
eaglehawkanybody who can help me with tabletpc pen12:11
dennisterwell, 2 late...i dropped trying to get 64-bit to work...much happier with i386 now12:12
Jucatohi saki, dennister!12:12
miah3sp4wn: gnash is supposed to be in my repository?12:12
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h3sp4wnmia: build it from svn any version in a repository will be out of date12:12
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jordan_yeah i got a question again xD12:12
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jordan_whats the difference between i386, i586 and i686 cause my pc supports all of em12:13
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h3sp4wnmore instructions12:13
h3sp4wn586 and 686 are supersets of 38612:13
jordan_i see12:14
justin1278i just noticed that the add/remove programs icon in my Kmenu is gone12:14
justin1278how can i get it back?12:14
donutface-right now kubuntu freezes at 40% :|12:14
jordan_unlock the panels12:14
dennisterso has anyone ever used a dns-forwarder? i'm sick of rogers' fussing with my ip address...so much work12:14
justin1278they are unlocked12:14
h3sp4wnbut you get some cpu's like via's c3 which are not fully compatible with anything newer than 486 (yet still pretty fast)12:14
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jordan_go to menu editor12:14
dennisterand i need a static ip addy12:14
jordan_create a new entry12:15
donutface-you mean a dynamic dns for your domain?12:15
jordan_and the command is "Adept Installer: install and remove software packages"12:15
h3sp4wndennister: so use ez-ipdate with dyndns.org12:15
jordan_no its not12:15
dennisterh3sp4wn: yes, that's the one i was thinking of using12:15
jordan_im blind12:15
dennisterit works well?12:15
donutface-zoneedit also is quite good and as far as i know sveasoft supports it so you can have your router automatically update12:15
jordan_thats the comment12:15
jordan_"kdesu adept_installer"12:15
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jordan_is the command for the program to run12:16
h3sp4wndennister: ez-ipupdate is pretty good12:16
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dennisterdonutface-: i don't have a domain, but a small home network i need a static ip for12:16
jordan_pick a name and icon12:16
jordan_and it should work12:16
donutface-you wont get a static ip though12:16
donutface-youll only get a domain that points to an ip12:16
h3sp4wndonutface-: sveasoft sucks bad all his latest version does is steal openwrt's code and not distribute source12:16
dennisterh3sp4wn: thx...i may get that tomorrow12:16
justin1278jordan: it didn't work12:16
donutface-h3sp4wn i use openwrt myself12:16
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donutface-but thats not everyones cup of tea12:17
h3sp4wndonutface-: so why recommend sveasoft12:17
jordan_what did you set the command to?12:17
justin1278Adept Installer: install and remove software packages12:17
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jordan_that was my fault12:17
dennisterdonutface-: yes, or something similar to what u said :) i was reading up on it a coupla weeks ago12:17
ArafangionThis is bloody wierd. SOMETHING is causing random printouts of my chat!12:17
jordan_thats the comment12:17
jordan_the command is12:17
jordan_kdesu adept_installer12:17
dennisterand i'm just fed up with rogers at the moment12:17
donutface-because i never used dd-wrt and im not sure if it has zoneedit support?12:17
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ArafangionJust discovered, not for the first time, that I've got a printout of an irc conversation (irssi, urxvt, screen, KDE)12:18
dennisterhey flaccid :)12:18
noxshow to add truetype fonts to kubuntu for using wine?12:18
ArafangionWhat the heck could be causing it? (Any key combos?)12:18
justin1278jordan: it says that command is not found12:18
flaccidheya denni12:18
jordan_do you use Adept?12:18
noxsi do not have any letters written down, while a "wined" program starts..12:18
justin1278jordan: yes12:18
jordan_thats odd12:19
jordan_kdesu adept_installer is your command?12:19
dennisterhows's it goin'? flaccid?12:19
justin1278jordan: yes12:19
jordan_try runthat in a terminal12:19
jordan_and see what happens12:19
flaccidnot bad thanks at new job12:19
justin1278jordan: ok one moment12:19
ArafangionI'm asking for hints/suggestings and even outright guesses.12:19
dennisteroh really? doing what?12:19
dennister<--used to be in hr, so always interested in job-talk12:20
flaccidweb developer12:20
justin1278jordan: it says adept_installer not found12:20
jordan_Arafangion: unplug your printer12:20
jordan_just adept?12:20
dennisterdo u use mysql in ur web development?12:20
jordan_as in "adept"12:20
justin1278jordan: adept: command not found12:21
Arafangionjordan_: :)12:21
beaviswhats the name of the next dev ubuntu?12:21
jordan_justin: Kubuntu 6.10?12:21
hollywoodbArafangion: check /var/log/* (perhaps /var/log/cups) and try determine the source12:21
justin1278jordan: yes12:21
beavisno , next one12:21
hollywoodbbeavis: Feisty Fawn12:21
jordan_it looks like you've deleted adept12:21
flaccidthanks. and yes mysql12:21
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Arafangionhollywoodb: They won't have anythin significant.12:22
beavishollywood, ty12:22
dennistergreat, cause i have a problem with it :)12:22
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justin1278jordan, thats strange, i haven't been on linux lately, but ok, how do i get it back?12:22
dennisterheheheh...what a segue, eh?12:22
Arafangionhollywoodb: As far as they're concerned, it's just a regular print job, possibly via lpr.12:22
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Arafangionhollywoodb: Something's causing an old-style "printscreen"12:22
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jordan_justin, im not actually sure about that i mean how do you install something without the installer12:23
Arafangionhollywoodb: Has happened probably 3 times in the past week.12:23
justin1278jordan, is there a way through the terminal?12:23
Arafangionjustin1278: aptitude, failing that, apt-get, failing that, dpkg :)12:23
dennisterbut now that i've got my static/manual ip back again, i'm gonna try and fix it's problem with mythtv...bbs12:23
hollywoodbArafangion: never heard of that before ;)  set cups to not accept jobs until you figure it out... if you need to print something you can clear the jobs and set it to accepting again12:23
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Arafangionhollywoodb: If I do that, I'll _never_ find the problem ;)12:24
Jucatojordan_, justin1278: if you're on Edgy, the command isn't "adept" anymore. it's "adept_manager"12:24
Arafangionhollywoodb: But thanks :)  I should fix it _after_ my exams, come to think of it.12:24
justin1278ok so what do i do?12:24
=== Arafangion goes and prepares for his exam the next day.
hollywoodbArafangion: the jobs will still stack up in the queue, in a few weeks you can print them all out and and reminisce about times past ;)12:25
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jordan_im on Edgy12:25
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jordan_and its Adept12:25
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Arafangionhollywoodb: Only pattern I've found is that it only occurs when I am in a _big_ conversation, and I'm typing heaps.12:25
jordan_kdesu adept_installer12:25
Jucatojordan_: the app name is Adept (actually Adept Manager), but the command to launch it is "adept_manager"12:25
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hollywoodbArafangion: alt+print and ctrl+print are KDE shortcuts for screenshots, maybe something's going on there... disable those in kcontrol12:27
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h3sp4wnArafangion: If you go /away it logs anything that mentions your name when you turn off away you get all of it12:27
justin1278jordan: i found it12:27
justin1278jordan: i used the following command: sudo apt-get install adept12:28
h3sp4wnArafangion: I have been searching for a way to get it to go to msg's window for a while (default is to status) but noone seems to answer who knows anything in #irssi12:28
markelhashi ppl12:29
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markelhassame kestion same problem12:29
justin1278hey is there a way to make Beryl load at startup?12:29
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markelhasany one can help me out with system settings missing tools?12:30
markelhasin my system settings can't find power management12:30
jordan_why is ubuntu better than debian?12:30
markelhasbut when a go to console mode i can us acpi to see info of my battery laptop info12:31
h3sp4wnjordan_: Its not they are better for different things / reasons12:31
hollywoodbh3sp4wn: script it probably, that's how weechat and bitchx do it afaik12:31
markelhassomes tips solution for this!?12:31
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jordan_ok well whats the advantages and disadvantages of each?12:31
hollywoodbjustin1278: http://wiki.beryl-project.org has doc on installing on Ubuntu that covers that12:32
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justin1278hollywoodb: i have it installed12:32
javierbuenas noches12:32
hollywoodbjustin1278: and that doc also answers the question you just asked12:33
justin1278i would like to know if there is a way to make it load at startup automaticaly12:33
justin1278hollywoodb: ok thanks12:33
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dennistermarkelhas: i forget: do u have edgy or dapper?12:34
markelhasbut when a go to console mode i can us acpi to see info of my battery laptop info12:34
ubotuFor multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats  -  See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html  -  But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats12:34
markelhasdennister: edgy12:34
markelhasdennister: kubuntu 6.1012:34
sakihrm...anyone know of a good, fast way to get flash installed on EdgyAmd64?12:35
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dennistermarkelhas: there's a new tab in system settings: Advanced12:35
dennisterit's in there: system services12:35
markelhasdennister: yes12:35
markelhasdennister: going to check12:35
dennistermarkelhas: can u now see the information on your power management issue?12:37
markelhasdennister: hummmmmmmmmmm12:38
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dennistermarkelhas: u should also be able to add the applet to your panel on the bottom of your screen12:38
pjHey, im new to Kubuntu and I want to know is there a way to install applications without having to do it manually?12:39
dennisterright-click on the area where other applets are docked12:39
pjLike say I want to install mozilla, is there another way I can do that without having to do all that stuff by myself12:40
webbenpj: what do you mean by "manually"?12:40
webbenor "all that stuff"12:40
dennistermarkelhas: u following me?12:40
pjFor example12:40
markelhasdennister: i've open the service12:40
pjinstalling firefox on windows12:40
pjall you do is open the installer and everything is done for you12:40
markelhasdennister: and find acpid12:40
dennisterok. now let's add the applet or application to yur docker12:40
webbenpj: in other words not everything is done for you12:40
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dennisterdo u see where little applets of open programs are docked, near the clock?12:41
webbenpj: you have to download it, run it, configure it12:41
pjis there a way that does all that for me?12:41
markelhasdennister: yes12:41
pjbecause im not used to doing it all like this12:41
webbenpj: typically, you'd just "sudo apt-get install mozilla-firefox"12:41
pjohh alright12:41
pjthat installs the latest version right?12:41
dennisterright-click that area, until u see add applet12:41
webbenpj: depends what you mean by  "latest"12:41
webbenpj: in the case of Firefox on Edgy ... it will be the "latest"12:42
webbenbut the packages have been customized for (K)ubuntu12:42
pjAlright thanks.12:42
markelhasdennister: oki, then...12:42
hollywoodbpj: do: 'sudo apt-get install synaptic' ... it'll put the launcher in KMenu -> System -> Synaptic Package Manager12:42
hollywoodbpj: then, if you need something, search for it, and install it.12:42
dennistermarkelhas: so do u see an applet for power management?12:42
webbenpj: sometimes firefox and ubuntu releases are somewhat out of sync12:42
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webbenpj: and if you don't upgrade kubuntu in six months time the version in the main repositories will still be this version12:43
smaggardHi guys!12:43
pjThank you for all your help.12:43
webbenbecause that's the version that's been fully tested12:43
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smaggardwhats up?12:43
markelhasdennister: nop :(12:43
hollywoodbpj: then if you search "Name" for "firefox" it'll return a bunch of stuff like firefox itself, language packs, and it'll also say version and whether or not it is installed12:44
dennisterhmmm...and i had such trouble actually removing that applet12:44
jerryhey. I have been using rpm distros for a long time. I installed kubuntu on my son's desktop, and I have a new question12:44
markelhasdennister: in services, i've acpid and says not running12:44
webbenpj: or from the terminal you can "apt-cache search firefox"12:45
pjwebben: What will that do12:45
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dennisterdoes it say it activates at boot?12:45
webbenpj: that will find packages whose name or description includes "firefox"12:45
pjSo there is not installer for Linux applications?12:46
pjConfiguration wise12:46
webbenpj: there are such installers12:46
markelhasdennister: yes12:46
jerryi have a laptop with a intel 2915 ABG in it. will kubuntu 6.10 recognize it and will it come up when I install?12:46
pjwebben: Like?12:46
webbenpj: but the apt packages are what you should use if you can12:46
markelhasdennister: but the status no runnig12:46
dennisterok...it's one of those that only runs when activated then12:46
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hollywoodbjerry: yep, I have the exact same card... ipw2200 modules are included in the kernel, and the firmware is included in the distribution by default12:46
webbenpj: because they have usually been better tested with your distribution and you can more easily install and uninstall them12:46
dennistertry to start it now and see what happens12:47
webbenpj: other installations can take multiple forms12:47
markelhasdennister: Loading...12:47
webbenpj: typically they are just an executable12:47
jerrygreat thanks hollywoodb12:47
markelhasdennister: Starting...12:47
hollywoodbjerry: if you're using WPA/WEP/static IP you may have to do a little configuration... I just use good old dhcp and MAC filtering on the router ;)12:47
markelhasdennister: the same atatus12:47
jerryjust dhcp for me too12:47
markelhasdennister: *status12:47
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geek25buenas noches12:48
jerrygotta go see the blue man concert now. see you!12:48
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dennistermarkelhas: i believe they may have removed the applet as standard in edgy12:50
miadoes anyone know what library i needf for this build:  ../../server/xmlattrs.h:41:30: error: libxml/xmlmemory.h: No such file or directory12:50
dennisteryou may want to try and install additional applets...it could be in there12:50
aseigomia: libxml2-devel?12:50
miaaseigo: i got that one12:50
Jucatohi aseigo! :)12:50
aseigomia:  /usr/include/libxml2/libxml/xmlmemory.h12:51
dennisterit seems that the developers may have tried to clean up all the standard stuff a bit12:51
markelhasdennister: nopes cause if i run the livecd the tools exists12:51
markelhasdennister: something that i've made that destroyed it :(12:51
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Jucatomarkelhas: what are you looking for?12:51
aseigomia: and dpkg -S says... *drum roll* libxml2-dev12:51
=== Jucato hoepes he knows...
dennisterdid you perhaps disable the laptop services? i did, cause i don't have a laptop12:52
aseigomia: so i'd suggest that the source package has the wrong (or no) path to libxml212:52
Jucatoah laptop stuff... :(12:52
markelhasJucato: my power management tools gone in system setting and try icon12:52
aseigomia: or that you only -think- libxml2-devel is installed! </conspiracy-theory>12:52
dennisterJucato: he can't make the icons appear12:52
=== aseigo goes to pick the boy up from school
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markelhasdennister: i don't know12:52
miaaseigo: odd because isnt ./configure supposed to take care of that12:52
Jucatoah.... that.... :(12:52
Jucatoaseigo: bye! :)12:52
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aseigomia: in a world full of love and daisies, yes12:53
markelhasJucato: what!?12:53
dennisterjucato: could u help him pls? he's been extremely patient for what i think is actually a simple issue12:53
Jucatomarkelhas: "ah... that... :(" means I've been stumped with the same question for days... :(12:53
markelhasJucato: sorry12:53
Jucatomarkelhas: sorry, too... :(12:54
markelhasJucato: didn't understand12:54
dennisteri guess that answers my question, too :)12:54
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dennistermarkelhas: jucato's got the same problem as u, and has beentrying to solve it12:54
markelhasdennister: welcome!!!!!!!!!1112:55
markelhasdennister: :P12:55
Jucatodennister: actually not me. (I have no need of it...) but others have been asking too... and I couldn't figure it out either12:55
hollywoodbmarkelhas: did you try installing something 'alternative' to default power management, like 'kpowersave'? if so, undo that12:55
markelhasdennister: i really don't understand...12:55
dennistermarkelhas: the reason ppl aren't helping u with this problem is they can't; they're experiencing it too12:56
eaglehawkanybody who can help me with sound on laptop12:56
markelhashollywoodb: yes i have12:56
hollywoodbmarkelhas: by default I have installed on my laptop: apmd acpid powernowd and NOT powersaved... powermanagement works perfectly12:56
hollywoodbmarkelhas: powersaved is a different beast12:57
markelhashollywoodb: and after removing it what should i install?12:57
dennisterhollywoodb: the hero! ?12:57
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smaggardhey again12:57
eaglehawkanybody who can help me with sound on laptop12:57
dennisterwb smaggard12:57
smaggardhey are you the one who game me the beryl link?12:58
markelhashollywoodb: what sould i do, remove what and add what?12:58
hollywoodbmarkelhas: try with: acpi acpid powernowd powermanagement-interface powermgmt-base kde-guidance-powermanager12:58
smaggardcuz i followed the guide but when i set kdm to use the xgl session and try logging it, it just hangs up and eventually takes me back to kdm again12:59
hollywoodbmarkelhas: I have those installed, nothing else like powersaved (get rid of that and kpowersave(d)), and its working as it should12:59
=== RawSewage [n=RawSewag@71-32-124-79.eugn.qwest.net] has joined #Kubuntu
RawSewagehow do I play .smil streaming audio12:59
markelhashollywoodb: going to try12:59
dennisterok...it looks like ur in capable hands at last, so i'll go back to my myth/sql issue01:00
dennisterwith trepidation...01:00
hollywoodbmarkelhas: apmd, acpid, powernowd, and kde-guidance are set to start at boot01:01
hollywoodbmarkelhas: in system settings -> advanced -> services01:01
RawSewageI want to listen to NPR radio.  anyone know how I can play .smil01:01
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markelhashollywoodb: oki, going to follow up01:02
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dennisterok...i may have finally found the issue!!!01:08
markelhashollywoodb: in services acpid, powernowd, and kde-guidance are set to start at boot01:08
markelhashollywoodb: donpt have apmd01:08
dennisteror one of them at any rate...01:08
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markelhashollywoodb: removed power tools01:09
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markelhashollywoodb: should i do anything else to active power management!?01:10
dennisterQ: we're supposed to initialize the mythtv-backend server with /etc/init.d/mythtv-backend, but the only command that seems to be doing the job is actually in /urs/bin/mythbackend...how to resolve the discrepancy?01:10
dennistergrep? a symbolic link? renaming the commands?01:11
pierre_je viens d'installer kubuntu01:11
pierre_adept est en anglais, c'est normal?01:11
dennisteranglais, pls01:11
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pierre_dennister: je compredns pas01:11
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hollywoodbmarkelhas: you need apmd, you may have to install it01:12
markelhashollywoodb: oki them01:12
dennisterdoes anyone speak frnech for pierre? send him to a french-language channel?01:12
ubotuAllez a #ubuntu-fr ou #kubuntu-fr pour de l'aide et de la discussion en francais.01:12
dennisterty hollywoodb01:12
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pierre_sorry, tchuss01:13
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dennisterhey hollywoodb: you wouldn't know the answer to my Q above, would u?01:13
hollywoodbdennister: does /etc/init.d/mythtv-backend exist?01:14
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markelhashollywoodb: something else?01:14
hollywoodbmarkelhas: if you've got all those packages I listed above, and the right ones set to start at boot you should be good to go01:15
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markelhashollywoodb: should i restart my kubuntu?01:16
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rbrunhuberAny kmymoney (with hbci) users here?01:16
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hollywoodbmarkelhas: if you've not comfortable with stopping and starting the right services properly, then reboot is cleanest01:17
dennisterhollywoodb: let me explain properly: the initializing/stopping/restarting command is supposed to be /etc/init.d/mythbackend start, stop...according to the mythtv documentation01:17
markelhashollywoodb: just for review, when i go to adept manager and write power01:17
lost-awayhello all I am currently installing kubuntu 6.10 on my laptop and it seems to be hanging on "Running 22gnome_panel_data"  and not progressing any further is this a known bug by chance ?01:17
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dennisterhowever, the edgy documentation says to use /etc/init.d/mythtv-backend.01:17
markelhashollywoodb: i find installed the following packs01:17
hollywoodbdennister: I'd first check that the right packages are all installed, since /etc/init.d/mythtv-* doesn't exist... if you've got the right stuff and that file just isn't there, you can just add any command(s) you want run at boot to rc.local01:18
dennisterthere is no /usr/bin/mythtv-backend command01:18
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dennisterok...now ur making me nervous...never done that b401:19
hollywoodbdennister: you have 'mythtv-backend' installed as well?01:19
dennisterthat's the right package for edgy01:19
hollywoodbdennister: I've never actually messed with mythtv myself01:20
dennisterhowever, when i try to start the backend according to the edgy documentation, system services says 'no /usr/bin/mythbackend running'01:21
dennisternotice the last file that's being referenced: "mythbackend"01:21
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dennisterthat file does actually exist, and i ran it, so the whole thing worked01:21
hollywoodbdennister: 'no /usr/bin/mythbackend running' doesn't mean it doesn't exist, it just isn't running ;)01:22
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markelhashollywoodb: acpid apmd kde-guidance-powermanager laptop-mode laptop-mode-tools libgnomecanvas2-0 libgnomecanvas2-common libimlib2vlibpowersave10 powermanagement-interface powermgmnt-base powernowd tcpdump01:22
dennisteri just want some way for the command /etc/init.d/mythtv-backend to actually start /usr/bin/mythbackend01:22
markelhashollywoodb: maybe to much garged!?01:22
markelhashollywoodb: maybe to much trash!?01:22
hollywoodbmarkelhas: that should be ok... the laptop-mode stuff is fine, it doesn't actually do anything unless you enable it... the libgnome stuff doesn't hurt anything, and neither does imlib, they're mostly unrelated01:23
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hollywoodbmarkelhas: if apmd, acpid, powernowd, and kde-guidance are set to start at boot you should be ok01:23
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markelhashollywoodb: going to check again01:24
ubuntuhi all :)01:24
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hollywoodbdennister: howsabout /etc/init.d/mythtv-backend restart01:25
jmichaelxlupine_85: do you have an edgy repository with precompiled ralink drivers?01:25
dennisterhollywoodb: that doesn't work...it says there's nothing running, so nothing can be killed01:26
hollywoodbdennister: and it doesn't start it either?01:26
dennisterthat's right01:26
dennisterit's /usr/bin/mythbackend that needs to be activated by /etc/init.d/mythtv-backend start01:26
shneeim trying to use the second snapshot of kde4 but with no luck...ive added the "deb http://kubuntu.org/packages/kde4-3.80.2/ ./ " repository but apt wont allow me to install kde4base-dev01:26
jmichaelxhas anyone here been able to get Yahoo! news videos to work in edgy using FF2.0 & mplayer?01:27
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ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about lupine - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi01:27
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hollywoodbdennister: well that's strange, I guess I'm not sure... check /var/run/ for any *.pid files related to mythtvbackend01:28
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dennistermythbackend does exist in /usr/bin, and does start it if i click on it in konq01:28
markelhashollywoodb: when i try to restart the services in system setting the services always show status not running. is it normal?01:28
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markelhashollywoodb: and nothing about battery management :(01:29
hollywoodbmarkelhas: that's OK... do you have a battery monitor applet in the panel?01:29
markelhashollywoodb: no :'(01:30
hollywoodbmarkelhas: that's fine :) open a term, and do 'sudo /etc/init.d/kde-guidance restart'01:30
hollywoodbmarkelhas: if there's still no applet, run (alt+F2) guidance-power-manager01:31
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ubotukonqueror: KDE's advanced file manager, web browser and document viewer. In component main, is optional. Version 4:3.5.5-0ubuntu3 (edgy), package size 1953 kB, installed size 5280 kB01:31
ubotuTo install a Java compiler/interpreter on Ubuntu, look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Java  -  For the Sun Java runtime install sun-java5-jre from the !Multiverse repository01:31
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markelhashollywoodb: do u belive that none result :(!01:32
hollywoodbmarkelhas: OK, but no errors?01:33
markelhasno errors01:33
hollywoodbmarkelhas: what is your processor speed?01:33
beaviscan someone tell me where is the idea pool for  Feisty Fawn?01:33
markelhashollywoodb: 1.60001:33
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markelhashollywoodb: Asus M3N a centrino01:34
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hollywoodbmarkelhas: do in a term (don't need to use sudo or anything) : grep MHz /proc/cpuinfo01:34
markelhashollywoodb: 1.024 mb ram01:34
markelhasgrep MHz /proc/cpuinfo01:34
markelhasmodel name      : Intel(R) Pentium(R) M processor 1600MHz01:34
markelhascpu MHz         : 600.00001:34
hollywoodbmarkelhas: OK, good, its working then ;) your processor is throttled down... do: cat /sys/devices/system/cpu/cpu0/cpufreq/scaling_governor01:35
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markelhashollywoodb: ondemand01:36
hollywoodbmarkelhas: perfect ;) it'll throttle up when it needs to then... so all you're missing now is the applet itself... hold on01:36
markelhashollywoodb: but when i installed kubuntu for the firts time only some times it changes from 600 to 160001:37
markelhashollywoodb: okidoki01:37
hollywoodbmarkelhas: that's proper... 'ondemand' mode means when it needs to (when you do something cpu intensive) it'll jump up until its finished doing what it needed to do and go back down to keep cool & save power... the change is instantaeous, so there's no real-world performance hit01:37
markelhashollywoodb: oki01:39
markelhashollywoodb: better like that, more silence and best battery performance01:40
hollywoodbmarkelhas: exactly01:40
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miahow come wine isnt in the default repos?01:40
hollywoodbmarkelhas: OK, do: sudo modprobe battery ac01:40
markelhashollywoodb: so missing applet and toll in system setting only!?01:41
hollywoodbmarkelhas: it may still need a reboot to make sure all the proper modules & services are running to get the battery applet to kick in, I'm checking on that right now01:41
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hollywoodbmarkelhas: change that last thing to : sudo modprobe ac && sudo modprobe battery01:41
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markelhashollywoodb: done last command01:42
BluesKajwine has it's own repos01:42
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markelhashollywoodb: going to reboot to see if problem resolved01:43
hollywoodbmarkelhas: sounds good01:43
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smaggardhello again :D01:43
markelhashollywoodb: better can't reboot cause sometimes it hungs, but that's another story01:43
markelhashollywoodb: going to shutdown01:44
markelhasce u ppl01:44
dennisterhey snaggard01:44
dennisterok hollywoodb: i'm ready to try and add that boot script or whatever in re.local01:45
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dennisteri can't seem to nemae the file :(01:46
hollywoodbdennister: alright, just open /etc/rc.local (not /etc/init.d/rc.local, that's a bit different)01:46
dennisterthks for telling me the discrepancy :)01:46
hollywoodbdennister: put any commands you want run, one per line, before the "exit 0" line and you're good... just 'sudo /etc/rc.local' to test01:47
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markelhashollywoodb: guess what!!!!01:47
hollywoodbmarkelhas: it works :)01:47
dennisterk...will do the test, too01:47
markelhasdennister: guess what01:47
dennisterhurray!!!for hollywoodb and markelhas!01:47
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dennisterhollywoodb: do you know lots of other pps are strugling with the same prob as markelhas?01:48
hollywoodbmarkelhas: that applet is dependent on certain modules and services running I believe, so I kinda figured/hoped a reboot would get that in line... much easier than tracking it down manually01:48
hollywoodbdennister: gimme a minute01:48
markelhashollywoodb: but check it on system and it isn't there :P01:48
dennisteri'm gonna do what u suggested for me01:48
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markelhasbut in systray it's okay01:49
hollywoodbmarkelhas: no, I know... there isn't a launcher for it in kubuntu 6.10 / kde 3.5.5 .. I'm not sure why01:49
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der_steppenwolfi'm using firefox 2 and mplayer-plugin. The plugin is loaded but it cannot stream videos. What could be the problem?01:49
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markelhashollywoodb: but when i've installed it was there01:50
der_steppenwolfkubuntu 6.1001:50
BluesKajhead out on the hiway ...born to be wild!01:50
hollywoodbmarkelhas: hmm... one minute01:50
markelhashollywoodb: and if i run livecd it's there01:50
markelhashollywoodb: okis01:50
smaggardsteppenwolf> install w32codecs01:50
smaggardsudo apt-get install w32codecs01:50
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smaggardalso in firefox type about:plugins and make sure the mplayer plugin is listed.01:51
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_sergiois listed, even i can see the program loaded in firefox01:51
_sergiosmaggard: but it tries to plays the videos and it doesn't manage to do it...01:51
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smaggardits probably missing codecs01:52
smaggardinstall the w32codecs like i said before01:52
jmichaelx_sergio: what videos ar eyou trying to play?01:52
_sergiofor example streaming from dw-world.de01:53
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_sergioor http://www.tageschau.de/01:53
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lovethepirki just downloaded and burnt the cd iso for 6.10 should I format and install it or just install over breezy01:53
_sergiosmaggard: i have installed the w32codecs...01:53
cwcscsomebody help !!!  where is amarok mp3 plugin ??  i can't see mp3 plugin01:53
jmichaelx_sergio: i hate to tell you, but i don't think such videos are working in firefox2.0/edgy01:53
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jmichaelx_sergio: i don't know. i upgraded 2 machines to edgy, but i still have dapper on my laptop so i can watch yahoo and tagesschau videos on it01:54
_sergioat the beginning i can hear some sound and see 2 seconds of the image but it gets stucked01:54
jmichaelx_sergio: same here01:54
jmichaelx_sergio: i am hoping this will get fixed some time soon.... i have looked in the forums , but cannot find anything that will get these videos to play01:56
jmichaelxthey play fine in dapper01:56
_sergiois there a bug reported?01:56
jmichaelx_sergio: i don't know. might be a good idea01:56
_sergiook, i will report it for kubuntu at first...01:57
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jmichaelxfor me, it is the .wmv videos that will not play. realplayer videos and flash videos are fine01:57
dennisterhollywoodb: i tested the edited rc.local file, it seems to work fine01:58
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_sergioyes, for me is the same problem01:58
_sergioi can play other videos01:58
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=== pumukynho nas a tos
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eldenhey guys, does ur broadcom 4306 lan card working?02:00
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eldenin kubuntu dapper??02:00
dennisterbback soon...gonna reboot to test it...cant have this one process hogging my shell constantly02:00
apokryphoselden: #ubuntu is good to ask for non-kde-related issues02:00
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hollywoodbmarkelhas: found the solution: sudo apt-get install klaptopdaemon02:01
markelhashollywoodb: but that i think was one of that i remove before reboot02:02
hollywoodbmarkelhas: that's OK, it should install cleanly now without dragging anything along with it02:02
markelhashollywoodb: okis okis02:02
markelhashollywoodb: need rebbot also!?02:03
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hollywoodbmarkelhas: no, not yet, hang on... still need to get it back in the menu :) working on it02:03
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markelhashollywoodb: :P, sorry dude, installed02:04
hollywoodbmarkelhas: that's OK, check if its in the settings now, I'm thinking not02:04
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markelhashollywoodb: your right, again....02:05
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wildchildopen office doesn't open .doc file: Read-Error02:05
RogueThunderExcuse me but can anyone give me some help with my wireless card... ive tried verious ways with some prevous help but probobly meseed something up along the way... im from freash install now and... hoping someone knowlagible is about...02:05
hollywoodbmarkelhas: that's the part I'm working on :) you should be able to get to it now with: kcmshell laptop02:05
hollywoodbmarkelhas: but it isn't in the menu (yet)02:06
RogueThunderLinksys wusb54g v1(not v4, very much not...)02:06
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PA1 When I try $ sudo apt-get dist-update it says:  E: Invalid operation dist-update02:06
markelhashollywoodb: the power management tool in system setting no there02:06
jmichaelxPA1: have you updated your sources.list?02:07
administrator_I can use win32-applications in Kubuntu....Why?02:07
markelhashollywoodb: should be under computer administration i think02:07
LjLPA1: that's because it's dist-upgrade not dist-update02:07
hollywoodbmarkelhas: I know, but if you run 'kcmshell laptop' it should run... I'm working on getting it in menu right now02:07
markelhashollywoodb: oki, sorry going to run  the command02:08
felipe__Something happened and kubuntu didn't mount my fat 32 patitions, where can I find a log to see what happened?02:08
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PA1When I try to change my screen resolution from 1280x1024 to 1024x768 or 800x600, Ubuntu 6.10 takes me back to the logon screen and when I log back in my screen resolution is still 1280x1024.02:08
administrator_Ok, again...I cant use win32-applications in Kubuntu......why?02:08
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markelhashollywoodb: open a new window, but some errors in shell window02:08
PA1administrator:  have you tried WINE?02:09
hollywoodbmarkelhas: what errors?02:09
markelhasX Error: BadDevice, invalid or uninitialized input device 16802:09
markelhas  Major opcode:  14502:09
hollywoodbmarkelhas: that's OK02:09
markelhas  Minor opcode:  302:09
markelhas  Resource id:  0x002:09
markelhasFailed to open device02:09
hollywoodbmarkelhas: that's something unrelated02:09
markelhasX Error: BadDevice, invalid or uninitialized input device 16802:09
hollywoodbmarkelhas: brb02:09
markelhas  Major opcode:  14502:09
markelhas  Minor opcode:  302:09
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markelhas  Resource id:  0x002:09
markelhasFailed to open device02:09
markelhasQLayout "unnamed" added to QVGroupBox "unnamed", which already has a layout02:09
markelhasQLayout "unnamed" added to QVGroupBox "unnamed", which already has a layout02:09
markelhassorry about the spam dudes02:09
markelhashollywoodb: oki02:09
administrator_PA1: Where can I get that?02:09
NeonLightningto mount my hd as rw it should be mount -o rw /dev/hda1 /mnt/hda1  correct?02:09
markelhashollywoodb: should i do some config in open windows?02:10
OldTokeradministrator_: Wouldn't the very name of win32 denote that they won't natively run on Linux???  Not trying to be smart.. just trying to cause you to think a bit :)02:10
NeonLightningyea you need to run atleast wine(anyone used zen i hear its pretty good)02:10
Jucato!pastebin | markelhas02:11
OldTokeradministrator_: without an eumulation package.. you won't get anything  "win" 32 or otherwise to run :)02:11
Jucatoubotu: ping02:11
markelhasJucato: sorry didn't understand02:11
Jucatomarkelhas: the bot is lagging. nvm :)02:11
administrator_OldToker: I know whatcha mean, but I had recently used Linux, and know that win32-apps can be used02:12
markelhasJucato: sorry about the epast02:12
NeonLightningyea with an emulator present02:12
Jucatomarkelhas: it's ok. don't do it next time :)02:12
RogueThunderAnyone willing/wana help me try to get my linksys wusb54g v1 working... *sighs*02:12
NeonLightningbut most distro's don't come with wine installed02:12
markelhasJucato: oki them02:12
Jucatomarkelhas: I was supposed to give you the link to pastebin, but the bot is kinda sleeping02:12
administrator_Where can I find a emulator?02:12
OldTokeradministrator_: probably because someone had an emulator put into it.. like Crossover..  Crossover is real nice.. lets you use Win Aps without having to do anything more than just double click on them.. like normal :)02:13
NeonLightningyea but doesn't handle some istallers well02:13
OldTokerNeonLightning: was just an example...02:13
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markelhasJucato: just try to resolve my problem pasting my problem info02:13
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NeonLightningany installer that runs a setup program seperate seems to screw it up02:13
markelhasJucato: pastebin is a toll?02:13
administrator_I admit that ive gone through worse....but i need a emulator! :)02:14
NeonLightningapt-get wine02:14
OldTokertry wine first02:14
Jucatomarkelhas: I know. pastebin is a web page where you can paste long lines of text and get a URL which you can share for everyone to see what you pasted02:14
OldTokeradministrator_: its free..02:14
administrator_Ya, but where?02:14
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markelhasJucato: oki them, next time i'll use it.02:14
OldTokeradministrator_: try that before you resort to a commercial app... Wish I'd had someoene tell me that long ago. :)02:14
OldTokeradministrator_: apt-get install wine02:15
ubuntu_newbieCan someone help with no sound problem? or there is some link to follow in the net like a FAQ? Basically i had no sound starting kde session and something like a toc...toc... repeating when starting session with gnome.02:15
markelhassorry about the paste duddes02:15
NeonLightningopen a console and type what OldToker said02:15
astronautewhere to change color depth in kubuntu edgy please ? in display settings i see only resolution and refresh ??02:15
RogueThunderAnyone willing/wana help me try to get my linksys wusb54g v1 working... *sighs*02:16
administrator_OldToker: Imagine this: I a insane admin who has used windows very much, and need all help there is! :)02:16
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eaglehawkanybody who can help me with sound on laptop02:16
OldTokeradministrator_: No problem friend.. most of us were there at one time or another :)02:17
astronautehow to change color depth please in kubuntu edgy ??02:17
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astronautei think im in 16 bit, images are very ugly02:18
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astronautenoone ?02:18
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RogueThunderIts kinda a techical assitance deadzone in ere today02:18
administrator_I tell ya, im goin nuts in this feaking Nix-environment02:18
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PA1Anyone know how to get Preferences-Screen resolution to work?02:18
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hollywoodbmarkelhas: I don't know how to get it to show up in the settings dialog, but you can run it with 'kcmshell laptop' ... if you end up with two power monitors in the tray after that, just uncheck "show battery monitor" in 'kcmshell-laptop'02:19
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NeonLightningadministrator_: my first time touching linux was trying to get a irc server setup so i know that one and it was on mandrake 7.0(well my first time aside from looking at the screen and saying oh how neat)02:19
OldTokeradministrator_: May I pm you?02:19
administrator_I cant take this....OldToke: if ya have nothing against it, would ya join my channel to talk?02:19
hollywoodbmarkelhas: I'm not sure how kde/kubuntu decides what does and doesn't show up in the configuration boxes.. you could check in #kde for info on how that works02:19
PA1Anyone know how to get Preferences-Screen resolution to work?02:20
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OldTokerI am not an expert.. still learnin' myself tho administrator_ :)02:20
hollywoodbmarkelhas: I found the .desktop file for it (on my system) in /usr/share/applnk/.hidden/power.desktop ... but I can't figure out how to get that into the System Settings box02:20
administrator_please join #Kebabeater02:21
markelhashollywoodb: ok, thank you verry much, for the help02:21
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dennisterso all's well in the power dept? or almost-perfect at least?02:22
markelhashollywoodb: i thinks the principal is done02:22
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markelhashollywoodb: maybe just a little more and the system will be fixed02:23
max_hi, i think im having problems with my ALSA, i plug my guitar into my  computer and i can hear it through the speakers, but a tuner or any recording software wont pick it up. any ideas what it could be?02:23
hollywoodbmarkelhas: yeah, the functionality is there... Kubuntu's settings dialog is called "System Settings" and is different from the 'official' KDE config, which is "kcontrol" ... I can get it to show up in "kcontrol" but not "System Settings" ... have to ask the Kubuntu devs how that works02:23
dennisterlike i said earlier; apparently a few ppl have been struggling with this same issue for days02:24
markelhashollywoodb: i've google a lot and got some info, but the problem is out to select the good info and useful, but i'm improving.02:24
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PA1Does anyone know how to change screen resolution from 1280x1024 to something more readable?02:24
SlimGsomeone got a clue what happens when booting a i386 cd (ubuntu install cd) on a EM64T system?02:24
soulriderhi everyone02:25
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eaglehawkanybody who can help me with sound on laptop02:25
dennisterPA1:  got to system settings--display02:25
sakiwhat xorg is kubuntu running?02:25
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max_hi, i think im having problems with my ALSA, i plug my guitar into my  computer and i can hear it through the speakers, but a tuner or any recording software wont pick it up. any ideas what it could be?02:25
hollywoodbsaki: X -version says: X Window System Version 7.1.102:25
dennisterhi inteliwasp02:25
markelhashollywoodb: the sad part is that a don't remeber when i've destroyed it02:26
inteliwasphi dennister02:26
sakithx hollywoodb02:26
PA1I don't have that -- I have System - Screen Resolution02:26
hollywoodbmarkelhas: I'm running a default install, and it seems to have disappeared on its own... perhaps the kubuntu devs decided to remove it and let the system manage itself, I'm not sure02:26
eaglehawk<saki: it is x.org xserver02:26
hollywoodbdennister: I'll write a little doc that says what packages need to be there and what don't, but I still can't get the dialog to display in System Settings... needs to be run manually with 'kcmshell laptop'02:27
markelhashollywoodb: there was missing more then power management, but i've runed a sudo apt-get command and the others where restored.02:27
sakianyone know how to get xgl or aiglx to install in kubuntu edgy02:27
AtticStormHas anyone been able to sync up there Motorola L6 cell phone to KDE, maybe with kmobiletools?02:27
dennisterhollywoodb: i think a doc would be much appreciated by lots of pps :)02:27
markelhashollywoodb: going to use livecd in my wife laptop to check if it's there02:28
dennisterperhaps someone else can finish the part u'r struggling with now02:28
markelhashollywoodb: one mmt02:28
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AtticStormPA1: Start > System Settings > Display > move slide bar to left.02:30
dennisterhollywoodb: i rebooted, and just checked my running processes; mythbackend doesn't seem to be running but i can't tell for sure02:30
hollywoodbdennister: try: ps ax | grep myth02:30
dennisteryes, it seems to be running :)  4892 ?        Sl     0:01 /usr/bin/mythbackend02:31
hollywoodbdennister: there ya go :)02:31
dennisterthis too, isn't a perfect solution, but perhaps i can now move on to the other parts of the edgy howto...mainly finishing up02:32
dennisteruntil i get things like mplayer and lame into the system i don't think i'll be able to actually watch anything02:32
dennisterand therefore really test it out02:32
NeonLightningmplayer is all you really need that and xmms with the mp3 plugin02:32
hollywoodbdennister: yeah, core issue is figuring out why /etc/init.d/mythtv-backend doesn't work... perhaps file a bug or tru developer's channel for input02:33
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dennisteri'm also still getting a network socket error, but i'm tired of knocking my head against the wall on it..yes, the developers need to change some things, or change the howto02:33
hollywoodbdennister: sometimes little things like that are found... for example 'knetwalk' game doesn't show up in menu because it doesn't have a .desktop entry... a simple bug I filed that is easy to fix, and something the package maintainer probably just missed02:33
eaglehawkanybody who can help me with sound on laptop02:34
dennisteryes, and sometimes we find solutions by accident :)02:34
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h3sp4wnhollywoodb: I think that is a feature if every application created an icon the menu's would be even more cluttered than they are now02:34
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dennisteri've already got quite a bit of multimedia stuff going on in here, i need the music to calm my frustrations along the way :)02:35
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hollywoodbh3sp4wn: right, certain things are left out of the menu on purpose to avoid clutter... but I don't think *games* should be left out, since they can't honestly expect everyone who installs a game know how to run via alt+F2 or a terminal02:36
markelhashollywoodb: this systray incon was there but no power management tool02:36
hollywoodbh3sp4wn: and most things that are left out actually do include the .desktop file, but it contains either "Hidden=true" or "NoDisplay=true"02:36
dennisterthe plugins package is 47 packages, plus a lot of other suggestions i'll also install cause i've found them extremely useful in past installations02:36
markelhashollywoodb: maybe it's a problem from kde02:37
hollywoodbmarkelhas: could be02:37
dennisterwould kde 4.0 be better at some of these probs? like we're experiencing in edgy? has anyone tried v 4.0?02:37
NeonLightningthis is my results trying to mount my hd any suggestions ?http://pastebin.com/81941202:37
markelhasdennister: & hollywoodb thnks for the help dudes, got to sleep it's to late in my contry02:38
dennisterg'nite markelhas :)02:38
dyssan3Must go today now 1 dell xps m1710 laptop with shipping and carry case $700, 1 apple ipod new, 250 with shpping, 1 BFG Nvidia geforce 7950 PCIE video card price 300$ with shipping, 1 dell 23" monitor/tv combination: 350$. message aim at polter 1981 or msn at just it 1981 at hot mail dot com or yahoo at mbogden198102:38
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markelhasdennister: & hollywoodb i've some more questions to make, but no more power management02:38
markelhassamba & printer sharing02:39
dennisteri didn't do much02:39
dennisteri gotta get those 2 going myself02:39
dennister--after myth is finished and working :)02:39
markelhasdennister: u did help me, in a different way02:40
markelhasdennister: u now ...02:40
AtticStormAnyone using a Motorola L6 phone in kde?02:40
dennisterwll i'm glad i was able to do *something* useful for someone else...i've been so grateful for all i've gotten from others02:40
markelhashollywoodb: thnks again.02:40
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SlimGdoes all 64bit Intel processors support 32bit apps?02:44
dennisterSlimG: yes, but the drivers don't02:44
hollywoodbmarkelhas: no problem02:45
SlimGdennister: Thanx02:45
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eaglehawkanybody who can help me with sound on laptop02:45
dennisterthat's the problem: some hardware manufacturers haven't released the 64-bit drivers...waiting for vista02:45
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dennistereaglehawk: what specifically is the problem/question?02:46
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dennisterperhaps its not laptop-specific?02:46
vipercati have installed firefox using the konsole but i dont know how to add a shortcut to the menu ... any help ?02:48
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dennistereaglehawk: i'm not registered yet, so can't respond in pm02:49
arthurbHi, anyone know where there are packages for the amarok moodbar for edgy ?02:50
eaglehawkwell sound is ok thru headphone on my laptop but no sound thru speaker02:50
dennisterwell hollywoodb is the laptop man...perhaps he can help u now that he's markelhas' hero :)02:51
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NeonLightningso still no help with my mount issues?02:51
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arthurbNeonLightning: well there's viagra02:52
dennisteri mainly know destop sound stuff02:52
eaglehawkok then to hollywoodb02:52
markelhasLOL, bye ce u02:52
NeonLightninghahah thats not bad dude i gotta remember that one02:52
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arthurbworks for fsck too02:53
cpk1NeonLightning: make a directory in /media and mount it in there02:53
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dennisteri gotta get back to my mythtv setup...cya pps02:53
Alvaroalguien me ayude02:53
NeonLightningwhat will that do?02:54
Alvarocon una impresora HP Deskjet 392002:54
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cpk1oh i see you want all users to have access02:54
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vipercatcan anyone help me add a shortcut to the menu ?02:54
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NeonLightningi just want my main user to have write access because k3b doesn't wanna run in sudo mode it keeps telling me there are no registered mime types then crashes when i do that02:55
NeonLightningzup toker?02:55
OldTokerwhy would  apt-get install wine  not work?02:55
NeonLightningidk should tho02:55
Alvaroin spanish02:55
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JucatoAlvaro: #ubuntu-es or #kubuntu-es02:55
cpk1try -o defaults maybe?02:56
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OldToker# apt-get install wine02:56
OldTokerReading package lists... Done02:56
OldTokerBuilding dependency tree02:56
OldTokerReading state information... Done02:56
OldTokerPackage wine is not available, but is referred to by another package.02:56
OldTokerThis may mean that the package is missing, has been obsoleted, or02:56
OldTokeris only available from another source02:56
OldTokerE: Package wine has no installation candidate02:56
vipercat? join #kde02:56
ubotuPara Espaol por favor usen #ubuntu-es, #kubuntu-es o #edubuntu-es, all obtendrn mas ayuda.02:56
Jucatoubotu: ping02:57
ubotuping: connection timeout02:57
NeonLightningtry looking for some more sources02:57
cpk1OldToker: you using edgy or dapper?02:57
JucatoOldToker: wine is in universe. you could try enabling that. (although it's supposed to be enabled by default in Edgy)02:57
OldTokerUniverse??? sorry New to Kubuntu..02:58
Jucatovipercat: right-click on the K Menu and choose "Edit Menu"02:58
NeonLightningone of the repos02:58
Jucato!universe | OldToker02:59
ubotuOldToker: The packages in Kubuntu are divided into various sections. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Repositories/Kubuntu02:59
NeonLightningcpk1 no luck02:59
cpk1NeonLightning: also everything in /mnt/ is owned by root...02:59
NeonLightningoh ok02:59
NeonLightningthat i should have taken into concideration02:59
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eaglehawkanybody who can help me with sound on laptop03:00
NeonLightningmaby i should mount it to a dir in my users home like i did in my last linux install(that worked great actually before)03:00
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cpk1NeonLightning: make a folder like test in /mnt and then chmod it to yourself to see if it works then03:00
aiosmy laptop fan is running non-stop, how can i fix this?03:00
NeonLightningwhat would be the chmod for that (i've had nothing but bad luck with chmod or chown)03:01
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Jucatocpk1, NeonLightning: better mount in /media. since only /home and /media are seen/visible by default on Edgy03:01
FuriousGeorgehey all.  i upgraded my nvidia driver but i must have forgot to do something because after reboot im getting the api mismatch error03:02
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FuriousGeorgeim from gentoo, so im not sure how this goes on kubuntu or debian-like distros03:02
NeonLightningkeep in mind i'm using 6.06 LTS livecd03:02
cpk1Jucato: I recommended /media at first =P03:02
JucatoNeonLightning: ok that I didn't know :)03:02
OldTokerNeonLightning: I just installed.. Edgy...03:03
OldTokerand when I did it made me setup a user.. but I don't recall doing any setup for Root..03:03
NeonLightningand i'm trying to mount my hd so i can make a temp iso for k3b since and i need to make it writeable by user since k3b doesn't seem to like running in sudo on here03:03
cpk1NeonLightning: so chown NeonLightning:NeonLightning /mnt/test (or /media/test)03:03
OldTokerso when I do   su from konsole.. it won't let me become root.03:03
OldTokerhow do I get to user administration?03:04
Jucato!sudo | OldToker03:04
ubotuOldToker: sudo is a command to run programs with superuser privileges ("root"). Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo for all information.03:04
cpk1OldToker: prefix a command with sudo or kdesu if its a graphical command03:04
NeonLightningchown: changing ownership of `/mnt/hda1': Operation not permitted03:04
NeonLightningoh i should try running k3b in kdesu then(i've never had to do that one before or even heard of it since i normally use fluxbox in fc403:05
NeonLightningdidn't work03:06
hollywoodbdennister: if the situation arises, here's the basic steps: http://hollywoodb.livejournal.com/03:06
hollywoodbeaglehawk: what's wrong with your sound?03:06
cpk1NeonLightning: you need to do sudo chown03:07
FuriousGeorgeso i the 9629 nvidia build working before i restarted my computer03:07
eaglehawkwell sound is ok thru headphone on my laptop but no sound thru speaker03:07
FuriousGeorgenow its now any more03:07
FuriousGeorgeits not*03:07
cpk1eaglehawk: you check the levels in alsamixer?03:08
FuriousGeorgesays i have an api mismatch between kernel driver and nvidia module03:08
NeonLightningcommand i used         ubuntu@ubuntu:~$ sudo chown ubuntu:ubuntu /mnt/hda103:08
eaglehawkyes unmuted and adjusted03:08
hollywoodbeaglehawk: yeah, I'd do what cpk1 says... play an audio file, unplug your headphones, and mess with 'alsamixer' while the sound is playing03:08
NeonLightningfor some reason in a few distros i've found that alsamixer at every startup likes to have it muted03:08
cpk1NeonLightning: that didnt work?03:09
dennisterthat's wonderful hollywoodb; if other people come in with that i'll direct them to ur site03:09
hollywoodbNeonLightning: 'alsactl store' should store your settings across reboots03:09
NeonLightningcpk1: nope03:09
FuriousGeorgesays the klernel module is the 8*** version03:09
eaglehawkis it a test and trial thing :)03:09
FuriousGeorgewhile the x-module is 926903:09
cpk1NeonLightning: do sudo bash03:10
NeonLightningnow i'm in root03:10
cpk1then try to do chown without sudo03:10
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Jucato(sudo -i would have worked as well, iirc...)03:11
cpk1yeah I remembered after i said sudo bash03:11
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martinynecesito saber como instalar DIRECTX en cedega por que me lo pide para instalar need for speed most wanted lo hago pero no hace nanda03:13
cpk1este canal en ingles03:14
Jucato!es | martiny03:14
ubotumartiny: Para Espaol por favor usen #ubuntu-es, #kubuntu-es o #edubuntu-es, all obtendrn mas ayuda.03:14
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smaggardhello :D03:17
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NeonLightninghey smaggard your help took forever of jumper and ribbon switching now i'm having issues getting my hd's to mount as writeable for my user account03:18
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walladoes anyone know how to update an ipod's firmware on edgy?03:19
OldTokerHey is there a Sweedish language group on IRC?03:19
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=== PA2 [n=admin@69-12-186-114.static-dsl.keyway.net] has joined #KUBUNTU
vipercatwhere do i need to download or unpack a tar.gz file to so that i can install it ?03:19
PA2 the DVD RW drive used to load edgy doesn't work in edgy -- any ideas?03:19
smaggardok you make the drive hooked to the end of the cable as master and the one in the middle as slave03:19
PA2I did -- they both work in Windows on the same machine03:20
smaggarddo you know the pc basics? im just wondering.....03:20
cpk1vipercat: you probably want to make sure there isnt a .deb first03:20
vipercati couldnt find a deb file for firefox03:21
PA2Yes, 22 years experience with PC hardware, 90 days with Linux, let's go with Linux03:21
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smaggardthen you need to be able to set a drive as master or slave and hook them up03:22
smaggardits easy, you set the jumper, and plug in the cable.03:22
PA2it's not a hardware problem, it's a Linux problem03:22
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NeonLightninghey smaggard http://pastebin.com/819443 any clues?03:22
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smaggardPA2> i doubt its a linux problem :D03:23
smaggardneonlightning hold on a sec lemme see03:23
PA2how would you explain that BOTH drives work in Windows on the very same PC but neither works in Linux?03:23
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cpk1vipercat: umm firefox is in the repos03:24
smaggardPA2> user error with fstab configuration and mount points.03:24
smaggardneonlightning brb03:24
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cpk1!info firefox03:25
ubotufirefox: lightweight web browser based on Mozilla. In component main, is optional. Version 2.0+0dfsg-0ubuntu3 (edgy), package size 9001 kB, installed size 28588 kB03:25
sync350quick question: whats the difference in Konsole between a regular shell and a Linux Console?03:25
Jucatovipercat: are you on Dapper or Edgy?03:25
cpk1vipercat: you shouldnt have to do anything difficult to install firefox03:25
sync350like, is there anything you can do in one that you can't do in the other?03:25
NeonLightningrun x programs?03:25
PA2my fstab says:  /dev/hda       /media/cdrom0 udf,iso9660,user,noauto 0  0   (and an identical line with hdb instead of hda)03:26
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sync350NeonLightning: was that to me?03:26
vipercatim on dapper03:26
NeonLightningrun graphical programs03:27
smaggardlol you have your master hard drive mounting as cdrom.??03:27
dennisterJucato: u were struggling with power management visibility for ur laptop?03:27
sync350NeonLightning: I know what an x program is, i was askin if you were talkin to me, by now im assuming you were03:27
Jucatodennister: no. I don't have a laptop. but I've seen people struggling03:28
mh_hi, does anyone know how to set the gateway and nameserver using ifconfig?03:28
smaggardneonlightning hmm ok just another second lol03:28
Jucatodennister: I was actually struggling with not knowing how to help :)03:28
vipercatwhats a repo ... im a 1 day virgin with linux03:28
NeonLightningnp dude03:28
cpk1!info firefox dapper03:28
ubotufirefox: lightweight web browser based on Mozilla. In component main, is optional. Version 1.5.dfsg+ (dapper), package size 7739 kB, installed size 22928 kB03:28
PA2no, the first line was there after the install03:28
dennisteroh, ok...hollywoodb solved 90% of the problem and wrote a howto about it03:28
cpk1vipercat: are you trying to get firefox 2.0?03:28
PA2The second one someone told me to add, but I think it should be CDROM103:28
dennistermarkelmas went away extremely happy03:28
Jucatovipercat: in K Menu, launch Add/Remove Programs. the search for firefox. put a check in the box beside it, and hit Apply Changes03:29
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cpk1Jucato: he wants firefox 2.003:29
vipercati put firefox but nothing comes up03:29
smaggardneonlightning> ok to mkdir in /mnt you have to be root so first do sudo mkdir /mnt/hda1 -- what is hda1? windows im assuming?03:30
dennisterthe link will be in the logs if anyone's interested03:30
Jucatocpk1: is he on Edgy?03:30
cpk1Jucato: nope03:30
Jucatoah... that's a problem then :P03:30
PA2I think hda0 is Windows and hda1 is Edgy03:30
administrator_I want to be granted the permission to idle in here...03:30
NeonLightningmy harddrive( that used to have windows but no longer does and i've already mkdird that03:31
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vipercati tried to install edgy but it just hand\gs after the kubuntu screen03:31
smaggardso hda1 partition is what?03:31
NeonLightningoh can i make files in a subfolder of mnt without beeing in root?03:31
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NeonLightningits fat3203:31
cpk1vipercat: did you follow the online instructions on upgrading?03:31
JucatoNeonLightning: afaik, nope03:31
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smaggardyou gotta be root to mkdir in /mnt03:31
vipercatdidnt upgrade i tried the complete install from scratch03:32
cpk1NeonLightning: you need to do -t vfat then i think03:32
NeonLightningshould i do a folder in /home then instead03:32
PA2# <file system> <mount point>   <type>  <options>       <dump>  <pass>03:32
PA2proc            /proc           proc    defaults        0       003:32
PA2# /dev/sdb103:32
PA2UUID=6db68e34-858b-46fe-89fb-2de0ea2e0db3 /               ext3    defaults,errors=remount-ro 0       103:32
PA2# /dev/sdb503:32
PA2UUID=f534c70c-133d-40ac-bdbd-bdd020f13010 none            swap    sw              0       003:32
PA2/dev/hda        /media/cdrom0   udf,iso9660 user,noauto     0       003:32
PA2/dev/hdb        /media/cdrom1   udf,iso9660 user,noauto     0       003:32
PA2/dev/           /media/floppy0  auto    rw,user,noauto  0       003:32
smaggardok ban him03:32
NeonLightningbtw the harddrive reads fine so this is likely to be my problem03:32
smaggardi would do like uhhh03:32
PA2does that help?03:32
Hawkwind!paste | PA203:33
ubotuPA2: pastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (you can always find it in the channel topic, among other useful things)03:33
cpk1NeonLightning: you probably should mount with -t vfat though since its fat32 =P03:33
NeonLightningit is03:33
smaggardNeonLightning> i would do mkdir /home/ubuntu/hda1   THEN do sudo mount -t vfat /dev/hda1 /home/ubuntu/hda103:33
PA2and that will bring the DVD RW online without hurting the two hard drives (Windows & Linux)?03:34
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NeonLightningmkdir: cannot create directory `./hda1/blah': Permission denied03:34
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NeonLightningbtw i'm at present in /home/ubuntu03:34
smaggardyou cant mkdir in your own home?03:34
NeonLightningno i made hda1 already03:35
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vipercatwhere is the info on upgrading to edgy ?03:35
NeonLightningand mounted it using that one you told me to use03:35
xsachawhy are you making blah in there?03:35
NeonLightningi'm just testing to see if i can write to it03:35
smaggardi dont understand why you are making a new dir after you mount the drive03:35
administrator_OldToker: #Kebabeater03:35
PA2I'm very confused...03:35
smaggardthere are extra steps to the kernel for writing to windows file systems i think03:35
NeonLightningoh joy03:36
xsachathat's for ntfs, fat32 should be fine..03:36
smaggardas ntfs and fat32 are mounted in read only i believe.03:36
smaggardneonlightning> hold on ill check for sure.03:36
xsachatry it with sudo03:36
NeonLightningi think my other hd might be ext3 so i maby should be trying that with it instead03:36
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aiosmy laptop fan is running non-stop, how can i fix this?03:36
cpk1NeonLightning: yeah i just noticed you should do sudo mkdir /mnt/test and then mount /dev/hda1 /mnt/test03:36
PA2do i need to be root?03:37
NeonLightningbut i thought users couldn't write anything in a folder in /mnt03:37
cpk1NeonLightning: sudo mkdir lets you do it03:37
xsachajust give it user write privileges afterwards if you dont to use sudo all the time :)03:37
xsachachown to your user03:38
NeonLightningyea but i'm just trying to make something for my user account to write to since k3b wont run in root for some reason03:38
NeonLightningbut when i tried to chown it it screwed up03:38
xsachahow so?03:38
BonBonTheJonanyone know why konqueror in edgy stalls when displaying files, but the file selector works03:38
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cpk1NeonLightning: please jsut do sudo mkdir /mnt/test and then sudo mount /dev/hda1 /mnt/test03:39
cpk1and see if that works03:39
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cpk1acutally it should me mount -t vfat -o rw03:40
NeonLightningk i'll do that03:40
cpk1sorry for the mistake03:40
cpk1unmount it03:40
PA2mount: special device /dev/hda1 does not exist03:40
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xsachathen chown -R ubuntu /mnt/test        ?03:40
cpk1mount -t vfat -o rw /dev/hda1 /mnt/test should be the command NeonLightning03:41
NeonLightningk now you guys say to chown it03:41
cpk1now dont chown it yet03:41
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PA2same thing03:41
cpk1try mkdir /mnt/test/testing03:42
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xsachawont work cpk1, root owns it...03:42
NeonLightningchown is denied aswell03:42
vipercatif i understand it right i can upgrade to edgy using adept ?03:42
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NeonLightningand i'm sudoing chown btw03:42
cpk1but sudo mkdir /mnt/test/testing works NeonLightning?03:42
abattoirvipercat: NO03:42
NeonLightningnope denied03:42
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abattoir!upgrade | vipercat03:43
ubotuvipercat: See http://wiki.kubuntu.org/KubuntuUpgrade for upgrading from Kubuntu 6.06 LTS (Dapper Drake) to Kubuntu 6.10 (Edgy Eft)03:43
cpk1xsacha: thats what I was trying to confirm first =)03:43
abattoirvipercat: see those instructions03:43
xsachano need to confirm that first :P03:43
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cpk1xsacha: that root cant write either?03:43
xsachathat user cant write03:43
NeonLightningi'll try and write as root03:43
xsachayou already did NeonLightning03:43
NeonLightningworks fine03:44
cpk1NeonLightning: didnt you just try sudo mkdir /mnt/test/testing?03:44
xsachaeh? sudo doesnt work, root does?03:44
NeonLightningoh i didn't read that right sory the first time was as user03:44
cpk1so doing it as sudo works?03:44
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xsachathen what's the problem?03:44
cpk1NeonLightning: ok then unmount the drive03:45
NeonLightningi'm trying to get k3b running as a user to be able to write the temp file to this drive03:45
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xsachayou just need to make user owner and it'll work fine with user03:45
cpk1and then sudo chown -R NeonLightning:NeonLightning /mnt/test03:45
campbchhas anyone here had any experience installing call of duty using wine?03:45
xsachacpk1: his user is ubuntu03:45
NeonLightningk now remount it using the same command?03:46
NeonLightningyea i knew to user the right user03:46
cpk1NeonLightning: yup03:46
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NeonLightningk done03:46
NeonLightningnow test03:46
cpk1and see if you can do mkdir now03:46
cpk1permission denied?03:46
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cpk1what does ls -l /mnt/test say?03:46
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NeonLightningeverything in there is owned by root03:47
xsachathere you go03:47
cpk1didnt you just chown it?03:47
NeonLightningyep before mounting it but the files inside are still owned by root03:47
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josh__what the hell03:48
NeonLightningbut i just noticed my ext3 partition is owned by 500 500 so maby i'll just say screw it for now and do it from there03:48
Jucatojosh__: the bot is lagging03:48
NeonLightningi'll test that first atleast03:48
josh__yeah my lag is 8 seconds03:48
xsachaNeonLightning: don't give up yet, it is working fine and always has been.. just been ubuntu to be user03:49
xsachaif cli is too hard, go to kdesu konqueror, right click on folder and change user to ubuntu03:49
HawkwindThough running konqueror as root/kdesu is *never* recommended, ever03:49
NeonLightningk yea i'm used to using nautilus and fluxbox03:49
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xsachaoh ok03:50
xsachacan do it through nautilus03:50
NeonLightningoh this has nautlus on the livecd?03:50
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xsachabut sudo chown -R ubuntu /mnt/test should have worked03:50
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NeonLightningi'll try again03:51
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xsachawhen you mount, don't use sudo03:51
NeonLightningum i don't have it in my fstab so that shouldn't work should it03:51
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NeonLightningyea only root can mount03:52
xsachaput it in fstab with user and noauto?03:52
HawkwindNeonLightning: Not necessarily03:52
NeonLightningyea i'm using a livecd so i didn't want to have to edit my fstab03:53
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xsachawhy not?03:53
NeonLightningbecause usually when editing fstab i thought you needed to reset03:54
xsachano, should take effect immediately..03:54
Steven_M2Hi all03:54
NeonLightningsince i can never remember the commands for vim are there any editors other then OO on the live cd03:54
NeonLightningnano i do know03:55
NeonLightningactually pico but they are almost identical03:55
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Steven_M2I have important info to add to the topic03:57
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Dr_williswhen editing the fstab,  i normally use 'mount -a' but it depends on what i changed. :)03:57
NeonLightningyea thats what i'm using03:57
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kaflani did not see Keyboard (Layout) Indicator applet in "Add to Panel..." dialog, what i shoud to do, to enable it?03:57
NeonLightningit worked just fine03:57
NeonLightningand the testfile worked fine aswell03:58
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josh__wow stupid shit03:58
rBlong2ushow do I fix my flickering screen?03:58
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NeonLightningoh wait i forgot to mount it so it wasn't actally doing anything one sec03:58
case__i have a problem, i upgdate the package nvidia-glx with adept, but its now delete it because it dont find nvidia-kernel-1.0.962903:58
Jucatojosh__: I already told you the bot was lagging03:58
case__in the repo03:58
josh__i'm not happy03:59
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case__you guys know where it is?03:59
josh__i'm gonna do beryl soon03:59
NeonLightningdenied damn03:59
rBlong2uswhere can I look for Xorg drivers?03:59
josh__yo i got a tip for anybody who wants to install beryl03:59
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josh__type !xgl and find the link to install xgl03:59
case__im using beryl03:59
case__its cool03:59
josh__then login to xgl when you install the session03:59
xsachaNeonLightning: after you mount, then chown03:59
josh__and install beryl on there03:59
josh__so then if u wanna game then you can just go back to kde04:00
Steven_M2who has auth to change the topic?04:00
rBlong2uscould someone tell where to get the damn Xorg drivers?04:00
xsachaNeonLightning: but sudo chown -R ubuntu /mnt/test04:00
rBlong2usI have this higlhly annoying flickering screen04:00
NeonLightningbut i added /dev/hda1 /mnt/hda1 vfat rw 500 500 shouldn't i not need to chown04:00
Dr_willisrBlong2us,  depends on the card..04:01
xsachawhat privileges on it?04:01
case__how can i know if there is a package installed?04:01
case__with the command line04:01
NeonLightningrw for user 500 50004:01
=== Dr_willis pokes the bot to wakeup...
Lunar_Ravenberyl is actually easy to install and work04:01
xsachaNeonLightning: 500 500? huh?04:01
NeonLightninguser 500 group 50004:01
josh__lol just testing the bot04:01
NeonLightningoh ok04:01
xsachais this fstab?04:01
ubotuTo install the Ati/NVidia drivers for your video card, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto04:02
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rBlong2usDr_willis: it's a crappy SIS driver that makes my screen flicker04:02
ubotuCompiz (compositing window manager) and XGL (X server architecture layered on top of OpenGL)  -  Howto at http://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompositeManager  -  Help in #ubuntu-xgl  -  See http://tinyurl.com/pw5ez for Kubuntu systems04:02
rBlong2usI've found on internet that I need to install xserver-xorg-driver-sis04:02
Lunar_RavenI wish 256mb or ram was good enough for the desktop effects =(04:02
Lunar_Raventoo slow04:02
Dr_willisrBlong2us,  Ugh.. no idea there...04:02
xsachaNeonLightning: the numbers after options refer to whether you will fsck and whether it will dump... nothing to do with user04:02
Dr_willis!info xserver-xorg-driver-sis04:02
ubotuPackage xserver-xorg-driver-sis does not exist in any distro I know04:02
Dr_willis!find sis04:02
ubotuFound: wlassistant, xserver-xorg-video-sis, xserver-xorg-video-sisusb, aqsis, aqsis-libs-dev (and 28 others)04:03
Dr_willisthat could be some old info on the web.04:03
NeonLightningok so now its got rw,user 0 004:03
NeonLightningstill not allowed04:03
Dr_willis xserver-xorg-video-sis    - looks good..04:03
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Dr_willisIt pays to 'play' with the bot. heh04:03
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xsachaNeonLightning: can mount with user now?04:03
Dr_willis!info xserver-xorg-video-sis04:03
ubotuxserver-xorg-video-sis: X.Org X server -- SiS display driver. In component main, is optional. Version 1:0.9.1-0ubuntu2 (edgy), package size 267 kB, installed size 640 kB04:03
rBlong2usit tells me that it's already the newest version04:04
Dr_willis!info xserver-xorg-video-sisusb04:04
ubotuxserver-xorg-video-sisusb: X.Org X server -- SiS USB display driver. In component main, is optional. Version 1:0.8.1-0ubuntu1 (edgy), package size 39 kB, installed size 136 kB04:04
Dr_willisrBlong2us,  reconfigure the x display to use the driver yet?04:04
Dr_willisWtf is a USB display driver?04:04
rBlong2usthis isn't UB04:04
NeonLightningworked great thanks xsacha now to see if k3b will work04:04
Dr_willisI know..i jus saw that USB in the bot search. :P04:04
rBlong2usDr_willis: yeah I've check xorg.config and IT IS using the sis driver04:05
rBlong2uswith other distro this shit doesn't occur, I want this distro04:05
Dr_willisrBlong2us,  id have to go do some reading on the ubuntu/edgy wiki.. to learn any more.. or that driver may have a readme file..04:05
Vipercatim trying to upgrade to edgy from dapper using the command line gksu "upgrade-manager -c" but all i get is a message saying "could not run specified command"04:06
Steven_M2for those of you running Dapper, I've found a modified version of kopete that fixes the icq connect problem. Download it here. http://ubuntu.lnix.net/misc/kopete-fix/kopete-dapper/kopete_3.5.5+kopete0.12.3-0ubuntu2~dapper3_i386.deb04:06
Vipercatwhat am i doing wrong ?04:06
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NeonLightningcpk1: thanks for your help aswell and smaggard04:06
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dennisterhello again04:07
NeonLightningdefinately learned some stuff lets hope i remember it a day from now04:07
rBlong2usDr_willis: thanks, I have another question, how do I change the framebuffer?04:07
rBlong2usI need sisfb04:07
Dr_willisrBlong2us,  i normally DISABLE all the framebuffer stuff. :P04:07
dennisteri'm having trouble setting up a password for a newly installed phpmyadmin04:07
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Dr_willisheh . thers proberly some sisfb module that needs loaded.04:08
smaggardok im back :D04:08
NeonLightningGHAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA now its writing the temp image fine but its having trouble fixating the disk04:08
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dennisteri looked in the brand-new htaccess.setup file in this new directory, but nothing seems to work04:09
dennistersorry, htpasswd.setup file04:09
Rajah3000I would like to install Flash Player for browsers on Kubuntu, and i have downloaded it, and placed the directory on the desktop, and followed both directions, to install it and can't get it to install!..is there a script command I can use in console to install it, instead of running a command from the x-window browse command enter thing?04:09
rBlong2usDr_willis: how did you disabled it? Where is it?04:10
hollywoodb!flash | Rajah300004:10
ubotuRajah3000: For multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats  -  See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html  -  But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats04:10
dennisterhey, hollywoodb! i have a new question :)04:10
Dr_willisrBlong2us,  i used the 'nofb' kernel option, i also use 'nosplash' :)04:10
Dr_willisI like console messages04:11
dennisteri believe u recommended phpmyadmin?04:11
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NeonLightningwelp i think i'll have to try this again another time04:11
hollywoodbdennister: never used it04:11
rBlong2usDr_willis: but where do I put that04:11
NeonLightningthanks for the help later people04:11
fildocan anyone help us out with a raid / scsi array setup with kubuntu04:11
dennisterk, sorry, guess i mixed u up with someone else04:12
Dr_willisrBlong2us,  the grub menu config has a default options you can set, then rerun update-grub04:12
rBlong2usDr_willis: thanks04:12
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miaim using kubuntu edgy amd6404:13
miai need 32bit compatibility libraries04:13
Dr_willis /boot/grub/menu.lst       # defoptions=nosplash nofb pci=routeirq  (is what i am using at the moment)04:13
dennisterDr_willis: could u help me setup a password for phpmyadmin?04:13
xsachawhat do you need mia (as 32-bit) ?04:13
miaare those available in the repo?  im looking at adept now.  anyone know what the packate is04:13
miaxsacha: vmware04:13
dennisteror perhaps someone else who isn't too busy?04:13
Dr_willisdennister,  i know nothing about php,  or phpmyadmin04:13
xsachaah, the 32-bit libraries should be in adept as ia32-libs04:14
dennisterk..ty anyway04:14
rBlong2usDr_willis: what does pci=routirq?04:14
xsacha!ia32-libs | mia04:14
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about ia32-libs - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi04:14
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Dr_willisrBlong2us,  thats for my extra ide controller card. :)04:15
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Dr_willisI got all my pci slots full.. so i got a bit of a conflict according to the kernel boot messages.04:15
campbchhow do i install a .deb file? im using sudo apt-get install wine*.deb and it gives the full name, but says it can't find the file?04:15
Dr_williscampbch,  use dpkg04:15
hussein_hi all04:15
campbchthat just gives me a thing telling me to use aptitude04:15
Dr_williscampbch,  dont want to just use ' apt-get install wine '  ?04:16
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campbchi need an older version04:16
Dr_willisdpkg -i whatever.deb04:16
Dr_williscampbch,  ICK.04:16
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Dr_williswhy would you NEED an older one?04:16
eaglehawkanyone who can help me with knetworkmanager04:16
campbchbecause wine has regression problems since they redid directx04:16
Dr_willisthat sounds like a bit of a gamble.  heh.04:16
Dr_williscampbch,  ok. :P never noticed.04:16
campbchalright, got it :D thanks04:17
Silver_AdeptAsking what is probably a pretty common question - I'm getting a "audio capture settings are invalid" error, and it's making programs like TeamSpeak and Skype thumb their nose at me. Any suggestions on how this gets fixed?04:17
hussein_guys any one know about irc that i can write my alias and script ?04:17
Dr_willishussein_,  thats sort of vague.. :P04:17
Dr_willishussein_,  many irc clients have a wide varity of scripting features.04:18
eaglehawkanyone who can help me with knetworkmanager04:18
rBlong2usDr_willis: I get access Permission Denied when doing update-grub04:18
Dr_willisrBlong2us,  logic  101.. did you run it as root? should it be ran as root? is it doing system-wide things?04:19
Silver_AdeptDid you sudo that command, rBlong2us?04:19
Dr_willisif so.. it needs a sudo.04:19
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hussein_Dr_willis u know i need to add some commands and with this version of irc i can't get to the alias or to the script editor as MIRC you got it ?04:19
Dr_willis'why are we here, where are we going.. where are my pants?'04:19
ubotuTips and tricks for RAID and LVM can be found on https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RaidConfigurationHowto and http://www.tldp.org/HOWTO/LVM-HOWTO04:19
ubotuirc is Internet Relay Chat - Ubuntu IRC clients: xchat (http://www.ubuntulinux.org/wiki/XChatHowto), gaim (http://help.ubuntu.com/community/GaimHowto), Konversation (http://konversation.berlios.de/docs/) - Also see http://help.ubuntu.com/community/InternetRelayChat and !guidelines04:20
eaglehawkanyone who can help me with knetworkmanager04:20
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rBlong2usDr_willis: and a editor right?04:20
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hussein_yes Dr04:20
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Dr_willishussein_,  'this version of irc'  - You use specific irc clients to connect to irc servers.. :) you are using  the phrase 'this version of irc' in a vague way.. WHAT irc client are you using.04:20
rBlong2usDr_willis: doesn't give me an option to edit grub04:20
campbchhas irc as a protocol had versions?04:21
hussein_I'm here through terminal04:21
Dr_willisrBlong2us,  the grub settings are in /boot/grub/menu.lst04:21
AtticStormHas anyone done work with LyX and gotten the spellchecker to work?04:21
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Dr_willisrBlong2us,  and  BACKUP that file befor messing with it.04:21
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Dr_willishussein_,  you mean to say you are using 'irssi' ?04:21
Z330hey guys04:22
ubuntuanyone here think amarok is badass?04:22
Z330The following packages have unmet dependencies:04:22
Z330  python2.4-mmpython: Depends: lsdvd but it is not installable04:22
Z330E: Broken packages04:22
hussein_irc konversation Sir04:22
Z330i can't install04:22
Z330trying to install freevo04:22
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eaglehawkanyone who can help me with knetworkmanager04:22
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campbchwhat do you need help in doing?04:23
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Silver_AdeptHas anyone had difficulty in getting their microphone to record in Edgy?04:23
xsachaSilver_Adept: my microphone for some reason has volume really low (i've set it at 100 everywhere)04:24
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Silver_AdeptNot low volume. I'm getting a "your audio capture settings are invalid" error, xsacha.04:25
xsachaoh, nup havent had that04:25
Silver_AdeptWell, I had it in Dapper, and then I managed to fix it. But I've forgotten how I fixed it.04:25
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xsachatry messign around with setting in kmix04:26
eaglehawkanyone who can help me with knetworkmanager04:26
Silver_AdeptVolume's all the way up.04:26
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xsachais the red light below it on?04:27
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xsachatry messing around in Switches :P04:27
eaglehawkanyone who can help me with knetworkmanager04:27
Dr_willisHmm.. firefox has hung on me twice now.. in 10 min.. odd04:27
Dr_williseaglehawk,  try being a LITTLE more detailed...04:28
ArafangionDr_willis: Consider Opera904:28
Silver_AdeptI was looking at the switches. I'm not sure any of them apply. None of them are on.04:28
ArafangionDr_willis: That or Konqueror :)04:28
Silver_AdeptError is: "Your audio capture settings are invalid. Please correct them in the Multimedia settings."04:28
Silver_Adept(Firefox 2 is better about memory management.)04:28
Dr_willisArafangion,  this is the first time ive had issues with it. :) wonder whats going on.04:28
Z330root@tv-desktop:~# apt-get install lsdvd04:28
josh__my sound is really dim04:28
smaggardi would suggest correcting the the issue04:28
Dr_willistime to remove the extension i isntalled a while ago.04:28
Z330Reading package lists... Done04:28
Z330Building dependency tree... Done04:28
Z330Package lsdvd is not available, but is referred to by another package.04:28
Z330This may mean that the package is missing, has been obsoleted, or04:28
Z330is only available from another source04:28
Z330E: Package lsdvd has no installation candidate04:28
josh__its usually alot louder04:28
josh__at the current setting04:29
Z330this be the mirror i'm using mayb?04:29
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campbchok. is anyone here familiar with wine at all? and getting games to work?04:29
josh__prey and guild wars are the only ones that worked04:30
josh__for me04:30
xsachagot all my games working on wine04:30
campbchi am getting an error --- Unhandled exception: page fault on read access to 0xe19e4981 in 32-bit code (0x10009a94)04:30
josh__i think f.e.a.r. would04:30
josh__but my cd key had a section of it that was too wide to fit in the box04:30
campbchon cod, which is supposed to be a platinum game04:30
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campbchand it absolutely will not install. everything else up to that point is fine, but the installer itself says that there was an IO error04:31
eaglehawkcan somebody help me with knetworkmanager...I have installed it but it does not give me options to adjust wireless settings04:31
campbchthe game works perfectly on a windoze box04:31
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xsachacampbch: what version of wine?04:31
xsachathere are a lot of bug reports on that and it was apparently fixed.. try the latest04:32
campbchi downgraded, because someone said in winehq that it might have been broken04:32
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campbchi initially tried on version 9.2404:32
xsachaoh, i dunno, im using 0.9.2404:32
campbch.... why meeee?04:32
campbchbad luck04:32
xsachayou could manually install that game :P04:33
campbchhow so?04:33
xsachaextract the files into right spot, put in correct registry entries04:33
campbchhow do i know?04:33
xsacha... that's hard?04:33
xsachathey come in the installer04:33
campbchthe game is installed04:33
campbchi dont know what its missing04:33
campbchi can launch the launcher04:34
campbchbut i dont know where everything goes04:34
xsachalaunching it from.. ?04:34
Arafangioncampbch: If you have a win98 disc or newer, you could install it within an emulator, then copy the files over? (Ask #winehq to see if that technique still works)04:34
Arafangioncampbch: However, in general, nearly everything installs just fine in wine.04:34
campbchno, thats too much04:34
xsachaor you could install it on windows box and copy it over04:34
rickycould anyone here provide a little help with AIGLX and beryl? (the ubuntu-xgl area is kinda dead at the moment)04:35
campbchit should work in wine, why isnt it?04:35
campbchon ANY version?04:35
xsachaor you could just look where the temporary files extracted to04:35
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xsachaand then put them in program files/gamename04:35
Arafangioncampbch: The installer is generally just expected to work today.04:35
Arafangioncampbch: What's the app?04:36
campbchassume for a moment that i dont know exactly where all of the temp files, all of everything is located, which i dont04:36
campbchhow do i fix this?04:36
campbchthe app is installed into ./wine/c etc program files/CODsomething/wherever04:36
sledgeCan someone recommend a filesystem with version control support? (I.e. like VMS back in the day...)04:36
Arafangionsledge: Simple backups aren't sufficient for you?04:37
eaglehawksomebody help me with knetworkmanager...I have installed it but it does not give me options to adjust wireless settings04:37
campbchits call of duty04:37
xsachaversion 1.5?04:38
sledgeArafangion: No.04:38
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Silver_Adepteaglehawk: I believe that's a separate application.04:38
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xsachacampbch: http://appdb.winehq.org/appview.php?iVersionId=360304:39
xsachathey recommend using "Loki installer"04:39
Arafangionsledge: You're after something more akin to Plan9, I see?04:39
sledgeArafangion: Yeah, I've taken a look at plan9 before.04:39
ubotuTo install a Java compiler/interpreter on Ubuntu, look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Java  -  For the Sun Java runtime install sun-java5-jre from the !Multiverse repository04:40
campbchit doesnt say how to use the loki installer?04:40
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campbchi know what it is, but wasnt loki a company that went out of business?04:41
campbchnow im confused?04:41
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ArafangionHow do I "unfreeze" my console?04:42
ArafangionSome typo has rendered it frozen.  Probably ^s, but ^q doesn't unfreeze it.04:43
ArafangionAhh, finally got it back.04:43
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Silver_AdeptOr something like that?04:43
coreyhas anyone here used ready to program with java on windows and know if there is a compiler for linux that does hsa boilerplates04:43
ArafangionSilver_Adept: No :)04:44
Arafangioncorey: hsa?04:44
Silver_AdeptYe old break command, Arafangion. It was worth a shot.04:44
ArafangionSilver_Adept: Didn't want to damage the nethack game ;)04:45
coreyyeah it's what we use in our programming class and i'd like to not have to go into windows to compile the programs04:45
Arafangioncorey: Well, I'm sure if you call it "gtf" instead, it'll work.04:45
Silver_AdeptAh, got it Arafangion. Participating in the Ascension tournament?04:45
ArafangionSilver_Adept: Not that good :(04:45
=== Silver_Adept has never played a roguelike in his life.
ArafangionAs it is, the finger acrobatics performed in trying to unfreeze the console killed me :(04:45
ArafangionSilver_Adept: It's very addictive, though you tend to only use the one roguelike, because of hte high initiazation costs (complex keybindings)04:46
Silver_AdeptMakes sense.04:46
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Silver_AdeptStill having that wonderful "media settings are invalid" error. Any ideas on how to fix it?04:48
Silver_AdeptRather, "audio capture settings are invalid"04:49
Rajah3000Can someone please tell me how I can get permisson to copy the flash player componants in the browser plug-in folders?04:50
xsacha is there a graphical roguelike?04:50
Silver_Adeptsudo it, Rajah3000.04:50
Rajah3000how so?04:50
Arafangionxsacha: falcon's eye, and there's always the x11 frontend to rouge.04:50
Arafangionxsacha: But they're problematic, doing graphics for the hundreds of different unique monsters alone is a discouraging prospect.04:51
Silver_AdeptSudo cp (source file) (destination)04:51
eaglehawkis there somebody to help me with knetworkmanager...I have installed it but it does not give me options to adjust wireless settings04:51
Rajah3000i just want to drag and drop them in the directory like the manual install tells you, but it doesn't have permissons04:51
Silver_AdeptDrag and drop doesn't sudo by default, Rajah3000.04:51
xsachahttp://users.tkk.fi/~jtpelto2/nhscreen_big05.jpg heh perfect :)04:51
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Rajah3000Ok, can I change that to do it by default04:52
Silver_Adept...I'm not sure, honestly.04:52
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ubotuCompiz (compositing window manager) and XGL (X server architecture layered on top of OpenGL)  -  Howto at http://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompositeManager  -  Help in #ubuntu-xgl  -  See http://tinyurl.com/pw5ez for Kubuntu systems04:52
josh__damn bot04:52
josh__i'll do it tomorrow04:53
coreywhy does everyone go with xgl when aiglx is better04:54
Rajah3000So can I do a command in terminal to go into sudo mode to copy these flash files for my browser plugins?04:54
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Arafangioncorey: Because xgl has more articles and media hype.04:56
coreydamn media04:56
coreywith their black eyed peas winning best album awards04:56
Arafangioncorey: Same reason why everybody uses Java :)04:56
Silver_AdeptYep, Rajah3000. - the command structure is sudo cp (source file location) (destination location)04:56
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Rajah3000ok, I get the gest anyway04:57
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dhuvI am having issues with booting while the miniPCI wireless card is installed, I keep getting "failed to start the card", I have seen references to this bug and suggestions to add irqpoll to the grub boot options but this has not helped me05:00
dhuvI think the problem might be that the ipw2100 firmware is not on the system05:00
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dhuvI tried to put the files in /usr/lib/hotplug/firmware/ but this obviously is not working05:01
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dhuvdoes anybody know where these files exactly go05:01
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Arafangiondhuv: What did the documentation say?05:01
dhuvArafangion: which documentation?05:02
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Arafangiondhuv: You loose.05:06
Silver_AdeptAh, well. G'night. Hopefully someone can tell me how to fix the microphone problems soon.05:07
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DivineBI been reading over the remaster doc, but how would I adjust the default profile to auto launch firefox or opera.. thanks for any help given05:12
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seishinbyouQuestion about tunafish...er, tune2fs05:21
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seishinbyouWhat is the command to completely shut off the periodic "checks" at bootup?  tune2fs -c 0 /dev/hd?05:21
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Healotseishinbyou: yes05:25
DivineBI been reading over the remaster doc, but how would I adjust the default profile to auto launch firefox or opera.. thanks for any help given05:27
seishinbyouHmm, I'll try again, then.  It did it's *thing* when one of the managers fired up a box this morning for a presentation.  The "check" pissed off the clients (typical J.Businessman attitude, but still).  I was asked to "fix the problem"05:27
Healotyou work with ucom?05:27
seishinbyouNo, KDDI05:27
nikonhello all05:27
Healotat client site huh?05:28
seishinbyouYep.  The joy of the Shinjuku monstrousity05:28
phil_mounted floppy using pmount,how do I unmount it?...tried upmount.05:28
Healotseishinbyou: -c 0 should make fsck ignore the max number of mounts05:29
sledgeseishinbyou: tune2fs -c0 /dev/<device>      (only recommended for ext3, though)05:29
Healotphil_: eject05:29
phil_thankx will give it a try...05:29
seishinbyouOkay, that is what I tried originally, but maybe not on my boss' box.  I ran the command and it seemed fine05:29
seishinbyouI swear, these people have no patience05:30
phil_that worked good call05:30
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Healotseishinbyou: nanja kora, hayaku shiagare :)05:31
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seishinbyouHealot: In not so many words :)  More like loud sighs, constant checking of watches and schedule...05:32
sledgeseishinbyou: so why didn't he power up his box before the presentation?05:32
seishinbyouHis laptop behaves really freaky if you want to hook it up to a projector05:32
Healothehe, that stare, that eye, that look05:32
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seishinbyouIf it isn't connected at powerup, strange things happen; he will lose his display05:33
Healotclearly the internal, needs repair05:33
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seishinbyouMy laptop has a similar problem, but we are the same brand, so go figure05:33
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Healotthe S brand?05:35
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seishinbyouLaVia (NEC), the "LN" series05:35
seishinbyouWith a really, really freaky widescreen res05:35
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Healotwhat the res now, seishinbyou?05:36
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seishinbyouSame as the Libretto L105:40
Healotthat's odd05:40
seishinbyouEveryone tries to correct me "1280x800, you mean?" No, 1280x60005:40
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Healotyup odd NEC screen res05:40
Healotcan you do 1360x800?05:40
seishinbyouNo, unfortunately05:41
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HealotI saw this one bfore05:41
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seishinbyouI can display 640x480 (streched), 800x600 (stretched), 1024x600 (stretched), and 1280x60005:41
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Healotjapanese notebooks are crazy05:43
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seishinbyouAlso, many of the "media" keys aren't even picked up by xev05:44
seishinbyouWhich especially sucks on this laptop, because CD eject is one of them05:44
seishinbyouI can eject CDs with the "Eject" command from a right-click05:44
Healothow bad is the CD eject?05:44
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seishinbyouThe drive doesn't have a button on it; you have to press the eject "button" on the keyboard05:45
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BonBonTheJonseishinbyou: you can run "eject" from the command line05:45
seishinbyouYes, I know, that is one other way I have been using CDs,05:45
Healoteject key on the keyboard :-05:45
seishinbyouThe drive itself is flaky, though, so I don't worry about it too much; just use the external lying around the office05:45
seishinbyouBrightness/Contrast/Volume would be nice to have, though05:46
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Healotthat's rather a standard feature05:46
seishinbyouYou would think so05:46
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seishinbyouThe keys exist, but I can only use them in Windows and in Grub for some reason05:47
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Healotwhile in Windows or GRub?05:47
seishinbyouIn Windows, I can use the media keys with no problem.  When I first turn on the system and am at the Brub boot loader menu, I can use them as well05:48
seishinbyouOnce I boot into Kubuntu, no go, the system forgets I even have the keys05:48
smaggardhey everyone :D05:48
=== seishinbyou will probably go with a different model laptop next time around
smaggardanyone know why when i startup an xgl session from kdm it just hangs?05:50
troyhey guys, don't know if anyone knows, but: does anyone know how to make a qmake powered compile distinguish between qt3 and qt4 easily?05:50
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TarterusHey. Can anyone help me? I'm brand new to Kubuntu. I want to reformat my hardrive.05:55
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Zaireanyone in here know of any good linux web design programs prefferably available to apt05:56
dennisterTarterus: do you have a kubuntu installation yet?05:56
Zaireit has to be one with syntax highlighting to05:56
TarterusYes. It's installed. I had a problem with the system. I dropped it and the Windows XP stopped working. All I had was a Kubuntu disk.05:57
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ubotuqt is the Q toolkit, which forms the base of KDE and a lot of other applications. For the Qt includes, install the libqt3-mt-dev package.05:57
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jpedrozahello. is anyone in here using kubuntu-ppc05:58
TarterusI loaded Kubuntu onto my system, but I seem to still have residual programs from Windows, and I want to delete them.05:58
smaggardthe dems are taking over :D05:58
jpedrozaTarterus: Did you format the drive during the install?05:58
ubotubluefish: advanced Gtk+ HTML editor. In component universe, is optional. Version 1.0.6-1 (edgy), package size 1568 kB, installed size 6728 kB05:59
dennisterah...ok..would you like to do a fresh install of kubuntu on a clean hard drive?05:59
Zaireif you installed kubuntu to your hardrive then there couldn't be residual components they would all be destroyed upon install cause it would partition first05:59
TarterusI did not have the option of doing so.05:59
Zaireits automatic05:59
jpedrozaseishinbyou: I prefer Quanta for web development.06:00
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seishinbyoujpedroza: Fair enough; I just use vim anyways06:00
Healoteclipse :)06:00
dennisterZaire is right...you can't install kubuntu or any os without deleting partitions and reformatting those drive(s) already06:00
jpedrozaseishinbyou: VIM is the best, bar none for development in anylanguage!06:00
=== seishinbyou raises glass of brandy "To VIM!"
Zaireif anything I know about partitioning and the installation of OS lol06:01
dennisterheheh...same here...i feel like i've been installing os's and reformating drives and partitioning for 8-9 months--almost solid06:02
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ZaireIm designing a business site from scratch so I need a good web designer lol06:02
jpedrozaWhat would be the best Radeon driver to use with a Radeon 9000 PRO?06:02
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jpedrozaI have Kubuntu running on a Powermac G4 MDD and the screen looks really freaky06:03
TarterusI have an 80 GB drive, but it says I only have 66 GB left. I don't have anything loaded on the system except for Kubuntu. Does it take up that much space?06:03
jpedrozaTarterus: Some is lost in the formatting of the drive. Most 80GB drives are really about 75 at best.06:04
ZaireI used a template from dreamweaver to make my current business site and its a mess not to mention things broke left and right on it so Im redesigning it from scratch lol06:04
jpedrozaCrud-muffins, I just fried my X server!06:04
jpedrozaWhat is the key to switch to the command line again?06:05
Zairequanta it is lol bluefish doesn't have syntax highlighting lol06:05
Zairectrl-alt F106:06
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jpedrozaZaire: I really like Quanta06:06
jpedrozaI have been using it for some time under Mandriva06:06
Zairelooks decent ....biggest thing I like is the highlighting06:06
jpedrozait works well with php as well as it has variablename auto-complete functionality06:07
Zairecool sound like dreamweaver06:07
TarterusNow I'm going to sound even more like a complete noob and ask if anyone can help me understand how to use this OS.06:07
Zaireonly thing I didn't like about dream weaver is its code was kinda crappy and impossible to find problems06:08
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tanlaanhello everyone :D06:09
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Zaireso how well does quanta handle css?06:09
Sheazschemy speedstepping seems to go nuts occasionally. for no reason it will clock one of my procs all the way down and the other all the way up and alternate the two every other couple seconds. Even when im idling. Heats things up, i cannot dtermine what causes this06:10
Zairehmmm thats a new one to me lol06:10
tanlaananyone have a fix for random screen blips? like when in konqueror there are pictures off of the web that get random colors in them06:11
Sheazscheit happened once when i was installing a package06:11
Sheazscheand sometimes after gaming06:11
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Zaireso does quanta handle css?06:15
astronautewhy my mouse and keyboard stays on when I shut down computer in kubuntu, and they are turned off after shuting down computer from windows XP ????06:16
Zairelol mines the opposite06:16
dennisterok...i've got a freenode foreign address connected to one of my ports, and as far as i know i'm not connected to freenode...or am I?06:20
Zairethis irc net is freenode06:20
dennisteroh, ok...i was having some probs figuring that out...does anyone know the exact location so i can edit this konversation client?06:22
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dennisterscratch that06:23
dennisteri must be tired, as i'm getting stupider by the hour06:23
timif I install windows on the partition that I left when I installed Kubuntu, is there something I have to edit in the boot selector config file06:24
tanlaananyone know anything about screen discoloration? randomly pictures/letters that are loaded will get random coloration or be missing parts *mostly text, such as 0*06:24
firebird619I was just reading that in Edgy, AIGLX can be enabled without anything extra needing to be added. By doing so, does that enable desktop effects such as those Beryl provides, wobbling windows, the cube, etc.?06:24
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tanlaanbtw i have edgy06:24
tanlaanIs there any way to upgrade down to dapper drake from edgy?06:26
tanlaansudo apt-get upgrade dapper-drake or something like that?06:26
dennistertanlaan...u upgrade to edgy from dapper...kinda hard to go in reverse06:27
Zaireyes beryl is relatively easy06:27
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Zairelooks like tinytim got annoyed from no answer lol06:28
dennisterthat would be a downgrade06:28
tanlaandennister: well i was expecting someway to downgrade06:28
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Zaireto do the downgrade so as to use the beta driver add the sources to your list and use this command sudo aptitude update && sudo aptitude dist-upgrade06:29
Zairethats what I did anyway06:29
tanlaanwell if there is a way, that would be cool *less bugs in dapper*06:30
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ZaireIm running edgy and its alright but yea there are still bugs06:30
siliticxhey guys06:30
siliticxive been on kubuntu for a whole 10 mins now ;P06:30
tanlaanZaire: well im just guessing that this random coloration is a bug06:31
tanlaanmaybe i should just install Ubuntu 6.0606:32
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Zairedunno Ive never really had a problem like that before06:32
tanlaanhmm :-\06:33
tanlaanyea im gonna try it06:33
siliticxwell this is weird06:33
siliticxi cant hear shit now :S06:33
siliticxi first srted amarok06:34
siliticxplayed the .ogg06:34
siliticxtried to add the mp3 support06:34
siliticxnow no more sound..06:34
Zairetry installing xmms06:34
Zaireuse konsole and type sudo apt-get install xmms06:34
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siliticxi thought xmms was dead? or changed name06:35
ZaireIm using it right now06:35
Zairenothing like a winamp equiv lol06:35
Zairenot sure if that will fix the audio prob though06:36
siliticxi want an itunes/wmp11 equiv ;P06:36
ZaireVLC will play pretty much everything except for I believe .rm files06:36
purpleposeidonAh, how lovely! I plugged in the camera... and it just worked!06:36
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siliticxhumm nope, still no sounds06:37
siliticxits weird06:37
siliticxits like trying to run through some odd video card06:37
siliticxmight be the on board one06:37
Zairehmmm might confuse it if your running a card and have onboard spose06:38
ZaireIm using all onboard right now06:38
siliticxi wannna use my audigy 2 zs06:38
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Zairehmmm someone else might be able to help but I haven't used a soundcard since my pentium 2 350 lol its been all onboard since then06:39
siliticxhahaha ok06:39
siliticxno idea where to change it anyway right?06:40
Zaireummm k menu system settings would be the most likely place06:40
Zairewow I just had one of those flashback to the oldest computer you used moments lol06:41
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Zaireand I adore my 64 lol06:41
Zaireclassic lol06:41
Zaireapparently ebay has the commodore 64 frogger game for 99 cents and its mint in packaging still06:44
siliticxdo you know of some place to get drivers?06:44
ZaireIm not sure on that one06:44
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about creative - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi06:45
ubotuTo install the Ati/NVidia drivers for your video card, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto06:45
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Zaireoh video driver06:45
Zaireyea that one there should help06:45
siliticxmy card is a 9600..needs 9700 and above06:46
adam_how do i change the login greeter (where you type your username and password)?06:46
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Z330i need help installing mplayer06:46
Z330on kubuntu can some one help me06:47
Z330i'm trying to install freevo06:47
ubotuFor multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats  -  See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html  -  But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats06:47
Zairewell i'll be back in a bit06:47
digivore_whats the file called that i can add lines to so that they get run when i login..   aka... start up script??06:47
adam_i found how to change the splash screen easy enough, but where do u change the login screen ?06:48
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adam_(where you type your username and password)06:48
seishinbyouSystem Settings -> Advanced -> Login Manager06:49
Z330Package mplayer-386 is not available, but is referred to by another package.06:49
Z330This may mean that the package is missing, has been obsoleted, or06:49
Z330is only available from another source06:49
Z330E: Package mplayer-386 has no installation candidate06:49
adam_oh thanks i should have looked harder06:50
Z330what mirror has mplayer?06:50
digivore_Where can i add a line to run on login?   to configure my NIC to work properly....06:50
dennisterg'nite all06:50
seishinbyouadd a symbolic link to it in ~/.kde/Autostart/06:50
seishinbyoumplayer?  you could download it and build from source06:51
Healotthe file interfaces /etc/network/interfaces; man interfaces06:51
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Z330its not working06:51
digivore_seishinbyou,   so i can put the cammand i want to run in a file, and have that filename linked from that folder?06:51
siliticxerm question, where is synaptic in kubuntu?06:51
digivore_siliticx,   i think you have to install it..  i just did.06:52
seishinbyoudigivore_> Yes06:52
siliticxok so.. is there like an alternative?06:52
digivore_siliticx,  type 'sudo apt-get install synaptic'06:52
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Z330can some one send me thare sources.list06:53
Z330or link me06:54
Z330to some good06:54
Z330ones i acn add06:54
digivore_seishinbyou,  will kubuntu go through all the files it sees in the ~/.kde/Autostart/   ?06:54
seishinbyouAnything that is there06:54
seishinbyou(Anything and everything), so don't overdo it.  I don't know if there is a limit06:54
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digivore_Z330:   check out http://3v1n0.tuxfamily.org/blog/lista-repository-sourceslist-ottimizzata-per-ubuntu-kubuntu-linux/     BIG List.06:55
siliticxwhen i run synaptic it said " Error: BadDevice, invalid or uninitialized input device 168" in the background06:55
siliticxany way to see what that device is?06:55
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fildosure u have enough repo's there"?06:58
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siliticxjust added all repositories in adept manager06:59
Z330how do i upgrade from 0607:00
momalwell this is just weird.. suddenly firefox wont play sound in flash clips (using flash9 beta) and it did before >_<07:00
siliticxE: Could not get lock /var/lib/dpkg/lock - open (11 Resource temporarily unavailable)07:01
siliticxE: Unable to lock the administration directory (/var/lib/dpkg/), is another process using it?07:01
siliticxwhat gives?07:01
digivore_seishinbyou, if i make a file and stick it in autostart, and the command in it starts with 'sudo'    will it give me and error, or prompt me for my root passwd?07:01
digivore_siliticx, can't have synaptic and adept open at the same time07:02
siliticxi closed synaptic a while ago07:03
siliticxleast.. i think07:03
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siliticxany way to flush apt-get's timestamp? my clock was fucked up and had to go back 5 hours in the past07:06
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seishinbyoudigivore_ > I believe it will ask for a password07:09
seishinbyouYou might want to try it once yourself first to verify07:09
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siliticxall of this to be able to play some fricking mp3s07:10
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cpk1mp3 support in kubuntu is pretty easy: sudo apt-get install libxine-extracodecs07:11
siliticxwish it worked.07:11
siliticxnow not a single sound wants to come out07:11
siliticxogg or not07:11
cpk1well good thing the xine backend does work07:11
siliticxany easy way to restart fresh?07:12
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cpk1what player are you using?07:12
siliticxbut like im saying07:12
siliticxogg wont play, xmms isnt playing anyhthing either07:12
cpk1did you tell amarok to use xine?07:12
siliticxits like its trying to use my onboard sound which is disabled in bios07:12
siliticxyeah its using xine07:13
cpk1and did you tell it to use alsa?07:13
siliticxnow i installed synaptic pretty much for nothing07:13
siliticxwent back 5 hours in time on my clock to adjust it and now cant use sudo anymore07:13
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cpk1siliticx: does any sound work?07:14
siliticxdoesnt anymore07:14
siliticxit worked for the first .ogg in amarok when i tried07:15
cpk1well what did you break? =P07:15
siliticxbut added some files to the collection , tried to play the mp3s07:15
siliticxtold me it had to download a library, which it did07:15
siliticxthen it broke07:15
cpk1mp3s wont play unless you get libxine-extracodecs07:15
cpk1amarok using alsa?07:16
siliticxi THINK thats the one it fetched07:16
siliticxwant me to put also instead of auto detect?07:16
cpk1but if no sound is working at all then that could be bad07:17
cpk1does aplay --list-devices output your soundcard?07:17
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AyabaraI have a problem the someone told me is common. After I have been in xp, grub won't work. Anyone know if there is a fix for this?07:18
ubotugrub is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost grub after installing windows: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RecoveringUbuntuAfterInstallingWindows - Making GRUB floppies & other GRUB howtos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto07:19
siliticxcard 0: V8235 [VIA 8235] , device 1: VIA 8235 [VIA 8235] 07:19
siliticxcard 1: Audigy2 [Audigy 2 ZS [SB0350] ] , device 0: emu10k1 [ADC Capture/Standard PCM Playback] 07:19
siliticxis there a way to remove that card 007:19
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Zaireshould be yes07:20
cpk1i think modprobe with the right option07:20
siliticxtheres liek 4 devices in the card 107:20
siliticxbut what i want is that via one to be gone.07:21
=== MilhousePunkRock [n=MPR@dslc-082-082-089-089.pools.arcor-ip.net] has joined #kubuntu
MilhousePunkRockGood morning everyone!07:21
siliticxgrrr i wanna be able to use sudo07:22
digivore_are there any package managers that keep a log of the items installed, maybe time-stamped?07:23
Ayabaracpk1, I haven't lost it because I installed windows, but it reboots after I visit windows.07:23
Zaireusually an install of linux just frags my windows OS which is why right now Im purely on kubuntu rather then dual booting07:24
cpk1digivore_: I believe aptitude "Remembers" what you install07:24
Jucatodigivore_: Synaptic and aptitude. actually, anything you install/remove gets logged in /var/logs/dpkg.log07:25
Jucatoer.. /var/log/07:25
cpk1siliticx: err are you at least able to start a konsole root session?07:25
Zaireyep theres a log for apititude in /var/log07:25
MilhousePunkRockDoes someone know the command to start KLpaptop, the old power manager?07:26
Jucatoaptitude has a separate log. but all apt/dpkg stuff also gets logged in dpkg.log07:26
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siliticxim in konsole07:26
digivore_Thanks Jucato07:26
siliticxbut for some reason i cant even su myself07:26
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siliticxit wont accept the password.07:27
digivore_I use synaptic more.07:27
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Zairedid you setup a root account07:27
Zaireor rather give it a password07:27
MilhousePunkRocksiliticx: AFAIK "su" needs the root pw07:27
siliticxi did07:27
Jucato!sudo | siliticx07:27
ubotusiliticx: sudo is a command to run programs with superuser privileges ("root"). Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo for all information.07:27
MilhousePunkRockAnd sudo uses your pw when you are part of the sudoers group...07:27
siliticxi installed synaptic earlier07:27
siliticxwhile using sudo07:27
siliticxsudo: timestamp too far in the future: Nov  8 06:00:54 200607:28
cpk1siliticx: anyways I *think* modprobe -r snd-via82xx-modem will remove the card0 that you have but that might cause other problems, there should be a way to tell alsa to use card1 instead of card007:28
Zaireyea there should be a way to change card 1 to the default card07:29
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siliticxi cant even go change the date/time to go forward to be after the timestamp, then to do sudo -K..because of the timestamp07:31
siliticxdunno who thought of that thing07:31
siliticxbut its a giant circle.07:31
cpk1i do know that amixer -c card0 will let you change the volumes for card0 and you can do amixer -c card1 to set the sound for card107:31
Admiral_Chicagosiliticx: did you try looking at cron07:32
Admiral_Chicagodo a man cron in the terminal07:32
Admiral_Chicagoi don't know how to use it but that might help07:32
MilhousePunkRocksiliticx: You could go into the bios and change your system clock though, in case you have the clock set up to be synched with the bios clock07:32
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siliticxactually you know what07:33
siliticxill just flush this and re-install 2morrow.07:34
cpk1err why?07:34
MilhousePunkRockIs it possible to have the main menu of programs being displayed in one line only, rather than putting it in two lines in small program windows?07:34
MilhousePunkRocksiliticx: Your mind is still set to Windows...07:34
cpk1better to learn how to fix the mistake so it doesnt happen again07:34
siliticxseems to be so fucked up just cause of a damn.mp3 library07:34
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MilhousePunkRock!language | siliticx07:35
ubotusiliticx: Please watch your language and keep this channel family friendly.07:35
cpk1first of all libxine-extracodecs does nothing to sudo and does nothing to alsa07:35
siliticxdude i cant even do shit because of this stupid sudo bs07:35
MilhousePunkRockMornin' smaggard07:35
smaggardgoodbye siliticx :D *waves*07:35
Zairethe sudo pass is your normal login pass07:35
smaggardack mornin'07:36
siliticxsudo: timestamp too far in the future: Nov  8 06:00:54 200607:36
cpk1so try explaining what the problem is and maybe you can get help07:36
siliticxim stuck like this for the next 5 hours.07:36
smaggardmy problem is with beryl...07:36
nrdbI would like to program the Atmell 89c2051 is this possible with Linux?07:36
MilhousePunkRocksiliticx: Just go to bed, when you get up again, everything is fine... How many problems in life get resolved like this?07:36
siliticxand i cant go change the date/time since it wont accept the connection with su07:36
cpk1did you ever set up your su account?07:37
Zaireso right click the time area and select adjust date and time07:37
smaggardwhen i add the xgl session to kdm and try logging in, it just hangs and dumps me back to kdm.07:37
siliticxzaire i cant07:38
siliticx"Conversation with su failed"07:38
smaggardsiliticx> restart your computer07:38
smaggardusually fixes that07:38
MilhousePunkRocksmaggard: Unless you change the kernel, you never need to restart a linux box07:38
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smaggardwell thats the easiest way07:39
Jucato(except to conserve electricity)07:39
smaggardrestart x then07:39
siliticxmilhouse, try to answer my problem then07:39
Jucatosometimes the sudo timestamp problem disappears after a reboot. at least mine did07:39
MilhousePunkRocksiliticx: I did, just wait until the timestamp is in the past again...07:39
smaggardsometimes i get unable to communicate with su server and i just restart and all is well again.. usually happens after coming out of suspend.07:40
cpk1so is he really mad or actually rebooting?07:40
smaggardlol iunno07:40
JucatoI hope he's just rebooting07:40
MilhousePunkRockcpk1: Either way, or both... ;-)07:40
smaggard./startxgl.sh: line 3:  8250 Segmentation fault      Xgl -fullscreen :1 -ac -br -accel glx:pbuffer -accel xv:pbuffer07:41
cpk1he didnt really seem to want to listen to our advice07:41
smaggardive been working on beryl/xgl for about 5 hours07:41
smaggardcpk1> no he did not...07:41
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Zairedeff mad07:42
Jucatomaybe taking a long time to reboot :P07:43
Zaireummm if there was a way to do it from cli he could just reboot into recovery lol07:43
cpk1i'm sure there is07:43
smaggardor hit ctrl alt f107:43
cpk1he can tell linux to sync to bios07:43
cpk1and then change the bios07:43
Zairerecovery has root the other doesn't07:43
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smaggardlogin as root07:43
smaggardo u mean "real" root07:44
siliticxgood news : rebooting made my mp3s/sound work07:44
Jucatosee, told you he just restarted :P07:44
Zaireif you reboot using the recovery mode your automatically in as root however its all in cli07:44
siliticxthere goes sudo too.07:44
Jucatosiliticx: and sudo works again?07:44
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siliticxyeah it does ;)07:45
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smaggardhappens to me all the time..07:45
Jucatohehe we're one  of the lucky ones07:45
smaggardrebot fixes07:45
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Jucatosometimes, reboot doesn't fix it for others07:45
siliticxyeah people on the forum were like..07:45
siliticxchange the date/time07:45
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siliticxhow if you cant use sudo, heh07:46
ninohi all07:46
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ninoanybody that knows how to manually enable a network device??07:46
abattoirseishinbyou: hi, konnichiwa :)07:46
Jucatosudo ifup <network device> ?07:46
siliticxwow, irc with hiragana07:46
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about jp - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi07:46
ninolemme try thnx07:47
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abattoirhey Jucato07:47
Jucatoabattoir: seishinbyou is our resident Japanese Kubuntu user. he might start a #kubuntu-jp lol07:47
seishinbyouI'm also insane07:47
Jucatoer... that, too :)07:47
Zairelinux does that to you lol07:48
=== Jucato redirects all CJK queries to seishinbyou whenever he's around
=== abattoir would welcome that :)
abattoirso that i can send !jp seishinbyou ;)07:48
Jucatoseishinbyou: btw, I don't see boxes anymore :P07:48
abattoir* i can !jp seishinbyou07:48
seishinbyouWhat, so people type "!jp" and the bot says "I don't know, ask seishinbyou"?07:48
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ninoit says ignoring unknown interface eth2=eth207:49
siliticxok now..the hard thing07:49
seishinbyounino, wired or wireless?07:49
siliticxtrying to put ati drivers07:49
Jucato!ati | siliticx07:49
ubotusiliticx: To install the Ati/NVidia drivers for your video card, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto07:49
seishinbyousudo ifconfig eth2 up fails you say07:49
Jucatoer.. seishinbyou, I think I gave him the wrong command...07:49
Jucatosorry nino :(07:49
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ninoill try ifconfig hold on,...07:50
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seishinbyouIf there is a DHCP server involved, sudo dhclient eth2 after that07:50
=== Jucato just discovered getche() doesn't work on Linux... but still doesn't know how to use KDevelop for simple C/C++ programs...
ninono its manualy assigned ip07:51
seishinbyousudo ifconfig eth2 (ip address)07:51
Jucatoum... where could I get man pages for different C/C++ functions/libraries?07:51
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ninonope still disabled!!07:52
seishinbyouwhat do you see when you type ifconfig by itself?07:52
ninothe system already has eth0 , i want to ad eth2 to the system aswell07:52
seishinbyou(recommends pastebin)07:52
seishinbyouWait, what is eth1?07:53
ninoeth0 eth2 lo, and all seems fine07:53
ninono eth107:53
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seishinbyouJucato: Do you need to specify the ip address before bringing the interface up?07:54
ninohold up sorry its up07:54
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ninocame up just now, cool thnx07:54
seishinbyouw00t, seishinbyou help ++07:55
Jucatoseishinbyou: hehe don't know :)07:55
ubotuTo install the Ati/NVidia drivers for your video card, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto07:55
seishinbyouseishinbyou level up.  seishinbyou gains the ability to case fire magic07:55
ninocool man!!07:55
Jucatoto case fire magic?07:55
seishinbyoutoo much php these days07:55
=== Jucato wonders how one "cases" fire magic :P
seishinbyoulike this "FIRE MAGIC"07:55
Jucatothen? where's the case? :P07:56
seishinbyouswitch (magic) { case "fire":07:56
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siliticxis there any text editor with a gui07:59
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Jucatokedit isn't installed by default though...08:00
MilhousePunkRockMaybe... I just wanted to say something useful too...08:01
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siliticxerm, is there any way to make sudo to prompt me visually for the password?08:01
MilhousePunkRocksiliticx: kdesu08:01
ubotuIn KDE, use kdesu to run graphical applications with root priveleges when you have to. Do *not* do sudo {GUIAPP}; you can muck up your permissions/config files. For what to use in GNOME, see !gksudo08:01
siliticxkawaii desu!08:01
=== Vipercat [n=Here@203-59-211-130.dyn.iinet.net.au] has joined #kubuntu
MilhousePunkRockfor example: hit Alt-F2 and type kdesu kate08:01
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=== smaggard [n=smaggard@66-168-157-180.dhcp.jcsn.tn.charter.com] has joined #kubuntu
siliticxalready added thge run command applet to the task bar08:02
=== abattoir wonders about the sudden influx of japanese culture into #kubuntu
JucatoI'm guessing Japanese people might be having a hard time pronouncing kdesu :P08:02
=== abattoir wonders if seishinbyou is the one to blame :P
Jucatoabattoir: you've been gone for quite some time :)08:02
=== MilhousePunkRock wonders why abattoir is still there...
=== MHazem is now known as CVirus
abattoiror even Jucato :P08:02
siliticxless than pronouncing Wii08:02
abattoirMilhousePunkRock: hehe08:02
MilhousePunkRockWatashi-wa MilhousePunkRock desu08:03
abattoirJucato: umm, i'm doing the night shift these days ;)08:03
Jucatoabattoir: hahaha08:03
MilhousePunkRockThese days? ;-)08:03
=== _snerge_ [n=snerge@bas9-quebec14-1168087659.dsl.bell.ca] has joined #kubuntu
Vipercati am trying to update dapper to edgy using the ALT+F2 then typing in gksu "update-manager -c" as described on the update wiki but all i get is a message saying "Could not run the specified command"08:03
HealotMilfHouse :)08:03
JucatoMilhousePunkRock: unless you're a girl, I think you're better off with using "boku wa"?08:03
abattoirMilhousePunkRock: ok, 'only the night shift these days' ;)08:03
Vipercatcan someone offer any help please?08:03
=== smaggard [n=smaggard@66-168-157-180.dhcp.jcsn.tn.charter.com] has joined #kubuntu
JucatoVipercat: use kdesu instead of gksu08:04
abattoirVipercat: thoser are for ubuntu w/ gnome08:04
abattoirVipercat: we have no update manager here, yet08:04
abattoir!upgrade | Vipercat08:04
MilhousePunkRockJucato: Really? Than I introduced myseld wrong all the time in Japan...08:04
ubotuVipercat: See http://wiki.kubuntu.org/KubuntuUpgrade for upgrading from Kubuntu 6.06 LTS (Dapper Drake) to Kubuntu 6.10 (Edgy Eft)08:04
siliticxhumm is there any video driver tester?08:04
abattoirVipercat: follow those instructions08:04
MilhousePunkRocksiliticx: KGears or something08:04
JucatoMilhousePunkRock: well, that's what someone who worked in Japan told me. not sure if it was 100% accurate though08:04
abattoirMilhousePunkRock: it's technically right, boku is used colloquially08:04
smaggardwhat do i need to restart to have xorg.conf reread?08:04
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MilhousePunkRocksmaggard: X08:05
Jucatosmaggard: restart X08:05
=== MilhousePunkRock was faster this time
abattoirsmaggard: save all unsaved stuff and press Ctrl+Alt+Backspace08:05
Jucatosiliticx: glxgears ?08:05
Vipercatabattoir what instructions ?08:05
abattoirsmaggard: or 'sudo /etc/init.d/kdm restart'08:05
MilhousePunkRockJucato, siliticx: That's what I meant...08:05
abattoirVipercat: the ones ubotu gave/will give you08:05
seishinbyouwhoa, what was this about kdesu?  "It's K!"08:05
Jucatoabattoir: does that restart X, or only kdm?08:05
abattoir!upgrade | Vipercat08:05
ubotuVipercat: See http://wiki.kubuntu.org/KubuntuUpgrade for upgrading from Kubuntu 6.06 LTS (Dapper Drake) to Kubuntu 6.10 (Edgy Eft)08:05
smaggardah thats what i have been doing, just  making sure it was really redoing xorg.conf08:05
abattoirJucato: X as well08:05
Jucatoabattoir: ah I see. :)08:06
abattoirthere he goes ;)08:06
siliticxhumm i guess it works08:06
flaccidfdoving still hasn't fixed up the step 6. command on that wiki upgrade08:06
Vipercatthose are the exact instructions that i am using and they tell me to use gksu08:06
siliticxnow..should i even dare trying to get beryl?08:07
=== smaggard [n=smaggard@66-168-157-180.dhcp.jcsn.tn.charter.com] has joined #kubuntu
abattoirVipercat: they do?08:07
=== abattoir checks
Vipercati tried it using kdesu but now i get Command 'update-manager not found08:07
cpk1Vipercat: you are not reading the link we are telling you to use08:07
JucatoVipercat: because update-manager isn't installed on Kubuntu08:07
abattoirVipercat: please click that link08:07
JucatoI think you read a different guide08:08
cpk1Vipercat: click this ---> http://wiki.kubuntu.org/KubuntuUpgrade <----08:08
flaccidi wish fdoving would fix up http://wiki.kubuntu.org/KubuntuUpgrade. its also funny how her refers to the ubuntu upgrade wiki which is for gnome and is called the official instructions. i thought that wiki.kubuntu.org was official...08:08
Vipercatwhoa the first link sent me to a different one ... thanks ill try this one instead :)\08:08
ninoHas Kubuntu have support for powerdown on hardrives after a given time??08:09
=== method| [n=duane@67-43-242-30-cablemodem-roll.fidnet.com] has joined #kubuntu
flaccidtime to get drunk08:10
Jucatoflaccid: wiki.kubuntu.org is wiki.ubuntu.com using a different style sheet08:10
xsachawhat package do i need to stop this: warning: Charset "CHARSET" is not a portable encoding name08:10
flaccidJucato: that justifies my comment even further08:10
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flaccidbut yeah i wish he would fix up the step 6 in the upgrade. because it doesnt run08:13
MilhousePunkRocknino: Are you on a laptop?08:13
siliticxmy god this is easy08:13
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seishinbyouxsacha: export LANG=en_US ?08:13
xsachalang was en_AU.UTF-808:14
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xsachathis is compiler warning and it leads to: zh_CN.po:1498: keyword "sgid" unknown08:14
ubotuKDE (http://kde.org) is the K Desktop Environment. To install from Ubuntu: sudo apt-get install kubuntu-desktop, or see http://help.ubuntu.com/community/InstallingKDE for other ways to get KDE08:14
flaccidJucato: /quit08:15
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seishinbyouxsacha: is it en_AU.UTF8 , or does that matter at all?08:15
ninoMilhousePunkRock: No08:15
seishinbyouI has ja_JP.UTF8 and didn't know if the hyphen caused a problem08:16
MilhousePunkRocknino: Than it's not a good idea to power down the harddrive at all08:16
xsachadont think my language matters, it's going to compile them all no matter what08:16
xsachai dont want chinese though, so maybe i could just disable part where it writes to that08:17
seishinbyouFor english, it doesn't.  For asian sets, it does, so if you don't mind the warning, that's fine, but I assume it is annoying?08:17
ninoMilhousePunkRock: See its at night iv'e got my 3 SCCI's (Backup drives) still running when i dont need them, Only my SATA's need to run at night08:17
xsachawhat should $CHARSET be?08:17
siliticxE: Couldn't find package beryl .. i did what the tutorial said...wtf08:17
MilhousePunkRocknino: Maybe laptop-mode-tools can help you08:17
ninoMilhousePunkRock: K ill try them!08:18
=== pefsdfg [n=al@p54AC1C09.dip0.t-ipconnect.de] has joined #kubuntu
MilhousePunkRocknino: But read carefully, we dont want you to break you hdds...08:18
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ninoMilhousePunkRock: Me neather!!08:19
seishinbyouWhile googling, I see some people put a line charset = 'US-ASCII' in their makefile08:19
abattoirsiliticx: amd64 by any chance?08:19
seishinbyouJust to stop the warning from appearing08:19
siliticxHelp requested08:20
siliticxanyone here installed beryl recently08:20
siliticxseems like the 3rd party repositories give an error08:20
Vipercatok next problem i dont have a "|" key on the keyboard i am using for the linux box08:20
seishinbyouI have beryl installed and working... don't know how much I can help, though08:20
siliticxReading package lists... Done08:21
siliticxW: GPG error: http://media.blutkind.org edgy Release: The following signatures couldn't be verified because the public key is not available: NO_PUBKEY 31A5F97FED8A569E08:21
abattoirsiliticx: please don't paste here08:21
ubotupastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (you can always find it in the channel topic, among other useful things)08:21
siliticx2 lines? errr...k08:21
abattoirsiliticx: ok, but in the future...08:21
seishinbyouDid you follow this : http://wiki.beryl-project.org/index.php/Install/Ubuntu/Edgy/AiGLX#How-to_install_Beryl_with_AIGLX_on_Edgy_Eft08:21
abattoirsiliticx: amd64?08:21
abattoirsiliticx: http://ubuntu.beryl-project.org/08:22
abattoirhmm, they've changed that page since yesterday08:23
seishinbyouBeryl and Scalc don't like each other08:23
abattoiroh, wrong link08:23
abattoirsiliticx: http://www.beerorkid.com/compiz/08:23
siliticxgot it, thx08:24
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siliticx"Go to System->Preferences->Sessions" i assume thats in ubuntu right? where is it in K?08:25
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draikHow do I creat an autostart app?08:34
siliticxberyl is awfully08:34
siliticxon an 9600xt..normal?08:34
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Jucatodraik: ~/.kde/Autostart08:34
Healotsiliticx: configured the 3D driver yet?08:34
=== Vipercat [n=Here@203-59-211-130.dyn.iinet.net.au] has joined #kubuntu
draikJucato: what do I send to that location?08:34
siliticxtechnically yet08:34
Jucatodraik: um... you either create a Link to Application or a Link to URL (location) in that folder08:35
Healottried the sample glx program yet?08:35
draikJucato: Thanks, I will try that08:35
siliticxyeah..but even that lagged08:35
siliticxlemme try to reload x08:35
=== jbrouhard [n=jbrouhar@cm-207-192-193-222.stjoseph.mo.npgco.com] has joined #kubuntu
Vipercatwhen i folloewd all those commands all i got was 0 updated etc but always 008:36
JucatoVipercat: you already change your sources.list from "dapper" to "edgy"?08:36
Vipercati did this cp /etc/apt/sources.{list,list.bak}; sed -i s/dapper/edgy/g /etc/apt/sources.list is that the same thing08:38
Vipercatsorry this is day 1 with linux for me08:38
Jucatowell, I'm not sure if that's the same thing.08:38
Jucatohold on, what did you install in the first place? Dapper or Edgy?08:38
=== tachyon [n=tachyon@c58-107-194-137.thoms2.vic.optusnet.com.au] has joined #kubuntu
Zaireouch that never worked for me...just destroyed my X08:39
Jucatook, the only way to find out if that command worked is for you to check /etc/apt/sources.list08:39
MilhousePunkRockJucato: It works, I upgraded that way...08:40
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MilhousePunkRockVipercat: run "sudo apt-get update" on a command line08:40
Vipercatit said permission denied08:40
JucatoVipercat: did you do "sudo -i" before you started?08:40
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Vipercatim using the shell konsole08:41
MilhousePunkRockVipercat: Is the user you are trying to upgrade with in the sudoers group?08:42
Vipercatcurrrently root@kuby;#08:42
unix_infidelhmm, for some reason k3b is unable to support mp3 burn to audio CD?08:42
=== Siliticx [n=Silx@bas1-quebec09-1178040588.dsl.bell.ca] has joined #kubuntu
Jucatounix_infidel: install libk3b2-mp3 I think08:42
Vipercatwhats a sudoers group08:42
JucatoVipercat: just to double check, what's the output of this command "lsb_release -a"? (specifically the Description line)08:43
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tachyonVipercat: the sudoers group is a group of users that is allowed to run the "sudo" command08:43
Vipercatwith or without the "08:43
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unix_infidelJucato: gracias.08:44
ninounix_infedel: k3b-mp2 package is the one08:44
JucatoVipercat: without the "08:44
ninounix_infedel: k3b-mp3 sorry package is the one08:44
ubotulibk3b2-mp3: The KDE cd burning application library - MP3 decoder. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.12.17-1ubuntu3 (edgy), package size 37 kB, installed size 100 kB08:44
Jucatonino: ^^^^^^^08:44
=== Siliticx [n=Silx@bas1-quebec09-1178040588.dsl.bell.ca] has joined #kubuntu
Siliticxguys, bad news08:45
Vipercatno lsb modules are available08:45
Siliticxi did ctrl+alt+backspace08:45
Vipercatdistributor id ubuntu08:46
Siliticxmy screen is black in kubuntu08:46
JucatoVipercat: the Description line?08:46
Siliticxcant do anything08:46
Siliticxreset or not08:46
Vipercatdescription ubuntu 6.06.1 lts08:46
Jucatoah ok...08:46
draikSiliticx: Have you tried     dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg   ?08:46
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Siliticxhow am i suposed to do that if i cant even get to a command line?08:47
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draikSiliticx: How are you in this chat?08:47
venkatnick/ jobless08:47
=== venkat is now known as jobless
draikYou do get a CLI08:47
=== Siliticx is a noob
Zairerecovery kernel08:47
Siliticxah ok, like the 2nd boot thing in grub?08:48
Zaireyeps it give you a cli interface08:48
Siliticxk ill check it out 2morrow morning08:48
Siliticxlemme note that08:48
draikSiliticx: You get a CLI, just press CTRL+ALT+F108:48
joblesshey can anyone help me on viewing shared folders on my computer usning kubuntu?08:48
Zairetheres that to if it works if not the other will08:48
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JucatoVipercat: can you pastebin your sources.list?08:49
Siliticxok.. anyone else got an idea?08:49
Jucato!pastebin | Vipercat08:49
ubotuVipercat: pastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (you can always find it in the channel topic, among other useful things)08:49
joblessabattoir: are u there?08:49
Siliticxor will dpkg-reconfigure do the job?08:49
=== Jozo-_ is now known as Jozo-
=== Neutrinux [n=Neutrinu@122.98.100-84.rev.gaoland.net] has joined #kubuntu
JucatoSiliticx: this happened after doing what?08:50
Vipercatok but i will have to change machines im on the windows one at the moment08:50
SiliticxJucato, the beryl setup08:50
joblesshey can anyone help me on viewing shared folders on my computer usning kubuntu? sorry for repeating the question .. but i just installed kubuntu08:50
=== Zaire isn't a total n00b but has much yet to learn lol
=== seishinbyou will be back later
ubotuberyl is a window manager that takes advantage of an OpenGL accelerated X environment. See http://forum.beryl-project.org/  -  Please see #ubuntu-xgl for help with beryl.08:50
Jucatoouch... beryl...08:50
Siliticxyeah, i started it, with emerald08:51
Siliticxit was really really slow08:51
Siliticxon a 9600xt08:51
=== vipercat [n=vipercat@203-59-211-130.dyn.iinet.net.au] has joined #kubuntu
Siliticxeither its an ati driver problem or its just beryl that's slow08:51
draikSiliticx: 1) CTRL+ALT+F1 to manually modify your xorg.conf (if you know what you did wrong)... if that doesn't work... 2) CTRL+ALT+F1 and type "dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg" (without the quotes)08:51
JucatoSiliticx: might want to try going to that channel to ask for help08:51
Zaireberyl was relatively easy on my nvidia08:51
vipercatJucato how do i find my sources list ?08:51
Zairelol if theres anyone on that can actually help08:51
Jucatovipercat: it's in /etc/apt/sources.list08:52
ZaireI found the help in ubuntu-xgl to be lacking08:52
SiliticxAnyway, thx guys i guess08:52
=== _snerge_ [n=snerge@bas9-quebec14-1168087254.dsl.bell.ca] has joined #kubuntu
Siliticxill try that out tomorrow morning08:52
=== harmental [n=ricardo@AGrenoble-257-1-108-112.w90-9.abo.wanadoo.fr] has joined #kubuntu
Siliticxgnight and thx for the help earlier08:53
Siliticxi was really starting to freak out08:53
Siliticxis there a command to remove a package?08:53
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Zairesudo apt-get remove package --purge08:54
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draikSiliticx: sudo apt-get remove -purge [package] 08:54
Zairepackage goes before purge08:54
ZaireI use it a fair amount08:54
JucatoZaire: not necessarily08:54
draikSiliticx: Follow Zaire's command08:54
Jucatodraik: that's --purge08:54
draikJucato: I don't get paid enough for this...08:55
Zairetrust me jucato Ive done my share of purging lol08:55
Jucatodraik: neither do I :P08:55
JucatoZaire: I do trust you. but I always purge too08:55
abattoirdraik: you are paid only for one - ?08:55
Zaireespecially after salsa lol08:55
Siliticxhehe anyway08:55
abattoirjobless: hi08:55
draikJUCATO!!! I'm doing Tech Support now for the company... I should be officially on my own and out of the training/procedures class by friday08:56
vipercatJucato i havepasted as requested08:56
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Jucatovipercat: what's the URL?08:56
Zairehmmm I get paid nothing...but then Im jobless lol08:56
=== abattoir thought jobless was jobless
JucatoZaire: I don't think the position of --purge matters as long as it's after "remove"08:56
=== draik is sponsored
=== abattoir should get some sleep before completely becoming insane
=== Jucato thinks abattoir shouldn't sleep so much in the afternoon :P
=== pffff [n=al@p54AC1C09.dip0.t-ipconnect.de] has joined #kubuntu
Zaireit has to be after the package I just checked08:57
MilhousePunkRockabattoir: Sleep? You still know what that is?08:57
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abattoirJucato: my clock says 07:57 :P08:57
Zaireoops nevermind typo lol08:57
abattoirMilhousePunkRock: hehe08:57
Zaireso it does work08:57
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MilhousePunkRockabattoir: Your clock is wrong, I guess...08:58
Zairewell as I said Im not a total n00b but I still have much to learn08:58
Jucatono. abattoir is just plain weird :P08:58
MilhousePunkRockx2 Jucato08:59
MilhousePunkRockWeird, but always helpful... :-D08:59
xsachai had my clock ahead some time.. kept getting clock skew warnings "this file was modified 2.6x10^12 in the future" and stuff like that.. i just restarted computer and it was all fine08:59
Zairedamn overlords is down again08:59
Jucatovipercat: I have a feeling there's something wrong with the au.archive.ubuntu.com servers. I suggest you edit sources.list and remove the "au." from every line09:00
fiyawerxhey guys, i did an install about .. phew, 6 months ago maybe? and havn't used it much since, just logged in and did an apt-get dist-upgrade, everythings eems ok, just wondering if there's anything especially new i should be looking for?09:00
xsacha:O i use au. what's wrong with them? :(09:00
Jucatovipercat: press Alt+F2, and type in "kdesu kate /etc/apt/sources.list"09:00
Jucatoxsacha: were you able to dist-upgrade to Edgy using au.?09:00
xsachai fresh installed edgy09:00
MilhousePunkRock!upgrade | fiyawerx09:00
ubotufiyawerx: See http://wiki.kubuntu.org/KubuntuUpgrade for upgrading from Kubuntu 6.06 LTS (Dapper Drake) to Kubuntu 6.10 (Edgy Eft)09:00
xsachanever had dapper09:00
Zaireumm out of curiosity does open suse have a sort of equiv to apt-get?09:01
fiyawerxthanks, MilhousePunkRock09:01
JucatoZaire: YaST?09:01
MilhousePunkRockIt's a new release, fiyawerx09:01
JucatoZaire: or zmpsdfasdfasdf09:01
JucatoMilhousePunkRock: maybe you could ask if they want to even upgrade to Edgy :)09:01
abattoirJucato: ??09:01
kamuiIt seems since I upgraded to edgy, Im having TERRIBLE trouble with both my keyboard and mouse lagging.  My keyboard will randomly miss a key, or loop a keypress, and my mouses responsiveness is not stable09:01
kamuianyone have any ideas?09:01
JucatoI forgot the name of the new package manager for SUSE09:01
fiyawerxok, so im still using dapper stuff, alright, i'll follow that09:02
Jucatokamui: yeah, call for the Chi no Ryu :)09:02
MilhousePunkRockJucato: I assume that a dist upgrade with a dapper sources list will take him to the latest dapper, won't it?09:02
fiyawerxlot of new stuff?09:02
Zaireone thing I never really liked the fact that with suse your privs are extremely limited09:02
Zaireyou have to actually set them up so you can use the cdrom09:02
JucatoMilhousePunkRock: yes. Adept (and Synaptic) uses dist-upgrade by default in upgrading anyway09:02
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Zairewell atleast I did anyway lol09:03
MilhousePunkRockJucato, fiyawerx: Should be save and hassle-free so far...09:03
JucatoMilhousePunkRock: Edgy? can you vouchsafe for that? :P09:03
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MilhousePunkRockfiyawerx: If you plan to upgrade to Edgy Eft, stick to the guide ubotu linked you to09:04
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fiyawerxwill do09:04
fiyawerxi may as well :)09:04
fiyawerxi thikn this was a fresh dapper install, from what i remember09:04
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Zairelol or just download the edgy distro lol09:04
fiyawerxother than having to mess around with options for my wifi card, which i dont remember anymore09:04
fiyawerxmight do that instead09:04
fiyawerxi like clean installs hehe09:05
fiyawerxwish i remmbered what i had to do with my network card09:05
MilhousePunkRockfiyawerx: My wifi was not changed during the upgrade09:05
seishinbyouIs there a limit on the filesize of an attached file sent with Kmail (just checking)09:05
Zairewell dunno for all but when I tried to update to edgy is always screwed up my x09:05
Jucatoseishinbyou: depends on your e-mail service09:05
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seishinbyouThis is just in-house (same company, internal server)09:05
seishinbyouSome managers can *not* be reasoned with09:06
fiyawerxi remember i had a bunch of sources from easysource or whatever it was, too09:06
fiyawerxim gonna dl the fresh version i think09:06
Jucatoseishinbyou: ah. guess it depends on their setup. I don't believe KMail has any limit09:06
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MilhousePunkRockfiyawerx: I think you can perform an upgrade with the CD as well...09:07
fiyawerxguess i'll try the straight upgrade first, and see how it goes from there09:07
Zaireubuntu/kubuntu should have an easy migration tool for upgrading to new distros lol09:07
seishinbyouOkay then, I'll try...but this is the most ridiculous mail I have ever sent09:07
JucatoZaire: to new distros or new releases?09:07
Zairenew release like dapper to edgy09:07
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Zaireoh and you may want to backup before you upgrade09:08
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seishinbyouFresh installs always worked better for me than upgrading09:08
JucatoZaire: they're working on that for Feisty.09:08
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Zaireyea nothing gets crossed that way09:08
=== seishinbyou chants Goooooo mail while seeing if Kmail crashes due to the attachment size
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dimon08If I wanna install minimal kde over my ubuntu, what package should I install?09:09
dimon08kde-base or what?09:09
seishinbyouYou don't want kubuntu-desktop?09:09
MilhousePunkRockdimon08: I believe it's kde-desktop09:09
Jucatokde-core (kde-base might be too minimal)09:09
Jucatoseishinbyou: you'd be surprised at how much kubuntu-desktop installs by default :)09:09
joblesshow can i access windows shares in kubuntu?09:09
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Jucato!samba | jobless09:10
ubotujobless: samba is the way to cooperate with Windows environments. Links with more info: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MountWindowsSharesPermanently http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/serverguide/C/windows-networking.html Samba can be administered via the web with SWAT09:10
seishinbyouJucato: I figured, though honestly disk space isn't an issue for me09:10
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dimon08no, I wnat to try fresh kde installation because at the moment gnome looks MUCH more faster for me09:10
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seishinbyouso I don't take note09:10
MilhousePunkRockdimon08: Depends on your needs though, if you want to run those beautiful KDE-"only" programs like Amarok or Kopete, you won't need the complete desktop, I assume...09:10
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joblessubotu: thanks i will have a look09:10
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about thanks i will have a look - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi09:10
Jucatoseishinbyou: probably not much about disk space as it is about having unneeded apcakges09:10
dimon08I run amarok at the moment:)09:10
MilhousePunkRockjobless: Ubotu is a bot...09:10
Jucatojobless: just a clue, ubotu is a bot :)09:10
MilhousePunkRockdimon08: So you must have some KDE stuff already09:11
dimon08I have09:11
seishinbyouOops, Kmail crashed09:11
seishinbyouLet's try this again...09:11
dimon08but it isn't enough to choose kde at the login screen09:11
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Jucatodimon08: you are running GNOME/Ubuntu?09:11
dimon08I think I just have kdelibs09:12
dimon08ubuntu, gnome09:12
Jucatodimon08: ah then you want kubuntu-desktop to install the default Kubuntu stuff09:12
dimon08and it seems to be much more fast than kde...09:12
MilhousePunkRockdimon08: That's becaue it's much less pretty... ;-)09:12
dimon08I don't want all that things from kubuntu-desktop I think09:12
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dimon08I used kubuntu since 5.10 and made a fresh installation of ubuntu recently09:13
MilhousePunkRockdimon08: You can always go with the full package and remove what you don't like/need later09:13
dimon08so maybe kubuntu was so slow because I upgraded, not made fresh install09:13
dimon08so I want to try now..09:13
seishinbyouCrashed again...Okay, I'll try...Evolution09:13
vipercatJucato i have removed the au. from each line should i also remove the #09:14
Jucatovipercat: no need to09:14
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KiongkuJucato.. think dapper is better than edgy?09:16
JucatoKiongku: depends on what you mean by "better"09:16
JucatoDapper is certainly more stable09:16
Kiongkuhahaha i mean by stabilty and functionality09:16
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Jucatothey're both quite functional. Edgy's features are new and bleeding/cutting edge though09:17
Kiongkulol for eg?09:17
seishinbyouOkay, Evolution looks like it is working, but it is going to be a while before this mail is done sending09:17
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=== seishinbyou goes for a world record for largest file attachment succesfully sent
=== Kiongku will record it
Jucatoseishinbyou: in the meantime, you could try filing a KDE bug :)09:18
seishinbyouOkay, good idea09:18
KiongkuJucato: what bleeding/cutting edje stuff edgy has :p09:18
seishinbyou* Kmail crashes when sending 4GB files09:18
Kiongkudarn i will never be ever to upload a file 4GB09:19
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emonkeylol who wants to send 4GB through email?09:19
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Jucatoseishinbyou does09:19
=== Kiongku points emonkey to seishinbyou
fiyawerxemail? use um09:19
fiyawerxdoh, i forget what its called09:19
seishinbyouManager request.  He will not listen to reason09:19
fiyawerxits like penguin or something09:20
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seishinbyouSo okay, I'll do just what he says to show how ridiculous the whole thing is09:20
seishinbyou(It's a VMWare image, btw)09:20
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morghanphoenixHow do you set up a USB joystick?09:21
joblessubotu: how can i save the fstab file? it says i need root privilages .. i am using kate09:21
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about how can i save the fstab file? it says i need root privilages .. i am using kate - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi09:21
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=== seishinbyou checks to see that a bug report hasn't already been filed for crashing with large attachements
joblesshow can i save the fstab file? it says i need root privilages .. i am using kate09:21
fiyawerxdamn i cant remember the name of the software friend uses to send big files like that09:21
morghanphoenixkdesu kate09:21
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joblessjucato: how can i save the fstab file?09:22
Jucatojobless: you have to launch Kate as root or right-click on the fstab file and choose Actions > edit as root09:22
morghanphoenixTold you09:22
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morghanphoenixLaunch kate with kdesu09:22
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joblesshow can i launch kate as root?09:22
Kiongkukdesu kate "filename"09:22
Jucato"kdesu kate"09:22
morghanphoenixOh, nevermind09:22
morghanphoenixAny help on a usb gamepad.09:23
Jucatomorghanphoenix: maybe he didn't notice. you've got to mention his name :P09:23
Kiongkumorghanphoenix: frankly never thought linux as a playground OS09:23
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joblesskiongku: thanks09:23
joblessjucato: thanks09:23
vipercatJucato i have tried going through the update commands again and this time i got this http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/30594/09:23
seishinbyouAh, a bug was already filed for large attachments...so, apparantely, if I had 40GB of RAM it would have sent all right09:23
morghanphoenixI like my games, all my emulators and vendetta online.09:23
Kiongkuseishinbyou: OMG 40GB??? OF RAM!>09:23
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Kiongkumorghanphoenix: nice =)09:24
seishinbyouAs listed here : http://bugs.kde.org/show_bug.cgi?id=3421209:24
morghanphoenixEmulators are terrible on keyboard control though09:24
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=== Jucato needs to take a break for a while...
Kiongkumorghanphoenix: haha i know what u mean..09:24
Jucatoif anyone can help vipercat with his upgrade problem, please do so.thanks09:25
Kiongkukeyboard should be renovated.. they need touch sensitivity for the keys XD09:25
seishinbyouAt least Kubuntu support the Trance Vibrator...for what purpose, I'll never know09:25
=== seishinbyou has about a half dozen around the office and home
seishinbyoufor what reason, I don't know09:25
Kiongkuhmm i want MS on linux x_x09:26
fiyawerxcool, downloading install cd now09:27
Kiongkunah MS relies too much on directx09:27
Kiongkuvmware not feasible right now since i have my win partition still active09:27
seishinbyouIf you want to use Windows only for games, you are best off just keeping a small Windows partition09:27
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fiyawerxis automatix still a decent way to run post-install?09:27
Kiongkujust anoyed ic ant stay in linux while on MS XD09:28
Jucato!automatix | fiyawerx09:28
ubotufiyawerx: automatix is a script that tries to install some software, and often fails and breaks systems. We don't provide support for it, and we strongly discourage its use.09:28
seishinbyouYou can...vmware09:28
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Kiongkuseishinbyou: i know it09:28
seishinbyouor Virtual PC09:28
fiyawerxheh, guess not :)09:28
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Kiongkuhmm i'll think about it.. i have hdd space constraints..09:28
fiyawerxany other good post-install "todo's" then?09:28
seishinbyouOn my wife's home PC, I have a VMWare session setup with Kubuntu so I can continue my work from home without having to leave Windows09:29
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morghanphoenixwhat's the cli syntax for a device list?09:29
mziI've upgraded from dapper and I got a problem w/ fonts. can ayone help09:29
fiyawerxis it really 3:30 est?09:29
Jucatomorghanphoenix: lspci ? not sure09:29
Jucatofiyawerx: 3:30 am09:30
fiyawerxtime flies09:30
Jucatoseishinbyou: you might want to take a peak into cygwin if it's going to be a permanent thing09:30
mziThe problem is about fonts and X11. at installation, xfonts-75dpi package throws a /usr/lib/X11/fonts/75dpi does not exist or is not a directory.09:30
morghanphoenixSee, this is my problem, it's plugged in but not showing up09:31
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Kiongkugot the driver o.O?09:31
fiyawerxanyone else have a problem with 1280x1024 lcd and the default fonts for everything hurting your eyes09:32
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fiyawerxthey seem kinda.. harsh09:32
morghanphoenixNo idea what gamepad it is for a driver09:32
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joblessjucato: i get an error when i type sudo mount -a it says .. it says that the mount point does not exist09:33
joblessjucato: what can this mean?09:33
joblesskiongku: can u help?09:33
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Kiongkumorghanphoenix: go research a bit the make09:34
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Kiongkujobless: u made a mistake in fstab i guess09:34
Kiongkudid u leave a space at the end?09:34
Kiongkuan empty line09:34
morghanphoenixWhere can I find a list of old gamepads to compare it to, it's not new enough for any of the sites I've found with logitech pads.09:35
=== gnomefreak came in late but wouldnt he need to say what to mount?
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Kiongkumorghanphoenix: no idea... i never owned one so i dunt have any exp in it09:35
Kiongkugnomefreak: he said sudo mount -a09:35
Kiongkuso mounting the devices in fstab09:35
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morghanphoenixYeah, it was a freebie, guess I shoulda know it'd be a pain.09:36
mzino one has the same problem about fonts?09:36
Kiongkuthe only one ever i had was a logitech joystick to enjoy freespace XD09:36
Kiongkumzi: i think ur prob is a common one09:36
joblesskiongku: i did leave a space now ..09:36
Kiongkumzi: go search in the kubuntu support for ur answer09:37
morghanphoenixI have a logitech, but for some reason it doesn't seem to like the usb one, I borrowed a game port one and it worked great.09:37
intelikeymorghanphoenix that's not always/{or often} the case,  lots of 'freebees09:37
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mziKiongku: ok thnx09:37
intelikeyare just "out dated"...09:37
intelikeyoutdated != pain09:37
Kiongkumzi: sorry i turned around the whole prob by a clean install :) but probably tons ppl before had same prob as u09:38
joblesskiongku: heyyy .. i got it .. i misspelled smbfs as smbgs .. thank you ..09:38
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Kiongkujobless: haha .. told u something might be wrong in ut fstab09:38
morghanphoenixIt's a playstation style one. I'm searching the forums still, hopefully I'll find something. Seems I have really bad luck with internet searches.09:38
joblesskiongku: and u were right .. :)09:39
Kiongkuintelikey: whats the command to remove a device not registered in fstab?09:39
Kiongkuumount -?09:39
mziKiongku: :( I hope I don't have to do so...09:39
intelikeyKiongku "not registered in fstab" ???   you mean mtab ?09:39
Kiongkumzi: well u should have backed up before attempting and upgrade.. the upgrades are rarely smooth09:39
Kiongkuintelikey: i mounted it by pmount dev label09:40
intelikeyKiongku umount label09:40
mziKiongku: I did. Thanks for the advices.09:40
Kiongkuintelikey: hmm ok09:40
intelikeyor pumount09:40
joblesskiongku: should i mount each shared folder seperately or is there a way i can mount them all (i mean all the shared folders in a computer) ..?09:40
Kiongkujobless: that technical stuff u should ask *point to intelikey*09:41
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joblesskiongku: i did not get that!09:41
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intelikeyKiongku ah ah ah,,, but i don't know samba09:42
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joblesskiongku: now i got it!09:42
Kiongkujobless: what u mean shared? u mean in ur local network?09:42
joblesskiongku: i mean all the folders from a computer in the local network09:43
ninoKiongku: u wanna mount a remote share??09:43
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Kiongkunino: no.. its that "<jobless> kiongku: should i mount each shared folder seperately or is there a way i can mount them all (i mean all the shared folders in a computer) ..?"09:43
Kiongkujobless: not much idea in that networking stuff.. i own only one pc.. i was never able to tinker with those thing..09:44
joblesskiongku: i mean can we write //servername only instead of //servername/sharename?09:44
Kiongkujobless: sorry i'm stuck this time :)09:44
joblesskiongku: thats fine .. i will try something09:45
ninowho has got the the problem??09:45
joblessnino: could u help?09:45
xsachajobless: \\servername09:45
ninojobless: yes explain to me09:45
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xsachaif you mean samba shares, you can use smb://machinename or \\machinename09:46
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Kiongkuyay the experts are here *fades in background*09:46
ninojobless: you wanna mount a remote share (another computer) on your computer ??09:46
joblessnino: i need to mount all the shared folders from a computer at a time, but currently i am mounting each shared folder seperately using //servername/sharename .. but is //servername going to mount all the shares on the server at a time?09:46
joblessnino: on another computer09:47
joblessnino: remote computer i meant .. its on the local network though09:47
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ninojobless: servername or the ip, and do you want to mount it on starup in fstab??09:48
joblessnino: i am following the article that kiongku pointed me to .. https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MountWindowsSharesPermanently09:48
Kiongkudid i o.o? *blinks*09:49
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ninojobless: ok lemme know cause i've got it set up on my side aswell09:49
joblesskiongku: yeahh .. i am sure that was u! ohh ... it was the bot !! :))09:49
e1merjobless: make as many entries on ur fstab pointing to all the shares u want09:49
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joblesse1mer: but cant i find what are the share available on the computer and mount them all at once?09:50
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joblesse1mer: if the shared keep on changing  .. like a new shared folder being created .. then i want the system to recognize that and add it as well ..!09:51
ninojobless: smb://computer ip!!!!!!   Type in konqueror!!!09:51
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seishinbyouHmm, I'm not sure if Evolution hanged or not.  It doesn't like this large file either.  If only this client would listen to reason and let me burn it to DVD and give it to him...09:51
joblesse1mer: like windows does .. when u explore the local network ..09:51
morghanphoenixHa, now I feel dumb, fresh install, forgot to put the joystick package back on.09:51
seishinbyouMr. "backups are a security risk"09:51
e1merjobless: smbclient -L <host>09:51
joblessnino: that was cool .. dont i need to follow the steps presented in https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MountWindowsSharesPermanently ? can i just type the command and work with the files?09:54
joblessnino: then what is the use of mounting them?09:54
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ninojobless: yea just do that then!!09:54
ninojobless: I mount them only for backups09:54
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joblesse1mer: i am getting the list of shared folders ..09:54
joblessnino: so, when mounted, the data gets copied into the local system?09:55
ninojobless: no only linked to the folder09:55
e1merjobless: no, when mounted, you can access the smb shares like as they're on ur local system09:55
Arafangionjobless: Think of mounting it as making it "official", also only KDE apps (and possibly Gnome) can use the non-mounted stuff.09:55
Arafangionjobless: It also means that the OS can possibly be more agressive with cache'ing it, etc.09:56
joblessohh!! i get it ..09:56
joblessthanks guys09:56
intelikeyjobless did you also look at http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/serverguide/C/windows-networking.html  ???    might help understand samba.09:56
joblessintellikey: doing that now ..! :)09:57
ninojobless: smb://domain  will show all the pcs in the domain aswell!!09:57
ninojobless: like smb://workgroup will show the deafault windows domain!!09:58
joblessnino: i was just about to ask that !! (how to view all the pcs on the netowrk :) damn u know this stuff !!!09:58
seishinbyouHrm, bug with subversion...time to file a report09:59
ninojobless: U havin fun?? :)10:00
joblessnino: i installed xsmbrowser now i think i dont need that .. how can i remove that package?10:00
joblessnino: u r right !! i aammmm!! :))10:00
Zairewow I never realized how easy it was to setup a network connection from one linux box to the other lol10:01
ninojobless: go to apt packagemanager and request removal or purge | or at the konsol apt-get remove xmsbrowser10:01
joblessnino: ok10:02
Zairethat will deff make managing my webserver so much easier10:02
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ninoSo who wants to know how to browes shares across the internet?? LoL10:02
seishinbyouOoh, I get to file a new bug report. yay, or something10:02
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ZaireIm learning that sort of stuff right now from ym O'Reilly php & mysql book lol10:03
ubotuIf you find a bug in Ubuntu or any of its derivatives, please file a bug report at: http://bugs.ubuntu.com/ Bugs in/wishes for the bots can be filed at http://launchpad.net/products/ubuntu-bots10:03
seishinbyouThe Subversion page says I should ask over on #svn, so I'll do that first10:04
seishinbyouSubversion + Japanese charaters in branch title = *CRASH* *BANG* *CORRUPTION*10:04
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joblessnino: how can i open the packetmanger?10:06
ninojobless: kmenu =>System => Adept10:06
intelikeyseishinbyou each app or suite thereof  will have their own way/place to report bugs   but please go ahead and let the ubuntu people know alos.  the bug could already be known in the developement branch and yet not have been addressed in the release/distro end of things.10:07
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ninojobless: find it?10:08
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joblessnino: yes.. i was searching for xsmbrowser.. got it .. and just hit apply changes10:10
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joblessnino: done!10:10
ninojobless: yep, request removal and apply10:10
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Jazonkamusta ka Jucato :)10:10
ninojobless: cool10:10
Jazonhi everyone10:10
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joblessnino: why i was not able to see xsmbrowser in add/remove programs?10:11
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joblessnino: can that be done only in adept?10:12
Jazonwondering if anyone could help me solve an acpi issue with my laptop.  with dapper, it was great - closing the lid put it into hibernate... it was GREAT.  dapper wont.  also, issues with swap drive not working (related?)10:12
ninojobless: ad/remove is a simplified version10:12
joblessnino: ok ..10:12
ninojobless: it excludes stuff lik libraries etc10:12
joblessnino: hmm .. i got a lot to learn! :(10:13
ninojobless: just keep on using linux!!10:13
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jazzrockerok i can't get my font settings to stick. under GTK styles and settings i select use another font, click apply, then close and re-open system settings and lo-and behold it's back to "use my KDE fonts in GTK applications"10:14
joblessnino: how can i share the files on my linux system so that they can be available in windows?10:14
ninojobless: And these okes here will give u all the support u need, and write these thing down!!!10:14
Jazonanother thing is that i am always getting this error in konsole whenever i try to start anything gui...X Error: BadDevice, invalid or uninitialized input device 16610:15
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joblessyeahh .. i will .. though i think i can remeber :) i never got past using linux for simple stuff .. like running programs in c and java ..!10:16
intelikeyjobless dpkg == debian package manager   is the application that installs and removes packages from the *buntu system,  apt aptitude synaptic adept 'add/remove packages' and if there be any other app that does such are all "frontend/backends'  to dpkg   thus while the enterface may differ greatly the basic operation is to call   dpkg <-switches> packagename.deb10:16
cpk1jobless: samba should be easy to use to share stuff with windows10:16
joblessnino: so i shud install samba on windows?10:17
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ubotusamba is the way to cooperate with Windows environments. Links with more info: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MountWindowsSharesPermanently http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/serverguide/C/windows-networking.html Samba can be administered via the web with SWAT10:17
cpk1jobless: install samba on linux10:17
joblessintellikey: so wat they r doing is just issuing some commands when i click a button10:17
intelikey<ubotu> samba is the way to cooperate with Windows environments. ^10:17
joblessnino: i think i did ..10:18
intelikeyjobless prezactly10:18
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cpk1jobless: you need to configure samba on linux as well10:18
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alin_u all kubuntu lovers10:19
joblesscpk1: hmm .. like give permissions and stuff?!10:19
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nino_damn i got disconnected!!10:20
cpk1jobless: read this article http://www.ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=20260510:20
cpk1jobless: that should help you get samba up and running in no time10:20
joblesscpk1: i installed samba-common is that enough?10:20
joblesscpk1: i will go through it ..10:20
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cpk1jobless: that article is very easy to follow and you should get it working after that10:21
joblesshey when i click the link give here .. they r opening in konquerer .. but can i get them to opne in firefox by default?10:21
joblesscpk1: hey when i click the link give here .. they r opening in konquerer .. but can i get them to opne in firefox by default?10:21
nino_jobless: i need to install my modules for samba sharing (i dont share my linux stuff) but if you really get stuck we can try!!10:22
joblessnino_: i am going to try .. and will let u know if theres a problem .. and are u nino?10:23
intelikeysamba-doc - Samba documentation ++  samba - a LanManager-like file and printer server for Unix  ++  smbfs - mount and umount commands for the smbfs   :)10:23
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nino_jobless: yes i got disconnected10:23
joblessnino: ohhk10:24
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joblessnino: hey when i click the link give here .. they r opening in konquerer .. but can i get them to opne in firefox by default?10:26
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nino_jobless:I dont think firefox has smb support libraries installed, Konqueror is not your average browser!!10:28
morbid88hey guys. Can someone help me set up /etc/network/interfaces so that I don't have to manually connect to my network each time?10:28
Zairedoes arin make any mistakes when it comes to doing a whois on an IP10:28
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joblessnino_: i mean when i click on a http link can't i get it to open in firefox by default?10:29
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intelikeynino_ jobless may be asking about the url's here in the irc channel...10:29
intelikeyoh yeah see...10:29
joblessintellikey: yes i meant the urls10:29
nino_Zaire: check it against www.centralops.net10:30
intelikeyjobless that's irc client specific10:30
ZaireIm curious to know cause I have a discrepency in my forums between the whois I did in cli on a members IP to arin.net's whois10:30
morbid88jobless: in the settings window there's a "use custom browser" option.10:30
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intelikeyjobless  as a general rule 'yes'10:30
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Zaireone says UK like he's said and the other says rout point through amsterdam10:31
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nino_jobless: oh u mean firefox is not the default browser10:31
morbid88I'm having troule adjusting my /etc/network/interfaces file to automatically connect to my WEP-enabled router. any ideas?10:31
joblessnino_: yes10:31
joblessmorbid88: i don't see it!10:32
morbid88jobless: Go to Settings >> General settings.10:32
morbid88There's a box on the bottom half, Miscellaneous settings, with "Use custom browser"10:32
intelikeyZaire is anything "totally flawless" ?10:32
morbid88just tick the checkbox. It might already contain "firefox " in it.10:32
joblessmorbit88: setting in koversation?10:32
morbid88jobless: sorry, yes. Konversation settings>> Behaviour >> General.10:33
Zaireyea but that kinda of discrepency and why would he need to route to go to a case modding forum10:33
nino_needs coffee lots of coffee :)10:33
intelikeyZaire what ip ?10:33
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joblesstheres firefox '%u' what does that %u mean ?10:34
intelikeylet me see if i can duplicate the mismatch10:34
Zaire88.106.98.195 is one of the IP's he's posted under10:34
joblessmorbid88: theres firefox '%u' what does that %u mean ?10:34
morbid88that will send a command to firefox to open, where %u is replaced by the URL.10:34
joblessmorbid88: ohh ok!10:34
intelikeyTiscali UK Limited10:34
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joblessmorbid88: yes that did it ..!10:35
intelikeyZaire and the other is ?10:35
Zaireyea thats what the cli whois shoed10:35
ninoi agree with intelikey Tiscali10:35
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ZaireI used that same IP in CLI and on arin.net10:35
morbid88jobless: I think there's even a way to get it to open in a new tab, bt I can't remember the switches.10:35
Zaire2 diff results10:35
Zaireone says UK and the other Says amsterdam10:36
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intelikeyZaire two different sites/databases being quarried10:37
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intelikey# whois blah   >>>> % This is the RIPE Whois query server #2.10:37
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Zaireboth are arin are they not and I just did a whois on both for my IP and they both check out10:38
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intelikeywhat i'm saying is one database may be "newer" than the other.10:39
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Zairenot looking that way to me....otherwise it should show the same like my IP did :S10:40
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elias_are the nvidia 9629 dirvers available somewhere already as restricted-modules.deb?10:41
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morbid88guys, I'm having problems with my /etc/network/interfaces file. It won't bring up my wi-fi on startup.10:43
morbid88I have to manually set it every time.10:43
fdovingmorbid88: can you post the file to http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org ?10:44
morbid88yeah, I'm doing that now.10:44
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morbid88okay, this is my /etc/network/interfaces file, and the result of init.d on it.10:45
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morbid88fdoving: I think it has to do with the fact that it tries to get a dhcp response before connecting to the network, no?10:46
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fdovingmorbid88: hmm..10:47
intelikey-:- SignOff Zaire: #kubuntu (""night all"")10:47
intelikeyah krap.10:47
morbid88fdoving: hmmm?10:47
fdovingmorbid88: what do you do to bring it up manually?10:47
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morbid88fdoving: sudo iwconfig rausb0 essid NET_ID key s:WEP_KEY10:48
morbid88then I sudo dhcp -1 rausb0 to get an IP from the router.10:48
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intelikeyi got to the bottom of that quarry  anyway.    the arin.net search for the ip only points to the netblock being an ripe block  the cli whois searches the ripe database    if zaire would have looked a little closer he would have seen that.10:49
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fdovingmorbid88: the file looks OK, but you could try to add a 'pre-up /sbin/iwconfig rausb0 essid NET_ID key s:WEP_KEY' and then remove the two wireless-* lines.10:52
morbid88fdoving: it used to work fine before I had WEP running10:52
morbid88let me try that. I'll be back in a bit.10:52
fdovingmorbid88: ah.. if you bring down the interface, and then use 'ifup rausb0' - then run 'iwconfig rausb0' - does it have the key?10:53
morbid88I don't know. I haven't tried that, I don't know how to use ifup directly.10:53
intelikeyhttp://www.ripe.net/whois -vs- http://ws.arin.net/whois    searching same ip on both...    </dismissed quarry>10:53
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morbid88fdoving: let me try it with pre-up first, though. brb.10:54
fdovingmorbid88: 'ifdown rausb0' brings the wireless down. 'ifdown rausb0' brings it back up. as if you were rebooting.10:54
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morbid88fdoving: didn't work.10:58
morbid88I think the pre-up is too premature -- the interface isn't active yet.10:58
intelikeywhy do things like nickserv/chanserv/memoserv always answer help with 13 messages one line each  why not all in one post so clients that auto ignore flood can actually use there help message10:59
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intelikeyall i ever get is  "-:- BitchX: Auto-ignoring *Serv for 10 minutes [NOTICE flood]  "10:59
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intelikeyand yes. i know how to reconfigure bx to not do that.  but it is set that way for a reason.....11:01
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bordiuses ubuntu the /opt/ directory for special purposes ?11:01
intelikeybordi some things like a firefox upgrade might use it.  mine was usually epmty before i rm'd it.11:02
intelikeyor actually "always" empty.11:02
bordivery good11:03
bordii have a dual boot enviroment with kubuntu and another distro, which uses opt permanently. i will share the swap, boot and the opt partition.11:03
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intelikeysounds like a plan11:04
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intelikeybordi not /home ?11:04
bordiyes home too11:04
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fdovingmorbid88: i googled a little, and I see that some other people use 'pre-up ifconfig rausb0 down' and then 'pre-up ifconfig rausb0 up' directly after the 'iface rausb0 inet dhcp' line, in that order. down first, then up. and then continue with the first pre-up /sbin/iwconfig line..11:05
bordiand it seems to work perfectly11:05
intelikeyah detailed but non-exhostive lists.... :)11:05
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bordithe installer downloads the additonal language files right now11:06
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bordihas someone expierences with getting the kubuntu installer to work with an ati x700 gpu ?11:07
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fdovingmorbid88: did you follow this guide: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs/Device/DWL-G122_(Rev_B) ?11:08
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intelikeyhehhe how oddity    how abnormality    how peculearity      how neet....    i had twm running.  and did a startkde    so now i kde running in twm windows     heh :)11:15
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intelikeyi kde/i have kde/11:16
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intelikeyi can iconify kicker   or kde it's self.11:17
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twenty2sixtyHello! I just switched from xserver-xorg-driver-all to xserver-xorg-video-all (I needed xserver-xorg-video-ati) and now my system only comes to the point of showing me my mouse-cursor shortly before showing the kdm-login screen. Then the graphics get all twisted & the system shuts down. As root in recovery-mode all works fine - even kdm/kde/x ... what's gone wrong?11:21
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intelikey& the system shuts down. ????    as in halt/reboot ???11:23
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twenty2sixtyintelikey: yes11:23
freewillis there any where i can find a torrent download for kkubuntu desktop cd i386?11:24
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freewillis it possable for some one to maybe host a torrent download for kubuntu-i386-desktop??11:27
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intelikeytwenty2sixty i can't possably imagen an x error rebooting the system.   unless you did something inside kde (like sudo shutdown -n )   that as soon as it starts trying to restore the session it restores the command.....       sujestion.   boot to single user mode. (As root in recovery-mode) and do; tar -czf backup-kde-settings.tgz /home/<your-username> && rm /home/<your-username>/.kde  && init 211:28
intelikeytwenty2sixty inturpret <your-username>  ^11:29
intelikeyerrr actually.11:30
intelikeytar -czf backup-kde-settings.tgz /home/<your-username>/.kde && rm /home/<your-username>/.kde11:30
freewillnwm, because the cd i downloaded is suposaly corupt and i don't have bandworth to redownload the whole thing but if someone hosts a torrent download for it it'll just download the corupted parts...11:30
twenty2sixtyintelikey: what am i rm'ing there?11:30
intelikeypersonal configs for kde11:31
intelikeybut backed up in the tar-ball first...11:31
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twenty2sixtyintelikey: If it is really the session-restore, couldn't I just set KDE to start with a fresh session instead of recreating the old one? I know how to that one... :-)11:32
freewill... i'm just going to try to install the corupted cd....11:32
intelikeyfrom where twenty2sixty ?11:32
intelikeyyes you could.  but can you ?11:33
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twenty2sixtyintelikey: I could give it a shot ... What other options to I have? All the xserver-xorg-driver-XYZ packages are gone in my package-listings... so I don't really have a choice of going back to xserver-xorg-driver-ati. Unless I downgrade the system of course - and this I won't do. Might it be a problem with disabling Composite in xorg.conf? 'Cause I did this recently...11:36
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nino_mmm hello nino11:37
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ninohi nino_11:38
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morbid88fdoving: sorry I didn't respond. I thought I'd closed Konversation, but I didn't realise it minimizes to the system tray... thanks for the tips, I'll look into them11:38
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nino_nino: Kubuntu 6.06 lts??11:39
nino_nino: thnx11:39
intelikeytwenty2sixty sorry i'm on dapper, don't know all your options on edgy.11:40
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intelikeytwenty2sixty other than loosing some customizations deleting ~/.kde  shouldn't hurt a thing.11:41
intelikeyand the backup should make that pretty easy to restore.11:42
twenty2sixtyintelikey: Ok, thanks nontheless! One last thing ... can you quickly tell me the reconfigure-command for X again? I want to get a new, clean xorg.conf...11:42
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daurnimatorhi all11:43
intelikeyone could just rename the dir  but restoring is a 'little' more tricky if you do that.    mv /home/username/.kde /home/username/backup.kde11:43
daurnimatori need some help with a partition11:43
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intelikeytwenty2sixty yessir  sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg11:44
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scheuridaurnimator: shot...maybe someone can help11:44
intelikeymight add -plow11:44
psb154FYI: I installed xubuntu-desktop on my (1ghz duron laptop) kubuntu dapper installation, to see if it performed any better than kde 3.5.5. I'm an not seeing ANY performance benefit when running xfce4. I have obviously switched back to KDE :-)11:44
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daurnimatori have a drive with a bad partition table11:45
twenty2sixtyintelikey: Thanks! Going through your helping tipps now step-by-step... wish me luck! ;-) Bye!11:45
intelikeytwenty2sixty if you like redundantcy make the tarball and move the dir  :))))11:45
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scheuripsb154: just asking...HOW did you measure performance?11:47
intelikeytwenty2sixty tar -czf backup-kde-settings.tgz /home/<your-username>/.kde && mv /home/<your-username>/.kde /home/<your-username>/backup.kde  && init 211:48
intelikeylike that  ^  :)11:48
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psb154scheuri: good question, not scientific or metric pure perception. I ran non-kde apps such as firefox and openoffice, which I use daily, oocalc and oowriter. Also switching between apps, cpu usage with top.11:49
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scheuripsb154: well, so it was more or less sujectiv...:)11:50
cpk1intelikey: well I will keep that in mind if i need to tarball my kde settings =P11:50
Tm_Tpsb154: That is because KDE doesn't take that much cpu, it's only startup memory usage, and if you keep using KDE apps, the mem usage doesn't even grow that much anymore.11:51
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scheuriintelikey: cool, thanks...:)...but what is this init 2 for?11:52
Steven_Mhi all11:52
psb154scheuri, Tm_T, Ok but I was hoping for more. Fluxbox is percivably quicker on my humble laptop when it comes to navigating the desktop.11:52
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daurnimatorhow do i get the drive to mount?11:53
Tm_Tpsb154: Well, you can get your KDE lighter just by dropping all stuff you don't need.11:53
scheuripsb154: sure enough...I was just saying...:)....but linux is all about choice...:)11:53
cpk1the lightest thing to do is get rid of X11:54
psb154Scheuri, It certainly is :-)11:54
Steven_MPlease add this to the topic:11:54
cpk1that *might* free up some resources11:54
Steven_MIf your're using Dapper you can fix the kopete icq problem by downloading a modified version of kopete here (http://ubuntu.lnix.net/misc/kopete-fix/kopete-dapper/kopete_3.5.5+kopete0.12.3-0ubuntu2~dapper3_i386.deb)11:54
Steven_MIf your're using Edgy you can fix the kopete icq problem by downloading a different modified version of kopete here (http://ubuntu.lnix.net/misc/kopete-fix/kopete-edgy/kopete_3.5.5+kopete0.12.3-0ubuntu3_i386.deb)11:54
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Tm_TSteven_M: Thanks.11:54
ubotuPartitioning programs: !GParted or QTParted  -  Formatting partitions: see the manual page for mkfs ("man mkfs")  -  Mounting partitions in Gnome: System -> Administration -> Disks11:55
scheuriSteven_M: any chance that will hit either security or backport repos?11:55
ubotugparted is a GUI partitioning program, "apt-get install gparted", also available as a live cd http://gparted.sourceforge.net/livecd.php11:55
cpk1daurnimator: use qparted11:55
Steven_MTm_T: no probs11:55
Tm_Tdaurnimator: I recommend to use search in wiki.ubuntu.com11:55
cpk1qtparted i mean11:55
daurnimatori'm sort of desperate11:55
psb154Tm_T, can you give an example, I am not sure what stuff would be safe to switch off?11:55
daurnimatori need to get the data NOW11:55
Steven_Mscheuri: not sure sorry11:56
scheuriSteven_M: thanks anyway...nice to know though!...:)11:56
cpk1daurnimator: partitioning isnt going to give you data11:56
Tm_Tpsb154: Well, for example, don't use icons in desktop, don't run "all-in-one-wonder" apps automatically, etc etc.11:56
scheuridaurnimator: is it a harddisk? floppy? CD-ROM? USB-HD?11:57
daurnimatori want to mount by drive offset11:57
daurnimatorsata hdd11:57
scheuriinstalled in your PC?11:57
scheuridoes (k)ubuntu see this disk?11:58
Steven_Mscheuri: I only found out about it today.11:58
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scheuriSteven_M: yes, sure...thanks for informing us! (that is what I meant by saying "nice to know though")...:)11:59
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scheuridaurnimator: which disk is it? sda? sdb?11:59
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daurnyou say anyth8ing?11:59
scheuridaurn: which disk is it? sda? sdb?11:59
scheuridaurn: how many partitions?12:00
daurn1 i believe12:00
scheuridaurn: well, okay...you may check that out with "sudo fdisk /dev/sda"12:00
scheuridaurn: but be aware...that tool can destroy everything....be sure of what options you press12:01
daurnwhat do i do with it12:01
scheuridaurnyou can list the partition table to find out how many partition it has12:02
Steven_Mscheuri: You're welcome :)12:02
scheuriSteven_M: :)12:02
daurnwhat do i type?12:02
daurni get a prompt of some sort12:02
scheuridaurn: "sudo fdisk /dev/sda" on the CLI12:02
ubotuThe linux terminal or command-line interface is very powerful. Open a terminal via Applications -> Accessories -> Terminal (Gnome) or K-menu -> System -> Konsole (KDE).  Manuals: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BasicCommands12:02
daurni'm not that bad12:03
intelikey<scheuri> intelikey: cool, thanks...:)...but what is this init 2 for? <--- to switch out of single user mode into normal12:03
scheuriintelikey: ah, sorry...didnt get the first line then when you switched into single user12:04
scheuridaurn: sorry...didnt know....no offense, mate12:04
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intelikeyscheuri he what forced to boot to single because of a recursive reboot error12:05
scheuridaurn: option "p" should show tables12:05
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scheuriintelikey: ah, okay...thanks12:05
joblessintellikey: how do i install yahoo messenger on kubuntu?12:06
intelikeyscheuri ever use cfdisk ?12:06
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scheuriintelikey: no...is it any good?12:06
intelikeyjobless why not use gaim ?12:06
joblessintellikey: the yahoo page gives me three different files for installation ..12:06
joblessintellikey gaim?12:06
intelikeyscheuri you should give it a look.  you might start recommending it over fdisk12:07
scheuriintelikey: you are insane...suggestion gaim in the kubuntu channel...;)12:07
intelikeyfor the nuby  anyway12:07
scheuriintelikey: is it universe? multiverse?12:07
joblessintellikey:  how do i install gaim?12:07
joblessscheuri: should we not recommend any products?12:08
scheurijobless: I was joking12:08
intelikeyjobless idk.  maybe ask someone that uses it.   ( so i don't get scolded anymore )12:08
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intelikeyscheuri cfdisk is part of  util-linux   installed by default.12:09
ninonino turned Zombie; i need sleep12:10
intelikey!info gaim12:10
ubotugaim: multi-protocol instant messaging client. In component main, is optional. Version 1:2.0.0+beta3.1-1ubuntu9 (edgy), package size 1311 kB, installed size 3712 kB12:10
joblessintellikey: i used adept and installed gaim.. shud i install gaim-data too?!12:10
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intelikeyjobless prolly12:10
scheurijobless: if it is not a dependency it is not necessary...so...I dont know12:10
daurnscheuri: uh12:10
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daurnfor some reason12:11
daurni can't paste into irc anymore12:11
joblessintellikey scheuri .. ok12:11
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scheuridaurn: IRC is not for pasting...that is why12:11
ubotupastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (you can always find it in the channel topic, among other useful things)12:11
daurni mean the pastbin url12:11
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intelikeyscheuri most of the <name>-data  packages enhance and extend the base packages functionality12:11
adwaithi, could somebody plz do me a favour and check adwait.hopto.org12:11
scheurinever jump to conclusions...;)12:11
adwaitdoes the applet load?12:11
scheuriintelikey: thanks for info12:12
daurnarg, i hate typing: http://rafb.net/paste/results/edVRJQ44.html12:12
joblessintellikey scheuri: does installing a package install all the dependent packages too (automatically)?! - silly question?12:12
adwaitjobless: ye12:13
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intelikeyyes and yes jobless12:13
scheurijobless: yes it does...or should...and I never had troubles with it so far (12:13
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joblessintellikey, am i killing you with questions? :(12:13
adwaithmm nobody........i realise this is not the place, but still...am trying to get mysql to run on ubuntu so figured i'd try here.......12:14
joblessintellikey: :))12:14
scheurijobless: you MIGHT run into troubles if you are installing too many software using dpkg and its .deb-file without taking proper care of dependencies12:14
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scheurijobless: but you are not doing so...so...there is no problem...:)12:14
joblessscheuri: wat care shud i take?12:14
scheurijobless: never mind...:)...as long as you are using adept, synaptic or aptitude on CLI12:15
adwaitjobless: not use the force option...for dpkg12:15
intelikeyjobless the basic reason for apt is to extend dpkg( = the debian package manager) so that it can/will automatically fetch and install the dependancies.  adept is basically a gui frontend for apt12:15
scheuriI could not have said it better...;)12:16
joblessscheuri adwait intellikey .. thanks for the suggestions12:16
scheurijobless: there are many other IM-clients out there...licq, amsn and stuff...12:17
intelikey!info amsn12:17
ubotuamsn: An MSN messenger written in tcl. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.95-2.1 (edgy), package size 2261 kB, installed size 7752 kB12:17
intelikey!info licq12:18
ubotulicq: ICQ client (base files). In component universe, is optional. Version 1.3.2-6 (edgy), package size 614 kB, installed size 1908 kB12:18
scheuriafaik amsn comes with cam-support (if your cam works that is)12:18
ubotuInstant Messenger Clients: Gaim (GNOME, http://help.ubuntu.com/community/GaimHowto), Kopete (KDE), both supporting MSN, Jabber, AIM, Gadu-Gadu, Novell Groupwise, ICQ and IRC.12:18
ubotukopete: instant messenger for KDE. In component main, is optional. Version 4:3.5.5+kopete0.12.3-0ubuntu1 (edgy), package size 6825 kB, installed size 18932 kB12:18
joblessscheuri intellikey thanks for the info ..12:19
scheuriI love that bot12:20
scheuriwell...in a common sense...that is12:20
joblessscheuri intellikey cant i install the deb package given in yahoo website? the problem is i have different profiles for different friends and i am not able to use them in gaim12:20
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ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about yahoo - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi12:21
scheurijobless: are we talking ICQ or MSN only?12:21
joblessscheuri i am talking abt yahoo12:21
scheurijobless: or do you need more than one of these protocols at once?12:21
scheurijobless: yes of course you may download the .deb and install it...12:21
intelikeyjobless you can.  BUT every time you go outside the "supported" repositories you invite dependancy/upgrade issues.12:22
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ubotuThe packages in Kubuntu are divided into various sections. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Repositories/Kubuntu12:22
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about dist-stats - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi12:22
joblessscheuri: yahoo allows different profiles from the same main id .. i am unable to use them in gaim .. so i think i shud try yahoos .deb file12:22
scheurijobless: if yahoo makes a good job the .deb will check for all necessary dependencies...and you may settle those troubles...12:23
joblessintellikey: yahoo allows different profiles from the same main id .. i am unable to use them in gaim .. so i think i shud try yahoos .deb file12:23
scheurijobless: dl it, open the CLI, install it...and see what happens...:)12:23
joblessinellikey scheuri  can i backup the system !! like a restore point in windows? so that if there is a problem i can roll it back?12:23
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ubotuThe linux terminal or command-line interface is very powerful. Open a terminal via Applications -> Accessories -> Terminal (Gnome) or K-menu -> System -> Konsole (KDE).  Manuals: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BasicCommands12:24
intelikeylike i said.   no "reason" not too,  but know what chain of events it "might" start.12:24
daurnscheuri: what do i do?12:24
scheuridaurn: so, how many partition?12:24
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scheuridaurn: did you use fdisk?12:25
Ingmarwhich nvidia driver do i need to get aiglx + beryl working in edgy ?12:25
daurn"arg, i hate typing: http://rafb.net/paste/results/edVRJQ44.html"12:25
scheuridaurn: while in fdisk of hda press "p" for "printing partition table"...and...please use my name in your sentences so the text is highlighted to me...can not miss it that easily12:26
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intelikeyscheuri case in point.   good argument for cfdisk.12:26
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scheuriintelikey: well, I just tried it...could not open my disk for some reason....oh wait12:26
ubotusudo is a command to run programs with superuser privileges ("root"). Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo for all information.12:27
scheuriintelikey: I am just stupid12:27
daurnscheuri: http://rafb.net/paste/results/y61jia69.html12:27
scheuriintelikey: forgot the sudo....will never ever get used to that...12:27
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scheuridaurn: that looks not that good...there is NO partition mentioned12:27
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scheuridaurn: try "sudo cfdisk /dev/sda"12:28
daurnscheuri: i already said i think the partition table is gone12:28
freewilli just installed edgy how do i get the 3d-desktop thingy for it?12:28
scheuridaurn: ah, okay...arrrr....sorry...did not get that...google "repair partition table linux"?12:28
intelikeydaurn what is that ?   an scsi disk   external usb disk  or   usb flash stick ???12:28
scheuriintelikey: internal sata hdd12:29
intelikeyhosed partition table ?12:29
scheurilooks like12:29
daurnscheuri: i just want to do a raw read of the disk12:29
daurnforget partitions12:29
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intelikeycat /dev/sda12:29
intelikeyhow raw do you want ?12:30
daurni want to mount it12:30
daurnfogetting the partition table12:30
daurnits ntfs12:30
scheuriouch and ouch12:30
intelikeyhave to identify an fs to mount it.12:30
intelikeyagain testdisk12:30
scheuriI dont think you may "forget partitions" when mounting12:30
ubotutestdisk: Partition scanner and disk recovery tool. In component universe, is optional. Version 6.4.1-1 (edgy), package size 459 kB, installed size 1232 kB12:30
daurnsectors 63-39071686212:30
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joblessintellikey: is there a way i can create a restore point kinda thing in kubuntu?12:31
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kiddddddddddddddplease someone help me with xawtv :S i get error when i start it -> X Error of failed request:  XF86DGANoDirectVideoMode12:31
intelikeyjobless define "restore point kinda thing"12:31
scheuriintelikey: shadow thingies in windows...you know...that allows you to jump back in time to save your windows...:)12:32
psb154kid, are you using a webcam12:32
intelikeyscheuri is that what he wants ?12:32
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scheuriintelikey: if I am correct...yes12:33
joblessinellikey: we have restore point in windows when we want to bring back the system into the earlier state! so before i install a program, i can create a restore point and if there is a problem i can get back the previous setting ..!12:33
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psb154kid, you could try: xawtv -nodga -noxv12:33
nickayhi to all12:34
joblessintellikey scheuri yes thats it!12:34
scheurihi nickay12:34
intelikeyjobless make tarballs  and/or use scp to make remote backups12:34
ninomy firefox crashes when i try to save a bookmark or extention :( Anyone know why??12:34
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joblessintellikey tarballs of which folders?12:34
scheurijobless: in other words...we are not awayre of such a thing...backing up your /home /etc should be fine12:34
intelikeyjobless you can also search the package database,  there are other backup tools.12:34
scheurijobless: in other words...we are not awayre of such a thing...backing up your /home and /etc should be fine12:34
kiddddddddddddddpsb154 does not work :S  but i get many out puts about no such file or diroctroy12:35
kiddddddddddddddyou want me to paste on website?12:35
kiddddddddddddddpsb154 i can do that12:35
intelikeyjobless probably ~/.kde   seeing that it is the default desktop for kubuntu  :)12:35
psb154kid, ok12:35
nickayI have a ubuntu box without any desktop enviroment. There is any way to control remote the box? Can i do it with VCN ? Thanks12:35
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khirrusr/lib/libkhtml.so.4: undefined symbol: _ZN9KLineEdit13focusOutEventEP11QFocusEvent12:35
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scheurijobless: but if you want to do that because of that yahoo.thing install...I do not think its necessary12:35
joblessintellikey hmm ..12:36
ninonickay: ssh12:36
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ubotussh is the Secure SHell protocol (see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SSHHowto). Putty is a nice SSH client for Windows, which can be found at http://www.chiark.greenend.org.uk/~sgtatham/putty/12:36
ninonickay: no desktop enviroment no vnc!!12:36
intelikeyjobless tar is vary flexable.   "man tar "   you can backup incrementally as well as selecting multiple paths and paths to omit.12:36
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joblessyeahh its in part because of yahoo install scheuri but also in the future if i want to mess up with the os!! :)12:36
scheurijobless: sure enough...:)12:36
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nickaynino: You mean via tellnet?12:37
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intelikeyjobless ah system backups.  again tar is good but  dd might be even better for a full partition snapshot.12:37
MidMarkanyone has problem mounting dvd with one session and not closed the entire dvd?12:38
joblessintellikey shud i backup ~/.kde? or /home and /etc?12:38
the-KIDpsb154 here you go http://pastebin.com/81963212:38
Bubba_Gumpwhich better? koffice, or openoffice?12:38
Steven_Mbye all12:39
ninonickay: no its call secure shell its another protocol (like telnet) but you have to enable it on that box12:39
Bubba_Gumpcya steve12:39
psb154the-KID, looking12:39
nickaynino: Thanks for your help. I will check it12:39
khirrsomeone have a good repository list?12:39
ninonickay: read this  https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SSHHowto12:39
gnomefreakkhirr: for what?12:40
khirrkmess, opera, jre, something as them12:40
khirrsoomething necesary12:40
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khirrmaybe a source list..12:40
gnomefreak!easysource | khirr12:41
ubotukhirr: source-o-matic is a webpage where you can (re)generate your sources.list - http://www.ubuntu-nl.org/source-o-matic12:41
intelikeyjobless depends on how extensive you want the restore to be and the amount of free disk space to play with.   per example; if one has sufficent space to store his full root partition on a storage partition  dd if=/dev/hda1 of=/media/storage/backup-of-rootfs.img     would backup the entire partition hda112:41
khirrmy conqueror doesnt wanna load12:41
daurnscheuri, intelikey: what do i do?12:41
khirrusr/lib/libkhtml.so.4: undefined symbol: _ZN9KLineEdit13focusOutEventEP11QFocusEvent12:41
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Bubba_Gumpkhirr: copy and paste the addy :)12:41
intelikeydaurn testdisk12:41
khirri've done..but show this error12:42
khirrusr/lib/libkhtml.so.4: undefined symbol: _ZN9KLineEdit13focusOutEventEP11QFocusEvent12:42
daurni don't care bout the partitions...12:42
ninojobless: you are going to have nightmares about Linux !! :)12:42
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daurni just want to mount a filesystem within a certain sector range12:42
intelikeydaurn what do you care about ?12:42
daurni just want to get the data off12:42
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intelikeyso use testdisk then mount the partition.12:43
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Bubba_Gumpkhirr: are you breezy, dapper or edgy?12:43
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Bubba_Gumpwhat architecture?12:43
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khirr32 bits...12:43
eilker!web server12:43
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about web server - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi12:43
intelikeyif you know the sector range exactly! then dd it to a file and mount it as a loopback device duarn12:43
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daurni do12:44
daurnwhats dd?12:44
joblessnino am i going to?? really?!!12:44
khirri've reemplaced my source list...installed kmess and other soft...and now..there is this error12:44
intelikeybut i don't think you will hit it that closely....12:44
intelikeyman dd12:44
MidMarkBubba_Gump: koffice is a lot faster than openoffice in kubuntu, but I continue to prefer openoffice12:44
Bubba_Gumpkhirr: which country?12:44
Bubba_Gumpkhirr: i'm filling out the form :)12:45
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about dd - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi12:45
ninojobless: lol hey you dont have to learn everything today!! Looks like you are on a mission!!12:45
khirrwahat could i do...12:45
Bubba_Gumpkhirr: what would be the two letter code for Peru12:45
intelikeyduarn you ask me what you should do to save your data.  i told you  use testdisk and then mount the partition.  but you don't care for that advice so when you cant get it some other way don't blame me.12:45
khirrwell phone code?12:45
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eilkerhi to all, how can i use my kubuntu as a web server ? , lamp server is already installed, i have a simple web site, in www folder, how can my friends see this site, as http://myip/??12:46
joblessi dont know why i gave up using red hat previously!! maybe its becaue .. i did not have this kind of help ninio .. and i did not know where to ask for it ..! :)12:46
intelikeyand if you try testdisk and it wont rebuild the partition table   don't blame me for that either.12:46
ubotuKubuntu is Ubuntu with KDE, the K Desktop Environment, instead of Gnome. For more info see http://kubuntu.org  -  For support: #kubuntu  -  To install from Ubuntu: "sudo apt-get install kubuntu-desktop"12:46
ninojobless: its  cool man as long as you enjoy it :)12:47
Bubba_Gumpkhirr: UK = united kindom (where i'm from :))12:47
khirrPeru = PE12:47
joblessi dont have much else to do nino ..12:47
scheurieilker: do you have a router?12:47
eilkerscheuri: yes i have router12:48
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tachyonanyone here know how to do a bad block scan on your Hard Drive?12:48
khirri cant run ...adept...12:48
Bubba_Gumpkhirr: look in the pastebin in a few seconds12:48
khirri goona restart12:48
scheurieilker: you MAY try to get a dyndns-account, set it up, open up your router (port 80)....12:48
intelikeytachyon yes12:48
khirri gona restart12:48
abattoirkhirr: wait12:48
abattoirkhirr: you don't need to restart if adept doesn't load12:48
tachyonintelikey: is there some software i have already?12:48
intelikeytachyon yes   badblocks12:49
abattoirkhirr: what does adept say? database is locked?12:49
khirri cant load any web page12:49
eilkerscheuri: thanks let me try for it, from router settings12:49
Bubba_Gumpi remember now :D12:49
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abattoirkhirr: that pretty much has nothing to do w/ adept12:49
ninoanybody running firefox 2 and is it stable?12:49
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tachyonintelikey: where does it live?12:49
khirruhmm, but is adept doesnt load, and cant open conqueror, how can i try with other browser12:50
niels__Adept is saying I cannot install packages because another process is blocking the database. How can I fix that?12:50
intelikeytachyon you can  sudo mount -o remount,ro /   and anyother partition/fs... then   sudo badblocks /dev/hda (assuming hda of course)12:50
abattoirkhirr: what does konqueror say? unable to load the page?12:50
joblessi started using it today nino .. :)12:50
khirrdoesnt open12:50
abattoir!adept crash fix | niels__12:50
ubotuniels__: If adept crashed on you and your database is locked, try this in konsole: 'sudo fuser -vki /var/lib/dpkg/lock;sudo dpkg --configure -a'12:50
intelikeywhich badblocks12:50
khirrusr/lib/libkhtml.so.4: undefined symbol: _ZN9KLineEdit13focusOutEventEP11QFocusEvent12:50
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intelikey /sbin/badblocks12:50
ninojobless: no crashes yet?12:50
abattoirkhirr: hmm, ok restart :P12:51
niels__ubotu: Ok, I will. thanks.12:51
joblessnope .. nino12:51
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about Ok, I will. thanks. - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi12:51
tachyonintelikey: what's  remount,ro ?12:51
khirrok, i'll do it12:51
intelikeytachyon ro=read only12:51
abattoirniels__: ubotu is a bot, a computer program12:51
joblessnino .. and this is the first time i am using firefox ..!12:51
ubotufirefox is the default web-browser on Ubuntu. To install the latest version, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FirefoxNewVersion Installing plugins: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/FirefoxPlugins12:51
Bubba_Gumpfirefox is a good browser12:52
niels__abattoir: Arrghh... not again >/(12:52
intelikeytachyon if you actually suspect errors  prolly better to boot from a live cd and badblocks your hd12:52
ninojobless: lol thx!!!!!!!!12:52
intelikeytachyon always a good idea to   man badblocks(or any new command)  before using it.12:53
niels__abattoir: This is the second time in my life, I've thanked a bot.12:53
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abattoirniels__: it happens... now you know :)12:53
tachyonas usual the linux tools are overcomplicated12:53
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intelikey!botsnack | niels12:54
ubotuniels: Yum!12:54
joblessabattoir: how can i know which are the bots on this channel?12:54
abattoirjobless: afaik only ubotu12:54
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Hobbseeabattoir: and Ubugtu12:54
=== niels__ is a bot too
abattoirjobless: and ubuntulog, but that doesn't respond to suers12:54
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abattoirHobbsee: ubugtu is here?12:54
abattoirHobbsee: oh, didn't notice12:55
Hobbseeabattoir: yep12:55
Hobbseeaccording to my nick completion12:55
scheuriI am bot too, gimme snacks! NOW!12:55
abattoirHobbsee: i guess bug tracking is disabled though ;)12:55
tachyonmostly when i read man pages i understand LESS as I read12:55
abattoirmalone bug 112:55
khirrYou will not be able to change your system settings in any way (install, remove or upgrade software), because another process is using the packaging system database (probably some other Adept application or apt-get or aptitude). Please close the other application before using this one.12:55
joblessscheuri !scheurisnack !!12:55
intelikey!botsnack | scheuri12:55
ubotuscheuri: Yum!12:55
khirrall is ok now :D12:55
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khirryeah :D12:55
joblessintellikey .. that was better .. a pipe ..:))12:56
Hobbseedebian bug 322112:56
khirrwhere can i download JRE?12:56
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about jre - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi12:56
ubotuTo install a Java compiler/interpreter on Ubuntu, look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Java  -  For the Sun Java runtime install sun-java5-jre from the !Multiverse repository12:56
Hobbseedebian 6588912:57
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intelikeyabattoir ever seen anyone mv /usr/*  /    del /usr and make a symlink usr to /12:58
khirrcant joind...12:58
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abattoirintelikey: no12:58
intelikeyabattoir what all will it hose ?12:58
abattoirintelikey: i don't know, haven't tried it yet :P12:58
intelikeyprolly lots on update and/or removeal of  blah ?12:58
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abattoirintelikey: wanna see what it does and get back to me? ;)12:59
intelikeylol  ok12:59
abattoir@time UTC12:59
UbugtuCurrent time in Etc/UTC: November 08 2006, 11:59:2312:59
alexiconhey all12:59
alexiconwhats this error mean?>12:59
alexiconinstall -m 755 bubblemon /usr/local/bin12:59
alexiconinstall: cannot stat `bubblemon': No such file or directory12:59
abattoirHobbsee: i guess that's all it does here :(12:59
khirrhttps://help.ubuntu.com/community/Java --> cant load12:59
Hobbseeabattoir: it used to do more, i believe12:59
scheurihelp.ubuntu.com is down01:00
honestis there an issue with gedit in 6.10?01:00
abattoirkhirr: here too01:00
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joblessabattoir is there a way in which i can power off the bluetooth on my laptop?01:00
abattoirhonest: not sure, try asking at #ubuntu01:00
abattoirjobless: you mean the hardware?01:00
honestabattoir: but i'm running kubuntu01:00
intelikeyalexicon i'd say your symlike is dangeling01:00
joblessyes the bluetooth hardware01:00
joblessthe light keeps on blinking abattoir01:00
alexiconsymlink to what though01:01
abattoirhonest: then try kate01:01
Hobbseejobless: usually in the bios01:01
alexiconin the makefile?01:01
honestit's a command though01:01
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intelikeyalexicon without the postinst/rm script i'd have no clue.01:01
joblessno .. windows had the option like poweroff under bluetooth program!01:01
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abattoirjobless: one sec01:01
abattoirhonest: yes, ubuntu guides refer to gedit, kate is the kubuntu equivalent01:02
honestabattoir: ahh ok01:02
intelikeyalexicon the scripts are in /var/lib/dpkg/info/   don't edit unless you know what you are doing.  that's part of dpkg's stuff you can break dpkg right there if you play around.01:02
khirrwhere can i download jre?01:03
alexiconim just installing a small applet from source01:03
intelikeyalexicon ah source01:03
abattoirkhirr: there is a version availabe in the repos, or you could get it from sun's website01:03
abattoirkhirr: try getting a cache of that link01:03
intelikeythen the makefile should tell you01:03
scheurikhirr: there is jre right there...:)01:03
intelikeyalexicon or maybe even the configure01:03
alexicon    install $(INSTALL) bubblemon $(PREFIX)/bin01:04
scheurikhirr: either using adept or synaptic or the CLI using the command "sudo aptitude install sun-java5-jre"01:04
alexiconthats the line i guess, $(INSTALL) is just -m 75501:04
alexiconprefix is /usr/local01:04
khirri'll try01:04
intelikeyalexicon prefix could be wrong  try usr/01:05
abattoirjobless: you don't have a hardware switch for turning it off?01:05
ubotusamba is the way to cooperate with Windows environments. Links with more info: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MountWindowsSharesPermanently http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/serverguide/C/windows-networking.html Samba can be administered via the web with SWAT01:05
khirrdpkg was interrupted, you must manually run 'dpkg --configure -a' to correct the problem.01:05
joblessno abattoir01:05
scheurikhirr: do you have anything open such as adept or so?01:05
ubotusamba is the way to cooperate with Windows environments. Links with more info: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MountWindowsSharesPermanently http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/serverguide/C/windows-networking.html Samba can be administered via the web with SWAT01:05
alexiconnah if i change the prefix its the same error01:05
khirropen, but not installing01:06
alexiconinstall: cannot stat `bubblemon': No such file or directory01:06
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scheurikhirr: and you just tried to install jre with that open adept?01:06
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khirropen...but no installing nothing01:06
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scheurikhirr: close it01:06
doboi have managed it to install kubuntu dapper and now i need to call a programme that updates my /etc/modutils.d/* firectory01:07
scheurikhirr: open a terminal01:07
alexiconeven if i touch /usr/local/bin/bubblemon it still fails01:07
ubotuThe linux terminal or command-line interface is very powerful. Open a terminal via Applications -> Accessories -> Terminal (Gnome) or K-menu -> System -> Konsole (KDE).  Manuals: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BasicCommands01:07
intelikeyalexicon hehhe i think i see....    apt-cache search bubblemon >>> bubblemon - Bubbling Load Monitoring GNOME Applet01:07
scheurikhirr: type "sudo aptitude update"01:07
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alexiconyeah but i dont want the gnome one01:07
alexiconi am in kubuntu eh ;)01:07
intelikeytry installing that maybe.01:07
alexiconjust want the old one that i had in fvwm...01:07
dobohow can i update modules in dapper ?01:07
alexiconnone of those gtk bindings for a docapp...01:07
abattoirjobless: try 'sudo hciconfig hci0 down'01:07
niels__!adept crash | niels01:07
alexiconi got that installed intelikey01:07
khirris working...01:07
ubotuadept: package management suite for KDE. In component main, is optional. Version 2.1.1ubuntu3 (edgy), package size 11 kB, installed size 40 kB01:07
niels__!adept crash | niels__01:08
abattoir!adept crash fix | niels__01:08
ubotuniels__: If adept crashed on you and your database is locked, try this in konsole: 'sudo fuser -vki /var/lib/dpkg/lock;sudo dpkg --configure -a'01:08
alexiconbut theres no bubblemon package01:08
alexiconits some gnome-app01:08
alexiconthat i think i can only get at if i have a gnome panel running01:08
joblessok abattoir01:08
abattoirjobless: works?01:08
jacazna moze ktos jakis polski server dla uzytkownikow ubuntu01:09
khirrhow can i change my root pass since konsole01:09
ninojobless: here is some good info http://www.psychocats.net/ubuntu/index.php01:09
joblessabattoir: it does ..01:09
joblessnow do i type up instead of down to get it back? abattoir?01:09
khirrhow can i change my root pass since konsole01:10
Jazonanytime i call an X app from console, i get this error... X Error: BadDevice, invalid or uninitialized input device 166 <=== anyone knowhow to get rid of it?  (the apps all work perfectly fine, its just this comes up everytime!!01:10
abattoirjobless: yes :)01:10
jacaczy ktos tu w ogole gada po polsku01:10
joblessabattoir: works like a charm ..! :)01:10
abattoirkhirr: root password or your password?01:10
alexiconintelikey: look at the packge info for bubblemon... theres no bin???01:10
abattoirjobless: nice :)01:10
alexicononly installed docs01:10
abattoirkhirr: did you create a root account(enable it, actually) ?01:10
jacai am must going now01:10
khirri have this acount....but i wanna change my root pass01:10
khirri dont remeber the command01:11
ubotusudo is a command to run programs with superuser privileges ("root"). Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo for all information.01:11
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abattoirkhirr: ubuntu comes w/ root disabled... so did you enable it?01:11
khirrsince konsole?01:11
scheurimake proper sentences please01:11
abattoirkhirr: you mean the password you enter when you type sudo command?01:11
intelikeyalexicon ksysguard wont do what you want, i don't susspose.01:11
dobokhirr sudo su - and do what you wanna do01:11
khirrdoesnt reconice my pass01:12
khirrwhen i change it..it reconice01:12
abattoirkhirr: that is *your* password01:12
khirri remember01:12
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khirri know, but i'd like change it01:12
alexiconintelikey: bubblemon is just something i miss from my old system, theres alternatives but nothin like my little floating ducky :P01:12
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abattoirkhirr: try 'passwd'01:12
dobokhirr: sudo su - < enter pwd> and then at the root prompt # passwd01:12
khirrbut, how can i change ir01:13
intelikeyalexicon you left me clue/speachless  </shrugs>01:13
dobowith passwd khirr01:13
dobopasswd is a command01:13
abattoirkhirr: enter 'passwd' in konsole, that command changes your password01:13
scheurikhirr: if you type "passwd" you will be asked for a new one01:13
alexiconheh sorry bout t[Bheh01:13
intelikey<jobless> jobless   :)01:14
khirrruned :D01:14
dobohey folks i need to update modutils.d/ directory01:14
dobohow can i do that01:14
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scheurikhirr: have you typed "sudo aptitude update"?01:14
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scheurikhirr: did end without error?01:14
doboand how can i enable the bash-completion for the user ?01:15
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scheurikhirr: now try "sudo aptitude install sun-java5-jre"01:15
khirrcant load01:16
intelikeydobo echo '. /etc/bash_completion ' >> ~/.bashrc01:16
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scheurikhirr: okay...try "aptitude search sun-java5-jre"01:16
joblessgoodnite all!01:17
scheurijobless: same to you01:17
khirrpi  sun-java5-jre                       - Sun Java(TM) Runtime Environment (JRE) 5.001:17
intelikeylessjob c++ you.01:17
ninojobless: cheers01:17
scheurikhirr: is it a p or an i at the beginning?01:17
khirri didnt understand01:17
scheurikhirr: is it a p or an i at the beginning of the line you just copied and pasted into IRC01:18
Jazonguys, what changed in edgy to make my acpi go nuts?01:18
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intelikeydobo you can edit /etc/bash.bashrc for a system wide enablement of bashrc01:18
intelikeyooops bash_completion01:19
scheuriclever to have a nick called edgy...every second line is highlighted...;)01:19
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intelikeydobo same basic idea.01:19
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scheurikhirr: uhm??01:19
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khirri'm here01:21
khirrjre :(01:21
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ubotuTo install a Java compiler/interpreter on Ubuntu, look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Java  -  For the Sun Java runtime install sun-java5-jre from the !Multiverse repository01:22
ubotuThe packages in Kubuntu are divided into various sections. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Repositories/Kubuntu01:22
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ubotuThe packages in Kubuntu are divided into various sections. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Repositories/Kubuntu01:23
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ubotuThe packages in Kubuntu are divided into various sections. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Repositories/Kubuntu01:24
ubotuThe packages in Kubuntu are divided into various sections. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Repositories/Kubuntu01:25
scheuripoor bot01:25
intelikeydon't you just love symlinks.....01:25
ubotuYou can browse and search for Ubuntu packages using !Synaptic, !Adept, "apt-cache search <keywords>", the "apt:/" URL in KDE, or online at http://packages.ubuntu.com  -  Ubuntu has about 20000 packages available, so please *search* for an official package before installing things in awkward ways!01:25
scheuriawkward ways? like compiling....yikes...;)01:26
intelikeyacrobat installer ?01:26
intelikeyinstall.exe ?01:26
scheuriis available...acroread...:)01:26
intelikeyerr scuse me    wine install.exe01:27
scheuriI am actually suprised how often that works01:27
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khirri dont have the web repository list01:27
intelikeytar x file.tgz ;cd file ;./configure ;make ;make install01:27
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scheuriintelikey: see...that is very very awkward...;)01:28
intelikeykhirr sure you do.   /etc/apt/sources.list01:28
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intelikeyscheuri kinda like   alian file.rpm01:28
khirri've done01:28
doboits the damn useradd tool defaulting to /bin/sh01:28
khirri dont have them01:28
scheurioh, that is worse...how dare you mention it01:28
doboneed to restart x01:28
intelikeykhirr edgy or dapper ?01:29
drayenHumm... i have a set of large extneral usb hard disks, which i've formatted to use ext2 - however i find they keep getting corrupted due to my slackness of unmounting propperly (laptop user) and was wondering if there was any way to force a e2fsck after every X conections?01:29
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dobojippi bash_completion works01:30
honestwould anyone be able to tell me what this means "FATAL: Error inserting ndiswrapper (/lib/modules/2.6.17-10-generic/kernel/drivers/net/ndiswrapper/ndiswrapper.ko): Invalid argument"01:30
khirrcan u tellme wieh is the repository to java?01:30
khirrto can write this on my dource list01:30
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intelikeydrayan wont setting the passnum =1 do that    see man mount   and man fstab     /etc/fstab >>> /dev/sda /mountpoint auto defaults 1 101:32
drayenKhirr - have you tried easyubuntu? helps you install things like java and codex01:32
drayenintelikey: humm... okay i will look at that01:33
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drayenkhirr: http://easyubuntu.freecontrib.org/01:33
intelikeydeb http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu dapper main restricted universe multiverse01:33
intelikeydat'l kubber hit.01:34
freewillwhat is that 3d-desktop thingy called that kororaa has?01:34
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ubuntuhow to change dispaly resolution?01:38
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cpk1kmenu > system settings > display01:38
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freewillsudo nvidia-glx-config enable _> Error: unable to load nvidia kernel driver! Be sure to have installed -> the nvidia driver for your running kernel. HOW DO I SOLVE TIHS?01:42
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khirrone of you have a good souercelist for dapper??01:42
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khirrif onw of you have nice sourcelist for dapper...this will be nice :D01:44
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franklynwell, i'm looking for an sources list providing w32codecs01:44
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Ash-FoxOh great... I accidently deleted a important folder01:45
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freewilluname  -i --> unknown01:45
khirryesterday one guy gave me one source list..but not for dapper :(01:45
franklyni think that doesn't matter in case of w32codecs01:46
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Ash-FoxAnybody know of a way to recover files from reiserfs?01:46
Ash-Foxdeleted files01:47
freewillanyone know how i can install my nvidia drivers?01:47
ubotuTo install the Ati/NVidia drivers for your video card, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto01:48
doboapt-get install nvidia-glx01:48
abattoir!nvidia | freewill01:48
ubotufreewill: To install the Ati/NVidia drivers for your video card, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto01:48
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freewilldobo, i have installed that but if i tipe "sudo nvidia-glx-config enable" it tells me "Error: unable to load nvidia kernel driver! Be sure to have installed the nvidia driver for your running kernel."01:50
freewillbtw i am using this howto "https://help.ubuntu.com/6.10/kubuntu/desktopguide/C/hardware.html"01:50
Ash-Foxhave you tried restarting?01:50
freewillno i'll ...01:51
Ash-FoxAssuming you have installed the nvidia drivers.01:51
freewillcya nou-nou...01:51
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vltHello. In ktorrent I want to limit the bandwith. For upload it works but download speed doesn't care about my settings. Is there a way to limit it without admin rights?01:56
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freewilli restarted but it still tells me the same thing..01:58
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daurnhi a;;02:05
daurnhi all02:05
daurni'm trying to samba02:05
=== daurn dances
daurn- how do i set it up?02:05
ubotusamba is the way to cooperate with Windows environments. Links with more info: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MountWindowsSharesPermanently http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/serverguide/C/windows-networking.html Samba can be administered via the web with SWAT02:05
wredewireless assistant does not work for me when connecting to an encryped network (so far the only one I have tried). After an attempt with Wireless Assistant, I can get into the network with ifup. How come?02:05
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intelikeywell i've desided to do an optical debug on this scripts.....02:07
intelikeyi'm going to stair at them until they are fixed.02:07
malix0Hi all02:08
malix0I've a problem with kopete02:08
intelikey!work | malix002:09
ubotumalix0: Doesn't work is a strong statement. Does it sit on the couch all day? Does it want more money? Is it on IRC all the time? Please be specific! Examples of what doesn't work tend to help too.02:09
ehirdwhere do i buy a tshirt saying "I STILL USE XMMS."?02:10
malix0when I send a message if is after my message there is no problem, but if I send a message after other it took a lot of time to get prompt02:10
malix0kopete look for about 10 seconds02:10
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intelikeyehird see the vendor on the corner of 57th and lamar02:10
ehirdintelikey: =P02:11
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rolandohow do i get rid of a package that adept says its broken?02:11
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rolandoi cant remove it02:11
intelikeyrolando sudo apt-get remove package  ?02:11
malix0So I strace the process and I find that if I send a message after mine 5/6 call to mmap2 are made, but when I send a messagga after someone the call to mmap2 become 1670002:11
rolandointelikey: this is what i get02:12
intelikeydpkg -P package --force-all   ???02:12
rolandoE: Sub-process /usr/bin/dpkg returned an error code (1)02:12
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rolandoi dont understand that dpkg force all02:13
intelikeyman dpkg02:13
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intelikeyuse the force luke.....02:14
rolandobut i thought dpkg was to install packages i have in my drive02:14
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intelikeyrolando dpkg == debian package manager    it is the package manager.  apt/adept/* use dpkg02:15
intelikeydselect is one tool of dpkg   you might want to look into it also02:16
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rolandointelikey: so i have to do this via comand line02:16
ubotuTo install Skype on Ubuntu, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Skype  -  To record on Skype, check: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/SkypeRecordingHowto02:16
intelikeyrolando if dpkg is hosed  yeah i doubt you fix it from a gui.02:17
intelikeyhowever... one could i guess  if he wasn't afraid to play around in /var/lib/dpkg/info/   in knoqueror......    hehhe.02:18
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intelikeywarning all crash test dummies.    playing in /var/lib/dpkg/info/  is not advised with child safty restraints.....02:19
rolandoi just wanna remove it02:19
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intelikeyhosed that didn't i...02:19
rolandocuz it wants to install compiz-core :S02:19
intelikeyso remove... blast that puppy out of existance.... nuke it till it glows and shoot it at night.....02:20
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intelikeykill -9 -1    kill kill kill!02:21
cox377is it possiuble to install stuff whilst on live cd?02:21
intelikeycox377 sure is.02:21
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cox377intelikey: what about sudo?02:21
intelikeycox377 what about it ?02:22
intelikeycox377   sudo echo "does it work"02:22
cox377interlikey: well u dont have a sudo pass on live cd do yah?02:23
intelikeyif it says "does it work"  then it works....02:23
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intelikeycox377 no you don't have a passwd    so ?02:24
intelikeywho needs a stinking password.  you're root jr.02:25
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intelikeyi don't need no stinking password,   i'm from east L A02:26
intelikeyoh sorry.... green card.02:27
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GnarusLeoHi! Does anyone know why my fonts look like crap in amsn? Where can I get normal fonts? or how?02:34
=== daurn hates linux
daurni can't get samba or any ftp server to work02:34
=== GnarusLeo loves his linux :)
Lynouredaurn: I recommend moving away from it if you really hate it...02:35
daurni'm trying02:35
daurn... now02:35
daurni'm trying to get my files off02:35
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LynoureBut if you instead tell what's the problem with samba and or ftp, people can try to help you.02:36
intelikeythat kinda pisses me off......    i asked one simple question in #bash and all i got was this big I little u complex over flowing with screw you's.....02:36
LynoureWithout any details my guess is limited to "check that your firewall or router is not blocking the traffic"02:37
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intelikeyiv i ever act like that some body remind me what it's like.......02:37
GnarusLeoHi! Does anyone know why my fonts look like crap in amsn? Where can I get normal fonts? or how? Its programmed in TK/TCL (I think thats whats wrong)02:38
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daurnLynoure: router/firewall blocking something within my lan?02:39
BluesKajHowdy All ! :)02:39
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daurni'm trying to set up samba02:40
daurnbut.... when i goto it in linux OR windows02:40
daurnits empty02:40
Lynouredaurn: Not impossible, depends on your setup and some also have fw on the server02:40
intelikeyanyone in here able to answer my bash question?      "what is the better way to find out if a script is called in a bash shell or other environment?   maybe $PPID ???"02:40
daurnhere is my smb.conf:02:41
daurnplease try to make betterer02:41
daurnaka, woreking02:41
intelikeydaurn i hope someone in here can fix it for you.  (i can't)   but if not you might ask in  ##linux   sometimes you can get some really good networking help in there,   other times you just get abuse....02:43
Lynouredaurn: So, what directory are you putting your files into to share them?02:43
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daurnintelikey: just get abuse or no one paying attention02:43
daurnLynoure: i would like to share root, but, predomiently, /media/sda102:43
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Lynouredaurn: does not look like there are any share directories defined, I do not think storage does that02:43
Lynouredaurn: (but I could be wrong)02:44
daurnheh i used the kubuntu gui for that part02:44
dude_hi guys02:44
dude_jucato !02:44
abattoirhello dude_02:45
dude_abattoir: can you suggest a satellite tracking app?02:46
abattoirdude_: a satellite tracking app?? what sort of satellites?02:46
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=== abattoir hopes it's a simple moon phase prog.
dude_abattoir: satellite images, aside from google earth02:47
abattoirdude_: there are a lot of online solutions... not aware of anything stable other than google earth for linux02:48
dude_abattoir: ok tnx02:48
daurnconfugring anything in linux actually makes me want to kill my self02:48
BluesKajgoogle earth is prolly the best02:49
dude_daurn: i've been there02:49
dude_: )02:49
intelikeydaurn oh don't do that.   don't take it that seriously.  we rather have you on M$ than dead....02:49
dude_daurn: inot only likk myself but chop my body into pieces02:49
Lam_linux is fun to configure! :)02:50
dude_daurn: not only kill myself but chop my body into pieces02:50
daurnjust help me getting my damn data off02:50
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daurnso i can shred my linux goodbye02:50
dude_daurn: actually, im still there, just take it easy02:50
intelikeydaurn what about another approach.   ssh  and scp ?02:50
Lynouredaurn: try adding   browsable = yes   to Storage02:51
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freewillhow do i enable xgl in kubuntu?02:51
ketsugifreewill: #ubuntu-xgl02:51
abattoir!xgl | freewill02:51
ubotufreewill: Compiz (compositing window manager) and XGL (X server architecture layered on top of OpenGL)  -  Howto at http://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompositeManager  -  Help in #ubuntu-xgl  -  See http://tinyurl.com/pw5ez for Kubuntu systems02:51
intelikeyor i'll stay out of the way and let Lynoure help you.02:51
dude_daurn: there are lots of people who are willing to help02:51
Lynoureintelikey: not a good idea, I need to go soon again02:52
daurnis this a problem?02:52
freewillketsugi, thx02:52
daurndaurnimator@desktop:/media/sda1$ /usr/bin/smbclient -L
intelikeyLynoure better than me trying to help with smba02:52
Lynoureintelikey: I should learn not to try to help people when I'm in a hurry02:52
daurnError connecting to (Connection refused)02:52
daurnConnection to failed02:52
daurndude_: just they get distracted every 10seconds, and i have to find someone new02:52
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BluesKajAnyone here using Streamtuner ?02:53
intelikeyLynoure i'm firstly network illiterate and secondly M$ blind.02:53
Lynoureintelikey: I just get rash from MS :)02:53
intelikeythirdly samba dislexic.02:53
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ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about Streamtuner - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi02:53
daurnas  i was saying....02:53
Lynouredaurn: is that a new occarance? Empty usually means something else than not being able to connect to oneself02:54
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daurnLynoure: can i just give you ssh access & you do it for me?02:54
Lynoureoh well, I better go02:54
dude_by Lynoure, take care dude02:55
Lynouredaurn: I hugely recommend giving ssh access to people you do not know, really02:55
intelikeydaurn if you can ssh from one box to the other just scp the files over.02:55
intelikeysecure copy02:55
intelikeyworks over ssh connection02:55
Lynourescp is good stuff :)02:56
daurnssh won't work02:56
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intelikeysee key word beginning former statement.   "IF"02:56
daurnjust help me get my damn data off02:57
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daurntelnet into me if you want02:58
daurni just need it done02:58
intelikeypull the hd and plug it in the other box      mount it and    move it.02:58
daurni'm despeate02:58
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wezlohey, anyone know where the "safely remove" option went for removable disks?02:58
daurnintelikey: in a raid array only working in this box02:58
daurnwezlo: right click it on desktop -> eject02:58
intelikeyraid.... e gads.02:58
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wezlodaurn: I did - not one of the options02:59
daurnjust help me ffs02:59
intelikeyok sorry daurn just type /ignore intelikey all     please.02:59
dobomplayer is the de facto standard player for linux based systems.02:59
doboand i need to install it by hand03:00
daurndobo: i'm happy for you03:00
wezlodaurn, but it is an option in the media browser - that's just weird (I just checked)03:00
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intelikeydobo i thought vlc was.... or sox :)03:00
doboits a nice distribution, but it doesnt fit my needs. looks fine, works strange.03:00
=== daurn takes an axe to his computer
fumbalahI have a Inspiron 6000 that is working wondefully, except when I try and enable the wireless card, it just stays disabled03:01
intelikeyuse the 8 lbs'er03:01
wezlodoes anyone else get the impression that edgy was rushed?03:01
daurnfumbalah: ndiswrapper?03:01
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fumbalahah, good call03:01
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freewilli don't understand what these people say with "nvidia 9xxxx" http://swik.net/aiglx03:02
intelikeywezlo nah ......03:02
instructorMan (k)ubuntu is really getting under my skin03:02
wezlointelikey - it's just that I've had a LOT of problems - and I did a clean install03:02
intelikeyfreewill the prorpitary driver version number 9****03:02
ubuntuinstructor: why?03:03
instructorWell it kant make up it's mind03:03
intelikeywezlo eeek   i been hearing "lot of problems from upgraded" but not "lot of problems from clean install"....03:03
freewillintelikley: ok, i thought i was for the range of cards u know like 7900....03:03
instructorEverytime I reboot the machine I need to crawl behind my computer to reconnect the network03:04
BluesKajwell instructor, it eventuall works with right "instructions":)  not like some other distros i can name03:04
intelikeyfreewill yes   the xxx  or  *** means any three digits03:04
instructorand so far it seems that every other day konqueror swaps the shortcut keys from ^{ to ^PgUp03:04
instructorwait ^[03:04
wezlointelikey - well it's a bunch of little things like my touchpad not being configured, wireless being buggy, and now removing removable drives from teh desktop03:05
instructorBluesKaj: how do I get it to stop swapping back and forth between network cards?03:05
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wezloI had to recompile kino, my wireless card drivers, and edit xorg.conf by hand03:06
Crissiin which package is kuickshow included? i could not find it. normally its part of kdebase03:06
intelikeymmm wezlo those things....  none of which i would have noticed being a console user with no wifi or touchpad.03:06
wezloone thing I DO like is my sound notifications are synced with alert windows now03:06
SHRIKEEoy, why does when i use suspend mode on my laptop a screensave-ish thing show up :S03:07
wezlointelikey - yah, but it's a desktop distro so those things seem like big misses03:07
SHRIKEEi mena, when i resume the system. then after 10 minutes or so this thing comes up03:07
cpk1Crissi: you're not going to like this but rofl File kuickshow found in kdegraphics-doc-html03:07
BluesKajsorry instructor , i'm not sure ...i'm still trying get kubuntu to network with wife's windows pc03:07
wezloI think I'll run the beta's next cycle so I can submit bug reports03:07
instructorBluesKaj: What's the issue?03:08
cpk1unless maybe kuickshow is part of kdegraphics03:08
intelikeywezlo oh yeah, i don't disagree with you at all.  just that it's things i dont use.03:08
Jucatocpk1, Crissi: kuickshow has been unsuported since Dapper, because of its dependency on an older version of imlib, while the rest of the system uses imlib203:08
wezlointelikey - heh, I find that funny, why aren't your just using debian?03:08
Jucatounsupported = removed03:09
intelikeywezlo that's a good idea.  they need that kind of help    if you don't "burn out" on it.03:09
Crissiits part of kdegraphics!!!03:09
intelikeywezlo because i'm on dialup and the ubuntu cd was free   lol03:09
wezlointelikey - well my problem is that I've only got one laptop to test on and if it gets borked I'm in big trough03:09
wezlointelikey - ROFL03:09
intelikeyduel boot03:09
CrissiJucato: its very sad to kick kuickshow03:10
BluesKajinstructor, kubuntu sees the network but not the shared files on the windows pc03:10
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instructorwhat does smb:/ return?03:10
intelikeywezlo stable on one part beta on another03:10
BluesKaji can print to the windows network printer np03:10
JucatoCrissi: the devs said that if someone is willing to package kuickshow (using the older imlib) and maintain it regularly, they'll be happy to put it back in. but right now, it's not a priority, specially with GwenView and Digikam now installed by default03:10
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intelikeyJucato you gonna take that challange ?03:12
Jucatointelikey: definitely not :)03:12
intelikeyjust thought i'd ask faceously03:12
Jucato1) I don't know how to, 2) I don't even know what kuickshow can do that gwenview/digikam with kipi-plugins can't, and 3) I don't need it :P03:13
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SHRIKEEwhy does there a screensaver appear after i use suspend and resume the system :S03:13
pichi_hello to all03:14
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jazzrockerhow do i take a screenshot?03:14
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v3ctorshrikee: because of the time difference between suspend time and unsuspend time03:14
CrissiJucato: debian package is already there03:14
dude_jucato: have you installed xgl or beryl ?03:14
abattoirjazzrocker: hit Print Screen on the keyboard03:14
Jucatodude_: no03:14
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Crissijust fetch it and modify debian dir03:14
SHRIKEEyes but when i resume it the screensaver appears after like 10 minutes03:15
abattoirjazzrocker: if that doesn't work, launch ksnapshot03:15
SHRIKEElike a regular one03:15
SHRIKEEi dont want it :(03:15
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dude_jucato: still no plan?03:15
JucatoCrissi: like I said, I won't be doing it. for the aforementioned reasons03:15
Jucatohi abattoir!03:15
Jucatodude_: haven't settled down a bit yet03:15
Crissino plausible03:15
abattoirhey Jucato, when did you come back? ;)03:15
v3ctorno clue ont that, i don't use suspend03:15
Jucatoabattoir: a few minutes ago...03:15
Crissithats not a reason03:15
JucatoI forgot to log out03:15
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JucatoCrissi: what is not a reason?03:15
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Crissiwhat you say about kuickshow03:16
dude_abattoir: what do you think? should i install beryl or xgl?03:16
Crissiits simply to package like other kde programs too03:16
constantine-xviis there any way to force konqueror to put the filemanager and browser instances in different windows?03:16
abattoirdude_: umm, they really are not substitutes03:16
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abattoirdude_: aiglx + beryl seems to be the most recommended way03:17
Jucatodude_: maybe you mean beryl or compiz? xgl or aiglx?03:17
abattoirdude_: edgy right?03:17
dude_abattoir: yes03:17
abattoirdude_: ok, then you have compositing on in X, all you need is to get beryl03:17
cpk1constantine-xvi: open 2 different instances and use one for filemanager and one for browser?03:17
Vegeta^Is it possible for the editor KATE to read serveral encodings at once?03:18
JucatoCrissi: I'm just saying what the devs had said. Kubuntu packages stuff in main differently from how Debian does it or some other distro for that matter03:18
dude_abattoir: "apt-get install beryl?"03:18
abattoirdude_: yes, but you'll have to enable 3rd party repos first03:18
abattoirdude_: wait03:18
constantine-xvicpk1: i have konqui set to load everything in the same window, so when i plug in a flash drive, it pops up in with my browser tabs, or vice versa03:19
constantine-xviif i tell it to not load everything in the same window, i get tons of windows03:19
CrissiJucato: the devs are sometimes stupid. still too many bugs in etchy... same as in dapper on release...03:19
cpk1constantine-xvi: if you get a tab in the wrong window you can drag it to the other one03:20
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JucatoCrissi: if that is your view, then either 1) take it up with those stupid devs or 2) package kuickshow for Kubuntu yourself, since apparently you are quite knowledgeable03:20
abattoirdude_: http://wiki.beryl-project.org/index.php/Install/Ubuntu/Edgy/AiGLX and http://www.beerorkid.com/compiz/03:20
abattoirdude_: i'm assuming you have a capable video card03:21
intelikeyJucato :)03:21
abattoir!beryl | dude_03:21
ubotudude_: beryl is a window manager that takes advantage of an OpenGL accelerated X environment. See http://forum.beryl-project.org/  -  Please see #ubuntu-xgl for help with beryl.03:21
intelikeydon't let it get to you....03:21
abattoirthose too, of course03:21
Crissii think i'll kick ubuntu..03:21
cpk1over kuickview?!?!03:21
Crissithere too many bugs and stupid things03:21
dude_ohh..links again...ok hehehhe, just kiding03:21
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=== intelikey kicks ubuntu
=== cpk1 puts on steel toed boots...
Jucatothere are more stupid users than there are bugs and stupid things03:22
=== cpk1 kicks ubuntu
abattoirJucato +1 ;)03:22
intelikeyno dought03:22
magical_trevskyin /etc/sudoers, it says it must be edited by visudo, but can I not just use 'sudo nano'?03:22
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abattoirmagical_trevsky: i think visudo is just enhance nano03:23
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magical_trevskyabattoir, ok, cool03:23
dude_abattoir: wish me luck hehehe03:23
cpk1programming is a race between programmers making more idiot-proof programs and the universe making stupider and stupider idiots03:23
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abattoirmagical_trevsky: sudo visudo is pretty much the same as sudo nano, i think03:23
cpk1the universe is winning03:23
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intelikeymagical_trevsky you can.   visudo would check the syntax of the file and if it's not sane offer to let you go back in and fix it....03:23
abattoirdude_: heh, good luck03:23
Jucatocpk1: that's why we need more MOTU (Masters of the Universe) :P03:23
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dude_abattoir: btw, where should i add those line dev?03:24
intelikeyi have edited  sudoers with  jed  nano  mcedit   you name it.03:24
dude_abattoir: at the buttom?03:24
abattoirdude_: line dev?03:24
dude_abattoir: deb http://ubuntu.beryl-project.org/ edgy main-edgy03:24
abattoirdude_: /etc/apt/sources.list03:25
abattoirdude_: doesn't the page say that?03:25
=== abattoir checks
Jucatoanyone knows which package will install the man pages for C/C++ functions? or if there is such a thing...03:25
intelikeymagical_trevsky may i sujest you set a root password until you get finished playing with sudoers.  makes things recoverable03:25
dude_abattoir: ya...at the of the list?03:25
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abattoirdude_: yeah, you can add it to the bottom of the list03:25
abattoir(if you mean that)03:25
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intelikeyone mis-char in sudoers and you are in for a reboot unless you can get in a root shell03:26
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intelikeyalso of note   make the symlink  " /usr/bin/editor  "   point to your favorite text based editor and visudo will open with that editor.03:29
dude_abattoir: getting public key error03:30
abattoirdude_: you can ignore that03:31
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abattoirdude_: or you could add the key for that repo03:31
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bordi@@seen dobo03:31
abattoir!seen dobo03:31
ubotuI last saw dobo (n=dobo@Q1d65.q.pppool.de) 26m 26s ago, quiting: Remote closed the connection03:31
abattoirbordi: ^^^03:31
intelikey! !03:31
bordiabattoir, yes thanks03:32
intelikeyhut oh... i hope that's not a recursive bomb i just dropped on the bot...03:32
dude_abattoir: but when i sudo apt-get update, it gives me this error ----> W: GPG error: http://3v1n0.tuxfamily.org edgy Release: The following signatures couldn't be verified because the public key is not available: NO_PUBKEY 2D6CFB44DD800CD903:32
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intelikey! ! ! !03:32
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abattoirdude_: you can safely ignore that03:33
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abattoirintelikey: i'm pretty sure the developers of supybot would've thought of that ;)03:33
abattoiror atleast would've come across it before03:33
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intelikeyone would hope so...03:33
Jucatoubotu: ping03:34
ubotuping: connection timeout03:34
dude_abattoir: i hope this will work hehehe03:34
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intelikeydude_ what  "<dude_> abattoir: getting public key error "   error are you getting ?03:34
JucatoGPG errors probably03:34
abattoirintelikey: <dude_> abattoir: but when i sudo apt-get update, it gives me this error ----> W: GPG error: http://3v1n0.tuxfamily.org edgy Release: The following signatures couldn't be verified because the public key is not available: NO_PUBKEY 2D6CFB44DD800CD903:34
scheurirehi all03:34
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dude_abattoir: irssi -c right?03:34
abattoirand w3m too ;)03:35
intelikeyabattoir i was "aimed" to point out that  W != E03:35
Jucatodude_: irssi -c irc.ubuntu.com03:35
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Jucatobut w3m isn't installed by default, right?03:35
v3ctori still like lynx03:35
abattoirintelikey: isn't W a warning?03:35
intelikeyabattoir yes indeed03:35
dude_abattoir: gettin ready to enter the world of crash again hehehehe03:36
intelikeyW = warning     E = error     w != e03:36
abattoirintelikey: to be fair, it does say GPG error ;)03:36
intelikeyyes but the prepended W means it's only a warning.03:36
abattoirok ok03:37
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dennisterg'day ppls03:37
Jucatoshall we get into a debate because of this? :P03:37
scheuri2hi dennister03:37
dennisterhi scheuri203:37
scheuriyay, that is fun03:37
dennisterlol...2 scheuris03:38
abattoirJucato: yay debates, fun :D03:38
=== Jucato doesn't want to debate with abattoir...
Jucatoabattoir: don't get me wrong. only because of a certain DH :P03:38
intelikeyE != W    W == the system saying "i noticed a security hole, you may want to check it out; and maybe fix it.  but this process is finishing without error"03:38
abattoirJucato: dh?03:38
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Jucatoabattoir: nvm :P03:39
Jucatojust teasing you03:39
abattoiryeah, that's fine, but what is DH03:39
abattoirdream host? :P03:39
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Jucatoabattoir: wow, you *are* smart :)03:39
Jucatoheheh anyway, brb :P03:40
abattoirJucato: yeah, i get that abnormality when i don't sleep often03:40
abattoiroh ... wait... nvm03:40
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Jucatoabattoir: getting enough sleep *is* the abnormality for you :)03:40
scheuriyou two are great...really....stop talking...all the people having questions are afraid of asking them because of you two...:)03:41
intelikeywhile   E == the system saying " something went south, and i'm not sure how to handle it.  please help me! "03:41
abattoirscheuri: ugh, that was the plan... how did you find out? :(03:41
scheuriabattoir: uhmm...wild guessing I guess...;)03:41
h3sp4wnThat above error message can happen if your clock is set incorrectly (and then it happens every time)03:41
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scheuriabattoir: was working in support once as well...;)03:41
dude_hehehe, twilight zone03:42
h3sp4wn(or at least did on debian mipsel - when I was last debugging it)03:42
=== abattoir says "Bring 'em on"
abattoirok, have to go bye :P03:42
intelikeylater ab.03:42
scheurilater abattoir03:42
abattoirintelikey: nah, was just kidding03:42
intelikeyno i wasn't.03:43
abattoirok, i'll stop w/ this offtopic chatter03:43
abattoirdude_: how is the install going?03:43
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dude_abattoir: hehehe, hang03:43
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instructoraseigo: Ha ha well done03:46
=== aseigo looks around.
instructoraseigo: http://forum.meebo.com/viewtopic.php?p=187&sid=b5200737e8f0d27e9cb93fcac85d2bc4#18703:46
aseigoinstructor: my name is seigo not sergio03:47
=== instructor looks back
instructorWhy so it is :-)03:48
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MetaMorfoziShey! i have  a problem about kde-guidance-powermanager... when i turns on the notebook, it boots up, i login03:51
MetaMorfoziSand after that, it said the lid is closed, and itlocks the screen03:51
MetaMorfoziSthat does this after all boots03:52
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MetaMorfoziSand its annoying, how can i solve it or where it's config file?03:52
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soulriderhi everyone03:52
voicuis there a config file for iptables that I cand edit directly?03:53
scheurihoi soulrider03:53
soulriderhi scheuri03:53
ubotuUbuntu, like any other linux distribution, has firewall capabilities built-in. The firewall is managed using the 'iptables' command (see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/IptablesHowTo), or GUI applications such as Firestarter (Gnome) or Guarddog (KDE).03:54
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Th3_Cr0up13Rhey guys how do i listen to the radio from kubuntu03:58
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scheurishould be?03:58
dude_abattoir: still alive03:59
dude_abattoir: hehehehe03:59
h3sp4wnTh3_Cr0up13R: just use amarok03:59
Th3_Cr0up13Ryou know something like the media player on windows has , does ubu have anything like that03:59
h3sp4wnTh3_Cr0up13R: Point it to a stream03:59
abattoirdude_: barely03:59
dude_abattoir: there's an error03:59
abattoirdude_: pastebin it if it's large03:59
dude_abattoir: xgl is not present03:59
h3sp4wnTh3_Cr0up13R: there is some in the default playlists03:59
dude_abattoir: xgl is not present04:00
dude_abattoir: whats that?04:00
abattoirdude_: aiglx should be on, if you're using edgy04:00
Th3_Cr0up13Rh3sp4wn:  thanx04:00
dude_abattoir: nvidia present, xgl not present <--- this is the error then it hangs04:01
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abattoirdude_: not sure, try asking in #ubuntu-xgl04:02
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dude_abattoir: but when i run the beryl configuration, its working04:02
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Th3_Cr0up13Rh3sp4wn:  something weird that happens to my dvd-recorder04:02
h3sp4wnTh3_Cr0up13R: Don't know much about cd / dvd writing04:03
Th3_Cr0up13Rit recognises my data dvds but when i put a movie dvd it doesnt even mount the drive04:03
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ehirdis there a way to make ls output something like this, one line per directory:04:04
ubotuFor playing DVD, see http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/video.html  -  libdvdcss can be found at http://wiki.ubuntu.com/SeveasPackages04:04
ehirdfile in dir 1.ext file 2 in dir 1.ext04:04
ehirdfile in dir 2.ext file 2 in dir 2.ext04:04
ehirdi.e. easily passable to commandline tools04:04
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ehirdusing recursive mode obviously04:04
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Th3_Cr0up13Ryou see i gog the libdvdcss2 and all the libraries that got dvd on them04:06
Th3_Cr0up13Reven dev and doc for them but it doesnt seem to recognise it04:06
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mentokanyone here have any trouble running qjackctl as a non-root user?04:07
voicuehird: find creates such an output04:07
mentokor anyone know the solution to running qjackctl as a non-root user?04:07
h3sp4wnmentok: have you a realtime kernel and all the associated stuff you need to get it working right ?04:08
ehirdvoicu: it does one line per file04:08
ehirdi need files per folder on one line (i'm passing it to an album replaygain script)04:08
ehirdpreferably i need to ignore files called cover.jpg too04:09
mentoki don't have the realitime kernel at the moment04:09
h3sp4wnmentok: are you using pam or realtime-lsm ?04:09
voicuehird, oh, sorry04:09
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mentokh3sp4wn hmm, not sure04:09
ehirdvoicu: thanks though04:09
h3sp4wnmentok: Did you see the ubuntu studio website ?04:09
mentokh3sp4wn: I know it works because when I do kdesu qjackctl I can run jack04:10
mentokh3sp4wn: i read ubuntu studio, but I may have to go back and do that again04:10
mentokh3sp4wn: is there a module there I need to load in order to use it as non-root04:11
h3sp4wnmentok: you use either pam or realtime-lsm but I don't remember how (I have only had it working right once quite a while ago)04:12
dude_abattoir: no one is answering : (04:13
mentokh3sp4wn: hmm, I had it running previously, without a realtime kernel, but since I did the update to 6.10 I had to reload everything04:13
abattoirdude_: it's not a very busy channel, be a bit patient...04:13
abattoirdude_: try #beryl too04:13
h3sp4wnmentok: what sort of latency04:14
lupine_85ooooooooh, what a lie :p04:14
mentokbest latency I got is about 1ms04:14
h3sp4wnbut how consistant ?04:14
mentokh3sp4wn: very consistent, very few x-runs if any04:15
mentokh3sp4wn: I'm using an amd64 without realtime04:15
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Sheazschewhats a good kde program for editing my startup services?04:17
Sheazschealso is there a way i can view whats going on during the bootup splash screen04:17
h3sp4wnSheazsche: Don't know of a kde one but sysv-rc-conf , rcconf or update-rc.d are all reasonably good04:17
h3sp4wnSheazsche: remove the quiet from the kernel boot line (by pressing e from grub for example)04:18
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freewillhttps://help.ubuntu.com/6.10/kubuntu/about-kubuntu/C/index.html here they say edgy has kde 3.5.4 and on my edgy setup it tells me its got 3.5.504:22
Jucatofreewill: by the time that KDE 3.5.5 was added, it was already to late to update/change the official documentation.04:22
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freewillJucato so you can only update the official documentation before it gets released?04:24
Jucatofreewill: some updates didn't make it to what they called the documentation "freeze" (I forgot the exact term)04:24
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freewillJucato lol ok anyways i just actually wanted to know if its wronge cya04:25
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Th3_Cr0up13Rim using kde , are the kdm themes gona work from kde-look04:29
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Th3_Cr0up13Ri tried to download a couple but i dont seem to get them working04:30
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JucatoTh3_Cr0up13R: yes. I suggest installing the "kdmtheme" package to make installing them easier04:30
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Angratafehem.. i've got a question (again :P) i have installed rpm and alien, kann i now install *.rpms simple with rpm in the bash, like in suse?04:32
ehirdAngrataf: conver it wtih alien04:35
abattoirAngrataf: suse rpms might not work very well04:35
abattoirAngrataf: couldn't you find deb packages?04:35
Th3_Cr0up13Ri get the file is not a valid kdm theme archive04:36
Th3_Cr0up13Rwhat something.* should they be?04:36
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Th3_Cr0up13Rsomething.kth , something.png what type should they be cause the ones i got nothing is a valid one aparently04:39
JucatoTh3_Cr0up13R: it should be a .tar.gz archive. Are you trying to install a KDM theme or a KDE theme? (big difference)04:40
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Th3_Cr0up13Rkde theme04:41
Th3_Cr0up13Rsorry kdm theme04:41
Th3_Cr0up13Rim trying to install  kdm theme with kdmtheme package you told me04:42
JucatoTh3_Cr0up13R: did you install the "kdmtheme" package I told you about?04:42
Th3_Cr0up13Rthats what im using now04:42
Jucatoah. can you give me a link to that kdm theme you're trying to use?04:42
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Th3_Cr0up13Rhttp://www.kde-look.org/ kdm themes04:44
JucatoTh3_Cr0up13R: which one exactly? there are lots of them04:44
dude_abattoir: : (04:44
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Th3_Cr0up13Rjust managed to install black-gentoo04:44
JucatoTh3_Cr0up13R: btw, are you on Dapper or Edgy?04:44
Jucatoah there you have it :)04:45
Th3_Cr0up13Rit wasnt that i wanted to do though i wanted to change the kde look , like the kde theme04:45
abattoirdude_: what happened?04:45
Th3_Cr0up13Rkdm looks like it is the login page04:45
dude_abattoir: it freezes04:45
JucatoTh3_Cr0up13R: the KDM theme *is* the login screen04:45
Th3_Cr0up13Ri need to change the theme in kde like how the windows appear and colours and all this04:46
abattoirdude_: sorry, can't help much, haven't used beryl04:46
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JucatoTh3_Cr0up13R: what you wanted to do was change the *KDE* appearance.04:46
Th3_Cr0up13Ryep i guess, i tried from the system / appearance but i need something else like new themes and styles but it doesnt look04:47
Th3_Cr0up13Rlike i can install them properly04:47
dude_abattoir: its, ok tnx04:47
abattoirdude_: asked at #beryl and #ubuntu-xgl?04:47
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Th3_Cr0up13Ris there a kde theme package like it was for the kdm04:47
dude_abattoir: no replys04:48
abattoirdude_: be patient and wait04:48
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Th3_Cr0up13Ri know dekorator but it doesnt seem to work on mine04:48
JucatoTh3_Cr0up13R: this might help: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/30641/ (you might have to copy and paste the text in Kate to read it)04:48
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dude_abattoir: maybe i have to install nvidia driver04:49
abattoirdude_: ugh, you didn't?04:49
abattoirdude_: i remember specifically telling you that04:49
Jucatodude_: you need 3D acceleration to use all that XGL stuff04:49
gnomefreakdude_: the beta drivers04:49
abattoirdude_: something to the effect that i assume you have a capable card and 3d accel. enabled04:49
gnomefreak!nvidia-beta | dude_04:49
ubotudude_: For Ubuntu 6.10 (Edgy Eft), you can obtain the (unsupported!) Beta version of the binary NVidia drivers by using one of these repositories: "deb http://amaranth.selfip.com/ edgy lrm" (for x86) or "deb http://ubuntu.lupine.me.uk/ edgy lrm-amd64" (for AMD64)04:49
dude_abattoir: but i have a 3ddesktop app and it is working04:50
Jucatognomefreak: it must be the beta drivers? the regulard nvidia-glx drivers won't work?04:50
abattoir*3d h/w acceleration04:50
gnomefreakJucato: not unless he installs xgl04:50
dude_gnomefreak: beryl04:51
gnomefreakJucato: the non beta drivers dont work with aiglx04:51
Jucatognomefreak: ah04:51
gnomefreakdude_: xgl + beryl or nvidia-beta+beryl04:51
Th3_Cr0up13Ryou see it says i have to choose dekorator from system settings but i cannot see it in my system settings04:51
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gnomefreakdude_: please see #ubuntu-xgl /topic for instuctions04:51
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MRMorefield-fti try the command : sudo apt -get update . but he says he cant find apt04:54
sledge_at_workMRMorefield-ft: trp apt-get instead of apt -get04:55
ubotuberyl is a window manager that takes advantage of an OpenGL accelerated X environment. See http://forum.beryl-project.org/  -  Please see #ubuntu-xgl for help with beryl.04:55
MRMorefield-ftiam such a loser04:55
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MRMorefield-ftit works now04:55
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Th3_Cr0up13Ri got a cannon ip15000 but on the model selection in the setup it wants me to find some kind of file in some location04:58
Th3_Cr0up13Ri looked the internet no help in canon 15000 driver04:58
Th3_Cr0up13Ror setup04:58
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Th3_Cr0up13Runder modle selection ip15k doesnt exist04:58
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ehirdanybody know a good replaygain scanner for linux?05:00
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ehirdit should automatically do album-replaygain based on the album tags05:00
ehirdi just need MP3+flac support05:00
ehirdso I can do "rg-scan *"05:00
ehirdand the same inside newly ripped album's directories05:00
dude_abattoir: whats the command again 4 editing sources.list05:03
abattoirdude_: kdesu kate /etc/apt/sources.list05:03
ehirddude_: sudo $EDITOR /etc/apt/sources.list05:03
abattoirdude_: or you could do it throuh Adept->Adept->Manage Repositories05:03
dude_ok, tnx05:04
Angratafi know, thios isn't a gentoo channel, but were can i find one?05:04
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ehirdAngrataf: oh i dunno.. maybe try #gentoo? (GASP)05:04
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Angratafehm, yes (I'am stupid, i know)05:05
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Angratafhm.. in wich network should it be?05:06
robin_can some one help me out, everything on my screen seems really large(icons, windows, its not my resolution05:06
BluesKajgoogle gentoo forums05:06
jhutchinsAngrataf: freenode05:06
ubotuWireless documentation can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs05:09
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ehirdrobin_: probably, stuff in kde is larger than windows in my experience05:10
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klerfaytgood compiz repo for edgy?05:11
T3hWiz0rdpeople are still trying XGL eh?05:12
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robin_no there is a problem, I have been using kubuntu for some time now, I was playing with wine trying to get starcraft working and after a reboot everything is bigger05:12
klerfaytT3hWiz0rd no05:12
orvilleanyone with a macbook pro here?05:12
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orvilleI'll even take someone who's gotten synaptics working at this point :-)05:12
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klerfaytT3hWiz0rd beryl has black windows; black backround; in other words unusable05:12
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ehirddoes anybody know how i could, in a bash script, a space-delimited list of files in a dir, minus one i specify, that include the path, excluding one file, in each dir? Example:05:13
ehird./dir1/randomfile1.ext ./dir2/randomfile2.ext\n05:14
joblesscan anybody help me to remove the transparency of kmenu?05:14
ehird./dir3/randomfile3.ext ./dir4/randomfile4.ext05:14
joblesscan anybody help me to remove the transparency of kmenu? ehird can u?05:14
ubotuCompiz (compositing (window) manager) and XGL (Xserver architecture layered on top of OpenGL) howto at http://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompositeManager XGL+compiz help in #ubuntu-xgl  See http://tinyurl.com/pw5ez for Kubuntu systems05:15
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ehirdjobless: so, just because I say something you jump on me to answer?05:15
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joblessehird i thought we were the only ones here.. active ..!05:16
joblesssorry if that hurt u! ehird05:17
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knappHow can I get kopete to auto-reconnect when the connection drops?05:23
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dude_abattoir: you there?05:25
Angratafhey, where can i download KGet?05:25
Angratafoder an other good DL-manager05:25
abattoirdude_: yes05:25
abattoirAngrataf: it should already be installed05:25
dude_abattoir: hehehe, beauty of irrsi05:25
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dude_abattoir: busted again hehehehe05:26
abattoirdude_: told you to get familiar w/ it ;)05:26
Angratafit can't find it05:26
abattoirAngrataf: sorry, my mistake05:26
abattoir!info kget05:26
ubotukget: download manager for KDE. In component universe, is optional. Version 4:3.5.5-0ubuntu1 (edgy), package size 431 kB, installed size 1176 kB05:26
abattoirAngrataf: it's in universe... apt-get install it if you have it enabled05:26
dude_abattoir: i can't start x server :(05:26
abattoirdude_: did you backup your xorg.conf?05:27
abattoir(i remember telling you this as well before)05:27
dude_abattoir: nope, i forgot :(05:28
aaroncampbellI just installed Kubuntu (edgy), and I'm having some odd problems.  First, I can't seem to set it up for dual monitors.  I go to System Setting, and choose "Monitor & Display"...switch to administrator mode...choose "Second Screen", and "Dual Screen" but I still see one screen to the right, and the dropdown for positioning of the 2 screens is greyed out05:28
dude_abattoir: i quit !05:28
abattoirdude_: then i guess 'sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg' is the way to go05:28
Galathalioncan anyone help me install opera, plz?05:28
abattoirdude_: heh05:28
abattoirdude_: beryl? or kubuntu?05:28
dude_abattoir: i hate beryl waaahhh !05:29
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knappGalathalion, Opera is installable via Automatix, if that helps you any.05:29
Galathalionknapp: whats Automatix?05:29
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ubotuautomatix is a script that tries to install some software, and often fails and breaks systems. We don't provide support for it, and we strongly discourage its use.05:29
ermakcan anyone help to configure bluetooth in order to use internet connection from pocket pc?05:29
ehirdno ideas..?05:30
knappGalathalion, what version of ubuntu are you running?05:30
Galathalionknapp: im not sure, how do you find out?05:30
dude_abattoir: xserver-xorg is not installed05:30
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abattoirdude_: what?? you installed xgl?05:31
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dude_abattoir: i don't know...wwwaaahhh !05:32
abattoirdude_: see, if you did something other than what i instructed you to do, you must tell me, else i can't really be of help05:32
dude_abattoir: i didnt install xgl05:33
aaroncampbellhow can I tell what version of KDE I have?05:33
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abattoirdude_: sudo apt-get install xserver-xorg05:33
abattoiraaroncampbell: Help->About KDE05:33
abattoir(in any KDE application)05:33
knappGalathalion aaroncampbell: cat /etc/issue05:34
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aaroncampbellknapp: what for?05:35
aaroncampbellknapp: it just says "Ubuntu 6.10 \n \l"05:35
knappcat /etc/issue in terminal to find what version of Ubuntu you are running.05:35
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aaroncampbellknapp: I wanted my KDE version05:36
aaroncampbellknapp: thanks though05:36
aaroncampbellI'm 3.5.505:36
Galathalionknapp: thnx.. i have Ubuntu 6.06.105:36
knappRight click the panel, help, about kde :P05:36
joblessabattoir i got a problem again..! how do i disable the transparencies for the kmenu and other menus?05:36
abattoirjobless: same place you enabled it05:36
aaroncampbellI just didn't find an answer in here, so I thought I'd ask in #kde ...and I thought I'd need the version #05:36
joblesshaha .. i was messing with the system and i forgot where i did that.. i have been searching for it the past hour!05:37
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joblesshaha .. i was messing with the system and i forgot where i did that.. i have been searching for it the past hour! abattoir05:37
abattoirjobless: System settings->Appearane->Styles , i think05:37
=== abattoir checks
knappGalathalion: Then follow this guide http://ubuntuguide.org/wiki/Dapper#How_to_install_Automatix2_on_Ubuntu.2C_Kubuntu.2C_and_Xubuntu05:37
Galathalionknapp: ok ill try it. thank you.05:38
knappGalathalion: Once installed, you can use it to easily install Opera web browser.05:38
abattoirjobless: yup, was right, see the 'Effects' tab05:39
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joblessabattoir: i got it ..05:39
joblessi missed that tab in effects abattoir :(05:39
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excitatorydoes a firefox extension exist to add rss feeds to akreggator?05:41
joblesshey abattoir, i am not able to see the changes to the panel when i hit apply immediately! but when i reboot the system i get the changes!05:42
aaroncampbellDoes anyone here run dual monitors?05:42
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abattoirjobless: try 'killall kicker && kicker'05:42
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dude_abattoir: im back ! hehehe, its good to be back heheheh05:42
abattoirjobless: or 'dcop kicker kicker restart'05:42
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abattoirdude_: :)05:42
abattoirdude_: what did you do?05:42
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dude_abattoir: i just follow your instruction hehehe05:43
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arunkaleHey people05:43
dude_abattoir: i missed KDE05:43
arunkaleAnyone figured out how to fix the Flash bug in Firefox05:43
abattoirhi arunkale, long time no see ;)05:43
arunkaleHey abattoir :)05:43
arunkaleabattoir: I'm on Edgy right now05:44
arunkaleBut Firefox 2 crashes everytime I open any page with Flash05:44
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joblessabattoir: it says error: kicker already running and error: communication problem with kicker, it probably crashed.. and i lost the panel!!05:44
abattoirarunkale: flash 9 beta?05:44
arunkaleabattoir: No, even flash 705:44
abattoirjobless: ok, Alt+F2-> kicker05:44
abattoirjobless: you probably did what i said in the wrong order ;)05:45
ubotuAIGLX (Accelerated Indirect GLX) is an open source project founded by the X.Org Foundation and the Fedora Core Linux community to allow accelerated indirect GLX rendering capabilities to X.org and DRI drivers. This allows remote X clients to get fully hardware accelerated rendering over the GLX protocol. Head to #ubuntu-xgl for support.05:45
arunkaleabattoir: I heard someone say it was a bug in Firefox and you have to change something in the /usr/bin/firefox script05:45
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abattoirarunkale: oh, don't know, i don't use firefox, sorry05:45
arunkaleabattoir: what do you use?05:45
abattoirarunkale: konqueror05:45
joblessabattoir i got it back .. but wat wrong order? i typed killall kicker && kicker05:45
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joblessabattoir: ok i understand05:45
joblessabattoir: && meant and right?! those were two different commands?05:46
dude_abattoir: try again? heheheh05:46
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abattoirjobless: yes, the first one kills kicker, and the second one launches it if it was killed successfully05:46
abattoirdude_: heh, sure, why not?05:46
dude_abattoir: nah....05:47
Galathalionknapp: whats a GPG key?05:47
joblessabattoir :) thanks05:47
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ubotukicker: desktop panel for KDE. In component main, is optional. Version 4:3.5.5-0ubuntu3 (edgy), package size 1953 kB, installed size 5808 kB05:47
dude_abattoir: maybe i'll just wait for the right time hehehe05:47
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abattoirjobless: 'killall kicker' and then 'kicker' does the same, as you might have guessed05:48
joblessabattoir: yes i did .. but thanks05:49
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ubotuQuake runs natively under linux see http://zerowing.idsoftware.com/linux/quake4/ for details05:50
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dude_abattoir: i noticed something, my nvidia driver was replaced by another vc drives05:50
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about quake3 - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi05:50
dennisterhello again05:50
abattoirdude_: yes, when you ran dpkg-reconfigure, it actually 'reset' it05:50
abattoirdude_: you can change it back if you want05:50
dude_abattoir: how05:51
abattoirdude_: and remember to back up important files before making serious changes to them ;)05:51
abattoirdude_: you want to switch to nvidia-beta again?05:51
dude_abattoir: yes...i will05:51
arunkaleabattoir: YAY I FIXED THE BUG05:51
abattoirarunkale: that's cool? you did it yourself?05:51
arunkaleabattoir: of course not05:51
dude_abattoir: i think its not the beta driver05:52
arunkalei found it on a site05:52
abattoirarunkale: oh, nice :)05:52
dude_abattoir: nvidia version 1.5.605:52
arunkaleabattoir: i had to insert a line in one of /etc/firefox/firefoxrc05:52
dennisterQ: tring to configure mplayer; have nvidia ogl drivers, should i be using vo=gl? right now there's vo=xv, but erros about not being able to parse aalib keep coming up05:52
dude_abattoir: can i apt-get install the driver05:53
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abattoir!nvidia | dude_05:53
ubotudude_: To install the Ati/NVidia drivers for your video card, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto05:53
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Dr_willisdennister,  install the aalib stuff perhaps..  are they errors.. or just warnings.05:53
abattoirdude_: but remember, beryl doesn't work w/ that driver05:53
abattoironly w/ the beta05:53
arunkaleyay i have a crash free fox05:53
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dude_abattoir: it seems that beryl is still installed05:54
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abattoirdude_: yes, it'll still be there till you remove it05:54
arunkaleabattoir: how do i change my colour depth to 24 bit05:54
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dude_abattoir: so i need the beta driver for beryl to run?05:54
dennisterthey're errors, and i tried to find the aalib in synaptic, but couldn't find them05:55
abattoirdude_: going from what gnomefreak said, yes05:55
abattoirdude_: i mean, for aiglx...05:55
ubotuFor Ubuntu 6.10 (Edgy Eft), you can obtain the (unsupported!) Beta version of the binary NVidia drivers by using one of these repositories: "deb http://amaranth.selfip.com/ edgy lrm" (for x86) or "deb http://ubuntu.lupine.me.uk/ edgy lrm-amd64" (for AMD64)05:55
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dennisternor could i find anything for sdl in synaptic either, and the lines in mplayer give two choices: xv or sdl:aalib05:56
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dennisterme bad: grammar; double negative05:57
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arunkaleabattoir: how do i change my colour depth from 16-bit to 24-bit05:59
abattoirarunkale: does your card support it?05:59
abattoirarunkale: you should be able to do that in system settings05:59
arunkaleabattoir: in windows, i can use 32-bit true color06:00
arunkaleso i guess my card supports it06:00
dennisterDr_willis: did u see my replies? they're definitely errors, but i can't find anything in synaptic for aalib or sdl, and one of the two options for vo=sdl:aalib, other is vo=sv...chose xv, but aalib errors still result, wondering if i shouldn't use gl?06:00
abattoirarunkale: it should be in the display module... do you see it?06:01
aaroncampbellI just installed Kubuntu (edgy), and I'm having some odd problems.  First, I can't seem to set it up for dual monitors.  I go to System Setting, and choose "Monitor & Display"...switch to administrator mode...choose "Second Screen", and "Dual Screen" but I still see one screen to the right, and the dropdown for positioning of the 2 screens is greyed out06:01
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dude_abattoir: question06:02
dennisteraaroncampbell: have u installed any proprietary video drivers yet?06:02
arunkalemonitor and display06:02
arunkalei cant see colour depth06:02
aaroncampbelldennister: no06:02
arunkaleonly gamma settings, resolution06:02
dennisteraaroncampbell: if u have nvdia card, do that first06:02
aaroncampbelldennister: ati06:03
ubotuTo install the Ati/NVidia drivers for your video card, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto06:03
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dennisterjust make sure it's for edgy, not dapper or breezy06:03
dennister(the howto, that is)06:03
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sudo|faderhi i just installed Kubuntu and i wanna log in as root how do i do this as i havent bin prompted for passwd at no time!06:05
dude_abattoir: what is this ? ---- > 'nvidia-installer must be run as root'06:05
abattoirdude_: run it w/ sudo06:05
dennisterabattoir: Dr Willis must be busy, would you be able to help me with my last reply to him?06:05
xsachasudo|fader: what's wrong with sudo?06:05
abattoirdennister: if i can yes, i'll be leaving in a while though06:05
sudo|fadernothings wrong with sudo! but not being able to log in as root gives me a feeling of not having 100% control :P06:06
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dennistersudo|fader: do not login as root if u can help it, trust me06:06
dude_abattoir: You appear to be running an X server; please exit X before installing06:06
ubotusudo is a command to run programs with superuser privileges ("root"). Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo for all information.06:06
abattoirsudo|fader: ^^^ look at that06:06
dennisterabattoir: k...i thnk its a fairly wuick answer i need06:06
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aaroncampbelldennister: it doesn't say if it's for edgy or not.  But it DOES say that the Ati Radeon 9250 needs different drivers (only the 9700+ should use the fglrx driver...that mine is currently using06:06
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abattoirdude_: switch to a virtual terminal, and run 'sudo /etc/init.d/kdm stop' , Ctrl+Alt+F1 to do the former06:07
abattoirdennister: ask the question first :P06:07
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sudo|faderthank you abattoir! that all i needed :)06:08
dennisteraaroncampbell: hold on a sec: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto/ATI06:08
abattoirsudo|fader: :)06:08
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sudo|fadermakes it a bit easier to install and compile stuff over PuTTy ssh :)06:09
xsachasudo? i know :)06:09
dennisterabattoir: I'm definitely getting errors when i try to play an avi file in mplayer about not being able to parse aalib; but i can't find anything in synaptic for aalib or sdl, and one of the two options for vo=sdl:aalib, other is vo=sv...chose xv, but aalib errors still result, wondering if i shouldn't use gl?06:09
aaroncampbelldennister: that one says for Radeon 9500 and above (again...not for my lowly 9250)06:10
xsachathe driver before that one works for your lowly 925006:10
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dennisterwhich vidout out (vo) should i choose? gl?06:10
abattoirdennister: i think mplayer must be compiled w/ it, if necessary... what about kaffeine?06:10
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dennisteri need mplayer for mythtv06:10
h3sp4wndennister: use the directfb mplayer from the console06:11
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dennisteraaroncampbell: the howto also takes u to a link of cards, i believe, at least the nvdia one did...u may have to use the older driers from synaptic06:11
=== BluesKaj ponders doing the mythtv install ...
BluesKajand config06:12
sudo|faderwere does "lynx" by default put downloaded files?06:13
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dennisterh3sp4wn: nonfunctioning lirc is getting in the way of using mplayer at all in konsole06:14
Dr_willissudo|fader,  i would guess the dir lynx was started from06:14
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=== Dr_willis is busy moving furniture AGAIN.. for the wife.
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h3sp4wndennister: I dunno why that makes any difference (keyboard works(06:16
dennisterh3sp4wn: yes, i know06:16
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xsachaany ideas why i get: konsole: ERROR: can not execute ./llinuxq3ademo-1.11-6.x86.gz.sh06:16
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xsachait's like it tries to run itself after i already ran it06:17
sudo|fadersigh it doesent!06:17
dennisterbut konsole just gives me that one and these errors...Win32 LoadLibrary failed to load: avisynth.dll, /usr/lib/win32/avisynth.dll, /usr/local/lib/win32/avisynth.dll06:17
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dennisterh3sp4wn: let's leave that one for now...remember my wacom errors whenever i try to kwrite a file from konsole? bad device=169...i have no tablet, and the last time i tried to edit that out of xorg I had to restore an old xorg file after x became nonfunctional06:20
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h3sp4wndennister: Don't remember just make sure you remove all the references06:21
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dennisterright away with this install i tried to remove the xorg-tablet stuff, but then it reappeared right after i rebooted06:21
dennisterok...will try again06:21
xsachawhen i run quake 3 installer it says something like: Warning: "+number" syntax is depreciated or something and then closes, argh!06:22
h3sp4wnfor mythtv you shouldn't need X at all06:22
dennister<--really needs an easy way to get rid of a lot of uneeded xorg stuff06:22
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senseiHey, just installed Edgy.. Where's kdevelop? o.O06:23
dennisterh3sp4wn: well i tried to run it in nongraphical mode, but it said it needed X06:23
h3sp4wndennister: mplayer ?06:23
KabalHi all, I'm trying to install the lastest version of klibido on Kubuntu 6.06 /KDE 3,5,506:23
KabalBut I'm getting a dependency error.. now what?06:23
dennisterno, sorry, last reply was for mythtv06:23
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senseiHm, my company kind of uses kdevelop and I need it pretty urgently :) No one knows what might have happened or if it comes into the repos soon if it's missing, so I should go source06:27
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abattoir!info kdevelop06:27
ubotukdevelop: An IDE for Unix/X11. In component universe, is optional. Version 4:3.3.4-1ubuntu2 (edgy), package size 7894 kB, installed size 24892 kB06:27
abattoirsensei: ^^^ it's in universe06:27
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abattoir!info kdevelop dapper06:28
ubotuPackage kdevelop does not exist in dapper06:28
senseiabattoir: hum, okay.. Why ?06:28
sensei!info kdevelop3 dapper06:28
ubotukdevelop3: An IDE for Unix/X11 - development version. In component universe, is optional. Version 4:3.3.2-0ubuntu3 (dapper), package size 1218 kB, installed size 3896 kB06:28
abattoirsensei: on dapper?06:28
sensei!info kdevelop3 edgy06:28
ubotukdevelop3: Dummy package for transition to kdevelop. In component universe, is optional. Version 4:3.3.2+dummy1 (edgy), package size 9 kB, installed size 36 kB06:28
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senseiAh yeah, was in universe06:30
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ubotuWireless documentation can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs06:31
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honesti keep getting this error06:36
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honestE: Could not get lock /var/lib/dpkg/lock - open (11 Resource temporarily unavailable)06:37
honestE: Unable to lock the administration directory (/var/lib/dpkg/), is another process using it?06:37
honestno update manager is open06:37
honestanyone got any ideas why?06:37
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voicucheck the process list06:39
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voicutry ps -A| grep apt06:39
voicuif there is something still running kill it06:39
voicumaybe ps -A| grep adept06:40
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dude_abattoir: are you there? what is the command again in stopping KDE?06:42
studentcan I dd an entire filesystem into a hard drive ?06:42
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honestFailed to fetch http://ubuntu.cafuego.net/pool/edgy-cafuego/bcm43xx/bcm43xx-firmware_1.3-1ubuntu2_all.deb  Size mismatch06:43
honestE: Unable to fetch some archives, maybe run apt-get update or try with --fix-missing?06:43
honestanyone knopw how to fix that prob?06:43
studentrun apt-get update ?06:44
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honeststill does the same thing06:44
studenthonest: you could just get the deb yourself06:44
honeststudent: lol i only installed it today from the site06:45
studentthe deb?06:45
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instructorcan meebo be used with Konqueror?06:50
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studentcan I dd an entire filesystem into a hard drive ?06:52
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Kubudoes anyone know the best p2p client for linux06:53
Kububut its bittorrent client, isnt it?06:53
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Kubudo you know a client that works in the gnutella network06:53
Kubuand is not limewire/frostwire06:53
studentktorrent :)06:53
Kubuktorrent works in the gnutella network?06:54
studentOh no you said best p2p :)06:54
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ubotuConventional P2P clients: Limewire/GTK-Gnutella/Frostwire (Gnutella Network).  -  BitTorrent: see !torrent  -  Direct connect: try valknut.  -  Also see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/P2PFileSharing for general information.06:55
pcubeis there a down load manager in linux with stop,resume support?06:57
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pcubethnx v3ctor06:59
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honest_i've tried installing wifi-radar a number of times, but when i click the icon nothing happens07:00
honest_anyone got any iudeas?07:00
honest_lol what?07:00
Homersry :)07:00
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sc0ttCNN -- Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld is stepping down, sources tell CNN.07:01
studenthe can go lower?07:01
studentAnyway how does dump work? I can dump a filesystem to a file?07:02
honest_sc0tt: yup, just heard, not that it really bothers me07:02
student how is that different from dd ?07:02
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v3ctorstudent: dump will only dump actual data07:03
studentSo it's smaller?07:03
studentand faster hopefully?07:03
v3ctordd will clone filesystem07:03
v3ctorshould be..don't quote me07:03
studentOk I'm about to rash a drive to test it out07:03
studenttrash  even07:04
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ubotuKubuntu is Ubuntu with KDE, the K Desktop Environment, instead of Gnome. For more info see http://kubuntu.org  -  For support: #kubuntu  -  To install from Ubuntu: "sudo apt-get install kubuntu-desktop"07:18
[cf] nightrid3r!ubuntu07:19
ubotuUbuntu is a complete Linux-based operating system, freely available with both community and professional support. It is developed by a large community and we invite you to participate too! - Also see http://www.ubuntu.com and http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuHowCome07:19
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sudo|faderhow do i list users added to kubuntu?07:20
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[cf] nightrid3rsudo|fader: all users can be found in /etc/password uncludeing system users07:21
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eaglehawkhello everybody07:22
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eaglehawkis there anybody who installed the beryl on edgy07:23
=== Gecko didn't
eaglehawkanybody with luck to get beryl working07:24
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ubotuberyl is a window manager that takes advantage of an OpenGL accelerated X environment. See http://forum.beryl-project.org/  -  Please see #ubuntu-xgl for help with beryl.07:25
B-Minuswhat is that prog called you can send a link to someone with mail and if they click it they can take over your pc07:25
B-Minusin browser07:25
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GeckoB-Minus: krfb07:25
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B-MinusGecko: does that excist in windows too ? my girlfriend wants that i look with her07:26
GeckoB-Minus: windows has other options. It has both remote desktop sharing, and the option with invitations is available through msn messenger07:26
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fdovingB-Minus: you can also install tightvnc on windows.07:27
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honest_damn, cnn, bush is a blubering mess07:27
Geckohonest_: Is it worth my time to tune my tv to see cnn?07:28
B-Minusfdoving: so she needs to install the server and i the client ?07:28
honest_lol for comedy value maybe ; _)07:28
fdovingB-Minus: yes.07:28
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Geckohonest_: summary: george w. is using a lot of words to say absolutely nothing07:33
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honest_Gecko: do u think he is ill, he is making no sense and stuttering like a 12 years doing his/her first presentation07:33
Geckohonest_: quite possibly07:34
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amule__Evening, someone here with knowledge on how to get orinoco drivers to work under (k)ubuntu? ( speedtouch 120g )07:37
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Geckohonest_: English might not be my first language, but I consider myself near-fluent, and I still don't get a word of what bush is saying...07:38
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trappistGecko: #ubuntu-offtopic please07:38
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trappisterr #kubuntu-offtopic07:38
magicmikeGecko: Neither does he.07:38
v3ctorplease take the usless politcal banter to offtopic channel07:38
trappistmagicmike: you too.07:38
honest_Gecko: lol... English is my first language, yet i'm not the "Commandering Chief" of the US ; )07:39
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magicmikeHey a trappist. Is that a terrorist in training?07:39
Geckohonest_: let's take it on #kubuntu-offtopic07:39
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B-Minusfdoving: i tried tightvnc on my local network that worked07:43
B-Minusbut when i fill in the internet ip address i get : xtightvncviewer: ConnectToTcpAddr: connect: Connection refused07:44
B-MinusUnable to connect to VNC server07:44
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honest_i just wanna try something which may kill xserver, is there a command to bring it back into safemode if i do?07:44
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GeckoB-Minus: she might behind a firewall07:45
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honest_safe mode?07:46
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magicmikeIt's a windows thang.07:47
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wedgeVhow do i create groups of contacts in kmail?07:47
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ToyMananyone else have a problem with thier edgy upgrade today?07:49
ToyManjust did an apt-get upgrade and the box won't start x on reboot...07:49
GeckoDoes anyone know how I can configure kde to use all those fancy new multimedia keys my new keyboard has?07:50
guptaMy midnight-commander looks garbled: http://h1.ripway.com/chesss/mc.png07:51
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guptaProbably because i ws using localepurge07:51
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guptaanyway to fix the damage?07:51
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khirrsome repository for kmess?07:54
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trappistgupta: what terminal emulator do you use07:57
trappisthow does mc look in konsole07:58
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guptatrappist: it looks fine there07:58
guptaso its mrxvt issue07:58
trappistgupta: maybe - echo $TERM07:58
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gupta xterm08:00
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trappistgupta: might try other values like vt100, linux, etc.  I'm pretty sure it's a termcap issue.08:00
msoekenHi, someone here you manages the kubuntu homepage?08:00
trappistgupta: my stuff looks like that in Eterm unless I expert TERM=Eterm08:00
guptatrappist: trying..08:01
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sudo|faderkan anyone help me install NX server on kubuntu?08:01
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msoekenI think in announcement http://kubuntu.org/announcements/kde4-3.80.2.php it should be mentioned that a new user should be used to login into the KDE 4 session08:02
msoekenToday I tried and lost all my stored passwords from kdewallet08:02
trappistmsoeken: might mention that on #kde-devel08:02
trappistmsoeken: err I mean #kubuntu-devel08:03
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msoekentrappist: ok08:03
dude_need some help guys, "couldnt initialize openGL"08:03
trappistdude_: what video card08:04
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dude_trappist: nVidia08:04
trappistdude_: glxinfo | grep rendering08:04
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dude_trappist: Xlib:  extension "GLX" missing on display ":0.0".08:05
trappistdude_: lsmod | grep ^nv08:06
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ubotuTo install a Java compiler/interpreter on Ubuntu, look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Java  -  For the Sun Java runtime install sun-java5-jre from the !Multiverse repository08:07
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MRMorefield-fthow to check my videocard acceleration?08:12
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MRMorefield-ftif it works properly08:12
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BonBonTheJonany one else having problems with Edgy taking a long time to load konqueror08:18
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ubotuTo install the Ati/NVidia drivers for your video card, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto08:24
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ubotuFor multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats  -  See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html  -  But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats08:26
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ahmedcan anybdy post his source.list08:28
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ubotuThe packages in Kubuntu are divided into various sections. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Repositories/Kubuntu08:31
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ubotuCompiz (compositing window manager) and XGL (X server architecture layered on top of OpenGL)  -  Howto at http://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompositeManager  -  Help in #ubuntu-xgl  -  See http://tinyurl.com/pw5ez for Kubuntu systems08:35
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ubotuFor multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats  -  See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html  -  But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats08:38
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ubotuKDE (http://kde.org) is the K Desktop Environment. To install from Ubuntu: sudo apt-get install kubuntu-desktop, or see http://help.ubuntu.com/community/InstallingKDE for other ways to get KDE08:39
ubotugnome is a project that provides two things: The GNOME desktop environment, an intuitive and attractive desktop for end-users, users, and the GNOME development platform, an extensive framework for building applications that integrate into the rest of the desktop.08:39
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frank_kann mir jemand helfen ?08:44
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ubotuDeutschsprachige Hilfe fuer Probleme mit Ubuntu, Kubuntu und Edubuntu finden Sie in den Kanaelen #ubuntu-de, #kubuntu-de, #xubuntu-de und #edubuntu-de08:47
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ruediyesterday, i asked for ati drivers, and i have installed them, but i have reinstalled Kubuntu, because i had trubles with it, and now im searching for the HowTo from yesterday08:48
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ubotuTo install the Ati/NVidia drivers for your video card, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto08:48
zorglu_it was this one ?08:48
ruediit was in a wiki, i know only the stylo of the site... it was brown08:49
zorglu_too bad this is the only one i got :)08:49
ubotuTo install the Ati/NVidia drivers for your video card, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto08:50
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zorglu_yep all pointing to this page08:50
ruedii try this tutorail08:51
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ubotuThe packages in Kubuntu are divided into various sections. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Repositories/Kubuntu08:51
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about poop - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi08:51
MRMorefield-fti tried this for enabling my glx :08:52
MRMorefield-ftwilman@wilman-desktop:~$ sudo nvidia-glx-config enable08:52
MRMorefield-ftError: unable to load nvidia kernel driver! Be sure to have installed08:52
MRMorefield-ftthe nvidia driver for your running kernel.08:52
markelhashi ppl08:52
freechelmi_? french08:52
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ubotuAllez a #ubuntu-fr ou #kubuntu-fr pour de l'aide et de la discussion en francais.08:52
MRMorefield-fthow do i instal those kernel drivers08:52
MRMorefield-ftor how can i check if they are already there08:53
zorglu_!nvidia | MRMorefield-ft08:53
ubotuMRMorefield-ft: To install the Ati/NVidia drivers for your video card, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto08:53
zorglu_i guess they talk about those drivers08:53
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MRMorefield-fti couldnt find that one08:53
markelhasany one have tried to install one HP Officejet 5510 All-in-One in kubuntu!?08:54
freechelmi_HP is well supported using HPLIP08:54
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markelhasfreechelmi_: HPLIP already in kubuntu? or should i ddl it?08:55
[cf] nightrid3rmarkelhas: should be in the repo's , its pretty standard08:55
khirrsome repositiry for JRE?08:55
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about repostitory - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi08:55
ubotuThe packages in Kubuntu are divided into various sections. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Repositories/Kubuntu08:56
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markelhas[cf] nightrid3r: oki i'm preparing to remove all windows from my pcs08:56
markelhaslast one the desktop08:56
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about jre - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi08:56
ubotuTo install a Java compiler/interpreter on Ubuntu, look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Java  -  For the Sun Java runtime install sun-java5-jre from the !Multiverse repository08:56
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[cf] nightrid3rmarkelhas: be prepared for some thinkering if u want to use linux for multimedia stuff08:57
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markelhas[cf] nightrid3r: hummm like what!?08:59
markelhas[cf] nightrid3r: i've looking if i can also use my UDMA133 IDE PCI Card.08:59
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[cf] nightrid3rmarkelhas: not all media formats are (well) supported under linux08:59
[cf] nightrid3rmarkelhas: spec's ?08:59
joblessguys i am having problems installing kubuntu on dell xps 700 system .. when i select the option to start or install .. i get only the blinking cursor and the installation is stuck there ..!08:59
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about C++ - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi09:00
markelhas[cf] nightrid3r: http://www.qtec.info/service/support/drivers.htm?artnr=1299509:00
ankfootHi there, I have this neat little problem when trying to use my dvd-burner, a NEC3540A on kubuntu..09:00
ankfootused it to install the system, no problem09:00
markelhas[cf] nightrid3r: no driver reference for linux :(09:00
ankfootbut now it simply won't mount...09:00
ankfoottried looking in startup logs, looking for the unit, but no success, it's gone..09:01
ubotukmess: Instant messenger to use MSN on KDE. In component universe, is optional. Version 1.4.3-2ubuntu1 (edgy), package size 1067 kB, installed size 2620 kB09:01
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khirris there kmess in dapper?09:02
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ankfootthe thing worked flawlessly when i tried ubuntu som days ago, found the dvd, even burned an iso with it..09:02
khirris there kmess for dapper?09:02
[cf] nightrid3rmarkelhas: this will be an experiment as no chip info is available09:02
markelhas[cf] nightrid3r: that's a problem09:03
joblessguys i am having problems installing kubuntu on dell xps 700 system .. when i select the option to start or install .. i get only the blinking cursor and the installation is stuck there ..!09:03
joblesscan somebody help?09:03
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markelhas[cf] nightrid3r: cause i've cd-rw ad dvd-rw in that pci card :(09:03
ruedithy for the HowTo it works fine :)09:03
[cf] nightrid3rmarkelhas: you'll find out very soon, boot the live cd and do lspci to see if the card shows up, then do demsg to see what your kernel thinks about the card, these should match to work09:04
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trappistkhirr: it's in the universe repo, according to ubotu09:04
[cf] nightrid3rmarkelhas: dmesg :)09:04
ubotuFor multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats  -  See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html  -  But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats09:05
markelhas[cf] nightrid3r: oki going to try to install hp and check if the pci card works09:05
ubotufirefox is the default web-browser on Ubuntu. To install the latest version, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FirefoxNewVersion Installing plugins: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/FirefoxPlugins09:05
markelhasbefore install on the hd09:05
[cf] nightrid3rok09:05
ubotukaffeine: versatile media player for KDE 3. In component main, is optional. Version 0.8.2-0ubuntu2 (edgy), package size 2160 kB, installed size 5868 kB09:06
markelhas[cf] nightrid3r: right now  i can't see the printer that is shared in windows xp in my laptop(kubuntu)09:06
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markelhas[cf] nightrid3r: should i do something special to add printer!?09:07
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[cf] nightrid3rmarkelhas: make sure your box has the same username in the windows box to make shareing easyer09:07
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joblessguys i am having problems installing kubuntu on dell xps 700 system .. when i select the option to start or install .. i get only the blinking cursor and the installation is stuck there ..!09:08
markelhas[cf] nightrid3r: can't follow :(09:08
knappHow do I make the green Adept Notifier icon dock in the systray?09:08
joblesssorry for repeating the post ..09:08
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knappHow do I make the green Adept Notifier icon dock in the systray instead of floating in the top right corner?09:08
[cf] nightrid3rmarkelhas: did you put administrator password in windows when you installed it09:09
markelhas[cf] nightrid3r: yes, but i make scan but nothing there :(09:10
markelhas[cf] nightrid3r: but the problem i think is on the xp machine09:10
[cf] nightrid3rmarkelhas: can you 'see' the windows pc09:11
markelhas[cf] nightrid3r: cause i also can't see the share folders there09:11
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thill2708what version of qt is standard in kubuntu now?09:11
markelhas[cf] nightrid3r: i can see it but when try to explorer got error09:11
[cf] nightrid3rmarkelhas: did you check the shareing and security permissions on the win box09:11
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markelhas[cf] nightrid3r: but my wife laptop windows xp i can see the shared folders09:11
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markelhas[cf] nightrid3r: so i think the problem is on the deskpot (xp) machine09:12
[cf] nightrid3rmarkelhas: try putting the winbox ip in the search09:12
ubotuUbuntu can be installed in lots of ways. Please see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation for documentation. Problems during install? See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/CommonProblemsInstall and https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DapperReleaseNotes/UbiquityKnownIssues09:13
ubotuqt is the Q toolkit, which forms the base of KDE and a lot of other applications. For the Qt includes, install the libqt3-mt-dev package.09:13
markelhas[cf] nightrid3r: only workgroup but no pcs there09:13
thill2708anyone know when kubuntu will upgrade to 4?09:13
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[cf] nightrid3rmarkelhas: did you put the workgroup in the linux box in CAPITALS09:14
markelhas[cf] nightrid3r: YES09:14
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markelhas[cf] nightrid3r: sorry the caps09:14
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[cf] nightrid3rmarkelhas: then the problem is probably on the windows site09:15
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markelhas[cf] nightrid3r: i've input the workgroup :P09:15
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markelhas[cf] nightrid3r: yaps i think so09:15
parker_huh, is this channel linked with the freenode one or something?09:15
parker`nvm I see that it is. :)09:15
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markelhas[cf] nightrid3r: but in xp machines i can see the printer and share folders09:15
markelhas[cf] nightrid3r: very strange09:15
joblessguys where would i find the boot promt?09:15
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[cf] nightrid3rmarkelhas: it could help to also install the samba server package09:16
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markelhas[cf] nightrid3r: when a try to explore my samba folder i can see my work group and machine, but error when trying to see it09:17
joblessguys where would i find the boot promt?09:17
NeonLightninggstreamer is needed to burn audio cd's out of mp3's in k3b right?09:17
KumaroHi you all09:17
markelhas[cf] nightrid3r: but i think my samba ins working cause i can see my wife laptop shares09:17
[cf] nightrid3rmarkelhas: can you see your linux box from windows09:17
markelhas[cf] nightrid3r: didn't try it09:18
markelhas[cf] nightrid3r: going to check it09:18
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khirrwhat is the command to install java since konsole?09:19
ubotuFiles with extensions .tar, .gz, .tgz, .zip, .bz2, .7z, .ace and other archive file formats can be opened with ark - also see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FileCompression09:19
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[cf] nightrid3r!java khirr09:20
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about java khirr - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi09:20
markelhas[cf] nightrid3r: nopes09:20
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ubotuTo install a Java compiler/interpreter on Ubuntu, look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Java  -  For the Sun Java runtime install sun-java5-jre from the !Multiverse repository09:20
markelhas[cf] nightrid3r: no machines there09:20
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[cf] nightrid3rmarkelhas: ping the linux box from windows09:20
khirri'm installing gtom adept...but is in 28%....09:20
khirrno  more09:20
ruedihem, what must i do with tar.gz files? i have downloaded the new firefox in tar.gz09:20
markelhas[cf] nightrid3r: maybe i should config samba to be in my workgroup!09:20
[cf] nightrid3rmarkelhas: ofcourse :)09:21
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markelhas[cf] nightrid3r: :P09:21
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markelhas[cf] nightrid3r: ping ok09:22
khirrhow can i update the repository since konsole?09:22
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[cf] nightrid3rmarkelhas: ok so at least the network is ok :)09:22
macdo_my external usb harddrive isn't being recognised after upgrade to 6.1009:22
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macdo_any ideas?09:22
markelhas[cf] nightrid3r: i think i've config samba and put my workgroup. i think09:22
markelhas[cf] nightrid3r: LOL09:23
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about pnpbios - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi09:23
macdo_khirr: sudo apt-get update09:23
caseyomahHow do I change a user's default X Window Manager?09:23
[cf] nightrid3rkhirr: edit /etc/apt/resources.list09:24
ubotuFor multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats  -  See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html  -  But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats09:25
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joblessguys i am having problems installing kubuntu on dell xps 700 system .. when i select the option to start or install .. i get only the blinking cursor and the installation is stuck there ..!09:25
KumaroHi ubuntu_09:25
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knappCan someone assist me in installing the latest Nvidia drivers?09:25
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phlegyashe heeeeeeeeeeeeeey :) hellooooooooooooo. I managed. wow :)09:26
knappI am getting an error when installing them, the error is this: "Unable to find the kernel source tree for the current running kernel..."09:26
[cf] nightrid3rknapp: !nvidia09:26
KumaroHi phlegyas09:26
ruedi!nvidia | knapp09:26
ubotuknapp: To install the Ati/NVidia drivers for your video card, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto09:26
phlegyasIs there anyone more newbie than I am ???????????????? :)09:26
markelhas[cf] nightrid3r: the only way to config samba is editing smb.cfg?09:26
phlegyasthought not :)09:26
[cf] nightrid3rphlegyas: probably :)09:26
KumaroI supose me09:26
markelhas[cf] nightrid3r: *conf09:26
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phlegyasi bet theres no one nightrider :D09:26
Kumarophlegyas phlegyas phlegyas phlegyas phlegyas09:27
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khirrhow can i kill one procces since konsole?09:27
phlegyashey kumaroooooooooooooo09:27
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phlegyashey this AMOR thing is so funnyyyyyyyyyyyyy hehehehehehe09:27
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KumaroSo you'r beginner also?09:27
[cf] nightrid3rmarkelhas: there are some samba packages that let you config in a gui09:27
phlegyasIm THE beginner Kumaro09:27
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phlegyasjust installed Kubuntu last night.09:27
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phlegyasstill the only thing i managed to get running is my Kopete :)09:28
markelhas[cf] nightrid3r: where09:28
KumaroI've installed since some weeks but I'm not better09:28
MRMorefield-ftdoes your webcam work?09:28
phlegyasoh and Amor hahahaha09:28
markelhas[cf] nightrid3r: names of them plz to ddl them09:28
MRMorefield-ftamor:P hahah09:28
KumaroWhat Amor09:28
[cf] nightrid3rmarkelhas: looking them up09:28
phlegyasthere a little penguin digging holes on my desktop hahahaha he s funny i m telling you :P09:28
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phlegyasits a little pet KUMARO. a penguin hahaha09:28
phlegyashes funny :)09:28
phlegyasbut that just about it.09:29
KumaroI've not try yet09:29
phlegyasi havent managed to do anthing esle09:29
markelhas[cf] nightrid3r: oki sorry09:29
phlegyashey can I ask anyoone? Is there for kde something equivalent to kazaa lite mega codec pack ?????????????09:29
KumaroDid you install Kubuntu you alone ?09:29
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[cf] nightrid3rmarkelhas: in systemconfig / shareing09:29
phlegyasyeah kumaro i did. was not big deal. its so easy these days.09:30
[cf] nightrid3rmarkelhas: its in your menu09:30
phlegyasi still remember my first attempt to install suse 3 years ago. damn that was hard.09:30
phlegyassoooooooooooooooooooo any codec pack for KDE?09:30
KumaroDo you have with Windows or stand alone?09:30
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bLaZeD!restricted | phlegyas09:30
ubotuphlegyas: For multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats  -  See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html  -  But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats09:30
phlegyasstand alone Kumaro cause if I had kept my MS Id never run kubuntu ... hehehe i know me i like easy things09:31
phlegyasUBOTU thanks a bunch mate :D09:31
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about thanks a bunch mate :D - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi09:31
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phlegyasoi ... was that a bot ?09:31
phlegyashahahah nice nice09:31
KumaroI've it also in stand alone, but I do not kwno too much09:31
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phlegyaswell at least the MS key combinations work09:32
phlegyasthat great09:32
KumaroA bot is a machine who writes messages automaticaly, in a human like but with no sense09:32
phlegyaslike alt + tab and stuff.09:32
[cf] nightrid3rmarkelhas: smb4k is a graphical network browser, that might also help you09:32
phlegyasbut really i loved that kopete thing. it amazing :)09:32
phlegyassoooooooooooooo when did you install it Kumaro ?09:33
khirrhow can i kill on process since Konsole?09:33
KumaroI think three weeks ago!09:33
[cf] nightrid3rkhirr: kill $process-id09:33
trappistkillermach_: you mean kill all konsole processes?09:34
phlegyasthree weeks? ohhhhhhhhhh you re an oldieeeeeeeeeeeeee09:34
trappistkhirr: you mean kill all konsole processes?09:34
[cf] nightrid3rkhirr: to find the process-id do ps aux | grep $procname09:34
khirrno no09:34
ubotuFor multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats  -  See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html  -  But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats09:34
trappist[cf] nightrid3r: or just killall procname09:34
phlegyasso anyways boys and girls... Phlegyas is beat. I should get going to get my Zs.09:34
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markelhas[cf] nightrid3r: no pc in that app09:34
khirri wanna kill adept process09:35
[cf] nightrid3rmarkelhas: hmmm09:35
khirrwhat should i write?09:35
markelhas[cf] nightrid3r: also didn't find any place to put my workgroup09:35
KumaroWhat's Zs ?09:35
[cf] nightrid3rmarkelhas: smb4k is a graphical network browser, that might also help you09:35
=== phlegyas hits the Zs.
phlegyasummmm falling asleep Kumaro.09:35
KumaroI don't really know09:35
studentkhirr: sudo killall adept09:35
phlegyasthe Zs ... as in snoring09:35
markelhas[cf] nightrid3r: nothing09:35
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phlegyasso see you all soon I hope. Take good care now09:36
=== phlegyas out.
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KumaroYou too09:36
[cf] nightrid3rmarkelhas: then i'm affraid i cant help you, i'm doing this from memory, i haven't run windows for the last 5 years :)09:36
markelhas[cf] nightrid3r: :)09:37
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markelhas[cf] nightrid3r: i think the problem is on xp machine09:37
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markelhas[cf] nightrid3r: going to check wth live cd my pci card and printer09:37
markelhasc u09:38
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[cf] nightrid3rmarkelhas: you could try man smbmount on the cli09:38
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khirrhow can i kill all mi process?09:41
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[cf] nightrid3rkhirr: halt09:41
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joblessguys .. the live cd for edgy freezes when i hit start or install .. theres a blinking cursor and thats it .. nothing happens .. i am using dell xps 70009:45
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joblesscan somebody help?09:45
=== ubuntu__ [n=ubuntu@ip-83-134-78-68.dsl.scarlet.be] has joined #kubuntu
lupine_85try the alternate cd instead?09:46
lupine_85or boot in safe graphics mode?09:46
ubuntu__I am testing the live cd of kubuntu09:46
ubuntu__looks nice09:47
systestjobless: have you tried "check cd for defects" ?09:47
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KumaroHi stecus.09:48
stecushello Kumaro09:48
KumaroNewbie like me ?09:48
stecusI am testing a live cd of Kubuntu09:48
stecusIt looks nice09:49
KumaroI've installed it !09:49
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KumaroSomething like three weeks ago !09:49
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scionhello all09:49
stecushow is your experience with it09:49
KumaroHello scion09:49
stecushello scion09:49
KumaroQuite nice !09:49
NeonLightninghow do i burn audio cd's with mp3's in k3b?09:50
KumaroI've not gottent any trouble yet09:50
stecusWhere are you from Kumaro?09:50
scionhow come i have to restart X every time I edit my ~/.Xdefaults in order to see changes09:50
KumaroI'm from Venezuela but living in France09:50
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HawkwindNeonLightning: You need libk3b2-mp3 installed09:51
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scionin gentoo it was a matter of closing the aterm window and he presto!09:51
stecusworld citezen then. I am from Belgium09:51
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KumaroSo you speak french also09:52
scionany takers?09:52
caseyomahNeonLightning: libk3b2-mp3 will autoconvert MP3 to audio when dropped onto an audio CD project.09:52
stecusa petit peu.I got to go. Maybe until next time. Grettings all09:52
Galathalionmy adept upgrade is not responding. what should i do?09:52
h3sp4wnGalathalion: upgrading between edgy and dapper with adept ?09:53
systestanyone having problems with /bin/sh in edgy?09:53
Galathalionh3sp4wn: no?09:53
scionif you close the adept window you will probably get database locked error09:53
h3sp4wnGalathalion: So what are you upgrading ?09:54
KumaroWell I leave you09:54
Galathalionh3sp4wn: well i dont know.. its the adept upgrader.. i dunno what its for. o_O09:54
h3sp4wnGalathalion: Do you need adept ?09:55
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Galathalionh3sp4wn: what do you meen?09:55
h3sp4wnGalathalion: Do you use it ?09:55
Galathalionh3sp4wn: yes09:55
scionyou can use command "sudo apt-get update"09:55
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Galathalionscion: whats the difference?09:56
h3sp4wnGalathalion: You could use aptitude instead (its the best of the bunch)09:56
scionno GUI, command line is always faster09:56
HawkwindBest of the bunch is a matter of a personal opinion really09:56
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Hawkwindsystest: Since edgy uses dash instead of bash by default now, it's a known problem09:57
Galathalionwell i did the command before and after that the GUI-thingy wanted to upgrade as well but after a while it stopped working09:57
scionI'm not really a fan of GUI frontends at all!09:57
h3sp4wnaptitude has the most powerful syntax09:57
systestHawkwind: thanks, didn't realize 6.06 was using bash for /bin/sh09:57
khirrsomeone here use Kubuntu AMD 64 bits version?09:58
ubotuTo install a Java compiler/interpreter on Ubuntu, look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Java  -  For the Sun Java runtime install sun-java5-jre from the !Multiverse repository09:58
scioni tried Synaptic before and kinda liked it09:58
Hawkwindh3sp4wn: Again, that's personal opinion really09:58
h3sp4wnaptitude search \linux~nimage~i09:58
h3sp4wnthe equivalent apt-get / apt-cache version is much longer09:58
HawkwindNot everyone is going to agree with that statement, as some will feel apt-get is far more superior and others will feel other things are far more superior09:58
scionpersonal preference09:59
h3sp4wnHawkwind: If they can provide reasons why then fine09:59
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scionapt-get all the way... personally09:59
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Galathalionmust be some kind of bug or something.. i did the command-update but the icon is still there o_O10:00
khirrsomeone here use AMD 64 bits version?10:00
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h3sp4wnscion: Can't see any advantages to apt-get over aptitude other than support for source and build-dep10:00
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h3sp4wnscion: What are they ?10:00
scionso can anyone help with my lil aterm issue10:01
iberthey! What's your favourite terminal-program for your k-desktop?10:01
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Hawkwindh3sp4wn: Again, it's a matter of personal opinion and choice.  You can't force aptitude on someone, just like you can't force apt-get.  No need in dragging that conversation/battle on10:01
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leonxyrSomeone tell me if this makes sense.  I have 20 identical computers.  They need to dualboot both WinXP and Kubuntu.  I am thinking of just using Norton Ghost to create an image.  Others have said to preseed, but doesnt imaging make more sense?10:02
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cyberquiethi, I have a problem. I can't set module parameters via sysfs, is there an alternative way? thanks10:03
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h3sp4wnHawkwind: Chosing something blindly without testing the alternatives is pretty stupid if you ask me10:05
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edgaralguien me puede ayudar repositorios10:05
markelhas[cf] nightrid3r: the raid was ok, everything oki10:05
Zairecan someone tell me why my screen size is at 640x480 when I shut it down lastnight at 1280x1024 -_-10:06
scion!es | edgar10:06
ubotuedgar: Para Espaol por favor usen #ubuntu-es, #kubuntu-es o #edubuntu-es, all obtendrn mas ayuda.10:06
Hawkwindh3sp4wn: Who said anything about not testing other options ?  People use what *they* like and what *they* feel comfortable with.  Just because you like aptitude doesn't mean the rest of the world should or has to use it10:06
Zaireand I can't change the res for some reason10:06
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markelhas[cf] nightrid3r: but when installing the printer got a error in the display on test print page10:06
ubotuPor favor use #ubuntu-br  ou #ubuntu-pt  para ajuda em portugus. Obrigada.10:06
LockUpI need a free program to export DOC or ODT documents to PDF/X-1a. Where can I find it?10:06
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scionZaire: that will be in your xorg.conf file10:06
h3sp4wnHawkwind: *they* haven't provided any compeling reason to use apt-get (and I am open to using it if there is good reason)10:07
Zaireyea and why would it be that when I haven't gone near it since my install10:07
Hawkwindh3sp4wn: Because it's what *they* like and what *they* are comfortable with.  It works for them.  Again, you are beating a dead bush.  Let them use what they want, not what you say they must use10:07
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markelhasdid some one installed on hp 5510 on kubuntu?10:08
HawkwindI find apt-get works, and is quick and efficient.  I don't need to use something I don't like or that I don't find as comfortable to use as apt-get.  Linux is about choice and that's my choice, as it is for everyone who uses Linux10:08
scionZaire: do a "kdesu kate /etc/X11/xorg.conf" and have a look at the listed resolutions10:08
LeonThePunisherwho can help me with tv-out?10:09
scionZaire: press Alt+F2 first10:09
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LeonThePunisherwho can kiss my ass?10:09
HawkwindLeonThePunisher: No need for that10:09
Zaireummmm Im looking at it right now and where the hell did my screen res settings go10:09
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h3sp4wnZaire: You could put a modeline in to force that resolution10:12
ZaireI shouldn't have to...all I did was shutdown my computer lastnight and turn it back on today how does this happen10:13
scionZaire: heres a sample one - http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/30682/10:13
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h3sp4wnZaire: or try Xorg -probeonly10:14
sudo|faderhi! how does one go about giving an FTP user upload access?10:14
scioneven better!10:14
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h3sp4wnZaire: Should give you an idea what is wrong (stop kdm first)10:14
h3sp4wnsudo|fader: anonymous ftp or ?10:14
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h3sp4wnsudo|fader: usually a user has access to its home directory with ftp by default10:15
ZaireI think i'll just use my servers xorg it will be easier to fix10:15
h3sp4wnsudo|fader: you don't mention much information10:16
h3sp4wnsudo|fader: you can use a suitable umask and groups (if its to somewhere else) - personally I would use proftpd but there are other options10:16
h3sp4wnare the feisty repos open shortly ?10:17
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harmentalhi everybody..10:18
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DivineHHello all10:18
DivineHAnyone here handle kinda of a odd question?10:18
harmentalsince i upgraded to edgy i cant copy copy files (that were already in my box) which use special characters (  )10:19
harmentalany ideas?10:19
h3sp4wnharmental: use \10:19
DivineHTrying to make basicly a internet kiosk livecd out of Kubuntu and I read through all the how tos.. but I cant figure out how to auto start an appication like opera on the startup of the livecd10:20
h3sp4wnharmental: i.e cp \~whatever\"10:20
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DivineHso as soon as kde kicks off it auto starts opera10:20
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h3sp4wnDivineH: Why do you need kde ?10:21
markelhasppl any tips installing hp 5510!?10:21
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h3sp4wnDivineH: If it is just to run one browser - why not just run it full screen without a window manager10:21
harmentalh3sp4wn: actually im using krusader and konqueror....10:22
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DivineHI don't I guess I could just use X or something.. I had the kubuntu live laying around and only have a t1 to download with at the office :-)10:22
h3sp4wnharmental: No idea10:22
leonxyrDivineH: I'd almost say do a shell script to execute opera at boot up.10:22
harmentali get: "Could not make folder /my folder10:23
h3sp4wnDivineH: You could do that from .Xsession10:23
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h3sp4wnharmental: If you want to make a folder in / you have to use sudo10:23
DivineHnot a bad idea.. thank you for the info I will start looking in that direction10:23
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harmentalactually its an external drive...and it works fine w/folders not using special chars10:24
h3sp4wnDivineH: You can use vtopen - to open a specific vt10:25
h3sp4wnDivineH: And run xinit as that user from the script and just start everything as you want from .xinitrc10:25
h3sp4wnDivineH: I would say its much easier to do if you avoid kdm (but probably there is a way to do it with kdm)10:26
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DivineHso I just need to strip kde out of the livecd and just you x.. that will work cool10:26
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graymanwhy do archive.ubuntu.com returns a ping for ip
graymani cant update my repository10:27
DivineHubuntu was the only distro I could track down in the office that would work on a ICH8 motherboard thats why I was working with it10:27
h3sp4wnDivineH: You could even use kde still but just start opera first (opera & for example) then run exec /usr/bin/startkde10:27
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DivineHwhats the default user on the livecd?10:28
h3sp4wnDivineH: ubuntu (I believe)10:28
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graymanok it works now10:28
DivineHthanks guys you been a big help..10:28
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ozzicleWell I keep getting that DHCPDISCOVER message scrolling with I run dhclient, only my connection is fine (I can irc), it keeps switching the dns servers to something local like 192, so I switch them back to my ISP's and it works fine, but it seems to autoswitch them back to the local ones10:29
h3sp4wnozzicle: fix your local dns server10:29
ozzicleThere is no local dns server10:30
fdovingozzicle: use prepend in dhclient.conf10:30
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h3sp4wnozzicle: Are you using a router ?10:30
ozzicleI have two connections, one is, the other isn't10:30
ozzicleBoth are getting the same problem10:30
ozzicleI think it started the same time I installed vmware10:30
fdovingozzicle: in /etc/dhcp3/dhclient.conf - add 'supersede domain-name-servers ip.of.dns.server;'10:31
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h3sp4wnozzicle: change the dhcp settings on the router to give you the isp dns servers10:31
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ozzicleh3sp4wn, it's set to obtain them automatically10:31
ozziclefdoving, I'd prefer not setting it statically10:31
h3sp4wnozzicle: Well specify them specifically10:31
h3sp4wnozzicle: Or try upgrading the firmware10:31
cosmintplease can anyone reccomend a good ftp client for kde ?10:32
ozzicleBut it's not a router issue.10:32
ozzicleSince all the other machines on the network are fine.10:32
miahi all, what do i ahve to do to be able to play xvids and divxs in kubuntu?  imk not finding any codecs in my repos10:32
cosmintexcept for kasablanca or kftp10:32
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h3sp4wnozzicle: All other machines being windows machines ? if it works with windows it doesn't mean it works properly10:33
ozzicleNo, linux machines as well10:33
ozzicleBut they're all dapper10:33
ozzicleThis was the first one I moved to edgy10:33
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miaim using amd64.  is that why i dont have libxine-extracodecs10:33
h3sp4wnWell this is probably some of the edgyness which was to be expected (according to the initial release spec)10:34
ozzicleBut this just started happening :-/10:35
ozzicleIt was running fine for a few days10:35
thill2708anyone know when kubuntu will upgrade to 4?10:35
thill2708er, qt4, that is10:35
ozzicleI think vmware b0rked it tbh10:35
markelhasdid some one installed on hp 5510 on kubuntu?10:36
markelhasdid some one installed one hp 5510 on kubuntu?10:36
cosmint please can anyone reccomend a good ftp client for kde ?10:36
thill2708cosmint: kasablanca10:36
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sazeinelhow can i check wether kubuntu is running smp10:36
cosminthi thil10:37
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h3sp4wnozzicle: Look in the aptitude / dpkg log what you have done in the last few days and reverse it10:37
cosminti had some issues with kasablanka10:37
cosmintwhen i press connect10:37
cosmintit simply disappears from my screen, program crashes and exits10:38
cosmintany idea why ?10:38
thill2708no idea10:38
thill2708purge it and reinstall would be my guess10:38
cosmintso you're using it with no problem ?10:38
cosmintlet me try that10:39
cosmintand get back here10:39
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sazeinelhow can i check wether kubuntu is running both of my processors10:40
thill2708what version of qt is standard in kubuntu now?10:40
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cosmint(no debugging symbols found)10:41
cosmintUsing host libthread_db library "/lib/tls/i686/cmov/libthread_db.so.1".10:41
cosmintsame error10:41
thill2708do a sudo aptitude remove kasablanca10:41
thill2708then do sudo aptitude install kasablanca10:41
cosmintgreat idea will try now10:41
thill2708aptitude might be able to fix it10:42
thill2708just guessing here10:42
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markelhasdid some one installed one hp 5510 on kubuntu? i have this error Error:0xd08400110:44
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cosmintthill2708 thanks i solved it10:46
thill2708sweet, what was the problem?10:46
thill2708I really wish FileZilla would just get ported over10:46
cosminti also had the wrong setting on connection details10:46
cosmintyeah, i need a more complex ftp client too10:47
thill2708gftp also sucks :('10:47
cosminti used fire ftp with firefox10:47
thill2708any good?10:47
thill2708must be weird to ftp through a web browser, though10:47
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cosmintstill using but i wish i had a single client with all features10:47
Sannethill2708: did you check out kftpgrabber? Looked nice to me as I had a quick look: http://www.kftp.org/10:48
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osh_why not use konqueror as an ftp? works like a charm for me.10:48
cosmintyou should give it a try (fire ftp), it works kinda neat10:48
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cosminthey osh i tried10:48
miais anyone using amd64?  i cant find any working documentation to install codecs for kmplayer...  xvid, divx, etc10:48
cosmintit transfers but i also need to do some chmods on server side10:49
miai understand win32 wont work thats fine10:49
thill2708Sanne: that looks great - I'm hooked10:49
cosmintand i dunno if konqueror does that10:49
Sannethill2708: :)10:49
thill2708kasablanca is ugly :(10:49
osh_mia: unless things have improved lately you'll have to make a chroot'ed install of a win32-player with codecs. That's what I did some year ago when I tried it.10:49
Sannethill2708: it's even in edgy10:49
cosmintand pretty much useless kasablanka10:49
osh_cosmint: No idea. Never had that need. You tried KBear?10:50
miaosh_: no, i said that i dont care that win32 wont work, whats bothering me is that xvid and divx codecs arent working10:50
Sannecosmint: konqueror can chmod on the server10:50
cosmintnoppe osh10:50
cosmintthanks sanne10:50
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cosmintwill try all suggestions thanks so very much10:51
osh_mia: You sure there are codecs for 64-bit? I think they're all 32 and then you're stuck with that ugly hack I tried.10:51
miaosh_: your kidding, there are still no video codecs for amd64?10:52
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cosmintkftpgrabber i use already10:52
cosmintcould be better10:52
cosmintlet me try kbear now10:52
osh_mia: Well, Microsoft hasn't gotten their 64-shit in order so "noone" uses 64-bit yet. Sort of. When MS pumps out a 64-bit OS for the masses, we'll see 64-bit codecs. I think. I'm just guessing though. There might be codecs. I've just not seen them. Ever.10:54
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miaosh_: im not looking for win32 codecs10:54
miaosh_: xvid is an openstandard10:54
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osh_mia: I get that. But I don't think there are 64bit codecs.10:55
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fishhunteruse the vlc media player for xvid10:55
lukyhi all10:56
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osh_mia: Googled this. Does it help? http://www.videohelp.com/tools?tool=XviD_Codec10:57
lukythe are any italain?10:57
lukyi need help10:57
ubotuVai su #ubuntu-it o su #kubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie!10:57
blizzz_ubhi there! does someone have some experience or knowledge in xsupplicant or connecting to a radius server? i got 2 cerificates (root-ca and user with password), the server runs in eap-tls and uses a dynamic wep key. i couldn get it to work so far, could someone help?10:58
miaosh_: thanks i guess ill give it one last shot with that10:58
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osh_mia: They mention that this works on 64-bit too I think. http://www.xvid.org/Downloads.43.0.html10:58
Sannemia: I'm pretty sure I can play xvid on my amd64. Should I try anything for you?10:59
ubotuDon't ask to ask a question. Just ask your question :)10:59
cosmintcannot install kbear10:59
cosmintno candidate error10:59
cosmintthen deb package install says11:00
miaSanne: all i'd like to know is how you did it11:00
miaSanne: i cant find any packages to grab in my repos11:00
cosmintit cannot resolve dependencies11:00
cosmintany ideas ?11:00
Sannemia: I can't remember what I did when... I check what video players I have installed, sec (I'm on dapper, btw)11:00
cosmintbtw can't get my kobian mercury radio tuner to work on edgy11:01
cosmintit works fine on tv11:01
cosmintwith kdetv11:01
miaSanne: im on edgy, wonder if it makes a difference11:01
cosmintany ideas ?11:01
Sannemia: if so, I would think to your advantage. Let's see what I have.11:02
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Sannemia: I have kaffeine, gxine and vlc (with wxvlc frontend).11:03
miaSanne: you use vlc to play them?11:03
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miaSanne: it even wants to play dvds with kaffine, lol11:04
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sa6oookppls i need help .i run LKL linux keylogger11:04
sa6oookbut i can't stop it11:05
Sannemia: well, usually I try one of them with a video file, and if it doesn't work, I try the next ;).11:05
sa6oookcan somebody help me?11:05
miai installed libdvdcss but i guess kde dopesnt know about it11:05
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Sannemia: ah, do you try to play DVDs? If so, Ican't help, because I don't have a DVD drive yet.11:05
sa6oookppls i need help .i run LKL linux keylogger11:06
sa6oookcan somebody help me?11:06
sa6oookbut i can't stop it11:06
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h3sp4wnSomeone has routed your box ?11:06
osh_sa6oook: Once is enough. If people know the answer, they'll help. Repeating doesn't go down well here.11:06
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h3sp4wnrooted ?11:06
miaSanne: im not trying dvds specifically11:07
h3sp4wnsa6oook: Try fixing it from a live cd11:07
miano video playback works out of the box in kubuntu edgy aamd6411:07
alex___hi ! can anyone please tell me if it is likely to get an "UNEXPECTED INCONSISTENCY ; RUN fsck MANUALLY" error when booting in case i suspect i have a faulty hdd ?!11:07
Sannemia: if you can give me a link to a video that you cannot play, I could try if it works for me and with what player.11:08
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miaSanne: im trying local video, and none works in kmplayer cuz it uses xine which has no codecs  package in the repos for amd6411:09
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osh_alex___: Try smartmontools and check your HDD.11:09
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alex___osh_: thank you (i suppose i have to apt-get smartmontools, right?)11:10
Sannemia: I see I have a package libxine-extracodecs, do you have that one installed? It's in multiverse.11:10
osh_alex___: That'd be the easiest way to get them yes.11:10
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miasanne, i have multiverse uncommented, no package like that11:11
alex___osh_: thank you, i'm installing them right now - i will run a hdd check and see what i get...11:11
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osh_sa6oook: Dunno what lkl is but if that's the name you could probably just do a "sudo killall lkl"11:11
osh_alex___: Good luck.11:11
Sannemia: funny, it should be there according to packages.ubuntu.com: http://packages.ubuntu.com/edgy/libs/libxine-extracodecs11:12
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user___Hi, does anybody knows how to store app database so the next instalation can have the same programs ?11:13
miaSanne: well vlc is playing at least.11:13
Sannemia: cool :)11:14
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Sannemia: there's a 64 bit subforum on ubuntuforums.com that might also help with 64bit issues.11:14
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sa6oookosh_ ,i already download Htop ,one process menager ,and kill LKL11:16
sa6oooknow problem is11:16
sa6oookLKL keymap file11:16
sa6oookit write everythuing as like as NULL$11:16
sa6oookand i dont know why11:16
letalismia: i run edgy 64bit what are you trying to get running?11:17
h3sp4wnsa6oook: If its a key logger you should reinstall11:17
sa6oookwhy ?11:17
sa6oookwhast to reinstall ?11:17
osh_sa6oook: so lkl isn't running anymore? Then what's the question again?11:17
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h3sp4wnosh_: Does it not imply to you that lkl is a root kit of some type ? (from what he is saying) I may be wrong11:18
sa6oooki need to run it, but now to works. to this moment LKL writes empty log11:18
sa6oookwith NULL$11:18
sa6oookand no keys11:18
sa6oookfrom where i can get keymap11:18
sa6oookfor kubuntu 6.06p11:18
sa6oookfor kubuntu 6.0611:18
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CVirusWTF ?11:18
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CVirusis that English ?11:18
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h3sp4wnsa6oook: You are trying to install a keylogger onto someones pc ?11:18
osh_sa6oook: No idea. Never seen the program before in my life. Read the manpage I guessl11:19
miasa6oook: edgy 6411:19
h3sp4wnsa6oook: Find a script kiddie irc server11:19
miasa6oook: Sanne:  i found a BUNCH of gstreamer plugins11:19
zorglu_q. i look for a kde apps able to provide volume tuning, any suggestion ? (beside kmix, which i find way to hard to use)11:19
sa6oookosh ok thanks11:19
sa6oookyou are nice11:19
CVirush3sp4wn: he's gonna google about that11:19
osh_sa6oook: good luck11:20
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h3sp4wnCVirus: I can't see any legitimate reason for wanting to install a keylogger11:20
CVirush3sp4wn: everybody needs a keylogger on his girl friend's PC :-p11:20
apokryphosdisturbing ;-)11:21
CVirusgotta get some slee11:21
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ubotuppc is PowerPC.  Formerly used by Apple for the Macintosh line of computers, and now a fully supported Ubuntu architecture.11:22
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sa6oook10x ,btw ,the processes menager is named "htop"  and is perfect ,and interactive11:23
B-Minuskubuntu detects my intel 1.8 ghz processor laptop but it says it runs at 600 mhz11:23
B-Minushow is this possible ?11:23
h3sp4wnCVirus: Not at all if you don't trust them 100% its a waste of time11:23
osh_B-Minus: governors?11:23
B-Minusosh_: what ?11:23
tibbarsorry people im such a noob, but you have to start some time :), how do I mount a ISO on Kubuntu11:24
ZarephathOk so I have a Mac Powerpc mirrored drive dual 1ghz machine...when I am booting to Kubuntu Edgy using powerpc-live..it boots and I have 5 seperate icons across the screen which can barely be read...what boot option can I use to turn off the eyecandy crap so I can at least get the install started?11:24
osh_B-Minus: There are governors that can control the speed of your cpu. Like if you're on battery it'll go into power-save mode.11:24
kjeldergare there any known issues that make konversation _slow_?11:24
B-Minuswell i just installed kubuntu on this laptop11:24
B-Minusi havent dont anoher thing11:25
osh_B-Minus: Right-click on the battery icon. They're controlled from there I believe.11:25
B-Minusis there a console command to see the cpu speed ?11:25
kjeldergB-Minus: cat /proc/cpuinfo11:25
h3sp4wnB-Minus: cat /proc/cpuinfo11:25
tibbarosh_: how do I mount a ISO on Kubuntu, im using dapper11:25
B-Minusmodel name      : Intel(R) Pentium(R) M processor 1.80GHz11:25
B-Minusstepping        : 811:25
B-Minuscpu MHz         : 600.00011:25
B-Minuscache size      : 2048 KB11:25
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markelhasppl how can i share a printer in kubuntu in a network, linux and windows.11:26
osh_tibbar: mount -t iso9660 /dev/hdb /mnt/cdrom11:26
h3sp4wntibbar: sudo mount -o loop whatever.iso /media/isodrive (for example)11:26
B-Minushmm so thats bad11:26
kjeldergB-Minus: no11:26
kjeldergwhy would taht be  bad?11:26
h3sp4wnB-Minus: No its supposed to happen (conserves battery)11:26
osh_tibbar: listen to h3sp4wn. I wasn't paying attention.11:26
h3sp4wnB-Minus: If its needed it will switch speed11:26
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B-Minusbut im not on battery now, im on power11:27
TheGateKeepermarkelhas: yes, linux or windows going to be the print server?11:27
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kjeldergsame idea11:27
B-Minusok then11:27
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kjeldergconserves power11:27
h3sp4wnIt may be possible to make it always run at full speed if you are connected to the mains11:27
ZarephathIs there a developer channel? or a ppc specific channel for Kubuntu?11:28
markelhasTheGateKeeper: hi, i hope linux, i'm in livecd checking if everything is ok11:28
h3sp4wn(but I dunno how to do it)11:28
TheGateKeepermarkelhas: you might find this helpfull then: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/NetworkPrintingFromWinXP11:28
tibbarh3sp4wn: what is the last part (media/isodrive) is that where I want to mount it?11:28
h3sp4wntibbar: yep (I usually mount into /media but it can be wherever)11:29
h3sp4wntibbar: mount into /sys or /proc if you want11:29
sergeyHi. Pls, how to install the opera browser. I have kubuntu on my roverbook and have not opera into list in adept11:30
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markelhasTheGateKeeper: oki them, i'll try follow the wiki. thkns again11:31
TheGateKeepermarkelhas: yw :-)11:31
knappI am having a problem with Konversation, the Server List pops up when I open it, has no buttons, and will not close.11:31
Zarephathmarkelhas: Basically what you need to do is make sure the hosts file on linux has your ip and alias for the windows machine...go to http://localhost:631 and setup a ipp print connection...then you go to the windows machine and add the full alias name(probably better to specify the ip of the linux box) \<name of ipp printer>11:31
Galathalionanyone know what clamav-base is+11:32
ubotuclamav: antivirus scanner for Unix. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.88.4-1ubuntu2 (edgy), package size 65 kB, installed size 208 kB11:32
Sannesergey: I didn't install opera myself, but here's something on the wiki: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/OperaBrowser11:32
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knappI am having a problem with Konversation, the Server List pops up when I open it, has no buttons, and will not close.11:33
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knappAnyone have any ideas?11:34
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markelhasZarephath: oki oki, i'll do that also11:34
sergeySanne, tks a lot11:34
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markelhasZarephath: TheGateKeeper and now can i use the printer in my laptop(kubuntu).11:34
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Sannesergey: you're welcome :)11:34
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markelhasZarephath: TheGateKeeper just to make sure that it works in linux11:35
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Zarephathmarkelhas: That the best way I have found to setup printing and have it be consistent..you should be able to yes...11:35
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thill2708Sanne: do you happen to know which version of qt kubuntu currently uses?11:35
thill2708have they upped to 4.2 yet?11:35
ZarephathMake sure your linux printer machine has a static ip!11:35
sergeyit is very different from rpm-based linux here11:35
markelhasZarephath: oki i'm going to do that now to see if i can add the printer in my laptop11:35
Zarephathsergey: and much better once you understand the basics of apt-get11:36
Ranma2264Does anyone knows why desktop devices on kde 3.5.5 goes to /media/device instead of media:/device ?11:36
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markelhasZarephath: to setup a ipp print should i do by the wizard or in the web tool?11:40
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Zarephathmarkelhas: I have just used the web tool11:40
markelhasZarephath: where can i do it?11:41
markelhasZarephath: add new printer?11:41
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Zarephathmarkelhas: Just a sec..11:42
markelhasZarephath: *add printer?11:42
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rolandowhat files should i copy from my ~/.kdeold to my ~/.kde to import my account in kontact?11:42
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smaggardin normal kde my ati card works fine and shows direct rendering, but in an xgl session direct rendering disappears and says xfree86-dri missing.11:44
Zarephathmarkelhas: Yes...just add a name for the printer..eventually you get to a drop down where you select ipp as connection type...make sure you know the printer name you create..that is what you will use on the windows machine11:44
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markelhasZarephath: oki going to try11:45
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markelhasZarephath: what's the default user and pass for root in livecd of kubuntu11:46
Zarephathmarkelhas: I think the syntax on the windows machine is ipp:\\computername or ip\printer name...11:46
Zarephathmarkelhas: Not sure...11:47
sergeyZarephath, tks, I used apt-get into altlinux but different way to find repositaries11:47
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markelhasZarephath: can't add the printer, cause i don't now the user and pass for CUPS al localhost11:48
markelhasZarephath: :P11:48
Zarephathsergey: There is a tool that I can't remember the name of..it is a website..a tool to create a new sources.list file with the repos..or if you know the repo you need to add you can just edit /etc/apt/sources.list11:48
woufI'm not able to read a DVD with my Kubuntu Edgy Eft, can someone help me ? (I have installed all the stuff needed I think.. but it's not working...)11:49
markelhasZarephath: hummmmm, should this be set by me!?11:49
sledge_at_workwouf: A movie DVD?11:49
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ubotuFor playing DVD, see http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/video.html  -  libdvdcss can be found at http://wiki.ubuntu.com/SeveasPackages11:50
woufI have already installed it11:50
markelhasZarephath: any ideia what's the problem !11:50
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yanisi have an intelx86 pc. should I se the 386 or the 686 mplayer package?11:51
woufsledge_at_work: I have already done evrything on this document...11:51
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sledge_at_workwouf: How does it not work? Error messages, etc?11:52
Kannix_Hi all, is there a KDE theme that has the warm, brown colours of Ubuntu?11:52
sergeyZarephath, yes, but where find repos on internet? Is where the list of repo's?11:52
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zorglu_q. is there a way to get my file from from ~/Desktop to appears on the actual desktop background ?11:53
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woufsledge_at_work: the DVD is mounted, but for exemple if I try with kaffeine (xine) kaffeine crash11:53
Zarephathsergey: Try google for sourceomatic11:53
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sledge_at_workwouf: ogle is supposed to be a good dvd player. can you give it a try?11:54
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SanneKannix_: if there is, you should be able to find it at kde-look.org11:55
Kannix_Sanne: Thanks for the hint.11:55
woufsledge_at_work: oky i will try it now11:55
SanneKannix_: heh, this one? http://www.kde-look.org/content/show.php?content=471011:55
sergeyZarephath, well, but ...11:55
Kannix_Sanne: So it is not included with Kubuntu?11:55
zorglu_ q. is there a way to get my file from from ~/Desktop to appears on the actual desktop background ?11:55
TheGateKeepersergey: edgy or dapper?11:55
ubotusource-o-matic is a webpage where you can (re)generate your sources.list - http://www.ubuntu-nl.org/source-o-matic11:55
Zarephathsergey: How about that?11:55
SanneKannix_: I never looked, but for that I recommend searching at packages.ubuntu.com11:56
Kannix_Sanne: That results in a "not found" error.11:56
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ubotuThe packages in Kubuntu are divided into various sections. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Repositories/Kubuntu11:56
Zarephathsergey: Read that too11:56
SanneKannix_: sorry: http://www.kde-look.org/content/show.php?content=4710411:56
sergeyZarephath, incomfortable11:56
jende_Sanne: what are you looking for?11:56
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hazardwhat's the fastest light windows manager for X11?11:56
markelhasZarephath: any ideia!? about the user and pass for CUPS!?11:56
ZarephathWhere is the fsking kdecontrol so I can turn off the bouncing cursor?11:57
Sannejende_: trying to help Kannix_ find a ubuntu brown theme for kde11:57
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Kannix_Sanne: similar to that you linked. I'd like the 6.10 edgy theme ...11:57
jende_Sanne: a brown one?11:57
TheGateKeeperhazard: fluxbox probable11:57
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Kannix_jende_: Yep, the one used in 6.10 Ubuntu.11:57
hazardwill it run on debian?11:57
Sannejende_: I think so, ask Kannix_ ;)11:57
Zarephathmarkelhas: I said I don't know...did you try root with nothing for pass? What about root, root for the userpass..try some combinations..or search the wiki for the information..11:57
TheGateKeeperhazard: yep & it's in the repos11:58
jende_Kannix_: AFAIK its gone in edgy11:58
Kannix_Sanne, jende_: Strange enough, I like the warm brown tones.11:58
hazardalright, I'll give it a try.11:58
Kannix_jende_: Nope, it is still there. Just a little lighter.11:58
alex____osh_: i have installed smartmontools and i don't know if i used smartctl well, as it tells me that for my device smart isn't available ; here's how i used it $ smartctl -a -T verypermissive --smart=on --device=ata /media/hdc1, am i doing anything wrong ?11:58
Kannix_jende_: Look at any edgy screenshots11:58
SanneZarephath: it's the command kcontrol, you can also add it to the panel as an applet11:58
woufsledge_at_work: ERROR[ogle_nav] : faild to read VIDEO_TS.IFO11:58
woufsledge_at_work: callbacks.on_opendvd_activate(): DVDSetDVDRoot: Root not set11:59
sledge_at_workwouf: Are you trying to play a DVD-R?11:59
woufno its a commercial DVD11:59
Kannix_jende_, Sanne: This one http://www.thecodingstudio.com/opensource/linux/?q=node/1611:59
SanneKannix_: I like those colors too :) Nothing strange about that, contrary to some opinions found on the net.12:00
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woufsledge_at_work: I tryed with an other commercial DVD : FATAL[ogle_mpeg_ps] : dvdreadblocks failed12:00
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Kannix_Sanne: You need a good quality colour screen for them, something to do with contrast and colours that are not blue, red or green.12:01
sledge_at_workwouf: Does it work fine in Windows?12:01
alex____osh_: also, after the version etc, it says "smartctl: device read identity failed (not an ata/atapi device)"... although my hdd is ata12:01
woufI don't have windows ...12:01
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hazardsure it isn't SATA or something?12:01
woufsledge_at_work:  I don't have windows ...12:01
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markelhasany one nows whats the ubuntu default password?12:01
bLaZeDhmm is there a way to load/unload the driver so sound....for some reason everythings i saying it cant find my sound device...12:01
hazardor, that the drive controller is supported by smartctrl?12:01
Kannix_markelhas: There is no such thing.12:01
sledge_at_workwouf: When you run dmesg (in a konsole) does it show error message at the end?12:02
woufsledge_at_work:  yep , [17193900.840000]  end_request: I/O error, dev hdb, sector 167984012:02
alex____hazard: i don't know exactly, it's definetly not sata, and at boot it sais smart control enabled i.e. after grub bootloader12:02
hyperactivecrondmy wireless PCI card <wmp54gs> works fine with ndiswrapper but it shows as eth1 as opposed to wlan0. it also won't load at boottime. i ran ndiswrapper -i WMP54GS.inf, blacklisted bcm43xx, and ndiswrapper -m 'ed. what do i do now?12:02
hazardmaybe it just dosen't like the option set you're giving it then?12:02
zorglu_ok my icon question for ~/desktop deosnt seems to have much succeess :)12:02
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sledge_at_workwouf: Maybe your drive is broken...12:03
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ubotuIf you're having problems with sound, look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/DebuggingSoundProblems and http://alsa.opensrc.org/index.php?page=DmixPlugin12:03
markelhasKannix_: hummm, i'm trying to config CUPS and ask me for user pass or root pass12:03
alex____hazard: i'm a beginner in the command line... i checked through --help and i thought these should do12:03
markelhasKannix_: i'm using livecd12:03
woufsledge_at_work: I'm able to read CDROM...12:03
woufsledge_at_work: hdb: command error: status=0x51 { DriveReady SeekComplete Error }12:03
hazardtry only one or two, and see if it'll take em.12:03
sledge_at_workwouf: Do you actually have a DVD-ROM drive?12:03
sledge_at_workwouf: Sometimes people do shady things like relabling...12:04
alex____hazard: i already tried, for instance if i didn't set -T to verypermissive it would give me a less-detailed report and it wouldn't have tried so many things upon enabling smart support etc12:04
woufsledge_at_work: Yes, I have a laptop (Asus V6VA) wich have a dvdrom drive...12:04
Kannix_markelhas: did you try just "Enter"? :)12:04
hazardI dunno alex___ but I gotto run off for a bit.12:05
sledge_at_workwouf: Do you see a DVD-ROM icon on your desktop when you put in the disc?12:05
alex____hazard: ok thank you anyway !12:05
Lantiushow can I send a command like other user ?12:05
markelhasKannix_: no user no pass!?12:05
woufsledge_at_work: yes and i'm able to browse it12:05
alex____Lantius: su username and then the command12:05
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Kannix_markelhas: There is no real "root" user in Ubuntu.12:06
Lantiusalex___ but it's for a script, i need send in one line12:06
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Kannix_markelhas: Everyting is done using "sudo".12:06
Lantiusalex___ only one line12:06
Kannix_markelhas: so you need the password of the current used.12:06
Kannix_markelhas: so you need the password of the current user.12:06
alex____Lantius: oups i'm sorry - i don't know then12:06
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markelhasKannix_: yaps ubuntu is the user in livecd, and the pass is?12:06
Kannix_markelhas: I think it is blank on the live CD, but I am not sure. Never used it for anything but an installation :)12:06
markelhasKannix_: blank didn't work12:07
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Lantiussomeone knows how can I send a command like I would be another users in only one line ?12:08
markelhasi'm trying to share a printer12:08
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ChousukeLantius: hmm? do you mean something like su username -c "command"12:08
hyperactivecrondcould someone who has access to the /topic /query me? i have something relevant to add to the /topic12:09
LantiusChousuke: do you do it like that ? with username -c "command" ?12:10
Lantiusi think so12:10
ChousukeLantius: yeah12:10
Lantiusthis sounds great12:10
Chousuketry it out first :P12:10
Lantiusif i am root i am writing a script12:10
Chousukedo su user -c touch12:10
Lantiusi want to execute a program like another user12:10
Chousuke"touch test"12:10
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Chousukeif the user you specified is the owner, then it works12:11
Chousuke(touch creates an empty file) :)12:11
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