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Tonio_Lure_: don't you come to the meeting ?01:05
Lure_Tonio_: thanks for reminder01:05
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Tonio_imbrandon: don't you come ?01:07
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apokryphosis kde adopting Ubuntu gnome's "no tab" policy?02:02
apokryphoskubuntu's kde, I mean, of course02:02
Jucatoapokryphos: what do you mean?02:03
crimsunyou completely missed the joke ;)02:03
Jucatojust woke up... so I probably did... :(02:03
crimsunwhen you put seb and keybuk together, there's a lot of junk flying through the air02:03
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apokryphoscrimsun: I thought it might just be a crazy ubuntu-gnome-like usability decision02:05
crimsunyeah, who needs tabs anyhow02:05
crimsuntoo confusing to new users!02:05
apokryphosall my windows users find it a slightly odd concept at first, but it's pretty mainstream now with firefox *and* IE02:06
crimsunI didn't like tabs at first, but now it's a lifesaver with this tiny screen02:07
apokryphostabs for quite a few sessions, tree-view for millions (kate, irc)02:07
apokryphosthough actually I don't hold to that in the case of browsers; need maximum horizontal browsing space 8)02:08
Riddellcrimsun: what's the joke?02:11
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crimsunRiddell: elimination of tabs02:12
jjesseah man i want a free smoothie :(02:12
apokryphos[00:54:11]  <Burgwork> seb128: what was the final conclusion from that tab discussion?02:13
apokryphos[00:55:22]  <Keybuk> Burgwork: we're eliminating all tabs from all applications and using multiple windows02:13
apokryphos[00:55:30]  <Burgwork> Keybuk: right02:13
apokryphos[00:55:32]  <seb128> tabs are evil02:13
Riddellfunny people :)02:13
=== apokryphos goes to eat some ungullible pie
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Riddellhello freet15 02:20
jjessehello Riddell02:21
freet15Riddell: Helo02:21
freet15where are you?02:21
Riddellfreet15: ubiquity bof, googleplex, USA02:22
=== Hobbsee [n=Hobbsee@ubuntu/member/hobbsee] has joined #kubuntu-devel
Riddelljjesse: I'll save you a smoothie02:22
jjessehiya Hobbsee02:22
jjesseRiddell: thanks02:22
jjesseHobbsee: do you have a toshiba a20 laptop?02:22
freet15Riddell: o~02:22
Riddelljjesse: is anything happening with the kubuntu feisty docs spec?02:22
Jucatohi Hobbsee!02:23
jjessenot much, i know nixternal and i have discussed some minor things, but the biggest thing is to re-write the desktop guide including material from the book and finish the switching from windows guide that was done in ubuntu but not kubuntu02:23
Hobbseejjesse: nope02:23
Hobbseehey jjesse, Jucato!02:24
jjesseHobbsee: hmm i thought you had a toshiba laptop02:24
Hobbseeoh darn i didnt grab headphones02:24
Hobbseejjesse: i do, an a1002:24
Hobbseebut it's not here, i got a new one ;002:24
Hobbsee* :)02:24
jjessei can't get my to suspend :(02:24
Hobbseekernel issue?02:24
Hobbseemine wouldnt suspend very well before edgy, if at all02:24
jjessedon't know if its a kernel issue, but if i use the power management and mark "supsend if laptop lid is closed" it will suspend everytime i loging02:25
jjessei get a message that says "laptop lid is closed suspending"02:25
Hobbseeit suspends every time you login?02:25
jjessecorrect, if i have checked "suspend laptop if lid is closed"02:26
Hobbseevery odd.  i never tried that, as i knew suspend was weird on my laptop02:26
HobbseeX would never quite come back correctly - changes in xorg.conf to the mouse would never be taken02:26
jjessehibernate works fine02:27
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Hobbseeyou know, the floor really isnt a good place to do an assignment02:28
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freet15Did you find something from your dmesg and log ?02:30
Riddellit's a bug in guidance-power-manager02:31
jjessei think i filed one already02:32
Riddellsebas: I'm changing kubuntu-samba from discussion to drafting, unless someone in your room objects02:32
jjessebug #7010202:33
UbugtuMalone bug 70102 in kde-guidance "Problems w/ Laptop always suspending" [Undecided,Unconfirmed]  http://launchpad.net/bugs/7010202:33
Hobbseeimbrandon: i'm thinking we should hardcode the laptop multimedia buttons as the alternate global shortcuts for amarok02:38
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Hobbseefor some reason, only some of them seem to be, on my profile at least02:39
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Hobbseehey jdong 02:45
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jjesseok just restarted computer and received the "laptop lid is closed doing nothing" anything i can do to help troubleshoot that bug?03:00
=== luka74 is now known as Lure
Lurejjesse: can you do the following: before login, switch to text console (Ctrl-Alt-F1), login and start lshal -m03:05
Lurejjesse: then switch to Ctrl-Alt-F7 and login, then switch back to Ctrl-Alt-F1 and send us output of lshal -m03:05
Lureand you should have lid setting to None!03:05
jjessei'll update the bug w/ what i see03:05
jjessei do03:05
jjessei think03:06
Lurejjesse: thanks 03:06
Lurejjesse: and please attach output of "lshal"03:07
jjessewill do03:08
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jdongHobbsee: hey03:09
jdonggrr geez I forgot what I was about to do03:10
=== jdong taps head
Hobbseejdong: you can laugh at serious forum crack if you want :P03:10
=== Jucato taps jdong
Jucatoer.. "jdong's head"03:10
jdongHobbsee: oh boy :)03:10
jjesseooooo i like serious forum crack03:11
jdongoh yes! e-mail a bzr bundle!03:11
Jucatoserious crack? :P03:11
Hobbseejjesse: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=29406603:11
HobbseeJucato: yep.  in my view, anyway03:11
Jucatowhoa! Hobbsee posted something?!?! :-O03:12
HobbseeJucato: sure i do.  i've posted 3 things today03:13
=== Jucato goes looking for them :P
Hobbseeone was my desktop, another was "let's think about the size of cds before we try adding the text installer onto the live cd.  duh"03:14
Hobbseeand i've forgotten what the third was03:14
Jucatodesktop screenshots, "we failed ubuntu?"03:14
Hobbseeclearly, i dont have much patience for stupid suggestions, particularly at the above thread03:14
Hobbseeoh yeah, that too. 03:14
Jucatoand new forum ambassadors :)03:14
Hobbseei did?03:14
Hobbseeoh yeah03:14
=== Jucato wonders if he should apply for the job/title... :P
Hobbseesure, why not03:15
Hobbseeyou seem more sensible than a lot of those people :P03:15
Jucatobut not more sensible than jdong :)03:15
Hobbseeno, he's crazy.  he helps run the forums.03:15
Jucatohahah yeah that's worse :)03:16
=== jdong is losing hair over the forums
Hobbseepoor you :P03:17
jjessewhy do they do they seem to want karma and automatic membership for posting to the forums, but not be under the CC?03:17
Hobbseethey want automatic membership?  of what?03:18
Hobbseeas in, ubuntu membership?03:18
Jucatothey do?03:18
jjessei thought i read that in one of the specs03:18
Jucatojdong: are you in udsmtv? ubuntu demon is there, right?03:18
HobbseeJucato: yes, he is03:19
Hobbseethey both are, i think03:19
Hobbseejjesse: ah right.  i didnt read a lot of the specs03:19
Jucatohm... that wouldn't be good, would it?03:19
jdongJucato: I'm not there03:19
Jucatojdong: ah...03:20
=== Jucato wonders if it's worth it to plow through 19 pages of the "forum ambassadors" thread...
HobbseeJucato: sort of.  there's a lot of rubbish on there.03:21
HobbseeJucato: it's probably worth a skim, if you're interested in it03:21
JucatoI'm not used to forum rubbish anymore... at least not like before... :(03:22
JucatoIRC can really change you... :P03:22
jjesseagreed i don't ever use the forums03:22
jjesseexcept perhaps if i find something from google03:22
JucatoI started with the forums. It was a big help to me at that time. I rarely post questions anymore, though.03:23
Hobbseesame here03:23
Hobbseeactually, i do use a couple of howtos on there that arent on crack03:24
jjesseif they are good they should be moved over to hte wiki03:24
Hobbseethey may well be - i just google to find them03:25
Jucatoif they are *really* good, reproducible, and not error prone (or on crack...)03:25
Hobbseelike "how to backup your entire system"03:25
jjesseok time to go take the whinning dog out for his evening consitutional03:25
Jucatooh, I forgot, they have to be maintained or updated too...03:25
JucatoHobbsee: nice desktop background!  :)03:26
HobbseeJucato: :)  yep03:26
=== Jucato resists the urge to call it a wallpaper...
Hobbseewhat's wrong with calling it a wallpaper?03:26
Jucatowhere's the wall? :P03:27
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Jucatodon't mind me. it's just my silly "the desktop metaphor needs updating" opinion :P03:27
Jucatobtw, what's that app beside the firefox icon? (monitor with a sea shell?)03:28
Jucatoer.. is that even a seashell? lol03:28
HobbseeJucato: konsole. and yes, it is a seashell03:28
Jucatohm... from the looks of the K Menu, I'm guessing you're not using Crystal SVG, are you? :)03:29
Hobbseecrystal icons 0.903:29
Jucatoooh. 03:30
Jucatofrom our repos?03:30
Hobbseeof course03:30
Hobbseeoh, wait03:30
Hobbseei think so03:30
=== Jucato tries
Hobbseenope, i must have added that one by hand03:31
=== Jucato is still apt-getting :)
=== Hobbsee likes how it's so glassy looking
Hobbseethe folders are really nice03:31
Jucatonot as nice as Oxygen, I bet :P03:32
Jucatook, it wasn't the one from the repos...03:33
Hobbseeyeah, but i tend not to compile from svn03:33
Hobbseeit's from kdelook then03:33
JucatoI somehow like that (your) K Menu icon better than the current one... although it doesn't look much like a gear...03:34
Hobbseeyeah...that's the part i dont really like of that theme03:34
Hobbseewell, ki'm more used to having my butterfly kmenu.  but it does look pretty :)03:35
Jucatobutterfly... :)03:35
Jucatowhew! Konqi's crash monitor extension is a lifesaver!03:42
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Jucatowas Kopete 0.12.2 backported in Dapper?04:21
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Riddellmorning Hobbsee 06:57
Hobbseehey Riddell :)06:57
Riddellyou're a whole day ahead of me now06:58
HobbseeRiddell: :)06:59
HobbseeRiddell: stop living in the past!06:59
Hobbsee@time sydney07:00
UbugtuCurrent time in Australia/Sydney: November 07 2006, 17:00:0407:00
abattoirHi Riddell, Hobbsee07:01
abattoirRiddell: how's the summit going?07:01
Hobbseehey abattoir 07:01
Riddellabattoir: busy and groovy07:02
abattoirRiddell: good ;)07:03
HobbseeRiddell: got pages for the stuff that you've been discussing so far, or will we all have to wait till the summit is over?07:03
RiddellHobbsee: the specs we've discussed have notes on them, but most aren't written yet07:03
HobbseeRiddell: right, and the specs with notes have accompanying wiki pages, if we want to read?  (knowing that most of them didnt before)07:04
Riddellyes, the wiki page has the content07:05
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HobbseeRiddell: have you got imbrandon off that mountain dew rubbish yet?  :P07:13
RiddellHobbsee: last I saw he was on beer, but I shall introduce him to irn bru soon enough07:18
HobbseeRiddell: haha :)07:18
HobbseeRiddell: what can i participate in tomorrow, via voip?  anything?07:18
=== LeeJunFan [n=junfan@adsl-69-210-207-5.dsl.klmzmi.ameritech.net] has joined #kubuntu-devel
RiddellHobbsee: actually tomorrow we only have drafting scheduled07:22
Riddellwe will probably do other things too but more ad-hoc07:22
RiddellI can ping you on irc when we do that07:23
RiddellI want to do artwork tomorrow07:23
HobbseeRiddell: right07:24
HobbseeRiddell: that'd be good :)07:25
HobbseeRiddell: i'm at uni for a couple of hours, but might be here the rest of the time.  the timing is out, of course :)07:25
RiddellHobbsee: do you have voip all set up?  have you need trying it out?07:25
HobbseeRiddell: i've got it set up, a slight bit of buzz, but it should be fine07:26
Hobbseei can try it out anyway, if you want07:27
Riddellsomeone tell tonio I edited kubuntu-multimedia-simplification when he gets back onlnie07:29
Hobbseewill do07:29
abattoirhmm, simplify oem installation was apparently on the agenda today...07:29
Hobbseesounds like the wifi is better than it was in paris, anyway07:29
abattoirRiddell: any idea what came out of it?07:30
abattoirHobbsee: it's the Googleplex :P07:30
Hobbseeabattoir: true.  i thought i heard they were still having a bit of trouble07:30
abattoirthey probably have the best connection in the planet07:30
abattoirHobbsee: oh ok07:30
abattoir*on the planet07:30
Riddellabattoir: no, I wasn't at it07:31
Riddellabattoir: we're on google's crappy slow guest network, it's quite depressing07:31
abattoirRiddell: oh, i guess you were at the language selector meeting07:31
abattoirRiddell: oh, that's sad to hear :(07:32
=== abattoir wonders if all of Mountain View is on that wireless network
Riddellno, but Silicon Vally is great for everywhere having free wifi07:33
HobbseeRiddell: so they all have free wifi, but it's a guest network, and therefore crap?07:34
=== claydoh [n=clay@216-220-245-136.midmaine.com] has joined #kubuntu-devel
Hobbseeah yes, discussing more of kde4 in feisty07:37
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=== Mez pokes hobbsee
=== Hobbsee pokes Mez
=== Hobbsee attacks Mez with a large saucepan
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=== Mez fends off Hobbsee with a large stick
=== Hobbsee attacks Mez with her Long Pointy Stick of DOOM!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! (tm)
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imbrandonHobbsee: ping 09:21
Hobbseeimbrandon: pong09:21
imbrandonheya girly09:21
Hobbseeheya :)09:21
Hobbseehow's UDS?09:21
imbrandongood, headed to the room soon09:22
Hobbseehah @ -devel09:22
imbrandonjust pokin in the room for a sec09:22
imbrandon@ -devel ?09:22
Hobbseeimbrandon: #ubuntu-devel09:23
Lure[00:21]  <mnepton> Hobbsee: Brandon keeps asking if i have nude photos of you. make it stop.09:23
imbrandonyea he is accross the room09:23
imbrandoni slapped him for ya09:23
Hobbseenice :)09:24
imbrandonelk and jono say hi09:24
crimsuninsanity abounds.09:24
Hobbseeimbrandon: say hi back to them for me, please :)09:24
imbrandonheya crimsun 09:24
imbrandonwish you were both here09:24
imbrandonthey say "HI" and i think we are going to the rooms for the night, gnight09:25
Hobbseesomeone has to keep control of au, i'm afraid09:25
Hobbseegoing to the rooms for what though?09:25
imbrandoni dont have as many BoF's scheduled tomarrow so i'll try to catch up in irc09:25
imbrandonsleep, it 12pm localtime09:25
imbrandonlater yall09:26
MezFor feck sake09:27
HobbseeMez: hmmm?09:27
MezI wish people would not try to upload things to ubuntu that I'm working on09:28
=== Mez slaps Tonio_
Mezeven though he isnt here09:28
MezSubject: katapult_0.3.1.4-0ubuntu1_source.changes Rejected09:30
Mezsince when has feisty been open ?09:30
Hobbseeit's not been widely announced, i dont think09:30
crimsunit's not open afaik.09:31
Mezcrimsun, so howcome I just got a bounce from soyuz rejecting a package due to a missing orig.tar.gz09:32
crimsunMez: even if you had uploaded one built with -sa, it should have done into the queue09:33
Mezcrimsun, manual review ?09:33
crimsunafaik, yes09:34
Mezfeisty is now the default for "currently translated in rosetta"09:36
Mezwhy is tonio_ never on IRC?09:37
crimsun19:09 -!- Tonio_ [i=tonio@conference/ubuntuconf/x-e22d0608c7d27a36]  has quit [Remote closed the connection] 09:38
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HobbseeMez: he often is.  but when you arent09:39
Mezyeah - but he's uploading crap to ubuntu09:40
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Mezomfg... what the hell10:15
MezHobbsee, could you help me a little here10:18
Mezyou're a MOTU right ?10:18
=== Mez -> bed
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hungerAny chance of getting a Qt update for edgy?12:33
hungerI guess this is a bad time to ask with everybody being at google...12:34
Hobbseeunlikely, i would assume12:35
UbugtuMalone bug 64841 in wlassistant "wireless assisant does not connect in edgy" [High,Confirmed]  12:40
Hobbseesomeone probably needs to look into that and figure otu why12:40
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gnomefreakfdoving: you here?02:52
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gnomefreakif anyone is able to change kubuntu.org pages. the upgrade process needs to be rewritten. the way its written now can really bork an upgrade pretty bad. it should be something more like install kubuntu-desktop and others before you change your sources.list file and/or use update-manager as it will grab missing -desktop package for you. and it will fix the libgl1-mesa-glx version issues with compiz among other issues. heres the link ht02:56
nixternalgnomefreak: which way should it be?03:06
nixternalanyway you do it will bork it ;)03:06
gnomefreaknixternal: if its not gonna say to use update-manager the very first thing should be to install kubuntu-desktop python-qt3 python-kde3 ubuntu-minimal03:07
gnomefreakbefore changing the repos03:07
gnomefreakand it should state since your doing it with apt to remove any and all non-official packages03:10
nixternalya, i thought when i did that page i did it the upgrade manager way with adept, but i don't remember now...have to wait for Riddell, since he is the one with access there03:11
gnomefreakthere is a bug report pointing to that page (his upgrade failied badly) but it can be a number of reasons. those are just changes off top of head that need to be made03:15
nixternalgnomefreak: those instructions are already there03:20
gnomefreaknixternal: in wrong order. you need kubuntu-desktop to be installed before upgrading so it has no issues grabbing packages from it03:21
gnomefreakthe way it reads atm the upgrade will fail. if those packages are not installed before starting03:22
gnomefreaknixternal: peek at this https://help.ubuntu.com/community/EdgyUpgrades03:23
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gnomefreakif the user is using xgl/compiz the upgrade will fail anyway due to libgl1-mesa-glx being a different version (higher) than the one in edgy. update-manager fixes that for the user.03:25
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nixternalgnomefreak: http://nixternal.ubuntu-rocks.org/upgrading.diff04:04
gnomefreaklooks good thank you04:05
=== nixternal now passes it on ;)
nixternalRiddell: http://nixternal.ubuntu-rocks.org/upgrading.diff    <-- fixed upgrading section to the 6.10 release notes page ;)04:06
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hungerWhen will the devs get back from mountainview?05:34
Tm_TNever, they are captured as slaves.05:35
mhbhunger: it's hard to smuggle devices to Europe, so probably never05:35
Tm_T"devices" =)05:35
hungerTm_T: Well, if the google ppl at mountainview are anything like those at dublin, then I actually believe that!05:36
=== hunger thought google openhouse at aKademy was spooky.
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MezRiddell: ping05:47
Riddellhi me05:48
RiddellMez: 05:48
MezRiddell, if you can make sure kds is set up for voip so I can listen in/join in - it'd be nice05:48
Riddellwe're not discussing anything today, at least not scheduled05:48
MezRiddell: u sure?05:49
Mezoh, its a reviewing session05:49
Mezapologies, it didnt show that before05:50
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alleeMez: I try to get twinkle working too.  No success yet :(  Is it working for you?05:58
Mezallee, yeah, very nicely05:59
alleeMez: jalious ;)05:59
=== allee hates firewalls
Mezthing is I have 3 firewalls05:59
Mezand it's auto-negotiated through all of them05:59
alleeMez: sounds cool.  We've only one campus firewall.  So it always takes time to poke holes into it ;)06:00
Mezallee, you shoudlnt really need anything to dial out06:00
alleeMez: UDP is completely blocked here06:01
allee^^ by default06:01
Mezallee... ah06:01
Mezthat would do it06:01
alleeMez: I asked for 5060 and 8000-8005 to be opened for my laptop.  Hope this is enough06:02
Mez*hugs alleed*06:02
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=== allee searches second headset for another local test
=== MidMark [n=marco@host-84-220-99-167.cust-adsl.tiscali.it] has joined #kubuntu-devel
MidMarkhi, if kubuntu freeze with a pcmcia wireless card it means firmware are broken?06:10
MidMarkit's an asus wl100g with broadcom chip06:10
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blackmoonhi, how can i submit a bug?06:15
Tonio__Mez: ping ?06:15
Tonio__Mez: I saw your agressive email....06:15
Tonio__Mez: did you even know why I did the upload ?06:15
MezTonio__, no ..06:15
Tonio__Mez: that's not for feisty in the first place, but to provide a backport to edgy06:15
MezTonio__, sorry about the agressivenes... :D06:15
Tonio__katapult is broken on edgy06:15
Mezbut it was a lil weird06:15
MezTonio__, yes, and I'm waiting for the SRU bug to go througyh to fix it06:16
Tonio__Mez: well we'll use 0.4 brabch on feisty06:16
MezTonio__, it doesnt seem to have gone through anyways06:16
Tonio__Mez: the problem on edgy is that the "non-english" patch doesn't work06:16
Tonio__Mez: but a backport is the logical way to fix it06:16
Tonio__imbrandon: ping ?06:16
MezTonio__, it does...06:16
Mezwell, it will do once the SRU has gone through06:17
Tonio__but well, no issues on that point, we all want to know the same thing: katapult to work06:17
abattoir!bug | blackmoon06:20
ubotublackmoon: If you find a bug in Ubuntu or any of its derivatives, please file a bug report at: http://bugs.ubuntu.com/ Bugs in/wishes for the bots can be filed at http://launchpad.net/products/ubuntu-bots06:20
abattoirTonio__: there was a message for you, from Riddell06:20
abattoirTonio__: something to the effect that he had edited/modified Kubuntu multimedia simplification...06:20
=== abattoir wonders if Riddell is here now
Tonio__abattoir: yeah I know06:21
abattoir<Riddell> someone tell tonio I edited kubuntu-multimedia-simplification when he gets back onlnie06:21
Tonio__abattoir: Riddell is here with me in mountain view :)06:21
abattoirTonio__: oh ok then06:21
Tonio__abattoir: we did this together hehe06:21
abattoirTonio__: i know that, i meant if he was starting at #kubuntu-devel :P06:21
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Tonio__abattoir: he is probably in a conference or drafting on his own06:22
MidMarkwlan assistant will have wpa/wpa2 support? it has only wep support!06:22
abattoirTonio__: oh ok, have fun, all of you :)06:22
blackmoonabattoir: thanks06:22
Tonio__Mez: concerning the "non english" patch, I can ensure you it doesn't work in the edgy package06:22
MezTonio__, it will with the SRU06:23
Tonio__Mez: yes I know that06:23
Tonio__Mez: I just didn't knew you where preparing the patch06:24
MezTonio__, the patch has been sitting there forever06:24
Tonio__Mez: even Riddell didn't knew since he was agree that I uploaded it06:24
Tonio__Mez: so sorry for the confusion, probably communication issue06:24
MezTonio__, but the thing was, what was with the random files in it /06:24
Riddellblackmoon: launchpad.net/distros/ubuntu and click on bugs06:26
blackmoonRiddell: thank you06:26
MezRiddell, can you poke mdz or cjwatson and get them to approve the SRU for katapult ?06:26
RiddellMez: they'll be aware of it06:28
Tonio__Mez: hum.... I just looked at your paste.... I don't know what's this file lemme check..... probably in the package diff or something06:28
Mezit's in the diff.gz06:29
Mezit's created by you06:29
Tonio__Mez: all I did was taking the tarball, then uupdate and removed the packages.... I don't know where does this come from... look related to Riddell (/home/jr)06:29
Tonio__Mez: by me ? that's not possible, I don't have this patch on my laptop06:29
Tonio__this "path" sorry06:29
MezTonio__, which paste you on about ?06:30
MezRiddell, I know but it';s been sitting there for a wqeek or so now whereas others have just gone straight past06:30
Tonio__Mez: http://rafb.net/paste/results/YBjD2473.html06:30
Tonio__this one06:30
Tonio__that can't come from my computer06:31
Tonio__Mez: but well if it is just a matter of cleaning the diff, I'll do that today if you don't mind06:31
MezTonio__, that's from the upload you made to ubuntu06:31
Tonio__Mez: weird....., you say that isn't in the edgy package ? I'mm looking at it06:31
Meztonio, get the diff.gz and zcat it and pipe it to lsdiff06:32
Tonio__Mez: yes I see...06:33
Tonio__Mez: it is already in the edgy package.....06:34
Tonio__same issue in the diff06:34
Tonio__Mez: that's just in my package because I did an upgrade with uupdate so that the diff is kept06:35
Tonio__Mez: I will fix the diff, and reupload to feisty if you don't mind, ok ?06:35
MezTonio__, I dont believe the original was accepted was it /06:35
Tonio__Mez: it is ! look at the current package ;)06:35
MezTonio__, it didnt come through to -changes06:36
Tonio__Mez: let me show you06:36
Mezyeah i se06:36
Tonio__Mez: okay so that old issue, but I'll fix today, no pb06:38
Tonio__Mez: it doesn't impact the binary deb actually, so that's minor problem06:38
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RiddellI couldn't find imbrandon 07:07
MezRiddell: room 500107:08
RiddellMez: telephone extention numbers mean nothing to me :)07:09
MezRiddell, hence why I changed it07:09
Mezroom 50207:09
Mez202 *07:09
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jpetsosebas: how do i keep your new battery systray applet from starting up every time kde does? it doesn't seem to work with kde session management or as a kde service, so how is it actually started?08:06
_SimeHi guys, having fun?08:11
Riddelljpetso: it's in /usr/share/autostart08:11
Riddell_Sime: warg!  too many specs!08:11
mhbRiddell: too many?08:11
=== _Sime clicks on the link to the specs.
RiddellI'm drowning in BoFs08:12
jpetsoRiddell: ah, thanks. i didn't know there's a system-wide autostart folder as well08:12
Riddellall the gnome ones need KDE work too, besides our own KDE ones08:12
_SimeRiddell: is there anything particularly special going into feisty? or will it just be holding the fort until KDE 4 comes?08:14
mhbRiddell: what with the "Undefined" priority specs (like the grubconfig one)? Will it get reviewed by the usability folks?08:14
Riddell_Sime: new upgrade tool, improved language selector, network-manager by default08:15
Riddelland packaing lots of kde 4 to hold the fort08:15
Riddelloh and replace openoffice base with kexi08:15
Riddella number of changes to ubiquity08:16
Riddelloh and porting ubiquity to qt 408:16
Riddelland language selector08:16
abattoirhehe :P08:16
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mhband grub config tool :o) (joke)08:17
abattoirRiddell: just curious, are you going to work on the upgrade tool? will it be Qt4?08:17
Riddellmhb: looking08:20
Riddellabattoir: it'll be KDE 3, it needs an embedded console08:20
Riddellmhb: passing it on to usability celeste08:22
mhbRiddell: thanks08:22
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Riddellseele: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/KubuntuGrubconfig08:23
Riddellseele: mhb is the dude to poke if you have comments08:23
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claydohIf I remember right, Lycoris had a kcontrol applet to configure grub, but I can't find it in the sources I have08:33
fdovinggnomefreak: ping? was it anything special? 08:33
claydohI don't remember if kde had one or it was one of their own applets08:34
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Luresebas: this is the KUniqueApplication issue I mentioned: http://lists.kde.org/?l=pykde&m=115998965601809&w=208:49
gnomefreakfdoving: i think nixternal took care of it ty08:50
fdovinggnomefreak: ok, great :)08:51
=== gnomefreak scared to reboot :(
fdovingwhy? 08:54
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gnomefreaklinux-libc-dev doesnt match kernel version08:54
gnomefreakguess it doesnt matter because it wasnt the same to start with08:55
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seelemhb: ping09:30
mhbseele: I'm here09:32
seelemhb: is your gmail address on the wiki the best way to get a hold of you?09:34
mhbseele: it's the mail address I check most often, so yes09:35
seelei am looking over your UI and learning about Grub and its options09:36
mhbseele: one of the problematic things here is to manage the boot options for grub and the kernel09:37
seeleare you getting my private messages?09:38
mhbseele: no, can't tell why09:38
mhbseele: I'm identified alright09:39
seeledoh, i wasnt logged in :)09:39
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alleemhb: lsdiff -z whatever.diff.gz  is more convinient ;)09:48
alleeMez: ^^09:49
alleemhb: sorry09:49
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Riddellnixternal: we need to move the release notes out of the docs package I think11:05
Riddellnixternal: the ubuntu ones are on a wiki page and we're going to change ubiquity to show them as an option so we should follow them11:05
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nixternalRiddell: groovy man. you are referring to the ubiquity spec i think, the one where kwwii made a proposed image?  i think...but yes, we will rock out some good stuff, I promise that. I am working my arse off to make sure 7.04 is the best!11:56
Riddellnixternal: ubiquity release notes has no spec12:10
Riddellerr, it is a spec, it has no image12:11
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nixternalhmm..ok, i thought i seen an image earlier12:11
nixternalmaybe im thinking of another spec12:11

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