
bruenigruzgar, why do you wish to backup the packages list?12:01
eyifireball what command allowes me to close a message from another user on my server?12:01
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sethkaztun, but perhaps you are more familiar with it than I am.  (although mine works)12:01
ruzgarwhen i reinstall ubuntu12:01
aztunmaybe sethk12:01
ruzgari want to install al packages automotic12:01
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aztunroot@lepetika:~# cat /etc/sysctl.conf | grep forw12:01
aztun# Uncomment the next line to enable packet forwarding for IPv412:01
kaptena swedish guy!12:01
ifireballey: since it doesn't "open" there isn't a command to close it, you jsut press enter if if confuses you12:02
bruenigruzgar, so do you mean the packages you have installed?12:02
eyifireball i am learning about unix :S so i need help .how do i close on a another user12:02
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ruzgaryes bruenig12:02
eyifireball i mean i dont want his message .but i wanna stay longer on my chatt12:02
eyifireball i just wanna block him12:02
nasragielwhere can i save a command that it is executed before xorg starts?12:03
sisqonrwwwwwwwwwhen i start my webcam with video0 or video1 or with camstream xubuntu crashes. can someon help me?12:03
bruenigruzgar, all the packages you have downloaded and installed are likely to be in /var/cache/apt/archives12:03
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ruzgarumm ok12:03
asdf_AlReece45: Yes, but it does not detect my wireless12:03
sethknasragiel, you mean you want it to execute whether X starts or not, or you want to execute it when X starts up?12:03
ifireballey: you use the mesg vommand; e.g. "mesg n" to blocl all messages to your terminal12:04
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nasragielwheter x starts or not, i have to use 915resolution, maybe you know this tool12:04
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aztuncant find how to see if packet_forwarding is active on /proc/net12:04
cryptonichas anyone here successfully installed wengophone 2 on ubuntu?12:04
crimsun915resolution has its own initscript, nasragiel.12:04
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razorhackHello everybody! I've jbeen trying to install ubuntu 6.10 on my dell 640M laptop. But the liveCD won't even start.  I get a an xserver error and then everything stops after fck --> (ok) message. I am stumped :)12:04
crimsunnasragiel: in edgy that script is run prior to any desktop manager being invoked (which starts X)12:05
bruenigruzgar, there is not some central list, you can make a list and then do some editing to make it easier to automate an install later12:05
asdf_AlReece45: do you know where the config setitngs are for network-manager12:05
sethknasragiel, probably /etc/rc.local12:05
nasragielseth_|, thanks12:05
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CurleySueanyone can help with exiting fluxbox?12:06
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nasragielcrimsun, i found it, but it does not start obviosly, how can i make it starting on boot?12:06
sethknasragiel, someone said it has an init script though.  If it does, then that script simply needs to be linked to the run level directory.  perhaps the script isn't using the options you want.12:06
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aztunroot@lepetika:~# sysctl -q net.ipv4.conf.default.forwarding12:06
aztunnet.ipv4.conf.default.forwarding = 112:06
ifireballCurleySue: ctrl+alt+backspace will most certaily exit it... (although rather violently)12:06
aztunroot@lepetika:~# sysctl -q net.ipv4.conf.default.forwarding12:06
aztunnet.ipv4.conf.default.forwarding = 112:06
aztunwhat a shit12:06
aztunpacket forwarding is active12:06
eyifireball thanks12:06
aztunbut doesnt work12:06
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ifireballaztun: make sure iptable isn't blocking your traffic12:07
nasragielsethk, it is, ive checked it already12:07
sethkaztun, run the route command (with no arguments), and put the output on the paste bot12:07
nasragielbut i dont know how to add it to a runlevel12:07
AlReece45asdf_: too unfortunate. I'm not 100% sure, but /etc/network/interfaces might be the file that network-manager uses12:07
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CurleySueifireball: thanx, but I'm looking for a clean way... there's an exit FB command which I'd like to imitate in a bash script12:07
cryptonicis there a logs section to terminal?12:08
eyifireball can i send to 3 ppl a message with just one text ,you know like this "write jeimz hi" but can i send with 1 command to 3 ppl12:08
AlReece45asdf_: note that's a file, its not in gconf12:08
sethknasragiel, oh, you go to the directory for the run level, as in /etc/rc1.d, then you do:  ln -s /etc/init.d/scriptname12:08
eyifireball please tell me if you dont understand me :(12:08
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nasragielok, thank you! :)12:08
sethknasragiel, that will make a link, named "scriptname" (which you change of course to the real name), in /etc/rc1.c12:08
eyifireball my english is sick :<12:08
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aztunhow can I paste?12:08
asdf_AlReece45: I think that did it...I'm going to chekc12:08
asdf_thank you12:08
sethknasragiel, rc1.d assuming you want runlevel 1.  you may want to put in more than one run level.12:08
ifireballey: there is the wall command that send a mesasge to all users in the system, other then that you haev to use a script12:09
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sethkaztun, you mean, how to use the paste web site, or how to get the stuff copied within linux?12:09
ubotupastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (you can always find it in the channel topic, among other useful things)12:09
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sethkaztun, paste, just in case.  :)12:09
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cheesyhow can i execute a *.bin file?12:09
sethkcheesy, file names in linux have no significance.  the fact that it is .bin doesn't tell you how to run it.  Probably you can do:   chmod +x whatever.bin, then do ./whatever.bin12:10
aztunpasted on the web12:10
eyifireball cant i use like this " write jeimz hello; write eko hello; write jack hello12:10
rstancaany tips on why acpi is not workin? default edgy install, worked with dapper, the error when starting acpid "No ACPI support in kernel, or incorrect acpi_path ("/proc/acpi")"12:10
eyifireball cant it work?12:10
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sethkaztun, ok, then paste the url here12:11
ifireballey: no becasue write needs the input from the standatrd input channel, it can't read the message from the command line12:11
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rstancasorry, thats for acpi, for acpid: acpid: can't open /proc/acpi/event: No such file or directory"12:11
ifireballey: you can use echo "msg" | write user1; echo "msg" | write user2; ...12:11
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aztunand this is config on my client machine12:12
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angel_of_shadowmode graphique ^^12:12
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sethkaztun, that's the output of iptables.  I asked you for the output of route12:13
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aztunon my server??12:13
cheesythanks sethk12:13
aztunI have inet on my server12:13
tarelerulzI can't change my monitor from 640x680 and I have done auto detect and try to set it higher ,but x just get some error and then I have to set it back to what it was12:13
sethkaztun, wait, which paste is which?12:13
ubotuThe X Window System is the part of your system that's responsible for graphical output. To restart your X, type this in a console: sudo /etc/init.d/?dm restart  -  To fix screen resolution or other X problems: http://help.ubuntu.com/community/FixVideoResolutionHowto12:13
aztunfirst one is iptables on my server12:13
sethkaztun, the second is route.12:13
sethkaztun, on the same server?12:13
aztunsecond one is route on my client12:13
sethkaztun, we need route on the server12:13
aztundifferent machines12:13
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aztunI have inet on server12:14
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The_Belgainhi there, quick question: how can a run a scandisk on a drive in ubuntu?  i'm not talking about checking the filesystem is good (I know it isn't), I want to check whether the drive is working (the equivalent of a surface scan in windows)?12:14
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sethktarelerulz, possibly your monitor isn't being automatically detected.  or your settings are incorrect for your video card, and it is defaulting to that resolution.   run   sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg12:14
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aztunroute on my server12:15
sethkaztun, ok, let me look12:15
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||thunderThe_Belgain;  I looked for that once, gave up cuz I couldn't find it.12:15
aztunI can ping from the server but no from client12:15
sethkaztun, ok.  try running traceroute from your client.12:15
sethkaztun, try running traceroute (on the client) to
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tarelerulzother then not being about to change from 640X480 to anything high my screen works fine12:16
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sethkaztun, the first hop should be the server.  see if you see any additional info after the first hop12:16
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sethktarelerulz, that's why I suggested you reconfigure your video12:16
sethktarelerulz, but if you are happy with 640x480 ... :)12:16
aztunhave no traceroute installed on client, and no inet12:16
thalmi cant hear web radio with amarok, can so give me an hint? mp3/wav playback works12:17
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sethkaztun, are you sure?  if it's a windows box, most of them do have traceroute, but named something like tracert12:17
The_Belgainso no ideas on how to run a scan?  i'm actually trying to verify whether my SATA controller is faulty....12:17
aztunI dont use windows12:17
sethkaztun, then put traceroute onto your client12:17
tarelerulzit works ,but I don't like the fact I can't change it. I have to move stuff around to see the bottom of some windows. That is lame12:17
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mcphailThe_Belgain: not sure about the scan, but check dmesg for errors12:17
sethkaztun, if it isn't windows, you can just copy it over there from your server (assuming they are the same processor family and running the same o/s)12:18
aztunI will copy it12:18
||thunderaztun; don't know.  let me try.12:18
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||thunderHEY. how do I scandisk a drive or part ?12:18
SirKillalotanyone here who uses a DLink Wifi Card?12:18
sethkThe_Belgain, try badblocks12:18
thalmi cant hear web radio with amarok, can so give me an hint? mp3/wav playback works12:18
Curley_Sueany one knows how to set a logout script for fluxbox12:18
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qatsiany idea why could i get "Xlib:  extension "XFree86-DRI" missing on display ":0.0"." when running glxgears ?12:18
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Acc\DenyHi, My question concerns the Alternate Install CD. While Installing in text mode, the screen went blank...last message seen was "Configuring xorg...". How do I stop it from configuring xorg? my board is 845 and i believe i have to first install the 915resolution package...   plus can I select which packages to skip at first install?12:19
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The_Belgaini get the following errors in dmesg, and the drive gets kicked from my RAID array: [17179575.312000]  hde: set_geometry_intr: status=0x51 { DriveReady12:19
The_BelgainSeekComplete Error }12:19
The_Belgain[17179575.312000]  hde: set_geometry_intr: error=0x04 { DriveStatusError }12:19
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sethkCurley_Sue, I don't know, but, you can always wrap the fluxbox startup command into a script, and then put whatever commands you want to run at the end of the script12:19
jadacyrusI have a question, how came Nvidia Drivers break when you install linux-restricted-modules ?!??12:19
=== ||thunder afk
maxflaxThe_Belgain, use a sledgehammer12:19
sethkThe_Belgain, those are log messages?  from running what program?12:19
aztunaztun@esplinter:~$ traceroute
aztuntraceroute: icmp socket: Operation not permitted12:19
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InfectoOpenGL version string: 2.0.6119 (8.30.3)12:20
The_Belgainthose are from dmesg12:20
sethkaztun, might need to run with root privileges12:20
jadacyrusI'm pretty sure I need the linux-restricted-modules to get some of my devices working such as my webcam12:20
Infectosry not here12:20
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sethkaztun, or icmp may be blocked.  it's often blocked for security reasons.12:20
qatsiany idea why could i get "Xlib:  extension "XFree86-DRI" missing on display ":0.0"." when running glxgears ? (finally using xinerama)12:20
maxflaxjadacyrus, what are stopping u then12:20
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jadacyrusif you read above i said, when you install linux-restricted-modules is breaks nvidia driver12:20
The_Belgainmore info at this link (in particular the third post): http://marc.theaimsgroup.com/?t=116274603600002&r=1&w=212:20
jadacyrusim on edgy w/ nvidia 9625 beta btw12:21
sethkqatsi, either kernel support for DRI isn't enabled, or DRI isn't included in xorg.conf as an extension to be loaded12:21
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jadacyrusIf I use the nvidia-glx drivers from the repo's...can I have the restricted modules installed?12:21
qatsisethk: it was doing fine till I edited the xorg.conf to work with xinerama....but the xorg.conf looks the same :s12:22
maxflaxjadacyrus, sounds strange..12:22
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rstancaany tips on why acpi is not workin? default edgy install, worked with dapper, the error when starting acpi "No ACPI support in kernel, or incorrect acpi_path ("/proc/acpi")"12:22
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sethkqatsi, look in your X log.  see if it tries to load DRI, see if there were any warnings12:22
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daschlrstanca: what system do you use?12:22
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icesmurfheyas, anyone know why the squid packages in edgy are now compiled without transproxy support?12:23
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jadacyrusmaxflax: on the howto i was reading for edgy + nvidia beta + aiglx, it states that you can't ahve the restricted modules installed with the beta driver12:23
sun_hi anyone know the name of the package which installs all the standard x-clients like xset, xterm, xmodmap etc?12:23
rstancadaschl: system?12:23
sisqonrwwwwwwwwhi i get a report. after xawtv -c /dev/video    ....no overlay support. what can i do?12:23
Curley_Suesethk: can u explain some more?12:23
daschlrstanca: your computer :)12:23
sethkCurley_Sue, I don't even remember what we were talking about.  :)12:24
rstancadaschl: some old matsonic motherboard with sis chipset12:24
cheesyis there someone who could help me installing aptana?12:24
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cheesyjust didn't get it12:24
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sethkCurley_Sue, remind me12:24
rstancadaschl: no problem in dapper or any other distro :(12:24
maxflaxjadacyrus, what do u need from the restricted then.. can't u compile those modules yourself`?12:24
qatsisethk: it does load dri....unless it unloads it after that, i dont know whats up :S12:24
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aztundont understand12:25
lllloohello peeps anyone know any places were i can find info on getting Audigy 4 cards to work properly?12:25
sethkqatsi, I don't think it can unload it, and even if it can, it would show up in the log.  Hmm...12:25
aztunI have done this with many different distros12:25
aztunin five minuts12:25
aztunand cant get it working on edgy12:25
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The_Belgainso no hard drive scan suggestions :( ?12:25
daschlrstanca: hmm i can't locate your problem exactly, but maybe the kernel has changes slightly and so the ubuntu-acpi for your chipset is not working right.. wait a minute ill check the launchpad for bugs12:25
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slewhi, is there an updated page for printing under edgy?12:26
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sethkaztun, any particular reason why you need to be using edgy?  It's a very new release, has glitches here and there12:26
qatsisethk: it says: Xinerama extension enabled, disabling direct rendering -- NoDRI = YES  ....could i prevent xinerama from disabling those ?12:26
bcnlanyone know a way to get HTTPFS to work with LUFS?12:26
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bcnlthere's no module for it12:26
sethkqatsi, hmm., I'm not sure.12:26
ozubuhi all12:26
sethkqatsi, do you have dri loading before, or after, xinerama in the config file?12:26
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aztunyes sethk, I think I will stay on debian, dapper or mandriva12:27
sethkaztun, wait a couple of weeks, let edgy settle down12:27
cheesycan someone help me installing aptana please?12:27
aztunI think I will use debian12:27
cheesyi'm on edgy12:27
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ozubuI have a question about Edgy Eft: How do I view the services starting during boot process (this was the default in Dapper) ?12:27
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aztunwell, at least I kept my previous installation on the other hd12:28
aztunso lets reboot12:28
qatsisethk: as default...its before...but after the xinerama load, i have Section "DRI" Mode0666 EndSection Section "Extensions" Option "Composite" "false" EndSection which i really dont know what they do....12:28
aztunmany thanks for your help sethk12:28
Curley_Suesethk: thanx... I am trying to create a logout script for exiting FB...12:28
sun_hi anyone know the name of the package which installs all the standard x-clients like xset, xterm, xmodmap etc?12:28
ifireballsun_: answer in question's body...12:29
Peloozubu, , system > admin > session12:29
sethkCurley_Sue, oh, yes.  there is a command to start fluxbox.  I'm not sure exactly what it is called.  there's, for example, a script startkde which is used to start kde.  there will be something similar for fluxbox.  You can edit that script, and add commands at the end.12:29
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cheesygrep: error while loading shared libraries: libc.so.6: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory12:29
cheesyWhat can i do?12:29
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Pelosun_,  just search synaptic for those terms12:29
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aztunbye and thx again12:30
ozubuPelo, this will show everything starting like in dapper ?12:30
sethkCurley_Sue, or, rename the script.  I'll give you the kde example so I can use real names.  I might rename startkde to really-startkde, then create a script startkde; the first line of my new script is really-startkde, and then the rest of my new script is whatever you need to run after fluxbox exits.12:30
qatsisethk: ok, i loaded dri after xinerama...ill see how it works....brb :)12:30
sun_whats the simplest image viewer, like xv?12:30
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sethkqatsi, I think it will probably do the same thing, but it's easy to try, so why not.12:30
Peloozubu,  have a look , that is where you get the progs that load at startup,  but probably not the various essentials services12:30
icesmurfanyone familiar with the squid builds on edgy?12:30
wastrelsun_:  imagemagick is good   % display image.png12:31
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Peloozubu,  appologies , system > preferences > session12:31
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ozubuPelo, I want to see them loading - this edgy is very much like WINXP i just see a brown bar of progress - I want to see what is loading and what isn't12:31
scaporhttp://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/30560/ -> my dpkg is fucked up;  really fucked up I'm affraid of.   Anyone knows of a solution to this ?12:32
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ozubuPelo: I am sorry If I am not understood but this is very frustrating12:32
Peloozubu,  oh, you want a screen like in dapper ...,  sorry , don'T know12:32
ozubuPelo, well thank12:32
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Peloozubu,  maybe in splash screen12:33
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sethkscapor, I don't understand the messages.  what is it saying about /var/lib/dpkg/available?12:33
beaviscan someone tell me where is the idea pool for  Feisty Fawn?12:33
ozubuPelo: thank's anyway. But doesn't it disturb you ? Splash screen is for gnome splash12:33
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charle97ozubu, edit grub12:33
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markelhasany one can help me out with system settings missing tools?12:33
Curley_Suesethk: what do u think I need to run after killing the WM (in order to be back and the login screen)?12:33
icesmurfozubu:  yes you can if you want, change the entries in /boot/grub/menu.lst12:33
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markelhasin my system settings can't find power management12:33
Peloozubu,  I'm pretty much of a noob,  as long as it works I am happy12:33
icesmurfremove the "splash" keyword.12:33
markelhasbut when a go to console mode i can us acpi to see info of my battery laptop info12:33
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icesmurfeg: kernel      /boot/vmlinuz-2.6.17-10-386 root=UUID=49c5b2cd-14ad-4444-8381-9a4e9a1f56ee ro vga=771 quiet splash12:34
ozubucharle97: what is it I am supposed to write in grub ?12:34
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icesmurfeg: kernel      /boot/vmlinuz-2.6.17-10-386 root=UUID=49c5b2cd-14ad-4444-8381-9a4e9a1f56ee ro vga=771 quiet12:34
markelhasbut when a go to console mode i can us acpi to see info of my battery laptop info12:34
sethkCurley_Sue, do you mean that you choose fluxbox as the session, log in, log out, and don't get back to the login screen?12:34
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qatsisethk: no luck :(....im loading ALL the modules after xinerama, but i dont think it will work :(12:34
markelhasi'm using kubuntu12:34
sethkqatsi, probably not, but it was worth a try.12:34
slewi cant get the lexmark z611 to work using the howto found on the ubuntu wiki. anyone have a suggestion that works?12:34
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Pelomarkelhas,  try #kubuntu12:34
ozubuicesmurf: do you know what's the missing line in grub ?12:34
Peloslew,  this is a printer ?12:34
icesmurfozubu:  it's not a missing line, it's the "splash" keyword on the kernel lines.12:35
charle97ozubu, it's more like deleting12:35
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qatsisethk: brb12:35
icesmurfno, dont delete thoe whole line!12:35
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slewPelo, yes its a lexmark printer12:35
ubotuTo install a Java compiler/interpreter on Ubuntu, look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Java  -  For the Sun Java runtime install sun-java5-jre from the !Multiverse repository12:35
icesmurfjust remove the "splash" keyword.12:35
markelhasPelo: didn't find nothing since yestarday12:35
Peloslew,  system > admin > printing ( or something similar) just install it same as you would in xp12:35
ubotudc: The GNU dc arbitrary precision reverse-polish calculator. In component main, is optional. Version 1.06-19ubuntu1 (edgy), package size 56 kB, installed size 200 kB12:35
ClayGI need some help guys, I switched from GDM to XDM on my "server", I connect to it from old laptops to use it's power, sort of like a thinclient/server12:35
ClayGI need to know how i can fix the xdm settings from the CLI12:35
slewPelo, that dosent work, i tried.12:35
sethkClayG, /etc/X11/xdm has config files12:36
ozubuicesmurf: can you please direct me a little bit ?12:36
ClayGok, sethk does that work if i removed xdm and am using gdm now?12:36
sethkClayG, but gdm only handles incoming connections.  It has no effect at all on the performance of the laptops once they are connected.12:36
ifireballClayG: no reason to use XDM for that GDM can do everthing XDM can and its easyer to configure12:36
sethkClayG, some versions of gdm use xdm config files, but others don't.  I'm not sure which you have.12:36
ozubuicesmurf: I am trying to compare the edgy and dapper menu.lst (I have them both installed)12:36
sethkClayG, my point is you gain nothing, performance wise, by replacing gdm with xdm12:37
lk11mnHELP!! i resized my ntfs partition with ntfsresize, deleted the parition, recreated it for the exact size of the new parition/marked the boot flag, and now i get unmountable boot volume trying to load windows... any advice anyone?12:37
Pelomarkelhas,  the only power manager I see is in  system > prefs > power manager12:37
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icesmurfozubu:  open a terminal, edit /boot/grub/menu.lst12:37
ClayGI wanted GDM instead after the errors, i apt-get removed xdm12:37
ClayGthen selected GDM12:37
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icesmurffind the lines that start with "kernel"12:37
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sethklk11mn, pray12:37
icesmurfand remove the keyword "splash"12:37
ozubuicesmurf: what and where should I add ?12:37
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icesmurfyou dont add.. you remove.12:38
sethkClayG, that may not have been a great idea, although I don't think it will remove xdm if gdm needs it.12:38
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icesmurfhave a look at the file12:38
lk11mnseth, i'm not the praying type!12:38
sethkClayG, as long as you didn't use any force flags.12:38
icesmurfif you cant work it out, you should probably not be fiddling with it :-)12:38
sethklk11mn, you have a backup of the ntfs partition, I hope12:38
slewso no one has a link to a page that explains how to install the lexmark printer and have it work?12:38
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lk11mnnot the praying, nor the backup type sethk12:39
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sethklk11mn, resizing partitions without a backup - you are much braver than I am.12:39
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sethklk11mn, I don't know enough about ntfs to help you very much.12:39
TrunkzProblem.. where can i find ndiswrapper-utils for breezy?12:39
Trunkzas in the pre-built package, not source12:39
Trunkzsince the laptop doesnt have internet atm12:39
lk11mnk, thx anyway, i'll leave it 5 mins and spam again with the same question12:39
TrunkzWud appreciate some help atm, since i kinda need to leave asap xD12:39
ozubuicesmurf: are you sure ?? I check both of their /boot/grub/menu.lst files they both have the parameter quiet spalsh.., I don't get it12:39
adam_do does the people who can fix it know about the USB Mass Storage Device problem? (USB drives aren12:40
maxflaxwhat does noirq do as a option to the kernel? I mean. does it have some sideaffects?12:40
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Trunkzanyone know? :O12:40
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lk11mnwell actually if i can get the right drivers for my raid controller, i'ma try and chkdsk /r from the recovery console in xp setup, that's worked alot for me in work sethk12:40
adam_t mounted and don show up)12:40
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icesmurfozubu:  scroll back and read what i wrote again, i'm not going to repeat myself over and over.12:41
Peloslew have you check the lexmark site ?12:41
icesmurfactually 1 more time:12:41
Tokenbadok I removed proftpd and then tried to reinstall and now get an error saying: IPv6 getaddrinfo 'You-desktop' error: Name or service not known....Anyone know this?12:41
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icesmurf_remove_ the "splash" keyword.12:41
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TrunkzCan anyone tell me where I can download the prebuilt (.deb) ndiswrapper-utils package for breezy?12:41
sethklk11mn, good luck.  obviously you had the raid drivers installed before, so it's just a matter of telling the recovery console thing to load them, which shouldn't be too hard.12:41
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TrunkzAppreciate it =/12:41
Peloicesmurf,  explain to him how to "remove" the splash keyword12:41
slewPelo, yes, they offer support for redhat12:41
eyhello can i watch tv on my linux .with no monitor12:42
eyand stuff?12:42
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Peloslew,  any linux  driver on there ?12:42
sethkey, plug a usb cable into your eyeball, I guess12:42
lk11mnlol sethk, it could turn out to be a bit of a bitch concidering the driver download is an exe and i dont have nowhere to exe an exe12:42
adam_when will they fix the USB mass storage device problem?! Do they even know about it?12:42
black_13what tools do i need to have install for wireless networking12:42
shwaghow do I configure an interface to start at boot from the command line.12:42
sethkslew, it's probably an rpm, but you can extract the files from an rpm12:42
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eycan i hack a tv channels ?.or is this not the place to talk about:S12:43
Trunkzicesmurf: Kinda need ndiswrapper-utils for breezy (.deb package)12:43
TrunkzAny chance of u knowing where I can download it? >_<12:43
charle97icesmurf, hope he doesn't screw up .... he may not be able to boot into ubuntu12:43
sethklk11mn, oh, you mean it's a self-extractor?12:43
sethklk11mn, might be able to run it under wine12:43
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slewsethk, im using the HOWTO at the ubuntu wiki but the drivers that are installed dont work12:44
cwilluafter restoring my laptop from hibernation, I can't use the mouse or keyboard in my x session.  I can still switch vterms, and I can launch stuff from there onto the x session (DISPLAY=:0.0 xterm& shows up), and if I run xkill, it says "unable to grab cursor".  Can anybody help?12:44
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sethkslew, what happens?  be more specific about "don't work"12:44
lk11mnsethk, im on a live desktop at the moment, i havent even got ubuntu installed yet, i suppose i could go with wine,12:44
=== LGKeiz-Ubuntu [n=lgkeiz@ppp-70-225-185-154.dsl.chmpil.ameritech.net] has joined #ubuntu
lk11mnHELP!! i resized my ntfs partition with ntfsresize, deleted the parition, recreated it for the exact size of the new parition/marked the boot flag, and now i get unmountable boot volume trying to load windows... any advice anyone?12:44
LGKeiz-Ubuntuwell well well12:44
sethklk11mn, borrow somebody's laptop with windows   :)12:44
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LGKeiz-UbuntuI still can't get my wireless network to work12:44
Curley_Suesethk: found what i needed (for FB logout script) kill -TERM $(xprop -root _BLACKBOX_PID | awk '{print $3}'12:45
LGKeiz-UbuntuI've just upgraded to edgy12:45
Curley_Suesethk: thanx a lot!12:45
ubotuWireless documentation can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs12:45
sethkCurley_Sue, there's a much easier way to do that12:45
LGKeiz-UbuntuPelo: I know that.12:45
sethkCurley_Sue, do    man killall       you can kill the process by name12:45
LGKeiz-UbuntuPelo: It's not showing any networks12:45
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slewsethk, literally nothing is printed.12:45
LGKeiz-UbuntuPelo: and I think it's reading my wireless card as a "unknown device"12:45
PeloLGKeiz-Ubuntu,  sorry , best I can do12:46
cwilluWikipedia-Gast73: are you asking a question?12:46
CrankymonkyAnyone know the difference between the normal install and "OEM Install" on the alternate CD?12:46
eycan i hack a tv channels ?.or is this not the place to talk about:S12:46
sethkslew, no errors?   does lpq say "ready" or some such thing?   what does the cups server say if you point a browser at it?12:46
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cwilluey:  not the place12:46
PeloLGKeiz-Ubuntu,  try searching the forum for your router and such12:46
MrFatJackI just upgraded to 6.10 from 6.06 and now seem to have no window-manager running. X works but I have no ability to switch between apps, close/max/min app controls are missing and I have one desktop. I was previously configured to run xgl. Any thoughts on how to fix this?12:46
georgy! oem12:46
ubotuUbuntu can be installed in lots of ways. Please see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation for documentation. Problems during install? See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/CommonProblemsInstall and https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DapperReleaseNotes/UbiquityKnownIssues12:46
easytiger how does bash do that inteligent thing of displaying only the relevant input options when you run tar, java etc?12:46
Wikipedia-Gast73cwillu sucks12:46
Crankymonkygeorgy, thanks12:46
LGKeiz-UbuntuPelo: lol..12:46
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ubuntucan someone help me12:46
slewsethk, no errors, cups says its ready but wont print a test page.12:46
sethkeasytiger, there are configuration files for it.  by the way, zsh does it much better.  :)12:46
ubotuDon't ask to ask a question. Just ask your question :)12:46
sethkslew, is it a usb printer?12:46
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ozubuicesmurf: I did delete the word splash just for the sake of trying - But: both dapper and edgy have that word in the line that starts with kernel so it's probably not what I mean. Here is the line from dapper: kernel/boot/vmlinuz-2.6.15-27-386 root=/dev/hda5 ro quiet splash  and here is the line from edgy: kernel/boot/vmlinuz-2.6.17-10-386 root=UUID=d9dcab9c-278c-4c8e-8886-c0d95df8a210 ro quiet splash12:47
easytiger<sethk>: cool.. i might check it out12:47
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Wikipedia-Gast73ubotu sucks12:47
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about sucks - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi12:47
LGKeiz-UbuntuIts a linksys router.12:47
=== cieffe is now known as Cieffe
catalytichow can I completely remove firefox12:47
piedoggieneed suggestions for mixed env calendar program.  me windows xp laptop, she linux (breezy) desktop.  we both need calender access independent of network conectivity.   ideas?12:47
ubuntuI have some video files but I can't play them anymore because of the license12:47
catalyticand reinstall it?12:47
cwilluafter restoring my laptop from hibernation, I can't use the mouse or keyboard in my x session.  I can still switch vterms, and I can launch stuff from there onto the x session (DISPLAY=:0.0 xterm& shows up), and if I run xkill, it says "unable to grab cursor".  I think something related to the hibernation still has a grab on the root window.  How do I go about checking this?12:47
baxter_kylieHi. Curious--has anyone gotten mythweb to work under edgy? If so, could you possibly share how?12:47
sethkeasytiger, the zsh man pages explain how it works12:47
Pelosomeone kick  Wikipedia-Gast7312:47
slewsethk, yes12:47
Wikipedia-Gast73ubotu sucks12:47
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about sucks - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi12:47
easytiger<sethk>: thanks ;)12:47
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LGKeiz-Ubuntucan anyone help me with getting my wireless network list, and when I try to do it manually I can't connect.12:47
Wikipedia-Gast73poor ubotu12:48
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LGKeiz-Ubuntuoh sweet12:48
baxter_kylieLGKeiz-Ubuntu: You mean 'iwlist <interface> scanning' doesn't work?12:48
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ubuntuubotu is real nice but with wich program can I watch streaming video?12:48
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about is real nice but with wich program can I watch streaming video? - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi12:48
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eyhttp://hacks.oreilly.com/pub/h/4461  i dont need ,monitor i can just watch it from internat :;)12:49
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IFK_i have a (hopefully) easy question.. how can i check the size and other information of my drive partitions?12:49
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georgyubuntu : try xine12:49
MrFatJackI just upgraded to 6.10 from 6.06 and now seem to have no window-manager running. X works but I have no ability to switch between apps, close/max/min app controls are missing and I have one desktop. I was previously configured to run xgl. Any thoughts on how to fix this?12:49
LGKeiz-UbuntuEdgy detects my network card now, except still no networks12:49
tarelerul1any of you have you usb mouse not work and then gnome not start up. I can get the mouse to work with I unplug it and plug it back in12:49
mcphailIFK_: df -h12:49
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PeloIFK_,  you'll get some info in the system monitor12:49
LGKeiz-Ubuntueth1      No scan results12:49
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LGKeiz-UbuntuThats what I get12:50
baxter_kylieubuntu: Vlc is even more advanced for streaming.12:50
cwilluMrFatJack: try running metacity12:50
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LGKeiz-Ubuntubaxter_kylie: lgkeiz@lgkeiz-laptop:~$ iwlist eth1 scan12:50
LGKeiz-Ubuntueth1      No scan results12:50
IFK_i recommend VLC if you want a second opinion :)12:50
foomanchewI just resized my desktop and it messed up all the icons and there positions on the top panel, how can I reset it12:50
slewsethk, i found the problem. the wiki assumes the driver will show up in the driver list. it dosent, you need to click browse and find the driver in /usr/share/cups/model12:50
MrFatJacki'll try12:50
baxter_kylieLGKeiz: iwconfig12:50
ubuntutake care ,byeee12:50
Pelofoolswisdom,   rightclick the icon  move12:51
JohnM555Hello, I just installed my wireless drivers with the ndiswrapper(I hope I did anyway :P) but I am not sure how to setup my wireless to work with wep encryption. The site I was looking at says to refer back to the Basic Connection guidelines, but those don't help me. I was wondering if somebody could help me setup my wireless connection, or point me to a good reference.12:51
georgyvlc is ok, i have to confirm12:51
baxter_kylieLGKeiz-Ubuntu: Does it list anything?12:51
LGKeiz-Ubuntueth1      IEEE 802.11b/g  ESSID:off/any  Nickname:"Broadcom 4318"12:51
LGKeiz-Ubuntu          Mode:Managed  Access Point: Invalid12:51
LGKeiz-Ubuntu          RTS thr:off   Fragment thr:off12:51
LGKeiz-Ubuntu          Link Quality:0  Signal level:0  Noise level:012:51
LGKeiz-Ubuntu          Rx invalid nwid:0  Rx invalid crypt:0  Rx invalid frag:012:51
foomanchewI just resized my desktop and it messed up all the icons and there positions on the top panel, how can I reset it ???????12:51
LGKeiz-Ubuntu          Tx excessive retries:0  Invalid misc:0   Missed beacon:012:51
eyhello help :S i cant start my xawtv wont open :S i click on it and it wont start?12:51
gyaresuanyone had a Pentium4 present as 2 separate processors in /proc/cpu12:51
eysomeone have a clue .and yeah i got it from ubuntu packages12:51
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IFK_thanks, df is exactly what i was looking for12:51
foomanchewgyaresu, hyperthreaded12:51
gyaresufoomanchew, Is that a question or an answer?12:51
foomanchewgyaresu, not sure ? both ?12:52
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cwillumy laptop keyboard/mouse stopped working, but x is still working; help!12:52
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foomanchewgyaresu, user ayg12:52
LGKeiz-Ubuntubaxter_kylie: what I posted above12:52
gyaresufoomanchew, It's certainly an idea. But I don't think it should be showing up as a separate proc.12:52
baxter_kylieLGKeiz-Ubuntu: Okay, I'm willing to help but please avoid spamming the chan. Thanks. :) Now, do you know what driver you're using? 'lsmod' look for modules under 'wlan' and let me know what they are.12:53
gyaresufoomanchew, "user ayg" What do you mean?12:53
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scaporseth: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/30568/ shows a translation of it12:53
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LGKeiz-UbuntuI can't find wlan12:53
bluescreengood evening, well i have a problem with the boot time of my laptop. when i analysed it with bootchart it came out that the init takes over 55 seconds12:53
shwagWhy does php5-gd attempt to install laptop-detect and x11-common  as dependencies ?12:53
bluescreencan this be ?12:53
foomanchewgyaresu, cat /proc/cpuinfo12:53
scaporhttp://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/30568/ -> my dpkg is fucked up;  really fucked up I'm affraid of.   Anyone knows of a solution to this ? (repost of the question with some more information in the log)12:54
georgyLGKeiz-Ubuntu : watch this how-to https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs/Driver/bcm43xx/Edgy?highlight=%28WifiDocs%2FDriver%2912:54
gyaresufoomanchew, Yes. That is the problem. Proc 0 & Proc 1 for what is a basic P4.12:54
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baxter_kyliegeorgy: Good call. I was looking for that myself.12:54
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ryanpgany way to change qt themes without installing KDE?12:55
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sethkscapor, try editing that file and removing the offending line.   back up the file first, of course.12:55
sethkryanpg, yes, there is a place in the kde control center to do it.12:55
scaporseth I did, then it showed another parsing error .. is it save to remove the occurences of whole packages ?12:55
scaporseth: more and more as long as the problem persists ?12:55
wizhow can I enable xinerama stuff (like seperate backgrounds on displays, set window locations on displays and whatnot) on gnome on an nvidia twinview setup?12:55
Peloryanakca,   isntall the gnome art manager and see if you can'T find something you like in that12:55
sethkscapor, no, don't do that.12:55
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ryanpgsethk, err... I don't want to install KDE though12:55
baxter_kylieAnyone with a MythWeb success story want to help me get it working?12:56
sethkscapor, is there anything obviously wrong with the line?  does it make sense?12:56
ryanakcaPelo: hmm?12:56
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bluescreenthis is my boot chart but i think somethink is not right with the initram12:56
sethkryanpg, sorry, I assumed you already had.  You can install themes, yes.  I haven't done it without kde in ages.    check QT's web site, it's quite good12:56
ubotuxinerama is using multiple monitors as one big monitor. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/XineramaHowTo12:56
ryanpgI think qt3-config is what I want12:56
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scaporsethk: I'll paste it .. one minute;12:56
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sethkryanpg, sounds reasonable, yes.12:56
qubix__where can i find/download  X Window System libraries and headers12:56
LGKeiz-Ubuntubaxter_kylie I don't have my driver cd12:56
Peloryanakca,  blame nick complete12:56
qubix__which package?12:56
scaporsethk: it reads "Package: libgnome2-vfs-peribncurses5 (>= 5.4-5)"12:57
ryanakcaPelo: lol12:57
LGKeiz-Ubuntunvm Im dumb lol sec12:57
sethkqubix__, in synaptic, search for packages with both X and -dev12:57
Peloryanpg,   try installing  the gnome art manager and see if you can'T find something you like in there12:57
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scaporsethk: isn't that an unusual name ? seems like 2 package names contracted ...12:57
qubix__sethk - just search for "X?12:57
ryanpgPelo, gnome art manager?12:57
sethkscapor, yes, I agree12:57
qubix__or "xlib"?12:57
foomanchewanyone have rhythmbox fail after upgrading to edgy ? with rhythmbox: error while loading shared libraries: libnautilus-burn.so.3: ??12:57
eywhat command do i use to upgarde my programs?12:57
sethkscapor, one part of it is libncurses, most likely12:57
scaporlibncurses and gnomevfs12:57
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cwilluwhat program is responsible for locking the screen after a suspend or hibernate?12:57
Peloryanpg,  , instead on qt themes12:57
foomanchewfreekin faucet12:58
eyi tryied "upgrade xawtv"12:58
eybut does not work12:58
gyaresuwiz I have dual CRT's. Here's my xorg.conf http://gyaresu.org/xorg.conf12:58
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sethkqubix__, you might try both.  if you search for:     x  -dev      (with a space between them) you'll get all packages with both x and -dev12:58
sethkqubix__, obviously, xlib will find fewer packages, but might not find them all12:58
gyaresuwiz, you will need to specify your own res etc.12:58
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baxter_kylieLGKeiz-Ubuntu. You might be out of luck if there isn't a linux equivalent. Wireless is one of the places I don't mess around with on hardware -- I always stick with atheros based cards.12:58
foomanchewanyone ? rythmbox issues ?12:58
sethkqubix__, try xlib space -dev first, if installing those doesn't get it, you can try X -dev12:58
eywhat command is it agein to upgrade12:58
baxter_kylieLGKeiz-Ubuntu: However, your card manufacturer should have drivers available on their website.12:59
LGKeiz-Ubuntubaxter_kylie:  can I pm you?12:59
gyaresuey, 'sudo apt-get update; sudo apt-get upgrade'12:59
LGKeiz-UbuntuIf you don't mind12:59
sethkscapor, let me search for packages that start with libgnome2-vfs12:59
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LGKeiz-Ubuntuso I can tell the cards I have and which one I should get the driver for12:59
scaporsethk: -perl that is ? no ?01:00
baxter_kylieLGKeiz-Ubuntu: Feel free. I'm here to help whilst waiting to be helped. :)01:00
sethkscapor, could be, let me check01:00
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wizgyaresu, I have twinview setup, I want to setup xinerama extension support... assuming gnome has those features like kde does?01:00
scaporsethk: libgnome2-vfs-perl exists01:00
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sethkscapor, yes, I see it also01:00
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MrFatJackcwillu: Thanks - metacity got me operational.01:00
LGKeiz-Ubuntubaxter_kylie:  there lol01:00
Curley_Suesethk: thanx for all the help. night!01:00
sethkscapor, I have the latest version as 1.022-101:00
cwilluMrFatJack: np01:00
cwilluMrFatJack: wanna help me now?  :)01:00
sethkscapor, but I'm not on the most recent release, so that could be old.01:00
gyaresuwiz, should be compiled into all the progs already.01:00
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scaporsethk: feisty that is ?01:01
sethkscapor, doesn't matter though, if it is, apt-get update will bring it up to date01:01
sethkscapor, not quite that old  :)01:01
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scaporapt-get doesn't work here anyway01:01
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sethkscapor, it will once you fix this problem01:01
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scaporsethk: yeah, I figured that out01:01
sethkscapor, apt-get and dpkg are the part of the same system01:01
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sethkscapor, so if you get rid of the syntax error, apt-get update should work for you.  assuming, of course, that there aren't other problems in the file.01:02
wizgyaresu, where do I find the options? Like having a seperate background image on seperate displays, and making windows only open on head 1?01:02
scaporsethk: I know, I'm used to debian for 5 years or more, I switched to ubuntu like 2 years ago when it came  up ;)01:02
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gyaresuwiz, Are you getting windows open across both screens?01:02
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scaporsethk: I didn't know of this file yet though .. never had this kind of problem... I tried deleting it with a backup stored so maybe the db would be recreated again01:02
LGKeiz-Ubuntubaxter_kylie: receive my pm?01:03
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scaporsethk: though, no luck :)01:03
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emo_how shall I find all the cookies in my system and how can I get rid of them ?01:03
baxter_kylieLGKeiz-Ubuntu. Yes. I'm replying in it.01:03
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emo_how shall I find all the cookies in my system and how can I get rid of them ?01:03
wizgyaresu, no... but they open on head 2 a lot when there's other stuff open on 1, and that bothers me01:03
LGKeiz-UbuntuI don't see your pm01:03
LGKeiz-UbuntuYou need to register to send pms baxter01:03
wizgyaresu, and I'd like the desktop background option01:03
thoremo_ just tell firefox to delete all the cookies on closing01:03
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scaporsethk: I'm missing the gnome-vfs2-perl package information in that file right now.  Should it be there ? should all packages on the host be listed there ?01:04
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LGKeiz-Ubuntubaxter_kylie: you need to register to pm on freenode01:04
Trunkzgot a problem01:04
LGKeiz-Ubuntubaxter_kylie: /msg nickserv register <password>01:04
killownhow I swtich gnome to kde in ubuntu?01:04
baxter_kylieLGKeiz-Ubuntu: I'm fairly certain I'm registered. You have to be registered to even get on this chan.01:04
emo_thor: I mean through the terminal01:04
TrunkzCan someone just send me the prepackaged .deb for breezy?01:04
TrunkzPlease? =/01:04
LGKeiz-Ubuntubaxter_kylie I'm not receiving your pm =/01:04
georgykillown, : login screen session kde01:05
LGKeiz-Ubuntubaxter_kylie just tell me which one. 1 or 201:05
gyaresuwiz, Desktop I can only tell you from kde or fluxbox (i don't use gnome). But the windows to specific windows can be done with prefacing the prog from the command line with an X command. I just can't remember what it is :(01:05
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killowngeorgy, what?01:05
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baxter_kylieLGKeiz-Ubuntu: Number 2. But you should go to dell to get the driver.01:05
LGKeiz-Ubuntulol  Im getting as we speak01:05
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LGKeiz-Ubuntubaxtor_kylie: I hope I can get it working >.<;01:05
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duskis there a better calc than gnucalc?01:06
sethkscapor, yes, if it's installed, it should be in the file01:06
baxter_kylieLGKeiz-Ubuntu: I tend to not play around with wireless. I honestly recommend you scrap the card and get an atheros based one. MadWifi is maddeningly cool.01:06
gyaresudusk python01:06
ZirJokerwhy vlc player hides itself sometimes? i cant bring it up again01:06
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wizgyaresu, so I take it the xinerama support in gnome is less than desireable?01:06
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sethkscapor, you can probably fix it up by doing an install of it.  It will install over itself, not knowing that it's already there.  You may need a force flag to tell it to overwrite the files that are already there01:06
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sethkscapor, better if you can find someone else with a line for that package in their file, and put it into yours'01:06
duskgyaresu: gui calc :)01:06
scaporsethk: I did that, it wanted to uinstall after removeing the sectionb01:07
thoremo_: they are in the ~/.mozilla/firefox/????.default folder...but you will need to see what ???.default really is01:07
scaporsethk: but now another parsing error appeared01:07
tim167how do I import adress book from thunderbird-XP to new thunderbird-ubuntu ?01:07
thoremo_ it is different for each user01:07
sethkscapor, I was afraid of that01:07
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bluescreenhas anyone an idea what i can do to speed up the init ????01:07
gyaresuwiz, I just don't know how to do it with the clicky buttons. Once  window is on a desktop (I use 5 virtual ones), It will open there next time (in my experience)01:07
sethkscapor, it's hard to mess up a file that way and only end up with one messed up line.01:07
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sethkscapor, you might try running fsck on your file system.01:07
Trunkzits being gay01:07
Trunkzsomeone help me x_x01:07
sethkscapor, if it's the root file system, you'll have to boot the live cd01:07
ubotuAudio (Ogg, MP3...) players: Banshee, Beep Media Player, Quod Libet, Rhythmbox, XMMS (GTK/Gnome based) and Amarok, JuK (Qt/KDE based).  Video players: Totem, Xine, MPlayer, VLC, Kaffeine  -  See also !codecs01:08
jadacyrusCan someone help me get my logitech quickcam working?..its listed under lsusb, but camorama and other programs dont recognize it01:08
Tokenbadok I removed proftpd and then tried to reinstall and now get an error saying: IPv6 getaddrinfo 'You-desktop' error: Name or service not known....Anyone know this?01:08
sethkjadacyrus, probably you need to load a kernel module01:08
wizIs xfce less resource intensive than gnome?01:08
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sethkjadacyrus, lsusb will see it at the vendor id/device id level, without kernel support, but the programs won't see it without kernel support01:08
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tim167how can i import message filter settings i had on thunderbird-XP to thunderbird-ubuntu ? (also want to import address book, and mail archive)01:09
sethkwiz, by reputation, yes.  I haven't actually measured it myself and I'm always a skeptic01:09
scaporsethk: can't the root file system be checked from the maintenace shell you get with the debug-mode boot ?01:09
emo_thor: any strange stuff my pc behaving strange like sometimes the icone from my internet conection keep lighting without I'm being browsing ...01:09
sethktim167, you should be able to use the export to a file in windows, and then import from a file in ubuntu01:09
wizsethk, what about gnome - kde, which is less?01:09
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sethkscapor, possibly.  if it is set up to run entirely from a ram disk.01:09
thoremo_: sometimes it will...it needs to communicate with the dhcp server and other places.01:10
sethkscapor, try it.  if it can run without mounting the root file system, then the answer is yes.01:10
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tim167sethk: I used 'mozbackup' on windows to save everything to .pcv file01:10
jadacyrussethk: do you know what kernel module i need to load?01:10
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thoremo_: to know if it is a problem you really need to capture the packets with wireshark or some such tool and see what is being sent/received01:10
bluescreenhello can someone help me with my init problem ?01:11
gyaresujadacyrus, what's the output of the lsusb line01:11
JohnM555Hello, I just installed my wireless drivers with the ndiswrapper(I hope I did anyway :P) but I am not sure how to setup my wireless to work with wep encryption. The site I was looking at says to refer back to the Basic Connection guidelines, but those don't help me. I was wondering if somebody could help me setup my wireless connection, or point me to a good reference.01:11
sethktim167, sorry, I'm not familiar with that format.  you can try to import it, if it can't do it, it will yell at you.01:11
gyaresu!helpme > bluescreen01:11
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thorbluescreen: there are a lot of tweaks to improve speed in various parts of the system, but no magic bullet for init01:11
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jadacyrusgyaresu: Bus 002 Device 002: ID 046d:08d7 Logitech, Inc.01:11
emo_thor: I don't know how to analyse the packets that's the point...:(01:11
bluescreeni have this boot chart here http://img471.imageshack.us/my.php?image=edgy200611081qi2.png01:12
gyaresu!wireless > Johan66601:12
tim167i'm afraid it wont work, mozbackup is windows only...:-/01:12
bluescreenthis cant be normal or?01:12
gyaresuJohan666, sorry. not for you.01:12
gyaresu!wireless > JohnM55501:12
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sethkbluescreen, very likely there is a lot of stuff starting that you don't need.  You may also be seeing a timeout trying to get network configuration.01:12
emo_thor: like sometimes my browser shut down by itself...that's not normal...01:12
JohnM555What does that mean gyaresu?01:12
LGKeiz-Ubuntubaxter_kylie: it's a exe how would I get the sys file?01:12
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scaporsethk: after removing 5 or so package instances from the file apt seems to work again .. I'll try installing the problematic packages to see waht it does.  Thanks :)01:12
LGKeiz-Ubuntubaxter_kylie: what is the command to cab extract01:12
qubix__how do i leave a proccess running in background? im trying to use  fbdesk -rc ~/.fluxbox/init & but once i close the terminal the GUI app dies!01:13
sethkscapor, good luck01:13
gyaresuJohnM555, Have you read the page?01:13
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thoremo_: No, that isn't normal. But I doubt that is a cookie issue.01:13
JohnM555I have read lots of pages :\01:13
ReWT_AxShowdo i upgrade from dapper to edgy01:13
JohnM555Its all starting to confuse me though01:13
sethkbluescreen, that drawing is so dense, it is too small to read on my 23" screen01:13
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apokryphosReWT_AxS: /topic01:13
bluescreenclick on it ^^01:13
thoremo_: do you get an error code when your browser shuts down?01:13
JohnM555I've been reading pages about thsi all day...01:13
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bluescreenit shows that the init process takes 55 seconds01:13
gyaresuJohnM555, have you read the man to iwconfig?01:13
baxter_kylieLGKeiz-Ubuntu: I /think/ cab files are actually .zips... try renaming then unzipping.01:13
bluescreenon my desktop pc its 3 seconds01:14
jadacyrusgyaresu: Bus 002 Device 002: ID 046d:08d7 Logitech, Inc.01:14
bluescreenhow can this be ?01:14
JohnM555Um, there was one page that talked about that briefly01:14
JohnM555It didn't say much about it01:14
emo_thor: no that's right I think that isn't my machine...01:14
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gyaresuJohnM555, It is to wireless what ifconfig it to ethernet.01:14
AlexG'day. I appear to only be able to mute my soundcard, rather than turn it down? It's an SiS...something.. :) Is this a common problem, anyone?01:15
JohnM555I do know that much :)01:15
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gyaresuJohnM555, You'll get a lot out of reading the iwconfig man page.01:15
testinghi please01:15
testingi need help01:15
emo_thor: can you give some tips how to analyse the packages...like a book tutorial or whatever...01:15
JohnM555I'll look for it01:15
testingthis is pulling my hair I swear01:15
gyaresuJohan666, (and preface peoples name when you talk to them or they won't see you)01:15
thoremo_: you might try this...instead of clicking on the firefox icon to run the program open a terminal and type 'firefox'. Then, when firefox crashes there should be some information in the terminal window about what happened.01:15
tim167the plain thunderbird files are also still on my old harddrive, how can I import those ?01:15
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testingUbuntu LiveCD has a madd flickering screen01:15
JohnM555gyaresu: sorry.01:15
gyaresu!helpme > testing01:15
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gyaresuJohnM555, Not at all. :)01:16
qubix__how do i leave a proccess running in background? im trying to use  fbdesk -rc ~/.fluxbox/init & but once i close the terminal the GUI app dies!01:16
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thoremo_: I don't know of one, but there is plenty of information on the web about it. Start at the wireshark homepage01:16
gyaresuqubix__, man bg01:16
testinganyone with a sis driver?01:16
qubix__bg has no man01:16
gyaresuqubix__, effectively "ctrl+z" then 'bg'01:16
jadacyrusCan someone help me get my logitech quickcam working?..its listed under lsusb, but camorama and other programs dont recognize it01:16
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ReWT_AxSerr cant i just change repos then do apt-update apt-upgrade then dist-upgrade?01:16
thoremo_: http://www.wireshark.org/01:16
ReWT_AxSlike the old ubuntus01:16
sethkjadacyrus, I already answered that question01:16
aiossince i installed ubuntu my laptop fan's been on non-stop .. how can i fix that?01:17
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killownwhen to be released kde 4?01:17
gyaresuqubix__, or put it in your ./fluxbox/startup (or start or whatever)01:17
cwilluafter restoring my laptop from hibernation, I can't use the mouse or keyboard in my x session.  I can still switch vterms, and I can launch stuff from there onto the x session (DISPLAY=:0.0 xterm& shows up), and if I run xkill, it says "unable to grab cursor".  I think something related to the hibernation still has a grab on the root window.   As it turns out, gnome-screensaver was locking it;  killing it didn't bring it back, but la01:17
ReWT_AxSaios do you have acpi enabled?01:17
LGKeiz-Ubuntubaxter_kylie pm01:17
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LGKeiz-Ubuntubaxter_kylie: what did I do wrong01:17
jadacyrussethk: you just said i need to load some kernel module..probably..thankyou for your input really..However im not sure what that kernel module is, so im asking to anyoen else who might give me some help01:17
aiosReWT_AxS: i don't know what it is, so probably not. i'm new to ubutu .. linux actually. i'll read up on acpi then01:17
xbruceyxQuickie: linux-generic is the new kernel that replaces linux-386 (686,k7, etc.) for Edgy Eft, correct?01:17
gyaresujadacyrus, http://www.qbik.ch/usb/devices/showdev.php?id=350301:18
emo_thor: right I gonna have a look...cheers01:18
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qubix__gyaresu,  it still dies01:18
ReWT_AxSok...bc if you dont have acpi enabled your fans don't really know how to react01:18
sethkjadacyrus, if what you need to do is load a kernel module, you can ask all day, but nothing will happen until you figure out how to load a kernel module01:18
aiosReWT_AxS: anything else i should be learning about, reletaive to the fan?01:18
ReWT_AxSerr nope that's only thing i can think of?01:18
jadacyrussethk: i know how to load a kernel module,..i just dont know which one..thankyou01:18
bluescreenhmm that bot wont help ^^; ithink my problem is more specific on the init process01:18
aiosReWT_AxS: thanks01:18
baxter_kylieLGKeiz-Ubuntu. Ouch. I don't think I know quite what to do with that. Maybe someone a bit more experienced with ndiswrapper can help you.01:18
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ReWT_AxSapokryphos,  err cant i just change repos then do apt-update apt-upgrade then dist-upgrade?01:18
ReWT_AxSno problem aios01:18
jadacyrussethk: your not the end all to my search for help pal01:19
sethkjadacyrus, your time to waste.01:19
eyhello what command do i use .to open xawtv on konsole01:19
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Tokenbadok I removed proftpd and then tried to reinstall and now get an error saying: IPv6 getaddrinfo 'You-desktop' error: Name or service not known....Anyone know what it means about ipv6?01:19
kmullMy Edgy upgrade went awry... now X won't load. All I need to do is save some desktop folders onto a USB drive then reinstall. Can someone walk a newbie through this?01:19
jadacyrussethk: im not wasting time if im still trying to find out which module to load am I?01:19
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eyhello what command do i use .to open xawtv on konsole .so i can see the error report01:19
rBlong2u1hey I  am into a huge problem I can't solve, I have puppyOS installed right now on this computer and the screen is not Flickering. When I use Ubuntu LiveCD the screen flickers01:19
jadacyrussethk: its people like you who turn away new users to linux..stop acting self-righteous01:20
gyaresujadacyrus, do you have the spca5xx module loaded?01:20
rBlong2u1I wonder whether it's possible to use puppyOS xorg.config with Ubuntu01:20
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jadacyrusgyaresu: ill check right now01:20
thorkmull: will the computer boot to a command prompt?01:20
jadacyrusgyaresu: negative01:20
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gyaresujadacyrus, 'modprobe -l |grep spca5xx01:20
kmullthor: yes, i was able to mount /dev/sda1 /mnt/tmp to copy over some files, but then i couldn't get it to work again01:20
AsheDhow do I make Evolution continue running in the background, with a tray icon instead of a full window?01:20
ClayGanyone here use a mac?01:21
kmulli've tried using startx, but something broke when i did my upgrade01:21
sethkjadacyrus, well, my humblest apologies for trying to help you.01:21
sethkClayG, occasionally, why?01:21
ReWT_AxSah i see01:21
ClayGwell, need a notebook, and wanty something solid01:21
thorkmull: couldn't get what to work again? the mount? the copy?01:21
ReWT_AxSwhy is it not reccommended to do it that way?01:21
jadacyrusmodprobe -l | grep spca5xx01:21
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eyhello what command do i use .to open vlc "video land"  on konsole .so i can see the error report01:21
sethkClayG, lots and lots and lots of hardware problems with mac notebooks01:21
ClayGthinking of a macbook pro, i just bought and returned a HP DV6000t, loved it but support sucked01:21
kmull@thor: sudo mount. sudo wasn't accepting my password01:21
gyaresujadacyrus, load it baby.01:21
gyaresujadacyrus, then check dmesg01:21
ReWT_AxShey how do i change what is said in terminal?01:21
jadacyrusgyaresu: sudo modprobe spca5xx ?01:21
kmull@thor: and to be honest, having to go through and manually copy over files (thumbdrive not big enough) was starting to suck01:21
gyaresujadacyrus, boom!01:22
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ClayGwhat is a solid notebook, with good support01:22
rBlong2u1anyone with me?01:22
ClayGand a good return policy?01:22
sisqonrwwwwwwwwhi. ein want to add a app. and the add/remove app window opens. after aply and ok he do something but nothing happens. he doesnt install. can some help me?01:22
jadacyrusgyaresu:  drivers/media/video/spca5xx/spca5xx-main.c: spca5xx driver 00.57.08 registered01:22
ReWT_AxSlike "username@"change this"01:22
jadacyrusokay..camstream still not detecting it01:22
kmull@thor: ideally, i could fix X and not have to worry about it, but I really need to get these desktop folders off, then I can just reinstall if i have to01:22
LordMetroidhttp://ia300105.us.archive.org/3/items/Michael_Badnarik/ <-- Damn, he really is educative! I wish was soverign though with USA turning into shit I will never have any hopes for that!01:22
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sethkClayG, I've had good results with the IBMs, but their prices are a bit higher.01:22
gyaresujadacyrus, should have a /dev/video or somesuch now...01:22
ReWT_AxSHow do I change text after the "@" I guess I should say.01:22
ClayGprice is not a concern01:22
thorkmull: my upgrade to edgy went bad too...X wouldn't start. I found that all I had to do was go through the upgrade again from the command prompt. It appears edgy cannot upgrade X if you attempt to run the upgrade from a terminal within X01:22
ClayGi am thinking about another HPdv6000t, sony, toshiba, ibm/len or macbook01:22
sethkClayG, then I would go with a thinkpad, if you want an x86 type box.01:23
ClayGbut kinda want to be able to run 'doze01:23
jadacyrusgyaresu: yes.. /dev/video0 exists01:23
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sethkClayG, sony's battery prices are outrageous, and their batteries also don't last01:23
kmull@thor: do you have a GTalk account to walk me through it?01:23
gyaresujadacyrus, you right from here?01:23
eyXAWTV X Error of failed request:  XF86DGANoDirectVideoMode WHAT does it MEAN??01:23
thorkmull: when you upgrade again from the command prompt, all that will be installed the second time around is X...the rest is already there. And no...no gtalk01:23
ClayGalso my hpdv6000 had built in bluetooth and webcam01:23
ClayGloved that01:23
sethkClayG, well, none of the laptop batteries last all that long, but I've had more problems with the sonys01:23
jadacyrusgyaresu: well the camera still isnt being detected01:23
thorkmull: I am on a boat on my way to the bahamas...sitting in a marina in AL01:23
ClayGsethk: the hp lasted 2 hours, lol01:23
ReWT_AxSthor so dont u[grade in terminal?01:24
ClayGwith moderate use, no burning, no wifi still died at 2 hours01:24
gyaresu!offtopic > ClayG  sethk01:24
sethkClayG, the battery, you mean?01:24
ClayGsorry gayresu01:24
gyaresuClayG, just too busy in here....01:24
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gyaresuClayG, you understand.01:24
kmull@thor: I live in Bham. Lucky dog you.01:24
thorReWR_AxS: that is my interpretation of what I have seen. I think if you stop X first, then upgrade from a tty it might go OK01:24
ClayGgotcha yeah of coarse01:24
gyaresujadacyrus, detected by what?01:24
kmull@thor: do I just plug it in to my router, then do sudo apt-get dist-upgrade?01:24
jadacyruscamstream..camorama...any program that uses the camera01:24
gravyfaceubuntu 6.06 server on a compaq proliant DL380 == uber slow install01:25
ClayGso sethk what would you go with, it price was no concern, to run ubuntu of coarse, lol01:25
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aioswhere can i find grub.conf?01:25
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gravyfaceuse the find command aios01:25
gyaresujadacyrus, and you are pointing it /dev/video0 in prefs?01:25
sethkClayG, ubuntu runs very well on my thinkpads, including the wireless01:25
thorkmull: yeah...from the command prompt upgrade just like you did from the terminal. When I did that apt-get went out and got X and after that everything booted fine. Worth a try01:25
ReWT_AxSwell damn01:25
gyaresugravyface, aios use 'locate'01:25
aiosgravyface: the find command doesnt find anything01:25
kmull@thor I'll try that and get the results back here01:25
kmull@thor: enjoy the Bahamas!01:25
gyaresugravyface, aios  update the locate database by 'sudo updatedb'01:25
ClayGtry locate01:26
aiosgyaresu: locate either. i guess i have to update the db, but i still dont knwo how01:26
sethkaios, grub.conf may not exist01:26
gravyfaceoi what happened to find?01:26
wastrel<3 sudo updatedb01:26
jadacyrusgyaresu: ..there are no preferences..the only device that comes up listed is my tv tuner card..i tihnk that might be /dev/vide0 actually01:26
sethkaios, grub.conf is just a symbolic link to menu.lst01:26
aiosgyaresu: thanks, thats a big help01:26
sethkaios, menu.lst is the real file.  grub.conf is optional01:26
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aiossethk: thanks you!01:26
gyaresujadacyrus, try the old unplug/plug and tail -f /var/log/messages01:27
rBlong2u1ok so unless I am not a programmer I won't be able to run Ubunutu ATM ---->"then just sis based cards. the same vid card works in breezy so the xog devs broke something end of story."01:27
jadacyrusgyaresu: Nov  7 19:27:15 nanofiber kernel: [17181825.172000]  usb 1-1: new full speed USB device using uhci_hcd and address 1001:27
jadacyrusNov  7 19:27:15 nanofiber kernel: [17181825.364000]  usb 1-1: configuration #1 chosen from 1 choice01:27
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aiosgyaresu: is it safe to update grub.conf directly, or should i use some tool?01:28
LGKeizbaxter_kylie: i tried installing the driver, it successed but still no network list =/01:28
AsheDhow do I make Evolution continue running in the background, with a tray icon, instead of a full window?01:28
sethkaios, back up the file, then update away.01:28
shwaghow do I check what version of a file is installed ?01:28
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aiossethk: thanks01:28
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sethkaios, there are some tools you can use, but I prefer editing.  if you're comfortable with editing the file, it's perfectly ok.01:29
gyaresuaios, update menu.lst and install the new boot parameters by 'grub-install --no-floppy'01:29
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azurealcould someone briefly explain what svn and cvs is ?01:29
sethkgyaresu, not necessary to install after updating01:29
sethkgyaresu, if grub is already installed, you just change the file01:29
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gyaresusethk, really? that's new.01:30
shwagis aptitude better the apt-get ?01:30
gyaresusethk, Probably not new but old habits die hard.01:30
aiosgyaresu: sethk: so it'll be changed after reboot? .. i'm trying to add acpi=on, if that matters..01:30
sethkgyaresu, lilo needs to be updated.  grub understands the file system  :)01:30
charlesdoes anyone do any FPGA work (with xilinx hardware)?01:30
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neemzHey folks, I have Xgl and Beryl working nicely, but I want to switch to AIGLX + beryl so my games will run, how can I switch over?01:30
[GuS] Bonne Nuit!01:30
sethkaios, yes, it will be reflected at the next boot01:30
gyaresuaios, yep.01:30
foomanchewanyone use Cacti here ?01:30
sethkaios, you can also change parameters at the grub boot prompt, if you want to try it out before you edit the menu.lst01:30
jadacyrusgyaresu: ..hmm im reading this page you sent me says people got it to work with this spca5xx driver..how come it does not work for me?01:31
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gyaresujadacyrus, I don't know. Did you get out put from 'messages'01:31
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jadacyrusgyaresu: yes01:31
gyaresujadacyrus, and dmesg?01:31
aiossethk: you mean, in case it crashes horrible? :) i'll try, then. thanks.01:31
beaviscan someone tell me where is the idea pool for  Feisty Fawn?01:31
jadacyrusgyaresu: yes...the one from messages just said new full speed usb device..same thing with dmesg01:31
sethkaios, well, that's one thing.  when I'm playing around, I copy the one I'm working on, and make another one just like it, then make changes to the copy.  that way I still can boot the original.  with the file backed up, you can always revert, also01:32
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kmullcan someone help me? sudo isn't accepting my password01:32
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Toma-kmull: caps lock on?01:33
astrum-xwhat would be the best way to install the tun/tap driver in ubuntu?01:33
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sethkkmull, do you get an error message?01:33
kmullsudo: 1 incorrect password attempt01:33
kmullwhen i type in the password and hit enter, it doesn't move up a line01:33
astrum-xor could someone point the best way to recomplile my kernel, i am a gentoo user and this my first experience with a pre-built kernel01:33
kmulli have to hit enter twice to get it to react01:33
gyaresujadacyrus, are you running edgy (i can only think that a kernel upgrade might have some love for you)01:33
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jadacyrusgyaresu: yes i am on edgy..with 2.6.17-10-generic01:34
sethkastrum-x, install the kernel source, copy the config file from /boot to the root of the source tree.  exactly the same as gentoo at that point01:34
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thorkmull: you were working off a bad upgrade, right?01:34
LGKeiz-UbuntuI wish I could get wireless to work01:34
kmullthor: yes01:34
JohnM555Ugh...this is so frusturating01:34
LGKeiz-Ubuntuit's not showing any networks.01:34
sethkastrum-x, the kernel is the kernel.  the only difference is that the package manager will put it at /usr/src/kernel-version-string, instead of /usr/src/linux01:34
kmullthor: i can't do apt-get etc. without sudo accepting my password01:34
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thorkmull: you might have corrupted the shadow password file...and I don't know how to recover that.01:35
sethkkmull, the wonders of sudo, yes.  did it ever work for you?  is this a new installation, or did it work and then get messed up?01:35
kmullthor: super!01:35
astrum-xdo i need to do anything special the debian way?01:35
thorkmull: have you tried switching to another tty (alt-F2 through alt-F6?)01:35
GaiaX11When I log into the system there are some messages while booting. So, which is the file that stores those messages. I need to find an error in my boot time that should be there.01:35
sethkkmull, if your password is bonked, you can boot the live cd, remove it from passwd and shadow, and then reset it01:35
kmullsethk: it worked in the past, the bad upgrade is what i am dealing with now01:35
astrum-xor does anyone know a faster way to install the tun/tap driver01:35
LGKeiz-UbuntuDoes anyone know why my eth1 isn't scanning for networks it saids "no scan results" I tried adding it manually, I've installed my windows driver, with wrapper, and still it doesn't work.01:36
JohnM555On this site: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs/WirelessNetworking The screenshot shows a box to enter the WEP key, I need that, but mine doesn't have that option, I was looking in some of the wifi docs, but so far I haven't come across iwconfig docs01:36
sethkkmull, boot the live cd.  then you can either remove the password, and set it again after you reboot.  if you know how, you can chroot and set it directly01:36
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kmullthor: alt-f2 worked...01:36
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thorsethk: the live CD works from ram...how do you get it to write the changes to the hard drive?01:36
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kmullone sec01:36
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thorkmull: alt-f1 is where you are trying to start X....that is probably the problem01:36
jadacyrusgyaresu: do you think its possible that my TV Tuner card could be interfering with the camera drivers?01:36
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gyaresujadacyrus, no.01:37
LGKeiz-UbuntuWell does anyone01:37
smhi.. can anyone help me get mysql running again on ubuntu edgy on amd 64 ? it fails on startup01:37
sethkthor, you can mount the root file system somewhere.  then remove the string between the colons for the user in /etc/passwd and /etc/shadow.  Or, after mounting, you can do chroot /mnt/wherever, and then /mnt/wherever becomes your root file system01:37
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gyaresuJohnM555, Still havn't tried 'man iwconfig' ?01:37
sethkthor, once you do the chroot, then it is as if you had booted normally.  so you set the passwd, and it writes01:37
gyaresuLGKeiz, are you using 'iwlist eth1 scan' ?01:38
thorsethk: cool...I didn't know you could get into the passwd files01:38
LGKeiz-Ubuntugyaresu, would you know why I don't get any network results with scan01:38
LGKeiz-Ubuntulgkeiz@lgkeiz-laptop:~$ iwlist eth1 scanning01:38
LGKeiz-Ubuntueth1      No scan results01:38
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sethkthor, as root, you can01:38
smmysql error: http://rafb.net/paste/results/tpAsqH57.html01:38
sethkthor, and of course when you boot the live cd you are root01:38
jadacyrusgyaresu: is there anything else besides the spca5xx driver that I need to have?01:38
gyaresuLGKeiz-Ubuntu, drivers are not working properly.01:38
thorsethk: right....guess I never faced it so never figured it out <smile>01:38
LGKeiz-Ubuntugyaresu: I've installed wrapper, installed my driver, restart -> still no scan results01:39
sethkthor, doesn't come up often, but very valuable when you need it.01:39
gyaresujadacyrus, I can't see anything. I'd try adding that driver to /etc/modules and rebooting.01:39
thorsethk: cool trick....much better than Tom's Root Boot01:39
kmullapt-get dist-upgrade says there is a failure fetching the files01:39
gyaresuLGKeiz-Ubuntu, iwconfig does list a device though?01:39
JohnM555I thought I installed my driver correctly, but it says the wlan0 interface should exist and it doesn't01:39
LGKeiz-Ubuntugyaresu - sec01:39
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JohnM555Or are they unrelated?01:39
RogueThunderHello to everyone... Anyone here think they might be able to figure out how to get the linksys wusb54G v1(no, not the v4 that has the big stickied forum post in the forums...), ive tried most methods already and they... failed... though i may have messed something up along the way... sounds like im not the only wlan confused person with ubuntu >.<01:40
LGKeiz-Ubuntueth1      IEEE 802.11b/g  ESSID:off/any  Nickname:"Broadcom 4318"01:40
LGKeiz-Ubuntu          Mode:Managed  Access Point: Invalid01:40
LGKeiz-Ubuntu          RTS thr:off   Fragment thr:off01:40
LGKeiz-Ubuntu          Link Quality:0  Signal level:0  Noise level:001:40
LGKeiz-Ubuntu          Rx invalid nwid:0  Rx invalid crypt:0  Rx invalid frag:001:40
LGKeiz-Ubuntu          Tx excessive retries:0  Invalid misc:0   Missed beacon:001:40
LGKeiz-Ubuntugyaresu - there ya go lol01:40
sethkRogueThunder, definitely a frequent source of confusion01:40
gyaresu!flood > LGKeiz-Ubuntu01:40
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RogueThunderEspecialy when you have a strange varient prism 54 one.01:40
Tokenbadanyone else here had problems with proftpd installing during the apt-get install?01:40
ubotupastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (you can always find it in the channel topic, among other useful things)01:40
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kmull"temporary failure resolving archive.ubuntu.com"01:41
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LGKeiz-UbuntuI know, just didn't think it would flood the channel01:41
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LGKeiz-Ubuntu>.> it is indeed 1 line01:41
LGKeiz-Ubuntuno it isn't01:41
thorkmull: sounds like you no longer have the network access01:41
LGKeiz-Ubuntuin xchat it is01:41
LGKeiz-Ubuntusorry :p01:41
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kmullwell i was plugged directly in?01:41
thorkmull: can you 'ping google.com' ?01:41
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LGKeiz-Ubuntugyaresu: well what do I do..01:41
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ubotuI am ubotu, all-knowing infobot. You can browse my brain at http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl  -  Usage info: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuBots01:42
crzygrndpaDoes Ubuntu01:42
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crzygrndpaDoes Ubuntu Server set an Apache2 username by default?01:42
crzygrndpaIf not, how do I create one?01:42
gyaresuLGKeiz-Ubuntu, make sure the network you are scanning for is not accidentally turned off. then swear.01:42
thorkmull: I can't get to archive.ubuntu.com either...might be down01:42
raghu206i have converted my windows partition from ntfs to fat but in ubuntu the drive doesnt appear ? pls01:42
gyaresuLGKeiz-Ubuntu, ndiswrapper can be a pain.01:42
Kingsqueakcrzygrndpa: should be www-data01:42
thorkmull: there...it worked that time...might have been a temp network problem01:43
LGKeiz-Ubuntugyaresu: trust me the network(s) are on, Because I'm connected from my desktop, which is on windows :)01:43
kmullthor: ok. let me try. i am having to switch cables back and forth01:43
gyaresuraghu206, appear how? from command line? running what prog?01:43
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gyaresuLGKeiz-Ubuntu, aye. problem then.01:43
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raghu206gyaresu, the drive doesnt appear on the desktop01:43
LGKeiz-Ubuntugyaresu: hold on I'm going to try to manually connect to the network01:44
crzygrndpaKingsqueak: awesome, that worked. Thanks!01:44
gyaresuraghu206, do you know how to use the command line?01:44
astrum-xso what is this intrid image?01:44
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astrum-xnever seen that before in grub.conf01:44
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rBlong2u1is it possible to change the framebuffer01:44
raghu206gyaresu, i know but i need to mount it automatically editing fstab01:44
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sethkastrum-x, initrd is an in-memory file system.  usually used to load drivers needed to boot from disk01:44
jadacyrusgyaresu:..Still no luck..i also removed my tv tuner card and now there is no /dev/video at all01:45
gyaresuraghu206, so 'sudo fdisk -l' sees it fine?01:45
astrum-xsethk: so after i recompile my kernel, do i need to replace both files in /boot/grub?01:45
sethkastrum-x, usually not01:45
gyaresujadacyrus, it'n not being recognised. sorry.01:45
=== RogueThunder sits back waiting in line, licking a lemon-lime popsickle and playing ssbm
jadacyrusgyaresu: dang!!!01:45
rBlong2u1hey how do I go about changing famrebuffer with ubuntu, I know how to do this in Gentoo, but I don't fine a way to tweak the kernel with Ubuntu01:45
sethkastrum-x, if you did, you would probably know it.  Unless you added a module that needs to be loaded so the box can boot, you don't have to worry about it.01:46
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gyaresujadacyrus, but one of those comments (suse guy) seemed to work. so don't give up hope.01:46
raghu206gyaresu, it shows me correct01:46
sethkrBlong2u1, it's exactly the same in gentoo and ubuntu.  it's just kernel config01:46
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gyaresuraghu206, and so have you entered an fstab entry and marked it as 'auto'01:46
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kmullythor: i can't ping anything. iwconfig shows eth0 has "no wireless extensions"01:46
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thorkmully: right...sounds like you lost the wifi drivers in the aborted upgrade01:47
rBlong2u1sethk: is there a kernel config in Ubuntu?01:47
ThomBrownhow do you format an external hd in Ubuntu?01:47
kmullyim plugged directly in though?01:47
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raghu206gyaresu, the other drives mount with out that option01:47
sethkrBlong2u1, the kernel configuration is part of the kernel.  has nothing to do with distros.  it's the same in all distros.01:47
luke2008does anybody know if BCM4318 wireless network adaptor work in Ubuntu?01:47
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thorkmully: then iwconfig has no meaning...try ifconfig and see if you have an ip address01:47
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gyaresuraghu206, so do you want it to automount or not?01:47
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gyaresuluke2008, have you searched the web?01:48
sethkrBlong2u1, if you mean the kernel configuration that is the first step of a kernel build, indeed, it's exactly the same01:48
raghu206gyaresu, exactly i want it01:48
astrum-xerm, i don't really want to recompile cause i don't have my kernel conf file01:48
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Moltoverm... back >.<01:48
sethkastrum-x, yes you do.  it's in /boot01:48
ThomBrownhow do you format an external hd in Ubuntu?01:48
gyaresuraghu206, so why would you not put 'auto' in your fstab?01:48
astrum-xso is there a better way to install the tun/tap driver01:48
=== Moltov is the alternate of roguethunder...
sethkThomBrown, mkfs.  you don't exactly format.  but mkfs is what you want01:48
motinWhat's happening? Failed to fetch http://security.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/pool/main/p/php5/php5-common_5.1.2-1ubuntu3.3_i386.deb  404 Not Found01:48
gyaresuThomBrown, fdisk01:48
rBlong2u1sethk:  you I have this horrible flickering issue with Ubuntu... now I gotta fix a few stuff and hope then it no longer will flicker01:49
gyaresuThomBrown, then mkfs.01:49
raghu206gyaresu, i mean the other drives that appear automatically doesnt have auto01:49
MoltovIf theres a mod around or yknow anyone that can kick... "RogueThunder" is just my shadow >.< inet bliped.01:49
sethkrBlong2u1, I remember, yes.01:49
gyaresuraghu206, your point?01:49
jangaThomBrown, gparted, if you want GUI01:49
ThomBrownso "sudo fdisk <name>"01:49
luke2008does anybody know if broadcom wireless adapter works in Ubuntu01:49
rBlong2u1sethk:  ok I'll be back with Ubuntu LiveCD....01:49
sethkrBlong2u1, get rid of the frame buffer, if it's in use.  make sure your vertical frequency is different than your house current frequency (house current freq is usually 60hz in north america, 50 hz in europe)01:49
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raghu206gyaresu, i think shud i chage UUID in fstab?01:50
gyaresuThomBrown, yes. If you want to change the partitions.01:50
MoltovSo anyway, anyone giving out numbers for helping people in need of wlan help?...01:50
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gyaresuraghu206, ls -l /dev/disk/by-uuid/01:50
shini`luke2008: i'm using a broadcom-type card01:50
gyaresuluke2008, 'lspci' and take the output to google.01:51
fbladehi guys wonder if you could help me out here, i can seem to be getting any p2p software to connect or download  but  yet the equivalent will work brilliant on windows01:51
motinWhat's happening? Failed to fetch http://security.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/pool/main/p/php5/php5-common_5.1.2-1ubuntu3.3_i386.deb  404 Not Found01:51
shini`luke2008: what gyra said is probably the best...01:51
motinhow can I fix this?01:51
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motinI see in the repos that the 3.4 version is out01:51
LGKeiz[LoLDemosDI wish I could connect to wireless.01:51
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motinbut apt-get update doesnt help01:52
gyaresufblade, "any"?01:52
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jangafblade, what programs?01:52
fbladefrostwire wont work amule wont and bittornado01:52
gyaresumotin, sources.list is wrong or you need to 'update'01:52
LGKeiz-Ubuntu_kingsqueak: I've installed my windows driver, but... Now in network-manager There is no "wireless" anything anymore, lol01:52
bruenig!hi | RPO01:52
ubotuRPO: Hi! Welcome to #ubuntu!01:52
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raghu206gyaresu,what u mean by by-uuid it shows me no file or directory01:53
gyaresulaugh @ bruenig01:53
=== luke2008 nd
jangafblade, amule works better than emule for me.01:53
RPOI'm trying to ensure my Edgy release is the final version and I type $sudo opt-get update and it says sudo: opt-get: command not found01:53
gyaresuraghu206,  'ls -l /dev/disk/by-uuid/'01:53
bruenigRPO. it is apt-get not opt-get01:53
fbladewell i cant ever find sever lists01:54
gyaresuraghu206, that's were you find the UUID needed for fstab01:54
RPOthank you!01:54
fbladesays faild to download01:54
astrum-xI like beef sticks01:54
RPObtw, how do I see the current version?01:54
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KingsqueakLGKeiz-Ubuntu_: well you were set last night, just something wrong with your router and connection settings most likely01:54
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sethkRPO, apt, not opt01:54
MoltovAnyone want to try to help me get my wireless card working...? Linksys Wusb54g v1(Not v4, meaning the wusb54g stickied topic in the forums is kinda useless)01:54
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jangafblade, you first ave to google for a server.met01:54
KingsqueakLGKeiz-Ubuntu_: you don't need ndis drivers with an intel wireless on a Dell01:54
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gyaresuRPO, 'cat /etc/issue'01:54
motingyaresu: update wont work - sources.list is from a fresh install ubuntu server01:54
raghu206gyaresu, go it :))01:54
fbladejanga yea01:54
LGKeiz[LoLDemosDKingsqueak: well I tried connecting AGAIN and it doesn't work01:55
raghu206gyaresu, shud i now edit fstab01:55
Alethesdoes the latest evolution have issues with imap?01:55
gyaresuraghu206, yes.01:55
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RPOUbuntu 6.10 \n \l01:55
LGKeiz[LoLDemosDkingsqueak: why would it have problems?!!? Im connected to the router -RIGHT NOW- on my windows system01:55
LGKeiz[LoLDemosDI also upgraded to 6.10 lol01:55
Alethes2.8.1, that is01:55
RPOIs Ubuntu 6.10 \n \l the latest01:55
gyaresumotin, can you ping?01:55
gyaresuRPO, yes.01:55
apokryphosRPO: yes; more info in the FAQ01:55
sethkLGKeiz-Ubuntu, not all the linux wireless drivers support all the features you may need01:55
raghu206gyaresu, brb01:55
fbladeI dont see why frostwire just stuck "enabling open information sharing" though01:55
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KingsqueakLGKeiz[LoLDemosD: what does    lsmod | grep ipw      show you?01:55
fbladeand bittornado just dont want to download anything01:56
astrum-xI like cheddar cheese hot dogs01:56
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gyaresufblade, run progs from the command line so as to see their output.01:56
LGKeiz-Ubuntu_shows nothing01:56
motingyaresu: yes I can ping security.ubuntu.com with dns res but no replies01:56
LGKeiz-Ubuntu_kingsqueak: obviously nothing01:56
cristobalhello raul01:56
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jangafblade, i dont know about frostwire, sorry01:56
KingsqueakLGKeiz-Ubuntu_: what does     dmesg | grep ipw01:56
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motingyaresu: oh now replies01:56
D13GUhi all!01:56
raulhow're you01:56
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LGKeiz-Ubuntu_shows nothing01:56
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raulcristobal where are you from01:57
KingsqueakLGKeiz-Ubuntu_: what does     dmesg | grep -i wireless01:57
cristobalhi, user you edubuntu01:57
D13GUi have ubuntu 5.10 installed in my pc.. i use Xfce, how to update this? for current version?01:57
LGKeiz-Ubuntu_nothing LOL01:57
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fbladethis is what i get for frostwire  http://pastebin.com/81939201:57
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ubotufrostwire is a totally open source version of Limewire.  For installation help, please see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FrostWire01:57
cristobali'm fromm spain01:57
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ubotuPara Espaol por favor usen #ubuntu-es, #kubuntu-es o #edubuntu-es, all obtendrn mas ayuda.01:57
KingsqueakLGKeiz-Ubuntu_: do you have the restricted modules loaded ? do you have all the repositories enabled for apt?01:57
gyaresu!upgrade > D13GU,01:57
MoltovAnyone want to try to help me get my wireless card working...? please?... its a Linksys Wusb54g v1(Not v4, meaning the wusb54g stickied topic in the forums is kinda useless)01:58
LGKeiz-Ubuntu_kingsqueak: uhm I don't know..01:58
D13GUgyaresu,  apt-get --dist-upgrade?01:58
neemzhey folks was wondering if you could help me, I've got xorg-air running now but whenever I load up any GL app (like beryl or glxgears) it crashes the X server and takes me back to login01:58
LGKeiz-Ubuntu_Kingsqueak: how do I know?01:58
raulGracias a Dios entonces hablas espaol01:58
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wastrel!es | raul01:58
uboturaul: Para Espaol por favor usen #ubuntu-es, #kubuntu-es o #edubuntu-es, all obtendrn mas ayuda.01:58
sethkcristobal, they didn't mean for you to go away, if you want to speak english.  they were just telling you that spanish channel exists01:58
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gyaresuD13GU, no!01:58
cristobalsi y tu tambin01:58
LGKeiz-Ubuntu_Kingsqueak:  how do I know lol..01:58
=== pumukynho nas a tos
rauli'm gonna speak english01:58
raulsorry for all01:59
motinwhy on earth is this channel not split up into areas of interest? #ubuntu-networking, #ubuntu-installation, #ubuntu-server  etc?01:59
RPOWhen I try to change my screen resolution from 1280x1024 to something lower (1024x768, 800x600), it takes me back to the logon screen and it won't change.01:59
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Moltovbecause getting help from someone whos good at more than one would be insane then mortin01:59
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neemzbtw is there a better channel for me to ask about my broken xserver?01:59
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D13GUgyaresu,  how to? install 6.10? :)01:59
KingsqueakLGKeiz-Ubuntu_: in /etc/apt/sources.list  is multiverse and universe and restricted enabled?01:59
leitaoHello. I have installed ubuntu 6.10, and i want to change the Applications Icon, which actually is with the ubuntu logo.  How could i do that?02:00
motinMoltov: but now almost noone getes help - everything drowns02:00
SpudDoggDoes anyone know of a command-line encrypted chat program?02:00
LGKeiz-Ubuntu_Kingsqueak:   I don't know, how do I view it?02:00
gyaresuD13GU, sorry on phone.02:00
MoltovMotin: not realy... i guess its a geek skill to be able to see through this all02:00
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D13GUgyaresu,  ok02:00
KingsqueakLGKeiz-Ubuntu_: do this    grep restricted /etc/apt/sources.list02:00
motinMoltov: well - the noobs wont se it, and they need the help02:00
ubotupastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (you can always find it in the channel topic, among other useful things)02:01
Pretorian^I've set a directory's permission to 300 (write and execute is only available for current user). If I, through bash, write "sudo ls", I can see the files. I'd like to do something similar in the File Browser. How do I do that?02:01
MoltovMotin: What my real question is, why arnt those who are working something out 1-1 using private chats, hence clearing the main room up02:01
motin"Failed to fetch http://security.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/pool/main/p/php5/php5-xsl_5.1.2-1ubuntu3.3_i386.deb  404 Not Found" again and again - I now that "http://security.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/pool/main/p/php5/php5-xsl_5.1.2-1ubuntu3.4_i386.deb" exists. will it be the same if I install from manually downloaded debs?02:01
LGKeiz-Ubuntu_Kingsqueak:  http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/30571/02:01
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robio376D13GU, I would suggest a clean install of 6.10 rather then an upgrade02:01
raulhow can i burn a CD on this OP02:01
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RPOWhen I try $ sudo apt-get dist-update it says:  E: Invalid operation dist-update02:01
KingsqueakLGKeiz-Ubuntu_: k, one sec02:01
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Tokenbadok I removed proftpd and then tried to reinstall and now get an error saying: IPv6 getaddrinfo 'You-desktop' error: Name or service not known....Anyone know what it means about ipv6?02:01
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motinMoltov: because then others couldnt help out together02:02
SpudDoggDoes anyone know of a command-line encrypted chat program?  I sometimes need to talk to a buddy securely.02:02
ubotuFor multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats  -  See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html  -  But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats02:02
motinRPO: dist-upgrade02:02
Peloraul,  just put in a blank cd and you the app should shart02:02
D13GUrobio376, , problems... erase my files02:02
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motinbe sure to backup before! RPO02:02
KingsqueakLGKeiz-Ubuntu_: do  dpkg -l | grep restricted    paste me that too02:02
eldenhey guys, does ur broadcom 4306 lan card working??02:02
DBordelloI am trying to use a dualhead setup.  I have two devices/monitors/screens defined.  But in the layout if i have screen 1 rightof screen 0 everything is fine (correct resolution on each monitor etc).  But if i put in the layout screen0 rightof screen1 one of the screens has the inccorect resolution.  Any ideas so that my mouse scrolls the correct direction02:02
bimberiraul: burn a cd from iso? copy one? ...?02:02
MoltovMotin: same problem with your solution to the clutter, most knolageible people we have, are very diverse, not spesific like that.02:02
robio376do a backup first02:02
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pumukynhopara instalar un progra sin ser desde repositorio komo se hace02:02
thordoes anyone know how to make Xchat default to firefox instead of konqueror?02:02
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motinMoltov: look like now - how likely is it that my problem is recognized - already three screens up?02:03
apokryphosthor: are you on KDE?02:03
apokryphosthor: join us in02:03
LGKeiz-Ubuntu_Kingsqueak: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/30572/02:03
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apokryphosgeh, annoying location of # 8)02:03
SpudDoggDoes anyone know of a command-line encrypted chat program?  I sometimes need to talk to a buddy securely.02:03
eldenhey guys, does ur broadcom 4306 lan card working???02:03
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snoopsI've got a mysql db with some data in it I need to keep, but I'm interesting in upgrading (a clean install) from dapper to edgy..if I dump all the data, including indexed columns etc, can I just import my mysql dump back in without any problems?02:03
thorapokryphos: no...I installed kde over ubuntu to have the option, and now xchat goes to konq instead of firefox02:03
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KingsqueakLGKeiz-Ubuntu_: o.k., next up   modprobe -l ipw*02:04
apokryphosthor: alt+f2 -> kcontrol  and then look for components. Change default browser to Firefox02:04
apokryphosthor: also, if you can please file a bug report about that.02:04
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motin"Failed to fetch http://security.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/pool/main/p/php5/php5-xsl_5.1.2-1ubuntu3.3_i386.deb  404 Not Found" again and again - I now that "http://security.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/pool/main/p/php5/php5-xsl_5.1.2-1ubuntu3.4_i386.deb" exists. will it be the same if I install from manually downloaded debs?02:04
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LGKeiz-Ubuntu_Kingsqueak: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/30573/02:04
apokryphosthor: xchat should respect gnome's default when in gnome02:04
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thorapokryphos: I actually run enlightenment, and have gnome and kde just for 'teaching/demo' purposes02:05
KingsqueakLGKeiz-Ubuntu_: o.k., what exact model Dell is this?02:05
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azureallol teaching/demo?02:05
LGKeiz-Ubuntu_Inspiron 130002:05
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apokryphosthor: ok, well it seems to be  taking the kde default, so the change in kcontrol should still work02:06
KingsqueakLGKeiz-Ubuntu_: gimme a bit, gonna look that up02:06
sethkmotin, the 404 error is an http protocol thing, so it won't have that problem if you download the deb02:06
LGKeiz-Ubuntu_Kingsqueak:  k02:06
LGKeiz-Ubuntu_Kingsqueak:  thanks02:06
sethkmotin, assuming the error code is correct.  I have no reason to think it isn't.02:06
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=== azureal hates kde and dislikes gnome...
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thorapokryphos: thanks...will boot into kde in a bit and try it02:06
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motinsethk: yes it is. but will apt and all be able to uninstall it if I download them from the web?02:06
apokryphosthor: no need to boot into kde. Just alt+f2 -> kcontrol02:06
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twstokesIs three a way in Gnome to remove a certain application from the panel?02:06
raulPelo the problem is that what i have is a movie and i want to make a copy of it.02:06
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lovethepirki run breezy and just downloaded 6.10 can i upgrade using the cd or do i have to write over my current version02:07
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jangatwstokes, rightklick on menu02:07
Peloraul,   you mean copy a dvd ?02:07
shini`lovethepirk: i think it's better to do a clean install :|02:07
KingsqueakLGKeiz-Ubuntu_:  next    lsmod | grep bcm02:07
sethkmotin, yes02:07
raulpelo yeah02:07
sethkmotin, installing from a local .deb will not harm your database.02:07
motinapt-get update is apparently NOT getting the updated security-sources. that is the core problem. why could that be and how can I fix that?02:08
lovethepirkshini`: should i format first or will the cd iso do that for me?02:08
sethkmotin, only the initial download would be different.02:08
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motinthats good sethk02:08
LGKeiz-Ubuntu_Kingsqueak:  http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/30574/02:08
sethkmotin, you already checked the obvious things like the repos, right?02:08
Peloraul,  I don't know,  search for  dvd  in synaptic , maybe you have a package to rip dvd's and then you can copy it02:08
raulpelo i want to copi a movie that i have in one CD to another empity CD02:08
twstokesWhat do I do once I right click the menu?02:08
lonranhow can i avoid loading a module at startup?02:08
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sethkmotin, I've been toggling between this window and some paying customers.  :)02:08
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Peloraul,   oh02:08
aiosmy laptop fan keeps running non-stop - i've now tried adding acpi=on, and #defoptions= quiet splash vga=791 noapic in grub/menu.lst ... i still don't really know what i'm doing, and i can't find much info online ..02:08
twstokesThe program is Banshee02:08
shini`lovethepirk: the cd will make you do it, so you can just use the CD installer02:08
motinsethk: yes - it is a fresh ubuntu install - I trust the ubuntu devs02:08
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raulpelo ?02:09
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sethkaios, there is a separate kernel module for fan control, I believe.  let me check.02:09
KingsqueakLGKeiz-Ubuntu_: o.k. edit this file  /etc/modprobe.d/blacklist and make an entry to blacklist 'bcm43xx'02:09
Peloraul,  just pop the cd in , right-click on the icon on the desktop,  you should get a copy command02:09
lovethepirkshini`: thanks02:09
aiossethk: thanks02:09
Peloraul , I think02:09
LGKeiz-Ubuntu_kingsqueak - uhm .. how do I edit again?02:09
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KingsqueakLGKeiz-Ubuntu_: the kernel driver is interfering with your ndis driver and you do indeed need the ndis driver for your card02:09
jangatwstokes, edit menu , i dont know the exact translation.02:09
raulok i'll try it,02:09
sethkmotin, on a fresh install you have to remove the comments from some repos.  they are commented out in the installed file.  sorry if I'm repeating stuff.02:09
LGKeiz-Ubuntu_sudo gedit ?02:09
mangohi every one. I have set up dynds on dynds.com but I can not access my pc as it is behind a firewall, can any one help please02:09
KingsqueakLGKeiz-Ubuntu_:   'sudo gedit /etc/modprobe.d/blacklist'02:09
raulpelo ok i'll try it.02:09
bobbyI'm installing cacti and I get the following error ERROR 1045 (28000): Access denied for user 'root'@'localhost' (using      02:09
bobby  password: YES)02:09
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bobbyany help would be nice02:09
twstokesOk, in edit menu I see the applications that the menu opens02:10
PapaLionone know the command to fix this?02:10
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PapaLionHey. I just installed edgy on a dell inspiron 110002:10
raulpelo thanks02:10
lovethepirkndiswrapper have 64 bit support now?02:10
shini`lovethepirk: np :D02:10
tagOk I just upgraded to edgy02:10
tagbut I have an SMP machine02:10
PapaLionI'm stuck in a low resolution - ideas?02:10
tagwhich kernel am I supposed to use?02:10
robio376mango, you need to mae sure you have a port available through your firewall02:10
bruenigbobby, how are you trying to install it. A "sudo apt-get install cacti" should do02:10
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twstokesIs there an option to add to the program command?02:10
tag[17179569.184000]  WARNING: NR_CPUS limit of 1 reached.  Processor ignored.02:10
tagthat's not tight02:10
jangatwstokes, just uncheck the radio button for banshee02:10
LGKeiz-Ubuntu_Kingsqueak:  done02:10
motinsethk: yes I have done that. no probs you should repeat those things. just dont think they are valid this time02:10
LGKeiz-Ubuntu_Kingsqueak:  what now02:11
mangorobio376: do I do that on the router02:11
twstokesOh I see what you mean. My question is, once that program is open, how to I remove it from the window list?02:11
KingsqueakLGKeiz-Ubuntu_: reboot now and see if it works, you still have ndis and the windows drivers installed right?02:11
motinanyone: what server do you get when you ping security.ubuntu.com ??02:11
twstokesI don't want to see it's window name once it is opened02:11
RPOI'm stuck in high resolution -- idea?02:11
robio376mango, yes, what type of router?02:11
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motinI get auckland.ubuntu.com and maybbe it is lagging02:11
PapaLionI just installed edgy on an inspiron 1100 - stuck in a low resolution - anyone know the command to fix this?02:11
Tokenbadplease can anyone help me with proftpd?02:11
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LGKeiz-Ubuntu_Kingsqueak:  yeah it saids Hardware detected: yes lol so lets see02:11
tagoh I need the generic kernel02:11
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Pretorian^I've set a directory's permission to 300 (write and execute is only available for current user). If I, through bash, write "sudo ls", I can see the files. I'd like to do something similar in the File Browser. How do I do that?02:12
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mneptonPapaLion: use this xorg.conf - http://www.geocities.com/randomnumbergenerator2001/xorg.conf.breezy.txt02:12
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mangorobio376: it is a netgear one. do I also need to specify the ip address of the host I need to get to, if yes how02:12
BoelckeI think I need to reinstall ubuntu (for a printer problem).  How can I preserve all the stuff I've installed?02:12
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motinanyone: what server do you get when you ping security.ubuntu.com ??02:13
LGKeiz-WindowsKingsqueak, I installed Wifi- ratio or whatever02:13
LGKeiz-WindowsIn network-manager wireless dissapeared02:13
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robio376mango yes,the ip and the port so something like this 192;186.1.1:123402:13
bruenigauckland.ubuntu.com (
KingsqueakLGKeiz-Windows: well load the ndis driver however that works02:13
PeloBoelcke,   backuping your user folder ( with all the hidden folder and files) will allow you to restor all the tweaks you may have done,  but you will have to re-install the apps02:13
robio376mango: sorry something like this
LGKeiz-Windowskingsqueak: it automatically loads on startup I think02:14
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teenprogrammerhow do i zip a folder in commandline?02:14
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mangorobio376: thanks for help , I will try than get back to you02:14
BoelckePelo, yes, I was figuring I'd backup home with all its hidden files.02:14
robio376mango: no problem02:14
BoelckePelo, but I suppose I'll have to run through and reinstall all the apps I've installed through Synaptic...02:15
KingsqueakLGKeiz-Windows: what does   ndiswrapper -l   show you?02:15
=== Boelcke sighs.
KingsqueakLGKeiz-Windows: actually   'sudo ndiswrapper -l'02:15
PeloBoelcke,  that's what I said02:15
LGKeiz-Windowsbcmwl5 driver present, hardware present02:16
ThomBrownguys, I'm sorry . . . i can't seem to scroll far enough up to see what your answers were02:16
ThomBrownhow do you format an external hd in Ubuntu?02:16
ThomBrown(I'm sorry02:16
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ThomBrownfdisk, then?02:16
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LGKeiz-Windowskingsqueak; bcmwl5 driver present, hardware present02:16
asteri am using xubuntu and I'd like to install gnome, but not its applications02:16
asterany idea?02:16
CrankymonkyHey, I just installled Xubuntu Dapper, just curious why It's asked me to insert the CD every time I've installed apps-so far when installing Automatix and when using Automatix02:16
mneptonThomBrown: "sudo apt-get install gparted"02:16
teenprogrammerhow do i compress a folder into one file ... like zip ... only i need to do it from command line02:16
KingsqueakLGKeiz-Windows: o.k. well   apt-get remove wifi-radar02:16
sethkThomBrown, fsck.   for ext3 file system, fsck.ext302:16
RPOMy ubuntu Preferences-Screen resolution doesn't work.02:16
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LGKeiz-Windowssudo apt-get remove wifi-radar *02:17
KingsqueakLGKeiz-Windows: yes02:17
motiniaghty then - no help here - I will use the ones from not-security then02:17
mneptonCrankymonky: 1). edit /etc/apt/sources.lst and 2). do not use Automatix or any such scripts, please02:17
luke2008does BCM4318 work?02:17
LGKeiz-WindowsKingsqueak: now what02:17
KingsqueakLGKeiz-Windows: reboot again please to be sure it's all killed off02:17
dyssan3Must go today now 1 dell xps m1710 laptop with shipping and carry case $700, 1 apple ipod new, 250 with shpping, 1 BFG Nvidia geforce 7950 PCIE video card price 300$ with shipping, 1 dell 23" monitor/tv combination: 350$. message aim at polter 1981 or msn at just it 1981 at hot mail dot com or yahoo at mbogden198102:17
sethkKingsqueak, you can use ... zip.  tar is better, though02:17
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Crankymonkymnepton, Thanks for the sources hint, why so violently opposed to scripts?02:17
luke2008does BCM4318 work?02:17
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mneptonteenprogrammer: tar -cvf filename.tar /path/to/dir && bzip2 filename.tar02:17
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mneptonCrankymonky: because if they break in the *slightest* they can render a machine unusable.02:18
Kingsqueakyou can do   tar jcvf file.tar.bz2  /foo    I think too02:18
Crankymonkymnepton, thanks for the tip02:18
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Tokenbadplease can anyone help me with proftpd?02:18
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LGKeiz-WindowsKingsqueak done02:18
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nolimitsoyateenprogrammer, the -p shift is a good thing to add to you archiving command to. it preserves all permissions02:19
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knixIs there any way to get the rounded gnome-panel corners of gnome 2.2 in 2.16?02:19
KingsqueakLGKeiz-Windows: o.k. now  'sudo gedit /etc/network/interfaces'  comment out all the lines except the 'lo' two lines, like we did last night02:19
LGKeiz-Windowsk sec02:19
sethknolimitsoya, best is to use --preserve which is a meta option for all the permission related ones02:19
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twstokesJanga, I found the solution02:19
twstokesThanks for trying to help me02:19
KingsqueakLGKeiz-Windows: just be careful to NOT comment out lo or it will make a mess02:20
twstokesIt was so simple I feel like an idiot02:20
teenprogrammerthanks for the archive command!02:20
LGKeiz-WindowsKingsqueak done lol02:20
LGKeiz-Windowswant me to reboot?02:20
KingsqueakLGKeiz-Windows: reboot02:20
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sethktwstokes, you found it.  feel good.02:20
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sethktwstokes, it's always simple after you find it.  :)02:21
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dyssan3Must go today now 1 dell xps m1710 laptop with shipping and carry case $700, 1 apple ipod new, 250 with shpping, 1 BFG Nvidia geforce 7950 PCIE video card price 300$ with shipping, 1 dell 23" monitor/tv combination: 350$. message aim at polter 1981 or msn at just it 1981 at hot mail dot com or yahoo at mbogden198102:21
LGKeiz-WindowsKingsqueak 3.10 Edgy is pretty nice.. alot quicker02:21
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twstokesExactly - The hindsight bias!02:21
KingsqueakLGKeiz-Windows: yeah the startup changes are nice02:21
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dyssan3Must go today now 1 dell xps m1710 laptop with shipping and carry case $700, 1 apple ipod new, 250 with shpping, 1 BFG Nvidia geforce 7950 PCIE video card price 300$ with shipping, 1 dell 23" monitor/tv combination: 350$. message aim at polter 1981 or msn at just it 1981 at hot mail dot com or yahoo at mbogden198102:21
tritiumdyssan3: please stop02:21
killownhow I do to start program after gdm login?02:21
dyssan3Must go today now 1 dell xps m1710 laptop with shipping and carry case $700, 1 apple ipod new, 250 with shpping, 1 BFG Nvidia geforce 7950 PCIE video card price 300$ with shipping, 1 dell 23" monitor/tv combination: 350$. message aim at polter 1981 or msn at just it 1981 at hot mail dot com or yahoo at mbogden198102:21
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killownI put it in .xinitrc but dont work02:22
LGKeiz-WindowsKingsqueak k back on02:22
peanutbwe need an op here02:22
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tritiumpeanutb: I'm here.  What's up?02:22
KingsqueakLGKeiz-Windows: got nm-applet running like last night?02:22
jbroomespam tastic02:22
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LGKeiz-Windowskingsqueak yeah but still no wireless Lol02:22
peanutbdyssan3 is spamming02:22
peanutbor was02:22
Ryugigo bless ubuntu02:22
KingsqueakLGKeiz-Windows: ndiswrapper -l02:22
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peanutbtritium, thanks02:22
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killownhow I do to start program after gdm login?02:22
RyugiWindows is shit compared to this02:22
tritiumpeanutb: :)02:22
killownI put it in .xinitrc but dont work02:22
LGKeiz-Windowssamething as before02:23
tritiumkillown: add it to your session02:23
LGKeiz-Windowsbcm blah blah present on both02:23
LjL!language | Ryugi02:23
RyugiTHis a true production Operating System02:23
KingsqueakLGKeiz-Windows: dmesg | grep -i broadcom02:23
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Ryugisorry LjL02:23
LGKeiz-Windows.. uhm02:23
suckamcdid ubuntu 6.10 get rid of that nice gui hard disk mounter (forget the exact name, but you could see all your HDs in your system and mount them there) under system -> Prefrences?02:23
LGKeiz-Windowscan I connect with lan?02:23
LGKeiz-Windowsbecause typing this all out is annoying02:23
KingsqueakLGKeiz-Windows: should be able to yes02:23
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ubuntu_newbiecan someone ask 6.06 questions here?02:24
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tritiumubuntu_newbie: sure02:24
bimberisuckamc: yes it has.  I've forlornely for an explanation02:24
bruenigsuckamc, they got rid of something like that. disk manager or something02:24
KingsqueakLGKeiz-Windows: nm-applet should 'see' the wire when you plug it in02:24
bimberisuckamc: *searched forlornely02:24
ubuntu_newbietritium: tks02:24
bruenigsuckamc, sudo mount -t ext3 /dev/whatever /mount/point, how easy is that :)02:24
ubuntu_newbieCan someone help with no sound problem? or there is some link to follow in the net like a FAQ? Basically i had no sound starting kde session and something like a toc...toc... repeating when starting session with gnome.02:24
KingsqueakLGKeiz-Windows: just know that it doesn't like you to be plugged in and also try to bring up wireless02:24
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aiosanyone knows how i can stop my laptop fan from running continuously?02:25
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suckamcbruenig: I've been trying to moun my second sata drive and my IDE drive but then it gives me the error I don't have permission02:25
LGKeiz-Ubuntu[17179590.520000]  eth0: Broadcom 4400 10/100BaseT Ethernet 00:02:25
LGKeiz-Ubuntukingsqueak ^02:25
bruenigsuckamc, did you use sudo?02:25
suckamcbruenig: to enter the folder under /media/ then02:25
loutrinesuckamc: use sudo02:25
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KingsqueakLGKeiz-Ubuntu: ahaaaa02:25
RPODoes anyone know how to change screen resolution from 1280x1024 to something more readable?02:25
sethkaios, there is a thing called lmsensors02:25
KingsqueakLGKeiz-Ubuntu: oh nm02:25
sethkaios, that's talks on the bus used to control the fan02:25
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bruenig!xconfig | RPO02:25
KingsqueakLGKeiz-Ubuntu:   dmesg | grep eth102:25
bruenig!no ubotu?02:26
jbroomei think he just flooded out02:26
loutrineRPO: system -> preferences -> screenresolution02:26
suckamcbruenig: I did.. hit enter by accident...  sudo mount -t ntfs /dev/sdb1 /media/windows02:26
KingsqueakLGKeiz-Ubuntu: man your driver isn't loading right02:26
Tokenbad* Starting ftp server proftpd  - IPv6 getaddrinfo 'You-desktop' error: Name or service not known:  Please anyone know what this means?02:26
aiossethk: .... is that .. a kernel module?02:26
suckamcbruenig: i get no errors for the mount but when i got to /media/windows its says I don't have permission to enter the folder02:26
bruenigsuckamc, does /media/windows exist and and is it empty?02:26
LGKeiz-UbuntuKingsqueak: .. then what do I do ;__;'02:26
bruenigsuckamc, oh ok02:27
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suckamcbruenig: yup it exist.. I created it before I did the sudo mount ....02:27
RPOI tried system -> preferences -> screenresolution and when I make a change it just puts me back to the logon screen02:27
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aiossethk: where can i read/learn about it? it like my 2nd day on linux, so i'm still lost at finding documentation02:27
KingsqueakLGKeiz-Ubuntu: one sec02:27
bruenigsuckamc, yeah I misunderstood your error02:27
DraconicusI'm looking for a program that can take the input from line-in and turn it into an oscilloscope visualization. Can anyone recommend something?02:27
max_hi, i think im having problems with my ALSA, i plug my guitar into my  computer and i can hear it through the speakers, but a tuner or any recording software wont pick it up. any ideas what it could be?02:27
bruenigRPO, do sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg. Go through all the options until you get to screen resolution and change it.02:27
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suckamcbruenig: Is there a way to lists all the drives that are availbe to be mounted in my system (thats what I really liked about that gui app)02:28
LGKeiz-UbuntuKingsqueak:  lol02:28
LGKeiz-UbuntuKingsqueak:  no problem02:28
ubuntu_newbieno sound notebook in kde.  toc..toc..toc.. in gnome session. someone to private chat about this ?02:28
KingsqueakLGKeiz-Ubuntu: ifconfig -a    does that show wlan0  ?02:29
ubuntu_newbieno alsaconf in ubuntu also ...02:29
bruenigsuckamc, not sure02:29
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LGKeiz-UbuntuKingsqueak:  nope02:29
suckamcAnyone know is there a way to list all the drives that can be mounted for your system?02:29
RPOIt takes me to a screen that says "Users or powerpc machines..." and I seem to be stuck there.02:29
KingsqueakLGKeiz-Ubuntu: 'sudo depmod -a'   then   'sudo modprobe ndiswrapper'02:29
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mango robio376: sorry man, I need more help please02:30
KingsqueakLGKeiz-Ubuntu: then  'sudo tail -20 /var/log/messages' and pastebin that for me02:30
LGKeiz-UbuntuFATAL: Error inserting ndiswrapper (/lib/modules/2.6.17-10-386/kernel/drivers/net/ndiswrapper/ndiswrapper.ko): Invalid argument02:30
max_hi, i think im having problems with my ALSA, i plug my guitar into my  computer and i can hear it through the speakers, but a tuner or any recording software wont pick it up. any ideas what it could be?02:30
LGKeiz-UbuntuWhen doing sudo modprobe ndiswrapper02:30
LGKeiz-UbuntuI get that error kingsqueak02:30
KingsqueakLGKeiz-Ubuntu: aha, k, gimme a bit02:30
robio376mango: i'm still here02:30
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amithi there02:31
KingsqueakLGKeiz-Ubuntu: try  'sudo ifdown wlan0'   then  'sudo ifup wlan0'02:31
LGKeiz-UbuntuKingsqueak:  when you're ready gimmie a holla, Im going afk for about 10 minutes, I'll say when Im back.02:31
RPOThe resolutions I need were already selected, but that's not what Preferences - Screen resolution says02:32
LGKeiz-UbuntuKingsqueak:  let me try that quidk02:32
peanutbanyone know what the ubuntu DNS server install does?02:32
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LGKeiz-Ubuntulgkeiz@lgkeiz-laptop:~$ sudo ifdown wlan002:32
LGKeiz-Ubuntuifdown: interface wlan0 not configured02:32
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LGKeiz-UbuntuKingsqueak:  ^02:32
KingsqueakLGKeiz-Ubuntu: k, you need to read this URL02:32
amitany one workout the ltsp5 in ubuntu?????????02:33
KingsqueakLGKeiz-Ubuntu: under section 10, your error is there02:33
Ryugidoes anyone in here use sctp in linux (ubuntu)02:33
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KingsqueakLGKeiz-Ubuntu: you need to follow the link and redo the ndiswrapper install probably02:33
Kingsqueakerr sorry , section 902:33
LGKeiz-UbuntuKingsqueak:  ...urgh02:33
mango robio376:  I have added the dyndns host name to the router that was provided to me by dyndns.com but can not find an option where to add the port number02:33
KingsqueakLGKeiz-Ubuntu: Can not modprobe ndiswrapper, fatal error given02:34
amitany ltsp5 users here ?????02:34
KingsqueakLGKeiz-Ubuntu: that's what is wrong02:34
robio376mango: in your routers software you should have firewall setting02:34
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mangorobio376: Yes I do02:34
robio376mango: look for something called virtual servers02:34
LGKeiz-UbuntuI'll try..02:35
LGKeiz-UbuntuKingsqueak:  If you really want to I can setup a remote desktop program....02:35
LGKeiz-UbuntuSo I won't mess up lol02:35
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KingsqueakLGKeiz-Ubuntu: heh no, I'm not doing it *for* you02:35
suckamcso I moungt the drive and then ubuntu says that my permissions are denied the enter the /media/folder whats up with that?02:35
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robio376mango: you have to open a port to your pc your accessing02:36
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mangorobio376: I actualy have firewall rules only, within that I can only find out bound and inbound...could it be that02:37
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flasherdoes edgy come with the latest flash?02:37
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mangorobio376: sorry for being a pain02:37
knixIs there any way to get the rounded gnome-panel corners of gnome 2.2 in 2.16?02:37
robio376mango: no prob, what model router?02:38
jeffreybedgy = flash 702:38
LGKeiz-UbuntuKingsqueak:  .. lol02:38
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mumrahi'm having a problem cds, dvds are fine though02:38
LGKeiz-UbuntuKingsqueak:  I think it's removed.02:38
regeyaxubuntu's default destkop looks surprisingly like ubuntu's default desktop.02:38
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KingsqueakLGKeiz-Ubuntu: if you did all they said, now reinstall the driver02:38
flasherhow do i know what version of flash i currently have??????????02:38
KingsqueakLGKeiz-Ubuntu: that modprobe ndiswrapper   should work after that02:38
LGKeiz-Ubuntulgkeiz@lgkeiz-laptop:~$ sudo rm -f /etc/modprobe.d/ndiswrapper02:39
LGKeiz-UbuntuThat removes it02:39
KingsqueakLGKeiz-Ubuntu: when it works right, nm-applet should see your interface02:39
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LGKeiz-UbuntuKingsqueak:  how do I reinstall it again?02:39
LGKeiz-UbuntuI need lthe link02:39
KingsqueakLGKeiz-Ubuntu: just put 'ndiswrapper' in the search box in the wiki02:40
jeffreybflasher: Macromedia's detection page http://www.macromedia.com/shockwave/welcome/ will interrogate your system for both Shockwave and Flash versions, including minor version details.02:40
flasherjeffreyb: thanks!111102:40
LGKeiz-UbuntuKingsqueak:  Id on't see edgy lol02:40
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KingsqueakLGKeiz-Ubuntu: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs/Driver/Ndiswrapper02:41
mumrahanyone? i just upgraded to edgy and now i cant read cds, but dvds work fine02:41
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KingsqueakLGKeiz-Ubuntu: section 8.2 should be where you can start02:41
suckamcman.. it seems all the little nice things in ubuntu were taken away in 6.10 ... :/02:41
LGKeiz-UbuntuKingsqueak:  uhm I uninstalled ndiswrapper why would that work?02:41
KingsqueakLGKeiz-Ubuntu: you uninstalled the modules if you followed that page02:42
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LGKeiz-UbuntuKingsqueak:  rofl02:42
flasherMy flash version is , which is the latest version (as per http://www.adobe.com/shockwave/download/download.cgi?P1_Prod_Version=ShockwaveFlash). so how come one site is  telling me to upgrade to the latest version?02:42
LGKeiz-UbuntuKingsqueak:  ok lol02:42
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LGKeiz-UbuntuKingsqueak:  brb02:43
mangorobio376: the router is dg834g, I think that I found it . It is on the same firewall rules mentioned, and I need to setup the rule for inbound services, however, it does not give me the option to specify the port number when I choose ssh as the a service, it comes up with port2202:43
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mangorobio376: I already specified the ip address for the host02:44
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kroIs it is possible to install Ubuntu using floppies?02:45
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iterkro: yes02:45
robio376mango: try port 2202:45
kroiter: are there downloadable images somewhere?02:45
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timthelioncan someone with edgy, who has hibernation working, paste their fstab file for me?02:45
mangorobio376: would that be secure02:45
iterkro: yes but they were old, I think for hoary02:45
timthelionI can hibernate if I swapon my swap partition.02:45
kroiter: so nothing for edgy?02:45
iterkro: also it was a netinstall02:45
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kroiter: netinstall would be fine02:46
iterkro: so you need net access of course02:46
timthelionI need to modify /etc/fstab so it can resume02:46
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robio376mango: I generally try to specify a unique port, you can specify what pc's have access.02:46
jeffreybflasher:  version 7 is latest for linux... but the latest for windows is 9. there is a version 9 beta out for linux.02:46
iterkro: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=7537202:46
iterit's breezy02:46
robio376mango: give me a minute to look up your router on the net and I'll get back to you in a sec02:47
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flasherjeffreyb: and how is beta version 9 of flash compared to 7?02:47
suckamcis there anyway to be able to do root actions in gnome or does everything have to be done by terminal?02:47
iterquite a few gnome apps will ask for passwd to effect administratior level stuff02:48
iteralternatively you could launch your gnome app of choice from terminal with sudo <gnomeapp>02:49
jeffreyblittle buggy here but works. http://www.kungfuice.com/index.php/2006/10/18/installing-flash-player-9-beta-on-ubuntu-edgy/02:49
Pelosuckamc,  you can start the ap you want with  gksu nautilus  ( for exemple) and run your app as root02:49
LjLbimberi: offline02:49
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w00anyone have a good repository for java and flash plugins? maybe wine? Thanks!02:49
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suckamciter: I mean to like change permissions of a file or folder02:49
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bimberiyes, use gksu(do), not sudo02:49
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bimberisuckamc: gksudo nautilus  (not recommended, but a way to achieve it)02:50
flasherjeffreyb: thanks@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@!!02:50
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kroiter: thanks.  I think I'm gonna have to use etherboot to install edgy02:50
bimberisuckamc: use alt-F2 to run it and you haven't even used a terminal ;)02:50
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kroiter: basically, put etherboot on a floppy, get a tftp image and then install.02:51
LjLw00: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats02:51
suckamcbimberi: is there another way I can get to som e root permissions through gnome? it seems silly to have the options ther but then not be able to use them02:51
kroI was hoping to avoid setting up a tftp server and such though02:51
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bimberisuckamc: which options?02:51
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iterkro: word02:51
bimberisuckamc: file permissions in nautilus? - only through 'gksudo nautilus'02:52
w00LjL, thanks i'll try that.02:52
suckamcwell, copying and some system files... have to have root.. but I can't can't in nautilus, setting permissions, opening some folders02:52
mumrahi am unable to read cds after upgrading to edgy, and ideas?02:52
AsheDI am using mail-notification in conjunction with Evolution, but it says all emails are new, even after they have been read and replied to, anybody know how to fix this?02:52
itersuckamc: yeah gksudo nautilus from alt-f202:52
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natu`Anyone might know some ways to fix this problem: Had a problem with the gnome desktop (things weren't the same way I originally set them up)... deleted all the .gnome, .gnome2, etc files to get a fresh desktop. I logged in fine the first time, it ran smoothly... then loggin in the next day, the settings were changed, and it was running slowly again02:53
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arthurbHi... does anyone know where to get packages to have the moodbar working in amarok... for ubuntu edgy02:54
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jadacyrusHow come you cant have the linux-restricted-modules installed with the NVIDIA Beta 9625 driveR02:54
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iterhow come ubuntu doesn't give me a happy ending02:55
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CarlFKhow can I tell if a package is installed (command line, not gui)02:56
bimberiCarlFK: apt-cache policy package02:56
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motinsethk: i found the solution - removed the sources security rows - update - add again - update fetched the latest ones02:56
Keyseir!ubotu extended 202:56
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ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about extended 2 - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi02:57
Keyseir!ubotu formatting02:57
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ubotuPartitioning programs: !GParted or QTParted  -  Formatting partitions: see the manual page for mkfs ("man mkfs")  -  Mounting partitions in Gnome: System -> Administration -> Disks02:57
KingsqueakCarlFK: dpkg -l02:57
bimberiCarlFK: dpkg -l package   (look for ii at the start of the line)02:57
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KeyseirHow do I discern what format I should format a new HD?02:57
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LjLKeyseir, what about using the default (which is ext3) if you don't have a preference02:58
bimberiKeyseir: sharing it with windows? -> fat32.  otherwise ext302:58
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CarlFKnoo fat!  share the ext3 with win02:58
KeyseirOK, the first thing that popped up was "extended 2". You guys are suggesting "Extended 3"?02:59
ubotuext3 is the default filesystem on Ubuntu, and the most popular on Linux. You can read/write from Windows to ext3 via http://www.fs-driver.org02:59
KeyseirIs ext3 short for Extended 3?02:59
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regeyaext3 == third extended filesystem (I think)02:59
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iteromg a windows driver for ext202:59
itertalk about scary02:59
LjLiter, there are a few ones around actually03:00
LjLthat's not the only one03:00
jbroomei used one for ext3 from sf.net03:00
iterthe very notion of that is terrifying03:00
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CarlFKLjL: i think it is the only one that does r/w as a driver03:00
iterI like my data uncorrupted, thankyew03:00
CarlFKiter, then you wouldn't be using win or fat, right ? :)03:01
iterntfs is not that bad cmon03:01
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LGKeiz-UbuntuKingsqueak:  you there03:01
LjLiter: if you want to share it with linux and like to have data uncorrupted, yes it's bad03:01
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iterLjL: eff that03:01
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iterLjL: that's what smb/cifs is for03:02
LGKeiz-UbuntuKingsqueak:  If you're there   sudo ndiswrapper -i ~/drivers/drivername.inf <-- how do I go to my driver it's on my desktop03:02
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LjLiter, i'm sure you realize the issue with most people is dual boot...?03:02
AdamKilihas there been any progress in the USB mass storage device recognition problem?03:02
iterdual boot is the biggest waste of time I can think of03:02
iterI reboot my workstation MAYBE once a month03:03
andrewxpsanyone use ubuntu under parallels workstation - and get a terrible screen resolution???03:03
LjLiter, doesn't mean everybody does the same as you and uses computers the same way you do03:03
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iterjust get a hand-me-down dell and use synergy ;)03:03
jadacyrussynergy is cool03:03
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KingsqueakLGKeiz-Ubuntu: ~/Desktop/<name>03:04
iteranyway how other people use computers has very little to do with buggy filesystem drivers that run in kernel mode on win3203:04
jStefani'm actually considering this ext2 thing for windows, but i would like to make it read only (for safety)03:04
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KingsqueakLGKeiz-Ubuntu: I suspect you didn't do this right the first time ;-)03:04
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LGKeiz-UbuntuKingsqueak:  I used a GUI03:05
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LjLiter, the issue is that if people dual boot and want to share a filesystem, it's going to be either NTFS, FAT32 or ext3 generally. NTFS is unsafe for writing on Linux, FAT32 is a weak filesystem generally speaking, and ext3 as far as i gather is relatively safe to write on Windows03:05
KingsqueakLGKeiz-Ubuntu: that'll teach ya03:05
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LjLand filesystems run inside the kernel on Linux as we ll for that matter03:05
RPODoes anyone know how to make my DVD-RWs work (one won't mount and the other doesn't show up at all!)?03:05
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iterpsh I don't feel like arguing anymore, my only point is that I prefer my data nice and uncorrupted03:06
iterand fat32 has been around for ages03:06
RPODoes anyone know how to make a Read only system file RW?03:06
LGKeiz-UbuntuKingsqueak:  ..03:06
LGKeiz-Ubuntubcmwl5 is already installed. Use -e to remove it03:06
tw|sT3dguys were can i find my modem driver?03:07
CarlFKiter: if you din't want to argue, then you wouldn't say anything :)03:07
suckamcLjL: I've written to NTFS many times in ubntu with Ntfs-3g with no problems03:07
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LjL!works for me03:07
ubotuCommon Sense: Just because you can, does not mean you should. Think before you do. "Works for me" does not mean it is ok. The latest version of everything is not always useful if you aim for stability.03:07
LGKeiz-UbuntuKingsqueak:  lol done03:07
LGKeiz-Ubuntunow what03:07
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LGKeiz-UbuntuKingsqueak:  reboot?03:07
iterhaha funny you would paste that ljl03:07
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iterwhen we were just arguing about stable file systems ;)03:08
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KingsqueakLGKeiz-Ubuntu: well when you did the ifup and ifdown what happened?  does ifconfig -a show wlan0 now?03:08
adrenalineOk so I have easy ubuntu but some of the programs do not install any ideas?03:08
KingsqueakLGKeiz-Ubuntu: you *must* follow and read that doc03:08
jStefani rather be able to pull files, instead of writing03:08
suckamcLjl: just wanted to test the driver. and just stating, I've had no problems so far... lots of success03:08
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LjLiter, i completely agree that you should just use ext3 on linux and ntfs on windows. BUT in many cases people simply start from the assumption that they're going to have a shared partition. and FAT32 might have been around for as long as you like, but it's still as weak a filesystem as it can get03:09
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ubotupastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (you can always find it in the channel topic, among other useful things)03:09
suckamcLjl: maybe means It might not be a good idea, but if someone won't test it it'll never get tested03:09
robio376mango: go here http://kbserver.netgear.com/inquira/default.asp?ui_mode=answer&prior_transaction_id=1421&action_code=5&highlight_info=16778031,620,672&turl=http%3A%2F%2Fkbserver.netgear.com%2Fkb_web_files%2Fn101145.asp&answer_id=63824#__highlight03:09
LGKeiz-UbuntuKingsqueak:  ... http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/30578/03:09
ksymsI am using amule 2.1.3, I am connected with HighID and it's not downloading anything, any idea?03:09
iterLjL: what is "weak" compared to a non-ms kernel mode driver from the oss world?03:09
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jStefaninherently weak03:10
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LjLiter: err hold on a second, what is the *Linux* ext3 driver if you a non-ms kernel mode driver from the oss world....:?03:10
iterLjL: there's tons of good code in linux but as far as writing stuff for windows ?!?!03:10
adrenalinei am trying to install libdvdcss via easy ubuntu but it won't install all though other stuff has any ideas?03:10
LGKeiz-UbuntuKingsqueak:  .. what now lol03:10
iterLjL: the difference being of course that there is adequate documentation for the linux kernel vs the windows kernel03:11
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tw|sT3dguys, does ubuntu supoorts a US robotics modem???03:11
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bobbyus robotic modems are nearly always hardware modems (not win modems)03:11
jStefani think the best solution is to be able to READ from the other OS and write locally, without the need of shared partitions. Linux can already read NTFS natively, and now we can make windows read ext2.03:11
bobbythus it probably suhould03:12
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KingsqueakLGKeiz-Ubuntu: try this   'ndiswrapper-1.8'    does that command do anything for you?03:12
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iterjStefan: agree03:12
LjLjStefan: that's a compromise that will work in many cases03:12
CarlFKhttp://paste.ubuntu-nl.org - who is in charge of that site?  the box is small, and "feeback" is 40403:12
tw|sT3dbobby: so what does it means? in sorry for being a noob03:12
adrenalinecan anybody hear me lol?03:12
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jStefanCarlFK, Seveas03:12
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CarlFKadrenaline: loud and clear03:13
LjLCarlFK, the guy who's in charge knows about the textbox.03:13
ubotuFor playing DVD, see http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/video.html  -  libdvdcss can be found at http://wiki.ubuntu.com/SeveasPackages03:13
adrenalinegood it is working03:13
LjLnow fixing it is another *entirely* different issue, but he knows >:03:13
adrenalineanybody use easy ubuntu?03:13
jStefan!easyubuntu | adrenaline03:13
ubotueasyubuntu is easyubuntu is a script that automates installation of some items. Use at your own risk. See http://easyubuntu.freecontrib.org/  -  For help and or discussions about EasyUbuntu please join #easyubuntu03:13
ubotuadrenaline: easyubuntu is easyubuntu is a script that automates installation of some items. Use at your own risk. See http://easyubuntu.freecontrib.org/  -  For help and or discussions about EasyUbuntu please join #easyubuntu03:13
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bruenig!libdvdcss | adrenaline03:13
ubotuadrenaline: For playing DVD, see http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/video.html  -  libdvdcss can be found at http://wiki.ubuntu.com/SeveasPackages03:13
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FuriousGeorgehey all.  i upgraded my nvidia driver to 9629 and i got beryl working.  then i restarted my computer and i got an API mismatch problem and X wont load03:13
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FuriousGeorgeit says the kernel module is 8762 while the x module is 962903:14
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iterFuriousGeorge: upgrade restricted modules to match kernel03:14
adrenalineubotu It won't install03:14
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about It won't install - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi03:14
adrenalineI know where it is03:14
tw|sT3dbobby: can i still use my US robotics modem??03:14
LGKeiz-Ubuntuno kingsqueak lol03:14
LjL!bot | adrenaline03:14
ubotuadrenaline: I am ubotu, all-knowing infobot. You can browse my brain at http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl  -  Usage info: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuBots03:14
squidinkI've just installed edgy, all smooth, but the mouse selection behaviour in gnome-terminal now no longer does copy-on-select. Seems to still work for other apps, and middle-click-to-paste still works in the terminal. Any ideas?03:14
LGKeiz-UbuntuKingsqueak:  brb in 10 mins03:14
c_lispman I always have issue with veiwing videos on webpages the voices and video not being sync is there a single solution?03:14
FuriousGeorgeiter: i come from gentoo..  this is new to me, could you elaborate a bit03:14
KingsqueakLGKeiz-Ubuntu: type  ndiswrapper<tab<tab>  does it show you anything other than plain 'ndiswrapper' ?03:14
KingsqueakLGKeiz-Ubuntu: meaning hit the tab key twice03:14
jStefanLjL, how many ext2 projects on windows do you know of? i found another on sf.net03:15
adrenalineIs anybody watching movies or playing mp3's in ubuntu edgy?03:15
FuriousGeorgeiter: the nvidia-glx package apt-get wants is the 8xxx build03:15
tw|sT3dguys kindly help me connecting to the intenet using my US robotics modem03:15
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Peloadrenaline, yes03:15
LjLjStefan, i don't really know how many separate projects there are, but just google "ext2 windows"03:15
jStefan!info nvidia-glx edgy03:15
ubotunvidia-glx: NVIDIA binary XFree86 4.x/X.Org driver. In component restricted, is optional. Version 1.0.8776+ (edgy), package size 3970 kB, installed size 12312 kB03:15
RPOthe DVD i used to load edgy doesn't work in edgy!03:16
adrenalinePelo:  I have dowloaded easyubuntu and ti won't install libdvdcss03:16
jadacyrusDo you need the linux-restricted-modules isntalled to get peripherals such as webcams working?03:16
adrenalinePelo: thanks03:16
jStefanLjL, i was hoping you had a good inventory with reviews :P03:16
iterFuriousGeorge: apt-get install linux-restricted-modules-`uname-r`03:16
iterFuriousGeorge: oh crud typo03:16
iterFuriousGeorge: apt-get install linux-restricted-modules-`uname -r`03:16
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squidinkin fact copy from gnome-terminal seems to be broken altogether.03:17
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LjLjStefan, eh nope. only one i even really used is explore2fs03:17
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squidinkseems to be back after a restart.03:17
FuriousGeorgeiter: cant find linux-restricted-modules-uname -r03:18
RPOthe DVD burner used to load edgy doesn't work in edgy!03:18
iterFuriousGeorge: gotta put those ` ` in03:18
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iterFuriousGeorge: or else just run uname -r and type that in03:18
LGKeiz-WindowsKingsqueak gimmie 10 minutes03:18
KingsqueakLGKeiz-Ubuntu: do this    'sudo apt-cache search ndis | grep ^ndis'03:18
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jstewIs there a way I can get apt to use the packages in my /var/cache/apt/archive dir instead of downloading the debs again?03:19
jstewI copied the debs off of another machine03:19
KillerDemonhttp://killerdemon.ath.cx/Nummer10.wma  <- The oldschool terrorrist are back!!03:20
LjLjstew, it did it without a fuss for me. you'll have to set the right permissions though perhaps03:20
FuriousGeorgeiter: its already the latest version, but nvidia-glx is the 8XXX series module03:20
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jadacyrusDo you need the linux-restricted-modules isntalled to get peripherals such as webcams working?03:21
bimberijstew: it should use them automatically.  look for messages like "need to get 2MB/100MB" when you run a commandwhich means you already have 98MB downloaded03:21
SurfnKiddoes anyone know how to change the MAC address on a WIFI card03:21
SurfnKidin ubuntu?03:21
iterFuriousGeorge: ah gotta add a repo and update nvidia-glx03:21
SurfnKidwould be kind to help me03:21
RPOanyone know how to mount a CD in Ubuntu?03:22
jstewyeah, I have the packages but it always says I have to download all of them03:22
c_lispanybody had trouble with azureus03:22
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LjL!info macchanger | SurfnKid03:22
FuriousGeorgeiter: how do i update nvidia-glx in kubuntu.  im pretty sure thats what i need03:22
ubotumacchanger: utility for manipulating the MAC address of network interfaces. In component universe, is extra. Version 1.5.0-1 (edgy), package size 85 kB, installed size 320 kB03:22
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jstewI notice a pkgcache.bin in the parent dir. Looks like a dbm file03:22
mangorobio376: It is working , thanks a lot, I am very happy:). Your help is much appreciated03:22
SurfnKidLjL, you rock03:22
iterFuriousGeorge: add deb http://ubuntu.beryl-project.org/ edgy main-edgy03:22
bimberijstew: and they're in /var/cache/apt/archives.  package.bin isn't relevant03:22
jstewcould it be that the packages need to be in that file also?03:22
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iterFuriousGeorge: to /etc/apt/sources.list03:23
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jStefanLjL, wouldn't an open source ext2 driver from sf.net be preferred over the one at fs-driver.org ?03:23
bimberijstew: perhaps there are more recent versions03:23
robio376mango: no prob glad to be of some help!03:23
iterFuriousGeorge: then apt-get update && apt-get upgrade03:23
jstewyeah, the files are in /var/cache/apt/archives. I'll check the perms03:23
iterFuriousGeorge: see if that updates nvidia-glx03:23
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iterFuriousGeorge: otherwise I have another repo in my sources.list to ttry03:23
LjLjStefan, i didn't write the bot factoid, and not having done any real test, i'll just trust the judgment of whoever wrote the factoid as to which is the most reliable03:24
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Axsuulanyone know if Network Manager for ubuntu is bugged or something,  i click on the tray icon and the only options are: Enable Networking, Connection INformation, and About, theres nothing about wireless networking, etc03:24
RPOthis Linux thing seems kinda crappy -- kinda like Windows 3.1 -- maybe I should go back to Windows03:24
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jStefanLjL, that's where i was going, a revision of the factoid might be nice, but that would require further discussion, involving more people03:24
adrenalinePelo it is downloading thanks for the tip03:25
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tw|sT3dany here who can help me out03:25
FuriousGeorgeiter: i added the repo, saw that it resolved when i updated and upgraded, but still the 8776 build03:26
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iterFuriousGeorge: ok try deb http://gandalfn.club.fr/ubuntu edgy .03:26
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sethkRPO, use whatever works better for you.03:26
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mangorobio376: only one more problem, can not specify the port number03:26
FuriousGeorgeiter: did i mention this was working prior to my last reboot03:26
iterFuriousGeorge: it has a . at the end too03:26
FuriousGeorgeiter: and im amd6403:26
irish_rebelhi guys?03:26
iterFuriousGeorge: argh check beryl wiki03:27
iterFuriousGeorge: http://wiki.beryl-project.org/03:27
robio376mango: on the router?03:27
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sethkAxsuul, possibly it didn't detect your wireless hardware03:27
mangorobio376: yes03:27
CarlFKhow can I find what packages I have installed that depend on liblua50-dev ?03:28
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robio376mango: hang on a sec03:28
LjLCarlFK: try removing it, and you'll see ;-)03:28
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eiijtraACTION NAZIS03:28
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uolyyvfACTION NAZIS03:28
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ubotuHelp! Keybuk, mdz, Amaranth, tritium, ajmitch, crimsun, ogra, CarlK, Seveas, Burgundavia, apokryphos, thoreauputic, nalioth, Madpilot, ompaul, rob, Hobbsee, imbrandon, DBO or gnomefreak!03:28
sethkwonderful, just what the night needed03:28
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LjLNOTICE - We are having some technical difficulties. Please don't worry, and try to avoid unnecessary channel traffic. Thank you!03:28
=== mode/#ubuntu [+r] by LjL
LjLNOTICE - We are having some technical difficulties. Please don't worry, and try to avoid unnecessary channel traffic. Thank you!03:29
jadacyrusOH NOES!! HAX0RS03:29
LjL/mode #ubuntu +R03:29
Axsuulhow would i restart my network interfaces03:29
=== mode/#ubuntu [+r] by LjL
LjLNOTICE - We are having some technical difficulties. Please don't worry, and try to avoid unnecessary channel traffic. Thank you!03:29
sethkAxsuul, at the command line, or through the dialogs?03:29
c_lispAxsuul ifconfig interface down03:29
Axsuulya, terminal03:29
=== mode/#ubuntu [+R] by LjL
=== mode/#ubuntu [+r] by LjL
robio376mango: on your router go to  Security > Services > Add Custom Service03:29
sethkAxsuul, ifconfig eth0 down         ifconfig eth0 up           for example with eth003:29
LjLNOTICE - We are having some technical difficulties. Please don't worry, and try to avoid unnecessary channel traffic. Thank you!03:29
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=== mode/#ubuntu [+r] by LjL
LjLNOTICE - We are having some technical difficulties. Please don't worry, and try to avoid unnecessary channel traffic. Thank you!03:30
sethkLjL, most of the traffic seems to be your message.  :)03:30
LGKeiz-Ubuntuit works again03:30
Axsuulso did u guys vote today03:30
=== mode/#ubuntu [+R] by LjL
=== mode/#ubuntu [+Rr] by LjL
LGKeiz-UbuntuKingsqueak:  you there03:30
sethkAxsuul, no, if you vote, they can call you for jury duty03:31
LGKeiz-UbuntuKingsqueak:  Im back03:31
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LjLsethk, no wonder, i had a 17 seconds lag for some reason03:31
iterAxsuul: also /etc/init.d/networking restart03:31
sethkLjL,  :)03:31
LGKeiz-UbuntuKingsqueak:  What did you want me to do again:?03:31
adrenalinepelo this automatix2 is great thanks03:31
ubotuautomatix is a script that tries to install some software, and often fails and breaks systems. We don't provide support for it, and we strongly discourage its use.03:31
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sethkLjL, he's back.03:32
MugginsMI'm assuming that looked different on his machine03:32
iterumm, /kb ?03:32
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LGKeiz-UbuntuKingsqueak:  you there?03:32
sethkMugginsM, who knows?  it's porn spam03:32
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eric_peeHey guys, I accidentally screwed up my sources.list - can someone pastebin me one?03:32
tw|sT3dhelp me guys///03:32
robio376mango: here just follow the instuction here  http://kbserver.netgear.com/kb_web_files/n101145.asp#FR114PAnchor03:32
Zibbythat was cute03:32
mango robio376: yes, now do I choose tcp or udp as a protocol03:33
LjLNOTICE: Please register your nickname to speak in the channel - moderation is temporarily enforced due to technical difficulties. Instructions at http://freenode.net/faq.shtml#nicksetup03:33
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robio376mango: tcp03:34
aiosmy fan is running non-stop, how can i fix this?03:34
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mangorobio376: thanks man.03:35
robio376mango: not a problem03:35
RPOI'm unable to mount a CD03:35
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iteris all that octal gibberish in cyrillic or what03:36
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mangowant to ask a silly question please. I recieved many tabs stating nazi in them what was that about? were they refered to me03:36
sethkaios, did you find the lmsensors module?03:36
dooglusmango: probably private messages.  I didn't see them.03:37
mist_0Hi, im trying to install alsa sound drivers for my sound card, but when i call "./configure --with-cards=emu10k1 --with-sequencer=yes" I get an error saying unsupported soundcard emu10k103:37
sethkaios, that's the module that controls fan speed, cpu freq stepdown, etc.03:37
robio376no that was just some idiot mango03:37
LjLmango, no. it was a spammer.03:37
=== sagarp [n=sagar@dsl253-012-218.sba1.dsl.speakeasy.net] has joined #ubuntu
sethkmango, everybody got them, until the ops bounced the guy03:37
iterjust when you though efnet was the last bastion of the nazi spammer03:37
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sethkmango, then he came back again.  so he was shooting at everybody, not just you.03:37
aiossethk: i found the webpage and read about it, but i got the impression it was used to monitor it, not change the settings03:37
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sethkaios, used for both, I believe.03:38
sethkaios, you monitor and change on the same bus, and that's the driver for the bus.03:38
aiossethk: i'll try to apt-get it03:38
dooglusmango: not everyone got them - I didn't03:38
mangosethk: thanks03:38
n0dl|laptopi get this error when i sudo apt-get update  ttp://pastebin.com/81944903:38
sethkaios, do you have the intel ICH chipset, by the way?03:38
n0dl|laptopi get this error when i sudo apt-get update  http://pastebin.com/81944903:38
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robio376tw|sT3d: what's your problem?03:38
knixIs there any way to lower the level of the gnome-panel so its dropshadow isn't over maximized windwos?03:38
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aiossethk: no, AMD turion 6403:38
sagarpwhenever i click a ".desktop" file, ubuntu gives me errors and says it cant open it..the same goes for image files, even after i add a file type association...is this a gnome-vfs problem ors omething??03:38
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sethkn0dl|laptop, I get that frequently when sites are down or busy.  I try again and usually the download completes03:39
sethkaios, ok, there's a bug I know about, for fan speed, but only for the intel chipset.03:39
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n0dl|laptopsethk: its been happening all day03:39
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sethkn0dl|laptop, consistently?  does it ever work for those files?  or is it different files03:39
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sethkn0dl|laptop, in other words, might it just be heavy traffic, or are there particular files that you can never download?03:40
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dooglusn0dl|laptop: what if you visit http://security.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/dists/dapper-security/universe/binary-i386/Packages.gz in a web browser?  can you see it OK then?03:40
mist_0Hi, im trying to install alsa sound drivers for my sound card, but when i call "./configure --with-cards=emu10k1 --with-sequencer=yes" I get an error saying unsupported soundcard emu10k103:40
n0dl|laptopdooglus: yes i can03:40
n0dl|laptopsethk: its always that particular file03:40
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dooglusn0dl|laptop: try running   "sudo rm -f /var/lib/apt/lists/*" and then trying again03:41
boxahywhen installing vmware server i get. What is the location of the directory of C header files that match your running03:41
boxahykernel? [/usr/src/linux/include]  /usr/src/linux-headers-
boxahyThe path "/usr/src/linux-headers-" is not an existing03:41
LGKeiz-UbuntuKingsqueak you there?03:41
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LjLboxahy: you do need the linux headers for installing vmware server, i think. or you could use the player if you preferred to avoid that03:42
ubotuvmware-player: Free virtual machine player from VMware. In component multiverse, is optional. Version 1.0.2-2 (edgy), package size 11602 kB, installed size 31336 kB (Only available for i386 amd64)03:42
piedoggiewhat's best way to make a simple substitution across multiple files?03:42
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doogluspiedoggie: sed -i s/old/new *03:43
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doogluspiedoggie: sorry...   sed -i 's/old/new/g' *03:43
piedoggieI need to do that on specific files in a hierarchy.  A selective fine is probably the best solution combined with your sed example03:44
thordooglus: now that was impressive. When I grow up I want to learn bash scripting too <smile>03:44
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adam_good evenin03:44
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boxahyanyone else having problems with the wine wget servers?03:45
dooglusthor: that's not bash scripting - that's just sed03:45
boxahyautomatix and the one on the wiki are timing out03:45
boxahyat 99%03:45
n0dl|laptopthor: there are sed scripts03:45
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thordooglus: yeah...I have always found that stuff confusing. Could master machine code...but not that03:45
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n0dl|laptopare there any other apt files that i can delete>03:45
rBlong2usfor the life of me, my LCD screen is maddly flickering03:46
doogluspiedoggie: find . -type f -name '*.txt' -o -name '*.rtf' | while read x; do sed -i 's/old/new/g' "$x"; done03:46
rBlong2usI need to fix this... it doesn't flicker with other Distros, but I wanna have Ubuntu03:46
sethklooks like the republicans are going to hold on by maybe two or three seats.03:46
dooglusn0dl|laptop: you still get the same error after running that 'sudo rm' command?03:47
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robio376rBlong2us: sounds like your refresh rate is wrong03:47
n0dl|laptopdooglus: yes03:47
makkkcan someone help me purge my configs or settings or something? whenever i log into gnome, X crashes after a few seconds. however, i've created a new user and i can log in with this new user just fine. what can i do?03:47
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rBlong2usrobio376: I have a sis driver and I've tried all types of combinations03:47
rBlong2usthis is insane03:47
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rBlong2usrefresh rate should be ok03:48
aiossethk: the documentation for ls-sensors is .. overwhelming for a newb like me03:48
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robio376how about your hsync and Vsync?03:48
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Ryugiubuntu is ta greatest03:48
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dooglusn0dl|laptop: what's the corresponding line in sources.list say?  is it "deb http://security.ubuntu.com/ubuntu dapper-security universe" ?03:49
Ryugiso i guess ubuntu is up there with red hat enterprise linux03:49
mist_0can anyone help me figure out how to set up my alsa sound card drivers?  I have the drivers and everything and a help page telling me how to do stuff, but one part of it fails, saying "unsupported device"03:49
abnerianHey, I just did a fresh install of Madwifi. Is Network Manager necessary?03:49
rBlong2usbye the way I like better ubuntu than kubuntu03:49
sethkaios, it isn't great.  got a url for it?  I"ll try to find the fan info.03:49
LjL!offtopic | Ryugi03:49
abnerianOr is Command Line alright?03:49
sethkabnerian, command line is fine, if you don't need the gui03:49
aiossethk: http://www.lm-sensors.org/wiki/Documentation03:49
rBlong2uskubuntu had a lot of annoying pop ups for just about anything that fill the screen unneceraly03:49
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abnerianThank ya.03:49
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sethkaios, ok, I'm also helping a couple of paying customers, so I'll be in and out and I can't promise.  but I'll try to find it.03:50
aiossethk: im in man fancontrol, but i can't use anything in there03:50
aiossethk: thanks, i really appreciate03:50
sethkaios, k03:50
n0dl|laptopdooglus: yes03:50
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Ryugiwhat is the ubuntu off topic channel03:50
LjLRyugi: #ubuntu-offtopic03:51
dooglusn0dl|laptop: can you paste the whole output from a "sudo apt-get update" please?03:51
boxahyerm im installing vmware player in automatix and it just keeps on kinda looping the dhcp setup stuff03:51
rBlong2uswhat is the ubuntu installer?03:51
rBlong2usI don't see it anywhere03:51
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LjL!automatix | boxahy03:51
thorrBlong2us: you boot off the live cd and install is an icon on the desktop03:52
n0dl|laptopdooglus: http://pastebin.com/81946303:52
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LjLboxahy: we don't support automatix. try the #automatix channel, or remove automatix and try installing vmware player normally03:52
daviddixonI am new to ubuntu...how do I install java and mozilla mplayer using the package manager03:52
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dooglusn0dl|laptop: thanks03:52
dredhammerhow can you install deb packages that rely on one another in a bulk install?03:52
thordaviddixon: just choose sun-java and mplayer-plugin and then 'apply'03:53
dredhammerif synaptic can do it there must be a manual way03:53
n0dl|laptopdooglus: np03:53
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makkkcan someone tell me how to purge my gnome settings?03:53
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thordredhammer: dpkg -i pkgname should do it03:53
Lathiatmakkk: well you can remove the .gnome2 directory perhaps03:54
Lathiatmakkk: (rather than remove it best 'rename' it to something else03:54
Lathiatmakkk: thatl get "alot" of them03:54
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dredhammerok thanks03:54
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sethkmakkk, in your home directory, there is a .gnome-something (.gnome2, I think) subdirectory.  if you remove it, it will revert to what you saw the first time you ran it03:54
sethkmakkk, but that's rather draconian.03:54
makkkLathiat. i've tried removing it all together. there still seems to be a problem03:54
thordaviddixon: the full names are sun-java5-bin and mozilla-mplayer03:54
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sethkmakkk, specifically?03:55
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Max222-swedenHey all03:55
dummyunohello there, I've updated to Edgy and that broke X here, I'm now back and running using the vesa driver, but I'd like to recover the little 3D accel my hardware supports, any help03:55
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makkksethk, i've tried removing so many directories... i log into gnome, it starts for a few seconds, the X crashes. i created a new user, no problems at all03:55
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NEWBIE--how to install ubuntu using a partition, i have window2000 currently03:56
makkksethk, i removed .gconf, .gnome, .gnome2,03:56
tw|sT3dguys why cant i DL the scanModem.gz file03:56
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makkkyou name it03:56
sethkmakkk, there are some application specific directories in your home also03:56
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tw|sT3dany one has a copy???03:56
dcravenmakkk, you need to move/delete gconf etc with GNOME not running.03:56
Max222-swedenAnyone here have good idea of how to get openvpn to work in bridge mode if i have an external router in the base network? I have a a tun up and running but i can only access the machine that is the vpn-server03:56
NEWBIE--how to install ubuntu using a partition, i have window2000 currently -- all other partitions are NTFS03:56
LjLNEWBIE--, the installer will give you an option for shrinking your Windows partition and making one for Ubuntu03:56
sethkmakkk, are any programs automatically starting up when you run gnome?  if you can see anything on the screen before it dies.03:56
dummyunoNEWBIE, defrag your windows first, then run the live CD and click install03:56
makkkdcraven, i remove it while logged into my other account03:56
sethkmakkk, also, check your X log, and your system logs03:56
rBlong2ushi what's the Ubuntu installer? I don't see it on the menus03:56
dooglusn0dl|laptop: that's weird.  I don't know why that's happening.03:56
NEWBIE--i dont have CD-drive now03:56
sethkmakkk, they are both in /var/log.  look in /var/log/Xorg.... and /var/log/messages and /var/log/syslog03:56
dooglusn0dl|laptop: what if you do this, to download it manually?03:57
dooglusn0dl|laptop: sudo bash -c "wget -O- http://security.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/dists/dapper-security/universe/binary-i386/Packages.gz | gunzip > /var/lib/apt/lists/security.ubuntu.com_ubuntu_dists_dapper-security_universe_binary-i386_Packages"03:57
makkksethk, some things start to show up.03:57
boxahywow automatix is now screwed up officially03:57
sethkmakkk, do you know what programs?03:57
NEWBIE--how to install ubuntu using a partition, i have window2000 currently -- all other partitions are NTFS03:57
sethkboxahy, it wasn't, before?03:57
boxahyit always tries to config vmware player03:57
LjLboxahy: ?03:57
dcravenmakkk, you could start with a new /home/user directory and move things over one by one until you get the problem I suppose.03:57
boxahyit worked before sethk03:57
sethkNEWBIE--, you just tell it to use the partition.03:57
LjLNEWBIE--, please stop repeating. you've already been answered - twice03:57
Max222-swedenAnyone that has OPENVPN working with linux and windows?03:57
sethkboxahy, it has a bad rep, as I'm sure you kow.03:57
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makkkdcraven... yeah, i was hoping i wouldnt have to do that. i have quite a bit installed and tweaked. tha'ts why i upgraded intead of reinstalled. but... i'll have to do what i have to do.03:58
daviddixonnot finding either one. which repository do i need to enable?03:58
LjLtw|sT3d: yes, people generally come to this channel to ask for help. what's your question?03:58
thordaviddixon: not sure...I have them all enabled <smile>03:58
tw|sT3dim using a US robotics modem.. does ubuntu support this type of modem?03:59
KeyseirI set the graphical "disk manager" to format my new 200 GB external HD. It's still been going after lik 30 minutes. How long should this take?03:59
dcravenmakkk, well most of your settings will clearly be unrelated, right. You can cp -a those directories/files over right away.03:59
tw|sT3dcoz im trying 2 make a dial up connection03:59
makkkdcraven, sethk, i'm sorry i forgot to mention, things work ok if i fun dpkg -reconfigure xserver-xorg and dont have my second monitor attached. I really want my second monitor attached. and it works just fine with the new user03:59
sethkKeyseir, possibly.  is it usb?  if so, if it's slow speed usb, that could well be normal03:59
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rBlong2uswhat graphical installer is it used for Ubuntu?03:59
rBlong2uswhat do I have to install?04:00
sethkmakkk, some borked program must be opening a window on the second screen04:00
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Keyseirsethk, Yes it's usb. It's a usb2 drive but I think I only have usb1 on the machine. Is there a way to tell if it's stalled or working normally?04:00
dummyunorBlong2us: you using the liveCD?04:00
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dcravenmakkk, it has to be something in your home dir afaik if one user is fine, and another is not.04:00
LjLtw|sT3d: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/DialupModemHowto04:00
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sethkKeyseir, you can use strace -p to get a system call trace of the program.04:00
tw|sT3dyeah i read that04:00
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daviddixongetting an error on universe when running update04:00
makkkdcraven, i meant if i run 'dpkg reconfigure xserver-xorg'04:00
tw|sT3dLjL: but the prob is i cant DL the scanModem.gz04:00
dummyunoanyone can tell the right driver for an ATI Rage Mobility P/M AGP 2x in a laptop?04:01
makkkdcraven, i'd have to 'mv' them since i dont think i have enough room to have two copies of everything04:01
dooglusKeyseir: USB1.1 writes about 1Mb per second.  so 200GB would take around 200,000 seconds, or about 55 hours.  can that be right?04:01
natu`Having a problem keeping my settings the same for each time I login. The first time it works fine (lag-free) after a fresh wipe of the GNOME desktop, then the next time I log in, the settings are changed and it's sluggish. Any suggestions? Or would using KDE work more efficiently?04:01
rBlong2usdummyuno: no, I've already installed it04:01
LjLtw|sT3d, download it from another machine04:01
Max222-swedenDo anyone know how i can configure the OPENVPN server to bridge connection if it only has 1 networkcard and is in a network with an External DHCP-server?04:01
Keyseir55 hours, crap04:01
sethkallen's holding on in virginia, and stell is holding on in maryland.  too eraly to tell for maryland, though.04:01
tw|sT3dmachine?? im using windows right now04:01
makkksethk, i'll look for a culprit. is there any way to know what is trying to go to the second screen?04:01
sethkKeyseir, 55 hours?04:02
dooglusKeyseir: I don't suppose a format has to write to every piece of the disk - I thought it just marked the space as empty.04:02
dcravenmakkk, sounds like you're pretty tight for space eh? :)04:02
sethkdooglus, it isn't really a format04:02
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dooglusKeyseir: it would take 55 hours to fill the disk up using 'slow' usb04:02
Keyseirsethk, I was responding to what dooglus said04:02
tw|sT3dLjL: machine?? im using windows right now04:02
sethkdooglus, but it does writes scattered throughout the volume04:02
sethkKeyseir, ok04:02
boxahyGAH. now everytime i apt-get vmware player takes over04:02
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sethkdooglus, usb 1 can be very very very slow04:02
LjLtw|sT3d: then download it from windows04:02
makkkdcraven, yes. well, not too tight, but above 50%, so i cant make two copies04:02
piedoggiejust love windows.  If it wasn't for speech recognition,...04:02
sethkdooglus, but you are write, it doesn't write over the entire partition.04:02
Keyseirsethk, How to I figure out what a program is called to do an strace? I'm using the "Disks Manager" from the graphical System menu04:02
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dooglussethk: I get almost exactly 1MB/s whether I use windows or linux with my USB1.1 external disk04:03
tw|sT3dLjL: im trying to but its forbiden 40304:03
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LGKeiz-UbuntuKingsqueak you there yet04:03
dooglussethk: read and write, both the same speed04:03
dummyunorBlong2us: then you want to install something else, right? if so, then maybe synaptics or add/remove under applications is your answer04:03
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sethkdooglus, that's about right.  that's about 35 times slower than a typical ide04:03
piedoggieas I was saying, before Firefox crashed, I was trying the find expression04:03
boxahywell my install is fscked up04:03
boxahyi cant apt-get04:04
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dooglusKeyseir: the process will probably have "mkfs" in its name I think.  try a "ps -ef | grep mkfs"04:04
boxahyor else vmware-player takes over04:04
natu`Anyone happen to catch the problem I posted?04:04
=== nomasteryoda [n=nomaster@ip68-1-150-201.mc.at.cox.net] has joined #ubuntu
Manticedoes beryl run on the latest kernal yet ?04:04
Vaske_Caremule on Ubuntu? What is called?04:04
dooglusVaske_Car: amule04:04
sethkdooglus, that shows that the interface is the bottleneck, not the device, because, if it were anything in the device, write would be taking longer.04:04
LjLtw|sT3d: true, it appears to be down.04:04
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thordaviddixon: sorry, I tried to find the actual repos, but no luck.04:04
dooglussethk: the device supports USB2 and firewire too, both of which make it about 10 times faster.04:05
tw|sT3dLjL: oic.. maybe i try to DL it later or tom.04:05
boxahySelecting previously deselected package linux-headers-2.6.15-27-386.04:05
boxahyUnpacking linux-headers-2.6.15-27-386 (from .../linux-headers-2.6.15-27-386_2.6.15-27.48_i386.deb) ...04:05
boxahySetting up vmware-player (1.0.1-4) ...04:05
boxahyNow configuring VMware Player.  (This may take some time...)04:05
boxahyConfiguring a bridged network for vmnet0.04:05
Keyseirroot      6453  6452  0 21:25 pts/0    00:00:13 /sbin/mkfs.ext3 /dev/sda104:05
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LjL!paste | boxh04:05
ubotuboxh: pastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (you can always find it in the channel topic, among other useful things)04:05
tw|sT3dLjL: im getting prustrated about this =((04:05
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KeyseirThat looks like what I may be looking for04:05
LjL!paste | boxahy04:05
boxahyit takes over EVERYTHING04:05
ubotuboxahy: pastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (you can always find it in the channel topic, among other useful things)04:05
Manticedoes beryl run on the latest kernal yet ?04:05
qc__does micromedia flash work on ubuntu 64?04:05
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Keyseirsethk, dooglus, how do I check to see if that process is working properly now that I know what it is?04:05
LjLtw|sT3d: if it's a software modem, it won't necessarily be easy to be made to work04:05
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dooglusKeyseir: "sudo strace -p pid" where pid is the process number04:06
LordTureisqc__: yes, macromedia flash is now "Adobe Flash"04:06
dooglusKeyseir: the process numbr is the number in column 2 when you "ps -ef"04:06
sethkKeyseir, if the disk has an activity light, and it's flashing, it's very likely working.  strace will show the system calls.  if strace just sits there not spitting anything out, that's bad04:06
LjLboxahy: can you remove it with a "dpkg -r vmware-player"?04:06
rBlong2usthe thing is that I don't see synaptic on the menus04:06
sethkKeyseir, you should see ioctl calls frequently.04:06
qc__LordTureis,  well - i downloaded and installed flash from ubuntuguide site... and i can load certan flash pages, but others just crash04:06
dummyunofolks anyone can give a tip for ati driver in edgy?04:06
LjLrBlong2us, System / Administration04:06
sethkrBlong2us, so what?  run it from a command line, or with alt-f204:06
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tw|sT3dLjL: what the diff. bet software modem from hardware modem? in a newbie point of view?04:07
LordTureisqc: while version 7 is available through synaptic, you can download a beta of version 9 from Adobe Labs: labs.adobe.com/04:07
kronomanquestion : in ubuntu 6.06 what sound system by default is used ? alsa ? esd ? oss ?04:07
ManticeMan the Gaim sounds are low quality.04:07
Keyseirsethk, how do I watch for ioctl calls?04:07
dummyunoqc__: you should be reporting that to Adobe over at http://labs.adobe.com04:07
doogluskronoman: esd04:07
daviddixonanyone else having a problem updating universe?04:07
LjLtw|sT3d, the page explains that shortly in the second paragraph.04:07
thorMantice: the gaim sounds for windows are much better...I copied them to linux04:07
dummyunokronoman: from what I can tell here is alsa04:07
ManticeStrange huh.04:07
dooglustw|sT3d: briefly, hardware modems work in linux, software modems don't...04:08
kronomanshould be a combination of alsa + esd ?04:08
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=== Boelcke [n=Boelcke@c-71-204-53-125.hsd1.ga.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
dummyunome talking from what I see in my laptop04:08
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ManticeMy download rate is more constant in linux.04:08
rBlong2usok got synaptics04:08
LordTureisqc: while it is a _BETA_, it is pretty stable.        ======  It is a ubuntu thing.  I don't know why they don't have version 9 beta available.  Maybe they don't want to provide something that is so... beta.  (maybe?)04:08
Keyseirdooglus, sethk, that strace -p $pid is certainly spitting out a lot of data  continuously04:08
BoelckeAnyone mind helping me with an odd DHCP question?04:08
Keyseir!ubotu strace04:09
ubotustrace: A system call tracer. In component main, is standard. Version 4.5.14-1ubuntu2 (edgy), package size 92 kB, installed size 248 kB (Only available for alpha amd64 arm armeb hppa i386 ia64 m68k mips mipsel powerpc ppc64 s390 s390x sh sparc)04:09
=== hockyhair [n=d@adsl-69-109-219-204.dsl.pltn13.pacbell.net] has joined #ubuntu
Juananyone knows of a mp3 tagging program that works with freedb2?04:09
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=== Vaske_Car [n=durad@d57-59-78.home.cgocable.net] has joined #ubuntu
Vaske_CarIs there alos Limrwire for Ubuntu?04:09
ManticeAny one know if beryl works in the new kernal update ?04:09
sethkKeyseir, that's what you should be seeing.04:09
LjL!limewire | Vaske_Car04:09
hockyhairhow do i change the setting in gnome so i can read view jap text alright in win it's regional settings04:09
ubotuVaske_Car: limewire is a popular P2P client running on the Gnutella network. To get it running, install !java first, then download Limewire from http://www.limewire.com/LimeWireSoftOther and finally run runLime.sh. Consider !FrostWire as an alternative.04:09
Keyseirsethk, cool04:09
fildohey anyone here have a sucessful scsci or raid setup on ubuntu04:09
tw|sT3dif im using a US robotics modem connected via PCI?? and i buy my comp after 2000?? so im using a software modem??04:09
LjLLordTureis: Ubuntu doesn't get new versions of packages once it's released04:09
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natu`Having a problem keeping my settings the same for each time I login. The first time it works fine (lag-free) after a fresh wipe of the GNOME desktop, then the next time I log in, the settings are changed and it's sluggish. Any suggestions? Or would using KDE work more efficiently?04:09
LjLtw|sT3d: likely04:10
thorVaske_Car: frostwire is a free limewire equivalent04:10
dooglusKeyseir: that means it's doing something.  whether or not it's attempting to do the same thing over and over depends on what it's spitting out.  hit control-c then pastebin a large chunk of the output04:10
Keyseirsethk, I wish this "Format" GUI showed an estimated time till completion. Ar04:10
Vaske_Carwhat is the best for download Trance Music?04:10
tw|sT3dLjL: is that a very bad news?04:10
sethknatu`, without knowing why it's happening, it isn't really possible to say whether kde would be better.  trying it would be a nice data point for figuring out the problem.04:10
mushtaqhi is there any linux application to connect a scanner (hpscanjet) to ubuntu ?04:10
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sethkKeyseir, it would be completely inaccurate, even if it did.04:10
rBlong2ushow do I change the framebuffer driver?04:10
dummyunotw|sT3d: I would bet it's software04:10
sethkKeyseir, you can, actually, increase the verbosity at the command line, but I guess you're not at the command line.04:10
rBlong2uswhere is it located?04:11
LjLtw|sT3d: yes, but i don't know how well/badly US robotics modems are supported specifically04:11
rBlong2usI need a specific one04:11
hockyhairsethk: do you know where the equiv of windows regional settings is in gnome?04:11
mushtaqhi is there any linux application to connect a scanner (hpscanjet) to ubuntu ? i mean the frontend for the user04:11
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hockyhairim looking to enable viewing of japanese text04:11
sethkhockyhair, sorry, I'm a kde user.  someone else will know.04:11
hockyhairwhere is it in kde04:11
Keyseirdooglus, "root      6453  6452  0 21:25 pts/0    00:00:15 /sbin/mkfs.ext3 /dev/sda1" the second column you were referring to is the one that holds "6453" right?04:11
dooglusKeyseir: yessir04:11
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Vaske_Carwhat is Frostwire package name?04:12
tw|sT3dLjL: how about motorola modems??? i also have that one? which ir better to used u lessen the problem04:12
dooglusKeyseir: the 3rd column (6452) is the process ID of the parent of that process - the one who started it - ie. the format gui, probably04:12
Juananyone knows of a mp3 tagging program that works with freedb2?04:12
rBlong2usdoes any one how to change the framebuffer driver in Ubunut?04:12
Flannel!frostwire | Vaske_Car04:12
ubotuVaske_Car: frostwire is a totally open source version of Limewire.  For installation help, please see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FrostWire04:12
dummyunofellas, anyone can give it a hint on a known working ati driver in edgy aka 6.1004:12
LjLtw|sT3d, i don't know. if it's external, it's probably not a software modem.04:12
coolpaul900I am having a wierd page almost apear when I log out or after I boot up...Also the splash does not work...instead it just has a blinking _04:12
ManticeOnce I install Beryl how to I get running ?04:12
LjL!beryl | Mantice04:12
ubotuMantice: beryl is a window manager that takes advantage of an OpenGL accelerated X environment. See http://forum.beryl-project.org/  -  Please see #ubuntu-xgl for help with beryl.04:12
Keyseirdooglus, I had closed the first strace window, ran it again04:13
Keyseirdooglus, "sudo strace -p 645304:13
KeyseirProcess 6453 attached - interrupt to quit04:13
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tw|sT3dbout of them are internals modems connected to PCI04:13
Keyseirdooglus, this time it isn't spitting anything out04:13
dooglusKeyseir: use a pastebin04:13
rBlong2usis there a way to change the framebuffer in the kernel with ubuntu? Please I have a maad flickering C04:13
dooglusKeyseir: that's odd.  nothing at all?04:13
LjLtw|sT3d, i've got an internal modem that's not a software modem, but that's from 199704:13
tw|sT3dLjL: thanks for answering my noobs question04:13
Keyseirdooglus, not after what I stated.04:13
Keyseirdooglus, the HD changed light patterns too04:13
coolpaul900I am having a wierd page almost apear when I log out or after I boot up...Also the splash does not work...instead it just has a blinking _04:13
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natu`sethk: Was condering KDE since Gnome was giving me such a hassle. But if someone had an idea as to why my settings kept changing, and why it slowed the system down on a second login... then I'd keep gnome04:13
tw|sT3dLjL: i just hope i can figure this thing out04:14
dummyunocoolpaul900: you mean yo don't get to the desktop?04:14
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about Audacious - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi04:14
coolpaul900I do but it just looks weird at those points04:14
ubotukernel is the core of the Ubuntu Operating System (named 'Linux') - see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Kernel.  You shouldn't have to compile one, but if you're convinced you do, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/KernelCustomBuild04:14
ubotuTips and tricks for RAID and LVM can be found on https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RaidConfigurationHowto and http://www.tldp.org/HOWTO/LVM-HOWTO04:14
dooglusKeyseir: you used control-c to get out of the previous strace, right?04:14
tw|sT3dLjL: btw im sharing my cds to my frnds.. here in the philppines.. i think that the only help i can give u in return04:14
Juananyone knows of a mp3 tagging program that works with freedb2?04:14
ManticeCan some one help me Audacious_04:15
coolpaul900also I have just upgraded to edgy04:15
Keyseirdooglus, no... I closed the terminal window to get out of the previous strace.04:15
Manticecan some one help me install Audacious?04:15
LordTureisdo u mean audacity?04:15
Keyseirdooglus Was that bad?04:15
dooglusKeyseir: hmm.  I wonder whether that left the strace running.  do a "sudo pkill -INT strace"04:15
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ricard1hello, sound from mozilla (applications as youtube or google video suddenly stopped working. I have rebooted the computer check the volume levels, but nothing seem to work. Can anyone give me a hand, please. Thank you!04:15
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dummyunocoolpaul900: I saw a lot of blank screen when I updated, so you should be happy if you get a desktop, I didn't for way to long04:15
coolpaul900How can I fix it?04:16
coolpaul900So I can see the splash?04:16
coolpaul900Also it does not show the trash can on the desktop04:16
rBlong2usif I wanna change the frambuffer driver on the kernel do I have to make a custom made kernel?04:16
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dummyunonot sure, I guess theres no that icon on edgy04:17
dummyunoI see a trashbin on the right lower corner04:17
LordTureisMantice: there seems to be something at http://www.ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=202430  However, the article is from June.  It may not work on Edgy, but it will almost certainly work on Dapper.04:17
coolpaul900same here04:17
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dummyunonext to the workspace chooser04:17
Keyseirdooglus, Heh. Looks like the format finished04:18
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rolerWhat program/package will convert a .m4a to .ogg or .mp3 ?04:18
Keyseirdooglus, Process ended.04:18
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about scsi - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi04:18
coolpaul900so can I make it so that weird screen does not pop up?04:18
ManticeThanks LordTureis04:18
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LGKeiz-UbuntuYou there Kingsqueak04:18
dummyunoI'm looking for same answer here04:18
ManticeHow come I get this error message when trying to install Azureus ?04:18
ManticeHow come I get this ? azureus: Depends: liblog4j1.2-java  but it is not installable Depends: libswt3.1-gtk-java but it is not going to be installed04:18
dummyunowhat video card you've got?04:19
ubotuIf you would like information on framebuffers, please visit: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/FrameBuffer04:19
dooglusKeyseir: maybe.  or maybe strace messed it up04:19
LordTureis!!!!Mantice:  Check the later pages of the thread.  There seem to be packages for edgy.04:19
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about Mantice:  Check the later pages of the thread.  There seem to be packages for edgy. - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi04:19
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dooglusKeyseir: I guess attempting to mount the new partition will tell you which of the 2 it was04:19
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Keyseirdooglus I guess I'm about to find out.04:19
Vaske_CarI installed Frostwire but when I click on it it does not start. ????04:19
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kronomanfor installing netbeans, should I use synaptic ? or I proceed "by hand" ?04:19
ManticeI dont have edgy :)04:19
dummyunorBlong2us: you might give it a shoot to a xorg reconfig04:19
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LordTureisoh. ok.  excellent.04:19
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kronomanVaske_Car: do you have Java runtime environment installed ? afaik Frostwire is done in java04:20
tichi just did a fresh install of edgy and i can't connect to the wireless network-- any suggestions?04:20
dummyunoMantice: youre missing some packages04:20
Keyseirdooglus oh crap04:20
LordTureiscan't help you with the azureus thing though.  Sry04:20
Vaske_Carkronoman, I am not sure. How do I install java?04:20
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Keyseirdooglus, I think I had the new drive take the /home place and I think i'd already been using that04:20
Keyseirdooglus, now it looks like the GUI for the filesystem doesn't know where to look04:21
mushtaqhi is there a way to use hp scanjet on dapper ?04:21
rBlong2usdummyuno: how may I disable dri?04:21
Manticedummyuno how to I fix this ?04:21
kronomanVaske_Car: first, check if you have java installed, in a console type : java -version , to see if you have Java installed04:21
rBlong2usI just wanna disable it04:21
Keyseirdooglus, Whenever I try to open a file through the GUI it says "Details: Failed to change to directory '/home/andrew' (No such file or directory)04:22
mushtaqi have resource pc which have the printers and scanners and i want to transfer from windows to linux ? is it possible ?04:22
ManticeDummyuno those packages dont appear on my list.04:22
Vaske_Carkronoman, java version "1.5.0_08"04:22
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tichi installed network manager, cleaned up /etc/network/interfaces but wireless options do not appear.04:22
thoranyone know how to change the default url handler in xchat from konqueror back to firefox?04:22
tichwhat should i do?04:22
LGKeiz-Ubuntutich - same.04:22
Keyseirdooglus, you there?04:22
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tichLGKeiz-Ubuntu, did it work with dapper?04:23
LGKeiz-Ubuntutich: Probably your wireless card, Im trying to get ahold of kingsqueak so I can get it fixed04:23
dooglusKeyseir: yes, I've been playing with mkfs.ext3, trying to see why it would take so long04:23
LGKeiz-Ubuntutich: nop04:23
LordTureismushtaq: what kind of hp scanjet?04:23
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kronomanVaske_Car: ok, you have java installed04:23
jStefanthor, you could add more options, Settings, Advamced, URL Handlers04:23
Keyseirdooglus, I had already been using /home for my first disk (the one ubuntu is installed on) and I must have had the new one take /home04:23
mushtaqhp scanjet G711604:23
tichLGKeiz-Ubuntu, mine worked when dapper was installed04:23
kronomanVaske_Car: try to start frostwire from command line to see if you get any error message04:23
Keyseirdooglus, now my gui can't find any files it needs because directories don't exist04:24
LGKeiz-Ubuntutich: ;__;04:24
dooglusKeyseir: you had a /home before, and you made a new one on a new partition?04:24
Keyseirdooglus, if what used to be in /home is nolonger there, where is it? I didn't delete the old disk..04:24
Keyseirdooglus I think so.04:24
stylushow can i get an identd working?04:24
dooglusKeyseir: I guess you've mounted the new /home partition over the old /home directory04:24
dooglusKeyseir: "cd /; sudo umount /home"04:24
Keyseirdooglus, How do I unmount it the new one?04:24
Keyseirdooglus k04:24
Vaske_Carkronoman, here is the answer
dummyunoMantice: if you need Java you'd probably would need to get it from universe04:25
Keyseirdooglus, that did it04:25
ubotuThe packages in Ubuntu are divided into several sections. See http://www.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/components https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Repositories and !easysource04:25
thorjStefan: that will do, but I sure would like to restore the default to firefox. It worked fine until I installed kde in ubuntu04:25
LGKeiz-UbuntuAnyone up to helping with ndiswrapper?04:25
Keyseirdooglus is there an easy way to change where the second disk mounts?04:25
mushtaqLordTureis, it is C7716a04:25
rolerhow can I convert an mpeg4 (m4a) file to an .ogg or .mp3?04:26
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styluscan someone help me setup gidentd?04:26
dooglusKeyseir: edit /etc/fstab04:26
LordTureissry mushtaq.  I'm not finding anything.  I'm still looking though.04:26
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dooglusKeyseir: or, if you just want to change it temporarily, you could: "sudo mkdir /home2; sudo mount /dev/hda-whatever /home2"04:27
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eaglehawkanyone who can help me with knetworkmanager04:27
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ManticeI thought java was installed automaticly04:27
dooglusKeyseir: then move all your /home files into /home2 (the new disk), then next time you boot, the new disk will be back on /home04:27
dummyunorBlong2us: I'm investigating in LCD's and laptop video cards myself, so... This might help http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=10790804:27
jordan_!anyone | eaglehawk04:27
ubotueaglehawk: A large amount of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..."  Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out?04:27
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tichis wireless issues a big problem with edgy?04:27
Keyseirdooglus, I think I can change the mount point path easily with the gui04:28
Keyseirdooglus, I'll just choose a new name that isn't home04:28
jordan_tich: From what I hear, ndis wrapper is broken04:28
dooglusKeyseir: I don't know the gui, but you can change the mount point by editing /etc/fstab04:28
dummyunoMantice: java is not a "free" technology04:28
ubotuTo install a Java compiler/interpreter on Ubuntu, look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Java  -  For the Sun Java runtime install sun-java5-jre from the !Multiverse repository04:28
Keyseirdooglus, I appreciate all your help.04:29
ubotuTo install the Ati/NVidia drivers for your video card, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto04:29
dooglusKeyseir: no problem04:29
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mushtaqLordTureis, if that scanner is in list then what ? what is the next step i mean04:30
mushtaqwhat i need to do ?04:30
jordan_Is there an EFI compatable LiveCD of any sort?04:30
mushtaqdo i need to do something with the kernel something LordTureis  ?04:30
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LordTureisoh.  Sry.  I don't know.  What do you mean 'in the list?' what list?04:31
eaglehawkcan somebody help me with knetworkmanager...I have installed it but it does not give me options to adjust wireless settings04:31
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doogluseaglehawk: maybe in #kubuntu they'd know more?04:31
st4hlhi, how do i add new user to my ubuntu server?04:31
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dooglusst4hl: "sudo adduser"04:31
st4hland deluser?04:32
dooglusst4hl: you guessed it :)04:32
st4hlty ;)04:32
LaserLineI'm trying to create a key for launchpad using gpg --send-key key-id (key-id = xxxx xxxx xxxx xxxx xxxx xxxx xxxx <-my key) but when I do that it says gpg: "xxxx" not a key ID: skipping04:32
dooglusst4hl: see the man page if you want to remove his files as well (home dir, or all)04:32
st4hland how do i see which groups user belongs to?04:32
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st4hlnod, thank you again =)04:32
LordTureismushtaq: What do you mean 'in the list?' what list?04:33
Manticewhen I try to install java 'Java Web Start 1.4' is not available in any software channel.04:33
dooglusst4hl: I log in as them and type "groups"04:33
dooglusst4hl: or "grep dooglus /etc/group"04:34
jordan_Mantice: You need to enable the multiverse repository.04:34
st4hlcool, thanks alot =)04:34
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st4hlis there a fast way to add identical user?04:34
LordTureisI'm sorry I couldn't be of more help, but I've got to go.04:34
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st4hljust with a different name/pwd, but same groups04:34
dooglusst4hl: adduser has lots of options.  see "man adduser"04:35
kokeyHow can I install edgy in text mode with th live cd?04:35
Manticejordan_ I deleted every thing then I added every thing again.04:35
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coreyanyone here use enlightenment?04:35
ManticeThe 4 ubuntu ones have multiverse ticked04:35
dooglusst4hl: if you have X then 'user-admin' lets you do it the gui way04:35
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kronomanhow I install netbeans ? by hand ? or there is a repository for it ?04:36
st4hlcan i add users to /etc/group manually?04:36
CientificoLocohow can I write in japanese on Firefox, OpenOffice and messenger?04:36
st4hli would, but i dont have x04:36
dooglusst4hl: better not to.  "sudo adduser st4hl admin" will add st4hl to the admin group04:36
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dooglusst4hl: so you can loop that: for group in $(groups); do sudo adduser st4hl $group; done04:37
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st4hllol, excellent, thank you so much =)04:38
jordan_Mantice: I can install it on my machine, could you pastebin your /etc/apt/sources.list just to be sure ?04:38
dooglusst4hl: that'll add the new 'st4hl' user to each group that you're in04:38
CientificoLocohow can I write in japanese on Firefox, OpenOffice and messenger?04:38
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ubotupastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (you can always find it in the channel topic, among other useful things)04:38
=== Hansin321 [n=chatzill@c-67-190-5-42.hsd1.co.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
st4hlnodnod, that's pretty much what i need =)04:39
st4hlthanks again04:39
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Hansin321Can anyone tell me the package I need to compile source packages?  I am hoping it is a single package I can apt-get (and it will get all its dependencies).  Or is this installed by default on Edge?  Thanks in advance.04:41
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Hansin321More clear: compile osurce code --> configure, make, make install stuff.  Thanks.04:41
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bimberiHansin321: build-essential04:41
Hansin321bimberi: Thanks !!04:42
bimberiHansin321: np :)04:42
coreyhas anyone here used ready to program with java on windows and know if there is a compiler for linux that does hsa boilerplates04:42
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jazzrockerdo most USB hard drives work OTB with Ubuntu?04:43
crimsunjazzrocker: many, yes.04:43
jazzrockeri'm looking to get a bigger HD for my music libarary04:43
jazzrockercrimsun, is there any page like the linux printers page but for USB hard drives?04:43
=== DeltaF [n=deltaf@cpe-66-67-218-107.rochester.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu
jazzrockere.g. where can i find out which chipsets/hardware/brands will and won't work?04:43
Manticejordan_: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/30584/04:43
CientificoLocohow can I write in japanese on Firefox, OpenOffice and messenger?04:44
crimsunjazzrocker: the 'supported usb devices' page that's "googlable"04:44
crimsunCientificoLoco: use scim04:44
thevenin_anyone know how i could setup ubuntu server dapper drake to be able to be turned on from the network04:44
DeltaFDoes anyone know about a good GUI for modifying LVM partitions?04:44
DeltaFPerhaps a plugin for gparted?04:44
crimsunthevenin_: clarify, please?04:44
thevenin_i want wake-on-lan on both of my servers, what would i haft to edit to get it to accept this04:45
DeltaFthevenin_: Do you mean like Wake On Lan??04:45
DeltaFWOL is BIOS isn't it?04:45
thevenin_oh shit i do belive it is, welp thank you04:45
DeltaFsure ;)04:45
DeltaFAnyone with ideas on LVM GUI?04:45
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jazzrockercrimsun, ok04:46
seanHey guys04:46
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CientificoLococrimsun, what?04:46
CientificoLococrimsun, how can I use it04:47
crimsunCientificoLoco: see the various wiki pages (just search)04:47
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ubotufirefox is the default web-browser on Ubuntu. To install the latest version, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FirefoxNewVersion Installing plugins: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/FirefoxPlugins04:47
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=== daemoey [n=justin@c-67-180-120-207.hsd1.ca.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
seanHey, I searched the ubuntu site..what exactly does apt-get autoremove do?04:48
daemoeypalski you here?04:48
jStefansean, you know i just noticed the lack of documentation too04:48
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jazzrockercrimsun, google for "ubuntu supported usb devices" doesn't turn up anything very useful04:48
ManticeCould some one help me fix my Repositories ?04:48
jStefansean, neither apt-get --help nor man apt-get documents it04:48
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mushtaqhi is it possible that anyone can help me use my scanner on linux04:48
Jewfro-MacabbiMantice, what's the problem?04:48
ManticeI want to install Azureus and its complaning that I dont hava java.04:49
ManticeSo I tryed to install java but its saying it cant find it.04:49
jStefan!java | Mantice04:49
seanjStefan, yeah... I just ran autoremove and it cleared 700mb but my system seems to run fine04:49
mushtaqi need a simple application to run my scanner for end use04:49
ubotuMantice: To install a Java compiler/interpreter on Ubuntu, look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Java  -  For the Sun Java runtime install sun-java5-jre from the !Multiverse repository04:49
crimsunjazzrocker: not sure how you could miss linux-usb.org04:49
ManticeI did04:49
Jewfro-MacabbiMantice, did you enable extra repositories?04:49
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mushtaqthey were using hp application now i want to use linux box for this purpose is it possible ?04:49
daemoeyPalski: The problem with bluefish can be solved by first opening any random file. After that it will let you save a file without crashing04:50
ManticeHow do I do that.04:50
Jewfro-MacabbiMantice, system, administration, software properties, check all the boxes.....04:50
daemoeyPalski: Just google a bit and theres a few other threads that talk about the issue. Its known by "people"04:50
Max222-swedenI can ping to a vpn server but i can not surf to a server in that network. But i can ping. Anybody has this problem?04:50
jazzrockercrimsun, i am, seeing as it doesn't occur here: http://www.google.com/search?hl=en&q=ubuntu+supported+usb+devices&btnG=Google+Search04:50
jStefansean, autoremove removes packages that were installed automatically (as other package dependecies) and are no longer needed. But, it requires inspection of what it plans to do, so it doesn't remove something important04:50
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ManticeI did.04:51
seanjStefan, Thanks :)04:51
Jewfro-MacabbiMantice, now try installing java04:51
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crimsunjazzrocker: go to the address I gave you, then click on "Working devices list"04:52
jazzrockercrimsun, you gave me an address?04:52
ManticeI removed every thing and I added them all again with the tick boxes04:52
jazzrockercrimsun, oh, linux-usb.org lol, k04:52
jazzrockercrimsun, already went there04:53
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jazzrockercrimsun, hahah, actually i found that page already lol, didn't know it was related to linux-usb.org :)04:53
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Jewfro-MacabbiMantice, sudo aptitude update, then sudo aptitude install sun-java5-jre04:53
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crimsunjazzrocker: my advice is simply to try both 6.06.1 and 6.10 desktop cds04:53
dooglussean: this is known: https://launchpad.net/distros/ubuntu/+source/apt/+bug/5955504:53
rBlong2ushi for the life of me how can I disable DRI04:53
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Mantice'sun-java5-bin' is not available in any software channel04:54
Jewfro-MacabbiMantice, try search aptitude java, and find the package you need that way04:54
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Jewfro-MacabbiI mean aptitude search java04:54
dooglus!info sun-java5-bin04:54
ubotusun-java5-bin: Sun Java(TM) Runtime Environment (JRE) 5.0. In component multiverse, is optional. Version 1.5.0-08-0ubuntu1 (edgy), package size 21811 kB, installed size 65084 kB04:54
=== zcat[1] [n=zcat@60-234-226-80.bitstream.orcon.net.nz] has joined #ubuntu
Manticeit says unknown comand.04:55
zcat[1] !ntfs04:55
ubotuTo view your Windows/Mac partitions see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AutomaticallyMountPartitions  -  See also !fuse04:55
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Jewfro-MacabbiMantice, to which?04:55
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Manticesudo aptitude update, then sudo aptitude install sun-java5-jre04:55
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ManticeHold on04:55
ManticeI screwd up :)04:55
=== ajax4 [n=ajax@adsl-69-231-30-109.dsl.irvnca.pacbell.net] has joined #ubuntu
Jewfro-MacabbiMantice, then you got a typo, "sudo aptitude update", "sudo aptitude install sun-java5-jre"04:56
ManticeYeah I know.04:56
ajax4Hi everyone. Can someone tell me how to ban a certain IP from connecting to me?04:56
CientificoLococrimsun, If I install the packes for japanese I will wirete in japanes.??04:56
rBlong2ushow can I disable DRI with ubuntu, please someone04:56
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Jewfro-MacabbiMantice, sorry, "sudo aptitude install sun-java5-bin"04:56
rBlong2usI have a jerky screen highly annoying04:56
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zcat[1] !botsnack04:57
zcat[1] !help04:57
ubotuI am ubotu, all-knowing infobot. You can browse my brain at http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl  -  Usage info: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuBots04:57
rBlong2usI need to disable DRI someone :-(04:57
ManticeJewfro-Macbbi I think I know why none of this was working.........04:58
dooglusrBlong2us: edit /etc/X11/xorg.conf ?04:58
ManticeThe following packages have been kept back:04:58
Mantice  linux-38604:58
crimsunCientificoLoco: the wiki(s) outline that in far more detail than I can explain.04:58
rBlong2usdooglus: aright04:58
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ManticeThats the update I did not update.04:58
dooglusrBlong2us: then restart xorg04:58
ManticeBecause some one told me I could not use beryl with the new kernal.04:58
Jewfro-MacabbiMantice, not sure that's related actually.04:58
jStefanMantice, do you have "restricted" in your repos?04:59
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Jordan_UjStefan: Yes, he does http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/30584/04:59
ManticeThe 4 I have all say restricted copywrite.04:59
Jewfro-MacabbiMantice, is azureus install already, and how, from repository, .deb, source?04:59
maxflaxIm trying to install a TV card into ubuntu.. a Twinhan Mantis DVB-T card.. anyone have any pointer to give about this! I haven't got a foggiest Idea what to do now..05:00
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jStefan!caps | caseyjunior05:00
ubotucaseyjunior: PLEASE DON'T SHOUT! We can read lowercase too.05:00
ManticeCouldn't find any package whose name or description matched "sun-java5-bin"05:00
edgarprueba prueba usuario nuevo en linux05:00
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caseyjunior!rape | jStefan05:01
jStefan!es | edgar05:01
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about rape - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi05:01
ubotuedgar: Para Espaol por favor usen #ubuntu-es, #kubuntu-es o #edubuntu-es, all obtendrn mas ayuda.05:01
teenprogrammerhow do i setup ssh on my newly installted ubuntu server?05:01
jStefan!ops | caseyjunior05:01
duskwhats your favorite bittorrent client?05:01
caseyjuniorGAY BOT05:01
ubotucaseyjunior: Help! Keybuk, mdz, Amaranth, tritium, ajmitch, crimsun, ogra, CarlK, Seveas, Burgundavia, apokryphos, thoreauputic, nalioth, Madpilot, ompaul, rob, Hobbsee, imbrandon, DBO or gnomefreak!05:01
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Jewfro-MacabbiMantice, is azureus installed already?05:01
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edgarsomeone speaks spanish?05:01
ubotuPara Espaol por favor usen #ubuntu-es, #kubuntu-es o #edubuntu-es, all obtendrn mas ayuda.05:01
jStefanMadpilot, thx05:01
jStefan!es > edgar05:01
boxahyhttp://arch.kimag.es/share/56135400.png man i love my connection05:01
ManticeSynamtic would not let me install it because it couldent find java.05:01
Jewfro-MacabbiMantice, okay, just try "sudo aptitude install azureus"05:01
boxahyun burro sabe mas que tu05:02
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BHSPitLappyteenprogrammer, install ssh via apt, and then you're good05:02
MadpilotjStefan, just for next time, you don't need to address the ops tell to anyone, just hit it05:02
squeeeIs it possible to use docx in linux yet?05:02
Jewfro-MacabbiMantice, and check again you have all the extra repositories enabled05:02
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=== teenprogrammer doesnt know that much about ubutnu servers ...
jStefanMadpilot, avoids the inevitable "Who?" if the op was AFK05:02
=== CITguy [n=ryan@c-69-243-169-84.hsd1.in.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
dooglusteenprogrammer: "sudo apt-get install ssh"05:03
jStefani'll keep note05:03
maxflaxMadpilot, do u now how to get a tv card working and what is needed?05:03
zcat[1] !ntfs05:03
ubotuTo view your Windows/Mac partitions see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AutomaticallyMountPartitions  -  See also !fuse05:03
=== fulld [n=fulld@pool-70-20-216-66.phil.east.verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu
Madpilotmaxflax, no idea, sorry.05:03
zcat[1] !rt250005:03
uboturt2500: configuration tool for wireless RT2500 network cards. In component universe, is extra. Version 1.1.0+cvs20060620-3 (edgy), package size 106 kB, installed size 404 kB05:03
MadpilotjStefan, good point, actually, on the use of the ops tell05:03
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CITguyDoes anybody know how I might go about printing a list of the available packages in the Synaptic package manager?05:03
dooglusteenprogrammer: that will install both openssh-client and openssh-server.  if you don't want both, pick the one you want.05:04
ManticeCouldn't find any package whose name or description matched "azureus"05:04
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dooglus!info azureus05:04
ubotuazureus: BitTorrent client. In component universe, is optional. Version (edgy), package size 6922 kB, installed size 7780 kB05:04
dooglusit's in universe.05:04
MadpilotCITguy, that'd be a pretty long list, there are something over 17,000 packages in the whole set of repos05:04
jStefanMadpilot, even though you still have to check, and not take my word for it. but it helps as in "who/what" you have to check for05:04
Jewfro-MacabbiMantice, you need to check that you have all repositories enabled again05:05
CITguyI don't care. Where could I do it.05:05
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zcat[1] !wireless05:05
ubotuWireless documentation can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs05:05
jStefanMantice, remember to "sudo apt-get update" after editing sources.list05:05
=== dhuv [n=dhuv@pool-71-250-105-246.nwrknj.east.verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu
bunnyhi ne one of u used OSSIM on ubuntu05:05
dhuvhello all05:06
eaglehawkcan somebody help me with knetworkmanager...I have installed it but it does not give me options to adjust wireless settings05:06
dhuvI am having issues with booting while the miniPCI wireless card is installed, I keep getting "failed to start the card", I have seen references to this bug and suggestions to add irqpoll to the grub boot options but this has not helped me05:06
dooglusCITguy: running "apt-cache search ." will list all the available packages.05:06
Jewfro-MacabbiMantice, you can also edit your repository list manually, see here: http://www.psychocats.net/ubuntu/sources05:06
dhuvI think the problem might be that the ipw2100 firmware is not on the system, I tried to put the files in /usr/lib/hotplug/firmware/ but this obviously is not working, does anybody know where exactly it belongs05:06
dooglusCITguy: it prints 20,214 lines here05:07
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CITguythx dooglus05:07
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doogluspoor trees.  :(05:07
ManticeIts downloading a whole bunch of files...05:07
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Jewfro-MacabbiMantice, more specific please?05:08
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ManticeDownloading package infomation.05:08
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NeoEcoShello, a quick question witch brand should i use to get 4 gb ram working ?05:08
NeoEcoSbigiron ?05:08
Jewfro-Macabbiah, then try installing again05:08
bunnycan ne one help me regarding ossim on ubuntu05:08
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teenprogrammerso i just installed SSH05:09
teenprogrammershould i be able to ssh to the server now?05:09
=== Lava_Croft [n=Lava@80-242-234-58.multikabel.nl] has joined #ubuntu
teenprogrammeror how do i set it up?05:09
Lava_Croftoh yeah05:09
rolerCan I convert an mpeg4 audio file to ogg?05:09
natu`Where can I check to see if my GNOME settings are automatically being saved on logout?05:09
ManticeIt worked. Its installing now.05:10
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ManticeJewfor-Macabbi: Thanks for that.05:11
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Jewfro-MacabbiMantice, you are welcome05:11
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dooglusteenprogrammer: it should just work05:14
dooglusteenprogrammer: (I think)05:14
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teenprogrammerwhats the equivalent of windows ipconfig05:14
teenprogrammerin linux?05:14
teenprogrammerhow do i find its ip address?05:14
crimsunerr, ifconfig(8) even05:15
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PFAhow do i find out my processor speed/ other hardware specs?05:17
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dooglusPFA: cat /proc/cpuinfo05:18
HealotPFA: try "Hardware Browser"05:19
PFAthx dooglus05:19
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Pabloanyone have any luck with swscanner?05:20
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nomasteryodaPablo, ya05:21
nomasteryodai use it05:21
nomasteryodaworks even with my broadcom chip05:21
Pabloare you running network monitor?05:22
Pablocan you right click on a ap and associate?05:22
nomasteryodaah, well maybe05:22
nomasteryodajust sec05:22
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nomasteryodayou mean the monitor tool in the tray?05:22
nomasteryodaor the swscanner05:22
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Pablowell it seems the confilict with each other05:23
maxflaxanyone running a twinhan card?05:23
nomasteryodai've seen some issue with that05:23
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Pabloyou seen a solution?05:23
nomasteryodai just rightclick the icon and disable the wireless when i'm scanning05:23
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Lava_Croftk this chan makes me cry just as ubuntu does05:23
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nomasteryodathen reinable when done doing recon/.05:24
daviddixoni installed mplayerplug-in for firefox. but i still cant watch streaming video. where is the plugin located so i can copy it to my .mozilla folder.05:24
Pabloso you do not associate through swscanner?05:24
Pabloyou just use it to find ssid's?05:24
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nomasteryodai do it with gnome-network-manager05:24
Pabloit has the ability to be ur wireless manager05:24
nomasteryodain the tray05:24
duskwhat is the fix for googlevideo/youtube no lag?05:24
Pablodisable ipv6?05:25
nomasteryodathat might help05:25
=== Rev_MacGuyver [n=jimmy@66-233-163-116.gsb.clearwire-dns.net] has joined #ubuntu
nomasteryodadaviddixon, i use automatix05:25
nomasteryodait makes the installation easier05:25
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ubotuautomatix is a script that tries to install some software, and often fails and breaks systems. We don't provide support for it, and we strongly discourage its use.05:25
daviddixonhm.. doesnt sound too good05:26
nomasteryodai have had no issues ... but then again, i selectively choose my software05:26
nomasteryodadaviddixon, the guide on the forum is simple to follow too05:26
nomasteryodai used to do it that way05:26
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daviddixoni know its installed just need to know where the plugin is located in the root directory so i can copy it to user05:26
nomasteryodalinking is the prefered method05:27
nomasteryodaln -s file file05:27
nomasteryodasymbolic link05:27
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nomasteryodalet me find mine05:27
teenprogrammerhow do i install apache/05:27
daviddixonright. do you know what it's called so i can search05:28
nomasteryodaapt-get install apache2?05:28
jStefan!apache | teenprogrammer05:28
ubotuteenprogrammer: lamp is Linux-Apache-MySQL-PHP. However, the term is often used for setups using alternative but different software, such as Perl or Python instead of PHP, and Postgres instead of MySQL.  For help with setting up LAMP on Ubuntu, see  https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ApacheMySQLPHP  -  See also the Server CD install menu.05:28
nomasteryodait works for me...05:28
=== Hansin321 [n=chatzill@c-67-190-5-42.hsd1.co.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
sethkteenprogrammer, same way you install anything else.   easiest way is to search for apache in synaptic05:29
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teenprogrammeri am trying to set it up on a server05:29
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about save - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi05:30
teenprogrammerso i dont have the luxary of a gui05:30
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|rt|anyone know what would cause an apache module to not be auto enabled when installed?05:30
sethkteenprogrammer, that's a misconception05:30
CientificoLocoHow can I write in firefox messenger openoffice ... in Japanese?05:30
jStefan!info apache205:31
ubotuapache2: next generation, scalable, extendable web server. In component main, is optional. Version 2.0.55-4ubuntu4 (edgy), package size 35 kB, installed size 80 kB05:31
sethkteenprogrammer, you can run gui setup programs on the server.  you have to direct the display to an X server, but that can be on any machine05:31
|rt|I've installed php4 and the php4.load and php4.conf are not getting the sym links in the mods-enabled folder05:31
|rt|libapache-mod-php4 to be exact05:31
sethkteenprogrammer, X windows is layered properly, which unfortunately windows isn't.  there is a strict separation between display, and program05:31
sethkteenprogrammer, they can be on the same box, on different boxes.  You can run an X server on a windows box, and display your linux server configuration programs on it.05:32
sethkteenprogrammer, which can be useful if you don't have a box running X windows.05:32
=== internat [n=internat@c210-49-250-210.ipswc1.qld.optusnet.com.au] has joined #ubuntu
teenprogrammeri have a windows box05:32
sethkteenprogrammer, free X server is part of the cygwin package at www.cygwin.com05:32
teenprogrammerthat would be amazing05:32
CientificoLocoHow can I write in firefox messenger openoffice ... in Japanese?05:32
|rt|sethk: xming is a good windows xserver05:32
teenprogrammerwow!!! thanks sethk05:32
sethk|rt|, haven't used it much.  good performance?05:32
=== teenprogrammer opens link
|rt|sethk: yes..and doesn't have the cygwin dependancy05:33
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sethkteenprogrammer, |rt| is showing you an alternative X server for windows05:33
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sethkteenprogrammer, there are others, but many are not free.  I'll have to try xming.05:33
maxflaxcan I modprobe modules with success without having the hardware for it?05:33
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teenprogrammerso i need to install xserver on my ubuntu box right?05:34
teenprogrammerso windows can use it?05:34
|rt|teenprogrammer: yes05:34
sethkteenprogrammer, cygwin is rather large and takes a long time to install.  it has other advantages, though, it gives you good shells, and many other programs.  In fact, running the shell in windows makes it feel unix like, although it isn't terribly deep.05:34
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sethkteenprogrammer, no05:34
sethkteenprogrammer, you don't have to05:34
sethkteenprogrammer, the server can run X _client_ programs05:34
sethkteenprogrammer, then they will display on the X server, which can run anywhere, linux, windows, OSX, etc.05:35
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|rt|teenprogrammer: what I do is ssh to my linux box using putty then with xming run the x programs05:35
roach_I'm trying to get Beryl installed on Edgy-AMD64, but can't find xserver-xgl for Edgy on AMD64 (as a packaged binary) in any of the repositories I've checked.  Does anyone know of a source I can add?05:35
daviddixonhm ..copied all the plugins over but still no video?05:35
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nomasteryodadaviddixon, just sec05:35
sethk|rt|, teenprogrammer I do something very similar, although I use a different ssh program.  same end result.05:35
|rt|sethk: wouldn't you have a hard time installing X programs without a local x server with is normally a dependancy05:35
TMXroach: I was going this earlier, try using beryl, Il dig out the walkthrough I was using05:35
sethk|rt|, no, not really05:35
sethk|rt|, you can install only client support.  I have two boxes set up that way05:35
paraschannel, If i run vidoes from you tube i can see the video but no sound... need a solution for this05:35
|rt|sethk: ah...cool05:36
nomasteryodadaviddixon, what does your about:plugins show?05:36
sethk|rt|, one mail server, one web server, neither has X installed, but the X client libraries are all you need05:36
nomasteryodadon't post here05:36
|rt|sethk: the box i do this to runs mythtv frontend so it has X installed05:36
nomasteryodajust see what it says05:36
TMXroach_, http://wiki.beryl-project.org/index.php/Install/Ubuntu/Edgy/XGL05:36
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sethk|rt|, indeed, I didn't say you can't, or you shouldn't, only that it isn't mandatory.05:36
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jordan_paras: Are you using flash 9?05:36
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daviddixonlet me check05:36
maxflaxcan I modprobe modules with success without having the hardware for it?05:37
maxflaxcan I modprobe modules with success without having the hardware for it?05:37
maxflaxcan I modprobe modules with success without having the hardware for it?'05:37
sethkit's nice to have the option.  you can make a very compact server, and not give up the nice user interface05:37
sethkmaxflax, yes05:37
parasjordan_, i guess no05:37
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parasjordan_, do i need it?05:37
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|rt|is there a ubuntu tool for managing apache modules or are you supposed to just manually set the symlinks?05:37
crimsunmaxflax: depends on the module.05:37
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sethkmaxflax, all the probe does is make sure that module symbols are defined05:37
daviddixonjust java and flash05:37
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sethkmaxflax, it loads any other modules that might be necessary05:37
CientificoLocoHow can I write in firefox messenger openoffice ... in Japanese?05:37
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fluxinatorI recently installed edgy from live cd, and I wanted to know whether or not the root account is supposed to be enabled05:37
roach_TMX, thanks!05:37
sethkmaxflax, now, the module is pretty useless without the hardware, but modprobe doesn't care.05:37
jordan_paras: Flash 7 has inherent sound problems because it uses OSS instead of ALSA, flash 9 fixes the sound issues.05:37
nomasteryodadaviddixon, ok, well then they are not installed correctly05:37
TMXroach_: np :)05:37
jordan_!flash9 | paras05:38
ubotuparas: Flash player 9 beta has been released. You can download it here: http://seveas.imbrandon.com/dists/dapper-seveas/custom/ (replace dapper-seveas with edgy-seveas for edgy)  -  Official Adobe page at http://labs.adobe.com/downloads/flashplayer9.html05:38
zenmonkhow do u create a new shell and then how do you switch between shells?05:38
nomasteryodawhat about apt-get install mplayer?05:38
parasjordan_, ok.05:38
daviddixoni installed them through apt05:38
|rt|fluxinator: ubuntu doesn't really come with root enabled out of the box...administration is intended to be done using sudo05:38
nomasteryodastock firefox?05:38
parasubotu, thanks i will install it right away05:38
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about thanks i will install it right away - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi05:38
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daviddixonah its broke05:39
kokeywhere can I find info about to install edgy in text mode?05:39
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roach_grr - I just added "deb http://ubuntu.beryl-project.org/ edgy main-edgy main-edgy-amd64" as a source, per the guide.  I see beryl and emerald-themes, but not xserver-xgl...  :(05:39
CientificoLocoHow can I write in firefox messenger openoffice ... in Japanese?05:39
sethkkokey, not sure, but it is extremely easy.  it's all menu driven.  it's not command line, it uses terminal based display05:39
nomasteryodakokey, the alternate cd is used for that purpose05:39
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Healotkokey: the alternate-install CD? wait a sec edgy has alternate-install CD right?05:39
=== nullman [n=nullman@c-71-195-8-42.hsd1.mi.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
sethkkokey, all you do is run it and answer the questions.  just as easy as a graphical install.05:40
sethkHealot, right05:40
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sethkHealot, the alternate cd has text mode install, and oem install05:40
sethkHealot, for the most recent two versions.  before that, text mode and graphical were on one cd05:40
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kokeysethk, but with the graphical install my lap hangs05:40
fluxinator|rt|, I know but I am looking through the users and groups and I see root there05:40
zenmonkhow do you switch between multiple shells?05:40
sethkkokey, indeed, use the text mode install.  I'm just saying you don't need any docs05:40
kokeysi do I need to download other cd?05:41
sethkkokey, yes05:41
CientificoLocoHow can I write in firefox messenger openoffice ... in Japanese?05:41
nomasteryodakokey, what kind of laptop?05:41
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daviddixonnomasteryoda: yeah edgy. says mplayer depends on libdirectfb-9.22 but i have 9.24 installed05:41
tj__i need a nice giu that i can use for a bash script i am writing, any ideas aside from zenity and dialog?05:41
nomasteryodai had issues with a sony05:41
fluxinator|rt|,  there is root and fluxinator listed as accounts05:41
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kokeynomasteryoda, it's a Dell inspiron 115005:41
nomasteryodaoh, that should work fine with the alternate05:41
CientificoLocofor japan?05:41
sethkkokey, some dells I've had issues with on graphical install.  others not.  text mode install is no problem05:41
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ubotuPara Espaol por favor usen #ubuntu-es, #kubuntu-es o #edubuntu-es, all obtendrn mas ayuda.05:41
crimsunCientificoLoco: that would be #ubuntu-jp05:42
sethkCientificoLoco, es, for japan?  they speak spanish in japan now?  :)05:42
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ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about jp - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi05:42
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ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about ime - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi05:42
roach_doh - never mind!  I didn't have "universe" checked (new/clean Edgy install)05:42
jribWhere would be the right location for documentation about /etc/environment?  Specifcally, the use of $LANGUAGE05:42
CientificoLocosethk, do you talk spanish?05:43
CientificoLocoHow can I write in firefox messenger openoffice ... in Japanese?05:43
sethkCientificoLoco, I try, but my spanish needs a lot of work.05:43
HealotCientificoLoco: install the Japanese language support :005:43
ubotuThe X Window System is the part of your system that's responsible for graphical output. To restart your X, type this in a console: sudo /etc/init.d/?dm restart  -  To fix screen resolution or other X problems: http://help.ubuntu.com/community/FixVideoResolutionHowto05:43
CientificoLocoHealot, but I wanna work whit spanich tittle and jut wanna write japanes05:43
sethkCientificoLoco, I know what you meant, by the way, you meant the japanese equivalent of the -es for spanish, I just couldn't resist  teasing you about it.05:44
Healotenabled SCIM or SKIM afterwards, then the configure the keyboard and the IME... kinda like the one you do in Windows05:44
fluxinatorcrimsun, I recently installed edgy from live cd, and I wanted to know whether or not the root account is supposed to be enabled05:44
=== Pablo [n=Pablo@02.71.d1c4.cidr.airmail.net] has joined #ubuntu
ubotusudo is a command to run programs with superuser privileges ("root"). Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo for all information.05:44
sethkCientificoLoco, japanese support is available, but I know very little about the double byte and mixed single/double character sets05:44
linlinwhat would be the easiest way to download all files from an apache directory list like this http://newsreal.loveturtle.net/NewsReal/64kbps/05:44
crimsunfluxinator: it has not been so in my exp.05:44
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sethklinlin, wget05:44
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fluxinatorcrimsun, should I remove the root account05:44
linlinyes i know but i want to do it automatically05:45
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sethklinlin, script wget.05:45
sethklinlin, you'll find lots of examples of that05:45
crimsunfluxinator: I wouldn't, no.05:45
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fluxinatorcrimsun, is there a way to disable logging in as root05:45
sethklinlin, there are programs around to keep two web servers in sync, you could use one of those perhaps to accomplish your purpose05:46
CientificoLocosethk, ah!05:46
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sethkfluxinator, there is a way to set the password in such a way that you can't log in05:46
jpedrozahello. Can anyone here assist me in setting up a Formac 2010 LCD under Kubuntu-ppc?05:46
sethkfluxinator, ubuntu does that for one of the install modes, but not for oem install05:46
sethkjpedroza, does it "look" like a normal vga display?05:47
Hansin321I liked the thread on running an X-Server on a Windows box, running the clients off the "headless" Linux sever.  When starting a program from the "headless" box (say via PuTTY), how do you direct output to the X-Server running on the Windows box?  Thanks.05:47
=== Fireal [n=belinda@cpe-66-65-0-9.nyc.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu
jpedrozanot really05:47
sethkjpedroza, I mean does it use the usual monitor interface?05:47
jpedrozait is a flat panel05:47
CientificoLocoHow can I write in Japanes on firefox messenger openoffice ... ?05:47
sethkjpedroza, yes, I know05:47
jpedrozaIt is a digital flat panel on a DVI05:47
sagar_whenever i click a ".desktop" file, gnome gives me errors and says it cant open it..the same goes for image files, even after i add a file type association...is this a gnome-vfs problem or something??05:47
fluxinatorsethk, I installed from live cd, and I see that root is enabled, and has its own unique password05:47
teenprogrammerdoes ubuntu have an editable motd?05:47
sethkjpedroza, ok, so it's a DVI interface05:47
parasubotu, it says .. instalation failed05:47
Firealdoes anyone have a link or mind describing how to have Caps Lock on when you log in?05:47
daviddixonI'm confused about what to do here? i have libdirectfb-9.24 installed yet mplayer wont properly install without 9.22 which doesnt exist?05:47
sethkjpedroza, you set it up like any other monitor05:47
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about it says .. instalation failed - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi05:47
sethkteenprogrammer, it does, but I forget where.  someone will know.05:48
jpedrozaI have been trying, but the screen is quite red and the images are posterized05:48
nomasteryodadaviddixon, do you have all the sources added for your version?05:48
parasubotu, 8559d7f4432d6a80458fdcd14e8fe2d6  /tmp/flashplugin-nonfree.qkuXNr/flash-player-plugin-
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about 8559d7f4432d6a80458fdcd14e8fe2d6  /tmp/flashplugin-nonfree.qkuXNr/flash-player-plugin- - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi05:48
nomasteryodalike universe, etc.05:48
parasubotu, after that line05:48
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about after that line - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi05:48
jordan_paras: ubotu is a bot.05:48
parasubotu, ok05:48
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about ok - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi05:48
teenprogrammerubot motd05:48
daviddixonhave every possible source added05:48
fluxinatorsethk is there a reason why this is so?05:48
jpedrozasethk: I have tried quite a lot of settings, but they all are really odd looking05:49
nomasteryodadaviddixon, well then my solution... is the evil automatix05:49
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about motd - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi05:49
daviddixoncan i apt get it?05:49
sethkfluxinator, the idea that ubuntu doesn't have a root account is utter and complete nonsense.05:49
teenprogrammerubot, what is the motd05:49
nomasteryodadaviddixon, wait05:49
sethkfluxinator, the amazing thing is that people keep repeating it, as if it were true05:49
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nomasteryodawhy not use the mozilla-mplayer?05:49
teenprogrammerwhere is the motd ubot05:49
nomasteryodait works05:49
nomasteryodafor firefox too05:49
bimberiteenprogrammer: /etc/motd05:49
sethkfluxinator, the root account on ubuntu is exactly like the root account on every other linux and *nix system.05:49
daviddixonyeah have that installed too05:49
Fireal does anyone have a link or mind describing how to have Caps Lock on when you log in?05:49
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nomasteryodaah, then maybe conflicting with the other one... look into the plugins folder under that /lib subfolder05:50
fluxinatorsethk why does root on my computer have its own password that I have not specified... thats the real point of asking05:50
protocol1I installed automatix2 and it had everthing i needed for multimedia, java etc05:50
nomasteryodaleme look05:50
jordan_fluxinator: To enable a root password run: sudo passwd root05:50
jpedrozajordan_: I was just going to type that...05:50
sethkfluxinator, there is an option for setting a password to a value that doesn't match any password you can enter05:50
=== tich [n=bradley@bas3-montreal02-1096691497.dsl.bell.ca] has joined #ubuntu
sethkfluxinator, it's a method for disabling login05:50
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sethkfluxinator, for the default install, it is used.  for other installs, such as the oem install, you are prompted for the root password05:51
sethkfluxinator, you can change the root password to a reall one if you like.05:51
fluxinatorsethk in other words, root login has been disabled05:51
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alexanderhey everyone05:52
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jordan_fluxinator: In general, the people who care about having a root password know how to enable it.05:52
sethkfluxinator, right.  the account is normal, but the password has been set with passwd -l05:52
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kokeythanks to all05:52
fnfHi, I'm playing a bit with vmware-player, do you recommend using qemu or vmware server as a host environment for this ?.05:52
fluxinatorjordan_, I was just asking to be on the safe side05:52
fluxinatorthanks sethk05:53
nomasteryodadaviddixon, i'm using this list ... or here's what I have in mine... the plugin folder... http://pastebin.com/81950605:53
nomasteryodatotem is there and the plugin05:53
alexanderhey guys, I got a question about ubuntu, is there a way to work with 2 LAN at the same time05:53
jpedrozasethk: Now I have a huge screen and have to scroll around by moving the mouse outside the boundaries...05:54
nomasteryodaalexander, as in bridging them?05:54
nomasteryodafor a router?05:54
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jpedrozaCould this be more of a video card driver than a monitor issue?05:55
CientificoLocoHow can I write in Japanes on firefox messenger openoffice ... ?05:55
fnfalexander: You need to have two separate network cards for this.05:55
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alexanderyep, i got those05:55
daviddixoni ahve all the mplayer plugins but i think my mplayer is broken05:55
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nomasteryodaapt-get remove mplayer05:56
nomasteryodaetc... then reinstall it05:56
alexanderhow do you address a message to a specific person in this chat? (i am new :( )05:56
nomasteryodaer, that "etc" means ...05:56
dougskoanyone know how to get ncurses stuff to display correctly in a screen? ive tried setting the $TERM to rxvt, but no joy05:56
powercathow do I get higher resolution than 1024x768?05:56
bimberiCientificoLoco: someone asked that previously and was pointed towards "scim"05:56
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fnfalexander: Or setting up a VPN, but this seems to be slightly out of question. Can you play a bit with /etc/network/interfaces ?05:56
crimsundougsko: use TERM=vt102 instead.05:56
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parasubotu, jordan_ flash 9 working by doing manual installation :)05:56
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about jordan_ flash 9 working by doing manual installation :) - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi05:56
nomasteryodapowercat, depends on the video card and monitor05:56
dougskocrimsun: cool, ill give it a go05:56
parasubotu, jordan_ i have sound now05:56
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about jordan_ i have sound now - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi05:56
nomasteryodapowercat, and drivers for the video card05:57
powercatnomasteryoda: nvidia 6800 gt, viewsonic vp17105:57
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jribWhere would be the right location for documentation about /etc/environment?  Specifcally, the use of $LANGUAGE05:57
jpedrozais there a specific chanel for ppc-kubuntu?05:57
KakarottoCLplease i need help!05:57
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Madpilotjpedroza, there's #kubuntu05:57
bimberialexander: type "bim" (without the "s) and hit the tab key05:57
nomasteryoda!tell powercat about nvidia05:57
jrib!ask | KakarottoCL05:57
ubotuKakarottoCL: Don't ask to ask a question. Just ask your question :)05:57
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ubotuTo install the Ati/NVidia drivers for your video card, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto05:57
dougskocrimsun: lol, that just seems to freeze things up05:57
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bimberi!tab | alexander05:57
ubotualexander: You can use <tab> for autocompletion of nicknames in IRC, as well as for completion of filenames and programs on the command line.05:57
crimsundougsko: make sure you're not in scroll lock.05:58
nomasteryodatab completion rocks05:58
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nomasteryodawelcome orville05:58
alexanderbimberi, yay! finnaly... lol....05:58
dougskocrimsun: no, im good there. maybe vt100?05:58
KakarottoCLthanks.. well i'm currently using ubuntu 6.06 TLS, but when trying to upgrade to 6.10 (with the ISO burned cd) I get an empty screen after the booter load..05:58
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orvillecan someone here tell me where I put modules I want loaded at startup in ubuntu?05:58
baxter_kylieCan anyone tell me if it's possible to fake-eject a cd or dvd rom?05:58
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bimberialexander: :)05:59
jribbaxter_kylie: what does that mean?05:59
orvillehi nomasteryoda.05:59
jordan_baxter_kylie: Like unmount it but not eject it?05:59
Magillayay! Dapper -> Edgy upgrade 95% successful05:59
baxter_kyliejrib: I want to auto-run some drive speed utilities but they won't run so long as a disc is in a drive. I want to eject the discs without physically ejecting them.05:59
alexanderfnf, but is it possible in theory or no? like the usage of 2 LANs at the same time?05:59
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amaxhello all. People, help me please, I unable to find gconf-sharp package, where I can find it? pleaseeee.06:00
baxter_kyliejordan_: unmount doesn't work.06:00
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baxter_kyliejordan_: they're already unmounted.06:00
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teenprogrammerwhats a good email server application to install on my ubuntu server?06:00
dougskocrimsun: outside of screen, im using rxvt. so im kinda baffled as to why that wouldnt work in screen too06:00
bimberiteenprogrammer: dovecot06:00
zenmonkI have a question, if I type sh in bash, it creates a new sh process, how can I switch between which sh process I am typing in?06:01
jordan_baxter_kylie: But is that the effect you want, for them to be unmounted but still in the tray.06:01
KakarottoCLI need help please.. i'm trying to install ubuntu 6.10 but when the X is supposed to start, it hangs up.. i get a blank screen even in the Safe Graphics mode!06:01
nomasteryodaorville, type man modules06:01
AlienXwhich library do i need to play m4a or aac files in ubuntu?06:01
dougskocrimsun: oh well, its late, i appreciate the input though06:01
AlienXi'm using edgy06:01
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nomasteryodaKakarottoCL, is it a desktop or laptop?06:01
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KakarottoCLnomasteryoda: it is a desktop06:01
KakarottoCLnomasteryoda: indeed i'm using version 6.06 already without problems..06:01
nomasteryodaok, does the video card have a cooling fan?06:01
amaxwhy so hard to find anything for ubuntu? the simple package gconf-sharp is present even under gentoo. but not ubuntu. shame!06:02
KakarottoCLnomasteryoda: it's not a problem with the video card, it's a radeon 955006:02
nomasteryodawell, then there goes that theory06:02
powercatnomasteryoda: after following the instructions at the site about nvidia drivers, I still can only go up to 1024x768.06:02
alexandernomasteryoda, hey, you know if there is a way to work of off 2 LAN at the same time?06:02
nomasteryodapowercat, did you do the dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg?06:02
baxter_kyliejordan_: yes, I'd like to have enough access to run speedcontrol and hdparm -x without the disc leaving the tray. It only has to run at boot.06:02
bimberiamax: it's called gconf-sharp2 - use synaptic or 'apt-cache search string' or http://packages.ubuntu.com to find packages06:03
nomasteryodaalexander, i'm looking... i've seen that before... its called teaming in the windows world..06:03
amaxbimberi: not found. did you have it ?06:04
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powercatnomasteryoda: I'll try that. thanks06:04
bimberiamax: do you have unverse enabled?06:04
bimberiamax: *universe06:04
bimberi!info gconf-sharp206:04
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ubotuPackage gconf-sharp2 does not exist in any distro I know06:04
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jordan_baxter_kylie: I don't know what to say, sudo umount /media/cdrom0 works for me06:05
amax!info gconf-sharp06:05
ubotuPackage gconf-sharp does not exist in any distro I know06:05
bruenig!info gconf206:05
nomasteryodabaxter_kylie, you can put it into run-level 3 if you want... or 506:05
ubotugconf2: GNOME configuration database system (support tools). In component main, is optional. Version 2.16.0-0ubuntu1 (edgy), package size 127 kB, installed size 276 kB06:05
alexandernomasteryoda, ive actually never seen that expression. what is it called in the world of Linux?06:05
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bruenigis that what it is? gconf2?06:05
crimsun!info libgconf2.0-cil06:05
ubotulibgconf2.0-cil: CLI binding for GConf 2.16. In component main, is optional. Version 2.16.0-0ubuntu2 (edgy), package size 125 kB, installed size 292 kB06:05
KakarottoCLI would appreciate somebody to help me with 6.10 installation06:05
bimberiamax: argh, my apologies, it's gnome-sharp2 (D'Oh!)06:05
nomasteryodaalexander, googling...06:05
bimberi!info gnome-sharp206:05
ubotugnome-sharp2: Gnome# 2.10 suite, CLI bindings for Gnome. In component universe, is optional. Version 2.16.0-0ubuntu2 (edgy), package size 114 kB, installed size 148 kB06:05
amaxwait.. checking06:05
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nomasteryodaKakarottoCL, we're here and trying06:05
amaxwhy the stupid name..06:05
alexandernomasteryoda, ty ty06:05
jordan_KakarottoCL: Are you at a terminal prompt righ now?06:06
amaxgnome-sharp == gconf-sharp ? hm06:06
KakarottoCLjordan_: nope, its the same computer that i'm chatting on06:06
crimsunamax: no.06:06
KakarottoCLjordan_: i would have to restart in order to try anything with the CD06:06
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Hansin321teenprogrammer: I just downloaded Xming and installed.  Looks very cool.  It is based off of the 6.9 code branch of the Xorg server and appears to be actively developed and updated .  It doesn't appear to take too many resources either.06:07
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bimberiamax: there's also gtk-sharp and gtk-sharp2, but no gconf.  Looks like it isn't there.06:07
jordan_KakarottoCL: You could try the alternate installer.06:07
KakarottoCLhow do I load it?06:07
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=== jpedroza is going to see about this in the morning. g'night all
amaxbimberi: I think ew need to create new one..06:07
teenprogrammerHasin321 does it go on my server?06:07
amaxto many softfware for mono uses this binding.06:08
Hansin321teenprogrammer: I meant to also add (before I mistakingly kit my return key): http://www.straightrunning.com/XmingNotes/06:08
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jordan_KakarottoCL: You need to download a different CD.06:08
orvillenomasteryoda: thanks. looks like i was putting it in the right place after all.06:08
jrattnerQuestion:  When I start up my computer I get the follow error: bcm43xx_microcode5.fw  I think its my wireless card?06:08
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Healotteenprogrammer: book title?06:08
amaxhm.. who is committer for mono packages ?06:08
Hansin321teenprogrammer: http://sourceforge.net/projects/xming06:08
jrattneri mean, [17180843.288000]  bcm43xx: Error: Microcode "bcm43xx_microcode5.fw" not available or load failed.06:08
Healotamax: people from Novell?06:08
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JDStone1is google.com working for anyone?06:09
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KakarottoCLjordan_: damn.. i wouldn't like to do that.. i lost two cd's and a dvd because i though they were missburned, but i then runned the CD check option from the menu and it said its fine..06:09
amaxHealot: committer to ubuntu repos06:09
teenprogrammergoogle works06:09
Healotamax: read the package description then06:10
jordan_KakarottoCL: Did you get an error or a blank screen?06:10
JDStone1my piece of shit internet06:10
KakarottoCLjordan_: just a blank screen06:10
KakarottoCLjordan_: i wasn't even able to do alt+ctrl+f1 or so06:10
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amaxso we have missed gconf-sharp2.. pity06:10
Hansin321teenprogrammer: This is the download site (see the other one also).  You want to download the Xming installer and install like any other Windows program on your Windows box.  As far as how you would run programs off of youLinux box on have them display on the Windows X-Server, well I'm not too good at that yet.  But dig around and see what you can learn.  I can tell you that Xming looks good...06:11
Hansin321...-- I have run the X-Server off of Cygwin and this is cool that it is stand-alone.  Cygwin is cool also for other reasons...06:11
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daviddixonso why does mplayer require lindirectfb-9.22 and all i can install is 9.24????06:11
josephoenixSo... I read on the forums that vlc in edgy has vc1/wmv9 support linked in, but my wmv9 avis don't play :\06:11
teenprogrammerI will install XMin06:12
bimberiamax: Ubuntu's mono packages have "Ubuntu Core Developers <ubuntu-devel@lists.ubuntu.com>" as the maintainer06:12
DeltaFanyone know how to start evms gui?06:12
jordan_KakarottoCL: How intent are you in not burning another CD?06:12
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KakarottoCLjordan_: How safe is the alternative installer? is it graphicless?06:12
nomasteryodaKakarottoCL, works very well06:13
jordan_KakarottoCL: It is perfectly safe, it is also text based, so yes.06:13
nomasteryodaand is just the same, but text-based06:13
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teenprogrammerhave to boot into windows06:14
KakarottoCLain't any way to use it with the original cd ?06:14
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urmomhey guys i was thinking of trying ubuntu, i currently have fedora core 6 and i want to dual boot, If i install ubuntu on my empty partition will grub work with both of them out of the box?06:14
sethkKakarottoCL, it's a curses type interface, if you're familiar with that06:14
sethkKakarottoCL, it's completely safe06:14
sethkKakarottoCL, with the current release of ubuntu, and also the immediately preceding release, the text mode install is on the alternate cd06:14
nomasteryodaand does not boot into live cd mode...that makes the installer less intensive for older computers06:14
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KakarottoCLbtw, it seem to be a common bug with Radeon cards..06:15
sethkKakarottoCL, earlier versions had text and graphical install on the same cd06:15
jordan_KakarottoCL: It is hard to tell what problem you are having, there are a few things you could try but it's sort of a stab in the dark.06:15
nomasteryodabut if you have it online in 6.01, then you can do a dist-upgrae06:15
sethknomasteryoda, yes, not to mention those machine where the graphical installer simply won't work.06:15
splintaxfavourite thing about ubuntu so far: the "adjust volume" dialog comes up straight away when you click it in the systray. heh.06:15
nomasteryodabut if you have it online in 6.01, then you can do a dist-upgrade06:15
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nomasteryodalike sony 505 series06:15
KakarottoCLdid you both saw the link ?06:16
urmomso uhh thanks for not helping me guys.,.06:16
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sethksplintax, that's configurable.  (well, not in windows, but in all the varieties of linux and unix)06:16
sethkurmom, I just got here, what's your question?06:16
KakarottoCLit seems that other people have had the same problem than me.. look the link i posted before06:16
nomasteryodaKakarottoCL, hang on06:16
splintaxsethk: in windows there's some bullshit 5 second delay before the thing 'loads'06:16
splintaxsethk: it's buggy as hell, and has been since 29506:17
jordan_KakarottoCL: Did any of them try disabling boot splash?06:17
sethksplintax, yes, true.06:17
urmomsethk, it doesn't matter anymore, a fedora guy helped me out06:17
sethkurmom, ok06:17
baxter_kyliejordan_ & nomasteryoda: No dice. The disc is simply not mounted.06:17
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baxter_kyliejordan_ & nomasteryoda: If the os believes there is a physical disc within the drive it seems to error.06:18
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KakarottoCLjordan_: i'm still reading.. no solution yet06:19
tarelerul1I just got my screen configed the way it should be06:19
jordan_KakarottoCL: It seems sombody tried my solution and it worked.06:20
nomasteryodaKakarottoCL, do you have the 6.01 installed on it?06:20
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jordan_KakarottoCL: The new high resolution boot splash in edgy doesn't do whell on newer machines and screw up the tty's06:20
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TMXor on mac06:21
TMXcompletely crashes the boot process06:21
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TMXarg stupid  key06:21
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factotumyeah, im pretty happy sticking with 6.06 for a while06:21
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factotumhad to many little problems that just got annoying06:21
jordan_TMX: I am on a macbook pro and it only screws up my tty's06:22
nomasteryodausing it here.. but edgy on my laptops06:22
factotumwith Edgy anyways06:22
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TMXjordan_: macbook non-pro here :)06:22
TMXon the crappy i810 intel graphics06:22
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nomasteryodaTMX, my intel chipset works fine... on a dell06:23
nomasteryodaeven beryl works perfect06:23
KakarottoCLif it is a resolution problem, isn't it fixable?06:23
jordan_KakarottoCL: What you need to do is when the first menu shows up choose custom ( or whatever it is called ) and delete the word "splash" you should be able to get to a console, from there I have more instructions that might help get X up and running.06:23
TMXberyl works fine06:23
bonihow do make a boot cd frm an iso image can anyone help me with it??06:24
TMXKakarottoCL, haven got a clue what the problem is, couldn even hazard a guess06:24
teenprogrammerhwo do i setup xming?06:24
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KakarottoCLjordan_: are those instructions relative to change the driver to "vesa"?06:24
factotumthe one problem i STILL have is wolfenstien ET, starts up in a window and really really laggy/choppy06:24
nomasteryodaKakarottoCL, yes that should work... remove quiet and splash06:24
jordan_KakarottoCL: No, completely seperate.06:24
sethkboni, is you are in windows, you have to use a program that knows how to write an iso image to a cd.  Nero can do this.  There are free programs available that can do this.06:24
KakarottoCLi'm guessing the problem is about a 1400x1050 resolution, isn't it?06:24
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sethkboni, windows itself, I'm told, cannot do it, at least "out of the box."06:25
nomasteryodamy laptop has that and is fine06:25
jordan_KakarottoCL: Actually it is about newer BIOS's.06:25
nomasteryodai think it's the video card setup... in the bios06:25
KakarottoCLhow could i try to fix it by the nice way?06:25
sethkKakarottoCL, there is no problem using 1400x1050 with ubuntu, if (of course) the graphics adapter and monitor support it.06:25
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jordan_KakarottoCL: What do you mean "nice way" ?06:25
nomasteryodayou should press F606:25
TMXI sure itl be fixed by06:26
nomasteryodaon the installer06:26
KakarottoCLI mean without altering the Xorg config06:26
jribWhere would be the right location for documentation about /etc/environment?  Specifcally, the use of $LANGUAGE06:26
TMXi'm sure it'll be fixed by 7.4 anyway :D06:26
nomasteryodaKakarottoCL, when it is installed it will work...06:26
nomasteryodajust edit /boot/grub/menu.lst and remove "splash"06:26
bonisethk: No I dont use windows I use Dapper I know its using cdrecord but I am not sure can you give me a link or help me out how to use cdrecord??06:26
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jordan_KakarottoCL: The instructions I will give will install the fglrx drivers from the command line, but there is no manual xorg editing required.06:27
KakarottoCLbut what i'm supposed to do after the X hangs again? (having the loader without the quiet and splash lines)?06:27
kuzmasterhey all06:27
sethkboni, with an iso file, on my box, I just use     cdrecord -vv iso-file-name06:27
sethkboni, the -vv just makes it talk more as it burns06:27
KakarottoCLjordan_: ok, i won't interrupt you, go ahead06:27
nomasteryodawithout the splash, it won't hang...06:27
jordan_nomasteryoda: But X will still fail.06:27
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sethkboni, On my ubuntu boxes the sym link to the cd writer is set up automatically during install, so that cdrecord "just works"06:27
sethkboni, if your cd writer was installed when you installed ubuntu, that should be true for you as well.06:28
nomasteryodaguys, that is an old laptop06:28
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sethkboni, try it.  The worst thing that can happen is that it won't work.06:28
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bonisethk: Thanx but dont you need to give the device id by finding it from scanbus??06:29
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sethkboni, no06:29
asparaguihow long till fiesty knot 1?06:29
nomasteryodai have a latitude from 2005 and its fine...06:29
sethkboni, because the default is to use the symlink to the cd writer06:29
KakarottoCLjordan_: so?06:29
sethkboni, you can override the default, of course, but there usually is no need to.06:29
Flannelasparagui: Feisty Herd 1 is set for Nov 30ish - https://wiki.ubuntu.com/FeistyReleaseSchedule06:29
teenprogrammeri am not getting Xming to work06:30
bonisethk: Ok I will try it out I guess my default will work as well06:30
jordan_KakarottoCL: I am going to pastebin the instructions when I am done, unless you want to here it step by step as I go, which is fine too.06:30
nomasteryodais that not your laptop?06:30
sethkboni, give it a try.  older versions of cdrecord weren't quite so smart, but recent versions usually work this way.06:30
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KakarottoCLjordan_: yeah I would like the step by step06:30
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KakarottoCLjordan_: i'll go taking note along the way06:30
kuzmasterwhat is the terminal comma for opening a text file06:30
sethkboni, and of course you can always use scanbus to figure out the device.  but you have to use an option with scanbus to tell it you want the IDE mode, not the scsi emulation mode, and the syntax is a bit odd.06:31
kuzmastersuch as opening my sources.list files06:31
nomasteryodakuzmaster, nano filename06:31
nomasteryodakuzmaster, or vi filename06:31
sethkkuzmaster, more, less, vi, nano, emacs, lots of options06:31
nomasteryodasudo if you want to save it...06:31
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jordan_KakarottoCL: First run: sudo software-properties -e restriced06:31
nomasteryodasudo nano filename... nano is easier to understand kuzmaster06:32
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jordan_KakarottoCL: Sorry, my DNS resolutions are taking 10 + seconds so googleing for specifics like package names is taking a while.06:33
teenprogrammerhow do i setup ftp on an ubuntu server?06:33
KakarottoCLjordan_: ok, don't worry.. I would thank anything you do for me, no matter how long it takes06:34
asparaguiflannel: k, thx.06:34
KakarottoCLnomasteryoda: do you know how do this guy uses these windows-like fonts in this screenshot?? http://img74.imageshack.us/my.php?image=pantallazo7fe.png06:34
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jordan_KakarottoCL: Then: sudo apt-get update then: sudo apt-get install linux-restricted-modules-generic xorg-driver-fglrx06:35
KakarottoCLjordan_: i do that in the console after X crash?06:36
jordan_KakarottoCL: Then: sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg -phigh ( choose fglrx when asked what driver to use )06:36
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nomasteryodaKakarottoCL,  sudo apt-get install msttcorefonts06:36
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jordan_KakarottoCL: Yes.06:37
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kuzmastersudo fixes all06:37
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teenprogrammerso is setting up ftp on ubuntu easy?06:37
kissfirehellow !06:37
ubotuFTP clients: gftp, konqueror, kbear, nautilus. FTP servers: ftpd, proftpd, pure-ftpd, twoftpd, vsftpd06:38
nomasteryodakissfire, howdy06:38
teenprogrammerftp host06:38
nomasteryodawow, 899KB/sec dl06:38
jordan_Then: "sudo gdm" and everything should work, should being the imparative word ;)06:38
sethkteenprogrammer, they are all ftp hosts06:38
nomasteryodaman, smokin06:38
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kuzmasteranyway, does ubuntu have a wifi utility like kubutu does?06:38
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nomasteryodagnome-network-manager... install that kuzmaster06:38
jordan_kuzmaster: Yes, network-manager-gnome06:38
nomasteryodayea, that06:38
shrndegruvhey im thinking of trying ubuntu -- been using gentoo for a while06:38
KakarottoCLjordan_: i'm taking note :D06:39
shrndegruvwas wondering what people recommended for fs type and starting partitions06:39
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sethkteenprogrammer, the reason there are so many is that the FTP protocol itself is a disaster, from a security perspective, and there are many attempts to ammeliorate this, with varying degrees of success.06:39
nomasteryodaext3 is my preference06:39
charle97i like rieserfs06:39
sethkteenprogrammer, sftp, secure ftp, is better.  However, it is frequently necessary to support ftp for file downloading06:39
shrndegruvalso dapper or 6.1006:39
jordan_KakarottoCL: Now the other thing is that you will need to be connected to the internet so be hard wired just to make things easier.06:39
nomasteryodai used to do /boot "/" and "/home"... and swap06:40
nomasteryodanow i just do root, home and swap06:40
bimberiext3, with "/" and swap06:40
shrndegruvthats what i usually do nomasteryoda06:40
shrndegruvshould i add any others?06:40
nomasteryodaif you want06:40
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jordan_KakarottoCL: Now try it and I hope the next time you come back it will be from the LiveCD :)06:40
sethkthere is really not significant advantage to having more than one partition.06:40
shrndegruvwell is there a practical reason to?06:40
spiderwormanyone know if there's something i can put into a /usr/share/xsessions/ file to disable DPMS for that session type?06:40
nomasteryodabut not necessary depends on your drive space...06:40
shrndegruvgentoo recommends a partition for the portage system06:40
shrndegruvfor example06:40
sethkshrndegruv, no. hasn't been for quite a few years06:40
nomasteryodasay for apache06:40
shrndegruvis there an equivalent on ubuntu06:41
sethkshrndegruv, that's gentoo nonsense06:41
bimberi6.10 has been good for me06:41
nomasteryodaput the var on separate06:41
sethkshrndegruv, is there a package manager?  yes, dpkg06:41
sethkshrndegruv, but there is no reason to devote a partition to that, or to portage or anything of that sort06:41
shrndegruvis there an ubuntu specific reason to have other than /boot / and /home06:41
shrndegruvand /swap06:41
sethkshrndegruv, there is no reason to have separate /boot and /home06:41
charle97shrndevgruv, conventional linux setup06:41
nomasteryodashrndegruv, if you've done gentoo, this will be a breeze06:42
sethkshrndegruv, /swap is a different animal, although many machines these days have so much memory that the swap is never really used.06:42
shrndegruvhow much swap for a gig of ram?06:42
KakarottoCLjordan_: thousands of thanks for you, dude.. I hope so too.. I will reconnect in a few minutes to tell you the results, hope you're still online then06:42
bimberishrndegruv: nope, "/" and swap is just what the installer does and has been good for me06:42
nomasteryodaswap is used for resume from hibernate06:42
charle97shrndevgruv, 1 gig swap06:42
sethkshrndegruv, the idea that the amount of ram indicates some amount of swap is about 25 years old and 15 years out of date06:42
shrndegruvwell i want to keep /home separate in case reinstlal needed06:42
sethkshrndegruv, you probably need no swap at all.06:42
nomasteryodagood idea06:42
shrndegruvyes this is a laptop06:42
bimberishrndegruv: and that's fine06:42
jordan_KakarottoCL: I will be, then we will need to make sure it will work on the install too :)06:42
charle97shrndevgrux, you probably can get away with 500MB06:42
shrndegruvso will need to resume from hibernate06:42
sethkshrndegruv, having /home separate does not make reinstalling easier, or more difficult.  the /home partition can always be renamed06:42
KakarottoCLyeah :D06:43
nomasteryodashrndegruv, having a swap for the hibernate function is good though06:43
gyaresucharle97, stop making up numbers about RAM.06:43
sethkshrndegruv, and having a separate /home reduces flexibility.  but I suppose it won't really hurt too much.06:43
shrndegruvyeah but so i dont lose all my data files sethk06:43
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KakarottoCLwell, getting offline for now.. i will try all this ^^06:43
shrndegruvmusic vids etc06:43
nomasteryodashrndegruv, note, the Ubuntu edgy now uses UUID instead of conventional /dev/hdx06:43
sethkshrndegruv, you wouldn't lose all your data files.  that's the whole point.06:43
nomasteryodain the fstab06:43
charle97gyaresu, i'm basing my numbers off my experience06:43
sethkshrndegruv, you don't need a separate /home partition to not lose your data files.06:43
shrndegruvuisually on install they reformat the partitions06:43
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sethkshrndegruv, not unless you tell them to06:43
gyaresucharle97, with 2GB of ram eh? You needed swap did you ?06:44
nomasteryodaya, ubuntu is safer06:44
charle97gyaresu, no06:44
sethkshrndegruv, I rename all my directories, do an install, then I have my entire old system and my entire new system.06:44
shrndegruvi see seth06:44
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sethkshrndegruv, carying over an older /home, or a /home from a different distro, almost always causes nasty problems.06:44
shrndegruvcool -- so for resume from hibernate i need at least as much swap as ram?06:44
sethkcharle97, I would be willing to bet a lot that your swap has never been used.06:44
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sethkshrndegruv, no, hibernate doesn't use swap06:45
charle97sethk, in ubuntu it has06:45
gyaresusethk, shrndegruv I just kept my home partition from (2yrs install) of gentoo. hosed the rest and installed ubuntu. nothing bad happened.06:45
charle97sethk, in slackware no06:45
sethkshrndegruv, hibernate can't use swap; if it did, you wouldn't be able to swap.06:45
sethkshrndegruv, swap is only needed to extend memory.06:45
shrndegruvok so ill do 500mb swap06:45
shrndegruvi only have 20 gigs06:45
shrndegruvso i want to minimize stuff like that06:45
nomasteryodaer, on mine my resume partition is my swap..06:45
sethkshrndegruv, remember, you can add swap space in the normal file system, should you ever actually need swap06:46
nomasteryodathat is what last ubuntu used06:46
shrndegruvfrom what i understand ubuntu brings in compile binaries right??06:46
sethkshrndegruv, it's much slower that way, but since it probably won't be used, the speed doesn't matter much.06:46
sethkshrndegruv, correct06:46
teenprogrammeri just installed vsftpd06:46
sethkshrndegruv, you can install source if you like, but that's not the usual thing to do.06:46
sethkteenprogrammer, ok, that's a good choice.06:46
shrndegruvfor things like mozilla id prefer bins06:46
shrndegruvupdating a gentoo system is a pain ;)06:46
sethkshrndegruv, and you don't have to compile for three days.  :)06:46
shrndegruvplus i like to try new things06:47
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shrndegruvif i got xgl going on gentoo should be able to handle it on gentoo06:47
shrndegruvi mean ubuntu06:47
sethkshrndegruv, sure.06:47
teenprogrammerhow do i configure vsftpd?06:47
gyaresuteenprogrammer, man vsftpd06:47
sethkshrndegruv, I have four different distros installed on various machines.  The only one I obliterated is gentoo.  :)06:47
jordan_shrndegruv: I tried to get XGL working in gentoo, that was a nightmare.06:47
shrndegruvberyl wont work with ati, correct?06:47
gyaresuteenprogrammer, specific questions are better than generic ones.06:47
jordan_shrndegruv: Yes, it will work.06:48
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teenprogrammersorry :/06:48
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shrndegruvi like gentoo seth ;)06:48
shrndegruvjust want to try new things06:48
shrndegruvand want easier updating on my laptop06:48
sethkshrndegruv, I know, a lot of people do.  Go figure.  :)06:48
sethkshrndegruv, I've found ubuntu to be excellent on laptops, has good wireless support06:48
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shrndegruvits great if you want a highly configurable system06:48
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nomasteryodaand deb repos are super06:48
sethkshrndegruv, every linux system is precisely as configurable as any other.06:48
shrndegruvnot if you want a highly usable and up to date system06:48
brittif i have a non-ht p4, which kernel do i use?06:49
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sethkbritt, i486, I think06:49
shrndegruvbut if i am going to configure a ton of use flags in ubuntu, i have to get the source and go thru the config06:49
morphishbritt: generic, everyone uses generic, unless you build your own06:49
sethkbritt, maybe 686, I have to check.06:49
sethkmorphir, there's a 686 kernel in the repos.06:49
morphishshrndegruv: "use flags" is a very gentoo centric way of thinking06:49
sethkmorphir, some people use it.  I have found the performance difference is about zero, though06:50
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morphishshrndegruv: try www.sourcemage.org not gentoo and still sourcebased, and no they have no use flags either06:50
morphishmorphir: he means me06:50
spiderwormanyone know if there's something i can put into a /usr/share/xsessions/ file to disable DPMS for that session type?06:50
sethkshrndegruv, I do build from source in certain cases, when I need to.  I don't need the package manager to do it, though.06:50
morphirI understand that :D06:51
brittyeah the 686 kernel06:51
brittthere are 2 of them06:51
sethkmorphir, sorry if I tab completed you by mistake.  :)06:51
shrndegruvso 6.10 or 6.0.606:51
morphishi think this is a cue and i should go build me a kernel here now06:51
jordan_shrndegruv: 6.1006:51
shrndegruvim weary of the upstart stuff06:51
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sethkmorphish, I build kernels all the time.  but that's because I port linux to embedded hardware for a living.  :)06:51
LGKeiz-Windows6.10 -> 6.06 personall06:51
shrndegruvis it much different from init?06:51
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sethkshrndegruv, init isn't gentoo specific.06:51
jordan_shrndegruv: It is backwards compatable.06:52
LGKeiz-WindowsEdgy is freaking quick and I love the new login screen and things like that06:52
shrndegruvi know06:52
shrndegruvbut 6.06 uses init right?06:52
morphishshrndegruv: 6.10 if your test new / is on a logical partition scrape the Desktop CD download and start a alternative cd download (textinstaller)06:52
shrndegruv6.10 upstart06:52
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shrndegruvi didnt understand that morphish06:52
Akuma_what's a 'dependency package' ?06:52
morphishsethk: then how come you are not in #gentoo-embedded? ;)06:52
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sethkmorphish, because I know what I'm doing, I don't need gentoo.06:53
jordan_shrndegruv: And if you have an intel or Nvidia graphics card setting up beryl + AIGLX is serioulsy a few mintues of simple setup.06:53
sethkmorphish, if you do want an embedded distro, look at snapgear06:53
shrndegruvgentoo seems like a distro to use only if you know what you are doing06:53
gyaresuAkuma_, You're missing a requirement for the  package you are attempting to install.06:53
KakarottoCLit didn't work :(06:53
jordan_KakarottoCL: Did you get to a terminal prompt at least?06:53
shrndegruvati jordan :(06:53
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morphishshrndegruv: if your / is not a primary partition the installer will not work, is all i meant06:54
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KakarottoCLjordan_: it didn't work for me.. the system hangs up with and without the "quiet splash" line06:54
shrndegruvoh fudge i dont know06:54
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shrndegruvthat could be an issue06:54
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morphishsethk: i find gentoo to be a nice distro to build a rootfs with (then again i don't do it for a living) but i have not found any other distro to be so easy for building a rootfs (from a cross compile point of view) as gentoo06:55
Akuma_gyaresu: acutally, i'm not getting it as an error, i'm just wondering what it means, it sometimes says 'this package is a dependency package' in the description section .. i'm just curious. and google didnt satisfy my curiosity.06:55
sethkmorphish, have you looked at snapgear?06:55
teenprogrammertrying to be a bit mroe specific ... xD ... Shouldnt the apache2 folder be /usr/local/www/data ?06:55
nomasteryodaKakarottoCL, i tried to ask... DO you have the Ubuntu 6.01 disk?.... can't you try to upgrade from that install?06:55
morphishsethk: nope, as a matter of fact, you are the first to mention it06:55
dopei can't seem to control the bass of my audio.  the bass slider doesn't do anything.  can someone suggest something?06:55
gyaresuAkuma_, Specifically I don't know. I assume it's a library or similar.06:55
nomasteryodateenprogrammer, nope... /var/06:56
teenprogrammerto store my website files?06:56
KakarottoCLnomasteryoda: i have the 6.06 disc, does it works in anyway to upgrade?06:56
nomasteryodadown under there teenprogrammer06:56
sethkmorphish, it's worth a look if you do embedded stuff, or even if you are interested in embedded stuff.06:56
shrndegruvhow long does it take to install ubuntu?06:56
morphishsethk: and ever since my usb2 enclosure died the nslu2 is more of a toy now, before it served anything i needed, should i revive it and not sell it (like i plan on doing right now) i will checkout snapgear06:56
charle9730 minutes06:56
charle97for me06:56
nomasteryodashrndegruv, ya06:56
jordan_shrndegruv: 10 min.06:56
nomasteryodafaster pc, 10 min06:56
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shrndegruvi dont believe you jordan :)06:56
sethkshrndegruv, depends on the hardware of course, but it takes me around 20 minutes, end to end.06:57
nomasteryodano really06:57
jordan_shrndegruv: You will.06:57
nomasteryodai've done it on 2 newer dells06:57
shrndegruv1.5 ghz pentium something06:57
ubotuswap is used to move unused programs and data out of main memory to make your system faster. It can also be used as extra memory if you don't have enough. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SwapFaq for more info06:57
morphishshrndegruv: guess, 30-45 was somewhere in tthat time fram on this duron 1.3ghz06:57
nomasteryoda!tell KakarottoCL about upgrade06:57
shrndegruvalright i try it now;)06:57
charlie5sorry ... shoulda priv mess'g that06:57
ubotuFor upgrading, see instructions at: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UpgradeNotes (you can also find this in the channel topic: type "/topic")  -  See also !downgrade06:57
shrndegruvlemme find the 6.10 disk06:57
shrndegruvcan i go from 6.10 to 6.06 if i want?06:58
nomasteryodaslower, butyes06:58
morphishshrndegruv: not supported06:58
nomasteryodai did it fine...06:58
nomasteryodahad to on an old laptop06:58
shrndegruvmy laptop is pretty fast06:58
nomasteryodawas only way to get here...06:58
shrndegruvnot blazing but never had a problem with it06:58
morphishnomasteryoda: not that i tried it, but the official stance is it is not suppported afaik06:58
nomasteryodai know06:58
ubotuAttempting to downgrade to an older Ubuntu version is explicitly not supported, and may break your system.06:59
morphishnomasteryoda: wifi issues?06:59
nomasteryodai'm on my own anyway...nope06:59
shrndegruvwill it handle X stuff in the install?06:59
jordan_shrndegruv: yup06:59
morphishnomasteryoda: no i meant what made you downgrade06:59
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nomasteryodabut i have to enter my password to get into my own secured wifi06:59
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splintaxHow can I move GRUB to a different hard disk?06:59
nomasteryodaand that is ok06:59
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shrndegruvwill i be able to read my windows partitions by default?06:59
nomasteryodamorphish, i did not downgrade... did upgrade06:59
morphishshrndegruv: yes06:59
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gyaresusplintax, 'sudo grub-install /dev/otherhdd06:59
nomasteryoda6.01 >6.1006:59
shrndegruvits going07:00
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morphishnomasteryoda: ohhhh <shrndegruv> can i go from 6.10 to 6.06 if i want? <nomasteryoda> yes07:00
nomasteryodashrndegruv, you will be very happy with it...07:00
splintaxgyaresu: and is there something i need to do to deinstall it from the disk it's currently on07:00
shrndegruvfigure its now or never07:00
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shrndegruvnow for getting software07:00
nomasteryodaer, nope... not done that before morphir07:00
KakarottoCLnomasteryoda: I have the desktop, not the install cd07:00
shrndegruvdoes it detect your settings (like cpu) and download appropriately, or just get x86 compatible bins?07:00
KakarottoCLnomasteryoda: and i have no intentions to download another one07:00
gyaresusplintax, no. just make the other drive the first to boot. (you can DD the first 513KB but lets not get into that)07:01
KakarottoCLit would help to get the console working07:01
nomasteryodaKakarottoCL, no if you have 6.01 it has the installer onit07:01
morphishshrndegruv: x86 bins for you, the exact optimization i am not sure about07:01
KakarottoCLif just were a way to stop GDM loading07:01
nomasteryodafor that version07:01
teenprogrammerhow cna i see all the daemons running?07:01
splintaxgyaresu: how do i know what 'otherhdd' should be? i think it's sda1, but i'm not sure.07:01
nomasteryodachange it to init307:01
nomasteryodajust sec07:01
splintaxgyaresu: i want to install to the disk that holds the partition linux is currently installed on07:01
shrndegruvtaking a while to ask me anything, the instlal is...07:01
gyaresusplintax, 'fdisk -l'07:01
KakarottoCLnomasteryoda: yes but i have the 6.06 which, as the website tells, has it by separate07:01
OlatheHow do I get the kernel for the K7 architecture installed and usable ?  I already have the linux-image-k7 package, but k7 isn't in grub.07:02
Thanoshi guys i have a noob problem can someone help me out?07:02
gyaresusplintax, the disk NOT the partition (hda,sda,sdd... whatever)07:02
splintaxgyaresu: thanks07:02
morphishKakarottoCL: the desktop cd has a Install icon on desktop07:02
splintaxgyaresu: that explains a lot as well07:02
charle97thanos, just ask07:02
bimberiOlathe: edgy?07:02
gyaresusplintax, your questions are good :)07:02
Olathebimberi: Yep.07:02
nomasteryodaThanos, ask away07:03
ubotulinux-image-k7: Obsoleted by: linux-image-generic. In component main, is optional. Version (edgy), package size 23 kB, installed size 52 kB07:03
splintaxgyaresu: so sda means the first SATA, sdb would be the second SATA, and sda1 sda2 and sda3 would be the partitions on sda07:03
shrndegruvit plays music07:03
morphishwoot, apt knows ketchup!07:03
shrndegruvi guess that means my soundcard will work by default07:03
charle97slintax, yes07:03
bimberiOlathe: linux-image-k7 - "Obsoleted by: linux-image-generic"07:03
morphishshrndegruv: it is a one size fits all kernel, if it's supported by linux, chances are the module i built for you07:03
splintaxgyaresu: thanks. i do support on other channels for windows and some software, so i know how much of a PITA it is supporting people who can't be arsed learning what they're doing anyway. i'm also a general windows consultant person07:03
splintaxcharle97: thanks.07:03
Thanoswell i have just installed unbuntu 6.06 and i can ping the lan and websites but i can't see them07:04
bimberiOlathe: so there won't be an new grub entry created.  you would have -generic already07:04
OlatheAlright.  What is the proper method of getting the K7 kernel working ?07:04
=== morphish goes fetch a kernel with ketchup
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KakarottoCLmorphish:i just can't reach the desktop, the system hangs when X starts up07:04
splintaxback in a bit, rebooting07:04
KakarottoCLI need to stop X loading in the live cd !07:04
teenprogrammerwhere is the apache2 config file?07:05
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bimberiteenprogrammer: /etc/apache2/sites-available/default07:05
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morphishKakarottoCL: just on the mneu check options, i have not needed it, but most livecd come with a option to not boot X,<nomasteryoda> change it to init307:06
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morphishmaybe that was for you07:06
jordan_KakarottoCL: If you want to be really adventurous you could try entering the commands I gave you and hope they work :)07:06
gyaresuteenprogrammer, man httpd.conf07:06
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KakarottoCLjordan_: which ones? I can't get the console working!!07:07
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jordan_KakarottoCL: THere is a chance that you just can't see it.07:07
shrndegruvif i have 20gb and am going to have a separate /home, how much should i give home and root07:07
KakarottoCLjordan_: even without "quiet splash", the X tries to start and then the whole system hangs.. I can't do ctrl+alt+f1 or any tty..07:07
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KakarottoCLjordan_: what is that chance?07:08
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KakarottoCLjordan_: please enlight my way!07:08
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gyaresushrndegruv, I'm using 5.6GB of / and have many progs installed07:08
shrndegruvguys how much do i  need to give root to have plenty of room for all the apps i could wnat07:08
jordan_KakarottoCL: I did it a few times when my tty's wouldn't show up.07:08
crassdoes anyone know the line I need to put into the sources.list to access the debian unstable repository?07:08
gyaresushrndegruv, I have fluxbox && kde installed but no gnome.07:08
shrndegruvim going to use gnome (compiz) and e1707:09
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AyabaraI have a problem the someone told me is common. After I have been in xp, grub won't work. Is there a patch/solution to this?07:09
gyaresu!repos > crass07:09
morphishshrndegruv: /dev/hda3              19G  4.5G   13G  26% /  and that is with everything i need and stuff apt leaves behind like a ton of .deb (like a 500MB+ worth of distfiles and the like)07:09
shrndegruvso i need about 19gb for root?07:09
shrndegruvonly have 20 gb07:10
shrndegruvi thik07:10
morphishshrndegruv: no i use 4.5 out of 1907:10
shrndegruvi wish gpartd would give me the partition names07:10
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gyaresushrndegruv, no. he's using 4.5. mine is 5.4GB07:10
shrndegruvill do / 707:10
shrndegruvhome /1207:10
shrndegruvlemme start over07:10
morphishshrndegruv: should be under 4 if i clean it up, i do have clutter everywhere07:10
shrndegruvill give root 607:10
shrndegruvhome 1207:10
shrndegruv1 swap07:10
shrndegruvand 100 mb to boot07:10
jordan_KakarottoCL: But there is a command you could use to check if what you are typing is doing anything type: yes "test" > /dev/dsp and if it worked you should hear a load noise which you can stop with ctrl + c07:11
miahey all whats the quickest way to get ntfs write support?  do i need to recompile my kernel?07:11
ubotuTo view your Windows/Mac partitions see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AutomaticallyMountPartitions  -  See also !fuse07:11
crassgyaresu: so does that mean that I can't? (because debian uses a different components system)07:11
ubotuThough it's still very unsafe, you can read about Ubuntu NTFS writing here: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Lkraider/NtfsFuse07:11
KakarottoCLjordan_: great07:11
Thanosjust installed ubuntu and my internet connection is real unstable07:11
Feonix762Quick question.. I installed Ubuntu on a laptop and then later installed Windows XP on a seperate partition and it overwrote the boot loader.. what is the easiest way for me to restore it so I can boot linux again? I don't have my Ubuntu CD at the moment either so I can't use it to get into linux.. is there some other method I can use to start up linux so I can restore GRUB?07:11
BHSPitLappyactually, I heard nothing but positive results about ntfs-3g07:11
gyaresushrndegruv, morphish I just ran 'apt-get clean'. Now I'm using 4.4GB (down from 5.4) :)07:11
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BHSPitLappyhas anyone heard of a ntfs-3g mishap?07:12
shrndegruv40 mb should be enough for /boot right?07:12
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Ayabaraanyone else have the problem that grub restarts the pc in a dual boot system?07:12
shrndegruvserious stuff07:12
KakarottoCLjordan_: so if that works, which would mean the console is working, would i be able to kill the X ?07:12
BHSPitLappyshrndegruv, for how many OSes?07:12
shrndegruvdont want to screw up my windows07:12
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morphishgyaresu: i should try that when ketchup is done downloading kernel tree07:12
shrndegruvjust ubuntu07:12
shrndegruv(windows gets most of the drive, for now07:12
jordan_KakarottoCL: Yes.07:12
BHSPitLappyshrndegruv, uhh, then why the heck are you making a /boot partition??07:12
gyaresucrass, What are you trying to install that is only available for debian?07:12
shrndegruvmy linux stuff is in /dev/sda407:13
KakarottoCLjordan_: whose command would be being "killall -9 X" ?07:13
shrndegruvright now i have 40 for boot07:13
shrndegruv1 gig for swap07:13
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shrndegruvand 20 for the rest07:13
shrndegruvi want to take that 20 and make it a / and a /home07:13
BHSPitLappyshrndegruv, but ---why--- do you think you need a /boot partition07:13
crassgyaresu: its actually the version, I'm looking for rtorrent 0.6.407:13
morphishshrndegruv: if / is on a extended partition the GUI installer might not work, which is what i said earlier07:13
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Jordan_UKakarottoCL: What do you mean?07:13
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morphishBHSPitLappy: same reason why people think they NEED a /home or a /usr or a /var07:13
Feonix762How can I start Ubuntu if the boot loader was overwriten by Windows XP and I don't have my Ubuntu CD?07:13
splintaxgyaresu: i have more questions :P07:14
KakarottoCLJordan_U: the command to kill the X should be "killall -9 X" ?07:14
shrndegruvhow do i get around that morph07:14
splintaxgyaresu: i was able to get GRUB to come up, but the configuration was incorrect07:14
crassgyaresu: I have no problems compiling it myself, but I'd prefer to do it through the package management system07:14
gyaresucrass, :) I use 0.5.3 |tried upgrading with the source. didn't work though.07:14
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splintaxgyaresu: are hd0, hd1, hd2 etc. the hard disks in BIOS boot order or what?07:14
BHSPitLappymorphish, /home is valid, this /boot isn't!07:14
KakarottoCLok i will try immediatly, at least the /dev/dsp thing07:14
morphishFeonix762: burn another cd, or use another cd like knoppix, anything with grub on it to rewrite grub to mbr07:14
gyaresucrass, download it and dpkg then (not recommended)07:14
splintaxgyaresu: i could only boot into ubuntu by changing it to boot into hd0 instead of hd1 as it was set up.07:14
crassgyaresu: yeah, I use that version too, but the developer says its got serious issues07:14
Feonix762morphish.. if I use a live CD of knoppix can I reinstall GRUB that way?07:15
gyaresusplintax, you will need to edit your menu.lst (you can just do it on the fly with grub. that's one of the cool things about it)07:15
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morphishBHSPitLappy: often people have a seperate /boot to keepp it umounted and thus not be affected by system crashes for example07:15
BHSPitLappyshrndegruv, I'm just going to go ahead and tell you right now, that you don't need a /boot partition.  PLUS, since you're limited on space, I don't even recommend splitting up into / and /home.07:15
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BHSPitLappymorphish, bah.07:15
crassgyaresu: so you're saying that I can't use debian unstable then?07:15
splintaxgyaresu: that's how i was able to boot up. i edited it on the fly - however, i wasn't able to get the changes to stay07:15
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BHSPitLappyhumbug, I say!07:15
gyaresusplintax, hda hdb yes ide positions.07:15
splintaxgyaresu: i had to edit it then press 'b' to boot07:15
ptaylorshrndegruv: my boot partition only had 20megs or so used07:15
=== BHSPitLappy waves a conservative cane
Jordan_UKakarottoCL: You probalby won't need the -9 , and when you need to restart X you can always just go back with ctrl+option+F7 and do ctrl+alt+backspace to restart X.07:15
morphishFeonix762: only if you have it id say use that, if not get yourself a spiffy ubuntu CD07:15
ptaylor20 would prob be fine07:15
ptaylor40 that is07:15
gyaresucrash don't use debian repos.07:16
morphishBHSPitLappy: ok, so you disagree, no need to bah me when i try to explain why people like to have a /boot07:16
gyaresusplintax, gotta edit menu.lst to make them permanent.07:16
splintaxgyaresu: where can i find menu.lst? and is there another way to edit grub permanently? because when i reboot, it goes back to hd1 where it should be hd007:16
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shrndegruvquick poll, yes or no to boot partition07:16
splintaxgyaresu: ok, so where can i find it?07:16
charle97splintax, /boot/grub/menu.lst07:16
ptaylorshrndegruv: yes!07:16
splintaxcharle97: thanks07:16
gyaresusplintax, 'locate -i menu.lst'  (/boot/grub/menu.lst)07:16
BHSPitLappymorphish, I'm bah'ing the idea07:16
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gyaresushrndegruv, It's where the images live.07:17
splintaxcharle97, gyaresu: how does grub know where to find menu.lst? what if i were to rearrange my partitions, say put linux on the sda0 instead of sda1, then would grub still work?07:17
gyaresushrndegruv, about 50MB unless you want more than 3 or 4 different kernels.07:17
BHSPitLappyhe's only using one distro07:17
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morphishBHSPitLappy: ;P you might get another bah ready, i have used machines with a single / and swap before, just because i got tired of having free space where i didn't need them07:17
shrndegruvi tend to have one safe, one current, and one in experimental07:18
BHSPitLappymorphish, that's how my laptop is right now.07:18
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=== morphish is a kernel collecting pig and frequently runs out of space on his 100MB /boot (i keep it so running out of space reminds me to do some spring cleaning)
BHSPitLappymorphish, for that reason, too.  My desktop has a /home, a /, a different / (for another distro), and a swap07:18
BHSPitLappyI used to keep a /boot partition on my desktop07:18
gyaresusplintax, good question. I always 'grub-install' but someone was saying that you don't need to anymore.07:19
BHSPitLappyubuntu wouldn't allow it.07:19
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shrndegruvcant decide whether to go without separate home partition...07:19
BHSPitLappyso, it's not used anymore.07:19
morphishBHSPitLappy: having one home for 2 distros is where i would say having a /home makes sense07:19
BHSPitLappymorphish, exactly, that's the role it played on the desktop. although, that's not the only place it makes sense.07:19
gyaresusplintax, So you could just rewrite it then 'grub-install /dev/blah'07:19
BHSPitLappymorphish, it's nice having disposable OS partitions07:19
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morphishBHSPitLappy: serious? kubuntu had no issues with my /boot, just ignored the grub.conf and made a new menu.lst07:19
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gyaresushrndegruv, makes reistalling to ANY linux that much easier...07:20
shrndegruvyou mean having it gyaresu?07:20
BHSPitLappymorphish, when I installed edgy, it demanded that any assigned /boot partition must be formatted.  So, what the heck good does that do, if I want to use multiple OS's with it?07:20
BHSPitLappyso I just used the / for /boot07:20
gyaresushrndegruv, yes.07:20
BHSPitLappyno OS I've ever used made that demand before07:20
shrndegruvso if i have 20.21 gb of free space after boot and swap07:20
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Jordan_UKakarottoCL: It is actually kind of fun trying to work blind, I learned a few tricks like if you pipe commands through grep looking for error for instance, then send that to /dev/dsp , you will only hear a noise if grep outputs somethign, so if you here a noise, ther was an error :)07:21
shrndegruvhow should i divie it up?07:21
gyaresushrndegruv, think ubuntu 7.0: Nuke everything  except home partion >> reinstall07:21
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crsdI've installed nvidia-glx along with linux-restricted-modules, still I have: $ sudo nvidia-glx-config enable   Error: unable to load nvidia kernel driver!   What am I missing here?07:21
shrndegruvyeah thats what i was thinking gyaresu07:21
splintaxgyaresu: Not sure I understand. If I was to move all the partitions, wouldn't I have to boot into some mini-OS to do so (since the currently-running OS is being moved)? ah but grub would still be on the MBR so i could get into that, then manually edit it to boot into something, then edit menu.lst, correct?07:21
nailbiterWhat's the next unstable branch after Edgy called?07:21
BHSPitLappyshrndegruv, it makes it much easier to wipe out, reinstall etc your OS, BUT you have such little space, that I recommend sharing that 20gigs.07:21
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gyaresusplintax, Shazam!07:21
gyaresusplintax, (grub is like a little OS)07:22
BHSPitLappyshrndegruv, 20gigs is what I have for linux on this laptop, and that's how I have it.   If I separated them, I risk running out of one or the other's space07:22
syockhoyo I installed a Swallow meta applet which i told to swallow gnome calculator, now GNOME panel is unusable07:22
shrndegruvyeah its  a tradeoff07:22
miathis fuse method isnt working for me07:22
BHSPitLappysyock, that sounds horrible07:22
morphishBHSPitLappy: the gui didnt work for me since / is hda7 (did some trickery with primary partitions to keep XP happy), the alternate cd installer took /boot just fine07:22
miai think i want to build ntfs write support into my kernel07:22
syockwhere`s the configuration file for applications startup?07:22
splintaxgyaresu: okay then. I still have a problem. I think I've edited menu.lst the way I want it. However I still can't boot into windows07:22
gyaresumia, ntfs-3g is the way to go.07:23
splintaxgyaresu: i've spoken to windows people about the problem07:23
BHSPitLappymorphish, did it demand the /boot partition be formatted? The GUI installer stated it like a rule.07:23
splintaxgyaresu: do you know the correct GRUB configuration to boot into windows?07:23
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miagyaresu: is that available for amd6407:23
shrndegruvdo i write the new partition table BEFORE naming the partitions?07:23
splintaxgyaresu: #windows people say that my problem is likely caused by incorrect bootloader configuration07:23
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gyaresusplintax,  "i've spoken to windows people about the problem" Oh dear god.07:23
BHSPitLappyshrndegruv, "naming them"?07:23
Jordan_Ushrndegruv: Yes.07:23
BHSPitLappymount points07:23
KakarottoCLJordan_U: do you have msn messenger?07:23
dacableguynailbiter - Feisty Fawn07:23
sethksplintax, I do, yes.  can you put your menu.lst on the paste web site?07:23
morphishBHSPitLappy: the gui states it like a rule, the alternate did what i told it to do and left it alone.07:24
shrndegruvi need to tell which is /boot /home and / right?07:24
Jordan_UKakarottoCL: No, I am trying to pm you but it isn't working.07:24
syockWhat is the config file for GNOME(panel) apps startup?07:24
nailbiterdacableguy: ...07:24
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spiderwormmy ubuntu box seemingly randomly changed the system date and time, its of course incorrect, anyone know how to set it correct from the command line?07:24
miagyaresu: i dont have that in my repo, i dont think its available for amd6407:24
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gyaresusplintax, sethk yeah. what he said :)07:24
duskwhat is a good audiophile audio player, ala foobar2k for windows07:24
dacableguyyes nailbiter?07:24
KakarottoCLJordan_U: it won't, you need to register in order to pm..07:24
morphishBHSPitLappy: the funniest part on when people figure out how to partition a drive is: They spend more time thinking about it than it would take to install the OS07:24
BHSPitLappymorphish, well, my position is unchanged, as I already hated the GUI installer before. I just come to expect this from it.07:24
miawhy cant i make a new kernel?07:25
miaCHK     include/linux/version.h07:25
miamake[1] : *** No rule to make target `init/main.o',07:25
nailbiterdacableguy: I was just surprised at the choice of name. :)07:25
Jordan_UKakarottoCL: That's the strange part, I am registered.07:25
KakarottoCLJordan_U: don't you have any instant messenger?07:25
BHSPitLappymorphish, oh, I've spent lots of time planning and strategizing partitions.07:25
gyaresumia no. it's technically beta. but works really really well.07:25
dacableguynailbiter - gotcha07:25
Jordan_UKakarottoCL: Google talk07:25
ubotuntfs-3g is a linux driver which allows read/write access to NTFS partitions. It has been extensively tested but is still BETA software, so use it with caution. Dapper installation instructions http://lunapark6.com/?p=171007:25
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splintaxsethk, gyaresu: http://pastebin.ca/243231 is the relevant part of menu.lst. i know i need to change root to (hd0,0) but i'm not sure about the other options - are the map and makeactive parts something to do with the fact that windows doesn't support multi-booting properly?07:26
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Thanosi have no internet on my ubuntu machine07:26
shrndegruvguys i dont understand this -- do i need to tell which is /boot and which is /?07:26
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shrndegruvgparted doesnt seem to let me specify07:26
miagyaresu: problem is that im using edgy not dapper and amd64 not x8607:26
splintaxgyaresu: yes well the windows people warned me that you guys would be yelling at me for various reasons so it seems there's some animosity between the two camps :P07:26
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zOrKhi, I want to install other linux distro but I cant make another distro through gparted07:26
charle97shrndegruv, you really want a /boot?07:26
zOrKanother ext307:27
zOrKhi, I want to install other linux distro but I cant make another ext3 partition through gparted07:27
zOrKnor partition magic07:27
shrndegruvway ive always done it charle07:27
sethksplintax, I'm getting one from a machine that has dual boot working.  hold on while I log in there.  (unless gyaresu knows the answer already)07:27
gyaresusplintax, nope. I fix windows for a living for money. I help here for love. You figure it out...07:27
shrndegruvstubborn ;)07:27
miawhat do i have to do to an out of the box ubuntu install for it to allow me to build my own kernel07:27
sethksplintax, don't believe everything you hear in #windows  :)07:27
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charle97shrndegruv, yes you need to tell ubuntu which partittion is the /boot and /?07:27
sethksplintax, I have nothing against people in #windows, as long as they don't insist that I run windows.  :)07:27
gyaresumia, build-essential and kernel-headers (kernel-source)07:27
shrndegruvyeah how charle97?07:28
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charle97shrndegruv, disregarde the '?'07:28
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morphishsplintax: true must linux geeks are windows haters07:28
gyaresusethk, that's what vmware is for ;)07:28
syockHi, there is this panel applet which renders my panel unusable, and it startsup with the panel. Do anyone know how to fix that?07:28
charle97shrndegruv, highlight mount point07:28
miazOrK: you can only have 3 prmary partitions07:28
shrndegruvwhat i really want to know is is that next after writing the partition?07:28
tritium!kernel | mia07:28
ubotumia: kernel is the core of the Ubuntu Operating System (named 'Linux') - see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Kernel.  You shouldn't have to compile one, but if you're convinced you do, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/KernelCustomBuild07:28
gyaresumorphish, only because it's rubbish :)07:28
sethksplintax, my section (from a working file) that boots windows is only three lines, including the title.07:28
sethksplintax, your title line is fine07:28
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Shadowpillarhow come interfaces keep coming up?07:28
shrndegruvfstab specifies that no?07:28
sethksplintax, ah, I see what you are doing07:28
zOrKmia, ok, so I can't install other Linux distro?!07:29
splintaxsethk: well yeah, i assumed so, but i'm changing it to WinXP or something shorter07:29
charle97shrndegruv, after wrirting the partition you're ready to install07:29
ShadowpillarI turn off certain interfaces and they turn back on after so many minutes and they wreck my connection07:29
teenprogrammerhwo do I copy a whole directory from one location to another O.O07:29
icemanguys,is there a way of re-installing ubuntu without over writing the home folder?07:29
shrndegruvbut how does it know where the / partition is07:29
sethksplintax, the feature where you exchange the drives that way, is known to have problems with certain BIOS types and versions.07:29
shrndegruvif i havent specified it07:29
gyaresuShadowpillar, Because of the "auto" line in /etc/networking/interfaces07:29
miazOrK: u can, but you need to start making extended partitions07:29
splintaxsethk: i think i need to take out both map commands, correct? because i'm now booting from hd0 (that's what grub's installed on)07:29
charle97shrndevgruv, use your arrows and highlight 'mount point'07:29
zOrKmia, ok thanks07:29
gyaresuiceman, yes.07:29
sethksplintax, is it really necessary?  linux will run perfectly happy from hd1.  can't you just make the windows box hd0 permanently?07:29
sethksplintax, oh, ok, good07:29
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charle97shrndevgruv, and choose07:29
sethksplintax, then all you need are two lines:07:30
shrndegruvi dont see a mountpoint option07:30
miatritium: im convinced i need a new kernel for ntfs write support on edgy-amd6407:30
sethksplintax,           rootnoverify (hd0,0)07:30
splintaxsethk: no room on hd1 and hd2 is fucked so i'm stuck with partitioning hd0 for both windows and linux07:30
icemangyaresu: how07:30
sethksplintax,                             chainloader +107:30
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sethksplintax, linux doesn't care07:30
Shadowpillargyaresu: ath0 isnt auto07:30
miatritium: ntfs-3g is only for dapper and fuse isnt working07:30
Shadowpillarthat's the odd bit07:30
sethksplintax, it will run perfectly happily from hd107:30
syock^betul^: biar betul07:30
shrndegruvwill it automatically handle dual boot?07:30
shrndegruvif not i have to abort07:30
sethksplintax, only windows cares.  so leave windows as hd0, and everybody is happy07:30
charle97shrndegruv, ubuntu wil handle the dual boot07:31
zOrKmia, I've to delete a partition , but I can't do that ( important info there ) , what should I do?07:31
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gyaresuiceman, chose to install home to the home partition and don't format it (if you have desktop ubuntu disk)07:31
sethkshrndegruv, if you have windows installed, the isntalled will put windows onto the boot menu07:31
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gyaresuShadowpillar, That is interesting.07:31
shrndegruvnow morphish can i have more than one primary partition?07:31
sethksplintax, those two linesa are all you need07:31
splintaxsethk: i think i've got it set up correctly now, but do you have a link to a good FAQ on menu.lst syntax? i want to learn what all the commands do so i have a better grasp on what the hell's going on. that way if i kill it again i can fix it without you guys07:31
icemanthanx,let me try07:32
sethksplintax, I can point you at a doc file, if you have linux installed already.07:32
Shadowpillargyaresu: and how come my onboard card is eth1 instead of eth007:32
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splintaxsethk: speaking to you from ubuntu - working fine from hd0/1 infact07:32
sethksplintax, otherwise get it from the grub distribution tarball.07:32
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gyaresuShadowpillar, dmesg |grep eth07:33
miazOrK: i dont know what you mean07:33
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miadelete one OS and reinstall it in an extended partition07:33
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sethksplintax, the file you want is grub.texi.  It's in a mark up languages.  You an run a program to get a doc out of it, but you can read the markup lnaguge in the marked up file.07:34
nrdbI would like to program the Atmell 89c2051 is this possible with Linux?07:34
therapydoes anyone know how to make the volume buttons on my laptop work with xubuntu?07:34
zOrKmia, how do I make a extended partition?07:34
splintaxsethk: i know TeX07:34
kuzmasterhey all07:34
charle97shrndegruv, you still here?07:34
syockHi, there is this panel applet which renders my panel unusable, and it startsup with the panel. Do anyone know how to fix that?07:34
kuzmasterive herd various things but.....07:34
kuzmasterhow stable it ubuntu 6.1007:34
sethksplintax, good.  YOu entered from #windows, so I didn't know how much you know.07:35
charle97kuzmaster, very stable for me .... i clean installed it07:35
splintaxsethk: ;-)07:35
gyaresukuzmaster, Well worth using.07:35
kuzmasterthe LAN like just died07:35
miazOrK: i use fdisk07:35
kuzmasterthen after 3 restarts, it was fine07:35
spiderwormmy ubuntu box seemingly randomly changed the system date and time, its of course incorrect, anyone know how to set it correct from the command line?07:35
zOrKCommand (m for help): n07:35
gyaresukuzmaster, cables? wireless?07:35
zOrKYou must delete some partition and add an extended partition first07:35
Healotdang, emoticons07:35
gyaresuspiderworm, 'date'07:35
Thanosmy lan is unstable as well07:36
shrndegruvmorph i think you were right07:36
Thanosfresh install07:36
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kuzmasterhow about wifi07:36
shrndegruvwont let me put / on a logical drive07:36
shrndegruvsays no root filesystem07:36
kuzmasteranyone having problems with wifi?07:36
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Thanosi am cables07:36
sethkspiderworm, the date command has a set mode.07:36
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Lukehow do you find the current X display?07:36
gyaresukuzmaster, which chip. please be specific.07:36
JbirkI went to a job interview today07:36
syockI wish i could start another terminal to work on my pc...07:36
kuzmasterummmm... i think its a ralink07:36
kuzmasterits a dlink07:36
gyaresu!offtopic > Jbirk07:36
miaok turns out compiling the kernel is nothing like in gentoo.  is there an ntfs-3g for edgy amd64?07:37
spiderwormim confused how the date was changed on my system07:37
gyaresukuzmaster, rt2500?07:37
mia!offtopic > mia07:37
Thanosi give up07:37
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syockna, dareka onegai07:37
spiderwormit suddenly happened, i did nothing, and could find nothing in cron07:37
kuzmasterdont think so07:37
kuzmasteri forget what model it is07:37
tritiummia: you can compile it in much the same way as in gentoo, but the preferred method is to use make-kpkg to build a .deb package07:37
miaCHK     include/linux/version.h07:37
miamake[1] : *** No rule to make target `init/main.o', needed by `init/built-in.o'.07:37
gyaresumia, grab the source (top google link i think) after installing 'fuse'07:38
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shrndegruvcan anyone advise on how to get this heap to put / on a logical partition07:38
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charle97shrndegruv, did you set / on a partition?07:38
miagyaresu: what source?07:38
kuzmasterwould there be any problems using the kde wifi manager on gnome?07:38
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miagyaresu: ntfs-3g?07:38
gyaresumia, ntfs-3g sourde07:38
gyaresumia, yep.07:38
shrndegruvyes charle07:38
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gyaresumia, ooh. they have a website now... http://www.ntfs-3g.org/07:39
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Healot3G :)07:40
BHSPitLappyI just installed ntfs-3g in synaptics07:40
BHSPitLappyfrom the badgerports repo07:40
tarelerulzntfs-3g works great07:40
tarelerulzI use it all the time07:40
BHSPitLappyI don't know how to set it up07:40
BHSPitLappybut I installed it! :D07:40
tarelerulzall you have to do07:40
tarelerulzwhat I did was07:40
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Lukehow do you find the current X display?07:40
kuzmasterhow do you start network-manager-gnome?07:40
gyaresumia, it's in the repos. (thanks BHSPitLappy )07:40
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splintaxsethk: what does chainloader +1 do?07:40
miagyaresu: not the repos for amd64 edgy07:41
tarelerulzsudo ntfs-3g /dev/hda1 /mnt/windows07:41
BHSPitLappygyaresu, from the badgerports repo. google it.07:41
charle97luke, the x version?07:41
gyaresumia, (sorry)07:41
BHSPitLappytarelerulz, yeah, just saw.07:41
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tarelerulzWell, it is great07:41
tarelerulzread /write07:41
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miagyaresu: i have fuse modprobed and whein i try to configure ntfs-3g:  checking for fuse >= 2.5.0... configure: error: ntfs-3g requires FUSE >=
gyaresumia, urgh.07:42
miaso i guess im back to trying to compile a kernel07:42
tarelerulzI use it for my 300 gb drive fat32 and my 160 gb ntfs07:42
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=== BHSPitLappy giddy
BHSPitLappyI can finally start fixing tags on my ntfs collection07:42
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BHSPitLappymia, how did you install it07:42
Lukecharle97: 7.1.107:42
tarelerulzI wish I could get gyach enhanded working07:42
shrndegruvholy sugar07:43
shrndegruvits connecting to my wireless network07:43
theDtTvBHello, how can I disable the desktop manager Nautilus?07:43
miatritium: you said i could compile my kernel ala gentoo, but how come i cant make after setting it up how i want it07:43
shrndegruvhow is that possible havent told it the password07:43
miaBHSPitLappy: install what?07:43
gyaresuBHSPitLappy, man you've gotta start reading the posts... He hasn't.07:43
miaBHSPitLappy: fuse?07:43
BHSPitLappyshrndegruv, see if it succeeds07:43
BHSPitLappymia, ntfs-3g07:43
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gyaresushrndegruv, it will but you won't get dhcp methinks07:44
miaBHSPitLappy: i didnt, the channel bot linked me to the docs which indicated teh package was only for dapper x86.  im edge amd6407:44
charle97luke, are you referring to xdm?07:44
shrndegruvmust be connected to another wireless07:44
Lukecharle97: no... the current X display07:44
shrndegruvstill cant get it to see root filesystem07:44
tarelerulzdo any you know anything about gyach-enhanced_pyvoice-07:45
ubotuPLEASE DON'T SHOUT! We can read lowercase too.07:45
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gyaresuBHSPitLappy, Look muppet. I WAS SHOUTING AT YOU.07:45
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shrndegruvforums seem to have a solution07:46
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BHSPitLappyoh, that changes the intent of !caps07:46
syocki give up, i just dunno the solution07:46
kuzmasterhow would i start kwifi manager?07:46
miaBHSPitLappy: its compiled now, i needed fuse0dev07:46
kuzmasterin gnome?07:46
gyaresukuzmaster, is it installed? If so then from the command line.07:47
BHSPitLappymia, sorry, I'm just getting a hard time for even bothering to try. This is why I dislike this channel; I'm out07:47
kuzmasterwhat do i write?07:47
kuzmasterput it?07:47
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gyaresukuzmaster, First you need to know the command. I imagine it will be kwifimanager but you can type 'apropos kwifi' and that should return the progs name.07:48
gyaresukuzmaster, From a terminal yes?07:48
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gyaresukuzmaster, no probs.07:48
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gyaresukuzmaster, hmmm?07:49
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kuzmastershould i be having any problems use kwifi manager with ubuntu 6.1007:49
gyaresukuzmaster, If you are having problems... then, yes.07:50
kuzmasterits like broke i think07:50
gyaresukuzmaster, I can tell you how to do things with command line. I don't use kwifi so maybe someone else can help there.07:51
miacool that worked.  now whats the "ubuntu way" of taking other mount option out of fstab and automating it usng ntfs-3g07:51
kuzmastercould you do that maybe please?07:51
gyaresumia, had a look at fstab?07:51
gyaresumia, noticed the UUID's07:51
miagyaresu: yeah, a little different than im used to07:51
miagyaresu: yeah i noticed07:51
tarelerulzlibltdl.so.3 I don't seem to have that file  and I can07:51
tarelerulzt find it with synaptic07:51
gyaresumia, 'ls -l /dev/disk/by-uuid/'07:51
gyaresukuzmaster, there you shall find them.07:52
shrndegruvdang thing crashed i thik07:52
gyaresukuzmaster, sorry. right. wireless...07:52
ubotuWireless documentation can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs07:52
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gyaresukuzmaster, typo.07:52
miagyaresu: rwxrwxrwx 1 root root 10 2006-11-08 00:21 1E0CC3AF0CC37FEF -> ../../hda107:52
gyaresumia, yeah. the big silly number replaces '/dev/hda1' etc...07:52
miagyaresu: im not seeing what that has to do with using ntfs03g vs mount and fstab07:53
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smoenuxhey all.07:53
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smoenuxquick TwinView Question if I may ^.^ ?07:53
shrndegruvneed a cigarette07:53
gyaresuUUID=1E0CC3AF0CC37FEF /mnt/xp ntfs-3g defaults 0 007:53
gyaresu!helpme > smoenux07:54
gyaresumia, or whatever your UUID is...07:54
gyaresusmoenux, That's not quick :)07:54
smoenuxTwinView works, but, when I Maximize a app, it extends it over both monitors....07:55
smoenuxgyaresu... it never used to do that07:55
gyaresusmoenux, http://gyaresu.org/xorg.conf  That's mine if it's any help...07:55
smoenuxta... will have a quick look07:55
gyaresusmoenux, the prog you're using may not have xinerama compiled in. Is it from the repos?07:55
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=== gyaresu will be back in 10. Time for caffeine.
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smoenuxgyaresu... not from the repos, but I use a script from the forums which gets the official drivers from the Nvidia site07:57
smoenuxscript = envy07:57
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gyaresusmoenux, nvidia-glx is fine for me.07:57
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kuzmasterwireless was so simple in kubuntu........07:57
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splintaxheh, anyone have any idea why #windows is coming up as ##windows in the XChat channel list on the left?07:58
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Alexsplintax: Becuase on freenode, 'about' channels are designated using a double hash07:59
Alexsplintax: about -> unofficial.07:59
splintaxAlex: oh, okay then07:59
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neobonzihey all, would anyone have any idea why my computer freezes when i try to use ndiswrapper on edgy? (i compiled it myself)08:00
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ubotuThe X Window System is the part of your system that's responsible for graphical output. To restart your X, type this in a console: sudo /etc/init.d/?dm restart  -  To fix screen resolution or other X problems: http://help.ubuntu.com/community/FixVideoResolutionHowto08:01
ruxpinhow can I get perl-5.8.8 in dapper?08:02
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neobonzican someone help me? Whenever i run ndiswrapper to start up my wireless card my computer freezes :/08:03
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smoenuxno joy :(08:06
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pumpkinheadwhat is the best filesharing program for ubuntu08:09
epinephrinetried frostwire?08:11
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nrdbis there a mcs51 (8051 products) assember in the repositories?08:12
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sethfelderhey all08:12
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pumpkinheadno, i will thanks epinephrine08:13
sethfelderhas anyone got wireless networking to work in ubuntu 6.10?08:13
fd0manDoes anyone know about problems using OpenGL software in a dual-head configuration?08:13
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fd0mansethfelder:  I have WiFi working out of the box with Edgy.08:13
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Flannelnrdb: it appears sdcc is in universe08:13
sethfelderwhat chipset is your card?08:14
fd0mansethfelder:  What is your WiFi hardware?  MIne is Atheros Communications, Inc. AR5005G 802.11abg NIC08:14
nrdbFlannel: I found sdcc but the description doesn't meantion an assembler08:14
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sethfelderim pretty sure mine is a........ ralink08:14
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fd0mansethfelder:  Did it work with Dapper?08:15
Flannelnrdb: "SDCC is a C compiler for the Intel MCS51 family, AVR, HC08, PIC and Z80 microcontrollers.  This package includes the compiler, assemblers and linkers."08:15
sethfeldernot for ubuntu08:15
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sethfelderbut it did for kubuntu08:15
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fd0mansethfelder:  Hrm.  Weird.08:15
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sethfelderi know08:15
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sethfelderill try installing kde for ubuntu 6.1008:16
sethfelderthat might help.........08:16
fd0manI'm not sure why that would, but if it works08:16
Commander-CroweI download a theme from xfce-look.com(?) and I extracted the tar but what do I do wit the files it gives me?08:16
fd0manThen go for it, I guess.08:16
Commander-CroweI'm in Xfce08:16
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nrdbFlannel: opps ... I was looking at the sdcc webpage.  thanks I will install it and see how it goes.08:17
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FlannelCommander-Crowe: try asking in #xubuntu08:18
Commander-CroweI did08:18
Commander-Crowen one seem to be there08:18
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fd0manHas anyone had any success with running glxgears (or, for that matter, OpenOffice.org) in a dual-headed configuration under Edgy?08:18
sethfelderhow can i installed kde ontop of gnome, but still keep gnome?08:19
sethfelderis it possible08:19
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happy_broccolidebian did it first! instant runoff voting a success for over 1 million people in 3 jd (1 still processing) http://hunterp.wordpress.com08:19
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tich_is it possible to make icons for movies to appear as little movie clips like pictures do?08:19
smoenuxlol... flannel, you are always here :P08:20
fd0mansethfelder, sureapt-get install kubuntu-desktop kde08:20
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tich_sethfelder, in my experience it can get a little glitchy08:20
sethfelderthen i wont....08:21
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Flannelfd0man, sethfelder, you don't need to install kde, juts kubuntu desktop08:21
sethfelderyeah yeah yeah08:21
fd0manFlannel, true; though Kubuntu-desktop leaves out many things from KDE, so I add the KDE package, too, which pulls a ton of stuff for KDE.08:21
ruzugethtHi all, have a dual boot system and need rw access to the NTFS part, is there a util for this?08:22
Flannelfd0man: correct, but do you want kubuntu? or kde?08:22
Flannel!fuse | ruzugetht08:22
uboturuzugetht: Though it's still very unsafe, you can read about Ubuntu NTFS writing here: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Lkraider/NtfsFuse08:22
fd0manFlannel, I generally like to have the entire desktop that I am using.  I usually use Ubuntu, so after installing I also apt-get the GNOME metapackage.08:22
shrndegruvsweet im all installed08:22
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shrndegruvlets see if ubuntu starts08:23
Flannelfd0man: alright, then you might only want to install kde, and not kubuntu.  If you install both, you're likely to end up with duplicate things (two offices, or whatnot)08:23
tich_does anyone know how to make the graying of the screen (when passwords are entered) stop?08:23
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shrndegruvcan people help me with wireless08:24
fd0manFlannel, Oh, interesting.  Didn't realize you couldn't easily have multiple desktops installed.08:24
shrndegruvfor instance08:24
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shrndegruvhow do i tell which wireless profile its using?08:24
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Flannelfd0man: you can, ubuntu-desktop and kubuntu-desktop, etc.  but, if you have kubuntu- and kde, then whatever the Kubuntu people swapped out of KDE for the kubuntu stuff, you'll have both, etc.08:25
granthey guys, quick question about xmms, how do you recieve shoutcast tv streams?08:25
Flannelfd0man: it may, or may not be a problem, depending on what you want, I'm just letting you know ;)08:25
fd0manOh.  True.  :)08:25
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reorourkeI bought a new hard drive tonight and would like to install it as the primary HD for my PC, to run XP.  My current HD is running Ubuntu - it does have GRuB installed but how can I ensure that once I install the new HD that I'll still be able to access my Linux drive?  Anything written online about this?08:25
fd0manDoes anyone here use a dual-headed configuration?  Mine works (partially) and keeps crashing.08:25
ubotuAudio (Ogg, MP3...) players: Banshee, Beep Media Player, Quod Libet, Rhythmbox, XMMS (GTK/Gnome based) and Amarok, JuK (Qt/KDE based).  Video players: Totem, Xine, MPlayer, VLC, Kaffeine  -  See also !codecs08:25
granthey guys, quick question about xmms, how do you recieve shoutcast tv streams?08:26
styluswhat command can i use to search for directories?08:26
fd0manstylus, What are you searching for?  Just a list of directories on your system?08:26
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fd0manstylus, Try this:  "tree -d"but note that it requires that you install the "tree" package.08:27
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stylusfd0man: i'm just searching for a specific dir08:28
stylusi'll give that a shot, thanks08:28
fd0manstylus, Okay, then try this: find -type d 'directorypattern'08:28
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grantstylus, or you could try disk usage manager08:28
grantif you want a gui08:29
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stylusOk, but fd0man - where can I find that "tree" package? apt-get isn't bringing anything up.08:29
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granthey guys, quick question about xmms, how do you recieve shoutcast tv streams?08:29
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fd0manstylus, You will have to enable the Universe repository to get the tree package.08:29
ruzugethtcheers all08:29
KenSentMe!info tree08:29
ubotutree: displays directory tree, in color. In component universe, is optional. Version 1.5.0-2 (edgy), package size 25 kB, installed size 92 kB08:29
reorourkecheers ruzu08:30
KenSentMestylus: you should enable universe in your sources.list08:30
KenSentMe!universe | stylus08:30
ubotustylus: The packages in Ubuntu are divided into several sections. See http://www.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/components https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Repositories and !easysource08:30
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reorourkehoping someone might be able to help me figure out this hard drive problem08:30
shrndegruvguys my wireless worked out of the box, but it was leaching someone elses connection08:30
shrndegruvhow do i enable wep encryption08:30
shrndegruvthe default config tool doesnt seem to handle it08:30
stylusAh, yeah.. is there a console command that enables universe, kensentme?08:31
KenSentMe!wep | shrndegruv08:31
charle97shrndegruv, leaching owns08:31
ubotushrndegruv: Wireless documentation can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs08:31
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KenSentMestylus: uncomment the lines on multiverse in /etc/apt/sources.list08:31
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KenSentMestylus: sorry, i mean universe08:31
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styluskensentme: ok08:32
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Commander-Crowedoes Xfce come with Gnome theme manager?08:32
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pumpkinheadso far i have had no luck compiling tarbals in EE.  i wonder what is going wrong.08:32
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fd0manreorourke, You will need to install your new HD, install your Microsoft operating system, and then afterwards, boot into a rescue CD to update the configuration so that your system can boot.  I can't find anything online that outlines it concisely for your situation, though.08:33
ubotugrub is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost grub after installing windows: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RecoveringUbuntuAfterInstallingWindows - Making GRUB floppies & other GRUB howtos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto08:34
=== defrysk [n=defrysk@g173059.upc-g.chello.nl] has joined #ubuntu
fd0manTomcat_, Hey, that's useful!08:34
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shrndegruvdo i need to restart networking once i change the settings?08:36
MrKeunerhi, why isn't there as much updates for edgy as ubuntu-1?08:36
dooglusCommander-Crowe: XFCE isn't a GNOME theme, it's its own desktop environment08:36
fd0manTomcat_, The only part it doesn't cover is updating /etc/fstab.  Unfortuantely, the person left already08:36
dooglusMrKeuner: what's ubuntu-1?08:37
Healoti think he meant 6.0608:37
MrKeunerdooglus: 6.0608:37
sagar_whenever i click a ".desktop" file, ubuntu gives me errors and says it cant open it..the same goes for image files, even after i add a file type association...is this a gnome-vfs problem ors omething??08:37
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dooglusMrKeuner: ubuntu isn't fashionable any more.  when 6.06 was out lots of people liked ubuntu, but now it's kind of jumped the shark08:38
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MrKeunerisn't it because 6.06 is more stable than 6.10?08:38
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MrKeunerI mean 6.06 has to be more stable08:38
syockYeaaa I`m freeeee!08:38
dooglusMrKeuner: both 6.06 and 6.10 are supported at the moment, so they should both be getting updates08:39
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stylusALSA lib pcm_dmix.c:862:(snd_pcm_dmix_open) unable to open slave08:40
stylus0.o any ideas where that came from? I was opening a file with sudo (gedit).08:40
styluseverything still opened correctly, but that was odd.08:40
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grantquestion, when an app tries to connect to the net there is a 6 or 7 second delay each time before communication, after the delay speed is my normal 122Kb/sec any ideas on getting rid of the lag, its getting to be a real pain08:42
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Tomcat_grant: Try "host somedomain.com" and see if the lag is happening there.08:42
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Tomcat_grant: Use some domain that you haven't visited today.08:43
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Tomcat_grant: Then try "telnet <ip> 80" using the ip you got from "host"... and see if the lag is there.08:43
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granttomcat, got this output ;; reply from unexpected source:, expected
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Tomcat_grant: quick reply? Or slow?08:44
grantquicker than normal08:44
grantromcat, quicker than normal08:44
Tomcat_grant: Okay.... in that case it's difficult, and I don't know how to diagnose those things... but it's not your DNS server.08:45
granttomcat, i've got dual boot setup with xp, don't get the lag in xp so its not a connection issue08:45
stylusgrant: i have exactly the same issue08:45
granttomcat, does that help?08:45
grantstylus, any luck solving it?08:45
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stylussame thing happens while i'm browsing web pages.08:46
Tomcat_grant: You can try putting "blacklist ipv6" in /etc/modprobe.d/blacklist, then reboot... that might be a problem.08:46
stylusnah, can't get it to speed up. it's something to do with the looking up08:46
grantstylus, yeah thats where its really starting to annoy me08:46
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ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about NAT - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi08:46
stylusgrant: same.. i don't have all day to wait. :(08:46
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iJUSThello all!08:47
frederick85how can I append some folders to an existing unclosed data cd08:47
Tomcat_stylus: For grant, I doubt it's a lookup problem... lookup is quick for him. :o08:47
granttomcat, not sure what you mean08:47
iJUSTfucking american boys!!08:47
stylustomcat_: does this mean anything important?08:47
stylusALSA lib pcm_dmix.c:862:(snd_pcm_dmix_open) unable to open slave08:47
Tomcat_grant: "sudo nano -w /etc/modprobe.d/blacklist", but "blacklist ipv6" somewhere, save & close, reboot.08:47
crimsunstylus: well, yes. Do you get audible sound at all?08:48
Tomcat_grant: If it doesn't help, you can remove the line again for better technology.08:48
Tomcat_grant: If it does help, you need to find somebody who knows about IPv6. :o08:48
styluscrimsun: i'm using audacious at the moment08:48
stylusit amy be hogging the sound?08:48
Tomcat_stylus: Nah, looks like the sound card is acting up.08:48
crimsunstylus: pastebin the contents of /etc/asound.conf & ~/.asoundrc*08:48
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snowshoefoxWhere can I find indepth documents on Ubuntu?08:49
granttomcat, ok i've put it in, do i need to do a full reboot or just x08:49
styluscrimsun: fixed it08:49
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stylusjust had to close audacious.08:49
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stylus(media player)08:50
astroanyone avaliable for some help :/08:50
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stylusit was obviously hogging soemthing. :)08:50
grantastro, you should just ask the question, if someone knows they will answer08:50
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Tomcat_grant: Full reboot.08:50
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astroI'm having a problem connecting to my wireless router, I have no clue what could be wrong08:50
iJUSTYou all stupid guys!08:51
granttomcat, ok thanks, i'll brb, hopefully i can login nice and quickly08:51
iJUSTFuck you all!08:51
crimsunstylus: set the audio output to alsa, then.08:51
iJUSTNuclear war will begin tomorrow08:51
ubotuHelp! Keybuk, mdz, Amaranth, tritium, ajmitch, crimsun, ogra, CarlK, Seveas, Burgundavia, apokryphos, thoreauputic, nalioth, Madpilot, ompaul, rob, Hobbsee, imbrandon, DBO or gnomefreak!08:51
grantnice to see you iJUST bugger off...08:51
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astroim going insane lol08:52
brutopiathis seem to be iJUST's first experience on irc08:52
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snowshoefoxnm, i found the site08:52
mzliastro: what's your matter?08:52
HobbseeMadpilot: sigh.08:52
styluscrimsun: yup, just did. Thanks.08:52
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tich_will easyubuntu be released for edgy sometime?08:53
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astroI'm trying to connect to my wireless router, vice ethernet, I cant figure out how08:53
reorourkeHi there - anyone know anything about adding a new primary hard drive (hoping to maintain access to current primary-about-to-become-secondary hard drive with my linux installation)08:53
dfgasis there a superadduser for ubuntu? or a quick easy way to add a user in command line?08:53
firstknightHi, I want to run some commands when I ( user ) logout the desktop. How do I do that?08:53
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splintaxdfgas yes there is one, i saw it on the ubuntu faq08:54
totall_6_7firstknight: have you tried not logging out of x but hitting ctrl-alt-f1 (use ctrl-alt-f7 to get back when you are done)08:54
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splintaxdfgas: somewhere on here https://wiki.ubuntu.com/08:55
lazzarethI want to setup vlc so that when i open a new video file it closes or takes over the already open window.. I was thinking of trying to closing method, Which led me to try  '   killall vlc && vlc    '  but i think i missing something like.. the file location being passed the the file or is that automatic .. ive seen custom application launchers with  '%'somethings at the end ?08:55
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astroi am literally stumped here08:55
shrndegruvguys im getting no dhcpoffers received when i try to start wireless08:55
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firstknighttotall_6_7, that's now what I mean, I have programs running in background, when I logout the desktop, the programs still exists, I want to automatically kill the programs when I logout the desktop ( but still not shutdown )08:55
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shrndegruvive set essid key channel and mode in /etc/network/interfaces08:56
totall_6_7firstknight: have you tried ctrl-alt-f1 after logging out?08:56
reorourkeany help with hard drives?08:56
syockWhy doesn`t the stock ticker scroll? intead it has a kind of drop-down menu08:56
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totall_6_7firstknight: i dont know if it will work or not but worth a try08:57
firstknighttotall_6_7, I want "automatically" not "manual"08:57
astrojust type iwconfig in a terminal?08:57
snowshoefoxAny docs on modifying ubuntu boot up procedure?08:57
lazzarethCustom application launcher... why wont   ' killall vlc && vlc ' work08:57
reorourkewill I be able to access my linux hard drive from an xp hard drive?08:57
splintaxsnowshoefox: what part of the boot up procedure, specifically?08:57
snowshoefoxI'd like to remove the "Loading Linux Kerenl..." xerox window style to something cooler08:57
firstknightreorourke, yes08:57
totall_6_7firstknight: i believe you can change session to one that will just give you a command prompt08:58
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splintaxreorourke: not by default, but i think there is software you can install to read ext3 partitions08:58
splintaxreorourke: did you format your linux partition as ext3?08:58
tich_snowshoefox, the only thing i have ever heard about boot up proceedure is with a distro called gnewsense which is based on ubuntu08:58
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splintaxreorourke: haven't used it before, but this came up on google http://uranus.it.swin.edu.au/~jn/linux/explore2fs.htm08:58
firstknighttotall_6_7, that's now what I mean, I want it so that "my desktop/linux/system will run spesific command/script when I logout the desktop"08:58
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tich_does anyone know if easyubuntu be released for edgy sometime?08:58
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ManticeI installed Beryl How to I get it to run ?08:59
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totall_6_7firstknight: ahhhh sorry i dont know how to do that, sorry mate08:59
lazzarethMantice   join #ubuntu-xgl08:59
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firstknighttotall_6_7, that's okay08:59
lazzarethMantice,  type in   beryl-manager   or   beryl-xgl09:00
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reorourkesplintax I'm adding a new hard drive to my system so I can run XP on it, so I have to make it the primary hard drive right?  any way that you know of that I can ensure access to dual-boot, so I can choose to boot into my current linux system?09:00
splintaxreorourke: i'm probably not the best person to ask about these things since i'm currently trying to fix my dual-boot setup09:00
splintaxreorourke: but my guess would be, yes. you have to install GRUB and windows on the same disk09:01
reorourkeah lol ok - trying to make sure I don't screw mine up09:01
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splintaxreorourke: and you have to set that disk to be the first boot option in BIOS. at least that's my understanding of it.09:01
astromzli, i dont know what to do :(09:01
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granthey guys i'm back09:01
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reorourkehmm so if I go ahead with the install of the new primary hard drive and install grub along with my windows install, then I should be able to access either system/hard drive upon boot09:02
granttomcat, don't know why but that seems to be much faster now, em, could you explain why please?09:02
reorourkeat least theoretically? lol09:02
dopenone of my wmv files play in firefox09:02
splintaxreorourke: grub has an option to specify the command to load an OS manually at boot.09:02
splintaxreorourke: the syntax is fairly simple. do you have another computer to get onto IRC with incase things go wrong?09:02
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reorourkehmm no not really09:02
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dopenone of my wmv files play in firefox09:03
Tomcat_grant: Some network configurations have problems with ipv6, which is a new Internet protocol... at the moment you probably don't need it, so it doesn't matter if we disable it. But in a couple of years you might need to ask some network expert to fix that.09:03
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splintaxare you currently single-booting?09:03
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reorourkecurrently single booting I suppose - grub still runs on boot but right now linux is the only OS I have installed09:03
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stylushow can i bring up my gateway ip with the router, so that I know where to forward the ports? is it ifconfig?09:03
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reorourkebut I'm wanting to keep what I have on my linux hard drive and add another hard drive for windows09:03
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granttomcat, if anything its probably my isp then, i'm in the middle east and they are restrictive as hell09:04
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dopenone of my wmv files play in firefox09:04
splintaxreorourke: my recommendation would be to take out your linux HDD, and set up windows as the only OS on the computer09:04
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splintaxmake sure that your linux can't be affected09:04
Tomcat_grant: Usually it's bad configuration or bad software on the other side, yes. ;)09:04
dsanyone know why debian/ubuntu have an ancient version of bittorrent?09:04
splintaxreorourke: then after that, set it to boot from linux09:04
Tomcat_grant: And since most people use Windows and Windows doesn't have ipv6 enabled by default, it doesn't matter for most people.09:04
splintaxboot from the linux HDD09:04
dopenone of my wmv files play in firefox09:04
granti better not say to much about Etisalat...they might be listening...09:04
splintaxthen edit the grub configuration from linux. you can set it up to 'trick' windows into thinking it's running off the main HDD or somethign.09:05
Tomcat_!restrictedformats | dope09:05
ubotudope: For multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats  -  See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html  -  But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats09:05
Tomcat_dope: Check for w32codecs.09:05
Tomcat_dope: Best way imho is to install mozilla-mplayer and w32codecs, that will fix it.09:05
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dopekk thx09:05
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astrocan someone help me configure wireless internet09:06
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joevandyk    change_column :points, :user_id, :integer, :null => false" set the column to not allow nulls?09:06
sn00pDoes anybody have any experience with microsd  storage with ubuntu? I have a AMD 64 bit turion x2 HP note book that i'm trying to get my microsd drive to work with having no luck09:06
joevandykOops.. why doesn't "change_column :points, :user_id, :integer, :null => false" set the user_id column to not allow nulls?09:06
shrndegruvguys noone can help me with wireless?09:06
shrndegruvits stumping me...09:07
joevandykoops, wrong channel09:07
=== Mantice [n=richard@125-236-172-125.broadband-telecom.global-gateway.net.nz] has joined #ubuntu
ManticeWhat was that channel for beryl support ?09:07
ManticeI logged out and lost it.09:07
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splintaxis it normal for it to be quite slow when reading from an ntfs partition in ubuntu?09:07
splintaxMantice join #ubuntu-xgl09:08
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snowshoefoxfound it, upstart.ubuntu.com09:08
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reorourkesplintax: thanks - to make sure I'm understanding you correctly, once I am at the point where I'm editing GRuB I have my linux HDD back as the master hard drive, windows as slave, right?09:09
KenSentMeI have two soundcards in my system. How can i make sure that in default ubuntu always uses one, except when i choose a program to use the other soundcard. Where do i do these things?09:09
splintaxreorourke: you should be editing the grub configuration while running linux. that's the only way that you can get the grub configuration to be permanent.09:10
dopei tried the w32codecs and the mozilla-mplayer09:10
dopebut the embeded wmv files don't play09:10
splintaxreorourke: when editing grub from grub, the changes are only temporary, and will go back to what they were before next time you reboot.09:10
splintaxreorourke: but as i say, i learnt this today while trying to set up my machine to dual-boot09:10
splintaxreorourke: only i'm going from windows only to win+lin, opposite to you.09:11
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splintaxreorourke: so you should probably get separate confirmation that what i'm saying is all correct.09:11
reorourkesplintax: thanks09:11
reorourkeanyone else able to confirm?09:11
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astroso is anyone avaliable to help me out in getting my wireless to connect to the router09:12
brutopiaastro: what kind of wireless interface you have09:13
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astrointernal on my HP notebook zd800009:13
astroconnecting to a Belkin router09:13
brutopiaintel centrino?09:13
gabrielgquick question: what's the uid and gid of the 'ubuntu' user on the Edgy Live CD?09:13
ruxpingabrielg: getent passwd | grep ubuntu09:13
gabrielgi don't have any possibility to test atm, but need to write instructions09:13
lazzarethgabrielg, Wouldnt it be 1000 ?09:13
ruxpingabrielg: id backuppc09:14
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ruxpingabrielg: id ubuntu, I mean :)09:14
astrobrutopia, im unsure, its a P4 is all I know09:14
gabrielglazzareth: it sounds reasonable, yes. it's the common one isn't it09:14
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gabrielgruxpin: but i'm not running the live cd right now, unfortunately, or i wouldn't be asking ;)09:14
astroi just know its an HP Pavilion zd800009:14
gabrielgi just figured that *somebody* in here should be running the cd right now :)09:15
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brutopiaastro: write sudo lspci |grep -i broadcom on the shell and paste what it outputs09:16
astroits really starting to get to me lol09:16
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brutopiais this BCM94306 string there09:17
astro0b:03.0 Network controller: Broadcom Corporation BCM4318 [AirForce One 54g]  802.11g Wireless LAN Controller (rev 02)09:17
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brutopialook what google gave as the first result: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=19017709:17
ubotudma is Direct Memory Access/Addressing. It makes hard disks & optical drives transfer data faster, and is almost always enabled in Ubuntu 6.06. For more info see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/DMA09:18
astrobrutopia, BCM431809:18
brutopiaI solved whole thing with two google queries09:19
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brutopiafirst I googled your laptop's model to find out it's wlan interface's model and then googled the model and "ubuntu"09:20
MikeDKHi all09:20
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Hanhi. I installed server and then xubuntu-desktop metapackage and then removed just the metapackage and now apt-get always suggests to use autoremove to remove all the packages required by the xubuntu-desktop metapackage. How do I make apt-get understand I like those packages (at least most of them)09:23
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deep__Leave the metapackage? :)09:24
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Hanwell it was suggested to remove the meta-package to be able to remove for instance cups.09:24
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HumanPrototypehi all09:26
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MikeDKhi there09:26
HumanPrototypeif i install xubuntu from a beta cd then update will it be any different from installing using the normal cd?09:26
MikeDKafk a bit here09:26
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deep__HumanPrototype: No. :)09:27
MikeDKprobably u wont get all the new updates since its a beta u using09:27
HumanPrototypeok, thanks09:27
HumanPrototypei know this may be the wrong channel09:27
HumanPrototypebut is this for dapper or edgy?09:27
HumanPrototypeas dapper is LTS but edgy is the latest release09:28
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MikeDKi thnk nopt sure at the moment09:28
MikeDKupps not sure09:28
SurfnKidhow can i check the Flash version of FF09:28
deep__MikeDK, You wont get new updates? I thought you did?09:29
mistformI have 7 installed, but most sites read version 5 or some crap like that09:29
deep__Your using the same repos, right?09:29
HumanPrototypeand finally, is edgy+1 just edgy and they alter it from there or do they start afresh for some reason.09:29
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MikeDKdeep_ : well isnt it a beta hes using then its probably not all up to date09:30
HumanPrototypeand can i run edgy+1 or is that the stupidest idea since the square wheel?09:30
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HumanPrototypeMikeDK, i will update from the repos after install09:30
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mistformanyone here having problems with wine involving wineprefixcreate???09:31
shrndegruvguys to install compiz, what do i put in sources.list?09:31
mistformI can't install IE609:31
MikeDKdeep_ : or am I tottaly wrong here not that good yet in linux just trying to help09:31
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HumanPrototypeMikeDK, thanks, much better than no answers at all09:32
MikeDKthx man09:32
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MikeDKbetter to try than not to try at all right??09:33
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MikeDKlol mistform what u want with ie609:33
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mistformMikeDK, there are some sites I want to see but they are only for IE and flash 8+09:34
mistformI can't install anything above flash 7 for FF, and even then the website thinks i Have something below flashplayer 609:35
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MikeDKmistform: oooh right try adobe labs for the flash 9 beta09:35
mistformI did09:35
mistformIt will only let me download flash 709:35
shrndegruvnoone can help me modify my repositories?09:35
mistformI was on the site for hours to get the damn site to work09:35
shrndegruvcommon guys im an ubuntu virgin09:35
MikeDKmistform: k i tryed it to but dosnt seem to work right in fox09:35
smoenuxsomebody... please help me T_T .... I cannot connect to my stupid router for some reason. I put in the IP and it just loads for ages, and eventually Firefox just connects to it's default home page :(09:36
MikeDKmistform: just a sec have a link here09:36
mistformshrndegruv, dapper or edgy or what?09:36
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mistformshrndegruv, this is for dapper drake: http://ubuntuguide.org/wiki/Dapper#How_to_add_extra_repositories09:37
shrndegruvtrying to get xgl going09:37
gnomefreak!repos | shrndegruv09:37
ubotushrndegruv: The packages in Ubuntu are divided into several sections. See http://www.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/components https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Repositories and !easysource09:37
shrndegruvi need multiverse universe and the beer repository09:37
=== Mantice [n=richard@125-236-172-125.broadband-telecom.global-gateway.net.nz] has joined #ubuntu
smoenuxooh shrndegruv ... got a really good howto on the forums09:37
mistformcould my laptop lag anyfucking mroe????09:37
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smoenuxi get the link quick09:37
gnomefreakshrndegruv: join #ubuntu-xgl for help with that please09:37
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ManticeCould some one help me with beryl I tryed the other room but they were all afk, Ive really screwed up beryl.09:37
shrndegruvyeah noone there09:37
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gnomefreakmistform: watch your language please09:37
HumanPrototypeis using feisty a stupid idea?09:37
gnomefreakHumanPrototype: yes09:38
mRCUTEOanyone knows what package i needed to install EGGDROP.. sudo apt-get install ?09:38
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mistformshrndegruv, here's the Edgy guide: http://ubuntuguide.org/wiki/Ubuntu_Edgy#How_to_add_extra_repositories09:38
HumanPrototypegnomefreak, thanks - ill stick with edgy for a month or so then09:38
gnomefreakmRCUTEO: try asking that in #ubuntu-offtopic09:38
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smoenuxshrndegruv: http://wiki.beryl-project.org/index.php/Install/Ubuntu/Edgy/XGL09:38
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MikeDKmistform: http://labs.adobe.com/wiki/index.php/Flash_Player:Additional_Interface_Support_for_Linux#Building_and_installing09:39
=== ThomasPorter [n=thomas@60-242-82-5.static.tpgi.com.au] has joined #ubuntu
ThomasPorterIs ubuntu good for servers?09:39
MikeDKmistform: yo try this link09:39
gnomefreakThomasPorter: yes09:39
MadpilotThomasPorter, ubuntu.com runs their own product, and it seems to work, so yes. :)09:39
mistformIt's loading.... thanks to my slow slow slow slow and even more exceptionally slow today laptop09:39
ManticeWhen I try and start a XGL session it just log's me back out.09:39
ThomasPortergronefreak: Better then debian?09:39
gnomefreakThomasPorter: same09:39
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ThomasPorterThought so.09:40
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MikeDKafk a bit here09:40
ThomasPorterI just loaded a debian box and I forgot to stick the eth cable in.. when I got to the apt configration part It came up with an error.. so I plugged it in.. although It still comes up with this error, i've even restarted.09:40
ThomasPorterIts a debian question, but their all idle ;)09:40
ThomasPorterubuntu's the next best thing :P09:41
ThomasPorterIts a normal 'failed to fetch' error.. i've tried different mirrors too09:41
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mRCUTEOThomasPorter: i build a webserver / irc server / game server with ubuntu :)09:41
ManticeCould some one help me Please ?09:41
defryskThomasPorter, reinstal with cable plugged in might help, otherwise try an ubuntu -install ;p09:41
KenSentMeI have two soundcards in my system. How can i make sure that in default ubuntu always uses one, except when i choose a program to use the other soundcard. Where do i do these things?09:42
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=== ThomasPorter reinstalls
ThomasPorterThis has been an extra long installation :|09:42
ThomasPorterBecause I was writing a tutorial aswell09:42
defryskThomasPorter, and have fun in the debian irc's09:42
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gnomefreakMantice: xglor compiz is crashing please ask that in #ubuntu-xgl. look in topic if there is noone there iirc there are help links there09:42
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shrndegruvhey how do i install mirc?09:43
gnomefreakKenSentMe: why 2 cards?09:43
gnomefreakshrndegruv: in wine or windows09:44
ThomasPorterDoes irc support linux?09:44
yakumoHi anyone familiar with the UIM applet?09:44
Manticegnomefreak, I followed a wiki but it came up with a error message so I followed another wiki and now it says nothing.09:44
defryskshrndegruv, in linux try xchat09:44
shrndegruvis it apt-get xchat?09:44
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CarinArrthomasporter, erm.. you serious?09:44
Manticegnomefreak, So now I have like files all around the place all messed up.09:44
defryskshrndegruv, yes09:44
gnomefreakshrndegruv: sudo apt-get install xchat09:44
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=== defrysk apt-get some coffee
shrndegruvcouldnt find xchat09:45
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gnomefreakMantice: i havent run xgl/compiz in a long time. im more on the lines of beryl. you would really need to ask in #ubuntu-xgl or #xgl or #compiz09:45
gnomefreakshrndegruv: enable universe repo09:45
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KenSentMegnomefreak: well, i have two becuase my onboard didn't always work well. I would like to play all sounds on one card that is connected to my hifi set (for listening to music, radio etc.) But if i e.g. am talking to someone on skype/teamspeak or play a game i want to use the other that connected to my headset09:45
Fallen_AngelExcuse me - can someone help me  with my ubuntu ???09:46
shrndegruvi give up for now09:46
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Manticegnomefreak, do you know how to fix terminals ?09:46
gnomefreakMantice: define fix terminals09:46
KenSentMegnomefreak: is there a command i can use to make a program use a specific sound device?09:46
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Fallen_AngelExcuse me - can someone help me  with my ubuntu ???09:46
defrysk!ask | Fallen_Angel09:46
ubotuFallen_Angel: Don't ask to ask a question. Just ask your question :)09:46
Manticegnomefreak, some thing really stange is happening to my computer09:46
CarinArrfallen_angel, just ask09:46
e_machinistIn a default Ubuntu install, are the default display drivers the DRI drivers?09:46
gnomefreakKenSentMe: there is but i dont remember what it is since edgy can by default play more than one sound per card now and dapper had a package to isntall for multi sounds09:47
e_machinistIf it detects an ATI card (or even an NV).09:47
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Manticegnomefreak, You know how when you open up your console and it says its ready with the  user@computer09:47
gnomefreakMantice: yes?09:47
Manticegnomefreak, It takes like 1 min now for that to happen before It was instant.09:47
dopedo you think cats have motions?09:47
uboturt2500: configuration tool for wireless RT2500 network cards. In component universe, is extra. Version 1.1.0+cvs20060620-3 (edgy), package size 106 kB, installed size 404 kB09:47
Fallen_Angel!ask I have a problem with Russian Language support in php5 it displays it in some different way like "?!?!?" , i think that the problem is with the mbstring09:48
gnomefreakMantice: what console what version of ubuntu what desktop?09:48
joachim-nis there a log of what synaptic has installed recently?09:48
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ManticeIm using Dapper09:48
gnomefreakMantice: also xgl/compiz might be causing that too09:48
mRCUTEOdapper roocks09:48
mzliFallen_Angel:ask in ##php09:48
Manticegnomefreak, GNOME Terminal 2.14.209:48
ubotuI am ubotu, all-knowing infobot. You can browse my brain at http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl  -  Usage info: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuBots09:49
Manticegnomefreak, how do I uninstall it09:49
mzli jcrimt: say09:49
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gnomefreakjoachim-n: there are a few logs in /var/log i cant remember what one is what your looking for off hand09:49
tarelerulzdo any of you know of media player that plays over samba09:49
Manticegnomefreak, I found out what it was it was that beryl icon in the tray.09:49
joachim-nlooks like  dpkg.log09:50
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gnomefreakMantice: beryl or xgl?09:50
mistformMikeDK, I get errors from everywhere, so I just want to get wine to work09:50
gnomefreakMantice: or both09:50
e_machinistIn order to use the Open Source DRI drivers for an ATI card, should the xorg.conf Driver be "ati" or "radeon"? I have seen both used for the DRI drivers.09:50
Manticegnomefreak: I was installing beryl but it told me to log out and select XGL session or somthing like that.09:50
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Manticegnomefreak: I did not update to the latest kernal because I wanted beryl.09:51
Fallen_AngelPlease can someone help me with my ubuntu ? I have a problem with mbstring ! How can i enable Russian Language support in php5 mbstring ??? Using Ubuntu 6.0609:51
gnomefreakMantice: you nee dto remove all packages related to xgl compiz beryl09:51
Manticegnomefreak: Is there a command ?09:51
mistforme_machinist, do you use Dapper? http://wiki.cchtml.com/index.php/Ubuntu_Dapper_Installation_Guide09:52
yakumodad  09:52
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gnomefreakMantice: i dont know what you installed but you can start with synaptic and search for those and remove them09:52
Manticegnomefreak: I also did a whole bunch of config file editing, Im not sure how Im going to remove that.09:52
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defryskanyway the amaranth repo is synconized again with the latest edgy updates09:52
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ubotuI am ubotu, all-knowing infobot. You can browse my brain at http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl  -  Usage info: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuBots09:53
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gnomefreakMantice: the link you got those instructions from just follow it backwards :)09:53
Trist_ananyone done the update of fglrx?09:53
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Manticegnomefreak: I found one of them but I cant find that other guide I followed.09:53
Manticegnomefreak: Im sure it will be ok.09:54
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uboturt2500: configuration tool for wireless RT2500 network cards. In component universe, is extra. Version 1.1.0+cvs20060620-3 (edgy), package size 106 kB, installed size 404 kB09:54
e_machinistTrist_an: Open Source DRI drivers here.09:54
Trist_anwell, I hope there will be no trouble...09:54
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tarelerulzBeing able to play songs on my freinds windows computer over the network is not to out there09:57
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ubotuWireless documentation can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs09:58
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ndeeanyone in here who knows assembler a bit?09:59
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boinkon #ubuntu?09:59
ndeewell maybe, who knows :)09:59
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MikeDKbe back l8r guys10:05
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deep__helo moto!10:06
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sn00pDoes anybody have any experience with microsd  storage with ubuntu? I have a AMD 64 bit turion x2 HP note book that i'm trying to get my microsd drive to work with having no luck10:08
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Lathiatsn00p: "generally speaking" those sorts of things tend not to work10:09
Lathiatsn00p: some do, most dont, AIUI10:09
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Gavrilahey all, I've got a problem with power management: if I hibernate my laptop with AC plugged in and then resume the session on battery only, it doesn't detect that I'm on battery.... any hint?10:16
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aldwinwassup people10:16
Gavrilahi aldwin10:16
Gavrilahey all, I've got a problem with power management: if I hibernate my laptop with AC plugged in and then resume the session on battery only, it doesn't detect that I'm on battery.... any hint?10:16
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GavrilaI'm on Ubuntu edgy10:16
aldwinis there anyone here who's indept with ubuntu knowledge. im quite a newbie at linux. can anyone help me out?10:17
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defrysk!ask | aldwin10:17
ubotualdwin: Don't ask to ask a question. Just ask your question :)10:17
tarelerulzI can play mpg and wma and wmv with totme-xine ,but I don't have sound  anyone know why or what I might do10:17
aldwindegrysk, can i chat with you via PM (private message)?10:17
defryskaldwin, nope10:17
aldwinah okay..10:17
aldwindegrysky, since im new here. i dont know where to start although i had installed the ubuntu at my second hard disk and it worked10:18
aldwindegrysky, i happen to have so many question on how to use it and what it differs to other linux.10:18
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aldwindegrysky, by the way im from the philippines and i dont have the money nor the access to buy the ubuntu book. do you happen to have the pdf of that one?10:19
aldwinis there anyone here who's indept with ubuntu knowledge. im quite a newbie at linux. can anyone help me out?10:19
Lynourealdwin: just ask your actual question, and you'll see10:20
aldwindegrysky, i dont even know the difference with ubuntu xubuntu and edubuntu. what are those.10:20
defryskaldwin, just open firefox , the default opening page has links to help you thru the first steps10:20
aldwindegrysky, so where do i start???10:20
aldwindegrysky, ah okay. thank you very much10:20
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manmadhaIs there any inbuilt software for flash programs...?10:21
aldwindegrysky, just to add. im using my windows that i hate most since i dont know how to run a mirc at ubuntu.10:21
defryskaldwin, sudo apt-get install xchat and use that10:22
aldwindegrysky, im really lame right now. im so sorry to all you guys...10:22
aldwindegrysky, i dont even know how to get there.10:22
defryskmy bad10:22
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aldwindegrysky, but i do believe that soon i'll be an expert user of this linux thing. i have all the will to study :))10:23
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aldwindegrysky, LOL10:23
=== defrysk smells trolls
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mandelumA terrible bug has hit me in edgy!!!10:23
=== Hobbsee raises an eyebrow. who's trolling?
mandelumprobobly in GNOME10:23
mandelumI am very struck10:23
defryskHobbsee, just smelling, not sure yet10:23
Hobbseedefrysk: right10:24
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boinkc'mon, don't troll here10:24
boinkit's not funny10:24
aldwindegrysky, the bad thing is that the 6.10 didnt work on my computer thats why i did use the ubuntu 6.06 :(10:24
aldwintroll??? whats that ???10:24
=== defrysk is getting more sure now
aldwincan anyone tell me what does troll suppose to mean?10:25
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about troll - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi10:25
=== aldwin im so lame
=== aldwin so lame :(
=== defrysk takes a brake
=== Mantice [n=richard@125-236-172-125.broadband-telecom.global-gateway.net.nz] has joined #ubuntu
loutrineIs xchat much better then gaim for irc usage? Any features which are worth changing for?10:26
mandelumI by mistake resized the panel to the max, then it logged out, then when it logged in it logged out agian.... Then when I logged in, I just had time to make the panel smaler, but now, when I restarted a couple of times, the sound loops and everything is quite slow, and I get some warnings about some stuff on the panel10:26
boinkloutrine: depends on what you need to do10:26
boinkxchat is only for irc, gaim is for much more10:26
loutrineboink: Hmm, good question...10:26
mandelumHow could I reset some stuff?10:26
aldwindegrysky, is sudo a user name?10:27
boinkI use gaim for MSN stuff, while irssi for irc (like now)10:27
Madpilotloutrine, XChat's channel list is easier to find, it's got a GUI to read a channel's banlist, and it's generally far more flexible &complete for IRC than gaim10:27
loutrineboink: Is there any reason you don't use gaim for irc as well?10:27
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ManticeI got beryl to boot but now it just is a white screen every thing is white, Heh10:27
boinkloutrine: I prefer irssi since I prefer to do irc on the cli10:28
boinknerd thing :)10:28
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defryskaldwin, username ? where did you get that term from being so new at this ?10:28
loutrineboink: epenis +1 :P?10:28
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boinkyeah, suppose so :)10:28
aldwin* Topic is 'Welcome to the official Ubuntu support channel! | Edgy Is Released!!! http://tinyurl.com/ybflyf Upgrade: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/EdgyUpgrades | Support options: http://www.ubuntu.com/support | FAQ: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CommonQuestions | IRC info: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRCResourcePage | Pastes to Pastebin: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/'10:28
aldwin* Set by LjL on Thu Nov 02 23:28:1610:28
aldwin* Topic is 'Welcome to the official Ubuntu support channel! | Edgy Is Released!!! http://tinyurl.com/ybflyf Upgrade: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/EdgyUpgrades | Support options: http://www.ubuntu.com/support | FAQ: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CommonQuestions | IRC info: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRCResourcePage | Pastes to Pastebin: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/'10:28
aldwin* Set by LjL on Thu Nov 02 23:28:1610:28
loutrineMadpilot: thanks :)10:28
Madpilotaldwin, easy with the pasting...10:29
=== BlackBird [n=blackbir@71-221-51-240.sxfl.qwest.net] has joined #ubuntu
aldwinso sorry...10:29
aldwinMadpilot, sorry10:29
loutrineI'll check out xchat and maybe irssi if i'm feeling cool... ;)10:29
ManticeMadpilot, do you use beryl or know much about it ?10:29
aldwin(im did try to copy and i wasn't that focus. im so sorry)10:29
MadpilotMantice, don't touch it, know zip about it. Sorry!10:29
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aldwinis there a ubuntu pdf???10:30
Mantice:( Any one know why my beryl boots and then stays on a white screen10:30
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aldwinis there any sort of ubuntu pdf that is with an official release?10:30
loutrineMantice: Looked through these http://www.google.com.au/search?hl=en&q=beryl+white+screen&btnG=Google+Search&meta= ?10:30
Madpilotaldwin, of the Desktop Guide, you mean? Yes - check help.ubuntu.com10:30
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aldwinah, okay.10:31
aldwinMadpilot, im not using ubuntu right now. cause i really em that lame that i dont know how to use all of it.10:31
aldwinmadpilot, i dont even know how to run the mirc there. im so sorry10:31
Madpilotaldwin, isn't mirc Windows-only?10:32
boinkwell .. where's an op when there's a troll about?10:32
ManticeI dont know how to update xgl-xserver10:32
loutrinealdwin: In ubuntu, open a Terminal and type sudo apt-get install xchat. xchat is an irc program similar to mirc which you can use10:32
aldwinyup i know. but i dont know how to run it10:32
manmadhaIs there any inbuilt software for flash programs...?10:32
BlackBirdI just installed a bunch of new packages with aptitude, and suddenly now I get no graphical login screen. I turn on the computer, load my ubuntu kernel, and it loads into a textual login screen. I have to startx, and then it automatically loads up gnome... however, I want to be able to choose what type of session I log into. If I try to logout, it just brings me back to the non-x console.10:32
Madpilotboink, which channel is having trouble?10:32
manmadhalike html10:33
aldwinmadpilot, here's how it goes. i tried installing it at my second hard disk and after 2 or three days i manage to make the ubuntu 6.06 run at my computer10:33
loutrinealdwin: xchat will appear under in Applications -> Internet10:33
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aldwinmadpilot, since my computer has this processor of 38. amd2 x2 64 bit. its quite hard to find a running linux at this computer10:33
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aldwinmadpilot, so there i was able to install the ubuntu 6.06 like i did said. it was this morning that i had accomplish that.10:34
bimberiBlackBird: does 'sudo invoke-rc.d gdm start' from the logged in non-x console work?10:34
Madpilotaldwin, the 32bit Ubuntu should run fine; there is also an AMD64 Ubuntu10:34
BlackBirdidunno.... havent tried that10:34
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aldwinand now its quite late. its noveber 8, 5pm. i just woke up.10:34
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aldwinmadpilot, i did try the those believe me. but only the ubuntu 6.06 did work on my computer.10:35
bimberiBlackBird: it's supposed to start gdm on boot - hopefully an indicative message will be shown10:35
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aldwinmadpilot, 6.06 alternative 64bit. thats the one that did run on my computer.10:36
loutrinealdwin: So you have Ubuntu installed and running now...?10:36
sn00pDoes anybody have any experience with microsd  storage with ubuntu? I have a AMD 64 bit turion x2 HP note book that i'm trying to get my microsd drive to work with having no luck10:36
Madpilotaldwin, cool10:36
Za1hi - how do i get my s-video connection to projector working?  I am running Ubuntu 6.06 on Dell Laptop Inspiron 5100.10:36
BlackBirdbimberi: I'll try that... thanks10:36
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aldwinloutrine, yah i have. but since i dont know how to use much of linux software as well as ubuntu as a distribution. i dont even know how to install a yahoo messenger10:37
ManticeCould some one help me Im new to this it says re install from http://repos.opensuse.org/X11:/XGL/SUSE_Linux_10.1/ how would I go about this10:37
loutrinealdwin: gaim is a good all round IM program, give that a try.10:37
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defryskMantice, try #ubuntu-xgl10:38
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ManticeI have10:38
ManticeEvery one = zzz10:38
Madpilotaldwin, gaim can do YM, and the help files are at System menu->Help->System Help->Ubuntu Desktop Guide10:38
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defryskMantice, xgl that boring ? ;p10:38
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Za1has anyone able to connect to a projector before?10:39
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Manticedefrysk: My beryl is whiting out and I need to fix it because I just spent an hour trying to get this thing working10:39
loutrineMantice: I found a really good, easy to follow guide for setting up xgl+beryl under edgy (gnome) if you're interested...10:39
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ManticeSure, Ive installed beryl though.10:40
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ManticeIt boots it just whites out.10:40
BlackBirdhrm.... didnt work10:40
loutrineMantice: http://lhansen.blogspot.com/2006/10/3d-desktop-beryl-and-xgl-on-ubuntu-edgy.html10:40
defryskhttp://wiki.beryl-project.org/index.php/Install/Ubuntu/Edgy/nVIDIA is the guide I used10:40
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defryskbut beryl is too unstable for usage I think10:41
elias_are the nvidia 9629 dirvers available somewhere already as restricted-modules.deb?10:41
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ManticeI followed that one :( :(10:41
loutrinedefrysk: Mine's running ok :) I had a few problems though... hehe10:41
defryskelias_, amaranth's repo has it10:41
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Manticeloutrine: did you get white screen ?10:42
loutrineMantice: I'm typing this to you from it now - works a treat :)10:42
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defryskelias_, amaranth's is synronized again with the edgy updates10:42
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Manticeloutrine: Was one of the problems you ran into a white screen by any chance, my beryl boots *Finaly* now it just says Beryl and waves around then it whites out.10:43
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jaaroocan I somehow obtain list of packages that are installed which is suitable for "apt-get install". I would like to make copy of my installation.10:43
BlackBirdhow would I invoke an icewm or kde session from terminal, or better yet, how would I set up the graphical login screen to autostart after kernel loadup? Right now it just loads into text login, then when I login it automatically starts gnome10:43
loutrineMantice: No, sorry. The only problems I experienced were two instances of emerald running & had to fix the annoying shift+backspace feature/bug10:44
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elias_does anybody know if they fixed the turbocache issue which rendered most laptop cards unusable?10:44
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ManticeDoes beryl work on the latest kernal loutrine ?10:44
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loutrineMantice: Running it under Linux edgy 2.6.17-10-generic10:45
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ManticeI got a update saying kernal update on my Dapper10:46
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jcrimtI recently updated my Ubuntu 5.1 which was working perfecty to 6.1. This hangs on the welcome screen by giving a blank cream screen. Even the live CD struggles - it periodically goes blank - cream screen. I used several differnent 6.1 discs with the same result. I have not had to reload 5.1 which works perfectly again. Any ideas?10:46
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BlackBird how would I invoke an icewm or kde session from terminal, or better yet, how would I set up the graphical login screen to autostart after kernel loadup? Right now it just loads into text login, then when I login it automatically starts gnome10:48
dooglusjcrimt: first off, you're not supposed to upgrade 5.10 to 6.10 without going to 6.06 in between10:48
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dooglusjcrimt: (the .10 refers to the month of release - October, and the 5 and 6 are the years)10:49
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opasdi am using router to connect to internet10:49
jcrimtdooglus - sorry, yes, I was on the most recent release - I updated using the synaptic update - how should I update now ?10:50
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loutrineopasd: Me too :)10:50
dooglusBlackBird: check which runlevel you are booting into: grep ^id /etc/inittab | cut -d: -f210:50
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opasdfirst i unplug the network cable,then i plug it again,how do i connect to internet later?10:51
dooglusjcrimt: you installed 5.10 and the update-manager offered to upgrade to 'dapper' (6.06)?10:51
opasdi means by using command10:51
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BlackBirddooglus: it returns "2"10:52
dooglusopasd: "sudo ifdown eth0; sudo ifup eth0"10:52
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jcrimtyes, I had actually already upgraded to dapper - it was fine - it was the update to edgy that killed me. I have just reinstalled 5.1 (?hoary)10:52
dooglusBlackBird: right.  that's the default.  check whether you have links in place to run gdm in runlevel 2:  ls -l /etc/rc2.d/*gdm10:52
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dooglusjcrimt: lots of people apparently had trouble upgrading to 6.06.  maybe it's better to stick with 6.06 for now?  I don't know what the official advice is re. upgrading to 6.10 at the moment.10:53
BlackBirddooglus: lrwxrwxrwx  1 root root 13 2006-11-07 18:39 /etc/rc2.d/S13gdm -> ../init.d/gdm10:53
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dooglusBlackBird: the 'S' is for 'start' - ie. it should start gdm (the graphical login thing) automatically when you boot.10:54
jcrimtOk thanks - I will have to try and find my  disc. Thans mate10:54
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Gavrilais there any way to make acpi update informations about the current status? I hibernated my laptop while on AC, and resumed it on battery only, but it refuses to detect the battery now.... any hint?10:55
dooglusBlackBird: what happens if you run "sudo /etc/init.,d/gdm start" after logging in to the console?10:55
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dooglusBlackBird: (without the comma)10:55
BlackBirddooglus: not sure. lemme check10:56
JohnRobertwhere abouts would I put source code for libraries I wanted to compile things against... like instead of downloading a -dev package, where would a normal configure script be looking for source?10:56
defrysk"sudo /etc/init.d/gdm start"10:56
dooglusGavrila: just a guess, but how about "sudo /etc/init.d/acpid restart" ?10:56
rsteeleI'll think about it10:56
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opasdi am using firefox now,if i want to upgrade to firefox 2,what should i do?10:56
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defryskopasd, I would upgrade to edgy then10:57
Gavriladooglus, I've already tried that, but no way10:57
scheuridefrysk: that is...well...not the recommandation which should be easily taken10:57
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dooglusJohnRobert: build the library then use "sudo checkinstall" to install it as a package.  configure looks in /usr/lib/pkgconfig/ for a corresponding .pc file10:58
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dooglusGavrila: what happens?  any error message?  anything in the logs?  (/var/log/*)10:58
JohnRobertthanks dooglus that's some sound advice10:58
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dooglusJohnRobert: you'll need to install "checkinstall" probably.  it's a lazy-man's way of making packages10:59
JohnRobertI am quite lazy, so that's useful10:59
defryskJohnRobert, packages made by checkinstall are for personal usage only10:59
dooglusJohnRobert: don't run the "make install" step - "sudo checkinstall" is instead of doing that10:59
Gavriladooglus when I restart it the script doesn't return any message, and dmesg says that the battery is not present11:00
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dooglusGavrila: that's the limit of my knowledge in that area I'm afraid.  my battery died years ago, and I never hibernate...11:01
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Gavriladooglus, hehe ok thanks11:01
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about Sedega - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi11:02
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dooglusboni: cedega?11:02
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BlackBirddooglus: nothing. It asked for my password, and then just went back to prompt. I had to run startx to get into a graphical interface, and again, it just loaded gnome11:04
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dooglusBlackBird: I have this in my ~/.Xsession : http://s89213869.onlinehome.us/.Xsession  - I uncomment whichever line at the end corresponds to the desktop environment I want startx to run11:05
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djuussHi. My /home is mounted on its own partition, but now it's starting to fill up. How can i mount another partition on a folder inside home? (lets call it /home/djuuss/downloads. /home is on dev/hdd1, the new partition is /dev/hdc2 )11:05
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dooglusBlackBird: was there no output at all from the 'gdm restart' command?11:06
Burnassdoes someone now how to fix bad sectors on a USB-stick?11:06
dav1n_Burnass: tried fsck?11:06
dooglusdjuuss: for a one-off mount, do "sudo mount /dev/hdc2 /home/djuuss/downloads"11:06
BlackBirddooglus: no. The only indication that anything happened was that it asked for a password.11:06
dooglusdjuuss: if you want it done automatically, edit /etc/fstab - make a copy of the /home line and modify it appropriately11:06
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djuussdid that11:07
dav1n_dooglus: sudo fsck /dev/whatever11:07
dooglusBlackBird: see anything written to /var/log/gdm/*?11:07
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djuussdooglus, added it in both fstab and mtab but it still gives "mount: can't find /home/djuuuss/downloads in /etc/fstab or /etc/mtab11:07
Burnassdav:1n that checks if there are bad sectors, and i know there are bad ones (log of mkfs.vat)11:07
Shadowpillarfsck that hard and long11:07
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boniI am facing a strange problem I changed the mode of my sudoers file from originally 440 to 644 but strangely I dont know nw sudoers is nt visible11:08
Burnassor can i repaire with fsck11:08
BlackBirddooglus: just a bunch of warnings then a "cant init" messagej11:09
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boniThe freakiest part is tht it says the mode has been changed frm o440 to 064411:09
dooglusBlackBird: can you pastebin it?11:09
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boninow how can i revert to the original modes or read write permissions of sudoers11:09
dooglusdjuuss: can you pastebin your /etc/fstab please?11:09
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bonican anyonme help me out??11:09
dav1n_Burnass: Not sure, try it though.11:09
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Burnassoke i will11:10
djuussdooglus: Mistyped djuuss in my sudo mount /home/djuuss/downloads haha, it worked with fstab/mtab entries already11:10
dooglusboni: sudo chmod 440 /etc/sudoers11:10
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dooglusdjuuss: no need to edit /etc/mtab11:10
bonidooglus: Thats nt happening11:10
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bonithe sudo is nt being executed11:10
djuussdooglus did both of them, thanks tho11:10
tx22Hey, I'm using thunderbird for my email but I need to setup the smtp server... does anyone know a free one? Thanks11:10
bonii tried tht11:10
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Burnassstrange now i get no log of bad sectors.11:11
Burnassfsck 1.38 (30-Jun-2005)11:11
Burnassdosfsck 2.11, 12 Mar 2005, FAT32, LFN11:11
Burnass/dev/sda1: 0 files, 1/244501 clusters11:11
dooglusboni: sounds like you've broken sudo then.  if you've set a proper root password then "su" to get a root shell, otherwise you're going to have to boot into recovery mode to fix it11:11
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dooglusdjuuss: for future reference, you should use "sudo visudo" to edit the sudoers file, rather than editing it 'manually'11:12
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dooglusdjuuss: that way you can't break it so easily...11:12
gnomefreak!mp3 | khajjak11:12
ubotukhajjak: For multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats  -  See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html  -  But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats11:12
dooglusum - those last 2 comments were for boni11:13
khajjakhow i play mp3 files in ubuntu?>11:13
khajjakanyone help me11:13
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ubotuFor multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats  -  See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html  -  But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats11:13
greenmananyone get awstats package to work?11:13
bonidooglus: Wat do i have to do to fix this problem from recovery mode???11:13
BlackBirddooglus: that's it...11:13
Burnasswel it seems that the bad sectors are repaired strage11:13
bonidooglus: I think I only have to fix the sudoers file11:13
njantx22, think about that question for a second ;)11:14
dooglusboni: what error are you getting when you try to "sudo" at the moment?11:14
njantx22, a "free" SMTP server would allow anyone to send e-mail to anyone through it - it's what's called an "open relay"..11:14
boniI mean the permissions of this sudoers file??11:14
njantx22, which is why virtually every SMTP server only allows mail to be sent from whoever the SMTP server is setup for (ie. an ISP's customers)..11:14
jcrimtDoes anyone know how to configure a Canon 250i usb printer?11:14
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dooglusboni: the permissions should be "440"; so "chmod 440 /etc/sudoers; chown root:root /etc/sudoers"11:14
greenmananyone get awstats package to work?11:14
tx22njan; I'm not going to be sending junk email.11:14
djuussnjan: not true, a large portion SMTP servers are setup 'free', thats where you've been getting all that junk email from11:14
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njandjuuss, let me rephrase.. virtually every *legitimate* SMTP server.. ;)11:15
bonidooglus: I did sudo chmod 440 /etc/passwd11:15
djuussnjan, you'd be surprised11:15
dooglusBlackBird: what's it?11:15
boniit gives11:15
bonisudo: /etc/sudoers is mode 0644, should be 044011:15
BlackBirddooglus: I posted that log to a pm... u got pm's blocked or something?11:16
greenmanAnyone get awstats package to work?11:16
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dooglusboni: right.  sudo refuses to run because the permissions are wrong on sudoers.  and to fix them, you need to use sudo...  it's a catch 22 situation.  so boot into recovery mode - then you'll be root, and can 'chmod' the file without using sudo11:16
njandjuuss, no, I know, it's quite common. But still. It's generally done accidentally or through ignorance rather than because the server's specifically free for open use.11:16
dooglusBlackBird: freenode doesn't allow pms if you're not registered with nickserv11:16
jcrimt!canon 250i11:16
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about canon 250i - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi11:16
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dooglusBlackBird: "/msg nickserv register pa$$word"11:17
BlackBirddooglus: ah ok.11:17
djuussnjan i'll give you that :D i think lazyness also plays a very big part here11:17
njantx22, you're not, but everyone else using that server probably is, which means it'll probably not stay online long, be slow, and have your mail dropped by spam filters, because the server you send through will be listed on one of the (many) realtime blocklists.11:17
jcrimt! printer canon 250i11:17
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about printer canon 250i - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi11:17
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njantx22, the best solution is to use an authenticated SMTP server, or one provided by your ISP or what have you.11:17
tx22njan:  i tried that, i use pipex, but it doesn't seem to work11:18
Aachron--am I in the right place to ask if there is a task sceduler?11:18
njantx22, define: doesn't seem to work11:18
njanAachron, cron11:18
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tx22njan:  well, i use smtp.pipex.net/com and it doesn't send11:19
greenmanCan someone help me?  I need awstats to work.  I can't find any help11:19
greenmanthere is no man file11:19
snowshoe1oxAre there any IDEs that support a broadrange of programming languages such as bash, perl, c, c++, upstart script ?11:19
tx22njan:  ok ignore me, lol, I done a search on google and it was "smtp.dial.pipex.com"11:20
jcrimt! usb printer11:20
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about usb printer - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi11:20
greenman! awstats11:20
ubotuawstats: powerful and featureful web server log analyzer. In component main, is optional. Version 6.5-2ubuntu1 (edgy), package size 834 kB, installed size 4644 kB11:20
njantx22, :)11:20
khajjakwhich player i need to play mp3 files in ubuntu?11:20
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ubotuFor multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats  -  See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html  -  But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats11:20
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about ide - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi11:20
ubotuAudio (Ogg, MP3...) players: Banshee, Beep Media Player, Quod Libet, Rhythmbox, XMMS (GTK/Gnome based) and Amarok, JuK (Qt/KDE based).  Video players: Totem, Xine, MPlayer, VLC, Kaffeine  -  See also !codecs11:20
doogluskhajjak: beep-media-player is a nice simple gui mp3 player11:21
snowshoe1ox!developer environment11:21
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about developer environment - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi11:21
ubotuanjuta: A GNOME development IDE, for C/C++. In component universe, is optional. Version 2.0.2-2ubuntu1 (edgy), package size 1494 kB, installed size 3760 kB11:21
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CarinArrkhajjak, once you've got the mp3 codecs installed, amarok is very nice11:21
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about activestate - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi11:21
CarinArrkdevelop is a lot nicer than anjuta11:21
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greenmanCan someone PLEASE help me?11:21
CarinArrbut none of them cover that vast a range of languages11:21
defrysk!ask | greenman11:21
ubotugreenman: Don't ask to ask a question. Just ask your question :)11:21
CarinArrhe did ask his question11:22
snowshoe1oxok, tx11:22
greenmandefrysk: I've asked my question three timeds11:22
CarinArrhe can't get awstats to work11:22
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dooglusgreenman: point your web browser at file:///usr/share/doc/awstats/html/awstats_setup.html11:22
defryskgreenman, sorry , missed that :s11:22
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greenmandooglus: will that explain how to setup the package?11:23
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dooglusgreenman: or file:///usr/share/doc/awstats/html/index.html for the index of the awstats docs11:23
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=== greenman fires up lynx
dooglusgreenman: I don't know, but that's where you can find the awstats documentation, apparently.  I've never installed it11:23
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dooglusgreenman: see also /etc/awstats/awstats.conf and /etc/awstats/awstats.conf.local11:24
kdtdooglus: when I try to pm the contents of that log, it overflows and kicks me11:24
Aachron--am I in the right place to ask if there is a task sceduler? what did you mean by cron, njan11:24
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greenmandooglus: i didn't find any help in there11:24
doogluskdt, use a pastebin:11:24
ubotupastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (you can always find it in the channel topic, among other useful things)11:25
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dooglusAachron: 'cron' is the linux task scheduler.  "man 5 crontab" will give the gory details; or if you can tell me what you want, I'll tell you how to do it11:27
kdtdooglus: ok there it is11:27
njanAachron, like dooglus, cron is what linux and unix use to run tasks at specific times in a similar way to the task scheduler in windows.11:27
njans/like dooglus/like dooglus says/11:27
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njanAachron, there are a number of different "cron" packages, but they all work in basically the same way, you can either read the man page or google cron online to find out more..11:28
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roadboyhi guys11:28
roadboyanyone have configuration example for shaper?11:29
dooglusAachron: anacron is good if you want to make sure something gets run every day - it makes sure the job gets run even if the PC isn't on at the same time each day11:29
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ekimushello, a question to the bind gurus: i have example.net and example.com - example.net is running fine with all RR records set, now I'm searching for an easy way so that $HOSTNAME.example.com will resolve to $HOSTNAME.example.net, so that I only need to update my example.net zone file and everything is fine11:30
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dooglusgreenman, do you see stuff at file:///usr/share/doc/awstats/html/awstats_setup.html ?  I see lots of help there11:30
greenmandooglus: I'm not finding anything about installing from apt-get install11:31
greenmandooglus: I found the awstats_configure.pl11:31
dooglusgreenman: you install it like: "sudo apt-get install awstats"11:31
greenmanbut it won't run11:31
greenmanI can't find the files it needs11:31
dooglusgreenman: it gets run automatically periodically by cron11:31
greenmandooglus: I've done that11:31
greenmandooglus: I can't set it up because when I run awstats_configure.pl it errors out.11:32
greenmanit can't find the files that it appends to the apache config11:32
greenmanthe "stuff" that makes awstats work11:32
greenmani "located" it and couldn't find anything11:33
dooglusgreenman: I see.  let me try...11:33
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roadboyanyone have configuration example for shaper package?11:35
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dooglusgreenman: looks like /usr/share/doc/awstats/README.Debian tells you how to set it up for ubuntu11:37
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greenmandooglus: hmm... i didn't see what to do in there11:38
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dooglusroadboy: did you see /usr/share/doc/shaper/README.shaper.gz11:39
greenmandooglus: that looks like just what to do if you encounter those problems11:39
SurfnKidhow can i change the mac on my adapter11:40
SurfnKidand then embedd it11:40
SurfnKidmacchange doesnt do it11:40
BelialMkIIyou could use ifconfig and pop it in one of the network scripts11:40
roadboydooglus, yes but my english is not enough to understand it :(11:41
greenmanscrew it, I gotta go to bed.  I've been up over 24 hours11:41
greenmanThanks for the help dooglus11:41
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cccharlesI need help with a basic postfix config. anybody have time?11:42
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daurnimatorhi all11:43
scheurij #postfix11:43
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ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about hiweed - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi11:43
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ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about hiweed - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi11:43
scheuricccharles: maybe #postfix is a better place to ask your question11:43
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pipubuntu, Hi11:45
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boinkccharles: you could ask on #postfix too11:48
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tim167when I open a *large* txt file my computer hangs completely, I have to quit gedit in terminal with kill comand...11:52
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dooglustim167: how large is large?11:52
tim167131 MB11:52
Daverockstim167: does "less" display it OK?11:52
tim167its a mail archive11:52
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Daverockstry using less11:52
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Daverocksless mailarchive.txt11:53
tim167can I search the textfile that way ?11:53
dooglustim167: that is large.  most editors will try to fit the whole file into virtual memory at once, causing swapping, etc.  in less, type a slash '/' then the search string, and hit return11:53
Daverocksyeah, less can search11:53
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dooglustim167: then 'n' to go to the next match, and 'N' to go back to the previous11:53
tim167cool,  I'll try that11:53
dooglusit's a good question though.  is there an editor which will let me edit a huge file?  one that's bigger than available virtual memory?11:54
Daverocksi think vim would work well for that; i don't think it loads _everything_ into mem at once11:56
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piecewiseI don't suppose anyone here'd be able to help me out with what I am pretty sure is an ipv6 issue...?12:01
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GaiaX11Who knows if there is a mplayer-gui in any ubuntu repository?12:02
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crimsunit's the gmplayer binary in the mplayer package12:02
mike1ohi I hope somebody can help me solve my problem, I can't use my headphones... I have no "Headphone Jack Sense" on my volume control, my soundcard is SI701212:03
GaiaX11crimsun: So I do apt-get install mplayer and ...12:04
crimsunGaiaX11: then execute ``gmplayer''12:04
crimsunGaiaX11: it's also in your menu12:04
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crimsunmike1o: only your headphones (as in speakers work fine)?12:04
defryskmike1o, also not in the switches section ?12:05
mike1ocrimsun, my line out works fine12:05
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crimsunmike1o: pastebin your amixer and lspci -nv12:06
MasseRAnyone here using nvidia-glx drivers with amaranth drivers?12:06
defryskMasseR, yes12:06
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mike1odefrysk, when i check my prefs there's no headphone control either12:06
MasseRdefrysk: Your updated today/yesterday?12:06
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defryskMasseR, you can update safely from there now :)12:06
MasseRdefrysk: Apparently you cant12:07
MasseRMine's broken12:07
MasseRSegfaults even glxinfo12:07
defryskMasseR, this morning the repo is back in sync with the edgy update12:07
defryskMasseR, oh my , i havent rebooted yet ;(12:08
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mike1ocrimsun, amixer: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/30603/12:08
MasseRdefrysk: :P12:08
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defryskMasseR, I might be in trouble then :/12:08
MasseRdefrysk: Try it. If it works, greta12:08
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defryskMasseR, no need to reboot now , My box is busy ;)12:09
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mike1ocrimsun, lspci -nv: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/30604/12:09
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mike1ocricht0ff, defrysk I heard there's a patch from alsa project that could fix the problem but i don't want to risk messing something up with the other apps12:10
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mike1ocrimsun, , defrysk I heard there's a patch from alsa project that could fix the problem but i don't want to risk messing something up with the other apps12:12
defryskmike1o, not sure how to fix it , you could check in prefs of volumecontrol if jacksense is there so you can tic it to make it functional12:12
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noirkann mir jemand helfen?12:12
ubotuDeutschsprachige Hilfe fuer Probleme mit Ubuntu, Kubuntu und Edubuntu finden Sie in den Kanaelen #ubuntu-de, #kubuntu-de, #xubuntu-de und #edubuntu-de12:12
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noirich brauch hilfe dringend12:13
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Nomikosi've just installed pure-ftpd, but now i want to change the way it starts up. i seem to remember there's a file or conf thing somewhere that lists all things that should start automatically, is that the place to look?12:14
scheurinoir: !de12:14
a7pnoir, du solltest #ubuntu-de aufsuchen.12:14
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noirnee ich brauch hilfe zu phpBB12:15
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a7p-> ubuntu-de12:15
scheurinoir: das ist der ENGLISCH-sprachige Channel von Ubuntu12:15
ubotuDeutschsprachige Hilfe fuer Probleme mit Ubuntu, Kubuntu und Edubuntu finden Sie in den Kanaelen #ubuntu-de, #kubuntu-de, #xubuntu-de und #edubuntu-de12:15
noirich komm trotzdem ne klar bin computerneuling12:15
Fluxkompensatorjoin #ubuntu-de12:15
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snowblinkNomikos, man update-rc.d12:16
crimsunmike1o: try this: kill $(lsof -t /dev/dsp* /dev/snd/* |sort -r) && sudo modprobe -r $(head -1 /proc/asound/modules|awk '{print $2}')12:16
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Nomikossnowblink: thanks12:16
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noirund wie komm ich in nen deutschsprachigen chat?12:16
ubotuDeutschsprachige Hilfe fuer Probleme mit Ubuntu, Kubuntu und Edubuntu finden Sie in den Kanaelen #ubuntu-de, #kubuntu-de, #xubuntu-de und #edubuntu-de12:16
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a7pnoir "/join #ubuntu-de"12:16
sugar-rushhelp !12:17
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crimsunmike1o: done yet?12:17
mike1ocrimsun, yes12:17
sugar-rushi have just install ubuntu 6.1012:17
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sugar-rushandi i do apt-get install anjuta12:17
mike1ocrimsun, what next?12:18
crimsunmike1o: now: sudo modprobe snd-intel8x0 ac97_quirk=hp_only12:18
Astro-Freshmexhere's a tricky question: how would I play real media files12:18
Astro-Freshmexwell video files12:18
Astro-Freshmexthat have their soundtrack encoded with ac312:18
ubotuFor multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats  -  See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html  -  But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats12:18
sugar-rushit does not run12:18
Astro-Freshmexit's not there scheuri12:19
crimsunmike1o: did the modprobe succeed or fail?12:19
scheuriAstro-Freshmex: then I am afraid I can not help12:19
mike1ocrimsun, no jacksense on volumecontrol12:20
crimsunmike1o: it's not going to add a jack sense element12:20
mike1ocrimsun, but it succeded12:20
constrictordoes anyone know how to sync pocket pc running windoze CE with evolution?12:20
mike1ocrimsun, no error message12:20
crimsunmike1o: I'm interested in whether the headphones work period12:20
crimsunmike1o: but in five minutes I'm leaving for the airport12:20
Astro-Freshmexis there a program or anything to convert an AVI file into the RMVB format?12:20
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Astro-Freshmexim using imtoo in virtual pc12:21
mike1ocrimsun, no sound out of headphones; speakers work12:21
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crimsunmike1o: then you need another quirk. Unfortunately I'm out of time.12:21
mike1ocrimsun, tnx anyways :)12:22
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about jacksense - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi12:22
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eyplease someone help me with xawtv :S i get error when i start it -> X Error of failed request:  XF86DGANoDirectVideoMode12:22
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eywhat does this mean12:22
eyanybody somebody help me12:22
constrictordoes anyone know how to sync pocket pc running windoze CE with evolution?12:23
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sugar-rushanu idea ??12:24
leafwproblems with external monitor: the "extra" screen is actually shown in the same screen, right above it, acceesible by mouse, and not on the external monitor!12:24
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leafwI'd appreciate an example xorg.conf known to work with ATI cards (powerbook here)12:25
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Ingmarwhich nvidia driver do i need to get aiglx + beryl working in edgy ?12:26
tim167I plugged in my wireless ethernet interface and got two entries in System>Administration>Networking: 'wlan0' and 'wmaster0', which one should I activate ?12:26
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guillem101Astro-Freshmex, I know little about video.. but perhaps mencoder (from mplayer) may do it12:26
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guillem101Ingmar, latest: 962912:27
intehnetanyone got ubuntu installed on paralells on macbook?12:27
Astro-Freshmexi'll try12:27
Astro-Freshmexmencoder mmm12:27
Ingmarty guillem10112:27
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guillem101Ingmar, if it happens you get black windows, use "beryl --force-aiglx"12:28
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constrictorhow do you sync pocket pc with evolution?12:28
Astro-Freshmexguillem101: mplayed doesn't play rm does it12:28
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kidddddiplease someone help me with xawtv :S i get error when i start it -> X Error of failed request:  XF86DGANoDirectVideoMod12:28
guillem101Ingmar, or  "beryl --force-aiglx --use-cow" (but I don't know what the cow thing is all about)12:29
JuhazAstro-Freshmex, it does if you have the codecs12:29
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Ingmarguillem101: lol, alright :) i'm using a howto from the forum, just wasn't sure which nvidia drivers this computer needs, i'm use to ATI crap12:30
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kkfoxccwhy ati is fine12:30
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Ingmarguillem101: what's the best source to install those drivers from ?12:31
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Nomikosuhm.. can someone walk me through this pure-ftpd thing, i found its startup script but that's two pages of bash, and i can't find what i'm looking for in there..12:34
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Nomikosit says to add some string to "your usual pure-ftpd switches" but i can't find where /those/ are12:35
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xipietotechow can I get quicktime movies to play in firefox?12:35
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MasseRxipietotec: mplayer plugin12:35
intehnethmm, no one got ubuntu going under parallels?12:36
xipietotecthankye =)12:36
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guillem101Ingmar, I use the nvidia web site plus their installer (after removal of nvidia-glx and linux-restricted-modules packages)12:36
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Astro-Freshmexhmm i think i got it working12:36
Astro-Freshmexim using a different program12:36
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Astro-Freshmexthanks though ciao ciao12:36
Astro-Freshmexby the way before i go12:36
Astro-Freshmexdoes anyone here watch the show 'tripping over'?12:36
MasseRguillem101: What problem does Ingmar have?12:36
MasseRI have trouble with that driver too12:37
jonah1980hi doesn anyone know of any wireless speakers that work with ubuntu/linux - i'd like to listen to music in the bath from my computer12:37
guillem101Ingmar, I've seen some repositories around...12:37
Astro-Freshmexguess not. bye!12:37
intehnetastrofreshmex: yes - how was the dude12:37
intehnetgetting his nipples ripped off12:37
Astro-Freshmexhospitalized :P12:37
Astro-Freshmexcyas :D12:37
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guillem101MasseR, he/she is asking about the best method to install nvidia drivers- _ I guess12:37
jonah1980apparantly the saitek ones don't work - but they're the kinda thing i want but for linux12:37
IngmarMasseR: figuring out how to install nvidia drivers, so i can use aiglx on edgy12:37
mike1oanybody here know how to add a jacksense channel to alsa?12:37
Infectohi, does some body know how to export acounts in kmail ?12:37
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coz_Ingmar, hold on12:38
MasseRIngmar: The best way (if it works) is to install amaranth repos and install nvidia-glx12:38
MasseRGets you the latest12:38
aphonehi all12:38
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IngmarMasseR: i'm using a repo, that contains a modified linux-restricted-modules, because i need it to use my wireless12:38
coz_Ingmar, do youwant the nividia beta drivers?12:38
IngmarMasseR: that's what i'm doing, thanks for confirming12:38
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Ingmarcoz_: yes12:38
MasseRIngmar: http://doc.gwos.org/index.php/BerylOnEdgy12:38
coz_Ingmar, hold on12:38
intehnetok! ubuntu under parallels does not work - graphics are pwned.12:38
coz_Ingmar,  try this   http://forum.beryl-project.org/topic-5021-howto-beryl-aiglx-nvidia-drivers12:39
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Ingmarcoz_: ok12:39
gnomefreak!nvidia-beta | Ingmar12:39
ubotuIngmar: For Ubuntu 6.10 (Edgy Eft), you can obtain the (unsupported!) Beta version of the binary NVidia drivers by using one of these repositories: "deb http://amaranth.selfip.com/ edgy lrm" (for x86) or "deb http://ubuntu.lupine.me.uk/ edgy lrm-amd64" (for AMD64)12:39
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Ingmarthanks all :)12:40
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guillem101gnomefreak, Impressive, there is a package for the 9629 driver for amd64 there :-)12:40
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ayaahello all12:41
gnomefreakguillem101: yes i know newly built12:41
MistaEDawesome!! amd64 beta driver! :D12:41
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ayaatryng to install dapper on my new toshiba laptop, it allways freezes at 15%, how can i debug this problem12:41
jazzrockerdoes apt/synaptic keep temporary files around?12:41
jazzrockercan i clean them out?12:41
guillem101I've asked this at #ubuntu-xgl but never got an answer: what does the "--use-cow" option mean at beryl?12:41
jazzrockerit seems a little rediculous for my  main system to be using 50G12:42
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guillem101ayaa, check the CD12:42
ayaaguillem101, it's not a CD related problem, i think of some unsupported hardware problem12:42
guillem101jazzrocker, I *think* it was "sudo apt-cache clean"12:42
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chxis there a deb already for Nvidia 9629?12:43
ayaaguillem101, I have 5 new 'shipit' ubuntu CDs and they all throw that problem12:43
rausb0jazzrocker: apt-get clean12:43
xipietotecwhat's the mplayer plugin to firefox called?12:43
coz_xipietotec, mozilla-mplayer12:43
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guillem101jazzrocker, I was wrong; rausb0 is OK12:43
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ayaaanyone can help ?12:46
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SuturTrying to use the command cp to copy a large amount of files from one disk to a removable USB storage device (250GB hard drive), I have been having trouble with the device, so I have to keep restarting, so does the "cp" command automatically skip files that already exist?12:46
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mekkisSutur, no, it doesn't12:46
vibHi everyone. I was playing around with load balancing (UltraMonkey and Heartbeat), and I got pretty much everything working besides the FTP server. I cannot see to find a howto for VSFTPD.12:46
mekkisit overwrites by default12:46
vibCould anyone point me to the right place to look for something of the kind?12:47
SuturI checked the manual and --help switch, but I don't know how to change it, do you know the switch?12:47
rausb0Sutur: i think -u could hel12:47
constrictorhow do you sync pocket pc with evolution?12:47
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xipietotecokay....how do I install this mplayer plugin?12:48
rausb0Sutur: read the manpage and search for -u12:48
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vib apt-get install mozilla-mplayer12:48
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about sync - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi12:49
xipietotechuh....says I allready have it installed...12:49
ubotumultisync: A program to synchronize PIM data. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.82-6.1 (edgy), package size 77 kB, installed size 284 kB12:49
xipietotecbut it still won't play it >(12:49
Suturrausb0:  -u, --update, copy only when the SOURCE file is newer than the destination file or when the destination file is missing.12:50
Suturrausb0: Thanks.12:50
vibxipietotec, did it install or did you get a "Package not available" message?12:50
xipietotecvib: no, I have it installed, the .mov file just won't play in firefox12:50
coz_xipietotec, try apple movie trailers and see if mplyer ot totem starts up12:51
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vibxipietotec, Open your firefox browser and in the address space type  about:plugins12:51
coz_xipietotec, you have a .mov file on the hard drive?12:51
xipietoteccoz_: no I'm trying to see a short animated film on "Treacherous Computing"12:52
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coz_xipietotec, ok what is the link. let me try12:52
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ubotuDetails of setting up synce-serial at: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/PocketPCHowto12:53
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tommyturmstadthaltet ein!12:54
tommyturmstadthaltet ein!12:54
coz_xipietotec, do ou have alink for me?12:54
xipietotechttp://ia300124.us.archive.org/3/items/TrustedComputing/ coz_12:54
coz_xipietotec, hold on12:54
xipietotecit says I do not have the correct codec installed12:54
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coz_xipietotec, did you install mplayer as well?12:54
feydinwhy is it that my bootsplash screen always dissapears on "Mounting filesystems"12:55
intehnetgrrr stupid x1112:55
coz_xipietotec, go to synapitc search for mplayer and install it and the fonts etc12:55
coz_xipietotec, you need mplayer installed also did you install all of the restricted formats  and codecs?12:56
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xipietoteccoz_: mplayer is installed, I use it pretty much exclusively, I've been getting w32codecs from seveas' repo12:56
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coz_xipietotec, did you go to ubuntu restricted formats to see if everything is installed/12:57
summatis the wiki down or is it just me?12:57
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xipietoteccoz_: no will do now12:58
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coz_xipietotec, well it looks like it is down right now12:58
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guillem101ayaa, perhaps it is the moment to try edgy on it (edgy CD is a live CD so you can check it prior to install)12:59
feydinwhats the mount option for reiserfs to get user attributes? user_xattr ??01:00
mike1omy jacksense headphone control is unavailable in alsamixer... :(01:00
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deadlyallance068ive been out of the loop is edgey out of beta yet ?01:01
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ayaaguillem101, ok am downloading it, but need to know how to debug such situaton ?01:02
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guillem101ayaa, yes, I know I have not answered your question.01:02
guillem101ayaa, I just have suggested you another choice :-P since I don't know the answer01:03
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ayaaok guillem101 thanks in anyway :)01:04
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jones20992has anybody ever used gnome-dock ?01:04
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jones20992not meny ppl on tonight a01:06
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DarkMageZjones20992, edgy launched 11 days ago01:08
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dope_how do i get vim to indent a file that's not indented01:08
jones20992nice whats new in it ?01:08
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doboi am new to ubuntu and have 2 soundcards01:09
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doboi have writen a config file and stored it in /etc/modutils.d/alsa and want to use this config now01:09
DarkMageZjones20992, newer kernel. new totem. new rhythmbox. xorg 7.1 and other stuff01:09
dobohow can i update the modutils.d/ dir ?01:09
shadukan_guys where can i find information installing the ati-driver fglrx for IBM Thinkpad X3101:10
soundray!ati | shadukan_01:10
ubotushadukan_: To install the Ati/NVidia drivers for your video card, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto01:10
shadukan_the damn think keeps crashing always and i found out that the problem was int the line of script where it tries to find the path to firefox01:10
jones20992does it have more support for multimedia out of the box so to speak01:10
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DarkMageZjones20992, not that i'm aware of. but i doubt that will ever happen due to patents01:11
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shadukan_soundray nice one01:11
jones20992i sure wish it would do xvid out of the box sure would make my life easyr01:12
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soundrayjones20992: campaign for the liberation of the codecs, then01:12
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DarkMageZi thought xvid was open01:13
jones20992FREE THE CODECS01:13
variantDarkMageZ: xvid is free software01:13
shadukan_i have done all the tests and the damn thing still crashed01:13
sundarii just installed rtorrent via synaptic PM... now how do I run it?01:14
jones20992xvid is a free ver of divx01:14
variantjones20992: yeah, free as in freedom01:14
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variantit is gpl licensed01:14
plodyou can take our land01:14
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plodbut you will never01:14
plodour FREEEEEEDOM!01:14
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jones20992anybody ever hear of gnaa or a gnaa wannabe ?01:16
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plodheared of, or is one01:16
guillem101since my upgrade to edgy, I can only see in nautilus some of the folders at root level (I don't see /usr or /tmp) unless I enable "show hidden files". Is this a common problem?01:16
sundarii just installed rtorrent via synaptic PM... now how do I run it?01:16
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somejew-sdidwtci dont know01:16
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variantjones20992: yes, it's not somthing worth spending thought-time on though01:16
soundraysundari: it often helps to list the package files, e.g. 'dpkg -L packagename | grep bin/ '01:17
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soundraysundari: I guess in the case of rtorrent, you just have to enter rtorrent in a terminal window.01:19
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sundarithere is no gui?01:19
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somejew-sdidwtcthere is no guy01:20
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soundraysundari: the description says that it is curses-based, so there is a text-based gui.01:20
aileanI would like to gauge the concensus on what is the best ubuntu-friendly piece of software for managing money.  I am used to Microsoft Money, and would like something with all of the features in that if possible (i.e. reports, charts etc)01:20
sundariso... what is a nice torrent software? used to utorrent...01:20
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variantailean: gnucash is about it really01:21
soundraysundari: why don't you have a go with rtorrent, seeing that you have installed it already.01:21
variantailean: the latest versions (not those available from ubuntu reps) are very good01:21
fbladeguys how can i make my window drivers writable there readable but dont seem to allow me to write01:21
feydinduring startup my bootsplash always disappears on "Mounting local filesystems" why is that!?01:21
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soundray!ntfs | fblade01:21
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about matroska - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi01:21
ubotufblade: To view your Windows/Mac partitions see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AutomaticallyMountPartitions  -  See also !fuse01:21
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soundray!fuse | fblade01:22
ubotufblade: Though it's still very unsafe, you can read about Ubuntu NTFS writing here: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Lkraider/NtfsFuse01:22
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thiagocmartinscHi to all...  howto rebuild Ubuntu Alternate with OEM stuff ?! there is a doc ?01:22
vibfblade, you need http://www.linux-ntfs.org/01:22
sundarii don't mind trying rtorrent... but i am not seeing much options in there...01:22
aileanvariant, gnucash seemed quite awkward to use the last time i tried01:22
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aileanvariant, what about KMyMoney?01:23
ubotugnucash: A personal finance tracking program. In component universe, is extra. Version 2.0.1-3ubuntu3 (edgy), package size 2014 kB, installed size 6388 kB01:23
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aileanvariant, yeah, i have it01:23
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variantailean: you probably tried one of the 1.* versions01:23
soundray!torrent | sundari01:23
ubotusundari: Torrent clients: Azureus (Java), BitTornado (Shell with python front-end), KTorrent (KDE/Qt)  -  Bittorent FAQ: http://www.bittorrent.com/FAQ.html01:23
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DimensionsHi ... where does evolution stores all the mails so i can copy them to another folder or flash drive ... ?01:23
josh_hows everyone doing this morning01:23
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variantailean: i never tried mykmoney, try it and let me know what you think01:24
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aileanvariant, k, thanks01:24
mike1omy jacksense headphone control is unavailable in alsamixer... :(01:24
Jazonanytime i call an X app from console, i get this error... X Error: BadDevice, invalid or uninitialized input device 166 <=== anyone knowhow to get rid of it?  (the apps all work perfectly fine, its just this comes up everytime!!)01:24
josh_anyone have kids and block webcontent with ubutnu?01:24
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Jazonvariant: kmymoney2 is really really good01:24
variant!snort | josh_01:24
ubotusnort: Flexible Network Intrusion Detection System. In component universe, is optional. Version 2.3.3-7 (edgy), package size 330 kB, installed size 800 kB01:24
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variant!squid | josh_01:25
ubotusquid: Internet Object Cache (WWW proxy cache). In component main, is optional. Version 2.6.1-3ubuntu1 (edgy), package size 576 kB, installed size 1524 kB01:25
thiagocmartinscHi to all...  howto rebuild Ubuntu Alternate with OEM stuff ?! there is a doc ?01:25
manmadhahow to do flash programs in linux........i mean is there any tool to construct easyly.?01:25
Jazonvariant: it does real time and calculated currency conversions, allows for foreign currency accounts.... its super01:25
josh_variant, nah i dont need snort... that wont block them... ill just know they went to a pron site... i want to block that before it happens01:25
aileanJazon, you've used KMyMoney then, i take it?  Is it as good as Microsoft Money (which, despite being Microsoft, IS a good program)01:25
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Jazoni like it better01:25
aileanJazon, i'll have to try it.  do you know of others?01:26
M0E-lnxhey guys..... I dloaded the 6.10 Desktop image.... but can't boot into graphic mode... how do I kick it into cli?01:26
Dimensionswhere can i find saved mails of Evolution ?01:26
thiagocmartinscPlease... howto rebuild Ubuntu Alternate with OEM stuff ?! any doc.. I can't find on the Internet...01:26
Jazonthe repors arent as numerous, but it is good01:26
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drayenHumm... i have a set of large extneral usb hard disks, which i've formatted to use ext2 - however i find they keep getting corrupted due to my slackness of unmounting propperly (laptop user) and was wondering if there was any way to force a e2fsck after every X conections?01:26
aileanDimensions, under a hidden folder in your /home directory01:26
Jazonailean: gnuCash01:26
aileanJazon, only those two then?01:27
Jazonor gnuKash?  cant remember01:27
Jazonkmymoney2 is in apt01:27
Jazoni quit looking after kmymoney01:27
drayenM0E-lnx: have you tried ctrl+alt+F1 ?01:27
M0E-lnxyes I tried that01:27
M0E-lnxstill nothing01:27
aileanJazon, i tried gnucash before and wasn't impressed, but i want a very graphical tool01:27
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Jazonthen kmymoney01:27
Jazongo to their site01:27
aileank :)01:27
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aileanthanks Jazon and variant01:28
M0E-lnxtried all the alt combos01:28
Jazonnp :)01:28
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soundrayailean: I've heard good things about Moneydance. Not tried it myself though, and it is closed Java software01:28
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M0E-lnxthe thing is, I have two video adapters....01:28
Dimensionsthanks AlienX01:28
M0E-lnxone of them goes blank..01:28
daftvadercan anyone help me to get gdm running at start?01:28
M0E-lnxthe other looks very bad... cant see a thing01:28
aileansoundray, i'll check it out, thanks (I'd prefer open source, but if it does the job better, i'll use it)01:28
daftvaderI used to have kdm running at start01:28
M0E-lnxjust lines all across01:28
daftvaderbut now I disabled it from bum01:28
soundraydaftvader: is it installed?01:28
daftvaderyes it is01:29
Jazonanytime i call an X app from console, i get this error... X Error: BadDevice, invalid or uninitialized input device 166 <=== anyone knowhow to get rid of it?  (the apps all work perfectly fine, its just this comes up everytime!!)01:29
daftvaderi am running it atm but i have to manually login and type it01:29
thiagocmartinschowto rebuild Ubuntu Alternate install CD with OEM stuff ?! any doc.. I can't find on the Internet...01:29
variantdaftvader: apt-get install gdm && dpkg-reconfigure gdm01:29
vorbotedaftvader: "sudo dpkg-reconfigure gdm"01:29
soundraydaftvader: 'sudo dpkg-reconfigure gdm'01:29
variantdaftvader: it will ask you what you want to run at startup01:29
Jazonthiagocmartinsc: i dont know what you mean sorry01:29
domnuhey, I'm trying to do an 'apt-get install java-package' and it it can't find the package. Anyone know how to fix this?01:29
daftvaderok, isn't there any sort of start-up file in linux? l01:29
ubotuUbuntu Dapper 'Desktop' CD contains a Live CD (Ubuntu that runs straight off the CD and RAM) with an install option. Breezy's Live CD contained no install.01:29
soundraydaftvader: or 'sud update-rc.d gdm defaults'01:30
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bidha2kbsdin boot level i always get stuck with pass prompt i.e Enter PEM pass phrase:01:30
bidha2kbsd ..i have to give the passwd and then further boot goes on01:30
bidha2kbsdhowto put the passwd so i can boot slapd without prompting the passwd01:30
soundraydaftvader: sorry 'sudo update-rc.d gdm defaults'01:30
Jazondomnu: sudo aptitude install xxxxxxxxxxx01:30
variantdaftvader: yes, but it is supposed to be hidden from the user "experience" in ubuntu01:30
thiagocmartinscJanchi, with "Alternate Install CD" we can: creating pre-configured OEM systems;01:30
thiagocmartinschow to do it ?01:30
domnuJazon: thanks01:30
daftvaderah yes, how can I un-hidden it01:30
thiagocmartinscJazon, with "Alternate Install CD" we can: creating pre-configured OEM systems;01:30
Jazondomnu: thank me if it works ;)01:30
daftvaderi really much want to learn the start-up process of ubuntu01:31
vorbotesoundray: using update-rc.d in thses case will nothing differnet to break your system.01:31
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variantdaftvader: i dont literaly mean hidden, i just mean not obvious.. ubuntu is a point and click operating system01:31
domnuJazon: hmm, still can't find java-package01:31
aileansoundray, part of me wants to buy moneydance just to give them some linux-based revenue :)01:31
Jazondomnu: sudo apt-get update01:31
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variantdaftvader: you would be better with somthing like gentoo or slackware then01:31
aileansoundray, but you need to pay to upgrade every year01:31
soundrayvorbote: can you rephrase that?01:31
vorbotedaftvader: if you already have installed kdm and gdm, you  will want to use update-alternatives --config gdm instead01:31
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domnuJazon: no dice :-P01:32
Jazondomnu: also try sudo apt-get java<tab><tab>01:32
domnuI can get a tar.gz of the package01:32
vorbotesoundray:you are messsing with links in init.d already under the control of debconf01:32
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daftvadervariant: it seem that I have no control over what start up program in my ubuntu box beside bum01:32
daftvaderi don't really want to use bum as I want to learn the cmdline alternatives01:32
soundrayvorbote: I suggested 'defaults'. That can hardly be called "messing"01:33
=== vorbote sends soundray to read the Debian Polocy Manual at http://www.debian.org/developer
thiagocmartinscJazon, can you help me?!01:33
tim167'enable logging' on Gaim resets every time, can I set it as default ?01:33
domnuJazon: hmm, still doesn't show up, but that does help a little01:33
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=== vorbote sends soundray to read the Debian Polocy Manual at http://www.debian.org/devel, he!
Jazondomnu: then it isnt in the ubuntu repos....what is the url of the package?01:33
floatingHello. I want to install ndiswrapper to get online. However I need first to install build-essential deb, but I cant install that, because I havent installed libc6-deb(cantfind), libc-dev(cantfind), g++(cantfind), dpkg-dev(found). I wonder what all deb files I should download to get this rolling. I am afraid when I find these dep there will be another one.01:33
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Jazonthiagocmartinsc: sorry, i have never done it... try posting in the forum (???)01:34
fbladeok i tried following them and because there already mounted i cant figure how to make them writable01:34
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thiagocmartinscJazon, ok... I will01:34
Jazonthiagocmartinsc: good luck01:34
thiagocmartinscthanks  :-D01:35
soundrayfloating: is connecting by Ethernet an option -- even if just temporarily?01:35
cheesyquit now01:35
aileanVista is apparently going to come with a domain name for every computer to access the files remotely - does Ubuntu have anything planned to keep up with this?01:35
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floatingi would rather download the debs and burn them to a disk, but I can get to ethernet if this method is impossible01:35
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shawnr_i waited 3 days to install the new nvidia xgl and linux-restricted-modules updates, i do and my xserver crashes01:36
soundrayfloating: there is a how-to for using apt offline, let me dig it out...01:36
shawnr_can anyone help me out01:36
floatinghmm, well, I have got that01:36
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soundrayfloating: what's the problem, then?01:37
floatingsoundray: hmm, will it find the packages with apt-get libc-dev and libc6-dev and g++ as package names ?01:37
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aileanJazon, I dunno, I don't see anything in KMyMoney to create graphs etc.  It doesn't seem very graphical.  Am I missing something?01:38
soundrayfloating: I don't understand the question.01:38
floatingi didnt think the apt-get offline would be useful01:38
floatingcuz I dont understand.. didnt read the page01:39
shawnr_Where can I find the log for the xserver?01:39
soundrayshawnr_: /var/log/Xorg.0.log01:39
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ekimusif i have a nameserver for is it ok if i specify the reverse lookup zone like this: zone "2.0.192in-addr.arpa" or do I have to care about the netmask of the assigned range?01:39
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floatingsoundray: so if I go to ethernet, just apt-get install libc6-dev , apt-get install libc-dev and apt-get install g++ will be correct commands ?01:40
priichany tips on what to do when the xserver-xorg packages is being held back when i try to upgrade to edgy ?01:40
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Jazonailean: no graphs yet... i thought you meant did it have a good gui.  graphs are dead easy in koffice or OOo...  you looking here? http://kmymoney2.sourceforge.net/index-home.html01:41
somejew-sdidwtc http://danke-peer.dl.am/ geil01:41
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soundrayfloating: no, if you are on ethernet, 'apt-get install build-essential' should be sufficient.01:42
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soundraypriich: 'sudo apt-get install xserver-xorg' should either install it or tell you why it won't.01:43
shawnr_GPG error: http://packages.freecontrib.org:  NO_PUBKEY F120156012B8371801:44
shawnr_how can I fix that?01:44
priichsoundray, thanks, i'll give it a go01:44
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aileanJazon, i'll keep an eye on it and maybe use it in the future. i think gnucash is the best bet just now01:45
aileanJazon, thanks!01:45
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domnugah, of course I just had to add more sources to my apt configuration01:46
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somejew-sdidwtchttp://www.danke-peer.dl.am/ LOOOL01:48
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somejew-sdidwtchttp://www.danke-peer.dl.am/ LOOOL01:48
somejew-sdidwtchttp://www.danke-peer.dl.am/ LOOOL01:48
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Hoxzerare you gay?01:49
somejew-sdidwtchttp://www.danke-peer.dl.am/ LOOOL01:49
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somejew-sdidwtchttp://www.danke-peer.dl.am/ LOOOL01:49
ubotuHelp! Keybuk, mdz, Amaranth, tritium, ajmitch, crimsun, ogra, CarlK, Seveas, Burgundavia, apokryphos, thoreauputic, nalioth, Madpilot, ompaul, rob, Hobbsee, imbrandon, DBO or gnomefreak!01:49
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Hobbseethanks soundray01:49
soundrayThanks Hobbsee01:49
shawnr_my xserver just crashed but I can't find the log for it. i looked in Xorg.0.log01:49
shawnr_is there somewhere else i should look?01:49
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soundrayshawnr_: are you running Xgl?01:51
shawnr_not anymore glx01:51
shawnr_i got rid of xgl01:51
shawnr_a while ago01:51
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shawnr_i just installed the latest nvidia-glx update01:51
shawnr_and it crashed01:52
soundrayshawnr_: do a 'ls -l /var/log/X*' to see if you have any other X-related logs, and whether they show today's date.01:52
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shawnr_so i switched it to the 'nv' driver01:52
shawnr_soundray, which is an error... II == ** WW ?01:53
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soundrayshawnr_: if you're examining a crash, all of these could be interesting. Just look at the end of the file.01:54
ekimushehe that link from somejew-sdidwtc is actually a thank you page for a german politician who prevented a beer tax :)01:54
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shawnr_soundray, yea here it is01:55
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soundrayshawnr_: the markers are explained in the first few lines of the file.01:55
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priichekimus, always a worthy cause, fighting beer taxes01:55
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shawnr_soundray, i found the error but it isn't telling me anything really specific01:57
shawnr_this sux i have school work to do today lol01:57
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XiXaQWhat is Nice in System monitor?01:58
soundrayshawnr_: configure vesa instead of nv and see if you still get the crash.01:58
soundrayXiXaQ: process priority01:58
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shawnr_soundray, it isn't telling me what it said at the time of crash01:58
XiXaQsoundray, thanks :)01:59
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shawnr_soundray, it said the nvidia-glx version and a version of something else doesn't match01:59
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XiXaQsoundray, more is higher priority?01:59
soundrayshawnr_: did you install the ubuntu packages to get nvidia support?02:00
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geokokhi. Just a quick question. I have the repos nvidia drivers installed. Do I have to uninstall them before installing the new ones form nvidia?02:00
shawnr_i think02:00
soundrayXiXaQ: default is 0, negative is higher, positive is lower priority.02:00
Martiewow, ubuntu conversations get higher priority that school work :) your mom's gonna be mad02:00
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XiXaQsoundray, thanks again :)02:01
shawnr_soundray, nvidia-glx (1.0.8762+ to 1.0.8776+
soundrayXiXaQ: man nice, man renice02:01
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shawnr_let me try again02:01
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geokokDo I simpy uninstall the nvidia-glx from synaptic and I am fine?02:01
soundrayshawnr_: where did you download those drivers?02:01
shawnr_automatic updates02:02
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shawnr_soundray, do the linux restricted modules need a reboot to register with the system?02:02
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julomoin moin02:02
shawnr_cause after the update i restarted x02:02
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shawnr_no reboot02:02
clode_hey, anyone have a suggestion to a good FTP software for Linux?02:02
soundrayshawnr_: yes, that was going to be my next suggestion02:02
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shawnr_abrb, thanx02:03
juloclode_: nautilus handles ftp pretty well02:03
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juloclode_: else, there is gftp02:03
clode_oh, thanks for the suggestions. I'll check them out.02:03
dooglusclode_: lftp is the best command line tool I've found - it's very nice02:03
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clode_ah, alright - is it easy to configure the way you want it to dooglus?02:04
dooglusclode_: I didn't look into it much - I use tramp in Emacs for all my FTP needs02:04
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dooglusclode_: but that's probably too much of an acquired taste02:04
gharzguys, i'm using gnome... how do i install KDE?02:04
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dooglusgharz: sudo apt-get install kubuntu-desktop02:04
gharzdooglus, thanks!!!!02:05
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dooglusgharz: that'll bring in a whole bunch of KDE apps as well.  if you just want the basics, there's something called - um 'kdebase' maybe?02:05
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gharzyeah... i just want the kdebase.02:05
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dooglus!info kdebase02:05
ubotukdebase: base components from the official KDE release. In component main, is optional. Version 4:3.5.5-0ubuntu3 (edgy), package size 45 kB, installed size 88 kB02:05
dooglusgharz: so just "sudo apt-get kdebase" then02:05
mike1ono sound from headphone jack, no headphone control in alsamixer either! card; SI701202:05
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soundray!kde-core | gharz02:06
ubotukde-core: the K Desktop Environment core modules. In component main, is optional. Version 5:47 (edgy), package size 7 kB, installed size 40 kB02:06
dooglusoops.  you'll need "install" in there too - before "kdebase"02:06
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floatingsoundray: I am online now with my xubuntu. I installed build-essential, it mentioned the earlier deb I had problems with and suggested apt-get -f install, I did that and then tried a new build-essential install, it says that build-essential is not available but is referred to by another package E: package build-essential has no installation candidate02:09
gharzsoundray, what's the difference between kde-core and kdebase?02:09
soundraygharz: sry, forget about kde-core, kdebase is what you need.02:09
LaibschIs it possible to import a GPG key for a repository but NOT trust that GPG when installing files?  "gpg --import $file" imports the file but has no other effect on apt function.02:09
soundrayfloating: 'sudo apt-get update', then try again02:09
gharzsoundray, what's the diff between the two then?02:10
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gharzsoundray, coz i'd like to switch between kde and gnome during logon.02:10
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soundraygharz: you will be able to do that in gdm02:11
floatingthank you, seems to work soundray02:11
gharzsoundray, ok... thanks!02:11
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dooglusgharz: kde-core = kdebase + arts + kdelibs02:15
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gharzdooglus, thanks for the info!02:16
jendaThe Czech LoCo team has been asked in an interview what progress has been made towards new-user-accessibility in Edgy (for which Ubuntu is renowned). Anyone have any tips?02:16
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dooglusahoj jenda!02:16
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jendaIs it possible that 8 minutes of conversation fit on a single screen in #ubuntu?02:19
jendaWhat's wrong with the world?02:19
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spinz8rHi, hv got a aztech wifi usb dongle. need guidance to build/compile suppplied linux driver. tks02:20
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axion_major problem...when i run apt-get it says "The following packages were automatically installed and are no longer required" and lists about 100 base packages that I didnt install manually...such as xorg glibc binutils, etc...how do i fix it?02:21
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axion_an autoremove screws the whole system02:21
pjpeterhi i installed apache2 to make a webserver but i cannot add files as it needs to changed from root access to my user name access02:22
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FaithfulI just bought a new WD SATAII 320GB Enterprise disk and it is running so hot you can't touch it... what do you think?02:24
priichFaithful, install a fan ?02:25
FaithfulDo you reckon it should run that hot?02:25
dhdoes it run that hot all the time, or just when spinning?02:26
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Faithfuldh: well usually it is spinning when it is running.02:26
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dhso its burning hot even in standby then?02:27
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aileanFaithful, it should not be that hot02:29
aileanFaithful, install a fan or check that your ventilation is clear02:30
pjpeterhi how do i change owner from root to user02:30
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pedrolopes10can someone help me?02:30
FaithfulI felt this heat belching out the case with the side of and I was trying to figure where it was coming from ... would not have guessed the new hdd02:30
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iwaterballpjpeter: sudo chown user <file>02:30
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pjpeterit is www directory02:31
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pedrolopes10i'm having a problem programing java... that i can't make the import java.util.Scanner...02:31
pedrolopes10can somebody help?02:31
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doogluspedrolopes10: you have your classpath specified correctly?02:32
pouUbun2got a question about toshiba laptop sat. p100. I tried ver 6.06 and ver 6.10 and sound dont seem to be working at all... anyone else has that prob?02:32
geokokI try to add a repo as shown in a guide in the forums for beryl but I get a message saying that no public key can be found...Now what?02:32
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pedrolopes10sudo update-alternatives --config.......than i choose java  /usr/lib/j2sdk1.5-sun/bin/java02:33
zshhallo, is there an equivalent for kppp in gnome?02:33
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pedrolopes10dooglus: i did like this...02:33
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morphycsI have w32codecs installed but mplayer couldn't play many formats, what to do?02:33
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andrepowelli am having a problem with the LiveCd it boots really slow F1 says you need 128MB of ram I have 196 and the jacket says 256MB and my mouse stops working any suggestions02:34
dooglusmorphycs: do you have a frinstance?02:34
igcekHello; does anybody know how could i enter terminal, if my X-windows dont work?02:34
boinkyou need to install mplayer for the right site02:34
GnarusLeoHi! Does anyone know why my fonts look like crap in amsn? Where can I get normal fonts? or how?02:34
Tim90Hey i cant install limewire02:34
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boinkyou need to add some repo's to your sources.list02:34
Tim90tryed sh runLime.sh02:34
morphycsdooglus: I don't know what frinstance is02:34
dooglusigcek: hold control and alt and press f1 or f2, then log in02:34
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boinkso that mplayer can play windows media stuff02:34
dooglusmorphycs: an example.  of a format you can't play02:34
igcekdooglus ive tried it, does not work...02:35
geokokboink: I try to add repos through the gui but it says it cant get a public key..02:35
Tim90ls show that there is a runLimewire file02:35
boinkjust use apt-get02:35
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pedrolopes10dooglus: may i do a pvt?02:35
morphycsdooglus: mpg, asf02:35
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internathowdy.. im having problems with kaffeine.. i haven o sound through it wat so ever.. vlc works with sound.. so im not sure.. ive tried playing and changing the options for audio from auto to alsa and oss and esd but no results.. any suggestions?02:35
geokokboink: system-->system administration-->sources02:35
boinkadd the right lines, then 1) apt-get clean 2) apt-get update 3) apt-get upgrade02:35
dooglusmorphycs: oh.  mpg works for me02:36
Tim90suso apt-get install limewire doesnt work02:36
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dooglusmorphycs: with mplayer and w32codecs02:36
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Tim90for me02:36
boinkwhat does apt-cace search limewire say?02:36
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boinkapt-cache I mean02:36
doogluspedrolopes10: you can try02:36
doogluspedrolopes10: you have to be registered, or it won't let you02:37
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pedrolopes10ok sorry  i will register now02:37
Tim90root@timo900-desktop:/usr/local/LimeWire# sudo  apt-cace search LimeWire02:37
Tim90sudo: apt-cace: command not found02:37
dooglusTim90: cache, not cace02:37
boinkapt-cache search limewire02:37
boinkit was a typo02:37
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dooglusmorphycs: what error do you see if you run "mplayer file.mpg"?02:38
GnarusLeoHi! Does anyone know why my fonts look like crap in amsn? Where can I get normal fonts? or how? Its programmed in TK/TCL (I think thats whats wrong)02:38
Tim90root@timo900-desktop:/usr/local/LimeWire# apt-cache search LimeWire02:38
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boinkthat means it doesn't exist in any of the repos you use02:38
boinkyou need to fine an ubuntu repo which has limewire02:39
morphycsdooglus: "error opening/initialize the selected video_out (-vo) device."02:39
boinkI got no reply as well for limewire02:39
pouUbun2hi question about toshiba laptop sat. p100. I tried ver 6.06 and ver 6.10 and sound dont seem to be working at all... anyone else has that prob?02:39
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boinkwhat does cat /dev/sndstat say?02:39
boink(don't paste!)02:40
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dooglusmorphycs: which -vo device are you trying to use?02:40
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Tim90boink: i downloaded it from the limewire site,02:40
dooglusmorphycs: try "mplayer -vo x11 file.mpg" for example02:40
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francixive just managed to mount my ntfs drive for reading (very proud btw) , is it dangerous to transfer files from there to my linux partition on ubuntu?02:40
boinkthe ubuntu .deb? or just the source code?02:40
njanfrancix, no, that's safe.02:41
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Tim90 fracix: yes never write on the ntfs02:41
francixna just want to transfer files from ntfs to linux02:41
boinkfrancix: ideally, that nfs share should now be a part of your system02:41
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morphycsdooglus: It work now, how to set this parameters by default02:42
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francixboink, i think it is, as i'm listening to my mp3 from there now, just wanted to be sure :)02:42
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Tim90were can i get the limewire  repo02:42
boinkI listen to mp3's all the time off samba mounts ;)02:42
boinkTim90: google02:42
boinklimewire ubuntu02:42
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gyaresu!flash > gyaresu02:43
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geokokhow come I cant get a public key for the beerorokid repo????02:44
francixwoohoo, copying files to linux fro ntrf works like a dream, ubuntu ftw!02:44
dooglusmorphycs: -vo x11 is a bit slow - try -vo xv instead - does that work?02:45
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Lobstergeokok if you use apt-get update there should be shown the key02:45
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boinkfrancix: you mean ntfs?02:45
gyaresuTim90, It's called frostwire02:45
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geokokno i get a message at the end saying to run sudo apt get update.....02:45
francixntfs i meant ;P02:45
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boinkfrnacix: if you're paranoid, you might want to consider sshfs later on02:46
andrepowellone more question is there a way to run "Install" w/o the mouse ?02:46
boinkthat's ntfs by ssh protocol02:46
Tim90gyaresu: Cheers02:46
gyaresugeokok, wget http://www.beerorkid.com/compiz/quinn.key.asc -O - | sudo apt-key add -02:46
gyaresuTim90, welcome02:46
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jribubotu: tell andrepowell about apt02:46
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Lobstercan you paste, geokok?02:47
geokokgyaresu: I have added that02:47
gyaresuandrepowell, disable mouse?02:47
geokokLobster: give me a sec cause the terminal is installing the nvidia drivers02:47
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andrepowellgyaresu: my mouse will not work with LiveCD, and I want to see if I can install Ubuntu sometime this year02:48
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francixinfidel windows partition !02:48
francixboink, yep02:48
andrepowellgyaresu: btw it is an non-usb optical02:49
gyaresuandrepowell, you could install the server edition and then setup your own xorg.conf02:49
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morphycsdooglus: Ok I set vx in the preference and its playing files very well but when I open the files it say "couldn't open codecs", but it plays file normally02:49
gyaresuandrepowell, should just work.02:49
dooglusmorphycs: to make the option default, put a line saying "vo=x11" in ~/.mplayer/config02:49
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dooglusmorphycs: or "vo=xv" if that works02:49
clojsterhi, how can i define aliases? I tried to put them in ~/.bashrc but it doesn't work02:49
oangeflyas administrator, how do i acces other peoples personal folders using my login from other computers....???....02:49
axion_how come almost every single package is listed as auto-removable? if i do autoremove my system will stop working (glibc etc!)02:50
dooglusclojster: alias x='echo hello'02:50
oangeflyserver of course....02:50
Tim90I have the mce remote connected to ubuntu, were is the device alocated i.e /dev/ttyusb02:50
gyaresuclojster, yes it does. you need to start a new 'bash' session.02:50
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evilghostoangefly:  If you're using gnome login and try "sudo nautilus", if you're using console, then "sudo su" and just CD into their directories.02:50
clojstergyaresu: I did02:50
gyaresuoangefly, just 'ls'02:50
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andrepowellgyaresu: this is what I have 196 MB Ram PII 6xx  processor 10G of space and a big headache, is there something that I am missing.02:51
mrdudesomething in edgy thats different than dapper is messing with my USB webcam being able to work with VMware02:51
boinkclojster: source .bashrc02:51
morphycsdooglus: Its say the same error, "couldn't open codecs", but its plays the file very well02:51
mrdudeanyone know what this might be?02:51
gyaresuandrepowell, loads to desktop but you just can't use the mouse?02:51
oangeflyi mean from computers running windows....or do i have to use putty....02:51
axion_anyone have any clue how to fix my packages?02:51
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dooglusmorphycs: I ignore all the junk that mplayer prints so long as the file plays OK...02:51
sc4ttrbrainmrdude, can u use it to send voices?02:51
evilghostoangefly:  If the server is runing openSSH then yes, you can use putty.02:51
gyaresumorphycs, you have the extra codecs installed?02:52
clojsterboink: still nothing02:52
gyaresuaxion_, specifics please.02:52
andrepowellgyaresu: there is a pointer but no movement02:52
mrdudei noticed that when i plug it in now i get a dialog to open digital camera photos wondering if maybe that is taking it over02:52
axion_gyaresu: read up02:52
clojsterthis is line in my .bashrc:02:52
axion_how come almost every single package is listed as auto-removable? if i do autoremove my system will stop working (glibc etc!)02:52
mrdudeits actually a dig camera/webcam combo02:52
boinkfor bash, it should be = alias blah="ssh -v -l blah blah.com"02:52
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clojsteralias mplayer='mplayer -monitorpixelaspect 1'02:52
oangeflyi was just hoping i could access everybodies home folder from anyones windows explorer....02:52
mrdudeit worked fine in dapper but now vmware isnt seeing it02:52
boinkclojster: try it with quotes02:52
Wikzocan you see this?02:52
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gyaresuaxion_, what are you trying to do?02:52
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boinkthen source .bashrc02:53
axion_gyaresu: trying to use autoremove without it removing everything02:53
morphycsdooglus: how to make mplayer the default mozilla-plugin?02:53
evilghostoangefly:  You'd have to have Samba installed to do that02:53
oangeflyi do....02:53
clojsterboink: still nothing02:53
sc4ttrbrainmrdude, what version of vmware?02:53
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Kishoreubotu, pastebin02:53
ubotupastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (you can always find it in the channel topic, among other useful things)02:53
axion_gyaresu: almost every package is listed as no longer needed02:53
evilghostoangefly:  So, access the share?02:53
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oangeflyi \\myserver\theirname    i can't get in....02:54
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gyaresuaxion_, I don't know autoremove. What are you trying to acheive?02:54
dooglusmorphycs: I've never found a good way of playing video in firefox.  in my experience mplayer-mozilla-plugin or whatever it's called sucks02:54
axion_gyaresu: let me pastebin02:54
boinkkaffeine works quite well02:54
rolandoi get this error when trying to apt-get remove compiz-plugins (adept says its a broken package)02:55
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rolandoE: Sub-process /usr/bin/dpkg returned an error code (1)02:55
geokokLobster: here it is02:55
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geokok1. W: GPG error: http://www.beerorkid.com edgy Release: The following signatures could not be verified because no public key was available: NO_PUBKEY 31A5F97FED8A569E 2. W: Maybe u should run  apt-get update  3. to fix this  4. (I translated the message from greek)02:55
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sc4ttrbrain!pastebin > geokok02:55
mrdudeubuto gnome-vfs02:56
andrepowellgyaresu: well i try again later, thanks02:56
rolandoany ideas when error code (1)02:56
geokokterribly sorry ! how do i use pastebin?02:56
gyaresuandrepowell, sure.02:56
ubotupastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (you can always find it in the channel topic, among other useful things)02:56
Tim90now the danm thing wont lounch02:56
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gyaresugeokok, http://rafb.net/paste is better.02:56
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gnomefreakrolando: sudo apt-get -f install      just type that. no package02:56
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ubotuFor multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats  -  See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html  -  But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats02:56
geokok1. W: GPG error: http://www.beerorkid.com edgy Release: The following signatures could not be v02:57
oangeflydid you see that one <evilghost>....???....02:57
gyaresugeokok, All are just somewhere to dump text and then provide the link.02:57
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rolandognomefreak: this is what i get02:57
geokokoh ok02:57
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gnomefreakgeokok: ask in #ubuntu-xgl to get the key. they should have a link handy02:57
rolandoE: Sub-process /usr/bin/dpkg returned an error code (1)02:57
geokokLobster: u there mate?02:57
axion_gyaresu: http://pastebin.ca/24343202:57
gnomefreakrolando: sudo dpkg --configure -a      try that02:58
geokokgnomefreak: I have added the key according to the guide in the forums02:58
rolandocant i just force this removal?02:58
Lobstergeokok isn't there a key printed?02:58
gnomefreakgeokok: if you are still getting that warning you added the wrong key02:58
axion_gyaresu: as you can see it says my linux kernel and crucial stuff is no longer required02:58
rolandognomefreak: when doing the configure i get nothing02:58
boinkdang it, there's something blocking my sound card02:58
gnomefreakrolando: you can but its not recomended as it can break thinks02:58
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geokokbut its copy paste from the forums02:58
boinkhow could I switch on/off alsaconf?02:59
boinkcrazy ubuntu bug :/02:59
geokokLObster: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/30620/02:59
gnomefreakrolando: can you paste the full output of the command on pastebin please02:59
eXistenZWhat is a good interface to the DICT server?02:59
gyaresuaxion_, yeah. odd.02:59
rolandognomefreak: adept says its broken already, its just compiz-plugins after i removed compiz-core and all other things02:59
axion_fresh install btw02:59
gyaresuaxion_, So what did you do? :)02:59
gnomefreakadept or apt rolando ?02:59
rolandognomefreak: how is that paste bin?02:59
gyaresuaxion_, sources.list got messed with?02:59
Wikzois it normal that the Ubuntu 6.06 live cd freezes sometimes, when you running it? yesterday I tried it in about 10 min., and then it just freezed02:59
boinkit's not normal, no02:59
gnomefreak!pastebin | rolando02:59
rolandoadept cuz apt i dont know how it tells me its broken02:59
uboturolando: pastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (you can always find it in the channel topic, among other useful things)02:59
axion_gyaresu: probably removed a pseudo package i wasnt supposed to remove03:00
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gyaresuaxion_, what about when you 'apt-get update' 'apt-get upgrade'03:00
gnomefreakrolando: the commands i gave you need to be ran in terminal03:00
axion_gyaresu: no sources.list is the default03:00
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Lobstergeokok  gpg --keyserver subkeys.pgp.net --recv 31A5F97FED8A569E03:00
axion_gyaresu: same thing...no upgrades available and lists all that stuff as no longer needed03:00
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gyaresuaxion_, yeah... Sorry, that's extremely botched.03:01
Lobstergeokok and then gpg --export --armor  31A5F97FED8A569E | sudo apt-key add -03:01
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geokokLobster: where do i add this\/03:01
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rolandoi pasted here http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/30622/03:01
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Lobsteryou copy it into a terminal and hit enter03:01
gnomefreakrolando: ty brb03:01
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rolandognomefreak: i ran all those in a terminal03:01
sugar-rushon anjuta 2.x code completation really don't work !!!03:01
sugar-rushhow to install a old version03:01
boinkis there an alsa-conf or something like that in ubuntu?03:01
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sugar-rushhow to install a old version of anjuta on Ubuntu 6.1003:03
sugar-rushplease help03:03
geokokLobster+gnomefreak: all I needed was a little help from my friends! You guys are the best! thanks03:03
gnomefreakrolando: install compiz-core than remove the compiz-plugins than remove compiz-core03:03
axion_gyaresu: yeah...its not the first time this happened either. i went back to slackware last time it happened too :(03:03
gyaresu!alsa > boink03:03
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sugar-rushmay be the stable version03:03
oangeflycan anyone help with my server....???....i can't get  into other peoples home folders....\\myserver\theirname   ....i can't get in with my login and password....03:03
oangeflyin windows....03:04
rolandognomefreak: thanx ill try that03:04
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gnomefreaksugar-rush: you can try to go to packages.ubuntu.com and download the anjuta.deb from the dapper packages remove the version you have now and sudo dpkg -i anjuta<file.deb03:04
gyaresuoangefly, you've set up samba to share home dirs but as the user methinks.03:04
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boinkdamm, this is 100 percent an ubuntu bug03:04
boinksound card not working, it just goes dead .. "resouce busy"03:05
gnomefreaksugar-rush: find out what version of libc6 is needed it will be listed on that page that you get the download. DO NOT change your libc6 package03:05
gnomefreakboink: is firefox using it?03:05
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oangeflyso i can't access other home folders from windows explorer....i can only use putty....???....03:05
sugar-rushok thanks a lot03:06
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gyaresuoangefly, you can but... why would you want to?03:06
otacon22_anyone know something like ipkungfu but more esy to use/install?03:06
boinkalsa-lib: pcm_hw.c:1217:(snd_pcm_hw_open) open /dev/snd/pcmC0D0p failed: Device or resource busy <= great stuff03:06
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boinkand there's nothing using the card03:06
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gyaresuotacon22_, ipkungfu isn't easy enough?03:06
boinkgnomefreak: firefox is not. I've closed it03:07
gnomefreakboink: are you sure firefox isnt using it? and what version of ubuntu03:07
boink6.06 LTS03:07
otacon22_gyaresu, no, and I haven't finded documentation to use it03:07
gnomefreakboink: just because you closed it doesnt mean its not running03:07
boinkfirefox and opera I've closed.03:07
boinkit's not in ps aux03:07
oangeflyit's the only thing i haven't been able to do....i thought it may come in handy if someone doesn't show up at work and i need to retrieve someing, and i don't have my laptop or their password with me....03:07
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boink/etc/init.d/alsa-utils reset does nothing as well03:07
gyaresuoangefly, If you just want root access then you don't really want to be using samba...03:08
gnomefreakboink: is /dev/snd/pcmC0D0p in ps aux?03:08
boinki'll check03:08
gyaresuotacon22_, I know it's a little like jumping in the deep end but I recommend reading up on netfilter.03:09
boinkno, it isn't03:09
netGI have a question...03:09
gyaresu!hi > netG03:09
netG Is there a possibility to store Evolution mail messages in mysql?03:09
oangeflyi have a software raid1 and everyone will be backing up to the server from windows....03:09
gyaresunetG, possible yes. pragmatic...03:09
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mrmistHi all :)03:09
boinkubuntu bug, 100 percent03:09
gyaresu!hi mrmist03:09
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about hi mrmist - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi03:09
boinksomething blocks my sound card. this sux!03:10
axion_boink: bug tracker may help more than here then03:10
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gnomefreakboink: i do remember firefox using snd after being closed in breezy and dapper. the guy i know (expert on sound issues) is gone for 2 days. can you restart X and use sound card again?03:10
oangeflyi learned this in two weeks....i am just trying get everything perfect before i use it for everyone at work....03:10
boinkdammit! I want my sound back! *sniff*03:10
snowshoefoxIs there support document for connecting to my ubuntu pc from a windows xp laptop?03:10
boinkgnomefreak: heh .. too busy at work to restart, sadly.03:10
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mrmistIs there any way to limit the apps in the GNOME panel, to the windows that03:10
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priichboink, have you tried MAKEDEV ?03:11
boinkit shouldn't crash on me like that03:11
gnomefreaksnowshoefox: putty and i think that would be on lines of a windows support question more so than ubuntu03:11
gyaresusnowshoefox, File sharing? Or what?03:11
mrmister... to the windows that are minimized03:11
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otacon22_gyaresu, you really don't know how I have to do after had installed ipkungfu and lunched it?03:11
boinkcome back to lunch, and dammit, won't play any sound03:11
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otacon22_to configurate03:11
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mrmistI just want the windows not showing to appear in the panel03:11
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priichboink, so it did work before ?03:11
gnomefreakboink: agreed it shouldnt. is there anything in ps aux that is /usr/bin?03:11
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otacon22_uff, there is'nt documentation??!!!03:11
boinkprefectly, yes03:11
gyaresuotacon22_, Sorry, can I have that again in english please?03:11
Feonix762Quick question.. how can I determine what version of GCC was used to compile my kernel?03:11
priichboink, and you used say mplayer or flash in firefox ?03:11
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frandavid101sorry, I have a question03:11
Plzrcould someone help me with installing my wifi-drivers with NDiswrapper? I want to load a driver for my Linksys WPC54G wireless adapter but ndiswrapper gives me an error03:12
snowshoefoxgyaresu, for RDP sessions03:12
boinkpriich: there's no ff in the ps aux output03:12
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Feonix762What is the error Plzr?03:12
Plzrroot@pulz0r-laptop:/home/pulz0r/Desktop# ndiswrapper -i LSBCMNDS.inf03:12
PlzrInstalling lsbcmnds03:12
Plzrcouldn't copy LSBCMNDS.inf at /usr/sbin/ndiswrapper line 135.03:12
boinkbut I'm still looking through the ps aux output03:12
mrmistFeonix762: uname -a ?03:12
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frandavid101when I call the shutdown menu, it doesn't darken the screen or capture mouse clicks03:12
Plzran I dont kow what I should do with this or where the error is03:12
frandavid101it behaves like any other window03:12
gnomefreakboink: anything with /usr/bin i would like to see. from ps aux03:12
otacon22_gyaresu, What I need to do after have lunched ipkungfu in shell to configurate it?03:12
frandavid101do you have any ide why?03:12
boybachcan anyone help with my keyboard problem?03:13
boinkthere's lot of stuff from /usr/bin/03:13
Feonix762mrmist, doesn't work :(03:13
gnomefreakboink: i know03:13
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gyaresuotacon22_, you need to read the man... 'man ipkungfu'03:13
snowshoefoxnm, i'll try freenx03:13
boinkcould I kill esd? is that something to do with sound?03:13
gyaresusnowshoefox, RDP from windows >> linux  ??03:13
Feonix762I need to build a module using the same version of GCC that was used to compile the kernel or it won't work03:13
floatingMy ndiswrapper problem; I installed drivers to it, then modprobe it, but it doesnt initialize wlan0 like it should I guess... with iwconfig there is wlan information on eth1, and it wont work as I try use that instead03:13
snowshoefoxyes gyaresu03:13
Feonix762How can I figure out what version of GCC was used to compile the kernel?03:13
gnomefreakboink: yes esd is sound03:13
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gnomefreak!esd | boink03:14
ubotuboink: esd is the enlightened sound deamon. It's deprecated, use !alsa instead03:14
boinkheh, killed it03:14
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ubotufreenx is advanced remote desktop technology. For more information and install instructions, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeNX03:14
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floatingPlzr: did you try install the .inf from the dir the .inf was in?03:14
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bluefox83Feonix762, what module?03:14
gnomefreakboink: sound should work unless something else is using it03:14
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Feonix762madwifi drivers03:14
gnomefreakboink: a good idea if you can change it from esd to alsa (the drivers)03:14
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boinkhmm .. ok, I'll look into that03:14
aldwinyo wassup03:15
boinkI've just been using the 6.06 LTS install03:15
gyaresusnowshoefox, Well would need to be running vnc client or something.03:15
bluefox83Feonix762, you might try doing apt-cache show <kernel)03:15
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gnomefreakboink: than there is something else using it. (/usr/bin) should be using it just not sure what /usr/bin/* it is03:15
axion_boink: does alsamixer load?03:15
boinkwell .. I killed esd03:15
FaithfulFeonix762: cat /proc/version03:15
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boinkand now it says "resource busy" and would even play the sound as well03:16
boinkI've never seen this in any open source distro03:16
aldwinat last im using ubunt03:16
Feonix762Thank you much Faithful : )03:16
aldwindoes anyone know how to play an mp3 here?03:16
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gnomefreak!mp3 | aldwin03:16
ubotualdwin: For multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats  -  See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html  -  But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats03:16
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boinkdamm ... I'll need to spend at least a few hours on this bug. dammit03:16
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gyaresu!codecs > aldwin03:16
gnomefreak!sound | boink03:16
ubotuboink: If you're having problems with sound, first ensure ALSA is selected, by double clicking on the volume control, then File -> Change Device (ALSA Mixer). If you are still having problems with sound, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/DebuggingSoundProblems  and http://alsa.opensrc.org/index.php?page=DmixPlugin03:16
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gnomefreakboink: maybe that will help a bit03:17
boink!tell boink about sound03:17
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mrmistI don't want Windows that are open to appear in the window-list, anyone know how I'll fix this ?03:17
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snowshoefox!tell me about life03:18
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about life - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi03:18
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priichugh my xorg is still hosed. which files should be in :   /usr/share/X11/fonts/75dpi  ?03:19
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Ayabarawhat must I do to adjust ffmpeg postprocessing level in totem? what is the default?03:20
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gnomefreakpriich: that should just abe a warning not an error and shouldnt cause any issue to xorg03:20
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abhinayHi there03:21
abhinaymy friend is unable to boot in to edgy, because of xorg fail. that errors are : (EE) VESA(0): No matching modes  , (EE) Screen(s) found, but none have a usable configuration. Fatal server error: no screens found03:21
abhinayAny idea ?03:21
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gnomefreakpriich: btw setting the driver to vesa should give you X03:22
gyaresu!pastebin > abhinay03:22
gyaresuabhinay, let's have a look.03:22
abhinaygyaresu: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/30624/03:22
gnomefreakabhinay: install xserver-xorg-video-all03:22
diminthedamhello. How do i update my wireless driver on thinkpad?03:22
priichgnomefreak, when i do xset fp -rehash, i get bad font element #76. directory missing or do not exist, or has wrong permissions or directory missing fonts.dir or incorrect font server address or syntax03:22
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gnomefreakabhinay: also make sure BusID is right03:22
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gyaresugnomefreak, Is that just ALL the xorg packages as a metapackage?03:23
Ayabarais there more to 'movie player' than meets the eye? can I make it more configurable?03:23
gnomefreakpriich: open synaptic and search for fonts install the ones you need03:23
gnomefreakgyaresu: no thats all the drivers packages03:23
gnomefreakgyaresu: what used to be xserver-xorg-driver-nv is now xserver-xorg-video-nv  replace nv for all and it will install all of them nv vesa mesa so on03:24
Ayabaraanyone? is there an irc channel for totem movie player?03:24
jribAyabara: not really, try, mplayer, vlc, gxine, xine-ui03:24
gyaresugnomefreak, thanks. interesting.03:24
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Ayabarajrib: ok. thanks. I'm on kaffeine now, but it keeps crashing on wmv files...03:25
gyaresuabhinay, try gnomefreak idea. ^^03:25
=== gnomefreak uses gxine and totem-xine :)
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abhinaygyaresu: ok03:25
gnomefreakabhinay: if this was an upgrade you may need more packages.03:25
priichgnomefreak, hehe well that is kind of the problem. gksudo synaptic gives : received an X window system error. error was badname, font or color does not exist03:25
gnomefreakpriich: forgot your in tty03:26
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gnomefreakpriich: apt-cache search fonts | less than use the page dwn key to scroll03:26
abhinaygnomefreak: edgy is fresh installed. btw, what is BusID ?03:26
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priichgnomefreak, yeah i did that. seems i have all the packages installed that should give the fonts listed when i do "xset q"03:27
gnomefreakabhinay: in /etc/X11/xorg you will see a line under device (driver) BusID PCI:...... that needs to match what pci slot the card is in03:27
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gnomefreakabhinay: /etc/X11/xorg.conf03:27
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gnomefreakabhinay: lspci should give you the busid number03:28
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gnomefreakabhinay: it will look like 02:02:003:28
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gnomefreakabhinay: not that exact number but should look simular. if you see a letter in there let me know but iirc edgy shows it as it needs to be not in hex dec03:29
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bossjock77Mornin' all.03:29
bossjock77I need some help.  :-)03:30
abhinayokey !03:30
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gnomefreakme walks away for a bit i havent slept in over 24 hours03:30
bossjock77I just installed the latest release... 6.10 I think.03:30
bossjock77Install went fine... but when I boot my PC... instead of a login screen, my monitor goes into stand-by mode.03:30
dv5237gnomefreak: how come you havent slept over 24H ?03:31
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boinkdang it, I'll file a bug report some day ...03:31
internatare there any standard guides for installing a redeon 9600?03:31
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boinkno sound ... grrrrrrr!03:31
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djuussHi, got serious problem03:33
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gyaresu!ati > internat03:33
bossjock77I'm sure it's a resolution problem of some kind... can I change the default resolution at the command line?03:33
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djuussHow do i install and setup a new Grub from the live cd? Already have a 6.06 installation but its GRUB and Fstab are FUBAR03:34
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boinkdang it, need to reboot. almost as lame as windows.03:34
gyaresubossjock77, you can. /etc/X11/xorg.conf (be sure to backup first)03:34
dv5237bossjock77: you can adjust xorg.conf by entering 'sudo nano /etc/X11/xorg.conf' im not sure how that would work though changing the resolution on the CLI03:34
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dv5237boink: lol yeah almost ;x03:35
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bossjock77Lemme give that a shot... stand by.03:35
gyaresuboink, how far are you with the sound?03:36
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priichwoohoo. seems i got the xfonts issue resolved. thanks for the help!03:36
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gyaresu!grub > djuuss,03:36
YanchoHi guys, anyone can tell me a good tutorial to install cgi-script pls ?03:36
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ubotugrub is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost grub after installing windows: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RecoveringUbuntuAfterInstallingWindows - Making GRUB floppies & other GRUB howtos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto03:36
gyaresuYancho, apache documentation is best.03:37
bossjock77Actually... I'm reading on the forum that this is a common problem.  My video card has dual outputs... and is a nVidia card.03:37
iwksehi all. How's possible my stick usb isn't recognized?? neither by lsusb...03:37
BeanBaghi there, how do you install themes on ubuntu dapper (not login screen), and where can i download it?03:37
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jribubotu: please tell BeanBag about themes03:37
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gyaresuiwkse, really really cheap one (the chips can be dodgy)03:37
Yanchogyaresu so u suggest i go and ask in #apche ? is it something i can do apt-get install pls ?03:37
bossjock77It says I need to install new drivers for my video card... how do I do that from the CLI?03:37
snowshoefoxdangit... who changed my su pw03:37
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iwksegyaresu: no..on my laptop works great, and there's ubuntu egty too..right the same as on pc03:38
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gyaresuYancho, apt-get "information", no. You can find out how to use them from apache.org however.03:38
djuussgyaresu, thanks that 'recovering ubuntu after installing windows' link really helped :D (not that i installed.. *shudder* windows)03:38
gyaresudjuuss, cool.03:38
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csirsteprihow are you all03:39
iwksegyaresu: and i'm sure i used it again on this pc, time ago03:39
mike1oany edgy users here? please post output of cat /proc/asound/version ...03:39
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gyaresuiwkse, checked 'dmesg' and 'messages' ?03:39
iwksegyaresu: i try03:39
BeanBaghow do you install themes on ubuntu dapper (not login screen), and where can i download it?03:40
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gyaresuAdvanced Linux Sound Architecture Driver Version 1.0.12rc1 (Thu Jun 22 13:55:50 2006 UTC).03:40
dv5237mike1o: sudo: /proc/asound/version: command not found03:40
csirstepriand you03:40
bossjock77I think I need to study up on how to use this CLI.03:40
=== bossjock77 is a Linux n00b
thartmansudo apt-get update keeps timing out with "99%... waiting for headers" -- http://www.rafb.net/paste/results/NnC0SS24.html03:40
gyaresumike1o, ^^03:40
mike1odv5237, did u write cat before it?03:40
thartmanis there something wrong with de.archive.ubuntu.com ?03:40
thartmani'm on dapper drake03:40
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dv5237mike1o: im sorry i forgot >> Advanced Linux Sound Architecture Driver Version 1.0.12rc1 (Thu Jun 22 13:55:50 2006 UTC).03:41
gyaresubossjock77, cool commands: man, locate (updatedb), apropos03:41
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jribBeanBag: did you receive a private message from ubotu?03:41
djuussIn fstab, how do i mount a swap space? mount it to 'none' with type 'swap'  or mount it to 'swap' with type 'swap'03:41
mike1ook tnx dv5237 its not a virus any way in case you're worried :-)03:41
PlzrI installed drivers for my wificard, they should be right ndiswrapper says driver present/hardware present but how do I make the drivers work for my card now03:41
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dv5237mike1o: i wassnt ;)03:42
aldwinis ubuntu a ntfs format or a fat32?03:42
mike1odv5237, i know...03:42
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mike1oaldwin, ??03:42
dv5237mike1o: good :x03:42
gyaresudjuuss, UUID=a6c99ffb-7f1b-4c05-befd-14179fd4979f none swap sw 0 003:42
mike1oaldwin, ext303:42
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Yanchoaldwin :S pls :(03:42
djuussaldwin: it defaults to ext3 i think. So neither fat32 nor ntfs03:42
bossjock77Well... I ran sudo apt-get install nvidia-glx on the CLI... and it's doing SOMETHING.03:42
iwksegyaresu: i get a lot of this [17179579.200000]  usb 4-6: new high speed USB device using ehci_hcd and address 203:42
Plzrif I want to activate eth1 via networkadmin this doesnt work correct03:42
gyaresudjuuss, where UUID is the swap partition.03:42
iwksejust changing the address 203:42
bossjock77Whether or not it's what I need to do... I'll find out.  :-P03:42
Tjoelswhat should i use for beryl? glx, aiglx or the nvidia beta drivers. i'm on edgy.03:42
djuussgyaresu thx03:43
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gyaresuiwkse, that's good.03:43
elrowhat are <release>-updates?03:43
iwksewith progressive numbers03:43
gyaresudjuuss, no probs.03:43
aldwinwhats ext3 is it a new format that i dont know since i only know fat16, fat32 and ntfs... (im using ubuntu now)03:43
iwksetill 17103:43
djuussGonna logout now and rescue with the install cd :) thanks gyaresu03:43
elroaldwin: ext3 is the linux filesystem format03:43
Tjoelsaldwin: it's the most widely used file system for linux, i think03:43
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gyaresualdwin, ext3 is the 'standard' file system for linux. (there are many others)03:43
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BeanBagjrib: no i did not03:44
aldwinah okay, ext3 is the most used. ah okay, thank you very...03:44
aldwinvery very much03:44
Plzrif I try to activate eth1 (my wificard) via Network Settings it takes a really long time to activatebut when I start up my network settings again its still not active03:44
iwksegyaresu: how i can check what problem could be?03:44
gyaresuiwkse, usb?03:44
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iwksegyaresu: do you mean a problem with usb port^?03:45
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aldwincan ext3 (file format of linux. Thus, ubuntu) can mount/understand ntfs???03:45
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gyaresuiwkse, 'tail -f /var/log/message' then stick it in.03:45
Tjoelsaldwin, yea, it can, but not with full support i think03:45
phaedrus44aldwin:  firts off there is ext2 also ...   and yes ntfs reading and writing is possible03:45
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gyaresuiwkse, 'dmesg | less' and you should see it come up with a drive && partition number sdd1 etc.03:45
elroah updates are major bug fixes produced after final release03:46
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gyaresualdwin, no Tjoels the kernel can.03:46
XiXaQIsn't there a harddrive manager in edgy?03:46
gyaresualdwin, Tjoels ext3 is just a file system.03:46
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gyaresu!ntfs-3g > aldwin Tjoels03:47
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Tjoelsgyaresu, hehe, i know.03:47
aldwinphaedrus44, so is it possible if i have a ntfs hard disk and i plug it here in my pc running ext3(which is my ubuntu) will i be able to modify anything from that old hard disk (ntfs)???03:47
iwksegyaresu: mm.--[17179579.200000]  usb 4-6: new high speed USB device using ehci_hcd and address 203:47
bossjock77OK... ran the updated nVidia drivers... and the monitor is still shutting off.03:47
iwksegyaresu: [17180124.460000]  hub 4-0:1.0: Cannot enable port 5.  Maybe the USB cable is03:47
gyaresubossjock77, nvidia card with two digital outs?03:47
XiXaQaldwin, it is possible, yes. You can mount your C:\ in a folder in your filesystem, for instance, /media/windows03:48
gyaresuiwkse, back usb port is it? or a front?03:48
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bossjock77n... one analog and one digital.  I'm using the analog.03:48
iwksegyaresu: its a front port03:48
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netpythonbossjock77, hor and vert frequecies of your monitor set right in /etc/X11/xorg.conf?03:48
aldwinah okay... i'll try that...03:48
iwksegyaresu: i try to put it back...03:48
aldwinthank you very much03:48
gyaresuiwkse, try the back. front are usually crappy headers.03:48
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davvsis there any nice command to make the computer "say/pronounce" a custom sentence?03:48
iwksegyaresu: yeah03:48
bossjock77Hang on... I'll look.03:48
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gyaresudavvs, festival03:49
zhaohuihow to upgrade from 5.10 to 6.0603:49
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gyaresudavvs, sounds crappy though.03:49
phaedrus44aldwin:  you may have to mount as root....03:49
gyaresudavvs, 80's style.03:49
ubotuFor upgrading, see instructions at: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UpgradeNotes (you can also find this in the channel topic: type "/topic")  -  See also !downgrade03:49
nickthorleyhi all - has anyone got an adaptec 1420sa sata card and if so does it work ok with ubuntu03:49
fbladehey guys why when i log out of ubuntu does my monitor go into power saving mode could i have a problem with my drivers03:49
dv5237davvs: mbrola, festival, epos03:49
phaedrus44sudo mount /dev/whateverthentsfsis /mnt/windows  (or /media/windows)03:49
zhaohuihow to upgrade from 5.10 to 6.0603:49
zhaohuihow to upgrade from 5.10 to 6.0603:49
zhaohuihow to upgrade from 5.10 to 6.0603:49
zhaohuihow to upgrade from 5.10 to 6.0603:49
zhaohuihow to upgrade from 5.10 to 6.0603:49
zhaohuihow to upgrade from 5.10 to 6.0603:49
zhaohuihow to upgrade from 5.10 to 6.0603:49
jrib!repeat | zhaohui03:49
zhaohuihow to upgrade from 5.10 to 6.0603:49
ubotuzhaohui: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly, if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. You can search https://help.ubuntu.com or http://wiki.ubuntu.com while you wait. Also see !patience03:49
davvsok thanks dv5237 and gyaresu03:49
zhaohuihow to upgrade from 5.10 to 6.0603:49
nasragielhow can i enable remote login via ssh on a ubuntu dapper server?03:49
gyaresunickthorley, You'd have more luck with a web search i reckon.03:49
dv5237zhaohui: tell zhaohui about upgrade03:49
dv5237ubotu: tell zhaohui about upgrade03:50
netpython!upgrade | zhaohui03:50
ubotuzhaohui: For upgrading, see instructions at: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UpgradeNotes (you can also find this in the channel topic: type "/topic")  -  See also !downgrade03:50
gyaresuzhaohui, chillout please.03:50
derFloRedet ihr deutsch?03:50
iwksegyaresu: right..it works now03:50
iwksegyaresu: thanks03:50
fbladehey guys why when i log out of ubuntu does my monitor go into power saving mode could i have a problem with my drivers03:50
gyaresuiwkse, nice. welcome.03:50
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netpython!de | derFlo03:50
ubotuderFlo: Deutschsprachige Hilfe fuer Probleme mit Ubuntu, Kubuntu und Edubuntu finden Sie in den Kanaelen #ubuntu-de, #kubuntu-de, #xubuntu-de und #edubuntu-de03:50
iwksegyaresu: i'll remember that front crappy shit03:50
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gyaresuiwkse, aye.03:51
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gyaresuiwkse, usb 1.1 usually not usb203:51
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netGsono tornato03:51
bossjock77How do I edit xorg.conf?03:51
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bossjock77I'm in the directory... but I can't get past that.03:51
derFloi've got some problems with VMware, can i get support for this here?03:52
Cieffesomeone know how to setup ekiga to use wengo account?03:52
gyaresubossjock77, 'sudo vi /etc/X11/xorg.conf'03:52
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gyaresubossjock77, backup first.03:52
imperfect-Anyone here know how I can update from breezy to edgy on a remote server?03:52
netpythonbossjock77, sudo vim /etc/X11/xorg.conf03:52
jribbossjock77: use 'gksudo gedit /etc/X11/xorg.conf'  if you don't know how to use vi03:52
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CieffeIt goes timeout trying connecting :(03:52
gyaresujrib, bossjock77 If you don't know vi then try 'vimtutor' first ;)03:52
jribubotu: tell bossjock77 about sudo03:52
fbladehey guys why when i log out of ubuntu does my monitor go into power saving mode could i have a problem with my drivers03:53
netpython!sudo | bossjock7703:53
ubotubossjock77: sudo is a command to run programs with superuser privileges ("root"). Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo for all information.03:53
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gyaresufblade, That is a grammatically poor sentence.03:53
netpython!sudo  | _*03:54
ubotu_*: sudo is a command to run programs with superuser privileges ("root"). Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo for all information.03:54
Materazzihere's what i get when i try to upgrade to edgy from dapper http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/30631/03:54
priichhehe kind of evil recommending vim as an editor for someone that isn't all that experienced with *nix. :)03:54
fbladesorry i meant why when ever i log-out from ubuntu does my Monitor go into standby mode, could i have a problem with my drivers?03:55
gyaresuMaterazzi, try other repos.03:55
gyaresupriich, how else does one get experienced?03:55
=== [H] 3b0R [n=roberth@ti541110a080-3246.bb.online.no] has joined #ubuntu
Materazzigyaresu, oh yeah...03:55
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[H] 3b0Rhow can change the color to the font on the menu line?03:55
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TjoelsShould i install Beryl together with GLX or AIGLX?03:56
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[H] 3b0RTjoels: waht grapcis card do you have?03:56
jvolkmanTjoels, you mean XGL?03:56
mamonassassinahello,what command should I use to open blender in "windowed" mode?03:56
gyaresuTjoels, I wouldn't bother. That's just me.03:56
Tjoels[H] 3b0R it's Nvidia03:56
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[H] 3b0Rtjoels: aiglx03:57
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Tjoelsjvolkman, yeah, it was a typo03:57
gyaresu!beryl > Tjoels03:57
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Tjoels[H] 3b0R, okay, but what's the difference between them?03:58
gyaresumamonassassina, tried the blender manual?03:58
bossjock77Reconfigured so that it defaults to 1024 x 768.03:58
priichgyaresu, one step at the time ?03:58
bossjock77Rebooted... screen still dead.03:58
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gyaresuTjoels, there is an #ubuntu-xgl channel03:58
[H] 3b0RTjoels: AIGLX is a part of the graphics driver XGL, is just an hack that gives nothing than issues03:59
mamonassassinagyaresu: let me see03:59
Tjoelsgyaresu: ok, i'll go there ;)03:59
gyaresupriich, exactly. starting with a text editor...03:59
mamonassassinagyaresu: but a simple command in the properties of the shortcut makes it open in windowed.03:59
[H] 3b0RTjoels: im there to...03:59
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Tjoels[H] 3b0R, ok, great04:00
gyaresumamonassassina, Is that an answer? Did you find the solution?04:00
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mamonassassinagyaresu: that is not an answer,that is the reason why i came to the channel to ask for help04:00
mamonassassinagyaresu: no,i didn't find the solution yet04:00
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gyaresumamonassassina, So you've read the blender manual? 'man blender'04:00
fbladehow can i write to a removable ntfs disk?04:01
gyaresuhassan, no04:01
gyaresu!ntfs-3g > fblade04:01
thegvefblade: Have you enabled NTFS write support in the kernel?04:01
priichmamonassassina, try pressing alt+downarrow04:01
fbladethegve| how do i do that04:02
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gyaresuthegve, You DONT want to put it in the kernel.04:02
mamonassassinagyaresu: i'm there now04:02
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mamonassassinapriich: no effect.04:02
gyaresu!hi > predator04:02
fblade !ntfs-3g04:02
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ubotuntfs-3g is a linux driver which allows read/write access to NTFS partitions. It has been extensively tested but is still BETA software, so use it with caution. Dapper installation instructions http://lunapark6.com/?p=171004:02
predatorhow can i get in system menu in ubuntu?04:02
gyaresufblade, you can just /msg ubotu04:02
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priichmamonassassina, is there an icon that looks like this:    ^            (but upside down) ?04:03
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LDforevermy system has both xfce and Gnome installed every time I log on in xfce bug buddy runs. Where can i fing information about the bug04:03
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mamonassassinapriich: no04:04
priichmamonassassina, if that doesn't help then may i suggest you ask the question in #blender  They should be able to give you a better answer.04:04
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thegveHow can I make sure that normal users can mount samba mounts? I'm writing a login script and I don't plan to run anything as root in there...04:05
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thegveI know the fstab way04:05
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thegveI mean using the mount command as a normal user04:05
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mamonassassinapriich: yes,probably,but as I thought the solution was in the shortcut,I came here.i'll ask the question there,thank you very much.04:05
thegveAnd i tried giving it the SUID bit04:05
M0E^lnxhey, is there a way to boot the 6.10 cd into CLI without the graphics and all?04:05
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gyaresuthegve, smb.conf there is a specific example and section in that file04:05
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priichmamonassassina, no it seems like it is an application specific setting. Good luck!04:05
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ryanpganyone having trouble with java/swing locking up their computers? I certainly am.04:06
hassansalut merouane04:06
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abhinaygnomefreak: there ?04:06
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about real - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi04:06
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ubotuFor multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats  -  See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html  -  But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats04:06
Plzris it true that ndiswrapper sees wlan0 as default wifi-adapter?04:06
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Plzrbecause my wifiadapter is at eth104:07
abhinaygnomefreak: xorg log : http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/30624/  |  xorg.conf : http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/30625/ | lspci : http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/30628/04:07
floatingplzr mine too04:07
gyaresu!ndiswrapper > Plzr04:07
M0E^lnxguys.... guys... how do I boot into CLI ?04:07
gyaresu!ndiswrapper > floating04:07
gyaresuM0E^lnx, You can just ctrl+alt+F204:08
elrohow do I ensure that all python standard library modules are installed (i.e. those excluded in python-minimal)?04:08
M0E^lnxthat doesn't work04:08
dooglusthegve: do you know about fusesmb?  you can mount all the smb shares in one go at boot time04:08
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gyaresuM0E^lnx, sorry.04:08
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M0E^lnxI tried all the alt+F and ctrl+alt+f gyaresu....04:08
mamonassassinapriich: hey,i discovered what to do.i should open it with -w04:08
dooglusthegve: I see /mnt/smb/<workgroup>/<host>/<share>/stuff04:08
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patrick_kinghow do i install realmedia player04:09
gyaresuM0E^lnx, Yeah. I havn't used that disk in that way. I have one of all the types, so I just use the alternative mostly.04:09
floatingPlzr: according to http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=31926&page=2 some have got it working on eth104:09
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about restricted-formats - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi04:09
ubotuFor multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats  -  See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html  -  But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats04:09
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gyaresumamonassassina, 'blender -w'04:09
doogluspatrick_king: I think those links from ubotu there will help04:09
mamonassassinagyaresu: exactly.04:10
Tim90how can i down grade my 64bit to 3204:10
floatingI boot to xubu to try some ->04:10
bossjock77Have edited xorg.conf... now how do I save it and exit?04:10
gyaresuTim90, nope. can't04:10
M0E^lnxgyaresu: the problem is, I have a mobo with built-in video (unused) and a PCI nvidia (the one I actually use)... but I see nothing out of any one of them04:10
dooglusTim90: I'll swap with you if you like?04:10
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Tim90dooglus: ok04:10
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dooglusTim90: it's a 2.2GHz P4 laptop.  what's yours?04:11
Tim9064 bit is a pian04:11
gyaresuM0E^lnx, Can't change the default card in BIOS. Should be able to.04:11
Plzrfloating: it should work04:11
boinkyou can't downgrade from 64 bit to 32 bit04:11
Tim90its a pc04:11
boinkyou need to do a new install04:11
gyaresuTim90, and pointless really.04:11
boink32 bit works fine on a 64 bit box04:11
thegvedooglus: I was just reading the smb.conf, and couldn't find anything about it in there. I'll checkout fusesmb04:11
M0E^lnxgyaresu: well, I run Vector Linux on the other drive, and it picks it up right... the default in BIOS is the NVIDIA card...04:11
patrick_kingthere isnt anything about RealPlayer on edgy04:12
M0E^lnxbut that one goes blank..04:12
Tim90gyaresu i agree , just fel like makng use of it ,feels like a waste04:12
boinkI was wondering that too .. using realplay on edgy04:12
dooglusthegve: fusesmb is a filesystem in user space (ie. not in the kernel).  it's quite separate from samba and smbfs04:12
gyaresuTim90, only cause app support isn't there.04:12
M0E^lnxgyaresu: and if I switch the monitor to the intel chip, all I see is lines all across04:12
boinkTim90: you could try another linux distro, if you feel ubuntu doesn't do enuf04:12
gyaresuM0E^lnx, res problem.04:12
Tim90real player works on edgy04:12
boinkit just depends on what you want to do04:12
boinksure, but from which repo?04:13
M0E^lnxyes, so how do I go from there back to the CLI?04:13
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boinkI couldn't find the right repo to apt-get realplay04:13
Tim90I like the icons in Kubuntu but soom got annoying04:13
boinkI installed xubuntu on an old sony laptop04:13
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patrick_kingTim90 how did you install it04:13
gyaresuM0E^lnx, This is for an install right?04:13
Plzrwhy is every version of the Linksys WPC54G listed at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs/WirelessCardsSupported exept for v3.x04:13
Tim90live cd04:13
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patrick_kingi mean RealPlayer04:13
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Tim90another thing is i got some on called pov to set up, my partions right, and do my network stuff, remotly controlling my pc04:14
thegvedooglus: This is where I am hacking on... http://pastebin.com/81973904:14
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thegveIt wil need to be a bit prettier...04:15
Tim90i will go and burn edgy 6.10, then install it.04:16
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Tim90its a shame i almost had this set up the way i wanted it04:16
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M0E^lnxgyaresu: yes, this is for an install04:17
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Tim90i will be back after i have burnt the 6.10 32 bit, see you guys later04:17
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predatoris there any utility for mount and umount hdd?04:18
thegvedooglus: It is meant as a Linux variant on the kixtart scripts04:18
slavikpredator: you just named them ...04:18
thegveWe maintain "hybrid" networks04:18
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Pelopredator,  I think you can do it natively from nautilus04:20
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brrrthi all!04:20
brrrtis one 8GB swap partition OK for a amd64 server with 4GB of RAM ?04:20
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gharzguys...  checked google and it looks like ubuntu doesn't support webcam?04:20
slavik8GB is a lot ... especially with 4GB ram04:20
hassanMerou where r u04:20
dooglusthegve: PHP?  yuck!04:21
knoppixhda: write_intr: error=0x10 { SectorIdNotFound }, CHS=115/10/51, sector=11660004:21
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knoppixwhat's wrong this my hda?04:21
Lachkater8GB swap ?04:21
brrrtslavik: do you think i should take less?04:21
slavikbrrrt: on my home system with 1Gb of RAM, it made a 3GB swap and it almost never gets used04:21
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Lachkatera bit too much i think everything above 2B would be ok ;)04:21
thegvedooglus: What's "objective" wrong with PHP?04:21
lupine_85I have 1.5GB RAM and /never/ use swap04:21
slavikbrrrt: 2GB swap should be plenty for you04:21
brrrtsure but it is a server04:21
slavikoh, if it's a server then yeah. 8GB is reasonable04:21
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brrrti expect hight traffic...04:22
dooglusbrrrt: I've never filled up my 1GB of swap except for when something has crashed, and then I was glad I only had 1GB for it to fill before the system came back to life...04:22
lupine_85my server has 128MB RAM and 1GB swap04:22
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lupine_85it's hosting a beryl mirror, and hasn't had any problems so far :p04:22
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sivikwhat file would i need to add a line to in order to run a script when i load x04:22
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dooglusthegve: it's just ugly.  a mish-mash of poorly thought out bits and pieces04:22
slavikin your home dir04:22
lupine_85oh, lead x... yeah :)04:22
brrrtif its just a waste of hd-space i would take 8GB, but it is making any problems i would not04:23
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siviklupine_85: so does it need to be rc.local or .xession?04:23
slaviksivik: does this script have a GUI?04:23
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dooglussivik: ~/.xprofile04:23
thegvedooglus: "OK" (whatever)04:23
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brrrtk. thx for your thoughts !04:23
slavik.cprofile, firt I ever heard of it ...04:23
morphycsI disabled ipv6 in Edgy 6.10 but I still get slow response, any help?04:23
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sivikslavik: no, its a script to start xscreensave-demo so i can use a hotkey to lock my laptop04:24
mike1oi get this error when upgrading from dapper to edgy http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/30639/04:24
slaviksivik: Ctrl+Alt+L much?04:24
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sivikslavik: i use ctrl-l cause my lock screen seems to not work correctly in e1704:24
slavikcheck System -> Pref -> Keyboard shortcuts04:24
sivikslavik: i'm not running gnome nor kde04:25
slaviksivik: fair enough04:25
M0E^lnxso does any one know of any parameters maybe I can use at the boot prompt to avoid all the graphic stuff?04:25
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Pelomorphish,  it happens, have you tested your connection with a test site ?04:25
dooglusslavik: run this if you want to hear of it a 2nd time:  grep /.xprofile /etc/gdm/Xsession04:25
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slavikdooglus: you mean ~/.xprofile?04:26
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rich_im trying to run kxdocker and get this error can anyone shed some light on it?  http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/30640/04:26
dooglusslavik: no04:26
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piglitwhere is the mount point if your dig-cam gets auto mounted ?04:26
kupesoftwhen is new debian come?04:26
mogydyhas anybody tried cario-dock?04:26
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dooglusslavik: because if you type ~ in that grep command, it'll be replaced by your home directory's path, and it won't be found in the Xsession file04:26
Pelomorphish, try this site to test your connection,  just in case this is not a ubuntu problem and only a site one  http://www.abeltronica.com/PagRec/uk/01/04:26
rich_no i haven't04:26
slavikI know ...04:26
BalachmarHi, what can I do to stop beagled-helper from eating all remaining resources? It makes my laptop very hot...04:26
netpythonmike1o, run sudo apt-get clean  &&  sudo apt-get check04:27
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slavikBalachmar: are you in dapper?04:27
dooglusblrakach: I fixed that by uninstalling mono.04:27
gharzanybody here who's using a webcam on his linux?04:27
gharzmy linux won't detect my webcam...04:27
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mogydyhave used a logitech before04:27
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slavikgharz: is there a driver for your webcam?04:27
mogydywhat is the make of ur cam?04:28
Pelogharz,   try looking up your model in the forum04:28
gharzahhh... ok.04:28
doogluskupesoft: new debian come every day04:28
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netpythonlogitech quickcam sphere04:28
mogydyi got a logitech messenger to work04:28
mike1onetpython, no errors nor warnings i'm retrying to upgrade again...04:28
gharzlet me just check the model which is supported by ubuntu.04:28
dfgas_k i have the 6.06 live/install cd how do i get it to load live in 800x600?04:28
mogydybut it is hell04:28
netpythonmike1o, k04:28
mogydyu have to add modules to ur kernel\04:28
mogydythat kind of shit04:28
Balachmarslavik: No I'm on Edgy why?04:29
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selinuxiummogydy: Language! :)04:29
slavikBalachmar: I think the bug should've been fixed by now ...04:29
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mogydywhen u plug ur camera and do lsusb04:29
Pelodfgas_,  you'd have to save your prefs somewhere and you can'T do that easily on livecd,  look it up in the forum  I know there is a way to do it where you save your prefs on a usbdrive or some such04:29
mogydywhat do u see04:29
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Balachmarslavik: Well, actually I have another pc which runs dapper, without this problem...04:30
dfgas_Pelo, i am just trying to install ubuntu again04:30
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Pelodfgas_,  tought it out,  install in 800x600 and make the change when you have installed04:30
Balachmarslavik: I have version 0.2.9-1ubuntu304:31
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dfgas_Pelo, nm you don't understand04:31
morphyc2I disabled ipv6 in Edgy 6.10 but I still get slow responses04:31
mike1onetpython, so far so good04:31
sivikmorphyc2: slow response to the net or something else?04:31
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morphyc2sivik: slow response to execute any application even to start nautilus04:32
sivikmorphyc2: thats probably not caused by ipv6, how much ram and how big is your swap04:32
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morphyc2sivik: I have 735 RAM and 512 swap, this problem happen if only I connected to another network with the old dns server and domain configuration untill I modify those info it works fine04:34
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Feonix762Wooooott.. finally got airodump and aireplay to work for the first time in my life :)04:34
sivikmorphyc2: first off, its not good to run less than 2x ram for the swap, and second, thats weird cause a dns server shouldn't cause your computer to run slow04:34
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Feonix762Was always limited by my hardware so I finally sprung for a nice wireless card.. lovin it04:35
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slavikBalachmar: I dunno what to say, check launchpad for the bug ...04:35
slavikFeonix762: is it a bcom card?04:35
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about airopump - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi04:35
Balachmarslavik: ok, will do!04:35
Feonix762Nah, D-Link04:35
meherenhow do i set wine to manage wine windows and not gnome04:35
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about aireplay - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi04:36
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savjeHi guys! need some help :).. Quite new to linux and ubuntun, and I need a c/c++ compiler, found Anjuta and have installed it, but when I press "Compile and make" or "build" it says "Cannot execute command: 'make'", what to do :/?04:36
morphyc2sivik: I know but I was working on Ubuntu Dapper LTS with the current conf and I didn't face this problem, and I'm sure about that it is related to dns and domain04:36
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Feonix762savje.. use gcc04:36
ubotuCompiling software from source? Read the tips at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompilingSoftware (But remember to search for pre-built !packages first: not all !repositories are enabled by default!)04:36
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sivikmorphyc2: thats just weird that a dns server somewhere else can cause your system to slow down04:37
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savjethanks Feonix762 and zsh!04:37
Pelosavje,  did you install the build essentials ?  search for that phrase in synaptic04:37
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zshsavje, np04:38
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savjePelo: hmm, no I didnot, i'll look in to that04:38
Pelosavje,  essential for compiling from source04:38
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kalikianaAbout Gaim, what can I do about 'reception errors' due to encoding issues?04:39
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=== Pelo loves that edgy now handles his cheap mp3 player properly, he's now 1 app away from ditching xp alltogether
aktiwersAnyone know a good place where I can get help with Java Programming?04:41
Peloaktiwers,  #java ?04:41
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Peloi mean have tried joinging #java ?04:42
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=== zsh wonders which app pelo cant find on gnu/linux
profoX`okay i got a problem accessing my own site, but only my own site on this pc. all other sites work fine, and other people can visit my site too.. where should I go look first? :)04:42
profoX`i also cant access my ftp from this pc..04:42
Pelozsh,  a decent cad software04:42
floatingndiswrapper installs drivers, says it ok, but wifi-card flash no lights. modprobing it and no lights. it shows up at eth1, but cant wake it up04:42
loutrinePelo: I'm with ya on that... just waiting for Ventrilo...04:42
aktiwersnope.. but I was thinking an IRC channel maybe.. Im doing a big project here for my school and I really suck04:43
Peloloutrine,  ventrilo ?04:43
savjeFeonix762, zsh and Pelo: I don't know if it makes any differens but I will not compile packages, just a small program I've written myself...04:43
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loutrinePelo: Voice chat software, similar to teamspeak - mainly used for gaming04:43
zshPelo, hmm, i also dunno know of any, but you can try running ur windows cad apps on crossover office or wine04:44
Feonix762savje.. you really want to get gcc, seriously.. it's like a must have in linux04:44
Pelosavje,  it won'T hurt,   you might need to install the proper libraries,  look them up in synaptic04:44
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savjehehe ok, I'm on it... thanks for the help!04:44
aktiwersnobody knows eh? Sorry Im a noob on this IRC thing.. never used it04:45
Pelozsh,   I would  I was planning of running acad on wine but I misplaced my copy of acad r14 all I have left is 2006 and it won't install on wine04:45
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Feonix762aktiwers.. /join #java04:45
Vilandiljoin #unbuntu-fr04:46
aktiwersOk thanks!04:46
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PeloVilandil,   tu doit metre un / avant la commande join04:46
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VilandilPelo => Mince. Merci.^^04:47
cellofellowanyone know anything about gMPlayer with Quicktime?04:47
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coreyoI set up xinerama on my i9xx card.  It'd displaying properly, and my mouse works properly (finally), but I can't drag a window more than halfway across my second monitor.  Is it nautilus?  Any suggestions?04:47
kalikianacellofellow: as long as you have the codec, it should work04:47
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andaxcellofellow, check www.mplayerhq.hu for the codec section, and download the "all codecs" package04:48
zshsavje, googling.....04:48
coreyoer.. metacity, not nautilus04:48
igcekhello, how to enter in terminal withouth starting x-win first?04:48
cellofellowkalikiana: it plays, and pause works, but FF and RW not working.04:48
andaxcellofellow, have you tried the -idx switch?04:48
slopanyone know a good console based song player that supports playlists of some kind?04:48
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savjehmm, now "compile and make" works but with "build" it says (freely translated from swedish) "make: *** No goals where given and no makefile where found. Stoping"04:48
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cellofellowandax: no what's that do?04:49
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=== Pelo wonders if it is possible to get a keyboard where the windows key has a little footprint on it instead
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kalikianacellofellow: may it be the sound server? i believe firefox uses oss by default04:49
andaxcellofellow, tries to fix messed up files04:49
cellofellownot firefox Fast Forward oops04:49
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M0E^lnxwhat does ubuntu use for boot manager?04:50
andaxM0E^lnx, grub04:50
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M0E^lnxstill trying to figure out how to boot this thing in cli mode (no GUI)04:50
andaxand lilo is an apt-get away if you want that04:50
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=== M0E^lnx likes lilo
UbuntuNewbiedoes ubuntu support pci express?04:51
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Lachkaterof course it does ;D04:51
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UbuntuNewbiedownloading it now cant wait04:52
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andaxM0E^lnx, type "sudo rm /etc/rc2.d/S13gdm" and remember you are responsible for your actions04:52
M0E^lnxandax: do you know any boot parameters that would boot the 6.10 CD into nothing but CLI mode?04:52
netpythonand SLI?04:52
UbuntuNewbiea programmer showed me this and I think it is awesome04:52
Lachkateri hope you will enjoy ubuntu ^^04:52
M0E^lnxI can't type anything andax, because I don't see a thing04:52
andaxM0E^lnx, then you need the "nosplash" boot parameter04:52
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PeloM0E^lnx,  you can boot from grub in cli mode, can't remember the exact name  but is it similar to secure or save04:53
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andaxexact name is "nosplash"04:53
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UbuntuNewbiewell with help like this around I know I will;o)04:53
M0E^lnxok... i'll remember that04:53
M0E^lnxwill it still try to load KDE at the end or not?04:54
andaxyes it will04:54
M0E^lnxI don't need that04:54
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M0E^lnxhow do I keep it from loading KDE?04:54
andaxi told you 2 minutes before04:54
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brumboot to runlevel 304:54
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andaxrm /etc/rc2.d/S13gdm04:55
andaxbut backup first04:55
andaxand dont blame me04:55
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M0E^lnxbrum: I like that idea./... how do I do that?04:55
M0E^lnxandax: that's not possible for me..04:55
M0E^lnxmy screens go blank04:55
sivikM0E^lnx: or uninstall kde04:55
Rodietzehey my gnome doesn't start anymore.... it loads its panels but no Icon nothing more and then unloads it again and so forth, the curious is that I haven't done anything any Idea?04:55
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M0E^lnxsivik: it's not installed... i'm trying to install it04:55
brumM0E: edit grub, add a 3 at the end of the boot statement04:55
sivikM0E^lnx: did you install kdm04:55
mailerevince 0.6.1 on ubuntu 6.10 would not p[rint landscape layout properly. is this known?04:56
M0E^lnxno... ubuntu is not isntalled at all04:56
sivikM0E^lnx: so whats the problem?04:56
M0E^lnxI don't get any video on any of my vid adapters04:56
andaxM0E^lnx, you have to take 2 steps. 1) in the grub menu use the edit function. Delete the word "splash" or add "nosplash". then you will see the boot process. then kde/gnome loads up, press ctrl+alt+f1 and you get the console04:56
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aktiwersIt seams kind of empty on #java ? Anyone knows another place I can get help with Java programming?04:57
brumM0E: if you want to change it permanately to runlevel 3, edit /etc/inittab and set default runlevel=304:57
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Rodietzedudes, I was working in gnome, then Quanta crashed and I had to reset the pc since then my gnome doesn't starts anymore it loads the panels without the icons and then unloads it and so forth and I'm wondering what can I do???04:57
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netpythonaktiwers, ubuntu-devel?04:57
keithhhhhwhat torrent clients do you guys use?04:57
M0E^lnxbrum: I take that would be once it's installed right?04:57
Peloaktiwers,   you have to be patient sometime ppl aren'T around for a while,  ask your quesiton and wait for the answer04:57
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andaxM0E^lnx, this is the answer for your question. The solution is to add vga=771 to your boot parameters and graphic will just magically work.04:57
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aktiwersOk thanks Pelo..   Netpython.. Ubuntu Devel?04:58
mailerwhere to discuss ubuntu printing?04:58
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andaxif my mind-reading skills are not lying :)04:58
M0E^lnxso it should look like nosplash vga=771?04:58
brumM0E: yes, i was under the impression it was already installed04:58
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andaxM0E^lnx, just add vga=771 to the end04:58
netpythonaktiwers, yes all developers there mostly you might have a chance at ubuntu-devel04:58
M0E^lnxthanks all04:58
andaxthat's the solution, the answer is much more complex because the question was bad04:59
m4cgyv3ryphp5-ming anyone? :)04:59
=== M0E^lnx has to wait to the end of the day to try it out
RodietzeHELP!! dudes, I was working in gnome, then Quanta crashed and I had to reset the pc since then my gnome doesn't starts anymore it loads the panels without the icons and then unloads it and so forth and I'm wondering what can I do??? is gnome so fragile?04:59
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aktiwersNetphyton - Im a noob at IRC channels.. how do I go there? :) And thanks04:59
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Peloaktiwers,  try  /join #ubuntu-devel05:00
meherenhow do i set wine to manage it's own windows instead of gone managing wine windows?05:00
andaxRodietze, sounds bad.. do an fsck first, then reinstall gnome :(05:00
aktiwersThanks alot! :)05:00
netpythonaktiwers, "/join #ubuntu-devel" without quotes as said05:00
Pelomeheren, #winehq05:00
kmaynardRodietze, i've had that happen. try deleting the .gnome and .gnome2 folders in your home directory (or moving them somewhere else) then restart your gnome session05:00
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Rodietzeandax:  thanks how do I reinstall gnome? apt-get install gnome?05:01
meherenPelo, oh hehe didn't know it exsited :p05:01
jribubuntu-devel isn't for help with java programming :/05:01
andaxRodietze, do as kmaynard said that should be a better solution05:01
Rodietzekmaynard:  thanlks a lot!!05:01
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m4cgyv3ryhey..where can i get php5-ming for ubuntu edgy ?05:01
Rodietzeandax: OK thank u very much05:01
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kmaynardRodietze, try it and see...sometimes things get wonky after a crash or a bad power loss.05:01
m4cgyv3ryi dont have the sources on apt05:01
mailerRodietze, also gnome irc is very responsive05:01
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savjeplz guys, help me :(... now "compile and make" works but with "build" it says (freely translated from swedish) "make: *** No goals where given and no makefile where found. Stoping"05:02
andaxRodietze, even if it works, don't forget to run an fsck after a crash05:02
jribaktiwers: ##java has over 200 users05:02
wastrelsavje:  did you do  ./configure  first?05:02
Rodietzekmaynard, mailer andax ok I'll do that thanks I'll come back to report it for you05:02
Rodietzeoops :P05:02
savjewastrel: no, how do I do that?05:02
m4cgyv3ryhey savje ..are you compiling the kernel?05:02
savjem4cgyv3ry: no05:03
Lachkatersavje: just enter ./configure thats all05:03
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wastrelsavje:  in the source directory there might be a script called "configure"05:03
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wastrel./configure  will run that to generate a makefile  then you can use  make05:03
wastrelalso !se05:03
ubotuSvensk Ubuntu- och Kubuntusupport hittar du pa #ubuntu-se resp. #kubuntu-se05:03
m4cgyv3rysomeone to help me..with php5-ming package?05:03
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Pelom4cgyv3ry,  did you look in synaptic ?05:04
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m4cgyv3ryno..i didnt see there the package05:04
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m4cgyv3rywhere is it?05:05
savjewastrel: don't quite know what I should do with the ./configure bit...05:05
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Pelom4cgyv3ry,   make sure you have all the repo enable and search for php505:05
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m4cgyv3ryrepo? what repo?05:06
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[h] tony|afkmoinmoin05:06
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wastrelsavje:  configure is a script, you run it from the command line.    ./configure   at the command line will run the configure script which is located in your current directory (the source directory)05:06
Pelom4cgyv3ry,   repositories , for packages05:06
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Pelom4cgyv3ry,  look under system > admin   package source ( or something )05:07
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Pelom4cgyv3ry,  enable all packages,    then open synpatic package manager    system  > admin >  synaptic ,  and search for php505:07
dreamerwow, lots o people here :)05:08
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Pelonot realy,  most are idle05:08
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dreamercan anyone help me with this? : http://www.vrijkut.nl/index.php?sectie=pastebin&id=74ab68133abeae2b942df7531310ea4805:08
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dreameror can't you open that ?05:08
he-manwhere can I find a channel to discuss about ubuntu development for the next release?05:08
tim90hey hd0 is floppy right ?05:09
porYo!! Man'05:09
wastreldreamer:  it wants a password05:09
jribdreamer: there's a password05:09
kalikianadreamer: it asks for a login05:09
netpythondreamer, passwd plz05:09
wastrelanyone else ?05:09
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tim90hd0  is floppy right ?05:10
m4cgyv3ryi dont see the package05:10
porHello world'05:10
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heikkitim90: fd005:10
m4cgyv3ryPelo, ..05:10
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tim90thank you05:10
m4cgyv3ryPelo, pehraps on unstable??05:10
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Pelom4cgyv3ry,  what do you mean unstable ?05:11
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savjewastrel: sorry for being a pain in the *, I found the configure.in file and when I in the terminal write "./configure.in" I get "access denied"...05:11
tim90just imagine im installing an OS yet in on the #ubuntu and using the internet .05:11
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wastrelsavje:  there's no "configure"05:12
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m4cgyv3ryPelo, on sources.apt i dont have unstable repo05:12
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savjewastrel: huh? what do you mean?05:13
wastrelsavje:  is there a README  or  INSTALL   usually that tells how to compile the program05:13
Pelom4cgyv3ry,  did you look in synaptic for your package ?05:13
Detoxnave ubuntu 6.06 on network ,,, router shows ip but will not show name,, how do i get the name of eh pc to show up in router?05:13
=== KillerDemon [n=hetisnui@h140058.upc-h.chello.nl] has joined #ubuntu
wastrelsorry ,  there's no "configure"    usually there's something just called   configure05:13
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Detoxhost name is blfank in router05:14
m4cgyv3ryPelo, yah..dont appear..pehraps some repo are missing?05:14
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savjewastrel: the problem is that I've written the program so I'm quite aware that there is not a manual ;)05:14
Pelom4cgyv3ry,   check the repos in  system > admin > and check all those available05:14
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wastrelyou probably need to do the autoconf thing if your project has a configure.in05:15
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zhaohuihow to download decoder05:15
zhaohuihow to download decoder05:15
zhaohuihow to download decoder05:15
zhaohuihow to download decoder05:15
Lachkaterdont spam dude05:15
=== Pelo thinks someone is about to get baned
wastrelconfigure.in  is the input for autconf, which will generate the configure script which will create the makefile05:16
zhaohuihow to download decoder05:16
zhaohuihow to download decoder05:16
zhaohuihow to download decoder05:16
=== Tjoels [n=troels@0x50a1043b.virnxx9.adsl-dhcp.tele.dk] has joined #ubuntu
zhaohuihow to download decoder05:16
wastrelit's all very complicated05:16
netpython!codecs | zhaohui05:16
ubotuzhaohui: For multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats  -  See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html  -  But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats05:16
dreamerwastrel, jrib, kalila netpython: I'll post somewhere else05:16
aoupi_zhaohui: rm -rf ~ now shut the fuck up05:16
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wastrel!paste | dreamer05:16
ubotudreamer: pastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (you can always find it in the channel topic, among other useful things)05:16
netpythondreamer, k05:16
wastrelfyi :] 05:16
aoupi_!language | me05:16
ubotume: Please watch your language and keep this channel family friendly.05:16
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mrobbertI recently lost a bunch of icons from my notification area, they're for many of the KDE apps that I run (amarok, akregator, kdewallet). I am running the Gnome desktop. Is there something I need to start up to get them back?05:18
savjewastrel: thanks for the help, but I can't get it to work :( the configure.in file seems to be configureded, some other idea?05:18
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dreamerok: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/30644/05:19
zhaohuiis this command in the root user?05:19
wastrelsavje: dunno, i've never really played with autoconf myself  - ask in a developer type channel i guess :] 05:19
wastrelor roll your own makefile05:19
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savjewastrel: don't know what or how rolling make files are, but somehow I wish I could...05:20
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wastrelsavje:  "roll your own" is an idiom for "create your own"  (reference is to cigarettes)   you'd have to look up makefile syntax... probably easier to get your autoconf working, but i don't know how to do that  :] 05:21
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m4cgyv3ryPelo, where is repo -> system -> admin  ?05:22
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Tjoelsi'm using the nvidia 9xxx driver and the resolution will only go to 800x600, how do i fix this? isn't it something with disabling a module?05:23
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Pelom4cgyv3ry,  I don'T know the name of it in english,   look in the menus under system  , under admin.   look for something like  repositories or source or package source or something like that05:23
netpythondreamer, what's the prob?,you can have only 4 primary partitions on one and the same HD05:23
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dreamernetpython: I still need to allocate that 1gb of space to swap !05:23
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netpythonmkswap /dev/.. swapon /dev/..05:24
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netpythonfdisk /dev/.. press t and enter code 82 for swap05:25
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dreamerthat turnes the unallocated space to swap ?05:25
m4cgyv3ryPelo, es portugues?05:25
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Pelom4cgyv3ry,  french, don'T let the nick fool you05:26
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dreamernetpython: that isn't a problem?05:26
m4cgyv3ryPelo, ahah..lol05:26
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netpythondreamer, example, mkswap /dev/sda2 would turn that partion into swap05:26
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Pelocan any one give m4cgyv3ry   the proper  menu path to the repo  manager in gnome ?05:26
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grndslmwhat's a good scanner to work with sane?05:27
grndslm fairly cheap and good quality??  or best value, i guess...05:27
dreamerI don't know what the 'name' of the partition is. atm I already have 4 partitions+ that unallocated space (I hope you already got this)05:27
m4cgyv3ryPelo, i am on synaptics..but dont see the package php5-ming05:27
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pradeephello, How do I install ubuntu from hard disk? (i have an iso)05:28
Pelom4cgyv3ry,  try searching for just php505:28
Pelopradeep,   burn it to a cd and install from there05:28
netpythondreamer, fdisk /dev/hda and press p05:28
Salahhello. I have ubuntu 5.10 installed, is there any ways to upgrade it to version 6.10 without burning a cd with ubuntu iso?05:28
pradeepPelo: My cd rom is dead05:28
wastrelnot sure what ming is but  apt-cache search ming | grep php  gives  php5-uuid05:28
netpythondreamer, fdisk will show you what is what05:28
wastreland php5-cli05:29
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Pelopradeep,  I am very sorry about that , try mounting the iso but I don't know how05:29
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sivikhow to i convert from wma to mp3 via command line05:29
dreamernetpython: not in there05:29
m4cgyv3ryPelo, yeah..i tried seach just that05:29
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wastrelm4cgyv3ry:  what's ming?05:29
huntedgodhey, a Q, how do i install a .bin file ive downloaded?05:29
netpythondreamer, at work?05:29
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dreamerdiskmanager sees it though, as Free Space thats not available05:30
PeloSalah,   there is a way to do it over the net but it is very very slow and I haven'T found it reliable05:30
netpythonhuntedgod, sh *.bin05:30
PeloSalah,  you can look at  ubuntu.com for instructions05:30
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huntedgodnepthy: and do i need some directory to install it in, and if yes, where do i dump it, in OEM?05:30
dreamerdamnit, I should turn of all these parts and joins :P05:30
mrobbertAnybody know what process I need to start to get KDE apps like amarok, akregator, and kdewallet to show up in my notification area? They used to be there, but disappeared after a crash.05:30
UbuntuNewbiei downloaded ubuntu but it says if i boot to it it wont affect my system....can it be ibstalled from the same cd?05:31
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netpythonhuntedgod, and if that doesn't work right away chmod +x first05:31
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Pelom4cgyv3ry,  then I don'T know what to tell you , try searching the net for a source code file and install it manualy http://www.linuxsoft.cz/en/ http://www.linux.org/05:31
m4cgyv3ryi just wanted the ming working on php505:31
wastrelyou don't need +x if you're using sh to call the script05:31
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Arepiewhat mp3 player is the besT?05:31
wastrelbut you may need sudo depending on how the installer is written05:31
straterrahi..what does Ubuntu stand for?05:32
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robw810straterra: I don't know, you tell me05:32
huntedgodmmm... and to do this from the oem dir?05:32
netpythonwastrel, correct05:32
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LachkaterUbuntuNewbie: yes it can05:32
m4cgyv3ryPelo, i installed from the sources..that is not working..it is recognized but dont function well :(05:32
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iteroh wait, that uhuru ;)05:32
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Lachkateryou should read the install manual from the website05:32
straterrarobw810: Isn't it African for "Slackware is too hard for me?"05:32
Pelom4cgyv3ry,  that's the best I can do for you, maybe someone esle05:32
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straterraOr..is it "I'm not bright enough to REALLY learn how Linux works"05:32
straterraIt's one of those, right?05:33
iterstraterra: hater05:33
UbuntuNewbiehave a link Lachkater?05:33
m4cgyv3ryPelo, ok..thanks franciu! =)05:33
wastrelit's african for "i like cookies"05:33
netpythonLachkater, Nope,It's African for i rather drive than lay underneath the car :-)05:33
iterI have a reasonable idea how gnu/linux works and I still love ubuntu05:33
straterraOh, ok05:33
wastreland i'm talking about food cookies not data cookies05:33
straterraso..why use ubuntu? Seems to be nothing more than a dumbed down Debian05:34
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=== straterra is serious now
iterhaha you might say that05:34
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jvolkmanI used Slackware, Debian and Gentoo for 8 years before switching to Ubuntu05:34
wastrelit releases more regularly than debian05:34
iteror .. you might say it's a cleaned up debian05:34
PecisDarbshi crowd, does 6.06.1 release contains xen enabled kernel images?05:34
huntedgodoh another question, how do i give "execute permission to the "current user" ?05:34
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iterwith a REAL INSTALLER05:34
PecisDarbsor it is just Edgy priviledge?05:34
Arepiewhat mp3 player is the best? Listen <-- i have problem with that.. always hang..05:34
Pelostraterra,  some of us need it to be dumb down,  we're still recovering from win9x05:34
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straterraI use tar xzvf to intsall05:34
dreamernetpython' or anyone: an idea yet ?05:34
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straterraPelo: aaah, I see05:34
netpythonstraterra, far less dependency issues05:34
iterstraterra: that would put you in the .1% then05:34
h3sp4wniter: personally I would say its a slowed down debian with loads of cruft05:35
wastrelhuntedgod:  chmod u+x filename05:35
robw810I'm not sure I buy the argument about the installer, though - I mean, you only install it once05:35
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iterh3sp4wn: let's see some stats to back up that it's slower05:35
huntedgodu=userbane i guess?05:35
straterrarobw810: true05:35
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straterranetpython: only way to get rid of dependency headaches is to get a package manager that doesn't touch dependencies05:35
robw810I don't think I'd sit my wife in front of a new Slackware installation and say "have fun" either though :)05:35
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m4cgyv3ryI have slackware on my servers..but for day by day work..i use ubuntu05:35
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huntedgodas always, you guys rocks, thanks.05:36
h3sp4wniter: Just try the two - its noticable05:36
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Lachkater@UbuntuNewb: i thing its somewhere on http://help.ubuntu.com/05:36
iterh3sp4wn: mmm I have both right here05:36
netpythonstraterra, whatever gets the job done:-)05:36
straterranetpython: yup05:36
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iterh3sp4wn: don't see a noticable difference05:36
coreyoI got xinerama set up with 2 screens on my i9xx card, however, metacity won't let me drag my windows more than halfway across my second monitor.  Any ideas?05:36
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straterraDamnitt...trolling in here isn't nearly as fun as trolling #genpoo05:36
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wastrelsorry :] 05:36
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straterraYou people are too...nice.. :D05:37
iterless linux-ricers here05:37
wastreli ran slack for a while but got tired of chasing all over the net for libraries when i wanted to install something :] 05:37
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iterwastrel: word to the mother05:37
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iterapt-get ALONE is enough to use debian or debian based distros05:37
h3sp4wniter: Probably more noticable on older hardware (my laptop is unusable with dapper) but fine with etch or sid05:38
fryfrogcan anyone tell me how the heck I can add more workspaces in Ubuntu, the default seems to be 4 and I'd like to try 6 or 8 or so05:38
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tapewormI can't mount my second hard disk correctly. And it doesn't mount on boot, so I always have to mount it manually, and when I do it isn't writeable... How can I fix this?05:38
n0dl|laptopwhere can i find a list of foreign apt servers?05:38
wastrelfryfrog:  right-click the workspace applet and choose prefs05:38
miffe_anyone know why wakeonlan doens't work on edgy?05:38
fryfrogwastrel: In there, it is set to "1" row and "1" workspace, but I have 4 :/05:39
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straterraThat is another thing I have a question about05:39
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h3sp4wntapeworm: set the permissions and ownership correctly (with sudo)05:39
fryfrogwastrel: changing it to 6 has no affect :/05:39
wastrelfryfrog:   i assume this isn't gnome ?05:39
straterraWhy the fuhell are there so many different names for ubuntu?05:39
Ash-FoxHas there been any recent conversation on the mailing lists abut the recently opensourced sun java/05:39
iterthere is a name for each version?05:39
fryfrogwastrel: well, its default with xgl running, would that do it?05:39
iterand there are different versions?05:39
dreamercan anyone else help me with this swap-issue? http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/30644/05:40
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Kim^JAsh-Fox: Diffirent DEs.05:40
mrobbertAnybody run KDE apps under Gnome?05:40
wastreli dunno from xgl , maybe the kind folks on #ubuntu-xgl can help...05:40
wastrelmrobbert:  on occasion.05:40
Ash-Foxmrobbert, yes.05:40
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huntedgodmrobbert: yes. works fine05:40
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mrobbertDo you get icons for some of them in the notification area?05:40
fryfrogwastrel: worth a try, I assumed xgl runs *over* gnome cause it is still gnome for sure05:40
tapewormh3sp4wn, isn't there something i can do in the fstab, so it mounts on boot with read/write rights?05:40
sproingieheh, corny: http://xkcd.com/comics/sandwich.png05:40
Ash-FoxKim^J, well Java doesn't really have it's own DE :P Besides that, I'm just curious with the GPL licensing.05:40
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h3sp4wntapeworm: There is but I wouldn't recommend it as the cleanest way to do it05:41
Kim^JAsh-Fox: Didn't you talk about Ubuntu, Kubuntu, Xubuntu, Edubuntu?05:41
h3sp4wntapeworm: or is it fat or ntfs ?05:41
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huntedgodwast/natphy: thanks for all the help. works gr8.05:42
tapewormh3sp4wn, the thing is i formated it and now it's an ext305:42
Ash-FoxKim^J, nope, only spoke of Java.05:42
n0dl|laptopwhere can i find a list of foreign aptget servers?05:42
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h3sp4wntapeworm: So you don't need any different options to fstab05:42
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Kim^JAsh-Fox: Oh sorry.. It was for straterra .05:43
wastrelmrobbert:  not the ones i use, at least not that i've noticed05:43
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straterraKim^J: ?05:43
Kim^Jstraterra: There are different DEs for Ubuntu, Kubuntu, Xubuntu.05:43
dreamerso .. can anyone else help me with this swap-issue? http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/30644/05:43
tapewormh3sp4wn, alright... i'll try to find the problem then05:43
straterraso..there is a spinoff on the distro because of wm/de?05:43
mrobbertI can't get an amarok window because its icon is missing from my notification area.05:43
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Kim^Jstraterra: Yep.05:43
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Kim^Jmrobbert: Just restart Amarok.05:44
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Pelomrobbert, make a launcher  and move it to the taskbar05:44
straterraKim^J: I assume they all have the same package tree though?05:44
h3sp4wntapeworm: You can just add a line to it in fstab (man fstab) you don't have to use UUID= you can use LABEL= (presuming you use edgy)05:44
Kim^Jstraterra: Yep.05:44
Kim^JJust the preinstalled that differs.05:44
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mrobbertPelo: I have it on my menu, and it is in the process table, but nothing in the GUI05:45
miffe_dreamer: you can only have 3 primary partition if you want an extended, so if you have 4 primary you need to remove one and create a new extednded instead05:45
Pelomrobbert,  try killing it in the system monitor and restarting it05:45
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Pelomrobbert,  is it possible that you just donT' have a notification area in your task bar anymore ?05:46
Kim^Jdreamer: You should do like this: 1GB swap primary. then the rest for logical ones.05:46
h3sp4wnAsh-Fox: I still have an old java station (I suppose that is (was ?) the java DE but it flopped)05:46
Ash-Foxh3sp4wn, no idea.05:46
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dreamermiffe_: yeah that's what I thougt, but then I'i have to remove ubuntu :/05:46
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miffe_dreamer: parted might be able to convert it05:46
dreamerKim^J: I can't touch the windows and media and personal ones05:47
miffe_dreamer: or gparted if you prefer a GUI05:47
dreamerthey are ntfs and have data05:47
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n0dl|laptopdoes anyone know of any foreign apt servers05:47
markl_whoever changed the default sounds for Gaim in Edge is a beautiful genius05:47
mrobbertPelo: I killed all procs that had the word amarok and restarted and still nothing.05:47
Kim^Jdreamer: Hm... Make a logical and then have a swap there?05:47
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Pelomrobbert,  is it possible that you just donT' have a notification area in your task bar anymore ?05:47
mrobbertPelo: I also  removed my notification area and added it back in, still nothing05:48
h3sp4wnn0dl|laptop: countrycode.archive.ubuntu.com (i.e gb.archive.ubuntu.com de.archive.ubuntu.com etc)05:48
timo90Hey how do you save a file in the terminal , i done sudo nano /usr/bin/startxgl.sh and pasted some stuff , i need to save them now05:48
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Pelomrobbert, ,  reinstall amorak05:48
n0dl|laptoph3sp4wn: thanks05:48
dreamerKim^J: you mean: make extended with 2 logical: 1 OS and 1 swap05:48
Kim^Jtimo90: ctrl+o05:48
mrobbertPelo: What is this, Windows?05:48
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dreamerjust no idea how to do that :S05:48
Kim^Jdreamer: Yeah.05:48
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Kim^Jdreamer: gparted, qtparted05:48
dreameror make the ubuntu-partition into an extended :S05:49
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Pelomrobbert, use synaptic , just select reinstall package,   I didn'T say uninstall it05:49
h3sp4wnn0dl|laptop: use - host gb.archive.ubuntu.com (to check whether it exists first)05:49
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Kim^Jdreamer: There can only be four logical/primary partions. But there can be many moore extended partions inside the logical partions.05:49
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timo90Kim^J: thanks that worked05:50
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Kim^Jtimo90: =)05:50
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dreamerKim^J: I can't make an extended05:50
Kim^Jdreamer: Huh?05:51
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Kim^JYou have to make one logical and give all remaining space to that. Then you create extended ones inside that one.05:51
dreamerI can't do anything to /dev/hda2 aka the ubuntu-partition05:51
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dreamerKim^J: I have remove ubuntu and the unallocated05:51
Kim^Jdreamer: Are you in Ubuntu right now?05:51
Kim^JAre you in WIndows?05:52
dreamerthis is my server05:52
dreamerthu desktop is in ubuntu right now05:52
Kim^Joh ok.05:52
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JuJuBeeI am building a server for my classroom.  We have about 8 computers.  I am considering doing a netboot sometime in the near future.  What hardware should I include? (Mobo, processor, ram, HD space)?05:52
Kim^Jmaybe you should download gparted and then work from there?05:52
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Kim^JJuJuBee: At least 16 dualcores.05:52
mrobbertPelo: No help with the reinstall.05:53
dreamerI _have_ gparted, I allready said that :P05:53
Kim^Jand 64GB ram.05:53
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Kim^Jdreamer: No no. The LIVE CD.05:53
dreameraah, ok ..05:53
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dreamerhmm, I have knoppix somewhere ..05:53
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incorrectwhat do i need to install to get totem to play dvds ?05:53
Kim^JNo no. The Gparted Live CD.05:53
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dreamerbeh .. hmm05:54
Kim^Jincorrect: gstreamer-1.0-plugins-ugly or something like that.05:54
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Kim^Jincorrect: More a KDE guuy05:54
h3sp4wnJuJuBee: You want to run everything on the server with the linux terminal server project ?05:54
netpython!codecs | incorrect05:54
ubotuincorrect: For multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats  -  See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html  -  But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats05:54
miffe_dreamer: the ubuntu live cd also has gparted05:54
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JuJuBeeh3sp4wn : I am considering it, yes.05:54
dreamerhmm, the new install[cd has live-function ..05:54
mrobbertPelo: I tried running from the command line and I get - X Error: BadDevice, invalid or uninitialized input device 16805:54
dreamerbut, I have a cd-rw somewhere . I'll put gparted on that05:55
mrobbertPelo: I get that twice and then nothing. Same error when I run akregator05:55
h3sp4wnJuJuBee: For just basic applications (openoffice etc ?)05:55
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JuJuBeeYes.  Possibly a wine app or 205:56
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lando                                                                                               m05:56
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miffe_anyone know why wakeonlan doens't work on edgy?05:57
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h3sp4wnJuJuBee: Ram is more important than processor power - and you need fast disks05:57
mumrahi just upgraded to 6.10, and i can no longer read or write cds05:57
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mumrahany ideas?05:58
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JuJuBeeh3sp4wn : how fast?05:59
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h3sp4wnJuJuBee: 4gb ram (with space for more)  , 15000 scsi disks , a dual core opteron (with a socket for another) should easily handle 20 clients - You want to run X locally (not using nfs root) running it from a ram disk05:59
DanglyBitsanyone have a broadcom 4306 wireless running on edgy?05:59
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h3sp4wnJuJuBee: Don't consider anything other than scsi06:00
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mrobbertPelo: I just found the error in ubuntu forums and they suggest commenting out wacom devices in xorg.conf. I'm going to try that. Thanks for you help so far.06:00
sancho___i'm receiving 'BADSIG 40976EAF437D05B5 Ubuntu Archive Automatic Signing Key <ftpmaster@ubuntu.com>' errors upon apt-get update now on my edgy upgrade box; have already set my apt sources to just archive.ubuntu.com and security.ubuntu.com per suggestion; any ideas? http://pastebin.com/81979706:00
h3sp4wnJuJuBee: Sun's opteron servers are very well made and reasonably priced06:00
JuJuBeeI will take a look...06:01
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incorrecti take it version 6.10 was not the best thing to install?06:01
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boink6.10 is the latest, sure06:01
boinkbut dapper is a LTS release06:01
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alexanderhey all06:01
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incorrectseems like 6.10 is missing some packages06:02
boinklike what?06:02
h3sp4wnincorrect: user-mode-linux by any chance (I noticed that) :/06:02
boinkit depends on how your /etc/apt/sources.list is set up06:02
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incorrectthe gstreamer ugly plugins06:02
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LimonJalisciensei upgraded 6.10 and im having problems with my networkl06:02
ubotuThe packages in Ubuntu are divided into several sections. See http://www.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/components https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Repositories and !easysource06:02
alexanderi got a question: is there a way to bond 2 NIC in ubuntu?06:03
boinkwhich gstreamer plugin?06:03
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boinkwhen I do an apt-cache search, I get a lot06:03
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incorrectboink: ugly06:03
h3sp4wnalexander: You can use the bonding modules which are in the kernel anyway06:03
boinkgstreamer0.10-plugins-ugly - GStreamer plugins from the "ugly" set06:03
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miffe_incorrect: gstreamer0.10-plugins-ugly is in universe06:03
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boinkI got that one06:03
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h3sp4wnalexander: switch needs to support vlan trunking for some modes06:04
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boinkagain, it depends on how your /etc/apt/sources.list is set up06:04
incorrecti thought i had enabled universe06:04
incorrecti just thought i had to uncomment them06:04
boinkcheck again .. then update the list and do an apt-cache search06:04
hussamanyone here good with iptables?06:04
alexanderh3sp4wn, i am kinda new to all of this, you know a place were i can read up on this?06:04
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Tjoelshey, when i use the nv driver, i can get a resolution of 1280x1024 @ 75 Hz, but when i use the nvidia driver it can only use 800x600 @ 50 Hz06:05
h3sp4wnalexander: linux/Documentation/networking/bonding.txt (in the kernel source or the kernel documentation package)06:05
incorrectdeb http://gb.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/ edgy universe <-  i've uncommented that06:06
sivikTjoels: that probably means your stuff isn't installed correctly06:06
sivikTjoels: have you installing the linux-restricted06:06
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boinkdid you do an apt-get update?06:06
netpythonincorrect, example /etc/sources.list http://pastebin.com/81980406:06
siviksudo apt-get upgrade06:06
hussamfor example, what do I do if I need to add a rule for a interface where the ip is dynamic. do I have to change the rules every time the IP changes?06:06
h3sp4wnalexander: maybe that is a bit complicated (and has some things that are not relevant to you)06:06
Tjoelssivik: yeah06:06
sivikwrong windows06:06
LattywareHey all, Could anyone help me with the sudden loss of my second monitor (via twinview) and the inability to play video via xv.06:06
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sivikTjoels: did you restart x06:07
Tjoelssivik: well, i'm using the 9xxx nvidia driver06:07
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boinkwhenever you update your sources.list, you need to do an apt-get update06:07
Tjoelssikik: yeah06:07
LattywareIs there somthing up with the official nvidia driver?06:07
sivikTjoels: so06:07
sivikTjoels: not sure06:07
sivikLattyware: multiverse repo06:07
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ubotuTo install the Ati/NVidia drivers for your video card, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto06:07
incorrectnetpython: mine looks like that now06:07
alexanderh3sp4wn, ty, i am taking a look at it right now.06:07
screechingcatLattyware: there;s a new one out06:07
netpythonincorrect, good :-)06:07
Tjoelssikik: i am trying to install beryl, so using the new driver06:07
Lattywaresivik: That wasn't what I was asking.06:07
sivikTjoels: not sure with beryl06:07
m4cgyv3rywhat is php5-uuid ?06:07
sivikLattyware: what was your question06:08
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incorrectsaying that all that was different was the url's06:08
screechingcatLattyware: everyones raving about some new feature.06:08
ssdfwww.fun-tchat.qdo.org www.fun-tchat.tk06:08
ssdfwww.fun-tchat.qdo.org www.fun-tchat.tk06:08
ssdfwww.fun-tchat.qdo.org www.fun-tchat.tk06:08
ssdfwww.fun-tchat.qdo.org www.fun-tchat.tk06:08
ssdfwww.fun-tchat.qdo.org www.fun-tchat.tk06:08
ssdfwww.fun-tchat.qdo.org www.fun-tchat.tk06:08
ssdfwww.fun-tchat.qdo.org www.fun-tchat.tk06:08
ssdfwww.fun-tchat.qdo.org www.fun-tchat.tk06:08
ssdfwww.fun-tchat.qdo.org www.fun-tchat.tk06:08
sivikLattyware: i must have misunderstood what you asked06:08
ssdfwww.fun-tchat.qdo.org www.fun-tchat.tk06:08
ssdfwww.fun-tchat.qdo.org www.fun-tchat.tk06:08
h3sp4wn!ops ssdf06:08
ssdfwww.fun-tchat.qdo.org www.fun-tchat.tk06:08
ssdfwww.fun-tchat.qdo.org www.fun-tchat.tk06:08
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about ops ssdf - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi06:08
ssdfwww.fun-tchat.qdo.org www.fun-tchat.tk06:08
ssdfwww.fun-tchat.qdo.org www.fun-tchat.tk06:08
netpython!language | ssdf06:08
ubotuHelp! Keybuk, mdz, Amaranth, tritium, ajmitch, crimsun, ogra, CarlK, Seveas, Burgundavia, apokryphos, thoreauputic, nalioth, Madpilot, ompaul, rob, Hobbsee, imbrandon, DBO or gnomefreak!06:08
ssdfwww.fun-tchat.qdo.org www.fun-tchat.tk06:08
ubotussdf: Please watch your language and keep this channel family friendly.06:08
Lattywaresivik: Whethter there is a bug in it that stopped twinview.06:08
ssdfwww.fun-tchat.qdo.org www.fun-tchat.tk06:08
ssdfwww.fun-tchat.qdo.org www.fun-tchat.tk06:08
ssdfwww.fun-tchat.qdo.org www.fun-tchat.tk06:08
ssdfwww.fun-tchat.qdo.org www.fun-tchat.tk06:08
=== Lattyware sighs.
ssdfwww.fun-tchat.qdo.org www.fun-tchat.tk06:08
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ssdfwww.fun-tchat.qdo.org www.fun-tchat.tk06:08
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sivikLattyware: not sure06:08
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Lattywarescreechingcat: Do you mean the BETA? Because there was AXGL support in that06:09
LattywareWhich presumably is the feature.06:09
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about services - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi06:09
ubotuFind your themes at: http://www.gnome-look.org - http://kdelook.org - http://themes.freshmeat.net/browse/58/ - http://www.guistyles.com - https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Artwork/ - Also see !changethemes and https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UbuntuEyeCandy06:09
ZaggynlHow do I list running services?06:09
screechingcatLattyware: im sorry. i dont know much about it. i dont have an nvidia and thefore dont care06:09
miffe_Zaggynl: ps aux06:09
Zaggynlgamesurge glines me because I am running a proxy :/06:09
Lattywareheh, ok, thanks for the responce anyway.06:10
h3sp4wnZaggynl: services on a specific port ?06:10
screechingcatLattyware: just seach in digg.com though. im pretty sure it was fronte-paged06:10
Tjoelswhat is it the "dri" module does?06:10
Lattywareok, thanks06:10
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miffe_anyone know why wakeonlan doens't work on edgy?06:11
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DanglyBitsneed help with this??  anyone have a broadcom 4306 wireless running on edgy?06:11
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CrankymonkyWhat version of fluxbox is in the edgy repo's?06:12
deadlyallance077does anybody hear know much about genome-dock ?06:12
h3sp4wn!info fluxbox edgy06:12
ubotufluxbox: Highly configurable and low resource X11 Window manager. In component universe, is optional. Version (edgy), package size 899 kB, installed size 2888 kB06:12
screechingcatdeadlyallance077: whats genome-dock ?06:12
deadlyallance077sorry gnome-dock06:12
deadlyallance077its a mac osx like dock for gnome06:12
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h3sp4wnZaggynl: So you need to know what services you have running with ports which could be acting as a proxy ?06:13
screechingcatdeadlyallance077: i use kicker for my dock06:13
deadlyallance077kicker ?06:13
screechingcatdeadlyallance077: its KDE. but it works brilliantly06:13
Zaggynlh3sp4wn, exactly06:13
h3sp4wndeadlyallance077: engage is a similar dock06:13
raghu206is there a editor which opens faster than gedit ?06:13
ZaggynlI shut down Tor, but gamesurge still glines me06:13
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screechingcatdeadlyallance077: kicker is the kde equivalent of gnome-panel06:13
deadlyallance077do they do the bouncy thing and auto hide ?06:13
dreamerKim^J: gparted won't make /dev/hda2 into extended06:13
screechingcatdeadlyallance077: no bounce but autohide yes06:14
miffe_dreamer: then you probably have to delete it and create a new extended partition06:14
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h3sp4wnZaggynl: sudo netstat -lpAinet06:14
deadlyallance077see gnome dock is omost exactly like the osx dock06:14
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Zaggynlh3sp4wn, thanks06:15
ubotugnome-dock is a MacOS X -like dock for the gnome desktop, see www.gnome-dock.org06:15
Intangirdoes anyone know of a text based gnutella client?06:15
dreamermiffe_: aka reinstall ubuntu :/06:15
DanglyBitsanyone with broadcom 4306 wireless experience06:15
screechingcatdeadlyallance077: ^^^^^06:15
deadlyallance077i am in love with the osx gui and all i have to compleat it in ubuntu is the dock06:15
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h3sp4wnIntangir: I have used gnut before but I am not sure whether it is still mainted06:15
h3sp4wndeadlyallance077: If you want os x why not just buy a mac ?06:15
miffe_dreamer: you could tar it all up, recreate the partition and unpack the tar again06:16
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screechingcatdeadlyallance077: gnome-dock is a MacOS X -like dock for the gnome desktop, see www.gnome-dock.org06:16
deadlyallance077because i am running a mini itx box06:16
dreamermiffe_: hahah .. hmm06:16
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deadlyallance077and i cant get osx to run on a via c3 chip06:16
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h3sp4wnbuy a mac mini - problem solved06:16
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screechingcatdeadlyallance077: they're pretty cheap these days06:17
screechingcatdeadlyallance077: and they intoduced intel core2cuo today06:17
deadlyallance077there not as small of footprint as my mini itx and dont work well in a car and i need linux for my pftp06:17
h3sp4wnAlmost anything you can run on linux you can run on mac os x06:17
mailerHi, will report this to -devel and -bugs channels ... cannot see bug files with launchpad --- evince 0.6.1 shipped with edgy wont print in landscape06:18
sudo|faderanybody know were lynx by default downloads files to?06:18
screechingcatdeadlyallance077: you can always install linux on a mac machine06:18
miffe_sudo|fader: to the current directory06:18
screechingcatdeadlyallance077: i tri-lboot ubuntu and os x and windows on my macbook pro06:18
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deadlyallance077but it still wont work well in my car! its for a car pc06:18
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sudo|fadermiffe_ meaning from the dir from were lynx was startet?06:18
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miffe_sudo|fader: yeah06:19
screechingcatdeadlyallance077: gnome-dock.org06:19
sudo|faderit dosent!06:19
deadlyallance077built in to a breefcase with a wireless card and a 3 watt cell booster so that i can get the net in the oil field06:19
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deadlyallance077it plugs in to a 7" touchscreen in myt dash06:20
deadlyallance077or the 21" widescreen in the top oof the case06:20
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raghu206can we install gnome-dock with out installing XGL06:21
deadlyallance077yes i think so but i am not sure06:21
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deadlyallance077i am haveinhg some troubles getting it started06:21
miffe_sudo|fader: it does for me, by default. but you can chage it after the download is completed06:21
PetriP-TNTany gstreamerplugins so i can get m4as working06:22
PetriP-TNTacc? mp4?06:22
deadlyallance077petrip-tnt pm me and i will tell you06:22
screechingcatdeadlyallance077: y not use kiba-dock06:22
deadlyallance077never herd of it do you have a url06:22
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screechingcatdeadlyallance077: !kiba-dock06:23
PetriP-TNTor for wma for that matter06:23
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PetriP-TNTi want to usemy ipod fully with rhythmbox06:23
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mailerevince irc channel lets us  know the issue (possibly others) fixed in source and there was talk of a new release soon06:24
screechingcatPetriP-TNT: get rid of rhythmbox. amarok is way better06:24
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miffe_PetriP-TNT: you'll need gstreamer-ffmpeg for mp4 and one of the wmas, and gstreamer-pitfdll + w32codecs for the other wma06:25
screechingcatPetriP-TNT: when u dont have a codec, amarok pops up a dailog telling you the required codec and will open synatpic to install it for you06:25
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PetriP-TNTi got ffmpeg installed, didnt work06:25
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deadlyallance077petri-tnt i am going to get kicked for this but look into automatix06:26
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davvshow can i run 2 x severs? 1 on the TV with only a gamepad as input and 1 on the computer-monitor using keyboard and mouse as input?06:27
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PetriP-TNTand other thing, why wont mozilla-vlc work?06:27
otacon22_Anyone know a packet to make a ubuntu pc to a firewall dedicated pc, with a http interface simle for configure?06:27
seth__davvs, you can run two servers, one on each device06:27
davvshow do i do it seth__ ?06:27
miffe_anyone know why wake-on-lan doens't work on edgy?06:27
seth__I don't know whether you can restrict an input device to only one of the screens, though06:28
h3sp4wnotacon22_: Why does it need to be ubuntu ? If ts just for a firewall there are plenty of better firewall distro's06:28
deadlyallance077Does it sit on the couch all day long?  Does it procrastinate doing the dishes?  Does it beg on the street for change?  Please be specific!  Define 'it' and what it isn't doing.  Give us more details so we can help you without needing to ask basic questions like "what's the error message".06:28
=== Fjodor [n=sune@0x55510b65.adsl.cybercity.dk] has joined #ubuntu
seth__davvs, you define separate Screen sections in xorg.conf.  If's very similar to what you do for dual monitors.  I had my dual monitors set up as two separate servers, and then I merged them into one.  Let me see if I still have the config that made them separate06:28
otacon22_h3sp4wn, for example?06:28
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seth__davvs, you should be able to find examples of doing this on the X site, it's quite common.06:29
otacon22_I don't know anyone06:29
davvsseth__,  the X site?06:29
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miffe_i'm trying to wake a box. it used to work when it was running dapper, but when i upgraded to edgy i can't wake it anymore. i haven't changed any settings related to wol06:29
h3sp4wnotacon22_: http://m0n0.ch/wall/06:30
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ubotuapt is the Advanced Package Tool, which together with dpkg forms the basic Ubuntu package management toolkit. Short apt-get manual: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AptGetHowto  -  Also see !Synaptic (Gnome) or !Adept (KDE)06:31
socresneed xchat on screen display06:32
socresanyone can tell me where to find?06:32
h3sp4wnsocres: screen is only for console applications06:32
PetriP-TNToh yeah, one more question: whats a good program for unpacking rars? unrar didnt work06:32
h3sp4wnPetriP-TNT: unrar-nonfree06:32
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h3sp4wnPetriP-TNT: Or just download it from rarlab06:33
socresthere is a plugin called xchatosd but i cant compile it06:33
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davvsseth__, what is "the X site"? and where is it? :-)06:34
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Lippmananyone can give me some advice on using Xen in ubuntu? I find xen now is included in Edgy, but i'm not sure which package should be installed.06:36
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otacon22_h3sp4wn, it isn't a good firewall06:38
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por"Hello World" ......Test06:38
otacon22_i have download and tryed it now06:38
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snoopsHi, I'm going to format my dual booting hdd, reinstall windows, then install edgy (currently using dapper).. Is there anything I need to backup other than my home directory? I've got a mysql db, so I guess I need to dump that06:39
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seth__snoops, why not just upgrade, and preserve your data in the norma way?06:40
mneptonsnoops: MySQL stuff is in /var/lib/mysql06:40
mrmistHi all06:40
shwagok...what is the problem.  sudo: unable to lookup dev via gethostbyname()06:41
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mrmistAny way to make only minimized windows appear in the "window-list" panel in ubuntu ??06:41
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snoopswell, I heard there were quite a few problems - regarding people using nvidia, xgl, compiz then upgrading to edgy.. A clean install feels better to me anyway, since the new nvidia driver implements aiglx, so I can use that with beryl06:41
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prestosddoes anyone know how to export theme files?06:41
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snoopsplus, my windows install has a virus, and when putting the xp cd in to reinstall, it can't recognise the partitions properly on that hdd06:42
snoopsthanks mnepton06:42
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prestosddoes anyone know if its possible to EXPORT theme files???06:42
seth__snoops, when I do something like that, I rename all my directories, and reinstall but don't recreate the file systems.  then I have _all_ my data.  after a few weeks, when I know I've copied everything I might need, then I erase the old stuff.06:42
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salome1. what kind of theme files 2, export them to what06:43
prestosdall kinds06:43
prestosdexport them to tar/gz06:43
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salomeyou realize there are thousands of kinds06:43
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prestosdno no no06:43
seth__prestosd, that's not exporting.  that's just copying06:43
prestosdI want to export the ones I have right now, so I can import them into my other partition of ubuntu06:43
salometar -zcvf theme.tar.gz themedir/06:43
snoopsgood idea seth__, not enough space for me to do that sadly06:43
seth__you can copy anything you like, of course.06:43
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Crankymonkyprestosd, The application, window border, control themes of gnome are already in .tar.gz, usually06:44
prestosdnot after you drag and drop though06:44
seth__snoops, then you might want to do it selectively.  I just hate the idea of assuming that there it no data hiding somewhere that I might need06:44
salomedrag and drop06:44
salomewhat?  from where to where?06:44
salomewhat kind of themes?06:44
seth__snoops, too easy to make a mistake.  of course, it depends whether you really can't afford to lose things, or if it would just be inconvenient.06:44
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prestosdyou drag the tar.gz files into the themes window06:45
prestosdthen click install06:45
DanglyBitsanyone with broadcom 4306 wireless experience06:45
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salomeim not entirely sure you even know what youre asking.06:45
snoopscan't afford to lose the mysql data.. can copy the home directory to another network drive06:45
prestosdIll just redownload them06:46
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m0rgantoshdoes anyone have any experience with windows networking?06:46
coreyois there any way to tell for sure if xinerama is enabled in my current X session?  I'm getting some funky behavior.06:46
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fbishi guys :)06:46
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salomecurse them all for making ubuntu so easy06:46
coreyois there a utility that I can use to tell what the virtual resolution of my xinerama screen is, or the individual resolutions of each screen?06:46
fbisI'm new to ubuntu and wonder if its ok to read and write to an ntfs partition.  I haven't looked at linux for years and know it used to be an issue!06:47
mmj_what are the daily Edgy Eft releases for?06:47
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pcubehow can i avoid unnecessary drivers loading during booting?06:47
snoopsfbis reading is fine.. writing is still a bit risky06:47
coreyofbis: DON'T DO IT!!! only read06:47
jokesterhello, i've just upgraded (6.06->6.10) and i have some bizarre problems with gnome. I can no longer control the gtk2 themes and icons06:47
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jokesteri should say that i'm running beryl/xgl06:48
sjaakmansEverytime i try to install avahi it fails... what do i have to do to start it?06:48
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about engage - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi06:48
jokesterany ideas ?06:48
seth__fbis, still is something of an issue.  there is a relatively new piece of software that claims to have solved the problems.  I say "claims" only because it is relatively new and I don't like to do risky things with file systems.06:48
fbisthanks snoops :( How risky?06:48
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elias_when will suspend2 finally be integrated into the official linux kernel tree or at least into ubuntu's kernel?06:48
kmaynardfbis, have a backup :-D06:48
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datilhi, what are the "daily" cdimages of Edgy Eft for?06:49
seth__fbis, I don't think it's quantifiable yet.  As kmaynard said, _always_ have a backup06:49
elias_this is long overdue, since standard swsusp simply does not do its job.06:49
pcubehow can i avoid unnecessary drivers loading during booting?06:49
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fbisi'd like to save to my data drive (document etc) but its in ntfs and I can't read linux partition in windows :(06:49
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about engage - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi06:49
=== palm76 [n=palm76@cc908470-a.joure1.fr.home.nl] has joined #ubuntu
fbisusb keys the safest bet then?06:49
seth__pcube, you can remove unnecessary modules from modules.conf.  you can turn off unneeded services with the service manager thing06:49
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pcubethnx i will try it06:50
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jayknitteranyone know how to get the upgrade button to show up when running gksu "update-manager -c".  For some reason mine isn't there!06:50
seth__fbis, usb sticks are perfectly safe.  if they are an option, no need to take risks06:50
bieb_workI am having a problem booting into Ubuntu... I have a 3ware 80062LP RAID card with 2 80gb drives in Raid1, Ubuntu LiveCD sees the card and drives attached, and the installer sees them fine... when I reboot after the install, it gives me the "Minimal Bash-like line editing is supported" error, it doesnt boot into Ubuntu06:50
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fbiswhat about fat32?06:51
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seth__fbis, there are also ext3 drivers available for windows that are said to be safe06:51
seth__fbis, fat32 is vfat, and is safe06:51
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fbisthanks a lot seth :) I'll just create a fat32 partition and copy my data over :)  Thanks :)06:51
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jayknitterTrying to upgrade from dapper to Edgy.  When I run "gksu "update-manager -c"" I don't get an upgrade button!!  Anyone have any ideas how to get it to show up?06:52
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kmaynardadd a -d06:52
kmaynard!upgrade > jayknitter06:52
jayknitterkmaynard, how come it doesn't show up with just -c like everyone else?06:52
ubotuFor upgrading, see instructions at: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UpgradeNotes (you can also find this in the channel topic: type "/topic")  -  See also !downgrade06:53
mmj_what are the daily Edgy Eft releases for?06:53
bieb_workanyone have an idea what I should check first with my boot issue?06:53
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jayknitterkmaynard, it doesn't mention anything about -d....why?06:53
kmaynardwhats your issue?06:53
bieb_workI am having a problem booting into Ubuntu... I have a 3ware 80062LP RAID card with 2 80gb drives in Raid1, Ubuntu LiveCD sees the card and drives attached, and the installer sees them fine... when I reboot after the install, it gives me the "Minimal Bash-like line editing is supported" error, it doesnt boot into Ubuntu06:53
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ubotulamp is Linux-Apache-MySQL-PHP. However, the term is often used for setups using alternative but different software, such as Perl or Python instead of PHP, and Postgres instead of MySQL.  For help with setting up LAMP on Ubuntu, see  https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ApacheMySQLPHP  -  See also the Server CD install menu.06:54
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Kraigany recommendations for guitar tabs software? i tried gnometab and it's asking me for a chord library and dunno if that's a recommended package06:55
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kmaynardjayknitter, dunno06:55
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rafaHello.Someone installed latest NVidia Driver?06:56
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LarangeI have a package that refuses to install in apt-get, I cannot remove it nor install it. The end result is that I get a nasty error message each time I use apt-get, how do I get rid of it?06:56
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LimonJalisciensei upgraded to edgy eft and i have problems with my network i didnt have before, i can't open any other remote computer, i can see an empty icon and it says it isnt a directory06:56
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fbishow can I get a list of my partitions and their filesystems under ubuntu?06:57
bieb_workkmaynard.. any ideas what to check?06:57
kmaynardbieb_work,  whats your issue? i must have missed your original question06:57
predaeusfbis: check System/Administration/Gnome Partition Editor.06:57
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bieb_workI am having a problem booting into Ubuntu... I have a 3ware 80062LP RAID card with 2 80gb drives in Raid1, Ubuntu LiveCD sees the card and drives attached, and the installer sees them fine... when I reboot after the install, it gives me the "Minimal Bash-like line editing is supported" error, it doesnt boot into Ubuntu06:57
predaeusfbis: if not there try installing "gparted".06:57
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kmaynardahh, raid controller06:58
kmaynardthere's some issues with raid controllers...google is your friend06:58
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limonensei upgraded to edgy eft and i have problems with my network i didnt have before, i can't open any other remote computer, i can see an empty icon and it says it isnt a directory06:59
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cosmodadhow can I add a "switch user" symbol to the GNOME panel?06:59
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bieb_workthe reason I selected the 3ware is it supports RH, SUSE, FreeBSD and has source and such... I know above 2.6.xx the 3w-xxx drivers exist in the distro06:59
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fbisthankyou predaeus :)06:59
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bieb_worklike I said... I can boot into the liveCD, and mount the RAID1 partition and see all the data from the install07:00
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srafxanyone good here with wireless?..mines working..but with some problems: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=29554407:01
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predaeuscosmodad: you could add the Quit button, takes you 2 clicks to switch user then.07:03
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BeBrawis there a way to disable python temporarily on ubuntu?07:03
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sc0ttfeed it a mouse07:03
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BeBrawit doesn't like snakes :s07:03
BeBrawi rather wouldn't uninstall python07:03
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LattywareHey all, I am trying to get TwinView working again, and I have done, but now it appears that one of my monitors can't go above 640x320. I run both my monitors at 1280x1024 - they are both flatscreen, one via DVI, and one via VGA (which nView beeves is a CRT), any help? Setting higher than 640x320 gives me a black VGA monitor, and half the screen on my other one.07:03
srafxanyone have their wireless drop after running the screen saver for a while?07:04
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predaeusBeBraw: maybe you could just temporarily rename the "python" interpreter binary. Not sure if this is safe though.07:04
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gerhardhi all :D07:05
cosmodadpredaeus: I'd prefer "switch user", or at least get an idea of what Ubuntu does to do the switching07:05
sedrakehow do I kill a non killable process? :o07:05
rnd_nulli'm newish and need help compiling a video driver from source and configing xorg with it....anyone?07:05
cosmodadpredaeus: in the latter case, I could create a panel link myself...07:05
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cosmodadsedrake: did you try "sudo kill -9 <pid>" ?07:05
predaeuscosmodad: yea, sry, no idea there.07:05
cosmodadpredaeus: ok thanks07:05
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cosmodadanyone know how to add a "switch user" panel icon in GNOME?07:06
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Lattywarecosmodad: Hmm... there must be a command behind it, just find that and then add a custom application launcher.07:07
fbisthanks guys :)07:07
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cosmodadLattyware: I had the same idea but haven't been able to grab the code or command used07:07
sedrakecosmodad: didnt work eather07:07
predaeuscosmodad: maybe this can help http://blogs.gnome.org/view/jamesh/2005/12/05/007:07
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sancho___i'm receiving 'BADSIG 40976EAF437D05B5 Ubuntu Archive Automatic Signing Key <ftpmaster@ubuntu.com>' errors upon apt-get update now on my edgy upgrade box; have already set my apt sources to just archive.ubuntu.com and security.ubuntu.com per suggestion; any ideas? http://pastebin.com/81979707:08
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predaeuscosmodad: maybe gnome-screensaver has an command line argument there or somehting07:08
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about windowsdrive - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi07:08
ubotuPartitioning programs: !GParted or QTParted  -  Formatting partitions: see the manual page for mkfs ("man mkfs")  -  Mounting partitions in Gnome: System -> Administration -> Disks07:08
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ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about mountwindows - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi07:09
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cosmodadpredaeus: can't see anything with "gnome-screensaver --help"07:09
ubotuTo view your Windows/Mac partitions see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AutomaticallyMountPartitions  -  See also !fuse07:09
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about windrivemount - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi07:09
cosmodadthere's gotta be some way to see the GNOME menu structure...07:09
Crankymonky!enlightenment edgy07:09
m4cgyv3ryanyone has output problems on php5 and ming ?07:09
ubotuenlightenment: The Enlightenment Window Manager. In component universe, is optional. Version 1: (edgy), package size 380 kB, installed size 980 kB07:09
predaeuscosmodad: i havent got it installed, try "man gnome-screensaver"07:09
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timo90Lattyware: :-P07:09
sancho___cosmodad: alacarte07:09
srafxhttp://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=295544  can anyone help?07:10
Lattywaretimo90: lol07:10
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cosmodadpredaeus: it doesn't come with any manpage07:10
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cosmodadsancho___: ?07:10
predaeuscosmodad: doh...*g*07:10
cosmodadsancho___: oh ok07:10
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sancho___cosmodad: a gnome menu editor07:10
LattywareI thought it'd be better to not wait for you to try every possible combination :P07:10
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cosmodadsancho___: oh I've got that before07:10
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cosmodadsancho___: but it doesn't include the "Quit"-menu icons :/07:10
sancho___frankly menu editing in gnome is asinine07:11
cosmodadsancho___: at least I couldn't find any07:11
sancho___i wish building / editing menus in gnome was as easy as it blackbox/fluxbox/etc.07:11
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LattywareI don't know why having a menu made out of folders is such a bad idea. I actually like that about windows.07:11
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cosmodadsancho___: I agree, it's a mjaor pain in the ass07:11
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LattywareThen again, I use a panel full of draws now-a-days anyway07:12
sancho___Lattyware: not nearly as easy as a single ascii text file ;)07:12
granthey can someone tell me the command where i can setup keyboard shortcuts to programs, thanks07:12
phaedrus44sancho___:   fluxbuntu   : )07:12
grantplease don't say gconf-editor, cause for some reason that wont run07:12
LattywareThe menus are XML eventually, arn't they... I thjnk...07:12
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sancho___phaedrus44: not a bad idea. ;) is there an xfce-based ubuntu flavor?07:13
LattywareSo, anyone know why I can only run one of my monitors at 640x320?07:13
granthey can someone tell me the command where i can setup keyboard shortcuts to programs, thanks07:13
grantplease don't say gconf-editor, cause for some reason that wont run07:13
Lattywaresancho___: xubuntu07:13
burzumhow can i remove pcmcia from all runlevels?07:13
sancho___Lattyware: ah, forgot.07:13
burzumisnt there a runlevelmanager for the console?07:13
Lattywaresancho___: In fact, there are two xubuntus, one for the Xbox and one for PC...07:13
sancho___burzum: update-rc.d controls what apps run at what runlevels07:14
phaedrus44sancho___ :   yeah  xubuntu ,   i tried it and it is still bloated and slow...   try this  #fluxbuntu07:14
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granthey can someone tell me the command where i can setup keyboard shortcuts to programs, thanks07:14
predaeusgrant: please dont flood people can still read your message up there twice *g*07:15
predaeusgrant: what is the key combo you want to use?07:15
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grantpredaeus, sorry about that, kinda rushed is all, want to setup CRTL+ALT+"z" to launch 3ddesk07:16
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burzumsancho, thanks07:18
socresnochmal highlight bitte07:18
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drewI have beta drivers of a Nvidia Gfx card installed for Beryl and my updates keep coming up telling me to install the non-beta drivers, is there any way to stop updates for those particular drivers from appearing?07:19
grantpredaeus, any ideas?07:20
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porkpie__guys when you build ubuntu it asks you for a user account and password.  Does this password become the root password ??07:20
predaeusgrant: sry for that but I just tried gconf-editor with the entry under apps/metacity/global keybinding/run_command_2 "<Control><Alt>z" and under keybinding commands also under the metacity path, "gnome-editor" under command_2 and iit works07:20
Rondom!sudo > polttaja07:20
Rondom!sudo > porkpie__07:20
Rondomsorry polttaja07:20
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grantpredaeus, should i be able to run gconf-editor from anywhere? when i try it nothing is happening, end up having to do ctrl-c07:21
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scouthey! how do i open for access to my apache server and ftp server from the outside ?07:21
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predaeusgrant: hm i got it under applications/system tools07:21
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porkpie__Rondom:so yes it's the same password.07:21
Rondomporkpie__: no07:22
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Rondomporkpie__: there is no root-pw in ubuntu, ubuntu uses sudo for gaining root access07:22
predaeusgrant: try rightclick on Applications then Edit Menus und System TOols tick Configuration Editor and hit Close.07:22
jimmypw<sout> have you opened the orrect ports on your firewall? (80, 21)07:22
Rondom!sudo > Rondom07:22
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grantok predaeus, tried right click etc selected edit menus, mouse icon went busy then nothing happened07:23
scoutjimmypw, how to i open them ?07:23
Kyynaracould someone tell me the command how to reconfigure my xorg settings?07:23
scoutjimmypw, i know i have to use iptables... but don't know how07:23
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ladydoorKyynara: does sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg do anything?07:24
Kyynaradpkg-reconfigure [instert something with xorg here] 07:24
Kyynarathank you07:24
jimmypw<sout what firewall are you using?07:24
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phaedrus44dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg  ?07:24
Rondomporkpie__: read the url07:24
Kyynarathat's what I was searching for07:24
Kyynaraladydoor, and phaedrus4407:24
scoutjimmypw, none07:24
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scoutjimmypw, i think07:25
predaeusgrant: maybe you need to install alacarte. that is the menu editor for gnome.07:25
phaedrus44Kyynara:   ne time07:25
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jimmypw<scout> not even a router?07:25
predaeusgrant: sudo apt-get install alacarte07:25
timo90POV are you here07:25
scoutjimmypw, well yes a router... or more like a switch07:25
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timo90Is POVaddct here07:25
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scoutjimmypw, i think it's called07:25
grantpredaeus, i know i already have this program, i've used it before, but it doesn't seem to be running now07:25
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predaeusgrant: hm, still gconf-editor should run from console too07:26
jimmypw<sout> is there a web front for it or an additional onfiguration program07:26
chopchop_guys, is ubuntu system v unix??07:26
grantpredaeus, nope nothing07:26
mentokthis may be a strange question, but does anyone know of where I can find some info about the benifits of ubuntu over debian? thanks :)07:26
scoutjimmypw, i think there is a webfront07:26
ubotuDebian is "the rock upon which Ubuntu is founded". To see more details on the relationship, see: http://www.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/relationship07:26
Agrajag_chopchop_: no, it's linux07:26
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ladydoormentok: ^^^07:26
mentokladydoor: hmm?07:26
DanglyBitsanyone with broadcom 4306 wireless experience?07:27
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Agrajag_chopchop_: which is kind of similar but it's not sysv07:27
predaeusgrant: I dont know if gnome would run withouth gconf-editor. maybe try installing it. sudo apt-get install gconf-editor07:27
ladydoormentok: see ubotu's last post.07:27
mentokladydoor: oh! I see :)07:27
mentokladydoor: thanks07:27
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chopchop_Agrajag_: thanks07:27
ladydoormentok: np07:27
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grantpredaeus, it is listed under my commands, it just wont run, its really weird07:27
mentokladydoor: :)07:27
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jimmypw<sout> 1 more thing, are you trying to aess the server form a computer on the same network (plugged in to the same swith)?07:27
grantpredaeus, i've even tried it with sudo07:27
predaeusgrant: somehow sounds familiar. are you uptodate?07:27
scoutjimmypw, nope07:27
jimmypw<sout> or from another omputer on the internet07:28
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nikosapihello, I'm having some problems with building gtkpod, can someone check this out: http://pastebin.ca/24360607:28
grantpredaeus, did an update day before yesterday, so i guess so07:28
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predaeusgrant: bummer. sry no idea.07:28
scoutjimmypw, well to begin with... i can't access my own ftp server from my own computer07:28
grantpredaeus, anyways, thanks for you help, i had better go get ready, i'll sort it out later07:28
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scoutjimmypw, and that is kinda what i'm looking to solve...07:28
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spiffrumsfeld has been fired.07:29
scoutjimmypw, and... yea... just thought that opening up for the ports or something would fix it07:29
ubotu#ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, #ubuntu+1 supports the development version of Ubuntu and #ubuntu-offtopic is for random chatter. Welcome!07:29
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scoutjimmypw, so others could access it07:29
sancho___anybody have hints when 'apt-get update' can't complete because of GPG errors (BADSIG on the archive key?)07:29
ananhi everyone, does anyone know how to "lock" the toolbars, status bar, background etc... for an unprivileged account in Ubuntu ? i dont want the user to modify it07:29
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sancho___kinda not finding much help out on the web for it...07:30
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socommI'm using the ubuntu live-cd. Trying to recover files from a computer.07:30
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j0nas`hey guys, does anyone know of an apt package for gcc 4.1 or greater?07:30
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j0nas`OR--know how to make one?07:30
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socommI'm curious if it's at all possible to compress a file onto a samba share, because I don't have enough space on my ram to compress it locally.07:31
scoutjimmypw, how do i find the ip of my router ?07:31
j0nas`it doesnt work like that...07:31
socommAny thoughts?07:31
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j0nas`have you tried compressing it on your local machine?07:31
zerosmokeit should be in the documentation07:31
j0nas`you shouldnt be able to run out of ram on any modern os because they do memory swapping07:31
Justy-scout, "ifconfig" and that will give you a thought07:31
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j0nas`scout: you may have to go to your router's status screen for that info07:32
socrescan anyone tell me how to configure xchatosd?07:32
scoutj0nas`, well i'm looking for it07:32
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Justy-hello all? do you see what i type?07:33
scoutj0nas`, the webfront i mean07:33
FewCluesI need help with display.07:33
Justy-phaedrus44, it may be
Intangirdoes anyone here use mutella?07:33
j0nas`keep looking :) it'll be there somewhere07:33
phaedrus44yeah that too07:33
socommj0nas`: this is live cd, there's no hdd to swap to.07:33
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scoutj0nas`, heh heh... no way i'm going to look all the ip's through07:33
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FewCluesI installed 6.06 on my laptop using "safe mode" now I cannot alter screen size.07:33
jimmypw<sout> sorry i was afk for a moment07:34
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j0nas`socom: fair enough ;)07:34
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antiPo5ixI am trying to install the NVidia binaries (from nvidia) but cannot get out of X.  There is no more /etc/inittab so I can put it in runlevel 3.  Everytime I Control->Alt-Backspace X respawns.  How do I shut of X so I can run the binary installer07:34
jimmypw<sout> ill just read your posts07:34
phaedrus44scout:  are you looking for the admin screen to your router?07:34
scoutphaedrus44, yep07:34
j0nas`antiposix: you need to kill gdm07:34
phaedrus4410.0.0.2  or   in a web browser ..07:34
phaedrus44doesnt werk?07:34
j0nas`ie: sudo /etc/init.d/gdm stop07:34
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scoutphaedrus44, nope07:34
squidlyhello how can I tell ubunto to force a reinstall of a package?07:35
scoutmight be that i just need to use iptables ?07:35
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predaeussquidly: sudo apt-get install --reinstall <packagename>07:35
phaedrus44scout..what  router ytou have07:35
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j0nas`you dont need iptables to get your ip!07:36
scoutphaedrus44, i think it is a belkin...07:36
scoutj0nas`, i'm not trying to get my ip07:36
j0nas`try /whois scout07:36
j0nas`that should give you your ip07:36
scouti know how to get my ip07:36
phaedrus44scout:  is it plugged in to your puter?07:36
scoutphaedrus44, yep...07:36
antiPo5ixif I wanted to make my desktop X-less, like the old fashion runlevel 3, how whould I do this, cause I dont always need X07:36
squidly trying to overwrite `/usr/lib/nagios/plugins/check_ifoperstatus', which is also in package nagios-plugins-extra07:36
scoutphaedrus44, but i don't have physical access to it... my mother is in the way... evil woman...07:37
squidlythat is the error I get when I do a sudo apt-get install --reinstall nagios-plugins-standard07:37
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j0nas`antiPo5ix: let me think...07:37
FewCluesHello!   Can anyone tell me how to reset my screen size?  I installed 6.06 using "safe mode" and now it won't allow me to cnage my screen.07:37
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phaedrus44scout:  try this one
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scoutphaedrus44, nope no luck07:38
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j0nas`antiPo5ix: edit inittab and set runlevel to 3 instead of 5 (or 6?)07:38
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antiPo5ixj0nas` where do I find the inittab07:38
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jimmypw<sout> Im back with a few questions Please can you pastebin the response of ifconfig?07:39
phaedrus44scout:  is the router plugged in?07:39
j0nas`antiPo5ix: its in /etc07:39
antiPo5ixwith Ubuntu 6.10 I do not have one in /etc/inittab07:39
scoutphaedrus44, yep it is07:39
phaedrus44192.168.0.1   ?07:39
j0nas`you should read the manpage first to make sure you know what you're doing07:39
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FewCluesjt_: hello07:41
ManticeCan some one help me ? My Azureus is gliching up.07:42
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scoutphaedrus44, what was your last question ? i killed X by mistake07:42
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ubotulamp is Linux-Apache-MySQL-PHP. However, the term is often used for setups using alternative but different software, such as Perl or Python instead of PHP, and Postgres instead of MySQL.  For help with setting up LAMP on Ubuntu, see  https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ApacheMySQLPHP  -  See also the Server CD install menu.07:43
ManticeWhen I run Azureus nothing happens. untill I launch it twice.07:43
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ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about eban - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi07:43
KyynaraI get an API mismatch error when trying to start X. It says that I should check that my NVIDIA kernel module and my nvidia driver components have the same version. Anyone have any ideas?07:43
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MaximaANy rusians?07:43
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ManticeAny one know why its doing this ?07:44
Maximafucking ubantu07:44
kmaynardMantice, try starting it from the terminal, see what happens07:44
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ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about ubantu - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi07:44
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about ubantu - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi07:44
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ManticeKmaynard its running as we speak07:45
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about russians - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi07:45
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j0nas`plz dont curse ubuntu!  it is the hands down best free operating system of our lifetime07:45
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about russia - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi07:45
ManticeIt has the Warning it did not shut down box and I cant click hide on it.07:45
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kmaynardMantice, then try it next time, see if it kicks up any errors07:45
FewCluesThis has been marvelous. I'm demonstrating the Ubuntu community to a computer club.  I've stated a problem, attempted to greet, and with 986 people on line I couldn't get a hello. You have just undermined my whole presentation on the concept of community.  205 people here now believe Ubuntu is a clique.07:46
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kmaynardFewClues, stop whinig...re-state your problem07:46
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sancho___FewClues: cry me a river.07:46
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j0nas`FewClues... fitting name07:46
j0nas`more like clueless07:46
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phaedrus44FewClues:   uh  ...a clique ?   look at the numbers of users07:47
seth__when he sends me a check, I'll be happy to help him.  :)07:47
j0nas`fewclues ought to go TO A FRIGGING FORUM to guage community support07:47
kmaynardseth__, lol07:47
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kmaynardokapi, he's left, let's move on07:47
ladydoorj0nas`: calm down07:47
kmaynardokapi, my bad, got tab-happy...ignore that07:47
ManticeHow to I close down Azureus?07:48
ubotuPara Espaol por favor usen #ubuntu-es, #kubuntu-es o #edubuntu-es, all obtendrn mas ayuda.07:48
timo90whats this all about im trying to mount my winodws drive:Ensure there's a blank line at the end of gEdit (move to the end of the file and hit Return)07:48
j0nas`seriously though, it is really easy to get help07:48
ManticeI cant exit it.07:48
j0nas`easier than ever before07:48
kmaynardMantice, kill the process if you have to07:48
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ManticeHow :)07:48
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ladydoorMantice: killall -s KILL azureus07:48
kmaynardps -u "username"   then kill [pid] 07:48
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kmaynardmany ways to skin a cat07:49
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Fastlyanyone here know why the following is being run by cron every 20 mins? test -x /etc/init.d/sendmail && /usr/share/sendmail/sendmail cron-msp07:49
ManticeThat did not work07:49
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Manticekillall -s KILL azureus did not work :(07:49
ladydoorkmaynard: i've never liked that phase (so i guess it applies to language as well)...but yeah, definitely.07:49
Fastlyand how do i stop this?07:49
ManticeI still got the Warning Azureus did not shutdown tidily.07:49
timo90 kmaynard: amen to that07:50
ladydoorMantice: see kmaynard's post immediately after mine07:50
ManticeI cant get rid of it becaued its locked up07:50
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kmaynardMantice, what's the pid?07:50
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kmaynardthat wasnt the right pid07:51
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timo90is it safe for me to "sudo mount -a" even thou im not shure i edited the /etc/fstab file correctly07:51
khodai just installed drivers for my ATI x1400 on my t60. now , sometimes there's a white line under my mouse cursor - specifically when im open a menu like clicking "file"07:51
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Salahhow do I fix the resolution of the screen? /etc/X11/xorg.conf is fixed, but the screen don't go further than 1024x76807:51
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kmaynardtimo90, mount must be run as root...and if there's any errors it wont mount07:52
kmaynardgo for it :)07:52
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shingalatedCan anyone tell me how to download and install repository keys without using port 8080?07:52
abhinayhi there07:52
khodai just installed drivers for my ATI x1400 on my t60. now , sometimes there's a white line under my mouse cursor - specifically when im open a menu like clicking "file"07:52
BSOD_slayerthought i was in terminal ><07:53
j0nas`khoda: do you still have the box your computer came in? :)07:53
abhinaythe edgy installation strucks up at country selection , may i know why ?07:53
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khodaj0nas`: yes, why?07:53
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ubotuFor multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats  -  See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html  -  But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats07:53
SupremacyGnuHello! I've noticed I can't use neither teamspeak or ventrilo to use VOIP and play games at the same time. Is there anyway other then getting another soundcard to fix this? Thanks07:53
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timo90i just done "sudo mount -a" and i have no files07:53
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niktarishi, is there an known problem with beagle and edgy ? I get an error while installing beagle-backend-evolution07:54
seth__abhinay, it has some instabilities.  you'll have better results with the text mode install on the alternate cd07:54
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abhinayIs there anyway to improve the performance of Live CD ?07:54
variantSupremacyGnu: yes, apt-get install alsa-oss and then start your programs with aoss programname07:54
j0nas`khoda: pack your computer up in the box and send it back!07:54
kmaynardabhinay, install it on your pc07:54
j0nas`just kidding man, i have no idea07:54
abhinaybecause of low bandwidth it takes 2 days to download a CD image07:54
seth__abhinay, buy a faster cd drive?  buy a faster computer?  anything specific?07:54
khodaj0nas`: it's not an issue with the computer. i saw on the forums someone else had the same problem07:54
earthianhello how do i install skype on 64bit os again? i get missing libaudio.so.2 which i think is not there.. :S07:54
shingalatedI'm trying to enable the repositories to download and install software and when I reload the package list with 'apt-get update' or in synaptic, I am unable to download any of the gpg keys because my router is using port 8080 for remote management and it cant be disabled07:54
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SupremacyGnuvariant, which program? the game or the VOIP program?07:54
earthiani have libaudio2 for amd6407:54
RideSnI've got a question regarding Eclipse and edgy: Eclipse worked fine for me until i upgraded to edgy from dapper. . now i a seemingly random error in eclipe when trying to run or debugg saying: "exception occured executing command line" . . and in the eclipse error log the previous line before the error says: " java.io.IOException: cannot allocate memory" I've searched the formed and googled it a fair amount and haven't seen much similar. thou07:54
variantabhinay: you can create your own from your running system with linux-live.org scripts, the live cd's those scripts produce are about 5X faster07:54
kmaynardabhinay, or use the alternate cd...the live cd is too sluggish for my taste07:54
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variantSupremacyGnu: probably the voip but better to do both, just change the menu entry so that the command has aoss in front of it07:55
kmaynardRideSn, you got java installed properly?07:55
=== Mantice [n=richard@125-236-172-125.broadband-telecom.global-gateway.net.nz] has joined #ubuntu
SupremacyGnuvariant, you see, the games I play, I play with wine... does this inflict any problems?07:55
seth__shingalated, not really anything you can do about that.  It's a serious coding error down in the libraries07:55
zwnji get this error on apache2/error.log when running a PHP page: "*** glibc detected *** double free or corruption (fasttop): 0x000000000052afe0 ***"  googling, i couldn't find any solution (except suggestion about recompiling without zend-optimizer). [i'm on an amd64] 07:55
kmaynardSupremacyGnu, wine isnt perfect07:55
khodai just installed drivers for my ATI x1400 on my t60. now , sometimes there's a white line under my mouse cursor - specifically when im open a menu like clicking "file"07:55
variantSupremacyGnu: probably not, just start the wine process with aoss in fron07:55
RideSnkmaynard: we'll java was fine before the upgrade, and the jre being used is 1.507:55
SupremacyGnuvariant, ok07:55
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shingalatedi cant add them manually somehow if i download the keys elsewhere?07:55
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ManticeI got azureus to stop and I uninstalled it.07:56
timo90do i have to reboot to find a windows partition i just mounted ?07:56
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Manticeand I reinstalled it and its the same as before.07:56
varianttimo90: no07:56
kmaynardMantice, use bittorrent :)07:56
abhinayseth__, P4 with 2.4 GHz , 512 MB ram07:56
varianttimo90: where di dyou mount it?07:56
SupremacyGnuvariant, thanks for the hel07:56
ManticeI thought azureus was the best.07:56
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kothzazureus is java-bogged :)07:56
kmaynardif it downloads the torrent who cares?07:56
seth__shingalated, I'm sure you can, but it would take quite a bit of time to figure out just what you need to replace07:56
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variantSupremacyGnu: varsgod07:56
kmaynardit puts the torrent in the folder07:57
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timo90variant: /media/windows07:57
ManticeYes Im not a fan of java my self but java apps use to run flawlessly.07:57
varianttimo90: so, type ls /media/windows and thats where it is07:57
kmaynardtry other clients07:57
Manticein linux.07:57
shingalatedseth, well how would I add the keys manually?07:57
varianttimo90: or open the file manager at /media/windows07:57
kmaynardthere is no holy grail07:57
Manticewhats the best torrent manager ?07:58
RideSnkmaynard: eclipse is using j2re1.5-sun in /usr/lib/j2re1.5-sun07:58
timo90yeh i opent a file browser and went to /media/windows07:58
seth__shingalated, I'd have to look at it, I don't know off hand07:58
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varianttimo90: so, what do you need to know now?07:58
kmaynardMantice, i'm partial to bittorrent07:58
seth__RideSn, I don't think it's the jre, I think it is a lower level library the jre relies on07:58
NET||abusehey guys.. anyone got wine working on amd64/edgy?07:58
kmaynardRideSn, checked the forums?07:58
shingalatedseth, I posted in the forums and no one seems to know07:58
seth__RideSn, not that I can be sure, but I think it's likely07:58
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ManticeI use bit torrent everyday :(07:59
kmaynardMantice, http://packages.ubuntu.com/cgi-bin/search_packages.pl?keywords=torrent&searchon=names&subword=1&version=edgy&release=all07:59
NET||abusei looked around the wine site, they have a deb, but it's for edgy/i38607:59
variantMantice: your just going to have to find an alternative source of porn07:59
NET||abusenot amdd56407:59
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NET||abuseamd64.. heh07:59
seth__shingalated, I can't really look right now, I'm at work and I only have a few moments now and then to check what's going on here.07:59
timo90im having problems editing the  /etc/fstab file07:59
earthianhello how do i install skype on 64bit os again? i get missing libaudio.so.2 which i think is not there.. :S07:59
earthiani have libaudio2 for amd6407:59
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RideSnok thanks kmaynard, seth_ . . im going to seach the forums a bit more i guess07:59
varianttimo90: ok, what problem exactly?07:59
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varianttimo90: start sshd, give me a username and password and i will fix it for you08:00
kmaynardMantice, also see  http://www.linuxquestions.org/questions/showthread.php?t=48160808:00
j0nas`blatant digression:  why do people buy 64 bit processors?08:00
timo90i typed this at the end"/dev/hda1       /media/windows  vfat    user,fmask=0111,dmask=0000   0   008:00
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LGKeiz-WindowsKingsqueak >>08:00
kmaynardj0nas`, good for servers, sucky for desktops unless you run OS X, IMO08:00
scouthow do i open up port 21 in iptables ?08:00
ManticeKmaynard: thanks for your help I got to go to school now : /08:00
shingalatedseth, could I have you get back to me on this? my email is esposito30@gmail.com08:01
kmaynardMantice, apt-get install bittorrent08:01
varianttimo90: ok, change vfat to auto and user to users and make sure there are a couple of new lines at the bottom of the file (press enter a couple of times before you save it)08:01
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seth__shingalated, I can look this evening, yes.  send me an email at seth@cql.com08:01
teledyntimo90: why not just use umask option?08:01
andaxscout, iptables --insert INPUT -p tcp --destination-port 21 -j ACCEPT08:01
varianttimo90: then to mount it you can just type mount /media/windows08:01
kmaynardsomeone trusts their spam filters... :)08:01
RideSnseth_ : is it worth perhaps to remove all instances of java and reinstall it?08:01
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j0nas`kmaynard: 64 bit processors are completely unsuitable to desktop workstations... do you think its unethical of the manufacturers to market them that way?08:02
timo90variant:Thats the one08:02
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varianttimo90: what?08:02
psusij0nas`: how are they at all unsuited for desktop workstations?08:02
The_Machinefor some reason i can't play videos through yahoo video stuff (like, that which is linked off of the front page)08:02
The_Machinecould someone help me?08:02
kothzI enjoy the >4G RAM freedom that my 64-bit processors give me.08:02
kmaynardj0nas`, depends on what the user needs...i'll stay 32 bit till the apps catch up08:02
variantThe_Machine: give me an example URL please08:02
j0nas`psusi: can you think of any reason you would need 2^64 memory addresses on a desktop?08:03
psusiI enjoy the better performance from the wider registers, and more of them08:03
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timo90mount /media/windows i typed sudo mount -a08:03
The_Machinevariant: http://www.yahoo.com/s/43221408:03
varianttimo90: ok08:03
andaxi use dapper with xgl/beryl now, ubuntulinux.com says edgy comes with aiglx which I have no clue about. If i have 3d now with xgl should it work also on edgy?08:03
varianttimo90: i take it it worked?08:03
j0nas`psusi: ie. terabytes of memory08:03
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psusij0nas`: no.... but that's not all that 64 bit means08:03
j0nas`i know08:03
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bimberiandax: yes it should08:04
The_Machineit just says:  (no video)08:04
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j0nas`the registers are wider too but its of little use unless you're doing scientific computation08:04
kmaynardlooks like a special plug-in08:04
variant*bighead alert*08:04
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The_Machinei installed mplayer and helix and mplayer firefox plugin yesterday - could those screw it up?08:04
psusiit is of use since you can perform two 32 bit operations in one cycle08:04
The_Machinei can play youtube and stuff just fine, and it looks like the yahoo link is flash based08:04
The_Machinebut, i'm stuck :(08:04
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psusiand there are also more registers, which means you overflow to the stack less08:04
Fallen_AngelHey people can someone help me with mounting NTFS dinamic disk to UBUNTU 6.06 ???08:04
psusithis also makes things faster08:04
kmaynardThe_Machine, looks like yahoo is using a special plugin. try firefox 1.5 under wine08:04
Subhumanpsusi, it doesnt work like that, performing 2x the 32 bit cycles.08:04
psusiFallen_Angel: I don't think you can moun dynamic disks08:04
timo90variant:Its done08:04
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The_Machineoh, really?08:05
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varianttimo90: good, does it work?08:05
bimberi!ntfs | Fallen_Angel08:05
ubotuFallen_Angel: To view your Windows/Mac partitions see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AutomaticallyMountPartitions  -  See also !fuse08:05
Subhumanotherwise a 2ghz 64 bit processor would be like a 4 ghz x86 processor.08:05
psusiSubhuman: yes it does... google for SIMD08:05
Subhumanwhich it isnt....08:05
The_Machinekmaynard: does it not work for you?08:05
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seth__Subhuman, psusi the best estimates I've seen are that 64 bit gets you about 10% improvement in overall performance08:05
timo90variant:Its wasnt as hard as i thout it would be08:05
variantFallen_Angel: yes, you should be able to mount it in the usual way08:05
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varianttimo90: it never is :)08:05
shrndegruvwhat does the following do?08:05
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shrndegruvwget http://packages.freecontrib.org/ubuntu/plf/12B83718.gpg -O- | sudo apt-key add -08:05
shrndegruvsudo apt-get update08:05
psusiSubhuman: the program has to have two 32 bit operations it wants to perform that are not dependant on each other to do it obviously08:05
psusiwhich means you aren't goign to get a straight doubling of performance08:06
variantshrndegruv: that downloads a gpg signature and adds it to you signature keyring then updates your apt-repositry to include the new information08:06
psusibut it does help because sometimes you do have multiple independant operations08:06
kothzshrn: it probably prompts you for a password :)08:06
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psusishrndegruv: it gets a gpg key from that url and adds it to your key ring so that apt won't complain when you install packages they signed08:06
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variantThe_Machine: just a momment08:06
shrndegruvok  so i need to do that to update my repos08:07
The_Machinevariant: do you get "no video" when you click on that link?  (http://www.yahoo.com/s/432214)08:07
seth__shrndegruv   the apt-get update?  yes08:07
psusishrndegruv: you do that if you want to use packages from freecontrib.org08:07
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psusishrndegruv: instead of just from ubuntu08:07
variantThe_Machine: you need to have realplayer installed08:07
timo90variant: Now to get totem codecs , does synaptics p manager have the codecs08:07
shrndegruvall i want is xchat on my dapper install08:07
variantThe_Machine: apt-get install realplay08:08
The_Machinethanks variant08:08
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variantThe_Machine: you need to enable multiverse and universe repos08:08
shrndegruvi added universe and multiverse to my souces.list08:08
psusishrndegruv: then install xchat08:08
variantsorry, that was for timo9008:08
shrndegruvbut cant find xchat08:08
varianttimo90: you need universe and multiverse repos08:08
varianttimo90: its very easy08:08
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psusithe xchat package is in the ubuntu repositories... sudo apt-get install xchat08:09
The_Machineweird - i do have those repos activated08:09
The_Machinestill isn't finding it08:09
variantThe_Machine: ok08:09
psusiohh, yea... it's in universe08:09
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variantThe_Machine: apt-get install realplay08:09
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The_Machinecouldn't find package08:09
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psusifire up synaptic and enable the universe repo... somewhere in the settings... check the box to turn it on08:09
timo903D univers simulator ?08:09
wwyyzzooi am sorry  for   bathering..08:10
ubotuFor multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats  -  See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html  -  But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats08:10
The_Machinepsusi: it's enabled08:10
psusiThe_Machine: after you enable the repo, you have to apt-get update08:10
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wwyyzzoobut  i  have  a little problem08:10
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The_Machineit already was enabled and apt is updated.08:10
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ubotuThe packages in Ubuntu are divided into several sections. See http://www.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/components https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Repositories and !easysource08:10
psusiThe_Machine: something must be wrong with your apt.conf or something then...08:10
The_Machinethanks anyway08:10
The_Machinei'll just d/ld it from the site08:10
The_Machineand compile it08:11
variantThe_Machine: ah, sorry you need w32codecs08:11
variantThe_Machine: its part of that package08:11
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The_Machinew32 codecs :)08:11
variantThe_Machine: apt-get install w32codecs08:11
wwyyzzooi can't boot from  ubuntu's cd for installing it on a macintosh powerbook g308:11
shrndegruvup to date?08:11
The_Machine:/  Package w32codecs is not available, but is referred to by another package.08:11
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variantThe_Machine: annoying08:11
variantThe_Machine: apt-cache search w32codecs08:11
wwyyzzooi can't boot from  ubuntu's cd for installing it on a macintosh powerbook g308:11
psusiThe_Machine: pastebin your apt.conf08:12
Fastlyanyone here know why the following is being run by cron every 20 mins? test -x /etc/init.d/sendmail && /usr/share/sendmail/sendmail cron-msp08:12
Fastlyand how do i stop this?08:12
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The_Machinepsusi will do08:12
TheGateKeeperThe_Machine: hang on 1 min...08:12
coz_wwyyzzoo, what model is the mac08:12
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The_Machinereturned nothing08:12
timo90How do i get this mutivers is it softweare?08:12
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The_Machinethe apt-cache search08:12
variantFastly: edit your crontab08:12
psusiFastly: because you installed sendmail?08:12
ubotuFor multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats  -  See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html  -  But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats08:12
TheGateKeeperwget -c http://www.debian-multimedia.org/pool/main/w/w32codecs/w32codecs_20060611-0.0_i386.deb08:12
TheGateKeepersudo dpkg -i w32codecs_20060611-0.0_i386.deb08:12
Fastlypsusi, i'm running postfix now08:12
The_Machinewow :)  TheGateKeeper :)08:12
Fastlyand it's now my crontab08:13
coz_wwyyzzoo, if you press and hold the "c" key down when booting can you get to thel live cd???08:13
variantThe_Machine: do what TheGateKeeper sugested08:13
robertj_I read recently on a bluetooth headset that using hte microphone with a PC was not a supported configuration. Is that globally true or particular to that particular model?08:13
=== The_Machine always forgets about wget
psusiFastly: did you remove sendmail?08:13
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The_Machinei'm apt dependant08:13
variantrobertj_: that model only08:13
wwyyzzoocoz_ no  i can't08:13
robertj_variant: what standards does it need to work?08:13
psusiThe_Machine: you can also point your browser to packages.ubuntu.com08:13
kydi need access to floppy .... n e 1 ?08:13
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variantFastly: so remove it from your crontab08:13
Fastlythe email comes from: smmsp@arnie08:13
coz_wwyyzzoo, then you have anold world mac and it may be difficult, although not impossible , to install ubuntu on it08:14
Fastly(arnie is my hostname)08:14
variantFastly: if it is running as the sendmail user you will have to remove it from that crontab08:14
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robertj_variant: does ubuntu support bluetooth mics?08:14
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ubotuppc is PowerPC.  Formerly used by Apple for the Macintosh line of computers, and now a fully supported Ubuntu architecture.08:14
The_Machineyou mean apt.conf in /etc/apt/?08:14
timo90The "multiverse" component contains software that is "not free"08:14
psusiFastly: sudo su smmsp then crontab -e08:15
psusiThe_Machine: yea08:15
coz_! old world mac08:15
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about old world mac - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi08:15
wwyyzzoocos_ the  cd says tht works..08:15
ubotuFor installation on Old World PowerMacs see this URL https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/OldWorldMacs08:15
The_Machinestrange..  this is all i see:  Acquire::http::Proxy "false";08:15
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The_Machinebut apt has been working great08:15
variantThe_Machine: you are behind a proxy?08:16
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coz_wwyyzzoo, if you cannot boot to the live cd of ubuntu while holding down the "c" key, then you have an old worls mac and they are difficult to instal linux on08:16
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Fastlyit's not in that crobtab08:16
The_Machinei..  don't think so..08:16
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zoetrope666! dvd playing problems08:16
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about dvd playing problems - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi08:16
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kydfloppy help08:16
variantThe_Machine: so just download it with mozilla or whatever08:16
coz_zoetrope666, what is the problem08:16
kydanyone ?08:16
cr3in dapper, when I plug a new usb device, lsusb and udevmonitor show activity, but there is no device created under /dev08:16
teenprogrammerwhats a good console irc client?08:16
The_Machinenow i'm curious about apt though08:16
variantcr3: what kind of device is it?08:16
dooglusteenprogrammer: irssi08:16
psusiFastly: then check in /etc/cron*08:16
M0E^lnxteenprogrammer: irssi is good08:16
variantteenprogrammer: irssi is the client of gods08:17
TheGateKeeperzoetrope666: http://ubuntuguide.org/wiki/Dapper#How_to_install_DVD_playback_capability08:17
zwnji get this error on apache2/error.log when running a PHP page: "*** glibc detected *** double free or corruption (fasttop): 0x000000000052afe0 ***"  googling, i couldn't find any solution (except suggestion about recompiling without zend-optimizer). [i'm on an amd64] 08:17
teenprogrammerty variant08:17
The_Machinethe wget that TheGateKeeper pasted is working08:17
coz_zoetrope666, do you need help with dvd palyback08:17
cr3variant: mass storage device, an external hard drive08:17
variantteenprogrammer: you probably already have it installed08:17
The_Machinefor the w32codecs - but..  why does apt.conf show that..  or..  why is it i can't seem to pull it up in apt-cache..08:17
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cr3variant: it used to automount perfectly, but it doesn't seem to work anymore08:17
variantcr3: ok, thats odd08:17
psusiThe_Machine: sorry, I meant your sources.list08:17
neil__cr3: do you have s10udev in rcS.d?08:17
variantcr3: what has changed on your syste?08:17
The_Machinethat's what it is.  brb.08:17
=== mnepton stares at cr3
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cr3neil__: yes, and it points to ../init.d/udev08:18
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coz_wwyyzzoo, if it is indeed an old world mac then you have partition the drive and have at least mac 7.2.2 installed08:18
cr3variant: nothing, the only difference is that I unplugged the usb device a while ago and plugged it back in just now08:18
The_Machinesources.list, psusi08:18
cr3variant: don't worry, I umounted it beforehand :)08:18
mneptoncr3: are you plugging this into hypnotoad?08:19
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=== amule__ [n=ppine@ghandalf.xs4all.nl] has joined #ubuntu
coz_wwyyzzoo, that is 7.2.1 sorry08:19
psusiThe_Machine: looks good... did you upgrade from dapper?08:19
cr3mnepton: yep, and this is not the first time it happens, udev or something is fucked08:19
The_Machineno psusi08:19
The_Machinefresh install08:19
variantcr3: when did it stop working and what were you last doing that you can remmeber?08:19
mneptoncr3: i think hypnotoad has some hald issues. i have had similar problems, and a reboot fixes it.08:19
The_Machinethat old dapper line was just for..  wine or whatever..08:19
TheGateKeeperThe_Machine: http://ubuntuguide.org/wiki/Ubuntu_Edgy#How_to_add_extra_repositories08:19
kyd!floppy help ..please08:19
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about floppy help ..please - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi08:19
LjL!language | cr308:19
ubotucr3: Please watch your language and keep this channel family friendly.08:19
dooglusThe_Machine: there's no mention of debian-multimedia in there08:20
psusiThe_Machine: sudo apt-get update ;)08:20
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amule__Anyone here have some experience getting a speedtouch 120g to work?08:20
TheGateKeeperl8r folks08:20
amule__Agere Wireless USB Card Model 080108:20
The_Machinepsusi: already did08:20
coz_zoetrope666, are you getting help?08:20
LjL!ask | kyd08:20
ubotukyd: Don't ask to ask a question. Just ask your question :)08:20
psusido it again ;)08:20
wwyyzzoocos_ it has a macos 9.1 installed but not  functionable08:20
The_MachineFetched 760B in 2m9s (6B/s)08:20
The_MachineReading package lists... Done08:20
The_Machinejust did!08:20
mneptoncr3: sadly, a hypnotoad reboot is not trivial08:20
neil__kyd: what's the problem with floppy?08:20
Mavez-Sanhypnotoad wtf sounds like a pokemon08:20
cr3variant: this has happened before where you unplug a device and then replug it later, and no device is created. it should normally create something like /dev/sdb1, but /dev/sd* only returns sda, the system's hdd08:20
kydit wont let me mount08:21
coz_wwyyzzoo, it must be funtional to get the files into the system folders in order to get linux on the old world mac08:21
LjL!floppy | kyd08:21
Mavez-Sanhypnotoad i ch00ozd j00!08:21
ubotukyd: To mount floppy disks, see here : https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MakeFloppyDriveAvailableToEveryone08:21
psusiThe_Machine: wait... what package are you trying to install again?08:21
=== RobNyc_ [n=ax@pool-151-202-73-248.ny325.east.verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu
The_Machinei was trying to install w32codec and realplayer..  neither of them found08:21
=== lemon8 [n=sugar-ru@85-18-14-8.fastres.net] has joined #ubuntu
kydsweet .....thanks man08:21
wwyyzzoocos_ i can't  get pass the login section08:21
neil__kyd:  are you in group floppy?08:21
The_Machine(by the way, installing the w32 codec didn't make the video work)08:21
kydor woman08:21
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cr3mnepton: I'm not trying to workaround the problem though, I'm trying to find a permanent fix which is why I'm asking in this channel.08:21
dooglus!info w32codecs08:21
ubotuw32codecs: win32 binary codecs. In component extras, is optional. Version 1:20060611-0.0 (edgy-seveas), package size 13911 kB, installed size 33488 kB (Only available for i386)08:21
psusiThe_Machine: ahh, that's because that isn't in the official repos.. it's not free08:21
kydneil: no08:21
The_Machinethat's fine08:21
variantThe_Machine: w32codecs is a suit of codecs, the version you downloaded might not have included real media support08:22
LjL"component extras"?08:22
The_Machinei'll look around for stuff08:22
The_Machinethanks guys08:22
neil__kyd: that's it then. add yourself and log-out/in again08:22
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KyynaraError: API mismatch: the NVIDIA kernel module has the version 1.0-8762, but this X-module has the version 1.0-8776. Please make sure that the module and all NVIDIA driver components have the same version.08:22
Jibbleri couldn't find anything about installing 6.10 under MS Virtual PC, but i can't install it because the graphics go corrupt.  any tips?08:22
cr3mnepton: even if the problem was on my personal machine, I'd still want to find a permanent fix. this is driving me crazy and I suspect I'm not alone.08:22
=== G-net|Gilnim [n=gilnim@unaffiliated/gilnim] has joined #ubuntu
Kyynaramy X won't start and that is the error I got08:22
Kyynaracould someone help me08:22
variantJibbler: ask in #microsoft08:22
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bimberiLjL: that caught my eye too08:22
coffeegrindsanyone try setting up eGroupware?08:22
wwyyzzoocos_ macos 9.1 is loading but i dont have the password so i  want to reinstall08:23
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mneptoncr3: you're probably better off cheking LP and creating a bug if none exists. if one does, tell me who owns it and i'll track them down here at UDS.08:23
Jibblervariant: i figured this would be a more sensible place, seeing as the wiki has instructons on getting 6.06 to work...08:23
LjLbimberi: i'd have though the bot would say "seveas-extras" or something08:23
lemon8how to install old packages on Ubuntu 6.1008:23
skreetAnyone here using ipw3945?08:23
coz_wwyyzzoo, well if you reinstall you need to hae partitions one for mac and one for linux   hol don I am trying to find the how to08:23
LjLKyynara: are you sure you don't need the nvidia-glx-legacy driver rather than nvidia-glx? if you're sure, then are you sure that you have universe, multiverse and restricted enabled in *all* repositories?08:23
mneptonskreet: i am. the binary blob driver should "Just Work"(tm)08:23
psusilemon8: huh?08:23
lk11mnpsusi: hello there! just a quick question for fdisk, what is the name of the swap partition filesystem... i thought there was a filesystem in fdisk called swap, but im blind i cant see it/its not there08:24
variantJibbler: well, graphics corruption is most likley to be an issue with virtual pc rather than ubuntu.. what graphics device does virtual pc emulate?08:24
mneptonok, must go. i'm due to review a spec.08:24
Jibblerno idea08:24
KyynaraLjL: I'll check08:24
skreetmnepton, Well, I have a module called ipw3945 and no eth1 ra0 device..08:24
skreetWhat blob are you referring to08:24
cr3mnepton: I've been searching LP for over 30 minutes and I have no content to log a relevant bug08:24
Jibblerbut the safe mode doesn't work, either08:24
wwyyzzoocoz_ ok thanks08:24
variantlk11mn: there should be an entry for swap in the fstab08:24
psusilk11mn: linux swap08:24
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coz_wwyyzzoo, hold on08:24
The_Machinethe video problem happens with CNN video too08:24
The_Machinesomething is jacked.08:24
Specmnepton: come on, review me, i dare you.08:24
variantlk11mn: type free -m to see if you have any swap mounted already08:24
bimberiLjL: It's strictly correct though - http://seveas.ubuntulinux.nl/dists/edgy-seveas/08:24
The_Machinei swear it worked before.08:24
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LjLbimberi: well, yeah, though...08:25
lk11mnpsusi: lol yeh, as i said i'm blind.. linux swap / yeh lol i see it now08:25
zoetrope666hi all08:25
HonkRAID worth it?08:25
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about cfdisk - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi08:25
=== Hese_ [n=heikki@addr-82-128-208-24.suomi.net] has joined #ubuntu
skreetmnepton, Where can I find this blob driver?08:25
neil__Honk: definitely08:25
variantHonk: its cool08:25
psusilk11mn: though really the tag doesn't matter to linux... only windows bothers looking at those values08:25
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The_Machinewait one sec!08:26
Honkneil__, variant, What kind of arrays do you use?08:26
The_Machinei think i might have found something.08:26
lk11mnpsusi: does it matter if i just create it as another primary?08:26
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psusilk11mn: you can make them all 3 primary sure...08:26
neil__Honk: RAID == peace of mind for expensive data. RAID1 with root and boot on it08:26
psusilk11mn: just remember that you can only have 4 primary partitions... after that, you have to use one primary slot to make an extended partition08:26
psusineil__: only protects from disk crash, not user or filesystem error ;)08:27
variantlk11mn: if you have more than one swap partition on multiple disks you should set "pri=0" on both of them that way they will be used together and wil give you a performance boost (when swappin out that is)08:27
neil__psusi: journalling filesystems are for that :)08:27
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deangelojust installed unbuntu and its my first time using linux i dled a .rar file and when i tr to open it in archive manager it syas that the file type is not supported can anyone help?08:27
coz_wwyyzzoo, ok here is one and hold on I think I have another one08:27
psusineil__: they don't help with user error either ;)08:27
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variantdeangelo: apt-get install unrar unrar-free08:27
HonkWould you consider RAID 0 kind of reckless?08:27
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neil__psusi: nothing helps with the stupid rm -R08:28
psusiHonk: no... I use raid0 and enjoy the speed08:28
variantneil__: what are you trying to do?08:28
wwyyzzoocoz_ , i don;t realy want  to keep the macos because it is in italian so i can.t realy work whih it08:28
coz_wwyyzzoo, and here is anotherone, you must read these carefully in order to attempt the installation    http://www.flexion.org/site/index.php?gadget=StaticPage&action=Page&id=6008:28
lk11mnvariant: i have 3 disks configured in raid 0, so hopefully i'll get my performance boost that way, but thx for the tip08:28
KenSentMe!rar | deangelo08:28
ubotudeangelo: rar is a non-free archive format created by Rarsoft. For instructions on accessing .rar files through the Archive Manager view https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FileCompression. There is a free (as in speech) unrar utility as well, see !info unrar-free08:28
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variantlk11mn: cool08:28
psusineil__: backups do08:28
neil__psusi: RAID1 helps with speed too08:28
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coz_wwyyzzoo, if it is old world mac you have to keep mac os installed08:28
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psusineil__: only for reads, not writes08:28
psusiand not as much as raid008:28
LjL!nickspam | mrc_00108:29
ubotumrc_001: changing your nick in a busy channel like #ubuntu can get you removed - it causes unrequired scrolling which is unfair on new users, the same goes for using noisy away see (/msg ubotu away) for more details "/away reason" sets your client away silently, thanks08:29
=== matjan [n=matjan@209-161-213-55.dsl.look.ca] has left #ubuntu ["Leaving"]
variantthat is quite a good description of the options08:29
coz_wwyyzzoo, as far as i know there is no way to install ubuntu on an old world mac without mac os being there first08:29
neil__psusi: true but reads generally outweigh writes08:29
B-Minus_how can i do a remote desktop on a windows pc ? my girlfriend is sitting at her home on winxp and i want to take over the screen08:29
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B-Minus_anyone an idea ?08:29
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coz_wwyyzzoo, sorry, blame mac for the problem08:29
amule__Speedtouch 110G PCMCIA under Edgy. Without ndiswrapper. Anyone a clue on how to get it work??08:29
variantB-Minus_: try either freenx, rdesktop or vnc08:29
wwyyzzoocoz_ :)08:29
psusineil__: yea.. but you still get better read performance on raid008:29
coz_wwyyzzoo,  please read thoseslinks carfully08:29
variantB-Minus_: you can connect to ms terminal server from linux box with rdesktop08:30
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psusineil__: and twice as much space08:30
wwyyzzoocoz_ , the problem is  i cannot pass the login screen08:30
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LjL!info tsclient | B-Minus_08:30
ubotutsclient: front-end for viewing of remote desktops in GNOME. In component main, is optional. Version 0.148-1ubuntu4 (edgy), package size 290 kB, installed size 1044 kB08:30
B-Minus_variant: the ms terminal server ? is that default installed ?08:30
neil__psusi: but i'd rather have the resilience of RAID1. having had drive failures before08:30
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variantB-Minus_: afaik, on windows it should be installed depending on what version you have08:30
HonkHowever RAID 1 still increases read rate, especially with SATA. Am I correct?08:31
aldwincan anyone help me how to install the flash of my firefox web browser. i had been diverted by the site http://www.youtube.com to adobeflashplayer7 site and posted a note that i should download a zip file. furtheron instructed to extract that. afterwards i tried to double click one of the file and i had this message "run on terminal" or "run". I choose them both at different times. although nothing happens. after that i did read some notes about ubuntu. and08:31
psusineil__: that's what backups are for.... and in what?  15 years across what?  12 drives I've owned, I've never had one fail... heh...08:31
=== Eruantalon [n=hans@56344e27.rev.stofanet.dk] has joined #ubuntu
coz_wwyyzzoo, here is another one08:31
KyynaraLjL: installing the legacy drivers, it didn't help08:31
=== Coffeegrinds [n=geek@host.228.119.mtl.cablemodem.vdn.ca] has joined #ubuntu
=== aldwin begging for you help
coz_wwyyzzoo, http://gonz.wordpress.com/2006/03/22/installing-ubuntu-510-breezy-badger-on-an-old-world-powerbook-g3-wallstreet/08:31
neil__Honk: for IDE too if the drives are on separate channels08:31
psusiHonk: well, there is nothing especially with sata about it, but yes, it does improve reads somewhat08:31
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LjLB-Minus_, i think that's what the Remote Assistance tool in Windows XP uses, though i couldn't swear on it08:31
EruantalonHow do I enable incoming connections in mysql. I can only connect on the localhost08:31
bimberialdwin: install Flash via Applications -> Add/Remove...  (search for flash)08:31
variantwwyyzzoo: you can install using quik08:31
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KenSentMe!flash | aldwin08:31
ubotualdwin: For multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats  -  See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html  -  But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats08:31
Kyynaracould someone tell me a good text-based browser08:31
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LjLKyynara: pastebin your /etc/apt/sources.list08:32
variantwwyyzzoo: that does not require mac os to be injstalled08:32
LjL!browsers | Kyynara08:32
ubotuKyynara: Browsers available for Linux: Firefox (GTK, Gecko engine), Konqueror (KDE/Qt, KHTML engine), Epiphany (GTK, Gecko engine), Dillo (GTK), Links2 (terminal-based or graphical, see !man page), Opera (Qt, proprietary)  -  HTTP servers: apache208:32
variantwwyyzzoo: http://penguinppc.org/bootloaders/quik/08:32
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HonkJust trying to weigh my options, 640GB = 2 x 320GB or 320GB with RAID08:32
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HonkMirroring is attractive08:33
aldwinbimberi, thank you very much for your help. i'll try that. BRB (be right back). im still installing some via update. thank you very very much (again)08:33
coz_variant, thanks that is good suggestyion08:33
coz_variant, for wwyyzzoo08:33
variantcoz_: yeah, its cool08:33
bimberialdwin: yw :)08:33
psusiHonk: yea... it depends on what you place more value on... fault tolerence, or speed and space08:33
MugginsMraid striping is great *if* you have regular backups, otherwise run away screaming08:33
neil__Honk: i put LVM onto RAID1 and then everything is a LVM volume, including boot08:33
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coz_variant, have you tried it?08:33
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variantcoz_: yep, lots of hacks and workarounds :)08:33
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coz_variant,  difficult on old worls macs08:34
aldwinbimberi, is there any other way to install tarballs? (files inclucing .tar.gz or tar.bz2???08:34
Coffeegrindsanyone good at gettingphp to play nich with egroupware?08:34
law_i have a problem with my ubuntu , what tool should i use to make viedeoconferences with windows x P08:34
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Coffeegrindsplay nice that is08:34
robertj_law_: Ekiga08:34
psusineil__: afaik, none of the boot loaders support /boot on LVM08:34
variantcoz_: so so08:34
neil__psusi: LILO does for me08:34
psusireally?  hrm...08:34
coz_valehru, maybe I can try on my old world mac also08:34
KenSentMeCoffeegrinds: what is your problem?08:35
bimberialdwin: you need to use the terminal for that.  However it's not recommended.  Use the package manager when you can.  What I've recommended does so.08:35
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=== psusi uses and loves grub these days
RideSnI've got a question regarding Eclipse and edgy: Eclipse worked fine for me until i upgraded to edgy from dapper. . now i a seemingly random error in eclipe when trying to run or debugg saying: "exception occured executing command line" . . and in the eclipse error log the previous line before the error says: " java.io.IOException: cannot allocate memory" I've searched the formed and googled it a fair amount and haven't seen much similar. thou08:35
law_okay when i use ekiga i make a account with a sip provider, but which tool should the windows user use ?08:35
RideSnthe closes thing i can find is the bug https://launchpad.net/distros/ubuntu/+source/eclipse/+bug/68380 but i dont know how to apply that patch08:35
CoffeegrindsI'm just running into a snage where /var/lib/egroupware/sessions isn't writable by the webserver ,08:35
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variantlaw_: any sip client supporting windows, try open wengo08:35
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about wengo - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi08:35
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ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about openwengo - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi08:36
KenSentMeCoffeegrinds: if it doens't work like it should, file a bugreport on the problem08:36
variantlaw_: http://openwengo.com/08:36
berkes__is there anything special about usermanagement in MySQL for ubuntu?08:36
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about openwengo - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi08:36
wwyyzzoocoz_ , variant thank you both i'll try ..08:36
=== thebluepop [n=don@a84-230-12-247.elisa-laajakaista.fi] has joined #ubuntu
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about wengo - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi08:36
variantlaw_: http://openwengo.com/08:36
ubotuekiga: H.323 and SIP compatible VOIP client. In component main, is optional. Version 2.0.3-0ubuntu3 (edgy), package size 3582 kB, installed size 12568 kB08:37
berkes__I cannot get normal access set with the GRANT queries.08:37
variantlaw_: please note the website http://openwengo.com08:37
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variantlaw_: there are others too08:37
=== predaeus [n=predaeus@chello080109173112.tirol.surfer.at] has left #ubuntu ["Leaving"]
KenSentMeCoffeegrinds: are you trying to install egroupware from the repo's?08:37
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teenprogrammerjoin #thesoftwareJedi08:37
KenSentMeCoffeegrinds: then file a bugreport please08:37
neil__berkes__: i've not noticed anything different from other distributions08:37
variantteenprogrammer: why?08:38
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teenprogrammeri meant to type that with a slash /08:38
Coffeegrindsit's not so much of a bug as it is a configuration issue regarding permissions08:38
thebluepopCan anyone help me get my ASUS P7131 DUAL working?08:38
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teenprogrammermeant to connect08:38
Coffeegrindswhich should be the case as no one would want gneric access o thier server08:38
volvoxhi there! is another channel more appropriate for edgy upgrade woes?08:38
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KenSentMeCoffeegrinds: well, then make the file/folder writeable by www-data user08:39
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neil__berkes__: what does your grant statement look like (don't paste here)08:39
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KenSentMevolvox: no, this is the channel08:39
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volvoxok. So it seems my amd64 box crashes upon loading libgtk2.0. Every application crashes. any hint?08:39
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lk11mnpsusi: K i created the partitions, and am running install,  i see 4 partitions in "select a disk" and i assume i no longer need to "manually edit partition table... so i pick the / parition, the linux one to install on, right?08:40
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notmeHow do I make it so my second hard drive is readable by all users?08:40
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josh_what is the commandline way of finding out everything i have installed and forgot about on this box?08:40
josh_there has to be a CLI similiar to synaptic08:40
djuussI chowned /usr/ recursively for my user... sudo started bitching, so i chowned it all to root. Now i cant log in through KDE/Gnome08:40
djuuss(sorry language)08:40
neil__josh_: dpkg -l08:40
notmeI have the users option turned on.08:40
psusilk11mn: yes... but why do you ahve 4?  1 windows, 1 linux root, one linux swap should be 3?08:40
josh_lol djuuss lol ive done that08:41
djuussI chowned /usr/ recursively for my user... sudo started to complain, so i chowned it all to root. Now i cant log in through KDE/Gnome08:41
notmejosh_: aptitude08:41
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josh_djuuss: still got the disk?08:41
josh_because youve pwned your system :P08:41
berkes__neil__: http://pastie.caboo.se/21803 pasted it theree08:41
brumnotme: chmod -r o+x /path/of/second/hard_drive08:41
lk11mn2 window psusi... k i get a choice to "erase entire disk" or manutally edit partiition table, manual edit only shows the disks not partitions, and if i go erase entire disk... well ill see what happens08:42
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cr3when plugging a UMS, it is assigned a scsi id. why does this scsi id constantly increment even when unplugging and replugging the same UMS?08:42
psusilk11mn: skip the partitioning step08:42
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neil__berkes__: that looks ok. what error do you get?08:42
cr3psusi: USB Mass Storage device08:42
djuussjosh: am i <censored> ?08:43
djuusswell i have a disk for 5.04  but running 6.0608:43
psusidid you unmount it before yanking it out?08:43
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djuussjosh: running 6.06, got disk version 5.0408:43
josh_but if you didn't register you cant pm08:43
psusithat's why... you borked the disk08:43
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berkes__neil__: I think I am being a stpd fckhead, forgot to flush privileges.08:43
cr3psusi: I thought the scsi id might be assigned by the scsi_mod kernel module, but I unloaded the module but that didn't prevent the id from incrementating starting from the last time it was mounted08:43
lk11mnpsusi: how do i skip that stage? (btw when i continue it just goes to an error "the attempt to mount a file system with type swap in lvm vg sil_xxx3 at none failed)08:44
josh_djuuss: good... now put the disk in... reformat the disk and start over with a fresh install08:44
cr3psusi: yes, I umounted the directory before it unplugging it08:44
neil__berkes__: hehe. try phpmyadmin ;)08:44
psusidjuuss: prety much, yea.... different parts of /usr are supposed to be owned by different users.... it would probably be easier to reinstall than to figure out exactly which parts need set to whom08:44
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berkes__neil__: hmm, no, flushing did not help either.08:45
psusicr3: hrm.... strange...08:45
berkes__RROR 1045 (28000): Access denied for user 'drupal'@'localhost' (using password: YES)08:45
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josh_djuuss: i wasn't joking... ive done it before... you dont get your system back after that... unless you know all of the 400-500 file owners and have alot of time to chown08:45
cr3psusi: crap, I'm up to scsi15!08:45
neil__berkes__: have you tried connecting manually and supplying a password?08:45
psusicr3: so?08:45
berkes__neil__: yea, that is when I get that error.08:46
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neil__berkes__: is this a new mysql installation?08:46
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psusilk11mn: hrm... maybe they borked something in the installer for edgy then?  it seems to think it is lvm and that is likey causing problems... you might have to install the hard way described in the howto08:46
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coz_back . can someone explain what the purpose and funtions are of /etc/mailcap?08:47
berkes__neil__: yup. I used to have an old Debian, but since edgy i went for vanilla Ubuntu.08:47
aldwincan anyone help me how to install the flash of my firefox web browser. i had been diverted by the site http://www.youtube.com to adobeflashplayer7 site and posted a note that i should download a zip file. furtheron instructed to extract that. afterwards i tried to double click one of the file and i had this message "run on terminal" or "run". I choose them both at different times. although nothing happens. after that i did read some notes about ubuntu. and08:47
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berkes__suddenly I can no longet set the perms, or else I am being stoopid :)08:47
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KenSentMe!flash | aldwin08:47
ubotualdwin: For multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats  -  See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html  -  But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats08:47
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KenSentMealdwin: have you read that?08:48
neil__berkes__: i meant are the databases fresh or did they come from a previous system?08:48
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aldwinKenSentMe, i dont get it?08:48
variantaldwin: when you go to the youtube website a bar should appear at t he top of the firefox screen, just click that bar and it will install it for you08:48
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KenSentMealdwin: don't get what?08:48
phedhow can I make fish the default CLI?08:48
berkes__neil__: no, still only empty.08:48
aldwinbimberi, you told me to search add/remove.. there i type flash and nothing happens. no flash at all08:49
j2daoshwhats your environment to use phish08:49
variantaldwin: do what i say08:49
aldwinKenSentMe, how can i install flash?08:49
j2daoshinstead of /bin/bash08:49
variantaldwin: do what i told you, that will install it08:49
KenSentMealdwin: check what ubotu said to you08:49
berkes__neil__: I had tonight reserved to write some import routines to import that old system :) But I cannot even get the permissions set ;)08:49
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variantj2daosh: ln -sf /bin/fish /bin/sh08:49
lk11mnpsusi: so yeh you think if i go ahead and manually format these partitions, and then mount them i should be able to select them during install - i'll give it a try08:49
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aldwinah okay08:49
bimberialdwin: are you on a Mac or 64bit PC?08:49
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j2daoshyeah or just link it08:50
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psusilk11mn: no... by the sound of it the installer chokes on them08:50
neil__berkes__: you might try changing the password with an update query using the PASSWORD() function08:50
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neil__berkes__: or use mysqladmin08:50
psusilk11mn: so you will have to format them, moun them, and install by hand with debootstrap08:50
djuuss2Ok so, i chowned my /usr/, then i couldnt sudo anymore. So i chowned all of /usr/ to root, and now gnome and KDE wont let me login anymore. Any hope?08:50
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neil__berkes__: i've only seen this problem when i've forgotten to supply a password or given a incorrect one when connecting08:51
j2daoshdjuuss2: no08:51
berkes__neil__: yea, was apt-ing that already. Its just so weird that something this simple wont Just Work08:51
psusidjuuss2: we told you not really, as you would have to reset all the ownships back to how they were before... best just to reinstall08:51
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djuuss2ah yeh couldnt read it because it kept knocking me off the net -.-08:51
lk11mnpsusi: uhhh... so i'll have to find a way to load dmraid in this debootsrap thingy i guess?08:51
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djuuss2psusi, j2daosh, i hosed it?08:52
kmaynardi accidentally screwed my permissions once...only a re-install fixed it08:52
neil__berkes__: can you connect to the test database? just to check things overall08:52
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djuuss2Well at least taht gives me a good reason to get edgy08:52
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kmaynardit was a gentoo system...re-emerged all the system packages, but it still never was right again08:52
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berkes__neil__: yes, as root it works Just Fine.08:52
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psusilk11mn: follow the instructions in the howto.... you format and mount the partition, then use debootstrap to install a minimal ubuntu system there, chroot into it, then apt-get install the core packages08:53
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neil__berkes__: it would. root can go anywhere08:53
phedvariant: uhm, you sure about that?08:53
phedvariant: there is no file called /bin/fish anyway08:54
lk11mnpsusi: how about this... i noticed an option before when selecting disk - it was something like "use largest continuous free space" (this was when i had just resised the ntfs part, and i had 4 gb free, do you think it could be worht trying to just delete the linux partitions and show the installer some unallocated disk space, and maybe it will work?08:54
=== Stormx2 [n=Stormx2@host-87-240-137-127.hi-velocity.net] has joined #ubuntu
macsimmy key over my [tab]  give  how can I manage this ?08:54
Stormx2!+info asterisk08:54
ubotuasterisk: Open Source Private Branch Exchange (PBX). In component universe, is optional. Version 1: (edgy), package size 137 kB, installed size 400 kB08:54
psusilk11mn: no... that will try to repartition the disk08:54
humesince upgrading to Edgy, I have a broken package on my system (samba) that I cannot upgrade nor remove with synaptic. Anyone can help me in solving this problem?08:54
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phedvariant: and ln -sf /usr/bin/fish /bin/sh does not work either08:55
psusilk11mn: the installer can NOT partition a dmraid disk08:55
shrndegruvguys i have an ati driver08:55
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shrndegruvshould i use ati or fglrx08:55
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LGKeiz-UbuntuKingsqueak you there D:08:55
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lk11mnpsusi: it doesnt even seem to be able to install to a dmraid disk!08:55
KenSentMe!ati | shrndegruv08:55
ubotushrndegruv: To install the Ati/NVidia drivers for your video card, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto08:55
neil__shrndegruv: atiglx for the opensource driver08:55
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psusilk11mn: it sounds to me like it thinks the dmraid disk is an lvm volume, so it is trying to execute lvm commands on it, which fail, because it ins't08:55
shrndegruvcan beryl work well on ati?08:55
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sc0ttError: API mismatch: the NVIDIA kernel module has the version 1.0-8762, but08:56
sc0ttthis X module has the version 1.0-8776. Please make sure that the kernel08:56
sc0ttmodule and all NVIDIA driver components have the same version.08:56
mtx1i have ubuntu installed and it has worked before i did dist-upgrade and put kubuntu desktop on it now i get screens found but none have a usable config fatal server error anyone know what it could b08:56
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sc0ttanyone else encountered this the past few days?08:56
neil__shrndegruv: what is your chipset? 9500/9600?08:56
psusiyou know what... hold on a second... let me patch the dmraid package so it doesn't make the devices in /dev/mapper08:56
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jestshrndegruv: Im using beryl aith the "ati" driver atm. mobility radeon 9200IGP08:56
shrndegruvm22/ radeon mobility m30008:57
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lk11mnok psusi i'll probably try that tomorrow, or maybe later on, i'll follow the how to and we'll see how it goes, thx08:57
ubotuCompiz (compositing window manager) and XGL (X server architecture layered on top of OpenGL)  -  Howto at http://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompositeManager  -  Help in #ubuntu-xgl  -  See http://tinyurl.com/pw5ez for Kubuntu systems08:57
shrndegruvlaptop is 2 years old08:57
mattfryewhat's the main php package in dapper called?  i can't seem to apt-get it08:57
neil__i have a 9200-based card. it won't do the raindrops thing in compiz :(08:57
KenSentMemattfrye: php5 or php408:57
mattfryeKenSentMe: thanks08:57
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SeanTatermattfrye: for apache2, it's libapache2-mod-php508:57
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KenSentMe!lamp | mattfrye08:58
ubotumattfrye: lamp is Linux-Apache-MySQL-PHP. However, the term is often used for setups using alternative but different software, such as Perl or Python instead of PHP, and Postgres instead of MySQL.  For help with setting up LAMP on Ubuntu, see  https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ApacheMySQLPHP  -  See also the Server CD install menu.08:58
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mattfryeubotu: ok, thanks08:58
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about ok, thanks - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi08:58
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mattfryeah, a bot08:58
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KenSentMemattfrye: yep :)08:58
LGKeiz-UbuntuIm trying  to get apache to work too08:58
LGKeiz-Ubuntubut I gotta get my wireless connection to work..08:58
humeanyone got advice on how to solve a "broken package"?08:59
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mattfryei have apache working, just setting up a wiki inside my xen08:59
SeanTaterLGKeiz-Ubuntu: apache2 - internet = nothing08:59
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SeanTaterLGKeiz-Ubuntu: :P08:59
VonGuardi have an openoffice bug08:59
VonGuardwhere should i submit it?08:59
eidosie open source bad as they say it is?  as a hobbyist i would like to distribute some binaries without having to give away all the source so other people could code it on windows and make millions and not give me any money for my hard work08:59
LGKeiz-UbuntuI need to get ndiswrapper to work rightm but I don't know lol08:59
ubotuIf you find a bug in Ubuntu or any of its derivatives, please file a bug report at: http://bugs.ubuntu.com/ Bugs in/wishes for the bots can be filed at http://launchpad.net/products/ubuntu-bots08:59
eidosnot really millions but u know what i mean i hope09:00
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ubuntu__can i install ubuntu on reiserfs ?09:00
LGKeiz-UbuntuCan anyone help me get ndiswrapper and my wireless card to work together >>;09:00
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bimberiubuntu__: yes09:00
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kydcan someone help me setup bt09:01
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SeanTatereidos: for a start, read http://www.gnu.org/philosophy09:01
LGKeiz-UbuntuAnyone here familar with ndiswrapper >>09:01
KenSentMekyd: bt?09:01
eidosthank you09:01
Risktakerhi, a have a litle query :) is there a jigdo-file for a etgy-dvd anywhere?09:01
kydbit torent09:01
ubuntu__bimberi: thx09:01
KenSentMe!wireless | LGKeiz-Ubuntu09:01
ubotuLGKeiz-Ubuntu: Wireless documentation can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs09:01
Risktakerbecause is have the .deb files already on my disk, and i want to burn a "backup"/install-dvd09:02
LGKeiz-UbuntuKenSentMe - I know.. I know09:02
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KenSentMe!bittorrent | kyd09:02
ubotubittorrent: Scatter-gather network file transfer. In component main, is optional. Version 3.4.2-6ubuntu3 (edgy), package size 90 kB, installed size 556 kB09:02
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Farm_Freshwow... over 1000 in here today.09:03
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raphaHi all!09:04
comstatthats the right point, stop porting Linx-Soft to Windows, delete all Windows-Binarys on sourceforge09:04
ubotutor: anonymizing overlay network for TCP. In component universe, is optional. Version (edgy), package size 763 kB, installed size 1556 kB09:04
kydits asking me to open location for Bit Torrent meta file09:05
raphaCan somebody help me get my scanner working please? When I press Scan Image nothing happens :-(09:05
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ubotuprivoxy: Privacy enhancing HTTP Proxy. In component universe, is optional. Version 3.0.3-2-1 (edgy), package size 830 kB, installed size 2160 kB09:05
kydken : i am new to ubunto ......just got sick of fixing windows problems09:06
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Farm_Freshwhat can I do to make my internet activity harder to track?09:06
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kikokosi have a question: on my cousin kopmuter i want scan windows it`s possible do it from ubuntu live cd ?09:07
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LGKeiz-WindowsDriver Installed09:07
LGKeiz-WindowsStill no wireless networks09:07
warkruidfarm_fresh use tor and privoxy09:07
kikokosif yes which applicatiojn or how ?09:07
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mrobbertkikokos: Scan for what?09:07
kikokosantyvirus scan09:07
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kikokosmrobbert antyvir09:08
warkruidFarm_Fresh: look for more info on tor.eff.org09:08
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iam8up|lpyi'm missing this library: stdio.h - from what the general internet census says, this is a standard gcc header; can anyone tell me where to get it09:09
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mrobbertkikokos: I don't use any antivirus under Linux, but I think that you can use clamav09:09
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SheaTaraiam8up|lpy: run this in a terminal: sudo apt-get install build-essential09:09
iam8up|lpyawesome! thanks09:09
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kikokosmrobbert but if i dont have it it is possible install it on live cd ?09:09
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SheaTaraiam8up|lpy: compiling something?09:10
iam8up|lpySheaTara - yes09:10
betathis is in spanish or english??09:10
kikokosmrobbert it is possible install something on live cd distr by apt ?09:10
SheaTaraiam8up|lpy: Read the following09:10
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SheaTara!apt | iam8up|lpy09:10
ubotuiam8up|lpy: apt is the Advanced Package Tool, which together with dpkg forms the basic Ubuntu package management toolkit. Short apt-get manual: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AptGetHowto  -  Also see !Synaptic (Gnome) or !Adept (KDE)09:10
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SheaTara!build-essential | iam8up|lpy09:10
ubotuiam8up|lpy: Compiling software from source? Read the tips at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompilingSoftware (But remember to search for pre-built !packages first: not all !repositories are enabled by default!)09:10
mrobbertIt is included in Ubuntu, but I'm not sure if it is on the default live CD. Anybody know if there is a list of live CD apps?09:10
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SomeonElsehow do i release and renew my IP?09:11
SheaTaraiam8up|lpy: apt is much faster and easier, and breaks you computer much less often. It's what ubuntu was supposed ti use09:11
kikokosmrobbert ok i `ll find it thankx09:11
rickyfingersr u using dhcp?09:11
jestDoes anyone know if gnome sessions can be managed from a file. Lets say a want to delete a startup program in that list.09:11
iam8up|lpykikokos - doesn't have a long list of things must have09:11
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mtx1can someone help me i cant get xserver to work i get radeon no matching device section for instance (bus id.........09:12
iam8up|lpyoops, soryr kikokos09:12
Farm_Freshwarkruid:  Thanks..09:12
rickyfingersthen it should be just sudo ifdown eth<whatever>09:12
iam8up|lpySheaTara - doesn't have a long list of things must have09:12
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rickyfingersthen sudo ifup eth<whatever>09:12
iam8up|lpythings i must have...09:12
SomeonElsethx rickyfingers09:12
iam8up|lpynot having a great day =/09:12
rickyfingerswhere eth<whatever> is the name of the interface09:12
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warkruidFarm_Fresh: you're welcome.09:12
rickyfingerswhere your internet is coming from09:12
rickyfingersdo ifconfig -a09:12
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rickyfingersto get a list of all interfaces currently on your system09:12
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rickyfingersIf you don't want to use the command line09:13
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rickyfingersunder administration09:13
rickyfingers-> networking09:13
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iteror else do /etc/init.d/networking restart09:13
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rickyfingersI  you can just deactivate/activate the interface09:14
mrobbertkikokos: If it isn't on the CD here is a HowTo for making a custom LiveCD - https://help.ubuntu.com/community/LiveCDCustomization/6%2e0609:14
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warkruidFarm_Fresh: after installing tor and privoxy.. edit /etc/privoxy/config. First line -> forward-socks4a / localhost:9050 .   (dont forget the .)09:15
mrobbertkikokos: It is for Dapper, but I'll bet somebody will update it for Edgy soon09:15
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rickyfingersAnyone here have any luck installing edgy on a 64 bit archictecture?09:15
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about irda - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi09:15
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about infra - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi09:15
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about ir - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi09:16
tichhas anyone had problems with mplayer after installing edgy?09:16
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Farm_Freshwarkruid:  thanks.. I read that.. This is a little bit beyond my skills.. but I think I'll figure it out.09:16
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warkruidtich: what kind of problem?09:16
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about whyubuntuforgetstosupportnormallytheirdadevices? - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi09:16
Farm_Freshwarkruid:  can I find tor with apt-get?09:16
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clearzenDoes anyone know if the via video drivers are supported in edgy??09:16
warkruidFarm_Fresh: yes09:16
MetaMorfoziSclearzen > yes09:17
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tichwarkruid,  i received this warning when trying play a file: error opening/initializing the selected video_out (-vo) device.09:17
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Farm_Freshwarkruid:  And how about privoxy?09:17
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warkruidtich: select another video device09:17
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Suspektcan anyone give me a experience based report on ntfs-3g?09:18
warkruidFarm_Fresh: that one too.09:18
clearzenMetaMorfoziS: As I understand the video driver is included in the base install. However I can not get it to work for me. Could you help me to get the via driver to work?09:18
Suspektn e one?09:18
MetaMorfoziSsorry i haven't got time for that, i'm going away, but you can find some infos on ubuntuforums.org09:18
MetaMorfoziSand one tipp:09:18
mrobbertFarm_Fresh: You can search for packages using "apt-cache search". Check the man page if you need help with it.09:19
MetaMorfoziStry edit your xorg.conf in the driver section check what you  have09:19
tichwarkruid,  video does work with totem-xine, but i want mplayer to work too.09:19
MetaMorfoziSyou may need via.09:19
MetaMorfoziSbtw, bye all09:19
clearzenMetaMorfoziS: I have checked. Thanks anyway09:19
warkruidtich: try -vo xvidix09:19
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Infectowhere are kernel headers in which package ?09:20
Infectoi instaled this package and :(09:20
Infectousb.c:31:28: error: linux/compiler.h: No such file or directory09:20
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SuspektAnyone know how good ntfs-3g is?09:21
tichwarkruid, use that at the prompt with the mplayer command?09:21
eugmanHow can I tell what my local ip is?09:21
warkruidtich: err... you are using the commandline version of mplayer?09:21
rickyfingerseugman, too easy09:21
warkruidtich: yes.09:21
rickyfingersjust open a terminal window09:21
rickyfingersand type ifconfig -a09:21
wwyyzzoovaRIANT i got the quik file now what..i's a quik-2.0-1k.ydl4.ppc.rpm file how can i use it09:21
rickyfingersthat'll show you info on all your network interfaces09:21
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tichwarkruid, no i use the regular one but to add the extra stuff i thought the prompt would be best (for testing)09:22
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rickyfingersifconfig by itself will give you the interfaces tthat are currently up09:22
caseyomahHow do you change the default X Window Manager per user?09:22
rambo3how do i add more free space to my partition09:22
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raphaCan somebody help me, please?09:22
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rambo3have 5 gig  hda5 ext3 that i want to add to hda209:23
Farm_Freshwarkruid:  alright.. I've downloaded both tor and privoxy... Now what?09:23
caseyomahrambo3: I use Partition Commander (boot sector utility)09:23
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rickyfingershey rambo09:23
warkruidtich: the command line option is -vo, but in the other there should also be a video option.09:23
rickyfingersone way you can do it09:23
raphaWhat am I doing wrong? Is anybody reading my words at all?09:23
rickyfingersis boot off a "live cd"09:23
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SuspektAnyone have any suggestions for having a 200gb raid that both Edgy and Win XP/Vista can use?09:24
wwyyzzoocoz_ can you tell me  more about the quik-2.0-1k.ydl4.ppc.rpm file?09:24
raphaAm I in the chat correctly? Hello? Does somebody hear me?09:24
rickyfingersAnd do gparted09:24
knappCan someone assist me in installing the latest Nvidia drivers?09:24
ubotuPlease don't use the "enter" key as punctuation! It spams the channel and can be annoying.09:24
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Suspektrapha you are09:24
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rickyfingersYes, rapha, I hear you09:24
caseyomahSuspekt: Format it FAT32(vfat)09:24
rickyfingerslet me look up the name of the live-cd that's good for that09:24
raphaWow okay, thanks people :)09:24
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Stormx2Yo guys. I use foobar2000 in windows. What would you recommend for me to use in ubuntu?09:24
Suspektcaseyomah, I understand windows XP has very poor performance with vfat over 64 gigs09:24
rambo3rickyfingers, dont bother thanks anyway09:25
raphaSo what do I have to do to make my scanner work?09:25
kmaynarda what?09:25
knappI am getting an error when installing them, the error is this: "Unable to find the kernel source tree for the current running kernel..."09:25
djuuss2stormx2: If your using KDE, amaroK is awsome09:25
kmaynardrapha, is it supported?09:25
m0rgantoshcan someone help me? i'm getting segmentation faults when i try to run the update manager.09:25
Suspektif you are using gnome amaroK is awsome09:25
Stormx2djuuss2: GNOME.09:25
strabesStormx2: there's tons of great media players. foobar is quite feature-light isnt it09:25
raphakmaynard: according to Ubuntu Forums and /etc/sane.d/canon630u.conf it is09:25
wwyyzzoovaRIANT i got the quik file ..i's a quik-2.0-1k.ydl4.ppc.rpm file how can i use it09:25
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caseyomahSuspekt: Yes, it bogs down, but it's that or use NTFS and NTFS-3G on linux to access RW.09:25
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Stormx2strabes: Thats why I like it.09:25
rickyfingersthe cd image you want is09:25
rickyfingersInside Security09:25
tichwarkruid, with the gui do i want to choose xvidix from the list of available drivers?09:26
Stormx2strabes: Very simple compact controls, big playlist area, and heaviliy customizable09:26
rapharickyfingers: i want no cd image09:26
LGKeiz-Windowsi got my network list09:26
strabesStormx2: so you're not looking for something with the browse features of itunes?09:26
LGKeiz-Windowsbut when I put into my password09:26
LGKeiz-Windowsit ask for my password again09:26
LGKeiz-Windowsand then it doesn't connect09:26
Suspektcaseyomah, that was my original question, any experiance with NTFS-3g, especially with software RAID?09:26
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tichwarkruid, i couldn't get it to go from the command line.09:26
rickyfingersOK you can use parted09:26
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warkruidtich: it is a guess, but that one works for me.09:26
ubotuWireless documentation can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs09:26
caseyomahSuspekt: Nope, I haven't messed with software RAID nor NTFS-3G in linux (yet)09:26
rickyfingersbut it won't work if your root partition09:26
Stormx2strabes: oh no. Not a media library ;-)09:26
rickyfingersis on the disk you want to modify09:27
rickyfingersI highly reccomend the Inside Security disk, it's just a good tool to have around...09:27
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strabesStormx2: XMMS and BEEP are sort of like that - they're kinda like winamp09:27
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warkruidtich: I have a shell script that i use as a wrapper for the mplayer binary.09:27
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warkruidtich: the command line binary that is..09:28
Stormx2strabes: I've been using audacious (the non-evil beep) but meh, my days of winamp style stuff is over.09:28
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caseyomahStormx2: XMMS is even compatable with Winamp classic skins.09:28
ravenjoin #ubuntu.pl09:28
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zwnjmy AMD64 (3200+) hangs one in an hour with dapper.  is it a known problem?09:28
rickyfingershere's a link to download http://sourceforge.net/project/showfiles.php?group_id=9985309:28
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ravendobry wieczr wszystkim09:28
rickyfingersthe cd, also someone was asking about ntfs-3g?09:29
Stormx2caseyomah: What?09:29
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Suspektcaseyomah, yeah i guess im just going to have to suffer the ancient fat32 partition untill some one develops something new that both sides can play nice togetehr with09:29
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ravenjoin #ubuntu.pl09:29
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macdo_my external usb harddrive isn't being recognised after upgrade to 6.1009:29
Suspektrickyfingers, yes me09:29
rickyfingersI don't know much about it, but this bootable cd has support for that protocol/filesystem09:29
Stormx2Guys my apt is broken. Gimme a min.09:29
Suspektrickyfingers, i want to know if it works with software raid09:29
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rickyfingersSo suspekt, if you wanted to play with it some09:29
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caseyomahSuspekt: I heard rumors of Win32 support for NFS... But I haven't found evidence of it's existing.09:29
rickyfingersYou could download that bootable cd and see how performance is09:29
caseyomahStormx2: Network File System.09:30
Suspektcaseyomah, i find its far easyer to add linux support for a FS than it is to add NT support to a FS09:30
wwyyzzoovaRIANT i got the quik file ..i's a quik-2.0-1k.ydl4.ppc.rpm file how can i use it09:30
wwyyzzoocoz_ can you tell me  more about the quik-2.0-1k.ydl4.ppc.rpm file?09:30
rickyfingersI think you can already do NFS in windows with cygwin09:30
raphakmaynard: It is a Canon Canoscan 630U09:30
rickyfingersYes, you can. I remember now.09:30
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caseyomahrickyfingers: I haven't played with CygWin.09:30
strabesStormx2: quodlibet isn't bad. it's very lightweight.09:30
rickyfingersYou can run an nfs server in cygwin09:30
LjLSuspekt: http://support.microsoft.com/kb/324055 (client) http://opensource.franz.com/nfs/ (server)09:31
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rickyfingersthat's another thing everyone should check out09:31
kmaynardrapha, i dunno...google and the forums are the best i can do. i have a visioneer that's useless09:31
caseyomahSuspekt: Looks like NFS is the "friendly" way to go.09:31
strabesStormx2: not very many features but that's how i like it at least.09:31
dfgas_how do i reconfigure X?09:31
rickyfingersCygwin even has a utility where you can start the nfsd as a windows service09:31
psusiNFS is bad, M'kay?09:31
sol90hi just wondering ... where is the subversion package? I tried installing it but didn't work09:31
LjLdfgas_: sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg09:31
rickyfingersI agree, it's a hole09:32
rickyfingers*NFS is a whole09:32
LjL!info subversion | sol9009:32
Farm_Freshwarkruid:  I've done it all.. How do I restart privoxy?  I didn't know it was even running?09:32
ubotusubversion: advanced version control system (aka. svn). In component main, is optional. Version 1.3.2-3ubuntu2 (edgy), package size 203 kB, installed size 3020 kB09:32
rickyfingersbut we make trade offs09:32
rickyfingersdepending on project requirements09:32
sol90LjL sorry I don't understand?09:32
rickyfingersme, I'm happy just using sftp, scp, & friends.09:32
LjLsol90, well you asked where it is, and it's in main09:32
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rickyfingersps -ef | grep -i privoxy09:33
fangorioushow do I read man or info pages in gnome-help?09:33
sol90LjL - i typed sudo apt-get install subversion09:33
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psusisol90: the package name is just svn09:33
psusiI think09:33
Farm_Freshrickyfingers:  was that for me?  And what will that do?09:33
raphakmaynard: google and forums bring up that the scanner works fine when xsane is run as root. That was the case for me under Dapper as well. Just now, under Edgy it won09:33
LjLpsusi, no09:33
shrndegruvguys how do i search for a pakcage?09:33
LjLsol90, and?09:33
warkruidFarm_Fresh: sudo -i <password> then do a ps -ef and look for the pid of privoxy. Then do kill -HUP <pid>09:33
psusimaybe not...09:33
LjLUbotu, please tell shrndegruv about packages09:34
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fangoriousshrndegruv: apt-cache search <keyword>09:34
LjL!info svn | psusi09:34
ubotuPackage svn does not exist in any distro I know09:34
sol90LjL -  i got the "Package subversion is not available" msg09:34
=== psusi taps his foot waiting for pbuilder to update
Stormx2You gotta install "subversion"09:34
LjLsol90: do you have internet repositories enabled?09:34
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sol90Stormx2 - yes.. but it won't let me09:34
Stormx2!info subversion09:34
LjLStormx2, read above09:34
sol90LjL - how do I find out if it's enabled?09:34
ubotusubversion: advanced version control system (aka. svn). In component main, is optional. Version 1.3.2-3ubuntu2 (edgy), package size 203 kB, installed size 3020 kB09:34
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LjLUbotu, please tell sol90 about repos09:34
warkruidFarm_Fresh: Then you have to reconfigure firefox to use privoxy.09:35
LjLsol90: you can put your /etc/apt/sources.list into the pastebin so i can check, if you prefer09:35
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shrndegruvsorry ubuntu newb09:35
Farm_Freshwarkruid:  I installed the recomended button or whatever for firefox.09:35
LjLStormx2, i bet he only has the CD repository enabled09:35
Stormx2LjL: mhmm.09:35
Farm_Freshwouldn't a restart just do the same as this?09:35
warkruidFarm_Fresh: excellent!09:35
dnitedoes anyone know how to set a dcc port range in BitchX ?? I found a way to force a certain port.. but I don't seem to be able to set a range ...09:35
sol90LjL - this is embarrasing.. how do I use the pastebin?09:36
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LjL!pastebin | sol9009:36
ubotusol90: pastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (you can always find it in the channel topic, among other useful things)09:36
LjLsol90: just paste and give me the URL09:36
salah_hello. how do I fix the screen resolution?09:36
warkruidFarm_Fresh: be warned tough. The connection can be ssssllloowwww09:36
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LjLUbotu, please tell salah_ about fixres09:36
rickyfingerssalah - xorg.conf09:36
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Stormx2salah_: Fix it?09:36
rickyfingersman xorg.conf09:36
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rickyfingersfor more info09:36
Farm_Freshwarkruid:  oh..09:36
slinky_hello folks, I lost my sound card and now I am forced to use the integrated sound on the mother board, is there anyway to remove everything associated with sound and restart over without having to do a complete reinstall?09:36
LjLrickyfingers: or dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg, for that matter09:37
Stormx2slinky_: o.o how did you lose it?09:37
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caseyomahHow do I change a users decault X Window Manager? (Gnome/KDE/XFce...)09:37
slinky_Stormx2: it fried09:37
sol90LjL - http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/30674/09:37
rickyfingersslinky, you may just be able to disable the onboard sound09:37
rickyfingersin the bios09:37
LjLsol90: you don't have anything enabled. hold on09:38
rickyfingersbut if you fried the card...09:38
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LjLsol90: also, are you aware that breezy is a bit dated (though still supported for 5 months)?09:38
sol90LjL - yep i'm aware of that09:38
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slinky_rickyfingers: I have onboard sound working but there is so much stuff installed for the sound blaster live that it is interfering with the onboard sound09:39
j2daoshis edgy stable yet?09:39
Farm_Freshwarkruid:  So if I have the green Tor Enabled... it's up and running?09:39
Alexa25I tried updating using what they said09:39
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Alexa25but when I do that, it says no updates are available09:39
warkruidtich: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/30675/09:39
j2daoshdoes the edgy update knock out all the old apps?09:40
LjLsol90: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/30676/ <- i've also enabled universe and multiverse, and removed the CD repository09:40
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LjLsol90: type "sudo apt-get update" after changing the sources.list file09:40
j2daoshmake it as base system i have to reinstall everyone on again?09:40
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LjLUbotu, please tell j2daosh about upgrade09:41
pcgigabyteHello could someone help me. I can't get my mic working in Ubuntu?09:41
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LjLj2daosh: your applications will still be there after an upgrade.09:41
sol90LjL - http://www.macewan.org/2006/02/23/upgrading-breezy-to-dapper/  <-- is this reliable?09:41
LjLand edgy is released, yes09:41
caseyomahj2daosh: The live cd install is more stable then the repository dist-upgrade (in my experience)09:41
sol90LjL - ... to upgrade to dapper, i mean09:41
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salah_thanks, fixed now09:41
LjL!upgrade | sol90, i don't know, i'd follow the official docs09:41
ubotusol90, i don't know, i'd follow the official docs: For upgrading, see instructions at: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UpgradeNotes (you can also find this in the channel topic: type "/topic")  -  See also !downgrade09:41
j2daoshdont have the live cd09:42
warkruidFarm_Fresh: yes, but to test it you should follow the testlink on tor.eff.org. don't now exactly what it was.. moment..09:42
slinky_rickyfingers: any ideas?09:42
j2daoshi still got the dapper one09:42
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sol90LjL - thanks for all the help..09:42
LjLj2daosh: you normally upgrade from the internet09:42
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j2daoshwhat are the bennies of updating?>09:42
pcgigabytehey could someone help me. I can get my mic working in Ubuntu?09:42
caseyomahj2daosh: You can just download it.09:42
salah_Ubotu, please tell salah_ about firefox09:42
rickyfingersslinky - I forget09:42
rickyfingersideas on what09:42
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caseyomahj2daosh: New mount functionalities, and a few other things. a M$ style load screen (no debug info)09:43
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slinky_rickyfingers: any way to completely remove sound associated stuff and start over without doing a full reinstall09:43
ubotufirefox is the default web-browser on Ubuntu. To install the latest version, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FirefoxNewVersion Installing plugins: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/FirefoxPlugins09:43
rickyfingerswell, first of all there's drivers09:43
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pcgigabyteCould someone tell me how to get my microphone to work?09:44
rickyfingersmodprobe -;09:44
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rickyfingersmodprobe -l i mean09:44
rickyfingersmodprobe -l | less09:44
caseyomahpcgigabyte: Plug it in?09:44
livingtmdoes anyone have the flash9 beta running in edgy64?09:44
tuskerniniI updated to edgy, but have problems in flash... so now i use dapper on another partition again...09:44
rickyfingerswould probably be better09:44
knappWhat is the correct package name for kernel headers for kernel 2.6*09:44
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rickyfingersthat'll show you what sound card driver you have installed currently09:44
pcgigabyteit is plugged int. I can hear it back through the speakers. Just no program will pick it up not even sound recorder09:44
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rickyfingersthen, do lspic09:45
rickyfingersi mean lspci09:45
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livingtmi went through instructions to install flash9 beta, but firefox doesnt seem to detect it. pages still tell me i need the plugin09:45
caseyomahDo you have it selected for recording?09:45
rickyfingersthat'll show you the exact name of your soundcard09:45
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rickyfingersthen remove the driver for your current sound card (the on board one)09:45
LjLknapp: linux-headers-generic should do09:45
rickyfingersand modprobe the right one09:45
rickyfingersI'm doing a lot of hand-waving here..09:46
pcgigabytewhat do you mean modprobe the right one/please explain?09:46
pcgigabytelike example09:46
Corbowhen I try to install network-manager-pptp I get "Error: Dependency is not satisfiable: libatk1.0-0" - can someone help me?09:46
rickyfingersI was referring to slink09:46
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slinky_rickyfingers: writing it all down :)09:46
rickyfingersy's question about a sound card09:46
Alexa25(15:45:18) livingtm: i went through instructions to install flash9 beta, but firefox doesnt seem to detect it. pages still tell me i need the plugin <<--i have the same problem09:46
pcgigabyteOh well I found out what sound board I have. Now what do I do?09:46
pcgigabytei did that lspci thing09:46
MegaqwertyDoes anyone know when the new version of gaim is going to be in the repositories?09:46
livingtmAlexa25, hmm amd64?09:47
caseyomahpcgigabyte: There's a capture tab and a capture button below each audio input device.09:47
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pcgigabytecapture tab09:47
pcgigabyteYou mean in voulume control?09:47
caseyomahpcgigabyte: Yup.09:47
LjLMegaqwerty, it'll never be in the standard edgy repositories.09:47
warkruidFarm_Fresh: http://serifos.eecs.harvard.edu/cgi-bin/ipaddr.pl?tor=1 or ipd.shat.net09:47
knappWhat is the correct package name for kernel headers for kernel 2.6*?09:47
pcgigabyteokay under mic it is set to volume icon x and mic icon no x09:47
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LjLknapp: i just answered09:47
Corbowhen I try to install network-manager-pptp I get "Error: Dependency is not satisfiable: libatk1.0-0" - can someone help me?09:47
ptrAlexa25: where are those inctructions for amd64?09:47
slinky_rickyfingers: isthat it for now?09:48
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MegaqwertyLjL: okay, so I have to use gksu "update-manager -c" ?09:48
knappLjL I didn't see, can you repeat it?09:48
SuspektQuestion: If i have Firefox 64bit i cannot use flash, but if i also install swiftfox 32bit, would that have flash support?09:48
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caseyomahpcgigabyte: On the right icon of the two?09:48
tsole1hey guys iv got one question09:48
LjLMegaqwerty: ...? yeah, in six months though. now the latest version available is edgy09:48
rickyfingersonce you do the lspci do the modprobe -l | less09:48
LjLknapp: linux-headers-generic should do09:48
Megaqwertyoh, ok, thanks09:48
knappThanks LjL09:48
LGKeiz-WindowsHey guys I got a network list now, for my wireless device but it's not accepting my password, my driver unloads everytime I reboot, any idea what is wrong?09:48
rickyfingersand look for a module that matches your sound card09:48
pcgigabyteOkay right below the microphone icon in ubuntu volume control. On the little speaker icon there is a red x. On the little microphone icon there is no x.09:49
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Farm_Freshwarkruid:  Thanks.. whats the deal with running a server?  I do have some spar bandwidth.09:49
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tsole1can anyone answer?09:49
LGKeiz-WindowsHey guys I got a network list now, for my wireless device but it's not accepting my password, my driver unloads everytime I reboot, any idea what is wrong?09:49
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slinky_rickyfingers: following :)09:49
Corboanyone feeling helpful?09:49
LjL!ask | tsole1, corbo09:49
ubotutsole1, corbo: Don't ask to ask a question. Just ask your question :)09:49
caseyomahpcgigabyte: Well, that's as far as I go with that.09:49
rickyfingersLGK, /etc/modules09:49
pcgigabyteWell how come it wouldn't be working in any program?09:49
Corboubotu: when I try to install network-manager-pptp I get "Error: Dependency is not satisfiable: libatk1.0-0" - can someone help me?09:49
rickyfingersadd the module for your wireless nic09:49
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knappLjL that package isn't in the main? repository. Do you know where I can find it?09:50
rickyfingersand it'll get loaded at boot time09:50
LGKeiz-Windowsrickyfingers - how?09:50
tsole1why  sometimes a cann see my network computer and sometimes not?09:50
LGKeiz-WindowsIm new to nix lol09:50
rickyfingersok, you open a terminal window09:50
LjL!info linux-headers-generic | knapp09:50
ubotulinux-headers-generic: Generic Linux kernel headers. In component main, is optional. Version (edgy), package size 23 kB, installed size 52 kB09:50
Vuenhey all. i'm trying to checkout the tcl source from cvs and it's not working. here's the command i'm using:09:50
brum14-1168087664.dsl.bell.ca]  has quit [Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)] 09:50
Vuencvs -d:pserver:anonymous@cvs.sourceforge.net:/cvsroot/tcl login09:50
brum12:38 -!- incorrect [n=fwest@]  has quit ["Leaving"] 09:50
brum12:38 -!- inimesekene_ [n=inimesek@80-235-71-48-dsl.trt.estpak.ee]  has quit [Remote closed the connection] 09:50
Vuenand here's the error i get:09:50
brum12:38 < otacon22_> i have download and tryed it now09:50
rickyfingersthen do cd /etc09:50
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LjLUbotu, please tell brum about paste09:50
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rickyfingersthen sudo vi modules09:50
Vuencvs [login aborted] : connect to cvs.sourceforge.net( failed: No route to host09:50
dimakahello amigos09:50
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Vuenanyone know what's going on?09:50
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rickyfingersyou might actaully want to do sudo gedit modules09:50
tuskerninipcgigabyte, do you have a mic boost on?09:51
dimakahow are you here?09:51
psusilk11mn: you around?09:51
rickyfingersif you're not comfortable with vi09:51
LGKeiz-Windowsuhm okay09:51
LGKeiz-Windowshold on09:51
Corbohas anyone here setup network-manager-pptp ?09:51
rickyfingersthen on the bottom line09:51
rickyfingersof the file,09:51
Vuenargh. this channel is way too busy09:51
rickyfingerstype in the name of the module for your wnic09:51
pcgigabyteYes. I have mic boost on.09:51
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warkruidFarm_Fresh: check out the mailinglists. Basically you can assign some of your bandwidth to the server. Be warned tough it could get your ip adress banned by some networks.09:51
LGKeiz-Windowsricky - sudo gedit what path?09:51
rickyfingerssudo gedit /etc/modules09:52
tsole1can i see from ubuntu my scanner which is on my network?09:52
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slinky_thank you rickyfingers09:52
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rickyfingersno problem slink09:52
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LGKeiz-Windowsand I add the module name09:52
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lk11mnpsusi:  just back from the shower09:52
LGKeiz-Windowswhich is in ndiswrapper -l ?09:52
rickyfingersnow you're good to go, as far as having the module be loaded when you reboot09:53
LGKeiz-Windows>.> ddo i?09:53
rickyfingersBut now, you've got password problems09:53
LGKeiz-Windowsadd that name09:53
psusilk11mn: I just uploaded a new package to the bug report... try that09:53
fd0manDoes anyone have any experience with Edgy and the i810 X driver and dual-head configurations actually working?09:53
rickyfingersso there's still more work to be done09:53
LGKeiz-Windowsrickyfingers: I add the name in iwconfig -l ?09:53
WandererAnyone using skype or similar voip for business needs?09:53
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LGKeiz-Windowsndiswrapper *(09:53
lk11mnpsusi: what's it do?09:53
Farm_Freshwarkruid:  why would that be?09:53
psusilk11mn: if I did it right, it should make the devices just in /dev instead of /dev/mapper, and I think that will keep the installer from getting confused and thinking they are lvm volumes09:53
rickyfingersI don't follow09:54
macdo_How can I mount an external HD via USb when it's not recognised?09:54
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lk11mnpsusi: oh that'd be really cool, thx09:54
rickyfingersLKG, do you mean putting in the SSID09:54
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rickyfingersthat's iwconfig wlan0 essid whatever-your-ssid is09:54
macdo_it used to do it automatically under Dapper, but not apparently with edgy...09:54
beauanyone ever had problemsgetting grub working dual booting with windows, it will only boottowindows09:54
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LGKeiz-Windowsrickyfingers: lol.. I use network-manager09:54
LGKeiz-Windowsrickyfingers: I don't know why i's not accepting my password09:55
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LGKeiz-Windowsrickyfingers: I know it's the right password09:55
gyaresumacdo_, Make it become  recognised. Do 'tail -f   /var/log/messages' and stick the drive in (only use the back usb ports at the moment)09:55
LGKeiz-WindowsIt works with my windows system09:55
NukedI am currently running edgy, and I want to install the latest version of abiword 2.4.6, but if I remove 2.4.5 so many other things are removed with it, like xfprint4 libchewing3-data libgoffice-gtk-0-3 libgoffice-0-common anthy... Is this a cause for concern?09:55
warkruidFarm_Fresh: When they think some abuse (think massive leeching) comes from your ipadres they could ban it09:55
rickyfingersLKG I never really used the gui to do wireless stuff09:55
rickyfingersSo I can't really speak from experience09:55
Farm_Freshwarkruid:  ah ha.09:55
rickyfingersIs the password for like a pptp or pppoe connection?09:55
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rickyfingersAnyway there's another thing09:56
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warkruidFarm_Fresh: So configure carefully!09:56
gyaresumacdo_, after you plug it in 'dmesg' should have 'sdd1' or sda1 or something.09:56
LGKeiz-WindowsIt's still not loading the module...09:56
rickyfingersI don't know if Linux has support for wpa or now09:56
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LGKeiz-Windowswhat do I put in /etc/modules/ ?09:56
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LGKeiz-Windowsthe module name in ndiswrapper -l ?09:56
rickyfingersOK, LKG here's what you need to do09:56
LGKeiz-Windowsor driver09:56
rickyfingersmodule=driver in linux09:56
rickyfingersthe module is just ndiswrapper09:57
rickyfingersif you know ndiswrapper works for your wnic09:57
caseyomahHow do I change a user's default window manager in X?09:57
skreetanyone know how to switch between open buffers in nano?09:57
LGKeiz-WindowsBecause when I do ndiswrapper -l It said the driver is installed and present.. I put the driver name in the thing you told me to, rebooted, and it's not loaded09:57
rickyfingersjust put ndiswrapper on the last line of /etc/modules09:57
rickyfingersif you type lsmod at the command prompt09:57
rickyfingersyou should see ndiswrapper listed09:57
rickyfingersdo lsmod | less to page through the list of modules one screen at a time09:58
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rickyfingersif you've got a lot of modules09:58
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tsole1hey can i see from ubuntu a scanner thats on my network or not?09:58
KannixHi all09:58
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rickyfingersif you don't see it there, then it aint really loaded09:58
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macdo_gyaresu, http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/30678/ is the output from dmesg09:58
LjLtsole1, how's the scanner shared?09:58
rickyfingersdid you do modprobe ndiswrapper?09:58
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LGKeiz-Windowsrickyfingers do i put ndiswrapper in /etc/modules ?09:58
tsole1its not shared09:58
LGKeiz-Windowsso **09:58
macdo_it's kicking out errors09:59
rickyfingersyes, just put that one word ndiswrapper09:59
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tsole1is it a way that i cann share a scanner?09:59
rickyfingerson a line by itself in /etc/modules09:59
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dado_do you have a talking bot here?09:59
LjLtsole1: if it's connected to a Windows machine, i doubt you can share it09:59
Farm_Freshwarkruid:  well thanks for the help. I'm off to work.  Good bye.09:59
Nukedanyone willing to answer the question I posted earlier?09:59
LjLUbotu, please tell dado_ about bot09:59
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tsole1it is connected to windows09:59
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LGKeiz-Windowsrickyfingers: k rebooting, what about the password problem?09:59
rickyfingersWell, I need some more details10:00
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LjLNuked, yes, i'd find it a cause of concern personally10:00
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tsole1it is on windows which are on the network10:00
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LjLtsole1, i don't think Windows provides any way to share a scanner.10:00
shrndegruvok im freaking out10:00
gyaresumacdo_, Right. Doesn't like it.10:00
jestI cant login to a user. I need to remove a line from the startup in the session manager. Anyone know were I can find that file?10:00
LGKeiz-Windowswhat kind of details?10:00
shrndegruvi followed http://ubuntuguide.org/wiki/Ubuntu_Edgy#How_to_install_Xgl.2FBeryl_.28ATI.2910:01
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caseyomahtsole1: Unless your Windows driver for the scanner has sharing capabilities you can't share it.10:01
rickyfingersThe thing is, at the wireless layer of the network10:01
shrndegruvwhich sets up a separate xsession for xgl10:01
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NukedLjL, basically it wants to remove xubuntu-desktop. Can I just compile abiword and install it with checkinstall? will everything be ok10:01
shrndegruvwhich doesnt work10:01
grzelsynHi. I add new user to ubuntu dapper system, but this new user could not open/initialize sound device, therefore he can't play music. What should I do to let him to use this device?10:01
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shrndegruvwhen i say log in to gnome10:01
Jon335I'm having problems printing on Edgy, can anyone help?10:01
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shrndegruvberyl and all features work fine10:01
shrndegruvon an old laptop10:01
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rickyfingersWait, wait...I'm remembering in windows, there's an authentication10:01
NukedJon335, what printer?10:01
macdo_gyaresu, no, it doesn't. And I don't know why. Ironically; it has all my pre-upgrade backups on it... not good news10:01
KannixDid anybody here ever get the Spamfilter built in to Evolution to work?10:01
rickyfingersthing on the control for the wireless network connection10:01
LjL!ubuntu-desktop | nuked, that package being removed is not a cause of concern - *other* packages being removed might be10:02
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fifthhi all, i'm having dependency probs installing gdeb on edgy, is this a normal edgy problem or something borked on my system?10:02
shwaghow come when I   sudo useradd newuser  .... it doesnt create a  /home/newuser  ???10:02
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gyaresumacdo_, HDD is it? Powered?10:02
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LGKeiz-Windowsrickyfingers - iwlist eth1 scan is picking up network sand all that it's just not accepting my password..10:02
lk11mn_psusi: i'm guessing i should have deactivated the partitions in /dev/mapper/ BEFORE i upgraded to your dmraid10:02
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LjLNuked, i can't tell either way. i'd just keep 2.4.5, installing something like that is never quite safe10:02
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gyaresugrzelsyn, try gpasswd10:02
Jon335Nuked: I have two, a Brother MFC-210C, and a Canon PIXMA iP150010:02
tsole1if i install ubuntu on the macine that now ive got windows will i be able to share then?10:02
rickyfingersOK, what kind of wireless connection are you using10:02
LjL!ubuntu-desktop | nuked10:02
ubotunuked: k/ed/x/ubuntu-desktop is a metapackage. It depends upon other packages and brings them in; you can safely remove it, but it is recommended that you re-install it when upgrading.10:02
psusilk11mn_: heh... probably ;)10:02
rickyfingersIs it to an ISP or is it just to a router in your lan10:02
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macdo_gyaresu, yeah, a IDE HD in a box, powered, even ventilated10:03
gyaresugrzelsyn, Shouldn't need to but... 'su newuser' then 'groups' they should be in the audio group.10:03
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Jon335Nuked: They both just say receiving dadta and don't print.10:03
LGKeiz-Windowsit's from my laptop to my router10:03
verboxxhi! this may be a noob question, but can I login as root to a Gnome Session?10:03
LjLverboxx: don't.10:03
LjLUbotu, please tell verboxx about root10:03
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gyaresuverbose, yes. but ^^10:03
psusi!root | verboxx10:03
ubotuverboxx: sudo is a command to run programs with superuser privileges ("root"). Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo for all information.10:03
rBlong2ushi I have horizontal jumping on my screen what kinda values could I pass the Xorg in order fix this for an LCD10:03
timo90How do i set up the Route for inter net connection shearing on ubuntu10:03
rickyfingersI'd look at the configuration options10:04
rickyfingersin your router10:04
rBlong2uswhat are save values?10:04
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rickyfingersfind out exactly what protocol it's using to do the authentication10:04
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shwaghow come when I   sudo useradd newuser  .... it doesnt create a  /home/newuser  ???10:04
NukedJon335, I have the same problem with my pixma. I can't help you with the brother printer though10:04
verboxxand can I create a user with all the root privileges??10:04
tichto stream video the restricted format wiki suggests installing the totem-xine-firefox-plugin but it does exist.  how do i stream video?10:04
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rickyfingersor....change the security settings in your router10:04
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LjLverboxx: why?10:04
gyaresurBlong2us, how bad is the jumping (totally unreadable?)10:04
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shwagverboxx: just edit them into all the needed groups in /etc/groups10:04
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psusiverboxx: no... you prefix commands that require root permissions with sudo10:04
shwagverboxx: do you know how to get a users home directory created ?10:04
Jon335It does it for both printers, there must be something wrong with CUPs, right?10:05
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tichto stream video the restricted format wiki suggests installing the totem-xine-firefox-plugin but it does NOT exist.  how do i stream video?10:05
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rickyfingersI'm not even sure iwconfig supports wpa encryption10:05
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gyaresushwag, verboxx 'gpasswd' for adding users to groups.10:05
grzelsyngyaresu: I don't exactly understand what should I do... I think to log to this new user and what next? What does it mean 'groups'? Do you mean some command or file or something?10:05
rickyfingersok just googled10:05
verboxxLjL: I access a server via VNC but I must login before I can move things around10:05
rBlong2usgyaresu: not totally I am reagin right now and using it but higly annoying enough to scare people away and tell me how a piece of shit linux is and that they wanna go back to m$$10:05
rickyfingersyes, ubuntu does have some support for wpa10:05
rBlong2usso I need to fix this for linuk's sake10:06
shwaggyaresu: verboxx: wrong...gpasswd is for change a groups passwd.  addgroup is for adding to groups10:06
verboxxbut I can't use nautilus as root and I hate terminal :)10:06
rickyfingersbut I've never used it10:06
LjLverboxx: ok, why do you need a root account to login in, still?10:06
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rickyfingersI'm pretty comfortable with 128 bit wep key10:06
gyaresurBlong2us, try xp without knowing you need Nvidia drivers etc.10:06
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LGKeiz-Windowsrickyfinger - It's WEP10:06
rickyfingersbut then again, I'm lazy10:06
foreverdaedim having some serious problems trying to get my ubuntu install to boot, even super grub cd isnt helping me10:06
rickyfingersOK if it's WEP10:06
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shwagverboxx: if you hate terminal then get off of linux.10:06
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rickyfingersthat's easy10:06
LGKeiz-Windowsmy password is 6183261832 which I entered10:06
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lk11mnpsusi: i guess reboot is the best option at this stage back in a bit10:06
LGKeiz-Windowsand it still doesn't work10:06
LGKeiz-Windowsis there a way to boost the signal power on the laptop10:06
claviolaIs anyone using Loobuntu? (http://www.loobuntu.info/)10:06
rBlong2usgyaresu: nope this is SIS driver10:06
grndslmwhat's the easiest way to determine what type of cpu i have??10:06
tichis totem-mozilla the same as totem-xine-firefox-plugin?10:06
rBlong2usI am desperate10:07
rickyfingersiwconfig wlan0 key 618326183210:07
timo90how do i make my ubuntu pc the gateway  device on my network for internet connection shearing10:07
fd0manI am having some issues with i810 on an Intel 915GM chipset and dual-head.  I have described the problem on the web:  http://community.livejournal.com/linux/1545408.html#cutid110:07
LjLLGKeiz-Windows: passwords aren't made to be sent in plaintext to the entire internet, y'know10:07
rickyfingersmake sure you've got the essid right too10:07
fd0manDoes anyone have any experience with such an issue?10:07
caseyomahHow campatible is wine backed up by M$ dlls?10:07
LGKeiz-WindowsI use eth110:07
rBlong2uswhat are save values for horizontal sync?10:07
rickyfingersmy bad10:07
shwagverboxx: there is ways to do it in the GUI too, but it is going to be a long hard road if you avoid the terminal. terminal is fun. repeat after me, terminal is fun.10:07
gyaresurBlong2us, but you get my point about unfair comparisons.10:07
rickyfingersiwconfig eth1 key blahblahblah10:07
LGKeiz-WindowsLjL - I don't use it for regular password, Im not that stu[od10:07
LGKeiz-Windowsstupid *10:07
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shwagverboxx: besides...how are you ever going to admin a remote server without knowing how to use a terminal.10:07
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rBlong2usgyaresu: so what's your point?10:08
verboxxshwag: It's my work. and its really not for me, but for a co-worker10:08
rBlong2usI wanna try a different value10:08
verboxxhe doesn't know how to use terminal. he's a wintendo guy10:08
shwagverboxx: so you are just helping a friend with ubuntu ?10:08
=== fatsheep could use some help setting up a network with my windows 2000 pc
caseyomahgyaresu: Some people are used to haveing everything handed to them (M$ drivers come with hardware)10:09
rickyfingersLKG how goes the war?10:09
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fatsheepI followed the samba guide: http://www.ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=202605 but it isn't working...10:09
rickyfingersAfter you get the wep key and the essid right10:09
verboxxshwag: yep, and he doesnt speak english10:09
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LGKeiz-Windowsrickyfingers what now10:09
psusiverboxx: most of the admin type gui programs are already sudo'd10:09
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gyaresushwag gpasswd is actually used for adding users to groups. passwords are incidental. (yes you can just edit the groups file)10:09
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rickyfingersOK do iwconfig and check to make sure that the essid and wep key are correct10:10
foreverdaedanyone got some time to help me getting my already installed ubuntu to boot?10:10
shwaggyaresu: what about addgroup10:10
rickyfingersthen, if they are, do dhclient eth110:10
shwaggyaresu: and groupadd too!10:10
knappI have made a mess with the Nvidia driver install. Nvidia-settings says im using 8776, but when I try to do nvidia-install --uninstall it says there is no driver installed. When I try to reinstall it says it cannot find the kernel headers. How can I just wipe all of them out and start again? (besides reformatting)10:10
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LGKeiz-Windowsthey are10:10
rickyfingersand see if you get an ip address from the router10:10
=== caseyomah bemoans a M$ only user helping with linux issues
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LGKeiz-WindowsLike I said10:10
LGKeiz-WindowsI use network-manager10:10
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gyaresucaseyomah, Yes and they are usually out of date having been included around manufacturing. Hence virtually untested.10:10
LGKeiz-WindowsI don't use the regular functions10:10
macdo_gyaresu, no ideas to mount this rather inconsiderate (replace last words by a big bad 4 letter...) HD?10:10
verboxxshwag: I already added a user to all the root groups: disk, adm, etc, but not working10:10
shrndegruvwhere do i get gkrellm themes?10:10
rBlong2usI can tell you MF that I am not f#$# used to have everything f#$$ handed by m$$$ as I've trying to fix this flicker shit problem with Ubuntu for a about a f#@$ week now10:11
shrndegruvthere is no gkrellm-themes package10:11
psusiverboxx: what is not working?10:11
shwagverboxx: what exactly are you trying to acheive ?10:11
gyaresushwag, remembering which one adds a group and which adds a user is annoying.10:11
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LjL!language | rBlong2us, not again please10:11
uboturBlong2us, not again please: Please watch your language and keep this channel family friendly.10:11
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verboxxshwag: that a machine login automatically like root. or login like a root-alias10:11
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gyaresumacdo_, modprobe -l |grep hci10:12
rickyfingersLKG should just be properties10:12
shwagverboxx: so you are trying to get your GUI to load as root ?10:12
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rickyfingersunder network connection10:12
rickyfingersand tell it to get ip address from dhcp or automatically,10:12
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verboxxshwag: automatically, when I boot up the machine10:12
rBlong2uswhat are some save horyzontal sync for an LCD screen10:12
rickyfingersit's dhcp10:12
shwagverboxx: so you want your machine to startup with NO security ?10:12
verboxxshwag: yep. NOOOOO security, like wintendo10:12
psusiverboxx: if you want auto login, go to the security tab in the login window preferences and enable it10:12
macdo_gyaresu: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/30681/10:13
gyaresurBlong2us, try 'sudo apt-get install xserver-xorg-driver-all'10:13
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shwagverboxx: windows users dont realize that this does not make linux easier. It actually makes linux CRASH MORE. Stop now.10:13
LGKeiz-Windowsrickyfingers network connections ?!10:13
gyaresurBlong2us, then post your /etc/X11/xorg.conf file to pastebin, please.10:13
erUSULrBlong2us: horizontal and vertical sync does not have any meaning in lcd technology10:13
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ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about lcd - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi10:13
rickyfingersmy bad10:13
shwagverboxx: a horrible horrible idea. please just stop. You have no point.10:13
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caseyomahverboxx: You have to "sudo passwd" to make a password for root, then you can log into the GUI as root/password10:13
gyaresumacdo_, 'lsmod |grep hci10:14
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psusicaseyomah: no, you can not, don't tell people to do that, it's a bad idea, and it won't work10:14
LGKeiz-Windowslike I said it doesnt use it..10:14
LGKeiz-WindowsI have network-manager installed10:14
LGKeiz-Windowsit takes over10:14
rBlong2usE: Package xserver-xorg-driver-all has no installation candida10:14
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verboxxshwag: I understand the problem but my friend here doesn't understand the problem10:14
macdo_gyaresu: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/3068310:14
rickyfingersjeez...I don't use network manager.10:14
psusiverbooxx: I told you, to enable auto login, open the login window preferances and go to the seurity tab10:15
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LGKeiz-Windowshow do you unload something10:15
caseyomahpsusi: X/Gnome/KDE won't let you login as root?10:15
rickyfingersso you don't even have access to that "control panel" that I'm talking about?10:15
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psusicaseyomah: of course not10:15
verboxxpsusi: ok, thanx10:15
gyaresu!repos > rBlong2us10:15
LGKeiz-Windowsrickyfinger - I'll unload network-manager - but how do I unload it10:15
rBlong2userUSUL: so what10:15
rickyfingersDoes it run as a service?10:15
gyaresurBlong2us, It's a candidate alright.10:16
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warkruidLGKeiz-Windows: Modules?10:16
rickyfingersI'm getting far afield here10:16
LGKeiz-Windowsit automatically starts when ubuntu runs10:16
psusiand for system recovery purposes, you don't want a root password... that way you can't forget it and get stuck trying to boot into recovery mode10:16
rBlong2userUSUL: so what can I tweak?10:16
=== Kannix [n=jens@xdsl-87-78-250-161.netcologne.de] has joined #ubuntu
shwagverboxx: well thats what friends are for10:17
rBlong2usby the way shouldn't Ubuntu be called Gubuntu like Kubuntu?10:17
caseyomahpsusi: I know that it's totally WRONG from a *nix view, but logging in as root from tty works, X doesn't?10:17
shwagverboxx: just because your friend is ... , doesn't mean you have to waste our time.10:17
rickyfingersI'm still at a loss, you don't have access to what I'm talking about, the networking control under System10:17
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psusicaseyomah: root can log in on the text ttys, yes... but not to X10:17
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rBlong2usgyaresu: what is a candidate alright?10:17
psusicaseyomah: or remote services like telnet10:17
rickyfingersLike where it says "System" at the top of the screen?10:17
warkruidLGKeiz-Windows: Worst case... open a terminal. sudo -i, ps -ef |grep <name>, kill -9 <pid>10:17
gyaresurBlong2us, silly name for a 'package'10:17
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KannixrBlong2us: because Kubuntu is Ubuntu with KDE as default Desktop, not Gnome, as it should be :)10:17
gyaresurBlong2us, that package is a 'meta' package as it includes all the xorg drivers.10:18
LGKeiz-Windowsrickyfingers I do, but like I've been trying to say 100 times network-manager takes over10:18
rBlong2usKannix: that's what I am saying Kubuntu, Xubuntu therefore Gubuntu10:18
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gyaresurBlong2us, how are you going with your repos?10:18
LjL!offtopic | rBlong2us, Kannix10:18
uboturBlong2us, Kannix: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, #ubuntu+1 supports the development version of Ubuntu and #ubuntu-offtopic is for random chatter. Welcome!10:18
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KannixrBlong2us: No, Ubuntu was there first.10:18
erUSULrBlong2us: what is exactly your problem? try 'sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg' and reconfigure the xserver10:19
gyaresurBlong2us, do you want help or not?10:19
rBlong2usfor fluxbox Fubuntu10:19
rickyfingersLKG can you do ifconfig eth1 and see if it's got an IP or what?10:19
rBlong2usfor e17 Ebuntu10:19
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rickyfingersalso look for a line 4, should start with UP10:19
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rBlong2usor e17buntu10:19
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timo90How do i set this pc runnig ubuntu for internet conection shearing -the modem is connected to thsi pc.10:20
gyaresuerUSUL, rBlong2us Let's just make sure the right drivers are in first.10:20
LjLrBlong2us, i think we got the idea. #ubuntu-offtopic please10:20
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timo90how do i set it up as the gateway10:20
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rBlong2ussoo.. dpkg reconfigure for the thousandth time now?10:20
gyaresumacdo_, I can't think of why it's not finding it. You are trying in the back usb ports right?10:20
rickyfingerstimo90 easiest way if you're talking about using ubuntu as a gateway10:20
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LjLtimo90, you need iptables.10:20
rBlong2usI have a sis video card10:20
rickyfingersis use firestarter10:20
Nukedhow can I build a .deb without checkinstall10:21
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LGKeiz-Windowsrickyfingers - no..10:21
LjLNuked: by following the debian package mantainers howto10:21
LGKeiz-Windowshow do you connect to a network10:21
gyaresurBlong2us, Take a deep breath... Now. I've offered to help, will you accept?10:21
timo90LjL:Hi , how do i set these up.10:21
rBlong2usWHY ME!!! :-(10:21
rBlong2usgyaresu: yes I do...10:22
timo90rickyfingers:i want ubuntu as gateway. :-D10:22
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NukedLjL, do I detect a negative connotation there?10:22
rickyfingersOK if you've got a command prompt just do sudo dhclient eth110:22
rBlong2usgyaresu: so what next?10:22
rickyfingersthat'll tell you if you're able to get an IP from your router10:22
LjLNuked: i'm implying it's not terribly easy, yes10:22
rBlong2usgyaresu: I've even disabled RI10:22
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rickyfingerstimo just use firestarter then10:22
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macdo_gyaresu: yup, and I've tried in several different ports, just in case10:22
LGKeiz-Windowssec im removing network-manager10:22
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gyaresurBlong2us, so 'sudo apt-cache search xserver |grep sis'10:22
rickyfingersif you want to learn more read up on iptables10:22
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LjLtimo90: tell me more about the setup you have10:23
rickyfingersyou can install firestarter using synaptic package manager10:23
timo90how can i edit the iptables ?10:23
rBlong2usgyaresu: what I suspect it might be is the framebuffer driver for which X sis driver needs to work, I think10:23
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foreverdaedanyone got some time to help me getting my already installed ubuntu to boot?10:23
BadKittyhow do I get things like a clock and stuff on my dekstop?10:23
rickyfingerstimo, if iptables are unfamilar to you10:23
LjLtimo90: iptables is a command, you don't edit it10:23
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rickyfingersyou really need to spend time reading about it first10:23
lk11mnpsusi: k, i rebooted, and installed the new dmraid, and it activated the 2 raw raid disks into mapper10:23
LGKeiz-Windowsok ricky now what10:23
LGKeiz-Windowsit's doing stuff10:23
gyaresurBlong2us, so you have xserver-xorg-driver-sis ?10:23
rBlong2usxserver-xorg-video-sis - X.Org X server -- SiS display driver10:23
rBlong2usxserver-xorg-video-sisusb - X.Org X server -- SiS USB display driver10:23
rickyfingersShould say something about success10:24
rBlong2usgyaresu: yeah the latest one10:24
rickyfingersIf it says sending dhcp request a bunch of times10:24
CoolIm a n00b, can anybody help me?10:24
rickyfingersIt's not talking to the router10:24
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psusilk11mn: crap?  it still put them in /dev/mapper?10:24
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deny_with what cool?10:24
LGKeiz-WindowsNo DHCPOFFERS received10:24
BadKittyWhats up Cool?10:24
BadKittyIm noob to but maybe I can help?10:24
ozzicleLGKeiz-Windows, are you having a dns problem too?10:24
timo90LjL:i had ubuntu 64 bit, didnt like it now im gone to 32 bit, i had 64 bit network working great, they other computer still has the same settings ip,dns,gateway10:24
gyaresurBlong2us, Do you know what monitor you are using?10:24
lk11mnpsusi: so i did dmraid -an to deactivate them, and then dmraid -ay sil to bring up the sil, but nope, also i check in /dev and there's no sign of any of the partitions10:24
justintime32Cool: what do you need help with10:24
rickyfingersMy bad10:25
BadKittyI had problems with ubuntu 64.. 43bit is rockin10:25
LGKeiz-Windowsozzicle - I don't know..10:25
rBlong2usgyaresu: if this could give a clue, running puppyOS on the same computer off ram DOES NOT give the flicker shit issues10:25
lk11mnwell no, i cant find the partitions now psusi10:25
gyaresurBlong2us, 17" LCD or soemthing.10:25
shrndegruvhow do i make mplayer play stuff i click on in firefox?10:25
rickyfingersif it keeps saying DHCPDISCOVER on eth110:25
eidoswhat i love about Linux - on upgrading to 6.10, it asked me if i wanted to replace or keep a file - had no idea but had an option to display the differences in the file being replaced :)10:25
shrndegruvkeeps trying to open totem10:25
rBlong2usgyaresu: yeah a Gateway10:25
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CoolIm trying to boot ubuntu, but it always shows me this error about Graphic X or something10:25
rickyfingersa bunch of times, it's not talking to the router10:25
eidosi have totem too, what is that10:25
psusilk11mn: hrm.... crap... let me look at the code some more10:25
justintime32Cool: do you get a blue screen that says "Cannot start the X server..."10:25
rickyfingersit should be relatively quick10:25
skreetis edgy going to have 2.16 in it, or do we have to wait for the next release?10:25
rBlong2usgyaresu: nope a 15" fpd 1500 Gateway10:25
lk11mnpsusi: also if i try to do anything other than -h with dmraid it just brings me to the next line in the terminal, and stays there10:25
rickyfingerssome other things to try10:26
ozzicleWell I keep getting that DHCPDISCOVER thing, only my connection is fine, it keeps switching the dns servers to something local like 192, so I switch them back to my ISP's and it works fine, but it seems to autoswitch them back to the local ones10:26
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ozzicleAny ideas on that?10:26
gyaresurBlong2us, So can you get a copy of the puppy xorg.conf? Then set your monitor to those resolutions in your ubuntu xorg?10:26
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BadKittyCool: Is it after you installed something, or for the first time?Or your running from CD?10:26
timo90LjL: what commands to edit the iptable10:26
Coolrunning from cd10:26
LjLtimo90, i was asking about your *network* setup. anyway, you're saying it worked great previously...? how, exactly?10:26
rBlong2usgyaresu: I did that and I did by manually changing Xorg10:26
Coolfirst time10:26
rickyfingerstimo, man iptables10:26
LjLtimo90: as i just said, iptables *is* a command.10:26
justintime32Cool: do you  have an ATI card?10:26
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Coolyes. 64 bit10:26
gyaresutimo90, you may want to read the netfilter.org manual.10:26
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BadKittyHmmm.. thats weird... what kind of graphic card do you have and what kind of monitor10:27
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lk11mnpsusi:  i'll reboot and try again - lol just is there any way i can keep xchat instead of installing it everytime :p (i guess its the nature of the beast)10:27
BadKittyAhh Ati......10:27
rBlong2usgyaresu: and xorg in Ubuntu detects the same10:27
Coola8n-e and radeon x800GTO10:27
jmhodgesanyone know why totem-gstreamer can't play the audio in Quicktime movies (totem-xine just throws a fit about codecs) even though MPlayer plays it fine?10:27
gyaresu!iptables > timo90,10:27
justintime32Cool: I've had this problem before with ATI cards. To get it working, I had to edit the file "/etc/X11/xorg.conf" and change the driver from "ati" or whatever it is to "vesa"10:27
rickyfingersLKG I'm confused about where you're at,10:27
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foreverdaedanyone got some time to help me getting my already installed ubuntu to boot?10:27
timo90i just done a nano iptables and it woked i think10:27
psusilk11mn: I dobt that will help10:27
psusilk11mn: I am sure I screwed it up...10:28
rickyfingersis sudo dhclient eth1 hanging on DHCPDISCOVER10:28
gyaresurBlong2us, so could you pastebin your xorg.conf please.10:28
Coolwhere is this file?10:28
rickyfingersor does it go all the way through10:28
BadKittyjustintime.. but if he is booting from the CD he cant do that10:28
ubotuUbuntu, like any other linux distribution, has firewall capabilities built-in. The firewall is managed using the 'iptables' command (see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/IptablesHowTo), or GUI applications such as Firestarter (Gnome) or Guarddog (KDE).10:28
rickyfingersthe way to control dns is10:28
gyaresuforeverdaed, what's it (not) doing?10:28
justintime32Cool: when the CD boots up, you have to get to the command line10:28
rickyfingersby editing /etc/resolv.conf10:28
LGKeiz-WindowsI just installed Wifi-Radar10:28
LGKeiz-WindowsIt said10:28
LGKeiz-Windowscould not get ip address10:28
justintime32Cool: the file is /etc/X11/xorg.conf10:28
Coolhow dio i do that?10:28
LGKeiz-Windowsrickyfingers It said could not get ip address o_o;10:28
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justintime32Cool: hang on a sec, let me get a command for you10:29
rickyfingersOK then we're back to troubleshooting10:29
rickyfingerswireless settings10:29
rickyfingersessid, wep key10:29
Pelonote to self do not open up your kb unless you have a replacement handy10:29
rickyfingersyou can also set the rate iwconfig eth1 rate 1110:29
DuesentriebHey guys. I'm really frustrated with dapper on my new laptop. Hardware support is more than flacky - i have no sound, redraw artefacts in gnome apps (firefox hardly usable), acpi doesn't wuite work, etc.10:29
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rickyfingerssometime's I've had to do that to "wake" a wireless nic up10:29
Duesentriebso, what shall I do? try edgy? or is that likely to make things worse?10:29
rickyfingersalso the mode10:29
timo90i gues since its a firewall i must just type in the ipadress i.e 168.192.01 gateway DNS blah blah10:29
gyaresuDuesentrieb, Yes.10:29
rickyfingersiwconfig eth1 mode managed/ad-hoc/access-point10:30
gyaresuDuesentrieb, Can't get any worse by the sound of it.10:30
rickyfingersare some other things to mess with10:30
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lk11mnpsusi: k, well it loads the raw raid disks into dev/mapper/ but there's no sign of the partitions, not in mapper or dev/   - k well i'll hang around here for a while - i wont try the bootstrap thing coz you'll need someone to test this out :p (lol that's my excuse anyway)10:30
psusilk11mn: can you run dmraid -ay -vvvv and pastebin the output?10:30
gyaresutimo90, is that a question?10:30
Duesentriebgyaresu: well, ok, but is it likely to help? And how would i get a clean migration to edgy?...10:30
PeloDuesentrieb,  check out the forum for your laptop model first,  maybe there is some info for your hardware10:31
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gyaresu!upgrade > Duesentrieb10:31
PeloDuesentrieb,  the only clean migration to edgy is a clean install from cd10:31
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timo90Chain INPUT (policy ACCEPT)10:31
timo90target     prot opt source               destination              MAN THIS IS HARD10:31
DuesentriebPelo: which will cost me a week of development time, effectively. not an option right now.10:31
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LjLPelo, upgrading is supported AFAIK10:32
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rickyfingerstimo90 to get started10:32
foreverdaedgyaresu, and ideas on my boot problems?10:32
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rickyfingersjust put two nics in your system10:32
lk11mnpsusi:  with -vvvv this is all i get (it's not big i'm sure noone will even notice) WARN: locking /var/lock/dmraid/.lock - there... i think i got away with it!10:32
rickyfingersand run firefox10:32
PeloDuesentrieb,  you can back up your home folder and save all your settings and crap10:32
rickyfingersthen do sudo iptables -L10:32
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rickyfingersnot firefox10:32
rickyfingersmy bad10:32
varianttimo90: yeah, iptables takes a bit of getting used to, if this is not a headless server you might want to try gaurddog10:32
gyaresuPelo, Duesentrieb Huh? Only clean migration? No. Just change the dapper's to edgy's in sources.list and update/upgrade10:32
rickyfingersdo iptables -L10:32
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rickyfingersand that's a good place to start looking at iptables rules10:32
BadKittysorry was AFK...10:32
rickyfingersto implement a decent firewall/gateway10:33
gyaresuforeverdaed, Can you tell me what's happening (i can't see any posts by you)10:33
varianttimo90: its a non easy gui interface to iptables but it is easyer that the command line (unless your familiar with the iptables commands that is :))10:33
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Pelogyaresu,  that didn'T work well for me10:33
BadKittyCool, did he get it for you?10:33
foreverdaedgyaresu, link didnt work?10:33
rickyfingersYou'll be banging your head against a monitor for a while doing writing the rules10:33
Pelogyaresu,  and for most ppl that I have heard10:33
timo90Were is POVadcct when you need him :(10:33
rickyfingersby yourself.10:33
Coolhes checking something i think10:33
lk11mnpsusi: that was sudo dmraid -ay -vvvv (maybe i'll reinstall dmraid, it's like the command has hung or something - i'm not sure how to describe it)10:33
rBlong2usgyaresu: http://pastebin.com/82001610:33
gyaresuforeverdaed, post again please10:33
Coolhe's getting a command10:34
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rBlong2usthat's the pastebin for my xorg10:34
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BadKittyIf Cool is booting from the CD can he change the xorg.conf file??10:34
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psusilk11mn: give me a few... I'm tracking down the problem now... hacking deep through the source10:34
foreverdaedok so first off i have xp installed10:34
foreverdaedi have a newer system(xp to xp/Suse to xp/vista to XP/mandrivia to xp/ubuntu(not working))10:34
foreverdaedi havent ever really found a distro i liked untill ubuntu, thats why i have used so many but am still a noob10:34
foreverdaedlivecd works great install says it finishes but it never boots10:34
foreverdaedeverything else has worked except for xp/ubuntu10:34
timo90 variant:i should have saved my iptables from the 64bit install10:34
foreverdaedeverytime i reinstall xp continues to boot no grub screen comes up10:34
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foreverdaedi have tried reinstalling the grub to /boot (was on hda0,1)10:34
foreverdaedtried the super grub disk10:34
foreverdaedlooking for some basic steps to start over or maybe a few tips10:34
foreverdaed30 gb or so free for partitioning,--- for now 1.2 gb swap, 10gb root and 19.2 gb usr10:34
rickyfingersif he is, he can edit /etc/X11/xorg.conf10:34
LGKeiz-Windows YAY10:34
foreverdaedthanks for the help10:34
LGKeiz-WindowsI FIXED10:34
rickyfingerswhat was it?10:34
macdo_gyaresu: do you reckon that a clean edgy reinstall would help?10:34
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rickyfingersafter booting off the CD10:35
ubbutntAzureus has popped up a warning window abot not shutting down properly!  but now I cant close the warning window!  How can I close it from CLI?10:35
justintime32Cool: I'm sending you a PM, answer it10:35
morphishforeverdaed: you would install grub to hd0 not hd0,1 usually (hd0) would be mbr10:35
miahi all, what do i ahve to do to be able to play xvids and divxs in kubuntu?  imk not finding any codecs in my repos10:35
rickyfingersand restart the X server with ctrl-alt-backspace10:35
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miaim using amd64.  is that why i dont have libxine-extracodecs10:35
LGKeiz-Windowsrickyfingers - Used Wifi-radar, changed the channel to 7, mode managed, and entered password, with WEP and it worked10:35
BadKittyrickyfingers, ok so what is the text editor for the cp10:35
=== LGKeiz-Windows moans
Duesentriebgyaresu: ok, that gives me an upgrade, but i wonder about "clean"... especially with hand-compiled stuff on the machine. Well, not much, just the asla stuff which I tried to get working, without success.10:35
macdo_gyaresu: because otherwise it's a clean Dapper reinstall, dammit!10:35
gyaresumacdo_, Shouldn't need to. But I can't think of options at the moment.10:35
Duesentrieb.oO(this channel is way to noisy)10:35
foreverdaedmorphish, tried that first10:35
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rickyfingersBadKity cp=command prompt10:35
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rickyfingersbut if you've got some gui running10:36
gyaresuDuesentrieb, Hand compiled? Like what?10:36
rickyfingersyou could just use gedit10:36
ubbutntanyone know how I can close a warning window?10:36
Duesentriebgyaresu: like configure && make && make install10:36
morphishforeverdaed: you  have to "root (hd0,1)" then "setup (hd0)"   (if you run grub yourself10:36
BadKittyright that is what I use, but he doesn't have it cause his X is crashing10:36
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macdo_gyaresu: the external drive has *all* my data on it, and i sort of need it...10:36
FordPrefecthey does anyone know where I can get an ogg rendering (hopefully in the clear) that sounds like sosumi from the mak?10:36
FordPrefectmak = mac10:36
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rickyfingersthen vi, or joe10:36
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rickyfingersjoe might be easier10:36
gyaresumacdo_, of course.10:36
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SoftIcehi can somebody tell me if I have 3 ips binding to eth0 does mrtg read each individuals ip traffic or just that of eth0 ?10:37
rickyfingersbut I don't think joe comes with ubuntu by default10:37
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rickyfingersvi is always there10:37
CoolIm trying to boot ubuntu, but it always shows me this error about Graphic X or something10:37
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LGKeiz-Ubuntuit worked10:37
LGKeiz-UbuntuIm on10:37
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rickyfingersbut it can be a bit of a pain to use if you're not used to it10:37
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rickyfingersbut there's always, man vi10:37
foreverdaedmorph, no idea how to run grubmyself, i went into it and tried a couple tutorials online and nothing seemed to work10:37
Cooldoes anybody know what that means?10:37
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rBlong2usgyaresu: are you here? :'-(10:37
BadKittyCool, Im not sure what the command is but you want to navigate to /etc/X11 and then edit xorg.conf10:37
rickyfingersfirst, cp xorg.conf xorg.conf.bak10:38
BadKitty(I've never tried VI only gedit)10:38
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rickyfingersthen man vi10:38
BadKittyGood idea ricky10:38
rickyfingersif you don't know how to use vi10:38
shwagAnyone use Ekiga ?10:38
rickyfingersalso, you know you have several virtual consoles10:38
BadKittyYou got that Cool?10:38
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StarQuakeshwag, i tried a few times10:38
gyaresurBlong2us, my dxorg.conf has horizsync 28-51 && and vertrefresh 43-60 for my 12" laptop.10:38
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lk11mnpsusi: I hope you have a high resolution gfx card with 3 displays and a 2gbps fibre optic line. i saw a film once (swordfish) and the guy needed that stuff to hack into a bank!10:38
LjLBadKitty: why not use nano? it's quite friendly10:38
rickyfingersuse alt-f<n>10:38
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berkes__does anyone know a nice comand to find out what user certain process runs as?10:38
rickyfingersyes, nano would be a much better choice10:38
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rickyfingersdidn't think about that one10:39
BadKittyOh yah nano10:39
BadKittyI used that once10:39
LGKeiz-Ubuntuwhat should I use for make?10:39
Cooldo i go via cp?10:39
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StarQuakeberkes__, run 'ps aux'10:39
rickyfingersmake is just a command you put in the command prompt10:39
pgmhello, i got some probs with my ISA network card, xubuntu cant detect it? Is there any support for ISA cards in xubuntu, or do I have to configure them manually?10:39
StarQuakeberkes__, or try 'ps aux | grep process'10:39
SkyrailAnyone know why transferring of files from MSN to Gaim is so slow? its driving me around the bend10:39
pgmrickfingers: yes10:39
psusilk11mn: rofl10:39
rickyfingersmight want to consider shelling out 20$ for a pci10:39
BadKittyso would it be sudo nano xorg.conf??10:39
rickyfingersyes nano xorg.conf10:40
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LjLBadKitty: unless you're already in the right dir, it's sudo nano /etc/X11/xorg.conf10:40
StarQuakeBadKitty, try nano -w xorg.conf10:40
Coolwhat is sudo nano?10:40
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rickyfingersbut please do cp xorg.conf xorg.conf.bak10:40
pgmrickfingers: so ubuntu doesnt support ISA?10:40
rickyfingersI don't know.10:40
KradarKi know problem in gnome panel crash?????????????????'10:40
BadKittyStrQuake, thanks this is for Cool actualy :-)10:40
pgmok thx10:40
Skyrail2.30kb/s is way to slow back on windows it used to be at least 50kb/s and I've downloaded files that fast before on Linux but not through MSN to Gaim...any ideas?10:40
rickyfingersI'm just thinking that pci nics are pretty cheap these days10:40
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LGKeiz-Ubunturickyfingers what should I use to compile programs10:40
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=== mode/#ubuntu [+b %*!*@] by LjL
rickyfingersLKG that depends on the language10:41
rickyfingersthe program is written on10:41
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StarQuakeSkyrail, gaim is not that good10:41
BadKittysudo is a command that lets gives you root authority (is that the best way of saying that) so you can make changes to your files, nano is the editing program10:41
StarQuakeSkyrail, with file transfers that is10:41
PFAi just gave my little brother an ubuntu account. how do i give him permission to get into Synaptic?10:41
StarQuakeSkyrail, you run dapper or edgy?10:41
rickyfingersIs it .tar.gz source tree you downloaded10:41
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LGKeiz-Ubuntubuild-estional or however you spell it10:41
rickyfingersand decompressed10:41
SkyrailStarQuake: er...6.06 lol I'm not too sure which one that is heh, what should I use instead?10:42
CHR1SixHey - does anyone here know much about ubuntu netinstall ?10:42
=== mode/#ubuntu [-b %*!*@] by LjL
rickyfingerswith like tar -xvzf program-name.tar.gz?10:42
CoolI am a newb on cp too actually, so i dont know what to type or anything10:42
=== mode/#ubuntu [-o LjL] by LjL
gyaresuLGKeiz-Ubuntu, build-essential10:42
berkes__StarQuake: yea, problem is, I need to use it in another command, to be precise in chown10:42
PFAi just gave my little brother an ubuntu account. how do i give him permission to get into Synaptic?10:42
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LGKeiz-Ubuntugyaresu is that good for compiling?10:42
LjLPFA: you make him a member of the admin group10:42
gyaresuLGKeiz-Ubuntu, essential10:42
Duesentriebhm, i found this page that seems to be about my autio problem, but it's in spanisch... can anyone help with that?10:42
PFALjL: thank you10:42
StarQuakeSkyrail, well 6.06 has gaim 1.* and 6.10 has gaim 2.* which has better support for file transfers10:42
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BadKittyat cp type: sudo nano /etc/X11/xorg.conf10:43
LjLPFA: that means he can get root as he pleases, though10:43
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CHR1SixDuesen, try going to http://babelfish.altavista.com/ and translating it10:43
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StarQuakeSkyrail, to upgrade try running 'sudo update-manager -c'10:43
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SkyrailStarQuake: oh ok, well I can't get 6.10 so heh :( can I get 2.* on 6.06?10:43
StarQuakeSkyrail, it takes a while10:43
KradarKhelp.. exist upgrade ubuntu dapper --> edgy from cd edgy???10:43
rickyfingersWow.  This channel is really addictive. I've got to say good night everyone.10:43
=== AlinuxOS [n=AlinuxOS@d83-184-203-250.cust.tele2.it] has joined #ubuntu
rickyfingersIt's been real.10:43
BadKittyWhy cant you get Edgy/10:43
CHR1SixIs there anyone who can assist with some netinstall issues?10:43
gyaresuDuesentrieb,  http://babelfish.altavista.com/10:43
KradarKuse cd edgy?10:43
StarQuakerickyfingers, good night ;)10:43
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BadKittyNight Ricky10:44
rickyfingersLKG when you ask about compiling programs,10:44
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rickyfingerswhat kind of programs do you mean you're wanting to compile?10:44
rickyfingersYou want to learn some programming skillz10:44
rickyfingersgo with gcc10:44
BadKittywhats gcc10:44
Cooldoesnt work10:44
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rickyfingersthat's the gnu c compile10:44
SkyrailStarQuake: well it looks like I've started upgrading to 6.10 heh, will I lose all my stuff? not that I have alot on here...but10:44
LandonHey all, anyone know a good software for mixing music in ubuntu?10:45
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rickyfingersYou can have a lot of *fun* lmastering that beast10:45
AlinuxOS###Hello All,### the program that I'm compiling asked me: "checking for libxml-2.0 gtk+-2.0... configure: error: Cannot find GTK modules, stopping build!                  Please Install GTK+ package to continue. See www.gtk.org.10:45
AlinuxOS", I'm using Edgy, can someone tell me which packages should I install ?10:45
StarQuakeSkyrail, probably not, but there is a teensy weensy possibility10:45
rBlong2usis there a reason why do I get recursively up to 23 Firefox windows opened?10:45
Duesentriebgyaresu: hehe - the fish dies on this page. code 157 :P10:45
Duesentriebi'm out of luck today :(10:45
ifireball!audacity | Landon10:45
gyaresuDuesentrieb, wow.10:45
ubotuaudacity: A fast, cross-platform audio editor. In component universe, is optional. Version 1.2.4b-2.1ubuntu1 (edgy), package size 1850 kB, installed size 5444 kB10:45
BadKittyCool can you answer your PM?10:45
SkyrailStarQuake: ok well I'm not too bothered, mainly bookmarks and favorites all of which found via google, er..a few files nothing that essential10:45
CoolPM? whats that?10:45
|rt|Landon: depends on your needs10:45
BadKittyPrivate Message10:45
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Coolsorry about my noobidity10:46
LjLAlinuxOS: install libxml2-dev and libgtk2.0-dev10:46
ifireballLandon: audacity10:46
BadKittyIt's Cool10:46
StarQuakeSkyrail, don't know if you come from a land called windows. But upgrading actually works as you would want10:46
|rt|Landon: audacity is ok if your needs are pretty simple10:46
rickyfingersOK schiezer...I said I had to go to bed, now I'm really going to do it.10:46
Landonifireball | rt |: I tried Audacity, and it doesn't really work very well10:46
StarQuakeSkyrail, all programs get upgraded too10:46
rickyfingersnight alles10:46
Landon|rt|: I need something a little better10:46
wweaselI dunno, I like Audacity quite alot personally.10:46
JohnM555Hello, I have my wireless driver installed with ndiswrapper, but I'm not sure how to set up the wireless connection with wep using iwconfig and ifconfig. I've tried changing the essid, channel, key, etc, but I don't know what to do after that, I don't even know if I'm doing this to the right interface. I have looked at so many websites its all just starting to blend together. Could anyone help me?10:46
gyaresuLandon, wweasel ifireball ardour10:47
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BadKittyJohn: What card are you using?10:47
JohnM555Netgear WG12110:47
morphishJohnM555: iwconfig, this will list all interfaces with wireless extensions, only configure those that have those10:47
Coolhow do i answer PM?10:47
JohnM555I did that10:47
BadKittyUbuntu 6.10?10:47
CHR1SixAnyone able to help with a netinstall problem? I have the server working fine except it connects to archive.ubuntu.com before it connects to my local mirror. This is resulting in some package resolution problems. Everything works perfectly if i disconnect my network from the internet and it's pretty frustrating.10:47
variantLandon: ardour baudline easytag jamin jokosher keykit linuxsampler muse noteedit rezound rosegarden seq24 snd sweep timemachines10:47
AlinuxOSLjL, thank you bro.10:47
SoftIcehi can somebody tell me if I have 3 ips binding to eth0 does mrtg read each individuals ip traffic or just that of eth0 ?10:48
variantCool: you cant, you have to be registered on freenode with your nick10:48
BadKittyCool I messaged you there should be a tab that says my name on it10:48
wweaselJohnM555: Have you heard of network-manager? I know many people use it, as it tends to simplify using a wireless card10:48
JohnM555morphish: I did that, but how am I supposed to know which one is correct?10:48
LandonThanks variant10:48
|rt|Landon: ardour is a bit more robust10:48
SkyrailStarQuake: yeah I've just seen the file size then, too big for now anyway, maybe on a Saturday but not now :( maybe just the upgrades not the new ubuntu version10:48
Landon|rt|: I'll try that one10:48
JohnM555wweasel: I was just looking at that, but I was having trouble compiling it, I'm new to linux10:48
CHR1Sixso i take it no one here knows how to setup netinstall servers? :P10:48
variantSoftIce: afaik, it is interface based, you can probably configure it by ip though10:48
CoolI have messaged you to, botnot recieved one10:48
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wweaselJohnM555: No need to compile, it should be in the repos. You're using Edgy, right?10:48
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|rt|Landon: check it's web page first to see if it's something you need....something in that list that variant just gave you may be somewhere in between10:49
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JohnM555wweasel: yes, I am, whats repos?10:49
Landon|rt|: Thanks, I'll do that then10:49
BadKittyJohn, you shouldn't have to use ndiswrapper for edgy to use your card... I have the same one10:49
BadKittyI just had to enter my essid and the WEP key10:49
JohnM555BadKitty: you're kidding :\10:49
BadKittyBadda-Bing, Badda-Boom10:49
lk11mnpsusi: i'ma reboot now, coz i'll prolly need to anyway (and reinstalling dmraid didnt go as plant - the installer is hung and i cant play with synaptic) so i'll brb10:49
wweaselBadKitty: I am not saying he has to, but it could well be easier10:50
SkyrailStarQuake: last time I upgraded the desktop wouldn't load, what would I do if this happen again?10:50
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wweaselJohnM555: Almost all packages you will ever need will be in the official ubuntu repositories (repos). You can access them via Synaptic, or apt-get in the terminal10:50
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variantLandon: you might want to check out rosegarden, its pretty advanced features10:50
JohnM555wweasel: but do I need to be on the internet for those to work?10:50
CHR1Sixwweasel, don't forget to tell him to enable the universe repo then. :P10:50
BadKittyWait, my card is a little different10:50
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JohnM555universe repo?10:51
wweaselJohnM555: Right...need internet connection. Any chance you can plug in via ethernet?10:51
BadKittyBut seriously I had so many problems with my linksys card, I got a netgear and it works just fine10:51
mortal5how do i make aptitude match whole words?10:51
wweaselCHR1Six: getting there :P10:51
morphishJohan666: uh, there should only one listed, the rest should say stuff like "eth0      no wireless extensions."10:51
JohnM555wweasel: no, thats why I need wireless. I'm on my laptop now10:51
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BadKittyCool: hmmmmm10:51
CHR1SixAh, sorry to jump ahead. :)10:51
BadKittyI guess we register....10:51
arthurschi can someone help me with adding the following line to rc.local so I can get my wifi LED working the line I need to add is  echo 1 > /sys/bus/pci/drivers/ipw2200/0000:02:03.0/led but not sure where to add it.10:51
JohnM555morphish: let me check again10:51
CHR1SixSo... is there anyone here that can help with a netinstall issue or not really? Sadly the ubuntu forums are lacking in this one too10:51
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morphisharthurb: anywhere in rc.local10:52
baastruphi, my laptop dies now and then, looks like a heating problem, its a intel centrino duo core 2, and the  gnome sensor applet says the the cpu is like 98 C10:52
JohnM555for eth2 it lists things, and for ath0 it lists things10:52
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variantarthursc: run that command dont add it to anything, the echo 1 > /path/to/file will "echo" the digit 1 in the the file10:52
MrKeunerhi, does anybody use mpd with ubuntu here?10:52
baastrupbut my cpu fan issent doing anything10:52
wweaselJohnM555: Hmmm...well, you could probably get a network-manager deb to your main computer via USB Key or whatever, but that shouldn't be necessary. It should work without network-manager, it just simplifies things.10:52
morphishJohan666: do you have something in your pcmcia slot? and something built in?10:53
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JohnM555I actually have two wireless cards, but with windows my netgear(actually a usb) gets better connection10:53
MrKeunerI cannot get my music directory read by mpd with ubuntu built binaries10:53
JohnM555I think the network-manager is what I need but I didnt find a deb for it10:53
JohnM555I just found a tar.gz10:53
variantarthursc: as an example, in gnome-terminal type echo "hello" and press return10:53
SkyrailStarQuake: ? I can't upgrade until I know waht I'm doing otherwise I'll mess it all up again10:53
morphishJohnM555: check dmesg which is which10:53
BadKittyyah download that john10:53
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cafuego_JohnM555: network-manager-gnome is in ubuntu10:53
MrKeunerJohnM555: ddid you enable additional repositories universe and multiverse?10:53
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Duesentriebgyaresu: ok, swicthed all sources.list entries to edgy and trying an upgrade - if it fails, i'll blame it all on you :)10:53
cafuego_don't be messing with tarballs10:53
variantarthursc: you can redirect the output to a file with the ">" symbol (its called greaterthan)10:53
JohnM555morphish: dmesg?10:53
gyaresuDuesentrieb, Yep :)10:54
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rBlong2usI get this error10:54
JohnM555Oh, and I have been transfering things via usb10:54
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morphishJohan666: in your terminal type 'dmesg | more'10:54
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variantarthursc: if you want to _add_ to a file rather than replace whatever is allready there you have to use >>10:54
rBlong2us[ 2842.754898]  atkbd.c: Use 'setkeycodes 62 <keycode>' to make it known.10:54
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BadKittyhold on10:54
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wweaselJohnM555: Nope, network-manager is not necessary. And morphish is on the right track with "iwconfig"10:54
variantarthursc: you get that?10:54
morphishJohnM555:  in your terminal type 'dmesg | more'10:54
rBlong2us[ 2842.737821]  atkbd.c: Use 'setkeycodes 62 <keycode>' to make it known.10:54
rBlong2us[ 2842.754882]  atkbd.c: Unknown key released (translated set 2, code 0x62 on isa0060/serio0).10:54
arthurscVARIANT from terminal window I get permission denied even if I sudo the command. sorry for shouting10:54
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JohnM555morphish: I did, it lists a lot of stuff10:54
wweaselmorphish: Why do you use more instead of less?10:55
gyaresu!hi > T0aD10:55
morphishJohnM555: that should show what got found and what device it is hopefully10:55
JohnM555morphish: what exactly am I looking for?10:55
T0aDhow do you make a ramdisk on a kernel < 2.6.15 ?10:55
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morphishwweasel: *shrug* why not?10:55
T0aDmkinitramfs complains it want a kernel > 2.6.15 for udev10:55
motingnome won't respond, so I am in text-mode using ircII here.10:55
wweasellol :)10:55
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motinwhat do one do? cpu usage is not high - so gnome shouldnt be occupied - it just wont respond10:55
variantarthursc: in irc type va and press the tab key :)10:55
tRSS i want to be able to connect to existing bash session. e.g. I want to be able to ssh into machine from a remote location and then somehow connect to my existing shell running locally to, may be, able to check status of yum? how do I do that?10:55
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gyaresuT0aD, Any reason you can't get the latest kernel?10:56
T0aDgyaresu, i need a custom kernel10:56
JohnM555Its way too much stuff for me to look at when I don't know what I'm looking for10:56
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T0aDIm using a vanilla 2.6.12 kernel for some clustering software10:56
variantarthursc: lol10:56
Duesentriebgyaresu: err- 38 packages will be removed. These include eclipse,  kdelibs-bin, kubuntu-desktop, ubuntu-desktop, x-window-system-core, xserver-xorg.... can that be right? it sounds *very* scary.10:56
variantarthursc: what irc program are you using?10:56
eidoshow do i make a binary file on linux clickable to run?  properties say it can be executed, and it looks like a gear10:56
T0aDproblem is I have issues booting cause ramdisk aint good (im using LVM + RAID)10:56
JohnM555I'm going to look for a network-manager deb10:56
morphishT0aD:  Linux demogorgon 2.6.19-rc4-git12 #1 Wed Nov 8 02:10:33 CST 2006 i686 GNU/Linux w/o a initramfs/initrd though (the splash alone wasn't worth it)10:56
motinit is always like this - nobody responds because the message is drowned in all conversation10:57
varianteidos: then you should be able to click run it10:57
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gyaresuT0aD, has to be that version?10:57
T0aDyes :(10:57
rBlong2usto restart X should I ctrlaltback?10:57
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BadKittyHey Cool: Did you get your nick registered?10:57
eidosa box opens up and it says Run With..10:57
variantarthursc: ok, in a terminal type "sudo gedit /etc/rc.local"10:57
motinis there any trick to get gnome to respond again?10:57
CoolHow do i do that?10:57
eidosit's a compiled freebasic binary10:57
BadKittytype /msg NickServ REGISTER password10:57
snook353do i need to remove network manager to use netswitch?10:57
mirakfuck ati, I can't believe what they answered to my bug report on their website http://support.ati.com/ics/support/default.asp?deptID=894&ticketID=113131410:57
eidosi can run from the konsole ok10:57
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Coolim usin IRC and GAIM first time10:58
radioaktivstormhello, I apparently have an issue with my swap....there is none. what do i do?10:58
JohnM555morphish..or anyone: Would the network-manager be on the liveCD10:58
LjL!language | mirak10:58
ubotumirak: Please watch your language and keep this channel family friendly.10:58
arthurscok rc.local loaded10:58
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motinit is like one is invisible10:58
variantarthursc: scratch that, do this instead10:58
nettehey: can someone redirect me to a channel with linux games. i.e the game "Glest"?10:58
BadKittyYah im pretty new too.. I just used looked it up10:58
ubotuI am ubotu, all-knowing infobot. You can browse my brain at http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl  -  Usage info: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuBots10:58
motinwhat do one do? cpu usage is not high - so gnome shouldnt be occupied - it just wont respond10:58
morphishJohnM555: no idea, i am setting up my wifi with a little file i carried from gentoo over SourceMage to kubuntu, i just run that from rc.local10:58
motinis there any trick to get gnome to respond again?10:58
eidosmirak - wont let me see the response, have to be logged in as a user to see it10:59
variantarthursc: sudo gedit /etc/rc.local10:59
JohnM555That went right over my head :\10:59
motinit is always like this - nobody responds because the message is drowned in all conversation10:59
morphishmirak: can't see your ticket10:59
mirakLjL: *bip* ati *bip* ati bip *ati* , I think any children learn in school what to make fit in10:59
variantarthursc: and put this line BEFORE the bit that says exit 0: echo 1 > /sys/bus/pci/drivers/ipw2200/0000:02:03.0/led10:59
snook353is it ok to remove network manager?10:59
mirakok I pastebin10:59
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StarQuakeSkyrail, hehe that might be a good idea10:59
snook353does it conflict with netswitch, or other network manager-like things?10:59
CHR1SixDoes anyone here have experience with ubuntu net install ?10:59
StarQuakeSkyrail, though i don't think there is a big chance you will mess things up11:00
motintoo bad #ubuntu is so crowded - very few can get help11:00
BadKittyAnyone use beryl in here?11:00
SkyrailStarQuake: last time I upgraded, I don't know if it was that or something else but when I loged on the screen was just the background nothing else started up11:00
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JohnM555I found this site for the network-manager: http://www.gnome.org/projects/NetworkManager/ but I can't find any devs, just the tar.gz11:00
eidosnot really motin, i get help here all the time11:00
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LjLUbotu, please tell BadKitty about beryl11:00
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Duesentriebguys, is it normal that essential-looking packages like xserver-xorg are listed for removal when dist-upgrading to edgy?11:00
eidosi see 988 nicks :)11:00
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BadKittyIm using Beryl....11:00
BadKittyJust wanted to see if anyone else was11:01
variantarthursc: ok, it should work now11:01
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morphishJohnM555: network-manager-gnome - network management framework (GNOME frontend)  , someone told you that already11:01
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eidosmotin - u need help?11:01
BadKittyJohn, do you know what the tar.gz is?11:01
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mirakeidos: morphish : http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/30684/11:01
arthurscdo I need to reboot or restart desktop ?11:01
variantarthursc: Duesentrieb nope, thats a breakage11:01
JohnM555morphis: oh ok I'll look again11:01
variantarthursc: to make it happen automaticaly you would have to reboot but you can just echo it to the device your self11:01
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variantarthursc: so you dont need to reboot11:02
StarQuakeSkyrail, mmm okay... too bad11:02
Duesentriebvariant: hm? what he said or what I said?11:02
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variantDuesentrieb: sorry, ment you only11:02
=== Duesentrieb is glad he looked at the stuff that was going to be removed
eidosi guess they're not in the open sourced business11:02
variantDuesentrieb: breakage11:02
Duesentriebvariant: that'S a *scary* breakage, then :(11:02
JohnM555These are the only downloads for it I can find11:02
CHR1SixHey, can anyone help me out for a few?11:02
morphishJohnM555: and it apt-cache does not list it or apt-get refuses to install it, make sure you check if you need to add universe or multivers to sources.list (i have no idea in which repo it is in)11:02
dtorresanyone know something better than rdesktop for terminal services11:02
variantDuesentrieb: yeah, if you uninstall and reinstall all those package it should go away11:03
morphishdtorres: to connect to windows? no11:03
JohnM555morphis: don't I need the internet to do that?11:03
mweI want to access a host on a different subnet than my own. I can't ping it. Do I have to add an entry to the kernel routing table or what?11:03
motineidos: yes well I needed help - now I restarted gdm and am restarting every program that was running - it was easier than trying to get help here on how to unfreeze gnome or look for material to bugreport11:03
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about rdp - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi11:03
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nettehey: can someone redirect me to a channel with linux games. i.e the game "Glest"?11:03
eidosyou know what.. if it weren't for the games available for the PC, I see no future for it - including Vista11:03
CHR1Sixmotin - use ctrl+alt+backspace to restart gnome :)11:03
arthurscok Variant. Thanks will reboot to verify inless there is another way?11:03
Duesentriebvariant: i'm not going to uninstall kdelib :) anyway, a plain "upgrade" instead of "dist-upgrade" doesn't want to remove anything.11:03
gyaresu!offtopic > eidos  (busy enough here as it is)11:03
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variantarthursc: yes, you dont need to reboot11:04
morphishmirak: i think your chipset is no longer supported in ati drivers past 8.28.8 and you need to stick to 8.28.811:04
psusilk11mn: ok, new package uploaded11:04
BadKittyCool: Are you registered yet?11:04
gnomefreakDuesentrieb: remove libqt3-mt if you no longer what kde11:04
CHR1Sixhey - can anyone offer some help for a minute?11:04
lk11mncool, thx psusi11:04
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variantarthursc: just type: echo 1 > /sys/bus/pci/drivers/ipw2200/0000:02:03.0/led11:04
arthurscwifi LED is still not lit?11:04
variantarthursc: as root11:04
mirakmorphish: it's not true11:04
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gyaresuCHR1Six, you're having the netinstall prob right?11:04
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kosnicki need to connect my k750 mobile with kandy . what is the port i have to use?11:04
Duesentriebvariant: otoh, a normal upgrade only gives 158 packages to upgrade - instead of > 1000 with dist-upgrade.11:04
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variantDuesentrieb: yeah11:04
arthurscI get permission denied!11:04
james296how can I install the new NVIDIA driver for Ubuntu? I mean, how can I exit the X session and be able to install it?11:04
Duesentriebso, it seems nither works for me :(11:04
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variantarthursc: as root?11:05
CHR1Sixi don't know if anyone here can help much, but if you hae any thoughts i would like to know them. :)11:05
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BadKittyCool: did you register?11:05
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gyaresuDuesentrieb, You have to 'update' then 'upgrade' then 'dist-upgrade'11:05
variantjames296: type /etc/init.d/gdm stop in a terminal11:05
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arthursccho 1 > /sys/bus/pci/drivers/ipw2200/0000:02:03.0/led11:05
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CoolI cant11:05
variantjames296: you can do that from inside gnome11:05
BadKittyJames.. you can install it in the x session by opening up a terminal11:05
variantarthursc: echo11:05
arthurscbash: command not found11:05
morphishJohnM555: you have no ethernet in that thing? anyway so you have an eth? and ath0 just dhclient ath0, then wait and see if you get IP (presuming all your essid, key, channel and all was right for them) if nothing goes, try it for eth? one of them has to get an ip if your AP supports dhcp11:05
dtorresin rdesktop when i scroll through text i see doubles of every line11:05
BadKittycool: Why not what does it say?11:05
variantarthursc: what?11:05
Duesentriebgyaresu: the update is already done - didn't know i need a normal upgrade before a dist-upgrade... seems a bit strange... but i'll try.11:05
variantarthursc: thats what happens when you do that?11:05
james296no, it tells me I need to be logged out of the x session11:06
mirakmorphish: otherwise I couldn't get 3D on 8.30 drivers, but I get it. The problem is that I must disable the DRM_RADEON module, otherwise it doesn't work. It was the case even one year ago, and probably even before. you can find tons of people with radeon 9600 pro complaining about such a problem, of dri not working, but nobody seems to care11:06
Duesentriebgyaresu: or should i use update-manager?11:06
kosnicki need to connect my mobile with kandy (=mobile application) . what port do i have to use?11:06
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gyaresuDuesentrieb, nah. manually is best.11:06
T0aDgyaresu, any hint ?11:06
morphishJohnM555: once you have internet, go and install that thing, or copy it onto something on the machine you irc from, and copy it back to the laptop, either way11:06
gyaresuT0aD, about what?11:06
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arthurscLOL missed the E.... Working now great stuff many thanks...11:06
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mirakmorphish: and it's not even related to ubuntu, all users have this problem11:06
variantarthursc: no permission denied error?11:06
variantarthursc: good, is the light on?11:06
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gyaresuT0aD, Recaps please...11:06
morphishmirak: i know it is not a ubuntu problem, what were you refering to as "not true" ?11:06
variantarthursc: chang ethat to a 0 to turn it back off again :P11:07
arthurscyep oh and ...what about blue tooth???11:07
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kosnickkandy app : what port is my mobile ?11:07
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dtorreswhats the best samba gui client to connect to windows shares?11:07
T0aDhow do you make a ramdisk on a kernel < 2.6.15 ?11:07
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BadKittyCool type this: /msg NickServ REGISTER password (but use your own  password instead of the word password)11:07
variantarthursc: you could bind that to a key combo and use it for morse code signals ;)11:07
variantarthursc: what about bluetooth?11:07
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kosnickubuntu + mobiles ?11:07
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variantarthursc: i have never used bluetooth tbh, so i have no idea about it11:07
gyaresudtorres, imho smb4k11:08
LjLvariant: .-. . .- .-.. .-.. -.-- ?11:08
kamuineed a little help, Im trying to compile nzbget on a fresh ubuntu dapper system.  I tried to ./configure but it said gcc was missing.  So I did an apt-get install gcc.  Now when I run configure it says c compiler cannot create executables and dies.  What do I need to do to get a suitable build environment?11:08
marshalldoes anybody know where i can get a silc account?11:08
psusilk11mn: you got that going yet?11:08
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variantLjL: what?11:08
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Coolwhat did i have to type to register again?11:08
dtorresk will try that ty11:08
gyaresudtorres, you can just use konqueror.. (don't know about gnome progs)11:08
variantLjL: ah sorry hahahaha11:08
LjLvariant: i asked "really?" :-P11:08
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dtorresim actually using kde :)11:08
BadKittytype: /msg NickServ REGISTER yourownpassword11:08
arthurscok ignore bluetooth. 1 didn'f turn it off!11:08
gyaresukamui, build-essential11:08
kosnickubuntu + mobiles?11:08
variantLjL: i dont speak morse :) i learned a bit when younger though11:08
arthurscsorry 011:08
st4hlhi, is it possible to turn off motd message when i login into my ubuntu box?11:08
marshallkamui, apt-get install build-essential11:08
variantarthursc: try 211:08
st4hl"Ubuntu comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY, to the extent permitted by11:08
st4hlapplicable law.11:08
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st4hlthis thing?11:08
snook353does network-manager conflict with netswitch, or other network-manager-like things?11:08
snook353like wifi radar?11:09
marshalldoes anybody know where i can get a silc account?11:09
variantst4hl: yeah lemmy chekc what file it is11:09
lk11mnpsusi: nope, just installing now11:09
gyaresust4hl, just make the file blank11:09
st4hlthanks a bunch variant11:09
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LjLst4hl: sudo nano /etc/motd11:09
st4hlahh its motd11:09
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st4hlnod, thanks alot11:09
snook353synaptic says no, but since network manager is running, idk11:09
psusikamui: apt-get install build-essential11:09
arthurscby default 0 is no LED and 1 is LED11:09
Weed_ManHi! I'm using Edgy 6.10 for AMD64, but the bcm43xx driver for Braodcom 4318 wireless is working bad (it loses connection after a while). The developers recommended I upgrade the kernel to 2.6.18, but there seems like there are no Ubuntu versions for that kernel. Any suggestions?11:09
JohnM555neither dhclient ath0 or eth0 worked11:09
st4hli couldnt find it for some reason thought it was something else11:09
variantst4hl: /etc/motd11:09
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st4hlyah thanks guys11:09
variantst4hl: slocate motd11:09
variantst4hl: slocate is your friend11:09
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JohnM555I don't have ehternet, if I did I wouldn't need wireless11:09
kefahHi, I'm looking for a decent review comparing ubuntu to fc611:09
variantkefah: google11:10
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st4hllol i need to install slocate :P11:10
dniteis there a way to get vlc or totem to work with wmv streams ??11:10
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variantkefah: google ubuntu vs fc611:10
kamuipsusi: thanks big time11:10
variantst4hl: no, it comes with it11:10
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gyaresukefah, ^^11:10
JohnM555I know I've got to be doing something stupid...it shouldn't be this hard to get wireless working11:10
kefahvariant, I know I did that. The thing is I want something that I can trust.11:10
st4hli dont have it11:10
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variantst4hl: run updatedb11:10
lk11mnpsusi: after installing it, it has the 2 raw raids in mapper11:10
Weed_Mananyone upgraded edgy to 2.6.18?11:10
morphishmirak: hm 9600 seems to be in 8.30.x *shrug*11:10
variantst4hl: it comes with ubuntu so i can't imagine that you dont11:10
gyaresukefah, distrowatch11:10
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variantst4hl: unless your typeing it wrong11:11
st4hlno i dont have it11:11
psusiI am a retard11:11
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st4hl6.10 lamp didn't have it installed11:11
psusistupid typo... trying again11:11
lk11mnpsusi: and i tried dmraid -an, and i get an ERROR opening "/dev/isw_hebacbgjj_DATA"11:11
kosnickanyone ever used "KANDY"?11:11
variantst4hl: how stupid, its an essential package. ubuntu's command line support is laughable11:11
JohnM555I have no idea what I'm doing11:11
st4hlmmm i installed it and now i get11:12
JohnM555I've tried so many things11:12
st4hlslocate: fatal error: Could not find user database '/var/lib/slocate/slocate.db':  No such file or directory11:12
variantst4hl: i would personaly never use ubuntu on a server.. its a desktop os through and through11:12
st4hlso i do updatedb11:12
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variantst4hl: yeah, as i say. run updatedb as root11:12
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kosnickanyone ever used "kandy"?11:12
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st4hlyeah cool it works11:12
Weed_ManIf I compile a vanilla kernel, will I lose all Ubuntu goodies?11:12
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st4hlthanks a bunch man11:13
variantst4hl: yw11:13
FlyingSquirrel32I the previous version of ubuntu I could go to System> Drives or something like that and mount drives and stuff. Is there any replacement for this?11:13
AmaranthFlyingSquirrel32: No, it was removed from GNOME (and thus Ubuntu) because it was really buggy.11:13
variantst4hl: remember that if your looking for a file that has recently been added you have to updatedb first (it is run as a cron job every day though)11:13
FlyingSquirrel32is there any gui way to mount drives now?11:14
mirakmorphish: all cards are supported from 8500 at least11:14
st4hlnod 'll add it to cron11:14
variantst4hl: and you cant use it to find files that the user running it doesnt have permission to read11:14
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snook353for any newbies wondering, this is my answer to removing network-manager:  http://www.ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=11371511:14
variantst4hl: iirc, the installation hsould set up a cron job but check anyway11:14
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st4hlhow would i check this?11:14
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variantst4hl: check roots crontab11:15
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variantst4hl: yeah11:15
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morphishmirak: on 8.29.x i read the release notes and it mentioned that support was drpped and to use 8.28.8 for those, maybe someone goofed on the site redesign11:15
gyaresust4hl, 'sudo crontab -l'11:15
psusilk11mn: ok... reboot one more time and this time I should have it ;)11:15
st4hlyeah its been added to /etc/cron.daily11:15
st4hlnod, thanks again guys =)11:15
variantst4hl: cool11:15
mirakmorphish: I added that maybe he believed I wasn't talking of fglrx11:15
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lk11mnlol yay11:15
james296how come when I exit the X session its just a cursor thing and I type and nothing happens?11:15
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morphishmirak: perhaps it said 9250 and below though11:15
mirakmorphish: probably he tough I wasn't talking of their own driver. I wouldn't have posted there anyway11:16
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morphishmirak: but yes, the answer does look like he was not talking about fglrx at all, since they should know their own driver11:16
mirakmorphish: I am 100% sure it's supported, but there is a bug for this card11:16
JohnM555Why does so much of this for setting up wireless expect people to have internet access, when they need wireless to get to the internet?11:16
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=== tannerld me
mirakmorphish: yes I answered something like that. that I was a bit surprise they don't know they have a linux driver called fglrx ^^11:17
LjLJohnM555: because we don't have a better option right now.11:17
ZeikeI'm installing 6.10 from CD and the install fails at 71% every time. Interface is frozen except for mouse. Anyone seen that? Any way for me to see what's going on? verbose install or something?11:17
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morphishJohnM555: because you have the tools to do it manually, and most people plug in an ethernet cable for the install and then never again, after the install is done11:17
variantJohnM555: yes, its a very annoying situation. caused entirely by the hardware manufacturers, it will probably be annohter year before it's surpased the ease with which windows users handle wifi11:17
gyaresuZeike, Possibly error on cd/ cdrom bad laser/ dodgy ram11:17
JohnM555I don't understand why they would use wireless if they had an ethernet cable11:18
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variantJohnM555: laptops11:18
grndslmany advice for a "good value" linux-compatible scanner?11:18
BallexIm a noob, can i get some help?11:18
JohnM555But don't most people use desktops?11:18
gyaresu!helpme > Ballex11:18
gyaresuJohnM555, No.11:18
variantJohnM555: what diference does that make?11:18
morphishJohnM555: because it is there before wifi, any cd boots and eth0 grabs an IP, long before wifi needs YOUR WEP info11:18
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timo90stil stuck on network lol11:19
gyaresuBallex, That means yes. Just ask.11:19
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Zeikegyaresu, ok thanks i'll check er out11:19
Ballexim trying to boot ubuntu from a cd, but it doesnt work11:19
grndslmcodeyman, all HPs, or is there one in particular?11:19
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shrndegruvguys how do i tell which ati driver i am using?11:19
codeymanwell most of them do11:19
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variantJohnM555: i am typeing this on a laptop, how many business men have you seen take a desktop pc to a meeting or conference? (none)11:19
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JohnM555Oh, I'm not saying nobody uses laptops11:19
morphishshredder: cat /etc/X11/xorg.conf | grep river11:19
fabio__days ago i have seen on ubuntu websites a kind of "official" sources.list for edgy eft, can someone give me that wiki link? thanks11:20
variantJohnM555: hundereds of millions of people use laptops11:20
Ballexi get a message about som graphic X or something11:20
JohnM555variant: I'm just saying I think a lot of people using Ubuntu would use it on a desktop, thats all11:20
codeymanhey anyone knows how to set a user disk quota in ubuntu?11:20
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gyaresushrndegruv, glxinfo11:20
JohnM555variant: I'm on a laptop right now! I know tons of people use laptops11:20
Ballexi use AMD 6411:20
MugginsMI'm unsure why you'd use wireless on a desktop when wired is faster11:20
MugginsMand it has to have power cables anyway11:20
variantJohnM555: if you like, but i dont see what difference it makes as to whether or not you use ubuntu if you have a desktop or a laptop11:20
gyaresu!offtopic > JohnM55511:20
crassJohnM555: I think ubuntu is great for laptops, its hibernate support is pretty good11:20
Infectomaybe someone run fingerprint ?11:20
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morphishJohnM555: i always wire my laptop for installs, it is too annoying having to wait for an IP till i fired up my wifi, i take my tie, set it all up, then unplug it when i am done, one time deal, and also avoids my neighbor's AP going haywire causing my AP to drop me11:21
shrndegruvdont see a driver version in glxinfo11:21
shrndegruvxorg.conf says ati11:21
shrndegruvis that open source11:21
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morphishshrndegruv: that is OSS, yes11:21
Ballexwhat may the problem be?11:21
fabio__does someone have the link to the ubuntu wiki where there is the suggested sources.list ? thanks11:21
Zeikegyaresu, good call. got a failed checksum on the cd test11:21
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shrndegruvi followed a guide to get beryl running11:21
JohnM555morphish: I wish I could do that with my desktop :\11:21
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codeyman morphish, ATI drivers are not OSS11:21
shrndegruvit has you set up an xgl desktop session11:21
Vanuatoo_does anyone know how to download vmware-workstation with wget?11:21
gyaresushrndegruv, right at the top of the output... 'glxinfo |less'11:21
shrndegruvwhich doesnt work11:21
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Vanuatoo_or point me to any mirror?11:22
shrndegruvbut when i start normal gnome, beryl works with all acutremens11:22
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JohnM555I found the network-manager deb online and transfered it to my ubuntu, but when I tried to install it, it said 'Error: Dependancy is not satisfiable: libnl1-pre611:22
gyaresuVanuatoo_, should be in the repos. so available with apt-get11:22
codeymanVanuatoo_, u need to get a trial licence no from vmware.com... which will allow you to download a 30 day trial version11:22
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JohnM555What do I do?11:22
variantJohnM555: what? gnome-network-manager?11:22
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JohnM555This: http://packages.ubuntu.com/cgi-bin/download.pl?arch=amd64&file=pool%2Fmain%2Fn%2Fnetwork-manager%2Fnetwork-manager_0.6.3-2ubuntu6_amd64.deb&md5sum=86e5021f041a25757dcef33c5ee2355d&arch=amd64&type=main11:23
Vanuatoo_codeyman: I do it with firefox but sometimes download manager sucks11:23
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Vanuatoo_gyaresu: which repo?11:23
LGKeiz-Ubuntu-is happy-11:23
codeymanVanuatoo_, well that is the only way... u wont find it in repos... u will find vmware-player... not workstation11:23
JohnM555variant: I think its gnome11:24
Vanuatoo_yes, there is only player11:24
variantJohnM555: type apt-get install network-manager-gnome11:24
LGKeiz-UbuntuI got a question11:24
variantLGKeiz-Ubuntu: just ask11:24
LGKeiz-Ubuntudo I need to install my graphic card driver?11:24
timo90Darn thing wont work11:24
LGKeiz-UbuntuI know variant lol11:24
gyaresuVanuatoo_, the ubuntu multiverse11:24
variantLGKeiz-Ubuntu: what graphics card?11:24
JohnM555variante: ok11:24
morphishcodeyman: he said wjat i told him to grep, and ati is OSS, if it had returned fglrx, it would be the proprietary ati driver, ok?11:24
BallexLooking for help: Im trying to boot Ubuntu from a CD, but it wont install, and gives some errormessage about "Graphic X" or something, does anybody have a clue what that means?11:24
LGKeiz-UbuntuIt's some intel ingreated crqap11:24
variantJohnM555: tip: in irc type var and press the tab key11:24
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variantLGKeiz-Ubuntu: no, it is allready installed then11:25
LGKeiz-Ubuntuoh :o11:25
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morphishVanuatoo_: get vmware-server it is FREE, no 30 day trial bidness, go fetch it now ;)11:25
JohnM555variant: Oh, nice. Sorry for mistyping :)11:25
gyaresuBallex, Well you ignored me before...11:25
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Ballexwhat do you mean?11:25
Vanuatoo_I found that file on gentoo mirror, thanks everyone :)11:25
JohnM555variant: shouldn't double clicking the deb also install it?11:25
variantLGKeiz-Ubuntu: open a terminal and type "glxinfo | grep direct11:25
variantJohnM555: use the package manager11:25
marshalldoes anybody know where i can get a silc account?11:26
marshalldoes anybody know where i can get a SILC account?11:26
lk11mnpsusi: ok, i guess its a good sign that there's nothing in the mapper folder, but there's no sign of anything in dev11:26
variantLGKeiz-Ubuntu: if it says yes your fine, if no then you have to figure out why not, i am about to skype with my gf so somone else will have to help you in that case11:26
JohnM555variant: I can do that with stuff already on my computer? I transfered it via usb because my ubuntu isn't connected to the internet11:26
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=== psusi sags
timo90Any one set up there ubuntu pc to a network yet ?11:26
psusilk11mn: pastebin me the output of dmraid -ay -vvvv -dddd11:27
JohnM555timo90: I wish.11:27
FlyingSquirrel32Amaranth: is there any way to mount a partition via the gui?11:27
morphishtimo90: everyone who is here has set it up !?11:27
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timo90what about internet connection shearing11:27
lk11mnok, whats -dddd mean?11:27
morphishok, everyone but JohnM55511:27
variantJohnM555: ah, thats annoying. put it in /var/cache/apt/archives/11:27
timo90morphish: Correct11:27
variantJohnM555: but it wont work unless its the package version that apt-get wants11:27
sholdenhas anyone had success installing synergy (with or without quicksynergy) on Edgy?11:27
JohnM555morphish: yea :\. I gues I'm just slow.11:27
DShepherdwhat's the name of the package for the opensource nv drivers?11:27
morphishtimo90: look into ipkungfu a script making things dead easy to deal with11:27
variantDShepherd: those are part of the kernel and are allready installed11:28
JohnM555variant: OK I'll try that11:28
FlyingSquirrel32timo90: is that where you cut off all of your internet connections? :)  Just kidding.11:28
psusilk11mn: turns on all the debug output11:28
morphishJohnM555: i think you are too worried about that gui to actually work on your problem11:28
foomanchewhey yall11:28
DShepherdvariant: ok11:28
gyaresuDShepherd, variant xserver-xorg-driver-nv11:28
timo90ahhhhhhhhhhhhhh comedians ;)11:28
DShepherdgyaresu: ah.. that is the name thanks11:28
JohnM555morphish: probably, but I've tried so much other stuff that I must have done wrong11:28
JohnM555morphish: I was happy to just get the driver installed11:29
radioaktivstormhello, I apparently have an issue with my swap....there is none. what do i do?11:29
lk11mnpsusi: http://pastebin.com/82005411:29
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variantgyaresu: that has been removed from the kernel? or is that just the kernel module package11:29
morphishJohnM555: you can /msg me if you want, msg me every commandline of iwconfig you issued and maybe we can figure out what's missing11:29
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lk11mnpsusi: maybe that worked and i'm just not seeing what i expected11:30
fabio__when i run sudo apt-get upgrade, what does mean "1 package not updated"11:30
fabio__why it is not updated?11:30
foomanchewI am having issues with rhythmbox .... error while loading shared libraries: libnautilus-burn.so.3: cannot open shared object file11:30
foomanchewthis is after upgd to edgy11:30
psusilk11mn: hrm... it sais there was an error due to the mirror module missing... modprobe dm-mirror and try again11:30
JohnM555morphish: ok, once I fail to get the gui working, which will be pretty soon.11:30
foomanchewany ideas11:30
foomanchewwould be appreciated11:30
Duesentriebhrmm... /var/lib/dpkg/info/app-install-data-commercial.postinst: line 3: update-app-install: command not found11:31
Duesentriebwhat does that mean?11:31
marshallcan anybody recommend a method of secure IM?11:31
knappI am having a problem with Konversation, the Server List pops up when I open it, has no buttons, and will not close.11:31
foomanchewmarshall, use tor11:31
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morphishJohnM555: ok, once you have that .deb and every .deb it depends on, let me know if you need anymore help, afk for a few11:31
marshallfoomanchew, thats not im though is it?11:31
Duesentriebmarshall: jaber supports encryption via gpg11:31
DShepherdknapp: you may get better help in the #kubuntu channel11:31
morphishmarshall: or use gaim with ssl plugin11:31
knappDShepherd, thanks I thought I WAS in the kubuntu channel, haha11:32
foomanchewmarshall, no its an anonymizer11:32
DShepherdknapp: ok11:32
morphishmarshall: to get the other side to use a secure gaim too is the tricky part11:32
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Trainstrokerhelp phillip@ubuntu:~/Desktop/FahMon/src$ ./fahmon11:33
Trainstroker./fahmon: error while loading shared libraries: libwx_gtk2_xrc-2.6.so.0: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory11:33
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timo90just got that ipkungfu11:33
JohnM555I need the dependency libnl1-pref6, but I don't know where to find it11:33
lk11mnpsusi:  like this  -        sudo modprobe dm-mirror11:33
lk11mn   ? i dont think that's doing anything?11:33
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Trainstrokerwhere do shared libraries go?11:33
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JohnM555variant: I tried puting the deb in the directory you told me, but I couldn't even copy and paste it there :\11:33
lk11mnwell i got the same result from dmraid -ay -vvvv -dddd   (well it looked the same at a glance :P)11:34
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psusilk11mn: it won't show any output11:34
psusihold on a second...11:34
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timo90i have installed ipkungfu how do i get to it (no icon)11:36
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zwnjmy dapper server hangs periodically, even after installing amd64-k8.  may it be because of restricted modules?11:36
lk11mntimo90: im a complete nub but have you tried ipkungfu in the terminal?11:36
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ZarephathHey folks...asked in kubuntu about boot to a mac powerpc...no one replied...the lived cd boots when using live-powerpc option..however graphics are hosed..it creates like 5 icons of everything and very small...the screen has lines running through it so I can't even contemplate installing...is there a argument I can pass at boot time to kill the extra graphics stuff to get the installer started? Or maybe  a way to boot into text in11:38
dadCan anyone point me to a remastering howto for dapper please?11:38
ZarephathThis is kubuntu edgy11:38
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timo90lk11mn:dIDNT WORK11:39
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lk11mntimo90: k that was my only idea- try asking again and someone else might no11:39
Stormx2He left XD11:40
Zarephath#join kubuntu-ppc11:40
TheGateKeeperZarephath: there is an alternate CD which uses a text installer11:40
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TheGateKeeperZarephath: no idea if it will work on your arch11:41
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ZarephathTheGateKeeper: Thanks...you remember the name of it? The iso that is11:41
psusilk11mn: modprobe dm dm-mirror and run dmraid again... and see if it still says RROR: device-mapper target type "mirror" not in kernel11:41
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dadI need to create an installation that includes desktop icons for OpenOffice from boot after install.  Anyone?11:41
JohnM555When trying to install a package, it tells me 'Dependency is not satisfiable: libnl1-pre6' How can I fix this?11:42
TheGateKeeperZarephath: they are all on the wiki, it's just called 'alternate cd'11:42
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ubotuTo mount an .iso image: sudo mount -o loop my.iso /some/mountpoint - bin/cue can be converted to iso with bchunk  .iso images of Ubuntu CDs can be downloaded from http://releases.ubuntu.com Always verify the .iso before burning, see http://help.ubuntu.com/community/VerifyIsoHowto or http://www.linuxquestions.org/linux/answers/LQ_ISO/Checking_the_md5sum_in_Windows11:42
ZarephathK thanks11:42
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TheGateKeeperZarephath: http://releases.ubuntu.com/6.10/11:43
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LGKeiz-UbuntuI love this.11:43
marshallwhat is the default port for ftp servers?11:43
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sanmarcoscat /etc/services|grep -i ftp marshall11:44
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iteror grep ftp /etc/services11:44
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marshallsanmarcos, im trying to connect to this public ftp: and i want to do it with nautilus11:45
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drewwhats a good program to use for msn?11:45
k31thAnyone know how to open a new tab in gnome-terminal i need to script this, as I am making a ssh connect script i want a new session to open a new tab.11:45
SleepySockshey everyone I'm getting a 'Failed to Initialize HAL' error after installing PostgreSQL...any ideas????11:45
Duesentriebhrm. ok, after setting stuff in sources.list to edgy, i did apt-get upgrade && apt-get update. Seems to have gone fine11:45
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Duesentriebbut apt dist-upgrade still wants to remove packages. essential packages...11:45
sanmarcosmarshall: places > connect to server, just use anoynmous as user, and whatever as  pass11:45
sanmarcosdrew: galaxium, gaim, tmsnc, amsn, kopete11:46
jamblaIs there a way to have video chat in either msn messenger, skype, or yahoo messenger?11:46
foomanchewI want to compile rhythmbox from source and include support for DAAP ?11:46
lk11mnpsusi: no, i dont think it does...11:46
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sanmarcosjambla: there is preliminary support for msn in amsn, and yahoo in the defunct gaim-vv11:46
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mirakis their a way to step into a bash script ?11:46
sanmarcosmirak: step ?11:46
psusilk11mn: ohh?  ok... pastebin what it says now would you?11:46
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miraksanmarcos: trace execution11:47
lk11mnpsusi: http://pastebin.com/82006611:47
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sanmarcosSleepySocks: gnome-terminal --tab11:47
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sanmarcosmirak: #!/bin/bash -x might me helpful at the top of the stricpt11:47
foomanchewI want to compile rhythmbox from source and include support for DAAP ? anyone done it11:47
k31thAnyone know how to open a new tab in gnome-terminal i need to script this, as I am making a ssh connect script i want a new session to open a new tab.11:47
Stormx2Yo guys, how can I get a PHP executable on ubuntu? installing "php5" doesn't give me it.11:47
SleepySockssan marcos, what will that do/11:47
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TheGateKeeperSleepySocks: ubuntu has a habit of loading everything as a module, at a guess hal has either become uninstalled or corrupt, unfortunately I don't know how you would fix it11:47
sanmarcosk31th: man gnome-terminal11:47
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k31thsanmarcos: I tried that11:48
psusilk11mn: but it didn't create the device in /dev?11:48
sanmarcosSleepySocks: that isnt for you, sorry11:48
Kannix_I am back :)11:48
ubotuhal: Hardware Abstraction Layer. In component main, is optional. Version (edgy), package size 347 kB, installed size 1112 kB11:48
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Kannix_Hi all11:48
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fabryhi everyone, could someone help me to confgure an usb wifi dongle?11:48
sanmarcosk31th: check the other options11:48
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sanmarcosk31th: scripts should be portable11:48
sanmarcosk31th: if you cant, use screen to make faux tabs11:48
fabryit doesn't work11:48
psusilk11mn: the isw one that is11:48
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SleepySocksgatekeeper, that's what I'm thinking.  I can reinstall the depenencies one by one11:49
sanmarcos!doesnt work11:49
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about doesnt work - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi11:49
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SleepySocksI tried reinstalling hal, but no luck11:49
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lk11mnpsusi: there's alot of stuff in /dev so i just use that typey thing, and nothing comes up for isw, or sil.... but i looked around those areas too, and no nothing there11:49
fabryI tried to load ndiswrapper on kernel loading win drivers11:49
ubotuWireless documentation can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs11:49
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TheGateKeeperSleepySocks: unfortunately I don't know how you would fix it11:50
psusilk11mn: pastebin the output of dmsetup table11:50
fabryI checked it but it doesn't work11:50
TheGateKeeperSleepySocks: may be the kernel is not happy, you could try one of your other grub options11:50
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SleepySocksthanks, I'll keep trying or reinstall11:50
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SleepySocksI ask in ubuntu forms and they say it should install on ubuntu desktop fine11:51
yanisi have an intelx86 pc. should I se the 386 or 686 mplayer package?11:51
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TheGateKeeperSleepySocks: that is true11:51
lk11mnpsusi: no devices found11:51
SleepySocksI was thinking the same thing, should I use ubuntu server11:51
=== psusi wtfs
TheGateKeeperSleepySocks: is this edgy?11:51
yaniswhat is 686 form?11:51
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SleepySocksI only had one reply so it still could be that it should only be installed on server editon11:52
SleepySocksyes its edgy11:52
psusilk11mn: well damnit... I am at a loss11:52
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SleepySockshate going backwards, but that may be the only solution or ubuntu server11:53
lk11mnpsusi: have you tried higher resolution???11:53
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TheGateKeeperSleepySocks: well you could report it as a bug, you could also build your own kernel & but hal in11:53
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lk11mnpsusi: lol well i dunno... i'll prolly give it a rest for tonight and i might go at the howto with bootstrap tomorrow night11:53
SleepySocksI'll look closely at the postgre and hal installed files and see what I can find11:53
SleepySocksthaks Gatekeeper11:53
TheGateKeeperSleepySocks: sorry I could not be more help11:54
nkohi i have a problem... i would add a new audio track ?on a divx file... how can i do that11:54
TheGateKeeperSleepySocks: good luck :-)11:54
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psusilk11mn: if you go that route, you will need to modify /usr/share/initramfs-tools/scripts/local-top/dmraid to add the -fsil flag you had to use before11:55
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psusilk11mn: in fact... why don't you try that again real quick with that flag11:56
psusilk11mn: it may just have a problem with your isw raid11:56
psusiand bails out11:56
nkosomeone can help me?11:56
shrndegruvwhere do i get gkrellm skins?11:56
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SleepySocksok, gatekeeper, my first bug report...thanks for all the help11:57
lk11mnpsusi: its like dmraid -an to turn it all off isnt it?11:57
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psusilk11mn: yea, but if they aren't on, then there is no use turning them off ;)11:57
Trainstroker./fahmon: error while loading shared libraries: libwx_gtk2_xrc-2.6.so.0: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory11:57
lk11mnlol well that's kinda the msg i got back... anyway11:58
Trainstrokerhelp i get that error but the file is there11:58
nkohow can i add a new audio track on a divx file?11:58
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lk11mnpsusi: its just this isnt it     sudo dmraid -ay sil     (there's no f)11:59
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lk11mnanyway that one doesnt work11:59
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nkohow can i add a new audio track on a divx file?11:59
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aioshow can i uninstall a theme?12:00
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psusilk11mn: it was dmraid -ay -fsil12:00
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ameyaserver IRC12:00
AnswerHello, I am running kernel 2.6.15.  Are there any plans for kernel 2.6.16 ?12:00
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