
=== pygi [n=mario@83-131-71-130.adsl.net.t-com.hr] has joined #edubuntu
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highvoltagehi LaserJock 06:12
LaserJockwhat's up?06:12
highvoltagestill waking up :)06:12
highvoltagereading through the wiki changes and LP notifications06:12
highvoltageit seems like the easiest way to keep up atm.06:12
LaserJockah, yes06:13
LaserJockI'm doing the same06:13
LaserJockalthough my email situation is pretty bad06:13
highvoltagemine too, not because of technical problems, but with overflow of email06:13
LaserJockuntil an LP admin switches my @ubuntu.com redirect I'm getting mail at 2 different accounts06:14
LaserJockand right now none of it's filtered06:14
highvoltageeach e-mail has a 5-10 minute task assosiated with it, and with deadlines looming it's not top priority atm.06:14
highvoltageah I see :/06:14
highvoltageI stopped filreting LP and the wiki, otherwise I'd never read them :)06:14
highvoltageedubuntugirl: tell jono http://xkcd.com/c181.html07:05
edubuntugirlRighto, highvoltage!07:05
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highvoltagemorning willvdl and Kamping_Kaiser 09:03
Kamping_Kaiserevening highvoltage 09:03
willvdlhey, didn't see you there :)09:03
highvoltageI was sitting in the corner.09:07
highvoltagewell, more like, curled up in the fetal position.09:07
highvoltageso I can understand that you didn't see me :)09:08
=== kwak [n=opera@mail.aims.ac.th] has joined #edubuntu
kwakhi everybody. how do i do a dual boot beside my k12ltsp 509:10
kwaki will install edubuntu09:10
Kamping_Kaiserthe cd lets you dual boot09:10
Kamping_Kaiser*install cd09:10
kwakthe edubuntu install CD right?09:11
highvoltageyes, it does.09:11
highvoltageare you using the livecd or alternate cd?09:11
kwakok will try now09:11
kwakthe alternate CD i guess09:12
highvoltageok, it will ask you if you want to erase the entire disk, or shrink your current partition, or do custom partition09:12
highvoltageyou can choose the shrink option and it will do all the hard work for you.09:12
Kamping_Kaiserit defaults to shrinking (ie dual boot)09:12
kwakok i have three options for installation09:16
kwak1. install to the hard disk09:16
kwak2. install a workstation09:16
=== pygi [n=mario@83-131-71-130.adsl.net.t-com.hr] has joined #edubuntu
kwak3. install a comand-line system09:16
Kamping_Kaiser1 (iirc)09:16
Kamping_Kaiserfor the terminal server09:16
kwakit's "scanning CD-ROM" now09:18
kwaki have 2 GB NICs, both broadcom i think, which one is for terminal server, eth0 or 109:19
Kamping_Kaisereither, as long as you dont care09:19
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kwak1 NIC will have this network 192.168.0 (TS), 192.168.1., local lan09:20
kwakthe other09:20
Kamping_Kaiserdoes it matter to you which nic is on which network?09:21
kwakwell, not really. :)09:22
Kamping_Kaiserthen it doesnt matter to the server :)09:22
kwakwell i think my question was wrong.09:22
Kamping_Kaiser(theres probably a rule of thumb, but i dont know one)09:22
kwaksince it's both broadcom, i have to figure out which is which.09:22
Kamping_Kaiserrun 'lspci' in a terminal09:23
Kamping_Kaisereth0 is usualy the first one on the pci bus09:23
kwakim on the partition screen now, in K12ltsp i set it as LVM. now it sees it as sda and sdb09:24
Kamping_Kaiseri dont know anything about lvm, so i cant help there09:25
=== Kamping_Kaiser dislikes lvm/evms
kwako i guess not LVM09:25
=== cbx33 [n=c2df514b@84-45-197-14.no-dns-yet.enta.net] has joined #edubuntu
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willvdlcbx33 woot09:34
cbx33hey willvdl 09:35
willvdlcbx33, do you use smart boards at all?09:35
cbx33yes, but not "Smart" boards09:35
cbx33which is a bugger09:35
cbx33I saw something about developing drivers and stuff09:35
cbx33but they won't work on our hitachi cambridge boards09:36
willvdlyeah been talking to some local partners about it09:36
willvdlwant to get some NEPAD guys playing with it to see haw far it can go09:36
willvdlare the hitachi boards nice?09:37
cbx33we really like them09:37
willvdland cheaper no doubt09:37
cbx33they are a lot cheaper too09:37
willvdlrear projection?09:37
willvdldo the hitachi's not need projectors?09:38
willvdlurk ahead ofmyself. must be the decaff they jsut gave me09:38
cbx33no they need projectors09:39
cbx33but they work pretty good09:39
kwakKamping_Kaiser: i need your advise on partition, i will shrink / so that if in case im satisfied with edubuntu better than k12 i will totally erase k12. is this possible.09:41
Kamping_Kaiserkwak, if your using LVM it may not be so easy to shrink them09:41
willvdlcbx33, do you use tablets or slates as well?09:42
kwaki mean, will it affect the files in /. i checked it, im not using LVM. my /home is solely sdb109:42
kwaki have 3 partitions on sda /boot, swap, /09:42
Kamping_Kaiserno, it wont affect those files then.09:42
cbx33willvdl: no, just the pc 09:43
kwaki chose resize the partition, and it says it's not possible to resize it.09:43
willvdllooking at the whole smart product options. looks kinda nice. they can connect all kinds of devices to the boards etc. (synchroneyes etc.)09:44
willvdlI'm hoping the same is possible on linux 09:44
Kamping_Kaiserkwak, does it give a reason?09:45
kwakthe same is true with other partitions: got this error "The resize operation is impossible: beucase of an unknown reason it is impossible to resize this partition"09:45
kwakthat's because09:45
cbx33willvdl: yeh.....I'd say the smarts are what is in use in the most cases09:45
cbx33if I was clever I could write the driver for a hitachi board ;)09:45
cbx33wouldn't take much09:45
cbx33surely it's just a mouse driver really09:45
cbx33with pressure as well09:45
Kamping_Kaiserkwak, hm. i havent tried it before, so i'm not sure what could be going on. perhaps someone else here has some ideas09:47
willvdlwell exactly.09:47
willvdlthe trick comes in with the value add stuff like remote desktops, whiteboard sharing etc.09:48
cbx33which is a more advanced step09:49
cbx33I wonder who would know about writing a usb HID driver?09:49
cbx33maybe I'll investigate into that09:50
willvdlcan't be too hard to modify like a usb mouse driver or something09:51
cbx33well that's what I thought09:53
cbx33would need to handle calibration09:53
cbx33although surely that would just be an offset to an operating range09:53
cbx33not sure it it handles keystone errors?09:53
willvdlhopefully we can get smart's software...09:54
cbx33that'd be cool09:55
willvdlit would make so much sense for them to open their software09:55
willvdlit's free anyway09:55
highvoltagewillvdl: you need to do some advocacy there ;)10:02
willvdlhighvoltage, dude, no doubt. I'm getting an intro to their developers soon.10:03
cbx33It may be that this board already has a driver ;)10:19
cbx33the standard usbhid maywork10:19
cbx33I'll chav a board at lunch and try it out10:19
cbx33join #ejabberd10:42
=== jinty [n=jinty@137.Red-83-50-216.dynamicIP.rima-tde.net] has joined #edubuntu
kwakr u still there Kamping_Kaiser?10:50
Kamping_Kaiserkwak, i'm here10:52
kwakim thinking of just installing edubuntu on top of k12, but preserving /home which is on a separate partition.10:53
kwaki have at least almost 200 students, they don't have much files in there, but i have to create their usernames again right?10:53
kwaki just restarted k12 and it hanged again10:54
Kamping_Kaiseryes, you have to recreate the users. if the usernames are the same as their home dirs, you can script that though10:54
Kamping_Kaiserand save /etc/[shadow,passwd]  - you can sed in the old passwords if your keen as well10:54
kwakthe passwords will be easy, but if there's a way not to redo the individual usernames, that might be better10:56
Kamping_Kaiseryou can recreate the usernames from tehir home dirs - or do you call users different to homes?10:58
kwaktheir usernames and homes are the same10:59
Kamping_Kaiserthen you can use a for loop to script it.11:00
Kamping_Kaiserback in 30 min though :|11:00
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Kamping_Kaiserkwak, back11:15
cbx33anyone got experience with ejabberd11:20
highvoltageI've installed it a few times and it just worked, so I'm not an expert.11:21
highvoltageiirc, all I needed to do was change the address in the config file so that it would listen on the right ip address, as apposed to localhost11:22
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cbx33yeh it's working now11:35
cbx33except I can't get admin access through gaim11:35
cbx33which sux a little11:35
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cbx33why is this not working01:33
cbx33mplayer codecs01:34
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cbx33ive installed them into the directories but mp3's still dn;t play01:43
Kamping_Kaisercbx33, whats up?01:44
cbx33i can't get the codecs to work for mplayer01:44
Kamping_Kaiserso apt-get mplayer, and downloaded the tar from mplayers home?01:45
cbx33yeh i did that01:45
cbx33where do I untar them01:45
cbx33I tried all three locations and it still doesn't work01:45
Kamping_Kaiserjust untar to ~/stuff01:45
Kamping_Kaiserthe readme tells where to mv them to, iirc /usr/local/codecs01:46
cbx33ysh I tried all those locations it didn't work01:46
Kamping_Kaiserhave you restarted all mplayers?01:46
=== Kamping_Kaiser has never had issues
cbx33neither have I01:46
cbx33guys is there a JRE plugin for firefox in ubutnu on amd64?02:52
Kamping_Kaisernot sun, perhaps the gnu java...? (??)02:53
cbx33hmmm can't find anything02:53
cbx33there is a sun-java5-plugin pacakge02:53
cbx33but it's not available here02:53
cbx33Package sun-java5-plugin is not available, but is referred to by another package.02:54
Kamping_Kaisergot multiverse?03:01
cbx33i sorted it03:04
cbx33it's not present on amd 6403:05
cbx33liek a lot of stuff03:05
=== Kamping_Kaiser hugs his freedom
jsgotangcothis is funny03:09
jsgotangcoi use gizmo03:09
jsgotangcoit works wayy wayyy better in linux than in windows03:09
cbx33pete savage : I was #1 on google yesterday03:13
cbx33darn it I've slipped to 2 now03:13
cbx33ahhh voip03:14
jsgotangcowell i have a call-in number03:14
=== Gatekeeper [n=Gatekeep@p548F8969.dip0.t-ipconnect.de] has joined #edubuntu
Gatekeeperhi 03:38
Gatekeeperwhat the difernt between ubuntu und edubuntu ???03:38
Kamping_Kaiseredubuntu has a more 'children' oriented pacackages03:39
Kamping_Kaiserand a default instlal installs an LTSP server03:39
Gatekeeperright i try apt-get install joe 03:42
Gatekeeperpackage not found 03:42
Kamping_Kaiserits in universe03:42
Kamping_Kaiseryou will have to enable the repository03:42
Kamping_Kaisersystem -> admin -> software properties03:43
Gatekeeperokay thx 03:46
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stgraberRichEd: good morning04:15
RichEdgi 04:18
RichEdhi guys 04:18
RichEdjust getting my day under way ... time to get ready for brekkie & the bus ...04:18
=== Nuffing [n=JaneW@dsl-241-37-13.telkomadsl.co.za] has joined #edubuntu
jsgotangcooh you need to take a bus to go to the place04:19
jsgotangcoNuffing: hey there04:19
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Nuffinghi, just connecting up, I am on my way out but will bbl (in a few hours)04:19
jsgotangcohi, bye!04:20
Nuffingsee ya04:20
RichEdhi nuffing ... are you having trouble installing edubuntu ?04:21
stgraberRichEd: I read the wiki page about Student Control Panel and I just had a question, what happens if we have two teachers ? (for example for the info messages when a student ask a question)04:23
RichEdgood point stgraber : i will ask oliver04:23
stgraberthat's more a technical question, but it could be interesting to handle having two teachers04:23
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azehi all05:09
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cbx33hey all05:23
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stgraberWill the Student Control Panel BOF (11-12) be on VOIP ?07:08
juliuxstgraber, there you can see the timetable07:13
stgraberI know, but 11-12 isn't on it07:14
stgraber(not yet)07:14
stgraberAnd I don't know if that will be like yesterday where there was only some drafting and then nothing on VOIP07:15
Burgworkstgraber: the schedule for the next day is only made up the night before07:15
cbx33stgraber, I'd be interested in finding that out07:29
cbx33ogra, can you shed any light?07:29
=== ogra [i=ogra@ubuntu/member/ogra] has joined #edubuntu
ogracbx33, there are no discussion sessions any more if a spec is in drafting07:34
edubuntugirlogra: by the way, highvoltage told me to tell you 'glad to see that the 2nd cd as repo is kind of panning out :)' 1 day, 12 hours, 48 minutes and 40 seconds ago (on Tue Nov  7 07:45:08 2006)07:34
cbx33ogra, that's what I thought07:34
ograedubuntugirl, tell highvoltage i'm glad as well :)07:34
edubuntugirlRighto, ogra!07:34
Burgworkok, our bot rocks07:35
=== ogra holds some edgy edubuntu CDs in his hands btw
=== cbx33 thinks everyone who contributed should get one ;)
cbx33ogra, http://www.progbox.co.uk/wordpress/?p=15507:37
cbx33see comment ;)07:37
ogranice ! :)07:39
cbx33I'm hoping to get some more great feedback on that07:39
cbx33I've never done anything like that before07:39
cbx33but boy would it be useful to us07:40
cbx33right I'm off, back later07:41
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sbalneavmorning LaserJock07:51
LaserJockhi Scotty!07:53
=== Amaranth [i=travis@conference/ubuntuconf/x-9b6e02f39802542b] has joined #edubuntu
Nuffingedubuntugirl, tell RichEd Hi, and stop running away every time I log on :P08:08
edubuntugirlRighto, Nuffing!08:08
Nuffingedubuntugirl, thanks08:08
edubuntugirlno worries, Nuffing08:08
LaserJockhow's it going Nuffing?08:09
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stgraberogra: I read the wiki about StudentControlPanelSpec this afternoon, I have 1 suggestion and 1 question08:14
stgrabersuggestion : A very often used functionnality here on Windows is to shutdown all the computers (actually we can only disconnect with the SCP)08:15
stgraberquestion : What happens if we have two teachers ? (about the "ask a question" thing, will they both receive the message ?)08:15
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LaserJockhi RichEd 09:01
Burgworkhey RichEd09:01
bimberig'day RichEd09:03
juliuxhi RichEd 09:05
LaserJocksbalneav: quick question if you're here, how is the ltsp-management-gui different from SCP?09:09
LaserJocksbalneav: nvm09:10
LaserJockI hate not being there not that I was there for a little bit09:11
RichEdhi LaserJock Burgwork bimberi juliux ...09:12
edubuntugirlRichEd: by the way, Nuffing told me to tell you 'Hi, and stop running away every time I log on :P' 1 hours, 4 minutes and 42 seconds ago (on Wed Nov  8 21:07:41 2006)09:13
=== RichEd rolls eye's : damn now I am being naged by proxy - these wimmin all stick together !
=== aze [n=aze@AMarigot-102-1-2-58.w81-248.abo.wanadoo.fr] has joined #edubuntu
RichEdLaserJock: how do I give the electronic nag a nag to send back to the real world one ?09:24
RichEdand will edubuntugirl pipe up if Nuffing changes her away status, or only on rejoin ?09:25
LaserJockdo: edubuntugirl, tell <user> <message>09:25
LaserJockRichEd: I think it might only do it if the person says something09:25
LaserJockbut I'm not really sure09:26
RichEdedubuntugirl, tell Nuffing 'I was online waiting for you this morning (your evening) when you signed on and you spoke to the channel and then ingored me and ran away ... so brpthhhhhhhh !'09:27
edubuntugirlRighto, RichEd!09:27
RichEdthanks edubuntugirl 09:27
LaserJockogra: are you planning on changing user/group management in Feisty?09:28
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=== HedgeMage peeks in
HedgeMageRichEd: still about?10:03
=== highvoltage pops in before falling over
edubuntugirlhighvoltage: by the way, ogra told me to tell you 'i'm glad as well :)' 2 hours, 29 minutes and 49 seconds ago (on Wed Nov  8 20:34:21 2006)10:04
=== pygi [n=mario@83-131-92-232.adsl.net.t-com.hr] has joined #edubuntu
highvoltageRichEd: edubuntugirl will tell nuffing when she says something again10:05
highvoltageLaserJock: edubuntugirl is a she, not an it :)10:05
highvoltagegoodnight HedgeMage 10:05
LaserJockhighvoltage: whatever10:05
highvoltageand hello pygi!10:05
highvoltagegoodnight LaserJock 10:05
LaserJockhighvoltage: that's what I get for trying to be politically correct ;-)10:05
pygihey highvoltage 10:05
HedgeMagehighvoltage: going to bed?10:06
pygihey HedgeMage 10:06
HedgeMagehi pygi 10:06
highvoltageheh. well, I would've made a stab at Americans, but the Americans' ratings have gone up a little with me so I'll leave it :)10:06
highvoltageHedgeMage: yep10:06
HedgeMagesweet dreams highvoltage 10:06
highvoltageHedgeMage: it's 11pm and I've been working since 5am10:06
highvoltagethanks. goodnight!10:07
highvoltageit's cool though, been super productive and I love it... keep an eye on slashdot next week ;)10:07
pygihighvoltage: if I manage to convince my laptop to connect to internet, you'll get libburn-enabled brasero10:07
HedgeMagehighvoltage: good for you!10:07
edubuntugirlNuffing: by the way, RichEd told me to tell you ''I was online waiting for you this morning (your evening) when you signed on and you spoke to the channel and then ingored me and ran away ... so brpthhhhhhhh !'' 42 minutes and 1 seconds ago (on Wed Nov  8 22:26:40 2006)10:09
NuffingThanks edubuntugirl 10:09
=== Nuffing *thwaps* RichEd
Nuffingnagging indeed *pout*10:09
=== mario_ [n=mario@83-131-77-248.adsl.net.t-com.hr] has joined #edubuntu
mario_I'm back10:12
mario_now lets see what I can do with a package :)10:12
mario_ergh, why wont it sign the package!!!@#!10:14
LaserJockmario_: are you using -k<keyid>?10:15
mario_LaserJock, nah, using nothing, it defaults to my key10:15
LaserJockand you have the right name and email address in debian/changelog?10:16
mario_LaserJock, dunno what's happening, I'm being confused as always:)10:21
mario_LaserJock, any sensful idea? :)10:23
LaserJockcan you sign other things?10:24
mario_didn't try really, but it would help if this debsign thingy was a bit more verbose :)10:26
mario_brb in a sec10:29
=== pygi [n=mario@83-131-77-248.adsl.net.t-com.hr] has joined #edubuntu
pygidebsign: gpg error occurred!  Aborting....10:30
pygidebuild: fatal error at line 1151:10:30
pygirunning debsign failed10:30
LaserJockhmm :/10:30
pygiit still creates the files!!!10:30
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aceping ogra12:08
pygiace: I dont think ogra is here now :)12:09
acepygi: ah okay12:09
acepygi: why ?12:10
pygiace: may anyone else help you? :)12:10
acepygi: I just wanted some reassurance on edgy12:10
ograi am here but way to busy finishing specs to answer questions ... probably on the weekend12:10
ogramail me ...12:10
pygiace: me and others can probably answer question ^_^12:10
pygior as ogra said, mail :P12:10
aceogra: okay good luck, I'll mail you!!!12:10
acepygi: thanks12:11
acepygi: did you have so many problems with edgy as I had ?12:11
acepygi: or am i some freak of nature ?12:11
pygiace: I dont know how much problems you had :)12:11
LaserJockI didn't have any problems, but certainly some people have12:11
acepygi: just check the bug reports on launchpad for reported by ace at suares point an12:12
aceLaserJock: did those problems get solved or are there still issues ?12:12
aceI had OO crash on me twice since clean install of edgy - hard crash, no way out but reboot!12:13
LaserJockhmm, haven't heard of that one12:13
aceI can't use the right square bracket, but before, I couldn't use the 'p' !12:14
aceI had almost no problems with dapper ! I was quite happy.12:14
aceI upgraded to RC2 and one of my 3 screens went black (with the i810 driver).12:14
aceThen that wasn't fixed. no one seemd to know what to do, so I did a clean install12:15
acethe install couldn't mount my reiserfs /home whihc was part of a mdadm raid1 array12:15
aceI didn't know what I saw12:15
aceI was baffled12:15
aceI needed to install with a home on the root partition, install mdadm and from then on it worked fine.12:16
aceOf course I am still very happy with ubuntu and gnu/linux in general12:16
acebut the last week have been the closest to 'windows' experience I have been in a couple of years12:16
LaserJockyeah, edgy's been somewhat odd12:17

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