themanError unable nvidia kkernel driver.....12:59
qu1ckfr0sthey, i've got GParted open right now, but it wont allow me to select resize, do I have to unmount the partition first or something?12:59
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wharfHi there.01:00
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Dr_Willisqu1ckfr0st:  BEST to use a live cd with gparted on it.01:00
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dragonfly7wharf: hi.01:00
wharfI tryed installing xgl onto my kubuntu system, i screwed it up01:00
wharfIt aint that easy to do is it?01:00
Dr_Willisqu1ckfr0st:  the partions must be unmounted..01:00
justin1278 /msg NickServ IDENTIFY <blue07>01:00
qu1ckfr0stI have a kubuntu live cd01:00
=== Dr_Willis stares at justin1278
Dr_WillisHay thats my password also!01:01
qu1ckfr0stcan I put that in, reboot onto that, install GParted and then unmount the partition im going to edit01:01
Dr_Willisqu1ckfr0st:  the live cd may have parted allready included01:01
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eduhey, isn't ip-masquerading function implemented in kde's control center or something else?01:01
Dr_Willistheres also some dedicated gparted/parted live cds out.01:01
justin1278 /msg NickServ justin1278 <blue07>01:02
justin1278why is it not working?!?!01:02
Dr_Willisedu:  i seem to recall some check box's for enabling it somewhere.. but aint used it in ages01:02
Dr_Willisjustin1278:  space at teh start of the command?01:02
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morficjustin1278: perhaps the < > ?01:02
Dr_Willis     /command01:02
Dr_Willisvs /command01:02
justin1278 /msg NickServ justin1278 <blue07>01:02
justin1278not working01:02
justin1278i had it working before lol01:02
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morficjustin1278: i hope you add the space to let us see the line only01:03
Dr_Willissince its echoing in here..the /msg stuff is the issue.01:03
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justin1278ok got it01:04
RebornDVi'm having a problem with kubuntu on this laptop... when i first install it the sound works great but after a while it stops working... and ideas?01:04
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dragonfly7RebornDV: Does it stop altogether or start crakling? What laptop?01:05
justin1278hey does anyone know of any cool first person shooters for Kubuntu?01:05
RebornDVstops altogether... it's an emachines w462001:05
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RebornDVit's happened before... did a fresh installation and it worked again for a while then stopped again01:06
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justin1278does anyone know of any cool first person shooter games for Kubuntu?01:07
yetitry nexuiz01:07
justin1278does it cost or is it free?01:08
yetiit is free01:08
yetinexuiz: http://www.alientrap.org/nexuiz/ ; warsow: http://www.warsow.net/01:09
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yetii'm not really sure but i think warsow has an active online multiplayer community01:09
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Dr_Willisrtcw:ET is hard to beat.01:10
Dr_WillisTremulus (trembulus?) is fast pased also.01:10
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Dr_Willisand Savage is now released for Free.. its a must get FPS for linux01:10
nivansonHow do I upgrade to kernel 2.6.18 with edgy? Backports?01:10
justin1278oh i love ET01:11
justin1278i have it on Windows01:11
justin1278but I think it is going to be discontinued01:11
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gnomefreaknivanson: you cant01:11
gnomefreaknivanson: you have to build it01:11
qu1ckfr0sthello again, im now running on a live disk, the only partitioning software is qtparted though01:11
RebornDVi hope you don't mean et the atari game01:11
Dr_WillisRTCW:ET has a active modders/mapmakers base..01:11
justin1278ET = Enemy Territory01:11
RebornDVmust be better01:11
Dr_WillisIt aint dieing out any time soon01:11
nivansongnomefreak: That's too bad. :) I'll have to stick with ndiswrapper then. Thanks01:11
justin1278Activision is going to make a new ET game called01:12
justin1278Enemy Territory Quake Wars01:12
morfichm, where do sources end up when you get them with: apt-get source $somepackage01:12
Raven301nivanson: http://timia.net/agios/index.php?page=UbuntuKernel01:12
qu1ckfr0stsomeone help me please?01:12
RebornDVso no ideas on the sound disappearing issues?01:12
nivansonRaven301: Thank you, but I'm sticking to packages :D01:12
Raven301nivanson: it builds a .deb at the end01:13
qu1ckfr0stso it wont allow me to resize my partition still, do I have to set it as unactive or something?01:13
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Raven301nivanson: Linux raven301-laptop #1 SMP Sat Nov 4 14:09:10 EST 2006 i686 GNU/Linux01:13
Dr_Willisqu1ckfr0st:  with the live cd?01:13
qu1ckfr0styeah im on the live cd, but my main partition is active01:14
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nivansonRaven301: Oh, let's try it then! :D Thanks again01:14
Dr_Willisrun the tool as root/with sudo01:14
RebornDVon a fresh install on this laptop the sound works great but after a while the sound stops working01:14
Dr_Willisqu1ckfr0st:  not as the livdcd user.01:14
MaterMaravillaehi, can somebody tell me what you have in /home/.../.kde/Autostart, please?01:14
qu1ckfr0sthow do I do that?01:14
superkirbyartistDr_Willis, monitor now works.01:14
Dr_WillisMaterMaravillae:  .desktop files. commands, scripts, links01:14
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eduThere is a package called "ipmasq", would it be enought?01:14
Raven301nivanson: I've used it about 5 times now and it worked everytime :)01:14
superkirbyartistThank you ^_^.01:14
Dr_Willissuperkirbyartist:  cools :)01:15
MaterMaravillaeok ty Dr_Willis01:15
morficoops, the current dir :/01:15
qu1ckfr0stDr_Willis: how do I run the tool as root/with sudo ?01:15
yetiedu: enough for what?01:15
nivansonRaven301: Great! :)01:15
Dr_Willisqu1ckfr0st:  try sudo -s, or sudo thenameofthecommand, i dont mess with the ubuntu live cd's they are lacking in ways. :) i perfer slax live cds01:16
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edufor connecting my ds to the internet through my laptop01:16
Dr_Willisqu1ckfr0st:  or see if tgeres a root-shell icon somewhere01:16
Dr_Willisedu:  check the ubuntu wiki/forums for a guide perhaps?01:16
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qu1ckfr0stDr_Willis: cant i just open konsole and start a root shell?01:17
Dr_Willisqu1ckfr0st:  try it and see....01:17
qu1ckfr0stDr_Willis: it just opens one as root@ubuntu01:18
Dr_Willisthen thats a root shell.01:18
yetiedu: you would not even need ipmasq for that. is there anyone else on your LAN but your laptop and your ds?01:18
qu1ckfr0stDr_Willis: so now what?01:18
Dr_Willisqu1ckfr0st:  run the parted command - whatever its called...01:18
yetiedu: then, as root: "echo 1 > /proc/sys/net/ipv4/ip_forward" and set your laptop's IP as standard gateway on your desktop01:19
Dr_Willisyeti:  thats the heart of the ip-masq howto. :)01:19
eduok, and then, if a search a wireless point in my ds, will it appear?01:20
qu1ckfr0stDr_Willis: what do I now? specify sector size for the device?01:20
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yetiedu: LOL no, nut unless your DS has a wireless card01:20
Dr_Willisqu1ckfr0st:  no idea what you are doing exactly. gparted was rather straight forward with sliders and  so forth.01:20
eduthe ds has built-in wifi01:21
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qu1ckfr0stDr_Willis: cant i just install gparted and use that?01:21
yetiedu: but what do you need to use your laptop for if you can already connect to a wireless LAN with your ds?01:21
Dr_Willisselect the drive, slide the sliders, hit the apply button (i think) go get some food.01:21
edui need my laptop01:21
Dr_Willisqu1ckfr0st:  no idea. I DONT USE the kubuntu live cd..  i use live cd's that i know come with gparted.01:21
edubeacuse i have a 56k connectioni01:21
eduand there are no routers for that...01:21
Dr_Willisgparted may be on the kubuntu live cd.. it may not be.01:21
eduso I'm connecting to inernet with the laptop and then using it as a router for the ds01:22
edu(sorry for my little English :-P)01:22
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qu1ckfr0stDr_Willis: im installing gparted right now01:22
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yetiyeah well, so your question is whether you'll still be able to access wireless networks if you set your ds' standard gateway to your laptop's ip?01:22
yetiif that is your question, the answer is yes, as long as you've configured your wireless stuff properly01:23
eduwell my question is01:23
eduhow can i configure my laptop to act as a wireless point?01:23
eduwireless acces point*01:24
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Dr_Willisedu:  you got wireless working on the laptop at all...01:24
eduyes, the card is set up properly...01:25
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eduit can search other wireless networks and that stuff01:26
edubut i don't know how to create one!01:26
Th3_Cr0up13RI have been playing with the colours for 2 hours now and i changed everything , on the tree on the left i can see the names of the folders fine01:26
Th3_Cr0up13Rbut on the right where the files are i see them very white01:26
Th3_Cr0up13Rcannot make out the writing01:26
Th3_Cr0up13Ris there any way i can change that ?01:26
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Dr_Williswhat DS games even use the internet?01:28
RebornDVmario kart?01:28
Th3_Cr0up13Rwhen i select them i can see the selected colour works fine but the normal does not seem to make it out at all01:28
stevehi I need some help with wireless01:28
stevewhat is the best sniffer01:28
steveI need to be able to see the wireless ap in my area01:29
Th3_Cr0up13Rdoes anyone know how this can be fixed01:29
edumario kart, metroid primer hunters... but also homebrew, like linux ds, beup (a msn messenger client) wifi apps... voice chats, and things like that.01:29
dragonfly7Is there some sort of keyboard shortcut app built into kde? Every once and a while, I hit some key combination that launches something which makes the keyboard launch things rather than type.01:29
dragonfly7It seems like a stciky keys kind of thing.01:30
eduUm.. I'm trying with firestarter, it looks cool :-D01:30
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Dr_Willishmm let me go get my DS and see.. lol..01:30
dragonfly7Any suggestions for turning it off?01:30
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eduOMG, this is what i was looking for! at last!!01:31
eduwell, good bye, and thanks for your support! Dr_Willis and yeti01:31
RebornDVi'm having a problem with kubuntu on this laptop... when i first install it the sound works great but after a while it stops working... and ideas?01:32
Dr_Willisdragonfly7:  other then learning to type. :)01:32
Dr_Willishmm it dont seem to be running for me.01:32
dragonfly7dragonfly7: thank you, that is so helpful. :) I think there should be a way to disable whatever it is.01:34
dragonfly7Why am I talking to myself??? I mean Dr_Willis.01:34
letalisdragonfly7: its probably a setting un keyboard in system settings panel01:34
letalisare you wanting to disable keyboard shotcuts?01:34
Dr_Willisi think hes triggering katapult by mistake01:35
Dr_Willisthats alt-space right?01:35
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letaliswhat does katapult do exactly? ive started it and it shows a katapult logo and doesnt do much else01:36
aseigoletalis: hit alt-space01:36
letalishell amor seemed more useful.01:36
aseigoletalis: then start typing something01:36
Dr_Willisi cant even get alt-space to show it up01:37
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dragonfly7Katapult, yes, that sounds familiar.01:38
dragonfly7If I do it again, will it go away?01:38
letalisok i see what it does now01:38
letalisjust lets you select stuff on the dektop without a mouse01:38
Dr_Willisalt-space keeps opening the file menu. :)01:39
Dr_Williswell the windows control menu heh01:39
steveirekatapult is cool. I just discovered it properly today.01:40
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dragonfly7I hate katapult since it confuses me. If I do alt+space again, will it stop it?01:40
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steveirestop what dragonfly7?01:41
letalisyou could just kill it with killall01:41
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dragonfly7Stop the katapult keyboard shortcuts. When it is being used I cant use the keyboard.01:41
dragonfly7I have to restart x. Or at least I had to. Now that I know alt+space starts it, I can disable that.01:42
Tiger_ITTiger_IT gogogo01:43
mc_what does katapult do?01:43
Dr_Willishad to restartx to get out of katapult? gee - hitting enter dident do it?01:43
Dr_Willismc_:  its a fancy launcher/tool01:43
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mc_Dr_Willis: i iinstalled and started it,but i dont understand what to do with it01:44
mc_Dr_Willis: i also dont see anything01:44
Dr_Willisgoogle for its homepage. :)01:44
Dr_Willishit alt-space and see what happens01:44
dragonfly7I didn't try, I was kind of freaking out about the lack of keyboard control and the applications starting.01:44
letalisi killed katapult, i dont think thats it because i can still use alt+space to select things on the desktop01:44
Dr_Willisdragonfly7:  rule #1 'dont panic' :)01:44
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superkirbyartistFonts look a little ugly.01:45
letalisall due respect, unless youre in a shell, why are you typing in x to begin with?01:45
mc_Dr_Willis: omfg why didnt i discover such a great tool earlier01:45
Dr_Willissuperkirbyartist:  gogle for the various font tweak guides.01:45
mc_that changes life dramatically for me ^^01:46
superkirbyartistBut the fonts was working fine earlier!01:46
superkirbyartistNow they have dots everywhere!01:46
letalissuperkirbyartist: did you add fonts?01:46
dragonfly7Yeah, I shouldn't have. I am ashamed01:46
superkirbyartistNone at all.01:46
letaliswhat was the last change you made to the system before you saw the change?01:46
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superkirbyartistDon't remember... I think none.01:47
letalisit just started doing it?01:48
letalisno reason at all?01:48
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shadowhywindhere is a off the wall question, A friend of mine wants to make a Bumpersticker for his car, with the kubuntu logo, any trademarks or anything that he should be afraid of?01:49
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dragonfly7OK< WHAT IS GOING ON>01:51
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gnomefreakdragonfly7: reboot01:52
tmoormanAnyone have this msg in X.org log? "Error loading keymap /var/lib/xkb/server-0.xkm"01:52
cntbdragonfly7: ctrl alt f1 wont work either ?01:52
dragonfly7And now its back to normal.01:52
cntbgnomefreak: that sounds so m$01:53
letalisim starting to wonder if your keyboard setup is incorrect01:53
dragonfly7I think I have a ghost stuck in my keyboard. :)01:53
letalisdid you just install kubuntu?01:53
gnomefreakcntb: only way to turn off keyboard01:53
gnomefreakthat i know of01:53
dragonfly7No, it has been working fine for weeks.01:53
cntbdragonfly7: cpu was too busy01:53
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cntbhave many firefox windows there ?01:53
dragonfly7I don't think so... I haven't been running anything.01:54
cntbso strange01:54
dragonfly7Just one firefox window, and kopete and a konsole window.01:54
felixjetit is possible to open with imagemagick an imagen, an create a new image of part of the image? i mean, take from 25,25 to 300,300. cut it and make a new image. it is possible in command line?01:54
dragonfly7Well, now I know that if it does it again I just have to type in caps till everyone gets irritated, then it will quit.01:55
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Dr_Willisfelixjet:  ive seen that done in imageicmagic tutorials/magazine articals01:55
qu1ckfr0stim running Gparted from a kubuntu live cd, and it wont allow me to change my primary partition because it's apparently being used, how do I run without using that partition?01:55
cntbmemory management is kernel's resposibvilty ? right ?01:55
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qu1ckfr0stby change, i mean edit.01:55
felixjetthanks Dr_Willis01:55
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tmoormanAnyone have this msg in X.org log? "Error loading keymap /var/lib/xkb/server-0.xkm" or something similiar?01:56
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Search4Lancerahhhh I have looping program crashes!01:56
peanutbklipper seems to want to paste nothing insted of the thing i just copied, making ctrl+c useless, any ideas01:56
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justin1278hello does anyone know how i can get Gnome on Kubuntu?01:56
MattCornellapt-get install gdm ?01:57
dragonfly7apt-get gnome-desktop?01:57
felixjetDr_Willis: do you know any link to start from?01:57
Search4Lanceryeah, you install gnome :-P01:57
peanutbjustin1278, do apt-get install ubuntu-desktop01:57
justin1278sry im a noob at linux lol01:57
justin1278ok thanks guys01:57
BonBonTheJonanyone having problems with wireless in edgy01:57
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justin1278i was having issues with Wireless on Ubuntu Edgy01:57
Search4Lancerno, but I am having problems getting edgy to begin with01:57
justin1278but not on Kubuntu01:57
tmoormanAnyone having problems with fonts on GTK apps?01:58
peanutbjustin1278, what card?01:58
BonBonTheJonjustin1278: can you see the network but not connect01:58
Dr_Willisfelixjet:  google for tutorials/examples i guess.01:58
cntbmarkelhas:  hi01:58
markelhascntb: hi01:59
justin1278i cannot even get a wireless network01:59
justin1278i have intel 915GM01:59
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peanutbjustin1278, your card might not be supported, check https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs/WirelessCardsSupported01:59
cntbwhat happens when sudoers file has syntax error ? any workaround?01:59
markelhasi've a problem with sudo command can anyone help me out!?01:59
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about sudoers - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi01:59
markelhasgot >>> sudoers file: syntax error, line 0 <<<02:00
cntb!sudo | markelhas02:00
ubotumarkelhas: sudo is a command to run programs with superuser privileges ("root"). Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo for all information.02:00
MattCornellfelixjet:  advanced image editing from the command line with Image=Magik  http://software.newsforge.com/software/05/04/29/1358220.shtml02:00
felixjetMattCornell:  thanks!02:00
Search4Lancerah wtf Kopete won't connect to anything....02:00
justin1278then why would it be supported on Kubuntu but not Ubuntu?02:00
felixjettry to find this in google can take ages xD02:00
MattCornellfelixjet: Np!  I made a cool image once f02:00
MattCornellthat would use the ip address of the person looking for bad web pages  in it02:00
justin1278yes my chipset/wireless card is supported02:01
peanutbjustin1278, it would be supported the same on both.02:01
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BonBonTheJonany one know why I can see a wireless network but can't connect to it02:01
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MattCornellI'll try and plug my wireless usb  device to see if it works :)02:02
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cntbwhat happens if one cannot sudo02:03
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cntb? cannot sudo because of sudoers file syntax error by some editing mistake?02:03
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MattCornellgoogle - "recover from a broken sudo"02:03
MattCornellnow that I read it... it doesn't have an answer there02:04
MattCornellthat would be great if that was your blog02:04
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cntbty very much MattCornell02:05
markelhasMattCornell: going to try02:05
MattCornellcntb: try going to 'safe mode'02:05
peanutbanyone know why klipp would be acting up?02:05
justin1278when i have gnome installed on Kubuntu how can i switch between the KDE and Gnome themes?02:05
cntbor rescue from CD?02:05
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cntbthat sounds like solving02:05
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cntbMattCornell:  must edit sudoers from rescue mode02:06
peanutbjustin1278, there is kdm and gdm. you chose one during install of gnome02:06
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cntbbut MattCornell howto reset sudoers file?02:06
justin1278peanutb, ok i just got that now, but how do i switch when i decide i want to use the other?02:07
markelhasMattCornell: i don't now what's wrong with the file02:07
MattCornellwell.. first I would backup what I have currently02:07
MattCornellthen I would try to adduser02:07
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markelhasMattCornell: can u show your's to me02:07
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MattCornellI don't use sudo02:07
MattCornellI like to wear big pants all the time02:07
cntblesson to markelhas02:07
cntbmarkelhas:  To avoid damaging your sudoers file, always edit it with  sudo visudo02:08
peanutbjustin1278, do you want to switch from gno,e to kde ?02:08
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MattCornellI don't know why people are so scared of root on a single user machine02:08
markelhascntb: :(02:08
MattCornellsudo is really nice... just more overhead then I need02:08
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cntbMattCornell: all PCs are connected to net02:08
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justin1278peanutb, i set KDE as my default because at the moment i prefer KDE but I would like to switch to using gnome every now and then02:08
markelhascntb: going to reboot in same mode to check the file02:08
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MattCornellcntb: and....?02:08
peanutbjustin1278, one sec02:09
cntband may automatically turn to honeypots MattCornell. that must be the reason why02:09
justin1278peanutb, is there a way just to change the look from KDE to Gnome?02:09
justin1278peanutb, ok02:09
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MattCornellum... isn't a honeypot something someone sets up intentionally to attract nefarious activity?02:09
cntbsecvurity discussion is always interesting , though not so easy02:09
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MattCornellsudo only really protects from priviledge escalation from what I understood02:10
peanutbjustin1278, on the login screen, go to Menu>Session type>gnome02:10
cntbhoneypot is ahoneypot than it may turn to be the base of hackers attack02:10
peanutbjustin1278, then just login as normal02:10
MattCornellI'm pretty sure it would just be called a pot then :)02:10
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cntbnet split DoS and many nasty  things02:10
justin1278peanutb, thanks once again!02:11
cntbI am not expert in any of these02:11
MattCornellhoneypot has a paticular meaning... and it's something a does with the intention of attracting visitors02:11
nekomataare there any other Azureus users here?02:11
peanutbjustin1278, it was nothing02:11
Kim^JI got this new haxx... Just write /part02:11
MattCornell"a does" = "a whitehat (usually) does"02:11
osirisis there a gui app for creating/destroying partitions ?  i just put in a new hard drive, and want to format it to make it my new /home partition02:11
lucahi everybody02:12
Dr_Willisosiris:  gparted is nice. theres vbariants of it out.02:12
peanutbosiris, qtparted02:12
justin1278peanutb, and when i wish to use KDE I just type KDE in the same place correct?02:12
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Dr_Willisqtparted/gparted/parted/ or good old fdisk. :)02:12
lucais there a simple painless method to increase the swap partition w/out having to format everything?02:12
peanutbjustin1278, its a menu02:12
Dr_Willisluca:  you could always make a swap file and add it to the swap used by the syste,02:12
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justin1278peanutb, ok thanks02:12
Dr_Willisby the system02:12
cntbso are you saying MattCornell you are actually with root active in GUI?02:12
peanutbjustin1278, so just choose kde or gnome02:12
lucaor both02:13
osirispeanutb, Dr_Willis thx02:13
lucaor the three of them with xfce :D02:13
MattCornellcntb: nope... that would be silly. Just when I have to do anything on a system level I just root.02:13
lucais there any way for changing the swap as you are speaking of partitions?02:13
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cntbthere you go MattCornell02:14
lucamy kde is unnaturally slow...ooffice and firefox combined make it crash (???) and I want to see if increasing my 1 gb partition the situation improves02:14
Dr_Willisyou could always boot to a live cd./ and resize the partitions..02:14
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Dr_Willisluca:  how muych ram ya got?02:14
luca512 mb02:14
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campbchanyone here play MUDs? if so, what client is the best? or is that a subjective thing?02:14
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cntbif you come across a sudoers solution pls inform me and markelhas who is offline now02:15
dragonfly7Is there a simple way to sync two folders? (ie: a network music folder and a music folder on my laptop)02:15
Dr_Williscampbch:  check the freshmeat web site, or the Linux GameTome Site. see whats popular.02:15
peanutbluca, probably making the partition bigger will help02:15
lucapeanutb: how can I do that?02:15
cntbrsync dragonfly7 ?02:15
Dr_Willis512mb ram + 1gb swap.. , thtas not too bad.02:16
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dragonfly7cntb: rsync, is that a GUI app?02:16
MattCornellcntb... the solution is pretty straight forward. You need to boot to the single user mode of your kernel and then repair the sudo files.02:16
charlie5the disk partition/mount tool seems gone from system settings in edgy ?02:16
peanutbluca, get qtparted from adept, its pretty self expanatory02:16
Dr_Willisbe easy to add another gb swap file. I just cant rember how.02:16
lucapeanutb which repo?02:16
cntbMattCornell: repair how02:16
beaviskubuntu 6.10 has some problems , it does not work on my nf2ultra motherboard where the only harddrive is  sata, fist time it failed to boot x,  the second time it coulnt find the installation at all02:16
MattCornellwell... that woudl require knowing what was wrong :)02:16
charlie5is there a replacement ?02:16
cntbah gotcha02:17
lucapeanutb it is not in the default ones, I am checking02:17
cntbrtfm 'bout sudoers? no wqay to reset that ?02:17
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peanutbluca, probably universe02:17
lucapeanutb I am trying with gparted02:17
cntbthat makews it less straightforward MattCornell02:17
lucahow much would you advise?02:17
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peanutbluca, i usually give ubuntu at least 3-4 gb02:18
cntbanyway our frined from Portugal restarted and must be trying smething a that moment02:18
MattCornellcntb there are two files that could be 'broked'   /etc/sudoers and /etc/group02:19
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MattCornellthe sudoers files declares the users and groups that have 'big boy' priviledges02:20
charlie5sorry ... i must be blind ... just found the 'advanced' tab in "system settings"02:20
lucapeanutb I have a problem02:20
MattCornellusually says something like:   root ALL=(ALL) ALL02:20
lucaI have a dual boot syste,02:20
MattCornelland then another line for the admin group:  %admin ALL+(ALL) ALL02:20
lucaIt does not let me modify the win partition now02:21
MattCornellwhoops... make that %admin ALL=(ALL) ALL02:21
lucaonly the linux one02:21
peanutbluca, is it ntfs?02:21
lucayep :(02:21
peanutbthe windows02:21
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lucaother problem...how can I modify the linux partition if I have to unmount it before?02:21
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markelhasMattCornell: recovery mode + edit sudousers 100%02:22
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lucaI guess that would quite end the session... O_o02:22
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markelhasMattCornell: cntb thkns02:22
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peanutbluca, you probably have to boot into a live cd, sorry forgot to tell you thatr02:22
markelhasMattCornell: & cntb: thkns02:22
MattCornellmarkelhas: You all set?02:22
lucauh I do not have the live CD02:22
markelhasMattCornell: yap02:22
MattCornellmarkelhas: cool... don't get honey potted.02:22
lucalet the download begin.. :(02:22
markelhasMattCornell: one more thing02:23
MattCornelluhoh... I"m sure not to know this02:23
peanutbluca, thats alwase fun02:23
Dr_Willistheres several really small live cd's that have the parted tools out.02:23
qu1ckfr0sti made a new partition thats 4gb with ext3 filetype, that has no os. I want to put ubuntu on that partition, anyone have any idea how I can do that?02:23
Dr_Willisqu1ckfr0st:  tell the isntaller where its at and to mount it as /02:23
markelhasMattCornell: when a reboot my kubunt the os hangs02:23
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qu1ckfr0sthm alright02:24
markelhasMattCornell: i've to shutdow wait a little time then boot my kubuntu02:24
Dr_WillisNot sure how smart the live cd installer it.. you could just delete the partition, and tell it to use the UNALLOCATED space.02:24
markelhasMattCornell: any reason for that02:24
MattCornellmarkelhas: eww... usually you can figure it out from the kernel messages right before it 'hangs'02:25
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MattCornellif there is a kernel panic then you may need to look a few lines 'before' the kernel dumps it's registers02:25
markelhasMattCornell: the msg is in Alt+F7 right?02:25
lucapeanutb how can I use the torrent option? when I go to the ubuntu download page, I get only the iso download...02:25
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lucaother than this: how can I repartition my windows ntf drive without destroying it?02:26
MattCornellmarkelhas: usually the dmesg is in the first terminal... and the GUI is on the Alt=F702:26
Ahmucki am getting an error.  kdesu - KDialog Configuration  file"/home/user/.kde/share/config/kdeglobals" not writable02:26
peanutbluca, there is a torrent file02:26
MattCornellmarkelhas: what do you mean by 'hang'? do you have a shell prompt?02:26
peanutbluca, further down02:26
lucapeanutb forget it...at this speed it will take just half an hour tops02:27
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markelhasMattCornell: the re-booting process block in splash screen of kubuntu02:27
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lucawhat about the NTFS? any suggestions?02:27
peanutbluca, i know that qtparted can do ntfs02:27
MattCornellmarkelhas: ahh - do you mean that you have to power off to reboot?02:28
markelhasMattCornell: yaps02:28
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MattCornellmarkelhas: there are any number of reasons for that... I for one am not the person to talk to about that because I too have that problem02:28
markelhasMattCornell: oki oki02:29
MattCornellI guess the embedded network interface on my motherboard (e1000) just doesn't give up the ghost on reboot some times02:29
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MattCornellif you have an Intel motherboard then I have had some moderate success with unloading the network driver's module before rebooting02:29
markelhasMattCornell: oki thnks02:29
markelhasbye bye02:29
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beavisdoes nvidia video driver have good support f the 7XXX series cards under linux?02:34
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h3sp4wnbeavis: Should be fine02:34
h3sp4wnbeavis: seen a few problems with 7950 (the dual core one) but the others should work fine02:35
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m0zonesup peeps02:35
m0zonehey in kde whats the task  manager called to like kill runing process lol  :P02:36
beavish3sp4wn, thank you, i was thinking about getting 7800gt for a linux box , couse ati drivers are not so good02:36
m0zone6600gt  working good here :P el cheapo card tho02:37
Dr_Willisfor the $$ 6600 is a decent value02:38
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m0zonei payed 90$ for mine  and runs q3 like mad same with savage edm and other linux games  warsow loves it also02:39
Dr_Willisits always nice to see good cards get dirt cheap.02:39
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Dr_Williswarsow.. hmm.. i think i tried that once.. what kind of fps was it?02:39
h3sp4wnI have been on the lookout for a passive nvidia with 8 pipes02:39
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m0zonewarsow has like no lag    nexiuz kills me due to has werid net code keep getin clock on the screen and lockin up02:40
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m0zonedont know warsow on normal setting like 120+ fps02:40
m0zonehey anyone know if kde has like a process viewer to show everyhting that is running and such  lol02:41
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dennisterhowdy again02:41
dennisteri finally have my nvidia AND my ivtv drivers installed ... yahoo!02:42
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m0zonehow does tv out work ?  can u set full screen video only on tv out?02:42
beavism0zone, there is an app that shows all the running processes but i dont know what its called02:43
m0zonenot yet tryed that on mine i got this werid multi plug cord02:43
dennisterdon't know yet :) need something to test it with02:43
beavism0zone, i havent used linux in a while02:43
lucapeanutb it is qtparted not qparted ;)02:43
m0zonebeavis i found it last night by mistake when my comp freaked out after i played with xgl  need to use it again lol02:43
lucaother little problem...it seems that kdewallet is no more able to store the passwords in the kdewallet :(02:44
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dennisterbut it's soooooo much easier to get the ivtv stuff in with edgy02:44
m0zonei set up xgl  works great  but beryl loads like 2 copys when i start it  i need to keel one  and i am a noob02:44
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beavism0zone, it should be in the menu , look under system02:44
peanutbluca, :)02:45
lucaanyone: is it SAFE to repartition the NTFS partition from Linux? what should I do before I try?02:45
lucaI do not want to end up with windows completely destroyed02:45
lucaI have already done this operation when I created Ubuntu but...02:46
Search4Lancerwhy not?02:46
peanutbluca, the safest way is to change it with windows02:46
lucapeanutb: how?02:47
peanutbluca, then leave the free space and add it to ubuntu's partition.02:47
lucaI do not have partition magic...02:47
peanutbluca, is it xp pro02:47
lucauhm I guess yeah02:47
luca(use it seldom - so I am not sure, it was in the laptop. Ubuntu came three days after ;) )02:48
ubotuPLF is the Penguin Liberation Front. For more info see: http://wiki.ubuntu-fr.org/doc/plf. PLF is down indefinitely pending a new maintainer; see http://plf.zarb.org/. see also !seveas02:48
lucam0zone use ksysguard02:48
peanutbluca, under control pannel there is something called administrative tools, then computer management, it has a module to manage partitions02:48
lucam0zone if you are using KDE02:48
m0zoneyar thanks02:49
ubotuSeveas has a popular 3rd party repository for several packages. More info (and mirrors) on http://wiki.ubuntu.com/SeveasPackages02:49
lucapeanutb thanks02:49
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lucaI will finish to download the iso, burn it, and then let it begin :)02:49
lucaI hope it solves my problems - it is really impossible to work in these conditions. Still I do not like sacrificing 3 gb to the swap... :(02:50
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BluesKaj1G is enuf for a swap02:50
lucaBluesKaj I thought so before my KDE began to slow down in unbearable ways02:51
h3sp4wnDepends if you want to use suspend2 you need a twice your ram swap partition to be safe02:51
lucaI am not able to use ooffice and firefox at the same time for fear Kubuntu will crash :(02:51
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lucaI have had to manually reboot Linux something like tens of times, stop the user processes by using ctrl+alt+f1, in general, I have not been able to use my pc02:53
peanutbluca, you want to make the swap bigger?02:53
BluesKajhow much RAM do you have onboard , luca ?02:53
lucapeanutb yeah, I want to see if that is the problem02:53
lucaBlueSkaj 512 mb02:53
peanutbluca, i very much doubt it02:53
Ahmuckcan i delete .kde02:53
lucaBlueSkaj which are COMPLETELY filled by kubuntu02:53
sorush20I can'#t see the date on my clock even though I selected to see it what can I do?02:53
Ahmuckfrom my home directory ?02:54
BluesKajthen 3 G isn't going to help...AAMOF it could slow things down02:54
lucaAhmuck yes you can - but some problems will be on your way :(02:54
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lucaBlueSkaj what do you suggest?02:54
peanutbluca, send us the output of top from the terminal02:54
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lucapeanutb cat /proc/meminfo ?02:54
Ahmuckwell, i have problems now, .kde is not writable02:54
BluesKajswap file should usually be thew same but not more than RAM ..or so i've been advised02:55
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peanutbluca, issue top at konsole02:55
lucapeanutb which command? sorry if  am thick02:55
peanutbluca, "top"02:55
h3sp4wnBluesKaj: Twice the ram - up until you have a gb of swap02:55
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lucaok, how can I send it to you'02:56
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peanutbluca, paste it into pastebin.com02:56
lucaconsider that now I have only firefox and little else open02:56
peanutbluca, and send us a link02:56
BluesKajok , well 1G RAM here, and the swap is 1G02:57
dennisterdang it all...blasted and heck!02:58
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peanutbluca, or dcc it to me02:58
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lucapeanutb one sec...it is hell, as every voice changes in continuum02:59
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dennisterkicks herself02:59
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lucaI am not able to block it and get a copy02:59
fatejudgerfor some reason it seems as though I can't define Global Shortcuts in KMix now that I've upgraded to Edgy02:59
lucaforget it done02:59
fatejudgerhas anyone experienced any trouble with these global shortcuts in Edgy?03:00
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m0zoneanyone have the problem of konq sending .run type files to kate when i try and download one :P03:01
lucauh how do I send something? it keeps giving me 'error'03:02
peanutbu probablky havent registered your nick.03:02
peanutbpaste it into pastebin.com03:02
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lucauhm ok I will register first..03:05
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nickv111Hi. I have a lot of packages that should be upgraded since I upgraded to Edgy, but they're all being held back03:06
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nickv111On both of my Kubuntu boxes03:07
dennisteri seem to be having some real problems with seveas repo, as well as his mirror03:07
nickv11137 packages are being held back from upgrading, including amarok and python packages.03:07
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dennisteri must have edited my sources.list 1/2 dozen times03:07
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peanutbEdgy was sorta shoved out it seems.03:10
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BluesKajonly had a few probs ...everything that worked in dapper works in edgy and some others that didn't work before do now03:11
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Dr_Willisim glad i did a clean install :)03:12
dennisteri really love how u can download the ivtv drivers from repos in edgy03:12
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lucapeanutb it is something like 10 minutes now that pastebin is trying to paste my file... :(03:12
mhzhi all03:13
dennisterthere were absolutely no errors03:13
lucapeanutb may I just transfer the txt to you in dcc?03:13
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BluesKajluca  try www.pastebin.ca instead ...it's not as busy03:14
nickv111dennister: Wow! Really? I've had a card supported by them for quite some time now03:14
nickv111dennister: Excellent.03:14
dennisterwhich card nickv111?03:15
peanutbluca, shur03:15
peanutbluca, just see which one looks like it is taking up a lot of ram in top03:16
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nickv111dennister: I forget.03:18
nickv111dennister: I think it's a PVR-15003:18
lucaIt does not even come out in the ksysguard!03:18
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peanutbluca, it seems fine03:18
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lucaok now I try with ooffice too....if I am able to avoid the crash, I will send you the report03:18
peanutbluca, type kill konsole at konsole03:19
peanutbluca, its taking up a lot of ram03:20
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lucakillall -9 konsole ;)03:20
nickv111dennister: How did you set up the card? I've done it on gentoo, but never on Ubuntu03:20
lucaok I will have to reactivate it again in some minutes I guess03:20
nickv111dennister: Could you point me to an up-to-date manual on how to set up the card for Ubuntu?03:20
peanutbluca, is ooo working now03:21
peanutbluca, or is it faster03:21
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lucait is slowing down the machine as always03:21
peanutbluca, sorry i have to go.03:22
lucanp :)03:22
nickv111dennister: I'm using http://ivtvdriver.org/index.php/Howto:Ubuntu now, with some obvious adjustments (not using the repository he provided)03:22
JymmmEMCI tried ADD/REMOVE programs but I get "SU returned with an error" what gives?03:22
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dhuvhello all03:22
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peanutbluca, nevermind03:23
dennisternickv111: just a minute, i'm trying to get it for u.03:23
lucain any case it is already slowing03:23
peanutbluca, i dont rilly know how to help you.03:23
lucait takes 2 seconds to iconify ooffice... :(03:23
lucahe I would really like to know how to do it myself :)03:24
dhuvI am a debian/kde user and want to try out kubuntu on a new laptop that I got.03:24
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dhuvthe problem is that this laptop has an nvidia ethernet and audio controller03:24
dennisterit has several pages within that page...the lir/remote section is pretty extensive03:24
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dhuvaccording to this page (http://xopen.dyndns.org/linux/v6024ea/ ) it should work03:24
dhuvbut the installation stops detecting the network controller03:24
dennisterDr_Willis: u still here?03:25
DaSkreechnikkiana: Allo03:25
nikkundhuv: what to you mean stops?03:25
nikkianahi DaSkreech03:25
dhuvit hangs detecting network hardware03:25
peanutbluca,at last resort,  you might try a new install.03:25
DaSkreechnikkiana: How are you doing?03:25
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nikkianaDaSkreech: not too shabby03:25
dhuvwhen I hit alt+ctrl+del, the blue screen goes away and I can see that its trying to initialize eth1 (wireless ipw2100) but it cannot03:25
nikkundhuv: do you have a ethernet cord pluged in that sends a signal?03:25
lucapeanutb: I'd rather avoid that - I do not have a pc upon which to make a sync, it would mean writing four or more dvds :(03:26
dhuvI do have the cable plugged into the nic03:26
dhuvnikkun: but it still does the same thing03:26
JymmmEMCAny ideas on what/where to look to resolve this?   I tried using "ADD/REMOVE programs" on an install no less than 10 minutes old,  but I get "SU returned with an error"03:26
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dhuvI will try again if needed03:26
dennisteri have an issue that's been present since the beginning of my installation03:26
dennisteri've put the error codes in http://pastebin.ca/24130003:26
nikkundhuv: hmm i have had my laptop hang when nothing is plugged in but i have never heard it hanging while geting a singel03:27
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dennisterwould you be able to tell me what's going on there? and how to fix it?03:27
dhuvnikkun: let me give it another try03:27
peanutbluca, i guess post to ubuntuforums03:27
dhuvI am trying 6.1003:27
dhuvjust an fyi03:27
nikkundhuv: ok try using ctrl-c to skip over it if it hangs again03:28
Dr_Willisdennister:  care to give a summary?03:28
nickv111dennister: Thank you03:28
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dennisterthis same string of error codes comes up every time i try to edit any file, yet i can edit it, close, save, etc.03:28
DaSkreechnikkiana: Exellent :)03:28
Jymmmcouls someone repeat what they jsut said to me?03:29
dennisterso it's not hampering me, but it's still worrisome03:29
dennisternp nickv111; remember, it's the new edgy03:29
m0zonedenn i get same errors03:29
m0zonelike if i do a sudo abiword kate etc  apt/sources.list  console fills full of errors03:30
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m0zonesave and such works fine tho03:30
=== Dr_Willis slowly loads a browser.. this better not be the silly wacom messages. :) lol
david_xgl, aixgl or nothing?03:30
Dr_Williserr touchpad.. heh03:30
Dr_WillisX Error: BadDevice, invalid or uninitialized input device 16903:31
Dr_Willisis refering to a touchpad/tablet that dont exist...03:31
Dr_Willistrivial.. edit the xorg.conf and remove the offending entrys/edit the server layout.. or not worry about it. :)03:32
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nikkundont worry about it03:32
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Dr_WillisXlib: connection to ":0.0" refused by server03:32
Dr_Willisis proerly due to how you su/ran the program.03:32
nikkuni have tried removing the lines from xorg but unless you know how to tack down all the right lines you will probably break the whole thing03:32
dhuvnikkun: its hanging again, is there anyway to hide the blue screen so that I can see whats going on in the console?03:32
dennisterbut how did u determine it was trying to load a browser, touchpad, etc?03:32
Dr_Willisnikkun:  remove the entrys.. edit the serverlayout part. and remove the mention of the device..03:33
Dr_Willisdennister:  err... i looked at the xorg.conf and saw it had an entry for it. :P03:33
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nikkunDr_Willis: i tried that once i got a blue error screen lol03:33
Dr_Willisnikkun:  heh took me 2 min...03:33
nikkundhuv: i dont know how to but does it work on the LiveCD?03:33
dennisterahhhh...so i can just take those whole sections out of xorg?03:34
dhuvnikkun: this is the alternate cd03:34
dhuvI downloaded it to to install03:34
dhuvtoday to install03:34
Dr_Willisdennister:  if you want to - theres a factoid on the topic somewhere in the bot03:34
nikkundhuv: the LiveCD is also to install >.<03:34
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about 169 - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi03:34
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about touchpad - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi03:34
Dr_Willischeck the wiki/forums :)03:35
dhuvnikkun: what eventually happens is that it goes to 2% if you let it stay for a little while and it says "Loading module 'floppy' for 'Linux Floppy'"03:35
nikkundhuv: i wonder if you didnt install some things with the alt install disc.  Personally i have never used it so i dont know what the setup would look like03:36
Dr_Willisi always use the alt-install cd. :)03:37
Alter-Egoi just lost my data partition -- /home03:37
=== Dr_Willis looks under the couch
Alter-Egobut the other partitions seem to be there on that drive, hdb1, 2, 5, etc.03:38
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Alter-Egoany chance i could get 3 back ?03:38
unix_infidelare you sure you dont want 4 ?03:38
Alter-Egoi am booting from hda103:38
dennisterok, have to restart x...bbs03:38
Alter-Egounix_infidel: :-p03:38
Dr_Willischeck 'fdisk -l' output -, see if it says anything about it?03:38
Dr_Willissudo fdisk -l /dev/hdb03:39
Alter-Egoif my main installation is on hda1, and i lost drive hdb, would it still show those partitions on hdb?03:39
Alter-Egok, brb03:39
Dr_Willisdepends on how you 'lost' it.03:39
Dr_Willislost isent very 'specific' :)03:39
Dr_Willisi had issues with a hard drive - due to an ide cable wire getting cut ona sharp edge of the case.03:40
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dhuvnikkun: so I should be downloading the "Desktop CD" and not the "Alternate install CD"03:41
Alter-Egok, it shows it is still there03:43
Alter-Egoer, if i created /home/Alter-Ego in an attempt to get a KDE Login, does that screw things up for me ?03:44
nikkundhuv: i would advise of it since it would tell you at the least if its a problem with the install or not03:44
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digivorewhat do i do when my kubuntu doesn't load into KDE anymore?  jsut gives me the command prompt login... ?03:47
dhuvnikkun: is there anyway I can put that iso on a usbdrive rather than burn a CD? I am out of CDs for tonight03:47
untungi am using ubuntu 6.06, does anyone know the divx player for ubuntu?03:47
ubotuFor multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats  -  See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html  -  But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats03:47
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nikkundhuv: sadly ubuntu doesnt have a way of doing that :(03:48
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digivoreI upgraded to edgy and now my system doesn't start in the KDE GUI login screen.. i'm really confused.  any ideas??03:49
BluesKajdhuv, you have to change your BIOS setting to boot from the USB drive03:49
BluesKajwhere does it start?03:50
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BluesKajat the bootuppage ?03:51
Dr_Willisdigivore:  try 'startx' and see if any errors show up.03:51
Dr_Willisdigivore:  you may need to reinstall the video card drivers03:51
bLaZeDhow can i tell if my computer is using ht...isnt there a command to check?03:52
bLaZeDlike cat something03:52
h3sp4wndigivore: You need to remove the reminants of xserver-xorg-driver-*03:53
h3sp4wnbLaZeD: /proc/cpuinfo (if you only have one cpu and it says 2 hyperthreading is enabled)03:53
bLaZeDahh k thanks h3sp4wn03:53
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h3sp4wn(obviously if you have 2 cpu's with hyperthreading it should show 4)03:54
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Zairehow do you unzip a .zip from cli?03:55
unix_infidelZaire: man unzip or try 7zip03:55
dhuvBluesKaj: I had to resize the windows XP partition so I installed gnomeparted on the usbdrive and it boots from there03:55
dhuvthe thing with that is that the initrd image is setup to load the usbdrivers or something03:56
h3sp4wndhuv: You can boot the netboot kernel quite easily from a usbdrive03:56
h3sp4wndhuv: If you install grub onto it03:57
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digivoreDr_Willis: i typed 'startx' and it flashed into the gui, but then came back with some errors..03:57
dhuvnikkun: I think the problem was that it was always trying to load the ipw2100 module even though it had eth0, ipw2100 I think needs firmware to load03:57
dhuvI removed the minipci card and its working03:57
Dr_Willish3sp4wn> digivore: You need to remove the reminants of xserver-xorg-driver-*03:58
digivorehow do i do that?03:58
nikkundhuv: ahh that makes sense03:58
Dr_Willisno clue - a always do clean reinstalls :)03:58
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h3sp4wndigivore: sudo aptitude purge xserver-xorg-driver~i03:58
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bLaZeDhmm well its saying i have on ecpu.....which is true..but its got ht03:59
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h3sp4wnbLaZeD: run (uname -r)03:59
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dhuvcool its installing, what do you guys think? should this be reported as a bug in the installer03:59
bLaZeDh3sp4wn, im running a new kernel04:00
BluesKajdhuv, so you have an hda3 partition and a swap for linux beside the ntfs partition ?04:00
bLaZeDh3sp4wn, but i copied the settings over from the one that was installed by default04:00
dhuvI have /boot, swap, /, NTFS04:00
untungHi I use samba server to share directory, but I can not open it with my password in other computer04:00
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dhuvuntung: whats the error?04:01
bLaZeDh3sp4wn, was the kernl i was using untill about 2 hours ago04:01
dhuvcan you access that share from any other computer04:01
h3sp4wnbLaZeD: well what was the name of the one you was running previously - if you build your own kernel you would need to compile for 686 at lease04:01
Dr_Willisuntung:  sudo smbpasswd -a LINUXUSER   < -try that yet?04:01
untungdhuv: no error04:01
h3sp4wnbLaZeD: hyperthreading is a 686 specific instruction so without compiling for 686 it won't work04:01
dhuvcan you get to that share from another computer?04:01
untungDr_Willis: do i have to set password from my ubuntu?04:02
bLaZeDh3sp4wn, i looked in adept and i didnt even see a 686 in the repos04:02
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h3sp4wnbLaZeD: You would have been better with the config for (that supports hyperthreading)04:02
Dr_Willisuntung:  a SAMBA password yes04:02
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untungDr_Willis: I can not open the directory in other computer using my ubuntu login password04:02
ubotusamba is the way to cooperate with Windows environments. Links with more info: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MountWindowsSharesPermanently http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/serverguide/C/windows-networking.html Samba can be administered via the web with SWAT04:02
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dennisterok, i screwed up big time :(04:03
Dr_Willisa users login password is NOT the same as their samba password04:03
Dr_Willisthey can be synced  however04:03
dennisterhello Dr_Willis04:03
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Dr_Willishi dennister04:03
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dennisteri got overconfident with that edit of xorg.conf :(04:03
Zairek how do you unzip a .tar.gz?04:03
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bLaZeDh3sp4wn, hmm i haave the generic one installed also04:04
Dr_Willis!info unp04:04
ubotuunp: unpack (almost) everything with one command. In component universe, is optional. Version 1.0.10 (edgy), package size 9 kB, installed size 72 kB04:04
dennisteri'm now in livecd mode as a result04:04
Zairek how do you unzip a .tar.gz?04:04
cntbsay untar Zaire04:04
Dr_Willistar xzvf  whatever , or use unp04:04
dennisterand while i've mounted the / parition on the hdd, the old xorg.conf files i had are nowhere to be seen04:05
Dr_Willislinux 10104:05
ZaireIm doing this remote ssh04:05
DaSkreechHow do I measure performance or tune performance in Linux?04:05
Dr_Willisdennister:  not in /etc/X11 ?04:05
untungDr_Willis: I tried the samba password and it works! Thanks!04:05
dennisterwhen i tried to rename them while in terminal (no x could start) i was told renaming couldn't be done in 'strict subs'04:06
natexanyone using the koffice 1.6 packages?04:06
Dr_Willisi bet its read only  untung04:06
Alter-EgoDr_Willis: it still shows hdb3 as there04:06
dennisterDr_Willis: ?04:06
bLaZeDim gonna go reboot the the default kubuntu kernel...see if i can figure it out04:06
Dr_Willis'strict subs'? never heard that befor04:06
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dennisternever? i have...file permissions or something like that...no, not perms, something stricter04:07
Dr_WillisAlter-Ego:  try to mount it manually yet? try fsck /dev/hdb3 yet?04:07
dennisterhow come, while i'm in livecd and cd'd to hdds /etc/X11 directory, I can't see the xorg.conf files?04:08
Dr_Willisdennister:  its int in /etc/ its in the mounted dirs etc04:08
Zaireok whats the command to chmod a directory to 777?04:08
Dr_Willisdennister:  its not in /etc/ its in the mounted dirs etc04:09
the-ermWhat's the name of the program that sits in your system tray and notifies you when updates are available?  I disabled mine by accident.04:09
dennisterahh...k...let me get to the other directory on the hdd04:09
BluesKajyeah it's adept04:09
natexdennister: like /mnt/hdd/etc/04:09
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dennisterthat's right...was having trouble creating a /mnt/ for /04:10
natexBTW this is my first hour with Kubuntu... i'm fairly impressed04:11
the-ermthanks I guess I should have just typed in adept_<tab> to find out it's adept_notifier I need.04:11
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dennisterlet's try again...bbs04:16
DaSkreechWhat can I use to measure performance or tune performance in Linux?04:16
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Dr_WillisDoom3 :)04:16
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terryHi everyone - I installed gcc via adept but i get this message when configuring my app - checking for C compiler default output... configure: error: C compiler cannot create executables - any ias?04:19
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Dr_Willisinstall build-essentials04:19
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dennisterok...back with the unedited-wacom xorg...lol04:20
h3sp4wnDaSkreech: What type of performance04:20
DaSkreechLike HDD performance04:21
dennistersee what i mean? don't 'stuff up' your xorg04:21
DaSkreechFor instance04:21
DaSkreech I guess I can use nice for CPU performance04:21
h3sp4wnDaSkreech: use smartutils04:21
nekomatato get around the bug of kde not being able to mount external HDDs, I'm trying to mount from CLI, but then I'm stuck with a mounted drive that only root has permissions to. is there anything you can add to the mount command to let normal users then add/delete from the drive?04:21
DaSkreechalright thanks04:21
dhuvIs there anyway I can pick packages that will be installed during a kubuntu installation?04:21
dhuvfor instance I only want openoffice not koffice04:22
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dhuvI see thats its installing everything besides gnome :)04:22
h3sp4wnDaSkreech: The problem is with linux although there are benchmarks for specific server workloads there is not any generic ones that I know of (like 3dmark or whatever it is called etc for windows)04:22
dennistercan different distros share combined /home, /var/ and /video partitions like they do the swap?04:22
Dr_Willisheh i never want openoffice. :)04:22
Dr_Willisdennister:  shareing those can cause issues..04:22
nekomatadennister: I've always been warned against that ;o)04:22
Dr_Willisdennister:  you can mount/access them however..04:22
dhuvDr_Willis: choice is good, but how can I tell it what I want?04:22
DaSkreechh3sp4wn: I'm more interested in teh utning than the benchmark04:23
Dr_Willisdhuv:  dont think you can.04:23
h3sp4wnDaSkreech: Well use gentoo04:23
DaSkreechh3sp4wn: It's simply that you have to benchmark or else you won't know whow your tuning went04:23
DaSkreechh3sp4wn: How does that help?04:23
dennisterewhat about the /video partition thats in xfs fs?04:23
h3sp4wnDaSkreech: You can tune your entire system04:23
natexdhuv: openoffice is installed by default, koffice is not04:24
DaSkreechusing what tools?04:24
h3sp4wnDaSkreech: portage04:24
Dr_Willisdennister:  you can mount/use/read/write to the,. BUT using the other disrtos /var/ is not a good idea. /home may cause issues as well.04:24
DaSkreechSuppose I want one app say a database to use the hard drive cache aggresively04:24
DaSkreech is that possible?04:24
Dr_Williswith /home it may be userid/permission issues mainly04:24
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dhuvnatex: I saw packages go by that said koffice04:24
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h3sp4wnDaSkreech: If the program can be configured in that way you can do it04:24
Zaireok I chmodded my directories vanilla told me to change and its still not letting me install it04:24
DaSkreechok so the only real way to tune your system is nice?04:25
natexdhuv: maybe some libs, but that happens on a debian system (extra libs) ;)04:25
h3sp4wnDaSkreech: You can also choose what features are in and not in every single app04:25
dennisterok...so i won't with the var, definitely, but maybe move my kubuntu /home parition to the other one?04:25
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K`zanHow difficult / involved is it to get the nvidia drivers installed in ubuntu?  The xorg ones leave a bit to be desired :).  TIA.04:25
Dr_Willisdennister:  what is the other disrto? you may have to chmod/chown the whole dir.04:25
h3sp4wnDaSkreech: If you are running a realtime kernel you can do some more funky stuff with priorities04:25
DaSkreechh3sp4wn: Witl compile flags?04:25
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dennisterthe other distro is kanotix04:26
DaSkreecharen't real time kernels a (tm) Bad Thing (c)?04:26
dhuvnatex: OK I will check it out after the install04:26
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h3sp4wnDaSkreech: Makes desktop performance feel loads faster04:26
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dhuvdoes kubuntu edgy come with firefox 2, or can I upgrade to 2?04:26
natexdhuv: anyways, you might like koffice04:26
h3sp4wnDaSkreech: Some overhead though (but less than 10%)04:27
dennisteroh, but Kanotix recommended reiser as the fs for /home04:27
dhuvnatex: perhaps04:27
h3sp4wndennister: reiser3 is pretty stable04:27
DaSkreechh3sp4wn: would it be detrimental to a server load?04:27
natexdhuv: firefox isn't installed by default, but easily added04:27
nekomatacan anyone tell me please how to mount an external HDD for non-root to use?04:28
dennisterthe /video with xfs fs is the biggest partition...so because reiser is stable i could use that /home parition for kubuntu?04:28
Hawkwinddhuv: It comes with 2.0b2 IIRC and there is updates to 2.0 final for it already04:28
h3sp4wnDaSkreech: What exactly are you attempting to do ?04:28
dennisterhi Hawkwind :)04:28
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Hawkwinddennister: Hey there04:28
DaSkreechFind out what are myu options to twekaing performance ona Unix machine04:28
dhuvHawkwind: awesome04:28
dennisternekomata: u edit fstab04:29
dhuvstill waiting for it to finish installing04:29
dhuvafter its installed, I am going to check it out and perhaps install on this T4204:29
h3sp4wnDaSkreech: It depends entirely on which application04:29
nekomatadennister: edit fstab every time the sdx allocations change?04:29
dennisternekomata: oops...no, it's external04:29
h3sp4wnDaSkreech: Things that may improve performance for one thing may make something else slower04:30
DaSkreechh3sp4wn: Lets say a database with a service to the outside world04:30
dennisterdon't mind me...i was having the same issue and i finally solved it, but it was an itnernal local drive04:30
Ahmuck /dev/hdb1               1       41613    20972826    f  W95 Ext'd (LBA)04:30
AhmuckPartition 1 does not end on cylinder boundary.04:30
Ahmuckis that bad ?04:30
AhmuckDr_Willis: is that bad ?04:31
h3sp4wnDaSkreech: biggest performance gains from that would be designing the database right04:31
dennisterHawkwind: i have edgy here now...and the ivtv drivers were a breeze...no errors at all! :)04:31
DaSkreechh3sp4wn: ha ha :)04:31
AhmuckDr_Willis: i was able to get back, after many errors it did come back04:31
Ahmuckbut i am not sure what is going on04:31
Hawkwindterry: Please don't do that04:31
dennisterso much easier to download them from repos04:31
Dr_WillisAhmuck:  time to BACKUP the data... I think04:31
Ahmuckya, me too04:31
Ahmucktomorrow evening, after i get home with a new hard drive04:32
Dr_Willisimbaking stuff to dvd rght now.. been doing it for 3 days lol04:32
h3sp4wnDaSkreech: It depends on how many queries you are processing a second and what they are and loads of other stuff04:32
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Dr_WillisI got like 200gb of EMulator files. :)04:32
Hawkwinddennister: Kewl.  So all is running well for ya then ?04:32
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dennisteralmost...lirc is taking longer than i thought04:32
K`zanThanks anyhoo folks!04:32
Ahmuckactaully, that would be a good idea for my core files04:32
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DaSkreechh3sp4wn: Ok is there a group I can hang out with or a web page for Performacing fir Dummies?04:33
dennisterrather complicated...then i can get the myth packages and and the epg04:33
DaSkreechAny one on dapper who plays TMW?04:33
dennisterbut i'm still not sure the picture will be transferred from tuner to video card04:33
h3sp4wnDaSkreech: I don't know - (but gentoo has alot of ricers) only performance tuning I have done is for specific applications - and I was using a benchmark written for our application (by someone who wrote part of it)04:35
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Hawkwinddennister: What TV tuner card do you have ?04:35
dennisterhauppauge wintv 25004:35
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Hawkwinddennister: I've got Haupauge Win-TVPro or something that I had nothing but major problems trying to get it working in Mandriva a year or so ago04:36
dennisteri bought this one specifically for my linux migration...it was the one line of cards that seemed the most compatible according to my resarch04:37
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HawkwindYeah, it's got a bt88 chipset, which is the most compatible. Mine has the same which is why I bought it too04:37
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n8k99is there a reason that koffice 1.6 is not availibe for ppc?04:37
Hawkwinddennister: Just getting it working in Mandriva was nothing but major headaches and battles04:37
dennistermy tuner has conexant chipset...ivtv drivers instead of bttv...tuners are always difficult, even in windoze04:38
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seishinbyouDoes anyone have any recommendations for a decent laptop on which Kubuntu (or any Linux distro) would run well?  This LaVie isn't all that great for it04:40
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dhuvduring the installation of kubuntu, I was asked to create a new user account but never asked to enter a password for root, now I cannot su? Is there a default password?04:44
seishinbyousudo su -04:44
h3sp4wnsudo > dhuv04:45
dennisteruse the same password as for ur username04:45
h3sp4wnuse sudo -i running sudo and su is dumb04:45
natexanyone with edgy having problems with Adept?04:45
dennisteri like sudo -s  ...it stays for awhile04:46
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h3sp4wnsudo -s doesn't do the same thing as sudo -i or sudo su -04:46
dennisternot me, although i haven't had edgy for more than 6 hrs :)04:46
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dennisteri bow to ur judgement h3sp4wn; i'm a noob04:47
natexadept is crashing on me, says "can't communicate with su" bleh04:47
h3sp4wndennister: use kdesu (for graphical applications that need to be root) and sudo -i04:47
dennisterwhat's the -i swtich mean?04:48
h3sp4wndennister: sudo -s or sudo - can screw your permissions up on files in your home directory04:48
dennisterand -i doesn't?04:48
dhuvh3sp4wn: thanks, worked well04:48
h3sp4wndennister: -i makes it a login shell04:49
h3sp4wndennister: run from sudo -s and sudo -i04:49
h3sp4wndennister: echo $HOME04:49
dhuvso I just finished the kubuntu edgy installation but no sound, /proc/asound/cards shows the correct card, kmix shows master and pcm unmuted and turned up, but no sound04:49
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dennisterah...i know i certainly had to do a heck of a lot of chowning back when i was transferring a huge ton of files...about 50g in mp3 files04:49
dhuvdoes anybody have any suggestions?04:49
dennisterand movie/avi files04:49
Zaireomg vanilla forum interace sucks lol04:50
untunghi, I wanted  to intall vlc. does anyone know how?04:50
untungI cannot find the program in Synaptics04:50
natexdhuv: try alsamixer04:50
dennisterok h3sp4wn...i see what u mean04:51
Dr_Willis!info vlc04:51
ubotuvlc: multimedia player and streamer. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.8.6-svn20061012.debian-1ubuntu1 (edgy), package size 1120 kB, installed size 3240 kB04:51
Dr_WillisIn component universe,04:51
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ubotuThe packages in Kubuntu are divided into various sections. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Repositories/Kubuntu04:51
dennisteri'll try to remember that04:51
n8k99is there a reason Koffice 1.6 is not availble for ppc?04:51
n8k99in edgy?04:52
dennisterok...back to my lirc configs...that's a huge howto04:52
Akuma_when i try to boot the ubuntu cd, i get the first options screen and choose 'boot or install'; but then the computer restarts and comes back to the same screen .. what can i do about that?04:52
dennisteri'll leave the bloody wacom in xorg til later04:52
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natexAkuma_: remove the CD?04:53
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Akuma_natex: ... i wanna install it04:53
natexAkuma_: you let the live CD boot up first, then click the "Install" icon on the live desktop04:54
BluesKajAkuma_, what's your pc ?04:54
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Akuma_natex: i can't get to the desktop .. i can't get past the first screen, before the kernel even boots04:54
Akuma_BluesKaj: its a no name laptop04:54
Sheazscheis there a way to turn off my trackpad while i type? i keep putting my palm on it04:54
Akuma_BluesKaj: Hasee ...04:55
BluesKajhave you partitioned the HDD , Akuma_?04:55
Akuma_BluesKaj: no, not yet. i'd do that when installing04:55
natexAkuma_: what happens when you put in the kubuntu cd and reboot?04:56
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Akuma_natex: it sees the cd and kicks in, then gives me the first screen (dunno how its called ...), but then whatever option i choose, it reboots and the screen is displayed again04:57
dennisteris listening to Heoe/Il Divo on Amarok04:57
natexAkuma_: so the demo "live" systen never boots up? ok04:57
Akuma_natex: right04:58
BluesKajmake sure you use the tab button to see all the options04:58
natexAkuma_: check the cd (md5) first04:58
Akuma_natex: i thought the cd might have been corrupted, but its not. i tried 3 diff. ones04:58
Akuma_its like a frickin curse. every time i try to switch to linux there always something! :/04:59
natexsounds like you laptop isn't playing nice04:59
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Sheazscheis there a way to turn off my trackpad while i type? i keep putting my palm on it05:00
Akuma_natex: it isnt at all.05:00
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seishinbyouMy laptop doesn't play nice either; it's a compromise in the end05:01
Dr_WillisSheazsche:  theres that ksynaptic tool.05:01
Akuma_natex: whats the next step right after loading the kernel?05:01
Sheazschedo i have to apt get, or is it installed05:01
seishinbyouHence I asked if there were any recommended laptop models earlier05:01
HawkwindSheazsche: http://ubuntu.wordpress.com/2006/09/20/disable-touchpad-temporarily-when-typing/05:01
natexAkuma_: the live system is uncompressed and the desktop is booted05:01
Dr_Willis!info ksynaptic05:01
ubotuPackage ksynaptic does not exist in any distro I know05:01
Dr_Willishmm what is it called...05:01
natexAkuma_: err.. probably hardware detection first05:01
Dr_Willisi saw it on my laptop05:01
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Akuma_seishinbyou: you could try linux-laptop.net ..05:02
Dr_Willisit lets me turn off the touchpad on my laptop.05:02
Akuma_natex: how long would hardware detection take ?05:03
natexAkuma_: for me, less than a minute05:03
Akuma_natex: after the kernel is loaded, i get a black screen, then about 1 or 2 words flash by, then it reboots ...05:03
BluesKajAkuma_, maybe your laptop won't handle kubuntu ...i had an old pc that did the same thing you're decribing ...the Ram was too low for one thing05:03
Akuma_BluesKaj: i've installed it many times before05:04
Akuma_BluesKaj: including 3 times in vmware last week05:04
BluesKajkubuntu ?05:04
Akuma_BluesKaj: actually, ubuntu05:04
natexAkuma_: has kernel 2.6 given this laptop trouble?05:04
Sheazschecrap my xorg doesnt have an input device synaptics section........05:04
BluesKajthen it's prolly seeing remnant files and thinks it's already there05:05
Akuma_natex: i have no idea which kernel version is in which distro ...05:05
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Akuma_natex: but i did try both 6.06 and 6.10 cds, both behave the same05:05
Akuma_BluesKaj: hmm.. interesting05:06
Akuma_BluesKaj: how do i look for that then?05:06
natexAkuma_: both use kernel 2.6, you may want to try another distro with 2.6 to see if it is a k/ubuntu problem. (I suggest zenwalk)05:06
BluesKajreformat the HDD in ext305:06
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Akuma_BluesKaj: i have an XP install that i unfortunatly can't get rid of just yet05:07
BluesKajI suggest a linux and swap partition before you try to load the install cd05:08
Daskreech2How do I track down what is causing a break on upgrade?05:08
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Dr_Willislive cd's + a usb drive/stick are soo handy :)05:08
Akuma_BluesKaj: i usually rely on linux to do that for me ... i don't have the skills to do that without a lot of time learning first05:09
BluesKajgparted is a good gnome partitioning program05:09
BluesKajgparted is easy to use once you do some reading on how it works05:10
Akuma_BluesKaj: gnome? well im still in windows .. i guess maybe partition magic?05:10
BluesKajno, Stay away from partiton magic ...it's dangerous and unstable05:11
Akuma_BluesKaj: why do i need ext3+swap partitions _before_ i install though?05:11
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kdean06Does anyone have any tips for making vmplayer fit in more with KDE visually?05:12
BluesKajkubuntu will see them and it will ask you if you want to install there instead of partitioning inside the install process05:12
Akuma_BluesKaj: i see05:12
BluesKajit much easier and safer , Akuma_05:12
mluser-homedoes anyone happen to know what the correct package name for the ati fglrx drivers is called for edgy?05:13
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Akuma_BluesKaj: but if like you said ubuntu doesnt want to boot because its seeing remnants, won't it still see them afterwards?05:13
BluesKajnot if you format in ext305:14
BluesKajit will wipe them off the drive05:14
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Dr_Willisor just leave a section of the HD unallocated. and tell the installer to use it.05:14
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BluesKajmluser-home, you have the right right name , fglrx are the drivers for ATI in Edgy05:15
Dr_Willisthere are gparted/qtparted live cd's that are worth tracking down and keeping in your "Box-o-pc-tools(tm)" :)05:15
natexAkuma_: there shouldn't be any "remnants" from a botched live-cd boot05:15
DaSkreechHow do I track down what is causing a break on upgrade?05:15
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mluser-homeBluesKaj: Is that the name of the package or is it 'fglrx-kernel' or 'fglrx-driver' ?05:16
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BluesKajthere may be some from previous versions of linux OS's05:16
ubotuTo install the Ati/NVidia drivers for your video card, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto05:16
Akuma_natex: what else you think it could be then?05:16
Akuma_BluesKaj: i didnt install any other linux distro then ubuntu05:17
Akuma_even ubuntu i didn't 'really' install05:17
BluesKajfglrx driver05:17
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natexAkuma_: some hardware (esp. laptops) aren't great with hardware detection from linux05:18
natexAkuma_: you need to try to pass some arguments to the kernel at boot05:18
Akuma_natex: so what could have happen to it? cause it used to be fine05:18
Akuma_natex: like which ones?05:19
BluesKajthen if the partitioning won't work ... it's past my level\05:19
natexAkuma_: dunno.05:19
natexAkuma_: you have used a linux live cd on this laptop before?05:19
Akuma_natex: yes.05:19
natexAkuma_: which one/version?05:19
Akuma_natex: 6.0605:20
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natexAkuma_: ok it worked fine?05:20
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Akuma_natex: as a live cd yes05:20
BluesKajwell, getting late here ...gonna hit the sack05:21
Akuma_BluesKaj: thanks, eh05:21
natexAkuma_: well, if you want to install kubuntu 6.10, you may need to use the upgrade path05:21
Akuma_natex: well, i can't really do that either, since i dont have a 6.06 working, nor can i install one :)05:21
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natexAkuma_: you can install it no?05:22
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Akuma_natex: no. i used to be able to, but since yesterday i've been having this problem, so i can't boot/install it anymore05:23
Akuma_natex: and my current os is xp05:23
peanutbdr.wills, its called knaptic but its for package managment05:24
natexAkuma_: I wonder what has changed since it worked?05:24
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Akuma_natex: no idea. i've been playing with vmware ubuntu installs a lot, is what comes to mind. but i can't see how this could affect things05:25
dragonfly7What program could I use to convert .wma to .mp3?05:25
dennisterdragonfly7: i use pacpl from the command line, but it's a bit diceyto configure05:28
dennisterothers use ffmpg as a command line tool05:29
dragonfly7yeah. I think I will give up on that. I will just burn to cd and rip.05:29
dennisterthat's sometimes easiest05:29
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Lam_dragonfly7: if you're going to do that, do it with a cd-rw05:29
atoumeydoes anyone know about getting support for an nvidia graphics card working in ubuntu?  Specifically, a GeForce 7900 GTO05:30
ubotuTo install the Ati/NVidia drivers for your video card, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto05:30
dragonfly7Lam_: I will, don't worry. I'm not that stupid.05:30
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osirishow would i go about resizing my / partition to use the rest of my free space on a drive.  that drive also has the swap partition on it.05:32
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osirisi moved /home to a seperate drive, and i want to make root fill the freed up space05:33
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dennisterhas anyone used falcon's repo for lirc?05:35
dennisterosiris: use a livecd to make sure nothing is mounted first05:36
osiriswhat about init105:37
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dennisteri'm not too familiar with the different initlevels i'm afraid..i've jsut done it with livecd's05:37
dennisterthey have tools for this sort of thing...there's a howto as well05:38
dennisterhold on05:38
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ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about home - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi05:41
dennisterosiris: i don't have mozilla yet, so i'm having more trouble finding the howto than u might05:42
osirisi have time05:42
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dennistertry searching for 'move home to it's own partition'05:42
dennisterkeywords like that05:42
osirisi already moved the /home on the fly.  just required a reboot05:42
osiristhat parts done05:42
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unix_infidelosiris: it not the "proper" way but it should work temporarily.05:43
unix_infidelosiris: you should however use dd or tar to maintain perms of your stuff enxt time.05:43
osirisi followed a hot to05:43
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osirisit was a find string05:43
dennisterthen u should be done05:43
osirisi am05:44
HawkwindHe wants to expand his / directory is what he asked for05:44
osirisi just need to resize the / partition to make use ofthe new freespace05:44
dennisteroh shoot...sorry05:44
HawkwindHe already moved /home to the new partition and wants / to take over the old /home space05:44
dennisterthat's right...use a livecd and grown the partition with one of the tools05:44
osirisswap MAY be in the way05:44
Hawkwindunix_infidel: No need to use dd or tar to maintain perms when cp -a or mv will maintain perms05:44
unix_infidelHawkwind: also true.05:45
dennisterHawkwind's a real expert osiris05:45
osiristhat how-to worked quite well05:45
dennisteri always feel best when Hawkwind's here helping05:45
osirisdennister, then i am in good hands05:45
Hawkwinddennister: osiris and I know each pretty well, we are in many channels together ;)05:45
osirismany many05:45
dennisteroh, ok then...05:46
dennisteru don't need me to sing ur praises then :)05:46
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dennisterHawkwind: have u ever used any of falcon's repos?05:47
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dennistercoreymon77: r u having trouble with timeouts?05:47
Hawkwinddennister: Falcon's repos ?05:47
dennisteryeah...his stuff is apparently coming to the more conventional repos, but that's still in the works05:48
Hawkwinddennister: Who is Falcon ?05:48
dennisterhe's written this howto about  lirc, and apparently the one i need to use has to be gotten from his05:49
Hawkwinddennister: Got a link ?05:49
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dennisterDennis Kaarsemaker http://home.eng.iastate.edu/~superm1/dists/edgy/all/ http://home.eng.iastate.edu/~superm1/dists/edgy/all/ that's a mirror05:50
Hawkwinddennister: That's Seveas05:50
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Hawkwinddennister: Seveas is the one who runs and codes the bots here for all *Ubuntu channels05:51
Hawkwinddennister: A very trusted person and packager05:51
dennisteryeah...sorry, Mario's lirc page is https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Install_Lirc_Edgy#head-a1dba57858ffd46f283504b106d6d355794890bc05:51
dennisteri thought that repo page looked familiar05:51
dennisteri'm just not sure how to use the lirc stuff he says i have to with my tuner remote05:52
dennisterheck, i don't even know the difference between lirc and lirc-x05:52
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dennisteri was just looking for a lirc_12c for my hauppaauge, but mari's got irc_0.8.0-9ubuntu0unofficial1_i386.deb, and a coupla others in that vein05:56
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ubotuTo install the Ati/NVidia drivers for your video card, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto05:59
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morfichow do you patch in the kubuntu splash stuff, and what tool creates the initrd holding the splash screen?06:00
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seishinbyouHmm, is there anything to do if xev cannot detect certain keys?06:01
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ubotuTo install the Ati/NVidia drivers for your video card, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto06:05
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max_can someone help me with installing a bootsplash screen?06:16
h3sp4wnusplash or bootsplash ?06:16
max_what is the difference?06:17
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max_but it is a bootsplash06:17
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seishinbyouThe "Kubuntu" screen at bootup or the "splash" when booting up the KDE environment?06:19
h3sp4wnmax_: bootsplash uses kernel patches I think06:19
max_well its a bootsplash screen06:19
max_when i do <splash -s -f bootsplash-1024x768.cfg > /boot/initrd> i get this error <-bash: splash: command not found>06:20
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smacnayI am trying to burn and boot an edgy cd with k3b.  Is there some trick?06:23
smacnaySeems my first attempt wouldn't boot.06:23
max_smacnay: any reason your burning it to a cd?06:24
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smacnayI wanted to ruun a live cd.  Does kubuntu run live?06:28
unix_lappysmacnay: yes.06:28
unix_lappybut you need to get the specific live cd.06:29
smacnayhmm, then I have done something wrong in burning the iso.06:29
h3sp4wnsmacnay: Its not a particularly good live cd to use though06:29
h3sp4wnsmacnay: If you actually want to use it for anything06:29
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smacnayIs there a good live lin distro out there?  I want to be able to access a forwarded X session.06:30
h3sp4wnknoppix / kanotix (are debian based) and designed to be used as a live cd - damn small linux is very fast06:31
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dennisterh3sp4wn: little problem...i need to run a command and konsole is saying i can't06:34
h3sp4wndennister: what command06:34
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dennisterthe command is: ./setup.sh /usr/local/webmin06:35
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dennistererror message: ./setup.sh: No such file or directory06:35
h3sp4wndon't use webmin it was removed from debian for a reason06:35
dennisterreally? i never had any problems with it06:36
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dennisteri had more problems with phpmyadmin and mysqladmin06:36
ubotuVMWare Player is in Ubuntu's !Multiverse repository. Instructions to install VMWare Server can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/InstallingVMWare06:36
h3sp4wnthe reason being its completely insecure and the one guy who was maintaining it stoped06:37
dennisterk...good reason06:37
dennisterdo u have any other suggestions for a good front-end for my servers then?06:37
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seishinbyouvmware is great06:38
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h3sp4wndennister: Are you giving other people access to webmin ?06:38
h3sp4wnI don't see the need then06:39
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dennisterbut i want to make sure the servers r configured properly b4 i go to next step of installing all the mythtv 2 stuff06:39
dennisterthe edgy howto doesn't cover that before mythtv is installed06:40
h3sp4wnYou don't make sense why do you need mythtv on a server06:40
dennisterthe other way around: mythtv needs the lamp server06:40
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dennisterall the howtos for myth stress the elements of a lamp server for the backend06:41
h3sp4wnso just configure the lamp server manually using webmin to do it will cause all sorts of problems06:41
unix_lappyanyone know of a plugin that lets you sync all your bookmarks from one computer to another06:41
unix_lappyeg allowing you to store your xml file on a temporary pastebin and allowing you to download and import that file in firefox?06:42
h3sp4wnunix_lappy: For firefox you just export bookmarks.html06:42
unix_lappyh3sp4wn: right, but i mean automatic sync06:42
dennisteror i can just blindly keep following the howto at this point...06:42
unix_lappylike, one button you point it to a URL and it automatically download and imports06:42
Arafangionunix_lappy: There is a firefox plugin that does something, using a central internet server.06:43
Arafangionunix_lappy: I don't like it, but it could be just what you want.06:43
unix_lappyArafangion: you have a name or a URL?06:43
Arafangionunix_lappy: Just that it's a firefox plugin :(06:43
unix_lappyArafangion: :)06:43
h3sp4wndennister: Seriously you are more likely to cause more problems by using webmin than blindly following06:43
ArafangionGMarks looks promising.06:44
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ArafangionAlso the one named del.icio.us Bookmarks (hit next a number of times to see it, result number 31, I think)06:45
dennisterh3sp4wn: it's ok...i took ur advice and gave up on the webmin06:50
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dennisterthe howto i'm meant that i'm following is the ubuntu edgy one for mythtv06:51
dennisteri can usually spot someone who knows more than I :)06:51
unix_lappyArafangion: you've used gmarks06:52
Arafangionunix_lappy: Nope, I don't even use firefox.06:52
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unix_lappyArafangion: konq?06:52
unix_lappyArafangion: heh, i was looking for something more like a file to file import export sort of thing06:53
unix_lappygmarks is a lot like del.icio.us06:53
unix_lappythanks anyway06:54
unix_lappyis anyone here getting weird marks on their urxvt window when they man [command]  or use an ncurses program?06:54
Arafangionunix_lappy: What TERM do you have?06:55
unix_lappy$ echo $TERM06:55
unix_lappyif that's what you mean06:55
ArafangionWhat locale are you using?06:56
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unix_lappyArafangion: for some reason en.CA06:58
unix_lappyerm, en_CA, canadian english?06:58
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ArafangionThat's why :)06:59
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ArafangionSee if their's a unicode version you could use instea.d06:59
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thenatosHi everyone, i'm new to linux, just thought i'd say hi in the chan... i really like this disro...07:02
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unix_lap1ysorry, temporary power outage.07:03
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Arafangionthenatos: You'll learn to hate it, but hopefully not to the extent of any other distro or operating system ;)07:05
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seishinbyouAll OSs are flawed anyways; you just stick with the one that sucks the least07:06
Arafangionunix_lappy: 16:59 < Arafangion> See if their's a unicode version you could use instea.d07:06
seishinbyoufor oyu07:06
Arafangionseishinbyou: you?07:06
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seishinbyouI'm currently using Kubuntu Edgy; I have a WinXP partition for Visual Studio development (work)07:07
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Arafangionunix_lappy: My guess is that the man pages are using some char that's in the EN_US or some other locale, but yours doesn't.07:07
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Arafangionunix_lappy: My locale is: en_AU.UTF-807:08
unix_lap1yArafangion: thanks, i'll look into how i can change the locale07:08
Arafangionunix_lap1y: Be aware that the terminal has to load with those locales, so for testing, try changing the locales, then starting a new urxvt from inside that.07:08
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thenatoslol, yeh, i'm no longer a big windows fan :P07:10
thenatosanyone know where i can find a good tetris game?07:13
mslthenatos: sudo apt-get install ksirtet07:14
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dennisterlol...been a little while...how do i get out of the mysql prompt again?07:16
Arafangionmsl: "ksirtet", of _course_ that's tetris :)07:16
Arafangionthenatos: apt-cache search tetris07:17
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thenatossorry, i just installed kubuntu, that is all the linux experience i have.. other than some toying with gentoo on my xbox...07:17
mslk + tetris backwords, for some reason.  trademark?07:18
Arafangionmsl: Point.07:18
dennisternever mind...quick find...i almost had it07:18
seishinbyouthenatos: K/X/Ubuntu uses the apt system.07:18
Arafangionthenatos: You can use gui frontends, such as Synaptic, and I'm sure KUbuntu has it's own frontend, but I'm an old timer.07:19
Arafangionthenatos: I use aptitude, various apt programs, and dpkg :)07:19
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thenatosah, ok, and how would i get aptitude?07:19
seishinbyouI see Adept comes with Kubuntu07:19
thenatosi suppose google helps :)07:20
seishinbyouaptitude is already there, aren't you lucky :)07:20
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seishinbyouIf you are on Kubuntu, if you open up "Adept Manager" under the "System" menu07:21
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mslAre there any good reasons to use edgy over dapper other than KDE-3.5.507:21
seishinbyouyou can use the search box for "tetris" and click the app name and "Request install" to install07:21
seishinbyouedgy made it possible for me to get aiglx working07:21
mslseishinbyou: did you get it working in KDE?07:22
thenatosah, ok07:23
thenatosthanks for the help there :)07:23
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seishinbyoumsi> yes07:23
thenatoshttp://www.neave.com/games/nblox/ <--- i saw this earlier today, so i just had an urge to play07:24
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lishI use gnump3d to build a stream server . but the "custom playlist" would  generate a "playlist" file without a .m3u suffix which i want07:27
lishDo anybody hack this ?07:28
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Arafangionlish: What's your native language?07:28
lishArafangion:  chinese.07:29
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Arafangionlish: Cool.  Does it ask you for the filename to save as?07:29
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lishArafangion:  Yes .07:30
Arafangionlish: Does it work if you manually specify .m3u?07:30
lishArafangion: I tested it  in IE and konqueror07:30
lishArafangion: yes.07:30
Arafangionlish: File extensions are infact meaningless to linux, though some programs do use it.07:30
draikWhat do I need to get OpenGL to work properly? My screensaver is lagging07:31
Arafangionlish: It's more for the user to specify the extension that they want.07:31
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lishArafangion: The windows client would need a .m3u suffix to play it.07:31
Arafangionlish: Then just make sure it always has a .m3u suffix.07:31
Arafangionlish: It's unfortunate that in windows, file extensions _do_ mean something. :(07:32
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unix_infidelArafangion: i did dpkg-reconfigure localeconf and changed it to en_US [some iso number]  and i still am getting weird marks in my urxvt07:33
lishArafangion: It seems that the suffix is a little useful in Linux now. My amarok wont import the "playlist" file.07:34
Arafangionunix_infidel: Did you choose the UTF8 version?07:34
unix_infidelArafangion: nope, something with an iso number after it.07:34
Arafangionlish: As I said, some programs take it on themselves to only use some extensions.07:34
unix_infidelArafangion: do i have to log out and back in, in order for it to take effect?07:34
Arafangionunix_infidel: Use the UTF8 version.07:34
Arafangionunix_infidel: In practice, yes. :(07:35
msldraik: do you have hardware accelerated drivers07:35
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ishahis any one alive hare?????????????????????????????07:37
Lam_anyone else notice that when you "Create New..." say.. text document in kubuntu, it creates a new empty KOffice text document, despite the fact that KOffice isn't installed by default?07:37
lishArafangion: I want the server give a playlist with the suffix.  That depends on Playlist.pm mod, so i think we can hack the mod ?07:37
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Arafangionlish: You could, sure, if you know Perl.07:37
Arafangionlish: If you're using apache, you might even be able to hack mod_rewrite07:38
Arafangionlish: However, both of these are beyond the scope of #kubuntu :(07:38
lishArafangion: I come here for my os is kubuntu while no #gnump3d channel . sorry :)07:38
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Arafangionlish: You could also try finding their mailing list.07:40
Arafangionlish: When the subject becomes highly specific, email tends to be better.07:41
lishArafangion:  I did that . NO proper reply ,but the similar Question07:42
Arafangionlish: Unfortunate :(07:42
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ArafangionLam_: It probably just copies a sample template.07:43
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lishArafangion: PS ,Is it errors in my words that you ask my native language ?  Could you point those for me ?07:43
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seishinbyou"Do anybody hack this ?" was a giveaway for me07:44
Arafangionlish: Just a subtle problem with your grammar, I can't quite work it out.07:44
Arafangionseishinbyou: And that one was not quite so subtle ;)07:44
Arafangionlish: Plus, your use of the term "hack" was too "correct"07:45
unix_infidelArafangion: still no go, changed it to en_US.UTF-807:45
unix_infidelalso did a .bashrc export to LANGUAGE=en_US:en07:45
unix_infidelhence why all the quit messages :P07:45
Arafangionunix_infidel: I'm out of suggestions :(07:45
Arafangionunix_infidel: Heh :)07:45
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Arafangionlish: I think you might be confusing the word forms.07:46
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unix_infidelArafangion: thanks a lot for your help though.07:46
unix_infidelmidnight snack time :)07:46
lishthanks you all07:46
Arafangionlish: For example, "Is it errors in my words that you ask my native lnaguage?" should probably be better written as: "Are there errors in my words? Why did you ask my native language?"07:47
seishinbyouArafangion: moreso transitive vs. intransitive07:47
Arafangionseishinbyou: Now, *that's* over my head!07:47
lishArafangion:  lol . you are cute07:47
=== seishinbyou has dealt with native Japanese every day for 8 years and heard the grammar mauled in great and interesting ways
Arafangionseishinbyou: After reading the dictionary definition, I _still_ don't know what transitive means!07:48
Arafangionseishinbyou: Does it correspond to being "very concrete"?07:49
draikmsl: How do I check for hardware accelerators? I am on a fresh install of Edgy07:49
Arafangionseishinbyou: Heh, the Japanese have a hard time with our language :)07:49
seishinbyouMoreso direct vs indirect action07:49
Arafangionseishinbyou: I've had two japanese people ask what does "stuff" mean?07:49
seishinbyouWhat is you doing?  I have being smoking for 8 years.07:49
seishinbyouIt's all stuff forcefed by the education system and NOVA07:50
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Arafangionseishinbyou: They actually enforce the mauled version?07:50
msldraik: Open a konsole and type     glxinfo | grep -i rendering07:50
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seishinbyouNo, the problem is that they aren't taught English in a conversational sense; only to pass the University entrance exams07:51
seishinbyoulots of remember, copy&paste07:51
seishinbyouYou get great mixups like "It's sunny o'clock"07:51
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draikmsl: what am I looking for?07:51
seishinbyou"Direct Rendering : Yes"07:52
mslif it says yes you have hardware acceleration, otherwise you currently have none07:52
draikI get errors07:52
draikXlib: connection to ":0.0" refused by server07:52
draikXlib: No protocol specified07:52
draikError: unable to open display (null)07:52
draikThat's what I get07:52
seishinbyoumsi: I'm being optimistic07:52
Arafangionseishinbyou: I have heard of native english speakers having to have their english "corrected" in the Japanese education system.07:53
draikso how do I get hw acceleration?07:53
msldraik: do it as your user instead of root07:53
seishinbyouArafangion: Yep, I have had it happen to me a few times.  "When did you start reading a novel?"07:53
seishinbyouInstead of "When did you start reading novels?"07:54
mslroot does not have X11 running and thus cannot get the information07:54
draikOk, says this...07:54
draikdirect rendering: No07:54
draikHow do I get it?07:54
mslyou need to get vdeo card drivers07:54
Arafangionseishinbyou: What I find is most funny is when they correct the pronounciation.07:54
draikso I change my nv driver for nvidia?07:54
Arafangionseishinbyou: Come on! Native English Speaker here!07:54
Arafangionseishinbyou: "Tomato", which actually has a number of different ways of saying it, is a common culprit.07:55
msldraik: I think most have had good experiences with the binary drivers from nvidia07:55
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Arafangionseishinbyou: What's the rationale for putting the 'a' into that question?07:55
seishinbyouArafangion: "A Japanese likes fish" vs. "Japanese like fish" <- Both the same meaning  (is their logic)07:56
draikmsl: so leave it as nv?07:56
Arafangionseishinbyou: But it doesn't.07:56
jarnEdgy is no longer a beta, correct? It is now the "stable" version?07:56
draikmsl: or do I pick the generic nVidia GeForce FX?07:56
Arafangionseishinbyou: "a" has specific meaning.07:56
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msldraik: I would follow the steps to get the binary drivers from nvidia at http://ubuntuguide.org/wiki/Ubuntu:Edgy#How_to_install_Graphics_Driver_.28NVIDIA.2907:57
jarnWhen I change my sources to edgy ones and do apt-get update, a few do not work. I got a 404 on one.07:57
jarn2, in fact.07:58
mslI have never used nv myself07:58
seishinbyouArafangion: "a" (according to their texts) means "one of a sample".  One of a sample in my example is the equivalent of a generalization of something using a sample of it07:58
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Arafangionseishinbyou: So how would the japanese feel if I wrote: "A japanese hates fish"07:59
seishinbyouArafangion: They would think it correct07:59
Arafangionseishinbyou: (Though, strictly, that should be "A japanese person hates fish")07:59
unix_infidelwhat's the smallest size i could get away with for an ubuntu test server?07:59
Arafangionseishinbyou: How can the japanese both love and hate fish?07:59
unix_infidelvmware that is.07:59
unix_infidelmercury and sushi goodness at the same time.08:00
unix_infidelsounds like a love hate relationship08:00
seishinbyouunix_infidel: A fresh install with everything can fit under 2 gigs08:00
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unix_infidelseishinbyou: so 3 gigs is a fair estimate?08:00
seishinbyouArafangion: I was thinking exclusionary in terms of your example08:00
seishinbyouunix_infidel: Yeah, that should be fine08:00
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draikHow do I restart X?08:01
lishseishinbyou means "a horse have four legs " equals " Horse has four legs "08:01
seishinbyoulist: not exactly08:01
Arafangionlish: What about dogs?08:01
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seishinbyouIn the case of a nationality, someone is "Japanese" "Canadian" "American", etc.08:01
lishseishinbyou:  ... :)08:01
unix_infidelseishinbyou: trying to decide b/w ubuntu and centos as a test setup08:01
dennisterhas anyone here got ubuntu server, edgy i386?08:01
Arafangionlish: "a dog has 3 legs".08:01
msldraik: /etc/init.d/kdm restart08:02
Arafangionlish: And that's correct :)08:02
lishArafangion: your dog is special08:02
seishinbyouThe problem with "a" is now that people here think "I am Japanese citizen" is correct08:02
Arafangionlish: Perhaps.08:02
mslor ctrl-alt-backspace08:02
Arafangionlish: But if I say "dog have 3 legs", I'm NOT correct, because that's quite different. (Poor grammar too)08:03
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Arafangionlish: As "dog" and "horse" have a plural form - Japanese just happens to be able to be used in both singular and plural forms.08:04
lishArafangion: i get it08:04
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Arafangionlish: Anyway, if you see "a horse has 4 legs", think of it "There exists some horse that has 4 legs".08:05
Arafangionlish: But if you say "hoses have 4 legs", you are instead saying "As a general rule, all horses have 4 legs".08:05
seishinbyouAll horses have 4 legs, but not all 4-legged creatures are horses08:06
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Arafangionseishinbyou: I would've thought that was completely irrelevant to this discussion! :)08:06
Arafangionseishinbyou: Do they mix that up as well?08:06
seishinbyouArafangion: No, but I like to throw random logic in their faces once in a while08:08
Arafangionseishinbyou: Why?08:08
seishinbyouIt helps keep me sane08:08
seishinbyouWhich is to say, I am pretty much insane right now08:08
Arafangionlish: By the way, do you know what the word "stuff" means?08:09
Arafangionlish: Because it seems that many Japanese don't.08:09
draikmsl: Ok, I restarted X, but don't see any of my OpenGL screensavers08:09
lishArafangion:  stuff ,means "things"08:09
lishArafangion:  :)08:10
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mslDoes   glxinfo | grep -i rendering  now say that you have direct rendering?08:10
Arafangionlish: Ok, you know more than the japanese I've met about English, in my book :)08:10
Arafangionseishinbyou: Come to think of it, wouldn't saying things suck as "in my book" confuse them?08:11
=== Arafangion has actually tried to learn Japanese once, and failed - but his excuse is that he's deaf!
seishinbyouArafangion: No, but if you asked them to make that sentence, there is a good chance they would have said "on my book"08:12
lishArafangion: "in my book"  means " in my opinion" ? ...08:13
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Arafangionlish: That's remarkably close. :)08:13
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Arafangionlish: To be honest, I was wondering how I would explain what it meant :)08:13
Arafangionseishinbyou: I would imagine that they have less problems with the word "the"?08:14
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seishinbyouArafangion: debatable...they are more likely to exclude it than misuse it08:17
Arafangionseishinbyou: That'd make it worse.08:18
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willysabra alguien que tengo que poner para actualizar mi jvm 1.4 a 1.5 de kubuntu08:37
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draikwilly !sp08:38
draik!sp | willy08:38
ubotusp: James Clark's SGML parsing tools. In component main, is optional. Version 1.3.4-1.2.1-47 (edgy), package size 158 kB, installed size 564 kB08:38
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ubotuPara Espaol por favor usen #ubuntu-es, #kubuntu-es o #edubuntu-es, all obtendrn mas ayuda.08:38
draik!es | willy08:38
ubotuwilly: Para Espaol por favor usen #ubuntu-es, #kubuntu-es o #edubuntu-es, all obtendrn mas ayuda.08:38
willypero eso que lo pongo en consola o como le hago08:40
willysoy nuevo en kubuntu08:40
willynecesito hacer un monton de cosas que hago en windows pero esa basura se me arruino08:40
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willyentonces mi solucion a todo kubuntu08:40
willyalguien sabe como hacer para compilar Jlex y Cup08:41
willyalguien sabe algo de como actualizar mi jvm de kubuntu08:43
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willyayuda porfa08:44
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morphiusUsing 6.06: I have a script that I am running using cron. When it runs as cron, it will not work properly. If run from command prompt, however, it works fine. The script: Checks to see if the computer can ping google. Next, it checks to see if the IP address has changed. If it has it updates my wireless router using a perl web scraping script and changes the dmz. Any ideas?08:50
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mslmorphius: I'm not sure where to start, but I do remember that cron does not source your environment and can cause the condition you are describing08:53
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dumbkiwimorphius: cron runs as root, so if the command you are using in your script, or the script itself is not in root's path, then it won't run properly.  Try using the complete path to the script, and the commands in the script.08:58
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morphiusthey are all using the complete path.08:59
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dennisteri can't believe this mythtv is almost fiished :)09:25
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dennisteranyone awake to hear my good news?09:25
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dennisternino :)09:26
dennisterone of my favourite names, after one of my fav authors09:27
dennisteryep...as in nino ricci09:27
dennisterever heard of him?09:27
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dennisteru probably don't read modern literature...'tis ok09:28
ninonope i have not09:28
dennisterI need someone to crow to!09:28
ninogo for it09:29
dennisteri have this mythtv almost setup! yahoo!!!09:29
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dennisteri've only been struggling for about 3 months, too...lol09:29
ninoi've played around with it, do you need a decoder??09:29
ninofor it to work?09:30
dennisternot that i know of...although it needs so many packages there are decoders within them09:30
dennisterand i have a hardware decoder as part of my tuner09:30
ninono i mean satilite decoder?09:30
dennisterno, u don't need satellite at all09:30
dennisteri live in a basement apartment that i rent...cable setop box09:30
ninoso it should work on a normal tv card asswell?09:31
dennisteryes...most 'normal tv cards' have hardware decoders09:31
dennisterjust do ur research on em for linux09:31
ninocool, i should try it again, i gave up on it a month ago09:32
dennisterabsolutely NOTHING worked for me except this ubuntu server (for the lamp) on edgy i386 arch09:32
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thykodoes kubuntu have a text only runlevel?09:33
dennisteri was warned off the edgy cause it's still so new, but it installed the ivtv drivers i needed to get my tuner working from the repos09:33
ninoi had the 64 bit kubuntu installed at home, tried to run it on that09:33
dennisteryes it does thyko09:33
dennisterdon't bother with 64 bit09:34
dennisterit doesn't work...that's what i was struggling with for most of these 3 months09:34
dennisterand i have hardware capable of running vista09:34
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thykodennister: which one?09:34
thykoits not 2 for sure09:34
ninoyea i scrapped it to have a look at windows vista on that partition, and guess what? Windows still suck09:34
slothbag1anyone know how to get setterm -powersave working in edgy?09:35
dennisteryes it does nino...i think it'll be worse than xp with all its paranoia about piracy09:35
dennisterthyko...i'm not sure09:35
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dennisterslothbag1: no, sorry09:35
ninoits gonna be complicated for normal home users!!09:35
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thykoim using it on a server and dont need X mostly09:36
dennisteri actually have a small problem: i've got my backend all configured, as well as my frontend. but they can't hookup09:36
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dennisterthe error message is: Session management error: Could not open network socket09:37
ninodamn i havent a clue09:37
dennisterok...i'll google it, since most of the really knowledgeable ops don't seem to be present at the moment09:38
ninolol yea srry09:38
dennister'tis ok...myth is supposedly not for newbies, and lots of the most knowledgeable ops don't know myth either09:39
ninojust keep on grinding at it!!!!09:39
aftertafanyone having fun with compiz and nvidia? I get it working everytime, then when i reboot, back to console :)09:40
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SuperLagAny of you guys use Kile on your Kubuntu installs?09:43
thykoits runlevel 309:44
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SuperLagFront end for LaTeX09:44
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ubotuFor Ubuntu 6.10 (Edgy Eft), you can obtain the (unsupported!) Beta version of the binary NVidia drivers by using one of these repositories: "deb http://amaranth.selfip.com/ edgy lrm" (for x86) or "deb http://ubuntu.lupine.me.uk/ edgy lrm-amd64" (for AMD64)09:45
aftertafbut that link doesnt work with the latest generic kernel09:46
aftertafi had to install nvidia installer....09:46
ubotuKDE (http://kde.org) is the K Desktop Environment. To install from Ubuntu: sudo apt-get install kubuntu-desktop, or see http://help.ubuntu.com/community/InstallingKDE for other ways to get KDE09:48
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about amarok1.4.4 - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi09:48
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about kde-latest - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi09:49
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aftertaf1.4.4 ?   tries amarok-latest repos?09:49
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sudharshaftertaf: yeah...strangely not getting them09:51
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sudharshbtw is it ok to add the dapper kde latest packages in edgy..09:52
aftertafsudharsh: i should think so, but that is not a techically fuelled answer ... ;)09:53
sudharshaftertaf: hmm...ok...its just strange that i am not getting updates even after countless apt-get update for the last two weeks09:54
aftertafatest has 1.4.309:55
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sudharshaftertaf: oh..09:55
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visik7anyone running vmware-workstation on edgy ?09:56
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seishinbyouvisik7: I am10:01
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mgamontell me what day it is10:03
mgamonwhat am i connected to10:04
aftertaf6 nov 200610:04
aftertafkubuntu forum on irc freenode10:04
mgamonare you an expierenced kubuntu user10:04
mgamonim very new to it and maybe you can help me aftertaf10:05
aftertafsort of10:05
aftertafask away :)10:05
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mgamonwell this might be a toughy not sure10:05
mgamonhow do i change my keyboard style, i.e. french vs US english10:06
mgamonit was chosen when i installed the program10:06
mgamonerr when i installed the whole OS10:06
aftertafyou want it all in french, c'est ca?10:06
mgamonhah not so much10:06
cpk1mgamon: in system settings go to regional and accessability10:06
mgamoni chose canadian and its sorta messed up some keys10:06
aftertafjust the kb?10:07
mgamoni didnt know there was canadian keyboards different than this us keyboard im using10:07
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aftertafcpk1 has it right10:07
mgamonwhats that10:07
cpk1mgamon: go to the kmenu, go to system settings, and then choose regional and accessibility10:07
mgamonokay great ! its fixed10:08
aftertafgreat :)10:08
scheuribut that is KDE only then...if you switch to CLI it stays UK Keyboard, rght?10:08
mgamonone small step at a time10:08
aftertafmgamon: you want it in us english your keyboard?10:09
mgamonokay so did Kubuntu come with a firefox browser?10:09
Zaireis there an open bsd channel?10:09
mgamonyea it has been switched to us english successfully thanks10:09
cpk1no, use apt-get to install it (or adept if you want)10:09
aftertafmgamon: you can install it easily..... ^^10:09
momalgarrrr.... vmware under edgy anyone used it fine ?10:09
mgamonokay so adept is a program i have?10:09
aftertafmgamon: open Adept and type 'firefox' in the textbox.10:09
ubotuadept is the Kubuntu package manager. Howto: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/AdeptHowto10:10
ZaireI may be swapping my server to open bsd so I was wondering if anyone knew of a channel for it10:10
aftertafmgamon: here to install things we use packages.....10:10
visik7seishinbyou: do you have mouse slowliness on linux guests ?10:10
scheuriZaire: try #openbsd10:10
aftertafadept is a package manager.... Sort of like Add/remove programs but connected to a list of available programs for free (17000+)10:10
Zaireah thanks lol10:10
mgamoncool install manager!10:11
scheuriZaire: welcome10:11
mgamonis there a way i can use my msn messanger account from kubuntu10:11
aftertafmgamon: yes, kopete :)10:11
visik7mgamon: with kopete10:11
aftertafopen kopete and setup your msn.10:11
aftertafmgamon: welcome to linux....... if you haev any questions, you can ask here :)10:12
mgamonthank you very much10:12
scheurithere is kopete, amsn, gaim whatevery ou want10:12
mgamoni just sort of stumbled upon this application and im glad10:12
scheuriamsn even has cam support10:12
aftertafgood stumble :)10:12
mgamonuhhh no i mean konversation10:12
aftertafscheuri: really? great :)10:13
scheuriaftertaf: afaik yes...but well, you need to have your webcam configured...;)10:13
aftertafmgamon: hehe!!! its pre installed and setup to help new users get help10:13
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about pastbin - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi10:13
mgamonkubuntu rocks!10:13
ubotupastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (you can always find it in the channel topic, among other useful things)10:13
mgamonim quite impressed so far10:13
scheuriits monday morning...;)10:14
momalhttp://kubuntu.pastebin.ca/241544 <-- garhhh can someone help me? trying to get vmware-player... im running edgy.10:15
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aftertafmgamon: :)10:19
mgamonheeyyyaa aftertaf how do you change the resolution10:19
aftertafmgamon: and you can do everything you used to do in wiondows, with k/ubuntu10:20
mgamonyea it seems so10:20
aftertafmgamon: what gfx card do you haev?10:20
mgamoneven games?10:20
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mgamonwell this computer with kubuntu installed im only using the onboard10:20
aftertafmgamon: games, ahh thats the only tough area :)10:20
mgamonmy windows system i have a geforce 6800 xt10:20
mgamonwell im covered i guess i have 2 systems side by side10:20
=== FabioNET is away: off
mgamonim sort of trying to get a foot hold in linux and networking because im going to start networking courses soon10:21
aftertafmgamon: ok. you can install the nvidia driver for linux and reboot to kubuntu10:21
aftertafgood choice10:21
mgamonshould i do that for onboard graphics?10:21
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Zairehmmm anyone in here familiar with the security rating of Solaris 10?10:21
mgamonahhh and do i need any added security or is kubuntu completely secure as is10:22
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aftertafsecure as is.... opposite to win10:22
ZaireI have to ask as Im looking to try out diff OS's for server usage to best determine the most secure and functional10:22
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aftertafmgamon: in adept, can you see a package called linux-restricted-modules... ?10:23
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mgamonaftertaf: ill check10:24
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ZaireI couldn't believe my friends athlon64 3500 clawhammer couldn't handle compiling solaris lol10:24
lk11mncan i ask someone a question, real quick RE installing ubuntu onto an existing raid array?10:24
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aftertaflk11mn: alternate install cd i guess10:25
mgamonyea there are several linux-restricted packages10:25
mgamoni got some installed and some not10:25
aftertafmgamon: ok.... which one is installed?10:26
lk11mni've tried the alternate install cd :/10:26
aftertaflk11mn: argh no idea then. but aska way someone may know10:26
lk11mnit seems to pick up the SATA raid controllers, but in individual disks, not the raid arrays10:26
aftertafdelete and recreate?10:27
lk11mnuhhh, i dont wanna do that!! it'd prob work i guess, but theres no way of showing ubuntu an existing array?10:27
mgamoni should install that 2.6.17-10-generic then?10:27
mgamonerrr wait its already installed10:28
aftertafmgamon: if it isnt installed, yeah.... if the linux-image you have installed is the 17-10-generic....10:28
aftertafmgamon:  :) ok.10:28
ubotuTo install the Ati/NVidia drivers for your video card, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto10:28
aftertafmgamon: follow that howto in that case :)10:28
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lk11mnhmm, well while im here i might as well ask the other questions on my mind... xgl can be installed on ubuntu, right?10:29
aftertafmgamon: install nvidia-glx package10:29
momalhttp://kubuntu.pastebin.ca/241544 <-- garhhh can someone help me? trying to get vmware-player... im running edgy.10:29
aftertafthe howto is for gnome ubuntu users ..... :) synaptic is equivalent to adept10:29
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mgamoni requested the install in adept for nvidia-glx10:30
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mgamonaftertaf i dont need any security?10:31
aftertafclick Apply, to install the nvidia-glx package, then you need to open a teminal10:31
lk11mnoh and can i rotate my screen 180o, i use an upside down tft :(10:31
aftertafmgamon: all ports are closed by default, only opened when your PC initiates a request via internet.... you are protected and there are no virus(es) on linux10:31
mgamoncan i make a network between my kubuntu computer and my windows computer?10:32
aftertafmgamon: yes... samba :) do that after :)10:32
mgamonthats so wonderful, no viruses! its like heaven10:32
aftertafthe pc you are using has the nvidia card, right ? ;)10:32
mgamonwould you rate the networking part as difficult or not so much10:32
mgamonand this computer im using right now is only onboard graphics with no video card installed10:32
aftertafdepends... but its doable for humans :)10:32
lk11mnoh yeh, and can i control my windows computer with remote desktop protocol?10:33
aftertafmgamon: ok. your other PC has nvidia and kubuntu?10:33
aftertaflk11mn: yep :)10:33
mgamonno my other pc has nvidia and windows xp home10:33
mgamonand a ton of games and applications =)10:33
aftertafmgamon: ok. So are you sure you want to install nvidia on this computer?10:33
aftertafim confused :)10:33
lk11mnlol yep to rdp?screen rotation?xgl? aftertaf10:33
aftertaflk11mn: rdp10:34
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mgamonmaybe no nvidia then i dont think the onboard will like that10:34
aftertaflk11mn: rotation, think so but never tried..... xgl..... well i'm using compiz now with a sexy cube10:34
aftertafmgamon: yeah exact..... nvidia for the machine with windows, if you install linux on it too :)10:35
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lk11mnok cool thx, does compiz have that cool wobbley window effect when you move stuff about :) ? ?10:35
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aftertaflk11mn: but compiz etc is confusing still.......    yes is does :)10:35
lk11mnlol sweet, that's all i want!!10:35
aftertafi cant explain how i got it all working though10:35
mgamonlinux runs so fats compared to windows10:36
aftertafthough this site and the packages helped: http://gandalfn.wordpress.com/howto/howto-compiz-aiglx-on-edgy/10:36
mgamonanything i wanted to do on this computer with windows would take forever10:36
lk11mnright well that's cool, if it's doable i'll figure it out... i guess until the raid situation is solved i can just borrow an ide hard disk from work to get me out10:36
aftertafmgamon: lots less bloat :)10:36
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thykoi want to boot to the console. How do i turn off X all together?10:37
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mgamonless is more!10:37
thykono GUI atall10:37
aftertaflk11mn: meant to add your name  to that post http://gandalfn.wordpress.com/howto/howto-compiz-aiglx-on-edgy/10:37
aftertafthyko: for good?10:37
aftertafthyko: or to have the choice at boot?10:37
aftertafthyko: remove your kde packages and xserver too :)10:37
lk11mnk its in my bookmark (on windows, but still) thx aftertaf10:38
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thykoerr .. what if i wanna have the choice?10:38
aftertafthyko: remove kdm from startup in /etc/init.d10:38
thykochmod 000 /etc/init.d/kdm10:39
thykotesting ...10:39
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dennisterhow do u edit a file in a hidden directory again? it's in my home folder: /.mythtv10:41
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aftertafvim .mythtv/filename10:41
dennisteri'm not familiar with vim10:42
dennisteri typically use kwrite or nano10:42
dennisterbut there are some options rn't there? like nano -rtf dir/filename?10:43
thykoaftertaf: :-D Thanks10:43
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dennisterit keeps telling me the document can't be saved10:45
mgamonhey aftertaf10:45
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mgamonthanks so much for all your help tonight, small steps but im already miles ahead10:45
lishdennister:chmod +w file.name10:46
dennisteroh shoot...forgot about thaat10:47
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aftertafmgamon:  a pleasure :)10:47
kamuiis there any way to get knetworkmanager to remember my default wifi settings?   I have a hidden  ssid with wep 128 encryption that I don't like retyping every time I restart my laptop10:48
kamuiId like to have it attempt to connect to networks i've configured automatically in a specific order10:49
aftertafc u all :)10:49
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h3sp4wnkamui: I know how to do that with wpasupplicant directly (wep + hidden ssid would still be trivial for anyone attempting to crack)10:50
kamuih3sp4wn: I understand that, my oldschool M$ router doesn't support wpa, so I can only do what will keep the p2p clowns in my apt complex off my network10:51
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h3sp4wnkamui: Which microsoft router ? (there is one which can run openwrt - with wpa etc)10:52
kamuih3sp4wn: also ndiswrapper with my bcm43xx apparently doesn't support wpa supplicant10:52
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h3sp4wnkamui: Should do (I would be very suprised it it did not)10:53
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h3sp4wnkamui: ndiswrapper is a driver type for wpasupplicant10:54
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kamuih3sp4wn: Im just going by the ubuntu 43xx howto.  oddly enough, when I was half in edgy, the native driver + stripped firmware worked.  In dapper, i can't get a network connection using anything but ndiswrapper10:55
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kamuih3sp4wn: well my firmware is 3 years old, but leave it to microsoft to make teh update a windows executable10:58
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dennisteri'm gonna try a reboot...maybe all the network changes i've made will also fix the network socket problem...bbs10:59
h3sp4wnkamui: If its an MN-700 or NM-700 (or something similar) you can install linux onto it with full wpa functionality etc11:00
charlie5should 'noauto' be set in fstab for the mian '/' partition ?11:00
kamuiim gonna go check right now11:01
h3sp4wnkamui: (Its just a standard broadcom reference design that microsoft router)11:01
cpk1 /dev/hda1       /               ext3    defaults,errors=remount-ro 0       1 thats what my root looks like11:01
thykoI just edited /etc/resolv.conf manually and the server will not pick up the DNS servers i put there11:02
kamuih3sp4wn: its an mn-50011:02
cpk1my cdrom is using noauto...11:02
h3sp4wnkamui: No idea about that particular model (the only one I know is mn-700)11:02
kamuih3sp4wn: well Illl look it up11:03
thykoit works when i configure the network from the GUI, but not from the console :(11:04
kamuiwell I may just buy a new linksys router, they're pretty cheap with good functionality these days11:04
charlie5cpk1: thanks11:04
cpk1blah linksys?11:05
h3sp4wnkamui: Asus make pretty good routers for the money11:06
cpk1my linksys has given me nothing but trouble11:06
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charlie5anyone know what these in fstab are for ...    UUID=a8f24411:06
h3sp4wncharlie5: man fstab explains it (You can use LABEL= instead11:10
charlie5h3sp4wn: thanks, i'll read through it11:12
h3sp4wncharlie5: UUID= is easier for a machine LABEL= is easier for a human (if you insist on not using the old device names - they still work)11:14
charlie5h3sp4wn: again thank you ... i seem to have 2 lines for my '/' entry ... and so i cannot boot11:16
kamuih3sp4wn: Im trying the edgy upgrade again.  I figure if Ill use the console this time instead of the gui that didn't work properly.11:16
kamuih3sp4wn: I changed all my dapper refs in sources.list to edgy (eg edgy-backports...) and did a successful apt-get update.  now dist-upgrading...11:17
kamuihope this works11:17
kamuiif (edgy upgrade.works) {I will be happy} else {time to download edgy iso and install from scratch}11:18
h3sp4wnkamui: after it finishes do (sudo aptitude purge xserver-xorg-driver~i) you will need that because of noone doing transitional packages right11:18
kamuih3sp4wn: ok11:19
charlie5does this look a reasonable fstab line for my root partition ...11:19
charlie5"/dev/sda1 / auto nouser,noauto,atime,auto,rw,nodev,noexec,nosuid 0 0"11:20
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h3sp4wncharlie5: why do you want noexec on / ?11:20
charlie5h3sp4wn: i don't fully understand the options ... i was trying to mount some paritions with system settings and got myeself all messed up11:21
charlie5h3sp4wn: thanks i will remove noexec11:21
h3sp4wncharlie5: noexec means you cannot execute programs on that partition11:21
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h3sp4wncharlie5: nosuid would mean the only way to start x would be as root11:22
charlie5h3sp4wn: that would explain the wierd permission probs i was getting11:22
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=== charlie5 wonders how he messed up so bad
h3sp4wncharlie5: defaults,errors=remount-ro 0       1 (that is what I use for /)11:22
h3sp4wncharlie5: I only have proc and swap mounted 0      011:23
charlie5h3sp4wn: cheers ... will give it a shot11:23
=== charlie5 crosses all possible bodily parts
charlie5see ya soon, i hope11:26
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charlie5h3sp4wn: cheers mate ... all is well :D11:37
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solemnwarning-ltHi all11:55
solemnwarning-ltAre there any guides to setting up an encrypted filesystem with a big key stored on a flash drive?11:56
solemnwarning-ltI want to encrypt my /home and possibly my / filesystem11:57
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dennisterg'day again ppls12:00
dennisteranyone here know mysqlserver?\12:00
dennisteri can't get into it for some reason12:01
Kiongkudid u set it up first?12:01
dennisterthen mythtv locked me out of it all12:01
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Kiongkuno idea.. mythtv?12:02
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dennisteri've been trying the command: mysql -u <username> but the error message is saying:Can't connect to local MySQL server through socket '/var/run/mysqld/mysqld.sock12:03
dennisteryes, it uses mysqlserver as the part of the backend12:04
Kiongkul --help12:05
Kiongkudarn... i cant get used that the window follow mouse XD12:05
dennisteri almost(!!!) have mythtv right12:05
ninou can do it dennister!!12:06
dennisterlol=lord, oh, lord12:08
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scheuridennister: according to your error message I (wildly) guess mysql is NOT online12:13
scheuriread: not started12:13
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Ash-FoxHey, everyone, according to a Dell advert: "I reccommend a dual core proccessor. So you can download music while working"12:15
vgedennister: try run mysql with option  -S /tmp/mysql5.sock12:16
scheurinot, not stupid...absolutely not stupid!12:16
ninowhat the dell advert?12:16
marius_that's true??12:16
scheurinino: yes...12:16
scheuriwell...there is NO flaw in that advert12:17
marius_that advert is true?12:17
scheuriwell, okay..12:17
scheuriit is partly true12:17
ninoyou telling me you cant download misic and work on a single cpu?12:17
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marius_is stupid12:17
scheurilet me explain, yes?12:17
scheurithe advert is NOT stupid....how the hell do you think dell is selling CPU...by making stupid people buying DELL because they BELIEVE this advert12:18
marius_dual core processors are only for developers or designers12:18
marius_an user not needs that12:18
vgeand downloading music while working!!!! o.012:18
mslyet, they will eventually12:18
scheuriwell...does the advert imply that you can not do this on a single cpu system?12:19
=== TUKADAFOONDAY [n=andrew@220-245-213-117-act.tpgi.com.au] has joined #kubuntu
ninosort of12:19
scheurihmm..okay...then its not true...but surely no stupid advert12:19
h3sp4wnThey give you 512mb of ram which is stupid (when for most usage more ram is much more useful than a faster cpu)12:19
scheurihow many people will fall for that? enough to make it profitable12:19
ninook my bad then depends how u read it i guess12:19
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scheurinino: do not worry...I do not believe it...I just wanted to point out that it is not stupid per se...:)12:20
TUKADAFOONDAYhey people, anyone here able to give me a heads up on getting my nvidia 7300GT running on kubuntu?12:20
ninoso what about 64 bit!! lol12:20
scheuriTUKADAFOONDAY: isn't it running per se?12:20
TUKADAFOONDAYummm, no i dont think it is, its just running on a generic video driver?12:20
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apokryphosTUKADAFOONDAY: please read the FAQ12:21
scheuriTUKADAFOONDAY: well, I hope it is running with the opensource nvidia-driver...:)....but I guess you want 3d and stuff..12:21
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ubotuTo install the Ati/NVidia drivers for your video card, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto12:21
scheuriyou are welcome12:21
scheuriapokryphos: dont be so elitistic...;)...12:22
TUKADAFOONDAYI don't care for all the flash stuff, i just want some decent resolution,  is killing me heh12:22
apokryphosscheuri: I think you mean elitist, but no -- asking someone to read the FAQ is very far from being elitist, and in fact in most cases it's no way near as good just giving them the information12:22
scheuriTUKADAFOONDAY: that does not actually necessarily mean you need the binary driver...12:22
TUKADAFOONDAYI don't care for all the flash stuff, i just want some decent resolution,  1024 X 768is killing me heh12:23
apokryphosscheuri: since users come back with more questions, while if they know the location of the FAQ, presumably many of their questions will be answered there12:23
scheuriapokryphos: aye, I meant elitist...;)....and I was just jokling though12:23
solemnwarning-ltI want to encrypt my /home and maybe my /, are there any guides to setting up fs encryption with a key on a flash drive?12:23
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scheuriTUKADAFOONDAY: you may "only" need to adjust your configuration of your xserver12:23
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scheurihi B-Minus12:24
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B-Minusk3B is using ALL my memory when i burn a cd, but when i close k3b my memory is still at 100% in use12:24
B-Minusit even goes to my swap12:24
scheurisolemnwarning-lt: I do not know how easy it is to encrypt your /...but....12:24
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TUKADAFOONDAYI have looked in there, but it will not let me change my resoltuion any higher, it may also have to do that the monitor is running on standard plug and play settings also, however i dont know the specs of this monitor12:24
B-Minusi have 1 GB ram, when i reboot i use 300 MB if i dont use k3b12:24
scheuriB-Minus: check your harddisk space with "df -h" on the CLI12:25
apokryphosTUKADAFOONDAY: install the Nvidia drivers, then go through the article on resolution change (if it's still neeeded)12:25
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TUKADAFOONDAYthanks apokryphos12:25
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solemnwarning-ltscheuri: It should be possible, I have a seperate /boot12:25
scheuriTUKADAFOONDAY: well, the plug should not be the problem...but maybe the missing specs12:25
scheuriTUKADAFOONDAY: are you a bit familiar with the CLI?12:25
ubotuThe linux terminal or command-line interface is very powerful. Open a terminal via Applications -> Accessories -> Terminal (Gnome) or K-menu -> System -> Konsole (KDE).  Manuals: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BasicCommands12:25
kjetilkI just upgraded to Edgy12:25
TUKADAFOONDAYscheuri: not familiar with that, what is it?12:26
B-Minusscheuri: it seems all ok12:26
apokryphosB-Minus: it's not productive, on Linux, to say that using this X apps takes this much memory, simply. The environment doesn't function like that12:26
cox377Hello all, just wondering if someone can answer me this, just put a PCI wireless card in my computer, it reconizes it but doesnt allow me to enable it, it is also showing as eth2 rather than wlan012:26
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apokryphosB-Minus: Linux will try to use all the available memory, either for caching etc.12:26
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ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about lexmark - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi12:26
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kjetilkmain problem is that when I have more than one window in a desktop, the focus jumps back and forth between the windows12:26
B-Minusapokryphos: but why doesnt it release the used memory after its done ?12:26
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scheuriB-Minus: apokryphos is right...and I assume there is something wrong with your temp filling up or you using to burn "on the fly"12:26
kjetilkseveral times every second12:27
B-Minusi am using burn on the fly12:27
apokryphosB-Minus: it does, but it goes straight to doing other things12:27
ubotuWireless documentation can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs12:27
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apokryphosB-Minus: does your system lag?12:27
apokryphosthere you go then12:27
B-Minusmy system is a ok12:27
scheuriTUKADAFOONDAY: the CLI is the command line (looks like MSDOS, but much much better)12:27
apokryphosLinux is effective with memory usage like that :)12:27
B-Minusbut i cant live with the fact its using all my memory, and only k3b is doing that12:27
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scheuriB-Minus: try to uncheck "on the fly"...and try again12:28
apokryphosB-Minus: that's incorrect, it's not *all* going to k3b. Only the amount it needs, the rest is going to other jobs12:28
B-Minusok i will next time, tnx for the tip12:28
TUKADAFOONDAYahhhh, right, yeh i use that a little bit, but not all that often, i rather pretty stuff. :p12:29
scheuriB-Minus: but keep listening to apokryphos...he is right, too...helps to understand the system12:29
B-Minusapokryphos: if im using linux for some hours it keeps between 300 and 400 Mb, but once i start burning a CD if fills up to > 1GB, then when the cd is finished it still keeps there12:29
B-Minusand i cant see with ps -ef where the resources go to12:29
scheuriTUKADAFOONDAY: the reason I asked was...you either find out how to alter your xorg.conf and add new resolutions or try to use the CLI with a little wizard to try to add new resolutions12:30
B-Minusright now im only using 350 MB12:30
B-Minusand im using a lot of K programs12:30
TUKADAFOONDAYahhhh now my server wont let me open synaptic? gives me some funky xlib error12:30
B-Minusi think there is a mem leak in k3b or something12:30
apokryphosB-Minus: if it doesn't cause your system to lag, what exactly is the problem?12:30
TUKADAFOONDAYi think i broke it heh. damn it12:30
scheuriTUKADAFOONDAY: that is why I suggested the CLI12:30
B-Minusapokryphos: cause its only using a little swap, i think when i will leave my laptop on for some days it will use a lot of swap and that will cause lag12:30
apokryphoswell try, and see how it goes12:31
B-Minusye im gonna12:31
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=== TUKADAFOONDAY puts on his coke bottle glasses and loads up the console
B-Minusstill, im in linux for 2 months now and there is no way im going back to xp :p12:32
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B-Minusi miss the games thou12:32
scheuriB-Minus: there are some...and not only few...but depends on what you need/want12:32
scheuriTUKADAFOONDAY: are you there yet? ;)12:32
TUKADAFOONDAYwhats that? i cant see :p12:33
B-Minusscheuri: ye i know, but still .. the real good games are on windows12:33
B-Minusscheuri: like wow, and a lot of FPS12:33
scheuriB-Minus: this statement I just cant agree on!12:33
B-Minusand im not a great fan of WINE12:33
scheuriB-Minus: just because YOU think the games you like are not on linux does not make them "the real good ones"...12:33
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scheuriI can name you some games I think are real good and they work on ubuntu, too12:34
B-Minusnah but to think of some12:34
scheuriTUKADAFOONDAY: you fired up the CLI...right?12:34
B-Minusbattlefield 2 etc ...12:34
TUKADAFOONDAYoh - yeh i done that12:34
B-Minusonce linux has full support for those games windows has a big prob12:35
cox377Does anyone here know much about wireless?12:35
B-Minusphotoshop etc ..12:35
B-Minusi miss those in linux12:35
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scheuriTUKADAFOONDAY: well, then type "sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg" without the ""12:35
B-Minusand to be honost, openoffice isnt that good as office xp12:35
scheuriB-Minus: may you join me at #kubuntu-offtopic12:35
scheurijust to make this channel free for support12:36
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thykois there a commandline network configuration tool like slackware's netconfig?12:38
scheurithyko: ummh...good question...what do you want to do? changing network conf? you can do that manually (quite easy) with nano or vi12:40
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scheuriTUKADAFOONDAY: still here?12:40
TUKADAFOONDAYsorry, just changed all that stuff, so now i guess i restart X and see how bad i went?12:42
scheuriTUKADAFOONDAY: yes...you know how to restart?12:42
scheuriTUKADAFOONDAY: and I mean NOT REBOOTINg the whole machine12:42
TUKADAFOONDAYummm, i used to but its been a while :p12:42
TUKADAFOONDAYso no i dont know how to restart12:42
scheuriTUKADAFOONDAY: its ctrl-alt-backspace12:42
dennisteri need help with this mysql.sock :(12:42
scheuridennister: are you on CLI?12:43
dennisteri'm tearing my hair out with it...yes i am on cli12:43
scheuridennister: already tried to start/restart mysql?12:43
dennisterit's stopped, purged, reinstalled...still can't get to setting a new user12:44
scheuridennister: already tried to log in with an existing user?12:44
dennisteryes...b4 i purged and reinstalled12:44
scheuridennister: and that worked?12:45
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dennisternothing worked12:45
scheuridennister: what user did you use to log in?12:45
dennisteri can't log in, that's the problem12:45
dennisterit's locked up good and tight12:46
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scheuriwell...what command did you use and what kind of user did you use to log in with?12:46
ubotusamba is the way to cooperate with Windows environments. Links with more info: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MountWindowsSharesPermanently http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/serverguide/C/windows-networking.html Samba can be administered via the web with SWAT12:47
thykois there a commandline network configuration tool like slackware's netconfig?12:47
dennisterok...let me start from the beginning...i was almost done setting up mythtv...i'd created users and rights, then mythtv creates another user, and nobody can get back into myswl12:47
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scheuridennister: and that user of mythtv is able to log in?12:48
dennisternope, mythtv (the user mythv created, can't get in either12:49
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dennisteralthough i'm not sure i've done the cli correctly; mysql -u mythtv12:49
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dennisteri've tried other high-ranking users too12:50
tukadafoondayhah - damn hat didn't go quite right.12:50
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dennistershould the password follow the username?12:50
thyko!dhcp client12:50
ubotudhcp: DHCP server for automatic IP address assignment. In component universe, is optional. Version 2.0pl5-19.4ubuntu1 (edgy), package size 108 kB, installed size 308 kB12:50
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scheuridennister: well, there is another option...to test...install apache and phpmyadmin...and try to use it locally12:50
ubotuWireless documentation can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs12:51
dennisterapche2 and phpmyadmin are installed, but not configured yet...hadn't gotten to that stage...what about entering the password at the end of the cli?12:51
jaaroocan I somehow make root filesystem (edgy) while system is running? I would expect something like debootstrap should do this.12:52
scheuridennister: well, I rarely us CLI for that...mostly use phpmyadmin (I am lazy, I know)12:53
dennisterheheh...ok..will try configuring those 2 apps...12:54
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tukadafoondaywooo, finally some decent resolution.01:01
tukadafoondaythanks scheuri01:01
scheuritukadafoonday: very welcome...still...the driver which is used by default is the opensource-driver....no 3d, no dualhead and stuff...01:02
thykofor petes sake! ... how do i entirely switch off dhcpclient?01:03
tukadafoondayyeh i guessed that, though i wouldn't mind getting the nvidia driver woring, as the mouse is kinda chunky when it moves.01:03
thykoi edit the /etc/resolv.cof01:03
ubotuTo install the Ati/NVidia drivers for your video card, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto01:03
scheurithyko: by telling your /etc/network/interfaces not to give dynamic IP to ethX01:03
thykobut on reboot its changed >:-(01:03
scheurithyko: resolv.conf is NOT the place you want to look01:03
scheurithyko: AFAIK the first lines of resolv.conf read "do not alter"...right?01:04
scheurithyko: if you are okay in the CLI and altering files...you want to alter /etc/network/interfaces01:05
cox377I've just managed to get my wireless card enabled under network settings, but it's showing as a Eth2 rather than wlan0, and when i load the wireless assistant manager it says it cant find any device.. does anyone have any ideas?01:05
scheurithyko: there you can add static IPs and stuff...01:05
ubotuWireless documentation can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs01:05
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tukadafoondayhow come i cant run "synaptic" under superuser?01:07
tukadafoondaygives me a gtk warning01:07
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scheuritukadafoonday: you are logged in KDE with root? or your normal user?01:07
tukadafoondaykde as a normal user. then console to su01:08
thykoscheuri: :( https://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/serverguide/C/network-configuration.html im following that but nothing!01:08
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scheurithyko: after altering that file you need to "ifdown ethX && ifup ethX"...have you done that?01:09
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thykothere's no way in interfaces to specify DNS servers?01:09
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scheurithyko: ah...well...there should be...01:10
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rahmetlican i save my current KDE settings like panel settings and clock etc.?01:10
scheurirahmetli: it is saved in files in your home-directory (/home/yourname/.kde)01:11
scheurirahmetli: if you want to back it up, just back up that folder01:11
rahmetlii want to back it up01:11
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wilmanhow do i get my 5.1 sound working. only front speakers and sub work01:13
rahmetliif i install a new theme am i going to be able to restore to the previous settings with that back up copy?01:13
wilmanyou can just install the old theme again01:14
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dennisterscheuri: even more serious probs01:14
scheuridennister: how is that?01:14
scheuridennister: you just installed apache and phpadmin...:)01:14
dennisterwell i figured i hadn't completely purged things first...so i tried again through synaptic, and deleted some stuff another howto directed me to01:15
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dennisternow i can't reinstall mysql-server cause of unmet dependenceies01:15
dennisterapt-get install -f isn't even working01:16
scheuridennister: may you pastebin the output of "sudo aptitude install mysql-server" (or "mysql5-server")01:16
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JorixBarts keeps crashing, if I start artsd manualy it comes with a segfault, but downgrading arts didn't solve anything01:17
ubotupastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (you can always find it in the channel topic, among other useful things)01:18
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dennisterit's at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/30416/01:19
tukadafoondaysudo nvidia-glx-config enable01:20
tukadafoondayError: unable to load nvidia kernel driver! Be sure to have installed01:20
tukadafoondaythe nvidia driver for your running kernel.01:20
tukadafoondayarghhhhh, whyyyyyyyy01:20
tukadafoondaymaybe i got the qrong nvidia drivers01:20
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scheuridennister: you have mysql still installed? haven't you purged it?01:24
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scheuritukadafoonday: I doubt it...if you installed it like it was told by the docs...01:24
ubotuTo install the Ati/NVidia drivers for your video card, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto01:25
scheuritukadafoonday: are you on dapper (6.06) or edgy (6.10)?01:25
dennisterwell parts of it have been re-installed, i believe01:25
dennisteryes, parts of it have been01:26
scheuridennister: hmmm...try to purge it again "sudp aptituce remove --purge mysql5-server" (assuming you have no data there)01:26
dennisterthat's ok...the data would have had to be re-done anyway01:27
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tukadafoondayhow do i check? heh sorry for being so out of touch with linux :p01:28
dennisterstill very similar errors with the purge as with the install01:29
tukadafoondayi think im edgy01:29
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thykoBY JOVE!!!!!01:29
scheuritukadafoonday: hmm...I am still on dapper01:30
thykoi got it B-)01:30
scheurithyko: heh01:30
JorixBarts keeps crashing, if I start artsd manualy it comes with a segfault, but downgrading arts didn't solve anything01:30
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h3sp4wnJorixB: Any particular reason you need arts ?01:30
scheurih3sp4wn: you can get rid of it?01:31
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h3sp4wnscheuri: Just stop the sound server01:31
JorixBbut I don't want it to bother me and I would like to have some warning sounds to allert me01:31
JorixBI stopped it already01:31
scheurih3sp4wn: yes sure...but...then...there is not sound?01:31
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dennisterthose warning sounds r a pain01:32
JorixBonly non kde programs01:32
dennisteri shut them off01:32
h3sp4wnIndividual apps can still give you sound01:32
h3sp4wn(i.e amarok)01:32
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scheuriah, right...okay01:32
thykoscheuri: its well hidden, but i found it ... was always good @ hide n seek01:32
scheurithyko: where was it hidden??01:32
h3sp4wnand kaffeine or xine01:32
dennisterscheuri: any ideas?01:32
JorixBamarok and such use xine which uses alsa directly01:32
JorixBso it works01:32
scheuridennister: I am running out of ideas01:32
dennisteris ready to cry01:33
JorixBI never had problems with it, but suddenly after an update it started01:33
wildchilddoes anyone here use samab?01:33
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JorixBbut I have no idea what package is guilty01:33
scheuriwildchild: No one here will help you just because you are too lazy to read TFM01:33
wilmani can change the volume of my 5.1 rear speakers but i dont hear anything from the rear speakers01:33
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wildchildoh cmon'01:33
wildchildI read it01:33
wildchildnot all of it01:33
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scheuriwildchild: aahh...not all of it? ;)01:34
wildchildI just don't know a few things01:34
nino dennister: mysqlcheck --all-databases --auto-repair01:34
wildchildI would like to share to XP user01:34
ninojust taking a shot01:34
thykoscheuri: /etc/resolvconf/resolv.conf.d01:34
wildchild[name_of_oflder] 01:34
thykobase >:)01:34
wildchildguest = ok01:34
scheurithyko: thanks...01:34
wildchildpath = /...01:34
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wildchildanything else01:35
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JorixBIt's anoying though when I try to press ksayit it gives an arts error01:35
h3sp4wnwildchild: Please do not ask if anyone uses <someprogram>. Instead, ask your real question.01:35
dennisternino: still my old friend: Error 2002can't connect...sqld.sock01:36
linuxmichihi all01:36
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JorixBwhat packages could I try to downgrade?01:36
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JorixBto get arts working01:36
wildchildh3sp4wn: I have prob setting my samba; I wanna share files with XP user01:36
h3sp4wnwildchild: that means nothing - what specific problem do you have01:37
h3sp4wnwildchild: which howto are you following01:37
ubotusamba is the way to cooperate with Windows environments. Links with more info: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MountWindowsSharesPermanently http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/serverguide/C/windows-networking.html Samba can be administered via the web with SWAT01:37
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wildchildh3sp4wn: I added like it says in instructions: [name_of_file_to_share]  path = /home/usr/sdb2/movies/01:38
wildchildguest = ok01:38
wildchildand I restart samba01:38
wildchildand user on XP still doesn't see my share folders :S01:38
tukadafoondayhow do i know what kubuntu i'm running?01:38
h3sp4wncat /etc/lsb_release01:38
h3sp4wnwildchild: debug is with smbclient01:39
rahmetlitukadafoonday:  lsb_release -a01:39
h3sp4wnwildchild: debug it with smbclient01:39
wildchilddon't know how01:40
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h3sp4wnwildchild: use the [cdrom]  example in the default smb.conf and change to suit (remember for normal users you need to manually set the password with smbpassword if you add a new account01:42
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dennisterh3sp4wn: scheuri has run out of ideas, and i can't seem to fix dependency problems with a package01:42
delightI got two edgy installations ... only differenz is that the one is using AIGLX and the other unfortunatly XGL ... but it's both not used anyways ...  now on kde I can't choose the keyboard layouts in kcontrol on the "XGL machine" ... all fields are empty ... i can activate keyboard layouts checkbutton, but no keyboard type or layout is present or chooseable ...01:42
ninodennister: have a look here http://tech-recipes.com/mysql_tips762.html01:43
h3sp4wndelight: uninstall xgl - come back when edgy is standard (I am pretty sure that is an xgl specific issue)01:43
h3sp4wndelight: or ask in #ubuntu-xgl01:44
ubotuCompiz (compositing window manager) and XGL (X server architecture layered on top of OpenGL)  -  Howto at http://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompositeManager  -  Help in #ubuntu-xgl  -  See http://tinyurl.com/pw5ez for Kubuntu systems01:44
delightok ... ican try unistalling xgl / beryl01:44
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dennisternino...unfortunately that won't help me, as I;m the server and some of those key files it references don't exist on my system01:46
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dennisterquiet all of a sudden01:52
dennisterh3sp4wn: ? u still here?01:53
thykois there a way to make a program run in a specific tty?01:54
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dennisterthyko: i have no idea, sorry01:55
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dennister<---would really love some help herself...but some have gamely tried01:56
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dennisterhi BluesKaj01:59
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BluesKajhi dennister, how are you making out with your vidcard setup ?01:59
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dennisteri almost(!!!) had all of mythtv successfully set up02:00
rahmetlii generally see some system information related to cpu,LAN... on the left of linux screenshots,what are they?how can i have one on my kubuntu?02:00
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dennisterbut now i have some serious probs with mysqlserver...can't reinstall it after purging02:00
BluesKajreally...wow mythtv is really a complicated thing to compile and install02:00
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fabian_rahmetli you could use superkaramba to add those features to your desktop02:01
dennisteredgy makes it a LOT simpler...cause u can download the ivtv drivers from repos with edgy02:01
BluesKaji haven't even attempted it yet , dennister :)02:01
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rahmetlifabian_:  thnx,but is it easy to configure?02:02
dennisteryes, ur still pretty new, right?02:02
dennisteri've now been up for 24 hours02:03
BluesKajyeah dennister, still somewhat of a newbie ;)02:03
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dennisteri suppose i could start from scratch again :(02:04
dennisteri've only had this edgy installation since yesterday afternoon02:04
fabian_yes very easy...just go to the adept manager and type superkaramba...download it and an Icon will appear on your Utilities menu02:04
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dennisterand I'm supposed to be at the office in an hour or so.......but the bloody volunteer i need to meet didn't call, didn't email...don't even know if he'll show02:05
BluesKajI'm using TVTime and it works ok , but Edgy doesn't even list my ATI TVwonder card in sys/settings/hardware :)02:05
dennisterbut then again, he wants something, so he probably will02:06
dennisterwell, i couldn't even get tvtime working, but mythtv was seeming like it was going to02:06
BluesKajdennister, they usually show up when thy have an adgenda :)02:06
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dennisterit at least found a channel...unlike all the other apps that couldn't even find any channels or a signal02:07
BluesKajmythtv has a dedicated website for setup instructions i beleive02:07
[GuS] Guys... qt4 linguist does not exist in Edgy?02:08
dennisteryes, they do...lots of howtos...and one of them is the exact one that screwed me :(02:08
[GuS] or is inside qt4-dev-tools?02:08
BluesKajI'm an old retired guy so I have some time on my hands ...maybe mythtv could be interesting02:08
dennisternot sure [GuS] ...i've only had edgy < 24 hrs02:08
[GuS] ok02:09
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[GuS] i wil check02:09
BluesKaj[GuS] , I think it uses q4 tools02:09
dennisterBluesKaj: don't bother trying myth without edgy02:09
[GuS] yes... checked now... is inside qt4-dev-tools package02:09
BluesKajdennister, I'm on Edgy02:10
fabian_Does anyone in here have a laptop HP DV1000 with kubuntu installed in it????02:10
dennisterthen ur almost all set :)02:10
BluesKaji updated from dapper02:10
fabian_Does anyone in here have a laptop HP DV1000 with kubuntu installed in it????02:10
dennister[GuS] : would u have an idea how to fix uninstallable packages like mysqlserver?02:10
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[GuS] uninstalable? what do you mean?02:11
dennisteri couldn't get back into it, so a mythtv told me to purge it and delete a couple other files...and then reinstall, but i can't reinstall02:11
BluesKajlots od ppl have kubuntu on their laptops ...the model number has very little to do with it unless the computer is more than 5 yrs old02:11
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dennisterunmet dependencies...it's looking for certain files and directories that the howto told me to delete :(02:12
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[GuS] dennister, but why? breaks packages? libs? which is the the error/problem?02:12
dennisterapt-get install -f didn't help02:12
dennisteri have a pastebin somehwere...02:13
dennisterscheuri: was trying to help me but gave up02:13
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BluesKajunmet dependencies is a prob ...wish the programs would list what is required  when the files aren't inclused in OS upgrades02:14
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[GuS] BluesKaj, if you downloaded or installed an app from the oficial distro, be sure that dependencies are there... if not, then maybe is a bug02:15
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dennisteryes BluesKaj; they usually do...it's because i deleted stuff too...that's the problem's cause02:16
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[GuS] dennister, you have installed  mysql-server-5.0 ?02:16
BluesKajthat's what i mean [GuS] , how does one know what the dependencies are if they aren't listed02:16
[GuS] BluesKaj, when you install an app... will tel you02:17
dennisterbut as soon as u mark them in synaptic or adept, u do get a list of the dependencies02:17
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[GuS] dennister, you have installed  mysql-server-5.0 ?02:17
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dennister[GuS] : i did install it, then purged, deleted other stuff, now can't reinstall02:17
xsachawhat can i use to view ppt (powerpoints) ? openoffice wont open it02:18
BluesKajthen mythtv is n't ready primetime Edgy02:18
[GuS] do sudo apt-get install  mysql-server-5.0 --reinstall or dpkg-reconfigure mysql-server-5.002:18
mindspindoes anyone know how to solve the problem with no sound in flash/firefox ?02:18
[GuS] xsacha, which version of Ms Office did you use to create  that file'02:19
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[GuS] ?02:19
SuperLagAny of you guys use Kile on your Kubuntu installs?02:19
[GuS] mindspin, there a lot of info if you look into google about that...02:19
BluesKajmindspin, install Flash 9 beta02:19
xsachanevermind, KOffice opens it02:20
mindspinI tried some of ge given hints but with no success02:20
mindspinthere is info in launchpad, but I was hoping for an easy solution ;-)02:20
dennister[GuS] : i tried both commands, still errors02:21
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[GuS] other than that dennister , is a very mistake to use root users acount :P02:22
[GuS] and second.. you should aware of which HOWTO do you follow.02:23
[GuS] the same errors as you showed me appears?02:23
dennisteri am aware of which howto's i follow, ty...yes, the same errors appear02:23
dennisterif a howto tells u to delete them, and the only way you can is as root, it's going to be deleted02:24
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dennisterhi LeeJunFan02:24
[GuS] dennister,02:25
[GuS] sudo is why existe my friend02:25
[GuS] to not use root user.........02:25
[GuS] exist*02:25
BluesKajmindspin, http://labs.adobe.com/downloads/flashplayer9.html02:26
dennisterLeeJunFan: u've been my hero before...02:26
dennisteris ready to beg...or clean reinstall02:27
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BluesKajmindspin, make sure you uninstall the vers 7 first otherwise it vers9  won't work in FF02:27
LeeJunFandennister: what's up?02:27
dennisteri can't reinstall some packages02:27
mindspinI'll have a try, thanks02:27
rahmetliHaving troble " could not start process Unable to create io-slave: klauncher said: Error loading 'kio_file'  "02:28
dennisteri had em installed, purged, deleted some other things following a howto, and now can't reinstall due to the deleted 'other things'02:28
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dennistera coupla ppl have already given up trying to help me :(02:29
LeeJunFandennister: what deleted other things? dpkg and apt-get don't work?02:29
dennisterno, they don't work, neither does apt-get...-f  the 'deleted other  things' refers to mysqld.sock and my.cnf02:30
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LeeJunFandennister: well, what exactly are you trying to re-install? And what errors do you get when you try?02:31
wilmanhow to clone stereo sound to 5.1?02:31
dennisteri was trying to reinstall mysqlserver-5.0 and myswl-server...paste is at...02:31
dennister http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/30416/02:32
h3sp4wndennister: apt-get install --reinstall -o DPkg::Options::=--force-confmiss -o DPkg::Options::=--force-confnew <package>02:33
BluesKajwilman , does yer soundcard have DPL ?02:33
h3sp4wndennister: (to get a default config back for a package)02:33
h3sp4wndennister: dpkg assumes if you delete something its on purpose02:33
dennisterok...i'm trying to follow direction02:33
LeeJunFandennister: you need to install mysql-common, that provides my.cnf file.02:34
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h3sp4wnbut if my.cnf is deleted it shouldn't be put back without confmiss02:36
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rahmetliHaving troble " could not start process Unable to create io-slave: klauncher said: Error loading 'kio_file'  "02:38
BluesKajwhy would a cnf be deleted in the first place ?02:38
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=== BluesKaj shakes his head in wonder about linux intricacies and the jumbled mass it appears from this perspective .
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LeeJunFanBluesKaj: because he deleted it.02:40
BluesKajthe Dr is in da house !02:40
BluesKajbut,why would a cnf be deleted ?02:40
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h3sp4wnif you delete something instead of just renaming it or moving it somewhere else02:40
scheuriBluesKaj: it would not unless you want eg. aptitude to do so02:42
scheuriBluesKaj: there are options that will tell apt-get or aptitde to "purge" everything...which may be helpful sometimes...so you can start a clean install02:42
BluesKajmy question is..why would one want or have to delete a cnf file ?02:42
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scheuriBluesKaj: for a complete remove of an app? to start clean again?02:43
BluesKajok, thx scheuri02:43
scheuriBluesKaj: "removing" with apt-get or aptitude does NOT delete config-files02:43
scheuriBluesKaj: purging does02:43
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h3sp4wnconfmiss puts them back02:43
BluesKajI thought a cnf file was one file that has global use02:44
dennisterh3...still the same errors02:44
=== BluesKaj is wrong again :)
scheuriBluesKaj: well, configfiles may have global use for a certain application,02:44
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BluesKajright scheuri ..gotcha :)02:45
scheuriBluesKaj: but there is no config-file which has a global use for ALL application (well, granted...the kernel-config if you recompile your kernel...if you bork that nothing is running anymore)02:45
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scheurihowever (sorry, need to add that) there are some major config files of some major applications you surely not want to bork...:)02:46
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delightevery so often when i log out ... my system freezes .. got an ati with fglxr ... using ubuntu but gdm as a Desktop-manager02:46
delightthis was happening with dapper too ... now on edgy seems to be more often02:47
scheurigdm is fine as desktopmanager in Ubuntu (as Ubuntu is using Gnome)02:47
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scheuriyou mean, you are using gdm in Kubuntu?02:47
Dr_Willisyou are loseing out on some features of KDE doing that. :)02:47
delight:-) i thought its kind of nicer looking .. i prefer kde for working thou .. i got the ubuntu-desktop installed addional on the same machine02:48
scheuridelight, Dr_Willis: true...but none that makes your system freeze actually02:48
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Dr_Williscould try diabling kdm/gdm and just booting to the console ans using 'startx' and see if the lockups still happen when you logoug02:48
h3sp4wnI don't think it makes much difference (gdm is pretty lean - because of its use for xubuntu)02:48
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Dr_Willissome love the login as other user, and such features. :) i guess02:48
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Dr_Willisactually i thought the logout options differ also.02:49
scheuridelight: I had such freezes with Kubuntu at shutdown, too...Kmail was running in background (as usual) but somehow a upgrade to KDE 3.5.5 fixed it02:49
h3sp4wnI dennister You mean at the same time ?02:49
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h3sp4wnDr_Willis: you mean at the same time ?02:49
scheuridelight: what I meant to say was...KMail made those lockups to me...it didnt terminate properly02:50
delightno its not kmail on me02:50
dennisterh3...i tried the 3 files indidivudally...always got the combined error messages for both mysql-server and myseql-server-5.002:50
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delighti might ask the same question on #ubuntu .. i think it might have to do with ati card02:51
h3sp4wndennister: pastebin the full error message02:51
ubotupastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (you can always find it in the channel topic, among other useful things)02:51
Dr_Willish3sp4wn:  yes. theres some kdm/kde features that let you spawn a new X session  i rarely used it.. but some come in here asking aobut it.02:51
mziI have a problem with dead keys with kde 3.5.5 release on edgy, is it the right place to ask?02:51
scheuriI sometimes use a new X session for Gnome if someone asks about it02:52
Dr_Willisguy at work calls Gnome 'Gee-nome'02:52
h3sp4wnDr_Willis: I know that feature (For me startx works fine - if I wanted a graphical login manager entrance or even xdm I would prefer to kdm/gdm02:52
Dr_Willisbe a man! use wdm :)02:52
Dr_Willisactually i saw a text based xdm somewhere once..02:53
h3sp4wnWhat makes wdm better than xfm02:53
Dr_Willisgo ask the windowmaker guys i guess. :P02:53
Dr_Willisi really find the direction windowmaker and gnustep heading to be. odd...02:53
scheurixdm is propably lighter...as in space, memory and stuff02:54
h3sp4wnthats why e17 is so nice - looks decent and very light still02:54
Dr_Willisi noticed today the login text/fonts on KDM are really really tiny.. not sure where to set them.02:54
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Dr_WillisE17 ! now lasts 17 min befor crashing! :)02:54
Dr_Willissoon to be E18!02:54
Dr_Willisaint tried E17 in about 6 months Heh.. it always amusing to play with for a while02:55
h3sp4wnIt has not crashed for me (in any way) for at least 6months (other than once which was my own fault - not resetting the config files which had changed significantly)02:56
BluesKajyeah , newbs like me trying to get it work is kinda laffable :)02:56
dennisterand h3sp4wn? that paste was when i ran ur confmiss command only for mysql-server-5.002:56
Dr_Willislast i toyed with it - crashed every 5 min or so. but it was a cvs version.02:56
h3sp4wnstill cvs but alot more stable since I started to use it02:57
Dr_WillisE just seems to be one of those cool eye candy things.. people use for a bit. then change over to somthing else to get real work done.02:57
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Dr_Willisit has some neat features.02:57
h3sp4wnFor me I find it more productive than using kde02:57
Dr_WillisIve been using MatchBox Lately :)02:58
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Dr_Willisnever did get the latest to compile on Edgy however.02:58
h3sp4wnBut ratpoison just uses the screen keybinding's so that is more intuative than anything02:58
h3sp4wnI probably should start using that02:59
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h3sp4wnbut it definately doesn't look particularly nice02:59
Dr_Willisits a screen with a huge window and text. :P with little borders.. whats to look at.02:59
Dr_Willisits always fun to go back and try out the OLD window managers03:00
Dr_Willisolvwm 4-ever!03:00
h3sp4wnDr_Willis: ratpoison as a wm03:00
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Dr_Williswmx - now that one is amusing. :)03:00
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h3sp4wnI always used olvwm instead of cde (because it ran loads faster on old sun's)03:01
dennisterh3sp4wn: did u see my paste and message subsequent message?03:01
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h3sp4wndennister: I don't understand how it has got to this state - have you installed any deb's from anywhere else03:02
Dr_Williscde is one ive never used.03:02
h3sp4wndennister: run sudo -f aptitude install03:02
dennisternope i haven't installed any other debs...except fo w32codescs and libdvdcss203:02
BluesKajgotta have those for dvd and tv03:03
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h3sp4wn /usr/share/mysql03:03
h3sp4wnif that is empty you have pretty big problems03:04
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h3sp4wndennister: what happens if you just remove mysql-server first03:06
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scheurih3sp4wn, dennister: tried to chmod 777 the cnf-file (if existent)03:06
dennisterok...clean reinstall it is then...i did 'just remove mysql-server' first03:06
h3sp4wndennister: will it let you remove it ?03:07
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dennisternope...i get errors then, too03:07
h3sp4wndennister: what errors03:07
dennisterpretty well the same ones when i try to reinstall...almost identical i think03:08
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dennisterlook, i've been awake for 24 hours nonstop now...i think i have to stop and then just start from a clean install...it really didn't take that long to go from 0 to mythtv-almost-finished03:09
dennisterit's so easy with edgy03:09
dennister...until i hit this sql-server snag...and next time i'll know better what to expect and what NOT to do03:10
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scheuribah...24h...that is noooothing....you stay up until its made, mate...;)03:11
dennisteri'll bow to the xperts...what do u think of my plan?03:11
dennisterwhen ur this tired ur bound to make stupid errors03:11
ninotake 5 man03:12
dennistercute scheuri :)03:12
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dennisterand scheuri; u ran out of ideas too, so i'm still following ur lead by taking a nap :)03:13
scheuridennister: touche...;)03:13
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dennisterthrows out a dozen roses to all those who've tried to help so gamely...03:14
scheuridennister...yep...shutdown your PC and yourself for a while...might help quite a bit (for both)03:14
dennisterty all, and g'nite (9:14 am here)03:14
BluesKajMythtv is a tour de force to install from all reports, if you succeed , it's a major accomplishment :)03:15
ninolol i agree to that one!! Anyone tried the live cd version of mythtv??03:16
BluesKaj9:14 am here too ...eastern canada...i think dennister meant PM03:17
ninoi got 16:1703:17
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scheuriBluesKaj: well, dennister was surely "down under"...;)03:17
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BluesKajyeah, most likely scheuri03:18
BluesKajscheuri, I was going to tackle mythtv install, but now I'm a bit leary03:19
scheuriwell, I must admit that this was pretty strange what happend03:19
scheuriI can not imaging that it will happen often...on the other hand..it was edgy...I wont touch it03:20
BluesKajTVTime works ...except the picture quality is hard to control ..the whites tend to bloom too much and the brightness and contrast controls don't fix it .03:20
h3sp4wnI went to sleep at 6am and got up at 8:45 (I am tired but I will sleep properly tonight)03:21
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scheurih3sp4wn: properly is the right expression...had no sleep two nights ago, but a pretty good one last night...;)03:21
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Th3_Cr0up13Rhey   guys o03:26
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Th3_Cr0up13Rhow much do you think a computer virus researcher gets paid per hour?03:27
scheuriTh3_Cr0up13R: asking that in a LINUX-Channel...ehrmmm03:28
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Th3_Cr0up13R$ 10 1503:28
Th3_Cr0up13Rscheuri: this is a linux chanel03:29
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Th3_Cr0up13Rand since linux doesnt have so many viruses and know more about viruses thought it would be a good idea03:29
scheuriheh...I meant...a linux channel is not where I asked first...03:29
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Th3_Cr0up13Ri tried goodle but it doesnt really say anything03:30
Th3_Cr0up13Ri thought you guys would know someone or heard from anyone roughly how much they get paid03:30
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hwhi everyone03:31
scheurihi there03:31
hwhow can I force the use of gcc 3.3? gcc points to 4.1.203:32
tabiasis there any certain reason I can not install keytouch anymore? If there is a reason, what is an alternative to keytouch?03:32
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scheurihw: you have gcc3.3 installed?03:33
hwscheuri: yes :)03:34
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scheurihw: there are several ways...mine is to create a new symlink...gcc points to 4.1.2? so let it point to gcc-3.3...:)03:34
h3sp4wnhw: CC=/usr/bin/gcc-3.4; ./configure (or whatever03:34
h3sp4wnhw: easier than messing around with symlinks03:34
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hwh3sp4wn: ok, I'll give it a try. do you know the variable for g++ as well?03:35
Th3_Cr0up13Ris there any way to close the kde wallet ? it wants me to save passwords all the time and i keep pressing cancel and then the program im initially trying to load doesnt load03:36
Th3_Cr0up13Rhow can i get rid of it ?03:36
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h3sp4wnhw: I don't remember have to look it up each time - think it might be CXX03:37
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hwscheuri: does gcc use the correct libraries?03:37
scheurihw: I am not sure what you mean?03:38
scheurihw: what libraries? you mean those needed by your programm you want to compile?03:38
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ubuntuhow can i switch channel?03:40
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delightubuntu: irc channel ?03:40
ubuntui mean as qnet.uk qnet.de etc03:40
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BluesKaj  /join #channel name03:41
delightdepends on your irc client03:41
hwscheuri: the environment variable seems to help03:41
ubuntui dont mean actually channels :P03:41
ubuntui mean like qnet.uk, freenode etc03:41
scheurihw: as I said...several ways to do it...:)...mine is more...ehrmm...stone age...;)03:41
delightyou mean irc-servers03:41
ubuntuye :P03:41
delightas i said03:41
delightdepends on your irc client03:41
ubuntui use Konversation03:41
hwscheuri: thx =)03:42
ubuntuor actually i just started to use this :P03:42
BluesKaj     /server irc.server.name.org/net/com03:42
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delightblueskaj  yes ... but this is just temporary03:42
delightlook into the prefs of konversation03:42
ubuntuok :)03:42
delighti usually use either kopete or gaim03:43
ubuntuis that easier :P?03:43
BluesKajis there way to DL server addy's into Konverstion03:43
delightubuntu: don't know if its easier ... i prefer it as its running for my IMs anyways03:44
delightits pretty easy thou03:44
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ubuntui kind of screwed up my windows and im now trying kubuntu03:48
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Dr_Williswindows screws itself up03:55
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richardh_Hi...anyone familiar with dual core processors?03:57
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h3sp4wnwhat is there to be familiar about03:59
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Fureshoanybody here know exactly what a skim panel is?04:01
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thykohow can i make an app, say cmatrix, run on tty1 at boot time?04:04
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h3sp4wnthyko: You could use openvt (But I have never it manpage looks04:15
h3sp4wneasy enough to read04:15
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Dr_Willis!info openvt04:20
ubotuPackage openvt does not exist in any distro I know04:20
=== Dr_Willis goes back to doing backups
h3sp4wnpart of console-tools04:20
Dr_WillisDVD-DL media is still outragous priced. :(04:20
h3sp4wnI haven't even used my dvd writer yet (suppose I should buy some disks)04:21
h3sp4wnto write dvd's anyway04:21
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Dr_Willismy new writer has been getting a work out this weekend.04:22
Dr_Willisits amazing how much cruft you accumulate on hard drives.04:22
Dr_Willis140gb+ of emulator stuff..04:22
Dr_Willisthen i realize that 1/2 of it is backups of stuff i got in a different dir.04:23
Dr_Willismost all of it are games i never play.. and proberly never will.04:23
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BluesKajyea, i have several games taking up HDD space ...should just delete'm thru adept04:25
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BluesKajcame with the edgy upgrade04:25
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h3sp4wnthyko: If you want to use something specifically on vt1 you should probably remove the getty from there04:27
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zerodoes anyone run ubuntu in macbook?04:28
zerobashee: did you manage to sleep yours?04:29
basheeno. didn't try.04:29
basheebut the other stuff works :)04:30
zerobashee: oki, the RC too?04:30
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basheefront row?04:31
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zerobashee: i know that you can use your RC like an extension of your keyboard but i don't know how04:32
basheeheard that it works but there is no useful application for it http://desrt.mcmaster.ca/macbook.xhtml04:32
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zerobashee: a guy manage to controle mplayer with it04:34
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Fureshohow do i get my kweather to work? i'm on kubuntu and i installed kweather thru adept. when i try to configure it, all i get is a blank window that says "empty page" just below the title bar of that window04:36
tabiashow do I install bttv drivers, I can't get the module to load or I can't just install it04:37
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wilmanhow to clone mp3/ogg files. front and rear speakers04:42
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BluesKajwilman, do you dolby pro logic on your soundcard?04:45
wilmani have soundblaster 5.1 24 bit04:46
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PupenoR_How do I add another resource to the address book in Kontact ?04:49
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simo_i have a wireless connected with usb05:00
simo_i don't know why it doesn't works05:00
simo_somebody will help me?05:00
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bipolarsimo_: I'm only here for a second, but you must be more specific with your question.05:04
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simo_it is a dell wireless 1450 USB adapter05:05
simo_i don't become05:05
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simo_any error....05:06
simo_but it doesn't work05:06
abbyzwhat error?05:06
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willyalguien de todos me puede ayudar05:08
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willyanoche instale el j2sdk1.505:09
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BluesKajsimo_, check system/Kinfocenter /devices05:09
willyqueriendo actualizar mi jvm pero no se si ya esta funcionando05:09
ubotuPara Espaol por favor usen #ubuntu-es, #kubuntu-es o #edubuntu-es, all obtendrn mas ayuda.05:09
ubotuPor favor use #ubuntu-br  ou #ubuntu-pt  para ajuda em portugus. Obrigada.05:10
simo_i have made......05:10
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simo_and how can you install an another wireless that need window driwrs05:11
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krawekdrivers. he means05:12
BluesKajnot sure , i had a difficult time wit a wired windows network, so wireless one would be beyond my scope05:12
tobiashello all ubuntu-fans! Im finally deleting my evil bill the "G" mans partition from my hd, I wish to use this newly won space for my kubuntu system, how do I go about findind a fitting partitioning program that is not very confusing?05:13
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BluesKajyes , the drivers are prolly there , but it's configging the network names and IP addys that can be the problem05:14
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toxidashi everyone anybody run lg3d on edgy?05:17
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bthibaulthi, my java plugin for firefox isn't working. FF 2.0 and I have sun-java5-plugin05:23
bthibaultany ideas?05:23
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toxidasi have glx misssing on display 0:0 message anyone can help me to fix this?05:25
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white-rabbithow to set italian language on kubuntu 6.10?05:26
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simo_bo comunque io parlo italiano05:28
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simo_white-rabbit , se ti posso aiutare....05:29
white-rabbitSi, se sai come mettere la lingua ita su kubuntu 6.1005:29
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simo_io la ho scelta nell'installazione05:29
white-rabbitPure io, ma resta in inglese05:29
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simo_allora durante l'installazione nn avevi la rete05:30
white-rabbitSi, c'era ed era configurata..05:30
simo_dv installare i pacchetti italiani se nn sn installati.......05:30
simo_ti dico cm si chiamano05:30
white-rabbitSi, come li installo? cercando mi da tutte le lingue tranne italiano per kde05:30
white-rabbitHai una lista di rep dove ci sono in ita i pacchetti?05:31
simo_il pacchetto per kde penso sia:05:32
white-rabbitprovo a cercarlo05:33
simo_e anche language-pack-kde-it-base05:33
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simo_prova anche language-support-it05:33
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white-rabbitNon me li trova.. Mi passi il tuo sources.list?05:34
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simo_da quanto hai installato?05:34
white-rabbit2 secondi05:34
simo_xke x aggiungere multiverse e universe basta provare a sentire un mp3 con amarok05:34
simo_e ti chiede se aggiungere i repositori05:35
white-rabbitHo gi aggiunto multiverse05:35
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simo_ah ok05:35
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simo_so perch05:35
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ubotuPara Espaol por favor usen #ubuntu-es, #kubuntu-es o #edubuntu-es, all obtendrn mas ayuda.05:35
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georgeb!it | simo_ white-rabbit05:36
ubotusimo_ white-rabbit: Vai su #ubuntu-it o su #kubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie!05:36
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white-rabbitChe minchioni che sono eheheh05:36
simo_cm non funzionano i repositori italiani05:37
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simo_ok kubunut-it05:37
white-rabbitci sono05:37
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georgeb!hi | inma05:37
ubotuinma: Hi! Welcome to #kubuntu!05:37
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BulwinkleHello all....  I'm switching back to Kubuntu after the Novell-M$ deal ....05:40
BluesKajthe server still splitting every  5 mins ?05:40
BulwinkleLOTS of great changes since 5.x05:40
BluesKajhi Bulwinkle , welcome back to the fold :)05:41
h3sp4wnBulwinkle: If you use gnome you have all the mono stuff which will no doubt become tainted with the results of the above deal05:41
BluesKajhave you installed edgy yet ?05:41
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h3sp4wn(gnome 2.16 or later anyway - so kubuntu is a better choice than ubuntu)05:42
georgebBulwinkle: why ? You saw that suse was asking you to instal WGA/SuGA package  ? :-D05:42
Bulwinkleh3sp4wn: Yeah, I'm a KDE guy05:42
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willyAlguien sabe como instalar JLex y JavaCup05:45
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BluesKajeeeeuuuww, xchat looks like crap vs konverstion05:47
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BluesKajxchat has better text fonts available in windows05:48
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BulwinkleCan someone tell me why when my X session won't lock in on 1280x1024?  It sets the virtual screen at 1280x1024 but the actual resolution is like 1024x768...05:50
HawkwindBluesKaj: If you use msttcorefonts you can use the Windows fonts and make Xchat look better than the Windows version05:50
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HawkwindXchat in Windows is horrible.  It's developed mainly for Linux but ported to Windows which is what makes the Linux client far more superior05:51
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willyalguien me puede ayudar para poner Jlex y Java Cup a mi maquina05:51
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h3sp4wnWindows in general renders fonts better than unix without alot of messing around though05:52
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poopybuttcan i get ff 2.0 through apt-get05:52
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BluesKajnaw Hawkwind , i'll stick with konverstion ...it works for me just fine ...xchat has always been a bother , but iwas the first irc chat client i ever used i Linux so i retry it everyonce in a while .05:53
HawkwindBluesKaj: Good thing Linux is all about choice :)05:53
Hawkwindpoopybutt: Not for Dapper you can't05:53
=== BluesKaj needs to clean the coffee out of the KB
BluesKajyessir Hawkwind05:54
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dude_hi guys05:54
dude_abattoir !05:54
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abattoirhi dude_ :)05:55
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macconlinehi.... any use forefox 2.0?05:56
macconlinefirefox 2.005:56
dude_abattoir: is it safe to install xgl in edgy?05:56
Bubba_Gumpmacconline: yah :)05:56
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macconlineBubba_Gump: a have a problem05:57
h3sp4wndude_: Its never safe to install xgl05:57
abattoirdude_: pretty much, yes, but make yourself familiar w/ irssi first ;)05:57
Bubba_Gumpmacconline: what's the problem?05:57
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BluesKajyes macconline FF2 is the default in edgy05:57
h3sp4wndude_: But its no less safe than in dapper05:57
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macconlineBubba_Gump: i have instaled version 2.0 final, so five minute ago, run forefox and run version 1.505:57
macconlinethis version of 1.5 don instaled05:58
dude_abattoir: irrsi?05:58
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Bubba_Gumpmacconline: aye?05:58
dude_getin confiused here : )05:58
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mikefooHow can I copy a partiton table from one disk to another?05:59
dude_h3sp4wn: what do you min?05:59
macconlineBubba_Gump: aye? i dont understand05:59
abattoirdude_: it's a command line irc client, i was trying to imply that it'd be useful if you know your way around it if X breaks...05:59
Bubba_Gumpheh, aye = yes05:59
abattoirdude_: it should'nt happen though, so follow instructions, and go ahead and try it, if you want to05:59
dude_abattoir: ya, i know irrsi, a little bit :)05:59
Hawkwinds/if X breaks.../*when* X breaks...06:00
dude_abattoir: still afraid :)06:00
abattoirdude_: and people at #ubuntu-xgl would be helpful06:00
abattoirHawkwind: thanks ;)06:00
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dude_abattoir: xgl/compiz? beryl? whats the difference?06:00
ubotuCompiz (compositing window manager) and XGL (X server architecture layered on top of OpenGL)  -  Howto at http://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompositeManager  -  Help in #ubuntu-xgl  -  See http://tinyurl.com/pw5ez for Kubuntu systems06:00
ubotuberyl is a window manager that takes advantage of an OpenGL accelerated X environment. See http://forum.beryl-project.org/  -  Please see #ubuntu-xgl for help with beryl.06:01
abattoirdude_: tbh, the wikipedia articles would explain them more extensively than i ever can06:01
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BluesKajabattoir, I was in #ubuntu-xgl for hrs when i wantyed to install xgl ...no one would answer06:01
dude_abattoir: so what do you recommend?06:01
macconlineBubba_Gump: the problem is that i have installed version 2.0 y run the version 1.506:02
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Bubba_Gumpthe link you're clicking to load06:02
abattoirdude_: beryl really seems to be popular, go ahead and try it if you feel adventurous06:02
Bubba_Gumpdoes it load 1.5 or 2.0?06:02
abattoirBluesKaj: oh :( , never really been there though06:02
macconlineBubba_Gump: i have installed version 2.0, all fine, but now run version 1.506:03
dude_abattoir: hehehe...an adventurous person but still novice in linux06:03
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Bubba_Gumpmacconline: how did you install 2.0?06:03
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HawkwindYou'll never get past novice if you don't experiment and break things to repair them :P06:03
abattoirdude_: the guide for installing beryl seems pretty self-explanatory, you could ask at #beryl too06:04
macconlineBubba_Gump: download pack .tar.gz06:04
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Bubba_Gumpmacconline: try installing via adept06:04
Bubba_Gumpsee if that works06:04
dude_abattoir: ok, i'll give it a try, have you tried those?06:04
abattoirdude_: the linux drivers for my graphics card don't support 3d, so i can't try it :(06:05
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abattoiras in 3d h/w acceleration06:05
dude_abattoir: oh ok, i install 3ddesktop, well it seems ok06:06
mattikhow do I change kdewallet pasword if I have forgotten?06:06
macconlineBubba_Gump: apt-get say: firefox is version most recient06:06
dude_abattoir: oh ok, i install 3ddesktop, well it seems ok, but limited effects06:06
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macconlineBubba_Gump: sorry my english06:06
Bubba_Gumpmacconline: s'ok :)06:06
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Bubba_Gumpmacconline: try the uninstall on adept, remove the tar.gz, and go for a new 2.0 adept install06:07
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dude_abattoir: if my system breaks, can i still use grub to boot from xp?06:09
macconlineBubba_Gump: that is a crazy06:09
abattoirdude_: it most possibly won't affect anything more than X, so you'd be able to boot into kubuntu as well06:10
Bubba_Gumpmacconline: what happened?06:10
macconlineBubba_Gump: i dont do nothing06:10
abattoirdude_: you can login, and use irssi, w3m, mail etc. :)06:10
dude_abattoir: ok...here goes...tnx06:10
Bubba_Gumpmacconline: does firefox load?06:10
abattoirdude_: good luck06:10
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macconlineBubba_Gump: and restart firefox and close, restart and close and run version 2.006:11
macconlinei don understabd06:11
macconlinei don understand06:11
Bubba_Gumpmacconline: do you have firefox installed at the moment?06:12
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dude_abattoir: nevermind...not yet ready, still afraid hehehehe06:12
dude_abattoir: no guts hehehe06:12
macconlineBubba_Gump: yes.... no change nothing06:12
abattoirdude_: i've heard that the effects are worth it though ;)06:13
abattoirdude_: which video card?06:13
Bubba_Gumpmacconline: i'm not entirely sure then06:13
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Bubba_Gumpmacconline: maybe have a check through the forums possibly06:13
dude_abattoir: i dont know what video card driver06:13
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dude_abattoir: nvdia06:13
abattoirdude_: do you have the binary nvidia drivers installed?06:13
yeti_adept_manager just crashed and now it tells me that the database is locked, how do i resolve this?06:14
macconlineBubba_Gump: ok, very thanks, but is very stranger06:14
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abattoir!adept crash fix| yeti_06:14
ubotuyeti_: If adept crashed on you and your database is locked, try this in konsole: 'sudo fuser -vki /var/lib/dpkg/lock;sudo dpkg --configure -a'06:14
Bubba_Gumpmacconline: it is very strange, let us all know how you find a result, be really glad :)06:14
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dude_abattoir: i have no idea :), how can i check that06:14
abattoirdude_: then most probably you don't06:15
Th3_Cr0up13Rmy cdrom doesnt get recognised06:15
macconlineBubba_Gump: jeje.... well, very thanks again.....06:15
Th3_Cr0up13Ri cannot mount it at all06:15
Th3_Cr0up13Rim trying to play a dvd film06:15
Th3_Cr0up13Rand it just doesnt recognise it06:16
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Th3_Cr0up13Rtried mount /mnt/cdrom06:16
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dude_abattoir: so many commands06:16
dude_abattoir: i don't think i can make it06:16
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lz1gjdhi, could one tell a similar to nokia pc suite program for linux06:17
abattoirdude_: ok, then wait till it becomes more 'friendly' :)06:17
abattoirlz1gjd: kmobiletools is somewhat similar06:17
abattoir!info kmobiletools06:17
lz1gjdthank you06:17
ubotukmobiletools: KDE application for controlling your mobile phone. In component universe, is optional. Version (edgy), package size 128 kB, installed size 484 kB06:17
abattoir!info gnokii06:17
ubotugnokii: Datasuite for the mobile phones (console & X). In component universe, is optional. Version 0.6.13-4ubuntu1 (edgy), package size 811 kB, installed size 2944 kB06:17
dude_abattoir: most probably, but everytime i watch the videos in youtube....i get excited :)06:18
lz1gjdhmm as far as i could see, these program are used for other things, all i want is to access my phone's file system06:20
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h3sp4wnuse the gnokii filesystem program then06:23
h3sp4wnall you want to use is use something in a non standard format06:24
lz1gjdh3sp4wn: thx06:25
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Th3_Cr0up13Ri can read dvd with files but if it is a movie it doesnt recognise the disk at all, can someone help fix this problem06:33
xbehaveis it possible to choose which wallet konqueror uses?06:34
tabiasHow can I install a printer that is connected to the network via a ZOT print server ?06:34
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bipolarI absolutly LOVE the magnatune.com integration in the new version of amarok!06:41
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bipolarthis is so nice06:41
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BulwinkleWhich flash plugin package should I be using for firefox?06:50
yeti_is there some kind of apt-cache listfiles <package> command that lists all files that belong to <package>06:51
fdovingyeti_: 'dpkg -L packagename' or apt:/ in konqueror06:51
fdovingdpkg -L only works for installed packages.06:51
fdovingapt:/ goes to packages.ubuntu.com06:51
fdovingthere is also 'apt-file'06:51
yeti_thanks fdoving06:52
fdoving(which probably isn't installed by default)06:52
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h3sp4wnapt-file is useful06:54
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sonic_Anybody know where I can find my php binary on kubuntu?06:55
georgebsonic_: run which php06:55
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borisyeltsinhi, anyone else using kde to transfer stuff onto a memory stick, the transfer completes fine, then  when you try and use the stuff on the usb stick it's completely corrupted?06:56
Bulwinkleborisyeltsin: make sure you unmount the media before you remove it06:56
sonic_'which php' does nothing06:57
georgebsonic_: hmm.. php it's managed with alternatives; run "sudo update-alternatives --list php" to get the path to php06:57
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borisyeltsinBulwinkle: I do unmount it, well I right click and go "Safely remove"06:57
Bulwinkleborisyeltsin: in windows right?06:57
borisyeltsinand it dissapears from my desktop06:57
borisyeltsinBulwinkle: no, linux to linux, both running kde.06:57
sonic_georgeb: That doe nothing either06:58
Bulwinkleborisyeltsin: hmmmm... *SHRUG*06:58
georgebsonic_: I think you don't have php installed; run "sudo dpkg -l php*" to see if it's installed06:58
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sonic_georgeb: It says it's there [ii <----status] 07:00
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untung_Hi, what the development tools in Ubuntu?07:00
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sonic_georgeb: and phpmyadmin is running fine07:01
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fdovingsonic_, georgeb you need the php4-cli or php5-cli package, to get the php binary.07:03
sonic_fdoving: 'apt-get install php5-cli'????07:04
fdovingsonic_: if you have php5, yes.07:04
untung_hi i got error could not find pakacge monodevelop07:04
sonic_fdoving: Cool, I'll give it a go, thanks07:04
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fdovinguntung_: you need to enable the universe repository.07:04
fdoving!repos | untung_07:04
ubotuuntung_: The packages in Kubuntu are divided into various sections. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Repositories/Kubuntu07:04
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sonic_fdoving: That seems to work. How do I find the binary path then?07:06
fdovingsonic_: 'which php5'07:06
sonic_got it. fdoving, georgeb, thanks for the help guys07:07
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case__someone konws how can i activate the dma mode?07:08
case__in edgy07:08
fdovingcase__: that should happen automatically. if not, you can use 'hdparm'07:09
case__thanks :)07:09
untung_fdoving: I am using ubuntu 6.6007:10
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fdovingcase__: there is /etc/hdparm.conf07:10
fdovingcase__: make sure you don't set any other options unless you know what you're doing, it can be dangerous.07:10
untung_fdoving: i could find monodevelop in sypnatic pakacge manager07:10
fdovinguntung_: it's the same.07:10
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bthibaulti can't get java working with firefox, has anybody else had this problem ? K 6.10 FF 2.007:11
fdovinguntung_: then you should be able to find it in adept too. You can install synaptic if you want, you know.07:11
untung_fdoving: what should i do?07:11
case__ok, thnks07:11
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untung_fdoving: how to enable the pakage07:12
fdoving!repos | untung_07:12
ubotuuntung_: The packages in Kubuntu are divided into various sections. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Repositories/Kubuntu07:12
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poopybuttis firefox 2.0 supported through apt-get yet?07:18
shadowhywindits been07:18
poopybuttshadowhywind: is it just apt-get install firefox?07:19
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fdovingpoopybutt: it's included in edgy.07:19
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shadowhywindi believe so.07:20
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bthibaultjava isn't working w/ FF 2.007:23
bthibaulti have sun-java5-plugin07:23
bthibaultand the current JRE07:23
bthibaultis there something else i need to do?07:23
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Juan___Hi all07:24
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Juan___Anyone using nfs ?07:25
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case__kubuntu rocks, see you guys07:27
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untung_hi where can i download ubuntun 6.10 dvd?07:30
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fdovinguntung_: http://www.kubuntu.org/download.php07:32
poopybuttuntung_: glad you searched long and hard on google before asking07:32
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untung_poopybutt: thanks i go to kubuntu chat rather than search in google.. long live linux... there not chat for xp yet07:34
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JontyCan anyone suggest an app, CLI or GUI, that converts oggs and flacs indisciminately07:57
Jonty...to mp3s07:57
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wilmanlets sse07:58
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wilmanwhat about gogo07:59
Jontygogo, eh?07:59
wilmanmp3 encoder07:59
wilmanooh wait you need a decoder08:00
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Jontyflag, ogg -> mp308:00
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wilmankost allemaal geld08:03
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wilmaner is wel software maar het kost allemaal  geld08:04
Hawkwindwilman: English only here please08:04
wilmanit all cost munny08:04
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^itchHello guy s08:08
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^itchCan somebody pls help me.I`ve set up by mistake my display to 16:9 and now my X it`s crashing when I try to boot up the system. Any sugestions ?08:09
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letalis^itch: youll need to fix it in /etc/X11/xorg.conf08:10
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ninHerhi all08:11
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letalismigt require some manual editing08:11
^itchletalis: what acutaly I`m looking for. Cuz I don`t see any option that sets my display to 16:908:12
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^itchletalis: is there any command that allows me to set the kde config file to default ? I recall there was such command for gnome.08:16
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visitorcan anyone read this?08:17
soultcerhello visitor08:17
boris__hi visitor08:17
^itchhello visitor :)08:17
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visitorwhats everyone up to today?08:18
wilmanhi hi08:18
visitori am really bored08:18
^itchvisitor , well, i`ve just crashed my X :(08:18
visitorhow old is everyone here?08:18
^itchOh common ppl, does nobody want to help a poor guy like meh ? :P08:19
ptmqmy sisters computer crashed while recovering with the recover cd from Medion.... no i kubuntu there's no data on the partition. This data on her c:\ partition is lost isn' t it?08:19
soultcerhttp://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lamello <-- nearly 16 :D08:19
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visitoris anyone between the ages of 19-24 in here?08:19
wilmanmore like 1608:20
^itchUnderaged :)08:20
bipolar< - 2708:20
^itch<- 2208:21
soultcerIn Austria you are allowed to drink beer at the age of 16 :P08:21
visitori am bored and i need to have a good conversation with someone08:21
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^itchIn my country, you just have to know how to drink :)08:21
visitorwhat country is that?08:21
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frankmyhreYou are also allowed to drink alcohol in a age of 16 in Denmark08:22
ptmqi have a problem with possibly lost data, anyone can help?08:22
bipolarCanada is 18, iirc. I'm in USA which is a lousy 21.08:22
visitorok well I am 19/w/f here and looking for someone to have a good conversation with...08:22
visitoris anyone willing?08:22
visitornothing perverted08:23
visitorbipolar how old are you and what sex are you?08:23
bipolarvisitor: this is more of a tech support/help channel... not a lot of converstaional people in here most of the time. many, like me, are currently at work.08:23
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cccvisitor: try #ubuntu-offtopic08:24
visitorso what then people need to have a conversation08:24
bLaZeD1st time iever ever seen anyone in here ask for that b4 visitor08:24
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visitorask for what?08:24
kkathmanvisitor:  also #kubuntu-offtopic works also for general chat08:24
bLaZeDto chat with ppl08:24
bLaZeDthis is a help chan08:25
draremare there any wsywig-type ajax editors out there08:25
kkathmandrarem:  try quanta08:25
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vicenticoalguien habla espaol?08:31
ubotuPara Espaol por favor usen #ubuntu-es, #kubuntu-es o #edubuntu-es, all obtendrn mas ayuda.08:31
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ubotuAllez a #ubuntu-fr ou #kubuntu-fr pour de l'aide et de la discussion en francais.08:36
draremi just installed a bunch of freeware games using the synaptic package manager and noticed my /dev/hda2 dropped from 1.2Gb down to 570Mb..  what's a good way to recover some of it or even to exand it?  It's sharing a 40Gb windoze harddrive08:36
drarem /dev/hda1 contains my /windows/media stuff on it08:37
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=== Bubba_Gump sends his love to the kubuntu room
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asglhjatto all ubuntu/kubuntu user : What do you think of the new version 6.10?08:41
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draremthere's a new one out?08:42
Triple{X}"Codename" Edgy Eft08:43
Triple{X}I heard its pretty buggy08:43
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redtricycleYeah, more stuff "worked" like, my keyboard's extra keys08:45
redtricyclebut there's also stuff like not being able to shut down08:45
redtricyclethrough gui08:45
redtricycleand the live install problems with qpart08:45
redtricycleBut heeeeeey, I'm sure that's not for everybody08:45
redtricycleand only for a few people -_-08:46
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about ar - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi08:46
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markelhashi ppl08:50
markelhaswhere can i find desktop resolution in kubuntu?08:50
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Triple{X}You can either count pixels or you look in kcontrol08:52
markelhasTriple{X}: i would like to change it08:53
Triple{X}just execute the command kcontrol08:54
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Triple{X}then its right on top on the left side08:54
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markelhashummm, shouldn't i have one icon on service manageR?08:54
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markelhasTriple{X}: can't find where to change resolution and or refresh rate08:56
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ubotuThe linux terminal or command-line interface is very powerful. Open a terminal via applications -> accessories -> terminal (gnome) or kmenu -> system -> konsole (kde). Manuals: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BasicCommands08:56
redtricyclethat's cool08:57
Triple{X}markelhas:Trouble is I got the german version of kubuntu08:57
markelhasTriple{X}: :(08:57
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amikhi, anyone know about KNetworkManager and/or wireless setup?08:59
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hollywoodbdoes apt/synaptic leave a log anywhere? I'd like to undo some changes and I'm not finding any logs of exactly what packages I removed and installed yesterday09:00
markelhasSome with kubuntu 6.10 in english where can i change resolution and refresh rate?09:00
amikhey markelhas, I just tried that a few minutes ago09:00
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binary2k2System Settings -> Monitor & Display09:00
markelhasamik: where can u help me out09:01
amiki failed, since my monitor is not on the built-in list, but the standard system settings should do it09:01
markelhasamik: but i don't have that option09:01
Triple{X}markelhas: so I got it. You press alt + F2 enter 'kcontrol' then Peripherals->Display->Size, Orientation & Positioning09:01
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amikmarkelhas: u don't have K-Menu -> System Settings?09:02
markelhasTriple{X}: in Peripherals-> i don't have display09:02
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markelhasamik: yes i have09:02
amikno "Monitor & Display" in it?09:02
markelhasamik: but seams theres something mising09:02
markelhasamik: no09:03
markelhasamik: how can i resolve this09:03
Triple{X}markelhas: In system setting it should be display as well...09:03
Triple{X}UNless you don't have a display connected ^^09:03
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markelhasTriple{X}: :P09:04
amikmarkelhas: I dunno, I'm a newbie myself, but just came across it a few minutes ago. I have it in  system settings under 'Computer Administration' row...09:04
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markelhasamik: oki09:04
markelhassimple gone09:04
amikgood luck :-)09:04
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amikanyone know how to find wireless networks in KNetworkManager?09:05
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Galathalionanyone know why firefox freeze when i load a site?09:08
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magicmikeAnyone available to help with a display settings problem? My display which is normally set to 1280x768 changed without my making any adjustments. When I try to adjust it back to the original settings I am only given the range of 640x480 - 640x350. I am using an ATI graphics card.09:10
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spamyboyPleas anyone click on this link (afiliat): http://www.tufat.com/aff.php?id=3138 (i need more 40 click to purcha one script) Thank you09:10
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duane_Galathalion: maybe it's time to try out Opera or Konqueror09:11
duane_which are better anyway09:11
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Galathalionduane_: yeah im thinking about opera09:13
thenatosi've heard ATI isn't to nice with linux... i've been using a nvidia with no problems...09:13
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magicmikeWell, it was working fine for a week or so.09:14
sledge_at_workthenatos: AMD bought ATi recently. I hope it'll change in the future.09:14
Bubba_GumpGalathalion: konq is a cool browser :)09:15
GalathalionBubba_Gump: i thought it was slow09:15
Bubba_GumpGalathalion: mplayer just *works* and pages load quick09:15
magicmikeSo you're basically saying you don't know how to assist me .09:15
kamuih3sp4wn: what was the Xorg package I was supposed to purge after doing teh distupgrade into edgy?  I lost internet connection in teh middle and had to reboot when the distupgrade was finished09:15
kamuindiswrapper doesn't work well for me09:15
thenatosthats what i'm saying, but i've ben using linux for about 15 hours now09:15
kamuidoesn't work at all  in edgy09:15
GalathalionBubba_Gump: mplayer didnt work for me09:15
Bubba_GumpGalathalion: faster than firefox AND opera on my computer09:15
h3sp4wnkamui: xserver-xorg-driver=*09:16
kamuibut teh native bcm43xx driver is doing a damn good job in edgy09:16
thenatosnewayz, i'm out... bbl09:16
h3sp4wnkamui: xserver-xorg-driver-*09:16
kamuih3sp4wn:  do I need to close down X to do it?09:16
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Bubba_GumpGalathalion: only thing keeping me on firefox is noscript, which, is a great piece of kit09:17
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Bubba_Gumpoh and chatzilla :D09:17
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h3sp4wnkamui: If X is working then you probably don't need to (get rid of them to be safe though)09:17
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darkwizzardhello guys09:17
darkwizzardI need some help09:17
kamuih3sp4wn: do I have to do them one at a time?  I tried sudo aptitude purge xserver-xorg-driver-* and it gave me a list of matching titles09:17
darkwizzardI just made a clean install of edgy09:18
darkwizzardand now I get09:18
darkwizzardSwapTotal:           0 kB09:18
ubotukickoff is a new KDE menu developed by SUSE. It organises items differently, has an integrated Beagle search, and been put through extensive usability testing in the Novell usability lab. See http://www.kdedevelopers.org/node/228309:18
h3sp4wnkamui: sudo aptitude purge xserver-xorg-driver~i09:18
darkwizzardit doesn't recognize my swap partition09:18
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darkwizzardtryed formating it09:18
darkwizzardno effect09:18
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darkwizzardwhat should I do ?09:18
kamuih3sp4wn: thanks, thats working.  fglrx is still intact, so Im happy09:19
sweet_truthsing to it] 09:19
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h3sp4wnkamui: run ``dpkg -C'' (also lists broken packages and dependancies09:19
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darkwizzardcan anyone help me ?09:19
ubotuA large amount of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..."  Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out?09:20
darkwizzardI alredy did09:20
binary2k2darkwizzard: is it in your fstab?09:20
darkwizzardcould be09:20
darkwizzardshould I paste it ?09:20
darkwizzardI mean09:20
darkwizzardpastebin it09:20
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binary2k2darkwizzard: please09:20
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darkwizzardhere : http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/30475/09:22
darkwizzardit seems commented09:22
der_steppenwolfhi, i have a problem with firefox 2.0 in edgy. I installed the flash nonfree plugin and now firefox crashes when i try to view a flash content09:22
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hollywoodbder_steppenwolf: flash 7 or flash 9 ?09:22
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binary2k2darkwizzard: it was changed to use UUIDs when you upgraded to edgy09:23
darkwizzardbinary2k2: ?09:23
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darkwizzardand why doesn't it work ?09:23
mulderHello all. I need some help with installing the right drivers for my audigy sound card.09:23
binary2k2darkwizzard: maybe when you reformated it it's UUID changed09:23
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der_steppenwolfhollywoodb: flash 709:24
darkwizzardhow can I found out ?09:24
georgebdarkwizzard: try "sudo swapon -U 70ea70a1-6260-409c-9acd-e6928ac4bf5c" and see if you get any errors09:24
mulderany help more than welcome.09:24
binary2k2darkwizzard: type "sudo vol_id -u /dev/hda7"09:25
ypsilaand good evening09:25
darkwizzardswapon: cannot stat /dev/disk/by-uuid/70ea70a1-6260-409c-9acd-e6928ac4bf5c: No such file or directory09:25
binary2k2darkwizzard: that will get the UUID09:25
LeeJunFanman, I'm gonna have to wait until I get a quad core processor to vidcap beryl.09:25
georgebdarkwizzard: it means the uuid has changed, see the vol_id thing to get the new uuid09:25
binary2k2darkwizzard: just change the UUID in fstab to that one09:25
der_steppenwolfany ideas?09:26
darkwizzardI'll reboot now09:26
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georgebno need09:26
binary2k2darkwizzard: swapon command will work09:26
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=== ypsila is frustrated
georgebdarkwizzard: sudo swapon -a ; it will try to use all swap partitions defined in /etc/fstab09:26
Pelogood afternoon folks09:26
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mc__hi guys,im running a legacy 32-bit oss application on amd64,how to get the sound working? artsdsp and aoss did not work for me09:27
darkwizzardit works09:27
PeloI'm having a bit of trouble with kmymoney ,  can you guys recommend a channel ?09:27
darkwizzardyou guys rule09:27
darkwizzardsee ya around09:27
binary2k2no problem09:27
ypsilaGood evening Pelo09:27
mulderplease fellas...I have been struggling with my audigy 2 zs card for days and days. I would love to be able to make it work.09:27
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der_steppenwolfwhat is the best flash plugin for firefox 2?09:28
Bubba_Gumpbeta 9 i'd say09:28
georgebi use flash9 beta, it works ok09:28
Bubba_Gumptis the one i use :D09:28
binary2k2use a beta in a beta :P09:29
magicmikeYo bot, last jende sighting?09:29
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georgeb!flash9 | der_steppenwolf09:29
ubotuder_steppenwolf: Flash player 9 beta has been released. You can download it here: http://seveas.imbrandon.com/dists/dapper-seveas/custom/ (replace dapper-seveas with edgy-seveas for edgy)  -  Official Adobe page at http://labs.adobe.com/downloads/flashplayer9.html09:29
hollywoodbmulder: what's the problem with it?09:29
der_steppenwolfis there a package for kubuntu 6.10)09:29
=== Pelo also uses flash beta 9, and only found some minor inconviniences
Bubba_Gumpis firefox 2.0 a beta?09:29
hollywoodbBubba_Gump: no09:29
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Bubba_Gumpok :)09:29
ypsilagood evening09:30
magicmikeHi german.09:30
cheluanyone knows about amsn's tlc error?09:30
mulderThank you Holly. Well when I go into system settings, sound system, the card is recognized as a midi device, but not audio09:30
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about kmymoney - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi09:30
hollywoodbmulder: how about in alsamixer, are there sliders for PCM and Master, or just MPU401 and MIDI type stuff?09:30
binary2k2Pelo: if no one here knows, try in #kde09:31
mulderI am not sure if I have alsa mixer installed!09:31
ypsilahmm that could help me too binary2k209:31
hollywoodbmulder: you do, run it in a term09:31
mulderhow Holly?09:31
mulderI don't knoe the command09:32
hollywoodbmulder: press alt+F2, then type 'konsole' and when that comes up type 'alsamixer'09:32
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mulderit shows HDA Intel09:33
ypsilahollywoodb: a really wonderful way09:33
hollywoodbmulder: and you have an audigy 2?09:33
mulderChip: Realtek ALC88309:33
mulderyes, notebook one09:33
mulderaudigy 2 zs09:33
hollywoodbmulder: alright, does your system have perhaps an integrated sound card AND the audigy 2 in it?09:34
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mulderIt is a laptop with integrated sound, and the audigy 2 inserted into the pcmia slot09:34
hollywoodbmulder: OK, that's why... see if you can next time you reboot: go into the BIOS (it varies on different system, I believe on Dell it is F2 when the "Dell" logo shows)09:35
draremwhat brings up the app manager again - like hitting ctrl-alt-del on windoze to cancel out a program?09:35
hollywoodbmulder: see if you can disable the sound card there... that'll disable the HDA Intel card and let the Audigy 2 take over09:35
draremtask manager09:35
Lam_F1, F2, F10, and DEL.  press those and you're guaranteed to never miss09:36
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mulderI did that for windows! I can reboot now and check if you want and come back after09:36
Lam_err. F10 is more windows. ignore that09:36
muldergive me 5 min Holly09:36
hollywoodbmulder: sure09:36
mulderThank you09:36
draremnm figured it out09:37
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kamuih3sp4wn: I need a little more help, I can't get DRI working anymore09:38
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h3sp4wnkamui: I am busy09:39
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kamuih3sp4wn: thats ok, illl see what I can do own my own09:39
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blackvdjust did a fresh install of Kubuntu 6.10 on a compaq v500z with broadcom wireless card which doesnt work. found a few forums with info on getting them to work but all the info seemed to be out dated. is there an easy way to get this working?09:42
amikin kubuntu 6.10, how do I add a wireless network to KNetworkManager?09:42
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sorush20hi can anyone here see this video http://www.berghaus.com/our_people/berghaus_team/leo_houlding_hi.asx09:44
funkyouwhy needs the user-manager applet in systemsettings the package "kde-guidance-powermanager" installed? this is weird...09:45
manuelai am new to kubuntu and i am looking for an xorg-ati driver09:45
georgeb!ati | manuela09:45
ubotumanuela: To install the Ati/NVidia drivers for your video card, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto09:45
hollywoodbsorush20: kaffiene plays it, I haven't done anything special except install w32codecs09:45
manuelathanks georgeb09:46
georgebmanuela: np09:46
amikanyone know in kubuntu 6.10, how do I add a wireless network to KNetworkManager?09:46
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manuelageorgeb:  ATI Technologies Inc: Unknown device 5e6f09:47
manuelado you think i can use the closed source driver from ati ?09:47
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mulderBack Holly. No option to change sound in the bios!09:48
hollywoodbmulder: OK, then check this out: http://doc.gwos.org/index.php/Multisounds/09:48
hollywoodbmulder: it'll tell you how to change the default alsa card09:48
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hollywoodbmulder: chances are the Intel card is number 0 and the audigy is number 109:49
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kamuiI've upgrade successfully now, but I can't get acceleration working with fglrx.  I've checked and I have the module for my kernel loaded (it appears in lsmod), I've also got X to start using teh fglrx driver.  but fglrxinfo says mesa indirect still, and when I check the logs it says failed to initialize dri, (could be missing or broken kernel module)  Im not sure what to do next09:49
trappistmulder: asoundconf list <-- that'll list your sound cards.  pick the one you want, and asoundconf set-default-card <string from the list>09:49
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mulderok I am trying your guide :-)09:49
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mulderand will let you know.09:49
hollywoodbmulder: try as trappist says as well, although I haven't used that method myself09:50
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sledge_at_workkamui: Disable Composite in your xorg.conf09:50
sledge_at_workkamui: Section "Extensions"09:51
sledge_at_workkamui:        Option  "Composite" "Disable"09:51
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muldertrappist, I type it in the command?09:51
sledge_at_workkamui: add that to the end of xorg.conf09:51
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sephyriadoes anyone have problems with the DCOPserver on KDM start?09:52
sephyrialet alone know how to fix it09:52
trappistmulder: first command is 'asoundconf list'09:52
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sephyriaits a big error that happens a lots09:52
der_steppenwolfHmm :-( Firefox 2 dies with flash 909:52
sephyriabut noone knows how to fix it online09:53
skreetAnyone ever had a problem where they have to kdm restart before their GUI will start (on every boot)09:53
mulderok after your command Trappist, I have Intel, U0x46d0x8d9, and Audigy 209:53
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der_steppenwolfany other ideas?09:53
trappistmulder: which card do you want to be the default?09:53
trappistmulder: (you have 3 sound cards?!)09:53
mulderAudigy damn it, audigyyyyyyyyyyyy :-)09:54
skreetmulder: disable the other cards.09:54
der_steppenwolfhmm, i suspect the problem has to do with my video card, sorry...09:54
sephyriaskreet: i got something like that but my DCOPserver fails09:54
trappistmulder: there's a space in it?  it's literally "Audigy 2"?09:54
mulderGuess I am unique! How can i disable them?09:54
mulderno space09:54
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sephyriai tried sudo /etc/init.d/kdm restart09:54
sephyriasame thing09:54
skreetmulder: Take them out, configure the onboard to be disabled in the bios09:54
trappistmulder: you could disable them in the bios, but don't bother - say asoundconf set-default-card Audigy209:54
skreetsephyria: I have to ctrl-alt-f1 restart it, but then it works fine.09:55
trappistmulder: if that doesn't work, *then* try disabling them in the bios09:55
skreetsephyria: Try an apt-get update, apt-get upgrade, see if it helps09:55
sephyriai did09:55
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sorush20thanks hollywood09:55
sephyriaill try agin tho09:55
skreettrappist: No reason not to disable them correctly, more system resources, less chance of conflict09:55
trappistmulder: keep in mind Audigy2 is case sensitive, not the same as audigy209:55
skreetCase sensitivity = annoyinig09:56
mulderI typed Audigy209:56
dave_hey, i have a really odd mishap with OpenOffice09:56
trappistskreet: this method was put together because a lot of people (apparently) have reasons not to do that, like they use the other card in windows or something09:56
mulderwhat shoud I do next?09:56
muldershould sorry09:56
trappistmulder: play sounds I guess09:56
dave_for some reason, the menus are all in greek letters09:56
skreettrappist: I understand :)09:56
dave_I guess I can sort of make them out, but i'd really like english menus09:56
dave_plus, this is only a problem for OpenOffice09:57
skreetdave_: Wierd. Check OO config files for locale, I guess..09:57
skreetdave_: Sorry, that's about as much as I know :(09:57
mulderthe audigy is not displayed in the audio device select menu in the system settings09:57
mulderonly in ther midi device one09:57
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trappistmulder: yeah I wouldn't use that.  the kde systemsettings kinda sucks with multiple sound cards.09:58
dave_well, thanks for what you did know09:58
dave_where can i find the config files?09:58
mulderno sound at all now :-909:58
_jessicaalguem ai09:58
dave_i'm still adjusting to linux09:58
skreetdave_: No rightly certain, hang on.09:58
_jessicate alguem que fale portugues ai09:58
trappistmulder: and what card do you have the speakers plugged into09:59
mulderyeaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah it works!09:59
dave_i'm also considering uninstalling and reinstalling openoffice again09:59
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skreetdave_: Sorry, can't find it.. try #openoffice09:59
mulderThanks dude...thansl so much!10:00
dave_alright, good idea10:00
dave_thank you10:00
skreetdave_: This isn't windows, that isn't usually a solution.10:00
dave_hmm, damn10:00
skreetdave_: :)10:00
skreetdave_: Sometimes easier, sometimes harder10:00
mulderDepeche Mode in all it's glory!10:00
dave_one real quick question... how do i join other irc channels?10:00
trappistmulder: glad it worked :)  (I wrote asoundconf list, so I'm double happy)10:00
skreetdave_: looks like #openoffice isn't the right channel...10:00
skreetdave_: irc join = /join10:00
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ceddhere i have my cpu partitioned in raid0 succesfully, i created a /boot B ext3 in sda outside the raid... when i point grub where to install the bootloader i receive this... executing grub-install (/dev/sda) failed.. this is a fatal error10:01
JymmmFresh install; tried to install ntop, wanted root, reset root pw; Now can't use ADD/REMOVE programs "SU encounter an error"; help?!10:01
mulderWonderful stuff man...You have my absolute gratitude!10:01
der_steppenwolfproblem with flash solved... If someone wants to know just tell me10:01
mulderis there some sort of mixer for it?10:01
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dave_well, i guess i'm gonna try reinstalling it right quick anyways10:02
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gnomefreakJymmm: thats one reason why setting up su is not recommended please /msg ubotu root    and read the part about setting sudo back up10:02
kamuithanks sledge_at_work10:02
skreetdave_: How did you install it?10:02
sledge_at_workkamui: no problem10:03
dave_it came with the install10:03
Jymmmgnomefreak: I tried running as SUDO, per these instructions, it wanted root --->  https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Ntop10:03
dave_then i remember i tried saving a file as a .doc10:03
dave_and then... walla, all greek menus10:03
gnomefreakJymmm: once su is set up sudo no longer is.10:03
gnomefreak!root | Jymmm10:03
ubotuJymmm: sudo is a command to run programs with superuser privileges ("root"). Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo for all information.10:03
dave_phi iota lambda eta for file10:03
skreetdave_: Neat.10:03
dave_so on10:03
gnomefreakon that page is how to reverse it10:04
dave_in fact, it might be kinda fun to train myself to read it10:04
ceddany1 can give me a hand here10:04
dave_confuse everyone else10:04
dave_yea i think i'm just gonna leave it10:04
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skreetdave_: In Adept, see if openoffice.org-l10n-el is installed10:04
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Jymmmgnomefreak: I understand, what i'm saying is that BEFORE I reset root, following those instructions it wouldn't install via SUDO, had to be root.10:04
skreetThats the Greek Language package10:04
dave_how do i do that?10:04
skreetopen Adept10:05
sorush20I can not view the my date on the clock on kubuntu10:05
skreetsearch for openoffice10:05
mulderTrappist/Holly: any good mixer for the audigy?10:05
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skreetsorush20: right click configure clock .. check date10:05
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gnomefreakJymmm: that sounds like you were not part of the group but if you installed it you should have been automaticly added.10:05
dave_no, the greek one isnt installed, only the english one10:06
sorush20skreet: that is not working10:06
skreetsorush20: What are you seeing?10:06
Jymmmgnomefreak Weird huh. Yeah, It asked me for my user during install.10:06
sorush20skreet: just the clock10:06
skreetskreet: Odd, what version of KDE?10:06
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ceddhere i have my cpu partitioned in raid0 succesfully, i created a /boot B ext3 in sda outside the raid... when i point grub where to install the bootloader i receive this... executing grub-install (/dev/sda) failed.. this is a fatal error10:06
skreetdave_: Open a Konsole and type 'sudo dpkg --reconfigure openoffice.org'10:07
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sorush20kde 3.5.510:08
skreetsorush20: Sorry, not sure..10:08
trappistmulder: not specifically for the audigy, but try aumix10:08
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dave_reconfigure doesnt work as an option10:08
skreet.. --configure?10:08
skreeti cant remember..10:08
skreethang on10:09
Jymmmgnomefreak: Ok, so disabling root, will reenable sudo?10:09
gnomefreakJymmm: yes10:09
skreetanone remember how to make the windows key open the KDE Menu10:09
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Jymmmgnomefreak k, let me give it a shot.10:09
mulderalsamixer did the trick :-)10:09
amikanyone know in kubuntu 6.10, how do I add a wireless network to KNetworkManager?10:09
mulderYeah yeah yeahhhhhh10:09
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ceddwhere can i get support10:09
mulderAh man! That is just orgasmic!10:09
skreetdave_: Yes, it's --configure10:10
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trappistmulder: cheer up man it's not that bad10:11
muldernow only thing left is logitech webcam and canon printer and I am done! :-)10:11
dave_then it tells me openoffice.org is already installed and configured10:11
markelhasi've some problems in my kubuntu10:11
muldernope it is all that good dude!10:11
markelhasmissing some tools in system settings10:11
markelhasplz help me out10:11
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markelhasfor example missing display settings10:12
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morbid88hey guys.I'm having a problem with my keyboard layouts. Anyone here know how to manage multiple languages?10:12
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skreetdave_: Sorry, I guess I'm out of ideas..10:13
dave_well, thanks for your time anyways10:13
markelhasppl plz help me out10:13
skreetdave_:  No problem, good luck! :D Maybe post on the oo.o forum?10:14
dave_i'll probably try messing around with it some more10:14
markelhashow can i fix it?10:14
mulderGuys you are awesome. Great job helping people, really happy to be using Kubuntu!10:14
dave_thats probably a good idea10:14
dave_or maybe i can search there or something10:14
markelhasamik: can u help me out?10:14
amikI'm looking for help myself... no one is answering :-(10:15
markelhasamik: missing some tools in system settings10:15
dave_oh wait, now it's normal for some reason10:15
markelhasamik: what's your problem10:15
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dave_....whatever i guess i'm happy10:15
amikcan't get a wireless connection working10:15
ceddi have my hds partitioned in raid0 succesfully on a fresh edgy installation, i created a /boot B ext3 in sda outside the raid...everything installed correctly until the bootloader, when i point grub where to install the bootloader witch is /dev/sda i receive this error msg... executing grub-install (/dev/sda) failed.. this is a fatal error10:15
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dave_thank you for your magical help whoever did that10:15
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morbid88amik, what card are you using?10:16
dave_back to working on my philosophy paper10:16
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markelhasso no experts in system settings restore :(10:16
ceddany1 knows how to correct that10:16
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amikmorbid88: I'm using a USB adapter. Wireless Assistant finds the network, but fails to connect. KNetworkManager doesn't show any networks...10:16
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markelhasfirts time that i don't have help :P10:16
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JymmmEMCgnomefreak: Thanks. Somehow I'm now allowed todo things I wasn't initially allowed to using sudo; guess just a quirk during install.10:17
markelhasamik: try to put your router without security control10:17
trappistmarkelhas: try kcontrol10:17
amikI started with WPA, but now I've lowered it to basic WEP. still nothing.10:17
markelhastrappist: already did that, missing tools10:17
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trappistmarkelhas: also, does 'kcmshell displayconfig' work?10:17
sorush20how do I set time zone appropriately to london uk system wide?10:17
markelhastrappist: didn't try10:18
morbid88amik: I never maned with knetworkmanager. I keep going into command line. Are you using WEP?10:18
amikmorbid88: I am temporarily, though I hope once it works I can get back to WPA10:18
morbid88have you tried #sudo iwconfig essid NETWORK_NAME key s:ASCII_KEY10:18
der_steppenwolfhow can i send a patch to the mantainer of the firefox package?10:18
markelhastrappist: got error on shell10:18
morbid88or if you're using HEX key then drop the s:10:18
markelhastrappist: X Error: BadDevice, invalid or uninitialized input device 16810:18
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amikthe wiki/forums say to try KNetworkManager for WPA... but there's no menu option to add a network (as the docs claim)10:19
trappistmarkelhas: you can ignore that - is that all that happens?10:19
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markelhastrappist: ok ok, but i only try now10:19
morbid88amik: I haven't managed to set it up for WPA myself. It was hard enough getting it to go on WEP, and I still acn't get it to connect aut.10:19
markelhastrappist: i'm new in linux10:19
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markelhastrappist: trying to config my kubuntu to leave xp forever10:20
trappistmarkelhas: does anything happen, besides that error, when you do 'kcmshell displayconfig'10:20
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flakehow do i find out where something is - I run something but it isn't in my menu10:21
markelhastrappist: says that faild to open device10:21
flakei want to remove it so i can run it locally] 10:21
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flakeit is a 3rd party app10:21
ypsilaflake: find10:21
mulderTrappist, sorry dude. What is the command to choose the audigy 2 card as default?10:21
icheynehi all, anyone know of a good podcatcher (podcast aggregator)?10:21
markelhastrappist: but there are other tools missing10:21
mulderI need to write it down10:21
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trappistmulder: asoundconf set-default-card Audigy210:22
markelhastrappist: kcmshell (kdelibs): WARNING: Could not find module 'displayconfig'.10:22
amikmorbid: what are the placeholders and what the real values in iwconfig? it says 'unrecognised wireless request'10:22
flakethe find just says no such file or directory10:22
mulderand the one to list the cards?10:22
markelhastrappist: is any away to restore the os, leaving configuration that i have?10:22
B-Minusis konqueror i have to click on each file only ONCE to open it, can I chance it to doubleclick like in windows ?10:23
ypsilaflake: sorry I was in an other channel and did't follow all10:23
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trappistmarkelhas: try this: sudo apt-get install --reinstall kde-guidance app-install-data10:23
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ypsilaB-Minus:  you can10:23
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B-Minusypsila: i havent found it in the options10:23
vandenoeveri'm wondering where the qt3 'assistant' went, both assistant and assistant-qt4 are qt410:24
ypsilaB-Minus: I cannot really help you because I do use a german version, but it should be something in settings10:24
flakei know if i'm in the directory i have to do  ./ to run a module, but this module i forgot how i got it to be in my path10:24
B-Minusok im gonna check again10:24
morbid88anyone here using multiple languages? I'm haing trouble with the keyboard shortcuts.10:25
ypsilaflake: searched for it via k-menu?10:25
mentokflake: where is the module?10:25
flakeit's fbc10:26
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mentokflake: is that the directory?10:26
flakei'm trying to find where that module is10:26
markelhastrappist: should i restart?10:26
trappistmarkelhas: no10:27
flakei unrar'ed or bz2'd a newer one to my home folder10:27
ypsilaflake: search for it10:27
mentokflake: did you try whereis fbc to see if it is in your path?10:27
flakethat works, thanks10:28
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ypsilabon soir10:29
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ypsilagood evening10:29
ubuntupeut'on m'aider pour installer grub10:29
JymmmEMCoh wth... restarted X server and now in System Settings | Display | Administrative Mode, the pw dialog box never pops up  =(10:29
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ypsilaubuntu: #kubuntu-fr ?10:30
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ubuntuypsila merci10:30
ypsilaubuntu: pas de quoi10:31
ubuntu <ypsila> et pour ubuntu.fr10:31
ypsilaubuntu: ici on parle anglais, mais moi aussi je prfre ma langue maternele :-)10:32
markelhastrappist: 100%10:32
markelhastrappist: thank you very much10:32
trappistmarkelhas: awesome10:32
markelhastrappist: missing tools there10:32
markelhastrappist: your the man10:33
=== trappist flexes
ypsilamarkelhas: you are female10:33
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markelhastrappist: this is impressive always someone helping out10:33
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markelhasypsila: what?10:33
amik_morbid88: I think it's working! thanx! now off to try to figure out WPA... btw what's the difference between what iwconfig,system settings, knetworkmanager, and wireless assistant do?10:33
ypsilamarkelhas:  I just wondered whether you are not "man"10:34
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trappistypsila: "you are the man" is a US idiom meaning "you are pretty OK"10:35
markelhasypsila: when i say your are the man, u should read it like that.10:35
ypsilatrappist: thx10:35
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ypsilamarkelhas:  us-english is not my motherlanguage so pls be a little patient or simply understanding ;-)10:36
markelhasypsila: pretty !?!?!?10:36
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markelhasypsila: np i'm not us also10:36
ypsilamarkelhas:  I didn't use "pretty"10:36
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markelhasypsila: if it was i my mother language should be like: "s o maior!"10:37
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ypsilamarkelhas: portugais as language?10:38
JymmmEMCSystem Settings Display hangs when clicking Administrator mode (no pw dialog box appears), any ideas?10:39
ypsilamarkelhas: a language I can read nothing more10:40
trappistJymmmEMC: if you run kcmshell displayconfig from the command line and do that, does it spit an error to the console?10:40
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JymmmEMCtrappist: trying now...10:40
markelhasypsila: Yap Portugus10:40
ypsilamarkelhas:  I've never been there, but had the luck to stay a few weeks in Brazil10:41
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JymmmEMCtrappist: Yes,10:42
JymmmEMC$ kcmshell displayconfig10:42
JymmmEMCX Error: BadDevice, invalid or uninitialized input device 1610:42
markelhasypsila: Portugal it's also very nice10:42
trappistJymmmEMC: that can be ignored10:43
JymmmEMCtrappist: Display still appears, but no pw dialog box does.10:43
ypsilamarkelhas:  no doubt about it, but I've never had the chance to get there10:43
trappistJymmmEMC: your password has probably been cached from the last time you tried10:44
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JymmmEMCtrappist: This worked before I restarted X10:44
ubuntu_I've got some xorg problems too10:45
JymmmEMCtrappist: Suggestion?10:45
trappistJymmmEMC: did you say it locked up this time too, without presenting a password dialong, and without spitting out an error (other than the bad device one, which you can ignore)?10:46
JymmmEMCtrappist: correct10:46
trappistJymmmEMC: that's a tough one.10:46
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trappistJymmmEMC: are you on dapper or edgy?10:47
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ypsilatrappist: are you italian?10:48
trappistypsila: yes, but not in italy10:48
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ypsilatrappist: I saw, that you are probably not in italy ;-)10:49
JymmmEMCtrappist: I suspect dapper 6.06.110:49
trappistJymmmEMC: there have been a lot of improvements to systemsettings in edgy.  maybe this could be your excuse to upgrade :)10:50
JymmmEMCypsila: That is what I wrote on the cd10:50
ypsilaJymmm: find it out would be better10:50
JymmmEMCypsila: Sure, how? uname -a didn't tell me much10:50
ElectrolyteAnyone know what this error Konqueror is giving me: "Cound not find mime type applicat/octet/-stream"?10:50
trappistJymmmEMC: lsb_release -a10:50
Electrolyteapplication/octet-stream* rather.10:51
JymmmEMCtrappist:  LOL, I *JUST* installed this a few hours ago.  LOL10:51
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trappistElectrolyte: is it octet/-stream, or octet-stream?10:51
ElectrolyteCurse my typing!10:51
JymmmEMC$ kcmshell displayconfig10:51
JymmmEMCX Error: BadDevice, invalid or uninitialized input device 1610:51
ypsilaJymmm: the latest ist 6.10 called edgy eft10:51
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trappistElectrolyte: you get that when you do what?10:51
ElectrolyteLaunch Konqueror.10:51
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JymmmEMCtrappist  Ubuntu 6.06.1 LTS10:52
trappistElectrolyte: oh wow.  I remember seeing that like WAY back in the day, before I ever even used ubuntu.  I don't remember what it was.10:52
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ElectrolyteAll i did was change some file associations and bang - started to get it.10:52
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trappistJymmmEMC: if you just installed, you have nothing to lose by upgrading (or better yet, installing edgy from scratch)!10:52
trappistElectrolyte: ah, that sounds about right.10:53
ElectrolyteAny way to fix it?10:53
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trappistElectrolyte: I don't know where konqueror keeps that info, lemme see if I can find it10:53
ypsilaJymmm: not a big problem, 6 stands for the year and the next number ist the month, so you use a distribution dated june this year10:53
Electrolytetrappist - Thanks :)10:53
JymmmEMCtrappist: from scratch? You mean a virgin install of latest kubuntu?10:53
ypsilapfffffffff  upgrading10:53
trappistJymmmEMC: sure, why not?10:54
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ypsilaJymmm: I think that is what trappist means10:54
ypsilaJymmm: nothing to loose in your case10:54
JymmmEMCtrappist:  No biggy, was just asking if that's what you meant, or just upgrading what I have already.10:54
JymmmEMCypsila: Yeah, I understnad =)10:54
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trappistElectrolyte: do you have anything in ~/.kde/share/mimelnk ?10:55
ubuntu_here's the scenario:  I went to update my nvidia driver (nvidia-GeForce FX 5600 Ultra).    I thought I mended my 'xorg.conf' file well enough.   I went to reboot thinking it would reload.  I get a server error on reboot.  I rebooted and added the edgy live disc w/ safe graphics mode.   I get an explanation about aperture levels in agpgart (reboot w/ iommu=memaper=2) ...... question: Is there a way to correct this from a live disc?10:55
trappistJymmmEMC: you could go either way, but things will be smoother if you install from scratch10:55
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=== ypsila agrees
Electrolytetrappist - nothing, according to nano.10:55
trappistubuntu_: what needs correcting?  boot options or xorg.conf?10:55
ElectrolyteOh wait.10:56
ElectrolyteGot the "I" wrong.10:56
trappistElectrolyte: well, if you can figure out where konqueror (or kde) stores its file associations, maybe you can look for octet-stream and find the problem - but I dunno where it is10:56
JymmmEMCOk, then that leads to another question... When I tried booting up from a different (PCI instead of onboard) video card, it would hang during boot. It's an older ATI AIW card (dont care about the TV part, it just hads higher resolution than the onboard 800x600 video) any way to pass params to get it to see the older video card?10:56
Electrolyteapplication and audio is in there.10:56
ubuntu_I'm not sure, I'm greener than a christmas tree10:56
ypsilamichael: kennst Du #kubuntu-de?10:56
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Electrolytetrappist - application and audio directory in there.10:57
trappistJymmmEMC: I think that's a BIOS option10:57
ElectrolyteAnd I see octet-stream.desktop in /application/10:57
trappistElectrolyte: what's in the application directory10:57
trappistyep :)10:57
trappistkill it10:57
ElectrolyteWorked :)10:57
ElectrolyteThanks :)10:57
ubuntu_I tried to edit the xorg.conf while in it using the live disc, but I don't think I know how to save it properly.10:57
=== ypsila pfeift
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trappistubuntu_: you have to mount your filesystem and be sure to edit the one on your hard drive, not the one in /etc/X1110:58
JymmmEMCtrappist: The bios automagically disables the onboard video when an ext video card is in place, but kubuntu will hang during boot. Same with Ubuntu, but Knoppix doens't have a problem with it.10:58
ypsilaubuntu_:  you can not do anything in live10:58
eilkerare the installing directly kubuntu and instaling kde desktop on ubuntu same? do those use system resources same? or one is better than others?10:58
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JymmmEMCtrappist: neither does debian10:58
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trappistJymmmEMC: ah I misunderstood the problem.  sorry, don't know the answer.10:59
JymmmEMCtrappist:  np =)10:59
JymmmEMCtrappist: Yeah, been looking for a cheap PCI video card w/ 64mb+ but are rare these days =)10:59
ConanI am having problems installing Kubuntu on my pc11:00
ubuntu_trap, could you help me mount the file system?11:00
ypsilaUbugtu: are you sure you even installed on hd?11:01
=== JymmmEMC is off to burn edgy
ubuntu_nevermind, I shouldn't bother you all, I should be able to find it myself.  I'll look in the help file11:01
ypsilaubuntu_: are you sure you did install?11:01
ypsilaubuntu_: live cd does not mean install11:02
ubuntu_ypsila, no I'm not sure.   : /11:02
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ypsilaubuntu_: what cd do you have? any idea?11:02
ubuntu_hey, I can get the live cd to boot me and get into the works to log onto the net and chat with you11:02
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ubuntu_both, dapper and edgy11:03
JymmmOMG... Want to muck with someone's eyes... let em run 800x600, then switch em to 1900x1400!  lol11:03
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ubuntu_the system is edgy and the lvie cd is dapper11:03
ypsilaubuntu_: yes, of course, but that does not mean you installed it on your harddrive11:03
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ubuntu_the file system on the hd is edgy and the live boot cd is dapper11:04
ypsilaubuntu_: when you boot without cd what comes up?11:04
JymmmCurious... is edgy a LIVE CD too?11:05
gnomefreakJymmm: yes has both live and alternate11:05
ubuntu_I get to the ubuntu splash screen then the system goes into like dos mode and tells me the xorg can't start due to an error11:05
Jymmmgnomefreak cool, ty.11:05
ypsilaJymmm: jepp11:06
ubuntu_the X server11:06
JymmmSo, only alternate isn't live?11:06
ConanI have live versions of both Kubuntu Dapper and Edgy but i cant get them to work on my pc11:06
=== ypsila excuses herself my son needs me
cntbwhy so Conan ?11:06
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ypsilasee you11:06
markelhasppl where can i see a list of the system settings tools11:06
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markelhascntb: hi11:07
cntbmarkelhas:  hi kde?11:07
ConanI am running XP buti cent get the cds to run... i restart my computer like it says and it does a XP boot11:07
markelhascntb: yaps, i thinks some of them gone11:07
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markelhascntb: i was exploring that menu, and it's missing tools11:08
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cntbmarkelhas: what possible reason for system settings tools to be gone11:08
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markelhascntb: some minutes ago i've resolved missing monitor & display and user management for example11:09
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markelhascntb: but i think that are missing others, so i need to see a list of it to check witch are missing11:10
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TheGateKeeper_markelhas: if you look on the wiki you will see a screen grab of system settings for edgy11:11
markelhascntb: for example missing battery tool11:11
markelhasTheGateKeeper_: the wiki!11:12
TheGateKeeper_yes the (k)ubuntu wiki11:12
markelhasTheGateKeeper_: https://wiki.kubuntu.org/Kubuntu ?11:12
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markelhasok ok11:13
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TheGateKeeper_that's where I saw it lol11:15
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markelhasTheGateKeeper_: missing power management only11:18
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markelhasTheGateKeeper_: can u help me?11:18
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markelhascntb: any tip to resolve this?11:20
TheGateKeeper_markelhas: Run Command... kcontrol11:21
TheGateKeeper_that should have it11:21
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markelhasTheGateKeeper_: nopes :(11:22
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ConanI cant get Edgy or dapper to work on my computer11:23
markelhasTheGateKeeper_: some minutes ago a user gave me a apt-get command to restor the missing tools11:23
markelhasTheGateKeeper_: but power still missing11:23
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TheGateKeeper_markelhas: well idk really as I don't use edgy, it's too problamatic for my liking11:24
TheGateKeeper_use the apt-get command to restore the missing tools11:25
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markelhasTheGateKeeper_: whitch one do u use?11:25
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TheGateKeeper_I use dapper at the moment, but possible not for too much longer11:27
xnphi everybody new kubuntu user overhere11:27
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xnpwas wondering i heard that there are other repo's wich i can download additional packages is that correct11:28
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trappist!repos | xnp11:28
ubotuxnp: The packages in Kubuntu are divided into various sections. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Repositories/Kubuntu11:28
markelhasTheGateKeeper_: but any reason ?11:28
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TheGateKeeper_dapper is more stable than edgy, from what I can make out edgy seems to have a number of problems11:30
ConanU cant get Kubuntu Edgy to work on my Windows system...11:30
TheGateKeeper_for instance open office is broken, there are fixes but to the best of my knowledge they have not come through on the updates11:31
ConanWell actually i cant get any of the Kubuntu or Ubuntu systems to work they wont boot from the disk11:31
TheGateKeeper_and there are other problems too11:31
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Hitstudentabout edgy - how should I modify xorg.xonf that keyboard layouts would change?11:32
Hitstudentby pressing ctrl+shift?11:32
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Hitstudentdefault is alt+shift11:33
jhutchinskde keyboard shortcuts11:33
Hitstudentno, its not what I want11:33
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Hitstudentthere are only shift+ctrl11:34
Hitstudentin dapper everything was vary clear11:34
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jhutchinsYeah, well, in edgy the "Windows" key is a modifier only, on Mandriva it's also available as a unique key for App Menu or dead key.11:35
jhutchinsSo I know what you mean, but that's the only place I know to change things.11:35
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jhutchinsUnfortunately there are too many different keyboard mapping mechanisms - xorg.conf, xmodmap, kde...11:36
jhutchinsIt's hard to tell which one has the final say.11:36
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cntbjhutchins: I personally an happy I can have windows shortkeys in kubuntu11:39
cntbfor example I said alt f2 or ctrl alt d11:40
cntbnow winlogo r and winlogo d is enough11:40
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cntbshortcuts are good even when introduced in windows first11:41
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cntbedgys beautiful feature is I can choose UNIX KDE MAC or windows behaviour. jhutchins. makes me feel free11:42
skreetHow do you use Win+D, R in KDE?11:42
bobesponjahi all11:43
bobesponjaI'm trying to access my machine from another computer through samba but it asks me for a username and password11:43
bobesponjaand none of my user work11:43
bobesponjahow can I allow any user to connect from lan?11:44
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skreetbobesponja: smbadd -u username, if i recall11:45
skreetdoesn't auth against local users by default11:45
skreetor at all11:45
fdovingbobesponja: open konsole (kmenu -> system -> konsole) and run 'sudo smbpasswd username' where username is the username you want to allow samba access.11:46
skreetfdoving, bobesponja: sorry, it's smbpasswd, he's right.. it's been a while11:46
fdovingbobesponja: or 'smbpasswd -a username' don't remember exactly.11:46
bobesponjafdoving: but on my previous debian install, the user didn't have to enter any username or password. Can't I get rid of the user/password dialogue?11:46
skreetit's in samba config..11:47
skreetsecurity = share11:47
skreeti belive11:47
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bobesponjaok thanx11:47
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fdovingYou can use kmenu -> run command 'kcmshell kcmsambaconf' to configure this.11:47
fdovingbobesponja: ^^11:48
Lunar_Ravendoes anyone know of a proxy scanner/finder for linux?11:48
fdovingLunar_Raven: nmap.11:48
Lunar_Ravennmap.  Ok, I'll look at that.  Thanks11:48
ubotunmap: The Network Mapper. In component main, is extra. Version 4.10-1 (edgy), package size 702 kB, installed size 2436 kB11:48
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bobesponjafdoving: thanx for the tip, is it planed to add this module to kubuntu's "system settings"?11:49
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fdovingbobesponja: not sure about the plans for the next release. I'm sure system settings will be improved somehow.11:50
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disko_dicki was wondering if anyone could point me in the right direction11:54
Jymmm<----- that way ----->11:55
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disko_dicki just installed the xorg-driver-fglrx and fglrx-control packages11:55
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disko_dickand now my radeon is under performing seriously11:55
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disko_dickany ideas on why it is doing this ?11:56
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soulriderhi everyone11:59
soulridertheres a file in myh ome folder11:59
soulriderwith strange characters11:59
soulriderand it wont let me delete it11:59
soulridernot even if im root11:59
soulriderit sais it can tbe found11:59
=== x0nix_ [n=x0nix@r5df240.net.upc.cz] has joined #kubuntu
fdovingsoulrider: open konsole (kmenu -> system -> konsole)12:00
=== krawek [n=krawek@ut-dialup-113-215.uniweb.net.co] has joined #kubuntu
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soulrideropened it12:00
fdovingsoulrider: 'rm -- filename'12:00
soulriderthats the thing12:00
soulrideri dont know what characters make the name up12:00
soulriderunder console i see "?"12:00
soulriderand in konqueror i see squares12:01
fdovingah. try to hit tab a few times.12:01
soulrideri did, but there are other files12:01
=== Destruktium [n=anonym@p549C86F3.dip0.t-ipconnect.de] has joined #kubuntu
=== raven301_ [n=raven301@bas3-kitchener06-1096753092.dsl.bell.ca] has joined #Kubuntu
soulriderand i think it shows different chars everytime12:02
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smaggardhello :D12:04
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=== |jordan| [n=kvirc@] has joined #kubuntu
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|jordan|can anyone help me?12:06
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smaggardwhats your problemo?12:07
|jordan|not realy a problem12:07
|jordan|just a question12:07
smaggardmmk go for it12:07
|jordan|whats the difference between the DVD and CD Distros12:08
|jordan|cause 700mb and 3.96 GB12:08
smaggardthe dvd allows you to burn 1 DVD and probably comes with a lot of packages on the DVD12:08
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Lam_they're the same, except the DVD has a lot extra software on it in case you can't get an active internet connection or your internet connection is slow12:08
|jordan|so which is better?12:08
|jordan|CD or DVD?12:08
smaggardthe cd is fine cuz everything on the DVD will be outdated in a few months anyways12:09
fdovingsoulrider: sorry, kid woke up. use 'ls -li' the inode number will appear at the beginning of the line, before the filename. find the inode number of your mysterious file.12:09
Lam_personal preference so long as your internet connection is at least DSL12:09
|jordan|yeah im on a 2meg line12:09
Lam_get the cd then12:09
|jordan|im downloading the CD12:09
|jordan|i just cant stand SuSE12:09
|jordan|been using it for 6 months now12:09
|jordan|and i want away12:09
smaggardthen i would download the cd and then install the packages with apt-get and it will download them when you need them and only the ones you want.12:09
smaggardsuse has gone down the toilet12:10
|jordan|totally not what it used to be12:10
smaggardi used to like it before the whole getting in bed with novell thing12:10
|jordan|with its funny update thing with novell12:10
disko_dickcan anyone help me with ati radeon driver issues ?12:10
soulridergot it12:10
soulridernow what should i do ?12:10
ubotuTo install the Ati/NVidia drivers for your video card, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto12:11
=== elclemente [n=clemens@port-87-234-68-252.dynamic.qsc.de] has joined #kubuntu
smaggardyeah i have never downloaded a dvd iso for a distro12:11
=== mazkagaz [i=user3@chez-mathieu.fr] has left #kubuntu ["Konversation]
disko_dickubotu: yeah i did that12:11
|jordan|so any noticable changes ill notice?12:11
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about yeah i did that - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi12:11
smaggardits kind of like... i have a 10mb download whats the point?12:11
=== Blacken [n=ed@edward-ropple.um.maine.edu] has joined #kubuntu
Lam_ubotu: hi12:11
ubotuHi! Welcome to #kubuntu!12:11
|jordan|anything ill notice between ubuntu and SuSe?12:12
smaggardubuntu will just be a lot better lol12:12
fdovingsoulrider: then 'find . -inum putthenumberhere -exec mv {} magicfile \;'12:12
smaggardbtw are you getting Kubuntu or ubuntu?12:12

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