
=== Amaranth [i=travis@ubuntu/member/amaranth] has joined #upstart
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=== Fry-kun [n=kostya@h-66-166-233-66.snvacaid.covad.net] has joined #upstart
Fry-kunhi there08:04
Fry-kunhow is it going08:04
Fry-kuni'm looking for some help configuring upstart on Fedora08:05
=== Amaranth [i=travis@conference/ubuntuconf/x-9b6e02f39802542b] has joined #upstart
Fry-kunnot specific steps but general direction tips08:05
Fry-kuni've already modified the rules to point to proper locations to rc and mingetty, but rcS confuzzles me08:06
Fry-kunand of course i can't boot up without it :(08:06
Keybukhow does it confuzzle?08:08
=== MarvinR [n=marvin@ip54511c1e.direct-adsl.nl] has joined #upstart
MarvinRdoes upstart need more developers?08:10
Fry-kunFedora doesn't have one08:10
Fry-kunor rather.. i don't know what it does, so i don't know if fedora has an equivalent08:11
KeybukFry-kun: interesting, don't suppose you can paste the fedora /etc/inittab file anywhere?08:12
KeybukMarvinR: patches are always welcome08:12
AlexExtremeFry-kun: you can find out what you need from /etc/inittab - put the contents of it to some pastebin and i should be able to figure out what you need08:13
AlexExtremedoh, Keybuk beat me to that one...08:13
Fry-kunKeybuk: sure, just a sec08:16
Fry-kunthanks guys :)08:18
AlexExtremehold on08:19
AlexExtremethis should do it: http://pastebin.com/81990408:21
KeybukFry-kun: you can probably drop rcS then08:21
Keybukand just modify rc-default to be start on startup08:22
AlexExtremeno, that won't work, there's a rc.sysinit line there :)08:22
Keybukwell write an rc-sysinit job then, and start rc-default when that stops08:23
AlexExtrememy rcS should do it though08:24
Keybukrc.sysinit is the same as rcS08:24
AlexExtremecorrect ;)08:24
Keybukso yes, AlexExtreme is right08:25
Fry-kuncool, i'll try that08:26
Fry-kungonna try booting now...08:29
=== Fry-kun [n=kostya@h-66-166-233-66.snvacaid.covad.net] has joined #upstart
Fry-kunresult: i was able to boot (and pretty damn fast, too) -- but didn't get a graphical shell and didn't see any boot messages08:47
Fry-kunstartx worked but "reboot" didn't - at least not as normal user08:48
Fry-kuncomplained about /dev/init-something08:48
Fry-kundon't have time to play with it right now, but looks promising08:49
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tonfaI got a problem, probably upstart related10:38
phsdvwhat is the problem?10:41
tonfaI'm running -mm kernel, hit a bug http://lkml.org/lkml/2006/11/8/15710:42
tonfaI think the the result of the bug for userspace is a segfault10:43
tonfabut it looks like some things don't get started (at least gdm and hald)10:43
tonfais there a way to get some debug from upstart ?10:44
_ionThat looks totally not upstart related. Try booting without ACPI.10:44
phsdvAre you using the sysvinit compatible layer?10:47
tonfaphsdv: I'm using the default from edgy10:47
phsdvthat means yes. Which also means that a sysvinit runlevel is started which in its turn starts all deamons etc.10:48
phsdvhow to debug that I do not know. I am not using edgy myself.10:49
tonfaok, I'll try some things10:50
_ionWhat made you reach the conclusion that it's probably upstart-related?10:52
tonfaa lot of services are not starting, logger / hald / gdm10:52
_ionDid you not just paste a log of kernel ACPI stuff crashing?10:53
tonfa_ion: there's a bug in the kernel, I reported it and I know which patch are to blame10:53
tonfa(see the end of the email)10:54
tonfabut maybe upstart could do some things better10:55
tonfa(if it's usptart related, i'm not sure)10:55
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_ionAre there errors in /var/log/boot?10:57
tonfa_ion: let me retry10:57
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tonfa_ion: http://perso.ens-lyon.fr/benoit.boissinot/upload/11:11
tonfalooks like upstart doesn't launch anything11:12
tonfaok it is stuck there: root      3991  0.0  0.0   1660   524 ?        S    23:01   0:00 /bin/sh -e /etc/rc2.d/S10acpid start11:12
tonfaroot      4123  0.2  0.0   1604   568 ?        S    23:01   0:00 modprobe -b thermal11:12
_ionNot very surprising.11:13
_ionke234414 < _ion> That looks totally not upstart related. Try booting without ACPI.11:13
tonfa_ion: I know how to boot this kernel, I just need to revert this patch ftp://ftp.kernel.org/pub/linux/kernel/people/akpm/patches/2.6/2.6.19-rc5/2.6.19-rc5-mm1/broken-out/11:16
tonfabut lets say it's solved11:17
tonfathanks for the help11:17
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=== Plouj [n=Plouj@dsl-207-112-93-197.tor.primus.ca] has joined #upstart
Ploujis there an rss feed/mailing list which I can subscribe to in order to get release updates on Upstart?11:41
_ionThere is a mailing list.11:42
PloujI only see upstart-devel11:42
PloujI don't want a discussion mailnig list11:43
PloujI want a light traffic list which would only send emails about new releases11:43
Ploujis there something like that in bazzar/launchpad?11:45
_ionhttps://launchpad.net/products/upstart shows the newest release, but there seems to be no RSS feed.11:52
_ionThere's also the topic of this channel. ;-)11:53
PloujI'm not gonna check this topic ever day ffs11:53
Ploujthe whole point of rss or email is that you get notification of everything in one place11:53
PloujI just subscribed to the main branch of upstart in launchpad11:54
PloujI've no idea what that means!11:54
=== j_ack [n=rudi@p508D8A4C.dip0.t-ipconnect.de] has joined #upstart

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