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shwagWhy does php5-gd attempt to install laptop-detect and x11-common  as dependencies ?12:53
infinityshwag: Because it wants x11-common as a libXpm dependency to be able to manipulate XPM images, and x11-common depends on laptop-detect.12:57
shwaginfinity: how did you figure that out? is there a way to get a dependency tree?12:58
infinityAnd, for the record, the total installed size of both those packages is smaller than mhy .ssh/authorized_keys, so I'm not sure why people complain about it.12:58
infinity(x11-common doesn't mean "I just installed X")12:58
infinityshwag: I know how to use my packaging tools.  On the other hand, I also maintain PHP, so I'm at an unfair advantage.12:58
shwagwell its just kinda funny when you are installing php5-gd libraries and the next thing you know you are install laptop-detect on your server.12:59
infinityYeah, x11-common's dependency on laptop-detect is... Interesting.01:00
infinity(THough it's a tiny little script, and it doesn't really make a difference to have it there, it's merely the package *name* that offends people)01:00
shwagx11-comon is no big deal...fonts, makes sense. Its the laptop-detect that makes people go... uhh..whaaaa01:01
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techwhoreyello there.06:56
techwhoreyou guys work with gadmintools ?06:56
infinityWe don't install X, generally. :)06:59
techwhorethat doesn't mean one can do an ssh and export display, right ?07:00
techwhorei mean, isn't the ubuntu-server group goal to create some sort of Linux Server with the same guidelines as ubuntu desktop ?07:00
techwhorein other word, easy, graphic adminstration of linux servers ?07:01
Burgworkthere are ways to admin a server graphically without needing to install X on the server07:05
Burgworkthat is part of this teams goal07:05
techwhoreyup, and what tools do you guys use or encourage the usage of ?07:05
infinityNo, honestly, that's not our goal.07:33
Burgworkinfinity: rain on my parade will you07:33
infinityIf people want to work on easy administration, I'm all for it, but it's certainly not the primary goal of ubuntu server.07:34
infinityWe're far more concerned in enterprise-class stability and package selection.07:34
techwhoreit seems to me that both goals are not exclusive.07:41
techwhorethanks dude.07:41
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shwaghow come when I   sudo useradd newuser  .... it doesnt create a  /home/newuser  ?10:12
ivokssudo adduser10:12
ivoksuseradd just creates user in /etc/passwd10:13
techwhoreplease read the topic.10:13
shwagtechwhore: what about the topic ?10:16
jbrouhardshwag: try adduser10:29
jbrouhardit's a script that asks you a few questions i believe10:29
shwagjbrouhard: yah...adduser works.  useradd doesnt create directories though. That was rather ambiguous.10:31
jbrouhardadduser is just a script10:33
jbrouhardthat calls useradd10:33
jbrouhardwith a bunch of options10:33
jbrouhardafk i go10:33
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techwhoreshwag 11:00
techwhore       -m, --create-home11:00
techwhore          The users home directory will be created if it does not exist. The11:00
techwhorefrom useradd manpage11:00
shwagtechwhore: thats what it says...but it actually doesnt exist11:04
shwagtechwhore: adduser   rather then useradd  fixes the problem though11:04
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