=== fabbione [i=fabbione@conference/ubuntuconf/x-6e32081233705163] has joined #ubuntu-kernel === zul [i=chuck@ubuntu/member/zul] has joined #ubuntu-kernel === mgalvin [n=mgalvin@ubuntu/member/mgalvin] has joined #ubuntu-kernel === mgalvin [n=mgalvin@ubuntu/member/mgalvin] has joined #ubuntu-kernel === rikai_ [n=rikai@unaffiliated/rikai] has joined #ubuntu-kernel === rikai_ is now known as rikai === doko [i=doko@conference/ubuntuconf/x-77a802ec9d40e5e0] has joined #ubuntu-kernel === mgalvin [n=mgalvin@ubuntu/member/mgalvin] has joined #ubuntu-kernel === Lure [n=lure@ubuntu/member/lure] has joined #ubuntu-kernel === hillapple [n=hill@] has joined #ubuntu-kernel [05:09] hello [05:09] is there someone who has the experience of compiling the linux kerner 0.01? === itsyou [n=itsme@ip68-226-29-100.tc.ph.cox.net] has joined #ubuntu-kernel [05:11] hello all === Lure_ [n=lure@] has joined #ubuntu-kernel === hillapple [n=hill@] has joined #ubuntu-kernel === hillapple [n=hill@] has left #ubuntu-kernel ["Ex-Chat"] === Jozo- [i=jozo@viola.uninea.fi] has joined #ubuntu-kernel === fabbione [n=fabbione@vpn-nat.fabbione.net] has joined #ubuntu-kernel === zul [n=chuck@ubuntu/member/zul] has joined #ubuntu-kernel === rikai_ [n=rikai@unaffiliated/rikai] has joined #ubuntu-kernel === ivoks [n=ivoks@ubuntu/member/ivoks] has joined #ubuntu-kernel === rikai_ is now known as rikai === alex_joni [n=juve@emc/board-of-directors/alexjoni] has joined #ubuntu-kernel [09:57] just installed an ubuntu-server and the default 2.6.15-26-server kernel has HT disabled. should I install the bigiron? or is it not usefull to run with HT enabled? [10:06] was disabled for a CVE [10:06] if you must, boot with ht=on [10:06] is it usefull? [10:06] there are varying answers, none of which I can really tell. It depends on the context, perhaps. [10:07] found http://www.daemonology.net/hyperthreading-considered-harmful/ .. will read there (thanks for the answer) === alex_joni [n=juve@emc/board-of-directors/alexjoni] has left #ubuntu-kernel ["thanks] === Administrator__ [n=Administ@ip503d4396.speed.planet.nl] has joined #ubuntu-kernel === rikai_ [n=rikai@unaffiliated/rikai] has joined #ubuntu-kernel === rikai_ is now known as rikai === ivoks [n=ivoks@wall2.grad.hr] has joined #ubuntu-kernel === ivoks [n=ivoks@ubuntu/member/ivoks] has joined #ubuntu-kernel === fabbione [n=fabbione@vpn-nat.fabbione.net] has joined #ubuntu-kernel === BenC [n=bcollins@debian/developer/bcollins] has joined #ubuntu-kernel [04:06] infinity: ping === Lure_ [n=lure@] has joined #ubuntu-kernel === ..[topic/#ubuntu-kernel:BenC] : Ubuntu kernel development discussion ONLY | Kernel Wiki: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/CategoryKernel | 2.6.19-5.5 uploaded - The Sleezy Hotel release. Use it, but there are still a few missing modules. [04:29] nice naming === rikai_ [n=rikai@unaffiliated/rikai] has joined #ubuntu-kernel === rikai_ is now known as rikai === ivoks [n=ivoks@ubuntu/member/ivoks] has joined #ubuntu-kernel === rikai_ [n=rikai@unaffiliated/rikai] has joined #ubuntu-kernel === Keybuk [i=scott@conference/ubuntuconf/x-da1473c0092f5458] has joined #ubuntu-kernel === rikai_ is now known as rikai === BenC [i=bcollins@debian/developer/bcollins] has joined #ubuntu-kernel === fabbione [n=fabbione@vpn-nat.fabbione.net] has joined #ubuntu-kernel [06:07] BenC: ? [06:08] infinity: Was going to ask about doing a kernel upload, but I already did it :) === Lure_ [i=lure@conference/ubuntuconf/x-52da990d081ae2a4] has joined #ubuntu-kernel [06:17] BenC: Oh. Alright. I fully support this kernel uploading initiative. [06:18] infinity: Thanks for your blessing Godfather [06:18] ;) [06:18] I'm getting lrm ready to upload too === kylem moos. === tfheen bounces === fabbione wonders if 5.5 will not crash as much on ppc [06:32] BenC: FTBFS, suckah. [06:32] BenC: Oh, never mind. [06:32] BenC: Build-deps confused. === BenC [i=bcollins@debian/developer/bcollins] has joined #ubuntu-kernel === luka74 [i=lure@conference/ubuntuconf/x-b12ad22bf89bffb8] has joined #ubuntu-kernel === rikai_ [n=rikai@unaffiliated/rikai] has joined #ubuntu-kernel === zul [i=chuck@ubuntu/member/zul] has joined #ubuntu-kernel === rikai_ is now known as rikai === rikai [n=rikai@unaffiliated/rikai] has joined #ubuntu-kernel === johanbr [n=j@d154-20-238-192.bchsia.telus.net] has joined #ubuntu-kernel === fabbione [i=fabbione@conference/ubuntuconf/x-4380a8df9df5ad99] has joined #ubuntu-kernel === doko [i=doko@conference/ubuntuconf/x-15ed2f54053479b9] has joined #ubuntu-kernel === ivoks [n=ivoks@ubuntu/member/ivoks] has joined #ubuntu-kernel === fabbione_ [i=fabbione@conference/ubuntuconf/x-c6f4d10c6e4f36c4] has joined #ubuntu-kernel === zul [i=chuck@conference/ubuntuconf/x-07e73c57eb506e6a] has joined #ubuntu-kernel === johanbr [n=j@jupiter.physics.ubc.ca] has joined #ubuntu-kernel === _human_blip_ [n=mike@] has joined #ubuntu-kernel === ivoks [n=ivoks@ubuntu/member/ivoks] has joined #ubuntu-kernel === fabbione [n=fabbione@vpn-nat.fabbione.net] has joined #ubuntu-kernel === hughsie [n=hughsie@host86-132-110-202.range86-132.btcentralplus.com] has joined #ubuntu-kernel === tuxmaniac [n=aanjhan@unaffiliated/tuxmaniac] has joined #ubuntu-kernel [10:07] okay, I'm sure this is the hundred and first time someone's asked, by is there a link to the missing modules? and WELL DONE to rebase so quickly. [10:34] also, how to get the kernel de-jour the easiest way rather than downloading .debs? [10:35] git gives you the freshest source code [10:35] tfheen: nahh, that's a little too hardcore even for me:-) - i mean the 2.6.19 debs [10:36] i need those for the OPLPC work... [10:48] hughsie: Downloading from kernel.org and then doing "fakeroot make-kpkg --initrd kernel_image" in the source dir gives you a nice .deb. [10:50] johanbr: yes, that's what I've been doing, but I wanted to know if the nice ubuntu uys have pacakged up my ipw3945 in the restricted modules and stuff like that [10:50] hacking without the net is painful :-) [10:50] hughsie: ipw3945 is packaged, yes [10:52] tfheen: SWEET! [10:52] I thought that was supported in edgy as well. [10:52] /lib/modules/2.6.17-10-generic/kernel/drivers/net/wireless/ipw3945/ipw3945.ko exists in my edgy install at least. [10:52] i cant seem to find it tho... i'm using feisty repo, and i get 2.6.19 but no restricted modules [10:53] No, l-r-m doesn't exist yet for Feisty. [10:53] ahh, i need 2.6.19 [10:53] johanbr: as i guessed, thanks. [10:53] oh, sorry, Ben was talking about lrm for feisty earlier today. [10:53] so, "soon" === zul [i=chuck@ubuntu/member/zul] has joined #ubuntu-kernel === zul [i=chuck@ubuntu/member/zul] has joined #ubuntu-kernel === ivoks [n=ivoks@ubuntu/member/ivoks] has joined #ubuntu-kernel === marcin_ant [n=marcin@] has joined #ubuntu-kernel === marcin_ant [n=marcin@] has joined #ubuntu-kernel === rikai [n=rikai@unaffiliated/rikai] has joined #ubuntu-kernel === Lure [i=lure@ubuntu/member/lure] has joined #ubuntu-kernel