
=== justintime32 [n=justin@pool-71-245-80-197.syrcny.fios.verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu-artwork
justintime32does anyone know what license the included desktop backgrounds are released under?12:19
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BartisimoWhat do I do when I have already registered with Launchpad?02:35
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frandavid100hi people10:18
frandavid100just seen the new app icons on hbons' blog, I love them!10:19
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coz_hello all03:35
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coz_bersace, welcome guy03:56
bersacecoz_: hi03:56
coz_bersace, hello how are you today03:56
bersaceback from pilgrimage03:57
coz_bersace, pilgrimage?03:57
bersaceto Ars03:58
coz_bersace, sorry guy, I am real bad with lettered names03:58
coz_what is that?03:58
andreasnPilgrimate, the demo party?03:58
bersacei took my feet and walk about 20km from a town to another03:59
bersacethis another town is Ars03:59
coz_bersace, oh well nice03:59
bersacethe town where holy Jean-Marie Vianney lived03:59
andreasnoh, ok. Sorry :)03:59
coz_bersace, nice!03:59
bersaceexauhsting, but very nice :D03:59
bersacewe meet an old guys04:00
bersacehe passed 5 years in ashram (tibetan monastery)04:00
bersacewhere a became a huge disciple of transcendental meditation04:01
bersace(a kind of budism)04:01
bersacethen he went back to France because he find that this "religion" was wrong04:01
bersace(the purpose of budism si to destroy your "I" in order to go back to nirvana)04:02
bersaceback to france, he discovered he add power04:02
bersacethat came from the "meditation"04:02
bersaceand in fact, from spirits04:03
bersacehe solve siknesses and other ill04:03
bersaceone day, he was at mass04:04
bersaceand heard that spirits blaspheming the host04:04
bersacefinally, he became friar04:05
bersacethat was a quite important testimonial04:06
bersacehis name is "Joseph Marie Verlinde"04:09
bersacei don't find any links in english04:09
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cbx33hey guys06:35
cbx33how made the Human theme redo and undo arrows?06:35
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coz_afternoon all06:58
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troy_sgreets folks07:39
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cbx33troy_s, the artwork for Human07:53
cbx33who made it07:53
cbx33and what are restrictions on using it07:53
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troy_si suspect cbx33 that they are all under cc share alike07:55
cbx33so i can use them07:55
troy_sbut you might want to ask frank07:55
troy_she could probably provide a more clear response07:55
cbx33dholbach just said there is a link to the ubuntu artwork copyrght thingy07:58
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