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jigerhello how can I check if I am booting via upstart or no?02:57
cortanajiger: check /proc/1/exe ?02:57
jigerthere is no /proc/1/exe02:58
jigertop shows 1 as init02:59
cortanathen you're not using linux... perhaps you don't have permission to read it, i seem to only be able to read it if i am root02:59
jigerohhh wait only works with sudo. hmmmm but ls shows nothing03:00
jigerwonder why booting kubuntu takes so long03:00
jigercortana: and why is process 1 init?03:01
cortanawell it's a symlink to a processes' executable file03:02
cortanait guess it depends how you have upstart installed03:02
cortanamaybe it has replaced the /sbin/init file03:02
jigercortana: but isn't upstart executable called upstart?03:04
cortanadepends how you have it installed03:05
jigercortana: any definitive way to check>03:05
cortanai don't even have it installed here :)03:05
cortanaask your package manager what owns the file?03:05
jigercortana: I did a dapper to edgy03:05
jigercortana: u ain't running ubuntu?03:05
jigercortana: command?03:05
cortanadpkg --search i think03:06
jigerupstart-compat-sysv: /usr/share/doc/upstart-compat-sysv03:07
jigersystem-services: /usr/lib/upstart/migrate-inittab.pl03:07
jigerupstart-logd: /usr/share/doc/upstart-logd03:07
jigerupstart: /usr/share/doc/upstart/copyright03:07
jigerupstart: /usr/share/doc/upstart03:07
jigerupstart: /usr/share/doc/upstart/changelog.gz03:07
jigerupstart: /usr/share/doc/upstart/NEWS.gz03:07
jigerupstart: /usr/share/doc/upstart/AUTHORS03:07
jigerupstart: /usr/share/doc/upstart/changelog.Debian.gz03:07
jigersystem-services: /usr/lib/upstart03:07
jigerupstart: /usr/share/doc/upstart/README.Debian.gz03:07
jigerstrikes anything?03:07
cortanait's dpkg --search /sbin/init03:08
cortanato find out what package owns /sbin/init03:08
jigerupstart: /sbin/init03:09
jigergood? ontrack?03:09
cortanathen it seems you are using upstart03:09
jigercortana: then wonder why it is so slow to boot03:09
cortanaafaik upstart doesn't make anything aster03:10
jigercortana: slightly slower than dapper03:10
cortanabut i can't really say since i don't use it03:10
jigercortana:  doesn't it load possible services in parellel ?03:10
jigercortana: might not be immen. but in future aim?03:10
cortanamaybe, but if those services are both competing for the same resource then they won't load any quicker03:11
jigercortana: hmmm hope next ubuntu makes it fast.03:11
jigercortana: thanks for the help03:11
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madduckKeybuk: http://www.metager2.de/ -- Michael Biebl is now the maintainer for Debian and I suggest you link to http://packages.debian.org/upstart instead as the package won't be experimental forever.06:27
madducki mean.06:27
madduckyou can keep me in if youw ant, i am comaintainer...06:27
madduck(though i have not done much)06:27
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AlexExtremeKeybuk: you busy atm with uds-mtv or can I ask a quick question?06:30
AlexExtremeoh, nvm, just got some of your emails on the mailing list - my mail server is a bit laggy today06:32
KeybukAlexExtreme: you can always ask questions :)06:38
KeybukI just may not reply instantly06:38
AlexExtremeok :)06:38
Keybukwhat was your question?06:39
AlexExtremewell, just a quick (and stupid - /me points at crazy (another frugalware devel) ;)) question - will hal ever be needed by upstart?06:39
KeybukI suspect HAL will become an important source of events06:40
Keybukas unlike udev, it has policy06:40
Keybukudev can give you a "a block device has been added"06:40
AlexExtremebut not actually *required*, meaning you could run upstart without it?06:40
KeybukHAL can give you "a block device ON A DIGITAL CAMERA has been added"06:40
Keybukvery little of upstart will be required06:41
Keybukjust the /sbin/init daemon and some IPC mechanism to send events to it06:41
Keybukother than that, everything else will be optional06:41
AlexExtremecrazy: there, got your question answered06:41
AlexExtremecrazy wanted me to ask that06:42
Keybukon the dbus thing06:43
KeybukI'm still debating the custom IPC vs. dbus thing06:43
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AlexExtremebbl, food06:44
mbieblKeybuk: did you advise Md to reassign the udev problem in Debian to upstart-compat-sysv?06:44
Keybukmbiebl: yes06:45
Keybukboth the problems are definitely upstart06:45
Keybukin Debian, I'd argue that you need "console owner" in the compat-sysv jobs; simply because Debian doesn't have a "no boot messages" policy, so init scripts are well within their rights to expect stdin=/dev/console06:45
Keybukalso there's definitely a bug that the rcS job doesn't set RUNLEVEL or PREVLEVEL (note that rc-everything-else does :p)06:46
mbieblSure, we don't have that policy, but that doesn't mean that it doesn't make sense to have everything logged to file instead to stdout06:46
Keybukright, but it's also inherently not a udev bug06:46
Keybukyou're well within your rights to reject it06:46
mbieblThe problem with console owner is, that it makes logd pretty useless.06:47
Keybukneeds improvement06:48
AlexExtremeYes, I pointed that out on upstart-devel. /var/log/boot contains nothing then06:48
AlexExtrememaybe I should try improving it for something to do? ;)06:48
AlexExtremeanyway, gotta go06:48
mbieblKeybuk: you know, I want to give the user the choice, if they want verbose output or not.06:48
Keybukmbiebl: *nods*06:48
mbieblSo imho udev needs this "fix"06:48
Keybukmd is well within his rights to refuse the fix06:49
mbieblWell, I guess I'll just ask Md to add " -o $TTY /dev/null" to his am_i_interactive check.06:49
Keybukthat may be a good compromise06:49
Keybuktalk to him about it06:49
KeybukMarco responds very well to conversation through medium other than the BTS06:50
mbieblWhat about cryptsetup, how do solve that in ubuntu?06:51
mbieblexec <1>2 /dev/console ?06:51
mbieblI mean: exec </dev/console >/dev/console 2>&1?06:56
mbieblSeems a bit "hackish" to add that to a dozen of init scripts.06:56
mbieblWouldn't it be better to have something like input/output functions, which forward the request to upstart instead of doing the input/output itself.06:57
mbieblWould something like that be possible.06:58
_ionThey should support a splash program as well.06:59
mbiebl_ion: yes, it wouldn't matter how this information is presented.06:59
_ionI don't think upstart needs to know about them, though.06:59
mbieblKeybuk: what are your top priorities for upstart in the near future?07:08
mbieblI wanted to "convert" existing init scripts and noticed that "pid file" and "multiple events" support are needed for a lot of services.07:09
mbieblI hacked together some kind of pid file support, which works most of the time.07:11
mbieblBut it's rather hard to do that right.07:12
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cortanaugh, i thought one of the advantages of upstart is to do away with pidfiles?07:27
mbieblcortana: there are still services which don't deal well with being started in foreground.07:32
mbieblThey have to be tracked somehow. Most of them write pid files.07:32
_ionUse the "daemon" stanza07:32
mbiebl_ion: this only works, if the "daemon" does not fork and detach.07:35
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_ion                /* daemon (WS <command>)?07:36
_ion                 * indicates that the process forks into the background07:36
_ion                 * so we need to grovel for its process id07:36
mbiebl_ion: try it, you'll see that it doesn't work for daemon's which fork07:38
_ionThen it has a bug, which should be fixed.07:38
mbieblIs it even possible for upstart to determine the pid of the forked process?07:39
mbieblI dunno.07:39
mbieblHow should it be done? By traversing /proc checking for a process with the same name as the binary specified in the upstart job file?07:42
mbieblWouldn't work reliably imo.07:43
AlexExtremeyeah, i mean, what if the daemon changes the process title or forks itself into multiple processes07:44
mbieblAlexExtreme: exactly.07:45
_ionkeybuk: Could you share your insight on the issue?07:46
_ionIIRC it has something to do with pid 1 getting SIGCHLD for parentless processes.07:50
mbiebl_ion: hm, ok. but take hald e.g. which spawns several sub processes.07:54
mbieblHow do you know, which one is the controlling daemon.07:54
_ionI haven't studied how upstart handles or is supposed to handle that.07:55
_ionLet's wait for Keybuk's answer. :-)07:55
Keybukmbiebl: input/output functions are the expected way to do it08:12
Keybukthen we can provide implementations that deal with console, usplash, text-to-speech, braille, etc.08:12
Keybukmbiebl: current list in my head is08:12
Keybuk1. fix the IPC stuff08:12
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Keybuk2. implement the events changes we've talked about08:12
Keybuk3. multiple events, optional events08:13
Keybuk4. event completion notification08:13
Keybuk5. job changes we've talked about08:13
Keybuk6. temporal jobs08:13
Keybuk7. user jobs08:13
Keybukand, on pid location, the idea is that you spawn the daemon08:14
Keybukand then look for either the /proc/*/exe matching "pid binary"08:14
Keybukor the "pid file" file which should contain the pid08:14
Keybukwe get SIGCHLD for these later08:14
sladenit would certainly be more consistent if upstart does the handling of pid saving08:15
mbieblRegarding the /proc/*/exe matching: How would you handle e.g. sshd?08:17
mbieblIt spawns several sub processes for each connected user and you certainly don't want to kill the wrong pid ;-)08:17
Keybuksladen: this is for processes that fork08:18
Keybukmbiebl: first one08:19
Keybukyou only locate the pid once08:19
Keybukthen again, sshd would be run with -D08:19
mbieblBut what if you start multiple instances of a daemon.08:19
mbiebl(SSH on prt 24 and 22 e.g.)08:20
_ionI thought you can set both in sshd_config.08:21
madduckyou can08:22
madduckyou might want to have different settings though08:22
mbieblBut I guess most daemons either write pid files are can be run properly in foreground.08:22
madduckmy port 22 sshd never allows root access.08:22
mbieblSo this option is not that important.08:22
madducki have an sshd allowing without-password on a port that changes often08:22
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_ionBtw, instances of sshd spawned for logged-in users have the initial sshd as their parent.08:24
mbieblMd: hi08:27
Keybukindeed, it's only the multiple-daemon-that-pid-is-1 that's a problem08:30
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