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Riddelldoes blueprint still have the "needs discussion" tickbox?01:10
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cjwatsonRiddell: use the discussion/drafting states to distinguish01:13
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Lathiatpitti: ping?02:03
pittiLathiat: pong02:04
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Burgundaviaevand: ping02:08
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evandBurgundavia: pong02:14
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lastnodeimbrandon, ping?03:00
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_Enchainedanyone can help me in packaging for ubuntu ?04:54
Burgundavia_Enchained: #ubuntu-motu04:55
_Enchainedok thx04:55
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jdongis Ubuntu siding with Debian on the whole BitTorrent 4/5 licensing issue?04:57
jdongor would it be eventually possible for Ubuntu to get a newer version of the mainline bittorrent client?04:57
psusiwhat licensing issue?04:58
Burgundaviajdong: I think so, we don't accept the cddl either04:58
Burgundaviapsusi: choice of venue makes it non-free04:58
Burgundaviaread teh debian-legal summary04:59
psusiwhere can I find that?04:59
Burgundaviagoogle it, I don't hvea the url off the top of my head04:59
psusigoogle for what?  debian-legal + bittorrent?05:00
jdongpsusi: http://bugs.debian.org/cgi-bin/bugreport.cgi?bug=29881405:00
UbugtuDebian bug 298814 in bittorrent "bittorrent: New upstream version available" [Wishlist,Open]  05:00
jdongread the first few comments05:00
jdongand the linked links05:00
jdongBurgundavia: what about for restricted or multiverse?05:01
jdongmainline 3.x is starting to get next to useless in comparison to other clients05:01
Burgundaviawhy not look at other implementations?05:01
jdongBurgundavia: I am pretty involved with ktorrent, so I am looking at other implementations05:02
jdongBurgundavia: but we currently install mainline 3.xx as the default torrent client05:02
BurgundaviaI think there is a C, a C++ and a C# library out there05:02
jdongand IMO that's not a good choice05:02
jdongBurgundavia: there is basically no other decent GTK+/GNOME client05:02
jdongyou have BitTornado, which is almost as suckish anything but an ultra ideal swarm05:03
jdongand Azureus, which (1) still doesn't work *cough* and (2) eats RAM and CPU for lunch05:03
jdongand (3) continues to be a bit quirkish due to GCJ instead of Sun JVM05:04
jdongBurgundavia: people are starting to run uTorrent inside WINE :D05:04
Burgundaviaplus it is massiively overkill05:04
HrdwrBoBjdong: it's the best solution05:04
HrdwrBoBunfortunately 05:04
jdubwe need a nice, simple downloader style client that can tell its own running process to kick off multiple downloads05:05
jdongHrdwrBoB: ktorrent's almost in a position to overtake that :D05:06
=== jdong biased? NAW!
psusiwhy does the released edgy versio of grip tell you that it is a development version when you start it up?  did someone slip up?05:06
jdongHrdwrBoB: we are missing peer exchange support, and that's about it05:06
HrdwrBoBpsusi: it's a universe package05:08
HrdwrBoBsound juicer is ubuntu default CD ripper05:09
jdongpsusi: the version in Edgy was indeed a development version of grip?05:09
psusithat is what it claims05:09
psusiget a big fat popup the first time you start it saying this is a development version, if you have truoble, revert to stable05:10
jdongpsusi: well, it's true... :)05:10
jdongit is a development version of grip05:10
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psusishouldn't we not be releaseing development versions in the stable release of ubuntu? ;)05:11
Hobbseepsusi: not necessarily05:12
Hobbseepsusi: seems it was a sync from debian anyway, with a couple of rebuilds05:12
=== mpt would be interested to know the proportion of packages in Ubuntu that have a version number < 1 :-)
jdongpsusi: the MOTU team must've thought it was a better choice than the stable version of grip05:13
Hobbseempt: indeed05:15
psusiok.. but shouldn't they have disabled the obnoxious warning at least? ;)05:15
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jdongpsusi: perhaps, yes05:16
jdongpsusi: guess nobody bothered to complain before edgy's release05:16
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Burgundaviapsusi: if you care about an app, watch it through the dev cycle and make certain ti gets to where you need it to be05:18
psusididn't realize it was universe... just installed it from the add programs applet05:18
psusibecause sound juicder can't correctly rip this cd I got today05:18
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psusihrm... is this with just the main bittorrent client, or derived ones as well?   like bit tornado?05:26
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zOrKwhere can I begin developing? is there some webpage?06:23
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cgeWhat is the process for requesting that something be removed from main?07:03
crimsunremoved from Ubuntu or demoted to universe?07:03
cgereportbug - demoted to universe, probably. 07:03
crimsunany way it can be fixed?07:04
cgeThe only people I've spoken to about it seemed to think that it would be easier to rewrite it.07:04
cgeIt currently sends bug reports to ubuntu-users, since it is based on Debian's reporting system.07:06
cgeSo some users, who see it in main and assume that it is supported by Ubuntu, install it and use it, resulting in them being admonished for spamming ubuntu-users.07:07
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asabilhi all08:40
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asabildon't you think that this is important enough to require a higher priority ?08:41
LaserJockit was discussed today08:41
asabiland ?08:42
LaserJockit has been marked as read for review08:42
asabilhmm okey08:43
asabilbecause this is one reason why people in my country don't use ubuntu :/08:44
asabilgiven that the eagle-usb drivers are broken :D and ueagle-atm is not in dapper nor edgy08:44
LaserJockso it was proposed, discussed, drafted, and up for review08:45
LaserJockthat's pretty good for the first day of the summit :-)08:45
asabillet me just hope that it will get accepted08:45
asabilcool then ;)08:46
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PecisDarbshi devs, question to Ubuntu packagers - how frequently happens translations updates packages release and how to initialise one, if there is need to fix faulty translations. For example, there is lot of buggy translations in particular lanugage and it would be nice to issue new translation update. Is that possible?10:48
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pygiPecisDarbs: there will be translations build somewhere in the future I think10:49
pygiPecisDarbs: pitti is your man10:49
PecisDarbsthanks for info :)10:50
PecisDarbspygi: he is frequent guest here?10:50
pygiPecisDarbs: I doubt you'll find most of folks here right now, since they are at conference10:51
crimsunit's 1:31 AM where they're at.10:51
PecisDarbsI don't need it ASAP, just a little info :)10:52
pygiPecisDarbs: I think every first monday in month or something like that is update10:52
PecisDarbsI see10:53
PecisDarbsthanks for info :)10:53
pygiyw ^_^10:53
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Administrator__I want to build my own recovery dvd. If I could get the source of the ubuntu installer cd, or if there was a way of adjusting the init scripts that would be great. The init script is going to do the following, restore partition table, mbr, mkfs, mount, restore biggbackup tarball, grub install. reboot. If there is a way to use the current ubuntu cd that would be great.12:39
HobbseeAdministrator__: the people who know are mostly in mountain view at the moment, and still asleep12:40
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rigidushi all12:44
rigiduscould anybody help me guys, how to give -i option to postgresql's postmaster process? Thanks :-)12:45
Hobbseerigidus: try #ubuntu for support12:46
rigidusthanks I tried12:46
cgerigidus: Try on the mailing list, or the forums, if you don't get an answer in #ubuntu.12:52
rigidusI tried the forum but there was no answer12:52
rigidusI guess the startup script is not completed12:53
cgeunfortunately, #ubuntu and the forums are declining in usefulness for people with more technical or nontrivial problems because of the huge number of users that flood them with obvious questions. The mailing list is probably best. But please don't bring them here.12:53
rigidusok, thanks12:53
Hobbseerigidus: likely the people who know are mostly in mountain view at the moment, and still asleep - try ubuntu-users mailing list for support12:55
rigidusthanks Hobbsee12:57
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JohnFlux_Hey all01:39
JohnFlux_is there a channel for the summit01:40
HobbseeJohnFlux_: yeah, #udsmtv01:40
HobbseeJohnFlux_: but it's still very early morning in MV01:40
Hobbseehence you probably wont find people awake01:40
JohnFlux_Hobbsee: i know01:48
JohnFlux_Hobbsee: i cant sleep ;)01:48
HobbseeJohnFlux_: heh.  jetlag?01:49
JohnFlux_yeah heh01:49
=== Hobbsee wonders what you're involved in
tepsipakkiis security-repos from archive.u.c now obsolete?01:49
tepsipakkiare ^01:49
JohnFlux_Hobbsee: i wonder too heh.  im a kde coder01:49
HobbseeJohnFlux_: ahh :)01:49
HobbseeJohnFlux_: yet you're in everywhere but #kubuntu-devel it seems.  (which is also silent, due to everyone being asleep)01:50
JohnFlux_Hobbsee: its really good though - im having fun01:50
Hobbseewhat are you coding?01:50
JohnFlux_ah there we go01:50
JohnFlux_Hobbsee: im the maintainer of ksysguard01:50
JohnFlux_and one of the coders of konversation01:51
JohnFlux_and miscillanous kde stuff01:51
Hobbseeahhh....so that's where i recognise the name from01:52
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LTjakehello. I was wondering, as a core developer for Catalyst (perl MVC framework) and an ubuntu user (server and desktop), I'd like to see these packages as up-to-date as possible; is there any way i can help?04:21
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sivangLTjake: first check if they are in universe,04:35
sivangLTjake: if they are, then you can work on them and upload your packages to REVU04:35
sivangLTjake: after prooving your skills and after working with folks in the MOTU team, you can get approved for uploads and then you could take care of them yourself04:36
LTjakeokay. checking...04:36
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LTjakedo things get sync'ed from debian packages at all? the latest catalyst seems to be in debian unstable...04:38
LTjakethe packages in universe are out-of-date, btw.04:38
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grndslmthis might not be the place to ask, but i have been asking in the lvm && ubuntu channels with no help....04:40
grndslmwhy on earth would pvscan list my device as an unknown device??04:40
Chipzzgrndslm: not getting an answer elsewhere is not an excuse to ask here ;)04:43
Chipzzbut this may be a valid question :P04:43
Chipzzjust pointing out in general04:43
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grndslmChipzz, somebody in the lvm channel tells me that lvm version 2.02.06 is buggy...but this is obviously version *-2ubuntu304:50
grndslmso i dunno if this would be the same bug(s) or what04:50
Chipzzapt-get source and look at what's patched04:51
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_ionWow, looks like you get to write twice the amount of code in order to achieve the same thing with Catalyst, compared to Rails.04:52
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pygihey sabdfl 04:56
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sladeniwj: what exactly is /var/lib/dpkg/updates/ for?  The Changelog says it was added in 0.93.18 (12 years ago), but I can't find a reference to it actually being used 04:57
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sladeniwj: for stackable file-systems, dpkg/available needs updating somehow04:59
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ianm_has there been any discussion regarding prevention of swap-deathin ubuntu?05:11
ianm_it seems that any app can kill or at least DoS a linux desktop just by allocating lots of memory05:15
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psusidon't run such apps.... and if you run a multiuser server, then there is ulimit05:27
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simiraheh... problems in google hq?05:29
ianm_psusi: do you think normal users don't deserve such protection?  how do you know ahead of time which programs are bad (and in which situations)?05:31
psusino... normal users are going to be the only person on the system and they aren't going to intentionally write and run a fork bomb05:31
ianm_I'm not talking about fork bombs, just memory exhaustion05:32
psusisame thing05:32
ianm_normal users aren't going to run apps that ask for lots of memory? 05:33
psusiintentionally hogging all resources to cripple the system.... it's not a concern to single user systems05:33
psusithey aren't goign to run apps that intentionally ask for more and more memory until it is all used up05:33
ianm_again not talking about malicious behavior05:33
psusiif they try to open a 3 gig image in gimp with only 128 megs of ram, then they can put up with the lag05:34
ianm_it's not lag though, it's endless HD churning until they hard-reboot.  maybe not technically a crash, but effectively it is05:35
ianm_memory exhaustion is the only problem I've seen, and I see it several times from normal programs under normal conditions.  sometimes firefox, other times evolution05:35
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psusihard reboot?05:36
psusisounds like a hardware bug05:36
psusiit should just get real swappy until memory demand goes down05:37
ianm_what if it doesn't go down?05:37
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psusithen the system stays swappy05:37
psusiuntil you get fed up with it and start killing stuff ;)05:37
grndslmhow can i find out if a certain patch was applied in an ubuntu release version, specifically lvm?05:38
ianm_how do you kill stuff when the GUI is unresponsive?  (yeah, terminal, kill -9, but this is linux for normal people right?)05:38
grndslmkillall <packagename>05:38
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grndslmthat works well enough for me05:38
ianm_psusi: or did you mean, like, your cat and your girlfriend? :)05:38
psusiyea, it would be nice if gnome-system-monitor locked itself into ram05:39
psusiso you could stil bring that up and kill stuff05:39
Keybukianm_: click the [X]  button in the corner05:39
Keybukmetacity will notice that the app is unresponsive to the request, and offer to force quit it (ie send KILL)05:40
grndslmwhat's wrong with the kill applet?05:40
ianm_Keybuk: how do they even know which program is misbehaving?05:40
Keybukianm_: the one that's unresponsive05:40
grndslmor "force quit" actually05:40
ianm_all are unresponsive when your system is swap-dying05:40
ianm_using 'top' is the only way I've figured out which is to blame05:40
Keybukyes, and when your system is doing that, killing things won't help05:40
KeybukSystem -> Administration -> System Monitor05:41
Keybukthe one at the top is using all the CPU05:41
Keybukclick "End Process"05:41
ianm_but you understand that navigating menus / GUIs during a swap-death is next to impossible..?05:41
Keybukianm_: so?05:41
Keybukwhat do you want?05:41
psusiwhen thrashing no task is using much cpu05:42
Keybuknovice users can't deal with non-gui05:42
psusiyou just have one that is using all the ram... that's what needs to die05:42
grndslmis there such a thing as too much swap?05:42
ianm_Keybuk: right, so I'm proposing that we don't let a process DO that to the system05:42
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Keybukianm_: how do you prevent a process doing doing that?05:42
psusihow do you propose that?05:42
Keybukpsusi: then that's the one the kernel kills05:42
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ianm_I can't say for sure, I'm not a kernel hacker, but maybe just preventing one process from allocating more than X ram?05:43
Keybukianm_: then you're talking about this in the wrong channel05:43
Keybukthis is the channel for people with proposed solutions05:43
grndslmanyway...could you guys tell me how i could find out if a certain patch was applied in an ubuntu release version, specifically lvm?05:44
grndslmafter apt-get sourcing?05:44
psusican someone teach ubotu to quit telling users to use the disks applet to mount partitions since it has been removed in edgy?05:44
ianm_Keybuk: heh and must someone be 100% sure of their proposal..?05:44
ianm_Keybuk: "preventing one process from allocating more than X ram"  <--- proposed solution05:45
psusiianm_: there is no good way to choose a value of X that will not annoy people who actually want to load a really big app05:45
psusiianm_: and you can just have n tasks that use X and still thrash the system05:45
ianm_how about locking critical stuff in RAM, so that the system stays responsive?05:46
tfheenianm_: sure, set ulimits sensibly.05:46
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Keybukianm_: what's critical?05:46
Keybukthe kernel already does that05:46
ianm_Keybuk: the things that keep the GUI responsive05:46
psusihave to be careful about that because then it lowers the ram availible to other things when you don't need the "critical stuff"05:46
Keybukthe primary thing that keeps the gui responsive is also the primary allocator of RAM05:46
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sivangKeybuk: just wanted to ask, I poked at eject for making sure ubuntu changes were not dropped in the merge, but couldn't find the base packag. Do you have an idea where it went ? (I couldn't find it on snaphost/qa.d.o)05:48
Keybuksivang: merges.ubuntu.com05:49
ianm_psusi: I agree re: careful, but aren't there core gnome things that have to stay in RAM for the GUI to be used?05:50
Keybukianm_: no05:50
slomoKeybuk: hi :) if you have some free time could you take a look at bug #69647? the sync is needed for some other stuff and the only ubuntu change is trivial05:50
UbugtuMalone bug 69647 in cli-common "Please sync cli-common 0.4.6 from debian/unstable (main)" [Undecided,Confirmed]  http://launchpad.net/bugs/6964705:50
Keybukslomo: no.05:50
Keybuksyncs are in auto again now05:50
psusiianm_: there is a LOT of stuff that would need to be locked... which is the problem05:50
Keybukthey will take 3-4 days05:50
ianm_Keybuk: like... the gtk library?  glib?  no??05:50
Keybukianm_: they aren't processes05:50
sivangKeybuk: you store the base source somewhere on m.u.c ?05:51
Keybuksivang: naturally05:51
ianm_Keybuk: didn't say processes, said "core gnome things"05:51
psusiKeybuk: yea, but they still could be locked in ram if you wanted to05:51
Keybukpsusi: it wouldn't help05:51
psusiKeybuk: well, it would... but it would be costly05:52
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sivangKeybuk: okay, I was just puzzled by not being able to find the base anywhere else then :)05:52
Keybukpsusi: no, it wouldn't05:52
Keybuksivang: please don't try and do merges by hand, use mom05:52
psusihow would it not help to not have to swap them back in?05:52
ianm_psusi: costly only in the sense that no process could take up 100% of RAM and swap? 05:52
slomoKeybuk: this one involves dropping ubuntu changes though05:52
psusicostly in the sense that there would be a lot less ram that could be used by other things that might need it more than the gui at times05:52
Keybukslomo: then it'll be done in roughly two weeks05:52
psusinow what might be really cool is if there were a magic sysreq key or something you could hit that would stop the kernel from swapping out from a list of important tasks for a while... so you could hit that to regain control of a thrashing gui05:54
Keybukpsusi: there is05:54
psusithen switch it back after05:54
psusithere is?05:54
Keybukwell, there's a key to stop swapping, and others to kill processes05:55
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Keybukif swapping is actually causing a system problem, you've got bigger problems than just the wrong things in the wrong place05:55
Keybukyou really need to kill things05:55
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ianm_Keybuk: are we back to that?  how does a normal user kill processes?05:56
psusiyea, but you don't just want to have the kernel pick something to kill, and you may in fact, want to let the process keep running.... just not at the cost of gui responsiveness05:57
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sivangKeybuk: okay, I'll try to get less confused by it :)05:57
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psusiand when you say there is a key to stop swapping, what exactly does that mean?  just swapoff -a?05:59
psusicause that's not what you want either05:59
ianm_if we assume that 1) a normal user will never use the command line, 2) the GUI gets unresponsive in these conditions, 3) when the system is unresponsive, a normal users assumes it needs a reboot, then aren't we *effectively* back in windows 3.1 days where any app can hard-lock the system? (not literally/technically, but effectively!)05:59
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Keybukianm_: then propose a solution06:00
Keybukthis is NOT a bitching channel, or a bug reporting channel, or even a support channel06:00
Keybukthis is "I have a concrete idea to fix this problem, here's my idea"06:00
ianm_I came here to pick your brains on this topic06:00
psusipractically though the only time I can see this happening is if someone opens a 3 gig image in gimp... and they can just click the close button and it will be killed06:00
Keybukyou haven't given a single idea yet06:00
Keybukianm_: this is not a brain picking channel either06:00
Keybukstart a thread on the ubuntu-users mailing list06:00
Keybukwhen you have a concrete idea, start a thread on ubuntu-devel proposing it06:00
tfheenKeybuk: we could conceivably make c-a-d bring up the task manager or something like that.  Or some thingabob similar to the windows c-a-d dialog06:01
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ianm_tfheen: would whatever components the task manager needs have to be locked in memory for that to work?06:03
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ianm_Keybuk: if you haven't seen a single idea yet, read more carefully06:04
tfheenianm_: you seem to be very attached to the "lock in memory" idea which has bad implications for other reasons.06:04
sladenwhen swapping gets bad the system responsiveness gets aweful.  Best thing to do is Ctrl-Alt-F1 and come back 20minutes later06:05
ianm_I'm not attached to any idea, just asking06:05
sladenat which point the system will be normal again06:05
mjg59Is mlocked memory still shared?06:05
tfheenmjg59: unsure, but mlock requires root privs, iirc?06:05
cjwatson_not any more06:05
tfheenoh, ok06:06
cjwatson_that was changed in the Ubuntu kernel (at least) a while back06:06
mjg59There's a configurable amount that can be done per user06:06
psusiI like the idea of rather than locking the task manager all the time, setting it up so that ctrl-alt-del will bring it up, and set the task such that the kernel will not prune pages from its working set for a while06:06
mjg59Right, what you /actually/ want is for the kernel to just stop caring about anything other than that application06:06
psusithat way it will get itself faulted in and running in a timely manner and then be fully responsive06:06
mjg59Oh. Other than X, of course.06:06
mjg59Which makes things trickier06:06
sladenyup/win 34606:07
tfheenmjg59: so really just renice a bunch of processes -5 or so?06:07
mjg59Since by X we actually mean "the X server that this application is going to connect to"06:07
mjg59tfheen: I'm not sure how well the linux scheduler works when stuff is deep in swap06:07
psusitrue... X needs to not be thrashed as well06:07
tfheenprobably not great.06:07
mjg59Which is probably what the actual problem is06:07
psusinice itself won't help since it isn't an issue of cpu scheduling06:08
iwjsladen: /var/lib/dpkg/updates is so that dpkg doesn't have to rewrite /var/lib/dpkg/status each time.06:08
mjg59psusi: If the thrashing tasks don't get scheduled, they won't trigger page faults06:08
psusiunless the swapper respecs nice?  which I don't think it does06:08
ianm_is there a time when a user *wants* X to thrash?  06:08
psusimjg59: they do get scheduled... then page fault and block again... that's the problem06:08
mjg59psusi: Right. So to some extent it /is/ a cpu scheduling thing06:08
psusimjg59: no... it isn't... it got scheduled... but can not run because it page faulted06:09
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mjg59psusi: In the specific case of us wanting the system to remain responsive enough for people to kill tasks, we don't want the applications that are causing the memory starvation to get scheduled at all06:09
Keybukmjg59: and probably dbus and HAL for the task manager to communicate with the other random bits06:10
Keybukand the window manager06:10
Keybukso it can get painted06:10
psusiohh, yes... if you stop the bloated tasks then they won't be faulting in pages anymore06:10
Keybukoh, and the composite manager, so it can be drawn06:10
mjg59But to be honest, my gut feeling is that this is something that would make a nice research paper for someone06:10
psusibut nice isn't going to do that for you06:10
mjg59Right, it would need to be rather more invasive06:10
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psusiI have a question about Suggests: and Recommends:  do these fields exist for any reason other than to inform the inquisitive power user about other things they might want to install?06:13
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psusiif they are supposed to list packages that are not strictly depended on, but things that you really should install to use this package properly, shouldn't the add applications applet and maybe even synaptic at least prompt the user to install them?06:13
mjg59psusi: http://www.debian.org/doc/debian-policy/ch-relationships.html06:14
psusimjg59: that doesn't say what tools actually DO in response to the field... and from my experience, it looks like they do nothing06:16
psusii.e. apt-get and synaptic do not prompt you to install the Recommended or Suggested packages06:17
mjg59psusi: What the tools do is entirely up to the individual tools06:17
psusifrom a user perspective, shouldn't the tool at least prompt to install the Recommended packages?  it seems none of them do06:18
psusishould I file a feature request for the add applications applet to do this?06:18
tfheenwe need to vet the list of recommends first, iirc06:19
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ianm_psusi: also it seems it would have to explain the choice, which it isn't prepared to do06:19
psusitfheen: vet it?06:19
ianm_psusi: saying "xftgbd is recommended, do you want to install it?" probably isn't appropriate06:20
tfheenmake sure it's sane06:20
psusiianm_: I think it would be sufficient to put up a dialog that says "It is strongly recommended that you also install the following to get the full use of out this package:" and have the other packages checked to install unless they uncheck them then hit ok06:20
ianm_I agree that'd be fine for synaptic, as that's not what normal users will be using anyway06:21
psusifollowed by "The following packages are Suggested to be installed as they may add in some way to the functionality of this package, install?" and list them but have them not to be installed unless the user checks them off before hitting ok... maybe even make the package names clickable so they can read the description06:22
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psusiI raise this issue because I used the simple add applications applet to install Grip to rip some cds, and it does not work out of the box because it needs vorbis-tools to encode... it is listed under Recommends: but since that field is ignored,06:23
psusiwe have a package that does not work out of the box.06:23
psusithis leads to poor user experience06:23
ianm_that sounds more like a data bug, no?06:23
ianm_as in vorbis-tools should be required06:24
psusino, because it is not required06:24
psusiyou can choose not to encode to ogg06:24
psusiyou can just keep it in wav, or go with mp306:24
psusibut for it to just work out of the box... it needs vorbis, which is why it is strongly recommended06:24
psusiunfortunately, the installer ignores this fact06:25
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ianm_oh I see.  the app could possibly be wise to the situation as well06:25
psusiyea, I was thinking maybe the debconf script for the package could check to see if any of the encoder packages are installed, and prompt the user to install them?  not sure if you can do that with a debconf script, I'll have to hack around with it06:26
ianm_there has been talk about media apps making it easy to install codecs.  this seems to fall into that category06:26
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pygidholbach: thanks, was already approved as part of -qa team :)06:31
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cbx33hey jono 06:37
jonohey cbx3306:37
cbx33guys, who would I talk to about using the arrows for the undo/redo in the Human theme in a logo for a new ubuntu product06:37
jonohow did you get on with gstreamer?06:37
cbx33jono I jhave a working prototype06:37
pygijono: as always, are you willing to be boethered? :)06:37
pygibothered even :)06:37
cbx33bothered....? with me?06:38
jonocbx33: awesome :)06:38
pygicbx33: no, I wanna bother him :P06:38
cbx33oh heh06:38
jonopygi: huh?06:38
cbx33jono I can now convert ogg mp3 and wav to wav ;)06:38
jonocbx33: woo!06:38
cbx33i was hoping for amr06:38
cbx33but it's not in the repo06:38
pygijono: do you have the power to setup a mailing lists at lists.ubuntu.com?06:38
jonocbx33: I saw some of the gstreamer trick modes yesterday - funky shit06:38
jonopygi: nope06:39
pygijono: you know who does? :)06:39
jonopygi: yep, lemme check06:39
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jonopygi: mail mailman@lists.ubuntu.com06:40
cbx33trick modes?06:40
pygijono: ok, I'll write there06:40
pygijono: thanks06:40
jonopygi: :)06:40
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cbx33jono tell me more about these trick modes06:47
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jonocbx33: you can stuff like slowing and speeding up audio in realtime, its pretty cool06:50
jonodoing reverse playback and stuff06:50
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sladenjono: how the heck to do you reverse playback realtime?06:52
Treenakssladen: gstreamer ;)06:52
sladenoooh, gstreamer has gained so much.  I'd missed the Time Machine going in06:53
cbx33sladen, hiya...had chance to sign my key yet? :p06:54
sladencbx33: you control panel got a mention by ogra in the introductary talk06:54
cbx33oh really?06:54
cbx33good or bad?06:54
sladencbx33: sounded good to me06:54
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=== _ion should try implementing http://johan.kiviniemi.name/pictures/misc/better_crossfading with gstreamer some day.
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zOrKIs anyone working on easy-ndsiwrapper?07:24
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DShepherdI don't know if anyone else noticed but the firefox icon in the main menu differs from the one that shows on the application itself... was this intended? 07:58
robertjalready filed07:58
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DShepherdrobertj:ok 07:59
jdongDShepherd: hehe, the DFSG spirit always finds ways to cling onto our packages :D07:59
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DShepherdjdong: ;-)08:00
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sladenjono: re: Rosetta, stub, carlos and danilo are all marked down to be in the session running concurrently08:25
jonosladen: ahhh cool08:28
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zOrKis there any patch for the broadcom wireless card?, I am thinking about make one08:44
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volvoguyhey folks. rebuke me if you must, but i can't find any documentation anywhere that mentions whether the server kernel is SMP capable. can i get a quick yes or no?09:20
infinityvolvoguy: Yes.09:21
volvoguyinfinity, thank you. :) bye bye now. 09:21
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geserinfinity: hello. are you still working on bug 65266 ?09:26
UbugtuMalone bug 65266 in php4 "[UVF Exception]  Sync php4 4.4.4 from Debian unstable" [Medium,Confirmed]  http://launchpad.net/bugs/6526609:26
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claviolawhere can I find this year's signing keys for the archives?09:33
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tepsipakkiSeveaz: hi, do you know of any efforts on packaging nx-2.1.0?11:12
Seveaztepsipakki, no, focus in the free software world is on the 2x.com packages and not nomachines mess11:13
tepsipakkididn't know such exists11:14
ajmitchSeveaz: where are these packaging efforts?11:14
ajmitchI haven't seen 2x.com as much of an improvement on the nx mess11:14
tepsipakkiin the meantime, I have the 2.1.0 mess compiling atm :)11:14
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Seveazit's an improvement, all parts are free11:14
tepsipakkithats good11:14
Seveazit's still messy though11:15
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tepsipakkiI took the nx-1.4..+1.5.0-11ubuntu1 and made some changes to the patches so at least it is compiling right now.. we'll see if it get's through11:17
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tfheenhave they stopped shipping a complete copy of an X source tree yet?11:20
tepsipakkinope :)11:21
tfheenwon't make the archive, then11:21
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pygitfheen: why would someone do that? :-/11:22
tepsipakkioh that's the reason.. wondered why there were no packages11:22
tfheenpygi: because somebody had a very bad idea one morning, or something?11:22
pygitfheen: right :-/11:23
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dokogicmo: slacker!11:32
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sivanghey gicmo 11:34
dholbachdoko, gicmo: having fun? :)11:34
gicmodholbach: sure enough!11:35
dokodholbach: stay at your session, no more place on the couch ...11:35
seb128dholbach: aren't you suposed to draft telepathy? :p11:35
bhaleseb128: will we get galago in main?11:35
dholbachdoko, gicmo: don't worry - I'll leave you guys the couch - enjoy your time there together ;-)11:35
bhaleseb128: with telepathy?11:36
pygiseb128: we did that already I think? :P11:36
dholbachseb128: i'm working on it11:36
seb128bhale: we didn't really speak about galago 11:36
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seb128dholbach: suuuuuure :)11:36
gicmodholbach: yeah, the couch! ;-D11:36
seb128couch rulez!11:36
=== dholbach slaps seb128
bhalevibe the fuck out?11:36
seb128we are working like house elves there!11:37
tfheencuddly house elves you are11:37
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sivangcouch ?11:51
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