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peanutbhas anyone gotten postfix working with mysql vdomains?04:18
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incorrectis there anyway to get subversion 1.4 ?01:46
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FlyingSquirrel32I did an apt-get upgrade and now sendmail won't start. It just hangs. The common fix regarding the /etc/hosts and DNS names doesn't seem to be it. Any help?07:15
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macacoI need to set up my ip using dhcp instead of a fix address07:54
macacobut now I can't see what's going on07:54
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macacois there any way I can reset the eth0 to default?07:54
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FlyingSquirrel32macaco: What do you mean by "now I can't see what's going on"?09:00
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FlyingSquirrel32Static/dhcp address is set in /etc/network/interfaces09:01
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macacois someone here?10:09
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tmh_macaco: just like the topic says, this isn't a support channel.10:45
macacooh my10:49
macacogotta go10:49
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