
TheMusoLooks like not.12:11
LaserJockTheMuso: no, brandon and I are going to work on it a bit later12:12
TheMusoLaserJock: Is the food alright at this summit?12:12
pygiluisbg, which one,what, etc?12:12
LaserJockTheMuso: yes, we had indian for lunch12:12
TheMusooooo nice.12:12
luisbgpygi, it's a statistics program a friend of mine is doing for collegue last year project12:12
LaserJockalso got google tshirts12:12
luisbggoogle shirts!?12:12
luisbgI want ONE ! LOL12:13
=== luisbg envies LaserJock everyday more
pygiLaserJock, while you are there tell them they sent me only one shirt, instead of three :P12:13
=== theCore also envies LaserJock
TheMusoHow is the VOIP stuff working out?12:14
LaserJocknot sure12:14
LaserJockthey have conf. call phones in each room12:14
LaserJockmuch better setup then Paris12:14
TheMusoWell Henrik was telling me that the stuff he has heard on VOIP hasn't sounded that good.12:14
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Le_Vertis there any ubuntuist here ?01:11
luisbgLe_Vert, what is an ubuntuis?01:11
Le_Vertsomeone that use ubuntu :p01:11
luisbgthen yes, I am01:11
Le_VertI just wanna know if upload to universe are allowed again ?01:12
Le_VertI went here a few days (weeks?) ago01:12
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thomLe_Vert: for feisty, yes01:12
Le_Vertbecause I'd sync my debian package to ubuntu01:12
Le_Vertbut edgy was in deep freeze01:12
ajmitchis it unmodified in ubuntu?01:13
ajmitcheg, does it have ubuntu in the version string?01:13
Le_Vertof course not01:13
Le_Vertmost are only in the debian archive01:13
Le_Vertor really outdated in ubuntu01:14
ajmitchthen it will be synced automatically in the next few days in feisty01:14
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Le_Vertwhat's about ntfs-3g01:15
Le_Vertsomeone packaged it in ubuntu while I was doing it for debian01:15
ajmitchI think that syncs have just been turned on, or will be very soon01:15
Le_Vertmy package has an epoch01:15
ajmitchthen it wouldn't get synced automatically, since we don't just overwrite ubuntu changes01:15
ajmitchit gets put on a list of packages to check & merge01:16
Le_Vertis there anything I could do for this ?01:16
ajmitchhow different are the packages?01:16
Le_Vertmine is up-to-date and install with suid root (group fuse) to allow fuse group member to upload ntfs volume01:16
luisbgajmitch, I would like to learn to know how ubuntu works from inside out, everything... what book or url do you recommend me?01:17
ajmitchluisbg: I doubt there's any single place that you learn *everything*01:17
Burgundavialuisbg: community or technical?01:17
ajmitchthe wiki documents a lot01:17
Le_Vertand the ubuntu package versionning really sux01:18
luisbgBurgundavia, both... right now I need more info in community, but also would like technical (to understand how all fits together)01:18
ajmitchyes, I haven't looked at the ubuntu package, that version does look very bad01:18
luisbgajmitch, I didn't meant the one place to go... but a good one to start with01:18
Le_Vertan epoch will be needed when the first stable version will come out01:18
Le_Vertit's stupid :)01:18
Burgundavialuisbg: what sort of questions about the communtiy do you have?01:18
luisbgBurgundavia, how tasks are handled01:19
ajmitchLe_Vert: I agree, but there's not much we can do about that now :)01:19
Burgundaviawhat sort of tasks? which part of the distro?01:19
Le_Vertokay... :)01:19
ajmitchLe_Vert: ideally we'd just use the debian packages01:19
Le_VertI'll wait for the sync then01:20
luisbgBurgundavia, I think I understand the packaging process, but the more core stuff?01:21
Le_Vertdoes someone can be my sponsors if some of my package are not synced automatically ?01:21
Burgundavialuisbg: which core stuff? you need to give me more details01:21
Le_Verts/does someone can/can someone/01:21
ajmitchLe_Vert: yes, if you create debdiffs against existing packages, attach them to a bug in malone, and subscribe ubuntu-universe-sponsors to the bug01:22
luisbgBurgundavia, installer for example01:22
ajmitchthat's the full way of doing it :)01:22
Burgundavialuisbg: right, the installer is done by Colin Watson and Ridell01:23
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Burgundavialuisbg: if you want to change any part of Ubuntu, the easiest way to is to create a spec, assuming your change is more than one line or so01:23
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Burgundavialuisbg: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/SpecLifeCycle01:24
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luisbgBurgundavia, cool01:25
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Burgundavialuisbg: the better way would be to say "I want to do X"01:26
Burgundaviathen go asking community members how to do that01:26
luisbgI see01:26
luisbgshould go to bed now01:28
luisbggoodnight all01:28
ianm_what's the best channel for talking about creating a launchpad spec?01:29
Burgundaviaianm_: what is the spec?01:30
SlimGanyone know of a great guide on howto pack a .deb package the right way? no checkinstall01:31
ianm_Burgundavia: standardizing the notification area click responses01:31
BurgundaviaSlimG: packaging guide01:31
ianm_thanks Burgundavia01:31
SlimGBurgundavia: Thanx alot!01:32
Burgundaviano worries01:32
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crimsunmotu-sru is rockin the house01:39
Jozo-Should bugs like bug 70495 assigned to motu-team? And are those bugs good candidates to SRU?01:41
UbugtuMalone bug 70495 in rpy "python-rpy doesn't follow debian python policy" [Unknown,Unknown]  http://launchpad.net/bugs/7049501:41
crimsunJozo-: it's a suitable SRU candidate, yees01:43
crimsungeez, my typing is horrible tonight01:43
crimsunI would prefer other people shared the load with motu-sru so that we don't end up having to generate all the SRU debdiffs ourselves01:43
gesercrimsun: should a seperate sru request bug be filed for bug 65266?01:52
UbugtuMalone bug 65266 in php4 "[UVF Exception]  Sync php4 4.4.4 from Debian unstable" [Medium,Confirmed]  http://launchpad.net/bugs/6526601:52
bmontycrimsun: SRU follows the same process as syncs or UVF exceptions?01:53
geserbmonty: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MOTU/SRU01:53
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ajmitchcrimsun: sharing the load how?01:54
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crimsunbmonty: largely the same procedure as main's SRU with the difference that we require 5 tested (confirmed) ACKS once in -proposed or 7 days, whichever takes longer, before uploading to -updates01:55
crimsunajmitch: it would be awesome if people requesting the updates would generate the SRU debdiffs, too01:56
ajmitchcrimsun: that should be mandatory in the policy01:56
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crimsungeser: it looks like infinity and dholbach are in agreement, with infinity proceeding, on it01:57
crimsungeser: (so unless I missed something, you don't need to file a separate SRU bug)01:58
geserI will ask inifity about the bug as now apache is fixed01:59
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SlimGwhen editing copyright file made by dh_make, what is an "Upstream Author: " ?02:56
SlimGand what to do with the "Copyright: " field when the app is gpl licensed?02:57
Hobbseewhoever made the program02:57
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about packagagingguide - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi02:57
ubotuThe packaging guide is at http://doc.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/packagingguide/C/index.html Other developer resources are at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DeveloperResources02:57
Hobbseesee the spiel in that first link02:58
Hobbseehow'd the first day for UDS go?02:58
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TheMusoHobbsee: I believe it went well.03:00
lastnodeHobbsee, you at UDS?03:01
Hobbseelastnode: nope03:01
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HobbseeTheMuso: cool.  looks like we have a really bad timezone for it03:01
TheMusoHobbsee: Its not too bad.03:01
TheMusoFrom 9AM our time, we can still catch the arvo session.03:01
HobbseeTheMuso: ahhh...true03:03
=== Hobbsee looks for the schedule
TheMusoHobbsee: Join #udsmtv to find the links for the schedule etc in the topic.03:05
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zakamehi all03:08
Hobbseehey zakame03:09
Hobbseehey doko03:09
zakamehi Hobbsee and doko! :D03:10
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dokoHobbsee: good evening (should be morning for you?)03:15
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Hobbseedoko: about 1pm.  midafternoon03:16
Hobbseedoko: where do you normally reside?03:16
ajmitchhello Hobbsee03:17
Hobbseehey ajmitch03:17
fernandohi all03:19
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rmjbhello fernando03:26
bmontyanyone seen mvo?03:28
Hobbseebmonty: isnt he at UDS?03:29
bmontyHobbsee: I assume so03:29
bmontyI'm not there so I'm not sure03:29
crimsun(yes, he is.)03:30
rmjbis feisty available to build on?03:30
Hobbseebmonty: there are various people at #udsmtv - if you wanted to contact him thru some of them03:30
Hobbseermjb: it's not open yet03:30
bmontyI think I'll just send him an email03:30
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bddebianWhat package exports MONO?  MONO03:54
bluefoxicystratagus 2.2 alpha is out03:56
bluefoxicyFinal release should be done by Edgy+1; but I'm not sure what version of guichan it needs.03:57
bluefoxicyapparently there's a guichan0 (0.4.0); guichan versions are NOT compatible, so 0.4.0 != 0.5.0 != 0.6.0 (cvs)03:57
bddebianchecking for MONO... configure: error: Package requirements (mono >= 1.0) were not met:03:57
bddebianNo package 'mono' found03:57
bddebianConsider adjusting the PKG_CONFIG_PATH environment variable if you03:57
bddebianinstalled software in a non-standard prefix.03:57
crimsunas in 'mono-devel'?03:58
bluefoxicyshort version:  The naming for the guichan0 package bugs me.03:58
bddebiancrimsun: Dunno, I have mono and mono-gmcs installed03:58
crimsunbddebian: libmono-dev, too.03:58
bddebianAh, libmono-dev, thanks crimsun04:01
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bddebianglade-sharp? Hmm04:13
rmjbis it okay to have the source package with one name and the binary package with another?04:18
rmjbsee here for what I mean: http://pmplib.svn.sourceforge.net/viewvc/pmplib/branches/branch_0.12/debian/control?view=markup04:18
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Burgundaviarmjb: yes, there are lots of packages like that04:22
Amaranthrmjb: happens all the time04:22
rmjbokay cool, thanks04:22
Amaranthpyxdg source package outputs python-xdg binary package, for example04:23
Burgundaviaepiphany is another one04:24
rmjbso if someone does apt-get source epiphany they'll get an error or it will pull down the correct source package?04:27
Burgundaviahmm epiphany is not correct04:28
Burgundaviathat is renaming from upstream04:28
Burgundaviaas for the xdg one, try it04:28
rmjbyep, it finds it correctly04:29
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rmjbis REVU taking submissions?04:36
Hobbseei believe so, anyway04:38
Hobbseeno one can do anything about it for a while though04:38
bhaleHobbsee: !!!04:38
Hobbseehey bhale!!!!!04:38
rmjbso I should wait, cause it might not get any attention and hence get lost?04:39
Hobbseeit wont get lost04:39
Hobbseebut poke someone in here about it04:39
rmjbokay let me get the package up04:40
Hobbseermjb: also, the feisty toolchain isnt finished - so it may not build yet04:40
zakameright, when's it going up?04:40
rmjbwell I'm doing something for edgy04:40
Hobbseermjb: why?04:40
rmjbedgy-updates ?04:40
Hobbseenot for new packages04:40
rmjbpeople might want it?04:40
Hobbseedoesnt matter04:40
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about timebasedreleases - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi04:41
ubotuUbuntu releases a new version every 6 months. Each version is supported for 18 months to 5 years. More info at http://www.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/releases & http://wiki.ubuntu.com/TimeBasedReleases04:41
Hobbseesecond link04:41
Hobbsee!timebasedreleases is <alias> release04:41
ubotuI'll remember that, Hobbsee04:41
rmjbI read somewhere that revu packages usually make it in since they're usually of "high quality"04:41
Hobbseeuh....i wonder where you read that04:41
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Hobbseethat's mostly wrong04:41
rmjbin the sru policy I think04:41
rmjbI'll see if I can find it04:41
Hobbseermjb: basically,k'tis somewhere to upload, and for people to review it04:42
Hobbseethat doesnt mean that its' of good quality04:42
rmjbI was thinking that the amount of reviewing it would get, by the end it'll be of high quality ?04:42
Hobbseeit only needs two advocates, but yeah04:43
Hobbseeit's whether it gets them, or how long it takes04:43
HobbseeMOTU's dont really like checking new stuff, oddly enough :P04:43
rmjbus hopefuls need someone to mark our work as we learn :P04:44
Hobbseehehe, yeah04:44
Hobbseelinda and lintian are good for that04:44
Hobbsee(package checkers)04:44
Burgundaviarmjb: you can upload to feisty and then get it backported04:44
bhalehello Burgundavia04:44
Burgundaviahey bhale04:45
Hobbseehey Burgundavia04:45
Burgundaviabhale: you in MTV?04:45
joejaxx_hello Hobbsee :)04:45
Hobbseehey joejaxx_04:45
rmjblinitian should be updated for ubuntu's policies.. it complained about me doing an NMU, but motus said it's not that much of an issue in ubuntu, that's mainly for debian04:45
Hobbseermjb: indeed.  linda doesnt complain about that04:45
joejaxx_Hobbsee, are you at mtv?04:45
Hobbseejoejaxx_: nope04:45
rmjbI'll try this linda thing04:46
Hobbseeruns the same way as lintian04:46
zakameyou guys at MTV?04:46
Hobbseedoesnt seem like it04:46
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rmjbHobbsee: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MOTU/UpstreamVersionFreeze?highlight=%28revu%2904:49
rmjbthat's the one, it's for UVF, not SRU04:49
rmjbthese acronyms are easy to mix up04:49
Hobbseei didnt know we could put NEW stuff in04:50
Hobbseethen again, i guess nothing else depends on it04:50
bhaleBurgundavia: no sir04:55
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bhaleBurgundavia: I have renamed UDS to Ubuntu Developer Lockin04:56
Burgundaviabhale: why so?04:56
_Enchainedcan I have help in packaging for ubuntu ?04:56
bhaleBurgundavia: because thats what it is04:56
Burgundaviabhale: in what sense?04:56
bhaleis the schedule still 9am to 9pm?04:56
Burgundaviait was 9 to 6 today04:56
bhalefirst day has been historically Community04:57
bhaleand short04:57
bhaleif you are still alive with N hours of jetlag and 12 hours of spec writing04:57
bhaleyou are a better man than me04:57
Burgundavianot there, but yes04:58
rmjbudf started already?04:58
rmjbuds I mean04:59
Hobbseeyeah, it started today04:59
rmjbtill saturday/04:59
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ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about uds - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi04:59
_Enchainedwhile packaging a software, how can I modify the place where are installed the files ?05:01
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minghua!packaging guide05:01
ubotuThe packaging guide is at http://doc.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/packagingguide/C/index.html Other developer resources are at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DeveloperResources05:01
minghua_Enchained: please read that guide05:01
minghua_Enchained: and be more specific what you mean by "the place where are installed the files"05:02
rmjbyou motus get notified of new uploads to revu or a hopeful has to find you all and tell you all?05:02
minghuaonly some of the MOTUs, revu-reviewers or something similar, I think05:04
rmjboh, okay05:04
rmjbthanks for all you guys help tonite... my 2nd package has made it to revu05:04
rmjbgood night all05:04
_Enchainedminghua: in fact, the "locales" files are installed in /usr/share/local, but they should be installed in /usr no ?05:06
minghua_Enchained: yes, they should be in /usr/share/locale/05:07
_Enchainedso, how can I change this ? (I musn't edit the original files)05:08
minghuawell, depends on how you built your package05:11
minghuait may be a simple ./configure switch05:11
minghuamaybe you need to modify the makefiles05:11
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Hobbsee!info grip edgy05:12
ubotugrip: GNOME-based CD-player/ripper/encoder. In component universe, is optional. Version 3.3.1-6build2 (edgy), package size 451 kB, installed size 1292 kB05:12
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LaserJockhola motu land06:48
LaserJockI see it is incredibly active in here tonight06:50
crimsunit's a weeknight.06:50
LaserJockah, well it seems the important people are up ;-)06:51
crimsunwell yeah, fabbione's client seems to have just joined06:51
FujitsuHey LaserJock.06:53
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LaserJockFujitsu: hi dude06:54
LaserJockit feels so weird not being on IRC much at all today06:55
LaserJockand yet my day was all about Ubuntu06:55
FujitsuEek, SoundConverter bugs are piling up in both Ubuntu, and a bit in Debian.06:55
FujitsuHi ajmitch.06:55
LaserJocklong time, no see06:57
LaserJockajmitch: I'm assuming you have wifi at your hotel?07:02
joejaxx_LaserJock, *-artwork is done07:04
LaserJockjoejaxx: \o/07:04
joejaxx_i am working on default-settings now07:04
LaserJockdarn, I don't see the MOTU spec on the schedule tomorrow07:10
LaserJockbut there are 2 low priority specs on the list :/07:11
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minghuahow many MOTUs are at Mountain View now?07:13
LaserJockzul, ajmitch , dholbach07:13
zulat least 407:13
LaserJockI can't think of anybody else off-hand07:14
LaserJockof course, I'm the only *true* MOTU as I'm the only one that isn't a core-dev ;p07:15
zulyeah that will change you will be assimilated07:16
ajmitchhello zul07:17
zulhey ajmitch how is it going?07:17
LaserJockresistance is futile07:17
LaserJockwell, I got mdz to change the MOTU spec to Medium priority07:18
minghuaLaserJock: does that mean it will be in the schedule?07:21
LaserJockI think so07:21
LaserJockI just want it to be on the schedule before I leave07:22
LaserJockit's a bit selfish, but it's really one I wanted to be on :-)07:22
minghuaand I want LaserJock to be there too, to represent us "real" MOTUs :-P07:24
ajmitchsince the rest of us just don't matter :)07:25
zakamewhen I edit something in gobby I will save later right? to update the remote session?07:25
crimsunajmitch: just mere mortals, I guess07:27
ajmitchnot raging MOTU-holics like some07:27
LaserJockyeah, slackers ;-)07:27
LaserJockthat's correctly, "raging Ubuntu-holic MOTU" but I'll let it slide07:28
LaserJockI didn't even realize I had said that *I* was the one that said07:29
LaserJockI was like, "Why are people calling me that?"07:29
LaserJockthen I did a head-desk07:29
zakameerr ECLI07:30
zakameshould have been ud: too :D07:31
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LaserJockhaving 5 MOTUs is a pretty good showing07:34
LaserJockand Jono said he was very interested in MOTU07:34
ajmitchhe'd better be..07:34
LaserJockwell, he was more interested then I would have thought07:35
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=== LaserJock attempts to read a little on LDAP
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joejaxx_time to test the fluxbuntu packages on a ubuntu system08:06
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joejaxx_fluxbuntu-desktop is about to be 0.308:11
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joejaxx_LaserJock, finished default settings08:23
joejaxx_not i am going to try it on a ubuntu system08:23
joejaxx_this should be interesting08:24
LaserJockAmaranth: ping?08:31
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siretartwhoho. feisty looks like being open for buisness :)08:46
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=== joejaxx_ oh noes
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sivangmorning motus09:39
slomohi sivang09:39
sivangare we synced yet(tm) ? ;)09:39
sivangslomo: !!09:39
=== sivang hugs slomo
=== slomo hugs sivang
sivangslomo: you were off for a while I was afraid uni work ate you!09:40
slomooh i was only off over the weekend as usual :) what's the state of feisty now btw, i finally want to upload some stuff ;)09:41
sivangslomo: I know that some sync are already filed, some of the toolchain is there but still it's not open.09:41
sivangslomo: what stuff do you want to upload already ?09:43
slomodbus*, avahi, mono*, gstreamer* and seahorse ;)09:43
sivangslomo: ahhh, I see quite a list09:44
Burgundaviaslomo: you going to give us a new ffmpeg with shiny wmv9 goodness?09:45
slomoBurgundavia: nope, still waiting for a gst-ffmpeg release :/09:46
Burgundaviahmm, would be nice if the ffmpeg could figure out that stables releases were a good thing and changing api/abi at will is total crack09:47
slomothey say it would be nice but that they don't have the people or time for it09:49
Burgundaviainteresting assertion09:49
Burgundaviabut, yes, release managment is hard. Observe debian09:49
sivangBurgundavia: how's the summit going?09:55
Burgundaviasivang: not there09:55
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cbx33hey peeps10:14
cbx33apt-get remove nvidia-glx - shouldn't want to remove all xorg pacakges and ubuntu-desktop should it10:15
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crimsunI ... wouldn't think so10:21
cbx33well it does here :(10:22
cbx33anything I can check10:22
cbx33and should I raise a bug10:22
cbx33and is it possible to fix ;)10:22
crimsunstrange, doesn't do that here.10:23
cbx33I just upgraded to the latest one10:24
cbx33hang on 2 ticks10:24
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cbx33still doing it10:29
cbx33funny thing is it talks about them being needed to be auto-removed10:29
cbx33and not being required anymore10:29
cbx33then says it's going to remove them10:29
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giskardyou are using external repos?10:31
cbx33it's very odd10:33
minghuayou are supposed to have ubuntu-desktop installed10:35
minghua(and this question is better suited in #ubuntu instead of here)10:35
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cbx33anyone here at uds?11:31
crimsunmost are asleep, I presume.11:31
cbx33yes me too11:31
cbx33I was just wondering...the schedule that has been posted11:31
crimsunand I thought I was the only one who could type while asleep.11:31
cbx33is that for todays meetings11:31
crimsunon 2006-11-06 ? I presume so11:33
cbx33well it's filed on the wiki under sunday's schedule11:33
cbx33and the page title is different to the H1 title11:34
cbx33so it is a little confusing11:34
cbx33I'm presuming on means which day it was generated11:34
LestatThe new Xvid 1.1.2 will be in edgy ??11:35
crimsunin Edgy? No.11:36
Lestatin feisty so ?11:37
Lestatok thx11:38
crimsunit just appeared a few days in debian-multimedia, so...11:38
TheMusocbx33: Hey dude.11:44
TheMusocbx33: You at uds?11:44
cbx33got invited11:45
cbx33but work commitments ment i couldn't go11:45
crimsunsame here.11:45
crimsunperhaps you can attend May 2007's11:45
TheMusoAh well.11:45
cbx33hopefully i'll be in a new job by then11:46
TheMusocbx33: Any responses about discussion on the next round of sounds?11:48
cbx33I was going to do a BOF at UDS11:48
cbx33but seeing as I can't go... :(11:48
TheMusocbx33: Did you end up emailing those who didn't like what you did this time around?11:49
cbx33TheMuso: we'll sort it out at some point11:49
cbx33TheMuso: no...I didn't get time11:49
cbx33not yet anyway11:49
TheMusoOk no worries.11:49
TheMusoI should just record my ideas and put them up somewhere. :)11:49
cbx33how are you though ;)11:50
=== StevenK is wondering if he can do the next UDS.
cbx33yeh send em through to me11:50
=== StevenK fires up the dateline for uni.
TheMusocbx33: I'm very well thanks11:50
TheMusoI'll do that when I get the recorded.11:50
cbx33TheMuso: you may be interested in a new project I'm working on ;)11:51
StevenKHum. I may well miss things if I'm at the UDS.11:51
StevenKDepends what I enroll in.11:51
cbx33it's only small...a gnome applet for converting files11:51
cbx33just drag drop and convert ;)11:51
TheMusoI prefer doing them on the command line myself.11:51
cbx33I'm working on the audio files side of things at the mo -11:51
TheMusoSounds good, but not something I'd find useful personally.11:51
cbx33it's been fun working out gstreamer ;)11:52
TheMusoI'll bet.11:52
cbx33works pretty well now11:52
=== mr_pouit [n=mr_pouit@LAubervilliers-151-12-125-187.w193-252.abo.wanadoo.fr] has joined #ubuntu-motu
FujitsuAw, poor soundconverter. No deprecating my package :P11:52
cbx33I can read in ogg mp3 wav and convert to wav ;)11:52
=== StevenK has been hacking on an pygtk app. Fun.
cbx33sorry Fujitsu11:52
TheMusoMeh command-line utils FTW.11:54
StevenKOnly because they're simple to make accessible.11:54
cbx33you see.....I'm hoping cambio will have extendable codec support11:54
StevenKBecause they already mostly are. :-P11:54
cbx33so it will hopefully be in main11:54
TheMusoStevenK: Very true, and they are scriptable.11:54
cbx33but if you install the other gstreamer plugin sets it grows in what it can do ;)11:54
cbx33initially you'll only get wav/ogg support11:55
cbx33universe will give you mp3 read11:55
cbx33multiverse to get mp3 write11:55
cbx33unfortunately that's due to the licensing :(11:57
FujitsuEr, isn't gstreamer0.10-plugins-ugly required for MP3 reading?11:58
crimsunthat's one.11:59
crimsungstreamer0.10-fluendo-mp3 is an alternative11:59
FujitsuAh, that's true.11:59
cbx33Fujitsu, yes it's required12:00
TheMusoI'm not such a fan of gstreamer.12:00
FujitsuGStreamer isn't bad.12:00
TheMusoI don't believe it can give one the best latency atm however.12:01
TheMusoAdn the jack plugin is no longer maintained.12:01
cbx33well, it allows me to put cambio in main12:01
cbx33aww that sux12:01
cbx33Jack rules12:01
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TheMusoIts another reason why I won't be using Jokosher any time soon.12:01
cbx33I'm sure jono will get jack support built into it at some point12:02
cbx33you just can't dismiss jack12:02
cbx33it is da-bomb12:02
TheMusoI hope so.12:02
cbx33infact probably the only reaason why he hasn't is the jack plugin not being supported12:03
TheMusoAny serious audio app that I might want to use has to have jack support, or else it doesn't get a look in.12:03
cbx33I totally agree with you12:03
TheMusoYeah. But IMO it would be better not to use gstreamer for jack.12:03
cbx33but then we've had this discussion before12:03
cbx33it is a nice easy framwork to use12:04
cbx33from my small musings with it12:04
TheMusoBut latency wise? How good is it in that department?12:04
cbx33I can write python audio apps really easy12:04
cbx33I'm afraid I havn't tested it for that12:04
cbx33I'm only using it to decode a stream12:04
cbx33and then encode it again12:04
TheMusoAnyways, thats how I feel about it all.12:05
giskarddo you know if universe is already open?12:07
fernandomorning all12:08
Fujitsugiskard: It's not.12:10
giskardFujitsu: ok!12:10
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bddebianHeya gang03:52
Gloubiboulgahello bddebian04:02
bddebianheya Gloubiboulga04:03
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bddebianHeya ajmitch04:13
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luisbghey ajmitch04:28
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giskardhello dholbach05:59
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dholbachhey giskard05:59
=== hub looks for R Daneel Olivaw ;-)
giskardhub: ehehe :)06:00
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ajmitchhi imbrandon06:16
giskardhello ajmitch06:17
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_Enchainedajmitch: can you sync the gpg keys between launchpad and revu please ?06:26
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bluefoxicyis oprofile totally broke for anyone else06:33
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Adri2000bluefoxicy: why is it "broken"?06:35
Adri2000!info oprofile06:35
ubotuoprofile: system-wide profiler for Linux systems. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.9.2-1 (edgy), package size 179 kB, installed size 460 kB (Only available for i386 ia64 alpha hppa powerpc sparc amd64 arm mips)06:35
bluefoxicyAdri2000: Using default event: CPU_CLK_UNHALTED:100000:0:1:106:36
bluefoxicy/usr/bin/opcontrol: 1: arith: syntax error: "NR_CHOSEN - 1"06:36
bluefoxicyNo events given.06:36
bluefoxicyAdri2000:  it seems to randomly give things like "2:  file not found" or "cannot find CLK_WTF" etc etc when trying to start it or, specifically, pass -p library06:36
Adri2000Adri2000: will be fixed soon, see bug 6945506:37
UbugtuMalone bug 69455 in oprofile "bashism in oprofile's opcontrol script prevents user from setting any events" [Unknown,Fix released]  http://launchpad.net/bugs/6945506:37
bluefoxicyah, thanks06:37
Adri2000(lol, talking to myself...)06:37
bluefoxicyI just happen to have the misfortune of trying this a half hour before the fix gets here huh :P06:39
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minghuahmm, Ubugtu seems to get 69455 wrong06:51
minghuait's not fixed in ubuntu06:51
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chantrahi, is there anything started for feisty?07:11
chantralike #ubuntu+1 :)07:11
bhalesyncs dont start for 2 weeks07:11
chantraokie dokie07:12
chantrahave you guys seen that gaim beta4 has been released07:12
chantraI guess it will be usefull to create a gaim-text, gaim-ui package07:12
chantraand a gaim metapackage so you can install gaim-text on a text only mchine without all the X related dependencies07:13
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bhalethats pretty funny07:15
bhaleas sean egan once said of todd berman: "i cant take anyone with a blog seriously, anyway"07:16
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bhalebeta4 will likely be updated in the next few weeks07:18
chantrayep, but still, being able to run gaim on a non X machine, that will be great :)07:20
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ubuntu_newbHello all.08:07
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_Enchainedajmitch: here ?08:08
ajmitch_Enchained: yes?08:10
_Enchainedajmitch: can you sync the gpg keys between lauchpad (tema contriutors) and revu please ?08:11
_EnchainedAdri2000 said me to ask you...08:11
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ajmitch_Enchained: yes, I did that earlier08:14
_Enchainedok ajmitch thanks08:14
_Enchainedso I can upload on revu ?...08:14
ajmitchyes, you should be able to08:14
_Enchainedthks ajmitch08:19
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crippledcanaryI just uploaded my first package but forgot to build with -sa and want to upload again.08:26
crippledcanaryCan anyone help out08:27
bhalerm *.upload08:27
bhaletry again08:27
crippledcanarythanks... it worked08:28
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qmxhi to everyone08:33
qmxwhere can i find docs about how to make packages from svn sources?08:33
qmxor cvs...08:33
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kikohey there08:54
kikohow's it going?08:54
_EnchainedI try to upload my first... ^^08:54
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kikoajmitch, are you around?08:54
ajmitchkiko: yep08:59
kikoajmitch, so I have two bugs that might be worth looking at from somebody motu-related09:00
ajmitchsuch as?09:00
=== ajmitch is about to walk into a room full of MOTUs
kiko70627 and 6741609:00
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kikoI was just wondering about the process09:00
fernandohi MOTUs on MOTU room heheh =)09:03
_EnchainedSigner has no upload rights at all to this distribution. :(09:07
kikoajmitch, should I assign to motu, or do something else09:07
_Enchainedwhat meens ?09:07
ajmitch_Enchained: you uploaded to revu, not ubuntu?09:07
_Enchainedajmitch: I must upload to ubuntu ?09:08
_Enchainednot revu?09:08
ajmitchkiko: just looking at them now - general process is that they get put into a very large queue of bugs to look at in universe09:08
ajmitch_Enchained: no, you must upload to revu09:08
_Enchainedok, I must edit the conf file no ?09:08
Adri2000_Enchained: in /etc/dput.cf set default_host_main to revu09:09
_Enchainedok thx Adri2000 (it was written on the revu page ^^)09:09
ajmitchkiko: and 67416 is main, , no?09:10
kikois scrollkeeper main?09:11
ajmitchwonderful, isn't it?09:11
_EnchainedAdri2000: is there a deamon to restart after changing the conf file ?09:11
ajmitchsomeone already volunteered to fix tz-brasil, I see09:11
Adri2000_Enchained: no, then just use dput *.changes09:11
_Enchainedahh Good signature on packaging/dvd95/dvd95_1.1p2-0ubuntu1.dsc. :)09:13
_Enchainedit's a good sign09:14
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_Enchainedok my package is on revu :)09:20
_Enchained(dvd95 if someone wants to take a look at)09:20
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Mezwhos talking about me :D10:01
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nixternalhaha Mez ;)10:05
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Mezdarn you people10:05
Mezlol - they did sound a bit stunned when I butted into the convo10:05
Meznixternal, you at the conference ?10:09
nixternalim there as 1's and 0's10:09
nixternaljust like you10:09
nixternalon a bit-by-bit basis10:10
Meznixternal lol10:10
MezI wasnt actually paying attention to the convo, then I just heard my name ;)10:10
Mezscary to be referred to as anything other than "Mez" though10:10
nixternalya, imbrandon said your name about going afk during your move10:10
nixternalhaha ya10:11
Mezbut why was going afk bought up ?10:11
nixternaldon't know if it was about package maintenance or what10:11
nixternali couldn't catch that, because it was rather faint at that point10:11
MezI'll ask him tomorrow ;)10:11
Mezi'mn surprised voip actually works quite well10:12
MezI might set up myself an asterisk server10:12
nixternalit works very well actually..im going to get in on the mic later...my mic yesterday, got stepped on...so i have to go pick up one here in like...right now actually10:13
=== Mez has to use a crappy mic
Mezcause i cant find my uber headset10:13
nixternalya, mine will be crappy as well10:13
nixternalim using my sony streetstyles from like 2000..i love them..but the mic is part of a goofy headset10:14
Meznixternal, lol10:14
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giskarddo you know why bind9 is not in universe?10:21
geserbecause it's in main :)10:22
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giskardwhy i cannot find it?10:24
geser!info bind910:24
ubotubind9: Internet Domain Name Server. In component main, is optional. Version 1:9.3.2-2ubuntu3 (edgy), package size 292 kB, installed size 724 kB10:24
giskardwhat i found is bind8 and  pool/universe/b/bind/bind_8.4.6-1_i386.deb10:24
giskardgeser: on my fresh edgy install i cannot install it10:25
gesertry pool/main/b/bind910:25
geserwhat error do you get?10:25
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giskardgeser: it's not listed/showed in apt-cache search/show bind910:29
giskardi'm using us.archive.ubuntu.com as mirror10:29
giskarduhm i can see it: http://us.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/pool/main/b/bind9/10:30
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geserhave you checked your sources.list?10:32
giskardyes :( bah, stupid me, i wrote edgy universe instead of edgy main universe10:32
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chantrahi back11:40
Adri2000what should we do when the upstream tarball provides a debian/ directory?11:41
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dholbachAdri2000: it's up to you11:48
dholbachAdri2000: either re-pack the .orig.tar.gz or live with a badly readable .diff.gz11:48
dholbachAdri2000: I personally preferred to keep the .orig.tar.gz as it is and try to persuade upstream to drop it11:49
Adri2000ok, and if I remove it from the tarball, I just have to specify it in the changelog?11:51
_EnchainedAdri2000: c'est pt quel appli ?11:51
Adri2000_Enchained: english! ;) (c'est une question gnrale)11:53
_Enchainedok (sorry)11:53
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